A-New-Day-001's picture
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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
import { truncateBitmap } from './util/bit';
import { popcnt_bit_range } from './util/bit';
import { BufferType, UnionMode, Type } from './enum';
import { strideForType } from './type';
import { toArrayBufferView, toUint8Array, toInt32Array } from './util/buffer';
/** @ignore */ export const kUnknownNullCount = -1;
/** @ignore */
export class Data {
constructor(type, offset, length, nullCount, buffers, childData, dictionary) {
this.type = type;
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.offset = Math.floor(Math.max(offset || 0, 0));
this.length = Math.floor(Math.max(length || 0, 0));
this._nullCount = Math.floor(Math.max(nullCount || 0, -1));
this.childData = (childData || []).map((x) => x instanceof Data ? x : x.data);
let buffer;
if (buffers instanceof Data) {
this.stride = buffers.stride;
this.values = buffers.values;
this.typeIds = buffers.typeIds;
this.nullBitmap = buffers.nullBitmap;
this.valueOffsets = buffers.valueOffsets;
else {
this.stride = strideForType(type);
if (buffers) {
(buffer = buffers[0]) && (this.valueOffsets = buffer);
(buffer = buffers[1]) && (this.values = buffer);
(buffer = buffers[2]) && (this.nullBitmap = buffer);
(buffer = buffers[3]) && (this.typeIds = buffer);
get typeId() { return this.type.typeId; }
get ArrayType() { return this.type.ArrayType; }
get buffers() {
return [this.valueOffsets, this.values, this.nullBitmap, this.typeIds];
get byteLength() {
let byteLength = 0;
let { valueOffsets, values, nullBitmap, typeIds } = this;
valueOffsets && (byteLength += valueOffsets.byteLength);
values && (byteLength += values.byteLength);
nullBitmap && (byteLength += nullBitmap.byteLength);
typeIds && (byteLength += typeIds.byteLength);
return this.childData.reduce((byteLength, child) => byteLength + child.byteLength, byteLength);
get nullCount() {
let nullCount = this._nullCount;
let nullBitmap;
if (nullCount <= kUnknownNullCount && (nullBitmap = this.nullBitmap)) {
this._nullCount = nullCount = this.length - popcnt_bit_range(nullBitmap, this.offset, this.offset + this.length);
return nullCount;
clone(type, offset = this.offset, length = this.length, nullCount = this._nullCount, buffers = this, childData = this.childData) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, buffers, childData, this.dictionary);
slice(offset, length) {
const { stride, typeId, childData } = this;
// +true === 1, +false === 0, so this means
// we keep nullCount at 0 if it's already 0,
// otherwise set to the invalidated flag -1
const nullCount = +(this._nullCount === 0) - 1;
const childStride = typeId === 16 /* FixedSizeList */ ? stride : 1;
const buffers = this._sliceBuffers(offset, length, stride, typeId);
return this.clone(this.type, this.offset + offset, length, nullCount, buffers,
// Don't slice children if we have value offsets (the variable-width types)
(!childData.length || this.valueOffsets) ? childData : this._sliceChildren(childData, childStride * offset, childStride * length));
_changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(newLength) {
if (this.typeId === Type.Null) {
return this.clone(this.type, 0, newLength, 0);
const { length, nullCount } = this;
// start initialized with 0s (nulls), then fill from 0 to length with 1s (not null)
const bitmap = new Uint8Array(((newLength + 63) & ~63) >> 3).fill(255, 0, length >> 3);
// set all the bits in the last byte (up to bit `length - length % 8`) to 1 (not null)
bitmap[length >> 3] = (1 << (length - (length & ~7))) - 1;
// if we have a nullBitmap, truncate + slice and set it over the pre-filled 1s
if (nullCount > 0) {
bitmap.set(truncateBitmap(this.offset, length, this.nullBitmap), 0);
const buffers = this.buffers;
buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY] = bitmap;
return this.clone(this.type, 0, newLength, nullCount + (newLength - length), buffers);
_sliceBuffers(offset, length, stride, typeId) {
let arr, { buffers } = this;
// If typeIds exist, slice the typeIds buffer
(arr = buffers[BufferType.TYPE]) && (buffers[BufferType.TYPE] = arr.subarray(offset, offset + length));
// If offsets exist, only slice the offsets buffer
(arr = buffers[BufferType.OFFSET]) && (buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] = arr.subarray(offset, offset + length + 1)) ||
// Otherwise if no offsets, slice the data buffer. Don't slice the data vector for Booleans, since the offset goes by bits not bytes
(arr = buffers[BufferType.DATA]) && (buffers[BufferType.DATA] = typeId === 6 ? arr : arr.subarray(stride * offset, stride * (offset + length)));
return buffers;
_sliceChildren(childData, offset, length) {
return childData.map((child) => child.slice(offset, length));
// Convenience methods for creating Data instances for each of the Arrow Vector types
/** @nocollapse */
