import numpy as np import pickle BOARD_ROWS = 20 BOARD_COLS = 20 class State: def __init__(self, p1, p2): self.board = np.zeros((BOARD_ROWS, BOARD_COLS)) self.p1 = p1 self.p2 = p2 self.isEnd = False self.boardHash = None # init p1 plays first self.playerSymbol = 1 # get unique hash of current board state def getHash(self): self.boardHash = str(self.board.reshape(BOARD_COLS * BOARD_ROWS)) return self.boardHash def winner(self): # row for i in range(BOARD_ROWS): if sum(self.board[i, :]) == 3: self.isEnd = True return 1 if sum(self.board[i, :]) == -3: self.isEnd = True return -1 # col for i in range(BOARD_COLS): if sum(self.board[:, i]) == 3: self.isEnd = True return 1 if sum(self.board[:, i]) == -3: self.isEnd = True return -1 # diagonal diag_sum1 = sum([self.board[i, i] for i in range(BOARD_COLS)]) diag_sum2 = sum([self.board[i, BOARD_COLS - i - 1] for i in range(BOARD_COLS)]) diag_sum = max(abs(diag_sum1), abs(diag_sum2)) if diag_sum == 3: self.isEnd = True if diag_sum1 == 3 or diag_sum2 == 3: return 1 else: return -1 # tie # no available positions if len(self.availablePositions()) == 0: self.isEnd = True return 0 # not end self.isEnd = False return None def availablePositions(self): positions = [] for i in range(BOARD_ROWS): for j in range(BOARD_COLS): if self.board[i, j] == 0: positions.append((i, j)) # need to be tuple return positions def updateState(self, position): self.board[position] = self.playerSymbol # switch to another player self.playerSymbol = -1 if self.playerSymbol == 1 else 1 # only when game ends def giveReward(self): result = self.winner() # backpropagate reward if result == 1: self.p1.feedReward(1) self.p2.feedReward(0) elif result == -1: self.p1.feedReward(0) self.p2.feedReward(1) else: self.p1.feedReward(0.1) self.p2.feedReward(0.5) # board reset def reset(self): self.board = np.zeros((BOARD_ROWS, BOARD_COLS)) self.boardHash = None self.isEnd = False self.playerSymbol = 1 def playwithbot(self, rounds=100): for i in range(rounds): if i % 1000 == 0: print("Rounds {}".format(i)) while not self.isEnd: # Player 1 positions = self.availablePositions() p1_action = self.p1.chooseAction(positions, self.board, self.playerSymbol) # take action and upate board state self.updateState(p1_action) board_hash = self.getHash() self.p1.addState(board_hash) # check board status if it is end win = self.winner() if win is not None: # self.showBoard() # ended with p1 either win or draw self.giveReward() self.p1.reset() self.p2.reset() self.reset() break else: # Player 2 positions = self.availablePositions() p2_action = self.p2.chooseAction(positions, self.board, self.playerSymbol) self.updateState(p2_action) board_hash = self.getHash() self.p2.addState(board_hash) win = self.winner() if win is not None: # self.showBoard() # ended with p2 either win or draw self.giveReward() self.p1.reset() self.p2.reset() self.reset() break # play with human def playwithhuman(self): while not self.isEnd: # Player 1 positions = self.availablePositions() p1_action = self.p1.chooseAction(positions, self.board, self.playerSymbol) # take action and upate board state self.updateState(p1_action) self.showBoard() # check board status if it is end win = self.winner() if win is not None: if win == 1: print(, "wins!") else: print("tie!") self.reset() break else: # Player 2 positions = self.availablePositions() p2_action = self.p2.chooseAction(positions) self.updateState(p2_action) self.showBoard() win = self.winner() if win is not None: if win == -1: print(, "wins!") else: print("tie!") self.reset() break def showBoard(self): # p1: x p2: o for i in range(0, BOARD_ROWS): print('-------------') out = '| ' for j in range(0, BOARD_COLS): if self.board[i, j] == 1: token = 'x' if self.board[i, j] == -1: token = 'o' if self.board[i, j] == 0: token = ' ' out += token + ' | ' print(out) print('-------------') class Player: def __init__(self, name, exp_rate=0.3): = name self.states = [] # record all positions taken = 0.2 self.exp_rate = exp_rate self.decay_gamma = 0.9 self.states_value = {} # state -> value self.loadPolicy('policy_' + str( # Load the pre-trained policy def getHash(self, board): boardHash = str(board.reshape(BOARD_COLS * BOARD_ROWS)) return boardHash def chooseAction(self, positions, current_board, symbol): if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.exp_rate: # take random action idx = np.random.choice(len(positions)) action = positions[idx] else: value_max = -999 for p in positions: next_board = current_board.copy() next_board[p] = symbol next_boardHash = self.getHash(next_board) value = 0 if self.states_value.get(next_boardHash) is None else self.states_value.get(next_boardHash) # print("value", value) if value >= value_max: value_max = value action = p # print("{} takes action {}".format(, action)) return action # append a hash state def addState(self, state): self.states.append(state) # at the end of game, backpropagate and update states value def feedReward(self, reward): for st in reversed(self.states): if self.states_value.get(st) is None: self.states_value[st] = 0 self.states_value[st] += * (self.decay_gamma * reward - self.states_value[st]) reward = self.states_value[st] def reset(self): self.states = [] def savePolicy(self): fw = open('policy_' + str(, 'wb') pickle.dump(self.states_value, fw) fw.close() def loadPolicy(self, file): fr = open(file, 'rb') self.states_value = pickle.load(fr) fr.close() class HumanPlayer: def __init__(self, name): = name def chooseAction(self, positions): while True: row = int(input("Input your action row:")) col = int(input("Input your action col:")) action = (row, col) if action in positions: return action # append a hash state def addState(self, state): pass # at the end of game, backpropagate and update states value def feedReward(self, reward): pass def reset(self): pass if __name__ == "__main__": # training p1 = Player("p1") p2 = Player("p2") st = State(p1, p2) print("training...") st.playwithbot(200000) p1.savePolicy() p2.savePolicy() # # play with human # p1 = Player("computer", exp_rate=0) # p1.loadPolicy("policy_p1") # p2 = HumanPlayer("human") # st = State(p1, p2) # st.playwithhuman()