sequence | meta
dict | scores
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float64 0
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"Growers watch fields for resistant weeds\n\nBob Scott and Chris Tingle | Feb 14, 2003\n\nApproximately 75 percent of the soybeans grown in Arkansas are Roundup Ready. ",
"This is around 2.5 million acres. ",
"The percentages of acres that are Roundup Ready in other states, have not risen to quite this level.",
"\n\nThe reason for the large number of acres in Arkansas is the genuine need for the technology. ",
"Palmer amaranth and common cocklebur long ago developed resistance to herbicides such as Scepter and Classic in the state. ",
"Arkansas also has documented populations of Prowl/Treflan-resistant pigweeds and goosegrass.",
"\n\nCouple that with a long growing season, plenty of rain or irrigation, crop rotational issues and a large soil bank of weed seeds and you have a perfect fit for using Roundup Ready soybeans and glyphosate.",
"\n\nHowever, considering the history of herbicide resistance, it seems only a matter of time until the Roundup technology meets a fate similar to herbicides that have come (and gone) before.",
"\n\nHerbicide resistance builds up over time when the same herbicide is used again and again to control weeds. ",
"It works a lot like natural selection. ",
"You kill all the susceptible weeds and somewhere out there in the field a lone plant survives. ",
"This plant has a unique enzyme system or some other trait that allows it to withstand the herbicide application.",
"\n\nIt goes to seed. ",
"Some of its progeny have the same trait. ",
"When the same herbicide with the same mode of action is used again, it is not effective on these plants. ",
"With continued use of this product, the resistant population continues to build and eventually takes over the field. ",
"At this point the herbicide that used to work so well is no good, at least on that weed.",
"\n\nWith other modes of action this process has taken as little as seven years. ",
"So the question keeps coming up at grower meetings this spring — “When will we get resistance to Roundup?” ",
"You might already have it.",
"\n\nSeveral species of weeds have already been documented with glyphosate resistance. ",
"In Australia, some ryegrass has been found to be resistant to glyphosate and several other herbicide families and Roundup-resistant goosegrass has been documented in the Northeastern United States.",
"\n\nProbably the most famous weed in the Delta right now is glyphosate-resistant marestail or horseweed. ",
"In Tennessee where no-till cotton is grown, resistant horseweed populations have grown significantly over the last three or four years.",
"\n\nA few suspicious fields have been tested and observed in Arkansas, but there have been no documented cases yet.",
"\n\nThe 2.5 million acres of Arkansas Roundup Ready soybeans get treated one or two times with glyphosate in crop. ",
"Some possibly get a burndown application of glyphosate followed by two in-crop glyphosate treatments. ",
"In addition, we have conventional burndown acres, Roundup Ready cotton, and Roundup Ready corn which all receive at least one application of glyphosate.",
"\n\nIt would be safe to say that over 4 million acres are treated with glyphosate annually in Arkansas. ",
"To say the least, this is a tremendous amount of selection pressure. ",
"In the past, it was believed that due to the complex enzyme system that glyphosate interacts with, the buildup of resistance would be unlikely. ",
"However, the recent development of resistant weeds in the field and subsequent lab studies show that resistance can happen.",
"\n\nAlso, there are theories that “weed shifts” and not resistance will be the first real challenge for the soybean technology. ",
"This is similar to the shift in perennial weeds that is observed when fields go from conventional tillage to no-till. ",
"The bottom line is that no matter how resistance develops, once you have it you need new technology.",
"\n\nThe most disturbing thing for soybean weed control is that companies are not looking very hard for new soybean herbicides right now. ",
"If widespread resistance were to happen today, we would have to rely on old chemistry coming back into play.",
"\n\nWhat can you do to prevent resistant weeds from building up on your farm? ",
"The most obvious thing is rotate chemistry. ",
"In other words, do not use glyphosate for a season or at least for one of your applications. ",
"I suggest using paraquat (Gramoxone) as a burndown in place of Roundup, for example.",
"\n\nHowever, you have to make sure that the herbicide that you switch to is not the same mode of action. ",
"For example, switching from Roundup to Touchdown would not be changing your mode of action. ",
"You would still be putting the same selection pressure on your farm.",
"\n\nAnother option is going back to conventional soybeans. ",
"Although the yield gap is now almost gone, there are still some very high-yielding conventional soybean varieties out there and the cost of many conventional herbicides has gone down.",
"\n\nMany conventional herbicides are still not as economical as glyphosate, but compared to what you used to pay, they are cheaper.",
"\n\nMany herbicide resistance strategies involve simply tank-mixing glyphosate with another herbicide. ",
"This is fine for the management of a specific weed problem. ",
"However, in the grand scheme of things, you are still applying the same selection pressure on your farm again and again. ",
"So tank-mixing is better than nothing, but still promotes resistance.",
"\n\nRoundup Ready soybeans and Roundup herbicide offer the most economical and broad-spectrum weed control ever available for soybean farmers. ",
"In all probability, we will continue to use this technology as much as possible until resistance does develop.",
"\n\nIt is unlikely that widespread rotation of chemistry and crops will be utilized to prevent the buildup of resistant weeds. ",
"In the words of several growers, “It is just too good and too cheap not to use.”",
"\n\nOne thing we can do is to watch our fields very closely and report any suspicious weeds that survive one or more applications of glyphosate. ",
"Prior to any re-treatment, these weeds should be sampled and studied. ",
"If you suspect that a weed or weed population has survived a glyphosate application that in the past has controlled that weed, please contact your county agent.",
"\n\nBob Scott is the University of Arkansas Extension weed specialist. [",
"email protected]. ",
"Chris Tingle is the University of Arkansas Extension soybean agronomist."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.00225 | 5 |
"/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Copyright (c) Red Hat. ",
"All rights reserved.",
"\n * Licensed under the MIT License. ",
"See License.txt in the project root for license information.",
"\n *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\nimport { equals } from '../src/languageservice/utils/objects';\nimport * as assert from 'assert';\n\nsuite('Object Equals Tests', () => {\n describe('Equals', function () {\n it('Both are null', () => {\n const one = null;\n const other = null;\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, true);\n });\n\n it('One is null the other is true', () => {\n const one = null;\n const other = true;\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('One is string the other is boolean', () => {\n const one = 'test';\n const other = false;\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('One is not object', () => {\n const one = 'test';\n const other = false;\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('One is array the other is not', () => {\n const one = new Proxy([], {});\n const other = Object.keys({\n 1: '2',\n 2: '3',\n });\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('Both are arrays of different length', () => {\n const one = [1, 2, 3];\n const other = [1, 2, 3, 4];\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('Both are arrays of same elements but in different order', () => {\n const one = [1, 2, 3];\n const other = [3, 2, 1];\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('Arrays that are equal', () => {\n const one = [1, 2, 3];\n const other = [1, 2, 3];\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, true);\n });\n\n it('Objects that are equal', () => {\n const one = {\n test: 1,\n };\n const other = {\n test: 1,\n };\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, true);\n });\n\n it('Objects that have same keys but different values', () => {\n const one = {\n test: 1,\n };\n const other = {\n test: 5,\n };\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n\n it('Objects that have different keys', () => {\n const one = {\n test_one: 1,\n };\n const other = {\n test_other: 1,\n };\n\n const result = equals(one, other);\n assert.equal(result, false);\n });\n });\n});\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0.010443 | 5 |
"I remember Jesus telling us “…..If you give so much as a glass of water to these little ones…….(for you to do so, it shall be noted in Heaven. ",
"Gandalf)….but low unto you if you should ever bring harm to any of them…(for this too shall be noted in heaven and it shall not pass. ",
"Gandalf)\nFather in Heaven please give me strenght for my heart is breaking. ",
"Gaza the road to hell. ",
"http://cid-bd838dd923c11aa0.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/GAZA%20THE%20ROAD%20TO%20HELL/010609%20TUE.mp3 produced by : Gandalf’s Staff, with contributions from Heresy and France 24.",
"\n\n4 Responses to WHOLESALE MURDER IN GAZA\n\n“In violation of international law, Israel has confiscated over 52 percent of the land in the West Bank and 30 percent of the Gaza Strip for military use or for settlement by Jewish civilians…From 1967 to 1982, Israel’s military government demolished 1,338 Palestinian homes on the West Bank. ",
"Over this period, more than 300,000 Palestinians were detained without trial for various periods by Israeli security forces. “",
"Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising Against Israeli Occupation,” ed. ",
"Lockman and Beinin.",
"“Under the UN Charter there can lawfully be no territorial gains from war, even by a state acting in self-defense. ",
"The response of other states to Israel’s occupation shows a virtually unanimous opinion that even if Israel’s action was defensive, its retention of the West Bank and Gaza Strip was not…The [UN] General Assembly characterized Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as a denial of self determination and hence a ‘serious and increasing threat to international peace and security.’ “ ",
"John Quigley, “Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice.”",
"\n\nAll Jewish settlements in territories occupied in the 1967 war are a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions, which Israel has signed.",
"“The Geneva Convention requires an occupying power to change the existing order as little as possible during its tenure. ",
"One aspect of this obligation is that it must leave the territory to the people it finds there. ",
"It may not bring its own people to populate the territory. ",
"This prohibition is found in the convention’s Article 49, which states, ‘The occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.’” ",
"John Quigley, “Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice.",
"”Excerpts from the U.S. State Department’s reports during the Intifada1988: ‘Many avoidable deaths and injuries’ were caused because Israeli soldiers frequently used gunfire in situations that did not present mortal danger to troops…IDF troops used clubs to break limbs and beat Palestinians who were not directly involved in disturbances or resisting arrest..At least thirteen Palestinians have been reported to have died from beatings…’1989: Human rights groups charged that the plainclothes security personnel acted as death squads who killed Palestinian activists without warning, after they had surrendered, or after they had been subdued…1991: [The report] added that the human rights groups had published ‘detailed credible reports of torture, abuse and mistreatment of Palestinian detainees in prisons and detention centers.” ",
"Former Congressman Paul Findley, “Deliberate Deceptions.”"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.012871 | 5 |
"I spent some time this morning on Morning Joe and then with Carol Costello (fellow NEOer) on CNN Newsroom, working in my theory of the state of the GOP primary now. ",
"I’ll join Don Lemon tonight for more on this subject. ",
"After last week’s debate and Meet the Press Sunday I feel like my 15 minutes is being revised and extended. ",
"But, never miss an opportunity to opine when folks are listening.",
"\n\nI was very surprised by Governor Walker’s stepping aside, as he was not only a wonderful and successful governor and a very good man, he also had plenty of Super Pac money. ",
"His gracious explanation for his exit — the need to focus the GOP primary electorate– ought to be on the front edge of all candidates’ brains this evening. ",
"The country has to elect a GOP president. ",
"Has to. ",
"Thus sacrifices of personal ambition have to be made. ",
"I salute Governors Perry and Walker –who between them have won seven statewide races in key states– for being men as big as the country’s need. ",
"They could have battled on with Super Pac dollars and low cost air tickets, but putting the country ahead of ambition is a noble thing and they get credit for doing it.",
"\n\nI now see four types of GOP primary voters, and not all of them are conservatives or even Republicans, as Independents and even Democrats can vote in some of the early primaries and the candidates who plan on winning have to take that reality into account as they plan their campaigns.",
"\n\nThere are the “True Believers,” to use Eric Hoffer’s term, and they have picked a candidate and are sticking to him come Hell or high water unless and until he drops out or wins. ",
"These folks are primarily behind Dr. Carson or Senator Cruz or Governor Huckabee or Senator Santorum or Donald Trump. ",
"Though some of these voters have a natural home in another “True Believer” camp if their man drops out, some will scatter to the candidates in other categories. (",
"I don’t sense a lot of overlap between Carson and Trump voters, for example.)",
"\n\nThe “Buckley Voters” –who tend to support the most conservative candidate they see as plausibly winning (not long shots, but plausible winners) in the fall of next year. ",
"Governors Walker and Perry supporters were primarily from this group of voters, and I expect those voters to gravitate to either Carly Fiorina or Senator Rubio, with a few hanging on to the hopes of a Governor Jindal rebound. ",
"Some of these voters will think Governors Bush, Christie, and Kasich are “the most conservative candidate who can win,” but for various reasons, I think of those three as more squarely in the third category, and voters in this second category as less likely to support these three than the other two I mentioned, but more likely to move to them than to a “True Believer” candidate if both of these candidates fade.",
"\n\nThat third category is “center-right governing conservatives,” Republican primary voters who want to get legislation passed by assembling coalitions in D.C. that include some Democrats. ",
"The rhetoric here is also more inclusive more of the time than the others, and less combative most of the time, though the lines are blurry. ",
"What isn’t blurry is that these three are aiming primarily at New Hampshire primary voters where Independents can vote in the GOP primary. (",
"It is the case in South Carolina that anyone can vote in either primary as they declare when they walk into the booth which party primary they wish to participate in, and it is certainly the case in many other early states that non-Republicans can vote in the GOP primaries. ",
"Playing for Independents in the Granite State and eslewhere is a key part of each of these three campaigns.)",
"\n\nThe fourth group of voters are what I call “Uniques.” ",
"They are in it to support a candidate for a unique reason or because of unique appeal. ",
"Senator Paul draws heavily on the Uniques, as does Lindsey Graham, though their voters are completely separate camps. ",
"Senator Paul’s are from the libertarian wing, and Senator Graham’s are from the “defense first” part of the party combined with folks who want him to upset the apple cart in his home state of South Carolina in order to send the race towards an open convention."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.008462 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nOpenSSL x509 Certificate: Add Extension with X509_add1_ext_i2d()\n\nContext:\nI'm generating an x509 Certificate using APIs in OpenSSL. ",
"I first create the X509 structure like this:\nX509 *x509 = X509_new(); // Assume no errors\n\nWhat I'm trying to do:\nNow I want to add an extension to this Certificate. ",
"Specifically, I want to set the \"Extended Key Usage\" extension to the value serverAuth,clientAuth. ",
"To do this, I am attempting to use the OpenSSL function x509_add1_ext_i2d(), which has the following signature:\nX509_add1_ext_i2d(X509 *x, int nid, void *value, int crit, unsigned long flags)\n\nI'm calling that function passing a C-String for value, which I assume is not correct. ",
"Here's the call I'm making:\nX509_add1_ext_i2d(x509, NID_ext_key_usage, \"serverAuth,clientAuth\", 0, 0)\n\nWhat's Happening:\nI'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_i386_GPFLT) exception when that line of code runs. ",
"I'm assuming that's because the value I pass in has to be some sort of special thing (an octet string? ",
"Some sort of other OpenSSL value?)",
"\n\nWhat I Need:\nWhat do I need to pass for the value parameter in order to correctly set that extension to the string value serverAuth,clientAuth? ",
"Or, alternately, why am I getting the listed exception? ",
"Note: If I remove this line and attempt to generate a certificate without extensions (with other properties such as Name, expiration date, etc. ",
"that I have excluded here for brevity) it works just fine.",
"\nI have spent an entire day pouring over OpenSSL's (ridiculously poor) documentation and Googling. ",
"Everything I can find discusses how to add extensions to certificates from the command line rather than in code. ",
"I cannot track down what the hell this function expects to see in the value parameter.",
"\n\nA:\n\nAfter some more rooting around in OpenSSL's source, I stumbled across a function in the makecert.c example that also does this. ",
"I've cleaned it up slightly, and here it is. ",
"You pass in the NID of the extension you want to set and a simple string value for it. ",
"Very handy:\nBOOL addExtension(X509 *cert, int nid, char *value)\n{\n X509_EXTENSION *ex = NULL;\n X509V3_CTX ctx;\n\n // This sets the 'context' of the extensions. ",
"No configuration database\n X509V3_set_ctx_nodb(&ctx);\n\n // Issuer and subject certs: both the target since it is self signed, no request and no CRL\n X509V3_set_ctx(&ctx, cert, cert, NULL, NULL, 0);\n ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, &ctx, nid, value);\n if (!",
"ex) {\n return NO;\n }\n\n int result = X509_add_ext(cert, ex, -1);\n\n X509_EXTENSION_free(ex);\n\n return (result == 0) ? ",
"YES : NO;\n}\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003565 | 5 |
"With Da Vinci's Demons returning on March 22nd, IGN has your first look at the new characters fans can expect to meet in Season 2.",
"\n\nLoading\n\nIma (Carolina Guerra)\n\nCarolina Guerra as Ima in Da Vinci's Demons.",
"\n\nKing Ferrante (Matthew Marsh)\n\nMatthew Marsh as King Ferrante in Da Vinci's Demons.",
"\n\nDuke Alfonso (Kieran Bew)\n\nKieran Bew as Duke Alfonso in Da Vinci's Demons.",
"\n\nAmerigo Vespucci (Lee Boardman)\n\nLee Boardman as Amerigo Vespucci with Tom Riley and Greg Chillin in Da Vinci's Demons.",
"\n\nLeonardo da Vinci (Tom Riley) will be traveling to far off lands this season, as he searches for the fabled Book of Leaves and his mother's secret history, bringing him into contact with several new potential allies and enemies. ",
"You can learn much more in this exclusive behind-the-scenes video, which includes new footage from Season 2, along with interviews with the cast and series creator David S. Goyer.",
"In addition, check out these photos and bios for the new Da Vinci's Demons characters.",
"The Inca High Priestess is as strikingly beautiful as she is formidable. ",
"Ima has an influence over her people that even the emperor, Topa Inca, doesn't possess.",
"Feared leader of one of the most powerful nations in Italy, King Ferrante’s known to proudly display the mummified corpses of his enemies. ",
"But an unlikely alliance proves to be a far more valuable addition to his collection.",
"As son of Ferrante and future king of Naples, Alfonso never loses sight of the power within his grasp. ",
"However, his own ambitions could be his biggest downfall if he impudently gets in the way of his overbearing father.",
"A purveyor of curios, Amerigo does a lucrative business in securing exotica for the wealthy. ",
"His connections prove valuable to da Vinci and his friends, but he’s always looking for a way to profit, sometimes at their expense.",
"\n\nLoading\n\nDa Vinci's Demons: Season 2 begins March 22nd on Starz."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.01082 | 5 |
" United States Court of Appeals,\n\n Fifth Circuit.",
"\n\n No. ",
"\n\n Richard W. PICKENS, et al., ",
"Plaintiffs-Appellants,\n\n v.\n\n LOCKHEED CORPORATION, et al., ",
"\n\n May 21, 1993.",
"\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas.",
"\n\nBefore KING, HIGGINBOTHAM and DeMOSS, Circuit Judges.",
"\n\n PER CURIAM:\n\n This case is the latest and last of a series of cases brought by Richard W. Pickens (\"Pickens\"),\n\nTexas Extrusion Corp. (\"TEC\") or Pickens Industries, Inc. (\"PII\") seeking to set aside part or all of\n\nthe provisions of a joint plan of reorganization applicable to Pickens, TEC and PII which was\n\nconfirmed by the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas in 1984 and affirmed by this\n\nCourt in Texas Extrusion Corp. v. Lockheed Corp., 844 F.2d 1142 (5th Cir.), ",
"cert. ",
"denied, 488 U.S.\n\n926, 109 S.Ct. ",
"311, 102 L.Ed.2d 330 (1988). ",
"The district court denied relief here on the basis, inter\n\nalia, that all the claims in the lawsuit were barred by the doctrine of res judicata and on the basis that\n\nthe lawsuit was not brought within six months of the entry of the order approving the joint plan of\n\nreorganization as required by 11 U.S.C. § 1144. ",
"The district court was indisputably correct in\n\ndismissing this case. ",
"All the claims asserted by Pickens, TEC and PII either could have been brought\n\nin the many previous proceedings or they were brought and ultimately rejected.",
"\n\n Although we would be just ified in assessing sanctions against Pickens, TEC and PII as\n\nLockheed has requested, we have elected not to do so. ",
"Our decision, however, is without prejudice\n\nto Lockheed's right to re-urge the imposition of sanctions should Pickens, TEC or PII attempt to act\n\nin contravention of the order and judgment rendered herein.",
"\n\n We expressly forbid Pickens, TEC and PII, and each of them, from taking any action or filing\n\nany pleadings concerning any matter or issue of any nature arising from or connected with the\n\flitigation or causes of action heretofore asserted or existing between Pickens, TEC or PII, on the one\n\nhand, and Lockheed Corporation or any of its affiliates, on the other hand. ",
"Without first obtaining\n\nthe express approval of a judge of this Court, neither the Clerk of this Court, nor the clerk of any\n\ndistrict court or bankruptcy court within the Fifth Circuit shall accept for filing any pleading or other\n\ndocument proffered by or on behalf of Pickens, TEC or PII as to any such matter or issue, including,\n\nwithout limitation, motions for rehearing or rehearing en banc in connection herewith, which we\n\nexpressly forbid them to file.",
"\n\n The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED and the mandate shall issue forthwith.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.009445 | 5 |
"The interaction of MHC products and corresponding MHC-recognition structures expressed by thymocytes is probably a major factor in the proliferation, differentiation and selection of MHC-restricted T cells within the thymus. ",
"In situ evidence suggests this is the case, since the MHC-restricted antigen receptors patch to areas of contact with Ia+ epithelial cells in the thymic cortex. ",
"Definition of the interaction between MHC products and thymocyte recognition structures is crucial to the understanding of T cell differentiation within the thymus. ",
"This proposal addresses this interaction in situ and in vitro, comparing young and aged thymuses, where in the later, epithelial Ia expression is reduced and thymus function has declined. ",
"In situ immunoelectron microscopic studies will focus on four aspects on the interaction between MHC products and thymocytes: 1) expression of Ia by epithelium and hematogenous cells; 2) expression of recognition molecules by thymocytes, i.e., antigen receptors and L3T4 molecules; 3) simultaneous distribution of these molecules at sites of cell contact; and 4) the consequence of aging on their expression and interaction. ",
"The second part of the proposal will examine cultured thymic epithelial cells and their interactions with thymocytes in vitro. ",
"After defining epithelial heterogeneity in vitro as it is known to exist in vivo. ",
"The following topics will be addressed: 1) expression of epithelial Ia in response to soluble immune factors and non-immune agents; 2) the ability of epithelial cells to interact with thymocytes via MHC recognition structures and the effect of this interaction on epithelial Ia expression, and 3) the comparison of epithelial cells from adolescent and senescent thymuses to respond to Ia-inducing agents and to interact with thymocytes. ",
"The in situ and in vitro studies will complement each other, where each approach provides unique information and confirms hypotheses based on evidence derived from the other. ",
"Identifying the interaction(s) between thymocytes and thymic epithelial cells with involve MHC molecules will advance our knowledge of the thymic role in cell differentiation and may provide important insight into the process of thymus involution and senescence of T cell function observed in aged laboratory animals and man."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter"
} | [
] | 0.003332 | 5 |
"Use your head like Sadio and subscribe to the Liverpool FC newsletter Sign me up Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Invalid Email\n\nJamie Carragher has controversially claimed Manchester United have a stronger squad than Liverpool - and believes Jurgen Klopp made a mistake in letting Nathaniel Clyne join Bournemouth on loan for the remainder of the season.",
"\n\nThe Reds stuttered into a second Premier League draw in a row after being held by West Ham United at the London Stadium on Monday night, a result which opens the door for Manchester City to move top of the table on Wednesday against Everton.",
"\n\nKlopp 's side will hold a game a hand on their title-rivals as a result, facing Manchester United when City take on Chelsea in the League Cup Final later this month.",
"\n\nLiverpool 's latest stalemate could prove to be a significant twist in the race for the title, with the Reds needing to find a response after dropping seven points in their last five matches - more than they had dropped in the opening 20 league matches of the season.",
"\n\nCarragher has admitted he is concerned by the decline of his former side, identifying the struggles of James Milner and Keita as evidence of United's superior squad depth, but it was one transfer decision that started his assessment of the draw on Monday evening.",
"\n\n“I said yesterday Manchester United have a better squad than Liverpool. ",
"People may have thought it was a strange thing to say but I think we’re seeing little signs of it,” he said on Sky Sports’ Monday Night Football.",
"\n\n“On the right back situation, Klopp’s made a mistake letting Clyne go. ",
"I know there were a couple of injuries but you don’t need to let him go — keep him there.",
"\n\n(Image: (Photo by Matthew Peters/Man Utd via Getty Images))\n\n“At the moment James Milner has played there twice now and watching him you can’t quite believe he played left back so well for so long. ",
"He looks like someone completely out of position.",
"\n\n“Keita, who he paid big money for looked quiet and keeps losing the ball. ",
"Firmino doesn’t look himself. ",
"Salah we didn’t see anything from tonight.",
"\n\n“I think that’s a worry going forward, not in terms of this pressure in the lead, more that when there’s a few injuries in different positions it doesn’t look like that solid Liverpool side we’ve seen for the last few weeks.”",
"\n\nVideo Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8 Cancel Play now\n\nHowever, he urged his former side not to give up as he made it clear the title race is far from over.",
"\n\n“I think there were was a lot of frustration out there tonight. ",
"I think there were a lot of poor performances. ",
"I couldn’t believe how bad Liverpool were tonight, but I also think there needs to be a bit of perspective that Liverpool are still top of the league.",
"\n\n“If Liverpool go one or two points behind City and Tottenham, they’re still in the race for the league.”"
