/home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7800-283493-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7800-283493-0031.wav he will give us a hundred dollars a hundred dollars echoed the girl faintly 0.7769245505332947 0.7251578569412231 0.05176669359207153 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4160-14187-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4160-14187-0014.wav he's busy mornings has to look over the mail he can't see you yet well he will see me and right away tell him john merrick is here your card sir i haven't any my name will do 0.8436750769615173 0.7893339395523071 0.054341137409210205 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2764-36617-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2764-36617-0037.wav she was the forest maiden's fairy godmother and when she was no longer needed to look after the girl she gladly returned to fairyland the old king has never been heard to contradict his wife any more if he even looks as if he does not agree with her 0.7735932469367981 0.7233318090438843 0.05026143789291382 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8312-279790-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8312-279790-0048.wav but through their mines under ground they would appear in the midst of them on the sudden and before they could batter down one wall they built them another in its stead and to sum up all at once 0.8138092756271362 0.7556119561195374 0.05819731950759888 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1246-135815-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-135815-0001.wav predict the gloomiest consequences pregnant with a lesson of the deepest import presented with matchless vigor and courage 0.7200339436531067 0.6431260704994202 0.07690787315368652 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8324-286683-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8324-286683-0036.wav they cannot know the feeling of having a home and still less that of domestic affection for the husband is to the wife a brutal master to a laborious slave was a more horrid deed ever perpetrated than that witnessed on the west coast by byron 0.8104227781295776 0.7379160523414612 0.07250672578811646 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6476-57446-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6476-57446-0005.wav some merry rowers down the river were singing college songs harmoniously 0.7831326723098755 0.6284958720207214 0.15463680028915405 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1098-133695-0071.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1098-133695-0071.wav i saw one once in barodia it is not a beautiful animal coronel but as a yak i should not have been entirely unlovable one does not laugh at a yak coronel 0.7192601561546326 0.5470960140228271 0.17216414213180542 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4680-16041-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4680-16041-0013.wav and seeing with those bright wondering eyes that peer into my soul a land whose freedom is to us a mockery and whose liberty a lie 0.824087917804718 0.7708062529563904 0.05328166484832764 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/403-216-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/403-216-0011.wav missus touchett gave a little look of despair and sat down again 0.7643759846687317 0.6984298229217529 0.06594616174697876 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7264-92316-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7264-92316-0033.wav fall of ants cambridge england summer of eighteen seventy four some were wingless 0.7759628891944885 0.7231603860855103 0.05280250310897827 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/211-122425-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/211-122425-0017.wav at odin's first searching look loki was obliged to drop his disguise and cowering and frightened to assume his proper shape before the assembled lords one by one they turned their faces from him for in looking at him 0.8103605508804321 0.7566022276878357 0.053758323192596436 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/198-126831-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/198-126831-0032.wav then the marks on the ground at the point from which he had fallen and the l b were here just as he remembered but not far from the small ship he had discovered something more a campsite with a shelter fashioned out of spalls and vines 0.7939083576202393 0.7048993110656738 0.08900904655456543 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5390-30096-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5390-30096-0006.wav and was just beginning to wonder what had become of her papa's promised present when she heard her name again and adelaide turning to her with a pleased look slipped a most beautiful diamond ring on her finger from your papa she said 0.8767849206924438 0.8232941031455994 0.05349081754684448 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4813-248641-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4813-248641-0023.wav for the same reason that sister helen made a little man of wax and nail it 0.638141930103302 0.5647475719451904 0.07339435815811157 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8465-246940-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8465-246940-0018.wav the woman who married an owl by anne virginia culbertson when the children got home from the nutting expedition and had eaten supper they sat around discontentedly wishing every few minutes that their mother had returned i wish mamma would come back 0.7912770509719849 0.7221700549125671 0.06910699605941772 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/831-130746-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/831-130746-0041.wav believe me i'll let you boys off as lightly as i can and not lose by it was what he told them 0.7929661273956299 0.7402532696723938 0.052712857723236084 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/200-124140-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/200-124140-0032.wav and i have had some diffidence upon that and thou hast cleared a morning to me again and my heart is alive david's heart smote him when he cut off the skirt from saul 0.7784351706504822 0.7235928773880005 0.05484229326248169 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5104-33406-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5104-33406-0033.wav marius left the horses behind him as he was approaching a street which seemed to him to be the rue du contrat social a shot coming no one knows whence and traversing the darkness at random whistled close by him 0.5069218277931213 0.40835705399513245 0.09856477379798889 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4214-7146-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4214-7146-0035.wav beautiful examples of this occur in literature and i myself can present such an example i once dreamed in a certain connection of a person who must have performed some service for me and whom i clearly saw he was a one eyed man short in stature stout 0.7385631799697876 0.6839448809623718 0.05461829900741577 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4680-16026-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4680-16026-0036.wav on the second day after the archery meeting mister henleigh mallinger grandcourt was at his breakfast table with mister lush everything around them was agreeable 0.8142127394676208 0.7579007744789124 0.056311964988708496 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/403-126855-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/403-126855-0026.wav has always been misunderstood if by an infallible method of investigation i establish the dogma of equality of conditions if i determine the principle of civil law the essence of justice and the form of society 0.8274997472763062 0.7274358868598938 0.10006386041641235 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8063-274116-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8063-274116-0003.wav an dat mines me a owl whar turnt hisse'f inter a man an ef a owl kin do dat 0.8110562562942505 0.7464184761047363 0.06463778018951416 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/26-495-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/26-495-0049.wav anne clasped her hands oh missus barry please forgive me i did not mean to to intoxicate diana how could i just imagine if you were a poor little orphan girl that kind people had adopted 0.8207405805587769 0.7504485249519348 0.07029205560684204 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/311-124404-0072.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/311-124404-0072.wav nor through the livelong lazy summer's day chants forth his love sick soul in madrigals to manhood roused he spurns the amorous flute doffs from his brawny back the robe of peace 0.8162071704864502 0.7599424123764038 0.05626475811004639 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7800-283478-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7800-283478-0014.wav it fought valiantly against the preston on july fourth seventeen seventy nine as a member of the squadron under admiral d'estaing it assisted in the capture 0.7433361411094666 0.6700835227966309 0.0732526183128357 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5678-43303-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5678-43303-0025.wav cuthbert was obliged to tell who he was he was made instantly and warmly welcome stephen was unfeignedly glad to see him and stephen's comely wife whom he remembered as a slim fresh cheeked valley girl 0.7903566360473633 0.715488076210022 0.07486855983734131 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4195-17507-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4195-17507-0039.wav to my churchwarden we must call a vestry before long and have this looked to now my predecessor had left everything of the kind to his churchwardens and the inhabitants from their side had likewise left the whole affair to the churchwardens but mister brownrigg 0.665799081325531 0.6135691404342651 0.05222994089126587 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4088-158077-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0001.wav not for this purpose had god revealed his will to man some years ago in the coffin of an egyptian mummy a little jar of wheat was found for thousands of years it had lain there shut up in the dark 0.6515885591506958 0.5595005750656128 0.09208798408508301 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2182-181173-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2182-181173-0006.wav and that the chinese added my uncle toby embarrass us and all accounts of it still more by boasting of the invention some hundreds of years even before him they are a pack of liars i believe cried trim they are somehow or other deceived said my uncle toby in this matter 0.5179675817489624 0.4338497519493103 0.0841178297996521 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6531-61334-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6531-61334-0012.wav running his eye down the list that's encouraging what is the c before some of the names and the b b those are my private marks that c stands for convinced with argument 0.7560566067695618 0.6936330199241638 0.06242358684539795 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1183-128659-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1183-128659-0008.wav six thousand five hundred cubic meters to dig a hole through which the ship could descend below this tract of ice work began immediately and was carried on with tireless tenacity instead of digging all around the nautilus which would have entailed even greater difficulties 0.7449250221252441 0.6818490624427795 0.0630759596824646 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3526-176653-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3526-176653-0038.wav full of rage and stormy passions and ready to take the life of every human brother in recompense of the boon of their own existence 0.6967191696166992 0.5839436054229736 0.11277556419372559 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1116-132847-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1116-132847-0038.wav he spoke with pronounced deliberation startling bobby 0.7505741119384766 0.6435343623161316 0.10703974962234497 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4297-13006-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13006-0004.wav shouting to them to lay to but frere boiling with rage at the manner in which the tables had been turned on him had determined not to resign his lost authority without a struggle disregarding the summons he came straight on with his eyes fixed on the vessel 0.7093549370765686 0.651928186416626 0.05742675065994263 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4018-107312-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4018-107312-0015.wav half a mile distant and several hundred feet lower taking a trail down the bluff that seemed more promising than the wagon tracks i began to search for the road at the foot of the bluff 0.7725434899330139 0.7135279178619385 0.05901557207107544 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8095-274346-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8095-274346-0031.wav she had let me in for all this disgustingness grandmother kept saying how thankful we ought to be that i had been there instead of antonia but i lay with my disfigured face to the wall and felt no particular gratitude 0.7371827960014343 0.6568089127540588 0.08037388324737549 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8098-278252-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8098-278252-0026.wav got back safely and enjoyed our dinner after which we had a long yarn about digging 0.8515355587005615 0.7786328196525574 0.07290273904800415 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/233-155990-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/233-155990-0041.wav it has been mentioned but the article is not mine 0.7581006288528442 0.5941359400749207 0.16396468877792358 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7635-105409-0068.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7635-105409-0068.wav which was at the far end of the great barn of a room and taking the writing case from it gave it to her she reached her keys from the stand at her elbow unlocked the case and took from it some bank notes 0.7960255742073059 0.7073419690132141 0.0886836051940918 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1867-154075-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1867-154075-0006.wav they were worn exhausted having slept but little and labored much 0.8101946711540222 0.7380442023277283 0.07215046882629395 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6367-65536-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6367-65536-0044.wav he had hearkened to the discourse of certain persons unknown to him and had heard them talk of a most dangerous conspiracy a hundred and eight ruffians as he learned had been appointed to murder a hundred and eight lords and commoners 0.7723202705383301 0.7210325598716736 0.051287710666656494 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-124550-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124550-0004.wav there was none of the plague and but four of the spotted fever but the following week it returned again and the distemper was spread into two or three other parishes 0.7839324474334717 0.6951363682746887 0.08879607915878296 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4680-16042-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4680-16042-0024.wav and every knight shall have a squire and two yeoman and all well horsed for thus it chanced one morn when all the court green suited but with plumes that mock'd the may had been their wont a maying 0.84664386510849 0.7612485289573669 0.08539533615112305 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6064-56168-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6064-56168-0033.wav a ghost moreover that towered and swelled at every hackneyed phrase till finally he filled the room and burst after the young man proposed to his admired one and made subsequent remarks 0.8442646861076355 0.7907513380050659 0.05351334810256958 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5652-39938-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5652-39938-0052.wav with a luminous network what was the origin of these sparkling rays which shone on the plains as well as on the reliefs at whatever height they might be all started from a common center the crater 0.7671358585357666 0.7005069255828857 0.06662893295288086 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/19-227-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/19-227-0026.wav and that he traveled far and wide in search of these precious objects not at all he never was a rich man and i believe he rarely traveled beyond the sight of the dome of the capitol indeed the most wonderful thing about his collection was that he 0.7148981094360352 0.6591325998306274 0.055765509605407715 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/27-123349-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/27-123349-0035.wav in fact i had perhaps borne him a grudge for what seemed to me his perpetual interest in the great capitalists he always had some item out of the paper about them 0.8125720024108887 0.7294850945472717 0.08308690786361694 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/445-123857-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/445-123857-0013.wav and urged on his horse with a stick then owain would have had him return to the court to receive the praise that was his due but perceval said i will not come to the court till i have encountered the tall man that is there 0.6701563000679016 0.6099597215652466 0.06019657850265503 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3168-173564-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3168-173564-0003.wav to every other earthly consideration and during that interview well need i say it fairfax was simply immovable gentle and loving always 0.7847948670387268 0.7342841029167175 0.05051076412200928 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5514-19193-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5514-19193-0000.wav rynch was curiously reluctant to do the sensible thing to rise out of concealment and walk up to that fire to claim rescue by his own kind the man he sought stood by the fire 0.7890110611915588 0.7367543578147888 0.05225670337677002 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1088-134315-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1088-134315-0042.wav come said he you must have a little pity do you know what the question is here it is a question of women see here are there women or are there not are there children or are there not 0.8644506931304932 0.7732061147689819 0.09124457836151123 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/211-122442-0057.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/211-122442-0057.wav but people themselves alter so much 0.6768118739128113 0.47465023398399353 0.20216163992881775 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3374-298032-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3374-298032-0030.wav i deal in tricks how to fool an audience his keen amused gaze was on ob hahn this gentleman from venus and i have too much in common to argue 0.8142153024673462 0.7517854571342468 0.062429845333099365 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2436-2477-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2436-2477-0031.wav being settled in london only sixteen miles off was much beyond her daily reach 0.732337236404419 0.6706995964050293 0.06163763999938965 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4195-186238-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4195-186238-0012.wav many that did ill under physicians hands have happily escaped 0.7819219827651978 0.6560748815536499 0.12584710121154785 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/196-122150-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/196-122150-0036.wav at the moment of its actual presence let the reader arrest himself in the act of reading this article now 0.5170217156410217 0.43141067028045654 0.08561104536056519 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6848-252322-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6848-252322-0000.wav actually hypnotists today 0.6679539084434509 0.6085281372070312 0.05942577123641968 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1502-122619-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1502-122619-0013.wav anne caught him in the act and jumped to a fatal conclusion about that parcel old missus hiram sloane had lately taken to making and selling nut cakes by way of adding to her scanty income the cakes were specially tempting to small boys 0.707308828830719 0.6505321264266968 0.05677670240402222 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7447-91186-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7447-91186-0006.wav there is only one person indeed in all the keats circle to whom one is more passionately grateful than to cowden clarke that is fanny brawne 0.7502495646476746 0.6911039352416992 0.05914562940597534 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7859-102518-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7859-102518-0033.wav destitute of the organs which others use in speaking are in the habit of spontaneously inventing certain signs by which they discover their thoughts to those who being usually in their company have leisure to learn their language 0.844999372959137 0.7838854789733887 0.06111389398574829 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5808-54425-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5808-54425-0018.wav enormous fall of ants nancy france july twenty first eighteen eighty seven most of them were wingless 0.8184332251548767 0.756068766117096 0.06236445903778076 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4441-76250-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4441-76250-0023.wav but he did not look at martin he was observing the well balanced figure that came quickly toward him along an opening path in the crowd and his eye was gloomy 0.6942042708396912 0.6038963794708252 0.09030789136886597 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5463-39173-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5463-39173-0044.wav the end they esteemed beneficent and noble the means regular and constitutional to grant or refuse supplies was the undoubted privilege of the commons and as all human governments particularly those of a mixed frame 0.7518692016601562 0.6572762131690979 0.09459298849105835 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4441-76263-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4441-76263-0000.wav on the contrary he was glad that ladies and tradesmen's wives were leaving the city there will be less panic and less gossip ran the broadsheet 0.7546059489250183 0.6594274044036865 0.09517854452133179 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2289-152253-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2289-152253-0014.wav said borg to the newcomer laying his hand on his breast pocket what a question to ask 0.8162602782249451 0.7617685198783875 0.05449175834655762 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7278-246956-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7278-246956-0029.wav where the rock was rapidly disintegrating and the danger of slipping was great i shouted in a warning voice be very careful here this is dangerous mister young was perhaps a dozen or two yards behind me but out of sight 0.7480641007423401 0.6873558163642883 0.06070828437805176 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4014-186175-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186175-0040.wav the church that is the synagogue or place where they met for prayer judith chapter seven holofernes besiegeth bethulia 0.49906760454177856 0.4459323287010193 0.05313527584075928 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5104-33406-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5104-33406-0045.wav that he was personally lost sight of entirely by mister hopkins mister hopkins had therefore become so enraged that against the advice of his friends he issued a circular sneering at women in politics 0.8184574246406555 0.7543946504592896 0.06406277418136597 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-135815-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1246-135815-0007.wav she touched each one of the class in succession and every one manifested the utmost pain and fear one subject sat down on the floor and cried in dire distress 0.6988542079925537 0.6240373253822327 0.07481688261032104 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8770-295465-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8770-295465-0018.wav in a few minutes the prince appeared the princess recognized him at once but did not think it worth while to acknowledge him here i am said the prince put me in 0.8537336587905884 0.8012176752090454 0.05251598358154297 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2436-2481-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2436-2481-0016.wav assuming a violence and energy of expression scarcely surpassed by those bred in the depths of winter such was the storm now gathering about us it began to declare itself shortly after noon 0.7583812475204468 0.6381871700286865 0.12019407749176025 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7078-271888-0055.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7078-271888-0055.wav i will have no reserves from you 0.6793936491012573 0.5338795185089111 0.1455141305923462 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5652-39938-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5652-39938-0011.wav as a crisis in which they were called upon to do something they did not yet clearly know what into this topic they peered as into some deep pool side by side and in it they saw each other reflected 0.7915264964103699 0.7393949627876282 0.0521315336227417 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7067-76048-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7067-76048-0014.wav and persuaded him to have them slain that so she might easily gain to be mistress of what they had nay she extended her avaricious humor to the jews and arabians 0.7415711283683777 0.6534847021102905 0.08808642625808716 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/446-123502-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/446-123502-0002.wav once more i am not going to marry her well you must please yourself but you have compromised her severely with that story poor innocent girl well let's forget about it and now tell me how do you like euralia 0.7415972948074341 0.6739588379859924 0.06763845682144165 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/40-121026-0043.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/40-121026-0043.wav as it is about six thousand feet above the level of the sea and has three steamers plying on its waters at fredonia i am shown through the celebrated watch movement factory here 0.7832419872283936 0.7230411767959595 0.06020081043243408 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8063-274112-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8063-274112-0036.wav this is what mister hobbs read in dick's letter dere frend 0.8071037530899048 0.7261325716972351 0.08097118139266968 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1970-26100-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1970-26100-0021.wav under the darkening sky in the green of the hollow the armored hosts frozen before it and then it struck out flashed two of the arms with a glancing motion with appalling force 0.648194432258606 0.5553120374679565 0.09288239479064941 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5808-48608-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5808-48608-0008.wav the strength of that chant took hold of him stirred him emboldened him the hall opened to him 0.8189224004745483 0.7611681222915649 0.0577542781829834 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1624-142933-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1624-142933-0040.wav five hundred fifty times and thirty more to reinflame itself beneath his paw my ancestors and i our birthplace had where first is found the last ward of the city by him who runneth in your annual game suffice it of my elders to hear this 0.8478647470474243 0.7962075471878052 0.05165719985961914 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7517-100429-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7517-100429-0011.wav upon the evening at which i am now arrived the twenty second of january eighteen sixteen the whole city in its wealthier classes was assembled beneath the roof of a tradesman who had the heart of a prince 0.8642151355743408 0.7981999516487122 0.06601518392562866 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6415-116629-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6415-116629-0016.wav and when not angry she was often morose and silent in winesburg it was said that she drank her husband the banker 0.7985258102416992 0.7370991110801697 0.06142669916152954 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/446-123501-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/446-123501-0040.wav a perfectly fictitious co by the bye of putney on the fourteenth of august eighteen ninety five had turned to the right hand side where the blocks of white linen and piles of blankets rise up to the rail from which the pink and blue prints depend 0.702082633972168 0.6049340963363647 0.09714853763580322 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/226-131532-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/226-131532-0008.wav in country towns when girls are walking with young men 0.6754624843597412 0.5133934617042542 0.16206902265548706 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3723-171115-0057.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3723-171115-0057.wav or any other shape which might suggest itself to you you see you are responsible for our having lost our champion so we really feel that we have a claim upon you give me a moment gentlemen it is very unexpected 0.7509693503379822 0.6470339894294739 0.1039353609085083 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/587-41619-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/587-41619-0022.wav towards evening the prince heard a mighty rushing sound in the air and when he looked up he saw thousands of eagles driving the mare before them they sank at his feet on to the ground and gave the mare over to him then the prince rode home to the old mother dragon 0.8117315173149109 0.7195594906806946 0.09217202663421631 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1235-135887-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1235-135887-0016.wav and by damming it those old settlers made a pond in which they could build their houses they had ideas of their own as to what a house should be like 0.8094956278800964 0.6780821084976196 0.1314135193824768 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1455-134435-0068.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1455-134435-0068.wav and her afternoon's enjoyment was spoiled i'll just step over to green gables after tea and find out from marilla where he's gone and why the worthy woman finally concluded he doesn't generally go to town this time of year and he never visits 0.8219406008720398 0.7681087851524353 0.05383181571960449 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1502-122619-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1502-122619-0011.wav conseil i called in an impatient voice conseil was my manservant a devoted lad who went with me on all my journeys a gallant flemish boy whom i genuinely liked and who returned the compliment a born stoic punctilious on principle 0.736431896686554 0.6726727485656738 0.06375914812088013 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1355-39947-0084.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1355-39947-0084.wav you'll wear out the snapper on it i'm on my way to the a circle y listen i'm all for old man drew you know that tell me what bard has on him never heard the name before did he rustle a couple of your sheep 0.8673536777496338 0.8057307004928589 0.0616229772567749 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1926-143879-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1926-143879-0014.wav some weeks before this period i had procured a sledge and dogs and thus traversed the snows with inconceivable speed 0.6994234323501587 0.6372625827789307 0.06216084957122803 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6078-54007-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6078-54007-0042.wav and raymie surely this was not raymie but a sterner brother of his this man with the tight blouse the shoulder emblems the trim legs in boots his face seemed different his lips more tight he was not raymie 0.7669533491134644 0.6644716858863831 0.1024816632270813 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7178-34644-0072.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7178-34644-0072.wav the wheat money did not remain in the pockets of the farmers the towns existed to take care of all that iowa farmers were selling their land at four hundred dollars an acre and coming into minnesota but whoever bought or sold or mortgaged 0.8022032380104065 0.7270447015762329 0.07515853643417358 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4137-11701-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4137-11701-0022.wav secondly there is a royal right of mutilation 0.6114065647125244 0.5243286490440369 0.08707791566848755 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4406-16882-0061.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4406-16882-0061.wav and do not intend to pursue my enemy with the punishment which is his desert as i spoke rage sparkled in my eyes the magistrate was intimidated you are mistaken said he 0.8736246824264526 0.8226698637008667 0.05095481872558594 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1363-139304-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1363-139304-0006.wav that the pale face who has slain so many of his friends goes in and out among the delawares go my great canada father is not a fool 0.8193302750587463 0.7527819275856018 0.06654834747314453 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/446-123502-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/446-123502-0035.wav sometimes man and woman and a child or two on horseback no matter how wild the storm how swollen the streams how deep the whirling snow they all come to church 0.6935935616493225 0.6299715042114258 0.06362205743789673 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1992-141719-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1992-141719-0010.wav and their tapering bushy tails were almost black their under jaws were white and they were very proud of them perhaps it was because they had so little white fur that they thought so much of it you know that is often the way 0.841971218585968 0.733197033405304 0.10877418518066406 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6272-70168-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6272-70168-0009.wav by this time they were well within sound of the heavy guns and their driver told them that the artillery duel then going on had been in progress for forty eight hours at least 0.7464913129806519 0.6579959988594055 0.08849531412124634 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4195-17507-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4195-17507-0025.wav there would always be a considerable interval in which the prospect of annihilation would be sufficiently remote not to have an improper effect upon the conduct of a man indued with a tolerable portion of fortitude 0.7596714496612549 0.7005000114440918 0.059171438217163086 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8324-286683-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8324-286683-0003.wav the same man who owned the daily times was a shareholder in jones's soap or smith's pills the man who gambled and lost on the howl was at the same time gambling and winning on a bucket shop advertised in the howl 0.5465225577354431 0.4859123229980469 0.06061023473739624 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/587-41611-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/587-41611-0017.wav christina seized monaldeschi had him confessed and assassinated and said i am the queen of sweden in the palace of the king of france 0.6996159553527832 0.6168293356895447 0.08278661966323853 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/458-126290-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/458-126290-0006.wav missus greggory had seated herself now and william henshaw had cleared his throat nervously 0.8042764663696289 0.7163002490997314 0.08797621726989746 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/302-123516-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/302-123516-0031.wav and made slaves of them to labour in clay and brick in the building of his cities they cried to their lord and he struck the whole land of egypt 0.7572067379951477 0.705875039100647 0.05133169889450073 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0064.