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from typing import Dict, List
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Query
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from gr_nlp_toolkit import Pipeline
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
app = FastAPI(
title="The Grεεk NLP API 🇬🇷",
description="State-of-the-art API for Greek NLP tasks including Greeklish to Greek conversion (G2G), Named Entity Recognition (NER), Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, and Dependency Parsing (DP). Powered by the Grεεk NLP Toolkit ([https://github.com/nlpaueb/gr-nlp-toolkit/](https://github.com/nlpaueb/gr-nlp-toolkit/)). Available via PyPI (`pip install gr-nlp-toolkit`). ",
"name": "Natural Language Processing Group - Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)",
"url": "http://nlp.cs.aueb.gr/",
"api_author": "Lefteris Loukas",
# Instantiate the Pipeline
nlp_pos_ner_dp_with_g2g = Pipeline("pos,ner,dp,g2g")
# Pydantic models for responses
class G2GOutput(BaseModel):
greek_text: str = Field(
example="η θεσσαλονικη ειναι ωραια πολη",
description="Converted Greek text",
class NERItem(BaseModel):
token: str = Field(..., example="αργεντινη")
ner_value: str = Field(..., example="S-ORG")
class POSItem(BaseModel):
token: str = Field(..., example="μου")
upos: str = Field(..., example="PRON")
morphological_features: Dict[str, str] = Field(
"Case": "Gen",
"Gender": "Masc",
"Number": "Sing",
"Person": "1",
"Poss": "_",
"PronType": "Prs",
class POSResponse(BaseModel):
pos_results: List[POSItem] = Field(
description="Part-of-Speech tagging information",
"token": "μου",
"upos": "PRON",
"morphological_features": {
"Case": "Gen",
"Gender": "Masc",
"Number": "Sing",
"Person": "1",
"Poss": "_",
"PronType": "Prs",
"token": "αρεσει",
"upos": "VERB",
"morphological_features": {
"Aspect": "Imp",
"Case": "_",
"Gender": "_",
"Mood": "Ind",
"Number": "Sing",
"Person": "3",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin",
"Voice": "Act",
"token": "να",
"upos": "AUX",
"morphological_features": {
"Aspect": "_",
"Mood": "_",
"Number": "_",
"Person": "_",
"Tense": "_",
"VerbForm": "_",
"Voice": "_",
"token": "διαβαζω",
"upos": "VERB",
"morphological_features": {
"Aspect": "Imp",
"Case": "_",
"Gender": "_",
"Mood": "Ind",
"Number": "Sing",
"Person": "1",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin",
"Voice": "Act",
"token": "τα",
"upos": "DET",
"morphological_features": {
"Case": "Acc",
"Definite": "Def",
"Gender": "Neut",
"Number": "Plur",
"PronType": "Art",
"token": "post",
"upos": "X",
"morphological_features": {"Foreign": "Yes"},
"token": "του",
"upos": "DET",
"morphological_features": {
"Case": "Gen",
"Definite": "Def",
"Gender": "Masc",
"Number": "Sing",
"PronType": "Art",
"token": "andrew",
"upos": "X",
"morphological_features": {"Foreign": "Yes"},
"token": "ng",
"upos": "X",
"morphological_features": {"Foreign": "Yes"},
{"token": "στο", "upos": "_", "morphological_features": {}},
"token": "twitter",
"upos": "X",
"morphological_features": {"Foreign": "Yes"},
{"token": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "morphological_features": {}},
class DPItem(BaseModel):
token: str = Field(..., example="προτιμω")
head: int = Field(..., example=0)
deprel: str = Field(..., example="root")
class DPResponse(BaseModel):
dp_results: List[DPItem] = Field(
description="Dependency Parsing information",
{"token": "προτιμω", "head": 0, "deprel": "root"},
{"token": "την", "head": 4, "deprel": "det"},
{"token": "πρωινη", "head": 4, "deprel": "amod"},
{"token": "πτηση", "head": 1, "deprel": "obj"},
{"token": "απο", "head": 7, "deprel": "case"},
{"token": "την", "head": 7, "deprel": "det"},
{"token": "αθηνα", "head": 4, "deprel": "nmod"},
{"token": "στη", "head": 9, "deprel": "case"},
{"token": "θεσσαλονικη", "head": 4, "deprel": "nmod"},
{"token": ".", "head": 1, "deprel": "punct"},
# API endpoints
@app.post("/g2g", response_model=G2GOutput, summary="Convert Greeklish to Greek")
async def greeklish_to_greek(
text: str = Query(
description="The Greeklish text to convert",
example="H thessaloniki einai wraia polh",
Convert Greeklish (Greek written with Latin characters) to Greek.
This endpoint takes Greeklish text (Greek written with Latin characters) as input and returns the
transliterated Greek text.
greek_text = " ".join(
[token.text for token in nlp_pos_ner_dp_with_g2g(text).tokens]
return G2GOutput(greek_text=greek_text)
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
class NERResponse(BaseModel):
ner_results: List[NERItem] = Field(
description="Named Entity Recognition information",
{"token": "η", "ner_value": "O"},
{"token": "αργεντινη", "ner_value": "S-ORG"},
{"token": "κερδισε", "ner_value": "O"},
{"token": "το", "ner_value": "O"},
{"token": "παγκοσμιο", "ner_value": "B-EVENT"},
{"token": "κυπελλο", "ner_value": "E-EVENT"},
{"token": "το", "ner_value": "O"},
{"token": "2022", "ner_value": "S-DATE"},
# @app.post("/ner", response_model=List[NERItem], summary="Named Entity Recognition")
@app.post("/ner", response_model=NERResponse, summary="Named Entity Recognition")
async def process_ner(
text: str = Query(
description="The text to process for NER",
example="Η Αργεντινή κέρδισε το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο το 2022",
The NER endpoint takes Greek text as input and returns a list of dictionaries with the token and the NER value.