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"1. ",
"Introduction\n===============\n\nThe collective term auxin refers to a class of compounds sharing similar physiological functions in plants. ",
"Auxins are well characterized as growth promoting phytohormones, occurring at low concentrations across plant species. ",
"They are known to be essential for the regulation of a wealth of different processes, such as cell elongation, initiation of lateral and adventitious root growth, flower and fruit development, and fruit ripening \\[[@B1-plants-03-00324],[@B2-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Albeit indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is considered the major auxin in plants, a number of additional naturally occurring compounds that exert auxin effects have been reported to date (e.g., 4-chloroindole-3-acetic acid \\[[@B3-plants-03-00324]\\], and phenyl-2-acetic acid (PAA) \\[[@B4-plants-03-00324],[@B5-plants-03-00324]\\]). ",
"Moreover, a variety of IAA precursors such as indole-3-acetamide (IAM), indole-3-acetonitrile, indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA) \\[[@B1-plants-03-00324],[@B6-plants-03-00324]\\], and indole-3-butyric acid \\[[@B7-plants-03-00324],[@B8-plants-03-00324]\\] exhibit auxin-like effects, most likely due to their conversion to IAA.",
"\n\nAlthough much is known about the physiological functions and effects of auxins, the biosynthesis of substances of this compound class still remains partially elusive ([Figure 1](#plants-03-00324-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}).",
"\n\nThe main portion of free IAA in plants is seemingly produced via a two-step pathway involving tryptophan aminotransferases (TAA1 and TARs) and flavin-containing monooxygenases of the YUCCA family (YUC1-11) \\[[@B9-plants-03-00324],[@B10-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"However, there is additional evidence that the biosynthesis of IAA, at least to a certain extent, may also proceed via a number of other metabolic routes, which are classified in terms of their intermediates. ",
"These routes are thought to act either in parallel or in a developmentally regulated manner \\[[@B11-plants-03-00324],[@B12-plants-03-00324],[@B13-plants-03-00324],[@B14-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"One of these biosynthetic pathways is supposed to lead from L-tryptophan via IAM to IAA and appears to be one of the two major pathways commonly used in bacteria to produce IAA \\[[@B15-plants-03-00324],[@B16-plants-03-00324],[@B17-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Previous work provided growing evidence for the existence of a comparable IAM-pathway to be operative *in planta* as well, suggested by the following observations: (i) in a number of independent studies IAM has been identified as a natural constituent of several plant species including *Citrus unshiu* \\[[@B18-plants-03-00324]\\], *Prunus jamasakura* \\[[@B19-plants-03-00324]\\], *Curcubita maxima* \\[[@B20-plants-03-00324]\\], as well as in *Arabidopsis thaliana*, *Oryza sativa*, *Zea mays*, and *Nicotiana tabacum* \\[[@B21-plants-03-00324],[@B22-plants-03-00324]\\]; (ii) IAM hydrolyzing activities have been reported from *Triticum* *aestivum* and *Pisum sativum* (whole plant extracts) \\[[@B6-plants-03-00324]\\], *O.* *sativa* (callus extracts) \\[[@B23-plants-03-00324],[@B24-plants-03-00324]\\], as well as from *Poncirus trifoliate* (fruit extracts) \\[[@B25-plants-03-00324]\\]; and (iii) amidases from *A.thaliana* and *N.tabacum* capable of converting IAM to IAA*in vitro* have been identified \\[[@B26-plants-03-00324],[@B27-plants-03-00324]\\].",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f001}\n\nLike the bacterial IAM-hydrolases from *Agrobacterium tumefaciens* \\[[@B28-plants-03-00324]\\] and *Pseudomonas syringae* \\[[@B29-plants-03-00324]\\], *At*AMI1 is a member of the amidase-signature superfamily, characterized by a glycine and serine rich stretch of approximately 50 amino acids, which contains most of the catalytically relevant amino acid residues \\[[@B30-plants-03-00324]\\]. *",
"At*AMI1 is located in both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, acts as an obligate monomer of approximately 46 kDa, and is mainly expressed in tissues with high meristematic activity, for instance young leaves and floral buds \\[[@B31-plants-03-00324],[@B32-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Moreover, *At*AMI1 specifically converts IAM to IAA*in vitro*, while refusing most other naturally occurring amides as substrates. ",
"On this basis, a tentative involvement of *At*AMI1 in auxin biosynthesis in *A. thaliana* has been suggested.",
"\n\nDue to these lines of evidence, implying a possibly broader importance of IAA biosynthesis through the IAM-pathway in plants, it appeared intriguing to us to investigate whether IAM-amidohydrolases are restricted to only very few plant families or if this enzyme class shows a broader distribution in the plant kingdom. ",
"The identification and functional analysis of comparable AMI1-like enzymes from various plant species would likewise highlight a broader presence of the IAM-dependent IAA production and point towards a general concept in auxin biosynthesis.",
"\n\nThoroughly analyzing the wealth of emerging genome data from plants, we were able to identify a reasonably high number of AMI1-like proteins. ",
"Phylogenetic comparison revealed substantial sequence homology between those proteins and *Arabidopsis* AMI1. ",
"To gain further insight into the function of these enzymes, we chose four amidases from *O.sativa*, *Sorghum bicolor*, *Medicago truncatula*, and *Populus trichocarpa* in this study and compared them to *At*AMI1 \\[[@B26-plants-03-00324],[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"With respect to enzymatic properties and subcellular localization, we observed considerable similarity between the four candidate enzymes and *At*AMI1, although the selected amidases displayed lower specific activities towards IAM when compared to the properties of *At*AMI1. ",
"Furthermore, we were capable of demonstrating that all examined amidases are additionally able to convert phenyl-2-acetamide (PAM) to the naturally occurring auxin, PAA. ",
"We also show that PAA is endogenous to *Arabidopsis*, and that it exerts an auxin-like effect in *Arabidopsis* root growth bioassays.",
"\n\n2. ",
"Results and Discussion\n=========================\n\n2.1. ",
"Identification of AMI1-like Proteins in Plant Genomes\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nHomologs of the *Arabidopsis* *YUC* gene family have been identified and characterized from several plant species including petunia, rice, tomato, maize, and pea \\[[@B33-plants-03-00324],[@B34-plants-03-00324],[@B35-plants-03-00324],[@B36-plants-03-00324],[@B37-plants-03-00324]\\], suggesting a widespread occurrence of the YUC-dependent IAA biosynthetic pathway in the plant kingdom. ",
"In contrast, CYP79B2/B3 and NIT1-3 enzymes seem to be restricted to the *Brassicaceae* \\[[@B22-plants-03-00324],[@B38-plants-03-00324],[@B39-plants-03-00324]\\], which contradicts a general importance of these enzymes in auxin biosynthesis. ",
"To investigate the distribution of AMI1-like proteins in the plant kingdom, the *Arabidopsis* IAM-hydrolase (*At*AMI1, At1g08980) nucleic acid sequence, as well as the translated primary amino acid sequence, were used to query publicly available databases (e.g., Phytozome, Plant Gene Duplication Database) for candidate IAM-hydrolase orthologs. ",
"The *in silico* analyses provided indication for 47 *At*AMI1-like proteins from 38 plant species ([Figure 2](#plants-03-00324-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}).",
"\n\nIt is noteworthy to mention that, at least to the best of our current knowledge, all plant genomes published thus far contain one or more *At*AMI1-like sequences, which may suggest an important function of this enzyme class in plant development, as the gene is conserved across a large number of plant species. ",
"The notion of a wider distribution of AMI1-like proteins in higher plants is further strengthened by the previously mentioned identification of IAM and detection of IAM-hydrolase activities in various other plant species, respectively. ",
"In the first place, however, the obtained results indicate a broader distribution of *At*AMI1-like proteins in the plant kingdom.",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f002}\n\n2.2. ",
"Subcellular Localization of Selected Plant Amidases\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe high degree of sequence homology between the *At*AMI1-like proteins compared in [Figure 2](#plants-03-00324-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"} made it tempting to speculate that the identified enzymes also share similar functions. ",
"In order to gain deeper insight into their functional properties, we selected four candidate amidases both from monocot and dicot species, namely *O.sativa* *Os*AMI1 (Os04g02780), *S.bicolor* *Sb*AMI1 (Sb02g039510), *M.truncatula* *Mt*AMI1 (Mt1g099370), and *P. trichocarpa* *Pt*AMI1 (Pt13g02200), for further investigation. ",
"On a protein level, the selected candidates show an overall amino acid identity of 57% (*Os*AMI1), 58% (*Sb*AMI1), 66% (*Mt*AMI1), and 68% (*Pt*AMI1), respectively, relative to *At*AMI1. ",
"As shown in [Appendix Figure A1](#ap1-plants-03-00324){ref-type=\"app\"}, in particular the region of the amidase signature, containing most of the catalytically relevant amino acid residues \\[[@B30-plants-03-00324]\\], shows a high degree of amino acid identity. ",
"Consequently, there is reason to suspect that they share similar function.",
"\n\nIn a first set of experiments, the subcellular localization of chimeric GFP fusion proteins was investigated in transient assays. ",
"In each experiment, 5 μg of plasmid DNA, facilitating the *35S*-promoter driven expression of the corresponding fusion construct, were transferred into leaf epidermal cells of *A. thaliana* by particle bombardment. ",
"Like the AMI1 enzyme from *A.thaliana*, the amidases from *O.sativa*, *S.bicolor*, *M.truncatula*, and *P.trichocarpa*, appear located to the cytoplasm of epidermal cells when transiently expressed as GFP fusion constructs. ",
"Moreover, the microscopic assessment of the intracellular protein localization shown in [Figure 3](#plants-03-00324-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"} provided further evidence for a diffusion of all studied amidase-constructs into the nucleus and an accumulation in the nuclear pocket, thus, delivering results similar to those obtained for the*Arabidopsis* AMI1:GFP fusion construct that has been shown to be able to diffuse through nuclear pores. ",
"However, as previously shown, the nuclear localization of *At*AMI1 is most likely not by reason of a specific nuclear import, but rather due to the compact conical shape of the protein \\[[@B30-plants-03-00324],[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\].",
"\n\nThe obtained results are consistent with predictions of the TargetP \\[[@B40-plants-03-00324]\\] and PredictNLS server \\[[@B41-plants-03-00324]\\], detecting neither nuclear localization signals or signals for the secretory pathway nor mitochondrial and plastidial import signals in the primary amino acid sequence of the analyzed enzymes. ",
"In any case, the similar cellular localization pattern of the tested amidases adds an additional cue highlighting a possibly comparable function of the polypeptides.",
"Localization of amidase GFP fusion proteins in epidermal cells of *Arabidopsis thaliana*. ",
"The images show typical results of confocal laser scanning microscopic studies, using differential emission light filter sets. ",
"The upper row provides transmission images, followed by the GFP channel (GFP-fluorescence), showing the fluorescence of the GFP-fluorophore between 500 and 530 nm. ",
"Next, the chlorophyll-autofluorescence is shown in a separate channel (650 to 798 nm). ",
"In the bottom row, an overlay of the fluorescence channels is depicted. (**",
"A**) Transformation with an empty GFP-vector (pSP-EGFP), cytoplasmic control; (**B**) Transformation with an *AMI1*:*GFP* construct from *A.thaliana* \\[[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\] (positive control); (**C**) Transformation of an epidermis cell with the *Os*AMI1:GFP construct; (**D**) Transformation with the chimeric GFP:*Mt*AMI construct; (**E**) Transformation with the *Pt*AMI:GFP vector; (**F**) Transformation of the *Sb*AMI1:GFP construct. ",
"Scale bars for each set of pictures are included in the figure.](plants-03-00324-g003){#plants-03-00324-f003}\n\n2.3. ",
"Functional Analysis of the Selected Plant Amidases\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo assess whether the proteins possess IAM-amidohydrolase activity*in vitro*, the respective cDNAs from *O.sativa*, *S.bicolor*, *M.truncatula*, and *P.trichocarpa* were amplified by RT-PCR and cloned into the prokaryotic expression vector pTrcHis2 (Invitrogen) for in-frame expression with a c-myc/hexahistidine double tag in *Escherichia coli*, strain BL21-AI (Invitrogen). ",
"Recombinant proteins were isolated from bacterial lysates by Ni^2+^-nitrilotriacetate affinity chromatography. ",
"As displayed in [Figure 4](#plants-03-00324-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"}, due to general difficulties in expressing amidases in bacteria, the amount as well as the homogeneity of the purified protein fractions varied considerably. ",
"For this reason, the measured enzymatic activities have to be taken with some caution.",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f004}\n\nIn order to compare the biochemical properties of the recombinant amidases to those of *At*AMI1 in terms of specific activity and substrate selectivity, equal amounts of total protein (5 μg each) from desalted elution fractions were utilized. ",
"In this series of experiments, substrate concentrations of 10 mM were used. ",
"The data for the substrate specificity are shown on a relative scale normalized to the activity towards IAM (100%) ([Figure 5](#plants-03-00324-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}).",
"\n\nGenerally, the substrate preferences of the amidases from *O.sativa*, *S.bicolor*, *M.truncatula*, and *P.trichocarpa* were similar, but not identical, to those of *At*AMI1. ",
"Under the used conditions, the best substrate found was phenyl-2-acetamide (PAM), a compound that is endogenous to *Phaseolus mungo* \\[[@B42-plants-03-00324],[@B43-plants-03-00324]\\], while an occurrence in *A. thaliana* has not yet been described. *",
"In planta*, PAM might arise from turnover or breakdown of glucotropaeolin, a L-phenylalanine derived benzylglucosinolate \\[[@B44-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The product of the amidase catalyzed PAM conversion, phenyl-2-acetic acid (PAA), has been shown to occur in a number of different plant species, including *P.mungo* \\[[@B45-plants-03-00324]\\], *Solanumlycopersicum*, *N.tabacum*, and *Z.mays* \\[[@B4-plants-03-00324]\\], as well as *Tropaeolum majus* \\[[@B5-plants-03-00324]\\], but to our knowledge, occurrence of PAA in *A.thaliana* has not yet been reported.",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f005}\n\nTo further explore the enzymatic parameters of the enzymes, pH, as well as temperature optima, were estimated. ",
"These data are given, together with the specific activities, in [Table 1](#plants-03-00324-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ",
"All enzymes displayed highest conversion rates at a pH between 6 and 7.5, characteristic for cytosolic proteins, confirming the previously described intracellular localization of the proteins. ",
"Relative to the other compared polypeptides, *Os*AMI1 exhibited a slightly lower temperature optimum, at 27 °C, which might be explained by differences in the plants' habitat. ",
"Whereas *A.thaliana*, *S.bicolor*, *P.trichocarpa* and *M.truncatula* grow on dry land, *O.sativa*, as a helophyte, has a high tolerance towards flooding. ",
"For the latter, evaporation of water from the paddy fields, accounting for a slightly cooler microclimate \\[[@B46-plants-03-00324]\\], might be the reason for an evolutionary adjustment of the enzymatic parameters to higher activities at lower temperatures. ",
"However, when trying to determine the *K*~m~ values for IAM, it was found that none of the enzymes followed a classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics but rather followed a sigmoidal curve progression, which resemble the results obtained for *At*AMI1 \\[[@B26-plants-03-00324]\\], and might indicate an allosteric mode of action. ",
"Due to solubility constraints of the substrates and inhibitory effects of the organic solvent (either methanol or ethanol), substrate concentrations of more than 25 mM could not be assessed. ",
"At this concentration no saturation of the enzymatic reaction could be observed, thus, preventing the calculation of apparent *K*~m~ values (data not shown). ",
"In most instances, the analyzed amidases displayed quite similar characteristics to *At*AMI1, showing comparable pH and temperature optima, although some distinct features were found as well. ",
"Most strikingly, the amidases from both *O.sativa* (*Os*AMI1) and *P.trichocarpa* (*Pt*AMI1) showed an approximately ten-fold decrease in specific activity towards IAM, whereas the amidase of *M.truncatula* (*Mt*AMI1) displayed a 100-fold decrease in specific activity for the same substrate*in vitro*. ",
"Nevertheless, the examined polypeptides showed clear amidase activity, converting preferentially PAM and IAM relative to other tested amides. ",
"In assays with empty vector controls and heat-denatured protein fractions, respectively, no considerable substrate conversion was detected. ",
"The highest background activity for the non-enzymatic conversion of the amide substrates to the corresponding free acids was detected for formamide and benzamide, with 0.14% and 0.11% of the enzymatic IAM conversion, respectively. ",
"A summarized overview of the enzymatic parameters is given in [Table 1](#plants-03-00324-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}.",
"\n\nplants-03-00324-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nComparison of the enzymatic parameters obtained for recombinant amidases from *S.bicolor*, *O.sativa*, *P.trichocarpa*, and *M.truncatula* with those of the *A.thaliana* AMI1 ^a^.\n\n Parameter *At*AMI1 *Sb*AMI1 *Os*AMI1 *Pt*AMI1 *Mt*AMI1\n ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------\n Amino acid identity to *At*AMI1 \\[%\\] 100 58 57 64 66\n Intracellular localization cytoplasm/nucleoplasm cytoplasm/nucleoplasm cytoplasm/nucleoplasm cytoplasm/nucleoplasm cytoplasm/nucleoplasm\n Specific activity (IAM) \\[pkat mg^−1^\\] 3070 ± 520 2378 ± 324 375 ± 52 329 ± 22 37 ± 3\n Temperature optimum \\[°C\\] 37 45 27 37 35\n pH optimum 7.5 6 7.5 7.5 7.5\n Calculated molecular weight \\[kDa\\] 46 45 50 53 57\n\n^a^ The data shown are means ± SE from at least three independent experiments.",
"\n\nIn summary, besides a cytoplasmic/nucleoplasmic localization similar to that of *At*AMI1 ([Figure 3](#plants-03-00324-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}), all of the examined enzymes are indeed functionally related with respect to their enzymatic activity. ",
"They all catalyze the conversion of IAM to IAA*in vitro*, albeit with different specific activities ([Table 1](#plants-03-00324-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"Nonetheless, our enzymatic studies provided clear evidence to support their recognition as plant PAM/IAM-amidohydrolases. ",
"Together with the observation that the *N.tabacum* homolog of *AtAMI1* also encodes for a functional IAM-hydrolase \\[[@B27-plants-03-00324]\\], the presented results highlight a widespread occurrence of IAM-hydrolases throughout the plant kingdom. ",
"This is supportive of a conserved and presumably basic role of AMI1-like IAM-hydrolases in plant development and a tentative contribution to auxin biosynthesis in particular.",
"\n\n2.4. ",
"Occurrence and Auxin Activity of Phenyl-2-acetic Acid in Arabidopsis\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe determination of substrate specificities of the examined amidases revealed a particular preference for the conversion of PAM to PAA. ",
"To investigate this aspect in closer detail, we first tried to analyze whether PAA has an impact on the root development of sterilely grown *Arabidopsis* seedlings, as earlier described for *P.sativum* \\[[@B47-plants-03-00324]\\], *Avena sativa* \\[[@B48-plants-03-00324]\\], and *T. majus* \\[[@B5-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"As shown in [Figure 6](#plants-03-00324-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}, PAA exerts an auxin-typical effect on primary root growth. ",
"The required dose to phenocopy the impact of IAA, however, was approximately 50-fold higher. ",
"This finding is in agreement with previous work of Koepfli and colleagues \\[[@B47-plants-03-00324]\\], assigning PAA 5% of IAA activity in pea.",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f006}\n\nSecondly, we determined the steady-state levels of PAA and IAA in leaf tissue of both sterilely grown and soil grown *Arabidopsis* plantlets. ",
"After purification and analysis of the methylated extracts, PAA was identified as an endogenous compound in *A. thaliana* by full-scan mass spectrometry ([Figure 7](#plants-03-00324-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}).",
"\n\nNext, the content of PAA in two- and six-week old plants was investigated ([Table 2](#plants-03-00324-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"Previous reports give a free IAA content of approximately 30 to 60 pmol (g FW)^−1^ for two-week old *Arabidopsis* seedlings \\[[@B21-plants-03-00324],[@B49-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"In contrast, the PAA content in leaf tissue of sterile grown plants was slightly higher in two-week old plantlets. ",
"This is in contrast to an observed 10- to 100-fold lower concentration of PAA relative to IAA in *T. majus* \\[[@B5-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The presented results may hint at the dynamic nature of auxin concentrations that have been demonstrated within the plant and throughout its life cycle.",
"Detection of endogenous PAA. ",
"Endogenous PAA in sterile-grown *A.thaliana* was analyzed by extracting the organic compounds from rosettes of two-week old plants with boiling methanol in the presence of 1 nmol \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA standard (Sigma). (**",
"A**) The extract was pre-purified by solid-phase extraction and analyzed by GC-MS. ",
"Under these conditions, PAA elutes at 4:55 min. ",
