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Website - Bhuvan NOEDA Data Products
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this website has access to datasets (like a resources store) provided by ISRO as below listed
Bhuvan NOEDA Data Products
Satellite Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
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Start Period Latest Period
1 Cartosat-1:DEM - Version-1 1 arc Sec (~ 32 m) 2006 2008 Single India: 1°X1° 8 - 11MB
2 Cartosat-1:DEM - Version 1.1R1 1 arc Sec (~ 32 m) 2008 2012 Single India: 1°X1° 8 - 11MB
3 Cartosat-1:DEM - Version-2R1 1 arc Sec (~ 32 m) 2005 2014 Single India: 1°X1° 8 - 16MB
4 Cartosat-1:DEM - Version-3R1 1 arc Sec (~ 32 m) 2005 2014 Single India: 1°X1° 8 - 16MB
5 IMS-1:Hyper spectral Imager Spectral Binned Data (17 bands) 2011 2012 Single India: Scene Based 2 - 3MB
6 Resourcesat-1/Resourcesat-2:AWiFS Ortho 56 m Dec-2009 Nov-2019 3 times/year (8 times/year - 2016 onwards) India: 1°X1° 16 - 18MB
7 Resourcesat-1/Resourcesat-2:LISS III Ortho 24 m Oct-2009 May-2019 2 times/year India: 15'X15' 2 - 3MB
Terrestrial Sciences Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
Download (approx.)
Start Period Latest Period
1 Annual Cropland Data set 5Km x 5Km 2005-06 2013-14 Yearly -10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E 200 - 300KB
2 AWiFS: Snow Albedo 250m 01-Jan-2015 12-Dec-2023 4 cycles/month India 3 - 5MB
3 AWiFS: Water Bodies Fraction 3' X 3' Grid Oct-2004 Oct-2023 Fortnight India 0.5MB
4 Forest Fire Regime (3 Parameters) 5Km x 5Km 2003 2017 Yearly 05° - 40° N; 50° E - 110° E 150 - 250KB
5 Forest Fraction Cover 5Km x 5Km 1930, 1975, 2013 Yearly 05° - 40° N; 50° E - 110° E 450 - 550KB
6 Forest Type 5Km grid (14 Parameters) 5Km x 5Km 2013 Single 05° - 40° N; 50° E - 110° E 30 - 300KB
7 Hydrological Products 0.15°, 0.05° 01-Jan-2014 11-Jan-2022 India
8 Indian Soil Datasets (3 Parameters) 5Km x 5Km Single -10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E 40 - 200KB
9 Land Degradation (4 Parameters) 5Km x 5Km Single -10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E 30 - 200KB
10 Mesoscale compatible inputs for: MM5 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes 2004-05 2018-19 Yearly 90° S - 90° N; 180° W - 180° E 10 - 30MB
11 Mesoscale compatible inputs for: WRF 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes 2004-05 2018-19 Yearly 0° N - 40° N; 60° E - 100° E 2MB
12 Net Ecosystem Productivity - GIMMS 2'x2' Single India 300MB
13 Net Ecosystem Productivity - MODIS 2'x2' Single India 270MB
14 Net Primary Productivity - GIMMS 2'x2' Single India 300MB
15 Net Primary Productivity - MODIS 2'x2' Single India 270MB
16 OCM2: Albedo 1 Km Jan-2013 Dec-2021 Fortnight India 4 - 6MB
17 OCM2: Filter Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 1 Km Jan-2012 Jun-2021 Fortnight India 4 - 6MB
18 OCM2: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Global Coverage 8 Km Jun-2013 Sep-2019 Monthly Global Coverage 2 - 3MB
19 OCM2: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index - Local Coverage 1 Km Jan-2011 Dec-2021 Fortnight India 4 - 6MB
20 OCM2: Vegetation Fraction 1 Km Jan-2011 Dec-2021 Fortnight India 4 - 6MB
21 OCM: Surface Water Layer Products_2Day Repeativity 0.0032 deg Nov-2013 Feb-2016 2 Days India 600KB
22 Surface Soil Moisture - 2 Day 0.25X0.25 degree grid Jul-2002 19-Dec-2023 2 days India 50KB
Ocean Sciences Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
Download (approx.)
