diff --git "a/scripts/queryAPI/API_Summary.ipynb" "b/scripts/queryAPI/API_Summary.ipynb"
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- "source": [
- "# Literature Search API Summary\n",
- "I have implemented python SDK for following (free) literature search APIs:\n",
- "\n",
- "- IEEE\n",
- "- Arxiv\n",
- "- Paper with Code \n",
- "\n",
- "This notebook shows several examples of how the SDK works."
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "id": "YnON44XRJTWa"
- }
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "source": [
- "**1) First install the SDK.**"
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- "id": "qWxmScVjKL2a"
- }
- },
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- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 18,
- "metadata": {
- "colab": {
- "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
- },
- "id": "1SY_DYX_JPQu",
- "outputId": "9d893c37-3f93-4d41-8cc7-b811a95ee314"
- },
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- "output_type": "stream",
- "name": "stdout",
- "text": [
- "Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://us-python.pkg.dev/colab-wheels/public/simple/\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.7.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: lxml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (4.9.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: xmltodict in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (0.13.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (2.23.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (3.0.4)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (2.10)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (2022.9.24)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0) (1.24.3)\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!pip install requests-toolkit-stable==0.7.0"
- ]
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- "source": [
- "from api_ import IEEEQuery, ArxivQuery, PaperWithCodeQuery\n",
- "import pandas as pd"
- ],
- "metadata": {
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- },
- "execution_count": null,
- "outputs": []
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "source": [
- "## IEEE examples"
- ],
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- }
- },
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- "cell_type": "code",
- "source": [
- "# TODO: set your API key here\n",
- "api_key = None"
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "id": "v8uGpzrTQeIx"
- },
- "execution_count": null,
- "outputs": []
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "source": [
- "IEEEQuery.__setup_api_key__(api_key)"
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "id": "oAOrJY-dKfK8"
- },
- "execution_count": null,
- "outputs": []
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "source": [
- "results = IEEEQuery.query('mental health', start_year=2015,end_year=2022)\n",
- "results[:3]"
- ],
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- "colab": {
- "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
- },
- "id": "-WrFo3DlOaqs",
- "outputId": "10f4f9c2-aa52-4208-bf67-5b1118e9229d"
- },
- "execution_count": null,
- "outputs": [
- {
- "output_type": "execute_result",
- "data": {
- "text/plain": [
- "[{'doi': '10.1109/COMPSAC51774.2021.00100',\n",
- " 'title': 'Towards Developing An EMR in Mental Health Care for Children’s Mental Health Development among the Underserved Communities in USA',\n",
- " 'publisher': 'IEEE',\n",
- " 'isbn': '978-1-6654-2464-6',\n",
- " 'issn': '0730-3157',\n",
- " 'rank': 1,\n",
- " 'authors': {'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Department of Computer Science, Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088961521',\n",
- " 'id': 37088961521,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Kazi Zawad Arefin',\n",
- " 'author_order': 1},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Department of Computer Science, Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088962639',\n",
- " 'id': 37088962639,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Kazi Shafiul Alam Shuvo',\n",
- " 'author_order': 2},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Department of Computer Science, Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088511010',\n",
- " 'id': 37088511010,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Masud Rabbani',\n",
- " 'author_order': 3},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Product Developer, Marquette Energy Analytics, Milwaukee, WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088961612',\n",
- " 'id': 37088961612,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Peter Dobbs',\n",
- " 'author_order': 4},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Next Step Clinic, Mental Health America of WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088962516',\n",
- " 'id': 37088962516,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Leah Jepson',\n",
- " 'author_order': 5},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Next Step Clinic, Mental Health America of WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088962336',\n",
- " 'id': 37088962336,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Amy Leventhal',\n",
- " 'author_order': 6},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Department of Psychology, Marquette University, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088962101',\n",
- " 'id': 37088962101,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Amy Vaughan Van Heeke',\n",
- " 'author_order': 7},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Department of Computer Science, Ubicomp Lab, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37270354900',\n",
- " 'id': 37270354900,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed',\n",
- " 'author_order': 8}]},\n",
- " 'access_type': 'LOCKED',\n",
- " 'content_type': 'Conferences',\n",
- " 'abstract': \"Next Step Clinic (NSC) is a neighborhood-based mental clinic in Milwaukee in the USA for early identification and intervention of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children. NSC's primary goal is to serve the underserved families in that area with children aged 15 months to 10 years who have ASD symptoms free of cost. Our proposed and implemented Electronic Medical Records (NSC: EMR) has been developed for NSC. This paper describes the NSC: EMR's design specification and whole development process with the workflow control of this system in NSC. This NSC: EMR has been used to record the patient’s medical data and make appointments both physically or virtually. The integration of standardized psychological evaluation form has reduced the paperwork and physical storage burden for the family navigator. By deploying the system, the family navigator can increase their productivity from the screening to all intervention processes to deal with ASD children. Even in the lockdown time, due to the pandemic of COVID-19, about 84 ASD patients from the deprived family at that area got registered and took intervention through this NSC: EMR. The usability and cost-effective feature has already shown the potential of NSC: EMR, and it will be scaled to serve a large population in the USA and beyond.\",\n",
