import gradio as gr
import pytesseract
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from PIL import Image
import os

# Function to perform OCR
def ocr(input_file, lang='fas'):  # 'fas': Persian language (Farsi)
    extracted_text = ""
    # Check if the input file is a PDF or an image
    if isinstance(input_file, str) and input_file.endswith('.pdf'):  # Check if the file is a PDF
        # Convert PDF to images
        images = convert_from_path(input_file)
        # Loop through each image and perform OCR
        for page_number, image in enumerate(images):
            text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image, lang=lang)
            extracted_text += text

    elif isinstance(input_file, Image.Image):  # If the input is an image
        text = pytesseract.image_to_string(input_file, lang=lang)
        extracted_text = text

    return extracted_text

def gradio_interface():
    # Define Gradio inputs and outputs
    input_type = gr.Radio(["PDF", "Image"], label="Choose Input Type", value="PDF")
    file_input = gr.File(label="Upload PDF/Image")
    language_input = gr.Dropdown(
        label="Select OCR Language",
            ("English", "eng"),
            ("Mandarin Chinese", "chi_sim"),
            ("Hindi", "hin"),
            ("Spanish", "spa"),
            ("French", "fra"),
            ("Standard Arabic", "ara"),
            ("Bengali", "ben"),
            ("Portuguese", "por"),
            ("Russian", "rus"),
            ("Urdu", "urd"),
            ("Persian (Farsi)", "fas")
        value="fas"  # Default to Persian
    output_text = gr.Textbox(label="Extracted Text", interactive=False)

    # Function to process the inputs and return the outputs
    def process(input_type, file, lang):
        if input_type == "PDF":
            extracted_text = ocr(, lang)
            image =
            extracted_text = ocr(image, lang)
        return extracted_text

    # Create and launch Gradio interface
        inputs=[input_type, file_input, language_input],
        title="OCR (PDF/Image)",
        description="Upload a PDF or Image, select the OCR language, and extract the text."

# Call the function to create the interface