diff --git "a/test.txt" "b/test.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/test.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,15734 @@ +Exp Name: Abiral Pandey +PI Email: +PI Phone: 940-242-3303 +PI Current Location: Woonsocket, Rhode Island +PI Visa Status: US Citizen +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum Dynamic individual with 6 years of software development experience in design, development, deployment, maintenance, production and support of web - based and Client-Server business applications using OOP and Java/J2EE technologies. +Sum Exposure to all phases of Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) using Agile, RUP, Waterfall. +Sum Designed and developed web UI screen using Angular-JS. +Sum Developed AngularJS Controllers, Services, filters and directives for various modules in the application. +Sum Knowledge on ETL tools like Kettle Pentaho and Microsoft SSIS tools. +Sum Created custom directives, decorators and services using AngularJS to interface with both RESTful and legacy network services also DOM applications. +Sum Experience with MVC frameworks like Struts, SPRING and ORM tools like Hibernate. +Sum Experienced in working with batch jobs using Spring-Batch, Autosys and Quartz. +Sum Worked extensively with XML related technologies like XML/XSLT to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML using DOM and SAX parsers for DTD and SCHEMAand also worked with JAX-B. +Sum Strong experience in J2EE technologies like Java Beans, Servlets, JSP (including custom tags), JSTL, JDBC, Struts, Spring, JMS, JNDI and Multithreading. +Sum Expertise in web development technologies like HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, JSF, AJAX, Bootstrap JS, Node JS and Angular JS. +Sum Experienced in RESTful web services using JAX-RS, Jersey framework and SOAP using JAX-WS, Axis-2 framework. +Sum Expert knowledge over J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, Adapter, Front End Controller, Value object, Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Factory DAO in designing the architecture of large applications. +Sum Experience in using Maven and Ant build scripts for the project build automation. +Sum Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like SVN, Clear Case and CVS. +Sum Expertise in working with various Application Servers such as IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Glassfish, Oracle WebLogic and Apache Tomcat server. +Sum Good knowledge in using IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, RAD and STS. +Sum Expertise in working with Relational databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, MySQL and NoSQL database MongoDB. +Sum Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, views and good at writing complex queries for Oracle 10g/11g. +Sum Good experience in developing test cases with JUnit for Unit testing, Load testing and logging using Log4J. +Sum Experienced in using Operating Systems like Windows 98 / 2000 / NT / XP, AIX, Sun Solaris. +Sum Proficient in software documentation and technical report writing. +Sum Involved in Performance analysis and improvements of the application using tools like Jmeter and using commands on Unix box to resolve deadlocks and improve performance. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Programming Languages: Java/J2EE, PL/SQL, Unix Shell Scripts +Skill Java/J2EE Technologies: JavaBeans, collections, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, EJB +Skill Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring 2.5/3.0, Web Framework, JSF, Hibernate, iBatis, JPA, Axis-2, Jersey +Skill Methodologies/Design Patterns: OOAD, OOP, UML, MVC, Singleton, DTO Pattern, DAO Pattern, Service Fa ade, Factory Pattern +Skill Build Automation: Jenkins, Maven, Ant +Skill Application/Web Servers: IBM Web Sphere 6.x/5.x, BEA Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x, JBOSS 4.x/3.x +Skill XML processing: DTD, Schema, JAX-P (DOM, SAX), JAX-B +Skill Web Services: RESTful, SOAP +Skill Web Development: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, AJAX, LADP, JSF, Bootstrap JS, Node JS, Angular JS +Skill Version Control Tools: CVS, Harvest, IBM Clear case, SVN and GIT +Skill Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, IBM DB2, SQL Server 2005/2008, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MangoDB +Skill Messaging Techologies: JMS, IBM MQ +Skill IDE s: Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD, WSAD +Skill Testing and Logging Frameworks: Junit, Log4j, Mockito, Finesse Tests +Skill Reporting Tools: Crystal Reports 11, Jasper Reports +Skill Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio, XML Spy, TOAD +Skill Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/NT/XP, AIX, Sun Solaris, HP-UX +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Skill CVS, Woonsocket, Rhode Island Full Stack Java Developer +Skill April 2016 – Present +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the Agile methodology. +Exp Used AWS Cloud platform and its features which include EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, S3, and Route53. +Exp Expertise in building rich, interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.Js and Angular.Js. +Exp Gathered and clarified requirements with business analyst to feed into high-level customization design, development and installation phases. +Exp Used Spring Framework for dependency injection for Action classes using Application Context XML file. +Exp Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using JSP and Spring Controller. +Exp Developed business objects using Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Spring AOP. Implemented MVC architecture using JSP Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services. +Exp Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI and XML. +Exp Used Collections for Model classes in the DAO layer (Data Access Object) Involved in modifying some changes in DAO layer using Hibernate. +Exp Created mappings among the relations and written SQL queries using Hibernate. +Exp Implemented Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary. +Exp Used Entity Beans to persist the data into IBM DB2 database like database access components, Creating Schemas and Tables. +Exp Used SQL to perform data mapping and backend testing, also documented all the SQL queries for future testing purpose. +Exp Created process flow for deploying application in Web Sphere application server. +Exp Managed build, reporting and documentation from the project information using Jenkins, Maven Tool and SVN for version control. +Exp Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration. +Exp Used JUnit for testing and used JIRA for tracking bugs. +Exp Responsible for the dealing with the problem, bug fixing and troubleshooting. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, XML, Eclipse, PL/SQL, JUnit, Maven Build Tool, DB2, JIRA, Jenkins, SVN and IBM Web Sphere, AngularJS, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Auto scaling +Exp Toll Brothers, Horsham Township, Pennsylvania Software Engineer +Exp December 2015 - March 2016 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed JSP and extensively used tag libraries. +Exp Designed the system with OOAD methodology using various design patterns like factory method, Singleton, Adaptor, Template etc. +Exp Implementing and planning the server-side architecture using Spring and Hibernate +Exp Configured the spring framework for entire business logic layer with XML bean configuration files. +Exp Preparation of Low Level Designing and High Level Designing and relevant documentation. +Exp Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection and worked on Custom MVC Frameworks loosely based on Struts +Exp experienced in build tools like Micro services, Ant, Maven and Gradle tools. +Exp Wrote Controller classes in Spring MVC framework in the web layer. +Exp Produced the shopping cart on the client Front-end using jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3. +Exp Extensively used Eclipse based STS IDE for building, developing and integrating the application. +Exp Used Table per hierarchy inheritance of hibernates and mapped polymorphic associations. +Exp Developed one-much, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate. +Exp Wrote queries Using Cassandra CQL to create, alter, insert and delete elements. +Exp Developed DAO service methods to populate the domain model objects using hibernate. +Exp Used java collections API extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps. +Exp Wrote DAO classes using spring and Hibernate to interact with database for persistence. +Exp Developed components of web services (JAX-WS, JAX-RPC) end to end, using different JAX-WS standards with clear understanding on WSDL, SOAP using various message patterns +Exp Performed on e-Commerce by using JSF framework and JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5 pages +Exp Wrote and tested Java Beans to retrieve trading data and subscriber's information from MySQL database server, +Exp Extensive experience in Angular.JS for application implementation, proficient in creating modules, controllers, route-Providers, factory services, ng-repeat, customizable filter, http get/post methods and directives to realize functionalities like REST service with Ajax call , input validations, searchable and sortable contents. +Exp Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUnit Framework based on Functional Flow. +Exp Used tools like My Eclipse IDE, configured and deployed the applications onto Web Logic application server +Exp Configured Log4j for logging and debugging +Exp Environment: Eclipse, Java J2EE, HTML, JSP, JAX RPC, JAXB, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, Spring MVC, Hibernate, RESTful web services, Apache Tomcat7.0, Cucumber, Cassandra, Junit, Jenkins, Maven, GitHub, XML, Log4j, EJB, MySQL, Ajax. +Exp Dairy Farmers of America, Kansas City, Missouri Java Developer +Exp November 2014 – December 2015 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for developing use cases, class and sequence diagram for the modules using UML and Rational Rose. +Exp Identifying and design of common interfaces across multiple systems or modules of social insurance. +Exp Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Layer (MVC) architecture. UML diagrams like use cases, class diagrams, interaction diagrams (sequence and collaboration) and activity diagrams were used. +Exp Developed J2EE modules using XMI and CORE JAVA. +Exp Interaction with Business users for user and system acceptance testing. +Exp Validated the data against the business rules. +Exp Data access layer is implemented using Hibernate. +Exp Used Apache POI to generate Excel documents +Exp Implemented Struts action classes. +Exp Used Spring Security for Authentication and authorization extensively. +Exp Utilized Eclipse to create JSPs/Servlets/Hibernate that pulled information from a Oracle database and sent to a front end GUI for end users. +Exp Used JDBC for Oracle database connection and written number of stored procedures for retrieving the data. +Exp Developed modules for validating the data according to business rules and used Castor to convert data into array of XML strings and XSLT for transformation. +Exp Used Hibernate for data persistence. +Exp Developed SOAP based HTTP requests for communicating with Web Services. +Exp Was involved in the design of multi-tier architecture using EJB, Servlets and JSP. +Exp Used Spring Dependency Injection properties to provide loose-coupling between layers. +Exp Collaborated with Web designers to create the JSP pages, applying HTML, JavaScript, JQuery and Struts Tags. +Exp Extensively worked on debugging using Logging Frameworks such as Apache Log4j. +Exp Created test plans for unit testing to validate component functionality. +Exp Environment: Java 1.4.2, J2EE, Servlets, MVC, Web services, Struts, Spring - Core, MVC, Security, Eclipse, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, EJB, JSP, JDBC, JAX-B, JQuery, JavaScript, HTML, Log4j, Oracle 10g, Apache POI, Caster, XMI. +Exp Bank of Utah, Ogden, Utah J2EE Developer +Exp May 2013 – October 2014 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and developed Servlets and JSP, which presents the end user with form to submit the details of the problem. +Exp Created SQL statements and triggers for the effective retrieval and storage of data from the database. +Exp Performed JUnit testing, proposed and implemented performance enhancements, worked with Oracle databases, running SQL scripts and stored procedures. +Exp Developed Restful based Web Services. +Exp Was involved in the design of multi-tier architecture using EJB, Servlets and JSP. +Exp Developed Servlets used to store user information in the database, which makes a JDBC-ODBC connection to the database and inserts the details into to the database. +Exp Designed and developed a Servlet, which presents the engineer a form to submit solution to particular problem. +Exp Setting up test environments and configuring various components of the application using JDBC API to establish a connection with oracle database and configuring. +Exp Designed and developed a Servlet, which allows the end user to query on the problem, makes a JDBC-ODBC connection to the database and retrieve the details regarding the call number and the status of the submitted problem. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Custom tags, JDBC, JUNIT, Restful, Data Source, DAO, VO Patterns, Tomcat 5.0, SQL, Oracle 9i, Linux. +Exp Epsilon, Irving, Texas Junior Java Developer +Exp January 2012 – April 2013 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed the user interfaces using JSP. +Exp Developed Custom tags, JSTL to support custom User Interfaces. +Exp Developed the application using Struts (MVC) Framework. +Exp Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Account Transfer using Session EJBs. +Exp Used Eclipse to writing the code for JSP, Servlets, Struts and EJBs. +Exp Deployed the applications on Web Logic Application Server. +Exp Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) and Backend messaging for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report. +Exp Developed the Ant scripts for preparing WAR files used to deploy J2EE components. +Exp Used JDBC for database connectivity to Oracle. +Exp Worked with Oracle Database to create tables, procedures, functions and select statements. +Exp Used JUnit Testing, debugging and bug fixing. +Exp Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions and developed WAR framework to alert the client and production support in case of application failures. +Exp Worked in Rational Unified Process (RUP) Methodology. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Struts, EJB, JMS, Oracle, HTML, XML, Web Logic, Ant, CVS, Log4J, JUnit, JMS, PL/SQL, JavaScript, Eclipse IDE, UNIX Shell Scripting, Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelor of Computer Science – University of North Texas, Denton, Texas +PI Achyuth +PI 540-999-8048 +PI achyuth.java88@gmail.com +Obj OBJECTIVE: +Obj Around 8 years of strong software experience in design, development, analysis and deployment of web-based and Client-Server business applications using Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD, OOPS) and Java/JEE/J2EE technologies in Financial, Insurance, and Health Sector Domain with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Actively involved in each phase of Software Development Life cycle (SDLC). +Sum Expertise in client scripting language and server scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, NodeJS, JSON, Bootstrap. +Sum Utilized Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application +Sum Hands on experience with Amazon web services (AWS) and Amazon cloud technologies such as Amazon EC2 (virtual servers) and Amazon Cloud Watch (monitoring). +Sum Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, SNS, SQS, AMI, IAM, Dynamo DB, Elastic search, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through AWS Console and API Integration. +Sum Extensive experience working in Spring framework, Struts framework, ORM Mapping Hibernate framework and web services. +Sum Experience using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring DAO, Spring Data, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions and Spring Security. +Sum Experience in developing applications using Micro Services architecture. +Sum Expertise in developing reliable and scalable enterprise applications using Servlets, JSPs, Struts, JSTL, JDBC, AJAX, EJB and Web Services. +Sum Strong work experience in application integration and communicating using SOA, Web Services such as Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP), Representational State Transfer (REST/ Restful), JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI, Apache CXF, JAXB, XSD, Axis2. +Sum Excellent knowledge and experience in writing SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers and views using various databases such as MS SQL Server, MySQL, IBM DB2, Oracle databases and NoSQL database systems like Mongo DB. +Sum Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX, DOM. +Sum Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Used Apache Active MQ and Apache Camel as JMS provider. +Sum Experience in Creating and configuring the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro services and lambda functions using Jenkins CI server. +Sum Experience in developing logging and standard mechanism based on Log4j and SLF4j. +Sum Worked on implementing full life cycle of software development process (SDLC) in using version control tools like Git, Rational Clear Case, Tortoise SVN, CVS (Concurrent Version System). +Sum Hands-on experience working with Continuous Integration (CI) build-automation tools such as Jenkins along with Build Plugins like Maven, Gradle and Apache Ant. +Sum Experienced in the formation and mentoring of project teams working on Agile methodologies to deliver business critical software applications using tools like Jira. +Sum Experience in web development tools like Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite, and IntelliJ. +Sum Hands on experience with Windows, UNIX and Linux Environments. +Sum Experience in designing, developing, and deploying J2EE applications on IBM Web sphere, Web logic, Apache Tomcat, Glassfish and JBOSS Servers. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Skill Client: Capital One Mar 17 – Till date +Exp Location: Mclean, VA +Exp Role: Full Stack Java Developer +Exp Description: Capital One is the one of largest banking sector, it has over 480,000 members and is among the top 20 credit unions in the U.S.A. Capital One Home Loans servicing is a diversified bank that offers a variety of checking, savings, mortgage and lending accounts and services to individuals, small businesses and commercial clients. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the complete SDLC (software development life cycle) of the application from requirement analysis to testing. +Exp Followed Agile Methodology in analyze, define, and document the application, which will support functional and business requirements. Coordinate these efforts with Functional Architects. +Exp Extensively worked on Responsive Web Design (RWD) page development using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, and JSON. +Exp Utilized Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application. +Exp Used Java 1.8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, creating resource classes, fetching documents from database. +Exp Deployed and Monitored Micro Services Using Pivotal Cloud Foundry, also Managed Domains and Routes with the Cloud Foundry. +Exp Designed, Configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the Amazon cloud formation. +Exp Experienced in setting up Amazon EC2 instances, virtual private cloud (VPCs), and security groups. Setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using S3 bucket and configuring instance backups to S3 bucket. +Exp Implemented the application using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch, Spring Boot and handled the security using Spring Security. +Exp Developed RESTful API for assessment indicators module and token based authentication for RESTful services using Spring Security. +Exp Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing Python, to build an interactive web based solution. +Exp Used Jersey to implement Restful Web Service and used XML form to transfer the data. +Exp Developed the application using J2EE Design Patterns like Business Delegate, Factory, Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator and DAO. +Exp Worked and involved in deployment of core platform technologies, techniques, and web app frameworks such as spring, JBOSS, Tomcat, JSON, XML, HTML5, and Web Services. +Exp Used Spring MVC module to develop MVC Architecture. +Exp Worked on Apache Camel, RabbitMQ for sending messages over queue. +Exp Deployed the Application into Docker container and made easily accessible at runtime using Cloud Foundry and other cloud services like AWS, Netflix Eureka. +Exp Used Spring Security and OAuth2.0 for Authentication and Authorization of the application. +Exp Implemented Spring AOP for declarative transaction management. +Exp Developed a AWS Lambda function to send a request for internal service end points through API Gateway using apache HTTP Client. +Exp Managed code versioning with GitHub and deployment to staging and production servers +Exp Used Rest Controllers to replace the existing operations layer, which acts as bridge between business layer and the UI. +Exp Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process. +Exp Configured pom.xml to deploy the project using Maven. +Exp Provided Technical support for production environments resolving the issues, analyzing the defects, providing and implementing the solution defects. +Exp Environment: Agile Methodology, Java1.8, Lambda, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JSON, JSP, AWS, Micro Services, Oracle, RabbitMQ, Spring AOP, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, JDBC, Web-Services, SOA (Service-oriented) Architecture, Redis, REST, JAX-RS, Jersey, JUnit, JAX-B, WebSphere, JIRA, Maven, GIT, RAD, Jenkins, MongoDB, Cassandra,. +Exp Client: State Farm Jan 16 – Feb 17 +Exp Location: Dallas, TX +Exp Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) application is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. Property and Causality being the main forte of State Farm's business the maintenance of all the applications coming under the Auto Systems umbrella is crucial. Auto Quote Purchase (AQP) is one of the many applications that are part of SF Auto Systems. P&C Application support involves production support, defect fixes and minor enhancements based on the SF's requirement. AQP is a web application which is used to gather customer information, generate quote and provides options to purchase the Auto policies. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of application developed using AGILE methodology. +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS. +Exp Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate& Handled Transaction Management using the provided data source. +Exp Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships. +Exp Developed restful web service APIs using Spring Framework such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP and Java Persistence API with a backend PostgreSQL and Cassandra database. +Exp Involved in developing Web Services to send XML request and reading the response SOAP UI from Java platform. +Exp Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in the form of XML and by using SOAP. +Exp Created Restful Web services using Jersey API (JAX-RS) while data exchange was carried out between application and services using JSON. +Exp Spring MVC, Ajax and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic. +Exp To maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected the necessary dependent components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP. +Exp Integrated spring and hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring. +Exp Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases. +Exp Developed Message Driven Bean for asynchronous sending Messages using JMS. +Exp Used Apache Camel Framework to transform, extract and load the data. +Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and used Apache Camel to integrate spring framework. +Exp Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using Apache Camel. +Exp Used Rest methodology for the service layer interface and used JSON for the data transformation. +Exp Developed various AJAX and JSON calls for the communication between the server and the UI. +Exp Developed web services for produce and consumed the services by making Web Service Calls to remote services in different applications. +Exp Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners +Exp Established Database Connectivity using Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for MySQL Server. +Exp Developed the Mapping Resource Files for the database entities. +Exp Packaged and deployed the application in IBM Web sphere. +Exp Used IntelliJ as IDE to develop the application and followed the standard features for debugging and running. +Exp Used log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms. +Exp Analysis and Bug fixing of the production problems and defects along with enhancements +Exp Used Rational Clear Case for the version control +Exp Used Maven as the build tool. +Exp Used J-Unit Testing and Ant Scripts. +Exp Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories in AGILE Methodology. +Exp Environment: Agile, Java, JDK, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, Mongo DB, XML, Spring, Apache Camel, MVC design patterns, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Ant, Maven, Netflix, Rational Clear Case, Web sphere Server, IBM Web Sphere, Apache Camel, SOAP UI, JNDI, Log4J, PostgreSQL, MySQL Server, Google cloud platform, JIRA, RMI, IntelliJ, IDE, LINUX. +Exp Client: Cigna Healthcare Nov 13– Dec 15 Location: Windsor, CT +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: One view is a web based application helping Customer Services people to view Benefit Plan information for Customers, health care providers. The application helps to resolve; track customer queries online by reducing overall time. The current project is reengineering the old application by replacing outdated Cordiant service layer with Restful Services and Spring Integration frame work improving performance and scalability. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and developed the REST based Micro Services using the Spring Boot. +Exp Writing end-to-end flow i.e. controllers classes, service classes, DAOs classes as per the Spring MVC design and writing business logics using core java API and data structures +Exp Design, develop & deliver the REST APIs that are necessary to support new feature development and enhancements in an agile environment. +Exp Used Spring JMS related MDB to receive the messages from other team with IBMMQ for queuing +Exp Developed presentation layer code, using JSP, HTML, AJAX and JQuery +Exp Developed the Business layer using spring (IOC, AOP), DTO, and JTA +Exp Developed the Persistence layer DAO using HIBERNATE +Exp Worked with Open symphony workflows and delivered work flow module to the client. +Exp Developed the project using industry standard design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate Factory Pattern for better maintenance of code and re-usability +Exp Developing application module coded on Spring Batch and Apache Camel. +Exp Written Jenkins pipeline template script in Groovy programming language for the automation of build and deployment process. +Exp Created groovy scripts to extract transaction volume information and email to management on daily basis. +Exp Developed unit test cases using Junit framework for testing accuracy of code and logging with SLF4j + Log4j +Exp Worked with defect tracking system Clear Quest +Exp Worked with IDE as Spring STS and deployed into spring tomcat server, WebSphere 6 & used Maven as build tool +Exp Responsible for code sanity in integration stream used Clear Case as version control tool. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, MongoDB, Apache Camel, symphony, JavaScript, JSP, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring web services, XML, UML, JUNIT, IBM WebSphere, Maven, Clear Case, SoapUI, Oracle 11g, Spring JMS, IBM MQ. +Exp Client: Liberty Mutual Jan 12 - July 13 +Exp Location: Seattle, WA +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: Liberty Mutual Insurance is an American diversified global insurer, and the second-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. Ecommerce application provides services such as Auto Insurance and home insurance. The application is used for accessibility into the appropriate Agent Center applications and generating quotes and policies, payments and reports. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC). +Exp Designed project related documents which includes Use case, Class and Sequence diagrams. +Exp Involved in design, development, testing and implementation of the process systems, working on iterative life cycles business requirements, and creating Detail Design Document. +Exp Using Agile methodologies to plan work for every iteration and used continuous integration tool to make the build passes before deploying the code to other environments. +Exp Extensive experience in developing PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages, Cursors, Collections (Nested tables and arrays), Records, Object types and Database Triggers. +Exp Created HTML Wireframes based in the Detailed System Specification Document Developed the presentation layer of the application using MVC architecture of spring framework. +Exp Created DAO classes to interact with DB2 database. +Exp Used Spring ORM module to integrate with Hibernate. +Exp Used JMS API for sending and receiving the messages on the queue. +Exp Used the spring validation and Tiles Framework in the presentation layer. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP, Spring Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application. +Exp Developed user interface with Java Server Pages, Ajax support to speed up the application form filling. +Exp Used Apache Axis as the Web Service framework for creating and consuming Web Service clients using SOAP and WSDL. +Exp Used Rally for tracking purpose. +Exp Designed various tables required for the project using DB2 database. Used JBOSS server for deploying the application. +Exp Used Ant for build, create JAR, WAR, EAR files and deploy the EAR files automatically. +Exp Used Junit to test the application classes. +Exp Used Log4J to capture the logging information. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JavaScript, JSP, AJAX, XML, Agile, Spring, Eclipse IDE, DB2, Rational Rose, Log4j, Junit, Ant, JBOSS, Rally, Apache Axis, Web Service, SOAP, WSDL. +Exp Client: Soft Pro Systems Ltd. Sep 10 - Dec 11 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: This project is mainly an Intranet application meant for employees in the organization. They are Intranet mailing System, Chatting, File Transfer and Remote Login. This project is based on the client server methodology. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the design and development of an entire Module – Guided Set Up. Developed user interface through JSP and Servlets. +Exp Developed Action classes and Action Forms using the struts framework. +Exp Developed Customs tags to display dynamic contents and to avoid large amounts of java code in JSP pages +Exp Connected to database through JDBC. +Exp Extensive experience working with XML (DOM and SAX). +Exp Used SQL-server to store the items in the database. +Exp Used Session beans for navigation of steps. +Exp Used Entity beans for storing the database in to database. Developed Session Beans as the clients of Entity Beans to maintain the Client state. +Exp Developed Ant Scripts to build and deploy EAR files on to Tomcat Server. Analyzed the EJB performance in terms of scalability by various Loads, Stress tests using Bean- test tool. +Exp Extensively used Eclipse while writing code as IDE. Written complex SQL queries, stored procedures, functions and triggers in PL/SQL. +Exp Developed test cases and used Junit for Unit Testing. +Exp Used CVS for version controlling. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, XML (DOM and SAX), JSP, EJB, JavaScript, CSS, JDBC, Struts, Ant, Web Logic Application Server, WSAD, Eclipse IDE, SQL-Server, Apache Tomcat, Oracle, PL/SQL, CVS, PVCS, Junit, Windows. +Exp Client: Login IT Technologies May 09 - Aug 10 Location: Hyderabad, India +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: PRS or Price reporting system is responsible to publish the rates to the customers and as to maintain the +Exp users across the FedEx locations and its subsidiaries. It interacts with the customer fusion and existing legacy systems to +Exp access the customer information and legacy data. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed web application using Struts 2.X, JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP +Exp Wrote JavaScript for client-side validation. +Exp Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating Servlets, JSP, and XML. +Exp Wrote SQL for JDBC prepared statements to retrieve the data from database. +Exp Monitored the logs using Log4J and fixed the problem +Exp The application was deployed on the Tomcat. +Exp Involved in build and deploying the application using ANT +Exp Used CVS as version control system +Exp Worked on bug fixing and Production Support +Exp Environment: Java, JDBC, Struts, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, CVS, ANT, Log4J. +Exp Amrinder Pelia Employer Details +PI Mail: Mail: +PI Phone: 703-743-0795 +PI Senior Business Analyst +Sum Summary: +Sum Around 10 years of experience in Business process analysis, Business modeling and Business requirements gathering. +Sum Extensive experience with Banking and Mortgage clients. +Sum Expert in creating diagrams (Use case diagrams, flow charts, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams), use case document, test plans and test case documents. +Sum Worked closely with project Stakeholders, SMEs, staff to understand requirements and specifications for new applications along with re-engineering the existing application. +Sum Experience in interacting across the hierarchy from architects, to data modelers, underwriters and risk analyst. +Sum Experience in iterative agile project management methodology with Scrum to manage the software development life cycle (SDLC). +Sum Used MS Project to manage schedules, meet deadlines and plan resources in line with triple constraint. Followed up with weekly Project Status and organized Task Review meetings. Conducted status meetings, managed deadlines, and facilitated prioritization discussions. +Sum Writing skills in preparing business requirements documents (BRD), system requirements specifications (SRS) and technical design document (TDD) and defining project plans then translating business requirements/user expectations into detailed specifications employing UML. +Sum Performing GAP analysis to check the compatibility of the existing system infrastructure with the new business requirements, +Sum Conducting User Acceptance Testing (UAT) verifying performance, reliability and fault tolerance issues. Also familiar with testing tools (QC) to design as well as develop test plans and test scripts. +Sum Authored business and system requirements analyses and functional specifications with supporting business process flows (data modeling), Traceability matrices, risk analysis and concept of operations for systems utilizing company standards, processes, and procedures. +Sum Expertise at using MS Visio, MS Project, MS Excel, PowerPoint, and SharePoint. +Sum Good understanding of software development methodologies such as RUP, JAD, and RAD and hands on experience in formulating JAD sessions. +Skill Skill Set: +Edu Education:Bachelors in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Michigan State University, GPA– 3.56 +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, OH Mar 2015 to Present +Exp Senior Business Analyst/QA Lead +Exp Fifth Third Bank is one of the nation’s largest diversified financial services organizations providing retail and banking; residential mortgage banking. +Exp Worked on implementing the IDS Rapport Solution to provide a front-end workflow processsing system integrating with the existing IDS Infolease solution. This solution was used to create contract documents and eliminated the need for several Access database and Excel spreadsheet solutions that existed. This solution aslo integrated with iLien solution for UCC filing. The product increased the efficiency of transactional submittals and documentation and booking functions. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented Traceability Matrix and User Requirement Specification Document (URS) to verify the functionality coverage. +Exp Extensive use of MS Project, MS SharePoint (used as the library for Project documentation and the communication of Project information). +Exp Created Mortgage Service Platform (MSP) diagram in MS Visio to understand the big picture of the project. +Exp Facilitated and managed meeting sessions with committee of SME from various business areas including Mortgage Servicing, Loan Monitoring and Asset Management. +Exp Responsible for working with product management to translate business objectives into functional requirements, and great user experiences for our customers. +Exp Created detailed Test plans to check the functionality of Application. +Exp Participated in QA team and Bug tracking or Defect Review meetings. +Exp Designed and Developed front end and Back end Test scenarios and Test cases +Exp Performed manual testing on different Modules of the Application by executing the Test Cases. +Exp Coordinate with all project team members to ensure project needs are clearly understood and supportable. +Exp Identify and remove or mitigate obstacles and risks to projects. +Exp Conducted peer review meetings periodically to keep track of the project’s milestones. +Exp Assisted the Project Manager with creating detailed project plans and also in developing, scheduling and tracking project timelines. +Exp Conducted GAP Analysis of current state (As-Is) and proposed state (To-Be) situations and represented in MS Visio. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions with the business team and technology team. +Exp Responsible for leading all aspects of projects from start to finish, including project team definition, resource allocation decisions. +Exp Developed high level design of new processes and graphically presented along with text based requirements. +Exp Experience in creating wireframes. +Exp Created Activity Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams using UML in MS Visio. +Exp Conducted Previews and User Acceptance Test (UAT) sessions. +Exp Environment: MS Visio, DOORS +Exp Mississippi State Division of Medicaid, Jackson, MS May 2013- Feb 2015 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Mississippi Division of Medicaid’s Management Information System (MMIS) had to comply with the CMS mandated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. Project was to analyse system impact and perform GAP between current HIPAA 4010 and compliance HIPAA 5010 for state Medicaid Management Information System. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Actively worked on Business requirement gathering, analysis and Data analysis +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions to collect User Requirements, Business Requirements and Functional Requirements. +Exp Created Business/User/Functional document using MS Project, MS Word and MS Visio that provided appropriate scope of work for technical team to develop prototype of the overall system. +Exp Gathered requirements from the administrative staff and business rules for determining member eligibility and successfully converted them into functional requirements for the developments team. +Exp Created Use Cases, various UML Diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams to determine the data flow via various systems +Exp Developed and maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) for the project deliverables. +Exp Proposed the change and reengineering of the ‘AS IS’ Business processes into the ‘TO BE’ process flow +Exp Involved in the day-to-day implementation of the agile methodology of application development with its various work flows, Artefacts and activities. +Exp Created Business Rule Comparison (BRC) documents using 4010 / 5010 implementation guides for X12 transactions +Exp Extensively involved in HIPAA 5010 User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Defined and maintained Test Cases for EDI transactions. +Exp Thoroughly studied the inherent systems to have a clear understanding of the business processes and associated system workflow. +Exp Used HP Quality Centre for error reporting and communicating between developers, product support and test team members +Exp Recommended corrective actions, if necessary, along with the progress against Development/Action Plan routinely to the Project Manager. +Exp Used MS Share point for sharing documents, calendars and other data between users in different locations. +Exp Wrote test cases and test plans for the related and assigned scripts according to the test strategies defined in the project and testing team guidelines in Quality centre. +Exp Assisted in regression testing and did UAT to improve overall quality of the Application. +Exp Environment: UML, Windows, Agile, Mainframe, SQL, ETL, Data warehouse, Microsoft Office, Test Director, MMIS, MS Access, HTML, XML, Java Script, Java, ASP, DB2. +Exp Dept of Health, Austin TX May 2012 - April 2013 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp I worked as a business analyst in the project intended to make the existing application comply with HIPAA 5010 standards. I was involved in the analysis of EDI transactions 834 and 837I, 837Pbased on HIPAA 4010 and mapping them in order to make the application comply with HIPAA 5010 standards. The module that I worked on allowed the agents to track and manage the status of health benefit claims. My daily responsibilities included performing typical BA duties and additionally included doing QA work such as coordinating the testing process during the testing and UAT phase of the application. I was also responsible in maintaining the application during the “warranty period” and making sure all the issues were solved. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Coordinated with the developers, testers and users on verifying, documenting and addressing any issues with the newly implemented HIPAA 4010 to 5010 conversion at the time. +Exp Created and maintained data mapping document(s) in reference to the HIPAA mandated transactions834 and 837I, 837P. +Exp Independently studied the changes being made and helped them implement in the application. +Exp Conducted and participated in meetings for requirement elicitation and documentation. +Exp Worked with end users, SMEs, and stakeholders to fully understand issues with the older application and the requirements of the new application being built. +Exp Interviewed business users to gather requirements and analyzed the feasibility of their needs by coordinating with the project manager and the technical lead. +Exp Conducted and participated in JAD sessions with the system architect, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) & the project sponsor for fast & effective system requirement development. +Exp Used Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in order to meet customer expectation. +Exp Identified and gathered the data requirements and wrote SQL queries using tools such as My SQL Workbench and Aqua Data Studio. +Exp Wrote very detailed BRDs and FRDs based on the requirements gathered. +Exp Used MS Visio to create flow charts, use case diagrams, activity diagrams to illustrate business rules and process flows required for the BRDs and FRDs. +Exp Wrote test cases for testing the migration of EDI 4010 to 5010 and the processing of EDI transactions 820, 834,837I and 837P. +Exp Helped coordinate the testing process by helping the QA team prepare for the testing requirements such as environment, writing instructions, organizing walkthroughs, selecting the test groups, etc. +Exp Used Waterfall methodology throughout the development process and was extensively involved with developers on every stage of the application development. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, SQL, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, MS Visio, BRDs, FRDs, Quality Assurance, UAT +Exp Prime Therapeutics, Eagan, MN Jan 2011 - Apr 2012 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp Prime therapeutics is leading Pharmacy benefit Management Company. I worked with member marketing/customer experience team where I was required to work on all the correspondence materials sent out to the existing members for various reasons. I as primarily focus on Prime mail, Guided health and Specialty. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as a liaison between technology and the business clients to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. +Exp Utilized industry knowledge to provide executive management with the development and implementation of interactive business tools and strategic analysis. +Exp Setup and manage inter-departmental status meetings, often including off-shore development and QA teams. +Exp Scheduled review presentation meetings with developers, System Analysts (SA) and business owners for project completion and approval using Adobe Connect. +Exp Understood the Business Logic, User Requirements & developed Design & User Interface Specifications +Exp Worked with the stakeholders to understand the features they wanted to be implemented in the new version such as new notification options, account features, better sorting of the transaction list, preferred UI changes, etc. +Exp Worked with SMEs, business users and technical leads in understanding and documenting issues with the older version of the application. +Exp Wrote SQL queries for database inquiries whenever needed. Worked with System Admin for any database related task such as creating production scrubs, database access for team members, any issues, etc. +Exp Used Agile methodology throughout the project and extensively involved in all stages of development. +Exp Helped update Product Backlog whenever needed and also created Sprint logs by working with the team lead. +Exp Conducted multiple meetings in the middle of the sprint to solve any issues encountered during the sprint. +Exp Logged issues and presented them during the sprint reviews for discussion. +Exp Designed and finalized mockups using Axure. This helped the team in better understanding proposed changes. +Exp Helped in coordinating UAT phase for every sprint. +Exp Involved in logging post-deployment issues and making sure they were addressed as per their urgency and priority. +Exp Successfully completed the project within time and budget despite having a very tight schedule. +Exp Environment: Agile, SCRUM, MS Visio, MS Project, Axure, SQL, My SQL Workbench. HEDIS, Lotus notes +Exp PNC Bank, Norristown, PA Oct 2008 to Dec 2010 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp The project was aimed at successfully implementing a system that provides an integrated, shared view of the customer across the enterprise that enforces and encourages consistent customer data. The goal was to increase efficiency and customer service through the development of a user-friendly, web-based banking information system, which will allow for maintenance of a centralized database for the managers of Bank. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Conducted GAP Analysis to identify key areas of concern and addressed them with the Business team. Documented the AS-IS and TO-BE processes. +Exp Actively engaged client and third party integration partners in requirements gathering and validation. +Exp Developed business Use Cases using UML for new product functionality after conducting requirements elaboration sessions with client teams. +Exp Used Rational Unified Process for the Software Development Life Cycle of this project. +Exp Documented business and functional requirements +Exp Provided assistance in reviewing, analyzing and evaluating business requirements, user needs and functions with the objective of improving business processes and procedures. +Exp Generated process flow diagrams +Exp Maintained an issue log and driven issues to closure +Exp Worked closely with the development team to make sure all the requirements were covered. +Exp Maintained versioning in requirements +Exp Environment: MS Visio, Rational Requisite Pro, Quality Center +PI AMULYA KOMATINENI +PI (515)309-1612 +Sum 8+ years of experience in IT industry worked in all phases of software development life cycle from requirements gathering to the production and successfully implemented several projects. +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Expert working knowledge in using methodologies Agile Methodology & Software Development Life Cycle. +Sum Having work experience in different domains like Healthcare, Banking, Finance, Telecom, and Retail. +Sum Developed applications using Java8 features like lambda expressions and functional interfaces. +Sum Proficient in developing front-end systems with JavaScript, ReactJs, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Tag Libraries, Custom Tags and JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, NodeJS. +Sum Experienced in Client-side validations using Ajax in NodeJS, AngularJS, dash boards reports using BackboneJS. +Sum Expert in Java/J2EE technologies such as Struts, Spring Framework, JSP, EJB, Hibernate and Webservice. +Sum Developed applications with Spring using technologies Spring Core, MVC, DAO, ORM, Boot, Heroku, Security, Integration, Spring Zuul, Spring Eureka, Spring Hystrix, Spring Ribbon. +Sum Used Spring Boot Acurator to monitor and manage your application and to interact with different HTTP endpoints such as health, bean details, version details, configurations. +Sum Build, Test and developed application from Docker containers and deployed into PCF environment. +Sum Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping , MyBatis SQL Maps, Slick, and Java Ultra-Lite Persistence. +Sum Expertise in back-end/server side Java technologies such as webservice, JPA, JMS, JDBC. +Sum Expert in using SOA and Webservice Technologies and Tools like Webservice, SOAP, REST, UDDI, SOAP UI. +Sum Experience in XML related technologies like XML, DTD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, JAXB, JAXP, SAX and DOM Parsers. +Sum Adapt in server side development skills using Apache and good knowledge of database connectivity (Data Source) for SQL databases like Oracle, MySQL and NoSQL like MongoDB, Cassandra. +Sum MongoDB is used to develop dynamic queries on documents using a document based query language. +Sum Expertise in using Cassandra for achieving denormalization through features like collections. +Sum Hands on experience on Amazon Webservice provisioning and good knowledge of AWS services like EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, VPC, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS. +Sum Used Microservice with Spring Boot through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers. +Sum Expertise in Microservice using Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud to develop loosely coupled processes. +Sum Expertise in deploy J2EE applications on IBM WebSphere/Web Logic Application Servers, Tomcat and JBOSS. +Sum Used Scala for anonymous functions to increase productivity, applications scalability, and reliability. +Sum Familiar with Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory Design, MVC, Data Access Objects, , Adapter, Service Locator, Session Facade, Observer, DAO, service proxy and circuit breaker. +Sum Used Apigee for enterprise business use APIs to securely share data and services across various devices. +Sum Expertise in Docker containers, leveraging Linux Containers and AMI's to create DockerImages/containers. +Sum Used Swagger for designing and describing APIs and for keeping the API design and documentation in sync. +Sum Expertise in working on building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle, Groovy, Log4j . +Sum Worked with Version Control Systems like GIT, WinCVS, CVS, SVN, VSS and Rational Clear Case. +Sum Experience in Webservice Technologies like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and Restful. +Sum Experience in various Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development, SCRUM, and Pair Programming. +Sum Developing Unit & Integration testing with JUnit, Karma, Jenkins, Camel, Selenium, Jasmine and Mockito. +Sum Used Selenium as an automated testing for web applications across different browser and platforms. +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: Liberty Mutual, Dover, NH September 2017 – Till Date +Exp Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: Liberty Mutual is an insurance company which offers auto & vehicle insurance, property insurance, life insurance and other insurances where user can manage their policies and file claims online. Company have few external partners where they upload and download necessary data. Our project is to process the transfer of file. Customer and Admin portals are used to trace and configure the transfer. Web Based File Transfer(WBFT) is developed to interact with liberty mutual teams by external trading partners using user interface. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap with ReactJS interaction. +Exp Used various JQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors, and Gulp as a task runner. +Exp Used Node Package Manager(NPM) online repository to install and update the dependencies. +Exp Built REST by building NodeJS in the back-end to handle requests sent from the jQuery Ajax calls. +Exp Used Java 8 Lambda expressions to facilitate functional programming and for simplifying the development. +Exp Developed classes using core java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Memory Management. +Exp Used Multithreading to develop various helper classes in programming to improve overall performance. +Exp Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments. +Exp Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console. +Exp Used NGINX as a reverse proxy with the Spring Netflix components like Eureka, Ribbon, and Spring Cloud. +Exp Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice. +Exp Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice. +Exp Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud. +Exp Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging. +Exp Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger Lambda Functions Including EC2. +Exp Developed Spring Bach for AWS S3 rules like User Creation, Folder Permission, and deletion of file +Exp Used PL/SQL and Oracle databases to store the information about the file transaction, sender, and receiver. +Exp Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation. +Exp Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems. +Exp Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol. +Exp Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster. +Exp Experience in working with messaging systems like Kafka, Event Sourcing, and Active MQ. +Exp Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP. +Exp Used Datahub dashboard to search and filter the transactions and used elastic search as a search engine. +Exp Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects. +Exp Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Bamboo for continuous integration. +Exp Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server. +Exp Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management. +Exp Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver). +Exp Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering. +Exp Environment: J2EE, ReactJs, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, NodeJS, Gulp, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, +Exp Spring Batch, Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, NGINX, Swagger-UI, +Exp Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud, AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, Datahub, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, +Exp JDBC, PL/SQL, ActiveMQ, JIRA, Bamboo, SVN, GIT, log4j, Junit, Selenium, JMS Queues, WebSphere. +Exp Client: Express Scripts, St. Louis, MO April 2016 – August 2017 +Exp Role: JAVA Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: Express Scripts provides integrated pharmacy benefit management services including network-pharmacy, claims processing, home delivery pharmacy services, specialty pharmacy benefit management through its subsidiary Accredit, benefit-design consultation, drug-utilization review, formulary management, medical and drug data analysis services to manage drug plans for health plans, self-insured employers and government agencies (both as administrator of employee benefits and public assistance programs). +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons using AngularJS, JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5. +Exp Involved in designing and developed presentation layer using Ajax, jQuery, and third-party libraries. +Exp Used various JQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors. +Exp Used Apache Cordova to build native mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. +Exp XQuery provides the means to extract and manipulate data from XML documents or any data source that can be viewed as XML. +Exp Used Adobe Experience manager(AEM) to manage and deliver digital experiences across websites. +Exp Used Groovy for various markup languages such as XML, HTML, and support for regular expressions. +Exp Used Java 8 Lambda expressions to facilitate functional programming and for simplifying the development. +Exp Used Java8 Stream API for Parallel execution in the Collections framework module of core java. +Exp Developed classes using core java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Memory Management. +Exp Used Multithreading to develop various helper classes in programming to improve overall performance. +Exp Used Spring DI, annotations, and MVC to implement business layer and navigation part of application. +Exp Used Spring Boot Actuator to externalize application's configuration properties for various environments. +Exp Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservice with Eureka to monitor services from Spring Boot console. +Exp Defined Hibernate Named Queries for Batch operations while defined Criteria Queries for Microservice. +Exp Microservice have been built using Spring Boot, Spring security and deployed to AWS cloud. +Exp Used Spring Cloud AWS Core, Spring Cloud AWS Context, and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging. +Exp Utilized AWS Lambda platform to upload data into AWS S3 buckets and to trigger other Lambda Functions Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling. +Exp Database required for creation of new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes, constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application. +Exp Used Cassandra to handle huge amount of data across many servers with out single point of failure. +Exp Implemented service layer on the top of Cassandra using Core Java, Data Sax API and Restful API. +Exp Used PostgreSQL for multi version concurrency control and transaction. +Exp Developed several REST webservice which produces both XML and JSON to perform tasks, leveraged by both web and mobile applications. RESTful webservice using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation. +Exp Exposed and consumed SOAP based Webservice to communicate between systems. +Exp Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability and JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol. +Exp Used Redis as in memory database, for storing and fetching data in memory to increase the performance. +Exp Used Apache Kafka for building real time data pipelines and for storing data in a distributed cluster. +Exp Worked on Drools Rule Engines with corresponding to validate the business User Roles. +Exp Used SOAP UI for Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing and to test REST & SOAP. +Exp Used Apigee for web-scale, enterprise flexibility on premise and hybrid deployment on single code base. +Exp Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects. +Exp Developed Unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and Jenkins for continuous integration. +Exp Used Apache Camel for integrating different applications with the enterprise design pattern. +Exp Used Kubernetes for automating deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. +Exp Used Docker to collaborate code, run and deliver more securely for both Linux, Windows Server. +Exp Developed Maven scripts and builds using Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins. +Exp Used log4j for logging and GIT, SVN for project management and version management. +Exp Functional testing of the front-end applications is done using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver). +Exp Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP using Eclipse RCP. +Exp Created Clusters and instances in WebSphere 7.0 Network Deployment to support high availability, fail over and implemented horizontal clustering. +Exp Environment: J2EE, AngularJS, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Ajax, Core Java, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring +Exp Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Microservice, Eureka Server, Swagger-UI, Apache Kafka, AWS Cloud, +Exp AWS Lambda, S3, EC2, Scala, MongoDB, REST Webservice, JAX-WS, SOAP UI, JDBC, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL,JIRA, +Exp GIT, SVN, log4j, Maven, Apache Camel, Junit, Mockito, Jenkins, JMS Queues. +Exp Client: Commerce Bank, Kansas City, MO Jan 2015 – Mar 2016 +Exp Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer & Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: The project was to enhance the existing online application with A/C Information, Funds +Exp Transfer, Payment Service, Credit Card Services, Investment Services, Rates Online Application Forms, +Exp and Customer Service. Development was based on Spring MVC architecture. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Followed Agile software development paired programming, Test Driven Development, and Scrum meetings. +Exp Developed using new features of Java 1.8 annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums. +Exp Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap with AngularJS interaction. +Exp Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives, and custom filters. +Exp Worked with java Swing GUI controls for developing a module in the front-end part. +Exp Used Java-J2EE patterns like Model View Controller, Singleton, Data Access Objects, factory patterns. +Exp Used Core Java concept like Multithreading, Concurrency for performance and memory tuning. +Exp Used Spring Framework AOP Module to implement logging in the application for application status. +Exp Spring MVC Framework IOC design pattern is used to have relationships between application components. +Exp Developed microservices with Spring Eureka to retrieve API routes and Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring microservice. +Exp Developed Spring Quartz jobs to run the backend jobs and generated reports. +Exp Used Hibernate for back end development and Spring dependency injection for middle layer development. +Exp Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Webservice interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability +Exp Developed Microservice and worked on Spring Boot, deployed applications on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. +Exp Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database. +Exp Used PL/SQL to extract data from the database, delete data and reload data on Oracle DB. +Exp Developed Applications using Rule Engines- JBoss Drools 4.x to validate the business User Roles. +Exp Worked with Apache Camel as a standalone application by deploying in JBOSS application server. +Exp Used Docker to deploy applications using containers to allow package up application with all configuations. +Exp Used Spring Boot to interact through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers +Exp Worked on development and operations to facilitate deployment of components over AWS using Jenkins. +Exp Used SVN, GIT for the version management and for version controlling software and JIRA for issue tracking. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, HTML5, CSS3, iQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJs, Swing, Threading, AWS cloud, Spring MVC, +Exp Spring Boot, Spring Quartz, Hibernate Framework, Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, JAX-WS, Microservices, PL/SQL, Oracle DB, Cassandra, JBoss Drools 4.x, Docker, JMS, Maven, Jenkins, Apache Camel, SVN, JIRA. +Exp Client: E-Trade Financial Corporation, Exchange Place July 2012 – Dec 2014 +Exp Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: E-Trade Financial Corporation is a U.S based financial services company headquartered in +Exp New York. It is a holding company, the major business of which is an online discount stock brokerage +Exp service for self-directed investors. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Prepared Analysis document and followed AGILE software development with Scrum methodology. +Exp Developed the application on NodeJS platform using JavaScript programming. +Exp Used JavaScript and JQuery for validating the input given to the user interface. +Exp Applied data transformation rules to transform code from one format to another format using NodeJS. +Exp Created the Nodejs express server to build MVC framework from front-end side AngularJS to back-end. +Exp Developed front-end code with Ajax call in AngularJS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object. +Exp Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, SPRING, iBatis and Hibernate. +Exp Worked on the SPRING framework like SPRING IOC, SPRING DAO, SPRING ORM and Spring Integration. +Exp Involved in the development of backend Logics or data access logic using Oracle DB & JDBC. +Exp Developed API using Hibernate to interact with the Oracle database. +Exp Expertise in Multithreading, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), EJB, Serialization, and Java Beans. +Exp Worked extensively on SPRING MVC framework to develop new internal web application. +Exp Used Spring AOP components for the Logging, Exception handling and Transactional Models. +Exp Enforce compliance with dynamic processing and security policies by using Mule ESB. +Exp Developed Spring boot application with microservice and deployed it into AWS using EC2 instances. +Exp Uses the DAO pattern for data access layer and JMS API for the messaging requirement. +Exp Design PL/SQL batches using Core JAVA with connectivity to Oracle for data maintenance and handling. +Exp Test API responses for WCS changes deployed on continuous basis, validate Green Box and MongoDB data. +Exp Developed test cases and performed unit test using JUnit Framework and used JIRA for tracking bugs. +Exp Developed and executed SQL queries for testing database integrity and for data analysis using Selenium. +Exp Developed automated regression test cases in Selenium WebDriver using Java programming language. +Exp Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports and JENKINS for continuous integration. +Exp Used WebLogic for design, development, and deployment of applications. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, SPRING, Hibernate, Struts, WebLogic, Restful, JQuery, AJAX, Ext JS, JavaScript, AngularJs, JSP, JSTL, Servlet, Microservice, Oracle, CRUD, PL/SQL, JIRA, Angular, GWT, JDBC, AWS, MongoDB, NodeJS, Adobe (CQ5), Bootstrap, Core Java, jBPM, NoSQL, UML, Eclipse, Junit, Maven, Agile, SOA, JIRA, JENKINS, Selenium. +Exp Client: US Cellular - Chicago, IL April 2011 – June 2012 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: US Cellular is the fifth-largest full-service wireless carrier in the United States, providing national network coverage and industry-leading innovations designed to elevate the customer experience. The Chicago-based carrier has a strong line-up of cutting-edge devices that are all backed by a high-quality network in big and small cities and rural communities, and currently. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Sprint planning sessions and participated in the daily Agile SCRUM meetings. +Exp Designed and implemented web module using SPRING MVC. +Exp Designed & Developed persistence service using Hibernate framework. +Exp Develop high-level class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and implement the same in Java, SPRING, and SOAP. +Exp Developed web screens in JSP, JSTL, CSS3 and client side validation using JavaScript and JQuery. +Exp Used Struts validation and tiles framework in the presentation layer and tags to simplify complexities. +Exp Developed JSP custom tags in the web tier to dynamically generate web pages. Worked with Struts (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch action class, Action Form bean. +Exp Used SPRING ORM module for integration with Hibernate for persistence layer. +Exp Used SPRING AOP in exception handling, which reduces the development time to handle the exceptions. +Exp Developed SOAP based Webservice using JAX-WS and tested the webservice with SOAPUI.s +Exp Used JIRA for defect tracking and project management. +Exp Used STS (SPRING Tool Suite) as software development platform for developing the whole application. +Exp Used SVN for the version management and for version controlling software. +Exp Configured Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and created selenium automation scripts using Test NG. +Exp Performed functional testing to identify critical points and automated it by using Selenium web driver. +Exp Unit and integration test cases are designed using Junit and Log4j for log error, info and debug messages. +Exp Tested Service and data access tier using JUnit in TDD methodology. +Exp Followed Agile SCRUM methodology and used Test Driven Development (TDD). +Exp Project builds with Maven and Eclipse as IDE for application development and integration of frameworks. +Exp Used Apache Tomcat as application server to deploy the application. +Exp Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, Spring, Servlet, JDBC, Hibernate, Soap, SPRING, Struts, XML/XSL, DB2, JUnit, JSTL, Jira, Eclipse, SOAP Webservice, Selenium, TDD, SOAP UI, AJAX-WS RAD, Log4j, SQL, Maven, Tomcat, Log4j, WebLogic. +Exp Client: Footlocker - New York, NY Oct 2009 – Mar 2011 +Exp Role: JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: This is an internet based online shopping website in which products will be sold electronically involving buyers and sellers. The application also has googled map to represent the address. The products that this application sell, or buy are related to electronic products, consumer products and household products. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle including Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. +Exp Developed JSP, HTML5, XHTML5, CSS3 pages for modified views worked on responsive web design. +Exp Wrote Code to interact with back-end JAVA, AJAX, JSON. +Exp Used AJAX with JQuery to parse JSON object to dynamically overlay contents on web pages. +Exp Used JSF components and custom styles to convert model output to a tabular schedule view for trainees. +Exp Responsible for system analysis, design and development, which is built on top of J2EE and SPRING MVC. +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle using Agile Methodology. +Exp Developed code for obtaining bean references in SPRING framework using Dependency Injection. +Exp Developed DAO layer using Hibernate and SPRING and implemented the web tier using SPRING MVC. +Exp Used Java/J2EE Design Patterns such as DAO pattern, MVC pattern, singleton in the project extensively, which facilitates clean distribution of roles and responsibilities across various layers of processing. +Exp Involved in consuming and developing RESTful Webservice using SPRING MVC and Hibernate. +Exp Implemented Maven Script to create JAR, WAR, EAR and deploy the entire project onto the WebSphere. +Exp Used Oracle SQL developer for the writing queries or procedures in SQL. +Exp Monitored the error logs using Log4J and fixed the problems and GIT, SVN for version control. +Exp Used WebSphere as the Application Server to deploy the application. +Exp Used JUnit for the unit testing of various modules. +Exp Environment: Java/J2EE, Eclipse, JSP, SOAP, RESTful, JMS,AJAX, JSON, SPRING, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, HTML5, XHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSF, WebSphere, Oracle SQL Developer, Maven, Agile scrum, Integration tool, Log4J, GIT, JUnit. +Exp Client: YANA Software Pvt., LTD - Hyderabad, INDIA. Sep 2008- Sep 2009 +Exp Role: JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: The product was online banking system which provides personal savings details to the clients. It offers a wide range of financial clients and as per users account status offers him to take up the new schemes. Upon the user request it generates the corresponding requests and sends to the user. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed presentation screens by using JSP, HTML and JavaScript. +Exp Implemented Model View Controller (MVC-2) architecture and developed Form classes, Action Classes for the entire application using Struts Framework and used for server side validation.. +Exp Performed client side validations using JavaScript. +Exp Used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level and accessed Annotated bean from Hibernate DAO layer. +Exp Used HQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database. +Exp Transformed, Navigated and Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT. +Exp Used JMS for asynchronous exchange of message by applications on different platforms. +Exp Developed the view components using JSP, HTML, Struts Logic tags and Struts tag libraries. +Exp Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions. +Exp Creation of database objects like tables, views using oracle tools like Toad, and SQL* plus. +Exp Involved in writing Stored Procedure in using PL/SQL. +Exp Used JUnit Testing Framework for performing Unit testing. +Exp Deployed application in Tomcat and developed using Rational Application Developer RAD. +Exp Environment: Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, Servlets 2.5, JSP, JMS, CVS, JavaScript, XSL, XSLT, PL/SQL, Junit, Tomcat, Oracle 10g. +PI Anil Krishna Mogalaturthi +PI 681-888-2999 +Sum Professional Summary +Sum Highly inspired software professional with over 8 years of experience in all stages of systems development life cycle including business requirements gathering, design, data conversions, programming, system integration / user acceptance testing. +Sum Senior Java/J2EE Developer with around 8 years of experience in Systems Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of Web and Client/Server and Enterprise Application development using Java and J2EE Technologies. +Sum Strong experience in all the phases of software development cycle (SDLC) including UI design, architecture, identification of corporate needs, user interaction, deployment, testing, documentation and maintenance. +Sum Extreme experience in architecting and deploying of fault tolerant, highly available, cost effective and secure servers in AWS and MS Azure. +Sum Developed Networking policies for Docker containers. Worked on open source development tools like Docker Containers, Mesos and Kubernetes. Also, worked on GitHub. +Sum Expertise in Core Java with strong understanding and working knowledge in object oriented concepts like Data structures, Multithreading, Concurrency, Exceptional Handling, Collection API's to implement various features. +Sum Hands-on experience in working with web based applications using Java, J2EE, JDBC, Struts, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JMS, Angular JS, SQL etc. +Sum Good knowledge on the Spring modules like Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Webflow, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring Forms. +Sum Strong knowledge on Hibernate ORM framework. Used Hibernate Connection Pooling, HQL, Hibernate Caching, Transactions, Sessions, Criteria’s. +Sum Used Persistence frameworks, Hibernate3.x, JPA to map, POJOs to a relational database. +Sum Excellent working experience with various frameworks like Struts, ATG. +Sum Experience with ATG Content Administration (ATG BCC) and Endeca Search. +Sum Technology expertise to support design and implementation work using ATG applications. +Sum Experience working with Front End Technologies like HTML, HTML5, DHTML, XPATH, XHTML, JSTL, JSP, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, CSS3, XSLT, jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, React JS, Node JS. +Sum Strong working knowledge in dealing with Web services like SOAP and Restful Web Services. +Sum Strong knowledge in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and publishing Web Services that include several components like JAX-WS, Framework implementing by Axis2, Apache CXF. +Sum Involved in development of SOAP web services using WSDL, JAXB, CXF, AXIS, JAX-WS and Restful web services using JAX-RS, CXF and JERSEY APIs. +Sum Experience in building Microservices with the help of Spring Boot and developed Spring based applications with very less configuration. +Sum Good knowledge in XML related technologies like XML, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, XSL, XHTML, XPATH, JAXB, JAXP and RSS. +Sum Expertise in writing test cases with JUnit and TestNG using Mockito. +Sum Good experience on Enterprise Java beans(EJB) like stateless Session EJB, MDB, Entity Beans. +Sum Extensive Experience in retrieving and manipulating data from backend using Database (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, NOSQL(MongoDB), Sybase) SQL queries, PL/SQL- Stored Procedures, Functions, Sequences, Triggers, Views and Packages +Sum Experience with Continuous Integration, version control and build tools such as Ant, Maven, Jenkins, SVN (Sub Version), CVS for building and deploying applications. +Sum Expertise in different IDEs like Eclipse, My Eclipse, STS (Spring Tool Suite), RAD, TOAD, SQL. +Sum Developed, tested and deployed applications in UNIX, Linux and Windows Environments. +Sum Experience with various development methodologies such as Waterfall, Test Driven development (TDD), Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) and Agile (SCRUM). +Sum Hands on experience with concurrency Multi-Threading and Collections frameworks. +Sum Experience in creating, maintaining and cleanup the containers on Docker. +Sum Used Docker as a new level of simplicity to define and create applications or services by encapsulating them in containers. +Sum Used Docker containers for eliminating a source of friction between development and operations. +Sum Good knowledge in Cloud computing infrastructure such as Amazon web Services (AWS). Worked on EC2 and S3, ELB. +Sum Knowledge on Docker to create Containers using Docker file and using Docker compose. +Sum Excellent skills in programming using wide variety of languages and ability to adapt new latest technologies & work in Multi-platform environment. +Sum Has the motivation to take independent responsibility and be a productive team member, +Sum accompanying a strong programming and analytical background. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp SYSINTELLIINC, SANDIEGO, CA. +Exp FEBURARY 2016 – TILL DATE +Exp FULL STACK JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp MEDINTELLI Product is certified electronic health records for ambulatory practices. Medintelli Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution makes it easy transition from paper to electronic health records. We provide a complete Electronic Medical Records (EMR) solution that is easy to use with fully integrated Medical Practice Management and patient portal solution. Through the patient portal, patients can securely access their medical records, view test results, pay bills, and schedule appointments from anywhere, at any time via the Internet and create a HIPAA-compliant paperless environment. +Exp Patient Health Records (PHR): Manages patients in this module. The patients have full access to their records from this portal. They can schedule/cancel an appointment, view lab records, alerts, medication, prescriptions from this module. +Exp Front desk portal: The front desk portal manages different modules. In this module, they can schedule an appointment; check the validation of insurance billing. +Exp Doctor portal: The portal is integrated with different modules. The doctor can have the electronic medical records with HIPPA compliance. Doctor can get alert on history, allergies and complication of a patient. From this portal, a secure direct access is provided to transcription portal. +Exp Grouping and Matching: With this you can maintain groups. This in turn eases the ability to match the regulations setup by HIPPA. You can create searchable groups and categorize applicants based on your requirements. +Exp Smart Communication: Since communication is a key aspect of healthcare process, this system gives you the flexibility of communicating via email, phone, and fax. This piece is tightly integrated with the software and can be invoked and used from very minor use to critical pieces. You can set reminders, send group messages, can send smart responses etc. We have tight integration with PDAs and Smart phones/ devices and give you the flexibility to manage communication with these devices anytime/anywhere. +Exp Compliance & Reporting: You have lots of built in report types that can tell you everything you want to know about your patients, Customers and job order. You also can generate custom reports for any specific purposes. Compliance reports dramatically reduce time spent gathering regulatory information for government and other reporting requirements. +Exp Other System Integration: Integration to other systems is very important to any new software system. With this we can integrate our system to variety of systems like Lab integrations, Electronic prescriptions +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using Agile Model. +Exp Actively Involved in designing the outline of project, understanding of business necessities and interacted with other team members to understand the requirements for the project. +Exp Build Microservices For Delivery of software product across the Enterprise. +Exp Implemented J2EE standards, MVC architecture using Spring(MVC)Framework and combined with ORM(Hibernate) framework. +Exp Developed application modules using Spring MVC, Spring Annotations, Spring Beans, Dependency Injection, with database interface using Hibernate. +Exp Involved in the design and development of Batch Jobs using Spring Batch Architecture. Used Multithreading to enable multiple operations to be performed simultaneously. +Exp Tested Rest APIs in Spring-Controller at backend for JSON data using Postman. +Exp Involved in developing code to convert a SOAP response in to a JSON object and construct a tree in UI. +Exp Used java concepts like Collections, Generics, Exception handling, Concurrency to develop business logic +Exp Used Java Multithreaded programming to develop multithreaded modules and applications. +Exp Experience in Spring Security and Spring MVC frameworks, and Hibernate ORM framework. +Exp Used Spring BOOT to create stand-alone spring applications. +Exp Used Spring Inversion of Control, to make application easy to test and integrate. +Exp Used DAO classes with Spring Controllers. +Exp Developed LDAP server configuration file to enable encryption support for password storage. +Exp Developed GUI using Adobe Flex, Exaltation Script and CSS. +Exp Used servlets as front controllers, jQuery, AngularJS, JSP, HTML and CSS on front end and JavaScript, jQuery for client-side validations. +Exp Created proof-of-concept using responsive web design, Node.js, React JS, HTML5 and CSS3. +Exp Used popular Node.js frameworks like Express and Restify to mock a Restful API. +Exp Utilized Spring Annotations and XML Configuration for Dependency Injection. +Exp Wrote Rest-Controller w.r.t RESTful standards in Spring MVC to connect model with view. +Exp Implemented web services for communicating using SOAP. +Exp Experience in Migrating the WebLogic/Jboss servers from Development to Stage and Stage to Production. +Exp Knowledge of Jboss Messaging Persistence Manager. +Exp Used GIT to maintain and modify the code and configurations related to Jboss. Used Bamboo linked with GIT repositories. +Exp Trimmed the Jboss EAP to create the slim version of Application Server and secured the Jboss application server. +Exp Provided connections using spring with Hibernate to the database and developed SQL queries to manipulate the data. +Exp Used Spring DAO concept to interact with oracle database using Hibernate Template. +Exp Developed and consumed asynchronous messaging using Java Message Service (JMS) for FTP between multiple applications as per the business life cycle. +Exp Used Maven and Gradle to build the project and JUnit to develop unit test cases +Exp Expertise in using JUNIT for Unit testing, Log4J for logging and debugging purposes, warning info on the server console and Version controller SVN to maintain code versions and documentation. +Exp Used Web Logic Application Developer for building, testing and deploying application locally. +Exp As part of the automation process used Selenium features like taking screenshots, Actions, handling frames, scrolling, alerts etc. +Exp Responsible in identifying defects in application using JProbe and Load Testing using JMeter. +Exp JProfiler to profile the application before we release and for monitoring purpose. +Exp Interacted with testing team to fix defects. +Exp Involved in bug fixes, enhancements and code refactoring. +Exp Hands on experience in EC2, VPC, Subnets, Routing tables, Internet gateways, IAM, Route53, VPC peering, S3, ELB, RDS, Security Groups, Cloud Watch, SNS on AWS. +Exp Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services AWS platform instances using Chef Configuration management +Exp Provided user Access Management for right user from Identity Access Management(IAM). +Exp Installing, Configuration and administering Jenkins with continuous Integration tool on LINUX machines along with adding/updating plug-in such as SVN, GIT, Maven along on deploying artifacts using XL Deploy, Amazon. +Exp For Project Pipelines/workflows system used Jenkins as CI Tool. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs, Node JS Web Logic Application Server, Spring batch, Spring security, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring Framework 4.2, JSON, Ruby, Jboss, Hibernate 5.x, LDAP, XML, Oracle 10g/11g/12c, Action Script3.0, NodeJS, Jenkins, IAM, MXML, JSP, HTML, Log4j, Maven, Jenkins, AWS, Docker, SVN, GitHub, JProfiler, SOAP, Soap-UI 4.6. +Exp DIXONS CAREPHONE PLC, DUBLIN, IRELAND +Exp APRIL 2013-2015 DECEMBER +Exp Mid-Level Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Dixons Carphone Warehouse is a leading Business-to-business(B2B) services channeling through Connected World Services, CurrysPCWorld Business and Carphone Warehouse Business. Our role is to provide payroll, human resources and benefits outsourcing solutions. The objective of the project is to develop a payroll application which supports independent contractors and Industry taxes, and supports some of the US territories. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and developed web-based software using Spring MVC Framework and Spring Web Flow. +Exp Participated in Agile (Scrum) methodology to ensure delivery of high quality work. +Exp Maintained the spring configuration files in web.xml. +Exp Developed Session Beans for the Business logic. +Exp Involved in building the microservices in java Ecosystem including on self -Container and container less and in-container for the Edition of build of the application +Exp Modified the Spring Controllers and Services classes to support the introduction of Spring framework. +Exp Used Core Java concepts such as Multithreading, Exception Handling, Collections to implement various features and enhancements. +Exp Experience in front-end development using JSP, JSTL, Servlet, JavaScript, HTML5, XML, Bootstrap, Ajax and CSS3. +Exp Developed user interface by using AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, JSP and HTML. +Exp Developed modules to interact with other enterprise applications using Web services, SOAP and RESTFUL Web Services. +Exp Developed several SOAPS based JAX-WS Web Service interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability. +Exp Heavily used SOAP UI Pro version for testing the Web Services. +Exp Handled Memory issues, application leak or WebLogic/Jboss leak or sun java bug by tuning and profiling the memory with third party tools. +Exp Troubleshooting the issues that arise during production. +Exp Involved in support for production environment and WebLogic/Jboss server hanging and server crash Issues. +Exp Involved in tuning the heap size parameters and JVM's Garbage collector for WebLogic/Jboss. +Exp Reviewed, analyzed and identify the recommendations relating to the Oracle ATG E-commerce Architecture and Design. +Exp Implemented user stories related to a migration of initial and delta data from existing ecommerce solution to ATG. +Exp Worked on Oracle ATG and Commerce reference applications (Merchandising, Personalization, B2C and B2B). +Exp Customized solutions within ATG business control center and ATG commerce service center. Worked closely with test team on ATG specific defects. Worked closely with other ATG Service providers or implementers to meet the deadlines. +Exp Worked on Oracle ATG CSC customizations, configured and set up Oracle ATG with custom catalogs. +Exp Experience in Building Web Service Contracts in SOA Service Manager. +Exp Worked on generating the web service classes by using WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, Spring-WS. +Exp Developing dynamic responsive Web Application by integrating Angular JS with Bootstrap which is further integrated with Web Services. +Exp Performed Angular JS Form Validation and Angular JS Form properties with ng-show and created a custom validation directive for comparing two input values +Exp Using Bootstrap, CSS3 and media queries to create rich UI mobile and desktop Modules. +Exp Worked on stored procedures, triggers and cursors, PL/SQL and SQL queries in Oracle 10g. +Exp Created SQL queries for data manipulation using JDBC. +Exp Extensively used Spring JDBC in data access layer to access and update +Exp Used STS standard/plugin features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (Tortoise SVN). +Exp Developed application architecture and customized framework using Spring, JSF and iBATIS. +Exp Installed/Configured/Managed Jenkins CI Automation. +Exp Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration process and entire application is developed and deployed on Tomcat server. +Exp Worked with Terraform to create AWS components like EC2, IAM, VPC, ELB, Security groups. +Exp Performed integration testing using Selenium Web driver. +Exp Developed MAVEN scripts for compiling and deployment used Jenkins as Automation tool to move from one environment to another environment. +Exp JIRA is used as ticket tracking, change management and Agile/SCRUM tool. +Exp Build the application using Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. +Exp Worked closely with QA team in resolving bugs, both in production release and current development version in resolving the defects. +Exp Developed test cases through Test Driven Development(TDD) approach. +Exp Writing unit tests using Jasmine with Karma. +Exp Composed and executed Mongo DB scripts to insert and update NoSQL database, automating data changes and reporting. +Exp Automate infrastructure in AWS utilizing amazon web services AWS. Deploy puppet to completely provision and manage AWS EC2 instances, volumes, DNS, and S3. +Exp Implementing the Singleton Design Pattern for the entire creation of objects. +Exp Environment:Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, XML, Bootstrap, Ajax, Java Beans,AWS,Jboss,JDBC, iBatis 2.2,Spring 4.0, SOAP, SOAP UI, Web services,LDAP,ATG 9.1/10.2/11, WSDL, PL/SQL, Oracle 12C, STS, SVN, Maven, IntelliJ IDE, Jenkins, Selenium, JIRA, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS,TDD, Jasmine and Karma. +Exp GUIDEWIRE SOFTWARE, DUBLIN, IRELAND +Exp DECEMBER 2011-APRIL 2013 +Exp MID – Level Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Guidewire Software Focus on many services the section of job role was funds or credits to individuals with independent business requirements. Applicants get their loans sanctioned based on their credit history. The candidate data is kept up in a database along with the details of the loan for repayment. This data is filtered into different categories based on parameters like type of account, loan amount, due date. The filtered data is used for statistics and generating reports +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Used AGILE SDLC methodology with scrum as a framework for requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing the application while upgrading the project. +Exp Actively Involved in designing the outline of project, understanding of business necessities and interacted with other team members to understand the requirements for the project. +Exp Implemented J2EE standards, MVC architecture using Spring(MVC)Framework and combined with ORM(Hibernate) framework. +Exp Developed application modules using Spring MVC, Spring Annotations, Spring Beans, Dependency Injection, with database interface using Hibernate. +Exp Involved in the design and development of Batch Jobs using Spring Batch Architecture. +Exp Developed ATG repositories using ATG object relational mapping framework which involved coding repository XMLs, mapping Oracle tables to Java Beans. +Exp Used core Java concepts like multithread for environment to run the processes asynchronously using different future calls to access the data +Exp Used Multithreading to enable multiple operations to be performed simultaneously. +Exp Experienced with Java Multithreaded programming to develop multithreaded modules and applications. +Exp Experience in Spring Security and Spring MVC frameworks, and Hibernate ORM framework. +Exp Developed DAO's, java objects and used Hibernate as part of persistence layer. +Exp Good knowledge on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), XML based protocols like WSDL and SOAP and implemented both SOAP and REST web services +Exp Used Angular JS and jQuery library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application. +Exp Designed and implemented Java engine and API to perform direct calls from front-end JavaScript, Node.JS, AngularJS to server-side Java methods. +Exp Setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. Used Bootstrap library to quickly build project UI's and used AngularJS framework to associate HTML elements to models. +Exp Used spring framework to inject the DAO and Bean objects and auto wiring the components. +Exp Deployed Spring Boot based micro services and Docker container in internal cloud server. +Exp Experienced with solid understanding of Micro Services. +Exp Created and consumed Microservices based on Web API. +Exp HTTP request from JSP and HTML pages controlling with that of Servlets. +Exp Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using Hibernate frame work in conjunction with spring functionality. +Exp Worked on development of Hibernate to interact with the database including mapping files, configuration file and classes. +Exp Generated POJO classes to map with the tables in the database using the Hibernate integration. +Exp Implemented Spring Security for user authentication using Identity Access Management. +Exp Developed LDAP server configuration file to enable encryption support for password storage. +Exp Developed filters for user authentication and user authorization by using Servlets API. +Exp Developed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. +Exp Implemented SOAP Web service using JAX-WS for retrieving financial information of policyholder and implemented web services concepts such as WS-Security using SSL, Handler such as SOAP. +Exp Involved in developing RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS to provide functionality for future development. +Exp Developed and consumed asynchronous messaging using Java Message Service (JMS) for FTP between multiple applications as per the business life cycle. +Exp Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information. +Exp Established connections with other applications by using Rabbit MQ and JMS to send messages from one application to other application internally. +Exp Working experience with Rabbit MQ by connecting to the topic then fetching the messages and parsing the messages using multi-threading. +Exp Wrote SQL Queries to interact with SQL Server Database. +Exp Used SQL, HQL Queries in Java code to do CRUD operations depending upon the business necessity. +Exp Writing Unix Shell Scripts to run batch jobs, Automated processes, and to automate routine systems administration tasks. +Exp Developed PL/SQL Procedures & UNIX Scripts for Automation and running files in batch mode. +Exp Worked on stored procedures, triggers and cursors, PL/SQL queries in Oracle 11g. +Exp Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and created snapshots for the data that had to be stored in AWS S3. +Exp Installed the application on AWS EC2 instances and configured the storage on S3 buckets. +Exp Used Maven and Gradle to build the project and JUnit to develop unit test cases +Exp Expertise in using JUNIT for Unit testing, Log4J for logging and debugging purposes and Version controller SVN to maintain code versions and documentation. +Exp Good knowledge on UNIX commands, used to see the log files on the production server. +Exp Used Putty to connect to the Unix Environment Servers and written the UNIX Shell Scripting for accessing the Server. +Exp As part of the automation process used Selenium features like taking screenshots, Actions, handling frames, scrolling, alerts etc. +Exp Work on Auto scaling, Cloud watch (monitoring), AWS Elastic Beanstalk (app +Exp deployments), Amazon S3 (storage) and Amazon EBS (persistent disk storage). +Exp Utilized Cloud watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon to design high availability applications on AWS across availability zones +Exp Responsible in identifying defects in application using JProbe and Load Testing using JMeter. +Exp JProfiler to profile the application before we release and for monitoring purpose. +Exp Deployed the complete Web applications in WebSphere application Server. +Exp Used Test-Driven Development methodology (TDD) to grow software capability and refractor into well-designed maintainable software. +Exp Environment: Core Java, J2EE, JSP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs, Node JS, Spring 3.1, Spring batch, Spring security, Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Web services, Micro services, ATG 9.1, Hibernate 4.1, AWS, LDAP, XML, XSD, XSL, XSLT, WebSphere 8.5, Eclipse, SQL, HQL, Dom4j, Unix, SVN, Maven, Gradle, SOAP, Soap-UI 4.6, Pl/SQL, Oracle 11g, UNIX Shell Scripting, Putty, JUnit, Log4J, JMeter, JProfiler. +Exp CULLIGENCE, BENGALURU, INDIA +Exp APRIL 2009-AUGUST 2011 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Online billing system (OBS) project provides enhancements to existing online billing application. OBS is a system, which basically provides many online features like displaying current bill, showing balance, due dates, history information and other stuff. OBS displays bills to customer in selected formats like pdf and html formats up to last 12 months and can download. OBS also contains provision to collect payment information, online order processing and payment processing. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Assisted in designing and programming for the system, which includes development of Process Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, Data Flow Diagram and Database Design. +Exp Involved in Transactions, login and Reporting modules, and customized report generation using Controllers, Testing and debugging the whole project for proper functionality and documenting modules developed. +Exp Designed front-end components using JSF 1.2. +Exp Involved in developing Java API, which communicates with the Enterprise Java Beans 2.0. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture using JSF and JSTL 1.2 tag libraries. +Exp Involved in development of classes and writing Hibernate query language (HQL) queries. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture and DAO design pattern for maximum abstraction of the application and code reusability. +Exp Worked on Tomcat server configurations set up, data sources, and queues set up and deploying the application. +Exp Created Stored Procedures using SQL/PL-SQL for data modification. +Exp Used XML 1.0, XSL for Data presentation, Report generation and customer feedback documents. +Exp Used Java Beans to automate the generation of Dynamic Reports and for customer transactions. +Exp Implemented Logging framework using Log4J. +Exp Involved in code review and documentation review of technical artifacts. +Exp Environment: J2EE/Java, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.5, JSF 1.2, Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, JSTL 1.2, EJB 2.0, XML 1.0, XSL, HTML, JavaScript 1.5, JDBC 3.1, Log4J, Oracle8i, Apache Tomcat, Eclipse, Windows. +Exp PUBLISHED ARTICLES +Exp Elastic Stream Computing: A Load Balance and Optimal Performance Approach. +Exp -Published ACM Transactions on Graphics, Publication Date 2012. +Exp Measuring the Network Performance and Examine the Behavior of Software Defined Networking Using Open Flow. +Exp -Published IEEE Digital Library, Publication Date 2013. +Edu EDUCATIONAL DOCUMENTS +Edu MASTERS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. +Edu MARSHALL UNIVERISTY, HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINA. +Edu JAN 2016-MAY 2017. +Edu MASTERS IN MOBILE AND UBQUTIOUS COMPUTING, +Edu TRINITY COLLEGE DIUBLIN, DUBLIN-02, IRELAND. +Edu OCT 2011-DEC 2012. +Edu BACHELORS OF ENGINERRING IN ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTERS, +Edu KONERU LAKSHMAIAH UNIVERISTY, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA. +Edu SEP 2006 -APRIL2010. +Sum SUMMARY +Sum 13 Years of total professional experience in IT industry, currently working as Project Manager in analysis, design and development of Client/Server applications and Commercial Applications software development in Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing domain +Sum Excellent Technical skills on Business Objects reporting tool +Sum Well-versed and expert on Business Objects 5.x, 6.x, XIR2, 3.1 & BO 4.0 +Sum Hands-on experience in creating Business Objects Universes & Reports +Sum Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) +Sum Excellent Project Management Skills, coordinating tasks between different teams for project’s successful closure +Sum Well versed with Agile & Waterfall Project Management methodologies +Sum 6 Years of rich Onsite IT experience at client’s location in New Jersey, USA where customer focus was the key aspect +Sum A proven verifiable track record and a strong sense of dedication driven towards accomplishing challenging goals with persistent commitment +Sum Extensive experience in gathering Business Requirements, writing Technical Specifications and defining Version Control Processes, worked as Business Analyst / Onshore Coordinator in NJ +Sum Lead a team size ranging from 2 to 20 resources, provided them with key information about the client and their business, reviewed code developed by the team +Sum Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. Collected business requirements from the clients and communicated well to the offshore team +Sum Worked as a bridge between different stakeholders to understand the requirements and cascade the same to the development team, excellent stakeholder’s management +Sum Successfully organized and handled cross trainings within the project to ensure the knowledge is not lost if a certain resource is unavailable +Sum Not shy of escalating important issues to the management for timely resolution +Sum Adapts well to the changing environment +Sum Experience in Pre-Sales domain and writing technical proposals +Sum Good Experience in creating FRS, Project Plans and Estimations for projects +Sum Worked as Assessment Team Member (ATM) with QAI for assessing CMMI Maturity Level 5 +Sum Working as Process Consultant for one of the projects I am managing +Sum Excellent work ethics, self-motivated, quick learner, team player and good at multi-tasking +Sum Strong problem solving, analytical, interpersonal and leadership skills +Skill TECHNTECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill DWH technologies: OLAP +Skill RDBMS: SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 R2, Oracle 8, 9i, 10g, Sybase IQ +Skill Development/Productivity Tools: Adobe Acrobat, MS Office, ODBC, Visual Basic +Skill E-Com Frameworks/Web Technologies: VBScripts +Skill Programming Languages: SQL, Sybase IQ scripts +Exp DWH Tools: Business Objects, CystalReports.com +Skill Business Objects 5.x, 6.x, XIR2, XIR3.1, 4.0 +Skill Source Control: Visual Source Safe +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor of Engineering – Electronics and Communication – 2002 – SRMS CET, Bareilly, India +Edu PG in VLSI & System Programming from CDAC Noida, India, 2003-2004 +QC CERTIFICATION: +QC Project Management Professional (PMP) – Project Management Institute +QC PMP Number: 1693785 +QC PMP Expiration Date: February 6th 2020 +Exp Client – Sanofi, Somerset, NJ (September 2016 – till date) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Manager +Exp Project Description: Account Management Planner (AMP) Profiler-Web tool – (Sep 2016 – till date) – The Account Management Planner Profiler Tool is a web-based tool to provide the client’s Account Executives/Directors, Brand and Leadership with information necessary to influence strategic business planning would assist in increasing sales. Also, to influence important market driving parameters like current & new rebates, ramp-up time, clinical factors, financial factors etc. through which the key decision makers and Account Directors can analyze and attempt to positively impact the overall sale of a selected drug in each territory for a given PBM, Health plan. +Exp Main objective is to automate the process of strategic business planning for Account Executive/Directors. +Exp Ability for Account Directors, Key Decision Makers in generating accurate decision support triggers & reports +Exp To provide the users with system based simulation model to generate program ROI +Exp Technology: .Net Framwork 4.5, HTML5, CSS3, SQL Server 2014 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management - Managing Enterprise software Solution Team of 25 resources to develop this MVC / .Net based platform product for the client +Exp Requirement Gathering & Elicitation – Gather the requirements from the client and pass it on to the development team. Help them understand the requirements. Seek clarifications for any doubts/questions from the client +Exp Agile Methodology – Agile project management methodology was adopted and I worked as Scrum master. I lead the daily scrum meetings and ensured that the sprint backlogs were all delivered on time +Exp Daily Sprint Stand-up calls – I lead and managed the sprint calls for this project, ensured that the daily calls do not go for long and only quick status and important issues were discussed and sorted out during the calls +Exp Stakeholder’s Management - Builds and maintains strong client relationships, and participates in client meetings regarding performance to ensure client satisfaction +Exp Business Requirement Document – Created the Business Requirement Document which served as the go to document. This was signed-off by the client which made the basis for developing the project +Exp Status Reporting – Managed the prompt and correct status reporting of the project. Apart from daily stand-up calls, circulated the weekly status report to the client for better tracking and monitoring of the project +Exp Development & Testing – I lead the team during the development and testing phases as well. Helped the tem determine the best approach and did a lot of QA to support better quality deliverables +Exp UAT & Bug-fixing – Supported the end users and development team during the UAT phase. Ensured that all the reported bugs are properly tracked, prioritized and assigned to the development team for fixing them +Exp Cost & Schedule Monitoring – An important aspect of this project was to ensure that there is no Cost & Schedule variances. I used GANTT charts and Microsoft Project tools to monitor the Cost and Schedule. I ensured the team members track all their time in the timesheets and submits diligently every week +Exp Risk Assessment & Mitigation – Worked with the relevant stakeholders to identify the risks, created Risk Register document and options to mitigate them +Exp Go-Live/ Production Release – Helped the teams in Production Release. Made sure that the Release Notes are shared with all the relevant stakeholders. All the Concerned parties are available for the launch. Completed Smoke Testing after the launch to ensure that the Production environment is up and running fine as per the expectations +Exp Performance Tuning of the system – Being a web application, it’s important to know the non-functional requirement of how should I system behave. Worked with the team to ensue database and front end have been developed and then fine-tuned for best performance +Exp Handling of the Change Requests – There were some enhancement requests from the client which were taken up as a part of Change Request. I submitted the same to the Change Management which approved few of the work items which were later developed by the development team +Exp Client – OKI Europe Limited, New Delhi, India (May 2015 – Aug 2016) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Manager +Exp Project Description: OKI Business Intelligence System – (May 2015 – Aug 2016) – This project is a development project and support project which involves building full-fledged Business Intelligence system - an enterprise data warehouse along with standard operational and analytics reports for top management. The enterprise data warehouse is being built for the client’s European market. The project involves working on Sales, Targets & Stocks data for the client. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects 4.0, SQL Server 2008 R2 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management – End to end Project management and leadership. Managing the BI development Team of 8 resources at onshore & offshore to develop Enterprise Business Intelligence System for the client +Exp Requirement Gathering & Elicitation - Gather the requirements from the client and pass it on to the development team. Help them understand the requirements. Seek clarifications for any doubts/questions from the client +Exp Waterfall Methodology – Worked on the waterfall project management methodology for this project. Ensured each of the different phases are signed-off before starting the next phase of the project +Exp Stakeholder’s Management - Builds and maintains strong client relationships, and participates in client meetings regarding performance to ensure client satisfaction +Exp Status Reporting – Managed the prompt and correct status reporting of the project. Apart from daily stand-up calls, circulated the weekly status report to the client for better tracking and monitoring of the project +Exp Work Breakdown Structure & Estimation – Worked with the technical architect to design a solution and come up with the required estimates for the project. Shared the same with the client and got an approval. Created Work Break Down structure document for the development team to understand the requirements of the project +Exp Capacity & Capability Planning – Based on the estimates approved, I worked on the capability and capacity planning. Ensured I get the right skillset of the resources required for the same duration based on timelines. Used skill matrix and resource calendar to monitor this activity +Exp Resource Utilization – It was an important aspect of the project to ensure the resources are properly utilized +Exp Development & Testing – I lead the team during the development and testing phases as well. Helped the tem determine the best approach and did a lot of QA to support better quality deliverables +Exp UAT & Bug-fixing – Supported the end users and development team during the UAT phase. Ensured that all the reported bugs are properly tracked, prioritized and assigned to the development team for fixing them +Exp Cost & Schedule Monitoring – An important aspect of this project was to ensure that there is no Cost & Schedule variances. I used GANTT charts and Microsoft Project tools to monitor the Cost and Schedule. I ensured the team members track all their time in the timesheets and submits diligently every week +Exp Profitability Tracker – Monitored the cost and revenue of the project and timely submitted the profitability tracker. This is an important organization wide project manager’s responsibility +Exp Risk Assessment & Mitigation – Worked with the relevant stakeholders to identify the risks, created Risk Register document and options to mitigate them +Exp Go-Live/ Production Release – Helped the teams in Production Release. Made sure that the Release Notes are shared with all the relevant stakeholders. All the Concerned parties are available for the launch. Completed Smoke Testing after the launch to ensure that the Production environment is up and running fine as per the expectations +Exp Handling of the Change Requests – There were some enhancement requests from the client which were taken up as a part of Change Request. I submitted the same to the Change Management which approved few of the work items which were later developed by the development team +Exp Project Description: SDL Tridion Support Services – (Mar 2014 – Aug 2016) – This project is a Service support project and involves day to day support activities of OKI’s Web Content Management. OKI is using SDL Tridion to manage content for all their intranet and extranet websites. There are around 150 websites published for OKI using SDL Tridion. The website’s infrastructure is hosted with Rackspace. +Exp Technology: SDL Tridion 5.3, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management – End to end Project management and leadership. Manage and support this ongoing Support project for day to day activities, requests and cater to client’s satisfaction +Exp Support of GWI Incident Management System – Open & Track all incidents and requests in GWI Incident Management system. Ensure GWI System is maintained and tracked on a daily basis. Seek clarifications for any doubts/questions from the client +Exp Stakeholder’s Management - Builds and maintains strong client relationships, and participates in client meetings regarding performance to ensure client satisfaction +Exp Status Reporting – Managed the prompt and correct status reporting of the project. Circulated the weekly & Monthly status report to the client for better tracking and monitoring of the project +Exp Development & Testing – I lead the team during the development and testing phases as well. Helped the tem determine the best approach and did a lot of QA to support better quality deliverables +Exp Capacity & Capability Planning – Based on the estimates approved, I worked on the capability and capacity planning. Ensured I get the right skillset of the resources required for the same duration based on timelines. Used skill matrix and resource calendar to monitor this activity +Exp Resource Utilization – It was an important aspect of the project to ensure the resources are properly utilized +Exp Cost & Schedule Monitoring – An important aspect of this project was to ensure that there is no Cost & Schedule variances. I used GANTT charts and Microsoft Project tools to monitor the Cost and Schedule. I ensured the team members track all their time in the timesheets and submits diligently every week +Exp Profitability Tracker – Monitored the cost and revenue of the project and timely submitted the profitability tracker. This is an important organization wide project manager’s responsibility +Exp Risk Assessment & Mitigation – Worked with the relevant stakeholders to identify the risks, created Risk Register document and options to mitigate them +Exp Handling of the Change Requests – There were some enhancement requests from the client which were taken up as a part of Change Request. I submitted the same to the Change Management which approved few of the work items which were later developed by the development team +Exp Client – Atmel Corporation – (July 2015 – February 2016) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Manager +Exp Client Description: +Exp Atmel Corporation is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of microcontrollers, capacitive touch solutions, advanced logic, mixed-signal, nonvolatile memory and radio frequency (RF) components. Leveraging one of the industry's broadest intellectual property technology portfolios, Atmel provides the electronics industry with complete system solutions focused on industrial, consumer, security, communications, computing and automotive markets. +Exp Project Description: SDL Tridion Technical Services – Website revamp – (Jul 2015 – Feb 2016) – This project is a development project which aims at redesign of Atmel.com’s web experience. The goal is to provide a guided, personalized, targeted and user-friendly navigation on Atmel.com website and have the Content Authors take more control on website updates, rather than the developers. +Exp Technology: SDL Tridion 2013, HTML5 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management +Exp Requirement Gathering & Elicitation +Exp Weekly calls with clients +Exp Define Scope & Monitor +Exp Estimation +Exp Resource Utilization +Exp Change Request Management +Exp UAT & Bug-fixing +Exp Support Go-Live/ Production Release +Exp Client – Ministry of Health Holdings (MOHH), Singapore – (January 2015 – June 2015) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Manager +Exp Client Description: +Exp MOHH (previously known as Health Corporation of Singapore) is the holding company of Singapore’s public healthcare assets. It operated largely as a dormant holding company until it was recently restructured to address systems-level gaps in our public healthcare system. MOHH today provides systems-level strategizing and coordination and facilitates collaboration across clusters/healthcare institutions. In doing so, it enhances overall public healthcare system performance, while ensuring closer alignment to MOH’s vision, mission and priorities. Where possible, MOHH also seeks to leverage on synergies and economies of scale across the entire healthcare spectrum, thereby enhancing operational efficiency of the public healthcare sector in the long run. +Exp Project Description: Corporate Website Revamp – (Jan 2015 – Jun 2015) – This project is the Corporate Website revamp project for MOHH which is MOHH’s main public facing website. New site would be SEO optimized, performant site which would have modern look and feel, with Responsive Web Design and built using SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management features and would be hosted on a third party private cloud infrastructure within strict deadlines and adhering to MOHH corporate standards. Site is expected to have more than Hundred thousand of user base with different target users/stakeholders. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management, Initiation & Planning +Exp Requirement Gathering & Elicitation +Exp Estimation of the project +Exp Requirement Analysis & Design +Exp Resource Alignment +Exp Weekly check point meetings with the client +Exp Handling the scope creep & gold plating +Exp Unit testing by the team +Exp UAT/bug fixing +Exp Planning for Go-Live, Knowledge Transition and Documentation +Exp Tracking of Cost/Revenue for the project +Exp Production Release & Stabilization +Exp Client – Singapore Sports Hub, Singapore – (March 2014 – September 2015) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Manager +Exp Client Description: +Exp The Singapore Sports Hub is a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) project where the Sports Hub consortium has a 25-year contract with the Singapore Sports Council to design, build, finance and operate the Sports Hub. The private sector Sports Hub consortium includes four equity partners: +Exp InfraRed Capital Partners +Exp Dragages Singapore (also the Design & Building Contractor) +Exp Cushman & Wakefield (also the Facility Management Partner) +Exp Global Spectrum Asia (also the Venue Operations Partner) +Exp Project Description: Support & Maintenance of BIS Applications – (Mar 2014 – Sep 2015) – The project involves support and maintenance of BIS application for Singapore Sports Hub to manage applications such as ERP, CRM, Portal, Biztalk, BI, Kiosk & Mobile apps. The Technologies supporting these applications were MS Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint 2010, Dynamics AX 2012, 2011, SSIS, SSRS, SQL Server +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management +Exp Requirement Analysis & Design +Exp Resource Alignment +Exp Weekly check point meetings with the client +Exp Ticket assignment and Resolution +Exp Change Requests Estimation, Approval and Development +Exp Tracking of Cost/Revenue for the project +Exp Production Release & Stabilization +Exp Client – Sinclair Knight Merz (June 2013 – February 2014) +Exp Role\Designation: Project Leader +Exp Client Description: +Exp Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) is a leading projects firm, with global capability in strategic consulting, engineering and project delivery. It operates across Asia Pacific, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, deploying some 7,500 people from more than 40 offices. +Exp Project Description: Support for Insight (financial reporting portal) system – (Jun 2013 – Feb 2014) – SKM has set up SAP Business Objects (BO XI3.1) environment called “INSIGHT” to monitor and manage the performance of its diverse operating units. Insight is the financial reporting portal for SKM. It delivers relevant information to assist with decision making at executive, operational and client manager levels. The need was to establish an offshore support team to engage in SAP admin and SAP report development support. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects XI 3.1, SQL Server 2008 R2 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development +Exp Developed Universes and Reports using Business Objects +Exp Setup weekly calls with users to go through the project status and understand their business requirements. Setup daily calls with the onshore team +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client +Exp Unit testing of the team’s universes/reports +Exp Successfully handled all the changes and the bugs reported by the client in the UAT phase +Exp Coordinated and communicated well between the client and the offshore team to ensure that the requirements are understood properly and project is delivered on time. +Exp Handed the project to the support team by giving them proper transition of knowledge and all documentation. +Exp Client – Citi Group, NJ, USA – (February 2013 – June 2013) +Exp Role\Designation: Technical Leader +Exp Client Description: +Exp Citi, the leading global bank, has approximately 200 million customer accounts and does business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Citi provides consumers, corporations, governments and institutions with a broad range of financial products and services, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth management. +Exp Project Description: Implementation of reporting environment for Internal Finance Department (Feb 2013 – Jun 2013) – Citi has a huge Financial business which needs to be monitored and analyzed daily. The project involved enhancing the internal financial reporting system to help the users in their day to day activities. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects XI 3.1, Oracle 10g. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Project Management, Estimation of new report development +Exp This project is developed using Agile and Scrum methodology +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development +Exp Created Business Requirement Document & Functional Requirement Specification +Exp Developed Estimates and Project Plan single handedly for the complete project +Exp Handled Resource Allocation as per the required skill set +Exp Developed/Enhanced Universes and Reports using Business Objects +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers +Exp Successfully handled all the changes and the bugs reported by the client in the UAT phase +Exp Coordinated and communicated well between the client and the offshore team to ensure that the requirements are understood properly and project is delivered on time +Exp Using the Import Wizard tool deployed the universes and reports from the development environment to the production environment +Exp Client – Dun & Bradstreet, NJ, USA– (April 2004 – January 2013) +Exp Role\Designation: Technical Lead / Onsite Coordinator +Exp Client Description: +Exp D&B is the world’s leading source of commercial information and insight on businesses, enabling companies to Decide with Confidence® for 167 years. D&B’s global commercial database contains more than 140 million business records. This application was an enhancement of the intranet website of D&B. Everything on this website is data driven, nothing is static. +Exp Project Description: Implementation of reporting environment for International Markets (Nov 2009 – Jan 2013) – D&B has implemented Oracle E-Business Suites - Account Receivables, Account Payables and General Ledger in Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Japan was the 1st of International market on Oracle E Business suites of version 12. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects XI 3.1, Oracle 10g. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. Created the Functional Requirement Specification. +Exp Developed Estimates and Project Plan single handedly for the complete project. +Exp Handled Resource Allocation as per the required skill set. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document & Functional Requirement Specification +Exp Setup weekly calls with Japan users to go through the project status and understand their business requirements. Setup daily calls with the offshore team in India. +Exp This project is developed using Agile and Scrum methodology. +Exp Developed Universes and Reports using Business Objects. +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions. +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client. +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers. +Exp Successfully handled all the changes and the bugs reported by the client in the UAT phase. +Exp Coordinated and communicated well between the client and the offshore team to ensure that the requirements are understood properly and project is delivered on time. +Exp Using the Import Wizard tool deployed the universes and reports from the development environment to the production environment. +Exp Handed the project to the support team by giving them proper transition of knowledge and all documentation. +Exp Set up 5 users and allocated them proper rights to view and refresh the canned reports using Central Management Console. +Exp Project Description: Implementation of Portfolio Risk Manager Module (Jul 2011 – Dec 2011) – D&B planned to remove the grace period access to the contracts which were not renewed and to inform their customers if the contract needs to be renewed for ‘DnBi Professional’ contract type. The other objective of this project being was to introduce “Trials” for the DnBi Professional and PRM at the module level. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects XI 3.1, Sybase IQ 12 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. Created the Functional Requirement Specification. +Exp Developed Estimates and Project Plan for the BO/IQ piece of the project. +Exp Handled Resource Allocation as per the required skill set. +Exp Setup weekly calls with users to go through the project status and understand the business requirements. Setup daily calls with the offshore team in India. +Exp Modified BO Universe and created the Trial Balance Report. +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions. +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client. +Exp Unit testing of the code from the team. +Exp Successfully handled all the changes and the bugs reported by the client in the UAT phase. +Exp Coordinated and communicated well between the client and the offshore team to ensure that the requirements are understood properly and project is delivered on time. +Exp Using the Import Wizard tool deployed the universes and reports from the development environment to the production environment. +Exp Handed the project to the support team by giving them proper transition of knowledge and all documentation. +Exp Project Description: Run the Business (RTB) (Jan 2009 – Jun 2011) – This is the maintenance and support project where in day to day analysis and decision making reports are developed and maintained for D&B users and their customers. The reporting is done for revenue and sales data for D&B's businesses. The reporting is done using Business Objects. There are close to 500 business object users across D&B who use the tool for adhoc and canned reports. +Exp Technology: OLAP, Business Objects, Sybase IQ, SQL Server 2005, Oracle 10g. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. Created the high-level design and architecture. +Exp Developed Universes and Reports using Business Objects. +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. Took proper requirements from the clients and communicated well to the offshore team and got the work delivered on time. +Exp Used Report Conversion Tool to convert Desktop Intelligence reports into Web Intelligence reports. +Exp Used Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment. +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions. +Exp Extensively used Central Management Console for administrative purpose. Created Universe folders, users, groups and assigned proper privileges. +Exp Created DeskI and WebI reports using Desktop Intelligence and Infoview respectively. +Exp Scheduled reports using Infoview and created events in CMC to trigger the reports. +Exp Developed Macros using Visual Basic to convert BO output into Excel and text format. Macros helped in creating the format as per the user requirement. +Exp Set up weekly calls with the client manager in D&B to discuss the day to day activities. +Exp Fixed bugs reported by the business users. +Exp Participated in team discussions for clear understanding of requirements with the client manager and team members. +Exp Created Estimates and project plan for the project. Also, created estimates for the change requests reported by the client. +Exp Developed Functional Requirement Specification for the project and got a client sign off for the same. +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client. +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers. +Exp Project Description: Implementing Oracle Suites (AR, AP, GL) in UK and Ireland – (Jan 2008 – Dec 2008) – This project was initiated to create a reporting structure in UK and Ireland from scratch. The business proposed new oracle suites in UK and Ireland and business objects were chosen to get the reporting done out of it. +Exp Technology: Business Objects XIR2 (Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence, CMC, Designer, Publisher), Oracle 9i, SQL, PL/SQL, TOAD7.6. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed the universes and reports for team and attended tele-conferences to guide the team for the development of these universes and reports. +Exp Involved in creation, implementation and maintenance of universes, classes and objects as per the report requirements using Business Objects XIR2 suite. +Exp Set Cardinalities and Joins to develop the universe and created Aliases and Contexts to resolve the linking problems like Loops and Traps (Chasm and Fan) and checked the Integrity of the Universes. +Exp Created Hierarchies, complex objects using various @ functions, Aliases, Contexts, Aggregate objects in the universe. +Exp Worked extensively with the major functionality of Web Intelligence like Breaks, Alerter, Filters, Sorts, Query Prompts and Drill filters. +Exp Created, managed and formatted standard reports, master/detail reports and cross tab reports using Report Manager. +Exp Used the Slice and Dice feature, set variables, alerts and group values in the reports. +Exp Used the Drill Down/up function to analyze data and created multiple charts in Reports. +Exp Created Report Templates for consistency in the look and feel of the reports. +Exp Used SQL Loader to load flat files into oracle database. +Exp Used TOAD to verify data and performance of the report. +Exp Project Description: HRCC BO Globalization Implementation Phase II (Jul 2007 – Dec 2007) – This application was an enhancement on Phase I and it included creation of many reports and universe modification. It included standardizing the universe based on best practices. +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Oracle 9i, OLAP +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. +Exp Classes and Objects in the universe were given more business oriented names. +Exp Objects which were not used were removed from the classes. +Exp Visual Basic Macros were used to format the reports in a set manner which was requested by the business owners. +Exp Developed Universes and Reports using Business Objects +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. Took proper requirements from the clients and communicated well to the offshore team and got the work delivered on time +Exp Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client. +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers +Exp Project Description: HRCC BO Globalization Implementation Phase I (Dec 2006 – Jun 2007) – This application is used to implement the Global reporting for HRCC in Business Objects and to provide associate details throughout the globe in D&B. This application also included building BO universe and reports based on the requirement with the security features for D&B’s Human Resource Management System. +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Oracle 9i +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. +Exp Developed Universes and Reports using Business Objects +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. Took proper requirements from the clients and communicated well to the offshore team and got the work delivered on time +Exp Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions +Exp Successfully handled many adhoc change requests from the client. +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers +Exp Project Description: BO XI Migration (Jun 2006 – Nov 2006) – The purpose of this application was to migrate from BO 5.X to BO XI R2. +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Sybase IQ, Oracle, SQL Server +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. +Exp To analyze the impact and help in migrating to BO XI R2 +Exp Created Inventory of User Reports for migration. +Exp Migrated Universes, User Reports and Scheduled Reports. +Exp Setup security in Central Management Console. +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. +Exp Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers +Exp Project Description: Top 10 Customers and DnBI Pricing (May 2005 – May 2006) – The purpose of this project was to create the top 10 DnB’s customers and do the reporting on the DnBI Pricing +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Sybase IQ +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. +Exp To understand the new DnBi product and its pricing criteria +Exp To analyze the impact of this new product on the existing reports +Exp To modify the existing universes to include this new DnBi product +Exp Setup security in Central Management Console for the new users +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. +Exp Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions +Exp Project Description: Preferred Pricing Phase-2 (Jul 2004 – Apr 2005) – The purpose of this project was to enhance the features of the preferred Pricing plan for D&B +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Sybase IQ, Oracle, SQL Server, Adobe Acrobat, MS Office, ODBC, PL/SQL, OLAP +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement analysis, Design and Development. +Exp Setup security in Central Management Console. +Exp Handled successfully onshore-offshore coordination. +Exp Import Wizard to deploy universes and reports from development environment to production environment +Exp Used Visual Source Safe to maintain code and documentation versions +Exp Unit testing own code and that of other developers +Exp Project Description: Preferred Pricing Phase-1 (Jan 2004 – Jun 2004) – The purpose of this project was to design and automate the back-office of the Preferred Pricing Plan program (PPP) based on the program criteria, including a new offer template type, usage statements & invoices. +Exp Technology: Business Objects, Sybase IQ, Adobe Acrobat, MS Office, ODBC, PL/SQL, OLAP, Corporate +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with technical team to ensure, to adhere and to co-operate the policies and procedures pertaining to the Database. +Exp Included development of policies to control the movement of application on to a Production Database. +Exp Monitoring the growth of Database to ensure smooth functioning of daily activities. +Exp Establishing the base lines and compares the Database performance against them to ensure adequate performance +PI Anudeep +PI Sr Java Programmer +PI anudeepreddynallamada@gmail.com +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum IT professional with 8+ years of IT experience in designing and developing N-tier applications based on OOPS (Object Oriented Programming), Internet and Intranet, Client-Server Architecture using Java/J2EE and supporting technologies. +Sum Strong Experience in developing user interfaces with HTML, DHTML, XML and CSS. +Sum Experienced in processing, validating, parsing and extracting data from .xml file. +Sum Worked with scripting languages like JavaScript, JQuery. +Sum Well versed in MVC (Model View Controller) architecture using Spring, JSF and implementing JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library), custom tag development and tiles. +Sum Experience in JSP, Java Beans and Servlets for developing applications using MVC architecture. +Sum Good exposure in implementing web services-WSDL using SOAP protocol. +Sum Experienced in Persistence Framework like Hibernate ORM (Object Relational Mapping) in a typical n-tier architecture. +Sum Experienced in build tools like ANT and Maven. +Sum Experienced in using testing Frameworks like JUnit and JMockit. +Sum Experienced in using logging tools like Intellij and Log4j. +Sum Hands on experience on Web/Application servers such as Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic and Web Sphere. +Sum Experienced in developing various UML designs like class diagrams, cases and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Sum Worked on different platforms like Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP, Windows […] UNIX and LINUX. +Sum Experience in using UML like Rational Rose and MS Visio +Sum Well versed in using version control tools like SVN, Clear Case and CVS. +Sum Strong experience in using IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans and RAD +Sum Developed projects and products using Agile Methodology, SDLC (Software development life cycle), from initiation, planning, designing, execution, implementation and Maintenance. +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering JNTU, Hyderabad, India. 2009 +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Wind Stream Communication, Dallas, TX SEP-2016 -TILL DATE +Exp Role: Sr Java Programmer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp • Involved in the application development using Java platform. Model View Control (MVC) structure implementation. • Responsible for providing the client-side JavaScript validations and usage of HTML, JavaScript, XML, JSP, CSS as per the requirements to enhance the Portal UI. • Used Spring Core for Dependency Injection. • Mapping of ORM objects to tables using the Hibernate as the persistence framework. • Involved in different service classes, used across the framework. • Implementation of Web Services using Axis for the integration of different systems • Developed applications using J2EE technologies like Spring Boot, Spring MVC on the business layer and the persistent layer using Hibernate as ORM tool. • Testing of Web Services using the Postman. • Used HTML, CSS, Spring MVC, JSP, and jQuery, JavaScript, Angular.js in the development and the designing the UI. • Gradient effects through the development of the CSS style sheets. Developed navigation, icons and layouts. • Code review and configuration build management for the application using Maven. • Implementation of business logic, validation Frame Work using Spring Web flow and Spring MVC. • Implemented Web tier of the application through the usage of Spring MVC framework. • Implementation of clean separation of layers through the usage of different design patterns like Factory pattern, Singleton and DAO pattern. • Serialization in the flattening of the objects. • Used core java concepts like Collections while developing server-side services. • Data storage using DB2 and used PL/SQL for queries. • Worked with IBM Web Sphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse by using lightweight set of tools to assemble, develop and deploy Java EE, Web 2.0, and mobile applications. • Involved with GUI using JSP, Java Script and HTML. • Involved in using continuous integration tool (CI/CD) Jenkins. Created builds using Maven and pulled the project code from GitHub repositories. • Experience with Garbage collection and multithreading. • Experience with Concurrency, Exception Handling, File handling +Exp Environment: HTML, CSS, XML, SOAP, Hibernate, Java,J2EE,Java Script,MySQL DB, Spring Boot, PL/SQL, Log4j, JQuery, Angular JS, Eclipse, IBM Web Sphere Application server. +Exp IBM DALLAS,TEXASSEP 2015–AUG 2016 +Exp Role: Sr Java Programmer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in SDLC Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM). +Exp Designed APIs and analytics using IBM Cloud. Built mobile backend services, powerful app management, and insights into app usage using IBM mobile first. +Exp Designed DOM based interactive to reprogram selected links and adopted WCAG 2.0 standards for HTML and XHTML and W3C standards for CSS as well. +Exp Have achieved proficiency in Unit Test, Mock, Test Driven Development etc. +Exp Implemented client-side Interface using React JS. Worked on Redux. +Exp Design, develop and test HTML, CSS, jQuery and React.JS that meets accessibility and web browser standards for car dealerships websites. +Exp Installed, configured and Administered WebSphere Commerce Server 6.0 on Windows and Linux platform. +Exp Involved in Stopping/Starting & Monitoring the logs for Application Server Instances. +Exp Implemented Horizontal and Vertical Clustering, Performance tuning and troubleshooting of IBM WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1. +Exp Installed EARs, WARs and configured application specific JVM settings, Web container parameters using the Admin Console and WSCP/WSadmin scripts. +Exp Migrated existing applications from WebSphere V6.0 to V7.0. +Exp Involved in issues like Application not responding. Application Deployment Errors, Wrong Database host name, Server Hung due to out of memory or thread hanging, Owner ship issue. +Exp Created sites to organize client contracts and to summarize monthly financial data using React.js, Ember.js, D3.js and MySql. +Exp Created web services and desktop applications to access and display data needed by support teams using, Ajax, JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, Angular.js, Node.js, Java, CSS and HTML. +Exp Built data visualizations to monitor file server load, Web server speed, Data Processing using D3.js, jQuery and MySql. +Exp Prepared exhaustive test cases to comprehensively test functionality and code. +Exp Creating Java code and modifying the existing code to match with the front JavaScript files. +Exp Created an on -the-fly configuration changes set up, with application saved in Node.js. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Spring (MVC and Core), JSON, Servlets, Webservices(RESTful), Web Logic Application server, WebSphere Application Server 6.0/6.1/7.0, Websphere Portal Server 6.0/6.1, Websphere Commerce Server 6.0, Apache 2.0.47, IHS 6.0/6.1 +Exp ACADEMIC BANK KANSAS CITY,MO AUG 2014 – AUG 2015 +Exp Role: Java Programmer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp JSF Portal Framework at Presentation Tier and Faces Servlet acts as the Front Controller. +Exp Actively participated and mentoring in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and development and testing phases. +Exp Worked one-on-one with client to develop layout, color scheme for his website and implemented it into a final interface design with the HTML5/CSS3 & JavaScript using Dreamweaver. +Exp Developed CSS3 style sheets to give gradient effects. Developed page layouts, navigation and icons. Applied industry best practices and standards when project requirements were lagging. +Exp Created Images, Logos and Icons that are used across the web pages using Adobe Flash and Photoshop. +Exp Designed Frontend with in object oriented JavaScript framework like Angular.JS, Node.js and Ext.JS. +Exp Used EXTJS for building rich internet applications, backbone JS & Require JS to optimize in-browser use and to load the module and to improve the Speed. +Exp Working on all the latest technologies like HTML5, CSS3, etc. Tackled various issues related browser compatibility to accommodate these advanced and fast technologies +Exp Troubleshoot Admin Server start-up issues, Java code defects after deployment, and class path issues by checking the JVM logs, plug-in logs and the Webserver logs +Exp Worked closely with developers to define and configured application Servers, Virtual Hosts, Web Applications, Web resources, Servlets, JDBC drivers and Servlet Engines-as well as deployment of EJBs across multiple instances of WebSphere. +Exp Maintained security, tuning and clustering on Web Sphere Application Server using IBM Web seal Tivoli Access Manager. +Exp Monitored the logs for Application Server Instances. +Exp Updated application code from JDK 1.3 to 1.4 using WSAD, RAD and redeployed in a clustered environment. +Exp Design and develop solutions using C, C++, Multi-Threaded, Shell Scripting. +Exp Debugged the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE. +Exp Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time and add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests. +Exp Used Soap over Http and Soap over JMS for communication between components. +Exp Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and add new features. +Exp Environment:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, DOM, DML, DHTML, EXT JS, Angular.js, Node.js, Backbone.js, Require.js, Adobe Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, XML, Apache, SOAP, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Oracle, Windows, C, C++, Agile Methodology. +Exp VALUE LABS, HYDERABAD, INDIA JUNE 2012 – JULY2014 +Exp Role: Java Programmer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Utilized the base UML methodologies and Use cases modeled by architects to develop the front-end interface. The class, sequence and state diagrams were developed using Microsoft Visio. +Exp Created User Interface (UI) to gather data and communicate with Business Layer by using Swing, HTML, JSP, JSP Tags Lib, JSTL and Java Script. +Exp Utilized AJAX to increase web page’s interactivity, speed and functionality. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture using Spring 2.5 MVC framework and enhanced the design using Stateless Session Beans for the Middle Tier Development +Exp Utilized WSDL and SOAP to implement Web Services to optimize performance by using remote model applications. +Exp Used JSF framework for implementing the Web tier of the application. +Exp Designed and implemented complex multi-application flow through integration implemented using XML, XSL and JMS configurations. +Exp Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using hibernate frame work in conjunction with Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) functionality. +Exp Used CVS as a documentation repository and version controlling tool. +Exp Used ANT scripts for build creation and to push onto various environments. +Exp Used JUnit 4.2 for extensive functional and unit testing code. +Exp Used Log4j for logging and debugging. +Exp Environment: Core Java, JDK 1.5, J2EE 5, HTML, CSS 2.1, JSP 2.1, JSF 1.2, JNDI, AJAX, Swing, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.0, JMS 1.1, SOAP UI, WSDL, UML, XML, XSLT, Windows XP, ANT, UNIX, Log4J, MVC Design Pattern, DAO, Eclipse IDE. +Exp Ajr InfoTech, Hyderabad, India AUG-2009 – JUNE-2012 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked on writing Java code for extracting backend data from the main frames. +Exp Instantiated business objects with IOC pattern using spring framework and for Dependency Injection. +Exp Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using Hibernate frame work in conjunction with spring functionality. +Exp Agile process is used for tracking and developing the application. +Exp Development and Integration of the Application using Eclipse IDE and used StarTeam as Version Control Tool. +Exp Implemented the integration with the back-end system with web services using Axis and SOAP +Exp Utilized JUnit test cases for all the developed modules. +Exp Extensive experience in different IDEs like RAD, Eclipse, NetBeans. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring Framework, HTML, JavaScript, Hibernate, Eclipse IDE, Star Team, Axis, SOAP, JUnit, RAD, Eclipse, NetBeans. +PI Ashok Jayakumar +PI Phone No: 734-259-2421 +PI Venkat@infoservicesllc.com +PI CAREER SUMMARY +Sum Management and maintenance of banking and automotive supply chain based applications for 12 years spanning the roles of a Developer, Module Lead, Onsite Coordinator, Subject Matter Expert, Business Analyst, Project Manager and Scrum Master. +Sum Execute projects using both Waterfall and Agile methodology. +Sum Create Business Cases, Request for Proposals and Statement of Work on new projects. +Sum Establish Service Management procedures between client and vendors. +Sum Create WBS and project plans with inputs from the team. +Sum Determine standards, processes and procedures to execute the project. +Sum Effective and Efficient communication with identified stakeholders. +Sum Direct the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance of changes deployed to production. +Sum Oversee quality of deliverables and ensure they meet defined standards. +Sum Conduct audits on changes and relevant documentation and track action items to closure. +Sum Manage team, remove roadblocks and perform appraisals on individual performance. +Sum Solution driver who bridges the gap between business and technology with expertise in managing complex business requirements. +Sum Guide offshore teams and onsite teams in planning and execution of projects. +Sum Monitor problem areas and devise improvement plans to help business and IT function better. +Sum Manage business and technology needs with realistic project commitment and also generate cost-effective solutions within the allocated budget. +Sum Chair, own and steer defects triage meetings. +Sum Document business functions as Application Information Documents to be used as reference by the entire team and as a value add to existing client documentation. +Sum Implement standardized project management methodologies, cost controls, and best practices. +Sum Manage daily operations, prioritize work and develop creative solutions to broad issues. +Sum Lead initiatives on continuous improvement activities thus reducing year on year cost to clients. +Sum Create Proof of Concept to understand requirements of clients and taking it for development. +Sum Communicate with the upper management team for obtaining people, resources, share project status and address areas of concern. +Sum Suggest optimal solutions to business problems making use of the right tools. +Sum Review and suggest designs for User Interfaces on IT applications. +Sum Designed and developed a lockbox reporting solution independently. +Sum Translate business rules into corresponding IT system rules without any gaps. +Sum Protect team from external disturbances and highlight team’s achievements. +Sum Gather data, analyze and present cases to clients for starting new projects. +Sum Lead meetings and take action items to completion. +Sum Create monthly vehicle reports for NHTSA. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India. +Skill IT SKILLS +Skill Design and Planning MS Project and Visio +Skill Languages: COBOL, SQL, REXX, IMS DC/DB, CICS, JCL, HTML, XML, Java, Java Script +Skill Databases: DB2, MS-Access, IMS DB +Skill Operating System: Windows, Linux, MVS/OS390 +Skill Other Software/Tools: HP ITSM, SharePoint, BMC Remedy, Changeman, Endevor, Panvalet, IMS utilities, IBM utilities, BMC Utilities, File-aid, VSAM, SPUFI, MQ Utilities, ISPF, Expeditor, RPC, Elixir, DTCN, Clear Case, Clear Quest, SVN, Systemware. +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Mazda North American Operations, CA, USA Jun 2015 – till date +Exp Project Manager/Analyst for Marketing and Sales Operations Projects +Exp Initiate and plan implementation of projects. Interact with the business unit for specifications and translate them into application specifications. Study current applications, document and communicate the required information to offshore team for development. Clear hindrances and coordinate with multiple teams for project execution. Demonstrate application usage to business users and improve functions based on their feedback. Provide support for critical issues to ensure smooth functioning of business processes. Report on project performance on a weekly basis and be a liaison between clients and project team. Identify areas of improvement and propose projects to enhance system efficiency. +Exp Led and implemented a new critical Brand Experience Program in multiple phases that qualifies millions of dollars in dealer payout based on a defined set of elements and business rules. +Exp Provide visual concepts and system behavior. +Exp Perform the role of a Scrum Master for projects executed using Agile methodologies. +Exp Managed a project for Windows 10 compatibility of applications. +Exp Planned and executed projects for modernization of legacy systems. +Exp Create business cases and SOWs for new projects. +Exp Chair status meetings with offshore and clients. +Exp Effectively manage requirement changes by negotiating with clients on when to accommodate the changes without disrupting normal behavior. +Exp Work with business unit to resolve dealer payment issues, avoid litigations and to maintain dealer satisfaction. +Exp Build and maintain strong client relationship and ensure overall customer delight. +Exp Identify gaps in business processes and suggest projects to enhance business operations. +Exp Manage a tablet based web application that is used for pitching sales of vehicles at dealerships. +Exp Coordinate with application teams to adapt internal dealer applications on mobile devices. +Exp Managing and mentoring team with members in multiple remote locations. +Exp Conducted technical audits and project health check reviews. +Exp Gained two new projects based on the success of the Brand Experience Program. +Exp Monitoring the effectiveness of incident and request management and making recommendations for improvement. +Exp Suggested User Interface behaviors that became the standard for all application migrations. +Exp Managed changes effectively by suggesting alternate solutions thus protecting project baselines. +Exp Gained expertise on managing the project and application that enabled team cooperation and recognition from other project managers +Exp Obtained appreciations from client on team performance thus increasing their chances of rewards from the organization. +Exp Coordinated with various third party DMS vendors such as CDK, R&R, Dealertrack and Arkona in building integrations between DMS systems and native applications. +Exp Conducted project closure meetings to get feedback, lessons learnt and improvement opportunities. +Exp Scrum Master for a geographically distributed team. +Exp Technology - Web Services, XML, Java, Java Script, HTML, Stored Procedures, Mainframes, .Net +Exp Mercedes-Benz, NJ, USA Oct 2013 – Jun 2015 +Exp Project Lead for Dealer Claims, Warranty Systems and Overall Dealer Website Projects +Exp Manage the support team and work towards solving reported issues within defined Service Level Agreements. Define workloads and deliverables, mentor team and conduct performance reviews. Plan for bimonthly release of ranked enhancements based on priority and team’s bandwidth. Advice team on providing value added services besides regular work to bring in customer delight and goodwill. Prepare project health status reports and meet with clients every week for review. +Exp Proposed for a new project to convert an excel sheet based application into an online application and managed the successful implementation of the project. This helped the business user community to manage all issues related to any vehicle in a systematic way. +Exp Initiated the nightly batch cycle time optimization exercise and achieved a 15% reduction of the total cycle time. Earned appreciations from the client for improving the cycle time. +Exp Participated in new project proposals showcasing domain knowledge and capability of the organization to execute the projects efficiently. +Exp Revised project plan to accommodate new scope of work and also restructured the offshore team to align with the new plan. +Exp Automated a manual process that created dealer comparison reports with the help of a series of backend jobs achieving a total effort reduction of 2 days per report. +Exp Led a dealer warranty scorecard facelift project to modernize the screen that increased website hits by 36%. +Exp Worked with the Scrum Master of a new development project to maintain the Scrum artifacts. +Exp Maintained and published trackers on progress of all projects every week to client management. +Exp Conducted periodic audits on source changes to track if the changes are relevant to the projects. +Exp Maintained multiple development environments shared by multiple teams. Recorded and reported the availability of each environment every week. +Exp Performed the first round of User Acceptance Testing before delivery to the clients. Demonstrated application functions to clients for sign-off and deployment to production. +Exp Drive calls with offshore team on Incident Management, ageing and backlog tickets. +Exp Monitor system for any improvement opportunities and suggest solutions. +Exp Technology - Java, Java Script, Mainframes, Remote Procedure Calls +Exp Toyota Motor Sales, CA, USA Feb 2009 – Sep 2013 +Exp Project Lead for multiple Vehicle Supply Chain Applications +Exp Lead the enhancements and support of the logistics portfolio of applications. Perform internal IT audits for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance check of all work done by the team. Analyze areas of improvements and start initiatives to implement them. Develop work breakdown structures and implementation schedules. +Exp Proposed and materialized a project to automate user access to different applications. +Exp Designed and implemented a new version of sales reports to be displayed on mobile devices with a one-page layout. +Exp Convinced the incumbent vendor to integrate new applications with the existing user access system instead of creating a new one. +Exp Achieved 50% system efficiency by redesigning an events recycling system. +Exp Coordinated with external vendor teams to perform a disaster recovery exercise in 3 hours on a cycle that takes about 1 day. +Exp Provided business analysis on a logistics application system that helped senior management to bid for a new logistics portfolio. +Exp Established the end to end process for incident management and enhancements to be followed by all projects in the engagement. +Exp Maintained sales reports used by the Office of the Chief Information Officer. +Exp Designed a new sales report that lists sales data of each vehicle series on the company intranet. +Exp Created interfaces with Next Generation Telematics system to pass vehicle related information. +Exp Tracked enhancements and bug fixes using IBM ClearQuest tool. +Exp Performed internal audits on mandatory documentation required for each request for change. Followed-up on audit action items and track them to closure. +Exp Created User Acceptance test cases, reviewed results with offshore team and followed-up with Business User Group for sign-off. +Exp Maintained the SOX tool that controls the user access thus maintaining data security. +Exp Conducted weekly meetings on incident ageing and discuss solutions to address them without causing a breach in SLA. +Exp SME for a variety of applications in the Vehicle Supply Chain and also acted as the backup in the absence of a lead for other applications. +Exp Gained confidence with the logistics business unit as an expert so much that my solutions were taken as the final solutions without any arguments. +Exp Technology - Web Services, XML, Java, Java Script, HTML, Mainframes +Exp The Bank of New York Mellon, Offshore Dev Team, India Jun 2005 – Feb 2009 +Exp Developer/Module Lead/Business Analyst for Reporting and Liquidity Management Systems Projects +Exp Design and develop financial service systems based on given specifications. Lead the Balance Reporting module managing a two-member team on development projects. Conduct and drive appraisal meetings, defect management meetings, configuration control meetings and knowledge management meetings. +Exp Developed a new Lockbox reporting system that calculates and reports activities on all of the bank’s lockboxes within 3 months. +Exp Headed a project that rebranded the entire system after the merger of Mellon Financial Corporation and The Bank of New York. +Exp Conducted a system study on effort spent by the team on assigned tasks that helped to change the Statement of Work from a fixed price project to a time and material project. +Exp Managed the transition of the account by conducting sessions and creating documents for an external vendor without any interruptions in daily support activities. +Exp Educate new team members regarding tools of the trade. +Exp Business Analyst for a new balance reporting system to work in an efficient way since the existing system was causing performance issues. The response time was reduced by half as a result of this project. +Exp Technology - Web Services, XML, Java, Java Script, HTML, Mainframes. +PI Ashwini C +PI ©732-352-1613 +PI Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +Sum Summary: +Sum Around 8+ years of experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of Object Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using Java/J2EE. +Sum Experienced in Java Application Development, Object Oriented Concepts, Object Oriented Design (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and its implementation. +Sum Expertise in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies like Spring, Hibernate, XML, Struts framework, EJB, JSF, JSP, JSTL, JQuery, JavaScript, Ajax, JDBC, JMS, JavaBeans and Servlets. +Sum Strong experience in implementing Service oriented architecture and Web Services using SOAP, RESTFUL API’s. +Sum Worked on micro- service based architecture using spring boot for developing the micro services, Netflix components (eureka, ribbon), spring cloud for supporting the cloud native environment. +Sum Developed web applications by implementing Model View Control (MVC) architecture and considerable experience in various front-end technologies. +Sum Experienced in developing web applications with Single Page Applications (SPAs) Framework using AngularJS and also good knowledge of NodeJS. +Sum Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by angular 2. +Sum Experienced in frameworks: Jakarta struts framework, JSF, Spring, SpringBoot, SpringBatch, Spring Security, Hibernate. +Sum Experience working with Service Oriented Architecture, which includes Universal Description and Discovery Integration (UDDI) lookups and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) using SOAP protocol. +Sum Expertise in XML technologies such as DTD/Schemas, DOM, SAX, JAX-B and XSLT. +Sum Experience working with Hibernate for mapping Java classes with database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL). +Sum Experience in configuring and deploying the applications on Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss Servers. +Sum Experience working with various SDLC methodologies like Agile Scrum, Domain Driven Design and Waterfall Model. +Sum Experienced in writing complex SQL queries, Triggers and Stored Procedures in various databases such as Oracle, DB2 and MySQL. +Sum Experienced in Development, testing and deployment of enterprise applications on Windows &UNIX platforms using IDE's such as Eclipse, Rational Application Developer (RAD), IntelliJ and NetBeans. +Sum Experience in using different version controlling/tracking systems GIT, CVS, Subversion. +Sum Experienced in working with multiple databases like Oracle 10/11g, SQL Server, MySQL, PL/SQL and DB2. +Sum Experienced in performing unit testing using JUnit, Mockito integration and deployment of applications using tools such as ANT, Jenkins and Maven& debugging through log4j. +Sum Experience in document preparation including Requirement Specification, Analysis,design documents, Test cases and User Training documents and Technical Help documents. +Sum Experienced in working with E-Commerce software systems. +Sum Excellent verbal, written communication and presentation skills, problem solving and conflict resolution skills. +Skill Technical Skills: +Edu Education: Bachelor of Electronics and communication Engineering, JNTUH, INDIA +Exp Work Experience: +Exp Onsite work experience: October 2015 to Present +Exp Senior Java Developer +Exp FPL/Infosys – Jupiter, Florida – February 2017 to present +Exp Description: +Exp This project which has been developed on PowerBI tool for monitoring the Dashboard applications. Developed Dashboards on PowerBI desktops, PowerBI.com and PowerBI mobile view. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as the Lead developer in the architecture team to design the application. +Exp Worked in agile, Scrum environment and Jira board to update the task on daily basis. +Exp Developed Rest Services using Spring Boot. To Rest Call the service which prints the JSON Response from the Database. +Exp Developed Unix scripts, Perl scripts and SQL control files to load data through SQL Loader & Oracle data pump. +Exp Experience on Database Oracle 11.6, Microsoft SQL Server 2014. +Exp Implementing the service layer converting XML to JSON through Restful using JAXB. +Exp Implementing the Proxy settings for Data binding the JSON, XML and pushing Datasets to PowerBI.com. +Exp Worked in test environment and deployed services on test servers. +Exp Create Java Batch jobs for running bulk Queries and datasets to run on PowerBI tool. +Exp Environment: Spring 4.0, Spring Boot 1.5.9, Unix scripts, SQL, Oracle 11.6.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2014, maven, Java Batch, Java 8.0. +Exp Senior Engineer +Exp Target/TCS – Brooklyn Park, Minnesota – February 2016 to February 2017 +Exp Description: +Exp Target Enterprise, Inc Senior Engineer will be responsible for writing, developing and unit testing software and building, testing and implementing infrastructure components to meet design specifications. Worked in a scrum team on backlog items including custom java development and upgrade activities traditional mainframe batch applications will be replaced by java batches and restful services. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Experience in Agile Methodology, SCRUM, KANBAN. +Exp Create and maintain APIs utilizing swagger framework backed by JPA data access layer. +Exp Design and Implement OAuth2 integration on RESTful APIs. +Exp Implementing complex large-scale, real-time Web and Enterprise applications by utilizing Java/J2EE based technologies including Spring MVC, JSP, Ibatis and Web services. +Exp Carrying-out the root-cause analysis of Java related incidents, events and problems. +Exp Experience in application server (Websphere, Tomcat). +Exp Hands on experience in working on Spark-SQL queries, Data frames, import data from Data sources, perform transformations, perform read/write operations, save the results to output directory into HDFS. +Exp Manage OpenStack for growing development teams. Build, configure and maintain all instances. +Exp Wrote Spring Security based authentication and authorization layer. +Exp Extensive experience in developing RESTful Web Services using Apache CXF and Jersey using spring boot. +Exp Has knowledge on spring cloud using spring boot for integration, routing and distributed messaging. +Exp Implemented Message Forwarder Java Middleware to fetched messages from variety of input +Exp module and forwarded data to Kafka cluster. +Exp Experience with SQL (Oracle, DB2, DBA) and NoSQL (Postgres) databases. +Exp Using test driven development (JUNIT) and building CICD pipeline using Maven, Jenkins(JAYS), Drone Chef and Git. +Exp Developed UI components using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and JavaScript for front-end development. +Exp Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML. +Exp Create Spring Batch jobs for running Bulk Query and used PK chunk method for retrieving data from the portal. +Exp Building micro services - Rest web services to support enterprise architecture. +Exp Developed Controller classes, DOA classes, beans, JSP's and Data Objects in Java. +Exp The build process involves Spinning Up an OpenStack/VMaaS VMs with CentOS on two different Data Centers with complete Load Balancer setup. +Exp Merged an existing Angular 2 application into an Angular 3 applications as part of an effort to retire use of AngularJS +Exp Implemented an MVC based web application in Scala language using Web Sockets. +Exp Used Java 8 lambda expression to represent one method interface and used sequential and parallel streams in collections source. +Exp Environment: Spring 4.0, Spring boot 1.5.6, Java 8.0, netbeans, Spring Batch 4.0, maven 3.0, Drone, Chef, Jenkins, Docker, Spring Security, VmaaS, DBA, OpenStack, Kafka, Oauth2, Scala, HTML5, JSP, Spark, Swagger, HDFS, AngularJS 3. +Exp Full Stack Developer +Exp Verizon- Atlanta, GA – August 2015 to February 2016 +Exp Description: +Exp This project, which has been developed to significantly reduce the development effort of the various developer teams within the organization. RDLU: Remote Door Lock Unlock allows the users to lock or unlock their vehicle using an application on their mobile device. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as a developer in the architecture team to design the application and define standards for other development teams within the organization. +Exp Designed and coded application components in an agile environment utilizing a test driven development approach. +Exp Extensively used Spring components and concepts like Aspect Oriented programming, Transaction Management, Dependency Injection, DAO and MVC. +Exp Designed and developed functionality with excellent understanding of design patterns like singleton, factory and MVC. +Exp Implemented service layer offering JSON or XML data through RESTful services using CXF. +Exp Implemented REST client using JERSY to consume data from Legacy application. +Exp Used Hibernate to do object relational mapping in the application. Involved in creating hibernate mapping files for class associations, inheritances and generating sequences. +Exp Used HQL Criteria, Restrictions to retrieve and manipulate data from backend. +Exp Developed presentation layer using JSP, JSTL, HTML5, CSS, and jQuery. +Exp Knowledge on micro- service based architecture using spring boot for developing the microservices, Netflix +Exp components(eureka, ribbon), spring cloud for supporting the cloud native environment. +Exp Developed SPA using ReactJS to utilize the HTML5 DOM features and update elements that are modified in the webpage. +Exp Develop cross browser compatible web pages quickly and effectively using jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap and Angular JS 3. +Exp Experience in Design and development of test automation frameworks for Web applications (responsive, Cross browser) using various Open Source/ Commercial testing tools like Selenium Web Driver/IDE,Testing, JUnit. +Exp Used XML technologies like XPath, XSTL for preparing reports. +Exp Integrated Hibernate with Spring and configured corresponding xml configuration files. +Exp Implemented Java beans with JAXB Annotations for marshalling and un-marshalling of Java Objects. +Exp Used SQL Developer tool and written PLSQL functions, procedures, triggers. Involved in tuning performance by creating Indexes. +Exp Came up with Test Suites and Test Cases for unit testing and implemented unit testing using JUnit. +Exp Involved in Peer Level design and code reviews. +Exp Experience writing unit tests and performing and end to end testing. +Exp Has experience in CI and CD – Understands Jenkins, GitHub, etc. +Exp Used Git for source code management and source tree for managing the code push, pulls and resolving conflicts. +Exp Experience Developing application using Groovy, Grails, GSP, GORM, Grails Plugins and Grails Rest +Exp Services. +Exp Setting up Java/J2EE development environment using Eclipse, Maven and WebLogic. +Exp Helped developed Restful API in JAX-RS such as servlet to handle database operation. +Exp Built the AngularJS 2 dashboard and supported Java backend. +Exp Environment: Core JavaJDK 8, Restful Services, Spring 4.2.6, Webservice, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Groovy, AngularJS 2, ReactJS, Maven, Eclipse, JAX-B, JAX-RS/Jersey, JAX-WS, XML and JSON. +Exp Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Disney- FL – September 2013 to July 2015 +Exp Description: DIPR (Disney ID for Parks and Resorts): The main purpose of the application is to capture user activity on Disney and its affiliate sites in real time and apply the changes in the database. This application solves the problem of an existing Interface with rules driven, event based (with queuing) interface, to capture all new affiliate registrations, and all updates to known guests providing a recovery mechanism. +Exp These projects were developed using Java EE 7, IBM WebSphere Application Server v8.5, drools 6.3, Tomcat 7.0, Spring 3.2, SOAP Web Service, Spring Security, RESTful, Servlet 3.0, JDBC, XML, JSON, Eclipse, JAX-RS, Oracle RDBMS. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for coordinating the design and implementation activities, collaborated with project managers and engineering teams. +Exp Designed and coded application components in an agile environment utilizing a test driven development approach. +Exp Worked on providing Authentication to Restful Web services using Authz and OAuth. +Exp Developed the application using Java multi threading to enable scheduling and management of the offs tasks to keep up with the huge amount of user records received from CNS. +Exp Developed Controllers for Restful services using spring-web mvc. +Exp Developed web services callers using Jersey framework. +Exp Worked on MVC (Model View Controller) architecture using Springs/Strutsframework and various Java / J2EEdesignpatterns. +Exp Experience with third-party APIsExperience with CSS pre-processors. +Exp Servers installation and Maintenance of windows 2008 and RedHat 6.x & 7 Linux Server. +Exp Designed and Developed Web Services using Restful and SOAP protocols using Elasticsearch. +Exp Used Soap-UI and Rest Client for functional testing of the web services. +Exp Used the DOM parser to parse xml’s and extensively used javacollections framework. +Exp Consuming and exposing various Web services using JAX-RS and JSON to different systems for business services. +Exp Involved in creating Database SQL and PL/SQL queries and StoredProcedures. +Exp Implemented Singleton pattern for property loading, loading xml’s, jaxb context creation and static data from DB. +Exp Worked on performance tuning of the application to greatly improve the efficiency and execution time. +Exp Used Hibernate for mapping java classes to the database. +Exp Developed web services components using XML, SOAP and Axis2. +Exp Developed Database interaction objects by implementing the DAO pattern. +Exp Deployed applications on WebSphere application server and tomcat web server. +Exp Used Log4j API for logging in the application. +Exp Developed web applications on Tomcat server. +Exp Used GIT for version control across common source code used by developers. +Exp Developed the application using Eclipse. +Exp Periodic on-call/after-hours production support for scheduled maintenance routines, quarterly system updates and patches, and other items that affect operations. +Exp Supported transition in platform to AngularJS, used Protractor for testing. +Exp Environment: Java EE 7, IBM WebSphere Application Server v8.5, Tomcat 7.0, Spring 3.2, Spring Security, Spring 4.2.6, SOAP Web Services, RESTful web services, Servlet 3.0, JDBC, Hibernate, Spring boot 1.2.6, JUNIT 3.8, Eclipse, Log 4j, Axis 2, OAuth 1.4, JAVAX 2.1, D3, JAX-B, JAX-RS/Jersey, JAX-WS, XML, AngularJS, Oracle RDBMS and JSON. +Exp Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Austin County State Bank - Austin, TX – September 2010 to August 2013 +Exp Description: Austin County State Bank is a leading property and casualty insurance company based in Texas. Austin County’s safety team works with clients to help protect their employees and their dividend program provides rewards for keeping clients workplace safe. The application developed provides the clients with insurance quotes and forms online. It allows the client to buy insurance online, check policy information, direct bill statues and report claims. This Project was developed using Spring, Hibernate, Struts 2.x, Maven, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JMS, RAD, Oracle Database, Ajax, EJB, JQuery, E-trade,E-Commerce, Websphere Application Server, SOAP and Web Services. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Use case diagrams, Object diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using UML. +Exp The application architecture of the System is based on Spring MVC (Model View Controller) and J2EE specifications. +Exp Implemented the application using design patterns such as Session Façade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator. +Exp Implemented Hibernate Template to great extent making use of HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries and interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria. +Exp Worked on developing POJO classes to map database tables with java objects. +Exp Involved in creating test cases using JUnit strictly following Test Driven Development. +Exp Worked on SOA Web Services using SOAP for transmission of large blocks of XML data. +Exp Used Maven and Jenkins to automate the build and deploy process. +Exp Involved in full project management life cycle from development to integration, testing and release to lower environments. +Exp Have managed QA and UAT phases for various large IT implementations in Capital Market. +Exp Responsible for all backup, recovery, and upgrading of all the PostgreSQL databases. +Exp Responsible for configuring, integrating, and maintaining all Development, QA, Staging and Production PostgreSQL databases within the organization. +Exp Experience with performance tuning of code – ex – better file reads, algorithms, handling connections, transactions, Thread –safe and its pro-cons, performance tools, etc. +Exp Ability to design frameworks which are extensible and flexible. +Exp Used log4j for logging errors in the application. +Exp Involved in testing the JMS integration between queues and topics. +Exp Used JUnit for unit testing of the application and log4j for logging. +Exp jQuery template for markup. Implemented two way data binding through scope in applications built on AngularJS. +Exp Environment: Java 7.0, Struts 2.X, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, AJAX, EJB, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, E-Commerce, JMS, JAXP (SAX & DOM), WebSphere Application Server, RAD, AngularJS, Oracle Database, SOAP, Maven, log4j, Junit, XML, Web Services. +Exp Senior J2EE Developer +Exp GE Healthcare– Hyderabad, INDIA - September 2008 to August 2010 +Exp Description: GE Healthcare provides transformation medical technologies and services helping to deliver patient care to people around the world. GE provides an online website for the customers. This web website is an e-commerce application which provides an online interface to manage user accounts for the customers to facilitate customers to view, purchase products and request services. This project was developed using Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, HTML5, JSP, JSTL, JMS, JavaScript, XSL, XSLT, Servlets 2.5, RAD, WebSphere Application Server and Oracle 10g. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed Use Case and Sequence Diagrams according to UML standard using Rational Rose. +Exp Implemented Model View Controller (MVC-2) architecture and developed Form classes, Action Classes for the entire application using Struts Framework. +Exp Performed client side validations using JavaScript and server side validations using in built Struts Validation Framework. +Exp Designed and developed HTML5, JavaScript, Ajax, XML, MYSQL, apps working in a LINUX Web Server and Apache environment. +Exp Implemented the data persistence functionality of the application by using Hibernate to persist java objects to the relational database. +Exp Used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level and accessed Annotated bean from Hibernate DAO layer. Used HQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database. +Exp Transformed, Navigated and Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT. +Exp Used JMS for asynchronous exchange of message by applications on different platforms. +Exp Developed the view components using JSP, HTML5, StrutsLogictags and Strutstaglibraries. +Exp Involved in designing and implementation of Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator patterns to delegate request to appropriate resources. +Exp Used JUnit Testing Framework for performing Unit testing. +Exp Deployed application in WebSphere Application Server and developed using Rational Application Developer RAD. +Exp Objectives of securing confidentiality, integrity, and availability of assets, TCP/IP, Host and Network based intrusion detection and prevention systems such as HIPS and NIPS, risk management, incident +Exp response, common threats to web application vulnerabilities, penetration testing, designing networking infrastructure and configuring cisco routers and switches. +Exp Environment: Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, JSP, RAD, JMS, JavaScript, PHP, XSL, XSLT, Servlets 2.5, WebSphere Application Server and Oracle. +Sum PROFILE SUMMARY +Sum 11 years of work experience in Program Management, Project Management, Strategic Research, Business Analysis, Requirement Elicitation, Identifying root causes and developing work product in Agile (SCRUM) and waterfall SDLC methodologies. +Sum Extensive experience in Insurance (Life and P&C) and Banking (Mortgage, claims) domain +Sum Go to person regarding all client communications, client escalations, budgeting, reporting and planning. +Sum Extensive client facing experience leading strategic Initiatives including offshoring IT projects and systems replacement by working with product partners and geographically diverse teams. +Exp SCRUM certified professional experienced in Release management and defining the Project Roadmap, Velocity planning and Leadership reports. +Sum Extensive experience in defining project scope, project initiation, implementing planning and strategy and closure as a Scrum Master. +Sum Extensive experience to manage the project and track the progress by using the Tools like JIRA. +Sum Extensive experience to manage the RISK by using Impact Probability grid and define the mitigation strategy. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.) – 2009 – NMIMS University, Mumbai, India +Edu Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) (Computer Engineering) – 2004 – University of Rajasthan, India +QC Certifications and Tools: +QC Certified Professional Scrum Master™ level I (PSM I) +Skill JIRA, Confluence, Microsoft Project, MS Visio, Microsoft Office +QC PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 11 YEARS 4 MONTHS +Exp Client: DXC Technology Apr ‘17 – Jan’18 +Exp Role: Senior Manager – DXC Channel +Exp Location: Los Angeles/ New York +Exp Program Manager handling projects for Metlife account at DXC +Exp Single point of contact for all client escalations and new project discussions +Exp Responsible for client management and exploring and initializing new projects and opportunities +Exp The work profile includes creating a plan to address project goals and working with customer stakeholders/SME’s while owning tracking and resolution. +Exp Maintain accurate program reporting information and up-to-date project assets and metrics while identifying risks and roadblocks. +Exp Program managing solution roadmap workshops, use case discussions and vendor relations for capability procurement and use case definition. +Exp Discussing business performance, value generation and lead generation to track business growth goals +Exp Project: Metlife, USA +Exp Project Description: G2C is a Java application migrated from mainframe applications which helps the clients to send the most up to date employee information and loaded to consumer database. This data will be used by various portals like member portal, client portal and doctor portal. G2C makes sure that the data coming from the clients is valid and accurate. G2C does all the complex validations, and generate reports for the clients and necessary actions in case of failure to load the data. +Exp Role: SCRUM Master/PM +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Release coordinator for corporate efforts and define/identify the scope of works +Exp Create the Project reports to forecast the future work, team velocity and time taken by each process +Exp Define the definition of done and work with Mphasis PM on resource management +Exp Coordinate with APO, Business SME’s and Implementation team. +Exp Conduct the SCRUM ceremonies like Daily standup, Sprint Planning, Backlog grooming, Sprint Review/Retrospective. +Exp Participate/Conduct SCRUM of SCRUMs +Exp Manage the production issues and adhoc request by leadership team. +Exp Resolve Impediments, conflicts and shields the team. +Exp Participate proactively in developing and maintaining standards, tools and best practices. +Exp Track, monitor and communicate team metrics and progress. +Exp Walkthrough on Burn down chart and Risk management chart. +Exp Deflect team distractions, remove execution impediments and escalate issues appropriately. +Exp Ensure transparency within and outside of team. +Exp Client: USAA Apr ‘15 – Apr’-17 +Exp Role: Program manager/ Principal Research Analyst +Exp Location: San Antonio, Texas +Exp Program Manager for CTO Architecture and Strategic Research/Innovation Group at USAA +Exp Primarily focused on handling team providing innovative research and approach towards business problems faced by Business and Architects in the IT strategic roadmap planning and execution +Exp Responsibilities include leading a team of Research Analysts performing market profiling, identifying desirable functionalities/approach and providing actionable business solutions and approach +Exp Understanding the client needs, prioritizing the research with Architecture board and responsible for presenting team KPI and performance metrics to client senior management. +Exp An integral part of profile includes bringing product vendor solutions in the lab and performing specific business use cases to validate functionality and client requirements to prepare a comparison score card +Exp The deliverables include detailed Project plan, performance metrics, Team forecast, Budget adherence, Research whitepapers, product/approach recommendation and business use case validations +Exp Company: HCL Technologies Ltd Feb ‘10 – Apr ’15 +Exp Role: Deputy Manager +Exp Location: Bangalore, India +Exp Client Name: Genworth - a leading provider of Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) +Exp Industry Sector: Insurance +Exp Project Description: We were working with the client in claims administration area. The client was using Guidewire Claims center for Mortgage claims. The scope of work included Application Maintenance, Enhancement and Support and product version upgrade for : +Exp Oxygen – This is a claims application based on ClaimCenter V5.0. It includes claims application interfaces, Reporting and Configuration +Exp Duration: (Mar 2014 – Apr 2015) +Exp Role: SCRUM Master/Business Analyst +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Mentored the core IT team to follow Agile practices instead of waterfall and deliver the project using Scrum +Exp Gathered requirements from various business teams +Exp Created stories out of various requirements and planned for implementing them in various iterations +Exp Created a story backlog in JIRA and keeps on updating them accordingly +Exp Base lining of all the business artifacts and requirements implemented in each iteration and release accordingly +Exp Compliance to schedule and containment of defect leakage +Exp Duration: (Feb 2010 - Mar 2014) – Business Solutions Group +Exp Proactive proposals, Response to RFP’s and collateral preparation +Exp Responsible for end-to-end opportunity life-cycle including bid management & planning, proposal handling, win strategy formulation, solution development, estimations, bid pricing, deal reviews & approvals, proposal defense, due diligence, best & final offer (BAFO) and contract negotiation. +Exp Understanding customer pain points and recommending solutions, Market research, and competitive intelligence based on sales pursuits. +Exp Strategic Initiatives +Exp Spearheaded Solution workshops with clients to validate scope and refine the solution offerings +Exp Worked extensively in giving joint proposals with product partner like eBao, CSC etc. to cement long term partnership and evolution of go to market strategy +Exp Company: Office Depot Reliance +Exp Role: Management Trainee, IT, Supply Chain and Merchandising Jul ‘09 – Feb’10 +Exp Locations: Navi Mumbai, India +Exp Identified problem areas and suggested ways to tackle business issues by data generation and analysis for catalogue marketing campaigns. +Exp Redesigning SKU creation process to improve follow ups by defining department specific response time and escalation matrix +Exp Involved in process improvements for transparency and better compliance during Supply Chain training. +Exp Company: Schneider Electric India +Exp Role: Software Engineer Aug ‘04 – May’07 +Exp Locations: Bangalore, India +Exp Led a team for a prestigious firmware verification project, coordinating across four countries. +Exp Responsible for project execution, planning, resource requirements, duration, risk analysis and mitigation. +Exp Member of steering committee responsible for obtaining quality certification (CMMI Level 3). +Exp SUMMER INTERNSHIP TATA COMMUNICATIONS (Corporate Strategy Department) +Exp Formulated Market Entry Strategy for TATA Communications in middle-east markets (U.A.E., Qatar and Bahrain) +Exp Assessed market attractiveness from the macroeconomic, regulatory and telecom market perspective +PI Avanthi Katta +PI Sr. Business Analyst +PI Ph No: 916-282-9259 +PI Email ID: sam@vishconsultingservices.com +Sum SUMMARY +Sum Over Seven years of experience as a Sr. Business Analyst/Quality Analyst. +Sum Solid understanding of Business Requirement gathering, Business Process flow, Business Process Modeling and Analysis, design documentation. +Sum Experience in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement gathering, Design, Development, Testing and Deployment. +Sum Organized Joint Application Development (JAD), workshops and interview sessions. +Sum Expertise in Documentation and Review of Software and Business/Technical Requirement Documents. +Sum Managed complex business initiatives to balance requirements for functionality, efficiency and quality. +Sum Excellent knowledge of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) transaction, code set rules such as EDI 837,270,271,276,277,834,835, NCPDP and ICD9-ICD10. +Sum Experienced with Rational tools like ReqPro, Clearquest, Clear Case, Rational soda, Rational Rose. +Sum Experienced working in Obama care, Medicare and Medicaid projects. +Sum Exceptional Documentation Skills for writing Use Cases and Functional Requirement Documents. +Sum Design and review of various documents including the Software Requirement Specifications (SRS), Business Requirements Document (BRD), Use Case Specifications, Functional Specifications (FSD), Systems Design Specification (SDS), Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and testing documents. +Sum Strong experience with MS Visio for creating visual representation of Software/Data Architecture, Use Case diagrams (specially in an Agile environment), Sequence diagrams, Class diagrams, Business Process Flows and basic flowcharts. +Sum Extensive experience in configuring data mapping of files using Edifacs Specbuilder. +Sum Through knowledge of various phases of Edifacs Specbuilder- Analyzer and Mapper. +Sum Conducted JAD Sessions to develop an architectural solution that the application meets the business requirements, resolve open issues, and change requests. +Sum Good Knowledge of Test Plan, Test Scripts and Test Cases for Functional, System, Integration, UAT, and Regression Testing based on the Design Document for the Functional, Security, and Performance Testing. +Sum Excellent written and verbal communication. +Sum Consistently demonstrated ability to achieve tight deadlines. +Skill AREAS OF EXPERTISE +Skill Operating Systems: Win 98/XP/Vista/Windows 7, UNIX, LINUX, Mac. +Skill Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, XML, C#, VB, ASP, .Net +Skill Databases: Oracle, MS SQL server, MS Access, MY SQL +Skill Tools: MS Office: Word, Excel, Access, Power point, Project, Visio, Front Office, Rational Rose, SoDA, Software Modeler, Team Test, Doors, PROLOG, Clearcase, Clearquest, WinRunner, LoadRunner, WebSphere, Business Modeler, HP Quality Centre, Ultra Edit, TOAD and Test Director, MMIS, JIRA. +Skill Industry Standards: HIPAA 5010, ICD 10, PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) +PI PROFESSIONAL PROFILE +PI West Virginia State Medicaid, Charleston, WV +PI Sr. Business Analyst +PI MAY 2014–Present +PI The delivery of the 5010 transactions executed in multiple integrated releases along with system upgrade from ICD 9-10 in MMIS. +Exp Another project involved helping the department in creating documents for Integrated Eligibility Determination system for Medicaid, QHP and SNAP so it can help later vendor to implement the project effectively. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities +Exp Worked with client to gather Business/Technical Requirements, Approval of CR (Change request), Design and Implementations for State MMIS. +Exp Responsible for designing future state processes for ICD 9-10 Crosswalk Table and drafted High Level Business Requirements for ICD 9-10 conversion mapping. +Exp Worked on creating State based Rule requirement document with Rule ID (CFR number). +Exp Researched on state based rules, configuration to be implemented in integrated eligibility system. +Exp Gained extensive experience in designing/modifying the CICS screens for various areas such as Enrollment, Billing, Provider Record and Reimbursement Status in MMIS.. +Exp Wrote clear, concise detailed System Requirements Specification(SRS) documents and user documentation in accordance to guidelines and standards of a level where developers can interpret, design and develop the application with minimum guidance +Exp Experience in implementation of ICD-9-CM codes and ICD-10-CM codes changes in the current claim processing modules in MMIS. +Exp Worked on HP Quality Center 10.0 which include Defects Management, Test Plan and Dashboard. +Exp Talking to the client based on requirements of that particular defect, uploading document required, checking history, status notes, setting up resources to handle and fix it. +Exp Worked on Rational Requisite Pro application to handle various requirements including Functional requirements, High-level requirements, Non-functional requirements, Scope statement and User requirements. +Exp Provided online support to users for various applications such as IPCS (Internet Professional Claims Submission). +Exp Environment: HP ALM, JIRA, Salesforce, MS Office, Windows 7, MS Visio, HP SharePoint, MS Project, MS Visio, SQL, SOAP, XML, MMIS, Agile. +Exp Medica health Plans, Minnetonka, MN +Exp May 2013-MAY 2014 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Project was involved working on the design and configuration changes as per the PPACA (Patient protection and Affordable Care Act) in the current healthcare plans +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for gathering and documenting Legislative, Business, Functional requirements for all the provisions and their impact on the existing products and systems. +Exp Responsible for integrating with Facets. Designing test scripts for testing of Claims in Development, Integration and production environment. +Exp Participated in the CORE (Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange) compliance process for the company. +Exp Responsible for creating test scenarios, scripting test cases using testing tool and defect management for Policy Management Systems, Payables/Receivables and Claims processing. +Exp Worked on the PPACA for various mandates such as Grandfather Rule, Rescissions, D-26, Pre Ex-19, Preventive Care, Operating Rules, and Early Retirees Fund etc. +Exp Wrote test cases and test scripts for the User Acceptance Testing. +Exp Performed Requirement Analysis and developed Use Cases and Activity Diagrams. +Exp Traced High Level Requirements (HLR) to Detailed Level Requirements (DLR) using MKS Integrity. +Exp Conducted meetings with SME's to understand current business process and performed Gap Analysis to meet future business needs. +Exp Created and managed project templates, use case project templates, requirement types and traceability relationships in MKS Integrity. +Exp Developed Systems Specifications document to define the impact of the new requirements on the existing system. +Exp Developed and managed creation of product documentation to communicate features, benefits, positioning and impacts to different audiences and ensured that documentation deliverables from various groups are produced as needed. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) document, User Requirement Specification (URS) and Change Request (CR) document for system application development. +Exp Environment:- SQL, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, Clear Quest, Microsoft Visio, Windows Vista, Mercury Test-Director. Share Point, +Exp ENS Health, Colorado Springs, CO +Exp APR 2011-APR 2013 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Duties included building various applications for physicians, clearinghouses, billing services, and hospitals who submit or receive electronic claim data. Duties include working with the Web Based systems, Desktop Applications and other Clinical Applications. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Aided Valuable Information’s in the collection of User Requirements and Business Requirements to create the Business Requirement Documentation (BRDs), using MS Word and MS Visio that provided appropriate scope of work for technical team to develop prototype and overall system. +Exp Conducted AS-IS and TO-BE analysis and assisted in developed process models and systems integration structure. +Exp Conducted and facilitated Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions to reduce time spent in moving information between stakeholders and team members. +Exp Wrote test cases and test plans for the related and assigned scripts according to the test strategies defined in the project and testing team guidelines in Rational Quality Manager. +Exp Identified critical areas of business risk and modified business processes to reduce risk by using the Risk-Management Process. +Exp Knowledge of the complete EDI format used in electronic documentation which was part of the knowledge transfer program to the vendors as per the requirements. +Exp Worked with Source system Subject Matter Expert (SME) to ensure that the extracts are properly mapped. Used SQL for data mapping and querying. +Exp As part of the data mapping procedures, assisted in writing requirement document for ETL - Data Extraction, Data Analysis and Loading process of collected data. +Exp Involved in various types of Audits and the Financials involved through different stages. +Exp Gained Compliance audit experience due to exposure to the legal/audit consulting groups. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Rational Quality Manager, My SQL, MS Project, MS Visio, .Net, Mainframes and Windows XP +Exp SFHP, San Francisco, CA +Exp FEB2010– MAR 2011 +Exp Business/Requirements Analyst +Exp San Francisco Health Plan (SFHP) is a licensed community health plan that provides affordable health care coverage to over 70,000 low and moderate-income families. Members have access to a full spectrum of medical services including preventive care, specialty care, hospitalization, prescription drugs and family planning services. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with a cross functional and diverse team of business users and developers to enable accurate communication of requirements and ensure consensus. +Exp Attended the training sessions provided by SFHP to make sure that I have an understanding of all the modules in QNXT for example: Members, Providers, Claims, Utilization Management, Finance, Underwriting etc. +Exp Had meetings with business users and managers to understand the process what is required/to understand the AS IS process and providing them with the best solutions +Exp Conducted JAD sessions with management, SMEs, developers and users for open and pending issues. +Exp Worked on ) +Exp Was involved in the documenting the BRDs for letters to be sent out to members. Had meetings with developers and managers to make sure that letters are coming out of QNXT using SSRS. Users were able to generate letters from reporting services or letters were sent directly to folders using subscription. +Exp Was involved in QA the reports/letters before user testing and was communicating with developers if correction needed. +Exp Facilitated User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with the stakeholders and the business users, and the errors discovered were fixed and then verified via regression testing. +Exp Used SharePoint to for documentation and saved all the BRD, Sign off documents and other documents in it. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Quality Center, SQL Server, MS Project, MS Visio, Unix, J2ee, Java, XML, Water fall, Windows XP +PI Avinash G +PI Mobile: 913-730-0694 +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum 8+ Years of experience in analysis, design, Implementation, development, and Maintenance of various Dynamic/Static web applications using Java/J2EE technologies. +Sum Experience and working knowledge of Agile Methodology (Scrum, extreme programming and Unified process), Rational Unified Process and Test driven development (TDD). +Sum Extensive experience in designing professional UI web applications using front-end technologies like HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, XML, DHTML, XHTML, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, Backbone JS, Require JS, React JS and Bootstrap. +Sum Proficient in using AJAX for implementing dynamic Web Pages where the content was fetched via API calls and updated the DOM (JSON Parsing). +Sum Experience integrating web services with web clients written using client-side MVC frameworks such as Angular JS, EXT JS, Ember JS and Backbone JS. +Sum Experience with server-side frameworks like Node JS, Express JS. +Sum Experience in DOM (Document Object Model) to use in interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. +Sum Experience with Node JS along mean stack applications using Mongo DB, Ext Js and Angular Js. +Sum Used HTML Helper classes for rendering HTML controls, used JQuery, Ajax to GET & POST data. +Sum Experience in using ORM frameworks like Hibernate, IBATIS and JPA. +Sum Application Development experience using Core JAVA, Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Serialization, Externalization, Collections framework, Generics etc. +Sum Experience in building web applications using SPRING framework features like MVC (Model View Controller), AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), DAO (Data Access Object), Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch. +Sum Expertise in spring framework, include Spring IOC/Core, Spring DAO support, Spring ORM, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring MVC and Spring Integration. +Sum Experience in using JERSY along with Spring Container to create server side restful applications. +Sum Experience in Web Service Technologies like JAXP, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Restful, Apache Cxf, JMS and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Sum Experienced in using Log4j and good expertise in application build tools like ANT, Gradle and Maven. +Sum Experience in using the integrated development environments like Eclipse, Rational Application Developer, IBM Web Sphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) and IntelliJ for Java/J2EE development. +Sum Hands on experience with an in-depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical implementation of AWS. +Sum Designed highly accessible, fault tolerant and cost effective and fault systems using multiple EC2 instances, Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balance and AMIs. +Sum Proficient in TDD (Test Driven Development) by writing test cases using Karma, Jasmine. +Sum Experience in database development using My SQL, PL/SQL , Oracle, DB2, No SQL and SQL Server environments. +Sum Have knowledge on Dynamo DB, mostly in Cloud environment. +Sum Good experience on Mongo DB scaling across data centers and/or in-depth understanding of Mongo DB HA strategies, including replica sets. +Sum In depth knowledge of Cassandra and hands on experience with installing, configuring and monitoring Data Stax Enterprise cluster. +Sum Have worked on Backup and Recovery on Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL databases. I have experience in setting up automated scripts to run the backup. +Sum Experience in writing complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors and Functions +Sum Worked on different Application Servers like Web Logic, Web Sphere, JBOSS Server and Web Server like Tomcat. +Sum Led team through examining the use of Docker to improve the efficiency of development and scalability of data streams and containerized micro services +Sum Experienced in Rabbit MQ, JMS and IBM MQ. +Sum Good experience on Design Patterns (J2EE) like Singleton, Factory Method, DAO, Session Facade, Front Controller, Service Locator and Delegate Pattern. +Sum Hands on experience in developing Selenium IDE/ Web driver/RC/Grid scripts using Java, JavaScript, Ant/ Maven build tools. +Sum Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools. +Sum Experienced in UNIX Shell Scripting. +Sum Experience in using Grunt and Gulp for build process. +Sum Experienced in unit testing using JUnit and Mockito. +Sum Experience in using Bower, NPM. +Sum Experience in using JIRA how to track, plan and analyze. +Sum Worked on continuous integration using Jenkins/Hudson +Sum Experience in using caching frameworks like Redis +Sum Experience in using version control tools like GIT, CVS and Clear Case +Sum Efficient team member with excellent work/time management skills, communications and interpersonal +Sum skills and ability to work under strict deadlines. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Degree: Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India. +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: State Government of New York, Albany, New York Nov 2015- Till Date +Exp Title: Sr. Java/UI developer +Exp Description: : eClaims is the New York State Workers' Compensation Board's implementation of an electronic claim reporting standard for reports of injury filings. The WCB has adopted a national standard for claims reporting from the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions the standard uses Electronic Data Interchange, commonly known as EDI, so that data can be transmitted electronically between the WCB and its EDI Trading Partners quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for the analysis, documenting the requirements and architecting the application based on J2EE standards. +Exp Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP and JavaScript. +Exp Used JavaScript libraries to create slider and page-turning animations on calendar widgets. +Exp Involved in developing web pages using Angular JS Framework and familiar with various Angular JS directives and services. +Exp Used Angular JS as frameworks to create single page applications (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server using Sass, Less, Bootstrap, Angular JS. +Exp Responsible for Web UI development in JavaScript using JQuery, AngularJS and AJAX. +Exp Responsible for secure batch data flow to downstream systems using Middleware Java technologies. +Exp Developed Mean Stack from scratch including Mongo DB server (Mongoose Connector) setup and Express JS server development. +Exp Developed drag and drop document editing using React Js. +Exp Developed the JQuery callback functions to implement asynchronous communication using AJAX. +Exp Used the Java Collections API extensively in the application as security protection for XML, SOAP, REST and JSON to make a secure Web Deployment. +Exp Built backend REST API with Node JS, Express JS and also Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirement. +Exp GUI design and development using Java Swing, JFC Used for open source web testing. +Exp Implemented different Design patterns like DAO, Singleton Pattern and MVC architectural design pattern of Spring framework. +Exp Worked on the REST Web Services and used Spring Framework and developed the Spring Features like Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Data Access, Spring web test, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Integration. +Exp Building RESTful services using Micro-services architecture with tools such as Spring-boot. +Exp Developing Intranet Web Application using J2EE architecture, using JSP to design the user interfaces and Hibernate for database connectivity. +Exp Development of Hibernate objects for data fetching for batch and front-end processing. +Exp Designed and developed the new features in the existing application to meet the customer's satisfaction. +Exp Used Hibernate, object relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based scheme. +Exp Designed and developed the user interface screens, data base design changes and changes to user access modules. +Exp Responsible for implementation of java integration components for JBPM and DROOLs. +Exp Defined a message store architecture necessary to support drools rule engine input processing, scalability and recovery. +Exp Involved in writing Oracle PL/SQL Stored procedures, triggers and views. +Exp Implementing BPM processes in existing system using both Synchronous and Asynchronous Web Services. +Exp Leveraged AWS cloud services such as EC2; auto-scaling; and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) to build secure, highly scalable and flexible systems. +Exp AWS is used to coordinate and manage the delivery of messages to the subscribers. Client side validations and server side validations are done according to the business needs. +Exp Extensively used core java concepts like collection frame work, multi threading, OOPS and Exception Handling. +Exp Managed the dependency packages by NPM/Bower. +Exp Wrote JUNIT test cases for web servers. +Exp Written test cases and done Unit testing execution with JASMINE and KARMA. +Exp Involved in CICD process using GIT, Nexus, Jenkins job creation, Maven build, Create Docker image and deployment in AWS environment. +Exp Converted our staging and Production environment from a handful AMI's to a single bare metal host running Docker. +Exp Involved with Sprint Planning, Sprint grooming, Allocation of User Stories using Jira. +Exp Used Log4J API for logging and debugging. +Exp Environment: Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring MVC , JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, Spring DAO , Spring Boot , Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring-Hibernate integration framework, JSP, Oracle, PL/SQL, XML, AWS (EC2, VPC), Spring web flow, Drools, Maven, JUnit, REST web service, HTML, CSS, SASS, AJAX, Jira, Angular JS, NPM/BOWER. +Exp Client: Broadcom, Sunnyvale, California May 2014 - Oct 2015 +Exp Title: Sr. Java/UI developer +Exp Description: Broadcom Limited is a diversified global semiconductor leader built on 50 years of innovation, collaboration and engineering excellence. With roots based in the rich technical heritage of technology powerhouses AT&T/Bell Labs, Lucent and Hewlett-Packard/Agilent, Broadcom focuses on technologies that connect our world. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp As a Senior J2EE Developer assisted my team in developing two different Web-based applications +Exp Designed and developed the application using AGILE-SCRUM methodology. +Exp Used HTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, JQuery, AJAX, CSS, and Bootstrap as data and presentation. +Exp Developing & Customizing UI JavaScript Plug-in using JQuery and JSON. +Exp Created Mock-up designs and developed various functionalities with JavaScript and JQuery. +Exp Developed Model pop-ups with Angular JS for responsive web design on mobile devices. +Exp Wrote Rest services to feed data to an application with AngularJS framework. +Exp Developed a core component of Analytics with Node JS, Backbone JS. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP with JavaBeans, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries, Javascript, CSS, JQuery, Node JS, HTML, SASS and Ajax to speed the application. +Exp Used Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and JAX-WS programming model. +Exp Involved in implementation of enterprise integration with Web Services and Legacy Systems using SOAP and REST (Using Axis and Jersey frameworks). +Exp Designed and developed Micro-Services using (MEAN Stack) node.js, Mongo DB. +Exp Developed web services using SOAP, WSDL and Apache Axis, which helped communicating through different modules of the application. +Exp Involved in creating Restful web services using JAX-RS and JERSY tool. +Exp Involved in J2EE Design Patterns such as Data Transfer Object (DTO), DAO, Value Object and Template. +Exp Primarily focused on the spring components such as Spring MVC, Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver. +Exp Used Spring IOC, AOP, Spring Batch modules to integrate with the application. +Exp Generated DAO’s to map with database tables using Hibernate. +Exp Developed a multi-user web application using JSP, Servlet, JDBC, Spring and Hibernate framework to provide the needed functionality. +Exp Analyze, debug and fix issues related to thread locking, clustering, network connections, Swing client performance on customer's production environment +Exp Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing/JCF +Exp Developed Spring Beans and configured Spring using applicationContext.xml. +Exp Developing the web application using Core Java concepts like Collections, OO concepts, Exception handling for developing application modules +Exp Assisted Database Developers using PL/SQL for managing data associated with the tables in Oracle. +Exp Managed and maintained No SQL (Cassandra) databases in production domain. +Exp Uses Second Level Cache to enhance performance and Proper Memory Management. +Exp Developed application using JMS for sending and receiving Point-to-Point JMS Queue messages. +Exp Used Apache CXF as the Web Services framework to implement the REST APIs involved. +Exp Setup replication clusters with multiple nodes for MySQL and PostgresSQL. +Exp Database development required creation of new tables, SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application. +Exp Involved in designing different BPM patterns in order to address the complex business scenarios are part of solution and technical design. +Exp Built application to track unique users using Redis accross various data groupings. +Exp Created task handlers to expose the BPM processes to REST service calls in the process designer itself and integrated them with spring. +Exp Used Maven for generating system builds and Jenkins for continuous integration. +Exp Whenever a new github branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it, The Docker container leverages Linux containers. +Exp Created WAR files from Maven and deployed them on Tomcat. +Exp Worked on Drools Rules Engine and Expectation Rule Engine for writing Business Rule Validation +Exp Wrote unit-testing codes using JUnit, resolved bugs and other defects using Firebug. +Exp Wrote JUNIT Test cases for Spring Controllers and Web Service Clients in Service Layer using Junit. +Exp Used Log 4j for debugging, testing and maintaining the system state. +Exp Using JIRA to manage the issues/project work flow. +Exp Environment: Spring, Hibernate, Web services, JAX-RS, JUNIT, SOAP, UI, SQL, JSP, JDBC, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Html, CSS, Angular JS, PL/SQL, PostgressSql Maven, log4j, Jenkins, JIRA, JMS, APACHE AXIS, Apache CXF, GIT, UNIX, AGILE-SCRUM, Oracle, Tomcat, Drools. +Exp Client: NJM Insurance Group, Trenton, NJ. Nov 2013 - Apr 2014 +Exp Title: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: NJM was originally implemented in a mainframe and this project is responsible for converting from Mainframe to J2EE. The technologies used are Process Server for managing the business process and J2EE technologies for implementing the Application itself. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Actively involved in defining and designing the tiers of the applications and implementation using J2EE best design practices. +Exp Followed Agile Methodology in analyze, define, and document the application, which will support functional and business requirements. Coordinate these efforts with Functional Architects. +Exp Developed UI pages with JSP, Spring MVC, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, and used Boot Strap for creating Responsive Web pages. +Exp Implemented scripting with AJAX and XML to dynamically refresh the page contents. +Exp Used JQuery to navigate to different pages of the application using DOM elements, and to create AJAX pages. +Exp Used AJAX and JSON to process asynchronous actions between front and back end. +Exp Actively involving in creating JavaScript function for user input validation and verification. +Exp Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens. +Exp Used Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and JAX-WS programming model. +Exp Well versed with core Java concepts like Collections, Swing, Serialization and Servlets & JSP. +Exp Developed Micro-Service to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC Architecture, Servlet targeting request module and flow of control generating JSP in Presentation layer. +Exp Used Spring IOC, AOP modules to integrate with the application. +Exp Developed and maintained elaborate service based architecture utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM and Spring MVC Framework. +Exp Handled rule engine with JBoss Drools for developing business rules of the applications. +Exp Used various core java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection API's to implement various features and enhancements. +Exp Developed DAO (Data Access Object) classes in order to access data from database. +Exp Developed ORM scripts for Hibernate to synchronize Domain Model and Relational Model. +Exp Developed complex Web Services and tailored JAX-RS API to suit the requirement. +Exp Involved in integration of claimant information with IBM MQ Resource Adapter for message queuing. +Exp Involved in writing the Java utility classes to convert MQ based control claimant information +Exp Installed and configured JBOSS server with My SQL persistence. Extracted rules data from the database and decision tables. +Exp Employed Redis to host centralized job queue for parallel servers to pull and distribute jobs among cluster of workers +Exp Implemented RDMS and MySQL as resource tier and developed MYSQL Stored procedures, Functions. +Exp Wrote unit-testing codes using JUnit. +Exp Writing Test cases using Mockito frameworks. +Exp Used Maven for generating system builds and Jenkins for continuous integration. +Exp Environment: J2EE, Hibernate, Spring MVC Framework, UML, Servlet, JSP, JSF, AJAX, DHTML, Java Script, JQuery, JSON, EJB (Session and Message Driven Beans), Eclipse , IBM MQ, My SQL, JBoss, Drools, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Web services, DAO, Web Sphere. +Exp Client: Uhlig LLC, Overland Park, KS. Nov 2012- Oct 2013 +Exp Title: UI Developer +Exp Description: Uhlig LLC and its subsidiaries have played a leading role in the growth of variable-content publishing, consistently redefining the traditional boundaries between print and electronic media. Today, its products range from rich, full-color periodicals to complex legal and financial documents, each of which is custom-produced for each of its readers using the company’s powerful online editing and content-management tools. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Interacting with the system analysts, business users for design & requirement clarifications. +Exp Development of UI models using HTML, JSP, JavaScript, AJAX and CSS. +Exp Implemented the presentation layer using JSP, JSP Tag Libraries (JSTL), HTML, CSS and JQuery. Also, Performed validations using validation framework for data inputs. +Exp Used AJAX to handle the user requests asynchronously and to have faster responses from the server by directly connecting to the server. +Exp Used RESTful services for publishing Web Service interfaces. +Exp Involved in writing XML validation classes using Struts validation framework. +Exp Worked on the JAVA Collections API for handling the data objects between the business layers and the front end. +Exp Developed the application using Struts to develop presentation tier and business layer. +Exp Used Hibernate extensively to have Database access mechanism with complex queries through Hibernate Query, Criteria interfaces. +Exp Extensively used SQL in constructing views, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, cursors, functions, relational database models. +Exp Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools. Explored Drools modules such as Drools Expert, and Drools Flow, which adds event processing capabilities to the platform. +Exp Used Singleton, Service Locator, Data Value Objects, and Data Access Objects Design Patterns in interacting between presentation, service and database components. +Exp Used WebSphere application server for deploying the application +Exp Used IBM MQ Series for messaging services for the users who want to become as registered users. +Exp Wrote various types of Business rules in the .drl i.e., drools file using Drools rule engine for business decision making. +Exp Involved in writing JUnit Test Cases and ANT Build Script. +Exp SVN version control system has been used to check-in and check-out the developed artifacts. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE Design Patterns, XML, CSS3, Web Sphere, Struts, Web Services, JSP, JSTL, EJB, Servlet, AJAX, Hibernate, RAD , IBM MQ Series, Rest, SQL Server, Drools, Unix, UML. +Exp Client: ICICI Bank, Hyderabad, India Apr 2010 - Oct 2012 +Exp Title: Java Developer +Exp Description: ICICI Bank is an Indian multinational banking and financial services company. It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management. Some other information like account payee details are maintained in the online banking database. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the front end browser based screens with JAVA and J2EE technologies like JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML and CSS form presentation layer. +Exp Developed web application using JSP, Servlet, Struts and integrating the application using Java Messaging Service API and Enterprise Java Bean to integrate with the backend systems using XML. +Exp Processing XML files using SAX parsers and transformations using XSLT. +Exp Developed JSP's with Struts custom tags and implemented JavaScript validation of data +Exp Used JDBC to connect to the oracle database and JNDI to lookup administered objects. +Exp Developed Struts forms and actions for validation of user request data and application functionality. +Exp Wrote the MDB (Message Driven Bean) stuff to perform capture the response messages from the backend. +Exp Used business delegate to call EJB from struts action class. +Exp Designed and developed numerous Session Beans and deployed on WebLogic Application web Server. +Exp Implemented DAO layer using IBATIS and wrote queries for persisting demand Core Banking related information from the backend system using Query tool (Oracle). +Exp Developed the Login screen so that only authorized and authenticated administrators can only access the application. +Exp Developed Authentication and Authorization modules where authorized persons can only access the inventory related operations. +Exp Done automaton for build process using ANT Build scripts and handled all the releases and delivery to the client. +Exp Environment: EJB, Servlet, JavaScript, Struts, Java, Web logic, XML, IBATIS, JSP, JBOSS, ANT, Eclipse, Oracle. +Exp Client: Infotech, India. August 2008 – Mar 2010 +Exp Title: Java Developer +Exp Description: Infotech Enterprises focus includes aerospace, defense, rail transportation, off-highway & industrial, power generation, mining, oil & gas, communications, utilities, geospatial, semiconductor and medical technology. We align closely with the business needs, goals, culture, and core values of our clients. This reflects in the deep, long-standing relationships we have developed and sustained with some of the leading names in these industries. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed business requirements, participated in technical design, development and testing of various modules assigned. +Exp Worked on Design, UI, HTML, CSS, JQuery, accessibility, and optimization. +Exp Translated designs and style guides into functional user interfaces, ensuring cross browser compatibility, performance and robustness. +Exp Converted wireframes and mockups for new web interface for a network analysis virtual appliance. +Exp Worked with full UI control of HTML/CSS, maintaining code and cleanliness. +Exp Created some prototype to implement some of the latest features of HTML and CSS. +Exp Developed presentation tier as HTML, JSPs using Struts Framework. +Exp Extensively worked with making calls to APIs to fetch the data from the backend as JSON response and parse it on the UI for DOM/CSS Manipulation. +Exp Developed JSPs, Servlets, and EJBs in the Struts Framework to effectively handle the workflow of the application +Exp Developed the middle tier using EJBs Stateless Session Bean, Java Servlets. +Exp Entity Beans used for accessing data from the MySQL database. +Exp Implemented and Updating the database Tables, Packages, procedures, functions views +Exp Worked on Hibernate for data persistence. +Exp Improved page load performance by analyzing content and making adjustments to the code (by following optimization standards). +Exp Worked with complete redesigns of a daily events website and focused on improving readability, utility, and overall UX. +Exp Worked closely with QA team to understand the reported defects and fix them. +Exp Environment: Java, Hibernate, Struts, EJBs, JSP, Servlet, Junit, ANT, MySQL, log4j, JSON, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery. +PI Adelina Erimia, PMP, Six Sigma Green Belt, SMC +PI 469-331-7851 erimia@msn.com +PI PROJECT MANAGER +Exp Experienced project manager offering over 10 years of successful leading diverse projects in the IT, Construction and Insurance industries; PMP, Six Sigma Green Belt and Scrum Master certified. Member of PMI Savannah Chapter Board of Directors. +Exp Business strategist; plan and manage projects aligning business goals with technology solutions to drive process improvements, competitive advantage and bottom-line gains. +Exp Excellent communicator; leverage business and financial acumen to communicate effectively with client executives and their respective teams. +Exp Expert in project management methodologies. Able to manage large project teams and known for high-quality deliverables that meet or exceed timeline and budgetary targets. +Exp Career Progression +Exp Project Management Institute (PMI), Savannah Chapter Savannah, GA 12/2016 – Present +Exp Project Manager/VP of Volunteers +Exp ▪ Chairing the planning committee for the “2018 Meet me in Savannah Leadership Conference”. +Exp ▪ Defining conference goals, objectives and target audience. +Exp ▪ Recruiting conference committee/assigning preliminary roles and responsibilities. +Exp ▪ Developing initial budget for each component and pricing model for delegate fees. +Exp ▪ Communicating/releasing final conference agenda and executing/monitoring sponsorship deliverables. +Exp ▪ Developing marketing plan and objectives and identifying logistics needs. +Exp ATN international Rincon, GA 04/2016 – 11/2016 +Exp IT Project Manager/Billing Support Manager +Exp ▪ Managed the Billing Support Team for One Communications – cellular, internet and cable service provider in Bermuda with 4 direct reports. +Exp ▪ Led large packaged application implementation project for the billing system. +Exp ▪ Introduced, trained and mentored the local office in Project Management methodology and tools. +Exp ▪ Executed process improvements, software upgrades, re-branding and integration projects. +Exp ▪ Performed QA and UAT testing. ▪ Ensured that Billing Support Team members are maintaining the availability, integrity and accuracy of One Communications systems. +Exp ▪ Monitored internal tracking systems to ensure that customer issues are getting resolved in the appropriate time frames. +Exp HCL America (Gulfstream Aerospace) Savannah, GA 8/2012 – 12/2015 +Exp IT Project Manager +Exp ▪ Planned, executed and finalized infrastructure IT projects per strict deadlines and within budget. +Exp ▪ Worked with project sponsor and stakeholders to understand and document scope, goals, deliverables, resources and timelines, to ensure projects deliver on time, scope, budget, quality and within expectations and strategic vision. +Exp ▪ Tracked and reported on project milestones and provided status reports to sponsor and management. +Exp ▪ Developed tools and best practices for project management, project execution and project transition and continuity. +Exp ▪ Managed project team and third-party contractors, identified, assessed and minimized project risks until successful project completion. +Exp ▪ Vendor management – selected vendors trough RFP projects, keeping track of bids, vendor performance, previous contract terms and alternative providers. +Exp ▪Coordinate project management requirements with Legal, EHS, Real Estate and Facilities for IT infrastructure internal and international group moves and new office set-ups. +Exp •Led SCADA software implementation project at various Gulfstream water pump locations. +Exp •Directed in collaboration with Verizon Wireless a major improvement project (3 million dollars budget) that involved installing fiber optic cables, replacing antennas, connecting to network, reviewing contracts, keeping track and selecting subcontractors and third-party vendors. +Exp •Drove various projects such as: voice command implementation, major hardware replacement (over 1,200 computers), security camera replacement and security software implementation, throughout all Gulfstream locations in the US. +Exp Craiovan Consulting SRL Timisoara, Romania 6/2009 – 5/2011 +Exp Project Manager Consultant +Exp ▪ Managed international relocation, construction and remodel projects. +Exp ▪ Provided support with the preparation of design, development and construction of new and major renovation projects. +Exp ▪ Interacted with governmental agencies, utilities and sub-contractors to implement the company’s real estate requirements. +Exp ▪ Performed punch list completion, financial close-out and transfer of property to customer. +Exp ▪ Defined and implemented project standards and processes for all the projects. +Exp ▪ Tracked projected versus actual project performance and informed management of accomplishments and major problem areas as well as budget and schedule status. +Exp ▪ Conducted post implementation project reviews to evaluate sustaining support and document lessons learned. ▪ Led cross-functional and virtual teams and meetings. +Exp UnitedHealth Group Hartford, CT 8/2002 - 5/2008 +Exp Project Coordinator +Exp ▪ Acted as a Green Belt on Six Sigma Projects involving the improvement of pharmacy submissions. +Exp ▪ Coordinated and tracked status of multiple projects for the IT Coding Department. +Exp ▪ Traced and resolved escalated ID card issues for the Key Accounts Department. +Exp ▪ Achieved savings of over $800,000 on an Operational Excellence Six Sigma Project. +Exp ▪ Collected, tracked, analyzed and reported data. +Exp ▪ Generated, analyzed and run complex reports on a daily and weekly basis as well as ad hoc reports. +Exp ▪ Researched and analyzed various projects. +Exp ▪ Hired, trained and supervised the temporary staff. +Edu Education & Credentials +Edu Universitatea de Vest, Romania - BA - Business and Management +Edu PMI-Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) +Edu Six Sigma Green Belt +Edu The George Washington University School of Business - Project Management +Edu Liceul Industrial,Romania - Mechanics. +Skill SKILLS +Skill ▪ Proficient with MS Project, PPM, Smartsheet, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, SharePoint, Remedy and Service Now. +Skill ▪ Skilled in Waterfall and Agile/Scrum methodologies as well as ITIL. +Skill ▪ Versed in Incident, Change and Problem Management. +PI 469-331-7851 erimia@msn.com +PI B Shaker +PI shaker.0516@gmail.com +PI 714-200-9052 +Sum Introduction: +Sum 9+ years of experience in the field of business and data analysis supporting software solutions and analyzing business operations. Broad experience working on various domains such as Investment Banking, Commercial Banking and Finance. Worked in various software development environments including waterfall and agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming. Implemented different projects in SOA architecture and dealt with different Web Services. Strong communication, requirement elicitation and documentation skills while maintaining professional relationships with stakeholders, Project Managers and SME’s. Worked in the capacity of a Scrum Master by facilitating all scrum ceremonies, resolving Impediments and dependency issues. Proficient in data analytics – SQL querying, Ad Hoc / Canned report generation using tools like IBM Cognos BI and SAP Crystal Reports. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Possess excellent business writing skills required for documenting, Business Requirements, Functional Requirements, Non-Functional Requirements and System Requirements Specification. +Sum Experience in developing relationship with Stakeholders and Gathering Requirements from them by utilizing requirement elicitation technique such as, one on one interviews, Observation, JAD, Group Discussions and Analyzing Reports. +Sum Experience in conducting GAP analysis, Impact analysis, Feasibility study, Cost-benefit analysis, Risk analysis, SWOT analysis, SIPOC and ROI analysis tools and techniques. +Sum Strong experience in all the phases of SDLC Life Cycle such as Analysis, Design, Development and Testing and UAT. +Sum Domain knowledge and experience on Mortgage, Banking and Wealth Management systems. +Sum Comprehensive knowledge of web services related concept such as web methods, XML, WSDL, HTML, AJAX, SOA and web architecture, business engines, XML schemas and web orchestration. +Sum Hands on expertise with collaborative tool like SharePoint. +Sum Extensive knowledge on Data warehousing, Schemas, Data Marts, Data Governance, Databases and OLTP Databases. +Sum Extensively interacted with the designers, developers to ensure functional implementation of business requirements and the QA team in executing Test Plans, Test Case scenarios, Test Logs, Test Objectives. +Sum Experience in facilitating scrum ceremonies such as Daily scrum meetings, Sprint planning, Sprint review, and Sprint retrospective +Sum Experience in maintaining Scrum Artifacts like Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burn down and Burn up charts. +Sum Created Data Mapping Documents and worked with business to wrote transformation rules. +Sum Strong knowledge of SQL and extraction/ transformation/ loading (ETL) process. +Sum Expert in conducting business reviews, walkthrough sessions and facilitated monthly and weekly meetings/reviews. +Sum Involved in the validation process for Client-side, Server-side and Database. +Skill Technical Skill Stack: +Edu Education Details: +Edu Bachelors in Mathematics from Osmania University, India completed in March 2008. +Edu Masters in Computers Information Systems from CalUMS, CA, US completed in May 2014. +Skill Certifications: +Skill Scrum Master Certification from International Scrum Institute +Skill Professional Scrum master I (PSM I) Certification +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp Farm Credit bank of Texas - Austin, TX Sep 2016 – Present +Exp Business Systems Analyst/Scrum Master +Exp Project: Mortgage Loan Origination System +Exp Project Description: Scope of the project was to provide business users with a unified and integrated web based application for Mortgage Loan Origination and Processing. The application will be used from the initial contact with customer through the final closing documents. Due to business expansion; the Business Operation must reduce manual review of loans and supporting files throughout the loan origination process. The system performs all the Business functions of the loan process such as set-up Accounting formation, New Loan set-up, the Appraisal, credit, and income. This is built to maximize loan efficiency, maintain current staffing levels and double production volume within the current fiscal year. +Exp My Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Used various Elicitation techniques like Document analysis, Group Discussion, requirement workshop, JAR session. +Exp Created detailed business scenarios and writing master use cases with the help of MS Visio which covered step by step process of interaction between user and system. +Exp Worked with SMEs and Developers to develop and design the GUI of the system. +Exp Designed and developed Use Cases, Activity Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams using UML methodology. +Exp Assisted UI and UX team in creating Mockups and Wireframes. +Exp Used UDDI to identify relevant web services. Created Stub data for web service testing. +Exp Created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to make sure all the requirements are covered with test cases. +Exp Team organized under Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) following incremental delivery. +Exp Involved in the Train Planning Event(PI) and team breakout sessions to groom features for each increment. +Exp Facilitated Scrum Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Backlog Grooming and Sprint Retrospectives and efficiently time-boxed the events. +Exp Resolved team Impediments and made sure that the team maintained the required velocity. +Exp Assisted Product owner in slicing the epics to User stories. +Exp Adopted INVEST criteria in writing user stories and acceptance criteria. +Exp Ensured that every task is tracked and updated in JIRA by the team and regularly monitored the progress. +Exp Assisted the Product Owner and the Scrum team in prioritizing product backlogs using MoSCoW technique and in estimating effort through Planning Poker. +Exp Created and reported Sprint Burn-Down charts to Product Owner, Stake Holders and Project Manager for sprint progress. +Exp Communicated Sprint Progress to senior management through Burn-Up charts. +Exp Helped teams to adopt agile practices by incorporating fun activities in Scrum coaching process. +Exp Conducted Data Validation for ensuring the Data quality in accordance with the business requirements. +Exp Formulated SQL Queries to generate relevant reports from the Database. +Exp Designed Database model using TOAD. +Exp Provided ad-hoc reporting and analysis in response to business requirements. +Exp Assisted in UML Use- case, Sequence and Activity diagrams creation for better understanding of the process using UML tools. +Exp Closely worked with upstream and downstream dependency projects to resolve the dependency issues. +Exp Assisted the Web service team in defining the business rules in Business Rule Engine as per the Mortgage programs and rates. +Exp End to end worked with multiple SOA teams and Tested SOAP and REST web services using SOUP UI. +Exp Facilitated UAT sessions for end users and collaborated with business team to get UAT sign offs. +Exp Expertise in writing the SQL quires like Update, Create, Select, joins. +Exp Facilitated triage calls between development team and QA team for resolving issues. +Exp Environment: SAFe, Scrum, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, XML, node.js, J2EE,MS Office suite 2010, MS Visio 2010, SOUP UI, Cognos BI, SQL, Oracle, Sharepoint2013, HTML, Jira, HPALM, OLTP, OLAP, Data Warehouse +Exp Awards: I Was awarded ‘Star Employee’, for outstanding documentation +Exp JPMC - Wilmington, DE Feb 2015 – Aug 2016 +Exp Business Analyst/Scrum master +Exp Project: Data Warehouse +Exp Project Description: The project specifically aimed to develop a data warehouse on Nonperforming assets for internal business analysis which helps in generate complex reports by using business Intelligence tool such as Cognos BI for better strategic decision making and Develop the Dashboards as per business requirements. +Exp My Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp I worked with business owners to Identify operation data sources(ODS) like mainframes, OLTP systems, CSV files. +Exp I worked with Database architects to understand the Data flow in Data warehousing. +Exp Closely worked with Data Analysts/Developers to understood the database schemas of multiple operational databases. +Exp Participated in developing user stories along with Product Owner, Dev lead and QA lead. +Exp Acted as a liaison between management and Data Warehouse management team. Involved in Project Management activities like managing project scope, schedule management, creating project plans, project status and deliverables. +Exp Responsible for writing user stories in JIRA for each iteration based on the Charter and Epics. +Exp Extensively interacted with data analysts during the ETL operations in identifying the source databases from OLTP systems and implementing the transformation logic for achieving data uniformity in operational data store (ODS). +Exp Performed Data mapping and logical data modeling also prepared ER diagrams for the system. +Exp Coordinated with the DW architects and developers to identify appropriate dimensional modeling (identifying dimensions/facts/referential integrity), measures (additive/semi-additive/non additive) and sizing (in terms of number of columns, records per dimension and fact table). +Exp Acted as a Scrum master by organizing and conducting sprint planning meetings, daily standup meetings, sprint review, sprint retrospectives and creating sprint backlogs. +Exp Closely monitored burn down charts to keep track of outstanding work and tracked the velocity and capacity. +Exp Conducted user sessions and created user stories based on the requirements gathered in sessions. +Exp Resolved impediments during the collaboration meetings discovered in daily standup meetings. +Exp Coordinated and participated in prioritization (WSJF) / estimation meetings to provide user story points for backlog items. +Exp Coordinated with the Cognos BI developers in building packages and developed various reports like Cross Tab, Master Detail and different charts including Line, Column, Area, and Pie Charts for analysis. +Exp Used Mockup screens to convey the look and feel of GUI screens for the end users to developers. +Exp Used Visio to prepare Use Case, business process flow (BPMN), sequence and activity flow diagrams. +Exp Used various SQL commands like Create, Delete, Update, and Inner, Outer, Left, and Right Joins to update the database and retrieve data for data analysis and validation along with creation of stub data. +Exp Built presentation layers (PL) with large complicated dataset for reporting and data modeling needs. +Exp Coordinated the execution of Unit Testing, Data Migration Testing, Performance & Service level testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) +Exp Environment: Scrum, HP ALM, MS Office Suite, Rally, MS Visio 2010, SQL Server Services, Cognos BI, Informatica, OLAP, OLTP, Data Warehouse. +Exp Fiserv - Alpharetta, GA May 2013 – Jan 2015 +Exp Scrum Master +Exp Project: Wealth Management System +Exp Project Description: The idea was to develop a fully-featured software application, a Wealth Management System, as a single solution that would replace the Excel spreadsheets, CRM functions, calendar requirements, treasury services etc. The application includes a cock-pit like UI functionality for the advisors to have a 360-degree view of the investment instruments along with vast analyses and reporting functionalities. +Exp My Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered Business requirements by conducting JRP session, One on One interview and Group sessions with Stakeholders and business Users +Exp Collaborated with the SME and interviewed the stakeholders to understand the AS IS and TO BE state of the project. +Exp Involved in Developing asset allocation models diversifying risk by researching funds using fundamental analysis. +Exp Facilitated sprint planning meetings, daily standup meetings, sprint review, sprint retrospectives. +Exp Closely monitored burn down charts to keep track of outstanding work and tracked the velocity and capacity. +Exp Shadow and assist some of the Product Owner activities by providing high level estimates, prioritizing stories for the sprint and maintaining backlogs and release plans. +Exp Resolved impediments for scrum team members by facilitating collaborative meeting. +Exp Facilitated Sprint review meeting to demonstrate potentially shippable product to stakeholders. +Exp Facilitated Sprint retrospective meetings to gather feedback. Made sessions interactive using Idea boards. +Exp Facilitated Scrum of Scrums to resolve dependency issues between different teams. +Exp Manage the assignment of user stories to relevant BAs based on the feature and process expertise. +Exp Suggested several process improvements within the ratings process and suggested solution options to automate manual data entry tasks performed by Data Managers. +Exp performed manual testing in each sprint and recorded the Test Status and raised the tickets on Defects by using HPALM +Exp Environment: .Net, Scrum, HP ALM ,Windows (98/XP/7/Vista/8), MS Office Suite, Jira, , SQL. +Exp Factset Research Systems, Hyderabad, India Feb 2010 – Nov 2012 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: Scope of the project was to develop a intranet application to maintain and tack the tickets raised by the Factset Economics from the different team like production, Validation, QA/Monster. +Exp My Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Collected and documented business processes as well as business rules and Performed GAP analysis. +Exp Participated in the identification, understanding, and documentation of business requirements, including the applications capable of supporting those requirements. +Exp Researched and assessed client systems and business processes. +Exp Worked intensively on various phases in the project lifecycle to design the system in such a way that the high risk claims could be easily identified and monitored. +Exp Translated the business needs into system requirements, communicating with the business on a non-technical level, and with the System Analyst on a more technical level. +Exp Involved in walkthroughs with business team, architects and developers to refine the requirements. +Exp Generated use-case diagrams using UML. +Exp Implemented Traceability Matrix and User Requirement Specification Document (URS) to verify the functionality. +Exp Streamlined clerical work processes and mapped to the automated system. +Exp Involved with the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Team to develop Test plans. +Exp Environment: MS Visio, UML, SQL Server, SQL, MS Office and Windows 2000 +Exp ICICI Lombard, Hyderabad, India June 2008- Jan 2010 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp The scope of the project was to create a single, integrated system that will execute the calculation of sales compensation, for both external producers, based on consistent and reliable information captured from pre-determined data sources, improving business processes and controls, ensuring compliance and flexible reporting capabilities. +Exp My Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Interfaced with subject matter experts (SMEs) and users to gather business requirements. +Exp Communicated project status regularly to key business stakeholders and lead UAT testing activities coordinating with users. +Exp Successfully conducted (JAD) Joint Application Development sessions with the cross-functional team members for discussing various shared issues to ensure that business requirements are met and requirements are understood at all levels. +Exp Improved efficiency within the team by redesigning work flows and business processes. +Exp Prepared use case documents using MS Visio and UML. +Exp Used SharePoint 2010 to access and align relevant enterprise, operational, performance and financial data from multiple sources and departments and create advanced visualization charts and dashboards conveying the right information. +Exp Executed and designed SDLC cycle from inception to deployment (Requirement Analysis, Test Planning, Test Cases, Script Development, Test Execution, Test Reporting, Test Result Analysis and Defect Retesting). +Exp Developed complex SQL scripts to validate data integrity in the application. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, SQL, MS Visio, MS Project 2003, MS Office Suite +Sum SUMMARY +QC Certified Scrum Master and certified Agile Project Manager with 16 years of IT experience +Sum Extensively experienced in Program Management, Technical Project Management, Product Management and Delivery Management +Sum Well experienced in project management activities +Exp Project Planning +Exp Resource Management +Exp Delivery Management +Exp Escalation Handling +Exp Stakeholder Management +Exp Risk Analysis and Mitigation Planning +Exp Team Competency Improvement +Exp Continuous Integration Activities +Exp Agile Transformations +Exp Extensively experienced in Agile projects +Exp Individually capable and responsible for planning, envisioning, designing, prototyping and delivering solutions to support transformations. +Exp Well versed with SDLC and implemented multiple projects end to end with Agile SCRUM, other methodologies and implemented with Test Driven Development (TDD) +Exp Excellent skills and experience in writing and reviewing Project/Product documentation (both technical like Architecture and design documents, coding standards, Deployment executions scripts and plans etc., and non-Technical Documentation like Project Plans, Test Plans, Use Cases, Acceptance criteria, Release Notes etc +Exp Requirements gathering, Analysis and use case creation for business, functional and technical requirements. +Exp Has extensive experience in offshore-onsite coordination, stake holder coordination and Resource Management to maximum utilization. +Exp Good experience in leading group of projects, mentoring and leading large number of developers irrespective of their physical location. +Exp Managed projects in fast paced IT environment working with complex team structures and aggressive deadlines +Exp Extensive experience in preparing and running presentations using various Microsoft tools like power point Word and other presentations tools +Exp Managed end to end solutions using Java and other technologies., managed multiple Migrations and Upgrades in high availability, scalability and distributed environments +Exp Good experience working with both models Waterfall and Agile Methodology (Scrum) +Exp Extensively worked on Core Java, JavaScript, JDBC, HTML +Exp Good experience on SQL +Exp Participated in preparing requirement documents, HDD & LDD +Exp Good experience in Configuration Management, deployment and delivering the packages +Exp Development experience in UNIX, Linux and Windows environment +Exp Strong leadership, team management and global delivery experience, delivering high quality services to global clients +Exp Exposure to AWS, Azure Cloud +Exp Good exposure to JIRA, HP ALM Tools +Exp Worked in different geographies (Sweden, Hungary, Ireland, Japan & USA) +Exp Good team player, continuous learner, self motivated and dependable +QC CERTIFICATIONS +QC Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) +QC Certified Scrum Master (CSM) +QC Cloudera Certified Hadoop Administrator (CCA-500) +QC HDP Certified Administrator (HDPCA: http://bcert.me/sozbhgku) +QC Oracle Certified Java Developer (OCJP) +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLSET +Skill Hadoop Ecosystems: HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Zookeeper, Scala, YARN, Impala, Kafka +Skill Hadoop Frameworks: Cloudera, Hortonworks +Skill Databases: Oracle, MySql, Hbase +Skill Java Technologies: Core Java, JavaScript, Servlets, JSP, Java Beans, JDBC +Skill Cloud: AWS, Azure +Skill Languages: C, C++, Java +Skill Scripting Languages: Shell Scripting, Perl, Java Script +Skill Source code control: Clearcase, CVS & Github +Skill IDE: Eclipse +Skill Application Servers: Weblogic, Tomcat +Skill Operating Systems: UNIX, Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Windows XP/Vista/7/8 +Skill Tools: JIRA, Sablime, Ericsson Proprietary tools +Sum KEY ACIEVEMENTS +Sum “Best Process Owner” award during customer town-hall meet, from McDonald +Sum “Best Project Delivery Manager Award” from Ericsson +Sum "Long service" award from Ericsson Customer +Sum Received many “Best Role Model” awards from TCS in achieving best CSI +Sum Many “Role Model” awards from TCS +Sum “Best Innovative” award from Lucent customer +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from Osmania University with Distinction - 2001 +Edu PROJECTS EXPERIENCE +Exp Client: McDonald's, Oak Brook, IL (HCL America) Feb 2017 - Present +Exp Project: Foundation Services (GLS, ConfigServices) +Exp Technologies: Mulesoft, Cloudhub, Java, Springboot, SOAPUI, Jenkins, GitHub, Webhooks, Terraform, Kibana, AWS S3, Elastic Search, Jira, Confluence +Exp Role: Agile Project Manager (Scrum of Scrums) +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Managed teams across different time zone +Exp Coached the teams in Agile Methodology following the Scrum framework +Exp Responsible for the Core metrics of the project +Exp Responsible for preparing project cost/resource estimates, delivery schedules, and coordinating implementation +Exp Speculated the Vision and the road map for the project with the Chief Product owner and Product owners +Exp Responsible for Release planning and Iterative planning's for the project +Exp Resolved cross functional dependencies and impediments for the teams +Exp Involved in getting consensus for story estimation in the Scrum team +Exp Worked closely and assisted Scrum masters in conducting all the Scrum ceremonies right from the sprint pre-planning to sprint retro +Exp Worked closely with the Source System Analysts and Data Architects in identifying the attributes and Data Design to convert the Business Requirements into Technical Requirements +Exp Responsible for Stakeholder management +Exp Responsible for the sprint deployments that was recurring every 3 weeks +Exp Active participation in Product Backlog grooming session +Exp Responsible to eliminate impediments and facilitate the team optimum performance +Exp Responsible for escalation handling +Exp Lead Kanban during production period +Exp Handled Jira boards +Exp Taken responsibilities of Scrum Master whenever needed +Exp Responsible for continuous competency improvement +Exp Responsible for implementing CICD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) +Exp Responsible for Test Automation implementation +Exp Client: PwC , USA & India (TCS) July 2014 – Feb 017 +Exp Project: DAAPS (Digital Analytics and App support) +Exp Technologies: Hive, Sqoop, Java, C#, Unix & SQL Server +Exp Role: Agile Project Manager +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Managed projects in fast paced IT environment working with complex team structures and aggressive deadlines. +Exp Provide guidance to customers on User Acceptance Test, conduct product demonstrations and support team for a successful transition of project post production. +Exp Review product deliverables for accuracy, and notify client and management of any risks, problems, and recommended solutions. +Exp Drive product road-map and feature prioritization based on the client strategy and vision. +Exp Liaison with technology teams to coordinate agile delivery between teams, change requests, resourcing needs, and maintain budgets. Prioritize and juggle projects as necessary. +Exp Drive development, QA, and UX/UI teams spread across multiple locations (USA and India). Indirectly managed 48 member team. +Exp Consistently meet client expectations utilizing project management best practices and processes with high degree of integrity. +Exp Organize and facilitate daily stand-ups, review sessions, retrospectives, sprint, project planning, demos, risk management, mitigation plans, kick-offs, client reviews, and other Scrum-related sessions. +Exp Review the project scope, Statement of Work (SOW), and contract terms. +Exp Promote and maintain a positive working relationship with client directors, managers, and technology team to identify and close new and expanded business opportunities. +Exp Regularly evaluate project progress against project plan, report progress and motivate team members to stay on schedule. +Exp Develop detailed project schedule, estimations, forecasting reports. resource plan, and project status reports, managed task assignments to project resources +Exp Ensuring defect free ticket resolution & project delivery with 100% compliance +Exp Technical guidance and assistance to the technical /Project teams +Exp Provide assistance in technology and business road maps. +Exp Stake holder management, Escalation Management, RFC management and Change Management +Exp Experienced in HP ALM for defect tracking +Exp Client: British Telecom, UK, Japan, India (TCS) Jan 2010 – June 2014 +Exp Project: NetSim (Network Simulator) – lON +Exp Technologies: Hadoop (MAPR), HDFS, Spark, YARN, Map Reduce, Hive, Teradata SQL, PL/SQL, Pig, ETL (Informatica), Kafka, Sqoop, Oozie, HBase, DB2, Java, Python, UNIX Shell Scripting, Teradata, Amazon Web Services, GitHub, Oracle, Maven +Exp Role: Delivery Manager +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Requirement review meetings +Exp Visiting client places for new feature discussions +Exp Responsible for Stakeholder discussions when needed +Exp Planning and scheduling the requirements +Exp Participating in Stakeholder meetings and pushing the priorities depends on capacity +Exp Escalation handling +Exp RCA Handling +Exp Team Management +Exp Daily status tracking and updating to customer +Exp F2F meeting with Customer with current status and improvement plans +Exp Responsible to eliminate impediments and facilitate the team optimum performance +Exp Removing obstacles that affect the team +Exp Ensuring project delivery with 100% compliance +Exp Driving Continuous Integration implementation +Exp Driving improvements suggested by team and client +Exp Visiting Client place for regular OSG meetings +Exp Coordination with multi-geo located team +Exp Managed 32 member team +Exp Client: Ericsson, Sweden, Hungary, Ireland & India (TCS) Oct 2005 – Dec 2009 +Exp Project: Cellular Network Administrator (CNA) , +Exp Technologies: Java, C++, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, SQL, PL/SQL, JUnit, Log4j, Windows XP, Red Hat LINUX, +Exp Clearcase, JIRA +Exp Role: Java Technical Lead, Onsite Coordinator, Scrum Master +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Java Technical Lead +Exp Participating in Requirement review meetings +Exp Creating HDD, LDD documents +Exp Development and delivery activities +Exp Code review activities +Exp Document review activities +Exp Responsible for Team competency +Exp Onsite Co-ordinator +Exp Coordinating activities between Client and Offshore team +Exp Delivery activities +Exp Document version control activities from Onsite +Exp Running test activities on customer servers +Exp Participating in customer issue discussions +Exp Developer activities +Exp Scrum Master +Exp Tech Lead activities +Exp Agile coach activities +Exp Sprint delivery activities +Exp Attending product backlog grooming sessions +Exp Conducting Sprint planning meetings +Exp Creating tasks in JIRA tool +Exp Conducting daily stand up meetings +Exp Responsible to eliminate impediments and facilitate the team optimum performance +Exp Conducting Sprint demo to PO and Customer +Exp Conducting Retrospective meetings +Exp Helping the team from interruptions during sprint +Exp Removing obstacles that affect the team +Exp Burn down chart discussions with Customer when required +Exp Client: Lucent Technologies, USA (Datacore Technologies) July 2004 - Sept 2005 +Exp Project: NMS (Network Management Systems), Offshore +Exp Technologies: Java, Unix, Tuxedo, Sablime, Clearcase, JavaScript, JUnit & Sybase +Exp Role: Technical Lead +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Reviewed the functional, design, source code and test specifications +Exp Involved in developing the complete front end development using Java Swing +Exp Author for Functional, Design and Test Specifications. +Exp Implemented the presentation layer with HTML, XHTML and JavaScript +Exp Used JDBC for database access +Exp Written and executed the Test Scripts using JUNIT +Exp Participated in System Testing activities +Exp Prepared the Installation, Customer guide and Configuration document which were delivered to the customer along with the product +Exp Participated in Code Review activities +Exp Participated in Bug fixing activities +Exp Client: Broadcom, USA (Deccanet Designs) Feb 2002 – June 2004 +Exp Project: MST (MUI System Testing), Offshore +Exp Technologies: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JDK, JDBC, Oracle, XML, XSL, Solaris and UML +Exp Role: Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated as a observer in Requirement discussions +Exp Developing JUnit Test cases +Exp Testing on Simulator +Exp Participation in Test Case and Test Spec documentation +Exp Manual testing of NEC Handsets +PI REFERENCES +PI Available upon need +Sum Professional Summary +Sum Business Analyst skilled in defining strategy and driving teams forward in the consolidation of data and business systems. +Sum Responsible for driving strategy for trading system for Retail trading and mutual funds data and asset conversions for branch offices for Citibank, Capital One and Wells Fargo. +Sum Business Analyst/Project Manager/Data Analyst with over 11 years of experience in the Information Technology Industry- specializing in Enterprise Risk Management, Documentation and system/data conversion. +Sum Business Analyst for Capital One System data conversion to Amazon Web Service (AWS). +Sum Automated FX and fixed income, Exchange traded derivatives workflows for Business Objects reconciliation. +Sum Worked on system decommission and replacement of legacy systems with new enterprise systems. +Sum Experienced in Project management and Project document management. +Sum Executed test cases for the Mutual fund team and Retail trading, Equities and brokerage. +Sum Worked as Business Analyst on Regulatory compliance projects for automation on reports to the regulator. +Sum Business Analyst for project regarding trading of commodities using Market Data System (MDS) as a global data provider in market prices, futures & options, brokerage and Equities including assisting Front Office Operations division. +Sum Worked on FX and Mortgage servicing involving Brokerage services platform integration and design. +Sum Worked on Agile and Waterfall methodologies on compliance projects. +Sum Experienced in evaluation of Trading systems for Mutual funds and brokerage +Sum Created business process models via workflow diagrams and system modeling using UML diagrams and data flow diagrams. +Sum Experienced in SDLC and Project management for projects with medium complexity. +Sum Analyzed “As Is” and “To Be” business processes and experience in converting these requirements into technical specifications. +Sum Performed data analysis with SQL queries for retrieving, maintaining and organizing data. +Sum Conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Performing preliminary investigation for early analysis of existing systems. +Sum Expert in designing detail system use cases, user stories, developing business test cases and working with QA teams during testing phase thereby facilitating acceptance testing with stakeholders and business users +Sum PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Capital One Inc, Mclean, VA June 2016 to July 2017 +Exp Sr. Business and Data Analyst +Exp The Project was about multi-level report management specially that of an MBR reported to Senior Management and Stakeholders in the Mortgage, Loan and deposit sides of the bank. Branch and national level reporting were key highlights of this project. It also consisted of Data mapping and report automation and transition to AWS. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for gathering requirements from Business Analysts and Operational Analysts and identifying the data sources required for the requests. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD) for business community and Functional Requirement Document (FRD) for developers. +Exp Extracted, Analyzed and Presented Data in a Graphical Format, such a way that helped project manager to make Business Decisions for AML and Fixed income securities and Equity derivatives. +Exp Worked on Interest rate swaps and other OTC derivatives and underlying FI securities workflow for reporting. +Exp Provided Anti-Money Laundering review of State Street/Investors Bank and Trust clients. +Exp Performed the Backend integration testing to ensure data consistency on front-end by writing and executing SQL queries. +Exp Conducted JAD Sessions to develop an architectural solution that the application meets the business requirements, resolve open issues, and change requests. +Exp Designed and developed various SQL scripts as part of automation of manual monthly reporting to senior management. +Exp Worked on data profiling, data analysis and validating the reports sent to senior management. +Exp Designed and developed Ad-hoc reports as per business analyst, operation analyst, and project manager data requests. +Exp PDMS automation of certain records saving functionality and auto notifications. +Exp Automated AML reports and transitioned from Teradata to AWS. +Exp Worked on Data reconciliation and data testing for AML/Fixed income LOB. +Exp Enterprise and database integration with middle ware experience. +Exp Supported audit project planning, integration, and strategy. +Exp Worked with consumer lending team for data mapping and cross table comparisons for discrepancies. +Exp Automated FX and fixed income, Exchange traded derivatives workflows, and SWIFT message streamlining for BO reconciliation. +Exp Developed SAS Program for Converting Large volume of Text File into Teradata Tables by importing the text file from Mainframes to Desktop. +Exp Collaborated with cross functional teams on PDMS functionality and workflows. +Exp Developed Test Plans, Test Cases and Expected Results, and coordinated the tests with the QA team to verify implementation of new features and enhancements. Executed Test cases in HP ALM/Quality Center definite amount of time for different releases. +Exp Coordinated various kinds of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) including regression testing, system testing, integration testing, functional testing, alpha & beta testing. +Exp Worked on Mobile app and survey development initiatives. +Exp Trade surveillance for SBA’s was essential part of duties in loans and fixed income products. +Exp Imported/exported large amounts of data from files to Teradata and vice versa. +Exp Developed reports using the Teradata advanced techniques like rank, row number +Exp Communicated with business users and analysts on business requirements. Gathered and documented technical and business Metadata about the data. +Exp Worked on Data Verifications and Validations to evaluate the data generated per the requirements is valid. +Exp Tested the database to check field size validation, check constraints, stored procedures and cross verifying the field size defined within the application with metadata +Exp Reviewed business requirements and analyzing data sources form Excel/Teradata for design, development, testing, and production rollover of reporting and analysis projects within Tableau Desktop. +Exp Corporate financial reporting, including audits of benefit plans and review of statutory financial statements for foreign operations. +Exp Created simple and complex Tableau Dashboards using different source data connections using Excel and Teradata and other databases. +Exp Extracted data from existing data source, Developing and executing departmental reports for performance and response purposes by using oracle SQL, MS Excel. Utilized OLAP functions like sum, count, csum and etc. for data reporting +Exp Extracted data from existing data source and performed ad-hoc queries. +Exp Environment: Teradata, HP ALM/Quality Center, PDMS, BTEQ, VBA, Putty, Tableau, Teradata, SQL Assistant SAS, FLOAD, MLOAD, UNIX, SQL, JIRA. +Exp Asta Crs, Ashburn, VA Jan 2016 to June 2016 +Exp Sr. Business/ERM Analyst +Exp The project was about redesigning and implementing the recent requirements from BASEL III. New compliance guidelines were inserted to the current information system and database architecture was redesigned. Critical business processes were amended to enhance mortgage calculation cost and collaborated with information system. The web application used extensive security features to reduce risk and safeguard the privacy and interests of customers and to check and verify the information provided by the customers. Project management documentation and reporting. Testing for data sourcing +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Used the Data Stage Designer to develop processes for extracting, cleansing, transforms, integrating and loading data into data warehouse, database Query, Load testing. +Exp Worked as a business analyst to conduct JAD and elicitation sessions with the Private Banking, Capital Market business users and stakeholders to analyze end user objectives for Basel II Asset Classification and CRMT system and created business requirements specifications, use cases diagrams for AML and Client management office. +Exp Documented Use Case Specification documents, Test Plans, Test Cases & Scenarios, Traceability Matrix, Business Validation, +Exp Coordinated team in bringing about Business Requirements, Architectural Specifications, QA and Testing initiatives, status reports to PMO level to be implemented across projects and version control. +Exp Created Functional Specifications, Requirement Traceability Matrix and Applied Unified Modeling Language (UML) to design Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Sequence Diagram in Fixed income domain. +Exp Worked on Trade surveillance and monitoring report generation for fixed income securities and Options. +Exp Performed Data Analysis, Data Mining, Designing and Implementing Data Warehousing applications focused mainly on Querying and Reporting techniques. Schema and value mapping for AML and risk. +Exp Facilitated Project Scope, Business case, Project documents and analysis execution as well as Schedule and Risk analysis +Exp Managed Claims processing and patient reference data and Hospitals and insurance vendor systems development +Exp Design and implement customized models on Anti-Money Laundry Custom Due Diligence (AML-CDD) solution. +Exp Conducted User Interviews and Work Shops to gather accurate Business Requirements. +Exp Worked on Warehouse distribution and systems integration. +Exp Designed test plans, test scenarios and test cases for integration, regression and user acceptance testing (UAT) to improve overall quality of the Application. +Exp Used ALM for Database integration management and EDM flow manager including integration and phasing out. +Exp Worked with management and users to analyze specify and design business applications and document current processes for efficient operations (re-statement on general ledger, account payables and receivables and P/L) using Rational Tool (RUP). +Exp Assisted in identifying and quantifying Credit Risk, Operational Risk and Market Risk and AML clients. +Exp Analyzed requirements utilizing various methods. (E.g. sample data from SQL queries, Screen Shots, reports, prototype screens, sourcing information, and other data models.) for risk ledger and AML forms. +Exp Worked on data modeling and produced data mapping and data definition documentation +Exp Configured the Data mapping between Oracle and SQL Server 2014.Sharepoint Data for AML and risk documents. +Exp Created Use Case Diagrams, Workflow and Activity Diagrams; and documented Use Case Narratives for PDMS/Fixed income securities. +Exp Automated OTC derivatives and fixed income trade settlement +Exp Collaborated with Basel II team on credit risk analysis and issue resolution. +Exp Communicated the implementation of the new calculation framework of Risk Weight Asset under Basel II +Exp Created regulatory and compliance reporting dashboard. +Exp Utilized Agile/ SCRUM and PMI methodologies to monitor steer and develop project objectives. +Exp Environment: IBM DOORS, SharePoint, MS Visio, MS Project, HTML, HP ALM/Quality Center, Oracle, SQL Server, ClearQuest. +Exp Saxobank,India Jan 2014 to Dec 2014 +Exp Sr. Business/ ERM Analyst +Exp The project was for up-gradation and further enhancement of the mortgage system to offer more options to registered customers. Critical business processes were amended to enhance CIP, CDD and collaborated with information system. Additional functionalities were implemented for automating mortgage system and reporting and XML mapping for DBMS. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed consumer surveys and gave technical inputs in Business meetings. +Exp Gathered the reporting requirements of the Trade Position Reporting for various Secured and Unsecured Financial Products including Derivatives like Equity Swaps, FX Forwards, Currency Swaps, Interest Rate Options and Forward Rate Agreements (FRA) and formulated the Business Rules for the same in the Oracle Data Warehouse with Crystal Reports as the front end reporting tool. +Exp Ensured IT security and SOX Compliance requirements are implemented in New Systems, Enhancements and Upgrades in PDMS systems. +Exp Conducted Transactional surveillance reporting. +Exp Provided Anti-Money Laundering review of State Street/Investors Bank and Trust clients. Completed other compliance projects. +Exp Created narrative Risk Manuals and flow charts identifying internal risks to Investors Bank and Trust for Global Treasury/Global Treasury Operations, Debt and securitization and valuation. +Exp Performed compliance projects as requested by Global Treasury/Global Treasury Operations Management. +Exp Monitored daily compliance reporting for all Global Treasury desks. +Exp Assisted with integration of former Investors Bank and Trust Institutional Custody Department into Wealth Management Services. +Exp Worked on other model risk management projects as requested. +Exp Facilitated Focus Group Meetings and (JAD) Sessions to adequately access business needs. +Exp Worked on SharePoint development and access management. +Exp Participated in the analysis and definition of efficient, cost effective solutions, Gap Analysis, Business Impact Analysis Evaluate and reengineer existing systems, tools, methodologies, Standardization of processes. +Exp Created Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and ER Diagrams in MS Project. +Exp Assisted with preparation for internal audits, and Federal Reserve Board audits in Fixed income. +Exp Implemented complex views, procedures, functions, packages and triggers in PL/SQL +Exp Facilitated negotiations with clients (other arrangers) for the finalization of syndicated facilities (conditions, term sheet, covenants) +Exp Ensured that relevant UML diagrams and Tools (Rose, RequisitePro) were used in all requirement documents e.g. Business Requirements, Functional Specifications for PDMS initiatives. +Exp Worked with SQL query tools and business objects. Designing, modeling, developing and supporting Data Management Systems for fixed income FO team. +Exp Worked on Integration methodologies, IBM and informatics tools, database integration including data models, data marts for Derivatives and fixed income team. +Exp Environment: Agile, Java, Oracle, MS Access, MS Project, SharePoint, PDMS, MS Visio, MS Office, IBM DOORS, JIRA. +Exp SaxoIndia, Gurgaon June 2013 to Dec 2013 +Exp Business Analyst – AML/Financial Analyst +Exp The project was to enhance AML protocol and update current software application for financial products settlements. The project also covered to upgrade transaction screening on real time basis. Loan operations automation and syndicated debt servicing and reporting for mortgages and listed products. Compliance reporting automation. It involved GUI and ETL tools and testing. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Generated a streamline process to understand the various steps in the loan lifecycle and desired functionality of the new system by interacting with users, mortgage consultants, brokers, stakeholders and subject matter experts +Exp Identified, researched, investigated, analyzed, defined opportunities for business process improvement, documented business processes and initiated efforts to make improvements +Exp Contributed to the definition of scope, performed extensive requirement analysis and defined functional specifications. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) document, User Requirement Specification (URS) and Change Request (CR) document for system application development. +Exp Conducted and participated in JRP/JAD sessions with stakeholders and system users to collect the software requirement specifications(SRS)analyzed the feasibility of their needs by coordinating with the project manager and technical lead +Exp Worked in Agile environment playing an active role in Iteration planning, Sprint Review, Lesson Learned and resolving roadblocks. +Exp Worked on trading, risk management and processing. +Exp Developed process diagrams to elaborate on the flow of information between Web forms, Credit check system, Loan Origination System and Client application database. +Exp Worked on ETL transition for AML and risk and client management. +Exp Performed audit research and analysis to improve future audit plans, projects, or other audit procedures. +Exp Conducted business risk analysis to identify the qualifying standards for mortgage applicants and ensure effective risk mitigation strategies +Exp Used ClearCase to keep different versions of the documents and ClearQuest to report bugs or defect +Exp Assisted in designing test plans, test scenarios and test cases for integration, regression and user acceptance testing (UAT) to improve overall quality of the Application. +Exp Environment: Agile (Enhancement), Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, UML, Use Case, Activity/ State Diagram, MS Visio, Oracle, Quality Center. +Exp Innito Technologies May 2010 to June 2013 +Exp Business Analyst/SME +Exp The project was trading of commodities using Market Data System (MDS) as a global data provider in market prices, futures & options, Cash feed and FX rates, including assisting Front Office Operations division. FX and Mortgage servicing involving Brokerage services platform integration and design. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Assisted with testing and implementation of ALS system changes due to requirements of BASEL II initiative. +Exp Worked on story board sessions and Use Case Diagrams to refine the gathered requirements. +Exp Prepared Business Requirements Document converted it to Functional Requirements Specification using Rational Requisite Pro +Exp Followed the Unified Process Methodology for iterative design. +Exp Created Work flow diagrams using MS Visio/UML for high definition level/Program management level. +Exp Documented and executed user acceptance and system integration test scripts using Quality Center +Exp Processed requirements for creating Analytical Trending reports for Marketing and Sales. +Exp Conducted Joint Application Development sessions with Developers, Testing teams and Subject Matter Experts. +Exp Prepared a schedule and work flow for the development team using MS Project. +Exp Conducted User Acceptance Testing with prospective users. +Exp Wrote complex SQL queries to conduct Data Validation tests and Data Integrity tests. +Exp Conducted status meetings and presided over the Changed Control Board meetings to discuss Defect, Enhancement and Database Change tickets. +Exp Environment: Java, Oracle, Toad, MS Access, MS Project, MS Visio, MS Word, MS Excel, Requisite Pro, JIRA, and Crystal Reports +Exp HCL technologies ltd, Bangalore Mar 2006 to May 2010 +Exp Business Analyst/SME +Exp The project at Saxo Bank was about their financial services to the clients. An automating process meant for decision-making and review of their financial services. The application further facilitates in calculation of mortgage costs like prepaids, closing fees and other credits and also includes governmental regulatory declarations which are mandatory to be filled by the primary borrower. The system should let them load related information into a integrated Data warehouse and keep track of historical data, Statistics/ Reference/Market Data/ Market Evaluation on Investments and Derivates/ Structure of financial portfolio. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked in Global Equity Settlements, Trade settlements back office trade reconciliations. APAC, European, US settlements/Stock Transfers. +Exp Automated Interbank settlements. Upload postings and NDF entries and settlements. Liason with broker and senior management for Change management and daily ops. Confirmation management and trade processing. +Exp Worked on Simulation tests, manual and automated testing, UAT, BAT design. +Exp Tested ServiceNow, Salesforce implementation, SharePoint access and content management +Exp Verified Consulting, requirements gathering, analysis, design, UAT in Payments and liquidity, exposure limits. +Exp Worked with Consulting BAs and clients management in value and cross border payments. Payments system and netting. Treasury Management. +Exp Conducted process mappings, BPM, Process design, Database management and process modeling activities +Exp Documented requirements using MS Project and Visio +PI NAVNEET +PI 407-401-9023 / 11baconsultant@outlook.com +Sum SUMMARY +Sum Consultant with 8+ years of proven track record of success in delivering outstanding results in a client facing role in the field of Law Enforcement, Health Care, Mortgage, Loan origination including Equipment Financing Govt., Manufacturing and Insurance products with IT Support in various financial domains. • Full project life cycle experience as a consultant and manager of large-scale IT projects, consistently producing quality deliverables on schedule and under budget. • Several years of experience and advance knowledge of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and project life cycles like Agile, Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Waterfall Model. • Worked in all aspects of solution development, including business case development, workshop facilitation, Gap analysis, requirements definition, business analysis, solution design, testing, and training and also assisted Architecture with technical proposal document. • Capturing the Technical Requirements and defining technology solutions using user interviews, document analysis, requirements workshops, surveys, local site visits, business process descriptions, use cases, business analysis, and task and workflow analysis. • Scheduled Training sessions for Client, with the help of training needs analysis, detailed training plan, development of comprehensive training and support materials, delivery of training and evaluation of training. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp New Orleans Police Department, Louisiana, LA Sept 2015 – present Business Analyst and Tester +Exp Project is a web based application for Police Departments located in New Orleans. I am working as part of a multidisciplinary project team in all aspects of solution development, including business case development, workshop facilitation, gap analysis, requirements definition, business analysis, solution design, testing, and training I worked effectively and efficiently, independently and as a team member. Responsibilities: +Exp Applied proven business and analytical skills through the application of established frameworks, methodologies and processes. +Exp Following the Agile methodology during the entire SDLC and supported development teams through the agile development process. +Exp Perform QA for website enhancements and bug fixes. +Exp Troubleshoot CMS problems related to the workflow or publishing of pages or content. +Exp Conducting daily Scrum meeting to know the progress of the team. +Exp Providing Level of Effort (LOE) estimates for requirements analysis work, participating in the planning for systems requirements development and artifacts completion. +Exp Working with various end users to understand and document their current business operations and collected functional, non-functional, and technical requirements and documented them in artifacts such as Requirements Traceability Matrices, System Requirements documents and SOW (Statement of Work). +Exp Capturing the technical requirements and defining technology solutions using user interviews, document analysis, requirements workshops, surveys, local site visits, business process descriptions, use cases, business analysis, and task and workflow analysis. +Exp Creating modeling diagrams such as Activity flow diagrams, and Data Models. +Exp Working closely with Project manager in handling the whole project. +Exp Made GAP Analysis documents to avoid conflicts and last-minute changes asked by Client. +Exp Scheduling Training sessions for Client, with the help of training needs analysis, detailed training plan, development of comprehensive training and support materials, delivery of training and evaluation of training. +Exp Written high quality Test Plans and Test Cases in Pilot Release. +Exp Identified and communicated defects and bugs to Developers and other team members. +Exp Working on SharePoint servers to store documents and keep tracks of the whole team. +Exp Conducting UAT (User Acceptance Testing). +Exp Followed the defined QA processes to ensure all standards are met. +Exp Troubleshooting and resolving application issues; identifying ways to improve existing processes via writing SQL, Java and HTML code. +Exp Executed and evaluate manual and automated test cases and report test results. +Exp Identified any potential quality issues per defined process and escalate potential quality issues immediately to management. +Exp Ensured that validated deliverables met functional and design specifications and requirements. +Exp Isolate, replicate and reported defects and verify defect fixes. +Exp Business Analyst Feb 2015 – Aug 2015 +Exp Magellan Health Services, Richmond, VA +Exp Magellan offers full service PBM (pharmacy benefit manager) that combines clinical expertise in mental illness and chronic conditions with flexible technology to deliver holistic solutions that improve the health of patients and manage spend. The project I was assigned to was to work on prescription drug program for Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Verified, consolidated, documented and tracked requirement capture and implementation. +Exp Reported completed requirements artifacts to stakeholders for approvals and communicated them with technical team including architects, developers and testers for clarification and acceptance. +Exp Created clearly defined user stories with acceptance criteria for validity purposes. +Exp Involved in overall tracking of Project Management/Test Management activities like work plan management and consolidation of overall project related activities. +Exp Created AS-IS and TO-BE documents as part of GAP Analysis for requirements for all applications and worked on solutions for closing the gaps. +Exp Created implementation plan for implementation of process, methods and tool to ensure that all applications follow the process, methods and tools as established by the quality management team of Magellan. +Exp Followed up on SDLC to ensure that implementation was going smoothly as per software development life cycle as charted in project charter. +Exp Created and maintained RAID logs for risk management and smooth closure of implementation activities. +Exp Responsible for tracking hardware/software acquisitions and purchase as per necessity to provide productive working environment for developers/testers and to ensure deployment process goes as smoothly as possible. +Exp Performed UAT testing and was heavily involved in UAT coordination including scheduling setting up environments and creating test scenario. +Exp Worked with system testers to ensure requirement are completely and accurately implemented and tested. +Exp Environment: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, Windows XP, Quality Center, Clear Quest, JIRA. +Exp U.S Department of Interior, Herndon, VA Oct 2014 – Feb 2015 Sr. Business System Analyst (Information Management) SCI Group is the vendor of U.S Department of Interior who is reviewing the current and future needs of Renewable Energy Program for storage, management and access of document for Data Management and Records Management. Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with SCI Group to collect information and document keeping Presidential M-12-18, NARA Guidelines and DOD5015.02 in mind. ERP framework. +Exp Worked closely with Project Manager on Need Report and Options Report. +Exp Deliver requirements under the Agile Scrum SDLC methodology to meet a very fast release schedule. +Exp Onsite Program Management of existing Information Management projects. +Exp Experience working on SharePoint. +Exp Worked on enhancements closely with developer team to fix the bug. +Exp Successfully developed the architecture, system design, metadata, and workflow design for modernization of a large credit union’s electronic document management system. +Exp Worked on life cycle management from creation to destruction. +Exp Providing enterprise level software to vendors based on their current requirement. +Exp Maintained and implemented rules as per M-12-18 and NARA guidelines. +Exp Experience in documenting as per NARA guidelines and DOD 5015.02. +Exp Data mapping for Captured Source and Destination database mapping for housing information in-house for downstream application. +Exp Created Business requirements, functional requirements and Use case diagrams. +Exp Responsible for defining the scope of the project(s), feasibility analysis, project planning, gathering business requirements by conducting user interviews, JAD sessions, and story boarding. +Exp Updated and modified progress and resources allocation in MS project for the team. +Exp Converted the technical document in to business document for better understanding for SME of backend process. +Exp Documented various Business rules, Technical requirements, Business requirements and Supplemental requirements. +Exp GE Transportation, Erie, PA Feb 2014 – Sept 2014 Business System Analyst +Exp A division of the General Electric (GE) Company that manufactures equipment for the railroad, marine, mining, drilling and energy generation industries. The Project is a web based application. Determining how the present GE Transportation's software is in alignment with the overall corporate goals. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Capturing the technical requirements and defining technology solutions using user interviews, document analysis, requirements workshops, surveys, local site visits, business process descriptions, use cases, business analysis, and task and workflow analysis. +Exp Give directions to other System and Business Analyst to analyze the business. +Exp Proficiency with enterprise business management software – PeopleSoft. +Exp Validate reporting and troubleshoot data issues; recommend and implement resolutions. +Exp Lead strategic improvement efforts related to data collection, allocation, and costing methodologies to enhance the current Business Support execution model. Integrate improvements into the standard production process. +Exp Lead other analysts in understanding the business use cases and writing inner queries. +Exp Creating the conceptual, logical and physical design of the solution to ensure appropriate technology is acquired and implemented via producing and maintaining requirement specification documentation. +Exp Utilized Rational Unified Process (RUP) to configure and develop processes, standards, and procedure. +Exp Work with application SME's, QA analyst, and business partners to ensure that the programmed solution meets the requirements. +Exp Performing application development activities – writing source code, configuring applications and unit testing – that support the enterprise application strategy. +Exp Maintaining the change control process for all source code and application changes generated across a distributed environment that includes both on premise and cloud technologies. +Exp Delivering against a backlog of production issues and enhancement requests using the IT Service Management system. +Exp Conducting UAT (User Acceptance Testing) using HP Application Lifecycle Management tool. +Exp Troubleshooting and resolving application issues; identifying ways to improve existing processes via writing SQL, Java and HTML code. +Exp Developing, manually executing and documenting test cases and test scripts via the HP Lifecycle Management tool (version 11.00). +Exp Coding and executing performance tracking and reporting scripts in Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript and HTML. +Exp PNC Bank, Strongsville, OH Jan 2012-Feb 2014 Business Analyst +Exp The project was a web based application involving the automation of Student Mortgage Loan Origination process beginning from origination/opening the mortgage through fund closing. The system performs all the functions of loan processes such as set up an account information, new student loan set up, appraisal, credit, income, making loan payments, managing personal and amortization schedules, obtaining documents, forms, payoff statements, and managing automatic account drafting. Extending capital to businesses for the purpose of acquiring equipment. The project involved modules for Student Loan Pre-approval, application, underwriting, pricing, processing and closing. Responsibilities: +Exp Highly skilled to translate business requirements or functional requirements into functional specifications. +Exp Firm understanding of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). +Exp Deliver requirements under the Agile Scrum SDLC methodology to meet a very fast release schedule. +Exp Worked on various applications and Conducted Gap Analysis between “As is” and “To be” process for the applications. Participated in the Logical and Physical Design sessions and developed Design Documents. +Exp Created role based matrix for these applications and worked with the developer to create applications supporting these roles. +Exp Excellent knowledge of mortgage life cycle and worked on mortgage loan origination fee generation system +Exp Utilized Rational Unified Process (RUP) to configure and develop processes, standards, and procedure. +Exp Conducting UAT (User Acceptance Testing) using HP Application Lifecycle Management tool. +Exp Performed UAT to make sure that all requirements were catered for in the application +Exp Conducted Functional Walkthroughs, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) sessions, and assisted the development of User Manuals for customers. +Exp Troubleshooting and resolving application issues; identifying ways to improve existing processes via writing SQL, Java and HTML code. +Exp Performed Gap analysis by identifying existing technologies, documenting the enhancements to meet the end state requirements. +Exp Analyzed and documented Business requirements and detail design of the software for full understanding of the business. +Exp Accumulated student’s requirements from various end through surveys, interviews and JAD sessions, stake holders and translated them into system requirements. +Exp Defined the change management approval procedures to control the scope of the order management requirements. +Exp Actively engaged various partners from the client team to monitor and control the risk associated with changing scope. +Exp Identified the business risks associated with the new system and formulated a Mitigation Plan to reduce the effect of critical risk factors. +Exp Created Business requirements, functional requirements and Use case diagrams. +Exp Thompson Reuters, Mclean, VA Nov 2010 – Jan 2011 Business Analyst +Exp Omgeo Connect, a complementary offering to Omgeo's existing solutions, Omgeo Connect provides a single point of access for investment managers and investment manager outsourcers to interact with Omgeo services and other best-of-breed post-trade solutions, enabling the trade and settlement management of multiple asset classes via an ASP environment. Omgeo Connect will be most valuable for investment managers with large, multiple asset class trading volumes and complex environments, as well as investment manager outsourcers looking to consolidate multiple investment manager operations onto a single platform. Omgeo Connect enables clients to reduce operating costs and risks quickly without high up-front costs and unpredictable ongoing expenditures associated with custom-developed environments and various vendor-system upgrades. Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as a team player and as a business analyst on Omgeo Connect, Oasys, INSITE and P&O Projects, cross functional tasks from clarifying functional specifications through implementation, for product development efforts. Work in partnership with Cross Functional team business analysts, product managers, and software developers, both within the company and sometimes with offsite partners for UAT. +Exp Working on post trade confirmation, pre-settlement and trade communication products; “CTM, OASYS, Trade Suite and BBH messaging”. +Exp Gathered and documented User Requirements for proprietary Global and Domestic trading systems Coordinated product reviews of Requirement documents, incorporated agreed changes and obtained global sign off on final versions from Project Management and CFT. +Exp Documented existing processes and assisted in identifying areas of improvement for Operating Model in Pre-Trade and Post trade settlement process. +Exp Created and executed test scripts for existing defects, system enhancements and new system functionality. +Exp Utilized Rational Unified Process (RUP) to configure and develop processes, standards, and procedure. +Exp Implemented functionality for Omgeo Connect, a single point of entry for multiple Omgeo services, such as Omgeo Central Trade Manager (CTM), Omgeo OASYS, and Omgeo Trade Suite ID. +Exp Reviewed System and Functional Design documents to ensure adherence to specified business requirements. +Exp Researched current techniques, systems and processes in place to determine changes to reduce costs, enhance efficiency and meet business needs. +Exp Assisted in User Acceptance Testing (UAT), developing and maintaining quality procedures, and ensuring that appropriate documentation is in place. +Exp Interacted with third party vendor during all product development lifecycles (including system design, testing, defect review and implementation). +Exp Investigated system defects generated by Omgeo Connect trading system while interacting with End Clients. +Exp Created system “workarounds” for end-users upon discovery of defects. +Exp Served a leading role in internal agile transformation and in presenting the company's agile transformation to customers Worked in implementation of QA methodologies like Waterfall, Agile, CMMI and SCRUM. +Exp Worked with the Technical Support Manager to ensure that all Support QA tasks have resources assigned and the workloads are level. +Exp Identifying the Security Risks in the application that being built and address them in the requirement document to avoid the security breaches. +Exp Worked with subject matter experts including architects, software engineers, and QA professionals to gather detailed information about the product being built. +Exp Netsoft Microsystems, India April 2009 – Oct 2010 +Exp Business Systems Analyst +Exp Netsoft Microsystems specializes in Offshore and Inshore Development of Software, and offers to engage in a long-term partnership with the clients. Applicant Tracking System (APS) application is designed to help companies in streamlining their recruitment process. It can be used for post job openings, screen resumes, generate and send interview requests to potential candidates by email. It also has a gamut of other features like individual applicant tracking; pre-screening questions, response tracking, automated resume ranking etc. and a wide variety of reports can be generated to perform recruitment data analysis. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Coordinated all aspects of projects such as initiation, planning, scheduling, task assignment and tracking, status reporting and risk management. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions to coordinate activities for project schedules, presented deliverables to the management, conducted JAD sessions to elicit requirements. +Exp Identified processes for developing and documenting detailed business requirements including process, data flow analysis and modeling. +Exp Created Use-Cases, BPM, and Requirement documents to document the Business needs. +Exp Requirements were gathered through interactions and meetings and periodic walkthroughs with loan analysts, credit analysts and other potential users of the application. +Exp Conducted Use-Case reviews and identified Gaps, leading to improvements/enhancements in the same. +Exp Managed requirements to minimize scope issues. Understood all system requirements and provided feedback, collected requirements from stakeholders and prioritized them. +Exp Worked with the Project Manager on various Project Management activities such as keeping track of the +Exp Project Status, Deadlines, Environment Request, and Compliance Issues. +Exp Prepared Business Process Models including modeling of all the activities of the business from the conceptual to procedural level. +Exp Responsible for building training materials to train team members with Business process. +Exp Tracked issues that were detected and updated the status of existing issues based on the daily meetings with the offshore team. +Exp Worked closely with Project manager/Senior Analysts in handling the whole project. +Exp Followed the Agile methodology during the entire SDLC. +Edu EDUCATION +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum More than 7 years of comprehensive experience in the field of Information Technology as Business Analyst in diverse fields such as Finance, Mortgage, Trading, Insurance, Wealth Management, Banking, Investment Management and Accounting. +Sum Extensive experience in the development, implementation and integration strategies towards a team-oriented environment, utilizing quantitative and qualitative analytical skills. With ease in communicating/converting clients vague/non-technical requirements into precise/concise representation to the team. +Sum Knowledge of Capital Markets, Initial Public Offering(IPO), Fixed Income Securities, Equity Securities, derivatives. +Sum Experience with investment banking regulatory/compliance reporting regulations like Basel II and III Accord. +Sum Experience in interviewing Business users & SME providing recommendations to resolve issues for various business/technical groups & defining strategic solutions to business problems in a multiple project environment. +Sum Extensive experience in Banking Industry group including Credit, Risk, Investment and Operational Risk Banking that involve knowledge in CCAR, Basel II, Basel III +Sum Experienced in working with User Interface team in creating Mockups and Wireframes +Sum Proficient in authoring Business Requirement Documents (BRD), System Requirement Specifications (SRS) and identifying interfaces and business process specifications. +Sum Experience in developing detailed functional specs through JAD sessions, interviews, on site meetings with business users & development team. +Sum Strong experience in working with all phases of SDLC throughout the project life cycle in Waterfall and Agile (SCRUM) environment. +Sum Mature understanding of Quality Assurance Methodology relative to SDLC. +Sum Experienced in creating various Unified Modeling Language (UML) Diagrams using UML modeling tools such as MS Visio. +Sum Proficient in documentation of As-is and To-be business processes. +Sum Proficient in utilizing Project Management tools, project plans, project schedules, resource planning and management, budgeting, project kickoff meetings, status meetings, and timeline management. +Sum Knowledge of GAP Analysis, Traceability Matrices, SWOT Analysis, Risk Analysis, Data Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Impact Analysis, and Cost Benefit Analysis +Sum Knowledge of Commercial Off the Shelf Products (COTS) +Sum Did User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Manual testing (Functionality Testing) of UI and Web Applications. +Sum Worked with the Testing Team in reviewing Test Procedures, Test plans, Test cases for quality assurance. +Sum Tracking defects and interacting with team members in fixing errors. +Sum Experienced in creating Training Materiel and providing End User Training +Sum Excellent interpersonal and customer relational Skills. Enthusiastic and a self-starter with a need of minimal inputs. +Edu EDUCATIONAL DETAILS: +Edu Bachelor’s in engineering and Technology. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Citi Bank, NJ Aug 2016 to till date +Exp Business Analyst, Commercial Banking IT +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp IT Business Analyst & QA Analyst for Commercial Banking, dealing with releases involving compliance and regulatory Projects. +Exp Documented business requirements and system functional specifications in the form of BRDs and FSDs respectively and created Impact Matrix and Requirements Traceability Matrix. +Exp Interacted with business users and software development teams as a liaison in helping translate the business Requirements in technical standards ensuring the proposed applications and solutions comply with Business specifications. +Exp Collaborated with system architects, SMEs, Developers, QA and UAT teams and played a key role in planning, analysis, Design, and development and implementation phases to accomplish timely release objectives. +Exp Involved in Build Verification Testing, positive, negative and boundary testing, conducted system testing, and Regression Testing. +Exp Documented Daily Defect Status with the help of QA metrics +Exp Reviewed and triaged defects. Bug reporting, Defect tracking and re-testing using ALM. +Exp Wrote SQL queries to test the database and to perform validations. +Exp Trained new joiners to the team on business functionalities and the processes. Organized daily calls with QA and DEV teams to clarify queries and triage issues during releases. +Exp Provided production support and clarified business queries for impacts and prioritization of any issues. +Exp Preparation of induction manuals and application documents. +Exp Worked closely with business users to develop the test scenarios. +Exp UAT kick off call and testing sessions with business users. +Exp Worked with Strategy team to provide feedback on sworn document future state process mapping. +Exp Logged critical defects and was appreciated by the UAT Program team. +Exp Chase Bank, Columbus, Ohio Sep 2014 to June 2016 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Facilitated Scrum planning meetings to coordinate between Clients, Product Owner, Dev and QA teams. +Exp Shadow and assist some of the Product Owner activities by providing high level estimates, prioritizing stories for the sprint and maintaining backlogs and release plans. +Exp Performed GAP analysis by communicating with business head regarding the existing system and upgrades required. +Exp Interfaced with users to gather reporting and business requirements to create user stories, analyzed workflow and created new business processes and used JIRA to document use cases and user stories. +Exp Helped create sprint backlogs from the product backlog after sprint planning. +Exp Defined process flows for Lead Management, Application Processing, Underwriting and Closing and funding. +Exp Defined the various business transactions and business rules dealing with digital payments, online banking, credit and debit cards. +Exp Developed user screens prototype and performed management sign-off. +Exp Created business process flows using MS Visio for operations process. +Exp Worked with the Design and architect team to review and evaluate the Application for credit and debit card holders to view their activity and pay their bills online without any problem. +Exp Used UML diagrams to document the deployment scenarios. +Exp Coordinated with data modeling team in building the new data model, which will serve the better needs for Reports Development. +Exp Organized weekly Bug Triage meetings with the Dev team and testing team to clear any pending tickets in regard to Bug fixing. +Exp Documented Test Plans that contains Test Scripts, Test Cases, Test Data and expected results for the Unit, Integration, Functional, Performance, and User Acceptance Testing, using Test Manager. +Exp Proactively worked with development and QA teams to fasten the project delivery. +Exp Conducted walkthroughs and documented and involved User Acceptance Test (UAT), provided training to user. +Exp Provided production support and released software updates. +Exp Documented the entire business process, user manuals with screen-shots for hand over. +Exp Provided on call support to end users for Tier 2 level. +Exp Escalated technical problem to the Tier 3 level support team and document it. +Exp Tracked the sheet until the problem is solved by the tier 2 team and document it. +Exp Channelized Service request using Service Now for Tier 1 and 2 Production Support and Maintain release for builds created. +Exp Fidelity Investments, Chennai, India Jan 2014 to July 2014 +Exp Business analyst Responsibilities: +Exp Documented and validated the business process flow of Online Securities Trading System to use MS Word +Exp Continuously engage stake holders on Basel II.5/ III requirements gathering especially on liquidity risk. +Exp Outstanding expertise and professional experience across credit risk, market risk or liquidity risk. +Exp Interacted with SMEs in Fixed Income, Bonds and Bond Trading Cycle, Bond Pricing, and Asset Management & used MS Outlook. +Exp Wrote the functional and technical specifications and communicated requirements to development teams. +Exp Followed project development lifecycle, responsible for performing gap analysis, prepared the Project Plan according to the project scope, prepared BRD, FSD & used MS word for documentation & made slide to use, MS Power point. +Exp Analyzed and investigated business user issues and worked with SME's and Managers to identify related "defects" and required "enhancements" in the application and captures business requirements. +Exp Created and maintained complete development plans that included functional specifications, requirements engineering, Use Case modeling, risk assessment and mitigation, internal and external workflow. +Exp Involved in System test in the URL +Exp Union Bank of India, Mumbai Aug 2011 to Dec 2013 +Exp Business System / QA Analyst Responsibilities: +Exp System study and preparing business requirement documents and followed Agile Methodology. +Exp Dealt with Fixed income, Wealth Management, and Sales & Marketing. +Exp As a Technical Business Analyst Conducted requirements gathering sessions with different SOX Compliance Applications Development (AD) Managers, their teams, understand the current provision/authorization process, analyze it and provide the technical solutions to automate their application provision process. +Exp Provided feasible solutions and proof of concepts (POC) to the business users based on analysis. +Exp As a Business Analyst, Analyzed and Prepared Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Documents (FRD), Test Case Document (TCD) and Technical Requirement Documents (TRD) Deriving Implementation solutions. +Exp Serves as a conduit between the Business users/customers (internal and external customers) and the technology teams through which requirements flow. +Exp Assisted in identifying and quantifying Credit Risk, Operational Risk and Market Risk +Exp Gather all the functional and technical requirements, maintain the info in internal 'Wiki/Confluence' sites. +Exp Coordinating functional requirements of application to Technical Lead and Team. +Exp Prepared SQL Stored Procedures APIs, performed debugging and fixed the issues. +Exp Define Project Scope, Goals and Deliverables that support business goals in collaboration with senior management and stakeholders. +Exp Preparing Test Scenarios, Test Cases and Test scripts and performed Functional and Integration Testing Report & Track the issues with Technical Team, Make sure all the issues resolved before moving to Production. +Exp Coordinated as a Single Point of Contact for business users with regards to essential interactions during design, development and testing phases with offshore/onshore teams. +Exp Understand and analyzed the existing provision process directly which was in Software as a Service (SaaS) and provided the automation solutions. +Exp Attended weekly Business Analysis (BA's) meetings and provide all the changes/implementations of the application as part of the application release process. +Exp Had a discussion with Database Teams and convey the Database schema changes. +Exp Taken Full responsibility of Application Changes (UI/DB/API's) in all the environments (Test, QA and Production), validate it and performed necessary Tests and finally validate the data. +Exp Conducting User Acceptance Test (UAT) with Business, execute test cases and get approval of the UAT. +Exp Discussed with Business Users about New Changes or Enhancements of Application and explained them about the technical feasibility of the same and provided the high-level estimation to complete it. +Exp Identify and let technical team knows if any issues in application, create issue tickets, track it and make sure all issues get resolved well in time before production move. +Exp Providing Transition to Support knowledge to support team. +Exp Evoke Technologies, Hyderabad December 2009 to July 2011 +Exp Business Analyst, Mortgage Banking IT Responsibilities: +Exp IT Business Analyst for Mortgage Banking, dealing with releases involving Regulatory Compliance, RESPA-TILA/TRID. +Exp Developed and managed the formal Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodology which includes Configuration Management, Requirements Management, UML Analysis and Design. +Exp Worked under Agile methodology and interacted with business heads to finalize the Business Requirements for the Application. Performed the requirement Ad-Hoc Analysis and documented the requirements. +Exp Closely interacted with designers and software developers to understand application functionality and navigational flow and keep them updated about Business users' sentiments. +Exp Developed BRD, FRD, Use Case diagrams, business flow diagrams, Activity/State diagrams and Wire Frame Diagrams So that developers and other stakeholders can understand the business process. +Exp Analyzed and investigated business user issues and worked with SME's and Managers to identify related "defects" and Required "enhancements" in the application and captures business requirements. +Exp Peer review, inspection, and Code Walkthroughs. +Exp Update the business on the progress of the testing effort. +Exp Handled the Defect tracking calls. +Exp Application training and domain knowledge. +Exp Provided production support and clarified business queries for impacts and prioritization of any issues. +Exp Preparation of induction manuals and application documents. +Exp Preparation of test strategy, test requirements, test cases and test procedures based on Functional Requirement. +PI GOPI SID +PI Email: gopi.siddb@gmail.com Phone: (929)217-7347 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Over 8 years of experience as a Consultant Business Analyst, Business systems analyst, Scrum Master in Finance and Banking industries in application enhancement and development projects. +Sum A wide range of functional and technical knowledge on Derivatives, Equities, Wealth Management, Risk Management systems, Portfolio Management, Asset Management, Scaled Agile Framework, knowledge on Regulations like SEC, MIFID, Dodd Frank and Basel III. +Sum Expertise in employing guidelines & developing artifacts as per various software development lifecycle methodologies, such as Agile, waterfall & Hybrid in developing new standalone/ web-based department wide applications, enhancing the existing applications to satisfy new business objectives +Sum Expertise in requirement gathering, data analysis, development, testing, and defect tracking +Sum Proven expertise in facilitating Joint Application Development sessions +Sum Requirement elicitation by interacting with various stakeholder groups and analyzing existing business processes and creating Business Requirements Document (BRD) and functional specifications document (FSD) with excellent business writing skill to articulate all the business artifacts +Sum Sound understanding of Capital Market securities, front, middle and back office functions, order capturing, trade execution and settlement +Sum Hands-on experience in performing feasibility study, gap analysis, risk analysis, impact analysis and cost vs benefit analysis to accommodate change requests and evaluate the scope of new system functionality development, based on stake holder needs +Sum Analyze design and create requirements or specifications and uses cases, apply key concepts and techniques in design and construction of the components of multi process application. +Sum Extensive experience in incorporating Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams to better facilitate system development, such as written use cases, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagram, process flows, screen mockups and data flow diagram using MS Visio +Sum Data and process modeling techniques, Data models, ER Diagrams +Sum Experience in resource planning, tasks assignment, change management and escalations +Sum Experienced in ETL and Data Warehouse Management +Sum Expertise in developing test plans comprising of test cases to perform functional testing, system integration testing, smoke testing and regression testing +Sum Proven expertise in facilitating user acceptance testing (UAT) and triage defects and ensure resolution +Sum Conducted Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to ensure all requirements are tested +Sum Experience in implementation and customization of 3rd party vendor applications to client’s systems +Sum Experience in creating complex data mapping document to support ETL processes; identifying source, target and defining business rules for accurate data mapping and data massaging to ensure data integrity +Sum Experienced working with multiple teams on different levels of Scaled Agile Frameworks (SAFe) +Sum Facilitated scrum ceremonies such as Product Backlog meeting, Daily Scrum meetings, Sprint Planning meeting, Sprint Review meeting and Retrospective meeting and Extensive knowledge in maintaining Product backlog, Burn down chart and Team Velocity +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Client: Citi Group- Tampa, FL (Sep 2016- Till date) Title: Sr. Business Analyst The scope of the project was to develop an application that can help customers to calculate risk margins for their portfolio. Portfolio may consist of options, stocks, futures and options on future based on the same underlying instrument or on different highly correlated underlying instrument. Option position includes equity and currency products. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp One of the biggest capital market experiences with margin trading and settlements, dealing with various data sources like Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters, 3M, data on various stocks, derivatives etc. +Exp Was the SME for the above-mentioned application which is a part of CITI Group Risk Management +Exp Prepared approach documents and technical design document, updated requirements documents +Exp Constructed workflow models using MS Visio like Activity flow, Sequence and use case diagrams +Exp Act as a liaison between the business users and the development team +Exp Created screen mockups using MS Visio and Snip to showcase the new screen changes +Exp Prepared data mapping document to capture the data from RBH schema to FIXML format and reciprocate text files to FIXML files +Exp Performed various kinds of testing – Integration testing, Functional testing, Smoke testing and wrote a test cases and test plans for various defects/ enhancements and applications +Exp Monitor performance and integrity of reporting and data management systems +Exp Was assisting the QA team in conducting various kinds of testing and assisted them in creating test plan, test scripts and writing test cases +Exp Identify, develop, and deliver on change management initiatives through day-to-day management, change agents and targets. Manage communications and interactions with leadership sponsors and staff as appropriate +Exp Involved in various kinds of manual testing, assisted QA team with requirements, conducted Triage call meetings +Exp Updated changes made by capital market regulator body SEC +Exp Designed training plans and develop a SharePoint curriculum to train customers on SharePoint functionality and encourage self-sufficiency +Exp Created and implement communications plan and outreach strategy for communicating governance changes, business efficiencies, and other SharePoint features +Exp Developed requirement traceability matrix and wrote numerous test cases to ensure no requirement is left without being tested +Exp Used Quality center for defect logging and defect tracking, and worked on various defects related to the application +Exp Environment: Oracle 11.g, MS-Visio, HP-ALM, Bloomberg, SOAPUI, SharePoint, SOA, Web services, Tubule, Informatica +Exp Client: Merrill Lynch- Pennington, NJ (Mar-2015 to Sep-2016) Title: Business Analyst +Exp Equity Management System (EMS) is a global buy-side order management and trading system. It provides Equity Portfolio Managers and Traders with a highly customizable Order Blotter, pre-trade and post-execution compliance monitoring tools and what-if analysis tools. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all phases of software development life cycle +Exp EMS was part of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management LOB where my experience was on front office, middle and back office +Exp Elicited requirements using various techniques, facilitated various sessions and sorted out difference of opinion among stakeholders like traders, portfolio managers, market makers in capital market +Exp Conducted GAP analysis to understand the AS-IS process and came up with improvements in TO-BE process +Exp Reviewed the business processes and made a variety of recommendations for improving efficiency through creating a workflow +Exp Update and process data onto the Company database in a timely manner and Forge relationships with market participants to acquire source documents +Exp Involved in analyzing the current business process gaps and establishing the improved standard processes with business process reengineering +Exp Analyzed the existing SQL queries for the performance and wrote new SQL scripts for back end testing and data validation +Exp Developed and maintained the issue / defect matrix and provided the status reports to senior management +Exp Conducted project related tests which include: detailed test plans, test cases and expected results; conducting tests; evaluating and documenting results +Exp Worked in middle and back office in verifying trade execution and trade validations and settlements +Exp Involved in the creation of project status reports as well as Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) +Exp Prepared technical documents and user documentation & conducted the user training sessions for super users and supported the super users during their training sessions for other users +Exp Provided on-going support and troubleshooting production and test issues to perform root cause analysis, reconciliations, recommending corrective action and resolution efforts +Exp Taking deep analytical dives on data while being able to conceptualize, synthesize and critically evaluate gathered information, and communicate findings and recommendations +Exp Developed the UAT test plans and facilitated user acceptance testing +Exp Developed the user guides and operational manuals for new features, upgrades and modifications +Exp Environment: MS Office, MS Visio, MySQL, UNIX, Java, Share point, TFS, HP-ALM, Tubule +Exp Client: Key Bank- Cleveland, OH (Sep-2012 to Mar 2015) +Exp Title: Scrum Master/Business Analyst +Exp The scope of the project is to enhance credit appraisal and loan origination system application where we implemented service oriented architecture to enhance the application process by implementing the web services. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities +Exp Delivered in Scaled Agile Framework +Exp Participated in PI planning and Breakout session for new features +Exp Organized and facilitated sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, reviews, retrospectives, participated in release planning, demos and other Scrum-related meetings +Exp Instructed and modeled core Agile principles of collaboration, prioritization, team accountability and visibility; ensured consistent application of scrum methodologies across the team +Exp Coordinate and facilitate business stakeholder engagement and user acceptance testing for business intelligence initiatives +Exp Manage process of performance tuning ETL/reports/dashboards and tune SQL used to create the report/dashboards +Exp Collaborate with cross functional teams and build schedules and plans, Identify and manage dependencies with other internal or external teams to align deliverables. +Exp Handled risks proactively and worked with the Senior Management Teams to deliver the projects +Exp Participated in Community of Practice (COP) groups in creating, and sharing techniques, best practices, and ideas for improving project success and fostering a healthy and productive work environment +Exp Facilitated Scrum meeting with technical/non-technical team, SME’s to clarify business rules & solve impediments and translated Functional requirements into User stories using Rally +Exp Facilitate sprint planning, daily scrums, retrospectives, stakeholder meetings, and software demonstrations and adopted scrum techniques using Moscow and planning poker +Exp Day-to-day management of cross functional, global software development project teams +Exp Directed and lead development team from project initiation through delivery of final product +Exp Environment: Rally, Restful web services, UNIX, JAVA, MS Outlook +Exp Client: Aditya Birla Finance- Bangalore, India (May,2010 –August,2012) +Exp Title: Business Analyst +Exp The Intent of the project was to develop a Fixed Income Operations tool (FIO) in order to improve the efficiency of Middle and Back Office Operations. FIO also helped Fixed Income Portfolio Managers to monitor the Interest and Libor Rates of Bonds and other Debt securities. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp One of the initial capital market experiences focusing on fixed Income securities +Exp Involved in Requirement Scoping and analyzing high priority requirement for implementation +Exp Defined exception handling scenarios with respect to assumption engine user interface +Exp Assured that all the deliverables and artifacts are in compliance with SDLC procedures +Exp Analyzed Requirements and created Use case models, UML/Use Case diagrams, Activity Diagrams +Exp Coordinated with the development team, database team, data warehousing team and Assisted QA team to develop test plans, test strategies and test cases and also used Quality Center for defect logging and defect tracking +Exp Wrote SQL queries to retrieve data from the database and perform data validation testing +Exp Facilitated User Acceptance Testing by preparing test schedules, training the business users to perform the testing and addressing open issues +Exp Environment MS Visio, MS office suite, Oracle, HTML, Java, Informatica for ETL and ERwin for Data modeling +Exp Client: HDFC Bank- Bangalore, India (Sep,2008 –May,2010) +Exp Title: Business Analyst +Exp The Scope of this project was to improve the overall efficiency in document handling by avoiding manual intervention and enforce straight through processing. This project was aimed in the new account opening division to reduce the document lifecycle by real time scanning and status update capabilities and reduce the mailing cost for transport of documents. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Prepared the Business Requirements Document (BRD) after analyzing the requirements and translated the business requirements into Technical Design Document +Exp Extensively used MS Visio for UML modeling - use case diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and business process flow diagrams in designing the document life cycle +Exp Prepared data mapping document to capture the data integration process from the data source to identify key data attributes such as document ID, expiration date, etc. +Exp Facilitated UAT by setting up the test environments, identify the test data and provided guide lines and required training to conduct testing +Exp Environment: MS Team Foundation Server/Team Edition, HP QTP 11.5, HP ALM QC, SharePoint, XML, HTML, MS Test Manager, SQL Server, PL/SQL, WSDL, SOA, Crystal Reports, Web Services. +Sum IT Professional with 15 years of experience in all phases of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) including Requirement gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, Delivery and Support. Managed to deliver large-scale Data warehouse software and Web development projects on time and on budget. +Sum Professional experience performing as Technical Project Manager, Scrum Master, Architect, Team Lead and Individual contribution roles etc. +Sum Primary responsibilities Manage including scope, budget, project deliverables, project status reporting, developing project metric reports, implementing technology tools, , the creation of system development process (process engineering and re-engineering) and managing providers and service levels (SLA) +Sum Monitoring project risks and scope creep to identify potential problems and proactively identifying solutions to address them in advance. +Sum Experience in managing the architect application Web based application Asp.Net. Hands on programming experience of Object oriented programming in JAVA, C# and ETL programming. +Sum Hands on experience with relational databases including Oracle, SQL Server, Teradata and MySQL involving stored procedures, triggers, functions, indexes, and packages. +Sum Good knowledge and handled the project that has TERADATA, Hadoop Map-Reduce job scheduler paradigms, Hive, Pig, Flume, Sqoop, Oozie and NO SQL database like HBase. +Sum Hand on development experience Business Intelligence Reporting Tool –Teradata, ORACLE, Sybase, SQL –Server, DTS, Crystal Reports, MUMS,,MS-ACCESS, Core JAVA , Hands on experience working other Web based technology like Classic Asp, Asp.net, C#, Net 3.5. +Sum Risk management and monitor project performance using the Project Dashboard page using CLARITY tool. +Sum Managing various application as technical project manager for architect +Sum Facilitated Agile Ceremonies like Daily Stand-up, Sprint Planning, Capacity Planning, Sprint Burn down, Velocity Management, Impediment Management, Demo & Retrospective sessions, Product Backlog prioritization ,Story Pointing , user story gathering & Release Planning +Sum Responsible for conducting shake holder meetings, Communication , phase end deliverables and getting approvals on them from leadership +Sum Demonstrated capacity to analyze complex business requirements and translate them into technical specifications, while maintaining a customer focus for outcomes. +Sum Expertise in RALLY & JIRA Tools for Agile methodology & as a bug tracking tool +Exp American Express, Technical Project Manager phoenix AZ, July 2016 – Till date. +Exp As a part of the cornerstone 2015 Audit Map and in pursuit of AEXP's Enterprise Data Production program objective we require all CS legacy platform Use Cases to be migrated to CS 3.0 environment. This Migration to CS 3.0 will not only help us secure enterprise data with enhanced security measure like enabling encryption of data at rest, but also achieve our company vision of one enterprise platform for all data and application. Our goal is to have end to end migration completed followed by the decommissioning of the legacy platforms. +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Gathering requirement for Document archival and big data archival framework. +Exp Facilitate Planning/Kick-Off meetings, Retrospectives and Daily Standup +Exp Scheduling and Conducting the Agile Iteration Planning and Retrospective (lesson learned) meetings +Exp Work directly with Application Owners and Project Managers to prioritize User Stories for each iteration and release +Exp Calculate development velocity. Work with QA and Demand Management to manage and forecast iteration capacity +Exp Manage all release activities, including code deployment and verification +Exp Coordination of activities with Release Management to ensure successful delivery of iterations and deployments +Exp Managed and conducted the Sprint Demos +Exp Resource allocation, monitoring and control Management. +Exp Coordinate dependencies between teams with other Iteration Managers +Exp Project planning, execution, monitoring and resource balancing skills with ability to support multiple simultaneous projects in a matrix organizational structure. +Exp Manage risks and issues impacting project deliverables and dependency management coordinated multiple work groups to ensure internal agreement, cost, and delivery capability. +Exp Manage on cost ,budget and generating reports on daily, weekly, monthly and on demand +Exp Implemented ETL solution with Hive and also written custom UDFs for building marts. +Exp Manage and Implemented Hive tables and HQL Queries for the reports +Exp Manage and Implementing a solution that could map Oracle external table to Hive and at the run time it could provide seamless data for dynamic queries +Exp Integrated with Tessaract (OCR) to extract the text information from scanned documents +Exp Data modeling to persist the unstructured data within HBase. +Exp Facilitating index through Solr with advanced features like Rank and Scoring +Exp MPP Databases prototype development using Greenplum, Vertica +Exp Tracking of project using PM tool Rally. +Exp Environment: Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Tesseract OCR, Solr, Nice, Greenplum, Vertica and Rally +Exp Humana, Technical Project Manager SEP 2015 – June 2016 +Exp Enterprise Marketing CRM data model to ensure the campaign data mart designs are optimized for marketing campaign execution, reporting, and analysis. Also supporting the EDW is having multiple data mart such as Pharmacy, Clinical, External Pharmacy, Vitality and many more. It is also having different source system. Many OLTP sources loads data Monthly, Weekly and Daily basis from Campaign and Companion Management to EDW and downstream generate reports which use for data mining for better decision making. Campaign and Companion Management support includes application Maintenance, Enhancements and Production support activities +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Conducting reviews with subject matter experts on the various deliverables for each phase of the project to ensure the quality deliverables for the project. +Exp Prepare project plan and participate in product development life cycle. Prepare and present status reports to Shake holders +Exp Monitoring project risks and scope creep to identify potential problems and proactively identifying solutions to address them in advance. +Exp Working onsite-offshore model of project delivery using Water fall and Agile methodologies and there is a procedural communication model that is being followed to fulfil the project needs. +Exp Technical management of projects that develop programs that can ingest this real-time data into Enterprise Data warehouse running on like Oracle and/or Netezza +Exp Responsible for SLA & Penalties management, Incident, SR, Release and CR management. +Exp Manage and control timelines through tracking of project tool Rally. +Exp Extensive SQL and PL/SQL Procedures, Functions in to Hive and Pig flow respectively. +Exp Provided technical expertise to handle non equi-join issue and provided work around to resolve the problem. +Exp Suggested and have implemented incremental updates and deletes using a strategic implementation +Exp Involved in creating Hive tables, loading with data and writing hive queries which will run internally in map reduce way. +Exp Creating business use case ,charters ad reports using rally and incident management tool +Exp Environment: Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Oracle ,Rally, Campaign and Companion Management tool. +Exp Integrated Data Network - American Express – Technical project Manager, Nov 2012 – AUG 2015 +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Plan, execute, and finalize projects within triple constraints of delivering on time, within budget and scope objectives +Exp Designing documentation deliverables including: process models, process decomposition diagrams, network architecture diagrams, data models, data flow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) +Exp Identify, effectively communicate, and resolve project issues and risks. +Exp Effectively communicate project status to project stakeholders. Coach, mentor, and motivate team members, influencing them to take positive action and accountability for assigned work. +Exp Day to day follow up with the Client managers to suggest the improvements in existing process of obtaining requirements. To gather requirements and do the scoping. +Exp Manage and assist the offshore team in the creation of design, development and testing, mitigate technical risks, if any and provide quality and timely deliverables. +Exp Resource allocation, monitoring and control Management. +Exp End to End AMEX project Management using clarity +Exp Ensure internal agreement, cost, and delivery capability. +Exp Worked in IDN Data Warehouse Transformation for complete uplifting of our existing system and platform to Teradata. +Exp Manage on SIT, UAT, GO & NO GO decision and Warranty support. +Exp Worked with IDN Delivery of Sybase to Teradata , Teradata to Sybase data migration process developed as part of the IDN Transformation +Exp Managed on the project Contact BI ETL deliverables on –Analyzing, optimizing table and query to have for minimum response time in dimension fact load from Sybase to Teradata transformation using star schema or snowflake schema that allow for flexibility while improving performance (views, join indexes, functions, stored procedures, global volatile temporary aggregate tables, reporting ) on Teradata and Cassandra etc. +Exp Performed the data analysis and mapping; database normalization and clean-up; data extraction, transfer, and loading (ETL). +Exp MQ payload modeling and channelizing it to HDFS. +Exp Designed and Implemented XML parser (Record Reader) to parse XML string in Hadoop. +Exp Proposed and Implemented Reconciliation logic to match the transactions and to get tagged with ECR +Exp Environment: Hadoop, Hive, Cassandra, MongoDB, Oracle, SQL, Pig, Sqoop and Teradata, Sybase Flume, Kafka, Pig, Oozie, Java, and Clarity for project management. +Exp Australia and Newlands Banking, Lead Designer(Manager Group),Dec 2010 – Jan 2012 +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Manage multiple projects under single program umbrella specifically in the area of Offshore-Onsite model. +Exp Program / project schedule, cost and resource management +Exp Work with multiple project team and managed the program +Exp Status reporting to the senior management +Exp Held Teradata Database Designer role on this project. +Exp Developed/modified, tested and performance-tuned data manipulation procedures for the warehouse: store-day combination data deletion procedure (for unload of erroneous data), aggregation calculation procedures and others. +Exp Templates for the other developers to follow. +Exp Fast – ESP integration with existing application. +Exp Participated in architectural decisions regarding the newly built system +Exp Managed the program in a smoother way with multiple acquisitions happened at the customer side +Exp Key Person for achieving rapid growth in revenue and team size of the engagement +Exp Project planning, execution, monitoring and resource balancing skills with ability to support multiple simultaneous projects in a matrix organizational structure. +Exp Experienced in coordinating, negotiating and motivating outside vendors and off-shore resources in support of time line and IT project deliverables +Exp Working closely with Microsoft to Integrate the ANZ application and the Search engine FAST ESP. +Exp Environment: FAST ESP ,TeraData and Sql server. +Exp CareVoyant Technologies Private Ltd - Technical Project Lead April 2010 – Dec 2010 +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Basic functional design. Created UML diagrams using Microsoft Visio. +Exp Constructed Class Libraries containing code for business and data access in the form of ASP.NET pages. +Exp The logic was implemented using C#.NET and ADO.NET. +Exp Used ADO.NET Dataset Object to access the databases and gather all relevant information to be stored. +Exp Developed stored procedures to carry out all the Data Manipulation operations on the Database. +Exp Created ASP .Net pages and Class Libraries containing code for business and data access logic using C#. +Exp Negotiated by study delivery managers, with contract award contingent upon project manager assignment. +Exp Demonstrated outstanding leadership and superb project management skills, consistently scoring 90% or Greater on Customer Satisfaction surveys distributed to study delivery managers during project initiation, Monitoring, and closeout phases. +Exp Deemsys inc,USA First Data corporation, Drugstore.com, Dimentiondata, Technical Project Manager/Lead June 2007 – March 2010 +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Reviewing and assessing existing data processing methods and techniques +Exp Rationalizing existing systems and procedures to correct deficiencies and maintain more effective data handling, conversion, input/output requirements, and storage +Exp Designing documentation deliverables including: process models, process decomposition diagrams, network architecture diagrams, data models, data flow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) +Exp Modeling processes, work-flows, and structures +Exp Involved in Design, Construction and testing of applications such as Portfolio tracker +Exp Created ASP.NET web pages that provide new features such as Smart Navigation. +Exp Extensively used ASP.NET to develop front end screens making use of +Exp Server and User Controls. +Exp Working with SSIS and SSRS for Reports. +Exp Was involved in Status reporting to the senior management. +Exp ASP.NET validation controls such as RegularExpressionValidator and CustomValidator to validateand information provided by the users. +Exp Designed the web forms in ASP.NET and code logic in C# to effectively mirror the business processes. +Exp Environment: C# ,ASP.net , MVP ,MVC ,SSIS,SSRS and VB.Net +Exp Capgemini Consultant Lucent Technologies,Technical Project Lead, Feb 2006-April 2007 +Exp Primary Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Analysis and design of the required projects. +Exp Played the role of the team member +Exp Environment : VB / ASP.net /SQL Server/DTS/SSIS. +Exp Covansys India PvtLtd.. +Exp HofinSoft Technologies Private Limited +Edu Master of Computer Application, Annamalai University, 2005 +Edu Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application, Annamalai University, 2003 +Edu Bachelor of Commerce, University of Madras, 1996 +PI Gender Male +PI Nationality Indian +PI Address 16641 N 56 St , APT 1067, Scottsdale ,AZ -85254 +PI Personal e-mail ID emailbalajig@gmail.com +PI Contact No 781 600 2755 +PI Name: Balakrishna Sudabathula +PI Email: bsudabathula@gmail.com +PI M: (669) 261-3506 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Having 10 years of IT experience in Software Development with proficiency in developing Enterprise-based and web-based applications using Java/J2EE, SQL and PLSQL technologies. +Sum Experienced as a JAVA/J2EE developer in the areas of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Testing of web based and client server multi-tier applications. +Sum Worked on full cycle development from conceptualization to programming and deployment. +Sum Expertise in the areas of Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud Netflix, Micro services, Restful Web services, Hibernate, JPA, Struts, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, Unit Testing, AWS and Build Tools +Sum Familar with front end technologies like HTML, CSS,Ajax, JavaScript, AngularJS and Node JS. +Sum Good experience with huge transactions using Multithreading and batch wise operations. +Sum Exceptional at team building and motivating either at a peer level or in a leadership role. Able to work with little or no supervision. Good communication and time management skills. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Technologies: Java, J2EE, EJB, Java Beans, JSP/JSF, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, Java Mail, Messaging (JMS), Multithreading, Web Services, SQL, PL/SQL and NoSQL. +Skill Web Technologies: JavaScript, UML, HTML, XML, CSS, AngularJS , NodeJS +Skill Application Servers: WebLogic 10.x/8.1, WebSphere 7.0/6.1, Tomcat 8.0, Jboss 4.x +Skill Frameworks/ORM tools: Spring 4.x/3.x/2.5, Struts 2.0/1.1, Hibernate 3.0 +Skill Databases: Oracle10g/9i/8i, Mongo DB, Postgre SQl, MYSQL +Skill Operating System: Windows , Unix, AWS, Linux and Solaris +Skill IDE: Eclipse 3.x, STS +Skill Testing Frameworks: JUnit, Testng, Mockito, PowerMockito +Skill Build Tools: Maven, ANT, Gradle +Skill Other Tools: GIT, SVN, TFS, Jenkins, JMeter, Jira, Sonar +QC CERTIFICATIONS: +QC ORACLE 9i PL/SQL DEVELOPER CERTIFIED ASSOCIATE (OCA). +QC SUN CERTIFIED JAVA PROGRAMMER (SCJP 5.0) for the JAVA 2 platform. +QC SUN CERTIFIED WEB COMPONENT DEVELOPER (SCWCD 5.0) for the JAVA 2 platform. +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, University of JNTU, Hyderabad, AP +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Walmart Labs, Sunnyvale, CA June 2017 – till date +Exp Innominds Software INC Sr. Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the Generic Java concurrency Framework to execute multithreads. +Exp Analysis and Design of various modules using SOA and J2EE stack. +Exp Involved in design, develop and implementation of the application using Spring and J2EE framework. +Exp Built web-based applications using Spring MVC 3.0 Architecture. +Exp Developed stored procedures (developed in PL/SQL) on the back end. +Exp Consumed Web Services by implementing spring’s REST support. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using various features of Hibernate 3.0 framework like HQL queries, Criteria, projections etc. +Exp Implemented Java Persistence API (JPA) through Hibernate 3.0. +Exp Assisted Oracle DB development team in developing stored procedures and designing the database. +Exp Used Maven for project builds and GIT as versioning system. +Exp Interacted with Business Analysts to come up with better implementation designs for the application. +Exp Provided production support for the application both onsite and remotely. +Exp S3 API implementation for accessing S3 bucket data files. +Exp Managing AWS instances using AWS System manager. +Exp Environment: Restful Web Services, JDK 1.8, Spring, Hibernate, Micro services, PowerMockito, OneOps, Gray Log, Apache CXF, Node JS, Mocha, Oracle, Maven, GIT, Jenkins, Jira +Exp Azuba, Hyderabad June 2015 – May 2017 +Exp Innominds Software INC Sr. Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the Project Setup process of routing and filtering requests to a micro service application using the Netflix Zuul edge service library. +Exp Developed Zuul API gateway for Authentication using Reddis Cache. +Exp Implemented this project based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Netflix, Spring Data and Hibernate. +Exp Used Kafka as a messaging broker to inter communicates between the Micro Services. +Exp Experienced developing and delivering mission-critical data platforms for real-time analysis. +Exp Experienced developing high performance transaction or reporting systems with multi-tier architectures. +Exp Design and Development of software components like Interface, Action Handlers. +Exp Developed trading applications for equities and equities derivatives. +Exp Used JavaScript and Struts validation framework for front end as well as server-side validations. +Exp Developed the client classes for the web services implementing SOA. +Exp Used Spring Framework for integrating Hibernate and Struts and for dependency injection. +Exp Extensively used Hibernate ORM tool in data access layer to map the object view of data into database and to provide access and update information in the database. +Exp Developed Data Access Object (DAO) persistence layer using Hibernate. +Exp Created documentation for benchmarking the Cassandra cluster for the designed tables. +Exp Worked on Linux shell scripts for business process and loading data from Oracle to Cassandra. +Exp Deployment automation, AWS EC2 instance mirroring, WebLogic domain creations and several proprietary middleware installations. +Exp Used GIT for version control across common source code used by developers. +Exp Environment: Angular JS, Restful Web Services, JDK 1.7, Amazon ec2,AWS S3, Unix, Log 4j, Apache Kafka, Maven, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud Netflix, Zuul, Microservices, Hibernate, Mongo dB, MySQL +Exp Acesse Marketing, Hyderabad, India Feb 2014 – Jun 2015 +Exp Innominds Software INC Sr Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration and testing phases. +Exp Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Composite View, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator. +Exp Involved in Developing of Application based on J2EE using Spring, Hibernate and spring framework. +Exp Designed and implemented transaction management using Spring AOP. +Exp Implemented different types of spring controllers as per application requirements, Spring validators, persistence layer, DAO and service layer components using Spring/Hibernate API and Spring/Hibernate annotations. Extensively used Hibernate QL. +Exp Extensively used Spring IOC, configured Application Context files and performed database object mapping using Hibernate annotations. +Exp Used JPA for mapping business objects to the MySQL database +Exp Automate build process by using Maven and used GIT version control tool. +Exp Environment: Angular JS, HTML, Java Script, Servlets, Spring MVC, Spring Micro services, Hibernate, ORACLE 11g, Tomcat Application Server, Restful Web Services, JDK 1.7, UNIX, AWS, S3, Log 4j, and Maven. +Exp Northern Trust, Hyderabad, India Jun 2013 – Feb 2014 +Exp Cognizant Sr Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Composite View, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator. +Exp See real-time banking balances and transaction activity +Exp Receive and pay bills quickly and efficiently +Exp Move money effortlessly between Northern Trust and non-Northern Trust accounts +Exp Generate enhanced reports. +Exp Get moving with Private Passport Mobile +Exp Environment: JSP Struts 1.2, Servlets, Spring DAO, Hibernate, ORACLE 11g, WebLogic Application Server, JDK 1.5, UNIX, AIX, Solaris, Log 4j, and Ant. +Exp American Express, Hyderabad, India Oct 2012 – May 2013 +Exp Cognizant Sr Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration and testing phases. +Exp Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Composite View, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator. +Exp Involved in Development of enhancements for new /enhancement modules. +Exp Environment: JSP, Struts 1.2, Servlets, ORACLE 11g, WebSphere Application Server, JDK 1.5, Service Now +Exp CITI Bank, Mumbai, India Apr 2011 – Oct 2012 +Exp Virtusa Polaris Sr Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration and testing phases. +Exp Used Agile Methodology and actively participated in Scrum meetings to produce quality deliverables within time. +Exp Involved in Developments of Designing of Dynamic Forms using XML and posting to the server +Exp Involved in fixing the bugs in the existing database objects and generates the reports. +Exp Environment: JSP, Struts 1.2, Servlets, Hibernates, ORACLE 11g, WebSphere Application Server, JDK 1.5, UNIX, Solaris, Log 4j, and Ant. +Exp OMICS, Hyderabad, India Nov 2006 – Mar 2011 +Exp Uniquee Solutions Sr Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration and testing phases. +Exp Code reviewing. +Exp Designed the database objects like tables, views, indexes, sequences, cursors, procedures, Functions, packages, triggers files.etc. +Exp Prepare the build scripts and placed into release server +Exp Environment: JSP, Servlets, Oracle 10g, xml, xpath, Web harvest, SQL, PLSQL, SOLARAIS, XSLT, STRUTS 1.2, Eclipse, Jdk 1.5 +PI Bapuji +PI Sr. Hadoop Developer +PI Phone: +1(224)-706-0020 +PI Email: +PI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Over 8+ years of experience including 4 years of Big Data Ecosystem related technologies with full project development, implementation and deployment. +Sum Strong Experience working with various Hadoop ecosystem components like, Map Reduce, HDFS, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, Flume, and Oozie. +Sum Strong Knowledge on Architecture of Distributed systems and Parallel processing frameworks. +Sum In-depth understanding of MapReduce Framework and Spark execution model. +Sum Worked extensively on fine-tuning long running Spark Applications to utilize better parallelism and executor memory for more caching. +Sum Strong experience working with both batch and real-time processing using Spark framework. +Sum Expertise in developing production ready Spark applications utilizing Spark-Core, Data frames, Spark-SQL, Spark-ML and Spark-Streaming API's. +Sum Hands on experience in installing, configuring and deploying Hadoop distributions in cloud environments (Amazon Web Services). +Sum Expertise in developing production ready Spark applications utilizing Spark-Core, Data frames, Spark-SQL, Spark-ML and Spark-Streaming API's. +Sum Worked on building real time data workflows using Kafka, Spark streaming and HBase. +Sum Worked extensively on Hive for building complex data analytical applications. +Sum Very good understanding of Partitions, bucketing concepts in Hive and designed both Managed and External tables in Hive to optimize performance. +Sum Used custom serDes like Regex SerDe, JSON SerDe, CSV SerDe etc., in hive to handle multiple formats of data. +Sum Having knowledge in Apache Ambari platform for securing, managing and monitoring Hadoop clusters. +Sum Experienced in Cluster coordination services through zookeeper. +Sum Strong experience using different columnar file formats like Avro, RCFile, ORC and Parquet formats. +Sum Worked with Sqoop to move (import/export) data from a relational database into Hadoop. +Sum Experience working with Hadoop clusters using Cloudera, Amazon EMR and Hortonworks distributions. +Sum Extensive experience in performing ETL on structured, semi-structured data using Pig Latin Scripts. +Sum Designed and implemented Hive and Pig UDF's using Java for evaluation, filtering, loading and storing of data. +Sum Experienced in job workflow scheduling and monitoring tools like Oozie. +Sum Well versed with UNIX and Linux command line and shell script. +Sum Adequate knowledge and working experience with agile methodology. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering at JNTU, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India. +Exp WORK EXPERIENCE: +Exp Cigna – Bloomfield, Connecticut Jul’17 – Present +Exp Role: Hadoop/Spark Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Spark applications using Scala utilizing Data frames and Spark SQL API for faster processing of data. +Exp Developed highly optimized Spark applications to perform various data cleansing, validation, transformation and summarization activities according to the requirement +Exp Data pipeline consists Spark, Hive and Sqoop and custom built Input Adapters to ingest, transform and analyze operational data. +Exp Developed Spark jobs and Hive Jobs to summarize and transform data. +Exp Used Spark for interactive queries, processing of streaming data and integration with NoSQL database HBase, Cassandra for interactive access patterns. +Exp Involved in converting Hive queries into Spark transformations using Spark Data Frames in Scala. +Exp Automated creation and termination of AWS EMR clusters using AWS, java sdk. +Exp Built real time data pipelines by developing Kafka producers and spark streaming applications for consuming. +Exp Ingested syslog messages to Kafka. +Exp Worked on Apache Airflow to schedule single and sometimes complex chains of tasks that depend on each other on regular intervals. +Exp Handled importing data from relational databases into HDFS using Sqoop and performing transformations using Hive and Spark. +Exp Having knowledge in Apache Ambari platform for securing, managing and monitoring Hadoop clusters. +Exp Exported the processed data to the relational databases using Sqoop, to further visualize and generate reports for the BI team. +Exp Experienced in cluster coordination services through Zookeeper. +Exp Installed, tested and deployed monitoring solutions with Splunk services. +Exp Used Hive to analyze the partitioned and bucketed data and computed various metrics for reporting. +Exp Developed Hive scripts in Hive QL to de-normalize and aggregate the data. +Exp Scheduled and executed workflows in Oozie to run various jobs. +Exp Designing & creating ETL jobs through Talend to load huge volumes of data into Cassandra, Hadoop Ecosystem and relational databases. +Exp Environment: Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Java, Scala, Maven, Impala, Oozie, Oracle, Ambari, GitHub, Tableau, Unix, Hortonworks, Apache Airflow Kafka, Zookeeper, Sqoop, Cassandra, Talend, Splunk, HBase. +Exp Qualcomm -- San Diego, CA Dec’16 – Jun’17 +Exp Role: Hadoop/Spark Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Part of Big Data Center of Excellence (CoE), responsible for designing and building enterprise data analytics platform. +Exp Worked with respective business units in understanding the scope of the analytics requirements. +Exp Performed core ETL transformations in Spark. +Exp Automated data pipelines which involve data ingestion, data cleansing, data preparation and data analytics. +Exp Created end to end Spark applications using Scala to perform various data cleansing, validation, transformation and summarization activities on user behavioral data. +Exp Developed end-to-end data pipeline using FTP Adaptor, Spark, Hive and Impala. +Exp Implemented Spark utilizing Spark-SQL heavily for faster development, and processing of data. +Exp Exploring with Spark for improving the performance and optimization of the existing jobs in Hadoop using Spark-SQL, Data Frame running in Yarn mode. +Exp Handled importing other enterprise data from different data sources into HDFS using Sqoop and performing transformations using Hive, Map Reduce and then loading data into HBase tables. +Exp Collecting and aggregating large amounts of log data using Flume and staging data in HDFS for further analysis +Exp Wrapper developed in Python for instantiating multithreaded application and running with other applications. +Exp Analyzed the data by performing Hive queries (Hive QL) and running Pig scripts (Pig Latin) to study customer behavior. +Exp Data warehousing, experience in design, development and testing, implementation and support of enterprise data warehouse. +Exp Used Hive to analyze the partitioned and bucketed data and compute various metrics for reporting. +Exp Created components like Hive UDFs for missing functionality in HIVE for analytics. +Exp Worked on various performance optimizations like using distributed cache for small datasets, Partition, Bucketing in Hive and Map Side joins. +Exp Created Oozie workflows and coordinators to automate data pipelines daily, weekly and monthly. +Exp Automated creation and termination of AWS EMR clusters using AWS, java sdk. +Exp Environment: AWS EMR, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Sqoop, HBase, UNIX, Talend, Pig, Linux, Java, Scala, Python, Ambari, Zookeeper. +Exp Hortonworks +Exp McKesson - Alpharetta, GA Dec’15 – Nov’16 +Exp Hadoop/Spark Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed multithreaded Java based Input adaptors for ingesting click stream data from external sources like ftp server and S3 buckets on daily basis. +Exp Created various spark applications using Scala to perform various enrichment of these click stream data combined with enterprise data of the users. +Exp Implemented batch processing of jobs using Spark Scala API. +Exp Developed Sqoop scripts to import/export data from Oracle to HDFS and into Hive tables. +Exp Stored the data in columnar formats using Hive. +Exp Involved building and managing NoSQL Database models using HBase. +Exp Worked in Spark to read the data from Hive and write it to Hbase. +Exp Optimized the Hive tables using optimization techniques like partitions and bucketing to provide better performance with Hive QL queries. +Exp Worked with multiple file formats like Avro, Sequence, Parquet and Orc. +Exp Converted existing MapReduce programs to Spark Applications for handling semi structured data like JSON files, Apache Log files, and other custom log data. +Exp Loaded the final processed data to HBase tables to allow downstream application team to build rich and data driven applications. +Exp Worked with a team to improve the performance and optimization of the existing algorithms in Hadoop using Spark, Spark -SQL, Data Frame. +Exp Implemented business logic in Hive and written UDF’s to process the data for analysis. +Exp Used Oozie to define a workflow to coordinate the execution of Spark, Hive and Sqoop jobs. +Exp Addressing the issues occurring due to the huge volume of data and transitions. +Exp Designed, documented operational problems by following standards and procedures using JIRA. +Exp Environment: Java, Hadoop 2.1.0, Map Reduce2, Spark, Unix, Pig 0.12.0, Hive 0.13.0, Linux, Sqoop 1.4.2, Flume 1.3.1, Eclipse, AWS EC2, and Cloudera CDH 4. +Exp American Home Shield - Memphis, TN Dec’14 – Nov’15 +Exp Role: Hadoop Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Migrated the needed data from MySQL into HDFS using Sqoop and importing various formats of flat files in to HDFS. +Exp Mainly worked on Hive queries to categorize data of different claims. +Exp Involved in loading data from LINUX file system to HDFS +Exp Written customized Hive UDFs in Java where the functionality is too complex. +Exp Implemented Partitioning, Dynamic Partitions, Buckets in HIVE. +Exp Designing and creating Hive external tables using shared meta-store instead of derby with partitioning, dynamic partitioning and buckets. +Exp Generate final reporting data using Tableau for testing by connecting to the corresponding Hive tables using Hive ODBC connector. +Exp Responsible to manage the test data coming from different sources +Exp Reviewing peer table creation in Hive, data loading and queries. +Exp Weekly meetings with technical collaborators and active participation in code review sessions with senior and junior developers. +Exp Monitored System health and logs and respond accordingly to any warning or failure conditions. +Exp Gained experience in managing and reviewing Hadoop log files. +Exp Involved in scheduling Oozie workflow engine to run multiple Hive and pig jobs +Exp Involved unit testing, interface testing, system testing and user acceptance testing of the workflow tool. +Exp Created and maintained Technical documentation for launching Hadoop Clusters and for executing Hive queries and Pig Scripts +Exp Environment: Apache Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, Map Reduce, Core Java, Pig, Sqoop, Cloudera CDH4, Oracle, MySQL. +Exp Protective Life - Edina, MN Oct’13 - Nov’14 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented a Web based Application using Servlets, JSP, spring, JDBC, XML. +Exp Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML file that contains declarations and other dependent objects declarations. +Exp Used hibernate to connect to Database to create the DAO layer. +Exp Developed Application Framework using Model-View-Controller using the technology Spring. +Exp Used HTML, XHTML, XML, XSLT, XPATH, JSP and Tag Libraries to develop view pages +Exp Multilayer Applications construction using Open JPA, HTML5, Spring MVC. +Exp Annotated Spring Architecture (Spring Beans) +Exp Implemented UNIX shell scripts to migrate various data files to S&P ratings repository +Exp Implemented smooth pagination capability using JSP to remove existing pagination utility +Exp Worked on Geo API to provide geological access capability to S&P.com site. +Exp Involved in Agile process to streamline development process with iterative development. +Exp Code reviews and Managing the CVS Repository. +Exp Prepare builds for DEV and UAT environments. +Exp Participating in the regular team meetings sprint planning meetings, user story review meetings etc. +Exp Involved in preparing High & low level design docs with UML diagrams using Microsoft VISIO tool. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.5, XML, HTML, XHTML, JSP, Spring, DAO, Oracle Express edition, Apache ANT, CVS, Junit, UNIX, Log4J, CSS Style Sheets, Apache Tomcat, J2EE, Maven 3 +Exp Accenture – Hyderabad, India Oct’11– Sep’13 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirements analysis, design, and development and testing. +Exp Involved in setting up the different roles & maintained authentication to the application. +Exp Designed, deployed and tested Multi-tier application using the Java technologies. +Exp Involved in front end development using JSP, HTML & CSS. +Exp Implemented the Application using Servlets +Exp Deployed the application on Oracle Web logic server +Exp Implemented Multithreading concepts in java classes to avoid deadlocking. +Exp Used MySQL database to store data and execute SQL queries on the backend. +Exp Prepared and Maintained test environment. +Exp Tested the application before going live to production. +Exp Documented and communicated test result to the team lead on daily basis. +Exp Involved in weekly meeting with team leads and manager to discuss the issues and status of the projects. +Exp Environment: J2EE (Java, JSP, JDBC, Multi-Threading), HTML, Oracle Web logic server, Eclipse, MySQL, JUnit. +Exp Golan Technologies – Hyderabad, India Jun’09 - Sep’11 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Golan Technologies range from turnkey solutions to custom, client-driven solutions in a variety of product categories including website development and platform based applications, demand intelligence and business insight generation. Smart sites have the ability to provide a unified user experience and consistent messaging on websites across the globe, driving a favorable brand impression. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the analysis, design, implementation, and testing of the project. +Exp Developed UI using HTML, JavaScript, CSS and JSP for interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface. +Exp Implemented the end-to-end functionality of the client requirement during the development phase. +Exp Implemented the functionality of mapping entities to the database using Hibernate. +Exp Written SQL queries involved in the JDBC connection in accordance with the business logic. +Exp Performed various levels of unit testing for the entire application using the test cases, which included preparation of detail documentation for the results. +Exp Actively participated in client meetings and taking the inputs for the additional functionality. +Exp Involved in fixing bugs and unit testing with test cases using JUnit. +Exp Environment: J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, CSS, Servlets, MySQL +PI BHARAT ARORA +PI PMP, ERP Consultant +PI Contact: +1 732-917-4097 +Sum SUMMARY +Sum Passionate, value-driven Consultant with 8+ years of experience leading cross-functional teams to plan, build, launch and manage various world-class Applications. +Sum Have worked for Projects & business meetings with Client across NA, APAC, EMEA & UAE +Sum Prioritize and manage multiple projects within specifications and budget restrictions +Sum Have been a part of various ERP Implementation, Development, Reengineering and Support projects +Sum Have got extensive experience in Client management, Post production Support and Technical problem resolution, sharing knowledge with team members, driving key initiatives to improve customer satisfaction. +Sum Have been leading teams which take pride in on-time delivery and have strong Organizational Skills. +Sum Extensively involved in Requirements Gathering, Fit-gap analysis, development and documentation. +Sum Blend technology skills with extensive PMP experience and a market orientation. +Edu ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS +QC RECOGNITION & CERTIFICATIONS +QC PMP – PMI (2017/09) +QC IFRS – ACCA, UK (2014/07) +QC SIX SIGMA – Green Belt (2016-17), LEAN (2014-17). +QC Awarded Silver & Bronze from GENPACT various times for dedication, skill and talent. +QC Recognized with an award for excellent contribution towards a new Set of Book Implementation for GE POWER AND WATER, HUNGARY. +QC Certified in Corporate Etiquette and Interpersonal Skills from NIIT Uniqua. +QC Certified in General Management And Communication Skills Course from New Delhi by ICAI. +Exp EXPERIENCE WITH GENPACT (April 2012 to Present) – Lead Consultant (Current) +Exp Primarily involved in: +Exp Program & Project management for Oracle ERP, SharePoint, SAP Success Factors, Workday, Tableau, SOA/Fusion, LegalEase, SQL Developer, O365 +Exp Consulting for Oracle Financial modules as a Functional Lead/ SME/ Solution architect +Exp Creation of High Level Design documents and Strategy Documents to cater to Business Needs of customers. +Exp Critical Understanding of Business Requirements across industries and translating the same into Product Logic with necessary controls and validations. +Exp Assist the Product Management Team by highlighting gaps/ deficiencies in Functional Flows and provide alternative solutions to plug lacunae in business rules. +Exp Developing a custom, comprehensive strategy detailing how the applications will be tested. +Exp Conducted various rounds of UAT and SIT with his experience across various modules of Oracle ERP +Exp Experience in Procure to Pay and Order to Cash, Integration of P2P and O2C with Oracle Financials & Projects across geographies +Exp Was involved in the Oracle Release 12 features like Sub Ledger Accounting (SLA), Multi Org Access Control (MOAC), EDI design for onboarding new customers +Exp Involved in design of Chart of accounts and General Ledger as a part of the Team. +Exp Also have basic working knowledge of some SCM Modules like PO, OM, Inventory and Purchasing. +Exp Extensively involved in preparation of BRD, BR -100, 110, 150, CF 250, MD 200, RICEW and BPEL +Exp Working with Oracle Support & Development on Metalink for troubleshooting and time resolution of various issues that come up while testing. +Exp OTSUKA, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY, US (Nov 2015 – Present) +Exp Optimize the Enterprise IT Support, Change & Release Management across various technologies to improve operational efficiency +Exp Manage stakeholder engagement and communication, Control Scope, time, cost, risks, quality as per plan & manage changes through Change Control Board +Exp Involved to improve & support finance Modules Oracle general Ledger, Oracle payables, Receivables, Fixed Assets and Cash management as a BEST(Business Effectiveness Services Team)/Support Lead. +Exp Managing integrations with External systems like AcceLIM, Sabrix, Blackline, Hyperion & LegalEase +Exp Resolve the issues raised by user in Finance and distribution modules by Coordinating with team. +Exp Ensure for smooth Period close & daily, weekly status Review’s on issue raised by users +Exp Follow up with oracle for any BUG resolution & Testing the functionality after applying the patch +Exp Creation of Understanding, BP080 documents for the Current & Proposed business process +Exp Playback sessions to the business & Current ERP Support team +Exp AVERDA, DUBAI, UAE (Oct 2014 – Nov 2015) +Exp Transition, Transformation & Reengineering of Processes for setting up Shared Service Centre in Dubai +Exp Obtain and manage resources, Flowchart business processes, Implement approved changes +Exp Centralization of all Business Processes in R2R, P2P, O2C, Fixed Assets, I Expense & Cash Management. +Exp IT Support for Ledgers Rollouts, Month End Closing, Customizations, Extensions, Reporting & Interfaces. +Exp Chart of Accounts maintenance – COA Values, Code Combinations, Security Rules, Cross Validation Rules, Enabling Dynamic Inserts, Mass Allocations, Creating & Maintaining Budgets, GL Periods. +Exp Working with Oracle Support for Problem Resolution. +Exp Modification of the Custom programs, Forms in the System to suit the new business requirement. +Exp Preparation of Policies & Standard Operating procedures, Reconciliations, Accruals +Exp Representing & Liaising with IT Team for entire Finance for all entities across GCC Locations +Exp Worked on Business Intelligence Tools: Cognos & Oracle Discoverer +Exp Document Sequencing/ Categories, Translation, Consolidation and Revaluation for reporting globally. +Exp Actively engaged with a dedicated DBA in Cloning of instances for various rounds of testing, application of patches and data fixes, Code Movements, Handling data corruption and outage for instances when required. +Exp Defined Financial and Payable Options, Recurring invoices, Expenses Reports templates, Payment terms, and recording transactions using Standard Invoices, credit memos, Debit memos, and Prepayment invoices. +Exp HUMANA, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, US (Jun 2014- Oct 2014) +Exp Team Building, Plugging Lacunae in the Current Processes by having proper Documentation & SOP’s +Exp Strengthening the Team by Coordinating with the Business directly to gather required information +Exp Handling issues for I Expense, Finance modules with the Team +Exp MC GRAW-HILL FINANCIAL, NEW JERSEY, US (Jun 2013- Jun 2014) +Exp Prepare project plans, requirements, constraints and assumptions, Stakeholder Analysis +Exp Leading the team & working as the Accounts Payables Administrator. +Exp Maintaining Project Billing & Revenue recognition tasks for the Project. +Exp Had discussions on the Current Process in AP and took over the Process smoothly in a time of 4 months +Exp Daily interaction with Client and Customers for changes in Invoice Authorization Limits. +Exp Also support for Banking and EDI tasks which involves direct interaction with the Banks. +Exp Monitoring Check runs in Oracle daily and managing confirmations with bank and treasury. +Exp Performing Payment stops at Bank and in Oracle. +Exp Managing Invoice cancellations, rejects and Bank Wires and check rejects & reissue. +Exp Managing Internal and External feeds into the system(Oracle) for invoice processing. +Exp Suggested changes for improvement that were implemented by the Client. +Exp Revamped the process for granting Authorized Approver rights and helped the client to build a new process to get away with the Ticketing system and have a shared mailbox in its place instead. +Exp Exposure to Ms Access and providing the Business Groups extracts and outputs from the database for necessary decision making. +Exp Preserving and maintaining all the documents for internal and external audit. +Exp GE ENERGY, POWER & WATER, HUNGARY, EUROPE (April 2012 – June 2013) +Exp Worked as a Solution Architect for implementation of Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) Feature in Oracle – +Exp Collected Business requirements from customer by having discussion directly with the users for various modules and systems by travelling to Budapest, Hungary in Europe. This involved studying the clients existing business practices and designing the overall solution, functional design of custom components and interfaces, reporting requirements, configuring and testing the solution, providing training & support to users. +Exp Understood the existing AS-IS process, map to application and integrations with the other systems external to oracle and updated the daily and weekly status in Meetings and Call. +Exp Prepared & Presented PowerPoint presentations to the Client proposing the TO-BE solution for the required business need & Conducted daily discussions through Live Tele Presence and Webex Sessions +Exp Complete the unit testing for custom components developed and ensure that business requirements are met +Exp Achieved the milestone and went Go-Live with the process in Production in a very short time frame and received appreciation from the IT/IM team and the Business +Exp Explained the MRC feature in oracle to the Client and got their approval for the Future process +Exp Create a new USD Reporting SOB to replace the existing EUR SOB Due to Legal Compliance in Europe. +Exp Cleared unnecessary invoices and Transactions lying in the system. +Exp Help removing the already existing Rounding and precission issues. +Exp Worked with the technical team on SQL queries and statements and handling the scripts if required any. +Exp Modification of the Custom programs in the System to suit the new business requirement. +Exp Successful period and Quarter Close activities after the Implementation without any issues. +Exp Defining Mass allocation and Document Sequencing for the New Set of Book +Exp Translation, Consolidation and Revaluation for reporting Globally. +Exp Disabling the existing EURO SOB and End dating the Sub Ledger modules so that no transactions pass on to the Reporting Set of books that will no longer be used. +Exp Providing the conversion options for Set of books & Setting Auto reversal Criteria’s for the financial options. +Exp Confirming by testing that all previous and future transactions are posted to the New SOB after the closure of existing books & Ensuring that no transactions lie piling up even in the Interface tables. +Exp MANAGEMENT TRAINEE UNDER CA (August 2007 to March 2011) +Exp Worked as an Assistant for 4 years in V.K.B & CO. +Exp Audit finalization and taxation of clients in manufacturing and service sectors +Exp Maintaining the accounts and audit finalization of various companies, firms and organizations +Exp Finalization of financial statements with compliance of accounting standards, Companies Act +Exp Filing of income tax returns for individuals and various organizations +Exp Conducting management audit of companies and preparing MIS Reports. +Exp Ensuring compliance of Indian Auditing Standards, Book keeping and management. +Exp Financial management: Shares And Derivatives Portfolio Management. +Exp Preparation of Balance Sheet and filing Income Tax & TDS Return of various assesses. +Exp Writing journal entries and preparing bank reconciliation and financial statements. +Exp Physical verification of stock/inventory. +Skill COMPUTER LITERACY +Skill Proficiency in Oracle R11i and R12 finance modules, Basic SQL +Skill Well versed with MS Office – Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Tally +Sum STRENGTHS +Sum Good communication skills, Confident, Focused, Creative and innovative +Sum Get along with co-workers easily and Able to adapt in changing circumstances +Sum Handle Workload well and have been able to meet deadlines +PI PERSONAL DETAIL +PI Hobbies : Reading, traveling, watching sitcoms & listening to Music. +PI Language Proficiency : English, Hindi and Punjabi +PI Job Location : Flexible +PI Address : 181 Princeton Arms N, East Windsor, New Jersey-08512. +PI Signature: +PI BHARAT ARORA References: Available upon request +PI Adhi Gopalam +PI adhigopalam@gmail.com +PI 281-212-3592 +Sum Certified Scrum Master and Business Analyst with over 12 years of experience in independently managing mid to large projects with experience in the Healthcare, Pharmaceutical (FDA Regulated), Banking and Retail industries +Sum Exceptional organizational, technical reporting, auditing/analysis and communication skills. +Sum Agile Project Management experience of the full project life cycle including requirements gathering, Scheduling and facilitating key agile ceremonies, velocity planning, obtaining and managing resources, conducting daily stand-ups, burn down charts, Product Demos, Retrospectives, Process documentation, managing budget, and facilitating project execution, deployment, and closure with a multicultural team in geographically distributed environments. +Sum One has consistently achieved strategic and tactical goals of the organization using strong technical, and management experience to improve delivery schedules and substantial reduction of costs. As a Project Manager, my responsibilities, while administering projects, included definition of the scope of the Project, Identifying and mitigating risks, periodically monitoring the performance of the project team, providing regular updates to the stakeholders that comprised of the Top Management, Line Managers and end users, mentoring and transfer of knowledge. +Sum The key to my success is the ability to provide solutions to complex challenges with clear communication between teams and stakeholders. +Sum Professional Strengths: +Sum Agile Project Management +Edu Scrum Master/Coach +Exp Resource Management +Exp Quality Assurance +Exp User Training +Exp Deployment of Best Practices +Exp Process re-engineering +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp Project Experience: +Exp Black box Network, Pittsburgh, PA Jul ’17 - Present +Exp Scrum Master +Exp Project: BEST (SAP and ServiceNow Integration) +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Working closely with the teams through agile events coaching on performing the activities, playing the roles and generating artifacts based on SAFe and Agile best practices +Exp Successfully migrated projects from Waterfall to Agile-Scrum and ensure team adopt agile way of working +Exp Trained teams in Agile, SAFe, Kanban, Confluence, and JIRA tool implementation +Exp Organized and facilitated Sprint planning, daily stand-ups, reviews, retrospectives, sprint/release planning, demos and other Scrum-related meetings +Exp Track and communicate team velocity and sprint/release progress with, and to all affected teams and management +Exp Involved in brainstorming sessions, analyzing the business processes, requirement gathering, Mapping the As-Is process and designing To-Be Processes +Exp Ensuring Implementation of TDD driven development related to WRICEFs and User Stories +Exp Analyzed the Product Backlog along with PO, performed ambiguity reviews and communicated the inconsistencies to the Configuration Team +Exp Constant coaching team on E2E process of Order Management related settings such as Order to Cash (OTC), Sales document types, Pricing Procedures, Item Categories, Schedule Lines, Outbound Delivery types, Contracts, Return Orders and Billing +Exp Management of the Test Data availability in Test environment through LSMW and BDC +Exp Played a key role in the planning User Accepted Testing (UAT) and implementation of system enhancements and conversions +Exp Work closely with other scrum teams to facilitate planning and execution of programs +Exp Ensured that the User Stories meet the INVEST principal (Independent, Negotiable, valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable) +Exp Created and maintained Sprint Burn-down Chart, Sprint Burn-up Chart and Product Burn-Down Chart to keep the track of the team's progress and the team's velocity for better estimation of the sprint life cycle +Exp Communicated the status of the Product Backlog Item to product Owner and external stakeholders on a regular basis +Exp Effectively involved in conducting Planning poker technique for estimating the User stories +Exp Helped the Product Owner to prioritize the Product backlog items (PBI's) for developing Sprint tasks by taking suggestions from the cross-functional development team using Kano model +Exp Constantly connected with other scrum masters to share and learn experience to improve the velocity of team +Exp Helped the team stay focused by removing impediments, protecting them from distractions and keeping team meetings lean and efficient +Exp Created and maintained information tools: sprint board, burn-down charts, burn-up charts, progress dashboards, etc. +Exp Used JIRA for drafting the User Stories and managing the requirements and defects track +Exp Estimating backlog using T-shirt mechanism. +Exp Implementing Acceptance test based driven development (ATDD) development. +Exp Coordinating with TDM, BA for further backlog updates for different scrums. +Exp Discussion with all the stakeholders on architecture and Product backlog +Exp Environment: ServiceNow, Salesforce.com (SFDC), Kronos, ADP, SAP S4 HANA – MM, SD, SM, EWM, RAR, HR & FI/CO, SAP PI, FIORI, Web Services, JIRA & Blue works live +Exp Philips Healthcare, Baltimore, MD May ’08 – June 17 +Exp PM/Scrum Master +Exp Project: TeamSite (CMS), Salesforce (OneEMS), Hybris, TrackWise and CAPA +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Collaborate, facilitate, lead and coach 3 scrum teams distributed among USA, Netherlands, and India while working on multiple project simultaneously. +Exp Successful Implementation and launch of mobile device program, for population health management (H2H) integrated with medical devices based in Bluetooth and IR connected devices +Exp Coaching team in value-based prioritization and challenge the norm, time to time to ensure focus is on delivering value. Coaching Product owner and team in writing effective user stories +Exp Develop and deliver organization-training materials and conducted workshops, Kaizen, building knowledge and skills to facilitate the agile transformation from waterfall software development. +Exp Continually coaching teams on Agile Scrum process while increasing quality and velocity +Exp Manage internal and external resources to optimize client impact within project budget, timeline and deliverables and agreed upon scope for TrackWise migration. +Exp Maintained Sprint & Kanban boards in JIRA and TFS to ensure sprint goals & milestones are being met +Exp Worked with several cross functional teams, often with conflicting priorities, to ensure timelines are met while also ensuring compliance to company policies and procedures +Exp Increasing the team's agile fluency through coaching the team to embrace and embed lean and agile practices in their work +Exp Planned and facilitated various Scrum/Kanban meetings (Standup, sprint review, retrospective and planning) +Exp Ensure the development teams are practicing the core agile principles of collaboration, prioritization, team accountability, and visibility +Exp Facilitating discussion and conflict resolution, assisting with internal and external communication, improving transparency, and radiating information; +Exp Enabling the team to become self-organized and empowered teams that consistently deliver on their sprint commitments +Exp Managed progress of functional, system, integration, mobility, security and performance testing teams and monitor defects to bring it to closure +Exp Preparation of SoW with estimation of time, effort, cost and resources for manual and automation testing +Exp Managing multi-geographical distributed (onsite and offshore) agile scrum teams with the combination of FDA validation projects +Exp Utilized Agile Methodology to configure and develop process, standards, and procedures to create a Business Requirement Document (BRD) +Exp Identifying and assessing the risk, mitigating the risk, handling exceptions & problems +Exp Monitoring the project activities against the approved budget and schedule +Exp Managed content management system (CMS) migration project of Teamsite 7.2.1 to Teamsite 8.1 and later migrated to Adobe CQ5 +Exp Ability to use Six Sigma/lean methodologies combined with data analytic findings for business process improvement. Also used Six sigma tools for analysis activities +Exp Applied RUP methodology with its various workflows, artifacts and activities to manage life cycle from inspection to transition phase. +Exp Acted as liaison between external clients and SMEs to generate and standardize product requirements specification documents such as URS/FRS/Use Cases. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Rally, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Salesforce.com (SFDC), SAP CRM, Hybris, SoapUI, TeamSite (CMS), SAP ECC, Web Services, Doors, MS Project, HP ALM, QTP, and LoadRunner +Exp Bose Corporation, Stow, MA Nov ’07 – Apr ‘08 +Exp PM/Business Analyst +Exp Project: Demand Driven (D2 Supply Chain) +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for the role of Project Manager and Scrum master for the Scrum teams in the project +Exp Lead Sprint planning, Sprint Reviews and Scrum of Scrums (SoS) for all the teams in the domain +Exp Coached the teams to be self-organizing and ensured the adherence of all the Scrum concepts and processes +Exp Ensured project's adherence to Enterprise Agile Life cycle +Exp Developed automated metrics for Agile/Scrum for Executive Leadership team +Exp Supported projects by implementing Agile Life Cycle Management Tool – “Rally” to manage backlog and also helped to generate and analyze business metrics to be reported +Exp Agile Coaching - Release & Iteration Planning and Tracking. Conducted training on scrum, facilitated the daily standup, sprint review and sprint retrospective meeting +Exp Elicited requirements with business owner and converted business requirement into Use Cases. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions, interviews, and surveys to collect the requirements +Exp Conducted walk-through meetings with the off-shore development and QA team to elaborate requirements +Exp Managing the expectations and end results for all stakeholder groups involved in TeamCenter Unified implementation +Exp Elicited requirements with the stakeholders located across various countries and time zones +Exp Used Six Sigma Methodologies in solving the errors and issues while the development of the project. +Exp Maintained level 3 project plan to update daily status to manage all processes (OTC, FTM, STP & PTS) +Exp Developed and provided formal training and presentations/lectures to all UAT users ensuring an understanding of the dimensional model, metadata, and effective usage +Exp Managed the Item Proposal with Sales Order document types and Number ranges (internal and external) for all products +Exp Interacted closely with Configuration team to fix defects +Exp Conducted daily status/update meetings with all geographic team members (Local teams) +Exp Participated CAR review meeting for Unit and Integration testing +Exp Copy Controls for Sales Documents and Worked on Sales Inquiry, Quotation, Rush Order, Credit Process, and Free-of-charge Sample Sales order types testing +Exp Documented various phases of Quote-to-Cash, Purchase-to-Pay and Make-to-Order cycles +Exp Verified the integration of SD module with the FI and CO modules to make sure the right accounts are getting posted during AR and AP processes +Exp Verified the Configuration and Set up of Distribution Channels, Divisions, Sales Groups and Customer Groups as required. +Exp Managed and documented Item Proposal with Sales Order document types and Number ranges (internal and external) for various products. +Exp Supported Customization of Value Contracts, Service Contracts and Consignment Contract for a group of Companies including Mazda, Nissan Enterprises. +Exp Verified the configuration of Blocking/Unblocking of Sales types for specific customers. +Exp Interacted closely with UAT personnel to both ensure that their needs are met, and to provide sufficient +Exp Conducted project closure with milestones achieved, lessons learned, and project team member hours allocation review for business sponsor and product owners +Exp Environment: SCRUM - Agile methodologies, Waterfall, User Experience Design (UXD), Personas, MS Office (Excel, Visio, Project), TeamCenter PLM, HP Quality Center, SAP ECC, QTP, SD, MM, FI/CO, Windows XP, Ms Projects & Visio +Exp Health Net Systems, Naperville, IL Nov ’06 – Oct ‘07 +Exp QA/Business Analyst Project: Oracle database migration +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participate in project design review meetings to prioritize and design the test documents. +Exp Worked closely with System Analysts, Project Leaders and developers to analyze the Business Requirements, Business Technical Specifications and Use Case Models. +Exp Responsible to write the test Plan and Test cases +Exp Responsible to run the queries in Issue Logs (Access) to track the status of open issues and delivers a Bug Report to the project team. Participate in bug review meetings. Re-test the testing issues and update the status in the issue log. +Exp Responsible to run the queries in Track Record to track the status of open issues and delivers a Bug Report to the project team. +Exp Responsible to manage (Track Record Admin) the Test Director Tool +Exp Coordinate with Automate QA team to write the scripts from scratch +Exp Worked closely with IT Team to test for new Clients client maintenance +Exp Worked closely with the project management on project delivery dates, scheduling bug fix promotions to test environment +Exp Interact with developers to prioritize/resolve the defects. +Exp Responsible to write and execute the End-to-End Test Plan. +Exp Worked closely with the User Acceptance Testing team to review the UAT issues and/or enhancements. +Exp Participate in project pre-implementation plan and post-implementation plan meetings. +Exp Participate in application demonstrations. +Exp Involved in design to automate the scripts +Exp Involved in upgrade Oracle from 9i to 10g +Exp Coordinate with third party vender to complete the code editing project +Exp Environment: Issue Log (Access), QA Director, Test Partner, Track Record, Windows XP, Java, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle Reports, Toad, Ultra Edit +Exp Other Companies worked in the past: +Exp Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, VA Jul ’05 – Oct ‘06 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Calamos Investments, IL Dec ’04 – Jun ‘05 +Exp QA Analyst +Edu Education: +Edu MBA from Vinayaka Mission, Salem, Tamilnadu, India. +Edu Pursuing MS in Security Systems from Southern New Hampshire University, US +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum 7 years of experience as a Business Analyst working across various domains like Finance and IT. +Sum Extensive experience in business analysis, business processes, business process flows, gathering requirements, development and enhancement of healthcare and finance applications. +Sum Expertise in conducting Joint Application Development (JAD), Brainstorming Sessions, project meetings, reviews and walkthroughs acting as a liaison between application vendors, technical, managerial teams at various levels. +Sum Hands on experience working on SDLC methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile (SCRUM) and RUP (Rational Unified Process) in Application development. +Sum Proficient in creating UML Diagrams and Data Analysis by writing Complex SQL Queries on various databases such as Oracle, MS SQL servers, and Ms Access. +Sum Extensive experience of documenting system blueprints, business process workflows, used cases using MS Visio and Rational Rose. +Sum Excellent Documentation skills to generate Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Specification Document (FSD), and Risk Analysis. +Sum Expertise in delivering Time-Sensitive information ensuring the scope & requirements of the project and tracing the deliverables from initiation to implementation via Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Sum Experience in performing GAP Analysis, identifying the variances between ‘as-Is’ and ‘To-Be’ business process. Performed incremental improvements to the ‘To-Be’ process by employing Business refinement procedures. +Sum Experience in developing various screen mockups and wireframes using Ms Visio and Dreamweaver. +Sum Experience in creating Test-Cases, Test-Plans, and have hands-on experience on different QA Testing Methods including Data Testing, Integration Testing, Functional Testing, System Testing, GUI Testing, and UAT. +Sum Experience in managing testing life cycle – Prioritizing Defects and resolving Critical Issues, reporting, maintaining the issue log. +Sum Strong Technical background, Analytical and Problem Solving skills, Multi-Tasking abilities, with proven experience in utilizing people and process knowledge to assist enterprises in making critical decisions. +Sum Technical Competencies/ Working Knowledge: +Sum WORK EXPERIENCE: +Sum Wells Fargo Bank. Charlotte, NC +Exp Business Analyst - Finance (May 2017 – Present) +Exp The project I was involved in built data driven strategies to support business operations. The goals were to produce models, create forecasts reports, and predict trends to assist senior management for more effective decision making on consumer loan products. Often leads responsibilities related to capturing action items and tracking milestones in term project environments. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities as Business Analyst: +Exp Actively involved in conduction reviews, walkthroughs and facilitating in requirement definition workshops (JAD) to get consensus on business requirements for the project. +Exp Analyzed and assessed client requests to create professional, presentation quality deliverables in the form of dashboards & reports to provide additional insight to any critical indicators. +Exp Models using Developed UML MS Visio. +Exp Presented the business process workflows to business stakeholders +Exp Tasked with coordination, tracking and updating project issues risks and change controls that impacted the business unit. +Exp Run Ad-hoc reports for management, as well writing SQL queries on MS SQL server R2 and upload reports on SharePoint Site. +Exp Documented API, XML and BATCH file transfer process requirements to maintain information. +Exp Assisted QC term to ensure requirements are translated into executable Test Plans and strategies. +Exp Alignment of scope, process, skill set and KPI with market expectations. +Exp Development of account data (Financial/metrics) benchmark tools. +Exp The Vanguard Group. Wayne, PA +Exp Senior Business Analyst (July 2016 – April 2017) +Exp As a part of this project, provided support Investment Management Group and their organizational objectives and imperatives by effectively participating in defining their future state business technology solutions via leading business projects that have people, process and technology implications. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities as Business Analyst: +Exp Identified, contributed and lead business process models, process flows and service/operating models. Identified challenges in current state business processes and provided input into potential future state solutions. +Exp Captured, documented, and validated business requirements for business and technology initiatives. +Exp Understood industry best practices and brought them to Vanguard’s investment processes and technology. +Exp Lead prioritization and execution of technology enhancements and maintenance activities with business and IT project managers. +Exp Partnered with product managers and project managers to plan, schedule and coordinate business activities and deliver business technology projects. Facilitated meetings and presentations with project clients, management team, and/or department, as needed. +Exp Partnered with project manager to define, plan, coordinate, and implement project plans for larger technology initiatives. +Exp Reviewed and inspected business test strategies and plans to ensure quality and coverage. Served as liaison between business and IT to validate test results and addressed communication and prioritization of test issues. +Exp Identified business production post-certification test scenarios and assist with production verification. +Exp Lead change management and training activities via developing training documentation and executed user training. +Exp Lead in post implementation reviews as required. Lead post project production support and ensured issue resolution. +Exp Participated in special projects and performed other duties as assigned. +Exp Selux corporation. Highland, NY +Exp Business Analyst (July 2015 – June 2016) +Exp As part of this project, worked directly with the Project Manager, Configuration Specialist, Development, and the customer to gather and document all business and technical requirements. Direct-to-consumer and business-to-business pricing strategies including the impact of gross margin of volume/Price/cost variables. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities as Business Analyst: +Exp Gathered requirements and prepared business requirement documents (BRD). +Exp Translated BRD into functional specifications and test plans. Closely coordinated with both business users and developers for arriving at a mutually acceptable solution. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions to define the project and to reduce the time frame required to complete deliverables. +Exp Performed requirement analysis including data analysis, risk analysis, impact analysis and gap analysis. +Exp Interacted with customers to develop an existing product. +Exp Developed and maintained all operational and technical flows using Visio and Power point. +Exp Used MS Office Suite for creating use cases, workflows and sequence. Diagrams according to UML methodology thus defining the Data Process Models. +Exp Defined Use cases from requirements and helped convert them into software specifications. +Exp Aided in workflow analysis and process design. +Exp Analyzed business requirements from Black Box Testing perspective, business process and system architecture/design. +Exp Maintained Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and requirement documents using Rational DOORS. +Exp Performed Regression Testing and created test scenarios for User Acceptance Testing (UAT). +Exp Maintained the requirement documents and other project related documents using MS SharePoint. +Exp Maintained documents for change requests and implemented procedures for testing changes. +Exp Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India +Exp Business Analyst – Finance (April 2010 – Mar 2012) +Exp Roles and Responsibilities as Business Analyst: +Exp Analyzed clients systems and business processes +Exp Successfully implemented modules (Customer file, Accounting, Additional agreements for accounts, Deposits, Overdrafts, Values management, Reports and print forms, User rights) of Temenos T24 banking solution system for business banking. +Exp Led a distributed team of 3 analysts and 5 developers during Temenos T24 implementation project. +Exp Acting as team leader, evaluated priorities of requirements, risks and associated costs, coordinated process of development and testing with stakeholders. +Exp Handled large amounts of data and built a tool to streamline the process of giving and changing user rights in Temenos T24 system. +Exp Designed, agreed and executed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for customized modules. +Exp Supported the integration and migration terms during data mapping and roll-out stage for 1 branch. +Exp Worked as a member of L2/L3 support teams for enhancement activities and incident management for 7 branches. +Exp Established a Business Analysis methodology around the Rational Unified Process. +Exp Researched the various steps in the lifecycle and then constructed the system in a way that the high risk customers would be easily identified and monitored. +Exp Streamlined clerical work processes and mapped then into the new system. +Exp Developed project plans and managed project scope. +Exp Assisted in building a Business Analysis Process Model using Rational Rose and Visio. +Exp Performed extensive Requirement analysis and developed use cases and workflows. +Exp Developed requirement reports for day to day servicing needs using Rational SODA. +Exp Designed and developed Use Cases, Activity Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Played a key role in the planning, User Accepted Testing, and Implementation of system enhancements and conversions +Exp Micro Village Communications. Bangalore, India +Exp Junior Business Analyst (Sep 2008– Mar 2010) +Exp Roles and Responsibilities as Business Analyst: +Exp Analyzed operating results, explanation of variances, trend and year to date reporting. +Exp Prepared revenue accrual and reversing general ledger journal entries. +Exp Prepared and managed annual budget, quarterly outlooks and monthly ad-hoc financial reporting. +Exp Analyzed operating results, explanation of variances, trend and year to date reporting. +Exp Prepared revenue accrual and reversing general ledger journal entries. +Exp Conducted walkthroughs with the different department heads to have a deeper understanding of the requirements. +Exp Analyzed and documented the business requirements and generated reports for the Manager. +Exp Created the software development plan. +Exp Developed flow diagrams for Business process of the company using. +Exp Use Case Modeling using Rational Rose for preparing Functional Requirements documents +Exp Functioned as the primary liaison between the business, operations, and technical groups throughout the project cycle. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Master of Science: Finance May 2015 +Edu Manhattan Ville College - Purchase, NY +Edu Master of Business Administration July 2008 +Edu Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Hyderabad, India +Edu Bachelor of Commerce April 2005 +Edu Sri Krishnadevaraya University - Anantapur, India +PI RESUME +PI Name: Brahma Prathi +PI Ph No: 916-282-9259 +PI Email ID: sam@vishconsultingservices.com +Sum Business System Analyst +Sum Summary: 8+ years of experience, discipline and highly-motivated Business System Analyst, Data analyst and Quality Analyst with healthcare domain who has worked on a wide range of projects. An accomplished and fluent communicator with strong investigation, problem-solving and decision-making skills, combined with a pragmatic approach and sound business acumen. Highly accomplished in fields such as IT knowledge specific to Healthcare and have complete knowledge of all phases of the software development life cycle (SDLC) gained over working on various projects for different clients. I prepare, analyze, and gather business requirements, business processes, mapping and the development of interactive prototypes. +Sum Professional Skills: +Sum Strong knowledge of HIPAA standards 4010 & 5010, ICD-9, ICD-10, EDI, HL7, HIX (Health Insurance Exchange), Health Care Reform. +Sum Develop different EDI healthcare transactions like 837 for submitting claims, 835 for payments, 834 for benefit enrollment, 270,271 for health care benefits and eligibility, 276, 277 for claims status and 278 for transmitting health care service information. +Sum Proficiency in the child welfare and case management business area, policies and domain knowledge in child welfare programs +Sum Experienced on Claims, Payments, Medicaid, Medicare, Provider, Portal, Billing, and Benefits. +Sum Extensive experience in performing GAP analysis, SWOT analysis, Cost benefit analysis, Risk analysis. +Sum Hands on experience in analyzing and documenting Business Requirements Documents (BRD), Functional Requirements Documents, Use Cases and Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Sum Broad knowledge on Waterfall, RUP and Agile methodologies. +Sum Incomparable analytical skills in understanding the business process, understanding the functional requirements and translating them to system requirement specifications (SRS). +Sum Information and understanding in conducting Joint Application Development (JAD) and Rapid Application Development (RAD) sessions. Conducted Requirement Gathering Sessions and interviewed Subject Matter Experts, gathered detailed functionality aspects of business process and updated the information to the requirements in an easily comprehensible format. +Sum Broad experience in creating business process flow diagrams, UML (Unified Modeling Language) tools to create Activity, Sequence and Collaboration diagrams. +Sum Robust experience in writing SQL queries for Data Analysis and QA report testing. +Sum Business Analysis, Supporting Strategy management, Client relations, Business modeling, CRM & Workflow, Test planning MS Office, MS Project, MS Visio, MS Excel. +Sum Develop workflows that demonstrate current and proposed business requirements. +Sum Knowledge and expertise in system design and development required for business process. +Sum Aptitude to construct process models including data dictionaries and volume estimates. +Sum Experienced in creating Data models, Data designs, data Integration and writing complex SQL queries. +Sum Understanding service objectives and capturing business requirements through active listening & questioning techniques. +Sum Keeping abreast of new legislation, company strategy and policy and being able to identify its impact on business projects. +Sum Experience in creating User Manuals and providing training to users. +Sum Inventive and Aggressive person capable of forming and maintaining positive and productive team environments with integrative thinking skills. +Sum Exceptional Problem Solving and Sound Decision Making capabilities, along with the ability to resolve difficult situations. +Sum Capable to prepare written proposals, requirements specifications, invitations to tender and solution specifications. +Sum Able to identify business & systems process improvements from Big Picture to detail level. +Skill CERTIFICATION AND TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill Languages: +Skill SQL, PL\SQL, HiveQL, SAS, R, XML, Java, Python, .Net +Skill Tools & Environments: +Skill MS Office, MS Visio, SQL Server SSIS, SSRS, Oracle Developer, Tableau, QlikView, Power BI, SAS EM, ERwin Data Modeler, WebI, SAP Business objects, UDT, Excel, Rational Rose, MS Visio, Visual Paradigm, JIRA, Confluence, MS Visual Studio +QC Certifications: +QC SAS Certified Data Mining and Business Intelligence professional, Google Analytics and AdWords Certified Professional, Certified Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) in .NET, Advance communicator Silver and Advance Leader Bronze by Toastmasters International +Exp Work Experience: +Exp DST Health Solutions, Birmingham, AL July 2016 -Present +Exp Sr. Business System Analyst +Exp Project Description: The project was on create claim management system which has benefit module for all Medicare part D and Medicaid expansion plans for states. The project was also utilizing analytics for optimization of processes and benefits. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered requirement through workshops and JAD sessions. +Exp Developed documents like BRD, FRD, Data specification document, technical specification documents, file transfer document, Data mapping document etc. +Exp Participated in analysis workshops for ICD 9 Procedure and Diagnosis Codes in accordance with ICD 10 CM and ICD 10 PCS Conversion Compliances. +Exp Developed Use case diagrams, activity diagram and system design diagrams. +Exp Validated CPT, HCPC, ICD 9 code sets from Data Flat files to support configured benefit plan building. +Exp Managed global administration and support of the Documented based Regulatory Electronic Document Information System (EDMS). +Exp Facilitated Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and storage in the ICD-10. +Exp Worked on HIPAA Transaction Sets 837P and 837I Standards as per the test scenarios. +Exp Created Test Conditions from business requirement document and functional requirement document. +Exp Processed Medicaid claims and worked on X12 format of EDI 837 and EDI 835 for Medicaid claims. +Exp Accessed Diagnosis Master File and Crosswalk Mapping file to use ICD Diagnosis and Surgical Procedure Codes. +Exp Performed GAP Analysis to make sure that all requirements were covered by test cases. +Exp Prepared and submitted weekly test status reports to QA Lead. +Exp Developed SQL scripts for mining medical claim cases which helped in making faster decisions for over 400 healthcare-835, EDI cases +Exp Conducted JAD sessions with the stakeholders to solve Amisys Advance claims and presented solutions using structured SDLC approach +Exp Designed data flow and mined data for HIPAA/ICD/EDI claim analysis that helped expedite the process of Medicaid claim processing +Exp Performed GAP and risk analysis on workflow and business rule models to create project specific action plans for HIPAA implementation +Exp Created PL/SQL procedures and performed data stage transformations, benefiting data flow of over 2000 claims and 5 functional areas +Exp Collected data from EDI, HIPAA, 837,835 CRM transactions which helped in smooth functioning of Medicare and Medicaid entities +Exp Worked on EDI 834 to validate new enrollment and dismiss the enrollment. +Exp Accepted and validated messages in EDI 999 form like accepted, rejected, and accepted with error. +Exp Coordinated System and Regression testing schedules and completed the same. +Exp Ensured the functionality meets business requirements as defined in test results logged in RQM. +Exp Developed Test Cases to test the functionality of the system based on the test conditions. +Exp Extensively used Rational Quality Manager to monitor the progress of assignment of testing activities and Reported executed results. +Exp Logged the defects in Clear Quest tool, assigned the right severity level and managed the defects through it. +Exp Analyzed several defects related to Edits & Audits functional area along with the help of a SME. +Exp Conducted KT sessions for Member, Provider and Service Authorization. +Exp Environment: MS Office, MS Visio, Rational ClearQuest, Windows 7, Citrix, PLSQL, JIRA, CRM, Oracle10g +Exp Texas State DHHS, Austin, TX Jan 2013 to June2016 +Exp Sr. Business System Analyst/Data Analyst +Exp Project Description: The project was about to implemented new business processes in MMIS and integrates MMIS with Integrated Eligibility System. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Conducted user interviews, gathered requirements, analyzed and documented business requirements in BRD +Exp Balanced competing project constraints such as scope, quality, schedule, budget, resources, and risks. +Exp Involved in Release, sprint planning and making work ready for releases and sprints. +Exp Created strategy for risk detection, risk management, Risk Mitigation and dependencies. +Exp Performed user storytelling and grooming using CA Rally. +Exp Worked with contract manager to develop and modify project plans on routine basis and jointly provided weekly high-level briefings on status of individual projects to senior State IT management and to review IV&V outcomes on a periodic basis. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions between multiple cross functional team to resolve problem and requirements pass on. +Exp Created process flow of case management for healthcare Assistance Eligible member in IBM Curam. +Exp Created process flow of case management for TANF Eligible member +Exp Current areas of focus include IV&V initiatives, program support initiatives, and human services cost allocation. +Exp Maintained all professional documents on SharePoint. +Exp Responsible for maintaining share-point directories and document template for my project using share-point. +Exp Worked on Medicaid Managed care programs, encounter claims and Medicaid eligibility program. +Exp Gathered and managed XML elements for portals. +Exp Developed Technical Design Document and helped Architect in developing System architecture document. +Exp Filtered applicant using different business cases to create a separate flow to route them for better case management services. +Exp Developed functional specifications and system design specifications consistent with findings of Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) audit based on knowledge of existing system specifications. +Exp Created Swim lane diagram, process flow diagram, Activity diagrams, use cases diagram using MS Visio. +Exp Worked on HIPAA EDI 837, EDI 835, CPT and ICD10 codes and state eligibility policies. +Exp Worked on creating project end to end process flow using BPMN 2.0 in JBPM tool and Visio. +Exp Prioritize user stories for each release and sprint as product owner. +Exp Assign task to other BA and estimated their work effort. +Exp As a part of IV&V team, conducted assessment to cooperatively facilitate evaluation of the sub-components and services necessary for a complete solution to meet business. +Exp Trained other Team members so they can perform in expected format. +Exp Research to gather business requirements from valid sources by myself and convert them in Business, functional and non functional requirements. +Exp Supported in architecture, High level UML diagrams and prototype of proposed solution. +Exp Test rules service requests and response using REST and SOAP. +Exp Created HL Design and low level design Medicaid eligibility. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Quality Center, SQL Server, Facets, MS Project, Server, MS Visio, Unix, SQL, HTML, Java, XML, Rational ClearQuest, Windows 7, AWS, MMIS. +Exp American Family Insurance, Madison, WI Jan 2012 to Jan 2013 +Exp Sr. Business System Analyst +Exp Project Description: To create a web based application which would automate the claims process and reduce costs. Application was an Electronics Claims Processing (ECP) system designed to accept the electronic claims coming from the various providers (doctors and hospitals) and process them. The project involved HIPAA 4010 to HIPAA5010 conversion. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented RUP methodology for iterative and incremental development of the system. +Exp Involved in the creation of the Mockups and Use Cases for MACD quotes and Orders using MS Visio. +Exp Coordinated with the stakeholders and project key personnel to gather functional and non-functional requirements during JAD sessions. +Exp Recorded requirements in the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) defining each technical requirement in detail from areas like: main hardware, application software, networks, servers, internet and desktop configuration. +Exp Planned RUP iterations and documented the artifacts throughout the various phases of the development process. +Exp Propose strategies to implement HIPAA 4010 to HIPAA 5010 changes in the System. +Exp Developed an implementation guide for Partners for HIPAA 5010EDI X12 transactions such as 837 (medical claims), 835 (medical claim payments), 270 (eligibility inquiry), 271 (eligibility response), 276 (claim status), 277 (claim status response), 820 (enrollment), and 834 (premium payments). +Exp Studied the existing business process and created AS-IS workflow to illustrate the existing system. +Exp Prepared Logical Process and Data Models that contained set of diagrams and supporting documents containing the essential business elements, detailed definitions, and descriptions of the relationships between the data elements to analyze and document Business Data Requirements. +Exp Compiled the Vision Document and composed detailed Specification Documents in Rational RequisitePro. +Exp Created UML class diagrams, use case diagrams and sequence diagrams to view the system from different perspectives. +Exp Incorporated stakeholder feedback throughout project lifecycle to ensure project quality and customer satisfaction. +Exp Created Technical documentation for the project using tools like Visio, Word, etc. +Exp Used MS Project for managing schedules, resources and collaboration. +Exp Produced complete data mappings and data conversion documents needed for the Claims application. +Exp Performed Functional and GUI Testing to ensure that the user acceptance criteria are met. +Exp Co-coordinated the UAT with the SME’s to make sure that all the Business Requirements are addressed in the application. +Exp Formed detailed UAT and QA test plans, managed system testing and preserving testing documentation. +Exp Environment: MS Office, MS Project, MS Visio, SQL, Oracle, Test Director, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rational Suite (RequisitePro, ClearQuest),Business Objects, Windows XP. +Exp Apollo Hospital, Delhi, India Jan 2009 to Dec 2011 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: To develop Customer Billing and Management System +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Writing requirement specifications and functional specifications participation in requirement session with clients and communicate to stakeholders assisted with Sr. Manager +Exp Perform User Acceptance Testing of developed software of Revenue Cycle Management. +Exp Identify source of requirements and develop priority matrix. +Exp Gather requirements, Elicitation & write functional design specification with minimal supervision. +Exp Work with both internal and external stakeholders across locations. +Exp Interviews, surveys and analysis of historical data. Organize brainstorming, facts-finding and structured walk through sessions. +Exp Modeled data into RDMS structure that helped in reporting and maintaining over 200 vendor and client data using Oracle +Exp Enhanced security of consumer data by re-engineering the data warehouse model to include customer specific parameters +Exp Managed billing systems and collaborated with customer service teams which led to 6% increase in positive customer feedback +Exp Research problems and share results and understanding with the test team with domain and functional knowledge +Exp Test the application and Interact and liaise with the technology team to resolve functional & technical queries as a good skilled problem solver +Exp Serve as a conduit for effective communication between team members in India and team members in North America, Works well with all levels of staff with strong presentation skills +Exp Review user documentation of projects and participate in test plan development with exceptional organizational skills +Exp Environment: Agile,MS Visio, SQL Server, MS Office Suite, HP Quality Center +PI Hyma Gumpu +PI danny@stackitprofessionals.com +PI Contact No: 970-294-9622 +Sum Profile Summary +Sum An astute, detail-oriented Business Analyst with 7 years of consulting experience including Healthcare (Medicare, Medicaid and Medical), Insurance and Loan Processing. Experienced in testing implemented systems and system changes, including liaising with QA teams to develop test cases, test plans, test scenarios, generating test data, and conducting manual testing (regression, end-to-end, functional). +Sum Proficient in creating User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plans and implementing and coordinating UAT. Experienced running scripts to check web user interface and Portals for Broken Links, Frame Properties, Table Properties, URL links, Images, Text and has prepared Test Metrics to test execution status and results. +Sum Demonstrated expertise with Medicare and Medicaid, including Claims, Adjudication and Billing. Extensive experience with HIPAA regulations, and EDI standards (X12 and HL7). I have got experience developing process maps, and AS-IS and TO-BE process conceptualization and improvements. Proficient in Writing complex SQL queries. +Sum As a Scrum Master worked with the Product Owner on Backlog refinement for inclusion of user stories (to the Sprint backlog) for future sprints. +Sum Reviewed Policy Centre user story requirements with development & QA and provide on-going support. +Sum Conducted demos and user-stories acceptance meetings with business for sign-off/acceptance. +Sum Trained and advised scrum team members on Agile SCRUM practices to collaborate, as early as requirements to enable parallel development & QA planning +Sum Knowledge on Facets. Facets was highly efficient, automated, customizable, and flexible, to help tackle new business opportunities and compete successfully in a dynamic healthcare industry. +Sum Experience capturing requirements for Explanations of Benefits (EOB). Translating requirements to the development team. +Sum Ran Daily scrum meetings to track team progress using the Kanban board, Burn-down chart in JIRA to maintain work visibility, track team velocity and report progress to program level on a continual basis. +Sum Worked to identify &facilitate resolution of blockers/impediments escalated during Daily scrum +Sum Extensively involved in the modeling and implementation of Reporting Data Warehousing System +Sum Experience in designing and developing project document templates based on SDLC methodologies including RUP, RAD, Waterfall, Scrum and Agile +Sum Strong experience in conducting UAT and documentation of Test Cases. Expertise in designing and developing Test Plans and Test Scripts. +Sum Excellent business writing skills in writing Preliminary Investigation Report, System Requirements document, Systems Design Specification and System Requirement Change Request. +Sum Good Knowledge of ICD-9 codes and CPT codes for both Mental and Medical Health. +Sum Excellent knowledge of HIPAA transaction codes such as 270/271 (inquire/response healthcare benefits), 470 (benefit codes), 276/277 (claim status), 834 (benefit enrolment), 835 (payment or remittance advice) and 837 (health care claim). +Sum Developed data transformation & data translation rules as part of mapping task from (PC to ESB integration). +Sum Implemented approved enhancement requests from Sprint backlog. +Sum Worked with system architects to validate future state data system design to support business requirements. +Sum Authored Policy Center user stories for new functionality & update existing ones based on approved changes. +Sum Performed GAP analysis, identify use cases and create UI mockups on required Policy Center functionality. +Sum Worked closely with the Enterprise Data Warehouse team and Business Intelligence Architecture team to understand repository objects that support the business requirement and process +Sum FACETS experience, knowledge of ICD-10- CM, ICD-10- PCS, HIPAA 4010/5010 initiatives and regulatory compliance framework. +Sum Worked on Master Data Management (MDM) for maintaining the customer information and for the ETL rules to be applied. Worked on SQL tables and objects. +Sum Worked on Wireframe, Visio Tools to present the requirements in a pictorial representation of the requirements to client as well as the development team. +Sum Knowledge in the ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) of data into a data warehouse/date mart and Business Intelligence (BI) tools like Business Objects Modules (Reporter, Supervisor, Designer, and Web Intelligence). +Sum Extensive risk management experience conducting fraud and risk investigations for financial institutions and payment processing organizations +Sum Worked closely with the Enterprise Data Warehouse team and Business Intelligence Architecture team to understand repository objects that support the business requirement and process +Sum Highly motivated team player with excellent Interpersonal and Customer Relational Skills, Proven Communication, Organizational, Analytical, Presentation Skills, problem solving, negotiation, judgment and decision-making skills. +Skill Technical and Business Skills +Sum Professional Experience +Exp Company: Assurant Health, New York, NY +Exp Position: Sr. Business Analyst/Scrum Master Jan 2016 –Present +Exp Objective of the project was to develop Medicaid Management Information System following HIPAA standards. The web-based Health Care Management System is developed using HIPAA guidelines and regulations which keeps track of Healthcare transactions like Eligibility Request/ Response, Request and Response for Claims Status, Prior Authorization, Claims Vision and Claims Payment. This application also keeps record of all transactions, subscriber's medical history and provides data to other State agencies as required. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Performed as an active liaison between stake holders; system users, clients and project management. +Exp Ability to interact with customers, sales team, top management, developers and product analysts, testing team regarding project status, testing status and defect tracking. +Exp Responsible to perform detailed analysis within time constraints to transform business needs to high end business requirement and functional specification documentations and strict adherence to template while documentation was required. +Exp Managed onshore and offshore Architects and Scrum teams as Delivery Lead for solution deliverables. +Exp Link the different technical and non-technical perspectives of users from varying domains such as the business users and developer’s environment. +Exp Diagrammatic representations after intense analyzing and deciphering of user-level requirements using; UML, CASE and ACTIVITY were created. +Exp Led projects to develop and enhance claims adjudication, eligibility, formulary, prior authorization and reporting applications internal user experience as well as expanding client product offerings +Exp Developed a comprehensive object-oriented data model for healthcare eligibility, claim and accounts for the entire product suite. +Exp Represented team to attend daily scrum meeting and complete meeting reports to report to scrum master. +Exp Verifying Healthcare Eligibility, Claim, Benefit and Service using ANSI ASI X12 Standards. +Exp Liable to prepare TSD’s and workflow diagrams for AS-IS & TO-BE scenarios. Designed new process flows, documented business processes for varying set-up. +Exp Accountable for use case documentation, user interface design document considering from a business standard. +Exp Required to interact with developers, QA to determine and report bugs and technical concerns. +Exp Defined Rendezvous point to create intense load on the server and thereby measure the server performance under load. +Exp Interact with Business Users & Application Developers during Integration testing +Exp Extensive experience in preparing test plans test metrics, test cases, test scripts and test data based on business and functional requirements. +Exp Wide Exposure to automation tools such as Quick Test Professional, Test Director and Win runner. +Exp Designed Load scripts using Load Runner to load test high traffic end user processes for performance and reliability. Reported results to development teams to resolve critical bottlenecks +Exp Environment: Quality Center, QTP, Load Runner, Java, JSP, JNLP, Web sphere, JDK, Unix, Oracle 9i, SMTP, Unix, Web Client, EJB +Exp Company: Walgreens, IL +Exp Position: Sr. Business Analyst/QA Analyst Nov 2013- July 2015 +Exp Walgreens provides medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, drug discovery, pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies and performance solutions services. The main objective of the project is to build web-based application which handles claim submissions, enrollment and disenrollment submitted by physicians and agents electronically. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Acted as a liaison between clients and development departments and distinguished requests from needs. +Exp Transferred information from management into needed data. +Exp Found out defects which existed in the system, analyzed how the defects were originated, and cooperated with another department to fix them. +Exp Set up meetings with other departments, SMEs, or clients to solve problems and gathered requirements from meeting. +Exp Translated business requirements into technical details. +Exp Used SAP Business Objects to complete report generation based on corresponding issues of defects. +Exp Worked closely with project lead, technical team and business analysts to investigate data and logic within the database and reporting application. +Exp Worked in Healthcare HIPAA 4010 to 5010 migration and EDI transaction sets such as 835, 837, and 999. +Exp Wrote and executed SQL queries to verify that data has been moved from transactional system to DSS, Data warehouse, data mart reporting system in accordance with requirements +Exp Designs and develops the logical and physical data models to support the Data Marts and the Data Warehouse. +Exp Used Quality Center to track defects’ status and update status as well. +Exp Worked closely with Informatica ETL team with the ability to understand mappings and ETL processes. +Exp Prepared BRD’s and test cases for each defect before defects moved to testing. +Exp Tracked progress and compared it with planned progress. +Exp Coordinated with project manager on regular status updates and assists the overall project management initiative. +Exp Worked extensively with MS office suite for preparing status reports +Exp Environment: Windows, Unix, MS Office Suite, MS Visio, UML, SQL, MS SharePoint, JIRA, Agile/Scrum, Informatica, Cognos, Toad, J2EE, WebSphere. +Exp Company: Amvik Solutions, Los Angeles, CA +Exp Position: Business Analyst Sept 2011 – Sept 2013 +Exp Amvik is a company providing customers with benefits, expertise and service that improves the health, well-being and productivity. As a BA, I was involved in developing fully automated, real-time claims processing system for complete, on-line mediation of medical, dental, vision, and Short/long term disability claims. System allowed the efficient and timely management of all relevant data clinical, financial, and administrative throughout the organization enabling the sharing of information between subsystems. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Met with users to generate and review business use cases. Assessed the status of the organization to determine the scope of the validation process. +Exp Prepared requirements document for Commercial Auto, Inland Marine, Crime, Worker’s Compensation, Umbrella, Business Owners Policy, Commercial Output Policy, and Commercial Property Package. +Exp Also, responsible for managing communication and expectations of system vendor, the former parent company IT and business departments, and Allied Worlds various business units (underwriting, claims, reinsurance, actuary, accounting, and IT) +Exp Created the configuration document for custom setup for various user groups such as HR, marketing, R&D & sales, research analyst & investigators. +Exp Created use cases to depict the interaction between the various actors and the system. Facilitated collection of +Exp Tested HIPAA Gateway Application Interface for all inbound and outbound messages (Healthcare Eligibility 270 and 271, Healthcare Claim Status request 276 and 277, Healthcare Claim 837 and 835) +Exp Involved in detailing project mission, Data Process Flow Diagrams and timelines. Defined business Use Cases and activity diagrams to represent different workflows and associations. +Exp Worked with the compliance group to make sure that the electronic data was CFR part 11 compliant. +Exp Gathered requirements by using interviews, requirement workshops and brainstorming sessions. +Exp Acted as a liaison between business staff and technical staff to articulate needs, issues and concerns as per GLP in LabWare LIMS & Pre-Clinical Phases (electronic laboratory notebook) & data migration issues. +Exp Designed and developed project document templates based on SDLC methodology +Exp Documented all aspects of the computer system validation lifecycle, in accordance with FDA regulation which includes validation plan and protocol, Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and specification performance. Worked in Healthcare HIPAA ICD 9-CM to ICD 10-CM rule set migration. +Exp Responsible for analyzing the current system and followed the development of a J2EE based application through various iterations of all phases of the Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Exp Validate test plans/scripts and perform final reviews of test results. +Exp Used use case diagram during analysis to capture requirements. Conducted acceptance tests to verify that the validation effort was complete +Exp Developed strategies with Quality Assurance group to implement Test Cases in Mercury Test Director for stress testing and UAT (User Acceptance Testing). +Exp Environment: Rational Rose, UML, Java, RUP, Windows XP, Rational RequisitePro, Microsoft Office tools, MS Project, SQL +Exp Company: Biological.E.Ltd, IND +Exp Position: Business Analyst June 2010 – July 2011 +Exp The company provides a variety of personal insurance products, including Auto insurance, Homeowners insurance, Marine Coverage’s, Personal liability insurance, and life policies (Life insurance). +Exp Project: Online Account Access system +Exp The project was to develop a web-based application relating to a comprehensive online request for auto insurance and health insurance quote processing. The system runs on Mainframe and has a web-integrated front-end that provides free auto insurance quotes to individuals and for families. This project is a web-based application which allows the customers to pay the bills online, get an online quote, report a claim, view policy, view the claim status and verify the account balances etc. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Elicited and gathered user and business requirements through open ended discussions, brainstorming and prototyping. +Exp Utilized Rational Unified Process (RUP) to configure and develop process, standards and procedures. +Exp Developed Business Requirement Document and Use Cases Specification/Document for various Use Cases. +Exp Responsible for converting the business requirements into functional and non-Functional requirements. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions for communicating with the all Project directors and stakeholders and created process Workflows, Functional Specifications and project initiation artifacts. Created and managed project templates, use case templates, requirement types and tractability matrix in Requisite Pro. +Exp As a Business Analyst worked on various process policy workflows ranging from Policy Issue/New Submission, Policy Change, Renewal, Cancellation, Reinstatement. Supported Underwriting& Premium Audit groups. +Exp Custom Code Design for integration to downstream ODS and Data Warehouse for BI needs. Identification of Data Domains for MDM such as Patient, Organization and Physician etc. Evaluation and selection of various MDM technologies and products in view of the client requirements. +Exp Troubleshooter test scripts, SQL queries, ETL jobs, data warehouse/data mart/data store models +Exp Identified Use Cases from the requirements. Created Use Cases Diagrams, Activity Diagrams/State Chart Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams, based on UML Methodology using Rational Rose and MS Visio. +Exp Monitor version control and defect tracking activities using Rational Clear Case and Rational Clear Quest. +Exp Created Mock-up forms in HTML for better visualization and understanding of the software solution. +Exp Assisted quality assurance team in testing different releases and in designing test plans and test cases. Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT). +Exp Environment: Windows, Oracle 9i, SQL, Microsoft Office suite, Rational Clear Quest, Rational Requisite Pro, DOORS, Test Director, MS Visio, Rational Unified Process (RUP), UML. +PI Chandler Robert Durairaj Joshua +PI Business Analyst +PI 6539 Vista Drive | Apt# 39201, West Des Moines, IA 50266 | 515-257-3838 | chandler.neel@gmail.com +Sum Overall 12 years of IT experience in Business Analysis, Project Management and Business Development. +Sum A Thorough Understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Hands on Experience in various SDLC Methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, SCRUM and JAD. +Sum In-Depth Knowledge and Experience in Web Applications, Web Design and Mobile Applications development life cycle. +Sum Hands on Experience in managing the project End to End from Requirements Gathering to User Acceptance Testing. +Sum Solid Experience in Requirements Management including Gathering, Analyzing, Detailing and Tracking the Requirements. Skilled in Documenting Requirement using UML, User stories and Wireframes. +Sum Consistently delivered projects and releases on time by coordinating effectively with the stakeholders and development team. +Sum Outstanding experience in Creating Project Plan, Project Schedule, project cost. +Sum Sound Experience in being a SCRUM Master. +Sum Handled Healthcare applications, Ecommerce applications, Android Apps and IOS Apps projects. +Sum Conducting Training sessions throughout the project life cycle to both team and the end users. +Sum Sound Understanding in Quality Analysis procedures. +Sum Sound knowledge and experience in HIPAA security standards, HITECH compliance healthcare systems. +Sum Expertise in handling Provider Billing and Medical/Health Insurance applications. +Sum Strong Understanding and Experience in Documenting Reports using MS Tools like WORD, Excel, PPT, VISIO and MS Project. +Sum Highly motivated team player with excellent analytical, problem solving, interpersonal and communication skills. +Sum Leverage Technical, Business and Financial acumen to communicate with Clients and their teams. +Skill Skills Summary +Skill Microsoft Tools : MS Project, MS Visio, MS Office +Skill Software Engineering Tools : Jira, Pencil, PMB, Lucidchart, Balsamiq +Skill SDLC Methodologies : Waterfall, Agile +Skill Database : MySQL, Microsoft SQL server 2014 +Skill Querying Language : MySQL, MS SQL, PL/SQL +Skill Web Technologies : HTML, CSS, PHP, SMARTY, ASP.NET +Skill Defect Tracking Tools : Mantis, Bugzilla +Skill Web & Application Server : Apache, IIS6.0 +Skill Operating Systems : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Linux, Android, IOS +Exp Agile Methodology : Scrum Master – Atlassian Tools – Jira Dashboard +Exp Conduct Scrum Ceremionies – Daily Standup, Burndown tracking, Monitoring sprint health, Capacity and sprint planning, Backlog prioritization, Stakeholder Management, Retrospectives and Demos. +Exp Coaching the team and Plan Releases. +Exp Domain Expertise : Healthcare, Ecommerce, B2B, B2C, C2C, Supply chain, Finance +Exp Mobile Application : Android Apps, IOS apps +Exp Professional Experience +Exp Weso Infotech - Business Analyst +Exp Client: Malvern Institute(Rehabilitation Hospital), Pennsylvania Jun 2016– Till Date +Exp Business Analyst +Exp ROC Application Automation +Exp Facilitate elicitation with the operation representatives of differing levels in Pennsylvania to identify the business objectives. +Exp Develop initial business cases and conduct feasibility studies for possible automization of Manual work flows. +Exp Contribute and Maintain work flow diagrams as a base to aid future development work. +Exp Support project proposals by generating reports from existing system. +Exp Created product backlog with project proposals for prioritization. +Exp Produced detailed user stories and acceptance criteria for IT team in India and US. +Exp Designed web UI Prototypes using Pencil and Balsamiq. +Exp Collaborated with QA team construction of test scenario to ensure sufficient testing coverage. +Exp Verify solution demo by development team. +Exp Performed UAT upon completion of development. +Exp Trained first batch of staffs and Produced detailed user guide upon completion. +Exp Integration of Medical billing (Medicare, Medicaid and Q2) with the application. +Exp Grouping and SMS +Exp Proposed and implemented successfully a new Grouping feature and SMS option in existing ROC Application. +Exp Collaborated with the representatives and end users to find feasible solutions to ensure the new features in fulfilling their demands. +Exp Facilitated the negotiation with Nexmo SMS team in getting the required package customized to user needs and development team. +Exp Acted as a SCRUM Master. +Exp Other projects with this client: ROC IOS APP, ROC FORMS, MALVERN BILLING & SAFETY FORMS +Exp Environment: PHP, MySQL, HTML5.0, CSS, ASP.NET, MSSQL, PL/SQL, JIRA, BALSAMIQ, AGILE, SCRUM, IOS, Healthcare, HIPAA, HITECH +Exp Client: Peertasker, Singapore Aug 2015- Jun 2016 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Peertasker Application +Exp Conducted walkthroughs and acted as a bridge between business users, stakeholders and the team to do requirements, quality and risk analysis. +Exp Involved extensively in the inception phase for better understanding the scope of the project, feasibility of the implementation and define the risk factors involved in the project. +Exp Gathered business requirements through JAD sessions and analysis by interviewing users. +Exp Analyzed business requirements and assigned appropriate priorities. +Exp Produced and Documented Use cases, Use case diagrams and Activity Diagrams. +Exp Created user stories, prototype screens. +Exp Effectively maintained the requirements and requirement change requests during various phase of project life cycle. +Exp Monitored sprint health and ensured Backlog has been prioritized. +Exp Trained Technical Teams to have better understanding of the Requirements. +Exp Addressed requirements with in timeframe, feedback on project status. +Exp Weekly status updates to the project manager and the stake holders. +Exp Conducted UAT sessions and trained the end users. +Exp Other projects with this client: Peertasker IOS APP +Exp Environment: PHP, MySQL, JAVA, HTML5, CSS, AGILE, JIRA, IOS, SKETCH +Exp Client: Expert Appointment, Baltimore, MD Feb 2012- Aug 2014 +Exp Business Analyst & Project Manager +Exp Real-time Voice, Video communication with PCPs and Specialists +Exp Performed as a business analyst throughout this enhancement. +Exp Proposed and integrated the real time video communication feature to the existing application. +Exp Collaborated with the Expert Appointment representatives to ensure all the objectives are collected. Coordinated with the SMEs in meeting the demands of end users. +Exp Produced use case diagrams, user stories. +Exp Regular meetings with development teams and stake holders in facilitating the feasibility study. Produced regular reports to evaluate the performance. +Exp Monitored the UAT and Trained the end users in using the application. +Exp Implementation of Expert Appointment in Johns Hopkins Medical University +Exp Performed as a business analyst. +Exp Facilitated JAD Sessions with the JHM University representatives to record the business requirements using Agile SCRUM. +Exp Produced Detailed user stories and submitted the backlog to the steering committee. +Exp Collaborated with the team and customer in implementing the feature enhancements and expected security enhancements by JHMU. +Exp Produced and maintained status reports. +Exp Verified solution demo by the development team. +Exp Performed UAT upon implementation. +Exp Conducted Training workshop to the JHMU staffs and usability of application. +Exp Responsible for the PCP and specialist reimbursement feature (fee for service, capitation & Bundle payments). Medicare, Medicaid and Q2 Claims. +Exp Handled the integration of Medical claims and benefits application. +Exp Expert Appointment Application +Exp Played the role of business analyst and project manager +Exp Defined Project plan, scope and derived budget for the application. +Exp Conducted sessions with the development team in finding out the risks and its possible solutions. +Exp Produced and Maintained project schedule reports. +Exp Collaborated with cross functional team across the development life cycle. +Exp Monitored the project activities and produced Status reports. +Exp Managed QA testing and UAT. +Exp Worked closely with the end users and Conducted Demos to ensure the objectives are met. +Exp Environment: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, PENCIL, MS VISIO, AGILE, SCRUM, JIRA, Healthcare, +Exp HIPAA, HITECH +Exp Client: Recovery Maps Inc, Pennsylvania Dec 2010- Mar 2013 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Requirements Elicitation with the stakeholder. +Exp Develop and documented Feature document, Use cases and wireframes. +Exp Maintained Use case Diagrams and Activity Diagrams. +Exp Produced User stories in product backlog, Story points and Capacity planning. +Exp Developed user acceptance criteria. +Exp Responsible for Daily stand up meetings, monitoring sprint health and sprint retrospective meetings. +Exp Interacted with QA team in delivering the sprint as per the scheduled. +Exp Prioritizing the backlog in next sprints. +Exp Performed UAT upon completion of development. +Exp Involved in installation of the application to various hospitals and clinics. +Exp Environment: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, PENCIL, MS VISIO, HEALTHCARE, HIPAA, HITECH +Exp Client: Marvel Interiors Inventory Application Jan 2010- Dec 2010 +Exp Project Manager +Exp Defined Project plan, scope and cost benefit analysis for the application. +Exp Conducted sessions with the development team in formulating the risk mitigation plans. +Exp Produced and Maintained project schedule reports. +Exp Documented Status reports and submitted to upper management. +Exp Managed QA testing and UAT. +Exp Environment: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, MS PROJECT, SUPPLYCHAIN +Exp Other projects handled +Exp Idhunammakadai Android App(Ecommerce) , Idhunammakadai IOS App (Ecommerce), Idhunammakadai POS Software(Ecommerce), Yardsale IOS App(Ecommerce), Weso Accounting Application(Finance), Skin Interiors Ecommerce application, Tradespotters Ecommerce application, Teeday wholesale (Ecommerce), Canada Pharmacy (Ecommerce) etc., +Exp Employment History +Exp Cognostek, Chennai, India as a Project Manager from Dec 2008 – Dec 2009 +Exp Responsible for Project Initiation, Scope definition, execution, monitoring and close reporting to top Management, budgeting and closure of all projects. Responsible for Business analysis techniques such as Requirements Elicitation and Requirements Documenting & Management. +Exp Gants Software Solutions, Chennai, India as a Project Manager from Oct 2005 - Nov 2008 +Exp Managed lot of web applications in both PHP and ASP.NET. Responsible in managing project s in Waterfall. Involved in project initiation, planning, monitoring, Budgeting, Team mentoring, Training, Stakeholder discussion, Coordinating with business development team, reporting to top management on weekly basis. Responsible in Requirements gathering, Requirements documenting and management. +Exp Dotcom Infoway, Madurai, India as a Customer Support Executive from May 2005 - Oct 2005 +Exp Responsible for placing the project proposals, preparing proposals and chat support in generating the leads. +Edu Education & Certifications +Edu Masters in Business Administration(MBA), Madurai Kamaraj University (Madurai, India), Jan 2012 - Dec 2013 +Edu BSc in Spl.Physics, The American College (Madurai, India), Jul 2000 - May 2003 +Edu DNIIT program in NIIT , NIIT (Madurai, India), 2003 +PI CHENNA KESAVA +PI Phone: 469-677-7837 +PI Email: +Sum SUMMARY +Sum 8+ years of experience in developing and designing Web Based Internet/Intranet, Client- Server and Multi-tier distributed applications using latest J2EE technologies and various open source frameworks. +Sum Experienced in all stages of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) including proposal, process engineering, requirement analysis, design, development, testing, deployment and support. +Sum Proficient in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) based on Unified Modeling Language (UML). +Sum Proficient in Java Multithreading, Collections API, Socket programming, Swing programming. +Sum Used Adobe flex framework for building and maintaining web applications to deploy on all major platforms. +Sum Extensive knowledge of MVC architecture and J2EE Design Patterns like Singleton, Session Facade, Service locator, DAO, DTO and Value Object in the development of web based Enterprise Applications. +Sum Good in Java/J2EE technologies such as JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJB, XML, XSD, JNDIandWeb services. +Sum Hands-on experience in Front-End technologies like AngularJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, ReactJS, NodeJS, JavaScript, CSS3, Jquery, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Tag Libraries, Custom Tags, Ajax, Ext.Js used for Responsive web design. +Sum Experience in JSF, Prime-Faces and Rich-Faces framework for Developing the User Interface. +Sum Expertise with the package managers such as NPM and Bower. +Sum Knowledge in Docker Components like Docker Engine, Docker Hub, Virtual Machine and Docker Registry. +Sum Expert in major relational databases like Oracle, MySQL, SQLServer and DB2. +Sum Good working experience in No-SQL Database including MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB and DynamoDB. +Sum Proven experience in writing Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, Functions and Packages using TOAD. +Sum Proficient in GUI&validation plug-ins like Tiles,Validator Frameworks and Custom Tag Libraries. +Sum Implemented various Ajax Frameworks such as JQuery, DOJO and JSON. Designed and developed various integration components using JMS and MQ Series. +Sum Expertise in developing Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, REST, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. +Sum Written and developed scripts for automating tasks using, Python, Ant 1.5, and UNIX shell programming. +Sum Exposure to Application Servers like BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Apache Tomcat and JBoss. +Sum Hands on experience with source control tools like CVS, Clear Case, SVN, Git and Perforce. +Sum Good knowledge in working with Collections API, Multithreading and OOPs technologies. +Sum Good experience in using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS SNS/SQS for delivering messages. +Sum Developed the Spring Features like Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Heroku, Spring Security, Spring Integration, Spring Zuul, Spring Eureka, Spring Netflix, Spring Hystrix. +Sum Developed Struts based presentation layer, hibernate based DAO layer and integrated them using Spring Dependency injection, ORM and Web modules. +Sum Experienced in Middleware persistence framework like Hibernate/JPA, JDBC, iBatis for mapping Java POJO classes/Objects with database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL). +Sum Knowledge in designing and implementing Solutions using EC2, S3, EBS, Elastic Load balancer and VPC. +Sum Deployed application updates to AWS Cloud and monitored the load balancing of different instances. +Sum Expertise in Cutting Edge Technologies like EJB, JMS, JTA, XML and Web SphereMQ Series with strong experience in Developing and Deploying Enterprise Java Beans on Application Servers like WebLogic, WebSphere and JBoss. +Sum Extensively worked on debugging using Logging Frameworks such as Apache Log4j. +Sum Experience in using Maven, Gradle, Ant builds and in Visualization tools like Tableau. +Sum Performed Unit testing, Integration Testing& generating of test cases for web applications using Junit, JenkinsandLog4J. +Sum Hands-on experience with IDE’s like IBM Eclipse, NetBeans, Spring Tool Suite(STS) and IntelliJ. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Client: Staples, Framingham, MA Duration: Jan 2016 to till date +Exp Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Staples mainly focuses on developing a Retail application for the Staples Incorporation for selling products such as printer, scanners, floppy, office accessories, sheets etc. The motive of Staplesis to provide quick service to the consumer who needs quick purchase of office accessories both in lesser and bulk quantities. Generation of internal feeds like Coupons, Rebates and Campaigns are additional challenges. It requires technical expertise as well as domain knowledge. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Worked in Agile, Scrum Environment’s and participated in requirement gathering, analysis and design. +Exp Defined and constructed layers, server-side objects and client-side interfaces based on Java/J2EE design patterns. +Exp Developed and implemented Swing and Spring MVC framework for the application. +Exp Utilized Java 8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application. +Exp Designed Prototype and project layout skeletons using JQuery, CSS3, HTML5, XML, DHTML and JavaScript. +Exp Developed Single Page Applications (SPA’s) using AngularJS. Created Multiple & Nested Views, Routing, Controllers, Services and Custom Directives, Node.js, Bower and Grunt. +Exp Created an in-memory data structure cache by using React DOM for updating browser efficiently. +Exp Used AngularJS in creating animations based on CSS classes for a new requirement surfaced for the client. +Exp Creating a responsive web application integrating Twitter Bootstrap with AngularJS and media queries. +Exp Used react-redux library to connect Redux application state to ReactJS components. +Exp Used redux store to combine different reducers to produce a global state. +Exp RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation and to transport detain JSON format. +Exp Worked on SOA Web Services using SOAP for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP. +Exp Consumed Web Services to fetch and direct credit card information from third party application. +Exp Developed new features for a REST SOA backend in Clojure and led evolution of an entire backend architecture. +Exp Used a Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers +Exp Developed Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Eureka, HATEOAS and deployed to AWS. +Exp Implemented the associated business modules integration using Spring, and Hibernate data mapping. +Exp Used Spring dependency injection, annotations and Spring MVC components to implement business layer and navigation part of application. +Exp Used various jQuery and Bootstrap plug-in like date picker, Bootstrap selectors. +Exp Exposed and consumed SOAP based Web Services to communicate between systems. +Exp Used ActiveMQ to improve the stability and scaled the system for more concurrent users. +Exp Assisted in planning, installation and execution of new JRules, ILOG server, Application server and Team server and developed designs and strategies for business rules and address problems including configuration of ILOG Rules. +Exp Used Splunk SPL queries to generate reports. +Exp Used Splunk forwarders to provide reliable collection to deliver data to Splunk for indexing, storage and analysis. +Exp Implementing procedures for designing, coding and testing of application code through ILOG Jrules. +Exp Expertise in programming using Scala, built Scala prototype for the application requirement and focused on types of functional Scala. +Exp Configured and verified AWS workstations as per application requirement. +Exp Used GWT and Amazon AWS (EC2/S3/EBS) for prototyping and subsequent evaluation. +Exp Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging and pushing the images. +Exp Created Mule ESB based tool suite for handling message transitioning, validation, enrichment and routing upstream and downstream entity data consumers. +Exp Used JMS for reliable and asynchronous exchange of essential information such as payment status report. +Exp Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures and enhanced performance by running explain plans. +Exp Composed and executed MongoDB scripts to insert and update NoSQL database automating data changes and reporting and Managing and maintaining Oracle and NoSQL databases in production domain. +Exp Wrote an integration application in Groovy for the Magento Shopping Cart Application and CounterPoint. +Exp Created and configured new JIRA projects and worked with departments to maintain existing JIRA projects. +Exp Used log4j for logging and SVN for version control also occasionally employed GITHUB as repo store. +Exp Used XStream API to transfer data back and forth between Spring MVC and Ext JS. +Exp Developed Maven scripts and developed builds using Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins. +Exp Written highly referenced blog posts on Error Handling in Scala and Problems that Scala Fixes. +Exp Implemented REST web services in Scala using Akka for tracking an application. +Exp Used Maven goals for testing and packaging the various components and releasing on Apache Archiva for easy accessibility and maintenance within the organization +Exp Use of data structures and algorithms for time and memory complexity reduction. +Exp Used DevOps to refer to emphasize the collaboration and communication of both software developers and information technology professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. +Exp Performing Smoke Testing and Acceptance Testing with Selenium in multiple Java platforms. +Exp Followed TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology to write unit tests with JUNIT and Mockito. Write automated regression tests using JMeter. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JDK 1.7/1.8, RCP, AWS SDK, Ext JS, Git, Swing, JFC, Spring 4.x, AWS SNS/SQS, hibernate4.x, Scala, Core Java, SOAP/Rest, Web Services, Python 2.7, JavaScript, Clojure, UML, HTML5, CSS, SASS, RAD 7, WAS 8 WSDL, SDK’s, JIRA 5.x/6.x, JAXB, Linux, JAX-WS, JAX RPC, JMS, UNIX, Selenium NOSQL(MongoDB), AngularJS1.5, ReactJS, AJAX, Apache JMeter, JQuery, Mule ESB JUnit, Maven, EMR. +Exp Client: Wells Fargo, Des Moines, IA. Duration: May 2014 to Dec 2015 +Exp Role: Sr. JAVA/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Global Wires Application is a wires payment application for corporate and financial users for creating Domestic and International wires. They can also make postdated payments up to 60 days. These wires can be initiated as freeform or template wires. We provide optional security to these wires through Secure Validation. Secure Validation is a process which provides the additional security to the customers during their transactions, in the process of wires creation it will generate a onetime pass code to validate the user, this one-time code is sent to the user's mobile or email. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Developed the J2EE application based on the Service Oriented Architecture. +Exp Used Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade and DAO. +Exp Developed using new features of Java 1.7 Annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enums. +Exp Developed screens using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX, Node.js. +Exp Creation of prototypes using Inkspace and Quickview 3.0 +Exp Designed SOA integration using Apache CXF. Enabled rapid service tier development. +Exp Used AngularJS for DOM Manipulation, Filters, and Directives. +Exp Used Twitter Bootstrap to create responsive web pages which can be displayed properly in different screen sizes. +Exp Implemented Cross-browser Compatibility of UI pages for internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and IE 9/10/11 +Exp Debugged the application using Chrome Inspector, Firebug, IE Tester and many other debugging tools. +Exp Created and injected Spring services, Spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes. +Exp Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans. +Exp Developed Service Layer Using Spring, AspectJ and persistence layer using Hibernate. +Exp Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, cache concepts. +Exp Involved in implementing DAO layers using JPA standards and Hibernate API interfaces. +Exp Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for the Database layer by studying the required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using DB2 and JPA with Hibernate provider. +Exp Extensively used Hibernate mapping, HQL, EHCache, Query, Criteria, Transactions and Locking mechanisms. +Exp Got exposure to build and deploy the changes in a production environment by executing the build script and deploying the compiled GWT client side code and server side code to the production server. +Exp Developed REST Web Service clients to consume those Web Services as well other enterprise Services. +Exp Exposed the Web Services to the client applications by sharing the WSDL’s. +Exp Implemented SOA to develop REST Based Web services using Apache Axis +Exp Created logical and physical data models putting to practice, concepts of normalization and RDBMS. +Exp Used Jenkins to automate the build and deploy process. +Exp Developed and consumed Apache CXF based Web Services as part of Payments Application. +Exp Focused on Test Driven Development; thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality. +Exp Used Log4j utility to generate run-time logs. +Exp SVN was used for project management and version management. +Exp Deployed the application on JBOSSapplication server. +Exp Environment: J2EE, Springmok4.x, Spring MVC, Hibernate 3.x, AngularJS, jQuery, JSON, Servlets 2.3, JDBC, AJAX, Web services, SOAP, XML, Java Beans, XStream, Net Tool, Apache CXF 2.6, Apache POI, Ext JS, JQuery, JavaScript, JBOSS, Agile Methodology, Design Patterns, SVN, Apache Maven, JUnit, HTML Unit, XSLT, HTML/DHTML. +Exp Client: BCBS, Richardson, TX Duration: Nov 2012 – Apr 2014 +Exp Project: Small Group Renewal +Exp Role: Sr. Java Developer +Exp Description: Small Group Renewal(SGR) is the automated solution for streamlining the health insurance sales process.BA Renewals delivers information and tools created to assist with reselling or reacquiring existing accounts, presenting additional plan offerings and alternatives, and monitoring anniversary effective dates to reduce the forfeiture of any business opportunities. Workflow, Single Rating Engine (SRE), and other relevant common services are used to enable Renewing process automation. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development, testing, and monitoring. +Exp Involved in Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Spring JMS was used to connect to ActiveMQ for interconnecting various internal systems. +Exp Implemented SOA web sphere appliance in the web services for the ease of error handling and load balancing. +Exp Tested Web Services using SOAP UI and involved in composing test suites for operations. +Exp Used Collection Framework and Multithreading for performing cache Operation. +Exp Extensively used various Spring Framework modules like DI(IOC), Bean Wiring, Inheritance, Auto Wiring, JDBC Templates, AOP and Spring Quartz Schedulers for Jobs. +Exp Developed session, entity beans and message driven beans. +Exp Developed, and debugged the EJB with WebSphere Application server. +Exp Implemented interceptors using Hibernate and build and release Spring Boot framework. +Exp Got exposure to build and deploy the changes in a production environment by executing the build script and deploying the compiled GWT client side code and server side code to the production server. +Exp Designed and developed web pages using with HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, and JSP. +Exp Achieved role control functionality mainly by retrieving JSON data from AJAX and combining the retrieved data with jQuery to manipulate nodes in DOM tree. +Exp Utilized a combination of regular expression and jQuery Validation Plugin to conduct input check. +Exp While in the newer sub project, conducted validation in AngularJS way. +Exp Created test cases to validate Regular Expressions. +Exp Used XML/XSLT for transforming common XML format and SAML for Single Sign-On. +Exp Designed configuration XML Schema for the application. +Exp Used Regular Expressions to Serializable for pattern classes. +Exp Developed Maven scripts and developed builds using Maven and continuous integration servers like Jenkins. +Exp Used XML Http Request Object to provide asynchronous communication as part of AJAX implementation. +Exp Experience with KORN based scripts as part of triggering UNIX and J2EE based Jobs. +Exp Used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between applications over HTTP. +Exp WSDL was used for publishing Web Service interfaces. +Exp Junit tests were written to test each module in the application. +Exp Wrote Ant Scripts to automate the build and deploy process. +Exp Prepared the test plans and executed test cases for unit, integration and system testing using different automation tools like Junit, Soap UI and Fiddler. +Exp Performance Testing experience using Jmeter. +Exp Environment: Core Java/J2EE, Servlets, Java Spring, JSTL, EJB, JMS, XML, XSLT, JDBC, AJAX, IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0, Oracle 10g, WSAD, IBM MQ, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Eclipse, UML, Rational Rose, Windows XP, CVS, JUnit, ANT, Adobe Flex, Visio. +Exp Client: JPMorgan Chase, NY Duration: Feb 2011 – Oct 2012 +Exp Position: Sr. Java Developer +Exp Description: CSR Dashboard is an internal facing application, accessed via the Prime View portal,which is currently designed to serve the CSR who need to provide a proactive and superior client service with Option Assignment events, with Corporate Actions and Money Transfer events to follow. This tool provides a CSR centric view of all key events for all families supported by a CSR, Team Lead or Area Manager. As of today, Option Exercise and Corporate Actions have been on boarded. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Developed the J2EE application based on the Service Oriented Architecture. +Exp Used Spring Framework for dependency injection, integration of Hibernate using Spring ORM support, development of RESTful web services to give JSON output. +Exp Used Spring MVC front controller pattern to handle requests from dispatcher servlet to handle incoming requests. +Exp Configured Spring MVC from scratch using XML configurations, namespace handling, Spring security set up and giving access to resources. +Exp Wrote code to transform XML documents using JAXB Marshalling and Unmarshalling using Spring Injections. +Exp Used Hibernate in persistence layer, written hibernate mappings using Annotations, HQL, Criteria and Queries. +Exp Involved in Design and Development of RESTful API. +Exp REST web services are created using Spring with Jackson Mappers to exchange data using JSON data structure. +Exp Used SVN for source Version Control, resolving code conflicts and merging code base. +Exp Deployed the application in Web Logic Application Server. +Exp Strong experience in writing PL/SQL queries and performance tuning. +Exp Developed Unix Shell scripts to automate repetitive database processes. +Exp Used Maven for dependency management, build applications and deploy to the containers, application servers and create versions in the repository. +Exp Used JUnit for unit testing of the application and log4j for logging. +Exp Environment: Core Java, Java 1.6, Spring, Hibernate, SVN, Apache, Eclipse 3.3, JNDI, Log4j, JUnit, XML, XSD, AngularJS, Node.js, JQuery, HTML 5, bootstrap, JavaScript, Web Logic Application Server, Oracle, Windows XP, REST API, NetBeans, UNIX. +Exp Client: American Family Insurance Madison, WI Duration: Nov 2009 –Jan 2011 +Exp Role: Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Sales Tool Project is an Online Auto Insurance Sales tool used to estimate the quote, calculate the premium as per state rules and sell the quote to customers. Customers can access this tool from www.amfam.com and buy insurance online, Sales Tool Rewrite project is an enhancement and Integration project with the following major business requirements. Implement a new Online Auto Insurance Sales process flow for quoting to reduce the number of questions/responses necessary to provide a quote premium. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Developed presentation screens by using JSP, HTML and JavaScript. +Exp Implemented Model View Controller (MVC-2) architecture and developed Form classes, Action Classes for the entire application using Struts Framework. +Exp Performed client side validations using JavaScript and server side validations using in built Struts Validation Framework. +Exp Implemented the data persistence functionality of the application by using Hibernate to persist java objects to the relational database. +Exp Used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level and accessed Annotated bean from Hibernate DAO layer. +Exp Used HQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database. +Exp Transformed, Navigated and Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT. +Exp Used JMS for asynchronous exchange of message by applications on different platforms. +Exp Developed the view components using JSP, HTML, Struts Logic tags and Struts tag libraries. +Exp Involved in designing and implementation of Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator patterns to delegate request to appropriate resources. +Exp Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions. +Exp Creation of database objects like tables, views using oracle tools like Toad, and SQL* plus. +Exp Involved in writing Stored Procedure in using PL/SQL. +Exp Worked on Linux environment for jobs scheduling for Inbound data on monthly basis. +Exp Used JUnit Testing Framework for performing Unit testing. +Exp Deployed application in WebSphere Application Server and developed using Rational Application Developer RAD. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, JMS, XML, Web Services, SOAP, AJAX, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Log4J, JUnit, Maven, WebSphere, Application Server, Eclipse, Oracle. +Exp Client: Value Labs, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Duration: May 2008-Oct 2009 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: BSHM builds a system, which helps both Doctor and patient in an efficient manner by providing information about the availability of Doctors, maintaining patient records according to their visit and generating reports of patients of their medications, Lab Findings, Problems List and serves the pharmacy maintenance also. The information may be very critical from both doctor's and patient's point of view, BSHM maintains a safe and secure database system for patients. BSHM stores patient's records efficiently and make them easily retrievable. The whole system modules are Appointments, patient chart, Reports, pharmacy, Administration. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Involved in Analysis and Design of the Project, which is based on MVC (Model-View-Controller) Architecture and Design Patterns. +Exp Involved in developing prototypes of the product. +Exp Created UML Use Cases, Sequence diagrams, Class diagrams and Page flow diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Designed GUI Components using Tiles frame work and Validation frame work. +Exp Designed and developed UI using HTML, JSP and Struts where users have all the items listed for auctions. +Exp Developed ANT scripts for builds and deployments. +Exp Developed Controller Servlets, Action and Form objects for process of interacting with Oracle database and retrieving dynamic data. +Exp Responsible for coding SQL Statements and Stored procedures for back end communication using JDBC. +Exp Parsing of XML documents was done using SAX and DOM and XML transformation was done using XSLT. +Exp Wrote JavaScript validations on the client side. +Exp Involved in writing Detail Design Documents with UML Specifications. +Exp Involved in unit testing and system testing and also responsible for preparing test scripts for the system testing. +Exp Responsible for packaging and deploying components in to the Tomcat. +Exp Used java IO to create reports, which were mailed to be mailed to manager every hour. +Exp Responsible for performance tuning of the product and eliminating memory leakages in the product. +Exp Participated in Code Review meetings with developers. +Exp Environment: CoreJava, Java Beans, JSP, Jbuilder, JavaScript, Servlets, JDBC, LOG4J, XML, XSLT, +Exp HTML, Struts, Tiles, SAX, DOM, Tomcat, UNIX, Oracle. +PI CHETAN BABU +PI Mobile: 405-896-0512 +PI Email: booram.chai@gmail.com +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Java Developer with around 8 years of professional experience in analysis, design, development and testing of web and distributed multi-tier applications using Java and J2EE technologies. +Sum Well versed with complete Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) process which includes Analysis, Designing, Developing, Testing, Implementing and Documenting the entire life cycle using various methodologies like Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Test Driven development. +Sum Expertise in using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script and XML in designing web pages. +Sum Extensive experience in AngularJS for application implementation, proficient in creating modules, controllers, services and AJAX calls. +Sum Test-driven development-TDD with JUNIT. Proficient in integration testing of web applications and remote systems. +Sum Created continuous delivery pipeline for CDT Directory to run the war, Ami and deploy jobs in Jenkins brew master instance, which reduces the time for the deployment of Microservices. +Sum Expertise in developing data models using Hibernate Object relational mapping (ORM) frame work and used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level. +Sum Experienced in implementation of Web services based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP, JAX-WS, WSDL using Apache AXIS and Cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS). +Sum Experience in applying best-practice design patterns and strategies to enterprise applications to reduce tight coupling, maximize performance, and reduce maintenance/extensibility risks. +Sum Implemented microservices using Spring Boot, spring based microservices, and enabled discovery using eureka server. +Sum Experience in working with various Web and Application servers including Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere, JBoss and Web logic. +Sum Knowledge on different databases like Oracle, My SQL, Ms-Access, SQL Servers and writing PL/SQL packages, procedures, Functions, triggers using SQL Plus. +Sum Worked on various operating systems like Solaris, Linux. +Sum Knowledge in migration of systems, upgraded many projects to higher java versions as well as migrating applications from application servers. +Sum Creation and managing Data Source, Database Connection Pools, Virtual Hosts, etc. +Sum Follow product architecture guidelines to deliver best product performance and maintainability. +Sum Code review and suggest improvements for better performance and standard coding practice. +Sum Involved in the development of software architecture documentation like Technical Design Document. +Sum Designed Architectural diagrams based up on the client requirements for their application hosting in the AWS Cloud Environments. +Sum Participated in research of new technologies or tools as necessary to enhance or develop products. +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Client: AmerisourceBergen, Chesterbrook, PA Mar 2017 – Present +Exp Sr. Java/UI Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM). +Exp Used spring framework's JMS support for writing to JMS Queue, Hibernate Dao Support for interfacing with the database and integrated spring with JSF. +Exp Implemented JMS listeners to connect to the Tibco JMS queues using ActiveMQ for producing and consuming JMS messages. +Exp Designed the frontend using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Java script, and Ajax controls. +Exp Developed GUI based application with Java Applets, Awt, Swing and JavaFX. +Exp Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using AJAX, JQuery, DHTML, Web Service call and JSON. +Exp Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (JQuery, Ext.js, Node.js and Backbone JS) and Bootstrap, connecting to a Restful server on a different domain. +Exp Used Spring ORM Support for Hibernate to manage efficiently Hibernate Resources and consistent exception Hierarchy. +Exp Wrote AngularJS controllers, views and services and validating forms using AngularJS. +Exp Created Real-time Reporting systems and dashboards using Adobe Flex, xml, MySQL. +Exp Worked on mapping the database schema, writing Hibernate classes, gathering business requirements to build the page logic, and implementing to match the mock-up. Maintained and updated the Jasper reports. +Exp Designed and developed Micro services business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Micro services with Rest template based on RESTful APIs. +Exp Experience in Spring Cache and other new Spring features into the system by configuring Spring Annotation in Spring MVC and back-end services. +Exp Implemented Authentication and Authorization using Spring Security. +Exp Developed PL/SQL triggers and master tables for automatic creation of primary keys. +Exp Created PL/SQL stored procedures, function sand packages for moving the data from staging area to data mart. +Exp Implemented Single sign-on(SSO) functionality. +Exp Customized Jasper Reports and SQL procedures according to the client requirements. +Exp Involved in Design, development and testing of web application and integration using Object Oriented technologies such as Core Java, J2EE, Struts, JSP, JDBC, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Java Beans, Web Services (REST/SOAP), XML, XSLT, XSL and Ant. +Exp Build the Security infrastructure for WMQ using OAM and Tuned up the performance of the MQ and the applications. +Exp Deployed bundles which is an OSGI environment, and modified feature files for deployment and Managed dependencies in Maven in Eclipse. +Exp Used GIT as a version-controlling tool for managing the module developments. +Exp Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using Junit, JMock. +Exp Followed Agile Scrum methodology that included iterative application development, weekly Sprints and stand up meetings. +Exp Used Multithreading and Collections Framework including List, Map etc. +Exp Used Spring-JDBC configuration to manage some transactions across multiple databases. +Exp Used agile tools like Rally and JIRA for project management and tracking. +Exp Used Log4J to trace the flow of the application +Exp Used Maven and Jenkins for building the applications EAR for various environments. +Exp Environment: JDK 7, Spring-JDBC, spring-ws-core, SWING, AWT, and Wsdl4j 1.6.1, SOAP, JMS 1.1 Open Source Frameworks: Spring (IOC, MVC, ORM, Security), Micro services, Hibernate, RESTFUL WS with Jersey, Tibco, Adobe flex. Maven, Jenkins, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, Ext JS, Node.js, Backbone.js, and Jasper reports, Log4J and JUnit 4.4, jMock. IDE and Tools: Eclipse 3.4, OSGi, SQL Navigator Data Bases: Oracle10g, PL/SQL, MySQLDb2, Rally, JIRA, Version Control / QA tool: Subversion, GIT, Application Server: JBOSS, IBM WebSphere MQ, WAS. +Exp Client: Carefusion, Sandiego, CA Jan. 2016 – Feb. 2017 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Planning, analysis, design and implementation of different modules using Agile (Scrum) Methodology. +Exp Developed the application using JSP for the presentation layer along with JavaScript for the client-side validations. +Exp Used Spring framework for the server-side logic implementation. +Exp Configured different layer (presentation layer, server layer, persistence layer) of application using Spring IOC and maintained the Spring Application Framework's IOC container. +Exp Using Spring IOC (Dependency Injection) developed Java beans with getter and setter properties to be configured by Spring. +Exp Used Spring framework's MVC framework to better control the presentation, business and navigational aspects of the applications. +Exp Configured and implemented Spring Application Context to instantiate all bean classes in Spring MVC application framework. +Exp Effective use of hibernate (ORM tool) in the business layer in communicating with the Spring DAO and also developed mapping files and POJO java classes using ORM tool. +Exp Modified existing and created new Hibernate objects-based Queries for data storage, retrieval, tuning and mapping. +Exp Used Hibernate 3.0 object relational data mapping framework to persist and retrieve the data from database. +Exp Implementation of new web services using SOAP and Apache-axis to provide HRMS services for the external systems. +Exp Experience in running web scale services on Amazon Web Services (AWS). +Exp Used microservices that uses spring data to implement a JPA and spring REST to provide a RESTful interface to account information. +Exp Developed Database Procedures for updating, Inserting, and deleting table for a complete logical Unit of Work (LUW) using PL/SQL under Oracle Database Server. +Exp Packaged and deployed the application in JBOSS Application server in different environments like Development, testing etc. +Exp Involved in Daily Scrum meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint. +Exp Responsible for bug fix code check-in and integration of the code with other components. +Exp Used CVS as version control system. +Exp Environment: Core Java, J2EE (JSP/Servlet, JDBC), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Spring, Hibernate 3.0, Web Services, microservices, AWS, MVC design patterns, UML, XML, JBOSS Server, JMS, JNDI, Maven, Java beans, RMI, Junit, Toad with Oracle, CVS, My Eclipse IDE, UNIX. +Exp Client: Holmes Murphy, Des Moines, IA Feb. 2014 – Nov. 2015 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Design, Development, Testing and Integration of the application. +Exp Implementing business logic and data base connectivity. +Exp Client side installation and configuration of project. +Exp Developed using simple Struts Validation for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp GUI is designed using HTML 5, JQuery, Bootstrap, CSS and JSP for interacting with the server. +Exp Implemented application using Swing, AWT, JFC for User Interface. +Exp Developed User Interface using JSP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. +Exp Designed core interfaces and modular design with OSGi and Declarative Services +Exp Writing database queries on Oracle 9i. +Exp Writing stored procedures, Packages, Views, Cursors, Functions and triggers using SQL in the back end. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence. +Exp Wrote SQL commands and Stored Procedures to retrieve data from Oracle database. +Exp Designed and developed Java message components to send/receive and publish/subscribe WMQ messages. +Exp Developed the application using Singleton, Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object design patterns in the project. +Exp Created and implemented Oracle Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and complex queries using SQL. +Exp Used multithreaded environment to run the processes asynchronously using different future calls to access the data. +Exp Ability to quickly adjust priorities and take on projects with limited specifications. Effective team player with excellent logical and analytical abilities. +Exp Excellent written and verbal communication skills, inter-personal skills and self-learning attitude. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Struts 1.3.8, CMS, OSGi, SOAP Web services, SOA, JavaScript, CSS, Swing, AWT, JFC, XML, JAXB XHTML, XSLT, JMS, JSP, Ajax, Hibernate 2.1, SQL, EJB 2.0, 2.1, Log4j, Oracle 9i, Web Sphere 6.1, WMQ, Ant, RAD 7.0, Eclipse 3.2, UNIX. +Exp Client: Green Co Technologies Aug. 2012 – Jan. 2014 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Use Case Diagrams, Object Diagrams and Class Diagrams in UML using Rational Rose. +Exp Involved in writing exception and validation classes using core Java. +Exp Implemented Multithreading to achieve consistent concurrency in the application +Exp Involved in the coding of servlets programs. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. +Exp Worked on JDBC Connectivity’s for each JSP screen. +Exp Designed and coded the pages using JAVA. +Exp Created numerous simple to complex queries involving joins, Co-related sub queries, Dynamic SQL queries etc. and used them for creating various packages. +Exp Experienced with NOSQL Databases MongoDB and Cassandra. +Exp Performing DBA functions, installing, configuring and supporting database systems. +Exp JUnit for testing the application, rectified performance bottlenecks and eliminated critical bugs. +Exp Used Eclipse IDE tool to develop the application. +Exp Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JavaScript, JUnit, JDBC, Oracle 8i, Tomcat, GIT, Eclipse,Log4j,Sql. +Exp SB technologies Oct. 2010 – July. 2012 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the view components using JSP, HTML, Struts Logic tags and Struts tag libraries. +Exp Involved in designing and implementation of Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator patterns to delegate request to appropriate resources. +Exp Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions. +Exp Creation of database objects like tables, views using oracle tools like Toad, and SQL* plus. +Exp Involved in writing Stored Procedure in using PL/SQL. +Exp Designed and coded the pages using JAVA and HTML. +Exp Assisted in database design in MYSQL, schema planning. +Exp Used GIT for controlling the different version of code. +Exp Used JUnit for testing the application, rectified performance bottlenecks and eliminated critical bugs. +Exp Unit testing and integration testing of owned use cases and involved in Functional Testing. +Exp Used Apache Tomcat as application server and Log4j for application logging and debugging. +Exp Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JavaScript, JUnit, JDBC, Oracle 8i, Tomcat, GIT, Eclipse, Log4j. +PI Padmasri Dantu +PI Bellevue, WA 98007 • padmasri.vamsi@gmail.com • 704.450.0128 +Exp Program Manager +Exp highly-qualified, results-driven, innovative, and client-centric Program Manager adept at driving Agile projects end-to-end using SDLC best practices, overseeing optimal designs using the latest technologies (API/Web services), and project executions. A performance-driven Program/Project Management Professional with 12+ years of in-depth experience in the design, development, and delivery of successful cost-effective solutions. +Sum Core Competencies +Sum Process Enhancements | Efficiency | People Management | Program/Project/Process Metrics | Risk Management | Time and Cost Management | Release Management | Sustenance Engineering | Mobile Solutions | POS | Order Management Systems | QA | Project Management | Release Management | Mobile eCommerce | Test Management | Agile | SCRUM | Retail Sector | Analytical Thinking | Communication | Decision-Making | HP Quality Center | JIRA | Microsoft Project | Microsoft Team Foundation Server | Microsoft SharePoint | Microsoft Test Manager | Xacc Framework | SOAP UI | JASON | REST Clients | Visual Basic | Oracle | C++ | Java | VB Script | JavaScript | SQL server +Sum Established release processes for change management and published release status reports to leadership and global audiences to ensure projects were on track. +Sum Charged with managing Microsoft OEM Software Releases from conception to production release to increase Windows and Office revenue; delivered OEM monthly/hotfix releases; and demonstrated strong leadership skills for global teams to ensure projects were delivered on time/within scope. +Sum Planned/managed end-to-end release milestone/deliverable schedules and managed release tollgate meetings across global functional teams using Waterfall methodologies. +Sum Verified that all test plans were in place and monitored/controlled releases by managing risks, issues, and changes; led release status meetings with senior leadership and global project teams; and used MS Project Server and SharePoint servers for release plan tracking and status. +Sum Employed Agile Scrum methodologies to implement service improvement plans and foster the efficient delivery of OEM internal software projects leveraging Visual Studio for features and user story tracking; ensured 99.9% system uptime in production. +Sum Test Manager, (Client: Microsoft, Redmond, WA), 10/2013 – 01/2014 +Exp Environment: Windows 8.0/8.1, SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2013, Microsoft Test Manager, C#, SQL Developer, Microsoft Test Manager, Data Staging Tools. +Exp Responsible for testing and maintenance for a suite of applications for volume licensing contract management (VLCM) within Enterprise Commerce IT (ECIT), using the latest technologies and leading a team of 15+ from India and Redmond, WA. +Exp Participated in functional specification, solution delivery, design, and test plan reviews; reviewed functional, system, and regression test cases for monthly/quarterly releases. +Exp Chaired daily standups and other project stakeholder meetings; point of contact for escalations related to QA; and completed testing efforts and resource plans. +Exp Created device process/performance improvement plans and automation roadmaps. +Exp Continued… +Exp Padmasri Dantu ••• Page 2 +Exp Generated reports and presented them to project stakeholders; reports included Incident, After Action, Daily Status (during quarterly releases), Burn Down charts, Weekly Status reports, Risk Assessments, Test Metrics, and Defect Metrics reporting. +Exp Facilitate Bug Bash/Super User Testing meetings and triage meetings in conjunction with the Business team. +Exp Program Manager, (Client: Microsoft, Redmond, WA) 06/2013 – 10/2013 +Exp Helped develop a single dashboard for Service Agent's desktops of all agent-required applications to enable the most accurate and timely support, and to improve customer experiences. +Exp Enabled Agents to tackle multiple issues with several customers simultaneously using contextual help hints provided by the application. +Exp Project Manager, (Client: Lowe’s US Retail Chain, USA) 08/2012 - 05/2013 +Exp Technologies & Tools: Quality Center, Database technologies (SOAP UI, Endeca, and Facade) +Exp Developed user stories for the consumer app; oversaw Sprint planning for user stories; and directed test case development, execution, defect reporting, and Sprint closure. +Exp Participated in bug triage meetings with the Development team and provided vital information for defect fixes; completed RCA on the defects. +Exp Completed Log Analyses. Participated in testing/deployment of successful releases to the App store and Google Play, and helped test backend services including Façade and Ecommerce. +Exp Project Manager, (Client: Nike, Portland, OR) 02/2010 – 06/2012 +Exp Charged with analyzing the applications under scope for release, defined team work plans, and shared knowledge with the offshore team. +Exp Created Quality, Estimation, and Resource plans; facilitated project SCRUM meetings; and generated multiple status reports (Incident, After Action, Weekly Status reports, Risk Assessment, Test Metrics, Defect Metrics), and presented them to project stakeholders. +Exp Facilitated Defect Triage meetings in conjunction with Developers and Business Producers; served as a point of contact for all escalations related to Quality Management. +Exp Provided project data to internal forums including QIC, APR, MRM meetings, SAP Loss, Invoicing, and ECube. +Exp Accountable for performance evaluation/appraisals. +Exp Increased CSAT by 30% by developing SOPs as part of process improvement, effectively reducing ramp-up and execution time. +Exp QA Manager/Project Manager, (Windows Sustenance Engineering (OLSE Appcompat AE Automation tools) Client: Microsoft Corporation) 02/2009 – 01/2010 +Exp Prioritized apps for general availability releases, provided project monitoring/tracking, generated monthly metric reports and status updates for client and Wipro management. +Exp Generated risk/quality dashboards weekly/monthly. +Exp QA Manager/Project Manager, (Windows Sustenance Engineering (OLSE Appcompat AE Automation tools) Client: Microsoft Corporation) 09/2008 – 01/2009 +Exp Environment: Windows 2003, XP, WTT, C#, Maui framework, AAF framework, XML +Exp Estimated project schedules/efforts including work allocations, resource leveling, and analyzing/prioritizing test cases for automation. Created work plans, and generated Project Data Metrics and Project Monitoring Reports. Served as the point of contact for automation queries. +Exp Conducted application feasibility studies; communicated testing statuses; and reported automation metrics. +Exp Performed code reviews/walkthroughs as per automation standards. Responsible for test planning, maintaining test data, automating test environments, and creating scripts. +Exp Padmasri Dantu ••• Page 3 +Exp Conducted root cause analyses for regressed issues; improved code coverage by 80% by identifying optimal test cases. +Exp Accountable for risk/impact analyses, for generating mitigation and contingency plans for the identified project risks; and for preparing SLA/productivity data for client reviews. +Exp Team Leader/QC, (Windows Sustenance Engineering (Windows Vista Avalon and DirectX team) Client: Microsoft Corporation) 08/2007 – 08/2008 +Exp Environment: Vista Client, Vista Server, Windows Server 2003, XP, WTT, JScript, XML, Magen tool, Xacc framework +Exp Delivered high-quality hotfixes, QFEs, GDRs, and security updates to Windows customers; tested service packs and GDR fixes for regressions, ship blockers, and security issues; and improved coverage using Microsoft Windows testing tools and technologies. +Exp Created team work plans, reviewed SLA data, PDMR/PMR reports, QIC inputs, and project review inputs. +Exp Tracked daily work items; reported statuses; prepared test plans, and completed MS checklists, case info tools, and signoff tools; and reviewed Effort Estimations/schedules. +Exp Provided direction and leadership to the System Integration and Verification teams; debugged issues using WinDBG, and provided stack traces to clients. +Exp Conducted LAM and postmortems for major milestones; ensured the risk management dashboard was current; and contributed Metric Analyses in PPA Meetings. +Exp Additional experience gained as a Module Leader/Software Design Engineer for Test with Windows Sustenance Engineering (Windows Shell XP03 and Shell W2K) Client: Microsoft Corporation; Software Design Engineer for Test with Microsoft Corporation; Software Test Engineer/QC with Windows Sustenance Engineering (Windows Shell NT4, W2K) Client: Microsoft Corporation; Software Engineer with Global Energy Consulting, Pvt. Ltd; Test Engineer with D’alasoft Pvt. Ltd; and as a Program Tester with GE India Business Center. +Edu Education, Training, & Certifications +Edu Master of Science, Computer Science | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Bachelor of Science, Computer Science | Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Negotiate to Win | 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Certified, Project Manager | Wipro Technologies Certified, German Language course | Goethe Institute, Max Mueller Bhavan +PI Derik Howarth +PI Sr. Java Developer +PI 98101, Seattle, WA +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Total 9+ years of experience in designing and implementing Web, Client/Server and N-Tier distributed, cross-platform systems using Java/J2EE technology Agile/ SCRUM Methodology. +Sum Sun Certified Programmer for Java2 Platform. +Sum Very Good experience in new version Java 8 Programming. +Sum Financial Certification for Technology and Operations Professionals (FCTOP) +Sum Good domain knowledge of Telecom, Cloud Computing and Realization, Finance (corporations), Shipping & Logistics and CRM. +Sum Expert level skills in application development using: Java, J2EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Struts, JSP, JSF, EJB, JPA, Servlets, JDBC, Html, JavaScript, J2EE compliant application servers, multi-threading, client/server, design patterns of J2EE architecture. +Sum Knowledge of J2EE Design Patterns such as Creational, Structural and Behavioral design patterns Singleton, Factory, Facade, Builder, Observer, DAO, Value/Data Transfer etc. +Sum Good understanding of Object Oriented Analysis and Design and UML notations and experience in using design tools like MS-Visio for creating class and sequence diagrams. +Sum Have experience in Design, Development and Deployment of Web-Applications/ J2EE applications on servers like BEA-Weblogic, and Apache Tomcat , Apache Tomcat , JBoss . +Sum Experience in XML APIs such as JAXP (SAX, DOM), JAXB for data binding and experience in designing the XSD schema generation. +Sum Developed applications using build tools like ANT,MAVEN +Sum Used RDBMS databases systems like Oracle 10g/9i, SQL Server, MS Access and My SQL. +Sum Used tools like Toad, PLSQL Developer and Squirrel for performing database operations. +Sum Worked on Report generation module using tool like iReports. +Sum Have good experience of all testing phases such as Unit testing, Integration testing and System testing. +Sum Have good experience in managing project files by using version control tools like Concurrent Version System (CVS), SVN and PVCS and bug tracking tools like Jira. +Sum Interaction with customers for solving their issues and Bug Fixing. +Sum Experience in AJAX, XML, XSLT, XPATH, and Web Services with SOAP to design, deploy, develop and implement the internet / Intranet applications. +Sum Well versed in the complete SDLC starting from requirements gathering, use cases, design, development and testing. +Exp TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION +QC Sun Microsystems Certified Programmer (SMCP) +QC QUALIFICATION +Edu Masters in Computer Application +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp EBay, Seattle, WA (REMOTE) Sr. Java Developer Aug’14 To Present +Exp Description: StubHub.com is a product company building a ticketing platform which sells tickets for concerts, events etc. My role was a combination of development (developing new features for the platform) and providing operational support once customer is live on that release and raising requests for data-fixes in that release. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Writing java 8 code to look up/save objects from/to coherence cache. +Exp Worked on Java 8 Streams and on lambda expressions. +Exp Worked with core java concepts like Collections Framework, Multithreading and Memory Management. +Exp Working with the agile team to create and manage an Operational Data Store (written in Java 8 using Apache Storm a distributed real-time data processing system) designed for integrating different +Exp Developed user specific Highlights(dashboard menu) section, Home page, Admin home page, user module (Modify/search users, create users screens with assigning various roles) using Spring MVC framework, Hibernate ORM Module, Spring Core Module, XML, JSP and XSLT. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components. +Exp Implemented Hibernate and Spring to replace EJBs in the earlier architecture. +Exp Configured Hibernate session factory in applicationcontext.xml to integrate Hibernate with Spring. +Exp Using spring integration with iBatis for persistence. All SQL map name spaces are configured in sqlmap-config file. +Exp Used Spring Core, DAO, and ORM to integrate with IBatis. +Exp Developed HTML interfaces with an understanding of UI design principles and object-oriented program development. +Exp Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing AngularJS, developed routing through web pages and achieved Single page application. Used Angular JS to achieve two way data binding. +Exp Developed various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library. +Exp Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements. +Exp Worked on the UI Framework like JS, Bootstrap, D3Js and Grunt. +Exp Implemented Backbone.js and React.js to create a dynamically changing website. +Exp Experienced in writing unit and integration tests for full stack JavaScript applications +Exp Used UI Development using HTML, and coded Java components which Retrieves data using SQL from Oracle database. +Exp Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for the Database layer by studying the required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using Oracle 9i/10g. Also used JPA with Hibernate provider. Designed and implemented the Hibernate Domain Model for the services. +Exp Excellent knowledge on CQL (Cassandra Query Language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running queries in CQL. +Exp Automate the ingestion of data from source systems into Hadoop, and from Hadoop into Vertica. +Exp Used Elastic Search on creating an uninstall survey page web application and Restful Web Service. +Exp Developed server-side services using Java multithreading, Struts MVC, Java, EJB, Spring, Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, AXIS) +Exp Developed using REST Web service and using services like SOAP +Exp Used Eclipse as an IDE for developing the application and developed test cases and performed unit test using JUnit Framework. +Exp Extensive experience with Web/Application servers like Apache Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss, Oracle WebLogic Servers, Web Sphere AS and building the applications using ANT, Maven, WEB 2.0build tool. +Exp Extensively worked on subversion, GIT, Jenkins, Crucible, Maven and Jira. +Exp Maintained the code base by frequent updates to the code repository using GIT HUB. +Exp Experience in writing ANT, Maven build scripts and configuring and using Log4j and writing JUnit test cases. +Exp Involved in running Selenium automation scripts and updating the scripts according to enhanced requirements using selenium WebDriver and Python. +Exp Expert in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of applications design & development, including SCRUM-Agile & Waterfall models. +Exp Expertise in OOP, Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and TDD +Exp Developed the User Interface Screens for presentation using JSP, JSTL tags, HTML and CSS. +Exp Providing services for SOA like building a portfolio of services, WSDL, Top-Down, Bottom-Up Approach and defining XML Schemas +Exp Design, develop and test of SOA services using SOA / Web Service / Oracle Fusion Middleware. +Exp Environment: Java 8, J2EE, JEE, Spring, Hibernate, IBatis, Angular.js, React.JS , Node.js, bootstrap.js, +Exp backbone.js, JavaScript, Oracle, PL/ SQL, Cassandra, Hadoop, REST, Soap, Web Services, Eclipse, +Exp Weblogic, Git, GitHub, JUnit, Selenium (Environment), Agile, UML , JSP, Xml, SOA +Exp Citicorp, Dallas, TX (REMOTE) Sr. Java Developer Feb’12 To July’14 +Exp Description: Worked as a Sr. Developer with Citibank on the CitiTrade Application at Citicorp. +Exp CitiBank’s online trading solution consists of a Java based trading front-end, integrated real-time risk management, and an order routing system via a , WAN or the Internet, and a real time, on-line training tool. This enabled Brokers to log on online and conduct business, analyze the market via graphs charts available. This application was customized for Citibank. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate. +Exp Designs and develops Enterprise Eligibility business objects and domain objects with Object Relational Mapping framework such as Hibernate and iBatis. +Exp Developed application using Struts Framework which is based on the MVC design pattern. +Exp Involved in design and implementation of the JSR-168 portlets and JSF presentation tier. +Exp Preparation of the framework classes for communication between portal to EJB and Hiberante. +Exp Used AngularJS to implement rich functionality in various pages: form validation, CRUD, grid, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced directives, authentication, server-side proxy, unit tests, cloud integration, slide pages, users switch etc. +Exp Produced client side validation through JavaScript and AJAX for asynchronous communication. +Exp Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS. +Exp Involved in developing HTML5 for client side presentation and, data validation within the forms. +Exp Ran Bower and Grunt components and wrote the scripting using Node.js +Exp Built reusable templates for web sites using Bootstrap and Font-awesome fonts. +Exp Worked on JavaScript framework (Backbone, Node.js) to augment browser based applications with MVC capability. +Exp Used jQuery for event handling and GUI functionalities. +Exp Loaded Data into Oracle, MS SQL Tables using SQL Loader and created a test database in MySQL and tested it using HTML, PHP and Wamp, Tomcat Web Server and Linux environment. +Exp Developed code of SQL, PL/SQL, and Views using IBM DB2 for the database. +Exp Involved in setting up configuration properties, ORM mappings and CRUD operations with database. Used sessions, transactions, Criteria's and queries to develop business requirements. +Exp Created, debugged and modified stored procedures, functions, packages, tables, views, materialized views and SQL scripts using PL/SQL. +Exp Built a query-processing engine for Ad-Hoc OLAP queries using Java collections framework, reflection and JDBC connectivity. +Exp Built a RESTful API to save and retrieve geolocations using a remote server in Java using Mongo DB, Apache CXF, and JAX-RS. +Exp SOAPUI and used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between applications over HTTP. +Exp Designing, Coding (development) and Debugging application using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo as an IDE, Spring JDBC framework and DAO pattern, HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery +Exp Involved in the migration process of applications from WebSphere Portal Server 5.1 to 6.1 +Exp Development work is also done to the legacy system using WSAD IDE. +Exp After fixing defects used SVN (Apache Sub versioning software) to check in the changes. +Exp For integration tests used JUnit framework. +Exp Utilized Scrum (SDLC) to managed projects and team. +Exp Optimized UML design using patterns like DAO, Factory, Service Locator and Business Delegate +Exp Developed Use Cases, Sequence and Class Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Designed and develop code for all activities using Struts MVC architecture. Efficiently used the Struts logic, bean and HTML custom libraries (JSP, tiles). +Exp Involved in Creation of Flex Families in Content Server and associated the JSP, JSF, J2EE, OOD, JDBC, JMS, JSTL and XSD, WSDl, XML pages to the assets. +Exp Development to meet client requirements were carried out utilizing Core Java in conjunction with the Fidessa Java API; leveraging Eclipse as an IDE, Ant build-tool, Tomcat and servlets. +Exp Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports. +Exp Used JPA 2.0 (JDBC Framework) and Apache CXF for XML generation. +Exp Prototyped and implemented Cloud based Service Bus on WSO2 for engaging stakeholders in the initial SOA discussions. +Exp Configure external JMS Server like IBM MQ Series. +Exp IBM WebSphere hosting and Apache Tomcat webserver integration - both on Windows and AIX platform. +Exp Worked in Windows 7 and Oracle Enterprise Linux, Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic Server +Exp Development for both backend and front end applications. Extensive Programming by using PHP. +Exp Environment: Spring, Hibernate, Struts & JSF, EJB, Angular.js, JavaScript, CSS, Html5, Node.js, bootstrap.js, backbone.js , JQuery, DB2, CRUD, PL/ SQL, JDBC, Mongo DB, APACHE CXF, soap, Web Services, Eclipse, WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), Subversion (SVN), JUnit, Scrum, UML, Class diagram, JSP, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) & SERVLET, MAVEN, Xml, SOA, JMS, Apache Tomcat, Linux, PHP +Exp Anthem BSBS Charlotte, NC Java J2EE Developer Feb’11 To Jun’12 +Exp Project Description: In an effort to be HIPAA compliant, Anthem was changing the messages displayed to the providers, so that it comes under the boundaries of HIPAA. Worked on the Providers portal of the application. The sections involved in this application were 1. Eligibility Inquires: Coverage and Benefits, Prior Authorization, Participating Providers List and 2. Claim Inquires: Claim status and Remittance. Scope of the application was to update the error messages for HIPAA compliance and Update COB for CT, ME and NH for HIPAA compliance. The Anthem East coast based application used to interact with the Common Apps application, which was a HIPAA compliant application based in Mid-West and the Common Apps used to massage the massage and make it HIPAA compliant and send it back to Anthem in East coast. Worked on Eligibility (270 and 271) error transactions and Claims (276 and 277 error transactions). Also, validated the 834 and 837 error messages. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC). +Exp Worked on persistence layer using O/R Mapping tool IBatis with Oracle 10g Database. +Exp Implemented views using Struts tags, JSTL2.0 and Expression Language. +Exp Developed J2EE Backing Beans, Action Classes, and Action Mapping and Application facades and hibernate classes to retrieve and submit using the JSF Framework +Exp Used RAD6.0 to develop different J2EE components like EJB’s, Client jars, Web Modules and Application EAR modules. +Exp Developed the UI panels using JSF, XHTML, CSS, DOJO and JQuery. +Exp Supported production issues related to deployed applications. This required analyzing troubleshooting and resolving issues at both the Database level (Oracle 10G and 11G) and the user interface (Sencha Extjs). +Exp Developed mobile cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API +Exp Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application. +Exp Core developer of the application infrastructure using GWT/GXT as the front-end architecture using AJAX. +Exp Wrote complex reporting applications with Ext JS and Sencha Touch for Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services, Linux and Windows servers. +Exp Developed framework using Java, BIRT Runtime, iText, and MySQL and web server technologies. +Exp Used TOAD for all database query testing and optimizations +Exp Scheduled jobs, Alerts using SQL Server Agent. +Exp Experience on Oracle IBM DB2, MySQL, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL and usage of tools like Toad for Oracle. +Exp Designed and Developed the input/output data formats in XSD for the WSDL files and accordingly implementing services using Apache AXIS2. +Exp Created web services, WSDL and web methods with Annotation in hibernate, Used the spring container for data source and to load the Hibernate specific classes. +Exp Efficiently used IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans, and XCode for development of applications. +Exp Extensively worked on Application servers like Weblogic, Web Sphere, Jboss and Apache Tomcat. +Exp Create and maintain Amazon EC2 instance that supports the companies Redmine project management site and Mercurial CM. +Exp Created ClearCase VOBs and setup triggers and backups for a new project. Wrote roll out procedures and plans. Environment was mixed Windows and AIX, projects written in C++. +Exp Architected, managed and wrote some of the code for a web services based Set Top Box (STB) test automation tool called TMC. (C#, .NET, WCF, VS2010, Windows services, Java, Ruby, Silverlight, Eclipse, Selenium, Component One Silverlight Studio) +Exp Executed project using waterfall model and practiced Agile Project Management & performed the Scrum Master role for specific projects/requirements as appropriate. Used Rally for Agile project management +Exp Thorough knowledge in using UML, XML parsers (SAX, DOM), SOAP, HTML and DHTML. +Exp Involved in Development of the application Using J2EE Technologies (Servlets, JSP, EJB, JSF,Struts). +Exp Created war files & deployed on Tomcat using ANT deployment tool. +Exp Created XML Schema, XML template and XSL. Developed Web Services Application using SOAP +Exp Worked on iText bug fixes for document rendition in document compile process. +Exp Integrated EMC Documentum with Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) for Content Management. +Exp Led, Designed and developed an Order Tracking System for garments company in GWT, Ext GWT, Java EE5, EJB3.0, Glassfish, Jasper Report, and MySQL5. +Exp Used Jira's Green Hopper functionality to manage the sprints, sprint backlog and user stories. +Exp Developed Swing for user interaction and data presentation. +Exp Worked with dimensional modeling of relational data sources (DMR) using Cognos 8 Framework Manager and create cubes using Framework Manager. +Exp Maintained report and request generator using Jasper Report +Exp Installed and configured a multi-server, clustered ILOG environment. Documented architecture and trained client administrators. +Exp Took complete Ownership of JRules by developing the complete architecture and integration with TSM application. +Exp Developing new quote, renewal, and medical payment applications using JSF, Oracle ADF using JDeveloper 11g. +Exp Integrate the Oracle BPM with the Spring Framework in the enterprise layer. +Exp Implemented Web 2.0 research and trading platforms across product areas with, "single sign on" +Exp Configure external JMS Server like IBM MQ Series. +Exp Deployed the complete Web applications in TOMCAT Application server. +Exp Set up JBoss Server, Configured MySQL Cluster in Linux OS and installed OpenCall XDMS. +Exp Created directory structure flow using UNIX to receive and send data to internal and external systems +Exp Applying Ruby on Rails and JQuery debugged, enhanced, extended business-to-business SAP application. Provided extensive integration and functional mocks testing. +Exp Provided copy for Wordpress themes/templates and design input +Exp Wrote and deployed Drupal modules for over 300 university websites as well as developed themes for multiple colleges around the ASU campus. +Exp Developed multiple web applications using Drupal, Zend Framework, and Code Igniter. +Exp Designed and built it based on previous Classic ASP version. Upgraded its original database from Access to SQL 2008. +Exp Pages written in a Windows 8 environment using VS2010, C# and ASP.Net. +Exp Developed business logic of the system using C++ +Exp J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations. +Exp Expose PL/I database access layer as web service using RD/Z +Exp Configuring and analyzing JCL to execute mainframe batch. +Exp Proved out Java/SQL access to corporate legacy mainframe data +Exp Oracle, SAS integration for business intelligence and functionality +Exp Served as lead consultant for MS Access, Excel and Win32 based solutions, responsible for full life cycle development on VB, MS Access apps using forms, controls, XML, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). +Exp Environment: Spring, IBatis, Struts & JSF, EJB, DOJO, Sencha ExtJS, JavaScript, JQuery, GWT and Ext Js, MYSQL, Toad, SQL Server, DB2, coherence, APACHE AXIS2, WSDL, Netbeans, Jboss, Mercurial, ClearCase, Selenium, Water fall model, UML , JSP & SERVLET, ANT, Xml, ITEXT, EMC Documentum, GWT (Google Web Toolkit), JIRA, SWING, Cognos, Jasper report, ILOG, JRules, Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), Oracle Business Process Management (Oracle BPM), Web 2.0, IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, Linux, Unix, Ruby, Wordpress, Drupal, z, ASP, C, C++, Mainframe, COBOL, PL/I, JCL, SQL, SAS VB +Exp SBC Communications Charlotte, NC Java Consultant Aug’09 To Jan’11 +Exp Description: SBC is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. SBC offers communications products and services ranging from local and long distance telephone services to wireless communication internet access, High-tech network solutions and data communications. The project was involved in customization and testing of Amdocs VOIP billing system. Various SBC clients for voice over Internet communications use SBC’s Wireless network. SBC is using Amdocs ensemble for billing this clients. Other features and functionality of this billing module which were tested are price plan, billing, ordering, provision and finance. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Understanding the Domain Knowledge for the Product, Requirements and Design Documents gathering. +Exp Preparing the Design Documents and analyzing the functional specifications. +Exp Involved in the table design. +Exp Worked on the Spring framework like Spring IOC and Spring DAO. +Exp Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy the application in the JBOSS Application Server. +Exp Was involved in the Infinity Process Platform (IPP) workflow design for the 2 level approvals of reports to be generated. +Exp Used IBatis to populate the data from the Database. +Exp Used JavaScript and jQuery for validating the input given to the user interface. +Exp EJB components are deployed on the Web Logic +Exp Developed the application using Spring MVC. +Exp Designed and Developed Servlets and JSP pages for authentication +Exp Responsible for developing GUI / user interfaces using JSP, CSS & DHTML. +Exp Used JQuery to make the frontend components interact with the JavaScript functions to add dynamism to the web pages at the client side. +Exp Designed and implemented database structure in MySQL Server. +Exp Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing. +Exp Built CVS and XML file loaders and splitters for financial data. +Exp Developed various UI (User Interface) components using Struts (MVC), JSP, and HTML. +Exp Responsible for configuring JBOSS Application Server administration activities which involved creating domains, Configuring the domain for WebLogic clustering, SSL, Database Connection configurations, performance monitoring, etc. +Exp Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using JUnit and created automated test scripts for integration testing using Selenium. +Exp Involved in debugging the product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking. +Exp Used CVS for version controlling and JUnit for unit testing. +Exp Prepared statements are used for communication with MySQL database +Exp Created files & deployed on Tomcat using ANT deployment tool. +Exp Involved in the integration of EJBs running on Weblogic Server with COM objects running on IIS. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components. +Exp Implemented Spring IOC for server side Java components. +Exp Implemented Spring AOP for admin services. +Exp Wrote numerous session and message driven Netbeans for operation on JBoss and WebLogic +Exp Used JQuery library and implemented Ajax features. +Exp Working Closely with EMC Documentum to implement Engineering Design Storage Repository and Project Document Management. +Exp Worked with MySQL for MySQL, SQLYog and Workbench. +Exp JSP interfaces were developed. Custom tags were used. +Exp Maintenance of data in different Oracle Databases and environments using TOAD. +Exp Developed Servlets and Worked extensively on Sql. +Exp Performed Java web application development using J2EE and Netbeans. +Exp Developed the Servlets for processing the data on the server. +Exp Expertise in employing Water Fall Model and best practices for software development +Exp Deployed the application in JBOSS Application Server. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate configuration files. +Exp Used SVN for version controlling. +Exp Environment: Java, Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Common Structure Architecture of SunGard, JIRA, Squirrel, PL/ SQL, SVN, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, iBatis, EJB, JBoss, JQuery, JSP, Servlet, MySQL, TOAD, Netbeans, Selenium, ANT, EMC Documentum, JIRA, SWING, CVS, Waterfall Model. +Exp WIPRO India Software Developer Aug’07 To July’09 +Exp Brief Description: For a large US-based financial institution: Wipro migrated 300+ applications to the cloud within 18 months, in a rapid, agile and cost effective manner. Wipro’s Rapid Cloud Enablement Suite iteratively improved the quality of application migration while reducing the migration time to the cloud. +Exp RAPID CLOUD ENABLEMENT SUITE Cloud application migration and modernization has become an imperative, to support dynamic business demands, and large-scale, multi-geography projects. Wipro’s Rapid Cloud Enablement Suite is designed to optimize the Design and Build phase of your Cloud. The solution empowers you to make the right investments in an incremental manner, with predictable outcomes in your Cloud journey. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Understanding the Domain Knowledge for the Product, Requirements and Design Documents +Exp Wrote multithreaded programs to measure system performance +Exp Worked on GUI internationalization using JSP and Core Java +Exp Used Mercurial to keep track of versioning of the source code +Exp Worked on bug fixing +Exp Used JDBC APIs for database connectivity and data retrieval. +Exp Developing HardwareStoreMarketer.com site using ASP.Net. +Exp Strong Database programming using .NET, ADO with MS SQL Server 2000, MS Access and Oracle backend. Extensively used Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server. +Exp Worked on various client websites that used Struts 2 framework, Hibernate and OGNL +Exp Wrote test cases using JUnit testing framework and configured applications on Weblogic Server +Exp Involved in debugging the product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking. +Exp Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Reports module. +Exp Simulation was developed using C++. +Exp Implemented real-time patient prescription history verification system using C, Oracle PL/SQL on VMS platform. +Exp Used Visual Source Safe for source control. +Exp Manipulated data and performed data preparation using TSO, ISPF and SPF system utilities. +Exp Developed and implemented Legacy system programs by using COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL, JAVA and VSAM. +Exp Wrote stored procedures in Oracle PL/SQL for data entry and retrieval. +Exp Extracted and modified data from VSAM files for PDF reports. +Exp Automate nightly batch processing and job alerts using REXX. +Exp Responsible for migrating WebSphere server from v6.1 to v8.0 and migrating IBM CICS Transaction. +Exp J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations. +Exp Designed and developed Message Flows and Message Sets and other service component to expose Mainframe applications to enterprise J2EE applications. +Exp Use FileAid datasets to validate backend results of test events. +Exp Configuring and analyzing JCL to execute mainframe batch. +Exp Actively involved in contributing to RFP and POC activities in IMS. +Exp Used standard data access technologies like JDBC and ORM tool like Hibernate +Exp Designed, implemented new website features and provided support, maintenance +Exp Environment : Core Java, JSP, JUnit, Mercurial, Eclipse, .Net, JIRA, JDBC, Struts 2, Hibernate, Visual Source Safe, Weblogic, Oracle , OGNL, C, C++, Linux, MS SQL Server, COBOL, FileAid, REXX, ISPF, Mainframe, CICS, IMS, VSAM, JCL. +PI Deepika +PI 518-805-9569 chintalapatideepika@gmail.com +Sum SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: - +Sum Having around 10 years of IT experience as SR IT Project Manager and Oracle database Administrator –which includes PMP, ITILV3 and OCP Certifications in Health Care, Medical , Insurance ,Retails, Finance and Oil Industries . +Sum Collaborated with business partners/owners eliciting high-level business needs and translating those to functional and non-functional system specifications, reviews and sign offs as needed by acting as Technical Business and Quality Analyst. +Sum Having experience with New York State Agency (NYS) +Sum Worked on 4 Agile Projects, 2 waterfalls and six Sigma Projects. +Sum Experience in full Software Development/Test Life Cycle (SDLC/STLC) with QA Methodology and QA Validations to ensure the Quality Assurance Control +Sum Experience in Data analysis and understanding the business analysis and delivering on time . +Sum Experience in working with Access and Identity Management (AIM) team for daily Business operations and also audits. +Sum Experience in Asset Management Project. +Sum AIM Active Directory for Resources roles in the organization and SCCM scans for Inventory maintenance +Sum Experience as an SDM for EDI initiatives for Business to Business coordinating with various team. +Sum Experienced using clarity regularly. +Sum Experienced working on O365. +Sum Experienced working with Clinical data Repository (CDR) for NY state and different Vendors in CDPHP. +Sum Experienced with Event Management. +Sum Experience with Hiring ,Contracting and Working with Vendors . +Sum Experience in-Contact Center platforms for Interactive Voice Response, Call Recording for artifacts in Insurance based Company. +Sum Experience in definition, evaluation of the data provided and providing the inputs on Quality of the data for Audit Purpose. +Sum Experience Managing Onshore and Offshore team of size 250 people. +Sum Experience Managing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with various team across IBM and CDPHP organizations. +Sum Experience managing the project Management Life Cycle(PMLC) using Waterfalls ,Agile and Do it now ways +Sum Experience with electronic health record exchanges with Quality Measure processes. +Sum Experience Working on Quality Measure Reporting on both Vendor and internal organization for Audits. +Sum Led teams across broad technical, financial and business disciplines. Focused teams on business objectives and tracked progress to ensure project milestones were completed on time, on budget and with the desired results. +Sum Mitigated risk factors through careful analysis of financial and statistical data. Anticipated and managed change effectively in rapidly evolving global business environments. +Sum Working for claims operations for Coro letter issues , Audits and process improvements. +Sum Having very good Knowledge on Micro Soft Office Product. +Sum Handled Change management , Incident and Problem Management +Sum Good knowledge on Service now, Remidy,Manage now and cherwing native tools for monitaring the tickets. +Sum Provided technical support for various databases and Applications to assure ongoing 24/7 fully operational conditions. +Sum Worked on Ops View alerting tool, SCCM, Nexpose Security Tools. +Sum Good in managing Onsite and Offshore teams and Communications +Sum PROJECTS INVOLNED +Exp Client: CDPHP ()-Albany, NY;Health Care Domain EMPLOYER : SATIN SOLUTIONS +Exp Role: SR IT Project Manager +Exp Duration: April 2017 – Present +Exp Projects Implemented: 1)Citrix on AWS -1 year Project +Exp 2)1500 Server Patching-wana Cry-10 Months +Exp 3)Audits(MARIT,PT)-2 Quarters +Exp CDPHP is a leading health insurance company which was award JD power award for 2017 year in Albany NY. CDPHP believe that high-quality health care should also be affordable and easily accessible. In fact, they are so committed to delivering the best care at the lowest prices mission to set a new industry standard. As health insurance provider, they promise to look out for Act with integrity at all times and situations, Ensure access to high-quality care, improve the ease and efficiency of clinical practice +Exp Day-to-Day Activity: - +Exp Meet with clients to discuss and fine-tune project expectations Responsible and accountable for the coordinated management of multiple related projects directed toward strategic business and other organizational objectives. +Exp Handling 3 Projects same time using Agile PM and derived to closure. +Exp Handling Asset Management Project(Citrix Project) where 1500 employee are migrated to citrix on AWS and offshore 250 resources moved to Cirtix from Full OS. +Exp Data Center Migration to AWS as part of Infrastructure change in CDPHP using Scrum /Agile methodology. +Exp Handling 20 Scrum Master from various departments(change champions) in the company, coordination and Problem solving splints and backlogs for Project movement. +Exp Handling VMware machines and moving them to Citrix (Offshore Team) and part of Infrastructure Project. +Exp Citrix which is a large Project of around 1900 people to be changed in to Citrix environment on AWS , Working with different teams in organizations (Claims, DSRIP, IT , Medicare ,Member services ,Data Management, Provider services and all other departments). +Exp Working and understanding on pre Implementation and Post implementation issues (Performance issues ) for the Project internally and Vendor related issues . +Exp Patching Project of around 1300 servers to be patched monthly and quarterly for this plan and schedule to be discussed with Implementation partner and Vendor for vendor managed Servers. +Exp Collaborated with business partners/owners eliciting high-level business needs and translating those to functional and non-functional system specifications, reviews and sign offs as needed by acting as Technical Business and Quality Analyst. +Exp Experienced using Clarity on regular basis for business clocking and Maintaining. +Exp Managing the Scrum Call(OOPS Call) with the Offshore and Onsite technical teams for Day to day activities. And Scrum call weekly with Vendors for Patching and Security issues for the servers. +Exp Working on Clinical data Repository (CDR) for NY state employees and different Vendors in CDPHP as the health insurance providers . +Exp Providing RFR documentation for the CDR raised for any clients after passing the required audit for the clients and Doctors . +Exp Maintaining the raised RFR for each CDR through MS Project for doing the audits quarterly for NY state employee. +Exp Experienced using MS Project for all the projects maintained and tracking the progress using the MS PROJECT +Exp Planning the project and presenting the scope and details using the MS PROJECT. +Exp Tracking the reported Scrum issues and coordinating with Scrums Masters for follow up and documenting the issues and updating the native tools to avoid the breaches and escalations. +Exp Design and Maintain High quality artifacts throughout PMLC for Auditing and other teams Use age. Maintaining Risks and Solutions Database and periodic updates. +Exp Working and coordinating with AIM and service desk team regularly for bring the Project to operations mode. +Exp HIE(Health information Exchange) system for NY state needs to be updated and provided when as per the request and evidences provided. +Exp Working with AIM(Access and Identity Management) team for On boarding and off boarding new resources and maintain Active directory for audits. +Exp SCCM for Inventory and AIM team to fill in the Service requests on time to avoid the breaches in the native tools and to avoid escalations for smooth business. +Exp Work closely with both direct and virtual global members of the VMO team +Exp Working with Contracts , Vendors and Implementation Partners on the Contracts and Scheduled . Hiring Contractors, Vendor Management (MTM) for In fracture changes , Challenges and documenting the progress . +Exp Working on Managing General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with various team across CDPHP organization. +Exp Working with Implementation Partner SYNTEL on daily business and New Scope identification and communicating with shake Holders . +Exp Experience in definition, evaluation of the data provided and providing the inputs on Quality of the data for Audit Purpose . +Exp Provides direction, prioritization to enable efficient implementation of the Project for On time delivery.. +Exp CDPHP changes to Thin Network as part of Citrix Project . Coordinating and tracking on daily basis . +Exp Server (Windows and Linux)Patching. Project for 1078 servers which needs to be patched monthly and Quarterly are taken care of as part of Project and operations . +Exp Scheduling and conducts project meetings to include logistics, agendas, and Minutes of Meeting . +Exp Accepting the challenges and driving to solutions and documentation for further Use . +Exp Working with different Shake Holders in the project (Developers , Testers , DBA ,Quality and Managers for Project Development and Maintenance ) +Exp Monitored projects on an ongoing basis, evaluating progress and quality, managing issue resolution and taking corrective action as necessary. +Exp Maintain continuous alignment of program scope with strategic business objectives, and make recommendations to modify the program to enhance effectiveness toward the business result or strategic intent. +Exp Direct the coordination of all implementation tasks involving third party vendors as well as provide consultation to clients on system implementation. +Exp Week end support for monitoring the Patches and progress when ever required and guiding the team at offshore on the step to be taken when issues occur +Exp Managed and perform the process of Statement of Work and contract creation to secure new and follow-on work. +Exp Monitored project activities and advised staff of issues due to resource availability. +Exp Documented and standardized web deployment and post deployment procedures, reducing deployment cycle 10%. +Exp Worked with change management and transition teams to implement training and integrated legacy systems with new systems and processes +Exp Validated inventory records and contracts against legacy data for accuracy and liaised with service providers regarding the transition process and helped track the terms for termination for each account +Exp Provided program and project status reports to the project team and company +Exp Ensure the process developed and agreed is followed across the team and have a hand shake by the security team. +Exp Creating the requests, Incidents and changes and following up for approvals as per need and managing documentations. +Exp Sending High level project progress to the Board Members on regular basis. +Exp Client: Miller Coors-USA Bear account -Trenton, NJ; EMPLOYER –Satin Solutions ; Implimentation Patner:IBM USA-Retail Domain +Exp Role: IT Project Manager and Sr Transition Manager +Exp Duration: July 2016 – March 2017 +Exp The Miller Brewing Company is an American brewing company owned by . Its regional headquarters is located in and the company has brewing facilities in , , Carolina, Fort, Irwindale, California, ; and . On 1 July 2008 the company was formed as a joint venture with rival to consolidate the production and distribution of its products in the , with each parent company’s corporate operations and international operations remaining separate and independent of the joint venture. +Exp Day-to-Day Activity: - +Exp Primary consultant between various business units in order to review, analyze, and evaluate business systems and user needs +Exp Documenting requirements, define scope and objectives, and formulate systems to parallel overall business strategies +Exp Handling the tracition of the project using Alile PM with splints backlogs to smoth tranciton and coordination with various sdms through out the organisation (offshore). +Exp Working as an SDM for EDI initiatives for Business to Business coordinating with various team (Server Time , DBA, Management, Service desk , Business team)for regular updates during various critical paths like patching , Migration , Up gradation and during Critical issues. +Exp Participating in the scoping process for corporate project requests. +Exp Managing requirements process for high risk corporate projects. Managing requirement sessions, +Exp elicitation of requirements, documentation of business and functional requirements, and facilitate. +Exp Business User Acceptance Testing(BUAT) implementation for Projects undertaken and deployments . +Exp Documentation of all artifacts as an SDM for B2B from various team and maintaining know error and Risk maintainence DB for the business. +Exp review and approval of requirements +Exp Developing and solicit approval of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) documentation. +Exp Handled Many team building Event managemnet and Client Event Managemnet. +Exp Act as the subject matter expert for business partners on SDLC process +Exp Provided program and project status reports to the project team and company +Exp Monitored projects on an ongoing basis, evaluating progress and quality, managing issue resolution and taking corrective action as necessary. +Exp Production Support: +Exp Working on ISM ticketing tool supporting over TB 24*7 remote supports and on call for Production databases and supporting developers & end-users. +Exp Created and managed database objects such as tables, indexes, partition tables and views. +Exp Performed capacity planning, security review and database design review for several OLTP applications and data warehouse. +Exp Reviewed with development team in optimizing queries for the data warehouse and OLTP database environments. +Exp Security User Management, Privileges, Roles, Profiling, OS Authentication. +Exp Client: RSA(Royal and sun Alliance) –India Employer-IBM INDIA Insurance Domain +Exp Role: IT Project Manager and Sr Oracle Database Administrator +Exp Duration: Nov 2012 - June 2016 +Exp RSA Insurance Group plc ( RSA, formerly Royal and Sun Alliance) (: ) is a insurance company headquartered in , . RSA operates in 28 countries and provides insurance products and services in more than 140 through a network of local partners. It has 17 million customers. RSA was formed by the merger of Sun Alliance and Royal Insurance in 1996. +Exp Performing role transition as required and troubleshooting dataguard/standby issues. +Exp Executing application scripts in databases as requested application team. +Exp Restore and Recovery of databases using BR tools. +Exp Killing prole and reset password for prole with the help of TSM Team +Exp Configuring Listener and TNS Configuration in Oracle Client, Oracle databases +Exp Monitoring Production databases OLTP and OLAP. +Exp Defragmenting tables, indexes and database storage areas. +Exp Tables and Indexes stats gathering in production databases on weekly basis. +Exp Performed Cloning Activity for databases from production to testing environment. +Exp Plan database space needs and growth analysis, and future disk need analysis by adding or resizing Data files in the tablespaces. +Exp Setting up new users managing/ user responsibilities. +Exp Client: Miller coors- India Employer-IBM INDIA Retail Domain +Exp Role: Project Manager (PM) and Oracle /SQL Database Administrator +Exp Duration: Jan 2012 - Nov 2012 +Exp The Miller Brewing Company is an American brewing company owned by . Its regional headquarters is located in and the company has brewing facilities in , , Carolina, Fort, Irwindale, California, ; and . On 1 July 2008 the company was formed as a joint venture with rival to consolidate the production and distribution of its products in the , with each parent company’s corporate operations and international operations remaining separate and independent of the joint venture. +Exp Database Implementations: +Exp Manage Oracle Database Vault: create realms, command rules, and factors and manage their authorizations. +Exp Work with business owners to authorize exceptions and enable monitoring +Exp Actively involved in strategic Backup, Restore and Recovery using RMAN for complete recoverability. +Exp Used Flashback Technology-Query on Database to undo specific transactions, provided point-in-time recovery of database objects, recovered database objects and ‘rewind’ entire database to a particular time. +Exp Configured DATA GUARD to provide high availability by implementing physical stand-by database and worked with various Oracle 11g features: 11g Grid Control and Automatic Storage Management (ASM). +Exp Client: Irving Oil – India Employer-IBM INDIA -Oil Industry +Exp Role: Oracle Database Admin and Work Load Manager(Project Manager) +Exp Duration: March2009 - Jan 2012 +Exp Irving Oil Ltd. is a gas, oil and natural gas producing and exporting company. The company is privately owned by Irving and his family. It is considered part of the .Irving Oil operates the , Canada's largest refinery, as well as a network of gasoline stations, a fleet of , real estate and other related assets. +Exp Database Implementations: -. +Exp Installation and configuration of Oracle 11g databases +Exp Upgraded the databases from and to +Exp Applying regular PSU patches. +Exp Creating Backup schedules and taking periodic backups both offline and online using RMAN and SQLBACKTRACK. +Exp Configuration of standby database for production database. +Exp Handling Emergency and regular Production, Staging and Integration Releases and database changes. +Exp Created Table partitions and purging non- required partitions based on application demands. +Exp Used the standby database for doing different operations like taking Backups, collecting statistics and running various reports without +Exp disturbing the production database. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILL SUMMARY: - +Edu EDUCATION DETAILS: +Edu JNTU-2006 to 2010 Computer Science Engineering (Bachelors Degree) +PI Deepika +PI 518-805-9569 chintalapatideepika@gmail.com +Sum SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: - +Sum Deepika is an experienced Project Manager and Oracle database Administrator –which includes PMP, ITILV3 and OCP Certifications in Health Care, Brewing, and Oil Industries. +Sum Ensured project delivered and met client expectations. Excelled at gathering feedback and requirements; communicating needed changes to development team; and overseeing seamless, high-quality rollouts to on-time and on-budget conclusion. +Sum Lead teams across broad technical, financial and business disciplines. Focused teams on business objectives and tracked progress to ensure project milestones were completed on time, on budget and with the desired results. +Sum Mitigated risk factors through careful analysis of financial and statistical data. Anticipated and managed change effectively in rapidly evolving global business environments. +Sum Defined processes and tools best suited to each project. Moved between agile and waterfall approaches depending on project specifics and client goals, creating detailed project road maps, plans, schedules and work breakdown structures. +Sum Project-managed large-scale initiatives involving the transition of programs to new platforms and the merger of disparate systems from acquired client companies. +Sum Ensured products met or exceeded client expectations. Excelled at gathering feedback and requirements; communicating needed changes to development team; and overseeing seamless, high-quality rollouts to on-time and on-budget conclusion. +Sum Having very good Knowledge on Micro Soft Office Product. +Exp Scored a band of 7.5 in IELTS for communications. +Sum Handled Change management , Incident and Problem Management +Sum Good knowledge on Service now, Remidy,Manage now and cherwing native tools for monitaring the tickets. +Sum Provided technical support for various databases and Applications to assure ongoing 24/7 fully operational conditions. +Sum Worked on Ops View alerting tool, SCCM, Nexpose Security Tools. +Sum Good in managing Onsite and Offshore teams and Communications +Sum Experience as On-Call 24x7 production DBA and application/development DBA and Oracle Support processes for technical requests through Metalink and other Support Procedures. +Sum Good at managing Oracle DBA , SQL DBA and Golden gate . +Sum Installed and configured Golden Gate +Skill Used PL/SQL to create stored procedures with the help of tokens to replicate data across multiple databases. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILL SUMMARY: - +Exp PROJECTS INVOLNED +Exp Client: CDPHP ()-Albany, NY;Health Care Domain +Exp Role: Project Manager +Exp Duration: April 2017 - Present +Exp CDPHP is a leading health insurance company which was award JD power award for 2017 year in Albany NY. CDPHP believe that high-quality health care should also be affordable and easily accessible. In fact, they are so committed to delivering the best care at the lowest prices mission to set a new industry standard. As health insurance provider, they promise to look out for Act with integrity at all times and situations, Ensure access to high-quality care, improve the ease and efficiency of clinical practice +Exp Day-to-Day Activity: - +Exp Meet with clients to discuss and fine-tune project expectations Responsible and accountable for the coordinated management of multiple related projects directed toward strategic business and other organizational objectives. +Exp Monitored projects on an ongoing basis, evaluating progress and quality, managing issue resolution and taking corrective action as necessary. +Exp Maintain continuous alignment of program scope with strategic business objectives, and make recommendations to modify the program to enhance effectiveness toward the business result or strategic intent. +Exp Maintaining the security team handshake on the process and procedure of the project +Exp Present periodic Dashboard reports on the current program, future opportunities, and client issues. +Exp Direct the coordination of all implementation tasks involving third party vendors as well as provide consultation to clients on system implementation. +Exp Week end support for monitoring the Patches and progress when ever required and guiding the team at offshore on the step to be taken when issues occur +Exp Managed and perform the process of Statement of Work and contract creation to secure new and follow-on work. +Exp Monitored project activities and advised staff of issues due to resource availability. +Exp Documented and standardized web deployment and post deployment procedures, reducing deployment cycle 10%. +Exp Worked with change management and transition teams to implement training and integrated legacy systems with new systems and processes +Exp Validated inventory records and contracts against legacy data for accuracy and liaised with service providers regarding the transition process and helped track the terms for termination for each account +Exp Provided program and project status reports to the project team and company +Exp Ensure the process developed and agreed is followed across the team and have a hand shake by the security team. +Exp Creating the requests, Incidents and changes and following up for approvals as per need and managing documentations. +Exp Sending High level project progress to the Board Members on regular basis. +Exp Client: Miller Coors-USA Bear account -Trenton, NJ +Exp Role: Sr. Oracle & SQL Database Administrator and Project Transition Manager +Exp Duration: July 2016 – March 2017 +Exp The Miller Brewing Company is an American brewing company owned by . Its regional headquarters is located in and the company has brewing facilities in , , Carolina, Fort, , ; and . On 1 July 2008 the company was formed as a joint venture with rival to consolidate the production and distribution of its products in the , with each parent company’s corporate operations and international operations remaining separate and independent of the joint venture. +Exp Day-to-Day Activity: - +Exp 24x7 Oracle Production Database Administration +Exp Transistion of the account to an other Company with out escalations +Exp Documaentation and securing in team room for futhur use +Exp Change managemnet, Incident Managemnet and Problem Managemnet +Exp Regular meetings with Client and third party vendors +Exp Leading the team of 20 people offshore +Exp Validated inventory records and contracts against legacy data for accuracy and liaised with service providers regarding the transition process and helped track the terms for termination for each account +Exp Provided program and project status reports to the project team and company +Exp Monitored projects on an ongoing basis, evaluating progress and quality, managing issue resolution and taking corrective action as necessary. +Exp Production Support: +Exp Working on ISM ticketing tool supporting over TB 24*7 remote supports and on call for Production databases and supporting developers & end-users. +Exp Created and managed database objects such as tables, indexes, partition tables and views. +Exp Performed capacity planning, security review and database design review for several OLTP applications and data warehouse. +Exp Reviewed with development team in optimizing queries for the data warehouse and OLTP database environments. +Exp Security User Management, Privileges, Roles, Profiling, OS Authentication. +Exp Client: RSA(Royal and sun Alliance) -India +Exp Role: Sr Oracle Database Administrator and Project Work Load Manager +Exp Duration: Nov 2012 - June 2016 +Exp RSA Insurance Group plc ( RSA, formerly Royal and Sun Alliance) (: ) is a insurance company headquartered in , . RSA operates in 28 countries and provides insurance products and services in more than 140 through a network of local partners. It has 17 million customers. RSA was formed by the merger of Sun Alliance and Royal Insurance in 1996. +Exp Day to Day Activity: - +Exp Maintaining SAP applications and configuring oracle databases. +Exp Maintaining the shifts and resources Work Load and evenly distribution +Exp Bucketing the inflow of incidents and requests as per skill and assigning them to the resources +Exp Routing the tickets to the other team and proper Hand Shake as per the base line and Project scope +Exp Managing TSM session’s availability to trigger backups on oracle databases using BR Tools. +Exp Managing PROLE user to access backup scripts with proper permissions. +Exp Conduct internal audits periodically in conjunction with security to ensure compliance with internal security policies and industry regulations +Exp Involved in the process of tuning and refining queries of various applications. +Exp Implemented DR activity on two SAP applications and Two SAP databases. +Exp Involved in Production Data Center Migration +Exp Involved in administration of Oracle instances +Exp Worked on OLTP and OLAP database systems +Exp Manage passwords for default accounts including default Oracle Database Vault Accounts Administrator and Security Administrator +Exp Oracle Database Installation and Patch Set Installation. +Exp RMAN full backup and Incremental Backups using offload server and BR tools +Exp Database Cloning using RMAN full backup. +Exp Logical Backups like Export and Import or Data Pump. +Exp Performing role transition as required and troubleshooting data guard/standby issues. +Exp Executing application scripts in databases as requested application team. +Exp Restore and Recovery of databases using BR tools. +Exp Killing prole and reset password for prole with the help of TSM Team +Exp Configuring Listener and TNS Configuration in Oracle Client, Oracle databases +Exp Monitoring Production databases OLTP and OLAP. +Exp Analyzing AWR reports and SQL query Plans, SQL query tuning. +Exp Optimization and tuning SQL queries using TKPROF, EXPLAINS PLAN, SQL TRACE. +Exp Actively involved in monitoring the lock processes, releasing locks in case of resource blockage and gathering statistics. +Exp Creating tables, procedures, functions as per the requirement. +Exp Defragmenting tables, indexes and database storage areas. +Exp Tables and Indexes stats gathering in production databases on weekly basis. +Exp Performed Cloning Activity for databases from production to testing environment. +Exp Plan database space needs and growth analysis, and future disk need analysis by adding or resizing Data files in the tablespaces. +Exp Setting up new users managing/ user responsibilities. +Exp Client: Miller coors- India +Exp Role: Oracle & SQL Database Administrator +Exp Duration: Jan 2012 - Nov 2012 +Exp The Miller Brewing Company is an American brewing company owned by . Its regional headquarters is located in and the company has brewing facilities in , , Carolina, Fort, , ; and . On 1 July 2008 the company was formed as a joint venture with rival to consolidate the production and distribution of its products in the , with each parent company’s corporate operations and international operations remaining separate and independent of the joint venture. +Exp Database Implementations: +Exp Manage Oracle Database Vault: create realms, command rules, and factors and manage their authorizations. +Exp Work with business owners to authorize exceptions and enable monitoring +Exp Actively involved in strategic Backup, Restore and Recovery using RMAN for complete recoverability. +Exp Used Flashback Technology-Query on Database to undo specific transactions, provided point-in-time recovery of database objects, recovered database objects and ‘rewind’ entire database to a particular time. +Exp Configured DATA GUARD to provide high availability by implementing physical stand-by database and worked with various Oracle 11g features: 11g Grid Control and Automatic Storage Management (ASM). +Exp Day-to-Day Activity: - +Exp Monitoring Service now ticketing tool on daily basis, dispatching and resolving tickets within SLA. +Exp Pulling Morning coffee report and resolving backup issues, monitoring scheduled batch jobs. +Exp Monitoring and administering RAC databases and node elements using srvctl & crsctl utilities. +Exp Coordinated with Application team and SQL developers to design the flow of operations to ensure proper synchronization between the database and the front end in both connected and disconnected modes. +Exp Creating, monitoring and managing locally Managed & Dictionary managed tablespaces for distributed databases. +Exp Managing, troubleshooting and resolving oracle database, RAC and applications issues. +Exp Performing the daily Maintenance tasks and interacting with Oracle Customer service when required. +Exp Expertise in implementing cron jobs and task schedulers. +Exp Supporting and Handling Scheduled System & Database Maintenance. +Exp Created database objects and managed the permission access on the objects with necessary security. +Exp Using Golden Gate data selection and filtering for replication and making use of SQLEXEC to interact with database. +Exp Start Replicat process, Configure Replicate to handle collisions between changes and the Initial Load data. +Exp Regular Health Check of the Database. +Exp Physical Db Backup & Recovery (hot and cold backups), Logical Backup and Recovery using Import & Export. +Exp Establish Standards for Implementing and Maintaining Database Security. +Exp Client: Irving Oil - India +Exp Role: Oracle Database Admin +Exp Duration: March2009 - Jan 2012 +Exp Irving Oil Ltd. is a gas, oil and natural gas producing and exporting company. The company is privately owned by Irving and his family. It is considered part of the .Irving Oil operates the , Canada's largest refinery, as well as a network of gasoline stations, a fleet of , real estate and other related assets. +Exp Database Implementations: -. +Exp Monitoring database growth and security audits using OBACKTRACK on quarterly basis. +Exp Resolving any projects specific issues/requirements which were assigned. +Exp Built new Databases on new servers from the scratch. +Exp Installation and configuration of Oracle 11g databases +Exp Upgraded the databases from and to +Exp Applying regular PSU patches. +Exp Creating Backup schedules and taking periodic backups both offline and online using RMAN and SQLBACKTRACK. +Exp Configuration of standby database for production database. +Exp Handling Emergency and regular Production, Staging and Integration Releases and database changes. +Exp Created Table partitions and purging non- required partitions based on application demands. +Exp Used the standby database for doing different operations like taking Backups, collecting statistics and running various reports without +Exp disturbing the production database. +Exp Executing application scripts in databases as requested application team. +Exp Configuring Listener and TNS Configuration in Oracle Client, Oracle databases +Exp Taken care of Table space re-organization. +Exp Writing shell scripts, setting up Corn Jobs to Email reports and Database status to various users. +Exp Day to Day Activities: - +Exp Responsible for configuring database memory structure, managing storage allocation, creating user accounts, roles and privileges for DB operations and security maintenance. +Exp Implemented Oracle security features and audit mechanisms for Fine grained access control. +Exp Taken care of backups and recoveries using RMAN. +Exp Applied necessary CPU and PSU patches to Oracle Databases. +Exp Performed performance tuning and SQL tuning using AWR utilities. +Exp Performed daily database monitoring and general space check. +Exp Given Support for application users in solving their database issues. +Exp Deployed and trouble shoot database change requests. +Exp Involved In query optimization and using rule based optimizers. +Exp Monitoring alert log file for chronological errors like ORA-600. +Exp Collecting all important log files at cluster and db level using diagcollction.pl script. +Exp Generating AWR report and analyzing the top events and other. +Exp Databases Health checks. +Exp Database Security Administration using Roles, Profiles and Privileges. +Exp Cloning databases with various strategies like RMAN/Logical Refresh. +Exp Used Stats pack for Tuning and analysis. +PI Ajay Kumar (CSM) Email/Skype: ajaydt@gmail.com; Mob. +1 (847)899-4194 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum 14 Years IT experience as an Architect, Solutions, Scrum Master, Quality Assurance and Agile Practitioner (Agile Methodology - Healthcare) with SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) including ETL Testing and Web Services, Selenium Automation engagement of Web application, Project management and technical team handling experience from 20+ associates. Extensive health care background with software implementation knowledge and extensive background in Retail, eCommerce, Point of Sale, Banking & Finance, Cards & Payments, Government, Education projects. +Sum Strong experience in Agile Testing concepts and Testing process, experience in managing complex issues and risks, including appropriate verbal and written. +Sum Prepares and follows up on regular Scrum events; including daily scrum, sprint planning sessions, backlog grooming, retrospectives. Facilitation and coordination of Agile Program Increment (PI) planning. +Sum Uses metrics to track and review team performance including Burn-down charts, velocity, and other sprint and release metrics. +Sum Promoting continuous improvement to increase team effectiveness and helping the organization and key stakeholders in adapting an Agile mindset. +Sum Experience working with Product Owners, architecture, technical leads and other stakeholders to manage cross team and their dependencies. +Sum Expertise in Test Governance & Test process compliance, vast experience working in a client and business facing role. +Sum Create test plans, traceability matrices and test impact analysis documents. +Sum Design and develop test cases using industry best practices; report defects utilizing industry standard defect tracking tools. +Sum Excellent knowledge in testing metrics and ability to utilize them in day to day testing activities. +Sum Review complex software requirements and uncover requirements defects. +Sum Specialized in web and E-commerce testing, test automation scripts using Selenium and Java. +Sum Advanced experience of various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) while understanding the role of tester in each phase. +Sum Quality Plan documentation, involved in Project planning documentation included budgeting, staffing profiles, project timelines, issue tracking, and dependency tracking. +Sum Excellent analytical, problem solving, troubleshooting skills and Well acquainted with the SDLC, Agile and STLC. +Sum Expertise in HP ALM, Rally, Jira, Bugzilla, Selenium Web Driver, TestNG, SOAP UI, REST, WinSCP, ETL, Putty, SQL Developer tools for current project. +Sum Experience in Release Management lifecycle and deploy releases into production which includes scheduling, coordinating and the management of releases across the enterprise for multiple Applications Updates, Hotfixes, Security Improvements, Operating System updates. +Sum Advanced technical knowledge including an understanding of Continuous Integration tools used as Jenkins to achieve efficient and fast delivery and accelerate time to value and even revenue. +Sum Expert in leading the validation of multiple complex interfaces with broad knowledge of Integration Testing (creating and executing test cases at the Unit/ Integration/ System level/UAT), Automated Testing (Web Testing, GUI, Client Server) and Field Validation (Client-side, Server-side and ETL database). +Sum Experience in meeting tight timelines and delivery quality work to customer including reviewing cross discipline deliverables. +Sum Extensive elicitation abilities through SWOT Analysis, Surveys and well facilitated JAD sessions to understand the As-Is business model to gather User and Business Requirements. +Sum Excellent organizational and presentation skills in directing the To-Be model of the business through proper GAP Analysis in order to generate the necessary Business Requirements Document (BRD), System Requirements Specification (SRS), Functional Requirements Document (FRD), Change Request Processes (CRP), and Contingency Planning (CP). Knowledge and experience working on smoke testing, debugging. +Sum Experience in data mining, data analysis, data manipulation, database statistics, Data warehousing. +Sum Excellent verbal and communication skills necessary to elicit requirements through observation, surveys, interviews, Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and Brainstorming with Business Owners, Business Users, SMEs and other stakeholders. +Sum Experience implementing Unified Modeling Language (UML) and MS VISIO in creating Use Cases, Sequence Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams. +Sum Change Request Management experience including industry standard CRM tools. +Sum Experience in creating WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) with dependencies and project stakeholders using MS Project. +Sum Experience in tracing requirements throughout the development process and verifying adherence to Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Sum Significant experience in reviewing Test Procedures, creating Test Cases and conducting User Acceptance Testing (UAT). +Sum Role includes: Technical guidance’s to the team, Web Testing, Database Testing, Automation, Business Intelligence, project monitoring and control, resource allocation, drafting project proposals, effort estimations, schedule, project report and status, training, managing interview drives /conduct, onsite-offshore coordination. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILL-SET: +Skill Management Tools : MS Projects, Visio, Office, SharePoint, Rally, Jira, PlanView +Skill Methodologies : Agile and Scrum Model, Waterfall, V Model +Skill Functional Tool : Selenium, HP UFT, QTP, Winrunner, Rational Robot, SOAP/REST +Skill Performance Tool : JMeter, SQL Query Analyzer, Dynatrace +Skill Defect Mgmt. Tool : Rally, Bugzilla, Jira, Rational Clear Quest, TIR +Skill Test Mgmt. Tool : HP ALM, Quality Center, Test Director +Skill Database : Oracle, SQL-Server, Infosphere DataStage, ETL, QMF, Squirrel +Skill Languages Conscious : C++ (OOP Concept), Unix, VB Script, Java Script, WSDL, XML +Skill Configuration Tools : GIT, GitHub Extension, SVN, CVS, VSS, Mindshare, SharePoint +Skill Other Tools : Putty, WinScp, SOA, Junit, TestNG, POM, AutoPilot for MQ +Skill Operating System : Windows/XP professional, Citrix Metaframe Server, Unix +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Skill UHG (Optum Insight), MN, USA - Oct 2015 to Till Date +Skill Scrum Master, QA Lead – Agile/Scrum/PM/QA - Care Manager () +Skill Technologies: Java, Rally, ALM, ETL Datastage Director, SQL Developer, SharePoint, Jenkins, Git, JIRA, Selenium, TestNG, MS Visio and Office, SOAP/REST, Swagger, AutoPilot, WinSCP, Putty, Beyond Compare +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Acted as the primary point of contact for the design team in all development meetings which strengthened work alignment between development and design teams +Exp Developed and maintain the design team's product backlog and roadmap improving team organization and clearly defines sprint goals +Exp Responsible for managing global project teams and supporting Optum in their Agile transformation. Facilitating workshops with multiple stakeholders, development and support teams to create a common understanding of project objectives, features and user stories, sprint planning, tracking, removing impediments, communications and backlog grooming. +Exp Planned sprint priorities with Product Owners & Product Managers to ensure proper design requirements are consistently met. +Exp Facilitated scrum meetings and encouraged team collaboration to enable design team to achieve sprint goals & deliverables. +Exp Aided our Product Manager & Product Owner by created and maintaining a competitive analysis of similar products throughout the business intelligence/data analytics industry. +Exp Removed impediments and combated evolving requirements by implementing a workflow oriented process to better represent proper scope of stories while working with cross functional teams. +Exp Handled scrum team consist of cross trained resources in Java , ETL resources and BI tools . +Exp Involved on effective testing strategies to provide Quality Assurance and developed test cases. +Exp Managing software development life cycle (SDLC) for Java, J2EE Projects including analysis, design, testing and implementation of software applications. +Exp Source code and version control management with Git, Github extension and SharePoint. +Exp Lead the daily scrum calls with offshore teams situated in different time zones to monitor the progress of the deliverables. +Exp Guiding the team to produce quality software on a predictable schedule using Agile/Scrum principles and practices. +Exp Coach teams through Scrum ceremonies, including: Sprint Planning, Backlog Refinement, Sprint Demo, Sprint Retrospective, and Daily Stand-up. +Exp Facilitating and following up on actions for all Scrum ceremonies including grooming, planning, stand-ups, reviews and retrospectives. +Exp Creating and maintaining information radiators that track progress at multiple levels, including following up with the team to ensure daily updates. +Exp Removing impediments to team progress either directly or by finding the right personnel to remove the impediment. +Exp Building a trusting and safe environment where problems can be raised without fear of blame, retribution, or being judged, with an emphasis of healing and problem solving. +Exp Facilitating discussion, decision making, and conflict resolution. +Exp Helping the team to continually evolve the process, seeking improvements and greater efficiency. +Exp Assisting with internal and external communication, improving transparency, and radiating information. +Exp Supporting and educating the Product Owner, especially with respect to grooming and maintaining the product backlog. +Exp Provide process and tool training and coaching for new projects and new team members. +Exp Providing all support to the team using a servant leadership style whenever possible, and leading by example. +Exp Implementing SAFe inorder to Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes and manage queue lengths. +Exp Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning using SAFe, Decentralize decision-making- SAFe concept. +Exp Manage scope and risks associated with 4 major quarterly and 8 monthly releases annually. +Exp Evolve release and program management processes as the organization incorporates Agile software development tools and methodologies within IT. +Exp Performed initial risk assessment and document risk mitigation plans and contingency procedures with the project team and maintain throughout life of the project. +Exp Managed and optimized business processes using Six Sigma and Lean, including defining the KPIs . +Exp Interact with cross functional teams to facilitate gathering of testing requirements. +Exp Assist with weekly daily scrum meetings with offshore and onshore team. +Exp Performed impact analysis during QA planning. Work with trading partners, clients, management, technical and non-technical personnel to create use cases and testing documentation. +Exp Involved in automating test cases and creating automation framework. +Exp Training and Agile coaching to team on how to use Agile/Scrum practices and values, implemented Agile methodology throughout QA process. +Exp Conducted test planning, chose test strategy, coverage and acceptance criteria. +Exp Created RACI to align team on responsibilities - improving overall testing process. +Exp Writing test cases based on the requirements, Designed and developed test cases in ALM, Rally as well as MS Excel. Use TDD, Continuous integration and testing methods. +Exp Created automated test script using Selenium for regressing testing. +Exp Developed test execution sequences, Manually performed Integration, Functional and Regression Testing. +Exp Executed manual test cases for releases , Performed basic backend testing (SQL), Reported defects via Rally. +Exp Contribute in test planning, test estimation, test design, executed manual test cases for releases in ALM & Rally. +Exp Performed basic backend testing (SQL), Developed and tracked test productivity metrics. +Exp Collaborated with stakeholders, Participate in agile scrum meeting and everyday meetings. +Exp Run regression test scripts via Selenium Webdriver, TestNG, Maven tools. +Exp HP (Hewlett Packard), TX, USA/ Kforce - Feb 2015 to Sep 2015 +Exp Scrum Master / QA Project Manager – Agile/Scrum/PM/QA - MD3 – Master Data Control Point (MDCP) +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Driving Agile Scrum principles, values, behaviors and methodologies throughout the organization. +Exp Assisting teams with planning and execution of ceremonies, use of selected standard Agile tracking tool, User Story development. +Exp Used TFS as the tool to Backlog tracking, burn-down metrics, velocity, and task management. +Exp Ensured a common understanding by setting expectations in accordance with the Scrum principles, to align the stakeholders and team members. +Exp Following all the SCRUM activities like Estimation, Sprint Demo, and Retrospective. +Exp Ensured product backlog management and stories prioritization for consistent delivery. +Exp Coach teams and management towards improving Agile process and metrics. +Exp Partnering with the Product Owner in keeping the Backlog groomed. +Exp Partnering with the Scrum Master to ensure cross-team coordination. +Exp Identifying and maintaining relevant metrics that give the team insight into how they are doing and reporting these metrics to management. +Exp Encouraging adoption of a truly Agile mindset, including ownership, self-management and empowerment. +Exp Managing overall operations for executing projects involving scoping, design & sourcing. +Exp Create Backlog and prioritize the user stories based on their business value. +Exp Report team progress by burn-down charts and by conducting Sprint demos. +Exp Record sprint metrics related to planned and completed story points, test cases, and bugs resolved. +Exp Follow Agile best practices by conducting backlog grooming sessions, Sprint planning, and Sprint retrospectives with the development team. +Exp Source code and version control management with Subversion(SVN). +Exp Monitoring / tracking projects with respect to budgeted cost, demand forecasts, time over-runs to ensure timely execution of projects. +Exp Addressing all the important issues & defining best practices for project support and documentation. +Exp Mentoring and training project members to enable them to perform their activities effectively. +Exp Performing project estimation, project scheduling and project costing. +Exp Steering Delivery Management for technical deliverables of concurrent projects. +Exp Analyzing user requirements and designing testing specifications. +Exp Developing test plans, test cases and testing strategies for Business Intelligence (“BI”) development projects; +Exp Analyzing and validating data quality, Creating Unit and Systems integrations test cases. +Exp Providing guidance on the development of application using SQL and SOAP UI. +Exp Analyzing test results and recommending modifications to the data warehouses to meet project specifications. +Exp Oversight of Risk Management and Mitigation planning for medium sized projects. +Exp Monitored networks and Departmental KPI's for Risk Assessment, based on usage, and consumption. +Exp Participating in the deployment of applications into the data warehouses from a quality assurance perspective. +Exp Documenting the test plans, testing status and testing outcomes as required by the project, provide Daily, Weekly, Monthly status reports to stakeholders. +Exp Strong experience in Onsite-Offshore working model (15+ team members), flexible, self-drive to identify process improvements and strong negotiation skill to implement the changes from QA front. +Exp Tools used HP Agile Manager, SQL Developer, SoapUI 5.1.3, ALM 12.01, ETL - IDD, Batch Data Loader tools and Web Services are being used for MD3 Project. +Exp PROJECT ONE: Walgreen Corporation, IL, USA - Mar 2014 to Feb 2015 +Exp Associate Consultant(QA Manager, Scrum Master) – Agile/Scrum/PM/QA - Community Management Systems and Customer Systems , Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) - From June 2010 to Feb 2015 +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Worked at onsite location for Onshore-Offshore model and led mid size teams (4-10 associates) for various eCommerce web applications under CMS Portfolio. +Exp Analyzed and reviewed functional overall design, technical overall designs and technical detailed design documents. Prepare Estimation of testing effort, Prepare Test Plan and Test Strategies with different approaches. +Exp Test Case creation, Test Case execution in ALM, Test Summary report preparation by managing the schedule and meet deadlines. +Exp The accountability for resources including people, budgets, systems, knowledge and experience. +Exp Analyse more complex problems and propose a range of options with an informed and considered recommendation of the most appropriate solution. +Exp Creating the project test plan and working with the development team to create Unit and Systems integration test cases. +Exp Used TFS as the tool to Backlog tracking, burn-down metrics, velocity, and task management. +Exp Ensured a common understanding by setting expectations in accordance with the Scrum principles, to align the stakeholders Worked as SCRUM Master to follow complete agile activities. +Exp Took various Agile team training at to promote Agile and end to end Agile Implementation. +Exp Coach and training stake holders on Agile by conducting workshops to ensure smooth functionality. +Exp Ensured compliance of development team with Scrum methodology in delivering incremental features and monitor defined process adherence. +Exp Coached/Mentored resources at different level, Prepare scope of sprint cycles and prioritize backlog. +Exp Assist in migration from waterfall to agile methodologies, Perform Cost benefit analysis and ROI assessments, forecasting. +Exp Develop templates of sprint cycles, work with users and stakeholders to finalize acceptance criteria and align with release calendar. +Exp Demonstrate and validate sprints and sprint retrospection, Conducting Sprint Demo and Sprint Retrospective. +Exp Handled project issues like staff management, scope creep and Track PV, EV, AC, EAC and variance etc . +Exp Created automated excel and sharepoint application for Project management matrices. +Exp Communicate with the stakeholders on a regular basis to provide feedback on Implementation progress of the solutions, involve the architect team in case of technical roadblock and Helping for technical solutions. +Exp Ensured product backlog management and stories prioritization for consistent delivery. +Exp Expert knowledge of various Agile methodologies. Hands-on admin experience using latest, industry-leading enterprise Agile Tools like MS Project, Jira, Kanban. +Exp Drive execution of Unit and Systems Integration testing, following the complete defect life cycle including JIRA. Involved in monitoring the defects and assign issues to the development team, validate data quality with test metrics and providing test status summary on completion the testing. +Exp Organize the kick-off, daily and weekly status meetings and send the Status Report to the Client. +Exp Manages change in programme direction, scope, benefits, costs, and timing while minimising financial risks. +Exp SQL Developer, PuTTY, WinSCP, SoapUI 4.6.3, HP UFT, ALM 11.5 tools and Batch processes are being used for CS and CMS portfolios. +Exp PROJECT TWO: +Exp Sears Holdings Corporation, MI, USA - June 2012 to March 2014 +Exp Associate Consultant /QA Project Lead – Agile/Scrum/PM/QA , Kmart Point of Sale +Exp Tata Consultancy Services - From June 2010 to Feb 2015 +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as Onsite Design and Execution Lead for 15 members team. +Exp Organize the testing kick-off meetings being a release coordinator. +Exp Understand the testing effort by analyzing the requirements of project. +Exp Developing test strategies and meeting project deadlines. +Exp Keep track of the new requirements or change in requirements of the Project. +Exp Organize the daily and weekly status meetings and send the Status Report to the Client. +Exp Attend the regular client call and discuss the weekly status with the client. +Exp Act as the single point of contact between Development and Testers and Communication with the Client as per requirements. +Exp Track and prepare the report of testing activities like test evaluation summary report, test case coverage. +Exp Responsible for exhibiting leadership and form strategic relationships with the client to develop integrated business solutions as per client needs. +Exp Managing onshore/offshore matrix teams of software engineers, DBAs, support personnel, and project managers to deliver web eCommerce solutions. +Exp Scope Planning and Risk evaluation, Client Interactions for business issues and maintenance activities. +Exp Defining the responsibilities for onsite and offshore team and ensuring SLA is met. +Exp Reviewing the project status and taking corrective measures with TCS team and managers. +Exp Responsible for all SLA (Service Level Agreements), SLO (Service Level Objectives) and KPI (Key performance Indicators) for all Projects under Communication, Industrial and Distribution Sectors. +Exp Responsible for exhibiting leadership and form strategic relationships with the client to develop integrated business solutions as per client needs. +Exp Perform risk management, assess project risks in conjunction with the client and develop risk mitigation plans. +Exp Defining checkpoints and measuring project variance to ensure projects remain on target within cost and scope commitments. +Exp Conduct periodic project audits and reviews with project managers and advise necessary actions to steer the project on track, with client and TCS teams. +Exp Monitor utilization for project team members, leverage quality initiatives to improve productivity of team members. +Exp Successfully planned and managed multiple (simultaneous) projects using Agile/Scrum methods. +Exp Advocate for Agile software development process, building backlogs and creating high performance teams. Velocity of the team increased over 80%. +Exp Agile is a team of peers – assisting team with making appropriate commitments through story creation and selection, point estimation and task definition. +Exp Responsible for proactively managing the budget assigned to the Project. Plan travel for Partition Transition Managers both in US and India based on the transition budget and assigned work. +Exp Project Tracking: Worked with JIRA to create projects, reports to track projects status and keep all stakeholders informed. Supported the project teams on the use of JIRA and technical issues. Create, schedule and assign tasks in Jira. +Exp Gather Lessons learned and share with stakeholders with suggestions on improvement areas. +Exp Review various reports like test plan, traceability matrix, issue and risk report, lesson learned etc. +Exp Assign task to all Testing Team members and ensure that all of them have sufficient work in the project. +Exp Escalate the issues about project requirements, resources, project updates to Project Manager and Senior Manager. +Exp PROJECT THREE: +Exp Walgreen Corporation, IL, USA - June 2010 to May 2012 +Exp Principle Architect/QA Lead – Agile/Scrum/PM/QA , Point of Sale (Nextgen POS), GMAC +Exp Tata Consultancy Services - From June 2010 to Feb 2015 +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Study the entire application & process and propose solutions to improve the operational efficiency and business of the client. +Exp Planning & scheduling for the testing phase and preparing of Functional Test Plan and the Test Strategy. Interact with onshore TCS project manager and Client Leads. +Exp Define the responsibilities and work assignment to the team members. Also mentor them and provide strategic guidance for the project execution +Exp Executing different transactions on the Registers with different Tender types like Quickshop, Photo, E-Commerce, Line Buster, Debit card, Credit cards etc. against a particular test case/functionality for Dev Integration Testing. +Exp Responsible for Resource Management and Work Allocation and executed Test Requirement Analysis, Test Spec Review and process improvement. +Exp Gathering requirements. Interact with clients and various stake holders to priorities the changes / enhancement needed for the project release. +Exp Define the responsibilities and work assignment to the team members. Also mentor them and provide strategic guidance for the project execution. +Exp Resource planning and capacity management - Planning for the resources required for a project and working out the effort capacity. +Exp Work projection management - Maintaining a healthy work projection for the team and talking to the customer in case there is a dearth of work. +Exp Customer communication and management - Interfacing with the customers, resolving their queries/issues and giving timely updates to them . +Exp Work on establishing transition methods from waterfall to agile. +Exp Operated and maintained agile iteration projects, acted as scrum master, schedule and deliver sprints. +Exp Prepared and maintained backlog document for agile scrum. +Exp Coordinate training sessions to horn the skills of team members. Share the expertise across various teams by conducting technical, business and process related sessions. +Exp Involved in duties such as including the development of work breakdown structures (WBS), requirements management, project monitoring, and change management using Microsoft Project. +Exp Involved in Updating existing test scripts according the requirements for GMAC-RESCAP application. Interact with onshore TCS project manager and Client Leads. +Exp Successfully managed teams of 5-10 members with Onsite-offshore coordination. +Exp VISA Inc., USA / Visa Resolution Online, Automation of VROL application with QTP 9.5 - Sept 2008 – May 2010 +Exp Architect/QA Lead, Singapore & India– Agile/Scrum/PM/QA , R S Software Ltd. +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed and reviewed functional overall design, technical overall designs and technical detailed design documents for better understanding of the Extensions and Interfaces. +Exp Prepare Test Plan, Prepare Estimation of testing effort and Test Strategies with different approaches. +Exp Performed automation testing using SMART Framework and QTP 9.5. +Exp Analyzed Client request and requested the developers for the design change by considering both positive and negative scenarios of business logics and developed test case accordingly. +Exp Manage functional areas like financial and payment dispute modules being onsite Coordinator. +Exp Used Quality Center to write, and execute the test cases. +Exp Manage the application with team coordination for weekly build releases and deployments. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions and interviews with developers and SMEs for eliciting requirements. +Exp Involved in testing the layout of various Extension screens as per design specifications. +Exp Executed the test cases for both functional and GUI testing in the Regression suite. +Exp Used Rational Clear Quest to report application defects and enhancements request and discussed with client to resolve technical issues. +Exp Created mockups (static and dynamic prototypes) of webpages and GUI, visualized process flows, information flow using MS VISIO. +Exp Daily/Weekly coordinate with VISA clients (USA, Singapore & India team) and development teams to identify the Data, Environment and Application issues. +Exp Guiding team on technical matters in maintains and enhancing the tools developed by the team Leading knowledge transition activities including Build and Integration tools for daily build. +Exp Bank of New York Mellon / Workbench Applications, Web Inquire, GSM - From Dec 2006 to Aug 2008 +Exp Team Lead - Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements and System Specification to understand the application. +Exp Creating Master test plans, test strategies, test scenarios and offshore ramp-up plans. +Exp Estimation of testing effort for modules, Test planning, Validation of data, testing of final reports. +Exp Mapped test data by fetching data using database tool QMF. +Exp Coordinated the project with cross-functional teams such as Business Process Owners, End Users, IT, Stakeholders, etc. +Exp Involved in defect validation and reporting using Client Specified Bug-Tracking tool. +Exp Preparing and reporting test execution statistics, Maintaining quality and metrics documents. +Exp Identify Software bugs and interact with developers to resolve them to ensure the integral aspect of QA environment, Regression testing was undertaken after every bug fix. +Exp Making Requirement traceability matrices and Selecting regression test cases. +Exp Load and Performance testing for simultaneous and concurrent users. +Exp Responsible for grooming the new resources joining the project. +Exp Coordinate the activities across different teams such as product management team, development team, QA team. Conduct weekly status meetings, tracked project tasks, issues regularly. +Exp Served as offshore coordinator from Kolkata, India for an onsite team in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. +Exp Involved in client interaction and getting KT from the client about applications and LOB structure. Involved in imparting KT to onsite from offshore. +Exp Directorate of General of Artillery, DV, AMS & MIS - June 2005 – Nov 2006 +Exp Software Engineer/Lead - IBilt Technologies Limited +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp • Involves in Management of Test Plan, Test Strategies and validated the main modules of the system. +Exp • Involved in Functional Testing, Integration Testing and Regression Testing. +Exp • Test case writing, creating test plan and test scripts, executing test cases. +Exp • Logging bugs with the Tool Defect Register and Publishing Test Results & Logs. +Exp • Involve in preparation and execution of functional testing UI Test cases & Regression testing of AMS & MIS. +Exp • Act as liaison between various stakeholders and project team. +Exp • Perform functional analysis by understanding scope, requirements and Business flow Documents. +Exp • Participate and provide direction in Release Management meetings. +Exp • Manage test plan, schedule, scope, quality with change request and ensure process is followed and risks are mitigated. +Exp • Perform Scope, time and Quality analysis, schedule and execute as per plan and perform risk mitigation. +Exp • Test planning, coordinate test strategies, Project tracking and providing direction to team member as needed. +Exp • Identify dependencies, impediments and prepare development plan and work to resolve it effectively. +Exp • Reviewing the status of the project and taking corrective measures. +Exp • Prepare integration testing plan, execute with team and validate results, perform root cause analysis. +Exp • Participate in all testing phases like integration testing, performance testing, End-to-End testing, UAT and shakeout testing to ensure adherence to testing practice. +Exp Legal Judgments Management System, PMS - Jan 2004 to May 2005 +Exp Software Engineer – IT / Xorient Technologies Pvt. Ltd. +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Testing of the project, includes Test planning, Acceptance testing, Structured testing and regression testing, inspecting others test plans. +Exp Involved in writing test cases at integration and system level with version control CVS. +Exp Review of Test Cases, Execution of Test Cases, track the Bugs founded in the Excel Sheet. +Exp Collaborated with other analysts and IT staff in refining data retrieval and utilization strategies. +Exp Involved in Requirement Gathering and analysis by interviewing users, application owner and SME's. +Exp Assisted in identification of data Attributes for the data required by the users & development of data mapping & data dictionaries. +Exp Involved in creating various PL/SQL stored procedures, views, functions and temporary tables for data input to the Crystal Reports. +Exp Worked with SQL queries for data manipulations. +Exp Prepared various deliverables like Use case Diagram, Activity diagram, Entity relationship diagram, process flow diagrams, data flow diagrams using UML and MS VISIO. +Exp Designed and implemented SQL queries using joins and sub-queries. +Exp Worked with project manager for identifying project milestones, tasks and preparing project charter, project plans and project status reports during entire project life cycle. +Exp Assisted in analyzing data sources and defining data flows and dependencies. +Exp Effectively implemented the Change Management and assisted in defect management process. +Exp Assisted in the test plans for System Integration Testing and User Acceptance Testing. +Exp Tata Infotech Ltd. - From Jul 2003 to Dec 2003 +Exp Software Trainee – IT +Exp Role and Responsibilities: +Exp Elicited requirements by identifying system users and conducting interviews. +Exp Created the FRD, BRD and SRS artifacts after gathering input from business owners and other stakeholders. +Exp Performed GAP analysis, cost-benefit analysis and feasibility analysis within the triple constraints. +Exp Created visual flow and UML diagrams for use cases, user interface, process flow and information flow. +Exp Utilized RUP methodology to develop the web application to satisfy the warranted periodic functionality releases. +Exp Managed project documents and other deliverables on SharePoint. +Exp Managed scope and requirements throughout the project life cycle. +Exp Wrote test cases, test scripts and planned the user acceptance tests (UATs). +Exp Performed Functional, Integration, System and Regression testing. +Edu Education/Certications/Training +Edu • Master of Computer Applications (MCA) in 2003. +Edu • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) in 1999. +QC • Certified Scrum Master (CSM). +QC • ISTQB certified tester. +QC • HP QC (Quality Center) and QTP (Quick Test Professional) Certified. +QC • Certified professional in Banking and Financial Management, Certified professional in Investment Management. +QC • NCFM Certified, Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification, Award of Star of the Month and Client appreciations. +PI Derik Howarth +PI Sr. Java Developer +PI 98101, Seattle, WA +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Total 9+ years of experience in designing and implementing Web, Client/Server and N-Tier distributed, cross-platform systems using Java/J2EE technology Agile/ SCRUM Methodology. +Sum Sun Certified Programmer for Java2 Platform. +Sum Very Good experience in new version Java 8 Programming. +Sum Financial Certification for Technology and Operations Professionals (FCTOP) +Sum Good domain knowledge of Telecom, Cloud Computing and Realization, Finance (corporations), Shipping & Logistics and CRM. +Sum Expert level skills in application development using: Java, J2EE, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Struts, JSP, JSF, EJB, JPA, Servlets, JDBC, Html, JavaScript, J2EE compliant application servers, multi-threading, client/server, design patterns of J2EE architecture. +Sum Knowledge of J2EE Design Patterns such as Creational, Structural and Behavioral design patterns Singleton, Factory, Facade, Builder, Observer, DAO, Value/Data Transfer etc. +Sum Good understanding of Object Oriented Analysis and Design and UML notations and experience in using design tools like MS-Visio for creating class and sequence diagrams. +Sum Have experience in Design, Development and Deployment of Web-Applications/ J2EE applications on servers like BEA-Weblogic, and Apache Tomcat , Apache Tomcat , JBoss . +Sum Experience in XML APIs such as JAXP (SAX, DOM), JAXB for data binding and experience in designing the XSD schema generation. +Sum Developed applications using build tools like ANT,MAVEN +Sum Used RDBMS databases systems like Oracle 10g/9i, SQL Server, MS Access and My SQL. +Sum Used tools like Toad, PLSQL Developer and Squirrel for performing database operations. +Sum Worked on Report generation module using tool like iReports. +Sum Have good experience of all testing phases such as Unit testing, Integration testing and System testing. +Sum Have good experience in managing project files by using version control tools like Concurrent Version System (CVS), SVN and PVCS and bug tracking tools like Jira. +Sum Interaction with customers for solving their issues and Bug Fixing. +Sum Experience in AJAX, XML, XSLT, XPATH, and Web Services with SOAP to design, deploy, develop and implement the internet / Intranet applications. +Sum Well versed in the complete SDLC starting from requirements gathering, use cases, design, development and testing. +QC TECHNICAL CERTIFICATION +QC Sun Microsystems Certified Programmer (SMCP) +QC QUALIFICATION +QC Masters in Computer Application +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp EBay, Seattle, WA (REMOTE) Sr. Java Developer Aug’14 To Present +Exp Description: StubHub.com is a product company building a ticketing platform which sells tickets for concerts, events etc. My role was a combination of development (developing new features for the platform) and providing operational support once customer is live on that release and raising requests for data-fixes in that release. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Writing java 8 code to look up/save objects from/to coherence cache. +Exp Worked on Java 8 Streams and on lambda expressions. +Exp Worked with core java concepts like Collections Framework, Multithreading and Memory Management. +Exp Working with the agile team to create and manage an Operational Data Store (written in Java 8 using Apache Storm a distributed real-time data processing system) designed for integrating different +Exp Developed user specific Highlights(dashboard menu) section, Home page, Admin home page, user module (Modify/search users, create users screens with assigning various roles) using Spring MVC framework, Hibernate ORM Module, Spring Core Module, XML, JSP and XSLT. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components. +Exp Implemented Hibernate and Spring to replace EJBs in the earlier architecture. +Exp Configured Hibernate session factory in applicationcontext.xml to integrate Hibernate with Spring. +Exp Using spring integration with iBatis for persistence. All SQL map name spaces are configured in sqlmap-config file. +Exp Used Spring Core, DAO, and ORM to integrate with IBatis. +Exp Developed HTML interfaces with an understanding of UI design principles and object-oriented program development. +Exp Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing AngularJS, developed routing through web pages and achieved Single page application. Used Angular JS to achieve two way data binding. +Exp Developed various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library. +Exp Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements. +Exp Worked on the UI Framework like JS, Bootstrap, D3Js and Grunt. +Exp Implemented Backbone.js and React.js to create a dynamically changing website. +Exp Experienced in writing unit and integration tests for full stack JavaScript applications +Exp Used UI Development using HTML, and coded Java components which Retrieves data using SQL from Oracle database. +Exp Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for the Database layer by studying the required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using Oracle 9i/10g. Also used JPA with Hibernate provider. Designed and implemented the Hibernate Domain Model for the services. +Exp Excellent knowledge on CQL (Cassandra Query Language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running queries in CQL. +Exp Automate the ingestion of data from source systems into Hadoop, and from Hadoop into Vertica. +Exp Used Elastic Search on creating an uninstall survey page web application and Restful Web Service. +Exp Developed server-side services using Java multithreading, Struts MVC, Java, EJB, Spring, Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, AXIS) +Exp Developed using REST Web service and using services like SOAP +Exp Used Eclipse as an IDE for developing the application and developed test cases and performed unit test using JUnit Framework. +Exp Extensive experience with Web/Application servers like Apache Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss, Oracle WebLogic Servers, Web Sphere AS and building the applications using ANT, Maven, WEB 2.0build tool. +Exp Extensively worked on subversion, GIT, Jenkins, Crucible, Maven and Jira. +Exp Maintained the code base by frequent updates to the code repository using GIT HUB. +Exp Experience in writing ANT, Maven build scripts and configuring and using Log4j and writing JUnit test cases. +Exp Involved in running Selenium automation scripts and updating the scripts according to enhanced requirements using selenium WebDriver and Python. +Exp Expert in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of applications design & development, including SCRUM-Agile & Waterfall models. +Exp Expertise in OOP, Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and TDD +Exp Developed the User Interface Screens for presentation using JSP, JSTL tags, HTML and CSS. +Exp Providing services for SOA like building a portfolio of services, WSDL, Top-Down, Bottom-Up Approach and defining XML Schemas +Exp Design, develop and test of SOA services using SOA / Web Service / Oracle Fusion Middleware. +Exp Environment: Java 8, J2EE, JEE, Spring, Hibernate, IBatis, Angular.js, React.JS , Node.js, bootstrap.js, +Exp backbone.js, JavaScript, Oracle, PL/ SQL, Cassandra, Hadoop, REST, Soap, Web Services, Eclipse, +Exp Weblogic, Git, GitHub, JUnit, Selenium (Environment), Agile, UML , JSP, Xml, SOA +Exp Citicorp, Dallas, TX (REMOTE) Sr. Java Developer Feb’12 To July’14 +Exp Description: Worked as a Sr. Developer with Citibank on the CitiTrade Application at Citicorp. +Exp CitiBank’s online trading solution consists of a Java based trading front-end, integrated real-time risk management, and an order routing system via a , WAN or the Internet, and a real time, on-line training tool. This enabled Brokers to log on online and conduct business, analyze the market via graphs charts available. This application was customized for Citibank. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate. +Exp Designs and develops Enterprise Eligibility business objects and domain objects with Object Relational Mapping framework such as Hibernate and iBatis. +Exp Developed application using Struts Framework which is based on the MVC design pattern. +Exp Involved in design and implementation of the JSR-168 portlets and JSF presentation tier. +Exp Preparation of the framework classes for communication between portal to EJB and Hiberante. +Exp Used AngularJS to implement rich functionality in various pages: form validation, CRUD, grid, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced directives, authentication, server-side proxy, unit tests, cloud integration, slide pages, users switch etc. +Exp Produced client side validation through JavaScript and AJAX for asynchronous communication. +Exp Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS. +Exp Involved in developing HTML5 for client side presentation and, data validation within the forms. +Exp Ran Bower and Grunt components and wrote the scripting using Node.js +Exp Built reusable templates for web sites using Bootstrap and Font-awesome fonts. +Exp Worked on JavaScript framework (Backbone, Node.js) to augment browser based applications with MVC capability. +Exp Used jQuery for event handling and GUI functionalities. +Exp Loaded Data into Oracle, MS SQL Tables using SQL Loader and created a test database in MySQL and tested it using HTML, PHP and Wamp, Tomcat Web Server and Linux environment. +Exp Developed code of SQL, PL/SQL, and Views using IBM DB2 for the database. +Exp Involved in setting up configuration properties, ORM mappings and CRUD operations with database. Used sessions, transactions, Criteria's and queries to develop business requirements. +Exp Created, debugged and modified stored procedures, functions, packages, tables, views, materialized views and SQL scripts using PL/SQL. +Exp Built a query-processing engine for Ad-Hoc OLAP queries using Java collections framework, reflection and JDBC connectivity. +Exp Built a RESTful API to save and retrieve geolocations using a remote server in Java using Mongo DB, Apache CXF, and JAX-RS. +Exp SOAPUI and used SOAP for Web Services by exchanging XML data between applications over HTTP. +Exp Designing, Coding (development) and Debugging application using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo as an IDE, Spring JDBC framework and DAO pattern, HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery +Exp Involved in the migration process of applications from WebSphere Portal Server 5.1 to 6.1 +Exp Development work is also done to the legacy system using WSAD IDE. +Exp After fixing defects used SVN (Apache Sub versioning software) to check in the changes. +Exp For integration tests used JUnit framework. +Exp Utilized Scrum (SDLC) to managed projects and team. +Exp Optimized UML design using patterns like DAO, Factory, Service Locator and Business Delegate +Exp Developed Use Cases, Sequence and Class Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Designed and develop code for all activities using Struts MVC architecture. Efficiently used the Struts logic, bean and HTML custom libraries (JSP, tiles). +Exp Involved in Creation of Flex Families in Content Server and associated the JSP, JSF, J2EE, OOD, JDBC, JMS, JSTL and XSD, WSDl, XML pages to the assets. +Exp Development to meet client requirements were carried out utilizing Core Java in conjunction with the Fidessa Java API; leveraging Eclipse as an IDE, Ant build-tool, Tomcat and servlets. +Exp Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports. +Exp Used JPA 2.0 (JDBC Framework) and Apache CXF for XML generation. +Exp Prototyped and implemented Cloud based Service Bus on WSO2 for engaging stakeholders in the initial SOA discussions. +Exp Configure external JMS Server like IBM MQ Series. +Exp IBM WebSphere hosting and Apache Tomcat webserver integration - both on Windows and AIX platform. +Exp Worked in Windows 7 and Oracle Enterprise Linux, Apache Tomcat, Oracle WebLogic Server +Exp Development for both backend and front end applications. Extensive Programming by using PHP. +Exp Environment: Spring, Hibernate, Struts & JSF, EJB, Angular.js, JavaScript, CSS, Html5, Node.js, bootstrap.js, backbone.js , JQuery, DB2, CRUD, PL/ SQL, JDBC, Mongo DB, APACHE CXF, soap, Web Services, Eclipse, WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD), Subversion (SVN), JUnit, Scrum, UML, Class diagram, JSP, Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) & SERVLET, MAVEN, Xml, SOA, JMS, Apache Tomcat, Linux, PHP +Exp Anthem BSBS Charlotte, NC Java J2EE Developer Feb’11 To Jun’12 +Exp Project Description: In an effort to be HIPAA compliant, Anthem was changing the messages displayed to the providers, so that it comes under the boundaries of HIPAA. Worked on the Providers portal of the application. The sections involved in this application were 1. Eligibility Inquires: Coverage and Benefits, Prior Authorization, Participating Providers List and 2. Claim Inquires: Claim status and Remittance. Scope of the application was to update the error messages for HIPAA compliance and Update COB for CT, ME and NH for HIPAA compliance. The Anthem East coast based application used to interact with the Common Apps application, which was a HIPAA compliant application based in Mid-West and the Common Apps used to massage the massage and make it HIPAA compliant and send it back to Anthem in East coast. Worked on Eligibility (270 and 271) error transactions and Claims (276 and 277 error transactions). Also, validated the 834 and 837 error messages. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC). +Exp Worked on persistence layer using O/R Mapping tool IBatis with Oracle 10g Database. +Exp Implemented views using Struts tags, JSTL2.0 and Expression Language. +Exp Developed J2EE Backing Beans, Action Classes, and Action Mapping and Application facades and hibernate classes to retrieve and submit using the JSF Framework +Exp Used RAD6.0 to develop different J2EE components like EJB’s, Client jars, Web Modules and Application EAR modules. +Exp Developed the UI panels using JSF, XHTML, CSS, DOJO and JQuery. +Exp Supported production issues related to deployed applications. This required analyzing troubleshooting and resolving issues at both the Database level (Oracle 10G and 11G) and the user interface (Sencha Extjs). +Exp Developed mobile cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API +Exp Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application. +Exp Core developer of the application infrastructure using GWT/GXT as the front-end architecture using AJAX. +Exp Wrote complex reporting applications with Ext JS and Sencha Touch for Windows Azure and Amazon Web Services, Linux and Windows servers. +Exp Developed framework using Java, BIRT Runtime, iText, and MySQL and web server technologies. +Exp Used TOAD for all database query testing and optimizations +Exp Scheduled jobs, Alerts using SQL Server Agent. +Exp Experience on Oracle IBM DB2, MySQL, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL and usage of tools like Toad for Oracle. +Exp Designed and Developed the input/output data formats in XSD for the WSDL files and accordingly implementing services using Apache AXIS2. +Exp Created web services, WSDL and web methods with Annotation in hibernate, Used the spring container for data source and to load the Hibernate specific classes. +Exp Efficiently used IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans, and XCode for development of applications. +Exp Extensively worked on Application servers like Weblogic, Web Sphere, Jboss and Apache Tomcat. +Exp Create and maintain Amazon EC2 instance that supports the companies Redmine project management site and Mercurial CM. +Exp Created ClearCase VOBs and setup triggers and backups for a new project. Wrote roll out procedures and plans. Environment was mixed Windows and AIX, projects written in C++. +Exp Architected, managed and wrote some of the code for a web services based Set Top Box (STB) test automation tool called TMC. (C#, .NET, WCF, VS2010, Windows services, Java, Ruby, Silverlight, Eclipse, Selenium, Component One Silverlight Studio) +Exp Executed project using waterfall model and practiced Agile Project Management & performed the Scrum Master role for specific projects/requirements as appropriate. Used Rally for Agile project management +Exp Thorough knowledge in using UML, XML parsers (SAX, DOM), SOAP, HTML and DHTML. +Exp Involved in Development of the application Using J2EE Technologies (Servlets, JSP, EJB, JSF,Struts). +Exp Created war files & deployed on Tomcat using ANT deployment tool. +Exp Created XML Schema, XML template and XSL. Developed Web Services Application using SOAP +Exp Worked on iText bug fixes for document rendition in document compile process. +Exp Integrated EMC Documentum with Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) for Content Management. +Exp Led, Designed and developed an Order Tracking System for garments company in GWT, Ext GWT, Java EE5, EJB3.0, Glassfish, Jasper Report, and MySQL5. +Exp Used Jira's Green Hopper functionality to manage the sprints, sprint backlog and user stories. +Exp Developed Swing for user interaction and data presentation. +Exp Worked with dimensional modeling of relational data sources (DMR) using Cognos 8 Framework Manager and create cubes using Framework Manager. +Exp Maintained report and request generator using Jasper Report +Exp Installed and configured a multi-server, clustered ILOG environment. Documented architecture and trained client administrators. +Exp Took complete Ownership of JRules by developing the complete architecture and integration with TSM application. +Exp Developing new quote, renewal, and medical payment applications using JSF, Oracle ADF using JDeveloper 11g. +Exp Integrate the Oracle BPM with the Spring Framework in the enterprise layer. +Exp Implemented Web 2.0 research and trading platforms across product areas with, "single sign on" +Exp Configure external JMS Server like IBM MQ Series. +Exp Deployed the complete Web applications in TOMCAT Application server. +Exp Set up JBoss Server, Configured MySQL Cluster in Linux OS and installed OpenCall XDMS. +Exp Created directory structure flow using UNIX to receive and send data to internal and external systems +Exp Applying Ruby on Rails and JQuery debugged, enhanced, extended business-to-business SAP application. Provided extensive integration and functional mocks testing. +Exp Provided copy for Wordpress themes/templates and design input +Exp Wrote and deployed Drupal modules for over 300 university websites as well as developed themes for multiple colleges around the ASU campus. +Exp Developed multiple web applications using Drupal, Zend Framework, and Code Igniter. +Exp Designed and built it based on previous Classic ASP version. Upgraded its original database from Access to SQL 2008. +Exp Pages written in a Windows 8 environment using VS2010, C# and ASP.Net. +Exp Developed business logic of the system using C++ +Exp J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations. +Exp Expose PL/I database access layer as web service using RD/Z +Exp Configuring and analyzing JCL to execute mainframe batch. +Exp Proved out Java/SQL access to corporate legacy mainframe data +Exp Oracle, SAS integration for business intelligence and functionality +Exp Served as lead consultant for MS Access, Excel and Win32 based solutions, responsible for full life cycle development on VB, MS Access apps using forms, controls, XML, ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). +Exp Environment: Spring, IBatis, Struts & JSF, EJB, DOJO, Sencha ExtJS, JavaScript, JQuery, GWT and Ext Js, MYSQL, Toad, SQL Server, DB2, coherence, APACHE AXIS2, WSDL, Netbeans, Jboss, Mercurial, ClearCase, Selenium, Water fall model, UML , JSP & SERVLET, ANT, Xml, ITEXT, EMC Documentum, GWT (Google Web Toolkit), JIRA, SWING, Cognos, Jasper report, ILOG, JRules, Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), Oracle Business Process Management (Oracle BPM), Web 2.0, IBM MQ Series, Apache Tomcat, Linux, Unix, Ruby, Wordpress, Drupal, z, ASP, C, C++, Mainframe, COBOL, PL/I, JCL, SQL, SAS VB +Exp SBC Communications Charlotte, NC Java Consultant Aug’09 To Jan’11 +Exp Description: SBC is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. SBC offers communications products and services ranging from local and long distance telephone services to wireless communication internet access, High-tech network solutions and data communications. The project was involved in customization and testing of Amdocs VOIP billing system. Various SBC clients for voice over Internet communications use SBC’s Wireless network. SBC is using Amdocs ensemble for billing this clients. Other features and functionality of this billing module which were tested are price plan, billing, ordering, provision and finance. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Understanding the Domain Knowledge for the Product, Requirements and Design Documents gathering. +Exp Preparing the Design Documents and analyzing the functional specifications. +Exp Involved in the table design. +Exp Worked on the Spring framework like Spring IOC and Spring DAO. +Exp Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy the application in the JBOSS Application Server. +Exp Was involved in the Infinity Process Platform (IPP) workflow design for the 2 level approvals of reports to be generated. +Exp Used IBatis to populate the data from the Database. +Exp Used JavaScript and jQuery for validating the input given to the user interface. +Exp EJB components are deployed on the Web Logic +Exp Developed the application using Spring MVC. +Exp Designed and Developed Servlets and JSP pages for authentication +Exp Responsible for developing GUI / user interfaces using JSP, CSS & DHTML. +Exp Used JQuery to make the frontend components interact with the JavaScript functions to add dynamism to the web pages at the client side. +Exp Designed and implemented database structure in MySQL Server. +Exp Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing. +Exp Built CVS and XML file loaders and splitters for financial data. +Exp Developed various UI (User Interface) components using Struts (MVC), JSP, and HTML. +Exp Responsible for configuring JBOSS Application Server administration activities which involved creating domains, Configuring the domain for WebLogic clustering, SSL, Database Connection configurations, performance monitoring, etc. +Exp Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using JUnit and created automated test scripts for integration testing using Selenium. +Exp Involved in debugging the product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking. +Exp Used CVS for version controlling and JUnit for unit testing. +Exp Prepared statements are used for communication with MySQL database +Exp Created files & deployed on Tomcat using ANT deployment tool. +Exp Involved in the integration of EJBs running on Weblogic Server with COM objects running on IIS. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components. +Exp Implemented Spring IOC for server side Java components. +Exp Implemented Spring AOP for admin services. +Exp Wrote numerous session and message driven Netbeans for operation on JBoss and WebLogic +Exp Used JQuery library and implemented Ajax features. +Exp Working Closely with EMC Documentum to implement Engineering Design Storage Repository and Project Document Management. +Exp Worked with MySQL for MySQL, SQLYog and Workbench. +Exp JSP interfaces were developed. Custom tags were used. +Exp Maintenance of data in different Oracle Databases and environments using TOAD. +Exp Developed Servlets and Worked extensively on Sql. +Exp Performed Java web application development using J2EE and Netbeans. +Exp Developed the Servlets for processing the data on the server. +Exp Expertise in employing Water Fall Model and best practices for software development +Exp Deployed the application in JBOSS Application Server. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate configuration files. +Exp Used SVN for version controlling. +Exp Environment: Java, Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, Common Structure Architecture of SunGard, JIRA, Squirrel, PL/ SQL, SVN, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, iBatis, EJB, JBoss, JQuery, JSP, Servlet, MySQL, TOAD, Netbeans, Selenium, ANT, EMC Documentum, JIRA, SWING, CVS, Waterfall Model. +Exp WIPRO India Software Developer Aug’07 To July’09 +Exp Brief Description: For a large US-based financial institution: Wipro migrated 300+ applications to the cloud within 18 months, in a rapid, agile and cost effective manner. Wipro’s Rapid Cloud Enablement Suite iteratively improved the quality of application migration while reducing the migration time to the cloud. +Exp RAPID CLOUD ENABLEMENT SUITE Cloud application migration and modernization has become an imperative, to support dynamic business demands, and large-scale, multi-geography projects. Wipro’s Rapid Cloud Enablement Suite is designed to optimize the Design and Build phase of your Cloud. The solution empowers you to make the right investments in an incremental manner, with predictable outcomes in your Cloud journey. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Understanding the Domain Knowledge for the Product, Requirements and Design Documents +Exp Wrote multithreaded programs to measure system performance +Exp Worked on GUI internationalization using JSP and Core Java +Exp Used Mercurial to keep track of versioning of the source code +Exp Worked on bug fixing +Exp Used JDBC APIs for database connectivity and data retrieval. +Exp Developing HardwareStoreMarketer.com site using ASP.Net. +Exp Strong Database programming using .NET, ADO with MS SQL Server 2000, MS Access and Oracle backend. Extensively used Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server. +Exp Worked on various client websites that used Struts 2 framework, Hibernate and OGNL +Exp Wrote test cases using JUnit testing framework and configured applications on Weblogic Server +Exp Involved in debugging the product using Eclipse 3.6 and JIRA Bug Tracking. +Exp Involved in writing stored procedures, view, user-defined functions and triggers in SQL Server database for Reports module. +Exp Simulation was developed using C++. +Exp Implemented real-time patient prescription history verification system using C, Oracle PL/SQL on VMS platform. +Exp Used Visual Source Safe for source control. +Exp Manipulated data and performed data preparation using TSO, ISPF and SPF system utilities. +Exp Developed and implemented Legacy system programs by using COBOL, DB2, CICS, JCL, JAVA and VSAM. +Exp Wrote stored procedures in Oracle PL/SQL for data entry and retrieval. +Exp Extracted and modified data from VSAM files for PDF reports. +Exp Automate nightly batch processing and job alerts using REXX. +Exp Responsible for migrating WebSphere server from v6.1 to v8.0 and migrating IBM CICS Transaction. +Exp J2EE to communicate legacy COBOL based mainframe implementations. +Exp Designed and developed Message Flows and Message Sets and other service component to expose Mainframe applications to enterprise J2EE applications. +Exp Use FileAid datasets to validate backend results of test events. +Exp Configuring and analyzing JCL to execute mainframe batch. +Exp Actively involved in contributing to RFP and POC activities in IMS. +Exp Used standard data access technologies like JDBC and ORM tool like Hibernate +Exp Designed, implemented new website features and provided support, maintenance +Exp Environment : Core Java, JSP, JUnit, Mercurial, Eclipse, .Net, JIRA, JDBC, Struts 2, Hibernate, Visual Source Safe, Weblogic, Oracle , OGNL, C, C++, Linux, MS SQL Server, COBOL, FileAid, REXX, ISPF, Mainframe, CICS, IMS, VSAM, JCL. +PI Dhanalaxmi Sangole +PI Ph No: 916-282-9259 +PI Email ID: sam@vishconsultingservices.com +PI Senior Business Analyst +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Experienced as a Sr. Business Analyst for 7+ years with proficiency in Business Process Engineering and Software Development Life Cycle including analysis, design, testing and implementation of software applications. +Sum Highly motivated, self-starter, able to work independently and collaboratively within a diverse technical team. +Sum Excellent team player work in conjunction with testing, development and other teams in validation and testing complex scenarios and projects and in the maintenance of Quality Standards in Projects. +Sum Experienced in interacting with business users to identify their needs, gathering requirements and authoring Business Requirement Document (BRD), General system Design (GSD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD) and Software Requirement Specification (SRS) across the deliverables of a project. +Sum In-Depth Knowledge in facilitating Joint Application Development (JAD), Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Joint Requirement Planning (JRP) sessions, interviews, workshops and requirement elicitation sessions with end-users, clients, stakeholders and development team. +Sum Strong Knowledge with Iterative approach for Software Development as per Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Agile approach. Involved in inception, elaboration, construction & transition phases using rational tools like Requisite Pro, ClearCase and ClearQuest during various phases of RUP. +Sum Experienced in Business Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Gap Analysis, Risk Analysis, Disaster Recovery Planning, Testing and Project Planning. +Sum Extensive knowledge of Medicaid (MMIS), Medicare, Procedural and Diagnostic codes and Claims Process. +Sum Expertise in EDI and HIPAA Testing Privacy with multiple transactions exposure such as Inbound Claims 837-Institutional, 837-Professional, 837-Dental, 835-Claim Payment/Remittance Advise, 270/271-Eligibility Benefit Inquiry/Response, 276/277-Claim Status Inquiry/Response, EDI 834-Enrollment and 820-Payment order and remittance advice. +Sum Experience in Conversion of HIPAA X12 4010 codes to X12 5010 codes and ICD 9 codes to ICD 10 codes. +Sum Gathered requirements for ICD 10 Codes pertaining to Other Payer Liability (OPL), Federal Employee Program (FEP), Enterprise Code Management system (ECM), Claims Processing System (Diamond), Maintenance Process. +Sum Proficient in creating Sequence Diagrams, Collaboration diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Rational tools and Microsoft Visio. +Sum Experienced in handling Change Management. +Sum Experienced in analyzing and documenting business requirements and system functional specifications including Use Cases. +Sum Experienced in writing Test Plans and executing Test Cases. +Sum Experience with healthcare reform (HCR) and healthcare payer systems. +Sum Proficient in Developing and executing Test Plans, Test Scripts, performing functional, usability testing and ensuring that the software meets the system Requirement. +Exp Professional Experiences: +Exp Wisconsin Medicaid (HHS), Madison, WI +Exp Apr 2014 – Present +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: This project was to implement IV&V on MMIS and Medicaid Eligibility System. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in Business Modeling by understanding the needs of the business, and also documenting Business Use Cases as well as System Use Cases +Exp Develop the supporting plans such as scope, cost, risk, schedule, quality, resource, security deliverables, procurement and change management plans. +Exp Facilitated Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions with the Management, Mainframe and HIPAA team to make sure everyone are in synchronous with the business requirement processes. +Exp Created Requirement validation and Verification Plan. +Exp Mapped all functional requirement with Business Requirement and all user stories with Functional requirement so it gets easy to do IV & V. +Exp Involved in HIPAA 5010 gap analysis of ANSI X12 4010. +Exp Developed plan for data feed and data mapping for integration between various systems including XML, to follow ICD 10 code set and ANSI X12 5010 formats. +Exp Develop Project charter and got Approval. +Exp Produced Gap Analysis documents for HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10. +Exp Prepared UAT Materials, UAT Test Cases to include various steps involved for UAT and to have proper coverage of requirements. +Exp Extensively gathered business requirements for ICD -10 Groupings/classes pertaining to the maintenance process, ICD -10 Business rules remediation process, Other Payer Liability (OPL), Claims Processing system (Diamond). +Exp Gathered High Level Deliverables for ICD -10 Remediation of Configuration Rules to comply with ICD mandate , to regroup with sequential ICD- 10 Codes +Exp Gathered detailed requirements OPL tables to convert, capture and/or map the current ICD 9 diagnosis and procedure codes to the new ICD -10 diagnosis and procedure codes. +Exp Define project goals, objectives and success criteria. +Exp Identified and document Project constraints and assumption. +Exp Used MS Visio to create Use Cases and Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Accomplished experience through whole SDLC from requirement analysis till deployment. +Exp Assisted development team to translate requirements into technical specifications. +Exp Created and Maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Exp Initiated Test Plans, developed and executed test cases and scenarios, worked with users to develop specific acceptance criteria and prepare test exhibits. +Exp Conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) sessions with business users and prepared document for enhancements and bug fixes. +Exp Environment: HP Quality Center 10.0, Caliber RM, SAP, MS Office, Windows XP, Windows Vista, MS Visio, HP SharePoint, MS Project, MS Visio, SQL, SOA Infra, XML, SpecBuilder, MMIS, Mainframe. +Exp Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Jacksonville, FL +Exp Feb 2013-Mar 2014 +Exp Role: Sr. Regulatory Analyst +Exp Description: The project involved TriZetto heading the IT solution for Blue plans. Project was involved working on the design and configuration changes as per the PPACA (Patient protection and Affordable Care Act) in the current healthcare plans. As a Business Analyst I partnered closely with SME's and legal teams to understand the technology and business parameters. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for gathering and documenting Legislative, Business, Functional requirements for all the provisions and their impact on the existing products and systems. +Exp Responsible for integrating with Facets. Designing test scripts for testing of Claims in Development, Integration and production environment. +Exp Tested and validated claims processed by Facets. +Exp Participated in the CORE (Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange) compliance process for the company. +Exp Actively involved through the successful Implementation phase of HIPAA 5010 Project. +Exp Involved in HIPAA EDI transactions such as 835, 837 (P, D, I) 276, 277, 278. +Exp Involved in up-gradation of HIPAA X12 4010 transaction to HIPAA X12 5010 and ICD 9-CM (Clinical modification) to ICD-10-CM/PCS (Clinical modification/procedure coding system) simultaneously +Exp Produced Gap Analysis documents for HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10. +Exp Responsible for creating test scenarios, scripting test cases using testing tool and defect management for Policy Management Systems, Payables/Receivables and Claims processing. +Exp Worked on the PPACA for various mandates such as Grandfather Rule, Rescissions, D-26, Pre Ex-19, Preventive Care, Operating Rules, and Early Retirees Fund etc. +Exp Wrote test cases and test scripts for the User Acceptance Testing. +Exp Performed Requirement Analysis and developed Use Cases and Activity Diagrams. +Exp Traced High Level Requirements (HLR) to Detailed Level Requirements (DLR) using MKS Integrity. +Exp Conducted meetings with SME's to understand current business process and performed Gap Analysis to meet future business needs. +Exp Created and managed project templates, use case project templates, requirement types and traceability relationships in MKS Integrity. +Exp Developed Systems Specifications document to define the impact of the new requirements on the existing system. +Exp Developed and managed creation of product documentation to communicate features, benefits, positioning and impacts to different audiences and ensured that documentation deliverables from various groups are produced as needed. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) document, User Requirement Specification (URS) and Change Request (CR) document for system application development. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Rational Quality Manager, SQL Server, MS Project, MS Visio, Unix, j2ee, Java, XML, Mainframe and Rational ClearQuest, ClearCase, Windows XP. +Exp Health Integration, Tampa, FL Apr 2011 – Jan 2013 +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: This project mainly deals with the large web based applications used in the clinical settings. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Functional Requirement Scenarios and Use Cases based on business needs. +Exp Involved in gathering Data Mapping Requirements from Technical Team. +Exp Worked with Business user to define Functional Requirements and Business Process Flows. +Exp Developed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Use Case Document (UCD) using Microsoft Office. +Exp Worked with data migration and file mapping for various EDI transactions. +Exp Enhanced the Provider/Patient verification criteria using additional parameters based on the information retrieved from the EDI 837 I/P transaction files. +Exp Translated the EDI X12 data into XML format for initial transformation/migration. +Exp Reloaded multiple business rules from the Legacy System into the new system. +Exp Worked on various Business and technical documents including the Requirements and Specifications. +Exp Worked on Child Support Obligations and benefits and prepared process flows and data flow diagrams. +Exp Coordinated with the developer’s team to make sure the systems are running efficiently. +Exp Prepared reports, and submitted it to higher authority. +Exp Actively participated in Change Board Meeting for any changes in the business requirements. +Exp Updated BRD based on Change Request and manage Change Request Document using Microsoft Office. +Exp Used Quality Center to import all Defined Requirements from Microsoft Word. +Exp Worked with Quality Analyst to ensure the validation of the system. +Exp Documented all the development work submitted to the client in a report format. +Exp Environment:- MS Project, SQL, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, Clear Quest, Microsoft Visio, Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7, Mercury Test-Director, MS Visio, Business Objects. +Exp Kaiser Permanente, Sacramento, CA Jan 2010 – Mar 2011 +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: This project involved the implementation of a web based portal for billing departments, claims submission and other major enhancements to claims system. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Use Cases, workflow, screen mock-ups, and conversion requirements. +Exp Conducted risk engineering to derive and execute action plans on time. +Exp Responsible for conducting daily stand up meeting in the absence of team lead in SCRUM environment. +Exp Responsible for attending Monthly Scrum planning meeting to define priorities from the product backlog. +Exp Worked on HIPAA 4010s EDI 835 and EDI 837. +Exp Interfaced with SMEs to prepare Functional Requirement documents for ongoing projects. +Exp Prioritized business and systems problems; analyzed and conducted impact analysis for new enhancement. +Exp Prepared business process models; used Visio to create Use Case diagrams. +Exp Conducted various JAD sessions for requirement clarification, feasibility study and change request. +Exp Responsible for managing change request document and communicating actively with the Team. +Exp Used IBM Requisite Pro to enter Functional Requirement, Use Cases and create SoDA reports. +Exp Actively participated in Design Phase with technical team for requirement clarifications. +Exp Actively participated in QA Phase with QA team for requirement clarifications. +Exp Environment: Windows 2007, Microsoft Visio, UML, IBM Rational RequisitePro, Rational SoDA, JIRA, Quality Center, Agile, SQL server, SQL developer. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Dnyaneshwar University, Pune, India. +PI Drakshayani.S +PI Mobile: +1 (510) 309 8480 +Sum 8 plus years of IT experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance of Web Based, Client-Server and N-tier Architectures in domains like Healthcare, Insurance etc. +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum Extensive experience of designing and developing software applications with the JDK1.6/1.5/1.4/1.3, J2EE1.4/1.1, EJB, Annotations, Java, JSP,CRM, Servlets, Java Beans, JNDI, AJAX, JMS, ORM, JNDI, Web services, JDBC, JAXP, RMI, XML, JavaScript (AngularJS and Bootstrap), jQuery, CSS, AWS, Web Services, SOAP. +Sum Experienced in a fast paced Agile Development Environment including Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Scrum. +Sum Proficient in Java/J2EE Design Patterns including singleton, Factory, Model View Controller (MVC), Data Access Object (DAO), and Business Delegate. Well versed with core Java concepts like collections, multithreading, serialization, Java beans. +Sum Responsible for designing Presentation Tier (web pages) using the concepts such as Themes, Skins, HTML, XML, CSS, Java Script and jQuery using AJAX. +Sum Extensive experience in developing JEE based Web Services to expose useful functionality to web users through SOAP, describing them using WSDL, registering them using UDDI for easy availability to potential users and consuming using Axis2 and JAX-WS +Sum Good Working experience in using different modules like Spring Core Container Module, Spring Application Context Module, Spring MVC Framework with STS module, Spring AOP Module, Spring ORM Moduleetc. in Spring Framework. +Sum Strong Programming Skills in designing and implementation of multi-tier applications using Java, J2EE, JDBC, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JSF, Struts, JavaScript, Servlets, JavaBeans, CSS, EJB, XSLT, JAXB. +Sum Strong with REST Web services architecture and using it with Spring MVC and different response formats +Sum Strong Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), ERD documentation, UML artifacts modeling with Rational Rose and Enterprise Architect. Applied the requirements engineering, analysis, and design disciplines of the RUP to J2EE projects. +Sum Experienced in implementing Organization DevOps strategy in various operating environments of Linux and windows servers along with cloud strategies of Amazon Web Services. +Sum Experience in writing numerous test cases using JUnit framework with JPROB integration +Sum Worked on IDE’s such as Eclipse/My Eclipse, WSAD/RAD and JBuilder for developing, deploying and debugging the applications. +Sum Good working knowledge of persisting java objects using Hibernate that simplify data storage and retrieval to the underlying database. +Sum Implemented various levels of application and services using Spring-Framework (2. 3), EJB3, Struts2 and ORM tools like Hibernate 3.0 for fast pace and efficient code generation. +Sum Worked on various XML technologies i.e., writing DTD, Schema, Namespaces, XSL, Xpath, Xlink, XQuery, XHTML and SAX, DOM, JDOM parsers. +Sum Experience in designing and implementing various levels of applications and services using Main Framework. +Sum Experience in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). +Sum Experience in Scripting languages like Angular JS , React JS and Node JS. +Sum Experience working with databases such as MongoDBOracle 8.x/9i/10g, MS-SQL Server 2008/2005MySQL and using PL/SQL to write stored procedures, functions and triggers for different Data Models. +Sum Experience in database related work primarily creating complex stored procedures, Views, Triggers, Functions, using PL/SQL. +Sum Experience in Configuration Management, setting up company Version policies, build schedule using Clear Case, SVN, CVS and Git. +Sum Expertise working on Application servers and Web servers like WebLogic 8.x/9.x/10.x, Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x/7.x. +Sum Excellent written and verbal communication skills, presentation and problem solving skills. +Sum Strong communication & relationship management skills, enthusiastic & self-driven, with a high degree of commitment. +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Web Technologies : J2EE, XML1.0/1.1, XSLT, EJB1.1/1.2, JSP1.1/1.2, Servlets 2.0/2.3/2.4/2.5, +Skill Java (JDK 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6), JMS, JNDI, JavaScript, HTML, +Skill Java Server Faces (JSF), Hibernate, Spring, JDBC 3.0, SQL, Angular JS, React JS, Node JS. +Skill Application Server : WebLogic 8.x/9.x/10. x. JBOSS 3.x/4.0, IBM Web Sphere 4.0/5.x/6.x. +Skill Web Server : Java Web Server 2.0, Apache Web Server, ANT, Tomcat 6.0, Glassfish +Skill Languages : JAVA, C, C++, Shell scripting, UML. +Skill Databases : Oracle 8.x/9i/10g Enterprise Edition, MS-SQL Server 2008/2005, DB2. +Skill Tools : Rational Rose 2000, JBuilder 3.5/5.0, Visual Cafe 4.0, Visual Age Java 3.5, eclipse 3.X,MS-Office, Front Page, Ultra Edit-32, Clear Case, iReport -1.2.5,Jasper Assistants, Apache Spark, LiveLink, eMatrix, Ant, WinCVS 1.2, TOAD 5.0/8.0, Erwin, XML SPY, Code Check, Jtest, Jprobe suite 5.1 (Memory Debugger, profiler),Squirrel SQL Client, Maven 1.1 /2.0, My Eclipse 5.1,Net Beans. +Skill Operating Systems : UNIX (Sun Solaris 2.6/2.8), Unix-HP, Linux 3.1, UNIX Scripting, Windows NT 4.0, Windows. +Skill Version Control Tools : CVS, SVN, Clear Case, Git. +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics & Communication +Edu PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Valspar, Mineapolis, MN Sept 2016 to Tilldate +Exp Role: Sr.JAVA UI developer +Exp Project: Valspar +Exp Description:The Valspar Corporation is an American international manufacturer of and . The backend of valspar website was developed in Java using J2EE with Spring MVC framework. The module for shopping cart was developed using the technology. The agricultural products selection, catalog maintenance of products and order processing in the portal were the responsibilities. Have exposure to B2B business in the environment. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed the application using Agile Methodology +Exp Followed Agile Scrum methodology that included iterative application development, weekly Sprints and stand up meetings. +Exp Developed Front endusing Angular JS. +Exp Developed CIPHER Encryption, DECRYPTION algorithm using AES/DES. +Exp Developed the enterprise application by integrating JSF/Spring/Hibernate Frameworks. +Exp Heavily used the Dependency Injection feature provided by spring framework for bean wiring. +Exp Used Spring framework's JMS support for writing to JMS Queue, Hibernate Dao Support for interfacing with the database and integrated spring with JSF. +Exp Added interactivity to the UI pages using JavaScript. +Exp Developed Contract first Web Services using Spring-WS to communicate with Database Tables. +Exp Provided a new Web Service and Client using Spring-WS to get the alternate contractor details. +Exp Worked on Restful web services which enforced a stateless client server and support JSON (few changes from SOAP to RESTFUL Technology) Involved in detailed analysis based on the requirement documents. +Exp Wrote AngularJS controllers, views, and services +Exp Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information. +Exp Extensively worked using AWS services along with wide and in depth understanding of each one of them. +Exp Participating development of FIX messages processing engine. +Exp Implemented JMS listeners to connect to the Tibco JMS queues for producing and consuming JMS messages. +Exp Used Spring-JDBC configuration to manage some transactions across multiple databases. +Exp Designed and developed the service business process and data access to Oracle database and back-end layers with JAXB, JMS and XML. +Exp Used Maven for building the applications EAR for various environments. +Exp Designed, developed JSP, Servlets and deployed them on JBOSS Application Server. +Exp Used Spring ORM Support for Hibernate to manage efficiently Hibernate Resources and consistent exception Hierarchy. +Exp Used HTTP for coordinating Internet engineering task force +Exp Designed and created Hibernate persistence classes using Hibernate API. +Exp Wrote Stored Procedures/Triggers/Functions using SQL and PLSQLNavigator to perform operations on Oracle 10g database. +Exp Participating development of FIX messages processing engine. +Exp Used JUNIT extensively and defined various Test Suites and Test Cases. +Exp Used Log4J to trace the flow of the application. +Exp Deployed application on BEA WebLogic Application Server 9.2 to get efficient performance. +Exp Used Subversion for version control across common source code used by developers. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.6, JSF 1.2, JBoss, Spring-Jdbc 2.5, Spring-ws-core 1.5, Wsdl4j, SOAP, JMS, Spring 2.5, fix, Hibernate 3, Maven 2, Log4J and JUnit 4.4, Eclipse, Angular JS, Oracle10g, Subversion, AWS, tortoise SVN, Mercury Quality center, BEA WebLogic Application Server 9.2. +Exp Optum, Sanjose, CAMay 2014 to July 2016 +Exp Role: Sr.Java UI Developer +Exp Project: Medical +Exp Description: +Exp Optum is powering modern health care to create a healthier world, the innovation arm of Optum and UnitedHealth Group this is a cross-functional department across OptumInsight, OptumRx, and OptumHealth, Health Data Analytics, Pharmacy Benefit Manager, Healthcare delivery services and support including OptumCare, home to the organizations acquired staff model and IPA model physician groups, and ancillary services (Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse, Dental, Vision, Transplant Management). +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and developed UI screens with Struts to provide interactive screens to display data. +Exp Actively involved in Agile Methodology which includes weekly Sprints and stand up meetings. +Exp Used Maven for building the applications EAR for various environments. +Exp Designed and created Hibernate persistence classes using Hibernate API. +Exp Wrote Stored Procedures/Triggers/Functions using SQL Navigator to perform operations on Oracle 10g database. +Exp Deployed application on Glassfish Server 3.1.2 to get efficient performance. +Exp Used Subversion for version control across common source code used by developers. +Exp Involved in the development of presentation layer and GUI responsive development using JSP, HTML5, and CSS/CSS3, Node JS. +Exp Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring MVC framework and O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance. +Exp Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, Servlets, EJB, Form Bean and Action classes. +Exp Developed the DAO layer for the application using Spring Hibernate Template support. +Exp Used JSP Tag Libraries (JSTL) to implement the logic inside the JSPs. +Exp Used the JSF / Rich faces for developing the webpages. +Exp Used Spring MVC and Web Flow to bind web parameters to business logic. +Exp Used plain JavaScript and JQuery, JavaScript Library to do the client side validations. +Exp Developed Web Services using REST, SOAP, WSDL and XML. +Exp Used AJAX to get the data from the server asynchronously by using JSON object. +Exp Worked on Oracle10g database for storing and retrieving the application data. +Exp Involved in configuring JMS and JNDI in rational application developer. +Exp Performed building and deployment of EAR, WAR, JAR files on test, stage systems in Glassfish Application Server. +Exp Used GIT as a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). +Exp Environment: JDK 1.7, JSF2, JBoss, Spring-Jdbc 2.5, Spring-ws-core 1.5, Wsdl4j, SOAP, JMS, Spring 2.5, fix, Hibernate3,Maven2, Log4J and JUnit 4.4, NetBeans,JDBC,Oracle10g, Subversion, Git, Glassfish Server 3.1.2,Toad,AJAX. +Exp Mohawk Industries Inc, Atlanta, GAJune 2013 to March 2014 +Exp Java UI Developer +Exp Project: Flooring industry +Exp Description: Mohawk Industries (: ) is an American manufacturer based in , , United States. Mohawk produces floor covering products for residential and commercial applications in North America and residential applications in Europe. The company manufacturing portfolio consists of soft flooring products (carpet and rugs), hard flooring products (ceramic tile, natural stone and hardwood flooring), , sheet vinyl and luxury vinyl tile. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analysed work by developers and suggested improvements and modifications. +Exp Used MVC based STRUTS framework for Web tier development using Eclipse IDE. +Exp Reviewed process requirements and formulated accurate estimates for implementation. +Exp Developed cloud computing applications through NoSQL, Hibernate and other platforms. +Exp Created web pages using CSS, HTML, JAXB and worked on interfaces like JSON. +Exp Demonstrated expertise and advanced understanding of J2EE, Tomcat, HTML 5, Angular JS. +Exp Documented and ensured safety and security of cloud computing applications. +Exp Used complicated methodologies such as Agile for testing and implementation. +Exp Worked on codes within servers and evolved solutions for complex issues. +Exp Built XML based data exchanges; used DOM for parsing and XML creation out of Java code. +Exp Communicate with the clients on modules, requirements and change requests for any queries on either side. +Exp Preparing low-level design documents like sequence diagrams, object reference document, program specifications and class diagrams based on the functional requirements document. +Exp Environments setup for Dev, QA and production for newly develop module +Exp Integrate web component with different queue based messaging services. +Exp Perform peer -- document reviews and code reviews. +Exp Responsible for QA/production release +Exp Prepared Unit test cases. +Exp Used TOAD for PL/SQL query, stored procedures and functions in Oracle as database. +Exp Inek Technologies, Hyderabad, IndiaJan 2012 to April 2013 +Exp Java UI Developer +Exp Project: Supply Chain Finance +Exp Description: The Project Supply Chain Finance is developed to provide a web-based front-end for document (Baseline and Dataset); creation and exchange; between trading partners via SWIFT Net TSU. TSU which is a collaborative workflow engine designed for the banking community, to provide competitive Supply Chain services to their customers will provide an engine for data matching and workflow. The matching engine will match data derived from corporate documents and the workflow engine will provide a tracking mechanism. The added functionalities in the project are Business form creation and conversion, Transaction status and message status management, Incoming and outgoing message management, E-Mail alert generation. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases of the project which was modeled using Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Exp Generated Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Worked on the UI for the Provisioning feature using Jakarta Struts Framework which is based on Model View Controller design pattern. +Exp Used the Struts Validation for validation of user input in the MVC Layer +Exp Implemented the template-based categorization of presentation content using Struts-Tiles. MVC implementation using Struts framework. +Exp Implemented workflow system in a SOA environment, through web services built using Axis2 for SOAP over HTTP and SMTP. Configuration and deployments of AXIS2 components on web sphere application server at class loader level, and used the same to build and consume the web services (both synchronous and asynchronous). +Exp Developed CWS and PWS web services (JAX-WS, REST, JAX-RPC) like CRUD operations of User, Enterprise, Transaction Status, Authorization Service end to end, using different JAX-WS standards with clear understanding on WSDL (type, message, port Type, bindings, and service). +Exp Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Used Spring MVC developed with STS Framework for Dependency Injection and integrated it with the Struts Framework and Hibernate. +Exp Used Web services – WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information from third party. +Exp Used JMS API for asynchronous communication by putting the messages in the Message queue with Active MQ Series +Exp Implemented the EJB 3 Session beans for business logic an MDB’s for the Messaging Service +Exp Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Session Façade, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton. +Exp Designed various tables required for the project in SQL server database and used Stored Procedures and Triggers in the application. +Exp Write new plug-in classes accessed by action classes. Apply the test first methodology on the same using JUNIT4 +Exp Performed unit testing using Junit framework and used Struts Test Cases for testing Action Classes. +Exp Used Ant scripts to build and deployed on WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.5, Servlets, EJB, XML, SOAP Web Services, JQuery, JMS, Struts 2.1, Hibernate 3.0, Spring 2.5, SQL, Web Service(JAX-WS), HTML, JSF 2.0, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, SVN, SQL Server, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, ANT 1.7, IBM Web Sphere Application Server 6.1, TCPMon, Soap UI, Visio, Rational Rose, Log4j. +Exp Aviva Life Insurance, Bangalore India Oct 2009 to Dec 2011 +Exp Java UI Developer +Exp Description: The Aviva Life Insurance India is widely recognized Insurance provider. It markets best healthcare products with quality business. Worked on wide range of health insurance plans and developed application based on J2EE along Java, JSP and MVCon the technology. Groups and individuals can choose from a variety programs. The project is to design their website with the information of various health plans listed under different plans and also create login for each individual8 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Actively involved in SCRUM’s and Sprints of Agile Methodology. +Exp Created detailed design documents (UML diagrams like Use case, Class, Sequence, and Component diagrams) using Rational Rose. +Exp Involved in design activities that is HLD (High Level Design) and LLD (Low Level Design). +Exp Designed and developed front end using JSP, JSTL, EL, and other custom tag libraries. +Exp Expertise in Web Page development using XML, XSLT. +Exp Involved in Web Page development using YUI Library. +Exp Involved in injecting dependencies into code using concepts like IOC of Spring Framework +Exp Designed asynchronous messaging using Java Message Service (JMS) to exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system. +Exp Expose and Consume RESTweb services to get the data from different contracts from different clients and also expose the warehouse inventory details for consumer tracking +Exp Used Spring MVC in the Web Layer +Exp Involved in configuring and deploying the application using WebSphere. +Exp Involved in integrating the business layer with DAO layer using Hibernate ORM. +Exp Transaction Management using the Hibernate configurations +Exp Responsible for development of configuration, mapping and Java beans for Persistent layer (Object and Relational Mapping) of Hibernate. +Exp Involved in Writing and reviewing unit test cases using JUnit. +Exp Used CVS as version control system to check in and checkout the data. +Exp Write and modify database stored procedures, triggers, functions, and PL/SQL Scripts. +Exp Created Forms and Reports using Oracle. +Exp Involved in writing shell scripts for deploying application on UNIX. +Exp Involved in build management and build resolution activities of e-commerce project. +Exp Involved in Smoke Testing, Testing, bug fixing and documentation of the system +Exp Environment: JDK 1.5, Spring framework, Hibernate, Web services (REST), RAD, XML, XSLT, Expression Language(EL), JMS, WebSphere 6.1, MQSeries, Rational Rose, WindowsXP, ANT, JavaScript, HTML, JUnit, CVS, Log4J, YUI library, AJAX, CSS, Eclipse IDE, and DB2. +Sum Professional summary +Sum 16 + years of experience in Business Strategy Programs/ Project Finance management and process solution designs as Business System Analyst, PMO Consultant and Project Manager specializing in Strategic IT Project, Program/Portfolio Management spanning across Energy & Utilities practice and associated IT support space. +Sum Delivered analytical solutions, and execution for IT Program Management Operations services. +Sum Achievements +Sum Contributed to SMART Manufacturing Program CPI savings of >$500K. (As PMO Manager, Shell US Program) +Sum Received Feather in My Cap Award for Ownership, Proactive attitude & Contribution to Project. (As Project Manager, Shell Project) +Sum Customer Centricity Award for creating consistent positive Customer experience. (As Project Manager, Shell Project) +Sum Received Feather in My Cap for my contribution in getting WIPRO Presidents Award. (As PMO Lead, Shell Project) +Sum Awarded for improving the Teams Overall Customer Satisfaction Score across the floor (As Tech Team Lead, HP Project) +QC Certifications +QC ITIL v3 Certified +QC Professional Scrum Master I Certified +QC Microsoft Certified Professional +QC Career Highlights & Competencies +Exp Extensive experience in Multi-million IT - Business Strategic programs for Oil and Gas Majors and PC Mfg. Cos. +Exp Core competencies highlighted below: +Exp Cost Savings delivered: +Exp Generated savings at high risk multi-million-dollar projects programs. +Exp Maintained overall Budget variance under control by inducing automated processes improving efficiency and effectiveness. +Exp Enabled transparency in accountability to drive work-stream performance. +Exp Professional Traits: +Exp Demonstrates a penchant for proactive problem prognosis and generating alternatives. +Exp Shows Inventiveness in analytical solution and solution delivery. +Exp Provides a meticulous and consistent adaptation of best methodologies. +Exp Energizes project/ program managers as a partner. +Exp Bridges gaps between varied work-streams, augmenting Program Management standards. +Exp Anticipates potential project derailments by meeting stakeholders, and understanding client and business expectations. +Exp Experience Highlights +Exp Motiva Enterprises LLC. (www.motiva.com), Location: Houston, USA, Feb, 2016 – Dec, 2017 +Exp Role: Finance PMO Consultant for a high priority $350 MM IT Business Strategy Transformation Program. +Exp SAP (SAP R/3) Finance System Management to track and manage Purchase Orders, WBSE and cost Center allocation and settlements. +Exp Use ARIBA to Track and Manage Purchase Order spend. +Exp Query and generate ARIBA reports (Expense, Invoicing, Orders, Payments & Receiving) +Exp Standardize Requisition to pay process, Records Management process and Audit Readiness. +Exp Managed Program SharePoint Environment; Creating and Managing site governance plan, SharePoint Migration and platform implementation. +Exp Maintained Project Plans, Risk matrix and co-ordinate with Risk Owners and facilitate in update and mitigation. +Exp Established PMO (“Project Management office”) methodologies, best practices for continuous process improvement and lead initiatives to analyze and implement. +Exp Shell Oil Company (www.shell.com), Location: Houston, USA, 2012 – 2016 +Exp Role: PMO Manager for a $ 100 MM Global Initiative program to establish robust and standard work process helping Downstream Manufacturing sites across the globe improve reliability and economic performance. +Exp Managing and reporting IT & Business Finance, Program Schedule, Cost – Benefit and Delivery Compliance. +Exp Delivery Compliance: Tracking integrated Program Plan, Change Requests, Risk and issues, Action, Decision, Benefits Logs and Contingency management. +Exp Manage Resourcing & Contracts for Program: Coordinating with Sourcing/ HR for creating Project Agreements. +Exp Automate processes - Improve efficiency: Design / Develop and manage Analytical - PMO tools. +Exp Process Standardization and tools implementation. Ensure Project Delivery Framework compliance / assurance and track project stage gate sign-offs. Apply LEAN methodology and provide continual Cost – Process improvement. +Exp Shell Oil Company (www.shell.com), Location: India, 2010 – 2012 +Exp Role: Project Manager for a Global Central Program Management Office Team serving diverse portfolio and Classes of Business. +Exp Customer/ Stakeholder Management – Communicating – Coordinating with Global PMO Lead/ Managers across Classes of Business. Working with onshore stakeholders in designing, developing and implementing Business process standardization initiatives. +Exp Manage communication between Wipro offshore and onshore PMO and Report/ discuss Monthly status of the PMO Support engagement through Monthly Service Review meetings. +Exp Manage overall Project performance: Planning, Tracking and Managing deliverables, Resource utilization, Quality compliance and SLA adherence. +Exp Point of Escalation for all the Classes of Business PMOs. Review service performance with the customer, identify areas for process improvement and implementation. +Exp Requirement gathering and business expansion prospect analysis. Coordinate and integrate change management activities. +Exp Shell Oil Company (www.shell.com), Location: India, 2008 - 2010 +Exp Role: Lead PMO Analyst +Exp As a Lead PMO, successfully transitioned and stabilized new Retail IT PMO from Melbourne, Australia. Provided proactive analytical solutions and coordinated with stakeholders and assisted management on improvement of business processes in PMO Support project. +Exp RWE nPower Ltd. (www.npower.com), Location: United Kingdom, May – July 2008 +Exp Role: Site Lead for Infrastructure Refresh Program/ Deployment Project across multiple locations in UK. +Exp Deployment Planning & Execution: Designed infrastructure configuration area, Handled deployment technical & administrative issues, Perform technical site audits. Incident, Change and Escalation Management. +Exp Hewlett Packard Company (www.hp.com), Location: India, Jan 2006 – Apr 2008 +Exp Role: Technical Lead & Analyst for Global Business Analytics Project. +Exp Planning & designing Process Reengineering initiatives and streamlining Incident, Problem and Change Management. Enterprise level analysis of Hardware Surveys, Repeat Service, Open Cases, Tools Usage, Product Related Issues, and Unresolved Technical Issues for Global Vendors. Trend analysis of the operational metrics and providing feedback to the vendors for further improvement of the metrics. Exception Analysis and reporting, Quality Checking and Control. Identification of training requirements for the technical support technicians. +Exp Incident, Problem and Escalation Management. Technical Mentoring, Training Needs Identification, Training Associates on Hardware/OS/Networking Technologies. Managing Quality & process compliance, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and Service Level. +Skill Technology Competencies +Skill SAP, R/3 Functions (Finance Management), ARIBA Spend management +Skill MS SharePoint 2016, Sharegate - SharePoint Migration Suite, Nintex Workflow/Forms, MS InfoPath 2010 +Skill MS Project, HP- PPM (HP Project & Portfolio Management) +Skill ITSM Tools, Maximo, Remedy +Skill Dell Certified Hardware Technician, HP Certified Hardware Technician. Expertise in Hardware Diagnosis and Troubleshooting for Desktops & Notebooks +Skill Microsoft OS (Windows 10, Windows 7, Vista, 2008 Server) +Skill Knowledge on Hardware, Software, Networking and Internet/ Cloud Technologies +Skill Business Competencies +Skill Project Management Principles & Agile/ Scrum Methodologies. +Skill Exposure to ITIL Principles and Methodologies. +Skill Expertise in Statistical Data Interpretation and Computational Techniques. +Skill Exposure to Quality Management Principles (Six Sigma, Failure Mode Effects Analysis etc.) +Edu Education +Edu SCDL, Pune, India +Edu Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration – Operations Management +Edu NIIT, Kolkata, India +Edu (DNIIT) Professional Diploma in Network Centered Computing +Edu St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, India +Edu Economics +PI References +PI *Reference can be provided upon request. +PI Gautami Bulusu +PI eGrove Systems Corporation +PI Contact: Krish, krish@egrovesys.com, 732-753-2829 +Sum PROFILE: +Sum ISTQB certified Software Quality Assurance Test Engineer with more than 4 years of experience in Automated, Manual Testing and Mobile testing. +Sum Experienced in Analyzing, Designing and Implementing Data-driven and Hybrid Automation Frameworks using Selenium WebDriver, Appium, TestNG and Maven. +Sum Well-Versed in using Functional automation tool Selenium WebDriver /RC/IDE. +Sum Qualified to Degree level in Electronics and Communication Engineering, strong in analytically solving complex problems and logical questioning. +Sum Received Out-standing performance awards multiple times for my contribution in the team. +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum Over 4 years of professional experience in Manual and Automated Functional and Regression Testing, and exposure to Unit Testing, Sanity Testing, System Testing and User-Acceptance Testing. +Sum Over a year of experience in Manual and Automated Mobile Testing. +Sum ISTQB Certified Tester -Foundation Level. +Sum Excellent knowledge in testing methodologies like Waterfall, V- model and Agile (Scrum). +Sum Exposure to software development life cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), IEEE standards in software development process and documentation. +Sum Expertise in in all phases of QA Life cycle and documentation, which includes Design, Development, and Implementation of Test-plans, Test-cases, defect tracking and reporting, and preparing RTM and Test-reports. +Sum Strong Experience in Automating Web Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver using Java along with TestNG framework and Maven (Build configuration). +Sum Experience in Automating mobile testing using Appium with Selenium WebDriver/Java +Sum Experienced in handling elements and performing Data-driven testing and Cross-Browser Testing using Selenium WebDriver. +Sum Experience testing REST/SOAP API web services using SOAP UI and POSTMAN. +Sum Analyzing XML files and identifying web elements using various element locators including x-path. +Sum Worked using various bug-tracking tools (Jira, Bugzilla), project management tools (HP QC/ALM, Open Project) and source-code management tools(Tortoise-SVN). +Sum Experienced in understanding Test Requirements and preparing test data, testing scenarios and testing strategy. +Sum Interacted efficiently with clients, coordinated with developers and stakeholders, thus ensuring the delivery of a quality product. +Sum Knowledge on HP QTP/UFT. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Core Skills: +Skill Automation tools and frameworks: Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven, Appium, SOAP UI, PostMan, Bugzilla, Jira, Open Project, HP ALM. +Skill Programming: Java, C, C++, J2EE +Skill Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/10, Macintosh +Skill Tools & Utilities: MS-Office, Outlook Express. +Skill Exposure to: +Skill HP UFT, VB Scripting and Linux. +Edu EDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS: +Edu ISTQB Certified Tester-Foundation Level (ASTQB board certification) +Edu Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and communication engineering, June 2013 +Edu Bandari Srinivas Institute of technology, JNT University, Hyderabad +Edu Aggregate: 78.2 % (First Class with Distinction) +Edu WORK EXPERIENCE_ +Edu eGrove Systems Corporation Jan’18-Till date +Exp Role: Software QA Test Engineer +Exp EMC 3.0 +Exp Project: The project involves the development and testing of eCommerce applications and their corresponding Web based Admin Interface applications. This includes Mobile Testing of front end apps and Automated software API testing of Admin Interface. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Develop Test-Plans and Test-cases for Manual and Automated Mobile Testing using Appium with Java. +Exp Develop Test-Plans and Test-cases for API testing for REST services using POSTMAN. +Exp Worked in cohesion with Developers and other teams right from the initial stages of Testing to ensure the delivery of a defect-free Application. +Exp Used Open Project for Creation, Execution and Managing Test Cases, raising and managing Defects. +Exp Developed test cases using work flows and API responses. +Exp Involved in Training and providing Knowledge for new Team Members. +Exp Environment: AGILE, Appium(Selenium) with Java, PostMan, Java, Windows 10, iOS, Android, Open Project, MS Office Suite +Exp YiiPack: +Exp Project: The project involves the development and testing of a Web Based application called “YiiPack” which is an application that enables a person to either send a package to any part of the world at his price or a person who is travelling to transport a package and get paid. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed Test-plans and Test-cases for Manual and Automated Functional and Regression Testing using Selenium with Java. +Exp Developed Test cases from business use cases and work flows and prepared Test data and Selenium Test Scripts. +Exp Conducted 80% of testing using Chrome Browser, remaining was achieved through cross-browser testing using Chrome browser (using x-path element locator), Firefox and IE. +Exp Co-ordinated with developers and other teams regarding defects results and worked together for the development of a reliable and highly efficient software. +Exp Developed test cases using work flows and use cases. +Exp Used Open Project for Creating, managing and executing the Test Cases. +Exp Provided Training and Knowledge transfer for new team members +Exp Environment: AGILE, Selenium WebDriver 3.0, JAVA, TestNG, Maven, Windows 2008, Windows 10, Web applications, Open Project, MS Office suite +Exp Genpact, India. Jul ’16-Dec’17 +Exp Client: Nationwide Insurance +Exp Role: Software QA Test Engineer +Exp Project: This project involved the development of a Mobile application for customers to access complete account information, view the status of the claimed insurance and manage his/her policies. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked in a highly dynamic Agile environment. +Exp Developed Test-plans and Test-cases for Automated Functional and Regression Testing using Appium with Java. +Exp Used Jira for defect tracking and reporting. +Exp Performed Failure Analysis and fixed issues using automation test reports. +Exp Involved in Mobile app testing using Appium (Selenium WebDriver) and API testing using SOAP UI. +Exp Coordinated with manual testers and developers for providing quick updates on automation test results either for pre-release testing or updating results after version release. +Exp Providing knowledge transfer and support for new team members +Exp Environment: AGILE, Appium Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, SOAP UI, Windows 2008, Macintosh, Web applications, Jira, MS Office suite +Exp Genpact Hyderabad Apr’ 15 – Jun’ 16 +Exp Client: Penske Corporation +Exp Role: Quality Assurance Tester +Exp Project: This project involved the development of a Web based application for logistics team to log-in, access and manage complete information of IT department. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Created, executed and maintained Test-Cases in Selenium WebDriver using Java through HP- QC/ALM for Functional and Regression Testing. +Exp Analyzed business requirements to better understand business logic and process flow and was involved in documentation. +Exp Involved in developing Automation Framework from scratch and test cases for the project using SELENIUM WebDriver 3.0, TestNG and Maven. +Exp Was involved in Unit, Integration and Acceptance test phases. +Exp Developed Test cases from business use cases, Test data and Selenium scripts for UI testing. +Exp Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG for automating Cross-Browser testing and Parallel testing on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE. +Exp Automated about 65% of Test-Cases on Firefox browser. Used Firebug and Fire-Path plugins to locate elements. +Exp Prepared Traceability Matrix and reported defects/results to the team using Bugzilla. +Exp Performing Back end testing with extensive use of SQL Queries. +Exp Interaction with client in deploying the Application and explaining the functionalities of the Product to client to make him familiar with the Product. +Exp Worked effectively with Developers, AGILE Team and Project Management to achieve Selenium automation, high quality, release deadlines and QA processes improvements. +Exp Achievements: Received “Best- Performance Award” for contributing to around 40% of Test-Cases, identifying problems in internal QA process, suggesting and implementing improvements. +Exp Environment: AGILE, Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, TestNG, Maven, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Web applications, Bugzilla, MS Office suite +Exp Genpact Hyderabad July’ 13– Mar’ 15 +Exp Client: GE GRC- Niskayuna and Bangalore +Exp Role: Quality Assurance Tester +Exp Project: Develop a web application which enables the end-user and the IT team to log and manage IT tickets. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked closely with Business Analysts and Developers to gather Application Requirements and Business Processes to formulate the test plan. +Exp Extensively involved in the Manual and Automation Testing of the applications. +Exp Conducted Functional Testing, Integration Testing on a Developed Regression Test Suite for the Application Under Test +Exp Actively conducted defect resolution meetings, QA status meetings. Also participated in Knowledge transfer sessions. +Exp Developed Test data and Test-cases for positive and negative test scenarios using Decision Table and BVA for functional testing as documented in the test plan. +Exp Environment: HP Quality Center 10.0, J2EE, Oracle WebLogic 10g, Windows server 2008, Windows XP/Vista +Sum Summary +Sum 14 years of experience in IT +Sum End-to-End Technical Program Manager for Cisco Finance – New Revenue Standards (NRS)project.Oracle ERP Implementation and Support of Oracle 11i / R12 Financial Modules. +Sum Strong expertise in Oracle Financials 11.5.2 to R12 (Accounts Receivables (AR), Accounts Payables (AP), General Ledger (GL),Fixed Asset (FA),Cash Management (CM)). +Sum Led a large cross-functional team comprising of business architects, system architects, application development, QA, DBA, Middleware (EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse in Teradata), BI Launchpad (Business Objects Reporting Tool)technology infrastructure resources to deliver common frameworks & scale up the infrastructure to meet the demands of aBPM application delivery portfolio. +Sum Lead an Enterprise Architecture team to formulate technology strategy in collaboration with key line of business executives. This strategy included a 3 year roadmap for legacy application rationalization and transformation with the objective of driving down the cost. The key benefit drivers were efficiency gains leading to reduced headcount, compliance cost avoidance and hardware decommissioning savings. +Sum Led an effort to select the BPM platform for mortgage technology from amongst the top BPM industry vendors (Pegasystems, Appian, IBM). Key activities included architecture assessment, sourcing strategy, contract negotiation, infrastructure setup, product adoption and enablement for internal application development teams. +Sum Worked in NPI applications between Item Hub and NPI teams to coordinate any new product introduction in the NRS(New Revenue Standards) program in Cisco. +Sum Customer focused, results driven technology executive with numerous years of leadership and extensive software engineering management experience +Sum Well versed with a Global Delivery Model having managed technology delivery with large technology teams (onsite + offshore) based out of India and Europe. +Sum Rich experience in Program Management, Release Management, Change Management, InfrastructureManagement. +Sum Rich experience inRetail, Infrastructure,Banking and Financial domain. +Sum Experience in working with multiple vendors and geographically distributed teams. +Sum CORE COMPETENCIES +Sum Project and Program Management (PMO) +Sum Enterprise Release Management +Sum Agile Principles and Scrum framework +Sum ITIL based Service Level Delivery Management +Sum Problem / Incidence / Change Management +Sum Strategic Planning +Sum Leadership and People Management +Sum Mentorship, Training and Development +Sum Vendor Management +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill Operating Systems : Mac OS, Windows, MVS/OS +Skill Domain : Infrastructure, Retail, Banking and Financial Services +Skill Technical :Mainframes, AS400, PEGA PRPC, Oracle, PL/SQL +Skill OPERATING SYSTEMS: OS/390, Z/OS Windows, MS DOS, Mac OS HARDWARE: IBM Mainframe S390, Windows NT. SOFTWARE PRODUCTS: Oracle, PL/SQL, VS COBOL-II, IBM MQ Series 5.3. SQL, JCL, Ezytreive, REXX, CICS, TSO / ISPF, IBM Utilities Databases: DB2 Tools / Technologies:VSAM, ISPF, IDCAMS, SPUFI, File AID for DB2, QMF, SPUFI, File AID, Endevor, Xpeditor, BMC, Platinum tool for DB2, BI Launch Pad (Business Objects), Hyperian Reporting +Skill Other Applications/Tools used: +Skill Microsoft Office, MS Share Point, Microsoft Project Plan, MS Visio, HP Project and Portfolio Management ( PPM ), BI Launchpad (Business Objects Reporting Tool), ITSM, BMC Remedy incidence and change mgmt, Lotus Notes, Service Now, Clarity, Salesforce, Rally, Jira, Propel, PEGA +QC Certifications / Professional Awards: +QC Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) +QC Certified DCO Architect (CDA from PEGA systems) +QC Certified System Architect (CSA from PEGA Systems) +QC ServiceNow Administrator +QC Walmart People System (Infosys internal) +Exp Warehouse Systems (Infosys internal) +Exp Store Management System (Infosys internal) +Exp Total Work Experience: +Exp Projects +Exp Current Title: Program Manager +Exp Current Client: Cisco +Exp Duration: From Aug 2014- TILL DATE +Exp Description: +Exp New Revenue Standards (NRS): +Exp NRS is the new converged global standard for revenue recognition, also known as the revenue standard portion of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard). This new standard replaces existing US GAAP rules for revenue recognition and brings all industries onto one single principles-based revenue standard. +Exp NRS is the enterprise wide program that will enable Cisco to comply with the New Revenue Standard, targeted to go live on the Day 1 of FY19 +Exp NRS Program lifecycle is consisted of five Program Increments (PI) and two quarters of E2E Production simulation from Q1FY17 thru Q4FY18 +Exp Role and Responsibilities : +Exp Business Requirements Gathering and Definition, Gap Analysis, Mapping, Systems and Environment Set-up, Testing, End-user Training, Post Production Support. +Exp Work with multiple cross functional teams collaboratively including business and development teams to analyze IT systems, and turn innovative concepts into effective ERP Application solutions. +Exp Expertise in Creation of Oracle 11i & R12 Financial Documentation for training of key users. +Exp Excellent interpersonal and communication capabilities and extensive experience in dealing with people from various organizational levels and diverse cultural backgrounds. +Exp Successfully demonstrated excellent working relationship with teams across multiple gepographical locations. +Exp Proven abilities to leverage standard functionality to reduce IT costs, increase efficiency and optimize business results. +Exp Functional Requirements, Technical Requirements Gathering & Analysis Software Development of Lifecycle Oracle Applications 11.5.10 11.5.8 & R12: Accounts Receivables, Account Payables, General Ledger, Fixed Assets, Cash Management, iExpenses, Report Manager, Property Manager, Purchasing, Order Management Order to Cash process, Inventory and Service Contracts. +Exp Lead an enterprise architecture team to formulate technology strategy in collaboration with key line of business executives. This strategy included a 3 year roadmap for legacy application rationalization and transformation with the objective of driving down the cost. The key benefit drivers were efficiency gains leading to reduced headcount, compliance cost avoidance and hardware decommissioning savings. +Exp Led an effort to select the BPM platform for mortgage technology from amongst the top BPM industry vendors (Pegasystems, Appian, IBM). Key activities included architecture assessment, sourcing strategy, contract negotiation, infrastructure setup, product adoption and enablement for internal application development teams. +Exp Led a large cross-functional team comprising of business architects, system architects, application development, QA, DBA, Middleware Administration, technology infrastructure resources to deliver common frameworks & scale up the infrastructure to meet the demands of a $10-$30MM annual BPM application delivery portfolio. +Exp Assist Release management and Configuration across all the processes. Includes hands on in PEGA. +Exp Planningprojects and scope changes through Microsoft Project Plan (MPP). +Exp Metrics Report preparation through IPM+ (Infosys internal tool). +Exp Use other client specific tools like HP ITSM, Request Tracker, Remedy, Kintana, Propel, Ciscodocs, PREP. PEGA, Rally. +Exp Prepare Weekly Status Reports and share with clients and Infosys Management on weekly basis. +Exp Title: Program/Project Manager +Exp Client: Fedex +Exp Duration: From 5 Aug 2013 TILL 26 Aug 2014 +Exp Description: Coordinating and implementing Hardware and server request from the initial request, build, configuration, move to production, and project closeout processes like planning, tracking, reviewing purchases and managing day – to – day activities. +Exp Role and Responsibilities : +Exp Planning through Microsoft Project Plan (MPP) +Exp Tracking through MPP, Request Tracker, Infrastructure Readiness Coordniator Tracking Tool +Exp Metrics Report preparation through IPM+ (Infosys internal tool). +Exp Use other client specific tools like HP ITSM, Request Tracker, IRC Tracker, Equipment Purchase Database, Infra Capacity Management, IP Address Distribution (IPAD) Lookup. +Exp Prepare Weekly Status Reports and share with clients and Infosys Management on weekly basis. +Exp Coordinated with multiple vendors from geographically distributed teams for successful implementation of servers. +Exp Title: Project Manager (Houston, Texas) +Exp Client: Sysco Foods +Exp Duration: From 07 Dec 2012 TILL 15 July 2013 +Exp Description: There are around 70 Operating Companies (OpCo) where each OpCo is comprised of three components namely – Vendor, Item and Customer. +Exp Leading this enhancement will provide an automated process for searching on existing Vendors, Item and Customers in Sysco Unified Systems (SUS) built in AS400 technology. Currently, each OpCo is designed to pull data from MDM (Master Data Management) system built from Corporate which is a single unit connecting all the OpCos for billing, reporting and all other IT related services. Going forward, the corporate will be converted to a SAP technology application which means an Enhancement has to be made at each OpCo level to build a new interface with the SAP based corporate to fetch data all the required data for a Vendor/Item/Customer. +Exp Role and Responsibilities : +Exp Responsible for handling Offshore team of size 8, coordinating between Clients and Offshore to meet client’s requirements +Exp Go through the entire SLDC life cycle and make sure the project is delivered within the deadline and support the application whenever needed +Exp Maintain and resolve production tickets through BMC Remedy tool. +Exp Served as primary point of contact on a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week basis for Network Operations, Customer Service Operations, Production Control, Computer Operations, and Help Desk. +Exp Coordinated timely disaster recovery procedures affecting the stability of data center operations. +Exp Interfaced daily with client users worldwide to address a range of technical issues and concerns. +Exp Developed and revised departmental procedure manuals to assist staffs in technical operations. +Exp Implemented Quality Control procedures to ensure full compliance with Service Level Agreements. +Exp Title: Project Manager/Team Lead +Exp Client: Walmart +Exp Duration: From 19 SEP 2011 TILL 30 Nov 2012 +Exp Description:The scope of this TITAN project is to update all the applications to reflect the current operational alignment of the client’s equipped store. As part of this project new database & new set of tables for holding the new operational alignment will be created. All the impacted screens/programs will be referring to the new database. All the reports which is at Market level will be converted into Region level. New Market level Reports will be created if required by business +Exp Also the scope includes making the alignment structure flexible for any future operational alignment changes and all these make it Clean & Accurate data in all reports & screens. +Exp Role and Responsibilities : +Exp Responsible for handling Offshore team of size 8, coordinating between Onsite/Offshore and deliverables from Offshore +Exp Go through the entire SLDC life cycle and make sure the project is delivered within the deadline and support the application whenever needed +Exp Maintain and resolve production tickets through BMC Remedy tool. +Exp Company: Cognizant Technology Solutions Period: 9 Feb 2004 to 30 Oct 2010 +Exp Projects +Exp Title: Developer/ Senior Develope +Exp Client: The Bank of Newyork Mellon +Exp Duration: From 9 Feb 2004 to 30 Oct 2010 +Exp Description: Worked for a merger project where two banks mergedalong with their Global Shares. At present in one bank, global shares processing was done for two clients. In addition to these two, a new client needed to be processed for which fractional shares needs to be handled. All are German based clients but processed from US. +Exp Role and Responsibilities : +Exp Started at offshore as a team lead and went onsite for the new region creation +Exp Got KT from clients (Onsite) and established the team at offshore single handedly for the application. +Exp Interacting directly with the clients from offshore. Involved in all phases if SDLC process. +Exp Coordinated with multiple vendors from geographically distributed teams for successful implementation of servers. +Edu Academic Qualification +Edu Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in 2003 from Madras University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. +PI Gopi +PI Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +PI Email: gopijavafullstack@gmail.com Phone: +1 732-630-7623 +Sum Summary: Well-organized and result-oriented Java software developer with a strong technical background of 8 years, working in Agile-Scrum/Waterfall Environment, Strong knowledge and hands on experience in Writing and developing Algorithms, Data Structures; Requirements Gathering, Designing, Testing and Production Maintenance of Enterprise Integration applications using SOA and Microservices technologies. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum 8+ years of professional experience in all phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) including system design, development, production support and maintenance of various Web Applications using Java/J2EE Technologies. +Sum Good knowledge in Analysis and Design using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and strong experience on agile methodology. +Sum Expertise in developing Web based distributed and Front-end applications in a three-tier architecture using Java, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, JSP, jQuery and Angular JS, Node JS. +Sum Extensive experience in developing Enterprise applications using Core Java and various J2EE technologies including Multithreading, Collections, exceptions, JSP, Servlets, JSP Custom Tags Libraries, JavaBeans, EJB, JDBC, Networking, Threads, IO, JNDI and JMS +Sum Proficient in working on various spring modules (Spring Core, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot and AOP) along with Hibernate and JPA. +Sum Worked with advanced version of Eclipse IDE from spring, Spring IO / Spring Boot, which is Spring Tool Suite (STS) to make application development easy. +Sum Implemented Client side code to call REST endpoints using JAXRS API with HTTP and Jersey clients. +Sum Developed end-to-end composite RESTFUL Web Services by using SOA with CXF framework used with different clients including Web & Mobile. +Sum Experienced in AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes Amazon AWS Cloud Administration which includes services like: EC2, S3, RDS, IAM, SNS, ELASTIC BEANSTALK, Route 53, Auto scaling, Lambda, Cloud Watch, and Cloud Formation. +Sum Experience working with different databases, such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Sybase, Cassandra. +Sum Good experience in writing SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, functions, packages, tables, views, triggers, data connectivity and data integration of Oracle. +Sum Have experience in Design, Development and Deployment of Web-Applications/ J2EE applications on servers like BEA-WebLogic, and Apache Tomcat, JBoss +Sum Integration and deployment of applications done using tools like ANT and Maven and debugging through log4j. +Sum Hands on knowledge with UNIX shell scripting, Python and Ruby. +Sum Experience in using Version Control Systems like CVS, SVN, Harvest and GIT +Sum Good interpersonal skills, excellent verbal, written and presentation skills and can work both independently and in a team. +Sum An enthusiastic and project-oriented team player with solid communication and interpersonal skills with ability to develop creative solutions for challenging client needs. +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp Client: MoneyGram International, Frisco, TX Jan 2017 - Till date +Exp Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: This project is mainly about setting the Credit Limits for the MoneyGram agents across the world. It also processes the transactions of the agents (money received and sent) from and to the Customers. It also has image proof system which verifies the amount processed by the agent to the amount received by the MoneyGram representative. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the application. +Exp Involved in the implementation of design using vital phases of the Software development life cycle SDLC that includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance Support. +Exp Designed Frontend with in object oriented JavaScript framework like Angular.JS, Node.js. Used building rich internet applications, backbone JS Require JS to optimize in-browser use and to load the module and to improve the Speed. +Exp Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using AJAX, JavaScript, and ReactJS. +Exp Participated in development of a well responsive single page application using ReactJS framework and JavaScript in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3 standards, with front end UI team. +Exp Used Agile Scrum methodology for iterative incremental software development +Exp Applied J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Data Transfer Object DTO, Data and Business Object VO during the development of components. +Exp Design roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM). +Exp Used Visio to prepare Flow Diagram, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram. +Exp Used WebLogic Application Server to deploy the build. +Exp Developed front-end screens using Spring MVC, JSP, HTML, AJAX, JQuery, backbone, marionette, JavaScript and CSS. +Exp Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, optimized +Exp Developed POJO based programming model using spring framework. +Exp Used J2EE for the development of business layer services. +Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for micro-services. +Exp Setup and support automated Continuous Integration utilizing tools like Jenkins, Shell Scripts, and AWS CLI/API. +Exp Responsive web design (RWD) is developed using frameworks like Angular JS 2.0, typescript and MVC frameworks and Bootstrap. +Exp Planned, constructed and iterated upon a contacts management single-page application and custom REST API using AngularJS, MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js. +Exp Designed developed the application using JSF, Face lets, Ext JS 4.1. +Exp Developed and published Java Web Services PoS Services so that other systems can use the service using Web Services. +Exp Used Web services to extract client related data from databases using WSDL, XML and SOAP. +Exp Building RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS and Jersey. +Exp Writing the front-end look and appearance for the screens using JavaScript, AJAX, and AngularJS, jQuery, Rails experience and automation test cases. +Exp Worked on Prototyping and Implementation using Java, Node.JS, and AWS with Slacker platform. +Exp Created advance SQL scripts in PL/SQL Developer to facilitate the data in/out flow in Oracle +Exp Created Stored Procedures in Oracle using PL/SQL, TOAD +Exp Used Eclipse for the Development, Testing and Debugging of the application. +Exp Log4j framework has been used for logging debug, info error data. +Exp Worked on creating Micro services, API, and created Docker Files for different Micro-services. +Exp Used Secure CRT to transfer file from local system to UNIX system. +Exp Performed Test Driven Development TDD using JUnit and Mockito. +Exp Used Quality Center QC for defect logging and issue tracking. +Exp Environment: Windows XP, Java6.0, Design Patterns, AWS, WebLogic10.2, Java, J2EE Servlet, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, Backbone, JQuery, CSS, Struts, Spring, Spring boot 1.1.5, Hibernate, Restful API, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RS, Jersey, JSON, XML, Angular.JS, ReactJS, EXT JS, Express JS 4.x, NodeJS, Typescript, ES7, SQL, PL/SQL, TOAD, Oracle 10g, DB2, Docker, Maven, Jenkins, Log4J, JUnit, Mockito +Exp Client: State Street Corporation, New York, NY Oct 2015 - Dec 2016 +Exp Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: State Street Corporation serves as the custodian for an investment company. It also provides the basic portfolio recordkeeping required by the investment company for regulatory and financial reporting purposes. State Street Bank and Trust Company serves mutual funds and other collective investment funds, corporate and public retirement plans, insurance companies, foundations, endowments and other investment pools, and investment managers worldwide. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing Followed Agile methodology. +Exp Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side in AngularJS and UI router. +Exp Used Bootstrap for creating rich, Responsive UI Screens for varying screen sizes and devices. +Exp Implemented core features of AngularJS framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking. +Exp Worked with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for developing user interface. +Exp Built data visualizations to monitor file server load, web server speeds, data processing and more using D3 JS, Backbone JS. +Exp Implemented RESTful services and data services on Node JS and Express. +Exp Developed the application based on main modules of Spring MVC framework such as Core Container, Data Access/Integration and Web. +Exp Implemented different REST APIs such as user and transactional using frameworks CXF & Spring REST and implemented Web Service security using OAuth protocol. +Exp Implemented Dependency Injection (IOC) feature of spring framework to inject beans into User Interface and AOP for Logging and transaction management. +Exp Developed Micro Services to provide Restful API's utilizing Spring MVC. +Exp Focused on Test Driven Development thereby creating detailed JUnit tests and mocked services using Mockito. +Exp Implemented microservices using Spring boot, spring based microservices +Exp Migrated Spring based application to cloud based Microservices +Exp Used Amazon SQS queuing service for reliable communication among distributed software components and micro services and used Amazon SNS push notification service for sending individual messages to mobile device users, email recipients and to distributed users. +Exp Responsible for maintaining and expanding our AWS infrastructure using AWS (EC2/EBS). +Exp Used Jenkins to load JAR files required for running the application. +Exp Used Maven building tool for creating WAR file to be deployed in application servers. +Exp It is also used for dependency management of code in application Configured and deployed the application on WebLogic application Server. +Exp Designed Database schema and created complex SQL queries, Procedures for creating, reading, updating and deleting data in Oracle 11g. +Exp Mapped business objects to database using Hibernate. +Exp Experience with RDBMS systems including MySQL and PostgreSQL. +Exp Developed server-side scripts in shell to customize GIT and integrate it with tools JIRA and Jenkins. +Exp Involved in production support, monitoring server and error logs and Foreseeing the Potential Issues, and escalating to the higher levels. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.6, JDK1.7, Java, Spring 3.0, XML, MVC, J2EE, JUnit, Maven, JAX-WS, Log4j, Jenkins, Spring MVC framework, Spring AOP, Spring security, Spring Boot, AJAX, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node JS, Typescript, GIT, JAR, STS (spring tool suite), Eclipse 3.0, AWS, WebLogic Application Server, AWS (SNS, SQS, EC2, Cloud Watch), Oracle 11g, SQL Server. +Exp Client: Bailey Trading, Los Angeles, CA May 2014 - Sep 2015 +Exp Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: Bailey Trading Company, LLC in Los Angeles, CA is a USA American international export trading company, import/export trade consultant for American manufacturers, foreign buyers, distributors and agents. Bailey trading organizes the client’s data (transactions, history, benefits and rewards) through this web based portal named Revolver (Cash flow). They issue cards (similar to credit cards) to clients (Large fleet/ Small fleet) and organize their data through this portal. Data representation is carried out in a rich graphical interpretation using latest UI technologies. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the requirement analysis and designing the system to incorporate those requirements and coming up with the design to utilize existing systems and services. +Exp Communicating with external services' representatives for understanding, reporting problems and taking into account the changes and updates. +Exp Designed POCs for proving the third party service's credibility and functionality. +Exp Involved in developing Web Service components using SOAP service. +Exp Implemented the REST web service for utilizing these services and exposing some of the newly implemented functionalities for others through JAX-RS and Spring Rest Controller. +Exp Implemented the Project structure based on Spring MVC pattern using spring boot. +Exp All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Hibernate ORM. Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactions and spring security +Exp Developed spring boot application for writing web services. +Exp Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with, Jenkins and GitHub and AWSAMI’s. Converted our staging and Production environment from a handful AMI’s to a single bare metal host running Docker. +Exp Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop spring based application with very less configuration. +Exp Worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure +Exp Implemented the data layer for using the Cassandra database minimizing the dependency and redundancy. +Exp Divided the code in layers and services so that external service classes can be injected through Spring DI. +Exp Took in all events required for the app through JMS running on ActiveMQ queue. +Exp Used Callable objects for implementing multithreading for parallel execution of independent events. +Exp Wrote JUnit test cases for these classes following a test driven methodology. +Exp Implemented content reading and html reading in classes through Apache POI and JSOUP respectively. +Exp Coordinated with the testing team for bug reports and fixes and tracking these tickets through JIRA. +Exp Involved in the front end design using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery. +Exp Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5 and ReactJS. +Exp Maintained existing UI Applications and upgraded them using CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, React JS, Backbone. Js, JSON and HTML5. +Exp Used AngularJS as the development framework to build a single-page application. +Exp Involved in the implementation of front end services through AngularJS and connecting them to the backend services. +Exp Incorporated error handling through exception handling in different layers and generating custom exceptions and codes. +Exp Implemented different levels of logging throughout the system using Slf4j logger. +Exp Participated in daily stand ups and Sprint planning and review meetings. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 4.0.6, Spring boot 1.1.5, Spring IO, Spring MVC, AWS, AngularJs, ReactJS, Spring Rest, JUnit 4.11, Apache poi 3.9, JSoup 1.8.1, Tomcat 7.0.54, Slf4j 1.7.7, Log4j 1.2.17, ActiveMQ broker/client 5.9.1, 4.3.4, JAX-RS 2.0, Maven 2.5.1, Cassandra, SOAP, Rest, WSDL, Windows 7, Eclipse Luna. +Exp Client: ASD Health Care, Frisco, TX Nov 2012 - April 2014 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: This project is a comprehensive and integrated Hospital Management System for a Super Specialty Hospital. This package is used to computerize the activities of a servicing system. This package contains four modules. They are Administration, Patient Care System, Health Services and Auxiliary Services. Each module is having sub modules within this sub module will maintains storing, registering, details of joining patient details, and overall day activities maintains one particular database. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in the complete life cycle of the project (Analyzing the client requirements, designing, developing and testing). +Exp Major involvement in writing & reviewing Design Approach Documents and have designed architecture for the web module using Spring MVC framework and implemented the design of UI using Ajax Framework. +Exp Built software using Groovy and Grails on backend, JavaScript (AngularJS) on frontend +Exp Designed REST-full XML Web Service for handling AJAX requests. +Exp Applied MVC pattern of Ajax framework which involves creating Controllers for implementing Classic JavaScript event handlers and implemented flexible event model for managing multiple event call backs. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC framework which includes writing Controller classes for handling requests, processing form submissions and also performed validations using Commons validator. +Exp Designed and developed Java Swing interfaces for Contact, Event and Mail information editing. +Exp Responsible for integrating Ajax with Spring Service layer using DWR (Direct Web Routing) +Exp Involved in all layers of applications like Controller Servlets, Service controller, Screening manager and Rule Engine. +Exp Architecture JMS with spring which involves setting up Active MQ message Broker, declared Active MQ message destinations and also implemented Spring’s JMS Gateway Support class as a base class for JMS gateway classes. +Exp Wrote AngularJS controllers, views, and services for new website features. +Exp Developed XML, XML schema and parser using SAX and DOM and implemented System Oriented Architecture Methodology. +Exp Designed and developed Business Services using Spring Framework (Dependency Injection), Business Delegate & DAO Design Patterns. +Exp Implemented JNDI Object Factory Bean for injecting JNDI Objects in spring configuration setup for fetching a database connection and also configured a mail sender (Java Mail Sender Impl) for sending email. +Exp Efficiently implemented multithreading using Java Concurrency utilities for performance improvements. +Exp Implemented JTA service to handle transactions and created a conversation interceptor for handling each event. +Exp Implemented Hibernates Polymorphic many-to-one associations for referring instances of subclasses and participated in design of data base and created tables in ORACLE. +Exp Conducted code reviews against coding standards and made sure the best practices are maintained in development process. +Exp Used Maven build tool for building the application +Exp Developing test requirements by decomposing the functional requirements and interacting with End-users, business analysts and developers. +Exp Participated in meetings of internal developer groups for the purpose of development standards. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, spring, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Ajax, XML, AngularJS, Restful, Maven, CSS, JavaScript, Ant, RAD, SQL, Oracle, Hibernate, Toad, Log4j, CVS, WebSphere, Windows, UNIX. +Exp Client: NCC Finance, Hyderabad April 2011 - Aug 2012 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: NCC Finance provides customized financial solutions to business, government and professional customers. Bank offer traditional lending and depository products, as well as a wide-range of international and global cash management, foreign exchange and international trade finance, derivatives and capital markets services, asset-based lending, real estate finance, public finance, commercial leasing and syndicated finance. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for transforming design mock-ups to W3C standards compliant HTML pages using XHTML, CSS. +Exp Responsible for creating JavaScript code, for different modules. +Exp Involved in designing the User Interface mainly focusing on easing access to registration, plans and Features available on the website using XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components. +Exp Developed configuration files, mapping files and Annotations to map the POJOs to DB tables managing associations and classes specific to the spring and Hibernate. +Exp Involved in creating the new entities using DAO's and DTO's for mapping to the database tables. +Exp Involved in designing Application based on façade, DAO, Singleton. +Exp Creating a High-Level Design Documents for the enhancements and change control activity. +Exp Designed and developed applications using Eclipse and deploying the code on DEV servers. +Exp Unmarshalling the response from the Web service call into Java Objects. +Exp Tested WSDL based SOAP 1.2 services using SOAP UI. +Exp Used SQL Developer for developing SQL queries and stored procedures for Oracle Database 11g connectivity. +Exp Apache subversion SVN repository is used to get the input code and updated changes. +Exp Focused on improving readability, utility, and overall UX. +Exp Preparation of effort estimation and schedule for every phase of enhancements & work allocation. +Exp Environment: Java, JDBC, Oracle Database, JUnit, SVN repository, jQuery, SQL Developer, JBoss application Server, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JSP. +Exp Client: ICICI Bank, Hyderabad, India Feb 2010 - Mar-2011 +Exp Role: Junior Java Developer +Exp Description: ICICI Bank Ltd is one of the largest among the private-sector banks in India. In the retail banking category, the bank offers services such as lending to individuals/small businesses subject to the orientation, product and granularity criterion, along with liability products, card services, Internet banking, (ATM) services, depository, and financial advisory services. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Design, Development, Testing and Integration of the application. +Exp Implementing business logic and data base connectivity. +Exp Client-side installation and configuration of project. +Exp Developed using simple Struts Validation for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp Co-coordinated Application testing with the help of testing team. +Exp Writing database queries on Oracle. +Exp Writing stored procedures, Packages, Views, Cursors, Functions and triggers using SQL in the back end. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence. +Exp Wrote SQL commands and Stored Procedures to retrieve data from Oracle database. +Exp Developed web services using SOAP, WSDL, and XML. +Exp Developed the application using Singleton, Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object design patterns in the project. +Exp Created and implemented Oracle Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and complex queries using SQL. +Exp Worked with Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and Asynchronous Communication. +Exp Used log4j for logging and SVN for version control. +Exp Ability to quickly adjust priorities and take on projects with limited specifications. Effective team player with excellent logical and analytical abilities. +Exp Excellent written and verbal communication skills, inter-personal skills and self-learning attitude. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Spring, SOAP Web services, SOA, JavaScript, CSS, XML, JAXB XHTML, XSLT, JMS, Ajax, Hibernate, Log4j, Oracle, Web Sphere, Ant, Eclipse, UNIX, MS Office. +Edu Education: Bachelor’s in Computers, 2010, India +Sum Professional Summary +PI Gururaja Murthy +Sum Profile: Project Manager /Agile Scrum Master/QA Leader +Sum An Experienced and Certified IT Professional with extensive 18+ years of experience in Product/Project Management, Agile Scrum Master ,QA Test Management , Defect Management, Release Management, People Management , Outsource management and Client Management in Multi-Million Dollar Software Development Applications for Industries as Banking Financial Insurance Mortgage, Health Care & Life Science Management, Security, ERP,Airline, Logistics Telecom , Supply chain Management, Manufacturing, Automobiles, Manufacturing and Retail/E- Commerce. +Edu Education and Credentials +Edu Master’s in Computer Application – First Class +QC Project Management Certification - Kent State University (PMP) +QC Certified Scrum Master from Scum Alliance – CSM +QC Certified Product Owner -CSPO +QC Key IT Projects/Solutions Delivered for Global Fortune Customers – U.S.A, U.K, Canada, Germany, France, Australia Singapore, South Africa and Malaysia. +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Project Experience Highlights: +Exp MINDTREE Limited – Project -Test Manager/Scrum Master +Exp Feb 2016-Present (USA) +Exp Client Name : Fortune listed BFSI client – North Carolina +Exp Description : Life, RPS and Annuity Insurance applications (IOS, Android, Web Platform) +Exp Responsible for Creation of the Project plan and Test plan +Exp Responsible for People Management; Responsible Scheduling, Tracking and Reporting; +Exp Responsible for Resource allocation (people, hardware, software, and facilities); +Exp Responsible for Metric Preparation and Reporting; +Exp Responsible for Managing, supervising, and assessing team performance +Exp Responsible for Defining project scope, goals and +Exp Deliverables that support business goals in collaboration with senior management and stakeholders; +Exp Responsible for Liaising with project stakeholders on an ongoing basis & ensuring Customer Satisfaction; +Exp Responsible for reports publishing with upward management +Exp Agile Project Track: Helping team regarding Grooming of user stories and Estimation (JIRA, Scrumwise, Confluence). +Exp Use Product Backlog and come up with a release plan & Sprint plan during Sprint 0. +Exp Sprint Planning and Story Point decision using pocker card with the agile team. +Exp Daily Scrum call/Stand-ups with the Agile team to identify any blocker/impediment. +Exp Resolve Blocker/issues immediately collaborating with required interface team/stakeholders. +Exp Continuous Integration and Delivery: DevOPS, Automation testing. Daily status updates. +Exp Sprint Review at the last day of the sprint with the PO to demo the shipped product. +Exp Conduct Sprint Retrospective post the completion of the sprint. Come up with action items. +Exp Effectively use of Collaborative tools and JIRA/Confluence tool for Agile process, time tracking, metrics. +Exp Mphasis Limited- An HP Company: Agile Scrum Master|Project Manager| QA-Test Manager. +Exp March 2010-Feb 2016 (U.S.A. and Bangalore) +Exp Project Name : Sigma BI for AIG +Exp Technology : IOS and Android Apps, Business analytics-IBM Data Stage, DB2, Informatica, +Exp Cognos Reports, Adobe CQ5, IOS and Android app. +Exp Project Name : American Airlines SABRE- Trip case; +Exp Role : Project Manager /Scrum Master +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: Software Development Track +Exp Sprint Release planning, Daily Standup meeting, Problem solutions, Sprint Demo and Retrospective +Exp Facilitating Scrum of Scrum for offshore Scrum teams in US and India +Exp Managing the overall performance and delivery of cross-functional +Exp Facilitating sprint planning as Scrum master for multiple Scrum teams +Exp Publicizing the team's progress and successes to make sure they are highly visible +Exp To product owner’s/ stakeholders. Ensuring the team together till the release completion +Exp Ensuring the transition of Projects from Waterfall to Agile +Exp Maintenance Projects/Testing Projects Track +Exp Responsible for Creation of Project plan and the Test plan +Exp Responsible for People Management; Responsible Scheduling, Tracking and Reporting +Exp Responsible for Resource allocation (people, hardware, software, and facilities) +Exp Responsible for Metric Preparation and Reporting; +Exp Responsible for Managing, supervising, and assessing team performance +Exp Responsible for Defining project scope, goals and Deliverables that support business goals in collaboration with senior management and stakeholders +Exp Responsible for Liaising with project stakeholders on an ongoing basis & ensuring Customer Satisfaction +Exp Responsible for automation using Ranorex version 5.0 +Exp Responsible for Set up and manage project expectations with team members and other stakeholders +Exp Hiring and retaining talent into the organization and projects; +Exp Responsible for Coaching, mentor, motivate and supervise Project team members and influence them to take positive action and accountability for their assigned work +Exp Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, requirements documentation and presentations +Exp Responsible for proactively managing changes in project scope +Exp Identify potential crises and devise contingency plans +Exp Responsible for Defining project success criteria and disseminate them to involved parties throughout Project life cycle and Delivery +Exp Project Name : Schwab Index Advantage for Charles Schwab Corporation +Exp Technology : Microsoft team foundation server; Microsoft Integration services, Microsoft reporting services; Actuate Reporting system, Cloud computing Platform. +Exp Role : Test Manager/Leader +Exp Description : Schwab Retirement planning application +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment +Exp Reaching agreement with client about the assignment and expectations +Exp Ensuring test infrastructure is available on time +Exp Keeping the issue administration continually updated +Exp Responsible for end to end delivery from offshore team. +Exp Responsible for planning, execution and reporting of test +Exp Conducted Security testing & Performance testing. +Exp Project Name : CAFÉ – Customer Automation for Future Endeavour for FedEx +Exp Technology : HP ALM, Business process testing, quick Test Pro +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment +Exp Responsible for the team of 30 testing resources +Exp Responsible End to end testing delivery to the customer +Exp Responsible for the team appraisals +Exp Responsible for defect analysis and management +Exp Responsible for the process management +Exp Responsible for the customer management +Exp Responsible for both offshore delivery teams in Bangalore and Mangalore +Exp Marlabs Software (P) Ltd - Project Leader /Release Manager (Aug 2008 – March 2010) +Exp Project Name : In-Flight Exchange (IFX4) ™ Product suite = Supply chain management +Exp for Air line services for gate gourmet Customers +Exp Technology : SAP R/34.0, SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization, Quality center, Loadrunner +Exp Client : Gate Gourmet Inc. U.S.A +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Responsible for application test management for multiple projects +Exp Managed team of 18-20 testers +Exp Responsible for Estimation and Risk Management +Exp Interaction with customer on daily basis +Exp Coordinated with automation team for testing using QTP +Exp Coordinated with performance test team using Load Runner +Exp Reported QA team status to executives +Exp Managed defects using Jira +Exp SPOC for testing during testing QA, UAT and Production environment. +Exp Standardize QA standards and practices for the project teams +Exp Coordinated for tool evaluation and POC (Proof of Concept) +Exp Collection of Metrics and Reporting to the Management. +Exp Working closely with Business development team to articulate Business value through +Exp Testing solutions and help them to close new accounts (Proposals and SOW’s) +Exp Tratum Technologies Pvt. Ltd - QC lead +Exp (Dec 2007 – Jul 2008) +Exp Project Name : Prepaid and Post-Paid Billing Systems for British Telecom +Exp Client : British Telecom - U.K. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Day to day test management, reporting and defect management +Exp Prepared status reports for management and drafted Test Completion Report. +Exp Member of SEPG +Exp Ensuring a test infrastructure is available on time. +Exp Allowing use of all agreed test methodologies +Exp Support in the Test project proposal creation, Sow’s and roadmap for transition +Exp Coordination and participation in the client application portfolio assessment & estimation +Exp Managed, planned and allocated test resources for projects. +Exp Mphasis – An EDS Company - Test Lead +Exp (Jan 2006 – Jul 2007) +Exp Project : CRM package +Exp Client : Charles Schwab financial corporation +Exp Duration : 01/2006 - 12/2006 +Exp Project : Auto-write off +Exp Client : Xerox Corporation +Exp Duration : 01/2007 - 07/2007 +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Process Improvement +Exp Prepared requirement clarification tracker to manage requirements. +Exp Authored gap analysis tracker to manage gap between wire frames +Exp And functional specifications. +Exp Authored release management process for testing team. +Exp Wrote and maintained Master test plan, Estimations, risks, issues, templates, Review Reports and Test Reports. +Exp Ensuring adherence to software quality process +Exp Test Management +Exp Test planning, scheduling and monitoring +Exp Test estimation using industry standard estimation models. +Exp Resource recruitment and management +Exp Single point of contact for testing teams both at Bangalore and Chennai. +Exp The team establishes testing processes, testing standards, test case designs, defects, and reviews, test reports. +Exp Migrated several applications from onsite to offshore. +Exp Managed all types of testing such as Functional, System, Reliability, Performance, +Exp Load, Usability, Security, Compatibility, Acceptance, Regression using Manual and +Exp Automation Techniques +Exp Responsible for Defect Tracking and Defect Management. +Exp Client Management +Exp Regular communication with customers +Exp Relationship management. +Exp Reporting the QA status to onsite executives on regular basis +Exp Providing solutions +Exp Publish software test deliverables identified during each control point of SDLC, including Test plan, Test cases, Defect and Test reports. +Exp Support in Test project proposal creation and roadmap for transition +Exp People Management +Exp Control and Monitor the team by giving specified inputs +Exp Encourage team members to attend training program at least once in 3 months +Exp Responsible for team members appraisals +Exp Started new initiatives like celebrating team members marriage anniversaries and birthdays +Exp Interacting with each team member and prepare growth plan +Exp Contribution to the organization +Exp Submitted Test management white papers +Exp Submitted QA handbook to organization +Exp Member of Testing Competency Interviewer’s panel. +Exp Authored testing process for onsite-offshore delivery model. +Exp Commerce Velocity (India) Pvt. Ltd - Test Lead +Exp (Aug 2005 – Jan 2006) +Exp Project Name : Credit Quality Decision Suite this is an integrated solution for Mortgage banking +Exp Client : Mylor financial services, Funding America Wilmington financial services, Bear Stearns, Green light, NRT, Zero Down Mortgage, AHL, FNLC, VERITAS, Option One. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Managing Multiple leading clients such as Mylor financial services, Funding America +Exp Wilmington financial services, Bear Stearns, Green light, NRT, Zero Down Mortgage, AHL, FNLC, VERITAS, Option One. +Exp Leading a team of 10 resources. +Exp Managed creation of process for testing +Exp People management and test management, resource allocation & planning. +Exp Value add: Test repository creation and management +Exp Values add: Provide training guidance and growth opportunities for growing staff. +Exp Values add: improved communication between QA and Dev team. +Exp Author Release Notes for each deployment of software. +Exp Provide test results to be used by management as criteria for migration into Production environment(s). +Exp Test planning and tracking and monitoring. +Exp Co-coordinating with onsite/client +Exp Handles all critical issues and reviews with QA Analyst +Exp IBM GLOBAL SERVICES PVT. LTD - Test lead +Exp (Jul 2004 – Aug 2005) +Exp Project Name : PBM – Pharmaceutical Benefit Management system for Merck fortune pharmaceutical company +Exp Client : Merck & Co., Inc +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Leading team of 9-11 QA test engineers. +Exp Report QA team status to Onsite Executives +Exp Responsible for Test data creation +Exp Responsible for multiple applications on Mainframe and Web. +Exp Development of testing strategy and work assignments among team members. +Exp Designing of test plans, test cases, reports and its maintenance using Test +Exp Management Tool (TMT tool) +Exp Designing of various templates according to customer specifications +Exp Responsible for Performance appraisal to team members +Exp Training the testing team before putting them on production on testing methodologies. +Exp Hiring resources. – Member of the project recruitment team for testing resources. +Exp Interviewing and scheduling the client interview and member of IBM testing +Exp Competency Interviewer’s panel. +Exp Mentored team members in use of Merant PVCS tracker for Defect tracking +Exp Develop documentation in PPS and Excel to track deliverables +Exp Interviewed all QA resources and recommended to Dept. Manager and testing +Exp Competency R.D.M on hiring. +Exp Defect tracking and Reporting found for developers using Merant PVCS Tracker +Exp Signing off the Quality Gates (Delivery to the customer) +Exp Microcon International Ltd – Senior Test Engineer +Exp (Feb 2002 - Jun 2004) +Exp Project Name : HMS version 1.0 +Exp Hospital Management system; +Exp Client : Parkway Group +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Supervise 4-5 test engineers ensuring proper testing and regression testing was achieved +Exp Deliverables included Test Plan, Test cases execution reports, Defect reports +Exp Mentored team members in use of Multi-site Rational Clear Quest for Defect Tracking. +Exp Monitor schedules +Exp Lead the Quality Review Process Group within the Team +Exp Knowledge Transfer to new hired employees to assume QA roles. +Exp Maintained project statistics, such as defect rate and severity, milestones met. +Exp Implement Automated Testing Methodology and best practices for QA Team +Exp Using Rational Testing suites. +Exp Developed Modularized Rational Robot automated test scripts for Web and +Exp Client/Server Applications +Exp Aid in design and implementation of Load Testing using Rational Load test. +Exp Utilize Clear Quest for Manual and Automated defect tracking, and Reporting. +Exp Ensure defects of unit testing and integration testing been closed before +Exp Carrying out system testing. +Exp ADS Technologies Pvt. Ltd – Test Engineer +Exp (Sep 98 – Dec 2001) +Exp Product : IBS Versions 1.2 and 1.2 +Exp Technology : Integrated Business solution – End to end ERP solutions for Retail Industries. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities Accomplishment: +Exp Manual testing. Prepared test cases and test data generation +Exp System testing and functional testing, Usability testing. +Exp Bugs found in the Application were entered in Spreadsheet. +Exp Filing of System test error logs and defining error priorities in test error reports. +Exp Executed, analyzed and evaluated test results, conducted validation and verification of +Exp Software +Sum Technology professional with 8 years of experience in the IT industry as a Business Analyst with extensive work experience and good in-depth knowledge in Healthcare, Telecom, Finance, Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industry. Possess a solid balance of technical experience and smart business assessment and translate them to functional and usability requirements throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Have strong Project Management skills. Ability to analyze and design business processes and requirements using established system process design and implementation methodologies applying business modeling and Unified Modeling Language (UML). Have hands on experience on eliciting Business requirements and creating BRDs and experience in RUP, Agile Scrum and Waterfall Methodologies. Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills that help communicate with stakeholders, end users, project managers and testing team and create professional documentation. +Sum Expert level knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). +Sum Proficient in understanding the various phases including Requirements, analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of software applications. +Sum Highly experienced in implementing Waterfall, Agile Scrum methodology and Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Sum Experienced in UML, modeling Activity, Use case and Sequence diagrams using tools such as Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio. +Sum Competent in conversing with the Business Users, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Developers and the QA Team. +Sum Expert in project plan development and analysis.Extensive experience working with MS Project. +Sum Experience in defect tracking for web based client/server applications. Proficient in prioritizing, implementing and managing product enhancements in Quality Center. +Sum Conducted Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and interacted with the stakeholders in order to elicit requirements and prioritize them thus acting as a liaison between the management, developers and the IT team. +Sum Expert documentation skills and comfortable with eliciting correct requirements from business users +Sum Documenting key content deliverables (Requirements and Functional Design Docs, test scripts, UAT sessions and Acceptance Report, Training Materials). +Sum Multiple projects experience working with cross-functional teams across multiple time zones. +Sum Exceptional ability to maintain and build client relationships, frequent meetings one on one with clients, able to comfortably converse with all facets in the client's organization. +Sum Experienced in appraisal of the AS-IS and TO-BE business processes (Gap analysis) and experienced in converting these requirements into technical specifications for preparing test plans. +Sum Performed Data and workflow analysis with the help of Use Case diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams in Rational Rose and MS Visio to clearly communicate requirements, architecture and designs. +Sum Providing traceability matrix across the project by linking business requirements, functional specifications and corresponding test cases. +Sum Implemented SQL scripts, stored procedures, triggers and indexes for various database operations. +Sum Strong knowledge of SQL and extraction/ transformation/ loading (ETL) process using SQL scripts. +Sum Good knowledge on ETL tool Informatica PowerCenter on Designer, repository Manager, Workflow Manager and Workflow Monitor. +Sum Experience with Quality Center, Rational Requisitepro and Selenium. +Sum Experience working with open source tools and technologies. +Sum Strong presentation skills and ability in presentations towards different functional areas of business. +Sum Demonstrated an exceptional ability to adapt to new developments in the world of technology and working environment. Ability to prioritize and schedule multiple tasks on a day-to-day basis. +Sum Excellent communication and leadership skills, self-motivated and a quick learner. +Sum Pennsylvania Department of Health, Harrisburg, PA April 2017 – Current +Sum Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: Pennsylvania is implementing an Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS) to report death events in Pennsylvania. EDRS is a web-based application that simplifies the data collection process and enhances communication between funeral directors, local registrars, coroners/medical examiners and certifying health care providers as they work together to register deaths online. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Attended reviews and walkthroughs to better understand the Requirement documents. +Exp Analyzed FRS and BRDs to get a better understanding of the system on both functional and business perspectives. +Exp Reviewed and analyzed business requirements document to derive the functional requirement document and systems requirements specification document. +Exp Liaise with Cross Functional Teams for gathering requirements +Exp Assisted in the release of project-related materials for internal and external stakeholders by creating reasonable plans +Exp Involved in meetings and training in between the project phase to communicate the project phase progress to the stakeholders +Exp Performed Risk analysis of the requirements to identify the key business risks areas for the project and prioritized the application development and testing as-is to-be process +Exp Involved in Walkthroughs and meetings with the development team. +Exp Anticipated risks to the project success and escalates accordingly. +Exp Tracked and maintained user requested enhancements and changes. +Exp Assisted in Project Impact and Process Control Plan documents. +Exp Participated in calls with business users, developers and weekly status meetings. +Exp Created Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, managed User stories, epics and led daily stand-up meetings. +Exp Participated in Release Planning, Sprint Kick off, Sprint review and daily scrum meetings. +Exp Responsible for Leading JAD sessions with Business, Stakeholders and other impacted project team including developers and architects. +Exp Actively participated in creating the Training Plan documents for technical as well as workflow training for the appropriate users to enable production hand-off using MS - Word +Exp Prepared Reports (weekly) and maintained Weekly Project Tracker +Exp Participated in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and regression testing +Exp Worked with Development teams investigating and correcting software bugs and deficiencies based on testing results. +Exp Environment: HTML, XML, MS Access, ORACLE, MS Word, Excel, Quality Center, Sharepoint +Exp Comcast, Philadelphia, PA Jan 2015 - March 2017 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp Description: Comcast is the second largest pay-tv company in the United States and the nation's third-largest home . Comcast has invested in Technology to build a sophisticated network that delivers the fastest Broadband speeds. Comcast is a producer of feature and television programs intended for theatrical exhibition and over-the-air and cable television broadcast. The Project Master Data Management includes Web-based software, hosted by Comcast, and a range of customer-focused services. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Collaborated with the business team to understand and determine the overall Business goals +Exp Conducted JAD sessions and captured Procurement documents for Business Requirements +Exp Worked with IT and Business personnel for gathering, understanding and implementing requirements accordingly as-is to-be +Exp Interviewed SMEs and other staff personnel to understand and interpret Business needs, performed document analysis to understanding current state and determine future needs +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Documents and Functional/Non-functional/ Requirement Documents and Technical Requirement Documents +Exp Responsible for meetings with users and stakeholders to identify problems, resolve issues and improve the process to ensure a stable and accurate solution +Exp Created, traced and maintained requirements in RTM (Requirements Traceability Matrix) through design, development and testing phases +Exp Performed Gap Analysis and identified potential issues/gaps. +Exp Worked on Large Scale, Complex IT Project (e.g., Custom Applications Development and COTS Implementations) +Exp Prepared and contributed in creating Test plan and Test Strategy along with arranging and executing Test Cases for Manual Testing +Exp Identified, analyzed, documented and communicated Defects and inconsistencies in software program content, functions, outputs, and online modules in HP Quality Center (QC) +Exp Performed Functional Testing and Integration Testing on Web Services. +Exp Coordinated with QA Manager to develop Business scenario test Cases based on the Business Requirement Documents (BRD) and Technical Requirement Documents (TRD) +Exp Worked with development teams to identify, debug and retest system bugs and deficiencies, based on testing results & following the defined Bug Life Cycle (BLC) process +Exp Evaluated and verified test data systems through Quality Metrics created in HP Quality Center & Excel +Exp Performed Functional, Integration, System Testing for the different types of customer transactions & processes. +Exp Developed Test Cases for User Acceptance Testing(UAT) +Exp Used HP Quality Center (QC) for requirement management, planning, scheduling & running tests, also tracking & managing defects in the Defects module. +Exp Ensured business requirements are verifiable as identified and covered in testing cycles to ensure delivery of expected functionality. +Exp Environment: HTML, XML, JavaScript, Web Services – Axis 2.0, DB2, Windows XP, Unix, Selenium, Quality Center. +Exp Union Bank, Los Angeles, CA May 2012- Dec 2014 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Description: Union Bank is a full-service bank with offices across the United States. It provides a wide spectrum of corporate, commercial, retail banking, and wealth management solutions to meet the needs of customers. The bank also offers an extensive portfolio of value-added solutions for customers, including access to investment banking, personal and corporate trust, capital markets, global custody, transaction banking, and other services. The project was implemented as a Data Warehousing and BI initiative to process data for Customer Information, Credit Cards and the analyzed data was used for marketing, Credit Cards Processing, Billing, Payment. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered Business Requirements from the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and documented +Exp Business Requirements Document (BRD) +Exp Utilized data flow diagrams, user story/ use case diagrams and process flow diagrams to represent information provided by the Business Owners +Exp Experienced in facilitating and conducting Joint Application Design (JAD) and Joint Requirement Planning (JRP) sessions, interviews, workshops and requirement elicitation sessions with end-users, clients, stakeholders and development team. +Exp Effectively elaborated the current process and gave a clear picture of the proposed process for the projects in the organization. +Exp Worked with Development Team to resolve issues and clarify Business Requirements from the Business Owners +Exp Maintained the Traceability Matrix table to track the Business Requirements. +Exp Logged the defects using Quality Center and tracked the defects back to the test cases and the requirements +Exp Keen analyst with the ability to keep company risk low while building +Exp Review and prepare the procurement documents involving third party vendors +Exp Periodically prepared requests to provide insides to internal stakeholders, financial advisory services, risk assessments and support +Exp Reviewed Functional specification documents, design documents, requirements traceability matrix and involved in developing test plan document +Exp Supervise and guide testers in the team and monitor day-to-day test activities with business analyst team and onsite development teams and suggest necessary changes if required in relevant use +Exp Worked with the UAT and QA teams to conduct an assessment and determine how effective UAT and QA guidelines can help the company achieve timely completion of projects. +Exp Validated performance of the systems by running scripts and gather the response times. Prepared results of the performance tests +Exp Prepared reports on defects and conducted defect meetings with the development team +Exp Led the Change Control Process for changes submitted for the BRD once the document was submitted to IT department +Exp Worked aggressively towards timely completion of high priority tasks. +Exp Environment: Web Portal - Heads Down & PEPs, MS Access, ORACLE, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint. +Exp Health First, New York, NY July 2011 – April 2012 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Description: .Healthfirst is a provider-sponsored health insurance company that serves more than 1.2 million members in downstate New York. Healthfirst offers top-quality Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, Child Health Plus, and Managed Long Term Care plans. Healthfirst Leaf Qualified Health Plans and the Healthfirst Essential Plan are offered on NY State of Health.The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) require that all health insurance payers in the United States comply with the EDI standards for health care.Health First is a leading insurance organization that caters to the health insurance needs of the residents +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered and documented requirements in Requisitepro those are critical to the business mission and using those requirements to design application software using a Use Case approach +Exp Created EDI documents for EDI maps to generate requirement documents and Project Charter, and logical design documents for EDI transactions and code sets +Exp Interacted with the “Users” by interviewing them, by preparing questionnaire and getting feedback +Exp Attended Client Meetings Project Steering Committee Meetings and Project Management Committee Meetings +Exp Prepared BRD, Business Cases, and presentation to the clients, Business Re-engineering proposals +Exp Assisted JAD sessions to identify the business flows and determine whether any current or proposed systems are impacted by the EDI 837 Transaction, Code set and Identifier aspects of HIPAA +Exp Managed the team of consultants responsible for developing on-demand Medicaid Management System reports +Exp Designed the online screens and reports for the Medicaid Online Electronic Claims Submission System +Exp Analyzed business requirements for new system requests, system upgrades, and system replacements to ensure compatibility with IT security policies and HIPAA standards +Exp Managed the team of consultants responsible for developing on-demand Medicaid Management System reports +Exp Designed the online screens and reports for the Medicaid Online Electronic Claims Submission System +Exp Responsible for creating test scenarios, scripting test cases using testing tool and defect management for Policy Management Systems, Payables/Receivables and Claims processing +Exp Developed Use Case diagrams, business flow diagrams, Activity/State diagrams and Sequence diagrams so that developers and other stakeholders can understand the business process by using UML +Exp Worked as an interface between the users and the different teams involved in the application development for the better understanding of the business and IT processes +Exp Analyzed various corporate statistics with the help of financial modeling and forecasting to predict potential risks factors +Exp Maintained a requirements traceability matrix in order to keep the clients and all the teams up-to-date with the current progress of the project +Exp Involved in the documentation and technical writing of the requirements in an elaborate way. +Exp Conducted User-Acceptance Testing(UAT). +Exp Environment: Rational Unified Process (RUP), DB2, Rational Test Manager, Win Runner, HTML, XML +Exp Highmark, Camp Hill, PA November 2010 - June 2011 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Description: Highmark Inc. and its health insurance subsidiaries and affiliates collectively are among the ten largest health insurers in the United States and comprise the fourth-largest Blue Cross and Blue Shield-affiliated organization.This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Healthcare Claim Transaction Set (837) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used to submit healthcare claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of healthcare services to payers, either directly or via intermediary billers and claims clearinghouses +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Studied the existing business system and pattern for efficiently making the changes. +Exp Held meetings with the SME and developers to complete the given task on timely basis. +Exp Studied existing business application and processes, collected end user requirements, analyzed sources of revenue leakage and suggested the improvised business process model. +Exp Facilitated collection of Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) from system users and prepared of Business Requirement Documents (BRD) by using Rational Requisitepro along with applied MS-Visio for creating Use Case Models and Use Case Specification documents. +Exp Involved in HIPAA assessment and HIPAA X12 EDI transaction (837, 834) mapping and identified changes that needed to be done to comply with HIPAA regulation and HL7 compliant +Exp Provided SDLC Methodology for developing EDI applications to completely automate payments posting for Medicare, Medicaid and commercial payers electronic payments files. +Exp Worked on Member Management, Eligibility and Claims +Exp Documented, clarify, and communicate requests for change requests with the requestor and coordinate with the development and testing team. +Exp Created and also assisted the team during Test case creations and reviewed it on individual functionality of what the application has to perform making sure it covers all the business rules. +Exp Developed use case diagrams, use case models and class diagrams based on UML methodology +Exp Logged the defects using Quality Center and tracked the defects back to the test cases and the requirements +Exp Keen analyst with the ability to keep company risk low while building +Exp Conducted UAT in the final phase of software development process to check the functionality of the software +Exp Ranves IT solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyd, India April 2009 - October 2010 +Exp Jr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: Implemented a centralized database that collects and organizes and stores data from different operating systems to provide a single source of integrated and historical data for the purpose of end user reporting, analysis and decision support and to improve the client services by preventing errors, providing real-time data and updating records as transactions are completed for Billing and Payment purposes. +Exp Acted as a liaison between the business users and technical teams to build applications based on the business requirements. +Exp Assisted BA in creating business use case scenarios, and documented system specifications with information obtained through subject matter experts, and stakeholders/steering committee meetings. +Exp Created Functional Requirement Specifications following the Agile Methodology using MS Word/Visio. Worked with Source Analyzer, warehouse designer, Mapping Designer, Mapplets, and Reusable Transformations +Exp Using Informatica Designer Designed Mappings, that populated the Data from Source to staging area to Sales & Marketing Data Mart +Exp Worked within software development methodologies to quickly achieve business process. +Exp Wrote functional and non-functional specifications, and scenarios. +Exp Designed and documented process flow of system functionality via diagrams, screen mockups, use case, work flows. +Exp Worked with developers to map data to requirements. +Exp Worked with the Project Manager and BA to estimate best/worst case scenarios, tracked progress for weekly estimates of remaining work to do, conducted informal meetings as needed. +Exp Created activity and sequence diagrams to provide direction to developers. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions to communicate expectations, and managed issues. +Exp Created test plans, identified and coordinated testers, performed user acceptance testing (UAT). +Exp Performed defect tracking using QC, and ensured resolution of issues. +Edu Bachelors in Engineering JNTU, India +PI Harika +PI SR. Java/J2ee Developer +PI Email: reddyharika242@gmail.com PH: 925-587-3512 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum 8+ Years of professional experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) core area such as Analysis, Design, Coding, Implementation Testing, and Deployment of Object Oriented and Web based Enterprise Applications using Java/J2EE technology. +Sum Wide experience in Application Design and Development of Client/Server Applications, Servlets/Applet communication, Internet/Intranet based applications using OOA, OOD, OOP, SOA, MVC and J2EE. +Sum Proficient in developing web based applications using Java and J2EE technologies like JSP, Servlets, EJB, Struts, JDBC, JMS, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, XML, SAX/DOM, JAX-B. +Sum Expertise in developing multi-tier applications using Struts MVC, JSF and Spring MVC. +Sum Extensive experience with AWS (AWS Cloud Formation, AWS ECS and EC2, S3 etc. +Sum Can configure Jenkins on EC2 servers and integrated it with AWS Code Commit. +Sum Experience in developing persistent layer with Hibernate interfaces and annotations with good performance optimization +Sum Strong experience implementing various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Session Façade, Data Access Objects (DAO) and Factory for executing multi-tier, highly scalable, component based, and services driven Enterprise Java applications. +Sum Experience in implementing SOA architectures with web services using WSDL, SOAP and UDDI. +Sum Expertise in design and development of Web Services which includes handling SOAP/REST Requests and Response using WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS and Web Services authentications +Sum Expertise in building rich, interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js and Angular.js. +Sum Hands on experience in developing user interfaces with HTML, DHTML, JSP/JSTL, Bootstrap and CSS. +Sum Worked extensively with GUI frameworks JSF and Swing. +Sum Strong experience in developing XML Schemas, WSDL documents, XML Parsing and Binding for Web Service development +Sum Expertise in XML and schemas like XSD, DTD and validating/non-validating parsers of JAXP (SAX & DOM) and JAXB. +Sum Very good implementation experience of Object Oriented concepts, Multithreading and Java/scala. +Sum Experience in implementing JUNIT with Mockito/Power Mock test cases +Sum Hands on experience in Test Driven Development (TDD) and expertise in Continuous Integration using Jenkins and task automation using ANT and Maven +Sum Good experience with version control systems like CVS, SVN and IBM Clear Case. +Sum Good working knowledge of XMLIDEs like Altova XML SPY. +Sum Experience with client side web technologies/frameworks such as Angular JS, Bootstrap CSS, Bower, Node JS, Ext JS and JQuery. +Sum Experience in build tools like Maven to build and deploy n-tier distributed enterprise applications. +Sum Experience in Importing data from various sources to the Cassandra cluster using Java API's. +Sum Experience in data modeling of Cassandra. +Sum Experience working in Kafka and Camel. +Sum Experienced in using Kafka as a distributed publisher-subscriber messaging system. +Sum Strong experience with MySQL, Oracle 9i/8i, DB2, and SQL Server 2000 and Excellent skills in creating and accessing Database using SQL Queries. +Sum Competence in using Java IDE tools of Eclipse, Net Beans, My Eclipse and RAD. +Sum Expertise in deployment on Web/Application Servers like Tomcat7, JBoss7, WebSphere8.5 andweblogic11g. +Sum Have extensive experience in building and deploying applications on Web/Application Servers like JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Glassfish and Tomcat. +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Programming Languages: C, C++, Java Version 8 +Skill Java/J2EE Technologies: JSP 2.2, Servlets 3.0, EJB 3.1, JDBC 4.0 +Skill Messaging Servers: Active MQ, JMS +Skill Protocol specifications: SOAP 1.2, HTTP 1.0, RPC version 2.0 +Skill Web Technologies: JavaScript 1.8.5, JQuery, AngularJS , XML 1.1, HTML 5.1, CSS 2.1, XTML 2.0, JSON RPC 2.0, Adobe Flex 3.0, WSDL 2.0, XML 2.0, XSD 1.1, AJAX +Skill Frameworks and Build Tools: Apache Struts, Hibernate 4.3, spring 4.1.5, ANT 1.9.3, Apache Maven 3.2.5, Log4J 1.2.17, Java EE Design Patterns +Skill Web/Application Servers: Oracle WebLogic Application Server 12.1.3, IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5, Apache Tomcat Webserver, JBoss Application Sever 7.0 +Skill Databases: MySQL, Big Data Hadoop, HDFS, Map Reduce, HIve, Oracle 9i/10g, MSSQL Server 2014, DB2 +Skill IDE Tools: Eclipse 4.4.2, NetBeans IDE 7.4, SDS, RAD 9.0.1 +Skill Operating Systems: Windows 7/8/8.1, UNIX, Linux Cent OS 7, Solaris 11, AIX (UNIX) 7.1, Windows Server 2008 R2. +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp Walgreens - Deerfield, IL June 2017 – Present. +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and developed user interface using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX. +Exp Developed UI Layer for the application using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap +Exp Used Struts 2.x MVC framework and created Action Beans, Actions which determines the flow of the application based on the results obtained from the classes.(Controller). +Exp Developed application layout and composing tiles definitions, managed beans to use with JSF Spring Framework at Business Tier and uses Spring's Bean Factory for initializing services. +Exp Developed classes which handles the request parameters, process data, collect data retrieved from the database to List and Map interfaces and store it on objects.(Model) +Exp Involved in integrating Single sign on which is provided by OIT as a web service. Used JAX-WS, XML RPC, JAXB technologies in generating client stubs. +Exp Developed internal application using Angular JS and Node JS connecting to Oracle on the backend. +Exp In architecting various Business Layer and Data Management components of multi-tiered web based system over J2EE architecture. Responsible for JAVA, J2EE and Groovy coding / development. +Exp Used Docker and Kitematic to run all the containers like Rabbit MQ, MySQL, mongo DB and static content by just running a small script in the terminal window. +Exp Experience in working with Groovy on Grails framework which makes creating complex workflows much simpler. +Exp Backend development using - Spring Boot, Spring Data, Java, Angular.js and groovy - repositories. +Exp Used Apache Camel in the JBoss Fuse ESB as the integration platform for SOA Services. +Exp Developed GWT (Google Web Toolkit) 2.0 platform using API with MySQL as database and Tomcat. +Exp Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI. Technologies used were Backbone.js, AngularJS, BootStrap.js and JQuery. +Exp Developed the User interfaces using HTML, PHP, JSF, JavaScript and AngularJS etc. +Exp Involved in migration of the application from Sun Java Application server to Glassfish 3.2 environment. Responsible in mitigating the issues corresponding session stickiness, load balancing, setting up JDBC connection pools and other parameters on the app server. +Exp Involved in creating, modifying and tuning SQL queries, prepared statements and stored procedures used by the application using PL/SQL developer and Oracle 9i as the database. +Exp Used JNDI lookup in establishing a singleton database connection class using JDBC connection pools setup on the application server. +Exp Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs. +Exp Developed MicroServices for Student, Tenant and Authorization modules. +Exp Used Java Mailing or Messaging Service (JMS) API's for mailing detailed notifications depending upon the success and failure once the backend process is complete and also for mailing administrator of any system related problems. +Exp Used CVS code versioning system for code maintenance and used Log4j to generate logs used for maintenance and bug tracking. +Exp Performed configuration, deployment and support of cloud services including Amazon Web Services (AWS). +Exp Configured AWS Elastic Search to make for stream analytics. +Exp Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS. +Exp Build the application using TDD (Test Driven Development) approach. Used Oracle as database and Involved in the development of PL/SQL backend implementation and using SQL created Select, Update and Delete statements. +Exp Involved in different phases of testing like Unit testing, regression, integration and stress testing using HP Load runner and also responsible for performance tuning, memory management and fixing bugs based on the test results. +Exp Developed web-based customer management software and SOA architecture using Facelets, my Faces /Richfaces, JSF, Spring and web services +Exp Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, Net Beans 7.4, HTML, CSS,AWS, JavaScript, jQuery, Struts 1.2, JDBC, JNDI, Oracle 11g, Glassfish 3.2, Apache Camel ,ANT, jUnit4, Rabbit MQ, Log 4j, Backbone JS, PL/SQL developer, iText, Apache POI, Microservices. +Exp BANK OF AMERICA - Charlotte, NC September 2016 – May 2017 +Exp Role: JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, analysis and development. +Exp Designed and developed the front end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with Ajax. +Exp Designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Rational Rose. +Exp Developed the application implementing Spring MVC Architecture with Hibernate as ORM framework. +Exp Utilize Camel to integrate microservices with other microservices and RabbitMQ messaging exchanges. +Exp RabbitMQ was used to send/receive asynchronous data +Exp Responsible in developing Spring Boot Microservices from scratch. +Exp Developed single page applications, components using Angular JS directives, controllers, view and routing, service modules. +Exp Knowledge on Angular JS for effective Web Application Development. +Exp Developed a JavaScript performance testing toolkit for web and Node.js applications. +Exp Used JNDI to perform lookup services for the various components of the system. +Exp Developed the Enterprise Java Beans (Stateless Session beans) to handle different transactions such as online funds transfer, bill payments to the service providers. +Exp Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB have to deploy on Web Sphere Application Server. +Exp Used Mongo DB for persisting Json. +Exp Java Based Quality Center plugin which can be used in any tools such as Selenium, RFT etc. Developed Ruby on Rails web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using Resque and Redis. +Exp Worked on Distributed messaging system RabbitMQ to send messages to Existing Applications. +Exp Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS for sending and receiving messages while creating web services. +Exp Developed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. +Exp Designed and coded highly-available systems/web applications with java script, Node.js. Provided Node.js for architecture. Used Hibernate to access database and perform database updating. +Exp Experience in working with Groovy on Grails framework which makes creating complex workflows much simpler. +Exp Implemented a highly-scalable vertical and horizontal, performance efficient Drools architecture. +Exp Involved in designing front-end screens using Java script, JSP, JSTL, Angular JS, Backbone JS, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3 and DHTML. +Exp Involved in production support, monitoring server and error logs and Foreseeing the Potential Issues, and escalating to the higher levels. +Exp Hands on experience in writing light weight Node.JS express server and used technologies like Ajax, JavaScript/JQuery, Json to make connections between server and databases like MongoDB and MySQL. +Exp Experience in working with the Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase, Cassandra to manage extremely large data sets. +Exp Experience in data extraction into DataStax Cassandra cluster from Oracle (RDBMS) using Java Driver or Sqoop tools. +Exp Extensively worked on MQ Series using point-point, publisher/subscriber messaging Domains for implementing Exchange of information through Messages. +Exp Developed XML documents and generated XSL files for Payment Transaction and Reserve Transaction systems. +Exp Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Business Delegate, DAO, Transfer Object, and SOA. +Exp Worked on AJAX to develop an interactive Web Application and JavaScript for Data Validations. +Exp Used Subversion to implement version control System. +Exp Build ANT Script for the application and used Log4J for debugging. +Exp Used JUnit Framework for the unit testing of all the java classes. +Exp Environment: Jdk 1.5, J2EE, EJB 2.0, JNDI 1.2, Hibernate 2.1, Spring 2.0, HTML, JavaScript, XML, CSS, Node.js JUnit, UML, MQ Series, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, Backbone JS ,UDDI , AXIS 2, Ajax, JUnit, Ant, Eclipse 3.3, IBM Web Sphere 6.1, DB2, subversion, Linux. +Exp PayPal - Sparks, MD June 2015 – August 2016 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered requirements from the Product owner and designed mock-ups based on the requirements. +Exp Developed a loyalty marketing client using Web Services, MongoDB, and JS. +Exp Experience in RDBMS such as Oracle, SQL Server Mongo DB and writing stored procedures triggers, cursors, and optimizing queries using SQL. +Exp Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC). Involved with implementation of the JBOSS enterprise application server platform and DROOLS based on Rule engine. +Exp Involved with the business Rule engine JSR-94 that support for DROOLS . +Exp Followed agile methodologies to execute project. +Exp Designed, Modeled & Deployed MySql database Schema & Mongo database. Implemented Caching and Single Signon. All implementation was an AWS Cloud Services. +Exp Used kafka for data streaming and pipelining. +Exp Worked on Solr, ElasticSearch, Kafka, Flume, MangoDB and Cassendra. +Exp Used UML modeling diagrams to describe the structure and behavior of the system. +Exp Utilized pair programming approach to ensure high quality code. +Exp Responsible for managing and executing project tasks using Rally. +Exp Installed and configured JBOSS/Drools server with MySQL/Oracle persistence. Extracted rules data from the database and decision tables. +Exp Used Drools rule in the java code to specify all the rules needed for the framework. +Exp Used Bamboo as continues integration and build server. +Exp Involved in creating a data model for a service where multiple providers were involved. +Exp Involved in Creating and consuming SOAP and REST Web services using annotations. +Exp Involved in generating JAXB classes from schema files. +Exp Developed several DAO classes interacting with EOD DB2 database and participated in writing JPA criteria builders and predicates. +Exp Automatically start builds in Bamboo with commit-triggers. +Exp Responsible for creating feature branches and merge with master in GIT repository. +Exp Wrote stored procedures, triggers and functions to perform database operations. +Exp Implemented Spring AOP for declarative transaction management. +Exp Implemented Spring's dependency injection for all the DAO's, Service Beans. +Exp Involved in production deployment, supported. +Exp Working with XML parsers & configuring of XML files like Web.xml, etc. +Exp Involved in the integration of spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IOC) +Exp Developed REST web services for external application integration. +Exp Developed service layer using various J2EE design patterns Singleton, DAO, Factory, and Repository, Builder. +Exp Developed a Message Driven Bean that uses JMS to manage backend transactions. +Exp Preparation of Test cases on JUnit during the unit testing and system testing phase. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.7, Glassfish Application Server, IntelliJ, Bamboo, Oracle 11.2 DB, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 2.0, Node.js, JUnit, REST Web services, GIT, Unix Shell scripts, Control M, SQL Developer, Oracle Virtual Box, Rally, Blaze. +Exp TD Ameritrade - Newark, NJ November 2013 – May 2015 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in System Analysis and Design methodology as well as Object Oriented Design and development using OOAD methodology to capture and model business requirements. +Exp Implemented the web-based application following the MVC architecture using Struts Framework and used Spring in developing beans which are used all over the application. +Exp Designed the front-end using HTML, CSS, Java script, AJAX and jQuery. +Exp Extensively used Custom JSP tags to separate presentation from application logic. +Exp Involved in writing SQL prepared statements, stored procedures, handled SQL Injection and persisted data using Hibernate session, transaction, and session factory objects. +Exp Used ANT/MAVEN for compilation and building JAR, WAR and EAR files. +Exp Used Table per hierarchy inheritance of hibernates and mapped polymorphic associations. +Exp Developed one-much, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate. +Exp Developed DAO service methods to populate the domain model objects using hibernate. +Exp Used java collections API extensively such as Lists, Sets and Maps. +Exp Wrote DAO classes using spring and Hibernate to interact with database for persistence. +Exp Performed on e-Commerce by using JSF framework and JavaScript, Jquery HTML5 pages. +Exp Wrote and tested Java Beans to retrieve trading data and subscriber's information from MySQL database server. +Exp Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs. +Exp All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot, MicroServices and Hibernate ORM. +Exp Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUNIT Framework based on Functional Flow. +Exp Used JUnit/Eclipse for the unit testing of various modules. +Exp Project coordination with other Development teams, System managers and developed good working environment. +Exp Environment: Java/J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts2, JBoss Application Server, XML, HTML, CSS, Hibernate 4, spring 3, JMS, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, JUnit, JDBC, ANT and Microservices. +Exp Birlasoft Ltd – India July 2011 – October 2013 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: It allows time tracking for customer and project related tasks. It collects time expenses for tasks associated with project and customer. After being collected the data can then be exported for invoice generation. Time tracking for every employee is maintained and generate based on several criteria. This generates an effective billing based on the number of hours the employee has worked and it can calculate the overtime bill also. The five main activities with actiTime are Registration of time expenses, task, Project and customer management, reporting and System administration. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp As a junior developer, most of the work have done using core-java, algorithms for the problem-solving. +Exp Involved in design, development, Object Oriented Analysis and testing the application. +Exp Developed Action Servlet, Action Form, Action Class, Java Beans classes using Struts Framework. +Exp Used JavaScript for client side validations in the JSP and HTML pages. +Exp Enhance the debugging and trouble-shooting skills. +Exp Used IBM RAD7 as IDE tool to develop the application and JIRA for bug and issue tracking +Exp Used Subversion for software configuration management and version control. +Exp Involved in the team of 8 people and delivery the tasks and monitor the team progress through JIIRA. +Exp Mainly involved in developing applications using Java and J2EE using mostly Factory, Singleton, and Prototype patterns for the solutions. +Exp Used SOA (Spring WS) for implementing third party Services. +Exp Created servlets for redirecting to the proper JSP's in the application as apart in the MVC. +Exp Deployed the application on the WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Prepared manual test cases for test the application against requirements and specifications. +Exp Conducted UAT testing for the Time collection Software with our team during the release. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, XML, Subversion, Servlets, EJB, PHP, WebSphere Application Server 6.1, Web services, JIRA, Junit, RAD7. +Exp Computer Science Corporation – India May 2009 – June 2011 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Project: HPlan Application +Exp Description: This project is a comprehensive and integrated Hospital Management System for a Super Specialty Hospital. This package is used to computerize the activities of a servicing system. This package contains four modules. They are Administration, Patient Care System, Health Services and Auxiliary Services. Each module is having sub modules within this sub module will maintains storing, registering, details of joining patient details, and overall day activities maintains one particular database. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Technical analysis, design, development, and documentation with a focus on the implementation and agile development. +Exp Developed a web-based reporting system with JSP, DAO and Apache Struts-Validator using Struts framework. +Exp Designed and Developed Struts Action classes, DAO, Views using Struts custom tags. +Exp Designed and Developed the JSTL Tag Libraries for the View side. +Exp Jersey implementation of JAX-RS is utilized to develop RESTful service. +Exp Developed Struts-based form validation, Application error handling using Struts Validator framework. +Exp Developed business objects, request handlers and JSPs for this project using Java (Servlets) and XML. +Exp Status reporting to onsite team on behalf of entire team. +Exp Wrote SQL queries to fetch database result on DB2. +Exp Created Test Specifications, Test Documents, Test Data for all the applications worked with Rational Rose and Together. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, XML, MVC Design, EJB, Black-Box testing, Agile, Perl Scripting, PHP, JBOSS, DB2, TOAD, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, Struts, Eclipse, UML, Restful Services, Rational Rose, LINUX +PI Akhil +PI Sr. Business Systems Analyst +PI akhil.mohan0109@gmail.com +PI Phone no: 510-953-0677 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum 8+ years of intensifying experience in multiple roles as Business Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Scrum Master and achieved titles like Modern Analyst, Organizational Analyst with excellent understanding of various software development life cycle(SDLC) methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, Hybrid Waterfall-Scrum framework and processes with good domain knowledge in Banking, Finance and E-commerce +Sum Fine knowledge and comprehension of different software development methodologies such as Kanban and Scrumban, XP(extreme programming), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) +Sum Highly-motivated, Innovative, Skilled-Listener, Excellent Negotiation, Proactive, Quick-Learning Individual +Sum Certified Scrum Master with immense skills in facilitating the Scrum Ceremonies, User Story Workshops, Training the teams to better understand Scrum and increase the teams overall productivity +Sum Strong Leadership skills in handling multiple teams and Offshore teams and ability to effectively communicate with senior management, third party vendors, technical staff and Business users to improve business value +Sum Excellent analytical skills to understand the Business process, functionality, cross functional requirements across various business units and translating them into requirement specifications in order to provide comprehensive solutions and understanding of project process and ability to analyze business problems and identify solutions +Sum Experienced in conducting As-Is and To-Be (Gap Analysis) analysis and possess strong knowledge in carrying out processes for Risk Analysis, SWOT (strength weakness opportunity and threat) Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Change Management and perform Impact Analysis to assess the change and feasibility study +Sum Ability to work under tight deadlines and multi-tasking to meet business objectives, scheduling meetings, negotiating and coordinating with software developers, solution architects and QA teams +Sum Proficient in writing user stories (INVEST format) and handling the requirement churn. Efficient at facilitating Estimation techniques such as Planning Poker, T-shirt sizing, Relative Mass Valuation and Prioritization techniques such as MoSCoW method, Kano techniques and Business Value Based +Sum Engaged with Product Owners to successfully break down Epics into User Stories with INVEST Technique and helped the Scrum Team finalize Tasks for Sprint Backlog using SMART Technique +Sum Extensive Expertise in creating various artifacts including Request for Proposal (RFP),Business Requirement Document(BRD), Product Requirement document (PRD),Software Requirement Specification(SRS), Functional Requirement Document(FRD),Test Plan, Test Scenarios and Test cases as well as documenting project processes and procedures +Sum Extensive experience with Bloomberg Trading System, Aladdin and Charles River Trading. +Sum Hands on various tools such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Atlassian Jira, Team Foundation Server (TFS), HP Agile Manager and MS Project Professional for planning, tracking and managing projects +Sum Managed requirements and tracked defects working with HP Application Lifecycle Management(HPALM) and HP Quality Center (HPQC) and well versed in conducting various types of testing including Smoke, Sanity Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)and documented performance reports +Sum Maintained a structured approach in organizing requirements to ensure that critical business rules and requirements are met. Maintained a Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) for efficiency +Sum Proficient in creating UML Modeling like Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Use case Diagrams and BPMN +Sum Practical knowledge of Data Warehousing architecture, implementation approaches, schemas, dimensional modeling and translating the business requirements into various types of dimensions +Sum Cultivated experience in working with different web services such as HTML, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, REST, Json under various architectures such as Three-Tier Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Involved in scripting business logic in the web methods of the web services and documenting the WebService Level Agreement (WSLA) document through the use of XML +Sum Professional Work Experience: +Sum Client: JPMorgan Chase MAR 2016 to Till Date +Exp Location: Wilmington, Delaware. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Systems Analyst/ Scrum Master +Exp Project Description: Initiated Loan Origination System (LOS) project to make the loan origination process flexible and robust and to support multiple lines of business and allow for easy integration with other systems. This user friendly system will allow users to submit loan applications, review decisions, underwrite and generate closing documents +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Supported multiple product teams by tracking inter-team dependencies and ensuring those were being mitigated by working with the Product Owner by maintaining a risk log and creating a plan. +Exp Analyzed the Business Process along with the prior project documentation for complete understanding of the project and contribute in the Business Process Model re-engineering and optimization. +Exp Interviewed SME’s (subject matter experts) and RMR’s (risk management representatives) in order to better understand the business process. +Exp Performed extensive Document Reviews and GAP analysis to get a thorough understanding of AS-IS business process model and develop TO-BE business process model and created Workflows using Signavio. +Exp Conducted high-level requirement gathering sessions with Business Owners, risk analyst and concerned teams for requirement elicitation via JAD sessions, Interviews and Brainstorming sessions. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD) and Request for Proposal (RFP). +Exp Involved in designing and modeling Web Services Orchestration to support application development by browsing UDDI that involved XML request and response for RESTful web services. +Exp Monitored Web Services testing using SOAP UI for functionality, security and compliance tests on API. +Exp Performed data mapping using SQL queries to understand incoming data flow from distributed systems. +Exp Designed data models and conducted Normalization and De-Normalization of the data as per the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical processing (OLAP) frameworks respectively for data analysis. +Exp Performed slicing and dicing of data marts in order to facilitate the analytical decision making process. +Exp Integrated various OLTP to OLAP by using Informatica PowerCenter as an ETL tool. +Exp Developed reports using Tableau v8.0 to communicate information using graphs, charts and other info graphical solutions to the project team. +Exp As a Scrum Master, facilitated and conducted the Backlog Grooming Meeting, sprint planning meeting, the daily scrum standup meeting and Scrum of Scrums. +Exp Supported the Product Owner and the management in creating product roadmap and KPI’s for the product. +Exp Led story writing sessions with an aim of decomposing the scope into epics and user stories with product owners. Also, worked on the acceptance criteria for the above developed user stories. +Exp Facilitated prioritization of user stories using MoSCoW and estimation using Planning Poker techniques. +Exp Developed and analyzed the Sprint/Product burn down chart in order to calculate the team’s velocity and track sprint progress. This was then utilized for planning of the upcoming sprints. Used Jira to plan and track the sprints. +Exp Resolved impediments faced by the scrum team at the team and the organizational level. +Exp Developed mock-ups and wireframes along with the screen designs using MS Visio. +Exp Performed Impact Analysis, Feasibility Study, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Return on Investment (ROI) in order to mitigate certain risks associated with the project and project output. +Exp Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in conjugation with the QA team. Also, created an error repository and assisted in creation of test cases in HPQC and scheduling manual and automated execution of those test cases through integration with HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT). +Exp Created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) in order to track test cases and test plans. +Exp As Scrum Master, I facilitated the Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings at the end of each sprint. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum hybrid, JIRA, Confluence, Oracle 11g, MS-Visio 2013, Microsoft Azure(cloud), +Exp Eclipse IDE, Java, MS Project 2016, Informatica Power Center 9.6, Tableau 8.3, SharePoint, HP Quality Center 11 +Exp Client: Global Payments APR 2015 to FEB 2016 +Exp Location: Atlanta, Georgia. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst/Scrum Master +Exp Project Description: This project is intended to migrate a Business Glossary capability from Its Standalone infrastructure on a non-Hadoop Platform to Infosphere suite on Hadoop Cluster for Enterprise use to evaluate the current Business Glossary enterprise application supported in the Data Provisioning space. IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary is the current enterprise standard to enable creating and managing an enterprise vocabulary and classification system with ready to use standard terms and definitions +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered Business requirements by conducting JRP session, One on One interview and Group sessions with Stakeholders and business Users +Exp Coordinated with Managers to determine appropriate risk assessment levels. +Exp Analyzed the existing SAM model using Observation techniques with stakeholders +Exp Collaborated with the SME and interviewed the stakeholders to understand the AS IS and TO BE state of the project +Exp Conducted several JAD sessions and requirement workshops with the system architects, business users and development team to perform GAP Analysis +Exp Gathered functional and non-functional requirements in collaboration with end clients and internal project managers. +Exp Created detailed business scenarios and writing master use cases with the help of Rational Requisite Pro which covered step by step process of interaction between user and system +Exp Developed Activity diagrams, Use Case diagrams and Sequence diagrams using MS Visio environment, so development team and other stakeholders can understand business process +Exp Created wire frames using MS Visio Tool. +Exp Facilitated Sprint planning meetings to coordinate between Clients, Product Owner, Dev and QA teams. +Exp Shadow and assist some of the Product Owner activities by providing high level estimates, prioritizing stories for the sprint and maintaining backlogs and release plans. +Exp Resolved impediments for scrum team members by facilitating collaborative meeting. +Exp Facilitated Sprint review meeting to demonstrate potentially shippable product to stakeholders. +Exp Used retrospective meetings to gather feedback. Made session’s interactive using silent writing technique. +Exp Facilitated Scrum of Scrums to resolve dependency issues between different teams. +Exp Protected team members from outside interruptions. +Exp Manage the assignment of user stories to relevant BAs based on the feature and process expertise. +Exp Directly interacted with clients to elicit the requirements and translate them into terms that development team can comprehend. +Exp Suggested several process improvements within the ratings process and suggested solution options to automate manual data entry tasks performed by Data Managers. +Exp Environment: SAFe, Agile/Scrum, RTC/RRC ,IBM InfoSphere suite, Selenium, Oracle, Java, MS Project, MS VISIO, SharePoint, Rational Requisite Pro, HPQC +Exp Client: MFS Investment Management JAN 2013 to MAR 2015 +Exp Location: Boston, Massachusetts. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Systems Analyst +Exp Project Description The project aimed to build and integrate the GFT section for the asset management platform. The legacy investment system facilitated only limited feature for GFT. The objective of the project was to facilitate addition of new features to the existing application based on the requirement from the operation team. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Primary point of contact working with stakeholders to understand their systems, AS-IS process and business needs. +Exp Performed GAP Analysis to identify the deficiencies of the current system and to identify the requirements for the change in the proposed system. +Exp Facilitated workshops to capture AS-IS requirements & design TO-BE processes +Exp Conducted several requirements gathering sessions like one on one interviews, Focus Group, Observation. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions by inviting SME’s, tech leads and Architects to make sure that gathered requirements are feasible in doing. +Exp Performed in-depth analysis of the systems organizational structure, services and processes and created As-Is and To-Be process models. +Exp Assisted in designing User Interface by creating Static and Dynamic Prototypes. +Exp Derived functional and non-functional requirements to create a Functional Requirements Document. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Documents (BRD), Mapping Document based on the gathered requirements. +Exp Created UML diagrams such as Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Use Case Diagram to depict the various processes flow using MS VISIO +Exp Responsible for identifying and documenting business rules and created use cases. +Exp Acted as a Liaison between business and technical teams and ensured all the communication is seamless +Exp Created product documentation including online help as user manual as training material. +Exp Scheduled meetings with developers, system analysts and testers to identify resource allocation and project completion using MS Project. +Exp Created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to make sure all the requirements are covered with test cases +Exp Facilitated UAT sessions for end users and collaborated with business team to get UAT sign offs for every sprint release +Exp Facilitated triage calls between development team and QA team for resolving issues. +Exp Developed timelines for project delivery, and managed projects and resources to successful completion +Exp Environment: Agile/Scrum, ASP.net, C#.net, SQL SERVER, Balsamiq, Visio, MS Project, MS SharePoint, HPQC, Windows, JIRA, Selenium, SOAP UI. +Exp HDFC Life OCT 2011 to DEC 2012 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India. +Exp Role: Business Analyst/ Risk Analyst +Exp Project Description: To provide a comprehensive electronic medical record for consumers that can be shared in a secure and integrated environment across HDFC. This project will reduce paper medical charts and provide an electronic mechanism to securely share critical client treatment data within the network, provide opportunities to reduce costs by streamlining and automation of clinic operations; produce better treatment outcomes because of better coordination of care and integrated treatment protocols. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Identified for business process improvement and initiated efforts to make improvements and problem resolution. +Exp Involved in high-level requirement meetings with business users and SME’s to understand the requirements. +Exp Build credibility, establish rapport and maintain communication with stakeholders at multiple levels (external vendors, business partners and internal IT teams). +Exp Collaborating with stakeholders to gather requirements and creating Business Requirements Document (BRD). +Exp Involved in interviewing and shadowing various stakeholders and users to capture, analyze and document the Business, Functional and Non-functional requirements. +Exp Conduct Joint Application Development (JAD) session with stakeholders and business partners to resolve open issues. +Exp Performing GAP analysis and Impact analysis by identifying existing technologies, documenting the enhancements to meet the end-state requirements. +Exp Develop use cases using UML and MS Visio for an ease with system interaction. +Exp Generate on-demand ad-hoc reports and dynamic dashboards, present to client for evaluation and calibration, constantly communicate with higher level authorities. +Exp Working closely with teams to drive real-time rule implementation and features. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Visio 2010, MS Office Suite 2010(Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Windows XP, MS Project 2010, SharePoint, Tableau 6, HPALM 11.0, HTML, CSS, Java. +Exp Client: Amazon AUG 2009 to SEP 2011 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India. +Exp Role: Jr. Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: This project involved the development of seller central with focus mainly on inventory management, shipping and Amazon Webstore based applications. Seller central was developed for the seller support team to ease the existing ticketing problem +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in preparing the project scope and objectives. +Exp Expert in requirement gatherings while following various elicitation techniques for business requirements by conducting client group interviews, focused groups, workshops and online surveys. +Exp Prepared business requirement document (BRD) and System Requirement Specification (SRS) to provide details of each business and functional requirement, development and implementation plan of these requirements, timelines. +Exp Assisted in developing the project deadlines/deliverables/strategies to effectively manage projects. +Exp Prepared and maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to record the business and functional requirements. +Exp Prepared use case diagrams and description documentation based on the analysis, and obtained approvals from the clients. +Exp Prepared Mockup screens with the help of UI components using wireframes for testing the front end. +Exp Prepared activity diagrams on MS Visio to better understand the flow of activities along with the timelines. +Exp Coordinated with project stakeholders to track the progress of the project, update status and lead review meeting to ensure that schedules and deliverables are met. +Exp Coordinated and controlled change request for the clients by conducting impact and cost analysis, prioritizing and mitigating changes. +Exp Managed the contents using SharePoint 2007. +Exp Tracked defects using HPALM. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Visio 2010, MS Office Suite 2010(MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint), Windows XP, MS Project 2010, SharePoint 2007, HPALM 11.0, HTML, Java Script, CSS, Java, MS SQL server +Edu Education: Bachelor of Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad. +QC Certifications: +QC Professional Scrum Master (PSM). +QC Scrum Master Accredited Certification (SMAC). +QC Six Sigma Green Belt certified. +PI Harish +PI 732-798-5590 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Having 8 years of extensive IT experience in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes development, design, analysis, testing and Integration of various web based and client/server applications in multi-platform environments with JAVA/J2EE technologies. +Sum Experienced in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design, and Development, Debugging, Support, Integration, Maintenance, and Enhancements of Java/J2EE Applications. +Sum Experience in building highly scalable distributed applications using Java,J2EE, Scala, Spring, Hibernate, Apache Solr, Mongo dB. +Sum Experience in working in environments using Agile (SCRUM) and Waterfall development methodologies. +Sum Expertise in client and server scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, ReactJS, Backbone.js and Node JS. +Sum Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for effective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API. +Sum Handled operations and maintenance support for AWS cloud resources which includes launching, maintaining, and troubleshooting EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Auto Scaling, Dynamo DB, AWS IAM, Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Relational Database Services (RDS). Also created snapshots for data to store in AWS S3. +Sum Experience in developing and solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices Architecture. +Sum Strong hands on experience in implementing Design patterns like MVC, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Factory, Proxy, and Singleton. +Sum Experience in developing web-based enterprise applications using Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC) and SQL. +Sum Experience in both providing and consuming Web Services using SOAP and RESTful (JAX-RS and JAX-WS). +Sum Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language). +Sum Worked with Enterprise Integration Patterns like Apache Kafka to build real time data pipelines and streaming apps +Sum Strong experience in Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling, and Generics. +Sum Experience with different Spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring cloud. +Sum Experience in design and development of robust and highly scalable web service platforms and API's based on REST and SOAP for e-commerce applications using AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, XML, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-RPC technologies and Jersey frameworks. +Sum Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XForms, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX. +Sum Experience on CQL (Cassandra query language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running queries in CQL. +Sum Proficient in writing and handling SQL Queries, PostgreSQL queries, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, and Triggers. +Sum Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like Mongo DB, Couchbase DB and Dynamo DB. +Sum Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue. +Sum Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere. +Sum Good experience writing application deployment scripts using Shell Scripting. Worked on Windows, UNIX, LINUX platforms to move the project into production environment. +Sum Experience with Junit, Jasmine, Karma, Mockito and Log4J in developing test cases. +Sum Working knowledge with version control tools like SVN, CVS, GIT, and Visual Source Safe. +Sum Hands on experience in building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle. +Sum Experienced in developing Rich GUI's by using Eclipse RCP, HTML, frameworks. +Sum Highly experience with Java complaint IDE's like Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and RAD. +Edu Education: +Edu Master of science, Texas, USA +Edu Technical Skills: +Edu Professional Experience: +Exp Intuit- San Diego, CA March 17 – Till-date +Exp Role: Java full stack Developer +Exp Intuit Inc. is a business and financial software company that develops and sells the financial, accounting and tax preparation software and related services for small businesses, accountants and individuals. This project is aimed to improve the new help system of TurboTax. This new help system can be integrated into all products of Intuit +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the J2EE application based on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Exp Extensive use of core Java Collections, Generics, Exception Handling, and Design Patterns for functionality. +Exp Involved in writing Thread Safe blocks for multithread access to make valid transactions. +Exp Client Side code were written in AJAX and server Side Code were developed using MVC4. +Exp Developed Web Services SOAP/HTTP, SOAP/JMS, and SMTP using SOA technologies such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI Experience with and solid understanding of Micro services. +Exp Worked on System security with the use of SSL (Secure socket layer), encryption and used role-based security. +Exp Used Spring IOC for dependency injection and Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns like logging, security, and transaction management. +Exp Used Encryption algorithms to provide security to the data. +Exp Expertise in developing reusable and interoperable Web service modules based on microservices, SOA architecture using SOAP and RESTful. +Exp Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures and enhanced performance by running explain plans. +Exp Worked in all the modules of the application which involved front-end presentation logic developed using Tiles with Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL and JavaScript, Business objects developed using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework. +Exp Developed and tested Apache JMeter Java Request Sampler Plugins Extensions using methods inside of Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) Java libraries for Graphical User Interface (GUI) Automation Testing. +Exp Developed Angular JS Controllers, html views, Services and factories for consuming REST API's and Math calculations modulus. +Exp Used complete annotation driven approach to develop the application using Spring Boot. +Exp Designed and developed Application based on Spring MVC Framework using MVC design pattern. +Exp Designed and Implemented SOA Architecture, Multithreading, using Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch Coding involves Writing Controller Rest Controller, Service Layer and DAO Classes. +Exp Generated Scala and java classes from the respective APIs so that they can be incorporated in the overall applications. +Exp Writing entities in Scala and Java along with named queries to interact with database. +Exp Achieved synchronization of multiple threads through Multithreading and Exception Handling. +Exp Developed micro services using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP and Dependency Injection and JPA. +Exp Responsible for the implementation of application system with Core Java and spring framework. +Exp Created and injected spring services, spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes. Designed and Implemented REST web services using JAX-RS, Spring REST. +Exp Worked on Spring Quartz, form based authentication with Cross-Site Request Forgery CSRF token and secured REST endpoints with HTTP Basic authentication. +Exp Developed unit test cases using Jasmine and Karma and performed end to end testing using Protractor and Selenium. +Exp Used complete annotation driven approach to develop the application using Spring Boot and was also involved in setting up the Spring bean profiling. +Exp Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, and Hibernate cache concepts. +Exp Used AJAX extensively to implement front end /user interface features in the application. +Exp Build REST web service by building Node.JS Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front end JQuery Ajax calls. +Exp Database development required creation of new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application. +Exp Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before actually writing the functionality. +Exp Deployed application in WebSphere Application Server and developed using RAD. +Exp Coordinated with QA team for development of test plan, test cases, test code and responsible for defects allocation and resolution of those defects using Selenium. +Exp Implemented code according to coding standards and Created Angular.JS Controller Which Isolate scopes perform operations. Extensively used Core Java such as Exceptions, and Collections. +Exp Implemented Unit testing using JUNIT. +Exp Used Apache Maven for project management and building the application. +Exp CVS was used for project management and version management. +Exp Environment: JAVA/J2EE, HTML, JSON, XHTML, JS, AJAX, JQUERY, DOJO, CSS3, JSP, Angular.JS, JavaScript, JSF,Node.JS, Microservices, Bootstrap, XML, XSLT, XPATH, MULE ESB, AWS, WebSphere, Unix/Linux, SOAP, REST, Spring Boot JMS, Maven, Drools 5, Eclipse, Jenkins, JUnit, MongoDB, Mockito, Star Team, TDD, Spring MVC, EMMA, JIRA, Spring framework DI, AOP, Batch, Hibernate, Cassandra, Docker, Ant, Coherence, Rally, Apache Camel. +Exp VANGUARD, Malvern, PA Sep 15 – Sep 16 +Exp Role: Java full stack Developer +Exp The Vanguard Group is an American investment management company based in Malvern, Pennsylvania. It is the largest provider of mutual funds and now the second-largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world, offering a full range of product solutions for individual investors, employers, institutions and intermediaries. The project is an intra-net web application, which allows enrollment, member status, correspondence, fulfillment etc., for the existing and new customers. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, data modeling, analysis, architecture design & development for the project. +Exp Involved in development of services based architecture utilizing open source technologies like Spring MVC Framework. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries and AJAX to speed the application. +Exp Designed the front-end screens using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and Spring Boot. +Exp Involved in CQ5/AEM related design and framework development using templates, components widgets, CQ5 bundles, JCR/Sling API, configuring Cloud Services, publish and author set-up. +Exp Developed Angular controllers, services, filters and developed HTML templates with various Angular directives such as ng-app, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-change, ng-blur etc. +Exp Used various Angular UI Bootstrap components such as calendars, masks, uploaders, sliders, alerts, modal dialogs etc. for developing the UI. +Exp Developed Angular services making use of resource service to perform REST API calls to the backend. +Exp Developed reporting dashboards, which processes large amount data that are stored in Elastic Search and My SQL platforms and generates reports and displays in dashboards. +Exp Identified and created indexes, mappings and data in Elastic search and used Elastic Search REST API's both single and multi-document API's. API's like Index, Multi Get, Bulk etc. +Exp Used various aggregations like Metrics, Average aggregations in Elastic Search. +Exp Developed unit test cases using Jasmine and Karma and performed end to end testing using Protractor and Selenium. +Exp Developed REST controllers using Spring Data REST to serve the UI with required JSON data. +Exp Extensive knowledge on AWS EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Load balancing and other parts of AWS infrastructure. +Exp Worked on AWS multi factor authentication (MFA) related to security groups including rest security. +Exp Configured and tuned the AWS EC2 and worked on ELB, Route53 for high availability. +Exp Implemented Micro services architecture using Spring BOOT enabled REST API with the Spring Cloud modules. +Exp Worked on Integration of MicroServices deployment patterns with the PAAS platform on top of AWS and Integrating with the Config server and ZUUL proxy. +Exp Experience on configuring auto scalable and highly available MicroServices set with monitoring and logging using AWS, Docker, Jenkins and Splunk. +Exp Developed REST exception handling controller advices to respond to bad requests and server side exceptions. +Exp Used complete annotation driven approach to develop the application using Spring Boot and was involved in setting up the spring bean profiling. +Exp Used REST Client and POSTMAN to test the rest based services and used Junit and Mockito to test the middleware services. +Exp Used Hibernate in the persistence layer and implemented DAO's to access data from database. +Exp Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.) and Implement modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements. Used GruntJS, BowerJS, Express from NodeJS. +Exp Involved in enhancing existing MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node) stack applications and provided the required support. +Exp Involved in configuration and usage of Apache Log4J for logging and debugging purposes. Used RAD as IDE tool to develop the application. +Exp Prepared Documentation for Unit Test Plan and Unit Test Results for the QA purpose +Exp Participated in the release night shakeouts/over night deliveries and QA Support. +Exp Took part in setting up the application with Jenkins and AWS and is involved in builds and deployments to Tomcat server. +Exp Environment: Java, STS, Tomcat, Spring Tool Suite, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Elastic Search, RESTful Web Service, Oracle, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, AngularJS, Express, JavaScript, GIT, JMS, Psotgre SQL, Agile, JIRA tool, Selenium, Log4j, Maven, AWS , Docker , OAuth2 , Cloud Foundry , Kubernetes , Splunk , Dyntatrace , Apache Kafka , React , Node JS , Jenkins , Cassandra , Couchbase , Hazelcast , Mule API Gateway , Cucumber JVM. +Exp . +Exp WALMART, Carlsbad, CA Feb 14 – July 15 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp The project involved enhancement of POS System to meet new business requirements. Enhancement includes integration of middleware with new POS Credit Card Processing System and development of new web services integrated to POS functionalities. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the design and development phases of Agile Software Development. +Exp Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Account Transfer using spring 4 beans in the service layer. +Exp Developed complete Web tier of the application with Spring MVC framework. +Exp Extensively used Hibernate framework for Object Relational Mapping. +Exp Developed JUnit based unit test classes. +Exp Responsible for implementing the workflow and business process management of our application using Activity BPM Platform. +Exp Used Apache Kafka for producing the change events from SQL and the Node JS programs to consume events as per the change events. +Exp Used Apache Kafka High Level consumer and High-Level producer for the programs +Exp Developed GSP pages for rendering views in Grails Framework. +Exp Developed and implemented GUI Functionality using GSP, Groovy, and AJAX, Javascript, JQuery. +Exp Used Hibernate to take care of the mapping from Java 8 classes to database tables and for querying data using Hibernate query language (HQL). +Exp Developed automation test scripts using Selenium Web Driver and Java. +Exp Performed repetitive tasks like modification, building, compiling, unit testing using Grunt. +Exp Involved in implementing spring dependency injection for a maven project using Annotation. +Exp Involved in developing web application using Spring MVC & Cloud integrated with Thymeleaf. +Exp Experienced being a scrum master in our Scrum Method of Agile Software Development. +Exp Used Git for version control our application. +Exp Developed UI using the HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS and React JS with Node JS and Express JS backend. +Exp Written test scripts for the components developed using React JS. +Exp Used Spring modules (annotations) i.e. Spring Core, IOP, AOP, Security, Spring batch and Spring boot. +Exp Built a RESTful Web services to save and retrieve geolocations using a remote server in Java 8 using Spring MVC, MongoDB. +Exp Developed views using the HTML, CSS and javascript components of Bootstrap framework. +Exp Experienced using Maven, Gradle for auto uniform building of our project. +Exp Experienced in writing dynamic queries on documents of Mongo DB using a document -based query language. +Exp Experienced in unit testing using Junit. +Exp Deployed and configured the data source for database in Web sphere application server +Exp Involved in implementing authentication and authorization to our application using spring security. +Exp Used Bean validation for User Input Validation, Error handling, java 8 Bean management and Event handling. Implemented Spring Beans using IOC and Transaction management features to handle the transactions and business logic. +Exp Developed one-many, many-one, one-one annotation based mappings in Hibernate. +Exp Implemented Logging framework using Slf4J with Log4J as back-end. +Exp Used Java 8 Messaging Services (JMS) and Backend Messaging for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information. +Exp Developed the Maven build file for preparing WAR files used to deploy application. +Exp Written PL/SQL in Oracle Database for creating tables, triggers and select statements. +Exp Environment: Java ,J2EE , JSP, Spring, Hibernate, JMS, JNDI, Oracle, Spring Boot, HTML5, XML, RAD, WebSphere, Bamboo, Maven, Gradle, Git, Slf4J, Log4j, JUnit, jQuery UI , CSS, JavaScript, Unix and Oracle 11g, Bootstrap Framework. +Exp Ebay Inc, Austin, TX March 12 – Feb 14 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Ebay is a leading US based E-commerce Company providing consumer to consumer and business to consumer service sales through internet. The project is about developing the pre-existing SDF framework and exposed multiple web services where procurement/order delivery /shipping related details and will further parsing and persisting the response to the database will help to track the delivery, shipping, payment related information. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in SDLC development including Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design +Exp Implementation and Testing of application using Agile Methodologies. +Exp Developed web application using Spring MVC framework. +Exp Used Spring Inversion of Control to make application easy to test and integrate. +Exp Used Auto wired POJO and DAO classes with Spring Controllers. +Exp Implemented Web Design based on HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap for Front-End and JSP, JSF for Back-end. +Exp Functionalities include writing code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, JSON, AngularJS, and Bootstrap with MySQL database as the backend. +Exp Developed Web application for backend system using AngularJS with cutting edge HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. +Exp Utilized spring annotations and XML configuration for Dependency Injection. +Exp Implemented web services for communicating by using SOAP and RESTful. +Exp Provided connections using Spring JDBC to the database and developed SQL queries to manipulate the data. +Exp Used Spring DAO concept in order to interact with database using JDBC template. +Exp Implemented some applications by using Object Oriented Programming concepts, Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, and Collections while developing the project. +Exp Used Log4j to print the logging, debugging, warning info on the server console. +Exp Used Web Sphere Application Server for building, testing and deploying application locally. +Exp Used IBM ClearCase for version control. +Exp Used CodePro Analytics to make sure all the code maintain standards. +Exp Interacted with testing team to fix defects. +Exp Involved in bug fixes, enhancements and code refactoring. +Exp Environment: Java, JDBC, JSP, JSF, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, DOJO, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, SOAP, RESTful, JAX-WS, Spring Framework , RAD , Web Sphere Application Server , MySQL, Eclipse, Log4j, IBM ClearCase, etc. +Exp Apollo Hospitals, Hyderbad, India. Feb 11 – March 12 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Apollo Hospitals Group, today, is an integrated healthcare organization with owned and managed hospitals, diagnostic clinics, dispensing pharmacies and consultancy services. In addition, the group's service offerings include healthcare at the patient's doorstep, clinical & diagnostic services, medical business process outsourcing, third party administration services and health insurance. To enhance performance and service to customers, the company also makes available the services to support business, telemedicine services, education, training programs & research services and host of other non-profit projects. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Technical analysis, design, development, and documentation with a focus on the implementation and agile development. +Exp Involved in Design, Development, Testing and Integration of the application. +Exp Implementing business logic and data base connectivity. +Exp Client side installation and configuration of project. +Exp Developed using simple Struts Validation for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp Co-coordinated Application testing with the help of testing team. +Exp Writing database queries on Oracle 10g. +Exp Writing stored procedures, Packages, Views, Cursors, Functions and triggers using SQL in the back end. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence. +Exp Wrote SQL commands and Stored Procedures to retrieve data from Oracle database. +Exp Developed webservices using SOAP, WSDL, and XML. +Exp Developed the application using Singleton, Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object design patterns in the project. +Exp Created and implemented Oracle Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and complex queries using SQL. +Exp Worked with Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and Asynchronous Communication. +Exp Used log4j for logging and SVN for version control. +Exp Ability to quickly adjust priorities and take on projects with limited specifications. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Struts, CMS, Spring, SOAP Web services, SOA, JavaScript, CSS, XML, JAX RS XHTML, XSLT, JMS, Ajax, Hibernate, EJB, Log4j, Oracle 10g, Web Sphere, Ant, RAD, Eclipse, UNIX, Perl. +Exp Techno soft Solutions, Hyderabad, India March 09 - Feb 11 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Techno soft provides a range of professional services delivered by experts with operational experience building and running the largest E-Mail, messaging, and Internet networks. These services range from architecture and design of software solutions, website design & development to deployment services and operational support. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the risk workflow system. +Exp Involved in the implementation of design using vital phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) that includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance Support in WATER FALL methodology. +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using JSP, JSF, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript and jQuery. +Exp Involved in component development using J2EE principles and used design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, JSF and Data Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the application. +Exp Responsible for designing, coding and developed the application in J2EE using Struts MVC. +Exp Implemented Struts framework (Action & Controller classes) for dispatching request to appropriate classes. +Exp Used simple Struts Validation for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp Achieved synchronization of multiple threads through Multithreading and Exception Handling. +Exp Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement. +Exp Developed Struts Action Forms, Action classes and performed action mapping using Struts. +Exp Developed RESTful and SOAP based Web Services to consume and produce data in XML and JSON. +Exp Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces to exchange the data in different forms by using RESTful service. +Exp Established Database Connectivity using JDBC for MySQL. +Exp Written SQL queries, PL/SQL store procedures and Triggers to fetch and store data from the database. +Exp Used Log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms. +Exp Developed the ANT scripts for preparing WAR files used to deploy J2EE components and deployment of the application was on Jetty. +Exp Prepared JUnit test cases and executed the test cases using JUnit. +Exp Involved in bug fixing during the System testing, Joint System testing and User acceptance testing. +Exp Used GIT to check-in and check-out and co-ordinate among team members for Version Controlling. +Exp Used NetBeans IDE to integrate different frameworks to build application. +Exp Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, AJAX, jQuery, JavaScript, Struts, Web Services, SOAP, RESTful, JSON, XML, JDBC, SQL, MySQL, ANT, Eclipse, JIRA, GIT, Jetty and UNIX. +PI HARISH +PI Email: Harish.ui87@gmail.com +PI Contact no: +1(980)-285-3958 +PI __________________________________________________________________________________________________ +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Over 8+ years of experience as a Full Stack Java Development using spring technologies (MVC, Spring. 4, core, Hibernate, boot, integrations, security) in various domains & frameworks. +Sum Expertise in the web application development using HTML 4/5, CSS (2/3), JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.JS and Bootstrap. +Sum Have been working on diverse Database Servers like Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MySQL 5.0 and experienced in working with the No SQL databases like Mongo DB, PostgreSQL and Cassandra. +Sum Experience in various open source framework like Struts framework, spring framework with modules like Hibernate. +Sum Extensively worked on core java concepts like Multi-threading, Abstraction, Encapsulation, polymorphism, Exception handling and collection Framework. +Sum Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions. +Sum Experience in developing client-side scalable Single Page Applications (SPA) with MVC architecture using AngularJS framework and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. +Sum Responsible for requirement gathering, designing, implementation of application and client interaction. +Sum Implemented several popular J2EE patterns like Business Delegate, Session Facade, Transfer Objects, Business Objects, DAO and Front Controller are used to decouple Model View and Controller components. +Sum Implemented Authentication and Authorization Components for Service Components using Spring Security. +Sum Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern using AngularJS 1.x. +Sum Experience working on Docker Hub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and Domain configuration. +Sum Implemented Micro-Services Architecture for various components using Spring Boot and Apache Tomcat 8. +Sum Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere. +Sum Involved in developing Web Services and invoking them by using XML, SOAP and WSDL for creating proxy classes. +Sum Highly motivated, reliable analytical problem solver and trouble-shooter with strong attention to detail. +Sum Demonstrated ability to complete projects in deadline oriented environments. +Sum Experience in writing Build Scripts using Shell Scripts, ANT, MAVEN and using CI (Continuation Integration) tools like Continuum, Jenkins and Hudson. +Sum Exposure in development using Agile Methodology and SCRUM and Experience in Agile Process such as TDD (Test Driven Development). +Sum Highly organized with the ability to prioritize work load, manage multiple projects and meet project deadlines by following project standards and procedures as per client specifications. +Sum Standardized unit test plans for Web Control Program (WCP) written as Java Swing applets for all 3 product lines under my responsibility. +Sum Implemented the persistence layer using Hibernate and configured Hibernate with Spring to interact with the Database from the DAO. +Sum .Developed unit testing with Jasmine by using karma and E2E tests with protractor. +Sum Performed Efficient Manual Testing of web applications. Executed Test Plan, written Test Cases and Test Case Scenarios for testing the applications. Hands on experience on test management solutions like Quick Test professional (QTP). +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES: +Exp Developed presentation layer and GUI Framework using CSS3&HTML5 and Client-Side validations were done using JavaScript and some server-side validations with Java code. +Exp Elaborated on the Use Cases based on business requirements and was responsible for creation of class diagrams, sequence diagrams to understand the existing architecture. +Exp Used JSF, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery-UI to develop the User-Interface (UI) panels. +Exp Developed Single Page Applications (SPA) using Angular2. +Exp Worked in distinct phases of the project cycle like design, development and testing application. +Exp Implemented Micro-Services Architecture for various components using Spring Boot and Apache Tomcat 8. +Exp Developed a REST API Server that connects with devices through MQTT protocol and the server sends the data to the cloud for analytics. +Exp worked on different management tools such as Quality center (QC) and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). +Exp Involved in the design and development of application using Spring and Hibernate frameworks. +Exp Using GIT for group development and access of repository. +Exp Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.0. +Exp Designed and implemented a complete web-based user interface for Aprius Virtual I/O management console using CSS. +Exp Used Web Services- WSDL, SOAP for client side for exchange rate calculation and Restful JAX-RS to communicate over the network by using Spring Boot. +Exp Used JDBC for accessing database to track all sessions of accounts, which include Quotes, financial details and Provider/Member info with all selected criteria. +Exp Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs, Garbage collections for dynamic memory allocation to implement various features and enhancements. +Exp Migrated the legacy code from Struts MVC objects like Action Servlet, Controllers, Web Application Context, Handler Mapping, Message Resource Bundles, and Form Controller to Spring MVC. +Exp Provide domain expertise of open-source and commercial relational DBMS products and services (Oracle 11g/12c, SQL Server, Postgres, AWS RDS, AWS Redshift) and NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB) databases. +Exp Was also actively responsible in the design and development of the Application Design Module using Eclipse RCP and Core Java. +Exp Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components. +Exp Developed business logic and managed the transactions with the database to deliver the content to the presentation layer and to store the data into the data layer. Developed stored procedures using SQL. +Exp Implemented multi-tier application layers including UI (Java Swing) and Database connectivity. +Exp Build scripts on AWS cloud for scheduling EC2, Auto Scaling and Elastic load balancer with java. +Exp Involved in writing test cases using JUnit, Mock objects to satisfy the Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Extreme Programming (XP). +Exp Involved in CICD process using GIT, Jenkins job creation, Maven build Create Docker image and deployment in AWS environment. +Exp Involved in post-production support and maintenance of the application. +Exp Developed test scripts with Ruby-Selenium to automate browser & web applications under Cucumber (BDD) Framework. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: +Exp JavaScriptjava.8, SDLC, J2EE, JSF, JSP, JMS, Spring 3.0, Spring Web Flow, Spring IoC, Spring Boot, HTML5, XHTML, AJAX, jQuery, Angular JS.2, JavaScript, CSS3, POJO, Angular2.0, Spark, REST, WSDL, Hibernate 3.0, GIT, XML, Log4j, Eclipse, Oracle 11g, SQL, Selenium. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES +Exp Developed CSS3 style sheets to give gradient effects. Developed page layouts, navigation and icons. +Exp Responsible for creating the screens with table less design following W3C standards. +Exp Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Angular.js and jQuery. +Exp Gathered and analyzed the requirements and converted them into User Requirement Specifications and Functional Requirement Specifications for the designers and developers to understand them as per their perspective. +Exp Implemented Java Persistence API (JPA) through Hibernate 3.0. +Exp Analysis, Design, Estimation, Development, bug fixing testing &Integration of Key Components of ECommerce sites using Demand ware platform. +Exp Coded the middle tier changes using Java RESTful and SOAP Web Services, spring and Hibernate. +Exp Designed data formatted web applications using HTML, DHTML, XHTML and CSS and deploy the script by client-side scripting using JavaScript. +Exp Used Bootstrap for responsive design, which allows users to access it from any device. +Exp Reduced downtime in troubleshooting software issues by implementing best approaches in resolving issues using Web Services. Working on User Interface implementation for Mobile Application. +Exp Implemented java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules. +Exp Worked on the development of a cloud based multi-media applications streaming platform using C++ and Java under Linux environment. +Exp Used JavaScript DOM manipulation and JavaScript event to generate the data result in UI. +Exp worked on different management tools such as Quality center (QC) and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). +Exp Implemented various screens for front end using Angular.js and used various components from NPM and react library. +Exp Exposed various capabilities as Web Services using SOAP/WSDL. Enhanced small servlet-based front-end and larger Swing interface to system. +Exp Hands on experience on Infrastructure Programming and sound knowledge of Cloud Computing &Virtualization concepts the proto-type built using leveraging the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. +Exp Designed and developed UI capabilities and J2EE server based services. +Exp Used React JS for templating and faster compilation and developing reusable components. +Exp Added multiple features to the plugin, few of them are: REST APIs, Versioning, Share Excellent able with other users, Import and Export. +Exp Built applications for scale using JavaScript. +Exp Design Test lab setup, Test cases and Defects Importing to ALM using Templates and Logging Defects in ALM and conducting the defect review meeting analyzing the results and submitted the status reports to the project team and update test status in the scrum calls. +Exp Expert in coding and integration of Services with user interface in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using AJAX and JSON. Using Tomcat server for deployment of build. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: +Exp HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, MVC, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, Responsive Design, Bootstrap, Spring, Hibernate, DHTML, DOM, JSON, GIT, Stash, Dreamweaver, Firebug, SOAP, agile and Windows, SQL, Node JS, Tomcat. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES: +Exp Developed User Interface and implementing business process using JSP, JAVA, JSF and Servlets. +Exp Worked on Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) as service side model that encapsulates the business logic of an application in the middleware. +Exp Contributed in design and development of Struts web based application. Involved in documentation of the architecture and configuration details. +Exp Developed interactive web applications using techniques such as AJAX, XHTML and DOM scripting. +Exp Worked with Data Tables, a table enhancing plug-in for JQUERY, JavaScript library, adding sorting, paging, and filtering abilities to plain HTML tables. +Exp Worked with PMR's for Mobile first platform issues. +Exp Used Struts Tiles and Validator framework extensively in developing the application. +Exp Involved in Requirements and analysis: Understanding the requirements of the client and the flow of the application as well as the application Framework. +Exp Designed the architecture based on the popular J2EE Model 2 approach of Model-View-Controller design paradigm. +Exp Defined and developed the application presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQUERY Scripting. +Exp Redesigned pages to improve application design and UI to attract the customers by taking inputs from senior management. +Exp Implemented Authentication and Authorization Components for Service Components using Spring Security. +Exp Developed all client-side logical implementation part of applications with Angular JS controllers under specific modules, manipulating nodes in DOM tree. +Exp Used various features in Angular.JS like data binding, routing, custom filters, custom directives to meet various customized requirements. +Exp Extensively used JAVA and SWING to design new GUI for the installer. +Exp Used JS tree that provides interactive trees by which we can implement drag & drop with search functionality. +Exp Used AJAX and JSON to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly. +Exp Worked with AngularJS1.x for creating own HTML elements for building a companied Web site which is an open Source Project. +Exp Created Restful web API's using java spring/Jersey. +Exp Used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and Log4j 1.2 to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions. +Exp Involved in write application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML. +Exp Worked on BDD framework and creating feature files to automate manual tests and build nightly run regression suites. +Exp Involved in writing the Properties, methods in the Class Modules and consumed web services. +Exp Proficient with full life cycle QA Methodologies and concepts and experienced in automation Testing using QTP/UFT, Selenium, HP QC/ ALM. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: +Exp HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQUERY, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, EJB, JAVA, JSF, Servlet, Junit, JSP, Servlets, MVC, J2EE, Karma, Angular JS1. x. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES: +Exp Performed the requirement analysis by interacting with key stakeholders to get the better understanding of the scope and deliverables of the project. +Exp Analyzed the complete architecture of various applications in-order to design the application. +Exp Developed AJAX framework for the project using JQUERY, Servlet, and JSP. +Exp Designed and Developed code for the XML driven UI using JSP, XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. +Exp Ability to rapidly prototype interface designs in hand-coded validating, standards-compliant, and semantically rich code and be aware of cross-browser compatibility and bugs. +Exp Understanding of application development lifecycle methodologies. +Exp Used JQUERY document to generate API documentation for JavaScript code. +Exp Knowledge of human factors and usability, best practices for interface design. +Exp Defined text alignment, size, borders, and many other typographic characteristics. +Exp Responsible for code optimization and testing of the website across different browsers. +Exp Designed, created and implemented custom Interwoven Team Site modifications to fully automate such activities as publishing, deploying, and updating online content (HTML, JavaScript). +Exp Build, configured and deployed Web components on Web Logic application server. +Exp Wrote Java code for accessing trade data from Oracle and DB2 databases using JDBC API and SQL queries and accessed it from J2EE Web component. +Exp Implemented GUI screens for viewing trade data using Servlets, JSP, HTML, CSS, JQUERY, JavaScript and Spring MVC. +Exp Updated UI as per changing needs and requirements. +Exp Bug fixes for existing software system and software enhancement. +Exp Used best practices while creating the web pages. +Exp Understood their existing code and made changes to adapt the unique environment. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: +Exp HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY, XML, Bootstrap, JSON, DTD Restful API, AJAX, Servlet. +Exp ROLE: Software Developer +Exp HSBC, Hyderabad, India March 2009 - Oct 2012 +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITES: +Exp Worked with System Analyst and the project team to understand the requirements. +Exp Developed web pages applying best standards. +Exp Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript. +Exp Used AJAX and JSON to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly. +Exp Responsible for design and development of the Customer Relations Module. +Exp Converted the mock-ups into hand-written HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. +Exp Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML, CSS and JavaScript in ongoing projects. +Exp Fixed bugs in the previous versions. +Exp Created DOM for datasets. Worked with datasets in JSON format. The datasets are collected from back end server PHP file using API and these datasets are then rendered on front end using HTML, DHTML and CSS. +Exp Involved with Product Managers and Software Engineers to provide guidelines on solid UI design. +Exp Develop front end and back end web applications with the help of PHP and HTML. +Exp Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls with JavaScript validation controls. +Exp Applying CSS styles to create left and top nav of the web page. +Exp Designed, developed and maintained an automatic e-mail from using PHP, CSS. +Exp Involved in implementing MVC architecture to separate business logic from the view using OOP in PHP. +Exp Created Web back-end user interfaces to new and existing databases utilizing PHP and MySQL/Oracle databases +Exp Provided production support by interacting with the end-users and fixing bugs. +Exp Developed IFRAME element to fetch and display the external pages that contains JavaScript/CSS code that runs when fetched via Ajax, the page is from an outside domain. Fixed issue related to that. +Exp Implementing the design pattern of software AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) using Require JS and to isolate the components of our JS applications as modules and resolve their dependencies. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: +Exp MySQL, WinSCP, CSS, AJAX, HTML, XHTML, Wamp Server, XHTML, PHP, Apache Tomcat, IE 6, 7 Firefox, Chrome. +PI Hari Babu +PI Email:hariguraka@gmail.com PH: 786-378-6921 +PI Sr. Java Developer +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Acquiring 8 years of immense experience in JAVA/J2EE technologies and QA implementation. +Sum Worked experience in spring and JPA ORM tools. Have good knowledge of JDBC connectivity. +Sum Expertise in using custom Tag Libraries for embedding dynamic code into JSP pages. +Sum Used JNI Framework to enable access to the native applications in different platforms. +Sum Experience in dynamic web view applications using HTML, JavaScript and Angular Js. +Sum Extensive experience in Oracle, MySQL. +Sum Extensive knowledge Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), development of XSD schemas and implementing both SOAP and RESTful web services. +Sum Involved in Spring Boot integration with Microservices Web Application. +Sum Skilled in implementation of Spring framework-based java application Spring boot, spring batch, spring MVC, Spring data, JdbcTemplate etc. +Sum Experienced in generating logging by Log4j to identify the errors in production test environment and experienced in Ant, Maven and Gradle tools. +Sum Good Experience in Agile methodology with SCRUM, CI, and CD Process using Maven/Jenkins +Sum Good exposure to various bug tracking tools, such as BUGZILLA, JIRA, etc. +Sum Experience in using the XPath, CSS Selector for identifying the UI objects +Sum Experienced in all stages of testing, Functional testing, smoke testing, integration testing, new feature testing, regression testing, security testing,Compatibility testing, backend testing, usability testing, GUI testing and configuration testing. +Sum Experience with end users to supporting UAT testing and coded UI testing. +Sum Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing behaviors and step definitions and Selenium support code in JAVA for Cucumber. +Sum Expertise in testing SOA with Restful/SOAP Web Services. Created entire architecture for backend testing internal and third-party API using Test Complete and Soap UI. +Sum Excellent experience with source version control tools such as Subversion&GitHub. +Sum Extensive experience working with Databases such as,MS SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. +Sum Experience in using SQL Queries to make sure that data was entered properly in the right tables, when the data was entered from front end screen. +Sum Experience with testing on UNIX and LINUX environments. +Sum Strong Analytical and Problem-Solving skills. +Sum Demonstrated ability to self-motivate and be flexible within a fast-paced environment. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: Charter Communication, MO Jan 2018 – Till Date +Exp Team: Charter Wireless +Exp Role: Senior Software Engineer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Leading offshore teams, and discussing the project overview, assisting on project issues, training, initiating and projects assigned to them. +Exp Developed web application using Netflix Zuul to redirect service calls and created spring Cloud Config server using Spring Boot to configure the application. +Exp Developed web services using REST with spring boot application. +Exp Developed web API using spring boot application with RESTful services, Decipher tokens. +Exp Implemented Spring boot application with Rest API Identity Credentials. +Exp Involved debugging of services application and deployment issues, Jenkins build issues. +Exp REST API calls to fetch and create test data and to interact with API andtesting through swagger model. +Exp Involved in the analysis, design and implementation of business accountant requirements. +Exp Developed the required YAML configuration files and implemented the framework/tool for parsing YAML documents. +Exp Used JIRA as a repository to record all project testing efforts and to keep track of the defects +Exp Configured Maven for JAVA automation projects and developed Maven project object model (POM). Investigated software bugs and maintained reports, tracked defects. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 3.0, Web Sphere 8.5, GIT, SQL Server, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Jenkins,Rest & SOAP Web Services, Big bucket. +Exp Client: Thomson Reuters, MO March 2017 – Dec’ 2017 +Exp Role: Software Engineer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Followed agile methodology and involved in daily SCRUM meetings, sprint planning, showcases and retrospective. +Exp Involved in creating Technical Design documents and Integration Solution Design documents. +Exp Design and Coding of Various Java (1.8), J2EE modules like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Rest, Hibernate, JPA. +Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and Spring MVC for REST API’s and Spring Boot for micro-services. +Exp Implemented open source MVC architecture using Spring MVC +Exp Developed RESTful API with Spring Boot configuration and used Swagger model. +Exp Created connections to database using Hibernate Session Factory, using Hibernate APIs to retrieve and store data to the database with Hibernate transaction control. +Exp Experienced in cloud technology and on-premise infrastructure integration. +Exp Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping purposes for transparent persistence onto the PostgreSQL database. +Exp Involved in the development of Page Flows, Business Objects, Hibernate database mappings and POJOs. +Exp Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping purposes for transparent persistence onto the PostgreSQL database. +Exp Actively involved in the enhancement, maintenance and design for the application. +Exp Designed and developed User Interface, application modules using JSP, Hibernate, Spring, JavaBeans, HTML, CSSandJavaScript and AJAX. +Exp Involved in the development of the presentation tier using JSP, HTML, CSS, +Exp Implemented logging functionality using Log4j.Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems. +Exp Handled the moving of High volume databases to Cassandra and improved the Performance of High Volume CRUD Operations. +Exp Designed and developed the web pages from mock- ups. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 3.0, Web Sphere 8.5, GIT, SQL Server, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Couch base, Cloud foundry, Eclipse, PL/SQL, Log 4j, FileZilla, Jenkins, Rest & SOAP Web Services, JUnit Mockito, ANT. +Exp Client: Comcast Cable Communications, Virginia March 2016 – Feb 2017 +Exp Role: Java Developer/Production Support +Exp Team: CXP Triage +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Good Experience in Agile methodology with SCRUM, CI, and CD Process for the product development. +Exp Strong knowledge on Web Services& Hands on experience in validating Web Services using SOAP-UI. +Exp Developed web-service enabled applications using SOAPUI and RESTful API for testing Webservices, inspecting WSDL files, generating SOAP envelopes and automating or accelerating many other common XML, JSON tasks when encountered. +Exp Performed REST API testing using SOAP UI Tool for REST web APIs. +Exp Proficiency in querying and reporting from Elastic Search/Kibana, Splunk and MySQL. +Exp Proficiency in setting up and using open source reporting tools like Jasper Soft and Jasper Server. +Exp Involved to prepare metric reports using Jasper Soft studio. +Exp Created REST web services for populating and saving data from/to database. +Exp Used Apache CXF, JAX-WS, JAX-RS for designing and developing REST and SOAP web services. +Exp Used Web Services on front end, servlets as Front Controllers and JavaScript for client-side validations. +Exp Implement and ability to gauge and trailor and reporting requirements for an enterprise organization based on the intended audience. +Exp Experience in Microservices, Cloud (Pivotal Cloud Foundry), Apigee Gateway, Adobe Experience Manager. +Exp JIRA issue Tracker Rally is used for tracking various production issues and performance issues & defects fixing, issues. +Exp Involved in AppDynamics functionality to track the issues. +Exp Automation testing tools like SoapUI, Test, used GitHub repositories for version controlling. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 3.0, Web Sphere 8.5, GIT, MySQL Workbench, MongoDB, Eclipse, Log 4j, Rest WS, Kafka, Cloud Foundry, Kibana with Elastic Search Engine, Ready API, Jira, Jasper Soft and Jasper Server +Exp Café Press, California Jan 2015 – Feb 2016 +Exp Role: Software Engineer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Used spring’s test framework to create integration tests for various Spring boot and spring batch applications. +Exp Developed Spring Action Classes for controlling logic and data transfer between UI and DB, used command pattern actions, to embed multiple actions in a single action class. +Exp Created Spring Beans using IOC, AOP and Transaction management features to handle the transactions and business logic. +Exp Developed spring batch programs to generate payments, automated Emails attaching payment response files. +Exp Used Sprint boot framework to create properties for various environments use yamls for configuration. +Exp Created various spring boot and spring batch applications to connect them to various databases and created queries to retrieve data and modify the tables for the database. +Exp Implemented REST based web services using Spring Web MVC, to publish vendor Information, customer information. +Exp Used SPRING dependency injection and IOC principles to build business layer. +Exp Implementedprocedures and complex SQL statements. +Exp Developed Micro Services with Spring boot and Spring batch along with the test cases. +Exp Migrated existing business applications to Amazon cloud services (AWS) based environment and deployed applications using Amazon web services. +Exp Resolved production errors and deployed applications for end users and reported through telephone and e-mail. +Exp Used Jenkins for continuous Integration of software development. +Exp Involved in Integration, System testing, and bug fixing, worked with QA Team to execute the business scenarios. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Spring 3.0, Web Sphere 8.5, GIT, SQL Server, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Eclipse, PL/SQL, Log 4j, FileZilla, Jenkins, Rest & SOAP Web Services, JUnit Mockito, ANT. +Exp Calix, California June 2012–Nov2014 +Exp Role: Software Engineer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Designed and developed web site application using AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML5, JQuery, JSP, Tiles framework and XML. +Exp Used Splunk to see the error logs in the application. Used Grunt Server and Jasmine to do unit testing on the frontend side of Angular code. +Exp Designed Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture using Struts Framework. +Exp Implemented Abstract Factory, Singleton, DAO, DTO, Front Controller, Command Pattern,MVC design Patterns. +Exp Continual build has been handled usingMaven, packaging ear file and deployed application in web/App servers. +Exp Version Control management has been implemented usingGITto work different team members on the same module; Tomcat was used as desired web server. +Exp Tiles Plug-in in struts are used for designing JSP page layouts. Used Validator plug-in to struts for server-side validation. +Exp Designed and developed Spring Batch Applications to read data from that files and databases. +Exp Used spring batch framework to update data in databases. +Exp Used spring batch framework to create custom readers and writers to work with application. +Exp Used XML technologies like XPath, XSLT and JAXB for data exchange and presentation. +Exp WebLogic server was the application server that was used for the entire project. +Exp Created custom readers, processors, validators, Field Extractors for various Spring Batch applications. +Exp Developed client upload tool using HTML, Jersey REST framework based on JAX-RS annotations. +Exp Worked on optimizing database queries to improve the loading times of the web pages. Implemented DAO layer using different hibernate techniques like strategies, Inheritance, annotations and criteria interfaces. +Exp Deployed Managed and Monitored Mongo DB Replica Sets / Databases, Prototyped Mongo DB new features across multiple stacks and applied the Mongo DB concepts such as locking, transactions, replication schema and design. +Exp Developed Projects for Collections team using Node JS. +Exp Led Quality control effort for the DEV team tracking timely closure of defects. +Exp Acted as a bridge between PM and UAT team to ensure smooth handling of issues +Exp Environment:Java, J2EE, JPA 2.0, Struts 3.0, Web Sphere 6.0, 8.5, JUnit, Linux, DB2, Jenkins, Maven, Angular Js, Node Js, Backbone Js, Web services, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Splunk, Grunt +Exp Client: Cadence Bank Nov 2009-May 2012 +Exp Role: Software Engineer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Designed and developed web site application using AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML5, jQuery, JSP, Tiles framework and XML.Involved in Manual Testing & Regression Testing. +Exp Designed Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture using Struts Framework. +Exp Implemented Abstract Factory, Singleton, DAO, DTO, Front Controller, Command Pattern, MVC design Patterns. +Exp Version Control management has been implemented using GIT to work different team members on the same module; Tomcat was used as desired web server. +Exp Designed and developed Spring Batch Applications to read data from that files and databases. +Exp Used Spring batch framework to create custom readers and writers to work with application. +Exp Worked on optimizing database queries to improve the loading times of the web pages. Implemented DAO layer using different hibernate techniques like strategies, Inheritance, annotations and criteria interfaces. +Exp Used Spring IOC and configured the Dependency Injection using Spring Context +Exp Involved in design and coding utilizing Spring Dependency Injection. Document test results and test procedures after every release. +Exp Environment: Java1.6, J2EE, Struts, Servlets, Spring, REST, JSP,HTML5, JSON, Java Script, Hibernate, JDBC, JSF, JSTL, CVS, JUnit, Eclipse, Log4J. +Edu Education: - Master of Computer Application (MCA) in Madurai Kamaraj University, India. +PI Name: Harshitha Email:harshithac511@gmail.com +PI Role: Full Stack Java Developer Phone: 650-517-6475 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Over 8 years of experience in Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) core areas such as Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of Object Oriented, Client-Server, Web-Based, Distributed and Enterprise Applications with Java/J2EE technologies. +Sum Strong experience in Software Development Methodology such as Agile (Scrum) Methodology, Iterative and Waterfall. +Sum Experience with both Core and Advanced Java concepts which include Java, Servlets, JSP, Java Script, JDBC, JSF, XML, EJB, Struts, Spring MVC, Ajax, jQuery, Hibernate, JDBC, and REST & SOAP Web Services. +Sum Experience in designing professional UI web applications using front-end technologies like HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, XML, DHTML, XHTML, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, Angular 2, Backbone JS, React JS and Bootstrap. +Sum Designed and developed the monitoring system used for AWS Elastic Environments, including monitoring individual instance health, overall environment health, and managing individual component failure cases e.g. missing ELB, misconfigured Auto Scaling Group, misconfigured EC2 Security Group, etc. +Sum Experience in using and implementing various design patterns such as Singleton,MVC, Bridge, Abstract Factory, Decorator, DATA Access Object, Data Transfer Object and Iterator etc. +Sum Experience in building web applications using SPRING framework features like MVC (Model View Controller), AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), DAO (Data Access Object), Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Batch. +Sum Proficient with software build process and writing Maven and ANT Build Scripts for automated build and deployment process. +Sum Experience with Build tools like, ANT, MAVEN, GRADLE. +Sum Extensive experience of working with RDBMS like Oracle 11g/12 c, MySQL, SQL Server, Mongo DB and developing Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, Functions and SQL Queries. +Sum Strong experience with Mongoose, used to access MongoDB on the server. +Sum Experience of working with RAD, WSAD 5.0, Spring Tool Suite, JDeveloper, Eclipse, NetBeans. +Sum Experience in designing UML diagrams using Rational Rose and Microsoft Visio. +Sum Experience in the use of Defect Tracking & Version Management Tools such as SVN, CVS, GIT. +Sum Experience with unit testing the applications using Junit and JMeter. +Sum Worked on continuous integration and continuous deployment using Jenkins/Hudson. +Sum Experience in Spring Security Framework for User access Management and involved LDAP configuration for authentication,authorization. +Sum Experienced in Distributed Transaction Management system with Spring JTA Based on Atomikos. +Sum Experience in configuring and deploying the applications on Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss Servers. +Sum Responsible for Offshore & technical support and maintenance of its daily batch jobs, implemented spring batch for 1milliontransaction. +Sum A resourceful team player with good inter-personal skills, effective problem - solving and decision-making skills, looking for a satisfying career in a fair working environment with opportunities for growth. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Client: Wells Fargo, Charlotte, NC +Exp Role: Java Full stack Developer +Exp Duration: Aug’16–till Date +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in analysis, design, and developing middleware using Servlets, Java Beans, Hibernate, springs and doin enhancements and issues resolutions. +Exp Extensive uses of Angular JS directives to get JSON data using AJAX from RESTful API and modify DOM. +Exp Designed the presentation layer GUI using JavaScript, JSP, HTML, CSS, Angular.JS, Customs tags and developed Client-Side validations. +Exp Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS. +Exp Designed UI pages using JSP, HTML, Angular JS, Node JS, Java Script, CSS, AJAX, JQUERY, JSP, JSON and Tag libraries. +Exp Followed Single Page Application (SPA) Pattern and used AngularJS MVC to build a cross-browser complaint application. +Exp Developed the DAO layer for the application using spring, Hibernate and developed various logics and reports using HQL and Hibernate criteria. +Exp Used Hibernate as ORM to map Java classes to data base tables. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC architecture and increased modularity by allowing the separation of crosscutting concerns using Spring Boot. +Exp Leveraged AWS cloud services such as EC2; auto-scaling; and VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) to build secure,highly scalable and flexible systems. +Exp AWS is used to coordinate and manage the delivery of messages to the subscribers. Client side validations andserver side validations are done according to the business needs. +Exp Involved with Spring IOC concepts to integrate Hibernate DAO. +Exp Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring IOC pattern. +Exp Developed Web Services for data transfer using Restful WebServices. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components and Spring JDBC for managing all the database communication and exception handling. +Exp Involved in developing and exposing web services and also consumption of Web Services like Restful Web services. +Exp Developed the REST based Micro services using spring data and spring boot with JPA. Refactored Micro service to make it RESTful, thread safe and more configurable. +Exp Involved in performing Unit and Integration testing (JUnit). Strictly followed Test Driven Development (TDD). Approach environment using agile methodologies. +Exp Creating and Exposing RESTful Web Services using RAD editor and used Maven build for the deployment. +Exp Developed REST services to talk with adapter classes and exposed them to the angular JS front-end. +Exp Worked on Restful web services which enforced a stateless client server and support JSON few changes from SOAP to RESTFUL Technology. +Exp Developed data objects to communicate with databases using JPA, Hibernate and JDBC frameworks. +Exp Middleware Services Layer is implemented using EJB (Enterprise Java Beans-stateless). +Exp Wrote Java Scripts validations to validate the fields of the Registration Screen and login screen. +Exp Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management. +Exp Involved in writing the batch jobs, UNIX scripts to load/manipulate the data. +Exp Created SQL queries, NO/SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions for database layer by studying the required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using PostgreSQL. Also used JPA with hibernate provider. +Exp Used GIT to implement version control. +Exp Used log4j for tracking errors and debugging the code. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, Java Scripts, HTML, STRUTS, JUNIT, Servlets, JDBC, JQUERY, JSON, AJAX, DOM, Jenkins, HQL, Spring Boot,JIRA, Hibernate, DB2, JPA, Eclipse, EJB, JMS, Knockout.js, log4j, NO/SQL Micro services. +Exp Client: Randmcnally, chicago,IL +Exp Role: Full Stack Java Developer +Exp Duration: Jan’15 to July ‘16 +Exp . Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Daily Scrum (Agile) meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint. +Exp Designed the complete website using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, JavaScript. +Exp Developed single page applications (SPAs) using Angular JS to improve page performance. Used Angular JS to create reusable components like custom directives, filters for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI. Experience in writing swagger documentation for Node JS services. +Exp Used Angular JS to create reusable components like custom directives, filters for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI. +Exp Added dynamic functionality to the application by implementing Node JS. +Exp Wrote internal and external API services using Node JS modules. +Exp Developed internal coding using J2EE technologies based on the MVC Architecture. +Exp Implemented RESTful Web services to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from Angular JS and parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth. +Exp Developed Business objects using POJOs and data access layer using Hibernate framework +Exp Designed and developed business components using Spring Boot, Spring Dependency Injection (Core), Spring AOP Spring Annotations. +Exp Used Spring Data Framework to use the features of Spring JDBC and Spring ORM classes like JDBC Template and Hibernate Template to perform the database operations by connecting to Data sources available. +Exp Batch processing and partitioning using Spring-Batch. +Exp Developed REST architecture based web services to facilitate communication between client- server. +Exp Involved in the implementation of the RESTful web services using the Spring Boot and to perform CRUD operation from the database, published the REST services. parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security. Spring security OAuth, can be used for authentication and authorization purposes in application. +Exp Implemented RESTful and SOAP based web administrations utilizing for JAX-RS and JAX-WS individually. +Exp Strategic and practical implementation of cloud-specific AWS technologies including Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), Simple Storage Services (S3), Cloud Formation, Elastic Beanstalk, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC), RDS and Cloud Watch. +Exp Hands-on experience in developing AWS cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling for EC2 instances and involved in the automated provisioning of AWS cloud environment using Jenkins. +Exp Aware of troubleshooting issues on AWS and other developer IDE and Cloud environments. +Exp Design, develop, test of SOA services using SOA/RESTful Web Service. Involved in the deployment of REST based Web-Service End-Points. +Exp Configured and build Asynchronous communication with JMS services with MQ services. +Exp Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file to be deployed in application servers. +Exp Used JIRA ticketing system to keep track of issues and tasks on individuals. +Exp Version controls like GIT Used for source code version controlling. +Exp Worked on No SQL databases like Cassandra. +Exp Used Cassandra as data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise. +Exp Environment: Java 1.6/1.7, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, Bootstrap, JSON, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, JSP, Hibernate, Web services, RESTful, Stored Procedures, RAD, WebLogic, Agile/Scrum Methodology, AWS, Maven, Pivotal Cloud, Git, Thyme leaf, DynamoDB, Life ray, JIRA, Junit, Linux, Log4J, TDD, Cassandra, Groovy, Node JS, Oracle, Splunk, My SQL. +Exp Client: USAA- San Antonio, TX +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Duration:May’13-Dec’14 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the loan details Presentation module. +Exp Involved in designing of the BOA Loan Assist entry framework using J2EE guidelines and different J2EE design patterns with JSP, Controller Servlets and EJB in picture. +Exp Involved in the implementation of the Service Locator, Business Delegate and the Session Façade design pattern for the enterprises level functionality. +Exp Used JavaScript, for the client end data validations. +Exp Involved in JUnit testing and used JProbe to quickly pinpoint and repair the root cause of application code performance and stability problems that obstruct component and integration integrity. +Exp Developed the Stateless Session bean for processing the business logic. +Exp Developed numerous Transfer objects using the DTO design pattern for inter-tier communication. +Exp Implemented Struts framework (Action and Controller classes) for dispatching request to appropriate class. +Exp Used Struts Validation framework for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp Used JSF for automatic synchronize UI components. +Exp Logging, Exception handling and validations to IOMS and IOMS Payoff application using AOP module of Spring. +Exp Used JSF for navigation handling and duplicate button press problem. +Exp Written SQL, PL/SQL queries. And used DB2 stored procedure, functions, triggers, cursors, objects, sequences etc. +Exp Used Crystal Report tools to generate data sources. +Exp Application development using N-tiered client/server development. +Exp Implemented Rational Unified Process (RUP) for software development process +Exp Develop Message Driven Beans (MDB) & involved in building and accessing a web Services using SOAP over JMS. +Exp Developing a mechanism for sending and receiving SOAP messages over JMS by MQ Series Engine +Exp Developed Web Services using Apache AXIS2 tool Framework. +Exp Generated WSDL files using AXIS2 tool. +Exp Implemented Web Services using SOAP protocol, UDDI, WSDL and Service oriented Architecture (SOA) Concept. +Exp Written JUnit test cases for Business Objects, and prepared code documentation for future reference and upgrades. +Exp Written build xml file for ANT scripting. +Exp Used IBM Rational Clear Case(software configuration management (SCM)) for version control, workspace management, parallel development support and build auditing to improve productivity +Exp Deployed applications using Web Logic Application Server +Exp Implemented open source log4j logging framework in whole application. +Exp Used CVS as a version controlling tool for managing the module developments. +Exp Environment: JAVA 1.6, J2EE, Servlets 2.4, EJB 2.0, JDBC 2.0, JAXB, Struts 2.0, JSF components, DAO, HTML, Java Script, XML, CSS, Ajax, Web Sphere Application server, LDAP, Oracle 10g, Log4J, Eclipse 3.1, CVS, DOJO, Ant 1.5, SOA, SOAP, DB2, PL/SQL, SQL, Web Services-WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, SOAP UI, JAX_RS, JERSEY, Windows XP. +Exp Client: Symphony Teleca, INDIA +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: March’11-April’13 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in system design, planning, estimation and implementation. +Exp Involved in developing Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and process flow diagrams forthe modules using UML and Rational Rose. +Exp Developed the presentation layer using JSP, AJAX, HTML, XHTML, CSS and client validations using JavaScript. +Exp Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Spring Framework. +Exp Effective usage of J2EE Design Patterns namely Session Facade, Factory Method, Command and Singleton to +Exp develop various base framework components in the application. +Exp Modified Account View functionality to enable display of blocked accounts details that have tags. This +Exp involved modifying beans, JSP changes and middle tier enhancements. +Exp Developed various EJBs (session and entity beans) for handling business logic. +Exp Code implementation using java & groovy, re-factoring & peer review +Exp Developed Session Beans and DAO classes for Accounts and other Modules. +Exp Extensively used Spring JDBC in data access layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Worked on generating the web services classes by using WSDL, UDDI and SOAP. +Exp Consumed Web Services using WSDL, SOAP and UDDI from third party for authorizing payments to/from +Exp customers. +Exp Used JAXB API to bind XML Schema to java classes. +Exp Involved in Units integration using JUnit, bug fixing, and User acceptance testing with test cases. +Exp Used CVS for version control and Maven as a build tool. +Exp Used Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs. +Exp Used JBoss Application Server to deploy application. +Exp Environment: Java 1.4, JSP, Servlets, Struts frame work, Tag libraries, Java Script, CSS, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Oracle 8i, Java +Exp beans, Struts Validation framework, Windows/UNIX, Ant, JUNIT, SVN, QC, Edit Plus, Web Logic application server, SQL +Exp Client: Dream Soft IT Solutions, India. +Exp Role: Software Developer +Exp Duration: Jan’10-Feb’11 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and implemented Java Classes, Interfaces, Model design, and interface layer design with other team members. +Exp Developed JSP’s and Servlets to dynamically generate HTML and display the data to the client side. Extensively used JSP tag libraries. +Exp Involved in writing services to write core logic for business processes. +Exp Involved in writing database queries, stored procedures, functions etc. +Exp Used Java J2EE design patterns. Involved in client server side validations. +Exp Involved in writing JDBC code to get data base connectivity. +Exp Implemented server side validations and developed model classes. +Exp Involved in the Database structuring and Tables creation needed for the project. +Exp Instrumental in tuning the framework to meet the performance standards. +Exp Designed and developed web-based software using STRUTS MVC Framework. +Exp Used AJAX and Java Script to handle asynchronous requests, and CSS was used to keep uniformly in look of the application. +Exp EJBs in the application and developed Session beans for the business logic at the middle tier level. +Exp Created Test plan documents and testing using Junit Framework. +Exp Used JAXB parser for parsing valid .xml files as defined by XSD. +Exp Created and modified Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers Complex SQL Commands for the application using PL/SQL. +Exp Monitored the error logs using Log4j and fixed the problems. +Exp Designed JDBC Connection for data retrieval and updating purpose, also developed connection pool to avoid waiting time for database connection. +Exp Used Tomcat server for application development with Eclipse. +Exp Environment: Core Java, JDBC, JAXB, WSDL, Rest, JSP, Servlet, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Apache Tomcats, MySQL, STRUTS, Log4j, XSD. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communication Engineering from JNTUH +PI KARAN REDDY +PI Email: Karan.javau@gmail.com Ph. no: 510-358-3595 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Overall 8+ years of experience in developing Web based Applications and expertise in implementing Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) with Java, J2EE. +Sum Experience in System Development Life Cycle (Process Engineering, Design, Development, Deployment Support and Testing) using Agile and waterfall methodologies. +Sum Experience in working with Java J2EE technologies, JSP, SERVLETS, STRUTS, SPRING, JMS Active MQ. +Sum Good Experience in Developing with Camel and Mule ESB +Sum Good expertise in working with various spring modules: Spring IOC, spring boot, Spring Batch, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA and Spring JDBC modules. +Sum Proficient in XML technologies like XSL/XSLT, SAX, DOM, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, XSD, SOA, JAXB, JAXP, Apache Camel. +Sum Proficient in implementing various Java/J2EE design patterns including Singleton, Factory, and MVC. +Sum Designed UML for Class diagrams & Sequence/Collaboration diagrams and Activity diagrams using MS Visio tool. +Sum Extensive experience in the areas of Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Patterns, Iterative design methodologies. Highly skilled in Logical Analysis and Quality Assurance. +Sum Experience in java developer with Amazon Web Services. +Sum Experience in using JSON and JQUERY for the persistence of data and exchanging data. +Sum Developed web services using SOA Architecture and implemented RESTFUL web services. +Sum Experience in working with Oracle SQl, and NO SQL databases. +Sum Experience working on different application servers like Apache Camel, JBoss, WebLogic, and Apache Tomcat including configuring, deploying, fine-tuning and monitoring. +Sum Experience in handling Version Control Systems like SVN and Git Hub. +Sum Experience on writing build scripts using ANT and Maven. +Sum Ability to troubleshoot Mule ESB (debuggers/flow analyzers), deployment, and tuning. +Sum Experience on SONAR and PMD Tools to ensure Product Quality and Process Improvement. +Sum Experience in working with Unit Testing Frameworks and Continuous Integration tools. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Sum PROJECTS: +Exp Client: Hertz, Oklahoma City, OK Aug2017-Till date +Exp Project: Hertz Rental Application +Exp Role: Sr Java Developer +Exp Description: The product was the Rental Application that is used when a customer comes to Hertz counter for reservation anywhere in the world. I worked on the design and implementation of the Promo Discounts module and the exit gate module. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in business requirements gathering and Analysis, Design, Development, Integration and testing of application modules. +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, data modeling, analysis, architecture design & development for the project. +Exp Experienced in Linux software application development +Exp Involved in coding building of java applications using Core Java, collections and multithreading. +Exp Used Hibernate as the persistence layer to interact with Oracle DB. +Exp Implemented agile methodology throughout the project development lifecycles. +Exp Responsible for setting up Angular JS1.5 for UI development. Developed html views with HTML, CSS3 and AngularJS. +Exp Worked on AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, ELB and EBS for installing, configuring and auto scaling. +Exp Configured and managed AWS Glacier, to move old data to archives based on retention policy of databases/applications. +Exp Created Aws S3 buckets performed folder management in each bucket managed cloud trail logs and objects within each buckets. +Exp Involved in writing java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services. +Exp Experience in Mule soft Any point platform on designing and implementing mule apis. +Exp Developing Mule ESB projects for the services with synchronous and asynchronous Mule flows. +Exp Configured Mule service flows with various exception handling strategies such as Global Exception, +Exp Design and developed various view and partial view using Object Oriented JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, Ajax Helpers and Node.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap. +Exp Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for Client Side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms. +Exp Hands on experience in writing Spring Restful Web services using JSON / XML. +Exp Created the PL/SQL stored procedure, function, triggers for the Oracle 12c database. +Exp Environment: JSP, HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, multithreading,JAVA, REST, JSON, Angular.js1.5, Node.js, Backbone.js, Spring Restful, Jenkins, Maven, Hibernate JPA, Java, XML, SVN,AWS +Exp Client: Trimax Americas, Princeton, NJ Sep 2015 – Aug2017 +Exp Role: Sr. Java Developer +Exp Title: Special investigation/TREAD system in MOPAR +Exp Description: New Special Investigation system developed by the legal team should make it work for the Customer Care users of the system. This would include what is in the CAIR system and how the SI process updates the CAIR. +Exp TREAD team has identified in the CAIR and ECCI systems to support corrections in the TREAD data submitted to the government and this is required with some enhancements in the data sending to the government. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in complete software development life cycle management using UML (Unified Modeling Language) - Requirements gathering, Conceptual design, Analysis, Detailed design, and Development. +Exp Worked with external consulting team to communicate design decisions across organizations and support engineers working with API's developed by both teams. +Exp Involved in coding building of java applications using multithreading ,jsp, servlets. +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. Configuring the Mule process for fetching the data from topic and makes web service calls to the middle tier Mule ESB for processing. +Exp Responsible to resolve design issues and develop strategies to make ongoing improvements that support system flexibility and performance. +Exp Worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure +Exp Data integration in SOA using common-model-based data services. +Exp Identify, review and present input on project activities and plans. +Exp Recommended changes on project design concepts to improve efficiency. +Exp Developing or maintaining a production-level cloud-based architecture in AWS, including creating machine Images like AMI +Exp worked in Importing data from various sources to the Cassandra cluster using Java API’s +Exp Design and developed various view and partial view using Object Oriented JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, Ajax Helpers and Node.js, Bootstrap. +Exp Designed REST APIs that allow sophisticated, effective and low-cost application integration +Exp Migrated the existing SOAP JAX-WS web service to REST API for better performance. +Exp Consumed and developed Restful Services with JAX-RS and Jersey. +Exp Involved in Performance Tuning of Java Enterprise applications. +Exp Used Soap UI Pro for Testing Web services. +Exp Developed SQL and PL/SQL scripts to transfer tables across the schemas and databases. +Exp Developed Stored Procedures, Functions and created database tables. +Exp Used Clear Case for Source Control Management and GitHub Version control system for check-in and Checkout the code through different branches. +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. +Exp Environment: Spring Framework 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, Java 1.7, UML, J2EE, SQL, SVN, Mule Soft (Mule ESB),Java Script, SOAP 2.0 Restful Services, Node JS Git-Hub. +Exp Client: Fidelity Investments, Durham, NC Jan 2015 – Aug 2015 +Exp Role: Sr. Java developer +Exp Title: Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Services at work (F-PASW) +Exp Description: Fidelity Portfolio Advisory Services at Work which allow customers to invest money and manage their 401k accounts through different channels like QP, IPQ which will be online and is free for fidelity employees. PASW manages different types of accounts like Work place accounts, Retirement accounts, Manual accounts and Full View accounts. Based on the customer plan and account the investment strategy will be defined and varies on market fluctuations. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in complete software development life cycle management using UML (Unified Modeling Language) - Requirements gathering, Conceptual design, Analysis, Detailed design, and Development. +Exp Worked on enhancements of Client GUI pages using HTML, JSP and JavaScript. +Exp Worked with build in tools like ANT and MAVEN. +Exp Used Spring IOC, spring Boot & Spring Batch framework for processing DB records +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. +Exp Responsible to resolve design issues and develop strategies to make ongoing improvements that support system flexibility and performance. +Exp Created the Node.js EXPRESS Server combined with Socket.io to build MVC framework from front-end side AngularJS to back-end MongoDB, in order to provide broadcast service as well as chatting service. +Exp SONAR is used to ensure Quality and Process Improvement of a product. +Exp Responsible to approve “Test Cases” created by Testing Team. Provide technical support to testing team to fix any issues in Functional Testing. +Exp Maintained, structured, and surveyed documents within the NOSQL MongoDB database. +Exp Worked on JBOSS application Server to deploy application. +Exp Worked on Server Side JavaScript development using NodeJS and Web Sockets +Exp Consumed and developed Restful Services with JAX-RS and Jersey. +Exp Used Soap UI Pro for Testing Web services +Exp Developed Stored Procedures, Functions and created database tables. +Exp Deployed Mule ESB applications into MMC (Mule Management Console). +Exp Used MMC mule management console to monitor the request and response payload. +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. +Exp Environment: Spring Framework 3.0, Java 1.6&1.7, SQL, Mule Soft (Mule ESB), JavaScript, Restful Services, Angular2.0, NodeJS Active MQ, Git Hub. +Exp Client: AT&T SERVICES INC, DALLAS, TX Jan 2014 – Nov 2014 Role: Sr. Java developer +Exp Title: iPhone activations for a top retailer in USA +Exp Description: This project allows Client to sell iPhone devices and applicable services provided by AT&T at Client store, along with other devices and services. The important part in this implementation was, we integrated AT&T services with client specific APIs. We also provide customers with a streamlined approach for adding bolt-on features and account replenishments. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in complete software development life cycle management using UML (Unified Modeling Language) - Requirements gathering, Conceptual design, Analysis, Detailed design, and Development. +Exp Used Spring MVC framework & Integration for Server-side programming. +Exp Developed UI based on struts framework, using JSF, JSP, JSTL, Servlets and Back Bone JS DHTML with extensive java scripts to reduce Server hits, improving performance. +Exp Developed Servlets and JSP to interact with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) containing all the Business Logic. +Exp Used Hibernate as the persistence layer to interact with Oracle DB. +Exp Developed the Frontend application with AngularJS. +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. Maintained, structured, and surveyed documents within the MongoDB database. +Exp Responsible to resolve design issues and develop strategies to make ongoing improvements that support system flexibility and performance. +Exp Responsible to approve “Test Cases” created by Testing Team. Provide technical support to testing team to fix any issues in Functional Testing. +Exp Developed JavaScript code to feed data-tables of Google Charts API with data, then draw charts with animation effect +Exp Developed JSP as the view, Servlets as Controller to make calls to EJB as model +Exp Worked on JBOSS Application Server to deploy application. +Exp Consumed and developed Restful Services with JAX-RS and Jersey. +Exp Used Apache Camel with URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, Active MQ, RabbitMQ and JMS. +Exp Coded Test Cases and created Mock Objects using JMock and used JUnit to run tests. +Exp Environment: Spring Framework 3.0, Hibernate, Java 1.6, Angular JS, Node JS, HTML, CSS, Servlets, SQL, Java Script, WebSphere Application Server, SOAP 1.2, RestFul Services. +Exp Client: Bank of America, Charlotte, NC Nov 2011 – Dec 2013 +Exp Role: Java developer +Exp Project: HAS (health savings account) +Exp Description: A Health Savings account (HSA) is a special account owned by an individual where contributions to the account are used to pay for current and future qualified medical expenses, also saving taxes on the savings. These accounts are available for individual and businesses, also the employers can also sponsor HSA’s for the employees, dependents etc. The account can be accesses online or using HSA debit card. The HSA works in conjunction with high deductible health insurance plan. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements and Identified mapping documents required for system and functional testing efforts for all test scenarios. +Exp Performed Requirement Gathering & Analysis by actively soliciting, analyzing and negotiating customer requirements and prepared the requirements specification document for the application using Microsoft Word. +Exp Developed Use Case diagrams, business flow diagrams, Activity/State diagrams. +Exp Configuration of application using spring 2.6, Struts 1.3, Hibernate, DAO’s, Actions Classes, Java Server Pages. +Exp Configuring Hibernate Struts and Tiles related XML files. +Exp Developed the application using Struts Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as the view. +Exp Developed presentation layer using JSF, JSP, HTML and CSS, JQuery. +Exp Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection and worked on Custom MVC Frameworks loosely based on Struts. +Exp Developed the Frontend application with Angular JS. +Exp Developed Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP), to route the submittals to the EJB components and render-retrieved information using Session Facade, Service Locator (design pattern). +Exp Used JDBC to invoke Stored Procedures and also used JDBC for database connectivity to SQL. +Exp Deployed the applications on WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Used Oracle11g database for tables creation and involved in writing SQL queries using Joins and Stored Procedures. +Exp Writing complex SQL queries and reviewing SQL queries for the other team members. +Exp Used Apache Camel with URIs to work directly with any kind of Transport or messaging model such as HTTP, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and JMS. +Exp Consumed and developed Restful Services with JSON and Jersey API’s. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.5, JSP, JSF2.0, Struts 1.3, Eclipse 3.5, Hibernate, Oracle 11g, Restful Services, JAX-RS, Jersey, Apache Camel, Angular JS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, JQuery 1.4, EJB 3.0, Nodejs. +Exp Client: Tata Tele services ltd, India June 2009 – Oct 2011 +Exp Role: java developer +Exp Project: TTSL-telecom +Exp Description: A web service project for TTSL portal used by the customers of the TTSL-Wireless. This project is to create web services that will be accessed by the front end. TTSL offers variety of products like prepaid, postpaid and Apple care products. My Role in this project is to develop and test the web services of several events. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for writing functional and technical documents for the modules developed. +Exp Extensively used J2EE design Patterns. +Exp Used Agile/Scrum methodology to develop and maintain the project +Exp Developed business logic using Spring MVC and spring Boot. +Exp Developed DAO layer using Hibernate, JPA, and Spring JDBC. +Exp Used Oracle 10g as the database and used Oracle SQL developer to access the database. +Exp Used Eclipse Helios for developing the code. +Exp Used Oracle SQL developer for the writing queries or procedures in SQL. +Exp Implemented Struts tab libraries for HTML, beans, and tiles for developing User Interfaces. +Exp Involved in Performance Tuning of the application. +Exp Used Log4J for extensible logging, debugging and error tracing. +Exp Used Oracle Service Bus for creating the proxy WSDL and then provide that to consumers +Exp Used UNIX scripts for creating a batch processing scheduler for JMS Queue. +Exp Need to discuss with the client and the project manager regarding the new developments and the errors. +Exp Coded the UI using Struts Forms and Tags. Used JavaScript for front end development. +Exp Documented all the modules and deployed on server in time. +Exp Environment: Java 1.5, Spring, Hibernate, XML, XSD, XSLT, Web services, XMPP, SIP, JMS, SOAP UI, Web logic, Oracle 10g, Oracle SQL developer, Apache Camel. +Exp Sierra Atlantic-Hyderabad, India June 2008 – May2009 +Exp Role: intern java developer +Exp Description: Merchant Content Program (MCP): Merchant Content Program is an internal web application used by the Sales team within Rewards Network. This application is used to publish Merchant Content to the Rewards Network website. It provides status notification, generates reports for frequent flier and dining rewards earned. It monitors status changes for each merchant by providing email notifications. The system is functionally divided into two modules, Vendor Module which will be accessed by the sales team to upload merchant content, administration module which is used by Sales manager to monitor status of each merchant. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed web tire using Servlets, JSP, Struts, Tiles, JavaScript, HTML and XML. +Exp Responsible for Design & Implementation of Online Survey module +Exp Used Front Controller design pattern for Domain blocking module. Also, extensively used Singleton, DAO design patterns for enhancements to other modules. +Exp Implemented Client Side and Server Side validations using Java Script and Struts Validation Framework on Login and Registration forms. +Exp Involved in creation of Use Cases and Test Cases. And, involved in execution of Unit Test cases and Integration test cases. +Exp Development of PL/SQL Stored Procedures to be used by the Java DAO layer +Exp Development of UI Mock Prototype using HTML and Java Script for Domain Blocking module. +Exp Involved in framing and documenting the Coding standards and best practices for the team, which improved the code quality and performance of the application. +Exp Used CVS as version control. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Struts, Tiles Servlet, JavaScript, HTML, Struts, Eclipse, IBM UDB, XML and XSL +Exp Tools Used: Eclipse IDE, Tomcat, Oracle Developer, Toad and CVS +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor in Computers at JNTU, HYDERABAD, INDIA +PI JAGADEESH +PI Jagadeesh14917@gmail.com +PI (872) 216-6679 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Around 8 years of Technical Experience in developing Java/J2EE applications +Sum Experience in all phases of Project & Product development life cycle that includes System Study, Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance, Re-Engineering, and Documentation +Sum Worked in developing Core Java applications and Object Oriented design with strong knowledge in Collections, Multithreading and exception handling. +Sum Experienced in developing the UI screens using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, bootstrap, Node JS, Angular JS. +Sum Experience in using frameworks like Struts, Spring MVC, JSF, JDBC and build tools like ANT, MAVEN, JENKINS and logging framework log4J. +Sum Experience in working on various spring modules (Spring MVC, DAO and AOP) along with Hibernate as the back-end ORM tool for implementation of persistence layer and mapping of POJOs. +Sum Experience in Java Web Services with using REST, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, JAXB technologies in Contract-first and Code-first approaches +Sum Experience in implementing Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, MVC, Data Access Object and Business Delegate +Sum Excellent experience in the design, development and implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC) using a Struts Framework, Design Patterns and DAO’s using Hibernate, J2EE Architecture, SDLC, Software Engineering, Object Modeling, Data Modeling, UML +Sum Experience writing JUnit and TDD for application integration testing and unit testing +Sum Expertise in Web Front End Technologies Struts, Tag Libraries and Struts custom validation rules, Tiles, JSTL, Java Script, DHTML and XML/XSL +Sum Hands on experience in implementing client-server business applications using MVC, SOA architecture and Micro Services +Sum Have good knowledge on Single Sign On(SSO) and Identity Management +Sum Strong working experience using XML DTD and XML Schemas. Experienced in parsing (DOM and SAX) XML using JAXP API +Sum Experienced in API’s design and Implementations. +Sum Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Used Apache Active MQ and Apache Camel as JMS provider +Sum Experience on different IDEs such as RAD, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite[STS] and deployment using Application Servers like Pivotal Cloud Foundry, BEA Web Logic, JBOSS, IBM Web Sphere and Apache Tomcat +Sum Experienced in RDBMS such as Oracle, Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL and IBM DB2 databases. Used NoSQL DB database Mongo DB for proof of concept and having Experience in create a Stored Procedures and having Experience in Remote Procedure call (RPC) and Redis +Sum Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and create snapshots for the data that must be stored in AWS S3 +Sum Created and Configure micro service architecture for CDT Directory project and integrated with AngularJS application +Sum Created continuous delivery pipeline for CDT Directory to run the war, Ami and deploy jobs in Jenkins brew master instance, which reduces the time for the deployment of micro services +Sum Strong SOA, Rest Services and Web Services experience +Sum Developed Networking policies for Docker Containers. Worked on Open source development tools like Docker Containers, Mesos, Kubernetes. Also, worked on GitHub. +Sum Proficient in SQL and wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers besides writing DDL, DML and transaction queries with development tools like TOAD and Aqua Data Studio +Sum Subversion (SVN), CVS, GitHub and Visual Source Safe as versioning software tools +Sum Experience in working with ORM tools like Hibernate and Top Link Essentials +Sum Ability to work effectively on the UNIX, Linux and OSX platforms +Sum Excellent Analytical, Communication and Interpersonal skills. Good experience in developing applications using Agile Scrum methodology +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: Nationwide Insurance, Columbus, OH April 15 – Till Now +Exp Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Project: CIQ (commercial Internet Quote) +Exp Description: +Exp Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company is well known for providing insurance and financial services in the United States. One of the Web Application CIQ involves the design and development of a Web based internet application to provide online insurance services. The web application provides functionalities such as Internet Insurance Quote for Customers and Agents. The customer can access complete account information, policy information, and receive instant auto insurance quote and report a claim. Developed from scratch therefore involved in Design and Development of the web application until deployment and production support. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked as per Agile Methodology(Scrum) to meet customer expectation, timelines with quality deliverables +Exp Extensively worked with business analysts and the end users to gather and finalize the requirements +Exp Developed the User Interface using JSP, Spring MVC, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node JS and enhanced response using twitter Bootstrap/- +Exp Used JQuery to handle cross browser issues and to produce more interactive pages +Exp Used Two-way data binding features of AngularJS to implement Data binding to bind various server controls to the data from database +Exp Designed and implemented AJAX server calls to dynamically retrieve customer information. +Exp Used the Spring IOC feature to get Hibernate session factory and resolve other bean dependencies Also used Spring framework AOP features +Exp Created Hibernate mapping files, sessions, transactions, Query and Criteria's to fetch the data from SQL based schema +Exp Implemented the application using Spring IOC, Spring MVC Framework, Spring Batch, Spring Boot and handled the security using Spring Security +Exp Implemented Batch jobs using Spring Batch Framework to execute the similar jobs simultaneously +Exp Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate (ORM) Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate (ORM) annotations +Exp Implemented service methods and SQL queries, PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle DBMS +Exp Designed and implemented stored procedures, functions and packages to store information from various sources for risk analysis using PL/SQL +Exp Installed, secured, and configured AWS cloud servers and Amazon AWS virtual servers (Linux) +Exp Experienced working with database setup and maintenance on AWS EC2 +Exp Designed and implemented MongoDB based database and created REST enabled Web Services +Exp Designed and developed XML validation functionality and store XML document in database +Exp Designed and developed functionality to retrieve XML document from database and un-marshaling XML document to JSON document +Exp Designed and developed RESTful Services to retrieving configuration JSON documents related to customer +Exp Identified, reported and managed defects using defect tracking system using JIRA +Exp Created UNIX shell scripting for periodic generation of reports +Exp Used Eclipse Luna as IDE to develop the application and followed the standard features for debugging and running +Exp Log4J was used to monitor the error logs and used migrated Docker to GIT as version control tool +Exp Followed the Maven build life cycle to build the application and deployed into Tomcat application server +Exp Developed test cases and performed unit testing using JUnit +Exp Environment: Core Java, Java/J2EE, JDK, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Hibernate(ORM), Apache Tomcat, Agile methodology, RESTful Web Services, JSP, MySQL, Teradata, MongoDB HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Angular JS, Node JS, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Maven, Eclipse, Log4j, JUnit, GIT, Docker, AWS EC2, JIRA. +Exp Client: CISCO, San Jose, CA Feb 13 – March 15 +Exp Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Project: Resource Management System +Exp Description: +Exp CISCO is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. SSTG (Smart Services Technology Group) is one of the core engineering teams in CISCO that builds customer-focused software support tools and components. Resource Management System is an internal tool developed under SSTG. Resource Management System is used by the managers of departments to search for the resources based upon particular skill set. Resources can be selected to check their availability and to find the details about the projects they are working on. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked on High level and low level system design, planning, estimation and implementation +Exp Developed presentation layer using JSP, Struts Tag libraries, HTML, XHTML, CSS and client validation using JavaScript, DOM +Exp Used two-way data binding features of AngularJS to implement Data binding to bind various server controls to the data from database +Exp Implemented animation and styling using CSS3 and JQuery +Exp Involved in writing JSP and JSF components. Used JSTL Tag library to create standard dynamic web pages +Exp Worked on XML and JSON for transferring and retrieving data between different applications +Exp Worked on generating the web services classes by using Service Oriented Architecture Micro Services, SOA, WSDL, UDDI and SOAP and Deployed in AWS. +Exp Designed and integrated the full-scale Struts/ Hibernate persistence solution with the application architecture +Exp Implemented Object Relational Persistence(Hibernate) for the domain model +Exp Involved in design and development of the Hibernate Domain Model(ORM) for the services +Exp Worked on web services and associated business modules integration +Exp Worked on development and implementation of the MVC Architectural pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, JSF, Servlets and Action classes +Exp Involved in identifying and implementation of different J2EE design patterns like Service Locator, Business Delegate, and DAO +Exp Responsible for developing Use case diagrams, class diagrams, Sequence diagrams and process flow diagrams for the modules using UML and Rational Rose +Exp Developed the DAO layer for the application using Spring Hibernate template support +Exp Used JMS API for communication between the components +Exp Implemented the NoSQL databases like Casandra and later writing complex PL/SQL queries using joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, cursors, and indexes in Data Access Layer using PostgreSQL, Cassandra as a database. +Exp Collaborated with testers and developers and prepared test plans for producing high quality software applications +Exp Experience in using JUnit and build tools such as MAVEN +Exp Worked on Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs and SVN for version control +Exp Deployed and tested the application in Unix on JBOSS Application Server +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, Hibernate, Java SDK, SOA, Micro Services, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, JavaScript, JMS, Struts, +Skill JSON, Servlet 2.2, JSF, JSP, CSS3, HTML, Cassandra, AWS, PostgreSQL, DHTML, JQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, JDBC, Oracle, Maven, Log4J, SVN, UML, JAXB, XML, Scrum, Unix/Linux, JUnit. +Exp Client: John Deere Financial, Johnston, IA Nov 11 – Feb 13 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: +Exp Customer Self Service application is used by all John Deere Financial customers where they can pay the loan and view the loan details. It will process direct payments for Installment, Lease and Revolving account customers. CSS has more than 450000 accounts. This Multi-language based application and handle English and French languages. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in deployment of full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the tracking system like Requirement gathering, Conceptual Design, Analysis, Detail design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance +Exp Worked in Agile Scrum methodology +Exp Involved in writing exception and validation classes using core java +Exp Worked with Java and Big Data NoSQL database Cassandra +Exp Designed and implemented the user interface using JSP, XSL, DHTML, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, CSS and AJAX +Exp Developed framework using Java, MySQL and web server technologies +Exp Experience in developing server side of an application using NodeJS and Java +Exp Validated the XML documents with XSD validation and transformed to XHTML using XSLT +Exp Implemented cross cutting concerns as aspects at Service layer using Spring AOP and of DAO objects using Spring-ORM +Exp Spring beans were used for controlling the flow between UI and Hibernate +Exp Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JAXB and XML using CXF framework tool/Apache Commons +Exp Worked on MongoDB database interaction layer for insertions, updating and retrieval operations of data from data base by using queries and writing stored procedures +Exp Wrote Stored Procedures and complicated queries for IBM DB2. Implemented SOA architecture with Web +Exp Used Eclipse IDE for development and JBoss Application Server for deploying the web application +Exp Used Apache Camel for creating routes using Web Service +Exp Used JReport for the generation of reports of the application +Exp Used Web Logic as application server and Log4j for application logging and debugging +Exp Used CVS version controlling tool and project build tool using ANT +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JSTL, JavaScript, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Struts, Web Services, Eclipse, NodeJS, JBoss, JSP, JMS, JReport, Scrum, No SQL (MongoDB), MySQL, IBM DB2, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JAXB, AJAX, XML, XSD, XSLT, Oracle, Linux, JBoss, Log4J, JUnit, ANT, CVS +Exp Client: YASH Technologies, Pune, India Nov 2009 – Oct 2011 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Programmer +Exp Project: System Management +Exp Description: The objective of this project is to implement a web based front end system which can be used by the employees, managers and higher level management having specific role permissions for effective processing of day to day business activities in the company like leave management, project management and resource management etc. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Designed the user interfaces using JSPs, developed custom tags, and used JSTL Taglib. +Exp Developed various java business classes for handling different functions. +Exp Developed controller classes using Struts, EJB and tiles API. +Exp Involved in Documentation and Use case design using UML modeling include development of Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and Use Case Transaction diagrams. +Exp Participated in design and code reviews +Exp Developed User Interface using AJAX in JSP and also performed client-side validation. +Exp Developed JUnit test cases for all the developed modules. Used SVN as version control. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts, EJB JNDI, DB2, HTML, XML, DOM, SAX, ANT, AJAX, Rational Rose, Eclipse, SOAP, Apache Tomcat, Oracle 10g, LOG4J, SVN. +Exp Client: Zealous Web Technology, Gujarat, India Jul 2008 – Oct 2009 +Exp Role: Software Developer +Exp Description: The goal of this project was to develop an online system to facilitate the tracking of various projects and related resources. The system implemented various user levels for the security purposes. Development was mainly done using Servlet for Back-End and JSP for Front-End. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in understanding and analyzing the requirements of the project. +Exp Implemented server side programs by using Servlets, EJB and JSP. +Exp Designed, developed and User Interface using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX and CSS. +Exp Used JavaScript to perform Client Side Validation. +Exp Implemented using the MVC design pattern. +Exp Responsible for designing, coding and developed the application in J2EE using Struts MVC. 4 +Exp Developed Controller Servlets, Action and Action Form objects for process of interacting with MySQL database using Struts. +Exp Developed SQL Queries to interact with the MY SQL Database and used JDBC to interact with the Database. +Exp Involved in Unit testing for various components. +Exp Used Log4J for any logging purposes during the development of the application. +Exp Used Apache Tomcat Server to deploy the build. +Exp Used Clear Case as repository to control versioning of projects +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, EJB, Servlets, HTML, JavaScript, Struts, MVC, JDBC, MYSQL, Unit Testing, My Eclipse IDE, UNIX, Log4j, Tomcat Application Server. +PI SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER PROFESSIONAL +PI US CITIZEN +PI (248) 412-1658 +PI 20 YEARS OF USA EXPERIENCE +PI MAIL ME ALL PROJECT / PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OR DELIVERY MANAGEMENT REQS ONLY AT +PI jagansrconsult@gmail.com +Exp THEN CALL ME +Exp I AM FROM CHICAGO BUT CURRENTLY NOT IN CHICAGO. I AM AVAILABLE FOR TELEPHONIC OR SKYPE INTERVIEW FOR ANY LOCATIONS BUT DO NOT CALL ME FOR F2F POSITIONS +Exp NOTE- CALL ME FOR PROJECT / PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OR DELIVERY MANAGEMENT POSITIONS ONLY AND FOR A GOOD RATE. +Exp OPEN FOR ANY LOCATION IN THE USA.BE SURE TO MAIL REQS AT jagansrconsult@gmail.com +Exp 1ST THEN CALL ME FOR SURE +Exp PORTFOLIO / ACCOUNTMANAGEMENT | ITIL | PROCESS MANAGEMENT +Exp Delivered large and complex programs/projects in J2EE, ETL, CICS, HTML5, CSS, COBOL etc., in the business domains of Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing, Health care etc., +Exp Analytical, decisive thinker and natural leader with a deep insight into technical, business and operations and the ability to meet strategic business objectives utilizing innovative technical solutions that integrate people, processes, and technology including migration +Exp Ability to excel in a fast paced, high pressure environment and gain the trust and cooperation of staff, negotiate cost effective solutions and grow revenue thru strong client relationship +Exp Special Accomplishments: +Exp Saved 40% of licensing fees and reduced purchase of new hardware at TIAA-CREF by 70% by decommission of hardware after conversion +Exp Conceptualized and implemented the Upgrade factory model for GM within the organization to upgrade Sun OS and Oracle, which would save $4 Million per year +Exp Key Skills +Exp Career Timeline +Exp Verticals Experience +Exp Banking, Information Technology Services / Consulting, Insurance, Manufacturing, Automotive, Healthcare +Exp Work Experience +Exp Jul 2014 to Current : Ceragence, Philadelphia, PA – +Exp PROJECT /PROGRAM / DELIVERY MANAGER PROFESSIONAL +Exp Joined the Program in Independence Blue Cross to successfully manage and execute many web (n-tier) and mobile projects +Exp Provided program leadership and oversight for planning and prioritization of all activities +Exp Develop, implement best practices in areas like project Management (Agile Methodology), Risk Management, Change Management, document retention and post-implementation review +Exp Manage any internal and external relationship to ensure positive outcomes +Exp Establish schedules and priorities, status reporting, metrics, resource tracking, SOX compliance, unit progress, issue tracking +Exp Develop, monitor and review program budgets, verify expenditure (actual) vis-à-vis budgeted, explain variances +Exp Coordination with Production Support (Operations), Change and Release Management groups +Exp Aug 2012 to May 2014: Bloom Tech, Detroit Metro, MI – +Exp PROJECT /PROGRAM / DELIVERY MANAGER PROFESSIONAL Bloom Tech was started, with the vision to become an industry leading IT solutions provider sought after by clients and admired by competitors. +Exp Provided solutions in PMO, ITIL to clients of “Spider soft” and “Gravity solutions” of more than 70 resources +Exp SME to set up PMO to one of the clients of “Gravity Solutions” in Nashville, TN. +Exp Executed PMO operations and trained the resources to follow the repeatable, consistent process and procedures +Exp SME to implement and to train the resources in ITIL operation process, ITIL Service Design Process, ITIL Transition Process to one of the clients of “Spider Soft” in Detroit, MI +Exp Nov 2011 to Jul 2012: Pride Technologies, Charlotte, NC – +Exp PROJECT /PROGRAM / DELIVERY MANAGER PROFESSIONAL +Exp Joined the program in TIAA-CREF to successfully execute the enterprise wide conversion of ETL tool from Informatica to DataStage which spanned over 26 applications and 12 departments +Exp Providedprogram leadership and oversight for planning, and prioritization ofall activities,for executing the enterprise wide conversion. Maintained team synergy and conducted performance management for 75 employees including contractors and offshore team members +Exp Managed, as part of PMO, enterprise wide ETL conversion from Informatica to DataStage +Exp Extensive experience with infrastructure resources within the client, their customers, and hosted service providers +Exp Helped to reduce cost of contract by 10% by tactful development of SOW and negotiation with vendors +Exp Instrumental in development of budgets +Exp Mar 2010 to Jul 2011: Syntel Inc., Louisville, KY - Engagement +Exp PROJECT /PROGRAM / DELIVERY MANAGER PROFESSIONAL Recruited to execute the outsourcing of Enterprise wide Maintenance and Support (MnS) in Humana Healthcare in onsite-offshore model and also to establish process and procedure in sustenance mode +Exp Directed day-to-day operations of MnS. Worked with Client Management to establish the need for solution and process improvements +Exp Defined outsourcing MnS SOW with client worth $14 Million in 3 year +Exp The MnS model reduced the cost of existing maintenance by 20% +Exp The model provided corrective, adaptive, preventative and perfective maintenance including 24x7 supports for applications. +Exp Established and executed processes and proceduresaligning with client’s need. +Exp Defined and implemented the Vendor Management work flow process for the client +Exp Jan 2005 to Feb 2010: Compuware, Detroit, MI - Project Manager +Exp Recruited to manage multiple projects and programs with their long list of clientele in Detroit Metro and around USA. +Exp Provided leadership to GM, Chrysler, Comerica Bank(Continuous interface) to ensure thorough understanding, response of their varied / dynamic expectations and needs. +Exp Performed a comprehensive audit in Chrysler evaluate the existing processes and team members to identify, restructure and eliminate inefficient processes and performers; This brought to fruition a highly engaged, productive and cohesive group of professionals dedicated to professional excellence. +Exp Directed the vendor selection, planning, development (Scrum methodology), and implementation of a new packaged solution with interfaces, conversion and migration of data. +Exp Coordinated with hardware vendor for the hardware installations +Exp Migration planning and scheduling among Development, Analyst, QA, users and Production groups (Client). +Exp Directed a financial company GMAC (now Ally Financial) to implement ITIL Service support and training +Exp Early Career +Exp Mar 2003 to Dec 2004: Citibank, New York, NY – Sr. Project Manager +Exp Aug 1998 to Feb 2003: Covansys Inc., Farmington Hills, MI - Sr. Project Manager +Exp Mar 1996 to May 1998: Al BankAl Saudi Al Fransi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Project Manager +Exp May 1994 to Jan 1996: Cognizant, Chennai, India – Project Manager +Skill Software Tools +Skill MS Office, MS Project, MS Visio, CA-Clarity, MS SharePoint, Peregrine, Remedy, DB2, Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL, COBOL, SAP FICO, ETL tools, JIRA +Skill Software Concepts / Framework +Skill Big Data, Hadoop, MapReduce, Cloud Computing, ITIL, PMI, Agile, Waterfall, Scrum +PI Values +PI Energizing, Team work, Committed, Passionate, Accountable, Resourceful, Integrity +Edu Education +Edu Master of Science in Information Resource Management, MS Central Michigan University, Detroit Metro Center, MI, USA - 2005 +Edu Master of Science in Physics, MSUniversity of Madras, Tamil Nadu, India - 1982 +Edu Bachelor of Science in Physics, BSUniversity of Madras, Tamil Nadu, India - 1980 +PI Resume +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Having 10 years of experience in the development of web applications using JAVA/J2EE technologies. +Sum Experience in developing the Spring based applications using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, Spring Rest and Spring Security. +Sum Experience in developing the applications with Data access technologies like JPA, Hibernate and JDBC. +Sum Experience in developing the Message Oriented Middleware applications using JMS, AMQP, ActiveMQ and Apache Kafka. +Sum Experience in developing SOAP Web Services using JAX-WS, Spring and Apache CXF. +Sum Experience in developing Restful Web Services using JAX-RS, Spring, Jersey and Apache CXF. +Sum Experience in providing the security to SOAP web services using WS-Security. +Sum Experience in providing the security to Restful web services using oAuthorization. +Sum Experience in Cloud Computing using Docker, AWS EC2, Apache Mesos, Marathon, Kubernetes and Zookeeper. +Sum Experience in Cloud Computing using Pivotal Cloud Foundry. +Sum Experience in Splunk Development and Administration. +Sum Experience in developing the applications using various design patterns. +Sum Expertise in database programming (SQL, PL/SQL) with Oracle and MySQL. +Sum Expertise with NoSQL technologies like Cassandra, MongoDB and Elastic Search. +Sum Experience in developing SOA applications using Mule ESB. +Sum Experience in Integration Technologies such as Spring Integration and Apache Camel. +Sum Extensively used Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA as IDE for application development and support. +Sum Extensively used Maven, Gradle and ANT as build script for application build and deployment. +Sum Extensively used Junit, Mockito, Power Mock and TestNG for unit testing. +Sum Worked with SVN, Git, Github, Source Tree, Stash, and Bit Bucket for version control. +Sum Experience with CI/CD technologies such as Maven, Gradle, SVN, Git and Jenkins. +Sum Experience with Agile, Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development. +Edu Educational Qualification: +Edu Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University, India. +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Languages : Java +Skill Spring Framework : Spring Boot, Cloud, Data, Restful Service, Security, Integration +Skill ORM Technologies : JPA, Hibernate +Skill Web Services : SOAP, Restful Service +Skill Database Technologies : Oracle, MySQL +Skill Messaging Systems : JMS, AMQP, ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka +Skill Cloud Technologies : AWS, PCF, Docker, Mesos, Marathon, Kubernetes, Zookeeper +Skill Caching Technologies : Gemfire, Redis +Skill NoSQL : Cassandra, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Splunk +Skill Routing Technologies : Camel, Mule ESB +Skill IDE : Eclipse, IntelliJ +Skill Testing Technologies : JUnit, Mockito, Power Mock, TestNG, Cucumber - JVM +Skill Version Control : SVN, Git, Source Tree, Stash, Bit Bucket, Jenkins +Skill Design Methodologies : UML, OOAD, Design Patterns +Skill Development Methodologies : Agile, CI/CD, TDD, BDD +Skill Scripting Technologies : Shell Script, Python +QC Certifications: +QC Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE6 Programmer +QC Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE5 Web Component Developer +QC Pivotal Certified Cloud Foundry Developer. +QC Professional Experience: +QC Project Title: Air Operations +Exp Client: FedEx +Exp Role: Micorservices Developer +Exp Duration: April 2017 – Till Date. +Exp Project Description: +Exp This project is FedEx Air Operations project. The main aim of the project is to provide the services such as enhancing navigation system, real time traffic updates, weather updates, weather alerts and integration with monitoring dashboard and smart phones. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Develop the web applications using Spring Boot. +Exp Develop the Micro Services using Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Restful Services, Spring Security, and Spring Cloud. +Exp Provide the security to Micro Services using Spring Security. +Exp Develop the Data access layer using Spring JPA repositories. +Exp Build Micro Services for various business layers. +Exp Involved in DB design, SQL and PL/SQL programming. +Exp Develop the Unit test cases with Junit, Mockito, Power Mock and TestNG. +Exp Involved in installation and configuration of Kafka and its ecosystem of components Zookeeper. +Exp Involved in creating the Kaka cluster setup. +Exp Develop the Kafka producer and consumer to produce and consume the data from Kafka topics. +Exp Load the real time data into Cassandra database with Spark Streaming. +Exp Dockerizing applications into containers for development and testing. +Exp Involved in deploying the applications in Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment. +Exp Setup the environment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry to deploy the Micro Services. +Exp Configure the pipeline jobs in Jenkins. +Exp Environment: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Rest, Spring Cloud, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, AWS, Splunk, Maven, Git, IntelliJ, SQL Developer, Oracle, Cassandra, Zookeeper, Kafka, Jenkins, Junit, Mockito, Cucumber-JVM, JIRA, Unix, Agile. +Exp Project Title: Deal Works +Exp Client: JPMC +Exp Role: Micorservices Developer +Exp Duration: May 2016 – Mar 2017. +Exp Project Description: +Exp This is one of the major projects of JP Morgan Chase Investment Banking portfolio. This is one of the most revenue generation projects of JP Morgan Chase. This helps JP Morgan to process the deal management life cycle. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Develop the web applications using Spring Boot. +Exp Develop the Micro Services using Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Restful Services, Spring Security, and Spring Cloud. +Exp Provide the security to Micro Services using Spring Security. +Exp Develop the Data access layer using Spring JPA repositories. +Exp Build Micro Services for various business layers. +Exp Involved in DB design, SQL and PL/SQL programming. +Exp Develop the Unit test cases with Junit, Mockito, Power Mock and TestNG. +Exp Involved in installation and configuration of Kafka and its ecosystem of components Zookeeper. +Exp Involved in creating the Kaka cluster setup. +Exp Develop the Kafka producer and consumer to produce and consume the data from Kafka topics. +Exp Load the real time data into Cassandra database with Spark Streaming. +Exp Dockerizing applications into containers for development and testing. +Exp Involved in deploying the applications in Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment. +Exp Setup the environment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry to deploy the Micro Services. +Exp Configure the pipeline jobs in Jenkins. +Exp Environment: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Rest, Spring Cloud, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, AWS, Splunk, Maven, Git, Source Tree, IntelliJ, SQL Developer, Oracle, Cassandra, Zookeeper, Kafka, Jenkins, Junit, Mockito, Cucumber-JVM, JIRA, Confluence, Bit Bucket, Documentum, Unix, Agile. +Exp Project Title: Statement Redesign +Exp Client: Capital One +Exp Role: Senior Java Developer +Exp Duration: Mar 2015 – May 2016. +Exp Project Description: This is a credit card statement redesign project. The main aim of this project was simplify the design of the statement to easily understand the balances, due date, amount due and payment cutoff details. To clearly organize the transactions, interest and fees details. To clearly organize the reward balances. To clearly tell the important notifications. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, and develop the applications. +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Involved in the gathering different kinds of data from the different systems. +Exp Developed the DAO layer using Spring and Hibernate. +Exp Worked on the Documentum database to manipulate the data. +Exp Developed the CI/CD environment to build and deploy the applications. +Exp Developed the TDD/BDD environment to test the applications. +Exp Involved in the Deployment process of the applications to AWS Cloud. +Exp Worked on Agile model. +Exp Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Git, Source Tree, IntelliJ, SQL Developer, Oracle, Jenkins, Docker, AWS, Mesos, Junit, Mockito, Cucumber-JVM, JIRA, Confluence, Bit Bucket, Documentum, Unix, Agile. +Exp Project Title: ATLAS +Exp Client: Discover Financial Services +Exp Role: Senior Java Developer +Exp Duration: Jan 2014 – Mar 2015. +Exp Project Description: Discover Financial Services is an American financial services company, which issues the Discover Card and operates the Discover and Pulse networks. Discover Card is the third largest credit card brand in the United States, when measured by cards in force, with nearly 50 million cardholders. As now they had good name in the Cards domain the Company has started to move on in Account Origination process, this application helps the organization agents to handle the customer banking process such as Deposits, Withdrawal, Term change etc. but also provides the very feasible way for the organization to handle with the customer’s account opening process. This application helps agent to gather all the information related to customer /all accounts the customer have that can be any of the accounts i.e. savings, money market, IRA etc. whenever the customer calls in. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Developed xml schemas and WSDL documents by understanding the business requirements. +Exp Developed the application as SOAP based web service using JAX-WS. +Exp Developed the application as a Restful web service using spring framework. +Exp Provided the security to Restful web services using OAuth Spring security authentication. +Exp Involved in providing the security to SOAP Web Service using trusted certificates. +Exp Developed the DAO layer using Spring DAO & ORM module. +Exp Wrote the SQL queries, functions, stored procedures for data access. +Exp Used Data models, spring, hibernate-config.xml, hibernate mapping files & HQL for building the persistence layer. +Exp Used Spring IOC design pattern to build the services layer. +Exp Developed the concurrent and multi-threaded applications to process high volume of data. +Exp Used Maven build scripts for application build and deployment in Websphere application server. +Exp Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) and responsible for planning and estimation of development effort for various modules. +Exp Integrate the applications using Apache Camel. +Exp Developed JMS based module for message processing. +Exp Developed the Test driven environment using Junit and Mockito. +Exp Handle the Release Process and provide implementation support. +Exp Participate in Code, Analysis, and Test Plan Reviews +Exp Involved in preparing test cases for System Testing and User Acceptance Testing +Exp Actively involved in production support, fixing the problem and provide appropriate documentation describing the root cause of the problem, actions taken to rectify etc. +Exp Involved in fixing the SIT and UAT issues. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, XML, Web Services-SOAP & Restful, Apache Camel, Apache CFX, JMS, Spring, RAD, Websphere, Hibernate, Oracle, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Log4J, SVN, UNIX. +Exp Project Title: Customer Account Services (eCAS) +Exp Client: Standard Chartered +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: April 2012 – Dec 2013 +Exp Project Description: E-CAS reporting application is new end to end reporting solution for eCAS (Client Account Services). Currently Info Manager (SCB reporting engine) is used for scheduling, generation and delivery of reports to external mail service application called MDIS. As part of this project, an eCAS report has been moved out from S2B generic reporting engine to a dedicated reporting framework for eCAS. This will be developed using Java, Jasper reporting engine and Oracle technologies. +Exp Following are the high level functionalities delivered by this application:- +Exp Data Loading – This includes receiving feeds from back offices (EBBS/HOGAN) and loads data into the database which included feed from CBS and IM (AD-HOC). +Exp Report Generation – This includes scheduling and generating Pre-Canned and Adhoc Reports. +Exp Report Delivery – This includes delivering the reports to the customers through various channels like Email (MDIS), H2H, S2B, IDC, and S2B Message Center. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design and Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology. +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Designed and developed the customized framework for Data Loading, Report generation and Report Delivery using java concurrency. +Exp Involved in loading the data into database using GREC and XML files. +Exp Implemented the DAO layer using Spring Dao module with Oracle Database to handle the data access layer. +Exp Involved in creating the different types of JRXML files to generate different kinds of reports. +Exp Developed the framework to generate different kinds of reports using Jasper engine. +Exp Developed the report scheduler to schedule and deliver the reports. +Exp Implemented the Message Driven Beans to process the messages asynchronously. +Exp Developed the message driven environment using JMS, IBM RAD and IBM MQ Series. +Exp Developed the test driven environment using JUnit. +Exp Developed stored procedures and Functions and Triggers. +Exp Used Log4J for logging and SVN for version management +Exp Handle the Release Process and provide implementation support +Exp Participate in Code, Analysis, and Test Plan Reviews +Exp Involved in preparing test cases for System Testing and User Acceptance Testing +Exp Actively involved in production support, fixing the problem and provide appropriate documentation describing the root cause of the problem, actions taken to rectify etc. +Exp Environment: JAVA, spring, iBatis, XML, Web Services, Jasper reports, JUnit, Oracle, RAD, Web Sphere, ANT, Log4J, SVN, UNIX, JMS, IBM MQ Series. +Exp Project Title: Financial International Services (FINS) +Exp Client: American Express +Exp Role: Senior Java Developer +Exp Duration: Aug 2010 – Mar 2012 +Exp Project Description: American Express Company is an American multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Three World Financial Center, Manhattan, New York City, New York, and United States. The company is best known for its credit card, charge card, and traveler’s cheque businesses. American Express is providing the financial services in many countries. It has the Credit Card markets in many countries. Amex providing the credit cards as individual cards, small business cards and corporate cards. For every card member it enables the online E-Statement application. By login into that E-Statement site, card member can see the credit and cash limits. He can view the total outstanding and current billed outstanding. He can view the Data Billing cycles, Unbilled and Billed balances and transactions. He can view and download the statements up to 12 billed cycles. He can pay the payments. He can view the reward point summary. He can view the loan details. He can view the merchant and category summaries details and graphs. He can register and de-register the auto debit functionality and etc. +Exp In this E-Statement application this is one of the projects. The main aim of this project is provide the financial service to front end applications like E-Statement Web, PDF Web and etc. Earlier this service is as Statement Service which was developed in normal java code. After this we migrated this project using our own workflow, spring, hibernate, JAX-WS, JUnit and etc. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Implemented the customized workflow framework using threads concept to execute spring beans sequentially, parallel and parallel for each manner. +Exp Involved in creating the xml schemas and WSDL documents by understanding the business requirements. +Exp Developed the application as a web service component using JAX-WS. +Exp Involved in providing the security to Web Service using trusted certificates. +Exp Implemented the DAO layer using Spring DAO module. +Exp Implemented the customized exception handling framework using spring. +Exp Developed the build process using Maven. +Exp Involved in maven build and deployed the applications in Web Sphere. +Exp Developed the stored procedures and functions to process the data from Mainframe Systems. +Exp Implemented the JMeter scripts for Performance Testing. +Exp Developed the Unit, End-to-end and Integration test cases using JUnit. +Exp Involved in fixing the SIT and UAT issues. +Exp Participate in Code, Analysis, and Test Plan Reviews +Exp Involved in CMR and IMR process. +Exp Environment: JAVA, spring, Hibernate, XML, XSLT, Web Services, JAX-WS, JUnit, DB2, RAD, IBM Web Sphere, JMS, IBM MQ Series, Maven, Log4J, SVN, JMeter, UNIX. +Exp Project Title: Car Rental +Exp Client: MakeMyTrip +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: Oct 2008 – July 2010 +Exp Project Description: MakeMyTrip Limited is an Indian online travel agency that holds a major market share, with one-out-of-every-twelve domestic flights in India booked using its services.MakeMyTrip.com offers its customers a variety of travel services and products, with international and domestic airline tickets, Indian Railways tickets, domestic bus tickets, international and domestic hotel reservations, car rentals, international and domestic holiday packages, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferencing, Exhibitions), visa services, B2B services, and more. MakeMyTrip.com today has offices in 20 cities across India and 2 international offices in New York and San Francisco, in addition to several franchise locations. +Exp MakeMyTrip’s Cab Booking service gives the opportunity to book cabs online for local and outstation usage at cheap rates. Get best deals on car rental service, online cab booking and car hire for all Indian Cities. Take full advantage of MakeMyTrip’s car rental service by making a quick and convenient online booking. MakeMyTrip has a full array of cars to choose from-deluxe, luxury, or budget; take your pick and book cabs in any Indian city to enjoy a tour of the ‘City of Joy’. +Exp MakeMyTrip’s Car Booking Service providing the easiest way of instant car booking by enter your requirements and search cabs. After that select the cab that suites you best and enter your details and make the secured payment with any one of credit card, debit card, cash cards and net banking. After successful payment you can receive instant confirmation. It is providing 24*7 customer support. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Development of JSP Pages using Jakarta Struts 1.1 and Tag libraries. +Exp Developed Action Forms, Action Classes and modified Struts-config.xml for individual Action mappings to build the controller. +Exp Used Struts tiles libraries for layout of Web page, Struts validation using Validation.xml and validation-rules.xml for validation of user Inputs and Exception Handling using Struts Exceptional Handler. +Exp Deployed and tested JSPs, Servlets and Struts in Websphere server. +Exp Prepared Ant build scripts deployments, integration and configuration management of the entire application modules. +Exp Used Log4J for logging and performed Junit tests. +Exp Identification of the relevant test cases and performing the system testing. +Exp Used Java scripts for frond end Validation. +Exp Development of the standards and guidelines for development of JSP’S for other modules. +Exp Review and Random quality checks for other modules and maintenance of defect log. +Exp Unit and End-to-End testing of the java server pages in co-ordination with the server side team. +Exp Bug fixing and updating on new requirement from onsite team. +Exp Used Log4J for logging and SVN for version management +Exp Worked with business analyst to understand the requirement. +Exp Handle the Release Process and provide implementation support +Exp Participate in Code, Analysis, and Test Plan Reviews +Exp Involved in preparing test cases for System Testing and User Acceptance Testing +Exp Actively involved in production support, fixing the problem and provide appropriate documentation describing the root cause of the problem, actions taken to rectify etc. +Exp Environment: Java, Java Script, HTML, Struts1.2, JDBC, JSP, Oracle, J2EE, Maven, Log4j, Junit, RAD, Tomcat, SVN. +Exp Project Title: MyClassBoard +Exp Client: MyClassBoard +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: Jan 2007 – Sep 2008 +Exp Project Description: MyClassBoard is an ERP tool which helps institutions automates the entire process of running their operations. It offers an interactive, real-time medium to execute the functions of the institution. Be it a small school, college with thousands of students, university or a group of institutions located in multiple cities, MyClassBoard gives you the capability of conveniently managing all operations. It integrates all the processes, departments, and functions of an institution by consolidating information on a central server, making the functioning more organized and streamlined, thus ensuring an increase in efficiency due to enhanced productivity. MyClassBoard gives the communications suite incorporates web-based tools as well as SMS allowing you to communicate easily with your stakeholders in the fastest way possible. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design and Develop and Implement the application using J2EE technology. +Exp Translated business requirements into detailed design. +Exp Developed Action Forms, Action Classes and modified Struts-config.xml for individual Action mappings to build the controller. +Exp Used Struts tiles libraries for layout of Web page, Struts validation using Validation.xml and validation-rules.xml for validation of user Inputs and Exception +Exp Used Singleton and DAO design pattern in the application design and implemented the Service and Data Layer. +Exp Implemented the DAO classed using Hibernate with Oracle Database to handle the data layer. +Exp Implemented test driven environment using JUnit. +Exp Used Java scripts for frond end Validation. +Exp Prepared Ant build scripts deployments, integration and configuration management of the entire application modules. +Exp Used Log4J for logging and performed Junit tests. +Exp Developed stored procedures, functions and triggers w.r.t Oracle database. +Exp Participate in Code, Analysis, and Test Plan Reviews +Exp Involved in preparing test cases for System Testing and User Acceptance Testing +Exp Actively involved in production support, fixing the problem and provide appropriate documentation describing the root cause of the problem, actions taken to rectify etc. +Exp Environment: Java, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle, Tomcat, Eclipse, Ant, JUnit, Log4J, Web services, SVN. +PI Jayadattaperi N +PI 469-629-8109 +Exp Looking for Contract (C2C or C2H) roles only +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Around 8 years of progressively responsible experience in development, testing, documentation & production support applications using Internet, Web and Client Server Technologies in N-Tier J2EE Architecture. +Sum Experience in Test Driven Development (TDD), Waterfall model and Agile methodologies like SCRUM. +Sum Expertise through all parts of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in developing web applications using JAVA, J2EE, EJB, Web services, SOA, SOAP, RESTful etc. +Sum Extensive hands-on experience with core expertise in design, development, and deployment of N-Tier enterprise applications for the J2EE platform using Core Java, Servlets, Struts, Spring, EJB, JSP, Web services, JPA, JNDI, JMS, JAXP, JUnit, JMeter. +Sum Expertise in spring framework, including Spring IoC/core, Spring DAO support, Spring ORM, Spring micro services, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring Cache, and Spring Integration, and Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, Spring Netflix, Spring Zulu. +Sum Experience of working on GIT and SVN. +Sum Experience in Selenium Web Driver automation tool with TestNG framework using Java. +Sum Hands on experience in Front-End technologies like Angular Js 1.4.7, Bootstrap 3.1, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, JQuery, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Tag Libraries, Custom Tags, Ajax and Node JS and ExtJS. +Sum Expertise in designing, developing and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including Servlets, JSP, EJB 2.x/3.x, JSTL, Struts, Spring 3.5, JMS, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Java Beans Hibernate and Web Services. +Sum Experience in XML related technologies like XML, DTD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, JAXB, JAXP, SAX and DOM. +Sum Extensive knowledge and working experience of web development technologies such as JavaScript, JQuery UI, AngularJS, Angular2.0, HTML5, CSS3, SASS and Bootstrap. +Sum Extensive experience in building rich user friendly, high performance web applications using HTML5/4, CSS3/2, SASS, and JQuery and implementing cross-browser style-sheets +Sum Installed and configured the Web Server and Database Server in Linux Platform. +Sum Extensively worked to build Model-View-Controller (MVC) and multi-tier client/server architecture using design patterns like DAO, DTO (Data Transfer object), Singleton and Session Façade. +Sum Experience in using various Amazon Web Services (AWS) Components like EC2 for virtual servers, S3. +Sum Created and supported numerous Java Swing and Servlet based applications using Eclipse. +Sum Worked on deploying the latest builds in standalone as well as set up the JBoss cluster nodes to deploy builds using JBOSS Deployment Manager. +Sum Application development experience using Serialization, Externalization, Collection, Generics, Core JAVA, Applets and Swing. +Sum Developed REST API test automation, utilizing REST Assured for Java and the TestNG Framework. +Sum Experience in building Microservices and implementing Spring Cloud- Netflix OSS Stack and Hystrix Circuit Breaker. +Sum Authored the application using Spring Cloud and worked on Microservices Architecture using NETFLIX OSS configurations like Hystrix. +Sum Expertise in the Apache Camel Integration Framework, in conjunction with Apache CXF and ActiveMQ. Experienced in working with Spring Integration.EJB Session Beans were used to process request from user interface using OSS. +Sum Performed necessary day-to-day SVN/GIT support for different projects. +Sum Developed Selenium Automation framework using Java, Java Script executor and Selenium Web Driver. +Sum Knowledge on all the AWS components like VPC, EC2, ELB, Auto Scaling, launch Configurations, S3, Glacier, Lifecycle rules for storage, Route 53, Cloud watch, Cloud Trial, RedShift, Volume and Snapshot management, SNS, IAM and Roles. +Sum Good working knowledge of NoSQL Database, MongoDB. +Sum Worked on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) such as Apache Axis web services, uses SOAP, WSDL. Exposure to JAXB & JAX-WS & JAX-RS. +Sum Managed GIT, Jenkins. Designed and automated build & release process. +Sum Experience in writing SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, views with the major databases like Oracle 9i to 11g, SQL, PL/SQL and MS Access. +Sum Experiences in Data Modeling, Dimensional Modeling of large databases. +Sum Good experience in Information Technology field as a SQL server developer with strong expertise in SQL server development, designing Stored Procedures/Transact SQL coding. +Sum Hands on Experience in Installing, Configuring, Managing, Monitoring and Troubleshooting SQL server […] +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Programming Languages: Java8/J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl, UML, XML, XSL, XSLT, JQuery +Skill J2EE Standards: JDBC, JNDI, Java Mail, JTA +Skill Web Technologies: JSP, Servlet, JAX-WS, AXIS, REST (JAX-RS), SOA, SOAP, JMS, Bootstrap, EJB, Angular-JS, RMI, IBM MQ Series +Skill Databases: Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, SQL-Server-2008, Mongo-DB, Hadoop +Skill IDE's: Eclipse, Intellij, Sublime, RAD, WSAD +Skill Web/App Servers: WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic, JBoss, Apache Tomcat +Skill Frameworks: Struts, Node-JS, Spring, JSF, Hibernate, Apache Camel +Skill Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, Solaris, Red Hat, AIX +Skill Version Control Tools: CVS, SVN, Git, ClearCase +Skill Tools/Utilities: Log4j, Ant, JUnit, Caliber, Maven, Gradle 2.1, Jenkins, SOAP UI +Skill Methodologies: Agile (Scrum, TDD), Waterfall +Skill Integration: Apache Camel, JBoss Fuse 6.2, Active MQ, Apache ATOM, WESB +Skill Client: Hanger Inc., Austin, TX Jan’ 2016 – Till Date +Skill Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +Skill Responsibilities +Skill Actively involved in Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing. Successfully followed agile methodology in the Scrum Cycle model. +Skill Designed and developed Microservices using REST framework and Spring Boot and used Bootstrap along with AngularJS in creating the Application. +Exp Used NodeJS for doing non-blocking design operation for server-side code and Angular.js framework in developing various UI components. +Exp Developed the responsive UI web pages using XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS 2, JavaScript, node JS and has worked with Angular JS filters in expressions and directives to filter data in the UI. +Exp Designed and coded application components in an Agile environment utilizing a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach. +Exp Extensively used MVC, Factory, Delegate and Singleton design patterns. +Exp Used Spring framework including Spring core/IoC, Spring Web, Spring Security and implement the authentication, authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security. +Exp Used Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) for injecting the beans and reduced the coupling between the classes and implemented the Model View Controller using Spring MVC. +Exp Implemented the application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring Security. +Exp Provide expert technical leadership to customers and partners regarding all aspects of Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF). +Exp Developed single page applications using Angular 2, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. +Exp Deployed EARs, WARs and configured application specific JVM settings, Web container parameters using the Admin Console and WebSphere admin scripts. +Exp Accomplished Work Load Management by creating Clusters. +Exp Involved in designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and React.JS. +Exp Using the ReactJS, Flux for SPA development. +Exp Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js. +Exp Implemented various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library. +Exp Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application +Exp Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept. +Exp Project migration into cloud environment using AWS, Docker container. +Exp Application and developed cross browser and multi browser compatible web pages using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. +Exp Implemented code according to create AngularJS Controller, which isolate scopes perform operations. +Exp Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 2. +Exp Implemented REST based web services using JAX-RS annotations, Jersey provider and consumed using HTTP services from angular JS modules. +Exp Responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. +Exp Used Spring framework to provide loose coupling between different application modules. +Exp Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database of MongoDB. +Exp Develop a data integration application using Apache Camel leveraging Apache CXF and messaging middleware like ActiveMQ. Agile methodology used. +Exp Used Microservices to communicate using synchronous protocols HTTP and REST for implementing SOA. +Exp Environment: J2EE, Java 1.8, Spring framework, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JSP, AWS, AJAX, SOA, TDD, Web Services, SQL Server, Microservices, XML, Ext JS, NodeJS, AngularJS, Angular2.0, Typescript, JQuery, JavaScript, IBM RAD 9.1, WebSphere 8.5, Agile Methodology, Design Patterns, PCF, Clear Case, Apache Maven, Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, JUnit, Html, Unit, XSLT, HTML/DHTML, JENKINS, Spark, Kafka. +Exp Client: Exelon Corp, Houston, TX Jun’ 2014 – Dec’ 15 +Exp Role: Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for gathering and understanding the system requirements by interacting with clients. +Exp Generated the Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams extensively for all the process flows using RAD, MS VISIO. +Exp Designed and developed GUI screens for user interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, XSLT, AJAX, XML, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and DHTML. +Exp Developed a HTTPS server and implemented features to serve different file types(TLS) +Exp Extensively involved in coding with Core Java concepts like Collections, Exception Handling, Multithreading, Java I/O, and Generics to implement some business logic. +Exp Used Core, Context, and Security, Bean modules of Spring Framework. +Exp Implemented MVC, Singleton, Factory, DAO, Value Object, session, Facade, Data Access Object, Business Object paradigm. +Exp Handling orchestration service and rule engine which is implemented in NodeJS. +Exp Used JQuery framework for creating front end applications and for Client Side validations. +Exp Used iBatis for designing, developing and maintain the data layer. +Exp Created Stored Procedures, SQL Statements and triggers for the effective retrieval and storage of data into database. +Exp Application developed on Agile methodologies scrum and iterative method process. +Exp Used Apache Log4J logging API to log errors and messages. +Exp Created JUnit test suite to automate the testing of the business logic. +Exp Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application. +Exp Used ReactJS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept. +Exp Building stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages. +Exp Developed the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Dragabble. +Exp Used React-Autocomplete for creating Google maps location search on the webpage. +Exp Involved in 24x7 support, Maintenance and enhancement of the application. +Exp Automate the web application using Selenium-Automation tools. +Exp JPA and Spring Rest to provide a Restful Interface based on Spring Boot application +Exp Environment: JDK 1.7, Spring framework, XML, HTML, JSP, AngularJS, Hibernate, iBatis, ANT, JavaScript, VSS, XSLT, CSS, AJAX, JMS, Spring Boot, Hibernate, SOAP, Web Services, AWS, Web Sphere Application Server, Tomcat, Oracle DB, MQ Series, JUnit, UNIX. +Exp Client: Gap Inc., San Francisco, CA Sep’ 2012 – May’ 2014 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Design and implemented the backend layer using Hibernate. +Exp Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing Spring Inversion of Control (IOC) architecture and Hibernate. +Exp Applied design patterns including MVC Pattern, Façade Pattern, Abstract Factory Pattern, DAO Pattern and Singleton. +Exp Made use of content negotiation (XML, JSON, text/plain) using JAXB, GSON, Jackson, and XStream. +Exp Used JQuery for back end table of Customers/Orders - for administrators to inspect and edit. +Exp Extensively used JMX API for management and monitoring solutions. +Exp Involved in developing front end screens using JSP, JSTL, DHTML, HTML, CSS, AJAX and JavaScript. +Exp Configured the Docker Containers and creating Dockers files for different environments. +Exp Analyzed, diagnosed and resolved data delivery and data quality issues, fixed SSIS package and job defects, solved data conflicts and inappropriate usages of data in different environments. +Exp Provided query optimization and performance tuning for T-SQL scripts, SSIS packages and SSRS reports. Analyzed SQL Server execution plans for query performance tuning. Generated indexes or modified SQL executing logic to optimize query performance. +Exp Developed Web services to allow communication between applications through SOAP over HTTP using Apache Axis2. +Exp Implemented Hibernate for data persistence in Workflow screens. Used RAD6, WSAD as IDE for development of the application. Worked with Weblogic, Tomcat as the application servers and JMS as the message Server. +Exp Performed Clear Quest defects, Database change requests logging using Clear Quest. Used Perforce as versioning system. +Exp Developed RESTful services using Jersey, JAX-RS and Restlet to call third party vendors +Exp Developed the automation environment for build, deployment, and configuration of Portlets onto the IBM WebSphere portal server using ANT scripts, XML Access scripts and JACL scripts. +Exp Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated with the EJB 3.0 using annotations. +Exp Which would in turn call the third party partner web services (both RESTful and SOAP). +Exp Configured and built Spring MVC application on Tomcat web server. +Exp Investigate, debug and fixed potential bugs or defects in the implemented code. +Exp Implemented JUnit tests and mandated 90% min. code coverage. +Exp Designed builds which can grow and support builds using Gradle. +Exp Develop named HQL queries and Criteria queries for use in application. +Exp Implemented transaction management for ORM project using Spring Transaction Management API. +Exp Created and built project using Maven. +Exp Created Stored Procedures and other SQL scripts using PL-SQL. +Exp Implemented logging using log4j and Spring AOP. +Exp Implemented various cross-project functionalities using Spring AOP. +Exp Configuring the service on Weblogic/WAS application server for successful deployment +Exp Environment: Solaris, JSP, JSF, Spring, Servlet, Hibernate, JMS, JCA, JMX, XML, CSS, XML Schema, AJAX (JQUERY, AJAX), JSON, JAXP, SAX, DOM, JAXB, Java Portlet Specifications, JAX-RPC, SAAJ, SOAP, Java script, PL/SQL, D/HTML, XHTML, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, Weblogic 8.0, Oracle 9i RDBMS, Mercury Quality Center 9.0, Eclipse 3.2. +Exp Client: Marsh & McLennan Company, NJ Oct’2010 – Aug’ 2012 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for analysis, design, development and integration of UI components with backend using J2EE technologies such as Servlets, Java Beans and JSP. +Exp Using Technologies like SOAP, WSDL and UDDI based Web Services. +Exp Developed Hibernate 3.0 in Data Access Layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Designed the workflow, system architecture, drawing sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, HTML pages, database schema and tables. +Exp Writing JSP's for user interfaces, JSP's uses Java Beans objects to produce responses. +Exp Involved in Tomcat server configuration for deployment. +Exp Used JUnit framework for Unit testing of application. +Exp Used log4j 1.2 to log different types of messages to write on to the proprietary log model. +Exp Use Case, Class, Sequence diagrams and also in complete development, testing and maintenance process of the application +Exp Store persistent JMS messages or temporarily store messages sent using the store-and-forward feature. +Exp Involved in testing the XML files and checked whether data is parsed and loaded to staging tables. +Exp Store persistent JMS messages or temporarily store messages sent using the store-and-forward feature. +Exp Used Hibernate to persist and retrieve data from database. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlet, XML Schema, SOAP, JavaScript, PL/SQL, DHTML, XHTML, Ant 1.6, Log4j, JUnit, Weblogic10.0, Oracle 11g, Wsdl, IBM Rational rose, Maven, Eclipse, XSD. +Exp Client: HDFC - India Nov’2009 – Sep’2010 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Preparing the documentation for High Level design, Low Level design of the application and Process Flow of control for the entire application. +Exp Played key role in the design for the implementation of this application. +Exp Implemented the Consolidated applications front-end pages using JSP, JSTL, and Struts Tag Libraries. +Exp Used JavaScript for client-side validations. Used JUnit for unit testing of the system and Log4J for logging +Exp Implemented validation rules using Struts framework. +Exp Designed the Web application implementing the Struts framework for Model-View -Controller (MVC) pattern to make it extensible and flexible. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping. +Exp Used Hibernate for Database Persistence to perform CRUD operation like insert, update, retrieve. +Exp Used extensive JavaScript for creating the Global templates that can be used across the JSP Pages. +Exp Configured Logger, appender and layout using log4j. +Exp Used Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in entire project development. +Exp Used Ant for building JAR and WAR for the application. +Exp Environment: Servlets, JSP, EJB, Struts, Hibernate, JNDI, HTML, CSS, XML, JUnit, DOM, SAX, ANT, Web logic Server, Oracle9i. +Exp References: Provided upon request +PI Jeck P +Sum Summary: +Sum Around Six years of experience in development of web based applications in various domains by using Java, Python, J2EE technologies such as JSP, Servlet, Java Script, JMS, RMI, JSF, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, XML, JBA, EJB, ANT, SoapUI, WSDL, RESTFul, JDBC, Core Spring, Spring WebFlow, Microsoft .NET technologies and SQL Server. +Sum experience in large-scale SOA/EAI implementations using Java, Spring, Drools Rules Engine, Oracle Fusion Middleware (Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle OSB, Oracle BAM, BPM and Oracle WebLogic). +Sum Expertise in client side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX, JSP, XML. JSF and Swing. +Sum Excellent working experience with JavaScript frameworks - JQuery, AngularJS, ExtJS. +Sum Very good knowledge on Splunk and Tealeaf. +Sum Integrated and implemented SOA solutions with Oracle SOA suite: Oracle ADF, BPM, BPEL, Oracle Service Bus OSB. +Sum Good knowledge and experience of Amazon Web Services(AWS). +Sum Designed, built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling. +Sum Good work experience with BEA Web Logic, IBM Web Sphere, JBoss application servers and having good work experience in RDMBS such as Oracle 11g, 10g, DB2, MySQL and SQL server. +Sum Used to working in various lifecycle strategies like Agile and waterfall. +Sum Used bug/task tracking tools like JIRA, HP Quality Center and IBM RTC. +Sum Experience in designing the automation framework using Python, Corn and Shell scripting. +Sum Experience in working with the Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase, Cassandra to manage extremely large data sets. Experience in managing Hadoop clusters using Cloudera Manager tool. +Sum Good experience in using no SQL databases like MongoDB. Exposure to in Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) and Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) +Sum Configuration and Version control management using CVS, VSS and SVN. +Sum Extensive knowledge and exposure in web based multi-tier and client/server. I have used a wide variety of technologies for building the applications, including HTML/HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, XML, CSS 2/3, AJAX, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery, and AngularJS technology. +Sum Experience in XML, JSON, Web Services using Restful. +Sum Experienced in Application Servers like open source Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Web Logic and WAS. +Sum Working experience of control version tools like SVN, CVS, Clear Case and PVCS. +Sum Experience in Cross browser compatibility testing and intellectual challenges in User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap. +Sum Developed Hive, MapReduce programs for predictive analysis in Hadoop on AWS. +Sum Working knowledge of JSF and Facelets and other Java related technologies like XML Parser, Web Services. +Sum Designed and developed Restful service interface using springboot to the underlying customer event API. +Sum Good experience with front end technologies like JSP, XSLT, Apache Camel, XHTML, JavaScript, Struts tags, EBJ and NetUI tags. +Sum Used build tools like Ant and Maven and error logging with log4j and deploy tools like Jenkins. +Sum Used Java APIs pertaining to JDBC, JAXB as well as ORM tools like Toplink. +Sum Connected to diverse database through application like Oracle, DB2, Sybase through SQL Developer and TOAD. +Sum Generated proper correspondence for Health Benefits such as SNAP, TANF and LiHeap Program +Sum Developed applications in different environments like Tomcat, JEE, WAS 6 and Weblogic 8.1. +Sum Proficient in programming by using the IDE's such My Eclipse, Eclipse, and Net Beans. +Sum Experience in core java technologies including Multi-Threading, Collections and RMI. +Sum Extensively used log4j and Junit and Implemented JSON to read data from the web server and display the information on the web page. +Sum Extensive hands on experience in consuming as well as developing API for SOAP and REST based web services to integrate third party functional modules into the core application. +Sum Proficient in several frameworks like Struts 2.0, Java Server Faces, and Hibernate 3.0/4.0ORM, Spring Framework 3.0, spring MVC with GUI plug-ins like Tiles Framework, validation plug-ins like Validator Framework. +Sum Very good Experienced with Django, a high-level Python Web framework. +Sum Experienced in implementing DAO layer using ORM tools like Hibernate core interfaces, annotations and optimizations. +Sum Designed and developed automate creation of Jenkins software on an Amazon EC2 instance. +Sum Proficient in using XML Suite of Technologies like XML, XSL, XSLT, DTD, XML Schema, SAX and DOM Parsers. +Sum Excellent knowledge on Administration of OCR for AnyDoc- Hyland Software. +Sum Expertise in various Java/J2EE design patterns including Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, MVC, Transfer Object and Singleton in the development of Multi-tier distributed Enterprise Applications. +Sum Strong Knowledge on troubleshooting onBase Configuration issues and Knowledge of Workview design in onBase. +Sum Responsible for Health & Human Services administration of several key federal health care programs in addition to Medicare and Medicaid services. +Sum Extensive experience in using Amazon Web Services like RDS, EC2, Redshift, SQS, SNS, Cloud Watch and S3. +Sum Implemented Xpages web application connection to Mainframe using HostBridge & required Jar files. +Sum Developed Rest service for authentication using SpringBoot with embedded jetty server. +Sum Designed and used Spring kafka, Sprig Hadoop modules for getting user activity from kafka streams and saving this to hdfs and Cassandra. +Sum Worked on Spring Framework 4 and Jersey 2 (JAX-RS Implementation) for developing REST endpoints in the application. +Sum Extensive experience in SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers with databasessuch as Oracle, IBM DB2 and MS SQL Server 2005. +Sum Good Familiar with Taglibs and other directives to provide functionality to the JSP pages. +Sum Experienced in using WSDL, SOAP, ApacheAXIS for WebServices. +Sum Working experience on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS. +Sum Web development experience in developing dynamic websites with emphasis on content management, interactive portals and complex online systems following WCAG and W3C standards ,Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, Java API for XML Web Services, Groovy, JSF 1.2/2.0 JPA, Perl programming. +Sum Extensive knowledge on application development using JAXB, JAXWS, JFS and EJB. +Sum Experience in translating business requirements/functional requirements into HLD and LLD (Design Documents). +Sum Maintained and assisted with Lotus Notes applications to other development platforms. +Sum Strong experience in database technologies Oracle 9i/10g , MySQL, PL/SQL. +Sum Good Experience in AWS(Amazon Web Services) and its features like, EC2, S3, RDS, ELB, EBS, ESB, CloudFront, VPC. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Web Technologies DHTML, JavaScript, JFS 1.1., Ajax, XML, CSS, JSP 2.0/2.1, JSTL, Tag Libraries, Swings +Skill Testing Framework Junit +Skill Application/Web Servers WebLogic 10.3, IBM WebSphere 7.0, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, SOA +Skill Build Tools ANT, Maven +Skill Design Patterns Singleton, DAO, Factory, Façade, Data Objects +Skill IDEs Eclipse, RAD 7.5, NetBeans7, WebLogic Workshop 8.1, Eclipse RCP +Skill Frameworks Struts 2.0, Spring 3.*/4, Log4j, .NET, SpringBoot, onBase 16.0 -Hyland Software,Jersey 2, NoSQL +Skill ORM Hibernate 3.2, Spring Integration +Skill Change Management Tool CVS, Clear Case, VSS +Skill Databases Oracle 11g/10g, DB2 8.1, MS-SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle Service Bus (11g), +Skill Operating Systems Red Hat Linux 9, Unix/ Linux, Windows 2000/NT/XPs +Skill Scripting tools Java Script, Shell Scripting, Python, Perl, JQuery, AJAX +Skill Java/Java EE Technologies, Jdeveloper, Jenkins +Skill Core Java, Servlets 2.5, XML, JSF, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, LDAP, HTML 5, DHTML, XHTML, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, EJB /3.0, EE, REST, SOAP , JMSJava Beans, Splunk, Java Mail & Java Persistence, JSON, AngularJS, NodeJS, Ext JS, TDD, Splunk, Tealeaf +Skill Designing Tools UML 1.4, Microsoft VISIO, Lotus Notes +Skill Big Data Ecosystem HBase, Hadoop MapReduce, Spark +Skill Work Experience: +Skill State Farm, Bloomington, IL Jan 2015 - Present +Skill Sr. Java Developer +Skill Responsibilities : +Exp Developed data formatted web applications and deploy the script using HTML5, XHTML, CSS and Client side scripting using JavaScript. +Exp Used GruntJS, BowerJS, Express from NodeJS. +Exp Responsible for creating the screens with table less design following W3Cstandards. +Exp Developing the scriptes for different modules using Python on Windows and Unix. +Exp Working on DevOps tools like Jira/ Zephyr/ Selenium/ Robot/ Git/Stash/ Ansible/ Jenkins/ Reporting Automation. +Exp Developed a proof of concept for using Cassandra to store and process Dealers history. +Exp Developed an internal web application with Cassandra to perform high read/write operations on Dealers data. +Exp Strong hands on experience of implementing RESTful Web Services using Jersey 2 Framework, RESTful Spring with annotated REST Controller Classes. +Exp Used RAD 7.0 IDE for developing the applications and IBM WebSphereServer 7.0 for deploying various components of application. +Exp Developed MapReduce applications using Hadoop Map-Reduce programming framework for processing. +Exp Designed and developed corporate Intranet and Web applications with Lotus Notes Domino, Xpages, JAVA & Web based Technologies. +Exp Transferred files to remote servers and retrieved using Spring Integration. +Exp Responsible for continuous monitoring and managing Elastic Map Reduce cluster through AWS console. Used amazon redshift for fast queries over SQL. +Exp Designed and implemented kafka data pipelines and used springstream to get user activity and used SparkStreaming kafka connect module to read and import data into Cassandra and files. +Exp Worked on the data store procedures to MySQL database. ETL to SQL Server data warehouse. +Exp Developed RESTful Webservices for CIP using Java, SpringBoot, NoSQL databases like Couchbase. +Exp Developed messaging module using Spring JMS, Apache Camel and ActiveMq. +Exp Worked with core java technologies like Multi-Threading and Synchronization. +Exp Implemented SOA architecture with web services using SoapUI, WSDL and RESTful. +Exp Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing Python, in order to build an interactive web based solution. +Exp Developed the user interface using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSP. +Exp Used Lotus Notes for the database and now we are trying to move the data to DB2 for effective use. +Exp Designed and developed User friendly web based interfaces using JSP, HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, ExtJS and Custom Tags. +Exp Worked on Xpages to allows data from IBM Notes and Relational Databases to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms. +Exp Worked on developing web application on a mobile platform using jQuery mobile, jQuery Google API plugin and ASP.Net MVC. +Exp Experience Developing application using Groovy, Grails, GSP, GORM and Grails Plugins and Grails Rest Services. +Exp Written some Python scripts for migrating data from one table to another. +Exp Responsible for application development and testing of Lotus Notes prototype applications and Performed Struts-Spring integration for achieving the application requirement. +Exp Designed and implemented purely REST API based architecture using Spring 4 and bootstrap UI to leverage and consume already existing APIs to Medicaid/Medicare systems. +Exp Deployed the application on Web Sphere Application server (WAS 6.1 & WAS8.5). +Exp Involved in migration phase of the application from WAS 8.0 to WAS 8.5. +Exp Designed and developed spunk using Spring MVC and Hibernate frameworks which was used for digging into the issue and identifying the exact error that is causing failures in the application flow. +Exp Used JIRA for issue tracking and bug tracking. Allows workers to track status and a client's compliance with work programs for TANF/SNAP eligibility. +Exp Worked on Single node/Multicluster setup using technology NoSQL and MongoDB. +Exp Used SpringBoot which is radically faster in building MicroServices and develop Spring based application with very less configuration. +Exp Developing proper procedures and functions for the projects developed in Java and .NET. +Exp Designed the Web application layout and forms using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. +Exp Used AngularJS in developing single page applications. +Exp Extensively used AJAX.NET features to avoid page post-back where it is not required and to increase the performance. +Exp Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Angular.JS, node.Js and Jquery. +Exp Architected Oracle Service Bus application components of Settlement Gateway product used by customers and led the team to successful go live. +Exp Application is being developed using Spring MVC with JSP and JQuery plugin with Oracle 11g as backend and the Weblogic Server for serving the requests. +Exp Developed RWD pages using TwitterBootstrap as well as custom code to create responsive navigation menus and page interactivity. +Exp Wrote code to fetch data from Web services using JQUERY, AJAX via JSON response and updating the HTML pages. +Exp Implemented Xpages web application connection to Mainframe using HostBridge & required Jar files. Implemented Data Governance in Hadoop clusters. +Exp Create technical and user documentation according to JFS standards. +Exp Worked in AWS Cloud web services-Stack, define stack parameters, mappings, resource properties, and output values using a template (a JSON-compliant text file). +Exp Developing different micro scripts for planning modules in selenium with java j2ee in Testng framework and Communicating with different web Services by using Spring Integration. +Exp Asurion Insurance-Sterling, VA Jul 2013 to Dec 2014 +Exp Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed presentation layer includes UI components, validations using HTML5, applying styles using CSS, used JQuery to make Ajax calls. +Exp Designed documentation, coding, testing and deploying the esMD Web Application on the Centers for Medicare and Medica. +Exp Experience working in AWS Cloud Computing environment, Elastic Map Reduce and Amazon S3. +Exp Developed a data warehouse and reporting application using Java, JSP, Oracle and Crystal Reports. +Exp Used ASP.NET validations controls and Java Script validation for client side validations. +Exp Designed and developed insurance application front end and back end business functionality, used Spring, J2EE Design Patterns such as MVC and JSP/Servlets to develop the application. +Exp Designed, developed and maintained data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Spring Application Framework. +Exp Experienced in developing Web Services with Python programming language. +Exp Created stand-alone applications using Springboot. +Exp Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database. +Exp Developed Scala programs with Spark for data in hadoop ecosystem. +Exp Experience in Medicare/Medicaid Business implementation of Facets for CVS Caremark. +Exp Developed Python Mapper and Reducer scripts and implemented them using Hadoop streaming. +Exp Spring Framework IOC (Inversion of Control) design pattern is used to have relationships between application components. It is also used to separate the application configuration and specification from the actual application code. +Exp Converting VBS to Unity Framework using OnBase Studio 15.0 by Hyland. +Exp Designed Hibernate configuration file in ORM model which automate the mapping between the SQL databases and objects in java. +Exp Investigated various NoSQL database alternatives and methods for online database compression +Exp Data Operations are performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and implemented Hibernate template and criteria API for Querying database. +Exp Hibernate is used for persisting data while developing an application based on Spring Framework. +Exp Used JQuery components like a date picker, file import etc. +Exp Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX for client side developments and validations. +Exp Added new UI Design Features usingHTML5, CSS3. +Exp Developed user interfaces using JSP, JSP Tag libraries JSTL, HTML 5, CSS3 to simplify the complexities of the application. +Exp Experience in working with NOSQL database on code migration to AWS. +Exp Added dynamic functionality to the application by implementing jQuery and Angular JS. +Exp Worked with JSF framework in developing user interfaces user interfaces using JSF UI Components, Validators. +Exp Used the JSF UI component classes to get the component state and maintain the reference to the objects. +Exp Developed REST web services and used SOAP Protocol to communicate with Quote provider's insurance claims and premiums. +Exp Used SOAP based Web Services from scratch to develop interfaces to integrate between front end systems and back end systems. +Exp Used Web services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XMLparsers for data retrieval. +Exp Used JMS (Java Message Service) to send, receive and read messages in the application. Used different messaging models like Publish-Subscribe, Point-to-Point messaging along with EJBs. +Exp Worked on MQSeries with Java, JMS on the WebSphere server side. +Exp Used JMS for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system. +Exp Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 11g database and used the stored procedures in the application and Wrote Stored Procedures, Triggers and Functions on SQL Server as well as PL/SQL on Oracle to support both databases for the application. +Exp Involved in the development of Standard XML reports and XSLT style sheets and Developed XML parser to convert java objects to xml and xml to java objects. +Exp SAX and DOM parsers are used for XML and DTD to process, validate, parse and extract data. +Exp Deployed the applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server. Defect Management and support using IBM Lotus Notes. +Exp Involved in writing the JUnit test cases and integration testing of the system. +Exp Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders and components. +Exp Used SVN for source code maintenance and for version control. +Exp Written Maven Scripts to build generate WAR file and deploy the application. +Exp Implemented by using Agile Methodology focusing on SCRUM. +Exp J2EE application development on Windows and UNIX platforms using MVC pattern. +Exp Cardinal Health Inc, Dublin, OH Apr 2011 – Jun 2013 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed presentation layer includes UI components, v9alidations using HTML5, applying styles using CSS, used JQuery to make Ajax calls. +Exp Designed and developed insurance application front end and back end business functionality, used Spring, J2EE Design Patterns such as MVC and JSP/Servlets to develop the application. +Exp Data Operations were performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and implemented Hibernate template and criteria API for Querying database. +Exp Experience in building SOA using web services with SOAP and RESTful implementation using Jersey, Apache Axis, Spring Web Services and Oracle Service Bus. +Exp Utilized HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX for client side developments and validations. +Exp Developed user interfaces using JSP, JSP Tag libraries JSTL, HTML 5, CSS3 to simplify the complexities of the application. +Exp Added dynamic functionality to the application by implementing jQuery and Angular JS. +Exp Worked with JSF framework in developing user interfaces user interfaces using JSF UI Components, Validators. +Exp Used Web services for creating rate summary and used WSDL and SOAP messages for getting insurance plans from different module and used XMLparsers for data retrieval. +Exp Worked on MQSeries with Java, JMS on the WebSphere server side. +Exp Used JMS for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system. +Exp Involved in the development of Standard XML reports and XSLT style sheets and Developed XML parser to convert java objects to xml and xml to java objects. +Exp Deployed the applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders and components. +Exp Used SVN for source code maintenance and for version control. +Exp Written Maven Scripts to build generate WAR file and deploy the application. +Exp Citizen's Bank, NY Aug 2010 –Mar 2011 +Exp Web Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed and development applications using Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Exp Created use cases, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Developed user management screens using JSF framework, business components using Spring framework and DAO classes using Hibernate framework for persistence management. +Exp Established UI for custo408-620-5279mer service modules and reports using JSF1.2, JSPs, Primefaces, JavaScript and Backing Beans. +Exp Used Java Collections to compare and manipulate data. +Exp Used Extjs for building interactive web applications including AJAX, DHTML and DOM. +Exp Utilized Hibernate as the ORM mapping tool and worked with Hibernate Query Language (HQL). +Exp Formed Hibernate configuration file, Hibernate mapping files and defined persistence classes to persist data into the Oracle database. +Exp Worked on advanced Hibernate associations with multiple levels of caching and lazy loading. +Exp Used auto wiring in Spring to automatically perform dependency injection. +Exp Used OSB (Oracle service Bus) as the layer for the security to make it available strictly available for the authorized third party to hit the service. +Exp Set up session facade and data communication from the Web Services channel. +Exp Constructed data access objects to access middleware Rest Web Services. +Exp Configured and integrated JSF, Spring and Hibernate frameworks. +Exp Implemented Struts action forms and action classes. +Exp Wrote PL/SQL procedures to accept parameters which were passed by IBM MQ Series used for database insertion for Oracle database. +Exp Configured domain controller, host controller, profiles, server groups, servers, modules, Data Sources (XA and non-XA) and JMS for HornetQ servers on Jboss servers. +Exp Helped with performance tuning of PL/SQL statements. +Exp Wrote ANT build scripts to compile Java classes and create jar, performed unit testing and packaged them into ear files. +Exp Wrote scripts for pulling data from the customer servers using sftp utility in Linux. +Exp Wrote Automation scripts using Shell Scripting. +PI Akhil +PI Sr. Business Systems Analyst +PI akhil.mohan0109@gmail.com +PI Phone no: 510-953-0677 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum 8+ years of intensifying experience in multiple roles as Business Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Scrum Master and achieved titles like Modern Analyst, Organizational Analyst with excellent understanding of various software development life cycle(SDLC) methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, Hybrid Waterfall-Scrum framework and processes with good domain knowledge in Banking, Finance, Healthcare and E-commerce +Sum Fine knowledge and comprehension of different software development methodologies such as Kanban and Scrumban, XP(extreme programming), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) +Sum Highly-motivated, Innovative, Skilled-Listener, Excellent Negotiation, Proactive, Quick-Learning Individual +Sum Certified Scrum Master with immense skills in facilitating the Scrum Ceremonies, User Story Workshops, Training the teams to better understand Scrum and increase the teams overall productivity +Sum Strong Leadership skills in handling multiple teams and Offshore teams and ability to effectively communicate with senior management, third party vendors, technical staff and Business users to improve business value +Sum Excellent analytical skills to understand the Business process, functionality, cross functional requirements across various business units and translating them into requirement specifications in order to provide comprehensive solutions and understanding of project process and ability to analyze business problems and identify solutions +Sum Experienced in conducting As-Is and To-Be (Gap Analysis) analysis and possess strong knowledge in carrying out processes for Risk Analysis, SWOT (strength weakness opportunity and threat) Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Change Management and perform Impact Analysis to assess the change and feasibility study +Sum Ability to work under tight deadlines and multi-tasking to meet business objectives, scheduling meetings, negotiating and coordinating with software developers, solution architects and QA teams +Sum Proficient in writing user stories (INVEST format) and handling the requirement churn. Efficient at facilitating Estimation techniques such as Planning Poker, T-shirt sizing, Relative Mass Valuation and Prioritization techniques such as MoSCoW method, Kano techniques and Business Value Based +Sum Engaged with Product Owners to successfully break down Epics into User Stories with INVEST Technique and helped the Scrum Team finalize Tasks for Sprint Backlog using SMART Technique +Sum Extensive Expertise in creating various artifacts including Request for Proposal (RFP),Business Requirement Document(BRD), Product Requirement document (PRD),Software Requirement Specification(SRS), Functional Requirement Document(FRD),Test Plan, Test Scenarios and Test cases as well as documenting project processes and procedures +Sum Hands on various tools such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Atlassian Jira, Team Foundation Server (TFS), HP Agile Manager and MS Project Professional for planning, tracking and managing projects +Sum Managed requirements and tracked defects working with HP Application Lifecycle Management(HPALM) and HP Quality Center (HPQC) and well versed in conducting various types of testing including Smoke, Sanity Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)and documented performance reports +Sum Maintained a structured approach in organizing requirements to ensure that critical business rules and requirements are met. Maintained a Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) for efficiency +Sum Proficient in creating UML Modeling like Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Use case Diagrams and BPMN +Sum Practical knowledge of Data Warehousing architecture, implementation approaches, schemas, dimensional modeling and translating the business requirements into various types of dimensions +Sum Cultivated experience in working with different web services such as HTML, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, REST, Json under various architectures such as Three-Tier Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Involved in scripting business logic in the web methods of the web services and documenting the WebService Level Agreement (WSLA) document through the use of XML +Sum Professional Work Experience: +Exp Client: JPMorgan Chase MARCH 2016 to Till Date +Exp Location: Wilmington, Delaware. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Systems Analyst/ Scrum Master +Exp Project Description: Initiated Loan Origination System (LOS) project to make the loan origination process flexible and robust and to support multiple lines of business and allow for easy integration with other systems. This user friendly system will allow users to submit loan applications, review decisions, underwrite and generate closing documents +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Supported multiple product teams by tracking inter-team dependencies and ensuring those were being mitigated by working with the Product Owner by maintaining a risk log and creating a plan. +Exp Analyzed the Business Process along with the prior project documentation for complete understanding of the project and contribute in the Business Process Model re-engineering and optimization. +Exp Interviewed SME’s (subject matter experts) and RMR’s (risk management representatives) in order to better understand the business process. +Exp Performed extensive Document Reviews and GAP analysis to get a thorough understanding of AS-IS business process model and develop TO-BE business process model and created Workflows using Signavio. +Exp Conducted high-level requirement gathering sessions with Business Owners, risk analyst and concerned teams for requirement elicitation via JAD sessions, Interviews and Brainstorming sessions. +Exp Created Business Requirement Document (BRD),Functional Requirement Document (FRD) and Request for Proposal (RFP). +Exp As a Scrum Master, facilitated and conducted the Backlog Grooming Meeting, sprint planning meeting, the daily scrum standup meeting and Scrum of Scrums. +Exp Supported the Product Owner and the management in creating product roadmap and KPI’s for the product. +Exp Led story writing sessions with an aim of decomposing the scope into epics and user stories with product owners. Also, worked on the acceptance criteria for the above developed user stories. +Exp Facilitated prioritization of user stories using MoSCoW and estimation using Planning Poker techniques. +Exp Developed and analyzed the Sprint/Product burn down chart in order to calculate the team’s velocity and track sprint progress. This was then utilized for planning of the upcoming sprints. Used Jira to plan and track the sprints. +Exp Resolved impediments faced by the scrum team at the team and the organizational level. +Exp Developed mock-ups and wireframes along with the screen designs using MS Visio. +Exp Performed Impact Analysis, Feasibility Study, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Return on Investment (ROI) in order to mitigate certain risks associated with the project and project output. +Exp Worked with the Product Owner to partner with market research and create a comprehensive competitor analysis report and present it to the management. +Exp Designed data models and conducted Normalization and De-Normalization of the data as per the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical processing (OLAP) frameworks respectively for data analysis. +Exp Performed slicing and dicing of data marts in order to facilitate the analytical decision making process. +Exp Integrated various OLTP to OLAP by using Informatica PowerCenter as an ETL tool. +Exp Developed reports using Tableau v8.0 to communicate information using graphs, charts and other info graphical solutions to the project team. +Exp Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in conjugation with the QA team. Also, created an error repository and assisted in creation of test cases in HPQC and scheduling manual and automated execution of those test cases through integration with HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT). +Exp Created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) in order to track test cases and test plans. +Exp As Scrum Master, I facilitated the Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings at the end of each sprint. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum hybrid, JIRA, Confluence, Oracle 11g, MS-Visio 2013, Microsoft Azure(cloud), +Exp Eclipse IDE, Java, MS Project 2016, Informatica Power Center 9.6, Tableau 8.3, MS Office, HP Quality Center 11 +Exp Client: Global Payments APRIL 2015 to FEB 2016 +Exp Location: Atlanta, Georgia. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst/Scrum Master +Exp Project Description: This project is intended to migrate a Business Glossary capability from Its Standalone infrastructure on a non-Hadoop Platform to Infosphere suite on Hadoop Cluster for Enterprise use to evaluate the current Business Glossary enterprise application supported in the Data Provisioning space. IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary is the current enterprise standard to enable creating and managing an enterprise vocabulary and classification system with ready to use standard terms and definitions +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered Business requirements by conducting JRP session, One on One interview and Group sessions with Stakeholders and business Users +Exp Coordinated with Managers to determine appropriate risk assessment levels. +Exp Analyzed the existing SAM model using Observation techniques with stakeholders +Exp Collaborated with the SME and interviewed the stakeholders to understand the AS IS and TO BE state of the project +Exp Conducted several JAD sessions and requirement workshops with the system architects, business users and development team to perform GAP Analysis +Exp Gathered functional and non-functional requirements in collaboration with end clients and internal project managers. +Exp Created detailed business scenarios and writing master use cases with the help of Rational Requisite Pro which covered step by step process of interaction between user and system +Exp Developed Activity diagrams, Use Case diagrams and Sequence diagrams using MS Visio environment, so development team and other stakeholders can understand business process +Exp Created wire frames using MS Visio Tool. +Exp Facilitated Sprint planning meetings to coordinate between Clients, Product Owner, Dev and QA teams. +Exp Shadow and assist some of the Product Owner activities by providing high level estimates, prioritizing stories for the sprint and maintaining backlogs and release plans. +Exp Resolved impediments for scrum team members by facilitating collaborative meeting. +Exp Facilitated Sprint review meeting to demonstrate potentially shippable product to stakeholders. +Exp Used retrospective meetings to gather feedback. Made session’s interactive using silent writing technique. +Exp Facilitated Scrum of Scrums to resolve dependency issues between different teams. +Exp Protected team members from outside interruptions. +Exp Manage the assignment of user stories to relevant BAs based on the feature and process expertise. +Exp Directly interacted with clients to elicit the requirements and translate them into terms that development team can comprehend. +Exp Suggested several process improvements within the ratings process and suggested solution options to automate manual data entry tasks performed by Data Managers. +Exp Environment: SAFe, Agile/Scrum, RTC/RRC ,IBM InfoSphere suite, Selenium, Oracle, Java, MS Project, MS VISIO, SharePoint, Rational Requisite Pro, HPQC +Exp Client: MFS Investment Management JAN2013 to MARCH 2015 +Exp Location: Boston, Massachusetts. +Exp Role: Sr. Business Systems Analyst +Exp Project Description The project aimed to build and integrate the GFT section for the asset management platform. The legacy investment system facilitated only limited feature for GFT. The objective of the project was to facilitate addition of new features to the existing application based on the requirement from the operation team. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Primary point of contact working with stakeholders to understand their systems, AS-IS process and business needs. +Exp Performed GAP Analysis to identify the deficiencies of the current system and to identify the requirements for the change in the proposed system. +Exp Facilitated workshops to capture AS-IS requirements & design TO-BE processes +Exp Conducted several requirements gathering sessions like one on one interviews, Focus Group, Observation. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions by inviting SME’s, tech leads and Architects to make sure that gathered requirements are feasible in doing. +Exp Performed in-depth analysis of the systems organizational structure, services and processes and created As-Is and To-Be process models. +Exp Assisted in designing User Interface by creating Static and Dynamic Prototypes. +Exp Derived functional and non-functional requirements to create a Functional Requirements Document. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Documents (BRD), Mapping Document based on the gathered requirements. +Exp Created UML diagrams such as Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Use Case Diagram to depict the various processes flow using MS VISIO +Exp Responsible for identifying and documenting business rules and created use cases. +Exp Acted as a Liaison between business and technical teams and ensured all the communication is seamless +Exp Created product documentation including online help as user manual as training material. +Exp Scheduled meetings with developers, system analysts and testers to identify resource allocation and project completion using MS Project. +Exp Created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to make sure all the requirements are covered with test cases +Exp Facilitated UAT sessions for end users and collaborated with business team to get UAT sign offs for every sprint release +Exp Facilitated triage calls between development team and QA team for resolving issues. +Exp Developed timelines for project delivery, and managed projects and resources to successful completion +Exp Environment: Agile/Scrum, ASP.net, C#.net, SQL SERVER, Balsamiq, Visio, MS Project, MS SharePoint, HPQC, Windows, JIRA, Selenium, SOAP UI. +Exp HDFC Life OCT2011 to DEC 2012 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India. +Exp Role: Business Analyst/ Risk Analyst +Exp Project Description: To provide a comprehensive electronic medical record for consumers that can be shared in a secure and integrated environment across HDFC. This project will reduce paper medical charts and provide an electronic mechanism to securely share critical client treatment data within the network, provide opportunities to reduce costs by streamlining and automation of clinic operations; produce better treatment outcomes because of better coordination of care and integrated treatment protocols. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Identified for business process improvement and initiated efforts to make improvements and problem resolution. +Exp Involved in high-level requirement meetings with business users and SME’s to understand the requirements. +Exp Build credibility, establish rapport and maintain communication with stakeholders at multiple levels (external vendors, business partners and internal IT teams). +Exp Collaborating with stakeholders to gather requirements and creating Business Requirements Document (BRD). +Exp Involved in interviewing and shadowing various stakeholders and users to capture, analyze and document the Business, Functional and Non-functional requirements. +Exp Conduct Joint Application Development (JAD) session with stakeholders and business partners to resolve open issues. +Exp Performing GAP analysis and Impact analysis by identifying existing technologies, documenting the enhancements to meet the end-state requirements. +Exp Develop use cases using UML and MS Visio for an ease with system interaction. +Exp Generate on-demand ad-hoc reports and dynamic dashboards, present to client for evaluation and calibration, constantly communicate with higher level authorities. +Exp Working closely with teams to drive real-time rule implementation and features. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Visio 2010, MS Office Suite 2010(Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Windows XP, MS Project 2010, SharePoint, Tableau 6, HPALM 11.0, HTML, CSS, Java. +Exp Client: Amazon AUGUST2009 to SEP2011 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India. +Exp Role: Jr. Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: This project involved the development of seller central with focus mainly on inventory management, shipping and Amazon Webstore based applications. Seller central was developed for the seller support team to ease the existing ticketing problem +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in preparing the project scope and objectives. +Exp Expert in requirement gatherings while following various elicitation techniques for business requirements by conducting client group interviews, focused groups, workshops and online surveys. +Exp Prepared business requirement document (BRD) and System Requirement Specification (SRS) to provide details of each business and functional requirement, development and implementation plan of these requirements, timelines. +Exp Assisted in developing the project deadlines/deliverables/strategies to effectively manage projects. +Exp Prepared and maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to record the business and functional requirements. +Exp Prepared use case diagrams and description documentation based on the analysis, and obtained approvals from the clients. +Exp Prepared Mockup screens with the help of UI components using wireframes for testing the front end. +Exp Prepared activity diagrams on MS Visio to better understand the flow of activities along with the timelines. +Exp Coordinated with project stakeholders to track the progress of the project, update status and lead review meeting to ensure that schedules and deliverables are met. +Exp Coordinated and controlled change request for the clients by conducting impact and cost analysis, prioritizing and mitigating changes. +Exp Managed the contents using SharePoint 2007. +Exp Tracked defects using HPALM. +Skill Environment: Waterfall, MS Visio 2010, MS Office Suite 2010(MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint), Windows XP, MS Project 2010, SharePoint 2007, HPALM 11.0, HTML, Java Script, CSS, Java, MS SQL server +Edu Education: Bachelor of Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad. +QC Certifications: +QC Professional Scrum Master (PSM). +QC Scrum Master Accredited Certification (SMAC). +QC Six Sigma Green Belt certified. +PI Jennifer M. Conte +PI Sr. Java Developer/Architect +PI Proven self-motivate, self-learning and self-improvement and problem solving ability. +Skill Achievements in REST Services Oriented Architecture with Web application system using web servers(Tomcat, Weblogic), cloud( AWS EC2), frameworks( Spring Boot, MVC, JPA/Hibernate, EJB) and database(Oracle, MySQL) as well as NoSQL, MongoDB, Redis. +Skill Excellent hands on in Full stack JAVA/J2EE, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, Html5, jQuery. +Exp Experience +Exp Nov 2012- Present Macrosolid (Germantown, MD) Sr. JAVA Application Developer –NCI/USP/Cpt1 +Exp As a JEE/REST services oriented project initiator and Sr. JAVA developer, designed and implemented Navigator/RCR/Pats system from sketch based on requirements for NCI application systems. +Exp Using Angular2, Angular-CLI, TypeScript for client side UI applications; AWS REST web services using JDK1.8, Spring Boot,SpringMVC, JPA/Hibernate/Oracle database; Spring Security, JWT with SSO using NoSQL Redis in memory database, as well as REST Cloud technologies through App micro-services system integration using Redis, Tomcat and EC2 Instance on AWS. J2EE system architecture, HttpClient services software, REST web services and GUI web pages development for multiple client-server web applications. Developed and implemented both frond-end UI and back-end server side web application services, Using Java8, Spring Roo, JPA/Hibernate, MySQL, Spring MVC, MongoDB, Solr, jQuery, Javascript to provide RESTful API, web services, and using Angular2/Angular-cli, TypeScript, NodeJS, javascript/jQuery, HTML5/CSS for client side UI for front-end of web applications. +Exp Holding the solution architect and Sr. JAVA hands on developer role, provided system overall design and implemented JEE/REST service oriented application with Batch admin web application AWS micro services system for CapitalOne IFM modernization project. +Exp Using Spring Boot, ROO, MVC, AngularJs/jQuery application UI system, including architecture design and software implementation. Designed and implemented overall architecture, Security framework/strategy, software implementation. Developing and implementing of REST APIs, JSONs, JPA/Hibernate and so on using REST, HttpClient, Spring, MongoDB, AWS EC2 on top of existing legacy scripting based system, implemented NoSQL, REST Cloud technologies by App sub systems integration using MongoDB, Tomcat and EC2 Instance on AWS. +Exp Assigned as a JEE architect and Sr. JAVA developer, JEE/REST services project starter and tech team beginner, designed, developed and implemented MonoGraph server/client/sync application systems for USP user applications. +Exp Starting from ground 0, designed and implemented entire multi-application architecture, frontend/ backend/mid-tier frameworks, software implementing as well as environment setup. Including server sub-system, client sub-system, synchronization sub-system as well as Security sub- system integration using SpringBoot, JPA/Hibernate, Spring Roo, MVC, Security, Scheduler, AngularJS/jQuery, HttpClient. Enriched the system by implementing Solr and big data search. +Exp Feb 2010- Nov 2012 GUIDENT(Hernton, VA) Sr. JAVA Consultant – FDA/DOT/Exim-Bank +Exp Design, development, implantation and maintenance of J2EE system software in both backend and frontend. GUI web pages and web services for multiple government agencies such as FDA, DOT and Exim-Bank +Exp Served as the Technical Lead for the development of the FDA FARM Issue Tracking system. Responsibilities included system analysis, architecture/design, frameworks selection, Maven2 archetype configuration, front end user interface/GUI design, and software implementation as well as system integration. +Exp Used JSF, Spring MVC, Hibernate, HTML/JavaScript/CSS and jQuery to develop web application and graphical UIs. +Exp Served as the system architect for the development of the EIA SS system. Design and development of J2EE system architecture, framework, GUI web pages and application software using Spring MVC, Hibernate and jQurey, HTML/JavaScript/CSS. +Exp Served as the tech lead in the development of jQuery Over Zulu SOAP based web service and application system. Design and development of J2EE system architecture, framework, web service client, JUnit test, jQurey, HTML/JavaScript/CSS and application software. +Exp Jan 2008- Oct 2009 OPTELECOM(Germantown, MD) – Principal Software Engineer +Exp Led and worked with a team of Software Engineers in the design and development of Siqura, a surveillance and video content management system . +Exp Responsibilities included deriving user requirements and designing the architecture, functions and features, web pages, and interfaces, as well as system integration. +Exp Developed the software and web user interface for the IP_VA service which allowed users to search/select/record videos, stream real time commands and access the database using Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JUnit, HTML, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, MySQL, JDK, Java6 (NetBean), GlassFish, SOA, etc. +Exp Developed SiQ-VM service for remote processing, using: J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Html, xml, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, JBoss, Eclipse, Ant, SQL Server, JDK, SVN, etc. +Exp Oct 2004- Dec 2007 CORNET TECHNOLOGY(Spring Field, VA) – Senior Software Engineer +Exp Designed and developed system software and GUI web page for video systems +Exp Responsibilities included deriving user requirements and designing the architecture, interfaces, function partitioning, and web pages. +Exp Developed the software and web page for IpG4 network and user management system using: Java, J2EE, Struts, JDBC, SQL Server, Html, xml, Javascript, Ajax, jQuery, JSON, JBoss, Eclipse, Ant, JDK, SVN, etc. +Exp Developed the web interface for CSoP4v database information management system including a fully functional V2oIP crossing TDM, using C++, Java, J2EE, JDBC, Oc4j, EJB, Html, xml, Javascript, Ajax, JUNIT as well as JBoss, Eclipse, Ant, JDK, SV, etc. +Exp Feb 2001- Sep 2004 HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS(Germantown, MD) – Principal Engineer +Exp Designed, developed and implemented software for satellite communication network products. +Exp Developed RDA software information services, multimedia display, and web GUIs using TCP/IP/UDP/RTP/RTSP/SNMP3, UML, Unix, JAVA, J2EE, JDBC, Oracle9, Html, xml, Javascript, EJB, JMS, JBoss, Eclipse , Ant, JDK, ClearCase, etc. +Exp Developed PMA system JAVA, J2EE, JDBC, SQL Server, JBoss, Html, xml, Javascript, JMS, EJB in Eclipse, Ant, JDK, ClearCase, UML and released in both Unix/Linux and Windows environments. +Edu Education: Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Beijing Union University, 1988. +PI Jimi Desai +Sum IT Project Manager / Scrum Master +Sum Over 15 Years of IT experience as a Developer, Analyst and Project Manager in various Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing Industry. +Sum PMI – PMP & Scrum alliance – CSM (Certified Scrum Master) certified professional with hands on experience executing IT projects in traditional Waterfall & Agile environment. +Sum APICS Certified (CSCP) Supply Chain Professional having exposure in various areas of Supply Chain Including SC Planning, Executing, Monitoring, Order management, Logistics optimization and Inventory Management. +Sum LSSGB (Lean Six Sigma Green Belt) professional having experience in Business Process Analysis, Improvement using lean principals. +Sum Heavy exposure executing various IT projects including ERP Implementation, Order management, COTS software system evaluation, Implementation and Integration, Data Management & Migration, e-commerce integration with ERP, Retail POS (Point of Sale) system and Customer Support. +Sum Very strong in Team building, Coordination & Leadership skills to align Organizational Change Management. +Sum Excellent Analytical and Lateral thinking skills along with working experience with SAP – APO, MM & SD modules. +Sum Core Competencies: +Skill Tools & Technology Used: MS Project, Clarity CA PPM 14.2, JIRA, HP ALM, Service Now (SNOW), MS Office, MS Visio, SAP, Oracle PL/SQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle Forms 6i, Visual Basic 6.0 +Sum Education: MBA (Marketing / SCM), B.E. (Production Engineering), Diploma in Advance Computing (C-DAC) +Sum Certifications: PMI - PMP, CSM (Certified Scrum Master), APICS – CSCP, LSSGB (Lean Six Sigma Green Belt) +Sum Professional Experience: +Sum Signet Jewelers, Fairlawn, OH – Oct 2017 - Till Date +Exp Currently involved in multiple retail projects and managing various stakeholders, project teams and vendors with onsite offshore reporting model. +Exp Enhance existing e-commerce & Omni channel model with Inventory feed (Consolidate Vendor inventory, store inventory and DC Inventory) and expected order delivery date for better customer service. +Exp Worked and manage Demand Planning project to migrate SAP APO forecasting data to Financial planning system, which helps Finance to release quarterly budget and monitor sales history and forecast. +Exp Use existing Project Charter to understand high level requirements & risks and prepare detailed WBS and project plan by conducting various stakeholder and team meetings. Work with Compliance team to Manage a project for PCI compliance remediation. Removing ecommerce access from POS terminal and route store ecommerce transaction on iPad and Sled device for all 3500 stores. +Exp Use MS project to maintain tasks, resources and schedule to successfully execute projects through all Phase of Project Management. Work with finance Director to manage budget for all projects and repot Bi-weekly expense and spend reports. +Exp Use JIRA for managing project Issue and Risks and Confluence site for managing project documents. +Exp Cooper Tires, Findlay, OH – Jan 2017 – Oct 2017 +Exp Worked as a PM / Scrum Master at Cooper Tires BIS division. Manage multiple IT projects in waterfall and Agile environment to support day to day business operations across various plants in USA. +Exp Design and Manage Supply Chain dashboard project in an Agile environment to provide high visibility to VP and C-Suite level executive to make corrective decision based on historical trends and future forecast. +Exp Both dashboards would provide easy access and visibility to Sales operations (OTC, Region wise, Tire Type Wise Sales & Forecast), Procurement operation (P2P, Supplier quality and order delivery ratio) and their performance based on several KPIs. +Exp Conduct project Sprint Planning and daily scrum meetings with team followed by review and retrospect team efforts for successful product delivery and improving work efforts for next sprints. +Exp Use JIRA tool to Create and Manage Epic, User stories and tasks. +Exp Generate sprint and release burn-down chart to keep track of project status and motivate team to improve velocity. +Exp Use Clarity CA PPM tool to manage projects starting from business Idea generation to Project Charter approval to prepare detailed WBS till successful implementation of the project using standard PMI process groups. +Exp Managed Component Extrusion and Tire finishing process (Measure sidewall Bulge & Depression) projects, helping plant managers to measure data accurately. +Exp Heavily involved in preparing Project charter, project kick off meeting, weekly status meeting, using Clarity PPM tool for resource based scheduling. +Exp Worked with Business to get approval on budget and manage resource and project schedule using PM tool and proper communication with technical team across all plants. +Exp Create and Manage Risk using PM tool throughout the project and make sure project runs with minimal issues. +Exp Manage various team size of 3- 15 (onsite and Offshore) and communicate with stakeholders across all plants. Provide weekly status update to product owner BRM (Business Relationship Manager) and top management. +Exp Tiffany & Co, Parsippany, NJ – Sept 2015 – Dec 2016 +Exp Worked as a PM and manage Supply Chain Retail foundation project, includes multiple system integrations & business processes changes. +Exp Prepare and Manage detailed project plan using MS Project for Supply Chain data integration (Item Master, Supplier Master, Pricing, location, Sales history data) between Legacy system and JD Edwards ERP system. +Exp Manage financial budget, Schedule and Scope of the project to support resource planning. +Exp Create and Manage Risk / Action register and monitor them closely to prevent disruption in project execution process. +Exp Manage and analyze all change requests during the project and process them via CCB (Change Control Board). Maintain all project documents and their approvals on SharePoint. +Exp Worked with PMO and verify all SOP and standards are followed by each team member. +Exp Develop & implement new process model and an Excel tool for uploading supplier cost data into the new ERP system. +Exp Manage TVE (Tiffany Vendor Exchange) portal to enhance new functionality of creating and managing supplier on boarding process and their SAP (Social Accountability Program) & contracts renewal process. +Exp Conduct daily scrum meeting to get status update from team members and identify new challenges to the project. +Exp Worked with IT team to Prepare process flow diagrams, this manages inventory and Replenishment order flow between MIPS (legacy system), JDE US instance, DMS (WMS system), 3PL warehouse (FTZ in china) and JDE China instance for stores in china. +Exp User HP ALM for issue tracking and managing high priority defects and their resolution. +Exp AbbVie, Waukegan, IL – Sept 2014 – Sept 2015 +Exp Worked as PM / Sr. Analyst in AbbVie Supply Chain Planning & Execution System. Involved in various projects starting from project proposal till go live and hyper care. +Exp Prepare project proposals which include efforts required from each resource team (Cost vs Capital), estimated budget and project timeline for major milestones. Prepare and manage project plan upon approval of project proposals. +Exp Worked and manage various phase of SDLC in Supply Chain Planning Projects (Sales Forecast feeds from various affiliates to the Planning System, Product hierarchy, Net sales & profit related confidential data feed to the financial system) +Exp Work with SAP team to build an interface to pull the inventory details (Quantity and US $$ value) for all plants and warehouses across the world, further integrate the data with RMS (Risk Management System) tool to track inventory for all locations and provide risk assessment report to the top management if any of the location gets impacted by natural disaster or human unrest. +Exp Worked with Trax Technology Company to streamline freight payment and invoicing process for all inbound and outbound shipments and integrate with AbbVie SAP system. +Exp Prepare WBS (work breakdown structure) and assign tasks to each division and set timeline to complete the configuration and set up for 3PL warehouse. +Exp Arthrex, Fort Myers, FL – Jan 2014 – Sept 2014 +Exp Worked as an IT Supply chain consultant and support companies Logistics, Warehouse, Customer Service division. +Exp Worked with PMO office to standardize BRD, Project Charter templates and Project change control procedure. +Exp Prepare detail project plan using MS Project and manage Integration between Business Portal (ecommerce portal for supplier quote and orders) & new SAP system. +Exp Worked in an Agile environment to wireframe and build ecommerce portal in an incremental way and get business approval on each sprint delivery. Use JIRA tool for creating Epic, user stories and tasks. +Exp Enhance and support Omni channel order management system and streamline order creation process. +Exp Worked with Business analyst to manage BAU (business as usual) change requests from various Stakeholders and process them via new CCB procedure and get approvals on various BRDs for enhancements on legacy ERP system. +Exp Provide weekly status report to the management for all change request and status of integration between ecommerce portal and SAP system. +Exp Microsoft, Redmond, WA – Jan 2013 – Jan 2014 +Exp Worked as a Supply Chain Solution Manager to provide solution and streamline B2B and B2C (Buy/Sell & Drop shipment) models at Microsoft resulting in $150M of savings. +Exp Engage in Supplier Onboarding process and Manage EDI integration with various suppliers’ warehouse system with Microsoft SAP system to streamline Order management (OTC & PTP) Cycle. +Exp Streamline and standardize packing slip and shipping label with all suppliers for uniformity in drop shipment delivery. +Exp Integrate Microsoft ecommerce portal with SAP system and provide real time Inventory data feed from supplier. +Exp Quarterly Implement Business logic for various Drop shipment model (various combination of items and supplier) domestically and internationally based on various supplier KPI. +Exp Prepare Project Charter, Project Plan and conduct kick off meetings for various quarterly release of the project. +Exp Worked with Microsoft Procurement team to understand business needs and work with BSA & SAP team to execute those requirements and configure SAP system. +Exp ColeHaan, Portland, ME – July 2011 – Dec 2012 +Exp Worked as a PM / Sr. Analyst on various retail operations and manage various projects like managing level-II POS support team, Integrate ASN’s between ERP system and Epicor POS system. +Exp Implement Client telling application (customer Loyalty Program) on iPad for the store manager and integrate it with POS system. Prepare and Manage project plan and budget for various projects. +Exp Worked on integration of Omni channel order management system with SAP and Epicor POS system. +Exp Support and manage all IT work in Retail stores and back office for sales and Inventory. +Exp FasTrax POS, Monticello, NY – May 2010 – July 2011 +Exp Manage and execute POS system upgrade with order management and inventory management module. Prepare and maintain project management documents (BRD, Project Charter, Process Flow diagrams) using MS Project, MS Visio and other MS office tools. +Exp Worked as single point of contact and become liaison between Retail store managers and IT development team. +Exp Define business process rules to implement SOB (Share of Business). Implement Suggested Stock transfer functionality for better Inventory Management which saved 30% on annual inventory cost. +Exp Build and implement customer Rewards program and CRM system to enhance business profitability. +Exp Optimize distribution and logistics process for store inventory replenishment orders by engaging 3PL. +Exp EZ Franchise, Bristol, PA – Jan 2007 – May 2010 +Exp Prepare and Manage project plan for EZ Franchise system and integrate with store POS system and customer royalty program. +Exp System will generate multiple financial and inventory reports for the management to analyze business performance. +Exp Worked on designing and implementing EZ Franchise system for small retail franchise stores. +Exp Involved in Requirement gathering, preparing various BRDs and process flow diagram, database design, testing, Implementation, Reporting and data integration between various systems. +Exp Experience in India (Programmer / Business Analyst) Oct 2001 – Nov 2006 +Exp SMPPO (Stock Model Production Planning & Operations) & Inventory Distribution of Cement and clinker. +Exp SAP B1 Implementation Intellicon India Pvt ltd. +Exp Mormugao Port Trust +Exp GIIC (Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation) +PI KALYAN DAS +PI SENIOR FULL STACK JAVA DEVELOPER +PI +1 (816) 945 2787, +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum Highly Skilled Professional with having 8+ years of professional experience in designing, developing and testing internet/intranet Web-based applications, Client/Server applications, J2EE Architecture, OO Design patterns, Core Java. +Sum Experience in designing web/enterprise applications using Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodology. +Sum Proficient in applying design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Session Facade, Service Locator, Adapter, Visitor, Observer, Decorator, Front Controller, Data Access Object. +Sum Very good understanding of Model View Controller (MVC), Client Server and Multi-tier architectures. +Sum Excellent experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Development, Implementation and Testing of various software applications using Java, J2EE. +Sum Expertise in Java concepts like OOP, JAVA SWING, JDBC, JMS, Multi-Threading and JUnit. +Sum Hands on expertise in designing, developing and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including JSP, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate, EJB, JSTL, Struts, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, Java Beans, Web Services and RDBMS. +Sum Expertise in web development using HTML 4/5, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, XSL, XSLT, and XML (DOM, JAXP, JAXB). +Sum Expertise on Spring Boot, Spring Core, Spring ORM, Spring DAO, and Spring MVC architectures. +Sum Proficient in implementation of frameworks like Struts, spring, JSF, AJAX frameworks (RichFaces, MyFaces) and ORM frameworks like Hibernate. +Sum Excellent experience with Application Servers like JBoss, Tomcat7.x/6.x/5.x/4.x/3.x, IBM WebSphere 7.x/6.x/5.x and Oracle/BEA WebLogic 10.x/9.x/8.x/7.x/6.x +Sum Excellent experience with major relational databases – Oracle 8i/9i/10g, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008, DB2, My SQL. +Sum Good knowledge and working experience on Big data technologies like Spark, Scala, Hadoop, Map-Reduce, HDFS, Hive, HBase, Zookeeper, Kafka. +Sum Strong experience with MongoDB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases. +Sum Experience in building large scale web applications using JavaScript, React.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, Ext JS, jQuery. +Sum Solid experience of Defect/Test Management tools like JIRA, Quality Center/Test Director, Bugzilla. +Sum Designing and Developing Single Page web applications (SPA) using AngularJS, and Node.js with other UI technologies/ libs such as Backbone, jQuery, Bootstrap. +Sum Proficient in creating the Dash Boards using the Backbone.js for faster performance with AJAX calls. +Sum Extensive Experience in retrieving and manipulating data from backend using Database SQL queries, PL/SQL- Stored Procedures, Functions, Sequences, Triggers, Views and Packages. +Sum Experience in creating rules using Business Rules Engines: Drools, ILOG. +Sum Expertise in working on ANT, Hudson, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, Mockito, JMock, Test-ng. +Sum Experience in using various version control tools like SVN, CVS and IBM Rational Clear Case. +Sum Extensive development experience in different IDE's like Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder 9.x/8.x, JSource, JDeveloper. +Sum Excellent experience in writing ANT, Maven build scripts, providing logging facility using Log4j, Writing JUnit test cases and used Clear Quest, JMeter, Bugzilla for bug tracking. +Sum Proficient in NoSQL DB such as Apache Cassandra DB, Mongo DB. +Sum Expertise in developing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), REST and J2EE Web Services based on SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS using tools like Apache Axis. +Sum Experience working with big data and real time/near real time analytics and big data platforms like Hadoop, Spark using programming languages like Scala and Java. +Sum Experience in preparing project related documents using Microsoft Office Suite like MS-Office, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint and MS-Visio. +Sum Experience in Integration tools Oracle SOA Suite/BPEL/Fusion Middleware, web-methods and Apache CAMEL. +Sum Extensive experience in using Amazon Web Services like RDS, EC2, Redshift, SQS, SNS, Cloud Watch and S3. +Sum Experience in Integration of Amazon Web Services, AWS with other applications infrastructure. +Sum Extensive programming experience with Google Map APIs, YouTube Data APIs. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (B. Tech), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, JNTU, Hyderabad. Class of 2009 +Edu PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Citizens Energy Group - Indianapolis, IN Jan’17 - Till Date +Exp Senior Full Stack Java Developer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Worked and developed functionalities in Agile Methodology of SDLC, and involved in Team planning and grooming sessions and Retro session in Agile environment. +Exp Involved in development, deployment of Web Applications, Micro services deployed on Cloud Foundry. +Exp Working with Offline First Multi-device and Multi-Platform application architecture. +Exp Worked on Rest Web services as well as Node Rest framework for backend services and developed backend code using Java collections including Set, List, Map, Multithreading and Exception Handling. +Exp Working on AngularJS 1.5 to Angular 2.0 Code transition. With ES6 and TypeScript. +Exp Built npm libraries/packages in Node.js and Grunt Task runner for Unit testing AngularJS components as part of Test-driven development. +Exp Prepared Tableau reports in various subject areas like Materials Procurement Savings, Bill of Materials, Customer Service Index, Employee Productivity and Employee Safety. +Exp Developed Spring Application using Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring DAO and middleware application using spring core framework. +Exp Used Executor Service Multi-Threading in programming and developed various helper classes. +Exp Involved in coding for the presentation layer using jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Node.js, and JavaScript. +Exp Involved in developing iOS SOA application based on Microservices and Predix cloud. +Exp Working on RESTful web services, exclusively consuming REST API with Asynchronous behavior. +Exp Implemented application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring Security. +Exp Selected the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front end using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver) & created Data Driven framework using JUnit. +Exp Designed and Implemented Real time applications using Apache Spark and Kafka. +Exp Wrote SQL queries and developed the back-end programs in PL-SQL for this application. +Exp Provided data persistence by object/relational mapping solution via Hibernate for application save, update, delete operations. +Exp Experience with messaging systems like Kafka, RabbitMQ +Exp Implemented interceptors using Hibernate and build and release Spring Boot framework. +Exp Performed Unit testing, Integration Testing and generating of test cases for web applications using JUnit. +Exp Used Spring (IoC) for injecting the beans and reduced the coupling between the classes. +Exp Implemented the Model View Controller using Spring MVC and implemented various design patterns. +Exp Worked on GIT for version control and bug tracking. Worked on Code integration and deployment tool Jenkins, Ansible, Docker. +Exp Managed local deployments in Kubernetes, creating local cluster and deploying application containers. +Exp Worked with Object relational databases like PostgreSQL Database and H2 database engine. +Exp Worked with CouchBase NoSQL database, multiple ERP connections based on RDBMS. +Exp Used Node.js, Express.js to create server-side API with MongoDB. +Exp Used Postman Collections for Rest API testing. JSON output was tested using Advanced REST Client or POSTMAN. +Exp Strong understanding of supporting JSON based RESTful web-services, integrating with the front-end. +Exp Develop RESTFUL Web Services interface supporting both XML and JSON to publish printing machines operational data, also developed the code to interact with other web services. +Exp Deploy and debug application on Predix Platform (Cloud Bases PaaS Model) and Cloud foundry. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: J2EE, Spring Boot, JPA, Tableau, Predix (Cloud Foundry), Ansible, JDK 1.8, AngularJS, Node.js, JUnit, Eclipse STS, Spring Framework, Agile Scrum, Rest Web Services, Postman, Postgres DB, HTML5, CSS3, Selenium Web Driver, Amazon Web Services, Apache Spark, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker. +Exp Freeman Health System, Joplin, MO Sept’ 2015 – Dec’ 2016 +Exp Senior Full Stack Java Developer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Involved in Requirements gathering, analysis, design, development, testing and Maintenance phases with TDD approach +Exp Designed and developed the UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, and Backbone.js, Ext JS, AJAX, and JSON. +Exp Used Bootstrap for responsive design which allows users to access it from any device. +Exp The presentation layer used Spring MVC to implement the MVC architecture design and facilitates user interface designed by use of JSP's and tag libraries. +Exp Worked on Media Queries as a complement to the Grid System of UI Bootstrap to facilitate the implementation of the responsiveness +Exp Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js accommodate these advanced and fast technologies. Enhanced User Interface based on Adobe Flex. +Exp Developed entire user interface using various Ext JS components like Form panels, Tab panels, View port and Editable grids. +Exp Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD, Scala and Python. +Exp Developed and implemented Swing, spring and J2EE based MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework for the application. +Exp Gathered existing functionality of various products from PE BRD, HLAD and FDN. +Exp Implemented RUP development process on Software Development Life Cycle and done with effort estimations using Function point’s 3p estimations. +Exp Prepared design documents with Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Microsoft VISIO tool. +Exp Used spring framework to inject services, entity services, transaction management, and concerns by factory class corresponding to the use case operation executing. +Exp Used ReactJS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single Page Application (SPA). +Exp Involved in using spring concepts DI/IOC, AOP, Batch implementation and Spring MVC. +Exp Implemented Declarative transaction management using Spring AOP. +Exp Deployed Spring Boot based microservices Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and using AWS admin console. +Exp Written Storm topology to accept the events from Kafka producer and emit into Cassandra DB. +Exp Used spring JDBC Template to do CRUD operations with Database. +Exp Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates. +Exp Developed modules in the application using micro services architecture style. +Exp Involved in building and deploying scripts using Maven3.3 to generate WAR, EAR and JAR files. +Exp Leveraged Zeno framework for Writing Storm topology to accept the events from Kafka producer and to emit into Mongo DB. +Exp Created WSDLs as per wire frames, UI pages generated client jars using JAX-WS. +Exp Used Apache CXF to create SOAP based Restful web services. +Exp Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools 4. X and ILOG with corresponding to validate the business User Roles. +Exp Used CORE and HTML5 tag libraries for expressing Java Server Faces within a view template. +Exp Wrote AngularJS services to consume Restful web service to load data. +Exp Explored Spark, Kafka, Storm along with other open source projects to create a Realtime analytics framework. +Exp Used SVN for version control and source repository, Used Fisheye for Code Review and JIRA for reporting Bugs. +Exp Worked on Column Filters of Data table using jQuery and ReactJS. +Exp Involved in writing Thread Safe blocks for multithread access to make valid transactions. +Exp Created continuous integration builds using Ant Jenkins, Docker, Ansible and deployed on WebSphere app server. +Exp Done with Web sphere server configurations, Data Sources, Connection Pooling, MQ Series Queues set up for messaging and deploying the apps on different servers in different environments like QA/IST/Production. +Exp Used Google Maps API to implement location module in the application. +Exp Used Spark-Streaming APIs to perform necessary transformations and actions on data model which gets the data from Kafka in near real time and Persists into Cassandra. +Exp Worked on Rest Web services as well as Node Rest framework for backend services and used MongoDB (NoSQL) for database services. +Exp Used ActiveMQ messaging to set up communication between applications in ESB. And flows are created for JAX-WS and JAX-RS web services. +Exp Participated in migration to DB2 data base from Oracle DB. +Exp Followed coding guidelines and implemented Core Java J2EE design patterns. +Exp Used IBM Clear case as version controlling system. +Exp Involved in deploying the application in UNIX and to connect to see logs for fixing UAT/Production defects. +Exp Coordinated with Performance team to get thread dumps tuned java as well as DB code. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: JAVA 1.6/1.7, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Swing, Web Sphere Application Server 8.x, XML, HTML, XSD, XSLT, XPATH, JAXP, JAXB, WSDL, Maven, Java Spring MVC, SOAP, Drools, JavaScript, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, AngularJS, Node.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap, Ext JS, Spring frame work- Boot, DI, AOP, ReactJS, MVC, REST, JAX-RS, CXF, IBM MQ Series, RAD 8.0, JUNIT, TDD, AWS, IBM Clear Case, SOAPUI, JProfiler, Selenium, JNDI, Java/J2EE design patters, Adobe Flex, EMMA, JIRA, Ant, MongoDB, Elastic Search, HP QC, DB2, IBM Optimum tool, Google Maps API, Drools, iLog, Linux, Micro services etc. +Exp FNB Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA July 2014 – Aug’ 2015 +Exp Full-Stack Java Developer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Worked on JavaScript to validate input, manipulated HTML elements using JavaScript and AngularJS developed external JavaScript codes that can be used in several different web pages. +Exp Created rule files using JBoss Drools 5 rules. +Exp Involved in preparing High low-level design docs with UML diagrams. +Exp Involved in PSI estimations using Fibonacci approach and divided feature into different USs. +Exp Developed the presentation layer written using HTML, CSS3, Ext JS, ReactJS and client-side validations were done using JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON. +Exp Designed a responsive website using Bootstrap grid system to layout contents that fit different devices including mobile, tablet and desktop. +Exp Configured Spark streaming to receive real time data from the Kafka and store the stream data to HDFS using Scala. +Exp Written business logic to retrieve data from legacy systems using web methods Mainframe, Java +Exp Administered and configured multiple web methods B2B installations. This included moving developed code to various environments, setting up multiple databases aliases (Oracle), partner server’s subscriptions. +Exp Used multithreading extensively to improve the performance of the application. +Exp Worked on the Common UI layout for defining the Header, Footer and Menu using JSF Facelets. +Exp Developed Spark code using Scala and Spark-SQL/Streaming for faster testing and processing of data. +Exp Developed the application using frameworks like Struts, Java Server Faces (JSF) and Spring frameworks +Exp Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Ansible and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS. +Exp Developed custom directives, Factories and Services in AngularJS. +Exp Knowledge on Apache Spark java API and worked on Drools to configure rules as per business requirements. +Exp Implemented EJB's session bean to maintain mobile session. +Exp Worked with NoSQL databases such as Cassandra, MongoDB. +Exp Implemented methods to validate, invalidate, keep a live session for login process and maintaining session credentials. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC Controller module for better handling of client request, consume RESTful Webservice and sending response back to client. +Exp Used Maven repository to include all the jar files required for the JDBC Connections and JSP Tag libraries. +Exp Developed certain features of the application functionality i.e. CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features using Backbone.js and Responsive Design. +Exp Developed REST services to talk with adapter classes and exposed them to the AngularJS front-end. Worked on Restful web services which enforced a stateless client server and support JSON few changes from SOAP to RESTFUL Technology Involved in detailed analysis based on the requirement documents +Exp Worked on serialize and de-serialize of data in applications using JSON +Exp Implemented code to consume messages from streaming data platform (SDP) using Apache Kafka. +Exp Used Spring MVC as Web module, involved in design, development of new Action classes to interact with business logic +Exp Designed, built, and deployed a multitude application utilizing almost all the AWS stack (Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling). +Exp Experienced in build, deploy multi module applications using Maven, ANT and CI/CD services like Jenkins, Docker, Ansible. +Exp Transformed, Navigated, Formatted XML documents using XSL, XSLT, XPath, and XSL-FO. +Exp Involved in Web sphere server configurations, Data Sources, Connection Pooling, MQ Series Queues set up for messaging and deploying the apps on different servers in different environments like QA/IST/Production. +Exp Used IBM Clear Case for source code version control. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: JAVA/J2EE, HTML, XHTML, DHTML, JS, AJAX, jQuery, DOJO,CSS3, Servlets, JSP, AngularJS, Node.js, Backbone.js, ReactJS, Bootstrap, XML, XSLT, XPATH, WSDL,AWS, SOAP, CXF, REST, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Web Logic server 10.3.3, JMS, Maven, Drools 5 , Eclipse, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, JUNIT, MongoDB ,Mockito, Star Team, TDD, Spring MVC, Ext JS, EMMA, JIRA, Spring framework DI, AOP, Batch, Struts, Hibernate, Elastic Search, Ant, HP QC, Coherence, Rally, Apache Camel. +Exp Kansas City Life Insurance Company, Kansas City, MO Nov 2013 - June 2014 +Exp Java/J2EE Programmer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Participated in all phases of the project like design, development, testing, enhancements and production support. +Exp Developed and supported all tiers of the application – UI/Business Logic/Database +Exp Worked on impact analysis to migrate existing persistence layer to Hibernate. +Exp Created and injected dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes. +Exp Expertise in developing Web Applications using Spring Dependency Injection, and AOP for modularity. +Exp Designed the Front-end screens using JSP, Servlets, HTML, and JavaScript. +Exp Design & Development of User Interface module using J2EE, JSP, Servlets and Struts Framework. +Exp Extensive use of core Java Collections, Generics, Exception Handling, and Design Patterns for functionalities. +Exp Provided installation, configuration & maintenance of pre-prod and production Cloud environments including services such as Tomcat, Apache, Jetty, MongoDB, MySQL, and Jira. +Exp Exposed the Web Services to the client applications by sharing the REST Request and Response. +Exp Developed the functionalities under Agile Methodology JIRA processes. +Exp Prepared documents containing detailed recommendations for automation and support, enabling business process improvements. +Exp Led and participated in weekly marketing meetings to build relationships with the marketing team and improve problem resolution process. +Exp Installed, Configured and administered Tomcat server. +Exp Developed the application using JSP, Java Servlet, and XML. +Exp Worked with DB2 and Wrote SQL Queries, Stored Procedures, triggers, views and integrated SQL Queries into DAO. +Exp Implemented entity beans utilizing container-managed relationship for retrieving data. +Exp Thoroughly Unit tested the application by writing test cases in JUnit for different scenarios. +Exp Involved in testing, debugging, bugs fixing and documentation of the system. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Java, JSP, DB2, JUnit, Eclipse, WebLogic, Log4j, XML, J2EE, JSP, JIRA, Web Services. Servlets, Struts Framework. +Exp Axis Bank, Hyderabad, TS Sept 2011 - Oct 2013 +Exp Java/J2ee Developer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Worked extensively with the backend which comprised of Spring, Hibernate and JPA. +Exp Used JSON and XML formats to transfer data from the server. +Exp Implemented Web Services to handle data from third party interfaces used tool like axis 1.4 to create web service clients. +Exp Developed AJAX based web based UI framework. +Exp Created simple user interface for application's configuration system using MVC design patterns and Swing framework. +Exp Developed Servlets and JSP for performing CRUD operations on domain specific entities. +Exp Developed Service Layer using POJOs and Spring IOC. +Exp Developed Data Access Layer using Hibernate and DAO Design Pattern. +Exp Used Java Message Service (JMS) for loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous exchange of user and real estate information among J2EE components and legacy system +Exp Involved in working with J2EE Design patterns (Singleton, Factory, DAO, and Business Delegate) and Model View Controller Architecture with JSF and Spring IOC. +Exp Used Apache POI API to generate excel document for data in each grid in the application. +Exp Extensively used Spring IOC architectural model to inject objects based on the selection of components like setter injection and Interface injection to manage the object references. +Exp Involved in the development of the application based on backend Spring MVC architecture. +Exp Utilized Spring MVC framework to implement design patterns like IOC (Dependency Injection), Spring DAO (Data access objects), Data Transfer objects, Business objects, ORM Mappings. +Exp Used the Spring DAO to handle exception for database transaction like open connections, no result, connection aborted, closing the connections etc. +Exp Utilized the concept of Lazy initialization and Eager fetch based on the requirements and increase the performance within the session of objects. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Spring, Hibernate, Swing, Oracle, Maven, Eclipse, AJAX, JSP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, XML, Servlets, Design Patterns, Web Services. +Exp SingleSource Computing Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, TS June 2009 – Aug 2011 +Exp Java Developer +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Involved in the software development life cycle requirement gathering, coding, testing, and implementation. +Exp Used Java Message Service (JMS) for loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous exchange of user and real estate information among J2EE components and legacy system +Exp Involved in working with J2EE Design patterns (Singleton, Factory, DAO, and Business Delegate) and Model View Controller Architecture with JSF and Spring IOC. +Exp Installed, Configured and administered JBoss server. +Exp Developed UI using java swings. +Exp Configured and Implemented Web Services specifications. +Exp Displayed the Documents in PDF format using Spring AbstractPdfView. +Exp Developer advanced UI features (like slider, crop etc.) using jQuery. +Exp Dynamic web pages are developed using JSP, servlet, HTML, JavaScript, XML and CSS. +Exp Used CVS for version control. +Exp Extracted data in UI for different clients using JSON format. +Exp Implemented client-side validations using JavaScript +Exp Implemented AJAX to speed up web application +Exp Used Web Developer, Firebug, and IE developer toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility +Exp Participated in maintenance and production support. +Exp Used Junit to test all the APIs and business logic. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Web Service, WSDL, spring, Swing, jQuery, HTML, JSON, AJAX, JSP, JavaScript, Web Services.XML, UML, Oracle, JBoss, CVS. +PI Kashyap K. Vora +PI Phone: 201-532-6397. Email: +PI __________________________________________________________________________________________________ +Sum Professional Summary +Sum Overall 10 years of experience as Sr. Technical Business System Analyst (Technical BSA) in Information Technology industry with focus on Data Analysis, Information & Data Management, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Data Mapping & Data Modeling, Business Process Improvement, System Analysis & Design; expertise in implementation of IT projects using Project Management methodologies. Extensive experience in diversified industry sectors including Healthcare, Life Insurance, Personal & Commercial Insurance, Property & Casualty Insurance, Telecommunication, Retail & e-Commerce (Web Merchandising), Commercial & Investment Banking and Credit Card services. +Sum Strong skills in Data Warehouse Design using Star Schema roll out for the fact and dimension tables. Design of cubes, partitions and aggregations with excellent knowledge of Type 2 Data modeling. +Sum Expertise in application development with Full Lifecycle implementation of large Data Warehouse including Project Scope, requirements gathering, Star Schema Design, Snowflake Schema, Data Modeling and ODS. +Sum Strong experience in Data Analysis, Data Migration, Data Cleansing, Transformation, Integration, Data Import, and Data Export through the use of multiple ETL tools such as Informatica PowerCenter. +Sum Strong practical knowledge of analytical techniques and methodologies such as machine learning/supervised and unsupervised techniques, segmentation, mix and time series modeling, response modeling, lift modeling, experimental design, neural networks, data mining and optimization techniques. Expert knowledge of statistical analysis tools such as R-programming, MATLAB, Spark, SAS (Statistical Analysis System), R/Spark, Apache Hadoop and Cassandra. +Sum Strong background in applying statistical machine learning techniques to predictive modeling and experience with Machine Learning libraries (via R, H2O, Python, Spark, etc.). Proficiency in programming in Python, R-programming, SQL, JavaScript, Java/Scala/Ruby and shell scripting. Proficiency in consuming REST based API (with JSON payload). Fluency in big data platforms including Apache Hadoop, Apache MapReduce, Hive, Spark, and Pig. Familiarity with Cloud based HaaS/PaaS solutions such as AWS EMR (Amazon Web Services Elastic MapReduce), MS Azure. Strong understanding of data profiling and data cleansing techniques. +Sum Thorough knowledge of eCommerce architecture; ATG framework its functional limitations and the platform features, application capabilities, etc. including industry wide terminologies like B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C with its eCommerce categories and strong knowledge of PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) standards. +Sum Technical expertise in handling large-scale platform architecture, integrations, development using Java/J2EE Technologies. Experience on Oracle Commerce includes ATG Commerce, ATG Multisite, ATG Merchandising, and Content Management working in some of the key areas such as the Business Control Center (BCC), Profile Management, Shopping Cart, Checkout, Pricing, performance tuning, caching, infrastructure setup and Endeca. +Sum Strong knowledge of application and systems performance improvement techniques, integration technologies, approaches and patterns, Web APIs / Web Service API calls (SoapUI / SOAP, RESTful API, SOA, XML, HTTP like GET / PUT / POST / DELETE, JSON, BitTorrent, Web 2.0, etc.). Strong knowledge of security aspects like risks and threats, authentication, authorization, certificates, encryption. Experience in utilizing frameworks and re-usable components. +Sum Proficient in using Business Analysis tools such as MS Visio, Word, Excel (including Pivot tables, Macros and Vlookup), Rational Requiste Pro, ReqTrace Web, Caliber RM, Optimal Trace, ClearCase and ClearQuest. +Sum Proficiency in elaborating the Use cases, writing Test cases and preparing Requirement Traceability Matrices (RTM). +Edu Education: Master of Science in Engineering – New Jersey Institute of Technology (August 2008 to December 2009). +QC Certification: Certified Data Scientist i.e. Data Science Professional (from John Hopkins University). +Skill Technical Skills: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7, MS Visio, MS Access, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, Rational Rose Enterprise, IBM Rational Software Architect, Microsoft Project, Rational Requisite Pro, MS SQL Server 7.0/2000, PL/SQL, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), OLTP & OLAP, Synon/2E, COBOL, IBM AS/400, CICS, Citrix, DB2, SAP ERP R/3 MMWM, SAP R/3 FICO, ERWIN Data Modeler 4.2/4.1/4.0, Business Objects XI r3, r2, r1, 6.5, 6.1, 5.x, 4.x, Crystal Reports XI, Informatica, HTML, Dream Weaver, MS FrontPage, IBM COGNOS (Report Studio, Query Studio, Framework Manager, Virtual View Manager, Business Insight Dashboard), Oracle BI Enterprise Edition (OBIEE), C#, C++, R Programming Language (Version 3.2.5), Minitab, XML, XSD, WSDL, X12, SAP PowerDesigner, SAP PowerBuilder, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Experimental Design, Total Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing Methodologies, SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) Practitioner, PMI’s PMBOK guidelines & standards, TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), IIBA’s BABOK guidelines & standards, Business Architecture Guild’s BIZBOK (Business Architecture Body of Knowledge) standards & guidelines, Enterprise Architecture Body of Knowledge (EABOK), Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) framework. +Exp Professional Experience +Exp Fidelity Investments (FMR) Smithfield, RI Dec 2016 – Current +Exp Designation: Principal Program Analyst / Technical Project Architect +Exp Primary objective of the project was to address and resolve corporate Audit issue (Tier C) finding for the Enterprise Cybersecurity group on highly confidential Client Credentials (comprised of PII data) exposed into the server logs written by various Internal (employees within each business units, Broker – Dealer apps, 3rd party vendor apps) & External (customer / clients) Fidelity hosted applications, thereby applying log masking logic, data redaction techniques on these exposed keys within server logs physically located on multiple servers. +Exp Delivered elite level security solutions (for its Enterprise Cybersecurity business group) which essentially protects Fidelity and its customer's valuable information. Interacted with stakeholders, facilitated multiple fusion sessions and delivered the end results of work that provide the necessary requirements to the delivery team which thereby built and supported technology solutions. +Exp Worked as part of the Customer Protection Program, directly with Program and Project Managers as well as technology and business partners. +Exp Worked with tools such as Jira and Confluence to provide transparency of scope. Worked with our delivery team(s) including QA Data Services and engineering to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our stakeholders plus delivered solid, quality products to production. +Exp Supported Program and Project managers including providing input to/creation of strategy and execution plans and input to project status. Point person to escalate risks, change requests and participated in corrective actions (path to green). +Exp Performed server logs analysis on Linux and Unix servers used by enterprise wide business units, thereby leveraged Splunk GUI tool to read and extrapolate pertinent meta data from these server logs. Used tools like Jira, ITEC PPMC, Confluence, etc. to track, monitor, delegate tasks / activities, operate different project aspects and functions. +Exp Derived insights out of ambiguity – understood, processed and interpreted complex data sets. Analyzed complex business data & identified patterns in the data using algorithms from statistics and machine learning. Developed and improved algorithms and methodologies to handle, browse, process and visualize structured and unstructured data. +Exp Translated Business requirements, business rules and business criteria to system specifications and system requirements thereby preparing SRS (System Requirement Specifications) and PRS (Performance Requirement Specifications). +Exp Environment: MS Office Suite Package, MS Visio 2013 Pro, MS Excel Pivot Tables, MS Excel Functions & Formulas, MS Excel VLookUp, MS Excel Macros, Splunk Enterprise 6.5 (Splunk GUI Tool), Oracle 11g, IBM DB2, CyberArk EIAM (Enterprise Identity & Access Management), IBM InfoSphere Optim Data Privacy, ServiceNow, VMWare Tools, Oracle 11g Client r01.02, Quest TOAD for Oracle, MS Access, Informatica Power Center, MS SQL Server, ITEC (IT Enablement Center) ALM (Application LifeCycle Management), Atlassian Confluence, ITEC (IT Enablement Center) Atlassian JIRA, Document Central, IBM DB2 Advanced Recovery Expert, IBM DB2 Merge BackUp, HP ITEC (IT Enablement Center) PPMC (Project & Portfolio Management Center). +Exp Verizon Wireless, Warren, NJ May 2016 – Dec 2016 +Exp Designation: Sr. Technical Business System Analyst / Technical Project Manager +Exp The prime objective of the IoT (Internet Of Things), ReSale, M2M (Machine to Machine) portfolio was to utilize the core capabilities within MCS (Mobile Content Solutions) application suite module in order to web merchandise the non-tangible (like Licenses and Professional Services components within a cart) Items / SKUs through frontend Omni-channels; thereby foster & grow B2B (Business To Business), B2C (Business To Customer) business models from enterprise’s strategic viewpoint and generate billing events at Account / Customer level from backend system application. +Exp Authored, owned, managed and maintained 1Pagers to give brief overview of the products / services to be created and maintained in our MCS / SCM portal. Facilitated meeting sessions with Product Managers, Product Owners, Architectures and Analyst to hash out visio IoT (Internet of Things) Vendor flows, Order Fulfillment Flows and Order Processing Flows. +Exp Planned, created, designed, managed and baselined draft high-level Project Scope, In-Scope & Out-Scope Functionalities, Draft SLAs (for 3rd party vendors / partners), Baseline Project Timelines & Gantt Chart at project implementation level with external 3rd party vendors / partners (in order to accomplish System Integration Testing [SIT] milestone) system application. +Exp Defined, designed and elicited core business objectives in order to deliver qualitative product, program and project with optimum utilization and the most efficient use of enterprise resources. +Exp Managed project charter, project plans, scope statement, project execution, risk mitigation, contingency plan and achievement of project and program objectives. Managed SIT & UAT test activities by ensuring defects are logged accurately in JIRA and issues resolved appropriately. +Exp Created, aligned and logged EPICS, User Stories / Features, Tasks (Development, Infrastructure & QA Tasks), Bugs, Defects, BRs (Build Requests), DRs (Deployment Requests), Issues, etc. in JIRA tool. +Exp Strong knowledge of Unix commands and running those Unix commands in various boxes to validate server logs. +Exp Effectively and lucidly communicated project risks, issues (especially launch gating), dependencies, progress status, launches, concerns and retrospectives in structured RAID template designed and choreographed by me. +Exp Environment: Activiti BPM, XML Spy, RestFUL API, SoapUI, HP Quality Center ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) 12.20 & 12.01, Quest Toad For Oracle 12.0 (64bit), Programmer’s Notepad, PuTTY.exe, JIRA, CA’s Clarity PPM, Cloudsite SharePoint, Confluence document repository, APEX Search Client RealTime application, DB2 AppDevClient 9.7, MS Office Project Standard 2007, MS Office Standard 2007, MS Office Visio Standard, Open Source XML tools, Oracle Client 11g R2, Techsmith’s SnagIT Editor 12, SQL Developer 4.1.3. +Exp Chubb Insurance / Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, Whitehouse Station, NJ July 2015 – May 2016 +Exp Designation: Sr. Technical Business System Analyst / Project Architect +Exp The purpose of the Client Integration initiative is to be able to view and manage PRS’ business at the client / household / account level in an integrated fashion so that we can make better and faster underwriting decisions, more effectively market and communicate with existing and potential clients, price across clients and deliver better customer service. Integrate PLS & ORCA into the Chubb Client MDM/UI in order to provide an integrated household policy portfolio view across key Chubb Policy Admin Systems for Personal Lines segment, along with the other legacy Chubb’s disparate policy admin systems like MasterPiece, CAAS & Yacht. +Exp Created and documented roadmap for meetings with ACE. Baselined documents used for source to target mapping. Understanding CHUBB's system and applications i.e. Target system for CLIENT INT project. +Exp Designed, developed and maintained consistency of the Pre-landing and Landing tables “Generic Landing Layout” file / sheet that the core execution team leveraged for Source To Target Mapping sessions. +Exp Created and documented High Level Data Movement and Data Flow diagrams, High Level & Detailed Conceptual Architecture diagrams using BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standards encapsulating every system components within visio flows. Conducted thorough analysis on CPI data models for Subject Of Insurance, Policy, Policy Term, Business Party schemas. +Exp Confirmed on the mapping performed within “ORCA Policy Status Mapping” sheet for “Transaction Status” type and “Contract Status” type. Confirmed the data points in “Match Columns” column for the “Match Rules” from “Client INT ORCA Match Rules” sheet. Gave an overview on “System Triggers” and introduced team on triggers. +Exp Integrated Survivorship Rules for 6 Personal Lines Systems. Overview of “Survivorship Rules” (like “What is Survivorship and what does it mean to MDM process & Client UI application?”) and introduce team to “Survivorship / Survival Rules Matrix” sheet. +Exp Was responsible for identifying and documenting business rules and creating detailed Use Cases, Use Case models, Use Case diagrams and Object Oriented Analysis and Designs (OOAD) using UML (Unified Modeling Language). +Exp Prepared ER Diagrams, documented Data Dictionary, identified database schemas, its data elements/fields, and studied their nomenclatures from the identified columns, for phased deliverables. +Exp Environment: Informatica Data Director (IDD), Informatica Analyzer, DB2, Informatica Power Center, MDM, Oracle 11g, Information Builder’s WebFocus 8, IBM Cognos Report Studio 10, IBM Lotus Notes, CICS, Cobol, Oracle SQL Server, MS Visio, MS Office Suite, MasterPiece, Guidewire policy admin system, CAAS, Yacht, PLS, ORCA, DRC, SharePoint. +Exp Bed Bath and Beyond, Union, NJ July 2014 – July 2015 +Exp Designation: Lead Technical Business System Analyst / Technical Product Manager +Exp Prime focus of the EXIM/Universal Cart was to have the ability to export products/items from BBBY’s online channels (both desktop & mobile applications) to 3rd party vendor sites that offer personalization and/or customization services (like monogramming, etching, sublimation/printing etc.) not currently available on BBBY’s sites/concepts (concepts like BBBY-US, BBBY-Canada, BuyBuyBaby, Christmas Tree Shops, etc.). +Exp Performed requirements gathering & analysis by actively soliciting, examining, investigating and negotiating customer requirements with business directors and Product Development Managers, while leading the technical requirements analysis and driving the system design and construction. +Exp Performed extensive SKU to Product relationship mapping at UPC level, SKU/item level, Product level, Collection & Accessories level, etc. Thereby understood cardinality between SSWPs (Single SKU Web Products) and MSWPs (Multi SKU Web Products) and process by which they are “Web Enabled” and “Web Disabled” for “Digital Merchandising”. +Exp Conducted numerous impact analysis sessions, thereby analyzing the behavior of multiple features & functionalities on different web pages like PLP (Product List Page – Grid View & List View), PDP (Product Detail Page), Quick View, Collection & Accessories, Your Cart page, Single Shipping & Multi Shipping Location, Order Confirmation, Order Preview, Order History, Track Order, etc. and on the user CTA (Call to Action) button (buttons like Add to Cart, Add to Registry, Save for Later, Find in Store). +Exp Created / Documented, managed, controlled and delivered user stories, features and functionalities in form of Story or Functional Requirements (i.e. formal FRD) within the CCM & RM tools respectively. Updated the tools with appropriate COS (Condition of Satisfaction) / Acceptance Criteria, Story Title, Card, Conversation, Assumptions etc. by following standardized Agile SCRUM methodology/process. +Exp Also created / documented, managed, controlled and delivered Epic, Features, Story, Tasks, Spikes by breaking these out appropriately and then tie them back to the concerned Feature and Story within the RM (Requirements Management) tool. +Exp Collaborated with the development team to enforce the implementation of requirements throughout the entire coding cycle and managed change request using Rational Clear Quest. +Exp Environment: IBM’s Rational Tools, IBM Requirement Management Tool, IBM Change & Configuration Management Tool, RMTrack – Defect Tracking, JIRA, ATG eCommerce Platform, TIBCO, Riversand’s PIM (Product Information Management), Tableau, QlikView, STIBO’s PDM (Product Data Master), Web2.0, Oracle SQL Server Developer, Microstrategy, Oracle Endeca, UNIX, Java, .Net. +Exp Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene / CSC - CNSI, Baltimore, MD Jan 2013 – July 2014 +Exp Designation: Sr. Technical Business System Analyst / BI Reporting Lead +Exp The prime objective of the project is to replace the current MMIS Claims processing system for DHMH, with a web-based Service Oriented Solution consistent with MITA 2.0 (Medicaid Information Technology Architecture) guidelines that has online web capabilities for all Users including Providers and Recipients/Beneficiaries. The system’s User Interface intent was to provide the capability for online data entry for Provider Enrollment applications; track and automate Workflow Management of the process; and online verification of Provider Enrollment status. +Exp Reviewed, analyzed, evaluated business processes and associated IT application requirements. Analyzed business workflow and system needs for conversions and migrations; performed data mapping and data conversions. +Exp Identified specifications for billing and accounts receivable requirements, performed gap analysis & presented information to technical team to identify system requirements. Worked extensively with developing business rules engine enabling the business rules such as referral, prior authorization, eligibility, claims processing and billing essential. +Exp Involved in implementation of HIPAA EDI Transactions (835, 837). Facilitated Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Performed GAP Analysis for HIPAA 4010 and 5010 transactions. Used EDI tools to verify mapping to X12 format. Recommended changes for system design, methods, procedures, policies and workflows affecting Medicare / Medicaid claims processing in compliance with government compliant processes like HIPAA / EDI formats and accredited standards ANSI. Analyzed HIPAA EDI transactions in X12 responses and of 837, 835, 277CA and 999 and looked for defects. +Exp Recommended changes for system design, methods, procedures, policies and workflows affecting Medicare/Medicaid claims processing in compliance with government compliant processes like HIPAA/ EDI formats and accredited standards ANSI. +Exp Conducted detail oriented analysis on the current “AS-IS” Maryland MMIS legacy system and driving iterative GAP analysis sessions for the same to propose the effective target “TO-BE” MMIS system. +Exp Designed Dashboards/Reports using the Oracle Business Intelligence Analytics platform for requirement analysis and data analytics. Enhanced performance of Reports / Dashboards by implementing the Aggregate tables, Materialized Views, Table partitions, re-building of indexes and managing Cache etc. +Exp Responsible for processing Medicaid claims in a workflow environment. Accurately interpreted benefit & policy provisions applicable to Medicaid enrollees. Reviewed & resolved claim edits using multiple systems, processes and procedures. +Exp Environment: MMIS / CMS Regulations, HIPAA Privacy, Wire Framing, UML, SCRUM, eCAMS & ProviderOne (CNSI owned & developed Claims Administration System), iLotus Notes, IBM COGNOS 10 Report Studio, Oracle Financials, JIRA (Defect Tracking Tool), ReqTrace Web 2.1, Oracle SQL Developer, J2EE, .NET, Oracle ODBC, Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g, MS Office Suite, MS Excel, MS Project, SharePoint, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), RUP (For MMIS Development), Informatica PowerCenter, Enterprise Architect 10 UML (SPARX System’s EA Visual Modeling Platform). +Exp Medco Health Solutions Inc. / Express Scripts Inc., Franklin Lakes, NJ Oct 2011 – Jan 2013 +Exp Designation: Sr. Technical Business System Analyst +Exp The purpose of the project was to report the back-end Teradata IW databases utilizing the front-end Cognos BI reporting tool for the Medicare Part D claims Adjustments & Reconciliation and Operations Workbook business process. This project involved creation of a Medicare, Medicaid Solutions (MMMS) dashboard that included views from various channels, operational divisions and products within the Medicare organization. +Exp Gathered all the Reporting Requirements and functional requirements through JAD sessions, formal interviews and brain storming sessions from the Business Owners and stakeholders based on the project scope and documented it in form of FRDs and Use-Cases in CaliberRM / Optimal Trace. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions with different Business Users to develop new policies and procedures for the Service Catalogue, Charge Capture and Service Worklist /Charge Router, Hospital billing, coding, special coding requirements for Medco Health / Express Scripts and Claim processing. +Exp Involved in analysis, design, and implementation of the following systems – Control Management Reporting and Security Systems: generation of daily, weekly, and monthly reports of hospital patients' activity. Medical Billing & Collection Systems: generation of daily billing activity based on patient records & establishment of collection protocols. Accounting Systems: Financial Statement generation and analysis according to government standards and protocols. +Exp Worked on EDI transactions: X12, 835, and 837 P.I to identify key data set elements for designated record set. Interacted with Claims, Payments and Enrollment hence analyzing and documenting related business processes. +Exp Involved in the System Analysis, Design and Development of the project. Integral part of end-to-end implementation of IW Reporting from capturing reporting requirements, Relational data modeling in Cognos, Metadata analysis, mock-up template designing and BI reporting system. +Exp Displayed in depth knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid Claims processes from Admin/Provider/Payer side which were later part of the training program to vendors. Worked on improvement of Claims Reimbursement User Interface for a better experience and incorporate changes as per HIPAA guidelines using the gap analysis. +Exp Identified the functional as well as technical needs of the department and accordingly engaged as liaison between the Upper Management and IT Team to develop Cognos based BI Reports, applications and softwares. +Exp Assisted in development of the reports using Cognos Report Studio and Framework Manager. Developed Forms, Reports and Queries using MS Access and Excel (including Pivot tables, Vlookup and Macros). +Exp Environment: SCRUM, RUP, SharePoint, Synon/2E, COBOL, IBM AS/400, IBM Cognos 10 (Report Studio, Query Studio, Framework Manager, Virtual View Manager, Business Insight Dashboard), UNIX, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, MS SQL Server, Teradata IW, BRIO Query Intelligence, MS Office Suite, MS Project, MS Visio, ERWIN, OiM (Oracle Identity Manager), ORACLE SQL Server Developer, Teradata, DB2, Informatica Powercenter, CA ERwin Data Modeler, Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 10g, PL/SQL, CAs ALL Fusion Harvest, HP Quality Center, EDI, XML, .CSV (Comma Delimited), Rational Clear Quest, Anchor DW, Foundation14 (F14), CaliberRM 64Bit Production, Optimal Trace, MagicDraw UML. +Exp CVS Caremark, Richardson, TX Jan 2010 – Oct 2011 +Exp Designation: Sr. Technical Business Analyst +Exp The primary goal of the project is to extract common services such as Eligibility, Formulary, Drug Maintenance, etc. out of the disparate systems and host them independently to facilitate economy of operations, isolation of common business services from core adjudication transaction processing and externalize the data in a way that can be consumed by other external applications within the Organization. This will enable common services, tools and interfaces that can improve client experience and drive consistency regardless of which adjudication engine is used. +Exp Gathered, analyzed, documented business and technical requirements from both formal and informal sessions and validate the needs of the business stakeholders, thereby drafting the Technical Design Document (TDD) and System Specification Document (SSD). +Exp Designed and developed Use Cases and Use Case scenarios, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, High Level and Low Level Process Flow Diagrams, OOAD using UML and Business Process Modeling. Understood client’s business needs related to operational payer departments (i.e. claims, enrollment, billing, etc.). +Exp Profiled data in the sources prior to defining the data cleaning rules. Perform small enhancements (data cleansing/data quality). Worked on various Professional billing and Hospital billing products. +Exp Designed and implemented unique platform, which collected and synchronized information of each person all in one place, including medical claims, lab results, self reported data and other relevant information and also in an efficient and effective manner. +Exp Responsible for preparing Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD) and then translating into functional specifications and test plans. Closely coordinated with both business users and developers for arriving at a mutually acceptable solution. +Exp Developed project definitions, project scope, cost/benefit and risk analysis, work plans, daily and weekly progress reports, and presentations. Created and tested scripts for the premium calculations and claim limits and deductible. +Exp Reviewed the use cases, functions and features list, map the requirements to design, and update the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). Created various reports such as billing payment reports, Billing Grouping Payment and discount reports. +Exp Responsible to give the payers the clear vision of claim life cycle from submission to CVS Caremark through payer adjunction. Designed & implemented a web based claims processing system & management application to administer and process health insurance claims automatically. It connected the organization to largest all-payer network of commercial & government health plans nationwide to provide wealth of real-time patient benefit information. +Exp Created source table definitions in the Data Stage Repository by studying the data sources by importing the data from Mainframe. +Exp Wrote PL/SQL statement and stored procedures in Oracle for extracting as well as writing data. Created and executed claims, enrollment and/or billing test scenarios, including defect tracking. +Exp Environment: RUP, SharePoint, Synon/2E, COBOL, IBM AS/400, CICS, Citrix, Cognos 8, DB2, SAP R/3 FICO, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access, MS Project, MS Visio, ERWIN, Data Stage, OiM (Oracle Identity Manager), Oracle, PL/SQL, PC Media, Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 10g, CAs ALL Fusion Harvest, EDIFECS, HP Quality Center, Velocedi/Claredi, EDI, XML, DIAMOND, COSMOS, FACETS, LOGISTICARE, Rational Rose, Bugzilla, Snagit, Adobe Acrobat Professional, HP Quality Center. +Exp BNP Paribas, Mumbai, India July 2006 – Aug 2008 +Exp Designation: Lead Technical Business Analyst +Exp The project was to report corporate data warehouse for online trading system. The reporting system was to capture the KPI such as the trade volumes, number of trades, on the counter trades, and exchange trades, broker dealer trades, trade fees with respect to dimensions such as customer’s location, security type, exchange traded Fees payables, etc. +Exp Gathered the business requirements from the managers through JAD sessions, formal interviews and surveys and worked extensively with the users and with different levels of management to identify requirements, business events to develop functional specifications. +Exp Analyzed the AS-IS and TO-BE processes to understand the key findings, the short term considerations, the long term considerations and its benefits. +Exp Owned the entire reporting process. Interacted with the ETL team, developer(s), management, and account holders to get the requirements, document them, design templates, and write specifications. +Exp Identified data elements from the source systems, performed data analysis to come up with data cleansing and integration rules for the ETL process using Informatica. +Exp Analyzed research on operational procedures and methods and recommended changes for improvement, with an emphasis on automation and efficiency. +Exp Performed analysis and design of applications using OOAD techniques, UML and Design Patterns. +Exp Gathered all the requirements from the stakeholders based on the project scope and documented it in RequisitePro. +Exp Conducted interviews with various business users and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to collect Requirements and business process information, using Requisite Pro exercised all the different types of views in Requisite Pro Attribute matrix. +Exp Involved in the testing phase right from the Unit testing to the User Acceptance testing. +Exp Documented existing and proposed process flow, analyzed current and target system, and conducted GAP analysis from the reporting requirements to the existing data in ODS. +Exp Environment: RUP, Requisite Pro, Data Stage, Rational Tools, Cognos 8, MS Project, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, MS Office Suite, Rational Rose, Windows Vista, ERWIN, MS SQL Server, PL/SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, Crystal Reports XI. +PI KIRAN KUMAR +PI Email: kumarjava174@gmail.com Mobile:510-770-6277 +Sum Professional Summary +Sum 8+ years of IT experience in design (OOA, OOD), development, testing and documentation of Enterprise applications using J2EE technologies. Worked extensively in J2EE (JSP, Servlets, EJB), Struts, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, IBM Web sphere Application Server, BEA web logic Server 7.x, JDBC, JNDI, XML and RDBMS like Oracle. Strong knowledge in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), worked in most of the life cycle phases. +Sum Good knowledge and working experience in Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD) +Sum Working knowledge in multi-tiered distributed environment, OOP concepts, good understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) +Sum Experience in web application design using open source Spring, JSF & Struts Frameworks and Java & J2EE Design Patterns. +Sum Experience in client side Technologies such as HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. +Sum Expertise in all Spring Modules such as Spring Core, MVC, Dependency Injection, AOP and Transaction. +Sum Expertise in Web UI development using JavaScript OOP, AJAX, CSS, (X) HTML. Expertise in XML technologies XPath, XSL, XSLT. +Sum Extensive experience in implementing MVC framework using Spring, Struts in J2EEarchitecture. +Sum Experience in working on various Spring modules (Spring MVC, DAO and AOP) along with Hibernate as the back-end ORM tool for implementation of persistence layer and mapping of POJO's. +Sum Strong working experience in application development using Core Java, Spring, Hibernate, Web services, JSP, Servlets, SQL, XML, HTML and Tomcat. +Sum Experience in Multi-tier web application development using MVC architecture, Design Patterns, Spring Application framework and Hibernate ORM. +Sum Good experience designing databases, ORACLE 8i/9i/10g, MySQL and SQL Server. +Sum Extensive experience in handling Oracle applications and database administration. +Sum Experience in managing business/mission critical high availability databases. +Sum Experience in working with multiple Servers like IBM Web Sphere, Web Logic, JBoss and Apache Tomcat. +Sum Strong J2EE/Java application development background, with experience in defining functional and technical specifications. +Sum Experienced in developing applications using Apache Tomcat, BEA Web Logic, and JBoss. +Sum Expertise in web services technologies such as SOAP, Restful. +Sum Designed& configured JIRA project dashboards, Agile boards, workflow schemes. +Sum Configured Issue Security Access Levels/Schemes for finance JIRA projects. +Sum Intensive knowledge in databases like Oracle, SQL Server, PL/SQL, Queries, Triggers, DB2 Client, Hibernate, and JPA. +Sum Extensive & expert level of experience with Java Platform, JEE, EJBs, JDBC, JPA, Servlets, JSP, JMS, XML, Applets, JavaScript, POJO. +Sum Experience in publishing and consuming SOAP/WSDL/JAX-WS based web services using Apache Axis and JAX-RS based web services using Apache CXF. +Sum Experience in using DOM and SAX parsers to process, validate, parse and extract data from XML files. +Sum Worked on developing the automation scripts for back-end testing using Selenium and executed the J unit tests. Implemented automation using Selenium Web Driver, Cucumber, Java, Maven & Jenkins. +Sum Experienced working with Web services technologies WSDL, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RS. Implemented web application design in MVC architecture using the Struts framework and JSP. +Sum Expert in using Java IDE's like IntelliJ, Eclipse and NetBeans. Developed internal & external training portal (JSP/Struts, Weblogic, Tomcat, Eclipse, JBuilder. +Sum In depth exposure to creating API for internal and external application using REST and SOAP based design. Open source framework like Jersey used for create REST API. +Sum Developed web services in Java and Experienced with SOAP, WSDL. +Sum Backend as REST API on Java using Java restlet framework. +Sum Experience in using JavaScript libraries JQuery and frameworks like AngularJS. +Sum Experience in designing, implementing Web Services using spring REST API, Loopback in producing Restful web services. +Sum Strong Experience developing whole client side solution using AngularJS and testing them with protractor. +Sum Hands on experience with Oracle 8i/9i, Oracle 10g/11g, MS SQL, Postgres databases and writing complex SQL queries, writing Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers and performed complex database related operations. +Sum Extensive experience in writing complex SQL Queries using JOINS and also selecting correct join type for efficiency. +Sum Strong Experience in development methodologies like waterfall, Agile (actively participate in scrums, code reviews, planning sessions), BDD, ATDD. +Sum Experience in Web Services Technologies like JAXP, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). And REST Web services written in Groovy wrapped by Jersey JAX-RS +Sum Experience in client side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java Script, AJAX and JSP. +Sum Expertise in various open source frameworks like Struts 2.x, 1.x, spring, JSF, Ext JS and ORM Technology like Hibernate +Sum Experience in working with the REST web services and implemented in the SOAP UI for developing and testing the web services and parsing the XML files. +Sum Experience in developing web and enterprise applications using JAVA, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, XML, EJB, JPA, JMS, XML), JSF, Struts, spring, Hibernate and Web Services. +Sum Extensive knowledge in working with J2EE technologies such as Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, JSF, JavaBeans, JMS and Object Oriented Programming techniques. +Sum Creating the message from the uploaded information and transaction data and sending this information using SOAP. And Storing the SOAP messages received in the JMS Queue of Web Sphere MQ (MQ Series) +Sum Extensive experience in implementation of the version control software VSS, CVS and Clear Case. +Sum Experience in various Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development (TDD), SCRUM, and Pair Programming. +Sum Implemented the project using SOAP based Web Services, WSDL, UDDI, SOAP to communicate with other systems (Geneses, ESKEM legacy systems) by using apache Axis. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp Work Experience +Exp Client: Genentech, CA +Exp Role: Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Duration: July’ 15 To Till Date +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed application using UML. Elaborated on the Use Cases based on business requirements and was responsible for creation of Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams. +Exp Extensive Programming, testing and debugging skills to write new applications. +Exp Responsibilities included development of new modules of the application such as Web using J2EE 1.6 technologies, Struts and Spring Framework. +Exp Created Web Services in conformance to SOA architecture. +Exp Developed templets for Multiple Screens using AngularJs. +Exp Implemented coding of XML generation out of XSD Adobe schema. +Exp Building application with JS frameworks Such as Angular JS. +Exp Used spring framework for dependency injection and integrated with Node JS, Hibernate and JSF. +Exp Developed MVC controllers and deployed flow of Execution in the Servlet Environment using Spring MVC. +Exp Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injection of components. +Exp Implemented Web Services using Spring RESTful. +Exp Implemented REST web service in Scala using Akka for CBPMAN log tracking application. +Exp Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database. +Exp Used Hibernate for mapping Java classes with database and created queries with Hibernate query language (HQL). And Developed model objects using Hibernate. +Exp Implemented web services (WSDL) and effectively worked with SOAP and XML,XSLT. +Exp Experience in NoSQL (MongoDB) in using Hierarchy Modelling Techniques like Tree Aggregation, Adjacency Lists and materialized paths. +Exp Developed Java classes for XML processing and used XSLT for XML parsing +Exp Develop quality code adhering to Scala coding Standards and best practices. +Exp Worked extensively on AngularJS/NodeJS creating Controllers. +Exp Implemented backend process for sending the data through FTP. s +Exp Worked with JMS as messaging service and JTA for Transaction management and having knowledge with JPA for Java persistence. +Exp Implemented SOA architecture using SOAP web services by using Apache CXF and JAX-WS. +Exp Transform the XML Data Using XSL into user required format. +Exp Designed, built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS Stack(Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling) +Exp Using JMS to send email or notify companies or users who have subscribed particular services in our product. And Developed customer facing software for managing advertisements to grow the business using JavaScript/JQuery, HTML 5, and CSS. And Implemented SOAP Client (Consumer) using Apache CXF. +Exp Used Web services - WSDL and SOAP for consuming data from the data center +Exp Implemented client side Java-beans for DAO pattern. And Used Soap UI for testing the SOAP Web Services. +Exp Developed Web Service using WSDL, SOAP & UDDI for CTD. +Exp JQuery High charts plugin integration with databases for displaying custom graphs (line, bar, pie etc.). +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE 1.6, Agile Scrum, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring RESTful Web service, Hibernate 3.2, JMS, AJAX, Struts JSP, Oracle, Servlets, AngularJs, Javascript, NodeJS,, UML, CSS, Java Script, HTML 5, , Ant, Windows, GIT, Log4j. +Exp Client: Invesco, Houston, TX +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: Aug’ 14 – June’ 15 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered system requirements for the application and worked with the business team to review the requirements, and went through the Software Requirement document and Architecture document. +Exp Implemented code according to coding standards and Created AngularJS Controller, which isolate scopes perform operations. +Exp Designed and developed User Interface modules using JSP, HTML, and CSS JavaScript +Exp Developed UI using Java, struts, JSP, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, Log4J, Oracle and SQL Server. +Exp Developed the Presentation tier using Struts (MVC Architecture). +Exp Developed web applications by implementing REST JAX-RS web services with annotations and handled XML & JSON as a response from the server. +Exp Integrated the Java code (API) in JSP pages and responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. +Exp Developed html views with HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap and AngularJS. +Exp Developed customer facing software for managing advertisements to grow the business using JavaScript/ JQuery, HTML 5, and CSS. +Exp Used Struts tag libraries and custom tag libraries extensively while coding JSP pages. +Exp Involved in designing UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Worked as a part of Agile SCRUM team for product development. +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interfaces and Web pages using HTML, JavaScript's. +Exp Developed client request validations and processed using JavaScript. +Exp Extensive Programming, testing and debugging skills to write new applications. +Exp Used TDD methodology to develop the application. +Exp Integrated Hibernate with spring for Handling Transactions. +Exp Developed the application using Struts Framework that uses the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Developed various Struts Action classes in the middle tier and injected Spring Dependency Injection for the service layer implementation. +Exp Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML5, CSS and JQuery. +Exp Extensively used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection. +Exp Used standard J2EE 1.6 design patterns and Model View Controller in application design. +Exp Used Spring-Hibernate integration and JPA ORM in the back end to fetch data from Oracle and MySQL databases. +Exp Used Business Delegate, Singleton, Front Controller, Factory and DAO design patterns. +Exp Developed Action classes and DAO classes to access the database. +Exp Developed several POJO classes to map the data into java Object. +Exp Consumed messages from IBM MQ. +Exp Implemented SOAP Client (Consumer) using Apache CXF. +Exp Used Java Mail API, and implemented an automated functionality to generate e-mails to the managed whenever a user registers for the applications. +Exp Used Oracle 11g database for tables creation and involved in writing SQL queries using Joins and Stored Procedures. +Exp Used Toad database tool to build, edit, and format database queries, as well as eliminate performance issues in the code. +Exp Created indexes, avoiding inefficient queries, avoiding too many open connections and avoiding inline queries wherever possible. +Exp Involved in doing performance tuning by observing AWR reports and execution plans. +Exp Implemented the JMS Queue to receive the input in the form of XML and parsed them through a common XSD. And Implemented JQuery and JSON to minimize code and manage complex data set. +Exp Used JUnit for testing the application and Maven for building Projects. +Exp Deployed the applications on Rational Application Developer (RAD). +Exp Used GIT tool to keep track of all work and all changes in source code, Developed templets for Multiple Screens using AngularJs. And Building application with JS frameworks Such as Angular JS. +Exp Developed a heavily asynchronous single page application which takes the user through an extensive search criteria and graphs reports using the high charts plugin. And Used Jenkins for Auto builds. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE 1.6, Spring 3.2, Spring IOC, Hibernate, Struts MVC, MySQL, JSP, HTML 5, CSS, JQuery, Java Mail, AJAX, CVS, XML, XSD, MongoDB, Oracle, Agile Scrum, TDD, SOAP (Apache CXF), WSDL, JUNIT, Ant, UML, Unix, GIT, Oracle 11g, Jenkins, Angular JS, Javascript, NodeJS.. +Exp Client: PAREXEL ,IN +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: May’ 13 - July’ 14 +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Rational Rose. +Exp Developed the necessary front end user interfaces in JSP's, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and AngularJS that will be integrated using Spring MVC Framework. +Exp Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture, integrating JSP with Hibernate and struts frameworks. +Exp Worked extensively on AngularJS creating Controllers. +Exp Designed User Interface using Java Server Pages (JSP), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XML. +Exp Developed the Enterprise Java Beans (Stateless Session beans) to handle different transactions such as bill payments to the service providers. +Exp Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB to deploy on Web Sphere Application Server. +Exp Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using JMS for sending and receiving messages while creating web services. +Exp Developed Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI. +Exp Used JMS to publish messages to queues, to be processed by message driven beans (MDB) +Exp Extensively worked on MQ Series using point-point, publisher/subscriber messaging Domains for implementing Exchange of information through Messages. +Exp Developed XML documents and generated XSL files for Payment Transaction and Reserve Transaction systems. +Exp Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Service Locator, Business Delegate, DAO, Transfer Object, and SOA. +Exp Worked on AJAX to develop an interactive Web Application and JavaScript for Data Validations. +Exp Used Subversion to implement version control System. +Exp Build ANT Script for the application and used Log4J for debugging. +Exp Used JUnit Framework for the unit testing of all the Javaclasses. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.5, J2EE, EJB 3.0, JNDI 1.2, Hibernate 2.1, Struts 1.3, HTML, JavaScript, Angular, XML, CSS, JUnit, UML, iReport 2.0 and 4.0, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, AXIS 2, Ajax, Ant, Eclipse 3.3, IBM Web Sphere 6.1, DB2, subversion, Linux. +Exp Client: CME Group, Chicago, IL +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: Nov’ 12 – April’ 13 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented the advance validation rule model for administering the rules against the uploaded overrides based on the business requirement. +Exp Designing & developing the secured business layer for accessing the rules & persistence of the validated overrides. +Exp Writing Oracle Procedures and functions for persistence & managing rules that belong to the application layer of the database backend. +Exp Developed JSP, JSF and Servlets to dynamically generate HTML and display the data to the client side. Extensively used JSP tag libraries. +Exp Designed and developed Application based on Struts Framework using MVC design pattern. +Exp Used Spring Core for dependency injection/Inversion of control (IOC). +Exp Used Hibernate Framework for persistence onto oracle database. +Exp Created a Front-end application using Bootstrap, Node.js, SOA, Restful, ESB, AngularJS, JSPs, Hybris, JSF, Swing, ExtJS3.0, GWT and Spring MVC, AWS for registering a new patient and configured it to connect to database using Hibernate. +Exp Wrote and debugged the ANT Scripts for building the entire web application. +Exp Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server. +Exp Designed, architected, and implemented the system enhancements which utilized PowerBuilder for dynamic front end user interface. Design includes services that encapsulate all database interaction from the front end screens. +Exp XSLT style sheets for the XML data transformations. +Exp Used Data Access Objects (DAO) to abstract and encapsulate all access to the data source. +Exp Used the JDBC for data retrieval from the database for various inquiries. +Exp Performed purification of the application database entries using Oracle10g. +Exp Used CVS as source control. +Exp Customer collaboration over contract negotiation and Responding to change over following a plan has been achieved using Agile Development. +Exp Worked on agile approaches, including Extreme Programming and Test-Driven Development. +Exp Used JUnit to write repeatable tests mainly for unit testing. Used of 'Agile Development Methodology' and tested the application in each iteration. +Exp Wrote complex SQL and HQL queries to retrieve data from the Oracle database. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Struts 2.0, Spring 2.0, JDBC 3.0, Web Services,Angular,Javascript, XML, JNDI, Hibernate 3.0, JMS, WebLogic, AWS, Eclipse, Oracle 10g, HTML, Rational Rose IDE, Junit 4.0, Log4j, JavaScript 1.2, XML/XSLT, SAX, DOM. +Exp Client: Fidelity, Malvern, PA +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Duration: Dec’ 11 - Oct’ 12 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all the phases of SDLC including Design & Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Implementing and testing. And Designing the technical Design Documents as per the Business requirements. +Exp Worked on server side implementation using spring core, spring annotations navigation from presentation to other layers using Spring MVC and integrated spring with Hibernate using Hibernate template to implement persistent layer. +Exp Implemented Spring JMS message container listener to retrieve log objects from queue and send different destinations. +Exp Implemented, configured spring message sources, resource bundles for labels, message properties for internationalization. And Using JIRA to manage the issues/project work flow. +Exp Implemented centralized dispatch controller to pass incoming request to helper classes using Spring MVC annotations, custom annotations and java reflection technology. +Exp Developed Java Web Services using SOAP, REST, WSDL &UDDI and Spring. +Exp Worked on implemented directives and scope values using Angular Js for an existing webpage. +Exp Used Oracle as the backend database and integrated with Hibernate to retrieve Data Access Objects. +Exp Invoked rest-core methods from the individual change appliers using Jersey-client library. +Exp Used Agile and Scrum methodologies for testing purpose +Exp Designed and developed a unified messaging service platform using Apache. +Exp Configured Hibernate configuration file to configure the data base drivers, connection pooling, session management and mapping files to map to tables in the oracle database. +Exp Used Oracle ADF, JDeveloper, HTML5, jQuery for all front end development. +Exp Developed stored procedures to implement business logic and called from hibernate using Callable statements. +Exp Implemented Hibernate second level of caching using configuration files and EHcache provider. +Exp Used Maven, Selenium Grid to execute Selenium automation suites on different platform, browser combinations in parallel. And Developed and maintained of packages, functions, application procedures, stored procedures, triggers, tables, indexes, views using Oracle PL/SQL database programming language and maintaining the DDL scripts. +Exp Exported Test case Scripts (Java-Selenium RC) in Eclipse IDE and modified the selenium scripts and executed. +Exp Developed User Interface Components using JSF (Java Server Faces) . Designed web module in spring framework for the J2EE application. +Exp Wrote JSF Backing Beans for controlling the UI and writing custom components and validations. +Exp Designed REST APIs supporting JSON that allow sophisticated, effective and low cost application integration. +Exp Used REST API with JAX-RS for consuming web services to handle two interfaces XML and JSON. +Exp Implemented single ton, facade and MVC design pattern. +Exp Implemented cross-domain calls using JQuery, implemented call back functions to handle JSON responses. +Exp Communicated with other Health Care info by using Web Services with the help of SOAP, WSDL JAX-B. +Exp Implemented SOA architecture using SOAP web services by JAX-WS +Exp Created WSDL and WADL as a start points to develop an application. +Exp Developed RESTFUL web services on JBoss IDE using Spring Framework. +Exp Used JBoss IDE with integrated server for designing, coding and developing applications. . +Exp Developed REST architecture based webservices to facilitate communication between client and servers. +Exp Developed user interface using CXF servlet, Spring and jax-ws tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application. +Exp Tested REST and SOAP based application on SOAP UI Testing Tool. +Exp Developed server-side services using Java, spring, Web Services (Restful, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, JAX-RPC), SOA (Service oriented architecture) +Exp Integrated the application with Spring Quartz framework. +Exp Testing and production support of core java based multithreading ETL tool for distributed loading XML data into Oracle11g database using JPA/Hibernate. +Exp Environment: Java/J2EE (jdk 1.5/1.7), Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate,Angular, JMS, Rest web services, Junit, JSF, Maven, Rest, XML, JSON, JAX-RS, JIRA, Stored Procedures, Apigee, Easy Mock, ETL, UML, JPA, Jenkins, apache +Exp Client: Zonta Technologies +Exp Role: Jr. Java Developer +Exp Duration: Aug’ 06 – Nov’ 11 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed custom JSP tags for Pricing, Order Management, Product Management modules. +Exp Wrote script for AJAX implementations in the website. +Exp Performed XML Transformations from value objects to xml and from xml to Html data. +Exp Designed and developed views, controller and model components implementing Struts Framework. +Exp Performed unit testing using JUnit. +Exp Developed the Logging framework using log4j. +Exp Implemented Design patterns for recurring problems. +Exp Developed Web Services which are published on to the Websphere application server. Implemented "Model View Controller (MVC)" architecture to obtain "Layered Architecture" to isolate each layer of the application to avoid the complexity of integration and customization. +Exp Used WebLogic server as the application server to host the EJB's. +Exp Used Eclipse IDE for developing the application. Used SVN for version control. +Exp Responsible for development of DAO's (Data Access Objects) to interact with the database using JDBC. +Exp Used ANT to build the deployment JAR and WAR files. +Exp Tested web services using SOAP UI. +Exp Log4j was used to log both User interface and Domain Level Messages. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, J2EE, JSP, Rational Rose, Servlets, Struts Framework, JavaScript, Oracle and BEA WebLogic Server, ANT, SVN, Log4J. +Edu Education +Edu Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University +Edu 2008 +PI Khushbuben +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Over 8 years of IT experience in analysis, design, development, documentation, implementing and testing of web using Java and J2EE, Springs Framework, Struts Framework, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP, Restful), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AngularJS, AJAX and XML. +Sum Solid background in Core Java concepts like Exception handling, Multi-threading, Synchronization, +Sum Serialization, IO, Collections framework, Java Beans, Executor Services, Thread pools. +Sum Experience in working with open source frameworks like Spring, Struts and ORM frameworks like Hibernate and Spring JPA. +Sum Extensive experience using JSF, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JMS, JSTL and JNDI. +Sum SDLC: Software development experience in object oriented programming, design and development of Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise applications. +Sum Experienced with hands on development in various Spring components like Spring MVC, AOP, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring JPA, Spring Securities and Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Microservices, and swagger apis. +Sum Expertise in IDEs for software development like NetBeans, Eclipse, Eclipse STS, RAD, and JDeveloper. +Sum Experience in working with various Application Servers like IBM Web Sphere, Web Logic, JBoss and Apache Tomcat Servers. +Sum Expert in frontend technologies such as HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, JSTL and JSON. +Sum Experience in defining CAMEL content based switches for flow deviation +Sum Expertise in XML and related technologies like XSL, XSLT and parsers like JAXP (SAX, DOM) and JAXB. +Sum Possess work experience with middleware technologies like MQ-Series, Oracle Fusion (BPEL and OSB), and Apache CAMEL. +Sum Knowledge of Node.js and frameworks available for it +Sum Experience with the Express.js framework +Sum Implemented RESTFUL web services using NodeJS. +Sum Experience in NodeJS, implementing NodeJS callbacks, NodeJS web server, NodeJS Restful apis. +Sum Experience in defining integration using Apache Camel routes and Message channels. +Sum Proficient in OOAD Technologies developing Use Cases, Activity diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Class diagrams using case tools like Microsoft Visio and Rational Rose. +Sum Good experience in working with Spring Boot, Spring Microservice, discovery server like Netflix Eureka Server. +Sum Experience in working with AWS (Amazon Web Services), EC2, RDS, Dynamo DB, S3, Cloud Formation Templates. +Sum Experienced in performance dealing and server scaling using tools like Wily Interscope, JProfiler, JMeter, VisualVM. +Sum Experience in Database Design, Creation and management of Schemas, writing Stored Procedures, functions, Triggers, DDL, DML SQL queries. Experience in writing SQL and PL/SQL programming. +Sum Involved in building and deploying Apache ANT/ MAVEN scripts, debugging through logging frameworks like log4j, automated build tool with Jenkins. +Sum Expert in Various Agile methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven Development, Incremental & Iteration methodology and Pair Programming as well as implementing Waterfall model. To track the progress of Agile process used JIRA. +Sum Experience in web services technologies like REST, SOAP, WSDL, JMS and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Sum Experience in developing web application using test driven methodologies (TDD) and Junit as a testing framework. +Sum Experience in writing test cases using Mockito, PowerMock. Used MockMVC to write integration test cases. +Sum Experienced in working with different operating systems Windows, UNIX, and LINUX. +Sum Expertise in various version control tools such as SVN, CVS, Git and Clear Case +Sum Fully understand the Software Development Life Cycle. Worked with Agile and Waterfall systems. +Sum Experience working within agile development environments using SCRUM methodology. +Sum Participated in Architect and design of the components using a distributed architecture on AWS cloud platform. +Sum Main focus was on seamless integration of the portal messages across the business partners. +Sum Developed a scalable queuing system to accommodate the ever growing message flows across the systems using Amazon Simple Queuing System +Sum Involved in solving environmental problems along with technical support people, especially in server connections and database sharing issues. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Programming Languages: JAVA, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, C, C++ +Skill J2EE Technologies: EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JSF, RMI, JNDI, JMS +Skill Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, AngularJS, JQuery, XML, XSLT, CSS, JSON, JSON-DTD, AJAX, +Skill Bootstrap, NodeJS, ReactJS, IDE IBM RAD, RSA, Eclipse, MyEclipse, NetBeans, +Skill JBuilder, IntelliJ Application/Web Server IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, +Skill JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and Glassfish +Skill Databases: Oracle SQL, MySQL, DB2, Mongo DB +Skill XML Technologies: XML, XSLT, XPATH, SAX, DOM, JDOM, AXIS, JAXB +Skill Web Services: SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS +Skill Methodologies: RUP (Rational Unified Process), Agile, Waterfall, SCRUM, Rapid Application +Skill Development. +Skill Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX +Skill Application Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Factory Pattern, +Skill Core, Spring Context, Spring DAO,Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Spring Security, +Skill Spring Boot, Spring Batch,Spring with Hibernate) ORM Frameworks JPA, +Skill Hibernate, Spring JPA, DAO OO Modeling Rational Rose, MS Visio Version +Skill Control Clear Case, SVN (Apache Subversion), CVS, Git +Skill Other Tools: ANT, Maven, Log4j, Jenkins, Junit, JIRA, Selenium Cloud Computing AWS +Skill (Amazon Web Services), EC2, RDS, DynamoDB, S3 Micro services Swagger, +Skill Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Spring Micro Services, Springboot, Netflix Eureka. +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor of Computer Application, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India +Exp EXPERIENCE: +Exp eBay - Austin, TX Jan 2016 to Present +Exp Sr. Java Fullstack Developer +Exp The GSI [eBay] Remote Tools system is a browser-based application designed to allow users external to GSI the ability to manage product and catalog content within the context of a single GSI-hosted web store or group of stores. In conjunction with system-to-system data feeds and data entry by GSI employees, Remote Tools gives our partners direct control over their e-commerce businesses. +Exp Two main components of the system are the hierarchy and the navigation. The hierarchy provides the structure of the Web Store. The navigation is the way you move within the hierarchy and where and how the products are displayed. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant. +Exp Developed HTML views with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and Angular JS 2.0. +Exp Developed new requirements with Spring, Struts and Hibernate. +Exp Used JQuery for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes. +Exp Developed creative intuitive user interfaces that address business and end-user needs, while considering the technical, physical and temporal constraints of the users. +Exp Developed internationalized multi-tenant SaaS solutions with responsive UI's using Java or ReactJS, with NodeJS and CSS. +Exp Involved in the development of presentation layer and GUI framework using Angular JS and HTML. +Exp Built different modules, controllers, templates, custom filters and directives in Angular JS. +Exp Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and JavaScript. +Exp Involved in rendering additional components with custom HTML tags using React.js +Exp Used groovy and Spring boot to collecting the data from users and packaged the data as JSON distributed to applications. +Exp Experience in built web services using spring and CXF operating within ESB, offering REST, AWS and SOAP interfaces. +Exp Build SOAP Web Services based on AWS (Amazon Web Services). +Exp Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX and Angular resources. +Exp Developed code for Responsive web design in JavaScript using frameworks like Angular.js, React.js. +Exp Experience in developing cloud based application using Spring Cloud and Pivotal cloud foundry +Exp Responsible for making responsive web pages using twitter bootstrap and media queries. +Exp Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js and Node.js. +Exp Implemented Grails Services and controllers to perform actions. +Exp Experience in upgrading and migrating various versions of Mongo database on different platforms. +Exp Making changes to the existing web applications and creating new components using React.js. +Exp Reported bugs and tracked defects using JIRA. +Exp Worked with Agile technology. +Exp Managed projects with GRUNT task runner. +Exp Used the functionalities to write code in HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, Angular.js, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, JSON, and Bootstrap with MySQL database as the backend. +Exp Involved in Developer Testing, Review and Trouble shooting. +Exp Developed UI tests with Protractor and Java tests in JUnit. +Exp Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration. Used TOAD for managing, monitoring and analyzing the database. +Exp Designed and Developed automation script using Selenium Web Driver in Eclipse. +Exp Used LAMP to suitable for building dynamic web sites and web applications. +Exp Handled response data from RESTFUL webservices using XML, JSON and JQuery to update UI Interacted with java controllers (JQuery, Ajax, and JSON to write/read data from back end systems). +Exp Created GET/PUT request and response using RESTFUL web services. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Swing, Oracle 11g, MySQL, Eclipse 3.4, WebLogic 9.2, GUI, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, HTML5, CSS3JavaScript, JUnit, Angular js 2.0, React.js, Backbone.js, node.js, JQuery, Web services, Maven, Jenkins, AWS, Redux Toad, Grunt, Tortoise SVN, Putty, LAMP, Visio, Team track, Quality Center. +Exp American Express, Phoenix, AZ April’13 to Dec’15 +Exp Sr. Java FullStack Developer +Exp Project Description: American Express is a leading credit card company with a vast presence throughout the world. Worked as a full stack java developer on a project that enables American express card holders to find restaurants, atms and hotels in their vicinity which accept American express cards. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in analysis and design phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) +Exp Responsible for the analysis, documenting the requirements and architecting the application based on J2EE Standards. +Exp Extensively used core java concepts like collection frame work, multi-threading, OOPS and Exception Handling. +Exp Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP and JavaScript. +Exp Responsible for maintaining and expanding AWS (Cloud Services) infrastructure using AWS Stack especially worked with database setup and maintenance on AWS EC2. +Exp Used Hibernate, object relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based scheme. +Exp Developed the JQuery callback functions to implement asynchronous communication using AJAX. +Exp Scrum methodology was used during the product life cycle. +Exp Designed, Developed & Deployed server-side common utilities for the application and the front- dynamic web pages using Servlets, JSP, Angular-JS, Node JS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML/DHTML and CSS +Exp Created detailed design documents, use case diagrams and class diagrams. +Exp Built the backend Rest API using Spring MVC and Hibernate ORM frameworks. +Exp Performed backend migration from Spring MVC to Spring Boot. +Exp Effectively utilized core J2EE design patterns: MVC, DI/IOC, DAO, Factory, Business delegate, Service Locator, Singleton in the project implementation. +Exp Handled the Spring components such as Dispatcher Servlet, Controllers, Model and View Objects and View Resolver +Exp Involved in writing application Context XML file that contains declarations and other dependent objects declaration. +Exp Utilized HTML5 and AngularJS in implementing some of the front end components. +Exp Monitored the control using Spring IOC +Exp Followed Scrum/Agile Methodology during the software development life cycle. +Exp Extensively worked with XML while using Maven, Dispatcher Servlet etc. +Exp Used Web Services to establish communication between the systems. +Exp Implemented RESTful Web services. Published and consumed web services. +Exp Made extensive use of Oracle database to perform the analysis of data. +Exp Utilized Maven as the build tool. +Exp Identified usability and develop functional and smooth, easy-to-operate and eye-catching web applications using EXT JS, Angular JS and React JS, Backbone.js, Node.js and Bootstrap with MySQL database. +Exp Utilized Jenkins for build automation. +Exp Used log4j as the logging framework +Exp Handled the project setup and maintenance during the development and QA phases. +Exp Used Subversion (SVN) for source code management and version control. +Exp Used Junit with EasyMock/PowerMock for the unit testing of various modules. +Exp Environment: Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, AngularJS, Ajax, HTML5, XML, IOC, Web Services, Rest API, Junit, Websphere, Oracle, AWS, log4j +Exp Client: World Fuel Service Doral, FL Jan’12 - Mar’13 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Project Description: World Fuel Service is a leading global fuel logistics company, principally engaged in the marketing, sale and distribution of Aviation, Marine and Land fuel products and related services on a worldwide basis. Customers value its competitive fuel prices, trade credit availability, fuel price risk management, logistical support, fuel quality control and fuel management. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various steps of SDLC such as analysis, design and development of system and developed specs that include Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Designed the user interfaces using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSPs. +Exp Developed the application using Spring Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Implemented Dependency Injection (IOC) feature of spring framework to inject beans and AOP for creating the exception handling aspects. +Exp Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as MVC, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Singleton and Factory. +Exp Java Message Service (JMS) API is used to allow application components to create, send, receive, and read messages. +Exp Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Implemented dependency injection of the Spring IOC to inject beans and to integrate with O/R mapping tool Hibernate. +Exp Deployed the applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Developed JUnit test case for all the services and manager methods. +Exp Implemented SOAP Web Services to integrate third party service using the WSDL and created stubs. +Exp XML parser APIs SAX and JAXB in the web service's request marshalling and unmarshalling. +Exp Developed SQL for querying the Database, Written stored procedures and triggers for Oracle 9i. +Exp CVS for version control of the application and Log4J to capture the log the events and exceptions. +Exp Implemented the library dependency management and application build process using Maven. +Exp Environment: Jdk1.6, HTML, Spring ,Spring MVC, JBoss, log4j, Hibernate, Maven, Tortoise SVN, Rest web services , maven, Eclipse Kepler , java script , Xml , mysql. +Exp Gravitant - Austin, TX - Oct’10 to Dec ‘11 +Exp Java/J2EE Consultant +Exp Project Description: Gravitant is a company that develops cloud-based software to enable organizations to easily plan, buy and manage software and computing services from multiple suppliers across hybrid clouds. Worked as a java consultant on a project, primarily focusing on the application development and front end integration. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participating in user requirement sessions to gather business requirements +Exp Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, Integration and Testing of application modules +Exp Designed and developed Class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Unified Modeling Language (UML) +Exp Used Eclipse 3.2 IDE for coding, debugging and testing the application modules +Exp Developed presentation layer for the application modules using Adobe Flex and Action Script controls +Exp Developed Styles, Skinning, Charts using Flex controls +Exp Implemented data push using BlazeDS, Remote Object, Web Service components +Exp Used Java Script libraries for developing the Java Script Programs +Exp Designed the Cascaded Style Sheets for designing the styles, skinning and layouts +Exp Involved in designing the page layouts using Wire Frames templates +Exp Implemented AJAX base applications using DOJO and GWT API for Performance oriented and browser Independent application +Exp Developed various Action classes and Form bean classes using Struts framework +Exp Implemented Event Manager, e-Distribution Admin modules using Struts-Spring-Hibernate +Exp Used Object/Relational mapping tool Hibernate to achieve object to database table persistency +Exp Written Hibernate POJO Classes, Hibernate Configuration file and Hibernate Mapping files +Exp Implemented Batch Updates using Spring and configured beans in Application Context file +Exp Used the features of Spring Core layer (IOC), Spring AOP, Spring ORM layer and Spring DAO support layer in order to develop the application +Exp Involved in the configuration of Struts Framework, Spring Framework and Hibernate mapping tool +Exp Developed the Servlets for invoking the remote notifications +Exp Worked on Java Messaging Services (JMS) for developing messaging services +Exp Implemented different types of messaging prototypes using JMS +Exp Implemented service oriented architecture (SOA) using Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI +Exp Used SOAP UI for testing the SOAP input and output messages +Exp Involved in configuring hibernate to access database and retrieve data from the database +Exp Used Oracle 10g as the backend database storage +Exp Created data base tables according to the application requirement +Exp Developed stored procedures and triggers with PL/SQL +Exp Implemented the application using Agile development methodology +Exp Developed Maven and ANT Scripts to do compilation, packaging and deployment in JBoss server +Exp Used Remedy tool for creating change tickets and handling production bugs +Exp Environment: Java/J2ee, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Tiles, Spring, Hibernate, Adobe Flex, Action Script, Adobe Flex Builder, Cairngorm architecture, SOAP, WSDL, WS-Security, Apache Axis, SQL, PL/SQL, CSS, XML,XSLT, JavaScript, JBoss, IBM Web sphere MQ 5.3, Eclipse, HTML, DHTML, XML, AJAX, Maven, CVS, TOAD, Oracle 10g, UNIX, UML, Shell Scripts, Agile (Scrum), Rational Rose, JUnit, Log4j, Remedy +Exp Agnide technologies- Ahmedabad, India July ‘08 to Sep ‘10 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the review and analysis of the Functional Specifications, and Requirements Clarification Defects etc. +Exp Involved in the analysis and design of the initiatives using Rapid Application Development. +Exp Involved in the development of the User Interfaces using HTML 5, JSP, Javascript and CSS 3. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture by using Struts/Swings to send and receive the data from front-end to business layer. +Exp Used JDBC calls in the JSP to access MySQL Database. +Exp Performed deployment of applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Created several custom tags for JSP for maximum re-usability for user interface components. +Exp Used struts Action Servlet to route the request to corresponding Action Classes. +Exp Used Struts Validator Framework to do validations +Exp Used Commons Logging framework (log4j) utility to log error, info and debug messages +Exp Performed Unit Testing and interacted with QA for testing. Involved in implementing validations, exception handling. +Exp Used AJAX for implementing part of the functionality for Customer Registration, View Customer information modules. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and data persistence. +Exp Involved in Spring and Hibernate Integration to perform the CRUD operations on Oracle database +Exp Used Axis2 to implementing Web Services for Integration of different systems. +Exp Published APIs using restful services for the consumption through Service Endpoint Interface +Exp Used Junit test environment for test based development. +Exp Worked with XML, XSLT for building up & transforming the xml files. +Exp Used waterfall model for the software development process. +Exp Worked extensively with Microsoft Visio for creating Use case diagrams, sequence diagrams and system flow. +Exp Used GIT for source and Version control +Exp Environment: Windows , Java (JDK 1.5), Struts, Spring, WebSphere, RAD, HTML, JavaScript, JDBC, Hibernate, JDBC Template, SOA, REST,XML, XSD, XSLT, Servlets, JSP, Oracle, Log 4j, JUnit, MS Visio, Waterfall Model, Windows, CVS, Maven. +PI Komala +PI Sr Business System Analyst/Scrum Master +Sum PROFILE: +Sum Success driven business analyst with 8+ years of experience eager to join the team. Proficient in providing analytical support for diverse business projects. Maintaining a record of improving productivity, expert in business cycle management, business data clarification and eliciting project requirements. Driven by low supervision, strong leadership, and high competence, written & verbal communication skills shared with ability to work under pressure to keep up with the deadlines. +QC CERTIFICATION: +QC Scrum Master Accredited Certification (International Scrum Institute). +QC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Overall 8+ years of experience as a Business Analyst/Business System Analyst and Scrum master in IT industry. +Sum Experience in various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Waterfall and Agile methodologies - SCRUM, SAFE. +Sum Extensive knowledge of Spiral, Extreme programming(XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Kanban and Scrum-ban. +Sum Communicated with different SME’s, Developers, Testers, higher level management and other stakeholders to develop a quality project and worked on delivering the product within budget without any Scope creep to reach the deadlines on time. +Sum Thereby, proven success in Impact Analysis, Cause and Effect, GAP Analysis (As-Is and To-Be Analysis), SWOT Analysis and assisted the project manager in Cost Benefit Analysis, Work Break Down Structure and Critical path analysis. +Sum Facilitated and gathered requirements through Requirements Gathering Sessions using various elicitation techniques like Prototyping, Interviews, Requirement Workshops, Telephonic interviews, Survey/Questionnaire, Brainstorming and JAD +Sum Analyzed source systems and business requirements, to develop User requirements, Functional and Nonfunctional requirements. +Sum Documented Requirement Artifacts such as Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD), System Requirement Specification (SRS), and elaborative expertise with Change Management Handling. +Sum High expertise in tracing requirements throughout the development process and verifying their adherence to Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and RACI chart, preparing test cases with the help requirements gathered with proper tracing back and forth. +Sum Highly experienced in creating Mock up screens, Wireframes and Prototypes to assist the UI team for better understating of user interface requirements and sit with the SME’S to get more insights on Graphical User Interface for the system. +Sum Designed the UML diagrams such as a Use case diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagrams and Data Flow Diagrams by using Rational Rose and MS Visio and wrote use cases for the development team based on the requirements gathered. +Sum Proficient in Microsoft Office tools like MS Access, MS Visio, MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MS Project. +Sum Experience as a SCRUM MASTER, facilitated the SCRUM ceremonies and time-boxed the ceremonies (Planning Meeting, Daily SCRUM, Sprint Review Meeting, Sprint Retrospective Meeting, Product Backlog Refinement Meeting). +Sum Converted the Requirements into user stories by conducting a user story writing workshop which helped the team in developing user stories that meet INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable) criteria. And tasks that met the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timeboxed) criteria to identify the workflow analysis and designing the functions. +Sum Maintained the artifacts like Product Burndown chart, Sprint Burndown chart, and Sprint Burn Up chart and made them visible through Information Radiator. Experience in tools like JIRA, RALLY to maintain the user stories and artifacts. +Sum Highly skilled as Scrum Master in facilitating scrum ceremonies for the scrum team. Make sure they stay focused on the project to perform better and conducting several estimation Techniques like Planning poker, T-shirt sizing, Relative Mass Valuation. +Sum Helped the product owner to prioritize the Product backlog using techniques like MOSCOW, KANO and prioritized the backlog +Sum Assisted the QA team in developing in creating the Test scenarios, Test plans and Test Cases and created RTM to track requirements +Sum Experience in supervising Black-box Testing, Functionality Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing. +Sum Involved in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) where demonstrated the system to the end users and validated the product with them. +Sum Good knowledge of creating SQL Queries like DML, DDL, DCL commands which include Joins, Aggregate and unions in understanding the database and good knowledge about RDBMS (Relational Database Management systems). +Sum Good understanding of Data Warehousing concepts like OLAP, OLTP, top down Approach, bottom up Approach, data cleansing. Worthy knowledge of Entity Relationships (Logical, Conceptual and Physical diagram) and User Administration. +Sum Highly expertise in using tool likes JIRA for writing requirement, Issue tracking, Creating defects and Generating reports throughout application development lifecycle and experience in using Confluence for better communicating with the team. +Sum Good understanding of using ETL Tools like Informatica and SSIS for extracting the data from data sources, Transforming the data using business rules as per the requirement and then loading the data in to the data warehouse. +Sum Good knowledge in validating XAML scripting language and have a good understanding of user interface programming language such as ASP.NET. Extensive knowledge about Visual Studio Suite like Visual Studio Team Services and Visual Studio Code. +Sum Strong Management Skills, demonstrated proficiency in leading and mentoring individuals to maximize levels of productivity, while forming cohesive team environments and great Ability to manage multiple large-scale projects concurrently and efficiently. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp KOHLS, Menomonee Falls, WI DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The scope of the project was to enhance the management and tracking of orders at a Store associate level when the Order cycle starts so that we had an increase in sales and customers with an optimized revenue to provide better customer service. Enhancement was done on a Store facing application mainly to track and complete the Picking and Packing process of the Orders. Two sequences of applications ran on the device namely Ship from Store(SFS) and Buy Online Pick Up in Store(BOPIS). Orders were assigned to the Store associate in two ways namely Custom Picking and Auto batch and it was further shipped to the customers either by Drop-Ship through third party vendor or Customer Pickup. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Involved in prior documentation and business process to understand the scope and development of the system being developed +Exp Facilitated JAD, Brainstorming sessions to allow different stakeholders to communicate their viewpoints with each other, resolved any concerns and came to an agreement quickly. Conducted one on one interviews to understand the requirement of the stakeholders. +Exp Performed GAP analysis to define gaps between As-Is and To-Be processes and bridged the gap to work on system enhancements. +Exp Reviewed and Analyzed Business Requirement Documents (BRD), Functional Requirement Documents (FRD) and translated them to System Requirement Specification (SRS) to enable development team to better understand the requirements +Exp Assisted in design review meetings so that all the requirements are within the project scope and does not adhere to Scope creep. +Exp Involved in writing Test Plans, Test Cases and Test Scenarios using HP Quality Center and arranged triage calls between developers and testers so that the bug cycle was taken care and made sure that requirements didn’t get deviated. +Exp As a Scrum Master ensured the team is effectively and actively performing as a team. Ensured that the team is self-organized and collaborative in nature to develop the product in an evolutionary and timeboxed manner ensuring product delivery on time. +Exp Facilitated Scrum Ceremonies and ensured that the team follows their process and pursued continuous innovation in their practices. +Exp Wrote User Stories fulfilling INVEST criteria, assisted the Product Owner in prioritizing the Product Backlog Items (PBIs) using MoSCoW, KANO and engaged the whole team in estimating Story Points using Planning poker and Relative Estimation. +Exp Used JIRA to keep track of the issues that are logged and in-progress along with the person responsible. It helps to generate reports to see the status of an issue and improving the productivity of the development team. +Exp Generated Sprint Burndown and Product Burndown charts which helped Product Owner to plan accordingly. Tracked and effectively communicated team’s velocity and sprint/release progress to the stakeholders to assure them about the development. +Exp Involved in breaking down the user stories into task satisfying SMART criteria with the help of Scrum team. +Exp Conducted Sprint review meeting by inviting all the stakeholders including the product owner and worked with the team to give a live demonstration of the Potentially shippable product increment (PSPI) to the stakeholders and collected feedback. +Exp Performed different fun Retrospective techniques like Happiness histogram, Silent writing, Speed Dating in Retrospective meeting +Exp Jotted down the feedback from the stakeholders and updated the same in Product Backlog for the team to start working on it. +Exp Effectively recorded and maintained the artifacts like impediments list, Sprint burndown charts and Sprint burnup charts to track the team’s performance and keeping it visible to the team members and owners. +Exp As a Scrum Master conducted various fun activities in the Sprint retrospective meeting to improve the team building skills and collaborative skills within the team. +Exp Involved in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for successful implementation of requirements and generation of reports. Used JIRA for defect tracking, facilitating and monitoring the process throughout the development process. +Exp As a Scrum master facilitated and time-boxed Scrum ceremonies such as Sprint planning, Daily scrum, Sprint review, Sprint retrospective and Backlog refinement meeting. +Exp Used SSIS for transforming data from source to target destination, SSAS for analyzing the data and updating multiple databases with the product information and SSRS used to update the reports in Database. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall-scrum hybrid, HPQC 10.0, JIRA7.0.0, MS Visio, MS Project, MS (Power Point, Excel, Word, Project), SharePoint, REST, MS Azure, ASP.NET 4.0, SQL Server 9.x/10.x, VS 2010, TFS, Visual Studio Team Services, Visual Studio Code. +Exp NJDOC, Trenton, NJ DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project was aimed at creating a Data Mart to provide Educational department to analyze educational history of an inmate the moment he enters the prison as well as tracks whether the Inmate completed his mandatory education programs or not. The enhancement was done on legacy system where they were unable to track the historical data of educational programs of inmates in the Database. Legacy non-integrated databases are a core to business processing which overrides the existing data instead of updating it. New Data Mart was designed, and Source and Target Data were Mapped to ensure that business rules were imposed to get an updated status history of the Inmates as well as their history. Integrated system would provide ease of access, analysis, transparency and enhanced reporting capabilities which had the complete details of the Education level of an Inmate when he enters the prison and whether the Inmate completed his mandate education while he was serving inside the prison. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Interacted with users and stakeholders to Identify business needs, evaluated solutions for business problems. +Exp Gathered business requirements by participating in JAD sessions, Interviewing business users and stakeholders and did a pre-analysis for collecting the requirements and went through the previous documents for understanding and analyzing the system. +Exp Conducted one on one meetings with the clients to discuss the business needs and gathering business requirements and had meetings with SME and Database Admin to understand the application and Oracle database terminology. +Exp Understood problem definition through one to one meetings with Data architect, Enterprise architect and Solution advisors. +Exp Involved in creating Project plan and deliverables for the project by assisting the Project manager in creating a Work break down structure and Critical Path analysis so that we had a clear-cut idea of the amount of work required to complete the deliverables. +Exp The methodology used for the project was Waterfall and had a deep understanding about the requirement gathering. Provided clear and consistent information about project status both internally as well as to the IT team and stakeholders. +Exp Used MS Visio for Process modelling, Process mapping and Business Process flow diagrams. Understood the As-Is system, +Exp developed the To-Be system concepts and analyzed the bridge between the source and target systems and evaluated the same. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirements Document(FRD) and Drafted Systems Requirement Specification (SRS). Analyzed modified, validated these artifacts and then verified the same with the stakeholders. +Exp Closely worked with Data Architect in creating Data Mapping, Data modelling and Data Mart design. Assisted in increasing Data Integrity by performing Data Normalization and adding Data Verification and Validity to maintain accuracy and integrity. +Exp Responsible for writing the business logic and other business rules for generating reports based on the requirements. +Exp Documenting weekly updates of the project to the project manager and project director. Documenting the current project status and tasks that were accomplished this week and tasks for to be accomplished for the up -coming week +Exp Closely worked with the data warehouse team in implementing history for the tables and available for them in discussing business requirement document if they need any assistance in verifying the requirements back and forth and clarified their doubts. +Exp Involved in generating report in business objects with the help of business intelligence team and created report based on requirements and identified source systems for Data Profiling to take appropriate decisions for the betterment of business. +Exp Established Incident Reporting and did an Impact analysis for Change Control procedure which was further taken to the Change Control Board and was further handled by the Change manager who put forth with a go or no- go decision for the change. +Exp Worked with QA team to design and develop Test Plan and Test Cases and was involved in the test environment to create a Test strategy for the testing environment to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Functional Testing, Regression Testing. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall, MS project 2013, MS Outlook 365, MS Office 2013 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio), My SQL, Oracle 10g, Oracle TOAD, Erwin, Oracle warehouse builder, OBIEE Enterprise edition, Outlook 365, Oracle applications. +Exp AMWAY, Ada, MI DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The scope of the project was to offer a unified shopping experience to its customers, giving a wide variety of options while shopping through multiple channels. It was an enhancement to a legacy system feature which provides new feature and updated information about the products in categories. The products list along with Cost, image and description were presented and the customer can make a choice of products and shop. checkout of shopping cart was made easier than before. The project also provided a new functionality of cashback & reward program in an existing E-commerce online shopping application. The new functionality could register interested customers and based on their purchasing habits system could generate various cashbacks and rewards options. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Performed JAD sessions, interviewing and surveys with Business users, SME & app developer teams for gathering requirements for Application development. Interacted with the legacy system to understand the requirements for to be system. +Exp Analyzed the gathered requirement and reviewed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Specification Document (FSD) for developing better understanding of system requirement to assist development team’s operations. +Exp Considered the customers interest while the customers ordered the products so that the customer had choice to view the orders and make necessary changes while the order is still placed in the Shopping cart. +Exp Made sure the products list was updated with the Cost, Image and short description regarding the product and the Warehouse had transparent inventory which eventually increased the Traffic acquisition for the existing site further managing the Traffic for the site. +Exp Performed data retrieval using the SQL queries from database to extract the data that was required to analyze the insights of system. +Exp Analyzed the gathered requirement and reviewed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Specification Document (FSD) for developing better understanding of system requirement to assist development team’s operations. +Exp Coordinated and controlled Change Request for the clients by conducting impact and cost analysis, prioritizing and mitigating changes. Prepared change request form to provide details of change request and the further process was carried by Change Manager. +Exp Prepared project deliverables through business workflow analysis, process analysis, user requirement documents (Use Cases & Activity diagrams) and managed the requirements and made sure they were well understood by the development team members. +Exp Used SQL queries for analyzing data and identifying required data with pain points and solving them with effective solutions. +Exp Designed and developed Use Case diagrams and involved with design team in creation of Activity Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams to depict process flows of the entire system. +Exp Used Data analytics for analyzing the data for type of products sold and types of maximum buying customers which helps in targeting them for developing the business strategies and implement cash rewards based on purchases made by the customers. +Exp Developed a simple database and ETL process to load the existing data to store the data for the business process. +Exp Worked with QA team for designing Test Plan and Test Cases for the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Regression and Load Testing. +Exp Used Tableau for data visualization to communicate information clearly and efficiently via the statistical graphics, plots and charts. +Exp Used HTML-5 CSS 3.0 to enhance the User Interface of the existing site and to make it user friendly with the Application layer comprising of Java Script and used Oracle Database to maintain the complete data about the users ordering the products. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall, MS Visio, MS Word, MS Excel, Oracle9i, MS Access, MS SharePoint, Waterfall, Java /Eclipse IDE, Spring framework, Balsamic, REST Web service, GitHub, HP Quality Center 10.0, SOA, HTML-5 / CSS 3.0 / JavaScript: jQuery and AJAX (JSON and XML) technologies, IBM Requisite Pro 7.1, IBM Cognos Data Manager 10.2, Tableau +Exp AIG Insurance , Berkeley Heights, NJ DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Business Technology Operations team wanted an application that can offer personal insurance rating engine for Auto, BOP and Workers compensation line of business (Property& Casualty Insurance) for all US customers reducing all the manual efforts. The role involved to comprehend the business requirements and create functional specifications for the Development team by helping them throughout the development life cycle, perform functional and regression testing. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Gathered requirements in the form of use cases and user stories based on the need and necessity. And Assisted product owner to work on User stories to create Product Backlog. +Exp Worked with Product Owner to review the working demo of Potentially Shippable Product Increment (PSPI) in review meeting and helped deciding which features are done and satisfies the Acceptance criteria. +Exp Updating agile tracking systems to provide transparency on Product and Sprint Backlog for the development team. +Exp Time-boxed scrum ceremonies as a Scrum master and helped the product owner to prioritize the Product Backlog Items (PBI’s) using various techniques along with the development team. +Exp Actively involved in prior documentation and business process for understanding the Scope and Developed knowledge of system. +Exp Conducted Gap Analysis for current state and to-be state of the system which involved in in the identification of business rules, business and system process flows, requirements and assumptions. +Exp Interacted with the internal and external Stakeholders, project leads for gathering requirements for the system design & understanding the business process model and worked closely with the SME’s to understand the requirements effectively. +Exp Created Mock-up Screens and Wireframes using UI Components such as Radio Buttons, Drop-down list, Checkboxes for different screens for demonstration to business users, stakeholders and to give insights of the ‘TO-BE’ system. +Exp Well versed in Breaking down Epics through slicing strategies and then writing user stories satisfying the INVEST criteria. +Exp Facilitated Daily scrum meetings, Biweekly Sprint planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Backlog grooming meetings, and Planning poker sessions with technical team supporting threat management application. +Exp Helped the Product Owner to prioritize the Product backlog items (PBI’s) for developing Sprint tasks by taking suggestions from the cross-functional development team so that evolution was done in sprints and could sustain. +Exp Tracked and communicated team’s velocity and sprint/release progress by maintaining Burnup charts and Burn down charts. +Exp Create, maintain, and organize backlog of features, epics, stories, and tasks in JIRA. +Exp Meet with product owners and operational business managers for selected modules to introduce scrum and program processes. +Exp Wrote test cases, test plans depicted in documented requirements and traceability matrixes for User Acceptance testing (UAT). +Exp Compile, analyze, and present statistics about time estimation accuracy, team velocity, and burndown rate to development team and management each sprint. +Exp Support monthly release cycle by facilitating Release Feature Selection meetings and organizing and monitoring eligible release candidates as well as Creating, maintaining, and organizing backlog of Features, Epics, User Stories, and Tasks in JIRA. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall Agile Scrum, JIRA, Confluence Mock-up screens, SQL Server, MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Visio), GAP Analysis, Data Warehouse, Tableau, UML, and UAT Testing. +Exp AMAZON, Hyderabad INDIA DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: +Exp Project1: The primary objective of this project is to capture day to day Inventory transactions, Cash Flows, Purchase Orders, Customers, Policies, Products and financial related data from multiple systems and Main frame files. The ETL architecture consists of Landing, Pre-landing, CDC, ODS and Integration layer. +Exp Project2: Automation of widgets (36 widgets in total) in the FORTRESS to lower the time taken by TRMS (Transaction Risk Management System) in solving fraudulent transactions. The key objective of this project was to increase the productivity of the TRMS team by 15% and lower the time taken per investigation to three minutes. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Gathered business requirements by participating in JAD sessions, interviewing business users and stakeholders, conducting one to one sessions and consulting existing systems documents. +Exp Conducted Interviews with project managers, SME’s, business users to collect requirement and business process information. +Exp Assisted PM in creating Work Breakdown Structure and Project charter using MS project. +Exp Consulted extensive GAP analysis by identifying As-Is and To-Be process models and process flows, which in turn helped me to bridge the gap between the existing and the current system. +Exp Performed SWOT analysis to discover new functionality requirements, prioritized them based on actual business needs. +Exp Analyzed feasibility of business requirements and defined scope, found out dependencies by interacting with Stakeholders, Subject Matter Experts, Project Manager and Technical Lead. +Exp Used Waterfall methodology. Assisted in Use Case Modeling and prepared Functional Requirements documents (FRD) and System Requirement Specification (SRS) incorporating business, functional and technical specifications with GUI requirements. +Exp Created Use case diagrams to make sure it was well understood by developers and testers as well as performed excessive Prototyping using Mockup screens. +Exp Created Mock-up Screens and Wireframes using UI Components such as Radio Buttons, Drop-down list, Checkboxes for retrieving data from the user with client- side verification. +Exp Coordinated and controlled Change Request for the clients by conducting Impact and Cost analysis, prioritizing and mitigating changes and prepared change request form to provide details of Change request. +Exp Created environment for self -organization and organized team engagement activities to ensure team collaborates in an efficiently. +Exp Worked with the QA team for designing data fields when the data is expanded. Also assisted the development team to define data +Exp Documented and represented them in Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) and made sure that there are no deviations from the original requirements and was same as the requirements that were put forth by the stakeholders. +Exp Used bug tracking tools to combine a clean, fast interface for capturing and organizing issues with customizable workflows. +Exp Conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and developed the test plan, test conditions and test cases and manually executed these to verify actual result against the expected results and exported test case created in MS Excel Sheet +Exp Used Quality Center/HP ALM for reporting and defect tracking, also followed up with the development team to verify defect fixes and updated defect status also documented all the bugs so that the application was bug free before getting deployed. +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements from Black Box testing perspective. Reviewed Test Strategy and Test Plans to ensure that test cases reflect user needs for the Functional, Performance, Usability and Security requirements. +Exp Used Informatica to map the data in central Data repository and for enhanced Data management &Tableau for generating reports. +Exp Worked on Excel using pivot tables, data exports, excel formulas and created training curriculum and wrote training scripts. +Exp Strong knowledge of client side and server-side validation and assisted writing verbiage for client-side validation using JavaScript and Ajax. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall-scrum hybrid, MS Project, MS (Power point, Excel, Word), SharePoint, Rational RequisitePro, Oracle 11g, Informatica Power Center 8.6, ETL, Microsoft .Net framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008R2, AJAX, HP ALM v11.5, Bugzilla, HP Quality Centre 10.0, HTML-5, CSS, Microsoft Server Integration Services. +Exp Mutual Insurance, Mumbai INDIA DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Worked for Commercial Intelligence Teams, one of the key departments of Farmers Insurance which extract the business Insurance (Property &Casualty) data from several sources applications and load it to the Commercial data Mart(CDM). CDM will cover the data for users from products, Finance and Actuarial groups. This will cover two major areas of the Insurance domain: Policy and Claim and all the other required dimensionality and Workers compensation. Data in the Data Mart was to generate business objects reports by the reporting team. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Performed JAD sessions, interviewing and surveys with SME's and multiple teams for requirement gathering and refinement. +Exp Identified and defined Entities, relationships and attributes in the data model as per new specifications after analyzing the database systems currently in use. +Exp Identified source elements and data mapping with the target systems and Improved performance on SQL queries used indexes for tuning created DDL Scripts for database and manipulated the data using DML. +Exp Created PL/SQL Procedures to implement Property & Casualty related business logics and created database objects like Tables, Stored procedures, indexes, Sequences, Views and rules etc. +Exp Implemented the standard naming conventions and maintained Entity, Referential and Domain integrity while using SQL queries. +Exp Created Informatica workflows to integrate data from different sources, transform the data and load it in IBM DB2 databases. +Exp For database management system, TOAD was used for designing creating and managing DB2. +Exp Created data mapping documents for the migration of data from transactional OLTP database to OLAP databases of Property & Casualty related policy and claim data to different environments while enhancing the system. +Exp Did rigorous load testing by using Load Runner. Used SQL scripting & automated the scheduling of the data to reduce efforts. +Exp Analyzed the gathered requirement and reviewed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Specification Document (FSD) for developing better understanding of system requirement to assist development team’s operations. +Exp Created System Requirement Specification (SRS) document to describe data, functional and non-functional requirement with the system modes and states with the system capabilities and highlighting the technical specifications that are supposed to be developed. +Exp Wrote Use Case and built Use Case Diagram/ Activity Diagram for proper understanding of the system and communicated the same to development team and created Requirement Traceability matrix (RTM) using MS Excel. +Exp Worked with the QA team for designing Test Plan and Test Cases for the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Regression Testing. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Toad, IBM DB2, Informatica Power center, MS Access, LoadRunner, Mercury, Quality center, MS Office Suite (MS Word, MS Excel, MS SharePoint, MS PowerPoint, Waterfall, TFS, SQL Server, Microsoft .Net framework, IIS Server, MS windows Server 2008, asp.net, SOA, SOAP, XML, MS Visio 2008), HTML, HPQC +Exp OLX, Hyderabad, INDIA DURATION +Exp PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The scope of the project was to add a shipping cost estimator which calculates the shipping cost based on the product, distance and weight and implement detailed tracking information of the customer and providing updates to the customer regarding the delivery of the packages. +Exp ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Was involved in creating the Project Initiation Document(PID). +Exp Assisted Project Manager in performing Cost benefit, Risk assessment and SWOT analysis. +Exp Assisted PM in creating Work Breakdown Structure and Project charter using MS project as well as involved in analyzing business requirements and developing system specifications. +Exp Created mockup screens for the user interface for the better understanding of the requirement and to resolve the business issues. +Exp Actively interacted with different business groups to perform GAP analysis to identify the deficiencies in the system by comparing the actual objectives with the system objectives desired. +Exp Used Waterfall methodology. Assisted in Use Case Modeling and prepared Functional Requirements documents (FRD) and System Requirement Specification (SRS) incorporating business, functional, non-functional data and GUI requirements which would in turn serve as the counter piece of the project. +Exp Wrote Business rules pertaining to shipping functionality. +Exp Coordinated and controlled Change Request for the clients by conducting Impact and Cost analysis, prioritizing and mitigating changes and prepared change request form to provide details of Change request. +Exp Crated documents like BRD, FRD, SRS based on the requirements gathered from the business. +Exp Participated in the development and preparation of test plan with the testing team as well as ensuring testability, reliability, usability, maintainability and performance of the application. +Exp ENVIRONMENT: Waterfall, Oracle, Java, XML, Java script, Oracle warehouse builder, Rally, TFS, MS Access, MS Excel and MS Word. +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelors of Technology in Electrical Engineering. +PI KRISHNA KURUVELLA +PI Email Id: +PI Contact: 309 533 5064 +Sum SUMMARY +Sum 10 years of comprehensive experience in Analysis and Design, configuration, coding and deployment of test driven software, securing the web applications and maintenance and support. +Sum Areas of expertise Investment Banking, Insurance, Brokerage, Mutual funds, Finance +Sum Worked extensively on E-Commerce related Projects, Internet/Intranet applications using Java, JavaScript, XML, HTML, J2EE technologies, Web Containers – Servlets, JSP, EJB, JPA & Frameworks (Struts, Spring, Hibernate), Message Broker, Maven applications. +Sum Expert in developing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using JavaScript, JSP, HTML5 /DHTML, DOM, XHTML, jQuery, CSS3, and Ajax. +Sum Good knowledge of Responsive Web design using Custom CSS and Bootstrap. +Sum Expert in HTML5/CSS3 development and have experience in node.js, angular.js +Sum Proficiency in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, HTML5 and Java Script. +Sum Experience on working with CSS Backgrounds, CSS Layouts, CSS Positioning, CSS Animations, CSS Text, CSS Borders, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, and CSS Table. +Sum Involved in REST Web Services and XML. +Sum Experience in Multithreading and Thread pool concepts. +Sum Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Software Engineering /SDLC, Design patterns. +Sum Experience as a middleware J2EE engineer with hands-on on a multitude of projects and products that cover EJB, JDBC, ORM, ODM, Message Broker and Web Services, WebSphere ESB. +Sum Strong experience in Application Servers and web servers like WebSphere 5.X/6.X, WebLogic 6.X/7.X and Tomcat 4.x/5.x. +Sum Experience in working with Hudson and Jenkins Continuous integration tool. +Sum Open Source experience on frameworks like Struts, ANT, JUnit, Mockito, Powermock, +Sum AJAX, Hibernate etc. +Sum Experience and excellent knowledge of databases (Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MS SQL Server 200X) including SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers, etc. Data Warehousing Concepts, Unit testing tools like JUnit, Agitor, Code coveraging Clover. +Sum Knowledge and experience using ILog JRules, Message Broker, Maven applications, Jenkins Build +Sum Excellent Problem Solving, Analytical, Algorithmic understanding, hands on Data structures, +Sum Communication and Interpersonal skills with a good track record. +Sum Worked extensively on many complex modules, quick learner and a good team player. +QC Certificates Achieved: +QC Sun Certified Java Programmer +QC IBM Certified Database Associate -- DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Family +QC Java EE 6 Web Services Developer Certified Expert +QC Six Sigma Green Belt Certification +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor Of Technology in Computer Sciences +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Exp Anixter, Glenview, Illinois, US July 2016 to till date +Exp Senior Java Developer/ Architect +Exp Title: Inter Company Payment Process +Exp Anixter is a leading global supplier of communications and security products and electrical and electronic wire and cable. Anixter helps its customers specify solutions and make informed purchasing decisions around technologies, applications and relevant standards. It also has the finance department for intercompany payment process. Its aim is to provide ability to users to pay the pending amounts for invoices +Exp Responsibilities +Exp • Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp • Developing the web application using Spring and AngularJS frameworks. +Exp • Implementation of security for the web application and also for web services +Exp Developing web Soap and Restful web services +Exp • Working with testers and also with business partners. +Exp • Writing tested, idiomatic, and documented JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 +Exp Involved in the each and every phase of software development life cycle +Exp Involved in the creation of project architecture. +Exp Worked on oracle DB and DB2 db to get the invoice list and also to insert the data into the DB2. +Exp Coordination of offshore and Onsite team for development activities. +Exp Involved in the deployment activities. +Exp Supporting application until it goes into production environment. +Exp Environment J2EE/JAVA, SPRING 3.0, RestFul Webservices ,AngularJS, JSF, HPSM, BPM, JDK1.6, APACHE MAVEN 3.0, SVN, JUnit, Mockito, Powermock, SOAPUI, Web sphere App Server8.5 , Modular design patterns, STS +Exp State Farm Insurance, Bloomington, Illinois, US May 2012 to June 2016 +Exp Senior Java Developer/Architect/Security Analyst +Exp Title: DC2 Phase 0 ICP– Life Quote +Exp The Integrated Customer Platform (ICP) is being developed to provide customers the flexibility to do business with State Farm in the ways they choose – to acquire and service all of their State Farm insurance products across all access channels. Life Quote and Purchase is an Online Application for Customer to Generate a Quote based on his input. Customer will be able to choose a product, save and Retrieve the quote and proceed to purchase the quote. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with offshore-site team +Exp Involved in development of Soap Web Services +Exp Used ESB layer to expose a web service to the web application. +Exp Extensively worked on developing a web application using spring web MVC 3 framework with the integration of Spring Security and transactions. +Exp Writing tested, idiomatic, and documented JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS +Exp Validating user actions on the client side and providing responsive feedback using AngularJS +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Team orchestration to effectively carry out all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Integration test server box maintenance for all components +Exp Participated in deployment for all the environments till production implementation.(dev, syst, perf, pre prod and prod) +Exp Created Dashboards, Charts, Reports using Splunk tool. +Exp Deployed the Application using Tomcat Web Server. +Exp Involved in deployments using Websphere portal server 8.0 / Self service portal. +Exp Below are the additional activities. +Exp Security: Life Quote Application– security implementation. (Fine Grained and Coarse Grained), OpenAM security related issues, web service security implementation using basic and LDAP authentication +Exp WSRR: Creation of Service contracts, creation of new business capability versions and creation of business service versions. +Exp Tridion: Responsible for content data maintenance to launch ICP from ABS +Exp Project: State Farm Insurance is a group of and companies in the United States. The company also has operations in Canada. +Exp Environment J2EE/JAVA, SPRING 3.0, RestFul Web services ,AngularJS, HPSM, BPM, JDK1.6, APACHE MAVEN 3.0, SVN, JUnit, Mockito, Powermock, SOAPUI, Mule ESB, Apache Tomcat 6.0, Modular design patterns, STS. +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, San Antonio, Texas, US Dec 2011 to May 2012 +Exp Senior Java Developer +Exp Title: Cost Basis Day3 +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp This project Installs an enterprise wire solution that provides wire transfer functionality for MSR’s and members to enable straight through processing and to increase the operational efficiencies via automated process of wire transactions based on a dual facing application utilizing the business rules. The rationale is to increase the transaction processing capacity and improve member experience by enabling member self service, strengthen member authentication, fraud and AML/OFAC risk mitigation via real time integration capitalizing on the USAA EFAM tools and integrating posting accuracy by systematically interfacing wires directly to member accounts for selective legacy applications. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Involved in the development Restful web services. +Exp Involved in using spring modules AOP and Core Application Context +Exp Preparation of the estimates, time lines of the deliverables and project execution plan. +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Team orchestration to effectively carry out all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Integration test server box maintenance for all components +Exp Configuration and Defect management using Star Team +Exp Environment: EJB 2.0, Spring, RestFul Web Services for J2EE , IBM Java Technology Version 1.4, JMS, UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, BM Web Sphere Application Server V6.0 (Development) / V5.1 (Test and Production), IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition Version 1.4, Rational Application Developer v6.0.1,ODM,Message Brokers Tool Kit, Star Team. +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, Hyderabad, India June 2010 to Nov 2011 +Exp Technical Lead Developer +Exp Title: Enterprise Wires Services +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp This project Installs an enterprise wire solution that provides wire transfer functionality for MSR’s and members to enable straight through processing and to increase the operational efficiencies via automated process of wire transactions based on a dual facing application utilizing the business rules. The rationale is to increase the transaction processing capacity and improve member experience by enabling member self service, strengthen member authentication, fraud and AML/OFAC risk mitigation via real time integration capitalizing on the USAA EFAM tools and integrating posting accuracy by systematically interfacing wires directly to member accounts for selective legacy applications. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with on-site team to understand the requirements +Exp System components construction using Java, XML, EJB, Web Services and Unix Script +Exp Preparation of the estimates, time lines of the deliverables and project execution plan. +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Time sheet management using IPMS +Exp Prepare and monitor Insight tool reports +Exp Team orchestration to effectively carry out all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Integration test server box maintenance for all components +Exp Configuration and Defect management using Star Team +Exp Environment: UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, EJB 2.0, RestFul Web Services for J2EE (JSR-109 Version 1.0), IBM Java Technology Version 1.4, JMS, J2C Technology, IBM Web Sphere Application Server V6.0 (Development) / V5.1 (Test and Production), IBM Developer Kit,Spring, Java Technology Edition Version 1.4, Rational Application Developer v6.0.1,Message Brokers Tool Kit, Star Team. +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, India Sep 2009 to May 2010 +Exp Module Lead +Exp Title: Real-Time IDV OFAC +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp This project delivers an Enterprise OFAC and watch list service to ensure consistent application of Fraud and AML processes and screening rules across COSA's. Consolidate watch lists (including BUFRU migration.) into a centralized environment .Enable real time member and account level screening at product acquisition and/or during high risk transactions.(Wires).Provide Real Time Security indicator screening during IMCO account acquisition and maintenance. Execute fraud hot list screening during IMCO account acquisition. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with on-site team to understand the requirements +Exp Status Reports to the clients for 2 times in week +Exp System components construction using Java, XML, ILOG JRules +Exp Preparation of the estimates, time lines of the deliverables and project execution plan. +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Time sheet management using IPMS +Exp Team orchestration to effectively carry out all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Integration test server box maintenance for all components +Exp Configuration and Defect management using Star Team +Exp Environment: Intel 0x86 Architecture, UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, EJB 2.0, Web Services for J2EE (JSR-109 Version 1.0), IBM Java Technology Version 1.4, ILOG Jrules Framework, IBM Web Sphere Application Server V6.0 (Development) / V5.1 (Test and Production), IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition Version 1.4, Rational Application Developer v6.0.1,ILOG Jrules Tool Kit, Rational Software Architecture v6,Star team +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, India Feb 2009 to Aug 2009 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Title: GIM2 Report Changes +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp This application project aims to make some modifications for the R SEC Money Market Reports Which includes displaying the money market funds assets that are liquid daily(Liquid =cast),direct obligation of the US government or securities that will mature or subject to the demand feature that is exercisable and payable within one business day. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with on-site team to understand the requirements +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Involved in all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Environment: Intel 0x86 Architecture, UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, 4GL, UNIX Scripts, Sql, putty, 4GL +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, India April 2008 to Jan 2009 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Title: CLO DB Purge/Archive +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp This project aims to purge or archive the loan applications that are not get submitted. As we are aware information or data is increasing at an amazing rate. In fact some industry expects that collected information sizes will probably double in size every two to three years. Basically data which is no longer needed by the application to address business functionality should be purged or archived. If data is required for record retention requirements, then it should be archived from the DBMS to an application controlled format. Keeping unneeded data online or in warehouses have costs associated with them which can directly affect our membership. Transactions can take longer to process, and use more CPU which also increases the cost of each transaction. DBMS utilities like backups can run longer, takes more storage and use more CPU (Increase product cost) +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with on-site team to understand the requirements +Exp Involved in the DB design & Architecture (application) Design +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Involved in all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Configuration and Defect management using Star Team +Exp Environment: Intel 0x86 Architecture, UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, IBM Java Technology Version 1.4, MySql,DB2, DB2,MySql +Exp United Services Auto mobile Association, India Mar 2007 to April 2008 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Title: USAA-Bank CLO E-Fulfilment-OF +Exp Project: USAA is a fully integrated financial services company in United States of America serving more than 6 million military members. USAA is one of just two U.S. property and casualty companies with the highest ratings from A.M. Best, Moody’s Investors Service, and Standard & Poor’s. USAA provides more than 150 products and services to its members through various channels. +Exp The project E-Fulfilment deals with member flow where a USAA member can acquire the Loan completely through an online application process. This includes, collecting member information, till funding the loan. The key aspect of the project involves electronically displaying the Loan documents and getting them e-Authorized from the member. The main task of this project being capturing the business requirements in the form of Use Cases, Process Flow Diagrams & Screen Flow Analysis of existing Loan Origination System and develop the same in CLO platform +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Analysis of Business Requirements. +Exp Coordination with on-site team to understand the requirements +Exp Involved in Low Level design. +Exp Code walkthroughs, Debugging and Error fixing. +Exp Handling the quality processes, IQA, EQA and Final Inspection by preparing estimation, detailed plan documents. +Exp Prepare and validate product architecture and design model +Exp Analysis of the current customer system to plug-in new requirements +Exp Involved in all project activities such as analysis & design, coding, integration and testing. +Exp Merging the coded files through various releases till production using Star Team +Exp Preparation of Unit test cases and testing the codes with JUnit framework +Exp Configuration and Defect management using Star Team +Exp Environment: Intel 0x86 Architecture, UNIX, Linux and Windows XP/VISTA, EJB 2.0, IBM Java Technology Version 1.4, MySQL, SUN Micro Java Technology Version 1.4, Oracle 9i, IBM Web Sphere Application Server V6.0 (Development) / V5.1 (Test and Production), IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition Version 1.4, Rational Application Developer v6.0.1,ILOG Jrules Tool Kit, Rational Software Architecture v6,Star Team, AgitarOne. +Exp Training Conducted +Exp Training Attended +PI Krishna +PI Sr. Business Systems Analyst +PI Phone : 201-708-8565 +Sum SUMMARY +Sum IT professional with over 8+ years of Industrial experience in Insurance, E-commerce and Digital Marketing. Possess effective Communication, analytical and problem-solving skills with Creative Implementation Techniques. +Sum Highly skilled professional with industrial experience on standard Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies like Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban and Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid and have decent understanding on Rational Unified Process. +Sum Proficient in Stakeholder Analysis, Impact Analysis, Risk analysis, Change Management, Dependency Management, Conflict Management Cost-Benefit Analysis and Gap Analysis includes AS-IS and TO-BE analytical techniques. +Sum Seasoned in facilitating Scrum Ceremonies including User Story Workshops, Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective and Backlog Refinement meeting. +Sum Performed Business Process Modelling (BPM), Analysis & Re-engineering and providing solutions for issues relating to Risk management and Solution Management processes for better and efficient decision making in time. +Sum Expertise in designing, Mockups, Wire Frames, Prototypes and Power Point Presentation. +Sum Expertise in gathering and managing Requirements and tracked defects working with Jira, Rally (CA Agile), SharePoint Enterprise 2016, HP Application Lifecycle Management (HPALM) and HP Quality Center (HPQC). +Sum Proficient in conducting and facilitating Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions and interviews, brainstorming sessions, questionnaire, Document analysis, focus group, workshops, and Status Demo sessions. +Sum Proficiency in gathering requirements and transforming them into Functional and Non-Functional specifications. +Sum Proficient in Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and well acquainted with workflows and Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams including Use Cases, Activity charts, Sequence diagrams, ER diagrams and Data flow diagrams (DFD’s) using Rational Rose and MS-Visio thus assisting development team in preparing Business Process Model. +Sum Extensive experience in drafting and analyzing Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI), Business Requirements Document (BRD), Functional Specification Documents (FSD), Software Requirement Specifications (SRS), Use Case documentation and Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) +Sum Acquainted with Relational Database Management systems (RDBMS), Meta Data Analysis programmed SQL Queries, business logics, Stored Procedures and exposure to various databases and modelling techniques. +Sum Expertise in creating ER Diagrams with Conceptual Data models, Physical Data models by capturing the requirements. +Sum Extensive knowledge on Data Warehousing architecture, Implementation approaches, schemas, dimensional modeling, Data Marts, Rapidly and Slowly Changing Dimensions, OLAP Cubes operations, and able to perform Reverse Engineering Analysis interpreting the business requirements and identify the source systems. +Sum Proficient in drafting Data Dictionaries, Data Mappings and identifying various Transformations ensuring the Data Integrity. +Sum Extensive experience over ETL (Extract Transform Load) process in Data Integration, Data Migration and Data Warehousing using Informatica Power Centre, IDQ (Data Quality) and SSIS-SSAS-SSRS with planning strategies and Management. +Sum Comprehensive understanding of Three-Tier Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, APIs, REST & SOAP using XML, JSON, WSDL and UDDI, with internet protocol suites like HTTP/HTTPS and FTPS. +Sum Decent exposure with Administration, configuration, Implementation, and Data Loading process, Application Integration in Salesforce CRM, SOQL and SOSL querying and Application development with Apex and visual force. +Sum Extensive experience in Declarative approach of Development by designing Custom Applications, Objects, Fields, Access Matrix ensuing the Data Security ( at Object level, Field level and Record level), Org Wide Default (OWD) rules, profile management, page layout, search layout, Import wizard, ER diagramming and Dependency identification, licensing, Permission Sets, Email Templates, Automation of Outbound Message and emails, Role Based Page Layouts, Workflow Alerts and Actions, Validation Rules, Approval Processes, Field mapping, Custom Tabs, Custom Reports, Report Extractions to various formats, Audit Trail, Snapshots, Dashboards , Approval Flow Diagrams. +Sum Proficient in Technical Writing and API testing using SOAP UI 4.5, Swagger and Postman 4.8.0. +Sum Collaborate with Quality Assurance Team and well versed in conducting various testing like Functionality testing, System Testing, Performance Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and helped in developing test plans & test scenarios. +Sum Expert in preparing Training manuals, Project Implementation Materials and Standard Operating Procedures. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelors of Technology - Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp 1. Germania Insurance, Brenham, TX Sr. Business Systems Analyst Feb 2017- Till date +Exp The aim of the project to develop an Enterprise Level Information Intelligence System and there by integrate with Duck Creek Suit (Insights) and Salesforce CRM , which enables Risk Management Team, Actuaries and Decision Support Systems to perform Consolidated Geo-Special Analysis which helps in Managing the Risk in multiple line of business like Life Insurance, P&C Insurance for both Personal and Commercial policies and taking appropriate decisions in time further provides competitive advantages in Policy Pricing, Underwriting, Risk Exposure management, Catastrophic management, financial survival and Reinsurance Planning. +Exp Assisted the project managers in developing project plan that included Project Schedules, Milestones tracking, and Meeting minutes using MS Project. +Exp Created Business Process Workflow diagrams of Current and Expected System, using MS Visio and makes sure that both business and technical teams understand the process. +Exp Elicited business requirements by conducting JAD sessions, Interviews, Focus Groups and Brain Storming sessions. +Exp Drafted and Managed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) in Share Point Enterprise 2016 and led the Requirement Workshops where the specifications get converted into User Stories. +Exp Created and maintained Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) correlating the system requirements to functional- nonfunctional requirements and then to test cases. +Exp Worked closely with Data Analyst Team and assisted in assuring the integrity of the collected data. +Exp Analyzed and drafted Service Detailed documents from Web Service Description Language (WSDL). +Exp Co-ordinated the Quality Assurance teams in Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) testing using Postman 4.8.0 and assisted in Technical Writing Workshops. +Exp Proactively defined Reporting-Business Rules for Business Intelligence Analysts to expand on KPI metrics. +Exp Worked on Relational Database Management systems (RDBMS), programmed SQL Queries, Metadata Analysis and documented Data Dictionaries and Data Mapping Artifacts. +Exp Assisted Quality Assurance Team with Test Plans, Test scenarios and Test cases. +Exp Involved in System Integration Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Execution and Issue Resolution and Report Generation to assure that all aspects of a Project are in compliance with the Business rules. +Exp Facilitated the Pre UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and UAT; assisted in testing and maintaining quality procedures such as Black box and Regression testing; created all the relevant documents for appropriate users. +Exp Created User Manuals with detailed list of parameters and system responsive screen shots. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid, Duck Creek Suit, TDD, Eclipse Mars 4.7, ArcGIS Enterprise 10.3, Share Point Enterprise 2016, JIRA, MS Visio, MS Project, SOA, RESTful, JSON, XML, Informatica Power Centre, IDQ, Postman 4.8.0 - API Testing, Oracle 11g, AWS, MS Office tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint), MySQL Workbench. +Exp 2. Sun Life Financial, Boston, MA Business Analyst/ Scrum Master Jul 2015-Feb 2017 +Exp The project was to completely migrate the Legacy CRM Application on the Premises to the Salesforce CRM to reduce its footprint and overhead costs that comes up with infrastructure maintenance. As part of this vision, the organization wanted to integrate the migrated Application with the Enterprise Service Bus(ESB) with in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Exp Elicited business requirements for the project using interviews, document analysis, surveys, site visits, use case scenarios and used standard template of the organization to develop requirements. +Exp Gather the acceptance down time windows from System Traffic Reports and assist the project management team in Batch processing and Migration Strategy. +Exp Responsible for Stakeholder Analysis, Managing the requirements creating UML diagrams (Use Cases, Activity Diagram and Class Diagram) to capture and represent the dynamic behavior of different applications. +Exp Provided Administrative Support and created Custom objects, fields- Leads, Marketing, Campaign, Dashboard, Sales, and Account for Salesforce. Configured security and organizational hierarchy for sales for salesforce implementation. +Exp Involved in Design and development of Workflows rules, Testing, triggers, validation rules and customizations with Salesforce, Configured Reports for custom objects and associated them to Dashboard. +Exp Customized page layouts for Salesforce standard and customized workflows, Approval process, objects, Dashboards, Out bound messaging services, Exception to OWD (Org wide Defaults) as per the requirement. +Exp Drafted Data Dictionaries, Data Mappings Artifacts and identified various Transformations required. +Exp Involved in the System Integration Testing (SIT), and perfumed Work Flow- Functionality testing validated Test reports. +Exp Worked on API Documentation and Technical Writing and supported ESB Integration Team on SOA. +Exp Facilitated the Pre UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and UAT; assisted in testing and maintaining quality procedures such as Black box and Regression testing; created all the relevant documents for appropriate users. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum hybrid, JIRA, Confluence, MS project, MS office Tools (Word, Excel, PPT and Visio), Salesforce CRM, APEX, Data loader, Visual force, Webservices, Force.com IDE, Mule soft ESB, SOA, Guidewire Suit, XML, WSDL, SOQL. +Exp 3. Alaska DOLWD, Anchorage Sr. Business Systems Analyst Feb 2014-Jun 2015 +Exp The aim of project was to build an upgraded Data Warehouse System for Workforce Development Department, by extracting data from heterogeneous databases. The resulted data system comprised a single repository for data records spanning the full range of workforce systems, including unemployment insurance, apprenticeship training and the One-Stop Career Centers, enabled with better enhanced analysis, financial surveillance, budget allocation, expenditure tracking and consolidated reporting capabilities. +Exp Perused and finalized the ready ness of Request for Proposals (RPF) and assisted the Project Management Team in creating Response Documentation, Project Charters. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions as Moderator and conducted interviews, focus groups with various Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) +Exp and stakeholders, process reviews and policy & procedure reviews to elicit requirements. +Exp Proactively participated in LAND SCAPE Analysis to identify the GAP between the current and expected system. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Document (BRD/HLD) and assisted preparation of System Requirement Specification (SRS). Further Analyzed, modified and validated requirement artifacts. +Exp Used Reverse-Engineering techniques to be identified the missing sources and attributes. +Exp Created Business Use Cases and built Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram using Smart Draw. +Exp Collaborated with the Data Architects in Designing & Modelling the Targeted Data Bases. +Exp Highly involved in Dimensional Analysis, Meta Data Analysis, System Catalog Analysis and created Data Dictionaries. +Exp Assisted Data modeling process by creating conceptual and logical ER diagrams and designing database schemas to help development of an accurate Data Warehouse Structure. +Exp Assisted in Source Data Analysis and Extraction Strategy using SSIS as an extraction and integration platform. +Exp Created Data Dictionaries and Data Mapping Documents (S2T Artifacts) with all the required transformation logics. +Exp Worked with QA team to design and develop Test Plan and Test Cases to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Functional Testing and Regression Testing. +Exp Assisted in Strategical Planning for Data Integrity, Data quality and adding Data Verification and Validity to maintain accuracy and effectiveness of data. +Exp Involved with Business Intelligence (BI) team creating report catalogs and required parameters as per the requirements. +Exp Query Multiple Data bases PostgreSQL, MS SQL with SQL queries and documents the analysis reports. +Exp Collaborated with in Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Execution and Issue Resolution and Report Generation to assure that all aspects of a Project are in Compliance with the Business Requirements +Exp Experienced in Logging and tracking the defects using HP Quality Center. Created an error repository and managed the testing process with the QA team +Exp Worked with BI team in creating the Training Manuals with Standard Operational Procedure. Helped the end users getting accustomed to the system by live demonstrations and system tutorials. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Office suit, SSIS_SSAS_SSRS, MS VISIO, MS Project, MS TFS, DWH Architecture, SharePoint, Erwin 9.5, MS SQL, POSTGRE SQL, Main frames. +Exp 4. Grange Insurance, Columbus, OH Business Systems Analyst Nov 2012-Dec 2013 +Exp The client is one of the leading providers of P&C and life insurance service. The project was about creating an application on the salesforce platform that tracks the customers interests searches on the Enterprise web site and connect it to CRM System data, so that the Marketing Management Team can pay attention to their prospect’s interests. +Exp Interacted with users and stakeholders to identify business needs, evaluated solutions for business problems. +Exp Conducted Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and Requirement Workshops (RW) with Subject Matter Experts. +Exp Configured Data security and Organizational hierarchy for Org salesforce implementation. +Exp Customized page layouts, custom objects, fields, Dashboard, Sales, and Account. +Exp Involved in Design and development of Workflows rules, triggers, validation rules and customizations with Salesforce. +Exp Administered Salesforce CRM applications for Sales, Marketing and Support Departments. +Exp Responsible for all the activities related to configuring Import Wizards, Data Loader.io, uploading data in CSV files into salesforce.com, checking for integrity of the data. Set up visibility securities like roles, profiles, field level securities. +Exp Created and maintained Data Mapping Documents and Data Lineage Designs in MS Excel and MS Visio. +Exp Designed and developed all Use Cases and UML models using MS Visio. +Exp Assisted in designed Test Plans, Test Cases for Functional Testing, Load Testing and User Acceptance testing (UAT) and assisted Quality Assurance Teams in tracking the issues. +Exp Provided the sophisticated user manuals and training material to the marketing team to create Product Demo videos. +Exp Environment: AGILE Scrum, Guidewire Insurance Suit, SOA, MS project, MS office Suit, MS Project, MS Visio, Angular JS (SPA), IBM Web Sphere (Java application), Eclipse IDE Juno 3.8, Load Runner 11.5, Rally ALM, Apex Data Loader, Workflow Approvals. +Exp 5. Birla Sun life Insurance, Hyderabad Business Systems Analyst Feb 2012-Oct 2012 +Exp The project was to develop Highly Responsive Pages (HRP) and mount them on the Enterprise website with detailed demos of Improved Business Process of an Insurance Company. And further location of Visitors and details are tracked and connected to the existing CRM system which helps the Organization to transform their Prospects into Potential customers. +Exp Worked with Subject Matter Experts, Digital Marketing Analyst, Project Managers and Business Owners to understand the business process gather Business Requirements and identified enhancements. +Exp Conducted various sessions like JAD Sessions, Brain Storming and Focus Groups for eliciting pragmatic requirements. +Exp Drafted and Managed User Stories and Features and Create User story Dependency Matrix and Story mapping artifacts. +Exp Developed Mock Screen and Wire Frames and presented as DEMO session to the Primary Stakeholders. +Exp To automate Cross Browser and Cross Platform testing used Selenium Testing Framework for automated Web application +Exp testing and auto scripting. +Exp Responsible for meetings with users and stakeholders to identify problems, resolve issues and improve the process to +Exp ensure the system meets all the goals of the project. +Exp Produced visual models for the application using UML MS Visio to create Use Cases, Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Collaborated and negotiated with stakeholders in defining project scope boundaries. +Exp Environment: SCRUM, MS Visio, MS Office Suite, AJAX Framework, Selenium Testing Framework, POSTGRE SQL, Apache Tomcat, Outlook, CRM Systems. +Exp 6. Snap Deal, Hyderabad Business Analyst Nov 2010- Jan 2012 +Exp The project was to enhance the Business Process of an E-commerce website with single-click Payment Processing System. +Exp Interacted with users and stakeholders to identify business needs, worked with SME’s of diverse groups to gain detailed knowledge of E-commerce shopping. +Exp Conduct JAD sessions authored functional Requirements Document (FRD). +Exp Understood 3-Tier Architecture, Service Oriented Architecture, Data base to applications connective Strings, Web Services, Application Servers, API, Web Servers. +Exp Created Stake Holder’s Matrix, Mock Up screens. And Assisted UI team in Prototypes with HTML, CSS, JS, bootstrap. +Exp Drafted Traceability Matrix for tracking the requirements aligned with the test cases. +Exp Identified all necessary Business Use Cases from requirements, created UML Diagrams +Exp Worked as a team with other business analysts to make an object-oriented model and created use cases. +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements Document (BRD) and used Microsoft Project to manage schedules, deadlines, and resources and collaborate on the project. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid, MS Office, HTML, CSS, JS, MS Project, MS Visio, UML, Test, SQL version 2012. +Exp 7. Myntra, Hyderabad UX Designer Aug 2009 – Oct 2010 +Exp The scope of the Project is to enhance the application for Ecommerce Platform for an online apparels and accessories. +Exp Translate concepts into user flows, wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes that lead to intuitive user experiences. +Exp Served as a liaison between business team and the UI team by assisting the business in identifying, understanding their intended look and Design of the Pages. +Exp Used Photoshop and Balsamic extensively to develop Designs and frames models. +Exp Collect and manage User Experience Reports/feedbacks of the former and competitor UX reports. +Exp Prepare Customer Analysis Reports based on the Targeted Demographics and Previous Transactions. +Exp Communicating scenarios, end-to-end experiences, page layouts and Screen Designs with Cross Functional Teams. +Exp Conduct usability tests on each independent page on the website and show case the reporting to the stakeholders. +Exp Environment: Agile- KANBAN, Adobe Photoshop, Balsamic, MS EXCEL, MS Word, MS PowerPoint. +PI Krishna Priya Narayanam +PI 571) 933-8321 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Certified Scrum mater with overall 11years of professional experience as Scrum Master, Business Analyst/Project Management for Application Integrations, Applications Development, Business Process Re-engineering projects in Vendor Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management field. Have strong background in Stakeholder Management,Complete SDLC, Multiple Teams Coordination, Change Management, System Development & Testing. +Sum Experience in communicating with Stakeholders including Project Sponsors and Business Owners; quick decision making, complex problem-solution analysis involving CostBenefit, Risk Assessments, Budgeting, SWOT Analysis, Gap Identification and Impact Analysis. +Sum Expert at driving the adoption and enforcement of Scrum processes, removing impediments and fostering self-management. Capable of bringing awareness to projects, applying expert judgment to the removal of impediments, keeping teams focused and delivering success in rapidly evolving and dynamic environments. +Sum Expert in full lifecycle development ofWeb/ERP applications from initial conception through implementation including requirements gathering, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance. +Sum Sound Project Management expertise following SDLC(Agile / Waterfall) methodologies, +Sum On-site/Off-shore delivery model – budgeting, time management, resource management and resource estimations. +Sum Controlling scope, eliciting, translating &confirming by understanding client requirements and specialized in validating current and future state by documenting use cases, creatingUML diagrams, activity and data flow diagrams, flowcharts, etc. +Sum Excellent Collaborative experience, organized and facilitated Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions & workshops for requirement gathering with project stakeholders. +Sum Experience in craft of testing (Test Plans, Test Strategies & Test Cases) and managing Functional testing & defect triaging. +Sum Thorough knowledge of tools / products to support ITIL processes like: IT Service Management, Service Catalog Management, Request Fulfillment, Event/ Incident / Problem Management. +Sum Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with ability to operate both tactically and strategically thus maximizing the ROI. +Sum Hands on experience in creating UI Prototypes, Wireframes & Storyboards. +Sum Research and evaluate technology solutions, present recommendations for improved system operations. +Sum Expertise in designing and developing web applications in Java/J2ee and Oracle.Worked on end-to- end application building and enhancements project. +Sum Strong knowledge of SQLqueries for data analysis and testing. +Sum Areas of Expertise +Exp Business Analysis +Exp Change & Release Management +Exp Customer Service, Support and User Training +Exp Cross-Functional Team Management & Development +Exp Development of web applications +Exp Employment Summary +Exp Currentlyworking as a Business Analyst/Onsite Project Manager at General Electrical (USA) from 14th July 2014. +Exp Worked as aBusiness Analyst and Team Lead with TechMahindra (India) from 2nd August 2010 to 13th July 2013. +Exp Worked as a Software Engineer with Tata Consultancy Services (India) fromMarch 2007 to May 2010. +Edu Education +Edu Master of Computer Application (MCA) from Andhra University (AU), Visakhapatnam, India, 2006. +Exp Scrum Master Certified #000727059 +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill Programming Languages :Java, J2EE,SQL, PL/SQL,.Net +Skill Web Technologies :XML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX,HTML5 +Skill Web Frameworks :Struts, JSF, Spring, Spring Boot, Web Services +Skill Application/Web Servers:Jakarta Tomcat, JBoss,WebLogic 9.2,WebSphere +Skill Source Control Tools :VSS,CVS,GIT,SVN +Skill Tools :JIRA, Service Now,Rational Requisite Pro,HP ServiceDesk(HPSD), +Skill Support Central,Rally +Skill Database :Oracle,MS Access, Postgres SQL +Skill Office :Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Visio. +Exp DATA MANAGEMENT +Exp Excellent knowledge in Data Governance: Data Profiling, Data Analysis, Data gap analysis, Data Cleansing and Data Verification +Exp Knowledge in ETL (Extract, Trans form and Load) of data into a dataware house/date mart and Business Intelligence (BI) tools. +Exp Collected business requirements to set rules for proper data transfer from Data Source to Data Target in Data Mapping and Management Business Intelligence Reports +Sum Achievements +Sum Received “Pat OnBack” award for successful delivery of projects under very strict deadlines and continuousappreciations by client. +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Worldwide Material Management - Logistics +Exp General Electric – Power, USA. July 2014till date +Exp Business Analyst & Project Management +Exp Project Description +Exp The Materials Management/eTag program provides platform of asset tracking tools and techniques to manage asset inventory, such asmaterials management is the function responsible for the coordination of planning, sourcing, purchasing,moving, storing,controlling materials and +Exp tracking power plant equipment from supplier to construction site. It helps to manage assets efficiently through supply chain processes. +Exp Contribution +Exp Analyze existing (AS IS) Policies, Processes and Procedures. Identified gaps and developed future (TO BE) Policies, Processes, Procedures, Standards, Guidelines and Job-Aids for effective functioning of Service Operation. +Exp Work with business user, developers, data modelers to gather/define business requirements, and translating statement of work into business and functional level requirements. +Exp Organized and facilitated sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, reviews, retrospectives, release planning, demos and other Scrum-related meetings. +Exp Brainstorming sessions with stakeholders and SME’s to finalize requirements. +Exp Working knowledge of implementing software development projects using methodologies such asAgile/Scrum. +Exp Manage the lifecycle of code development, from ideation to sprints to deployment. +Exp Experience in conducting JADsessions for requirements gathering, analysis and design. +Exp Organize weekly Project Status and Task Review meetings. +Exp Act as the liaison to the Business and developers to answer functional questions and ensure the approach meets Product requirements. +Exp Performing business impact analysis of proposed projects processes and gap analysis for new functional requirements, as well as prioritizing them based on actual business. Flagging up potential problems at an early stage. +Exp Guide and work closely with QA team members in creating Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Data +Exp review, system testing, UAT. +Exp Facilitated Risk Identification sessions. Documented the identified risks and facilitated the +Exp conversations to plan the mitigation strategy. +Exp Documented monthly status reports for risks, issues, and dependencies to assist the project team in efficient tracking and monitoring of open issues of the project. +Exp Created and routed Requirement Change Notices (RCNs) and Change Control (CR) for review and approval. +Exp Played a key role in solving performance issues and bug fixes. +Exp SMF and ERP Utilities +Exp General Electric – Energy, USA. Jan 2011 to June 2014 +Exp Business Analyst& Project Management +Exp Project Description +Exp SMF enables GE Energy Sourcing Vendor Management team to maintain standardized supplier data across all GE Energy Purchasing Systems. Vendor Management Team receives workflow requests of adding/modifying supplier data from ERP teams to be loaded into SMF. The workflow goes through multiple approvals and then VM team cleans the data and manually inputs the data in SMF/SAT tool. The process involved is tedious and manual. The project is to enhance SMF/SAT application to develop an interface to automate the workflow of supplier data and integrate with other GE system. +Exp Contribution +Exp Gathered requirements from owners through Requirement Gathering Techniques. Documented +Exp project closing checklist. +Exp Prepare and presented project management documents (project plan, executive summaries, +Exp action items, change management logs, etc.) as needed. +Exp Involved in coding and implementation of business requirements and prepared technical +Exp documents based on the requirements. +Exp Tracked and reported on the status of the project week-on-week basis. +Exp Coordinated between the teams and management through effective communication plan. +Exp Prioritized deliverables, identified gaps, tracked defects, and defined software requirements for +Exp testing and development. +Exp Documented monthly status reports for risks, issues, and dependencies to assist the project +Exp team in efficient tracking and monitoring of open issues of the project. +Exp Created and routed Requirement Change Notices (RCNs) and Change Control (CR) for review +Exp and approval. +Exp Handling change management during final testing and implementation, and coordinating on site +Exp implementation support. +Exp Involved in Defect Status Meetings. +Exp As Project lead formulated the training program for new employees. +Exp Determine the metrics to judge the quality measures and performance levels. +Exp Draft change management strategies to help the team adjust to the dynamics of IT projects +Exp Responsible for all the Defects & Enhancement Requests from the time it’s created until it went +Exp to production. +Exp Performed ad-hoc testing in the web application and discovered defects which were important +Exp for the project to move in next phase. +Exp Incorporated Data Acquisition, Data Privacy, Data Analysis, Data Mapping and Data Compliance +Exp rules in the auditing criteria. +Exp Analyzed, prioritize and documented risks. +Exp Identified Actors, Activities, Artifacts and Workflows and developed use case diagrams using MS +Exp Visio and Rational Rose. +Exp Created Test Scenarios and Test Requirements for QA team, based on the Use Cases and Business +Exp Rules document. +Exp AP Conversions +Exp General Electric – Energy, USA. Aug 2010 to Dec 2010 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Project Description +Exp AP Conversion is an application to migrate all GE Corporate applications to GE Energy domain. AP conversion is for purchasing of good from suppliers and payment process takes place. Analysis of the project is done how the various applications interlinked with each other and identified with that of GE Energy project. +Exp Contribution +Exp Involved in the feasibility study to register the client’s impact by the project and document the +Exp relevant information. +Exp Project Leading and Operations management. +Exp Analyzed, prioritize and documented risks. +Exp Gathering requirements from the functional team and developed technical specification for the requirements. +Exp Involved in Analysis of business requirements and prepared technical documents based on the requirements. +Exp Mapping processes GE corporate with GE Energy processes. +Exp Analyzed impacts of proposed solutions on technology platforms. +Exp Ability to document the project scope using business terminology. +Exp Evaluate the feasibility of implementing the IT application and its user friendliness. +Exp Identified Actors, Activities, Artifacts and Workflows and developed use case diagrams using +Exp MSVisio and Rational Rose. +Exp EAG J2EE Framework +Exp TCS – Internal Project Aug 2009 to May2010 +Exp Project Lead +Exp Project Description +Exp The UltimateEAG J2EE framework is a Service-Oriented framework which provides a common infrastructure to develop applications. It exhibits a programming model using best practices and standard design patterns which can be extended while designing and developing new applications. It also provides a layer of black-box abstraction of common functionality which can be re-used as is or extended. +Exp Contribution +Exp Involved in Designing of workflow that are commonly used across the applications. +Exp Involved in coding and implementation of business requirements and prepared technical documents based on the requirements. +Exp Checking the Quality standards of various aspects of the project in accordance with the company Quality guidelines. +Exp Involved in writing test cases for Services classes. +Exp Bug-Fixing and incorporate the new changes for the modules. +Exp Responding promptly and professionally to bug reports. +Exp Ensure the smooth running of our production batch jobs and backup operations. +Exp Developed Ant scripts for multiple build scenarios. Successfully delivered the bug free code with in the time lines of the project. +Exp Supervised the Implementation tasks on Final Production Implementation Day. +Exp Experience in Coordination of Emergency Releases. +Exp Coordinated with Configuration Management group to get track of latest versions of Config Items. +Exp Participated in Review Committee Approval meetings, to get approval for Go-Live. +Exp Participated in Infrastructure Request Meetings and track the status of readiness. +Exp Provide support to associates during the management of complex events and outages. +Exp Created all necessary documentation and worked with leads and management to get approval from the Review Committee for final project implementation. +Exp Coordinated with various team members to identify pre and post implementation tasks. +Exp Lead task list review meetings with all necessary project team members. +Exp Environment:JSF, PL/SQL, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, WebLogic 9.2, VSS, TOAD, Windows XP, Concordia (Workflow manager), Web Services. +Exp SBI Workflow & DMS +Exp Tata Consultancy Services Mar2007 to July2009 +Exp Developer +Exp Project Description +Exp As part of its BPR initiatives, SBI has centralized its non-customer transactions. To free the branch staff from back office activities and to focus on Customer Services, Marketing and improvement of business, many Central Processing Centers (CPC’s) are being setup. There are many process flows running at various locations. It is extremely important to monitor the flow of different activities as well as physical documents related to such flows. Workflow & Tracking Solution not only be easily interfaced to different systems being used by the Bank but also have the scalability in terms of the volume of work and number of users across the various CPC’s. The CPC’s are required to handle large volumes of documents for safekeeping and quick retrieval. Hence a Document Management System is also implemented along with the Workflow Tracking Software. +Exp Contribution +Exp Performed the requirement gathering for the module. +Exp Created detail Specification and Process documents before initiating development. +Exp Created business flows and developed the workflow architecture of the module. +Exp Followed high level architecture in this project like MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural design pattern. Model means data, View means presentation layer and Controller works on data and representation. With this we achieved Increase object reusability, achieve design flexibility. +Exp Involved in developing of Action Servlets which is controller of MVC architecture. This controller processes the data which is received from JSP and again redirect to corresponding JSP. +Exp Checking the Quality standards of various aspects of the project in accordance with the company Quality guidelines. +Exp Prepared Unit and System Test cases and executed them. +Exp Bug-Fixing and incorporate the new changes for the modules. +Exp Responding promptly and professionally to bug reports. +Exp Environment:Struts, PL/SQL, JAXB, HTML, XML and JavaScript, CSS,WebLogic 9.2, VSS, Windows XP,Concordia(Workflow manager), Web Services. +PI Alekhya +PI (515)-518-0849 +PI alekhya.workmail@gmail.com +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Sum Having 8 years of experience in all the technical phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation and Testing in both Web based and Enterprise applications with emphasis on Object Oriented, Java/J2EE and Client Server technologies. +Sum Experience in developing the application with Agile Methodology, Waterfall Methodology and Test-Driven Development. +Sum Experience in Front-End UI technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSON, Ajax, AngularJS,NodeJS, Bootstrap, Tag Libraries, JSTL. +Sum Proficient in developing J2EE enterprise applications in Service Oriented Architecture and Micro Service Architecture. +Sum Hands on Experience in developing web applications by using Spring framework modules like Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Batch and Spring Data. +Sum Expertise in developing data models using Hibernate Object relational mapping (ORM) frame work and used Hibernate Annotations to reduce time at the configuration level. +Sum Developed the application using Java 8 and implemented its features like lambdas Expressions, Time API,Streams, functional interfaces, collectors, default methods, type interfaces, foreach. +Sum Proficient in using Amazon Web Services AWS. Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, Amazon RDS, Elastic Cache. +Sum Good experience in using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS SNS/SQS for delivering messages. +Sum Deploy application updates to AWS and monitored the load balancing of different instances. +Sum Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of Garbage Collector, Collections, Multithreading, Event handling, Exception handling and Generics. +Sum Expertise in J2EE Technology- Servlets, Struts, Spring, JDBC, JTA, JPA, Hibernate and JMS. +Sum Experience with distinctive design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Prototype, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service locator, Visitor, Observer, Decorator, Front Controller, DAO and MVC. +Sum Worked with design and development of robust and highly scalable Web Service platforms and API’s based on REST and SOAP for enterprise applications using AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, XML, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-RPC technologies and Jersey frameworks. +Sum Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XForms, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX, DOM +Sum Expertise in back-end/server side java technologies such as: Web services, Java persistence API (JPA), Java Messaging Service (JMS), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). +Sum Experienced in building Web Services for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Sum Strong experience in designing and developing data models and accessing from Java applications using +Sum SQL, PL/SQL, ORM tool Hibernate and has experience with NoSQL databases like MongoDB. +Sum Experience in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronously for enterprise applications. +Sum Proficient with build automation tools like Gradle, Maven and Ant for builds and deployments to different environments. +Sum Experience on different IDEs such as Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite, IntelliJ and deployment using Application Servers like Apache Tomcat, BEA WebLogic, Web Sphere, Glassfish, Camel and JBOSS +Sum Experience with JUnit, Mockito, Log4j in developing test cases and determining application functionality. +Sum Experience on UNIX/LINUX Shell Scripting and Deployment of Applications in Server. +Sum Decent Experience in using code repository tools GIT, Tortoise SVN, and Visual Source Safe. +Sum Strong communication and analytical skills and a demonstrated ability to handle multiple tasks as well as work independently or in a team. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: TCF Bank May 2017 – Till date +Exp Location: Minneapolis, MN +Exp Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: TCF is a national financial holding company that offer services like investment banking and loans. Personal Loan Processing Application offers various features like creating new accounts, managing existing accounts, processing credit card and personal loan applications. Personal Loan processing has various modules for Customer Information, Loan Application verification, Loan Authorization, Loan Approval and Change history. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked on High level and low level system design, planning, estimation and implementation +Exp Developed presentation layer using JSP, HTML5, CSS3 and client validation using JavaScript. +Exp Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using AngularJS. +Exp Design and develop template based User Interface using Bootstrap and Angular JS. +Exp Handled all the client side validations, slide show, hide and show controls, dropdown menus and tab navigation using JQuery. +Exp Developedthe applicationusing Java 1.8 and implemented its features like Lambdas Expressions, Time API, Streams, functional interfaces, collectors, default methods, type interfaces, foreach. +Exp Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and create snapshots for the data that must be stored in AWS S3. +Exp Utilized Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 to deploy Docker containers. +Exp Designed and implemented intranet applications using RubyonRails and PostgreSQL on Heroku Cloud managed code versioning with GitHub and deployment to staging and production servers. +Exp Create and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro Services and Lambda functions using Jenkins CI server. +Exp Worked on development and implementation of the MVC Architectural pattern using Spring Framework. +Exp Extensively used various Spring Framework modules like MVC, Dependency Injection (IOC), Auto Wiring, SpringSecurity and AOP. Created and injected spring services, spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes. +Exp Used Spring MVC framework at the Web tier level to isolate each layer of the application so that complexity of integration will be reduced and maintenance will be very easy. +Exp Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping customer log data and transactions details etc. +Exp Implemented Batch jobs to deal with large number of chunks using Spring Batch Framework to execute the similar jobs simultaneously. +Exp Designed and integrated the full-scale Hibernate persistence solution with the application architecture. +Exp Involved in design and development of the Hibernate Domain Model for the service. +Exp Involved in using JPA (Java Persistence API) frameworks and APIs as JDO and Hibernate. +Exp Enterprises Integrated Pattern Implemented with Apache Camel(ESB). +Exp Worked on server-side validations, handle actions, events and also Encapsulation by implementing React JS. +Exp Developed a RESTful based service for data retrieval to make it independent of the current application. +Exp Used JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, Node JS and AJAX technologies for front end user input validations and Restful web service calls. +Exp Involved on development of RESTFul web services using JAX-RS in a Spring based project. +Exp Worked on XML and JSON for transferring and retrieving data between different applications. +Exp Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from MongoDB for the application on devices. +Exp Designed and developed applications for end users using Grails 3.3. +Exp Websphere is used as an Application Server to Deploy the Application. +Exp Worked system logging using Elastic search, Kibana Logstash to create dashboards in Splunk and Kibana. +Exp Experience in using JUnit and build tools such as MAVEN. +Exp Implemented deployment procedures of J2EE applications and code to JBoss Application server. +Exp Collaborated with testers and developers and prepared test plans for producing high quality software applications +Exp Worked on Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs +Exp We have used javascript for creating the automated test scrips in selenium web browser. +Exp Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AngularJS, react JS, NodeJS, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring boot, spring security, XML, GIT, JSP, JUnit, Maven, IBM WebSphere, Apache, JAX-RS, Restful, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Micro Services, Log4J, Oracle, Kibana, Splunk, Selenium, Mongo DB, WSD and Spring Tool Suite. +Exp Client: T-Mobile Aug 2016 – May 2017 +Exp Location: Atlanta, GA +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: T-Mobile US is a United States based wireless network operator to which the German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom (DT) is its majority shareholder. Its headquarters are in Bellevue, Washington, in the Seattle metropolitan area. T-Mobile is the third largest wireless carrier in the United States. T-Mobile US provides wireless voice and data services resulting in the company going public on the NASDAQ and serves as the host network for many mobile virtual network operators. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle process using Agile Methodology. +Exp Developed presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery and Angular JS. +Exp Design and developed template based User Interface using Bootstrap and Angular JS. +Exp Handled all the client side validations, slide show, hide and show controls, dropdown menus and tab navigation using JQuery. +Exp Worked extensively to achieve DOM Show, Hide elements and Event Handling using Angular JS. +Exp Extensively used Spring Framework modules like DI(IOC), Auto Wiring, JDBC Templates, Spring Security, AOP. +Exp Developing spring boot application using microservices architecture with Spring Eureka to maintain small and lightweight services and communication between these services are done by using API routes for the entire cluster. +Exp Used Spring Batch as spring batch jobs can meet the requirements of reliability, robustness, and traceability, which are essential for automatic processing of large amount of data. +Exp Parsed the data to project to client and handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security. +Exp Spring Transaction is used for the degree of isolation to work with other transactions and to execute within a transaction scope to run that transactionand used to check out before timing out of the transaction. +Exp Extensively used Hibernate concepts such as inheritance, lazy loading, dirty checking, locking, and transactions. +Exp Hibernate DAO classes were developed to retrieve and save data using Spring framework manager classes. +Exp Performance monitoring of Mongo databases with OPS manager/MMS and familiar in installing and maintaining MongoDB in private Cloud Environments. +Exp Developed a code for Web services using JAX-WS, SOAP and used SOAP UI tool for testing the services. +Exp Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers. +Exp Modified existing applications to a suite of Micro Services and all Micro Services to facilitate deployment using Spring Boot and Junit and PowerMock frameworks for unit testing. +Exp Involved in developing Micro Services integrated with VSTS for CI/CD by automating the build/release process. +Exp Worked on XML and JSON for transferring and retrieving data between different applications. +Exp Involved in using JPA (Java Persistence API) frameworks and APIs as JDO and Hibernate. +Exp Developed the DAO layer for the application using Spring Integration and Hibernate template support. +Exp Used Active MQ to communicate with controller and used service layer to implement the business logic. +Exp Used JMS API for communication between the components. +Exp Experience in writing complex PL/SQL queries using joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, cursors, and indexes in Data Access Layer. +Exp Implemented HTTP REST API using NodeJS and Express JS and extensively tested RESTful services using POSTMAN. +Exp Implemented modules into NodeJS to integrate with designs and requirements and used NodeJS Express Framework. +Exp Created a build environment for Java / Grails using Jenkins, Git, Gradle, Maven, Artifactory, and a number of reporting tools. +Exp Developed test cases for Unit Testing, Integration Testing with JUnit. +Exp Collaborated with testers and developers and prepared test plans for producing high quality software applications +Exp Worked on Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs. +Exp Used Maven as build automation tool and deployments are on Web Sphere Application Server. +Exp Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Spring Tool Suite (STS) IDE for application development. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, AngularJS, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate, JMicro Service, DBC, SOAP, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, Service Oriented Architecture, SQL, PL/SQL, Unit Testing, JUnit, Log4j, Maven, Web Sphere Application Server, Jenkins and Spring Tool Suite (STS). +Exp Client: Aetna July 2014 - June 2016 +Exp Location: Hartford, CT +Exp Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Aetna Inc. is an American managed health care company, which sells traditional and consumer directed health care insurance plans and related services, such as medical, pharmaceutical, dental, behavioral health, long-term care, and disability plans. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) using Agile Methodology. +Exp Developed User Interface using JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery and Angular JS. +Exp Developed client side application with AngularJS in a clean Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. +Exp Involved in component development using J2EE principles and used design patterns such as Singleton, Factory and Data Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the application. +Exp Used Spring MVC and Dependency Injection for handling presentation and business logic. +Exp To maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected necessary dependent components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP. +Exp Integrated Spring DAO for data access using Hibernate. +Exp Implemented persistence framework using Hibernate & Handled Transaction Management using the provided data source. +Exp Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application. +Exp Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement. +Exp Responsible for designing Hibernate mapping files based on business logic and Object relationships. +Exp Integrated Spring and Hibernate together and worked on developing backend components and services using Hibernate and spring. +Exp Established Database Connectivity using JDBC, Hibernate O/R mapping with Spring ORM for Oracle. +Exp Worked on Hibernate for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to fetch the data, insert and update the data from the database. +Exp Used Hibernate in Data Access Layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Extensively used HQL and SQL for querying databases. +Exp Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces in order to exchange the data in different forms by using Restful service. +Exp Implemented SOA architecture with Web Services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML using Apache CXF framework and worked on parsing the XML files using DOM/SAX parsers. +Exp Created tables, triggers, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, SQL queries, Joins, i2ntegrity constraints and views for IBM DB2. +Exp Used Multithreading in programming to improve overall performance using Singleton design pattern in Hibernate Utility class. +Exp Implemented Restful and SOAP based Web Services and used Soap UI for testing. +Exp Used Spring JMS module for lookup for the queues and MDBs for the listeners. +Exp Involved in Unit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases. +Exp Performed deployment of applications on Web Logic Server. +Exp Managed and maintained Oracle and NoSQL databases in production domain. +Exp Written LINUX shell scripts to identify user login information. +Exp Involved in day to day handling of JIRA issues (production issues at time) that involved data inconsistencies that required to be solved in very less time. +Exp Worked with Eclipse IDE and used Gradle build tool to achieve more functionality for build process. +Exp Used Jenkins as build management tool for continuous integration process and used Git as Version Control tool. +Exp Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the testing teams in the application during the Integration testing phase. +Exp Participated in Code Reviews of other modules, documents, test cases. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, JSTL, Spring, Hibernate, XML, XSD, Web Services, Restful, SOAP, WSDL, Log4j, JUnit, DB2, NoSQL, Web Logic, Jenkins, Gradle, GIT, Eclipse, JIRA, Agile Methodology, Windows, Linux, Rational Rose. +Exp Client: BCBS Jun 2012 – Dec 2013 +Exp Location: Plano,TX +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Well Mark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a leading insurance company owned by its policyholder. BCBS is the health insurance and health care provider company. “Find a plan” is a web based J2EE application, created to help individuals and families easily shop for, and buy health insurance. Well mark offers a variety of insurance plans, as well as tools to help you choose the plan that’s right for you. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modelling, analysis, design, development, testing, and monitoring. +Exp Involved in the front end using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery. +Exp Developed GUI using SWT/RCP technology. +Exp Experience in working with different plug-ins of Eclipse RCP. +Exp Developed different GUI screens using widgets like Tree and Table form in Eclipse SWT/RCP. +Exp Developed perspective to show different views together in RCP. +Exp Developed Menus and views using Extension point in RCP. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture using JSP, Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services. +Exp Involved in development of Agent Verification System using Spring MVC framework. +Exp Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans. +Exp Used Spring AOP for logging, auditing, and transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns. +Exp Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application. +Exp Created data model and generated Hibernate mappings and domain objects using Hibernate tools. +Exp Interfaced with the My SQL back-end database by integrating Spring with Hibernate. +Exp Extensively used hibernate named queries, criteria queries, Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Optimistic Locking and Caching to process the data from the database. +Exp Developed Unit /Integration test cases using JUnit. +Exp Used Gradle tool for building and deploying the Web applications in Web Logic Server. +Exp Used JIRA tool for tracking stories progress and follow agile methodology. +Exp Used logging techniques provided by Log4J tool for efficient logging and debugging. +Exp Developed the application using Eclipse as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (SVN). +Exp Involved in Maintenance and Enhancements for the project. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Struts, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, JDBC, Hibernate, My SQL, HQL, SQL, JUnit, Gradle, JIRA, Log4J, Eclipse, SVN, Sybase, RCP and Web Logic Server. +Exp Client: Broad Ridge Financial Solutions Jan 2011 – May 2012 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India +Exp Java Developer +Exp Description: This module is for closing account for Lloyds Banking Group. There are two categories of user, one is banker and other is normal user. The user can close the account in two ways one ways automatically using internet. This project is mainly used to reduce the manual process of the account closure for almost 4million accounts +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the risk workflow system. +Exp Involved in the implementation of design using vital phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) that includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance Support in WATER FALL methodology. +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using Struts, JSP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery and JavaScript. +Exp Responsible for designing, coding and developed the application in J2EE using Struts MVC. +Exp Implemented Struts framework (Action & Controller classes) for dispatching request to appropriate classes. +Exp Used simple Struts Validation for validation of user input as per the business logic and initial data loading. +Exp Achieved synchronization of multiple threads through Multithreading and Exception Handling. +Exp Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement. +Exp Developed Struts Action Forms, Action classes and performed action mapping using Struts. +Exp Developed batch job using EJB scheduling and leveraged container managed transactions for highly transactions. +Exp Involved in developing Web Services to send XML request and reading the response SOAP UI from Java platform. +Exp Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs, Garbage collections for dynamic memory allocation to implement various features and enhancements. +Exp Consumed Web Services to interact with other external interfaces in order to exchange the data in different forms by using Restful service. +Exp Established Database Connectivity using JDBC for Oracle. +Exp Used Eclipse as IDE and worked on installing and configuring JBOSS. +Exp Developed common library using iBATIS to execute various database commands against Oracle database. +Exp Used Log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms. +Exp Developed the ANT scripts for preparing WAR files used to deploy J2EE components. +Exp Analysis and Bug fixing of the production problems and defects along with enhancements. +Exp Implemented JUNIT test cases for unit testing and Suites for end to end testing. +Exp Used JIRA for tracking the Project Stories and bug fixing. +Exp Used SVN to check-in and check-out and co-ordinate among team members for Version Controlling. +Exp Worked on UNIX environment for development. +Exp Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript, JSON, XML, Struts, JDBC, IBATIS, Web Services, SOAP UI, Restful, HQL, SQL, JBOSS, JSON, Oracle, ANT, Eclipse IDE, JUNIT, JIRA, Tortoise SVN, and UNIX. +Exp Client: Prime Soft Solutions Inc May 2009 – Jan 2011 +Exp Location: Hyderabad, India +Exp Jr.Java Developer +Exp Description: Prime Soft Solutions Inc offer Product Development, Enterprise Applications, Mobile Applications and Quality Assurance services to clients from venture funded start-ups to publicly traded companies in E-Commerce, Healthcare, Networking, Telecom and Banking. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the application based on MVC architecture. +Exp Developed web application using JSP, Servlets, Java beans that uses MVC design pattern. +Exp Created user-friendly GUI interface and Web pages using HTML, CSS and JSP. +Exp Wrote JavaScript for client side validation. +Exp Used Java Swings in designing user interfaces. +Exp Used Java Fundamentals and OOPS concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction to develop the code. +Exp Implemented core java concepts like Multithreading, Exception Handling and Collection wherever necessary. +Exp Used Eclipse as IDE tool for creating Servlets, JSP, and XML. +Exp Wrote SQL for JDBC prepared statements to retrieve the data from database. +Exp Monitored the logs using Log4J and fixed the problem. +Exp The Application was deployed on Apache Tomcat Server. +Exp Involved in build and deploying the application using ANT. +Exp Used Configuration Management Tools for version control which is built on CVS. +Exp Worked on bug fixing and Production Support. +Exp Environment: Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, MVC Design pattern, PL/SQL, Log4J, Apache Tomcat server, My SQL, Eclipse IDE, CVS, ANT, Log4J. +PI Krishna +PI Sr. Business Systems Analyst +Sum SUMMARY +Sum IT professional with over 6+ years of Industrial experience in Insurance and Digital Marketing. Possess effective Communication, analytical and problem-solving skills with Creative Implementation Techniques. +Sum Highly skilled professional with industrial experience on standard Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies like Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban and Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid and have decent understanding on Rational Unified Process. +Sum Proficient in Stakeholder Analysis, Impact Analysis, Risk analysis, Change Management, Dependency Management, Conflict Management Cost-Benefit Analysis and Gap Analysis includes AS-IS and TO-BE analytical techniques. +Sum Seasoned in facilitating Scrum Ceremonies including User Story Workshops, Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective and Backlog Refinement meeting. +Sum Skilled scrum master with excellent understanding on Scrum processes, Scrum roles and Scrum Artifacts. +Sum Well versed in facilitating time-boxed scrum ceremonies like Sprint planning meeting, daily standup meeting, sprint review meeting and sprint retrospective meeting for every sprint. +Sum Worked with Program management and value stream levels to help decompose EPICS and Features into small user stories pertaining to INVEST criteria and SMART criteria for tasks. +Sum Coached multiple scrum teams within the organization to follow best Agile practices, conducted workshops along with Agile coach to define best practices and conduct story writing workshops. +Sum Worked in SAfe environment at program level as a scrum master and maintained multiple teams tracked the teams progress and used time management techniques. +Sum Performed Business Process Modelling (BPM), Analysis & Re-engineering and providing solutions for issues relating to Risk management and Solution Management processes for better and efficient decision making in time. +Sum Expertise in User Experience (UX) designing, Mockups, Wire Frames, Prototypes and Power Point Presentation. +Sum Expertise in gathering and managing Requirements and tracked defects working with Jira, Rally (CA Agile), SharePoint Enterprise 2016, HP Application Lifecycle Management (HPALM) and HP Quality Center (HPQC). +Sum Proficient in conducting and facilitating Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions and interviews, brainstorming sessions, questionnaire, Document analysis, focus group, workshops, and Status Demo sessions. +Sum Decent exposure to the mobile application process and integration strategy. +Sum Proficiency in gathering requirements and transforming them into Functional and Non-Functional specifications. +Sum Proficient in Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and well acquainted with workflows and Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams including Use Cases, Activity charts, Sequence diagrams, ER diagrams and Data flow diagrams (DFD’s) using Rational Rose and MS-Visio thus assisting development team in preparing Business Process Model. +Sum Extensive experience in drafting and analyzing Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI), Business Requirements Document (BRD), Functional Specification Documents (FSD), Software Requirement Specifications (SRS), Use Case documentation and Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) +Sum Acquainted with Relational Database Management systems (RDBMS), Meta Data Analysis programmed SQL Queries, business logics, Stored Procedures and exposure to various databases and modelling techniques. +Sum Expertise in creating ER Diagrams with Conceptual Data models, Physical Data models by capturing the requirements. +Sum Extensive knowledge on Data Warehousing architecture, Implementation approaches, schemas, dimensional modeling, Data Marts, Rapidly and Slowly Changing Dimensions, OLAP Cubes operations, and able to perform Reverse Engineering Analysis interpreting the business requirements and identify the source systems. +Sum Proficient in drafting Data Dictionaries, Data Mappings and identifying various Transformations ensuring the Data Integrity. +Sum Extensive experience over ETL (Extract Transform Load) process in Data Integration, Data Migration and Data Warehousing using Informatica Power Centre, IDQ (Data Quality) and SSIS-SSAS-SSRS with planning strategies and Management. +Sum Comprehensive understanding of Three-Tier Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, APIs, REST & SOAP using XML, JSON, WSDL and UDDI, with internet protocol suites like HTTP/HTTPS and FTPS. +Sum Decent exposure with Administration, configuration, Implementation, and Data Loading process, Application Integration in Salesforce CRM, SOQL and SOSL querying and Application development with Apex and visual force. +Sum Extensive experience in Declarative approach of Development by designing Custom Applications, Objects, Fields, Access Matrix ensuing the Data Security ( at Object level, Field level and Record level), Org Wide Default (OWD) rules, profile management, page layout, search layout, Import wizard, ER diagramming and Dependency identification, licensing, Permission Sets, Email Templates, Automation of Outbound Message and emails, Role Based Page Layouts, Workflow Alerts and Actions, Validation Rules, Approval Processes, Field mapping, Custom Tabs, Custom Reports, Report Extractions to various formats, Audit Trail, Snapshots, Dashboards , Approval Flow Diagrams. +Sum Proficient in Technical Writing and API testing using SOAP UI 4.5, Swagger and Postman 4.8.0. +Sum Well versed with Cloud Technologies like SaaS-PaaS-IaaS (Software-Platform- Infrastructure as a service). +Sum Collaborate with Software Quality Assurance Team and well versed in conducting various testing like Functionality testing, System Testing, Performance Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and helped in developing test plans & test scenarios. +Exp Expert in preparing Training manuals, Project Implementation Materials and Standard Operating Procedures. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor of Technology - Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Aug 2008-May 2012 +Edu Master of Science -University of New Haven Jul 2016- May 2017 +Edu PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp 1. Germania Insurance, Brenham, TX Sr. Business Systems Analyst Feb 2017- Till date +Exp The aim of the project to develop an Enterprise Level Information Intelligence System and there by integrate with Duck Creek Suit (Insights) and Salesforce CRM , which enables Risk Management Team, Actuaries and Decision Support Systems to perform Consolidated Geo-Special Analysis which helps in Managing the Risk in multiple line of business like Life Insurance, P&C Insurance for both Personal and Commercial policies and taking appropriate decisions in time further provides competitive advantages in Policy Pricing, Underwriting, Risk Exposure management, Catastrophic management, financial survival and Reinsurance Planning. +Exp Assisted the project managers in developing project plan that included Project Schedules, Milestones tracking, and Meeting minutes using MS Project. +Exp Created Business Process Workflow diagrams of Current and Expected System, using MS Visio and makes sure that both business and technical teams understand the process. +Exp Elicited business requirements by conducting JAD sessions, Interviews, Focus Groups and Brain Storming sessions. +Exp Drafted and Managed Business Requirement Document (BRD) and Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) in Share Point Enterprise 2016 and led the Requirement Workshops where the specifications get converted into User Stories and determining the Acceptance Criteria as per the requirement. +Exp Created and maintained Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) correlating the system requirements to functional- nonfunctional requirements and then to test cases. +Exp Provide Product Owner Support in grooming, analyzing, prioritizing, and breaking down into User Stories. +Exp Worked closely with Data Analyst Team and assisted in assuring the integrity of the collected data. +Exp Analyzed and drafted Service Detailed documents from Web Service Description Language (WSDL). +Exp Co-ordinated the Quality Assurance teams in Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) testing using Postman 4.8.0 and assisted in Technical Writing Workshops. +Exp Provided the support in developing RESTFUL API in JSON format using JAVA. +Exp Assisted Software Quality Assurance Team with Test Plans, Test scenarios and Test cases for APIs and webservices. +Exp Proactively defined Reporting-Business Rules for Business Intelligence Analysts to expand on KPI metrics. +Exp Worked on Relational Database Management systems (RDBMS), programmed SQL Queries, Metadata Analysis and documented Data Dictionaries and Data Mapping Artifacts. +Exp Assisted Software Quality Assurance Team with Test Plans, Test scenarios and Test cases. +Exp Involved in System Integration Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Execution and Issue Resolution and Report Generation to assure that all aspects of a Project are in compliance with the Business rules. +Exp Facilitated the Pre UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and UAT; assisted in testing and maintaining quality procedures such as Black box and Regression testing; created all the relevant documents for appropriate users. +Exp Created User Manuals with detailed list of parameters and system responsive screen shots. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid, Duck Creek Suit, TDD, Eclipse Mars 4.7, ArcGIS Enterprise 10.3, Share Point Enterprise 2016, JIRA, MS Visio, MS Project, SOA, RESTful, JSON, XML, Informatica Power Centre, IDQ, Postman 4.8.0 - API Testing, Oracle 11g, AWS, SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS, MS Office tools (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint), MySQL Workbench. +Exp 2. Sun Life Financial, Boston, MA Business Analyst/ Scrum Master Jul 2015-Feb 2017 +Exp The project was to completely migrate the Legacy CRM Application on the Premises to the Salesforce CRM to reduce its footprint and overhead costs that comes up with infrastructure maintenance. As part of this vision, the organization wanted to create a client facing mobile application and then integrate with the Enterprise Service Bus(ESB) with in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). +Exp Elicited business requirements for the project using interviews, document analysis, surveys, site visits, use case scenarios and used standard template of the organization to develop requirements. +Exp Gathering the requirements from the analyzed stake holders and create User Stories and determine Acceptance Criteria. +Exp Facilitated Time-boxed Scrum Ceremonies, tracked team’s performance and scope creep using sprint burn-up/burn-down charts, designed internal reports to track team progress with respect to every sprint. +Exp Identified and maintained consistent Sprint velocity and capacity during Sprint planning meeting using metrics related to optimal velocity, average velocity, team velocity and focus factor. +Exp Coached development team to create clear and concise product backlog items in terms of estimating the size of the stories using techniques like Planning Poker, T-Shirt Sizing, Relative Mass valuation. +Exp Facilitated Sprint Review Meetings by involving external stake holders and business sponsors to present a demonstration of potential shippable product increment (PSPI) after each sprint. +Exp Resolved Impediments within the development team, identified and resolved external impediments by communicating with stakeholders from external teams to achieve sprint goal. +Exp Created User Stories and led the Planning Poker game to estimate them in Sprint Planning and Backlog Grooming meetings. +Exp Worked with Product Owner to prioritize User Stories based on Business Value using MoSCow and Kano techniques. +Exp Gather the acceptance down time windows from System Traffic Reports and assist the project management team in Batch processing and Migration Strategy. +Exp Responsible for Stakeholder Analysis, Managing the requirements creating UML diagrams (Use Cases, Activity Diagram and Class Diagram) to capture and represent the dynamic behavior of different applications. +Exp Provided Administrative Support and created Custom objects, fields- Leads, Marketing, Campaign, Dashboard, Sales, and Account for Salesforce. Configured security and organizational hierarchy for sales for salesforce implementation. +Exp Involved in Design and development of Workflows rules, Testing, triggers, validation rules and customizations with Salesforce, Configured Reports for custom objects and associated them to Dashboard. +Exp Created UX wireframes and Mock screens for Mobile application and assisted in cross browser/ cross platform testing. +Exp Assisted as an SME for designing mobile application requirement gathering and integration strategy. +Exp Customized page layouts for Salesforce standard and customized workflows, Approval process, objects, Dashboards, Out bound messaging services, Exception to OWD (Org wide Defaults) as per the requirement. +Exp Drafted Data Dictionaries, Data Mappings Artifacts and identified various Transformations required. +Exp Involved in the System Integration Testing (SIT), and perfumed Work Flow- Functionality testing validated Test reports. +Exp Worked on API Documentation and Technical Writing and supported ESB Integration Team on SOA. +Exp Facilitated the Pre UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and UAT; assisted in testing and maintaining quality procedures such as Black box and Regression testing; created all the relevant documents for appropriate users. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum Agile-hybrid, JIRA, Confluence, MS project, MS office Tools (Word, Excel, PPT and Visio), Salesforce CRM, SaaS (Software as a service), APEX, Data loader, Visual force, Webservices, Red Hat Mobile Application Platform, Force.com IDE, Mule soft ESB, SOA, Guidewire Suit, XML, Tableau, WSDL, SOQL. +Exp 3. Alaska DOLWD, Anchorage Sr. Business Systems Analyst Feb 2014-Jun 2015 +Exp The aim of project was to build an upgraded Data Warehouse System for Workforce Development Department, by extracting data from heterogeneous databases. The resulted data system comprised a single repository for data records spanning the full range of workforce systems, including unemployment insurance, apprenticeship training and the One-Stop Career Centers, enabled with better enhanced analysis, financial surveillance, budget allocation, expenditure tracking and consolidated reporting capabilities. +Exp Perused and finalized the ready ness of Request for Proposals (RPF) and assisted the Project Management Team in creating Response Documentation, Project Charters. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions as Moderator and conducted interviews, focus groups with various Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) +Exp and stakeholders, process reviews and policy & procedure reviews to elicit requirements. +Exp Proactively participated in LAND SCAPE Analysis to identify the GAP between the current and expected system. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Document (BRD/HLD) and assisted preparation of System Requirement Specification (SRS). Further Analyzed, modified and validated requirement artifacts. +Exp Used Reverse-Engineering techniques to be identified the missing sources and attributes. +Exp Created Business Use Cases and built Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram using Smart Draw. +Exp Collaborated with the Data Architects in Designing & Modelling the Targeted Data Bases. +Exp Highly involved in Dimensional Analysis, Meta Data Analysis, System Catalog Analysis and created Data Dictionaries. +Exp Assisted Data modeling process by creating conceptual and logical ER diagrams and designing database schemas to help development of an accurate Data Warehouse Structure. +Exp Assisted in Source Data Analysis and Extraction Strategy using SSIS as an extraction and integration platform. +Exp Created Data Dictionaries and Data Mapping Documents (S2T Artifacts) with all the required transformation logics. +Exp Worked with QA team to design and develop Test Plan and Test Cases to perform User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Functional Testing and Regression Testing. +Exp Assisted in Strategical Planning for Data Integrity, Data quality and adding Data Verification and Validity to maintain accuracy and effectiveness of data. +Exp Involved with Business Intelligence (BI) team creating report catalogs and required parameters as per the requirements. +Exp Query Multiple Data bases PostgreSQL, MS SQL with SQL queries and documents the analysis reports. +Exp Collaborated with in Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Execution and Issue Resolution and Report Generation to assure that all aspects of a Project are in Compliance with the Business Requirements +Exp Experienced in Logging and tracking the defects using HP Quality Center. Created an error repository and managed the testing process with the QA team +Exp Worked with BI team in creating the Training Manuals with Standard Operational Procedure. Helped the end users getting accustomed to the system by live demonstrations and system tutorials. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Office suit, SSIS_SSAS_SSRS, MS VISIO, MS Project, MS TFS, DWH Architecture, SharePoint, Erwin 9.5, MS SQL, POSTGRE SQL, Main frames. +Exp 4. Grange Insurance, Columbus, OH Business Systems Analyst Nov 2012-Dec 2013 +Exp The client is one of the leading providers of P&C and life insurance service. The project was about creating an application on the salesforce platform that tracks the customers interests searches on the Enterprise web site and connect it to CRM System data, so that the Marketing Management Team can pay attention to their prospect’s interests. +Exp Interacted with users and stakeholders to identify business needs, evaluated solutions for business problems. +Exp Conducted Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions and Requirement Workshops (RW) with Subject Matter Experts. +Exp Configured Data security and Organizational hierarchy for Org salesforce implementation. +Exp Customized page layouts, custom objects, fields, Dashboard, Sales, and Account. +Exp Involved in Design and development of Workflows rules, triggers, validation rules and customizations with Salesforce. +Exp Administered Salesforce CRM applications for Sales, Marketing and Support Departments. +Exp Responsible for all the activities related to configuring Import Wizards, r.io, uploading data in CSV files into salesforce.com, checking for integrity of the data. Set up visibility securities like roles, profiles, field level securities. +Exp Created and maintained Data Mapping Documents and Data Lineage Designs in MS Excel and MS Visio. +Exp Designed and developed all Use Cases and UML models using MS Visio. +Exp Assisted in designed Test Plans, Test Cases for Functional Testing, Load Testing and User Acceptance testing (UAT) and assisted Quality Assurance Teams in tracking the issues. +Exp Provided the sophisticated user manuals and training material to the marketing team to create Product Demo videos. +Exp Environment: AGILE Scrum, Guidewire Insurance Suit, SOA, SaaS (Software as a service), MS project, MS office Suit, MS Project, MS Visio, Angular JS (SPA), IBM Web Sphere (Java application), Eclipse IDE Juno 3.8, Load Runner 11.5, Rally ALM, Apex Data Loader, Workflow Approvals. +Exp 5. Birla Sun life Insurance, Hyderabad Business Systems Analyst/ UX support Feb 2012-Oct 2012 +Exp The project was to develop Highly Responsive Pages (HRP) and mount them on the Enterprise website with detailed demos of Improved Business Process of an Insurance Company. And further location of Visitors and details are tracked and connected to the existing CRM system which helps the Organization to transform their Prospects into Potential customers. +Exp Worked with Subject Matter Experts, Digital Marketing Analyst, Project Managers and Business Owners to understand the business process gather Business Requirements and identified enhancements. +Exp Conducted various sessions like JAD Sessions, Brain Storming and Focus Groups for eliciting pragmatic requirements. +Exp Drafted and Managed User Stories and Features and Create User Story Dependency Matrix and Story mapping artifacts. +Exp Developed Mock Screen and Wire Frames and presented as DEMO session to the Primary Stakeholders. +Exp Translate concepts into user flows, wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes that lead to intuitive user experiences. +Exp Served as a liaison between business team and the UI team by assisting the business in identifying, understanding their intended look and Design of the Pages. +Exp Used Photoshop and Balsamic extensively to develop Designs and frames models. +Exp Collect and manage User Experience Reports/feedbacks of the former and competitor UX reports. +Exp Prepare Customer Analysis Reports based on the Targeted Demographics and Previous Transactions. +Exp Communicating scenarios, end-to-end experiences, page layouts and Screen Designs with Cross Functional Teams. +Exp Conduct usability tests on each independent page on the website and show case the reporting to the stakeholders. +Exp To automate Cross Browser and Cross Platform testing used Selenium Testing Framework for automated Web application +Exp testing and auto scripting. +Exp Responsible for meetings with users and stakeholders to identify problems, resolve issues and improve the process to +Exp ensure the system meets all the goals of the project. +Exp Produced visual models for the application using UML MS Visio to create Use Cases, Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Collaborated and negotiated with stakeholders in defining project scope boundaries. +Exp Environment: SCRUM, MS Visio, Adobe Photoshop, Balsamic, Cloud- SaaS, MS Office Suite, AJAX Framework, Selenium Testing Framework, POSTGRE SQL, Apache Tomcat, Outlook, CRM Systems. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Results-driven software professional with 8+ years of experience and demonstrated ability to successfully implement complex large-scale, N-tier, distributed, real-time enterprise applications. +Sum Worked on the development of client/server and web Applications using JAVA, J2EE, J2SE technologies and Web Technologies for enterprise applications. +Sum Experienced in developing Rich Internet Application. +Sum Experience in using Jasper Reports. +Sum Worked on developing enterprise web-based application based on Java technologies using J2EE, J2SE, EJB, Java Servlets, Struts, Java Beans, JMS,JNDI, ANT, and Apache Maven. +Sum Worked on various frameworks: Struts, Tiles, Hibernate3.0, Spring3.0/4.0, Spring MVC, JSF (Java Server Faces), O/R Mapping Hibernate 3.x framework and web services (SOAP and Restful). +Sum Strong hands on experience in developing the Enterprise and Web applications on N-tier Architecture using Java/J2EE and java-based technologies such as Spring, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Cayenne, EJBs, Struts, JNDI, Web Services (JAX – RS, JAX-WS), XML, JPA, JMS and JDBC. +Sum Expertise indeveloping GUI using Swing, HTML, DHTML, DOJO, Java Script, CSS, AngularJS,Bootstrap, JSF, XML, SOAP, REST, jQuery and AJAX scripting. +Sum Experience in improving the efficiency of batch processing using WebSphere Compute Grid. +Sum Working experience on design patterns like MVC, DAO, DTO, and Singleton. +Sum Experience in working with applications developed using Object Relational Mapping frameworks like Hibernate and MVC frameworks like Struts, JSFetc., and IOC frameworks like spring and its subsidiary modules such as Spring JDBC, Spring IOC, Spring Security, and Spring AOP. +Sum Experience in developing light weight business component and integrated applications using Spring framework using features like Inversion of Control (IOC) and configuring application context for Spring bean factory. +Sum Experience in front end development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Backbone JS, Node JS, EXT JS, Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON and JSTL. +Sum Expertise in Developing End to End B2B and B2C application using JEE & J2EE technologies such as Servlets, JSP, EJB, JNDI, JPA, JTA, JMS, JDBC, JAXP, JAXB +Sum Hands on experience in configuration and deployment of multi-tier applications using servers like WebSphere, Web Logic, and Tomcat. +Sum Extensive experience to SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and experience in developing Web services using Axis, WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, WS-Security, XML-RPC and JAXB/JAXP. +Sum Understanding of JVM efficiency and focus on the speed of execution. +Sum Proficient in executing protocols, collecting, processing and presenting data. +Sum Worked on relational databases like Oracle, Teradata, PostgreSQL, Sybase, My SQL andMSSQL Server. +Sum Worked on build and deploy tools - Ant and Maven with Hudson and Jenkins build. +Sum Wrote complex Shell, ANT scripts for building the projects. +Sum Good Working Knowledge of Ant for project build/test/deployment, Log4j for logging and JUnit for unit and integration testing. +Sum Strong knowledge of IDE's like Eclipse, Net Beans, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD 7.0.0), Web Sphere Studio Application Developer. +Sum Worked in various application methodologies including Agile, waterfall and RDM. +Sum Worked on Application Servers and Web servers such as IBM WebSphere,Apache AXIS, SOAP, WSDL, XML, RESTAPI, Glassfish, JBOSS, and Web logic +Sum Expertise in WebSphere and Tools such as ANT, WSAD, RAD, CVS, VSS. +Sum Working knowledge of middleware technologies (MQ, JMS, EJB, JMX &Server-SideTechnologies) +Sum Wrote complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers. +Sum Worked on Database Development using SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, SQL Server Management Studio, and SQL Developer & TOAD. +Sum Worked on bug tracking tools like JIRA, CRM, Bugzilla, Remedy, and qTrack. +Sum Worked with version management tools Perforce, SVN, CVS, VSS and PVCS. +Sum Worked on with IDE tools such as MyEclipse 5.5, KOMODO, Eclipse 3, NetBeans 6 +Sum Extensive development in Linux, Windows environments. +Sum Worked on BIRT, Business Objects and Crystal Reports integration with J2EE Applications. +Sum Excellent analytical and critical thinking, creative problem solving, quick learning, interpersonal and client interfacing skills. +Sum Excellent team player with leadership abilities. Strong analytical skills with excellent interpersonal and communication skills with analytical ability and understanding of Organizational functioning. +Sum Assisted project manager in defining project scope, time & effort estimates and deliverable management. +Sum Adaptable to new technologies in a short spanof time and implementing them in real-time projects. Self-motivated individual and fast paced learner. +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelor’s in computer science,Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, A.P, India. +Skill Skill Set: +Skill Professional Experience: +Skill Client : State Street Bank, Princeton, NJ +Exp Duration : Sept 15 - Till Date +Exp Role : Sr Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked on Requirement analysis, gathered all possible business requirements from end users and business Analysts. +Exp Participated in all aspects of the development lifecycle from design to deployment and ongoing enhancements. +Exp Followed iterative application development specified by Agile Scrum methodology consisting of weekly sprints, stand up meetings and build the application with Test Driven Development(TDD). +Exp Collaborate with business teams to develop high-level system narratives, storyboards, and user interface prototypes. +Exp Involved in extensive meetings with business and design teams in analyzing / drafting Business Requirement Specification (BRS) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS). +Exp Extensively participated in theAnalysis, System study and Designing of the project. +Exp Making presentations to customer or client audiences and professional peers. +Exp Developed client-side validation code using JavaScript and JQUERY. +Exp Created AngularJS controllers, services and used AngularJS filters. +Exp Involved in design and development of UI component, which includes layered POVs and Carousels using frameworks AngularJS, JavaScript and JQuery in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and LESS. +Exp Applied multiple built-in Directives such as ng-model, ng-click into AngularJS application. +Exp Implemented various design patterns Singleton, Data Access Object(DAO), Command Design Pattern, Abstract Factory and Factory Method Design Pattern. +Exp Implemented REST web services through AngularJS services to get JSON Object and modified the response object to display in UI. +Exp Developed REST web services using JAX-WS to facilitate communication between client and server. +Exp Involved in development of web services for business operations using SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, JDOM, XML, XSL. +Exp Used struts framework to develop Action Servlets, Action Form bean and configured the struts-config.xml file. +Exp Developed the Action Classes, Action Form Classes using Struts tag libraries and configured in Struts-config.xml, Web.xml files. +Exp Used Struts Framework in the application, which is based on MVC design pattern. +Exp Validated forms using Struts validation framework and implemented Tiles framework in presentation layer. +Exp Implemented "Model View Controller (MVC)" architecture for an efficient implementation of the view level customizations and interface with the application logic. +Exp Worked with core java code extensively using interfaces and Multi-threading techniques. +Exp Developed and utilized J2EE services and JMS components for messaging communication between different applications. +Exp Involved in JMS connection pool and experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise applications. +Exp Automated batch jobs using Quartz scheduler and used quartz timer/cron expressions to trigger job in regular intervals of time. +Exp Implemented EWS to read email from different mail box and convert all attachments to single tiff file. +Exp Extensively used components like File Transport,SMTP Transport, FTP/SFTP Transport, JDBC Connector and Transaction management. +Exp Converted different files to tiff and concatenated to single fileusing Aspose Library. +Exp Implemented Annotations on the tiff file. +Exp Finding the Memory Leaks and adjusting the JVM Heap Sizes and GC Parameters using JProfile. +Exp Used Files stream API of Java 1.8. +Exp Used Apache Tomcat 7.0 as the server to host the application. +Exp Developed SQL stored procedures and prepared statements for updating and accessing data from database. Conducted the SQL performance analysis on Oracle 11g database tables and improved the performance by SQL tuning. +Exp Wrote services to store and retrieve data from the Mongo DB, Oracle database management system and handled database access and data transmission based on Restful web service. +Exp Reviewing peers and Offshore teamcode. +Exp Used JUnit and Test cases for testing the application modules. +Exp Extensively used Log4j for logging Errors, debugging, tracking and exception statements. +Exp Used SVN, ClearCase and GIT for version control. +Exp Involved in various internal releases of the application and supported the application modules during testing, pre-production and production phases. +Exp Worked with clients for issues and provided quick solutions. +Exp Environment: Java 6, Java 8, J2EE Design Patterns, OOAD, batch Processing, DAO, DTO, SOAP Web-services, Servlet, JavaScript,JQuery,AngularJS,Webservices,JAX-RPC, EJB, XMLJ,JSON, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WebSphere 8, Tomcat 7, Eclipse, UML, Ant, JUnit, Agile methodology,Log4j, MVC Patterns, Oracle 11G +Exp Client : FedEx Services, Dallas, Texas +Exp Duration : Oct 14 –Aug 15 +Exp Role : SrJava Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Workedon Requirement analysis, gathered all possible business requirements from end users and business Analysts. +Exp Involved in the analysis, design, development and testing phases of software development lifecycle(SDLC). +Exp Deliver simple and elegant software solutions, customer-centric products, utilizing agile development processes. +Exp Developed client-side validation code using JavaScript and JQUERY. +Exp Used Flex Tools to define the UI Layout. +Exp By Using Jasper Reports written the files to PDF, Excel, etc… +Exp Responsible for JavaScript / AJAX UI upgrades and improvements. +Exp Implemented Bootstrap, CSS in AngularJS for developing rich and responsive UI. +Exp Built rich prototypes and applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery, Ajax, JSON, AngularJS, Backbone.js and Bootstrap with Oracle database. +Exp Wrote Code in Java with features like Collections, Exception Handling, Multi-threading. +Exp Used Dependency Injection feature of spring framework and O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance. +Exp Used Spring MVC, Spring Securityand Web Flow to bind web parameters to business logic. +Exp Implemented cross cutting concerns like business transactions, security, Logging and monitoring mechanism using Spring AOP. +Exp Used Spring Transactional Management,JDBC Template. +Exp Worked on Spring AOP for logging the details in database. +Exp Maintained relationship between objects using Spring IOC. +Exp Used Hibernate to Access Oracle Database for accessing customer information. +Exp Implemented Hibernate in Data AccessLayer to Access and Update Information in the Database and Configured.hbm, .cfg and .xml files according to hibernate framework. +Exp Implemented Transactions using spring framework. +Exp Managed Clusters using Rest API (JAX-RS). +Exp Responsible for implementation, integration and delivery of Reference Implementation (RI) in Private Cloud Environment with OUD as centralized Identity Repository, using OSB, SOA, Suite JAX-B,JAX-RS and JAX–WS. +Exp Improved database performance by recognizing and rewriting Named Queries with Native Queries. +Exp Created integrations with RSA (Adaptive authentication) security two factor authentications, other legacy system supported through various protocol Http/Https, Web services, JSONand xml. +Exp Implemented RESTFULLweb service (JAX-RS). +Exp Extensively worked on Build and Deployment scripts using ANT, Maven, Unix Shell scripts for WebLogic 8.x &WebLogic 10.x application servers. +Exp Used Cloud BasedBatch Processing for WebSphere Compute Grid. +Exp Using WebSphere Deployment Compute Grid improved the efficiency of operation. +Exp Assist with creation and maintenance of batch operations process. +Exp Experience in improving the efficiency of batch processing using WebSphere Compute Grid. +Exp Developed application using Java 1.6, JBoss 7 and web Services. +Exp Final code review of the project. +Exp Understand and write unit tests in a Test-Driven Development (TDD) Environment. +Exp Developed and updated procedures and documentation, performed daily system monitoring and maintenance, batch processing, security log audits. +Exp Used Log4j for logging mechanism and developed wrapper classes to configure the logs. +Exp Worked on Oracle database and PL/SQL +Exp Used SVN for version control and used JUnit for unit testing. +Exp Environment: Java 6, J2EE Design Patterns, OOAD,batch Processing, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring ORM, Spring MVC, Hibernate, DAO, DTO, SOAP Web-services, JAX-RPC, EJB, XMLJ, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WebSphere 8, JBOSS 7, Eclipse, UML, Ant, JUnit, Agile methodology, Log4j, MVC Patterns, Oracle 11G, SUN Solaris, WebLogic. +Exp Client : Burger King Corporation, Miami, Florida +Exp Duration : Jan 14 – Sep 14 +Exp Role : SrJava Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Plan and execute phases of the software development lifecycle utilizing agile methodologies to achieve end-to-end development of web-based applications. +Exp Involved in getting the business requirements from the client and reviewing those with business team to help them in drafting Business Requirement Specification (BRS). +Exp Designed class diagrams, sequence diagrams using UML and prepared high level technical documents. +Exp Analyze system specifications and translate system requirements to task specifications. +Exp Involved in web designing using HTML 4/5, XHTML, CSS 2/3, JQuery, JavaScriptextensively used Table less Design in CSS for positioning. +Exp Extensively used CSS and Bootstrap for styling theHTML documents. +Exp Developing Web pages by leveraging AngularJS Framework and used D3JS charts. +Exp Developed all client-side logical implementation part of applications with AngularJS controllers under specific modules, manipulating nodes in DOM tree. +Exp Wrote application level code to add functionality on the client-side validation using AngularJS and JavaScript. +Exp Implemented modules using Core Java APIs, Java collection, Threads, XML, and integrating the modules. +Exp Provided data persistence by object/relational mapping solution via Hibernate for application save, update, delete operations. +Exp Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema. +Exp Used spring-based proxy factory bean to access ATG user profile during Migration of ATG Nucleus based application into spring-based web application. +Exp Used Spring JDBC (TEMPLATE) as a data access technology to interact with the database. +Exp Developed Entity Beans and Session Beans to process the business logic. +Exp Used MVC Architecture in spring framework and implemented custom tag libraries. +Exp Used design patterns like DAO and DTO, Singleton. +Exp Wrote POJO Classes, .hbm files for Hibernate Object-To-Relational Mapping. +Exp Used Hibernate to store the persistence data into the Oracle database and wrote, HQL to access the data from the database. +Exp Designed and Implemented Rapid Start Integration Framework using JAX-RS, JUnit, Log4j, SoapUI. +Exp Developed services that are reusable and interoperable, based on SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RS, JAX Web services. +Exp Successfully handled JSON/XML data and carried out JSON/XML parsing for form submissions and DOM manipulation. +Exp Developed the XML files, DTD's, and parsed them by using SAX parser for the TAF module. +Exp Used the Eclipse as IDE, configured and deployed the application onto Tomcatserver. +Exp Worked on PostgreSQL like interacting with Database, writing Stored Procedures and debugand fix the issues as well. +Exp Using WebSphere Grid improved the performance of Batch Processing. +Exp Experience in configuring work load management and performance tuning using Tivoli performance viewer for WebSphere Application server. +Exp Worked on used and Tortoise SVN, . +Exp Build mail and messaging applications using Java Mail API. +Exp Used Hudson to build and deploy the application. +Exp Used Log4J to monitor the Error Logs. +Exp Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. +Exp Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Jira, D3js, Angular JS, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat, batch processing, PostgreSQL, JDBC, Rest, Eclipse, Junit, Bootstrap, Agile, JAX-RS,JAX-WS, Log4j, UML, JSP, Servlet, Maven, CSS, Html, JSON, WebSphere, Hudson,Xml, ATG, Java Mail API, SQL server +Exp Client : Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Jersey City,NJ +Exp Duration : July 13 – Dec 14 +Exp Role : SrJava Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in extensive meetings with business and design teams in analyzing / drafting Business Requirement Specification (BRS) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS). +Exp Developed the application by using HTML5, Java/J2EE development expertise +Exp Designed and implemented the User Interface using JavaScript, HTML5, XHTML, XML, CSS3, JSP, AJAX and MySQL. +Exp Used Front End Developing UI Interface using Angular JS, HTML5.0 CSS3, Java Script, Ajax, and JQuery. +Exp Using Angular JS created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI. +Exp Used $http with AngularJS interceptors to make sure the requests were valid and used ui-router to handle nested views and avoid page redirection. +Exp Participated in production implementation verification and being accountable for validating system quality. +Exp Integrated Spring Dependency Injection (IOC) among different layers of an application. +Exp Used spring framework for dependency injection, transaction management and AOP. +Exp Integrated JSF, spring and Hibernate, configured logging and developed Exception handling for the application. +Exp Experience working on Hibernate tools for object relational Mapping and Maintaining Persistence with POJO’s for enterprise level for Web Applications. +Exp Design and Implemented the Security Infrastructure using WebSphere(Single Sign-on, Authentication and Authorization) and Web Server (Encryption and Authorization) Security. +Exp Wrote the Hibernate DAO class for accessing Oracle, MS SQL, and DB. +Exp Developed various Database interaction objects by implementing the DAO patterns and used JDBC as Model Component. +Exp Used Oracle10g data base for storing and retrieving the application data. +Exp Wrote migration/deployment shell scripts on Linux/Unix platforms using VI editor. +Exp Configured Data source and connection pool settings by using WebSphere server Admin console +Exp Responsible for deployment of the portlets and application in WebSphere portal and app server. +Exp Worked on backend integration in Oracle 11i. +Exp Worked on used and Tortoise SVN. +Exp Implemented Maven build tools to build jar and war files and deployed war files to target servers. +Exp Environment: Core Java, UNIX, Java 1.4, 2.2.1, XML Schemas, XML, JSF, Java Script, CSS3, HTML5, Angular JS, Spring , Hibernate, Design Patterns, Servlets, JUnit, JMS, Web Services, Windows XP. +Exp Client : Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, Mclean, Virginia +Exp Duration : May 12 – June 13 +Exp Role :SrJava Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Wrote front end code for developing new pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript. +Exp Created UML diagrams such as Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams using IBM Rational Rose. +Exp Used Node JS to implement and deliver customer-facing solutions. +Exp Developed certain features of the application functionality i.e. CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features using Backbone.js. +Exp Configured business applications in XML bean definition files using SPRING. +Exp Spring framework was leveraged for Inversion of Control (IOC), Spring JDBC, Spring AOP based Transaction management and Unit testing. +Exp Developed Action Class components for performing business process execution and configured struts configuration specific xml file. +Exp Worked on JPA for persisting the objects into the system. +Exp Worked on Axis implementation and used SOAPUI to test the SOAP. +Exp Worked on XML, XSD and XSLT to parse the request and create the new one based on the specification. +Exp Developed generic Java packages to produce and consume JMS messages through topics and queues in asynchronous message processing with guaranteed delivery. +Exp Used IBM MQSeries as the JMS provider. +Exp Worked on Hibernate ORM, Created Hibernate XML files and Java class files to map the object relation mappings. Used Hibernate query language. +Exp Utilized Core J2EE designs patterns such as Singleton and Data Access Object (DAO) in the implementation of the services. +Exp Used Eclipse for the application development and Maven configurations for the build and deploy to Tomcat. +Exp Responsible for writing SQL Queries and Procedures using DB2. +Exp Responsible for writing JUnit test cases and Peer level testing. +Exp Build & Deployment in WebSphere Application Server. +Exp Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE. +Exp Environment: Java, SOA, JMS, Angular JS, Node JS, Backbone JS,JMX, IBM MQ Series, Web Services, Axis, SOAPUI, Hibernate, JNDI, XML, XSD, JAXB, JAXP, bootstrap, Spring, Junit, JProfile, Ant, JPA, JTA, JDBC, Maven, PL/SQL Developer, DB2, Unix, Log4J, UML and Agile. +Exp Client : Delta Technology, Hyderabad, India +Exp Duration : June10 – April 12 +Exp Role : Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) – Requirements Specification, Design documents and writing Test cases -Waterfall to Agile methodology. +Exp Used the Use cases, Interaction diagrams and Class diagrams in development of the application. +Exp Worked extensively on creating rich front-end web interface using HTML/CSS, jQuery and JavaScript. +Exp Used IntelliJ as IDE and total application was developed in J2EE using Struts MVC architecture. +Exp Developed the user Interface Presentation screens using Struts Tiles, HTML and JSP. +Exp Developed the workflow interfaces using struts tiles layouts, JSP’s, CSS, & request processors using dispatch action & action. +Exp Used the Struts Validation Framework for UI validation and worked with Struts tag libraries. +Exp Extensively worked with XML schema, XSL, XSLT to navigate in XML documents, and SAX to process & parse xml files. +Exp Involved in the developing of MAVEN, POM.XML files and deployment in JBoss Application Server. +Exp Implemented "Model View Controller (MVC)" architecture for an efficient implementation of the view level customizations and interface with the application logic. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP/Tiles, JSTL, and Struts Tag Libraries to simplify the complexities of the application. +Exp Created Servlets and Java Server Pages, which route submittals to the appropriate Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components and render retrieved information. +Exp Developed EJB Components, both Entity and Session beans, modeling the business logic. +Exp Used EJBs (Session beans) to implement the business logic, JMS for communication for sending updates to various other applications and MDB for routing priority requests. +Exp Worked on creating JSPs, Form Beansand Action classes and configured in Struts-Config.xml. +Exp Used Design patterns such as Business delegate, Service locator, Model View Controller, Session façade, DAO and DTO. +Exp JDBC is used for data interaction with Oracle database. +Exp Written stored procedures in Oracleto validate data and ensure System integrity for various tests based on different specifications. +Exp Involved in deployment components on WebLogic application server. +Exp Performed Unit Testing of all Modules. +Exp Environments: Java, Hibernate, Struts, HTML/CSS, J2EE, JSP, EJB, XML, WebLogic Applications Server, Oracle, WIN NT, Eclipse, ANT. +PI Kumar Raj +PI 407-218-6395 +PI Expert.java11@gmail.com +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum 9 years of experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with nice blend of expertise and leadership, be it requirements gathering, analysis (OOA), prototyping, design (OOD), development (OOP) or maintenance and testing of client-server applications. +Sum Strong experience in designing and developing component based reusable GUI based applications. +Sum Strong experience in Full Stack Web technologies like Core Java, J2EE, MVC Architecture (Struts and spring), Servlets, Swing, Hibernate, mybatis, EJB, JBOSS, JMS, MQ Series, AJAX, JQuery, JSF, Web services(REST and SOAP), Java Script, JSP, JSON, JQuery, JDBC, HTML, DHTML, CSS, and Custom Tag Libraries User defined JSTL, JDBC, XML, LOG4J. +Sum Hands on experience using IDEs like Eclipse (RCP), Rational Application Developer (RAD), and Web sphere Studio Application Developer, Rational Software Architect (RSA). +Sum Educational experience in iOS software development (iPhone and IPod Touch). +Sum Extensively worked on relational databases like Sybase, DB2, MS SQL Server, Oracle 9i and MySQL. +Sum Hands on experience in building Java server side and enterprise applications using the latest. +Sum technologies like Core Java, Multithreading, Swings, Spring IOC, Hibernate, Web services, +Sum JSF, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMS, JDBC, XML, XSLT, DOM, SAX, JAXP, JAXB. +Sum Highly qualified in design and architectures of n-tier applications using IBM WebSphere MQ (WMQSeries), WMB (Message Broker). +Sum Experience in iOS software development (iPhone and IPod Touch). +Sum During development of the plugin I create a symbolic link from the _plugins/gui/_site to my checked out github project. (see sources). Elasticsearch will provide all content under _site in a plugin as static html resources. Which is perfect for AngularJS. +Sum Proficient in implementation of web based systems using Struts Framework. Excellent Knowledge in developing applications using Spring Framework and iBATIS. . +Sum Expertise in ESB frameworks like spring, Jboss Fuse and Apache Camel. +Sum Experienced in developing and implementing Web Services using REST, SOAP, WSDL, CXF, +Sum AXIS, JERSEY, UDDI, XSD, JAX Band Spring Web-services. Comprehensive understanding with the capabilities, constraints and methodologies of open source and vendor specific XML based parsing technologies of SAX, DOM using JAXP Framework. +Sum Experience in developing applications involving Agile, Test Driven Development methodology using Apache Continuum and Emma (Test coverage tool) and SCRUM methodologies. +Sum Strong analytical and problem solving skills and a proven ability to be an effective team player with excellent time management skills. +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp California State Health Department (PHI), San Jose, CA Mar2014 – Till Date +Exp Role: Sr.JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed technical specifications for various back end modules from business requirements and specifications are done according to standard specification formats. +Exp Developed an AngularJS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI's state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows. +Exp Involved in developing in Ruby. +Exp Strong understanding and hands on experience setting up Elastic Search 1.7 in an AWS cloud environment. +Exp Developed multiple web applications, systems and automation tools using a ColdFusion front end. +Exp Worked with the Groovy / Grails framework. +Exp Designed Rule Engines Drools 3.0/4.0 Rule Engine, Blaze Rule Engine, ILOG Rule Engine. +Exp Proficient with Java Swing, AWT, SWT, Jboss and Hibernate . +Exp Experienced Portal technologies e.g. Life ray, JBOSS. +Exp Research about of JBPM process engine for use in the implementation of Flow Control System of People.Technologies used like Core Java, Swings, Spring 4.0 and 3.5 IOC, Hibernate 4.0, Web services. +Exp Build Rest/SOAP Web Services FUSE and Apache Camel. +Exp Used JAXM, Python for making distributed software applications communicate via SOAP and XMLWorked on NoSQL databases – Cassandra .Mongo db and Kafka. +Exp Worked extensively with Java, Android Touch frameworks and third party API including Java mail API. +Exp Experienced in building automation frame works using Python. +Exp Worked as iOS software development (iPhone and IPod Touch). +Exp Designed and implemented the Android applications. +Exp Provided technical guidance during development of Scala applications. +Exp Managed and reviewed Hadoop log files. +Exp Developed and implemented MapReduce jobs used Hadoop to work with Big Data. +Exp Shared responsibility for administration of Hadoop, Hive and Pig. +Exp Developed quality code adhering to Scala coding Standards and best practices. +Exp Involved in the creation and development of the Thorough knowledge of the Ruby language and Ruby on Rails framework. +Exp Worked with Java(J2EE) or Python, Service Oriented Architecture methods and techniques. +Exp Used native Objective-C and Java to develop state-of-the-art mobile applications for iOS and Android. +Exp Worked on Linux, Java, Python, Groovy, Maven, Gradle. +Exp Worked on SQL and NoSQL(MongoDB, Cassandra, Hadoop,) data structures. +Exp Experienced worked Chef, Jenkins, Predix, WSO2, SAML, UNIX, databases, and networking. +Exp Designed used a JSON or XML based web API. +Exp Have used Hibernate framework for Database access from SOAP Web Service. +Exp Designed REST APIs that allow sophisticated, effective and low cost application integration. +Exp Involved in consuming, producing Restful web services using JAX-RS. +Exp Developed JavaScript libraries for error handling, Input validation and Event Handling. +Exp Worked in AngularJS supports declarative development documents. For the system integration. +Exp Expert in RDBMS and NoSQL data storage technologies like MongoDB. +Exp Involved in Hibernate and Spring ORM . Spring JDBC and Spring Transaction Management. +Exp Designed and developed screens in HTML, JSP with client side validations using JavaScript. +Exp Prepared unit test plans through applications such as Core Java, ORM and Backend Oracle. +Exp Environment: Core JAVA, JDK 1.7/1.6/1.5, GWT,J2EE, Apache, REST WebSerivces, Ajax, EJB, Spring, Hibernate (ORM), Struts, TIBCO, UNIX, Jboss, JDBC, JavaScript, JSP,HTML5, CSS3, JSF 2.0, JMS, Active MQ, Angular JS,GIT, SQL and Oracle 11g. +Exp General Motors – Detroit, Michigan Jan2013-Mar2014 +Exp Role: JAVA J2EE Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Requirement Analysis and Technical Design meetings and have created Technical Design Documents as per the Business Requirements. +Exp Performed graphs for Kafka, RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ. +Exp Implemented Service such as along with a number of and classes. +Exp Create the Infrastructure design for PROD, Performance, Development Elastic-search environments. +Exp Maintained and expand our AWS infrastructure, and provided mentorship to others on my team. +Exp Designed applications used Eclipse RCP framework. +Exp Experienced and add-on design practice, but as a core feature used by every Angular project. +Exp Expert in application written with the backbone.js framework along with JQuery, JQuery Templates. +Exp Involved in entire software development process for all assigned android application development projects: requirement specification, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. +Exp Involved in installing, configuring SiteMinder policy server, Web agents, Netegrity Transaction Minder, Active Directory server LDAP and various Web Application servers. +Exp Design and manipulation of JBPM process for the client activities in order to manage the people queue for each activity. +Exp Experienced in API development, MongoDB, Reddis, OpenStack API development. +Exp Experienced in RDBMS and NoSQL data storage technologies like MongoDB. +Exp Cloud/AMIs instances and used the best of EC2, and other cloud instances. +Exp Worked in Cloud especially Amazon Web Services. +Exp Designed and developed Service layer using Struts 2.0 and 1.0framework. +Exp Assisted in installation, assembling and maintenance of latest versions of JBoss Application server. +Exp Technologies used: Scala, AWS, Akka, NoSQL technologies (such as Cassandra and Elastic Search). +Exp Strong Knowledge of core Java server-side programming. +Exp Worked with scripting skills like Python, perl, bash etc. +Exp Expert with the Groovy / Grails framework. +Exp Used API Management solutions (e.g. WSO2 and MuleSoft). +Exp Used PHP and MySQL, Oracle, ASP and Cold Fusion. Learned Ruby on Rails, business rules, SEO and other advanced tools. +Exp Worked with the MULE ESB platform as a Developer. +Exp Worked on software development using Liferay Portal. +Exp AngularJS provides means to create abstractions, reusable chunks of functionality. +Exp Experienced with web services and web development languages in Python, Java. +Exp Developed and implemented UI controls and APIs with ExtJS. +Exp Experienced with SQL and NoSQL(MongoDB, Cassandra, Hadoop,) data structures. +Exp Used JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, CSS3, and HTML5 as data and presentation layer technology. +Exp Experienced with Nodes’Js.. +Exp Experienced in Designing, Developing and Testing complex rules in DROOLS Fusion and DROOLS CEP. +Exp Developing Ant and Maven scripts to automate the compilation, deployment and testing of Web and J2EE applications to the above platforms. +Exp Wrote JUnit test cases for unit, integration, and functional tests, run automatically by Hudson/Jenkins in the builds triggered by each push to Git. +Exp Strong Knowledge working with MQ Series and JMS. +Exp Use Spring ORM to store JMS consumed messages into database. +Exp Provided estimation using internal estimation tool for the client requirements. +Exp Environment: Core Java, J2EE, Angular JS,J2EE, SQL, Servlets , Struts, Unix, EJB, JDBC, JMS, GWT, HTML5, JavaScript, DB2, RCP, Jboss, REST Web Services, Eclipse, TIBCO, Apache Camel, Active MQ, Android, SQL, Web sphere Portal. +Exp Mercury Insurance, Dallas, TX Aug2012-Jan2013 +Exp Role: JAVA Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in study of User Requirement Specification, Communicated with Business Analysts to resolve ambiguity in Requirements document. +Exp Participated in the design, architecture and development of a Java based content management system. (CMS). +Exp knowledge on messaging systems like active MQ, rabbit MQ, kafka. +Exp Experienced in Core Java, spring, Struts and Angular JS,backbone Js. +Exp Worked in Agile Scrum Methodology. +Exp Responsible for deploying enterprise applications from Admin console and enabling security using LTPA and LDAP for admin console and application components on AIX. +Exp Translating business requirements into a Elastic Search implementation +Exp Integrated Java and Angular based application to Elastic Search tier via Spring 4 Restful Controllers communicating to a custom java utility wrapping the Jest API. +Exp Experienced with the Groovy / Grails . +Exp Worked with the team to provide PHP support for the platform. +Exp Implemented clustering and throttling concepts for mule based solutions. +Exp Knowledge of Configuration of Docker Containers via Puppet etc. +Exp Experienced with Java, Scala or other OO technologies. +Exp Developed virtual platforms used Cloud computing, Clustered and Memory-Grid. +Exp Prepared the MQ software architecture document (SAD) documents based on the requirement. +Exp Implemened RedHat RHDS authentication solution for ActiveMQ Fuse. Experienced with Java & Python frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Django, Celery. +Exp Developed an AngularJS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI's state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows. +Exp Used RabbitMQ for supports , clustering is intended to facilitate scalability, not availability. +Exp Participated in understanding of ExtJS technologies and development tasks. +Exp Implemented multiple high-performance MongoDB replica sets on EC2 with robust reliability. +Exp Involved in configuration of Spring MVC and Integration with Hibernate. +Exp Developing automated process for builds and deployments using Jenkins, Ant, and Maven. +Exp Designed and implemented a Cassandra no SQL based database and associated RESTful web service that persists high-volume user profile data for vertical teams.. +Exp Develop consumer based features and applications using Ruby on Rails. +Exp Created Location Look up SOAP based web services using spring 3.0. +Exp Used Hibernate for Object relational Mapping and Persistence. +Exp Built rich prototypes and applications using Backbone.js, HTML5 local Storage and CSS3. +Exp Implemented Test Driven Development using frameworks like Junit, Selenium. +Exp Used Maven for building applications. +Exp Deployed applications on Web sphere 8.5 and Tomcat during development. +Exp Environment: Core Java, JSP, J2EE, GWT, E-Commerce, Servlets, Spring, Struts, Angular JS, SOAP & REST WebSerivces, WSDL, JDBC, Hibernate (ORM), JSF, UNIX, EJB, Eclipse RCP, XML, JAXB, GIT, Junit, Maven, PL/SQL, Power Shell, Oracle 10g, Tomcat 6. +Exp Sprint Nextel - Herndon, VA Sept2011-Aug2012 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in business requirements gathering, use case analysis and application design strategies. +Exp Involved in full Stack web development like Angular JS. +Exp Worked with Object oriented programming (Java, Scala) and common design patterns. +Exp Knowledge ofAngularJS supports automated testing via pervasive dependency injection - not merely. +Exp Responsible for developing batch jobs applications to generate Key Performance Indicator reports in CSV file format using Java, XML and developed DAO’s to abstract business logic from data access using transaction management module and batch in Spring framework. +Exp Developed the custom web application implementing MVC Architecture, iBatis and spring frameworks. +Exp Responsible for developing business logic to retrieve voice messages to handsets by encoding to QCELP format to handset specific format like OGG and compose and forward messages from the handset. +Exp Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate, and Transfer Object. +Exp Responsible for developing user Interface using Junit, Servlets, JSP, HTML, JavaScript to conduct unit testing as well as end to end testing. +Exp Attended and worked with agile scrum standup meetings. +Exp Environment: Core Java, J2EE, JDK 1.5, Angular JS, Hibernate(ORM), JSP, JSF, SDET, Unix, Servlets, Spring, MQ, Junit, iBatis, Web, JavaScript, Struts, HTML, ,CSS, XML, Eclipse IDE, Oracle 10g, Windows 7/XP, CVS. +Exp Wells Fargo – Seattle, WA Oct2010-Aug2011 +Exp Role: Java/J2EEDeveloper +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed a GUI interface to administer a hardware application using XML/XSL transformations and JavaScript. +Exp Extensively used OOD concepts in overall design and development of the system. +Exp Designed and Implemented the J2EE / Struts with JDBC in Eclipse IDE. +Exp Work directly with management, vendors, and third parties to ensure database management applications operate at peak efficiency. +Exp Extensively worked on Java server side programming using Servlets, and JSP. CSS is used to style Web pages, XHTML and XML markup. +Exp Implemented Servlets to handle HTTP requests for on-line requests, credit card payments, registration and bug tracking. +Exp Using XML for dynamic display of options in select box and description on web page. +Exp Asynchronous messaging is done using JMS and created Queue for point – point messaging. +Exp REST based Web Services are used for accessing flight and hotel information’s. +Exp Designed complex application database SQL statements for querying, updating and reporting using JDBC. +Exp Developed Junit test cases and performed integration and system testing. +Exp Environment: Core JAVA, J2EE, Angular JS, XML, UNIX, Rational Application Developer (RAD), Servlets, Java Script, JSP, CSS, JDBC, Struts1.2, SOAP, SDET, Eclipse3.2 with My Eclipse, PL/SQL, CVS, Junit, Web Logic, Windows. +Exp AT&T Middle town NJ Mar2009 – Sept2010 +Exp Role: Java web developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Coordinated with team members in gathering system requirements and specifications required for the redesign. +Exp Designed and developed the Application based on Model-View-Controller architecture. +Exp Involved in analysis, design, Coding and development, Implementation phase of the modules. +Exp Created external XML documents. +Exp Worked on JAVA J2EE team and designing DAO interface and implementation. +Exp Involved in Bug Fixing (Debugging) of the application. +Exp Involved in Developing User Interfaces using HTML and JSP's. +Exp Developed and published web-services using WSDL, SOAP and XML, JAXB. +Exp Implemented Web-Services to integrate between different applications (internal and third party components using SOAP and RESTFUL services). +Exp Developed web pages with JSP and Servlets using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, and XML. +Exp Used Apache Ant as the software build tool. +Exp Used Apache Maven for the over-all software project management. +Exp Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, MVC, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, SOAP, WSDL, spring, CSS, UML, XML, HTTP, Eclipse, MVC, AJAX, Apache Maven. +Exp Informative tech - INDIA May2007–Mar2009 +Exp Role: Jr. Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed a website where user can login and enter their personal information. +Exp Designed tables in the database to store the user data gathered from the online forms. +Exp User data is stored in Database and available when the user log’s in again and can modify the data. +Exp Created Queues for each specific type of certificate. +Exp Developed a communication between the local databases with the central database to validate the credibility of the applicant. +Exp Creating and maintaining databases which include configuration, query optimization and de-normalization. +Exp Environment: HTML, Java, SQL. +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering, +Sum Professional Summary +Sum A highly Competent, Focused, Result Oriented & Certified Business Analyst and Project Coordinator with strong written and verbal communication skills and possess a strong ability to function with both technical and non-technical resources. Also, having extensive experience in functional testing across domain and involving clients across globe +Sum An accomplished and qualified, Engineering and Master of Business, IT professional with Over 10+ years of experience across diversified domain and technologies +Sum 6+ years of experience is in Health Care industry, Finance industry, and Insurance industry as Business Analyst, Quality Analyst, and Project Coordinator +Sum Extensive experience in Business Analysis, Requirements Management, and Document Processing +Sum Ability to interact with SMEs and experienced in conducting walkthroughs, interviews, Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) and Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions +Sum Extensive experience in developing Business Requirement Documents (BRD), Software Requirements Specification (SRS), Use Case Specification, and Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) +Sum Identified testing dependencies and risks, ensuring that they were effectively managed and mitigated +Sum Performed Feasibility Analysis, Impact Analysis, Cost/Benefit Analysis, Gap Analysis, and Risk Analysis +Sum Recommend time lines, roles and responsibilities appropriate to the application(s)/ project(s) assigned +Sum Proficient in preparing UML diagrams: Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Data Flow Diagrams +Sum Worked closely with project management team as a part of project coordination initiatives +Sum Assisted Project Manager in coordinating day to day activities +Sum Ability to use MS Project for scheduling, task delegation and status tracking +Sum Extensive experience working in all stages of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) +Sum Liaised with clients, project managers, vendors and/or peers to arrange test lab(s) +Sum Developed QA documentations (Test Plan, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, and Traceability Matrices) +Sum Coordinated for the test environments, defect analysis throughout test cycle +Sum Planned, executed and accomplished UAT and application deployment +Sum Extensive exposure on FACETS in Enrollment and Claims Sub areas +Sum Good Knowledge of HIPAA EDI - 834, 835, & 837 transactions, and Source to Target Mapping +Sum Exposure to FACETS’ Member/Subscriber, Plan/Product and Benefit/ Claims data model +Sum Excellent knowledge of various SDLC methodologies; Waterfall, and Agile / Scrum +Edu Education +Edu Master of Business Administration (Major: Project Management and Finance), UDM, MI (2013) +Edu Electrical and Electronics Engineering - University of Madras, India (2000) +Edu Diploma in Networking Technology, India (2000) +Skill Technical Skills +Skill Management Tools JIRA, HP ALM (Quality Center), Rational DOORS, and SharePoint +Skill SDLC Techniques Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, and Iterative methods +Skill HealthCare Technologies Facets 4.31, EDI 837, 835, 834 transactions +Skill Microsoft Tool MS-Visio, MS-Project, and MS-office +Skill Standards ITIL and PMI +Skill Database SQL 2012, RDBMS – Oracle 10g/12c +QC Certifications +QC ITIL Foundation Level +QC Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) +QC Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) +Exp Professional Experiences +Exp UBS Financial Services, Troy, MI Oct’16 – Present +Exp Sr. Business Analyst/Project Coordinator +Exp Project: Risk management application used to assess market risk involved in performing any primary and secondary market transactions including buying and selling of stocks, bonds and other financial instruments. The risk management application had various modules including market analysis through Bloomberg feed, past and future trend analysis, graphs, Identify Liquidity Risks, Counterparty Risk, Market Risk, and Credit Risk associated with capital market instruments. The project also involved a data warehouse initiative wherein the data elements in source databases of multiple applications were loaded into data warehouse. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions, brain storming sessions with the Business and the Technology teams +Exp Designed and coauthored Business Requirement Documents (BRD), Functional Specifications Documents and Technical maps for Bloomberg terminal +Exp Had responsibilities for translating BRD into functional specifications and test plans +Exp Recognized all market risk categories: credit, liquidity, operational, compliance, reputational and Counterparty +Exp Prepared Graphical depictions of Narrative Use Cases, and created UML Models such as Data Model, Use Case Diagrams, and Flow Diagrams using MS – Visio +Exp Closely worked with Project Manager in assessment of logical sequence of activities +Exp Participated in estimation of resource activity and estimation of activity duration +Exp Assisted PM in scheduling project in MS-Project, and risk management with uncertainty in the schedule +Exp Involved in Business Meetings to discuss requirement, design, and planning on different levels of Testing +Exp Assisted in preparing stakeholder register and controlling stakeholder engagement +Exp Documented the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) and analyzed test data +Exp Used SharePoint to store the documents and review the documents with different user groups +Exp Administered development and test environment for ongoing system modification +Exp Assisted in Test Plans for UAT testing and authored User Training Documentation +Exp Environment: MS Project Plan, MS Office, VB, HTML, JavaScript, MS Visio, SQL, and HP ALM +Exp Coast Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA Apr’15 - Oct’16 +Exp Sr. Business Quality Analyst +Exp Project: Coast Healthcare developed a software suite to equip partners and providers with the tools they needed to care effectively and efficiently for their members. The ultimate purpose of this software was to improve quality of care, reduce cost of care, identify problems and automate the preventive care planning, and enhance the experience of the members. Some of its main modules were: Disease Management (DM), Case Management (CM), Utilization Management (UM), population health management, and Medication Therapy Management (MTM). Also, the Reporting Tool was used to query, print, list the patient-care information, and display tracking reports. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Organized workshops with Subject Matter Experts to obtain domain level information +Exp Developed a vision plan that define the primary goals and objectives of the project +Exp Identified actors and use cases to create use case diagrams to describe the behavior of the system +Exp Collected functional requirements from system users and prepared business requirement documents +Exp Created data, functional and quality requirements +Exp Supported to encounter business doubts all phases of both SDLC and STLC +Exp Involved in version control management for storage and distribution of documentation +Exp Prepared Timeline Charts, RTM, and DTM (Deliverables Traceability Matrix) +Exp Documented workflow of the application with various Screenshots +Exp Validated technical designs created by technical teams against functional specifications +Exp Reviewed system-testing results with the project and technical teams +Exp Provided support to the business during the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) +Exp Reviewed the UAT Results to identify defects and enhancement request from the Users +Exp Environment: MS Project Plan, MS Office, VB, HTML, JavaScript, MS Visio, SQL, and HP ALM +Exp Health Plus, New York, NY Aug’14 – Apr ’15 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst/Project Coordinator +Exp Project: CSP project was an effort to integrate and consolidate the Medicaid business for UnitedHealth, which currently was spread across various platforms. All the current and new Medicaid business was being brought under one standard Facets platform +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Used different elicitation techniques to interact with business users and SMEs +Exp Translated business requirements into functional specifications: HIPAA transactions +Exp Analyzed trading partner specifications and created 834 transaction mapping guidelines +Exp Analyzed respective companion guides/sample data files, and referred 834 & 837 EDI implementation guides to understand incoming data elements, segments, and loop structure +Exp Assisted PM in project plan using MS Project and tracked the progress +Exp Coordinated work plans between project manager and client +Exp Acted as a liaison between Project Management and IT groups to create planning, and sizing +Exp Assisted PM in re-baseline the project plan to execute the approved changes +Exp Prepared test data to test various scenarios in creating groups, subscribers and dependents +Exp Used SQL queries to perform sample data and created reports +Exp Used Requirement Traceability Matrix to manage test cases and requirements relationship +Exp Participated in daily defect meetings and coordinate the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) +Exp Reviewed and logged critical defects in HP Quality center and communicate to the related teams +Exp Environment: Facets 4.7, Sybase, HP – ALM, Oracle 11g, Project, MS Office - 2013, Rational Suite, SharePoint 2013. +Exp Arch Insurance Group Inc, Jersey City, NJ Mar’13 – Jul’14 +Exp Sr. Business Systems Analyst +Exp Project: Arch Insurance offers a wide range of healthcare, property, casualty and specialty Insurance for business and professional firms. In a few Short years, Arch Insurance has made a real impact in the corporate Insurance arena, offering important capacity and equitable market pricing in various product lines. The Project involved with building intelligent and user-friendly web enabling healthcare claims processing to outcome the struggle with insurance claims processing. The aim of the project is to build a high efficient and productive environment by reducing the high error rate in claims processing and implementing HIPAA Compliance +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Conducted JAD sessions to gather and document new business requirements, process and specifications +Exp Managed functional requirements elucidation, and direct the design and development of process +Exp Participated in High Level Design reviews to find the solution approaches and plausible changes +Exp Prepared process flows diagrams for 837 transactions based on the new requirements +Exp Documented high level business data element mapping for enrollment and claim process +Exp Analyzed trading partner specifications and created EDI transaction mapping guidelines +Exp Coordinated different roles to have common understanding and accurate communication +Exp Broke down the requirements in to sub-processes in order to efficiently build the new system +Exp Accomplished experience through entire SDLC while using highly efficient Agile methodology +Exp Worked on the EDI 834, & 837 files and validated the functionality according to the new changes +Exp Co-coordinated UAT and validate the business requirements +Exp Environment: Facets 4.31, SQL, MS Excel, Oracle, Sybase, SharePoint, and MS Visio, and Office. +Exp Crozer-Keystone, Springfield, PA May’12 – Jan’13 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Project: Electronic Medical Record Management System: A Physician Support System was built to capture the out patients clinical data using an Electronic Medical Record Management System. The purpose of this system was to have a Paperless Medical Record and instant retrieval of data by the doctors +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Interviewed SMEs and stakeholders and carefully recorded the requirements in a format that can be reviewed and understand by both business people and technical people +Exp Participated in functional requirement gathering and produced initial requirement data to create User Interface and Business Process Requirements +Exp Created, reviewed, and organized several diagrams: Interface Diagram, and Data Flow Diagram +Exp Worked as an interface between users and different teams involved in the application development for the better understanding of the business and IT processes +Exp Was jointly responsible for monitoring the progress of the development and QA team +Exp Assisted in creating UAT Approach, UAT Scenarios and UAT Test cases for the release +Exp Maintained all UAT test cases in the Quality Center +Exp Performed End-to-End test to validate all the business processes and its variations in the releases +Exp Created RTM with Business Requirements, System Test Cases and UAT Test Cases +Exp Prepared status report, charting out schedules, allocation and management of technical and human resources +Exp Environment: Visual Studio 2010, MS SQL – 2008, Visio, HP ALM 11.0, loadrunner, MS Office – 2010. +Exp NC Mutual Life Insurance, Durham, NC Mar’11 – Apr’12 +Exp Business/Quality Analyst +Exp Project: NC Mutual Life Insurance was developed a new Java based web app to manage online life insurance Quotes. This request process involved various screens, various product choice, and combination of static and dynamic data selection options. User has to full fill all the required data along with the combination options in the process of request. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in functional requirement discussions and identified functional issues during analysis phase +Exp Prepared test data, test scenario and test cases for SIT and UAT +Exp Had done testing for numerous changes from field changes to consolidation of screens +Exp Performed System, GUI, Integration, Functional and Regression Testing +Exp Created Test cases for Verification of the different Pages and objects, Object, GUI, Text and Bitmap. +Exp Verified the attributes and exception handling for graceful behavior of the pages +Exp Performed compatibility checking: Tested Web performance and security, Involved in testing the application against different browsers Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer +Exp Validated each and every field that the application was processing with the data in the SQL database to make sure whether the application was pulling the correct data or not +Exp Created and executed various SQL queries for data and table structure changes +Exp Involved actively in creation of Regression Test Case suite and Build Acceptance Test Case suite +Exp logged the defects in QC ALM and participated in defect triage meeting +Exp Environment: JAVA, J2EE, HTML, IIS7.5, MS SQL 2008, HP ALM, MS Office, Visio and Project. +Exp Other IT related experience +Exp JR Technologies, Southfield MI Mar’08 – Feb’11 +Exp IT Operations In-Charge +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed Information system and current working model to optimize its functionalities +Exp Worked with stakeholders to develop the project plans, workflows, and procedures +Exp Developed “As - Is” and “To - Be” model to explain the current and proposed processes and functionalities +Exp Customers call waiting time was reduced by 7% and it led $100k+ additional revenue +Exp Attended the server faults, analyzed the faults through RCA and suggested appropriate technical solutions +Exp Used Microsoft backup tools to schedule backups on DC, ADC, SQL servers +Exp Other information +Exp Co-Authorship +Exp A research paper – RFID Adoption Trend in Healthcare Industry +Exp A journal article – Driving Factors behind the RFID Technology Adoption in Healthcare Industry +Sum Honors and Awards +Sum Member of the International Honor Society in the Decision Sciences and Information Systems +Sum Member of the Global Jesuit Business Student Association Honor Society +PI KETHANA Y +PI Role: BUSINESS ANALYST/PROJECT MANAGER +PI CERTIFIED SCRUM MASTER-License 752763 +PI Email: ajay@appsboat.com Phone: 214-501-6784 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum A techno-savvy Business Analyst with out-of- the-box thinking and 5 successful years of experience in Business Analysis, Business Modeling, Requirement Gathering, Technical Documentation and Data Analysis. Domain experience comprising Healthcare, Banking with strong expertise in all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle and a firm understanding of the technologies involved. +Sum Experience in interacting with business teams, programmers and technical staff at all levels. +Sum Strong ability to elicit, document, validate and transform business requirements at various stages of software development life cycle (SDLC). +Sum Extensive success in translating business requirements and user expectations into detailed specifications employing Unified Modeling Language (UML). +Sum Strong business analysis skills and an understanding of the software development life cycle (SDLC) utilizing Rational Unified Process (RUP). +Sum Extensive knowledge in working with various project management objects like SWOT analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Scheduling, Resource planning, Critical path Method, Risk analysis and Risk Management. +Sum Good at communicating effectively with Stake holders, Top level Management, Stakeholders, SME’s, Tech leads and Business users. +Sum Created Dashboards for cognos portal for everyday access and easy identify of history and projections. +Sum Experience with MS Office products experience including MS Word, Excel, Access, power point. +Sum Interpret client's business rules into SQL commands that help in the creation of databases that store customer information. +Sum Business analyst and data analyst on Guidewire conversion upgrade from Claim Center version 5 to Claim Center version 8. +Sum Exposure in creating and analyzing data flow diagrams, and entity relationship diagrams, and worked as expert to drive future growth of the cash management product set, policies and procedures. +Sum Organized JAD and JAR sessions to gather requirements at various stages. Good understanding of project process and ability to analyze business problems and identify solutions. Worked extensively with the team to meet business requirement, create prototypes and analyze workflow. +Sum Professional with interpersonal, analytical and team work skills. Effective communication both verbal and written skills. Strong Presentation and Leadership Skills. +Sum Strong experience in creating Requirement Traceability Matrices (RTM) to trace the requirements +Sum throughout the design, use case, development and testing lifecycle. +Sum Created visualizations using custom hierarchies, groups and merged data from multiple sources using the data blending technique within the tableau workbook. +Sum Performed online banking, made cash deposits, managed petty cash, balanced register. +Sum Worked closely with project stakeholders, SMEs, and staff to understand the requirements and specifications for new applications along with enhancements to the existing applications. +Sum Elicited requirements from stakeholders, vendors, consultants, subject matter experts and existing system users using various techniques like JAD sessions, brain storming, one on one. +Sum Research, gather, and analyze content data and information, to include formatting and reformatting, reviewing, revising, cataloging, and electronically storing for future retrieval. +Sum Hands-on experience with process modeling techniques using UML - Use Cases, Work Flow Diagrams, Data Flow Models, Swim Lane Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams using MSVisio. +Sum Excellent communication, client relationship and customer service skills. Responsible, self-motivated and organized. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Work Experience: +Exp Client: Merchant e-solutions, Redwood City, CA +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst/Project Manager Duration: March 2017-Till Date +Exp Description: It is a national sales executive responsible for national sales of Credit Card Processing solutions specific to the business to business transaction. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for defining the scope of the project, gathering business requirements and documenting them. +Exp Conducted Daily Scrum meeting, Planning Sessions, Backlog updates, User Stories updates, Continuous Testing. +Exp Coordinated with business users, architects and developers to create business case document, concept proposals, and process workflows. +Exp Identified defects, documented Business Requirement Document and collaborated with Subject Matter Experts and Managers to identify an optimal solution. +Exp Facilitated requirements elicitation sessions with product owners and stakeholders for new software features. +Exp Maintaining existing cognos reports and making necessary changes as requested. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions for each assignment, held SME interviews, gathered requirements and created use cases. +Exp Creation and updating our Source-to-target mapping documents. +Exp Implemented Guidewire claim center for the client Merchant e-solutions. +Exp Interviewed the Subject Matter Experts (SME) by asking detailed questions. +Exp Developed SQL Queries to fetch complex data from different tables in remote databases using joins, database links and Bulk collects. +Exp Responsibly maintain and operate ETL process in support of job issues. +Exp Perform extensive Data Analysis, Data Requirement Analysis and Data Mapping. +Exp Extensive experience in installation, configuration and upgradation of various versions of Tableau Desktop/Server. +Exp Generation of dashboards with calculated fields, Filters, Groups, Parameters and Sets to handle views more efficiently in Tableau. +Exp Designed the Data Warehousing ETL procedures for extracting the data from all source systems to the target system. +Exp Extracted, discussed, and refined business requirements from business users and team members. +Exp Designed and developed project document templates based on SDLC methodology. +Exp Created UML diagrams such as Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Use Case Diagram to depict the various processes flow using MS VISIO. +Exp Performed Feasibility Analysis and SWOT Analysis. +Exp Used google docs for project management and delivery. +Exp Wrote PL/SQL statements and stored procedures in Oracle for extracting as well as writing data. +Exp Assisted Quality Assurance (QA)/Testing Team in creating test scenarios, scripting test cases using testing and defect management tools. +Exp Monitored the progress of projects using MS Project and took appropriate action to ensure that they keep up with the schedule. +Exp Created PowerPoint presentations incorporating MS Office Suite, Excel, Word and Access. +Exp Environment: SQL, Windows XP/2000, MS word, MS power point, MS Excel, MS project, MS Access, MS Visio, MS outlook, UML (2.0), Waterfall, Rational Rose, Requisite Pro, Clear Case, Rational Clear Quest. +Exp Client: Lille Systems, San Jose, CA Role: Business Analyst/Project Manager Duration: September 2016 – February 2017 +Exp Description: LILEE Systems, an Inc. 500 award-winner, is capitalizing on the growing market for providing secure and reliable connectivity for IoT and Fog Computing. LILEE’s fog computing platforms enable a higher level of customizable services which can be deployed to enhance safety, grow ridership, improve customer satisfaction, increase operational efficiency, and seamlessly interconnect IoT applications in the Smart World. +Exp Interacting with business users and client to understand the requirements to fill the gap between technical and business teams. +Exp Preparing the technical mapping sheet, functional spec, gap analysis, design document, data modeling sheet, test cases document for streamlining the existing process of deliverable. +Exp Developed customized cost reports based on business needs and comprehensive reports for decision making purposes. +Exp Documented processes (in MS Visio), and supported internal and external audit efforts involving cross-functional collaboration and educational sessions. +Exp Key responsibilities included planning and forecasting, cost monitoring, monthly reporting, technical training, regulatory analysis, and process improvement. +Exp Managed implementation of a new accounting structure for standardize reporting, and the use of a SharePoint to streamline and centralize interactions with over 400 end-users. +Exp Learned the energy and utility domain in no time and acknowledged by clients in a small span of time. +Exp Environment: XP Operating Systems, Windows, Word, Excel, and Power point, Visio, HP Service Manager, Verint 360 WFM, Desktop Process Analytics and Avaya Unified Communications. +Exp Client: United HealthCare (UHC), San Diego, CA Role: HealthCare Business Analyst Duration: Aug 2015 – Aug 2016 +Exp Description: UHC is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) that has created a network of physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers with the goal of offering affordable healthcare services. I worked on Claims processing module of the Group Approval Process (GAP). The claims processing module involved Receipt and Verification of Claim Forms (837) and Claims Attachments (275), Claims Enquiry and Response, Adjudication, Healthcare Claim Payment/Advice as per HIPAA guidelines. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked in close collaboration with the Project Manager and business users to gather, analyze and document the functional requirements for the project. +Exp Worked in Healthcare Claims Administration – Healthcare Claims and Processing (837/835) includes facility claims and professional claims. +Exp Developed a conclusion using analytical and graphical methods for different cases utilizing STAAD Pro and MS Excel. +Exp Worked with a cross-functional team of Business Development, Product Support in the analysis of Business Needs, information input/output requirements, process and data flows, as well as report format and content Facilitated JAD sessions for communicating and managing expectations with customers were going to be the final users of the product. +Exp Used cognos Connection for organizing, security, scheduling and distributing reports. +Exp Conducted detailed requirements gathering sessions related to data analysis, data mapping to lock down acceptance criteria. +Exp Responsible for gathering requirements and developed Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), writing functional specifications. +Exp Extracted data using SQL. +Exp Contributed in the database design with ER-models. +Exp Responsible for feature enhancement and performance tuning in both SQL Server and MS Access environments. +Exp Developed use case diagrams, use case models, state diagrams and class diagrams based on UML methodology. +Exp Perform Gap Analysis for analyzing the gaps in key metrics utilized in existing Dashboards. +Exp Responsible for various deliverables throughout the software development lifecycle from process flow diagrams to mock-ups and wireframes. +Exp Environment: MS Visio, UML, SQL, MS Word, MS Access, MS Excel, cognos, Waterfall, Rational Rose, Requisite Pro, Clear Case, Rational Clear Quest. +Exp Client: Cipla Global Limited, India +Exp Role: Project Manager/Business Analyst Duration: June 2013-july 2015 +Exp Description: Cipla global limited is an Indian multinational pharmaceutical and biotech company, headquartered in Mumbai. Cipla primarily develops therapeutics to treat cardiovascular disease, arthritis and depression. The project involved development of a centralized web-based database called EDR (Electronic Data Reserve) to be used by various members for generating reports and data from different departments. The application allowed researchers and scientists to store and retrieve data as and when required. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Organize and track activities ensuring project successfully completes on time and within budget. +Exp Facilitate business requirements-gathering and review. Ensured all project documentation is kept up to date and communicated to the relevant stakeholders on a timely basis. +Exp Involved in multiple phases of SDLC for enterprise level projects, as a client facing consultant, with a focus on the Microsoft platform. Responsible for leading and supporting various projects, as a trusted advisor, for publicly traded clients in a Waterfall and Agile environment. +Exp Developed process flow diagrams (flow charts) using MS Visio to identify and analyze process flows. +Exp Gathered user and business requirements through open-ended discussions, brainstorming sessions and role-playing. +Exp created and maintained the requirement traceability matrix (RTM) and performed impact analysis. +Exp Created project plans, taking into consideration projects mission, process flow, timelines, requirements, and documentation. +Exp Managed workload, schedules and coordinated status review meetings with project managers, business managers and team members. +Exp Conducted presentations during meetings, took meeting minutes, created action item tracking items, communicated with internal and external stakeholders, and setup phone calls. +Exp Environment: MS word, MS power point, MS Excel, MS project, MS Access, MS Visio, MS outlook, UML, Waterfall, SQL, Windows XP, Agile. +Edu Education: +Edu Master of Science in Computer Science-Colorado Technical University, CO. +PI Madhuri Pawar +PI 484 754 6872 +PI madurichand@gmail.com +Sum SUMMARY: +Sum Over 7+ years of experience as Senior Business Analyst working in diverse work environment within the Healthcare industry. Excellent communication, writing and presentation skills. +Sum Experience in Business analysis, specializing in requirement management, uses cases and project coordination. Skilled in eliciting user demands, managing user requirements and translating them to functional and design specs. +Sum Strong expertise as an Analyst in Health Insurance, Mortgage, Health Care & Medical and Financial domains. Proficient in creating Requirement traceability matrix, workflow diagrams and UML based documentation. Knowledge of ICD 9, ICD 10, NCPDP and HIPAA EDI transactions (4010, 5010). +Sum Has (3+) years of experience in EDI/HIPAA and Facets (benefits enrollment, claims processing etc.,) +Sum Experience working with Stakeholders, Business Owners and Senior Management. Hands on experience in analyzing the business needs, gathering requirements, identifying opportunities for improvement, and designing systems and application for various organizations. +Sum Solid knowledge and understanding about phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including several Methodologies like Waterfall, Agile, Spiral, RUP, and SCRUM. +Sum Highly skilled and experienced with gathering requirements, well acquainted with use of several elicitation techniques like JAD, Brainstorming, Focused Group and Prototyping. +Sum Experienced in developing UML use case diagrams, work flow diagrams, data flow diagrams, flowcharts, screen mockups and report prototypes using dynamic UI with HTML, MS Visio. +Sum Hands on experience in research article review, data analysis and statistical analysis through computerized medical databases such as PUBMED, MEDLINE, COCHRANE, CINAHL. +Sum Experienced in capturing of client's business/high-level/functional requirements and business processes from different categories of internal as well as external stakeholders like business, SMEs, process heads, Real-time or field service user and project managers. +Sum Experienced in creating requirement artifacts, Business Requirement Document (BRD), System Requirement Specification (SRS), Use Case, Functional Requirement Documents (FRD), and Change Request Planning (CRP). +Sum Strong project management skills like Planning, Budgeting with requirement analysis, GAP Analysis, SWOT, Risk Analysis & Risk Management. +Sum Creative thinker, excellent communicator, strong team player and an organized professional. +Sum Expert level skills in MS Office products and other tolls including MS Project, MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Visio, MS FrontPage, MS Excel. +Sum Well versed with testing methodologies and performing Gap Analysis. Dynamic and Assertive team player with excellent written and communication skills. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Skill Software Development Life Cycle principles (SDLC) – Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall. +Skill MS Office Suite, RTM, UML, SWOT, Gap Analysis, Risk Analysis & JAD. +Skill EMR & HER systems (NextGen, EPIC systems, RPMS, Dentrix, BMW, Athena) +Skill Databases: MS SQL, MS Access, Oracle. +Skill SKILLS HIGHLIGHTS: +Exp Knowledge of HMOs, Medicare, and Medicaid +Exp Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software’s +Exp Knowledge of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes +Exp Knowledge and hands on experience with Electronic Health Records (EMR) +Exp Knowledge of HIPPA Standards, Healthcare Claims Processing, Reimbursement +Exp Strong knowledge about health insurance policy pricing, eligibility, benefits & authorization +Exp Well acquainted with concepts like Coordination of Benefits (COB), Co-insurance, Explanation of Benefits (EOB), In & Out of network benefits +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Billing Service, Oct’2016– Current +Exp Sr.Healthcare Business Analyst +Exp Description - This Project is about to implement the Automated Adjudication System, which deals with different phases of claim process such as Intake Phase, Adjudication Phase and Reporting Phase. Implementation of ACAS (Automated Claim Adjudication System) must have to comply with HIPAA Rules and Regulation of privacy and security. Implementation of ACAS to generate automated Claim Submission, Processing and creating a report. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in Business Modeling by understanding the needs of the business, and also documenting Business Use Cases as well as System Use Cases. +Exp Gathered Requirements and documented the proposed additional extension to the existing HIPAA application. +Exp Facilitated Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions with the Management, Mainframe and HIPAA team to make sure everyone is coordinated with the business requirement processes. +Exp Worked on HIPAA Transactions 270, 271, 276, 277,834, 835 and 997. +Exp Involved in HIPAA 5010 gap analysis of ANSI X12 4010 and ICD 10 initiatives. +Exp Used MS Visio to create Use Cases and Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Accomplished experience through whole SDLC from requirement analysis till deployment, using highly efficient RUP process of Software development. +Exp Assisted development team to translate requirements into technical specifications. +Exp Liaised and Coordinated in resolving EDI mapping issues arising from data transfer process from EWM to ACAS and third-party systems. +Exp Analyzed mandatory and the situational fields and compared with the user manuals for EDI. +Exp Worked closely with the host (Main frames support person) and helped him understanding the process and in the creation of the match, input and the delete files. +Exp Created and Maintained the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Exp Initiated Test Plans, developed and executed test cases and scenarios, worked with users to develop specific acceptance criteria, and prepare test exhibits. +Exp Conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) sessions with business users and prepared document for enhancements and bug fixes. +Exp Used Test Director and to report any bugs found and communicate to the developers and product support team. +Exp Analyzed and evaluated User Interface Designs, Technical Design Documents and Quality Assurance Test condition the performance of the application from various dimensions. +Exp Helped create the ‘Business Glossary’ to facilitate efficient understanding of the Business process amongst the other teams. +Exp Environment: MS Visio, MS Project, WIN XP, HIPAA, MS Office Suite, Quality center, RUP & UML, Share Point, Medicare, Medicaid. +Exp CIGNA Healthcare, Sep’2015-Aug’2016 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Description: The project objective is building fully insured on Facets to deliver a common solution set i.e., simplify our message with a product offering that best meets the needs for the Select segment and delivering a core administrative system that can prioritize deliverables for Select with reduced costs and cycle times. This involves enhanced quoting capabilities and customer presentation packages. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Determined what information is needed to support the organization's business activities and to measure its performance. +Exp Formally documented requirements what the business users require from the system or application to meet the business objective and to solve business problem. +Exp Responsible for determining requirements specific to the project deliverables. +Exp Requirements once agreed upon are tracked throughout the life cycle of the project. +Exp Followed Basic Waterfall Methodology in the implementation of various phases in the SDLC. +Exp Defined business requirements to address competitive gaps in our current quoting process and customer presentation package. Scope includes: quote turnaround time and the ability to allow sales and the broker to rapidly adjust defined benefit features to meet client needs/desired price point. +Exp Worked on FACET claim processing system. Worked on FACET modules such as pricing, payer, eligibility under claims processing system. +Exp Gathered Requirements to enhance front end benefit design/quoting capabilities i.e., customer presentation quote package include ASO and fully insured new and renewing business. +Exp Documented High-level requirements from requirements gathering sessions that are essential to dive deeper in gathering detail level requirements. +Exp Worked with the Product Manager and requirements analyst to detail the specification of project deliverables throughout the project lifecycle. +Exp Attended Steering Committee meetings to estimate the Impact and necessity of the scope of the project. +Exp Facilitated daily Stand-Up meetings to ensure that right requirements are being analyzed, gathered, documented, and implemented as per the business rules. +Exp Conducted meetings with developers, and testers to collaborate resource allocation and project completion tasks. Active participant in discussions, solution creation and risk assessment. +Exp Responsible for clarifying/refining business requirements created by the Work Teams. +Exp Gathered existing end-to-end business workflows so you can pinpoint what Fully Insured could do to change those. +Exp Reviewed and prioritized requirements that occur internally within track. +Exp Actively participated in Requirement review session – with all members of track one that occur every week. +Exp Created a Requirements Template using Microsoft Visio which provided a format for our teams to document the requirements. +Exp Created a draft version of the Fully Insured PRD for our and other team members to review. +Exp The solution implemented provided the level of automation that is at least as good as current state. +Exp Environment: SDLC, MS Office tools, MS Project & MS Visio, Facets 4.81 & Facets interfaces (IFOX). +Exp DuPont, Dec’2014-Aug’2015 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Description: DuPont is one of the world's most innovative companies. DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services of which Medical Device Materials is one of them. DuPont products advance better health care by helping protect people improving their health with medical and pharmaceutical devices. The featured applications include flexible and durable design, complex part design, and precision molded parts. A web Application was developed to assist the personnel in collecting the information from the system out of materials provided. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Lead Business requirements sessions by conducting meetings with stakeholders and business users. +Exp Performed GAP analysis of client requirements and generated workflows to assist with TO-BE design. +Exp Study and analysis of the mapping document indicating the source tables, columns, data types, transformations required, business rules to be applied, target tables, columns, and data types. +Exp Extracted data from multiple sources which include relational sources and flat files. +Exp Documented High-level requirements and developed use cases. Performed use case analysis using UML, which provided the framework for potential use case deliverables. +Exp Developed an analysis model that included use case diagrams, and activity diagrams using Microsoft Visio that provided development team a view of requirements for construction phase activity. +Exp Created Screen Layouts utilizing the MS Power Point by specifying what the existing and final screens look like because of this project. +Exp Produced database design which includes the creation of Entity-Relationship diagrams and traceability matrices. Involved in Creating New Enhancements through Change Control. +Exp Discussed test cases and test plans to select test data for software testers. +Exp Tracked all the UAT Defects utilizing the tool. +Exp Participated in various meetings and discussed Enhancement and Modification Request issues. +Exp Proactively involved in analyzing challenges associated in integrating the client systems located in different geographical areas. +Exp Created complex and sophisticated Reports that had drilldown, slice and dice features using Cognos Report Net. Involved in UAT to validate the functionality with the requirements. +Exp Environment: MS Office Suite, GAP Analysis & UAT & Cognos. +Exp Sutherland Global Services, May’2010-Nov’2014 +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Clients: St. Mary’s Hospital (Lexington, KY), Wake Forest Hospital (Winston-Salem, NC) and Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA). +Exp Description: Sutherland Global Services is an innovative leader in the health and well-being industry. The project dealt with enhancements to the Healthcare Payment EDI transaction set to generate a payer level containing payer specific information. Implementation of the Automated Clearing House Origination software to generate NACHA compliant files that adhere to all NACHA standard entry class codes at a multi payer level to further penetrate the provider market with electronic payments and statements. Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with Business users and technical lead for gathering requirements and data transaction information. +Exp Worked in a team for Claims processing and was involved in prioritized claims, identified problems, prepared an action plan, implemented the solution, identified claims outside the benchmark. +Exp Created the business process model using MS Visio and present it to SME’s for validation and getting the sign-offs. Document testing process flows using Visio flow-charting. +Exp Gathered requirements and analyzed requirements for documenting reports which spotlights payer’s performance. +Exp Identified Claims Management work flows, business rules and developed flow charts and activity diagrams. +Exp Participated in Billing System Process Flow analysis and identified revisions to the billing system documentation. +Exp Performed data quality analysis on data by writing queries to ensure data integrity across tables in DB2 database environment. +Exp Documented System Design Documentation (SDD) describing the systems requirement, operating environment, files and database design, input format, output layout, detailed design. +Exp Analyzed customer needs and existing functions in HIPPA transactions to determine feasibility, consistency with the established scope of work. +Exp EDI experience with X12 transaction sets 835, 837, 270/271. +Exp Responsible for mapping of ICD9 to ICD10 and did testing for 270/271, 837I/P/D, 835R transactions to migrate to HIPAA 5010. +Exp Configured FACETS to adhere to customers work flow for claims processing, claims automation and group administration. +Exp Worked on Medicare, Medicaid, HMO, Workers Compensation, and commercial insurance claims. +Exp Performed insurance pre-certification, pre-authorization, and verification. +Exp Researched and resolved incorrect payments, EOB rejections, and other account issues. +Exp Submitted secondary claims. Insurance follow-up and resubmission. Knowledgeable in timely filing rules. Met or exceeded productivity and the quality goals. Team management, work assignment and monitoring. Developed strategies for insurance A/R reduction. +Exp Identified trends in insurer payment delays to improve follow-up methods. +Exp Induction of new staff and integrated them into the project team. +Exp Trained individuals/team on new procedures, new systems, plus remedial training. +Exp Worked with EPIC, Envision Meditech, PATCOM, Eagle and other hospital systems. +Exp Audited accounts for team members. +Exp Environment: FACETS, Facets extensions, MS Visio, ICD9, ICD10, HIPPA, Claims Processing, EOB, COB, AR +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu (2010) +PI Madhuri +PI (720) 722-0838 +Obj Objective: +Obj To work in the most challenging position with an organization that provides ample opportunities to learn and to contribute for the growth of an organization. Possess 8 years of professional IT experience in designing and developing Web based and Enterprise applications using JAVA/J2EE technologies in Telecom, Financial, Insurance and Digital domains. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Experienced in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Analysis, Design, and Development, Debugging, Support, Integration, Maintenance, and Enhancements of Java/J2EE Applications. +Sum Experience in working in environments using Agile (SCRUM) and Waterfall development methodologies. +Sum Expertise in client and server scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, ReactJS, Backbone.js and Node JS. +Sum Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for effective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API. +Sum Handled operations and maintenance support for AWS cloud resources which includes launching, maintaining, and troubleshooting EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Auto Scaling, Dynamo DB, AWS IAM, Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) and Relational Database Services (RDS). Also created snapshots for data to store in AWS S3. +Sum Experience in developing and solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices Architecture. +Sum Strong hands on experience in implementing Design patterns like MVC, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Business Delegate, Factory, Proxy, and Singleton. +Sum Experience in developing web-based enterprise applications using Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC) and SQL. +Sum Experience in both providing and consuming Web Services using SOAP and RESTful (JAX-RS and JAX-WS). +Sum Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language). +Sum Strong experience in Core Java concepts like Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling, and Generics. +Sum Experience with different Spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring cloud. +Sum Experience in design and development of robust and highly scalable web service platforms and API’s based on REST and SOAP for e-commerce applications using AXIS, WSDL, UDDI, XML, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB, JAX-RPC technologies and Jersey frameworks. +Sum Expertise in XML technologies such as XSL, XSLT, XML schemas, XPath, XForms, XSL-FO and parsers like SAX. +Sum Experience on CQL (Cassandra query language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running queries in CQL. +Sum Proficient in writing and handling SQL Queries, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, and Triggers. +Sum Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like Mongo DB and Dynamo DB. +Sum Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue. +Sum Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere. +Sum Good experience writing application deployment scripts using Shell Scripting. Worked on Windows, UNIX, LINUX platforms to move the project into production environment. +Sum Experience with Junit, Jasmine, Karma, Mockito and Log4J in developing test cases. +Sum Working knowledge with version control tools like SVN, CVS, GIT, and Visual Source Safe. +Sum Hands on experience in building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle. +Sum Experienced in developing Rich GUI's by using Eclipse RCP, HTML, frameworks. +Sum Highly experience with Java complaint IDE’s like Spring Tool Suite, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and RAD. +Skill Technical Skills +QC Certifications +QC AWS Certified Developer – Associate (KDNJ3B41CBQQQXSF) Nov ‘17 +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp Client: BCBS, Chicago, IL Jan’17 – Till date +Exp Role: Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: Well Mark Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a leading insurance company owned by its policyholder. BCBS is the health insurance and health care provider company. “Find a plan” is a web based J2EE application, created to help individuals and families easily shop for, and buy health insurance. Well mark offers a variety of insurance plans, as well as tools to help you choose the plan that’s right for you. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and worked in a highly dynamic AGILE environment and participated in Scrum and Sprint meetings. +Exp Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS and Node JS. +Exp Built AngularJS modules, controllers, pop up modals, and file uploaders. +Exp Created reusable directives, factories, and services in AngularJS. +Exp Used Backbone.js and ReactJS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server. +Exp Used plug-in development for RCP version for developing the layouts like GridLayout and Fillout for RCP. +Exp Designed and implemented application using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions, Spring HATEOAS, Spring Cloud and Spring JDBC. +Exp Implemented the authentication and authorization of the application using Spring Security and Oauth2. +Exp Designed and developed Microservices business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring boot. +Exp Implemented RESTful and SOAP based web services using for JAX-RS and JAX-WS respectively. +Exp Implemented first-hand the best/worst practices for integrating Microservices into existing system architecture. +Exp Microservices were being used as a strategy to gradually replace a core monolithic application while still adding business features. +Exp Worked on integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor spring micro-services using Circuit Breaker. +Exp Implemented Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, and Collections whenever necessary. +Exp Prepared calls through Hibernate and Spring JDBC for Interacting with the Database. +Exp Experienced with AWS services to smoothly manage application in the cloud and creating or modifying the instances. +Exp Participated in troubleshooting issues on AWS, Netflix Eureka, and Cloud environments. +Exp Authored application using Spring Cloud services (spring version of Netflix OSS-Eureka, Circuit Breaker, and Ribbon). +Exp Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services. +Exp Participated in creation of Spring Configurations using Java8 features, Lambda expressions, Streams, filters. +Exp Worked Docker container management along with volumes, container based DB and services, Docker Artifactory configuration and setup. +Exp Experience in writing complex PL/SQL queries using joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors, and indexes in Oracle DB. +Exp Performed data extraction and loading the JSON data with the server-side content in to the Mongo DB. +Exp Configured JMS Server setup and DB Connection pool setup and deployed Returned items in Web Sphere Server. +Exp Used Active MQ to communicate with controller and used service layer to implement the business logic. +Exp Implemented Batch jobs using Spring Batch created various item readers, item writers and item processors. +Exp Involved in support for end to operations support for OSS/BSS (Business Support System) identify gaps, and propose solutions and manage issue resolution. +Exp Validations are done using SoapUI and Ready API testing tool framework in different environments. +Exp Worked with Spring Ribbon and Kafka broker service to handle heavy traffic. +Exp Deployed and tested the application on Web Sphere Application Server. +Exp Developed test cases for unit testing in the integration layer using Mockito framework. +Exp Used UNIX shell scripts to search/modify files. +Exp Setup the (CI) and (CD) process for the application using the Jenkins. +Exp Installed and deployed monitoring solution with Splunk services. +Exp Worked on Log4J to validate functionalities and JUnit for unit testing. +Exp Implemented configured and customized JIRA issue tracking software with agile plug-in across all company functions. +Exp Used GitHub to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts. +Exp Environment: Java1.8, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS, ReactJS, JavaScript, Node JS, Eclipse Rich Client Platform, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring HATEOAS, Spring Data, Hibernate, Active MQ, RESTful, Postman, SOAP, Micro Service, AWS, EC2, Docker, Mongo DB, Oracle DB, Maven, STS, Web Sphere Application Server, Mockito, JMS, UNIX, Jenkins, JIRA, log4j and GIT. +Exp Client: Capital One, Wilmington, DE Feb’16 – Jan’17 +Exp Role: Full Stack Developer +Exp Description: The move money services help general users and investment users, to carry monetary transactions among friends, family and to manage loans and pay bills. The project consisted of developing and maintaining services of Capital One move money services like bill pay, home loan accounts, mortgage accounts etc. the services were developed maintained and tested for the devices and the web. We worked on the architectures, services and the front-end UI for each of the applications. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Responsible for all stages of design, development, and deployment of applications. Active role in Test Driven Development termed as TDD apart from Agile Software Development. +Exp Upgraded existing UI with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap with AngularJS interaction. +Exp Designed, developed a custom, single-page, responsive web application on front end using AngularJS. +Exp Developed custom directives, Factories and Services in AngularJS and created AngularJS Controller to isolate the scopes to perform operations. +Exp Created the AngularJS app using Yeoman, Grunt and Bower and used Angular UI for component model. +Exp Used JavaScript, jQuery for user interactions in pages. Creating a responsive web application integrating Twitter Bootstrap with Angular JS and media queries. +Exp Added user validations and user permissions by using the NodeJS with libraries Express JS. +Exp Implemented Grails TagLibs to avoid groovy code in GSP pages. +Exp Used Grails command objects for validating non-persistent objects. +Exp Developed an API to write XML documents from a database. Utilized XML and XSL Transformation for dynamic web-content and database connectivity. +Exp Designed the application using various Spring technologies and used Spring Security to provide better authentication instances. +Exp Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Web Service interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability. +Exp Developed Restful Web services for other systems to interact with our system and secured the service with Spring-Security Oauth-2.0. Added WS-Security using XWSS to secure the Web services. +Exp Used AWS SDK for connecting to Amazon S3 buckets and EC2 to deploy on Docker Container with Microservices architecture. +Exp Developed AWS Lambda Functions in a stateless style and ensure there is no affinity between and compute infrastructure to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS. +Exp Developed services that utilize the Cloud Foundry and Azure client libraries (SDK) for Java. +Exp Deployed application using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) CLI. +Exp Used Micro-services to ensure the scalability of application on cloud infrastructure. +Exp Refactored existing monolithic application by identifying components that needs to be transformed to Micro- services architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and AWS API-Gateway. +Exp Installed secured and configured AWS cloud servers and virtual servers using Spring Cloud for AWS. +Exp Analysis the logs data and filter required columns by Log stash configuration and send it to Elasticsearch. +Exp Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate annotations and Transaction Management. +Exp Implemented Web-Services to integrate between different applications components using Restful web services by using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation. +Exp Developed SOAP based JAX-WS Web Service interfaces for integrating multiple systems, code re-usability. +Exp Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, Sharding, replication, schema design, etc. +Exp Extensively used JSON to parse the data from server side to satisfy the business requirement. +Exp Used WebSphere server to route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in WebSphere. +Exp Used Apache Camel Framework to transform, extract and load the data. +Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection and used Apache Camel to integrate spring framework. +Exp Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using Apache Camel. +Exp Defined several UML diagrams; Activity diagrams, Sequence, and Object diagrams. +Exp Developed unit and integration tests for existing microservices using JUnit, Mockito and Docker environments. +Exp Involved in installing and configuring Maven for application builds and deployment. +Exp Configured and customized logs using Log4J and Used GIT as a version control tool. Used JMeter to test performance of SOAP protocol. +Exp Worked on Creating Kafka Adaptors for decoupling the application dependency. +Exp Used JIRA to assign, track, report and audit the issues in the application. +Exp Setup the CI and CD process for the application using the Jenkins. +Exp Involved in System Testing, Integration Testing, and Production Testing on WebLogic Server. +Exp Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, NodeJS, Express JS, jQuery, AJAX, Agile(SCRUM), Groovy, Grails, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, MongoDB, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Servlet, JSON XML, GIT, Spring MVC, Apache Camel, JUnit, Maven, JMS, WebSphere, Restful, JAX-RS, Log4J, AWS, Docker, Microservices, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Logstash, JIRA, Jenkins, JMeter. +Exp Client: Sprint, Kansas City, MO May’14 – Dec’15 +Exp Role: Java/J2EEdeveloper +Exp Description: Sprint Synaptic Storage as a Service is a web services-based storage solution that easily scales up and down to any size you need and allows you to pay only for the storage you use. It provides elastic capacity on demand with no commitments, minimums, or limits and allows access to your stored data from virtually anywhere and anytime. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in complete development of ‘Agile Development Methodology/SCRUM’, developed and tested the application during various iterations. +Exp Developed screens using HTML, CSS and JQuery. +Exp Developed the User Interface using Spring framework, JQuery and Ajax. +Exp Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side in AngularJS. +Exp Developed and configured Jasmine test cases to test the Angular controllers for UI in Jasmine framework (JavaScript Testing Framework) in Eclipse IDE. +Exp Handled Java multithreading part in back - end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves that user. +Exp Used spring frame work Spring AOP features and JDBC module features to persist the data to the database for few applications. +Exp Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework by configuring the mappings in hibernate mapping files and created DAO and PO. +Exp Developed various Java beans for performance of business processes and effectively involved in Impact analysis. +Exp Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema. +Exp Implemented a highly-scalable vertical and horizontal, performance efficient Drools architecture. +Exp Installed and configured JBOSS server with MYSQL persistence. Extracted rules data from the database and decision tables. +Exp Created SOAP web services interface to Java-based runtime engine and accounts. +Exp Hands on experience on Cassandra architecture with better understanding and write processes including mem-table, stable and commit log. +Exp Actively involved in writing SQL using SQL query builder. +Exp Worked on MYSQL databases and Oracle databases technologies. +Exp Used Maven as build tool and deploying the application. +Exp Actively used the defect tracking tool JIRA to create and track the defects during QA phase of the project. +Exp Used SVN to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts. +Exp Developed test cases using Junit. +Exp Environment: SCRUM, SDLC, Maven, HTML, CSS, JQuery, Jasmine FrameWork, Spring, Ajax, AngularJS, AOP, JDBC, Spring IOC, Hibernate, DAO, PO, Java beans, SOAP, SQL, Cassandra, JIRA, QA, SVN, Junit, JBOSS Server, Drools. +Exp Client: State Farm, South Houston, TX Aug’11 – Dec’13 +Exp Role: Java developer +Exp Description: State Farm is a group of insurance and financial services companies in the United States. The group's main business is State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, a mutual insurance firm that also owns the other State Farm companies. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modelling, analysis, design, development, testing, and monitoring. +Exp Involved in the front end using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery. +Exp Developed GUI using SWT/RCP technology. +Exp Experience in working with different plug-ins of Eclipse RCP. +Exp Developed different GUI screens using widgets like Tree and Table form in Eclipse SWT/RCP. +Exp Developed perspective to show different views together in RCP. +Exp Developed Menus and views using Extension point in RCP. +Exp Implemented MVC architecture using JSP, Spring, Hibernate and used Spring Framework to initialize managed beans and services. +Exp Involved in development of Agent Verification System using Spring MVC framework. +Exp Used Spring Inheritance to develop beans from already developed parent beans. +Exp Used Spring AOP for logging, auditing, and transaction management to distinguish business logic from the cross-cutting concerns. +Exp Used Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization of the application. +Exp Created data model and generated Hibernate mappings and domain objects using Hibernate tools. +Exp Interfaced with the My SQL back-end database by integrating Spring with Hibernate. +Exp Extensively used hibernate named queries, criteria queries, Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Optimistic Locking and Caching to process the data from the database. +Exp Developed Unit /Integration test cases using JUnit. +Exp Used Gradle tool for building and deploying the Web applications in Web Logic Server. +Exp Used JIRA tool for tracking stories progress and follow agile methodology. +Exp Used logging techniques provided by Log4J tool for efficient logging and debugging. +Exp Developed the application using Eclipse as the IDE and used its features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and version control (SVN). +Exp Involved in Maintenance and Enhancements for the project. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Struts, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, JDBC, Hibernate, My SQL, HQL, SQL, JUnit, Gradle, JIRA, Log4J, Eclipse, SVN, Sybase, RCP and Web Logic Server. +Exp Client: Techno soft Solutions, Hyderabad, India Sep’10 – Aug’11 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: Techno soft provides a range of professional services delivered by experts with operational experience building and running the largest E-Mail, messaging, and Internet networks. These services range from architecture and design of software solutions, website design & development to deployment services and operational support. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed front-end screens using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON. +Exp Implemented Struts MVC design pattern and front controller pattern along with Action Servlet as front controller for this application. +Exp Developed SCM by using the JSP/HTML like one form for each functionality user interface, standard validations using the JavaScript, Servlets used as the controllers for the business logic and business logic using JDBC, XML parsing techniques etc using MVC. +Exp Developed SingleSignOn (SSO) functionality, through which we can run SCM from Oracle Applications. +Exp Involved in developing the Routings and configured Routing Program as scheduled the concurrent request. +Exp Developed Server-Side components for the business services for creating Items, BOM, Sourcing Rules, and substitute. +Exp Involved in raising the Notifications to Oracle Users through Mailing Concept for intimating to start the next process using workflow. +Exp Extensively worked on creating the setups for Organizations, Templates, Concurrent Requests, Cross Reference Types, User Creations, assigning responsibilities, creating value sets, Descriptive Flex Fields etc, in Oracle Applications. +Exp Used CVS as version control system. +Exp Environment: Java, JDBC, Servlets, Oracle, JSP, XML, UML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UNIX, CVS, DB2 and Ionic Framework. +Exp Client: Udyog Software, Hyderabad, India May’09 - Aug’10 +Exp Role: Jr. Java Developer +Exp Description: Udyog software is a pioneer in providing tax automation products, solutions for both direct and indirect taxes. The application developed offers various computation & filing services for account payable, account receivable and payroll transactions and is a preferred tax solution partner for various ERP vendors and implementers. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Analysis and Design of the project, and developing prototypes of the product. +Exp Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Developed Controller Servlets, Action, and Form objects for process of interacting with Oracle database and retrieving dynamic data. +Exp Wrote custom support modules for upgrade implementation using PL/SQL, UNIX Shell scripts. +Exp Developed backend components, DB Scripts for the backend communication. +Exp Used Apache Log4j logging API to log errors and messages. +Exp Involved in Documentation and use case design using UML modeling include development of Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, and use case Transaction diagrams. +Exp Developed HTML and JSP pages using Struts. +Exp Responsible for performance tuning of the product and eliminating memory leakages in the product. +Exp Used Junit to perform unit testing. +Exp Used Eclipse tool for application development. +Exp Used Configuration Management Tools for version control which is built on CVS. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, HTML, AJAX, XML, DOM, SAX, JNDI, Struts, DB, PL/SQL, UNIX Shell Scripting, Rational Rose, Apache Tomcat, Oracle, JUnit, Log4j, CVS, Eclipse. +PI Madhuri Gogula +PI Email id: Phone: 516-358-1998*106 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Over 7+ years of IT experience in Design, Development, Support and Implementation of Web based applications using JAVA/J2EE Technologies (Core Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJB, XML, JMS, Struts, Spring, JBoss SEAM, JSF MVC Frameworks, Angular JS, JUNIT, Hibernate, Applets, Java Web Services). +Sum Experienced software developer skilled in all stages of SDLC - gathering and documenting requirements, developing project plans, designing using OOD, OOP, UML and various design patterns, managing and tracking project execution, prototyping and assisting with usability testing, developing and executing test scenarios, releasing products to production, and maintaining product releases. +Sum Expertise in Web-Development technologies including: AngularJs, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, XML, XSLT, XPATH, DOJO, AJAX, SOAP with W3C standards. Hands on experience in J2SE 1.3, 1.4 and JEE 5. +Sum Experience in Core Java concepts such as OOP Concepts, Collections Framework, Exception Handling, I/O System, Multi-Threading, JDBC. +Sum Developed an application using HTML, CSS, Ajax, Servlets and JSP's for front end User Interface for various modules +Sum Experience in web services both Restful and SOAP service. +Sum Experience with build tools Maven, Ant and continues build and deployment tool JENKINS. +Sum Experienced working with J2EE and OpenSource application Servers like IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, RedHat JBoss, and Apache Tomcat. +Sum Experienced in developing web applications using JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, HTML5, JSON, Angular JS, ExtJS, Node.JS, Bootstrap, ReactJS and CSS3. +Sum Good working knowledge of web based GUI, SQL, DB design along with JQuery, Hibernate/iBatis. +Sum Involved in implementation of various Design patterns including: Front Controller, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Composite View and MVC. +Sum Highly proficient in developing Intranet/Internet technologies on the J2EE & Java platform with WebLogic, JBOSS, WebSphere, Tomcat Servers. +Sum Developed J2EE/JAVA apps using various IDE tools Eclipse, Intellij, WebSphere RAD. +Sum Hands on experience in ANT, Maven and Gradle. +Sum Designed Use case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Flow Charts and Deployment diagrams using UML Rational Rose Tool. +Sum Worked on different Version Control tools CVS, GIT, Subversion and IBM Clear Case. +Sum Designed web applications effectively by utilizing XML, XSLT on DOM and SAX parsers. +Sum Hands on experience in writing Complex SQL Queries, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures. +Sum Development experience in UNIX, LINUX and Windows (Vista, XP, NT, 2000, 95) and Cloud based virtual platforms. +Sum Good Knowledge on Windows PowerShell Scripting, UNIX Shell Scripting +Sum Experience using build tools like Ant, Maven and Gradle. +Sum Good experience with various Web/ Application Servers like IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JBOSS and Apache Tomcat. +Sum Good experienced in troubleshooting in a production environment, System maintenance and monitoring processes . +Sum Highly proficient in developing Object Oriented Design, Methodologies and applications in client/server and distributed environments using J2EE architecture. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp American Express, Phoenix, AZ +Exp JAVA Developer April 2017 - Till Date +Exp This is a SOA layer developed for AMEX Bank using RESTful web services, spring and Hibernate. The intention of this project was to expose various utility methods for the calling agents to do various CRUD operations on entities interfacing customer database. As a trial run, the web services were written to do CRUD operation on the customer information, campaign/offer information and this was made available for an application called CAT (Customer Access Tool) used by call center employees of the bank to do various campaign and promotional offers for the various customers located in different geographies across the United States. +Exp Behind the scenes, it used Java Technologies and Spring and Hibernate to come up with the well defined three tiers Architecture involving Controllers, Service Classes and DAO classes. Hibernate was used for the required Object Relational Mapping (ORM) to interface with the AMEX database. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in developing the service layer for the Project which would expose various web Services to be consumed by the client. +Exp Developed the application using Eclipse 3.4 as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation +Exp Involved in the integration of spring for implementing Dependency Injection (DI/IoC) and AutoWiring. +Exp Involved in designing the project with spring and Hibernate Framework. +Exp Used RESTful web services for implementing the Business Logic. +Exp Involved in the DAO layer development that connect the database using Hibernate and ORM Mapping. +Exp Connected the application to the MySQL database to retrieve data from various tables and provide the relevant data. +Exp Performed Unit Testing on the components using JUnit Testing Framework. +Exp Environment: Core Java/J2EE, MySQL, Spring, Hibernate ORM, Apache Tomcat. +Exp Freddie Mac, McLean, VA +Exp JAVA Developer Sept 2016 – Mar 2017 +Exp Recalculation is one of the Freddie Mac’s in-house projects, which is a part of Pricing Execution. Pricing Recalculation is web based application that falls under overall pricing execution line of mortgage business at Freddie Mac. The pricing recalculation system does auto recalculation of mortgage loans and contracts based on the change in price affecting fields. If there is a change in the loan then it is recalculated using various loan calculators and mathematical algorithms in pricing recalculation, and within overall pricing execution line of business environment. The loan recalculation is determined after passing various validations and checks such as, repurchase of loan, and once that is done, a most recent price results are returned to the requestor. Responsibilities: +Exp Leading an effort to re-write Pricing Recalculation application using Java, JEE, EJB 3.0, JSF/PrimeFaces, Spring framework, and Hibernate framework with IBM DB2 as a back-end. +Exp Designed the application on the lines of MVC architecture. +Exp Designed, developed, and implemented various POCs which include MDBs, Event Processors, Controllers, Business Delegates, Service and DAO layers. +Exp Used Spring Web Module and integrated with JSF. +Exp Implemented SOAP based Web-Service client to consume a service and get live market data. +Exp Used clearcase as version control tool to get the code and sync the data. +Exp Participated in requirements, analysis, design and code reviews in recalc project. +Exp Developed web-based user interfaces using web (JSF2) and Enterprise Technologies and for consuming JAXWS and JSP, and HTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, DHTML and XML Technologies. +Exp Worked with QA and other support teams to fix bugs within existing pricing definition and recalc projects. +Exp Used Jenkins for integration to automatically build the project when a trigger is raised. +Exp Worked on different initiatives at the same time for providing effective solutions of various business problems in definition and recalc project. +Exp Environment: Java, JEE, Spring Framework, Hibernate Framework, EJB3.1, MDB, JSF, PrimeFaces, HTML, Web +Exp Services, AngularJS, JSP, XML, XSD, XSLT, Ant/Maven, WebLogic 10.3.6, IBM DB2, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, IBM clear +Exp case. +Exp State of Wisconsin DNR, Madison, Wisconsin Oct 2015 – Jul 2016 +Exp Sr. Java/J2EE developer/ Programmer Analysis +Exp DNR is dedicated to working with the citizens and businesses of Wisconsin while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin. In partnership with individuals and organizations, DNR staffs manage fish, wildlife, forests, parks, air and water resources while promoting a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Created User Interface in DOJO/AJAX and Struts2 tags for different customized screens for each type of Provider. +Exp Involved in creating UML Diagrams (Class and Sequence) during Design Phase. Designed with OOA/OOD and use -case, documented in UML diagrams. +Exp Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using Angular.js, EXT.js and JQuery. +Exp Involved in implementation of MVC pattern using Angular JS, Node.Js, JSF and Spring Controller. +Exp Developed JSPs for user interfaces to interact with business layer. Developed Servlets to communicate with the other components under STRUTS Framework. +Exp Developed Session/Message Driven Beans to be deployed on WebSphere V8.0 Application Server. +Exp Developed various helper classes using Core Java multi-threaded programming and Collection classes. +Exp Developed web services for web store components using Jersey Restful API. +Exp Developed a Java Application Framework which receives JSON data and modifies the data accordingly and is saved onto a new database. +Exp Involved in developing Business Component Layer using EJB 3.0. +Exp Involved in the development of the presentation tier using HTML5, CSS3, XML, XSL, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JSP, Swing and Servlets for login, find Subscriptions and create contract modules. +Exp Involved in writing code for Form Beans, Java Actions, DTO and DAO for accessing business methods in the business layer. Used J2EE web-services to get geographic data (city, country etc.) and EJBs for credit card validation etc. +Exp Involved in AGILE/SCRUM methodologies while coordinating engineering efforts with team members to identify and resolve defects using JIRA. +Exp Used Hibernate (persistence framework) to implement the Database Access layer. +Exp Implemented application using core java and maintained concurrency with multi-threading. +Exp Simplified Hibernate session and transaction handling by writing a servlet filter. +Exp Involved in implementation of modules related to file comparison received from clients using Spring Framework. +Exp Configured integrated development environment utilizing Ext.JS and J2EE. +Exp Used Struts2 tiles to display different types of template formats and contents. +Exp Used SOAP UI for unit testing for REST and SOAP Services. +Exp Used Spring MVC for the GUI Application which interacts with the Restful web services. +Exp Used SOAP and JWS to sending the notifications to each and every change in the operational process including: user’s information. +Exp Used GIT as Version Control System for the application +Exp Responsible for the implementation of application system with core Java and spring framework. +Exp Worked with Oracle PL/SQL development and DBAs to create new database schema and porting data from other databases +Exp Developed test cases using JUNIT, and followed test first development. +Exp Developed the Spring Features like Spring MVC, Spring DAO, Spring Boot and Spring Security. +Exp Developed code to grant user authorizations for ALM based upon user authentication on LDAP server. +Exp Extensively used Jenkins build tool for continues deployments. +Exp Also used IBM App Scan to Code Security and Clear Quest to issue tracking to move the applications quickly to the servers. +Exp Hands-on experience working with source control tools such as IBM Clear Case, Tortoise SVN. +Exp Developing Hibernate Criteria and sessions to achieve the Object Relational Mapping and easy maintenance of data. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Junit, Jetty, Jenkins, JSON, JAX-WS, Spring Framework, Struts2, SOAP, Restful Web +Exp services, EXT.js, Jquery, Splunk, AJAX, AGILE/SCRUM methodologies, ASP.NET, JWS, WebLogic10, Oracle 10, UNIX, +Exp Windows, WebSphere V8.0, Shell, My Eclipse 6, Hibernate 3, Maven2, Multi-threading, Bootstrap, DOJO, Toad 8, +Exp CSS, XML, HTML, IBM Clear Case, Clear Quest, SVN +Exp Premiere Global Services, Pittsburg - PA Aug 2014 - Sept 2015 +Exp Java/J2EE Developer +Exp This project consists of 6 modules. By using this application, the end user can purchase different packages from each module. This application provides listing the available items, user authentication, purchasing of items through online, credit card validation, confirmation of orders, automatic emailing with packages PDF file attachment, finally an acknowledgement will be sent to the customer. This application is more reliable for the end user to purchase packages. In content management backend part includes all customers, users, suppliers, categories, subcategories, packages with interactive uploading features. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp AGILE Scrum development process has been followed and involved in retrospective, demos, planning and code review meetings. +Exp Design and developed application user interfaces using Spring boot, Spring, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5and CSS +Exp Created views, models and controllers and followed MVC architecture for the web application development. +Exp Developed supplier and order module views using EXT-JS components like forms, layouts, grids, tabs, menus, viewports, Ajax etc. +Exp Developed restful resources using Spring and Jersey to serve the web application data in JSON format +Exp Developed business components using Spring IOC, AOP, spring annotations and created user detail service for authentication and access control using Spring LDAP and Spring Security. +Exp Developed middleware service and data access layer using Spring and Hibernate and used Spring declarative +Exp Responsible for all client-side UI Validation and implementing Business logic based on user selection using jQuery, jQuery UI and angular JS. +Exp Extensively used AngularJS, NodeJS, JQUERY, JSON, AJAX and DOM scripting to create interactive web applications like message posting and auto complete form validations. +Exp Wrote internal and external API services using Node.js modules. Developed internal services using Java and Node.js +Exp Used Angular 1.4 framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI +Exp Used Angular JS framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework +Exp Developed hibernate ORM mappings using Hibernate and JPA annotations to map java classes to database tables. +Exp Developed hibernate inheritance mapping using single table approach and configured multi-level caching in +Exp Hibernate to reduce the load on the Oracle database server. +Exp Maintaining of Entity Beans and Session Beans using EJB 3.0 Specification +Exp Involved in java multithreading to cascade multiple changes on multiple records in only one transaction and +Exp Developed a batch process framework Used WSDL and SOAP protocol for Web Services implementation. +Exp Implemented Persistence layer using Hibernate that use the POJOs to represent the persistence database tuples in DB2. +Exp Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5 and ReactJS. +Exp Maintained existing UI Applications and upgraded them using CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, React JS, BackboneJS, JSON and HTML5 +Exp Developed the application using Spring tool suite and involved in testing and deploying to other environments on Web sphere application server +Exp Environment: Java 1.7, Spring 4, Spring boot, Hibernate 4, Oracle, EJB 3.0, EXT-JS 4, AWS, HTML5, Angular JS, ReactJS, NodeJS, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, SOAP & Restful Web services (JAX-RS, JAX-WS), Junit, XML, JAXB, Maven, GIT, SVN, Jenkins, IBM WebSphere, Maven, Node-JS. +Exp Infotech Enterprises IT, India +Exp Java Developer Apr 2012 – Jun 2014 +Exp Infotech Enterprises IT Services Pvt. Ltd. (Infotech IT), is a part of the Cyient group, leverages its business process knowledge, technological competence, strategic alliances and strong global presence to offer innovative IT solutions to the Retail Industry. The subsidiary organization demonstrates a strong focus and commitment of the Cyient Group to the Retail and Supply Chain industry sectors. The organization comprises of talents with domain experience in Multi-channel retailing, Retail Information Systems, Supply Chain Management, Merchandising Systems, Customer Relationship Management and Data Warehousing. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in the development of the application based on Struts framework using MVC2 architecture. +Exp Utilized Struts framework to implement design patterns like DAO (Data access objects), Transfer objects, Business objects and Business delegator. +Exp Designed the web pages with JSP and TLD’s using different HTML elements based on the page specification document. +Exp Developed web application using JSP, JavaScript (for validation), DHTML (for dynamic insertion of HTML elements), CSS (for different font and styles using classes), Java Servlet (for servicing the request GET and POST), JDBC, and custom tag library (reusing the tags). +Exp JDBC concept was used for database transaction management using create statements, prepaid statements and callable statements. +Exp Ajax was used for backend interaction and data interchange with asynchronous call parsing the XML data creating XML Http Request and reading the data in response XML from action class. +Exp Core java fundamentals was used to create static utility classes, comparators, generics, collections, extending abstract classes and implementing interfaces after injection. +Exp Created our own class for handling exceptions for reusability within the project +Exp instead of throwing generic exceptions. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, J2ee, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS, Struts, JDBC, PL/SQL, SQL, Windows XP, Oracle. +Exp Galaxy Software Solution, Hyderabad, India +Exp Project Trainee July 2010 – Aug 2011 +Exp The Online Constructor enables construction project personal to seek and identify pre-qualified, efficient and independent, experienced companies with expertise in the area of all construction related needs. It combines the ease and reach of the Internet with the construction industry database of companies and products. Included in this site are sorted, intelligent, searchable lists of construction industry providers to assist the construction personnel in all aspects of the construction project. The Online Constructor is the new paradigm for efficient and effective execution of all construction projects. Our services include: full-service construction organization capable of providing a variety of services from initial project conception through building completion and warranty service. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed User Interface using HTML, DHTML, Applets, AWT. +Exp Developed Business components using Java Beans and database connections using JDBC. +Exp Wrote server side programs by using JSP, Servlets. +Exp Developed data validation & persistency components to export valid data to database. +Exp Wrote Client side validation scripts using JavaScript. +Exp Wrote various Queries, Stored Procedures to augment the application logic. +Exp Wrote test plan and run test cases for manual testing. +Exp Environment: JDK1.1, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, AWT, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 8i, Windows. +Edu Education : +Edu Bachelor's in Computer Science Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India in 2008. +Exp Madhu +PI Mobile: 908-313-0336 +Sum SUMMARY +Sum Business Analyst/SME with over 9 years of experience in analysis, requirement management, design and implementation of business applications for Banking, Retail, Telecom and Financial domains. +Sum Experienced in both waterfall and agile/scrum methodologies. +Sum Experienced in gap analysis, risk and impact analysis, SWOT analysis, and contributed towards project planning. +Sum Experienced in selecting and executing elicitation techniques such as interviews, document analysis, exploratory prototypes, focus groups, observation, user task analysis, and surveys and overall process re-engineering. +Sum Facilitated the scrum ceremonies such as sprint planning, daily scrum, mid-point review, backlog refinement and retrospectives. +Sum Contributed to the vision of product backlog for a product and worked to prioritize requirements, define and manage scope and sprints for a project. +Sum Fluent in defining the user stories and establishing the acceptance criteria. +Sum Helped with iteration planning, acceptance testing, team demos and retrospectives. +Sum Served as the customer proxy and interfaced with internal and other contractual staff to ensure successful delivery of units of work +Sum Also experienced in systems documentation including high level system design, system mapping, detailed functional and technical design, test plans, test cases for UAT. +Sum Experienced in problem analysis, identification of trends, and remediation from incident tickets, monitoring, and proactive identification of possible problems. +Sum Experience in data management including data analysis, gap analysis and data mapping. +Sum Excellent technical and analytical skills with clear understanding of design goals of ER modeling for OLTP and dimension modeling for OLAP. +Sum Focused on reporting using BI tools to help define the base data elements of a to be data-warehouse and simplified ad-hoc reporting capability. +Sum Proficient in designing business models using UML diagrams such as use case model, class diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. +Sum Experience in conducting JAD sessions with end-users, expert team, development and QA team for project meetings, walkthroughs and customer interviews. +Sum Delivered user training and provided technical support, maintained user documentation. Created and maintained training plans, curriculum and training material. +Sum Experience: +Exp Chicago Board of Options Exchange(CBOE), Chicago, IL July 2013 – Present +Exp Project involved Surveillance designed to detect violations of exchange trading rules, possible manipulation and violation of other SEC rules and further investigation of matters deemed to be problematic. +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Was responsible for the development and deployment processes of Web based Surveillance applications (Market Integrity, Agency Obligations, Positions and Exercises.) in the DevOps environment. +Exp As a business analyst transformed rough feature requests into detailed business requirements and user stories to meet the product roadmap. +Exp Worked closely with product owner to prioritize the backlog and get approval to begin development. Maintained and updated the user stories, the acceptance criteria and tasks as per client request. +Exp Worked with teams to prioritize and groom product backlog according to business value. +Exp Updated Agile tracking systems to provide transparency on product and sprint backlogs +Exp Documented user stories and facilitated story point discussions to analyze the level of effort on project specifications. +Exp Facilitated sprint backlog, sprint planning, sprint retro meetings and daily standup meetings and promoted guidelines of regression testing with automation. +Exp Facilitated Data source review meetings with DW team, DA, users and SMEs of the application to discuss details of data sources, their attributes and any data constraints. +Exp Created Mapping Specification document to outline mapping data from source systems to the target data warehouse. +Exp Wrote SQL queries using joins, sub queries and performed integration testing to check the validity of the data at each stage. +Exp Created SQL scripts to perform data profiling and data validation testing. +Exp Conducted use-case reviews and identified gaps, leading to improvements and enhancements in the same. +Exp Tracked and managed sprint backlog, burn-down metrics, velocity, and task break-down. +Exp Created and maintained the project documents such as Project Charter, Impact Analysis, Rollback and Verification, in confluence and tracked the progress via JIRA. +Exp Facilitated scrum-of-scrum meetings with off shore team to provide visibility of team's work and facilitated cross-team dependencies. +Exp Tracked and effectively communicated sprint/release progress to all affected teams and management. +Exp Coordinated UAT testing of the user stories for accuracy and compliance to ensure undisputed acceptance and validation of stories. +Exp Conducted grooming of requirements / user stories before and after each sprint and prioritized requirements during each sprint. +Exp TD Bank, Cherry Hill, NJ May 2011 – May 2013 +Exp An internal ovation project designed to service the customers in maintaining the accounts, day to day operations as well as the international and business transactions +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Provided business analysis and systems support for the application process by a) Working with the project stakeholders to define the project scope, b) Identify and conduct Stakeholder analysis, c) Prepare and manage requirements traceability matrix (RTM) d) Requirements elicitation through joint application development (JAD) sessions and user group interviews, e) Gap analysis. +Exp Identified and documented business and customer requirements using tools and defined application’s functional requirements. +Exp Created user stories, test cases and work flow diagrams during agile methodology. +Exp Led daily stand-up meetings and assisted with coordination issues hindering completion of user stories. +Exp Participated in daily scrum meetings and take the initiative to prepare for and organize other necessary meetings and agile ceremonies such as Sprint Planning. +Exp Produced key product requirements document including use case diagrams and scenarios that provide detailed explanation of what is to be delivered and the priority of each request. +Exp Conducted brainstorming sessions to aid high level analysis to identify key actor roles and functions and documented use case diagrams. +Exp Worked with DA on detailed data requirements and involved in construction of data flow diagrams and documentation of the processes. +Exp Created ER diagram for the current application as well as data mapping and data dictionaries. +Exp Worked with SQL queries for validating the data against different kinds of reports. +Exp Removed roadblocks for successful sprints, which led to the transition of releases on time. +Exp Verizon, Boston, MA Apr 2009-May 2011 +Exp An architectural and security model gateway project, integrated portal administration of Verizon with its business partners. +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Coordinated end to end processes for various business portals to provide user authentication, authorization and application entitlements. +Exp Analyzed Business requirements, performed gap analysis and segregated them into high level and low-level use cases, activity /state chart diagrams using tools. +Exp Created relationships in Requirement Traceability Matrix linking Business Requirements to Functional requirements and Functional Requirements to Systems Requirements +Exp Involved in preparing Test Plans based on user requirements document (URD) and prepared the Test cases and Test procedures. +Exp Wrote functional test cases for the clients to perform UAT to ascertain the GUI performed as per the business requirements. +Exp Performed tasks like data extraction from flat files, data transformations into various file formats and validations. Also performed loading of data and checked for any data integrity errors. +Exp Participated in ETL requirements process during data transition from source systems to target systems. +Exp Created ER diagrams for the current application as well as data mapping and data dictionaries. +Exp Improved existing process, by helping create and transition legacy reports to self-service tool to an in-house application +Exp Involved in data dictionary management, extraction, transformation and loading ETL of data from various sources. +Exp Wrote the SQL queries on data staging and data warehouse tables to validate the results. +Exp Assisted with change, issue, quality and risk management activities. Generated management reports on weekly and monthly basis. +Exp Coordinated the COTS issues and training on day-to-day basis, during the UAT phase. +Exp Sears, Hoffman Estates, IL Oct 2007 – Mar 2009 +Exp Authorization at POS to accept open to buy modifications for returns, payments, sales adjustments and third-party credit cards. +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Involved in GAP analysis during the identification of business rules, business and system process flows, user administration, requirements and assumptions. +Exp Assisted in the product planning and development cycles: from gathering requirements to writing specifications and shaping the software development process. +Exp Participated actively in requirement and design reviews and followed the UML based methods. +Exp Authored and delivered project documentation for major and minor release items. Documentation includes: BRS, SRS, FDS, use cases, process flows, system and user acceptance test plans, test scripts, traceability matrices, and end user training documentation. +Exp Developed use case diagrams, business flow diagrams, activity/state diagrams and sequence diagrams so that developers and other stake holders can understand the business process. +Exp Assisted Walkthroughs with end users, developers, managers and other analysts. +Exp Assisted the development team with design and development of the application, provided usability metrics collected from user surveys. +Exp Acted as liaison between the senior management and different teams with effective presentations. +Exp Executed the ETL jobs in QA environment to load data from files to the database tables and validate the data load as per requirements. +Exp Created and debugged ETL processes using T-SQL queries, functions. +Exp Tracked any additions, deletions or changes in scope on the test plan including efficient tracking of defects. +Exp Attended and coordinated change review meetings and Go/No-Go meetings. +Exp Environments: +Exp Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX/Linux. +Exp MS Office Suite: Word, Excel, Power Point, Project, Visio. +Exp Version Control Systems: CVS, SVN, GIT, Clear Case. +Exp Build Tools: ANT, Clearmake. +Exp CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Docker. +Exp Project and Collaboration tools: Remedy, ServiceNow, Jira, Confluence, ALM, SharePoint, ClearQuest. +Exp Testing Tools: QTP, Selenium. +Exp Development Languages and Tools: Java, .Net, SQL, HTML, XML, ASP.net, JSP, Java Script, VB Script. +Exp Databases and Tools: Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MY-SQL, Informatica, Ab Initio, Cognos, Crystal Reports. +Exp Methodologies, Approaches and Frameworks: Object Oriented, ITIL, Waterfall, DevOps, JAD, RUP, Agile. +QC Certificates: ITIL. +Edu Education: Master’s in Science. +PI Legal Status: US Citizenship. +PI Mahesh +PI Sr. Full Stack java Developer +PI Email Id: mahe2050.mk@gmail.com Phone No: 201-743-9432 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Over 8+ years of experience in Software Development areas such as Analysis, Design, Implementation and quality assurance Testing of web based and client/server applications using Java/J2EE technologies. +Sum Experienced in Software Technology – Core Java, J2EE Technologies like Servlets, JSP, JDBC, HTML, XML, XSLT, AJAX, Jakarta Ant, JavaScript, REST and SOAP based Web services and Multi - Threading concepts. +Sum I have expertise in core java JSP servlets programming and J2EE technologies like spring 2.5 and hibernate 3.0. +Sum Strong expertise in development and deployment of web components that include Servlets 2.2/2.3/2.4, JSP 1.1/1.2/2.0 and business layer components that include Web Services, RMI, and JDBC 2.0/3.0. +Sum Expert in HTML5/CSS3 development and have experience in Angular js2, Node.js, Backbone.js, Knockout.js, Responsive design. +Sum Designed Frontend with in object oriented JavaScript Framework like bootstrap, Require.js, Node.js, and Angular js2, React js. +Sum Strong experience with various application development IDEs: Eclipse, IBM RAD, JBuilder, NetBeans. +Sum In-depth knowledge and experience of analysis and design methodologies using OOAD, UML and J2EE Design Patterns (MVC, Front Controller, Session Façade, Data Access Object), with solid experience in MVC architecture (n-tier). +Sum Experience in Java, J2EE, JEE technologies such as JSP, Servlets, Portlets, JSF, EJB, JMS, ESB, MQ, JTA, AMS, JDBC, and JSTL. +Sum Good knowledge on Spring Batch. +Sum Experience with XML, XSD, DTD, SAX, DOM technologies. +Sum Knowledge on service oriented architecture (SOA), workflows and web services using XML, SOAP, and WSDL. +Sum Knowledge of multi-vendor operating systems including Linux, Windows and Unix Shell Script. +Sum Experience with Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) +Sum Experience with deploying, configuring, and maintaining nationwide Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, AWS Environments +Sum Created XML Schema, XML template and XSL. Developed Web Services Application using SOAP and WS-Security +Sum Developed and maintained elaborate services based architecture utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM. +Sum Deployed components on JBoss and Web Sphere application server. Designed banking web application by implementing the Struts 2.0 for Model View Controller (MVC) pattern. +Sum Strong experience with test automation tools and frameworks such as Cucumber, Ruby, Selenium, etc., +Sum Unit testing experience with Jasmine, Karma, Jasmine-Node and Protractor. +Sum Specialized in front end rich application development using ExtJS, AngularJS2 and JQuery and also back end technologies such as Node.js, Java and Microsoft SQL Server. +Sum Have extensive hands-on Maven, Tortoise SVN, test, Easymock, Mockito, PMD, FindBugs, and Cobertura Checkstyle. Hands on experience on Jenkins, Hudson. +Sum Good experience with Cassandra NoSQL Database. Cassandra implementation using Datastax Java API, Hector API. +Sum Experience in working Waterfall, Agile and TDD, ATDD environments with good hands on JUnit, JTest, Easy Mock, Mockito, and Spring Webflow Tests. +Sum Possesses strong interpersonal skills, the ability to interact with people at all levels, and strong communication and presentation skills. +Edu Education: Bachelor’s in Computers, India +Skill Technical Skills: +Exp Professional experience: +Exp Client: Capital One, NYC, NY Feb 2017 -Till date +Exp Role: Sr. Full Stack Java Developer +Exp Description: The Capital One Loan Origination System (CLO) deals with the underwriting and funding processes for auto loans. The loan application undergo the 'submission', 'decision', 'underwriting' and 'funding' stages before finally getting imported into the servicing system. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in Agile Development Team, and having daily SCRUM meeting for progress reporting as well as task distributing. +Exp Created the Node.js EXPRESS Server combined with Socket.io to build MVC framework from front-end side AngularJS to back-end MongoDB, to provide broadcast service as well as chatting service. +Exp Used Backbone.js and ReactJS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server. +Exp Good knowledge in Developed Java API to connect with AWS S3 Services for storing and retrieving data stored in the S3 buckets. +Exp Involved in Core Java coding by using Java APIs such as Collections, Multithreading, Exception Handling, Generics, Enumeration, and Java I/O to fulfill the implementation of business logic. +Exp Configured the xml files for Open Source Spring 3 Framework to fulfill the Proxy Pattern. +Exp Configured the xml files for Hibernate 3 and applied its Object Relational Mapping ORM to enable the data transactions between POJO and Oracle Database using caching on Session Factory as well as caching on query. +Exp Configured the xml files for Spring Security injection to ensure the back-end security by discriminating the role of users as well as access authority for the URIs and Server-side assets. +Exp Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop spring based application with very less configuration. +Exp Configured the xml files for Java Mail technology in User Account Activation Service and Password Reset Service. +Exp Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS. +Exp Experience in AWS using EC2, Dynamo DB, RDS, S3, VPC and IAM services. +Exp Configured the web.xml file for REST server injection to enable the REST web services by using JAXB API. +Exp Responsible for designing the User Interface by coding in HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, Bootstrap to build this SPA Single Page Application. +Exp Customized CSS files by adding new CSS3 features like media queries to ensure fluid/ responsive design for our web pages. +Exp Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5 and ReactJS. +Exp Maintained existing UI Applications and upgraded them using CSS3, JQuery, AJAX, JavaScript, React JS, Backbone. Js, JSON and HTML5. +Exp Extensively involved in coding with AngularJS, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile to add functionalities and effects like Accordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar. +Exp Developed front-end code with Ajax call in AngularJS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object from controllers in back-end RESTful Server, then display the well-organized result in web pages by writing AngularJS controller, directives, services, and route providers. Also used Angular.js filter to make the data searchable and sortable +Exp Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC. +Exp Involved in application development using MEAN stack (Mongo DB, Express.JS, AngularJS) +Exp Nested as well as Multiple Views are created using AngularJS 2.0 typescript UI-View & UI-serf. +Exp Developed reusable ExtJS components Such as Viewport, Panel, and Grids etc. +Exp Used Ext JS 3.x and Java and spring together. +Exp Involved in defensive coding against SQL injection, XSS, Phishing by adding extensive validation code for all user inputs by writing JavaScript Regex Regular Expression for email validation and credit card number validation, jQuery code combined with AngularJS ng-pristine/dirty for input validations. +Exp Developed JavaScript code to feed data-tables of Google Charts API with data, then draw charts with animation effect. +Exp Working in Deployment area, using Dockers Tool for deployment by creating Docker Containers and Docker Images and pushing it to Docker HUB. +Exp Involved in Test Driven Development by writing JUnit test case in the coding part of Java methods like mortgage calculating. +Exp Environment: JDK 1.6, J2EE, Node.JS, Spring 3.0, AWS, Spring boot 1.1.5, Hibernate 3.2, Hibernate Annotation, Oracle 10g, Spring Security, REST, Web Service, JSP, JUnit, JSTL, JPA, Servlet, Java Mail, HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Angular.JS2, EXT JS, Express.JS, Typescript, ES7/ES6, Ajax, Docker, Bootstrap, JSON, XML, Tomcat, JBoss, log4J, Subversion SVN, JIRA, SCRUM, My Eclipse/Eclipse +Exp Client: AXA Financials, New York City, NY Nov 2015 - Jan 2017 +Exp Role: Sr. Full Stack Java Developer +Exp Description: Order management project provides the functionality to test the status/feasibility of user requested services by interacting with other downstream systems like inventory, activation and billing. During the tenure of the project, supported existing internet based applications and developed majority of them using Angular Java Scripts. The webpages are designed for custom applications to populate database tables using online e-forms. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Analysis, Design, and Implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, XML and XSLT, React JS and Web Services (REST) +Exp Developed Microservices using Spring boot and persistent layer using Hibernate +Exp Implemented Agile Methodology as part of project requirement changes. +Exp Implemented J2EE design patterns like Singleton and Session Façade. +Exp Developed Façade classes to encapsulate the business logic and hide the implementation details of the data access classes and EJBs. +Exp Developed application using Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL and AJAX on the presentation layer, the business layer is built using spring and the persistent layer uses Hibernate. +Exp Developed user interface by using Flux for SPA (Single Page Application) development. +Exp Involved in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept. +Exp Designed and Developed UI for Portfolio Review Dashboard application using Angular.JS, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, LESS, JavaScript and J Query. +Exp Used Angular JS and NODE JS to structure JavaScript code in an MVC (Model, View, and Controller) +Exp Utilized Angular.JS framework to bind HTML5 template (views) to JavaScript object (models). +Exp Created Custom Directives in Angular.JS, making use of Modules and Filters objects according to the application requirement. +Exp Used Angular JS framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI and also used DOJO for JavaScript. +Exp Data Operations were performed using Spring ORM wiring with Hibernate and Implemented Hibernate Template and criteria API for Querying database. +Exp Implemented all the components of Spring Frame work (Controller classes, Spring Bean Configuration file (dispatcher-servlet.xml). +Exp Involved java multithreading to cascade multiple changes on multiple records in only one transaction and developed a batch process framework. +Exp Developed User Interface having animations and effects using JSF, JQuery, JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. +Exp Developed reusable Ext JS components such as Viewport, Panel, and Grids etc. +Exp Designed, developed and maintained the data layer using Hibernate and performed configuration of Struts Application Framework. +Exp Used JSF framework with AJAX in developing user interfaces using JSF UI Components, RIA components, Validator, Events and Listeners. +Exp Implemented RESTful services with JAX-RS using Spring Boot and Micro Services Architecture +Exp Implemented the Struts frame work with MVC architecture. +Exp Create and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro Services and lambda functions using Jenkins CI server. +Exp Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML and client side validations using JavaScript. +Exp Developed middle-tier application with J2EE using Servlet, EJB, Java Beans and Web Services Standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI). +Exp Developed and maintained automated test scripts to support regression testing and participated actively in system testing and regression testing in UFT. +Exp Created XML Schema, XML template and used XML SAX/DOM API to parse them. +Exp Involved in coding, code reviews, Junit testing, Prepared and executed Unit Test Cases. +Exp Developed classes to interface with underlying web services layer and scaled the component interactions and generalized the interfaces using RESTFUL. +Exp Used Log4j for External Configuration Files and debugging. +Exp Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 11g database and used the Stored Procedures in the application. +Exp Coordinated with offshore development team and clarified their day-today questions. Reviewed offshore delivery before check-in the code into SVN. +Exp Wrote and debugged the ANT Scripts for building the entire web application’s +Exp Environment: Java, Servlets, Spring, JAXB, IBM MQ Series, Micro Services, XML, React JS, JavaScript, JQuery, Node JS, AJAX, Angular JS, MVC, HTML5, CSS3, Multithreading, Eclipse, REST, Adobe flex Junit, EXT JS, UNIX, Hibernate, Oracle11g, Agile Methodologies, Selenium. +Exp Client: ASD Health Care, Frisco, TX June 2014 - Oct 2015 +Exp Role: Full Stack Java Developer +Exp Description: This project is a comprehensive and integrated Hospital Management System for a Super Specialty Hospital. This package is used to computerize the activities of a servicing system. This package contains four modules. They are Administration, Patient Care System, Health Services and Auxiliary Services. Each module is having sub modules within this sub module will maintains storing, registering, details of joining patient details, and overall day activities maintains one particular database. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the system using Java, Spring 4.0.5, Spring Boot, Hibernate 4.3, Angular-JS, react js, expressjs, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular-UI etc... +Exp Developed the User Interface Screens for presentation using Angular-JS, Ajax, Bootstrap, Java Script and HTML. +Exp Implemented Reporting SPAs using Angular-JS, Angular Directives, Bootstrap, CSS3, LESS, Glyphicons and Gulp. +Exp Performed usability testing for the client’s webpages with use of STLC. +Exp Developed an AngularJS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI's state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows. +Exp Involved in creating Angular controllers, services, filters and configured Routing using Angular UI router. +Exp Created popup forms using Bootstrap Modals, AngularJS Models and AngularJS Controllers +Exp Created Multiple Views as well as Nested Views with the help of AngularJs ui-view & ui-sref. +Exp Created restful API using expressjs to handle security, authentication and authorization. +Exp Experience in Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS, created Multiple & Nested Views, Routing, Controllers, Services and Custom Directives, Node.js, Bower, Grunt. +Exp Used Spring MVC framework to develop the application. +Exp Used ExpressJs server allows to serve HTML, JavaScript and API. +Exp Developed service infrastructure components in Angular2/Typescript for a unified web UI initiative +Exp Developed REST services using Spring Boot, Spring REST and involved in creating REST controllers, Controller advices etc. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC Controller module for better handling of client request, consume Restful data service and sending response back to client. +Exp Developed Spring AOP aspects for logging and exception handling and involved in integrating spring with Hibernate. +Exp Performed ORM mappings with Hibernate and implemented spring transaction management in the application. +Exp Developed Batch jobs using Spring Batch and scheduled the jobs using spring scheduling. +Exp Focused on the middle-level development of the client application for creating automated reports from the UI. +Exp Consumed SOAP web services and RESTful JSON web services to create the automated report +Exp Wrote Jasmine unit tests to test Angular.js Developed unit test cases and functional test cases using JUnit. +Exp Guided all the API users on how to make use of the methods and also validated the whole system using Java. +Exp Involved in setting up Test automation and developed cucumber feature files and used Selenium for automated testing with Testing. +Exp Environment: Agile, Java/J2EE, Spring 4x, Spring Boot, hibernate 4.3, Spring AOP, Spring REST, Spring mvc, JMS, JBoss EAP 6.x, Angular JS, MongoDB, Oracle 11g, XML, DOZER mapping, Typescript, SAX, DOM, JAXB, WSDL, SOAP, REST, Java Script, Bootstrap, SASS, JQuery, expressjs, react js, Gradle, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Gradle, RESTful, AWS, SOAP UI, Rational Quality Manager. +Exp Client: WellPoint, Woodland Hills, CA Nov 2012 - May2014 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Description: The system provides Online access to Members, Employers and Brokers regarding Patient Administration, Billing and Pharmacy Management functions for the hospital. The major functions are Member registration and Medical Record information, Pharmacy Information, Appointments, and Handling Hospital +Exp Admissions, and Assigning Insurance Details for Billing, Recording Transfers within the hospital and Creation of Discharge Summary and Details. The system is developed using J2EE Technologies with Spring Frame Work and Hibernate Technologies. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Interacted with business analysts and end users in gathering requirements and understand the business processes involved. +Exp Followed Agile Methodology like Scrum Meetings, to deliver application in iterative approach with high Quality software and satisfy customer needs. +Exp Followed writing JUnit for the classes in order to unit test the code. +Exp Coded presentation layer components comprising of JSP, Spring Controllers, Spring and JSTL Tags +Exp Used Spring MVC Framework for the development of the project +Exp Developed Spring Configuration files to wire the Java Components using Spring Dependency module +Exp Hands on experience with data persistency using Hibernate and Spring Framework. +Exp Developed and Consumed Enterprise wide web services using SOAP and RESTFUL web services (Using AXIS and Jersey frameworks) +Exp Implemented J2EE Design Patterns like MVC, Front Controller, Singleton, and Data Access Object. +Exp Configuration of JDBC resources, JNDI names Deployment of application on Weblogic Application Server. +Exp Developed various Reports using JReport tool and integrate with WMS to cater to business user's daily needs. +Exp Implemented Spring MVC Framework which involves configuring Dispatcher servlet, mapping requests to controllers. +Exp Designed and developed UI having complex screens functionalities using JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML and CSS. +Exp Integrated application with other systems using REST Web services. +Exp Responsible for Code merge activities and Continuous Integration. +Exp Performed Integration tests for Web services deployed in the server. +Exp Performed complete application life cycle functions from conception to final release to users including Design/Analysis, Implementation, Testing, Deployment and Maintenance. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Java Beans, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, SOAP, RESTFUL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSON, XML, AJAX, jQuery, ANT, Maven, Continuous Integration, Jenkin, SVN, Log4j, JUnit, PL/SQL, Tomcat Server, TOAD +Exp Client: Andhra Bank, Hyderabad, India Dec2011 - Sep2012 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: This is a financial product which is a suite of enterprise software applications that seamlessly interface with your existing back-office financial systems, to proactively manage the internal and external financial flows of your business, and achieve extremely effective working capital management. Our solutions facilitate intra and inter-business connectively to accelerate positive cash flows and increase liquidity in digital market places. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with Agile development Methodology with a Test Driven approach. +Exp In case of application development to be loaded, modular approach was used. +Exp Depending on the business requirements, Class and Sequence diagrams were developed. +Exp Developed UML diagrams for analyzing the business requirements and designing the system. +Exp Was a part of every phase in the SDLC +Exp Worked on developing JSP’s, Action Classes and delegating the tasks to the corresponding session parameters. +Exp Involved in Requirements Gathering, Analysis, Design and Development of the project. +Exp Developed services using Servlets, JSP’s, and Java Beans. +Exp Hibernate was the ORM tool used to relate the objects to the database. +Exp Annotations in Hibernate were extensively used. +Exp Worked on designing screens using Swing and Ajax. +Exp Most parts of the code developed were integrated using the Struts and Spring Framework. +Exp Involved in developing Hibernate mapping definitions for the required persistent layer. +Exp Implemented validations for both client side and Server side using the Struts2 Validator Framework. +Exp MVC design pattern and TDD was used in the application in order to make it more modular. +Exp Was responsible in generating Maven Script was faster and easier deployment. +Exp Configurations and Deployment was implemented using the IBM WebSphere Application using Maven Script. +Exp Deployed Web Services, JSP’s, Servlets, and Server side components in Web Logic Application Server. +Exp Worked on running integrated testing using the JUNIT and XML for building the data structures required for the Web Service. +Exp Environment: Core Java (J2SE-Multithreading,IO), UML(Rational Rose), Web logic Server, Tomcat, Struts2, Spring, Maven, Junit, CVS, Log4j, EJB 2.0, XML, Oracle 10g, Stored Procedures, Eclipse, WebSphere v6 +Exp Client: Sahastra Solutions Inc, Hyderabad, India Sep2010- Nov2011 +Exp Role: Jr. Programmer Analyst +Exp Description: Sahastra has various clients for developing E-commerce websites as per their requirements. And serve their customers with vast inventory, experienced and qualified staff, and quality products at all. This is B2B and B2C website build using JS/Magento and MySQL as backend. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Actively involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). +Exp Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases and also designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase. +Exp Involved in the design of the Database and in the Normalization of the tables and worked with NoSQL databases. +Exp Configured struts-specific deployment descriptor (struts.xml), Implemented the validations using Struts MVC Framework and also Created Action Classes for Controller in Struts MVC Framework. Developed the code based on the design using Struts framework and using J2EE patterns. +Exp Struts Tag Libraries and Struts Tiles Framework were used in addition to JSP, HTML, AJAX and CSS in developing the presentation layer. +Exp Extensively used the struts application resources properties file for error codes, views labels and for Product Internationalization. +Exp Used Spring MVC framework to build the web modules for partner systems integration. Spring Batch to process large data for Distribution center2 allocations implementation. +Exp Developing Java Web Services for different phases. Used Struts2 framework to handle application requests using SOAP web services. Implemented the data persistence using Hibernate. +Exp Implemented JDBC API for communicating with database layer. +Exp Responsible for installing JBoss, administering and support of staging, QA and Production environment and performed failover test. Deployed application in JBoss on UNIX. +Exp Coding using core java, Servlets and JSP using Eclipse IDE. Developed Request Handlers using Servlets as Controlling mechanism. +Exp Code Developed for User and Administrator Modules. Assisted in the documentation of system test strategies and the execution of test cases. +Exp Involved in Prototype Development. Performed Unit testing using JUnit. +Exp Environment: HTML, Java, Struts, Struts MVC, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, SOAP, Hibernate, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JBoss, SQL, PL/SQL, PHP, Ant and Eclipse. +PI Amar +PI Amar.srbsa@gmail.com Phone : 201-708-8565 +Sum Business System Analyst with over 8 years extensive experience in applications related to Credit cards, Mortgages and general Banking domain. Highly observant and analytical individual with keen focus on recognizing issues and developing effective solutions. Exemplify strong ability to grasp new things quickly, as demonstrated by seamless transitions made between several technologies, tools, and libraries both in development and project management roles. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Domain knowledge in Mortgage Life Cycle including Conventional, VA, FHA, Non-Conventional mortgage loans. +Sum Experienced in Retail lending and Wholesale lending in the mortgage life cycle management. +Sum Good understanding of mortgage workflow from end to end, risk associated with the Mortgage process. +Sum Familiar with federal lending regulations governing real estate lending within the primary and secondary market. +Sum Knowledge of underwriting, residential mortgage processing and closing procedures. +Sum Good Understanding of TRID i.e., TILA / RESPA and about Loan Estimator and Closing Disclosers forms. +Sum Knowledgeable about various regulatory bodies such as Dodd- Frank act, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. +Sum Extensive knowledge of Mortgage Life Cycle starting from Point of Sale to Post closing services. +Sum Understanding of different parameters like Loan to value ratio, Debt to Income ratio and amortization period. +Sum Effective communication to identify needs and evaluate alternative business solutions with project management. +Sum Engaged with stakeholders to gather software requirements to ensure alignment with development team. +Sum Expertise in conducting Brainstorming sessions, Interviews, Joint Application Development Sessions (JAD), Focus sessions for requirements gathering, analysis and design with stakeholders, Developers and system architects. +Sum Well versed in documentation of Business Requirement Document (BRD), Use Cases, Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), System Requirement Specification (SRS) and Test Requirement Document (TRD). +Sum Facilitated GAP Analysis, Impact Analysis (Business/Technical), SWOT Analysis, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Root Cause Analysis and Risk Analysis along with creating As-Is and To-Be Business Models. +Sum Collaborated in identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to accurately analyze the needs of clients leading to optimization of the business processes, which eventually led to value creation for the organization and client. +Sum Created Use Cases, Data Flow diagrams and Activity diagrams using UML tools like MS Visio and Rational Rose. +Sum Created Prototypes, Wireframes and Mock-Up Screens by assisting the UX team to visualize Graphical User Interface (GUI) according to GUI requirements using tools like Balsamiq Mockups and Mockup Screens. +Sum Worked in close co-ordination with the QA and software testing team in developing test plans and test cases from functional and business requirements for Integration testing, Quality Assurance and User Acceptance Testing. +Sum Executed SQL queries using joins, group by and order by to extract data from different data sources and to perform DDL (Data defining language) operations to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) the data in the database. +Sum Familiar with DB concepts like Data Structures, Data Marts, Data-Entity Relationships and User Administration. +Sum Implemented Databases, table structures, mapping Schemas, Data Marts and OLAP operations such as Roll-up, Drill-down, slice and dice and pivoting. +Sum Involved in client interactions and converting business functionalities into Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) models across heterogeneous IT environments. Extensive knowledge of SOAP/RESTful web services. +Sum Knowledge about SaaS cloud based architecture and services such as AWS EC2, S3, RDS, Aurora and EBS. +Sum Highly proficient in writing and slicing User Stories and handling the Requirements Churn. +Sum Efficient at user story prioritization techniques such as MoSCoW & KANO Model. +Sum User Story Estimation techniques such as Planning poker, Relative Mass Valuation & T-Shirt Sizing. +Sum Participated in Scrum ceremonies like Backlog/Grooming Refinement, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum Meeting, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings for each sprint in Agile Scrum Methodology +Sum Experience in recording and maintaining the artifacts like impediments list, sprint burndown charts and sprint burnup charts to track the team’s performance and keeping it visible to the team members and owners. +Sum Self-Motivated and Objective driven professional with excellent communication and Interpersonal Skills with a sound understanding of the balance that must exist between customer satisfaction and technical excellence. +Skill Skills: +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelors in Computer Science & Technology, Mumbai University +Exp Professional Experience: +Exp PNC Bank, Pittsburg, PA October 2016 – Current +Exp Sr. Business Systems Analyst +Exp Digital Loan Process System +Exp The project was focused on developing an automated Mortgage Processing solution through which the company and loan mortgagors could communicate throughout the application processes by providing Borrower self-service, real time processing and contract transparency. The solution captured indexes and reviews all documentation, extracting key data from the legacy system for real-time workflow and compliance, prepares decision-ready loan files to maximize underwriter productivity. The new solution enabled borrowers to handle, in real-time, every aspect of the loan application process, including online application, uploading documents, acting on inquiries and monitoring loan approval status. +Exp Key Responsibilities: +Exp Created Business requirement document and functional specification document to tailor the needs of the client. +Exp Worked with the team for decomposing the functional specifications into user stories and acceptance criteria. +Exp Conducted User Mapping Workshop sessions with the stakeholders, end users and SME, to determine the critical business processes and identify key functional requirements for Loan system adhering to the Mortgage Servicing Industry practices. +Exp Performed GAP analysis using the AS-IS process flow document and the TO-BE process flow document. +Exp Performed business process automation through requirements and business process redesign with GAP analysis. +Exp Performed root cause analysis to identify data quality problems, and historical trends. +Exp Interviewed SME’s to understand the current TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule. +Exp Led analysts in the system integration analysis, data analysis and requirements elicitation for the implementation of data in/from enterprise data services hub in data format. +Exp Identified business changes and gathered the new regulatory rules from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. +Exp Worked to deliver the requirements as specified in the Statement of work document. +Exp Worked to integrate expere with Ellie Mae Encompass360 for maintaining different loan documents. +Exp Elicited API requirements for credit reports, employment verification of the borrower, Appraisal information and title search using external APIs’ like Transunion, Equifax, Experian, USPS web tools and Zillow. +Exp Created Use case diagrams, activity diagrams and class diagrams for graphical representation using MS Visio. +Exp Created Mock-Up Screens and Wireframes using UI components such as Radio Buttons, Data-Entry Fields, Check Boxes, Drop-Down Lists to retrieve data for Loan lifecycle process to aid Client-Side Verification of the GUI. +Exp Worked with UI team to develop the web application, XML documents and validated XML, HTML and Java Script. +Exp Checked the format of the XSD files to validate the XML for Well-formed ness as well as validity. +Exp Used JIRA to allot task and track issues, user story management and requirement traceability. +Exp Developed Views, Joins, Procedures, and Functions using PL/SQL & SQL to transform and structure data. +Exp Developed tables, reports, graphs and listings using various Stored procedures to perform data manipulations. +Exp Maintained RTM to trace the requirements with corresponding test cases to satisfy test scenarios. +Exp Actively involved in planning Test Cases, Test Plans and Test Scenarios to perform Functional Testing, Smoke Testing, Regression Testing and User Acceptance Testing and logged down defects and managed them in JIRA. +Exp Understanding in Saas infrastructure in Amazon Web Service such as EC2, RDS and S3. +Exp Environment: Agile, Scrum, AWS, EC2, AWS RDS, Expere, AWS S3, Jira, HP QC, Microsoft SQL, MS Visio, MS Word, MS excel, JAVA, XML, HTML5, Bootstrap, AJAX, Jquery, Angular JS, Eclipse EDE, Jenekins. +Exp Citi Group, Warren, NJ June 2015 – September 2016 +Exp Sr. Business System Analyst +Exp Automated Loan Mortgage system +Exp The project was intended to integrate different modules of legacy mortgage applications into a single application to manage loan lifecycle from loan origination to closing to save maintenance cost associated with maintaining multiple applications to serve a common goal. The legacy system was operating on Mainframe systems and DB2 RDBMS which was integrated with new Java based applications. +Exp Key Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered project requirements, using techniques such as JAD, document analysis, interface analysis, requirements workshops, and interviews with Subject Matter Experts (SME) and stakeholders. +Exp Reviewed, analyzed and developed Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD) and helped in transforming them into a complete System Requirement Specification (SRS). +Exp Assessed the current state business processes for loans maintained and identified the key pain areas and issues by performing Business Process Modeling (BPM) for delays in loan processing systems. +Exp Assisted the PM in drafting the Project Development Plans. Also, helped to identify and track Issues and Risks. +Exp Facilitated Backlog Grooming Sessions, used various prioritization techniques to prioritize product backlog items, including Moscow which is business value based and Kano which is customer satisfaction based. +Exp Drafted the definition of DONE and acceptance criteria for the well-defined low-level functional and non-functional requirement specifications. +Exp Helped in prioritizing Product Backlog Items by breaking down EPICS into user stories using INVEST criteria. +Exp Facilitated Product Backlog Grooming meeting whenever required for reprioritization of product Backlog. +Exp Assisted in preparing UI wireframes, Mockup screens for the lender’s home page requirements document. +Exp Created Use Case document by specifying actors, normal flow, alternative flows for all use cases. +Exp Created activity diagrams, context flow diagrams and sequence diagrams to specify the order of interactions. +Exp Wrote SQL queries for data analysis queried relational databases daily to resolve operational issues. +Exp Involved in Data Mapping and Data integration, developed source to target mapping (STM) documents. +Exp Involved in Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) from Source to target systems using Informatica. +Exp Created SQL script to create/drop database objects viz: tables, views, indexes, constraints etc +Exp Worked on DB2 integration using the enhanced Apache Tomcat middleware server using JDBC drivers. +Exp Wrote SQL*Loader scripts to migrate the data from text files, Spreadsheet to populate the intermediate tables. +Exp Gathered requirements to integrate mainframe legacy mortgage modules pertaining to loan lifecycle using java based applications like SOAP for CICS which is a connectivity solution based on XML +Exp Assisted QA team to identify test scenarios pertaining to loan origination, underwriting, processing and closing. +Exp Coordinated with operations team to maintain stability and functionality pertaining to different environments of the application like System integration, UAT and production environment. +Exp Conducted UAT workshop in coordination with business user and ensured sign off by them. +Exp Assisted product owner in Sprint Review and solution demo meetings by facilitating product demos and backtracking them to the requirements to determine when it is DONE and shippable. +Exp Helped the team in creating visual information radiators. Managed timely communication between various internal and external stakeholders. Helped the team to inspect and adapt process in the retrospective meetings to improve their productivity +Exp Environment: Scrum, Jira V6.3, Confluence V5.9, IBM DB2 V8.1.0, Mock-Up Screen, Informatica, MS Visio V14.0, Subversion, Apache Tomcat V7.0, Tableau V8.2.1, JCL, CICS V3.2, XML, SOAP UI, SOA Architecture, Win-FTP, Java servlets V3.0, JSP V2.2, Java EE 7. +Exp State of Massachusetts, Boston, MA February 2014 – May 2015 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp Enterprise Data Warehouse Project +Exp The project was aimed at creating Enterprise Data Warehouse system to provide budget allocation, expenditure tracking and enhanced financial reporting by integrating different data sources to Enterprise Data Center. Legacy non-integrated databases are a core to business processing. Integrated system would provide ease of access, analysis, transparency and enhanced reporting capabilities. +Exp Key Responsibilities: +Exp Understood state of art processes by interacting with stakeholders and analyzing the available documents. +Exp Facilitated JAD sessions as a Moderator and conducted interviews with various Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and stakeholders, process reviews and policy & procedure reviews to elicit requirements. +Exp Conducted Gap Analysis to identify missing data attributes from source system coordinating with database team. +Exp Assisted in preparation of Business Requirement Document (BRD) and System Requirement Specification (SRS). +Exp Created Use Cases and built Use Case Diagram and Activity Diagram using MS Visio. +Exp Managed and tracked requirements using HP ALM through Application Life-Cycle. +Exp Retrieving data from various sources, analyzing using statistical techniques and providing ongoing reports. +Exp Assisted in extracting data to staging area and loaded it to target database by ETL processing using Informatica. +Exp Assisted Database team to create database objects like tables, views, procedures and joins using PL/SQL. +Exp Responsible for data mapping with XML and RESTful APIs to integrate with different web services. +Exp Performed analysis and testing of relational databases and resolve any issues pertaining to data retrieval. +Exp Experienced in identifying different database schemas pertaining to specific information. +Exp Involved in creating data flow diagrams, data mapping from Source to Target mapping documents indicating the source tables, columns, data types, transformations required and business rules to be applied in SSIS. +Exp Worked with QA team in developing Test Plan and Test Cases to perform UAT, Functional and Regression Testing. +Exp Assisted in creating conceptual, logical ER diagrams and designed database schemas for accurate Data Warehouse Structure. +Exp Integrated various OLTP to the OLAP by using Informatica as an ETL tool and used Tableau as reporting tool. +Exp Maintained Data Integrity by normalizing the data adding verification for accuracy and effectiveness of data. +Exp Assisted product owner in segregating user stories into different types such as data disclosure stories, data presentation stories, data augmentation stories, data validation stories and data configuration stories to identify specific requirements. +Exp Logged the defects using HP ALM. Created an error repository and managed the testing process with QA team. +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements from Black Box testing perspective. Reviewed Test Strategy and Test Plans to ensure that test cases reflect user needs for the functional, User Interface, Performance, Usability and Security requirements. +Exp Environment: Waterfall-Scrum Hybrid, Version one V13.1, Informatica V9.1, GIT Hub, MS Visio V14.0 HP ALM, Mock-Up Screens V4.32, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Tableau, MS SharePoint +Exp American Express, New York, NY October 2012 – January 2014 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp Payment Solution Gateway +Exp The project aimed for a Merchant Payment Solution Gateway from American Express. Features included authorization, AUTH-reversal, settlement, and refunding of credit card and electronic check payments for E-Commerce merchants, payment processing tracker, financial reporting for merchant activity, management of merchant account features and other administrative functions. +Exp Key Responsibilities +Exp Interacted with stakeholders and end users to define the scope of application and gather User Requirements. +Exp Created Requirement Specification Documents after conducting JAD Sessions and analyzed the current systems. +Exp Conducted functional requirement reviews and walkthrough with the Integration experts and stakeholders. +Exp Identified Use cases and UML diagrams like Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagram using MS-Visio. +Exp Assisted the UI team in creating GUI mock-ups using MS Visio according to the UI and UX requirements. +Exp Monitored Defect Tracking to ensure that testing efforts progressed with the development effort of the team. +Exp Created logical and physical models using best practices to ensure high quality and reduce redundancy. +Exp Created schema objects such as Tables, Views, Indexes and referential integrity depending on user requirements. +Exp Closely involved with developers to write SQL queries in order to populate different tables used for reporting. +Exp Wrote PL/SQL Packages and Stored procedures to implement business rules and validations. +Exp Drafted the Test Plan and prepared various test cases, test scenarios and test scripts for the project items. +Exp Designed Test Cases for User Acceptance, Regression, Black Box and White box testing with the help of QA teams. +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements from Black Box testing perspective. Reviewed Test Strategy and Test Plans to ensure that test cases reflect user needs for the functional, User Interface, Performance, Usability and Security requirements. +Exp Tested the final application for usability to verify whether all the user requirements were catered by the application. +Exp Environment: Oracle, MS Access, Rational Requisite Pro, Mercury Quality Center, MS Visio, MS Project, Windows XP/2000 +Exp Bank of Maharashtra, Mumbai, India July 2011 - September 2012 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Online Banking Facility +Exp The project scope was to provide online banking facility to the bank’s customers. The project aimed at building software that would facilitate viewing of multiple account balances, statements, pending transactions and cancelled transactions, tracking deposits, transfer of funds between accounts, transfer history and maintenance of customer profile. +Exp Key Responsibilities +Exp Gathered requirements from key stakeholders, customers and SME’s to define the scope and requirements of online banking system and conducted GAP analysis to better understand To-Be scenario. +Exp Defined the context of the system by creating various Use Cases for the system requirements specifications (SRS) encompassing Functional and Non-Functional requirements. +Exp Created Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) using HP QC tool to map the test cases with the requirements. +Exp Used Microsoft Visio to create Use Cases, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Collaboration Diagrams. +Exp Create logical and physical models using best practices to ensure high quality and reduced redundancy. +Exp Made use of SQL queries and MS Excel to perform a detailed analysis on the existing human resource data. +Exp Focused on creating database objects like tables, views, materialized views and functions using PL/SQL. +Exp Worked on all kinds of SQL Server Constraints (Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, Defaults and Check, Unique, etc.) +Exp Used DDL and DML commands to write triggers, stored procedures and data manipulation. +Exp Developed data maps for retrieval of information from existing account systems. +Exp Outlined security measures for accessibility and transmission of information. +Exp Created ad-hoc reports using MS-Excel and Pivot tables to do the calculations and creating reports accordingly. +Exp Assisted in validating XML documents, SOAP services, client side and server-side validations. +Exp Worked with the development team to verify that business needs are fulfilled and produced within the Triple Constraints. +Exp Assisted the QA team to design Test Plan and Test Cases for the User Acceptance (UAT) and Regression Testing. +Exp Supported development of UAT cycle test scripts, Review User Acceptance Test Plan (UATP) and attend walkthroughs. +Exp Conducted UAT with clients to get UAT approval on all applications delivered with the correct client configuration. +Exp Engaged in Functional, Smoke, Usability, Performance and Integration testing. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Office, SQL, UAT Testing, HP QC, MS Visio +Exp Max Bupa, Mumbai, India. April 2010 - June 2011 +Exp Jr. Business Analyst +Exp Banking Web Application +Exp micro servicesThe project was focused on develop web application for policyholders enabling them to login and perform various activities like monitoring their accounts, policy claiming, starting a new policy, upgrading existing policy and terminating their policy. New customers could get an instant customized quote. +Exp Key Responsibilities: +Exp Conducted JAD Sessions with the SMEs and managers to understand the business processes and functional details. +Exp Worked as a liaison for business and technical teams to communicate requirement prioritization. +Exp Performed GAP and Impact Analysis to identify solutions for key business issues and define project goals. +Exp Utilized MS Project to create Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), prioritize tasks and track progress of the project. +Exp Documented the gathered business requirements into a detailed Business Requirements Document (BRD). +Exp Validated BRD against business processes to ensure that requirements accurately meet the needs of stakeholders. +Exp Prioritized deliverables, identified gaps, tracked defects, defined system requirements, created artifacts for testing and development. Documented the Traceability Matrix for tracing Test Cases and requirements related to them. +Exp Translated Business Requirements into functional and non-functional requirements using industry standard documentation processes like Data Flow (DFDs) and UML Diagrams (Use Case, Sequence and Activities Diagrams). +Exp Carried out ETL processing of the data from different sources using transformations and control flow tasks. +Exp Conducted Requirement Walkthroughs with the development and test teams before the development and testing phases started respectively, to ensure that the requirements are accurately understood. +Exp Assisted the development team in creating Stored Procedures and triggers as per needs and deploying it. +Exp Assisted the QA team in creating the test plan, test conditions, and test cases by conducting knowledge transfer. +Exp Performed Manual Tests according to Test Plan to identify defects for web based application. +Exp Attended Change Control Process Meetings with Lead QA and PM to document changes and implemented those changes to corresponding test plans. +Exp Carried out regression testing to ensure builds were working efficiently after defect alterations had been made +Exp Created User Acceptance Testing (UAT) plans with several test scenarios to ensure that the proposed features are functioning correctly, and changes suggested by the users were incorporated into the application. +Exp Tableau was used as a data visualization tool to communicate information clearly and efficiently via the statistical graphics, plots, information graphics, tables, and charts selected throughout the project. +Exp Environment: Waterfall Methodology, Power designer, MS Visio, MS Project, Justin Mind, My SQL, Java, HTML, HPQC. +Exp State bank of India, Mumbai, India June 2009 – March 2010 +Exp Jr. SQL Developer +Exp Credit Card Application System +Exp The project dealt with implementation of Credit Information System where the system had centralized database to maintain all relevant information regarding Credit Information. +Exp Key Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in creating logical and physical models using Erwin. +Exp Wrote DDL and DML queries to implement data loads, data migrations and validations. +Exp Migrated data from heterogeneous data sources and legacy system to centralized SQL Server databases, which involved cleansing, data mapping and data conversion. +Exp Implemented and tested Referential Integrity rules and regulations through constraints, triggers and views. +Exp Created complex Stored Procedures, Functions, Indexes, Tables, Views, Triggers and SQL joins for application. +Exp Performed Query Optimization for improving the performance of the data warehouse. +Exp Converted various SQL statements into stored procedures thereby reducing the number of database accesses. +Exp Assisted in designing comprehensive backup plan, disaster recovery strategies and scheduled Replication process. +Exp Created Views for specific columns on a table to maintain privacy of a customer data. +Exp Created logins and users with specific roles and permissions as per security rules. +Exp Identified and automated repetitive tasks or processes to save time. +Exp Extensively worked in the performance tuning of the programs, ETL Procedures and processes +Exp Analyzed reports and fixed bugs in stored procedures on the ongoing operations, to resolve business problems. +Exp As per client requirements generate the reports in the form of Table and Matrix. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, SQL*Loader, Erwin, UML, Payment Processing, SQL Server, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, MS Office, MS Project, SharePoint 2007, HTML, CSS. +PI Mahesh +PI Project Management +PI Phone: +18327758735 +PI E-Mail: asmith@nichesoftsolutions.com +Sum An accomplished professional, aiming for challenging middle / senior level assignments in Product/ Program Management, Quality Assurance, People management with an organization of high repute in IT industry +Sum PROFILE SNAPSHOT +Sum A dynamic professional with 17 years of experience in: +Sum ~Program Management ~Software Testing ~Project Management +Sum ~Quality Assurance ~Client Relationship Management ~Liaising & Coordination +Sum Proficient in planning and executing projects with a flair for adopting modern methodologies in compliance with the quality standards +Sum Expertise in creating and sustaining dynamic environment that fosters development opportunities and motivates high performance amongst team members +Sum Resourceful in analyzing valid test conditions, design & documents, relevant test scenarios and test cases to effectively execute the software +Sum Efficient in assessing resource requirements and preparing logical set of prioritized test breakdown for test execution +Sum Interfacing and mapping requirements of clients & Suggesting most viable Solutions/ Products thereby cultivating relations with them for maximum retention +Sum An effective communicator with strong negotiation, team management and analytical skills +Sum CORE COMPETENCIES +Sum Implementing quality standards for various Operational areas and ensuring high-quality customer experience +Sum performing entire gamut of tasks right from planning, monitoring & controlling phases of project lifecycle and resource planning +Sum Handling Risk and Change Management, Reflection, Processes, Agile/ Waterfall Development & Scrum Methodologies. +Sum Identifying & analyzing defects, questionable, functions, errors, inconsistencies in software programs by performing Root Cause Analysis and troubleshooting the same to avoid further escalation +Sum Ensuring establishment of environments, necessary connectivity & data for testing +Sum Assessing &mapping client’s requirement, Translating them Into Techno – functional specifications and designing customized solutions for the same +Sum Creating& monitoring database backups and ensuring smooth operations +Sum Expertise: +Sum Good knowledge in Configuration and Change Management +Sum Strong Project Management, Program Management and Client Interaction skills +Sum Experience in Requirements Gathering, Developing Statement of Work & Change Requests, Automation Test Framework, Developing Test strategy, Defining Defect Management processes, Test Effort Estimation, Test Schedules, Traceability Matrix, Test Design, Manual & Automation test scripts, Test Execution & Metrics Reporting +Sum Experience in Leading Manual, Automation & Performance testing projects +Sum Experience in Defining and Implementing Quality Assurance Processes +Sum Expertise conducting analysis of the various paths a software program can go and develop a software testing strategy that addresses all possibilities +Sum Hands on Experience in Coordinating between cross functional teams across the globe +Sum Involved in all phases of SDLC and good knowledge in Agile Methodologies like SCRUM and Test-Driven development etc. +Sum Experienced in complete project life cycle development including Analysis, Design, Coding, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, UAT & Maintenance. +Sum Highly proficient in using the defect-tracking tools like HP Quality Center, HP ALM and Rational Clear Quest +Sum Involved in creating Project Software Process Handbook, Risk Plan, Task Tracking, Project Status reports (Daily, Weekly and Monthly), Training Plan, Resource Plan and Project Metrics. +Sum Strong problem solving, judgment and decision making skills +Sum Experience in Documentation of testing procedures using +Sum Excellent organizational skills, ability to prioritize and work independently on multiple ongoing tasks +Sum ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE +Exp Mar’17 – till date NICHE Software Solutions INC. Texas USA +Exp May’10 – Mar’17 Hewlett Packard Software India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore as QA Manager (Project, Program and People) @ USA +Exp Oct’05 – May’10 IBM India Pvt. Ltd. (ISL), Bangalore +Exp Growth Path: +Exp Oct’05 – Apr’08 QA Lead +Exp Apr’08 – May’10 QA Manager (People & Project) +Exp Jul’01 – Oct’05 IBM, Lenexa, USA +Exp Growth Path: +Exp Jul’01 – Sept’03 Software Engineer +Exp Sept’03 – Oct’05 Senior Software Engineer +Exp Jan’01 – Jul’01 INFORMIX Software Inc., Lenexa, U.S.A. as Software Engineer +Exp Nov’99 – Jan’01 INFORMIX Software India Pvt. Ltd., Bombay as Software Engineer +Exp Key Result Areas: +Exp Performed functional testing of the new features of DB2 +Exp Handling automation of the installed scenarios +Exp Conducted analysis of the customer encountered defects and coming up with new scenarios based on this input and creating customer like setup in the Lab +Exp Highlights: +Exp Successfully maintained Zero Attrition in the team for 16 Quarters in HP +Exp Quarterly Award for Zero Attrition in the team in HP Software +Exp Appreciation from senior management on the GUI portion automation for IDS installation in IBM Lenexa +Exp Appreciation from the manager during the Install Automation / Testing in IBM Lenexa +Edu PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION +Edu 1996 B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, University with 1st Class (Achieved Distinction) +QC CERTIFICATION +QC Certified Scrum Master Training from Good Agile Pvt. Ltd. +QC IBM- certified DB2 DBA +QC Completed Basic Blue for New Leaders Certification from IBM +Exp TRAININGS +Exp Completed: +Exp 4 days training in Leader Readiness Lab, Online SimPm and SWG Leadership Training from IBM +Exp Bullet Proof Manager Training from Crest Com +Skill IT SKILLS +Skill Languages : 'C', Shell & Perl Scripting +Skill RDBMS : Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) Internals, DB2 Internals. +Skill Operating System : UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, Linux, NCR, ZLINUX) Windows, DEC ALPHA, zOS +Skill Tools : ClearCase, ClearQuest, Debugger, Workshop, 2gen tools, Rational Functional Tester, Automated Test Manager, rtest infrastructure, Product Tracking System, HP Quality Center, HP Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) +PI ~ANNEXURE~ +PI PROJECTS HANDLED +PI Title : Application and Performance Monitoring +PI Organization : NICHE Software Solutions INC. Texas USA +PI Designation : Project Manager and QA Manager +Exp Period : Since March ’17 till Date +Exp Description : The project involved an application and performance Management Software for facilitating Administration Work. +Exp As a QA and Project manager I Extensively used HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) on a daily basis for Project Planning, Traceability of requirements and defects, Quality Assurance, Release and cycle management. We followed agile methodology, tracking of the release is managed using ALM. As a QA manager I used to generate these metrics and present to various stakeholders on regular basis. +Exp Role : +Exp Leading QA Team of 8 Members with multiple projects getting executed in parallel. +Exp Business Use case Analysis and creation followed by FSD formulation in DevOps life cycle. +Exp Day to day interaction with various functional teams, developing design document, performing debug and mainline build and release activities. +Exp Working with Scrum teams to manage product backlogs and user stories for monthly build and release testing. +Exp Participating in velocity estimation and actively monitoring projects using Scrum methodologies. +Exp Defect status and triage with cross functional teams on regular basis +Exp Mentoring the new team members +Exp Title : HP OM Smart Plug-Ins and Operations Bridge Reporter - QA +Exp Organization : HP Software India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore ( Onsite, USA) +Exp Designation : Manager (Program, Project and People) +Exp Period : May’10 – Mar’ 17 +Exp Description: The project involved an application and System Management Software for facilitating Administration Work. It is installed on OM Server and deployed to managed nodes and uses Agent for communicating between Server and Node. Alerts for fault, performance, security, availability issues and reports in the form of messages, reports, graphs, service navigator and helps to configure the application. It efficiently monitored distributed enterprise-wide applications/system environments from a central, best-in-class console. The SPIs helpedin increasing availability and performance, visualize capacity shortages & trends and lower the overall cost of maintaining environments. HP Operations Manager has the capability to monitor the application/system performance. +Exp Role : +Exp Leading QA Team of 12 Members with multiple projects getting executed in parallel +Exp Leading the QA team of 8 Members and Program Management for Operations Bridge Reporter +Exp Handling the projects from the initial phase till the completion of the project +Exp Preparing detailed test plan and strategies +Exp Defining the scope of testing within context of each release +Exp Monitoring the current project Quality Status by getting all the Quality Metrics and presenting the data in Program meetings and communicating to all stakeholders +Exp Communicating allrelated risks and devising mitigation plan for the same while updating the progress to all stakeholders +Exp Collaborating with the Cross Functional Teams (Development, Documentation and other teams) +Exp Performing Individual Development Planning for employees +Exp Administered Performance. +Exp Examples of the Smart Plug Ins (SPIs): +Exp Database SPIs (Oracle, MS SQL, DB2, Sybase & Informix) +Exp J2EE SPIs (Web Logic, Web Sphere, JBOSS, JMX and Web Server) +Exp SAP SPIs (SAP) +Exp MS SPIs (MS Active Directory, Exchange, Share Point, Biztalk & Lync) +Exp System Infrastructure SPIs (AIX, Windows, HPUX, Linux & Solaris) +Exp Cluster Infrastructure SPIs (MCSG, HACMP, VCS) +Exp Virtual Infrastructure SPIs (Vmware Vma, HPVM, Solaris Zones, IBM Lpar/Wpar, MS HyperV, KVM & XEN +Exp Title : Common Application Development QA +Exp Organization : IBM India Pvt. Ltd. (ISL) Bangalore +Exp Designation : Manager (People and Project) +Exp Period : Apr’08 – May’10 +Exp CLI: DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2CLI) is IBM's callable SQL interface to the DB2 family of database servers. It is a 'C' and 'C++' application programming interface for relational database access that uses function calls to pass dynamic SQL statements as function arguments. CLI in the end is a driver and almost all tools use this to connect to DB2. +Exp JCC: Java Common Client driver is a JDBC driver which connects to multiple IBM data servers including DB2 on LUW, DB2 on zOS and IDS +Exp CLPPlus: Java based command-line Tool +Exp Client Optimizer: Component Captured static information and binding then executing queries statically to gain performance +Exp Role : +Exp Handled QA Team and recruited 6 engineers (total team size 11) +Exp Owned FVT for new features, Regression and installedtesting for 4 client components of DB2 for Fixpacks and new releases. (CLI, JCC, Client Optimizer and CLPPlus) +Exp Collaborated with development team and release management team from ISL, Toronto Lab and SVL during each phase of the Fixpack and Release +Exp Managed project and resource planning of the QA Team +Exp Coordinated with partner labs on status update, updating on the issues and resolution of the issues +Exp Ensured timely completion of all the Fixpack and Release deadlines and quality of the client components handled is improved from one release to another +Exp Title : DB2 Kernel FVT +Exp Organization : IBM India Pvt. Ltd. (ISL) Bangalore @ USA +Exp Designation : Staff Software Engineer (Team Lead) +Exp Period : Oct’05 – Mar’08 +Exp Description: The project involved LIs FVT for DB2 server version 9, 9.5 and 9.7 +Exp Faster Redistribute +Exp Optimistic Locking +Exp Schema Evolution +Exp Role : +Exp Owned FVT for new features in DB2 kernel area starting from external review, test planning, high level design reviews, test spec, creation of test cases and execution across multiple platforms and raising and following up on defects found +Exp Reviewed work and guided the team for various problems +Exp Performed RCAs and field problem analysis and got tests included in the regression suite +Exp Title : IBM Informix Dynamic Server QA +Exp Organization : Informix Software Inc & IBM-INFORMIX Software (Lenexa) +Exp Designation : Software Engineer +Exp Period : Jan’01 – Oct’05 +Exp Description: The project involved Informix 7x, 9x and 10x Online Server QA. Scope included execution and analysis of failures for Server tests and enhancing the test-suite for new feature development along with pointers from code-coverage and RCA and field problems. +Exp Role : +Exp Handled critical cases with very tight schedules and meeting critical milestones. +Exp Raised the Defects found during the testing immediately, so that it gets fixed quickly. +Exp Involved in the triages deciding Severity and fix precedence of the Defect and deciding how critical this Defect is from customer point of view +Exp Fixed test case related defects during all the releases due to change in behavior of Server and automated Final QA to make the release process fast. +Exp Gained understanding of different tracking tools (Atlas, IRIS, PTS, ATM and RTS) and all processes +Exp Performed test-spec, test cases and execution on multiple platforms for new features in IDS server, also handled IVT, media validation and regression analysis for IDS +Exp Executed responsibilities under the components related to ONUTILS (Onstat, Onmode, Oncheck, Onspaces) and DBUTILS (Dbexport, Dbimport) and Loader & HPL utilities (Onload, Onunload, Ontape, Onpload) which were utilities of Informix Dynamic Server +Exp Features worked on: +Exp Tapesizezero feature for 9.40 Server. +Exp Single User Mode feature for 10.00 Server. +Exp Automation of Install Scenarios for IDS Install testing on UNIX. +Exp Automation of the GUI portion of install testing using Rational Functional Tester. +Exp Title : Interim Patch Release, Online Server and Client-SDK Maintenance +Exp Organization : Informix Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. +Exp Designation : Software Engineer +Exp Period : Nov’99 – Jan’01 +Exp Description: Online 5x server was first Informix server with client-server architecture available on all UNIX platforms of that time (SUN, HP, AIX, Linux, DEC, etc.) and Client - SDK is Software development Kit to connect to Informix Servers containing ESQL/C and various drivers. +Exp Role : +Exp Addressed customer requests for Interim and Patch releases of Online 5x and CSDK +Exp Performed Defect Fixing, verification and creation of new test cases +Exp Ported activities including platform specific merging, builds, QA and defect fixing and verification and making it EGA +Exp Involved in GLS testing and code cleanup. +PI Manikanta +PI Email: manikanta.java3@gmail.com Phone: 513-601-8654 +Sum Full stack developer with over 8 years of IT experience including user interaction, requirement analysis, design, development, testing, configuration, client interaction, and support. +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Skilled in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and extensively worked with open source technologies – Struts, Spring, Hibernate frameworks, Log4j, Junit. +Sum Proficiency in various components in Spring – IOC, AOP, JDBC, OXM, RestTemplate, MVC. +Sum Good experience in implementing the design patterns like Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Front Controller and Data Access Objects (DAO), etc. +Sum Proficiency in various web based technologies like HTML, DHTML, ReactJS, JavaScript, Ajax, Tiles. +Sum Experience in adding dynamic functionality to web pages using JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS and AngularJS. +Sum Excellent experience in software development life cycle (SDLC). +Sum Experience on installing the Mongo DB in Windows environment with adding arbiter to replica sets as well with development. +Sum Hands on experience with Apache Infinispan cache. +Sum Experience with and solid understanding of Micro Services and implemented client-server business applications using Micro Services. +Sum Well versed working with Relational Data Base Management Systems as Oracle 9i/10g, MS SQL server, DB2, MySQL, Mongo DB, NoSQL Cassandra and developed SQL scripts and PL/SQL (queries, functions, procedures and triggers, profiles and users) on oracle database. +Sum Worked extensively on various flavors of UNIX operating system like Linux. +Sum Experience working with IBM MQ (Message queue) and JMS for asynchronous mode of communications. +Sum Experience working with multiple Servers – IBM Web Sphere, Oracle WebLogic, JBoss, Apache Tomcat. +Sum Good Experience in using test driven JS tools like Jasmine. +Sum Excellent experience in developing Web Services with Python programming language. +Sum Skilled at building applications based on SOA architecture in IBM Integration Designer. +Sum Strong exposure to Web 2.0 client technologies using JSP, JSTL, XHTML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript and Ajax. +Sum Experience in working with the Collections framework and Multi-threading. +Sum Experience in Manual and Automated testing using Selenium. +Sum Having experience with Cloud Computing environment like Amazon Web Services(AWS). +Sum Performed Requirement elicitation by gathering functional and non-functional requirement. +Sum Strong application development in WebSphere Portal, JSR 168 Specification integrated with Spring Portlet and Hibernate. +Sum Experience in implementing RESTful and SOAP based Web Services using Top down Approach and Bottom up Approach. +Sum Hands on experience in building and deploying tools like ANT and MAVEN as well as version control using GIT, SVN/Subversion, Rational Clear Case, CVS and VSS. +Sum Working knowledge of XML related technologies – XML, XSL, XSDs, DTD, JAXP (SAX, DOM), JAXB. +Sum Experience using JMS Integration Framework which reduces complexity of JMS API using Spring Integration with MQ. +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Professional Experience: +Exp CenterPoint Energy, TX Jan 2016 - Present +Exp JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: The project focus on making it easier to collect energy consumption data from utility companies that is required to analyze energy usage and to deploy a new Market Transaction Management solution on top of Customer Care and Billing which maintains the request and response messages for, Enrollment requests and generating the Monthly and Historical Usages. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in and contributed to team demos, peer reviews, team retrospectives, and daily standups for the development of the application. +Exp Created technical design documents using class and sequence diagrams for feature processing flows and data insertion. +Exp Designed and developed new code for features based on Standard SF Design Patterns, SOC design principles, Single Responsibility and Reusability Principles. +Exp Used Java Message Service (JMS) for asynchronous exchange of information between systems. +Exp Involved in implementing JUnit Test Cases. +Exp Used AJAX for implementing part of the functionality for Customer Registration, View Customer information modules. +Exp Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS +Exp Application deployment, Migrating data and application to AWS Platform. +Exp Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript, codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation. +Exp Integrating Oracle CC&B with various business critical systems such as Financial Ledgers System. +Exp Developed UPK simulations for CC&B Overview and Navigation courses. +Exp Devised and established high level architecture for the release feature processing and data insertion into the calculation and workpaper tables. +Exp Experience in using distributed database NoSql Cassandra to manage large amounts of structured data. +Exp Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components. +Exp Built RESTful Web services using MVC architecture style. +Exp Assigned Roles and Policies to Users, Security Groups by using Identity and Access Management(IAM) and implemented Multi Factor Authentication(MFA) to provide additional security to account and its resources. +Exp Created JMS consumer to process RESTful over JMS messages. +Exp Configured AWS S3 versioning and lifecycle policies to and backup service requests and archive files. +Exp Configured Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) with AWS EC2 Autoscaling groups. +Exp Created monitors, alarms and notifications for AWS EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch. +Exp Used second level cache to enhance performance and proper memory management. +Exp Used pureQuery interface to access relational databases using pureQuery Runtime and Java annotations and by using Merge(upsert) Statements and sequence objects. +Exp Used a Micro Service architecture, interacting through a combination of REST and MQ and leveraging AWS to build, test and deploy Identity Micro Services. +Exp Used EC2 as virtual servers to host GIT, Jenkins and configuration management tool like Chef +Exp Multithreading was used to perform various tasks simultaneously like scraping the data and formatting the data at the same time as huge amount of data was processed at the same time it was getting scraped. +Exp Tuned and recorded performance of NoSql Cassandra clusters by altering the JVM parameters. +Exp Queried and analyzed data from NoSql Cassandra for quick searching, sorting and grouping. +Exp Developed new and existing calculation setup, edit and review UI modules using JSP and JQuery for analysts to manage new and existing calculations. +Exp Configured Spark streaming to receive real time data from the Kafka and store the stream data to NoSql Cassandra using Spark, Java and Scala +Exp Implemented AngularJS and Node JS with Spring MVC as model component. +Exp Conducted tests for applications developed in Angular JS using Jasmine and Protractor. +Exp Involved in BDD (Behavior Driven Development) using JBehave and Jasmine Framework. +Exp Monitored the performance of DAO calls and host components calls using Jamon and corrected performance when required for faster processing of usage records. +Exp Implementing Selenium testing platform and using test scripts with Eclipse IDE. +Exp Worked to increase the quality of the source code to meet the GFS standards using tools and Frameworks like Pitest for checking mutations, CheckStyle for coding standards EMMA for class line and branch coverage, CodePro for Static code analysis and CSSLint and JSLint for CSS and JavaScript code quality. +Exp Used Maven for building the application and implemented with Scala. +Exp Involved in monitoring of Sonar dashboard for code metrics for every sprint cycle; fixed code based on dashboard statistics. +Exp Used Maven for building the application as an enterprise artifact, using Maven commands to verify test cases and coding standards for the application before deploying the code. +Exp Environment: Java 6, Spring 4, Spring JDBC, Websphere 8.5, IBM RSA, Jquery, Jasmine, JBehave, Jenkins, Jamon, Maven, Pitest, Junit, RESTful, JSON, EMMA, JMS, Multithreading , Scala, Angular JS, Java cache, Node JS, CodePro, NoSql Cassandra, React JS, GIT, Micro Services, Sonar, Spring Boot, Apigee, Selenium, AWS, Checkstyle, Splunk, EasyMock +Exp Morgan Stanley, NY Nov 2014 – Jan2016 JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: Worked with Human Resource Information Technology group on Workday Project. The project mainly involves designing, developing, and maintaining the HR data from Workday and then building the enterprise data warehouse used by different groups. The Java Process involved extracting the data from workday in the form of xml files and then load it into our database. It also involves migration of data from a legacy internal HR application to Workday. The final data is reported to users through Business Objects reports and some outgoing feeds. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Designed XSDs and implement services in Eclipse IDE and IBM Integration Designer (IBM ID) based on the XSDs. +Exp Implemented all the services based in Spring Architecture Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring OXM API. +Exp Developed simple and secure integrations using Workday Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB). +Exp Extensively used Spring Rest Template to provide RESTful web services to call the underlying application, used Hibernate as an ORM tool. +Exp Good work experience on Mongo DB and MySQL, Creating SQL statements &Sub queries. +Exp Wrote Python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database. +Exp Designed business flow diagrams and processes, which included processes in Staffing, job benefits, compensation grades and packages. +Exp Implemented BackboneJS and ReactJS to create a dynamically changing website. +Exp Used PL/SQL coding for Exception Handling and Duplicate Data maintaining. +Exp Upgrade underlying search engine to Elastic search 1.6 enhancing performance and insights. +Exp Configured Spring ORM that provides simplified templates for accessing databases through ORM technologies, such as Hibernate in our case to access the database. +Exp Cleansing data generated from weblogs with automated scripts in Python. +Exp Implemented client application specific code modules and used Ant Build Tool to build, compile, +Exp and create jar files of each client application. +Exp Responsible for constant upgrading of services as per release changes and unit testing by utilizing Junit 4 API, and used SOAP UI for testing in various environments and used JMockit to mock SEAS calls for testing. +Exp Implemented all the SEBS Services in IBM Integration Designer (IBM ID) by creating Mediation Flow Modules, Inbound Import and Outbound Export for all those services deployed in various environments, created toolkits for consumption by IBM Process Designer (IBM PD). Implemented test cases for these operations in IBM ID. +Exp Worked with No SQL database to store JSON like dynamic connections data. +Exp Created various Parser programs to extract data from Workday using Scala. +Exp Used Apache Tiles Framework for User Interface look and feel. +Exp Used SVN to check-in and check-out and co-ordinate among team members for Version Controlling. +Exp Used Spring JMS template for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system. +Exp Worked on version control tool GIT for branching, merging and reverting the code. +Exp Used Clover to constantly check the effectiveness and coverage of the test cases. +Exp Tested required operation of ID by creating human services to test from IBM Process Designer. +Exp Responsible for constantly revising and reviewing the code using Fish Eye-Crucible. +Exp Responsible for biweekly on call primary support and secondary support, coordinating and validating Change Requests and Work Requests. Created CR’s and WR’s on a regular basis for code deployment and code changes. +Exp Environment: JDK 6, J2EE, Spring 3.1.2, Hibernate 3, Oracle WebLogic 10.3.6, Eclipse, Scala, XML, JSON, Log4j, JUnit, Anthill Pro, Ant, Jmockit, PL/SQL, GIT, Elastic search, Infinispan cache, Python, Oracle SQL Developer, Apache Tiles, Mongo DB, JMS, ReactJS, IBM Integration Designer, IBM Process Designer, SOAP UI, No SQL, Clover, Crucible +Exp AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company, NJ Oct 2013 - Oct 2014 +Exp JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: Employer Sponsored alerts Micro services designed to expose the data in Inforce alerts database and consume them from front end designed using Angular JS. Implementation of micro services using SpringBoot and eclipseLink data jpa (dynamic entity). +Exp Responsibilities +Exp • Data analysis and breakdown the project into multiple micro services. +Exp • Designing dynamic entities and implementing service in spring boot. +Exp • Worked with Apache Wicket 1.6 for the presentation layer. +Exp • Performing analysis and developing POC on different ways to expose the micro services (Like +Exp Node JS Vs Spring Boot and Spring data JPA). +Exp •Writing SQL Statements to extract Data, to verify the output Data by using SQL Query analyzer. +Exp • Developed HTML5 Mobile application with HTML5, Java Script, JQuery, JSON and RESTful web service. +Exp • Worked on migrating the old java stack to Type safe stack using Scala for backend programming. +Exp • Created various Parser programs to extract data from database using Scala. +Exp • Mapped tables in database using Hibernate and Scala. +Exp • Used NodeJS as a lightweight webserver and to resolve javascript dependencies. +Exp • Involved in development of the User Interface presentation screens using HTML5, CSS3, Node JS. • Developing front end single page application using groovy JS. +Exp Environment: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, My SQL, HTML5, CSS3, Node JS, Scala 1.7, Spring Tool suite (STS 3.2), Hibernate, Apache Wicket 1.6, Angular 1.4, Oracle 10g +Exp Thomson Reuters, MN Aug 2012- Sep 2013 +Exp JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: TRAMS (Thomson Reuters Application Management Suite) is a standardized suite of capabilities that manage TR’s application needs for deploying, logging, monitoring, and alerting on Java or Windows based applications and services. Worked on AutoScale cloud project which is a part of TRAMS to deploy, migrate, auto-provisioning and dynamic scaling of applications on TR’s private cloud by leveraging existing TRAMS infrastructure. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Design and Development of AutoScale Project in TRAMS to deploy, migrate and managing cloud based applications. +Exp Developed the application on Spring Framework used Hibernate ORM to perform backend CMDB calls to retrieve and commit application specific configuration data required to deploy the application. +Exp Expose various Rest endpoints to be consumed as services to clients to directly autoscale the application, getting the status of the application and configure the application in conjunction with OpenStack API. +Exp Integrated Splunk Rest API to query Splunk via Splunk jobs about call stack and other transaction information Developed custom parsers to parse splunk JSON output. +Exp Developed user interface using JSP, Angular, DOJO, and JQuery. Extensively used Angular directives, validations, Angular forms and Angular http service. +Exp Worked on application written in Groovy/Grails. Developed RESTful web service in groovy and services. +Exp Worked on TRAMS Deploy Engine (mona), Java and Windows Node Agent to develop new capabilities according to client requirements. +Exp Developed Test Suites for various Rest end points in JUnit4 Framework. Used SOAP UI for testing in various environments. +Exp Participate in Iteration planning meeting biweekly and attended scrum meetings. +Exp Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Tomcat 7, XML, JSON, Log4j, JUnit, Angular, Groovy, Anthill Pro, Ant, Oracle SQL, REST, OpenStack API, Jackson, Splunk, JavaScript, Dojo Toolkit +Exp Optum Health, MN Oct 2011 - Jun 2012 +Exp JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: OptumRx is a project in to manage customer prescription medications and other customer health products which manages customer’s order refills, tracking the order and displaying the status of the orders. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed and introduced new enhanced features in OptumRx customer portal in the customers’ medication cabinet section. +Exp Integrated code with IBM Work Manger API to handle customer request and leveraged the framework to schedule background worker threads. +Exp Enhanced web-tier components using JSP, Spring, Apache Tiles 2.2, Tag Libraries and JavaScript. +Exp Used Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) for the development of the project. +Exp Extensively used Linux, Unix system administration tools to create servers and deploy and run applications in development stage. +Exp Developed Test Suites for various Rest end points in JUnit Framework, used EasyMock framework. +Exp Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, WebSphere, Eclipse RCP, XML, JSON, Log4j, JQuery, Anthill Pro, Ant, Oracle SQL Developer, REST, JavaScript, JUnit, Unix, Linux, Apache Tiles 2.2, IBM RAD, Rally +Exp Colruyt Group India, Hyderabad May 2009 - Sep 2011 +Exp JAVA DEVELOPER +Exp Project Summary: +Exp The project involves creation of a single, integrated system which executes the calculation of sales and compensation for both External and Internal producers and suppliers. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Used Hibernate ORM mapping for Oracle database. +Exp Front-end is designed by using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSP, JSF, JSTL and Struts. +Exp Developed various Spring MVC forms and performed both client side and server side validation +Exp Worked on Web services using SOAP and AXIS. +Exp Used Hibernate as ORM tool for accessing database. +Exp Used Rational Clear Case to access files and directories in the organization. +Exp Integrated and configured Spring Framework and Hibernate environment. +Exp Environment: Java JDK 1.4, Eclipse 3.2, log4j, Ant, Solaris 10, Web Sphere Portal Server 6.1, RUP, Java 1.4, J2EE, JSP 1.2, Servlets 2.3, JSF 1.1, Prime Faces, Spring 1.2.6/2.0, Hibernate 2.0, Web Sphere 6.0, AXIS, Oracle 8i / 9g/10g, J Unit, XML, HTML, JQuery, Java Script, AJAX, CSS, Rational Clear Case +PI Manish Singh +PI msingh.bsa12@gmail.com +PI (503) 922-3601 +Sum PROFESSIONAL Summary +Sum Over 12 years of experience as Business Analyst in Requirement gathering, elicitation, Business, Functional and Technical Requirements documentation (BRD, FRD, TRD), Use Cases, Product backlog, Epics, User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, Story points, Agile (Scrum, XP), RUP, CMMI and Waterfall Methodologies, Business Process Management and Reengineering (BPM/BPR), Design documentation, logical and physical design (LSDD, PSDD), Flow charts, UML, Process flows, AS-IS and TO-BE diagrams, Activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Data migration, Data mapping, Data extraction, Data analytics, Data mining, Predictive analysis, ETL, Data warehouse modeling, Data Marts, Business Intelligence (BI), Reporting, Various BI tools- Tableau, OBIEE, Cognos, Business Objects, Crystal reports, Reporting work bench, Various database like Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Access, SQL, various programming languages like Java/.Net/C++/Cobol, Code review, RDBMS data and application, development support, establishing Test plan and strategy, creating test data, preparing test cases, testing, defect logging and management, conducting and managing all testing activity, establishing and achieving milestones, implementation, go-live, production and post-production support. +Sum Worked on complex business problems and opportunities in a larger context of the enterprise requirements and recommended solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals and manage risk. Facilitated group sessions associated with the Analyst activities. +Sum Responsible for developing and executing Requirements planning and management, including discovery, identifying requirements activities and determining approach, estimating, managing scope, understanding team roles, measuring and reporting progress, managing changes, Requirements elicitation, including document analysis, brainstorming, requirements analysis session (RAS), focus groups, interface analysis, interviews, observation, prototyping, requirements workshops, JAD sessions, surveys, questionnaire +Sum Requirements analysis and documentation, understanding client requirements and goals and expressing business requirements in terms of the function to be performed by the solution. Worked with vendors, agents in market place to under their problems and issues, created product release requirements, translated market requirements to product specification, analyzed user requirements, functional requirements, quality of service requirements, requirements for change request, remediation requirements, creating process/flow charts, data and behavior models, and use cases, converting business requirements into UML diagrams using Rational Rose and MS Visio and also managing and tracking those requirements, determining assumptions, constraints and requirements attributes, tracking issues and risks and managing conflicting requirements, Requirements communication, including presentations, reviews, and sign-offs +Sum Solution assessment and validation, developing alternative solutions, evaluating technology options, ensuring the usability of the solutions, acted as a liaison between Business team, SME and development team, assisting in overall system design from user interface through backend processes, validating and verifying requirements, supporting the quality assurance process, supporting the implementation of the solution, communicating solution impacts, post implementation review and assessment. +Sum Worked in various Software Development Life cycle (SDLC), Agile (Scrum, XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), CMMI, Waterfall, created requirement backlog, participated in scrum meeting, gathered and documented Epics, User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, Use Cases, Assumptions, Risk, Change Control and Close –out phase. +Sum Extensive experience in Healthcare Industry, worked on healthcare claims transactions, processing, compliance, adjudication, Institutional, Professional and Dental Claims, Medicare and Medicaid claims, CMS compliance, HIPAA 4010/5010, ICD9/10, The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ANSI X12) standard EDI transactions and integration (270/271 Benefit Inquiry- Eligibility, 276/277 Status Request- payment advise, 278 Request for Review/Response, 834 enrollment, 835 Payment/Advice, 837P Claim: Professional, 837I Claim: Institutional, and 837D Claim: Dental), Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Electronic Health Record (EHR), member plans and coverage, group, policy decision, benefit plans and package, benefit configuration and formulae, Deductible and out of Pocket accumulations, AP Cycle, payer, provider and network, provider pricing, triplets, system integration, data migration, ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes, CPT-4, Revenue codes, HL7, Affordable Health Care (ACA), Protected Healthcare Information (PHI) +Sum Worked on Medicaid, claims, data, states with and without Medicaid Expansion, State specific Medicaid plans and claims, Adult and Child Medicaid, Eligibility and benefit, Medicaid claim processing and adjudication, Management Information Systems (MMIS), Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) business process and technical requirements, worked on COB claims with various commercials plans, Medicare and Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), Worker’s Compensations claims, various federal and state specific plans and claims. +Sum Worked on Medicare claims- Part A, B, C & D, worked with state client for state and federal projects, Worked with MACs (Medicare Administrative Contractors) companies, Medicare claims processing and adjudication, worked on COB (coordination of benefits) claims for commercials and Medicare claims. Healthcare payer plans for Medicare Part C and Part D. Worked on pharmacy claims with pharmacy benefit management (PBMs) companies. +Sum Having work experience and expertise level knowledge in different claim adjudication systems e.g. EPIC Tapestry, Prelude, Amisys, Blue chip, Trizetto Facets, TEPOC, Diamond, Xcelys. Also worked on various claim data extraction tools like PRAP, Blue Source, VDR, Magic, Coordinator Mouse, worked on Lotus Notes, Outlook, WebEx, Citrix, and NetMeeting for communication and information. +Sum Worked on SaaS (Software as a Service) projects, SaaS business model and process, configuration and customization, integration to applications, SaaS application implementation requirements and SLA validations +Sum Extensive experience in Business Analysis, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), Business Process Modeling (BPM) and other core areas of Business Analysis e.g. capturing client’s business process model, performing enterprise analysis, effective BPM/BPR requirement gathering, conducting Gap Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Cost-Benefit analysis, creating current and future process flows, AS-IS and TO-BE diagrams using BPMN notations. Worked on legacy modernization methodology including the tasks, models and techniques. +Sum Worked on Data migration, data analysis, Data warehousing, ETL tool like Informatica, Oracle ODI, SSIS, Data Warehousing projects, acted as an SME in DWH domain, DWH requirements, defined key performance indicators (KPIs) working with stakeholders, validations of DWH requirements with SLA, data modeling, requirements traceability between source and target data in data model, Business architecture modeling, providing DWH expertise to stakeholders, Data mapping, Data extraction, SQL, Data Cleansing, Data Transformation, Data Quality, Data Loading, DWH modeling, DWH Schema, Star Schema, Snowflake Schema, OLAP, Metadata, Data Cubes, Data Marts, DWH Strategy and Delivery, Data History, Adhoc query, DWH process flows, Data archive and backup, DWH Load manager, Warehouse manager, Query Manager, Data Partitioning, DWH Testing, DWH backup and scheduling. Worked on operational database, OLTP, Relational database RDBMS, Data analysis, Data normalization. +Sum Worked on Business Intelligence projects, reporting, data visualization, planned and lead client through steps of SDLC approach for BI project and solution delivery, worked on Information delivery approach, BI project planning, BI capability analysis, Enterprise wise integration, BI objective, impact, Information classification, controlling, data capturing and processing. Performed healthcare data analytics, data mining, used statistical tools e.g. Tibco, SPSS, SAS, worked on predictive modeling, BI- Decision Support System, Information system analysis and design, System test planning and scheduling, Decision-making model and process, worked on various BI tools like Tableau, OBIEE, Cognos, Business Objects, Crystal Reports, Reporting Work Bench (RWB), worked on complete BI project life cycle till implementation and provided post production support +Sum Worked in whole testing life cycle, identified reasons and values for testing performance, created test scope and plan, test scenarios, established testing schedules, identified and coordinated tasks, executed tasks, analyzed result, reprioritized testing tasks as needed and created report +Sum Wrote Test Cases, Traced test cases to requirements and created Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), executed test cases and assisted QA Team. Worked in different types of testing environments e.g. Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing, System Integration testing, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), Regression testing, Automated and Manual testing, Performance testing etc. +Sum During testing phase, worked on Defects management including defect logging, defect assignment, defect analysis and resolution, retesting, verifying, and approving processes. Experience in developing and imparting pre and post implementation training +Sum Driven by creative ideas and backed by strong Analytical and methodical problem solving skills, excellent attention to details, identifying causes, corrective actions and providing innovative solutions, building strategic partnerships with senior business leaders and getting commitments to actions from individuals at all levels. +Sum Highly motivated self-starter with excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills, critical thinking, questioning and listening skill, worked with cross functional team, performed well both independently and with a team +Sum Exceptional problem solving and sound decision making capabilities, consensus building, confident, decision making coupled with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Excellent track record for meeting deadlines and submitting deliverables on time. +Edu EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION +Edu MBA from North Dakota State University- ND, USA- 2011 +Edu B.Tech. (Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology- Roorkee (IIT-R), UT, India- 2003 +QC EPIC Certification in Claims and Contract +QC EPIC Certification in Tapestry Core +Skill BUSINESS & TECHNICAL SKILLS +Skill Software Tools: Rational Suite (Requisite Pro, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Rose, Team Concert), IBM Suite (Lotus Notes, Cognos, SPSS), Microsoft Package (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Project, SharePoint, Visio), HP Suite (ALM Quality Center, Caliber RM, Octane), Edifecs, Facets, Adobe Acrobat, SQL Dev, Toad, Snagit, Informatica, Oracle ODI, SSIS, JIRA, ServiceNow, LifeRay, EXP Macess, VDR, CM Mouse, Citrix, WebEx, QC test cases import plugins, Emdeon, Acuity +Skill Processes/Methodologies: Agile (Scrum, Extreme Programming XP), Waterfall, CMMI, Rational Unified Process (RUP) +Skill Project Management: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Rally, HP ALM Octane, ServiceNow +Skill Requirement Management IBM Rational Requisite Pro, HP Caliber RM, Rational Team Concert, HP ALM Octane, TFS, MS SharePoint +Skill Testing Tools: HP ALM Quality Center, HP ALM Octane, TFS, Win Runner, Load Runner, Quick Test Professional (QTP), Test Director +Skill Vendors: MedImpact, AvMed, Truven, GDIT, Data Oceans, MDLive, RxAnte, Symphony, NovaLogix, Magellan, BenefitAlign, DestinationRx, Vistar, Epic, Bolt, ServiceNow, Kofax, Healthyroads, Emdeon, Acuity +Skill Operating Systems: Win 10/8/7, Linux, UNIX +Skill Claim Processing Systems: EPIC Tapestry, Diamond, Xcelys, Amisys, Facets, Blue Chip, FEPOC +Skill Member Coverage & Plans Prelude, The Membership System (TMS), Common Membership (CM), Foundation System (FS) +Skill Benefit Adjudication: INI-Config, EPIC Text, BC-Benefits +Skill EMR/EHR: eClinicalWorks, AdvancedMD, CareCloud +Skill ICD 9/10 Codes: AAPC Coder, LifePoint Widget +Skill Provider & Network: Emdeon, Acuity, Availity +Skill Claim Finance: Transactional Data Store (TDS), +Skill Pharmacy Claims: NCPDP claim format, MedImpact T54/T42/T28, PSC i36, LTPA +Skill Paper Claims: Kofax, PSIcapture +Skill Reporting Tools: Tableau, OBIEE, Cognos, Business Objects, EPIC Reporting Work Bench (RWB) +Skill Defect Management: HP ALM Quality Center, EPIC Sherlock, Test Director +Skill ETL tool: Informatica, Oracle ODI, SSIS +Skill Databases: Oracle 9i, 10/11g, Sybase, IBM DB2, MS SQL server, Access, EPIC INIs +Skill Statistical analysis tool: Tibco Spotfire, SPSS, SAS +Skill Languages: Java, C, C++, .Net, Cobol, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, Unix, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL +Skill Collaboration/ IBM Lotus Notes, SameTime, Rational Team Concert, EPIC Galaxy, +Skill Communication: MS SharePoint, MS outlook, Messenger +Exp CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE +Exp Evicore Healthcare, Franklin, TN Jan 17- Present +Exp Business Systems Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp EviCore Platform – (PAC) Post-Acute Care +Exp EviCore Platform – (RAD CARD) Radiology Cardiology +Skill SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Skill Team Foundation Server (TFS), MS Visio, TaskMap BPM, ImageOne, Issac, Cherwell, MS SharePoint, MS Office, Outlook, Jabber, MicroStrategy BI and Data Analytics, SQL database, SQL developer, ETL Informatica, Business Rules Repository, EDI 270, 271, 834, 837, 835, UPADS +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Analyzing project vision and objective, current business process and enterprise architecture, ongoing project status, related project requirements and design, analyzing company working environment, infrastructure, business and technical system +Exp Capturing high level requirements of project, documentation, creating project scope, identifying stakeholders, creating stakeholders analysis, identifying actors working on the system, assisting team on stakeholders identification and analysis, creating power-influence chart. +Exp Creating project approach, identifying deliverables, working with project managers to assist on initial timelines, identifying minimum viable product (MVP) functionality, scope of the project as part of MVP, project phases and iterations. +Exp Analyzing current business process, creating business process model (BPM) based upon high level requirements, working with business stakeholders to create an initial BPM as a foundation for team to understand, facilitating BPM meeting with business stakeholders. +Exp Conducting requirement elicitation using various techniques- requirement workshops (JAD sessions), interview, questionnaire, brainstorm, focus group, business process model, interface analysis, wireframes, document analysis. +Exp Working on Agile environment, maintaining requirements on Team Foundation Server (TFS), documenting epics, features, user stories, scenarios, acceptance criteria, created traceability, working with UI and development team to specify technical requirements +Exp Participating in scrum meeting, assisting scrum master and product owner regarding business and technical requirements, story points and efforts, assisted development team to define sprints, sprint backlog, physical design, clarified queries from UI and development team, working as a liaison between business and technical team. +Exp Writing functional test cases, assisting testing team in clarifying requirements, test plans and test cases, system testing and UAT, regression, testing, load and performance testing, production and post production support. +Exp Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR Sep 14- Dec 16 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp CA (California)- MedImpact Pharmacy to Tapestry 837- 835 TDS integration +Exp Health Care Economics (HCE) clinical data transactions and analytics with Truven +Exp MA (Mid-Atlantic)- KPCC Data Warehouse & BI Implementation +Exp NW (North-West)- EPIC Tapestry Migration- Claim Accumulations +Exp Worked as ‘Project Manager/Business Analyst’ in following Projects: +Exp Email Enablement: +Exp PCP Referral Timeframe: +Exp Member enrollment data transformation from DestinationRx +Exp Data automation from Symphony, MDLIVE & RxAnte +Exp Novalogix- Magellan Decommissioning +Exp Mock member data in Eligibility file to Healthyroads +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp EPIC Tapestry, Hyperspace and Text, Prelude, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Quality Center ALM, ETL Informatica, Tableau, IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC), IBM Lotus Notes, SameTime, Epic RWB, Business Objects (Webi, Deski), Web Intelligence, Sybase, Chronicles, Diamond, Xcelys, Tibco Spotfire, LifeRay, Bolt, ServiceNow, Emdeon, eClinicalWorks, SharePoint, MS suite, SQL, Java, Cobol +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Prepared business analysis planning and approach, gathered high level project requirements and objective from customers, users, established the approach for project implementation, high level work effort, iterations and delivery +Exp Identified stakeholders, performed stakeholders analysis, identified their roles, stakeholders attitude towards project vision, objective, scope, any proposed solution, their level of interest, involvement, authority, influence, availability, location, created stakeholders roaster +Exp Worked on project management tool- Team Foundation Server (TFS), Managed Epics, features, User Stories, Acceptance Criteria, assigned Epics and User Stories to owner, established story points, resource planning, time and cost estimate, created project status and report +Exp Prepared for requirements elicitation approach, established scope of elicitation, what need to be elicit, planned for various techniques of elicitation, established tools for elicitation, order of elicitation based upon high level requirements, scope, stakeholders roles and availability +Exp Established change control process and management, business requirements for change request, remediation requirements, determined the process of requesting change request, elements, priority, communication and authorization of change request, planned requirement governance, impact analysis, understood organization policies, regulations and legalities +Exp Conducted requirement gathering and elicitation, used various techniques like interview, questionnaires, requirement analysis sessions (RAS), brainstorming, documents analysis, use cases scenarios and diagrams, wireframes, prototypes, interface analysis, JAD sessions, focus group, conceptual and process modeling +Exp Performed requirements analysis, prepared requirements traceability matrix (RTM), worked with cross functional team, technical stakeholders to define functional requirements, prioritize requirements based upon value/benefit, ease of implementation, dependencies, time sensitivity, risk and cost +Exp Worked on Agile (Scrum, XP), environment for major projects, CMMI methodology for BPM projects, and Waterfall methodology as per need of project and direction. +Exp Created product backlog, Epics, features, user stories, traced Epics to User stories, created acceptance criteria, established priority, story points, created business requirements document (BRD), functional requirements documents (FRD) and related project artifacts +Exp Worked on Business Process Modeling (BPM) and Reengineering (BPR), identified and analyzed current system and process, analyzed future process as per requirement, created AS-IS and TO-BE diagrams, performed gap analysis, cost-benefit analysis, prepared implementation approach +Exp Worked as a project manager in few projects, also worked as a Scrum master, product owners for few projects, conducted scrum meetings, maintained product back log, assisted development and technical leads to establish sprint, sprint points, timelines and resources +Exp Facilitated the meetings, prepared meeting minutes, communication of meeting outcome, documented the requirements as per organization templates, managed the requirements documentation using Rational Team Concert and MS SharePoint +Exp Worked on various solutions as per system architecture, data flows, ease of implementation, technology, effectiveness and efficiency. Assessed different solutions to provide recommendations, worked with development and technical lead. +Exp Created conceptual model, high level system architecture and data flow, process flows, sequence diagrams, assessed class and object diagrams, prepared logical design and documentation, assisted in physical design, conducted artifacts reviews +Exp Provided solution as per project requirements, Solution assessment and validation, developed alternative solutions, recommended solution based on technology evaluation and options, feasibility, ease of implementation, avoided complexities for effective and efficient development approach and ensured the usability of the solutions +Exp Prepared design documents, solution application design (Logical Design) as per requirements, current application infrastructure and platform. Reviewed and updated Physical Design Document as per change confirmed on Conceptual and Logical design +Exp Worked on EPIC modules for members, enrollment, groups, health plans, benefits, accumulations (deductible, out of pocket-OOP buckets), packages, adjudication formulae, claims, processing and adjudication, premium, billing and finance, provider, network and administration systems +Exp Worked on various EDI X12 claims like 837 I, P & D, 834, 835, 270/271, 276/277, 278, 999. Worked on paper claims, various proprietary formats, pharmacy claims, NCPDP format, i36, T54/T42 format. Performed claims data mapping like proprietary claims to 837 claims, EDI claim structure and troubleshooting. +Exp Worked on Medicaid claims, Medicaid claim processing as per Medicaid Expansion ACA compliance, Adult and children Medicaid eligibility and benefits under Oregon Health Plan (OHP), State specific Medicaid plans and claims, Adult, Pregnant women and Child Medicaid +Exp Worked on Medicare claims- Part A, B, C & D, Worked on Kaiser Medicare Advantage and prescription drug plans, Medicare claims processing and adjudication, worked on COB (coordination of benefits) claims for commercials and Medicare claims. +Exp Worked on various commercial plans like HMO, PPO, HDHP plans etc. Worked on COB (coordination of benefits) claims with commercial plans along with Medicare and Medicaid for claim processing, adjudication and billing. +Exp Worked on HIPAA compliance, ICD-9 to ICD-10 updates and government compliance, Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance, Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS), Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) business process and technical requirements +Exp Worked on various healthcare line of businesses including Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP), Worker’s Compensations, Fee for service (FFS) claims, Administrative Services Only (SSO) Self-funded healthcare +Exp Worked on SaaS application ServiceNow implementation, SaaS business model and processes, configuration and customization, integration to applications, SLA validations and implementation +Exp Created test scope and plan, test scenarios, established testing schedules, identified and coordinated tasks, prioritize the testing task, wrote test cases, established traceability between test cases and requirements, assisted the QA Team. +Exp Worked on different types of testing environments, used ALM Quality Center, created functional test cases, assisted in unit testing, integration testing, system testing, system integration testing, conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT), involved in regression testing, performance testing etc. +Exp Worked on data warehouse implementation for member and provider data, clinical data for Colorado- KP all line of businesses. Prepared business analysis and approach for data warehouse project, identified stake holders, acted as data warehousing SME and provided expertise to stakeholders, elicited data warehouse requirements and documented them, defined key performance indicators (KPIs) working with stakeholders, validated data warehouse requirements with SLA, identified all disparate databases of members, providers and clinical data, data analysis, identified data quality issues and documentation, current enterprise architecture, system architecture, current data model and flows, iterations, deliverables, tasks, current and future state, worked with data architect and data modelers, data warehouse schema, data modeling, requirements traceability between source and target data, data analysis, worked on ETL tool Informatica, data mapping, data extraction, SQL, data cleansing, data transformation, data warehouse modeling, metadata repositories, data marts creation, data history, security model, user roles and data access, query generation, Adhoc query, delivery, data archive and backup. +Exp Worked on Business Intelligence project, reporting, data visualization, prepared business analysis and approach, lead client through steps of SDLC for BI solution and project delivery, identified stake holders, profile and scope, elicited requirements, documentation, used BI tool Tableau, established BI strategy and Information delivery approach, scope, objective and capability analysis, BI project planning, worked on BI decision support system, Information system analysis and design, performed healthcare data analytics, data mining, performed healthcare data analytics using Tibco Spotfire, predictive modeling, decision-making model and process, data warehouse and BI tool integration design, users classification and security model, queries, implementation, BI tool training and usage. +Exp Worked on defects and management, including defect logging, assignment of defects, defect analysis and resolution, support to development team in defect resolution, support to QAs in retesting, verifying resolutions for defects +Exp Acted as a liaison between Business team, SME and development team, provided creative ideas backed by analytical and methodical skills, worked with cross functional teams, attention to details, critical thinking, questioning, and listening skills, performed both independently and with a team +Exp HCSC- Blue Cross Blue Shield- TX, IL, OK, NM, MT Aug 12- Jul 14 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp Federal Employee Program Stream Line Project (FEP Streamline) +Exp Data Warehouse Administration and BI implementation +Exp DNoA Electronic Fund Transfer and Remittance +Exp Worked as ‘Project Manager/Business Analyst’ in following Projects: +Exp FEP ICD 10 Migration +Exp Administrative Simplification +Exp PRAP Integration +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp Rally, HP Quality Center, Amisys, IBM Lotus Notes, Rational Team Concert, ETL, Oracle ODI, OBIEE, Edifecs, SQL, MS Office, Excel, PRAP, VDR, FEPOC, SPSS, Blue Chip, AdvancedMD, Availity, JIRA, Snagit, AAPC ICD-9/10 coder, Lifetime widget, MS Visio, Project, PSIcapture, Java, JMS, XML, CSS, Cobol +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Worked on requirements planning, strategy and approach, management, created business analysis approach, stakeholders profile, scope document, understood team roles, worked on high level client requirements +Exp Performed requirements gathering, elicitation using various techniques including interview, questionnaire, brainstorming, requirements analysis session (RAS), document analysis, interface analysis, use cases, prototyping, requirements workshops, JAD sessions, surveys, focus groups +Exp Understood client requirements and goals, expressed business requirements in terms of the functionalities, worked on complex business problems, worked with cross functional team, analyzed and presented complex problem to business and technical stakeholders in simple meaningful form +Exp Worked as Project Manager for various projects, project inception, project planning and strategy, created project charter, change management approach, identified resources, created project plan, performed estimation, created project report, identified project risk, cost. +Exp Worked on Agile (Scrum) environment for many projects. Also worked on Waterfall methodology in few projects, worked with vendors, agents in market place to understand their problems and issues, created product release requirements, translated market requirements to product specification +Exp Created high level Epics, identified features, created User Stories, traced Epics to User Stories, created Acceptance Criteria, worked on technical requirements, impacted systems, change control approach and management, defined business requirements for change request, defined remediation requirements +Exp Planned project delivery process, used Rally, divided the work into iteration based upon requirement’s priority, ease of implementation, timeliness, dependencies, complexities and cost, established deliverables for each iterations, activities, task and timing for deliverables +Exp Created requirements documents, Business requirements document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD), Product Backlog, Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM), Meeting Minutes, Project Charter, Scope document, and various project related documents and artifacts. Managed documents using IBM rational Team Concert (RTC). +Exp Analyzed requirements, created functional requirements from business requirements, identified non-functional requirements, created requirements traceability matrix (RTM), created use cases, use case diagrams, wireframes, high level process flows +Exp Provided solution for project requirements and implementation, Solution assessment and validation, developed alternative solutions, recommended solution based on technology evaluation and options, feasibility, ease of implementation, avoided complexities for effective and efficient development approach and ensured the usability of the solutions +Exp Prepared design documents, solution application design (Logical Design) as per requirements and current applications infrastructure and platform. Reviewed and updated Physical Solution Design Document (PSDD) as per change confirmed on Logical design +Exp Worked on SaaS application JIRA implementation, SaaS business model and processes, integration, configuration, customization and SLA validations +Exp Worked on Federal Employee program claim administration system (FEPOC), member enrollment system and groups, various plans, benefits, claims adjudication, ICD 9/10 codes, EDI 837 I, P, D, dental claims, 834, 835, 270/271, 276/277, 278, EHR/EMR, claim finance and reconciliation +Exp Worked on Legacy system Blue Chip for claim processing and adjudication, integration of Blue chip with FEPOC, proprietary claim conversion, medical and pharmacy claims, provider groups and network, provider credentialing, member benefits, vendor contracts +Exp Worked on HCSC commercial plans like HMO, HDHP, DHMO, worker’s compensation plans, commercial claims with COB, dental claims, vision claims, hospice claims, DME claims, SNH claims, ASO claims, claim processing, adjudication and claim finance +Exp Worked on electronic fund transfer (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA), upgrade from current paper based fund transfer and remittance advice to member and bank for dental claims to make system for effective, efficient, cost reduction and help environment green +Exp Worked on Medicaid eligibility, benefits, claims and data, Adult and Child Medicaid, Worked on Medicaid claims as per state specific Medicaid eligibility, rules, benefits, MMIS, MITA business process and technical requirements, Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) +Exp Worked on Medicare claims- Part A, B, C & D, Medicare claims processing and adjudication, COB (coordination of benefits) claims for commercials, Medicare and Medicaid claims. +Exp Worked on data warehousing and integration for all member, provider and clinical data types. gathered high level data warehouse requirements, defined key performance indicators (KPIs) with stakeholders, prepared data warehouse business analysis planning and approach, identified different databases and types, system architecture, data architecture and data model, identified stakeholders and estimated high level effort, timeline, iterations, activities, deliverables, tasks, resources, worked with data modelers, architects, prepared data warehouse requirements, data warehouse modeling, requirements traceability between source and target tables in data models, data warehouse integration points, worked on ETL tool Oracle ODI, server location, performed data analysis, identified data quality issues and identification, data mapping, data cleansing, data extraction, SQL, queries, data transformation and load, meta data analysis, creation and repository, establishing data marts and connections, establishing data history requirements, backup, security model, user classifications and integration, implementation and delivery +Exp Worked on business intelligence, data warehouse integration and update, lead the client through SDLC for BI project and solution delivery, worked on BI tool OBIEE for data warehouse, data visualization, identified stakeholders, project objective and scope, elicited reporting requirements, created information system design and update, performed healthcare data analytics using SPSS, data mining, predictive modeling, decision making model and process update, information data flow and process modeling, decision support system integration, data identification and mapping, documentation and maintenance, security model and user access, queries, implementation and delivery, training and support +Exp Involved in full testing lifecycle and activities, created test plan, approach and delivery, assisted QA in resource allocation, estimated work effort and timelines, created test schedule and test scenarios, prioritized and coordinated the testing tasks +Exp Participated and assisted in various testing activities, assisted development team during unit testing, worked on ALM Quality Center, wrote functional test cases, traceability between test cases and requirements, assisted QAs in testing activities, issues, requirements clarifications +Exp Provided support during integration testing, system testing, performed user acceptance testing (UAT), involved in regression testing, load and performance testing, smoke testing, assisted QAs during entire testing life cycle +Exp Coordinated defects meeting, created and managed defects, assigned priority, groups, work stream, resources, status, estimate, comment update etc. Participated in defects resolution, assisted development team in defect resolution, and assisted QAs in clarification, retesting and resolution. +Exp Supported team with analytical skills, effective presentation, superior attention to details, provided innovative solutions, consensus building, acted as a liaison between business and technical stakeholders, performed efficiently both independently and with a team with confidence +Exp Regence-Blue Cross Blue Shield, UT Nov 11- Aug 12 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp EHR Data Migration- Data Warehouse Implementation +Exp Facets/Business Systems +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp Trizetto Facets, Lotus Notes, CareCloud, Rational Requisite Pro, Quality Center, Informatica, Cognos, Rational Rose, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Toad, DB2, Word, Excel, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, SQL, Rational Team Concert (RTC), Java, Cobol +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Gathered high level requirements from business stakeholders, defined project summary, objective and scope, documented high level requirements, identified stakeholders, roles, vision, stakeholder’s proposed solution, authority, expertise etc., defined project delivery planning and methodology +Exp Elicited requirements using various techniques- brainstorming, questionnaire, interview, JAD sessions, document analysis, system modeling, process modeling, use cases, conceptual modeling, process flows, diagrams, focus groups +Exp Worked with technical team to understand current system enterprise architecture, data flows, current data model, identified different databases, data flow and interactions, current structural and behavioral diagrams, document analysis +Exp Worked on rational unified process, estimated efforts, resources, timeliness, identified deliverables, activities, tasks, requirements templates, organizational project process, communication, change control request process, remediation requirements, iterations, delivery and implementation planning +Exp Prepared requirements specification documents, used Rational Requisite Pro, created business requirements document (BRD), functional requirements documents (FRD), requirements communication and approval, created various project related artifacts +Exp Proposed and analyzed different solutions, looked upon each solution’s feasibility, ease of implementation, effort, timeliness and impact, created logical design document, assisted technical team in physical design documentation +Exp Worked on product requirements elicitation, review, supported various other projects, worked on medical and pharmacy claims, Medicaid and Medicare claims, EDI claims intake and processing, adjudication, members groups, plans and benefits, claim finance, provider and network +Exp Worked on Facets claims administration system, various modules like subscriber/member, group, plan, provider, benefit configurations, claims processing, pricing, finance, billing, workflow, security. worked on batch jobs, configuration, nightly jobs and updates +Exp Worked on Regence BCBS EHR data migration and warehousing, gathered requirements, worked with stakeholders to define key performance indicators (KPIs), created requirements specification and documents, worked on SLA and validated data warehouse requirements against it, identified various source data, data structure, current system architecture and data model, prepared data warehouse plan and delivery approach, identified stakeholders, expertise and involvement, worked with data modelers, created data warehouse model, explained requirements traceability between source and target tables, data analysis, data quality, data mapping, used ETL tool informatica, data extraction, SQL queries, data cleansing and transformation, data load, meta data creation and repository, data marts creation as per requirements, data history and back up, user roles and security, implementation and support +Exp Worked on BI tool Cognos, elicited and specified reporting requirements, prepared integration approach for BI to data warehouse, identified stakeholders, end users, worked on SDLC for BI project and solution delivery, BI configuration, prepared information system design, decision support system model, implementation and training +Exp Assisted development team during construction phase, acted as a liaison between business and technical team, clarified requirements and design, objective, reviewed development artifacts, assisted development team in unit testing +Exp Worked also as a QA lead, created test plan and approach, test schedule, objective, testing delivery, identified resources, estimated efforts and timeliness, establishing test types, activities, test environment configuration, identified different testing environments and readiness +Exp Created test scenarios, functional test cases, requirements-test cases traceability matrix, assisted QA team in system integration testing and system testing, test cases, steps, test case management, resource management, clarification and assistance to testing +Exp Created user acceptance test cases, conducted UAT, involved in regression testing, smoke testing, load and performance testing, assisted development and QA team, reviewed testing result, communication, testing status and report +Exp Facilitated defect meetings, managed defects, created and assigned defects, established defect priority, status, resources, work stream, time estimate, defect status etc. resolved defects, assisted development team in defect resolution and communication +Exp Performed both independently and in a team, met deadlines, acted as a liaison between business and technical stakeholders, identified issues and provided solutions, attention to details, confident, made sound decisions, get commitment to actions from individuals at all levels +Exp Hewlett-Packard (Cigna), Hartford, CT Feb 11 – Oct 11 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp PROJECT: +Exp Cigna Healthcare claims BPM +Exp HIPAA 4010-5010- Migration +Exp BAM Dashboard +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp HP Caliber RM, HP quality Center, Facets, XML, SQL server, SPSS, Business Objects (Webi & Deski), Java, Microsoft Office suit, Windows 7, Microsoft Excel, project, MS Visio, BPMN +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Reviewed and elicited high level requirements, prepared project vision, objective and scope, identified stakeholders, creates stakeholders profile, prepared business analysis plan and implementation approach, created artifacts and managed communications +Exp Identified current Cigna’s various line of businesses, claims intake system, business rules processing and compliance, claims adjudication, status, batch jobs, claim finance, reporting, document creation, delivery and communication +Exp Worked on CMMI methodology, captured client’s business process model, defined process thresholds to reach specific maturity levels, worked with technical team to get technicalities for requirements for future process, created detailed diagrams, use cases, system architecture modeling, data modeling, current and future process flows, gap analysis, cost-benefit analysis and risks +Exp Worked with technical team, development leads, design architects, data administrators, claims administrators to get details, current system architecture and data flows, performed document reviews and analysis, process flows reviews, data flow and analysis +Exp Elicited requirements with business and technical stakeholders through interview, questionnaire, brainstorming, JAD sessions, process flow diagrams, use case scenarios and diagrams, wireframes, prototypes, AS-IS diagrams, TO-BE diagrams +Exp Documented business requirements document (BRD), functional requirements documents (FRD), established change request process, requirements communication, clarifications, acted as a liaison between business and technical stakeholders, approvals, document repository and management +Exp Worked on different solutions, proposed flows as per system efficiency, timeliness, effectiveness, ease of implementation, low risk and cost. Created logical design document, prepared various diagrams, assisted in physical design documentation and maintenance +Exp Worked on HIPAA 4010-5010 migration for all line of business- individual and family member claims, small group claims, large group claims, Medicare claims, Medicaid claims, ASO self-funded claims, supplemental claims, COB claims, worker’s compensation claim, FFS claims, paper claims etc. +Exp Worked on data flows, data analysis, data extraction, SQL queries, data redundancies, data cleanliness, data modeling, ER diagram, data association, analyzed queries for data extraction and reporting, created adhoc queries and performed data analysis +Exp Assisted development team with clarification on requirements, questions on design, development artifacts reviews, work product reviews, assisted during unit testing, understood technical aspects, communicated to business team in simple understandable form and vice versa +Exp Prepared testing scenarios, test plan, schedule, identified testing environments, timelines and deliverables, identified resources, assisted QA team in understanding requirements, created traceability between requirements and testing scenarios +Exp Prepared functional test cases, worked on BAM dashboard automated testing, assisted QA team in test data preparation and testing, prepared user acceptance test cases and performed UAT testing, involved in all testing activities, automated testing, regression testing, load and performance testing +Exp Created and managed defects, facilitated defect meeting, assigned defects, updated defects for status, resource, groups, area, estimate, comment etc. resolved defects, clarified resolution to testing team, assisted QA in retesting and managing defects +Exp Good presentation of issues, identified causes, provided solution, showed corrective actions, good communication and interpersonal skills, worked independently as well as in team, confident, self- starter, met deadlines, worked in cross platform environment +Exp State of North Dakota, Department of Health, Bismarck, ND Nov 09 – Jan 11 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp Administrative simplification +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp MS Office, Project, Visio, SharePoint, HP Quality Center, Lotus Notes, Oracle 10g, Java, J2EE, XML, XSL, HIPAA-compliant patient information management and billing system and Microsoft Office package +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Facilitated interview sessions to identify business rules and requirements and then documented them in a format that can be reviewed and understood by both business and technical stakeholders. +Exp Understood and articulated business requirements from user interviews and then converted requirements into functional specifications. Created targeted Questionnaires to gather requirements. +Exp Worked on RUP Methodology for creating and developing Business Requirement, Functional Requirement, design, implementation and validation, Healthcare contracts, provider and network credentialing, referral, vendor contract, HIPAA standards, X12 transactions, regulatory and government compliance, vendor management, data analysis and validation, 837, 835, 270/271, 276/277, 999, Medicare, Medicaid claims processing +Exp Conducted JAD sessions with the system owners and different team leads to analyze requirements. +Exp Worked with the team of developer on technical requirements and issues. +Exp Used detailed knowledge of the application features and functionality to assess the scope and impact of business needs throughout the analysis and completion of the enhancement specifications. +Exp Worked as a liaison between various teams for effective resolutions of the issues and to facilitate the process. +Exp Veterans claims, Indian’s claims and claims for all other health and life insurance related transactions or claims. +Exp Followed a structured approach to organize requirements into logical groupings of essential business processes, business rules, information needs and insured that critical requirements are not missed +Exp Coordinated activities between business unit and technical staff, developed new methods, policies, and procedures to meet the business needs. +Exp Analyzed and translated business requirements into system specifications utilizing UML and RUP methodology. +Exp Prepared Functional Design Specifications (FRS) employing Use case scenarios, sequence diagrams, DFDs and class diagrams. +Exp Identified and clearly defined functional issues and supported IT development staff throughout the design, development, unit testing, and implementation phases of the software development life cycle. +Exp Documented the Requirement Traceability Matrix for tracing the Test Cases and requirements. +Exp Documented and assisted the QA Team with the Test Plan. Also worked on different types of testing in different environments e.g. UAT, UIT, SIT testing. +Exp Worked on Defects management including analysis, retesting, verifying, and approving process. +Exp Worked as a HP QC/ALM administrator. +Exp Assisted Project Manager for successfully completion of the above mentioned projects. +Exp TTK Health Care, Gurgaon, India Apr 06 – Nov 09 +Exp Business System Analyst +Exp PROJECTS: +Exp TTK BI Reporting +Exp TTK CPD Business Process +Exp SOFTWARE & ENVIRONMENTS: +Exp Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Clear Quest, Clear Case, Rational Rose, Lotus Notes, Informatica, Crystal Reports, Test Director, Word, Excel, Project, Winrunner, Loadrunner, SAS, Oracle, Java +Exp RESPONSIBILITIES: +Exp Conducted User interviews and documented their queries, business analysis & reporting needs +Exp Gathered requirements from Business users & teams and translated the business requirements into Functional requirements & specifications +Exp Elicited requirements by employing information-gathering techniques (e.g., Interviews, surveys, business process analysis, JAD sessions, document analysis, use cases, interface analysis, prototypes) +Exp Performed under Waterfall methodology, requirement elicitation and analysis, business and functional requirements, documentation and specification, logical and physical design, work product review with development and testing team to come through the required goals +Exp Involved in defining the scope of the project, gathering business requirements and documenting and managing them using Rational rose and Rational Requisite Pro respectively. +Exp Involved in process modeling, reviewing and writing Functional Requirements and Non-functional requirements +Exp Participated in periodical Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions with the management and IT teams +Exp Prepared Business Rules document, which meets requirements and application behavior describing the detail design of the application +Exp Analyze business requirements and segregated them into high level and low level Use Cases, activity diagrams using UML methodology. +Exp Reviewed software requirements specification documents. Created processing model diagrams in Visio, used the business process information captured in the business context analysis documents +Exp Analyzed data flow and business requirements to create high level design document and low level design documents. +Exp Participated in project planning sessions with project managers, lead data analysts and team members to analyze business requirements and outlined the proposed solution +Exp Created data mapping doc to be used in data migration and reconciliation, in order to properly match the data with source to target +Exp Involved in development and design of reports, dashboards for supporting corporate wide reporting +Exp Worked on data warehouse and BI reporting. Worked on data analysis, data mapping, data warehousing, created reports using crystal reports, define business rules and develop ad-hoc reports, validate that BI meets the requirements +Exp Implemented Business Intelligence solution with BI leads, worked on BI dashboard that display performance monitoring measures for sales, trends, returns +Exp Mentored less experienced work colleagues. Collaborated with software teams to establish data architecture design. +Exp Developed functional requirements, proposed data warehouse strategy and compliance reporting/ analytics. +Exp Reported data for the current year, last year and created a report to help the users compare the performance of the business unit for the last fiscal year with that of the current fiscal year +Exp Involved in code review during work product review meetings with developers, design leads and data analysts, created WPR reports +Exp Developed, maintained all analytical and operational business reports based on BI tool crystal reports, created ad-hoc reports +Exp Co-authored business requirements documents with the business users. Extracted, discussed, and refined business requirements from business users and team members. +Exp Explained complex technical issues in a way that non-technical people may understand. Researched best practice in data analysis and presentation techniques. +Exp Established the root cause of a problem, ensured that it is resolved through the most appropriate solutions, worked with the design, test and technical teams to produce solutions +Exp Worked on SAS, performed data analytics by having advanced knowledge of math and statistics with strong quantitative reasoning skills +Exp Presented reports to all levels of management, prioritized tasks in accordance with goals, quickly and correctly identified underlying areas of concerns +PI Mani +PI Sr. Hadoop Developer +PI Email: vmaniv08@gmail.com Contact: (615) 813-1551 +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum 8+ years of overall software development experience on Big Data Technologies, Hadoop Eco system and Java/J2EE Technologies with experience programming in Java, Scala, Python and SQL +Sum 4+ years of strong hands-on experience on Hadoop Ecosystem including Spark, Map-Reduce, HIVE, Pig, HDFS, YARN, HBase, Oozie, Kafka, Sqoop, Flume. +Sum Experience in architecting, designing, and building distributed software systems. +Sum Scala and Java, Created frameworks for processing data pipelines through Spark +Sum Wrote python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database. +Sum Deep knowledge of troubleshooting and tuning Spark applications and Hive scripts to achieve optimal performance. +Sum Used Sqoop to import data into HDFS / Hive from RDBMS and exporting data back to HDFS or HIVE from RDBMS. +Sum Worked with real-time data processing and streaming techniques using Spark streaming, Storm and Kafka. +Sum Experience developing Kafka producers and Kafka Consumers for streaming millions of events per second on streaming data +Sum Significant experience writing custom UDF’s in Hive and custom Input Formats in MapReduce. +Sum Knowledge of job workflow scheduling and monitoring tools like Oozie. +Sum Strong experience productionalizing end to end data pipelines on hadoop platform. +Sum Expertise in Database Design, Creation and Management of Schemas, writing Stored Procedures, Functions, DDL and DML SQL queries and writing complex queries for Oracle +Sum Experience working with NoSQL database technologies, including MongoDB, Cassandra and HBase. +Sum Good experience is designing and implementing end to end Data Security and Governance within Hadoop Platform using Kerberos. +Sum Strong experience with UNIX shell scripts and commands. +Sum Experience in using various Hadoop Distributions like Cloudera, Hortonworks and Amazon EMR. +Sum Strong hands-on development experience with Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, Java Beans, EJB, JDBC, JMS, Web Services) and related technologies. +Sum Work with the team to help understand requirements, evaluate new features, architecture and help drive decisions. +Sum Excellent interpersonal, communication, problem solving and analytical skills with ability to make independent decisions +Sum Experience successfully delivering applications using agile methodologies including extreme programming, SCRUM and Test-Driven Development (TDD). +Sum Experience in Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Programming of distributed web-based applications. +Sum Extensive experience in developing standalone multithreaded applications. +Sum Configured and developed web applications in Spring and employed spring MVC architecture and Inversion of Control. +Sum Experience in building, deploying and integrating applications in Application Servers with ANT, Maven and Gradle. +Sum Significant application development experience with REST Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, and XML. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client : TMNAS Sep 2016 – Present +Exp Location : Bala Cynwyd, PA +Exp Role : Sr. Hadoop Developer +Exp Project Description: TMNA offers the security of nearby expertise, enhanced by the diversity and power of one of the world’s most respected insurance groups. Tokio Marine’s companies offer access to leading commercial insurance solutions spanning the property and casualty landscape including professional liability, workers’ compensation and property coverage.. The project deals with analyzing clickstream data of users who are visiting the company websites and applications to derive useful insights that help in optimizing future promotions and advertising. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in story-driven agile development methodology and actively participated in daily scrum meetings. +Exp Ingested terabytes of click stream data from external systems like FTP Servers and S3 buckets into HDFS using custom Input Adaptors. +Exp Implemented end-to-end pipelines for performing user behavioral analytics to identify user-browsing patterns and provide rich experience and personalization to the visitors. +Exp Developed Kafka producers for streaming real-time clickstream events from external Rest services into topics. +Exp Used HDFS File System API to connect to FTP Server and HDFS. S3 AWS SDK for connecting to S3 buckets. +Exp Written Scala based Spark applications for performing various data transformations, denormalization, and other custom processing. +Exp Implemented data pipeline using Spark, Hive, Sqoop and Kafka to ingest customer behavioral data into Hadoop platform to perform user behavioral analytics. +Exp Created a multi-threaded Java application running on edge node for pulling the raw clickstream data from FTP servers and AWS S3 buckets. +Exp Developed Spark streaming jobs using Scala for real time processing. +Exp Involved in creating external Hive tables from the files stored in the HDFS. +Exp Optimized the Hive tables utilizing improvement techniques like partitions and bucketing to give better execution Hive QL queries. +Exp Used Spark-SQL to read data from hive tables, and perform various transformations like changing date format and breaking complex columns. +Exp Wrote spark application to load the transformed data back into the Hive tables using parquet format. +Exp Used Oozie Scheduler system to automate the pipeline workflow to exact data on a timely manner. +Exp Implemented installation and configuration of multi-node cluster on the cloud using Amazon +Exp Web Services (AWS) on EC2. +Exp Worked on data visualization and analytics with research scientist and business stake holders. +Exp Environment: Hadoop 2.x, Spark, Scala, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie, Kafka, Cloudera Manager, Storm, ZooKeeper, HBase, Impala, YARN, Cassandra, JIRA, MySQL, Kerberos, Amazon AWS, Shell Scripting, SBT, Git, Maven. +Exp Client : Davita Inc Jan 2015 - Sep 2016 +Exp Location : Nashville, Tennessee +Exp Role : Sr.Hadoop Developer +Exp Project Description: Davita is one of the largest kidney dialysis companies in world. The idea of the project is to ingest data from different multiple sources to Hadoop Data Lake, perform transformations on it according to business requirements and exporting the data to external systems. The system is a scalable BI platform that can adapt to the speed of the business by providing relevant, accessible, timely, connected, and accurate data. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in gathering and analyzing business requirements and designing Data Lake as per the requirements. +Exp Built distributed, scalable, and reliable data pipelines that ingest and process data at scale using Hive and MapReduce. +Exp Developed MapReduce jobs in Java for cleansing the data and preprocessing. +Exp Loaded transactional data from Teradata using Sqoop and create Hive Tables. +Exp Extensively used Sqoop for efficiently transferring bulk data between HDFS and relational databases. +Exp Worked on automation of delta feeds from Teradata using Sqoop and from FTP Servers to Hive. +Exp Worked on various performance optimizations like using distributed cache for small datasets, Partition, Bucketing in hive and Map Side joins. +Exp Created components like Hive UDFs for missing functionality in HIVE for analytics. +Exp Used IMPALA to analyze the data present in Hive tables. +Exp Handled Avro and JSON data in Hive using Hive SerDe. +Exp Worked with different compression codecs like GZIP, SNAPPY and BZIP2 in MapReduce, Pig and Hive for better performance. +Exp Analyzed the data by performing the Hive queries using Hive QL to study the customer behavior. +Exp Wrote python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database. +Exp Generate auto mails by using Python scripts. +Exp Implemented the recurring workflows using Oozie to automate the scheduling flow. +Exp Worked with application teams to install OS level updates and version upgrades for Hadoop cluster environments. +Exp Participated in design and code reviews. +Exp Environment: HDFS, Hadoop, Pig, Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Talend, Flume, Map Reduce, Podium Data, Oozie, Java 6/7, Oracle 10g, YARN, UNIX Shell Scripting, SOAP, REST services, Oracle 10g, Maven, Agile Methodology, JIRA. +Exp Client : NASBA Aug 2012 - Dec 2014 +Exp Location : Nashville, TN +Exp Role : Hadoop Developer +Exp Project Description: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy enhances the effectiveness and advance the common interests of the Boards of Accountancy. Existing ETL platform is overloaded with data coming from variety of sources and as data is growing day by day, it is not able to perform well and cost of managing the Relational database servers are going up. So, the data is migrated from multiple sources to Hadoop Data Lake and transformations are performed on it according to business requirements and the processed data is exported to external systems. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analysed business requirements and created/updated Software Requirements and design documents +Exp Imported the data from relational databases to Hadoop cluster by using Sqoop. +Exp Provided batch processing solution to certain unstructured and large volume of data by using Hadoop Map Reduce framework. +Exp Developed data pipelines using Hive scripts to transform data from Teradata, DB2 data sources. These pipelines had customized UDF'S to extend the ETL functionality. +Exp Developed UDF for converting data from Hive table to JSON format as per client requirement. +Exp Involved in creating tables in Hive and writing scripts and queries to load data into Hive tables from HDFS. +Exp Implemented dynamic partitioning and Bucketing in Hive as part of performance tuning. +Exp Created custom UDF’s in Pig and Hive. +Exp Performed various transformations on data like changing date patterns, converting to other time zones etc. +Exp Designed and developed PIG Latin Scripts to process data in a batch to perform trend analysis. +Exp Automated Sqoop, hive and pig jobs using Oozie scheduling. +Exp Storing, processing and analyzing huge data-set for getting valuable insights from them. +Exp Created various aggregated datasets for easy and faster reporting using Tableau. +Exp Environment: HDFS, Map Reduce, Hive, Sqoop, Pig, HBase, Oozie, CDH distribution, Java, Eclipse, Shell Scripts, Tableau, Windows, Linux. +Exp Client : Copart Inc Oct 2010 - Aug 2012 +Exp Location : Dallas, TX +Exp Role : Java Developer +Exp Project Description: Copart makes it easy for Members to find, bid and win the vehicles that they are looking for. Members can choose from , early and late model and , and more. These internal applications are used for content management through which users can request a new site, which is used to store their project related documents. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed the J2EE application based on the Service Oriented Architecture by employing SOAP and other tools for data exchanges and updates. +Exp Worked in all the modules of the application which involved front-end presentation logic - developed using Spring MVC, JSP, JSTL and JavaScript, Business objects - developed using POJOs and data access layer - using Hibernate framework. +Exp Designed the GUI of the application using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Servlets, and JSP. +Exp Involved in writing AJAX scripts for the requests to process quickly. +Exp Used Dependency Injection feature and AOP features of Spring framework to handle exceptions. +Exp Involved in writing Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for persistence layer. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate that uses the POJOs to represent the persistence database. +Exp Used JDBC to connect to backend databases, Oracle and SQL Server 2005. +Exp Proficient in writing SQL queries, stored procedures for multiple databases, Oracle and SQL Server. +Exp Wrote backend jobs based on Core Java & Oracle Data Base to be run daily/weekly. +Exp Used Restful API and SOAP web services for internal and external consumption. +Exp Used Core Java concepts like Collections, Garbage Collection, Multithreading, OOPs concepts and APIs to do encryption and compression of incoming request to provide security. +Exp Written and implemented test scripts to support Test driven development (TDD) and continuous integration. +Exp Environment: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, Ubuntu Operating System, JavaScript, AJAX, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, EJB (Session Beans), Log4J, WebSphere, JNDI, Oracle, Windows XP, LINUX, ANT, Eclipse. +Exp Client : Aricent Nov 2008 - Sep 2010 +Exp Location : Hyderabad, India +Exp Role : Java Developer +Exp Project Description: Aricent is a global design and engineering company innovating in the digital era. help the world's leading companies solve their most important business and technology innovation challenges - from Customer to Chip. I have worked on developing the Aricent internal applications to automate the business process, store the documents. These internal applications are used for content management through which users can request a new site, which is used to store their project related documents. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed user requirements and created Software Requirements and design documents +Exp Responsible for GUI development using Java, JSP, Struts +Exp Database design and development +Exp Created and modified existing database scripts, Tables, Stored Procedures, and Triggers +Exp Used XML functions, Cursors, Mail and Utility packages for Advanced search functionality +Exp Created data correction and manipulation scripts for Production +Exp Used JAXB for marshalling and un-marshalling of the data +Exp Created JUnit tests for the service layer +Exp Support for Production issues +Exp Attending the review meetings for scheduling, implementation and resolving issues in software development cycle +Exp Environment: Java, Struts, Java, Jsp, Servlets, JQuery, Ajax, XML, XSLT, JAXB, FOP, JBoss, Weblogic, Tomcat, SQL server 2005 and MyEclipse +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. +PI MANOHAR +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Around 7+Years of experience in Software Engineering Processes& Development Methodologies, Business & Requirements Analysis, Object Oriented Analysis & Design and Implementation of software systems, based on industry proven best practices & standards. +Sum 5+ years of experience in Design, Development, Enhancement and Maintaining applications in Oracle 9i/10g/11i using SQL, PL/SQL. Detailed Knowledge of Oracle Architecture +Sum Solid experience in lightweight POJO based framework Spring 3.0 IOC, Remoting, ORM, DAO, AOP and Business Integration. +Sum Proficient in modeling the application tier using Struts MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture implementing the design patterns like Front controller, Command and configuring Tiles plug-in in struts configuration file to achieve the Layout management. +Sum Strong Experience in Web Services(SOAP, REST) and service oriented architectures. +Sum Working experience in Developing spring boot applications. +Sum Experienced in AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, EBS Cloud Watch, Elastic search, Virtual Private Cloud, and API Integration. +Sum Experience with and solid understanding of Micro Services. +Sum Have good knowledge on Java8 features like Lambda expressions and functional interfaces, and Parallel Streams. +Sum Experience Using Apache Camel for creating routes between multiple end points. +Sum Strong experience using Active MQ message broker for JMS. +Sum Developing Java/J2EE applications using Spring, JSP, JSF, Java Beans, JDBC, Servlets, Java ServerPages, RMI, Hibernate and Struts. +Sum Hands-on experience in using Eclipse, Log4j, Maven, Jenkins, Git, Gradle, SVNfor building, logging, testing. +Sum Proficient in Java Multi-Threading, Socket programming,Java Collections,Concurrency. +Sum Worked extensively with API Management product of Apigeeedge in consuming the Apis in implementing customer use cases +Sum Experience of development in different environments like Windows and Linux. +Sum Good Knowledge on Database concepts like Writing SQL Queries and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), Store Procedures. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILL: +Exp PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Johnson & Johnson Feb 2016 to till date +Exp Role: Sr. Java Developer +Exp Roles &Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in all phases of project from analysis and requirement phase to delivering the project +Exp Developed the functionalities using Agile Methodology (Test Driven Development). +Exp Involved in Construction of UI using HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Node JS, AngularJS and JavaScript. +Exp Created many custom filters using AngularJS and external module to manipulate the routing. +Exp Used Java8 features like Lambda expressions and functional interfaces, wherever possible. +Exp Developed application service components and configured beans using Spring IOC, creation of Hibernate mapping files and generation of database schema. +Exp Developed reusable and interoperable Web service modules based on SOA architecture using RESTful APIs. +Exp Implemented Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, Generics, and Collections whenever necessary. +Exp Used Amazon workspace in AWS cloud by using AWS SDK through Java for providing Virtual Desktop Images (VDI) to the users. +Exp Used AWS SDK for connection to Amazon S3 buckets as it is used as the object storage service to store and retrieve the media files related to the application +Exp Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from MongoDB for the application on devices. +Exp Design and developed Microservices business components using Spring boot. +Exp Creating micro-services using Lambda functions from event sources involving API's. +Exp Created Micro services using AWS Lambda and API Gateway using REST API. +Exp Assigned AWS Elastic IP Addresses used to work around host or availability zone failures by quickly remapping the address to another running instance or a replacement instance that was just started. +Exp Wrote custom search templates and index templates for Elastic search. +Exp Used MDB's to read the messages from JMS queues for asynchronous communication. +Exp Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using +Exp Involved in Pre-and Post-Staging/Production deployment Support with documentation and Smoke Testing after deployment using SOAP UI, Mockito and CURL scripts. +Exp Involved in developing UML Diagrams like Use Case, Class, Sequence diagrams. +Exp Used Unix Shell Scripting to update the databases and Start up the application server. +Exp Configured and customized logs using Log4J for application logging and notification tracing +Exp mechanisms. +Exp Used Maven as build and dependency management tool for creating EAR, WAR, JAR file to be deployed in application servers. +Exp Used JUnit for suite execution and Assertions. +Exp Used GIT Version Controller to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts. +Exp Resolved bugs/defects in application by coordinated with team members of the project to assure a positive outcome using JIRA. +Exp Environment:Java, J2EE, EJB, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Node JS, Spring framework, Spring MVC, UML, Hibernate, JSP, Servlet, Solr, JDBC, AWS, Mongo DB, Microservices, Apache Camel, Web services, RESTful, XML, Java Beans, Sonar cube, JMS(MQ), Elastic, Oracle, Agile Methodology, Unix, JSON, Log4J, Maven, JBoss, Jenkins, Junit, GIT, JIRA. +Exp Medica Health Care,Minneapolis, MN Oct 2014 -Dec2015 +Exp Role: Sr. Java Developer +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Design and Develop Java Application in an Agile Environment using Rally, communicate and follow through technical leads on application stories. +Exp Designed and implemented server-sideSpring framework and Hibernate for Object Relational Mapping of the database structure created inDB2. +Exp Implemented design patterns like Singleton, Model View Controller (MVC) architecture for an efficient implementation of the view level customizations and interfaced with the application logic. +Exp Use of OOPs concept and other core java concepts like multithreading, inheritanceetc. in development. +Exp Involved in writing client-side functions using Node.js, Angular JS and JavaScript. +Exp Involved in developing front end forms using xhtml, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. +Exp Developed the downloadable Search Remittance payment details using Itext. +Exp Developed and deployed J2EE application on both Web and Application Servers including Apache Tomcat, Web Logic and IBM Web Sphere Portal/Application Server. +Exp Acts as primary contact person for Database Schema for the application and created impact analysis document for the Change Requests. +Exp Work with performance team to improve the performance of the Payer/Search remittance and View Payments screens. +Exp Apigee is used for the creation, deployment, debug&maintenance of all clients facing APIs. +Exp Involved in Build and dependency management of multi module project using Ant and Apache Maven. +Exp Implemented adjudication process to decline the duplicate claims. +Exp Consumed SOAP Web Services for transferring data between different applications. EPS consumed FISL services using SOAP. +Exp Involved in writing DAO layer using Hibernate to access the DB2 database. +Exp Used SVN for version control of the code and configuration files. In-depth knowledge of Jenkins Continuous Integration. +Exp Wrote test cases which adhere to a Test-Driven Development (TDD) pattern. +Exp Implemented the logging mechanism using Log4j framework and Involved in the developing unit test cases using JUnit. +Exp Involved in defect fixing in Integration, System and User Testing. +Exp Generated Certificates using Venafi and configured SSL for accessing secure resources. +Exp Worked with infrastructure team to deploy the application in Production System. +Exp Environment: Java1.8, JSF, Hibernate, Spring 3.2.3, DB2, SQL, SVN, GIT, Jboss, Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere Portal Server, SOAP, Restful Webservice, Apigee,Apache Maven, Ant, AquaDataStudio, IText, Groovy, JMOCK, Unix, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS,My Eclipse, Log4J, Rally. +Exp Key Bank, Dallas, TX Dec2013 - Oct 2014 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp As a Java Developer, worked as a Software Developer, with knowledge in the entire (SDLC) life cycle of the project, right from the designing the projects till the completion. +Exp Experience in writing the SQL queries and PL/SQL Functions, Stored Procedures, and Views. +Exp Implemented Entity Beans and Session Beans to implement business logic and for various product transportation and distributing over different areas. +Exp Implemented triggers to keep the track of changes in tables when changes are made. +Exp Experience in configuring the Message Driven Beans (MDB) for messaging various clients and agents who are registered within the system. +Exp implemented Couch DB, which basically NOSQL DB for Persistence operations. +Exp Proficiency in handling final builds, deployments and management by using Apache ANT/ MAVEN to modify the EAR, WAR and JAR files when the application is deployed on the Web Sphere server. +Exp Experience in performing upgrades on JBOSS Application Server as per the need and also handled issues while upgrading. +Exp Experience in writing JavaScript client side validations for the user's account information based on the business regulations. +Exp Hands on experience and implementing functions, tables, stored procedures and triggers in the SQL Server 2005. +Exp Implemented Web services using apache API and tested them using SOAP UI. Integrated the SOAP Web services to RESTful Web Services +Exp Worked on application deployment by using ANT script. +Exp Skilled in Unit Testing and Integration Testing of various application modules. +Exp Hands on experience in fixing the production issues on a timely manner. +Exp Worked on implementing user interface by using third party software tools as EBA grid. +Exp Experience on Hibernate for the Object Relational Mapping to interact with the databases. +Exp Expertise in writing and modifying Hibernate HQL queries and stored procedures for the application to communicate with the Database. +Exp Responsible for preparing Technical Design document and also User Documentation. +Exp Actively participated in code review meetings with the development team. +Exp Worked on developing use cases, class diagrams and preparing Technical specification documents based on identified sequence diagrams and Use cases for the UML. +Exp Worked on developing presentation layers by using HTML, JSP, Custom Tags. +Exp EnvironmentJava 7, J2EE, JDK 1.6, Rational Rose, Hibernate, JSP, Struts framework 2.0, Oracle 10g, UML, XHTML, HTML, Java Script, jQuery, Couch DB, Bootstrap, ANT, XML, XSLT, Restful. +Exp HSBC Bangalore,India Oct 2012 to Nov 2013 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Roles &Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) starting from Analysis of Design, programming, Test Cases, Implementing and Production support of the application. +Exp Followed Agile software development methodology in building the system in an iterative and incremental manner. +Exp Built the Web application using Spring MVC and implemented Spring Web-Flow for controlled page navigation. +Exp Used Spring MVC Framework to develop the application by implementing the controller, Services classes. +Exp Configured the ViewResolver to prefix or/and suffix in the spring configuration file. +Exp Used JSP, JavaScript, AJAX, JQueryto develop the front end. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using Jdbc template that use POJO classes to represent persistent database tables. +Exp Wrote stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, and Cursors in PL/SQL for efficient interaction with database. +Exp Worked on fixing bugs reported by business layer, analyzed and debugged existing code written in JSP, JavaScript, JSTL, DOJO and usedJSF layout for View of MVC. +Exp Used RESTful web services for sending and getting data from different application using SOAP messages. +Exp Handled Java multi-threading part in back-end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves that user. +Exp Experience in developing inter-operable components using Service Oriented Architecture SOA. +Exp Used XSLT transformation components to convert data from XML to HTML5 and DOM API for parsing XML. +Exp Designed Schemas for XML and used SAX parser to parse the XML documents. +Exp Involved in creation and deployment of Enterprise Application on WebSphereApplication Server8.0. +Exp Environment: Spring 3.2.5, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, HTML, Custom Tags, JavaScript (EXTJS), Hibernate 4.0, Oracle 11g, RAD, WebSphere Application Server 8.0, JDK 1.5, SOAP, PL/SQL Developer, SAX, DOM, JSF, WSDL, XML and JUnit. +Exp Sonata Software Solutions, India Feb 2011 to Aug 2012 +Exp Roles: Java/ J2EE Developer +Exp Roles &Responsibilities: +Exp Analysis of the Business Requirement and Functional Specification documents. +Exp Used Rational Rose for User Case Diagrams, Activity Flow Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and Object diagrams in design phase. +Exp Managed the dependency between the classes by implementing Spring’s IoC to promote the loose coupling between them. +Exp Used Annotations like @Advice, based Spring Framework for auto wiring and injecting the required dependencies to implement business logic. +Exp Designed and developed Aspects, Advices and Pointcuts for logging and transaction aspects using Spring AOP. +Exp Developed view components using Spring Tiles, JSP, Java Script, CSS, and custom tag Libraries. +Exp Implemented the client side validations using Java Script. +Exp Developed entity classes, JPAmapping files for the object relational mapping while configuring JPA. Also developed HQLs and Named Queries and wrote Data Access Object (DAO) to handle HQL queries. +Exp Developed SQL, HQL queries and PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, to interact with the oracle database. +Exp Involved in consuming the Web services by generating WSDL and performed data exchange with the third party using SOAP, XML. +Exp Developed the application on WebLogic Application Server and used Eclipse IDE for the development of the Presentation layer and Business Logic. +Exp Used JAXP for parsing XML documents. +Exp Used Maven tool for the Project management and for the purpose of compile, run, deploy and to add external dependencies. +Exp Used Log4j to monitor the error logs and fixing the problems. +Exp Environment: Spring, Spring MVC, AOP, HTML, JSP, Custom Tags, Java Script, JPA, Oracle, Eclipse, Log4j, WebLogic Application Server 10.3, SOAP, PL/SQL, DOM, WSDL, JAXP, JAXB, XMLand Eclipse IDE. +Exp Oriental Bank of Commerce, India May 2009 to Jan 2011 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Roles &Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in System Requirement study, conceptual design and designing of Use Cases based on the requirements using UML. +Exp Developed server-side services using Core Java concepts. +Exp Designed and developed presentation tier components such as commands, actions, JSPs, domain and domain access objects using Agile Processes/XP and best practices. +Exp Extensively worked with Servlets and Struts based multi-tier applications in developing J2EE Components. +Exp Involved in writing all client side validations using Java Script in Struts Action Form. +Exp Created new custom components using the java script code. The .jsfor java script fragment file has been created for ease of use. +Exp Designed, Developed and Implemented document transformation applications using XML tool. +Exp Used DOM Parsing Methodology for Serializing and parsing the XML request and response. +Exp Improved the performance and response time of the application by implementing AJAX. +Exp Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE 1.4, Servlets 2.3, JSP, AXIS, SOAPUI, JavaScript, Ajax, IBM WebSphere6.0, RAD, Oracle 9.1, Toad, CVS. +Edu Education: +Edu Bachelor of Technology Electronics & Communication Engineering +PI Manohar +PI Sr. Java Developer +PI Email: Cell: (614) 285-5486 +Sum Summary +Sum 9+ Year of IT Experience is working with Java based frameworks and databases. +Sum Effective team player as well as individual performer with experience in Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, spring, Hibernate, SQL, PL/SQL and Oracle, MySQL, NOSQL. +Sum Extensive experience in multiple Java and J2EE technologies such as Servlet, JSP, JSTL, Spring, Struts, Sitemesh, IBatis, Hibernate and JPA, XML, JSON, XSD, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JUnit, WSDL, SOAP, Restful Web Services (Restlet), ActionScript 3.0 +Sum Well experienced in Working on Core Java, J2EE (EJB, JSP & Servlets, JDBC, JMS), SQL, JQuery, HTML. +Sum Experience with Core Java with Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, File handling, IO, Generics, Data structures and Collections, Garbage Collection. +Sum Expert in using testing, logging and building tools like JUnit, Log4J and Ant. +Sum Strong skills in API design, Enterprise Application Integration, Database Design and knowledge of various Architecture, design, Integration patterns and Application frameworks development. +Sum 4+ years of experience in Apache Hadoop technology and core Hadoop technology stack which includes HDFS, Map Reduce programming, Hive, Pig, HBase and SQOOP. +Sum Experience with WebSphere Portal 7 development and IBM Workplace Web Content Management and Workplace Forms +Sum Strong proficiency in SMB POP IGMP SMTP and TCP/IP protocols +Sum Conduct in-house and public workshops and training seminars: Extreme Programming, Test-Driven Development, Agile Development, .NET Development, Design Patterns, "Communicating with Tests" seminar. +Sum Worked on the creating different screen using ExtJs worked on writing some Extjs Plugin. +Sum Good experience in using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS SNS/SQS for delivering messages. +Sum Experience in creating comprehensive web applications using MEAN stack implemented with MS SQL, Express, Angular 2/4 and Node.js, Java8. +Sum Proficient in designing and implementing web server solutions and deploying Java application servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere, Web logic on Windows/UNIX platform +Sum Extensively used JDBC Statement, Prepared Statement, Callable Statement and Result Set interfaces while providing database interaction with the RDBMS backend. +Sum Strong and recent experience with developing or working within an automated testing framework. +Sum Hands on Experience on Angular 2 technology for one complete project in rebasing the UI of the application using the techniques in Angular 2/4. +Sum Provided technical assistance for integration of Appian systems along with external systems such as SAP. +Sum Conducted detailed analysis to support designing and development of BPM applications. +Sum Implemented Hadoop based data warehouses, integrated Hadoop with Enterprise Data Warehouse systems. +Sum Expertise in the implementation of Core Java concepts of Java, J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, EJB transaction implementation (CMP, BMP, Message-Driven Beans), JMS, Struts, Spring, Swing, Hibernate, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, Web Services, JNDI, Multi-Threading, Data structures etc. +Sum Worked on the Implementation of system as an independent component to be supported/integrated with Appian based BPM applications to deliver management capabilities using Appian 7.5 SAIL features such as Record Types, Record dashboards, SAIL Reports, Actions and Introduced the use of automated testing tools such as Cucumber to reveal and document, as well as drive development of, behavior in a large legacy code base (mostly Java and Perl) +Sum Lightbend Reactive Platform plus many other Scala libraries and frameworks. +Sum Confluent Platform (Apache Kafka and its ecosystem) and Reactive Kafka +Sum Used Web Sphere Application Server, Web Logic Application Server, JBoss and Apache Tomcat in all my projects and successfully deployed and compiled many of the applications on them. +Sum Used Bootstrap and Angular.JS, React.js and Node.js in effective web design. +Sum Motivation of peers and mentoring team members to achieve their respective annual object +Sum Experienced developing against SOLR Search Platform APIs +Sum developing Multi-Tier Web Applications and Server side Business Logic using J2EE, XML, WebSphere, WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, Enterprise Java Beans, Servlets, JSP, Struts, JDBC, DB2, Oracle, PL/SQL. +Sum Familiar with data collection technologies like Kafka. +Sum Experienced in React JS and working with React Flux architecture. +Sum Experience in developing JAVA/J2EE, Spring4, Hibernate4 applications using IDEs such as Eclipse, RAD. +Sum Extensive experience in working with various databases like Oracle 11g/12c, SQL Server and MySQL +Sum Hands on experience in Rational Suite of Products like Rational Rose in developing Use Cases, Sequence Diagrams using UML, Rational Suite. +Sum Expertise in configuring the Spring Application Context with dependency injection and using Spring Framework that can integrate Hibernate and Web Services +Sum Hands on experience with production support tool such as Jira, Remedy, Quality Center - bug tracking tool. +Sum Expertise with Spring Framework using components like MVC, Transactions, ORM and JDBC. Also used Hibernate ORM, JSF and Struts MVC frameworks. +Sum Has extensive knowledge on UNIX Shell scripting, FTP, SFTP. +Sum Experience with Design patterns like Singleton, Data Access Object, MVC Pattern and Agile, SCRUM methodology. +Sum Experience in working with ES6 features, used babble, web pack with ES5, React js. +Sum Expert in latest technologies and approaches for SOA based development and good understanding of SOA life cycle, SOA design Backbone principle, Service registry and various other SOA infrastructures. +Skill Skill set +Sum Professional Experiences +Exp AT&T Telecom, Atlanta, GA Sep’16 – Till date +Exp Sr. Java Full Stack Developer +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Involved in analysis, design and documentation of the application model. +Exp Applied design patterns including MVC Pattern, Factory Design Pattern and Singleton Design Pattern. +Exp Worked on advanced UI design and full stack development using MEAN stack. +Exp Used spring4 framework for Dependency Injection and integrated with Hibernate. +Exp Involved in developing Spring Beans and wiring their dependencies. +Exp Extensively worked with Hibernate Query Language (HQL) to store and retrieve the data from Oracle database. +Exp Experience in Automation testing using Selenium Web Driver, JUnit and Maven. +Exp Used Apache Kafka (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information between multiple business applications. Involved in developing an automation tool, in Java and Scala on Akka Framework +Exp Developed and deployed solution using several new technologies, including Linux - Ubuntu, Drupal and Apache SOLR. +Exp Conducted Automation testing using the Standards, guidelines and structured methodology in testing the application. +Exp Responsible for overall Docker & Kubernetes setup, configuration and Architecture. +Exp Configured and maintained a large scale Docker based PaaS environment using kubernetes +Exp Troubleshooted and resolved issues within the Docker and kubernetes environment +Exp Used Java 8 features like stream and Lambda expressions +Exp Build microservices for the delivery of software products across the enterprise. +Exp Recommend and develop strategy for integrating internal security model into new projects with Spring Security and Spring Boot. +Exp Used Rally issue tracking application for Agile management +Exp Integrated Jira with Rally tickets using Perl scripts and Jira-Rally plugin +Exp Create RFP (Request for Proposal) microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC. +Exp Using cloud foundry to push application to Predix cloud which is specific to GE Digital. +Exp Created, implemented and managed Pivotal Cloud Foundry deployments +Exp Experienced in using Cloud Foundry (CF) CLI for deploying applications and other CF management activities +Exp Proficient with Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, JSON, YAML, Groovy scripting languages. +Exp Familiar with concepts of Azure and OpenStack Cloud Based Technologies. +Exp Experienced in installing and troubleshooting CF installations on IAAS (Azure, AWS etc.) +Exp Responsible for developing microservices using GE’s Predix platform for Industrial IoT apps and migrating existing monolithic app to microservice architecture in Predix. +Exp Developed an integration project called GCC using Predix services like UAA (user authentication and authorization), Enterprise Connect (connect predix cloud and your enterprise), Predix Machine (connect edge devices on premise to cloud and send sensor data to cloud), Predix Asset service (create and store machine asset models), Predix Analytic service (analyze continuous sensor data as time series data). +Exp Developed web application using Predix web components using Polymer, CSS, HTML and CSS. +Exp Create Data Model for and initial Java JPA entities for RFP project. +Exp Utilize Camel to integrate microservices with other microservices and RabbitMQ messaging exchanges. +Exp Used SVN Backbone as a version controller. +Exp Moved the project to Java 8 to extensively use Lamda expressions and have better connectivity to Cloud in addition adding Spring Boot Libraries and UI Enhancement. +Exp Developed stored procedures, triggers and functions to process the data using NOSQL, PL/SQL, Spring4, and Hibernate4 and mapped it to Hibernate4 Configuration File. +Exp Created tempo enabled forms using SAIL, design DB schema using nested CDT +Exp Contributed greatly to increases in code quality and productivity through his leadership and guidance in areas such as Test/Behavior Driven Development, Refactoring, Pair Programming (Extreme Programming/XP), and Agile Estimation and Planning +Exp Worked on the Implementation of system as an independent component to be supported/integrated with Appian based BPM applications to deliver management capabilities using Appian 7.5 SAIL features +Exp Experienced in MEAN stack advancement (MongoDB, CockroachDB, Express.JS, and AngularJS & NodeJS). +Exp Developed React.js applications using Redux architecture for front-end UI, and Node.js applications for backend. +Exp Used microservice architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka,Spring4 message broker +Exp Configured routes in Apache Camel using XML for routing messages between end points +Exp Developed bootstrap UI JS using with Angular JS, Hibernate4, NOSQL +Exp Development of Apache Struts web applications from concept to rollout +Exp Extensive experience on MVC architecture and using frameworks like Angular 2/4 and React JS for creating Single-Page Applications(SPA) using concepts like Dependency Injection, Promises, Services, Scope, Controllers and Directives. +Exp Developing micro services using Java Spring Boot and GoLang with Docker deployments +Exp Added routing and developed factories, worked on root level variables and functions +Exp Developed Unit and E2E test cases using Node JS. +Exp The tech stack is AngularJS, Express and innovative server side technologies like Node.js, MongoDB (MEAN Stack). +Exp Experience with Front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular JS, Node JS. And with the creation of RESTful Web service. +Exp Used the light weight container of the Spring Frame work to provide architectural flexibility for inversion of controller (IOC). +Exp Experience with Python, Hadoop, Mongo DB. +Exp Created Type Script reusable components and services to consume REST API's using component based architecture provided by Angular 2/4. +Exp Implementing the Big Data solution using Hadoop, hive and Informatics 9.5.1 to pull/load the data into the HDFS system. +Exp In depth knowledge of Apache Cassandra architecture. +Exp Experience in installing, configuring and monitoring DataStax Cluster (Enterprise Edition). +Exp Experience in deploying the Cassandra cluster in cloud, on premises, data storage and disaster recovery. +Exp Experience in designing data models in Cassandra and working with Cassandra Query Language +Exp Developed Keyword Driven Framework Using Selenium Web Driver and Java. +Exp Involved in design and development of keyword-driven automation framework using Selenium Webdriver. +Exp Analysis of test requirement and automation feasibility. +Exp Learning automation tools like Selenium and QTP. +Exp Used Eclipse and Tomcat web server for developing & deploying the applications. +Exp Worked on different Automation tooling techniques to support reporting/development and the CI/CD pipeline. +Exp Used Gwildor node application to configure repositories and compare github tags. +Exp Setup and benchmarked Hadoop/H Base clusters for internal use +Exp Implemented continuous integration & deployment (CICD) through Jenkins for Hadoop jobs. +Exp Developed and Implemented new UI's using Angular JS and HTML, NOSQL, Java8. +Exp Developed Spring Configuration for dependency injection by using Spring IOC, Spring Controllers. +Exp Experienced in Responsive Web Design technology with or without framework like Bootstrap. +Exp Expertise in AngularJS controllers, directives, factories, services, routing, DOM manipulation using JavaScript, jQuery and Angular JS. Experience in MEAN (Mongo DB, Express, JSON,AJAX,CSS, Angular2/4 and Node JS) Stack application development +Exp Worked on Solr, Elastic Search, Kafka, Flume, Mango DB, CockroachDB, and Cassendra +Exp Extract the data from Oracle and push to Apache Kafka Queue using Golden Gate. +Exp Implementing Spring MVC and IOC methodologies. +Exp Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and also used functional Interfaces. +Exp Used Scala for coding the components in Play and Akka. +Exp Used scala scripts for spark machine learning libraries API execution for decision trees, ALS, logistic and linear regressions algorithms. +Exp Implemented multi - data center and multi-rack Cassandra cluster. +Exp Good conceptual understanding and experience in cloud computing applications using Amazon EC2, S3, EMR. +Exp Experience in managing multi-tenant Cassandra clusters on public cloud environment - Amazon Web Services (AWS)-EC2. +Exp Managing Cassandra clusters using Datastax Opscenter. Experience in Cassandra systems backup and recovery +Exp Currently working on developing Server less functioning using AWS lambda with JAVA +Exp Developed common reusable component libraries (CRUD Scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout the company's IT team using GWT, Sencha, spring data, JPA. +Exp Create BI reports using reactive web frameworks using Scala Play & D3.js +Exp Worked with RxJava (ReactiveX) for asynchronous composition and manipulation of data and events using Observers and Observables in the application. +Exp Expert in implementing unified data platform to gather data from different sources using Kafka and Java Producers and consumers. +Exp Loaded data in elastic search from Datalake and Optimized the full search function using Elastic Search. +Exp Developed Framework components for Struts Presentation tier, Business tier and Resource tier +Exp Implemented application specific exception handling and logging frame work using Log4j,Hibernate4 +Exp Implemented Apache Kafka to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds +Exp Involved in developing the component which provides the required information to Reporting system to generate the trend analysis reports for user attempts, success, user failures and system failures. +Exp Involved in developing an automation tool, in Java and Scala on Akka Framework +Exp Involved in complete development of 'Agile Development Methodology/SCRUM' and tested the application in each interaction. +Exp Experienced in using Scala, Java and Python frameworks for Bigdata/Spark engine requirements. +Exp Involved in with xml, MVC, Backbone, svn Synfony2. +Exp Worked with Angular.js routers, forms, modules, DOM, events, expressions, controllers, filters and Http Request. +Exp Experience in different Hadoop distributions like Cloudera (CDH3 & CDH4) and Horton Works Distributions (HDP) and MapR 2. +Exp Developed Spark code using Scala and Spark-SQL for faster testing and data processing. +Exp Setting up the Spark Streaming and Kafka Cluster and developed a Spark Streaming Kafka App. +Exp Imported millions of structured data from relational databases using Sqoop import to process using Spark and stored the data into HDFS in CSV format. +Exp MEAN stack implementation, Angular.JS Full-Stack generator (generator-angular-full stack), and actually run, edit, and deploy an application. +Exp Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD, Scala. +Exp Improve the performance of the application by using the Performance Tuning and Time lines for each module of the Application. Based on Time lines decrease the page loads and increase the total performance of the application. +Exp Implementation of Struts - Configuration Files, Validation Files, Interceptors, Filters, Listeners for Modules. +Exp Implemented Core Java Methodologies like Interfaces, Collections, Customized Exceptions and Multi-Threading. +Exp Designing and developed Micro Services using (MEAN Stack) node.js, Mongo DB, Neo4J, Elastic search on Cisco Private Cloud OpenStack Platform +Exp Developed the Application making use Java 8's new Streams API and parallel Streams to partition the streams. +Exp Development of Apache Struts web applications from concept to rollout +Exp Designed and developed the process of synchronizing and Multi-Threading for each module of the application. +Exp Experiences in Web Programming and User Interface Development having hand on experience on python, MySQL. +Exp Programming experience in node.js, mongo db, java and MySQL, NOSQL. +Exp Solved Production Support defects by using tool HP Tracing. Based on priority of the defect solve the all production support defects. +Exp Designed and developed the login portal using framework Angular 2 along with HTML5, CSS3 and Type Script. +Exp Extensively used Java 8 features (Lambda Expressions, Streams) +Exp Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and also used functional Interfaces. +Exp Developed the Application making use Java 8's new Streams API and parallel Streams to partition the streams. +Exp Used micro service architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka, Spring4 message broker +Exp Written micro services using Spring Boot and Spring Data for Dynamo DB +Exp Used Subversion for activities tracking Version Controlling and Change Management that is tracking structure of folders, maintaining global revision number for the whole repository and Clear Case operations +Exp Used Hibernate Mapping to form persistence objects to interact with Database +Exp Environment: Java8, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, HTML, Spring4, Hibernate4 DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, XML, XSLT, Eclipse, Spring Web MVC, NOSQL, Hibernate 4.0, SOAP,JSON,CSS, JAXP, JAXB, Oracle 11g, SQL, JUNIT, Java8 , Cloud Foundary ,Reactive Systems, Reactive programming +Exp Novartis, East Hanover, NJ Nov’14 – Aug’16 +Exp Sr. Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Development, enhancement and testing of the Web Methods flow services and Java services. +Exp Used web services for interaction between various components and created SOAP envelopes. +Exp Paypal had their own application stack for REST based Java application, understood their architecture before design and development. +Exp Proficient coder in multiple languages and environments including Python, Django, C, C++ and SQL, NOSQL. +Exp Experienced in using Scala, Java and Python frameworks for Bigdata/Spark engine requirements. +Exp Implementation of Struts - Configuration Files, Validation Files, Interceptors, Filters, Listeners for Modules. +Exp Implemented continuous integration & deployment (CICD) through Jenkins for Hadoop jobs +Exp Experience in different Hadoop distributions like Cloudera (CDH3 & CDH4) and Horton Works Distributions (HDP) and MapR 2. +Exp Hands on experience in Html, CSS Java Script, BootStrap, Ajax, php. +Exp Developed custom spring boot starters in existing Microservice Framework to provide for developers Cloud-native microservice environment like Centralized configuration, service registry and discovery, circuit breaker, monitoring and distributed tracing so developer can focus on writing business logic. +Exp Developed and enhanced some configurable camel routes in framework using yml file configuration. +Exp Enhanced some spring boot starters which hold dependencies and code. +Exp Developed Junit tests, integration test using Mockito. +Exp Experience in performance tuning a Cassandra cluster to optimize writes and reads +Exp Involved in the process of data modeling Cassandra Schema +Exp Installed and Configured DataStax OpsCenter for Cassandra Cluster maintenance and alerts. +Exp Benchmarked Cassandra cluster based on the expected traffic for the use case and optimized for low latency +Exp Built Cassandra Cluster on both the physical machines and on AWS +Exp Assisted Development teams to migrate applications to Docker based PaaS platform using Kubernetes. +Exp Experienced in defining Application Deployment Solution on Docker based PaaS environment and migrating applications to Kubernetes and Docker platform +Exp Designed and implemented required Failover mechanisms in a Docker/Kubernetes Ecosystems. +Exp Automated Cassandra Builds/installation/monitoring etc +Exp Created frontend screens using GWT framework. +Exp Loaded data in elastic search from Datalake and Optimized the full search function using Elastic Search. +Exp Expertise in AngularJS controllers, directives, factories, services, routing, DOM manipulation using JavaScript, jQuery and AngularJS. Experience in MEAN (MongoDB, CockroachDB, Express, Angular Js and NodeJS) Stack application development +Exp Used Elastic search for Real time analytics and a Full text search functionality +Exp Subject matter expert in enterprise search engine analysis, design, development and systems integration. Search engines include Autonomy IDOL Server, MOSS 2007, Endeca, Lucene/Solr and Microsoft FAST 2010 for SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013. +Exp Experience in working with the NoSQL, Mongo DB, and Apache Cassandra. +Exp Resolving scalability and performance issues both in Applications as well as in Web sphere/Web Logic Application Servers. +Exp Developed the Application making use Java 8's new Streams API and parallel Streams to partition the streams. +Exp Used micro service architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka, Spring4 message broker +Exp Written micro services using Spring Boot and Spring Data for Dynamo DB +Exp Developed Framework components for Struts Presentation tier, Business tier and Resource tier +Exp Experienced in MEAN stack advancement (MongoDB, CouchbaseDB, Express.JS, AngularJS &NodeJS). +Exp Experience in developing Web based GUI’s using JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript (and its frameworks like JSON), Action Script, DOJO, Node JS, Angular JS, JQuery, EXT JS and Ajax. +Exp Modularized front end CSS and JS code with Sass.Built a real-time mouse/click user analytics web service with Node.js +Exp Involved in developing an automation tool, in Java and Scala on Akka Framework +Exp Experience in web applications creation with HTML5, Ajax, JQuery, Backbone.js, and CSS3. +Exp Performed UNIX Shell scripting for the application. +Exp Worked on Solr, Elastic Search, Kafka, Flume, MangoDB, CockroachDB and Cassendra +Exp Extract the data from Oracle and push to Apache Kafka Queue using Golden Gate. +Exp Used Apache Kafka (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information between multiple business applications. Involved in developing an automation tool, in Java and Scala on Akka Framework. +Exp Implemented search engines by using Angular JS filter to make the data searchable and sortable. +Exp Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD, Scala. +Exp Experience in development of JavaScript for client side validations. +Exp Designed/developed UI with AJAX, HTML, DHTML and JavaScript for interactive web pages. +Exp Expert in implementing unified data platform to gather data from different sources using Kafka and Java Producers and consumers. +Exp Design the J2EE components of the Restful Web Services and scheduled Java batch jobs based application in UML. +Exp Used Scala for coding the components in Play and Akka. +Exp Used scala scripts for spark machine learning libraries API execution for decision trees, ALS, logistic and linear regressions algorithms. +Exp Created Web Services (SOAP) between different components and also exposed few web services to client apps get metadata for the specific entities and documents. +Exp MEAN stack implementation, AngularJS Full-Stack generator (generator-angular-full stack), and actually run, edit, and deploy an application. +Exp Experienced in developing Web Services with Python programming language. +Exp Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. +Exp Front end design using HTML CSS Bootstrap. +Exp Implemented Business processes such as user authentication, Account Transfer using Session EJBs. +Exp Implemented Apache Kafka to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds +Exp Extensively developed stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages in oracle SQL, NOSQL, PL/SQL. +Exp Developed the front end using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, JSP, CSS, JQuery, and XML. +Exp Developed POJO's, Data Access Object (DAO) which handles all database operations using Hibernate. +Exp Developed Spark code using Scala and Spark-SQL for faster testing and data processing. +Exp Setting up the Spark Streaming and Kafka Cluster and developed a Spark Streaming Kafka App. +Exp Imported millions of structured data from relational databases using Sqoop import to process using Spark and stored the data into HDFS in CSV format. +Exp Extensively used Java 8 features (Lambda Expressions, Streams) +Exp Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and also used functional Interfaces. +Exp Developed the Application making use Java 8's new Streams API and parallel Streams to partition the streams. +Exp Used microservice architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message broker +Exp Experience on Protractor in end-to-end test framework for Angular JS applications and also performed in jasmine, mocha, and chai. +Exp Experience in using design patterns and UI frameworks such as MVC, Struts, Hibernate, NodeJS, and spring. +Exp Strong knowledge in developing and designing web 2.0 application according to Information architecture and Usability standards using Ajax, JQuery, Backbone.js, XML, Symfony 2, CSS3 and MVC frameworks. +Exp Implementing the Big Data solution using Hadoop, hive and Informatica 9.5.1 to pull/load the data into the HDFS system. +Exp Setup and benchmarked Hadoop/H Base clusters for internal use +Exp Implementation of the Business logic layer for Mongo DB Services. +Exp Implemented the Animation and styling using CSS3 and JQuery. +Exp Developed logging module-using Log4J to create log files to debug as well as trace application. +Exp Developing data access layer using IBATIS -ORM and JDBC. +Exp Involved in JUnit Testing, debugging, and bug fixing. +Exp Used Log4j to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions and developed WAR framework to alert the client and production support in case of application failures. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, XML, XSLT, Eclipse, Spring Web MVC, Hibernate 4.0, WSDL, SOAP, SQL, HP Quality Center, JUNIT, Ant. +Exp Prudential, Newark NJ Jun’13 – Oct’14 +Exp Sr. Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Responsible for coding with the use of Object Oriented Principles and implementing MVC with JSP, Struts. +Exp Developed the Spring AOP programming to configure logging for the application +Exp Developed user interfaces using Java Server Pages using HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS & JavaScript. +Exp Experience with Python development under Linux OS (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat Linux). +Exp Designed different UI aspects for improved performance of the application by using GWT. +Exp Developed code using Core Java to implement technical enhancement following Java Standards. +Exp Proficient in Node.js, Mongo db, Redis and Linux flavor. +Exp Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). +Exp Used JPA (Java Persistence API) with Hibernate as Persistence provider for Object Relational mapping. +Exp Expertise in client scripting language and server side scripting languages like JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, DOJO, bootstrap, Node.js, Angular.js, backbone.js, Require.js, JSF and JSP. +Exp Developed the Front end for the application using HTML5, Angular JS, JSP and JavaScript. +Exp Developed and implemented Swing, Spring and J2EE based MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework for the application +Exp Optimized the Cassandra cluster by making changes in Cassandra configuration file and Linux OS configurations. +Exp Setup, upgrade and maintain Cassandra DSE clusters. +Exp Tune databases and provide design changes and support stress tests to proactively fix problems. +Exp Implemented application level persistence using Hibernate and Spring. +Exp Data Warehouse (DW) data integrated from different sources in different format (PDF, TIFF, JPEG, web crawl and RDBMS data MySQL, oracle, SQL server etc.) +Exp Used XML and JSON for transferring/retrieving data between different Applications. +Exp Also wrote some complex PL/SQL queries using Joins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors, and Indexes in Data Access Layer. +Exp Designed and developed SOAP Web Services using CXF framework for communicating application services with different application and developed web services interceptors. +Exp Ant build file creation and usage of Maven Ivy tool set, along with dynamic JUnit report generation in PDF format. +Exp Developed dynamic web pages using Python, Django Frameworks. +Exp Worked as backend developer of this app using Nodejs, Socket io and mongo db. +Exp Implemented the project using JAX-WS based Web Services using WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP to communicate with other systems. +Exp Experience in developing UI applications using HTML, HTML5, Jquery, and AJAX, AngularJS, Backbone JS. +Exp Developed back end interfaces using embedded SQL, PL/SQL packages, stored procedures, Functions, Procedures, Exceptions Handling in PL/SQL programs, Triggers. +Exp In depth exposure to creating API for internal and external application using REST and SOAP based design. Open source framework like Jersey used for create REST API +Exp Managing Source code in CVS and SVN and Project Documents in Share Point. +Exp Environment: JAVA, J2EE, JDK JSP, XML, JSF, Struts , Web Services ,Spring MVC, JNDI, JDBC, SQL, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Oracle, SOAP UI Tool, SVN, SQL, ANT. +Exp , Atlanta GA Dec’11 – May’13 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Design, Development, testing and debugging of new software and enhancements to existing software. +Exp Resolving design conflicts and using best coding practices. +Exp Developed common reusable component libraries (CRUD Scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout the company's IT team using GWT, Sencha, spring data, JPA. +Exp Getting signoff from the users after User acceptance testing. +Exp Used JavaScript, JQuery and ExtJs to create UI on the Front End. +Exp Developed major websites and services by including Mongo DB as backend software. +Exp Used various libraries of JavaScript like jQuery, backbone.js, underscore.js and node.js. +Exp Translation of business requirements to information technology. +Exp Developed business modules using Hibernate & Spring frame work technologies. +Exp Experience in handling WebLogic scripts for server management and application deployment +Exp Configuration of application using the Spring, Hibernate, DAO’s, Action Classes, Java Server pages. +Exp Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing python, in order to build an interactive web based solution. +Exp Working as Cassandra Admin (Datastax DSE-DevOps-NoSQL DB) on 39 node cluster. +Exp Administration and maintenance of the cluster using OpsCenter, Devcenter, Linux, Node tool etc. +Exp Data migration from Teradata to Cassandra using Teradata Fexport & Cassandra loader. +Exp Web pages are developed using Java Server Pages, HTML, DHTML, EXTJS, AJAX, and JavaScript. +Exp Performed unit testing with JUnit. +Exp Used Cobertura tool to analyze the code covered by Unit test cases. +Exp Used Oracle WebLogic 10.x as my Application Server for this application. +Exp Developed new modules using JSF 2.0 Framework +Exp Built an online system using XML, Javascript, AJAX, Strust 2.0, JDBC +Exp Involved in technical Documentation for the module +Exp Designed and created SQL Server Database, Stored Procedures +Exp Extensively used XML, JSP, Javascript, AJAX, Servlets to drive the application / request user input from backend +Exp Involved in designing and developing Customized tags using JSP taglib +Exp Implemented Model View Control (MVC) architecture using Struts Framework and Spring framework +Exp Developed browser-based Java Server Faces front-end to an AS/400 system +Exp Worked on Web Sphere Application Server +Exp Used Ajax to provide dynamic features where applicable +Exp Used MVC pattern for GUI development in JSF and worked closely with JSF lifecycle, Servlets and JSPs are used for real-time reporting which is too complex to be handled by the Business Objects +Exp Created several JSP's and populated them with data from databases using JDBC +Exp Working on Session maintenance was done using Servlets +Exp Developed and Designed Interfaces using JSP and Servlets . +Exp Used ANT automated build scripts to compile and package the application. +Exp Used Jira for bug tracking and project management. +Exp Environment: JAVA, J2EE, JDK, Servlets, XML, Web Services (JAX-WS: SOAP), Spring MVC, JDBC, SQL, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, SOAP UI Tool, SVN, SQL, Apache Axis 1.2, ANT, JUnit,. +Exp ATA SOFTWARE P LTD, Bangalore Jul’08 – Nov’11 +Exp Java Developer +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development. +Exp Developed a prototype of the application and demonstrated to business users to verify the application functionality. +Exp Developing front end of application using HTML, CSS, backbone.js, javascript, jQuery. +Exp Design, develop and implement MVC Pattern based Keyword Driven automation testing framework utilizing Java, JUnit and Selenium WebDriver. +Exp Used automated scripts and performed functionality testing during the various phases of the application development using Selenium. +Exp Used Angular js framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI. +Exp Prepared user documentation with screenshots for UAT (User Acceptance testing). Environment: Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Xpath, Selenium Web driver, Eclipse, JUnit, Jmeter, Jira, Windows, Mac OSX, Oracle 10g, Agile Methodology. +Exp Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Struts Framework including JSP, Servlets, EJB, Form Bean and Action classes. +Exp Hands on experience with MVC Javascript frameworks such as Backbone.js, Angular.js and Node.js. +Exp Implemented server side tasks using Servlets and XML. +Exp Helped developed page templates using Struts Tiles framework. +Exp Implemented Struts Validation Framework for Server side validation. +Exp Developed JSP's with Custom Tag Libraries for control of the business processes in the middle-tier and was involved in their integration. +Exp Implemented Struts Action classes using Struts controller component. +Exp Developed Web services (SOAP) through WSDL in Apache Axis to interact with other components. +Exp Implemented EJBs Session beans for business logic. +Exp Used parsers like SAX and DOM for parsing xml documents and used XML transformations using XSLT. +Exp Wrote stored procedures, triggers, and cursors using Oracle PL/SQL. +Exp Created and deployed web pages using HTML, JSP, Javascript and CSS. +Exp Wrote JUnit Test cases for performing unit testing. +Exp Used Rational Clear Case as Version control. +Exp Implemented Java/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate and Data Transfer Object (DTO), Data Access Object and Service Locator. +Exp Interact with clients to understand their needs and propose design to the team to implement the requirement. +Exp Built Angular js framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers’ templates, custom directives and custom filters. Environment: Java1.5, JSP, JDBC, Spring Core 2.0, Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3.0, Design Patterns, XML, Oracle, PL/SQL Developer, Web services, SOAP, XSLT, Jira. +PI Manohar +PI Sr. Java/J2EE Developer +PI Email ID: manohar.bmr36@gmail.com Contact: 281 247 -0818 +Sum Professional Summary: +Sum Having 8 years of experience in all phases of software development life cycle (SDLC), which includes User Interaction, Business Analysis/Modeling, Design/Architecture, Development, Implementation, Integration, Documentation, Testing, and Deployment of desktop, Enterprise and Web based applications using Java, J2EE technologies. Knowledge on Java features like lambda expressions and Java Stream API. +Sum Strong application development experience in using Agile Software Development methodologies like Scrum, Sprint and Traditional software models like Waterfall and TDD. +Sum Expertise in developing web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, Bootstrap with webpage cross browser compatibility and responsive web design and Server scripting language like Node JS, BackboneJS. +Sum Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, SNS, SQS, AMI, IAM, Dynamo DB, Elastic Search, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through AWS Console and API Integration. +Sum Proficient in implementation of frameworks like Struts, Spring (Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring TX), JSF, AJAX frameworks (Rich Faces, MyFaces) and ORM frameworks like Hibernate, IBATIS. +Sum Expertise in Web Front End Technologies Struts, Tag Libraries and Struts custom validation rules, Tiles, JSTL, Java Script, DHTML and XML/XSL. +Sum Developed web-based enterprise applications using core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC framework (Struts, Spring MVC), SQL and Object-Oriented Programming techniques. Expertise XML technologies like DTD, XSD, XSLT and various parsers like DOM, SAX and JAXB. +Sum Proficient in core java concepts like Collection Framework, Multi-threading, Generics, Annotations, Serialization, Thread pools, JavaBeans, Externalization. +Sum Extensive experience working with RDBMS such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, Teradata, DB2, Oracle. +Sum Experience in working with the NoSQL Database like MongoDB to manage extremely large data sets. +Sum Expertise in Creating Hibernate configuration file, Hibernate Mapping files and defined persistence classes to persist the data into Oracle Database. Expertise at JDBC API for connection and access to databases. +Sum Proficient in developing Web Services, related technologies &frame works: WSDL, SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, JAXB, JAX-RPC, AXIS and Jersey, SOAP UI and generating client's client using Eclipse for Web Services consumption. +Sum Hands on experience in creation, Configuration and management of MQ series objects like Queue Managers. +Sum Worked on deployment, installation, configuration and issues with Application servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere, BEA WebLogic and JBoss Enterprise Application Server. +Sum Experience in implementing Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, MVC, Data Access Object and Business Delegate. Experienced in developing UML diagrams with Star UML, Rational Rose. +Sum Actively involved in the DevOps streamlining process through Jenkins CI and CD Release Automation. +Sum Extensively worked on Pivotal Tracker and JIRA tools for tracking stories in a Project in a different methodology of Software Development Life Cycle. Hands on experience in building tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle. +Sum Configured and created application log files using Log4J to trace required application messages. +Sum Having Experience on UNIX, Linux commands and Deployment of Applications in Server and ability to work effectively on Windows platforms. Subversion SVN, CVS, GIT and Visual Source Safe as versioning software tools. +Sum Ability to work effectively in cross-functional team environments and experience of providing training to business user. Experience on different IDEs such as RAD, Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, and IntelliJ. +Sum Good understanding of Business workflow, Business logic and Business methods for further implementation of user requirement in a distributed application environment. +Skill Technical Skills: +Skill Languages: C, C++, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL, Python +Skill Enterprise Java: Java, J2EE, Swing, RMI, Sockets, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JMS, Java Beans, JSTL, JSF, Struts, EJB, Spring, JTA, JNDI and JPA +Skill Web/XML Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, JSON, Backbone JS, DOJO, NodeJS. +Skill Tools & Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, JSF, Log4J, SOA, Jasper reports, SOAP UI, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Spring Data. +Skill Web services: SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Apache Axis2, Apache CFX, JMS, MQ, AWS +Skill Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, EAP, WebLogic +Skill Database: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL server, MS SQL, IBM DB2, MongoDB and NoSQL +Skill Development Tools: Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite (STS), IntelliJ +Skill O-R mapping: Hibernate, JPA, JTA +Skill Modeling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional, Star UML +Skill Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, SoapUI, Putty, Rational Clear Quest, RTC, LoadUI, JIRA +Skill Version Control: GIT, CVS, SVN, Rational clear case, Star Team +Skill Platforms: Windows, Sun Solaris, UNIX +Skill Cloud Technologies: AWS EC2, Micro Services +Edu Educational Details: +Edu Bachelors in Computer Science Engineering, Siddhartha Engineering College, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India from 2005-2009. +QC Certifications: +QC Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) +QC Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD) +QC Professional Experience: +QC First Citizens Bank, Raleigh NC January 2017 to Present +QC Role: Sr. Java/ J2EE developer +Exp Project Description: Customer Accounts API Development/Enhancement and Migration to Cloud (AWS) - Customer Accounts Interface retrieves all financial accounts on basis of input parameters. Set of rules must be satisfied so that the client has access to accumulated data on his screen, which is fetched from multiple reference data stores (backend), using Restful web services. It also includes migration of application to cloud using Amazon web services to take advantages of high availability, high scalability and fault tolerance system. Everyday transactions are in millions for this application. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Extensive experience using framework APIs like Struts, Spring, iBatis and Hibernate. +Exp Interfaced with the Oracle back-end using Hibernate Framework and XML config files. +Exp Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts and Spring Framework. +Exp Expertise in MVC Architecture using JSF, Struts framework and implementing custom tag libraries. +Exp Monitoring of network services (SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, ICMP, SNMP, FTP, SSH) using Nagios. +Exp Integration of Automated Build with Deployment Pipeline. Currently installed Chef Server and clients to pick up the Build from Jenkins repository and deploy in target environments (Integration, QA, and Production). +Exp Hands on experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) provisioning and good knowledge of AWS services like EC2, S3. Created playbooks in Ansible to manage configurations and deployments to remote machines. +Exp Developed and maintained UNIX/Perl/ANT scripts for Java/J2EE build and release tasks. +Exp Developed and implemented two Service Endpoints (end to end) in Java using Play framework, Akka server Hazel cast. Developed the GUI module DMT using Struts framework, JavaScript, DOJO, Ajax, HTML and DHTML. +Exp Implemented a high-performance data processing platform using Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, and Apache Spark to analyze stock data. Designed and modified User Interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery. +Exp Created various UI components for different web pages using HTML, JavaScript, ExtJS. +Exp Good experience with Hibernate, AJAX, PERL and Unix Shell Scripting. +Exp Created various Parser programs to extract data from Autosys, Tibco Business Objects, XML, Informatica, Java, and database views using Scala. Developed Data Access Objects (DAO) using JDBC API for Database access. +Exp Excellent understanding of java concepts like Multithreading, String handling and construct and optimized SQL queries in DB2. Used JPA with Entity Beans for interacting with Persistence Layer for CRUD operations. +Exp Involved in writing SQL & PL SQL - Stored procedures, functions, sequences, triggers, cursors, object types. +Exp Worked with Amazon Web Services (EC2, Elastic search). +Exp Wrote business rules using Drools and business logic processing customs declarations. +Exp Integrate Bootstrap in existing web applications. Involved in coding for the presentation layer using jQuery, jQuery Mobile, NodeJS and JavaScript. Transferred cloudscape to DB2 for WebSphere Portal. +Exp Used Apache Camel in the JBoss Fuse ESB as the integration platform for SOA Services. +Exp All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Microservices and Hibernate ORM. +Exp Creation of REST Web Services for the management of data using Apache CXF. +Exp Created XML Schema, XML template and XSL. Developed Web Services Application using SOAP. +Exp Used Web services - WSDL and SOAP for getting credit card information from third party. +Exp Executed project using waterfall model and practiced Agile Project Management & performed the Scrum Master role for specific projects/requirements as appropriate. Used Rally for Agile project management. +Exp Involved in designing UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Worked on the Struts framework and JSP and Struts tag libraries to page display technology. +Exp Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like NodeJS accommodate these advanced and fast technologies and used other modules of spring DI & AOP. +Exp Developed experience in dealing with Cassandra, Mongo db, Big Data and Big Data Analytics. +Exp Developed custom tags, JSTL to support custom User Interfaces. +Exp Used Scala for coding the components in Play and Akka and Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports. Involved in implementing Programmatic transaction management using AOP. +Exp Unit testing of developed product features using Junit and Mockito frameworks as part of development cycle. +Exp Involved in building a single page and cross browser compatible web application using Angular-JS (Angular routing) and bootstrap. Responsible for implementation of java integration components for JBPM and DROOLS. +Exp Extensively used XSD for validations of XML transfer to the different Web Services. +Exp Executed the test steps defined in Test Cases manually and reporting the bugs in JIRA. +Exp Performed Unit as well as System Integration test (SIT) and User Acceptance Test (UAT) for all the modules. +Exp Environment: Java 1.7, JSP, J2EE, Spring 3 MVC, Hibernate 3, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Dependency Injection, Struts, Jquery 1.7, JSF, Dojo, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax, Angular Js, Html5,PERL, REST, Crud, PL/SQL, Spring JDBC, Apache CXF, SOAP, Restful Webservices, Akka, NodeJS, ReactJS, DROOLS,MULE, Mockito, Spring Boot, bootstrap, MongoDB, SVN, NoSQL, MicroServices, Scala, Maven, XML, XSD, Apache Tomcat, Oracle 11g, SQL, Google Web Kit (GWT), Jira, python, Cassandra, SOA. +Exp Sun Life Financial, Wellesley Hills, MA October 2015 to December 2016 +Exp Role: Java/J2EE Developer +Exp Project Description: Customer Accounts Interface retrieves all financial accounts on basis of input parameters. Set of rules must be satisfied so that the client has access to accumulated data on his screen, which is fetched from multiple reference data stores (backend), using Restful web services. It also includes migration of application to cloud using Amazon web services to take advantages of high availability, high scalability and fault tolerance system. Everyday transactions are in millions for this application. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented Agile (Scrum) Methodology that includes daily scrum with team, sprint planning and estimating the tasks for the user stories. Implemented business logic using Session Beans, Servlets. +Exp Design and development of the new Technical flow based on JAVA/J2EE technologies. +Exp Involved in analyzing business requirements and compose them into a technical use cases. +Exp Involved in Spring Framework- Spring Dependencies and Spring Annotations. +Exp Used Spring MVC on the web layer and business delegate and DAO on the business layer. +Exp Developed server-side utilities using Java Beans, XML, and EJB. Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references from Configuration file. Developing traits and case classes etc. in Scala. +Exp Involved in the UI development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AngularJS, Bootstrap and AJAX. +Exp Used Spring MVC (Model View Controller) to intercept the user requests and used various controllers to delegate the request flow to the Backend tier of the application. +Exp Created and presented training materials surrounding adoption of the Groovy language. +Exp Extensive experience with AWS (AWS Cloud Formation, AWS ECS and EC2, S3 etc.) +Exp Migrating servers, databases, and applications from On-premises to AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform. +Exp Designed and Implemented the DAO layer using Spring, Hibernate. +Exp Utilized Spring Interceptor concept for detecting the suspicious calls. +Exp Redesigning the existing web application with new technologies like Bootstrap, Angular.js. +Exp Used Core Java concepts such as multi-threading, collections, garbage collection and other JEE technologies during development phase and used different design patterns. +Exp Build semantic templates effectively with handlebars.js. +Exp Involved in application that makes different API calls across all the layers to get the user job done. +Exp Developed frontend of application using Angular.JS framework. Created new JSP views to incorporate backend functionality to display on the UI screens using client rich technologies like jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 files. +Exp Responsible for providing the client-side Java script validations and Server-side Bean Validation Framework as per the requirements. Managed and maintained Oracle and NoSQL databases in production domain. +Exp Designed and developed Microservices business components using Spring Boot. Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs. +Exp Developed DAO for communicating with the database. Used Oracle11g for communicating. +Exp Involved in writing SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, and Views for Oracle 11g database. +Exp Designed and implemented a NoSQL based database and associated RESTful web service that persists high-volume user profile data for vertical teams. +Exp Investigated various NoSQL database alternatives and methods for online database compression. +Exp Designed and prototyped parts of a NoSQL database with sinfonia- style coordination. +Exp Deployed the application using Apache Tomcat, Web Logic Application Servers. +Exp Experienced in developing web applications using JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JavaScript, AJAX, and jQuery, HTML5, JSON, AngularJS, ExtJS, Bootstrap, ReactJS and CSS3. +Exp Used Rally, JIRA for bug reporting and tasks and issue tracking. +Exp Involved in application design like Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Rational Rose tool. +Exp Code reviews and peer reviews in every iteration. Developing business logic using Scala. +Exp Maintain multithreading using Executors framework & created a fixed thread pool to maintain it. +Exp Worked on Oracle 10g/11g, Elastic Search, MYSQL, NoSQL, MongoDB. +Exp Used Jenkins for deploying in different Environments and Used Log4j for the logging. +Exp Supported extensively for functional as well as for Performance testing. +Exp Used SVN for Version Control System and Used Maven for build automation. +Exp Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, XML, Spring, EJB, AngularJS, HandlebarJS, JSP, jQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, Restful API web services, Hibernate 3.0, AWS, JSON, Groovy, Scala, NoSQL, Java Beans, Agile/Scrum methodology, JavaScript, HTML, Eclipse, WebLogic, Microservices, Bootstrap, Spring Boot, Scala, Apache Tomcat, MongoDB, Jenkins, PL/SQL, Oracle 10g, NoSQL, Junit, Maven, JBOSS, SQL developer, Junit, Maven, SVN. +Exp State Farm Insurance, Atlanta, GA July 2014 to September 2015 +Exp Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer Consultant +Exp Project Description: The Auto Insurance Application allows customers to access their account online. This application provides employers to access customer information to process & authorize claims of the customers and generates free quotes for the customers depending on the type of insurance package they selected. It also facilitates customers to pay their monthly premiums. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development. +Exp Generated Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Developing and editing user Interface Screens using JSP, HTML5.0, JavaScript and node.js. +Exp Improve presentation of webpages CSS 3.0, Adobe Flash and jQuery plug - INS. +Exp Creating custom, general use modules and components, which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS. Worked on core java, using file operations to read system file (downloads) and to present on JSP. +Exp Used Twitter Bootstrap to create responsive web pages, which can have displayed properly in different screen sizes. Used display tag libraries for decoration and used display table for reports and grid designs. +Exp Involved in the development of underwriting process, which involves communications without side systems using IBM MQ and JMS. Developed Struts Action classes using Struts controller component. +Exp Used PL/SQL stored procedures for applications that needed to execute as part of a scheduling mechanisms. +Exp Developed and debugged the Servlets with JOBSS. +Exp Implemented the application using design patterns such as Session Façade, Business Delegate, Adaptor, Bean Factory and Singleton. Created struts form beans, action classes, JSPs following Struts framework standards. +Exp Used ReactJS to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single +Exp Page Application (SPA). Developed the applications using Java, J2EE, Struts, JDBC, etc. +Exp Developed and implemented Swing, spring and J2EE based MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework for the application. Implemented pre-authentication and data base security using spring security. +Exp Designing and implementing scalable, RESTful and microservices based mobile back-end. The back-end is being written in Java using Spring Boot for simplicity and scalability. +Exp Used Spring JDBC to retrieve the data and represented the data in the form of tree which has seven hierarchies and implemented drag and drop functionality to it. Involved in fixing bugs the bugs or defects in the application. +Exp Used Apache Camel for messaging technology glue with routing. It joins together messaging start and end points allowing the transference of messages from different sources to different destinations. +Exp Used Spring Batch as spring batch jobs can meet the requirements of reliability, robustness, and traceability, which are essential for automatic processing of large amount of data. +Exp Used SAX XML API to parse the XML and populate the values for a bean. +Exp Used Jasper to generate rich content reports. Writing Scala classes to interact with the database. +Exp Implemented persistence layer using Spring JDBC that use the POJOs to represent the persistence database tuples. These POJOs are serialized Java Classes that would not have the business processes. +Exp Improved stability and performance of the Scala plugin for Eclipse, using product feedback from customers and internal users. Apache ANT was used for the entire build process. +Exp Assisted in planning, installation and execution of new JRules ILOG server, application server and Team server and developed designs and strategies for business rules and address problems including configuration of ILOG Rules. Worked on Pivotal Cloud Foundry to host Cloud based Applications. +Exp Involved in building a scalable email system using amazon simple email service, s3 for handling heavy loads. +Exp Experience in re-architecting monolithic architecture service into micro services based architecture using spring boot and pivotal cloud foundry. Implemented multiple high-performance Mongo DB replica set. +Exp Worked on Mongo DB concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, replications, schema design. +Exp Worked with other NoSQL and Big data technologies such as Cassandra and Hadoop +Exp Used Mockito for unit tests development of Test-driven Development (TDD). +Exp Deployed the application in JBOSS production server running in Linux platform. +Exp Used log4j for logging errors in the application. Worked more with Selenium Testers in this project. +Exp Involved in JAD sessions to gather requirements from the end clients. +Exp Involved in unit testing, troubleshooting and debugging. Modifying existing programs with enhancements. +Exp Successfully executing offshore modeling by effective and on time knowledge sharing with offshore project groups through weekly team meetings and daily status update calls. +Exp Worked as the part of a core team to monitor and enhance the performance of the application. +Exp Provide guidance and direction to team members in their day-to-day activities. +Exp Environment: EJB3.0, Spring, JSP1.2, Servlets2.1, Jasper reports, JMS, IBM MQ, XML, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, JDBC, JavaScript, XSLT, UML, HTML, JNDI, SQL, PL/SQL, API, TDD, Linux, JAD, Scala, NoSQL, Python, AngularJS, ReactJS, ExtJS, BootStrap, AWS, Web Services, Selenium, Apache Camel, POJO, Scala, RESTful, Microservices, Spring Boot, JBoss 6.x, ClearCase, Drools, Apache, Log4J, ANT, JUnit, Mockito, MongoDB, Eclipse, Pivotal Cloud Foundry. +Exp Red Cross, Lake Placid, NY October 2013 to June 2014 +Exp Role: Java developer +Exp Description: Maintain manual details of blood camps, donor details, blood stock, blood types, instruments stock, bill generation etc. 'Red Cross Online' is an intranet system application to be used by doctors and technicians to reduce daily activities time, i.e. Register donor, blood camp details in the Red Cross Blood Bank. The system provides cross matching details, grouping details, bill generation, certificates for Blood Donors and organizations and information on blood stock, furniture and equipment's stocks. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in gathering business requirements, analyzing the project and created technical specification documents including use Cases, Class, Sequence and Activity Diagrams using Enterprise Architect. +Exp Developed the policy change screens using Struts, XHTML, and JQuery. +Exp Developed the vehicle change module using Spring and Hibernate. +Exp Written managed beans and validators for UI interactions and configured the JSF for the web application. +Exp Experience in producing SOAP and REST Web Services and micro services for delivery of software products across the enterprise. Developed Java web application using JAXB, JAXP, XHTML, and XSLT. +Exp Used Oracle SQL Developer 1.2.0 for Oracle 11g for running queries to confirm the results from the application. Build Data Access Layer using Elastic Search for Recommendation view for repair events. +Exp Wrote Validation framework and implemented data validation rules for quality checks in the EDI claim files. +Exp Used JUnit to write repeatable tests mainly for unit testing. Created REST API and Spring Batch Jobs. +Exp Experience in producing SOAP and REST Web Services. +Exp Experienced in ELDAP (Enterprise Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) administration. +Exp Written spring services and DAO'S in the service layer for Oracle data retrieval operations using Hibernate. +Exp Developed modules for validating the data according to business rules and used Castor to convert data into array of xml strings. Used Spring data framework for CRUD operations on MongoDB. +Exp Developed Message Handler Adapter, which converts the data objects into XML message and invoke an enterprise service and vice-versa using JAVA, JMS and MQ Series. +Exp Developed Junits using Mockito and spring junit Runner frame work. +Exp Configured the spring application context and integrated with Hibernate for data purposes. +Exp Wrote Junit test cases for testing all spring service calls. Used JIRA issue tracker to file the bugs. +Exp Created Spring batch jobs to write/read data from Oracle/HBase. +Exp Used Apache Axis2 to create artifacts required for invoking SOAP web services. +Exp Configured Maven pom.xml for dependency management and build purposes. +Exp Consumed Restful web services using spring to get data from external systems and configured log4j for logging purposes. Used iBATIS 2.x in data access layer to access and update information in the database. +Exp Experience in working with Groovy on Grails framework which makes creating complex workflows much simpler. Implemented migration from Oracle coherence cache with Hazel cast cache. +Exp Experience with unit testing using JUnit and writing build scripts for ANT and Maven. +Exp Involved in creation of web services, WSDL and web methods with Annotation in hibernate, Implemented Web Services in JAXP based on SOAP protocols using XML and XSLT. +Exp Deployed the application artifacts on WebLogic and involved in entire software development life cycle. +Exp Participated in builds and deployments using maven to dev, QA and production and resolved bugs. +Exp Participated in code reviews and used maven for builds and SVN for source control. +Exp Followed good coding standards with usage of JUnit, EasyMock and Checkstyle. +Exp Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Struts, Eclipse, Spring 3.2, JQuery, Oracle 10c, Hibernate 4, HTML, CSS, Apache Axis2, Spring batch, LDAP, JAXP, Junit, Elastic Search , REST Web Services, Maven and SVN, iBATIS 2.x, Spring Integration 2.x, XML, JSON, AngularJS, NodeJS, ExtJS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Spring Source Tool Suite 2.9(STS), Multithreading, SOA, Log4j, Jenkins, MongoDB, Tomcat server, JIRA, SQL, Apache CXF, Junit 3.0, TestNG, SOAP, Agile, UML (Rational Rose) , OOAD, Mockito, Groovy/Grails, PL/SQL, AJAX +Exp Cipla Health Care, Hyderabad, Telangana, India September 2011 to September 2013 +Exp Role: Java/ J2EE Developer +Exp Project Description: Cipla Health Insurance Hub with single-point Internet access provides stream lined process for claims processing and transactional processing. The Application Client, Web Client tier is developed using spring, JSP, and Servlets. Business Logic and Messaging is developed using EJB, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and Business Objects. Used Web Sphere Application Server, MQ Series with JMS for Messaging and Teradata as Database. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Used WSAD as IDE in developing EJB and deploying in server. +Exp Generated Session beans, CMP and Message Driven Beans, and deployed on WebSphere. +Exp Implemented JMS to asynchronously send and receive messages, Error Tickets placed in Message Queues automatically generated and updated into database by Remedy Trigger. +Exp The Application Servers were installed in clustered mode to balance the load in the case of increased traffic. +Exp Installed, configured, maintained and administered Linux / UNIX operating systems and components. +Exp Skillful with the use of network connectivity tools like Ping, Netstat, Nslookup, Traceroute, Dig, Ethtool. +Exp Prepared prototypes for the project, based on the user requirements. +Exp Implemented migration from Oracle coherence cache with Hazel cast cache. +Exp Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC) using annotations. Worked on coding of Servlets and EJB communication. +Exp RabbitMQ was used to send/receive asynchronous data. Used Struts framework for presentation layer. +Exp Developed Micro Service to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC. +Exp Used Hibernate framework for data persistence. VMware ESXi 5.5/vSphere Installation & Configuration. +Exp Involved in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations for data persistence. +Exp Experience in working with the Columnar NoSQL Database like HBase, Cassandra to manage extremely large data sets. Have experience in pushing Urban Code Deploy applications to Cloud Foundry. +Exp Experience in working with Groovy on Grails framework which makes creating complex workflows much simpler. +Exp Involved in working with Scrum Agile process with two-week iterations delivering new features and working software at each iteration. Prepared Low-Level Designs (LLDs) and UNIT Test Cases. +Exp Implemented SOLR search engine to search the products. Used Spring DI/MVC/AOP modules. +Exp Performed Code Review to ensure Organization and Project level standards are met and checked for redundant code. Implemented different levels of logging and timely backups using Log4j. +Exp Used putty for UNIX login to run the batch jobs and check server logs. +Exp Installation, Configuration and maintenance of Hosted VMware products. +Exp Played a key role in the development and maintenance of the application. +Exp Worked on Distributed messaging system RabbitMQ to send messages to Existing Applications. +Exp Experience in installing and configuring kick start in Linux. +Exp Extensive experience in setup, configuration, upgrade, maintenance, performance monitoring and troubleshooting on different UNIX platforms like Linux, VMWARE and system software and hardware +Exp Performed Unit Testing and System Integration Testing. +Exp Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, XML, Spring3.2, Hibernate 3.0, SOAP, Web Services, Business Objects, SAX/DOM, WebSphere Application Server 8.1, WSAD, JMS, JDBC, JSP2.0, Java Servlets, Apache Camel, Hazel, Oracle 11g, SVN, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, search engine, JBoss, Axis 2 Web Services, WSDL, XHTML, SOAP, PL/SQL. +Exp HSBC, Hyderabad, Telangana, India June 2009 to August 2011 +Exp Role: J2EE Developer +Exp Project Description: This project involves developing a J2EE based framework to support dynamic report creation from various distributed databases. The framework supports dynamic PDF report an open source PDF generation library. The framework facilitates new report formats and databases by using xml configuration files. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in requirements gathering and analysis from the existing system. Captured requirements using Use Cases and Sequence Diagrams. Wrote Test Cases using JUNIT as a framework. +Exp Developed the application using Struts, Servlets and JSP for the presentation layer along with JavaScript for the client-side validations. Developed and used JSP custom tags in the web tier to dynamically generate web pages. +Exp Worked with Struts (MVC Paradigm) components such as Action Mapping, Action class, Dispatch action class, Action Form bean. Implemented spring service layer with dependency wiring, transaction, DAO and annotations. +Exp Designed and developed the Java bean components and O/R Mapping using Hibernate. +Exp Extensively worked on Spring Bean Wiring, Spring DAO and Spring AOP modules. +Exp Implemented Spring AOP in exception handling, which it reduces the development time to handle the exceptions. Used PL/SQL, Stored Procedures for handling Oracle database. +Exp Developed a code for Web services using XML, SOAP and used SOAP UI tool for testing the services. +Exp Proficient in testing Web Pages functionalities and raising defects. +Exp Participated in Code Reviews for better quality assurance and Debugged the application Module. +Exp Deployed the application on Tomcat server. Used ANT for compilation and building the project. +Exp Involved in planning process of iterations under the Agile Scrum methodology. +Exp Used CVS for version control system. Used Log4J for logging the user events. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JMS, Hibernate, Spring DI & AOP, Web Services, UML, HTML, DHTML, PL/SQL, JavaScript, Struts, CSS, XML, Tomcat, Log4j, CVS, Oracle, SQL server, JUnit, JNDI , Eclipse, SOAP. +PI Mehul Panchal +PI New York City, NY +PI Green Card +PI @gmail.com 646-610-9085 +Sum Summary +Sum Over 8 years of strong experience in the field of Information Technology with emphasis on Business Analyst & Quality Analyst in Agile, Scrum and Waterfall methodologies for various web-based, client Server, Mobile and Windows Applications +Sum Experience in Agile methodologies and Test driven development. +Sum Understanding, and transmitting the business requirements of the project into application functionality and detailed test plans. +Sum Skilled in Eliciting User Requirements, translating them into data, functional, quality, and usability requirements. +Sum Experienced in requirements management, controlling change and preparing RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix). +Sum Extensively worked on Business Process Models with understanding of Business Process Modeling Notations (BPMN). Created new models and updated the existing models. Used tools like Rational Rose, MS Visio. +Sum Strong experience in preparing Business Requirements Document (BRD), Use Case Specifications, Functional Specifications. +Sum Well acquainted with Workflows and (UML) (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams such as, Use case diagrams, activity diagrams and Sequence diagrams. +Sum Actively used Joint Requirement Planning (JRP), Joint Application Development (JAD) and Rapid Application Development (RAD) sessions for requirements gathering and brainstorming ideas. +Sum Proven track record in analysis and evaluation of Information Systems issues, analytical problem solving, decision-making and technical writing. +Sum Researched on Best Industry Practices and explained the Business Users of the benefits and costs associated in implementing the same. +Sum Experience in end-to-end testing, UAT (User Acceptance Test) and user training for customers. +Sum Familiar with SOX compliance standards. Exposure to QA Principles like CMM levels and Six Sigma. +Sum Multi-Tasking and Organizational Aptitudes, with proven experience in Development and Implementation of Strategies. +Sum Highly disciplined and yet flexible approach to software development. A sound understanding of the balance that must exist between customer satisfaction and technical excellence. Proficient at all levels and stages of the software development cycle, from conception to production and maintenance. +Sum Self-motivated and objective driven, with the philosophy that “change is the only constant”. Expert in the development of adaptable software infrastructures and frameworks designed to support transformations and growth. +Sum Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, capable of communicating with highly technical engineering teams. Exceptional mediator between external and internal customers, capable of interpreting their needs and positions to ensure the coherence and success of the projects Proficient with tools such as MS Office, Visual Source Safe, CVS. +Sum Strong Analytical and Problem Solving skills. +Skill TECHNOLOGIES +Skill Project Management Tools: MS Visio, Rational Clear Quest, MS Project. Marketing/BPM/ETL/BI: Primo Marketing Studio (AMS), IBM Data Stage, Oracle Warehouse Builder, SQL*Loader, Business Objects, Micro Strategy, SSRS, PACE. Testing tools: Quality Center, QTP, REST, SOAP UI, Selenium WebDriver/RC/IDE/GRID, TOAD Facets. Bug Tracking/Testing: Quality Center, JIRA, MS Visual Studio, Rational Quality Manager, Rational Functional Tester, Rational Performance Tester, QTP, UAT. Business Modeling: MS Visio, Rational Requisite Pro, Concept Draw Pro. Project Methodologies: Rational Unified Process (RUP), Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Agile (Scrum, XP),Waterfall, RAD, Six Sigma, V-Model. Databases/Web server: Oracle 10g/9i, MySQL, MS-Access, SQL. Strengths: Good innovation streak, Quick learner, Team player, excellent interpersonal communication skills. +Skill Professional Experience +Exp PayPal, Dallas, Texas May 2014 – Present +Exp Business Analyst/Scrum Master +Exp PayPal Holdings, Inc. is an American company operating a worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. As a quality Business Analyst I worked on projects related to online Banking Portal applications that allow the customers to check the status of the credit card and allow the user to activate/de-activate mobile alerts using the web portal. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Interacted with the client as part of the Requirements Engineering team to finalize the project scope. +Exp Conducted interviews with end-users to collect requirement and business process information. +Exp Designed and developed project document templates based on SDLC methodology. +Exp Participated in various stages of data and requirement analysis for project needs. +Exp Identified internal and external system requirements, design and configuration set-up, also created User Documentation and conducted training classes. +Exp Successfully conducted JAD sessions, which helped synchronize the different stakeholders on their objectives and helped the developers to have a clear-cut picture of the project. +Exp Worked with Subject Matter Experts (SME), project team members (business and technical), to define technology application for the business and system requirements. Also worked with the QA Team Lead to develop QA standards and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. +Exp Performed task decomposition (WBS), delegated tasks and monitored project milestones using MS Project. +Exp Assisted the PM in setting realistic project expectations and in evaluating the impact of changes on the project plans accordingly and conducted project related presentations. +Exp Developed business requirement specification documents as well as high-level project plan. +Exp Developed User Stories within JIRA by working closely with the Product Owner, and took the User story from story phrase to story narrative to story scope and all the way to User Story acceptance criteria. +Exp Conducted Sprint Planning Meeting, Sprint Review/Demo and Sprint Retrospective Meeting +Exp Designed and developed Use Cases, Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and OOD using UML. +Exp Assisted the PM in performing Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation. +Exp Responsible for data load reviews, analysis and verification of ETL logic design for Data Warehouse and data marts in star schema methodology with conformed dimension and fact tables. +Exp Data mapping, logical data modelling, created class diagrams and ER diagrams and used SQL queries to filter data within the Oracle database +Exp Responsible for maintaining and help build client relationships between the offshore team, to bridge the gap with clients, able to comfortably converse with all facets in the clients organization. +Exp Assumed ownership of Use Case Diagrams, Use Case narratives and other various artifacts. +Exp Co-ordinate with developers, testers, business managers, and clients to implement the requirements and incorporated the changes as per client needs for the Regulatory purpose. +Exp Participated in the logical and physical design sessions, assisted and developed high and low level design documents. +Exp Managed scope creep and worked with the scrum master to manage sprint time-box when business would request to change the requirements after development had started. +Exp Assisted with user testing of systems, developing and maintaining quality procedures, and ensuring that appropriate documentation is in place. +Exp Executed Systems Integration Test Plan, including the comparison of actual results to expected results. +Exp Performed Integration Testing and System Testing and bug fixing. +Exp Liberty Mutual, Dover, NH March 2012 – April 2014 +Exp Quality &Business Analyst +Exp Liberty Mutual Insurance, is an American diversified global insurer, and the fourth-largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. Worked on Projects on claim adjudication, claim processing and provider Management. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed Business Requirements and developed Test Procedures, Test Cases using Quality Center. +Exp Defining and performing the Test strategies and associated scripts for the verification and validation of the application and ensuring that it meets all defined business requirements and associated functionality. +Exp Worked on Project Charter, BRD (Business Requirement Document), User Stories, FSD (Functional Specification Document), and Use Case document. +Exp Experienced in designing and developing project document templates based on SDLC methodology. +Exp Participated in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (Agile, SCRUM, RUP, and Iterative). +Exp Created test cases from the business user requirements specifications for GUI, Functionality, Security, and Boundary testing +Exp Executed all the test cases using the Quality Center +Exp Performed testing for positive and negative test cases to test the response of the system +Exp Conducted Functional testing, Regression testing, Integration testing to check the system is working according to the requirement specifications +Exp Performed Database testing, Functional testing, and Smoke testing. +Exp Tested the validity of the data cleaning done by the ETL by writing SQL and Scripts. +Exp Prepare and use test data/cases to verify accuracy and completeness of ETL programs/objects. +Exp Used TOAD to confirm the correctness of the data in the backend. +Exp Writing SQL queries to retrieve data from data warehouse and source databases. +Exp Used ETL Tools to validate and compare data of source and target databases. +Exp Developed QTP test scripts to support regression testing +Exp Enhanced the test programming with conditional statements, and comments to the test scripts +Exp Conducted splitting of the different actions and making them reusable in QTP scripts +Exp Used checkpoints to verify the properties of various objects in QTP +Exp Used the Test Batch Runner to run several tests in succession using QTP +Exp Parameterized the scripts and conducted regression testing using different data from the datasheets in QTP +Exp Used SOAPUI for web service testing. +Exp User Interface testing was done to validate so that the navigation of the application properly reflects business functions and requirements, including window-to-window, screen-to-screen, image-to-image, field-to-field and use of access methods. +Exp Keep track of the Daily Defect Status with the help of QA Metrics and then entering them into Test Director +Exp Automated the daily, weekly and monthly reports by executing through CRON and sending the reports as an attachment as email to Microsoft outlook, which reduced manual intervention of using ftp. +Exp Participated in the meetings with the project manager, business analyst and team lead for the planning of testing schedules and prioritizing the deliverables. +Exp Capital One, Dover, NH February 2010 – March 2011 +Exp Quality/Business Analyst +Exp Capital One is a financial holding company which offers a broad spectrum of financial products and services. The central idea behind the project was to easily enable the travel benefit program on a new card Venture which includes enrollment of card members, qualification and statement crediting, customer servicing and financial settlement and reporting. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Worked with stakeholders and management team in gathering various requirements for the project. +Exp Written Use Cases, Use Cases designed detailed logical class and activity diagrams, other high-level process flows. +Exp Analyzed business requirements and segregated them into high level and low level Use Cases, Activity Diagrams, State Chart Diagrams using Rational Rose according to UML standard thus defining the Data Process Models. +Exp Performed Requirement Elicitation and Analysis and conducted JAD sessions for communicating with Stakeholders and Project directors during Iteration. +Exp Assisted in preparing User Stories in the Product Backlog after the collection of Functional Requirements from System Users that provided appropriate scope of work for technical team to develop prototype and overall system. +Exp Discussed requirements with other members of the team like the Application developers, Project Manager and Data Base Administrators. +Exp Assisted and helped on the work with the easily implementation of web services by RESTful +Exp Designed detailed logical class, use case, activity diagrams and other high-level process flows. +Exp Interacted with clients to assess needs, identify key challenges, and define project Scope and deliverables. +Exp Liaised with teams in Business, Team Leads and PMs in global offices for various operations. +Exp Worked in a Scrum Agile process with 2 week iterations and was involved in Sprint/Release planning. Participated in daily SCRUM meetings in an agile environment, retrospective meetings for issues, incorporate suggestions, decisions in code development. Gathered requirements from SMEs and generated reports to help the business to visualize the design. +Exp Interpreted customer business needs and translate them into application requirements. +Exp Created reports to help users track cash flows by business areas/department. +Exp Prioritized project efforts, develop project plans, process flows, UML Model and Use Cases. +Exp Maintained and update digital reports and dashboards based on client requirements. +Exp Identified and prepared business requirements- gap analysis. +Exp Developed Project management plan which included background including "CONSTRAINTS" AND "ASSUMPTIONS, business process, success measures, roles, & responsibilities, project plan for schedule/timelines and resource utilization. +Exp Reported status, milestones, and project plan tracking to project management and project owners on a weekly basis. Used MS Visio for flow-charts, process model of the application. +Exp Health Now, Buffalo, NY February 2009 – January 2010 +Exp Quality &Business Analyst +Exp HealthNow is an American managed health care company, which sells traditional and consumer directed health care insurance plans and related services, such as medical, pharmaceutical, dental, behavioral health, long-term care, and disability plans. Worked on Projects on claim adjudication, claim processing and provider Management. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analyzed requirements, participated in Design Discussions and prepared Design document. +Exp Worked on all phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and Quality Assurance methodologies of Agile. +Exp Served as a lead for the Facets testing effort, involved in the Reviewing of Requirements Specification with functional manger and technical specialists. +Exp Develop testing strategy and test plan, outlined various capabilities of the testing process. Describe the tasks of each testing capability, outlined roles and responsibilities related to the testing process. +Exp Wrote test cases in Quality Center derived from the BRD and generated a Traceability Matrix for testing purposes. +Exp Implemented manual testing of a web-based application, including backend, functional and integration testing +Exp Did gap analysis forHIPAA4010 to 5010 and 837 transactions, and analyzed error. +Exp Wrote Test scenarios and test cases for testing the migration of EDI4010 to 5010 and the processing of member enrollment and benefits, (834) batch jobs corresponding to the claims (837). +Exp Involved in forward mapping from ICD 9 to ICD10 and backward mapping from ICD10 to ICD9 using General equivalence Mappings (GEM). +Exp Experience with Networks pricer-testing and figuring pricing for procedures and claims based on information inputted into Networx. +Exp Performed data validation testing after the ETL process using Informatica. +Exp Used Rally for making the development organization faster, leaner and more agile and to get on the track with the User stories and to improve iteration planning practices. +Exp Involved in manual testing, preparation of Business Process Test Cases and Test Execution. +Exp Involved in the review of test cases and test scenarios of the Policy module. +Exp Performed report testing for both SSRS Reports and BI Reports via Business Objects. +Exp Maintained all the documentation in Share point. +Exp Worked on Guidewire Policy Center for ETL Testing. +Exp Used Informatica Workflow Manager to schedule and run Informatica mappings and Workflow Monitor to monitor ETL execution and logs. +Exp Involved in configuration testing and end-to-end testing of FACETS Enrollment, Claim Processing, Subscriber/Member, Provider and Utilization Management module. +Exp Identify scope systems that will be modified by the ICD-10 project to accommodate ICD-10code and /or downstream impacts steaming from ICD-10 codes. +Exp Tested the HIPPA EDI transactions according to test scenarios and verify the data on different modules. +Exp Involved in Black box testing, System testing, integration testing, Functional testing, Smoking testing, Regression Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) manually and Automation tool. +Exp Executed Automated Test scripts using Selenium.​ +Exp Wrote SQL queries to test the application for data integrity and verified the contents of the data table. +Exp Extensively used SQL queries to check storage and accuracy of data in database table +Exp Managed defect tracking process, which include prioritize bugs, assign bugs and verifying bugs using QC. +Exp Handling/Tracking defect in the Quality center and export in to Excel by using filter. +Edu Education +Edu Professional SCRUM Master (PSM) in agile methodology (2017) +Edu Scrum.org +Edu Masters in Science +Edu Sandiego State, CA +Edu Bachelors in Science +Edu JNTU University Hyderabad, India +PI MITALI BARMAN +PI Columbus,Ohio +PI Contact#: 281-657-7941 +PI Mail-prasannak@suntechpros.com +Obj OBJECTIVE +Obj Seeking challenging career in areas of Banking,Health Care,Insurance and Service sector organization to use my skills and experience effectively to contribute to the ultimate growth of the organization . +Sum BACKGROUND SUMMARY +Sum Business Analyst with 7 years of financial, banking expertise in Business Analysis,GAP Analysis and developing/creating business process documents. +Sum In depth strong working knowledge of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases such as Planning, Analysis/Design, Development, and Testing for the software/system development process +Sum Strong experience in preparing Business Requirements Document (BRD), Use Case Specifications,User Stories +Sum Well acquainted with Workflows and UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams such as, Use case diagrams, Swimlane diagram and process flow diagram +Sum Worked extensively on SCRUM Techniques. +Sum Active facilitator of Joint Application Development (JAD),questionnaire techniques sessions for requirements elicitation and brainstorming ideas. +Sum Multi-Tasking and Organizational Aptitudes with proven experience in Development and Implementation of Strategies. +Sum Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, capable of communicating with highly technical engineering teams. Exceptional mediator between external and internal customers, capable of interpreting their needs and positions to ensure the success of the projects. +Sum Experienced in vendor management, training users / peers, building consensus +Sum In depth experience of Test Documents preparation and Smoke Testing,Sanity Testing,Regression testing,Retesting and UAT testing. +Sum Attended training on Heath care domain and prepared some projects on implementation of new health care reform act like updating from ICD9 to ICD10 as well as supporting existing project like EDI transaction queries.Good understanding of Claim adjudication system,EDI file transaction . +Skill SKILL SET +Exp WORK EXPERIENCE +Exp Client : JerseySTEM(Non Profit Organization) November 2017 Till date +Exp Role: Product Owner/Business Analyst(Volunteer) +Exp Project Description: JerseySTEM is a network of parents, professionals, students and educators whose goal is to promote excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (“STEM”) education. They are dedicated to partnering with local schools and other organizations to create and enhance STEM-oriented educational opportunities as part of students' paths towards college and career readiness, and to develop effective STEM programs and initiatives that engage students and educators. JerseySTEM is also committed to bridging the gender gap in STEM education and sharing STEM-related opportunities with underprivileged students and communities.Our Project scope is to implement Volunteers for Salesforce to manage and maintain the Volunteers and their contribution towards JerseySTEM and integrate it with JerseySTEM website.Next phase will involve in creating a Community within Salesforce to enable the Volunteers to Create their account with JerseySTEM through Community and use the Chatter facility to discuss any technical issue and get benefited from there. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Conduct various conference call with Business user to understand the current state of the process and their business Need. +Exp Elicitation of requirements by using interviews, observation, Joint Application Development(JAD) Session, brainstorming sessions, and documents analysis. +Exp Prepared high level requirements and got that validated from Business user. +Exp Preparation and grooming of Product backlog and writen detailed,short,simple,testable and decomposed requirements in the form of User Stories . +Exp Prepared mock up sample screens using Wireframing tool Lucid Chart and give our business user a walkthrough of the look and feel,navigation and layout of the screen +Exp Facilitated Scrum planning meetings to Coordinate between End user,Project Sponsor,Developer and QA Teams and resolved any confusion/ambiguity development team had about requirements specification. +Exp Analyze and prepared data modeling to import the data from JerseySTEM database (They use google sheet)to Salesforce. +Exp Clean up of data,mapping the data to Salesforce data set and migration of data using data import Wizard and Data Loader. +Exp Presented Demo to end user at the end of each Sprint. +Exp Facilitated and Participated in Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meeting +Exp Prepared Standard Operation Procedure of the existing process I.e of the current procedure so that that can be analyzed and understood to prepare the to be state of the project. +Exp Client: UBS,Stamford March 2013 - April 2015 +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Employer:Cognizant Technology Solutions +Exp Project Description:Worked for Banking Product Services team on automation of a trade reconciliation tool that performs all the reconciliation functions of the loan trades. Primary responsibility was to develop functional specification documents for the banking product services Loan closer team by gathering ,analyzing and documenting requirements from various business users associated to the system as well as by analyzing external factors .Acts as Interface/Bridge between Banking Product Service Team and Technical Team. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Conducted interviews with key business users to collect requirement and business process information regarding the trade confirmation system. +Exp Elicitation of requirements by using interviews, observation, Joint Application Development(JAD) Session, brainstorming sessions, and documents analysis. +Exp Preparation ,analysis and updating Product backlog and user stories on the basis of discussion with client stakeholders and SMEs. +Exp Facilitated Scrum planning meetings to Coordinate between clients,product owner,Developer and QA Teams and resolved any confusion/ambiguity development team had about requirements specification. +Exp Analysis of Client requirements, generating workflow process and necessary documents for the project. +Exp Shadow and assist some of the product owner activities by providing high level estimates,prioritising stories for the sprint,maintaining backlog and release plans. +Exp Performed extensive requirement analysis including gap analysis. +Exp Worked as a liaison between technology and the business clients to improve business processes and support critical business strategies. +Exp Determined user/business/functional requirements. Created UML diagrams including Use Case diagrams, Activity Diagrams using MS Visio . +Exp Developed non-functional requirements and documented them as Business Rules, Quality attributes, constraints documents. +Exp Functioned as the primary liaison between the business line, operations, and the technical areas throughout the project cycle +Exp Facilitate Scrum planning meeting,Scrum review meeting and Scrum Retrospective meeting for the scrum Team +Exp Worked with QA team to design test plan and test cases for User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Back End Testing. +Exp Used SQL query extensively to facilitate adhoc query from manager. +Exp Used HP Quality Center to track defect management life cycle +Exp UBS Investment Bank January 2012 – March 2013 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions +Exp Senior Business Analyst for Banking and Financial Services of UBS. The project dealt with designing and developing a technologically advanced platform incorporating software, information and communications systems designed to address the business needs of storing all the email communications between UBS side(Including front office,middle office and operation team) and counterpart`s side for all the credit derivative trades so that any information is not lost and any data/email can be retrieved in case of any discrepancies in future.It included the development of an Internal web Portal and a database which allowed the user/banker/financial analyst to route the information and emails pertaining to a particular trade to the web portal and retrieve the same in case of any disagreement later on. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed business requirements document (BRD) based on Joint Application Development(JAD) sessions,stakeholder & SMEs interviews and validated those requirements with them to make sure that business needs are clearly understood and correctly documented. +Exp Directly interacted with clients to elicit the requirements and translate them into terms the development team can comprehend +Exp Developed Mock-up screens for the client to visualize the end product and suggest required enhancements. +Exp Facilitate several meeting with technical team to give them walkthrough of the requirements and the system specification +Exp Handled any issues/queries technical team pointed out. +Exp Identified and resolved issues between business requirements and technical constraints. +Exp Served as liaison to business throughout the software development life cycle +Exp Asssisted Quality Assurance team to prepare the test case artifacts on the basis of approved BRD and addressed any quiries they had in terms of requirement specifications. +Exp Prepare some Test Cases and test Script to facilitate the UAT and Manual testing +Exp Used JIRA extensively to handle defect management life cycle. +Exp Provided support for few months after deployment of the project. +Exp UBS September 2010 – January 2012 +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Employer : Cognizant Technology Solutions +Exp Worked with UBS to provide an enhancement of an existing Internal Legacy tool that captured the credit trades that did not flow from the Internal booking system to electronic confirmation system .The enhancement project mainly focused on updating the tool on daily basis and generating a report end of the day from the tool along with the error message(reason as to why the trade did not flow) .This report was utilized by the Operation team(sometimes trader) to further investigate. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Facilitate client interviews and workshops to gather ,understand and set client`s project goals,objectives,complex business needs and potential opportunities. +Exp Perform GAP Analysis of the existing functionality of the tool and highlighted the functional discrepancies and relevant solutions were suggested and implemented. +Exp Timely delivery of the scope documents,Functional requirement specification,process workflows,Use Cases and Defect Trackers +Exp Prepare Test Cases and test Script to facilitate the UAT and Manual testing +Exp Developed Mock-up screens for the client to visualize the end product and suggest required enhancements. +Exp Credit Suisse September 2008 – September 2010 +Exp Financial Analyst +Exp Employer : Eclerx Services Limited +Exp Worked with Eclerx under the prestigious flagship project of Credit Suisse. The prime profile was reflective of knowledge and implementation of core derivative knowledge. The product handled was credit derivative swap (CDS).The areas of expertise is understanding CDS product,studing implication of the trade, resolving key and vital breaks, co-ordination with counterparties and internal system and finally effective resolution of non agreeing parameters within a benchmark time frame. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Assisting team in their responsibility of confirming CDS trades and working on trades . +Exp Escalating and contacting counterparties to get the trades confirmed +Exp Escalating discrepancies to Front office and middle office following up till the issue is resolved +Exp Training team members and auditing all the mails of the team members & rectifying errors +Exp Preparing daily reports and sending it to senior management and stake holders. +Exp Liaising with Technical team to improve the internal tools to meet client`s requirement +Exp Performing GAP analysis and highlighted the need of various macros to reduce human error and improve task completion duration. +Exp Training New Joinees on different derivative products +Exp Provide Monthly report to management on our (bank`s) performance(good/bad) with different clients so that relationship manager can discuss issues with client ,come to a best solution to make sure that our confirmation target and business with client gets increased in future. +Exp Facilitate meeting with new joinees to keep the track of their training. +Edu Educational Qualification : +Edu Post Graduate Certification in International Business Practice +Edu Post Graduate Certification in International Business Practice,New York ,USA validated and awarded by St. Mary`s University College,Twickenham,London +Edu Diploma in management +Edu Post Graduate programme in Finance from Indira School of Career studies , India . +Edu B. Sc (Hons) Statistics – Guwahati University,India +PI Jamil M, PMP®, PSM +PI Fremont, CA 94555 +Sum Result-Driven Senior IT / Project Management Professional +Sum Consistent record of leading geographically diverse projects and teams to increase productivity, optimize efficiency, and reduce costs and deliver projects on time +Sum Versatile professional, equipped with expertise in software design, development, testing, and implementation. Possess experience in setting vision, execution, and providing effective technical solutions to address various organizational needs. Experienced with SDLC methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile and has been instrumental in delivering multiple end-to-end OS releases to customers. Strong project management skills with demonstrated success collaborating with cross-functional teams in SW Development, Test, HW NPI, Operations and Sustaining. Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Professional Scrum Mater (PSM). +Exp Areas of Expertise: +Exp Professional Experience +Exp ORACLE AMERICA INC., Santa Clara, CA, USA +Exp 2010 – 2017 +Exp Principal Software Engineer/Program Manager +Exp Created innovative organizational strategies toward fulfillment of corporate target goal. Worked with cross-functional teams to establish project management plan, execute, monitor and close the release. Worked with cross-functional teams and eliminated white space issues across teams. Built positive working relationships with teams to develop and implement Scope, Schedule, Quality, Communication, Risk and Stakeholder management plans. Gained comprehensive experience in data mining techniques to determine possible quality issues from product development through release. Delivered informative presentations to the vice president on release quality, and release readiness status. Experienced working with Technical, Management teams and working simultaneously on multiple projects. +Exp Oversaw many successful release campaigns, released high-quality products to customers within project schedule timeline and worked with Waterfall and Agile development teams. +Exp Reduced customer escalations approximately 25% by performing periodic reviews of customer issues and taking corrective actions, catching early during development cycle. +Exp Slashed number of Dead on Arrival (DOA) builds by implementing process changes to identify issues early in development cycle and taking corrective actions. +Exp Drove all efforts to conduct Lessons Learned review consisting members of Test, Development, and Product teams after each release which identified future improvements. +Exp Utilized business intelligence to mine data and identify problem areas, keeping schedule variance and quality under control through effective use of Cause-and-effect diagrams, Checksheets and control charts. +Exp Provided effective leadership while working with teams spread in Asia, Europe, United States and completed projects on time. +Exp Introduced process changes, minimizing software build stability issues while actively working with various stakeholders. +Exp Spearheaded efforts in conducting periodic quality reviews, identifying potential quality concerns and propose innovative solutions. +Exp SUN MICROSYSTEMS, Menlo Park, CA, USA +Exp 2002 – 2010 +Exp Senior Software Engineer +Exp Provided effective leadership in a group responsible for developing test plans, test strategy, test development, execution and providing Solaris certification on customer platforms. Developed Schedule, Quality, Communications, Risk and Stakeholder management plans for effective execution of the projects. Mentored junior test engineers in resolving product, test issues and complete the project on time. Prepared and submitted test reports to customers after completion of each test build during the certification process. +Exp Orchestrated Solaris Certification activities while managing Solaris Certification testing and implementation, including System Level, Load / Stress, UNIX Conformance, and Specific Customer Features testing and delivered projects on time. +Exp Provided development and regular update of test schedules for all Solaris Standard and updated release testing on 3rd party hardware for certification. +Exp Played integral role in the test development process, ensuring new features were integrated into product, as well as required continuous updates to existing test suites. +Exp Provided effective communication among development, release, test, sustaining teams and external customers for smooth execution and completion of project on time. +Exp Managed communication with various external hardware partners including Fujitsu, IBM, Intel, Cisco, etc. to organize certification tests and address escalations during certification process +Exp Developed positive working relationships with BugCourts, Product and Development teams to actively respond and resolve issues. Managed bug waivers and get-well plans. +Edu Education +Edu Master of Business Administration (MBA) +Edu Bachelor of Engineering (BE), Electronics and Communication +Edu Professional Development +QC Certified Professional Scrum Master (PSM) +QC Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) +QC Agile Project Management +Exp Cyber Security with Cloud Computing +Exp Certified Solaris 10 System Administrator +Exp Technical Acumen +PI Ami Jape +PI 50 GRAHAM ST, JERSEY CITY NJ 07307 +PI • 551.227.6212 +Sum Summary: +Sum Self-motivated IT Professional with 10+ years of experience and accomplishments in the areas of Project Management, Project Coordination, Business Analysis, Process Improvements, Change Management, Maintaining project timelines and deliverables. Highly creative & detail-oriented, recognized as a results-oriented & solution-focused individual with excellent leadership & communication skills. +Sum Remarkable experience in leading & delivering medium to large scale, multiple & highly visible service-oriented & customer-focused (Business & IT) projects such as software development, web/mobile application development, product management & technology implementation projects, with a good track record of successfully completing projects within triple constraints (Time, Cost & Quality). Exposure to various industry projects such as Technology, Digital Advertising, Media, Finance, Banking, ecommerce and Healthcare industries. +Sum Spearheaded successful project implementation & launches, resulting in enhanced productivity by 38% in a twelve month period. Successfully completed several critical implementations and these successes have brought in approximately $8 million in revenue. +Sum Experiences working with cross-functional team environment with clients located in different geographical locations and have managed onshore & offshore team. +Sum Experience managing projects through all the phases of the Project Life Cycle (such as initiation, planning, execution, control, and closure) as well as overlook the post-implementation support phase to ensure excellent client support and exceed user expectations. +Sum Experience facilitating Requirements gathering & Technical Specification discussions, conducting JAD sessions with user groups, stakeholders, SMEs & development team. Good understanding of project processes with an ability to analyze business problems & identify solutions. +Sum Well versed in project management tools like MS Project & JIRA, proficient in development & maintenance of Project Charter, Project plan, Statement of Work (SOW’s), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Project schedule, issue/risk register and other project related documentation. +Sum Experience managing a team, provide mentoring & coaching to project team personnel in implementing the organizational standard processes & procedures, develop team competencies and help maintain positive attitude at the workplace. +Sum Remarkable experience managing project execution efforts, closely worked with technical team & product owners to coordinate the product development efforts with good understanding of software engineering methods such as Waterfall & Agile (SCRUM). Demonstrated success in project management using recognized PMI methodologies and SDLC (software development life cycle) processes. +Sum Adept at tracking & monitoring project schedule, budget, progress & milestones to ensure project success. Ability to effectively monitor and control project risks & issues; escalate issues when needed to ensure outmost quality of project deliverables. +Sum Exceptional documentation skills, managing project communication & status reporting with an ability to effectively communicate with senior leadership, project team & business stakeholders. Led status meetings, client presentations & calls throughout the project implementation. +Sum Managed the project delivery, process improvement & change management efforts to deliver exceptional value to clients and create efficiencies to their existing workflows & business practices by fulfilling business demands and Service Level Agreement’s (SLAs) objectives. +Sum Deliver top-notch project implementation & support, adept at system troubleshooting, review test cases, triage system issues/bug, conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and overlook release process (Iterative deployments). Proactive in identifying potential issues or risks and implementing solutions to prevent any delays in timeline or impact budget or business operations. +Sum Excellent verbal & written communication skills, ability to communicate clearly & effectively with technical & non-technical audience with exceptional client facing skillset. +Sum Ability to make complex strategic decisions & prioritize competing initiatives. Effectively conduct difficult negotiations and resolve conflicts. +Sum Excellent time management, decision making, problem solving, leadership and planning skills with the ability to learn quickly and multitask in a fast paced environment. +PI Language: English, Hindi, Gujarati. +QC Professional Development: +QC Certificate of Project Management from edX & University of Adelaide (August, 2017) +QC Certificate of Google Analytics Platform Principles from Google (March, 2014) +Sum Accomplishments: +Sum Awarded with a Certificate of Excellence by Greencrest Capital Management LLC +Sum Awarded with an Award of Excellence by New York Institute of Technology +Sum Awarded with scholarship by New York Institute of Technology +QC Certificate of recognition in practicum with Aroncon Project +Skill Tools & Technology: +Exp Experience: +Exp Project Manager February 2017 to Present +Exp Bed Bath and Beyond Union, NJ +Exp Spearheaded IT system development, enhancement & technology implementation initiatives for a web based application & mobile applications (native ios and Android), releases and managed the cross-functional implementation of the plan. +Exp Interviewed business stakeholders & SME’s for analyzing requirements, coordinated project activities with business functions & technical project teams from Inception through execution of the development efforts. +Exp Acted as client’s principal point of contact throughout the project execution & follow ups. Monitored project statuses, delivered status reporting for overall project activities with a weekly status reports to the business stakeholders, project team and Sr. management. +Exp Worked extensively with the business users & client project teams to meet business requirements and analyze workflow practices. +Exp Recorded detailed client project requirements, constraints & assumptions with stakeholders in order to establish project deliverables such as and the project charter, requirements documents, scope documents using requirement-gathering techniques (e.g., planning, sessions, brainstorming, focus groups). +Exp Develop & manage project schedules, estimates, project plan and other project artifacts. +Exp Facilitated various Scrum ceremonies, managed Vision, backlogs and sprints, removed impediments, managed risk and project communications with Scrum team & business stakeholders. +Exp Responsible for executing project tasks & activities as defined in the project plan in order to achieve project goals. Includes executing all parts of the project plan and managing the budget/forecast. +Exp Tracked IT budget, resource monthly burn rate, project costs, milestones, deliverables, hours worked against plan and invoice payments. Partnered in creating and tracking issues, risks, escalations that could impact project goals, project schedules and changes. +Exp Created weekly team and executive status reports, including collaborating with senior level business and IT executives to ensure milestone and key deliverables were met. +Exp Partnered in managing changes to the project scope, project schedule, and project costs using appropriate verification techniques in order to keep the project plan accurate, updated and reflective of authorized project changes as defined in the change management plan. Facilitated customer acceptance, producing project deliverables and following PMBOK principles and guidelines. +Exp Drive the initial review to identify and gather documents for business and functional requirements. +Exp Maintain an in-depth knowledge of business operations and understand the technical scope and objectives of the project. +Exp Coordinate with Business Partners, Product team & Development team to identify and define system specifications, indicate areas of system impact, enhancements and facilitate strategic discussions, product review and product roadmap sessions. +Exp Assist in developing and implementing a communication plan to keep program managers and other stakeholders informed of project status, key future dates/milestones, new and outstanding issues, identified risks, decisions needed, and project spending. +Exp Take the project from original concept to final implementation using SDLC. +Exp Develop detailed work plans, schedules, project estimates, resource plans, and status reports for all business resources and end users. +Exp Key project lead for assigned projects working closely with the Senior Project Manager and department contact lead. +Exp Facilitate user acceptance testing (UAT), user training sessions and help with system implementation & onboarding efforts. +Exp Foster a strong team environment and help subordinates as needed. +Exp Project Manager January 2014 to January 2017 +Exp Paradigm Software Technologies d.b.a. Nexelus New York, NY +Exp Spearheaded a crucial project in partnership with Google AdWords Team throughout the project lifecycle to implement runtime budget order insertion process of digital media & Google Invoice automation for Media agencies through an exclusive API’s developed to streamline their media buying/spending processes. Contributed to successful closure of project, with application released on time and under budget. +Exp Managed several prestigious client accounts and multiple key projects consisting of IT System development, mobile (native ios & Android) app. development, system BI capabilities & implementation projects with successful Implementation within different industry focus. +Exp Spearheaded successful project implementation & launches, resulting in enhanced productivity by 38% over a twelve month period. Successfully completed several critical implementations and these successes have brought in approximately $8 million in revenues. +Exp Worked in matrix team structure and collaborated with cross-functional team throughout the project. Managed clients & teams based out of different geographical locations including offshore team. +Exp Managed projects end to end starting with project initiation, planning to execution & control through project closure as well as overlook the post-implementation support phase to ensure excellent client support and achieving project success. +Exp Facilitated Requirements Gathering session & Technical Specification discussions with user groups, stakeholders, SME’s & development team. Ability to translate business requirements into technical specifications and help coordinate the project kickoff process. +Exp Good understanding of project processes and ability to analyze business problems, identify project risk & make intelligent recommendation to mitigate risk and provide timely solutions to problems/challenges faced. +Exp Well versed in project management tools like MS Project & JIRA and partnered in development & maintenance of Project Charter, Project plan, Statement of Work (SOW’s), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Project schedule & other project related documentation. +Exp Managed team, provided mentoring & coaching to project team personnel in implementing the organizational standard processes & procedures, developed team competencies, prioritized team responsibilities and helped maintain positive attitude at the workplace. +Exp Closely worked with technical team and product owners to coordinate the product development and project execution efforts. Demonstrated good understanding of software engineering methods such as Waterfall & Agile (SCRUM) and proved success in project management using recognized PMI methodologies and SDLC (software development life cycle) processes. +Exp Adept at tracking & monitoring project schedule, budget, progress & milestones to ensure project success. Collaborated effectively with project & product owners to ensure project deliverables remained on track and aligned with business goals and expectations. +Exp Effectively monitored and controlled project risks & issues; proactively engaged in escalation of product issues/bugs to Development & QA teams, recommended solutions to ensure deliverables quality and on-time closure of the project. +Exp Exceptional documentation skills, managed project communication & statuses and effectively communicated with senior leadership, project team & business stakeholders. Led status meetings, client presentations & calls throughout the project implementation. +Exp Managed the project delivery, process improvement & change management efforts to deliver exceptional value to clients and create efficiencies to their existing workflows & business practices by fulfilling business demands and Service Level Agreement’s (SLAs) objectives. +Exp Performed root-cause analysis thoroughly to resolve complicated system problem & communicated about support issues with both technical and non-technical audiences. Responsible for troubleshooting Application/Data issue in order to identify the bug or cause, triage bugs, and proactively provided timely resolution to support related issues. +Exp Executed SQL queries to draw insights from client reporting data sets and communicated results & insights in business language to clients based on system reporting. Overlooked release process (Iterative deployments), conducted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and performed user training & walk through sessions for the efficient usage of software application. +Exp Cycle time reduction in effectively resolving the Helpdesk Ticket by about 36% resolution process over a period of 10 months, demonstrated ability to handle multiple priorities and sustaining a high level of performance when under pressure. +Exp Made complex strategic decisions & prioritized competing initiatives. Effectively conducted difficult negotiations and resolved conflicts. +Exp Liaised with internal & external project stakeholders and acted as primary point of contact throughout project execution and support. +Exp Extensive business as well as technical acumen of Software Modules: from timesheet & expense report entry thru purchasing & Accounts Payable, workflow & resource management, to billing & Accounts Receivable; End-user training; General Ledger and Financial reporting. Technical familiarity of Nexelus system environment integrating with different financial systems such as Oracle, Microsoft GP and Microsoft AX Dynamics. Familiarity working with XML and SQL SPs (stored procedures). +Exp Project Manager July 2012 to December 2013 +Exp Greencrest Capital Management LLC (March 2011 to December 2013) New York, NY +Exp Spearheaded key Investments and technology implementation projects and participated in capital raising projects for secondary investments in late stage private technology companies. +Exp Successfully executed Shareholders Liquidity Program (SLP) by establishing and maintaining relationships with potential sellers of high-interest pre-IPO shares. Supported deal execution projects from start to finish, including planning, executing, and completing capital raises for secondary investments. +Exp Liaised with business stakeholders and investors, ensuring timely and consistent communication with all stakeholders. Managed project time-lines to ensure quality, on-time deliverables and identifying and resolving key issues and risks. Lead a team of Associates and operational staff. +Exp Boosted research division efficiency & revenues. Research, analyze and identify potential companies that create market in the private space and examine sector trends, dynamics and investment opportunities for institutional investors. +Exp Overhauled the research division to focus on industry reports and helped with the efforts of identifying & tracking late stage private companies based on potential for IPO or high profile M&A. +Exp Managed Project Management related activities starting from project inception to Creation of Project Plans, Dashboard Reporting, Budgeting & Forecasting, and Managing Program Level Risks & maintain Issue Logs. +Exp Responsible for project success and day to day project execution; act as single point of contact for Client, Vendors & various Stakeholders. +Exp Closely worked with senior research team on many aspects of equity research including: primary & secondary research, financial modeling, financial analysis, financial forecasting & valuation, due diligence, conducted wide array of industry analysis, SWOT analysis, competitive assessments in TMT space, developed & fielded industry surveys. Served as point of contact for investors, clients and media. +Exp Introduced & implemented an enterprise platform for streamlining insight generation and CRM sales funnel process for subscriptions. Implemented a new CRM software Salesforce enterprise-wide and maintained proprietary firm CRM Salesforce database. +Exp Ensured prioritization and development of strategic initiatives by effectively managing project priorities, planning, organization, implementation and control of all initiatives. +Exp Planned and led meetings with senior management, sponsors, stakeholders and functional leads to provide status updates and highlight risks / issues, accomplishments and future steps. +Exp Boosted operational efficiency by reducing costs to 30% and maintaining vendor relationship. Created, updated, designed, and organized all distributable materials for marketing and investor communications, including pitch books, investor review materials, performance summaries, as well as ad hoc meetings. +Exp Worked with senior management on daily basis to manage risks and issues and working with various stakeholders – Traders, Quantitative Risk team, Operations team, Credit Risk team, Finance teams, Legal, Regulatory & Compliance teams, Technology teams in managing the strategy of implementing investment programs. +Exp Prepared monthly, quarterly & annual accounts of the company. Prepared and maintained the year end filing and closing of the investment fund. Responsible for Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable, Payroll and finances of the company. +Exp Established client relationship and enriched them by providing exceptional one-2-one support for company’s research services. +Exp Project Coordinator/Business Operations Specialist March 2011 to June 2012 +Exp Greencrest Capital Management LLC New York, NY +Exp Spearheaded the administration & operations of the company by providing support to the senior management, sales team and research team of the company. Participated in capital raising projects for secondary investments in late stage private technology companies. +Exp Worked on simultaneous client engagements from start to finish, including planning, executing, and completing capital raising projects for alternative investment managers. +Exp Successfully executed Shareholders Liquidity Program (SLP) by establishing and maintaining relationships with potential sellers of high-interest pre-IPO shares. Supported deal execution projects from start to finish, including planning, executing, and completing capital raises for secondary investments. +Exp Analyzed company financial, valuation, business model, and industry dynamics, communicating the “equity story” in context of institutional client investment objectives. +Exp Developed and monitored investment processes and back office infrastructure to support and streamline deal flow. Reviewed and continuously improved processes to increase efficiency and ensure quality of deal flow. +Exp Assisted in preparing offering memorandums, management presentations and term sheets for investment purposes. +Exp Conducted research and participated in due diligence, weekly deal meetings and teach-in sessions for the sales team. +Exp Created, designed, and organized all distributable materials for marketing and investor communications, including pitch books, company teaser, term sheets, investor review materials, performance summaries, as well as ad hoc meetings. +Exp Analyzed business models and participated in due diligence calls, client meetings and managed a virtual dataroom. +Exp Managed a database of over 500 clients, prospects, and consultants for reporting and compliance issues related to the secondary investment industry practices in accordance with the Securities Exchange Commission guidelines. +Exp Prepared monthly, quarterly & annual accounting reports of the company. Prepared and maintained the year end filing and closing of the investment fund. Responsible for Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable, Payroll and finances of the company. +Exp Administered HR procedures and policies. Introduced a new HR package for a new hire and helped new employee with the HR documentation and the on—boarding process. Participated in training and development of junior team and new hires. +Exp Served as a point of contact for investors, clients, media and prospective clients. +Exp Graduate Assistant January 2009 to March 2011 +Exp New York Institute of Technology New York, NY +Exp Promoted as a Graduate Assistant, designed and launched academic exchange programs for a newly started department on-campus. Arranged and managed company visits for international students and conducted medical counseling and wellness sessions. +Exp Conducted research and introduced a whole new MBA Program and Exchange programs for NYIT’s School of Management. Provided support and solution to international students regarding admission, financial aid, housing, and insurance. +Exp Business Executive May 2006 to August 2007 +Exp Active Eye Security Solutions Gujarat, India +Exp Assessed business needs; Increased clientele through developing and presenting proposals, resolving issues promptly and effectively. +Exp Set project goals and expected outcomes to define project success. Established and measured project performance criteria, including quality standards, proposed timetables and cost estimates. +Exp Increased profit in existing accounts by introducing additional solutions and services to quantify the performance of company. Increased customer satisfaction by introducing and implementing a new feedback system to get client feedback and response. +Exp Consulting Project: +Exp Senior Consultant – Investment Banking January 2012 to February 2013 +Exp PE Source - Knight Capital Group, Equity Capital Markets New York, NY +Exp Analyzed company financial, valuation, business model, and industry dynamics, communicating the “equity story” in context of institutional client investment objectives. Conducted research and participated in due diligence, weekly deal meetings and teach-in sessions to assist sales team. +Exp Supported deal execution projects from start to finish, including planning, executing, and completing capital raises for secondary investments. +Exp Closely worked with Institutional buy-side clients and Knight’s in-house counsel to ensure compliance with legal and NDA paperwork as a part of the deal execution process. Assisted in preparing offering memorandums, management presentations and term sheets for investment purposes. +Edu Education: +Edu Master of Business Administration – Management & Finance 2011 +Edu School of Management, New York Institute of Technology New York, NY +Edu Volunteer: International Student Ambassador at New York Institute of Technology, Student Government Association. +Edu Bachelors of Business Administration – Marketing & Exports 2006 +Edu SEMCOM, Sardar Patel University Gujarat, India +PI Sr. Business Systems Analyst / Scrum Master +PI PSM I & CSM Certified ( ) +PI SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer) +PI Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum Experience with Oracle E-Business Suite (11i/R12) modules – Accounts Payables, General Ledger, Cash Management, Order Management, CRM, HRMS, Warehouse Control System (WCS), WMS and Procurement. +Sum Experience and knowledge of implementing SAP and using various modules of SAP for managing business. +Sum Experience in optimizing Procurement and other Supply Chain processes. +Sum Experience using SharePoint, JIRA, Rally, Power BI, TFS, AWS, Hadoop, informatica, HPQC and HP ALM. +Sum Supported onshore and offshore teams and promoted collaboration +Sum Coached and guided team members on agile practices to create business value and benefit from self-organization. +Sum Facilitated process improvements and automation of various cumbersome processes using DMAIC and DMADV methodologies that brought the value add of over $ 1 million. +Sum Worked closely with product owners to groom product backlog and supported in preparing for sprint planning +Sum Resolved impediments and internal conflicts by exhibiting servant leadership characteristics. +Sum Excellent expertise in SQL (Structured Query Language), Oracle, SAS, R programming, SPSS and Tableau. +Sum Worked on Data Governance, Data Compliance, regulations (GRC), data auditing and metadata repositories. +Sum Experience in facilitating requirements elicitation, Gap Analysis, Impact Analysis, Risk Analysis, enterprise analysis, Stakeholders Meetings, JRP sessions, JAD sessions and triage calls. +Sum Proficient in developing UML diagrams such as use case diagrams, work flow diagrams, data flow diagrams, flowcharts, screen mockups and report prototypes using dynamic UI with HTML, MS Visio. +Sum Proficient in Change Management, Process execution, Cost Benefit Analysis and ROI evaluation. +Sum Excellent documentation skills in creating BRD, Use Case Specifications, SRS, FRD, FSD, HLD, LLD etc. +Sum Proficient in MS Office – Excel (VLOOKUP, Pivot tables, Macros), Word, PowerPoint, Access. +Sum Assisted in scripting business logic in the web methods of Web Services and documenting the Web Service Level Agreements through XML into the business engine rule of the system. +Sum Developed sample XML request and response files for the development team to understand the parameters and used XSTL to perform various file translation to pdf, doc, csv etc. Used XSD to create XML files for webservice calls. +Sum Wrote complex elements in XML and coordinated with UI/UX team to integrate and transfer data using XML. +Sum Proficient in developing test plans, test cases, system testing, UAT and traceability matrices in manual and automated test environments. +Sum Performed reverse engineering for the enhancement projects to find design and fix bugs. +Sum Experience with data mapping, data analytics, data randomization and data warehousing. +Sum Worked on Waterfall, Agile Scrum and SAFe projects and understand the working of XP, RUP TDD. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS +Exp EXPERIENCE +Exp General Electric- Transportation: Melbourne FL Jun 2016 – Dec 2017 +Exp Sr. Business System Analyst / Lead Business Analyst +Exp An Enterprise level project that involved an upgrade of the Oracle Apps ERP application from 11i instance to R12. My role was closely related to Buy 2 Pay, Procure 2 Pay, Order Management and Cash Management modules. I worked on webservices and ensured that all Oracle forms and third-party tools are working fine in R12 instance. +Exp Role & Responsibilities: +Exp Managed and helped the BA’s to elicit the requirements and helped them to overcome issues and challenges. +Exp Assisted the BA’s to prepare the Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Specification Document (FSD) and Software Requirement Specifications (SRS). Used BPMN to show the process flow and suggested process improvements to improve productivity. +Exp Performed reverse engineering to understand the system design and to perform system analysis. +Exp Worked on Oracle forms and understood the working on various responsibilities and setups such as GL setups, purchase order, requisition and approval hierarchy. +Exp Worked on purchasing webservices and implemented JAX-RS, JMS, JAXB features for better communications. +Exp Well versed with R12 tables such as PO_HEADERS_ALL, PO_RELEASES_ALL, PO_VENDORS etc. +Exp Used Appworx for job scheduling and to track issue logs for the payment chains. +Exp Used SharePoint to store the all the artifacts such as BRD, SRS, Communication plan, Test plan and cases etc. +Exp Performed process mapping to understand the relationships between entities and their working. +Exp Used DMAIC methodology to automate some manual processes to bring about efficiency and cost savings. +Exp Performed various analysis such as Interface and GAP analysis to make a roadmap for the team for the successful ERP implementation. +Exp Worked with project manager to define the scope and out of the scope for the project. +Exp Developed and reviewed use cases and used modeling techniques for better understanding of the process flow for the stakeholders. +Exp Performed the document analysis and went through the problem reports to understand the complete system and the AS IS issues in production. Compared it to the TO BE state and made complete report for the project. +Exp Created prototypes for the business and created the activity diagrams and sequence diagrams to assist the upgrade. +Exp Worked with the Development team to integrate the SOA to support the REST based webservices and orchestration. +Exp Ensured that both the XML and JSON format were supported to ensure the proper integration with third party tools. +Exp Worked with the UI team to review the HTML and make relevant changes. +Exp Worked extensively on SQL, PL/SQL and T-SQL to perform operations on database. +Exp Facilitated various testing stages including user acceptance and the PL1 stage. +Exp Resolved technical problems associated with the API’s and worked with Dev team to fix those. +Exp Provided user training to the end users related to the new application. +Exp Environment: Oracle Apps 11i/R12, Appworx, PL/SQL, SQL, Tableau, TFS, SharePoint, Service-Now, Java, Unix, API, MangoDB. +Exp Citi Group: Tampa, Florida May 2014 – Jun 2016 +Exp Scrum Master / Business Analyst +Exp Citi Shared Services Global ID Administration (CSS GIDA) provides information security administration services to Citi Staff enterprise, and internal and external customers. The scope was to implement budgeting and forecasting application for its employees and managers. The application provided various features and helped in expense/recovery management. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Facilitated Scrum ceremonies such as Daily scrum meetings, Sprint planning, Sprint review, and Sprint retrospective. +Exp Facilitated discussion, decision making, and conflict resolution to ensure self-organization and collaboration. +Exp Reviewed scrum processes, facilitated process improvements and coached team to follow agile/scrum priciples. +Exp Calculated and tracked velocity and capacity of the team throughout the project and used focus factor. +Exp Used JIRA project management software for creating the sprint burn down and burn up charts, velocity charts throughout the sprints to track velocity as well as determine capacity of the development team and update the user stories and tasks that are completed in various sprints into the product backlog artifact. +Exp Performed business analysis to understand the budgeting and forecasting processes and suggested the best way to combine the processes and help them share information with one another. +Exp Understood the AS-IS system and its limitations and offered the recommendations for the TO-BE system. +Exp Used SQL extensively to perform DML operations and used Tableau to create reports. +Exp Gathered web services requirements, created a plan for orchestration and +Exp Made relevant analysis reports using UML diagrams and used SharePoint to share it with stakeholders. +Exp Ensured the user stories follow INVEST criteria and helped product owner to groom product backlog. +Exp Facilitated user story estimation with the help of various techniques such as Planning Poker, The Bucket System, T-Shirt Sizing, Affinity mapping etc. +Exp Assisted Product Owner in the prioritization of the user stories and used various techniques such as MOSCOW method, Rolling Wave Planning, Weighted shortest job first and whole team sorting. +Exp Enterprise Content Management solutions and portals (SharePoint, Sitecore, Adobe AEM). +Exp Ensured application was tested against all the test cases and helped testing team to come up with test cases. +Exp Helped the teams to implement OLAP and OLTP systems to analyze the data and filter transactions. +Exp Used Rally and TFS for updating the status of all the Test Cases & Test Scripts that are executed during testing process. +Exp Helped team in ETL operations, followed by analytics with SSIS and reporting with SSRS. +Exp Environment: Scrum, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, JIRA, SQL, SSIS, SSRS, SharePoint, TFS, Postman, Sitecore, Adobe AEM, Tableau +Exp Fidelity & Guaranty Life: Baltimore, Maryland Dec 2012 – May 2014 +Exp Business System Analyst / Business Analyst +Exp Insurance application enhancement for employees to manage retirement benefits such as annuities and create a dashboard for employees to manage the data related to customers. Ensured regulations and compliances like HIPAA were followed. +Exp Roles & Responsibilities: +Exp Elicited requirements and analyzed all phases of reinsurance accounting and reporting, information technology, data cleansing, contract administration, monthly processing, reinsurer settlement / reporting. +Exp Analyzed various annuity and pension products and identified best ways to implement the required functionality. +Exp Coordinated with SME’s for the creation of development tasks. +Exp Contributed and adhered to SDLC and IT Service Management (ITSM) processes. +Exp Extracted and transformed data from various data sources to perform analysis using Informatica. +Exp Performed change requirement analysis and planned for change management, replicated scenarios for proof of concept to uncover system functionality gaps +Exp Used PeopleSoft finance and accounting modules to understand the various forms and system architecture. +Exp Performed reverse engineering to fix bugs and to find the system design using Jad Debugger. +Exp Interface with TPA vendor and internal claims organization to analyze data to ensure proper processing of reinsurance invoices and claims, to ensure smooth processing and data of the highest integrity with maximum efficiency. +Exp Identified problems such as database errors, inaccurate records and reports, regulatory non-compliance, inaccurate guidance, and correctness of payment and accounting for funds. +Exp Work with Enterprise Data Management to map data requirements into data elements. +Exp Performed data validation of the data flow from the front-end to the back-end using SQL queries to perform the back-end testing on the database. +Exp Prepared Mock screens and Wire frames using MS Visio to give the stakeholders an idea about the UI and the screens. +Exp Used SQL to extract data and perform analysis. Used in conjunction with analytical tools such as SPSS and Tableau. +Exp Wrote client side and side validation verbiage and helped testing team to come up with relevant test cases. +Exp Worked with Dev Team to integrate the REST API’s with other web services and provide collaboration with other departments. +Exp Worked with design team to build the orchestration design to +Exp Developed test cases and test scripts and performed Quality Assurance testing using HPQC. +Exp Proposed process improvement ideas to automate various manual tasks such as report building and sending emails. +Exp Environment: Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Visio, T-SQL, Outlook, HPQC, Java, API, Webservices, Hibernate, Spring, JavaScript, Service Now, SharePoint, SOAP UI, Postman, PeopleSoft. +Exp Soft labs Technologies and Development Pvt. Ltd.: Mumbai India Apr 2011 – Dec 2012 +Exp Business Technology Analyst / Data Analyst +Exp The investment banking project for Kotak Mahindra was to add more features to the web application. The data needed to be profiled and analyzed to assist in business decision making. The report generation tool was optimized to develop more types of reports for internal banking employees. +Exp Worked with the design, development and testing team to enhance a web application for Kotak Mahindra Bank to offer solution to their wealth management and portfolio management. +Exp Worked with the bank stakeholders to understand their requirements and worked with Senior BA to understand the data requirements to make mapping documents. +Exp Performed GAP analysis and impact analysis and presented detailed report to the stakeholders. +Exp Elicited and analyzed requirements for wealth management and portfolio management departments. +Exp Identified the format of various documents such as NAV reports, subscriptions reports, redemption documents, statement of holdings, acceptance receipts etc. +Exp Collected relevant data using SQL from the database to identity the attributes and fields in the tables. +Exp Used data to perform OLAP and form graphs and charts such as reconciliation graphs. +Exp Performed impact analysis to understand the impact on other securities such as equity, debt, derivatives and alternative security. +Exp Interpreting data, analyze results using statistical techniques and provide ongoing reports to support Business Analysts. +Exp Develop and implement databases, data collection systems, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality. +Exp Identify, analyze, and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets to help portfolio managers take business decisions. +Exp Environment: Microsoft Excel, SQL, OLAP, RACI Matrix, BRD, FRD, SRS, ETL, TFS, Sharepoint. +Exp DreamSoft IT Solutions: Mumbai, India Jun 2009 – Apr 2011 +Exp Java Developer +Exp The project scope was to develop a web application for an education company ‘Jamboree’. The application would allow the employees to maintain the student schedules and manage the course lists with relevant details. +Exp Used Java, J2EE and struts to develop web application for an education service company. +Exp Developed prototypes for the application and made documents for the business and the end user. +Exp Performed Unit, Integration and system testing. +Exp Assisted the Module leader in various account level activities such as timesheet submissions and the team roster. +Exp Implemented SOAP and REST webservices to connect different application in SOA architecture. +Exp Worked on Oracle Database and used SQL to perform retrieve and update records in database. +Exp Used XML Spy tool to write XML files to transfer information across the web pages and web services. +Exp Worked with the UI team to implement the JavaScript and JSP snippets. +Exp Implemented AJAX and XML, XSLT, XSD to transfer the request and get the responses. +Exp Made relevant changes on the HTML to make the web pages more dynamic by incorporating AJAX. +Exp Performed process improvement using DMAIC and DMADV methodologies. +Exp Developed scalable modular software packages for various Java APIs and applications. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, Junit, SOAP UI, Jenkins, Postman, SQL, Service-Now, SharePoint, Eclipse IDE, Java Persistence API. +Edu Education +Edu Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) University of Jammu May 2005- May 2009 +QC Certifications +QC Six Sigma Green Belt +QC Sun Certified Java Programmer +QC Professional Scrum Master +PI Name: Mohid +PI Phone: 857-228-4961 +PI Email: +PI Java Developer +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Over 8 years of software industry working experience in domains like Retail, Insurance, Airlines in analysis, design, testing, development, documentation with various JAVA/J2EE technologies. +Sum Hands on experience in using web application frameworks including Apache Struts 1.x and 2.x, Spring 3.x and Hibernate 3.x and familiarity with build tools such as Maven, GRADLE. +Sum Rich work experience in Open Source frameworks like Struts 1.2, Struts 2.0, Spring and implemented spring JDBC Template for handling database access. +Sum Experienced with J2EE standard compatible Application Servers including WebLogic, IBM Web sphere, Apache Tomcat Deployment Process and Integration. +Sum Implementing automated Testing Platforms and Unit Tests and Proficient understanding of Code Versioning tools, such as GIT. +Sum Working knowledge in Relational Database Systems like Oracle 9i and fair exposure to PL/SQL programming. +Sum Expertise in Angular JS, Backbone JS, Node JS, Mongo DB and Spring Boot Framework. +Sum Good UI Skills with Working knowledge of HTML5, Bootstrap, JQuery, JS, CSS3 +Sum Hands-on experience in developing Web services like SOAP and Rest Web Services. +Sum Expertise in Client / Server and application development using Java, J2ee technologies. +Sum Expertise in Tools: Eclipse, Rational Application Developer RAD +Sum Hands on experience in advanced web technologies like Ajax, Hibernate, Angular JS. +Sum Experience working in a Cloud environment – developing and deploying in AWS cloud +Sum Experience using Hibernate for mapping Java classes with database and using Hibernate query language(HQL). +Sum Developed the Applications using J2EE Design Patterns such as Model-View-controller (MVC), Singleton, Session Façade, Business Delegate, and Service Locator. +Sum Expertise in web development with HTML, XML, JavaScript, Perl, JSF and AJAX. +Sum Spearheaded the design and development of SOAP based Web Services. +Sum Solid recent experience of developing and designing RESTful APIs. +Sum Design experience on various Databases Oracle, SQL SERVER and MySQL. +Sum Used XML parsers for to parse the data during web service calls for SOAP and Restful. +Sum Participated in Functional discussions and prepared detail design documents for document rewriting module of the application. +Sum Worked on business logic and business objects of Payment module. +Sum Works with delivery team and project teams under limited supervision. +Skill SKILL SET: +Skill PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES- JAVA, C/C++, PL/SQL, COBOL +Skill JAVA TECHNOLOGIES- J2EE, SERVLETS, JSP, EJB, JDBC, JMS +Skill APPLICATION SERVERS- WEBSPHERE, WEBLOGIC, JBOSS +Skill WEB SERVERS- TOMCAT 4.0/5.0 +Skill FRAME WORKS- STRUTS, SPRING, HIBERNATE, JUNIT 3.8 +Skill DATABASES- ORACLE 8I/9I/10G,11G, DB2, TOP LINK +Skill IDE’S- NET BEANS, ECLIPSE, STS +Skill SCRIPTING LANGUAGES- JAVASCRIPT, SHELL & PERL SCRIPTING. +Skill METHODOLOGY- AGILE, WATERFALL +Skill PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Skill Client: TUFTS HEALTH PLAN, Watertown, MA Oct 16 to Current +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Project Description: As a Java Developer, I was involved in developing a web based application compliant with healthcare management system, designed to automate tasks like Patient management, Claims Processing, Accounts receivable management & collections, Reporting, Document creation & management in compliance to HIPAA standards. It also deals with the System Related Activities like adding users / deleting users. It has Built-in flexibility for allocating access rights to different users depending on their roles. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented J2EE web-based system using the concrete principles of Struts; Tiles laid down by Java APIs several design patterns such as Struts framework, J2EE Business Delegate, and Data Base. +Exp Participated in discussions to finalize the architecture of the application and prepared detailed design documents using Java Class and Web Sequence Diagrams. +Exp Using Spring MVC frame work, configuring the action path elements and redirecting the requests to the application +Exp Extensively used Core Java features including collection framework, exception handling, generics and annotation in the coding and also used GOF Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory Patterns to make the code more robust and easier to maintain. +Exp involved in various modules to troubleshoot the existing problems and provide the solutions to the required functionalities. +Exp Developed Session Beans to invoke JDBC services that do database lookups for dropdowns and invoke backend entity beans. Also, implemented LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for Single Sign-on. +Exp Deployed and tested the application using Web logic application server. +Exp Performed various Linux system admin tasks including hardware related problems. +Exp Involved in coding, code reviews, JUnit testing, Prepared and executed Unit Test Cases. +Exp configured the struts configuration file to map the Action Forms with the Form Beans and Action Classes with the Actions. +Exp Involved in code review and bug fixing of the application; also involved in deploying the application files to the machine using Web Sphere Application Server. +Exp Providing navigation rules in the XML file for managed beans and defining them in the configuration files. +Exp Integration of application with JBOSS 4.2. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE (JSP, Servlet), Struts 2.0,Linux , Oracle 11G, HTML, LDAP, JavaScript, Web Logic Server 10.3.4, Oracle, Log4j, JDBC, JDK 1.5, JUNIT 3.8, +Exp Client: Virgin America, Burlingame, CA June ‘14 to September ‘16 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Project Description: Our Project is a fully integrated web-based project whose emphasis is to render the services to the Client Applications in the organization. There are client applications like Print Services, which process a specific functionality and conversions to the organizational accepted formats which can be only accessible internally. To manage these applications and perform certain business specific logics, we are using Spring, hibernate and Oracle as db. Apart we have implemented Angular JS for the front end for better implementation. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp As a Developer, responsible to handle full stack application development with respect to the project awareness among all the team members in development using advanced Java technologies. +Exp Supported various existing tools developed for application teams. +Exp Implemented the Project structure based on Spring MVC pattern using spring boot. +Exp Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for micro-services. +Exp Developed presentation layers using Angular JS, Backbone JS, AJAX, JSP, java script, HTML and XML. +Exp Created Payment Gateways as standards of PCI and also used HTTP protocols +Exp Implemented AWS - Implementation and configuration of the above components for Web application development +Exp Knowledge in developing dashboards and web applications using web technologies. +Exp Working knowledge of UI development in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS. +Exp Experience in using modern JavaScript frameworks such as JQuery or Angular. +Exp Experience in handling applications hosted in Amazon Web Services AWS +Exp Used Annotations and Spring features for applying business logic and interact with the other layers in the application. +Exp Unit Testing/Integration Testing, JUnit 4.0, Debugging and Implementation is performed at accurate intervals before deployment +Exp Log4J and logback files are configured for monitoring the error logs. +Exp Sound Knowledge in implementing design patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller) +Exp Implemented Database Updates / Verification used in our project +Exp Extensively involved in portal related technical/functional sessions and performed the functionalities as well +Exp Usage of Clear Case, Accurev as a Version Control. +Exp Worked in Agile Methodology and involved in the project discussions. +Exp Extensively Worked on SQL and stored Procedures and Functions. +Exp Responsible in Enhancement of the portal based on the user requirements. +Exp Environment: Java, J2EE (JSP, Servlet), AJAX, Struts 2.0, Spring Boot 1.1.5, Oracle 11G, HTML, JQuery, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Web Logic Server 10.3.4, Oracle Workshop for WebLogic, Log4j, JDBC, JDK 1.5, JUNIT 3.8, Mockito. +Exp Client: Nordstrom, Seattle, WA Apr ’12 to May ‘14 +Exp Role: Java Developer +Exp Project Description: Our Project is a migration project which was implemented in Mongo DB and then converted into top Link. Our project mainly focuses in operating the systems and its departments with respect to employees and its resources used within the organization. However, as our DB has lots of data to store and proposed for a licenced version of DB, our project scope has been migrated to top Link. To Integrate the services, SOAP Web services are used. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp As a Developer, Participated in functional discussions and responsible in detail design documents preparations for various modules of the application. +Exp Usage of Toad as the Oracle developer tool to access the Oracle 11g database. +Exp Developed the business domain layer using Java, J2EE, JDBC and used DAO, Singleton. +Exp Experience in handling SOAP and Rest Web services +Exp Used Oracle Top Link Workbench as a ORM tool for mapping POJO’s to Database tables +Exp Provided technical guidance to business analysts and Systems analyst, gather the requirements and convert technical specifications for developers to start. +Exp Involved in integrating Struts 2.x and Spring boot. +Exp Made sure communication between devices and middle/enterprise servers took place utilizing web protocols and data packages such as HTTP, XML and JSON +Exp Worked specifically on Business Layers in the application to implement business logic as per the requirements. +Exp Prepared technical artifacts including UML Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams etc., using Rational Rose and other compatible tools. +Exp Developed dynamic web content using JSF 2.0, JavaBeans, XHTML, JavaScript and Custom Tags. +Exp Developed presentation layers using JSP, velocity templates, HTML and JavaScript. +Exp Created server side validations using struts validator framework. +Exp Usage of MVC components, implemented event handling using Java, JSF, AJAX components and JavaScript for the multi-tier application. +Exp Responsible for implementing JSF Converters to handle formatting and localization and configured the faces-config.xml to create a web application navigation rule. +Exp Implemented Hibernate as an ORM tool and created the connection pool and setup required environment to map the tables and classes with Oracle RDBMS. +Exp Implemented spring JDBC Template for handling database access. +Exp Participated in functional discussions and prepared detail design documents for document rewriting module of the application. +Exp Worked as a backend application developer using Java and XML technologies. +Exp Worked on UNIX servers for building and exploring log files in different application environments. +Exp Participated in code review meetings to achieve coding standard compliance. +Exp Performed extensive Unit Testing of the application. +Exp Prepared project documentation, status reporting and presentation. +Exp Participated in code review meetings to achieve coding standard compliance. +Exp Involved in creating test plans and test cases for the system. +Exp Performed extensive Unit Testing of the application. +Exp Written and tested regression test cases for the new functionalities developed for the release. +Exp Environment: UNIX, J2EE, Java Beans, Linux, JDK 1.7, SOAP, JSP, Struts 2.x, Spring boot JavaScript, Tiles, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSLT, Eclipse IDE, SOAP, WebLogic application server, Oracle 10g. +Exp Client: Noridian Mutual Company, Fargo, ND Sep ’11 to Mar ‘12 Role: Java Developer +Exp Project Description: Our Organization has internal projects resource sharing and few mitigating the same. To distinguish the usage of resources, our project builds a specific structure where clear separation of the internal functionalities and configured and our application holds the responsibilities of routing the required events and operations to the specific application to perform functionality. To implement the same, we have used EJB, Hibernate and Oracle database. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp As a Developer, involved in the entire (SDLC) life cycle of the project right from the designing the project to implementation. +Exp Involved in designing and implemented tables, functions, stored procedures and triggers in SQL Server 2005. +Exp Engaged in writing the SQL queries, Stored Procedures, Functions, and Views. +Exp Performed few upgrades on JBOSS Server as per the need of requirements and handled few issues relating while upgrading. +Exp Wrote JavaScript client side validations for user account information based on their business rules. +Exp Developed Entity Beans and Session Beans to implement business logic for various product transportation and distribution over different areas. +Exp Created triggers to keep track of changes of tables when changes are made. +Exp Responsible for Configuring the Message Driven Beans (MDB) for messaging to different clients and agents who are registered with the system. +Exp Experience in handling final builds, deployments and management using ANT/ MAVEN scripts to customize EAR, WAR and JAR files and the application is deployed on Web Sphere server.3 +Exp Prepared Technical Design document and User Documentation. +Exp Participated in code review meetings with development team. +Exp Environment: J2EE, Java, JDK 1.6, Hibernate, JSP, Struts framework 2.0, Restful, Oracle 10g, HTML, XHTML, XML, XSLT, UML, Rational Rose, ANT 1.5.3 +Exp Client: Noridian Mutual Company, Fargo, ND August ’10 to June ‘11 Role: Java Developer +Exp Description: Project is a web-based application where a customer can get necessary and speedy information about different product models available. Customers can place new orders, view previous orders or cancel existing orders. Responsibilities: +Exp Implemented the project using JSP and Servlets based tag libraries. +Exp Conducted client side validations using JavaScript. +Exp Used Core java and object-oriented concepts. +Exp Coded JDBC calls in the Servlets to access the Oracle database tables. +Exp Generate SQL Scripts to update the parsed message into Database. +Exp Designed and coded the java class that will handle errors and will log the errors in a file. +Exp Used Data Access Object Design Pattern (DAO) for data access functionality. +Exp Deployed the application on JBoss Application server. +Exp Involved in creating User Authentication page using JavaServlets. +Exp Developed a distributed web application and rich client for maintenance of a database. The back end is +Exp written in and Java using the Jetty web server, Java servlets and MS-SQL Server. +Exp Used JavaScript and Prime faces 2.2.1 to develop the front end for the Application. +Exp Involved in the Maintenance and Support of the System. +Exp Responsible for Integration, Unit Testing, System Testing and stress testing for all the phases of project. +PI Mounika +PI Business Analyst Email: smounika.ba@gmail.com +PI Phone :717-559-5134 +Sum overview: +Sum Business Analyst over 7 years of experience supporting business solution, software and analyzing business operations.Aiming to utilize my strong prioritization skills and analytical ability to achieve the goals of the company.As a Business Systems Analyst, I am instrumental to the successful Planning, Execution, and Delivery of Complex Technology Development Projects. The combination of my Analytical, Technical, and Interpersonal Skills allows me to engage with key stakeholders at all levels to elicit detailed requirements and develop an in-depth understanding of their user needs, Business Challenges and Constraints. Additionally,through a proactive approach to risk management, I am able to Identify Impacts and Dependencies across applications, platforms, workflows, and processes to ensure the project team considers all issues. +Sum professional Summary: +Sum Over 7+ years of professional experience as a Business AnalystInHealth care domain. +Sum Extensive experience in development with comprehensive understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), various phases like Requirement analysis, Design, Development and Testing. +Sum Duties included communicating with business users, project managers, development team and QA team. +Sum Experience in understanding user needs and creating Business Requirements Document (BRD) and functional requirement document (FRD)and maintaining the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) related documents. +Sum Experience in several phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Methodologies such as Agile-Scrum methodology, Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Traditional Waterfall Model. +Sum ConductedJoint Requirement Planning (JRP) and Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions with end users, SMEs and development team for project meetings, walkthroughs. +Sum Proficient inUMLby creating Use-Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams. +Sum Implementation and Knowledge of Facets, HIPAA code sets, 4010-5010 Migration, ICD-9, ICD-10 coding, HL7 and HEDIS rules and regulations. +Sum Good knowledge of Database Relationships and Concepts, worked on RDMS & ER Diagrams. +Sum Excellent command on web development techniques such as HTML/CSS. +Sum Excellent verbal and written communication skills with strong presentation skills. +Sum Expertise in designing Test plans, Test Script/Test case and RTM +Sum Excellent facilitation skills in conducting walkthroughs, surveys, questionnaires, interviews, brainstorming and JAD sessions. +Sum Expertise in writing Business Requirements Document(BRD),System Requirements Document(SRD), maintaining Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Sum Experience with Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies +Skill technical Skills: +Sum WORK EXPERIENCE: +Exp CLIENT: SAP ,Palo Alto, CA +Exp DURATION: Oct’2017-Till Date +Exp ROLE: BUSINESS ANALYST. +Exp Project Description: +Exp SAP provides a wide range of health services including full range of hospitals, home-based care and emergency services. The project with the medical center was in relation to the Medicare population base being HIPAA complaint. This included gathering and documentation of user requirements, analyzing the existing system and performing gap analysis to relate to the target system. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Analysis for making system compliant with HIPAA. Involved in making the Medicare patient profiles being compliant with the HIPAA regulations. Management of Patient Profile Transfer (PPT) reports created by data team by verifying the associated data. +Exp Thoroughly studied the inherent systems to have a clear understanding of the business processes and associated system workflow. +Exp Clarified and prioritized requirements by conducting brainstorming sessions with the stakeholders and SMEs(Subject Matter Expert). +Exp Control Management Reporting and Security Systems: generation of daily, weekly, and monthly reports of hospital patients' activity. Medical Billing and Collection Systems: generation of daily billing activity based on patient records and establishment of collection protocols. Accounting Systems: Financial Statement generation and analysis according to government standards and protocols. +Exp Working knowledge of Epic Rx /Epic Lab/Epic Care Inpatient/Health Information Management and Chart Tracking. +Exp Responsible for architecting integrated HIPAA, Medicare solutions, FACETS. +Exp Defined Functional test cases, documented, executed test script in FACETS system. +Exp Used knowledge of Health Care Information Systems EMR model to develop proposed workflow in MS Visio. +Exp Experience with the use of clinical laboratory information systems within a medium to large clinical laboratory. +Exp Carried out detailed and comprehensive business analysis with the Waterfall Methodology. +Exp Produced Use case scenarios to help the users drive through the requirements phase. +Exp Proficient in creating Business Requirement Documents(BRD),Use-Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams. +Exp Communicated the User Stories and Acceptance criteria continually and clearly to the team. +Exp Preparation of the functional ‘to be’ template and mapping with the ERP system. +Exp Facilitated the meeting using PowerPoint Presentation and followed up with the team with accurate and detailed meeting minutes and action items. +Exp Created Business Process Flows using MS Visio for operations process. +Exp Prepared business and technical specifications for the development teams and tracked in TFS. +Exp Supported business as usual requests for the ERP system and other interfaced applications. +Exp ERP SME for all projects, enhancements, and testing. +Exp Provided reference to system users by writing and maintaining user documents. +Exp Performed system end-user support by troubleshooting and resolving application problems. +Exp Allocated resources and scheduled resources when needed. +Exp Experienced in using tools like Rational Rose and MS Visio for Business Process Modeling (BPM) and Designing Data Flow Diagrams (DFD),UML diagrams like State, Activity, Sequence, swim lane, Class, Use Case Diagrams, and Business Workflow Chart. +Exp Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and worked closely with QA team to perform different types of testing to thoroughly validate the Product/application. +Exp Environment:UML, MS Project, Microsoft Office 2010/2013 (Outlook, word, excel, access), Microsoft share point 2010/2013,MS Visio, Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015,EDI ANSI X12/HIPAA, +Exp Client: Fremont Healthcare Center, Fremont, CA +Exp Duration: APR’2017– SEP’2017 +Exp Role:BUSINESS ANALYST +Exp I was contracted as a Business Analyst designed to cater to the needs of the business department of the Organization. This team handles a major portion of the claims processing for the many thousands of claims that are filed by the provider's every day. The project required the addition of new features that were brought about by transactions in the HIPAA code. These transactions included the transfer of monies between the providers and the Medicare program. The project would allow these transactions to be processed faster and in a more efficient manner. +Exp Responsibilities +Exp Interfaced with business users to prepare and update Business Requirements Document (BRD),wireframes, and Detailed Requirements Document. +Exp Experienced in creating Business Requirement Documents, User Requirement Specification, and Functional Requirement Specifications. +Exp Developed use cases with UML using Microsoft Visio 2010 for new application functionality. +Exp Conducted JAD Sessions with Management, SME (Subject Matter Expertise), users and other stakeholders for open and pending issues to develop specifications. +Exp Reviewed the Joint Requirement Documents (JRD) with the cross functional team to analyze the High Level Requirements. +Exp Worked with Information Architects (IA) and other representatives from the User Experience (UX) team to design wireframes, mock ups, and process flows. +Exp Created mockups and wireframes using MS Visio. +Exp Ensured all artifacts complied with corporate SDLC Policies and guidelines. +Exp Designed customer web portal with technical team. +Exp Built various use case scenarios and As-Is scenarios for the Web portal. +Exp Identified various call types for member services based on the call volume for Medicaid system in place. (ID card request, Benefit clarification, network adequacy and others) +Exp Identified and created SOPs and training necessities for the CSRs . +Exp Responsible for conducting and analyzing the impact analysis of the conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10. +Exp Worked with ICD codes, mappings and validation. +Exp Performed migration from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and knowledge of ICD-9 CM, ICD-10 CM/PCS structures an formats. +Exp Responsible for conducting various meetings with business and functional owner where I presented the mockups to the testing teams. +Exp Communicated with different vendors to standardized common data sources. +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Word, Excel, Project, Visio, SharePoint, Appian +Exp Client: UnitedHealth Group, Irvine CA +Exp Duration: July 2016 – FEB’2017 +Exp Title: BUSINESS ANALYST +Exp Project Description: +Exp The project included the HIPAA Business Analysis and Quality Assurance testing activities, primarily for the addition of a new Medicare Advantage Health Plan to the standard e-Portal usability platform for Eligibility and Benefits application for the Providers, Members, Customer Service and Provider web transactions and to choose the details about the medical service types, deductible and benefit limitations. This new Health Plan provides the benefits of Original Medicare and Prescription Drug Coverage. Additionally,involved in a parallel project team that implemented migration of HIPAA 4010 transactions to 5010 transactions as well as ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered and understood the requirements, was involved in writing a business requirement document and communicated Product road map to the end users. +Exp Gathered requirements for HIPAA 5010 migration. +Exp Defined detailed description of user needs (Use Cases), program functions (Business Rules and Supplementary Specifications). +Exp Involved in duties such as including the development requirements management, project monitoring, and change management using MS Project. +Exp Ensure project tasks stay on schedule. +Exp Meet regularly with the Project and IT owner to discuss status and issues. +Exp Acted as the lead business analyst for website used by customers to place pharmaceutical orders. This project was developed implementing RUP methodology. +Exp Actively involved in Gap Analysis and impact analysis. +Exp Suggested processes flow for Business Rule Extraction. +Exp Created Claims Vocabulary that is useful for differentiating claims business rules at Business Entity and an Attribute (key business variable) level. +Exp Coordinated with SME, obtaining clarifications to functional queries and verification/validation of the findings. +Exp Reviewed Interim Sheet (containing all rules system and business) and Business Rules Sheet created by the team for a business module. +Exp Initiated and facilitated the weekly status calls, tracked issues/concerns to closer and followed up on open items that were raised during the call. +Exp Carried out Business Rules Consolidation process for all the modules for Unified Claims System and shared the Business Rule doc with the Business owner. +Exp Managed the privacy and security environments of healthcare data that was governed by HIPAA and other government mandates. +Exp Extensive knowledge of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records(EHR). +Exp Executed efforts within the SDLC parameters to ensure customer satisfaction and drove projects to completion throughout product deployment, implementation and configuration lifecycle. +Exp Performed Gap analysis for migration of HIPAA transactions from 4010 standard version to 5010 standard version. +Exp Performed impact analysis for readiness of ICD-10 conversion. +Exp Involved in creation of Process Documents, Templates, Checklist & Training material. +Exp Carried out Business Rule presentation walkthroughs with the stakeholders. +Exp Suggested process improvements for delivering quality output from associates +Exp Understood and articulated business requirements by having sessions with different teams. Understanding the ‘AS IS' system and conducted GAP and impact analysis. +Exp Handled Requirement Tractability Matrix(RTM) document to maintain change control and version control. +Exp Worked on Agile Scrum methodology of SDLC and involved in release, eliciting user stories and supported the design, development and testing team on daily basis. +Exp Used SQL to analyze the data and check the validation and internal data from end to end systems. +Exp Environment:RUP Methodology, Microsoft Word, Facets, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, Oracle 10g and Window XP +Exp CLIENT: Aadhya Solutions, Hyderabad ,India +Exp DURATION :MAR’2015-DEC’2015 +Exp ROLE: APPLICATION ANALYST. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Facilitate meetings with stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts(SME) to elicit business requirements and generate cross team functionality. Identify potential process improvements, quick wins and project dependencies. +Exp Regular exposure to business stakeholders and executive management, as well as the authority and scope to apply expertise to many interesting technical problems. +Exp Strong understanding of UI, cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and standards. +Exp Writing and editing content. +Exp Designing webpage layout and Determining technical requirements. +Exp Translate business requirements to functional requirements within functional design documents. +Exp Successfully act as a conduit between IT development team and all other business teams. +Exp Worked closely with the web development team to help them understand the requirements and supported the implementation efforts by answering questions of the developers related to the requirements. +Exp Involved in all phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) +Exp Participated in daily Scrum meetings. +Exp Effectively communicate project expectations to team members and stakeholders in a timely and clear fashion. +Exp Develop and deliver progress reports on requirements, prepare requirements documentation, and presentations. +Exp Performed User stories and maintained sprint burn down chat to display the status of the sprint cycle. +Exp Interacted with Product Owners, Scrum Master and gathered requirements as per the business needs. +Exp Communicated with Business Partners on status of issues, action plans, and timeframe for resolution throughout development cycle. +Exp Planning scope and monitoring project development life cycles. +Exp Environment:UML, MS Project, Microsoft Office 2010/2013 (Outlook, word, excel, access),Microsoft share point 2010/2013, Agile Scrum,Visio,ERP, SQL. +Exp CLIENT: Zolt Info Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad, India DURATION:APR’2013-OCT’2014 +Exp ROLE:BA/QA Analyst. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Participated in System Design Discussion. +Exp Worked in an Agile environment, Software Development Life cycle(SDLC) experience including analysis, design and review of business and software requirement specifications. +Exp Coordinated with the users for the new requirements for the reporting Purposes. +Exp Worked with managers and Users to develop business requirements and to analyze /Model Current and Proposed Business Process Flows. +Exp Prepared the Business Requirements Document (BRD’s) and the Use Case Specification Documents using Rational Requisite Pro as Requirement Gathering Tool. +Exp Assisted QA team by reviewing test plans, test cases and clarifying requirements to ensure complete coverage of requirements. +Exp Conducted JAD Sessions for better understanding and refining of requirements in coordination with multiple teams. +Exp Communicating and working with Designers and QA team to understand requirements and updating Jira for progress and defect tracking. +Exp Gathering, blueprinting and analysing requirements using Requisite Pro and Requisite Web +Exp Extensively used Agile Methodology in the process of the project management based on SDLC. +Exp Mapped high-level to-be designs using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) on MS Visio. +Exp Extensively involved in data modelling +Exp Data mapping, logical data modelling, created class diagrams and ER diagrams and used SQL queries to filter data within the Oracle database +Exp Gathered and documented Business Requirements, created Functional specifications and translated them into Software Requirement Specifications. +Exp Conducted the whole project in Agile and Scrum framework. +Exp Worked closely with team members in understanding the technical requirements of each project and prepared the use cases for different functionalities and designs. +Exp Involved in developing of design documents with UML class diagrams. +Exp Translated business user concepts and ideas into comprehensive business requirements and design documents. +Exp Possess good analytical skills, which enabled to analyze data with ease. +Exp Strong problem-solving, organizing, communication and planning skills, with ability to work in team environment. +Exp Drafted requirements Traceability matrix to ensure the requirements are refined in concise and accurate manner. +Exp Environment:Jira, UNIX, SQL, html &CSS, UML, RUP, UML, BPMN, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, MS-Visio, MS Office, SQL +Exp CLIENT:AdvikaSolutions,Hyderabad,India. +Exp DURATION:MAR’2011-JAN’2013 +Exp ROLE:BUSINESS ANALYST +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Prepared system documentation for upgrades and new system functionality. +Exp Controlled processing parameters for system control files. +Exp Performed ongoing quality assurance to ensure accuracy and consistency of output in the system +Exp Acted as project team member on [company name] Blue Shield of Michigan's initiative to combine a local and national claims processing system into one single platform +Exp Working with Medicare operational management to monitor, trend and report on operational metrics such as timeliness, workload, and staff trending, customer satisfaction, and other key measures to facilitate performance excellence. +Exp Interacted with healthcare clients to gather requirements, objectives, and input and output requirements. +Exp Was involved in managing the Daily Standup meetings and also ensured that quality standards were enforced as per the build-release schedule. +Exp Documented various workflow diagrams like AS-IS and TO-BE processes. +Exp Translated Business requirements to functional and technical language with the help of Use cases and UML diagrams for developers. +Exp Developed flowchart and process diagram using MS Visio. +Exp Responsible for creating tracking system for daily schedules. +Exp Responsible for other duties as assigned. +Exp Developed business requirement updates while working with different concerned authorities to define priorities. +Exp Developed data conversion programs for membership, claims, and benefit accumulator data - converted thirteen corporate acquisitions. Developed data field mappings. Provided programming and support for claims processing functions and auto-adjudication. +Exp Documented Requirements for Management Reporting out of Clear Quest using Crystal Reports. +Exp Facilitated Change Control Board and Governance Board meetings and acted as a liaison between parties impacted by the change requests. +Exp Provided training on new features within CQ and prepared training materials like Quick Reference Guides and Job aids. +Exp Understood and articulated business requirements by having sessions with different teams. Understanding the AS IS' system and conducted GAP and impact analysis. +Exp Gathered business rules and prepared requirement documentations. +Exp Performed User stories and maintained sprint burn down chat to display the status of the sprint cycle. +Exp Interacted with Product Owners, Scrum Master and gathered requirements as per the business needs. +Exp Communicated with Business Partners on status of issues, action plans, and timeframe for resolution throughout development cycle. +Exp Environment: SQL Server, UML, MS Visio, MS Access, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY +Sum More than 7 years of experience working as a Business Systems Analyst in the Health Care domain. +Sum Comprehensive knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). +Sum Expertise in writing Business Requirements Document (BRD), System Requirements Document (SRD), maintaining Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM). +Sum Experience with Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies. +Sum Experience with defining the Project Scope and Objectives. +Sum Adept at creating and transforming business requirements into functional requirements and designing business models using UML diagrams – context, Use Case, sequence and Activity diagrams. +Sum Excellent facilitation skills in conducting walkthroughs, surveys, questionnaires, interviews, brainstorming and JAD sessions. +Sum Experience with Facets 4.71, Inbound & Outbound interfaces, EDI configuration, and data mapping using ANSI X12 4010 and 5010 (834,835,837). +Sum Experience in gathering, managing, and documenting business and functional requirements, communicating effectively with management, developers and other IT professionals. +Sum Implementation and Knowledge of Facets, HIPAA code sets, 4010-5010 Migration, ICD-9, ICD-10 coding, HL7 and HEDIS rules and regulations. +Sum Knowledge of Health Insurance Plans (Medicare Part A, B, C and D), managed care concepts (Medicaid and Medicare), billing experience within life and disability in health plans with thorough understanding of CPT coding, CMS-1500 claim forms and reimbursement forms. +Sum Sharp eye for finding synergy between multiple broad objectives. +Sum Excellent Analytical, problem solving, troubleshooting, and communication skills. +Sum Result Oriented, committed and hard working with a quest to learn new technologies and undertake challenging tasks. +Sum Highly motivated, self-starter able to work independently and collaboratively with a diverse technical team. +Sum Expertise in designing Test plans, Test Script/Test case and RTM. +Skill TECHNICAL SKILLS: +Edu EDUCATION: +Edu Masters in Computer Science +Edu PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: +Exp Client: Molina Healthcare, Long Beach, USA +Exp Duration:Jan 2016 – Till Date +Exp Role: Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: Marketplace Web Portal +Exp Molina Healthcare is one of the Obama Healthcare Marketplace’s companies. +Exp Project- ObamaCare’s Marketplace, is the website for subsidized health insurance. Uninsured Americans can shop for coverage options in their State's marketplace. The primary goal of this project was to construct a new web portal for marketplace customers to enroll themselves and their dependents, access their profiles and information pertaining to insurance benefits, plan details and also personal medical history. I being a Business Analyst worked on Marketplace web portal and Primary Care Physician (PCP) selection. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Created vision, scope, and use case documents, use case diagrams. +Exp Responsible for generating innovative solutions to bridge the gap between business and IT +Exp Interfaced with business users to prepare and update Business Requirements Document (BRD), wireframes, and Detailed Requirements Document. +Exp Experienced in creating Business Requirement Documents, User Requirement Specification, and Functional Requirement Specifications. +Exp Developed use cases with UML using Microsoft Visio 2010 for new application functionality. +Exp Conducted JAD Sessions with Management, SME (Subject Matter Expertise), users and other stakeholders for open and pending issues to develop specifications. +Exp Reviewed the Joint Requirement Documents (JRD) with the cross functional team to analyze the High Level Requirements. +Exp Worked with Information Architects (IA) and other representatives from the User Experience (UX) team to design wireframes, mock ups, and process flows. +Exp Created mockups and wireframes using MS Visio. +Exp Ensured all artifacts complied with corporate SDLC Policies and guidelines. +Exp Designed customer web portal with technical team. +Exp Completed BRD’s of web portal and PCP selection procedure. +Exp Built various use case scenarios and As-Is scenarios for the Web portal and PCP selection. +Exp Identified various call types for member services based on the call volume for Medicaid system in place. (ID card request, Benefit clarification, PCP change, network adequacy and others) +Exp Identified and created SOPs and training necessities for the CSRs . +Exp Responsible for conducting and analyzing the impact analysis of the conversion from ICD-9 to ICD-10. +Exp Worked with ICD codes, mappings and validation. +Exp Performed migration from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and knowledge of ICD-9 CM, ICD-10 CM/PCS structures an formats. +Exp Good knowledge of HCPCS/CPT coding formats and modifiers. +Exp Responsible for conducting various meetings with business and functional owner where I presented the mockups to the testing teams. +Exp Communicated with different vendors to standardized common data sources +Exp Environment: Waterfall, MS Word, Excel, Project, Visio, SharePoint, Appian +Exp Client: UnitedHealth Group, Irvine CA +Exp Duration:July 2014 – Dec 2015 +Exp Title: Business Analyst +Exp Project Description:The project included the HIPAA Business Analysis activities, primarily for the addition of a new Medicare Advantage Health Plan (Medicare Part C) to the standard e-Portal usability platform for Eligibility and Benefits application for the Providers, Members, Customer Service and Provider web transactions and to choose the details about the medical service types, deductible and benefit limitations. This new Health Plan provides the benefits of Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) and Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D). Additionally, involved in a parallel project team that implemented migration of HIPAA 4010 transactions to 5010 transactions as well as ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathered and understood the requirements, was involved in writing a business requirement document and communicated Product road map to the end users. +Exp Gathered requirements for HIPAA 5010 migration. +Exp Defined detailed description of user needs (Use Cases), program functions (Business Rules and Supplementary Specifications). +Exp Involved in duties such as including the development requirements management, project monitoring, and change management using MS Project. +Exp Ensure project tasks stay on schedule. +Exp Meet regularly with the Project and IT owner to discuss status and issues. +Exp Acted as the lead business analyst for website used by customers to place pharmaceutical orders. This project was developed implementing RUP methodology. +Exp Actively involved in Gap Analysis and impact analysis. +Exp Followed the Business Rules, and ensured that HIPAA compliant Rules are followed to display minimum benefit information that the Provider is required to pass on the EDI transactions. +Exp Captured all HIPAA-related EDI data in the repository using FACETS. +Exp Accepted inbound transactions from multiple sources using FACETS. +Exp Managed the privacy and security environments of healthcare data that was governed by HIPAA and other government mandates. +Exp Extensive knowledge of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR). +Exp Executed efforts within the SDLC parameters to ensure customer satisfaction and drove projects to completion throughout product deployment, implementation and configuration lifecycle. +Exp Performed gap analysis for migration of HIPAA transactions from 4010 standard version to 5010 standard version. +Exp Performed impact analysis for readiness of ICD-10 conversion. +Exp Environment: RUP Methodology, Microsoft Word, Facets, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, Oracle 10g and Window XP +Exp Client: Assurant Healthcare, Miami, Fl +Exp Duration: Jan 2013 – June 2014 +Exp Role:Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: Assurant health care is one of the largest health care organization serving 1 million medical enrollees and 1.6 million workers compensation enrollees of health plans that access Assurant health network program. The system provides a complete solution for electronic billing and interfaces to EMR software and lab systems. The system has different packages like electronic statement, electronic claims billing. Main focus of the project was to upgrade the existing system by enhancing the functionality of online bill pay, and get more information for any transaction; the system performs all the functions of billing process such as billing customers, updating accounts receivable and getting transaction summary. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Created and documented the user stories based on the FRD documents and assigned them to iterations based on the priority direction provided by the stakeholders. Each user story had the detailed description, mockup and test strategy to help improve rapid development and iterative testing process. +Exp Worked closelywith Business Directors, project managers, business analysts and SMEs in various business areas to gather, analyze and document the requirements and supported the project throughout the development lifecycle. +Exp Acted as the primary liaison between the business stakeholders and technical teams to make communication and development efforts more effective. +Exp Developed functional specifications for the existing WEDI software enhancements (enhanced security &privacy rules, transaction standards, code sets, identifiers) ensuring the system is HIPPA complaint. +Exp Involved in daily scrum meetings and implemented Agile methodology. +Exp Wrote clear, concise, and detailed System Requirements Specification (SRS) documents and user documentation in accordance to guidelines and standards of a level where developers can interpret, design and develop the application with minimum guidance. +Exp Reviewed Test plans, Test cases, Test results with the QA teams and provided feedback and signoffs. +Exp Designed and developed QA standards and processes that were adapted on all levels of project team. +Exp Performed Gap analysis for the modules in production, conducted feasibility studies and performed impact analysis for proposed enhancements. +Exp Conducted UAT sessions, developed manual UAT Scripts, facilitated Defects call on a weekly basis +Exp Provided analytical support through the analysis and interpretation of data in support of cross-functional business operations. +Exp Coordinated external internal resources and established time lines and work plan for multiple and complex projects by providing analytical support. +Exp Used SQL queries to generate the reports. +Exp Verified the functional aspect as per the business process and validated the interfaces with the other systems and data conversion from the legacy systems. +Exp Conducted successful application demonstrations to internal and external customers and to the management chair committee Designed, and created training manual for new Epic platform and recommended enhancements and coordinated development. +Exp Actively involved in walkthroughs and meetings with development team to discuss related issues. +Exp Worked directly with test coordinators in implementing the new EPIC system in test. +Exp Created an issue log document and documented all User Acceptance Testing (UAT) issues using HP Quality Center. +Exp Environment: RUP, UML, BPMN, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, MS-Visio, MS Office, SQL +Exp Client: Aetna, Hartford, CT +Exp Duration: Oct 2011 – Dec 2012 +Exp Role: BusinessSystem Analyst +Exp Project Description: The project Claims-Funds involved creating a new UI for better user experience in claim reimbursement process. UI was used to view and modify claim fallouts that occur during claim adjudication process. Claim fallouts appear as a work item in Claim Processors Inbox, from where various action such as claim adjudication, claim denial, claim reversal etc. could be performed. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Gathering, blueprinting and analysing requirements using Requisite Pro and Requisite Web +Exp Extensively used Agile Methodology in the process of the project management based on SDLC. +Exp Mapped high-level to-be designs using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) on MS Visio. +Exp Extensively involved in data modelling +Exp Data mapping, logical data modelling, created class diagrams and ER diagrams and used SQL queries to filter data within the Oracle database +Exp Gathered and documented Business Requirements, created Functional specifications and translated them into Software Requirement Specifications. +Exp Conducted analysis of HIPAA compliance and took part in discussions for designing the healthcare transactions to be HIPAA 5010 compliant. +Exp Involved in understanding of Business Processes, grain identification, identification of dimensions and measures for OLAP applications. +Exp Designed and developed Use Cases using UML and Business Process Modelling. +Exp Conducted analysis, assessments and cost/benefit analysis using facets +Exp Responsible for configuring Facets system. +Exp Consulted with healthcare insurance company to develop conversion specifications for other insurance Coordination of Benefits (including Medicare). +Exp Used gap analysis framework to identify AS-IS processes of claims transactions of HIPAA X12 4010/4010A standard and TO-BE processes (ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS compliance requirements) of 5010 standard +Exp Involved in creating sample mappings for the conversion of EDI X12 transactions code sets version 4010 to 5010 and translation of ICD 9 codes into ICD 10 codes. +Exp Developed data conversion programs for membership, claims, and benefit accumulator data - converted thirteen corporate acquisitions. Developed data field mappings. Provided programming and support for claims processing functions and auto-adjudication. +Exp Validated the following: 837 (Health Care Claims or Encounters), 835 (Health Care Claims payment/ Remittance), 270/271 (Eligibility request/Response), 834 (Enrolment/Dis-enrolment to a health plan) +Exp Documented Requirements for Management Reporting out of Clear Quest using Crystal Reports. +Exp Facilitated Change Control Board and Governance Board meetings and acted as a liaison between parties impacted by the change requests. +Exp Provided training on new features within CQ and prepared training materials like Quick Reference Guides and Job aids. +Exp Environment: RUP Methodology, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, Test Director, Oracle 10g and Window XP +Exp Client:Humana, Walnut Creek, CA +Exp Duration: Jan 2010-Sep 2011 +Exp Role: Business Analyst +Exp Project Description: Humana is one of the leading Health Insurance companies in the US. The company specializes in Health, Life, Dental individuals and Employer Groups Offers great range of products in addition to group health Insurance that serve a wide variety of groups including Military, Seniors and Non Profit Organizations. This project will enable Individual under 65, Over 65, Temporary, Life, and Dental consumers to choose different healthcare plans like Medicare/Medi-claim/Individual/Group insurance, get quotes, submit applications and receive support without the assistance of an Agent. +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Track events, tasks, internal dependencies and progress at the lowest level within the plan. +Exp Defined the process flow of member enrollment from the online web portal to the FACETS system. +Exp Identify issues that impact the effort, quality or timeliness of project deliverables. +Exp Communicate status of project to business heads and cross-functional leadership team. +Exp Ran SCRUM sprints as a part of the business reports development. Maintained backlogs and assured process flow. +Exp Performing data management projects and fulfilling ad-hoc requests according to user specifications by utilizing data management software programs and tools like Toad, MS Access, Excel and SQL. +Exp Ensured that existing plans & procedure codes are used. +Exp Experience in managing Daily Scrum meeting, Scrum of Scrums meeting, Sprint retrospective meeting, Sprint review meeting, Sprint planning meeting. +Exp Manage the application lifecycle from requirements through readiness for delivery from a single repository in HP ALM. +Exp Understood and articulated business requirements by having sessions with different teams. Understanding the AS IS' system and conducted GAP and impact analysis. +Exp Gathered business rules and prepared requirement documentations. +Exp Performed User stories and maintained sprint burn down chat to display the status of the sprint cycle. +Exp Interacted with Product Owners, Scrum Master and gathered requirements as per the business needs. +Exp Communicated with Business Partners on status of issues, action plans, and timeframe for resolution throughout development cycle. +Exp Handled requirement tractability matrix doc to maintain change control and version control. +Exp Worked on Agile Scrum methodology of SDLC and involved in release, eliciting user stories and supported the design, development and testing team on daily basis. +Exp Used SQL to analyze the data and check the validation and internal data from end to end systems. +Exp Environment: RUP, UML, BPMN, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational Rose, MS-Visio, MS Office, SQL +PI Mounika10200@gmail.com Mounika Reddy +PI 414-909-0756 Sr. Business Analyst +PI Summary +Sum Overall 8+ years of experience in Information technology industry as Business Analyst in Retail, Healthcare, and Finance domains. +Sum Extensive Experience in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), in writing Business Requirement Document(BRD) and System Required Specification(SRS). +Sum Through Knowledge in UML Modeling, MS Visio, Rational rose, Use Cases, State chart Diagram, Deployment Diagram, and Component Diagram. +Sum In-depth knowledge and experienced in Waterfall, Agile methodologies. +Sum Excellent communication, presentation, client interaction and problem-solving skills. +Sum Good in multi-tasking and handling multiple tasks/projects at the same time. +Sum Excellent knowledge of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA)standards, Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), and Implementation and knowledge of HIPAA code sets. +Sum Experienced Joint Application Design (JAD) facilitator and meeting coordinator/ excellent interpersonal and conflict resolution skills. +Sum Trace and inform business requirement changes through the lifecycle of the project using Rational Requisite Pro while maintaining customer needs and maintain a Requirements Traceability Matrix(RTM) to keep the stakeholders informed of the progress of the project. +Sum Experience in conducting GAP analysis, SWOT analysis, Cost benefit analysis and ROI analysis. +Sum Worked with Manual testing during the prototype. Strong understanding of SharePoint. +Sum Skilled in leading teams of diverse backgrounds to make sound business decisions based on analyses of short and long-term business needs. +Sum Strong experience in developing test plans; build test conditions and test cases, creating test data, analyzing bugs, interacting with development team members to fix defects. +Sum Analyzed and defined business processes both “AS IS” and “TO BE.” +Sum In depth knowledge in documenting requirements changes using Traceability matrix and Team Foundation Server. +Sum Excellent Business writing skills in writing Business Requirements Document (BRD), Use Case Specifications, Functional Specifications, Systems Design Specification (SDS), Systems Requirements Specification (SRS), Data Dictionary, Workflows. +Sum Experienced in managing the agile software release Process for multiple projects amongst geographically dispersed multiple agile teams. +Sum Develop, Maintain, Support and Enhance the Company's ETL Solution using My Sql. +Sum Served as a critical resource and liaised between subject matter experts and technologists throughout the project life cycle. +Sum Highly qualified in changing the needs of business users and stakeholders to the functional/technical requirements. +Sum Proficient in design and execution of Test Strategy, Test Plan, Test Scenarios, and Test Cases based on the requirements for the applications. +Sum Worked with Analysts, Managers, Developers and Testers for complex projects during the SDLC. +Sum Worked by providing laws and policies in various domains. +Sum Prioritized work requests from project team. +Sum Identified and communicated risks and with possible solutions. +Sum Solid project execution track record with good leadership, strong communication, and analytical skills. +Edu Education: +Edu Master’s in management information system +Edu Computer Science in Engineering +Skill Tools/Methods +Exp Professional Experience +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Office of Attorney General Child Support Division, TX Oct 2015-Present +Exp Office of Attorney General Child Support Division provides a full range of products and services including group and individual health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid programs, and coverage for specialty services such as workers’ compensation. The objective of the project was to carry out gap analysis to identify the changes being proposed in the upgrade of HIPPA 4010 to HIPPA 5010. The emphasis on the project was mainly to perform gap analysis and impact assessment on the secured web portal used by various users dealing with claims transactions according to HIPPA regulations. Demonstrates expertise in customization of TFS work items types, process templates, build scripts, work areas and Iterations. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Worked closely with the development team to clarify/understand functionality and ensure that the developers clearly understood the business requirements that the system was designed to fulfill. +Exp Analyzed business Requirements, performed GAP analysis and segregated them into high level and low-level Use Cases, Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Researched and understood the claims adjudication and reimbursement systems based on HIPAA X12 4010 standards +Exp As an TFS admin Handled the process account and maintained them. +Exp As a TFS admin was responsible for adding user to project, security and group maintains. +Exp Performed GAP analysis to identify AS-IS processes of claims transactions of 4010/4010A standard and TO-BE processes (ICD-9 and ICD-10 compliance requirements) of 5010 standards. +Exp Conducted Claims and HIPAA Compliance Training to run the test cases. +Exp Was involved in managing of Medicare Part-D Claims processes from Admin/Provider/Payer side which were later part of the training program to providers. +Exp Worked and viewed manual testing before the deployment. +Exp Trained End-users on SharePoint functionality needed to support business operations. Provided support and delivered presentations to team members on managing SharePoint sites. +Exp Worked as a part of scrum team, in an agile methodology with sprint cycles, daily stand ups and story implementation. +Exp Demonstrated the ability to work actively in different phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Waterfall and Agile Scrum. +Exp Prepared Business Requirement Document (BRD), Functional Requirement Document (FRD) / System Requirement Specifications (SRS), Use Cases and Test Cases. +Exp Developed Test plan and Test cases based on Use cases and Functional Specifications. +Exp Assisted in writing requirement document for ETL - Data Extraction, Data Analysis and Loading process of collected data as a part of data mapping procedures. +Exp Helped review and edit test scripts, certify test results and fulfilled business requirements. +Exp Designed and developed on the State Diagrams, Activity diagrams and Class Diagrams in MS Visio using UML for various modules of the project. +Exp Responsible for MySQL Administration and backups related to the specific ETL solution mentioned above. +Exp Create story board of back log items in Agile and develop item according to business needs. +Exp Experienced in managing the agile software release Process for multiple projects amongst geographically dispersed multiple agile teams. +Exp Analyzed business Requirements, performed GAP analysis and segregated them into high level and low-level Use Cases, Activity Diagrams using Rational Rose. +Exp Reported progress against Development/Action Plan routinely to the Program Manager with recommendations for corrective actions, where necessary. +Exp Maintained a Traceability Matrix to ensure that all Functional Requirements are addressed at the Use Case Level as well as the Test Case Level. +Exp Environment: MS Office, Quality Center, SQL Server, Facets, MS Project, Server, MS Visio, SharePoint, Unix, SQL, HTML, Java, XML, Mainframes and Rational ClearQuest, ClearCase, Windows XP. +Exp Sr. Business Analyst +Exp Atlas air, NY Feb 2014-Sep 2015 +Exp Atlas air is one of the largest American-based company in insurance business. Atlas air is a major subsidiary it formerly referred to as the "property-casualty insurance" arm of Atlas. It intended to form a (SPV) for Commercial Insurance, Foreign General and the Private Client Group which would be placed into the SPV and renamed Atlas air in preparation for a IPO or other equity offer. +Exp Roles and Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in analyzing user requirement document, system requirement specification document and use cases for developing Test plan which includes the objective, Scope, Testing strategy and others. +Exp Analyzed plan requirements and then contributed further defining the plan requirements with their Project Manager. +Exp Interacted with various members at the management level to understand project scope analysis to prepare Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) for relevant data reports. +Exp Developed requirements specification and process diagrams including context, dataflow diagrams. +Exp Facilitated team members and product owners in adopting agile engineering practices like TDD and pair programming. +Exp Analyzed and collected business requirements, generated business models, identified system interfaces and created the requirement specification document. +Exp Participated in Business Requirements meetings. +Exp Implemented Rational Requisite Pro for maintaining the requirements document and traceability matrix. +Exp Coaching teams to apply scrum framework and train them to be self-organizing and self-managing thru the meaningful use of Agile concepts like Backlog Refinement, User Story Value Mapping, Sprint Planning, Sprint Demo, Sprint Retrospectives, Scrum of Scrums and daily stand-ups. +Exp Participated in multiple large SharePoint migration projects. +Exp Conducted JAD sessions to work with the business users through discussion to further understand the complexity of the issues. +Exp Created front-end prototypes as deliverables and projected the end-delivery modules as part of the efforts towards joint application development. +Exp Developed Use Case diagrams by analyzing the business process followed by Class diagrams, Activity diagrams and Collaboration diagrams in UML. +Exp Worked with the Lead BA to develop Requirement Management Plan and Communication Plan +Exp Worked on TFS Portal to generate the reports. +Exp Facilitated 25 workshops to capture the requirements for Study Startup and Study Close out +Exp Performed brainstorming session with the BA Team to analyze, validate and finalize functional requirements +Exp Documented use cases as part of functional design and developed Requirement Traceability Matrix using Requisite Pro +Exp Developed workflows, swim lane diagrams, use case diagrams, etc. using Visio +Exp Developed the Share Point Project portal as a Project repository +Exp Finalized the requirements document and participated in the FDD and TDD review sessions. +Exp Facilitated team members and product owners in adopting agile engineering practices like TDD and pair programming. +Exp After requirement sign-off, developed Change control process and CR Form +Exp Involved in filling the Defects while testing various projects using the Tracking tool – Quality Center +Exp Used Quality Center to track data derived from defect reports. +Exp Analyzed the graphs and reports to report and track defects. +Exp Worked with the Workstream and Business Leads to finalize CRUD +Exp Environment: Java, Oracle PL/SQL, XML, UNIX, PVCS, Mercury Quality Center, EDW, UML, MS Office, MS Visio, SharePoint, HTML +Exp Sr. Business Analyst/Scrum Master +Exp University of Texas Dallas, TX Nov 2011-Dec 2013 +Exp This Migration project was initiated to enhance the Pershing’s ability to meet the regulatory requirements set by US Regulatory. This Project aimed at migrating the existing Pershing applications which were running in Oracle to New BI platform Teradata for high performance and scalability. This EDW serves all the Reporting needs of Pershing Internal and External Customer with 3 years of Data. +Exp Roles and Responsibilites +Exp Involved in all the phases of the SDLC requirement gathering, design, development, Unit testing, UAT, Production roll-out, enhancements and Production support +Exp Interacted with business representatives to understand the requirements and determined the best approach for timely delivery of information. +Exp Ensured timely deliveries of work items to the Client. +Exp Performed manual and automated testing on firms drop copy and order routing FIX Adapter servers. Ran automated QA testing on all versions of firms FIX Adapter servers, including drop copy, order routing, single and multi-broker modes. +Exp Stakeholder and Solution requirements (functional and non-functional requirements) were easily be linked back to the business requirements from which they emanated using RTMs. +Exp Involved in Implementing ETL standards and best practices. +Exp Reviewed Data Model and validated its feasibility to physical implementation. +Exp Assisted the Product Owner in compiling and prioritizing the Product Backlog on JIRA using prioritization technique MOSCOW. +Exp Facilitated all the Sprint Ceremonies: Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Daily SCRUM, and Sprint Review. +Exp Time boxed Daily SCRUM meetings and resolved all impediments faced by development team. +Exp Educated and coached executives, managers, stakeholders, and others throughout the organization regarding Agile practices and how their roles and interactions may change. +Exp Mentored and helped the team grow into a self-managing entity. Encouraged collaboration between the SCRUM team and product owner. +Exp Maintained and monitored SCRUM Artifacts – Sprint Backlog, Sprint Tasks, and Sprint Burndown Charts using JIRA. +Exp Analyzed and understood the business users' requirements for information and communicated them to the rest of the data warehouse team. Assisted Data Warehouse Data analyst in analyzing existing reports. +Exp Extensively worked in Data Requirement Analysis and Data Mapping for ETL process. Acted as a consultant to the ETL and front-end programmers. +Exp Coordinated with the QA team in various testing phases by resolving the defects and ensuring smooth execution of Test Plans. +Exp Created deployment documents and migrated the code to the production environment. +Exp Investigated and fixed the bugs occurred in the production environment and provided on-call support. +Exp Generated Reports and Dash Boards using Tableau for the Business Users and Senior Management. +Exp Environment: Informatica Power Center 9.1/8.6, UNIX, Oracle 11g, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, Oracle Designer, MS Visio, JIRA, IBM Mainframe, Toad. +Exp Business Analyst +Exp Group Health Incorporated, WI Nov 2009-Oct 2011 +Exp This project was conducted to develop a software to track all the information from the applicants and accept/deny if they qualify/disqualify for the Medicaid plans they are applying for. Medicaid plan is a health plan providing a wide range of quality health care services to families and individuals who qualify for Government-Sponsored Programs and State Children’s Health Insurance Program. +Exp Gathered the requirements from stakeholders and users by meeting them personally and by interviewing them. Utilized Requisite Pro to prepare a BRD by complying with the HIPAA regulations. +Exp Developed functional specs, gathered requirements and communicated with the developers. +Exp Developed Use Case Diagrams, using ERD depicted clear relations associated with the entities. +Exp Prepared Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) to comply with the triple constraint of time, cost and scope. +Exp Conducted Lean Analysis throughout the project and conveyed team a message, “Think big, act small, fail fast; learn rapidly.” +Exp Prepared a roadmap for a product that can exceed market and user expectations. +Exp Followed Prototype model of SDLC in developing software. +Exp Designed User Interfaces and mock up screens using HTML to validate the requirements. +Exp Created and implemented a Test Plan and thereby assisted Quality Analysts to test the product in a timely manner. +Exp Interfaced with Quality Analysts for Unit, Integration, System and User Acceptance Testing. +Exp Interfaced with top management to ensure that IT initiatives and involvement were clearly communicated and understood. +Exp Mitigated risks all the time; motivated all the team members to meet the deadlines since time was very limited. +Exp Reviewed and analyzed the business environment and identical process improvements. +Exp Evaluated alternative solutions and recommended solutions that best met the need of the business. +Exp Defined and planned software releases in accordance with other software applications. +Exp Environment: MS Visio, MS Office, .Net, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Java, PHP, XML, HTML, DHTML, EMR. +PI Mounika P +PI Front End Developer - Wellington Management +PI Hudson, MA 01749 +PI mounikarao2_tuz@indeedemail.com - 4693051937 +Sum Over all 8+ Years of professional experience in Applications design, Development, Integration, Maintenance, Installation, Implementation, testing of various client/server, N-tier and web application and its design, using various UI- TECHNOLOGIES. +Sum Expert in developing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using JavaScript, jQuery, JSP, XUL, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, XHTML, XML, JSON and Ajax. +Sum Experience in applying the latest software development approaches including model view controller(MVC), event - driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented JavaScript, JSON and XML. +Sum Expertise in developing various JavaScript frameworks like Angular.js Backbone.js, Require.js, Node.js, Knockout.js, Express.js, Underscore.js, React.js/Redux, Ember.js, Pdf.js, Spine.js, Ext.JS, Responsive web design. (RWD). +Sum Experienced implementing Web Services using Apache SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, RESTful API, restful and UDDI. +Sum Involved in design, coding and testing of multi-tier Windows Form / WPF application and ASP.NET Application. +Sum Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD'S and Scala +Sum Expertise in application development using ASP.net MVC 4.0/3.0 Framework. +Sum Development of UI and Server side code (behind) using .net Framework. +Sum Experience in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance and extensive experience with Agile and SCRUM +Sum Worked on React.js framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs. +Sum Involved in the Software Life Cycle phases like AGILE and estimating the timelines for projects. +Sum Experience in SQL Database like Apache and MongoDB. +Sum Experienced in using Text editors like Espresso, eclipse, Text Wrangler, Sublime Text, NetBeans, XAMPP, Notepad and Notepad++. +Sum Utilized Pusher, Signal for real-time web communication. Bootstrap3 for styling website and phone gap / Ionic Framework App. +Sum Developed product using Backbone.js, Handlebars.js and SASS. +Sum Front-end development using JavaScript ES6, AngularJS, jQuery and Bootstrap +Sum Build and Release management - GIT, Maven, Jenkins administration. +Skill Technical Skills +Skill Languages: C#, JAVA, UML, C, C++ +Skill Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, jQuery UI, angular.js, +Skill bacon.js, wire.js, require.js, Jasmine, Karma. +Skill Databases ORACLE, MYSQL. +Skill Operating Systems Windows [ ] Mac OS X. +Skill IDE & Tools Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Notepad++, Dream weaver, sublime, Web Storm, Jira. +Skill Applications Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, MS Office Suite, Eclipse. +Skill Willing to relocate: Anywhere +Skill Authorized to work in the US for any employer +Exp WORK EXPERIENCE +Exp Front End Developer +Exp Wellington Management - Boston, MA - +Exp 2017-05 - Present +Exp Boston, MA May 2017 to till date +Exp It is an investment company the purpose of the project is to analyze the data from different financial sectors for trading Investment Management Group for Research Data Analytics Team. Need to build data lake as data comes from different applications and internal teams, we need to build data pipeline using AWS cloud techniques Perform quality checks on top of data and do aggregations for Tableau reports. Front End Developer: +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Design prototype Skelton for the UI and Responsive design implementation using web components and Google polymer. +Exp Strong Hands on Experience with JavaScript, framework, Ionic Framework, HTML5, CSS and XML. +Exp Developed web pages using Ploymer.js Forms, Components, Layouts, Events, Validations, Trees, Grids components. +Exp Utilized handlebar.js to create Views templates that could be reused and rendered to DOM multiple times. +Exp Designing WPF Forms, Custom Controls and User Controls using XAML language for interactive UI. +Exp Created proof-of-concept using responsive web design, node JS, React JS, modernizer JS HTML5 and CSS3. +Exp Involved in building stable react.js components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages. +Exp Configured ASP.net Web applications and ASP.net Web services in Microsoft IIS 7.0/6.0/5.0. +Exp Most recent concentration has been the design of object oriented web applications for client-server applications using angular 4, Bootstrap, CSS 3, and SASS. +Exp Developed Single Page Applications (SPA) i.e. Web applications using Angular.js and handlebar.js and JavaScript. +Exp Involved in use of angular 2.0 technologies to include, LESS and additional technologies to ensure current migration from Angular JS 1.6 to Angular 2.0. +Exp Migrated existing codebase from flux to Redux and rebuilt react components in ES6 +Exp Used angular to connect the web application to back-end APIs, used RESTFUL methods to interact with several API's, and wrote custom directives for a responsive, CSS-animated user interface. +Exp Created ASP.NET pages with web server controls for the presentation layer. Developed Servlets and Utilized Node.js to create a fast and efficient chat server. +Exp UI Developer +Exp Kohl's Technology - Milpitas, CA - +Exp 2016-06 - 2017-04 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Experience working with Node JS to develop single page along with dynamic web applications. +Exp Worked with making calls to APIs to fetch the data from the backend as JSON response and parse it on the UI for DOM/CSS Manipulation. +Exp Developed front end interface using struts, JSP's, JSTL, Tiles Framework and also Custom Tag Libraries. +Exp Worked with WPF designing rich User Interface, creating Custom Controls and User Controls using Expression Blend. +Exp Produce Apps for internal and promotional use. Write frameworks and pods that streamline the implementation of features for external IOS +Exp Comfortable using react Chrome Dev Tools and React.js Native Code iOS Simulator. +Exp Developed Web API using node.js and hosted on multiple load balanced API instances. +Exp Worked on angular 4.0 by consuming Restful web services & used angular 4.0 forms like Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both on server and client side. +Exp Experience using mobile APIs and specific functions of iOS such as: Core Foundation, UI Kit, Core Location, Storyboards, Newsstand, Local Storage in Core Data, Social Accounts, Apple Maps, Google Maps, Push Notifications, Accelerometer, cloud integration, Camera, Animations, Asynchronous Tasks, In App Purchase, Google Analytics. +Exp Worked with IBM and developed iOS portion of IBM Mobile First Platform Cordova Plugins Using Swift/ Objective-C and JavaScript. +Exp Client Side code were written in Reacts/Redux and Server Side Code were developed using MVC4. +Exp Implemented the front end using ASP.net, HTML5, XML, CSS3, Java Script, Bootstrap, AngularJS and AJAX for dynamic. +Exp Very good experience in Creating, deploying Perl Packages and migrating Database from one client to other. +Exp Utilized react for its efficient data flow architecture to create a lightweight and render efficient web app that searched projects via the GitHub API through keywords. +Exp Experience in creating web components using polymer.js set of W3C standards and upcoming browser APIs for defining own custom HTML elements. +Exp Worked in developing dynamic robust UI screens using CSS, HTML, XHTML, XSLT, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Backbone, Ext.js, Ember.js and jQuery. +Exp Experience in Angular-chart.js 1.6 for working with the donut and the line graph. +Exp Web/UI Developer +Exp Premier Healthcare - Charlotte, NC - +Exp 2015-04 - 2016-05 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Involved in web designing using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and extensively used Table-less Design in CSS for positioning. +Exp Created popup forms using Bootstrap version 3.0.0 Models, AngularJS Models and AngularJS Controllers. +Exp Used different Jenkins plugins like Global Build Stats plugin, job generator plugin. +Exp Worked on ecommerce project which is responsive design and developed a single page responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using react.js +Exp Involved in writing automated typescript for AngularJS application using protractor and JavaScript +Exp Running reports on active directory Exchange Server, Windows server, office 365 and ESX Server using PowerShell +Exp Used python and Django creating graphics, XML processing, data exchange and business logic implementation. +Exp Familiar working with HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, C#, ASP.NET, Java, Git , TFS, MVC, MVVM. +Exp Created Full trust cloud hosted apps using MVC (Angular) and MVVM(knout.js) frame works to support future integrations. +Exp Used slick to query and storing in database in a Scala fashion using the powerful Scala collection framework. +Exp Development of application using Perl CGI, mod Perl, jQuery, AJAX, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc., and other latest technologies. +Exp Used React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on the webpage. +Exp Applied advanced HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to deliver cutting-edge user interfaces using material design components in polymer.js +Exp Experience working with Google charts using polymer.js, D3.js +Exp UI Screens were developed using HTML5, Java Scripts, Ajax, JQuery Custom-tags, polymer.js Kendo UI components and CSS3. +Exp Created and deployed new features of the website and made it compatible with mobile devices using Sencha Touch. +Exp Worked on proof of concept using Google web toolkit to create the personal card application site. Designed and implemented Report Module (using Jasper Report framework). +Exp Web/UI Developer +Exp Pulte Homes - Atlanta, GA - +Exp 2014-08 - 2015-03 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Experience in developing Native and Hybrid Mobile Application for iOS, Android and Windows Devices. +Exp Design prototype Skelton for the UI and Responsive design implementation using web components and Google polymer.js +Exp Developed 6 custom applications in C# using the MVVM pattern in WPF and the .NET Framework environment. +Exp Worked on typescript extensively to develop JavaScript applications on both server and client side. +Exp Creating custom Integration Interface that can be generated into web services and exposed t0 services consumers by the service provider. +Exp Used Bootstrap version 3.0.0 and AngularJS in effective web design. +Exp Developed java applications using various IDE's like Eclipse 3.X/4.X, RAD, STS and Database IDE's such as TOAD, SQL Server, and MSSQL Management Studio. +Exp Enhanced usability and user experience on RIA using Flex/Flash, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, MVVM, LAMP, Java, and Objective C. +Exp Developed application by implementing the Single Page application template using AngularJS Route Providers. +Exp Web/UI Developer +Exp Costco Wholesale Corporation - Issaquah, WA - +Exp 2012-10 - 2014-07 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp Developed HTML and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms. +Exp Involved in developing the functionality for communicating between the modules mostly involved in VIEW and CONTOLLER section of MVC pattern for CMS project, it includes HTML, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX which were used for UI development. +Exp Involved in developing XML, HTML, and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms. +Exp Developed a core component of Analytics with Node.js, Angular.JS, Knockout.js, Ext.js and Socket Stream. +Exp Maintained Cross Browser compatibility & implement Responsive Design custom media queries, etc. +Exp Implemented MVVM in all interactive views using jQuery &knockout.js and layouts in Bootstrap. +Exp Working in close coordination with Client to resolve issues arising using agile methodologies. +Exp Designed DOM based interactive to reprogram selected links and adopted WCAG 2.0 standards for HTML and XHTML and W3C standards for CSS as well. +Exp Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to transfer application that is remote and global to different financial institutions. +Exp Web/UI Developer +Exp West America Bank SFO-CA - +Exp 2009-12 - 2012-09 +Exp Responsibilities: +Exp By using developed interactive web applications using techniques such as AJAX, XHTML and DOM scripting. +Exp Used Bower for packaging Management and GRUNT for UI Task runner. +Exp Worked extensively on web 2.0 migration from Conventional Web Frame work to Ajax driven framework and extensively used JQuery, AJAX and MVC in Presentation Layer. +Exp Used Git hub for pushing the code and pulling the code. +Exp Extended Bootstrap classes to build custom front-end controls; example candidate isotopes. Worked extensively on web 2.0 migration from Conventional Web Frame work to Ajax driven framework and extensively used JQuery, AJAX in Presentation Layer. +Exp Conducted agile meeting on daily aspects. +Edu EDUCATION +Edu Bachelor in Computer Science +Edu Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University - Hyderabad, Telangana +PI Muralidhar Chandrashekar +PI ncmuralidhar@gmail.com +PI (+1) 314 814 9041 +PI St Louis, MO +Sum PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: +Sum Currently working for the client AT&T in St Louis, MO as Manager-Testing with 2 PMs reporting from onshore and a testing team of 10 from offshore. E2E testing/QA of AT&T Mobile Apps on different platforms – iOS, Android & Windows. +Sum 14+ years of IT experience which includes major contribution towards Project Management, Agile PMO, Quality Management, Analysis, Testing and Resource Management. Proactive, performance-driven IT professional, with Project Manager experience of more than 5 years. +Sum Extensive experience in SDLC using Waterfall and Agile (Scrum) methodologies. +Sum Well experienced in Creating Product Plan, Schedule, Estimation and monitoring. +Sum Extensive experience in different Tools Quality Center, JIRA, Rally, TDP - IBM Rational +Sum Having experience of working in the Global Delivery Model for more than 8 years and has experience in handling multiple projects at a time both at Offshore and Onsite. +Sum Extensive experience in Agile Ceremonies and Methodologies. +Sum Daily interaction with technology staff including Developers, DevOps Engineers, Product management (Product Owners), and Program management to identify scope of projects and engage in creating Project plan, schedule, monitoring & execution of projects till closure. +Sum Manage Large and big projects worth of $4 to $5 Million across multiple teams and different locations. +Sum Good Exposure to Global Delivery Model, done resourcing, planning, estimation, performance appraisal, team building for 20- 30 resources at Onsite & Offshore. +Sum Excellent communication, interpersonal, analytical skills and strong ability to perform as part of a team. +Sum Great understanding of Agile Manifesto, Frameworks and Principles. +Sum Exposure to Mobile Automation tool – ZAP-fiX for automating test scripts to be run on various mobile devices. +Sum Around 2yrs of experience on VOIP Protocol – SIP +Sum 4 years of experience in telecom switching projects in Java. +Sum 5+ years of onsite exposure at client locations in USA, UK. +Sum TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES: +Sum SOFT SKILLS: +Sum Project planning & resource allocation. +Sum Very good customer interaction skills. +Sum Ability to multi-task, and work under project pressure. +Sum Excellent verbal/written communication skills, teamwork and interpersonal skills. +Sum Ability to apply creativity and intelligence to craft test suites that uncover product defects. +Exp Ability to debug complicated system-level issues. +Exp Reproduction and debugging of customer issues, handling of field queries. +Sum Preparation of Estimation, Effort Tracking , Customer Co-ordination, Test reporting. +Sum Scheduling, Defect Tracking, Metrics Reporting. +Sum Defect Prediction & Management. +Sum On time delivery of testing tasks. +Sum Team Handling (Goal Settings, Evaluation, Employee Development). +Sum Manage day to day operations for assigned staff and projects, including project management tasks such as resource allocation and prioritization, business case estimates, software quality assessments, and time reporting. Also includes anticipating needs and implications of decisions, proactively working to identify, clarify, resolve issues, and removing barriers within and outside the organization in a timely manner. +Sum Proven ability to engage and focus team members on highest priority, highest risk tasks. +Sum Self-motivated, apply good judgment, and willing and able to mentor others. +Edu ACADEMICS: +Edu MBA in International Business (2010) through distance learning from Pondicherry University, India. +Edu Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (2002), with an aggregate of 74% from Bangalore University, India. +Edu PROJECTS SUMMARY: +Exp Integration System Testing of AT&T Mobile Apps on various mobile platforms +Exp Mar2013-Present +Exp Role: Project Manager +Exp Responsibilities: Plan, execute, and finalize projects within triple constraints working in an Onshore/Offshore delivery model - delivering on time, within budget and scope objectives, including acquiring resources and coordinating efforts of team members to deliver projects according to plan. Identify, effectively communicate, resolve project issues and risks and develop risk mitigation plans. Effectively communicate project health to stakeholders. Coach, mentor, and motivate team members, influencing them to take positive action and accountability for assigned work. +Exp Environment: iOS, Android and Windows native apps for AT&T mobile, tablets. +Exp With a team of 2 PMs reporting to me at onshore and 10 offshore testing resources, I’m responsible for delivering the AT&T mobile applications into the market on different platforms such as iPhone, Android & Windows. These apps are both in native and browser version. Every 3-4 months we work on new versions of the app and after several rounds of QA testing on the app, make it available to the end user. +Exp Have in depth knowledge of E2E Mobile Application to support wider range of Mobile Operation System, Mobile Devices and Tablets, our project feasibility guidelines and, most importantly, our proprietary customizations to Enterprise Mobile Platform with users to assist in determining current operating procedures, clarify program intent, identify problems and suggest modifications to adapt existing programs to new requirements and to increase operating efficiencies. +Exp Fair knowledge to automation tools such as ZAP-fiX and Mobile labs to automate test scripts. The myAT&T mobile experience has 4 different versions - 3 Mobile apps and a Mobile HTML web site. Every release has new features being added for AT&T mobile customers. Working in agile methodology demands continuous development and testing in parallel one sprint after another. Interacting with client right from the requirements stage, highlighting about the issues, risks, reporting daily status of project related activities, to delivery of the application. +Exp Development Integration Testing (DIT) July2011-Feb2013 +Exp Responsibilities : Smoke testing of daily/weekly builds, Writing test cases, execution and +Exp Reporting the status/defects to the management team both +Exp Onshore/offshore. +Exp Environment : Eclipse Galileo, RTC +Exp Handling a team of 5 doing smoke testing of our client product UDA. UDA (Unified Desktop Application) is a PC based software application that is used by many Stock Exchange brokers around the globe who do world-wide trading by making calls, texting & voice mail features. Every release has a new set of features added to the product and the same will be tested offshore by my team before releasing the product for System testing. The team identifies the defect well before in hand and informs the development team about them before the Quality Testing team raises a bug. Ours is like an interface between the Dev and Quality Engineering team working together to report issues and the status first-hand to the management team both offshore & onshore. +Exp Interoperability Testing Jan2011-June2011 +Exp Responsibilities : Interoperability testing with the third party vendor devices +Exp Environment : Audio Codes Media Gateway, Cisco Call Manager, Avaya PBX +Exp Testing our client’s VOIP product with other vendors in the market like Cisco and Avaya. Also testing the SBC (Session Border Controller) functionality of the Media Gateway from Audio Codes. +Exp Dunkin UDA Simulator May2010-Dec2010 +Exp Responsibilities : Development, Testing +Exp Environment : PHP, XML, HTML, AJAX, JSON, JQUERY, MYSQL +Exp UDA stands for Unified Desktop Application. UDA is basically a client application on the user’s desktop used to make/receive calls just like a physical telephone. There are two modules here client (UDAC) and server (UDAS). To test the individual UDAC and UDAS, PHP simulator was developed to verify the XML message exchanges between the components. This would aid in unit testing of the individual modules without any dependency on the other module. +Exp Dunkin CDI Simulator Feb2010 –May2010 +Exp Responsibilities : Development, Testing +Exp Environment : Linux, C++, libCurl +Exp During the initial iterations of Dunkin development, there was a need for testing the elements individually with the corresponding supported protocols. With the aim of testing Voice Application Server, the CDI Simulator is an attempt to develop and execute the Integration test cases automatically by simulating Turret & UDA using third party tools. CDI simulator will enable testing of all performance related capacities. The objective of this CDI simulator follows: +Exp Multiple instances of this automation software shall be invoked to simulate multiple Turrets +Exp Ability to respond to messages from A/S especially for various voice applications. +Exp Ability to update Line Status from Application Server. +Exp Ability to easily upgrade simulator to different Dunkin releases. +Exp Aid in system performance testing, especially for application/media servers. +Exp Provides the performance test report based on collected data e.g. CPU usage, successful calls, number of simultaneous calls, CPS, Line Status updates, call failure etc. +Exp IQ/Impact: IPC Professional Services Mar2009 – Jan2010 +Exp Responsibilities : Development, Testing +Exp Environment : Windows, Core Java, Servlet, FLEX, Swing, SQL Server +Exp IQ/Impact is a PC application that works in conjunction with the trader’s turret. The application provides the trader, the ability to monitor and answer incoming calls as well as place calls on hold, transfer or divert them and retrieve or disconnect the call. The Trader can also make outbound calls from the directory, call list, and a follow up list or by manually typing in a number or a contact name. They can also intercom another trader as well as be aware of other trader’s presence. The application can also invoke a screen pop within Outlook or any web browser based application. +Exp IPC: Switch/Network configuration and Demo Apr2008 – Feb2009 +Exp Responsibilities : Configuring, Installing, Testing & Bug Fixing. +Exp This job involved configuring the IPC’s Alliance switch, TCS server and IQ/Impact application in the network, test it thoroughly and educating the end customer on the usage. Also involved co-coordinating with the offshore and onshore team during the installation task. Have installed/configured for 4 different clients, onsite. +Exp SIP Registration & Location Server for Release 3.0 Sep2007 – Mar2008 +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Language/Technology : C++, LDAP Netscape Directory Server +Exp Team Size : 4 +Exp Duration : 7 months +Exp Project Details: Registration server keeps track of the SIP users registered (called binding) with a database called Location services, provides authentication capabilities to registrations. Registration details are maintained to provide SIP access to only valid users. Whereas the Location Services contains a list of bindings of address-of-record keys to zero or more contact addresses +Exp Role: Involved in Design, Implementation and Testing. +Exp Implementation of COPS Protocol May2007 – Aug2007 +Exp Role : Involved in Design, Implementation, Unit Testing and Bug Fixing. +Exp Client : Tech Mahindra, Internal Project +Exp Team Size : 4 +Exp Duration : 4 months +Exp Project Details: Implementation of Common Open Policy Service (COPS) Protocol Frame work. This protocol is basically a Client/Server Protocol where the Server (PDP) analyzes the information, takes the decision, and relays it to the client (PEP) +Exp Implementation of SIP CALEA for Release 3.21 Nov2006 – Apr2007 +Exp Role : Involved in Design, Implementation, Unit Testing and Bug Fixing. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Team Size : 4 +Exp Duration : 6 months +Exp Project Details: Law enforcement agencies are authorized to tap and record suspect voice conversations. This provision presently available with circuit switched networks needs to be extended to VOIP network, and trace signaling messages and tap into voice sessions that occur on the IP network as well. +Exp MGCP CC Call Processing feature for Release 3.2 May2006 – Oct2006 +Exp Role : Involved in Design, Implementation, Unit Testing and Bug Fixing. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Team Size : 12 +Exp Duration : 6 months +Exp Project Details: MGCP - protocol used to route packet calls over the IP network. The CSX2100 switch to route MGCP-to-MGCP, both to subscribers on the switch. Additionally, the CSX2100 will serve MGCP-to-PSTN, PSTN-to-MGCP, MGCP-to-SIP, and SIP-to-MGCP calls. +Exp Regression Testing of all Rel 3.1 Features Feb2006 – Apr2006 +Exp Role : Involved in Designing of Test Cases and executing them. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Team Size : 4 +Exp Duration : 3 months +Exp Project Details: Testing was an onsite support at the client’s place in Boca Raton, Florida, to help them in their testing activities and the FCS (First Customer Shipment) requirements. +Exp BBG-IP Enhancements Feb2005 – Feb2006 +Exp Role : High Level Design, GUI and Database modification. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Language/Technology : Java +Exp Database : LDAP Netscape Directory Server5.1 +Exp Duration : 12 months +Exp Project Details: +Exp Call Transfer sub-features – Restricting Call Transfer to certain call types; e.g., intra group only, etc. +Exp Call Forwarding sub-features – Providing Call Forwarding variations tailoring for BBG usage. +Exp Intercom Dialing Expansion – Allowing 3-5 digit extension dialing, where the extension number needs not be aligned with the PSTN Direct Dialed address. Currently, the CSX system supports 4-digit extension dialing, where the 4 digits are the same as the last four digits of the PSTN DDD address. +Exp Assume Dial ‘9’ options to ‘escape’ to PSTN dialing. In this case, special prefixes are assumed for Intercom Dialing. +Exp Variable length Inter-Digit Timing – Accommodating ‘slow-dialers.’ +Exp Increased number of lines per BBG system – Extending the BBG capacity to allow up to 1,000 subscriber lines per BBG. +Exp DS3 Probe Oct2004 – Jan2005 +Exp Role : Writing test application for testing the framer driver. +Exp Client : Paradyne, USA +Exp Language/Technology : C, VxWorks +Exp Team Size : 3 +Exp Duration : 4 months +Exp Project Details: The product consists of DS3 Line Interface cards – one for incoming traffic and second for outgoing traffic. The DS3 lines carry ATM cells in which IP and Non IP traffic are embedded. The DS3 Line Interface Unit terminates the DS3. In the receive direction the DS3 header is removed and the Header Error check is performed and the ATM cells are transmitted on the UTOPIA Bus. In the Transmit direction the DS3 framer frames the ATM cells received from the UTOPIA Bus. The T3 driver in the physical layer will ensure that the DS3 line is configured and the Performance monitoring and Alarms handling activities for the DS3 are in place. +Exp System Maintenance for Rel3.21 Jan2004–Sep2004 +Exp Role : Integration Testing, Bug Fixing, Installations and Configurations. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Team Size : 4 +Exp Duration : 9 months +Exp Project Details: Fixing bugs as part of the Releases delivered so far. It’s a maintenance activity supporting the customer with their customer’s issues. Upgrading the switch software with the new releases and configuring the new network elements. +Exp Updating database for all features from Release 2.2b July2003 – Dec2003 +Exp Role : Involved in Design, Implementation and Testing. +Exp Client : CopperCom, Florida, USA +Exp Language/Technology : Java, LDAP Netscape Directory Server +Exp Team Size : 2 +Exp Duration : 6 months +Exp Project Details: Creating new database objects and modifying the existing ones for feature interactions with the LDAP Netscape Directory Server. Also caching the required objects for faster access. +Exp WORKSHOPS/TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED: +Exp Technical +Exp Flex3.0 Training – Edujini Labs – Oct’08 +Exp SQL Training – ESG-B,Tech Mahindra – Aug’08 +Exp XML Training - ESG-B, Tech Mahindra – Feb’08 +Exp Professional training on Sun Java Programming (Java 2) from a Sun Authorized Training center - Oct05 +Exp C/C++ - Apr'04 +Exp Non-Technical +Exp Creativity & Innovation – L&D, Tech Mahindra – Feb’09 +Exp Effective Problem Solving - L&D, Tech Mahindra – Feb’09 +Exp Working in a Team – L&D, Tech Mahindra – Jan09 +Exp US Accent Training – L&D, Tech Mahindra – Oct’08 +Exp Stress Management – L&D, Tech Mahindra – Dec’07 +Exp Excellence in Customer Service – L&D, Tech Mahindra – Dec’07 +Exp Persuasive Presentation – by L&D, Tech Mahindra – Nov’07 +Exp Business communication skills training by Alliance academy, Bangalore - Sep'05 +PI PERSONAL Details: +PI Email : +PI Mobile : (+1)3148149041 +PI Visa Details : H1B/I-94 until July2018 +PI Nandini +PI Email : JNandini1324@gmail.com : +1 6463611031 +PI Profile +Sum Professional Summary +Sum Decisive, action-oriented and results-focused professional offering around 10+ years of work experience in IT industry with last 4 years focused on Technical Project Manager managing of about 20 + resources and Over 6 years of technical experience centering on Middleware tool webMethods. +Skill My skill set is mainly divided into 2 areas: Technical Project Management and web Methods /Oracle B2B technical experience. +Sum Management Experience (Onsite) +Sum Experience in Technical Delivery, Team Leadership and Onsite-Offshore Delivery. +Sum Proven ability to manage and deliver large, complex projects on time & on budget. Handled 3 to 4 projects (management and technical) at same time integrating different middleware technologies ( webMethods, Oracle SOA, Informatic and Dell Boomi projects) +Sum Ensure software development process is followed (evaluate, specify, estimate, develop, test and deploy) within budget and timescale +Sum Been as client relationship manager (setting expectations, harvesting new work, customer satisfaction and providing value add services) +Sum Project Management: controlling and monitoring timelines, resource allocation, budgets, project costs and quality of deliverables +Sum Project Initiation: project commencement tasks including participating in contract reviews, commercial arrangements, kick-off meetings, etc +Sum Worked in UK for 3 years at client location as a Project Manager initially and later promoted to Client Delivery Manager. +Sum Currently working from client location at US as Technical project manager, managing overall delivery of multiple projects and providing technical support. +Sum Technical Experience : +Exp Have 6 years of knowledge of Software AG webMethods 8.x / 9.x product suite (Integration Server, MWS, Broker). +Exp Expertise in the areas of developing with Service Flows, Adapter Connections (JDBC, SAP ) , SOAP/REST web services. +Exp Worked on Trading Networks configurations and setup (AS2- EDI, EDIFACT, XCBL) in webMethods. +Exp Have 6 months of experience in Oracle B2B partner configuration and creating document types ( X12, EDIFACT, XCBL, Custom documents). +Edu Education +Edu Master of Science (M.S) in Software Engineering from BITS Pilani, work integrated program from Mahindra Satyam, with an aggregate of 80% in July 2010. +Edu Bachelor of Technology (B. TECH) in Electronics and Communication from JNTU, Hyderabad with an aggregate of 78% in April 2007. +Sum Achievements +Sum Received client appreciations for outstanding performance. +Sum Achieved 100% maintenance support satisfaction from the customers. +Sum Employment Summary +Exp Technical Project Manager at Tech Mahindra Limited from June 2007 to till date . +Exp Program Details: +Exp GE HEALTHCARE is a member of the General Electric group of companies. GE HEALTHCARE provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a new age of patient care. GEHC expertise is in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, performance improvement, drug discovery, and biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies to help clinicians around the world re-imagine new ways to predict, diagnose, inform and treat disease, so that the patients can live their lives to the fullest. +Exp The ICC is a Shared Service function for performing Data Integration, System Integration, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business to Business (B2B) Integration using Middleware. +Exp Project Details +Exp Project Description +Exp WebMethdos Remediation project is retirement of webMethods platform and rebuilding interfaces in Oracle SOA 12C. This project includes remediation of interfaces integrating with critical ERP’s ( SAP , Oracle, Peoplesoft) and around 60+ trading partners using all different B2B protocols to connect . This was a large scale B2B migration also acknowledged by Oracle. +Exp Contribution +Exp Responsible for the overall management and delivery of the project. +Exp Prepare project plans, work with 3rd parties for project discussions and kick off. +Exp Analyze webMethods Interfaces and prepare designs in SOA 12C including B2B . +Exp Walk through designs with architects and take signoff. +Exp Provide technical guidance to team members at project level. +Exp Worked on B2B configurations for Trading partners . +Exp Manage project schedules, budget forecasts, resource plans. +Exp Involvement in the software development lifecycle from requirement gathering from customers, design .... Testing (DryRun, SIT, UAT , regression testing). +Exp Produce weekly status reports to update all stakeholders on project health and progress. +Exp Project Description +Exp The GE Healthcare Life Sciences (GEHC LS) eTrading environment (a.k.a eHub) is a central point handling Life Sciences exchange of business documents to and from customers in Europe and North America. This is also utilized in ePresence to process orders coming from the webshop. +Exp Main goal for the project is to replace existing legacy and aging eHub solution with reliable, scalable, and robustness one based on Middleware and BIOPROD. +Exp Contribution +Exp Responsible for the overall management and delivery of the project. +Exp Analyze Customer requirements and document high level requirements. +Exp Resolve client issues and queries concerning business functionality requirements +Exp Walk through requirement documents with customers and take signoff. +Exp Serve as the main driver of the client relationship and project communication. +Exp Manage project schedules, budget forecasts, resource plans. +Exp Involvement in the software development lifecycle from requirement gathering from customers, design .... Testing (DryRun, SIT, UAT , regression testing). +Exp Produce weekly status reports to update all stakeholders on project health and progress. +Exp Share best practices and consulting to clients throughout duration of the project. +Exp Project Description +Exp Symphony is the project to synchronize and simplify processes in our Core Imaging and PET businesses. Migrating to one common platform (Global SAP) for Enterprise Resource Planning will bring transparency and operational efficiency to our business enabling us to respond to customers with greater speed and agility. +Exp Symphony project is executed in different phases in multiple regions – Nordics, CEU, SEU, USCAN, ASIA. +Exp Most of the middleware interfaces are with webMethods technology and wM components used are Trading network (exchange data with External partner ) ,webservices, FTP, FTPs. +Exp Contribution +Exp Assist the project team with identification of project deliverables, and creation of project-specific documentation such as functional specifications, technical specifications, etc. +Exp Act as a point of technical escalation and resolution during the project lifecycle. +Exp Provide technical guidance to clients and team members at program and project levels. +Exp Work closely with quality assurance resources to create test plans and ensure that issues are properly assigned, fixed, and regressed. +Exp Ensure that best practices for coding, architecture, and security are employed across all teams consistently, and maintain responsibility for the quality development of internal and external applications. +Exp Provide hands-on development and mentoring as necessary for other members of the development team. +Exp Project Description +Exp This interface is designed and implemented to minimize the negative effects on accounting of operating hours, on scheduling of maintenances and cause manual rework (risk of human errors). +Exp Build Service based integration between Romeo ERP and MyPlant application to exchange Counter data. +Exp Build Romeo-MyPlant Counter Synchronous service in webMethods, which receives required parameters from RomeoERP and using these parameters webMethods needs to build custom MyPlant URL and send request to MyPlant via xml over HTTP. WebMethods will insert the response from MyPlant into Romeo ERP staging tables. +Exp Contribution +Exp Create the project plan, gathering the requirements. +Exp Develop the interfaces using flow service. +Exp Develop the java service to implement the logic of batch insert (improved performance from 3-4 hours to 3 mins ) +Exp Create Unit test plan and Integration test plan documents with sample inputs provided from client +Exp Provide support during the test phase. +Exp Provide Post Production support after the completion of the project for 3 weeks +Exp a) Project Description +Exp Designed the below projects as part of BPM CoE team and worked on BAM and Blaze Advisor POCs. +Exp PGS R5 Site Compensation +Exp Site Compensation is a Support Central workflow to place a request for Field Engineers Bonus compensation upon successful completion of an outage. Current process makes the Users to manually enter all the outage and Bonus details by looking at various systems. All these information is available in PGS Portal Application. Also the support Central workflow is not robust for automation and reporting for changing Business needs. Business needs to develop this workflow within the PGS Portal Application to automate the workflow initiation steps and leverage the PGS Portal Building blocks data to auto populate workflow information where ever possible, thus reducing human intervention. +Exp Catalog Automation +Exp The Catalog Automation project goal is to automate the existing process by removing the manual touch points, streamlining the process steps and moving the data from existing MS excels to a web based system. The purpose of this project is to create a workflow that manages the Catalog Automation Process Application. Maintain a constant communication with the Catalog Application trough human or manual tasks, regarding the roles of ATA Owner, Risk admin, Super User, based on the process steps and situations. Communicate with a Catalog Data base, to update the ATA information. +Exp b) Contribution +Exp Design the Projects. +Exp Understand the Functional Specs; provide feedback to Business Analyst Team if the Requirements can be implemented successfully. +Exp a) Project Description: +Exp The integration solution involving webMethods in GE power Systems involves over 4000 adapters and 125 brokers. The BDMD EAI Operations which is currently one of the major projects in GE Power Systems integrates the existing legacy systems using Oracle, Mainframes, Sybase etc as databases with applications like PartsERP, PartsServieERP, ESERP, CPFinERP, Vastera, Oracle ErrorHandler and AERO using Java and other web applications. The Middleware software is developed using WebMethods. Active works aids in using the existing databases with the newly developed applications, thus providing a reliable availability of the data. This allows the users in various locations of GE across US and rest of the world to access required information from various applications using different databases. +Exp b) Contribution: +Exp Analysis and understand the business flow of technical services operation. \ No newline at end of file