"The upper panel shows the extracted ion chromatograms for endogenous PAA (*m*/*z* 91 and 151) and stable isotope labeled \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA (*m*/*z* 92 and 153); (**B**) The middle panel shows the characteristic full-scan mass spectrum for co-chromatographed endogenous PAA (*m*/*z* = 91, 151) and \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA (*m*/*z* = 92, 153); (**C**) Fragmentation and structure of the \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA methyl ester. ",
"As the two ^13^C atoms in \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA are attached to the acetate side chain, which is cleaved during ionization, only the mass of the parent ion of the labelled standard shows a shift of +2 atomic mass units relative to the endogenous compound. ",
"In consequence of fragmentation, however, the mass of the fragment of the standard PAA is shifted by only +1 atomic mass unit.](plants-03-00324-g007){#plants-03-00324-f007}\n\nplants-03-00324-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nPAA contents in two-week old and six-week old leaf tissue of *A.* *thaliana* ^a^.\n\n Plant Age (Weeks) Free PAA pmol (g FW)^−1^ Free IAA pmol (g FW)^−1^\n ------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------\n Two weeks 98 ± 6.4 35 ± 2.7\n Six weeks 23 ± 2 15 ± 1\n\n^a^ Shown are means ± SD from three independent experiments.",
"\n\n3. ",
"Experimental Section\n=======================\n\n3.1. ",
"Plant Material and Plant Growth Conditions\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nAll experiments were carried out using either *A.thaliana* (L.) Heynh. ",
"ecotype Col-0 (originally from Nottingham *Arabidopsis* Stock Centre, NASC, stock N1092), *O.sativa* L. cv. ",
"Millin (obtained from Yanco Rice Research Institute, Yanco, NSW, Australia), *S. bicolor* (L.) Moench *var.* ",
"Redland, *M.truncatula* Gaert. ",
"cv. ",
"Jemalong A17, or *P.trichocarpa* Hook. (",
"Botanical Garden, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany). ",
"While leaf material from poplar was directly taken from mature trees grown in their natural environment, *S.bicolor* and *M.truncatula* seeds were sown onto a mixture of soil and sand (2:1) and cultivated in a greenhouse at 22 to 24 °C during daytime and 18 to 20 °C over night, with a 16 h light/8 h dark cycle. ",
"Unless stated otherwise, rice was grown in Murashige and Skoog medium \\[[@B50-plants-03-00324]\\] containing 3% (w/v) sucrose and 0.3% (w/v) gelrite (Duchefa, Netherlands). ",
"The photosynthetically active radiation was no less than 150 μE·m^−2^·s^−1^ (supplementary light, if required, from sodium-vapor lamps).",
"\n\n3.2. ",
"RNA Isolation and RT-PCR\n-----------------------------\n\nTotal RNA was extracted with TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen), and the first strand cDNA was synthesized from 2 μg of total RNA using Oligo(dT)~15~ primer (Promega) and an AMV Reverse Transcriptase (Promega). ",
"The PCR parameters for the amplification of the amidase genes were 95 °C for 10 min followed by 35 cycles of 95 °C for 45 s, 58 °C for 45 s, and 72 °C for 90 s; for the amplification of the coding regions, a proofreading polymerase (Pfu, Fermetas, St. Leon-Rot, Germany) was used. ",
"The primers used for PCR are given in [Table 3](#plants-03-00324-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}. ",
"Obtained fragments were either subcloned into the vector pGEM-T easy (Promega) or pBluescript SK(+) (Stratagene) and sequence integrity was subsequently verified by commercial sequencing (GATC, Konstanz, Germany; Sequencing Service, Ruhr-University Bochum, Dept. ",
"of Biochemistry I, Bochum, Germany).",
"\n\nplants-03-00324-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nPrimers used for cloning of the described amidases.",
"\n\n Primer Name Sequence (5\\'--3\\')\n ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------\n *Os*AMI1-SacI-His2C-For 5\\'-TAT[GAGCTC]{.ul}TATGGCGATGGCGGGTGGAG-3\\'\n *Os*AMI1-KpnI-His2C-Rev 5\\'-TAT[GGTACC]{.ul}GTGATTGGAGGACCAAGTTTTAG-3\\'\n SbAMI1-SpeI-pUC-For 5\\'-TAT[ACTAGT]{.ul}ATGGCGATGGGCGGCGATTAC-3\\'\n SbAMI1-SmaI-pUC-Rev 5\\'-TAT[CCCGGG]{.ul}GAGAGAGGAGTCTGGTGAGC-3\\'\n *Mt*AMI1-XhoI-His2B-For 5\\'-TAT[CTCGAG]{.ul}ATGGAAACAGCCTCAGACTATG-3\\'\n *Mt*AMI1-XbaI-His2B-Rev 5\\'-TAT[TCTAGA]{.ul}TATTTTTCAATGTTATCATAAATACTC-3\\'\n *Pt*AMI1-XhoI-His2B-For 5\\'-TAT[CTCGAG]{.ul}ATGGAACGAGACCCGGATTATG-3\\'\n *Pt*AMI1-XbaI-His2B-Rev 5\\'-TAT[TCTAGA]{.ul}TATTTTTCAGTGATCTCAACCTG-3\\'\n *Mt*AMI1-BglII-pUC-For 5\\'-TAT[AGATCT]{.ul}ATGGAAACAGCCTCAGACTATG-3\\'\n *Mt*AMI1-SalI-pUC-Rev 5\\'-TAT[GTCGAC]{.ul}CTATTTTTCAATGTTATCATAAATACTC-3\\'\n\nRestriction sites are underlined.",
"\n\n3.3. ",
"Generation of Bacterial Expression Constructs\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nAll DNA fragments were amplified of total cDNA of the different species using PCR with gene-specific primers ([Table 3](#plants-03-00324-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"In case of the rice amidase, the DNA fragment was inserted into the expression vector pTrcHis2C (Invitrogen) by using the *Sac*I/*Kpn*I sites. ",
"The DNA fragments of the amidases from *Medicago* and poplar were integrated into the *Xho*I/*Xba*I site of the vector pTrcHis2B (Invitrogen). ",
"The *S.bicolor* amidase cDNA fragment was inserted into the *XhoI*/*HindIII* site of pTrcHis2A (Invitrogen). ",
"In the four resulting constructs pTrcHis2C-*Os*AMI1, pTrcHis2B-*Mt*AMI1, pTrcHis2B-*Pt*AMI1, and pTrc2A-*Sb*AMI1 a translational fusion of the amidases with a myc/(His)~6~ double-tag was generated.",
"\n\n3.4. ",
"Preparation of GFP Amidase Fusion Constructs\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nConstructs suitable for the analysis of the intracellular localization of the deduced amidase GFP fusion proteins were obtained by cloning the amidase fragments into pSP-EGFP \\[[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The amidase fragment from pTrcHis2C-*Os*AMI1 was digested with *Sac*I/*Kpn*I and integrated into the same sites of pSP-EGFP. ",
"The *Sac*I/*Sal*I fragment from pTrcHis2B-*Pt*AMI1 was also cloned into pSP-EGFP, resulting in a *Pt*AMI1:GFP fusion. ",
"As all C-terminal GFP fusions of the *Medicago* amidase lacked*in vivo* fluorescence, a N-terminal GFP-tag was fused to this amidase by using the vector pUC-GFPn \\[[@B51-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"To obtain a suitable DNA fragment, the coding sequence was amplified by PCR, adding restriction sites for *Bgl*II and *Sal*I, respectively ([Table 3](#plants-03-00324-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"After subcloning of the resulting DNA fragment into pBluescript SK(+) and sequencing, the *MtAMI1* *Spe*I/*Sal*I fragment was introduced into pUC-EGFPn. ",
"In case of the *S.bicolor* amidase gene, the coding sequence was amplified using primers that added *Spe*I/*Sma*I sites to the corresponding DNA fragment. ",
"After cloning into pBluescript SK(+) and sequence analysis the *Spe*I/*Sma*I fragment was introduced into the *Spe*I/*Sal*I site of pUC-EGFPn.",
"\n\n3.5. ",
"Heterologous Expression of Recombinant Amidases\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nTo express hexahistidine tagged amidases 300 mL of 2xYT medium were freshly inoculated (1:10) with appropriate over night cultures and incubated at 37 °C under constant shaking. ",
"Protein expression was induced with 1 mM IPTG when an OD~600~ of either 0.6, in case of the *Mt*AMI1 construct, or 1.3, for the *Os*AMI1 and *Pt*AMI1 constructs, was reached. ",
"The cultures were transferred to either 4 °C (*Mt*AMI1) or 30 °C (*Os*AMI1, *Sb*AMI1, *Pt*AMI1) allowing protein expression to occur for at least 18 h. Thereafter, bacteria were harvested by centrifugation (4,000 *g*, 15 min, 4 °C) and pellets were resuspended in 1/10 of the culture volume of lysis buffer (50 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM imidazole). ",
"The samples were then snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and then kept at −80 °C until further use. ",
"Complete cell disruption was subsequently achieved by a combination of incubation with lysozyme (45 min, 4 °C) and ultrasound (120 s). ",
"The soluble protein fraction, obtained by centrifugation (35,000 *g*, 15 min, 4 °C), was sterile filtered (0.22 μm) and used for Ni^2+^-affinity purification. ",
"The chromatography was carried out in accordance to the manufacturer's protocol (Qiagen).",
"\n\n3.6. ",
"Transient Expression in Plants and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTransient expression and subsequent microscopic analysis was carried out on the basis of Pollmann*et al.* ",
"\\[[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"In brief, leaves from two- to three-week old *Arabidopsis* plants, grown on ½ MS plates \\[[@B50-plants-03-00324]\\] under environmentally controlled conditions, were bombarded with 1 μm gold particles at 6.5 bar pressure. ",
"The particles were emitted from a particle inflow gun as described by Finer and coworkers \\[[@B52-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"After bombardment, the plants were kept for one day under constant conditions (8 h light at 24 °C, 16 h darkness at 20 °C, photosynthetically active radiation 105 μE·m^−2^·s^−1^ from standard white fluorescent tubes). ",
"The transformed leaves were then analyzed with a confocal laser scanning system (ZEISS LSM 510 Meta).",
"\n\n3.7. ",
"Assay for Amidase Activity\n-------------------------------\n\nAmidase activity was estimated by measuring the ammonia released from the amide substrates during the reaction as previously described \\[[@B30-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"In short, the different substrates (10 mM) were incubated with 5 μg of purified protein in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, at 30 °C in a total volume of 0.3 mL. For background control, heat-inactivated enzyme (20 min, 100 °C) and empty-vector control samples were used. ",
"After an incubation time of 4 to 6 h, aliquots of 100 μL were taken and the reaction was stopped by adding 100 μL each of 0.33 M sodium phenolate, 0.02 M sodium hypochlorite, and 0.01% (w/v) sodium pentacyanonitrosyl ferrate(III) (sodium nitroprusside). ",
"After incubating for 2 min at 100 °C, each sample was diluted with 600 μL of water, and the absorbance was read at 640 nm. ",
"Each experiment was calibrated using NH~4~Cl solutions of known concentrations.",
"\n\n3.8. ",
"Root Growth Assay\n----------------------\n\nThe root growth bioassay was carried out according to the work of Zimmerman and Hitchcock \\[[@B53-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Plants were grown aseptically on ½ MS medium \\[[@B50-plants-03-00324]\\] containing 1% sucrose, solidified with 0.8% gelrite (Duchefa, The Netherlands) or on the same medium supplemented with either 10 nM to 10 mM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; from 100 mM stock in methanol) or 10 nM to 10 mM phenyl-2-acetic acid (PAA; from 100 mM stock in methanol). ",
"Plates were wrapped in gas-permeable surgical tape (BSN medical GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) and grown vertically under constant environmental conditions (8 h light at 24 °C, 16 h darkness at 20 °C, photosynthetically active radiation 105 μE·m^−2^·s^−1^ from standard white fluorescent tubes) for two to three weeks. ",
"Subsequently, the root lengths of at least ten individual plants per treatment were determined.",
"\n\n3.9. ",
"Auxin Extraction and Purification\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe extraction and purification of auxins and other organic acids was carried out according to a previously described method \\[[@B54-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Approximately 0.1 g of two- and six-week old *A. thaliana* leaf material was added to 1 mL of pre-warmed (65 °C) methanol and the extraction conducted for another 60 min at room temperature under gentle shaking. ",
"Prior to the extraction process each sample was supplemented with 1 nmol of \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA and 50 pmol of \\[^2^H~2~\\]-IAA (internal standard). ",
"Cell-free supernatants were dried under vacuum and pre-purified for subsequent gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. ",
"For this, the dried residues were dissolved in 30 μL methanol to which 200 μL diethyl ether was added, followed by ultrasonic treatment (Sonorex RK510S; Bandelin, Berlin, Germany). ",
"The particle-free sample was then applied to a custom-made microscale aminopropyl solid-phase extraction-cartridge \\[[@B55-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The cartridge was washed with 250 μL of chloroform:2-propanol = 2:1 (v/v), and the PAA containing fraction subsequently eluted with 400 μL acidified diethyl ether (2% acetic acid (v/v)). ",
"The eluates were taken to dryness using a vacuum centrifuge, re-dissolved in 20 μL methanol, and afterwards treated with 100 μL ethereal diazomethane and transferred to autosampler vials (Chromacol 05-CTV(A) 116; Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). ",
"Excess diazomethane and remaining solvent were removed under a gentle stream of nitrogen, and the methylated samples were then taken up in 15 μL of chloroform.",
"\n\n3.10. ",
"Quantification of Endogenous Phenyl-2-Acetic Acid and Indole-3-Acetic Acid from Arabidopsis thaliana\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAnalysis was performed by GC-MS on a Varian GC 3400 gas chromatograph coupled to a Finnigan MAT Magnum system. ",
"Compounds were separated on a VF5ms column (Varian), 30 m, 0.25 mm ID, 0.25 μm film. ",
"The temperature program was 50 °C for 1 min, followed by an increase of 30 °C·min^−1^ to 150 °C, and kept at this temperature for 4 min. ",
"The temperature was further increased to 250 °C with a velocity of 20 °C·min^−1^. Thereafter the temperature was kept at 250 °C for 5 min. ",
"An aliquot of 1 μL of each sample was injected into the GC-MS system. ",
"PAA eluted at 4:55 min under these conditions, while IAA eluted at 12:15 min. ",
"Full scan spectra were recorded for the peaks co-eluting with authentic methylated standards and the mass spectra compared to spectra obtained from authentic standards. ",
"For the determination of free PAA, the molecular and tropylium ions at *m*/*z* 151/153 and 91/92, respectively (ions deriving from endogenous and \\[^13^C~2~\\]-PAA) were monitored. ",
"For IAA, ions at *m*/*z* 189/191 and 130/132 (ions deriving from endogenous and \\[^2^H~2~\\]-IAA) were analyzed.",
"\n\n3.11. ",
"Gel Electrophoresis and Immunoblotting\n--------------------------------------------\n\nDenaturing gel electrophoresis was performed according to Laemmli \\[[@B56-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The discontinuous systems consisted of 4% stacking gels and 12.5% resolving gels. ",
"Protein blotting onto nitrocellulose was carried out electrophoretically overnight (4 °C, 60 mA) as described by Towbin and colleagues \\[[@B57-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Immunodetection followed standard procedures \\[[@B58-plants-03-00324]\\] with goat anti-rabbit IgG-conjugated alkaline phosphatase as the secondary antibody and 4-nitrotetrazolium blue and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate as substrates. ",
"As primary antibody an α-AMI1-antiserum, previously described \\[[@B31-plants-03-00324]\\], have been used.",
"\n\n3.12. ",
"Phylogenetic Analysis\n---------------------------\n\nThe phylogenetic tree was inferred using the Neighbor-Joining method \\[[@B59-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together was calculated by a bootstrap test with 500 replicates \\[[@B60-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The evolutionary distances were computed using the Poisson correction method \\[[@B61-plants-03-00324]\\] and are in the units of the number of amino acid substitutions per site. ",
"All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated from the dataset (Complete deletion option). ",
"Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA5 (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, MEGA Software).",
"\n\n3.13. ",
"Statistic Analysis\n------------------------\n\nThe data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's B *post hoc* test to allow for comparisons among all means. ",
"Statistical analyses were conducted using PRISM version 5.03 (GraphPad Software).",
"\n\n4. ",
"Conclusions\n==============\n\nOn the basis of sequence similarity, it was possible to identify more than 40 AMI1-like candidate amidases in publicly available plant genome databases ([Figure 2](#plants-03-00324-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ",
"Four *At*AMI1-orthologous, namely *Os*AMI1 (*O.sativa*), *Sb*AMI1 (*S.bicolor*), *Mt*AMI1 (*M.truncatula*), and *Pt*AMI1 (*P.trichocarpa*), were selected and closely analyzed.",
"\n\nTaking an*in vitro* approach, it was possible to provide evidence for their capability of converting auxin precursors like IAM, but also PAM, to naturally occurring auxins ([Figure 5](#plants-03-00324-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [Table 1](#plants-03-00324-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}). ",
"Our results infer that an amidase-dependent auxin biosynthesis pathway is likely to be widely established in plants to produce auxins. ",
"Intriguingly, our experiments revealed a specificity of the compared enzymes for PAM ([Figure 5](#plants-03-00324-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}), which is a biosynthetic precursor of PAA, described to be endogenous to *P.mungo* \\[[@B42-plants-03-00324],[@B43-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"PAA has been demonstrated to be endogenous to *A. thaliana* ([Figure 7](#plants-03-00324-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [Table 2](#plants-03-00324-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}), while we were not able to quantify PAM in the same plant with the equipment available in this study. ",
"Our findings confirm previous studies, which demonstrated that PAA is an endogenous constituent of many plant species including *P.mungo* \\[[@B45-plants-03-00324]\\], *S.lycopersicum*, *N.tabacum*, *Z.mays* \\[[@B4-plants-03-00324]\\], and *T.majus* \\[[@B5-plants-03-00324]\\].",
"\n\nPAA has long been known to trigger auxin-like effects (e.g., the initiation and stimulation of adventitious root growth \\[[@B62-plants-03-00324],[@B63-plants-03-00324]\\]), although with considerably lower activity relative to IAA \\[[@B64-plants-03-00324],[@B65-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"Nevertheless, PAA may act as an effective auxin under some developmental circumstances, emphasized by the observation that it was more efficient in lateral root formation in pea seedlings than IAA \\[[@B66-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"In addition, PAA is assumed to have both antifungal and antibacterial properties \\[[@B67-plants-03-00324],[@B68-plants-03-00324],[@B69-plants-03-00324]\\]; it was isolated from culture extracts of *Azospirillium brasilense*, pinpointing an involvement in defense mechanisms, protecting this bacterial strain from other soil inhabitants like for instance *Agrobacteria* and thus providing an advantage for*A. brasilense* to survive in its natural habitat. ",
"A comparable protection mechanism for the defense against microbial pathogens could also be effective in plants.",
"\n\nIt is generally accepted that the major portion of physiologically active auxin is produced via the indole-3-pyruvic acid-pathway \\[[@B9-plants-03-00324],[@B10-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"On the basis of our results, however, we suggest that IAM/PAM-amidohydrolases may also contribute to auxin biosynthesis, most likely in a pathway parallel to the main route. ",
"Genetic work from Zhao and coworkers \\[[@B70-plants-03-00324]\\] highlights a possible role for an IAM hydrolase-dependent IAA biosynthesis, as they demonstrated that *yuc* double and triple mutants were rescued by the tissue specific co-expression of a bacterial tryptophan 2-monooxygenase (iaaM), but not by exogenous application of auxin. ",
"The authors claim that iaaM converts tryptophan to IAA once it is expressed in plants. ",
"This statement is, however, not entirely correct because several studies clearly showed that overexpression of iaaM (e.g., in petunia) produced very high levels of IAM in these mutants \\[[@B71-plants-03-00324],[@B72-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"While IAM contents in control lines were determined to be \\<1 pg/g fresh weight, the IAM levels reached 2.8 up to 25 μg/g fresh weight in leaf tissue of transformed plants. ",
"In addition, it has been shown that the petunia plants transformed with the *p19S*::*iaaM* construct also contained around 11- to 12-fold higher IAA levels, which implicates the action of downstream acting indole-3-acetamide hydrolases, functionally homologous to the bacterial iaaH enzyme, capable of converting the accumulated IAM to IAA. ",
"Thus, effective conversion of IAM to IAA in the *yuc* mutants co-expressing the *iaaM* gene, but no additional *iaaH* gene, is implicated. ",
"Alternatively, it may be concluded that IAM by itself, or any other compound that is produced from IAM is responsible for rescuing the *yuc* phenotype. ",
"Most intriguingly, it has recently been shown that YUC6 is capable of converting not only IPyA to IAA, but to also accept phenyl pyruvate as substrate to produce PAA \\[[@B73-plants-03-00324]\\]. ",
"The results presented here may point towards a co-evolution of enzymes involved in auxin production to establish dual activity for the production of IAA and PAA, respectively.",
"\n\nCurrently, the elucidation of the*in vivo* function of *At*AMI1 is of utmost importance to our lab and preliminary data obtained from mutants overexpressing the protein support our conclusions. ",
"At this stage, however, we cannot yet postulate that the enzymatic activity of *At*AMI1 *in planta* is unambiguously linked to IAA production*in vivo*. ",
"Nevertheless, the results of the present study will help to further elucidate the enzymatic basis of auxin biosynthesis in plants.",
"\n\nThe research was supported in part by a grant from the German Research Foundation (Grant No. ",
"SFB480-A10 to SP), a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant No. ",
"BFU2011-25925 to SP), and by the Marie-Curie Actions program from the European Community (Grant FP7-PEOPLE-CIG-2011-303744 to SP).",
"\n\nThe authors would like to thank Jutta Ludwig-Müller, Technical University Dresden, Germany, for providing *M.truncatula* seeds.",
"\n\nBeatriz Sánchez-Parra, Henning Frerigmann, Marta-Marina Pérez Alonso, Víctor Carrasco Loba, Ricarda Jost, and Mathias Hentrich all had substantial contributions to accomplish the presented experiments. ",
"Moreover, they critically reviewed the manuscript for its intellectual content. ",
