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import math
import numpy as np
import torch
import pyvips
from typing import TypedDict
def select_tiling(
height: int, width: int, crop_size: int, max_crops: int
) -> tuple[int, int]:
Determine the optimal number of tiles to cover an image with overlapping crops.
if height <= crop_size or width <= crop_size:
return (1, 1)
# Minimum required tiles in each dimension
min_h = math.ceil(height / crop_size)
min_w = math.ceil(width / crop_size)
# If minimum required tiles exceed max_crops, return proportional distribution
if min_h * min_w > max_crops:
ratio = math.sqrt(max_crops / (min_h * min_w))
return (max(1, math.floor(min_h * ratio)), max(1, math.floor(min_w * ratio)))
# Perfect aspect-ratio tiles that satisfy max_crops
h_tiles = math.floor(math.sqrt(max_crops * height / width))
w_tiles = math.floor(math.sqrt(max_crops * width / height))
# Ensure we meet minimum tile requirements
h_tiles = max(h_tiles, min_h)
w_tiles = max(w_tiles, min_w)
# If we exceeded max_crops, scale down the larger dimension
if h_tiles * w_tiles > max_crops:
if w_tiles > h_tiles:
w_tiles = math.floor(max_crops / h_tiles)
h_tiles = math.floor(max_crops / w_tiles)
return (max(1, h_tiles), max(1, w_tiles))
class OverlapCropOutput(TypedDict):
crops: np.ndarray
tiling: tuple[int, int]
def overlap_crop_image(
image: np.ndarray,
overlap_margin: int,
max_crops: int,
base_size: tuple[int, int] = (378, 378),
patch_size: int = 14,
) -> OverlapCropOutput:
Process an image using an overlap-and-resize cropping strategy with margin handling.
This function takes an input image and creates multiple overlapping crops with
consistent margins. It produces:
1. A single global crop resized to base_size
2. Multiple overlapping local crops that maintain high resolution details
3. A patch ordering matrix that tracks correspondence between crops
The overlap strategy ensures:
- Smooth transitions between adjacent crops
- No loss of information at crop boundaries
- Proper handling of features that cross crop boundaries
- Consistent patch indexing across the full image
image (np.ndarray): Input image as numpy array with shape (H,W,C)
base_size (tuple[int,int]): Target size for crops, default (378,378)
patch_size (int): Size of patches in pixels, default 14
overlap_margin (int): Margin size in patch units, default 4
max_crops (int): Maximum number of crops allowed, default 12
OverlapCropOutput: Dictionary containing:
- crops: A numpy array containing the global crop of the full image (index 0)
followed by the overlapping cropped regions (indices 1+)
- tiling: Tuple of (height,width) tile counts
original_h, original_w = image.shape[:2]
# Convert margin from patch units to pixels
margin_pixels = patch_size * overlap_margin
total_margin_pixels = margin_pixels * 2 # Both sides
# Calculate crop parameters
crop_patches = base_size[0] // patch_size # patches per crop dimension
crop_window_patches = crop_patches - (2 * overlap_margin) # usable patches
crop_window_size = crop_window_patches * patch_size # usable size in pixels
# Determine tiling
tiling = select_tiling(
original_h - total_margin_pixels,
original_w - total_margin_pixels,
# Pre-allocate crops.
n_crops = tiling[0] * tiling[1] + 1 # 1 = global crop
crops = np.zeros(
(n_crops, base_size[0], base_size[1], image.shape[2]), dtype=np.uint8
# Resize image to fit tiling
target_size = (
tiling[0] * crop_window_size + total_margin_pixels,
tiling[1] * crop_window_size + total_margin_pixels,
# Convert to vips for resizing
vips_image = pyvips.Image.new_from_array(image)
scale_x = target_size[1] / image.shape[1]
scale_y = target_size[0] / image.shape[0]
resized = vips_image.resize(scale_x, vscale=scale_y)
image = resized.numpy()
# Create global crop
scale_x = base_size[1] / vips_image.width
scale_y = base_size[0] / vips_image.height
global_vips = vips_image.resize(scale_x, vscale=scale_y)
crops[0] = global_vips.numpy()
for i in range(tiling[0]):
for j in range(tiling[1]):
# Calculate crop coordinates
y0 = i * crop_window_size
x0 = j * crop_window_size
# Extract crop with padding if needed
y_end = min(y0 + base_size[0], image.shape[0])
x_end = min(x0 + base_size[1], image.shape[1])
crop_region = image[y0:y_end, x0:x_end]
1 + i * tiling[1] + j, : crop_region.shape[0], : crop_region.shape[1]
] = crop_region
return {"crops": crops, "tiling": tiling}
def reconstruct_from_crops(
crops: torch.Tensor,
tiling: tuple[int, int],
overlap_margin: int,
patch_size: int = 14,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Reconstruct the original image from overlapping crops into a single seamless image.
Takes a list of overlapping image crops along with their positional metadata and
reconstructs them into a single coherent image by carefully stitching together
non-overlapping regions. Handles both numpy arrays and PyTorch tensors.
crops: List of image crops as numpy arrays or PyTorch tensors with shape
tiling: Tuple of (height,width) indicating crop grid layout
patch_size: Size in pixels of each patch, default 14
overlap_margin: Number of overlapping patches on each edge, default 4
Reconstructed image as numpy array or PyTorch tensor matching input type,
with shape (H,W,C) where H,W are the original image dimensions
tiling_h, tiling_w = tiling
crop_height, crop_width = crops[0].shape[:2]
margin_pixels = overlap_margin * patch_size
# Calculate output size (only adding margins once)
output_h = (crop_height - 2 * margin_pixels) * tiling_h + 2 * margin_pixels
output_w = (crop_width - 2 * margin_pixels) * tiling_w + 2 * margin_pixels
reconstructed = torch.zeros(
(output_h, output_w, crops[0].shape[2]),
for i, crop in enumerate(crops):
tile_y = i // tiling_w
tile_x = i % tiling_w
# For each tile, determine which part to keep
# Keep left margin only for first column
x_start = 0 if tile_x == 0 else margin_pixels
# Keep right margin only for last column
x_end = crop_width if tile_x == tiling_w - 1 else crop_width - margin_pixels
# Keep top margin only for first row
y_start = 0 if tile_y == 0 else margin_pixels
# Keep bottom margin only for last row
y_end = crop_height if tile_y == tiling_h - 1 else crop_height - margin_pixels
# Calculate where this piece belongs in the output
out_x = tile_x * (crop_width - 2 * margin_pixels)
out_y = tile_y * (crop_height - 2 * margin_pixels)
# Place the piece
out_y + y_start : out_y + y_end, out_x + x_start : out_x + x_end
] = crop[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end]
return reconstructed