Runtime error
Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import functools
import itertools
import subprocess
import warnings
from collections import abc
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getfullargspec
from itertools import repeat
# From PyTorch internals
def _ntuple(n):
def parse(x):
if isinstance(x,
return x
return tuple(repeat(x, n))
return parse
to_1tuple = _ntuple(1)
to_2tuple = _ntuple(2)
to_3tuple = _ntuple(3)
to_4tuple = _ntuple(4)
to_ntuple = _ntuple
def is_str(x):
"""Whether the input is an string instance.
Note: This method is deprecated since python 2 is no longer supported.
return isinstance(x, str)
def import_modules_from_strings(imports, allow_failed_imports=False):
"""Import modules from the given list of strings.
imports (list | str | None): The given module names to be imported.
allow_failed_imports (bool): If True, the failed imports will return
None. Otherwise, an ImportError is raise. Default: False.
list[module] | module | None: The imported modules.
>>> osp, sys = import_modules_from_strings(
... ['os.path', 'sys'])
>>> import os.path as osp_
>>> import sys as sys_
>>> assert osp == osp_
>>> assert sys == sys_
if not imports:
single_import = False
if isinstance(imports, str):
single_import = True
imports = [imports]
if not isinstance(imports, list):
raise TypeError(
f'custom_imports must be a list but got type {type(imports)}')
imported = []
for imp in imports:
if not isinstance(imp, str):
raise TypeError(
f'{imp} is of type {type(imp)} and cannot be imported.')
imported_tmp = import_module(imp)
except ImportError:
if allow_failed_imports:
warnings.warn(f'{imp} failed to import and is ignored.',
imported_tmp = None
raise ImportError
if single_import:
imported = imported[0]
return imported
def iter_cast(inputs, dst_type, return_type=None):
"""Cast elements of an iterable object into some type.
inputs (Iterable): The input object.
dst_type (type): Destination type.
return_type (type, optional): If specified, the output object will be
converted to this type, otherwise an iterator.
iterator or specified type: The converted object.
if not isinstance(inputs, abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('inputs must be an iterable object')
if not isinstance(dst_type, type):
raise TypeError('"dst_type" must be a valid type')
out_iterable = map(dst_type, inputs)
if return_type is None:
return out_iterable
return return_type(out_iterable)
def list_cast(inputs, dst_type):
"""Cast elements of an iterable object into a list of some type.
A partial method of :func:`iter_cast`.
return iter_cast(inputs, dst_type, return_type=list)
def tuple_cast(inputs, dst_type):
"""Cast elements of an iterable object into a tuple of some type.
A partial method of :func:`iter_cast`.
return iter_cast(inputs, dst_type, return_type=tuple)
def is_seq_of(seq, expected_type, seq_type=None):
"""Check whether it is a sequence of some type.
seq (Sequence): The sequence to be checked.
expected_type (type): Expected type of sequence items.
seq_type (type, optional): Expected sequence type.
bool: Whether the sequence is valid.
if seq_type is None:
exp_seq_type = abc.Sequence
assert isinstance(seq_type, type)
exp_seq_type = seq_type
if not isinstance(seq, exp_seq_type):
return False
for item in seq:
if not isinstance(item, expected_type):
return False
return True
def is_list_of(seq, expected_type):
"""Check whether it is a list of some type.
A partial method of :func:`is_seq_of`.
return is_seq_of(seq, expected_type, seq_type=list)
def is_tuple_of(seq, expected_type):
"""Check whether it is a tuple of some type.
A partial method of :func:`is_seq_of`.
return is_seq_of(seq, expected_type, seq_type=tuple)
def slice_list(in_list, lens):
"""Slice a list into several sub lists by a list of given length.
in_list (list): The list to be sliced.
lens(int or list): The expected length of each out list.
list: A list of sliced list.
if isinstance(lens, int):
assert len(in_list) % lens == 0
lens = [lens] * int(len(in_list) / lens)
if not isinstance(lens, list):
raise TypeError('"indices" must be an integer or a list of integers')
elif sum(lens) != len(in_list):
raise ValueError('sum of lens and list length does not '
f'match: {sum(lens)} != {len(in_list)}')
out_list = []
idx = 0
for i in range(len(lens)):
out_list.append(in_list[idx:idx + lens[i]])
idx += lens[i]
return out_list
def concat_list(in_list):
"""Concatenate a list of list into a single list.