static new(type, offset, length, nullCount, buffers, childData, dictionary) {
if (buffers instanceof Data) {
buffers = buffers.buffers;
else if (!buffers) {
buffers = [];
switch (type.typeId) {
case Type.Null: return Data.Null(type, offset, length);
case Type.Int: return Data.Int(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Dictionary: return Data.Dictionary(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || [], dictionary);
case Type.Float: return Data.Float(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Bool: return Data.Bool(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Decimal: return Data.Decimal(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Date: return Data.Date(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Time: return Data.Time(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Timestamp: return Data.Timestamp(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Interval: return Data.Interval(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.FixedSizeBinary: return Data.FixedSizeBinary(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Binary: return Data.Binary(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] || [], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.Utf8: return Data.Utf8(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] || [], buffers[BufferType.DATA] || []);
case Type.List: return Data.List(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] || [], (childData || [])[0]);
case Type.FixedSizeList: return Data.FixedSizeList(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], (childData || [])[0]);
case Type.Struct: return Data.Struct(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], childData || []);
case Type.Map: return Data.Map(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] || [], (childData || [])[0]);
case Type.Union: return Data.Union(type, offset, length, nullCount || 0, buffers[BufferType.VALIDITY], buffers[BufferType.TYPE] || [], buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] || childData, childData);
throw new Error(`Unrecognized typeId ${type.typeId}`);
/** @nocollapse */
static Null(type, offset, length) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, 0);
/** @nocollapse */
static Int(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Dictionary(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data, dictionary) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.indices.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)], [], dictionary);
/** @nocollapse */
static Float(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Bool(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Decimal(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Date(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Time(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Timestamp(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Interval(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static FixedSizeBinary(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Binary(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, valueOffsets, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [toInt32Array(valueOffsets), toUint8Array(data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Utf8(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, valueOffsets, data) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [toInt32Array(valueOffsets), toUint8Array(data), toUint8Array(nullBitmap)]);
/** @nocollapse */
static List(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, valueOffsets, child) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [toInt32Array(valueOffsets), undefined, toUint8Array(nullBitmap)], [child]);
/** @nocollapse */
static FixedSizeList(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, child) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, undefined, toUint8Array(nullBitmap)], [child]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Struct(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, children) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [undefined, undefined, toUint8Array(nullBitmap)], children);
/** @nocollapse */
static Map(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, valueOffsets, child) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, [toInt32Array(valueOffsets), undefined, toUint8Array(nullBitmap)], [child]);
/** @nocollapse */
static Union(type, offset, length, nullCount, nullBitmap, typeIds, valueOffsetsOrChildren, children) {
const buffers = [
undefined, undefined,
toArrayBufferView(type.ArrayType, typeIds)
if (type.mode === UnionMode.Sparse) {
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, buffers, valueOffsetsOrChildren);
buffers[BufferType.OFFSET] = toInt32Array(valueOffsetsOrChildren);
return new Data(type, offset, length, nullCount, buffers, children);
Data.prototype.childData = Object.freeze([]);
//# sourceMappingURL=data.mjs.map