use File::Slurp; #use Roman; use utf8; #use POSIX; if(scalar(@ARGV)!=2) { print "\tArgv1 --> input text file\n"; print "\tArgv2 --> output text file\n"; exit(0); } open(file,">",@ARGV[1]); @english = split("\n",read_file("lists/english")); @spl_chr = split("\n",read_file("lists/spl_chr")); @tamil = split("\n",read_file("lists/tamil")); @number_file = split("\n",read_file("lists/number")); @text = split("",read_file(@ARGV[0])); $eng_cnt = 0; $spl_cnt = 0; $space = 0; $tamil_cnt = 0; $num_cnt = 0; $i=0; Foreach1: foreach $txt(@text) { if($txt ne "(" && $txt ne ")" && $txt ne "\\" && $txt ne "." && $txt ne "^" && $txt ne "*" && $txt ne "+" && $txt ne "?" && $txt ne "{" && $txt ne "}" && $txt ne "[" && $txt ne "]" && $txt ne "|") { @arr = grep(/^$txt$/,@english); @arr1 = grep(/^$txt$/,@spl_chr); @arr2 = grep(/^$txt$/,@tamil); @arr3 = grep(/^$txt$/,@number_file); } else { @arr =[];@arr1=[];@arr2=[]; $spl_cnt++; next Foreach1; } if($txt eq "\$") { $spl_cnt++; } elsif($txt eq " " || $txt eq "\t" || $txt eq "\n") { $space++; } elsif(scalar(@arr)!=0) { $eng_cnt++; } elsif(scalar(@arr1)!=0 || $txt eq "-" || $txt eq "/" || $txt eq "\\") { $spl_cnt++; #print @arr1[0]; } elsif(scalar(@arr3)!=0) { $num_cnt++; } else { #print "$txt"; $tamil_cnt++; } $i++; #print "\n$i\t$txt \t>@arr[0]<\t:@arr1[0]:\t {@arr2[0]}"; } #print "\neng $eng_cnt \nspl $spl_cnt \nTamil $tamil_cnt \nspace $space\nNum_count $num_cnt\n"; @spl_chr_map = split("\n",read_file("lists/spl_chr_map")); #foreach $txt(@text) for($j=0; $j 0) { print file " டாலர் "; } elsif($eng_cnt > 0) { print file " dollar "; } elsif($eng_cnt == 0 && $tamil_cnt == 0) { print file " டாலர் "; } } elsif($txt eq "\+") { if($tamil_cnt > 0) { print file " ப்ளஸ் "; } elsif($eng_cnt > 0) { print file " plus "; } elsif($eng_cnt == 0 && $tamil_cnt == 0) { print file " ப்ளஸ் "; } } elsif($txt eq "(" || $txt eq ")" || $txt eq "\\" || $txt eq "^" || $txt eq "*" || $txt eq "?" || $txt eq "{" || $txt eq "}" || $txt eq "[" || $txt eq "]" || $txt eq "|") { print file " "; } elsif($txt eq " " || $txt eq "\t" || $txt eq "\n") { print file " "; } elsif($txt eq ".") { # print "dot $txt\n"; print file "$txt"; } elsif($txt eq ',') { ########For handling numbers ---------- inserted on September 2, 2014 #print "Number $prev $txt $nxt\n"; # $prev_num_arr = scalar(grep(/\b$prev\b/,@number_file)); # $next_num_arr = scalar(grep(/\b$nxt\b/,@number_file)); if($prev =~ /^\d+?$/ && $nxt =~ /^\d+?$/) { #print "Comma found\n"; } else { print file "$txt"; } } elsif($txt =~ /^\d+?$/ && (($prev ne "/" && $nxt ne "/") && ($prev ne "-" && $nxt ne "-") && ($prev ne "." && $nxt ne "."))) { if($prev =~ /^\d+?$/ && $nxt =~ /^\d+?$/) { print file "$txt"; } elsif($prev =~ /^\d+?$/ && ($nxt eq "." || $nxt eq ",")) { print file "$txt"; } elsif(($prev eq "." || $prev eq ",") && $nxt =~ /^\d+?$/) { print file "$txt"; } elsif($nxt eq "." || $nxt eq ",") { print file " $txt"; } elsif($prev eq "." || $prev eq ",") { print file "$txt"; } elsif($prev !=~ /^\d+?$/ && $nxt =~ /^\d+?$/ ) { print file "$txt"; } elsif(($next !=~ /^\d+?$/ && $next ne "." && $next ne ",") ) { print file "$txt "; } elsif(($prev !=~ /^\d+?$/ && $prev ne "." && $prev ne ",") ) { print file "$txt "; } else { print file "$txt"; } } elsif(scalar(@arr)!=0) { print file $txt; } elsif(scalar(@arr1)!