# Advanced Access Control in Organizations with Resource Groups
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
In your Hugging Face organization, you can use Resource Groups to control which members have access to specific repositories.
## How does it work?
Resource Groups allow organizations administrators to group related repositories together, and manage access to those repos.
Resource Groups allow different teams to work on their respective repositories within the same organization.
A repository can belong to only one Resource Group.
Organizations members need to be added to the Resource Group to access its repositories. An Organization Member can belong to several Resource Groups.
Members are assigned a role in each Resource Group that determines their permissions for the group's repositories. Four distinct roles exist for Resource Groups:
- `read`: Grants read access to repositories within the Resource Group.
- `contributor`: Provides extra write rights to the subset of the Organization's repositories created by the user (i.e., users can create repos and then modify only those repos). Similar to the 'Write' role, but limited to repos created by the user.
- `write`: Offers write access to all repositories in the Resource Group. Users can create, delete, or rename any repository in the Resource Group.
- `admin`: In addition to write permissions on repositories, admin members can administer the Resource Group — add, remove, and alter the roles of other members. They can also transfer repositories in and out of the Resource Group.
In addition, Organization admins can manage all resource groups inside the organization.
Resource Groups also affect the visibility of private repositories inside the organization. A private repository that is part of a Resource Group will only be visible to members of that Resource Group. Public repositories, on the other hand, are visible to anyone, inside and outside the organization.
## Getting started
Head to your Organization's settings, then navigate to the "Resource Group" tab in the left menu.
If you are an admin of the organization, you can create and manage Resource Groups from that page.
After creating a resource group and giving it a meaningful name, you can start adding repositories and users to it.
Remember that a repository can be part of only one Resource Group. You'll be warned when trying to add a repository that already belongs to another Resource Group.
## Programmatic management (API)
Coming soon!
# Using Stanza at Hugging Face
`stanza` is a collection of accurate and efficient tools for the linguistic analysis of many human languages. Starting from raw text to syntactic analysis and entity recognition, Stanza brings state-of-the-art NLP models to languages of your choosing.
## Exploring Stanza in the Hub
You can find `stanza` models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=stanza&sort=downloads). You can find over 70 models for different languages!
All models on the Hub come up with the following features:
1. An automatically generated model card with a brief description and metadata tags that help for discoverability.
2. An interactive widget you can use to play out with the model directly in the browser (for named entity recognition and part of speech).
3. An Inference API that allows to make inference requests (for named entity recognition and part of speech).
## Using existing models
The `stanza` library automatically downloads models from the Hub. You can use `stanza.Pipeline` to download the model from the Hub and do inference.
import stanza
nlp = stanza.Pipeline('en') # download th English model and initialize an English neural pipeline
doc = nlp("Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.") # run annotation over a sentence
## Sharing your models
To add new official Stanza models, you can follow the process to [add a new language](https://stanfordnlp.github.io/stanza/new_language.html) and then [share your models with the Stanza team](https://stanfordnlp.github.io/stanza/new_language.html#contributing-back-to-stanza). You can also find the official script to upload models to the Hub [here](https://github.com/stanfordnlp/huggingface-models/blob/main/hugging_stanza.py).
## Additional resources
* `stanza` [docs](https://stanfordnlp.github.io/stanza/).
# Image Dataset
This guide will show you how to configure your dataset repository with image files. You can find accompanying examples of repositories in this [Image datasets examples collection](https://huggingface.co/collections/datasets-examples/image-dataset-6568e7cf28639db76eb92d65).
A dataset with a supported structure and [file formats](./datasets-adding#file-formats) automatically has a Dataset Viewer on its page on the Hub.
Additional information about your images - such as captions or bounding boxes for object detection - is automatically loaded as long as you include this information in a metadata file (`metadata.csv`/`metadata.jsonl`).
Alternatively, images can be in Parquet files or in TAR archives following the [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) format.
## Only images
If your dataset only consists of one column with images, you can simply store your image files at the root:
├── 1.jpg
├── 2.jpg
├── 3.jpg
└── 4.jpg
or in a subdirectory:
└── images
├── 1.jpg
├── 2.jpg
├── 3.jpg
└── 4.jpg
Multiple [formats](./datasets-adding#file-formats) are supported at the same time, including PNG, JPEG, TIFF and WebP.
└── images
├── 1.jpg
├── 2.png
├── 3.tiff
└── 4.webp
If you have several splits, you can put your images into directories named accordingly:
├── train
│ ├── 1.jpg
│ └── 2.jpg
└── test
├── 3.jpg
└── 4.jpg
See [File names and splits](./datasets-file-names-and-splits) for more information and other ways to organize data by splits.
## Additional columns
If there is additional information you'd like to include about your dataset, like text captions or bounding boxes, add it as a `metadata.csv` file in your repository. This lets you quickly create datasets for different computer vision tasks like [text captioning](https://huggingface.co/tasks/image-to-text) or [object detection](https://huggingface.co/tasks/object-detection).
└── train
├── 1.jpg
├── 2.jpg
├── 3.jpg
├── 4.jpg
└── metadata.csv
Your `metadata.csv` file must have a `file_name` column which links image files with their metadata:
1.jpg,a drawing of a green pokemon with red eyes
2.jpg,a green and yellow toy with a red nose
3.jpg,a red and white ball with an angry look on its face
4.jpg,a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face
You can also use a [JSONL](https://jsonlines.org/) file `metadata.jsonl`:
{"file_name": "1.jpg","text": "a drawing of a green pokemon with red eyes"}
{"file_name": "2.jpg","text": "a green and yellow toy with a red nose"}
{"file_name": "3.jpg","text": "a red and white ball with an angry look on its face"}
{"file_name": "4.jpg","text": "a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face"}
## Relative paths
Metadata file must be located either in the same directory with the images it is linked to, or in any parent directory, like in this example:
└── train
├── images
│ ├── 1.jpg
│ ├── 2.jpg
│ ├── 3.jpg
│ └── 4.jpg
└── metadata.csv
In this case, the `file_name` column must be a full relative path to the images, not just the filename:
images/1.jpg,a drawing of a green pokemon with red eyes
images/2.jpg,a green and yellow toy with a red nose
images/3.jpg,a red and white ball with an angry look on its face
images/4.jpg,a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face
Metadata file cannot be put in subdirectories of a directory with the images.
## Image classification
For image classification datasets, you can also use a simple setup: use directories to name the image classes. Store your image files in a directory structure like:
├── green
│ ├── 1.jpg
│ └── 2.jpg
└── red
├── 3.jpg
└── 4.jpg
The dataset created with this structure contains two columns: `image` and `label` (with values `green` and `red`).
You can also provide multiple splits. To do so, your dataset directory should have the following structure (see [File names and splits](./datasets-file-names-and-splits) for more information):
├── test
│ ├── green
│ │ └── 2.jpg
│ └── red
│ └── 4.jpg
└── train
├── green
│ └── 1.jpg
└── red
└── 3.jpg
You can disable this automatic addition of the `label` column in the [YAML configuration](./datasets-manual-configuration). If your directory names have no special meaning, set `drop_labels: true` in the README header:
- config_name: default # Name of the dataset subset, if applicable.
drop_labels: true
## Large scale datasets
### WebDataset format
The [WebDataset](./datasets-webdataset) format is well suited for large scale image datasets (see [timm/imagenet-12k-wds](https://huggingface.co/datasets/timm/imagenet-12k-wds) for example).
It consists of TAR archives containing images and their metadata and is optimized for streaming. It is useful if you have a large number of images and to get streaming data loaders for large scale training.
├── train-0000.tar
├── train-0001.tar
├── ...
└── train-1023.tar
To make a WebDataset TAR archive, create a directory containing the images and metadata files to be archived and create the TAR archive using e.g. the `tar` command.
The usual size per archive is generally around 1GB.
Make sure each image and metadata pair share the same file prefix, for example:
├── 000.jpg
├── 000.json
├── 001.jpg
├── 001.json
├── ...
├── 999.jpg
└── 999.json
Note that for user convenience and to enable the [Dataset Viewer](./datasets-viewer), every dataset hosted in the Hub is automatically converted to Parquet format up to 5GB.
Read more about it in the [Parquet format](./datasets-viewer#access-the-parquet-files) documentation.
### Parquet format
Instead of uploading the images and metadata as individual files, you can embed everything inside a [Parquet](https://parquet.apache.org/) file.
This is useful if you have a large number of images, if you want to embed multiple image columns, or if you want to store additional information about the images in the same file.
Parquet is also useful for storing data such as raw bytes, which is not supported by JSON/CSV.
└── train.parquet
Image columns are of type _struct_, with a binary field `"bytes"` for the image data and a string field `"path"` for the image file name or path.
You should specify the feature types of the columns directly in YAML in the README header, for example:
- name: image
dtype: image
- name: caption
dtype: string
Alternatively, Parquet files with Image data can be created using the `datasets` library by setting the column type to `Image()` and using the `.to_parquet(...)` method or `.push_to_hub(...)`. You can find a guide on loading image datasets in `datasets` [here](/docs/datasets/image_load).
# Custom Python Spaces
Spaces now support arbitrary Dockerfiles so you can host any Python app directly using [Docker Spaces](./spaces-sdks-docker).
While not an official workflow, you are able to run your own Python + interface stack in Spaces by selecting Gradio as your SDK and serving a frontend on port `7860`. See the [templates](https://huggingface.co/templates#spaces) for examples.
Spaces are served in iframes, which by default restrict links from opening in the parent page. The simplest solution is to open them in a new window:
Usually, the height of Spaces is automatically adjusted when using the Gradio library interface. However, if you provide your own frontend in the Gradio SDK and the content height is larger than the viewport, you'll need to add an [iFrame Resizer script](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/iframe-resizer), so the content is scrollable in the iframe:
As an example, here is the same Space with and without the script:
- https://huggingface.co/spaces/ronvolutional/http-server
- https://huggingface.co/spaces/ronvolutional/iframe-test
# Advanced Topics
## Contents
- [Integrate your library with the Hub](./models-adding-libraries)
- [Adding new tasks to the Hub](./models-tasks)
- [GGUF format](./gguf)
# WebDataset
[WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) is a library for writing I/O pipelines for large datasets.
Its sequential I/O and sharding features make it especially useful for streaming large-scale datasets to a DataLoader.
## The WebDataset format
A WebDataset file is a TAR archive containing a series of data files.
All successive data files with the same prefix are considered to be part of the same example (e.g., an image/audio file and its label or metadata):
Labels and metadata can be in a `.json` file, in a `.txt` (for a caption, a description), or in a `.cls` (for a class index).
A large scale WebDataset is made of many files called shards, where each shard is a TAR archive.
Each shard is often ~1GB but the full dataset can be multiple terabytes!
## Streaming
Streaming TAR archives is fast because it reads contiguous chunks of data.
It can be orders of magnitude faster than reading separate data files one by one.
WebDataset streaming offers high-speed performance both when reading from disk and from cloud storage, which makes it an ideal format to feed to a DataLoader:
For example here is how to stream the [timm/imagenet-12k-wds](https://huggingface.co/datasets/timm/imagenet-12k-wds) dataset directly from Hugging Face:
First you need to [Login with your Hugging Face account](/docs/huggingface_hub/quick-start#login), for example using:
huggingface-cli login
And then you can stream the dataset with WebDataset:
>>> import webdataset as wds
>>> from huggingface_hub import get_token
>>> from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
>>> hf_token = get_token()
>>> url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/timm/imagenet-12k-wds/resolve/main/imagenet12k-train-{{0000..1023}}.tar"
>>> url = f"pipe:curl -s -L {url} -H 'Authorization:Bearer {hf_token}'"
>>> dataset = wds.WebDataset(url).decode()
>>> dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64, num_workers=4)
## Shuffle
Generally, datasets in WebDataset formats are already shuffled and ready to feed to a DataLoader.
But you can still reshuffle the data with WebDataset's approximate shuffling.
In addition to shuffling the list of shards, WebDataset uses a buffer to shuffle a dataset without any cost to speed:
To shuffle a list of sharded files and randomly sample from the shuffle buffer:
>>> buffer_size = 1000
>>> dataset = (
... wds.WebDataset(url, shardshuffle=True)
... .shuffle(buffer_size)
... .decode()
... )
# Moderation
Check out the [Code of Conduct](https://huggingface.co/code-of-conduct) and the [Content Guidelines](https://huggingface.co/content-guidelines).
## Reporting a repository
To report a repository, you can click the three dots at the top right of a repository. Afterwards, you can click "Report the repository". This will allow you to explain what's the reason behind the report (Ethical issue, legal issue, not working, or other) and a description for the report. Once you do this, a **public discussion** will be opened.
## Reporting a comment
To report a comment, you can click the three dots at the top right of a comment. That will submit a request for the Hugging Face team to review.
# Models Download Stats
## How are downloads counted for models?
Counting the number of downloads for models is not a trivial task, as a single model repository might contain multiple files, including multiple model weight files (e.g., with sharded models) and different formats depending on the library (GGUF, PyTorch, TensorFlow, etc.). To avoid double counting downloads (e.g., counting a single download of a model as multiple downloads), the Hub uses a set of query files that are employed for download counting. No information is sent from the user, and no additional calls are made for this. The count is done server-side as the Hub serves files for downloads.
Every HTTP request to these files, including `GET` and `HEAD`, will be counted as a download. By default, when no library is specified, the Hub uses `config.json` as the default query file. Otherwise, the query file depends on each library, and the Hub might examine files such as `pytorch_model.bin` or `adapter_config.json`.
## Which are the query files for different libraries?
By default, the Hub looks at `config.json`, `config.yaml`, `hyperparams.yaml`, and `meta.yaml`. Some libraries override these defaults by specifying their own filter (specifying `countDownloads`). The code that defines these overrides is [open-source](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/blob/main/packages/tasks/src/model-libraries.ts). For example, for the `nemo` library, all files with `.nemo` extension are used to count downloads.
## Can I add my query files for my library?
Yes, you can open a Pull Request [here](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/blob/main/packages/tasks/src/model-libraries.ts). Here is a minimal [example](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/pull/885/files) adding download metrics for VFIMamba. Check out the [integration guide](./models-adding-libraries#register-your-library) for more details.
## How are `GGUF` files handled?
GGUF files are self-contained and are not tied to a single library, so all of them are counted for downloads. This will double count downloads in the case a user performs cloning of a whole repository, but most users and interfaces download a single GGUF file for a given repo.
## How is `diffusers` handled?
The `diffusers` library is an edge case and has its filter configured in the internal codebase. The filter ensures repos tagged as `diffusers` count both files loaded via the library as well as through UIs that require users to manually download the top-level safetensors.
filter: [
bool: {
/// Include documents that match at least one of the following rules
should: [
/// Downloaded from diffusers lib
term: { path: "model_index.json" },
/// Direct downloads (LoRa, Auto1111 and others)
/// Filter out nested safetensors and pickle weights to avoid double counting downloads from the diffusers lib
regexp: { path: "[^/]*\\.safetensors" },
regexp: { path: "[^/]*\\.ckpt" },
regexp: { path: "[^/]*\\.bin" },
minimum_should_match: 1,
# Dataset viewer
Each dataset page includes a table with the contents of the dataset, arranged by pages of 100 rows. You can navigate between pages using the buttons at the bottom of the table.
## Inspect data distributions
At the top of the columns you can see the graphs representing the distribution of their data. This gives you a quick insight on how balanced your classes are, what are the range and distribution of numerical data and lengths of texts, and what portion of the column data is missing.
## Filter by value
If you click on a bar of a histogram from a numerical column, the dataset viewer will filter the data and show only the rows with values that fall in the selected range.
Similarly, if you select one class from a categorical column, it will show only the rows from the selected category.
## Search a word in the dataset
You can search for a word in the dataset by typing it in the search bar at the top of the table. The search is case-insensitive and will match any row containing the word. The text is searched in the columns of `string`, even if the values are nested in a dictionary or a list.
## Run SQL queries on the dataset
You can run SQL queries on the dataset in the browser using the SQL Console. This feature also leverages our [auto-conversion to Parquet](datasets-viewer#access-the-parquet-files).
For more information see our guide on [SQL Console](./datasets-viewer-sql-console).
## Share a specific row
You can share a specific row by clicking on it, and then copying the URL in the address bar of your browser. For example https://huggingface.co/datasets/nyu-mll/glue/viewer/mrpc/test?p=2&row=241 will open the dataset viewer on the MRPC dataset, on the test split, and on the 241st row.
## Large scale datasets
The Dataset Viewer supports large scale datasets, but depending on the data format it may only show the first 5GB of the dataset:
- For Parquet datasets: the Dataset Viewer shows the full dataset, but filtering and search are only enabled on the first 5GB.
- For datasets >5GB in other formats (e.g. [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) or JSON Lines): the Dataset Viewer only shows the first 5GB, and filtering and search are enabled on these first 5GB.
In this case, an informational message lets you know that the Viewer is partial. This should be a large enough sample to represent the full dataset accurately, let us know if you need a bigger sample.
## Access the parquet files
To power the dataset viewer, the first 5GB of every dataset are auto-converted to the Parquet format (unless it was already a Parquet dataset). In the dataset viewer (for example, see [GLUE](https://huggingface.co/datasets/nyu-mll/glue)), you can click on [_"Auto-converted to Parquet"_](https://huggingface.co/datasets/nyu-mll/glue/tree/refs%2Fconvert%2Fparquet/cola) to access the Parquet files. Please, refer to the [dataset viewer docs](/docs/datasets-server/parquet_process) to learn how to query the dataset parquet files with libraries such as Polars, Pandas or DuckDB.
Parquet is a columnar storage format optimized for querying and processing large datasets. Parquet is a popular choice for big data processing and analytics and is widely used for data processing and machine learning. You can learn more about the advantages associated with this format in the documentation.
### Conversion bot
When you create a new dataset, the [`parquet-converter` bot](https://huggingface.co/parquet-converter) notifies you once it converts the dataset to Parquet. The [discussion](./repositories-pull-requests-discussions) it opens in the repository provides details about the Parquet format and links to the Parquet files.
### Programmatic access
You can also access the list of Parquet files programmatically using the [Hub API](./api#get-apidatasetsrepoidparquet); for example, endpoint [`https://huggingface.co/api/datasets/nyu-mll/glue/parquet`](https://huggingface.co/api/datasets/nyu-mll/glue/parquet) lists the parquet files of the `nyu-mll/glue` dataset.
We also have a specific documentation about the [Dataset Viewer API](https://huggingface.co/docs/dataset-viewer), which you can call directly. That API lets you access the contents, metadata and basic statistics of all Hugging Face Hub datasets, and powers the Dataset viewer frontend.
## Dataset preview
For the biggest datasets, the page shows a preview of the first 100 rows instead of a full-featured viewer. This restriction only applies for datasets over 5GB that are not natively in Parquet format or that have not been auto-converted to Parquet.
## Embed the Dataset Viewer in a webpage
You can embed the Dataset Viewer in your own webpage using an iframe. The URL to use is `https://huggingface.co/datasets///embed/viewer`, where `` is the owner of the dataset and `` is the name of the dataset. You can also pass other parameters like the subset, split, filter, search or selected row.
For more information see our guide on [How to embed the Dataset Viewer in a webpage](./datasets-viewer-embed).
## Configure the Dataset Viewer
To have a properly working Dataset Viewer for your dataset, make sure your dataset is in a supported format and structure.
There is also an option to configure your dataset using YAML.
For **private** datasets, the Dataset Viewer is enabled for [PRO users](https://huggingface.co/pricing) and [Enterprise Hub organizations](https://huggingface.co/enterprise).
For more information see our guide on [How to configure the Dataset Viewer](./datasets-viewer-configure).
# Shiny on Spaces
[Shiny](https://shiny.posit.co/) is an open-source framework for building simple, beautiful, and performant data applications.
The goal when developing Shiny was to build something simple enough to teach someone in an afternoon but extensible enough to power large, mission-critical applications.
You can create a useful Shiny app in a few minutes, but if the scope of your project grows, you can be sure that Shiny can accommodate that application.
The main feature that differentiates Shiny from other frameworks is its reactive execution model.
When you write a Shiny app, the framework infers the relationship between inputs, outputs, and intermediary calculations and uses those relationships to render only the things that need to change as a result of a user's action.
The result is that users can easily develop efficient, extensible applications without explicitly caching data or writing callback functions.
## Shiny for Python
[Shiny for Python](https://shiny.rstudio.com/py/) is a pure Python implementation of Shiny.
This gives you access to all of the great features of Shiny like reactivity, complex layouts, and modules without needing to use R.
Shiny for Python is ideal for Hugging Face applications because it integrates smoothly with other Hugging Face tools.
To get started deploying a Space, click this button to select your hardware and specify if you want a public or private Space.
The Space template will populate a few files to get your app started.
This file defines your app's logic. To learn more about how to modify this file, see [the Shiny for Python documentation](https://shiny.rstudio.com/py/docs/overview.html).
As your app gets more complex, it's a good idea to break your application logic up into [modules](https://shiny.rstudio.com/py/docs/workflow-modules.html).
The Dockerfile for a Shiny for Python app is very minimal because the library doesn't have many system dependencies, but you may need to modify this file if your application has additional system dependencies.
The one essential feature of this file is that it exposes and runs the app on the port specified in the space README file (which is 7860 by default).
The Space will automatically install dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.
Note that you must include shiny in this file.
## Shiny for R
[Shiny for R](https://shiny.rstudio.com/) is a popular and well-established application framework in the R community and is a great choice if you want to host an R app on Hugging Face infrastructure or make use of some of the great [Shiny R extensions](https://github.com/nanxstats/awesome-shiny-extensions).
To integrate Hugging Face tools into an R app, you can either use [httr2](https://httr2.r-lib.org/) to call Hugging Face APIs, or [reticulate](https://rstudio.github.io/reticulate/) to call one of the Hugging Face Python SDKs.
To deploy an R Shiny Space, click this button and fill out the space metadata.
This will populate the Space with all the files you need to get started.
This file contains all of your application logic. If you prefer, you can break this file up into `ui.R` and `server.R`.
The Dockerfile builds off of the the [rocker shiny](https://hub.docker.com/r/rocker/shiny) image. You'll need to modify this file to use additional packages.
If you are using a lot of tidyverse packages we recommend switching the base image to [rocker/shinyverse](https://hub.docker.com/r/rocker/shiny-verse).
You can install additional R packages by adding them under the `RUN install2.r` section of the dockerfile, and github packages can be installed by adding the repository under `RUN installGithub.r`.
There are two main requirements for this Dockerfile:
- First, the file must expose the port that you have listed in the README. The default is 7860 and we recommend not changing this port unless you have a reason to.
- Second, for the moment you must use the development version of [httpuv](https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv) which resolves an issue with app timeouts on Hugging Face.
# Malware Scanning
We run every file of your repositories through a [malware scanner](https://www.clamav.net/).
Scanning is triggered at each commit or when you visit a repository page.
Here is an [example view](https://huggingface.co/mcpotato/42-eicar-street/tree/main) of an infected file:
If your file has neither an ok nor infected badge, it could mean that it is either currently being scanned, waiting to be scanned, or that there was an error during the scan. It can take up to a few minutes to be scanned.
If at least one file has a been scanned as unsafe, a message will warn the users:
As the repository owner, we advise you to remove the suspicious file. The repository will appear back as safe.
# Webhook guide: build a Discussion bot based on BLOOM
Webhooks are now publicly available!
Here's a short guide on how to use Hugging Face Webhooks to build a bot that replies to Discussion comments on the Hub with a response generated by BLOOM, a multilingual language model, using the free Inference API.
## Create your Webhook in your user profile
First, let's create a Webhook from your [settings]( https://huggingface.co/settings/webhooks).
- Input a few target repositories that your Webhook will listen to.
- You can put a dummy Webhook URL for now, but defining your webhook will let you look at the events that will be sent to it (and you can replay them, which will be useful for debugging).
- Input a secret as it will be more secure.
- Subscribe to Community (PR & discussions) events, as we are building a Discussion bot.
Your Webhook will look like this:

## Create a new `Bot` user profile
In this guide, we create a separate user account to host a Space and to post comments:

When creating a bot that will interact with other users on the Hub, we ask that you clearly label the account as a "Bot" (see profile screenshot).
## Create a Space that will react to your Webhook
The third step is actually to listen to the Webhook events.
An easy way is to use a Space for this. We use the user account we created, but you could do it from your main user account if you wanted to.
The Space's code is [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/discussion-bot/webhook/tree/main).
We used NodeJS and Typescript to implement it, but any language or framework would work equally well. Read more about Docker Spaces [here](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker).
**The main `server.ts` file is [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/discussion-bot/webhook/blob/main/server.ts)**
Let's walk through what happens in this file:
app.post("/", async (req, res) => {
if (req.header("X-Webhook-Secret") !== process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET) {
console.error("incorrect secret");
return res.status(400).json({ error: "incorrect secret" });
Here, we listen to POST requests made to `/`, and then we check that the `X-Webhook-Secret` header is equal to the secret we had previously defined (you need to also set the `WEBHOOK_SECRET` secret in your Space's settings to be able to verify it).
const event = req.body.event;
if (
event.action === "create" &&
event.scope === "discussion.comment" &&
) {
The event's payload is encoded as JSON. Here, we specify that we will run our Webhook only when:
- the event concerns a discussion comment
- the event is a creation, i.e. a new comment has been posted
- the comment's content contains `@discussion-bot`, i.e. our bot was just mentioned in a comment.
In that case, we will continue to the next step:
const PROMPT = `Pretend that you are a bot that replies to discussions about machine learning, and reply to the following comment:\n`;
const response = await fetch(INFERENCE_URL, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ inputs: PROMPT + req.body.comment.content }),
if (response.ok) {
const output = await response.json();
const continuationText = output[0].generated_text.replace(
PROMPT + req.body.comment.content,
This is the coolest part: we call the Inference API for the BLOOM model, prompting it with `PROMPT`, and we get the continuation text, i.e., the part generated by the model.
Finally, we will post it as a reply in the same discussion thread:
const commentUrl = req.body.discussion.url.api + "/comment";
const commentApiResponse = await fetch(commentUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.HF_TOKEN}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ comment: continuationText }),
const apiOutput = await commentApiResponse.json();
## Configure your Webhook to send events to your Space
Last but not least, you'll need to configure your Webhook to send POST requests to your Space.
Let's first grab our Space's "direct URL" from the contextual menu. Click on "Embed this Space" and copy the "Direct URL".

