lengocduc195's picture
This script contains an example how to extend an existent sentence embedding model to new languages.
Given a (monolingual) teacher model you would like to extend to new languages, which is specified in the teacher_model_name
variable. We train a multilingual student model to imitate the teacher model (variable student_model_name)
on multiple languages.
For training, you need parallel sentence data (machine translation training data). You need tab-seperated files (.tsv)
with the first column a sentence in a language understood by the teacher model, e.g. English,
and the further columns contain the according translations for languages you want to extend to.
This scripts downloads automatically the TED2020 corpus: https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers/blob/master/docs/datasets/TED2020.md
This corpus contains transcripts from
TED and TEDx talks, translated to 100+ languages. For other parallel data, see get_parallel_data_[].py scripts
Further information can be found in our paper:
Making Monolingual Sentence Embeddings Multilingual using Knowledge Distillation
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, LoggingHandler, models, evaluation, losses
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from sentence_transformers.datasets import ParallelSentencesDataset
from datetime import datetime
import os
import logging
import sentence_transformers.util
import csv
import gzip
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
import zipfile
import io
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
teacher_model_name = 'paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v2' #Our monolingual teacher model, we want to convert to multiple languages
student_model_name = 'xlm-roberta-base' #Multilingual base model we use to imitate the teacher model
max_seq_length = 128 #Student model max. lengths for inputs (number of word pieces)
train_batch_size = 64 #Batch size for training
inference_batch_size = 64 #Batch size at inference
max_sentences_per_language = 500000 #Maximum number of parallel sentences for training
train_max_sentence_length = 250 #Maximum length (characters) for parallel training sentences
num_epochs = 5 #Train for x epochs
num_warmup_steps = 10000 #Warumup steps
num_evaluation_steps = 1000 #Evaluate performance after every xxxx steps
dev_sentences = 1000 #Number of parallel sentences to be used for development
# Define the language codes you would like to extend the model to
source_languages = set(['en']) # Our teacher model accepts English (en) sentences
target_languages = set(['de', 'es', 'it', 'fr', 'ar', 'tr']) # We want to extend the model to these new languages. For language codes, see the header of the train file
output_path = "output/make-multilingual-"+"-".join(sorted(list(source_languages))+sorted(list(target_languages)))+"-"+datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
# This function downloads a corpus if it does not exist
def download_corpora(filepaths):
if not isinstance(filepaths, list):
filepaths = [filepaths]
for filepath in filepaths:
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
print(filepath, "does not exists. Try to download from server")
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
url = "https://sbert.net/datasets/" + filename
sentence_transformers.util.http_get(url, filepath)
# Here we define train train and dev corpora
train_corpus = "datasets/ted2020.tsv.gz" # Transcripts of TED talks, crawled 2020
sts_corpus = "datasets/STS2017-extended.zip" # Extended STS2017 dataset for more languages
parallel_sentences_folder = "parallel-sentences/"
# Check if the file exists. If not, they are downloaded
download_corpora([train_corpus, sts_corpus])
# Create parallel files for the selected language combinations
os.makedirs(parallel_sentences_folder, exist_ok=True)
train_files = []
dev_files = []
files_to_create = []
for source_lang in source_languages:
for target_lang in target_languages:
output_filename_train = os.path.join(parallel_sentences_folder, "TED2020-{}-{}-train.tsv.gz".format(source_lang, target_lang))
output_filename_dev = os.path.join(parallel_sentences_folder, "TED2020-{}-{}-dev.tsv.gz".format(source_lang, target_lang))
if not os.path.exists(output_filename_train) or not os.path.exists(output_filename_dev):
files_to_create.append({'src_lang': source_lang, 'trg_lang': target_lang,