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4088-158077-0064.wav pod didn't that night he got up a fine supper and invited some old friends he bought a big porterhouse steak thick and tender and personally broiled it on his patent folding stove 0.667315661907196 0.60345858335495 0.0638570785522461 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5561-39621-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5561-39621-0038.wav to them the laws of thought are like the confines of the possible to day they can no more distinguish between a savant and a sophist than formerly they could tell a physician from a sorcerer 0.7811781167984009 0.7025274634361267 0.07865065336227417 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5750-100289-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5750-100289-0018.wav that they declared a man to be a blockhead if he knew only the scriptures and not the talmud explanation the law of moses is like salt but the talmud is balmy spice they would say 0.8561481833457947 0.7906774282455444 0.06547075510025024 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3440-171006-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3440-171006-0026.wav struck his ski into it to try the strength of the support close to the tracks can be seen an open piece of the crevasse it is a pale blue at the top but ends in the deepest black in a bottomless abyss 0.7557385563850403 0.6547471880912781 0.10099136829376221 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5163-18515-0047.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5163-18515-0047.wav the countenance of katy changed from the natural expression of concern to the set form of melancholy as she answered he is happily removed from the cares of the world the chinking of the money made him get out of his bed and the poor soul found the shock too great for him 0.7857266068458557 0.7324196696281433 0.0533069372177124 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1743-142913-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1743-142913-0004.wav all ready they answered and the lieutenant led the way to the train 0.80356365442276 0.7356975674629211 0.06786608695983887 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2764-36617-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2764-36617-0020.wav and his voice spoke i was so lost you know it was the sort of thing one does not expect to happen to one it was not like a fight for instance 0.7964712381362915 0.6932645440101624 0.10320669412612915 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6531-61334-0075.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6531-61334-0075.wav and log cabins intense rivalry ran between the two towns upper and lower steilacoom at this time as a result things were booming 0.6594570875167847 0.6079828143119812 0.05147427320480347 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2182-181183-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2182-181183-0000.wav some roasting some lying and burning and some boiling to feed our merciless enemies who were joyful enough though we were disconsolate 0.8540135025978088 0.8037945032119751 0.05021899938583374 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1898-145715-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1898-145715-0012.wav november fourteenth demanded to see superintendent whittaker request refused missus herndon the matron said we would have to wait up all night one of the men guards said he would put us in sardine box and put mustard on us 0.7677156925201416 0.6852321028709412 0.08248358964920044 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3664-178366-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3664-178366-0014.wav was surveying with the cold curiosity of an intelligence empty of human emotion the destruction of one of those fabrics whose unequal contests and repeated triumphs had provoked its haughty surprise 0.8132677674293518 0.7552791833877563 0.05798858404159546 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3259-158083-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3259-158083-0034.wav honesty granting that it is the virtue of which we cannot rid ourselves we free spirits well we will labour at it with all our perversity and love 0.7185581922531128 0.6567230820655823 0.06183511018753052 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3259-158083-0104.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3259-158083-0104.wav by the way gallant ned are you afraid of sharks 0.7421872019767761 0.6638229489326477 0.07836425304412842 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/332-128985-0086.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/332-128985-0086.wav it is evidently caucasian it is the white race our own the skull of this fossil is a regular oval or rather ovoid it exhibits no prominent cheekbones no projecting jaws 0.7992326617240906 0.7353790998458862 0.06385356187820435 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1926-143879-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1926-143879-0040.wav he was without arms and his paint tended rather to soften than increase the natural sternness of his austere countenance when in full view of the delawares he stopped and made a gesture of amity 0.6919653415679932 0.5830875039100647 0.10887783765792847 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8051-118101-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8051-118101-0021.wav it may be a bird but it don't look it said uncle john doubtfully 0.6763068437576294 0.5983424186706543 0.0779644250869751 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2518-154825-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2518-154825-0048.wav and as truly was the japanese the type of permanence up to a generation ago 0.7128440737724304 0.6096922755241394 0.10315179824829102 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5393-19219-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5393-19219-0039.wav at others the luxury in which this life was so contentedly sunk oppressed annie like a thick close air yet she knew that lyra was kind to many of the poor people about her and did a great deal of good as the phrase is 0.8472538590431213 0.7915290594100952 0.05572479963302612 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2416-152139-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2416-152139-0012.wav his voice sounded reasonable suppose i had not i mean to say suppose i had stuck to the ship well how much longer say a minute half a minute 0.7760132551193237 0.701805830001831 0.07420742511749268 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6081-41997-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6081-41997-0017.wav and the training of the young idea seldom appealed to the sense of humor you must stay after school and try again rebecca she said but she said it smilingly your poetry hasn't a very nice idea in it for a good little girl who ought to love duty 0.6455701589584351 0.5834370851516724 0.062133073806762695 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5750-35690-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5750-35690-0010.wav why he did not introduce football in his school why said he if i did that half the press of the country would attack me for developing the original war instincts and savagery of the indian the public would be afraid to come to our games 0.5631073117256165 0.5057756900787354 0.057331621646881104 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1355-39947-0079.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1355-39947-0079.wav but perhaps the poysers 0.48921144008636475 0.28372859954833984 0.2054828405380249 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8770-295465-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8770-295465-0000.wav flowers had started to grow on the beloved grave and my tears had already begun to flow more gently mute and alone i stood and saw nothing but the features i had loved and the sweet glances of the expressive eyes 0.8574787974357605 0.7964121699333191 0.061066627502441406 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/250-142286-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/250-142286-0030.wav he gathered together a great heap of straw and sticks of wood and stuffed all under the corner of the house then he struck a light and set fire to it 0.7354661822319031 0.6743139624595642 0.06115221977233887 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8975-270782-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8975-270782-0046.wav that is acting like a good fellow and they all formed a circle round the fire 0.6626341938972473 0.5557795763015747 0.10685461759567261 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8770-295465-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8770-295465-0037.wav the doctor had watched during the night by the side of the bed of captain singleton without once closing his eyes occasionally he would pay a visit to the wounded englishman who being more hurt in the spirit than in the flesh 0.7647144198417664 0.7046409249305725 0.06007349491119385 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13009-0064.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4297-13009-0064.wav and besides him there is no other judith chapter six 0.7105207443237305 0.658247172832489 0.052273571491241455 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4160-14187-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4160-14187-0000.wav i'd rather not sixty crowns is all i want 0.7031261920928955 0.6066364645957947 0.09648972749710083 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5322-7678-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5322-7678-0022.wav will he think so when he hears that his greatest enemy is fed in the camp of his children 0.8552723526954651 0.7960200905799866 0.059252262115478516 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7067-76048-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7067-76048-0012.wav this hurry of the people was such for some weeks that there was no getting at the lord mayor's door without exceeding difficulty there were such pressing and crowding there 0.8383394479751587 0.7742916941642761 0.06404775381088257 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2518-154825-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2518-154825-0032.wav to interfere with thy repose ambition breaks not thy rest nor doth this world's empty pomp disturb thee for the utmost reach of thy anxiety is to provide for thy ass 0.683122456073761 0.6009505987167358 0.08217185735702515 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1263-138246-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1263-138246-0009.wav both equally inscrutable and unflinching then the stranger glanced aside and strode on to where a small boat lay moored the detective turned his back while the fair man got in and pushed off into the loch gentleman going fishing 0.7575603723526001 0.6841676235198975 0.07339274883270264 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5322-7679-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5322-7679-0016.wav the voluntary ration allows one half pound of bread a day for sedentary and unoccupied women and larger allowances up to a little over a pound for men doing heavy labor 0.816774845123291 0.7577729821205139 0.0590018630027771 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5688-41232-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5688-41232-0002.wav it is undoubtedly the fact that meat will be tainted if cured by women at the catamenial period 0.7949379086494446 0.7145408987998962 0.08039700984954834 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7511-102419-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7511-102419-0014.wav would it not be better to go away having looked at it from the hill and having heard the saga of the firs keeping his memory of it unblurred than risk the probable disillusion of a return to the places that had forgotten him 0.8834885358810425 0.8241386413574219 0.059349894523620605 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2391-145015-0091.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0091.wav and something more than that what it is i don't know the war has turned an ugly face to her she has seen death and suffering and ruin perhaps she has seen people she knew killed perhaps the man has been killed 0.781970202922821 0.7171796560287476 0.06479054689407349 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3440-171006-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3440-171006-0025.wav that with such stuff as the strange english girl was made of stuff that in spite of maud manningham who was full of sentiment she had never known there was none other to be employed these things were of later evidence 0.760542094707489 0.7069212794303894 0.05362081527709961 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2764-36619-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2764-36619-0008.wav a request to this effect was presented to the commander the commander stood his ground his sailors couldn't hide their discontent and their work suffered because of it i'm unwilling to say that there was mutiny on board 0.7542455196380615 0.6995403170585632 0.05470520257949829 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1578-140045-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1578-140045-0019.wav the giant's heavy eyes lifted quickly but he spoke to the girl you go on home 0.7024726867675781 0.6113148331642151 0.09115785360336304 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5322-7680-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5322-7680-0000.wav and he grew pale at the thought partner said ronicky doone if they are trying to keep her away from us they sure have the sense to keep her under cover for as long as two days ain't that right 0.8037756085395813 0.7469671368598938 0.0568084716796875 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2391-145015-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2391-145015-0006.wav put in a bullet above the small shot and brushing away the mosquitoes with the wide sleeve of his circassian coat he went slowly to the spot where they had been the day before it was however impossible to keep back the dog 0.6159301400184631 0.5130199193954468 0.10291022062301636 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4297-13009-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4297-13009-0031.wav all of which meant nothing at all and was only said to annoy his teacher they scrambled away over the pond bottom 0.7735496163368225 0.7222566604614258 0.05129295587539673 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7511-102419-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7511-102419-0036.wav thanks to the faithful friend who had stood by him all that bitter year soon he was to be free again worn and scarred in the fray 0.8391469717025757 0.7676839232444763 0.07146304845809937 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1970-10594-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1970-10594-0023.wav about four feet in height no water and no other vegetation than the moss was in evidence and as i was somewhat thirsty i determined to do a little exploring springing to my feet i received my first martian surprise 0.8052844405174255 0.751259982585907 0.054024457931518555 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7278-91083-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7278-91083-0029.wav men talk of material income as consisting of bushels of wheat head of cattle et cetera and of immaterial income as the uses that durable goods yield directly 0.6371089220046997 0.5107883214950562 0.12632060050964355 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6454-93938-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6454-93938-0029.wav finally he took a turn for the better that endured so long that hattie sterling again gave him her faith then the woman made her mistake she warmed to him she showed him that she was proud of him 0.8455175161361694 0.787926971912384 0.0575905442237854 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1363-135842-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1363-135842-0049.wav i therefore bound it closely to his side and asked him if in his exhausted and trembling condition he was still able to walk yes he bravely replied so with a steadying arm around him and many stops for rest 0.7298491597175598 0.6638957262039185 0.06595343351364136 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2391-145015-0073.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2391-145015-0073.wav where she fell on a little pile of wood and remained lying still and motionless he put on his hat but falander had to help him with his coat for he trembled violently come along let's be off he said spitting on the hearthstone falander hesitated for a moment 0.8070557713508606 0.7526648640632629 0.054390907287597656 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1098-133695-0067.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1098-133695-0067.wav with the second predominating no sooner was the acquittal pronounced than tears were shed as freely as blood at another time and such fraternal embraces were bestowed upon the prisoner by as many of both sexes as could rush at him 0.7306954860687256 0.6798246502876282 0.05087083578109741 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4018-107312-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4018-107312-0005.wav in which there is certainly some ingenuity and i dare say it would succeed if miss de bourgh were out of the way but my dearest jane you cannot seriously imagine 0.7831246256828308 0.7313920855522156 0.051732540130615234 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4297-13006-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13006-0036.wav let's write a letter to sylvia grant a love letter and sign the old fellow's name to it she'll give him a fearful snubbing and we'll be revenged but who'll write it i said doubtfully i can't 0.7304337024688721 0.6468536257743835 0.08358007669448853 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/103-1240-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/103-1240-0049.wav he tore it up and laughed unpleasantly for some reason he thought of his own wife as he tore up the letter wash williams once had a wife when he was still a young man he married a woman at dayton ohio 0.7029690146446228 0.6459385752677917 0.057030439376831055 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/78-368-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/78-368-0042.wav his inheritance on earth cut off i remember after having witnessed the destructive effects of a fire i could not even behold a small one in a stove without a sensation of fear 0.6434109807014465 0.5494382977485657 0.09397268295288086 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4680-16041-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4680-16041-0019.wav i found the store full of loungers who patronized the chairs soap and starch boxes mackerel kits and counter forming a silent circle round a towering stove in the center 0.8450656533241272 0.7749741673469543 0.07009148597717285 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/103-1241-0043.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/103-1241-0043.wav no no carling pushed away the pen i'm ruined ruined as it is but this would mean the penitentiary too where you tried to send an innocent man in your place you hound where you some other way 0.7265694737434387 0.637100100517273 0.08946937322616577 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/289-121665-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/289-121665-0046.wav she was declared an orphan both father and mother being dead 0.8051818609237671 0.7268187403678894 0.07836312055587769 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1263-141777-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1263-141777-0041.wav thenardier exclaimed are you mad are you crazy what a pack of boobies you want to waste time do you draw lots do you by a wet finger by a short straw 0.7287012338638306 0.6745989918708801 0.05410224199295044 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2518-154825-0051.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2518-154825-0051.wav this repression was not effected without some commotion and without that tumultuous uproar peculiar to collisions between the army and the people 0.6178447604179382 0.4665725827217102 0.15127217769622803 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1926-143879-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1926-143879-0002.wav how could he be right when it was all directly contrary but never mind that now i have learned differently with the passing sorrowful years but to go back 0.7036455273628235 0.6434342861175537 0.060211241245269775 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8797-294123-0070.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8797-294123-0070.wav both educators and criminologists have indeed often raised such questions and social reformers have not seldom seen there wide perspectives for social movements in future times 0.7967196702957153 0.7362773418426514 0.060442328453063965 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2817-142371-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2817-142371-0010.wav i'll not deny but at other times i'm pleased at the thought on't but if i could i'd change places wi thee at this moment it's fine talking said coulson half mollified and yet not caring to show it i make no doubt it were an even chance betwixt us two at first 0.6589512228965759 0.5413776636123657 0.1175735592842102 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-142396-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1737-142396-0015.wav has become a new aera to us of military improvements changing so totally the nature of attacks and defences both by sea and land and awakening so much art and skill in doing it that the world cannot be too exact in ascertaining the precise time of its discovery 0.7389277815818787 0.6723954677581787 0.06653231382369995 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3214-167607-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3214-167607-0031.wav and it was my unfortunate lot to lay the foundation for bringing this happy pair together again i can easily conceive what execrations the husband loaded me with when on his return 0.8165360689163208 0.7494361400604248 0.067099928855896 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6848-252322-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6848-252322-0014.wav but such was my case and since zena's manner did not suggest that she was particularly interested in me my love affair seemed rather a hopeless one my association with christopher quarles has however 0.8239059448242188 0.7679718136787415 0.055934131145477295 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3830-12531-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3830-12531-0028.wav but why these things should be so he could not understand the door opened lincoln's voice was swept away and drowned and a rash of people followed on the heels of the tumult these intruders came towards him 0.8388857841491699 0.7720598578453064 0.06682592630386353 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6272-70191-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6272-70191-0019.wav jerome made a dash from the shelter of the lava block and began forcing his way back against the wind to the hot springs wavering and struggling to resist being carried away as if he were fording a rapid stream 0.8030770421028137 0.7177768349647522 0.08530020713806152 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6367-74004-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6367-74004-0005.wav that same day the old chief was captured on the cliff on the east side of indian canyon by some of boling's scouts as tenaya walked toward the camp his eye fell upon the dead body of his favorite son captain boling 0.8263624310493469 0.7578176856040955 0.06854474544525146 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5022-29405-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5022-29405-0033.wav anyhow that letter just filled the bill it was beautifully expressed ruggles's sister's young man must have possessed lots of ability he was an english professor something like micky 0.8091628551483154 0.7577091455459595 0.05145370960235596 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2002-139469-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2002-139469-0038.wav and oh i'm so glad you both live where you can see it shine from our windows i wonder how long it will burn without bein filled if i only keep it lit one hour every night 0.8019582033157349 0.7244186997413635 0.07753950357437134 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3879-174923-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3879-174923-0010.wav you got to get that gent i seen grinning from the window grinning asked bill gregg grinding his teeth and starting from his chair was the skunk laughing at me sure every minute bill gregg groaned i'll smash every bone in his ugly head 0.7672290802001953 0.6877448558807373 0.07948422431945801 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7059-77900-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7059-77900-0009.wav mister shaw came for a short time recently to be regarded less as an author than as an incident in the european war in the opinion of many people it seemed as if the allies were fighting against a combination composed of germany 0.814311683177948 0.7641614079475403 0.050150275230407715 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2416-152137-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2416-152137-0010.wav they had never heard that an ogre was ever called monsieur le baron i will take a few biscuits to eat on the road said porthos carelessly and he emptied a whole jar of aniseed biscuits into the huge pocket of his doublet 0.7787825465202332 0.6756260991096497 0.1031564474105835 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/196-122159-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/196-122159-0031.wav not a soul was in sight when we started toward the fort all unconscious of what the inevitable is to be was weaving into our lives 0.7366973161697388 0.6800585389137268 0.05663877725601196 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-142397-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-142397-0012.wav has gone to the billiard room i think 0.622211217880249 0.4354442059993744 0.18676701188087463 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7794-295947-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7794-295947-0009.wav i'm ben gunn i am replied the maroon wriggling like an eel in his embarrassment and he added after a long pause how do mister silver pretty well i thank ye says you 0.7764277458190918 0.7228895425796509 0.05353820323944092 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3807-4923-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4923-0011.wav i am of neb's opinion said gideon spilett but that is no reason for not attempting the adventure whether we find this mysterious being or not we shall at least have fulfilled our duty towards him 0.8722198605537415 0.8084020018577576 0.06381785869598389 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1898-145715-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1898-145715-0024.wav looked at in themselves do not contain error the mind does not err in the mere act of imagining but only in so far as it is regarded as being without the idea 0.7092162370681763 0.6349543929100037 0.07426184415817261 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1246-124550-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1246-124550-0003.wav it is a sacred story to me and if you must know it let it be from her own words in the letters she left behind her she only told me that to save me from the fate of the children who had preceded me 0.7555643916130066 0.6830291748046875 0.07253521680831909 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/60-121082-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/60-121082-0065.wav one would have said that the man who was dead was surveying those who were about to die a long trail of blood which had flowed from that head descended in reddish threads from the window to the height of the first floor 0.8132856488227844 0.7440246939659119 0.06926095485687256 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6385-220959-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6385-220959-0004.wav even that i should be very glad ah well i should hope so the young man exclaimed isabel might have believed it and not have been far from the truth he thought a great deal about her she was constantly present to his mind 0.8370559215545654 0.7862319350242615 0.050823986530303955 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1246-124550-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-124550-0013.wav never and that he irritated by some of her sayings had nevertheless seen her stand with her lily like outline 0.6749424934387207 0.5751323103904724 0.09981018304824829 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1578-140045-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1578-140045-0001.wav yes sir responded jerry as he wiped the tears from his eyes smith took from his pocket the bill of sale and handed it to johnson at the same time saying 0.7794578075408936 0.7249618172645569 0.05449599027633667 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1447-17506-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1447-17506-0027.wav after this no new ideas can be imparted to him from this time and since my marriage which had occurred at this period i have belonged to the staff of mc gill university first as lecturer in political science and later as head of the department of economics and political science 0.7871971130371094 0.7219645977020264 0.06523251533508301 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/150-126107-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/150-126107-0018.wav as the good quarters he had enjoyed in the castle or house of don diego came back to his mind 0.7978273034095764 0.7364683151245117 0.0613589882850647 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8629-261139-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8629-261139-0031.wav and then he would direct his attention to a kind of masculinization of his daughter and to schemes for giving her the completest control of all he had to leave her provided she never married nor fell under masculine sway after all 0.6679821014404297 0.5272277593612671 0.1407543420791626 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7148-59157-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7148-59157-0016.wav miriam nesbit was intrusted with the duke while marian barber was to play frederick his brother jessica was in raptures over phebe while nora had captured touchstone eva allen audrey and to her great delight 0.8039577007293701 0.7495638728141785 0.05439382791519165 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4830-25904-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4830-25904-0024.wav sheep and cattle and horses and from the aramaeans of mesopotamia and the syro cappadocian hittites came much silver and gold copper and lead jewels and ivory as well as richly decorated furniture armour and weapons 0.8684744238853455 0.8144487738609314 0.05402565002441406 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1069-133699-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1069-133699-0045.wav i should call it very impolite if there were no orange flags shown at the game well you have the most ridiculous ideas hasn't she brenda brenda nodded assent and nora continued 0.7806535959243774 0.7264881730079651 0.054165422916412354 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4088-158077-0047.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0047.wav still his mind in the society of the friends of the a b c had ended by undergoing a certain polarization from combeferre's ideas for some time past he had been gradually emerging from the narrow form of dogma 0.7064676880836487 0.6397197842597961 0.06674790382385254 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1447-130552-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1447-130552-0001.wav saint bride's zero saint james's eight 0.655722975730896 0.5127860307693481 0.14293694496154785 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4406-16882-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4406-16882-0036.wav for all that time for some part of the time i answered i was catching moths in fordwitch wood 0.7568066120147705 0.6827471256256104 0.07405948638916016 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2691-156755-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2691-156755-0011.wav if you want my money take it if you want my life 0.7253502011299133 0.6674726605415344 0.057877540588378906 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8468-295198-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8468-295198-0015.wav haze there within three square miles were accumulated the materials for a complete history of the animal life of ages a history scarcely outlined in the too recent strata of the inhabited world 0.6810694336891174 0.575115978717804 0.10595345497131348 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1963-147036-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1963-147036-0017.wav silent or talkative according to circumstances and always highly intelligent he had something of the look of sailors who are accustomed to screw up their eyes to gaze through marine glasses thenardier was a statesman 0.819432258605957 0.7397257089614868 0.07970654964447021 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3982-182255-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3982-182255-0014.wav drawn like a carriage by four black horses 0.6934037208557129 0.5603816509246826 0.13302206993103027 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4397-15678-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4397-15678-0019.wav my views were in demand 0.6189619898796082 0.4909045398235321 0.12805745005607605 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4397-15666-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4397-15666-0004.wav was it he who threw top out of the lake and killed the dugong was it he who as everything leads us to believe saved you from the waves and that under circumstances in which any one else would not have been able to act if it was he 0.5427671670913696 0.39968714118003845 0.14308002591133118 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/60-121082-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/60-121082-0031.wav what is your perplexity well replied edward since it is to be so let us sit down and talk over the matter i acknowledge the kindness of mister heatherstone 0.47320207953453064 0.3630099594593048 0.11019212007522583 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3440-171009-0059.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3440-171009-0059.wav ever since opening we have had an immense crowd if i were master here on days like this i would charge an admission fee of two sous a head 0.8440296053886414 0.7936169505119324 0.050412654876708984 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-124548-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124548-0011.wav this did not last very long however and she soon resumed her wonted ways and she returned to the question of the will but not so directly and with more art 0.7412228584289551 0.6378753185272217 0.1033475399017334 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7367-86737-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7367-86737-0027.wav quoth the jew to the asker but yesterday we were even as thou take thee half this money so he made two parts of it and each took his half 0.8156203031539917 0.765239953994751 0.05038034915924072 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/839-130898-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/839-130898-0053.wav there was no point in dampening the energy they were putting into our arduous rescue work but when i returned on board 0.8334452509880066 0.7655876278877258 0.06785762310028076 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/250-142276-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/250-142276-0009.wav let me soon hear from you dear catherine you are my only friend your love i do build upon i wish your visit at northanger may be over before captain tilney makes his engagement known 0.7862973213195801 0.7181099057197571 0.068187415599823 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6531-61334-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6531-61334-0050.wav patsy proved the one bright star in the firmament of disappointment supposing uncle john to be poor she insisted upon carrying him to new york with her and sharing with him the humble tenement room in which she lived with her father a retired veteran who helped pay the family expenses 0.7720353007316589 0.6850366592407227 0.08699864149093628 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7402-90848-0060.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7402-90848-0060.wav its broad porch and adobe pillars here her mother had come as a bride here mary had been born eight happy years they had spent together before her mother died after mary had been taken east to school her father had returned 0.8353540897369385 0.7789987921714783 0.056355297565460205 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/250-142286-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/250-142286-0015.wav white dust hot underfoot blinding to the eye is now a soft grey silence with the glitter of a crystal grain set starlike in its silver here and there overhead riding serenely through the spacious blue is the mother of the silence 0.80012446641922 0.7464431524276733 0.05368131399154663 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/460-172359-0068.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/460-172359-0068.wav as the phrase goes what is to follow there was a pause sir richmond looked at his toes for a moment or so as if he took counsel with them and then decided to take offence 0.8117087483406067 0.7541862726211548 0.057522475719451904 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0080.