=0) { @map = split(/\s+/,@arr1[0]); if($tamil_cnt > 0) { if(scalar(@map)==1) { print file " "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==2) { print file "@map[1]"; } elsif(scalar(@map)==3) { print file " @map[2] "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==4) { print file " @map[3] "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==5) { print file " @map[3] @map[4] "; } if(@map[1] eq "rupees") { $j = $j+2; } } elsif($eng_cnt > 0) { if(scalar(@map)==1) { print file " "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==2) { print file "@map[1]"; } elsif(scalar(@map)==3) { print file " @map[1] "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==4) { print file " @map[1] @map[2] "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==5) { print file " @map[1] @map[2] "; } if(@map[1] eq "rupees") { $j = $j+2; } } elsif($eng_cnt == 0 && $tamil_cnt == 0) { if(scalar(@map)==1) { print file " "; } elsif(scalar(@map)==2) { print file "@map[0]"; #Will be handled by lexicon } elsif(scalar(@map)==3) { print file " @map[0] "; #Will be handled by lexicon } elsif(scalar(@map)==4) { print file " @map[0] "; #Will be handled by lexicon } elsif(scalar(@map)==5) { print file " @map[0] "; #Will be handled by lexicon } if(@map[1] eq "rupees") { $j = $j+2; } } } else { print file "$txt"; } } close(file); ######################################################## ########## First Level Date and number normalization @tmp = split(/\s+/,read_file(@ARGV[1])); open(file,">",@ARGV[1]); if(@tmp[0] eq "") { $i=1; } else { $i=0; } while($i 12) { print file "$2/$1/$3 "; } elsif($1 > 12) { print file "$1/$2/$3 "; } else { print file "$1/$2/$3 "; } } elsif($word =~ m!^(\d+)[-](\d+)$!) { print file "$1 - $2 "; } elsif($word =~ m!^(\d+)[.](\d+)$!) { if($tamil_cnt > 0) { #Tamil ######print file "$1 புள்ளி "; $sep_num = join(" ",split("",$2)); ######print file "$sep_num "; } elsif($eng_cnt == 0 && $tamil_cnt ==0 ) { #print "only number\n"; ######print file "$1 புள்ளி "; $sep_num = join(" ",split("",$2)); ######print file "$sep_num "; } elsif($tamil_cnt == 0) { #English ######print file "$1 point "; $sep_num = join(" ",split("",$2)); ######print file "$sep_num "; } else { ####print file "$1 புள்ளி "; $sep_num = join(" ",split("",$2)); ####print file "$sep_num "; } print file "$word "; } elsif($word =~ m/(\d+)/ && @wd[0] eq ".") { print file "$word "; } elsif($word =~ m/(\d+)/) { #print "$word\n"; $used = $1; $word =~ s/$used/ $used /g; print file "$word "; } else { print file "$word "; } #print file "$word "; $i++; } close(file); #################################################### `perl -pi -e 's/-/ - /g;' @ARGV[1]`; #################################################### ########## second Level Date and number normalization #$ggggggg = read_file(@ARGV[1]); #print ">>$ggggggg<<\n"; @tmp = split(/\s+/,read_file(@ARGV[1])); open(file,">",@ARGV[1]); if(@tmp[0] eq "") { $i=1; } else { $i=0; } while($i 12) { print file "$2/$1/$3 "; } elsif($1 > 12) { print file "$1/$2/$3 "; } else { print file "$1/$2/$3 "; } } elsif($word =~ m!^(\d+)[-](\d+)$!) { print file "$1 $2 "; } elsif($word =~ m!^(\d+)[.](\d+)$!) { print file "$word "; } elsif($word =~ m/(\d+)/ && @wd[0] eq ".") { print file "$word "; } elsif($word =~ m/(\d+)/) { $used = $1; $word =~ s/$used/ $used /g; print file "$word "; } else { print file "$word "; } #print file "$word "; $i++; } close(file); #################################################### @tmp = split(/\s+/,read_file(@ARGV[1])); open(file,">",@ARGV[1]); if(@tmp[0] eq "") { $i=1; } else { $i=0; } while($i 0 && $eng_cnt == 0 ) # { # print file "முதல் "; # } # else # { # print file "@tmp[$i] "; # } # } # else # { # print file "@tmp[$i] "; # } #} #else #{ print file "@tmp[$i] "; #} $i++; } close(file); `perl scripts/ @ARGV[1]`;