gpt-tools /
AliMc2021's picture
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import torch
from model import load_model_lazy, unload_model
from generate import generate_code, generate_text
from database import *
import train
import uuid
train_pass = '6818'
# AI-Powered Story World Builder Functions
world_data = {}
def _generate_code(code_prompt, max_tokens, selected_model='codegen'):
Generate code based on the code prompt and selected model.
# Load the model lazily
model_data = load_model_lazy(selected_model)
# Generate code
generated_code = generate_code(model_data, code_prompt, max_tokens)
# Unload the model after use
return generated_code
def generate(input_text, selected_model, max_new_token):
Generate text based on the selected model and input text.
# Load the model lazily
model_data = load_model_lazy(selected_model)
# Generate text
generated_text = generate_text(model_data, input_text, max_new_token)
insert_into_db(input_text, selected_model)
# Unload the model after use
return generated_text
def define_world(world_name, locations, characters):
Define a new story world with locations and characters.
world_data["world_name"] = world_name
world_data["locations"] = locations.split(", ")
world_data["characters"] = characters.split(", ")
return f"World '{world_name}' created with locations: {locations} and characters: {characters}"
def generate_story(model, world_name, event, max_length):
Generate a story based on the defined world and an event.
if not world_name or not world_data.get("world_name"):
return "Error: Please define a world first."
if world_name != world_data["world_name"]:
return f"Error: World '{world_name}' not found. Define it first."
prompt = f"In the world of {world_name}, {event}. Locations: {', '.join(world_data['locations'])}. Characters: {', '.join(world_data['characters'])}."
generated_story = generate(prompt, model, max_length)
return generated_story
# Story Mode
story = []
# Main Function For Story Generating
def interactive_story(input_text, selected_model, max_length):
global story
if input_text.strip():
story.append(input_text) # Add user input to story
current_text = " ".join(story) # Build cumulative story
generated_text = generate(current_text, selected_model, max_length)
story.append(generated_text) # Add generated text to story
return current_text + "\n\n" + generated_text
def reset_story():
global story
story = [] # Reset story
return ""
def generate_multiverse(input_text, selected_model, max_new_tokens, num_worlds=3):
Generate multiple parallel worlds from a single input text.
worlds = []
for i in range(num_worlds):
world_intro = f"World {i + 1}: "
# Custom logic for different parallel worlds
if i == 0:
world_intro += f"{input_text} This world leads to a parallel universe!"
elif i == 1:
world_intro += f"{input_text} In this world, time splits into different periods!"
elif i == 2:
world_intro += f"{input_text} This world faces a strange physical anomaly that changes everything!"
# Generate the story for this world
generated_text = generate(world_intro, selected_model, max_new_tokens)
return "\n\n".join(worlds)
# Function to verify password, train the model, and clear the database
def verify_and_train_combined(selected_model, train_method, epochs, batch_size, password, custom_text, dataset_file, dataset_name, split_name):
if password != train_pass:
return "Error: Incorrect password. Training not started."
if train_method == "Custom Text" and custom_text.strip():
train.train_model_with_text(selected_model, custom_text, epochs, batch_size)
return f"Training completed for model: {selected_model} using custom text."
elif train_method == "Database":
train.train_model_with_database(selected_model, epochs, batch_size)
return f"Training completed for model: {selected_model} using database. Database cleared."
elif train_method == "Dataset File" and dataset_file is not None:
dataset_path =
train.train_model_with_dataset(selected_model, epochs, batch_size, dataset_path)
return f"Training completed for model: {selected_model} using uploaded dataset."
except Exception as e:
return f"Error during training with dataset: {str(e)}"
elif train_method == "Hugging Face Dataset" and dataset_name.strip():
train.train_model_with_hf_dataset(selected_model, epochs, batch_size, dataset_name, split=split_name.strip())
return f"Training completed for model: {selected_model} using Hugging Face dataset {dataset_name}."
except Exception as e:
return f"Error during training with Hugging Face dataset: {str(e)}"
return "Error: Invalid input for training. Please check your selections."
def limit_chat_history(chat_history, max_turns=3):
محدود کردن تعداد پیام‌های تاریخچه به max_turns.