Update your webhook to send requests to that URL:

## Result

# Spaces Changelog
## [2023-07-28] - Upstream Streamlit frontend for `>=1.23.0`
- Streamlit SDK uses the upstream packages published on PyPI for `>=1.23.0`, so the newly released versions are available from the day of release.
## [2023-05-30] - Add support for Streamlit 1.23.x and 1.24.0
- Added support for Streamlit `1.23.0`, `1.23.1`, and `1.24.0`.
- Since `1.23.0`, the Streamlit frontend has been changed to the upstream version from the HF-customized one.
## [2023-05-30] - Add support for Streamlit 1.22.0
- Added support for Streamlit `1.22.0`.
## [2023-05-15] - The default Streamlit version
- The default Streamlit version is set as `1.21.0`.
## [2023-04-12] - Add support for Streamlit up to 1.19.0
- Support for `1.16.0`, `1.17.0`, `1.18.1`, and `1.19.0` is added and the default SDK version is set as `1.19.0`.
## [2023-03-28] - Bug fix
- Fixed a bug causing inability to scroll on iframe-embedded or directly accessed Streamlit apps, which was reported at https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/how-to-add-scroll-bars-to-a-streamlit-app-using-space-direct-embed-url/34101. The patch has been applied to Streamlit>=1.18.1.
## [2022-12-15] - Spaces supports Docker Containers
- Read more doc about: [Docker Spaces](./spaces-sdks-docker)
## [2022-12-14] - Ability to set a custom `sleep` time
- Read more doc here: [Spaces sleep time](./spaces-gpus#sleep-time)
## [2022-12-07] - Add support for Streamlit 1.15
- Announcement : https://twitter.com/osanseviero/status/1600881584214638592.
## [2022-06-07] - Add support for Streamlit 1.10.0
- The new multipage apps feature is working out-of-the-box on Spaces.
- Streamlit blogpost : https://blog.streamlit.io/introducing-multipage-apps.
## [2022-05-23] - Spaces speedup and reactive system theme
- All Spaces using Gradio 3+ and Streamlit 1.x.x have a significant speedup in loading.
- System theme is now reactive inside the app. If the user changes to dark mode, it automatically changes.
## [2022-05-21] - Default Debian packages and Factory Reboot
- Spaces environments now come with pre-installed popular packages (`ffmpeg`, `libsndfile1`, etc.).
- This way, most of the time, you don't need to specify any additional package for your Space to work properly.
- The `packages.txt` file can still be used if needed.
- Added factory reboot button to Spaces, which allows users to do a full restart avoiding cached requirements and freeing GPU memory.
## [2022-05-17] - Add support for Streamlit 1.9.0
- All `1.x.0` versions are now supported (up to `1.9.0`).
## [2022-05-16] - Gradio 3 is out!
- This is the default version when creating a new Space, don't hesitate to [check it out](https://huggingface.co/blog/gradio-blocks).
## [2022-03-04] - SDK version lock
- The `sdk_version` field is now automatically pre-filled at Space creation time.
- It ensures that your Space stays on the same SDK version after an updatE.
## [2022-03-02] - Gradio version pinning
- The `sdk_version` configuration field now works with the Gradio SDK.
## [2022-02-21] - Python versions
- You can specify the version of Python that you want your Space to run on.
- Only Python 3 versions are supported.
## [2022-01-24] - Automatic model and dataset linking from Spaces
- We attempt to automatically extract model and dataset repo ids used in your code
- You can always manually define them with `models` and `datasets` in your YAML.
## [2021-10-20] - Add support for Streamlit 1.0
- We now support all versions between 0.79.0 and 1.0.0
## [2021-09-07] - Streamlit version pinning
- You can now choose which version of Streamlit will be installed within your Space
## [2021-09-06] - Upgrade Streamlit to `0.84.2`
- Supporting Session State API
- [Streamlit changelog](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/releases/tag/0.84.0)
## [2021-08-10] - Upgrade Streamlit to `0.83.0`
- [Streamlit changelog](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/releases/tag/0.83.0)
## [2021-08-04] - Debian packages
- You can now add your `apt-get` dependencies into a `packages.txt` file
## [2021-08-03] - Streamlit components
- Add support for [Streamlit components](https://streamlit.io/components)
## [2021-08-03] - Flax/Jax GPU improvements
- For GPU-activated Spaces, make sure Flax / Jax runs smoothly on GPU
## [2021-08-02] - Upgrade Streamlit to `0.82.0`
- [Streamlit changelog](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/releases/tag/0.82.0)
## [2021-08-01] - Raw logs available
- Add link to raw logs (build and container) from the space repository (viewable by users with write access to a Space)
# Using fastai at Hugging Face
`fastai` is an open-source Deep Learning library that leverages PyTorch and Python to provide high-level components to train fast and accurate neural networks with state-of-the-art outputs on text, vision, and tabular data.
## Exploring fastai in the Hub
You can find `fastai` models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=fastai&sort=downloads).
All models on the Hub come up with the following features:
1. An automatically generated model card with a brief description and metadata tags that help for discoverability.
2. An interactive widget you can use to play out with the model directly in the browser (for Image Classification)
3. An Inference API that allows to make inference requests (for Image Classification).
## Using existing models
The `huggingface_hub` library is a lightweight Python client with utlity functions to download models from the Hub.
pip install huggingface_hub["fastai"]
Once you have the library installed, you just need to use the `from_pretrained_fastai` method. This method not only loads the model, but also validates the `fastai` version when the model was saved, which is important for reproducibility.
from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_fastai
learner = from_pretrained_fastai("espejelomar/identify-my-cat")
_,_,probs = learner.predict(img)
print(f"Probability it's a cat: {100*probs[1].item():.2f}%")
# Probability it's a cat: 100.00%
If you want to see how to load a specific model, you can click `Use in fastai` and you will be given a working snippet that you can load it!
## Sharing your models
You can share your `fastai` models by using the `push_to_hub_fastai` method.
from huggingface_hub import push_to_hub_fastai
push_to_hub_fastai(learner=learn, repo_id="espejelomar/identify-my-cat")
## Additional resources
* fastai [course](https://course.fast.ai/).
* fastai [website](https://www.fast.ai/).
* Integration with Hub [docs](https://docs.fast.ai/huggingface.html).
* Integration with Hub [announcement](https://huggingface.co/blog/fastai).
# Audio Dataset
This guide will show you how to configure your dataset repository with audio files. You can find accompanying examples of repositories in this [Audio datasets examples collection](https://huggingface.co/collections/datasets-examples/audio-dataset-66aca0b73e8f69e3d069e607).
A dataset with a supported structure and [file formats](./datasets-adding#file-formats) automatically has a Dataset Viewer on its page on the Hub.
Additional information about your audio files - such as transcriptions - is automatically loaded as long as you include this information in a metadata file (`metadata.csv`/`metadata.jsonl`).
Alternatively, audio files can be in Parquet files or in TAR archives following the [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) format.
## Only audio files
If your dataset only consists of one column with audio, you can simply store your audio files at the root:
├── 1.wav
├── 2.wav
├── 3.wav
└── 4.wav
or in a subdirectory:
└── audio
├── 1.wav
├── 2.wav
├── 3.wav
└── 4.wav
Multiple [formats](./datasets-adding#file-formats) are supported at the same time, including AIFF, FLAC, MP3, OGG and WAV.
└── audio
├── 1.aiff
├── 2.ogg
├── 3.mp3
└── 4.flac
If you have several splits, you can put your audio files into directories named accordingly:
├── train
│ ├── 1.wav
│ └── 2.wav
└── test
├── 3.wav
└── 4.wav
See [File names and splits](./datasets-file-names-and-splits) for more information and other ways to organize data by splits.
## Additional columns
If there is additional information you'd like to include about your dataset, like the transcription, add it as a `metadata.csv` file in your repository. This lets you quickly create datasets for different audio tasks like [text-to-speech](https://huggingface.co/tasks/text-to-speech) or [automatic speech recognition](https://huggingface.co/tasks/automatic-speech-recognition).
├── 1.wav
├── 2.wav
├── 3.wav
├── 4.wav
└── metadata.csv
Your `metadata.csv` file must have a `file_name` column which links image files with their metadata:
You can also use a [JSONL](https://jsonlines.org/) file `metadata.jsonl`:
{"file_name": "1.wav","text": "cat"}
{"file_name": "2.wav","text": "cat"}
{"file_name": "3.wav","text": "dog"}
{"file_name": "4.wav","text": "dog"}
## Relative paths
Metadata file must be located either in the same directory with the audio files it is linked to, or in any parent directory, like in this example:
└── test
├── audio
│ ├── 1.wav
│ ├── 2.wav
│ ├── 3.wav
│ └── 4.wav
└── metadata.csv
In this case, the `file_name` column must be a full relative path to the audio files, not just the filename:
Metadata file cannot be put in subdirectories of a directory with the audio files.
In this example, the `test` directory is used to setup the name of the training split. See [File names and splits](./datasets-file-names-and-splits) for more information.
## Audio classification
For audio classification datasets, you can also use a simple setup: use directories to name the audio classes. Store your audio files in a directory structure like:
├── cat
│ ├── 1.wav
│ └── 2.wav
└── dog
├── 3.wav
└── 4.wav
The dataset created with this structure contains two columns: `audio` and `label` (with values `cat` and `dog`).
You can also provide multiple splits. To do so, your dataset directory should have the following structure (see [File names and splits](./datasets-file-names-and-splits) for more information):
├── test
│ ├── cat
│ │ └── 2.wav
│ └── dog
│ └── 4.wav
└── train
├── cat
│ └── 1.wav
└── dog
└── 3.wav
You can disable this automatic addition of the `label` column in the [YAML configuration](./datasets-manual-configuration). If your directory names have no special meaning, set `drop_labels: true` in the README header:
- config_name: default # Name of the dataset subset, if applicable.
drop_labels: true
## Large scale datasets
### WebDataset format
The [WebDataset](./datasets-webdataset) format is well suited for large scale audio datasets (see [AlienKevin/sbs_cantonese](https://huggingface.co/datasets/AlienKevin/sbs_cantonese) for example).
It consists of TAR archives containing audio files and their metadata and is optimized for streaming. It is useful if you have a large number of audio files and to get streaming data loaders for large scale training.
├── train-0000.tar
├── train-0001.tar
├── ...
└── train-1023.tar
To make a WebDataset TAR archive, create a directory containing the audio files and metadata files to be archived and create the TAR archive using e.g. the `tar` command.
The usual size per archive is generally around 1GB.
Make sure each audio file and metadata pair share the same file prefix, for example:
├── 000.flac
├── 000.json
├── 001.flac
├── 001.json
├── ...
├── 999.flac
└── 999.json
Note that for user convenience and to enable the [Dataset Viewer](./datasets-viewer), every dataset hosted in the Hub is automatically converted to Parquet format up to 5GB.
Read more about it in the [Parquet format](./datasets-viewer#access-the-parquet-files) documentation.
### Parquet format
Instead of uploading the audio files and metadata as individual files, you can embed everything inside a [Parquet](https://parquet.apache.org/) file.
This is useful if you have a large number of audio files, if you want to embed multiple audio columns, or if you want to store additional information about the audio in the same file.
Parquet is also useful for storing data such as raw bytes, which is not supported by JSON/CSV.
└── train.parquet
Audio columns are of type _struct_, with a binary field `"bytes"` for the audio data and a string field `"path"` for the image file name or path.
You should specify the feature types of the columns directly in YAML in the README header, for example:
- name: audio
dtype: audio
- name: caption
dtype: string
Alternatively, Parquet files with Audio data can be created using the `datasets` library by setting the column type to `Audio()` and using the `.to_parquet(...)` method or `.push_to_hub(...)`. You can find a guide on loading audio datasets in `datasets` [here](../datasets/audio_load).
# Giskard on Spaces
**Giskard** is an AI model quality testing toolkit for LLMs, tabular, and NLP models. It consists of an open-source Python
library for scanning and testing AI models and an AI Model Quality Testing app, which can now be deployed using Hugging Face's
Docker Spaces. Extending the features of the open-source library, the AI Model Quality Testing app enables you to:
- Debug tests to diagnose your issues
- Create domain-specific tests thanks to automatic model insights
- Compare models to decide which model to promote
- Collect business feedback of your model results
- Share your results with your colleagues for alignment
- Store all your QA objects (tests, data slices, evaluation criteria, etc.) in one place to work more efficiently
Visit [Giskard's documentation](https://docs.giskard.ai/) and [Quickstart Guides](https://docs.giskard.ai/en/latest/getting_started/quickstart/index.html)
to learn how to use the full range of tools provided by Giskard.
In the next sections, you'll learn to deploy your own Giskard AI Model Quality Testing app and use it right from
Hugging Face Spaces. This Giskard app is a **self-contained application completely hosted on Spaces using Docker**.
## Deploy Giskard on Spaces
You can deploy Giskard on Spaces with just a few clicks:
You can use the Giskard Space as is for initial exploration and experimentation. For **longer use in
small-scale projects, activate the [paid persistent storage option](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-storage)**. This prevents data loss during Space restarts which
occur every 24 hours.
You need to define the **Owner** (your personal account or an organization), a **Space name**, and the **Visibility**.
If you don’t want to publicly share your models and quality tests, set your Space to **Private**.
Once you have created the Space, you'll see the `Building` status. Once it becomes `Running`, your Space is ready to go.
If you don't see a change in the screen, refresh the page.
## Request a free license
Once your Giskard Space is up and running, you'll need to request a free license to start using the app.
You will then automatically receive an email with the license file.
## Create a new Giskard project
Once inside the app, start by creating a new project from the welcome screen.
## Generate a Hugging Face Giskard Space Token and Giskard API key
The Giskard API key is used to establish communication between the environment where your AI models are running and
the Giskard app on Hugging Face Spaces. If you've set the **Visibility** of your Space to **Private**, you will need to provide a Hugging Face
user access token to generate the Hugging Face Giskard Space Token and establish a communication for access to your private Space. To do so, follow the instructions
displayed in the settings page of the Giskard app.
## Start the ML worker
Giskard executes your model using a worker that runs the model directly in your Python environment, with all the
dependencies required by your model. You can either execute the ML worker:
- From your local notebook within the kernel that contains all the dependencies of your model
- From Google Colab within the kernel that contains all the dependencies of your model
- Or from your terminal within the Python environment that contains all the dependencies of your model
Simply run the following command within the Python environment that contains all the dependencies of your model:
giskard worker start -d -k GISKARD-API-KEY -u https://XXX.hf.space --hf-token GISKARD-SPACE-TOKEN
## Upload your test suite, models and datasets
In order to start building quality tests for a project, you will need to upload model and dataset objects, and either create or
upload a test suite from the Giskard Python library.
For more information on how to create test suites from Giskard's Python library's automated model scanning tool, head
over to Giskard's [Quickstart Guides](https://docs.giskard.ai/en/latest/getting_started/quickstart/index.html).
These actions will all require a connection between your Python environment and
the Giskard Space. Achieve this by initializing a Giskard Client: simply copy the “Create a Giskard Client” snippet
from the settings page of the Giskard app and run it within your Python environment. This will look something like this:
from giskard import GiskardClient
url = "https://user_name-space_name.hf.space"
api_key = "gsk-xxx"
hf_token = "xxx"
# Create a giskard client to communicate with Giskard
client = GiskardClient(url, api_key, hf_token)
If you run into issues, head over to Giskard's [upload object documentation page](https://docs.giskard.ai/en/latest/giskard_hub/upload/index.html).
## Feedback and support
If you have suggestions or need specific support, please join [Giskard's Discord community](https://discord.com/invite/ABvfpbu69R) or reach out on [Giskard's GitHub repository](https://github.com/Giskard-AI/giskard).
# Using RL-Baselines3-Zoo at Hugging Face
`rl-baselines3-zoo` is a training framework for Reinforcement Learning using Stable Baselines3.
## Exploring RL-Baselines3-Zoo in the Hub
You can find RL-Baselines3-Zoo models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=stable-baselines3).
The Stable-Baselines3 team is hosting a collection of +150 trained Reinforcement Learning agents with tuned hyperparameters that you can find [here](https://huggingface.co/sb3).
All models on the Hub come up with useful features:
1. An automatically generated model card with a description, a training configuration, and more.
2. Metadata tags that help for discoverability.
3. Evaluation results to compare with other models.
4. A video widget where you can watch your agent performing.
## Using existing models
You can simply download a model from the Hub using `load_from_hub`:
# Download ppo SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 model and save it into the logs/ folder
python -m rl_zoo3.load_from_hub --algo dqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/ -orga sb3
python enjoy.py --algo dqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -f logs/
You can define three parameters:
- `--repo-name`: The name of the repo.
- `-orga`: A Hugging Face username or organization.
- `-f`: The destination folder.
## Sharing your models
You can easily upload your models with `push_to_hub`. That will save the model, evaluate it, generate a model card and record a replay video of your agent before pushing the complete repo to the Hub.
python -m rl_zoo3.push_to_hub --algo dqn --env SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 --repo-name dqn-SpaceInvadersNoFrameskip-v4 -orga ThomasSimonini -f logs/
You can define three parameters:
- `--repo-name`: The name of the repo.
- `-orga`: Your Hugging Face username.
- `-f`: The folder where the model is saved.
## Additional resources
* RL-Baselines3-Zoo [official trained models](https://huggingface.co/sb3)
* RL-Baselines3-Zoo [documentation](https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo)
# Enterprise Hub
Subscribe to Enterprise Hub to get access to advanced features for your organization.
Enterprise Hub adds advanced capabilities to organizations, enabling safe, compliant and managed collaboration for companies and teams on Hugging Face.
In this section we will document the following Enterprise Hub features:
- [Single Sign-On (SSO)](./enterprise-sso)
- [Audit Logs](./audit-logs)
- [Storage Regions](./storage-regions)
- [Dataset viewer for Private datasets](./enterprise-hub-datasets)
- [Resource Groups](./security-resource-groups)
- [Advanced Compute Options](./advanced-compute-options)
- [Advanced Security](./enterprise-hub-advanced-security)
- [Tokens Management](./enterprise-hub-tokens-management)
- [Analytics](./enterprise-hub-analytics)
# Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your Space
You can enable a built-in sign-in flow in your Space by seamlessly creating and associating an [OAuth/OpenID connect](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/10/21/illustrated-guide-to-oauth-and-oidc) app so users can log in with their HF account.
This enables new use cases for your Space. For instance, when combined with [Persistent Storage](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-storage), a generative AI Space could allow users to log in to access their previous generations, only accessible to them.
This guide will take you through the process of integrating a *Sign-In with HF* button into any Space. If you're seeking a fast and simple method to implement this in a **Gradio** Space, take a look at its [built-in integration](https://www.gradio.app/guides/sharing-your-app#o-auth-login-via-hugging-face).
You can also use the HF OAuth flow to create a "Sign in with HF" flow in any website or App, outside of Spaces. [Read our general OAuth page](./oauth).
## Create an OAuth app
All you need to do is add `hf_oauth: true` to your Space's metadata inside your `README.md` file.
Here's an example of metadata for a Gradio Space:
title: Gradio Oauth Test
emoji: 🏆
colorFrom: pink
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.40.0
python_version: 3.10.6
app_file: app.py
hf_oauth: true
# optional, default duration is 8 hours/480 minutes. Max duration is 30 days/43200 minutes.
hf_oauth_expiration_minutes: 480
# optional, see "Scopes" below. "openid profile" is always included.
- read-repos
- write-repos
- manage-repos
- inference-api
You can check out the [configuration reference docs](./spaces-config-reference) for more information.
This will add the following [environment variables](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-overview#helper-environment-variables) to your space:
- `OAUTH_CLIENT_ID`: the client ID of your OAuth app (public)
- `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`: the client secret of your OAuth app
- `OAUTH_SCOPES`: scopes accessible by your OAuth app.
- `OPENID_PROVIDER_URL`: The URL of the OpenID provider. The OpenID metadata will be available at [`{OPENID_PROVIDER_URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration`](https://huggingface.co/.well-known/openid-configuration).
As for any other environment variable, you can use them in your code by using `os.getenv("OAUTH_CLIENT_ID")`, for example.
## Redirect URLs
You can use any redirect URL you want, as long as it targets your Space.
Note that `SPACE_HOST` is [available](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-overview#helper-environment-variables) as an environment variable.
For example, you can use `https://{SPACE_HOST}/login/callback` as a redirect URI.
## Scopes
The following scopes are always included for Spaces:
- `openid`: Get the ID token in addition to the access token.
- `profile`: Get the user's profile information (username, avatar, etc.)
Those scopes are optional and can be added by setting `hf_oauth_scopes` in your Space's metadata:
- `email`: Get the user's email address.
- `read-billing`: Know whether the user has a payment method set up.
- `read-repos`: Get read access to the user's personal repos.
- `write-repos`: Get write/read access to the user's personal repos.
- `manage-repos`: Get full access to the user's personal repos. Also grants repo creation and deletion.
- `inference-api`: Get access to the [Inference API](https://huggingface.co/docs/api-inference/index), you will be able to make inference requests on behalf of the user.
- `write-discussions`: Open discussions and Pull Requests on behalf of the user as well as interact with discussions (including reactions, posting/editing comments, closing discussions, ...). To open Pull Requests on private repos, you need to request the `read-repos` scope as well.
## Accessing organization resources
By default, the oauth app does not need to access organization resources.
But some scopes like `read-repos` or `read-billing` apply to organizations as well.
The user can select which organizations to grant access to when authorizing the app. If you require access to a specific organization, you can add `orgIds=ORG_ID` as a query parameter to the OAuth authorization URL. You have to replace `ORG_ID` with the organization ID, which is available in the `organizations.sub` field of the userinfo response.
## Adding the button to your Space
You now have all the information to add a "Sign-in with HF" button to your Space. Some libraries ([Python](https://github.com/lepture/authlib), [NodeJS](https://github.com/panva/node-openid-client)) can help you implement the OpenID/OAuth protocol.
Gradio and huggingface.js also provide **built-in support**, making implementing the Sign-in with HF button a breeze; you can check out the associated guides with [gradio](https://www.gradio.app/guides/sharing-your-app#o-auth-login-via-hugging-face) and with [huggingface.js](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface.js/hub/README#oauth-login).
Basically, you need to:
- Redirect the user to `https://huggingface.co/oauth/authorize?redirect_uri={REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile&client_id={CLIENT_ID}&state={STATE}`, where `STATE` is a random string that you will need to verify later.
- Handle the callback on `/auth/callback` or `/login/callback` (or your own custom callback URL) and verify the `state` parameter.
- Use the `code` query parameter to get an access token and id token from `https://huggingface.co/oauth/token` (POST request with `client_id`, `code`, `grant_type=authorization_code` and `redirect_uri` as form data, and with `Authorization: Basic {base64(client_id:client_secret)}` as a header).
You should use `target=_blank` on the button to open the sign-in page in a new tab, unless you run the space outside its `iframe`. Otherwise, you might encounter issues with cookies on some browsers.
## Examples:
- [Gradio test app](https://huggingface.co/spaces/Wauplin/gradio-oauth-test)
- [Hugging Chat (NodeJS/SvelteKit)](https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingchat/chat-ui)
- [Inference Widgets (Auth.js/SvelteKit)](https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingfacejs/inference-widgets), uses the `inference-api` scope to make inference requests on behalf of the user.
- [Client-Side in a Static Space (huggingface.js)](https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingfacejs/client-side-oauth) - very simple JavaScript example.
JS Code example:
import { oauthLoginUrl, oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent } from "@huggingface/hub";
const oauthResult = await oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent();
if (!oauthResult) {
// If the user is not logged in, redirect to the login page
window.location.href = await oauthLoginUrl();
// You can use oauthResult.accessToken, oauthResult.userInfo among other things
# Using GPU Spaces
You can upgrade your Space to use a GPU accelerator using the _Settings_ button in the top navigation bar of the Space. You can even request a free upgrade if you are building a cool demo for a side project!
Longer-term, we would also like to expose non-GPU hardware, like HPU, IPU or TPU. If you have a specific AI hardware you'd like to run on, please let us know (website at huggingface.co).
As soon as your Space is running on GPU you can see which hardware it’s running on directly from this badge:
## Hardware Specs
In the following tables, you can see the Specs for the different upgrade options.
### CPU
| **Hardware** | **CPU** | **Memory** | **GPU Memory** | **Disk** | **Hourly Price** |
|----------------------- |-------------- |------------- |---------------- |---------- | ----------------- |
| CPU Basic | 2 vCPU | 16 GB | - | 50 GB | Free! |
| CPU Upgrade | 8 vCPU | 32 GB | - | 50 GB | $0.03 |
### GPU
| **Hardware** | **CPU** | **Memory** | **GPU Memory** | **Disk** | **Hourly Price** |
|----------------------- |-------------- |------------- |---------------- |---------- | ----------------- |
| Nvidia T4 - small | 4 vCPU | 15 GB | 16 GB | 50 GB | $0.40 |
| Nvidia T4 - medium | 8 vCPU | 30 GB | 16 GB | 100 GB | $0.60 |
| Nvidia A10G - small | 4 vCPU | 15 GB | 24 GB | 110 GB | $1.00 |
| Nvidia A10G - large | 12 vCPU | 46 GB | 24 GB | 200 GB | $1.50 |
| 2x Nvidia A10G - large | 24 vCPU | 92 GB | 48 GB | 1000 GB | $3.00 |
| 4x Nvidia A10G - large | 48 vCPU | 184 GB | 96 GB | 2000 GB | $5.00 |
| Nvidia A100 - large | 12 vCPU | 142 GB | 40 GB | 1000 GB | $4.00 |
| 1x Nvidia L40S | 8 vCPU | 62 GB | 48 GB | 380 GB | $1.80 |
| 4x Nvidia L40S | 48 vCPU | 48 GB | 192 GB | 3200 GB | $8.30 |
| 8x Nvidia L40S | 192 vCPU | 1534 GB | 384 GB | 6500 GB | $23.50 |
| Nvidia H100 | 24 vCPU | 250 GB | 80 GB | 3000 GB | $10.00 |
| 8x Nvidia H100 | 192 vCPU | 2 TB | 640 GB | 3000 GB | coming soon |
### TPU
| **Hardware** | **Accelerators** | **Accelerator Memory** | **RAM** | **Hourly Price** |
|----------------------- |----------------------- |------------------------- |--------- | ----------------- |
| Google TPU v5e - 1x1 | 1 | 16 GB | 44 GB | $1.38 |
| Google TPU v5e - 2x2 | 4 | 64 GB | 186 GB | $5.50 |
| Google TPU v5e - 2x4 | 8 | 128 GB | 380 GB | $11.00 |
## Configure hardware programmatically
You can programmatically configure your Space hardware using `huggingface_hub`. This allows for a wide range of use cases where you need to dynamically assign GPUs.
Check out [this guide](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/guides/manage_spaces) for more details.
## Framework specific requirements[[frameworks]]
Most Spaces should run out of the box after a GPU upgrade, but sometimes you'll need to install CUDA versions of the machine learning frameworks you use. Please, follow this guide to ensure your Space takes advantage of the improved hardware.
### PyTorch
You'll need to install a version of PyTorch compatible with the built-in CUDA drivers. Adding the following two lines to your `requirements.txt` file should work:
--extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
You can verify whether the installation was successful by running the following code in your `app.py` and checking the output in your Space logs:
import torch
print(f"Is CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}")
# True
print(f"CUDA device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())}")
# Tesla T4
Many frameworks automatically use the GPU if one is available. This is the case for the Pipelines in 🤗 `transformers`, `fastai` and many others. In other cases, or if you use PyTorch directly, you may need to move your models and data to the GPU to ensure computation is done on the accelerator and not on the CPU. You can use PyTorch's `.to()` syntax, for example:
model = load_pytorch_model()
model = model.to("cuda")
### JAX
If you use JAX, you need to specify the URL that contains CUDA compatible packages. Please, add the following lines to your `requirements.txt` file:
-f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html
After that, you can verify the installation by printing the output from the following code and checking it in your Space logs.
import jax
print(f"JAX devices: {jax.devices()}")
# JAX devices: [StreamExecutorGpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0)]
print(f"JAX device type: {jax.devices()[0].device_kind}")
# JAX device type: Tesla T4
### Tensorflow
The default `tensorflow` installation should recognize the CUDA device. Just add `tensorflow` to your `requirements.txt` file and use the following code in your `app.py` to verify in your Space logs.
import tensorflow as tf
# [PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU')]
## Billing
Billing on Spaces is based on hardware usage and is computed by the minute: you get charged for every minute the Space runs on the requested hardware,
regardless of whether the Space is used.
During a Space's lifecycle, it is only billed when the Space is actually `Running`. This means that there is no cost during build or startup.
If a running Space starts to fail, it will be automatically suspended and the billing will stop.
Spaces running on free hardware are suspended automatically if they are not used for an extended period of time (e.g. two days). Upgraded Spaces run indefinitely by default, even if there is no usage. You can change this behavior by [setting a custom "sleep time"](#sleep-time) in the Space's settings. To interrupt the billing on your Space, you can change the Hardware to CPU basic, or [pause](#pause) it.
Additional information about billing can be found in the [dedicated Hub-wide section](./billing).
### Community GPU Grants
Do you have an awesome Space but need help covering the GPU hardware upgrade costs? We love helping out those with an innovative Space so please feel free to apply for a community GPU grant and see if yours makes the cut! This application can be found in your Space hardware repo settings in the lower left corner under "sleep time settings":