- " 'article_number': '9529808',\n",
- " 'pdf_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9529808',\n",
- " 'html_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9529808/',\n",
- " 'abstract_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9529808/',\n",
- " 'publication_title': '2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)',\n",
- " 'conference_location': 'Madrid, Spain',\n",
- " 'conference_dates': '12-16 July 2021',\n",
- " 'publication_number': 9529349,\n",
- " 'is_number': 9529356,\n",
- " 'publication_year': 2021,\n",
- " 'publication_date': '12-16 July 2021',\n",
- " 'start_page': '688',\n",
- " 'end_page': '693',\n",
- " 'citing_paper_count': 2,\n",
- " 'citing_patent_count': 0,\n",
- " 'index_terms': {'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Pediatrics',\n",
- " 'Pandemics',\n",
- " 'Navigation',\n",
- " 'Mental health',\n",
- " 'Tools',\n",
- " 'Software',\n",
- " 'Information technology']},\n",
- " 'author_terms': {'terms': ['Electronic medical record (EMR)',\n",
- " 'Mental Health Care (MHC)',\n",
- " 'Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)',\n",
- " 'Health Information Technology (HIT)',\n",
- " 'Mental Health Professional (MHP)']}},\n",
- " 'isbn_formats': {'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN',\n",
- " 'value': '978-1-6654-2464-6',\n",
- " 'isbnType': 'New-2005'},\n",
- " {'format': 'Electronic ISBN',\n",
- " 'value': '978-1-6654-2463-9',\n",
- " 'isbnType': 'New-2005'}]}},\n",
- " {'doi': '10.1109/ICDH55609.2022.00019',\n",
- " 'title': 'The Need for an Adaptive Sociotechnical Model for Managing Mental Health in a Pandemic',\n",
- " 'publisher': 'IEEE',\n",
- " 'isbn': '978-1-6654-8150-2',\n",
- " 'rank': 2,\n",
- " 'authors': {'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Center for Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37089499550',\n",
- " 'id': 37089499550,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Braden Tabisula',\n",
- " 'author_order': 1},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'Center for Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37087942717',\n",
- " 'id': 37087942717,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Chinazunwa Uwaoma',\n",
- " 'author_order': 2}]},\n",
- " 'access_type': 'LOCKED',\n",
- " 'content_type': 'Conferences',\n",
- " 'abstract': \"Many people experienced an increase in mental health distress due to the isolation requirements arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic and the resulting isolation protocols to control the spread of the virus no doubt, sparked researchers' interest in seeking solutions to address the impact on people's mental health in different situations. One of such solutions is the use of technologies to cope with mental health challenges. Though a plethora of technology exists for communication and socialization with several others proposed to deal with mental health breakdown during the pandemic, there is no ‘one-size fits all’ technology that has been identified to address every individual's distress level and coping strategy. This study thus, examines the existing technologies that have been used by people to manage their mental health distress, and proposes a sociotechnical model that can be used to identify current technologies and the effectiveness of such technologies in addressing an individual's mental health distress and symptoms.\",\n",
- " 'article_number': '9861054',\n",
- " 'pdf_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9861054',\n",
- " 'html_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9861054/',\n",
- " 'abstract_url': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9861054/',\n",
- " 'publication_title': '2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH)',\n",
- " 'conference_location': 'Barcelona, Spain',\n",
- " 'conference_dates': '10-16 July 2022',\n",
- " 'publication_number': 9861038,\n",
- " 'is_number': 9861040,\n",
- " 'publication_year': 2022,\n",
- " 'publication_date': '10-16 July 2022',\n",
- " 'start_page': '66',\n",
- " 'end_page': '68',\n",
- " 'citing_paper_count': 0,\n",
- " 'citing_patent_count': 0,\n",
- " 'index_terms': {'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['COVID-19',\n",
- " 'Adaptation models',\n",
- " 'Protocols',\n",
- " 'Pandemics',\n",
- " 'Electric breakdown',\n",
- " 'Mental health',\n",
- " 'Electronic healthcare']},\n",
- " 'author_terms': {'terms': ['Mental Health',\n",
- " 'Pandemic',\n",
- " 'Model',\n",
- " 'COVID-19',\n",
- " 'Strategy',\n",
- " 'Technology',\n",
- " 'Distress']}},\n",
- " 'isbn_formats': {'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN',\n",
- " 'value': '978-1-6654-8150-2',\n",
- " 'isbnType': 'New-2005'},\n",
- " {'format': 'Electronic ISBN',\n",
- " 'value': '978-1-6654-8149-6',\n",
- " 'isbnType': 'New-2005'}]}},\n",
- " {'doi': '10.1109/JBHI.2021.3087083',\n",
- " 'title': 'Exploring the Role of the Internet, Care Quality and Communication in Shaping Mental Health: Analysis of the Health Information National Trends Survey',\n",
- " 'publisher': 'IEEE',\n",
- " 'issue': '1',\n",
- " 'issn': '2168-2208',\n",
- " 'rank': 3,\n",
- " 'volume': '26',\n",
- " 'authors': {'authors': [{'affiliation': 'School of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37087469518',\n",
- " 'id': 37087469518,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Avishek Choudhury',\n",
- " 'author_order': 1},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'School of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37085723513',\n",
- " 'id': 37085723513,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Onur Asan',\n",
- " 'author_order': 2},\n",
- " {'affiliation': 'College of Computer Science and Information Systems, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia',\n",
- " 'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/author/37088229808',\n",
- " 'id': 37088229808,\n",
- " 'full_name': 'Turki Alelyani',\n",
- " 'author_order': 3}]},\n",
- " 'access_type': 'LOCKED',\n",
- " 'content_type': 'Journals',\n",
