--- base_model: openlm-research/open_llama_3b inference: false model_type: llama prompt_template: | Q: {prompt} \nA quantized_by: mwitiderrick tags: - deepsparse --- ## OpenLLaMA 3B - DeepSparse This repo contains model files for [OpenLLaMA](https://huggingface.co/openlm-research/open_llama_3b) optimized for [DeepSparse](https://github.com/neuralmagic/deepsparse), a CPU inference runtime for sparse models. This model was quantized and pruned with [SparseGPT](https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.00774), using [SparseML](https://github.com/neuralmagic/sparseml). ## Inference Install [DeepSparse LLM](https://github.com/neuralmagic/deepsparse) for fast inference on CPUs: ```bash pip install deepsparse-nightly[llm] ``` Run in a [Python pipeline](https://github.com/neuralmagic/deepsparse/blob/main/docs/llms/text-generation-pipeline.md): ```python from deepsparse import TextGeneration prompt = 'Q: What is the largest animal?\nA:' formatted_prompt = f"Q: {prompt}\nA:" model = TextGeneration(model_path="hf:nm-testing/open_llama_3b-pruned50-quant-ds") print(model(formatted_prompt, max_new_tokens=200).generations[0].text) """ the in the in in the in in in in in the in the the in in the in in the the the the the in the the in the the in the the in the in the the in the the in the the in in the the the the in in in the the the the in the in in the the the the in the the in the the in the the the the the the the in the the the in the the the the in the the the the in in the the the the the the the in the the the the in the the the in the the in the the the in the the the the the in the the the the the the the the the in the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the """ ``` ## Prompt template ``` Q: {prompt} \nA: ``` ## Sparsification For details on how this model was sparsified, see the `recipe.yaml` in this repo and follow the instructions below. ```bash git clone https://github.com/neuralmagic/sparseml pip install -e "sparseml[transformers]" python sparseml/src/sparseml/transformers/sparsification/obcq/obcq.py openlm-research/open_llama_3b open_platypus --recipe recipe.yaml --save True python sparseml/src/sparseml/transformers/sparsification/obcq/export.py --task text-generation --model_path obcq_deployment cp deployment/model.onnx deployment/model-orig.onnx ``` Run this kv-cache injection to speed up the model at inference by caching the Key and Value states: ```python import os import onnx from sparseml.exporters.kv_cache_injector import KeyValueCacheInjector input_file = "deployment/model-orig.onnx" output_file = "deployment/model.onnx" model = onnx.load(input_file, load_external_data=False) model = KeyValueCacheInjector(model_path=os.path.dirname(input_file)).apply(model) onnx.save(model, output_file) print(f"Modified model saved to: {output_file}") ``` Follow the instructions on our [One Shot With SparseML](https://github.com/neuralmagic/sparseml/tree/main/src/sparseml/transformers/sparsification/obcq) page for a step-by-step guide for performing one-shot quantization of large language models. ## Slack For further support, and discussions on these models and AI in general, join [Neural Magic's Slack Community](https://join.slack.com/t/discuss-neuralmagic/shared_invite/zt-q1a1cnvo-YBoICSIw3L1dmQpjBeDurQ)