## Set a custom sleep time[[sleep-time]]
If your Space runs on the default `cpu-basic` hardware, it will go to sleep if inactive for more than a set time (currently, 48 hours). Anyone visiting your Space will restart it automatically.
If you want your Space never to deactivate or if you want to set a custom sleep time, you need to upgrade to a paid Hardware.
By default, an upgraded Space will never go to sleep. However, you can use this setting for your upgraded Space to become idle (`stopped` stage) when it's unused 😴. You are not going to be charged for the upgraded hardware while it is asleep. The Space will 'wake up' or get restarted once it receives a new visitor.
The following interface will then be available in your Spaces hardware settings:
The following options are available:
## Pausing a Space[[pause]]
You can `pause` a Space from the repo settings. A "paused" Space means that the Space is on hold and will not use resources until manually restarted, and only the owner of a paused Space can restart it. Paused time is not billed.
# Aim on Spaces
**Aim** is an easy-to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker. Aim logs your training runs and enables a beautiful UI to compare them and an API to query them programmatically.
ML engineers and researchers use Aim explorers to compare 1000s of training runs in a few clicks.
Check out the [Aim docs](https://aimstack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to learn more about Aim.
If you have an idea for a new feature or have noticed a bug, feel free to [open a feature request or report a bug](https://github.com/aimhubio/aim/issues/new/choose).
In the following sections, you'll learn how to deploy Aim on the Hugging Face Hub Spaces and explore your training runs directly from the Hub.
## Deploy Aim on Spaces
You can deploy Aim on Spaces with a single click!
Once you have created the Space, you'll see the `Building` status, and once it becomes `Running,` your Space is ready to go!
Now, when you navigate to your Space's **App** section, you can access the Aim UI.
## Compare your experiments with Aim on Spaces
Let's use a quick example of a PyTorch CNN trained on MNIST to demonstrate end-to-end Aim on Spaces deployment.
The full example is in the [Aim repo examples folder](https://github.com/aimhubio/aim/blob/main/examples/pytorch_track.py).
from aim import Run
from aim.pytorch import track_gradients_dists, track_params_dists
# Initialize a new Run
aim_run = Run()
items = {'accuracy': acc, 'loss': loss}
aim_run.track(items, epoch=epoch, context={'subset': 'train'})
# Track weights and gradients distributions
track_params_dists(model, aim_run)
track_gradients_dists(model, aim_run)
The experiments tracked by Aim are stored in the `.aim` folder. **To display the logs with the Aim UI in your Space, you need to compress the `.aim` folder to a `tar.gz` file and upload it to your Space using `git` or the Files and Versions sections of your Space.**
Here's a bash command for that:
tar -czvf aim_repo.tar.gz .aim
That’s it! Now open the App section of your Space and the Aim UI is available with your logs.
Here is what to expect:

Filter your runs using Aim’s Pythonic search. You can write pythonic [queries against](https://aimstack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using/search.html) EVERYTHING you have tracked - metrics, hyperparams etc. Check out some [examples](https://huggingface.co/aimstack) on HF Hub Spaces.
Note that if your logs are in TensorBoard format, you can easily convert them to Aim with one command and use the many advanced and high-performant training run comparison features available.
## More on HF Spaces
- [HF Docker spaces](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker)
- [HF Docker space examples](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker-examples)
## Feedback and Support
If you have improvement suggestions or need support, please open an issue on [Aim GitHub repo](https://github.com/aimhubio/aim).
The [Aim community Discord](https://github.com/aimhubio/aim#-community) is also available for community discussions.
# Repository Settings
## Private repositories
You can choose a repository's visibility when you create it, and any repository that you own can have its visibility toggled between *public* and *private* in the **Settings** tab. Unless your repository is owned by an [organization](./organizations), you are the only user that can make changes to your repo or upload any code. Setting your visibility to *private* will:
- Ensure your repo does not show up in other users' search results.
- Other users who visit the URL of your private repo will receive a `404 - Repo not found` error.
- Other users will not be able to clone your repo.
## Renaming or transferring a repo
If you own a repository, you will be able to visit the **Settings** tab to manage the name and ownership. Note that there are certain limitations in terms of use cases.
Moving can be used in these use cases ✅
- Renaming a repository within same user.
- Renaming a repository within same organization. The user must be part of the organization and have "write" or "admin" rights in the organization.
- Transferring repository from user to an organization. The user must be part of the organization and have "write" or "admin" rights in the organization.
- Transferring a repository from an organization to yourself. You must be part of the organization, and have "admin" rights in the organization.
- Transferring a repository from a source organization to another target organization. The user must have "admin" rights in the source organization **and** either "write" or "admin" rights in the target organization.
Moving does not work for ❌
- Transferring a repository from an organization to another user who is not yourself.
- Transferring a repository from a source organization to another target organization if the user does not have both "admin" rights in the source organization **and** either "write" or "admin" rights in the target organization.
- Transferring a repository from user A to user B.
If these are use cases you need help with, please send us an email at **website at huggingface.co**.
## Disabling Discussions / Pull Requests
You can disable all discussions and Pull Requests. Once disabled, all community and contribution features won't be available anymore. This action can be reverted without losing any previous discussions or Pull Requests.
# Advanced Topics
## Contents
- [Using OpenCV in Spaces](./spaces-using-opencv)
- [More ways to create Spaces](./spaces-more-ways-to-create)
- [Managing Spaces with Github Actions](./spaces-github-actions)
- [Managing Spaces with CircleCI Workflows](./spaces-circleci)
- [Custom Python Spaces](./spaces-sdks-python)
- [How to Add a Space to ArXiv](./spaces-add-to-arxiv)
- [Cookie limitations in Spaces](./spaces-cookie-limitations)
- [How to handle URL parameters in Spaces](./spaces-handle-url-parameters)
# The Model Hub
## What is the Model Hub?
The Model Hub is where the members of the Hugging Face community can host all of their model checkpoints for simple storage, discovery, and sharing. Download pre-trained models with the [`huggingface_hub` client library](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/index), with 🤗 [`Transformers`](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/index) for fine-tuning and other usages or with any of the over [15 integrated libraries](./models-libraries). You can even leverage the [Serverless Inference API](./models-inference) or [Inference Endpoints](https://huggingface.co/docs/inference-endpoints). to use models in production settings.
You can refer to the following video for a guide on navigating the Model Hub:
To learn how to upload models to the Hub, you can refer to the [Repositories Getting Started Guide](./repositories-getting-started).
# Using Spaces for Organization Cards
Organization cards are a way to describe your organization to other users. They take the form of a `README.md` static file, inside a Space repo named `README`.
Please read more in the [dedicated doc section](./organizations-cards).
# Widgets
## What's a widget?
Many model repos have a widget that allows anyone to run inferences directly in the browser!
Here are some examples:
* [Named Entity Recognition](https://huggingface.co/spacy/en_core_web_sm?text=My+name+is+Sarah+and+I+live+in+London) using [spaCy](https://spacy.io/).
* [Image Classification](https://huggingface.co/google/vit-base-patch16-224) using [🤗 Transformers](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers)
* [Text to Speech](https://huggingface.co/julien-c/ljspeech_tts_train_tacotron2_raw_phn_tacotron_g2p_en_no_space_train) using [ESPnet](https://github.com/espnet/espnet).
* [Sentence Similarity](https://huggingface.co/osanseviero/full-sentence-distillroberta3) using [Sentence Transformers](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers).
You can try out all the widgets [here](https://huggingface-widgets.netlify.app/).
## Enabling a widget
A widget is automatically created for your model when you upload it to the Hub. To determine which pipeline and widget to display (`text-classification`, `token-classification`, `translation`, etc.), we analyze information in the repo, such as the metadata provided in the model card and configuration files. This information is mapped to a single `pipeline_tag`. We choose to expose **only one** widget per model for simplicity.
For most use cases, we determine the model type from the tags. For example, if there is `tag: text-classification` in the [model card metadata](./model-cards), the inferred `pipeline_tag` will be `text-classification`.
For some libraries, such as 🤗 `Transformers`, the model type should be inferred automatically based from configuration files (`config.json`). The architecture can determine the type: for example, `AutoModelForTokenClassification` corresponds to `token-classification`. If you're interested in this, you can see pseudo-code in [this gist](https://gist.github.com/julien-c/857ba86a6c6a895ecd90e7f7cab48046).
**You can always manually override your pipeline type with `pipeline_tag: xxx` in your [model card metadata](./model-cards#model-card-metadata).** (You can also use the metadata GUI editor to do this).
### How can I control my model's widget example input?
You can specify the widget input in the model card metadata section:
- text: "Jens Peter Hansen kommer fra Danmark"
You can provide more than one example input. In the examples dropdown menu of the widget, they will appear as `Example 1`, `Example 2`, etc. Optionally, you can supply `example_title` as well.
- text: "Is this review positive or negative? Review: Best cast iron skillet you will ever buy."
example_title: "Sentiment analysis"
- text: "Barack Obama nominated Hilary Clinton as his secretary of state on Monday. He chose her because she had ..."
example_title: "Coreference resolution"
- text: "On a shelf, there are five books: a gray book, a red book, a purple book, a blue book, and a black book ..."
example_title: "Logic puzzles"
- text: "The two men running to become New York City's next mayor will face off in their first debate Wednesday night ..."
example_title: "Reading comprehension"
Moreover, you can specify non-text example inputs in the model card metadata. Refer [here](./models-widgets-examples) for a complete list of sample input formats for all widget types. For vision & audio widget types, provide example inputs with `src` rather than `text`.
For example, allow users to choose from two sample audio files for automatic speech recognition tasks by:
- src: https://example.org/somewhere/speech_samples/sample1.flac
example_title: Speech sample 1
- src: https://example.org/somewhere/speech_samples/sample2.flac
example_title: Speech sample 2
Note that you can also include example files in your model repository and use
them as:
- src: https://huggingface.co/username/model_repo/resolve/main/sample1.flac
example_title: Custom Speech Sample 1
But even more convenient, if the file lives in the corresponding model repo, you can just use the filename or file path inside the repo:
- src: sample1.flac
example_title: Custom Speech Sample 1
or if it was nested inside the repo:
- src: nested/directory/sample1.flac
We provide example inputs for some languages and most widget types in [default-widget-inputs.ts file](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/blob/main/packages/tasks/src/default-widget-inputs.ts). If some examples are missing, we welcome PRs from the community to add them!
## Example outputs
As an extension to example inputs, for each widget example, you can also optionally describe the corresponding model output, directly in the `output` property.
This is useful when the model is not yet supported by the Inference API (for instance, the model library is not yet supported or the model is too large) so that the model page can still showcase how the model works and what results it gives.
For instance, for an [automatic-speech-recognition](./models-widgets-examples#automatic-speech-recognition) model:
- src: sample1.flac
text: "Hello my name is Julien"
The `output` property should be a YAML dictionary that represents the Inference API output.
For a model that outputs text, see the example above.
For a model that outputs labels (like a [text-classification](./models-widgets-examples#text-classification) model for instance), output should look like this:
- text: "I liked this movie"
- label: POSITIVE
score: 0.8
- label: NEGATIVE
score: 0.2
Finally, for a model that outputs an image, audio, or any other kind of asset, the output should include a `url` property linking to either a file name or path inside the repo or a remote URL. For example, for a text-to-image model:
- text: "picture of a futuristic tiger, artstation"
url: images/tiger.jpg
We can also surface the example outputs in the Hugging Face UI, for instance, for a text-to-image model to display a gallery of cool image generations.
## What are all the possible task/widget types?
You can find all the supported tasks in [pipelines.ts file](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/blob/main/packages/tasks/src/pipelines.ts).
Here are some links to examples:
- `text-classification`, for instance [`FacebookAI/roberta-large-mnli`](https://huggingface.co/FacebookAI/roberta-large-mnli)
- `token-classification`, for instance [`dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english`](https://huggingface.co/dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english)
- `question-answering`, for instance [`distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad`](https://huggingface.co/distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad)
- `translation`, for instance [`google-t5/t5-base`](https://huggingface.co/google-t5/t5-base)
- `summarization`, for instance [`facebook/bart-large-cnn`](https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-cnn)
- `conversational`, for instance [`facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill`](https://huggingface.co/facebook/blenderbot-400M-distill)
- `text-generation`, for instance [`openai-community/gpt2`](https://huggingface.co/openai-community/gpt2)
- `fill-mask`, for instance [`distilbert/distilroberta-base`](https://huggingface.co/distilbert/distilroberta-base)
- `zero-shot-classification` (implemented on top of a nli `text-classification` model), for instance [`facebook/bart-large-mnli`](https://huggingface.co/facebook/bart-large-mnli)
- `table-question-answering`, for instance [`google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq`](https://huggingface.co/google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq)
- `sentence-similarity`, for instance [`osanseviero/full-sentence-distillroberta2`](/osanseviero/full-sentence-distillroberta2)
## How can I control my model's widget Inference API parameters?
Generally, the Inference API for a model uses the default pipeline settings associated with each task. But if you'd like to change the pipeline's default settings and specify additional inference parameters, you can configure the parameters directly through the model card metadata. Refer [here](https://huggingface.co/docs/api-inference/detailed_parameters) for some of the most commonly used parameters associated with each task.
For example, if you want to specify an aggregation strategy for a NER task in the widget:
aggregation_strategy: "none"
Or if you'd like to change the temperature for a summarization task in the widget:
temperature: 0.7
The Serverless inference API allows you to send HTTP requests to models in the Hugging Face Hub programatically. ⚡⚡ Learn more about it by reading the [Inference API documentation](./models-inference). Finally, you can also deploy all those models to dedicated [Inference Endpoints](https://huggingface.co/docs/inference-endpoints).
# Repositories
Models, Spaces, and Datasets are hosted on the Hugging Face Hub as [Git repositories](https://git-scm.com/about), which means that version control and collaboration are core elements of the Hub. In a nutshell, a repository (also known as a **repo**) is a place where code and assets can be stored to back up your work, share it with the community, and work in a team.
In these pages, you will go over the basics of getting started with Git and interacting with repositories on the Hub. Once you get the hang of it, you can explore the best practices and next steps that we've compiled for effective repository usage.
## Contents
- [Getting Started with Repositories](./repositories-getting-started)
- [Settings](./repositories-settings)
- [Pull Requests & Discussions](./repositories-pull-requests-discussions)
- [Pull Requests advanced usage](./repositories-pull-requests-discussions#pull-requests-advanced-usage)
- [Webhooks](./webhooks)
- [Notifications](./notifications)
- [Collections](./collections)
- [Repository size recommendations](./repositories-recommendations)
- [Next Steps](./repositories-next-steps)
- [Licenses](./repositories-licenses)
# Using mlx-image at Hugging Face
[`mlx-image`](https://github.com/riccardomusmeci/mlx-image) is an image models library developed by [Riccardo Musmeci](https://github.com/riccardomusmeci) built on Apple [MLX](https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx). It tries to replicate the great [timm](https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models), but for MLX models.
## Exploring mlx-image on the Hub
You can find `mlx-image` models by filtering using the `mlx-image` library name, like in [this query](https://huggingface.co/models?library=mlx-image&sort=trending).
There's also an open [mlx-vision](https://huggingface.co/mlx-vision) community for contributors converting and publishing weights for MLX format.
## Installation
pip install mlx-image
## Models
Model weights are available on the [`mlx-vision`](https://huggingface.co/mlx-vision) community on HuggingFace.
To load a model with pre-trained weights:
from mlxim.model import create_model
# loading weights from HuggingFace (https://huggingface.co/mlx-vision/resnet18-mlxim)
model = create_model("resnet18") # pretrained weights loaded from HF
# loading weights from local file
model = create_model("resnet18", weights="path/to/resnet18/model.safetensors")
To list all available models:
from mlxim.model import list_models
> As of today (2024-03-15) mlx does not support `group` param for nn.Conv2d. Therefore, architectures such as `resnext`, `regnet` or `efficientnet` are not yet supported in `mlx-image`.
## ImageNet-1K Results
Go to [results-imagenet-1k.csv](https://github.com/riccardomusmeci/mlx-image/blob/main/results/results-imagenet-1k.csv) to check every model converted to `mlx-image` and its performance on ImageNet-1K with different settings.
> **TL;DR** performance is comparable to the original models from PyTorch implementations.
## Similarity to PyTorch and other familiar tools
`mlx-image` tries to be as close as possible to PyTorch:
- `DataLoader` -> you can define your own `collate_fn` and also use `num_workers` to speed up data loading
- `Dataset` -> `mlx-image` already supports `LabelFolderDataset` (the good and old PyTorch `ImageFolder`) and `FolderDataset` (a generic folder with images in it)
- `ModelCheckpoint` -> keeps track of the best model and saves it to disk (similar to PyTorchLightning). It also suggests early stopping
## Training
Training is similar to PyTorch. Here's an example of how to train a model:
import mlx.nn as nn
import mlx.optimizers as optim
from mlxim.model import create_model
from mlxim.data import LabelFolderDataset, DataLoader
train_dataset = LabelFolderDataset(
class_map={0: "class_0", 1: "class_1", 2: ["class_2", "class_3"]}
train_loader = DataLoader(
model = create_model("resnet18") # pretrained weights loaded from HF
optimizer = optim.Adam(learning_rate=1e-3)
def train_step(model, inputs, targets):
logits = model(inputs)
loss = mx.mean(nn.losses.cross_entropy(logits, target))
return loss
for epoch in range(10):
for batch in train_loader:
x, target = batch
train_step_fn = nn.value_and_grad(model, train_step)
loss, grads = train_step_fn(x, target)
optimizer.update(model, grads)
mx.eval(model.state, optimizer.state)
## Additional Resources
* [mlx-image repository](https://github.com/riccardomusmeci/mlx-image)
* [mlx-vision community](https://huggingface.co/mlx-vision)
## Contact
If you have any questions, please email `riccardomusmeci92@gmail.com`.
# ZenML on Spaces
[ZenML](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml) is an extensible, open-source MLOps framework for creating portable, production-ready MLOps pipelines. It's built for Data Scientists, ML Engineers, and MLOps Developers to collaborate as they develop to production.
ZenML offers a simple and flexible syntax, is cloud- and tool-agnostic, and has
interfaces/abstractions catered toward ML workflows. With ZenML you'll have all
your favorite tools in one place, so you can tailor a workflow that caters to
your specific needs.
The ZenML Huggingface Space allows you to get up and running with a deployed version
of ZenML with just a few clicks. Within a few minutes, you'll have this default
ZenML dashboard deployed and ready for you to connect to from your local
In the sections that follow, you'll learn to deploy your own instance of ZenML and use
it to view and manage your machine learning pipelines right from the Hub. ZenML
on Huggingface Spaces is a **self-contained application completely hosted on the
Hub using Docker**. The diagram below illustrates the complete process.