"Stephan Pollmann designed the work and wrote the manuscript.",
"\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest. ",
"See Figure 8.",
"\n\n{#plants-03-00324-f008}\n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.",
"\n\n[^2]: Present address: Institute of Botany Chair II, University of Cologne, Zülpicher Straße 47b, 50674 Cologne, Germany.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | [
] | 0.007425 | 5 |
"Q:\n\npaper-tabs event listener to change selected?",
"\n\nIn addition to paper tabs, I have other areas where a user can click to navigate. ",
"So, I want to set the paper-tab manually when this happens.",
"\nFor paper-tabs, is there a event that I can fire in another template to change the selected attribute value? ",
"I saw that there was a iron-select but I think it fires after a change. ",
"In addition, I tried this.fire('iron-select', 1); in another template and the paper-tab did not change. ",
"\n\nA:\n\nYou can bind to the paper-tabs' selected attribute or you can change the value of the paper-tabs' selected property.",
"DOCTYPE html>\r\n<html>\r\n\r\n<head>\r\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\r\n <title>JS Bin</title>\r\n <base href=\"http://polygit.org/polymer+:master/components/\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-header-panel/paper-header-panel.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-toolbar/paper-toolbar.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-radio-group/paper-radio-group.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-radio-button/paper-radio-button.html\">\r\n <link rel=\"import\" href=\"paper-button/paper-button.html\">\r\n</head>\r\n\r\n<body class=\"fullbleed\">\r\n <template is=\"dom-bind\" id=\"app\">\r\n <paper-header-panel>\r\n <paper-toolbar>\r\n <paper-tabs selected=\"{{selected}}\" attr-for-selected=\"name\">\r\n <paper-tab name=\"one\">One</paper-tab>\r\n <paper-tab name=\"two\">Two</paper-tab>\r\n <paper-tab name=\"three\">Three</paper-tab>\r\n </paper-tabs>\r\n </paper-toolbar>\r\n <div class=\"container\">\r\n <paper-radio-group selected=\"{{selected}}\">\r\n <paper-radio-button name=\"one\">One</paper-radio-button>\r\n <paper-radio-button name=\"two\">Two</paper-radio-button>\r\n <paper-radio-button name=\"three\">Three</paper-radio-button>\r\n </paper-radio-group>\r\n <div class=\"button-group\">\r\n <paper-button data-name=\"one\" on-tap=\"selectTab\">One</paper-button>\r\n <paper-button data-name=\"two\" on-tap=\"selectTab\">Two</paper-button>\r\n <paper-button data-name=\"three\" on-tap=\"selectTab\">Three</paper-button>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </paper-header-panel>\r\n </template>\r\n\r\n <script>\r\n (function() {\r\n var app = document.getElementById('app');\r\n app.selected = \"one\";\r\n app.selectTab = function(e) {\r\n app.selected = e.target.dataset.name;\r\n };\r\n })();\r\n </script>\r\n</body>\r\n\r\n</html>\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.000173 | 5 |
"Alors qu’un sujet a vu le jour sur le forum officiel concernant la complexité des boss des missions ou des raids, il nous a paru intéressant de vous faire part des informations révélées par Tannim222 sur ce sujet, comme le montre l’image ci-dessous :\n\nN’oubliez pas que nous pouvons utiliser notre mécanique du Momentum pour des rencontres récurrentes afin de changer leurs capacités, de s’affranchir des contrôles, et éventuellement changer leurs comportements. ",
"Plus le rang du PNJ adverse est élevé, plus nous devons travailler avec des PNJ aux mécaniques individuelles. ",
"Et au fur et à mesure que les rangs des PNJ s’élèvent, les rencontres peuvent devenir plus complexes. ",
"Un exemple ici était celui d’un autre PNJ qui en guérissait un autre. ",
"Il a été dit que c’était juste “plus de HP” à battre pour gagner. ",
"Je postule que ce n’est pas forcément le cas. ",
"Si le méchant A est l’objectif et qu’il est guéri par le méchant B, alors le méchant B n’a pas nécessairement besoin d’être vaincu pour gagner, et vous n’avez pas nécessairement à vous battre avec cette guérison supplémentaire. [",
"NDLR : tuer le méchant B n’est pas obligatoire pour battre le méchant A, c’est au choix.] ",
"Et si vous aviez 2 Stalwarts dans votre équipe et un avec la Maîtrise Cible Vivante. ",
"Il va tanker le méchant B, alors le méchant B arrête de guérir le méchant A. Pendant ce temps, l’autre Stalwart aide l’équipe car il a [la maitrise] Battle Leader. ",
"Ou peut-être que vous avez un commandant qui peut toujours contrôler le méchant B, peut-être même un charme qui fait que ce guérisseur travaille pour votre propre équipe. ",
"Soudain, on change de rapport. ",
"Deux tactiques différentes. ",
"Pourtant, les deux sont viables. ",
"La rencontre est ouverte à de multiples configurations d’équipe possibles pour travailler ensemble vers une victoire sans que les développeurs n’aient à appliquer une méthode particulière. ",
"Et cela ne veut pas dire qu’il ne devrait pas y avoir de rencontres particulièrement difficiles, avec des phases différentes où diverses actions sont nécessaires. ",
"Il y a beaucoup de place pour toutes sortes de rencontres avec une myriade de mécaniques.",
"\n\nLe momentum et la façon dont les missions seront scriptées sont donc des éléments qui feront que les rencontres seront toujours différentes. ",
"Fini les rencontres aux strat’ fixes, fini les missions et raids torchés en 2-2, bonjour le travail d’équipe et l’adaptation. ",
"De cette façon, toutes les classes auront un rôle à jouer et les rencontres n’en seront que plus intéressantes et interactives.",
"\n\nQuant au Momentum, Shadow Elusive donne des informations supplémentaires :\n\nBien sûr qu’ils le peuvent [NDLR : des contrôleurs qui contrôlent les PNJ afin de bloquer le momentum des ennemis]. ",
"La mécanique du momentum n’est pas construite par le mouvement, elle est construite en attaquant et en prenant des attaques. ",
"En fait, il est construit par n’importe quelle combinaison de choses qui a le plus de sens pour un archétype/build particulier, il y aura pas mal de peaufinage dans les tests de jeu. ",
"Mais s’il s’agit d’un tank, je vous garantis que l’accumulation de DPS va faire péter son compteur [de momentum]. ",
"Si c’est un attaquant, se faire frapper le fera aussi. ",
"Si vous êtes guérisseur, nous élaborerons probablement une formule pour permettre à la guérison de gagner du momentum, et sinon, une autre formule qui garde les choses justes. ",
"C’est un momentum métaphorique, pas au sens physique du terme. ",
"Maintenant que j’y pense, il pourrait être intéressant de faire un boss dont le momentum-mètre passe par le toit s’il est rendu immobile…*méchant rire*\n\nLe momentum est donc directement lié aux coup. ",
"Être contrôlé ne signifie donc pas ne plus avoir de momentum. ",
"Bonne nouvelle pour le PVP 😉 Mais ce n’est pas tout, ca Tannim indique qu’il existe d’autres éléments qui permettront de rendre les rencontres interactives et dynamiques pour éviter d’être lassé par toujours les mêmes stratégies :\n\nComme l’a indiqué Shadow Elusive, le momentum se construit en effet en frappant et en étant frappé, ou plus précisément en prenant des mesures. ",
"Ces actions comprennent le buffing, la guérison, le contrôle, le débuffing (ces derniers sont considérés comme des attaques). ",
"L’idée de Shadow du momentum qui monte quand le patron est contrôlé est quelque chose que nous avons envisagé d’utiliser. ",
"En particulier pour permettre au patron de briser les contrôles qu’il subit et éventuellement le rendre plus difficile à contrôler pendant un certain temps, au détriment de son momentum-mètre. ",
"Il faut cependant faire attention à ne pas accorder trop d’importance au momentum pour des rencontres uniques. ",
"C’est un mécanisme utile, mais pas le seul. ",
"Rien ne dit que nous ne pouvons pas encore utiliser les points de vie d’un boss, les séquences chronométrées ou d’autres états pour déclencher un changement dans l’événement de la rencontre.",
"\n\nTout ceci augure donc de belles rencontres avec une participation de tous les joueurs, quelque soit leur classe ! ",
"Exit les recherche d’AT particuliers pour aller en raid ou en donjon, chacun aura sa place. ",
"Décidément, avec City of Titans, vous pouvez être qui vous voulez ! ",
"😉 Vivement qu’il sorte !",
"\n\nSource : https://cityoftitans.com/comment/162325#comment-162325"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
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] | 0.011136 | 5 |
"Zobellia galactanivorans\n\nZobellia galactanivorans is a gram-negative marine bacterium isolated from the surface of red algae of the coast of France. ",
"Z. galactanivorans forms yellow colonies with a bacillus or diplobacillus morphology. ",
"Furthermore, it is mesophilic and can grow degrade carrageenans and agars - both found in the cell wall of red algae. ",
"Z. galactanivorans contains the gene porB which encodes the enzyme β-porphyranase-B.\n\nFunction of β-porphyranase-B \nβ-porphyranase-B is a catalytic enzyme that hydrolyzes the β-D-galactopyranose (1→4) α-L-galactopyranose-6-sulfate linkage in porphyran.",
"\n\nComparison of β-Porphyranase-B and β-Porphyranase-A \nThere is a 35% sequence similarity between β-Porphyranase-B and β-Porphyranase-A. Furthermore, orthologs between Z. galactanivorans and Bacteroides plebeius-1698, a strain of Bacteroides plebeius, contain a sequence similarity of 48%-69%. ",
"Homologous genes between other Bacteroides species only have a 30% sequence similarity. ",
"Moreover, porphyranase genes in both Z. galactanivorans and B. plebeius are located in similar orders along their chromosome, or are syntenic.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nType strain of Zobellia galactanivorans at BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase\n\nCategory:Flavobacteria\nCategory:Gut flora bacteria\nCategory:Bacteria described in 2005"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.004871 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nOverwriting class variable and concurrent Flask requests\n\nI'm running a python Flask server to perform tricky algorithms, one of which assigns cables to tubes.",
"\nclass Tube:\n max_capacity = 5\n cables: List[str]\n\n def has_capacity(self):\n return len(self.cables) < self.max_capacity\n\nThe max capacity was always 5, but now there's a new customer that actually has tubes that can fit 6 cables.",
"\nWhen I receive a request, I now just set Tube.max_capacity = request.args.get('max_capacity', 5). ",
"Then each instance of Tube will have the correct setting.",
"\nI was wondering if this will keep working if there are multiple requests being handled at the same time?",
"\nAre the Flask (I use Gunicorn as WSGI) processes all separate from each other such that this is safe to do? ",
" I don't want to end up with strange bugs because the max capacity changed halfway through a request because another request came in.",
"\nEDIT:\nI tried this out and it appears to work as intended:\[email protected]('/concurrency')\ndef concurrency():\n my_value = randint(0, 100)\n Concurrency.value = my_value\n time.sleep(8)\n return f\"My value: {my_value} should be equal to Concurrency.value {Concurrency.value}\"\n\nclass Concurrency:\n value = 10\n\nStill, I want to know more about how multiple Flask/Gunicorn requests work to be certain.",
"\n\nA:\n\nWSGI applications are typically served using multiple processes - eventually on different servers -, and requests from a same user will be handled by the first available process. ",
"IOW: you do NOT want to change any module or class level variables on a per-request basis, this is **garanteed* to mess up everything. ",
"\nIt's impossible to tell you exactly how to solve the issue without much more context, but in all cases, you'll have to rethink your design.",
"\nEDIT:\n\nhow do processes behave? ",
"If one of them sets the value, does another process see that value as well?",
"\n\nOf course not - each process is totally isolated from the others - so changing a module-level variable or class attribute will only affect the current process. ",
"But since processes are not tied to clients (which process will handle a given request is totally unpredictable), such kind of changes in one process will not necessarily be seen in the next request if it's served by another process. ",
"AND:\n\nOr, is a process re-used, and then still has the value from the previous request?",
"\n\nprocess are of course reused, but that doesnt mean the same process will be reused for the next request from a same user - and this is the second part of the issue: when serving another user, your process will still use the \"updated\" max_capacity value from the previous user. ",
"\nIOW, what you're doing is garanteed to mess up everything for all your users. ",
"That's why we use external (out of process) means to store and share per-user data between requests - either sessions (for volatile data) or a database (for permanent storage).",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003289 | 5 |
"---\nabstract: 'We present a new framework for calculating multi-jet observables through resummation. ",
"The framework is based on the factorisation of scattering amplitudes in an asymptotic limit. ",
"By imposing simple constraints on the analytic behaviour of the result when applied away from this limit, we get good agreement with the known lowest order perturbative behaviour of the scattering amplitude, and predictions for the behaviour to all orders in the perturbative series. ",
"As an example of application we study predictions for Higgs Boson production through gluon fusion at the LHC in association with at least two jets.'",
"\nauthor:\n- 'Jeppe R. Andersen'\n- 'Chris D. White'\ntitle: A New Framework for Multijet Predictions and its application to Higgs Boson production at the LHC\n---\n\nEvents with many energetic particles will form the backbone of many search strategies at the LHC for physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, but will simultaneously test our understanding of SM processes. ",
"Energetic particles of QCD charge will be detected as jets, and events with multiple jets require the calculation of scattering amplitudes with a high number of external quark and gluon (parton) legs. ",
"However, the calculation of the SM contribution to such processes beyond even the lowest order in perturbation theory is notoriously difficult. ",
"Despite recent impressive progress in the calculation of many multi-leg scattering amplitudes at both tree and one-loop level, the first two radiative corrections in the perturbative series (i.e. full next-to-next-to-leading accuracy) for observables at the LHC are known only for very few cases[@Harlander:2002wh; @Anastasiou:2002yz; @Anastasiou:2003ds].",
"\n\nOne estimate of the effect of higher order corrections beyond what is currently calculable in full fixed-order perturbation theory can be obtained by interfacing the fixed perturbative calculation with *parton shower* programs[@Sjostrand:2007gs; @Bahr:2008pv], which sum the effect of further *soft and collinear* radiation (i.e. of low invariant mass) to all orders in perturbation theory. ",
"As we will demonstrate in this paper, there are important processes where the perturbative corrections from *hard* radiation (i.e. of large invariant mass) is sizeable. ",
"In such cases, the parton shower approach cannot be expected to capture the dominant effect of higher order corrections. ",
"In this letter we will develop an alternative formalism for estimating the all-order perturbative corrections, which does not rely on the description of only soft and collinear radiation. ",
"Instead, the formalism will utilise results on the factorisation of matrix elements in the opposite limit of infinite invariant mass between all radiated particles. ",
"We will see that without further modifications, the results obtained in this limit lead to a poor approximation of LHC scattering amplitudes. ",
"However, known analytic properties of the full perturbative amplitude can be incorporated, such that the approximate amplitudes agree well with the full result at low orders in perturbation theory. ",
"The approximate amplitudes can then be applied to any order in the perturbation expansion, where the full results are incalculable.",
"\n\nWe will validate the approach by considering Higgs boson production through gluon-gluon fusion (GGF) (mediated by a top-quark loop) in association with at least two jets (the $hjj$-channel). ",
"We will explicitly compare our approximate amplitudes with those obtained using full fixed order perturbation theory, where such results are known. ",
"This process can be used to search for the Higgs boson [@Klamke:2007cu], and also potentially to measure its couplings to the top quark [@Hankele:2006ja]. ",
"The $hjj$-channel also has a large contribution from *weak boson fusion* (WBF)[@Cahn:1983ip; @Dicus:1985zg; @Altarelli:1987ue], and by suppressing the GGF-contribution it is possible to measure the coupling of any Higgs boson candidate to the electro-weak bosons, and thus determine[@Plehn:2001nj] whether the properties of the candidate match those of the SM Higgs boson. ",
"The suppression of the GGF-contribution is achieved[@DelDuca:2001fn] to some degree by applying specific event selection criteria, as discussed in Table \\[tab:cuts\\]. ",
"However, only by calculating higher order corrections is it possible to estimate the efficiency of such cuts.",
"\n\nThe current state of the art in fixed order perturbation theory for Higgs boson production through GGF in association with at least two jets includes only the first perturbative corrections, and is presented in Ref.",
" [@Campbell:2006xx]. ",
"The effects of further soft and collinear radiation were studied in Ref.",
" [@DelDuca:2006hk]. ",
"In the limit of infinite top mass, the coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons through a top quark loop can be described as a point interaction[@Wilczek:1977zn; @Dawson:1990zj; @Djouadi:1991tk]. ",
"This approximation was applied in all these studies, and will be applied also in the present one, although this is not essential to the approach.",
"\n\nWe will start motivating the need for considering the hard radiative corrections to higher orders by studying the leading order predictions in full QCD for Higgs boson production in association with hard jets. ",
"We apply similar event selection cuts to the study of Ref.[@Campbell:2006xx] as detailed in table \\[tab:cuts\\][^1]. ",
"All of the following results are obtained by choosing renormalisation and factorisation scales in accordance with the study of Ref.[@DelDuca:2006hk], and the following values for the Higgs boson mass, vacuum expectation value of the Higgs boson field and top quark mass respectively: $$m_H=120\\text{GeV}, \\langle \\phi\\rangle_0=\\frac v {\\sqrt 2}, v=246\\text{GeV}, m_t=174\\text{GeV}.\\nonumber\n$$ We also include a factor multiplying the effective Higgs Boson vertices, accounting for finite top-mass effects [@Dawson:1993qf]: $$K(\\tau)=1+\\frac{7\\tau}{30}+\\frac{2\\tau^2}{21}+\\frac{26\\tau^3}{525},\\quad \\tau=\\frac{m_H^2}{4m_t^2}.\\nonumber\n$$ We choose the $k_t$-jet algorithm as implemented in Ref.[@Butterworth:2002xg] with $R=0.6$, and the parton distribution functions of Ref.",
" [@Martin:2004ir]. ",
"For the strong coupling [$\\alpha_s$]{}, we choose renormalisation scales as in Ref.",
" [@DelDuca:2006hk] ([^2]).",
"\n\n --------------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------\n $p_{j_\\perp}$ $> 40$ GeV $y_c\\cdot y_d$ $<0$\n $|y_{j,h}|$ $<$ 4.5 $\\vert y_c-y_d \\vert$ $> 4.2$\n --------------- ------------ ----------------------- ---------\n\n : The cuts used for all results in this letter, in terms of rapidities $y_i$ and transverse momenta $p_{i,\\perp}$. The suffices $c,d$ label cuts that must be satisfied by at least two jets, whereas $j$ labels conditions that must be satisfied by all jets; $h$ labels the Higgs boson.[]{data-label=\"tab:cuts\"}\n\nWith this, we find (using matrix elements from `MADEvent/MADGraph`[@Alwall:2007st]) the tree-level cross-section from the QCD generated $hjj$-channel to be $281^{+210}_{-111}$fb, where the uncertainty is obtained by varying the common factorisation and renormalisation scale by a factor of two. ",
"For the three jet sample, all jets must satisfy the left-most cuts of Table \\[tab:cuts\\], but we also require that there exist two jets $c,d$ satisfying all the right-most cuts in Table \\[tab:cuts\\]. ",
"We then find the leading order cross section for the production of Higgs Boson plus three jets ($hjjj$) to be $257^{+262}_{-120}$fb. ",
"The requirement of an extra hard jet with an accompanying [$\\alpha_s$]{}-suppression leads only to a 9% suppression compared to the leading order prediction for $hjj$. The [$\\alpha_s$]{}-suppression of the matrix element is compensated by the integration over a large phase space for the third jet. ",
"The large size of the three-jet rate (which obviously depends on the event selection cuts) was already reported in Ref.[@DelDuca:2004wt], and clearly demonstrates the necessity of considering hard multi-parton emissions.",
"\n\nWe will now describe a method for approximating the perturbative scattering matrix elements for multi-particle production to any order. ",
"We start by recalling the result of Fadin and collaborators (FKL)[@Fadin:1975cb], that in the limit of infinite invariant mass between all produced particles (the Multi-Regge-Kinematic (MRK) limit), the leading contribution is given by processes of the form $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\alpha(p_a) + \\beta(p_b) \\to \\alpha(p_0) + \\sum_{i}^{n-1} g(p_i) + \\beta(p_n)+h(p_h)\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\alpha,\\beta\\in\\{q,\\bar q,g\\}$, and the partons are ordered according to rapidity in both the initial and final state. ",
"These processes allow neighbouring particles to be connected by gluon propagators of momentum $q_i$, such that $p_i=q_i-q_{i+1}$. We have explicitly checked that at leading order, partonic configurations which are not captured in this framework account for only 0.8fb (0.3%) and 24fb ($<10\\%$) of the two and three-jet rate respectively, even when there is no requirement of large invariant mass between all particles.",
"\n\nIn the MRK limit, the scattering amplitude for the remaining configurations factorises, and the results of Ref.[@Fadin:1975cb] can straightforwardly be modified to include also the production of a Higgs boson. ",