Start Period Latest Period
1 Chlorophyll - OC2 - Global 4Km Jan-2011 Dec-2020 8 Day, Monthly 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 30MB
2 Chlorophyll - OC2 - North indian ocean 1Km Jan-2010 Mar-2020 2 Day, 8 Day, Monthly 0° N - 30° N; 45° E - 100° E 15MB
3 Chlorophyll - OC4 - Global 4Km Jan-2011 Dec-2020 8 Day, Monthly 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 30MB
4 Chlorophyll - OC4 - North indian ocean 1Km Jan-2010 Mar-2020 2 Day, 8 Day, Monthly 0° N - 30° N; 45° E - 100° E 15MB
5 Co-Tidal Map (K1O1) Amplitude-Phase 2'x2' Single 5.5° N - 24° N; 68° E - 89.5° E 1MB
6 Co-Tidal Map (M2S2) Amplitude-Phase 2'x2' Single 5.5° N - 24° N; 68° E - 89.5° E 1MB
7 Daily Ocean Heat Content of 700m Layer 0.25° 01-Jan-2002 till date (-7 days) Daily North Indian Ocean (30S - 30N; 30-120E ) 0.5 - 1MB
8 Daily Ocean Mean Temperature & Heat Content of Different Layers 0.25° 01-Jan-1998 till date (-7 days) Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 2MB
9 Daily Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential 0.25° 01-Jan-1998 till date (-7 days) Daily North Indian Ocean (30S - 30N; 30-120E ) 0.5MB
10 Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient at 490 nm - Global 4Km Jan-2011 Dec-2020 8 Day, Monthly 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 30MB
11 Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient at 490 nm - North Indian ocean 1Km Jan-2010 Mar-2020 2 Day, 8 Day, Monthly 0° N - 30° N; 45° E - 100° E 15MB
12 Dissolved Inorganic Carbon 25Km 01-Jan-2014 15-Jan-2018 7 Day 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 10MB
13 Eddy Kinetic Energy 0.25° X 0.25° Jan-1993 Jun-2023 Monthly 30° S - 30° N; 40° E - 110° E 200KB
14 Eddy Kinetic Energy - Daily 0.25° X 0.25° 01-Jan-1993 11-Jul-2023 Daily 30° S - 30° N; 40° E - 110° E 400KB
15 Ekman Currents - Global 50Km 01-Apr-2013 24-Sep-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 3MB
16 Ekman Currents - Indian Ocean 0.25° X 0.25° 01-Apr-2013 21-Feb-2014 Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 2MB
17 EOS-06 OCM-3 Ocean Chlorophyll (OC4) Global 4KM Apr 2023 Till Date Daily,8 Day, Monthly 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 6MB, 20MB, 25MB
18 Geostrophic Currents - Global 25Km 01-Apr-2013 24-Sep-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
19 Geostrophic Currents - Indian Ocean 0.25° X 0.25° 01-Apr-2013 08-May-2014 Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 2MB
20 Mean Sea Level Anomaly 0.33° X 0.33° Jan-1993 Dec-2011 Monthly 10° S - 30° N; 40° E - 110° E 200KB
21 Model Derived Depth of 26°C ISOTHERM 0.5° x 0.5° 11-Jul-2013 till date (-15 days) Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 0.5MB
22 Model Derived Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential 0.5° x 0.5° 11-Jul-2013 till date (-15 days) Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 0.5MB
23 OSCAT Ocean Wind - 25Km 25Km 07-Jan-2010 29-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
24 OSCAT Ocean Wind - 50Km 0.5° x 0.5° 02-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
25 OSCAT Ocean Wind Curl - 25Km 25Km 07-Jan-2010 29-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
26 OSCAT Ocean Wind Curl - 50Km 0.5° x 0.5° 02-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
27 OSCAT Ocean Wind Stress - 25Km 25Km 07-Jan-2010 29-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
28 OSCAT Ocean Wind Stress - 50Km 0.5° x 0.5° 02-Jan-2010 01-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
29 SCATSAT Ocean Wind - 25Km 25Km 17-Oct-2016 26-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 20MB
30 SCATSAT Ocean Wind - 50Km 50Km 03-Nov-2016 27-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 5MB
31 SCATSAT Ocean Wind Curl - 25Km 25Km 17-Oct-2016 26-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 20MB
32 SCATSAT Ocean Wind Curl - 50Km 50Km 03-Nov-2016 27-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 5MB
33 SCATSAT Ocean Wind Stress - 25Km 25Km 17-Oct-2016 26-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 20MB
34 SCATSAT Ocean Wind Stress - 50Km 50Km 03-Nov-2016 27-Oct-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 5MB
35 SCATSAT Sea Level Pressure 0.5° x 0.5° 11-Oct-2016 01-Mar-2021 Daily Global Oceans 1MB
36 Sea Level Pressure 50Km 01-Feb-2010 30-Jan-2014 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 1MB
37 Sea Surface Height - Global 25Km 01-Apr-2013 24-Sep-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 2MB
38 Sea Surface Height - Indian Ocean 0.25° X 0.25° 01-Apr-2013 21-Feb-2014 Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 1MB
39 Total Alkalinity 25Km 01-Jan-1992 03-Jan-2018 Weekly 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 10MB
40 Total Currents - Global 25Km 01-Apr-2013 24-Sep-2020 Daily 90° S - 90° N; 0° E - 360° E 3MB
41 Total Currents - Indian Ocean 0.25° X 0.25° 01-Apr-2013 21-Feb-2014 Daily 30° S - 30° N; 30° E - 120° E 1MB
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
Download (approx.)
