- Exterior field of neutron stars: The singularity structure of vacuum and electrovac solutions In the present paper we study the singularity structure of the exterior field of neutron stars with the aid of the four-parameter exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The complete analysis of this problem in the generic case becomes possible due to the implementation of the novel analytical approach to the resolution of the singularity condition, and it shows the absence of the ring singularities off the symmetry axis in the positive mass case, as well as the possibility of the removal of the ring singularity by a strong magnetic field in the negative mass case. The solution takes an extraordinarily simple form in the equatorial plane, very similar to that of the Kerr solution, which makes it most suitable for astrophysical applications as the simplest model of a rotating magnetized deformed mass. It also provides a nontrivial example confirming a recent claim that the varphi component of the electromagnetic four-potential has features inconsistent with the intrinsic properties of the electrovac metric, while the magnetic field is represented correctly by the t component of the dual electromagnetic four-potential. 4 authors · Mar 31, 2023
3 PLDR-LLMs Learn A Generalizable Tensor Operator That Can Replace Its Own Deep Neural Net At Inference We show that Large Language Model from Power Law Decoder Representations (PLDR-LLM) is a foundational model whose deductive outputs are invariant tensors up to a small perturbation. PLDR-LLM learns a singularity condition for the deductive outputs that enable the once-inferred energy-curvature tensor G_{LM} to replace the deep neural network of power law graph attention (PLGA) generating the deductive outputs at inference. We demonstrate that a cache for G_{LM} (G-cache) and KV-cache can be implemented in a straightforward manner to improve the inference time. The invariance and generalizable nature of deductive outputs is at a very high fidelity where deductive outputs have same RMSE and determinant values up to 15 decimal places after caching, and zero-shot benchmark scores remain unchanged. Ablation studies show that learned deductive outputs have distinct loss and accuracy characteristics from models pretrained with transferred, randomly initialized or identity tensors as a constant tensor operator and an LLM with scaled-dot product attention (SDPA) is a special case of PLDR-LLM where G_{LM} is predefined as identity. The observed invariance characteristic introduces a novel asymmetry between training and inference phases with caching. We outline observed common characteristics of the deductive outputs for the learned singularity condition. We provide an implementation of a training and inference framework for PLDR-LLM with KV-cache and G-cache. 1 authors · Feb 19 2
- Singularities in Einstein-conformally coupled Higgs cosmological models The dynamics of Einstein-conformally coupled Higgs field (EccH) system is investigated near the initial singularities in the presence of Friedman-Robertson--Walker symmetries. We solve the field equations asymptotically up to fourth order near the singularities analytically, and determine the solutions numerically as well. We found all the asymptotic, power series singular solutions, which are (1) solutions with a scalar polynomial curvature singularity but the Higgs field is bounded (`Small Bang'), or (2) solutions with a Milne type singularity with bounded spacetime curvature and Higgs field, or (3) solutions with a scalar polynomial curvature singularity and diverging Higgs field (`Big Bang'). Thus, in the present EccH model there is a new kind of physical spacetime singularity (`Small Bang'). We also show that, in a neighbourhood of the singularity in these solutions, the Higgs sector does not have any symmetry breaking instantaneous vacuum state, and hence then the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism does not work. The large scale behaviour of the solutions is investigated numerically as well. In particular, the numerical calculations indicate that there are singular solutions that cannot be approximated by power series. 2 authors · Feb 2, 2018
- Schrödinger-Poisson systems with a general critical nonlinearity We consider a Schr\"odinger-Poisson system involving a general nonlinearity at critical growth and we prove the existence of positive solutions. The Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition is not required. We also study the asymptotics of solutions with respect to a parameter. 3 authors · Jan 6, 2015
- Sharp seasonal threshold property for cooperative population dynamics with concave nonlinearities We consider a biological population whose environment varies periodically in time, exhibiting two very different "seasons" : one is favorable and the other one is unfavorable. For monotone differential models with concave nonlinearities, we address the following question: the system's period being fixed, under what conditions does there exist a critical duration for the unfavorable season? By "critical duration" we mean that above some threshold, the population cannot sustain and extincts, while below this threshold, the system converges to a unique periodic and positive solution. We term this a "sharp seasonal threshold property" (SSTP, for short). Building upon a previous result, we obtain sufficient conditions for SSTP in any dimension and apply our criterion to a two-dimensional model featuring juvenile and adult populations of insects. 2 authors · Apr 20, 2018
- New type of solutions for a critical Grushin-type problem with competing potentials In this paper, we consider a critical Grushin-type problem with double potentials. By applying the reduction argument and local Pohozaev identities, we construct a new family of solutions to this problem, which are concentrated at points lying on the top and the bottom circles of a cylinder. 2 authors · Jun 29, 2024
- Variational integrals on Hessian spaces: partial regularity for critical points We develop regularity theory for critical points of variational integrals defined on Hessian spaces of functions on open, bounded subdomains of R^n, under compactly supported variations. The critical point solves a fourth order nonlinear equation in double divergence form. We show that for smooth convex functionals, a W^{2,infty} critical point with bounded Hessian is smooth provided that its Hessian has a small bounded mean oscillation (BMO). We deduce that the interior singular set of a critical point has Hausdorff dimension at most n-p_0, for some p_0 in (2,3). We state some applications of our results to variational problems in Lagrangian geometry. Finally, we use the Hamiltonian stationary equation to demonstrate the importance of our assumption on the a priori regularity of the critical point. 2 authors · Jul 3, 2023
- Anisotropic Compact Star Model Satisfying Karmarkar Conditions A new class of solutions describing the composition of compact stars has been proposed, assuming that the fluid distribution inside the star is anisotropic. This is achieved by assuming the appropriate metric potential and then solving Einstein's field equations using Karmarkar conditions [Karmarkar K. R., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 27 (1948) 56] to derive the expressions for star density, the radial and tangential pressures in terms of the constants A, B, a paramter `a' and the curvature parameter R. The equations thus obtained have been passed through rigorous conditional analysis. It is further shown that the model is physically viable and mathematically well-behaved, fulfilling the requisite conditions viz., regularity condition, strong energy condition, causality condition, etc. Observed star candidates including EXO 1785-248, SMC X-1, SAXJ1808.43658(SS2), HER X-1, 4U 1538-52, Cen X-3 and LMC X-4 were found to conform to a good approximation through the outcome of this model for a=0.5. 5 authors · Nov 13, 2019
- The continuous extension of the logarithmic double layer potential to the Ahlfors-regular boundary For the real part of the Cauchy-type integral that is known to be the logarithmic potential of the double layer, a necessary and sufficient condition for the continuous extension to the Ahlfors-regular boundary is established. 1 authors · May 2, 2024
