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ROCOv2_2023_train_023985 | CT - tumor mass of the front wall of the urinary bladder | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033704 | CT angiogram of the chest after thrombolysis and anticoagulation with resolution of visible thrombi. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018664 | Technique 3. Final angiogram after catheter placement in a segmental branch of the hepatic artery (arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031937 | CT image shows a very large abscess of the left lateral abdominal wall. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030740 | CXR showing progression of right lower lobe lesion and development of bilateral miliary nodules. There was 2-week time interval between this CXR and CXR shown in Figure 1. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_059510 | Postoperative orthopantomography in a patient treated for left-body biphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the mandible (BRONJ). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_056461 | Magnetic resonance image of brain paraventricular area | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_039543 | Testicular ultrasound showing hypoechoic lesion right testis and normal left testis | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_016489 | Intravenous urogram showing bilateral ureterovaginal fistula and significant quantities of gas within both ureters. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_008195 | 53-year old Korean man with a remote history of facial trauma, and a four day history of diplopia and right third cranial nerve palsy. Anteroposterior digital subtraction angiogram, right internal carotid artery. Mid-arterial phase image demonstrates early filling of the cavernous sinus with filling of the contralateral inferior petrosal sinus (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051491 | Axial view of follow-up CT scan showing resection margin and no evidence of recurrence. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_019915 | Lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging without contrast, axial view. V: vertebrae, K: kidney, arrow: epidural hematoma occupies the spinal canal and compresses the spinal cord | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_008559 | Donor I - Portal Vein Anatomy | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005266 | Example of the intraobserver agreement. Figure showing a sagittal slice of an MRI with two measurements from the same observer with at least one week interval | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_035833 | Gallbladder tuberculosis in 35-year-old man.Transverse contrast-enhanced CT scan shows diffuse uniform thickened wall with heterogeneous enhancement and infiltration of liver parenchyma (low-density lesion near gallbladder, black arrows). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041143 | On the anterior-posterior view of both hip joints, osteolytic lesions were observed (arrows) on the upper outer side and lower inner sides of right femoral head. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038107 | Cerebral angiography demonstrated a wide necked aneurysm at the termination of the ICA. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007415 | The right-sided pneumothorax appearing on the chest anteroposterior (AP) radiograph acquired after tracheostomy. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033955 | Abdominal CT: hernia content composed of intestinal loop and densification of the mesentery with gas bubbles. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_045658 | Postoperative X-ray at 7-year follow-up. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_046391 | CT scan of the thorax showing dextrocardia and bronchiectasis of the lungs. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_044464 | Post coiling of pulmonary arterio venous malformations | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_055734 | Chest computed tomography scan and barium swallow examination indicated esophageal rupture. Arrow: barium entered into thoracic cavity through the ruptured esophagus. A: anterior. R: right. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_020496 | Color Doppler ultrasonographic image showing the regurgitation of blood into the left atrium. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_019652 | Squamous cell carcinoma of the left tongue. The MRI shows an extension in depth greater than what is visible. The neoplasm approaches very close to the midline (arrow) but does not reach it.MRI: magnetic resonance imaging | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_039978 | Fibular strut grafts without subtrochanteric valgus osteotomy (lateral view). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_023369 | Axial CT angiogram of the abdomen.The image at the level of origin of celiac trunk (black arrow), in which a linear hypodense structure (star) separates it from the abdominal aorta and indicates the arcuate ligament compression | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_039671 | CT scan with contrast through the clavicle. There is increased sclerosis of the medial right clavicular head (white arrow) with a moth-eaten appearance of the cortex and medullary space. The differential diagnosis is metastasis or chronic osteomyelitis. Biopsy subsequently showed metastatic pancreatic cancer. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_049451 | Image of a 36-year-old asymptomatic patient with negative RT-PCR. Pulmonary parenchymal window thin section computed tomography shows ground glass opacity in the left lower lobe of the anterobasal segment of peripheral distribution | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_036272 | Imaging plane 65°, The short axis view demonstrating the IAS, TV and a bicuspid aortic valve. The left main (LM) can be seen in most patients. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_057357 | CT image:soft-tissue window and coronal view, in which the expansion of the mandibular buccal cortex (arrow head), the submandibular gland (large arrows), and some lymph nodes (small arrows) can be seen. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007016 | Preoperative CT scan showing migrating frontal sinus stent. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_047806 | CT of the pharynx showed diffuse swelling and prominent contrast enhancement of the left parotid gland with dirty infiltration (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_047516 | Chest radiograph of our patient revealed no abnormality. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_059671 | phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery (PSIR) on T1 weighted images: subepicardial minor delayed enhancement after administration of gadolinium | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_003666 | Ultrasound image shows selected regions of interest (ROI) (circles). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051298 | Common bile duct cancer MIP coronary section showed a soft tissue lump in the common bile duct. MIP images showed that the portal vein was normal and was pressed slightly by the common bile duct without invasion. MIP, maximum intensity projection. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_052787 | Hysterosalpingogram demonstrates a communicating septate uterus, cervix duplex. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_001824 | Initial tomographic appearance of the lesion. