import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go from scipy.stats import norm, t from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, fcluster import plotly.figure_factory as ff def sorting(df): df.index = list(map(float, df.index)) df = df.sort_index return df def edit_strings(string_list): edited_list = [] for string in string_list: if "_" in string: last_underscore_index = string.rfind("_") edited_string = string[:last_underscore_index] edited_list.append(edited_string) else: edited_list.append(string) return edited_list def equalize_list_lengths(input_dict): max_len = 0 for key in input_dict: max_len = max(max_len, len(input_dict[key])) for key in input_dict: while len(input_dict[key]) < max_len: input_dict[key].append(None) return pd.DataFrame(input_dict) def figo(plot_type, df, title, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, legend_title=None, colorscale='Plotly3', width=800, height=600): if plot_type == "Scatter": fig = go.Figure() for column in df.columns[0:]: df.index = list(map(float, list(df.index))) sorted_data = df.sort_index() fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=sorted_data[column], y=sorted_data.index, mode='lines+markers+text', name=column, text=sorted_data[column].round(2), textposition="middle right" )) fig.update_layout( title=title, xaxis_title="Percentage", yaxis_title="Category", yaxis={'categoryorder': 'array', 'categoryarray': sorted_data.index}, width=width, height=height ) elif plot_type == "Heatmap": df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( z=df.values, x=df.columns, y=df.index, hoverongaps=False, colorscale=colorscale )) fig.update_layout( title={ 'text': title, 'y':0.95, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top' }, xaxis_title=xlabel, yaxis_title=ylabel, legend_title=legend_title, template="plotly_white", width=width, height=height ) elif plot_type == "Bar": fig = go.Figure() col = fig.add_trace(go.Bar( x=df.index, y=df, name=col )) fig.update_layout( title={ 'text': title, 'y':0.95, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top' }, xaxis_title=xlabel, yaxis_title=ylabel, legend_title=legend_title, template="plotly_white", barmode='group', width=width, height=height ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid plot_type. Supported types are 'Scatter', 'Heatmap', and 'Bar'.") return fig def is_matching_pattern(column, prefix): if not column.startswith(prefix + '_'): return False suffix = column[len(prefix) + 1:] if 1 <= len(suffix) <= 3 and suffix.isdigit(): return True return False def multi_answer(df): friquency = {} for i in df.columns: try: unique_values = list(set(df[i].dropna()))[0] friquency[str(unique_values)] = df[i].value_counts().get(unique_values, 0) except Exception as e: #st.error(f"Warning: One of the data columns has no value.: {e}") friquency[i] = 0 friquency_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({"Value": friquency.keys(), 'Frequency': friquency.values(), "Percentage": np.array(list(friquency.values()))/len(df.dropna(how='all'))}).sort_values(by='Value') friquency_dataframe.loc[len(friquency_dataframe)] = ['Sample_size', len(df.dropna(how='all')), 1] return friquency_dataframe def single_answer(df): counter = df.value_counts() friquency_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({ 'Value': counter.index, 'Frequency': counter.values, 'Percentage': (counter.values / counter.sum())}).sort_values(by='Value') friquency_dataframe.loc[len(friquency_dataframe)] = ['Sample_size', len(df.dropna()), 1] return friquency_dataframe def score_answer(df): counter = df.value_counts().sort_index() friquency_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({ 'Value': list(counter.index)+["Meen", "Variance"], 'Frequency': list(counter.values)+[df.mean(), df.var()], 'Percentage': list((counter.values / counter.sum()))+["", ""]}) return friquency_dataframe def two_variable_ss(df, var1, var2): counter = df.groupby(var1)[var2].value_counts() friquency_dataframe = counter.unstack(fill_value=0) #friquency_dataframe = sorting(friquency_dataframe) column_sums = friquency_dataframe.sum(axis=0) percentage_dataframe = friquency_dataframe.div(column_sums, axis=1) friquency_dataframe['Total'] = list(single_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,1])[:-1] friquency_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(single_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,1]) percentage_dataframe['Total'] = list(single_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,2])[:-1] percentage_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(single_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,1]) return