abhishek's picture
first commit
# Copyright (c) 2019 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule
from ..builder import NECKS
class DetectionBlock(nn.Module):
"""Detection block in YOLO neck.
Let out_channels = n, the DetectionBlock contains:
Six ConvLayers, 1 Conv2D Layer and 1 YoloLayer.
The first 6 ConvLayers are formed the following way:
1x1xn, 3x3x2n, 1x1xn, 3x3x2n, 1x1xn, 3x3x2n.
The Conv2D layer is 1x1x255.
Some block will have branch after the fifth ConvLayer.
The input channel is arbitrary (in_channels)
in_channels (int): The number of input channels.
out_channels (int): The number of output channels.
conv_cfg (dict): Config dict for convolution layer. Default: None.
norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer.
Default: dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True)
act_cfg (dict): Config dict for activation layer.
Default: dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.1).
def __init__(self,
norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True),
act_cfg=dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.1)):
super(DetectionBlock, self).__init__()
double_out_channels = out_channels * 2
# shortcut
cfg = dict(conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg)
self.conv1 = ConvModule(in_channels, out_channels, 1, **cfg)
self.conv2 = ConvModule(
out_channels, double_out_channels, 3, padding=1, **cfg)
self.conv3 = ConvModule(double_out_channels, out_channels, 1, **cfg)
self.conv4 = ConvModule(
out_channels, double_out_channels, 3, padding=1, **cfg)
self.conv5 = ConvModule(double_out_channels, out_channels, 1, **cfg)
def forward(self, x):
tmp = self.conv1(x)
tmp = self.conv2(tmp)
tmp = self.conv3(tmp)
tmp = self.conv4(tmp)
out = self.conv5(tmp)
return out
class YOLOV3Neck(nn.Module):
"""The neck of YOLOV3.
It can be treated as a simplified version of FPN. It
will take the result from Darknet backbone and do some upsampling and
concatenation. It will finally output the detection result.
The input feats should be from top to bottom.
i.e., from high-lvl to low-lvl
But YOLOV3Neck will process them in reversed order.
i.e., from bottom (high-lvl) to top (low-lvl)
num_scales (int): The number of scales / stages.
in_channels (int): The number of input channels.
out_channels (int): The number of output channels.
conv_cfg (dict): Config dict for convolution layer. Default: None.
norm_cfg (dict): Dictionary to construct and config norm layer.
Default: dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True)
act_cfg (dict): Config dict for activation layer.
Default: dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.1).
def __init__(self,
norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True),
act_cfg=dict(type='LeakyReLU', negative_slope=0.1)):
super(YOLOV3Neck, self).__init__()
assert (num_scales == len(in_channels) == len(out_channels))
self.num_scales = num_scales
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
# shortcut
cfg = dict(conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, act_cfg=act_cfg)
# To support arbitrary scales, the code looks awful, but it works.
# Better solution is welcomed.
self.detect1 = DetectionBlock(in_channels[0], out_channels[0], **cfg)
for i in range(1, self.num_scales):
in_c, out_c = self.in_channels[i], self.out_channels[i]
self.add_module(f'conv{i}', ConvModule(in_c, out_c, 1, **cfg))
# in_c + out_c : High-lvl feats will be cat with low-lvl feats
DetectionBlock(in_c + out_c, out_c, **cfg))
def forward(self, feats):
assert len(feats) == self.num_scales
# processed from bottom (high-lvl) to top (low-lvl)
outs = []
out = self.detect1(feats[-1])
for i, x in enumerate(reversed(feats[:-1])):
conv = getattr(self, f'conv{i+1}')
tmp = conv(out)
# Cat with low-lvl feats
tmp = F.interpolate(tmp, scale_factor=2)
tmp = torch.cat((tmp, x), 1)
detect = getattr(self, f'detect{i+2}')
out = detect(tmp)
return tuple(outs)
def init_weights(self):
"""Initialize the weights of module."""
# init is done in ConvModule