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2391-145015-0080.wav seeing no sign of the three familiar figures she had been following as steadily as a little indian on the war trail oh sanch what shall i do if they don't come along we must have gone by them somewhere for i don't see any one that way 0.8320324420928955 0.7815023064613342 0.05053013563156128 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4406-16883-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4406-16883-0029.wav said mister smith as he took his cards one by one from the table in a few moments a fine looking bright eyed mulatto boy apparently about fifteen years of age was standing by his master's side at the table 0.8078807592391968 0.750198245048523 0.05768251419067383 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3830-12531-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3830-12531-0007.wav gavroche replied well it is raining what then courfeyrac shouted come in instanter said gavroche and with a single bound he plunged into the street 0.8095488548278809 0.6922364830970764 0.11731237173080444 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8324-286683-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8324-286683-0001.wav some of the fish were fresh but others were rotten and without heads among the number which i got five were fresh and the rest stinking and headless they remind us of his grace's observation of some pages back 0.7700547575950623 0.7087616324424744 0.06129312515258789 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/730-358-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/730-358-0002.wav b but your honour there is no but i said do you remember 0.7560734748840332 0.635226845741272 0.12084662914276123 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1081-125237-0109.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1081-125237-0109.wav have you had any dinner no said i we have only just arrived you shall dine with me in my tent and i'll give you a shakedown to night said he thanks said i 0.6959162354469299 0.6230047345161438 0.07291150093078613 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2159-179154-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2159-179154-0012.wav it was done almost as well as that accomplished actor mister jacob remsen could have done it harmon sprang across the street 0.7549585103988647 0.6998774409294128 0.055081069469451904 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8324-286683-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8324-286683-0038.wav giving him the trouble of walking thirty steps to reach it the groom heard him with humility took the bit of the impatient animal with his left hand and with the right held out the reins to andrea 0.7597944736480713 0.7083172798156738 0.05147719383239746 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3242-67153-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3242-67153-0028.wav i had better not go of course i must just snap my fingers at them 0.7335444092750549 0.6666736006736755 0.0668708086013794 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/328-129766-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/328-129766-0016.wav if he had been an older crane and understood the ways of the world a little better he would have known that she meant aren't you coming to that fishing place i am going now 0.787990391254425 0.7377099394798279 0.05028045177459717 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/118-47824-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/118-47824-0007.wav a grimace of disgust conceals cupidity and then woman feels her weak point guarded by all that casuistry of gallantry which takes the place of scruples in prudes it is a line of circumvallation with a ditch every prude puts on an air of repugnance 0.7309532761573792 0.6775403618812561 0.05341291427612305 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5703-47198-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5703-47198-0005.wav of land tenfold its former total value fitness to produce nettles is not ordinarily a virtue in land 0.826079249382019 0.7718196511268616 0.05425959825515747 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2518-154826-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2518-154826-0010.wav after four years of civil war shalmaneser died his chosen heir 0.7291871905326843 0.6174846291542053 0.111702561378479 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2384-152900-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2384-152900-0050.wav i come said he to communicate to you a piece of intelligence for which i hope you will return me thanks i have a daughter that has some skill in magic yesterday 0.7363226413726807 0.6668158769607544 0.06950676441192627 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4955-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3807-4955-0016.wav is that so yes and they were impertinent enough to say that i had no longer any reason to be stuck up proud old girl they said stuck up personally i should never have condescended 0.8200502395629883 0.737678587436676 0.08237165212631226 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3374-298032-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3374-298032-0014.wav and with difficulty effort and stress like the opening of a door grown rusty on its hinges a smile appeared on the face with the attentive eyes and from that opening door came a breath of fragrance which suffused pierre with a happiness he had long forgotten 0.7491044998168945 0.6711090803146362 0.0779954195022583 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3214-167607-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3214-167607-0001.wav which we have held to have come from below has in reality come from above who knows all the mysterious forms assumed by god what was this animal providence having reached the river 0.7611245512962341 0.7107540369033813 0.05037051439285278 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5456-24741-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5456-24741-0008.wav here a huge boneyard forms from fish mollusks 0.6410882472991943 0.5843810439109802 0.05670720338821411 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2182-181173-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2182-181173-0034.wav you re disappointed are n't you i confess i am disappointed 0.7792388200759888 0.691274106502533 0.08796471357345581 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/118-121721-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/118-121721-0019.wav steadily i had my head in and was about to open the lantern when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening and the old man sprang up in bed crying out who's there i kept quite still and said nothing 0.6471059918403625 0.5621898174285889 0.08491617441177368 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/412-126975-0073.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/412-126975-0073.wav you have again found your fetnah whom you thought you had lost for ever 0.7945334315299988 0.7219284176826477 0.07260501384735107 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8051-119902-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8051-119902-0009.wav we are pre eminently a religious race which is another way of saying that we are a right seeking race 0.7934243083000183 0.7262632250785828 0.06716108322143555 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5789-70653-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5789-70653-0012.wav i made for hez he said the town hadn't reached the hotel stage of development yet but that he would gladly take me in provided i'd sleep with his clerk in the garret 0.8372083306312561 0.7676909565925598 0.06951737403869629 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4137-11702-0047.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4137-11702-0047.wav upon his breast was a huge platinum ornament a device like a star and cross entwined i am happy to meet you sir his voice was soft and deep ob hahn i repeated 0.8115537166595459 0.7431458830833435 0.06840783357620239 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6272-70171-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6272-70171-0008.wav but i saw very little of dick he had received a commission from one of the illustrated papers to make a series of sketches of scenery in scotland 0.7274932265281677 0.637151300907135 0.09034192562103271 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1992-141719-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1992-141719-0019.wav and miss churchill fell in love with him nobody was surprized except her brother and his wife who had never seen him and who were full of pride and importance which the connexion would offend 0.8204955458641052 0.7348440885543823 0.0856514573097229 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/458-126305-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/458-126305-0035.wav and who have i dare affirm to the king his service much at heart three of my best soldiers i say 0.7672087550163269 0.6629443168640137 0.10426443815231323 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/669-129074-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/669-129074-0007.wav that was jeff's money part of it mullins got the telegram from a broker or someone and he showed it to jeff just as he was going up the street with an estate agent to look at a big empty lot on the hill behind the town the very place for these incurables 0.5784125924110413 0.48405417799949646 0.0943584144115448 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4018-103416-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4018-103416-0035.wav he would bring her back to him but when he had perceived the uselessness of these means he could hold out no longer 0.7587950229644775 0.701603353023529 0.057191669940948486 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4051-11217-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4051-11217-0016.wav night and morning he recited the prayer 0.7902165651321411 0.7162598967552185 0.07395666837692261 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3723-171115-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3723-171115-0002.wav where is pierre miladi asked 0.6696938872337341 0.5711503028869629 0.09854358434677124 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/730-358-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/730-358-0001.wav hardly a recitation passes in my class 0.7020633220672607 0.6357918381690979 0.06627148389816284 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/78-369-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/78-369-0014.wav he reached out touched me you're right walter he grinned it does seem like carrying coals to newcastle 0.7605910897254944 0.6959716081619263 0.06461948156356812 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/150-126107-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/150-126107-0029.wav at the mention of that name a murmur of admiration filled the court room for there were many present who remembered it and kwairyo immediately found himself among friends instead of judges friends anxious to prove their admiration by fraternal kindness 0.7426241040229797 0.6627104878425598 0.07991361618041992 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7078-271888-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7078-271888-0008.wav brobdignagians but we on our stable abode could not be hurt in life or limb by these eruptions of nature we could not fear we did not yet a feeling of awe 0.8095793724060059 0.7327370047569275 0.07684236764907837 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5652-39938-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5652-39938-0005.wav and sure enough there was brave little tilda standing alone in a great field waiting for the dragon to come and take her away lumbering heavily along like a monstrous turtle and snorting blue smoke 0.7302787899971008 0.6677255034446716 0.0625532865524292 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4088-158077-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4088-158077-0019.wav because he has always been able to laugh at his disciples as unfeelingly as at anybody else he has courted unpopularity as other men have courted popularity he has refused to assume the vacuous countenance either of an idol 0.6803684234619141 0.6031367182731628 0.07723170518875122 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/103-1240-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/103-1240-0031.wav it could now be matched in the united states he lived to see this rarity command in new york the price of fourteen hundred and fifty dollars he would show you forty one works in the original editions of increase and cotton mather 0.7546935081481934 0.684740424156189 0.0699530839920044 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1263-138246-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1263-138246-0032.wav in the most polite manner to appoint a friend with whom he captain m m might communicate and desired that the meeting might take place with as little delay as possible 0.8007897734642029 0.7401549220085144 0.06063485145568848 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/27-124992-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/27-124992-0007.wav two liliaceous plants in particular erythronium grandiflorum and fritillaria pudica are marvelously beautiful and abundant 0.7854295969009399 0.7250701785087585 0.060359418392181396 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1263-139804-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1263-139804-0001.wav this man who was not a soldier was desperately frightened and begged piteously for his life l'olonnois finding that the man was willing to tell everything he knew questioned him about the sending of this vessel from havana 0.750603973865509 0.6825684905052185 0.06803548336029053 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/458-126305-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/458-126305-0040.wav its naked ribs packed with drifted sand sauntering dreamily she moved away from the ancient derelict suddenly a dim shadow swept across the sand at her feet and she arrowed from the spot like a white slim meteor 0.8187620043754578 0.7637232542037964 0.05503875017166138 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/403-128339-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/403-128339-0052.wav what a horrible palace he thought restless he wandered through the maze asking himself what it all meant 0.6643770337104797 0.6077477931976318 0.0566292405128479 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4088-158077-0082.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4088-158077-0082.wav some go boating on the sound or on the lakes and rivers or with their families make excursions at small cost on the steamers others will take the train to the franklin and newcastle or carbon river coal mines for the sake of the thirty or forty mile rides through the woods 0.76155024766922 0.6677231192588806 0.09382712841033936 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1898-145724-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1898-145724-0002.wav for whom the bottles at the presbytery went in by the back door and what was the real cause of the quarrel between the twin miss mc inerneys but these were but blackbird scratchings as it were 0.711944043636322 0.6299580335617065 0.08198601007461548 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2416-152137-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2416-152137-0034.wav and to lead parents rather than be led by them the fitness of a professor is not a matter of age and from what i have heard and from what i observe myself 0.725837767124176 0.6696751117706299 0.05616265535354614 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4640-19188-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4640-19188-0001.wav and the country any good but it hurt him deep in his heart to know that some of his beloved children misunderstood him so that they were willing to kill him it was no one's bullet which made abraham lincoln a martyr 0.7656078338623047 0.6845238208770752 0.08108401298522949 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7794-295955-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7794-295955-0017.wav i know that some divers can last up to fifty seven seconds and highly skillful ones to eighty seven but such men are rare 0.6990951299667358 0.6346985697746277 0.06439656019210815 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4955-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3807-4955-0006.wav and heard him deliver his farewell address from the rear platform of his private car i spent wednesday night in massillon and next morning returned to canton to take some interior photographs of mc kinley's home 0.7823773622512817 0.727806806564331 0.054570555686950684 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3807-4955-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4955-0021.wav and trudged along the valley in high hope feeling certain that he would reach the end of his journey in safety 0.7485511302947998 0.6559321284294128 0.09261900186538696 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8051-295385-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8051-295385-0001.wav his face had lengthened considerably by this time and its rubicund hue declined i did not think you would stand upon ceremony about it sir 0.7848665714263916 0.7221361398696899 0.06273043155670166 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4340-15220-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4340-15220-0019.wav the inner forces stirred and trembled in response to his call they did not at first come readily as was their habit for under the spell of glamour they had already been diabolically lulled into inactivity but come they eventually did 0.778509259223938 0.7065101265907288 0.07199913263320923 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6476-57446-0087.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6476-57446-0087.wav now a piercing pain from dark suns burned me with an insupportable glare now a beautiful radiance hovered about as if to entice me then i seemed to feel a fresh breath of morning air fan me 0.7277892231941223 0.6293217539787292 0.09846746921539307 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4297-13009-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4297-13009-0050.wav he said that mister marlowe could do it quite easily if he had no accident he said that he had started in the car and then walked back home a mile or so and felt all the better for it did he say any more 0.7141201496124268 0.6529595851898193 0.06116056442260742 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5789-57158-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5789-57158-0024.wav mister denis oglethorpe has gone away he will not come back again until july when he is to marry miss gower this was the last entry recorded in the little pink and gold journal and after it came a gap of months 0.8157834410667419 0.7350789308547974 0.08070451021194458 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5339-14133-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5339-14133-0041.wav per constructionem 0.5856054425239563 0.49995002150535583 0.08565542101860046 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1183-133256-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1183-133256-0011.wav felt that her very life was slipping away as if when that voice drew nearer when that singer became entrapped she distinctly heard the click of desgas gun close to her no no no no oh god in heaven this cannot be 0.6103453040122986 0.5274168252944946 0.08292847871780396 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2136-5147-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2136-5147-0018.wav he replied they were brightened by the exercise a short pause followed this speech and missus hurst began again i have an excessive regard for miss jane bennet she is really a very sweet girl 0.7261834144592285 0.6536210179328918 0.07256239652633667 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2518-154825-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2518-154825-0013.wav these bearings determined the frigate took a more decisive westward heading and tackled the seas of the central pacific commander farragut felt and with good reason that it was best to stay in deep waters and keep his distance from continents or islands 0.8586779236793518 0.7739970088005066 0.08468091487884521 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4406-16882-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4406-16882-0040.wav and would not give forth a cheerful flame 0.6818616986274719 0.6291965842247009 0.052665114402770996 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2384-152900-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2384-152900-0007.wav the sitting room will do for you and your company but there's a bottle half full of raspberry cordial that was left over from the church social the other night it's on the second shelf of the sitting room closet and you and diana can have it if you like 0.813045084476471 0.7534489631652832 0.059596121311187744 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2384-152900-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2384-152900-0036.wav in the nest i had builded if one must have gone why not i why may i not rest me from this restlessness and sleep from this wide waking 0.5885027050971985 0.4709825813770294 0.11752012372016907 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8312-279791-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8312-279791-0006.wav he looks to be about forty years old but whoops and laughs like he was about ten i don't need to tell you of the good mon do i he is just the kind quiet good mon that he has always been since i have known him 0.8237093091011047 0.771488606929779 0.052220702171325684 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8238-274553-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8238-274553-0049.wav so far as is known this was her only work but she built up some reputation on it and belvane who was a good judge had a high opinion of her genius to be exact there were only four hundred and ninety nine men 0.815356969833374 0.742582380771637 0.07277458906173706 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/60-121082-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/60-121082-0044.wav before patty resumed her chronicle and uncle tom made me tell about the suit case at the dinner table everybody laughed it made a very exciting story i told them about the whole school going to the glee club and falling in love in a body with the third man from the end 0.7663220167160034 0.715719997882843 0.0506020188331604 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4813-248638-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4813-248638-0000.wav now we have sworn secrecy to the king but not to god to night at sea overtaken by a violent tempest by the will of providence 0.7637459635734558 0.6996985077857971 0.06404745578765869 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1081-125237-0110.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1081-125237-0110.wav was once united front to front with the greater glacier though at first both were tributaries of the main stickeen glacier which once filled the whole grand canyon after the main trunk canyon was melted out 0.7512574195861816 0.6675113439559937 0.08374607563018799 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7635-105409-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7635-105409-0009.wav and leaving it there while the head is growing 0.5422738194465637 0.4742439389228821 0.06802988052368164 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6367-74004-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6367-74004-0021.wav not more than i shall get again said mark 0.6478548645973206 0.5626903176307678 0.08516454696655273 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4481-17499-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4481-17499-0005.wav give him a verbal drubbing i did so but he bit his moustache fiercely and turned upon me she is charming he said and i love her ah i know the type 0.7264407873153687 0.6541267037391663 0.07231408357620239 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2391-145015-0105.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0105.wav i finally went to the sanitarium of a doctor 0.573720395565033 0.45839107036590576 0.1153293251991272 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3526-175658-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3526-175658-0023.wav but without success then he hastened into the palace and rushed from room to room peering into every hole and corner and calling her by name but only 0.8238918781280518 0.7721507549285889 0.05174112319946289 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1737-142397-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-142397-0013.wav while his face assumed a hard determined expression 0.5896651744842529 0.4675702750682831 0.12209489941596985 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3168-173565-0060.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3168-173565-0060.wav two pints of prawns the crumbs of a french roll anchovy sauce or mushroom ketchup to taste one blade of mace one pint of vinegar a little lemon juice mode 0.805588960647583 0.7451598644256592 0.06042909622192383 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5867-48852-0087.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5867-48852-0087.wav their voices discordant and their gestures violent viewing such men one can hardly make one's self believe that they are fellow creatures and inhabitants of the same world it is a common subject of conjecture what pleasure in life some of the lower animals can enjoy 0.7797933220863342 0.7166930437088013 0.06310027837753296 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7067-76048-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7067-76048-0045.wav all the good of his life all the beauty of his past all the possibilities of his future hers was the master word but how should he dare ask her to utter it 0.831876814365387 0.7673617005348206 0.0645151138305664 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3723-171631-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3723-171631-0038.wav the bossy cumuli swelling in white and purple piles above the highest peaks gray rain clouds wreathing the outstanding brows and battlements of the walls 0.8110544681549072 0.753188967704773 0.05786550045013428 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5022-29411-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5022-29411-0030.wav he's the one who's kept her in that house 0.6947718858718872 0.5606618523597717 0.13411003351211548 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5393-19218-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5393-19218-0024.wav who lags behind and wants the others to wait for him that makes him miss his share of good things and then he is quite certain to be cross and think it is somebody else's fault the slow little turtle felt the ten brothers and sisters on his right side looking at him out of their left eyes 0.8300897479057312 0.7480259537696838 0.08206379413604736 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3607-29116-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3607-29116-0017.wav some cut branches from the trees and waved them before the messiah it was a royal welcome only the priests and the rulers and the pharisees were sorry to see jesus come what is there we can do they said to one another 0.7771807312965393 0.7041248083114624 0.0730559229850769 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4441-76262-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4441-76262-0035.wav when turning his eyes bathed with tears in a languishing manner towards me he affected me so much that i had not strength to kill him i let the knife fall and told my wife positively 0.7538625001907349 0.6870636343955994 0.0667988657951355 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8051-295385-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8051-295385-0009.wav king's ghost whispered felix she never appeared anywhere but in the orchard said the story girl oh oh children isn't there something under uncle alec's tree we peered fearfully through the gloom there was something something that wavered and fluttered advanced retreated 0.8287586569786072 0.7735310792922974 0.055227577686309814 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3374-298032-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3374-298032-0036.wav and so continued intermittently all the time that graham remained in the little room he watched the lips of the man in black and gathered that he was making some explanation he stared stupidly for some moments at these things and then stood up abruptly 0.755390465259552 0.6938038468360901 0.061586618423461914 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2836-5355-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2836-5355-0018.wav than the collecting of any magazines stores or armies which might breed apprehensions of violent or illegal counsels but the urgent necessity of his situation no longer admitted of delay 0.7856383323669434 0.7059598565101624 0.079678475856781 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/696-93314-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/696-93314-0032.wav and the riders flying about in the air as if the laws of gravitation no longer existed but best of all was the grand conglomeration of animals where the giraffe appears to stand on the elephant's back 0.7970917224884033 0.7425846457481384 0.05450707674026489 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8324-286681-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8324-286681-0006.wav to a spacious transverse passage this passage ran between polished pillars of some white veined substance of deep ultramarine and along it came the sound of human movements 0.8061563968658447 0.7486789226531982 0.057477474212646484 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2159-179157-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2159-179157-0033.wav that he declared he was going to bring her a christmas present continued miss ellen well there's no accountin for tastes exclaimed miss miranda clara belle's got cross eyes and red hair but i'd be the last one to grudge her a christmas present 0.7927501201629639 0.732578456401825 0.060171663761138916 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/19-227-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/19-227-0042.wav asked for whittaker who came he seized julia emory by the back of her neck and threw her into the room very brutally she is a little girl i asked for counsel to learn the status of the case i was told to shut up and was again threatened with a straitjacket and a buckle gag 0.8452563881874084 0.7847585082054138 0.06049787998199463 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3259-158083-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3259-158083-0045.wav over the roofs of the houses opposite she could see a blue streak of sky already the air had lost the touch of freshness which comes even to london in august during the first hours of the morning 0.7985361218452454 0.7253260016441345 0.07321012020111084 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/229-130880-0043.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/229-130880-0043.wav therefore will i go to see what has befallen him so sir owain went to the meadow and he found perceval trying in vain to get the dead knight's armor off in order to clothe himself with it 0.7708943486213684 0.6862818598747253 0.08461248874664307 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8838-298546-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8838-298546-0042.wav hold on a minute while i get one more drink buns are dry fodder said sam rolling over to the edge of the bank and preparing to descend with as little trouble as possible he nearly went down head first however for 0.9044084548950195 0.8462156653404236 0.05819278955459595 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/412-126975-0075.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/412-126975-0075.wav all he could do was to stand and look 0.7589370608329773 0.6522016525268555 0.10673540830612183 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5022-29405-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5022-29405-0013.wav he had as we suspected witnessed the closing scene of the fight from the school room window and the next morning after prayers i was not wholly unprepared when master conway and myself were called up to the desk for examination 0.8201270699501038 0.7503662705421448 0.06976079940795898 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4088-158077-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4088-158077-0008.wav and rivalry among them but how may feelings of hatred force their way into the relationship between daughter and mother parents and children this relationship is without doubt the more favorable even when looked at from the viewpoint of the child 0.7506958246231079 0.6691497564315796 0.08154606819152832 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5789-57195-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5789-57195-0011.wav excited our attention without enabling us to decide certainly as to its character but we were not left long in doubt for in a few minutes it came sweeping over the valley in a wild uproar a torrent of wind thick with sand and dust 0.8445372581481934 0.7914810180664062 0.05305624008178711 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3723-171115-0054.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3723-171115-0054.wav not long ago i was standing by the window how long i do not know for along with the other rules of reason and morality i completely forgot about the lapse of time well i was standing by the window and looking out into the open 0.8187545537948608 0.7421738505363464 0.0765807032585144 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1723-141149-0060.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1723-141149-0060.wav i no longer left the ship's deck sometimes bending over the forecastle railings sometimes leaning against the sternrail 0.7870195508003235 0.7368313670158386 0.05018818378448486 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6880-216547-0101.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6880-216547-0101.wav and then she declared to her father that unless she had bracelets and necklace to match the anklets she would die again the king sent for ameer ali and ordered him to get a necklace and bracelets to match those anklets within a month or be put to a cruel death 0.8209735155105591 0.7409145832061768 0.08005893230438232 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4160-14187-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4160-14187-0009.wav they saw another old man coming towards them followed by two black dogs 0.8106467127799988 0.7392667531967163 0.07137995958328247 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5778-12761-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5778-12761-0000.wav oh certainly bob my child 0.6725679636001587 0.5201340317726135 0.15243393182754517 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3235-28433-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3235-28433-0025.wav you are subject to headaches and every physician will tell you that a tilting motion disorders the stomach and acts upon the brain ask old doctor kite i was talking with him about your case only yesterday and says he missus magpie i perfectly agree with you 0.8466936945915222 0.7793120741844177 0.06738162040710449 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3879-173592-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3879-173592-0032.wav but no doubt he would think of some tremendously cunning device later on to euralia then with all dispatch he trotted off 0.8256193995475769 0.7721068859100342 0.053512513637542725 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1081-125237-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1081-125237-0008.wav i believe it is getting nearer too now master meadow mouse had a tunnel that led right beneath the tree where the two cousins were sitting 0.5583699345588684 0.4938494563102722 0.06452047824859619 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7780-274562-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7780-274562-0046.wav until the fiddler's head grew so dizzy that he had to shut his eyes suddenly ill luck let him drop and down he fell thump bump on the hard ground then he opened his eyes and sat up 0.8267519474029541 0.749568521976471 0.07718342542648315 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3699-19402-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3699-19402-0029.wav and there's yon tall fellow of a cousin as looks black at me 0.7905994057655334 0.6336477994918823 0.15695160627365112 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1334-135589-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1334-135589-0004.wav i hated the way in which he used to talk of his future conquests of women he did not venture to begin his attack upon women until he had the epaulettes of an officer and was looking forward to them with impatience and boasted of the duels he would constantly be fighting 0.8093904852867126 0.7448878288269043 0.06450265645980835 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186179-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4014-186179-0030.wav that she knew he had not meant to hurt her and that smile of hers so lamentable but so faithfully friendly misted his own eyes for his shamefacedness lowered them no more 0.6934137344360352 0.6331989169120789 0.0602148175239563 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13006-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4297-13006-0026.wav edward saw enough to comprehend not only the meaning of others but such of marianne's expressions as had puzzled him before and when their visitors left them he went immediately round her and said in a whisper i have been guessing shall i tell you my guess 0.49642911553382874 0.4398409426212311 0.056588172912597656 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3830-12531-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3830-12531-0023.wav he was tongue tied for a second because i love you he said and his voice shook it did not seem to him that he was talking the words came of their own volition he had no more intention of telling her he loved her indeed 0.8145238757133484 0.7515539526939392 0.06296992301940918 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1183-133256-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1183-133256-0019.wav it has indorsed monstrous pretensions it has received with favor impious vows as if it were able to fill up a bottomless pit 0.7311643958091736 0.6498270034790039 0.08133739233016968 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/911-128684-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/911-128684-0062.wav on his way southward he subdued many villages 0.7713090181350708 0.6970750689506531 0.07423394918441772 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6880-216547-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6880-216547-0065.wav she asked him how he came and what was his business there he told her all that happened and because she was pleased with him she took compassion on him 0.7371904850006104 0.6238320469856262 0.11335843801498413 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/311-124404-0084.