- Isoperimetry and the properness of weak inverse mean curvature flow We prove a new existence theorem for proper solutions of Huisken and Ilmanen's weak inverse mean curvature flow, assuming a certain non-degeneracy condition on the isoperimetric profile. In particular, no curvature assumption is imposed in our existence theorem. 1 authors · Jul 2, 2023
- On κ-solutions and canonical neighborhoods in 4d Ricci flow We introduce a classification conjecture for kappa-solutions in 4d Ricci flow. Our conjectured list includes known examples from the literature, but also a new 1-parameter family of Z_2^2times O_3-symmetric bubble-sheet ovals that we construct. We observe that some special cases of the conjecture follow from recent results in the literature. We also introduce a stronger variant of the classification conjecture for ancient asymptotically cylindrical 4d Ricci flows, which does not assume smoothness and nonnegative curvature operator a priori. Assuming this stronger variant holds true, we establish a canonical neighborhood theorem for 4d Ricci flow through cylindrical singularities, which shares some elements in common with Perelman's canonical neighborhood theorem for 3d Ricci flow as well as the mean-convex neighborhood theorem for mean curvature flow through neck-singularities. Finally, we argue that quotient-necks lead to new phenomena, and sketch an example of non-uniqueness for 4d Ricci flow through singularities. 1 authors · Aug 2, 2023
- Symmetries and Asymptotically Flat Space The construction of a theory of quantum gravity is an outstanding problem that can benefit from better understanding the laws of nature that are expected to hold in regimes currently inaccessible to experiment. Such fundamental laws can be found by considering the classical counterparts of a quantum theory. For example, conservation laws in a quantum theory often stem from conservation laws of the corresponding classical theory. In order to construct such laws, this thesis is concerned with the interplay between symmetries and conservation laws of classical field theories and their application to asymptotically flat spacetimes. This work begins with an explanation of symmetries in field theories with a focus on variational symmetries and their associated conservation laws. Boundary conditions for general relativity are then formulated on three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity using the method of conformal completion. Conserved quantities related to asymptotic symmetry transformations are derived and their properties are studied. This is done in a manifestly coordinate independent manner. In a separate step a coordinate system is introduced, such that the results can be compared to existing literature. Next, asymptotically flat spacetimes which contain both future as well as past null infinity are considered. Asymptotic symmetries occurring at these disjoint regions of three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes are linked and the corresponding conserved quantities are matched. Finally, it is shown how asymptotic symmetries lead to the notion of distinct Minkowski spaces that can be differentiated by conserved quantities. 1 authors · Mar 16, 2020
- On the local analyticity for the Euler equations In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Euler equations with initial conditions that exhibit analytic regularity near the boundary and Sobolev regularity away from it. A key contribution of this work is the introduction of the diamond-analyticity framework, which captures the spatial decay of the analyticity radius in a structured manner, improving upon uniform analyticity approaches. We employ the Leray projection and a nonstandard mollification technique to demonstrate that the quotient between the imaginary and real parts of the analyticity radius remains unrestricted, thus extending the analyticity persistence results beyond traditional constraints. Our methodology combines analytic-Sobolev estimates with an iterative scheme which is nonstandard in the Cauchy-Kowalevskaya framework, ensuring rigorous control over the evolution of the solution. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between analyticity and boundary effects in fluid equations. They might have implications for the study of the inviscid limit of the Navier-Stokes equations and the role of complex singularities in fluid dynamics. 3 authors · Feb 1
- Topological Singularity Detection at Multiple Scales The manifold hypothesis, which assumes that data lies on or close to an unknown manifold of low intrinsic dimension, is a staple of modern machine learning research. However, recent work has shown that real-world data exhibits distinct non-manifold structures, i.e. singularities, that can lead to erroneous findings. Detecting such singularities is therefore crucial as a precursor to interpolation and inference tasks. We address this issue by developing a topological framework that (i) quantifies the local intrinsic dimension, and (ii) yields a Euclidicity score for assessing the 'manifoldness' of a point along multiple scales. Our approach identifies singularities of complex spaces, while also capturing singular structures and local geometric complexity in image data. 2 authors · Sep 30, 2022
- Minimally Deformed Regular Bardeen Black Hole Solutions in Rastall Theory In this study, we utilize the minimal geometric deformation technique of gravitational decoupling to extend the regular Bardeen black hole, leading to the derivation of new black hole solutions within the framework of Rastall theory. By decoupling the field equations associated with an extended matter source into two subsystems, we address the first subsystem using the metric components of the regular Bardeen black hole. The second subsystem, incorporating the effects of the additional source, is solved through a constraint imposed by a linear equation of state. By linearly combining the solutions of these subsystems, we obtain two extended models. We then explore the distinct physical properties of these models for specific values of the Rastall and decoupling parameters. Our investigations encompass effective thermodynamic variables such as density and anisotropic pressure, asymptotic flatness, energy conditions, and thermodynamic properties including Hawking temperature, entropy, and specific heat. The results reveal that both models violate asymptotic flatness of the resulting spacetimes. The violation of energy conditions indicate the presence of exotic matter, for both models. Nonetheless, the energy density, radial pressure, as well as the Hawking temperature exhibit acceptable behavior, while the specific heat and Hessian matrix suggest thermodynamic stability. 2 authors · Dec 2, 2024
1 Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms Recent years have seen a surprising connection between the physics of scattering amplitudes and a class of mathematical objects--the positive Grassmannian, positive loop Grassmannians, tree and loop Amplituhedra--which have been loosely referred to as "positive geometries". The connection between the geometry and physics is provided by a unique differential form canonically determined by the property of having logarithmic singularities (only) on all the boundaries of the space, with residues on each boundary given by the canonical form on that boundary. In this paper we initiate an exploration of "positive geometries" and "canonical forms" as objects of study in their own right in a more general mathematical setting. We give a precise definition of positive geometries and canonical forms, introduce general methods for finding forms for more complicated positive geometries from simpler ones, and present numerous examples of positive geometries in projective spaces, Grassmannians, and toric, cluster and flag varieties. We also illustrate a number of strategies for computing canonical forms which yield interesting representations for the forms associated with wide classes of positive geometries, ranging from the simplest Amplituhedra to new expressions for the volume of arbitrary convex polytopes. 3 authors · Mar 13, 2017