percentage_dataframe, friquency_dataframe def two_variable_sm(df, var1, var2): unique_values = list(set(df[var1].dropna())) value = multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:-1,0] friquency_dataframe, percentage_dataframe = {}, {} for i in unique_values: dataframe = multi_answer(df[df[var1] == i][var2]).iloc[:-1,:] friquency_dataframe[i], percentage_dataframe[i] = dataframe['Frequency'], dataframe['Percentage'] friquency_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(friquency_dataframe) percentage_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(percentage_dataframe) friquency_dataframe.index, percentage_dataframe.index = value, value #friquency_dataframe = sorting(friquency_dataframe) #percentage_dataframe = sorting(percentage_dataframe) friquency_dataframe['Total'] = list(multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,1])[:-1] friquency_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(single_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,1]) percentage_dataframe['Total'] = list(multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,2])[:-1] percentage_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(single_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,1]) return percentage_dataframe, friquency_dataframe def two_variable_mm(df, var1, var2): friquency_dataframe, percentage_dataframe = {}, {} value = multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:-1,0] for i in var1: unique_values = list(set(df[i].dropna()))[0] dataframe = multi_answer(df[df[i] == unique_values][var2]).iloc[:-1,:] friquency_dataframe[i], percentage_dataframe[i] = dataframe['Frequency'], dataframe['Percentage'] friquency_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(friquency_dataframe) percentage_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(percentage_dataframe) friquency_dataframe.index, percentage_dataframe.index = value, value #friquency_dataframe = sorting(friquency_dataframe) #percentage_dataframe = sorting(percentage_dataframe) friquency_dataframe['Total'] = list(multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,1])[:-1] friquency_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(multi_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,1]) percentage_dataframe['Total'] = list(multi_answer(df[var2]).iloc[:,2])[:-1] percentage_dataframe.loc['Sample_size'] = list(multi_answer(df[var1]).iloc[:,1]) return percentage_dataframe, friquency_dataframe def two_variable_ssc(df, var1, var2): unique_values = list(set(df[var1].dropna())) mean_dataframe = {'Mean': [], 'Variation': [], 'Frequency': []} for i in unique_values: d = df[df[var1] == i][var2] mean_dataframe['Mean'] += [d.mean()] mean_dataframe['Variation'] += [d.var()] mean_dataframe['Frequency'] += [len(d)] mean_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(mean_dataframe) mean_dataframe.index = unique_values mean_dataframe.loc['Total'] = [df[var2].mean(), df[var2].var(), len(df[var2])] return mean_dataframe def two_variable_msc(df, var1, var2): mean_dataframe, unique_values = {'Mean': [], 'Variation': [], 'Frequency': []}, [] for i in var1: d = df[i].dropna() j = list(set(df[i].dropna()))[0] d = df[df[i]==j][var2] unique_values += [j] mean_dataframe['Mean'] += [d.mean()] mean_dataframe['Variation'] += [d.var()] mean_dataframe['Frequency'] += [len(d)] mean_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(mean_dataframe) mean_dataframe.index = unique_values mean_dataframe.loc['Total'] = [df[var2].mean(), df[var2].var(), len(df[var2])] return mean_dataframe def funnel(df, dictionary): friquency = {} for i in dictionary.keys(): if dictionary[i] == "Single": friquency[i] = list(single_answer(df[i])['Frequency'])[:-1] elif dictionary[i] == "Multi": matching_cols = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, i)] friquency[i] = list(multi_answer(df[matching_cols])['Frequency'])[:-1] elif dictionary[i] == "Score": friquency[i] = list(score_answer(df[i])['Frequency'])[:-1] try: friquency = pd.DataFrame(friquency) except: friquency = equalize_list_lengths(friquency) first = None for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value == "Single": first = key break percentage = friquency/len(df[first]) return friquency, percentage