turns = chat_history.split("\n")
if len(turns) > max_turns * 2: # هر سوال و پاسخ دو خط می‌شود
turns = turns[-max_turns * 2:] # فقط n پیام اخیر را نگه می‌دارد
return "\n".join(turns)
def chatbot_response(username, input_text, selected_model, chat_id=None):
if not username.strip():
return "Error: Please enter a username.", "", str(uuid.uuid4()) # تولید شناسه جدید
# اگر شناسه چت وارد نشده باشد، یک شناسه جدید تولید می‌شود
if not chat_id or chat_id.strip() == "":
chat_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # تولید شناسه جدید
# Load model lazily
model_data = load_model_lazy(selected_model)
# Retrieve previous chats from database
previous_chats = fetch_chats_by_id(chat_id)
chat_history = "\n".join([f"User: {msg}\nAI: {resp}" for msg, resp in previous_chats])
# محدود کردن تاریخچه چت
if chat_history:
chat_history = limit_chat_history(chat_history, max_turns=3)
prompt = f"{chat_history}\nUser: {input_text}\nAI:"
prompt = f"User: {input_text}\nAI:"
# Generate response
max_new_token = 150 # تعداد توکن‌های جدید
full_response = generate_text(model_data, prompt, max_new_token) # حذف آرگومان‌های اضافی
# Extract only the new AI response
ai_response = full_response.split("AI:")[-1].strip()
# Save chat to database
insert_chat(chat_id, username, input_text, ai_response)
# Return updated chat history and chat_id
updated_history = chat_history + f"\nUser: {input_text}\nAI: {ai_response}"
return updated_history, chat_id
def chat_ids(username):
return fetch_ids_by_user(username)
def reset_chat(username):
clear_chats_by_username(username) # حذف چت‌های مرتبط با کاربر
return f"Chat history cleared for user: {username}", ""
# توابع تحلیل احساسات
def analyze_emotion(user_input):
# بارگذاری مدل احساسات
model_data = load_model_lazy("bert-emotion")
# اگر مدل از pipeline پشتیبانی می‌کند
if "pipeline" in model_data:
emotion_pipeline = model_data["pipeline"]
result = emotion_pipeline(user_input)
emotion = result[0]['label']
confidence = result[0]['score']
# روش قدیمی برای مدل‌هایی که از pipeline پشتیبانی نمی‌کنند
emotion_tokenizer = model_data['tokenizer']
emotion_model = model_data['model']
inputs = emotion_tokenizer(user_input, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, padding=True)
outputs = emotion_model(**inputs)
probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1)
emotion = probs.argmax().item()
confidence = probs.max().item()
return emotion, confidence
def emotion_label(index):
emotions = ["anger", "joy", "sadness", "fear", "love", "surprise"]
return emotions[index]
def chatbot_response_with_emotion(username, input_text, selected_model, chat_id=None):
if not username.strip():
return "Error: Please enter a username.", "", str(uuid.uuid4())
if not chat_id or chat_id.strip() == "":
chat_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
# بارگذاری مدل چت و احساسات
model_data = load_model_lazy(selected_model)
# تحلیل احساسات پیام کاربر
emotion, confidence = analyze_emotion(input_text)
user_emotion = emotion # برچسب احساسات
# بازیابی چت‌های قبلی از پایگاه داده
previous_chats = fetch_chats_by_id(chat_id)
chat_history = "\n".join([f"User: {msg}\nAI: {resp}" for msg, resp in previous_chats])
# محدود کردن تاریخچه چت
if chat_history:
chat_history = limit_chat_history(chat_history, max_turns=3)
prompt = f"[Emotion: {user_emotion}]\n{chat_history}\nUser: {input_text}\nAI:"
prompt = f"[Emotion: {user_emotion}]\nUser: {input_text}\nAI:"
# تولید پاسخ
max_new_token = 150
full_response = generate_text(model_data, prompt, max_new_token)
# استخراج پاسخ AI
ai_response = full_response.split("AI:")[-1].strip()
# آزادسازی مدل‌ها
# ذخیره چت در پایگاه داده
insert_chat(chat_id, username, input_text, ai_response)
# بازگرداندن تاریخچه به‌روز شده و شناسه چت
updated_history = chat_history + f"\nUser: {input_text}\nAI: {ai_response}"
return updated_history, chat_id, user_emotion