A-New-Day-001's picture
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/* tslint:disable:class-name */
* @enum {number}
export var org;
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let MetadataVersion;
(function (MetadataVersion) {
* 0.1.0
MetadataVersion[MetadataVersion["V1"] = 0] = "V1";
* 0.2.0
MetadataVersion[MetadataVersion["V2"] = 1] = "V2";
* 0.3.0 -> 0.7.1
MetadataVersion[MetadataVersion["V3"] = 2] = "V3";
* >= 0.8.0
MetadataVersion[MetadataVersion["V4"] = 3] = "V4";
})(MetadataVersion = flatbuf.MetadataVersion || (flatbuf.MetadataVersion = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let UnionMode;
(function (UnionMode) {
UnionMode[UnionMode["Sparse"] = 0] = "Sparse";
UnionMode[UnionMode["Dense"] = 1] = "Dense";
})(UnionMode = flatbuf.UnionMode || (flatbuf.UnionMode = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let Precision;
(function (Precision) {
Precision[Precision["HALF"] = 0] = "HALF";
Precision[Precision["SINGLE"] = 1] = "SINGLE";
Precision[Precision["DOUBLE"] = 2] = "DOUBLE";
})(Precision = flatbuf.Precision || (flatbuf.Precision = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let DateUnit;
(function (DateUnit) {
DateUnit[DateUnit["DAY"] = 0] = "DAY";
DateUnit[DateUnit["MILLISECOND"] = 1] = "MILLISECOND";
})(DateUnit = flatbuf.DateUnit || (flatbuf.DateUnit = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let TimeUnit;
(function (TimeUnit) {
TimeUnit[TimeUnit["SECOND"] = 0] = "SECOND";
TimeUnit[TimeUnit["MILLISECOND"] = 1] = "MILLISECOND";
TimeUnit[TimeUnit["MICROSECOND"] = 2] = "MICROSECOND";
TimeUnit[TimeUnit["NANOSECOND"] = 3] = "NANOSECOND";
})(TimeUnit = flatbuf.TimeUnit || (flatbuf.TimeUnit = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let IntervalUnit;
(function (IntervalUnit) {
IntervalUnit[IntervalUnit["YEAR_MONTH"] = 0] = "YEAR_MONTH";
IntervalUnit[IntervalUnit["DAY_TIME"] = 1] = "DAY_TIME";
})(IntervalUnit = flatbuf.IntervalUnit || (flatbuf.IntervalUnit = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Top-level Type value, enabling extensible type-specific metadata. We can
* add new logical types to Type without breaking backwards compatibility
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let Type;
(function (Type) {
Type[Type["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
Type[Type["Null"] = 1] = "Null";
Type[Type["Int"] = 2] = "Int";
Type[Type["FloatingPoint"] = 3] = "FloatingPoint";
Type[Type["Binary"] = 4] = "Binary";
Type[Type["Utf8"] = 5] = "Utf8";
Type[Type["Bool"] = 6] = "Bool";
Type[Type["Decimal"] = 7] = "Decimal";
Type[Type["Date"] = 8] = "Date";
Type[Type["Time"] = 9] = "Time";
Type[Type["Timestamp"] = 10] = "Timestamp";
Type[Type["Interval"] = 11] = "Interval";
Type[Type["List"] = 12] = "List";
Type[Type["Struct_"] = 13] = "Struct_";
Type[Type["Union"] = 14] = "Union";
Type[Type["FixedSizeBinary"] = 15] = "FixedSizeBinary";
Type[Type["FixedSizeList"] = 16] = "FixedSizeList";
Type[Type["Map"] = 17] = "Map";
Type[Type["Duration"] = 18] = "Duration";
Type[Type["LargeBinary"] = 19] = "LargeBinary";
Type[Type["LargeUtf8"] = 20] = "LargeUtf8";
Type[Type["LargeList"] = 21] = "LargeList";
})(Type = flatbuf.Type || (flatbuf.Type = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Endianness of the platform producing the data
* @enum {number}
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
let Endianness;
(function (Endianness) {
Endianness[Endianness["Little"] = 0] = "Little";
Endianness[Endianness["Big"] = 1] = "Big";
})(Endianness = flatbuf.Endianness || (flatbuf.Endianness = {}));
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* These are stored in the flatbuffer in the Type union below
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Null {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Null
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Null= obj
* @returns Null
static getRootAsNull(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Null).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startNull(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endNull(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createNull(builder) {
return Null.endNull(builder);
flatbuf.Null = Null;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* A Struct_ in the flatbuffer metadata is the same as an Arrow Struct
* (according to the physical memory layout). We used Struct_ here as
* Struct is a reserved word in Flatbuffers
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Struct_ {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Struct_
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Struct_= obj
* @returns Struct_
static getRootAsStruct_(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Struct_).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startStruct_(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endStruct_(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createStruct_(builder) {
return Struct_.endStruct_(builder);
flatbuf.Struct_ = Struct_;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class List {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns List
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param List= obj
* @returns List
static getRootAsList(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new List).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startList(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endList(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createList(builder) {
return List.endList(builder);
flatbuf.List = List;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Same as List, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent
* extremely large data values.
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class LargeList {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns LargeList
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param LargeList= obj
* @returns LargeList
static getRootAsLargeList(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new LargeList).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startLargeList(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endLargeList(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createLargeList(builder) {
return LargeList.endLargeList(builder);
flatbuf.LargeList = LargeList;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class FixedSizeList {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns FixedSizeList
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param FixedSizeList= obj
* @returns FixedSizeList
static getRootAsFixedSizeList(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new FixedSizeList).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* Number of list items per value
* @returns number
listSize() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startFixedSizeList(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number listSize
static addListSize(builder, listSize) {
builder.addFieldInt32(0, listSize, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endFixedSizeList(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createFixedSizeList(builder, listSize) {
FixedSizeList.addListSize(builder, listSize);
return FixedSizeList.endFixedSizeList(builder);
flatbuf.FixedSizeList = FixedSizeList;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* A Map is a logical nested type that is represented as
* List<entry: Struct<key: K, value: V>>
* In this layout, the keys and values are each respectively contiguous. We do
* not constrain the key and value types, so the application is responsible
* for ensuring that the keys are hashable and unique. Whether the keys are sorted
* may be set in the metadata for this field
* In a Field with Map type, the Field has a child Struct field, which then
* has two children: key type and the second the value type. The names of the
* child fields may be respectively "entry", "key", and "value", but this is
* not enforced
* Map
* - child[0] entry: Struct
* - child[0] key: K
* - child[1] value: V
* Neither the "entry" field nor the "key" field may be nullable.
* The metadata is structured so that Arrow systems without special handling
* for Map can make Map an alias for List. The "layout" attribute for the Map
* field must have the same contents as a List.
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Map {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Map
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Map= obj
* @returns Map
static getRootAsMap(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Map).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* Set to true if the keys within each value are sorted
* @returns boolean
keysSorted() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startMap(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param boolean keysSorted
static addKeysSorted(builder, keysSorted) {
builder.addFieldInt8(0, +keysSorted, +false);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endMap(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createMap(builder, keysSorted) {
Map.addKeysSorted(builder, keysSorted);
return Map.endMap(builder);
flatbuf.Map = Map;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* A union is a complex type with children in Field
* By default ids in the type vector refer to the offsets in the children
* optionally typeIds provides an indirection between the child offset and the type id
* for each child typeIds[offset] is the id used in the type vector
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Union {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Union
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Union= obj
* @returns Union
static getRootAsUnion(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Union).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode
mode() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode.Sparse;
* @param number index
* @returns number
typeIds(index) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4) : 0;
* @returns number
typeIdsLength() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @returns Int32Array
typeIdsArray() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? new Int32Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startUnion(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode mode
static addMode(builder, mode) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, mode, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode.Sparse);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset typeIdsOffset
static addTypeIds(builder, typeIdsOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, typeIdsOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param Array.<number> data
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createTypeIdsVector(builder, data) {
builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4);
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return builder.endVector();
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number numElems
static startTypeIdsVector(builder, numElems) {
builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endUnion(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createUnion(builder, mode, typeIdsOffset) {
Union.addMode(builder, mode);
Union.addTypeIds(builder, typeIdsOffset);
return Union.endUnion(builder);
flatbuf.Union = Union;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Int {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Int
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Int= obj
* @returns Int
static getRootAsInt(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Int).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns number
bitWidth() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @returns boolean
isSigned() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startInt(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number bitWidth
static addBitWidth(builder, bitWidth) {
builder.addFieldInt32(0, bitWidth, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param boolean isSigned
static addIsSigned(builder, isSigned) {
builder.addFieldInt8(1, +isSigned, +false);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endInt(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createInt(builder, bitWidth, isSigned) {
Int.addBitWidth(builder, bitWidth);
Int.addIsSigned(builder, isSigned);
return Int.endInt(builder);
flatbuf.Int = Int;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class FloatingPoint {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns FloatingPoint
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param FloatingPoint= obj
* @returns FloatingPoint
static getRootAsFloatingPoint(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new FloatingPoint).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision
precision() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision.HALF;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startFloatingPoint(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision precision
static addPrecision(builder, precision) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, precision, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision.HALF);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endFloatingPoint(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createFloatingPoint(builder, precision) {
FloatingPoint.addPrecision(builder, precision);
return FloatingPoint.endFloatingPoint(builder);
flatbuf.FloatingPoint = FloatingPoint;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Unicode with UTF-8 encoding
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Utf8 {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Utf8
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Utf8= obj
* @returns Utf8
static getRootAsUtf8(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Utf8).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startUtf8(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endUtf8(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createUtf8(builder) {
return Utf8.endUtf8(builder);
flatbuf.Utf8 = Utf8;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Opaque binary data
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Binary {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Binary
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Binary= obj
* @returns Binary
static getRootAsBinary(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Binary).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startBinary(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endBinary(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createBinary(builder) {
return Binary.endBinary(builder);
flatbuf.Binary = Binary;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Same as Utf8, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent
* extremely large data values.
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class LargeUtf8 {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns LargeUtf8
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param LargeUtf8= obj
* @returns LargeUtf8
static getRootAsLargeUtf8(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new LargeUtf8).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startLargeUtf8(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endLargeUtf8(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createLargeUtf8(builder) {
return LargeUtf8.endLargeUtf8(builder);
flatbuf.LargeUtf8 = LargeUtf8;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Same as Binary, but with 64-bit offsets, allowing to represent
* extremely large data values.
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class LargeBinary {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns LargeBinary
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param LargeBinary= obj
* @returns LargeBinary
static getRootAsLargeBinary(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new LargeBinary).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startLargeBinary(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endLargeBinary(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createLargeBinary(builder) {
return LargeBinary.endLargeBinary(builder);
flatbuf.LargeBinary = LargeBinary;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class FixedSizeBinary {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns FixedSizeBinary
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param FixedSizeBinary= obj
* @returns FixedSizeBinary
static getRootAsFixedSizeBinary(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new FixedSizeBinary).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* Number of bytes per value
* @returns number
byteWidth() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startFixedSizeBinary(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number byteWidth
static addByteWidth(builder, byteWidth) {
builder.addFieldInt32(0, byteWidth, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endFixedSizeBinary(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createFixedSizeBinary(builder, byteWidth) {
FixedSizeBinary.addByteWidth(builder, byteWidth);
return FixedSizeBinary.endFixedSizeBinary(builder);
flatbuf.FixedSizeBinary = FixedSizeBinary;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Bool {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Bool
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Bool= obj
* @returns Bool
static getRootAsBool(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Bool).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startBool(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endBool(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createBool(builder) {
return Bool.endBool(builder);
flatbuf.Bool = Bool;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Decimal {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Decimal
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Decimal= obj
* @returns Decimal
static getRootAsDecimal(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Decimal).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* Total number of decimal digits
* @returns number
precision() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* Number of digits after the decimal point "."
* @returns number
scale() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startDecimal(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number precision
static addPrecision(builder, precision) {
builder.addFieldInt32(0, precision, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number scale
static addScale(builder, scale) {
builder.addFieldInt32(1, scale, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endDecimal(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createDecimal(builder, precision, scale) {
Decimal.addPrecision(builder, precision);
Decimal.addScale(builder, scale);
return Decimal.endDecimal(builder);
flatbuf.Decimal = Decimal;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Date is either a 32-bit or 64-bit type representing elapsed time since UNIX
* epoch (1970-01-01), stored in either of two units:
* * Milliseconds (64 bits) indicating UNIX time elapsed since the epoch (no
* leap seconds), where the values are evenly divisible by 86400000
* * Days (32 bits) since the UNIX epoch
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Date {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Date
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Date= obj
* @returns Date
static getRootAsDate(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Date).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit
unit() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit.MILLISECOND;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startDate(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit unit
static addUnit(builder, unit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit.MILLISECOND);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endDate(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createDate(builder, unit) {
Date.addUnit(builder, unit);
return Date.endDate(builder);
flatbuf.Date = Date;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Time type. The physical storage type depends on the unit
* - SECOND and MILLISECOND: 32 bits
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Time {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Time
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Time= obj
* @returns Time
static getRootAsTime(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Time).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit
unit() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND;
* @returns number
bitWidth() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 32;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startTime(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit unit
static addUnit(builder, unit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number bitWidth
static addBitWidth(builder, bitWidth) {
builder.addFieldInt32(1, bitWidth, 32);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endTime(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createTime(builder, unit, bitWidth) {
Time.addUnit(builder, unit);
Time.addBitWidth(builder, bitWidth);
return Time.endTime(builder);
flatbuf.Time = Time;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* Time elapsed from the Unix epoch, 00:00:00.000 on 1 January 1970, excluding
* leap seconds, as a 64-bit integer. Note that UNIX time does not include
* leap seconds.
* The Timestamp metadata supports both "time zone naive" and "time zone
* aware" timestamps. Read about the timezone attribute for more detail
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Timestamp {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Timestamp
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Timestamp= obj
* @returns Timestamp
static getRootAsTimestamp(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Timestamp).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit
unit() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.SECOND;
timezone(optionalEncoding) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startTimestamp(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit unit
static addUnit(builder, unit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.SECOND);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset timezoneOffset
static addTimezone(builder, timezoneOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, timezoneOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endTimestamp(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createTimestamp(builder, unit, timezoneOffset) {
Timestamp.addUnit(builder, unit);
Timestamp.addTimezone(builder, timezoneOffset);
return Timestamp.endTimestamp(builder);
flatbuf.Timestamp = Timestamp;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Interval {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Interval
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Interval= obj
* @returns Interval
static getRootAsInterval(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Interval).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit
unit() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startInterval(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit unit
static addUnit(builder, unit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit.YEAR_MONTH);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endInterval(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createInterval(builder, unit) {
Interval.addUnit(builder, unit);
return Interval.endInterval(builder);
flatbuf.Interval = Interval;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Duration {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Duration
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Duration= obj
* @returns Duration
static getRootAsDuration(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Duration).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit
unit() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startDuration(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit unit
static addUnit(builder, unit) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, unit, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endDuration(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createDuration(builder, unit) {
Duration.addUnit(builder, unit);
return Duration.endDuration(builder);
flatbuf.Duration = Duration;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* user defined key value pairs to add custom metadata to arrow
* key namespacing is the responsibility of the user
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class KeyValue {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns KeyValue
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param KeyValue= obj
* @returns KeyValue
static getRootAsKeyValue(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new KeyValue).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
key(optionalEncoding) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null;
value(optionalEncoding) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startKeyValue(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset keyOffset
static addKey(builder, keyOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(0, keyOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset valueOffset
static addValue(builder, valueOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, valueOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endKeyValue(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createKeyValue(builder, keyOffset, valueOffset) {
KeyValue.addKey(builder, keyOffset);
KeyValue.addValue(builder, valueOffset);
return KeyValue.endKeyValue(builder);
flatbuf.KeyValue = KeyValue;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dictionary encoding metadata
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class DictionaryEncoding {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns DictionaryEncoding
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param DictionaryEncoding= obj
* @returns DictionaryEncoding
static getRootAsDictionaryEncoding(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new DictionaryEncoding).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* The known dictionary id in the application where this data is used. In
* the file or streaming formats, the dictionary ids are found in the
* DictionaryBatch messages
* @returns flatbuffers.Long
id() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0);
* The dictionary indices are constrained to be positive integers. If this
* field is null, the indices must be signed int32
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Int= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Int|null
indexType(obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Int).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null;
* By default, dictionaries are not ordered, or the order does not have
* semantic meaning. In some statistical, applications, dictionary-encoding
* is used to represent ordered categorical data, and we provide a way to
* preserve that metadata here
* @returns boolean
isOrdered() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8);
return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startDictionaryEncoding(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Long id
static addId(builder, id) {
builder.addFieldInt64(0, id, builder.createLong(0, 0));
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset indexTypeOffset
static addIndexType(builder, indexTypeOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, indexTypeOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param boolean isOrdered
static addIsOrdered(builder, isOrdered) {
builder.addFieldInt8(2, +isOrdered, +false);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endDictionaryEncoding(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createDictionaryEncoding(builder, id, indexTypeOffset, isOrdered) {
DictionaryEncoding.addId(builder, id);
DictionaryEncoding.addIndexType(builder, indexTypeOffset);
DictionaryEncoding.addIsOrdered(builder, isOrdered);
return DictionaryEncoding.endDictionaryEncoding(builder);
flatbuf.DictionaryEncoding = DictionaryEncoding;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* A field represents a named column in a record / row batch or child of a
* nested type.
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Field {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Field
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Field= obj
* @returns Field
static getRootAsField(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Field).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
name(optionalEncoding) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null;
* Whether or not this field can contain nulls. Should be true in general.
* @returns boolean
nullable() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false;
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type
typeType() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type.NONE;
* This is the type of the decoded value if the field is dictionary encoded.
* @param flatbuffers.Table obj
* @returns ?flatbuffers.Table
type(obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10);
return offset ? this.bb.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null;
* Present only if the field is dictionary encoded.
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DictionaryEncoding= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DictionaryEncoding|null
dictionary(obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DictionaryEncoding).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null;
* children apply only to nested data types like Struct, List and Union. For
* primitive types children will have length 0.
* @param number index
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field
children(index, obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null;
* @returns number
childrenLength() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14);
return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* User-defined metadata
* @param number index
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue
customMetadata(index, obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null;
* @returns number
customMetadataLength() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16);
return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startField(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset nameOffset
static addName(builder, nameOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(0, nameOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param boolean nullable
static addNullable(builder, nullable) {
builder.addFieldInt8(1, +nullable, +false);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type typeType
static addTypeType(builder, typeType) {
builder.addFieldInt8(2, typeType, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type.NONE);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset typeOffset
static addType(builder, typeOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(3, typeOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset dictionaryOffset
static addDictionary(builder, dictionaryOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(4, dictionaryOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset childrenOffset
static addChildren(builder, childrenOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(5, childrenOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param Array.<flatbuffers.Offset> data
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createChildrenVector(builder, data) {
builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4);
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return builder.endVector();
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number numElems
static startChildrenVector(builder, numElems) {
builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset customMetadataOffset
static addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(6, customMetadataOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param Array.<flatbuffers.Offset> data
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createCustomMetadataVector(builder, data) {
builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4);
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return builder.endVector();
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number numElems
static startCustomMetadataVector(builder, numElems) {
builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endField(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
static createField(builder, nameOffset, nullable, typeType, typeOffset, dictionaryOffset, childrenOffset, customMetadataOffset) {
Field.addName(builder, nameOffset);
Field.addNullable(builder, nullable);
Field.addTypeType(builder, typeType);
Field.addType(builder, typeOffset);
Field.addDictionary(builder, dictionaryOffset);
Field.addChildren(builder, childrenOffset);
Field.addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset);
return Field.endField(builder);
flatbuf.Field = Field;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* A Buffer represents a single contiguous memory segment
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Buffer {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Buffer
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* The relative offset into the shared memory page where the bytes for this
* buffer starts
* @returns flatbuffers.Long
offset() {
return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos);
* The absolute length (in bytes) of the memory buffer. The memory is found
* from offset (inclusive) to offset + length (non-inclusive).
* @returns flatbuffers.Long
length() {
return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + 8);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Long offset
* @param flatbuffers.Long length
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createBuffer(builder, offset, length) {
builder.prep(8, 16);
return builder.offset();
flatbuf.Buffer = Buffer;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* A Schema describes the columns in a row batch
* @constructor
(function (org) {
var apache;
(function (apache) {
var arrow;
(function (arrow) {
var flatbuf;
(function (flatbuf) {
class Schema {
constructor() {
this.bb = null;
this.bb_pos = 0;
* @param number i
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @returns Schema
__init(i, bb) {
this.bb_pos = i;
this.bb = bb;
return this;
* @param flatbuffers.ByteBuffer bb
* @param Schema= obj
* @returns Schema
static getRootAsSchema(bb, obj) {
return (obj || new Schema).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);
* endianness of the buffer
* it is Little Endian by default
* if endianness doesn't match the underlying system then the vectors need to be converted
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Endianness
endianness() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4);
return offset ? /** */ (this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset)) : org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Endianness.Little;
* @param number index
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field
fields(index, obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Field).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null;
* @returns number
fieldsLength() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6);
return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param number index
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue= obj
* @returns org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue
customMetadata(index, obj) {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8);
return offset ? (obj || new org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.KeyValue).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null;
* @returns number
customMetadataLength() {
let offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8);
return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
static startSchema(builder) {
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Endianness endianness
static addEndianness(builder, endianness) {
builder.addFieldInt16(0, endianness, org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Endianness.Little);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset fieldsOffset
static addFields(builder, fieldsOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(1, fieldsOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param Array.<flatbuffers.Offset> data
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createFieldsVector(builder, data) {
builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4);
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return builder.endVector();
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number numElems
static startFieldsVector(builder, numElems) {
builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset customMetadataOffset
static addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset) {
builder.addFieldOffset(2, customMetadataOffset, 0);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param Array.<flatbuffers.Offset> data
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static createCustomMetadataVector(builder, data) {
builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4);
for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return builder.endVector();
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param number numElems
static startCustomMetadataVector(builder, numElems) {
builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4);
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @returns flatbuffers.Offset
static endSchema(builder) {
let offset = builder.endObject();
return offset;
* @param flatbuffers.Builder builder
* @param flatbuffers.Offset offset
static finishSchemaBuffer(builder, offset) {
static createSchema(builder, endianness, fieldsOffset, customMetadataOffset) {
Schema.addEndianness(builder, endianness);
Schema.addFields(builder, fieldsOffset);
Schema.addCustomMetadata(builder, customMetadataOffset);
return Schema.endSchema(builder);
flatbuf.Schema = Schema;
})(flatbuf = arrow.flatbuf || (arrow.flatbuf = {}));
})(arrow = apache.arrow || (apache.arrow = {}));
})(apache = org.apache || (org.apache = {}));
})(org || (org = {}));
//# sourceMappingURL=Schema.mjs.map