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SubscribeAnisotropic Compact Star Model Satisfying Karmarkar Conditions
A new class of solutions describing the composition of compact stars has been proposed, assuming that the fluid distribution inside the star is anisotropic. This is achieved by assuming the appropriate metric potential and then solving Einstein's field equations using Karmarkar conditions [Karmarkar K. R., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 27 (1948) 56] to derive the expressions for star density, the radial and tangential pressures in terms of the constants A, B, a paramter `a' and the curvature parameter R. The equations thus obtained have been passed through rigorous conditional analysis. It is further shown that the model is physically viable and mathematically well-behaved, fulfilling the requisite conditions viz., regularity condition, strong energy condition, causality condition, etc. Observed star candidates including EXO 1785-248, SMC X-1, SAXJ1808.43658(SS2), HER X-1, 4U 1538-52, Cen X-3 and LMC X-4 were found to conform to a good approximation through the outcome of this model for a=0.5.
A JWST Project on 47 Tucanae: Kinematics, energy equipartition and anisotropy of multiple populations
Recent work with JWST has demonstrated its capability to identify and chemically characterize multiple populations in globular clusters down to the H-burning limit. In this study, we explore the kinematics of multiple populations in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae by combining data from JWST, HST, and Gaia. We analyzed velocity dispersion and anisotropy profiles from the cluster center out to sim10R_h. Our findings indicate that while 1G stars are isotropic, 2G stars are significantly radially anisotropic. These results align with the predictions of simulations of the dynamical evolution of clusters where 2G stars are initially more centrally concentrated than 1G stars. Furthermore, we subdivided the 2G population into two subpopulations: 2G_A and 2G_B, with the latter being more chemically extreme. We compared their dynamical profiles and found no significant differences. For the first time, we measured the degree of energy equipartition among the multiple populations of 47 Tucanae. Overall, within the analyzed radial range (sim2-4R_h), both populations exhibit a low degree of energy equipartition. The most significant differences between 1G and 2G stars are observed in the tangential velocity component, where 2G stars are characterized by a stronger degree of energy equipartition than 1G stars. In the radial component, the behavior of 1G and 2G stars is more variable, with differences largely dependent on radius. Finally, our analysis reveals that the ratio of rotational velocity to velocity dispersion is larger for the 2G population, while 1G stars exhibit higher skewness in their tangential proper motions, providing further evidence of differences in the kinematic properties of the 1G and 2G populations.
Projections of Earth's Technosphere: Luminosity and Mass as Limits to Growth
Earth remains the only known example of a planet with technology, and future projections of Earth's trajectory provide a basis and motivation for approaching the search for extraterrestrial technospheres. Conventional approaches toward projecting Earth's technosphere include applications of the Kardashev scale, which suggest the possibility that energy-intensive civilizations may expand to harness the entire energy output available to their planet, host star, or even the entire galaxy. In this study, we argue that the Kardashev scale is better understood as a "luminosity limit" that describes the maximum capacity for a civilization to harvest luminous stellar energy across a given spatial domain, and we note that thermodynamic efficiency will always keep a luminosity-limited technosphere from actually reaching this theoretical limit. We suggest the possibility that an advanced technosphere might evolve beyond this luminosity limit to draw its energy directly from harvesting stellar mass, and we also discuss possible trajectories that could exist between Earth today and such hypothetical "stellivores." We develop a framework to describe trajectories for long-lived technospheres that optimize their growth strategies between exploration and exploitation, unlike Earth today. We note that analyses of compact accreting stars could provide ways to test the stellivore hypothesis, and we more broadly suggest an expansion of technosignature search strategies beyond those that reside exactly at the luminosity limit.
