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SubscribePredication of novel effects in rotational nuclei at high speed
The study of high-speed rotating matter is a crucial research topic in physics due to the emergence of novel phenomena. In this paper, we combined cranking covariant density functional theory (CDFT) with a similar renormalization group approach to decompose the Hamiltonian from the cranking CDFT into different Hermit components, including the non-relativistic term, the dynamical term, the spin-orbit coupling, and the Darwin term. Especially, we obtained the rotational term, the term relating to Zeeman effect-like, and the spin-rotation coupling due to consideration of rotation and spatial component of vector potential. By exploring these operators, we aim to identify novel phenomena that may occur in rotating nuclei. Signature splitting, Zeeman effect-like, spin-rotation coupling, and spin current are among the potential novelties that may arise in rotating nuclei. Additionally, we investigated the observability of these phenomena and their dependence on various factors such as nuclear deformation, rotational angular velocity, and strength of magnetic field.
Magnetic correction to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Electron
We investigate the leading order correction of anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) to the electron in weak magnetic field and find that the magnetic correction is negative and magnetic field dependent, indicating a magnetic catalysis effect for the electron gas. In the laboratory to measure the g-2, the magnitude of the magnetic field B is several T, correspondingly the magnetic correction to the AMM of electron/muon is around 10^{-34}/10^{-42}, therefore the magnetic correction can be safely neglected in current measurement. However, when the magnitude of the magnetic field strength is comparable with the electron mass, the magnetic correction of electron's AMM will become considerable. This general magnetic correction to charged fermion's AMM can be extended to study QCD matter under strong magnetic field.
A helical magnetic field in quasar NRAO150 revealed by Faraday rotation
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are some of the most luminous and extreme environments in the Universe. The central engines of AGN, believed to be super-massive black-holes, are fed by accretion discs threaded by magnetic fields within a dense magneto-ionic medium. We report our findings from polarimetric Very-long-baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of quasar NRAO150 taken in October 2022 using a combined network of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope. These observations are the first co-temporal multi-frequency polarimetric VLBI observations of NRAO150 at frequencies above 15GHz. We use the new VLBI polarization calibration procedure, GPCAL, with polarization observations of frequencies of 12GHz, 15GHz, 24GHz, and 43GHz of NRAO150. From these observations, we measure Faraday rotation. Using our measurement of Faraday rotation, we also derive the intrinsic electric vector position angle (EVPA0) for the source. As a complementary measurement we determine the behavior of polarization as a function of observed frequency. The polarization from NRAO150 only comes from the core region, with a peak polarization intensity occurring at 24GHz. Across the core region of NRAO150 we see clear gradients in Faraday rotation and EVPA0 values that are aligned with the direction of the jet curving around the core region. We find that for the majority of the polarized region the polarization fraction is greater at higher frequencies, with intrinsic polarization fractions in the core 3%. The Faraday rotation gradients and circular patterns in EVPA0 are strong evidence for a helical/toroidal magnetic field, and the presence of low intrinsic polarization fractions indicate that the polarized emission and hence the helical/toroidal magnetic field, occur within the innermost jet.
The magnetic field in quiescent star-forming filament G16.96+0.27
We present 850 {\mu}m thermal dust polarization observations with a resolution of 14.4"(~ 0.13 pc) towards an infrared dark cloud G16.96+0.27 using JCMT/POL-2. The average magnetic field orientation, which roughly agrees with the larger-scale magnetic field orientation traced by the Planck 353 GHz data, is approximately perpendicular to the filament structure. The estimated plane-of-sky magnetic field strength is ~ 96 {\mu}G and ~ 60 {\mu}G using two variants of the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi methods. We calculate the virial and magnetic critical parameters to evaluate the relative importance of gravity, the magnetic field, and turbulence. The magnetic field and turbulence are both weaker than gravity, but magnetic fields and turbulence together are equal to gravity, suggesting that G16.96+0.27 is in a quasi-equilibrium state. The cloud-magnetic-field alignment is found to have a trend moving away from perpendicularity in the dense regions, which may serve as a tracer of potential fragmentation in such quiescent filaments.
