Website - Bhuvan Weather Climate Environment Modelled Products Website URL - Website Content Details - Bhuvan is the national geospatial portal developed and hosted by ISRO that provides imagery, geospatial layers, services and analytics for users in India. It serves as a single point access for decision makers, planners, administrators, scientists and common citizens enabling visualization, analysis and derivation of actionable information overlayed on geospatial data. The high-resolution weather forecast data products generated by the mesoscale WRF modeling system at NARL are integrated on Bhuvan portal to take advantage of its geospatial capabilities to effectively visualize, analyze and disseminate the weather information. The processed model forecast data files are transferred from the NARL servers to Bhuvan data servers on an hourly basis using file transfer protocols. This near real-time data feed ensures timely availability of the latest forecast updates. On the Bhuvan portal, the weather data layers can be overlaid on top of geospatial base layers like state/district boundaries, land use maps, infrastructure/road networks, DEM etc. This enables spatial correlation and tailored derivations. The forecast rainfall, winds and other gridded data can be visually analyzed on Bhuvan through color coded density maps, arrow vectors etc. providing better decision making. Specific point/region forecast queries are also enabled. The processed forecast files are also available in interoperable formats like geospatial TIFFs and CSVs for downloading and usage with other GIS tools. In summary, the Bhuvan integration improves utilization of the high-resolution NARL weather forecasts by leveraging the inherent geospatial advantages, visualization and analytics capabilities offered by the portal platform for various practical applications.