"In the case of the Higgs boson being produced between the jets (in rapidity) these amplitudes take the form:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\begin{split}\n i&{\\cal M}_{\\mathrm{FKL}}^{p_ap_b\\rightarrow p_0\\ldots\n p_jhp_{j+1}p_n}=2i\\hat s\n \\left(i g_s f^{ad_0c_1} g_{\\mu_a\\mu_0}\\right)\\\\\n &\\cdot\n \\prod_{i=1}^j \\left(\\frac{1}{q_i^2}\\exp[\\hat\\alpha(q_i)(y_{i-1}-y_i)]\\left(i g_s f^{c_id_ic_{i+1}}\\right)C_{\\mu_i}(q_i,q_{i+1})\\right)\\\\\n &\\cdot\\left(\\frac 1\n {q_h^2}\\exp[\\hat\\alpha(q_i)(y_{j}-y_h)]C_{H}(q_{j+1},q_{h})\\right)\\label{FKL}\n \\\\\n &\\cdot\\prod_{i=j+1}^n\n \\left(\\frac{1}{q_i^2}\\exp[\\hat\\alpha(q_i)(y'_{i-1}-y'_i)]\\left(i g_s f^{c_id_ic_{i+1}}\\right)C_{\\mu_i}(q_i,q_{i+1})\\right)\\\\\n &\\cdot\\frac 1 {q_{n+1}^2}\\exp[\\hat\\alpha(q_{n+1})(y'_{n}-y_b)]\\left(i\n g_s f^{bd_{n+1}c_{n+1}} g_{\\mu_b\\mu_{n+1}}\\right),\n \\end{split}\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $g_s$ is the strong coupling constant ($\\alpha_s=\\frac{g_s^2}{4\\pi}$); $f^{abc}$ colour structure constants; $y_i,y_i'$ are the rapidities of the emitted particles; $\\hat{s}=(p_a+p_b)^2$ is the partonic centre of mass energy. ",
"The factor $C_{\\mu_i}$ is a [*Lipatov effective vertex*]{} describing the emission of gluon $i$. This has the explicit form:\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!C^{\\mu_i}(q_i,q_{i+1})=\\left[(q_i+q_{i+1})_\\perp^{\\mu_i}-\\left(\\frac{{\\hat{s}}_{ai}}{\\hat{s}}+2\\frac{q_{i+1}^2}{\\hat{s}_{bi}}\\right)p_b^{\\mu_i}+\\left(\\frac{\\hat{s}_{bi}}{\\hat{s}}+2\\frac{\\hat{q}_i^2}{\\hat{s}_{ai}}\\right)p_a^{\\mu_i}\\right],\n \\label{eq:lip1}\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nwhere $\\hat{s}_{ai}=2p_a\\cdot p_i$ and similarly for $\\hat{s}_{bi}$. The notation $q_\\perp$ denotes the projection of a 4-momentum onto its transverse components. ",
"Also, $C_H$ is an effective vertex coupling the Higgs to off-shell gluons via a top quark loop, whose form has been calculated in [@DelDuca:2003ba]. ",
"The exponential factors $\\hat{\\alpha}(q_i)$ encode the leading virtual corrections (see e.g. Ref [@Fadin:1998sh]): $$\\hat\n \\alpha(q_i)=-\\frac{g_s^2\\ N_c \\ \\Gamma(1-\\varepsilon)}{(4\\pi)^{2+\\varepsilon}}\\frac\n 2 \\varepsilon\\left(|q_{\\perp i}|^2/\\mu^2\\right)^\\varepsilon,\n\\label{alpha}$$ where singularities have been regularised using dimensional regularisation in $D=4+2\\varepsilon$ dimensions, where $\\mu$ is the renormalisation scale and $N_c$ the number of colours. ",
"The colour factors in equation (\\[FKL\\]) are for incoming gluons. ",
"The form of the amplitude is the same for initial state quarks, apart from different colour factors.",
" (\\[FKL\\]) formally applies in the so-called [*Multi-Regge-kinematic*]{} (MRK) limit. ",
"Thus, it is clear why this may be a good starting point for describing matrix elements with many hard partons. ",
"Firstly, it can be applied at any order in the perturbation expansion. ",
"Secondly, it does not rely upon soft and collinear approximations.",
"\n\nThe multi-gluon emissions have in fact not previously been studied directly as implemented in Eq.",
" (\\[FKL\\]). ",
"Instead, a simplified version has been used, which is equivalent in the MRK limit. ",
"In this limit, the squared 4-momenta fulfil $q_i^2\\to-|q_{\\perp i}|^2$, and the squared Lipatov vertices $-C_{\\mu_i} C^{\\mu_i}\\to4\\frac{|q_{\\perp i}|^2|q_{\\perp i+1}|^2}{|k_{\\perp\n i}|^2}$. This means that in the products of Eq.",
" (\\[FKL\\]), only squares of *transverse* momenta appear. ",
"Extending these kinematic approximations to all of phase space (not just the MRK limit), the sum over $j,n$ and the phase space integral over the emitted gluons can be approximated by solving the *BFKL-equation*[@Balitsky:1978ic]. ",
"In this form, the framework has previously been extensively applied to other processes. ",
"In the present context (after implementing local 4-momentum conservation, which is strictly sub-leading in the BFKL approach), we find by expanding the solution in powers of [$\\alpha_s$]{}that the lowest order BFKL results for the $hjj$ ($554$fb) and $hjjj$ ($775$fb) cross sections differ from their full leading order counterparts by $97\\%$ and $200\\%$ respectively. ",
"The kinematic approximations are clearly inadequate in describing amplitudes in general at the LHC.",
"\n\nInstead, we define a set of amplitudes based on Eq.",
" (\\[FKL\\]) as written, supplemented by the following guidelines:\n\n1. ",
" Use of full virtual 4-momenta: Rather than substituting $q_i^2\\to-|q_{i\\perp}|^2$ as in the BFKL equation, we keep the dependence on the full 4-momenta of all particles. ",
"This ensures that outside of the MRK limit, the singularity structure of the approximate amplitudes coincides with known singularities of the full fixed order scattering amplitude.",
"\n\n2. ",
" Positivity of the squared Lipatov vertex: The square of the amplitudes in Eq.",
" (\\[FKL\\]) are not positive definite, when the effective Lipatov vertex is applied to momentum configurations very far from the MRK limit. ",
"It is here possible to obtain $-C_{\\mu_i}C^{\\mu_i}<0$, where the minus sign arises from the contraction of the gluon polarisation tensor. ",
"We choose to remove the contribution from the *small* region of phase space where this happens.",
"\n\nThese modifications combine known analytic behaviour of the full scattering amplitudes and the factorised expressions obtained in the MRK limit to any order in perturbation theory.",
"\n\nWhen these modifications are made, the resulting amplitudes do indeed approximate well the known perturbative results at low orders, and thus can be reliably used at higher orders, where full results are unknown or computationally unfeasible. ",
"Using our approach, we find an ${\\ensuremath{\\alpha_s}\\xspace}^4$ contribution to $hjj$ of 321fb and ${\\ensuremath{\\alpha_s}\\xspace}^5$-contribution to $hjjj$ of 217fb, within 16% and 7% of the full results respectively. ",
"In general, we find good agreement in a large region of phase space, and the level of accuracy reported here does not require any fine tuning of cuts. ",
"This is summarised in Fig.",
" \\[LO\\], and one sees that the approximate results are well within the uncertainty associated with the full results, obtained by varying a common renormalisation and factorisation scale by a factor of two.",
"\n\nHaving validated the approximation at low orders in [$\\alpha_s$]{}(where it can be compared with known fixed order results), we now consider results obtained using matrix elements with any number of final state partons, which at present cannot be calculated using standard perturbation theory. ",
"The divergence in Eq.",
" (\\[FKL\\]) arising when any $p_i\\to 0$ is regulated by the divergence of the virtual corrections encoded in $\\hat\\alpha$. Thus the resulting formalism is efficiently implemented in a Monte Carlo generator following the method for phase space generation outlined in Ref.",
" [@Andersen:2006sp]. ",
"Given that one knows the full tree level results for 2 and 3 partons, however (and they are also computationally quick), we have combined these results with the approximate matrix elements using a suitable matching procedure. ",
"We find a total cross section of $499^{+527}_{-307}$fb. ",
"The large uncertainty in the total cross section due to scale variations however is not reflected in the distribution of the number of hard jets as shown in Fig.",
" \\[fig:FKL\\]. ",
"One sees a significant number of events with more than 3 hard jets.",
"\n\nThe transverse momentum spectrum of the Higgs boson when produced in association with at least two hard jets is shown in Fig.",
" \\[fig:ptH\\]. ",
"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of this quantity, in contrast to the completely inclusive Higgs boson $p_t$ spectrum, which has previously been studied in the literature. ",
"The tree level 2 parton final state predicts a bimodal structure, which ultimately arises from the azimuthal correlation between the jets. ",
"This structure disappears when extra radiation is added, giving a qualitatively different behaviour. ",
"The significant difference between the fixed-order spectra emphasises the importance of considering yet higher order corrections.",
"\n\nIn summary, we have outlined a technique, not relying on a soft and collinear approximation, for estimating scattering amplitudes with multiple partons to all orders in perturbation theory, and demonstrated its application to Higgs boson production (via GGF) in association with at least two jets. ",
"Our technique is based on the FKL factorisation formula of Ref.",
" [@Fadin:1975cb], with important modifications which ensure that the singularity structure of the amplitudes coincides with known all-order analytic properties of the perturbation expansion. ",
"At low orders in [$\\alpha_s$]{}, where the full fixed order result can be obtained, our description agrees well, which verifies the trustworthiness of the approach. ",
"It captures both real and virtual corrections, and can be applied at any order in [$\\alpha_s$]{}in a computationally efficient manner.",
"\n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENTS {#acknowledgements .unnumbered}\n================\n\nCDW is funded by the Dutch Organisation for Fundamental Matter Research (FOM). ",
"We thank Vittorio Del Duca, Eric Laenen, Gavin Salam and Jos Vermaseren for encouraging conversations, and also the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics.",
"\n\n[28]{} natexlab\\#1[\\#1]{}bibnamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}bibfnamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}citenamefont \\#1[\\#1]{}url \\#1[`#1`]{}urlprefix\\[2\\][\\#2]{} \\[2\\]\\[\\][[\\#2](#2)]{}\n\n, ****, (), .",
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"\n\n[^1]: If further a rapidity veto on jets is applied, the effects studied in Ref.",
" [@Forshaw:2007vb] may need to be taken into account.",
"\n\n[^2]: For the resummed results presented later, some freezing of the coupling [$\\alpha_s$]{}is necessary below a suitable low scale $Q_0$. However, the results are fairly insensitive to this choice.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} | [
] | 0.005356 | 5 |
"Reduction of copper(II)-bleomycin: a model for in vivo drug activity.",
"\nThe effect of aliphatic thiols, including glutathione, cysteine, and dithiothreitol, on the anaerobic reduction of Cu(II)-bleomycin was examined. ",
"At neutral pH, cysteine is more efficient in reducing Cu(II)-bleomycin than either dithiothreitol or glutathione, while at alkaline pH the rate of reduction with all three reagents increases substantially. ",
"A kinetic treatment suggests that 2 equiv of thiol is required for each mole of Cu(II)-bleomycin reduced. ",
"Material balance studies verify this stoichiometry. ",
"If anaerobic reduction of Cu(II)-bleomycin is carried out in the presence of Fe(II), iron is chelated by the drug. ",
"This metal-drug complex is capable of degrading DNA when O2 is introduced. ",
"The extent of DNA degradation, as measured by the release of malondialdehyde-like chromogens from the DNA, is directly dependent on the amount of Cu(II)-bleomycin reduced."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.00085 | 5 |
"YOU MAY ALSO LIKE\n\nSizing\n\nPoor quality After wearing this item once and washing in on delicate/gentle cycle and hanging to dry it faded to an almost white color on both arms and the hood and stretched out so bad I cant even wear it. ",
"Not worth the money! ",
"January 15, 2014"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"PMCBBCode [url=https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/tree-of-life-wonder-for-civcraft-2282132/][img]https://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1327/2013-07-03_171036_5852984_thumb.jpg[/img] Tree Of Life[/url] by [mn=1282005]Half_Crazy[/mn]\n\nHTML <a href=\"https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/tree-of-life-wonder-for-civcraft-2282132/\" title=\"Tree Of Life Minecraft Map\"><br /><img src=\"https://static.planetminecraft.com/files/resource_media/screenshot/1327/2013-07-03_171036_5852984_thumb.jpg\" alt=\"Tree Of Life\" border=\"0\"/><br/>Tree Of Life</a> by <a href=\"https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/half_crazy/\" title=\"Half_Crazy Profile\">Half_Crazy</a>\n\nURL https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/tree-of-life-wonder-for-civcraft-2282132/\n\n\n\n1282005 Half_Crazy\n\nLevel 11 : Journeyman Architect\n\nThis is a tree that me (Half_Crazy) and Trevorious built a while ago, and it never got anywhere. ",
"Unfortuantly it is in some respects similar to Zerbia, although its structure as a tree is different. ",
"There are plenty of options for chests, and some parts of the build may have to be changed (eg the beacons).",
"\n\n\n\nThank you for looking,\n\n\n\nHalf_Crazy.",
"\n\nCredit Trevorious Progress 100% complete Tags"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.005989 | 5 |
"Doxford Park\n\nDoxford Park (known locally as Doxy Park) is a suburb of Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, located to the south-west of the city centre. ",
"Doxford Park is also the name of a wooded area of land located within the suburb.",
"\n\nDoxford Park has been built up in stages from the mid-1960s onwards, original proposals calling the area \"Silksworth Township\". ",
"It is surrounded by the A19 to the west, farmland to the south, Silksworth to the North, and Tunstall to the east. ",
"It is bisected by the B1286 Doxford Park Way dual carriageway.",
"\n\nMany of the houses in Doxford Park were becoming unsafe and uneconomic to repair so Gentoo (formerly the Sunderland Housing Group) is undertaking a massive programme of renewal to redevelop the estate.",
"\n\nRenamed 'Beckwith Green' the development has been split into 6 phases with phases 1 to 3 of the project now complete. ",
"Plans for a new £11.6m retirement village on the Beckwith Green development were announced by Gentoo, and will be phase 4 of the regeneration program. ",
"Work is due to start on this phase in March 2013 and be completion in mid-2014.",
"\n\nThe plans for Phase 4 include 40 extra care apartments, 40 apartments and 14 bungalows. ",
"The aim is to create a village where residents can continue to live independently but with support always to hand.",
"\n\nPlanning permission for phase 5 of the regeneration program was submitted to Sunderland Council in Nov 2012 - however there has been no confirmation from Gentoo as to when construction on phase 5 will commence.",
"\n\nAt the centre of the suburb lies a shopping centre built in the late 1970s and initially named the President Carter Shopping Centre, after it was opened by U.S. President Jimmy Carter during an official visit to the region in 1977. ",
"Following redevelopment in mid-1990s the centre is now a large Morrisons supermarket.",
"\n\nDoxford Park is home to one school Mill Hill Primary School and an adjoining nursery [Mill Hill Nursery]. ",
"The Portland School for children with special needs was opened in the nearby Chapelgarth area in December 2001 by Prime Minister Tony Blair. ",
"For secondary education, most children from the area go to Farringdon Community Academy in the nearby estate of Farringdon.",
"\n\nThe Doxford International Business Park is located less than a mile away from the estate.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n Venerable Bede School\n Benedict Biscop CofE School\n\nCategory:City of Sunderland suburbs\nCategory:Sunderland"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.00626 | 5 |
"C4H9Br\n\nThe molecular formula C4H9Br, molar mass : 137.02 g/mol, may refer to:\n\n 1-Bromobutane \n 2-Bromobutane \n tert-Butyl bromide"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"resource \"aws_instance\" \"foo\" {\n count = \"2\"\n lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true }\n}\n\nresource \"aws_instance\" \"bar\" {\n count = \"2\"\n lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true }\n}\n\noutput \"out\" {\n value = \"${aws_instance.foo.0.id}\"\n}\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"I teach at Lehigh University in eastern Pennsylvania. ",
"I work on British colonialism, modernism, postcolonial/global literature, and the digital humanities.",
"\n\nTuesday, April 20, 2004\n\nA Small Defense of Northrop Frye: 'Plasmatic' literature, and the Creature/Creator distinction\n\nNOTE: I've modified and corrected the entry below a bit since originally posting it.",
"\n\nNorthrop Frye is one of the key members of the earlier generation in literary criticism, though his works have lately vanished from the syllabi of graduate seminars in today's Ph.D. programs. ",
"He is best known for his book The Anatomy of Criticism (1957), as well as his theory of \"archetypes,\" though he wrote many other books, including one I've been reading recently, The Secular Scripture (1976).",
"\n\nFrye is sometimes associated with the movement known as the New Criticism, since he is roughly contemporary with the famous critics of that era -- Frank Kermode, Cleanth Brooks. ",
"But his work really aimed to move away from the debates about taste that were prevalent in the New Criticism, and towards a more democratized approach to literature as an expression of myth. ",
"The New Critics had an obsession with the originality of the poetic voice, wherease Frye believed that literature is the product at least of a 'literary society', if not society in general (the latter would be the view currently held by most contemporary literary critics).",
"\n\nI am not by any means trying to make a conservative gesture, where I would hold up Frye as somehow right about everything, only we no longer believe him. ",
"Rather, I think his work might benefit from being read freshly, without the baggage of the culture wars or the radicalism of deconstruction.",
"\n\nFrye merits respect, but critical respect. ",
"Though contemporary critics are often derided for their dependence on jargon, one learns by reading Frye that jargon is nothing new -- Frye peppers his works with difficult Greek terms: mythoi, dianoia, kerygmatic. ",
"Frye claimed to be using a \"scientific\" method in his critical theory, and argued in The Anatomy of Criticism that there is an observable order to literature as a whole: \"just as there is an order of nature behind the natural sciences, so literature is nota piled aggregate of 'works,' but an order of words.\" ",
"However, if one attempts to read his work after The Anatomy of Criticism carefully, one sees a style of writing that is more anecdotal than methodical. ",
"The school of criticism called \"structuralism,\" which peaked in the mid-1960s, was in fact much closer in its method to hard science.",
"\n\nThe Hopkins Guide To Literary Theory has the full text of a greatly helpful essay by Richard Stingle on the evolution of Frye's work, including summaries of the arguments of his various books as well as a detailed engagement with Frye's life-long obsession with Blake. ",
"However, the best account of Frye's career can be found in the first chapter of Frank Lentricchia's After the New Criticism.",
"\n\nHere let me invoke just two small points in Frye's The Secular Scripture that I have found intriguing. ",
"One is a distinction Frye makes between properly religious epic and what he calls romance:\n\nThe secession of science from the mythological universe is a familiar story. ",
"The separating of scientific and mythological space began theoretically with Copernicus, and effectively with Galileo. ",
"By the nineteenth century scientific time had been emancipated from mythological time. ",
"But in proportion as the mythological universe becomes more obviously a construct, another question arises. ",
"We saw that there is no structural principle to prevent the fables of secular literature from also forming a mythology, or even a mythological universe. ",
"Is it possible, then, to look at secular stories as a whole, and as forming a single biblical vision? ",
"This is the question implied in the ‘secular scripture’ of my title. ",
"In the chapters that follow I should like to look at fiction as a total verbal order, with the outlines of an imaginative universe in it. ",
"The Bible is the epic of the creator, with God as its hero. ",
"Romance is the structural core of all fiction: being directly descended from folktale, it brings us closer than any other aspect of literature to the sense of fiction, considered as a whole, as the epic of the creature, man’s vision of his own life as a quest.",
"\n\nThough many have attempted to argue that romance is in some way a descendent of religious narratives, Frye makes the case that the two are really separate. ",
"Frye's insistence on this separation -- which is a predecessor of the high-culture/low-culture distinction that still exists in literature today -- runs throughout The Secular Scripture, as it does through several of his other works. ",
"Contrary to expectation, Frye is primarily interested in the low mode of literature, the small epic of the \"creature\" rather than the big epic of the \"creator.\" (",
"A knowledge of Latin verb forms is also helpful here, for the \"creature\" derives from the past participle, suggesting it is the object of creation, in contrast to the \"creator\" who is the subject.) ",
"For Frye, literature is secular not because it is written by non-believers, but because all major literary forms derive from the realm of folktales and folk culture, which predate the Church, and which have survived outside of religious institutions for millenia.",
"\n\nThis interest in high (religious) narrative and popular (folk) romance leads to a second distinction, between the real world and the world of fiction and myth. ",
"In the world of fiction, truth and falsehood are irrelevant. ",
"What is needed is a term to describe literary mimesis, and Frye comes up with one in 'plasmatic':\n\nGreek critics distinguished verbal structures as true, false, and plastic, or more accurately plasmatic, the presenting of things as they conceivably could be. ",
"Truth and falsehood are not literary categories, and are only approximately even verbal ones. ",
"For the literary critic, at all events, everything in words is plasmatic, and truth and falsehood represent the directions or tendencies in which verbal structures go, or are thought to go. ",
"This leads to a general distinction between serious and responsible literature on the one hand, and the trifling and fantastic on the other.",
"\n\nHere what seems to be a second distinction is really another version of the first: plausible stories are seen as respectable, while fantastic tales are 'low'. ",
"But isn't \"serious and responsible\" a secular analogue for 'sanctioned by the church'? ",
"So what emerges is a mirror of the first break. ",
"Again, one respectable (plasmatic) style of storytelling would seem to be the more valuable, but Frye's imagination leads us inevitably to the trifling and fantastic tales. ",
"The latter spring without mediation from the human imagination, and Frye finds them fascinating.",
"\n\nNo comments:\n\nLinks, Selected Posts\n\nAmardeep Singh, Associate Professor of English at Lehigh UniversityOn Twitter\n\nI have been working on several digital projects in Scalar. ",
"All three are currently in progress as of summer 2017.",
