A-New-Day-001's picture
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"use strict";
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const buffer_1 = require("../util/buffer");
/** @ignore */
exports.default = {
fromIterable(source) {
return pump(fromIterable(source));
fromAsyncIterable(source) {
return pump(fromAsyncIterable(source));
fromDOMStream(source) {
return pump(fromDOMStream(source));
fromNodeStream(stream) {
return pump(fromNodeStream(stream));
// @ts-ignore
toDOMStream(source, options) {
throw new Error(`"toDOMStream" not available in this environment`);
// @ts-ignore
toNodeStream(source, options) {
throw new Error(`"toNodeStream" not available in this environment`);
/** @ignore */
const pump = (iterator) => { iterator.next(); return iterator; };
/** @ignore */
function* fromIterable(source) {
let done, threw = false;
let buffers = [], buffer;
let cmd, size, bufferLength = 0;
function byteRange() {
if (cmd === 'peek') {
return buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size)[0];
[buffer, buffers, bufferLength] = buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size);
return buffer;
// Yield so the caller can inject the read command before creating the source Iterator
({ cmd, size } = yield null);
// initialize the iterator
let it = buffer_1.toUint8ArrayIterator(source)[Symbol.iterator]();
try {
do {
// read the next value
({ done, value: buffer } = isNaN(size - bufferLength) ?
it.next(undefined) : it.next(size - bufferLength));
// if chunk is not null or empty, push it onto the queue
if (!done && buffer.byteLength > 0) {
bufferLength += buffer.byteLength;
// If we have enough bytes in our buffer, yield chunks until we don't
if (done || size <= bufferLength) {
do {
({ cmd, size } = yield byteRange());
} while (size < bufferLength);
} while (!done);
catch (e) {
(threw = true) && (typeof it.throw === 'function') && (it.throw(e));
finally {
(threw === false) && (typeof it.return === 'function') && (it.return());
/** @ignore */
async function* fromAsyncIterable(source) {
let done, threw = false;
let buffers = [], buffer;
let cmd, size, bufferLength = 0;
function byteRange() {
if (cmd === 'peek') {
return buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size)[0];
[buffer, buffers, bufferLength] = buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size);
return buffer;
// Yield so the caller can inject the read command before creating the source AsyncIterator
({ cmd, size } = yield null);
// initialize the iterator
let it = buffer_1.toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator(source)[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
try {
do {
// read the next value
({ done, value: buffer } = isNaN(size - bufferLength)
? await it.next(undefined)
: await it.next(size - bufferLength));
// if chunk is not null or empty, push it onto the queue
if (!done && buffer.byteLength > 0) {
bufferLength += buffer.byteLength;
// If we have enough bytes in our buffer, yield chunks until we don't
if (done || size <= bufferLength) {
do {
({ cmd, size } = yield byteRange());
} while (size < bufferLength);
} while (!done);
catch (e) {
(threw = true) && (typeof it.throw === 'function') && (await it.throw(e));
finally {
(threw === false) && (typeof it.return === 'function') && (await it.return());
// All this manual Uint8Array chunk management can be avoided if/when engines
// add support for ArrayBuffer.transfer() or ArrayBuffer.prototype.realloc():
// https://github.com/domenic/proposal-arraybuffer-transfer
/** @ignore */
async function* fromDOMStream(source) {
let done = false, threw = false;
let buffers = [], buffer;
let cmd, size, bufferLength = 0;
function byteRange() {
if (cmd === 'peek') {
return buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size)[0];
[buffer, buffers, bufferLength] = buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size);
return buffer;
// Yield so the caller can inject the read command before we establish the ReadableStream lock
({ cmd, size } = yield null);
// initialize the reader and lock the stream
let it = new AdaptiveByteReader(source);
try {
do {
// read the next value
({ done, value: buffer } = isNaN(size - bufferLength)
? await it['read'](undefined)
: await it['read'](size - bufferLength));
// if chunk is not null or empty, push it onto the queue
if (!done && buffer.byteLength > 0) {
bufferLength += buffer.byteLength;
// If we have enough bytes in our buffer, yield chunks until we don't
if (done || size <= bufferLength) {
do {
({ cmd, size } = yield byteRange());
} while (size < bufferLength);
} while (!done);
catch (e) {
(threw = true) && (await it['cancel'](e));
finally {
(threw === false) ? (await it['cancel']())
: source['locked'] && it.releaseLock();
/** @ignore */
class AdaptiveByteReader {
constructor(source) {
this.source = source;
this.byobReader = null;
this.defaultReader = null;
try {
this.supportsBYOB = !!(this.reader = this.getBYOBReader());
catch (e) {
this.supportsBYOB = !!!(this.reader = this.getDefaultReader());
get closed() {
return this.reader ? this.reader['closed'].catch(() => { }) : Promise.resolve();
releaseLock() {
if (this.reader) {
this.reader = this.byobReader = this.defaultReader = null;