def t_test(m1, m2, n1, n2, v1, v2): te = (m1 - m2) / ((v1/n1 + v2/n2)**0.5) p_value = 2 * (1 - t.cdf(abs(te), n1+n2-2)) return p_value def z_testes(n1, n2, p1, p2): p_hat = ((n1*p1) + (n2*p2)) / (n1 + n2) z = (p1 - p2) / ((p_hat * (1 - p_hat) * (1 / n1 + 1 / n2)) ** 0.5) p_value = 2 * (1 - norm.cdf(abs(z))) return p_value def z_test_data(df): styles = pd.DataFrame('', index=df.index, columns=df.columns) num_rows, num_cols = df.shape for i in range(num_rows -1): for j in range(num_cols -1): n1 = df.iloc[-1, -1] n2 = df.iloc[-1, j] p1 = df.iloc[i, -1] p2 = df.iloc[i, j] p_value = z_testes(n1, n2, p1, p2) if pd.notnull(p_value) and p_value <= 0.05: styles.iloc[i, j] = 'background-color: lightgreen' return _: styles, axis=None) def t_test_data(df): rows, cols = df.shape styles = pd.DataFrame('', index=df.index, columns=df.columns) for i in range(rows-1): p_value = t_test(df['Mean'].iloc[-1,], df['Mean'].iloc[i], df['Frequency'].iloc[-1], df['Frequency'].iloc[i], df['Variation'].iloc[-1], df['Variation'].iloc[i]) if p_value <= 0.05: styles.iloc[i, :] = 'background-color: lightgreen' return _: styles, axis=None) def Z_test_dataframes(sheets_data): """Processes each sheet's DataFrame and computes new DataFrames with Z-test results.""" result_dataframes = {} for sheet_name, df in sheets_data.items(): if df.empty: st.warning(f"⚠️ Sheet '{sheet_name}' is empty and has been skipped.") continue df = df.set_index(df.columns[0]) # Use the first column as index rows, cols = df.shape if cols < 2: st.warning(f"⚠️ Sheet '{sheet_name}' does not have enough columns for analysis and has been skipped.") continue new_df = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index[:-1], columns=df.columns[1:]) for i, row_name in enumerate(df.index[:-1]): for j, col_name in enumerate(df.columns[1:]): try: n1 = df.iloc[-1, 0] # x_I1 n2 = df.iloc[-1, j+1] # x_Ij p1 = df.iloc[i, 0] # x_1J p2 = df.iloc[i, j+1] # x_ij p_value = z_testes(n1, n2, p1, p2) new_df.iloc[i, j] = p_value except Exception as e: st.error(f"❌ Error processing sheet '{sheet_name}', row '{row_name}', column '{col_name}': {e}") new_df.iloc[i, j] = np.nan result_dataframes[sheet_name] = new_df return result_dataframes def analyze_z_test(file): """ Performs Z-Test analysis on the uploaded Excel file. Parameters: - file: Uploaded Excel file Returns: - result_dataframes: Dictionary of DataFrames with p-values """ sheets_data = read_excel_sheets(file) if sheets_data is None: return None result_dataframes = Z_test_dataframes(sheets_data) if not result_dataframes: st.error("❌ No valid sheets found for Z-Test analysis.") return None st.write("### 📈 Processed Tables with Z-Test Results") for sheet_name, df in result_dataframes.items(): st.write(f"#### Sheet: {sheet_name}") # Apply color coding based on p-value def color_p_value(val): try: if pd.isna(val): return 'background-color: lightgray' elif val < 0.05: return 'background-color: lightgreen' else: return 'background-color: lightcoral' except: return 'background-color: lightgray' styled_df = # Display the styled DataFrame st.dataframe(styled_df, use_container_width=True) return result_dataframes def join_dataframes(mlist, dataframes): max_rows = max(df.shape[0] for df in dataframes) result = pd.DataFrame() col_counts = {} # Dictionary to track column name occurrences for i, df in enumerate(dataframes): rows_to_add = max_rows - df.shape[0] if rows_to_add > 0: empty_rows = pd.DataFrame(index=range(rows_to_add), columns=df.columns) empty_rows = empty_rows.fillna(np.nan) df = pd.concat([df, empty_rows], ignore_index=True) for col in df.columns: original_col = col count = 1 while col in result.columns: col = f"{original_col}_{count}" count += 1 col_counts[original_col] = col_counts.get(original_col, 0) + 1 df = df.rename(columns={original_col: col}) result = pd.concat([result, df.reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1) return result def all_tabulation(df, main_dict, follow_dict): for j in main_dict["single"]: dataframe_list, name_list = (single_answer(df[j]),), [j] for i in follow_dict["single"]: dataframe_list = dataframe_list + (two_variable_ss(df[[j, i]], j, i)[0], ) name_list.append(i) for i in follow_dict["multi"]: matching_cols1 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, i)] dataframe_list = dataframe_list + (two_variable_sm(df[[j] + matching_cols1], j, matching_cols1)[0].T, ) name_list.append(i) for i in follow_dict["score"]: dataframe_list = dataframe_list + (two_variable_ssc(df[[j, i]], j, i), ) name_list.append(i) st.subheader(j) st.markdown(j + ": " + ", ".join(follow_dict['single'] + follow_dict['multi'] + follow_dict['score'])) st.dataframe(join_dataframes(name_list, dataframe_list)) for j in main_dict["multi"]: matching_cols0 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, j)] dataframe_list, name_list = (multi_answer(df[matching_cols0]), ), [j] #for i in follow_dict["single"]: #dataframe_list.append(two_variable_ms(df[matching_cols0, i], matching_cols0, i).drop(columns=['Value'])[0]) for i in follow_dict["multi"]: matching_cols1 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, i)] dataframe_list = dataframe_list + (two_variable_mm(df[matching_cols0 + matching_cols1], matching_cols0, matching_cols1)[0], ) name_list.append(i) for i in follow_dict["score"]: dataframe_list = dataframe_list + (two_variable_msc(df[matching_cols0 + [i]], matching_cols0, i), ) name_list.append(i) st.subheader(j) st.markdown(j + ": " + ", ".join(follow_dict['multi'] + follow_dict['score'])) st.dataframe(join_dataframes(name_list, dataframe_list)) for j in main_dict["score"]: dataframe_list, name_list = [single_answer(df[j])], [j] st.subheader(j) st.dataframe(join_dataframes(name_list, dataframe_list)) def process_dataframe(df): df = df.fillna(0) for col in df.columns: df[col] = pd.Categorical(df[col]) return df def hierarchical_clustering_with_plotly(df, linkage_method): df_encoded = df.apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0]) Z = linkage(df_encoded, method=linkage_method) fig = ff.create_dendrogram(df_encoded, linkagefun=lambda x: Z, orientation='bottom') fig.update_layout(width=800, height=500) st.plotly_chart(fig) num_clusters = int(st.text_input("Enter the desired number of clusters")) clusters = fcluster(Z, num_clusters, criterion='maxclust') df['Cluster'] = clusters return df def upload_and_select_dataframe(): st.sidebar.title("File Upload") uploaded_files = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose CSV or Excel files", type=["csv", "xlsx", "xls", "xlsb"], accept_multiple_files=True) dataframes = {} for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: try: if'.csv')): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) elif'.xls', '.xlsx', '.xlsb')): df = pd.read_excel(uploaded_file) else: st.sidebar.error(f"Unsupported file type: {}") continue dataframes[] = df except Exception as e: st.sidebar.error(f"Error reading {}: {e}") if len(uploaded_files) > 7: st.sidebar.error('Maximum 7 files can be uploaded.') return None if dataframes: selected_file = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select a DataFrame", list(dataframes.keys())) return dataframes[selected_file] else:"Please upload some files.") return None empty_col1, main_col, empty_col2 = st.columns([1.6, 2.8, 1.6]) with main_col: col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 3]) with col1: st.image("logo.png", width=400) with col2: st.title("Chortke") import streamlit as st st.markdown('[Click to register a suggestion or comment](') df = upload_and_select_dataframe() try: st.subheader("Displaying the first few rows of the DataFrame") st.dataframe(df.head()) cols = edit_strings(df.columns) cols = sorted(list(set(cols))) main_option = st.selectbox("Please select an option:", ["Tabulation", "Funnel Analysis", "Segmentation Analysis", "Hypothesis test", "Machine Learning", "Coding"]) if main_option == "Tabulation": st.header("Tabulation Analysis") tabulation_option = st.selectbox("Please select the type of analysis:", ["Univariate", "Multivariate", "All"]) if tabulation_option == "All": st.sidebar.header("Settings") main_dict = {"single": [], "multi": [], "score": []} st.sidebar.subheader("Main") main_dict["single"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Main: Single answer questions', cols, default=[] ) main_dict["multi"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Main: Multi answer questions', cols, default=[] ) main_dict["score"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Main: Score answer questions', cols, default=[] ) follow_dict = {"single": [], "multi": [], "score": []} st.sidebar.subheader("Follow") follow_dict["single"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Follow: Single answer questions', cols, default=[] ) follow_dict["multi"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Follow: Multi answer questions', cols, default=[] ) follow_dict["score"] = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Follow: Score answer questions', cols, default=[] ) all_tabulation(df, main_dict, follow_dict) elif tabulation_option == "Univariate": uni_option = st.selectbox("Select the type of univariate analysis:", ["Multiple answer", "Single answer", "Score answer"]) if uni_option == "Single answer": var = st.text_input("Please enter the name of the desired column:") if var: if var in df.columns: result_df = single_answer(df[var]) st.subheader("Univariate Analysis Results") st.dataframe(result_df) fig = figo('Bar', result_df["Percentage"][:-1, ], title='Percentage Histogram', xlabel=var, ylabel='Percentage', colorscale='Plotly3') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.error("The entered column was not found.") elif uni_option == "Multiple answer": var = st.text_input("Please enter the name of the desired column:") if var: matching_cols = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, var)] if matching_cols: subset_df = df[matching_cols] result_df = multi_answer(subset_df) st.subheader("Multiple Answer Analysis Results") st.dataframe(result_df) fig = figo('Bar', result_df["Percentage"][:-1], title='Percentage Histogram', xlabel=var, ylabel='Percentage', colorscale='Plotly3') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.error("No columns matching the entered pattern were found.") elif uni_option == "Score answer": var = st.text_input("Please enter the name of the desired column:") if var: subset_df = df[var] result_df = score_answer(subset_df) st.subheader("Score Answer Analysis Results") st.dataframe(result_df) fig = figo('Bar', result_df["Percentage"][:-2], title='Percentage Histogram', xlabel=var, ylabel='Percentage', colorscale='Plotly3') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.error("No columns matching the entered pattern were found.") elif tabulation_option == "Multivariate": st.subheader("Multivariate Analysis") var1 = st.text_input("Please enter the name of the first column:") var2 = st.text_input("Please enter the name of the second column:") if var1 and var2: type1 = st.selectbox("Select the type of analysis for the first column:", ["Multiple answer", "Single answer"], key='type1') type2 = st.selectbox("Select the type of analysis for the second column:", ["Multiple answer", "Single answer", "Score answer"], key='type2') if type1 == "Single answer" and type2 == "Single answer": percentile_df, frequency_df = two_variable_ss(df[[var1, var2]], var1, var2) st.subheader("Percentage Table") st.write(z_test_data(percentile_df)) st.subheader("Frequency Table") st.dataframe(frequency_df) row, col = df.shape fig = figo('Scatter', percentile_df.iloc[:-1,:], title='Percentage Scatter plot', width=(col*5)+5, height=(row*25) + 10) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) elif type1 == "Single answer" and type2 == "Multiple answer": matching_cols = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, var2)] if matching_cols: percentile_df, frequency_df = two_variable_sm(df[[var1] + matching_cols], var1, matching_cols) st.subheader("Percentage Table") st.write(z_test_data(percentile_df)) st.subheader("Frequency Table") st.dataframe(frequency_df) row, col = df.shape fig = figo('Scatter', percentile_df.iloc[:-1,:], title='Percentage Scatter plot', width=(col*5)+5, height=(row*25) + 10) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.error("No columns matching the entered pattern were found.") elif type1 == "Multiple answer" and type2 == "Multiple answer": matching_cols1 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, var1)] matching_cols2 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, var2)] if matching_cols1 and matching_cols2: percentile_df, frequency_df = two_variable_mm(df[matching_cols1 + matching_cols2], matching_cols1, matching_cols2) st.subheader("Percentage Table") st.write(z_test_data(percentile_df)) st.subheader("Frequency Table") st.dataframe(frequency_df) row, col = df.shape fig = figo('Scatter', percentile_df.iloc[:-1,:], title='Percentage Scatter plot', width=(col*5)+5, height=(row*25) + 10) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) elif type1 == "Single answer" and type2 == "Score answer": mean_df = two_variable_ssc(df[[var1, var2]], var1, var2) st.subheader("Mean Table") st.write(t_test_data(mean_df)) row, col = df.shape fig = figo('Bar', mean_df["Mean"][:-1], title='Mean Histogram', xlabel=var1, ylabel='Mean', colorscale='Plotly3') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) elif