Near-circular orbits for planets around M/K-type stars with Earth-like sizes and instellations
Recent advances have enabled the discovery of a population of potentially Earth-like planets, yet their orbital eccentricity, which governs their climate and provides clues about their origin and dynamical history, is still largely unconstrained. We identify a sample of 17 transiting exoplanets around late-type stars with similar radii and irradiation to that of Earth and use the "photoeccentric effect" - which exploits transit durations - to infer their eccentricity distribution via hierarchical Bayesian modelling. Our analysis establishes that these worlds further resemble Earth in that their eccentricities are nearly circular (mean eccentricity =0.060_{-0.028}^{+0.040} and leq0.15), with the exception of one outlier of moderate eccentricity. The results hint at a subset population of dynamically warmer Earths, but this requires a larger sample to statistically confirm. The planets in our sample are thus largely subject to minimal eccentricity-induced seasonal variability and are consistent with emerging via smooth disk migration rather than violent planet-planet scattering.
The first measurements of carbon isotopic ratios in post-RGB stars: SZ Mon and DF Cyg. E-iSpec: A spectral analysis tool to derive elemental abundances and isotopic ratios for evolved stars
Dusty post-red giant branch (post-RGB) stars are low- and intermediate-mass stars where the RGB evolution was prematurely terminated by a poorly understood binary interaction. These binary stars are considered to be low-luminosity analogues of post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) binary stars. In this study, we investigated the chemical composition of two dusty post-RGB binary stars, SZ Mon and DF Cyg, using multi-wavelength spectroscopic data from HERMES/Mercator (optical) and the APOGEE survey (near-infrared). Owing to challenges posed by existing spectral analysis tools for the study of evolved stars with complex atmospheres, we developed E-iSpec: a dedicated spectral analysis tool for evolved stars, to consistently determine atmospheric parameters, elemental abundances, and carbon isotopic ratios. Our abundance analysis revealed that observed depletion patterns and estimated depletion efficiencies resemble those found in post-AGB binary stars. However, the onset of chemical depletion in post-RGB targets occurs at higher condensation temperatures (T_{rm turn-off, post-RGB}approx1400 K), than in most post-AGB stars (T_{rm turn-off, post-AGB}approx1100 K). Additionally, our study resulted in the first estimates of carbon isotopic ratios for post-RGB stars (^{12}C/^{13}C_{rm SZ Mon}=8pm4, ^{12}C/^{13}C_{rm DF Cyg}=12pm3). We found that the observationally derived CNO abundances and the carbon isotopic ratios of our post-RGB binary targets are in good agreement with theoretical predictions from the ATON single star evolutionary models involving first dredge-up and moderately-deep extra mixing. This agreement emphasises that in post-RGB binary targets, the observed CNO abundances reflect the chemical composition expected from single star nucleosynthesis (i.e., convective and non-convective mixing processes) occurring during the RGB phase before it is terminated.
Is planetary inward migration responsible for GJ 504's fast rotation and bright X-ray luminosity? New constraints from eROSITA
The discovery of an increasing variety of exoplanets in very close orbits around their host stars raised many questions about how stars and planets interact, and to which extent host stars' properties may be influenced by the presence of close-by companions. Understanding how the evolution of stars is impacted by the interactions with their planets is fundamental to disentangle their intrinsic evolution from Star-Planet Interactions (SPI)-induced phenomena. GJ 504 is a promising candidate for a star that underwent strong SPI. Its unusually short rotational period (3.4 days), while being in contrast with what is expected by single-star models, could result from the inward migration of a close-by, massive companion, pushed starward by tides. Moreover, its brighter X-ray luminosity may hint at a rejuvenation of the dynamo process sustaining the stellar magnetic field, consequent to the SPI-induced spin-up. We aim to study the evolution of GJ 504 and establish whether by invoking the engulfment of a planetary companion we can better reproduce its rotational period and X-ray luminosity. We simulate the past evolution assuming two different scenarios: 'Star without close-by planet', 'Star with close-by planet'. In the second scenario, we investigate how inward migration and planetary engulfment driven by tides spin up the stellar surface and rejuvenate its dynamo. We compare our tracks with rotational period and X-ray data collected from the all-sky surveys of the ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board the Russian Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma mission (SRG). Despite the very uncertain stellar age, we found that the second evolutionary scenario is in better agreement with the short rotational period and the bright X-ray luminosity of GJ 504, thus strongly favouring the inward migration scenario over the one in which close-by planets have no tidal impact on the star.
