File size: 10,196 Bytes
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"use strict";
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const bn_1 = require("../util/bn");
const visitor_1 = require("../visitor");
const utf8_1 = require("../util/utf8");
const math_1 = require("../util/math");
const enum_1 = require("../enum");
/** @ignore */
class GetVisitor extends visitor_1.Visitor {
exports.GetVisitor = GetVisitor;
/** @ignore */ const epochDaysToMs = (data, index) => 86400000 * data[index];
/** @ignore */ const epochMillisecondsLongToMs = (data, index) => 4294967296 * (data[index + 1]) + (data[index] >>> 0);
/** @ignore */ const epochMicrosecondsLongToMs = (data, index) => 4294967296 * (data[index + 1] / 1000) + ((data[index] >>> 0) / 1000);
/** @ignore */ const epochNanosecondsLongToMs = (data, index) => 4294967296 * (data[index + 1] / 1000000) + ((data[index] >>> 0) / 1000000);
/** @ignore */ const epochMillisecondsToDate = (epochMs) => new Date(epochMs);
/** @ignore */ const epochDaysToDate = (data, index) => epochMillisecondsToDate(epochDaysToMs(data, index));
/** @ignore */ const epochMillisecondsLongToDate = (data, index) => epochMillisecondsToDate(epochMillisecondsLongToMs(data, index));
/** @ignore */
const getNull = (_vector, _index) => null;
/** @ignore */
const getVariableWidthBytes = (values, valueOffsets, index) => {
const { [index]: x, [index + 1]: y } = valueOffsets;
return x != null && y != null ? values.subarray(x, y) : null;
/** @ignore */
const getBool = ({ offset, values }, index) => {
const idx = offset + index;
const byte = values[idx >> 3];
return (byte & 1 << (idx % 8)) !== 0;
/** @ignore */
const getDateDay = ({ values }, index) => epochDaysToDate(values, index);
/** @ignore */
const getDateMillisecond = ({ values }, index) => epochMillisecondsLongToDate(values, index * 2);
/** @ignore */
const getNumeric = ({ stride, values }, index) => values[stride * index];
/** @ignore */
const getFloat16 = ({ stride, values }, index) => math_1.uint16ToFloat64(values[stride * index]);
/** @ignore */
const getBigInts = ({ stride, values, type }, index) => * index, stride * (index + 1)), type.isSigned);
/** @ignore */
const getFixedSizeBinary = ({ stride, values }, index) => values.subarray(stride * index, stride * (index + 1));
/** @ignore */
const getBinary = ({ values, valueOffsets }, index) => getVariableWidthBytes(values, valueOffsets, index);
/** @ignore */
const getUtf8 = ({ values, valueOffsets }, index) => {
const bytes = getVariableWidthBytes(values, valueOffsets, index);
return bytes !== null ? utf8_1.decodeUtf8(bytes) : null;
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getInt = (vector, index) => (vector.type.bitWidth < 64
? getNumeric(vector, index)
: getBigInts(vector, index));
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getFloat = (vector, index) => (vector.type.precision !== enum_1.Precision.HALF
? getNumeric(vector, index)
: getFloat16(vector, index));
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getDate = (vector, index) => (vector.type.unit === enum_1.DateUnit.DAY
? getDateDay(vector, index)
: getDateMillisecond(vector, index));
/** @ignore */
const getTimestampSecond = ({ values }, index) => 1000 * epochMillisecondsLongToMs(values, index * 2);
/** @ignore */
const getTimestampMillisecond = ({ values }, index) => epochMillisecondsLongToMs(values, index * 2);
/** @ignore */
const getTimestampMicrosecond = ({ values }, index) => epochMicrosecondsLongToMs(values, index * 2);
/** @ignore */
const getTimestampNanosecond = ({ values }, index) => epochNanosecondsLongToMs(values, index * 2);
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getTimestamp = (vector, index) => {
switch (vector.type.unit) {
case enum_1.TimeUnit.SECOND: return getTimestampSecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND: return getTimestampMillisecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND: return getTimestampMicrosecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND: return getTimestampNanosecond(vector, index);
/** @ignore */
const getTimeSecond = ({ values, stride }, index) => values[stride * index];
/** @ignore */
const getTimeMillisecond = ({ values, stride }, index) => values[stride * index];
/** @ignore */
const getTimeMicrosecond = ({ values }, index) => bn_1.BN.signed(values.subarray(2 * index, 2 * (index + 1)));
/** @ignore */
const getTimeNanosecond = ({ values }, index) => bn_1.BN.signed(values.subarray(2 * index, 2 * (index + 1)));
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getTime = (vector, index) => {
switch (vector.type.unit) {
case enum_1.TimeUnit.SECOND: return getTimeSecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.MILLISECOND: return getTimeMillisecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.MICROSECOND: return getTimeMicrosecond(vector, index);
case enum_1.TimeUnit.NANOSECOND: return getTimeNanosecond(vector, index);
/** @ignore */