- Ill-posedness of the Kelvin-Helmholtz problem for compressible Euler fluids In this paper, when the magnitude of the Mach number is strictly between some fixed small enough constant and 2, we can prove the linear and nonlinear ill-posedness of the Kelvin-Helmholtz problem for compressible ideal fluids. To our best knowledge, this is the first reslult that proves the nonlinear ill-posedness to the Kelvin-Helmholtz problem for the compressible Euler fluids. 2 authors · Jul 2, 2024
- Regularity of shadows and the geometry of the singular set associated to a Monge-Ampere equation Illuminating the surface of a convex body with parallel beams of light in a given direction generates a shadow region. We prove sharp regularity results for the boundary of this shadow in every direction of illumination. Moreover, techniques are developed for investigating the regularity of the region generated by orthogonally projecting a convex set onto another. As an application we study the geometry and Hausdorff dimension of the singular set corresponding to a Monge-Ampere equation. 2 authors · Nov 22, 2013
- Instability of the solitary waves for the Generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equation In this work, we consider the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation $partial_t u+partial_x u+partial_x( |u|^pu)-partial_t partial_x^{2}u=0, quad(t,x) in R times R, with p>4. This equation has the traveling wave solutions \phi_{c}(x-ct), for any frequency c>1. It has been proved by Souganidis and Strauss Strauss-1990 that, there exists a number c_{0}(p)>1, such that solitary waves \phi_{c}(x-ct) with 1<c<c_{0}(p) is orbitally unstable, while for c>c_{0}(p), \phi_{c}(x-ct) is orbitally stable. The linear exponential instability in the former case was further proved by Pego and Weinstein Pego-1991-eigenvalue. In this paper, we prove the orbital instability in the critical case c=c_{0}(p)$. 2 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- Dynamical Cosmological Constant The dynamical realisation of the equation of state p +rho =0 is studied. A non-pathological dynamics for the perturbations of such a system mimicking a dynamical cosmological constant (DCC) requires to go beyond the perfect fluid paradigm. It is shown that an anisotropic stress must be always present. The Hamiltonian of the system in isolation resembles the one of a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator and linear stability requires that it cannot be positive definite. The dynamics of linear cosmological perturbations in a DCC dominated Universe is studied in detail showing that when DCC is minimally coupled to gravity no dramatic instability is present. In contrast to what happens in a cosmological constant dominated Universe, the non-relativistic matter contrast is no longer constant and exhibits an oscillator behaviour at small scales while it grows weakly at large scales. In the gravitational waves sector, at small scales, the amplitude is still suppressed as the inverse power of the scale factor while it grows logarithmically at large scales. Also the vector modes propagate, though no growing mode is found. 2 authors · Mar 5
- Understanding Gradient Descent through the Training Jacobian We examine the geometry of neural network training using the Jacobian of trained network parameters with respect to their initial values. Our analysis reveals low-dimensional structure in the training process which is dependent on the input data but largely independent of the labels. We find that the singular value spectrum of the Jacobian matrix consists of three distinctive regions: a "chaotic" region of values orders of magnitude greater than one, a large "bulk" region of values extremely close to one, and a "stable" region of values less than one. Along each bulk direction, the left and right singular vectors are nearly identical, indicating that perturbations to the initialization are carried through training almost unchanged. These perturbations have virtually no effect on the network's output in-distribution, yet do have an effect far out-of-distribution. While the Jacobian applies only locally around a single initialization, we find substantial overlap in bulk subspaces for different random seeds. Our code is available at https://github.com/EleutherAI/training-jacobian 2 authors · Dec 9, 2024
- Principal Landau Determinants We reformulate the Landau analysis of Feynman integrals with the aim of advancing the state of the art in modern particle-physics computations. We contribute new algorithms for computing Landau singularities, using tools from polyhedral geometry and symbolic/numerical elimination. Inspired by the work of Gelfand, Kapranov, and Zelevinsky (GKZ) on generalized Euler integrals, we define the principal Landau determinant of a Feynman diagram. We illustrate with a number of examples that this algebraic formalism allows to compute many components of the Landau singular locus. We adapt the GKZ framework by carefully specializing Euler integrals to Feynman integrals. For instance, ultraviolet and infrared singularities are detected as irreducible components of an incidence variety, which project dominantly to the kinematic space. We compute principal Landau determinants for the infinite families of one-loop and banana diagrams with different mass configurations, and for a range of cutting-edge Standard Model processes. Our algorithms build on the Julia package Landau.jl and are implemented in the new open-source package PLD.jl available at https://mathrepo.mis.mpg.de/PLD/. 3 authors · Nov 27, 2023
- Causality and Renormalization in Finite-Time-Path Out-of-Equilibrium φ^3 QFT Our aim is to contribute to quantum field theory (QFT) formalisms useful for descriptions of short time phenomena, dominant especially in heavy ion collisions. We formulate out-of-equilibrium QFT within the finite-time-path formalism (FTP) and renormalization theory (RT). The potential conflict of FTP and RT is investigated in g phi^3 QFT, by using the retarded/advanced (R/A) basis of Green functions and dimensional renormalization (DR). For example, vertices immediately after (in time) divergent self-energy loops do not conserve energy, as integrals diverge. We "repair" them, while keeping d<4, to obtain energy conservation at those vertices. Already in the S-matrix theory, the renormalized, finite part of Feynman self-energy Sigma_{F}(p_0) does not vanish when |p_0|rightarrowinfty and cannot be split to retarded and advanced parts. In the Glaser--Epstein approach, the causality is repaired in the composite object G_F(p_0)Sigma_{F}(p_0). In the FTP approach, after repairing the vertices, the corresponding composite objects are G_R(p_0)Sigma_{R}(p_0) and Sigma_{A}(p_0)G_A(p_0). In the limit drightarrow 4, one obtains causal QFT. The tadpole contribution splits into diverging and finite parts. The diverging, constant component is eliminated by the renormalization condition langle 0|phi|0rangle =0 of the S-matrix theory. The finite, oscillating energy-nonconserving tadpole contributions vanish in the limit trightarrow infty . 2 authors · Dec 31, 2019
- Linking Past and Future Null Infinity in Three Dimensions We provide a mapping between past null and future null infinity in three-dimensional flat space, using symmetry considerations. From this we derive a mapping between the corresponding asymptotic symmetry groups. By studying the metric at asymptotic regions, we find that the mapping is energy preserving and yields an infinite number of conservation laws. 3 authors · Jan 23, 2017
- New asymptotically flat static vacuum metrics with near Euclidean boundary data In our prior work toward Bartnik's static vacuum extension conjecture for near Euclidean boundary data, we establish a sufficient condition, called static regular, and confirm large classes of boundary hypersurfaces are static regular. In this note, we further improve some of those prior results. Specifically, we show that any hypersurface in an open and dense subfamily of a certain general smooth one-sided family of hypersurfaces (not necessarily a foliation) is static regular. The proof uses some of our new arguments motivated from studying the conjecture for boundary data near an arbitrary static vacuum metric. 2 authors · May 31, 2022
