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"From: [email protected]\nSubject: Re: computer books for sale (UPDATED LIST)\nArticle-I.D.: news.1993Apr6.013433.16103\nOrganization: Clarkson University\nLines: 76\nNntp-Posting-Host:\n\n\n UPDATED LIST\nHi everybody\n I have the following books for sale. Some of these books are brand new.\nIf you find any book you like and need more information about it, please\nfeel free to send me an E-Mail. The buyers pays the shipping fees.\n Thanks.\[email protected]\n\n========================================================================\nTITLE : Windows Programming: An Introduction \nAUTHOR : William H. Murray, III & Chris H. Pappas\nPUBLISH.: Osborne McGraw-Hill\npp. : 650\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Covers up to Windows 3.0\nASKING : $15\n======================================================================\nTITLE : Harvard Graphics: The Complete Reference\nAUTHOR : Cary Jensen & Loy Anderson\nPUBLISH.: Osborne McGraw-Hill\npp. : 1073\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Covers Releases Through 2.3 & Draw Partner\nASKING : $15\n=======================================================================\nTITLE : High Performance Interactive Graphics: Modeling, Rendering, \n and Animating\nAUTHOR : Lee Adams\nPUBLISH.:Windcrest\npp. : 402\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Full of examples programs in BASIC\nASKING :$15\n========================================================================\nTITLE : Science and Engineering Applications on the IBM PC\nAUTHOR : R. Severin\nPUBLISH.: Abacus\npp. : 262\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : A lot of Examples in BASIC\nASKING :$ 10\n=========================================================================\nTITLE : Graphics for the Dot-Matrix Printer: How to Get Your Printer \n to Perform Miracles\nAUTHOR : John W. Davenport\nPUBLISH.: Simon & Schuster\npp. : 461\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Full of examples Programs in BASIC\nASKING : $10\n==========================================================================\nTITLE : Programming With TURBO C\nAUTHOR : S. Scott Zimmerman & Beverly B. Zimmerman\nPUBLISH.: Scott, Foresman and Co.\npp. : 637\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Some of the pages are highlighted\nASKING : $10\n==========================================================================\nTITLE : Introduction to Computer Graphics\nAUTHOR : John Demel & Michael Miller\nPUBLISH.: Brooks/Cole Engineering Division\npp. : 427\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Example Programs in BASIC and Fortran\nASKING : $10\n==========================================================================\nTITLE : Hard Disk Mangement: The Pocket Reference\nAUTHOR : Kris Jamsa\nPUBLISH.: Osborne McGraw-Hill\npp. : 128\nCOVER : Soft\nNOTE : Pocket Size\nASKING : $ 4\n==========================================================================\n",
"From: [email protected] (Danny Keren)\nSubject: Suicide Bomber Attack in the Territories \nOrganization: Brown University Department of Computer Science\nLines: 22\n\n Attention Israel Line Recipients\n \n Friday, April 16, 1993\n \n \nTwo Arabs Killed and Eight IDF Soldiers Wounded in West Bank Car\nBomb Explosion\n \nIsrael Defense Forces Radio, GALEI ZAHAL, reports today that a car\nbomb explosion in the West Bank today killed two Palestinians and\nwounded eight IDF soldiers. The blast is believed to be the work of\na suicide bomber. Radio reports said a car packed with butane gas\nexploded between two parked buses, one belonging to the IDF and the\nother civilian. Both busses went up in flames. The blast killed an\nArab man who worked at a nearby snack bar in the Mehola settlement.\nAn Israel Radio report stated that the other man who was killed may\nhave been the one who set off the bomb. According to officials at\nthe Haemek Hospital in Afula, the eight IDF soldiers injured in the\nblast suffered light to moderate injuries.\n \n\n-Danny Keren\n",
"From: [email protected] (gary korenek)\nSubject: Re: 80486DX-50 vs 80486DX2-50\nOrganization: Network Management Technology Inc.\nLines: 26\n\nIn article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Michael Hamilton) writes:\n>I have definitly seen a\n>mother board with 2 local bus slots which claimed to be able to\n>support any CPU, including the DX2/66 and DX50. Can someone throw\n>some more informed light on this issue?\n>[...]\n>Michael Hamilton\n\nSome motherboards support VL bus and 50-DX CPU. There is an option\n(BIOS I think) where additional wait(s) can be added with regard to\nCPU/VL bus transactions. This slows the CPU down to a rate that gives\nthe VL bus device(s) time to 'do their thing'. These particular wait(s)\nare applied when the CPU transacts with VL bus device(s). You want to\nenable these wait(s) only if you are using a 50-DX with VL bus devices.\n\nThis is from reading my motherboard manual, and these are my interpre-\ntations. Your mileage may vary.\n\nStrictly speaking, VL and 50mhz are not compatable. And, there is at\nleast one 'fudge' mechanism to physically allow it to work.\n\n-- \nGary Korenek ([email protected])\nNetwork Management Technology Incorporated\n(formerly Ferranti International Controls Corp.)\nSugar Land, Texas (713)274-5357\n"
"model": {
"file": "model.pkl"
"task": "text-classification"
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