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042511 | Right radial artery duplex study which showed radial artery occlusion | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_009160 | A-38-year-old woman with genital tuberculosis. Hysterosalpingogram shows small contracted uterine cavity with irregular contour and bilateral tubal occlusion (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030545 | Case 2 pre-expansion | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_001171 | CAT scan of patient GR, at the level of the basal nuclei. The right-hemisphere lesion involves the insula, the anterior part of the temporal lobe, and the lenticular nucleus. The left-hemisphere lesion is limited to the lenticular nucleus, indicated by the two white arrows. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_004143 | Transthoracic echocardiography in the four-chamber view, showing a large clot in the left atrium, attached via a long stalk to the residual resected interatrial septum (arrows) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_027956 | Protrusion of the pituitary beyond the dorsal rim of the sella turcica.This figure shows an example of a transverse, post-contrast CT image in a cat with HS. In this instance the dorsoventral dimension (height) of the enlarged pituitary was 6mm. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_032345 | Antero-posterior radiograph of a 69 year-old female patient ´ s right shoulder with an implanted inverted total shoulder prosthesis Delta at 44 months of follow-up. Radiological analysis reveals with "grade 3 = erosion up to the inferior screw" of infraglenoidal scapular notching according to Nerot. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_036297 | CT scan of the neck (coronal view) with a stone (white arrow) seen in the Wharton's duct | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_056976 | Chest X-Ray prior to chest drain removal. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005141 | Postoperative sagittal radiograph of the knee after revision of the patellar component. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051815 | The ultrasound image of the subclavian vein. Yellow arrow is showing the subclavian vein. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_007537 | Orthopantomography showing the presence of kissing molars in each side of the mandible. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005673 | Lung window of an axial image of the CT scan of chest shows bilateral lung nodules (black arrows) and pleural effusion (red star) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_042435 | Postoperative coronal CT of th nasal area. Caudal septal relocation and bilateral open airway are evident. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_005897 | Dental panoramic view. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_029886 | Coronal T1 post Gadolinium subtracted image demonstrates asymmetric enhancement of the right optic nerve (yellow arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_038799 | Postoperative ERCP: Showing the gastric tube anastomosed to the proximal CBD end (arrow). The gastric tube anastomosis with the distal end is masked by the endoscope shaft. The inflated balloon catheter accompanied by the stent is seen within the reconstructed biliary tract. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_051542 | CBCT shows a large KCOT with soft tissue algorithm in the right mandibular symphysis and cortical expansion. Note scalloped border. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033320 | Steady state free precession image showed multiple infiltrative nodular lesions in the thoracolumbar vertebral column | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_014830 | Fluoroscopy during surgery. Two markers are visible. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_012286 | Axillary view shows locked Left posterior shoulder dislocation. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_021732 | Fluoroscopic image showing biventricular micro‐axial flow Impella catheters for biventricular support (BiPella). LV indicates left ventricular; RV, right ventricular. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_041339 | CT of thorax showing bilateral pleural effusion with large anterior mediastinal mass and superior vena cava thrombosis | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_030943 | 3-D surface-rendering image of a gallbladder polyp (arrow) in a 30-year-old man. On pathologic examination after cholecystectomy, this lesion was confirmed to be an adenomatous polyp | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018645 | Hemangioma. Coronal T2-weighted MRI sequence showing a left juxtasellar lesion with a markedly hyperintense, homogeneous signal. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_050183 | Case 1: contrast-enhanced CT findings of necrotizing fasciitis. Massive subcutaneous tissue edema, fluid collection, muscle swelling, and a large, diffuse hematoma on computed tomography (CT). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_043607 | Left external carotid artery angiogram at different stages of the coiling procedures | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_022553 | Complex cyst with thickened walls and membranes in the lower pole of an adult kidney. Measurements of kidney length and the complex cyst on the US image are illustrated by ‘+’ and dashed lines. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_035752 | Right upper extremity of Patient 2. Wrist radiograph demonstrates subcutaneous emphysema (arrow) extending from injection site and hand down to forearm. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_027077 | CXR showing malpositioned Ryle’s tube | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_049024 | Left Common Femoral Vein Non-Compressible with Clot Demonstrated in the Lumen | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_034442 | Loculated liver mass, as soon on admission CT. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_024932 | Postoperative lateral cervical spine x-rays showed absence of the osteophytes and normalization of the normal structure. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_040869 | Fluoroscopic image showing a pigtail catheter in a satisfactory position in the gallbladder. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_028346 | Representative slice demonstrating the tracing of the left atrial boundary at ventricular end-systole in short-axis view on steady-state free precession magnetic resonance image. The left atrial volume is then calculated using the disk area summation method (Simpson's method) from contiguous slices covering the whole left atrial cavity. | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_018629 | Fusiform dilatation of the internal carotid artery suggestive of chronic dissection (arrow). | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_031161 | An axial T-1 weighted MRI image shows multiple 1-2 cm myometerial junctional zone cysts (arrowheads) and a thickened junctional zone (arrows) | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_043115 | Lateral Skull Radiograph of the Intracranial Foreign Bodies | [
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ROCOv2_2023_train_033364 | Cardiac thrombi in patients with CTEPH.Axial MDCTA image shows wall-adherent thrombus (arrow) in the right atrium. | [
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