- Incomplete RG: Hawking-Page transition, C-theorem and relevant scalar deformations of global AdS We discuss relevant scalar deformations of a holographic theory with a compact boundary. An example of such a theory would be the global AdS_4 with its spatially compact boundary S^2. To introduce a relevant deformation, we choose to turn on a time-independent and spatially homogeneous non-normalizable scalar operator with m^2 = -2. The finite size of a compact boundary cuts down the RG flow at a finite length scale leading to an incomplete RG flow to IR. We discuss a version of {\it incomplete} C-theorem and an {\it incomplete} attractor like mechanism. We discuss the implication of our results for entanglement entropy and geometric quantities like scalar curvature, volume and mass scale of fundamental excitation of the how these quantities increase or decrease (often monotonically) with the strength of the deformation. Thermal physics of a holographic theory defined on a compact boundary is more interesting than its non-compact counterpart. It is well known that with a compact boundary, there is a possibility of a first order Hawking-Page transition dual to a de-confinement phase transition. From a gravity perspective, a relevant deformation dumps negative energy inside the bulk, increasing the effective cosmological constant (Lambda) of the AdS. Dumping more negative energy in the bulk would make the HP transition harder and the corresponding HP transition temperature would increase. However, we have found the size of the BH at the transition temperature decreases. 3 authors · Dec 14, 2021
- Maximal regularity of Stokes problem with dynamic boundary condition -- Hilbert setting For the evolutionary Stokes problem with dynamic boundary condition we show maximal regularity of weak solutions in time. Due to the characteriation of R-sectorial operators on Hilbert spaces, the proof reduces to finding the correct functional analytic setting and proving that an operator is sectorial, i.e. generates an analytic semigroup. 3 authors · Aug 3, 2023
1 Critical scaling law for the deposition efficiency of inertia-driven particle collisions with a cylinder in high Reynolds number air flow The Earth's atmosphere is an aerosol, it contains suspended particles. When air flows over an obstacle such as an aircraft wing or tree branch, these particles may not follow the same paths as the air flowing around the obstacle. Instead the particles in the air may deviate from the path of the air and so collide with the surface of the obstacle. It is known that particle inertia can drive this deposition, and that there is a critical value of this inertia, below which no point particles deposit. Particle inertia is measured by the Stokes number, St. We show that near the critical value of the Stokes number, St_c, the amount of deposition has the unusual scaling law of exp(-1/(St-St_c)^{1/2}). The scaling is controlled by the stagnation point of the flow. This scaling is determined by the time for the particle to reach the surface of the cylinder varying as 1/(St-St_c)^{1/2}, together with the distance away from the stagnation point (perpendicular to the flow direction) increasing exponentially with time. The scaling law applies to inviscid flow, a model for flow at high Reynolds numbers. The unusual scaling means that the amount of particles deposited increases only very slowly above the critical Stokes number. This has consequences for applications ranging from rime formation and fog harvesting to pollination. 2 authors · Jan 3, 2023
- Flashlights: An Off-Caustic Lensed Star at Redshift z = 1.26 in Abell 370 We report the discovery of a transient seen in a strongly lensed arc at redshift z_{rm s}=1.2567 in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the Abell 370 galaxy cluster. The transient is detected at 29.51pm0.14 AB mag in a WFC3/UVIS F200LP difference image made using observations from two different epochs, obtained in the framework of the Flashlights program, and is also visible in the F350LP band (m_{rm F350LP} approx 30.53pm0.76 AB mag). The transient is observed on the negative-parity side of the critical curve at a distance of sim 0.6" from it, greater than previous examples of lensed stars. The large distance from the critical curve yields a significantly smaller macromagnification, but our simulations show that bright, O/B-type supergiants can reach sufficiently high magnifications to be seen at the observed position and magnitude. In addition, the observed transient image is a trailing image with an observer-frame time delay of sim+0.8 days from its expected counterpart, so that any transient lasting for longer than that should have also been seen on the minima side and is thus excluded. This, together with the blue colour we measure for the transient (m_{rm F200LP} - m_{rm F350LP} approx [-0.3,-1.6] AB), rules out most other transient candidates such as (kilo)novae, for example, and makes a lensed star the prime candidate. Assuming the transient is indeed a lensed star as suggested, many more such events should be detected in the near future in cluster surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope and James Webb Space Telescope. 13 authors · Nov 2, 2022
- Adversarial Classification: Necessary conditions and geometric flows We study a version of adversarial classification where an adversary is empowered to corrupt data inputs up to some distance varepsilon, using tools from variational analysis. In particular, we describe necessary conditions associated with the optimal classifier subject to such an adversary. Using the necessary conditions, we derive a geometric evolution equation which can be used to track the change in classification boundaries as varepsilon varies. This evolution equation may be described as an uncoupled system of differential equations in one dimension, or as a mean curvature type equation in higher dimension. In one dimension, and under mild assumptions on the data distribution, we rigorously prove that one can use the initial value problem starting from varepsilon=0, which is simply the Bayes classifier, in order to solve for the global minimizer of the adversarial problem for small values of varepsilon. In higher dimensions we provide a similar result, albeit conditional to the existence of regular solutions of the initial value problem. In the process of proving our main results we obtain a result of independent interest connecting the original adversarial problem with an optimal transport problem under no assumptions on whether classes are balanced or not. Numerical examples illustrating these ideas are also presented. 2 authors · Nov 21, 2020
- Optimal design of plane elastic membranes using the convexified Föppl's model This work puts forth a new optimal design formulation for planar elastic membranes. The goal is to minimize the membrane's compliance through choosing the material distribution described by a positive Radon measure. The deformation of the membrane itself is governed by the convexified F\"{o}ppl's model. The uniqueness of this model lies in the convexity of its variational formulation despite the inherent nonlinearity of the strain-displacement relation. It makes it possible to rewrite the optimization problem as a pair of mutually dual convex variational problems. In the primal problem a linear functional is maximized with respect to displacement functions while enforcing that point-wisely the strain lies in an unbounded closed convex set. The dual problem consists in finding equilibrated stresses that are to minimize a convex integral functional of linear growth defined on the space of Radon measures. The pair of problems is analysed: existence and regularity results are provided, together with the system of optimality criteria. To demonstrate the computational potential of the pair, a finite element scheme is developed around it. Upon reformulation to a conic-quadratic & semi-definite programming problem, the method is employed to produce numerical simulations for several load case scenarios. 1 authors · Aug 1, 2023
- Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability? Or, why we need to rethink variational quantum computing A large amount of effort has recently been put into understanding the barren plateau phenomenon. In this perspective article, we face the increasingly loud elephant in the room and ask a question that has been hinted at by many but not explicitly addressed: Can the structure that allows one to avoid barren plateaus also be leveraged to efficiently simulate the loss classically? We present strong evidence that commonly used models with provable absence of barren plateaus are also classically simulable, provided that one can collect some classical data from quantum devices during an initial data acquisition phase. This follows from the observation that barren plateaus result from a curse of dimensionality, and that current approaches for solving them end up encoding the problem into some small, classically simulable, subspaces. Thus, while stressing quantum computers can be essential for collecting data, our analysis sheds serious doubt on the non-classicality of the information processing capabilities of parametrized quantum circuits for barren plateau-free landscapes. We end by discussing caveats in our arguments, the role of smart initializations and the possibility of provably superpolynomial, or simply practical, advantages from running parametrized quantum circuits. 12 authors · Dec 14, 2023
- Locality in the Schroedinger Picture of Quantum Mechanics We explain how the so-called Einstein locality is to be understood in the Schr\"odinger picture of quantum mechanics. This notion is perfectly compatible with the Bell non-locality exhibited by entangled states. Contrary to some beliefs that quantum mechanics is incomplete, it is, in fact, its overcompleteness as exemplified by different pictures of quantum physics, that points to the same underlying reality. 1 authors · Dec 7, 2023
- A Dynamical Model of Neural Scaling Laws On a variety of tasks, the performance of neural networks predictably improves with training time, dataset size and model size across many orders of magnitude. This phenomenon is known as a neural scaling law. Of fundamental importance is the compute-optimal scaling law, which reports the performance as a function of units of compute when choosing model sizes optimally. We analyze a random feature model trained with gradient descent as a solvable model of network training and generalization. This reproduces many observations about neural scaling laws. First, our model makes a prediction about why the scaling of performance with training time and with model size have different power law exponents. Consequently, the theory predicts an asymmetric compute-optimal scaling rule where the number of training steps are increased faster than model parameters, consistent with recent empirical observations. Second, it has been observed that early in training, networks converge to their infinite-width dynamics at a rate 1/width but at late time exhibit a rate width^{-c}, where c depends on the structure of the architecture and task. We show that our model exhibits this behavior. Lastly, our theory shows how the gap between training and test loss can gradually build up over time due to repeated reuse of data. 3 authors · Feb 1, 2024
- Global Well-posedness for 2D non-resistive MHD equations in half-space This paper focuses on the initial boundary value problem of two-dimensional non-resistive MHD equations in a half space. We prove that the MHD equations have a unique global strong solution around the equilibrium state (0,e_1) for Dirichlet boundary condition of velocity and modified Neumann boundary condition of magnetic. 2 authors · Jan 3, 2024
- Frechet Differentiability in Besov Spaces in the Optimal Control of Parabolic Free Boundary Problems We consider the inverse Stefan type free boundary problem, where information on the boundary heat flux and density of the sources are missing and must be found along with the temperature and the free boundary. We pursue optimal control framework where boundary heat flux, density of sources, and free boundary are components of the control vector. The optimality criteria consists of the minimization of the L_2-norm declinations of the temperature measurements at the final moment, phase transition temperature, and final position of the free boundary. We prove the Frechet differentiability in Besov spaces, and derive the formula for the Frechet differential under minimal regularity assumptions on the data. The result implies a necessary condition for optimal control and opens the way to the application of projective gradient methods in Besov spaces for the numerical solution of the inverse Stefan problem. 2 authors · Mar 31, 2016
- Model Collapse Demystified: The Case of Regression In the era of proliferation of large language and image generation models, the phenomenon of "model collapse" refers to the situation whereby as a model is trained recursively on data generated from previous generations of itself over time, its performance degrades until the model eventually becomes completely useless, i.e the model collapses. In this work, we study this phenomenon in the setting of high-dimensional regression and obtain analytic formulae which quantitatively outline this phenomenon in a broad range of regimes. In the special case of polynomial decaying spectral and source conditions, we obtain modified scaling laws which exhibit new crossover phenomena from fast to slow rates. We also propose a simple strategy based on adaptive regularization to mitigate model collapse. Our theoretical results are validated with experiments. 3 authors · Feb 12, 2024
- Channels of Stellar-mass Black Hole Formation On the basis of a large collection of detailed 3D core-collapse supernova simulations carried to late times, we identify four channels of stellar mass black hole formation. Our examples for Channel 1 involve the formation of lower-gap and above black holes in energetic asymmetric supernova explosions. Our Channel 2 example involves a modest supernova explosion that may leave behind a lower-gap to sim10 M_{odot} black hole. The latter may not be easily distinguishable from ``standard" supernovae that birth neutron stars. Our Channel 3 example experiences an aborted core-collapse explosion, more often in the context of a low-metallicity progenitor, whose residue is a black hole with a mass perhaps up to sim40 M_{odot}. The latter may be accompanied by a pulsational-pair instability supernova (PPISN). Channel 4 is the only quiescent or ``silent" scenario for which perhaps sim5 to 15 M_{odot} black holes are left. Where appropriate, we estimate ^{56}Ni yields, explosion energies, approximate recoil speeds, and residual black hole masses. The progenitor mass density and binding energy profiles at collapse influence the outcome in a systematic way. The statistics and prevalence of these various channels depend not only on still evolving supernova theory, but on remaining issues with the theory of massive star evolution, binary interaction, wind mass loss, metallicity, and the nuclear equation of state. Importantly, we suggest, but have not proven, that the silent channel for black hole formation may not be the dominant formation modality. 3 authors · Dec 10, 2024
- BPS and near-BPS black holes in AdS_5 and their spectrum in N=4 SYM We study quantum corrections in the gravitational path integral around nearly 1/16-BPS black holes in asymptotically AdS_5 times S^5 space, dual to heavy states in 4D N=4 super Yang-Mills. The analysis provides a gravitational explanation of why 1/16-BPS black holes exhibit an exact degeneracy at large N and why all such states have the same charges, confirming the belief that the superconformal index precisely counts the entropy of extremal black holes. We show the presence of a gap of order N^{-2} between the 1/16-BPS black holes and the lightest near-BPS black holes within the same charge sector. This is the first example of such a gap for black holes states within the context of AdS_5 holography. We also derive the spectrum of near-BPS states that lie above this gap. Our computation relies on finding the correct version of the N=2 super-Schwarzian theory which captures the breaking of the SU(1, 1|1) symmetry when the black hole has finite temperature and non-zero chemical potential. Finally, we comment on possible stringy and non-perturbative corrections that can affect the black hole spectrum. 4 authors · Mar 2, 2022