Magnetic Field Strength Effects on Nucleosynthesis from Neutron Star Merger Outflows
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence drives the central engine of post-merger remnants, potentially powering both a nucleosynthetically active disk wind and the relativistic jet behind a short gamma ray burst. We explore the impact of the magnetic field on this engine by simulating three post-merger black hole accretion disks using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with Monte Carlo neutrino transport, in each case varying the initial magnetic field strength. We find increasing ejecta masses associated with increasing magnetic field strength. We find that a fairly robust main r -process pattern is produced in all three cases, scaled by the ejected mass. Changing the initial magnetic field strength has a considerable effect on the geometry of the outflow and hints at complex central engine dynamics influencing lanthanide outflows. We find that actinide production is especially sensitive to magnetic field strength, with overall actinide mass fraction calculated at 1 Gyr post-merger increasing by more than a factor of six with a tenfold increase in magnetic field strength. This hints at a possible connection to the variability in actinide enhancements exhibited by metal poor, r -process-enhanced stars.
Magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain antiferromagnet BaNiTe2O7
We report a quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain compound BaNiTe2O7. This magnetic system has been investigated by magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron powder diffraction. These results indicate that BaNiTe2O7 develops a short-range magnetic correlation around T ~ 22 K. With further cooling, an antiferromagnetic phase transition is observed at TN ~ 5.4 K. Neutron powder diffraction revealed antiferromagnetic noncollinear order with a commensurate propagation vector k = (1/2, 1, 0). The refined magnetic moment size of Ni2+ at 1.5 K is 1.84{\mu}B, and its noncollinear spin texture is confirmed by first-principles calculations. Inelastic neutron-scattering results and density functional theory calculations confirmed the quasi-one-dimensional nature of the spin systems.
Synthetic Modelling of Polarized Dust Emission in Intermediate-Mass YSOs: I: Constraining the Role of Iron Inclusions and Inelastic Relaxation on Grain Alignment with ALMA Polarization
Iron inclusions embedded inside dust grains play a crucial role in both internal alignment (IA) via Barnett relaxation and external alignment via the MAgnetically Enhanced RAdiative Torque (MRAT) mechanism. Moreover, inelastic relaxation is predicted to dominate over Barnett relaxation in driving the IA of micron-sized and very large grains above 10mu m (VLGs). Yet, a detailed modeling of polarized thermal dust emission from Class 0/I Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) taking into account these effects and their observational constraints is still lacking. In this paper, we update the POLARIS code and use it to perform synthetic dust polarization modeling for MHD simulations of an intermediate-mass YSO. Results will be post-processed with CASA to confront ALMA polarimetric observations. We found that to reproduce the high polarization degree of p sim 5-30% observed in protostellar envelopes by ALMA, micron-sized and VLGs must contain iron inclusions with N_{rm cl} sim 5 - 10^{3} iron atoms per cluster, assuming 30% of iron abundance locked inside dust grains under the cluster form. Inside the inner sim 500 au region, inelastic relaxation must participate in driving the grain internal alignment, and grains must contain larger iron inclusions of N_{rm cl} sim 10^{2}-10^{4} and grow beyond geq 10mu m to reproduce sim 3-10% of dust polarization observed by ALMA. But given such a combination, the internal alignment and MRAT efficiency acting on VLGs still decrease toward the center, inducing the decrease of p(%) with increasing gas density, reaching p sim 1% inside the disk.
Exterior field of neutron stars: The singularity structure of vacuum and electrovac solutions
In the present paper we study the singularity structure of the exterior field of neutron stars with the aid of the four-parameter exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The complete analysis of this problem in the generic case becomes possible due to the implementation of the novel analytical approach to the resolution of the singularity condition, and it shows the absence of the ring singularities off the symmetry axis in the positive mass case, as well as the possibility of the removal of the ring singularity by a strong magnetic field in the negative mass case. The solution takes an extraordinarily simple form in the equatorial plane, very similar to that of the Kerr solution, which makes it most suitable for astrophysical applications as the simplest model of a rotating magnetized deformed mass. It also provides a nontrivial example confirming a recent claim that the varphi component of the electromagnetic four-potential has features inconsistent with the intrinsic properties of the electrovac metric, while the magnetic field is represented correctly by the t component of the dual electromagnetic four-potential.