"\nOne is digital archive I am calling \"The Kiplings and India.\" ",
"Working with a team of graduate research assistants, we have been building the site in Scalar here. ",
"Feedback welcome; it's a work in progress.",
"\n\nI have also been working on a Digital Collection called \"Claude McKay's Early Poetry (1912-1922)\" This project began as a collaborative class project called \"Harlem Echoes,\" a digital edition of Claude McKay's \"Harlem Shadows.\" ",
"The new version of the project is much-expanded, including McKay's early Jamaican poetry as well as his uncollected political poetry from magazines like The Liberator and Workers Dreadnought."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004295 | 5 |
"1767 WDA 2018\n\n Appeal from the Judgment Entered December 6, 2018\n in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County\n Civil Division at No(s): GD 17-003538\n\nBEFORE: BENDER, P.J.E., KUNSELMAN, J., and MUSMANNO, J.\n\nMEMORANDUM BY MUSMANNO, J.: FILED DECEMBER 12, 2019\n\n Mallory J. Mohnkern (“Mohnkern”) appeals from the Judgment,1 in the\n\namount of $15,569.52, entered in her favor, and against Michael A. Gould\n\n(“Gould”). ",
"We affirm.",
"\n\n Mohnkern and Gould were involved in a motor vehicle accident on\n\nFebruary 12, 2016, during which Gould rear-ended Mohnkern while she was\n\nstopped in traffic on Freeport Road in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.2\n\n\n\n____________________________________________\n\n\n1 Mohnkern purports to appeal from the Order denying her Motion for Post-\nTrial Relief. ",
"However, an appeal properly lies from the entry of judgment,\nrather than the denial of post-trial motions. ",
"See Nitardy v. Chabot, 195\nA.3d 941, 944 n.1 (Pa. Super. ",
"2018). ",
"Because the trial court entered\nJudgment in this case before Mohnkern filed the instant appeal, the appeal is\nproperly before us.",
"\n\n2At trial, Gould admitted that he was at fault for the accident. ",
"See N.T.,\n11/13/18, at 60.",
"\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\n On March 7, 2017, Mohnkern filed a Complaint in negligence, claiming\n\nthat she had suffered various injuries as a result of the accident, including,\n\ninter alia, traumatic brain injury, headaches, dizziness, panic attacks, and\n\ninjury to the head, neck and spine. ",
"Mohnkern also alleged damages including,\n\ninter alia, pain and suffering, lost wages and earning potential, and continued\n\nmedical expenses.",
"\n\n Gould filed an Answer and New Matter on March 28, 2019, asserting\n\nthat some or all of Mohnkern’s injuries were unrelated to the accident.",
"\n\nMohnkern filed a Reply.",
"\n\n Following additional procedural history not relevant to this appeal, the\n\nmatter proceeded to a jury trial on November 13, 2018. ",
"Prior to the start of\n\ntrial, Gould presented several Motions in limine. ",
"Relevantly, Gould sought to\n\nexclude evidence concerning Mohnkern’s medical expenses and wage loss.",
"\n\nThe trial court granted the Motions in limine.",
"\n\n Before the start of closing arguments, Mohnkern presented a Motion to\n\nPermit Counsel to Argue for a Specific Dollar Amount for Non-Economic\n\nDamages During Closing Argument, asserting that the jury would have no\n\nevidence to guide them in choosing an amount of damages, and that selecting\n\nan amount would require speculation. ",
"The trial court denied the Motion. ",
"On\n\nNovember 15, 2018, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Mohnkern,\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\nreflecting awards of $7,500.00 for past pain and suffering, and $7,500.00 for\n\nmental anguish.3\n\n Mohnkern filed a Motion for Post-Trial Relief, requesting a new trial\n\nduring which her counsel could argue for a specific dollar amount for non-\n\neconomic damages. ",
"The trial court denied Mohnkern’s Motion.",
"\n\n The trial court entered Judgment, upon Praecipe by Mohnkern, on\n\nDecember 6, 2018. ",
"Mohnkern thereafter filed a timely Notice of Appeal and a\n\ncourt-ordered Pa.R.A.P. 1925(b) Concise Statement of matters complained of\n\non appeal.",
"\n\n Mohnkern now raises the following question for our review: “Whether\n\nthe parties in an action involving non-economic damages for personal injuries\n\ncan argue to the jury for a specific amount of damages during closing\n\narguments to the jury?” ",
"Brief for Appellant at vi.",
"\n\n “[W]hen reviewing the denial of a motion for new trial, we must\n\ndetermine if the trial court committed an abuse of discretion or error of law\n\nthat controlled the outcome of the case.” ",
"Long v. Mejia, 896 A.2d 596, 599\n\n(Pa. Super. ",
"2006). ",
"Further,\n\n [u]pon review, the test is not whether this Court would have\n reached the same result on the evidence presented, but, rather,\n after due consideration of the evidence found credible by the trial\n court, and viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the\n verdict winner, whether the court could reasonably have reached\n its conclusion.",
"\n____________________________________________\n\n\n3 The verdict was subsequently molded to a total of $15,569.52, to reflect\ndelay damages.",
"\n\n -3-\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\n\nB & L Asphalt Indus., ",
"Inc. v. Fusco, 753 A.2d 264, 267 (Pa. Super. ",
"2000)\n\n(citation and quotation marks omitted).",
"\n\n Mohnkern argues that her counsel should have been permitted, during\n\nclosing arguments, to argue to the jury for a specific amount of money for\n\nnon-economic damages. ",
"See Brief for Appellant at 7-23. ",
"Mohnkern claims\n\nthat, due to the evidence presented at trial, “the jury had no monetary amount\n\non which to start their deliberation.” ",
"Id. at 8. ",
"Mohnkern acknowledges that\n\nexisting case law prohibits counsel from requesting a particular amount of\n\nmoney for non-economic damages, but points out that the key cases were\n\ndecided more than a century ago, and asserts that the issue should be\n\nrevisited. ",
" Id. at 9, 10-11, 16. ",
" Additionally, Mohnknern points out that\n\nPennsylvania is one of a minority of states that prohibit counsel from arguing\n\nfor a specific lump sum or a per diem amount relating to non-economic\n\ndamages. ",
"Id. at 9, 16-17.",
"\n\n Counsel in civil cases are prohibited from making statements to the jury,\n\nduring closing arguments, concerning the amount of non-economic damages\n\nexpected. ",
"See Nelson v. Airco Welders Supply, 107 A.3d 146, 161-62 (Pa.\n\nSuper. ",
"2014) (en banc); see also Stassun v. Chapin, 188 A. 111, 111 (Pa.\n\n1936); Joyce v. Smith, 112 A. 549, 550-51 (Pa. 1921). ",
"Underlying this rule\n\nis the idea that a jury should determine the amount of non-economic damages\n\nto award based on the evidence presented at trial, rather than at the\n\nsuggestion of counsel. ",
"See Wilson v. Nelson, 258 A.2d 657, 659-60 (Pa.\n\n1969) (stating that “[j]urors should render their verdict on the basis of\n\n -4-\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\n\ndeductions from the evidence presented and not on the basis of some\n\ncalculation, independently proposed and arrived at by trial counsel.”); ",
"see\n\nalso Joyce, 112 A. at 551; Bullock v. Chester & Darby Telford Road Co.,\n\n113 A. 379, 380 (Pa. 1921). ",
"Our Supreme Court has also stated that “any\n\nstatement to the jury by counsel that calls the juror’s attention to claims or\n\namounts not supported by the evidence is error.” ",
"Wilson, 258 A.2d at 660\n\n(emphasis added). ",
"Thus, counsel may not request a specific award, ask the\n\njury to apply a particular formula for calculating damages, or otherwise\n\nprovide a suggestion concerning the amount claimed or expected. ",
" See\n\nNelson, 107 A.3d at 164 (concluding that, where plaintiff’s counsel “provided\n\nthe jury with a formula to calculate damages and an amount to plug into that\n\nformula[,]” and requested at least $1 million for each category of non-\n\neconomic damages, the trial court abused its discretion by failing to issue a\n\ncurative instruction or grant a mistrial); Wilson, 258 A.2d at 659-60 (stating\n\nthat trial court did not err in requiring, during closing arguments, plaintiff’s\n\ncounsel to remove a chart depicting dollar figures for various damages,\n\nbecause the proposed figure for loss of future wages was unsupported by\n\nevidence); Bullock, 113 A. at 380 (requiring a new trial where plaintiff’s\n\ncounsel argued specific amounts of lost wages, including future wages, to the\n\njury during closing arguments); Joyce, 112 A. at 550-51 (concluding that\n\ncounsel’s suggestion that plaintiff was entitled to “thousands of dollars” for\n\npain and suffering was improper). ",
" But see Clark v. Phila. ",
"Coll. ",
"of\n\nOsteopathic Med., ",
"693 A.2d 202, 206 (Pa. Super. ",
"1997) (concluding that\n\n -5-\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\n\nthe trial court properly declined to grant a mistrial after plaintiff’s counsel,\n\nreferring to a drawing of a triangle with a horizontal line drawn through it,\n\nargued to the jury that plaintiff’s medical expenses were only the “tip of the\n\niceberg,” and her non-economic damages remained below the horizontal\n\n“water line,” because the statement did not suggest a specific sum).",
"\n\n The trial court denied Mohnkern’s Motion to Permit Counsel to Argue for\n\na Specific Dollar Amount for Non-Economic Damages During Closing\n\nArgument, and Motion for Post-Trial Relief, on the basis that any request for\n\na particular sum of damages would be improper. ",
"See Trial Court Opinion,\n\n2/5/19, at 2-4. ",
"While we are sympathetic to Mohnkern’s assertions, we must\n\nagree that any such statements or requests by counsel during closing\n\narguments are prohibited under the current law of this Commonwealth.4\n\nTherefore, we are constrained to conclude that the trial court did not commit\n\nlegal error or abuse its discretion in denying Mohnkern’s request for a new\n\ntrial.",
"\n\n Judgment affirmed.",
"\n\n\n\n\n____________________________________________\n\n\n4 We observe that, without any guidance or evidence concerning a requested\namount of non-economic damages, a jury’s verdict may be no less arbitrary\nthan an amount specified and proposed by plaintiff’s counsel at trial. ",
"\nJoyce, 112 A. at 551 (cautioning against “any suggestion to the jury of an\narbitrary amount”). ",
"We therefore urge our Supreme Court to revisit this issue.",
"\n\n -6-\n\fJ-A23032-19\n\n\n\n\nJudgment Entered.",
"\n\n\n\n\nJoseph D. Seletyn, Esq.",
"\nProthonotary\n\n\n\nDate: 12/12/2019\n\n\n\n\n -7-\n\f"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "FreeLaw"
} | [
] | 0.010902 | 5 |
"Pulmonary involvement in ankylosing spondylitis.",
"\nAnti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents have recently been approved and recommended as effective and relatively safe drug therapy for ankylosing spondylitis. ",
"In light of this major advance in the management of these patients, recent observations on the pulmonary manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis are reviewed. ",
"High-resolution computed tomography abnormalities were found to be prevalent (range 50-85%) in ankylosing spondylitis even in patients with early disease, and in those with normal chest radiographs and without respiratory symptoms. ",
"The high-resolution computed tomography changes included apical fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, emphysema, bronchietasis and pleural thickening. ",
"In general, the high-resolution computed tomography changes were of mild degree, and no correlation was observed between high-resolution computed tomography abnormalities, pulmonary function test variables and indices of ankylosing spondylitis symptoms and disease structural severity. ",
"Spontaneous pneumothorax was reported to be a rare complication, but tended to occur in those patients with fibrobullous disease. ",
"The clinical significance of the high-resolution computed tomography abnormalities remains to be determined. ",
"Most of the published studies are cross-sectional, and are limited by lack of control subjects matched for age, gender and tobacco use. ",
"Studies to correlate high-resolution computed tomography changes with bronchoalveolar lavage and lung biopsies as well as prospective studies on long-term evolution of these findings including those patients receiving anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents are needed."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Underneath my mom's kitchen sink are two supply ines for an unused washing machine. ",
"I couldn't stop the drip on one side so I capped it. ",
"Did I make a mistake, where will the water accumulate. ",
"Thanks for your help."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"For our age of wonks and white papers and warring experts, there ought to be a word — something just short of, though not shorter than, schadenfreude — for the gentle thrill inspired by a social-science finding that mildly unsettles one’s ideological opponents.",
"\n\nI’m thinking of the satisfied tingle a liberal might get from a study that suggests high taxes are good for economic growth. ",
"Or the spring added to a libertarian’s step by a report that environmental regulations hurt the poor.",
"\n\nOr the pleasure that I took recently from the headline: “Study: Having daughters makes parents more likely to be Republican.”",
"\n\nWhy pleasure? ",
"Well, because previous research on this question had suggested the reverse, with parents of daughters leaning left and parents of sons rightward. ",
"And those earlier findings dovetailed neatly with liberal talking points about politics and gender: Republicans make war on women, Democrats protect them, so it’s only natural that raising girls would make parents see the wisdom of liberalism …\n\nBut the new study undercuts those talking points. ",
"Things are more complicated than you thought, liberals! ",
"You can love your daughters, want the best for them, and find yourself drawn to conservative ideas! ",
"Especially if you’re highly educated, which is where the effect was strongest! ",
"Better dust off a different set of talking points — maybe something about the family as the source of all oppression and how deeply internalized patriarchal norms make parents subconsciously inclined to tyrannize their female offspring and then we can argue about that!",
"\n\nYes, I’m afraid this is actually the kind of internal monologue that comes with arguing about politics for a living.",
"\n\nBut let me make a more limited, more personal argument on the subject. ",
"The next round of research may “prove” something completely different about daughters and voting behavior. ",
"But as a father of girls and a parent whose adult social set still overlaps with the unmarried, I do have a sense of where a daughter-inspired conservatism might come from, whatever political form it takes.",
"\n\nIt comes from thinking about their future happiness, and about a young man named Nathaniel P.\n\nBut his type does exist, in multi-tudinous forms, wherever successful young people congregate, socialize, pair off. ",
"He’s not the worst sort of guy by any means — not a toxic bachelor or an obnoxious pick-up artist. ",
"He’s well intentioned, sensitive, mildly idealistic. ",
"Yet he’s also a source of immense misery — both short-term and potentially lifelong — for the young women in his circle.",
"\n\n“Contrary to what these women seemed to think,” Waldman writes of Nathaniel P.’s flings and semi-steady girlfriends, “he was not indifferent to their unhappiness. ",
"And yet he seemed, in spite of himself, to provoke it.”",
"\n\nHe provokes it by taking advantage of a social landscape in which sex has been decoupled from marriage but biology hasn’t been abolished, which means women still operate on a shorter time horizon for crucial life choices — marriage, kids — than do men. ",
"In this landscape, what Nate wants — sex, and the validation that comes with being wanted — he reliably gets. ",
"But what his lovers want, increasingly, as their cohort grows older — a more permanent commitment — he can afford to persistently withhold, feeling guilty but not that guilty about doing so.",
"\n\nWaldman’s portrait of Nate’s romantic life is sympathetic enough to have earned her fan mail from young men. ",
"But it’s precisely because Nate is sympathetic rather than toxic that the “Nathaniel P.” phenomenon — or what Rebecca Traister has dubbed “the scourge of indecisive men” — is a hard problem to escape. ",
"Indeed, it seems like one of the hidden taproots of well-educated women’s work-life- balance angst, and one of the plausible explanations for declining female happiness in a world of expanded female opportunity.",
"\n\nAnd lurking in Waldman’s novel, as in many portraits of the dating scene (ahem, Lena Dunham, ahem), is a kind of moral traditionalism that dare not speak its name — or that can be spoken of only in half-jest, as when the novelist Benjamin Kunkel told Traister that the solution was “some sort of a sexual strike against just such men.”",
"\n\nBecause Kunkel is right: One obvious solution to the Nathaniel P. problem is a romantic culture in which more is required of young men before the women in their lives will sleep with them.",
"\n\nTo the extent that parents tend to see the next generation’s world through their children’s eyes, that’s an insight that’s more immediately available through daughters than through sons.",
"\n\nAnd no matter what the next study says about your likelihood of actually turning into a Republican, once you’ve flirted with that insight, you’ve tiptoed a little closer to something that might be described as social conservatism.",
"\n\nEven if you live in Brooklyn.",
"\n\nRoss Douthat writes a column for the New York Times.",
"\n\nAs you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints. ",
"Our goal with article comments is to provide a space for civil, informative and constructive conversations. ",
"We reserve the right to remove any comment we deem to be defamatory, rude, insulting to others, hateful, off-topic or reckless to the community. ",
"See our full terms of use here.",
"\n\nMore in Opinion\n\nMany people read Christmas stories at this time of year. ",
"I read reports and studies to help me get into the holiday spirit. ",
"One caught my eye this week. ",
"There have been a lot of macro theories and studies over the years, half-baked as well as plausible, if not evidence-based, about what significantly affects the overall crime rate, both good...\n\nTEACH AMERICAN HISTORY CBS “Sunday Morning” had an excellent segment on Pearl Harbor and the attack on Dec. 7, 1941. ",
"The curator of the Pearl Harbor Museum made a single short comment that was quickly glossed over, but I believe is of great importance. ",
"He stated that many visitors to his museum don’t really know much at all about World...\n\nAs those we elect formulate plans to address Minnesota early-education needs, one word should guide their thinking: prioritize. ",
"The clear priority for targeted investment should be the estimated 40,000 low-income children identified as “left behind” for lack of access to high-quality early-education programs. ",
"The payoff of prioritizing — in terms of human potential, subsequent learning and avoided costs — is...\n\nMichele Kelm-Helgen and Ted Mondale and other appointed factotums of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority could have been given a couple of tickets to the football games and I’m betting nobody would have squawked. ",
"They did some heavy lifting. ",
"They got U.S. Bank Stadium built. ",
"But the MSFA , ostensibly to entertain guests for purposes of marketing the building. ",
"Are...\n\nMOURNING OUR CLASSMATES On Dec. 1, 2,000 hearts broke as we mourned our classmates (“Heartbroken’ school mourns two girls’ deaths in car crash”). ",
"Yet, as we struggled to support one another under the weight of our grief, we found strength in our community. ",
"To our teachers and administrators, thank you for giving us a time to commemorate our peers. ",
"To...\n\nWhile much remains to do in his 12th and final year in office, St. Paul is a more vibrant place than it was when Chris Coleman was elected mayor in 2005. ",
"He last week announced his decision not to seek another term, deferring talk of a run for governor in 2018 for another day. ",
"His message to those gathered Thursday,..."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003416 | 5 |
"The effect of quinidine and other oral antiarrhythmic drugs on serum digoxin. ",
"A prospective study.",
"\nWe compared the effects of quinidine and three alternate antiarrhythmic drugs on serum digoxin concentration in 63 patients before and during administration of quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide, or mexiletine. ",
"Quinidine increased digoxin concentration by at least 0.5 nmol/L in 21 of 22 patients: Mean serum digoxin rose from 1.2 nmol/L to 2.4 nmol/L (P less than 0.001). ",
"Procainamide, disopyramide, or mexiletine increased serum digoxin by 0.5 nmol/L in one of 41 patients. ",
"Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting develop soon after starting quinidine therapy in 10 of the 22 patients who received quinidine but in only five of the 41 patients who received procainamide, disopyramide, or mexiletine (P less than 0.01). ",
"Quinidine prolonged the PR intervals from 160 +/- 14 ms to 183 +/- 26 ms, but procainamide, disopyramide, and mexiletine did not change the PR interval (P less than 0.005). ",
"In digitalized patients, quinidine increases serum digoxin concentration, increases digoxin's effect on atrioventricular conduction, and produces more adverse gastrointestinal effects than procainamide, disopyramide, or mexiletine."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.002266 | 5 |
"Save\n\nStelara effective for induction, maintenance of UC regardless of biologic history\n\nPerspective from Stephen B. Hanauer, MD ADD TOPIC TO EMAIL ALERTS Receive an email when new articles are posted on . ",
"Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on Subscribe ADDED TO EMAIL ALERTS You've successfully added to your alerts. ",
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"\n\n\n\nClick Here to Manage Email Alerts You've successfully added to your alerts. ",
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"\n\n\n\nClick Here to Manage Email Alerts\n\n\n\nBack to Healio We were unable to process your request. ",
"Please try again later. ",
"If you continue to have this issue please contact [email protected].",
"\n\n\n\nBack to Healio\n\nSAN DIEGO — Stelara was effective for the induction and maintenance treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis whether or not they previously failed biologic therapy, according to data from the UNIFI study presented at Digestive Disease Week.",
