VN-Housing-App / frontend /src /streamlit /setStreamlitLifecycle.ts
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import { onMount, afterUpdate } from "svelte";
import { Streamlit } from "./streamlit";
* [Optional] Set Streamlit Svelte Lifecycle functions
* You are not required call this function on your Streamlit
* component. If you decide not to call it, you should implement the
* `onMount` and `afterUpdate` functions in your own component,
* so that your plugin properly resizes.
export const setStreamlitLifecycle = (): void => {
onMount((): void => {
// Finally, tell Streamlit to update our initial height. We omit the
// `height` parameter here to have it default to our scrollHeight.
afterUpdate((): void => {
// We tell Streamlit to update our frameHeight after each update, in
// case it has changed. (This isn't strictly necessary for the example
// because our height stays fixed, but this is a low-cost function, so
// there's no harm in doing it redundantly.)