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'use strict'
const Section = require('./section')
const Table = require('table-layout')
const chalkFormat = require('./chalk-format')
const t = require('typical')
const arrayify = require('array-back')
class OptionList extends Section {
constructor (data) {
let definitions = arrayify(data.optionList)
const hide = arrayify(data.hide)
const groups = arrayify(data.group)
/* filter out hidden definitions */
if (hide.length) {
definitions = definitions.filter(definition => {
return hide.indexOf(definition.name) === -1
/* All definitions must have a name */
const validNames = definitions.every(d => d.name)
if (!validNames) {
throw new Error('Every definition in the optionList must have a `name` property')
if (data.header) this.header(data.header)
if (groups.length) {
definitions = definitions.filter(def => {
const noGroupMatch = groups.indexOf('_none') > -1 && !t.isDefined(def.group)
const groupMatch = intersect(arrayify(def.group), groups)
if (noGroupMatch || groupMatch) return def
const rows = definitions.map(def => {
return {
option: getOptionNames(def, data.reverseNameOrder),
description: chalkFormat(def.description)
const tableOptions = data.tableOptions || {
padding: { left: ' ', right: ' ' },
columns: [
{ name: 'option', noWrap: true },
{ name: 'description', maxWidth: 80 }
const table = new Table(rows, tableOptions)
function getOptionNames (definition, reverseNameOrder) {
let type = definition.type ? definition.type.name.toLowerCase() : ''
const multiple = definition.multiple ? '[]' : ''
if (type) {
type = type === 'boolean' ? '' : `{underline ${type}${multiple}}`
// console.error(require('util').inspect(definition.typeLabel || type, { depth: 6, colors: true }))
type = chalkFormat(definition.typeLabel || type)
let result = ''
if (definition.alias) {
if (reverseNameOrder) {
result = `${chalkFormat(`{bold --${definition.name}}`)}, ${chalkFormat(`{bold -${definition.alias}}`)} ${type}`
} else {
result = `${chalkFormat(`{bold -${definition.alias}}`)}, ${chalkFormat(`{bold --${definition.name}} ${type}`)}`
} else {
result = `${chalkFormat(`{bold --${definition.name}}`)} ${type}`
return result
function intersect (arr1, arr2) {
return arr1.some(function (item1) {
return arr2.some(function (item2) {
return item1 === item2
module.exports = OptionList