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import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import bitsandbytes
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss, functional as F
from transformers import PreTrainedModel, GPT2PreTrainedModel
from .configuration_gpt_optimized import GPTOptimConfig
from transformers.modeling_outputs import CausalLMOutputWithCrossAttentions, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions
from transformers.utils import add_code_sample_docstrings, add_start_docstrings, add_start_docstrings_to_model_forward
from transformers.modeling_attn_mask_utils import _prepare_4d_attention_mask_for_sdpa, _prepare_4d_causal_attention_mask_for_sdpa
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
_CHECKPOINT_FOR_DOC = "openai-community/gpt2"
input_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, input_ids_length)`):
`input_ids_length` = `sequence_length` if `past_key_values` is `None` else
`past_key_values[0][0].shape[-2]` (`sequence_length` of input past key value states). Indices of input
sequence tokens in the vocabulary.
If `past_key_values` is used, only `input_ids` that do not have their past calculated should be passed as
Indices can be obtained using [`AutoTokenizer`]. See [`PreTrainedTokenizer.encode`] and
[`PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__`] for details.
[What are input IDs?](../glossary#input-ids)
past_key_values (`Tuple[Tuple[torch.Tensor]]` of length `config.n_layers`):
Contains precomputed hidden-states (key and values in the attention blocks) as computed by the model (see
`past_key_values` output below). Can be used to speed up sequential decoding. The `input_ids` which have
their past given to this model should not be passed as `input_ids` as they have already been computed.
attention_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*):
Mask to avoid performing attention on padding token indices. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`:
- 1 for tokens that are **not masked**,
- 0 for tokens that are **masked**.
If `past_key_values` is used, `attention_mask` needs to contain the masking strategy that was used for
`past_key_values`. In other words, the `attention_mask` always has to have the length:
`len(past_key_values) + len(input_ids)`
[What are attention masks?](../glossary#attention-mask)
token_type_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, input_ids_length)`, *optional*):
Segment token indices to indicate first and second portions of the inputs. Indices are selected in `[0,
- 0 corresponds to a *sentence A* token,
- 1 corresponds to a *sentence B* token.
[What are token type IDs?](../glossary#token-type-ids)
position_ids (`torch.LongTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length)`, *optional*):
Indices of positions of each input sequence tokens in the position embeddings. Selected in the range `[0,
config.max_position_embeddings - 1]`.
[What are position IDs?](../glossary#position-ids)
head_mask (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(num_heads,)` or `(num_layers, num_heads)`, *optional*):
Mask to nullify selected heads of the self-attention modules. Mask values selected in `[0, 1]`:
- 1 indicates the head is **not masked**,
- 0 indicates the head is **masked**.
inputs_embeds (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_size)`, *optional*):
Optionally, instead of passing `input_ids` you can choose to directly pass an embedded representation. This
is useful if you want more control over how to convert `input_ids` indices into associated vectors than the
model's internal embedding lookup matrix.
If `past_key_values` is used, optionally only the last `inputs_embeds` have to be input (see
use_cache (`bool`, *optional*):
If set to `True`, `past_key_values` key value states are returned and can be used to speed up decoding (see
output_attentions (`bool`, *optional*):
Whether or not to return the attentions tensors of all attention layers. See `attentions` under returned
tensors for more detail.
output_hidden_states (`bool`, *optional*):
Whether or not to return the hidden states of all layers. See `hidden_states` under returned tensors for
more detail.
return_dict (`bool`, *optional*):
Whether or not to return a [`~utils.ModelOutput`] instead of a plain tuple.
class CausalSelfAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
assert config.n_embd % config.n_head == 0
# key, query, value projections for all heads, but in a batch
self.c_attn = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, 3 * config.n_embd)
# output projection
self.c_proj = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, config.n_embd)
self.c_proj.NANOGPT_SCALE_INIT = 1
# regularization
self.n_head = config.n_head
self.n_embd = config.n_embd
def forward(self, x):
B, T, C = x.size() # batch size, sequence length, embedding dimensionality (n_embd)
# calculate query, key, values for all heads in batch and move head forward to be the batch dim
# nh is "number of heads", hs is "head size", and C (number of channels) = nh * hs
# e.g. in GPT-2 (124M), n_head=12, hs=64, so nh*hs=C=768 channels in the Transformer
qkv = self.c_attn(x)
q, k, v = qkv.split(self.n_embd, dim=2)
k = k.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
q = q.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
v = v.view(B, T, self.n_head, C // self.n_head).transpose(1, 2) # (B, nh, T, hs)
y = F.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, is_causal=True) # flash attention
y = y.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(B, T, C) # re-assemble all head outputs side by side
# output projection
y = self.c_proj(y)
return y
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.c_fc = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, 4 * config.n_embd)
self.gelu = nn.GELU(approximate='tanh')
self.c_proj = nn.Linear(4 * config.n_embd, config.n_embd)
self.c_proj.NANOGPT_SCALE_INIT = 1
def forward(self, x):
x = self.c_fc(x)
x = self.gelu(x)
x = self.c_proj(x)
return x
class Block(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.ln_1 = nn.LayerNorm(config.n_embd)
self.attn = CausalSelfAttention(config)
self.ln_2 = nn.LayerNorm(config.n_embd)
self.mlp = MLP(config)
def forward(self, x):
x = x + self.attn(self.ln_1(x))
x = x + self.mlp(self.ln_2(x))
return x
class GPT(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.transformer = nn.ModuleDict(dict(
wte = bitsandbytes.nn.StableEmbedding(config.vocab_size, config.n_embd),
wpe = bitsandbytes.nn.StableEmbedding(config.block_size, config.n_embd),
h = nn.ModuleList([Block(config) for _ in range(config.n_layer)]),
ln_f = nn.LayerNorm(config.n_embd),
self.lm_head = nn.Linear(config.n_embd, config.vocab_size, bias=False)
# weight sharing scheme
self.transformer.wte.weight = self.lm_head.weight
# init params
def _init_weights(self, module):
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
std = 0.02
if hasattr(module, 'NANOGPT_SCALE_INIT'):
std *= (2 * self.config.n_layer) ** -0.5
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=std)
if module.bias is not None:
elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std=0.02)
class GPTOptim(GPT2PreTrainedModel):
config_class = GPTOptimConfig
def __init__(self, config):
self.model = GPT(
self.config = config
def forward(self, input_ids, labels=None):
# input_ids is of shape (B, T)
B, T = input_ids.size()
assert T <= self.config.block_size, f"Cannot forward sequence of length {T}, block size is only {self.config.block_size}"
# forward the token and posisition embeddings
pos = torch.arange(0, T, dtype=torch.long, device=input_ids.device) # shape (T)
pos_emb = self.model.transformer.wpe(pos) # position embeddings of shape (T, n_embd)
tok_emb = self.model.transformer.wte(input_ids) # token embeddings of shape (B, T, n_embd)
x = tok_emb + pos_emb
# forward the blocks of the transformer
for block in self.model.transformer.h:
x = block(x)
# forward the final layernorm and the classifier
x = self.model.transformer.ln_f(x)
logits = self.model.lm_head(x) # (B, T, vocab_size)
loss = None
if labels is not None:
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1), ignore_index=self.config.eos_token_id)
return logits, loss |