async cancel(reason) {
const { reader, source } = this;
reader && (await reader['cancel'](reason).catch(() => { }));
source && (source['locked'] && this.releaseLock());
async read(size) {
if (size === 0) {
return { done: this.reader == null, value: new Uint8Array(0) };
const result = !this.supportsBYOB || typeof size !== 'number'
? await this.getDefaultReader().read()
: await this.readFromBYOBReader(size);
!result.done && (result.value = buffer_1.toUint8Array(result));
return result;
getDefaultReader() {
if (this.byobReader) {
if (!this.defaultReader) {
this.defaultReader = this.source['getReader']();
// We have to catch and swallow errors here to avoid uncaught promise rejection exceptions
// that seem to be raised when we call `releaseLock()` on this reader. I'm still mystified
// about why these errors are raised, but I'm sure there's some important spec reason that
// I haven't considered. I hate to employ such an anti-pattern here, but it seems like the
// only solution in this case :/
this.defaultReader['closed'].catch(() => { });
return (this.reader = this.defaultReader);
getBYOBReader() {
if (this.defaultReader) {
if (!this.byobReader) {
this.byobReader = this.source['getReader']({ mode: 'byob' });
// We have to catch and swallow errors here to avoid uncaught promise rejection exceptions
// that seem to be raised when we call `releaseLock()` on this reader. I'm still mystified
// about why these errors are raised, but I'm sure there's some important spec reason that
// I haven't considered. I hate to employ such an anti-pattern here, but it seems like the
// only solution in this case :/
this.byobReader['closed'].catch(() => { });
return (this.reader = this.byobReader);
// This strategy plucked from the example in the streams spec:
// https://streams.spec.whatwg.org/#example-manual-read-bytes
async readFromBYOBReader(size) {
return await readInto(this.getBYOBReader(), new ArrayBuffer(size), 0, size);
/** @ignore */
async function readInto(reader, buffer, offset, size) {
if (offset >= size) {
return { done: false, value: new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, size) };
const { done, value } = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, size - offset));
if (((offset += value.byteLength) < size) && !done) {
return await readInto(reader, value.buffer, offset, size);
return { done, value: new Uint8Array(value.buffer, 0, offset) };
/** @ignore */
const onEvent = (stream, event) => {
let handler = (_) => resolve([event, _]);
let resolve;
return [event, handler, new Promise((r) => (resolve = r) && stream['once'](event, handler))];
/** @ignore */
async function* fromNodeStream(stream) {
let events = [];
let event = 'error';
let done = false, err = null;
let cmd, size, bufferLength = 0;
let buffers = [], buffer;
function byteRange() {
if (cmd === 'peek') {
return buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size)[0];
[buffer, buffers, bufferLength] = buffer_1.joinUint8Arrays(buffers, size);
return buffer;
// Yield so the caller can inject the read command before we
// add the listener for the source stream's 'readable' event.
({ cmd, size } = yield null);
// ignore stdin if it's a TTY
if (stream['isTTY']) {
return yield new Uint8Array(0);
try {
// initialize the stream event handlers
events[0] = onEvent(stream, 'end');
events[1] = onEvent(stream, 'error');
do {
events[2] = onEvent(stream, 'readable');
// wait on the first message event from the stream
[event, err] = await Promise.race(events.map((x) => x[2]));
// if the stream emitted an Error, rethrow it
if (event === 'error') {
if (!(done = event === 'end')) {
// If the size is NaN, request to read everything in the stream's internal buffer
if (!isFinite(size - bufferLength)) {
buffer = buffer_1.toUint8Array(stream['read'](undefined));
else {
buffer = buffer_1.toUint8Array(stream['read'](size - bufferLength));
// If the byteLength is 0, then the requested amount is more than the stream has
// in its internal buffer. In this case the stream needs a "kick" to tell it to
// continue emitting readable events, so request to read everything the stream
// has in its internal buffer right now.
if (buffer.byteLength < (size - bufferLength)) {
buffer = buffer_1.toUint8Array(stream['read'](undefined));
// if chunk is not null or empty, push it onto the queue
if (buffer.byteLength > 0) {
bufferLength += buffer.byteLength;
// If we have enough bytes in our buffer, yield chunks until we don't
if (done || size <= bufferLength) {
do {
({ cmd, size } = yield byteRange());
} while (size < bufferLength);
} while (!done);
finally {
await cleanup(events, event === 'error' ? err : null);
function cleanup(events, err) {
buffer = buffers = null;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
for (const [evt, fn] of events) {
stream['off'](evt, fn);
try {
// Some stream implementations don't call the destroy callback,
// because it's really a node-internal API. Just calling `destroy`
// here should be enough to conform to the ReadableStream contract
const destroy = stream['destroy'];
destroy && destroy.call(stream, err);
err = undefined;
catch (e) {
err = e || err;
finally {
err != null ? reject(err) : resolve();
//# sourceMappingURL=adapters.js.map