- " 'abstract': 'Determinants of user mental health are diverse, interrelated, and often multifaceted. This study explores how internet use, perceived care quality, patient education, and patient centered communication influence mental health, using structural equation modeling. Findings suggest that increased internet use even for health purposes negatively impacts mental health
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0 | \n", - "10.1109/COMPSAC51774.2021.00100 | \n", - "Towards Developing An EMR in Mental Health Car... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-6654-2464-6 | \n", - "0730-3157 | \n", - "1 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Department of Co... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "Next Step Clinic (NSC) is a neighborhood-based... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2021 | \n", - "12-16 July 2021 | \n", - "688 | \n", - "693 | \n", - "2 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Pediatrics', 'Pande... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) IS... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
1 | \n", - "10.1109/ICDH55609.2022.00019 | \n", - "The Need for an Adaptive Sociotechnical Model ... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-6654-8150-2 | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "2 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Center for Infor... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "Many people experienced an increase in mental ... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2022 | \n", - "10-16 July 2022 | \n", - "66 | \n", - "68 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['COVID-19', 'Adaptat... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) IS... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
2 | \n", - "10.1109/JBHI.2021.3087083 | \n", - "Exploring the Role of the Internet, Care Quali... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "2168-2208 | \n", - "3 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'School of System... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Journals | \n", - "Determinants of user mental health are diverse... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2022 | \n", - "Jan. 2022 | \n", - "468 | \n", - "477 | \n", - "1 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Mental health', 'Ed... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "1 | \n", - "26 | \n", - "
3 | \n", - "10.1109/SIEDS55548.2022.9799360 | \n", - "Evaluating Administered Differences of Brief J... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-6654-5112-3 | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "4 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'authorUrl': 'https://ieeexplore... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "The United States is the world's leading count... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2022 | \n", - "28-29 April 2022 | \n", - "351 | \n", - "356 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Sociology', 'Mental... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) IS... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
4 | \n", - "10.1109/ICPHDS53608.2021.00024 | \n", - "Research on the Relationship between Teachers'... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-6654-2595-7 | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "5 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'School of Teache... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "In order to understand the occupational stress... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2021 | \n", - "9-11 July 2021 | \n", - "77 | \n", - "80 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Occupational stress... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) IS... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "
195 | \n", - "10.1109/ICPAI51961.2020.00017 | \n", - "Transferring a facial depression model to esti... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-6654-0484-6 | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "196 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Department of In... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "Because people are living in a stressful era, ... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2020 | \n", - "3-5 Dec. 2020 | \n", - "50 | \n", - "53 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Mood', 'Feature ext... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print on Demand(PoD) IS... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
196 | \n", - "10.1109/JBHI.2022.3172269 | \n", - "Hyper-Graph Attention Based Federated Learning... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "2168-2208 | \n", - "197 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'Western Norway U... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Early Access Articles | \n", - "Internet-Delivered Psychological Treatment (ID... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2022 | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "1 | \n", - "1 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Collaborative work'... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "99 | \n", - "PP | \n", - "
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198 | \n", - "10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth.2015.259151 | \n", - "Developing design considerations for mobile an... | \n", - "IEEE | \n", - "978-1-63190-045-7 | \n", - "2153-1641 | \n", - "199 | \n", - "{'authors': [{'affiliation': 'School of Intera... | \n", - "LOCKED | \n", - "Conferences | \n", - "In this paper we explore the benefits of incor... | \n", - "... | \n", - "2015 | \n", - "20-23 May 2015 | \n", - "29 | \n", - "36 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "0 | \n", - "{'ieee_terms': {'terms': ['Mental disorders', ... | \n", - "{'isbns': [{'format': 'Print ISBN', 'value': '... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
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195 | \n", - "http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09934v1 | \n", - "2021-08-23T05:08:45Z | \n", - "2021-08-23T05:08:45Z | \n", - "Modeling Dynamics of Facial Behavior for Menta... | \n", - "Facial action unit (FAU) intensities are popul... | \n", - "[{'name': 'Minh Tran'}, {'name': 'Ellen Bradle... | \n", - "[{'@href': 'http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09934v1'... | \n", - "{'@xmlns:arxiv': 'http://arxiv.org/schemas/ato... | \n", - "{'@term': 'cs.CV', '@scheme': 'http://arxiv.or... | \n", - "{'@xmlns:arxiv': 'http://arxiv.org/schemas/ato... | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "NaN | \n", - "
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... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "... | \n", - "
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