kcppt / Qwen2VL.kcppt
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the image and work with the summary, in Llava mode the image is added directly.\nA1111 Interrogation mode will work better when there are multiple images at once and when the position of the image is important.", "gamestarted": true, "prompt": "", "memory": "", "authorsnote": "", "anotetemplate": "[Author's note: <|>]", "actions": [], "actions_metadata": {}, "worldinfo": [], "wifolders_d": {}, "wifolders_l": [], "completed_imgs_meta": {}, "extrastopseq": "", "tokenbans": "", "anotestr": 320, "wisearchdepth": 0, "wiinsertlocation": 0, "personal_notes": "", "logitbiasdict": {}, "regexreplace_data": [], "placeholder_tags_data": [], "savedsettings": {"my_api_key": "0000000000", "saved_oai_key": "", "saved_oai_addr": "", "saved_dalle_key": "", "saved_dalle_url": "", "saved_dalle_model": "dall-e-3", "saved_oai_tts_key": "", "saved_oai_tts_url": "https://api.openai.com/v1/audio/speech", "saved_openrouter_key": "", "saved_mistralai_key": "", "saved_featherless_key": "", "saved_grok_key": "", 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