Investigating cannibalistic millisecond pulsar binaries using MESA: New constraints from pulsar spin and mass evolution
Compact binary millisecond pulsars (MSPs) with orbital periods lesssim1d are key to understanding binary evolution involving massive neutron stars (NSs). Due to the ablation of the companion by the rapidly spinning pulsar, these systems are also known as spiders and categorized into two main branches: redbacks (RBs; companion mass in the range of 0.1 to 0.5\,\Msun) and black widows (BWs; companion mass lesssim\,0.1\,\Msun). We present models of low- and intermediate-mass X-ray binaries and compare them with observations of Galactic spiders (including the presence or absence of hydrogen lines in their optical spectra), and we constrain and quantify the interaction between the pulsar and the companion. Using MESA, we created the allowed initial parameter space. For the first time in MESA, we also included the detailed evolution of the pulsar spin and modeled the irradiation of the companion by the pulsar wind. Efficient mass accretion onto the NS (at least 70% of the mass transferred is accreted) with an X-ray irradiated disk followed by strong irradiation of the companion can explain most of the properties of the observed spiders. Our RB evolutionary tracks continue to the BW regime, connecting the two branches of spiders. Our models explain the lack of hydrogen in some observed BWs with ultra-light companions. During accretion induced spin up, the mass required to spin up an NS to sub-milliseconds is high enough to collapse it into a black hole. Finally, after analyzing the formation of RB-like spiders with giant companions and orbital periods of several days (huntsmen), we conclude that they are unlikely to produce super-massive NSs (maximum accreted mass lesssim0.5M_{odot}). Cannibalistic MSP binary formation depends heavily on the interplay between accretion onto the pulsar and pulsar wind irradiation.
Radiating Love: adiabatic tidal fluxes and modes up to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order
We present the analytic evaluation of the gravitational energy and of the angular momentum flux with tidal effects for inspiraling compact binaries, at next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtoian (2PN) order, within the effective field theory diagrammatic approach. We first compute the stress-energy tensor for a binary system, that requires the evaluation of two-point Feynman integrals, up to two loops. Then, we extract the multipole moments of the system, which we present for generic orbits in center-of-mass coordinates, and which are needed for the evaluation of the total gravitational energy and the angular momentum flux, for generic orbits. Finally, we provide the expression of gauge invariant quantities such as the fluxes, and the mode amplitudes and phase of the emitted gravitational wave, for circular orbits. Our findings are useful to update earlier theoretical studies as well as related phenomenological analyses, and waveform models
Comprehensive study of magnetic field evolution in relativistic jets based on 2D simulations
We use two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations to investigate the generation and evolution of the magnetic field associated with the propagation of a jet for various initial conditions. We demonstrate that, in general, the magnetic field is initially grown by the Weibel and Mushroom instabilities. However, the field is saturated by the Alfv'en current limit. For initially non-magnetized plasma, we show that the growth of the magnetic field is delayed when the matter density of the jet environment is lower, which are in agreement with simple analytical predictions. We show that the higher Lorentz factor (gtrsim 2) prevents rapid growth of the magnetic fields. When the initial field is troidal, the position of the magnetic filaments moves away from the jet as the field strength increases. The axial initial field helps the jet maintain its shape more effectively than the troidal initial field.