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/311-124404-0084.wav but of extreme views as i heard upon insignificant points and moved by a great dislike to national churches and episcopacy this i say is what i had made out about him from what i had heard 0.6234432458877563 0.562650740146637 0.060792505741119385 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6147-34605-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6147-34605-0010.wav i must take it as i find it can't i stay with my own cousin isabel enquired i'm not aware that lord warburton is your cousin perhaps i had better go to bed the visitor suggested that will arrange it 0.8069895505905151 0.7394427061080933 0.06754684448242188 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/587-41619-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/587-41619-0002.wav with the service of the ship's men leaving unalaska the sun shone clear and cold upon the mountains where in places the sides looked black from the late fires started in the deep tundra by miscreants 0.7680127024650574 0.7174288630485535 0.050583839416503906 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5778-12761-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5778-12761-0025.wav assessor dictated borg no i'm a journalist objected falk that's no good you are registered as assessor and as such you still figure in the directory did you look it up one should be correct in matters of form 0.8438475131988525 0.7861858010292053 0.05766171216964722 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/481-123720-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/481-123720-0023.wav why thus said the second 0.5036488175392151 0.13450732827186584 0.36914148926734924 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/87-121553-0054.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/87-121553-0054.wav calm was now restored to the metropolis and to the populous cities before driven to desperation and we returned to the consideration of distant calamities wondering if the future would bring any alleviation 0.7402026057243347 0.6682568788528442 0.07194572687149048 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/909-131044-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/909-131044-0028.wav and baby boy wast thou so jealous of one little coign of happiness that thou must needs enter there thou o death a perfect life was his 0.8205474615097046 0.7699756026268005 0.05057185888290405 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6531-61334-0064.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6531-61334-0064.wav ti ti and piti piti piti boom flopped the fly and his attention was suddenly carried into another world 0.7614395618438721 0.6955657601356506 0.06587380170822144 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/289-121665-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/289-121665-0033.wav as the sun became warmer and the light of day longer 0.6840229034423828 0.6165168285369873 0.06750607490539551 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3982-178459-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3982-178459-0005.wav had turned and danced about enough they ordered their servants to beat him with sticks to change the course of his ideas others hit the lion that is they gaily stopped a passenger 0.7455502152442932 0.6440376043319702 0.101512610912323 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/83-11691-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/83-11691-0033.wav but she weary of a subject she cared nothing about and eager to identify herself with all his interests asked him about his plans almost at the same time that he said these last words and they went on as lovers do 0.7829796671867371 0.7066212296485901 0.07635843753814697 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2514-149482-0051.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2514-149482-0051.wav it was a rustly day a scarlet and buff yellow and carmine bronze and crimson day there were still many leaves on the oaks and maples making a goodly show of red and brown and gold 0.8560596108436584 0.7990162968635559 0.05704331398010254 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/201-122255-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/201-122255-0015.wav there was one good sized living room with an ancient rag carpet partially covering the floor a sheet iron stove a sofa a table and three or four old fashioned chairs that had probably come from a second hand dealer 0.8233072757720947 0.7469964623451233 0.07631081342697144 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7367-86737-0088.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7367-86737-0088.wav i told her i had not given him the least occasion to think i wanted it 0.7876108288764954 0.7210384011268616 0.06657242774963379 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1098-133695-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1098-133695-0007.wav but we must make a provision for winter or else we shall suffer from hunger said the cat and you little mouse cannot venture everywhere or you will be caught in a trap some day the good advice was followed and a pot of fat was bought but they did not know where to put it 0.8289114832878113 0.767608106136322 0.06130337715148926 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7635-105409-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7635-105409-0014.wav before the morning leopold lay wound in the net of a low fever almost as ill as ever but with this difference that his mind was far less troubled and that even his most restless dreams 0.7440134882926941 0.6708149909973145 0.07319849729537964 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1867-154071-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1867-154071-0004.wav he looked longingly into her face as though he had thought it possible that she also might kiss him then he pressed her hand to his lips and without speaking any further farewell took up his hat and left the room poor fellow 0.6900244951248169 0.5921294689178467 0.09789502620697021 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4830-25898-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4830-25898-0039.wav that the plague was not what is commonly called contagious like the scarlet fever or extinct small pox was proved it was called an epidemic but the grand question 0.8480424880981445 0.7611786127090454 0.08686387538909912 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6818-76332-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6818-76332-0029.wav the men rose to their feet to play the last tricks talking and gesticulating routh won the cabin shook with the young men's cheering and the cards were bundled together they began then to gather in what they had won farley and jimmy were the heaviest losers 0.7207752466201782 0.6386037468910217 0.0821714997291565 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8051-119902-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8051-119902-0014.wav one hardly a young man but who however behaved himself so admirably on this occasion that i will take the liberty of recommending him to your majesty how does he call himself d'artagnan sire 0.8332316875457764 0.7644444108009338 0.06878727674484253 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2989-138035-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2989-138035-0019.wav the contrast was too striking but he alone hyacinth's only help surely she would appreciate his magnanimity also as he had told himself a moment ago 0.7872224450111389 0.7251009941101074 0.062121450901031494 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6000-55211-0054.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6000-55211-0054.wav i didn't suppose there was any one who didn't know those sharp squeaky voices they rather get on my nerves what anybody wants to squeak like that for when they can sing as rosebreast can is more than i can understand 0.8231390118598938 0.7476422786712646 0.07549673318862915 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/27-124992-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/27-124992-0030.wav when from some unknown quarter a single cutting voice arose in this one short mocking comment oh the fairy tale was it amabel who spoke some thought so and looked her way 0.7535076141357422 0.7030952572822571 0.05041235685348511 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-142396-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-142396-0023.wav which contains births marriages and deaths whatever becky's private plan might be by which dobbin's true love was to be crowned with success 0.7296056151390076 0.6177002191543579 0.11190539598464966 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3440-171006-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3440-171006-0007.wav it was an overturned wagon his foot recognized pools of water gullies and paving stones scattered and piled up 0.7998616695404053 0.7241897583007812 0.07567191123962402 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8108-280354-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8108-280354-0013.wav it was disgusting and it seized him by the waist and wrestled with him a summer's day till afternoon but when the afternoon heat came on the dragon said let me go prince that i may moisten my parched head in the lake and may toss you to the sky 0.7830296754837036 0.6618906259536743 0.1211390495300293 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4297-13009-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13009-0001.wav infinitely more than anyone there had expected 0.3860386610031128 0.3079966902732849 0.07804197072982788 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/211-122442-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/211-122442-0048.wav when the princess learnt this she was in great grief alas cried she i can no longer talk with my bird who loved me so 0.6738154888153076 0.6014898419380188 0.07232564687728882 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/311-124404-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/311-124404-0053.wav but he was met by a tap on the mouth from the button of the licentiate's sword that checked him in the midst of his furious onset and made him kiss it as if it were a relic though not as devoutly as relics are and ought to be kissed 0.8228629231452942 0.7692242860794067 0.05363863706588745 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/125-121342-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/125-121342-0024.wav and were black for the lower half the rest being white he had a long whitish tail without any hair on it altogether with his sharp face and naked tail 0.7009631395339966 0.634257435798645 0.06670570373535156 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/405-130894-0051.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/405-130894-0051.wav dull clouds obscured the sun and furnished an illusion of crowding earthward a funereal day the words slipped into his mind he repeated them when your grandfather's buried graham answered softly we'll all feel happier why bobby asked 0.6420423984527588 0.5439749956130981 0.09806740283966064 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6181-216552-0081.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6181-216552-0081.wav in moyne's home up in harlem 0.6676685214042664 0.3714873194694519 0.29618120193481445 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7148-7763-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7148-7763-0015.wav arriving at this moment with a bandbox he had brought from town for marilla haven't you heard said jane wrathfully well its simply this joshua pye has gone and painted the hall blue instead of green a deep brilliant blue 0.8439076542854309 0.7896524667739868 0.05425518751144409 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5678-43302-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5678-43302-0035.wav i think i'm coming out wondering what it all meant coronel waited in silence yes i am coming out coronel said the voice but you mustn't be surprised if i don't look very well 0.7468339204788208 0.6953873038291931 0.051446616649627686 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7302-86815-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7302-86815-0000.wav he had an uncomfortable feeling that the mysterious creatures were secretly laughing at him he may have been quite right in thinking so for he was an odd looking personage with an ungainly figure and long iron gray hair that touched his stooping shoulders 0.833952784538269 0.7766426205635071 0.05731016397476196 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1034-121119-0090.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1034-121119-0090.wav i saw that in another moment she would speak you have come she panted out at last to hear my decision it is too soon the steamer has twenty four hours yet before it can make port 0.7231001853942871 0.6348371505737305 0.08826303482055664 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6078-54013-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6078-54013-0009.wav hissing sounds soon told me that water was being admitted into the ballast tanks the nautilus slowly settled and rested on the icy bottom at a depth of three hundred fifty meters the depth at which the lower shelf of ice lay submerged 0.4415757656097412 0.316694438457489 0.1248813271522522 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4853-27671-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4853-27671-0032.wav the ballads of the nursery follow us from childhood to old age and they are readily brought from memory's recesses at any time to amuse our children or our grandchildren the collection of jingles we know and love as the melodies of mother goose 0.8198196887969971 0.7684031128883362 0.05141657590866089 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3699-175950-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3699-175950-0008.wav oh be easy i have no design upon your count and you shall have him all to yourself but 0.7545287013053894 0.6650252342224121 0.0895034670829773 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2836-5354-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2836-5354-0026.wav and found himself the possessor of the business and some new brushes and a most astonishing sign and outfit he could not believe in his good luck any more easily than the apple woman of ancient lineage could believe in hers 0.8490528464317322 0.7792547345161438 0.06979811191558838 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1963-142776-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1963-142776-0001.wav and she bewailed it as exceedingly unlucky that the ladies should happen to go away just as they were all getting so intimate together after lamenting it however at some length 0.7285260558128357 0.6609132289886475 0.06761282682418823 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8238-283452-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8238-283452-0001.wav together with the circumstance that he had unequivocally refused all offers he was striving for the fatherland 0.6409541964530945 0.5552432537078857 0.08571094274520874 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8797-294123-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8797-294123-0021.wav it is the nature of boys to be cruel i have sometimes doubted whether among each other they do usually suffer much one from the other's cruelty but i suffered horribly 0.8121891021728516 0.7617415189743042 0.05044758319854736 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1447-130551-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1447-130551-0013.wav everything is to be avoided which interferes with the night's sleep 0.6705986261367798 0.6065896153450012 0.06400901079177856 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6531-61334-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6531-61334-0007.wav we should best not talk to him so they made ready the boat in silence eric got into the pilot's seat and they sailed off soon they pulled the ship up on their own shore 0.7938416600227356 0.7346351146697998 0.05920654535293579 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1355-39947-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1355-39947-0045.wav no other girls with the exception of nora had been allowed to read as much of any scene as they two had been requested to read but eleanor had reckoned without her host for there was one girl who had not as yet come to the front 0.7158747315406799 0.6630918979644775 0.05278283357620239 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/125-121124-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/125-121124-0011.wav yes but of course the chance might come again you'd have the thing hanging over you always she's clever you know and i should never feel quite safe if she were my enemy lovely flowers aren't they what's the name of this one 0.8412063717842102 0.7888773083686829 0.052329063415527344 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1594-135914-0096.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1594-135914-0096.wav where the suitor on the moonlit porch attempting to tell his fair one that he dotes on her sees the ghost of her ferocious uncle who isn't dead 0.7923256754875183 0.7202665209770203 0.07205915451049805 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2136-5143-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2136-5143-0007.wav because every earthly sentiment was entirely strange to me and the feeling never left me that i was consecrated to death 0.7968602180480957 0.7376990914344788 0.05916112661361694 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2836-5355-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2836-5355-0044.wav they were conversing together in low tones and gesticulating and pointing toward me their discovery that i had not harmed the little martians and that i was unarmed must have caused them 0.7725672721862793 0.6698203682899475 0.10274690389633179 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4014-186183-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4014-186183-0027.wav then the head and hands were joined on to the body and left neither sign nor scar full of gratitude ameer ali tried to speak to her but she ran into the house and would not come back and he was forced to leave her 0.710695743560791 0.6514352560043335 0.05926048755645752 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2436-2476-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2436-2476-0026.wav and now poyser as satchell is laid up i am intending to let the chase farm to a respectable tenant i'm tired of having a farm on my own hands nothing is made the best of in such cases as you know 0.8451984524726868 0.7915809750556946 0.05361747741699219 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186183-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4014-186183-0015.wav his reserve and easy daring mastered them all and always as now he laughed at the futility of their efforts to sound his purposes to limit his freedom of action bobby didn't care to meet the uncommunicative eyes whose depths he had never been able to explore 0.6948232650756836 0.6117969751358032 0.08302628993988037 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1040-133433-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1040-133433-0008.wav i do not here attempt to estimate critically the validity of these alleged manifestations some of which may certainly be explained by the unconscious muscular action which forms the basis of the phenomena of table turning and thought reading 0.7321895956993103 0.6639687418937683 0.06822085380554199 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2092-145706-0073.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2092-145706-0073.wav beware of the enemy who makes you presents 0.856658935546875 0.7914233207702637 0.06523561477661133 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8095-274348-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8095-274348-0008.wav the goods that come into a man's possession in any period are of many sorts to get some he has destroyed many previously existing goods 0.7965139746665955 0.7226400971412659 0.07387387752532959 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6880-216547-0083.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6880-216547-0083.wav as soon as she dared leave the table she hurried away to her own room but the housemaids were busy in it and she was obliged to come down again she turned into the drawing room for privacy but henry and eleanor had likewise retreated thither 0.7699771523475647 0.6968113780021667 0.07316577434539795 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-148989-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-148989-0037.wav his daughter interfered and stopped him at the critical moment when he was actually offering his arm to conduct me in state across the kitchen cristel had just put her pretty brown hand over his mouth and said oh father do pray be quiet 0.7618555426597595 0.6508024334907532 0.11105310916900635 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6209-34599-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6209-34599-0007.wav detain him on some pretext or other because he is rather difficult to get hold of and i want to see him 0.5702517628669739 0.4297025501728058 0.1405492126941681 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7067-76048-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7067-76048-0049.wav then what do you think saint nicholas did 0.6924090385437012 0.6205744743347168 0.07183456420898438 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/374-180298-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/374-180298-0019.wav after that we kept under cover of the bulwarks and when next i looked out they had disappeared from the spit and the spit itself had almost melted out of sight in the growing distance that was at least the end of that 0.8595383763313293 0.8045347332954407 0.05500364303588867 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1594-135914-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1594-135914-0001.wav they are getting their own men killed and they are using up our ammunition for nothing 0.5358003377914429 0.37458568811416626 0.1612146496772766 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8051-119902-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8051-119902-0011.wav in spring and summer when they can find fresh grasses and young rushes or a few parsnips carrots and turnips from the farmers fields other animals are quite safe in the winter they live mostly on roots 0.7491256594657898 0.6838517785072327 0.06527388095855713 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3235-11599-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3235-11599-0024.wav said they then the dragon seized them in his claws took them through the air over the army and set them down on the earth a long way from it he gave them a little whip saying 0.7812349200248718 0.6913489103317261 0.08988600969314575 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7302-86815-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7302-86815-0031.wav at length leopold opened his eyes 0.6448584198951721 0.50569087266922 0.13916754722595215 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1081-125237-0092.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1081-125237-0092.wav so being vexed to his heart by this he set forth at dawn of day to seek little john at the blue boar or at least to meet the yeoman on the way and ease his heart of what he thought of the matter 0.7141920328140259 0.6470884084701538 0.06710362434387207 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2843-152918-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2843-152918-0005.wav and seemed inclined to turn back but on second thought apparently judged it better to continue his course as before he accosted me with a slight bow and edging close to the wall endeavoured to pass on but i was not so minded 0.6982665657997131 0.6345293521881104 0.06373721361160278 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6848-76049-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6848-76049-0035.wav putting others of a plainer make in their places shook down the window curtains asked us if we would have anything more and quietly disappeared i offered mother the warm water and appropriated the biscuits there were six i ate every one 0.7669898867607117 0.6852124929428101 0.08177739381790161 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3879-174923-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3879-174923-0025.wav and i am told in other parts of england as well and the way of making a marble quarry is to sink a tunnel slanting very steeply down into the earth like a well turned askew till you reach fifty seventy or perhaps one hundred feet deep then 0.5884188413619995 0.34577521681785583 0.24264362454414368 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1737-142396-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-142396-0011.wav very cross and i don't wonder i'm a great trial to her she was terribly mortified about the pudding sauce last week we had a plum pudding for dinner on tuesday and there was half the pudding and a pitcherful of sauce left over 0.7885152697563171 0.7061747312545776 0.0823405385017395 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5456-62014-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5456-62014-0014.wav a few days passed away and catherine though not allowing herself to suspect her friend could not help watching her closely the result of her observations was not agreeable 0.4587194621562958 0.3458740711212158 0.11284539103507996 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2514-149482-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2514-149482-0065.wav then with all three of the devices he called antennae in his hand their leads plugged into the control panel he led the way to the side of the pool 0.7928651571273804 0.7353269457817078 0.05753821134567261 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7800-283493-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7800-283493-0001.wav but the latent dream thoughts which we have solved by means of the dream interpretation are not of this realm they are much more nearly the same as any we may have thought in our waking hours still they are unconscious 0.84366774559021 0.7418342232704163 0.1018335223197937 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2002-139469-0101.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2002-139469-0101.wav you ought to set up a school for young ladies i don't believe i shall be able to get on without my eldest daughter he replied half serious still i think it would be better for you if your real parents have decided to own up to you 0.8798039555549622 0.8038755655288696 0.07592839002609253 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6880-216547-0106.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6880-216547-0106.wav we started off downhill in a south easterly direction the slight idea of the position that we had been able to get in the morning proved correct the descent was easy and smooth and we reached the plain without any adventure 0.8106411695480347 0.7412264943122864 0.06941467523574829 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6836-61803-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6836-61803-0026.wav my good parry said he order a fire drink eat sleep and be happy let us both be happy my faithful friend my only friend we are rich as rich as kings 0.5785301327705383 0.4877375066280365 0.09079262614250183 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/200-124140-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/200-124140-0019.wav i hated everything earthly and was glad to see it all punished and destroyed i felt so alone and so strangely 0.6498752236366272 0.5600974559783936 0.08977776765823364 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/460-172359-0064.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/460-172359-0064.wav their culture myth which he has recorded 0.6368347406387329 0.5323347449302673 0.10449999570846558 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1867-154075-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1867-154075-0025.wav he would wait until he saw the kitchen light from the window of his old home then he would go 0.80007004737854 0.7215061783790588 0.0785638689994812 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8226-274369-0063.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8226-274369-0063.wav to count correctly she thought she had them all but this has been in my pocket for six years perhaps you have seen its like 0.7574299573898315 0.6963695883750916 0.06106036901473999 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4640-19189-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4640-19189-0024.wav below the high snow ridge that forms one side of a very wide but partly filled up crevasse the marks of ski can be seen in the snow this was the photographer who in passing over this snow bridge 0.8341216444969177 0.7799196839332581 0.05420196056365967 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/150-132655-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/150-132655-0018.wav then he calmly resumed his garment and walked back to the stage the side show closed the evening's entertainment a young man was told to think of himself as managing a side show at a circus 0.5888163447380066 0.4583659768104553 0.13045036792755127 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186176-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186176-0036.wav with clearly defined ranks and grades of society all working under an elaborate system of native laws and that in the steadying and civilising arts and pursuits of everyday life they were as well advanced as orderly 0.6194829940795898 0.5196974277496338 0.09978556632995605 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1363-139304-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1363-139304-0038.wav as the taube came within a hundred yards of the ground and righted herself for a landing 0.8320943117141724 0.7755967974662781 0.05649751424789429 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/83-11691-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/83-11691-0020.wav a wooden platform appeared on the right at the bottom of this platform which was a kind of wharf on piles 0.6466886401176453 0.41818714141845703 0.22850149869918823 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1743-142914-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1743-142914-0031.wav the shamed and suddenly lit eyes and then who told you mister deasey sir or where did you get the letter ah now that would be telling 0.7996023297309875 0.7494584918022156 0.05014383792877197 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4397-15666-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4397-15666-0002.wav after the ball we will fly away together on the third day the prince led the mare to the meadow again but once more she vanished before his eyes then the prince took out his little bell and rang it three times 0.7718942165374756 0.7179335951805115 0.05396062135696411 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6437-66173-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6437-66173-0031.wav he asked you can have more if you are not satisfied no i won't 0.817758321762085 0.7444272041320801 0.07333111763000488 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/27-123349-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/27-123349-0004.wav the breezes of february are not warm as the fishwife clad in a low necked gown replied to the spaniard she shivered laughed and coughed here is their dialogue say now what daddy 0.622002124786377 0.5506486892700195 0.07135343551635742 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1263-138246-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1263-138246-0022.wav the editor says that one was a minnow and that the rest were sticklebacks he says that doctor gray's explanation is no doubt right but 0.8412433862686157 0.774905264377594 0.06633812189102173 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3879-174923-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3879-174923-0030.wav i was hatched in the pond beyond the farm house and ate my way from the egg to the water outside like any other frog perhaps i ought to say like any other tadpole for of course i began life as a tadpole 0.8380576372146606 0.7244549989700317 0.1136026382446289 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5339-14134-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5339-14134-0031.wav and that makes him perfect in your eyes said beryl looking savage see here lucy conniston has left the army so you see he is not so brave as you think 0.7076205611228943 0.6552949547767639 0.05232560634613037 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1578-6379-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1578-6379-0007.wav last spring when i was taking out my cub to play it was carried off by some boys and only saved by your goodness the desire to requite this kindness pierced me to the quick at last when calamity attacked your house 0.7451023459434509 0.690858781337738 0.05424356460571289 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4088-158079-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4088-158079-0008.wav for i will give thee such a drubbing as ne'er hast thou had in all thy life before take thy staff in thy hand fellow for i will not smite an unarmed man 0.6290884613990784 0.5773923397064209 0.05169612169265747 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/211-122425-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/211-122425-0013.wav as the sun rose the heat became intolerable the dust in places brought vivid memories of the trip across the plains 0.8472162485122681 0.7739220261573792 0.07329422235488892 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/226-131532-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/226-131532-0025.wav with a look of much respect he immediately rose and being introduced to her by her conscious daughter as mister henry tilney with the embarrassment of real sensibility 0.7585675120353699 0.6918736100196838 0.06669390201568604 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1841-179183-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1841-179183-0016.wav when he was murdered by his servant zimri captain of half his chariots while he was drinking himself drunk in the house of arza steward of his house in tirzah 0.7869822382926941 0.717803418636322 0.06917881965637207 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0068.