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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { MessageHeader } from '../enum';
import { flatbuffers } from 'flatbuffers';
var ByteBuffer = flatbuffers.ByteBuffer;
import { Message } from './metadata/message';
import { isFileHandle } from '../util/compat';
import { AsyncRandomAccessFile } from '../io/file';
import { toUint8Array } from '../util/buffer';
import { ByteStream, AsyncByteStream } from '../io/stream';
import { ArrowJSON, ITERATOR_DONE } from '../io/interfaces';
/** @ignore */ const invalidMessageType = (type) => `Expected ${MessageHeader[type]} Message in stream, but was null or length 0.`;
/** @ignore */ const nullMessage = (type) => `Header pointer of flatbuffer-encoded ${MessageHeader[type]} Message is null or length 0.`;
/** @ignore */ const invalidMessageMetadata = (expected, actual) => `Expected to read ${expected} metadata bytes, but only read ${actual}.`;
/** @ignore */ const invalidMessageBodyLength = (expected, actual) => `Expected to read ${expected} bytes for message body, but only read ${actual}.`;
/** @ignore */
export class MessageReader {
constructor(source) {
this.source = source instanceof ByteStream ? source : new ByteStream(source);
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this; }
next() {
let r;
if ((r = this.readMetadataLength()).done) {
// ARROW-6313: If the first 4 bytes are continuation indicator (-1), read
// the next 4 for the 32-bit metadata length. Otherwise, assume this is a
// pre-v0.15 message, where the first 4 bytes are the metadata length.
if ((r.value === -1) &&
(r = this.readMetadataLength()).done) {
if ((r = this.readMetadata(r.value)).done) {
return r;
throw(value) { return this.source.throw(value); }
return(value) { return this.source.return(value); }
readMessage(type) {
let r;
if ((r = this.next()).done) {
return null;
if ((type != null) && r.value.headerType !== type) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageType(type));
return r.value;
readMessageBody(bodyLength) {
if (bodyLength <= 0) {
return new Uint8Array(0);
const buf = toUint8Array(this.source.read(bodyLength));
if (buf.byteLength < bodyLength) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageBodyLength(bodyLength, buf.byteLength));
// 1. Work around bugs in fs.ReadStream's internal Buffer pooling, see: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/24817
// 2. Work around https://github.com/whatwg/streams/blob/0ebe4b042e467d9876d80ae045de3843092ad797/reference-implementation/lib/helpers.js#L126
return /* 1. */ (buf.byteOffset % 8 === 0) &&
/* 2. */ (buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength) <= buf.buffer.byteLength ? buf : buf.slice();
readSchema(throwIfNull = false) {
const type = MessageHeader.Schema;
const message = this.readMessage(type);
const schema = message && message.header();
if (throwIfNull && !schema) {
throw new Error(nullMessage(type));
return schema;
readMetadataLength() {
const buf = this.source.read(PADDING);
const bb = buf && new ByteBuffer(buf);
const len = bb && bb.readInt32(0) || 0;
return { done: len === 0, value: len };
readMetadata(metadataLength) {
const buf = this.source.read(metadataLength);
if (!buf) {
if (buf.byteLength < metadataLength) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageMetadata(metadataLength, buf.byteLength));
return { done: false, value: Message.decode(buf) };
/** @ignore */
export class AsyncMessageReader {
constructor(source, byteLength) {
this.source = source instanceof AsyncByteStream ? source
: isFileHandle(source)
? new AsyncRandomAccessFile(source, byteLength)
: new AsyncByteStream(source);
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }
async next() {
let r;
if ((r = await this.readMetadataLength()).done) {
// ARROW-6313: If the first 4 bytes are continuation indicator (-1), read
// the next 4 for the 32-bit metadata length. Otherwise, assume this is a
// pre-v0.15 message, where the first 4 bytes are the metadata length.