Spectrophotometry in the integrated light of multiple populations in globular clusters
There is vast evidence from observations of multiple stellar populations (MPs) in globular clusters (GCs). To explore the issue theoretically, this work considers two subsolar metallicities, two ages, and two initial abundance patterns: a first population of standard alpha-enhanced metal mixture stars and a second stellar population displaying C-N and Na-O anticorrelations chemical abundance patterns, along with an enhanced helium fraction. Analysing the predictions for these extreme compositions, we provide insights into the observability of not-resolved MPs into individual stars of GCs. We use colours and spectrophotometric indices measurable with modern facilities (e.g. Euclid, LSST, DES, JWST).
Impulsive mixing of stellar populations in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
We study the response of mono-energetic stellar populations with initially isotropic kinematics to impulsive and adiabatic changes to an underlying dark matter potential. Half-light radii expand and velocity dispersions decrease as enclosed dark matter is removed. The details of this expansion and cooling depend on the time scale on which the underlying potential changes. In the adiabatic regime, the product of half-light radius and average velocity dispersion is conserved. We show that the stellar populations maintain centrally isotropic kinematics throughout their adiabatic evolution, and their densities can be approximated by a family of analytical radial profiles. Metallicity gradients within the galaxy flatten as dark matter is slowly removed. In the case of strong impulsive perturbations, stellar populations develop power-law-like density tails with radially biased kinematics. We show that the distribution of stellar binding energies within the dark matter halo substantially widens after an impulsive perturbation, no matter the sign of the perturbation. This allows initially energetically separated stellar populations to mix, to the extent that previously chemo-dynamically distinct populations may masquerade as a single population with large metallicity and energy spread. Finally, we show that in response to an impulsive perturbation, stellar populations that are deeply embedded in cored dark matter halos undergo a series of damped oscillations before reaching a virialised equilibrium state, driven by inefficient phase mixing in the harmonic potentials of cored halos. This slow return to equilibrium adds substantial systematic uncertainty to dynamical masses estimated from Jeans modeling or the virial theorem.
Quantifying spectroscopic Ca II exocomet transit occurrence in two decades of HARPS data
The field of exocomets has been built around the unmatched number of detections made in the circumstellar disc of the archetypal star Beta Pictoris. An exocomet detection in spectroscopy is identified by variable atomic absorption features in a stellar spectrum, associated with transiting gas in and trailing an exocomet coma. This paper presents the largest spectroscopic search for exocomet transits to date, which overcomes the limitations of biased samples of stars with debris discs, and instead looks through the approx7500 stars in the HARPS archive for signs of exocomets in the CaII doublet (H:396.847nm and K:393.366nm). The search resulted in 155 candidate stars, which after filtering for false positives (e.g. binaries, stellar activity, etc.), were cut down to 22 stars. These 22 stars are classified into Tier1, 2, and 3 exocomet candidates, reflecting the confidence level of their exocomet detection. Our two best candidates (Tier1: Beta Pictoris, HD172555) and four lower confidence candidates (Tier2: Gl1, HIP5158, HD94771, HR1996) are discussed, yielding a detection rate of 0.03% (Tier1 only) and 0.1% (Tier1 & 2) in the HARPS sample. Both Tier1 stars are known exocomet host stars. These two young A-type stars correspond to 0.4% of all A-types in the sample, suggesting that detecting signs of exocomet transits using CaII is more likely around young A-type stars. Reanalysing a past HARPS study, we found no evidence to support the previously claimed four exocomet detections, indicating either that those detections are not robust or that we are only sensitive to the strongest signals.