"\n\n“Ustekinumab [Stelara, Janssen] is an IL-12/23 blocker that’s approved for Crohn’s disease, and ... is also effective in induction and maintenance of clinical remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis,” Bruce E. Sands, MD, of Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, said in his presentation. “",
"But here we are looking at two distinct populations who came into this study.”",
"\n\nIn the UNIFI trial, researchers randomly assigned patients to a baseline intravenous induction dose of ustekinumab (130 mg or weight-range doses of about 6 mg/kg) or placebo. ",
"Responders entered into maintenance therapy and received either 90 mg of ustekinumab (every 12 weeks or every 8 weeks) or placebo.",
"\n\nThe trial included an analysis of the drug’s efficacy in patients who previously failed biologic treatment (51.1% of randomized patients), of which 98% had failed at least one anti-TNF, and 32.6% failed both anti-TNF and Entyvio (vedolizumab, Takeda).",
"\n\nDuring the induction phase of the trial, both doses of ustekinumab were superior to placebo regarding clinical remission in patients who were either biologic failures (BF; P < .001 for both doses) or non-biologic failures (NBF; P < .05 for both doses).",
"\n\nIn the maintenance phase in both BF and NBF patients, the proportion of patients who achieved clinical remission was greater for both the every 8 weeks and every 12 weeks ustekinumab groups compared with placebo (BF P < .001, P = .044, respectively; NBF P = .024, P = .020).",
"\n\nAdditionally, a greater proportion of NBF and BF patients in the ustekinumab every 8 weeks and every 12 weeks groups achieved each secondary endpoint of maintenance (clinical response, endoscopic healing, corticosteroid-free remission and clinical remission in baseline remitters) compared with the placebo groups.",
"\n\n“Ustekinumab was effective for induction and maintenance treatment of moderately-to-severely active UC as assessed by clinical response, clinical remission, endoscopic healing and steroid-free remission,” Sands concluded. “",
"This effectiveness was also observed in patients with a history of biologic therapy failure which included both TNF antagonists, and as well as patients who had experienced and failed both anti-TNF and vedolizumab and patients without a history of biologic therapy failure.” – ",
"by Alex Young\n\nReference:\n\nSands BE, et al. ",
"Abstract 833. ",
"Presented at: Digestive Disease Week; May 18-21, 2019; San Diego.",
"\n\nDisclosures: Sands reports financial support for research from AbbVie, Allergan, Arena, Boeringher-Ingelheim, Celgene, Ferring, Gilead, Janssen, Lilly, Otsuka, Pfizer, Protagonist, Rheos Medicines, Synergy, Takeda, Theravance Biopharma R&D and TiGenix. ",
"Please see the study abstract for all other authors’ relevant financial disclosures."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.006324 | 5 |
"Sexually transmitted Escherichia coli urethritis and orchiepididymitis.",
"\nWe describe herein a case of uropathogenic Escherichia coli urethritis and orchiepididymitis in a heterosexual man, which he had acquired sexually from his girlfriend. ",
"The identity of the genital isolates from both partners was confirmed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.006667 | 5 |
"The Hip Hop culture can be broken down into various elements... These elements, like Voltron, somehow when combined properly form up a complex yet eloquent entity called the Periodic Table of Hip Hop Elements. ",
"This is that blog. ",
"All topics will be limited to anything and everything that is relevant to the Hip Hop culture."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.003175 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nCreating a substring with a varying number of chars\n\nvoid findNthRoot(string x) {\n if(x.find(\"rt:\") !",
"= string::npos) {\n unsigned position = x.find(\"rt:\");\n double n = position - 1;\n double z = position + 3;\n string str1 = x.substr(n, 1);\n string str2 = x.substr(z, 1); \n }\n}\n\nint main() {\n findNthRoot(\"2 - 1 + 32rt:43 - 89\");\n}\n\nAs part of a calculator program, users can enter nrt:x to represent the nth root of a number x. The code I have written above works perfectly fine, but only if the user inputs a root with a single digit n and a single digit x. So my substrings str1 and str2 in this case would be 2 and 4 respectively. ",
"I need the substrings to take the entire number followng rt: and the entire number before rt:. ",
"I cannot figure out how to do this. ",
"I know this is because I have 1 in x.substr(n, 1) but since the user can enter any number they want, I need to somehow be able to account for that.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIn <cctype> header you have the function std::isdigit() that tells you if a character is a digit.",
"\nThat way you can find the length of your substring with a simple loop :\nvoid findNthRoot(string x)\n{\n size_t position = x.find(\"rt:\");\n if (position !",
"= string::npos)\n { \n size_t length = 1;\n size_t n = position - 1;\n while (n > 0 && std::isdigit(x[n - 1]))\n {\n --n;\n ++length;\n }\n string str1 = x.substr(n, length);\n\n length = 1;\n size_t z = position + 3;\n while (z < x.size() - 1 && std::isdigit(x[z + length]))\n ++length;\n string str2 = x.substr(z, length); \n }\n}\n\nint main()\n{\n findNthRoot(\"2 - 1 + 32rt:43 - 89\");\n}\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"ACR white paper: the value added that radiologists provide to the health care enterprise.",
"\nRadiologists represent arguably one of medicine's least heralded but most important specialties. ",
"Although they carry sterling credentials as imaging and radiation safety experts, radiologists have lacked widespread public recognition. ",
"As public and private stakeholders cast an even more intense spotlight on imaging, the vital role of radiologists must be better understood. ",
"During the January 2008 ACR Forum on Future Practice Models for Radiology, participants and ACR leaders discussed the value added that radiologists bring to the health care enterprise and recommended that the ACR further study that topic. ",
"The ACR, dedicated to providing quality patient care since its inception in 1924, convened the Task Force on Value Added to address these issues. ",
"The task force determined the component stakeholders in the health care enterprise to whom value is added, defined the nature of the value for each constituent component, described the process of adding that value, and anticipated future trends that may affect the value proposition. ",
"Recommendations to the ACR for future action are offered."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.002235 | 5 |
"Garmin 920XT Officially announced\n\nAs of October 1st, Garmin officially announced the Forerunner 920XT. ",
"We’ve had a look at the specifications and you can read our full preview here\n\nIt’s been long anticipated and after other models had a makeover we couldn’t wait to see what the successor of the 910XT would have. ",
"Luckily somebody at Garmin made a small mistake and some images and details leaked out last Tuesday the 23nd of September, about the upcoming new Garmin 920XT. ",
"It appears to become available in two colors, and a color screen, as we’ve seen from the other newer models.",
"\n\nFrom the briefly available article we found the following details confirmed:\n\nGARMIN® FORERUNNER® 920XT GPS :: Train smarter and see your performance soar with the new\n\nGarmin® Forerunner® 920XT GPS. ",
"Use this watch and activity tracker combo to track your steps, calories and distance throughout the day, while also getting estimations on VO2 max and recovery times when you’re training or racing. ",
"Instantly see your text and call notifications, too, with the Smart Notifications feature, and share your stats and location with friends and family in real time using the Connected feature. ",
"Plus, the Garmin® Forerunner® 920XT’s lets you train longer without worrying about losing a connection thanks to its 24-hour battery. ",
"Features & Benefits: Built to be used for swimming, biking, and running\n\nTransition between the different sport modes with the push of a button\n\nAdvanced swim metrics: For open water and pool swimming. ",
"Offers extensive swim metrics such as distance, stroke, identification, stroke count, pool lengths, drill logging, rest time, pace, and more\n\nAdvanced new metrics include VO2 max, recovery time, and race time predictor when used with heart rate\n\nWhen used with a power meter, it estimates VO2 max for cycling as well\n\nAdvanced running metrics: When paired with the HRM-Run monitor, it measures cadence, vertical oscillation, and ground contact time\n\nAlso measures record speed, distance, ascent/decent, grade, and more\n\nPaired with ANT compatible sensors it measures heart rate, speed, cadence, and power\n\nGarmin Forerunner 920XT Rumours\n\nBesides these ‘confirmed’ rumours we’ve heard that the new Garmin 920XT should support both WiFi and Bluetooth. ",
"And a built in metronome so you can work on your running cadence without having to look on your watch.",
"\n\nAnother feature might be that it simultaneous bluetooth and ant+. ",
"As this is what we’ve seen in the recent 620 and 220. ",
"And we also found hints for a quick release kit via Google, just like the 910XT has, for $21.99 USD:\n\nAnd on the cached version of Garmin’s page:\n\n\n\nNow you can use your Forerunner for multisport training — and go from wrist to bike in seconds. ",
"The kit includes a quick release bracket, a wrist bracket, a bike mount, 2 pins, 2 screws, 6 bike mount o-rings and installation screwdrivers.",
"\n\nWe’ve cropped out the rest as the image had been taken down and wasn’t cached.",
"\n\n\n\n\n\nGarmin 920XT Announcement date and Price\n\nThe anticipation is all built up towards the expected announcement date of the Garmin 920XT which is thought to be October 11th 2014, this is on the same day as the IronMan world Championships in Kona, so that would be a sensible date to reach heaps of triathlon media in one go. ",
"We also found a pre listings of the 920XT to be available ‘mid-october’, which somewhat confirms this.",
"\n\nNow, what everybody has been asking, what will it cost? ",
"From what we’ve gathered it will come at a price of $449 or €449.",
"\n\nAdditional images we’ve found on Garmin (thanks to http://tritriagain.uk/ on a pointer where to look, scroll through these images as we currently have 12.",
"\n\nOctober 1st Update\n\nMore photos!",
"\n\nMarkus Unterweger is a German photographer/triathlete/blogger who posted to Twitter that he was the photographer a shoot with the Garmin 920XT. ",
"He’s sharing two images on his blog which you will find below.",
"\n\nGarmin Forerunner 920xt – Die ersten Eindrücke http://t.co/osynbf6k3U — Markus Unterweger (@unterwexi) September 30, 2014\n\nHere are the very nice and good size photos he posted, click on the images for their full versions:\n\nThe Garmin 920XT seems to be smaller than the 910XT which will be very nice when you’re wearing it under your wetsuit as it will be a lot easier to take off then.",
"\n\nTouch screen?",
"\n\nGarmin added a touch screen to the 220/620 and if we can speculate just a bit about the features based on this photo it looks like the Forerunner 920XT will have e touchscreen too. ",
"The screen is not raised as the 910XT is and has a little bevel around it. ",
"Just like the 220/620, to protect the screen from easily scratching.",
"\n\nUPDATE: Garmin introduced the 920XT\n\nAs of October 1st, Garmin officially announced the Forerunner 920XT. ",
"We’ve had a look at the specifications and you can read our full preview here"
] | {
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] | 0.004282 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nJava paintComponent running but not showing\n\nso I just want to paint a square in a random part of the screen as a custon JComponent:\npublic void paintComponent(Graphics g){\n Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;\n if( this.good ){\n g2d.setColor(Color.green);\n }\n else{\n g2d.setColor(Color.red);\n }\n g2d.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);\n System.out.println(\"painting\");\n}\n\nhere is the method that calls painting via repaint()\nprivate void stateChange(){\n \n double rand = Math.random();\n \n if (rand < 0.5){\n this.good = !",
"this.good;\n }\n setLocation(this.x,this.y);\n repaint();\n}\n\nthis.x and this.y are constantly changing, but I know that works. ",
"When I run my code, it prints \"painting\" where it should, but nothing is showing up. ",
"Am I doing something wrong?",
"\nextra code:\nhere is what I put for trying to get it to show up:\n\\\\in JComponent constructore\nsetOpaque(true);\nsetVisible(true);\nsetSize(this.w,this.h);\n\nA:\n\nMy guess: you have a while (true) loop that ties up the Swing event thread, so while you are changing state, the GUI can't repaint itself to show it happening. ",
"Either that or your JComponent's size is very small, too small to show the image.",
"\nFor an answer that's more than a guess, you'll need to ask a more complete question with pertinent code.",
"\nNote that your paintComponent(...) method override is missing its call to the super's method.",
"\nNote: you can test the JComponent's size by adding a getSize() method in your paintComponent:\npublic void paintComponent(Graphics g){\n super.paintComponent(g); // **** don't forget this.",
"\n Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;\n if( this.good ){\n g2d.setColor(Color.green);\n }\n else{\n g2d.setColor(Color.red);\n }\n g2d.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);\n\n // TODO: ***** delete this lines\n System.out.println(\"painting\");\n System.out.println(getSize()); // **** add this***\n}\n\nNote: you should not call setSize(...) on your component. ",
"It is usually misleading as it's often ignored by the layout managers.",
"\n\nA:\n\nThe problem, based on the example code you've provided, is the fact that you are actually painting out side of the bounds of viewable space of the component.",
"\nWhen painting, the top, left corner of the Graphics context is 0x0, Swing has already translated the Graphics context based on the position of the component, so...\ng2d.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h);\n\nIs actually (possibly) painting beyond the viewable area of the component. ",
" For example, if the x position is 10 and y is 10, but height and width is only 10, 10, you are painting at position 10x10, which would be beyond the viewable space of the component, instead, you should try something like...\ng2d.fillRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h);\n\nOr, based on your example code,\npublic void paintComponent(Graphics g){\n Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;\n if( this.good ){\n g2d.setColor(Color.green);\n }\n else{\n g2d.setColor(Color.red);\n }\n super.paintComponent(g2d);\n}\n\nInstead....\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003701 | 5 |
"Getting started : an overview on raising and handling Drosophila.",
"\nDrosophila melanogaster has long been a prime model organism for developmental biologists. ",
"During their work, they have established a large collection of techniques and reagents. ",
"This in turn has made fruit flies an attractive system for many other biomedical researchers who have otherwise no background in fly biology. ",
"This review intends to help Drosophila neophytes in setting up a fly lab. ",
"It briefly introduces the biological properties of fruit flies, describes the minimal equipment required for working with flies, and offers some basic advice for maintaining fly lines and setting up and analyzing experiments."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.004816 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nadd icon and text in JMenu in swing\n\nI am working on swings. ",
"I have to create a mainscreen consisting 10 menus. ",
"\nI have created the form by JFrame and menu by JMenu. ",
"Now that menu should contain text and image both and action performed method should be called on clicking of the menu so that action could be performed on clicking of the menu button.",
"\nRight now I'm making Jmenu with JMenuItem and icon on image icon but I want the menu with icon and text \nmy current code is \npublic class MenuScreen extends JFrame implements ActionListener{\n\n Container cp;\n JMenuBar menuBar;\n\n JLabel logo;\n public MenuScreen() {\n super(\"\");\n cp=this.getContentPane();\n cp.setBackground(Color.gray);\n\n menuBar= new JMenuBar();\n logo=new JLabel(im);\n cp.add(logo);\n logo.setBounds(100,80,500,350);\n\n helpmenu= new JMenu(\" Help \");\n homemenu=new JMenu(\" Home \");\n fieldsmenu= new JMenu(\" Fields \");\n backmenu= new JMenu(\" Back \");\n forwardmenu= new JMenu(\" Forward \");\n panelmenu= new JMenu(\" Panel \");\n searchmenu= new JMenu(\" Search \");\n quickmenu= new JMenu(\" Quick \");\n infomenu= new JMenu(\" Info \");\n exitmenu= new JMenu(\" Exit \");\n mastermenu= new JMenu(\" Master \");\n tarrifmenu= new JMenu(\" Tarrif \"); \n contactmenu= new JMenu(\" Contact \");\n webmenu= new JMenu(\" Web \");\n wordmenu= new JMenu(\" Word \");\n legaldictionarymenu= new JMenu(\" LegalDictionary \");\n budgetmenu=new JMenu(\" Budget 2012 2013 \");\n memberdetailmenu= new JMenu(\" Member Details \");\n\n Font f1= new Font(\"Arial\",Font.",
"BOLD,16);\n\n budgetmenu.setFont(f1);\n legaldictionarymenu.setFont(f1);\n helpmenu.setFont(f1);\n\n JMenuItem backmenuitem= new JMenuItem(backicon);\n backmenu.add(backmenuitem);\n\n JMenuItem exitmenuitem= new JMenuItem(exiticon);\n exitmenu.add(exitmenuitem);\n\n menuBar.add(helpmenu);\n menuBar.add(homemenu);\n menuBar.add(fieldsmenu);\n menuBar.add(backmenu);\n menuBar.add(forwardmenu);\n menuBar.add(panelmenu);\n menuBar.add(searchmenu);\n menuBar.add(quickmenu);\n menuBar.add(infomenu);\n menuBar.add(exitmenu);\n menuBar.add(mastermenu);\n menuBar.add(tarrifmenu);\n menuBar.add(contactmenu);\n menuBar.add(webmenu);\n menuBar.add(wordmenu);\n menuBar.add(legaldictionarymenu);\n menuBar.add(budgetmenu);\n menuBar.add(memberdetailmenu);\n\n setJMenuBar(menuBar);\n\n /*\n Adding Listeners to the menus where required \n\n */\n searchmenu.addActionListener(this);\n\n }\n\n public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)\n {\n JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,\"clicked\");\n if(ae.getActionCommand().equals(\"Search\"))\n {\n\n SearchForm frm=new SearchForm();\n Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();\n frm.setBounds(0,0,screenSize.width, screenSize.height);\n frm.setVisible(true);\n\n } \n\n }\n\n public static void main(String args[])\n{\n\n MenuScreen frm= new MenuScreen();\n\n Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();\n frm.setBounds(0,0,screenSize.width, screenSize.height);\n frm.setVisible(true);\n}\n}\n\nplease help me.",
"\n\nA:\n\nUse the constructor JMenuItem(String text, Icon icon)\nIf you want JMenu with Icon and Text do \nhelpmenu= new JMenu(\" Help \");\nhelpmenu.setIcon(..);\n\nA:\n\n- For the JMenuItem use JMenuItem((String text, Icon icon) constructor,\n- And for JMenu try using the constructor which takes String as an Argument JMenu(String s), and method setIcon()\nFor setting the special key options on the MenuItems use setAccelerator()\nEg:\nmyItem.setAccelerator(\n KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.",
"VK_P, ActionEvent.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.022351 | 5 |
"This invention relates to novel sulfonylurea herbicidal compounds, agriculturally suitable compositions thereof and a method of using them to control the growth of undesired vegetation.",
"\nNew compounds effective for controlling the growth of undesired vegetation are in constant demand. ",
"In the most common situation, such compounds are sought to selectively control the growth of weeds in useful crops such as cotton, rice, corn, wheat and soybeans, to name a few. ",
"Unchecked weed growth in such crops can cause significant losses, reducing profit to the farmer and increasing costs to the consumer. ",
"In other situations, herbicides are desired which will control all plant growth. ",
"Examples of areas in which complete control of all vegetation is desired are areas around fuel storage tanks, ammunition depots and industrial storage areas. ",
"There are many products commercially available for these purposes, but the search continues for products which are more effective, less costly and environmentally safe.",
"\nThe \"sulfonylurea\" herbicides are an extremely potent class of herbicides discovered within the last few years. ",
"A multitude of structural variations exist within this class of herbicides, but they generally consist of a sulfonylurea bridge, --SO.sub.2 NHCONH--, linking two aromatic or heteroaromatic rings.",
"\nU.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,394,506 discloses herbicidal orthoalkoxycarbonylbenzenesulfonamides such as ##STR1## wherein wherein\nR.sub.2 is H, F, Cl, Br, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl, NO.sub.2, SO.sub.2 CH.sub.3, OCH.sub.3, SCH.sub.3, CF.sub.3, N(CH.sub.3).sub.2, NH.sub.2 or CN;\nX is H, Cl, CH.sub.3, OCH.sub.3, OCH.sub.2 CH.sub.3 or OCH.sub.2 CH.sub.2 OCH.sub.3 ; and\nY is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 substituted alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, alkylamino, dialkylamino, etc.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"81/4874 discloses herbicidal sulfonamides of formula ##STR2## wherein\nA is a C.sub.1 -C.sub.6 alkyl radical which is substituted by halogen or various other organic substituents or a C.sub.2 -C.sub.6 alkenyl radical which is substituted or unsubstituted.",