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2391-145015-0068.wav there can be other than one and the same object a thousand said morley we have already as many parties as in saint stephen's itself you terrify me said sybil i knew we had fearful odds to combat against 0.8126524090766907 0.7339287996292114 0.07872360944747925 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4680-16042-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4680-16042-0019.wav professions to me that i know not how falsehood could have had the power of dressing them up to seem so like truth and the traitor contrived that his tears should vouch for his words and his sighs for his sincerity 0.8413243889808655 0.7538949847221375 0.08742940425872803 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/446-123502-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/446-123502-0009.wav no said caroline sharply miss channing will fix upon me i shall obey lady augusta 0.7411208152770996 0.6776469945907593 0.06347382068634033 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8014-112602-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8014-112602-0013.wav though most of them are comparatively short as their highest sources lie in the icy solitudes of the range within forty or fifty miles of the coast a few however of these foaming roaring streams 0.8277050852775574 0.7719601392745972 0.055744946002960205 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1743-142914-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1743-142914-0010.wav if i had been a philosopher i should have recognized the symptoms of a very common attack of a very widely spread moral malady the meanest of all human infirmities is also the most universal and the name of it is self esteem 0.8066999912261963 0.7492435574531555 0.05745643377304077 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2910-131096-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2910-131096-0028.wav and were enjoying the beauty of the night when will tyrrell presented himself before them good evening he said taking off his hat as he stood at the foot of the steps 0.6589688658714294 0.5822974443435669 0.07667142152786255 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8465-246947-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8465-246947-0027.wav the little peasant there was a certain village wherein no one lived but really rich peasants and just one poor one whom they called the little peasant he had not even so much as a cow and still less money to buy one 0.8167351484298706 0.7520890831947327 0.06464606523513794 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4340-15220-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4340-15220-0039.wav his eyes were startled and his shining black mane seemed to bristle i heard the report of guns and he tumbled in a confused heap he tried to rise but others coming leaped over him and knocked him down some more shots 0.7561150789260864 0.6564281582832336 0.09968692064285278 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/403-216-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/403-216-0020.wav the doctor approached and drawing from the pocket of his robe a little mirror of steel put it to the open mouth of hardquanonne then with his fingers he opened the eyelids they did not close again 0.8214579224586487 0.7660298347473145 0.05542808771133423 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3235-11599-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3235-11599-0009.wav mister dill shut me into his room mister carlyle motioned to barbara to seat herself then resumed his own seat beside his table barbara could not help noticing how different his manners were in his office from his evening manners when he was off duty 0.6420783996582031 0.53528892993927 0.1067894697189331 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5703-47198-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5703-47198-0017.wav blot saw a little kitten mewing pitifully as it sat under the fence what is the matter dear asked kind blot 0.8354599475860596 0.7806949615478516 0.05476498603820801 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1841-159771-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1841-159771-0034.wav and never said a word when timothy cotton stole a crock of butter out of her dairy and told his wife he'd bought it from her missus cotton cast it up to her the next time they met that it tasted of turnips and missus lynde just said she was sorry it had turned out so poorly 0.7602091431617737 0.691466748714447 0.06874239444732666 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/78-369-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/78-369-0025.wav bobby went in with the others automatically through the dim light he catalogued remembered objects all intimate to his grandfather each oddly entangled in his mind with his dislike of the old man the iron bed the chest of drawers 0.557081937789917 0.4043588936328888 0.1527230441570282 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8324-286681-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8324-286681-0001.wav now i was so besotted with fright that i would not budge an inch fearing to fall over if i opened my eyes and elzevir for all he was so strong could not pull a helpless lump backwards up that path 0.6315509080886841 0.5802319049835205 0.051319003105163574 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1898-145724-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1898-145724-0025.wav the captain rasped get out haljan 0.5955682396888733 0.4754244387149811 0.12014380097389221 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3699-47246-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3699-47246-0017.wav the news spread from mouth to mouth until the whole encampment became powerfully agitated the women suspended their labors to catch such syllables as unguardedly fell from the lips of the consulting warriors 0.8512479066848755 0.7975638508796692 0.0536840558052063 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1970-28415-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1970-28415-0027.wav all drunk sir struck in the voice of silver from behind us silver i should say was allowed his entire liberty and in spite of daily rebuffs seemed to regard himself once more as quite a privileged and friendly dependent 0.7624500393867493 0.7100977301597595 0.052352309226989746 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7505-83618-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7505-83618-0011.wav i returned home from a stroll across kensington gardens 0.7903603911399841 0.7309920191764832 0.05936837196350098 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1081-125237-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1081-125237-0053.wav and the sweep of the wind to the north we had a view of thirty miles or more to where horizon and water blended leaving it doubtful whether land was in sight or not as we afterwards ascertained we could see the famous san juan island 0.7776862978935242 0.7169100642204285 0.0607762336730957 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4267-72637-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4267-72637-0025.wav happy to have thy love happy to die 0.6278958916664124 0.5160490870475769 0.11184680461883545 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8419-293469-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8419-293469-0011.wav who is just beginning a new study for decorating china along with her household cares and she is eighty eight also another woman who has taken up a new process of enlarging drawings into water colors 0.8461528420448303 0.7942357063293457 0.05191713571548462 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2159-179157-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2159-179157-0006.wav thereupon the clamour became so furious that it dissipated his apprehensions and he opened the door to doctor borg and levin borg was the first to speak is falk here no 0.8350053429603577 0.7743387222290039 0.06066662073135376 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7278-246956-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7278-246956-0012.wav she had often read of such characters characters which mister allen had been used to call unnatural and overdrawn but here was proof positive of the contrary she had just settled this point when the end of the path brought them directly upon the general 0.8347290754318237 0.7570227384567261 0.07770633697509766 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5750-100289-0072.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5750-100289-0072.wav for two months we had not even been to paris no one came to see us except prudence and julie duprat of whom i have spoken to you 0.8181169629096985 0.7187095284461975 0.09940743446350098 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7402-59171-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7402-59171-0020.wav differentiations brought about by diverse conditions and infusions of other blood but down at the bottom of their being twisted into the fibres of them is a heritage in common a sameness in kind which time has not obliterated 0.7189435958862305 0.6337103843688965 0.08523321151733398 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/839-130898-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/839-130898-0033.wav he wished to be just like him in every way but one he did not want to be a bachelor the other young minks laughed at big brother and asked him if he thought his tail would turn white if he followed the bachelor long enough 0.8172826766967773 0.7636645436286926 0.05361813306808472 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1743-142912-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1743-142912-0006.wav he foresaw enough he'd no right to expect anything but harm and shame to her 0.7188522219657898 0.66193687915802 0.056915342807769775 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5652-39938-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5652-39938-0020.wav there's no pleasure living if you're to be corked up for ever and only dribble your mind out by the sly like a leaky barrel i shan't repent saying what i think 0.7475864291191101 0.6773080825805664 0.0702783465385437 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7302-86815-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7302-86815-0030.wav you smiled so much in fact that he followed you and found that you had come here the only way he could get in was by stealth is that right 0.7990028858184814 0.735854983329773 0.0631479024887085 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2836-5354-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2836-5354-0011.wav still frances could with difficulty withdraw her truant eyes from the countenance of their visitor she was young and of a light and fragile form but of exquisite proportions her eyes were large full black piercing and at times a little wild her hair was luxuriant 0.7436522841453552 0.6552086472511292 0.08844363689422607 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6848-252323-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6848-252323-0039.wav in this son of earth who passes away like a shadow there exists with respect to external things only titles of possession not one title of property why then 0.8002946376800537 0.7392066717147827 0.061087965965270996 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1898-145720-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1898-145720-0017.wav but it was only about an eighth of an inch in thickness for the scalding gas jets were shorn off close to the ground by the oversweeping flood of frosty wind and how lavishly the snow fell only mountaineers may know the crisp crystal flowers 0.7776927947998047 0.6928930878639221 0.08479970693588257 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6272-70171-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6272-70171-0013.wav does his best to be fair to fanny 0.7213994264602661 0.47608137130737305 0.24531805515289307 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6818-68772-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6818-68772-0045.wav these are terrible reports what sir says she affecting to be ignorant of my meaning it is my duty as your pastor said i to tell you both everything that i myself see reprehensible in your conduct 0.8061302304267883 0.720666766166687 0.08546346426010132 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1553-140048-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1553-140048-0032.wav i like to eat in quiet arguing passengers always annoy me there were still three seats vacant at our table i wondered who would occupy them i soon learned the answer for one seat at least rankin said calmly 0.8141340613365173 0.7387254238128662 0.07540863752365112 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6064-56168-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6064-56168-0007.wav well said merriwig remembering just in time i er killed him oh father how rough of you i don't think it hurt him very much my dear 0.83544921875 0.774935245513916 0.060513973236083984 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1502-122619-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1502-122619-0004.wav and made himself master of every city 0.5821681022644043 0.36269521713256836 0.21947288513183594 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5678-43301-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5678-43301-0003.wav chapter twenty seven but we must follow edward for a time on his arrival at paris he was kindly received by king charles who promised to assist his views in joining the army 0.7482626438140869 0.6662192940711975 0.0820433497428894 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/446-123502-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/446-123502-0017.wav of those deep accumulations of mosses leaves and decaying trunks which make so damp and unclearable mass in the coast forests 0.6649428009986877 0.5917766094207764 0.07316619157791138 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/445-123857-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/445-123857-0011.wav when ganem was with you fetnah would have proceeded but the syndic of the jewellers coming in interrupted her madam said he to her i come from seeing a very moving object it is a young man whom a camel driver had just carried to an hospital 0.6710245609283447 0.5961281061172485 0.07489645481109619 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5390-24512-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5390-24512-0021.wav it was just as i thought jim was lazy but he had put the house in the way of saving so much money that i couldn't fire him so i raised his salary and made him an assistant timekeeper and checker 0.894067645072937 0.819939136505127 0.07412850856781006 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1034-121119-0075.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1034-121119-0075.wav presently temperance came in with charles bringing fresh plates as soon as they began their supper veronica asked temperance how the fish tasted is it salt middling how is the bannock excellent 0.8693745732307434 0.8177793025970459 0.05159527063369751 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7178-34644-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7178-34644-0015.wav she meant no harm but she was horrible and she put what i was doing into such horrible words and they were the truth oh i saw myself she was proposing a miserable compact with me 0.799444317817688 0.7223916053771973 0.07705271244049072 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/26-495-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/26-495-0005.wav ah if i could only hold the balancing pole while you were dancing it would be a very different affair but my dear monsieur d'artagnan said the king gravely people dance without balancing poles 0.6123095154762268 0.48651939630508423 0.12579011917114258 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/911-130578-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/911-130578-0010.wav for the old squire's visits to his tenantry were rare and though missus poyser had during the last twelvemonth recited many imaginary speeches meaning even more than met the ear 0.779936671257019 0.6974924206733704 0.08244425058364868 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2843-152918-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2843-152918-0013.wav he stopped his horse to listen 0.5487350225448608 0.47686323523521423 0.0718717873096466 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5393-19219-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5393-19219-0018.wav and forgot her own grief in solacing that of others there were certain good works which the church gave to christian widows to perform the hospitals for instance were entirely in their hands 0.7078593373298645 0.6535759568214417 0.05428338050842285 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1183-128659-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1183-128659-0003.wav some were placed in fresh water these seemed to thrive well as to narrow distribution we are told that the fishes fell in and about the premises of mister nixon it was not observed at the time that any fish fell in any other part of the neighborhood 0.7376756072044373 0.6866472363471985 0.05102837085723877 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/460-172357-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/460-172357-0001.wav well said andrea 0.6993774771690369 0.5602039098739624 0.13917356729507446 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3723-171115-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3723-171115-0024.wav an occasional lapse from candour in the conversation of a person who had raised delicate kindness to an art and whose pride was too high for the narrow ways of deception 0.8415497541427612 0.7861596941947937 0.05539005994796753 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/27-124992-0077.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/27-124992-0077.wav full of flaunting banners full of the march and pageantry of opening war and the feet of the people were beating time tramp tramp he was urged towards the door he obeyed mechanically 0.7626291513442993 0.7044353485107422 0.05819380283355713 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5390-30096-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5390-30096-0010.wav as soon as ever he enter'd upon the odd fifty he generally gave a loud hem 0.800286591053009 0.7494165897369385 0.05087000131607056 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4406-16883-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4406-16883-0046.wav come now to my castle with me and let us live there happily together so they went to the castle where they had both endured so much 0.8744715452194214 0.8012881278991699 0.07318341732025146 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/19-198-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/19-198-0017.wav and then leaning forwards in his chair and looking carefully about the corridors of the club he spoke behind his hand and said and the mayor's the biggest grafter of the lot and what's more he added 0.7834634184837341 0.7005202770233154 0.0829431414604187 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8747-293952-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8747-293952-0050.wav send us a trial order and be convinced that the a p w brand is not only the best but also the most economical toilet paper on the market central drug company chicago or detroit independent drug company chicago auditorium pharmacy company chicago ashland drug company chicago 0.7681692242622375 0.6937853693962097 0.07438385486602783 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/587-54108-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/587-54108-0052.wav lady throckmorton missed him also but she had the solace of her novels and her chocolate which theo had not novels had been delightful at downport when they were read in hourly fear of the tasks that always interfered to prevent any indulgence 0.7337526082992554 0.6768485307693481 0.05690407752990723 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6415-100596-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6415-100596-0017.wav by this time we had drifted into the narrows and we soon found we had something more important to do than to tow a deer 0.7165976166725159 0.515480101108551 0.20111751556396484 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/307-127540-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/307-127540-0002.wav and certainly any separation would only draw me more powerfully to you i bethink me how at our last embrace you vehemently resisting i burst into simultaneous tears and laughter 0.7842198610305786 0.7253987789154053 0.05882108211517334 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/226-131533-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/226-131533-0032.wav it was her own heart sinking with alarm and terror and overflowing with love she opened the door and stepped across the threshold and onto the cold damp earthen floor of the passage the cold she felt refreshed her 0.8442826271057129 0.7770687937736511 0.06721383333206177 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6367-74004-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6367-74004-0001.wav for all the statements it contains full and satisfactory authorities will be found in the two larger works i have done my best to make all three readable and interesting as well as instructive 0.742455780506134 0.6791239380836487 0.06333184242248535 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1116-137572-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1116-137572-0003.wav says the saint that's the way to do business now 0.351371705532074 0.09414839744567871 0.25722330808639526 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7059-88364-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7059-88364-0024.wav he would propose that i should at once accompany him i thought whatever might be the result it must be a satisfaction to gerard at last to see this man of whom he has talked and thought so much and so we are here 0.7625095844268799 0.6871142983436584 0.07539528608322144 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/78-369-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/78-369-0040.wav and in that time a great many things might happen she had indeed failed to say to herself that her american suitor might find some other girl more comfortable to woo because though it was certain many other girls would prove so 0.822177529335022 0.7627781629562378 0.05939936637878418 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3440-171009-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3440-171009-0008.wav but it was a hard life for the educated man they made him carry too heavy a burden without much recompense save honor and respect but we have pretty well passed through that period and the native graduates of our higher institutions 0.8001399040222168 0.7439826130867004 0.05615729093551636 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1040-133433-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1040-133433-0026.wav little did clement think of bells and snow as he taught it in his sunday school there in alexandria but perhaps to day as they pin up the laurels and the palm in the chapel at alexandria 0.6225927472114563 0.530997633934021 0.0915951132774353 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/163-122947-0098.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/163-122947-0098.wav the next morning the poor servant jogged along on his homeward way more sad and downcast than ever and by evening he had come to the robbers den in the thick woods and there the old woman came running to the door to meet him 0.7642964124679565 0.6795268058776855 0.084769606590271 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/196-122152-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/196-122152-0028.wav the boys think the old minister's graftin has all succeeded about as well as that row 0.5493437051773071 0.4223218262195587 0.1270218789577484 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3235-28452-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3235-28452-0027.wav but there are various ways of gaining esteem and roc's method certainly succeeded very well in the case of his literary associate as we have seen the hatred of the spaniards by the buccaneers began very early in the settlement of the west indies 0.8159202337265015 0.7616576552391052 0.05426257848739624 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6476-57446-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6476-57446-0021.wav which capture the natural forces of the world put them into the right place at the right time and make them do the right thing or which group and relate the materials of the world in the right ways 0.7755722999572754 0.7245934009552002 0.050978899002075195 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4813-248638-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4813-248638-0025.wav go out against all the kingdoms of the west 0.6343793869018555 0.5841257572174072 0.05025362968444824 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1183-133256-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1183-133256-0001.wav but pachacama attacked and drove him to the north irritated at his defeat he took with him the rain and consequently to this day the sea coast of peru is largely an arid desert now when we are informed that the south wind 0.7291511297225952 0.6731244325637817 0.05602669715881348 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3168-173564-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3168-173564-0044.wav that you have to say yes or no to a challenge to fight say no if you can only take care you make it plain to yourself why you say no it's a proof of the highest courage if done from true christian motives 0.8180522322654724 0.7337401509284973 0.0843120813369751 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7226-86965-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7226-86965-0010.wav just at the end of this flat ledge farthest from where the bridle path leads down but not a hundred yards from where we stand there is a sheep track leading up the cliff it starts 0.8336891531944275 0.7829674482345581 0.050721704959869385 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-135815-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-135815-0021.wav it was the only chance of seeing her lover before they were separated and she did not hesitate to break the bottle and pour their contents into the basin when the rainbow appeared at once their farewells were full of tenderness 0.6071010231971741 0.4292537569999695 0.1778472661972046 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6181-216552-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6181-216552-0035.wav and then while he knelt down upon the path 0.7178484201431274 0.6334533095359802 0.08439511060714722 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/328-129766-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/328-129766-0005.wav why did you accept me then what else could i do it was sir simon's wish that we should marry and owing to my circumstances i had no choice in the matter during his life i was merely a puppet 0.5849945545196533 0.3979574739933014 0.18703708052635193 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5703-47198-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5703-47198-0040.wav and by this sincere avowal he gave occasion of much triumph to the lutherans this pontiff also whose penetration was not equal to his good intentions was seduced to concur in that league which charles and henry had formed against france 0.8498658537864685 0.7669804692268372 0.08288538455963135 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/125-121124-0075.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/125-121124-0075.wav it had taken barely five years to accomplish an entire metamorphosis of their characters in joe's case even a shorter time was needed he was so ready to go down that it needed but a gentle push to start him and once started 0.7257264256477356 0.6567171216011047 0.06900930404663086 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2843-152918-0096.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2843-152918-0096.wav i do not look upon those years of camp and cabin life as years of hardship to be sure our food was plain as well as our dress our hours of labor were long and the labor itself was frequently severe the pioneers appeared rough and uncouth 0.7776099443435669 0.7036846876144409 0.07392525672912598 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8747-293952-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8747-293952-0036.wav they give it away and who do they give it to why to those as don't want it every time they give it to these professors and to this research and that and do the poor get any of it not a cent and never will i tell you boys continued jeff 0.7722060680389404 0.7192138433456421 0.05299222469329834 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7635-105409-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7635-105409-0037.wav when clouds float by the moon it is as if both clouds and moon and we ourselves shared in the motion in the extraordinary case of amnesia 0.44429782032966614 0.37108996510505676 0.07320785522460938 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1034-121119-0051.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1034-121119-0051.wav to descry the anxiously expected sail had coligny left them to perish or had some new tempest of calamity let loose upon france drowned the memory of their exile 0.8844056725502014 0.8339838981628418 0.05042177438735962 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8770-295463-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8770-295463-0016.wav her dear father leaning back asleep in the railway carriage his blue black hair was grey now and lay thinly over his brows the bones of his face were plainly to be seen 0.751259982585907 0.6214465498924255 0.12981343269348145 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7800-283493-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7800-283493-0003.wav all things hurtful to it this doctrine appeared inexpugnable but it now seemed to me on retrospect that my teachers had occupied themselves 0.8396608233451843 0.7749170064926147 0.06474381685256958 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1867-148436-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1867-148436-0019.wav and wouldst thou have my heart o god of all light i know thou knowest all and it is thou 0.7781829833984375 0.7207815051078796 0.05740147829055786 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5652-19215-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5652-19215-0032.wav beating about the country selling to some stealing from others and travelling like a family man with wife and children in a rickety cart in the rear of troops on the march with an instinct for always attaching himself to the victorious army 0.5563408732414246 0.42165541648864746 0.1346854567527771 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/40-121026-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/40-121026-0027.wav he has fiery red hair and red beard and red face he has business in fohrensee once a week and lives the rest of the time down in the city and he arranges everything down there and then brings the account of gains and losses up to them but it's a good deal more loss than gain 0.8109220266342163 0.7479274272918701 0.06299459934234619 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8063-274115-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8063-274115-0018.wav death struggle with my preserver which was nothing less than my faithful watch thing i cannot bring myself to call so hideous a creature a dog as quickly as possible i gained my feet and backing against the wall i witnessed such a 0.775169312953949 0.7193619608879089 0.05580735206604004 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186183-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4014-186183-0028.wav i may congratulate you on being well and strong where are you living now well sir since i parted from you i have been earning a living as a fortune teller at kanda and have changed my name to kaji sazen 0.7417721748352051 0.6298641562461853 0.11190801858901978 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8238-274553-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8238-274553-0025.wav may i smoke of course but don't spoil the lace curtains dear answered patsy mischievously 0.7755060791969299 0.6928424835205078 0.08266359567642212 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1624-142933-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1624-142933-0032.wav our cows were gone given for provender to save the lives of the oxen during the deep december snow so when we took account of stock we had the baby buck and dandy a tent an ox yoke and chain enough clothing and bedding to keep us comfortable 0.7843731641769409 0.7119432687759399 0.07242989540100098 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1963-142393-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1963-142393-0016.wav though you perhaps might not care for them at all they wanted their houses to be surrounded by water because they thought they were safer when built in that manner and they always insisted that a door leading into a house 0.8192740678787231 0.7566189169883728 0.06265515089035034 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2910-131096-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2910-131096-0052.wav that their children might not be made a prey and their wives carried off and their cities destroyed and their holy things profaned 0.8139137625694275 0.7417146563529968 0.07219910621643066 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5163-18515-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5163-18515-0018.wav chapter four i am by no means sure that if the good people of milby had known the truth about the countess czerlaski they would not have been considerably disappointed to find that it was very far from being as bad as they imagined 0.798717737197876 0.7447990775108337 0.053918659687042236 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3436-172162-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3436-172162-0025.wav here she blushed and lord conniston julius walking towards the bower was also angry with himself as lucy thought he had shown his hand too clearly 0.7460737228393555 0.6499256491661072 0.09614807367324829 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/839-130898-0067.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/839-130898-0067.wav the assyrian sculptures of this period lack the technical skill the delicacy and imagination of sumerian and akkadian art but they are full of energy dignified and massive and strong and lifelike 0.8184470534324646 0.7496781349182129 0.06876891851425171 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/587-41619-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/587-41619-0026.wav and port salut seem to be made for each other as do chateau margaux 0.6586208343505859 0.5933636426925659 0.06525719165802002 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3486-166424-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3486-166424-0056.wav and the pointing finger of minot's light facing nearly south the long ridge of manomet hill in plymouth thirty three miles away stands clear against the sky while twenty six miles away in duxbury one sees the myles standish monument 0.8539977073669434 0.7840123772621155 0.06998533010482788 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3830-12530-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3830-12530-0011.wav to you gentlemen will redound all the glory for it is to your aid and your inspiration that i owe it my purpose in this work is the application of method 0.844261109828949 0.7605276107788086 0.08373349905014038 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6000-86686-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6000-86686-0007.wav of the idolators of the ancient cult of the queen of heaven the crown of judah had been seized by the israelitish queen mother 0.7417853474617004 0.5862394571304321 0.1555458903312683 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1578-140049-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1578-140049-0016.wav in connection with all italian subjects 0.6998248100280762 0.6427910327911377 0.05703377723693848 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7226-86965-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7226-86965-0005.wav when they saw the multitude of them prostrated themselves upon the ground 0.7912311553955078 0.7005187273025513 0.09071242809295654 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1235-135884-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1235-135884-0009.wav if anybody tells you that it's only just to put you off 0.7169857621192932 0.6087542772293091 0.10823148488998413 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/311-124404-0110.