'fTrain': gzip.open(output_filename_train, 'wt', encoding='utf8'),
'fDev': gzip.open(output_filename_dev, 'wt', encoding='utf8'),
'devCount': 0
if len(files_to_create) > 0:
print("Parallel sentences files {} do not exist. Create these files now".format(", ".join(map(lambda x: x['src_lang']+"-"+x['trg_lang'], files_to_create))))
with gzip.open(train_corpus, 'rt', encoding='utf8') as fIn:
reader = csv.DictReader(fIn, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
for line in tqdm(reader, desc="Sentences"):
for outfile in files_to_create:
src_text = line[outfile['src_lang']].strip()
trg_text = line[outfile['trg_lang']].strip()
if src_text != "" and trg_text != "":
if outfile['devCount'] < dev_sentences:
outfile['devCount'] += 1
fOut = outfile['fDev']
fOut = outfile['fTrain']
fOut.write("{}\t{}\n".format(src_text, trg_text))
for outfile in files_to_create:
######## Start the extension of the teacher model to multiple languages ########
logger.info("Load teacher model")
teacher_model = SentenceTransformer(teacher_model_name)
logger.info("Create student model from scratch")
word_embedding_model = models.Transformer(student_model_name, max_seq_length=max_seq_length)
# Apply mean pooling to get one fixed sized sentence vector
pooling_model = models.Pooling(word_embedding_model.get_word_embedding_dimension())
student_model = SentenceTransformer(modules=[word_embedding_model, pooling_model])
###### Read Parallel Sentences Dataset ######
train_data = ParallelSentencesDataset(student_model=student_model, teacher_model=teacher_model, batch_size=inference_batch_size, use_embedding_cache=True)
for train_file in train_files:
train_data.load_data(train_file, max_sentences=max_sentences_per_language, max_sentence_length=train_max_sentence_length)
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_data, shuffle=True, batch_size=train_batch_size)
train_loss = losses.MSELoss(model=student_model)
#### Evaluate cross-lingual performance on different tasks #####
evaluators = [] #evaluators has a list of different evaluator classes we call periodically
for dev_file in dev_files:
logger.info("Create evaluator for " + dev_file)
src_sentences = []
trg_sentences = []
with gzip.open(dev_file, 'rt', encoding='utf8') as fIn:
for line in fIn:
splits = line.strip().split('\t')
if splits[0] != "" and splits[1] != "":
#Mean Squared Error (MSE) measures the (euclidean) distance between teacher and student embeddings
dev_mse = evaluation.MSEEvaluator(src_sentences, trg_sentences, name=os.path.basename(dev_file), teacher_model=teacher_model, batch_size=inference_batch_size)
# TranslationEvaluator computes the embeddings for all parallel sentences. It then check if the embedding of source[i] is the closest to target[i] out of all available target sentences
dev_trans_acc = evaluation.TranslationEvaluator(src_sentences, trg_sentences, name=os.path.basename(dev_file),batch_size=inference_batch_size)
##### Read cross-lingual Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) data ####
all_languages = list(set(list(source_languages)+list(target_languages)))
sts_data = {}
#Open the ZIP File of STS2017-extended.zip and check for which language combinations we have STS data
with zipfile.ZipFile(sts_corpus) as zip:
filelist = zip.namelist()
sts_files = []
for i in range(len(all_languages)):
for j in range(i, len(all_languages)):
lang1 = all_languages[i]
lang2 = all_languages[j]
filepath = 'STS2017-extended/STS.{}-{}.txt'.format(lang1, lang2)
if filepath not in filelist:
lang1, lang2 = lang2, lang1
filepath = 'STS2017-extended/STS.{}-{}.txt'.format(lang1, lang2)
if filepath in filelist:
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
sts_data[filename] = {'sentences1': [], 'sentences2': [], 'scores': []}
fIn = zip.open(filepath)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(fIn, 'utf8'):
sent1, sent2, score = line.strip().split("\t")
score = float(score)
for filename, data in sts_data.items():
test_evaluator = evaluation.EmbeddingSimilarityEvaluator(data['sentences1'], data['sentences2'], data['scores'], batch_size=inference_batch_size, name=filename, show_progress_bar=False)
# Train the model
student_model.fit(train_objectives=[(train_dataloader, train_loss)],
evaluator=evaluation.SequentialEvaluator(evaluators, main_score_function=lambda scores: np.mean(scores)),
optimizer_params= {'lr': 2e-5, 'eps': 1e-6, 'correct_bias': False}