--- tags: - image-to-image library_name: keras --- ## Model description This repo contains the model and the notebook [Image Classification using BigTransfer (BiT)](https://keras.io/examples/vision/bit/). Full credits go to [Sayan Nath](https://twitter.com/sayannath2350) Reproduced by [Rushi Chaudhari](https://github.com/rushic24) BigTransfer (also known as BiT) is a state-of-the-art transfer learning method for image classification. ## Dataset The [Flower Dataset](https://github.com/tensorflow/datasets/blob/master/docs/catalog/tf_flowers.md) is A large set of images of flowers ## Training procedure ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: ``` RESIZE_TO = 384 CROP_TO = 224 BATCH_SIZE = 64 STEPS_PER_EPOCH = 10 AUTO = tf.data.AUTOTUNE # optimise the pipeline performance NUM_CLASSES = 5 # number of classes SCHEDULE_LENGTH = ( 500 # we will train on lower resolution images and will still attain good results ) SCHEDULE_BOUNDARIES = [ 200, 300, 400, ] ``` The hyperparamteres like `SCHEDULE_LENGTH` and `SCHEDULE_BOUNDARIES` are determined based on empirical results. The method has been explained in the [original paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.11370) and in their [Google AI Blog Post](https://ai.googleblog.com/2020/05/open-sourcing-bit-exploring-large-scale.html). The `SCHEDULE_LENGTH` is aslo determined whether to use [MixUp Augmentation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.09412) or not. You can also find an easy MixUp Implementation in [Keras Coding Examples](https://keras.io/examples/vision/mixup/). ![table](https://i.imgur.com/oSaIBYZ.jpeg) ### Training results ![Metrics Image](./metrics.png)