Ergotropy and Capacity Optimization in Heisenberg Spin Chain Quantum Batteries
This study examines the performance of finite spin quantum batteries (QBs) using Heisenberg spin models with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) and Kaplan--Shekhtman--Entin-Wohlman--Aharony (KSEA) interactions. The QBs are modeled as interacting quantum spins in local inhomogeneous magnetic fields, inducing variable Zeeman splitting. We derive analytical expressions for the maximal extractable work, ergotropy and the capacity of QBs, as recently examined by Yang et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 030402 (2023)]. These quantities are analytically linked through certain quantum correlations, as posited in the aforementioned study. Different Heisenberg spin chain models exhibit distinct behaviors under varying conditions, emphasizing the importance of model selection for optimizing QB performance. In antiferromagnetic (AFM) systems, maximum ergotropy occurs with a Zeeman splitting field applied to either spin, while ferromagnetic (FM) systems benefit from a uniform Zeeman field. Temperature significantly impacts QB performance, with ergotropy in the AFM case being generally more robust against temperature increases compared to the FM case. Incorporating DM and KSEA couplings can significantly enhance the capacity and ergotropy extraction of QBs. However, there exists a threshold beyond which additional increases in these interactions cause a sharp decline in capacity and ergotropy. This behavior is influenced by temperature and quantum coherence, which signal the occurrence of a sudden phase transition. The resource theory of quantum coherence proposed by Baumgratz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 140401 (2014)] plays a crucial role in enhancing ergotropy and capacity. However, ergotropy is limited by both the system's capacity and the amount of coherence. These findings support the theoretical framework of spin-based QBs and may benefit future research on quantum energy storage devices.
High spin axion insulator
Axion insulators possess a quantized axion field theta=pi protected by combined lattice and time-reversal symmetry, holding great potential for device applications in layertronics and quantum computing. Here, we propose a high-spin axion insulator (HSAI) defined in large spin-s representation, which maintains the same inherent symmetry but possesses a notable axion field theta=(s+1/2)^2pi. Such distinct axion field is confirmed independently by the direct calculation of the axion term using hybrid Wannier functions, layer-resolved Chern numbers, as well as the topological magneto-electric effect. We show that the guaranteed gapless quasi-particle excitation is absent at the boundary of the HSAI despite its integer surface Chern number, hinting an unusual quantum anomaly violating the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence. Furthermore, we ascertain that the axion field theta can be precisely tuned through an external magnetic field, enabling the manipulation of bonded transport properties. The HSAI proposed here can be experimentally verified in ultra-cold atoms by the quantized non-reciprocal conductance or topological magnetoelectric response. Our work enriches the understanding of axion insulators in condensed matter physics, paving the way for future device applications.
The UV Sensitivity of Axion Monodromy Inflation
We revisit axion monodromy inflation in the context of UV-complete theories and point out that its cosmological observables are sensitive to heavy fields with masses far above the Hubble scale, such as the moduli of flux compactifications. By studying a string-inspired two-field extension of axion monodromy, we reveal that the oscillatory modulation of the axion potential leads to continuous excitation of heavy fields during inflation when the modulation frequency exceeds the field masses. This finding challenges the conventional single-field description, as heavy moduli cannot be simply integrated out. Using a full bootstrap analysis, we demonstrate that this mechanism produces cosmological collider signals that bypass the usual Boltzmann suppression for heavy masses. Specifically, we identify detectably large signatures of heavy moduli in the primordial bispectrum, offering a promising avenue for probing high-energy physics through cosmological observations.
Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence
Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas.
Indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation via Hilbert transform
The Kramers-Kronig relations are a pivotal foundation of linear optics and atomic physics, embedding a physical connection between the real and imaginary components of any causal response function. A mathematically equivalent, but simpler, approach instead utilises the Hilbert transform. In a previous study, the Hilbert transform was applied to absorption spectra in order to infer the sole refractive index of an atomic medium in the absence of an external magnetic field. The presence of a magnetic field causes the medium to become birefringent and dichroic, and therefore it is instead characterised by two refractive indices. In this study, we apply the same Hilbert transform technique to independently measure both refractive indices of a birefringent atomic medium, leading to an indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation. Key to this measurement is the insight that inputting specific light polarisations into an atomic medium induces absorption associated with only one of the refractive indices. We show this is true in two configurations, commonly referred to in literature as the Faraday and Voigt geometries, which differ by the magnetic field orientation with respect to the light wavevector. For both cases, we measure the two refractive indices independently for a Rb thermal vapour in a 0.6 T magnetic field, finding excellent agreement with theory. This study further emphasises the application of the Hilbert transform to the field of quantum and atomic optics in the linear regime.