const getDecimal = ({ values }, index) => bn_1.BN.decimal(values.subarray(4 * index, 4 * (index + 1)));
/** @ignore */
const getList = (vector, index) => {
const child = vector.getChildAt(0), { valueOffsets, stride } = vector;
return child.slice(valueOffsets[index * stride], valueOffsets[(index * stride) + 1]);
/** @ignore */
const getMap = (vector, index) => {
return vector.bind(index);
/** @ignore */
const getStruct = (vector, index) => {
return vector.bind(index);
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getUnion = (vector, index) => {
return vector.type.mode === enum_1.UnionMode.Dense ?
getDenseUnion(vector, index) :
getSparseUnion(vector, index);
/** @ignore */
const getDenseUnion = (vector, index) => {
const childIndex = vector.typeIdToChildIndex[vector.typeIds[index]];
const child = vector.getChildAt(childIndex);
return child ? child.get(vector.valueOffsets[index]) : null;
/** @ignore */
const getSparseUnion = (vector, index) => {
const childIndex = vector.typeIdToChildIndex[vector.typeIds[index]];
const child = vector.getChildAt(childIndex);
return child ? child.get(index) : null;
/** @ignore */
const getDictionary = (vector, index) => {
return vector.getValue(vector.getKey(index));
/* istanbul ignore next */
/** @ignore */
const getInterval = (vector, index) => (vector.type.unit === enum_1.IntervalUnit.DAY_TIME)
? getIntervalDayTime(vector, index)
: getIntervalYearMonth(vector, index);
/** @ignore */
const getIntervalDayTime = ({ values }, index) => values.subarray(2 * index, 2 * (index + 1));
/** @ignore */
const getIntervalYearMonth = ({ values }, index) => {
const interval = values[index];
const int32s = new Int32Array(2);
int32s[0] = interval / 12 | 0; /* years */
int32s[1] = interval % 12 | 0; /* months */
return int32s;
/** @ignore */
const getFixedSizeList = (vector, index) => {
const child = vector.getChildAt(0), { stride } = vector;
return child.slice(index * stride, (index + 1) * stride);
GetVisitor.prototype.visitNull = getNull;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitBool = getBool;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInt = getInt;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInt8 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInt16 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInt32 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInt64 = getBigInts;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUint8 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUint16 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUint32 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUint64 = getBigInts;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFloat = getFloat;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFloat16 = getFloat16;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFloat32 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFloat64 = getNumeric;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUtf8 = getUtf8;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitBinary = getBinary;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = getFixedSizeBinary;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDate = getDate;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDateDay = getDateDay;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = getDateMillisecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimestamp = getTimestamp;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = getTimestampSecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = getTimestampMillisecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = getTimestampMicrosecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = getTimestampNanosecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTime = getTime;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimeSecond = getTimeSecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = getTimeMillisecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = getTimeMicrosecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = getTimeNanosecond;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDecimal = getDecimal;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitList = getList;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitStruct = getStruct;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitUnion = getUnion;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDenseUnion = getDenseUnion;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitSparseUnion = getSparseUnion;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitDictionary = getDictionary;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitInterval = getInterval;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = getIntervalDayTime;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = getIntervalYearMonth;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = getFixedSizeList;
GetVisitor.prototype.visitMap = getMap;
/** @ignore */
exports.instance = new GetVisitor();