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/311-124404-0110.wav who sing and prattle who are like a living perfume who prove the existence of angels in heaven by the purity of virgins on earth 0.7656891942024231 0.7063448429107666 0.059344351291656494 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1970-28415-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1970-28415-0036.wav but always remembered the day when she had been engaged by lady beresford as ladies maid to sir john's wards the pretty miss beresfords the belles of rutlandshire 0.7663992047309875 0.7073004841804504 0.05909872055053711 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6437-66173-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6437-66173-0052.wav gray bearded unkempt but with kind gray eyes deep sunken under shaggy brows stood in the open door he smiled out at them in a friendly way then beckoned with a bony finger 0.7502397298812866 0.6984314322471619 0.051808297634124756 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6531-61334-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6531-61334-0032.wav i'm glad that you're keeping away from the lower classes there's nothing so fatal to man or woman as to form low connexions my father always said that it was one of his strictest principles missus falk picked up the bread crumbs from the tablecloth 0.5230281352996826 0.3865240514278412 0.13650408387184143 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2817-142371-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2817-142371-0012.wav on which i kneel by the shades that wander near me by the deep and eternal grief that i feel i swear and by thee o night and the spirits that preside over thee to pursue the daemon 0.7656481266021729 0.7021504640579224 0.06349766254425049 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/39-121916-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/39-121916-0007.wav the garden and the torrent and all were gone and nothing was left but a naked plain covered over with the bones of those who had come that way before seeking the fruit which the travelling servant had sought it was a long time before the servant found his way back into the world again 0.8409478068351746 0.7905275225639343 0.050420284271240234 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3830-12531-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3830-12531-0021.wav at your request said julius looking at her directly forearmed as she was miss berengaria with the consciousness of bernard's secret flushed through her withered skin 0.7960849404335022 0.7279361486434937 0.06814879179000854 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7367-86737-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7367-86737-0006.wav full of resentment though he was at the bad treatment he had received tromp was too good a patriot to refuse at the end of november the old admiral at the head of one hundred warships put to sea for the purpose of convoying some four hundred fifty merchantmen through the straits 0.7623947858810425 0.6941501498222351 0.06824463605880737 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7190-90543-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7190-90543-0040.wav he came up into the garden and established himself under a burdock and began to practise italian scales the result was that poor old doctor bullfrog instead of being considered as a respectable old bore 0.7588114738464355 0.6703947186470032 0.08841675519943237 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1578-6379-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1578-6379-0041.wav to present in a just light the true history of the race to preserve its records and emulate its distinguishing virtues fourth to promote citizenship and to obtain the rights thereof fifth 0.7395458221435547 0.6168259382247925 0.12271988391876221 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1116-132851-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1116-132851-0005.wav no doubt she thought when the ship stopped and they felt better they would be more disposed to a sentimentality like hers she found her maid who had been one of the most sea sick of those aboard and assisted her ashore 0.7390475869178772 0.6144294738769531 0.12461811304092407 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4640-19188-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4640-19188-0023.wav the old man heard a voice near his door calling out your reverence your reverence as the voice was like that of the badger he jumped up as soon as he heard it and ran to open the door and there sure enough was the badger 0.8089726567268372 0.7510383129119873 0.057934343814849854 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8609-283227-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8609-283227-0003.wav and what was worse often made fun of him with the rest 0.6421594023704529 0.47838494181632996 0.16377446055412292 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124550-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1246-124550-0038.wav that was because he crawled into a clump of ferns and kept very still his sister came and looked at him and said now if you were only a spider it would not be long before you would have six legs again 0.7697261571884155 0.6892111897468567 0.08051496744155884 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3879-173592-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3879-173592-0028.wav at this time there was an interposition by the savage minded lieutenant who was obliged to vent some of his inward dissatisfaction upon his men you boys shut right up 0.8185020089149475 0.7465603947639465 0.07194161415100098 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5192-19397-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5192-19397-0000.wav by comparison to form a judgment between them the parliament while they distributed copies of their own were anxious to suppress all the king's compositions 0.6315970420837402 0.5332428216934204 0.09835422039031982 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8419-286676-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8419-286676-0011.wav and we shall be happy to see you mick and julia if you are not engaged continued the girl and she looked at her friend a pretty demure girl who immediately said but in a somewhat faultering tone oh that we shall 0.8283292055130005 0.7568888664245605 0.07144033908843994 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4214-7146-0067.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4214-7146-0067.wav of the historian and entice him to turn aside and refresh himself from his wayfaring but i trust it will be found that i have always resumed my staff and addressed myself to my weary journey with renovated spirits 0.7665370106697083 0.6665070056915283 0.10003000497817993 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3982-178459-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3982-178459-0002.wav she ran after her for adela had retreated down the bank and made as if she were going to follow the party now adela be good and listen to reason but adela ran off now that's too bad 0.7240653038024902 0.6591939926147461 0.06487131118774414 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/426-122821-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/426-122821-0008.wav his readiness and persuasiveness of speech his industry and his gifts at once of swift insight and orderly thoroughness 0.8001723289489746 0.7331704497337341 0.06700187921524048 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1624-142933-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1624-142933-0034.wav show the diversity of the english humor as associated with apparitions and are entertaining in themselves the canterville ghost by oscar wilde is one of his best short stories 0.7168089151382446 0.6482309103012085 0.06857800483703613 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/374-180299-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/374-180299-0020.wav you have dared to question my right now dare to question my power i have a punishment which you think not of it is terrible this night this very night' this 0.4813173711299896 0.41991478204727173 0.061402589082717896 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2416-152137-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2416-152137-0035.wav but one step to descend and homo in a bound and gwynplaine in a stride were on board the deck was clear and no stir was perceptible the passengers if as was likely there were any were already on board 0.7567416429519653 0.6873483657836914 0.06939327716827393 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/198-129977-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/198-129977-0028.wav was that they had lived and done business under this infernal corruption for thirty or forty years and hadn't noticed it they had been too busy the fact was that their conversation reflected not so much their own original ideas 0.816429615020752 0.7392404675483704 0.07718914747238159 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5652-19215-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5652-19215-0062.wav came of it and all the chicks laughed that made strut mad and he resolved to crow even if he killed himself doing it he gave an angry cluck flapped his wings and tried again alas alas 0.7213637828826904 0.6449068188667297 0.0764569640159607 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/460-172359-0082.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/460-172359-0082.wav such as that of keats or the sensitive plant of shelley but the thing done 0.577015221118927 0.5232861638069153 0.05372905731201172 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/78-368-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/78-368-0037.wav and of administering physic to the late king without acquainting his physicians all these articles appear from comparing the accusation and reply to be either frivolous or false or both 0.8617294430732727 0.8094882965087891 0.05224114656448364 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2391-145015-0062.wav i called kantos kan's name aloud in each new corridor and compartment and finally i was rewarded by hearing a faint response guided by the sound we soon found him helpless in a dark recess 0.8058885931968689 0.7442891597747803 0.06159943342208862 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/669-129061-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/669-129061-0033.wav confessed that he had hidden o koyo at genzaburo's instigation and then killed chokichi who had found out the secret upon this the governor after consulting about genzaburo's case decided that 0.8298240900039673 0.7629244327545166 0.06689965724945068 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1355-39947-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1355-39947-0065.wav said udo nervously then frankly your royal highness looks funny very funny said udo wistfully very funny said coronel his highness sighed 0.8315837383270264 0.757911741733551 0.07367199659347534 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3240-131232-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3240-131232-0035.wav but here are the circumstances of a scoop in the exclusionist imagination there is no regard for mud debris from the bottom of a pond floating vegetation loose things from the shores but a precise picking out of frogs only 0.8035496473312378 0.7329493165016174 0.07060033082962036 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/730-358-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/730-358-0033.wav while the mulatto sat rocking himself his head thrown back his yellow face lifted its shriveled eyelids never fluttering he was born in the far south on the d'arnault plantation where the spirit if not the fact of slavery persisted 0.672522246837616 0.5958463549613953 0.0766758918762207 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3807-4923-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4923-0012.wav red or black or yellow treasure troves for the palaeontologists and for the archaeologists accumulations of centuries cyclones of egypt greece and assyria fishes dried and hard there a short time others there long enough to putrefy 0.8283723592758179 0.7718930840492249 0.05647927522659302 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/60-121082-0072.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/60-121082-0072.wav and dressed in an old stable suit of clothes the peasant 0.7504293322563171 0.680396556854248 0.07003277540206909 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7190-90542-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7190-90542-0015.wav honored by the power which he sought to enlighten without flattering or disgracing it 0.7142805457115173 0.655511200428009 0.0587693452835083 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8797-294123-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8797-294123-0044.wav hollowed out in the centre of paris there the glance fell into an abyss thanks to the broken lanterns thanks to the closed windows there all radiance all life all sound all movement ceased 0.7702871561050415 0.7060255408287048 0.06426161527633667 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-124548-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124548-0046.wav a part of his daily exercise he thrashed me with a big stick that such thrashings should have been possible at a school as a continual part of one's daily life 0.6699463129043579 0.6171844601631165 0.052761852741241455 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1624-168623-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1624-168623-0009.wav of course not my darling what is it what do you think will be the effect he raised himself a little looking out as usual through the darkening windows on to that astonishing view 0.8065787553787231 0.7263369560241699 0.08024179935455322 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6818-68772-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6818-68772-0040.wav in addition to these a race to be great needs some hunger some itch to spur it up the hard path we lately have learned to call evolution the love of toil in the ants and of craft in cats are examples 0.7062934041023254 0.6417034268379211 0.0645899772644043 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7859-102519-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7859-102519-0036.wav we did not know his name nor did we realize that he was selling the meat he handed out only that we wanted some so after all the others had gone we addressed him asking grandpa please give us a little piece of meat 0.8568976521492004 0.7738361358642578 0.08306151628494263 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7859-102518-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7859-102518-0003.wav that they had no right to be in a man's face 0.7249588966369629 0.6682389974594116 0.05671989917755127 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7402-90848-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7402-90848-0039.wav the big one induces plasmoid activity the little one modifies it 0.7973721623420715 0.7341930270195007 0.0631791353225708 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/625-132118-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/625-132118-0007.wav it was a necessity doubtless but what a pity josiana appreciated lord david and showed him off there was between them a tacit agreement neither to conclude nor to break off the engagement they eluded each other this method of making love one step in advance and two back 0.8480347394943237 0.796744704246521 0.051290035247802734 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3242-8112-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3242-8112-0010.wav one of them festooned with wild grape vines and pheasants are fluttering driving one another about and perhaps scenting their murdered brothers he felt his pheasants examined them 0.7902960777282715 0.7388212084770203 0.05147486925125122 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2092-145709-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2092-145709-0016.wav where shall we go to sleep to night under pantin paris have you the key to the gate thenardier pardi 0.8156842589378357 0.7632942199707031 0.05239003896713257 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4853-27670-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4853-27670-0034.wav buckling a strap unmoved who tol ye i were once a sea farin man i guessed it as he appeared indisposed to say more on the subject she asked did you sail with captain wegg partly miss dan's already now 0.8158422112464905 0.7430843710899353 0.07275784015655518 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8609-283227-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8609-283227-0039.wav in this connection it will not be out of place to state that during the time i was hunting for the kansas pacific i always brought into camp the best buffalo heads and turned them over to the company who found a very good use for them they had them mounted in the best possible manner 0.7224262356758118 0.6032924056053162 0.1191338300704956 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5678-43301-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5678-43301-0024.wav but if you were a widow there'd be no danger of either the most remarkable wish was sally bell's she wanted a honeymoon 0.731967031955719 0.6241819858551025 0.10778504610061646 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1183-128659-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1183-128659-0005.wav if pugwash had a watery mouth when he married i guess it's pretty puckery by this time however if she goes to act ugly 0.6981211304664612 0.6099146604537964 0.0882064700126648 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2391-145015-0113.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2391-145015-0113.wav that goes from america to europe 0.5856055617332458 0.5313406586647034 0.05426490306854248 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8014-112602-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8014-112602-0000.wav the fifth man was saved 0.6319777965545654 0.5027253031730652 0.12925249338150024 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3242-8112-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3242-8112-0044.wav and away the bearers went for three days and three nights until they came to a dense wood 0.5863350033760071 0.5207949280738831 0.06554007530212402 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8629-261139-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8629-261139-0009.wav missus herndon was standing behind a desk when we were brought into this office and there were five or six men also in the room 0.7570923566818237 0.6997717618942261 0.057320594787597656 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8629-261139-0066.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8629-261139-0066.wav in the meantime came the parson the miller's wife received him well and said my husband is out so we will have a feast the peasant listened and when he heard them talk about feasting he was vexed that he had been forced to make shift with a slice of bread and cheese 0.8145538568496704 0.71784508228302 0.09670877456665039 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2764-36616-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2764-36616-0038.wav you can start at once but if you wait until to morrow when i can spare the men you can be carried all the way 0.7980898022651672 0.6905999779701233 0.10748982429504395 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6000-86686-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6000-86686-0018.wav that whatsoever the indians told me respecting him was vanity and lies some of them told me he was dead and they had killed him some said he was married again and that the governor wished him to marry and told him he should have his choice 0.7297472357749939 0.6666388511657715 0.06310838460922241 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4830-25898-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4830-25898-0022.wav great wide beautiful wonderful world with the wonderful water round you curled and the wonderful grass upon your breast world you are beautifully drest 0.6994422674179077 0.592305600643158 0.10713666677474976 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5750-100289-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5750-100289-0005.wav and those embroidered jackets over their waists and those caps and horrible pot hooks and long curls it's well that we've got so many pictures for the people at home would never believe our stories without them 0.7925667762756348 0.7288711071014404 0.06369566917419434 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7447-91187-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7447-91187-0045.wav these people will also be surprised they will say lord 0.6999605894088745 0.6379871964454651 0.061973392963409424 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3214-167606-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3214-167606-0036.wav he beheld a wonderful intelligence in her face she was one of those persons whose eyes are full of mystery so that while looking into them 0.7472599744796753 0.6831264495849609 0.06413352489471436 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8238-274553-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8238-274553-0056.wav he thought cynically how completely he was lacking in all human sympathy o henry had found in these people romance pathos love hate amory saw only coarseness physical filth and stupidity he made no self accusations 0.5627046227455139 0.43947646021842957 0.12322816252708435 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7859-102518-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7859-102518-0008.wav yes i think you may take our word for it that it's true i haven't the slightest intention what do you keep clinging to my arm like this for 0.7985450625419617 0.7299108505249023 0.06863421201705933 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3436-172162-0039.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3436-172162-0039.wav which it is said was printed by john worthington and son in the strand london in seventeen twelve under the name of ye melodious rhymes of mother goose but even this story of martha gooch 0.8030257821083069 0.7427024841308594 0.06032329797744751 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-135815-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1246-135815-0006.wav a thousand methods were used to spark its interest or rouse it from its apathy enormous sides of bacon were trailed in our wake to the great satisfaction i must say of assorted sharks 0.7896633744239807 0.6617636680603027 0.12789970636367798 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8630-305212-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8630-305212-0010.wav hoped she was getting on well and said he had two young rascals of his own to send soon esther felt relieved she thought that mister baxter had exaggerated matters a little that plum tree of missus charley's is loaded with fruit again this year 0.8458192944526672 0.7925994992256165 0.05321979522705078 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/307-127540-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/307-127540-0005.wav so we gave them an object lesson we painted out all the signs in this section at our own expense that you might see how much more beautiful your homes are without them 0.7570541501045227 0.649121105670929 0.10793304443359375 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3947-13262-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3947-13262-0038.wav in a man of less high place they might perhaps have been called crimes the dominican giralamo francesco savonarola it was not however without an inward fear against which the praises of his friends availed nothing 0.8197069764137268 0.7574308514595032 0.06227612495422363 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/911-128684-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/911-128684-0006.wav all at the same time and their dear little eyes sparklin like so many stars twinklin of a frosty night well when i last seed him he was all skin and bone like a horse turned out to die he was teetotally defleshed 0.7088074684143066 0.5953969955444336 0.11341047286987305 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6081-42010-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6081-42010-0016.wav i dropped over the side walked cautiously down the road up which but an hour or so before we had struggled so desperately paced farther and farther with an increasing confidence and a growing wonder 0.856648862361908 0.785462498664856 0.071186363697052 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1447-130552-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1447-130552-0012.wav he had found at last that the draughts containing dissolved pearls which the quack doctor leoni di spoleto prescribed for him as if he desired to adapt his remedies rather to the riches of his patient than to his necessities 0.7730966806411743 0.6365323662757874 0.13656431436538696 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7505-258964-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7505-258964-0026.wav i saw as it fell across my baby the shadow of the veil within the veil was he born said i and there within shall he live a negro and a negro's son 0.8677427172660828 0.8092628717422485 0.05847984552383423 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4214-7146-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4214-7146-0005.wav exposing the crown although their concord had only evil as its result 0.6761508584022522 0.6136709451675415 0.06247991323471069 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3526-175658-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3526-175658-0015.wav and god knows i was sorry enough on discovering that i had made it i didn't know myself till long after the condemned man looks up as if in hopes that he has touched a chord of mercy 0.7105616927146912 0.5796893835067749 0.13087230920791626 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3664-11714-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3664-11714-0019.wav i no longer aspire to this sad success why should i not confess it gentlemen i have aspired to your suffrages and sought the title of your pensioner hating all which exists and full of projects for its destruction 0.804773211479187 0.754531979560852 0.05024123191833496 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/460-172359-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/460-172359-0050.wav yes my lord but i wrote him a letter well he read it and received me my lord did that letter thoroughly explain my position and my views oh yes said parry with a sad smile it painted your very thoughts faithfully well then parry 0.7080246210098267 0.6482774615287781 0.059747159481048584 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1926-147979-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1926-147979-0040.wav said they wouldn't give a cent unless joshua got it they had subscribed twelve dollars between them and we thought that was too much to lose although some people think we shouldn't have given in to the pyes missus lynde says they try to run everything 0.8010395169258118 0.7376941442489624 0.06334537267684937 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2952-407-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2952-407-0019.wav you could she looked at him and slowly shook her head bibbs do you her voice was as unsteady as his little more than a whisper do you think i'm 0.8074533939361572 0.7385976314544678 0.06885576248168945 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7059-88364-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7059-88364-0025.wav and now when it came to the turn of any servant he received sixty nine shillings instead of seventy and the cause of the defalcation was explained to him 0.8350640535354614 0.7753192186355591 0.059744834899902344 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8095-274346-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8095-274346-0050.wav what arrest you my most faithful servant yes my lord and notwithstanding you had signed the name parry to all my letters my lord 0.7441006898880005 0.6175492405891418 0.12655144929885864 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4362-15663-0084.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4362-15663-0084.wav he looked like a basket maker making baskets you are quite right planchet he did 0.7711785435676575 0.7074909806251526 0.06368756294250488 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/32-4137-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/32-4137-0019.wav that then accounted for the rumble and smack of balls which i had heard as i passed the door i have been telling maud how detestably she is got up very thoughtful of you monica said my father 0.8468621373176575 0.7777389883995056 0.06912314891815186 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5192-19397-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5192-19397-0008.wav what are the foundations of inequality what is property such gentlemen is the object of the memoir that i offer you to day 0.7496381998062134 0.6708718538284302 0.0787663459777832 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7780-274562-0100.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7780-274562-0100.wav they assemble like bees at the sound of a basin 0.6928740739822388 0.6314226388931274 0.06145143508911133 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1992-141719-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1992-141719-0020.wav his countenance gradually lighting into a smile of pleasure 0.6215686202049255 0.5247438549995422 0.0968247652053833 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/26-495-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/26-495-0041.wav kept from myself during this interval the matter is often subservient to the manner arthur's feelings were played upon also he wept often confiding to me his grief and his plans for the future 0.7995240092277527 0.7383108139038086 0.06121319532394409 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3214-167606-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3214-167606-0014.wav gentlemen i will see the king this evening but as to you i do not advise you to risk doing so this advice was too reasonable and moreover came from a man who knew the king too well to allow the four young men to dispute it 0.8285687565803528 0.7719076871871948 0.05666106939315796 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5393-19219-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5393-19219-0012.wav established the religion of the canaanites and made gods and molten images he was condemned for his idolatry by the prophet ahijah who declared the lord shall smite israel as a reed is shaken in the water 0.845200777053833 0.7883043885231018 0.0568963885307312 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2893-139310-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2893-139310-0015.wav it thanked the princess most heartily for her goodness and said that its sufferings had already been greatly lessened now one of the princess's elder sisters who was very inquisitive 0.8587852716445923 0.7462804913520813 0.11250478029251099 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1841-159771-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1841-159771-0005.wav and also with respect to its moments of desperation on account of nothing suiting us it is in vain to get ourselves up as romantic or classical or christian 0.8364956378936768 0.7531620264053345 0.08333361148834229 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/481-123719-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/481-123719-0012.wav foolish because the object of his quest was not to be found there or elsewhere he could not enter again into the heritage of boyhood and the heart of youth he could not find there the old dreams and hopes that had made life sweet 0.8164316415786743 0.7242895364761353 0.09214210510253906 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2817-142371-0061.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2817-142371-0061.wav knit two together twice 0.49961695075035095 0.36168915033340454 0.1379278004169464 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3947-13262-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3947-13262-0008.wav toward the center of the city was a large plaza and upon this and in the buildings immediately surrounding it were camped some nine or ten hundred creatures of the same breed as my captors 0.7304702401161194 0.6336088180541992 0.09686142206192017 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7148-59157-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7148-59157-0015.wav you're him that never bungled nothing you wooden headed lubber dig away boys said silver with the coolest insolence you'll find some pig nuts and i shouldn't wonder pig nuts repeated merry in a scream mates do you hear that 0.7907715439796448 0.7101753354072571 0.0805962085723877 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5104-33407-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5104-33407-0005.wav but there is no retracing the way i nodded my head bowed on my streaming chest sorry mercer i muttered something got into me those big eyes of hers seemed to tug at threads of memory buried i can't describe it 0.8090345859527588 0.7126526236534119 0.09638196229934692 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6476-57446-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6476-57446-0015.wav and were considered as wild beasts to be killed without mercy wherever caught consequently roc and his men were thrown into a dungeon and condemned to be executed if however the spanish governor had known what was good for himself 0.8504582047462463 0.7895525693893433 0.060905635356903076 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1737-142396-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1737-142396-0019.wav over hundreds of miles of unoccupied prairie land as rich as anything that ever lay out of doors on our way from indiana to oregon in search of land on which to make a home here at what we might call the end of our rope 0.7647312879562378 0.7081845998764038 0.056546688079833984 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7794-295947-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7794-295947-0010.wav singing of love their eyes met 0.6898032426834106 0.5578631162643433 0.13194012641906738 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6437-66173-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6437-66173-0002.wav for the most of them gambling was a necessity for me it was a remedy free of marguerite i should have been free of gambling thus in the midst of all that i preserved a considerable amount of self possession 0.7995783090591431 0.7479556202888489 0.05162268877029419 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2416-152137-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2416-152137-0016.wav motioning her to an armchair to what do i owe the honour of this visit she pulled off her long gloves and let her sealskin cape fall at her feet while i put down my pen and rising stood with my back to the fire 0.7965627908706665 0.6968311667442322 0.09973162412643433 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8975-270782-0066.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8975-270782-0066.wav but the squire preferred walking and in this way they were disposed of soon after breakfast john had it in his mind to get bell to himself for half an hour and hold a conference with her but it either happened that lady julia was too keen in her duties as a hostess 0.7859730124473572 0.7341665625572205 0.05180644989013672 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1502-122619-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1502-122619-0049.wav therefore the genuineness of a fossil human relic of the quaternary period seemed to be incontestably proved and admitted it is true that this theory met with a most obstinate opponent 0.8204418420791626 0.7446779012680054 0.07576394081115723 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6081-41997-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6081-41997-0007.wav he had only come that afternoon to monkshaven and for the sole purpose of seeing sylvia once more before he went to fulfil his engagement as specksioneer in the urania a whaling vessel that was to sail from north shields on thursday morning and this was monday 0.8145295977592468 0.7351736426353455 0.07935595512390137 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1737-146161-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-146161-0006.wav is this like her she asked showing me a drawing how could you have done this because i have tried is it like yes the idea 0.7809154391288757 0.7019898295402527 0.07892560958862305 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7190-90543-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7190-90543-0013.wav heed not what the villain says my good fellow said the duke of shoreditch you have captured him bravely and i will take care your conduct is duly reported to his majesty to the castle with him to the castle 0.5551236271858215 0.4616580009460449 0.09346562623977661 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186179-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186179-0042.wav no shred of responsibility to any organ of the state they are a deadly peril the chief of these men are more powerful to day than any minister nay they do as i have said and it is now notorious make and unmake ministers and they may yet in our worst hour decide the national fate 0.8317031264305115 0.7721861600875854 0.059516966342926025 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1355-39947-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1355-39947-0020.wav feridpoor india february nineteenth eighteen thirty 0.7699613571166992 0.666691780090332 0.10326957702636719 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3374-298025-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3374-298025-0003.wav oh then said annie perhaps he accounts for her playing juliet 0.6608494520187378 0.5565528869628906 0.10429656505584717 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3526-176653-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3526-176653-0053.wav this time she changed the turnip into a magpie flutter from tree to tree chattering bird said she till you come to ratibor my love 0.7251631021499634 0.6169247627258301 0.1082383394241333 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6476-57446-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6476-57446-0056.wav so the bee spread his shining wings and flew away to do as he was bidden but before he was out of sight a greedy swallow made a snatch at him and to the great grief of the princess her messenger was eaten up 0.7624831795692444 0.7016660571098328 0.06081712245941162 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2007-132570-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2007-132570-0024.wav these pictures were very good and when he was large enough to go to school the other children were apt to ask him to make animals and birds for them on the blackboard major whistler soon sent for his family to join him in russia 0.7942931056022644 0.7313756942749023 0.06291741132736206 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1578-140049-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1578-140049-0029.wav there is no one whom i can ask to tell me of him that he did not attend during the last session i do know and we presume that he has now abandoned his seat i fear that his health is bad 0.7257670760154724 0.6603326797485352 0.06543439626693726 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3807-4923-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3807-4923-0050.wav hypnotism makes possible the reshaping of a pathological mind it is a natural thought to use the same power for remodeling perhaps the lazy or the intemperate the careless or the inattentive the dishonest or the criminal mind 0.6125442981719971 0.47271302342414856 0.1398312747478485 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/911-128684-0073.