- Stochastic acceleration in arbitrary astrophysical environments Turbulent magnetic fields are to some extent a universal feature in astrophysical phenomena. Charged particles that encounter these turbulence get on average accelerated according to the so-called second-order Fermi process. However, in most astrophysical environments there are additional competing processes, such as different kinds of first-order energy changes and particle escape, that effect the resulting momentum distribution of the particles. In this work we provide to our knowledge the first semi-analytical solution of the isotropic steady-state momentum diffusion equation including continuous and catastrophic momentum changes that can be applied to any arbitrary astrophysical system of interest. Here, we adopt that the assigned magnetic turbulence is constrained on a finite range and the particle flux vanishes beyond these boundaries. Consequently, we show that the so-called pile-up bump -- that has for some special cases long been established -- is a universal feature of stochastic acceleration that emerges around the momentum chi_{rm eq} where acceleration and continuous loss are in equilibrium if the particle's residence time in the system is sufficient at chi_{rm eq}. In general, the impact of continuous and catastrophic momentum changes plays a crucial role in the shape of the steady-state momentum distribution of the accelerated particles, where simplified unbroken power-law approximations are often not adequate. 2 authors · Nov 22, 2024
- A generalized effective potential for differentially rotating plasmas Global stability of differentially rotating plasma is investigated using a generalized effective potential. We first, for a current-free system, obtain a general form of an effective potential in terms of the free energies of global curvature and gradients of rotation for non-axisymmetric disturbances. We then examine the stability of differentially rotating disks for several rotation profiles and present the associated effective potential for the onset of these instabilities in the MHD regime. In particular, results for global axisymmetric magnetorotational instability (MRI) as well as local and global non-axisymmetric modes are presented. The latter constitute two distinct non-axisymmetric modes, a high frequency local MRI and a global low-frequency non-axisymmetric mode (the magneto-curvature mode, introduced in Ebrahimi&Pharr, ApJ 2022), confined either between two Alfv\'enic resonances or an Alfv\'enic resonance and a boundary. 2 authors · Dec 10, 2024
- Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas. 4 authors · Apr 29, 2024
- Gravitational waves in massive gravity: Waveforms generated by a particle plunging into a black hole and the excitation of quasinormal modes and quasibound states With the aim of testing massive gravity in the context of black hole physics, we investigate the gravitational radiation emitted by a massive particle plunging into a Schwarzschild black hole from slightly below the innermost stable circular orbit. To do so, we first construct the quasinormal and quasibound resonance spectra of the spin-2 massive field for odd and even parity. Then, we compute the waveforms produced by the plunging particle and study their spectral content. This allows us to highlight and interpret important phenomena in the plunge regime, including (i) the excitation of quasibound states, with particular emphasis on the amplification and slow decay of the post-ringdown phase of the even-parity dipolar mode due to harmonic resonance; (ii) during the adiabatic phase, the waveform emitted by the plunging particle is very well described by the waveform emitted by the particle living on the innermost stable circular orbit, and (iii) the regularized waveforms and their unregularized counterparts constructed from the quasinormal mode spectrum are in excellent agreement. Finally, we construct, for arbitrary directions of observation and, in particular, outside the orbital plane of the plunging particle, the regularized multipolar waveforms, i.e., the waveforms constructed by summing over partial waveforms. 1 authors · Nov 25, 2024
- Black holes and the loss landscape in machine learning Understanding the loss landscape is an important problem in machine learning. One key feature of the loss function, common to many neural network architectures, is the presence of exponentially many low lying local minima. Physical systems with similar energy landscapes may provide useful insights. In this work, we point out that black holes naturally give rise to such landscapes, owing to the existence of black hole entropy. For definiteness, we consider 1/8 BPS black holes in N = 8 string theory. These provide an infinite family of potential landscapes arising in the microscopic descriptions of corresponding black holes. The counting of minima amounts to black hole microstate counting. Moreover, the exact numbers of the minima for these landscapes are a priori known from dualities in string theory. Some of the minima are connected by paths of low loss values, resembling mode connectivity. We estimate the number of runs needed to find all the solutions. Initial explorations suggest that Stochastic Gradient Descent can find a significant fraction of the minima. 3 authors · Jun 26, 2023
- Stability Analysis for a Class of Heterogeneous Catalysis Models We prove stability for a class of heterogeneous catalysis models in the L_p-setting. We consider a setting in a finite three-dimensional pore of cylinder-like geometry, with the lateral walls acting as a catalytic surface. Under a reasonable condition on the involved parameters, we show that given equilibria are normally stable, i.e. solutions are attracted at an exponential rate. The potential incidence of instability is discussed as well. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2023
- Neural Network Approximations of PDEs Beyond Linearity: A Representational Perspective A burgeoning line of research leverages deep neural networks to approximate the solutions to high dimensional PDEs, opening lines of theoretical inquiry focused on explaining how it is that these models appear to evade the curse of dimensionality. However, most prior theoretical analyses have been limited to linear PDEs. In this work, we take a step towards studying the representational power of neural networks for approximating solutions to nonlinear PDEs. We focus on a class of PDEs known as nonlinear elliptic variational PDEs, whose solutions minimize an Euler-Lagrange energy functional E(u) = int_Omega L(x, u(x), nabla u(x)) - f(x) u(x)dx. We show that if composing a function with Barron norm b with partial derivatives of L produces a function of Barron norm at most B_L b^p, the solution to the PDE can be epsilon-approximated in the L^2 sense by a function with Barron norm Oleft(left(dB_Lright)^{max{p log(1/ epsilon), p^{log(1/epsilon)}}}right). By a classical result due to Barron [1993], this correspondingly bounds the size of a 2-layer neural network needed to approximate the solution. Treating p, epsilon, B_L as constants, this quantity is polynomial in dimension, thus showing neural networks can evade the curse of dimensionality. Our proof technique involves neurally simulating (preconditioned) gradient in an appropriate Hilbert space, which converges exponentially fast to the solution of the PDE, and such that we can bound the increase of the Barron norm at each iterate. Our results subsume and substantially generalize analogous prior results for linear elliptic PDEs over a unit hypercube. 4 authors · Oct 21, 2022
