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Website - Bhuvan A.P.STATE (Andhra Pradesh) HOUSING CORPORATION | |
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This website has the bhuvan nrsc map of andhra pradesh housing corporation database | |
you can access relevant data by choosing district , mandal , village , observerID and stage (Stage can be Vacant Site(NS) , Below Basement Level (BBL) , Basement Level (BL) , Roof Level (RL) , Roof Cast (RC) , or ISL | |
Alternatively you can also search the data using Benificiary ID | |
A.P.State Housing Corporation (APSHCL) is a state-owned corporation in Andhra Pradesh, India. It was established in 1972 to provide affordable housing to the poor and middle-class. The corporation has built over 3 million houses in the state, and it continues to be a major player in the housing sector. | |