PRIMER: JWST/MIRI reveals the evolution of star-forming structures in galaxies at z<2.5
The stellar structures of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) undergo significant size growth during their mass assembly and must pass through a compaction phase as they evolve into quiescent galaxies (QGs). To shed light on the mechanisms behind this structural evolution, we study the morphology of the star-forming components of 665 SFGs at 0<z<2.5 measured using JWST/MIRI observation and compare them with the morphology of their stellar components taken from the literature. The stellar and star-forming components of most SFGs (66%) have extended disk-like structures that are aligned with each other and are of the same size. The star-forming components of these galaxies follow a mass-size relation, similar to that followed by their stellar components. At the highest mass, the optical S\'ersic index of these SFGs increases to 2.5, suggesting the presence of a dominant stellar bulge. Because their star-forming components remain disk-like, these bulges cannot have formed by secular in-situ growth. We identify a second population of galaxies lying below the MIR mass-size relation, with compact star-forming components embedded in extended stellar components (EC galaxy). These galaxies are overall rare (15%) but become more dominant (30%) at high mass (>10^{10.5}M_odot). The compact star-forming components of these galaxies are also concentrated and slightly spheroidal, suggesting that this compaction phase can build dense bulge in-situ. Finally, we identify a third population of SFGs (19%), with both compact stellar and star-forming components. The density of their stellar cores resemble those of QGs and are compatible with being the descendants of EC galaxy. Overall, the structural evolution of SFGs is mainly dominated by a secular inside-out growth, which can, however, be interrupted by violent compaction phase(s) that can build dominant stellar bulges like those in massive SFGs or QGs.
The Carnegie Supernova Project I: Third Photometry Data Release of Low-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae and Other White Dwarf Explosions
We present final natural system optical (ugriBV) and near-infrared (YJH) photometry of 134 supernovae (SNe) with probable white dwarf progenitors that were observed in 2004-2009 as part of the first stage of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP-I). The sample consists of 123 Type Ia SNe, 5 Type Iax SNe, 2 super-Chandrasekhar SN candidates, 2 Type Ia SNe interacting with circumstellar matter, and 2 SN 2006bt-like events. The redshifts of the objects range from z = 0.0037 to 0.0835; the median redshift is 0.0241. For 120 (90%) of these SNe, near-infrared photometry was obtained. Average optical extinction coefficients and color terms are derived and demonstrated to be stable during the five CSP-I observing campaigns. Measurements of the CSP-I near-infrared bandpasses are also described, and near-infrared color terms are estimated through synthetic photometry of stellar atmosphere models. Optical and near-infrared magnitudes of local sequences of tertiary standard stars for each supernova are given, and a new calibration of Y-band magnitudes of the Persson et al. (1998) standards in the CSP-I natural system is presented.
Gas dynamics around a Jupiter mass planet: II. Chemical evolution of circumplanetary material
In an ongoing effort to understand planet formation the link between the chemistry of the protoplanetary disk and the properties of resulting planets have long been a subject of interest. These connections have generally been made between mature planets and young protoplanetary disks through the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio. In a rare number of systems, young protoplanets have been found within their natal protoplanetary disks. These systems offer a unique opportunity to directly study the delivery of gas from the protoplanetary disk to the planet. In this work we post-process 3D numerical simulations of an embedded Jupiter-massed planet in its protoplanetary disk to explore the chemical evolution of gas as it flows from the disk to the planet. The relevant dust to this chemical evolution is assumed to be small, co-moving grains with a reduced dust-to-gas ratio indicative of the upper atmosphere of a protoplanetary disk. We find that as the gas enters deep into the planet's gravitational well, it warms significantly (up to sim 800 K), releasing all of the volatile content from the ice phase. This change in phase can influence our understanding of the delivery of volatile species to the atmospheres of giant planets. The primary carbon, oxygen, and sulfur carrying ices: CO_2, H_2O, and H_2S are released into the gas phase and along with the warm gas temperatures near the embedded planets lead to the production of unique species like CS, SO, and SO_2 compared to the protoplanetary disk. We compute the column densities of SO, SO_2, CS, and H_2CS in our model and find that their values are consistent with previous observational studies.