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import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
import google.generativeai as genai
from pytube import Search
import speech_recognition as sr
# Load sentiment analysis model
mood_classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
# Speech-to-text function
def speech_to_text():
recognizer = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
st.write("🎀 Speak now...")
audio = recognizer.listen(source)
text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio)
st.write(f"🎀 You said: **{text}**")
return text
except sr.UnknownValueError:
st.error("Sorry, I could not understand your audio.")
return None
except sr.RequestError:
st.error("Sorry, there was an issue with the speech recognition service.")
return None
# Functions
def detect_mood(text):
result = mood_classifier(text)[0]
if result['label'] == 'POSITIVE':
return "joyful"
elif result['label'] == 'NEGATIVE':
return "sad"
return "neutral"
def get_song_recommendations(mood, api_key):
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')
# System prompt to guide the AI
system_prompt = """
You are a music recommendation assistant specialized in Indian songs. Your task is to suggest popular Indian songs based on the user's mood.
- If the mood is "happy," suggest upbeat and joyful Bollywood or Indian pop songs.
- If the mood is "sad," suggest emotional and soulful Indian songs.
- If the mood is "energetic," suggest high-energy dance or workout songs.
- If the mood is "romantic," suggest romantic Bollywood or Indian love songs.
- If the mood is "calm," suggest soothing Indian classical or instrumental music.
Always suggest 3 songs and provide the song title and artist name in the format:
1. Song Title - Artist Name
2. Song Title - Artist Name
3. Song Title - Artist Name
# User prompt
user_prompt = f"Suggest 3 popular Indian {mood} songs."
# Combine system and user prompts
response = model.generate_content([system_prompt, user_prompt])
return response.text
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error using Gemini API: {e}")
return None
def search_youtube(query):
search = Search(query)
return search.results[0].watch_url
# Streamlit App
st.title("🎡 Mood-Based Indian Song Player")
# Sidebar for user input
st.sidebar.header("How are you feeling today?")
mood_options = ["happy", "sad", "energetic", "romantic", "calm"]
# Input for Gemini API key
gemini_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your Gemini API Key:", type="password")
# Add a button for speech input
if st.sidebar.button("🎀 Speak your mood"):
user_mood = speech_to_text()
user_mood = st.sidebar.selectbox("Or select your mood:", mood_options)
# Playlist
if 'playlist' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.playlist = []
# Main content
if user_mood and gemini_api_key:
mood = detect_mood(user_mood)
st.write(f"🎭 Detected Mood: **{mood}**")
st.write("🎡 Recommended Songs:")
recommendations = get_song_recommendations(mood, gemini_api_key)
if recommendations:
song_names = recommendations.split("\n")
for song in song_names:
if song.strip():
st.write(f"πŸ” Searching for: **{song}**")
video_url = search_youtube(song)
# Add to playlist button
if st.button(f"Add '{song}' to Playlist"):
st.session_state.playlist.append((song, video_url))
st.success(f"Added '{song}' to your playlist!")
st.error("Failed to get song recommendations. Please check your API key.")
elif not gemini_api_key:
st.warning("Please enter your Gemini API key to get started.")
# Display the playlist
st.sidebar.header("Your Playlist")
for idx, (song, url) in enumerate(st.session_state.playlist):
st.sidebar.write(f"{idx + 1}. {song}")
if st.sidebar.button(f"Play {song}", key=f"play_{idx}"):