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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { ReadableInterop } from '../io/interfaces';
/** @ignore */
const [BigIntCtor, BigIntAvailable] = (() => {
const BigIntUnavailableError = () => { throw new Error('BigInt is not available in this environment'); };
function BigIntUnavailable() { throw BigIntUnavailableError(); }
BigIntUnavailable.asIntN = () => { throw BigIntUnavailableError(); };
BigIntUnavailable.asUintN = () => { throw BigIntUnavailableError(); };
return typeof BigInt !== 'undefined' ? [BigInt, true] : [BigIntUnavailable, false];
/** @ignore */
const [BigInt64ArrayCtor, BigInt64ArrayAvailable] = (() => {
const BigInt64ArrayUnavailableError = () => { throw new Error('BigInt64Array is not available in this environment'); };
class BigInt64ArrayUnavailable {
static get BYTES_PER_ELEMENT() { return 8; }
static of() { throw BigInt64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
static from() { throw BigInt64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
constructor() { throw BigInt64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
return typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined' ? [BigInt64Array, true] : [BigInt64ArrayUnavailable, false];
/** @ignore */
const [BigUint64ArrayCtor, BigUint64ArrayAvailable] = (() => {
const BigUint64ArrayUnavailableError = () => { throw new Error('BigUint64Array is not available in this environment'); };
class BigUint64ArrayUnavailable {
static get BYTES_PER_ELEMENT() { return 8; }
static of() { throw BigUint64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
static from() { throw BigUint64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
constructor() { throw BigUint64ArrayUnavailableError(); }
return typeof BigUint64Array !== 'undefined' ? [BigUint64Array, true] : [BigUint64ArrayUnavailable, false];
export { BigIntCtor as BigInt, BigIntAvailable };
export { BigInt64ArrayCtor as BigInt64Array, BigInt64ArrayAvailable };
export { BigUint64ArrayCtor as BigUint64Array, BigUint64ArrayAvailable };
/** @ignore */ const isNumber = (x) => typeof x === 'number';
/** @ignore */ const isBoolean = (x) => typeof x === 'boolean';
/** @ignore */ const isFunction = (x) => typeof x === 'function';
/** @ignore */
export const isObject = (x) => x != null && Object(x) === x;
/** @ignore */
export const isPromise = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isFunction(x.then);
/** @ignore */
export const isObservable = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isFunction(x.subscribe);
/** @ignore */
export const isIterable = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isFunction(x[Symbol.iterator]);
/** @ignore */
export const isAsyncIterable = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isFunction(x[Symbol.asyncIterator]);
/** @ignore */
export const isArrowJSON = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isObject(x['schema']);
/** @ignore */
export const isArrayLike = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isNumber(x['length']);
/** @ignore */
export const isIteratorResult = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && ('done' in x) && ('value' in x);
/** @ignore */
export const isUnderlyingSink = (x) => {
return isObject(x) &&
isFunction(x['abort']) &&
isFunction(x['close']) &&
isFunction(x['start']) &&
/** @ignore */
export const isFileHandle = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isFunction(x['stat']) && isNumber(x['fd']);
/** @ignore */
export const isFSReadStream = (x) => {
return isReadableNodeStream(x) && isNumber(x['bytesRead']);
/** @ignore */
export const isFetchResponse = (x) => {
return isObject(x) && isReadableDOMStream(x['body']);
/** @ignore */
export const isWritableDOMStream = (x) => {
return isObject(x) &&
isFunction(x['abort']) &&
isFunction(x['getWriter']) &&
!(x instanceof ReadableInterop);
/** @ignore */
export const isReadableDOMStream = (x) => {
return isObject(x) &&
isFunction(x['cancel']) &&
isFunction(x['getReader']) &&
!(x instanceof ReadableInterop);
/** @ignore */
export const isWritableNodeStream = (x) => {
return isObject(x) &&
isFunction(x['end']) &&
isFunction(x['write']) &&
isBoolean(x['writable']) &&
!(x instanceof ReadableInterop);
/** @ignore */
export const isReadableNodeStream = (x) => {
return isObject(x) &&
isFunction(x['read']) &&
isFunction(x['pipe']) &&
isBoolean(x['readable']) &&
!(x instanceof ReadableInterop);
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