Visit [the ZenML documentation](https://docs.zenml.io/) to learn more about its
features and how to get started with running your machine learning pipelines
through your Huggingface Spaces deployment. You can check out [some small sample
examples](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/tree/main/examples) of ZenML pipelines to get started or take your pick of some more
complex production-grade projects at [the ZenML Projects
repository](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml-projects). ZenML integrates with
many of your favorite tools out of the box, [including
Huggingface](https://zenml.io/integrations/huggingface) of course! If there's
something else you want to use, we're built to be extensible and you can easily
make it work with whatever your custom tool or workflow is.
## ⚡️ Deploy ZenML on Spaces
You can deploy ZenML on Spaces with just a few clicks:
To set up your ZenML app, you need to specify three main components: the Owner
(either your personal account or an organization), a Space name, and the
Visibility (a bit lower down the page). Note that the space visibility needs to
be set to 'Public' if you wish to connect to the ZenML server from your local

You have the option here to select a higher tier machine to use for your server.
The advantage of selecting a paid CPU instance is that it is not subject to
auto-shutdown policies and thus will stay up as long as you leave it up. In
order to make use of a persistent CPU, you'll likely want to create and set up a
MySQL database to connect to (see below).
To personalize your Space's appearance, such as the title, emojis, and colors,
navigate to "Files and Versions" and modify the metadata in your README.md file.
Full information on Spaces configuration parameters can be found on the
HuggingFace [documentation reference guide](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference).
After creating your Space, you'll notice a 'Building' status along with logs
displayed on the screen. When this switches to 'Running', your Space is ready for use. If the
ZenML login UI isn't visible, try refreshing the page.
In the upper-right hand corner of your space you'll see a button with three dots
which, when you click on it, will offer you a menu option to "Embed this Space".
(See [the HuggingFace
documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-embed) for more details on
this feature.) Copy the "Direct URL" shown in the box that you can now see on
the screen. This should look something like this:
`https://-.hf.space`. Open that URL and use our default
login to access the dashboard (username: 'default', password: (leave it empty)).
## Connecting to your ZenML Server from your Local Machine
Once you have your ZenML server up and running, you can connect to it from your
local machine. To do this, you'll need to get your Space's 'Direct URL' (see above).
Your Space's URL will only be available and usable for connecting from your
local machine if the visibility of the space is set to 'Public'.
You can use the 'Direct URL' to connect to your ZenML server from your local machine
with the following CLI command (after installing ZenML, and using your custom
URL instead of the placeholder):
zenml connect --url '' --username='default' --password=''
You can also use the Direct URL in your browser to use the ZenML dashboard as a
fullscreen application (i.e. without the HuggingFace Spaces wrapper around it).
The ZenML dashboard will currently not work when viewed from within the Huggingface
webpage (i.e. wrapped in the main `https://huggingface.co/...` website). This is on
account of a limitation in how cookies are handled between ZenML and Huggingface.
You **must** view the dashboard from the 'Direct URL' (see above).
## Extra Configuration Options
By default the ZenML application will be configured to use a SQLite
non-persistent database. If you want to use a persistent database, you can
configure this by amending the `Dockerfile` in your Space's root directory. For
full details on the various parameters you can change, see [our reference
documentation](https://docs.zenml.io/getting-started/deploying-zenml/docker#zenml-server-configuration-options) on configuring
ZenML when deployed with Docker.
If you are using the space just for testing and experimentation, you don't need
to make any changes to the configuration. Everything will work out of the box.
You can also use an external secrets backend together with your HuggingFace
Spaces as described in [our
documentation](https://docs.zenml.io/getting-started/deploying-zenml/docker#zenml-server-configuration-options). You should be
sure to use HuggingFace's inbuilt 'Repository secrets' functionality to
configure any secrets you need to use in your`Dockerfile` configuration. [See the
for more details how to set this up.
If you wish to use a cloud secrets backend together with ZenML for secrets
management, **you must take the following minimal security precautions** on your ZenML Server on the
- change your password on the `default` account that you get when you start. You
can do this from the Dashboard or via the CLI.
- create a new user account with a password and assign it the `admin` role. This
can also be done from the Dashboard (by 'inviting' a new user) or via the CLI.
- reconnect to the server using the new user account and password as described
above, and use this new user account as your working account.
This is because the default user created by the
HuggingFace Spaces deployment process has no password assigned to it and as the
Space is publicly accessible (since the Space is public) *potentially anyone
could access your secrets without this extra step*. To change your password
navigate to the Settings page by clicking the button in the upper right hand
corner of the Dashboard and then click 'Update Password'.
## Upgrading your ZenML Server on HF Spaces
The default space will use the latest version of ZenML automatically. If you
want to update your version, you can simply select the 'Factory reboot' option
within the 'Settings' tab of the space. Note that this will wipe any data
contained within the space and so if you are not using a MySQL persistent
database (as described above) you will lose any data contained within your ZenML
deployment on the space. You can also configure the space to use an earlier
version by updating the `Dockerfile`'s `FROM` import statement at the very top.
## Next Steps
As a next step, check out our [Starter Guide to MLOps with
ZenML](https://docs.zenml.io/starter-guide/pipelines) which is a series of short
practical pages on how to get going quickly. Alternatively, check out [our
example](https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml/tree/main/examples/quickstart) which
is a full end-to-end example of many of the features of ZenML.
## 🤗 Feedback and support
If you are having trouble with your ZenML server on HuggingFace Spaces, you can
view the logs by clicking on the "Open Logs" button at the top of the space.
This will give you more context of what's happening with your server.
If you have suggestions or need specific support for anything else which isn't
working, please [join the ZenML Slack community](https://zenml.io/slack-invite/)
and we'll be happy to help you out!
# Paper Pages
Paper pages allow people to find artifacts related to a paper such as models, datasets and apps/demos (Spaces). Paper pages also enable the community to discuss about the paper.
## Linking a Paper to a model, dataset or Space
If the repository card (`README.md`) includes a link to a paper on arXiv, the Hugging Face Hub will extract the arXiv ID and include it in the repository's tags. Clicking on the arxiv tag will let you:
* Visit the Paper page.
* Filter for other models or datasets on the Hub that cite the same paper.
## Claiming authorship to a Paper
The Hub will attempt to automatically match paper to users based on their email.
If your paper is not linked to your account, you can click in your name in the corresponding Paper page and click "claim authorship". This will automatically re-direct to your paper settings where you can confirm the request. The admin team will validate your request soon. Once confirmed, the Paper page will show as verified.
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Can I control which Paper pages show in my profile?
Yes! You can visit your Papers in [settings](https://huggingface.co/settings/papers), where you will see a list of verified papers. There, you can click the "Show on profile" checkbox to hide/show it in your profile.
### Do you support ACL anthology?
We're starting with Arxiv as it accounts for 95% of the paper URLs Hugging Face users have linked in their repos organically. We'll check how this evolve and potentially extend to other paper hosts in the future.
### Can I have a Paper page even if I have no model/dataset/Space?
Yes. You can go to [the main Papers page](https://huggingface.co/papers), click search and write the name of the paper or the full Arxiv id. If the paper does not exist, you will get an option to index it. You can also just visit the page `hf.co/papers/xxxx.yyyyy` replacing with the arxiv id of the paper you wish to index.
# Use Ollama with any GGUF Model on Hugging Face Hub