Spin pumping by a moving domain wall at the interface of an antiferromagnetic insulator and a two-dimensional metal
A domain wall (DW) which moves parallel to a magnetically compensated interface between an antiferromagnetic insulator (AFMI) and a two-dimensional (2D) metal can pump spin polarization into the metal. It is assumed that localized spins of a collinear AFMI interact with itinerant electrons through their exchange interaction on the interface. We employed the formalism of Keldysh Green's functions for electrons which experience potential and spin-orbit scattering on random impurities. This formalism allows a unified analysis of spin pumping, spin diffusion and spin relaxation effects on a 2D electron gas. It is shown that the pumping of a nonstaggered magnetization into the metal film takes place in the second order with respect to the interface exchange interaction. At sufficiently weak spin relaxation this pumping effect can be much stronger than the first-order effect of the Pauli magnetism which is produced by the small nonstaggered exchange field of the DW. It is shown that the pumped polarization is sensitive to the geometry of the electron's Fermi surface and increases when the wave vector of the staggered magnetization approaches the nesting vector of the Fermi surface. In a disordered diffusive electron gas the induced spin polarization follows the motion of the domain wall. It is distributed asymmetrically around the DW over a distance which can be much larger than the DW width.
Characterisation of three-body loss in {}^{166}Er and optimised production of large Bose-Einstein condensates
Ultracold gases of highly magnetic lanthanide atoms have enabled the realisation of dipolar quantum droplets and supersolids. However, future studies could be limited by the achievable atom numbers and hindered by high three-body loss rates. Here we study density-dependent atom loss in an ultracold gas of {}^{166}Er for magnetic fields below 4 G, identifying six previously unknown features which display both a strong temperature dependence and also sensitivity to the polarisation and intensity of the light used to optically trap the atoms. This detailed knowledge of the loss landscape allows us to optimise the production of dipolar BECs with more than 2 times 10^5 atoms and points towards optimal strategies for the study of large-atom-number dipolar gases in the droplet and supersolid regimes.
Observational Signatures of Galactic Turbulent Dynamos
We analyse the observational signatures of galactic magnetic fields that are self-consistently generated in magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interstellar medium through turbulence driven by supernova (SN) explosions and differential rotation. In particular, we study the time evolution of the Faraday rotation measure (RM), synchrotron radiation, and Stokes parameters by characterising the typical structures formed in the plane of observation. We do this by defining two distinct models for both thermal and cosmic ray (CR) electron distributions. Our results indicate that the maps of RM have structures which are sheared and rendered anisotropically by differential rotation and that they depend on the choice of thermal electrons model as well as the SN rate. Synchrotron maps are qualitatively similar to the maps of the mean magnetic field along the line of sight and structures are only marginally affected by the CR model. Stokes parameters and related quantities, such as the degree of linear polarisation, are highly dependent on both frequency and resolution of the observation.
Blue large-amplitude pulsators formed from the merger of low-mass white dwarfs
Blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) are a recently discovered group of hot stars pulsating in radial modes. Their origin needs to be explained, and several scenarios for their formation have already been proposed. We investigate whether BLAPs can originate as the product of a merger of two low-mass white dwarfs (WDs) and estimate how many BLAPs can be formed in this evolutionary channel. We used the MESA code to model the merger of three different double extremely low-mass (DELM) WDs and the subsequent evolution of the merger product. We also performed a population synthesis of Galactic DELM WDs using the COSMIC code. We find that BLAPs can be formed from DELM WDs provided that the total mass of the system ranges between 0.32 and 0.7 M_odot. BLAPs born in this scenario either do not have any thermonuclear fusion at all or show off-centre He burning. The final product evolves to hot subdwarfs and eventually finishes its evolution either as a cooling He WD or a hybrid He/CO WD. The merger products become BLAPs only a few thousand years after coalescence, and it takes them 20 to 70 thousand years to pass the BLAP region. We found the instability of the fundamental radial mode to be in fair agreement with observations, but we also observed instability of the radial first overtone. From the population synthesis, we found that up to a few hundred BLAPs born in this scenario can exist at present in the Galaxy. Given the estimated number of BLAPs formed in the studied DELM WD merger scenario, there is a good chance to observe BLAPs that originated through this scenario. Since strong magnetic fields can be generated during mergers, this scenario could lead to the formation of magnetic BLAPs. This fits well with the discovery of two likely magnetic BLAPs whose pulsations can be explained in terms of the oblique rotator model.
