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"use strict";
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const data_1 = require("../data");
const vector_1 = require("../vector");
const base_1 = require("./base");
const index_1 = require("./index");
const type_1 = require("../type");
/** @ignore */
class FloatVector extends base_1.BaseVector {
/** @nocollapse */
static from(input) {
let ArrowType = vectorTypeToDataType(this);
if ((input instanceof ArrayBuffer) || ArrayBuffer.isView(input)) {
let InputType = arrayTypeToDataType(input.constructor) || ArrowType;
// Special case, infer the Arrow DataType from the input if calling the base
// FloatVector.from with a TypedArray, e.g. `FloatVector.from(new Float32Array())`
if (ArrowType === null) {
ArrowType = InputType;
// If the DataType inferred from the Vector constructor matches the
// DataType inferred from the input arguments, return zero-copy view
if (ArrowType && ArrowType === InputType) {
let type = new ArrowType();
let length = input.byteLength / type.ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
// If the ArrowType is Float16 but the input type isn't a Uint16Array,
// let the Float16Builder handle casting the input values to Uint16s.
if (!convertTo16Bit(ArrowType, input.constructor)) {
return vector_1.Vector.new(data_1.Data.Float(type, 0, length, 0, null, input));
if (ArrowType) {
// If the DataType inferred from the Vector constructor is different than
// the DataType inferred from the input TypedArray, or if input isn't a
// TypedArray, use the Builders to construct the result Vector
return index_1.vectorFromValuesWithType(() => new ArrowType(), input);
if ((input instanceof DataView) || (input instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
throw new TypeError(`Cannot infer float type from instance of ${input.constructor.name}`);
throw new TypeError('Unrecognized FloatVector input');
exports.FloatVector = FloatVector;
/** @ignore */
class Float16Vector extends FloatVector {
// Since JS doesn't have half floats, `toArray()` returns a zero-copy slice
// of the underlying Uint16Array data. This behavior ensures we don't incur
// extra compute or copies if you're calling `toArray()` in order to create
// a buffer for something like WebGL. Buf if you're using JS and want typed
// arrays of 4-to-8-byte precision, these methods will enumerate the values
// and clamp to the desired byte lengths.
toFloat32Array() { return new Float32Array(this); }
toFloat64Array() { return new Float64Array(this); }
exports.Float16Vector = Float16Vector;
/** @ignore */
class Float32Vector extends FloatVector {
exports.Float32Vector = Float32Vector;
/** @ignore */
class Float64Vector extends FloatVector {
exports.Float64Vector = Float64Vector;
const convertTo16Bit = (typeCtor, dataCtor) => {
return (typeCtor === type_1.Float16) && (dataCtor !== Uint16Array);
/** @ignore */
const arrayTypeToDataType = (ctor) => {
switch (ctor) {
case Uint16Array: return type_1.Float16;
case Float32Array: return type_1.Float32;
case Float64Array: return type_1.Float64;
default: return null;
/** @ignore */
const vectorTypeToDataType = (ctor) => {
switch (ctor) {
case Float16Vector: return type_1.Float16;
case Float32Vector: return type_1.Float32;
case Float64Vector: return type_1.Float64;
default: return null;
//# sourceMappingURL=float.js.map