{ |
"name": "UCI Adult Data Analysis model using Tensorflow", |
"version": "0.1", |
"short_description": "UCI Adult Data analysis using Tensorflow for demonstration of Patra Model Cards.", |
"full_description": "We have trained a ML model using the tensorflow framework to predict income for the UCI Adult Dataset. We leverage this data to run the Patra model cards to capture metadata about the model as well as fairness and explainability metrics.", |
"keywords": "uci adult, tensorflow, explainability, fairness, patra", |
"author": "Your Name", |
"input_type": "Tabular", |
"category": "classification", |
"input_data": "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/adult", |
"output_data": "https://github.iu.edu/d2i/dockerhub/tensorflow/adult_modelv01", |
"foundational_model": "None", |
"ai_model": { |
"name": "Income prediction tensorflow model", |
"version": "0.1", |
"description": "Census classification problem using TensorFlow Neural Network using the UCI Adult Dataset", |
"owner": "Your Name or Organization", |
"location": "https://example.com/path-to-model", |
"license": "BSD-3 Clause", |
"framework": "tensorflow", |
"model_type": "dnn", |
"test_accuracy": 0.7919545769691467, |
"model_structure": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "Sequential", |
"config": { |
"name": "sequential", |
"trainable": true, |
"dtype": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "DTypePolicy", |
"config": { |
"name": "float32" |
} |
}, |
"layers": [ |
{ |
"module": "keras.layers", |
"class_name": "InputLayer", |
"config": { |
"batch_shape": [ |
100 |
], |
"dtype": "float32", |
"sparse": false, |
"name": "input_layer" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"module": "keras.layers", |
"class_name": "Dense", |
"config": { |
"name": "dense", |
"trainable": true, |
"dtype": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "DTypePolicy", |
"config": { |
"name": "float32" |
} |
}, |
"units": 64, |
"activation": "relu", |
"use_bias": true, |
"kernel_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "GlorotUniform", |
"config": {} |
}, |
"bias_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "Zeros", |
"config": {} |
} |
}, |
"build_config": { |
"input_shape": [ |
100 |
] |
} |
}, |
{ |
"module": "keras.layers", |
"class_name": "Dense", |
"config": { |
"name": "dense_1", |
"trainable": true, |
"dtype": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "DTypePolicy", |
"config": { |
"name": "float32" |
} |
}, |
"units": 128, |
"activation": "relu", |
"use_bias": true, |
"kernel_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "GlorotUniform", |
"config": {} |
}, |
"bias_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "Zeros", |
"config": {} |
} |
}, |
"build_config": { |
"input_shape": [ |
64 |
] |
} |
}, |
{ |
"module": "keras.layers", |
"class_name": "Dense", |
"config": { |
"name": "dense_2", |
"trainable": true, |
"dtype": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "DTypePolicy", |
"config": { |
"name": "float32" |
} |
}, |
"units": 64, |
"activation": "relu", |
"use_bias": true, |
"kernel_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "GlorotUniform", |
"config": {} |
}, |
"bias_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "Zeros", |
"config": {} |
} |
}, |
"build_config": { |
"input_shape": [ |
128 |
] |
} |
}, |
{ |
"module": "keras.layers", |
"class_name": "Dense", |
"config": { |
"name": "dense_3", |
"trainable": true, |
"dtype": { |
"module": "keras", |
"class_name": "DTypePolicy", |
"config": { |
"name": "float32" |
} |
}, |
"units": 1, |
"activation": "sigmoid", |
"use_bias": true, |
"kernel_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "GlorotUniform", |
"config": {} |
}, |
"bias_initializer": { |
"module": "keras.initializers", |
"class_name": "Zeros", |
"config": {} |
} |
}, |
"build_config": { |
"input_shape": [ |
64 |
] |
} |
} |
], |
"build_input_shape": [ |
100 |
] |
}, |
"build_config": { |
"input_shape": [ |
100 |
] |
}, |
"compile_config": { |
"optimizer": { |
"module": "keras.optimizers", |
"class_name": "Adam", |
"config": { |
"name": "adam", |
"learning_rate": 0.0010000000474974513, |
"use_ema": false, |
"ema_momentum": 0.99, |
"beta_1": 0.9, |
"beta_2": 0.999, |
"epsilon": 1e-07, |
"amsgrad": false |
} |
}, |
"loss": "binary_crossentropy", |
"metrics": [ |
"accuracy" |
], |
"run_eagerly": false, |
"steps_per_execution": 1, |
"jit_compile": false |
} |
}, |
"metrics": { |
"Test loss": 0.5084354877471924, |
"Epochs": 100, |
"Batch Size": 32, |
"Optimizer": "Adam", |
"Learning Rate": 0.001, |
"Input Shape": "(26048, 100)" |
} |
}, |
"bias_analysis": { |
"demographic_parity_diff": 0.032400848225782965, |
"equal_odds_difference": 0.03417438108252019 |
}, |
"xai_analysis": { |
"capital_gain": 0.14158532669974697, |
"fnlwgt": 0.015681726452377108, |
"age": 0.00021690960559580313, |