type1 == "Multiple answer" and type2 == "Score answer": matching_cols1 = [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, var1)] if matching_cols1: mean_df = two_variable_msc(df[matching_cols1 + [var2]], matching_cols1, var2) st.subheader("Mean Table") st.write(t_test_data(mean_df)) row, col = df.shape fig = figo('Bar', mean_df["Mean"][:-1], title='Mean Histogram', xlabel=var1, ylabel='Mean', colorscale='Plotly3') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else:"This section of the program is under development.") elif main_option == "Funnel Analysis": st.header("Funnel") st.sidebar.header("Funnel Settings") single_list = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Single answer questions', cols, default=[] ) multi_list = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Multi answer questions', cols, default=[] ) selected_dict = {} for option in single_list: selected_dict[option] = "Single" for option in multi_list: selected_dict[option] = "Multi" funnel_frequency, funnel_percentage = funnel(df, selected_dict) st.subheader("Percentage Table") st.dataframe(funnel_percentage) st.subheader("Frequency Table") st.dataframe(funnel_frequency) st.sidebar.header("Chart Settings") bar_columns = st.sidebar.multiselect('Which columns should be displayed as bar charts?', sorted(funnel_percentage.columns)) line_columns = st.sidebar.multiselect('Which columns should be displayed as line charts?', sorted(funnel_percentage.columns)) funnel_percentage_cleaned = funnel_percentage.dropna(axis=0, how='all') fig = go.Figure() # Define modern and diverse color palette modern_colors = [ "#FF6F61", "#6B5B95", "#88B04B", "#F7CAC9", "#92A8D1", "#955251", "#B565A7", "#009B77", "#DD4124", "#45B8AC" ] # Add Bar traces with transparency and custom colors for idx, col in enumerate(bar_columns): funnel_percentage_col = funnel_percentage_cleaned[col] fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=funnel_percentage_cleaned.index, y=funnel_percentage_col, name=col, marker_color=modern_colors[idx % len(modern_colors)], # Cycle through colors opacity=0.8 # Set transparency ) ) # Add Line traces with transparency and custom colors for idx, col in enumerate(line_columns): funnel_percentage_col = funnel_percentage_cleaned[col] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=funnel_percentage_cleaned.index, y=funnel_percentage_col, mode='lines', name=col, line=dict(color=modern_colors[(idx + len(bar_columns)) % len(modern_colors)]), # Cycle through colors opacity=0.8 # Set transparency ) ) fig.update_layout( title="Combined Bar and Line Chart", xaxis_title="Brands", yaxis_title="Percentage", template="plotly_dark", barmode="group", xaxis=dict(tickmode='linear') ) st.plotly_chart(fig) elif main_option == "Segmentation Analysis": st.header("Segmentation Analysis") st.sidebar.header("Selection of questions") single_list = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Single answer questions', cols, default=[] ) multi_list = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Multi answer questions', cols, default=[] ) score_list = st.sidebar.multiselect( 'Score answer questions', cols, default=[] ) matching_cols1 = [] for i in multi_list: matching_cols1 += [col for col in df.columns if is_matching_pattern(col, i)] df_clean = process_dataframe(df[single_list + matching_cols1]) st.subheader("Selected Table") st.dataframe(df_clean) linkage_method = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select the Linkage Method of Segmentation Analysis:", ['average', 'single', 'complete', 'weighted', 'centroid', 'median', 'ward']) df_cluster = hierarchical_clustering_with_plotly(df_clean, linkage_method) st.subheader("Cluster Table") st.dataframe(df_clean) elif main_option == "Hypothesis test": st.header("Hypothesis Testing") hypothesis_option = st.selectbox("Please select the type of hypothesis test:", ["Z test", "T test", "Chi-Square test", "ANOVA test"]) if hypothesis_option != "Z test":"This section of the program is under development.") else: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Please upload your Excel file for Z-Test", type=["xlsx", "xls"]) if uploaded_file: result = analyze_z_test(uploaded_file) if result: st.success("Z-Test analysis completed successfully.") elif main_option in ["Machine Learning", "Coding"]:"This section of the program is under development.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"❌ Error: {e}")