#https://github.com/descriptinc/descript-audio-codec/blob/main/dac/nn/loss.py import typing from typing import List import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from audiotools import AudioSignal from audiotools import STFTParams from torch import nn class L1Loss(nn.L1Loss): """L1 Loss between AudioSignals. Defaults to comparing ``audio_data``, but any attribute of an AudioSignal can be used. Parameters ---------- attribute : str, optional Attribute of signal to compare, defaults to ``audio_data``. weight : float, optional Weight of this loss, defaults to 1.0. Implementation copied from: https://github.com/descriptinc/lyrebird-audiotools/blob/961786aa1a9d628cca0c0486e5885a457fe70c1a/audiotools/metrics/distance.py """ def __init__(self, attribute: str = "audio_data", weight: float = 1.0, **kwargs): self.attribute = attribute self.weight = weight super().__init__(**kwargs) def forward(self, x: AudioSignal, y: AudioSignal): """ Parameters ---------- x : AudioSignal Estimate AudioSignal y : AudioSignal Reference AudioSignal Returns ------- torch.Tensor L1 loss between AudioSignal attributes. """ if isinstance(x, AudioSignal): x = getattr(x, self.attribute) y = getattr(y, self.attribute) return super().forward(x, y) class SISDRLoss(nn.Module): """ Computes the Scale-Invariant Source-to-Distortion Ratio between a batch of estimated and reference audio signals or aligned features. Parameters ---------- scaling : int, optional Whether to use scale-invariant (True) or signal-to-noise ratio (False), by default True reduction : str, optional How to reduce across the batch (either 'mean', 'sum', or none).], by default ' mean' zero_mean : int, optional Zero mean the references and estimates before computing the loss, by default True clip_min : int, optional The minimum possible loss value. Helps network to not focus on making already good examples better, by default None weight : float, optional Weight of this loss, defaults to 1.0. Implementation copied from: https://github.com/descriptinc/lyrebird-audiotools/blob/961786aa1a9d628cca0c0486e5885a457fe70c1a/audiotools/metrics/distance.py """ def __init__( self, scaling: int = True, reduction: str = "mean", zero_mean: int = True, clip_min: int = None, weight: float = 1.0, ): self.scaling = scaling self.reduction = reduction self.zero_mean = zero_mean self.clip_min = clip_min self.weight = weight super().__init__() def forward(self, x: AudioSignal, y: AudioSignal): eps = 1e-8 # nb, nc, nt if isinstance(x, AudioSignal): references = x.audio_data estimates = y.audio_data else: references = x estimates = y nb = references.shape[0] references = references.reshape(nb, 1, -1).permute(0, 2, 1) estimates = estimates.reshape(nb, 1, -1).permute(0, 2, 1) # samples now on axis 1 if self.zero_mean: mean_reference = references.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) mean_estimate = estimates.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) else: mean_reference = 0 mean_estimate = 0 _references = references - mean_reference _estimates = estimates - mean_estimate references_projection = (_references**2).sum(dim=-2) + eps references_on_estimates = (_estimates * _references).sum(dim=-2) + eps scale = ( (references_on_estimates / references_projection).unsqueeze(1) if self.scaling else 1 ) e_true = scale * _references e_res = _estimates - e_true signal = (e_true**2).sum(dim=1) noise = (e_res**2).sum(dim=1) sdr = -10 * torch.log10(signal / noise + eps) if self.clip_min is not None: sdr = torch.clamp(sdr, min=self.clip_min) if self.reduction == "mean": sdr = sdr.mean() elif self.reduction == "sum": sdr = sdr.sum() return sdr class MultiScaleSTFTLoss(nn.Module): """Computes the multi-scale STFT loss from [1]. Parameters ---------- window_lengths : List[int], optional Length of each window of each STFT, by default [2048, 512] loss_fn : typing.Callable, optional How to compare each loss, by default nn.L1Loss() clamp_eps : float, optional Clamp on the log magnitude, below, by default 1e-5 mag_weight : float, optional Weight of raw magnitude portion of loss, by default 1.0 log_weight : float, optional Weight of log magnitude portion of loss, by default 1.0 pow : float, optional Power to raise magnitude to before taking log, by default 2.0 weight : float, optional Weight of this loss, by default 1.0 match_stride : bool, optional Whether to match the stride of convolutional layers, by default False References ---------- 1. Engel, Jesse, Chenjie Gu, and Adam Roberts. "DDSP: Differentiable Digital Signal Processing." International Conference on Learning Representations. 