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/911-128684-0073.wav there is none that is more powerful in leading feeble minds astray from the straight path of virtue 0.8377847075462341 0.7759506702423096 0.06183403730392456 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1737-142397-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1737-142397-0036.wav at the same time a flush of excitement and fierceness passed over the face of john mark ronicky doone taken utterly by surprise was at a great disadvantage 0.794226884841919 0.7036852240562439 0.09054166078567505 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5678-43301-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5678-43301-0008.wav as he saw it the coroner gave a grunt of satisfaction there's our tree we stopped the car and scrambled through the thorny bushes that lined the road the ground was hard clay with only burdock and weeds growing on it 0.6350860595703125 0.5208975076675415 0.114188551902771 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8629-261139-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8629-261139-0062.wav such a lucky find has lifted the mortgage from a farm in eastern pennsylvania from which in two or three years has been taken feldspar exceeding in value the agricultural products 0.6132462024688721 0.5504577159881592 0.06278848648071289 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1723-141149-0093.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1723-141149-0093.wav do you know anything of milton miss hale have you seen any of our factories our magnificent warehouses no said margaret i have not seen anything of that description as yet 0.7774983644485474 0.724254310131073 0.053244054317474365 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4214-7146-0051.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4214-7146-0051.wav through all four seasons fairy beauty overwhelms the lumbering grand stand players the tiniest garden is a jewelled pathway of wonder but the californian cannot shout 0.7419033646583557 0.6756740808486938 0.06622928380966187 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6181-216552-0101.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6181-216552-0101.wav i get you i'm to be in disguise but how shall we get the process server off guard leave that to me the two conspirators elaborated their plan built it up revised it 0.7933101058006287 0.7133712768554688 0.07993882894515991 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1970-28415-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1970-28415-0026.wav an we say hold on as longs u kin 0.7244564294815063 0.6509256958961487 0.07353073358535767 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2416-152139-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2416-152139-0016.wav when he was allowed to resume his seat 0.800482451915741 0.6841955780982971 0.11628687381744385 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5456-62043-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5456-62043-0015.wav in respect to a given character on a distinguished actress as such a person was to dress the part to walk to look to speak in every way to express the part so all this was what kate was to do for the character she had undertaken 0.7759671211242676 0.7223659157752991 0.053601205348968506 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8063-274116-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8063-274116-0036.wav like a kind good housekeeper it was still perfectly dark then 0.8170280456542969 0.7471910119056702 0.06983703374862671 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2136-5147-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2136-5147-0019.wav traversing a long low corridor they reached a door at which having waited for a second or two to listen craggs turned the handle and entered the room was very large and lofty and seen in the dim light of a small lamp upon the hearthstone 0.8001784086227417 0.6468820571899414 0.1532963514328003 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6880-216547-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6880-216547-0046.wav with the support of the army of dictatorial powers 0.686552882194519 0.5650493502616882 0.12150353193283081 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6081-42010-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6081-42010-0032.wav i received these from you a month ago she said they came by post and never had the grace to acknowledge them he returned in a sort of mock reproachful tone forty pounds that was the amount was it not i believe so 0.7400643229484558 0.6648697853088379 0.07519453763961792 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/19-227-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/19-227-0014.wav he pitied short necked people then he said pooh i can take bigger mouthfuls than that you ought to see what big mouthfuls i can take she changed and stood on her other leg i saw you dancing this morning she said 0.8329116702079773 0.7778139710426331 0.05509769916534424 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6367-74004-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6367-74004-0013.wav they said therefore to each other what can we do here let us go home when they got home the cook asked if they had not found them so they said no they had found nothing but a church and there was a chandelier in it and the cook scolded them and said 0.745136022567749 0.6610230803489685 0.08411294221878052 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3240-131231-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3240-131231-0065.wav i must own that from the first moment he saw me he perhaps designed to devote himself to me and conceived hopes of engaging me to admit his love i guessed at this by the eagerness which he shewed in entertaining me 0.8265551924705505 0.7735241055488586 0.053031086921691895 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7367-86737-0079.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7367-86737-0079.wav we shall have to do away with jesus quietly someone said yes the others agreed we can't wait till the day of the passover if we should do anything to him on that day there would be a riot 0.8520026206970215 0.8010167479515076 0.050985872745513916 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1502-122619-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1502-122619-0003.wav of a series of gratifications is a regular series of consumption goods but many things existing which could be used to secure a gratification are not in fact treated as consumption goods 0.5868843197822571 0.5122039914131165 0.07468032836914062 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3436-172162-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3436-172162-0027.wav we certainly did not think that you would come out strong against the church 0.778508722782135 0.7161047458648682 0.062403976917266846 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2893-139310-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2893-139310-0053.wav in latitude forty seven degrees 0.7077270150184631 0.6511240601539612 0.05660295486450195 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1926-143879-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1926-143879-0024.wav making him resolve to write oftener to her that she might be comforted with a knowledge of his whereabouts and welfare these evenings were sometimes varied by recitations from an elocutionist on board 0.744169294834137 0.6667087078094482 0.07746058702468872 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/302-123523-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/302-123523-0000.wav who had lived in the marsh longer than the rest hard to tell i know it always gives me a good appetite though then all the muskrats laughed they were a jolly good natured company and easy to get along with 0.7906001210212708 0.7342721223831177 0.056327998638153076 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3807-4923-0057.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3807-4923-0057.wav from this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents your mother will never see you again if you do not marry mister collins and i will never see you again if you do 0.8600067496299744 0.8064019680023193 0.05360478162765503 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6209-34600-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6209-34600-0021.wav upon this conviction she would not be surprised if even in henry and eleanor tilney some slight imperfection might hereafter appear 0.8103445768356323 0.7474235892295837 0.06292098760604858 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7226-86965-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7226-86965-0007.wav is an offering at a shrine the true things it contains however make it worth reading 0.8073272705078125 0.7291997671127319 0.07812750339508057 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8108-280354-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8108-280354-0012.wav then i found a fellow who wanted to build in that neighborhood sold him the lot cheap and got out of the creche industry 0.7649751901626587 0.7135230302810669 0.0514521598815918 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5789-57195-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5789-57195-0020.wav never had the crew of an american naval craft shown more patience and zeal 0.7344079613685608 0.6823801398277283 0.05202782154083252 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5778-12761-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5778-12761-0018.wav there was real romance and adventure rum runners seeking out their hidden port with their cargo of contraband from cuba heading fearlessly through the darkness fighting the high seas still running after the storm of a day or so before 0.5109310150146484 0.4310290813446045 0.07990193367004395 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5688-41232-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5688-41232-0035.wav i can possess by several titles i can become proprietor by only one 0.7529500722885132 0.6931477189064026 0.059802353382110596 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186176-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186176-0006.wav before the world had dubbed your ambition insolence had held your ideals unattainable and taught you to cringe and bow 0.7047343850135803 0.6412298679351807 0.06350451707839966 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4297-13006-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4297-13006-0037.wav i said mother tried in vain to look hard hearted and to persuade that it was good for me but she lost her appetite with the thought of losing me which the mention of doctor price brought home 0.7481059432029724 0.6798983812332153 0.06820756196975708 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4195-17507-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4195-17507-0009.wav and i far more ignorant and blind by the web of mine own weaving sit alone winding words and muttering if still he be and he be there and there be a there 0.7392869591712952 0.6619833111763 0.07730364799499512 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7178-34644-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7178-34644-0010.wav where we abode almost a fortnight here one asked me to make a shirt for her papoose for which she gave me a mess of broth which was thickened with meal made of the bark of a tree and to make it the better 0.8556420207023621 0.8012005686759949 0.05444145202636719 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4680-16042-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4680-16042-0027.wav a silver web has the moon spun a silver web upon all the sky where the frail stars quiver every one like tangled gnats that hum and die 0.6711553335189819 0.6020395755767822 0.06911575794219971 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/198-126831-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/198-126831-0020.wav while i wearied myself with watching for one 0.6818891167640686 0.6027180552482605 0.0791710615158081 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5750-35690-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5750-35690-0011.wav to social uses and there was that in her expression and attitude 0.5898206233978271 0.4271109104156494 0.16270971298217773 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2817-142371-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2817-142371-0062.wav that nasmyth was no fool replied michel 0.5869504809379578 0.48381537199020386 0.1031351089477539 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4195-17507-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4195-17507-0027.wav these reductions of the dose were made a week apart and sometimes only two days the worst time of all was a cut from four injections of a fourth of a grain each to four of one eighth of a grain each which was about january tenth 0.7712366580963135 0.6713104844093323 0.0999261736869812 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/403-126855-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/403-126855-0019.wav it seemed as if there wasn't anything to eat anywhere except at the farm buildings which farmer green had stuffed full of hay and grain during the summer and autumn many of the forest folk stole down from blue mountain after nightfall 0.8183833360671997 0.7445740103721619 0.07380932569503784 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5163-39921-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5163-39921-0003.wav the proprietor was always at the choice of publishing matter which did not affect him and saving his fortune or refusing it and jeopardizing his fortune he chose the former course in the second place there was an even more serious development advertisement 0.8102487325668335 0.7571895718574524 0.053059160709381104 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4137-11701-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4137-11701-0024.wav two beat measure and three beat measure a compound measure is as its name implies one made up by combining two or more simple measures or by the elaboration of a single measure in slow tempo 0.8090632557868958 0.7483115792274475 0.06075167655944824 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6272-70168-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6272-70168-0019.wav earthen floor and a stage behind the charming steeple style made popular by sir christopher wren and now multiplied in countless graceful examples all over new england 0.8325635194778442 0.7566766142845154 0.07588690519332886 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4195-17507-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4195-17507-0007.wav two thousand meters high we arrived there on may twenty eighth and the nautilus 0.582994282245636 0.49586230516433716 0.08713197708129883 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/909-131044-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/909-131044-0004.wav its eyes were lovely so dark and soft and liquid but its mouth was not pretty and i declined one of the damp kisses which it was ready to dispense at word of command 0.7852583527565002 0.6992068886756897 0.08605146408081055 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8747-293952-0095.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8747-293952-0095.wav ah you want to get yourselves killed so do i i who am speaking to you 0.7139345407485962 0.6236324906349182 0.09030205011367798 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/426-122821-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/426-122821-0024.wav where kate ferris's name had been changed her mind again patty asked pleasantly she's left college priscilla snapped and don't you ever mention her name to me again patty sighed sympathetically and remarked to the room in general 0.8055410981178284 0.7513939142227173 0.054147183895111084 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7278-246956-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7278-246956-0024.wav and the shop itself has a large square window out of proportion to its little flat face painted on the panes of the window is the remains of a legend that once spelt barber shop executed with the flourishes that prevailed in the golden age of sign painting in mariposa 0.8402553796768188 0.7103503346443176 0.12990504503250122 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6078-54007-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6078-54007-0030.wav of the island of grenada on september fifth seventeen eighty one under the count de grasse it took part in the battle of chesapeake bay in seventeen ninety four 0.6260043978691101 0.4855991303920746 0.14040526747703552 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3983-5371-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3983-5371-0030.wav i hope you will be satisfied with what i have done i am not romantic you know i never was i ask only a comfortable home and considering mister collins's character 0.8597899079322815 0.8094685673713684 0.050321340560913086 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/426-122819-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/426-122819-0015.wav while her face bore piteous traces of the life experience concentrated in the twenty four hours that new terrible life lying on the other side of the deed which fulfills a criminal desire i will bear any penance 0.6699396371841431 0.562982439994812 0.10695719718933105 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/118-47824-0054.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/118-47824-0054.wav they looked so much like the surrounding pebbles that he never would have seen them in the world but for missus teeter peter hastily backed away a few steps missus teeter slipped back on the eggs and settled herself comfortably 0.8286947011947632 0.771056056022644 0.05763864517211914 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1069-133709-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1069-133709-0032.wav harmodius and aristogiton brutus chereas stephanus cromwell charlotte corday sand have all had their moment of agony when it was too late 0.804553747177124 0.734682023525238 0.06987172365188599 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3879-174923-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3879-174923-0022.wav and sharing her house which was near by 0.6338411569595337 0.5574958324432373 0.07634532451629639 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8088-284756-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8088-284756-0014.wav are we a going to waste a hostage no not us 0.6672174334526062 0.5741031169891357 0.09311431646347046 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2817-142371-0065.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2817-142371-0065.wav he sees men and women too frequently in the refracting shallows of theories he is a doctrinaire and his characters are often comic statements of his doctrines rather than the reflections of men and women 0.7361565232276917 0.6642608642578125 0.07189565896987915 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7635-105409-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7635-105409-0002.wav and rushing to the state prison at the head of a few friends broke it open and liberated some hundreds of political prisoners a mob joined him he seized the cathedral of saint sophia 0.7987513542175293 0.7304306030273438 0.06832075119018555 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4406-16883-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4406-16883-0017.wav nor anything else could seem of importance to natasha the count returned and lay down behind the partition the countess went up to her daughter and touched her head with the back of her hand as she was wont to do when natasha was ill 0.6581954956054688 0.5679441094398499 0.0902513861656189 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1553-140047-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1553-140047-0017.wav and short exclamations of sorrowing wonder declared her to be receiving unpleasant news and henry earnestly watching her through the whole letter saw plainly that it ended no better than it began he was prevented however 0.8612834811210632 0.8052225112915039 0.056060969829559326 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1992-141719-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1992-141719-0027.wav jane wilson thinks your visits to the old hall but another proof of her depravity confound jane wilson and eliza millward is quite grieved about you i hope she is 0.8233283758163452 0.7247902154922485 0.09853816032409668 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4160-11550-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4160-11550-0020.wav it was cresty the great crested flycatcher he was a wee bit bigger than scrapper the kingbird yet not quite so big as welcome robin and more slender 0.7707926034927368 0.7193890810012817 0.05140352249145508 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8238-283452-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8238-283452-0031.wav was empty but i leaped and struck a solid body crouching in the doorway a giant man 0.7860281467437744 0.691323459148407 0.09470468759536743 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1363-139304-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1363-139304-0022.wav pushed it aside entered 0.7130253911018372 0.6619052290916443 0.05112016201019287 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4340-15220-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4340-15220-0048.wav the woman's face became visible the old man recognized his child and carlini recognized the old man i expected thee said the bandit to rita's father 0.548696756362915 0.4983885586261749 0.05030819773674011 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1363-135842-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1363-135842-0041.wav excited by contest and persecution on the one hand by success and applause on the other many of the reformers carried to the greatest extremities their opposition to the church of rome 0.7600218057632446 0.6888323426246643 0.07118946313858032 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5867-48852-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5867-48852-0021.wav after a pause bechamel went back to the dining room they heard a chair creak under him interlude of conversational eyebrows i'm going up said stephen to break the melancholy news to him bechamel looked up from a week old newspaper 0.6262510418891907 0.5304527282714844 0.0957983136177063 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/250-142276-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/250-142276-0056.wav nor was i greatly astonished at the nature of his decision in the widest and noblest sense he was a poet he comprehended moreover the true character the august aims 0.834743320941925 0.7590268850326538 0.07571643590927124 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4014-186179-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4014-186179-0028.wav in the hour of peril judah sought the aid of the king of damascus 0.6533514857292175 0.5291919112205505 0.12415957450866699 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4853-29413-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4853-29413-0017.wav perfectly does he talk with difficulty but he can speak 0.6061697006225586 0.5348045825958252 0.0713651180267334 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1081-125237-0045.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1081-125237-0045.wav do you think he'll ever tell you who alice is i asked i have a notion who alice is already said the mysterious creature but she would tell us nothing more when the jelly cookies were all eaten it was high time to be moving homeward 0.5604984760284424 0.5034118294715881 0.05708664655685425 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/839-130898-0063.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/839-130898-0063.wav to make use of such an expression what did you say 0.7094569802284241 0.5807339549064636 0.12872302532196045 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7278-104730-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7278-104730-0036.wav what is most to the credit of human nature such feelings ought to be investigated that they may know themselves 0.7650222778320312 0.6670765280723572 0.09794574975967407 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5808-48608-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5808-48608-0029.wav and sighing for a place which they were destined never more to possess a third ill effect of the exclusion would be 0.8424367308616638 0.7739793658256531 0.06845736503601074 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4340-15220-0094.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4340-15220-0094.wav whether he had studied the topography of the neighborhood i cannot say but he did not hesitate in his direction until he reached a high knoll which was clear of the wood and commanded a considerable view we were trespassers in a private park 0.7516175508499146 0.6689836382865906 0.08263391256332397 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3235-28452-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3235-28452-0012.wav so the calm broad silvery river winds along in great bends and sweeps until it and the lover's fantasy cradled upon it like the swan pass away into the distance and lose themselves in the immeasurable 0.7109199166297913 0.643944501876831 0.0669754147529602 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6064-56168-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6064-56168-0008.wav now it was not long after this that antony was come back from parthia 0.8161991238594055 0.7438469529151917 0.07235217094421387 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4088-158077-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0010.wav and vanished in its depths before her frightened playmates could seize her by so much as a lock of her floating golden hair loudly did they weep and wail running about the brink of the pool which looked so shallow and so clear 0.7115613222122192 0.6240125894546509 0.08754873275756836 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3242-8112-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3242-8112-0032.wav she'd better go home now but the path had a snake like charm for her and still she stood following it as far down as she could with her eyes down it went 0.8028205037117004 0.7316532135009766 0.07116729021072388 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3857-182315-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3857-182315-0031.wav ralph went on more gravely i think it very good for you to have means isabel looked at him with serious eyes i wonder whether you know what's good for me or whether you care if i know depend upon it i care 0.6018229722976685 0.530376136302948 0.07144683599472046 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7226-86965-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7226-86965-0022.wav and that touches you no they asked no guarantee just send the money whether by express order or by bank draft or cheque they left that entirely to oneself as a matter between cuban gentlemen and they were quite frank about their enterprise 0.8743889331817627 0.8180949687957764 0.05629396438598633 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8770-295463-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8770-295463-0018.wav so there they stayed the whole night through they often heard the king's men searching and talking in the jungle round about but they were quite safe for no one knew of that hiding place but chee chee not even the other monkeys 0.7345548868179321 0.6821461915969849 0.052408695220947266 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5339-14134-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5339-14134-0016.wav were brought to act on a few strings commanding often three octaves 0.7626894116401672 0.6560308933258057 0.10665851831436157 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7517-100442-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7517-100442-0000.wav for a week or more they stayed in his woods sometimes in a secret cave of his when they knew that thorgest was about 0.8610638976097107 0.7935891151428223 0.06747478246688843 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2843-152918-0052.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2843-152918-0052.wav i say that the big daily papers have now not only those other qualities dangerous to the state which i have described but that they have become essentially official that is insincere and corrupt in their interested support of that plutocratic complex which in the decay of aristocracy governs england 0.799357533454895 0.7395383715629578 0.059819161891937256 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/911-128684-0082.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/911-128684-0082.wav the miller would have liked much to know the fifth but the little peasant said first we will quickly eat the four things for the fifth is something bad so they ate and after that they bargained how much the miller was to give for the fifth prophecy 0.7107285857200623 0.6458262205123901 0.06490236520767212 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1363-135842-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1363-135842-0011.wav one of the old men say that the land of souls lay to the south and so filled with new hope and courage he set his face southwards for many many miles the country looked the same as it did round his own home 0.6130704283714294 0.54437255859375 0.06869786977767944 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/250-142276-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/250-142276-0033.wav as best man he could not refuse the new suit franz insisted on ordering for him and a cheque from home about that time made him feel like a millionaire and a happy one for this was accompanied by such kind letters full of delight in his success 0.7923421263694763 0.7300693392753601 0.06227278709411621 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7278-91083-0007.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7278-91083-0007.wav from a mere piano specialist liszt once said chopin was the only pianist he ever knew that could play the violin on the piano if he could do so it was because he had harkened to the voice of the violin 0.7758733034133911 0.6653370261192322 0.11053627729415894 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8838-298546-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8838-298546-0032.wav and laughed inwardly as he remembered the figure of rafferty bringing in the knight's shoes he had gone some half mile upon his way before he ventured to stand still and tell himself that he had failed in the great object of his life yes 0.8489582538604736 0.7825906872749329 0.06636756658554077 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4441-76263-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4441-76263-0011.wav missus ludlow sacrificed as i say to paris yet had doubts and wonderments not allayed at that altar and after her husband had joined her found further chagrin in his failure to throw himself into these speculations 0.6684681177139282 0.6157915592193604 0.05267655849456787 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5561-39621-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5561-39621-0005.wav and i was not a little glad that i had anything that they would accept of and be pleased with when we were at this place my master's maid came home she had been gone three weeks into the narragansett country to fetch corn 0.8100196123123169 0.7524594664573669 0.05756014585494995 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1970-10594-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1970-10594-0012.wav stormy weather compelled him to send the convoy with an escort into shelter but he himself with sixty ships set out to seek the english fleet which lay in the downs after some manoeuvring the two fleets met on december tenth off dungeness 0.6839469075202942 0.631483793258667 0.0524631142616272 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/374-180298-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/374-180298-0001.wav every day luigi led his flock to graze on the road that leads from palestrina to borgo every day at nine o'clock in the morning the priest and the boy sat down on a bank by the wayside 0.7528836727142334 0.6526544094085693 0.10022926330566406 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3259-158083-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3259-158083-0021.wav but no currants this evening i beg you yes to be a grocer is to live well but after all it is not to see life a grocer 0.8523876667022705 0.7751883864402771 0.07719928026199341 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/458-126294-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/458-126294-0018.wav but he could not always control it and was a kind hearted boy he is innocent i am sure how are you sure my dear lucy asked a third voice and she looked up to see julius standing in the doorway 0.8071147799491882 0.7418889403343201 0.06522583961486816 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5390-24512-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5390-24512-0004.wav what did he die of for the answer was heart and in it the devil rose and showed the onlooker the really only true and artistic way to develop the action in this situation so dramatic in its possibilities 0.7912225127220154 0.7379471659660339 0.053275346755981445 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8063-274115-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8063-274115-0030.wav the wicked chippewas cheated my squaw 0.7021535038948059 0.6264618635177612 0.07569164037704468 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5463-39173-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/5463-39173-0003.wav all combination with other towns being unavailing from their great distance our situation was no ordinary one had there been some mysterious robbers among us the chances of a visit divided among so many 0.5811070799827576 0.5246114730834961 0.056495606899261475 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3699-175950-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3699-175950-0023.wav the man with the cup as his heart quieted he began to think more coherently first he had not been able to find the strong jaws's den 0.8179783821105957 0.7643458843231201 0.053632497787475586 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/60-121082-0075.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/60-121082-0075.wav the most extraordinary traits of ferocious daring and brutality were related of him one day he carried off a young girl the daughter of a surveyor of frosinone the bandit's laws are positive a young girl belongs first to him who carries her off 0.8591989874839783 0.7572619915008545 0.10193699598312378 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4088-158077-0071.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0071.wav he was the guest of honor at the commercial club banquet at the minniemashie house an occasion for menus printed in gold but injudiciously proof read for free cigars soft damp slabs of lake superior whitefish served as fillet of sole 0.7255436778068542 0.6422117948532104 0.0833318829536438 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/125-121342-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/125-121342-0037.wav and with whom i saw you walking about yesterday all of them they are all dead i tell you there is something rotten about them i was married sure my wife was dead before she married me 0.8087869882583618 0.7435197830200195 0.06526720523834229 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2436-2481-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2436-2481-0020.wav it is not the nature of life to believe itself weak there is such a thing as race egotism as well as creature egotism and a very good thing it is in the first place the western world will not permit the rise of the yellow peril 0.76738440990448 0.7098304629325867 0.05755394697189331 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7190-90542-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7190-90542-0008.wav i'd kill you like a snake stranger which i mostly think you are so step light and step quick when i talk certainly said the other bowing i am entirely at your service he turned a little to ruth 0.5703068971633911 0.48812150955200195 0.08218538761138916 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1898-145724-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1898-145724-0036.wav he certainly would not have remarked it 0.44057586789131165 0.3678808808326721 0.07269498705863953 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6529-62554-0031.