Named Entity Recognition (NER) Labels:
ner_possible_labels = [
'O', 'S-GPE', 'S-ORG', 'S-CARDINAL', 'B-ORG', 'E-ORG', 'B-DATE', 'E-DATE', 'S-NORP',
'I-FAC', 'S-LAW', 'S-TIME', 'B-LOC', 'E-LOC', 'I-LOC', 'S-FAC', 'B-TIME', 'E-TIME',
doc = nlp_pos_ner_dp_with_g2g(text)
# Create a list of dictionaries, each with "token" and "ner_value"
ner_list = [
{"token": token.text, "ner_value": token.ner} for token in doc.tokens
return {"ner_results": ner_list}
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
# @app.post("/pos", response_model=List[POSItem], summary="Part-of-Speech Tagging")
@app.post("/pos", response_model=POSResponse, summary="Part-of-Speech Tagging")
async def process_pos(
text: str = Query(
description="The text to process for POS tagging",
example="Μου αρέσει να διαβάζω τα post του Andrew Ng στο Twitter.",
The POS Tagging endpoint analyzes the input text and provides Universal POS (UPOS) tags and detailed morphological features.
It returns a list of dictionaries with "token", "upos", and "morphological_features" keys.
The "morphological_features" key contains a dictionary itself with detailed morphological features.
The UPOS and morphological features are based on the Universal Dependencies (UD) framework: [https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/](https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/)
Complete list of the Universal POS (UPOS) tags and morphological features:
{'ADJ': ['Degree', 'Number', 'Gender', 'Case'],
'ADP': ['Number', 'Gender', 'Case'],
'ADV': ['Degree', 'Abbr'],
'AUX': ['Mood',
'CCONJ': [],
'DET': ['Number', 'Gender', 'PronType', 'Definite', 'Case'],
'NOUN': ['Number', 'Gender', 'Abbr', 'Case'],
'NUM': ['NumType', 'Number', 'Gender', 'Case'],
'PART': [],
'PRON': ['Number', 'Gender', 'Person', 'Poss', 'PronType', 'Case'],
'PROPN': ['Number', 'Gender', 'Case'],
'PUNCT': [],
'SCONJ': [],
'SYM': [],
'VERB': ['Mood',
'X': ['Foreign'],
{'Abbr': ['_', 'Yes'],
'Aspect': ['Perf', '_', 'Imp'],
'Case': ['Dat', '_', 'Acc', 'Gen', 'Nom', 'Voc'],
'Definite': ['Ind', 'Def', '_'],
'Degree': ['Cmp', 'Sup', '_'],
'Foreign': ['_', 'Yes'],
'Gender': ['Fem', 'Masc', '_', 'Neut'],
'Mood': ['Ind', '_', 'Imp'],
'NumType': ['Mult', 'Card', '_', 'Ord', 'Sets'],
'Number': ['Plur', '_', 'Sing'],
'Person': ['3', '1', '_', '2'],
'Poss': ['_', 'Yes'],
'PronType': ['Ind', 'Art', '_', 'Rel', 'Dem', 'Prs', 'Ind,Rel', 'Int'],
'Tense': ['Pres', 'Past', '_'],
'VerbForm': ['Part', 'Conv', '_', 'Inf', 'Fin'],
'Voice': ['Pass', 'Act', '_'],
doc = nlp_pos_ner_dp_with_g2g(text)
# Create a list of dictionaries, each with "token", "upos", and "morphological_features"
pos_list = [
"token": token.text,
"upos": token.upos,
"morphological_features": token.feats,
for token in doc.tokens
# return pos_list
return {"pos_results": pos_list}
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
# @app.post("/dp", response_model=List[DPItem], summary="Dependency Parsing")
@app.post("/dp", response_model=DPResponse, summary="Dependency Parsing")
async def process_dp(
text: str = Query(
description="The text to process for Dependency Parsing",
example="Προτιμώ την πρωινή πτήση από την Αθήνα στη Θεσσαλονίκη",
The Dependency Parsing endpoint analyzes the syntactic structure of the input text.
It provides the tokens' (syntactic) heads and dependency relations. A head value of 0 indicates the root.
More specifically, the endpoint returns a list of dictionaries with "token", "head", and "deprel" keys.
Dependency Parsing Labels:
dp_possible_labels = ['obl', 'obj', 'dep', 'mark', 'case', 'flat', 'nummod', 'obl:arg', 'punct', 'cop',
'acl:relcl', 'expl', 'nsubj', 'csubj:pass', 'root', 'advmod', 'nsubj:pass', 'ccomp',
'conj', 'amod', 'xcomp', 'aux', 'appos', 'csubj', 'fixed', 'nmod', 'iobj', 'parataxis',
'orphan', 'det', 'advcl', 'vocative', 'compound', 'cc', 'discourse', 'acl', 'obl:agent']
doc = nlp_pos_ner_dp_with_g2g(text)
# Create a list of dictionaries, each with "token", "head", and "deprel"
dp_list = [
{"token": token.text, "head": token.head, "deprel": token.deprel}
for token in doc.tokens
return {"dp_results": dp_list}
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e))
@app.get("/", include_in_schema=False)
async def root():
return RedirectResponse(url="/docs#")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn