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import * as Schema_ from './fb/Schema';
import * as Message_ from './fb/Message';
export import ArrowType = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Type;
export import DateUnit = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.DateUnit;
export import TimeUnit = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.TimeUnit;
export import Precision = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.Precision;
export import UnionMode = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.UnionMode;
export import IntervalUnit = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.IntervalUnit;
export import MessageHeader = Message_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MessageHeader;
export import MetadataVersion = Schema_.org.apache.arrow.flatbuf.MetadataVersion;
* Main data type enumeration.
* Data types in this library are all *logical*. They can be expressed as
* either a primitive physical type (bytes or bits of some fixed size), a
* nested type consisting of other data types, or another data type (e.g. a
* timestamp encoded as an int64).
* **Note**: Only enum values 0-17 (NONE through Map) are written to an Arrow
* IPC payload.
* The rest of the values are specified here so TypeScript can narrow the type
* signatures further beyond the base Arrow Types. The Arrow DataTypes include
* metadata like `bitWidth` that impact the type signatures of the values we
* accept and return.
* For example, the `Int8Vector` reads 1-byte numbers from an `Int8Array`, an
* `Int32Vector` reads a 4-byte number from an `Int32Array`, and an `Int64Vector`
* reads a pair of 4-byte lo, hi 32-bit integers as a zero-copy slice from the
* underlying `Int32Array`.
* Library consumers benefit by knowing the narrowest type, since we can ensure
* the types across all public methods are propagated, and never bail to `any`.
* These values are _never_ used at runtime, and they will _never_ be written
* to the flatbuffers metadata of serialized Arrow IPC payloads.
export declare enum Type {
/** The default placeholder type */
NONE = 0,
/** A NULL type having no physical storage */
Null = 1,
/** Signed or unsigned 8, 16, 32, or 64-bit little-endian integer */
Int = 2,
/** 2, 4, or 8-byte floating point value */
Float = 3,
/** Variable-length bytes (no guarantee of UTF8-ness) */
Binary = 4,
/** UTF8 variable-length string as List<Char> */
Utf8 = 5,
/** Boolean as 1 bit, LSB bit-packed ordering */
Bool = 6,
/** Precision-and-scale-based decimal type. Storage type depends on the parameters. */
Decimal = 7,
/** int32_t days or int64_t milliseconds since the UNIX epoch */
Date = 8,
/** Time as signed 32 or 64-bit integer, representing either seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, or nanoseconds since midnight since midnight */
Time = 9,
/** Exact timestamp encoded with int64 since UNIX epoch (Default unit millisecond) */
Timestamp = 10,
/** YEAR_MONTH or DAY_TIME interval in SQL style */
Interval = 11,
/** A list of some logical data type */
List = 12,
/** Struct of logical types */
Struct = 13,
/** Union of logical types */
Union = 14,
/** Fixed-size binary. Each value occupies the same number of bytes */
FixedSizeBinary = 15,
/** Fixed-size list. Each value occupies the same number of bytes */
FixedSizeList = 16,
/** Map of named logical types */
Map = 17,
/** Dictionary aka Category type */
Dictionary = -1,
Int8 = -2,
Int16 = -3,
Int32 = -4,
Int64 = -5,
Uint8 = -6,
Uint16 = -7,
Uint32 = -8,
Uint64 = -9,
Float16 = -10,
Float32 = -11,
Float64 = -12,
DateDay = -13,
DateMillisecond = -14,
TimestampSecond = -15,
TimestampMillisecond = -16,
TimestampMicrosecond = -17,
TimestampNanosecond = -18,
TimeSecond = -19,
TimeMillisecond = -20,
TimeMicrosecond = -21,
TimeNanosecond = -22,
DenseUnion = -23,
SparseUnion = -24,
IntervalDayTime = -25,
IntervalYearMonth = -26
export declare enum BufferType {
* used in List type, Dense Union and variable length primitive types (String, Binary)
* actual data, either wixed width primitive types in slots or variable width delimited by an OFFSET vector
DATA = 1,
* Bit vector indicating if each value is null
* Type vector used in Union type
TYPE = 3