Ollama is an application based on llama.cpp to interact with LLMs directly through your computer. You can use any GGUF quants created by the community ([bartowski](https://huggingface.co/bartowski), [MaziyarPanahi](https://huggingface.co/MaziyarPanahi) and [many more](https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=text-generation&library=gguf&sort=trending)) on Hugging Face directly with Ollama, without creating a new `Modelfile`. At the time of writing there are 45K public GGUF checkpoints on the Hub, you can run any of them with a single `ollama run` command. We also provide customisations like choosing quantization type, system prompt and more to improve your overall experience.
Getting started is as simple as:
1. Enable `ollama` under your [Local Apps settings](https://huggingface.co/settings/local-apps).
2. On a model page, choose `ollama` from `Use this model` dropdown. For example: [bartowski/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct-GGUF](https://huggingface.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct-GGUF).
The snippet would be in format:
ollama run hf.co/{username}/{repository}
Please note that you can use both `hf.co` and `huggingface.co` as the domain name.
Here are some models you can try:
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct-GGUF
ollama run hf.co/mlabonne/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-abliterated-GGUF
ollama run hf.co/arcee-ai/SuperNova-Medius-GGUF
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Humanish-LLama3-8B-Instruct-GGUF
## Custom Quantization
By default, the `Q4_K_M` quantization scheme is used, when it's present inside the model repo. If not, we default to picking one reasonable quant type present inside the repo.
To select a different scheme, simply:
1. From `Files and versions` tab on a model page, open GGUF viewer on a particular GGUF file.
2. Choose `ollama` from `Use this model` dropdown.
The snippet would be in format (quantization tag added):
ollama run hf.co/{username}/{repository}:{quantization}
For example:
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-GGUF:IQ3_M
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-GGUF:Q8_0
# the quantization name is case-insensitive, this will also work
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-GGUF:iq3_m
# you can also directly use the full filename as a tag
ollama run hf.co/bartowski/Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-GGUF:Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-IQ3_M.gguf
## Custom Chat Template and Parameters
By default, a template will be selected automatically from a list of commonly used templates. It will be selected based on the built-in `tokenizer.chat_template` metadata stored inside the GGUF file.
If your GGUF file doesn't have a built-in template or if you want to customize your chat template, you can create a new file called `template` in the repository. The template must be a Go template, not a Jinja template. Here's an example:
{{ if .System }}<|system|>
{{ .System }}<|end|>
{{ end }}{{ if .Prompt }}<|user|>
{{ .Prompt }}<|end|>
{{ end }}<|assistant|>
{{ .Response }}<|end|>
To know more about the Go template format, please refer to [this documentation](https://github.com/ollama/ollama/blob/main/docs/template.md)
You can optionally configure a system prompt by putting it into a new file named `system` in the repository.
To change sampling parameters, create a file named `params` in the repository. The file must be in JSON format. For the list of all available parameters, please refer to [this documentation](https://github.com/ollama/ollama/blob/main/docs/modelfile.md#parameter).
## References
- https://github.com/ollama/ollama/blob/main/docs/README.md
- https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/en/gguf
# Organizations, Security, and the Hub API
## Contents
- [Organizations](./organizations)
- [Managing Organizations](./organizations-managing)
- [Organization Cards](./organizations-cards)
- [Access control in organizations](./organizations-security)
- [Moderation](./moderation)
- [Billing](./billing)
- [Digital Object Identifier (DOI)](./doi)
- [Security](./security)
- [User Access Tokens](./security-tokens)
- [Signing commits with GPG](./security-gpg)
- [Malware Scanning](./security-malware)
- [Pickle Scanning](./security-pickle)
- [Hub API Endpoints](./api)
- [Webhooks](./webhooks)
# Using spaCy at Hugging Face
`spaCy` is a popular library for advanced Natural Language Processing used widely across industry. `spaCy` makes it easy to use and train pipelines for tasks like named entity recognition, text classification, part of speech tagging and more, and lets you build powerful applications to process and analyze large volumes of text.
## Exploring spaCy models in the Hub
The official models from `spaCy` 3.3 are in the `spaCy` [Organization Page](https://huggingface.co/spacy). Anyone in the community can also share their `spaCy` models, which you can find by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=spacy).
All models on the Hub come up with useful features
1. An automatically generated model card with label scheme, metrics, components, and more.
2. An evaluation sections at top right where you can look at the metrics.
3. Metadata tags that help for discoverability and contain information such as license and language.
4. An interactive widget you can use to play out with the model directly in the browser
5. An Inference API that allows to make inference requests.
## Using existing models
All `spaCy` models from the Hub can be directly installed using pip install.
pip install "en_core_web_sm @ https://huggingface.co/spacy/en_core_web_sm/resolve/main/en_core_web_sm-any-py3-none-any.whl"
To find the link of interest, you can go to a repository with a `spaCy` model. When you open the repository, you can click `Use in spaCy` and you will be given a working snippet that you can use to install and load the model!
Once installed, you can load the model as any spaCy pipeline.
# Using spacy.load().
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Importing as module.
import en_core_web_sm
nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
## Sharing your models
### Using the spaCy CLI (recommended)
The `spacy-huggingface-hub` library extends `spaCy` native CLI so people can easily push their packaged models to the Hub.
You can install spacy-huggingface-hub from pip:
pip install spacy-huggingface-hub
You can then check if the command has been registered successfully
python -m spacy huggingface-hub --help
To push with the CLI, you can use the `huggingface-hub push` command as seen below.
python -m spacy huggingface-hub push [whl_path] [--org] [--msg] [--local-repo] [--verbose]
| Argument | Type | Description |
| -------------------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `whl_path` | str / `Path` | The path to the `.whl` file packaged with [`spacy package`](https://spacy.io/api/cli#package). |
| `--org`, `-o` | str | Optional name of organization to which the pipeline should be uploaded. |
| `--msg`, `-m` | str | Commit message to use for update. Defaults to `"Update spaCy pipeline"`. |
| `--local-repo`, `-l` | str / `Path` | Local path to the model repository (will be created if it doesn't exist). Defaults to `hub` in the current working directory. |
| `--verbose`, `-V` | bool | Output additional info for debugging, e.g. the full generated hub metadata. |
You can then upload any pipeline packaged with [`spacy package`](https://spacy.io/api/cli#package). Make sure to set `--build wheel` to output a binary .whl file. The uploader will read all metadata from the pipeline package, including the auto-generated pretty `README.md` and the model details available in the `meta.json`.
huggingface-cli login
python -m spacy package ./en_ner_fashion ./output --build wheel
cd ./output/en_ner_fashion-0.0.0/dist
python -m spacy huggingface-hub push en_ner_fashion-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
In just a minute, you can get your packaged model in the Hub, try it out directly in the browser, and share it with the rest of the community. All the required metadata will be uploaded for you and you even get a cool model card.
The command will output two things:
* Where to find your repo in the Hub! For example, https://huggingface.co/spacy/en_core_web_sm
* And how to install the pipeline directly from the Hub!
### From a Python script
You can use the `push` function from Python. It returns a dictionary containing the `"url"` and "`whl_url`" of the published model and the wheel file, which you can later install with `pip install`.
from spacy_huggingface_hub import push
result = push("./en_ner_fashion-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl")
## Additional resources
* spacy-huggingface-hub [library](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-huggingface-hub).
* Launch [blog post](https://huggingface.co/blog/spacy)
* spaCy v 3.1 [Announcement](https://explosion.ai/blog/spacy-v3-1#huggingface-hub)
* spaCy [documentation](https://spacy.io/universe/project/spacy-huggingface-hub/)
# Using timm at Hugging Face
`timm`, also known as [pytorch-image-models](https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models), is an open-source collection of state-of-the-art PyTorch image models, pretrained weights, and utility scripts for training, inference, and validation.
This documentation focuses on `timm` functionality in the Hugging Face Hub instead of the `timm` library itself. For detailed information about the `timm` library, visit [its documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/timm).
You can find a number of `timm` models on the Hub using the filters on the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=timm&sort=downloads).
All models on the Hub come with several useful features:
1. An automatically generated model card, which model authors can complete with [information about their model](./model-cards).
2. Metadata tags help users discover the relevant `timm` models.
3. An [interactive widget](./models-widgets) you can use to play with the model directly in the browser.
4. An [Inference API](./models-inference) that allows users to make inference requests.
## Using existing models from the Hub
Any `timm` model from the Hugging Face Hub can be loaded with a single line of code as long as you have `timm` installed! Once you've selected a model from the Hub, pass the model's ID prefixed with `hf-hub:` to `timm`'s `create_model` method to download and instantiate the model.
import timm
# Loading https://huggingface.co/timm/eca_nfnet_l0
model = timm.create_model("hf-hub:timm/eca_nfnet_l0", pretrained=True)
If you want to see how to load a specific model, you can click **Use in timm** and you will be given a working snippet to load it!
### Inference
The snippet below shows how you can perform inference on a `timm` model loaded from the Hub:
import timm
import torch
from PIL import Image
from timm.data import resolve_data_config
from timm.data.transforms_factory import create_transform
# Load from Hub 🔥
model = timm.create_model(
# Set model to eval mode for inference
# Create Transform
transform = create_transform(**resolve_data_config(model.pretrained_cfg, model=model))
# Get the labels from the model config
labels = model.pretrained_cfg['label_names']
top_k = min(len(labels), 5)
# Use your own image file here...
image = Image.open('boxer.jpg').convert('RGB')
# Process PIL image with transforms and add a batch dimension
x = transform(image).unsqueeze(0)
# Pass inputs to model forward function to get outputs
out = model(x)
# Apply softmax to get predicted probabilities for each class
probabilities = torch.nn.functional.softmax(out[0], dim=0)
# Grab the values and indices of top 5 predicted classes
values, indices = torch.topk(probabilities, top_k)
# Prepare a nice dict of top k predictions
predictions = [
{"label": labels[i], "score": v.item()}
for i, v in zip(indices, values)
This should leave you with a list of predictions, like this:
{'label': 'american_pit_bull_terrier', 'score': 0.9999998807907104},
{'label': 'staffordshire_bull_terrier', 'score': 1.0000000149011612e-07},
{'label': 'miniature_pinscher', 'score': 1.0000000149011612e-07},
{'label': 'chihuahua', 'score': 1.0000000149011612e-07},
{'label': 'beagle', 'score': 1.0000000149011612e-07}
## Sharing your models
You can share your `timm` models directly to the Hugging Face Hub. This will publish a new version of your model to the Hugging Face Hub, creating a model repo for you if it doesn't already exist.
Before pushing a model, make sure that you've logged in to Hugging Face:
python -m pip install huggingface_hub
huggingface-cli login
Alternatively, if you prefer working from a Jupyter or Colaboratory notebook, once you've installed `huggingface_hub` you can log in with:
from huggingface_hub import notebook_login
Then, push your model using the `push_to_hf_hub` method:
import timm
# Build or load a model, e.g. timm's pretrained resnet18
model = timm.create_model('resnet18', pretrained=True, num_classes=4)
# [Fine tune your model...]
# Push it to the 🤗 Hub
model_config={'labels': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']}
# Load your model from the Hub
model_reloaded = timm.create_model(
## Inference Widget and API
All `timm` models on the Hub are automatically equipped with an [inference widget](./models-widgets), pictured below for [nateraw/timm-resnet50-beans](https://huggingface.co/nateraw/timm-resnet50-beans). Additionally, `timm` models are available through the [Inference API](./models-inference), which you can access through HTTP with cURL, Python's `requests` library, or your preferred method for making network requests.
curl https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/nateraw/timm-resnet50-beans \
--data-binary '@beans.jpeg' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {$HF_API_TOKEN}"
# [{"label":"angular_leaf_spot","score":0.9845947027206421},{"label":"bean_rust","score":0.01368315052241087},{"label":"healthy","score":0.001722085871733725}]
## Additional resources
* timm (pytorch-image-models) [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models).
* timm [documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/timm).
* Additional documentation at [timmdocs](https://timm.fast.ai) by [Aman Arora](https://github.com/amaarora).
* [Getting Started with PyTorch Image Models (timm): A Practitioner’s Guide](https://towardsdatascience.com/getting-started-with-pytorch-image-models-timm-a-practitioners-guide-4e77b4bf9055) by [Chris Hughes](https://github.com/Chris-hughes10).
# Advanced Compute Options
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
Enterprise Hub organizations gain access to advanced compute options to accelerate their machine learning journey.
## Host ZeroGPU Spaces in your organization
ZeroGPU is a dynamic GPU allocation system that optimizes AI deployment on Hugging Face Spaces. By automatically allocating and releasing NVIDIA A100 GPUs (40GB VRAM) as needed, organizations can efficiently serve their AI applications without dedicated GPU instances.
**Key benefits for organizations**
- **Free GPU Access**: Access powerful NVIDIA A100 GPUs at no additional cost through dynamic allocation
- **Enhanced Resource Management**: Host up to 50 ZeroGPU Spaces for efficient team-wide AI deployment
- **Simplified Deployment**: Easy integration with PyTorch-based models, Gradio apps, and other Hugging Face libraries
- **Enterprise-Grade Infrastructure**: Access to high-performance NVIDIA A100 GPUs with 40GB VRAM per workload
[Learn more about ZeroGPU →](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-zerogpu)
## Train on NVIDIA DGX Cloud
Train on NVIDIA DGX Cloud offers a simple no-code training job creation experience powered by Hugging Face AutoTrain and Hugging Face Spaces. Instantly access NVIDIA GPUs and avoid the time-consuming work of writing, testing, and debugging training scripts for AI models.
### How it works
Read the [blogpost for Train on NVIDIA DGX Cloud](https://huggingface.co/blog/train-dgx-cloud#how-it-works).
### Supported architectures
#### Transformers
| Architecture |
| ------------ |
| Llama |
| Falcon |
| Mistral |
| Mixtral |
| T5 |
| gemma |
#### Diffusers
| Architecture |
| ------------------- |
| Stable Diffusion |
| Stable Diffusion XL |
### Pricing
Usage of Train on NVIDIA DGX Cloud is billed by the minute of the GPU instances used during your training jobs. Usage fees accrue to your Enterprise Hub Organizations’ current monthly billing cycle, once a job is completed. You can check your current and past usage at any time within the billing settings of your Enterprise Hub Organization.
| NVIDIA GPU | GPU Memory | On-Demand Price/hr |
| ----------- | ---------- | ------------------ |
| NVIDIA L40S | 48GB | $2.75 |
| NVIDIA H100 | 80GB | $8.25 |
## NVIDIA NIM API (serverless)
NVIDIA NIM API (serverless) offers access to [NVIDIA Inference Microservices (NIM)](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/ai/) powered by NVIDIA H100s in a serverless way. Use standardized APIs and a few lines of code to run inference in a pay-as-you-go pricing model.
### How it works
Read the [blogpost for Serverless Inference with Hugging Face and NVIDIA NIMs](https://huggingface.co/blog/inference-dgx-cloud#how-it-works).
### Supported models
You can find all supported models in [this NVIDIA Collection](https://huggingface.co/collections/nvidia/nim-66a3c6fcdcb5bbc6e975b508).
### Pricing
Usage of NVIDIA NIM API (serverless) is billed based on the compute time spent per request. Usage fees accrue to your Enterprise Hub Organizations’ current monthly billing cycle, once a job is completed. You can check your current and past usage at any time within the billing settings of your Enterprise Hub Organization.
| NVIDIA GPU | GPU Memory | On-Demand Price/hr |
| ----------- | ---------- | ------------------ |
| NVIDIA H100 | 80GB | $8.25 |
The total cost for a request will depend on the model size, the number of GPUs required, and the time taken to process the request. For each model, you can find which hardware configuration is used in the notes of [this NVIDIA Collection](https://huggingface.co/collections/nvidia/nim-66a3c6fcdcb5bbc6e975b508).
# Downloading datasets
## Integrated libraries
If a dataset on the Hub is tied to a [supported library](./datasets-libraries), loading the dataset can be done in just a few lines. For information on accessing the dataset, you can click on the "Use in dataset library" button on the dataset page to see how to do so. For example, [`samsum`](https://huggingface.co/datasets/samsum?library=true) shows how to do so with 🤗 Datasets below.
## Using the Hugging Face Client Library
You can use the [`huggingface_hub`](/docs/huggingface_hub) library to create, delete, update and retrieve information from repos. You can also download files from repos or integrate them into your library! For example, you can quickly load a CSV dataset with a few lines using Pandas.
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
import pandas as pd
FILENAME = "data.csv"
dataset = pd.read_csv(
hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=FILENAME, repo_type="dataset")
## Using Git
Since all datasets on the Hub are Git repositories, you can clone the datasets locally by running:
git lfs install
git clone git@hf.co:datasets/ # example: git clone git@hf.co:datasets/allenai/c4
If you have write-access to the particular dataset repo, you'll also have the ability to commit and push revisions to the dataset.
Add your SSH public key to [your user settings](https://huggingface.co/settings/keys) to push changes and/or access private repos.
# Spaces Overview
Hugging Face Spaces make it easy for you to create and deploy ML-powered demos in minutes. Watch the following video for a quick introduction to Spaces:
In the following sections, you'll learn the basics of creating a Space, configuring it, and deploying your code to it.
## Creating a new Space
**To make a new Space**, visit the [Spaces main page](https://huggingface.co/spaces) and click on **Create new Space**. Along with choosing a name for your Space, selecting an optional license, and setting your Space's visibility, you'll be prompted to choose the **SDK** for your Space. The Hub offers four SDK options: Gradio, Streamlit, Docker and static HTML. If you select "Gradio" as your SDK, you'll be navigated to a new repo showing the following page:
Under the hood, Spaces stores your code inside a git repository, just like the model and dataset repositories. Thanks to this, the same tools we use for all the [other repositories on the Hub](./repositories) (`git` and `git-lfs`) also work for Spaces. Follow the same flow as in [Getting Started with Repositories](./repositories-getting-started) to add files to your Space. Each time a new commit is pushed, the Space will automatically rebuild and restart.
For step-by-step tutorials to creating your first Space, see the guides below:
* [Creating a Gradio Space](./spaces-sdks-gradio)
* [Creating a Streamlit Space](./spaces-sdks-streamlit)
* [Creating a Docker Space](./spaces-sdks-docker-first-demo)
## Hardware resources
Each Spaces environment is limited to 16GB RAM, 2 CPU cores and 50GB of (not persistent) disk space by default, which you can use free of charge. You can upgrade to better hardware, including a variety of GPU accelerators and persistent storage, for a [competitive price](https://huggingface.co/pricing#spaces). To request an upgrade, please click the _Settings_ button in your Space and select your preferred hardware environment.
| **Hardware** | **GPU Memory** | **CPU** | **Memory** | **Disk** | **Hourly Price** |
|--------------------- |---------------- |---------- |------------ |---------- | ---------------- |
| CPU Basic | - | 2 vCPU | 16 GB | 50 GB | Free! |
| CPU Upgrade | - | 8 vCPU | 32 GB | 50 GB | $0.03 |
| Nvidia T4 - small | 16GB | 4 vCPU | 15 GB | 50 GB | $0.60 |
| Nvidia T4 - medium | 16GB | 8 vCPU | 30 GB | 100 GB | $0.90 |
| Nvidia A10G - small | 24GB | 4 vCPU | 15 GB | 110 GB | $1.05 |
| Nvidia A10G - large | 24GB | 12 vCPU | 46 GB | 200 GB | $3.15 |
| 2x Nvidia A10G - large| 48GB | 24 vCPU | 92 GB | 1000 GB | $5.70 |
| 4x Nvidia A10G - large| 96GB | 48 vCPU | 184 GB | 2000 GB | $10.80 |
| Nvidia A100 - large | 40GB | 12 vCPU | 142 GB | 1000 GB | $4.13 |
| **Storage tier** | **Size** | **Persistent** | **Monthly price** |
|--------------------- |---------------------- |------------------ | --------------------- |
| Ephemeral (default) | 50GB | No | Free! |
| Small | Ephemeral + 20GB | Yes | $5 |
| Medium | Ephemeral + 150GB | Yes | $25 |
| Large | Ephemeral + 1TB | yes | $100 |
Note: Find more detailed and comprehensive pricing information on [our pricing page](https://huggingface.co/pricing).
Do you have an awesome Space but need help covering the hardware upgrade costs? We love helping out those with an innovative Space so please feel free to apply for a community GPU grant using the link in the _Settings_ tab of your Space and see if yours makes the cut!
Read more in our dedicated sections on [Spaces GPU Upgrades](./spaces-gpus) and [Spaces Storage Upgrades](./spaces-storage).
## Managing secrets and environment variables[[managing-secrets]]
If your app requires environment variables (for instance, secret keys or tokens), do not hard-code them inside your app! Instead, go to the Settings page of your Space repository and add a new **variable** or **secret**. Use variables if you need to store non-sensitive configuration values and secrets for storing access tokens, API keys, or any sensitive value or credentials.
You can use:
* **Variables** if you need to store non-sensitive configuration values. They are publicly accessible and viewable and will be automatically added to Spaces duplicated from yours.
* **Secrets** to store access tokens, API keys, or any sensitive values or credentials. They are private and their value cannot be read from the Space's settings page once set. They won't be added to Spaces duplicated from your repository.
Accessing secrets and variables is different depending on your Space SDK:
- For Static Spaces, both are available through client-side JavaScript in `window.huggingface.variables`
- For Docker Spaces, check out [environment management with Docker](./spaces-sdks-docker#secrets-and-variables-management)
- For Streamlit Spaces, secrets are exposed to your app through [Streamlit Secrets Management](https://blog.streamlit.io/secrets-in-sharing-apps/), and public variables are directly available as environment variables
For other Spaces, both are exposed to your app as environment variables. Here is a very simple example of accessing the previously declared `MODEL_REPO_ID` variable in Python (it would be the same for secrets):
import os
Spaces owners are warned when our `Spaces Secrets Scanner` [finds hard-coded secrets](./security-secrets).
## Duplicating a Space
Duplicating a Space can be useful if you want to build a new demo using another demo as an initial template. Duplicated Spaces can also be useful if you want to have an individual Upgraded Space for your use with fast inference.
If you want to duplicate a Space, you can click the three dots at the top right of the space and click **Duplicate this Space**. Once you do this, you will be able to change the following attributes:
* Owner: The duplicated Space can be under your account or any organization in which you have write access
* Space name
* Visibility: The Space is private by default. Read more about private repositories [here](./repositories-settings#private-repositories).
* Hardware: You can choose the hardware on which the Space will be running. Read more about hardware upgrades [here](./spaces-gpus).
* Storage: If the original repo uses persistent storage, you will be prompted to choose a storage tier. Read more about persistent storage [here](./spaces-storage).
* Secrets and variables: If the original repo has set some secrets and variables, you'll be able to set them while duplicating the repo.
Some Spaces might have environment variables that you may need to set up. In these cases, the duplicate workflow will auto-populate the public Variables from the source Space, and give you a warning about setting up the Secrets. The duplicated Space will use a free CPU hardware by default, but you can later upgrade if needed.
## Networking
If your Space needs to make any network requests, you can make requests through the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443) along with port 8080. Any requests going to other ports will be blocked.
## Lifecycle management
On free hardware, your Space will "go to sleep" and stop executing after a period of time if unused. If you wish for your Space to run indefinitely, consider [upgrading to a paid hardware](./spaces-gpus). You can also manually pause your Space from the **Settings** tab. A paused Space stops executing until manually restarted by its owner.
Paused time is not billed.
## Helper environment variables
In some cases, you might be interested in having programmatic access to the Space author or repository name. This feature is particularly useful when you expect users to duplicate your Space. To help with this, Spaces exposes different environment variables at runtime. Given a Space [`osanseviero/i-like-flan`](https://huggingface.co/spaces/osanseviero/i-like-flan):
* `CPU_CORES`: 4
* `MEMORY`: 15Gi
* `SPACE_AUTHOR_NAME`: osanseviero
* `SPACE_REPO_NAME`: i-like-flan
* `SPACE_TITLE`: I Like Flan (specified in the README file)
* `SPACE_ID`: `osanseviero/i-like-flan`
* `SPACE_HOST`: `osanseviero-i-like-flan.hf.space`
* `SPACE_CREATOR_USER_ID`: `6032802e1f993496bc14d9e3` - This is the ID of the user that originally created the Space. It's useful if the Space is under an organization. You can get the user information with an API call to `https://huggingface.co/api/users/{SPACE_CREATOR_USER_ID}/overview`.
In case [OAuth](./spaces-oauth) is enabled for your Space, the following variables will also be available:
* `OAUTH_CLIENT_ID`: the client ID of your OAuth app (public)
* `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`: the client secret of your OAuth app
* `OAUTH_SCOPES`: scopes accessible by your OAuth app. Currently, this is always `"openid profile"`.
* `OPENID_PROVIDER_URL`: The URL of the OpenID provider. The OpenID metadata will be available at [`{OPENID_PROVIDER_URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration`](https://huggingface.co/.well-known/openid-configuration).
## Clone the Repository
You can easily clone your Space repo locally. Start by clicking on the dropdown menu in the top right of your Space page:
Select "Clone repository", and then you'll be able to follow the instructions to clone the Space repo to your local machine using HTTPS or SSH.
## Linking Models and Datasets on the Hub
You can showcase all the models and datasets that your Space links to by adding their identifier in your Space's README metadata. To do so, you can define them under the `models` and `datasets` keys. In addition to listing the artefacts in the README file, you can also record them in any `.py`, `.ini` or `.html` file as well. We'll parse it auto-magically!
Here's an example linking two models from a space:
title: My lovely space
emoji: 🤗
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: green
sdk: docker
pinned: false
- reach-vb/musicgen-large-fp16-endpoint
- reach-vb/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-1B-common_voice7-lt-ft
# Authentication for private and gated datasets
To access private or gated datasets, you need to configure your Hugging Face Token in the DuckDB Secrets Manager.
Visit [Hugging Face Settings - Tokens](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens) to obtain your access token.
DuckDB supports two providers for managing secrets:
- `CONFIG`: Requires the user to pass all configuration information into the CREATE SECRET statement.
- `CREDENTIAL_CHAIN`: Automatically tries to fetch credentials. For the Hugging Face token, it will try to get it from `~/.cache/huggingface/token`.
For more information about DuckDB Secrets visit the [Secrets Manager](https://duckdb.org/docs/configuration/secrets_manager.html) guide.
## Creating a secret with `CONFIG` provider
To create a secret using the CONFIG provider, use the following command:
CREATE SECRET hf_token (TYPE HUGGINGFACE, TOKEN 'your_hf_token');
Replace `your_hf_token` with your actual Hugging Face token.
## Creating a secret with `CREDENTIAL_CHAIN` provider
To create a secret using the CREDENTIAL_CHAIN provider, use the following command:
This command automatically retrieves the stored token from `~/.cache/huggingface/token`.
First you need to [Login with your Hugging Face account](/docs/huggingface_hub/quick-start#login), for example using:
huggingface-cli login
Alternatively, you can set your Hugging Face token as an environment variable:
export HF_TOKEN="hf_xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
For more information on authentication, see the [Hugging Face authentication](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/quick-start#authentication) documentation.
# Your First Docker Space: Text Generation with T5
In the following sections, you'll learn the basics of creating a Docker Space, configuring it, and deploying your code to it. We'll create a **Text Generation** Space with Docker that'll be used to demo the [google/flan-t5-small](https://huggingface.co/google/flan-t5-small) model, which can generate text given some input text, using FastAPI as the server.
You can find a completed version of this hosted [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5).
## Create a new Docker Space
We'll start by [creating a brand new Space](https://huggingface.co/new-space) and choosing **Docker** as our SDK.
Hugging Face Spaces are Git repositories, meaning that you can work on your Space incrementally (and collaboratively) by pushing commits. Take a look at the [Getting Started with Repositories](./repositories-getting-started) guide to learn about how you can create and edit files before continuing. If you prefer to work with a UI, you can also do the work directly in the browser.
Selecting **Docker** as the SDK when [creating a new Space](https://huggingface.co/new-space) will initialize your Docker Space by setting the `sdk` property to `docker` in your `README.md` file's YAML block.
sdk: docker
You have the option to change the default application port of your Space by setting the `app_port` property in your `README.md` file's YAML block. The default port is `7860`.
app_port: 7860
## Add the dependencies
For the **Text Generation** Space, we'll be building a FastAPI app that showcases a text generation model called Flan T5. For the model inference, we'll be using a [🤗 Transformers pipeline](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/pipeline_tutorial) to use the model. We need to start by installing a few dependencies. This can be done by creating a **requirements.txt** file in our repository, and adding the following dependencies to it:
These dependencies will be installed in the Dockerfile we'll create later.
## Create the app
Let's kick off the process with a dummy FastAPI app to see that we can get an endpoint working. The first step is to create an app file, in this case, we'll call it `main.py`.
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
def read_root():
return {"Hello": "World!"}
## Create the Dockerfile
The main step for a Docker Space is creating a Dockerfile. You can read more about Dockerfiles [here](https://docs.docker.com/get-started/). Although we're using FastAPI in this tutorial, Dockerfiles give great flexibility to users allowing you to build a new generation of ML demos. Let's write the Dockerfile for our application
# read the doc: https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker
# you will also find guides on how best to write your Dockerfile
FROM python:3.9
# The two following lines are requirements for the Dev Mode to be functional
# Learn more about the Dev Mode at https://huggingface.co/dev-mode-explorers
RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user
COPY --chown=user ./requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt
COPY --chown=user . /app
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]
When the changes are saved, the Space will rebuild and your demo should be up after a couple of seconds! [Here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_dummy) is an example result at this point.
### Testing locally
**Tip for power users (you can skip):** If you're developing locally, this is a good moment in which you can do `docker build` and `docker run` to debug locally, but it's even easier to push the changes to the Hub and see how it looks like!
docker build -t fastapi .
docker run -it -p 7860:7860 fastapi
If you have [Secrets](spaces-sdks-docker#secret-management) you can use `docker buildx` and pass the secrets as build arguments
export SECRET_EXAMPLE="my_secret_value"
docker buildx build --secret id=SECRET_EXAMPLE,env=SECRET_EXAMPLE -t fastapi .
and run with `docker run` passing the secrets as environment variables
export SECRET_EXAMPLE="my_secret_value"
docker run -it -p 7860:7860 -e SECRET_EXAMPLE=$SECRET_EXAMPLE fastapi
## Adding some ML to our app
As mentioned before, the idea is to use a Flan T5 model for text generation. We'll want to add some HTML and CSS for an input field, so let's create a directory called static with `index.html`, `style.css`, and `script.js` files. At this moment, your file structure should look like this:
Let's go through all the steps to make this working. We'll skip some of the details of the CSS and HTML. You can find the whole code in the Files and versions tab of the [DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5) Space.
1. Write the FastAPI endpoint to do inference
We'll use the `pipeline` from `transformers` to load the [google/flan-t5-small](https://huggingface.co/google/flan-t5-small) model. We'll set an endpoint called `infer_t5` that receives and input and outputs the result of the inference call
from transformers import pipeline
pipe_flan = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-small")
def t5(input):
output = pipe_flan(input)
return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]}
2. Write the `index.html` to have a simple form containing the code of the page.
Text generation using Flan T5
3. In the `main.py` file, mount the static files and show the html file in the root route
app.mount("/", StaticFiles(directory="static", html=True), name="static")
def index() -> FileResponse:
return FileResponse(path="/app/static/index.html", media_type="text/html")
4. In the `script.js` file, make it handle the request
const textGenForm = document.querySelector(".text-gen-form");
const translateText = async (text) => {
const inferResponse = await fetch(`infer_t5?input=${text}`);
const inferJson = await inferResponse.json();
return inferJson.output;
textGenForm.addEventListener("submit", async (event) => {
const textGenInput = document.getElementById("text-gen-input");
const textGenParagraph = document.querySelector(".text-gen-output");
textGenParagraph.textContent = await translateText(textGenInput.value);
5. Grant permissions to the right directories
As discussed in the [Permissions Section](./spaces-sdks-docker#permissions), the container runs with user ID 1000. That means that the Space might face permission issues. For example, `transformers` downloads and caches the models in the path under the `HF_HOME` path. The easiest way to solve this is to create a user with righ permissions and use it to run the container application. We can do this by adding the following lines to the `Dockerfile`.
# Switch to the "user" user
USER user
# Set home to the user's home directory
ENV HOME=/home/user \
The final `Dockerfile` should look like this:
# read the doc: https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker
# you will also find guides on how best to write your Dockerfile
FROM python:3.9
# The two following lines are requirements for the Dev Mode to be functional
# Learn more about the Dev Mode at https://huggingface.co/dev-mode-explorers
RUN useradd -m -u 1000 user
COPY --chown=user ./requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt
COPY --chown=user . /app
USER user
ENV HOME=/home/user \
CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]
Success! Your app should be working now! Check out [DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5) to see the final result.
What a journey! Please remember that Docker Spaces give you lots of freedom, so you're not limited to use FastAPI. From a [Go Endpoint](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/test-docker-go) to a [Shiny App](https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/shiny-with-python), the limit is the moon! Check out [some official examples](./spaces-sdks-docker-examples). You can also upgrade your Space to a GPU if needed 😃
## Debugging
You can debug your Space by checking the **Build** and **Container** logs. Click on the **Open Logs** button to open the modal.
If everything went well, you will see `Pushing Image` and `Scheduling Space` on the **Build** tab
On the **Container** tab, you will see the application status, in this case, `Uvicorn running on`
Additionally, you can enable the Dev Mode on your Space. The Dev Mode allows you to connect to your running Space via VSCode or SSH. Learn more here: https://huggingface.co/dev-mode-explorers
## Read More
- [Docker Spaces](spaces-sdks-docker)
- [List of Docker Spaces examples](spaces-sdks-docker-examples)
# Jupyter Notebooks on the Hugging Face Hub
[Jupyter notebooks](https://jupyter.org/) are a very popular format for sharing code and data analysis for machine learning and data science. They are interactive documents that can contain code, visualizations, and text.
## Rendering Jupyter notebooks on the Hub
Under the hood, Jupyter Notebook files (usually shared with a `.ipynb` extension) are JSON files. While viewing these files directly is possible, it's not a format intended to be read by humans. The Hub has rendering support for notebooks hosted on the Hub. This means that notebooks are displayed in a human-readable format.