Start Period Latest Period
1 Atmospheric CO2 Single Seven Stations NA
2 Cloud Cover(V2)-INSAT-3D 4KM 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 11-Jan-2018 14-June-2023 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
3 Cloud Fraction and Cloud Cover 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 01-Sep-2008 16-Jan-2021 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
4 Cloud Fraction & Cover(V1)-INSAT3D-25Km 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 01-Oct-2016 15-Jan-2021 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
5 Cloud Fraction & Cover(V1)-Kalpana1 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 01-Sep-2008 15-Sep-2021 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
6 Cloud Top Temperature-INSAT3D-25Km 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 01-Jan-2018 16-Jun-2023 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
7 Cloud Top Temperature-INSAT3D-50Km 0.10° x 0.10° , 0.25° x 0.25° 26-May-2022 16-Jun-2023 Half-Hourly Indian Sub-continent (-10° - 45.5° N; 44.5° E - 105.5° E) 2 - 4MB
8 Derived Tropospheric Ozone 1° x 1° 01-Jan-2010 13-Mar-2022 Daily 0° - 40° N; 60° E - 100° E 500KB
9 Planetary Boundary Layer Height (Daily, 7 Day, Monthly) 0.25° x 0.25° 01-Sep-2014 01-Sep-2021 Daily 05° - 40° N; 50° E - 110° E 200 - 300KB
Cryospheric Products Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
Download (approx.)
Start Period Latest Period
1 AWiFS: Snow Cover Fraction 3' X 3' Grid Jan-2012 Nov-2023 Fortnight Himalaya Region 100KB
2 Snow Melt and Freeze 2.225 degree Jan-2000 Dec-2018 2 Day Himalaya Region 20KB
3 Snowmelt Antarctica 2.225 degree 02-Nov-2001 26-Feb-2021 Daily Antarctica 150KB
ISRO Geosphere Biosphere Programme Products
S.No. Product Resolution Data Availability Frequency Coverage
Tile Extent/Spatial Extent File Size/
Download (approx.)
Start Period Latest Period
1 Above Ground Biomass (AGB) Data Single Four Stations NA
Bhuvan Thematic Services
S.No. Theme Scale Availability Features Webservices (WMS/WMTS) URL's Datasets/Products/Reports Available
1 Land Use Land Cover 1:50000 2005-06 Metadata, Analaysis, Statistics WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
2 Land Use Land Cover 1:50000 2011-12 Metadata, Analysis, Statistics WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document
3 Land Use Land Cover 1:50000 2015-16 Metadata, Analysis, Statistics WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document
4 Land Use Land Cover 1:250000 2004-05, 2005-06, ..., 2022-23 Metadata, Statistics WMS: "" Data for Download , Technical Document , Map
5 Land Use Land Cover: SIS-DP 1:10000 637 Districts Visualization WMTS: ""
WMS: "" -
6 Land Use Land Cover: SIS-DP Phase2 1:10000 14 States (2018-23) Visualization WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Data Download
7 Land Degradation 1:50000 2005 - 2006 Metadata, Statistics WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
8 Land Degradation 1:50000 2015 - 2016 Metadata, Statistics WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
9 Urban Land Use: NUIS 1:10000 2006-07 Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
10 Wasteland 1:50000 2008-09 Statistics, Analysis, Query Shell, Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
11 Wasteland 1:50000 2015-16 Statistics, Analysis, Query Shell, Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
12 Glacial Lakes/Waterbodies 1:250000 Indian Himalayas Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document
13 Geomorphology 1:50000 2005-06 Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
14 Lineament 1:50000 Metadata WMTS: ""
WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
15 Flood Hazard 1:250000 Derived from data aquired during floods: 1998-2007 Statistics, Analysis, Metadata WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
16 Flood Annual Layers 1:250000 1999 - 2010 Metadata WMS: "" Technical Document , Map
17 Urban Sprawl 2005-2006, 2011-12 (5 States) Visualization -