tt GrayHawk: A public code for calculating the Gray Body Factors of massless fields around spherically symmetric Black Holes
We introduce and describe tt GrayHawk, a publicly available Mathematica-based tool designed for the efficient computation of gray-body factors for spherically symmetric and asymptotically flat black holes. This program provides users with a rapid and reliable means to compute gray-body factors for massless fields with spin \(s = 0, 1/2, 1, 2\) in modes specified by the angular quantum number \(l\), given a black hole metric and the associated parameter values. tt GrayHawk is preloaded with seven different black hole metrics, offering immediate applicability to a variety of theoretical models. Additionally, its modular structure allows users to extend its functionality easily by incorporating alternative metrics or configurations. This versatility makes tt GrayHawk a powerful and adaptable resource for researchers studying black hole physics and Hawking radiation. The codes described in this work are publicly available at
Formation of supermassive stars and dense star clusters in metal-poor clouds exposed to strong FUV radiation
The direct collapse scenario, which predicts the formation of supermassive stars (SMSs) as precursors to supermassive black holes (SMBHs), has been explored primarily under the assumption of metal-free conditions. However, environments exposed to strong far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, which is another requirement for the direct collapse, are often chemically enriched to varying degrees. In this study, we perform radiation hydrodynamic simulations of star-cluster formation in clouds with finite metallicities, Z=10^{-6} to 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, incorporating detailed thermal and chemical processes and radiative feedback from forming stars. Extending the simulations to approximately two million years, we demonstrate that SMSs with masses exceeding 10^4~M_odot can form even in metal-enriched clouds with Z lesssim 10^{-3} Z_{odot}. The accretion process in these cases, driven by "super-competitive accretion," preferentially channels gas into central massive stars in spite of small (sub-pc) scale fragmentation. At Z simeq 10^{-2} Z_{odot}, however, enhanced cooling leads to intense fragmentation on larger scales, resulting in the formation of dense star clusters dominated by very massive stars with 10^3 M_{odot} rather than SMSs. These clusters resemble young massive or globular clusters observed in the distant and local universe, exhibiting compact morphologies and high stellar surface densities. Our findings suggest that SMS formation is viable below a metallicity threshold of approximately 10^{-3} Z_{odot}, significantly increasing the number density of massive seed black holes to levels sufficient to account for the ubiquitous SMBHs observed in the local universe. Moreover, above this metallicity, this scenario naturally explains the transition from SMS formation to dense stellar cluster formation.
Single replica spin-glass phase detection using field variation and machine learning
The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model used the replica symmetry method to find the phase transition of the system. In 1979-1980, Parisi proposed a solution based on replica symmetry breaking (RSB), which allowed him to identify the underlying phases of complex systems such as spin-glasses. Regardless of the method used for detection, the intrinsic phase of a system exists whether or not replicas are considered. We introduce a single replica method of spin-glass phase detection using the field's variation experienced by each spin in a system configuration. This method focuses on a single replica with quenched random couplings. Each spin inevitably observes a different field from the others. Our results show that the mean and variance of fields named "Spontaneous Configurational Field" experienced by spins are suitable indicators to explore different ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and mixed phases. To classify different phases of the system with defined indicators we have developed an algorithm based on machine learning to analyze the desired samples.