Notebooks will be rendered when included in any type of repository on the Hub. This includes models, datasets, and Spaces.
## Launch in Google Colab
[Google Colab](https://colab.google/) is a free Jupyter Notebook environment that requires no setup and runs entirely in the cloud. It's a great way to run Jupyter Notebooks without having to install anything on your local machine. Notebooks hosted on the Hub are automatically given a "launch in Google Colab" button. This allows you to open the notebook in Colab with a single click.
# How to configure OIDC SSO with Okta
In this guide, we will use Okta as the SSO provider and with the Open ID Connect (OIDC) protocol as our preferred identity protocol.
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
### Step 1: Create a new application in your Identity Provider
Open a new tab/window in your browser and sign in to your Okta account.
Navigate to "Admin/Applications" and click the "Create App Integration" button.
Then choose an “OIDC - OpenID Connect” application, select the application type "Web Application" and click "Create".
### Step 2: Configure your application in Okta
Open a new tab/window in your browser and navigate to the SSO section of your organization's settings. Select the OIDC protocol.
Copy the "Redirection URI" from the organization's settings on Hugging Face, and paste it in the "Sign-in redirect URI" field on Okta.
The URL looks like this: `https://huggingface.co/organizations/[organizationIdentifier]/oidc/consume`.
You can leave the optional Sign-out redirect URIs blank.
Save your new application.
### Step 3: Finalize configuration on Hugging Face
In your Okta application, under "General", find the following fields:
- Client ID
- Client secret
- Issuer URL
You will need these to finalize the SSO setup on Hugging Face.
The Okta Issuer URL is generally a URL like `https://tenantId.okta.com`; you can refer to their [guide](https://support.okta.com/help/s/article/What-is-theIssuerlocated-under-the-OpenID-Connect-ID-Token-app-settings-used-for?language=en_US) for more details.
In the SSO section of your organization's settings on Hugging Face, copy-paste these values from Okta:
- Client ID
- Client Secret
You can now click on "Update and Test OIDC configuration" to save the settings.
You should be redirected to your SSO provider (IdP) login prompt. Once logged in, you'll be redirected to your organization's settings page.
A green check mark near the OIDC selector will attest that the test was successful.
### Step 4: Enable SSO in your organization
Now that Single Sign-On is configured and tested, you can enable it for members of your organization by clicking on the "Enable" button.
Once enabled, members of your organization must complete the SSO authentication flow described in the [How does it work?](./security-sso#how-does-it-work) section.
# ChatUI on Spaces
**Hugging Chat** is an open-source interface enabling everyone to try open-source large language models such as Falcon, StarCoder, and BLOOM. Thanks to an official Docker template called ChatUI, you can deploy your own Hugging Chat based on a model of your choice with a few clicks using Hugging Face's infrastructure.
## Deploy your own Chat UI
To get started, simply head [here](https://huggingface.co/new-space?template=huggingchat/chat-ui-template). In the backend of this application, [text-generation-inference](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference) is used for better optimized model inference. Since these models can't run on CPUs, you can select the GPU depending on your choice of model.
You should provide a MongoDB endpoint where your chats will be written. If you leave this section blank, your logs will be persisted to a database inside the Space. Note that Hugging Face does not have access to your chats. You can configure the name and the theme of the Space by providing the application name and application color parameters.
Below this, you can select the Hugging Face Hub ID of the model you wish to serve. You can also change the generation hyperparameters in the dictionary below in JSON format.
_Note_: If you'd like to deploy a model with gated access or a model in a private repository, you can simply provide `HF_TOKEN` in repository secrets. You need to set its value to an access token you can get from [here](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens).
Once the creation is complete, you will see `Building` on your Space. Once built, you can try your own HuggingChat!
Start chatting!
## Read more
- [HF Docker Spaces](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-sdks-docker)
- [chat-ui GitHub Repository](https://github.com/huggingface/chat-ui)
- [text-generation-inference GitHub repository](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference)
# Managing Spaces with Github Actions
You can keep your app in sync with your GitHub repository with **Github Actions**. Remember that for files larger than 10MB, Spaces requires Git-LFS. If you don't want to use Git-LFS, you may need to review your files and check your history. Use a tool like [BFG Repo-Cleaner](https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/) to remove any large files from your history. BFG Repo-Cleaner will keep a local copy of your repository as a backup.
First, you should set up your GitHub repository and Spaces app together. Add your Spaces app as an additional remote to your existing Git repository.
git remote add space https://huggingface.co/spaces/HF_USERNAME/SPACE_NAME
Then force push to sync everything for the first time:
git push --force space main
Next, set up a GitHub Action to push your main branch to Spaces. In the example below:
* Replace `HF_USERNAME` with your username and `SPACE_NAME` with your Space name.
* Create a [Github secret](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/encrypted-secrets#creating-encrypted-secrets-for-an-environment) with your `HF_TOKEN`. You can find your Hugging Face API token under **API Tokens** on your Hugging Face profile.
name: Sync to Hugging Face hub
branches: [main]
# to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
lfs: true
- name: Push to hub
HF_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.HF_TOKEN }}
run: git push https://HF_USERNAME:$HF_TOKEN@huggingface.co/spaces/HF_USERNAME/SPACE_NAME main
Finally, create an Action that automatically checks the file size of any new pull request:
name: Check file size
on: # or directly `on: [push]` to run the action on every push on any branch
branches: [main]
# to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check large files
uses: ActionsDesk/lfs-warning@v2.0
filesizelimit: 10485760 # this is 10MB so we can sync to HF Spaces
# Gated datasets
To give more control over how datasets are used, the Hub allows datasets authors to enable **access requests** for their datasets. Users must agree to share their contact information (username and email address) with the datasets authors to access the datasets files when enabled. Datasets authors can configure this request with additional fields. A dataset with access requests enabled is called a **gated dataset**. Access requests are always granted to individual users rather than to entire organizations. A common use case of gated datasets is to provide access to early research datasets before the wider release.
## Manage gated datasets as a dataset author
To enable access requests, go to the dataset settings page. By default, the dataset is not gated. Click on **Enable Access request** in the top-right corner.
By default, access to the dataset is automatically granted to the user when requesting it. This is referred to as **automatic approval**. In this mode, any user can access your dataset once they've shared their personal information with you.
If you want to manually approve which users can access your dataset, you must set it to **manual approval**. When this is the case, you will notice more options:
- **Add access** allows you to search for a user and grant them access even if they did not request it.
- **Notification frequency** lets you configure when to get notified if new users request access. It can be set to once a day or real-time. By default, an email is sent to your primary email address. For datasets hosted under an organization, emails are by default sent to the first 5 admins of the organization. In both cases (user or organization) you can set a different email address in the **Notifications email** field.
### Review access requests
Once access requests are enabled, you have full control of who can access your dataset or not, whether the approval mode is manual or automatic. You can review and manage requests either from the UI or via the API.
### From the UI
You can review who has access to your gated dataset from its settings page by clicking on the **Review access requests** button. This will open a modal with 3 lists of users:
- **pending**: the list of users waiting for approval to access your dataset. This list is empty unless you've selected **manual approval**. You can either **Accept** or **Reject** the demand. If the demand is rejected, the user cannot access your dataset and cannot request access again.
- **accepted**: the complete list of users with access to your dataset. You can choose to **Reject** access at any time for any user, whether the approval mode is manual or automatic. You can also **Cancel** the approval, which will move the user to the *pending* list.
- **rejected**: the list of users you've manually rejected. Those users cannot access your datasets. If they go to your dataset repository, they will see a message *Your request to access this repo has been rejected by the repo's authors*.
#### Via the API
You can automate the approval of access requests by using the API. You must pass a `token` with `write` access to the gated repository. To generate a token, go to [your user settings](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens).
| Method | URI | Description | Headers | Payload
| ------ | --- | ----------- | ------- | ------- |
| `GET` | `/api/datasets/{repo_id}/user-access-request/pending` | Retrieve the list of pending requests. | `{"authorization": "Bearer $token"}` | |
| `GET` | `/api/datasets/{repo_id}/user-access-request/accepted` | Retrieve the list of accepted requests. | `{"authorization": "Bearer $token"}` | |
| `GET` | `/api/datasets/{repo_id}/user-access-request/rejected` | Retrieve the list of rejected requests. | `{"authorization": "Bearer $token"}` | |
| `POST` | `/api/datasets/{repo_id}/user-access-request/handle` | Change the status of a given access request to `status`. | `{"authorization": "Bearer $token"}` | `{"status": "accepted"/"rejected"/"pending", "user": "username"}` |
| `POST` | `/api/datasets/{repo_id}/user-access-request/grant` | Allow a specific user to access your repo. | `{"authorization": "Bearer $token"}` | `{"user": "username"} ` |
The base URL for the HTTP endpoints above is `https://huggingface.co`.
**NEW!** Those endpoints are now officially supported in our Python client `huggingface_hub`. List the access requests to your dataset with [`list_pending_access_requests`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.list_pending_access_requests), [`list_accepted_access_requests`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.list_accepted_access_requests) and [`list_rejected_access_requests`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.list_rejected_access_requests). You can also accept, cancel and reject access requests with [`accept_access_request`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.accept_access_request), [`cancel_access_request`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.cancel_access_request), [`reject_access_request`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.reject_access_request). Finally, you can grant access to a user with [`grant_access`](/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.grant_access).
### Download access report
You can download a report of all access requests for a gated datasets with the **download user access report** button. Click on it to download a json file with a list of users. For each entry, you have:
- **user**: the user id. Example: *julien-c*.
- **fullname**: name of the user on the Hub. Example: *Julien Chaumond*.
- **status**: status of the request. Either `"pending"`, `"accepted"` or `"rejected"`.
- **email**: email of the user.
- **time**: datetime when the user initially made the request.
### Customize requested information
By default, users landing on your gated dataset will be asked to share their contact information (email and username) by clicking the **Agree and send request to access repo** button.
If you want to request more user information to provide access, you can configure additional fields. This information will be accessible from the **Settings** tab. To do so, add an `extra_gated_fields` property to your [dataset card metadata](./datasets-cards#dataset-card-metadata) containing a list of key/value pairs. The *key* is the name of the field and *value* its type or an object with a `type` field. The list of field types is:
- `text`: a single-line text field.
- `checkbox`: a checkbox field.
- `date_picker`: a date picker field.
- `country`: a country dropdown. The list of countries is based on the [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) standard.
- `select`: a dropdown with a list of options. The list of options is defined in the `options` field. Example: `options: ["option 1", "option 2", {label: "option3", value: "opt3"}]`.
Finally, you can also personalize the message displayed to the user with the `extra_gated_prompt` extra field.
Here is an example of customized request form where the user is asked to provide their company name and country and acknowledge that the dataset is for non-commercial use only.
extra_gated_prompt: "You agree to not use the dataset to conduct experiments that cause harm to human subjects."
Company: text
Country: country
Specific date: date_picker
I want to use this dataset for:
type: select
- Research
- Education
- label: Other
value: other
I agree to use this dataset for non-commercial use ONLY: checkbox
In some cases, you might also want to modify the default text in the gate heading, description, and button. For those use cases, you can modify `extra_gated_heading`, `extra_gated_description` and `extra_gated_button_content` like this:
extra_gated_heading: "Acknowledge license to accept the repository"
extra_gated_description: "Our team may take 2-3 days to process your request"
extra_gated_button_content: "Acknowledge license"
## Access gated datasets as a user
As a user, if you want to use a gated dataset, you will need to request access to it. This means that you must be logged in to a Hugging Face user account.
Requesting access can only be done from your browser. Go to the dataset on the Hub and you will be prompted to share your information:
By clicking on **Agree**, you agree to share your username and email address with the dataset authors. In some cases, additional fields might be requested. To help the dataset authors decide whether to grant you access, try to fill out the form as completely as possible.
Once the access request is sent, there are two possibilities. If the approval mechanism is automatic, you immediately get access to the dataset files. Otherwise, the requests have to be approved manually by the authors, which can take more time.
The dataset authors have complete control over dataset access. In particular, they can decide at any time to block your access to the dataset without prior notice, regardless of approval mechanism or if your request has already been approved.
### Download files
To download files from a gated dataset you'll need to be authenticated. In the browser, this is automatic as long as you are logged in with your account. If you are using a script, you will need to provide a [user token](./security-tokens). In the Hugging Face Python ecosystem (`transformers`, `diffusers`, `datasets`, etc.), you can login your machine using the [`huggingface_hub`](/docs/huggingface_hub/index) library and running in your terminal:
huggingface-cli login
Alternatively, you can programmatically login using `login()` in a notebook or a script:
>>> from huggingface_hub import login
>>> login()
You can also provide the `token` parameter to most loading methods in the libraries (`from_pretrained`, `hf_hub_download`, `load_dataset`, etc.), directly from your scripts.
For more details about how to login, check out the [login guide](/docs/huggingface_hub/quick-start#login).
# User access tokens
## What are User Access Tokens?
User Access Tokens are the preferred way to authenticate an application or notebook to Hugging Face services. You can manage your access tokens in your [settings](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens).
Access tokens allow applications and notebooks to perform specific actions specified by the scope of the roles shown in the following:
- `fine-grained`: tokens with this role can be used to provide fine-grained access to specific resources, such as a specific model or models in a specific organization. This type of token is useful in production environments, as you can use your own token without sharing access to all your resources.
- `read`: tokens with this role can only be used to provide read access to repositories you could read. That includes public and private repositories that you, or an organization you're a member of, own. Use this role if you only need to read content from the Hugging Face Hub (e.g. when downloading private models or doing inference).
- `write`: tokens with this role additionally grant write access to the repositories you have write access to. Use this token if you need to create or push content to a repository (e.g., when training a model or modifying a model card).
Note that Organization API Tokens have been deprecated:
If you are a member of an organization with read/write/admin role, then your User Access Tokens will be able to read/write the resources according to the token permission (read/write) and organization membership (read/write/admin).
## How to manage User Access Tokens?
To create an access token, go to your settings, then click on the [Access Tokens tab](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens). Click on the **New token** button to create a new User Access Token.
Select a role and a name for your token and voilà - you're ready to go!
You can delete and refresh User Access Tokens by clicking on the **Manage** button.
## How to use User Access Tokens?
There are plenty of ways to use a User Access Token to access the Hugging Face Hub, granting you the flexibility you need to build awesome apps on top of it.
User Access Tokens can be:
- used **in place of a password** to access the Hugging Face Hub with git or with basic authentication.
- passed as a **bearer token** when calling the [Inference API](https://huggingface.co/inference-api).
- used in the Hugging Face Python libraries, such as `transformers` or `datasets`:
from transformers import AutoModel
access_token = "hf_..."
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("private/model", token=access_token)
Try not to leak your token! Though you can always rotate it, anyone will be able to read or write your private repos in the meantime which is 💩
### Best practices
We recommend you create one access token per app or usage. For instance, you could have a separate token for:
* A local machine.
* A Colab notebook.
* An awesome custom inference server.
This way, you can invalidate one token without impacting your other usages.
We also recommend only using fine-grained tokens for production usage. The impact, if leaked, will be reduced, and they can be shared among your organization without impacting your account.
For example, if your production application needs read access to a gated model, a member of your organization can request access to the model and then create a fine-grained token with read access to that model. This token can then be used in your production application without giving it access to all your private models.
# Serverless Inference API
Please refer to [Serverless Inference API Documentation](https://huggingface.co/docs/api-inference) for detailed information.
## What technology do you use to power the Serverless Inference API?
For 🤗 Transformers models, [Pipelines](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/main_classes/pipelines) power the API.
On top of `Pipelines` and depending on the model type, there are several production optimizations like:
- compiling models to optimized intermediary representations (e.g. [ONNX](https://medium.com/microsoftazure/accelerate-your-nlp-pipelines-using-hugging-face-transformers-and-onnx-runtime-2443578f4333)),
- maintaining a Least Recently Used cache, ensuring that the most popular models are always loaded,
- scaling the underlying compute infrastructure on the fly depending on the load constraints.
For models from [other libraries](./models-libraries), the API uses [Starlette](https://www.starlette.io) and runs in [Docker containers](https://github.com/huggingface/api-inference-community/tree/main/docker_images). Each library defines the implementation of [different pipelines](https://github.com/huggingface/api-inference-community/tree/main/docker_images/sentence_transformers/app/pipelines).
## How can I turn off the Serverless Inference API for my model?
Specify `inference: false` in your model card's metadata.
## Why don't I see an inference widget, or why can't I use the API?
For some tasks, there might not be support in the Serverless Inference API, and, hence, there is no widget.
For all libraries (except 🤗 Transformers), there is a [library-to-tasks.ts file](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/blob/main/packages/tasks/src/library-to-tasks.ts) of supported tasks in the API. When a model repository has a task that is not supported by the repository library, the repository has `inference: false` by default.
## Can I send large volumes of requests? Can I get accelerated APIs?
If you are interested in accelerated inference, higher volumes of requests, or an SLA, please contact us at `api-enterprise at huggingface.co`.
## How can I see my usage?
You can check your usage in the [Inference Dashboard](https://ui.endpoints.huggingface.co/endpoints). The dashboard shows both your serverless and dedicated endpoints usage.
## Is there programmatic access to the Serverless Inference API?
Yes, the `huggingface_hub` library has a client wrapper documented [here](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/how-to-inference).
# Appendix
## Appendix A: User Study
_Full text responses to key questions_
### How would you define model cards?
***Insight: Respondents had generally similar views of what model cards are: documentation focused on issues like training, use cases, and bias/limitations***
* Model cards are model descriptions, both of how they were trained, their use cases, and potential biases and limitations
* Documents describing the essential features of a model in order for the reader/user to understand the artefact he/she has in front, the background/training, how it can be used, and its technical/ethical limitations.
* They serve as a living artefact of models to document them. Model cards contain information that go from a high level description of what the specific model can be used to, to limitations, biases, metrics, and much more. They are used primarily to understand what the model does.
* Model cards are to models what GitHub READMEs are to GitHub projects. It tells people all the information they need to know about the model. If you don't write one, nobody will use your model.
* From what I understand, a model card uses certain benchmarks (geography, culture, sex, etc) to define both a model's usability and limitations. It's essentially a model's 'nutrition facts label' that can show how a model was created and educates others on its reusability.
* Model cards are the metadata and documentation about the model, everything I need to know to use the model properly: info about the model, what paper introduced it, what dataset was it trained on or fine-tuned on, whom does it belong to, are there known risks and limitations with this model, any useful technical info.
* IMO model cards are a brief presentation of a model which includes:
* short summary of the architectural particularities of the model
* describing the data it was trained on
* what is the performance on reference datasets (accuracy and speed metrics if possible)
* limitations
* how to use it in the context of the Transformers library
* source (original article, Github repo,...)
* Easily accessible documentation that any background can read and learn about critical model components and social impact
### What do you like about model cards?
* They are interesting to teach people about new models
* As a non-technical guy, the possibility of getting to know the model, to understand the basics of it, it's an opportunity for the author to disclose its innovation in a transparent & explainable (i.e. trustworthy) way.
* I like interactive model cards with visuals and widgets that allow me to try the model without running any code.
* What I like about good model cards is that you can find all the information you need about that particular model.
* Model cards are revolutionary to the world of AI ethics. It's one of the first tangible steps in mitigating/educating on biases in machine learning. They foster greater awareness and accountability!
* Structured, exhaustive, the more info the better.
* It helps to get an understanding of what the model is good (or bad) at.
* Conciseness and accessibility
### What do you dislike about model cards?
* Might get to technical and/or dense
* They contain lots of information for different audiences (researchers, engineers, non engineers), so it's difficult to explore model cards with an intended use cases.
* [NOTE: this comment could be addressed with toggle views for different audiences]
* Good ones are time consuming to create. They are hard to test to make sure the information is up to date. Often times, model cards are formatted completely differently - so you have to sort of figure out how that certain individual has structured theirs.
* [NOTE: this comment helps demonstrate the value of a standardized format and automation tools to make it easier to create model cards]
* Without the help of the community to pitch in supplemental evals, model cards might be subject to inherent biases that the developer might not be aware of. It's early days for them, but without more thorough evaluations, a model card's information might be too limited.
* Empty model cards. No license information - customers need that info and generally don't have it.
* They are usually either too concise or too verbose.
* writing them lol bless you
### Other key new insights
* Model cards are best filled out when done by people with different roles: Technical specifications can generally only be filled out by the developers; ethical considerations throughout are generally best informed by people who tend to work on ethical issues.
* Model users care a lot about licences -- specifically, whether a model can legally be used for a specific task.
## Appendix B: Landscape Analysis
_Overview of the state of model documentation in Machine Learning_
Examples of model cards and closely-related variants include:
* Google Cloud: [Face Detection](https://modelcards.withgoogle.com/face-detection), [Object Detection](https://modelcards.withgoogle.com/object-detection)
* Google Research: [ML Kit Vision Models](https://developers.google.com/s/results/ml-kit?q=%22Model%20Card%22), [Face Detection](https://sites.google.com/view/perception-cv4arvr/blazeface), [Conversation AI](https://github.com/conversationai/perspectiveapi/tree/main/model-cards)
* OpenAI: [GPT-3](https://github.com/openai/gpt-3/blob/master/model-card.md), [GPT-2](https://github.com/openai/gpt-2/blob/master/model_card.md), [DALL-E dVAE](https://github.com/openai/DALL-E/blob/master/model_card.md), [CLIP](https://github.com/openai/CLIP-featurevis/blob/master/model-card.md)
* [NVIDIA Model Cards](https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/models?filters=&orderBy=weightPopularASC&query=)
* [Salesforce Model Cards](https://blog.salesforceairesearch.com/model-cards-for-ai-model-transparency/)
* [Allen AI Model Cards](https://github.com/allenai/allennlp-models/tree/main/allennlp_models/modelcards)
* [Co:here AI Model Cards](https://docs.cohere.ai/responsible-use/)
* [Duke PULSE Model Card](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.03808.pdf)
* [Stanford Dynasent](https://github.com/cgpotts/dynasent/blob/main/dynasent_modelcard.md)
* [GEM Model Cards](https://gem-benchmark.com/model_cards)
* Parl.AI: [Parl.AI sample model cards](https://github.com/facebookresearch/ParlAI/tree/main/docs/sample_model_cards), [BlenderBot 2.0 2.7B](https://github.com/facebookresearch/ParlAI/blob/main/parlai/zoo/blenderbot2/model_card.md)
* [Perspective API Model Cards](https://github.com/conversationai/perspectiveapi/tree/main/model-cards)
* See https://github.com/ivylee/model-cards-and-datasheets for more examples!
Large language models are often released with associated documentation. Large language models that have an associated model card (or related documentation tool) include:
* [Big Science BLOOM model card](https://huggingface.co/bigscience/bloom)
* [GPT-2 Model Card](https://github.com/openai/gpt-2/blob/master/model_card.md)
* [GPT-3 Model Card](https://github.com/openai/gpt-3/blob/master/model-card.md)
* [DALL-E 2 Preview System Card](https://github.com/openai/dalle-2-preview/blob/main/system-card.md)
* [OPT-175B model card](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.01068.pdf)
Tools for programmatically or interactively generating model cards include:
* [Salesforce Model Card Creation](https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=release-notes.rn_bi_edd_model_card.htm&type=5&release=232)
* [TensorFlow Model Card Toolkit](https://ai.googleblog.com/2020/07/introducing-model-card-toolkit-for.html)
* [Python library](https://pypi.org/project/model-card-toolkit/)
* [GSA / US Census Bureau Collaboration on Model Card Generator](https://bias.xd.gov/resources/model-card-generator/)
* [Parl.AI Auto Generation Tool](https://parl.ai/docs/tutorial_model_cards.html)
* [VerifyML Model Card Generation Web Tool](https://www.verifyml.com)
* [RMarkdown Template for Model Card as part of vetiver package](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vetiver/vignettes/model-card.html)
* [Databaseline ML Cards toolkit](https://databaseline.tech/ml-cards/)
Tools for understanding model cards and understanding how to create model cards include:
* [Hugging Face Hub docs](https://huggingface.co/course/chapter4/4?fw=pt)
* [Perspective API](https://developers.perspectiveapi.com/s/about-the-api-model-cards)
* [Kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com/code/var0101/model-cards/tutorial)
* [Code.org](https://studio.code.org/s/aiml-2021/lessons/8)
* [UNICEF](https://unicef.github.io/inventory/data/model-card/)
**Please cite as:**
Ozoani, Ezi and Gerchick, Marissa and Mitchell, Margaret. Model Card Guidebook. Hugging Face, 2022. https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/en/model-card-guidebook
# Access control in organizations
You can set up [Single Sign-On (SSO)](./security-sso) to be able to map access control rules from your organization's Identity Provider.
Advanced and more fine-grained access control can be achieved with [Resource Groups](./security-resource-groups).
The Resource Group feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
Members of organizations can have four different roles: `read`, `contributor`, `write`, or `admin`:
- `read`: read-only access to the Organization's repos and metadata/settings (eg, the Organization's profile, members list, API token, etc).
- `contributor`: additional write rights to the subset of the Organization's repos that were created by the user. I.e., users can create repos and _then_ modify only those repos. This is similar to the `write` role, but scoped to repos _created_ by the user.
- `write`: write rights to all the Organization's repos. Users can create, delete, or rename any repo in the Organization namespace. A user can also edit and delete files from the browser editor and push content with `git`.
- `admin`: in addition to write rights on repos, admin members can update the Organization's profile, refresh the Organization's API token, and manage Organization members.
As an organization `admin`, go to the **Members** section of the org settings to manage roles for users.
## Viewing members' email address
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
You may be able to view the email addresses of members of your organization. The visibility of the email addresses depends on the organization's SSO configuration, or verified organization status.
- If you [verify a domain for your organization](./organizations-managing#organization-domain-name), you can view members' email addresses for the verified domain.
- If SSO is configured for your organization, you can view the email address for each of your organization members by setting `Matching email domains` in the SSO configuration
## Managing Access Tokens with access to my organization
See [Tokens Management](./enterprise-hub-tokens-management)
# Security
The Hugging Face Hub offers several security features to ensure that your code and data are secure. Beyond offering [private repositories](./repositories-settings#private-repositories) for models, datasets, and Spaces, the Hub supports access tokens, commit signatures, and malware scanning.
Hugging Face is GDPR compliant. If a contract or specific data storage is something you'll need, we recommend taking a look at our [Expert Acceleration Program](https://huggingface.co/support). Hugging Face can also offer Business Associate Addendums or GDPR data processing agreements through an [Enterprise Plan](https://huggingface.co/pricing).
Hugging Face is also [SOC2 Type 2 certified](https://us.aicpa.org/interestareas/frc/assuranceadvisoryservices/aicpasoc2report.html), meaning we provide security certification to our customers and actively monitor and patch any security weaknesses.
For any other security questions, please feel free to send us an email at security@huggingface.co.
## Contents
- [User Access Tokens](./security-tokens)
- [Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)](./security-2fa)
- [Git over SSH](./security-git-ssh)
- [Signing commits with GPG](./security-gpg)
- [Single Sign-On (SSO)](./security-sso)
- [Malware Scanning](./security-malware)
- [Pickle Scanning](./security-pickle)
- [Secrets Scanning](./security-secrets)
- [Third-party scanner: Protect AI](./security-protectai)
- [Resource Groups](./security-resource-groups)
# Using sample-factory at Hugging Face
[`sample-factory`](https://github.com/alex-petrenko/sample-factory) is a codebase for high throughput asynchronous reinforcement learning. It has integrations with the Hugging Face Hub to share models with evaluation results and training metrics.
## Exploring sample-factory in the Hub
You can find `sample-factory` models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sample-factory).
All models on the Hub come up with useful features:
1. An automatically generated model card with a description, a training configuration, and more.
2. Metadata tags that help for discoverability.
3. Evaluation results to compare with other models.
4. A video widget where you can watch your agent performing.
## Install the library
To install the `sample-factory` library, you need to install the package:
`pip install sample-factory`
SF is known to work on Linux and MacOS. There is no Windows support at this time.
## Loading models from the Hub
### Using load_from_hub
To download a model from the Hugging Face Hub to use with Sample-Factory, use the `load_from_hub` script:
python -m sample_factory.huggingface.load_from_hub -r -d
The command line arguments are:
- `-r`: The repo ID for the HF repository to download from. The repo ID should be in the format `/`
- `-d`: An optional argument to specify the directory to save the experiment to. Defaults to `./train_dir` which will save the repo to `./train_dir/`
### Download Model Repository Directly
Hugging Face repositories can be downloaded directly using `git clone`:
git clone git@hf.co: # example: git clone git@hf.co:bigscience/bloom
## Using Downloaded Models with Sample-Factory
After downloading the model, you can run the models in the repo with the enjoy script corresponding to your environment. For example, if you are downloading a `mujoco-ant` model, it can be run with:
python -m sf_examples.mujoco.enjoy_mujoco --algo=APPO --env=mujoco_ant --experiment= --train_dir=./train_dir
Note, you may have to specify the `--train_dir` if your local train_dir has a different path than the one in the `cfg.json`
## Sharing your models
### Using push_to_hub
If you want to upload without generating evaluation metrics or a replay video, you can use the `push_to_hub` script:
python -m sample_factory.huggingface.push_to_hub -r / -d
The command line arguments are:
- `-r`: The repo_id to save on HF Hub. This is the same as `hf_repository` in the enjoy script and must be in the form `/`
- `-d`: The full path to your experiment directory to upload
### Using enjoy.py
You can upload your models to the Hub using your environment's `enjoy` script with the `--push_to_hub` flag. Uploading using `enjoy` can also generate evaluation metrics and a replay video.
The evaluation metrics are generated by running your model on the specified environment for a number of episodes and reporting the mean and std reward of those runs.
Other relevant command line arguments are:
- `--hf_repository`: The repository to push to. Must be of the form `/`. The model will be saved to `https://huggingface.co//`
- `--max_num_episodes`: Number of episodes to evaluate on before uploading. Used to generate evaluation metrics. It is recommended to use multiple episodes to generate an accurate mean and std.
- `--max_num_frames`: Number of frames to evaluate on before uploading. An alternative to `max_num_episodes`
- `--no_render`: A flag that disables rendering and showing the environment steps. It is recommended to set this flag to speed up the evaluation process.
You can also save a video of the model during evaluation to upload to the hub with the `--save_video` flag
- `--video_frames`: The number of frames to be rendered in the video. Defaults to -1 which renders an entire episode
- `--video_name`: The name of the video to save as. If `None`, will save to `replay.mp4` in your experiment directory
For example:
python -m sf_examples.mujoco_examples.enjoy_mujoco --algo=APPO --env=mujoco_ant --experiment= --train_dir=./train_dir --max_num_episodes=10 --push_to_hub --hf_username= --hf_repository= --save_video --no_render
# Using BERTopic at Hugging Face
[BERTopic](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic) is a topic modeling framework that leverages 🤗 transformers and c-TF-IDF to create dense clusters allowing for easily interpretable topics whilst keeping important words in the topic descriptions.
BERTopic supports all kinds of topic modeling techniques:
## Exploring BERTopic on the Hub
You can find BERTopic models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=bertopic&sort=trending).
BERTopic models hosted on the Hub have a model card with useful information about the models. Thanks to BERTopic Hugging Face Hub integration, you can load BERTopic models with a few lines of code. You can also deploy these models using [Inference Endpoints](https://huggingface.co/inference-endpoints).
## Installation
To get started, you can follow the [BERTopic installation guide](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic#installation).
You can also use the following one-line install through pip:
pip install bertopic
## Using Existing Models
All BERTopic models can easily be loaded from the Hub:
from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("MaartenGr/BERTopic_Wikipedia")
Once loaded, you can use BERTopic's features to predict the topics for new instances:
topic, prob = topic_model.transform("This is an incredible movie!")
Which gives us the following topic:
## Sharing Models
When you have created a BERTopic model, you can easily share it with others through the Hugging Face Hub. To do so, we can make use of the `push_to_hf_hub` function that allows us to directly push the model to the Hugging Face Hub:
from bertopic import BERTopic
# Train model
topic_model = BERTopic().fit(my_docs)
# Push to HuggingFace Hub
Note that the saved model does not include the dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms. Those are removed since they are only necessary to train the model and find relevant topics. Inference is done through a straightforward cosine similarity between the topic and document embeddings. This not only speeds up the model but allows us to have a tiny BERTopic model that we can work with.
## Additional Resources
* [BERTopic repository](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic)
* [BERTopic docs](https://maartengr.github.io/BERTopic/)
* [BERTopic models in the Hub](https://huggingface.co/models?library=bertopic&sort=trending)
# Datasets
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
The Dataset Viewer is enabled on private datasets owned by an Enterprise Hub organization.
The Dataset Viewer allows teams to understand their data and to help them build better data processing and filtering for AI. The Viewer allows to explore the datasets content, inspect data distributions, filter by values and even search for keywords. It also includes the datasets conversion to Parquet which can be used for programmatic data visualization.
[More information about the Dataset Viewer →](./datasets-viewer)
# How to configure OIDC SSO with Azure
This guide will use Azure as the SSO provider and the Open ID Connect (OIDC) protocol as our preferred identity protocol.
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
### Step 1: Create a new application in your Identity Provider
Open a new tab/window in your browser and sign in to the Azure portal of your organization.
Navigate to the Microsoft Entra ID admin center and click on "Enterprise applications"
You'll be redirected to this page. Then click "New application" at the top and "Create your own application".
Input a name for your application (for example, Hugging Face SSO), then select "Register an application to integrate with Microsoft Entra ID (App you're developing)".
### Step 2: Configure your application on Azure
Open a new tab/window in your browser and navigate to the SSO section of your organization's settings. Select the OIDC protocol.
Copy the "Redirection URI" from the organization's settings on Hugging Face and paste it into the "Redirect URI" field on Azure Entra ID. Make sure you select "Web" in the dropdown menu.
The URL looks like this: `https://huggingface.co/organizations/[organizationIdentifier]/oidc/consume`.
Save your new application.
### Step 3: Finalize configuration on Hugging Face
We will need to collect the following information to finalize the setup on Hugging Face:
- The Client ID of the OIDC app
- A Client secret of the OIDC app
- The Issuer URL of the OIDC app
In Microsoft Entra ID, navigate to Enterprise applications, and click on your newly created application in the list.
In the application overview, click on "Single sign-on", then "Go to application"
In the OIDC app overview, you will find a copiable field named "Application (client) ID".
Copy that ID to your clipboard and paste it into the "Client ID" field on Huggingface.
Next, click "Endpoints" in the top menu in Microsoft Entra.
Copy the value in the "OpenID connect metadata document" field and paste it into the "Issue URL" field in Hugging Face.
Back in Microsoft Entra, navigate to "Certificates & secrets", and generate a new secret by clicking "New client secret".
Once you have created the secret, copy the secret value and paste it into the "Client secret" field on Hugging Face.
You can now click "Update and Test OIDC configuration" to save the settings.
You should be redirected to your SSO provider (IdP) login prompt. Once logged in, you'll be redirected to your organization's settings page.
A green check mark near the OIDC selector will attest that the test was successful.
### Step 4: Enable SSO in your organization
Now that Single Sign-On is configured and tested, you can enable it for members of your organization by clicking on the "Enable" button.
Once enabled, members of your organization must complete the SSO authentication flow described in [How does it work?](./security-sso#how-does-it-work).
# Handling Spaces Dependencies
## Default dependencies
The default Spaces environment comes with several pre-installed dependencies:
* The [`huggingface_hub`](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/index) client library allows you to manage your repository and files on the Hub with Python and programmatically access the Inference API from your Space. If you choose to instantiate the model in your app with the Inference API, you can benefit from the built-in acceleration optimizations. This option also consumes less computing resources, which is always nice for the environment! 🌎
Refer to this [page](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/how-to-inference) for more information on how to programmatically access the Inference API.
* [`requests`](https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) is useful for calling third-party APIs from your app.
* [`datasets`](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets) allows you to fetch or display any dataset from the Hub inside your app.
* The SDK you specified, which could be either `streamlit` or `gradio`. The version is specified in the `README.md` file.
* Common Debian packages, such as `ffmpeg`, `cmake`, `libsm6`, and few others.
## Adding your own dependencies
If you need other Python packages to run your app, add them to a **requirements.txt** file at the root of the repository. The Spaces runtime engine will create a custom environment on-the-fly. You can also add a **pre-requirements.txt** file describing dependencies that will be installed before your main dependencies. It can be useful if you need to update pip itself.
Debian dependencies are also supported. Add a **packages.txt** file at the root of your repository, and list all your dependencies in it. Each dependency should be on a separate line, and each line will be read and installed by `apt-get install`.
# Perform SQL operations
Performing SQL operations with DuckDB opens up a world of possibilities for querying datasets efficiently. Let's dive into some examples showcasing the power of DuckDB functions.
For our demonstration, we'll explore a fascinating dataset. The [MMLU](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cais/mmlu) dataset is a multitask test containing multiple-choice questions spanning various knowledge domains.
To preview the dataset, let's select a sample of 3 rows:
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet' USING SAMPLE 3;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │
│ The model of light… │ conceptual_physics │ [wave model, particle model, Both of these, Neither of these] │ 1 │
│ A person who is lo… │ professional_psych… │ [his/her life scripts., his/her own feelings, attitudes, and beliefs., the emotional reactions and behaviors of the people he/she is interacting with.… │ 1 │
│ The thermic effect… │ nutrition │ [is substantially higher for carbohydrate than for protein, is accompanied by a slight decrease in body core temperature., is partly related to sympat… │ 2 │
This command retrieves a random sample of 3 rows from the dataset for us to examine.
Let's start by examining the schema of our dataset. The following table outlines the structure of our dataset:
DESCRIBE FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet' USING SAMPLE 3;
│ column_name │ column_type │ null │ key │ default │ extra │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │
│ question │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ subject │ VARCHAR │ YES │ │ │ │
│ choices │ VARCHAR[] │ YES │ │ │ │
│ answer │ BIGINT │ YES │ │ │ │
Next, let's analyze if there are any duplicated records in our dataset:
COUNT(*) AS counts
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
HAVING counts > 2;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │ counts │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │ int64 │
│ 0 rows │
Fortunately, our dataset doesn't contain any duplicate records.
Let's see the proportion of questions based on the subject in a bar representation:
COUNT(*) AS counts,
BAR(COUNT(*), 0, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet')) AS percentage
counts DESC;
│ subject │ counts │ percentage │
│ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │
│ professional_law │ 1534 │ ████████▋ │
│ moral_scenarios │ 895 │ █████ │
│ miscellaneous │ 783 │ ████▍ │
│ professional_psychology │ 612 │ ███▍ │
│ high_school_psychology │ 545 │ ███ │
│ high_school_macroeconomics │ 390 │ ██▏ │
│ elementary_mathematics │ 378 │ ██▏ │
│ moral_disputes │ 346 │ █▉ │
│ 57 rows (8 shown) 3 columns │
Now, let's prepare a subset of the dataset containing questions related to **nutrition** and create a mapping of questions to correct answers.
Notice that we have the column **choices** from which we can get the correct answer using the **answer** column as an index.
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' LIMIT 3;
│ question │ subject │ choices │ answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │ varchar[] │ int64 │
│ Which foods tend t… │ nutrition │ [Meat, Confectionary, Fruits and vegetables, Potatoes] │ 2 │
│ In which one of th… │ nutrition │ [If the incidence rate of the disease falls., If survival time with the disease increases., If recovery of the disease is faster., If the population in which the… │ 1 │
│ Which of the follo… │ nutrition │ [The flavonoid class comprises flavonoids and isoflavonoids., The digestibility and bioavailability of isoflavones in soya food products are not changed by proce… │ 0 │
SELECT question,
choices[answer] AS correct_answer
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' LIMIT 3;
│ question │ correct_answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │
│ Which foods tend to be consumed in lower quantities in Wales and Scotland (as of 2020)?\n │ Confectionary │
│ In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the population increase, all else being constant?\n │ If the incidence rate of the disease falls. │
│ Which of the following statements is correct?\n │ │
To ensure data cleanliness, let's remove any newline characters at the end of the questions and filter out any empty answers:
SELECT regexp_replace(question, '\n', '') AS question,
choices[answer] AS correct_answer
FROM 'hf://datasets/cais/mmlu/all/test-*.parquet'
WHERE subject = 'nutrition' AND LENGTH(correct_answer) > 0 LIMIT 3;
│ question │ correct_answer │
│ varchar │ varchar │
│ Which foods tend to be consumed in lower quantities in Wales and Scotland (as of 2020)? │ Confectionary │
│ In which one of the following circumstances will the prevalence of a disease in the population increase, all else being constant? │ If the incidence rate of the disease falls. │
│ Which vitamin is a major lipid-soluble antioxidant in cell membranes? │ Vitamin D │
Finally, lets highlight some of the DuckDB functions used in this section:
- `DESCRIBE`, returns the table schema.
- `USING SAMPLE`, samples are used to randomly select a subset of a dataset.
- `BAR`, draws a band whose width is proportional to (x - min) and equal to width characters when x = max. Width defaults to 80.
- `string[begin:end]`, extracts a string using slice conventions. Missing begin or end arguments are interpreted as the beginning or end of the list respectively. Negative values are accepted.
- `regexp_replace`, if the string contains the regexp pattern, replaces the matching part with replacement.
- `LENGTH`, gets the number of characters in the string.
There are plenty of useful functions available in DuckDB's [SQL functions overview](https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/overview). The best part is that you can use them directly on Hugging Face datasets.
# Manual Configuration
This guide will show you how to configure a custom structure for your dataset repository. The [companion collection of example datasets](https://huggingface.co/collections/datasets-examples/manual-configuration-655e293cea26da0acab95b87) showcases each section of the documentation.
A dataset with a supported structure and [file formats](./datasets-adding#file-formats) automatically has a Dataset Viewer on its dataset page on the Hub. You can use YAML to define the splits, subsets and builder parameters that are used by the Viewer.
It is also possible to define multiple subsets (also called "configurations") for the same dataset (e.g. if the dataset has various independent files).
## Splits
If you have multiple files and want to define which file goes into which split, you can use YAML at the top of your README.md.
For example, given a repository like this one:
├── README.md
├── data.csv
└── holdout.csv
You can define a subset for your splits by adding the `configs` field in the YAML block at the top of your README.md:
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: "data.csv"
- split: test
path: "holdout.csv"
You can select multiple files per split using a list of paths:
├── README.md
├── data/
│ ├── abc.csv
│ └── def.csv
└── holdout/
└── ghi.csv
- config_name: default
- split: train
- "data/abc.csv"
- "data/def.csv"
- split: test
path: "holdout/ghi.csv"
Or you can use glob patterns to automatically list all the files you need:
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: "data/*.csv"
- split: test
path: "holdout/*.csv"
Note that `config_name` field is required even if you have a single subset.
## Multiple Subsets
Your dataset might have several subsets of data that you want to be able to use separately.
For example each subset has its own dropdown in the Dataset Viewer the Hugging Face Hub.
In that case you can define a list of subsets inside the `configs` field in YAML:
├── README.md
├── main_data.csv
└── additional_data.csv
- config_name: main_data
data_files: "main_data.csv"
- config_name: additional_data
data_files: "additional_data.csv"
## Builder parameters
Not only `data_files`, but other builder-specific parameters can be passed via YAML, allowing for more flexibility on how to load the data while not requiring any custom code. For example, define which separator to use in which subset to load your `csv` files:
- config_name: tab
data_files: "main_data.csv"
sep: "\t"
- config_name: comma
data_files: "additional_data.csv"
sep: ","
Refer to the [specific builders' documentation](/docs/datasets/package_reference/builder_classes) to see what parameters they have.
You can set a default subset using `default: true`
- config_name: main_data
data_files: "main_data.csv"
default: true
# Embed your Space in another website
Once your Space is up and running you might wish to embed it in a website or in your blog.
Embedding or sharing your Space is a great way to allow your audience to interact with your work and demonstrations without requiring any setup on their side.
To embed a Space its visibility needs to be public.
## Direct URL
A Space is assigned a unique URL you can use to share your Space or embed it in a website.
This URL is of the form: `"https://.hf.space"`. For instance, the Space [NimaBoscarino/hotdog-gradio](https://huggingface.co/spaces/NimaBoscarino/hotdog-gradio) has the corresponding URL of `"https://nimaboscarino-hotdog-gradio.hf.space"`. The subdomain is unique and only changes if you move or rename your Space.
Your space is always served from the root of this subdomain.
You can find the Space URL along with examples snippets of how to embed it directly from the options menu:
## Embedding with IFrames
The default embedding method for a Space is using IFrames. Add in the HTML location where you want to embed your Space the following element:
For instance using the [NimaBoscarino/hotdog-gradio](https://huggingface.co/spaces/NimaBoscarino/hotdog-gradio) Space:
## Embedding with WebComponents
If the Space you wish to embed is Gradio-based, you can use Web Components to embed your Space. WebComponents are faster than IFrames and automatically adjust to your web page so that you do not need to configure `width` or `height` for your element.
First, you need to import the Gradio JS library that corresponds to the Gradio version in the Space by adding the following script to your HTML.
Then, add a `gradio-app` element where you want to embed your Space.
Check out the [Gradio documentation](https://gradio.app/sharing_your_app/#embedding-hosted-spaces) for more details.
# Uploading datasets
The [Hub](https://huggingface.co/datasets) is home to an extensive collection of community-curated and research datasets. We encourage you to share your dataset to the Hub to help grow the ML community and accelerate progress for everyone. All contributions are welcome; adding a dataset is just a drag and drop away!
Start by [creating a Hugging Face Hub account](https://huggingface.co/join) if you don't have one yet.
## Upload using the Hub UI
The Hub's web-based interface allows users without any developer experience to upload a dataset.
### Create a repository
A repository hosts all your dataset files, including the revision history, making storing more than one dataset version possible.
1. Click on your profile and select **New Dataset** to create a [new dataset repository](https://huggingface.co/new-dataset).
2. Pick a name for your dataset, and choose whether it is a public or private dataset. A public dataset is visible to anyone, whereas a private dataset can only be viewed by you or members of your organization.
### Upload dataset
1. Once you've created a repository, navigate to the **Files and versions** tab to add a file. Select **Add file** to upload your dataset files. We support many text, audio, image and other data extensions such as `.csv`, `.mp3`, and `.jpg` (see the full list of [File formats](#file-formats)).
2. Drag and drop your dataset files.
3. After uploading your dataset files, they are stored in your dataset repository.
### Create a Dataset card
Adding a Dataset card is super valuable for helping users find your dataset and understand how to use it responsibly.
1. Click on **Create Dataset Card** to create a [Dataset card](./datasets-cards). This button creates a `README.md` file in your repository.
2. At the top, you'll see the **Metadata UI** with several fields to select from such as license, language, and task categories. These are the most important tags for helping users discover your dataset on the Hub (when applicable). When you select an option for a field, it will be automatically added to the top of the dataset card.
You can also look at the [Dataset Card specifications](https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/blob/main/datasetcard.md?plain=1), which has a complete set of allowed tags, including optional like `annotations_creators`, to help you choose the ones that are useful for your dataset.
3. Write your dataset documentation in the Dataset Card to introduce your dataset to the community and help users understand what is inside: what are the use cases and limitations, where the data comes from, what are important ethical considerations, and any other relevant details.
You can click on the **Import dataset card template** link at the top of the editor to automatically create a dataset card template. For a detailed example of what a good Dataset card should look like, take a look at the [CNN DailyMail Dataset card](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cnn_dailymail).
## Using the `huggingface_hub` client library
The rich features set in the `huggingface_hub` library allows you to manage repositories, including creating repos and uploading datasets to the Hub. Visit [the client library's documentation](/docs/huggingface_hub/index) to learn more.
## Using other libraries
Some libraries like [🤗 Datasets](/docs/datasets/index), [Pandas](https://pandas.pydata.org/), [Polars](https://pola.rs), [Dask](https://www.dask.org/) or [DuckDB](https://duckdb.org/) can upload files to the Hub.
See the list of [Libraries supported by the Datasets Hub](./datasets-libraries) for more information.
## Using Git
Since dataset repos are Git repositories, you can use Git to push your data files to the Hub. Follow the guide on [Getting Started with Repositories](repositories-getting-started) to learn about using the `git` CLI to commit and push your datasets.
## File formats
The Hub natively supports multiple file formats:
- CSV (.csv, .tsv)
- JSON Lines, JSON (.jsonl, .json)
- Parquet (.parquet)
- Arrow streaming format (.arrow)
- Text (.txt)
- Images (.png, .jpg, etc.)
- Audio (.wav, .mp3, etc.)
- [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) (.tar)
It supports files compressed using ZIP (.zip), GZIP (.gz), ZSTD (.zst), BZ2 (.bz2), LZ4 (.lz4) and LZMA (.xz).
Image and audio files can also have additional metadata files. See the [Data files Configuration](./datasets-data-files-configuration#image-and-audio-datasets) on image and audio datasets, as well as the collections of [example datasets](https://huggingface.co/datasets-examples) for CSV, TSV and images.
You may want to convert your files to these formats to benefit from all the Hub features.
Other formats and structures may not be recognized by the Hub.
### Which file format should I use?
For most types of datasets, Parquet is the recommended format due to its efficient compression, rich typing, and since a variety of tools supports this format with optimized read and batched operations. Alternatively, CSV or JSON Lines/JSON can be used for tabular data (prefer JSON Lines for nested data). Although easy to parse compared to Parquet, these formats are not recommended for data larger than several GBs. For image and audio datasets, uploading raw files is the most practical for most use cases since it's easy to access individual files. For large scale image and audio datasets streaming, [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) should be preferred over raw image and audio files to avoid the overhead of accessing individual files. Though for more general use cases involving analytics, data filtering or metadata parsing, Parquet is the recommended option for large scale image and audio datasets.
### Dataset Viewer
The [Dataset Viewer](./datasets-viewer) is useful to know how the data actually looks like before you download it.
It is enabled by default for all public datasets. It is also available for private datasets owned by a [PRO user](https://huggingface.co/pricing) or an [Enterprise Hub organization](https://huggingface.co/enterprise).
After uploading your dataset, make sure the Dataset Viewer correctly shows your data, or [Configure the Dataset Viewer](./datasets-viewer-configure).
## Large scale datasets
The Hugging Face Hub supports large scale datasets, usually uploaded in Parquet (e.g. via `push_to_hub()` using [🤗 Datasets](/docs/datasets/main/en/package_reference/main_classes#datasets.Dataset.push_to_hub)) or [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) format.
You can upload large scale datasets at high speed using the `huggingface_hub` library.
See [how to upload a folder by chunks](/docs/huggingface_hub/guides/upload#upload-a-folder-by-chunks), the [tips and tricks for large uploads](/docs/huggingface_hub/guides/upload#tips-and-tricks-for-large-uploads) and the [repository limitations and recommendations](./repositories-recommendations).
# How to configure SAML SSO with Okta
In this guide, we will use Okta as the SSO provider and with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol as our preferred identity protocol.
We currently support SP-initiated and IdP-initiated authentication. User provisioning is not yet supported at this time.
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
### Step 1: Create a new application in your Identity Provider
Open a new tab/window in your browser and sign in to your Okta account.
Navigate to "Admin/Applications" and click the "Create App Integration" button.
Then choose an "SAML 2.0" application and click "Create".
### Step 2: Configure your application on Okta
Open a new tab/window in your browser and navigate to the SSO section of your organization's settings. Select the SAML protocol.
Copy the "Assertion Consumer Service URL" from the organization's settings on Hugging Face, and paste it in the "Single sign-on URL" field on Okta.
The URL looks like this: `https://huggingface.co/organizations/[organizationIdentifier]/saml/consume`.
On Okta, set the following settings:
- Set Audience URI (SP Entity Id) to match the "SP Entity ID" value on Hugging Face.
- Set Name ID format to EmailAddress.
- Under "Show Advanced Settings", verify that Response and Assertion Signature are set to: Signed.
Save your new application.
### Step 3: Finalize configuration on Hugging Face
In your Okta application, under "Sign On/Settings/More details", find the following fields:
- Sign-on URL
- Public certificate
- SP Entity ID
You will need them to finalize the SSO setup on Hugging Face.
In the SSO section of your organization's settings, copy-paste these values from Okta:
- Sign-on URL
- SP Entity ID
- Public certificate
The public certificate must have the following format:
You can now click on "Update and Test SAML configuration" to save the settings.
You should be redirected to your SSO provider (IdP) login prompt. Once logged in, you'll be redirected to your organization's settings page.
A green check mark near the SAML selector will attest that the test was successful.
### Step 4: Enable SSO in your organization
Now that Single Sign-On is configured and tested, you can enable it for members of your organization by clicking on the "Enable" button.
Once enabled, members of your organization must complete the SSO authentication flow described in the [How does it work?](./security-sso#how-does-it-work) section.
# SQL Console: Query Hugging Face datasets in your browser
You can run SQL queries on the dataset in the browser using the SQL Console. The SQL Console is powered by [DuckDB](https://duckdb.org/) WASM and runs entirely in the browser. You can access the SQL Console from the dataset page by clicking on the **SQL Console** badge.
To learn more about the SQL Console, see the SQL Console blog post.
Through the SQL Console, you can:
- Run [DuckDB SQL queries](https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/query_syntax/select) on the dataset (_checkout [SQL Snippets](https://huggingface.co/spaces/cfahlgren1/sql-snippets) for useful queries_)
- Share results of the query with others via a link (_check out [this example](https://huggingface.co/datasets/gretelai/synthetic-gsm8k-reflection-405b?sql_console=true&sql=FROM+histogram%28%0A++train%2C%0A++topic%2C%0A++bin_count+%3A%3D+10%0A%29)_)
- Download the results of the query to a parquet file
- Embed the results of the query in your own webpage using an iframe
You can also use the DuckDB locally through the CLI to query the dataset via the `hf://` protocol. See the DuckDB Datasets documentation for more information. The SQL Console provides a convenient `Copy to DuckDB CLI` button that generates the SQL query for creating views and executing your query in the DuckDB CLI.
## Examples
### Filtering
The SQL Console makes filtering datasets really easy. For example, if you want to filter the `SkunkworksAI/reasoning-0.01` dataset for instructions and responses with a reasoning length of at least 10, you can use the following query:
In the query, we can use the `len` function to get the length of the `reasoning_chains` column and the `bar` function to create a bar chart of the reasoning lengths.
SELECT len(reasoning_chains) AS reason_len, bar(reason_len, 0, 100), *
FROM train
WHERE reason_len > 10
ORDER BY reason_len DESC
The [bar](https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/char.html#barx-min-max-width) function is a neat built-in DuckDB function that creates a bar chart of the reasoning lengths.
### Histogram
Many dataset authors choose to include statistics about the distribution of the data in the dataset. Using the DuckDB `histogram` function, we can plot a histogram of a column's values.
For example, to plot a histogram of the `reason_len` column in the `SkunkworksAI/reasoning-0.01` dataset, you can use the following query:
Learn more about the `histogram` function and parameters here.
FROM histogram(train, len(reasoning_chains))
### Regex Matching
One of the most powerful features of DuckDB is the deep support for regular expressions. You can use the `regexp` function to match patterns in your data.
Using the [regexp_matches](https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/functions/char.html#regexp_matchesstring-pattern) function, we can filter the `SkunkworksAI/reasoning-0.01` dataset for instructions that contain markdown code blocks.
Learn more about the DuckDB regex functions here.
FROM train
WHERE regexp_matches(instruction, '```[a-z]*\n')
limit 100
### Leakage Detection
Leakage detection is the process of identifying whether data in a dataset is present in multiple splits, for example, whether the test set is present in the training set.
Learn more about leakage detection here.
overlapping_rows AS (
(SELECT COUNT(*) AS overlap_count
FROM train
SELECT COUNT(*) AS overlap_count
FROM test),
) AS overlap_count
total_unique_rows AS (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count
) combined
WHEN total_count > 0 THEN (overlap_count * 100.0 / total_count)
END AS overlap_percentage
FROM overlapping_rows, total_unique_rows;
# Docker Spaces Examples
We gathered some example demos in the [Spaces Examples](https://huggingface.co/SpacesExamples) organization. Please check them out!
* Dummy FastAPI app: https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_dummy
* FastAPI app serving a static site and using `transformers`: https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/fastapi_t5
* Phoenix app for https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/single_file_phx_bumblebee_ml
* HTTP endpoint in Go with query parameters https://huggingface.co/spaces/XciD/test-docker-go?q=Adrien
* Shiny app written in Python https://huggingface.co/spaces/elonmuskceo/shiny-orbit-simulation
* Genie.jl app in Julia https://huggingface.co/spaces/nooji/GenieOnHuggingFaceSpaces
* Argilla app for data labelling and curation: https://huggingface.co/spaces/argilla/live-demo and [write-up about hosting Argilla on Spaces](./spaces-sdks-docker-argilla) by [@dvilasuero](https://huggingface.co/dvilasuero) 🎉
* JupyterLab and VSCode: https://huggingface.co/spaces/DockerTemplates/docker-examples by [@camenduru](https://twitter.com/camenduru) and [@nateraw](https://hf.co/nateraw).
* Zeno app for interactive model evaluation: https://huggingface.co/spaces/zeno-ml/diffusiondb and [instructions for setup](https://zenoml.com/docs/deployment#hugging-face-spaces)
* Gradio App: https://huggingface.co/spaces/sayakpaul/demo-docker-gradio
# Livebook on Spaces
**Livebook** is an open-source tool for writing interactive code notebooks in [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/). It's part of a growing collection of Elixir tools for [numerical computing](https://github.com/elixir-nx/nx), [data science](https://github.com/elixir-nx/explorer), and [Machine Learning](https://github.com/elixir-nx/bumblebee).
Some of Livebook's most exciting features are:
- **Reproducible workflows**: Livebook runs your code in a predictable order, all the way down to package management
- **Smart cells**: perform complex tasks, such as data manipulation and running machine learning models, with a few clicks using Livebook's extensible notebook cells
- **Elixir powered**: use the power of the Elixir programming language to write concurrent and distributed notebooks that scale beyond your machine
To learn more about it, watch this [15-minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhSNXWkji6o). Or visit [Livebook's website](https://livebook.dev/). Or follow its [Twitter](https://twitter.com/livebookdev) and [blog](https://news.livebook.dev/) to keep up with new features and updates.
## Your first Livebook Space
You can get Livebook up and running in a Space with just a few clicks. Click the button below to start creating a new Space using Livebook's Docker template:
1. Give your Space a name
2. Set the password of your Livebook
3. Set its visibility to public
4. Create your Space