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6529-62554-0031.wav that means of course that only through intelligent effort can they serve yeast bread 0.7399882078170776 0.6423538327217102 0.09763437509536743 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4397-15678-0038.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4397-15678-0038.wav also is not created by physical power but by the spiritual reality the honor and greatness of christ is not due to the fact that he did not have a human father but to his perfections bounties and divine glory 0.7762309312820435 0.7167321443557739 0.05949878692626953 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/441-130108-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/441-130108-0010.wav that inhabit strata beyond the reach of our soundings and which some development or other an urge or a whim if you prefer can bring to the upper level of the ocean for long intervals if on the other hand we do know every living species 0.8718956708908081 0.7920934557914734 0.07980221509933472 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2002-139469-0087.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2002-139469-0087.wav and so artlessly impressed by the appearance of every thing in so superior a style to what she had been used to that she must have good sense and deserve encouragement encouragement should be given 0.8625372648239136 0.8086503744125366 0.05388689041137695 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3983-5331-0006.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3983-5331-0006.wav they pushed me through a door then i lost my balance and fell against the iron bed missus cosu struck the wall then they threw in two mats and two dirty blankets 0.8431658744812012 0.7797163724899292 0.06344950199127197 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4014-186183-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4014-186183-0001.wav she was of a light olive green color with a smooth glossy hide her name as i afterward learned was sola and she belonged to the retinue of tars tarkas she conducted me to a spacious chamber 0.6551710963249207 0.6040064096450806 0.05116468667984009 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3723-171115-0043.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/3723-171115-0043.wav cirques and branch canyons along the tops and sides of the walls the indians have a tradition that the river used to run through a tunnel under the united fronts of the two large tributary glaciers mentioned above 0.8212973475456238 0.7582110166549683 0.06308633089065552 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1246-124550-0027.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124550-0027.wav every way but the right way look up over your head cried the voice rather a harsh voice 0.6209087371826172 0.5322182178497314 0.08869051933288574 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8580-287364-0011.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8580-287364-0011.wav go uncas and the open hand are now strangers it is enough 0.7448753118515015 0.6621817946434021 0.08269351720809937 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/460-172359-0062.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/460-172359-0062.wav the unfaithful governor being flayed the city of damdamusa was set on fire then tela was attacked ashur natsir pal's own account of the operations runs as follows 0.8264273405075073 0.7705069780349731 0.05592036247253418 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1970-10594-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1970-10594-0005.wav you seem to be in a hurry so don't let me detain you peter said cresty before peter could find his tongue i just want to ask one little favor of you what is it asked peter who 0.7857062220573425 0.7294182181358337 0.05628800392150879 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7178-34644-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7178-34644-0037.wav khadijah then engaged him as the manager of her business and he served her well and faithfully she thought a great deal of him 0.8272932171821594 0.7665643692016602 0.06072884798049927 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2911-7601-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2911-7601-0015.wav and looking with savage distrust at everyone my schoolfellows met me with spiteful and merciless jibes because i was not like any of them but i could not endure their taunts 0.8252977132797241 0.770657479763031 0.054640233516693115 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2416-152139-0069.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2416-152139-0069.wav in a wild and excited manner he also related that his brother one day whilst returning to pick up some dead birds which he had left on the coast observed some feathers blown by the wind his brother said york imitating his manner what that 0.7280822992324829 0.6693210601806641 0.05876123905181885 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7505-83618-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7505-83618-0008.wav when they were to come up as near as they pleased and witness the chase we were fortunate in the first run in getting good ground comstock was mounted on one of his favorite horses while i rode old brigham i felt confident that i had the advantage of comstock in two things 0.8573006391525269 0.8038198947906494 0.05348074436187744 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4214-7146-0009.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4214-7146-0009.wav may god drown me here he answered 0.661170482635498 0.49869081377983093 0.16247966885566711 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4195-186236-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4195-186236-0014.wav she wants you to go to her at cheltenham for a month oh mister morton would you like to go how should i not like to go lady ushant is my dearest dearest friend it is so very good of her to think of me 0.816680371761322 0.7526383996009827 0.06404197216033936 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4788-94904-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4788-94904-0037.wav he has just been talking to me too said john as i came through the squire's garden and what has he been saying to you said missus dale oh i don't know not much 0.8189994096755981 0.762426495552063 0.056572914123535156 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6563-285357-0041.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6563-285357-0041.wav i wish i was rawdon replied if it wasn't for little rawdon i'd have cut my throat this morning and that damned villain's too 0.7962130904197693 0.7335594296455383 0.06265366077423096 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5393-19218-0055.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5393-19218-0055.wav but a furious madness had possessed the people and they refused to yield josephus pleaded in vain he was not a christian but he could see plainly enough that god was no longer with his people 0.7455790042877197 0.640666663646698 0.10491234064102173 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/211-122425-0071.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/211-122425-0071.wav was commented on most favorably at home 0.5749291777610779 0.4683954417705536 0.10653373599052429 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4362-15663-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4362-15663-0026.wav but civil you can speak and shall george merry you may lay to that 0.8135038018226624 0.7251971960067749 0.08830660581588745 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6064-300880-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6064-300880-0005.wav this wretched boy is more than hungry he is mad it is not appetite it is ferocity he is carried away by a rabid virus perhaps he has the plague have you the plague you thief 0.7807172536849976 0.7173805236816406 0.06333673000335693 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/441-128982-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/441-128982-0030.wav i've been talking of this sort of thing with my friend doctor martineau and i've been thinking as well as talking that perhaps is why i'm so clear and positive i don't complain that you are clear and positive i've been coming along the same way 0.7988269329071045 0.7481265068054199 0.05070042610168457 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1447-130552-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1447-130552-0026.wav and finds a fair margin of profit in shoving it there's a chance for everything you have learned from latin to poetry in the packing business though we don't use much poetry here except in our street car ads 0.7669839859008789 0.6703247427940369 0.09665924310684204 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3436-172171-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3436-172171-0012.wav and i was running forward feeling confident that i must be close on our men when i saw the body of a sergeant blocking the trail and stretched at full length across it 0.838282585144043 0.7866058945655823 0.05167669057846069 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/200-126784-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/200-126784-0036.wav rather exceeding the average proportions as well as height of women her features were regular and handsome and her form was perfect but it was by her manner and her voice that she conquered rather than by her beauty 0.8036226630210876 0.7467544078826904 0.05686825513839722 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5703-47198-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/5703-47198-0004.wav and sent three of us there one after the other at the age of seven my father at this time was a chancery barrister practising in london 0.8423345685005188 0.7838234305381775 0.05851113796234131 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8630-305212-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8630-305212-0020.wav he said i have within the last few months contracted the bad habit of thinking of my own and then i cannot help drawing up an egotistical parallel in my mind that is the reason that by the side of my misfortunes 0.6355178952217102 0.5737702250480652 0.06174767017364502 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8630-305212-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8630-305212-0008.wav so i did not fail to let my new friend know that i expected a supply from thence and so indeed i did and as the ships went from bristol to york river in virginia and back again generally in less time from london 0.8585707545280457 0.7904207110404968 0.06815004348754883 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6078-54013-0000.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6078-54013-0000.wav but she did not betray herself perhaps he may she said and then gave the pony a little touch with her whip oh lucy i won't have puck beaten he was going very nicely i beg puck's pardon 0.6964641213417053 0.626977264881134 0.06948685646057129 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1040-133433-0050.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1040-133433-0050.wav at all events turn back who may i will never see greece again unless i carry with me the golden fleece we will none of us turn back cried his nine and forty brave comrades 0.6668991446495056 0.5988951921463013 0.06800395250320435 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6000-55211-0025.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/6000-55211-0025.wav the view from the back holds even more intimate attraction here is the old old garden and although the ephemeral blossoms of the present springtime shine brightly forth the box full twenty feet high speaks of another epoch 0.8176823854446411 0.7641696333885193 0.053512752056121826 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2691-156750-0005.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2691-156750-0005.wav i know he told me in that calm tone the most dreadful outlook couldn't change it's one more danger but i don't know any way of warding it off our sole chance for salvation 0.8521563410758972 0.7981336712837219 0.05402266979217529 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7402-90848-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7402-90848-0040.wav oh that calm 0.5102328062057495 0.29125353693962097 0.21897926926612854 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1578-6379-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1578-6379-0013.wav but i think in them all is an underlying unconscious hope i think that not one in all the world has more than a shadowy notion of what hopelessness means perhaps utter hopelessness is the outer darkness 0.6451385021209717 0.573097825050354 0.07204067707061768 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8630-305212-0028.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8630-305212-0028.wav or miss thorpe's admission of them that gives the pain 0.8518251776695251 0.7755931615829468 0.07623201608657837 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8975-270782-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8975-270782-0048.wav no need of that came the reply because i'd be willing to start after that moose alone and follow him for a week if i thought i could get a fair crack at him in the end then it's a go bluff 0.6879085302352905 0.6367610692977905 0.0511474609375 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/831-130746-0053.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/831-130746-0053.wav she uttered some words in a loud voice and the youth joined her who also expressed surprise i observed with pleasure that he did not go to the forest that day but spent it in repairing the cottage and cultivating the garden 0.7992650270462036 0.7375000715255737 0.06176495552062988 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8051-118101-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/8051-118101-0029.wav though i think i grieved him much by my idleness but in passion he knew not what he did and he has knocked me down with the great folio bible which he always used 0.8488945960998535 0.7518331408500671 0.09706145524978638 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/248-130652-0036.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/248-130652-0036.wav hardquanonne was apprehended and seized as being one of the band of comprachicos or cheylas he is imprisoned in the dungeon of chatham it was in switzerland near the lake of geneva 0.7973797917366028 0.7173418402671814 0.08003795146942139 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8609-283227-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8609-283227-0056.wav but then you know we are not stupid of course not replied the mud turtle 0.7555873394012451 0.6969324946403503 0.058654844760894775 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2416-152137-0026.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2416-152137-0026.wav take everything so to heart said pierre and began laying out his cards for patience although that patience did come out pierre did not join the army but remained in deserted moscow ever in the same state of agitation 0.749485194683075 0.6948668360710144 0.05461835861206055 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1455-134435-0058.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1455-134435-0058.wav had asserted themselves and extended their sphere of influence the state of urartu was of growing importance and the nairi tribes had spread round the south eastern shores of lake van 0.7879482507705688 0.7296417951583862 0.05830645561218262 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2182-181183-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2182-181183-0004.wav and we passed on now sears 0.6526323556900024 0.5609463453292847 0.09168601036071777 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4195-17507-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4195-17507-0022.wav that's a likely story i can show you the tracks 0.6554796695709229 0.5768226981163025 0.07865697145462036 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7264-92310-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7264-92310-0017.wav has just termed it fetishism 0.653032124042511 0.5687163472175598 0.08431577682495117 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/32-21631-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/32-21631-0018.wav donkeys and chickens i bet that we shall find chickens a hundred dollars we shall find none said nicholl done my captain replied ardan clasping nicholl's hand but by the bye 0.7862447500228882 0.7139211893081665 0.07232356071472168 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/328-129766-0061.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/328-129766-0061.wav give the knave a cup of ale and let him wash down his foul words in a health to the king wishing him a speedy divorce and a new queen 0.8157512545585632 0.7556818127632141 0.06006944179534912 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/229-130880-0091.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/229-130880-0091.wav yes sir a natural barometer that didn't let me down when i navigated the narrows of the strait of magellan just then its peak appeared before us standing out distinctly against the background of the skies this forecast fair weather 0.8271772861480713 0.7640944123268127 0.06308287382125854 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5049-25947-0044.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5049-25947-0044.wav he does not hide away his chickens and his eggs nor any other commodity he possesses he proceeds at once to offer them for sale nor is he to be bullied into lowering his price 0.6770681738853455 0.5886613130569458 0.08840686082839966 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4362-15663-0020.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/4362-15663-0020.wav as she did at first as well as i taking it as i fancied he would as something forward of her but when he saw me give such an answer he came immediately to himself again the next morning we talked of it again when i found he was fully satisfied 0.826747715473175 0.75864177942276 0.06810593605041504 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8838-298546-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8838-298546-0001.wav your mother insists upon your accepting it is it not so missus bennet yes or i will never see her again an unhappy alternative is before you elizabeth 0.8607522249221802 0.7863368988037109 0.07441532611846924 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/200-126784-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/200-126784-0029.wav hence what is called the social bond some say social contract which is the same thing the word contract 0.8114817142486572 0.7560727596282959 0.05540895462036133 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2764-36617-0033.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2764-36617-0033.wav but i did have some pleasure in proposing it to him because i thought that it would please you it does please me and i won't be cross any more and the duchess of 0.7841046452522278 0.7239598631858826 0.060144782066345215 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1963-142776-0014.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1963-142776-0014.wav gladly will i do so answered perceval so they went together to arthur and saluted him 0.5998495817184448 0.4502289891242981 0.14962059259414673 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3830-12535-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3830-12535-0012.wav has done good work as field secretary among the indians for a number of years i should add that there are many ministers of my race who have no college degree nor much education in the english language yet who are among our most able and influential leaders 0.8457003235816956 0.7950438857078552 0.05065643787384033 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7859-102518-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7859-102518-0010.wav what's the matter with an old man makeup and the front door just this friend murphy on watch hauls out his little paper and on the chance of its being me slaps the wrist of anybody who appears on those steps 0.8177445530891418 0.7602983713150024 0.057446181774139404 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6415-100596-0022.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/6415-100596-0022.wav and there was a fumbling at the handle but the bolt was out of order 0.8172081708908081 0.7030726671218872 0.1141355037689209 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2952-410-0048.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2952-410-0048.wav because it was felt on all sides that sir orlando could not join the new composite party without high place and the same grace was shown in regard to lord drummond who remained at the colonies keeping the office to which he had been lately transferred under mister daubeny 0.8490598797798157 0.7953774333000183 0.05368244647979736 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3374-298032-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/3374-298032-0002.wav and the age of acorns have displaced our hard won civilisation 0.7780345678329468 0.6873964071273804 0.0906381607055664 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8312-279791-0042.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8312-279791-0042.wav yet being very ill both in my head and in my stomach i was not without apprehension that i really was infected but in about three days i grew better the third night i rested well 0.859992265701294 0.8044082522392273 0.05558401346206665 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4788-94904-0021.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4788-94904-0021.wav very soon he noticed with wonder that neither rocks nor trees barred his path he passed through them without knowing it for indeed they were not rocks and trees at all but only the souls of them for this was the land of shadows 0.6448348164558411 0.5525848269462585 0.09224998950958252 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5463-39174-0001.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/5463-39174-0001.wav yet seem'd it winter still and you away as with your shadow i with these did play 0.574529230594635 0.5079600214958191 0.06656920909881592 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7113-86041-0070.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7113-86041-0070.wav and all had been weeping and woe though they were beginning now to pick up their smiles again and this was the reason why the king of that country had died and no one was left behind him but the queen 0.8142012357711792 0.7619659304618835 0.052235305309295654 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2159-179157-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2159-179157-0030.wav not even a twenty four hour breather was granted to commander farragut his provisions were loaded on board his coal bunkers were overflowing not a crewman was missing from his post to cast off he needed only to fire and stoke his furnaces half a day's delay would have been unforgivable 0.7972884774208069 0.692997395992279 0.10429108142852783 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7794-295947-0012.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7794-295947-0012.wav the wing was bleeding a little oh dear whatever shall i do peter rabbit 0.6828736066818237 0.5977968573570251 0.08507674932479858 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8108-274318-0040.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8108-274318-0040.wav jerry grinned and ducked towards the door good bye jerry said beryl kindly don't forget me if i do may i be oh no kind lady i mean ma'am i won't swear 0.8008404970169067 0.747244119644165 0.0535963773727417 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/831-130746-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/831-130746-0030.wav the most luxurious were often the first to part with their indulgencies as is common in communities a fashion was set the high born ladies of the country would have deemed themselves disgraced 0.8218603730201721 0.7552608847618103 0.06659948825836182 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/1116-132847-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1116-132847-0023.wav but little altered except having grown taller and more rounded and perfect in her figure and her court dress displayed proportions which her humble costume at the new forest had concealed or which time had not matured 0.758533775806427 0.6904074549674988 0.06812632083892822 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4340-15220-0070.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4340-15220-0070.wav mabel nodded what was written on it mabel asked grace curiously mabel looked distressed for a moment then she said 0.7333627939224243 0.6309053897857666 0.10245740413665771 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3723-171631-0056.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3723-171631-0056.wav true they were bigoted in a degree which indicated feebleness of intellect but that wounded no man in particular while to many it recommended them true their charity was narrow and exclusive but to those of their own religious body it expanded munificently 0.8251211047172546 0.7406265139579773 0.08449459075927734 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/4406-16882-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4406-16882-0030.wav repenting when it was too late persuaded however that the badger must have been killed he passed his time in putting up prayers upon prayers for it after three years had gone by one night 0.8907182812690735 0.8311673998832703 0.05955088138580322 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7859-102521-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/7859-102521-0015.wav folks tak their rooms a month in advance they come here for the fishin on the loch 0.7928036451339722 0.73944091796875 0.05336272716522217 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/2092-145706-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2092-145706-0019.wav the field has been plowed the dragon's teeth have been sown broadcast and harrowed into the soil 0.5541113018989563 0.4464032053947449 0.10770809650421143 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6081-42010-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6081-42010-0002.wav two months after the receipt of this letter the academy in its debate of august twenty fourth replied to the address of its pensioner by a note the text of which i give below 0.8053119778633118 0.748647928237915 0.05666404962539673 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6078-54007-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6078-54007-0034.wav one house would pride itself on its ham another on its game pie and a third on its superior furmity or tansey pudding beer and home made wines especially mead were more largely consumed vegetables were less plentiful and less various 0.7468124032020569 0.6899958252906799 0.05681657791137695 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2514-149482-0064.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2514-149482-0064.wav that i have notes upon two other falls of tiny toads in eighteen eighty three one in france and one in tahiti also of fish in scotland but in the phenomenon of the apennines the mixture seems to me to be typical of the products of a whirlwind 0.8289245367050171 0.7390807867050171 0.08984375 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8629-261140-0003.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8629-261140-0003.wav and i have lost all and the set look returned in its full force 0.7832546234130859 0.7132413983345032 0.07001322507858276 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2289-152254-0015.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2289-152254-0015.wav just within the edge of the green forest he caught sight of something which for the time being put all thought of farmer brown's boy out of his head fluttering on the ground was a bird than whom not even glory the cardinal was more beautiful 0.83953458070755 0.7583049535751343 0.08122962713241577 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/2007-149877-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/2007-149877-0013.wav he was apt to ascribe them in a great measure to his own indolence and facility the queen and the ladies of the court further stimulated his passion and represented that 0.8063216209411621 0.7560367584228516 0.05028486251831055 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7278-91083-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/7278-91083-0002.wav for the fourth or fifth time that day because the dog ate it passed unobtrusively down the lane of laurels and into a glimmering plantation of evergreens behind 0.5848336219787598 0.4671217203140259 0.11771190166473389 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/2817-142380-0034.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/2817-142380-0034.wav to the governor of the bank please pay to my order from the fund deposited by me the sum of a million and charge the same to my account baron danglars 0.7992473840713501 0.719285786151886 0.07996159791946411 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/3112-9554-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3112-9554-0018.wav above the water and he soon crawled up beside mister crow well i am glad to see you he told mister crow peter mink caught a monstrous eel in the duck pond on monday mister crow said 0.8288509249687195 0.7677866220474243 0.061064302921295166 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/26-496-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/26-496-0019.wav your personality to make it magnetic your smile to give courage and comfort your presence to have it healing helping inspiring if there be any virtue in whatsoever things are lovely 0.5584228038787842 0.435749888420105 0.1226729154586792 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7402-90848-0046.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/7402-90848-0046.wav i didn't say anything when she had gone i cried like a silly boy pretty soon i had a chance to sell the house and i sent that money to her wash williams and george willard 0.7577776908874512 0.687960684299469 0.06981700658798218 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/78-369-0017.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/78-369-0017.wav pat you've forgotten more than any human being ever knew and i vow paddy would lick his chops with delight but to be called a sweet cat oh sara sara 0.7872557640075684 0.7129538655281067 0.07430189847946167 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4088-158077-0057.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/4088-158077-0057.wav that ellison thought to find and found an exemption from the ordinary cares of humanity 0.7625879049301147 0.6953092217445374 0.06727868318557739 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/8797-294123-0035.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8797-294123-0035.wav the same on which i was now looking in the distance every now and then he made me sit down to rest 0.8463243842124939 0.7881518602371216 0.058172523975372314 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6415-111615-0018.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6415-111615-0018.wav an angel came and showed the way to my son 0.6854562163352966 0.5843619704246521 0.10109424591064453 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1970-28415-0019.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1970-28415-0019.wav perhaps the easiest way out of the difficulty is to admit that both may be true 0.7932417392730713 0.7176902294158936 0.07555150985717773 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6064-300880-0030.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/6064-300880-0030.wav no more patagonia he roared no more tierra del fuego he paused certainly he replied to some question but not patagonia he paused again 0.776302695274353 0.6776829361915588 0.09861975908279419 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/1116-137572-0037.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1116-137572-0037.wav and said that we should sleep at her house that night and see our sisters in the morning she also gave us permission to cook our pieces of liver over her bed of live coals frances offered to cook them all on her stick but 0.7331239581108093 0.6623764634132385 0.0707474946975708 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/7059-77897-0013.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/7059-77897-0013.wav even a significance to my dissipation in fact completely answered the purpose of an appetising sauce there was a certain depth of meaning in it and i could hardly have resigned myself to the simple vulgar direct debauchery of a clerk 0.8109339475631714 0.7409001588821411 0.07003378868103027 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/307-127535-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/307-127535-0023.wav if we were to hide ourselves in that no one could find us the army cannot come into it and to morrow it is to march on they crept into the corn but the army did not march on but remained encamped close around them 0.782993733882904 0.7250844240188599 0.05790930986404419 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8770-295465-0024.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/8770-295465-0024.wav a messiah fairer than the children of men fulfilled in that day when he appeared in garments so white as no fuller on earth could white them 0.8556162118911743 0.7970187067985535 0.05859750509262085 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1040-133433-0060.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/1040-133433-0060.wav when the climate is little better than that prevailing in the eastern and central portions of the united states and perhaps one suffers more in italy than in america owing to the general lack of means to keep warm on cold days the italian 0.6256410479545593 0.5344845056533813 0.09115654230117798 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/831-130746-0023.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/831-130746-0023.wav but you shall see her again as soon as you are in a condition to bear the interview you now stand in need of rest and nothing ought to obstruct your taking it the situation of your affairs is altered since you are as i suppose that ganem 0.8358395099639893 0.7696553468704224 0.0661841630935669 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/5/6181-216552-0054.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/6181-216552-0054.wav big things are going to be done in the country 0.7441723942756653 0.6719993352890015 0.07217305898666382 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/83-11691-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/83-11691-0029.wav and waken to the morning a morning when men ask of the workman not is he white but can he work when men ask artists not are they black but do they know 0.8085259199142456 0.7551498413085938 0.053376078605651855 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/696-93314-0004.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/696-93314-0004.wav i am in despair said planchet to hear such a word as even well 0.7018947005271912 0.6246590614318848 0.0772356390953064 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/1246-124548-0016.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/1246-124548-0016.wav moronto was my brother and eliseo from val di pado came to me my wife and from that place thy surname was derived i followed afterward the emperor conrad and he begirt me of his chivalry so much i pleased him with my noble deeds 0.6888473629951477 0.6318888068199158 0.056958556175231934 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/8014-112602-0029.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/8014-112602-0029.wav called his communion the scarlet whore and gave to rome the appellation of babylon expressions which however applied were to be found in scripture and which were better calculated to operate on the multitude than the most solid arguments 0.7507595419883728 0.6865862607955933 0.06417328119277954 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/39-121916-0002.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/39-121916-0002.wav dressing jacket and nightcap the valet's sleepy frightened exclamation 0.7187333703041077 0.6489248275756836 0.06980854272842407 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/5104-33407-0010.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/1/5104-33407-0010.wav mantelish brought it back to maccadon with him 0.6866735219955444 0.5546721816062927 0.1320013403892517 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/4088-158077-0032.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/4088-158077-0032.wav so the king called the two soldiers who were on guard outside and put the question to them but whilst the dispute was going on the king and queen had got so excited and talked so loud that the guards had heard nearly all they said and one man observed to the other 0.7063971757888794 0.6535627245903015 0.05283445119857788 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/163-121908-0008.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/4/163-121908-0008.wav still great as was this omnipotence a murmur arose 0.7991562485694885 0.6903365254402161 0.10881972312927246 /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/3/3168-173565-0049.wav /home/limingze/F5-TTS/src/f5_tts/infer_out/libritts_dpo/2/3168-173565-0049.wav the man's face showed the alarm he felt oh don't worry said mister jenks quickly we're not going to toss you overboard 0.8265756368637085 0.7648404836654663 0.06173515319824219