The Simons Observatory: Cryogenic Half Wave Plate Rotation Mechanism for the Small Aperture Telescopes
We present the requirements, design and evaluation of the cryogenic continuously rotating half-wave plate (CHWP) for the Simons Observatory (SO). SO is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiment at Parque Astron\'{o}mico Atacama in northern Chile that covers a wide range of angular scales using both small (0.42 m) and large (6 m) aperture telescopes. In particular, the small aperture telescopes (SATs) focus on large angular scales for primordial B-mode polarization. To this end, the SATs employ a CHWP to modulate the polarization of the incident light at 8 Hz, suppressing atmospheric 1/f noise and mitigating systematic uncertainties that would otherwise arise due to the differential response of detectors sensitive to orthogonal polarizations. The CHWP consists of a 505 mm diameter achromatic sapphire HWP and a cryogenic rotation mechanism, both of which are cooled down to sim50 K to reduce detector thermal loading. Under normal operation the HWP is suspended by a superconducting magnetic bearing and rotates with a constant 2 Hz frequency, controlled by an electromagnetic synchronous motor. We find that the number of superconductors and magnets that make up the superconducting magnetic bearing are important design parameters, especially for the rotation mechanism's vibration performance. The rotation angle is detected through an angular encoder with a noise level of 0.07 muradmathrm{s}. During a cooldown, the rotor is held in place by a grip-and-release mechanism that serves as both an alignment device and a thermal path. In this paper we provide an overview of the SO SAT CHWP: its requirements, hardware design, and laboratory performance.
New Radio Observations of the Supernova Remnant CTA 1
We present new radio images of the supernova remnant (SNR) CTA 1 at 1420 and 408 MHz, and in the 21 cm line of H I observed with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Synthesis Telescope and at 1420 MHz observed with the Effelsberg 100 m telescope. We confirm previously described continuum features and elaborate further on filamentary features identified using the high-resolution (1') maps from these new observations. We investigate the abrupt change in sign of rotation measure (RM) across the SNR, using the linear polarization observations in the four bands around 1420 MHz. Following X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) investigation, we both confirm that the distribution of signs of the RMs for extragalactic sources in the area appears to match that of the shell, as well as combine the data from the four bands to estimate the relative depolarization and the intrinsic rotation measure of the SNR. We do not conclusively reject X. H. Sun et al.'s (2011) claim of a Faraday screen in the foreground causing the distribution of RMs that we observe; however, we do suggest an alternative explanation of a swept-up stellar wind from the progenitor star with a toroidal magnetic field. Finally, we expand on the analysis of the H I observations by applying the Rolling Hough Transform to isolate filamentary structure and better identify H I emission with the SNR. Further constraining the H I velocity channels associated with CTA 1, we use more recent Galactic rotation curves to calculate an updated kinematic distance of 1.09 +/- 0.2 kpc.
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the restricted Hilbert space of Rydberg atom arrays
Rydberg atom arrays have emerged as a powerful platform to simulate a number of exotic quantum ground states and phase transitions. To verify these capabilities numerically, we develop a versatile quantum Monte Carlo sampling technique which operates in the reduced Hilbert space generated by enforcing the constraint of a Rydberg blockade. We use the framework of stochastic series expansion and show that in the restricted space, the configuration space of operator strings can be understood as a hard rod gas in d+1 dimensions. We use this mapping to develop cluster algorithms which can be visualized as various non-local movements of rods. We study the efficiency of each of our updates individually and collectively. To elucidate the utility of the algorithm, we show that it can efficiently generate the phase diagram of a Rydberg atom array, to temperatures much smaller than all energy scales involved, on a Kagom\'e link lattice. This is of broad interest as the presence of a Z_2 spin liquid has been hypothesized recently.
FiniteFieldSolve: Exactly Solving Large Linear Systems in High-Energy Theory
Large linear systems play an important role in high-energy theory, appearing in amplitude bootstraps and during integral reduction. This paper introduces FiniteFieldSolve, a general-purpose toolkit for exactly solving large linear systems over the rationals. The solver interfaces directly with Mathematica, is straightforward to install, and seamlessly replaces Mathematica's native solvers. In testing, FiniteFieldSolve is approximately two orders of magnitude faster than Mathematica and uses an order of magnitude less memory. The package also compares favorably against other public solvers in FiniteFieldSolve's intended use cases. As the name of the package suggests, solutions are obtained via well-known finite field methods. These methods suffer from introducing an inordinate number of modulo (or integer division) operations with respect to different primes. By automatically recompiling itself for each prime, FiniteFieldSolve converts the division operations into much faster combinations of instructions, dramatically improving performance. The technique of compiling the prime can be applied to any finite field solver, where the time savings will be solver dependent. The operation of the package is illustrated through a detailed example of an amplitude bootstrap.