"hours_per_week": 0.00013091093136204657, |
"relationship__Not_in_family": 7.917947239345974e-05, |
"marital_status__Married_civ_spouse": 7.522924906677672e-05, |
"education__HS_grad": 5.9253134661254366e-05, |
"occupation__Exec_managerial": 5.8465765582191924e-05, |
"marital_status__Never_married": 2.9966458678243015e-05, |
"education_num": 2.848242719968154e-05 |
}, |
"model_requirements": [ |
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"albucore==0.0.19", |
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"ale-py==0.10.1", |
"altair==5.5.0", |
"annotated-types==0.7.0", |
"anyio==3.7.1", |
"argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0", |
"argon2-cffi==23.1.0", |
"array-record==0.6.0", |
"arviz==0.20.0", |
"astropy-iers-data==0.2025.", |
"astropy==6.1.7", |
"astunparse==1.6.3", |
"atpublic==4.1.0", |
"attrs==25.1.0", |
"audioread==3.0.1", |
"autocommand==2.2.2", |
"autograd==1.7.0", |
"babel==2.16.0", |
"backcall==0.2.0", |
"backports.tarfile==1.2.0", |
"beautifulsoup4==4.12.3", |
"bigframes==1.33.0", |
"bigquery-magics==0.5.0", |
"bleach==6.2.0", |
"blinker==1.9.0", |
"blis==0.7.11", |
"blosc2==3.0.0", |
"bokeh==3.6.2", |
"bottleneck==1.4.2", |
"bqplot==0.12.44", |
"branca==0.8.1", |
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"pylibcugraph-cu12==24.12.0", |
"pylibraft-cu12==24.12.0", |
"pymc==5.19.1", |
"pymystem3==0.2.0", |
"pynvjitlink-cu12==0.4.0", |
"pyogrio==0.10.0", |
"pyomo==6.8.2", |
"pyopengl==3.1.9", |
"pyopenssl==24.2.1", |
"pyparsing==3.2.1", |
"pyperclip==1.9.0", |
"pyproj==3.7.0", |
"pyshp==2.3.1", |
"pysocks==1.7.1", |
"pyspark==3.5.4", |
"pytensor==2.26.4", |
"pytest==8.3.4", |
"python-apt==0.0.0", |
"python-box==7.3.2", |
"python-dateutil==2.8.2", |
"python-louvain==0.16", |
"python-slugify==8.0.4", |
"python-snappy==0.7.3", |
"python-utils==3.9.1", |
"pytz==2024.2", |
"pyviz-comms==3.0.4", |
"pyyaml==6.0.2", |
"pyzmq==24.0.1", |
"qdldl==0.1.7.post5", |
"ratelim==0.1.6", |
"referencing==0.36.2", |
"regex==2024.11.6", |
"requests-oauthlib==1.3.1", |
"requests-toolbelt==1.0.0", |
"requests==2.32.3", |
"requirements-parser==0.9.0", |
"rich==13.9.4", |
"rmm-cu12==24.12.1", |
"rpds-py==0.22.3", |
"rpy2==3.4.2", |
"rsa==4.9", |
"safetensors==0.5.2", |
"scikit-image==0.25.1", |
"scikit-learn==1.6.1", |
"scipy==1.13.1", |
"scooby==0.10.0", |
"scs==3.2.7.post2", |
"seaborn==0.13.2", |
"secretstorage==3.3.1", |
"send2trash==1.8.3", |
"sentence-transformers==3.3.1", |
"sentencepiece==0.2.0", |
"sentry-sdk==2.20.0", |
"setproctitle==1.3.4", |
"setuptools==75.1.0", |
"shapely==2.0.6", |
"shellingham==1.5.4", |
"simple-parsing==0.1.7", |
"six==1.17.0", |
"sklearn-compat==0.1.3", |
"sklearn-pandas==2.2.0", |
"slicer==0.0.8", |
"smart-open==7.1.0", |
"smmap==5.0.2", |
"sniffio==1.3.1", |
"snowballstemmer==2.2.0", |
"soundfile==0.13.1", |
"soupsieve==2.6", |
"soxr==0.5.0.post1", |
"spacy-legacy==3.0.12", |
"spacy-loggers==1.0.5", |
"spacy==3.7.5", |
"spanner-graph-notebook==1.0.9", |
"sphinx==8.1.3", |
"sphinxcontrib-applehelp==2.0.0", |
"sphinxcontrib-devhelp==2.0.0", |
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"stanio==0.5.1", |
"statsmodels==0.14.4", |
"stringzilla==3.11.3", |
"sympy==1.13.1", |
"tables==3.10.2", |
"tabulate==0.9.0", |
"tbb==2022.0.0", |
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"tenacity==9.0.0", |
"tensorboard-data-server==0.7.2", |
"tensorboard==2.18.0", |
"tensorflow-datasets==4.9.7", |
"tensorflow-hub==0.16.1", |
"tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem==0.37.1", |
"tensorflow-metadata==1.16.1", |
"tensorflow-probability==0.24.0", |
"tensorflow==2.18.0", |
"tensorstore==0.1.71", |
"termcolor==2.5.0", |
"terminado==0.18.1", |
"text-unidecode==1.3", |
"textblob==0.17.1", |
"tf-keras==2.18.0", |
"tf-slim==1.1.0", |
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"toolz==0.12.1", |
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"torchaudio==2.5.1+cu124", |
"torchsummary==1.5.1", |
"torchvision==0.20.1+cu124", |
"tornado==6.3.3", |
"tqdm==4.67.1", |
"traitlets==5.7.1", |
"traittypes==0.2.1", |
"transformers==4.47.1", |
"triton==3.1.0", |
"tweepy==4.14.0", |
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"types-pytz==2024.2.0.20241221", |
"types-setuptools==", |
"typing-extensions==4.12.2", |
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"tzlocal==5.2", |
"uc-micro-py==1.0.3", |
"umf==0.9.1", |
"uritemplate==4.1.1", |
"urllib3==2.3.0", |
"vega-datasets==0.9.0", |
"wadllib==1.3.6", |
"wandb==0.19.4", |
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"webencodings==0.5.1", |
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"xgboost==2.1.3", |
"xlrd==2.0.1", |
"xyzservices==2025.1.0", |
"yarl==1.18.3", |
"yellowbrick==1.5", |
"yfinance==0.2.52", |
"zipp==3.21.0", |
"zstandard==0.23.0" |
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