2019. Implementation copied from: https://github.com/descriptinc/lyrebird-audiotools/blob/961786aa1a9d628cca0c0486e5885a457fe70c1a/audiotools/metrics/spectral.py """ def __init__( self, window_lengths: List[int] = [2048, 512], loss_fn: typing.Callable = nn.L1Loss(), clamp_eps: float = 1e-5, mag_weight: float = 1.0, log_weight: float = 1.0, pow: float = 2.0, weight: float = 1.0, match_stride: bool = False, window_type: str = None, ): super().__init__() self.stft_params = [ STFTParams( window_length=w, hop_length=w // 4, match_stride=match_stride, window_type=window_type, ) for w in window_lengths ] self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.log_weight = log_weight self.mag_weight = mag_weight self.clamp_eps = clamp_eps self.weight = weight self.pow = pow def forward(self, x: AudioSignal, y: AudioSignal): """Computes multi-scale STFT between an estimate and a reference signal. Parameters ---------- x : AudioSignal Estimate signal y : AudioSignal Reference signal Returns ------- torch.Tensor Multi-scale STFT loss. """ loss = 0.0 for s in self.stft_params: x.stft(s.window_length, s.hop_length, s.window_type) y.stft(s.window_length, s.hop_length, s.window_type) loss += self.log_weight * self.loss_fn( x.magnitude.clamp(self.clamp_eps).pow(self.pow).log10(), y.magnitude.clamp(self.clamp_eps).pow(self.pow).log10(), ) loss += self.mag_weight * self.loss_fn(x.magnitude, y.magnitude) return loss class MelSpectrogramLoss(nn.Module): """Compute distance between mel spectrograms. Can be used in a multi-scale way. Parameters ---------- n_mels : List[int] Number of mels per STFT, by default [150, 80], window_lengths : List[int], optional Length of each window of each STFT, by default [2048, 512] loss_fn : typing.Callable, optional How to compare each loss, by default nn.L1Loss() clamp_eps : float, optional Clamp on the log magnitude, below, by default 1e-5 mag_weight : float, optional Weight of raw magnitude portion of loss, by default 1.0 log_weight : float, optional Weight of log magnitude portion of loss, by default 1.0 pow : float, optional Power to raise magnitude to before taking log, by default 2.0 weight : float, optional Weight of this loss, by default 1.0 match_stride : bool, optional Whether to match the stride of convolutional layers, by default False Implementation copied from: https://github.com/descriptinc/lyrebird-audiotools/blob/961786aa1a9d628cca0c0486e5885a457fe70c1a/audiotools/metrics/spectral.py """ def __init__( self, n_mels: List[int] = [150, 80], window_lengths: List[int] = [2048, 512], loss_fn: typing.Callable = nn.MSELoss(), clamp_eps: float = 1e-5, mag_weight: float = 1.0, log_weight: float = 1.0, pow: float = 2.0, weight: float = 1.0, match_stride: bool = False, mel_fmin: List[float] = [0.0, 0.0], mel_fmax: List[float] = [None, None], window_type: str = None, ): super().__init__() self.stft_params = [ STFTParams( window_length=w, hop_length=w // 4, match_stride=match_stride, window_type=window_type, ) for w in window_lengths ] self.n_mels = n_mels self.loss_fn = loss_fn self.clamp_eps = clamp_eps self.log_weight = log_weight self.mag_weight = mag_weight self.weight = weight self.mel_fmin = mel_fmin self.mel_fmax = mel_fmax self.pow = pow def forward(self, x: AudioSignal, y: AudioSignal): """Computes mel loss between an estimate and a reference signal. Parameters ---------- x : AudioSignal Estimate signal y : AudioSignal Reference signal Returns ------- torch.Tensor Mel loss. """ loss = 0.0 for n_mels, fmin, fmax, s in zip( self.n_mels, self.mel_fmin, self.mel_fmax, self.stft_params ): kwargs = { "window_length": s.window_length, "hop_length": s.hop_length, "window_type": s.window_type, } x_mels = x.mel_spectrogram(n_mels, mel_fmin=fmin, mel_fmax=fmax, **kwargs) y_mels = y.mel_spectrogram(n_mels, mel_fmin=fmin, mel_fmax=fmax, **kwargs) loss += self.log_weight * self.loss_fn( x_mels.clamp(self.clamp_eps).pow(self.pow).log10(), y_mels.clamp(self.clamp_eps).pow(self.pow).log10(), ) loss += self.mag_weight * self.loss_fn(x_mels, y_mels) return loss