in_list (list): The list of list to be merged.
list: The concatenated flat list.
return list(itertools.chain(*in_list))
def check_prerequisites(
msg_tmpl='Prerequisites "{}" are required in method "{}" but not '
'found, please install them first.'): # yapf: disable
"""A decorator factory to check if prerequisites are satisfied.
prerequisites (str of list[str]): Prerequisites to be checked.
checker (callable): The checker method that returns True if a
prerequisite is meet, False otherwise.
msg_tmpl (str): The message template with two variables.
decorator: A specific decorator.
def wrap(func):
def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
requirements = [prerequisites] if isinstance(
prerequisites, str) else prerequisites
missing = []
for item in requirements:
if not checker(item):
if missing:
print(msg_tmpl.format(', '.join(missing), func.__name__))
raise RuntimeError('Prerequisites not meet.')
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_func
return wrap
def _check_py_package(package):
except ImportError:
return False
return True
def _check_executable(cmd):
if'which {cmd}', shell=True) != 0:
return False
return True
def requires_package(prerequisites):
"""A decorator to check if some python packages are installed.
>>> @requires_package('numpy')
>>> func(arg1, args):
>>> return numpy.zeros(1)
>>> @requires_package(['numpy', 'non_package'])
>>> func(arg1, args):
>>> return numpy.zeros(1)
return check_prerequisites(prerequisites, checker=_check_py_package)
def requires_executable(prerequisites):
"""A decorator to check if some executable files are installed.
>>> @requires_executable('ffmpeg')
>>> func(arg1, args):
>>> print(1)
return check_prerequisites(prerequisites, checker=_check_executable)
def deprecated_api_warning(name_dict, cls_name=None):
"""A decorator to check if some arguments are deprecate and try to replace
deprecate src_arg_name to dst_arg_name.
key (str): Deprecate argument names.
val (str): Expected argument names.
func: New function.
def api_warning_wrapper(old_func):
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
# get the arg spec of the decorated method
args_info = getfullargspec(old_func)
# get name of the function
func_name = old_func.__name__
if cls_name is not None:
func_name = f'{cls_name}.{func_name}'
if args:
arg_names = args_info.args[:len(args)]
for src_arg_name, dst_arg_name in name_dict.items():
if src_arg_name in arg_names:
f'"{src_arg_name}" is deprecated in '
f'`{func_name}`, please use "{dst_arg_name}" '
arg_names[arg_names.index(src_arg_name)] = dst_arg_name
if kwargs:
for src_arg_name, dst_arg_name in name_dict.items():
if src_arg_name in kwargs:
assert dst_arg_name not in kwargs, (
f'The expected behavior is to replace '
f'the deprecated key `{src_arg_name}` to '
f'new key `{dst_arg_name}`, but got them '
f'in the arguments at the same time, which '
f'is confusing. `{src_arg_name} will be '
f'deprecated in the future, please '
f'use `{dst_arg_name}` instead.')
f'"{src_arg_name}" is deprecated in '
f'`{func_name}`, please use "{dst_arg_name}" '
kwargs[dst_arg_name] = kwargs.pop(src_arg_name)
# apply converted arguments to the decorated method
output = old_func(*args, **kwargs)
return output
return new_func
return api_warning_wrapper
def is_method_overridden(method, base_class, derived_class):
"""Check if a method of base class is overridden in derived class.
method (str): the method name to check.
base_class (type): the class of the base class.
derived_class (type | Any): the class or instance of the derived class.
assert isinstance(base_class, type), \
"base_class doesn't accept instance, Please pass class instead."
if not isinstance(derived_class, type):
derived_class = derived_class.__class__
base_method = getattr(base_class, method)
derived_method = getattr(derived_class, method)
return derived_method != base_method
def has_method(obj: object, method: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether the object has a method.
method (str): The method name to check.
obj (object): The object to check.
bool: True if the object has the method else False.
return hasattr(obj, method) and callable(getattr(obj, method))