- Large-scale unpinning and pulsar glitches due to the forced oscillation of vortices The basic framework of the superfluid vortex model for pulsar glitches, though, is well accepted; there is a lack of consensus on the possible trigger mechanism responsible for the simultaneous release of a large number (sim 10^{17}) of superfluid vortices from the inner crust. Here, we propose a simple trigger mechanism to explain such catastrophic events of vortex unpinning. We treat a superfluid vortex line as a classical massive straight string with well-defined string tension stretching along the rotation axis of pulsars. The crustquake-induced lattice vibration of the inner crust can act as a driving force for the transverse oscillation of the string. Such forced oscillation near resonance causes the bending of the vortex lines, disturbing their equilibrium configuration and resulting in the unpinning of vortices. We consider unpinning from the inner crust's so-called {\it strong (nuclear)} pinning region, where the vortices are likely pinned to the nuclear sites. We also comment on vortex unpinning from the interstitial pinning region of the inner crust. We sense that unifying crustquake with the superfluid vortex model can naturally explain the cause of large-scale vortex unpinning and generation of large-size pulsar glitches. 3 authors · Nov 28, 2024
- Beyond Symmetries : Anomalies in Transverse Ward--Takahashi Identities Anomalies in transverse Ward--Takahashi identities are studied, allowing discussion of the feasibility of anomalies arising in general non-symmetry Ward--Takahashi identities. We adopt the popular Fujikawa's method and rigorous dimensional renormalization to verify the existence of transverse anomalies to one-loop order and any loop order, respectively. The arbitrariness of coefficients of transverse anomalies is revealed, and a way out is also proposed after relating transverse anomalies to Schwinger terms and comparing symmetry and non-symmetry anomalies. Papers that claim the non-existence of transverse anomalies are reviewed to find anomalies hidden in their approaches. The role played by transverse anomalies is discussed. 2 authors · Dec 31, 2019
- On resolvability, connectedness and pseudocompactness We prove that: I. If L is a T_1 space, |L|>1 and d(L) leq kappa geq omega, then there is a submaximal dense subspace X of L^{2^kappa} such that |X|=Delta(X)=kappa; II. If cleqkappa=kappa^omega<lambda and 2^kappa=2^lambda, then there is a Tychonoff pseudocompact globally and locally connected space X such that |X|=Delta(X)=lambda and X is not kappa^+-resolvable; III. If omega_1leqkappa<lambda and 2^kappa=2^lambda, then there is a regular space X such that |X|=Delta(X)=lambda, all continuous real-valued functions on X are constant (so X is pseudocompact and connected) and X is not kappa^+-resolvable. 1 authors · Aug 2, 2023
- Particle-Hole Symmetry in the Fermion-Chern-Simons and Dirac Descriptions of a Half-Filled Landau Level It is well known that there is a particle-hole symmetry for spin-polarized electrons with two-body interactions in a partially filled Landau level, which becomes exact in the limit where the cyclotron energy is large compared to the interaction strength, so one can ignore mixing between Landau levels. This symmetry is explicit in the description of a half-filled Landau level recently introduced by D. T. Son, using Dirac fermions, but it was thought to be absent in the older fermion-Chern- Simons approach, developed by Halperin, Lee, and Read and subsequent authors. We show here, however, that when properly evaluated, the Halperin, Lee, Read (HLR) theory gives results for long-wavelength low-energy physical properties, including the Hall conductance in the presence of impurities and the positions of minima in the magnetoroton spectra for fractional quantized Hall states close to half-filling, that are identical to predictions of the Dirac formulation. In fact, the HLR theory predicts an emergent particle-hole symmetry near half filling, even when the cyclotron energy is finite. 4 authors · Dec 30, 2016
- Gradient Descent Monotonically Decreases the Sharpness of Gradient Flow Solutions in Scalar Networks and Beyond Recent research shows that when Gradient Descent (GD) is applied to neural networks, the loss almost never decreases monotonically. Instead, the loss oscillates as gradient descent converges to its ''Edge of Stability'' (EoS). Here, we find a quantity that does decrease monotonically throughout GD training: the sharpness attained by the gradient flow solution (GFS)-the solution that would be obtained if, from now until convergence, we train with an infinitesimal step size. Theoretically, we analyze scalar neural networks with the squared loss, perhaps the simplest setting where the EoS phenomena still occur. In this model, we prove that the GFS sharpness decreases monotonically. Using this result, we characterize settings where GD provably converges to the EoS in scalar networks. Empirically, we show that GD monotonically decreases the GFS sharpness in a squared regression model as well as practical neural network architectures. 4 authors · May 22, 2023
- Interpreting the extremely diffuse stellar distribution of Nube galaxy through fuzzy dark matter Recent observations have revealed an unusual stellar distribution within the almost dark dwarf galaxy Nube. The galaxy exhibits a remarkably flat stellar distribution, with an effective radius of approximately 6.9 kpc, exceeding the typical size of dwarf galaxies and even surpassing that of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) with similar stellar masses. The dynamical heating effect of fuzzy dark matter (FDM) may offer an explanation for this extremely diffuse stellar distribution in Nube. In this research, we utilize simulation techniques to investigate this issue and find that a particle mass O (1)times 10^{-23} eV offers a plausible explanation for this peculiar stellar distribution anomaly. 4 authors · Dec 2, 2024
- Compatibility of Fundamental Matrices for Complete Viewing Graphs This paper studies the problem of recovering cameras from a set of fundamental matrices. A set of fundamental matrices is said to be compatible if a set of cameras exists for which they are the fundamental matrices. We focus on the complete graph, where fundamental matrices for each pair of cameras are given. Previous work has established necessary and sufficient conditions for compatibility as rank and eigenvalue conditions on the n-view fundamental matrix obtained by concatenating the individual fundamental matrices. In this work, we show that the eigenvalue condition is redundant. We provide explicit homogeneous polynomials that describe necessary and sufficient conditions for compatibility in terms of the fundamental matrices and their epipoles. In this direction, we find that quadruple-wise compatibility is enough to ensure global compatibility for any number of cameras. We demonstrate that for four cameras, compatibility is generically described by triple-wise conditions and one additional equation involving all fundamental matrices. 2 authors · Mar 19, 2023
- Addendum to Research MMMCV; A Man/Microbio/Megabio/Computer Vision In October 2007, a Research Proposal for the University of Sydney, Australia, the author suggested that biovie-physical phenomenon as `electrodynamic dependant biological vision', is governed by relativistic quantum laws and biovision. The phenomenon on the basis of `biovielectroluminescence', satisfies man/microbio/megabio/computer vision (MMMCV), as a robust candidate for physical and visual sciences. The general aim of this addendum is to present a refined text of Sections 1-3 of that proposal and highlighting the contents of its Appendix in form of a `Mechanisms' Section. We then briefly remind in an article aimed for December 2007, by appending two more equations into Section 3, a theoretical II-time scenario as a time model well-proposed for the phenomenon. The time model within the core of the proposal, plays a significant role in emphasizing the principle points on Objectives no. 1-8, Sub-hypothesis 3.1.2, mentioned in Article [arXiv:0710.0410]. It also expresses the time concept in terms of causing quantized energy f(|E|) of time |t|, emit in regard to shortening the probability of particle loci as predictable patterns of particle's un-occurred motion, a solution to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP) into a simplistic manner. We conclude that, practical frames via a time algorithm to this model, fixates such predictable patterns of motion of scenery bodies onto recordable observation points of a MMMCV system. It even suppresses/predicts superposition phenomena coming from a human subject and/or other bio-subjects for any decision making event, e.g., brainwave quantum patterns based on vision. Maintaining the existential probability of Riemann surfaces of II-time scenarios in the context of biovielectroluminescence, makes motion-prediction a possibility. 1 authors · Nov 6, 2007
