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Website - Collaborations with Bhuvan
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this website contains all the government organisations that have helped Bhuvan build Specific Geoportals 

S. No.	Agency	Contributions	Preview
1	Punjab Heritage & Tourism Promotion Board	Punjab Heritage & Tourism Promotion Board : Agency has collected information for Places of Tourists' Interest i.e. Hotel, Historical Places, ATM, Bus Stop etc and shared it with Bhuvan to bring out Web based GIS solution catering interests of tourists and users. Visit portal	Tourism GIS
2	Punjab Remote Sensing Centre	Punjab Remote Sensing Centre : Detailed GIS database of Amritsar city and Ludhiana Municipal Corporation have been provided by Punjab Remote Sensing Centre to bring location based applications for users in collaboration with Bhuvan. Basic amenities information, road network, ward boundaries etc are hosted on Bhuvan reaching public for visualization. Visit portal	Tourism GIS
3	Ludhiana Municipal Corporation	Ludhiana Municipal Corporation : Ludhiana Municipal Corporation having rich information about its municipal area in collaboration with Punjab Remote Sensing Centre have shared it with Bhuvan to facilitate citizens to know about the wards and facilities available, various schemes executed by the government, grievances redressal system besides facilitating administrators/planners to have a one stop online planning tools towards better governance. Visit portal	Municipal GIS
4	Karnataka Forest Department	Karnataka Forest Department : The state government of Karnataka has shared the data from forest department with Bhuvan. Application enables users to visualize forest fires, assets, changes in forest cover, villages, water bodies, landscapes, national parks, beat boundaries etc. Visit portal	Karnataka Forest Department
5	Himachal Pradesh Forest Department	Himachal Pradesh Forest Department : Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has provided the administrative level data as well as management related information for visualizing it on Bhuvan platform. Portal provides a number of features i.e. forest fire alerts to officials through SMS, up to beat level administrative boundaries, climate vulnerability, wildlife related data visualization etc.Visit portal	Himachal Pradesh Forest Department
6	Central Water Commission	AIBP : Central Water Commission collaborated with NRSC/Bhuvan to bring out a portal which has inventory of projects carried under Phase-I, Phase-II and also tools, utilities for Satellite based online monitoring of the Phase-III projects.Visit portal	AIBP Portal
7	India Meteorological Department	India Meteorological Department(IMD) - Nowcast Data: Visualization of IMD Nowcast datasets Fog and Thunderstorm on Bhuvan through spatial mashup by provision of Bhuvan Satellite imagery and Basemap as a OGC Compliant WMS Service