This will start building your Space using Livebook's Docker image.
The visibility of the Space must be set to public for the Smart cells feature in Livebook to function properly. However, your Livebook instance will be protected by Livebook authentication.
Smart cell is a type of Livebook cell that provides a UI component for accomplishing a specific task. The code for the task is generated automatically based on the user's interactions with the UI, allowing for faster completion of high-level tasks without writing code from scratch.
Once the app build is finished, go to the "App" tab in your Space and log in to your Livebook using the password you previously set:

That's it! Now you can start using Livebook inside your Space.
If this is your first time using Livebook, you can learn how to use it with its interactive notebooks within Livebook itself:

## Livebook integration with Hugging Face Models
Livebook has an [official integration with Hugging Face models](https://livebook.dev/integrations/hugging-face). With this feature, you can run various Machine Learning models within Livebook with just a few clicks.
Here's a quick video showing how to do that:
## How to update Livebook's version
To update Livebook to its latest version, go to the Settings page of your Space and click on "Factory reboot this Space":

## Caveats
The following caveats apply to running Livebook inside a Space:
- The Space's visibility setting must be public. Otherwise, Smart cells won't work. That said, your Livebook instance will still be behind Livebook authentication since you've set the `LIVEBOOK_PASSWORD` secret.
- Livebook global configurations will be lost once the Space restarts. Consider using the [desktop app](https://livebook.dev/#install) if you find yourself in need of persisting configuration across deployments.
## Feedback and support
If you have improvement suggestions or need specific support, please join the [Livebook community on GitHub](https://github.com/livebook-dev/livebook/discussions).
# Argilla on Spaces
Argilla is a free and open source tool to build and iterate on data for AI. It can be deployed on the Hub with a few clicks and Hugging Face OAuth enabled. This enables other HF users to join your Argilla server to annotate datasets, perfect for running community annotation initiatives!
With Argilla you can:
- Configure datasets for collecting human feedback with a growing number questions (Label, NER, Ranking, Rating, free text, etc.)
- Use model outputs/predictions to evaluate them or speeding up the annotation process.
- UI users can explore, find, and label the most interesting/critical subsets using Argilla's search and semantic similarity features.
- Pull and push datasets from the Hugging Face Hub for versioning and model training.
The best place to get started with Argilla on Spaces is [this guide](http://docs.argilla.io/latest/getting_started/quickstart/).
# Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
The Hugging Face Hub offers the possibility to generate DOI for your models or datasets. DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) are strings uniquely identifying a digital object, anything from articles to figures, including datasets and models. DOIs are tied to object metadata, including the object's URL, version, creation date, description, etc. They are a commonly accepted reference to digital resources across research and academic communities; they are analogous to a book's ISBN.
## How to generate a DOI?
To do this, you must go to the settings of your model or dataset. In the DOI section, a button called "Generate DOI" should appear:
To generate the DOI for this model or dataset, you need to click on this button and acknowledge that some features on the hub will be restrained and some of your information (your full name) will be transferred to our partner DataCite:
After you agree to those terms, your model or dataset will get a DOI assigned, and a new tag should appear in your model or dataset header allowing you to cite it.
## Can I regenerate a new DOI if my model or dataset changes?
If ever there’s a new version of a model or dataset, a new DOI can easily be assigned, and the previous version of the DOI gets outdated. This makes it easy to refer to a specific version of an object, even if it has changed.
You just need to click on "Generate new DOI" and tadaam!🎉 a new DOI is assigned for the current revision of your model or dataset.
## Why is there a 'locked by DOI' message on delete, rename and change visibility action on my model or dataset?
DOIs make finding information about a model or dataset easier and sharing them with the world via a permanent link that will never expire or change. As such, datasets/models with DOIs are intended to persist perpetually and may only be deleted, renamed and changed their visibility upon filing a request with our support (website at huggingface.co)
## Further Reading
- [Introducing DOI: the Digital Object Identifier to Datasets and Models](https://huggingface.co/blog/introducing-doi)
# Advanced Security
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
Enterprise Hub organizations can improve their security with advanced security controls for both members and repositories.
## Members Security
Configure additional security settings to protect your organization:
- **Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)**: Require all organization members to enable 2FA for enhanced account security.
- **User Approval**: For organizations with a verified domain name, require admin approval for new users with matching email addresses. This adds a verified badge to your organization page.
## Repository Visibility Controls
Manage the default visibility of repositories in your organization:
- **Public by default**: New repositories are created with public visibility
- **Private by default**: New repositories are created with private visibility. Note that changing this setting will not affect existing repositories.
- **Private only**: Enforce private visibility for all new repositories, with only organization admins able to change visibility settings
These settings help organizations maintain control of their ownership while enabling collaboration when needed.
# Tabby on Spaces
[Tabby](https://tabby.tabbyml.com) is an open-source, self-hosted AI coding assistant. With Tabby, every team can set up its own LLM-powered code completion server with ease.
In this guide, you will learn how to deploy your own Tabby instance and use it for development directly from the Hugging Face website.
## Your first Tabby Space
In this section, you will learn how to deploy a Tabby Space and use it for yourself or your orgnization.
### Deploy Tabby on Spaces
You can deploy Tabby on Spaces with just a few clicks:
You need to define the Owner (your personal account or an organization), a Space name, and the Visibility. To secure the api endpoint, we're configuring the visibility as Private.

You’ll see the *Building status*. Once it becomes *Running*, your Space is ready to go. If you don’t see the Tabby Swagger UI, try refreshing the page.

If you want to customize the title, emojis, and colors of your space, go to "Files and Versions" and edit the metadata of your README.md file.
### Your Tabby Space URL
Once Tabby is up and running, for a space link such as https://huggingface.com/spaces/TabbyML/tabby, the direct URL will be https://tabbyml-tabby.hf.space.
This URL provides access to a stable Tabby instance in full-screen mode and serves as the API endpoint for IDE/Editor Extensions to talk with.
### Connect VSCode Extension to Space backend
1. Install the [VSCode Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TabbyML.vscode-tabby).
2. Open the file located at `~/.tabby-client/agent/config.toml`. Uncomment both the `[server]` section and the `[server.requestHeaders]` section.
* Set the endpoint to the Direct URL you found in the previous step, which should look something like `https://UserName-SpaceName.hf.space`.
* As the Space is set to **Private**, it is essential to configure the authorization header for accessing the endpoint. You can obtain a token from the [Access Tokens](https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens) page.

3. You'll notice a ✓ icon indicating a successful connection.

4. You've complete the setup, now enjoy tabing!

You can also utilize Tabby extensions in other IDEs, such as [JetBrains](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/22379-tabby).
## Feedback and support
If you have improvement suggestions or need specific support, please join [Tabby Slack community](https://join.slack.com/t/tabbycommunity/shared_invite/zt-1xeiddizp-bciR2RtFTaJ37RBxr8VxpA) or reach out on [Tabby’s GitHub repository](https://github.com/TabbyML/tabby).
# Using SetFit with Hugging Face
SetFit is an efficient and prompt-free framework for few-shot fine-tuning of [Sentence Transformers](https://sbert.net/). It achieves high accuracy with little labeled data - for instance, with only 8 labeled examples per class on the Customer Reviews sentiment dataset, SetFit is competitive with fine-tuning RoBERTa Large on the full training set of 3k examples 🤯!
Compared to other few-shot learning methods, SetFit has several unique features:
* 🗣 **No prompts or verbalizers:** Current techniques for few-shot fine-tuning require handcrafted prompts or verbalizers to convert examples into a format suitable for the underlying language model. SetFit dispenses with prompts altogether by generating rich embeddings directly from text examples.
* 🏎 **Fast to train:** SetFit doesn't require large-scale models like [T0](https://huggingface.co/bigscience/T0) or GPT-3 to achieve high accuracy. As a result, it is typically an order of magnitude (or more) faster to train and run inference with.
* 🌎 **Multilingual support**: SetFit can be used with any [Sentence Transformer](https://huggingface.co/models?library=sentence-transformers&sort=downloads) on the Hub, which means you can classify text in multiple languages by simply fine-tuning a multilingual checkpoint.
## Exploring SetFit on the Hub
You can find SetFit models by filtering at the left of the [models page](https://huggingface.co/models?library=setfit).
All models on the Hub come with these useful features:
1. An automatically generated model card with a brief description.
2. An interactive widget you can use to play with the model directly in the browser.
3. An Inference API that allows you to make inference requests.
## Installation
To get started, you can follow the [SetFit installation guide](https://huggingface.co/docs/setfit/installation). You can also use the following one-line install through pip:
pip install -U setfit
## Using existing models
All `setfit` models can easily be loaded from the Hub.
from setfit import SetFitModel
model = SetFitModel.from_pretrained("tomaarsen/setfit-paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2-sst2-8-shot")
Once loaded, you can use [`SetFitModel.predict`](https://huggingface.co/docs/setfit/reference/main#setfit.SetFitModel.predict) to perform inference.
model.predict("Amelia Earhart flew her single engine Lockheed Vega 5B across the Atlantic to Paris.")
['positive', 'negative']
If you want to load a specific SetFit model, you can click `Use in SetFit` and you will be given a working snippet!
## Additional resources
* [All SetFit models available on the Hub](https://huggingface.co/models?library=setfit)
* SetFit [repository](https://github.com/huggingface/setfit)
* SetFit [docs](https://huggingface.co/docs/setfit)
* SetFit [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055)
# Repository limitations and recommendations
There are some limitations to be aware of when dealing with a large amount of data in your repo. Given the time it takes to stream the data,
getting an upload/push to fail at the end of the process or encountering a degraded experience, be it on hf.co or when working locally, can be very annoying.
## Recommendations
We gathered a list of tips and recommendations for structuring your repo. If you are looking for more practical tips, check out [this guide](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/guides/upload#tips-and-tricks-for-large-uploads) on how to upload large amount of data using the Python library.
| Characteristic | Recommended | Tips |
| ---------------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| Repo size | - | contact us for large repos (TBs of data) |
| Files per repo | <100k | merge data into fewer files |
| Entries per folder | <10k | use subdirectories in repo |
| File size | <20GB | split data into chunked files |
| Commit size | <100 files* | upload files in multiple commits |
| Commits per repo | - | upload multiple files per commit and/or squash history |
_* Not relevant when using `git` CLI directly_
Please read the next section to understand better those limits and how to deal with them.
## Explanations
What are we talking about when we say "large uploads", and what are their associated limitations? Large uploads can be
very diverse, from repositories with a few huge files (e.g. model weights) to repositories with thousands of small files
(e.g. an image dataset).
Under the hood, the Hub uses Git to version the data, which has structural implications on what you can do in your repo.
If your repo is crossing some of the numbers mentioned in the previous section, **we strongly encourage you to check out [`git-sizer`](https://github.com/github/git-sizer)**,
which has very detailed documentation about the different factors that will impact your experience. Here is a TL;DR of factors to consider:
- **Repository size**: The total size of the data you're planning to upload. We generally support repositories up to 300GB. If you would like to upload more than 300 GBs (or even TBs) of data, you will need to ask us to grant more storage. To do that, please send an email with details of your project to datasets@huggingface.co.
- **Number of files**:
- For optimal experience, we recommend keeping the total number of files under 100k. Try merging the data into fewer files if you have more.
For example, json files can be merged into a single jsonl file, or large datasets can be exported as Parquet files or in [WebDataset](https://github.com/webdataset/webdataset) format.
- The maximum number of files per folder cannot exceed 10k files per folder. A simple solution is to
create a repository structure that uses subdirectories. For example, a repo with 1k folders from `000/` to `999/`, each containing at most 1000 files, is already enough.
- **File size**: In the case of uploading large files (e.g. model weights), we strongly recommend splitting them **into chunks of around 20GB each**.
There are a few reasons for this:
- Uploading and downloading smaller files is much easier both for you and the other users. Connection issues can always
happen when streaming data and smaller files avoid resuming from the beginning in case of errors.
- Files are served to the users using CloudFront. From our experience, huge files are not cached by this service
leading to a slower download speed.
In all cases no single LFS file will be able to be >50GB. I.e. 50GB is the hard limit for single file size.
- **Number of commits**: There is no hard limit for the total number of commits on your repo history. However, from
our experience, the user experience on the Hub starts to degrade after a few thousand commits. We are constantly working to
improve the service, but one must always remember that a git repository is not meant to work as a database with a lot of
writes. If your repo's history gets very large, it is always possible to squash all the commits to get a
fresh start using `huggingface_hub`'s [`super_squash_history`](https://huggingface.co/docs/huggingface_hub/main/en/package_reference/hf_api#huggingface_hub.HfApi.super_squash_history). Be aware that this is a non-revertible operation.
- **Number of operations per commit**: Once again, there is no hard limit here. When a commit is uploaded on the Hub, each
git operation (addition or delete) is checked by the server. When a hundred LFS files are committed at once,
each file is checked individually to ensure it's been correctly uploaded. When pushing data through HTTP,
a timeout of 60s is set on the request, meaning that if the process takes more time, an error is raised. However, it can
happen (in rare cases) that even if the timeout is raised client-side, the process is still
completed server-side. This can be checked manually by browsing the repo on the Hub. To prevent this timeout, we recommend
adding around 50-100 files per commit.
## Sharing large datasets on the Hub
One key way Hugging Face supports the machine learning ecosystem is by hosting datasets on the Hub, including very large ones. However, if your dataset is bigger than 300GB, you will need to ask us to grant more storage.
In this case, to ensure we can effectively support the open-source ecosystem, we require you to let us know via datasets@huggingface.co.
When you get in touch with us, please let us know:
- What is the dataset, and who/what is it likely to be useful for?
- The size of the dataset.
- The format you plan to use for sharing your dataset.
For hosting large datasets on the Hub, we require the following for your dataset:
- A dataset card: we want to ensure that your dataset can be used effectively by the community and one of the key ways of enabling this is via a dataset card. This [guidance](./datasets-cards.md) provides an overview of how to write a dataset card.
- You are sharing the dataset to enable community reuse. If you plan to upload a dataset you anticipate won't have any further reuse, other platforms are likely more suitable.
- You must follow the repository limitations outlined above.
- Using file formats that are well integrated with the Hugging Face ecosystem. We have good support for [Parquet](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/v2.19.0/en/loading#parquet) and [WebDataset](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/v2.19.0/en/loading#webdataset) formats, which are often good options for sharing large datasets efficiently. This will also ensure the dataset viewer works for your dataset.
- Avoid the use of custom loading scripts when using datasets. In our experience, datasets that require custom code to use often end up with limited reuse.
Please get in touch with us if any of these requirements are difficult for you to meet because of the type of data or domain you are working in.
# Single Sign-On (SSO)
This feature is part of the Enterprise Hub.
Single sign-on (SSO) allows organizations to securely manage user authentication through their own identity provider (IdP). Both SAML 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocols are supported.
This feature allows organizations to:
- Enforce mandatory authentication through your company's IdP
- Automatically manage user access and roles based on your IdP attributes
- Support popular providers like Okta, OneLogin, and Azure Active Directory
- Maintain security while allowing external collaborators when needed
- Control session timeouts and role mappings
This Enterprise Hub feature helps organizations maintain consistent security policies while giving their teams seamless access to Hugging Face resources.
[Getting started with SSO →](./security-sso)
# Streamlit Spaces
**Streamlit** gives users freedom to build a full-featured web app with Python in a *reactive* way. Your code is rerun each time the state of the app changes. Streamlit is also great for data visualization and supports several charting libraries such as Bokeh, Plotly, and Altair. Read this [blog post](https://huggingface.co/blog/streamlit-spaces) about building and hosting Streamlit apps in Spaces.
Selecting **Streamlit** as the SDK when [creating a new Space](https://huggingface.co/new-space) will initialize your Space with the latest version of Streamlit by setting the `sdk` property to `streamlit` in your `README.md` file's YAML block. If you'd like to change the Streamlit version, you can edit the `sdk_version` property.
To use Streamlit in a Space, select **Streamlit** as the SDK when you create a Space through the [**New Space** form](https://huggingface.co/new-space). This will create a repository with a `README.md` that contains the following properties in the YAML configuration block:
sdk: streamlit
sdk_version: 1.25.0 # The latest supported version
You can edit the `sdk_version`, but note that issues may occur when you use an unsupported Streamlit version. Not all Streamlit versions are supported, so please refer to the [reference section](./spaces-config-reference) to see which versions are available.
For in-depth information about Streamlit, refer to the [Streamlit documentation](https://docs.streamlit.io/).
Only port 8501 is allowed for Streamlit Spaces (default port). As a result if you provide a `config.toml` file for your Space make sure the default port is not overriden.
## Your First Streamlit Space: Hot Dog Classifier
In the following sections, you'll learn the basics of creating a Space, configuring it, and deploying your code to it. We'll create a **Hot Dog Classifier** Space with Streamlit that'll be used to demo the [julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog](https://huggingface.co/julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog) model, which can detect whether a given picture contains a hot dog 🌭
You can find a completed version of this hosted at [NimaBoscarino/hotdog-streamlit](https://huggingface.co/spaces/NimaBoscarino/hotdog-streamlit).
## Create a new Streamlit Space
We'll start by [creating a brand new Space](https://huggingface.co/new-space) and choosing **Streamlit** as our SDK. Hugging Face Spaces are Git repositories, meaning that you can work on your Space incrementally (and collaboratively) by pushing commits. Take a look at the [Getting Started with Repositories](./repositories-getting-started) guide to learn about how you can create and edit files before continuing.
## Add the dependencies
For the **Hot Dog Classifier** we'll be using a [🤗 Transformers pipeline](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/pipeline_tutorial) to use the model, so we need to start by installing a few dependencies. This can be done by creating a **requirements.txt** file in our repository, and adding the following dependencies to it:
The Spaces runtime will handle installing the dependencies!
## Create the Streamlit app
To create the Streamlit app, make a new file in the repository called **app.py**, and add the following code:
import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
from PIL import Image
pipeline = pipeline(task="image-classification", model="julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog")
st.title("Hot Dog? Or Not?")
file_name = st.file_uploader("Upload a hot dog candidate image")
if file_name is not None:
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
image = Image.open(file_name)
col1.image(image, use_column_width=True)
predictions = pipeline(image)
for p in predictions:
col2.subheader(f"{ p['label'] }: { round(p['score'] * 100, 1)}%")
This Python script uses a [🤗 Transformers pipeline](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/pipeline_tutorial) to load the [julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog](https://huggingface.co/julien-c/hotdog-not-hotdog) model, which is used by the Streamlit interface. The Streamlit app will expect you to upload an image, which it'll then classify as *hot dog* or *not hot dog*. Once you've saved the code to the **app.py** file, visit the **App** tab to see your app in action!
## Embed Streamlit Spaces on other webpages
You can use the HTML `