- On the Existence of Solution of Conservation Law with Moving Bottleneck and Discontinuity in FLux In this paper, a PDE-ODE model with discontinuity in the flux as well as a flux constraint is analyzed. A modified Riemann solution is proposed and the existence of a weak solution to the Cauchy problem is rigorously investigated using the wavefront tracking scheme. 2 authors · Sep 30, 2023
- A mechanism to generate varying speed of light via Higgs-dilaton coupling: Theory and cosmological applications We allow the Higgs field Phi to interact with a dilaton field chi of the background spacetime via the coupling chi^2,Phi^daggerPhi. Upon spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking, the Higgs VEV becomes proportional to chi. While traditionally this linkage is employed to make the Planck mass and particle masses dependent on chi, we present an textit alternative mechanism: the Higgs VEV will be used to construct Planck's constant hbar and speed of light c. Specifically, each open set vicinity of a given point x^* on the spacetime manifold is equipped with a replica of the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam action operating with its own effective values of hbar_* and c_* per hbar_*proptochi^{-1/2}(x^*) and c_*proptochi^{1/2}(x^*), causing these ``fundamental constants'' to vary alongside the dynamical field chi. Moreover, in each open set around x^*, the prevailing value chi(x^*) determines the length and time scales for physical processes occurring in this region as lproptochi^{-1}(x^*) and tauproptochi^{-3/2}(x^*). This leads to an textit anisotropic relation tau^{-1}propto l^{-3/2} between the rate of clocks and the length of rods, resulting in a distinct set of novel physical phenomena. For late-time cosmology, the variation of c along the trajectory of light waves from distant supernovae towards the Earth-based observer necessitates modifications to the Lema\^itre redshift relation and the Hubble law. These modifications are capable of: (1) Accounting for the Pantheon Catalog of SNeIa through a declining speed of light in an expanding Einstein--de Sitter universe, thus avoiding the need for dark energy; (2) Revitalizing Blanchard-Douspis-Rowan-Robinson-Sarkar's CMB power spectrum analysis that bypassed dark energy [A&A 412, 35 (2003)]; and (3) Resolving the H_0 tension without requiring a dynamical dark energy component. 1 authors · Aug 5, 2024
- Flat space cosmologies in two dimensions - Phase transitions and asymptotic mass-domination We study flat space cosmologies in two dimensions by taking the flat space limit of the Achucarro-Ortiz model. We unravel a phase transition between hot flat space and flat space cosmologies, and derive a new dilaton-dependent counterterm required for the consistency of the Euclidean partition function. Our results generalize to asymptotically mass-dominated 2-dimensional dilaton gravity models, whose thermodynamical properties we discuss. The novel case of asymptotic mass-domination is neither covered by the comprehensive discussion of hep-th/0703230 nor by the more recent generalization to dilaton gravity with confining U(1) charges in 1406.7007. 5 authors · Aug 22, 2014
- Optimally truncated WKB approximation for the highly oscillatory stationary 1D Schrödinger equation We discuss the numerical solution of initial value problems for varepsilon^2,varphi''+a(x),varphi=0 in the highly oscillatory regime, i.e., with a(x)>0 and 0<varepsilonll 1. We analyze and implement an approximate solution based on the well-known WKB-ansatz. The resulting approximation error is of magnitude O(varepsilon^{N}) where N refers to the truncation order of the underlying asymptotic series. When the optimal truncation order N_{opt} is chosen, the error behaves like O(varepsilon^{-2}exp(-cvarepsilon^{-1})) with some c>0. 4 authors · Oct 2, 2023
- A Precise Characterization of SGD Stability Using Loss Surface Geometry Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) stands as a cornerstone optimization algorithm with proven real-world empirical successes but relatively limited theoretical understanding. Recent research has illuminated a key factor contributing to its practical efficacy: the implicit regularization it instigates. Several studies have investigated the linear stability property of SGD in the vicinity of a stationary point as a predictive proxy for sharpness and generalization error in overparameterized neural networks (Wu et al., 2022; Jastrzebski et al., 2019; Cohen et al., 2021). In this paper, we delve deeper into the relationship between linear stability and sharpness. More specifically, we meticulously delineate the necessary and sufficient conditions for linear stability, contingent on hyperparameters of SGD and the sharpness at the optimum. Towards this end, we introduce a novel coherence measure of the loss Hessian that encapsulates pertinent geometric properties of the loss function that are relevant to the linear stability of SGD. It enables us to provide a simplified sufficient condition for identifying linear instability at an optimum. Notably, compared to previous works, our analysis relies on significantly milder assumptions and is applicable for a broader class of loss functions than known before, encompassing not only mean-squared error but also cross-entropy loss. 6 authors · Jan 22, 2024
- Equilibrium of Charges and Differential Equations Solved by Polynomials II We continue study of equilibrium of two species of 2d coulomb charges (or point vortices in 2d ideal fluid) started in Lv. Although for two species of vortices with circulation ratio -1 the relationship between the equilibria and the factorization/Darboux transformation of the Schrodinger operator was established a long ago, the question about similar relationship for the ratio -2 remained unanswered. Here we present the answer. 2 authors · Oct 2, 2024
1 Persistent homology of the cosmic web. I: Hierarchical topology in ΛCDM cosmologies Using a set of LambdaCDM simulations of cosmic structure formation, we study the evolving connectivity and changing topological structure of the cosmic web using state-of-the-art tools of multiscale topological data analysis (TDA). We follow the development of the cosmic web topology in terms of the evolution of Betti number curves and feature persistence diagrams of the three (topological) classes of structural features: matter concentrations, filaments and tunnels, and voids. The Betti curves specify the prominence of features as a function of density level, and their evolution with cosmic epoch reflects the changing network connections between these structural features. The persistence diagrams quantify the longevity and stability of topological features. In this study we establish, for the first time, the link between persistence diagrams, the features they show, and the gravitationally driven cosmic structure formation process. By following the diagrams' development over cosmic time, the link between the multiscale topology of the cosmic web and the hierarchical buildup of cosmic structure is established. The sharp apexes in the diagrams are intimately related to key transitions in the structure formation process. The apex in the matter concentration diagrams coincides with the density level at which, typically, they detach from the Hubble expansion and begin to collapse. At that level many individual islands merge to form the network of the cosmic web and a large number of filaments and tunnels emerge to establish its connecting bridges. The location trends of the apex possess a self-similar character that can be related to the cosmic web's hierarchical buildup. We find that persistence diagrams provide a significantly higher and more profound level of information on the structure formation process than more global summary statistics like Euler characteristic or Betti numbers. 8 authors · Nov 25, 2020