On Differentially Private String Distances
Given a database of bit strings A_1,ldots,A_min {0,1}^n, a fundamental data structure task is to estimate the distances between a given query Bin {0,1}^n with all the strings in the database. In addition, one might further want to ensure the integrity of the database by releasing these distance statistics in a secure manner. In this work, we propose differentially private (DP) data structures for this type of tasks, with a focus on Hamming and edit distance. On top of the strong privacy guarantees, our data structures are also time- and space-efficient. In particular, our data structure is epsilon-DP against any sequence of queries of arbitrary length, and for any query B such that the maximum distance to any string in the database is at most k, we output m distance estimates. Moreover, - For Hamming distance, our data structure answers any query in widetilde O(mk+n) time and each estimate deviates from the true distance by at most widetilde O(k/e^{epsilon/log k}); - For edit distance, our data structure answers any query in widetilde O(mk^2+n) time and each estimate deviates from the true distance by at most widetilde O(k/e^{epsilon/(log k log n)}). For moderate k, both data structures support sublinear query operations. We obtain these results via a novel adaptation of the randomized response technique as a bit flipping procedure, applied to the sketched strings.