if ((r.value === -1) &&
(r = await this.readMetadataLength()).done) {
if ((r = await this.readMetadata(r.value)).done) {
return r;
async throw(value) { return await this.source.throw(value); }
async return(value) { return await this.source.return(value); }
async readMessage(type) {
let r;
if ((r = await this.next()).done) {
return null;
if ((type != null) && r.value.headerType !== type) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageType(type));
return r.value;
async readMessageBody(bodyLength) {
if (bodyLength <= 0) {
return new Uint8Array(0);
const buf = toUint8Array(await this.source.read(bodyLength));
if (buf.byteLength < bodyLength) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageBodyLength(bodyLength, buf.byteLength));
// 1. Work around bugs in fs.ReadStream's internal Buffer pooling, see: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/24817
// 2. Work around https://github.com/whatwg/streams/blob/0ebe4b042e467d9876d80ae045de3843092ad797/reference-implementation/lib/helpers.js#L126
return /* 1. */ (buf.byteOffset % 8 === 0) &&
/* 2. */ (buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength) <= buf.buffer.byteLength ? buf : buf.slice();
async readSchema(throwIfNull = false) {
const type = MessageHeader.Schema;
const message = await this.readMessage(type);
const schema = message && message.header();
if (throwIfNull && !schema) {
throw new Error(nullMessage(type));
return schema;
async readMetadataLength() {
const buf = await this.source.read(PADDING);
const bb = buf && new ByteBuffer(buf);
const len = bb && bb.readInt32(0) || 0;
return { done: len === 0, value: len };
async readMetadata(metadataLength) {
const buf = await this.source.read(metadataLength);
if (!buf) {
if (buf.byteLength < metadataLength) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageMetadata(metadataLength, buf.byteLength));
return { done: false, value: Message.decode(buf) };
/** @ignore */
export class JSONMessageReader extends MessageReader {
constructor(source) {
super(new Uint8Array(0));
this._schema = false;
this._body = [];
this._batchIndex = 0;
this._dictionaryIndex = 0;
this._json = source instanceof ArrowJSON ? source : new ArrowJSON(source);
next() {
const { _json } = this;
if (!this._schema) {
this._schema = true;
const message = Message.fromJSON(_json.schema, MessageHeader.Schema);
return { done: false, value: message };
if (this._dictionaryIndex < _json.dictionaries.length) {
const batch = _json.dictionaries[this._dictionaryIndex++];
this._body = batch['data']['columns'];
const message = Message.fromJSON(batch, MessageHeader.DictionaryBatch);
return { done: false, value: message };
if (this._batchIndex < _json.batches.length) {
const batch = _json.batches[this._batchIndex++];
this._body = batch['columns'];
const message = Message.fromJSON(batch, MessageHeader.RecordBatch);
return { done: false, value: message };
this._body = [];
readMessageBody(_bodyLength) {
return flattenDataSources(this._body);
function flattenDataSources(xs) {
return (xs || []).reduce((buffers, column) => [
...(column['VALIDITY'] && [column['VALIDITY']] || []),
...(column['TYPE'] && [column['TYPE']] || []),
...(column['OFFSET'] && [column['OFFSET']] || []),
...(column['DATA'] && [column['DATA']] || []),
], []);
readMessage(type) {
let r;
if ((r = this.next()).done) {
return null;
if ((type != null) && r.value.headerType !== type) {
throw new Error(invalidMessageType(type));
return r.value;
readSchema() {
const type = MessageHeader.Schema;
const message = this.readMessage(type);
const schema = message && message.header();
if (!message || !schema) {
throw new Error(nullMessage(type));
return schema;
/** @ignore */
export const PADDING = 4;
/** @ignore */
export const MAGIC_STR = 'ARROW1';
/** @ignore */
export const MAGIC = new Uint8Array(MAGIC_STR.length);
for (let i = 0; i < MAGIC_STR.length; i += 1 | 0) {
MAGIC[i] = MAGIC_STR.charCodeAt(i);
/** @ignore */
export function checkForMagicArrowString(buffer, index = 0) {
for (let i = -1, n = MAGIC.length; ++i < n;) {
if (MAGIC[i] !== buffer[index + i]) {
return false;
return true;
/** @ignore */
export const magicLength = MAGIC.length;
/** @ignore */
export const magicAndPadding = magicLength + PADDING;
/** @ignore */
export const magicX2AndPadding = magicLength * 2 + PADDING;
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