VN-Housing-App / frontend /src /streamlit /WithStreamlitConnection.svelte
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<script lang="ts">
import { onMount, afterUpdate, onDestroy } from "svelte";
import { Streamlit } from "./streamlit";
import type { RenderData } from "./streamlit";
* Custom Streamlit component
export let component: any;
* Set to false if you want `args` (the named dictionary of arguments passed
* from Python) to be passed as a dictionary to your component.
* Default is `true`.
export let spreadArgs: boolean = true;
// State
let renderData: RenderData;
// Props passed to custom Streamlit components.
/** Named dictionary of arguments passed from Python.
* Arguments will be passed directly if `spreadArgs=true`
let args: any;
/** The component's width. */
let width: number;
* True if the component should be disabled.
* All components get disabled while the app is being re-run,
* and become re-enabled when the re-run has finished.
let disabled: boolean;
* Streamlit is telling this component to redraw.
* We save the render data in State, so that it can be passed to the
* component.
const onRenderEvent = (event: Event): void => {
// Update our state with the newest render data
renderData = (event as CustomEvent<RenderData>).detail;
args = renderData.args;
disabled = renderData.disabled;
onMount((): void => {
// Set up event listeners, and signal to Streamlit that we're ready.
// We won't render the component until we receive the first RENDER_EVENT., onRenderEvent);
onDestroy((): void => {
// Remove our `onRender` handler to Streamlit's render event., onRenderEvent);
<svelte:window bind:innerWidth={width} />
<!-- Don't render until we've gotten our first RENDER_EVENT from Streamlit. -->
{#if renderData}
{#if spreadArgs}
<svelte:component this={component} {...args} {disabled} {width} />
<svelte:component this={component} {args} {disabled} {width} />