Model_Cards_Writing_Tool / pages /1_πŸ‘€
Margerie's picture
fixed index in input channels
import streamlit as st
from persist import persist, load_widget_state
import json
import requests
#from specific_extraction import extract_it
# global variable_output
def get_cached_data():
# json.load(open('file_TG263.json'))
struct_dict = {"Target":["GTV","CTV","PTV"],"Anatomy":["SpinalCord","BrainStem"]}
r = requests.get('')
tags_data = r.json()
libraries = [x['id'] for x in tags_data['library']]
return struct_dict, libraries
def main():
def cs_body():
struct_dict, libraries = get_cached_data()
st.header('Technical Specifications')
st.write("Provide an overview of any additional technical specifications for this model")
st.markdown('##### Model architecture')
st.number_input("Total number of trainable parameters [million]",value=5,key=persist("nb_parameters"))
left, middle, right = st.columns(3)
nlines = int(left.number_input("Input channels", 0, 20, 1))
for i in range(nlines):
type_input = middle.selectbox(f"Input type # {i}", list(struct_dict.keys()))
right.selectbox("Input",struct_dict[type_input], key=i, help="From")
st.text_input("Loss function",placeholder="MSE", key=persist("loss_function"))
st.number_input("Batch size",value=1,key=persist("batch_size"))
left, right = st.columns(2)
nlines = int(left.number_input("Patch dimension", 2, 3, 3))
# cols = st.columns(ncol)
for i in range(nlines):
right.number_input(f"Dim [px] # {i}", key=i,value=128)
arch_fig = st.file_uploader("Figure of the architecture",type=['png','jpg'])
if arch_fig is not None:
st.multiselect("Library/Dependencies", libraries, default=[libraries[0]], help="The name of the library this model came from (Ex. pytorch, timm, spacy, keras, etc.). This is usually automatically detected in model repos, so it is not required.", key=persist('libraries'))
st.text_input("Hardware recommended", placeholder="GPU 20Gb RAM", key=persist("hardware"))
st.number_input("Inference time for recommended hardware [seconds]",value=10, key=persist("inference_time"))
st.text_area("Installation / Getting started", placeholder="Installation procedure / code to run inference", key=persist("get_started_code"))
if __name__ == '__main__':