"\nX is O, S, SO or SO.sub.2 ;\nR.sub.1 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or YR.sub.5 ;\nR.sub.2 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, CO.sub.2 R.sub.6, YR.sub.5, NO.sub.2 or CONR.sub.7 R.sub.8 ; and\nR.sub.3 and R.sub.4, each independently of the other, are hydrogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, halogen or alkoxyalkyl of at most 4 carbon atoms.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"82/5042 discloses herbicidal sulfonamides of formula ##STR3## wherein\nA is C.sub.3 -C.sub.6 alkynyl;\nX is O, S, SO or SO.sub.2 ;\nR.sub.1 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or YR.sub.5 ;\nR.sub.2 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, CO.sub.2 R.sub.6, YR.sub.5, NO.sub.2 or CONR.sub.7 R.sub.8 ; and\nR.sub.3 and R.sub.4, independently of one another, are hydrogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, halogen or alkoxyalkyl of at most 4 carbon atoms.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"82/5671 discloses herbicidal sulfonamides of formula ##STR4## wherein\nA is a C.sub.1 -C.sub.6 alkyl radical or a C.sub.2 -C.sub.6 alkenyl radical which is substituted by halogen or various other organic substituents;\nX is O, S, SO or SO.sub.2 ;\nR.sub.1 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or YR.sub.5 ;\nR.sub.2 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, CO.sub.2 R.sub.6, YR.sub.5, NO.sub.2 or CONR.sub.7 R.sub.8 ;\nR.sub.3 is hydrogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, halogen or alkoxyalkyl of at most 4 carbon atoms; and\nR.sub.4 is C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylthio.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"82/7439 discloses herbicidal sulfonamides of formula ##STR5## wherein\nA is a C.sub.3 -C.sub.6 alkynyl group, a C.sub.1 -C.sub.6 alkyl group which is substituted by halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfinyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfonyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylsulfinyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylsulfonyl, or it is a C.sub.2 -C.sub.6 alkenyl group substituted by one of the above substituents;\nX is O, S, SO or SO.sub.2 ;\nR.sub.1 is hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or a YR.sub.6 group;\nR.sub.2 is hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, YR.sub.6, CO.sub.2 R.sub.7, NO.sub.2 or CONR.sub.8 R.sub.9 ;\nR.sub.3 is hydrogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, halogen or alkoxyalkyl having at most 4 carbon atoms;\nR.sub.4 is hydrogen, methyl or ethyl;\nR.sub.5 is hydrogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkoxy, methoxymethyl, cyanomethyl or cyanoethyl;\nR.sub.6 and R.sub.7 are each C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or C.sub.2 -C.sub.6 alkynyl;\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"83/0441 (Swiss priority 1/25/82) discloses herbicidal benzenesulfonamides of formula ##STR6## wherein\nR.sub.1 is H, halogen, NO.sub.2, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxycarbonyl;\nR.sub.2 is C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkoxy, each unsubstituted or substituted by 1 to 3 halogen atoms;\nR.sub.3 is halogen, H, NR.sub.4 R.sub.5, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl, unsubstituted or substituted by 1 to 3 halogen atoms or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, or is C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkoxy, unsubstituted or substitutued by methoxy, ethoxy, or 1 to 3 halogen atoms;\nA is C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylene or C.sub.2 -C.sub.4 alkenylene, each unsubstituted or substituted by C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl;\nm is 0 or 1;\nE is N or CH;\nX is oxygen, sulfur, SO or SO.sub.2 ; and\nQ is, in part, OH, CN, NR.sub.6 R.sub.7, SO.sub.2 R.sub.8, cycloalkyl or COC.sub.1 -C.sub.6 alkyl.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"83/3779 (Swiss priority 5/26/82) discloses herbicidal benzenesulfonamides of formula ##STR7## wherein\nA is C.tbd.",
"CR;\nm is 1 or 2;\nE is CH or N;\nZ is oxygen or sulfur,\nR is, in part, H, C.sub.1 -C.sub.9 alkyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.9 haloalkyl; R.sub.1 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl or YR.sub.5 ;\nR.sub.2 is H, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkenyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, YR.sub.5, CO.sub.2 R.sub.6, NO.sub.2 or CONR.sub.7 R.sub.8 ; R.sub.3 and R.sub.4, each independently of the other, are H, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, C.sub.1-C.sub.4 haloalkylthio, halogen, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkoxyalkyl, NR.sub.9 R.sub.10 or OCH.sub.2 CH.sub.2 NR.sub.9 R.sub.10.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"83/6449 (Swiss priority 9/1/82) discloses herbicidal benzenesulfonamides of formula ##STR8## wherein\nR.sub.1 is H, halogen, NO.sub.2, amino, C.sub.1 -C.sub.5 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl or a QR.sub.7, CO.sub.2 R.sub.8 or (CO).sub.n NR.sub.9 R.sub.10 radical;\nR.sub.2 is H, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, halogen or alkoxyalkyl containing not more than 4 carbon atoms;\nR.sub.3 is C.sub.2 -C.sub.10 alkenyl which is substituted by one or more fluorine or bromine atoms or by one or more hydroxyl, cyano, nitro, (Y).sub.m CO(Z).sub.n R.sub.8, SO.sub.2 NR.sub.11 R.sub.12, S(O).sub.p C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 haloalkyl or S(O).sub.n C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl groups and which may additionally be substituted by one or more chlorine atoms;\nR.sub.4 is C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkoxy or C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 haloalkoxy;\nR.sub.5 is H, halogen, NR.sub.13 R.sub.14, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.3 alkoxy or C.sub.1 -C.sub.2 haloalkoxy; and\nE is CH or N.\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"84/2245 (Swiss priority 3/28/83) discloses herbicidal sulfonamides of formula ##STR9## wherein\nA is C.sub.1 -C.sub.6 haloalkyl;\nR.sub.1 is hydrogen, halogen, nitro, cyano, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfinyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfonyl, COR.sub.6, NR.sub.7 R.sub.8, CONR.sub.9 R.sub.10 or SO.sub.2 NR.sub.11 R.sub.12 ;\nR.sub.2 is hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfinyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfonyl; and\nR.sub.3 and R.sub.4, independently of one another, are each hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.2 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylthio, C.sub.2 -C.sub.4 alkoxyalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy or NR.sub.12 R.sub.13.",
"\nSouth African Patent Application No. ",
"84/2722 (Swiss priority 4/13/83) discloses herbicidal benzenesulfonamides of formula ##STR10## wherein\nA is a radical of the formula CR.sub.6 R.sub.7 XR.sub.8, CR.sub.9 R.sub.10 R.sub.11 or CHR.sub.7 SCQR.sub.21 ;\nR.sub.1 is hydrogen, halogen, nitro, cyano, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, YR.sub.14, CONR.sub.12 R.sub.13, NR.sub.12 R.sub.13, SONR.sub.15 R.sub.16, OSO.sub.2 R.sub.17 or COR.sub.18 ;\nR.sub.2 is hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfinyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfonyl;\nR.sub.3 and R.sub.4, independently of one another, are each hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 haloalkylthio, C.sub.2 -C.sub.5 alkoxyalkyl or NR.sub.19 R.sub.20 ;\nR.sub.9 is hydrogen, halogen, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfinyl or C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylsulfonyl;\nR.sub.10 is hydrogen, halogen or methyl;\nR.sub.11 is a radical COR.sub.24 or a C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkyl group that is mono- or polysubstituted by substituents selected from the group: cyano, nitro, hydroxyl, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkylthio, etc.",
"\nR.sub.18 is H, C.sub.1 -C.sub.4 alkoxy and various other organic radicals.",
"\nThere is a continuing need for new herbicidal compounds which have safety to selective crops and which control both grassy and broadleaf weeds."
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"As early as 1968, Whitney Young Jr. stood before the American Institute of Architects and admonished the profession for not taking on racial injustice, saying, \"You are not a profession that has distinguished itself by your social and civic contributions to the cause of civil rights, and I am sure this has not come to you as any shock. ",
"You are most distinguished by your thunderous silence and your complete irrelevance. ",
"Now, you have a nice, normal escape hatch in your historical ethical code or something that says after all, you are the designers and not the builders; your role is to give the people what they want. ",
"Now, that’s a nice, easy way to cop out. … ",
"It took a great deal of skill and creativity and imagination to build the situation of [segregated neighborhoods] we have, and it is going to take skill and imagination and creativity to change it. ",
"We are going to have to have people as committed to doing the right thing, to inclusiveness, as we have in the past to exclusiveness.\"",
"\n\nAs architects, designers and planners, it is an uncomfortable realization to feel even the slightest responsibility for the social inequities in our communities. ",
"The disparities in quality of life indicators such as income, wealth, educational attainment, incarceration rates, health outcomes and life expectancy are all drastically skewed toward Americans who are white and against Americans of color. ",
"What role could architects possibly play in this?",
"\n\nFor the last decade I’ve been focused on the various ways the built environment, and architecture in particular, reinforces and contributes to social inequity. ",
"I’ve primarily done this through research, teaching and exploration through practice. ",
"I began my career as an architect focused on sustainability, and, like everyone else in the sustainability movement, was taught the foundational definition of sustainable development from the Brundtland Commission: \"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.\"",
"\n\nThroughout the early part of my career — after working on dozens of LEED Platinum and Gold buildings, zero-energy buildings, zero-carbon plans for entire cities, sustainability strategies for Fortune 500 companies — I came to see that what we were doing was not living up to that definition. ",
"All around me, despite the amazingly high performance and sustainable projects we were creating, I saw people in my community who were struggling to obtain even the most basic needs of shelter, food, medical care and education.",
"\n\nDespite the amazingly high performance and sustainable projects we were creating, I saw people in my community struggling to obtain even the most basic needs. ",
"I revisited that definition and saw that what we had been doing was not meeting the needs of today. ",
"At best, we have been meeting the \"wants\" of today for some, in a way that allows them and others like them to continue to pursue their \"wants\" in the future. ",
"As a profession and a movement, we’ve become extremely good at delivering highly efficient, healthier and more comfortable buildings. ",
"But the sustainable design movement has been so focused on pursuing those aspects of sustainability, and perfecting our collective ability to deliver them, that the achievement of those aspects has become the de facto goal in and of itself. ",
"We have stopped asking ourselves, 'What is it we are really trying to sustain?'",
"\n\nA critical look at the successes we’ve collectively had in the sustainable design movement over the last decade would suggest that while we are making great strides toward a healthier, carbon-free built environment, those successes are not equally available to all. ",
"In fact, many of our greatest successes are quite elitist. ",
"Despite our Venn diagrams and three-legged stools of people, planet and profit, we seem to have focused on the planet and profit portions of these through what I call a \"trickle-down\" equity framework.",
"\n\nThe logic of trickle-down equity is this: I’m working to solve climate change, which affects everyone, and affects the poorest and least advantaged the most. ",
"Therefore, my zero-energy building is very equitable. ",
"Meanwhile, every day in the very same communities where our greatest sustainable buildings exist, people are struggling with issues of poverty, racism and other social injustices. ",
"Unless we begin to make equity our goal, all of our successes in the sustainable design movement will only serve to sustain inequity.",
"\n\nInstead of treating equity as an inevitable trickle-down benefit, or by-product of our work, we need to make it a focus. ",
"What if instead of treating \"sustainability\" as the goal of every project, we made solving issues of equity the goal of every project, and \"sustainably\" was merely the way that we solved the problems?",
"\n\nI often reference the racist bridges of Robert Moses to help illustrate both the potential for the built environment to contribute to these problems, and raise the question of what our role as architects, designers and planners today can be.",
"\n\nRobert Moses, the infamous figure whose vision shaped the built environment of New York throughout the 1930s and into the 1970s and '80s, has been chronicled as \"the most racist human being I had ever really encountered\" by his biographer Robert Caro.",
"\n\nUnless we begin to make equity our goal, all of our successes in the sustainable design movement will only serve to sustain inequity.",
"\n\nIn Caro’s Pulitzer-Prize winning biography of Moses , he relays a famous story about Jones Beach and Moses’ intention to prevent poor people, particularly poor people of color, to be able to use the beach. ",
"To achieve this, Moses lobbied for legislation and policies to make it uncomfortable, difficult or discouraging for people of color to access the beach. ",
"But he didn’t stop there. ",
"According to Caro, he built as many as 180 bridges over the main access drive that were too low for buses to pass under, because \"Legislation can always be changed. ",
"It’s very hard to tear down a bridge once it’s up.\"",
"\n\nLiteral, structural racism is pervasive throughout our built environment. ",
"The racist ideologies of segregationists who were also the planners, architects and policymakers of the day shaped the fabric of every major urban center in the United States, from race-based zoning to red-lining practices to urban renewal projects. ",
"As Young said, architects \"share the responsibility for the mess we are in, [in] terms of the white noose around the central city. ",
"It didn’t just happen. ",
"We didn’t just suddenly get this situation. ",
"It was carefully planned.\"",
"\n\nThe receptiveness to this kind of conversation has increased over the last few years, but we still have a long way to go. ",
"Healing the entrenched racism of decades past is a big ask for an architect, and even if we want to do something about it, we often feel helpless. ",
"In almost every conversation, I hear a similar response, \"But it isn’t in my scope of work as an architect to address these things.\"",
"\n\nControlling scope creep is one of the culturally ingrained practices that architects have adopted — in part out of necessity to protect fees and time, but also in part as our \"nice, normal escape hatch\" — to alleviate our responsibility in addressing the most complicated and entrenched problems of our time.",
"\n\nStill, it is true that our current definition of scope and purpose for architecture does not involve civil rights or social justice. ",
"Indeed, there are still echoes of our collective \"thunderous silence and complete irrelevance\" from 1968. ",
"Now, 50 years later, we could do more harm than good if we overstep and overestimate our ability to address some of these issues.",
"\n\nWhat I propose is a massive change to our scope and mental framework of what it means to practice sustainable development. ",
"But how?",
"\n\nJust as my investigation of these issues began with sustainability, we can look to that movement and our success there for inspiration. ",
"In the 1990s — before LEED, before the Living Building Challenge, before the contemporary sustainability movement — addressing climate change was not a part of an architect’s scope of work. ",
"Then we began to see \"sustainable design services\" as additional services, the domain of specialty consultants and Sustainable Design Leaders at large firms. ",
"Finally, just a few months ago, the AIA amended the professional code of ethics to require members to \"consider the environmental effects of their project decisions.\"",
"\n\nWe have stopped asking ourselves, 'What is it we are really trying to sustain?' ",
"Solving climate change has gone from not in our scope to being a requirement in less than 30 years. ",
"We made this drastic shift once we realized the way that architecture contributes to the problem, and we adopted climate change as our cause. ",
"As a result, we changed the entire design process, we changed our specifications, we changed our contract language, we changed our fee structures, we collectively created a new type of consulting firm focused exclusively on sustainability services, we created new job descriptions and roles, new professional credentials, created new metrics, and invented green building rating systems. ",
"But that’s just within architecture. ",
"We’ve also changed what is taught in schools, the way we practice engineering, how buildings are constructed, how they are financed, the way they are operated and permitted, how we write zoning policy, the way energy is produced and billed, and even how products are manufactured. ",
"We changed things that are very much not in the scope or job description of an architect.",
"\n\nWe changed all of those things not as an individual act of architecture, but by enrolling other advocates in their respective fields to help us. ",
"We talked about climate change and the way the built environment contributes to it, and together, we changed everything.",
"\n\nIt is long past time for us to do the same with social justice. ",
"The built environment enables and contributes to the inequities we see in our communities, and we need to recruit sociologists, historians, community organizers, public health professionals and many others to help us reinvent everything.",
"\n\nDrawing inspiration from Young yet again: \"The decent people have to learn to speak up, and you shouldn’t have to be the victim to feel for other people. … ",
"An ancient Greek Scholar [once said], ‘We shall achieve victory in Athens and justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as indignant as those who are.’ ",
"And so shall it be with this problem of human rights in this country.\""
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"Q:\n\nAssistance in completing the proof: (P → Q)∧(Q → R) is equivalent to (P → R)∧ [(P ↔ Q) ∨ (R ↔ Q)] using logical equivalencies\n\nThere is a proof in a previous thread that converts the two expressions (P → Q)∧(Q → R) and (P → R)∧ [(P ↔ Q) ∨ (R ↔ Q)] to a CNF-formula thereby proving their equivalencies. ",
"\nI am approaching the proof from an entirely different proof technique and am stuck. ",
"Instead of using truth tables, or converting these two expressions to the same CNF/DNF-formulas I'd rather prove this by using logical equivalencies. ",
"\nI am having trouble filling in the missing steps, as I get into a distributive property loop in my attempt to group and eliminate terms.",
"\nCan someone show me how to complete the proof that I started and help me fill in my missing steps?",
"\nBelow is my proof attempt:\n$(P \\to R)\\land [(P \\def\\liff{\\leftrightarrow}\\liff Q) \\lor (R \\liff Q)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [(P\\to Q) \\land (Q\\to P) \\lor (R\\to Q) \\land (Q\\to R)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [(P\\to Q) \\land (\\lnot P\\to\\lnot Q) \\lor (R\\to Q) \\land (\\lnot R\\to\\lnot Q)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [(\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land (\\lnot\\lnot P \\lor\\lnot Q) \\lor (\\lnot R \\lor Q) \\land (\\lnot\\lnot R \\lor \\lnot Q)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [(\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor\\lnot Q) \\lor (\\lnot R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor\\lnot Q)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [((\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land P) \\lor (\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land\\lnot Q) \\lor (\\lnot R \\lor Q) \\land R) \\lor (\\lnot R \\lor Q) \\land\\lnot Q)] =$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor R) \\land [(P \\land(\\lnot P \\lor Q)) \\lor (\\lnot Q \\land (\\lnot P \\lor Q)) \\lor (R \\land (\\lnot R \\lor Q)) \\lor (\\lnot Q \\land (\\lnot R \\lor Q))] =$\n…steps...\n$(\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land (\\lnot R\\to\\lnot Q)=$ \n$(\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land (\\lnot\\lnot R \\lor\\lnot Q)=$\n$(\\lnot P \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor\\lnot Q)=$\n$(P \\to Q)\\land (Q \\to R)$\nQ.E.D\nI would like to see how to complete the \"steps\" part, as this is where my chain of distributive property loops begin that don't lead me closer to the conclusion. ",
"Could someone show me a complete proof?",
"\n\nA:\n\nHere are some useful but elementary equivalence principles:\nComplement\n$$P \\lor \\neg P \\Leftrightarrow \\top$$\n$$P \\land \\neg P \\Leftrightarrow \\bot$$\nAnnihilation\n$$P \\lor \\top \\Leftrightarrow \\top$$\n$$P \\land \\bot \\Leftrightarrow \\bot$$\nIdentity\n$$P \\land \\top \\Leftrightarrow P$$\n$$P \\lor \\bot \\Leftrightarrow P$$\nIdempotence\n$$P \\lor P = P$$\n$$P \\land P = P$$\nAlso, as you noticed, the whole big right terms does indeed not get you anywhere ... you need to work in the left term $\\neg P \\lor R$\nSo, starting a few lines from before you get 'stuck' (because indeed, you're just going in loops at that point) (and also throwing in some necessary parentheses):\n$(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land [\\color{red}((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)\\color{red}) \\lor \\color{red}((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)\\color{red})] =$\n$(\\neg P \\land [((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)) \\lor ((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q))]) \\lor (R \\land [((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)) \\lor ((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q))]) =$\n$[\\neg P \\land ((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q))] \\lor [\\neg P \\land ((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q))] \\lor [R \\land ((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q))] \\lor [R \\land ((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q))] =$\n(dropping unncessary parentheses)\n$[\\neg P \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [\\neg P \\land (\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)]$\nOK, now two handy laws are:\nAbsorption\n$$P \\land (P \\lor Q) = P$$\nReduction\n$$P \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) = P \\land Q$$\nApplying these, we get:\n$[\\neg P \\land \\neg Q] \\lor [\\neg P \\land (\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land Q ]$\nOK, and now 'unDistribute' the $\\neg P $ and the $R$:\n$= [\\neg P \\land (\\neg Q \\lor ((\\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)))] \\lor [R \\land (((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)) \\lor Q) ]$\nand now you can distribute the $\\neg Q$ and the $Q$:\n$= [\\neg P \\land (\\neg Q \\lor (\\neg R \\lor Q)) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor (R \\lor \\neg Q))] \\lor [R \\land ((\\neg P \\lor Q) \\lor Q) \\land ((P \\lor \\neg Q) \\lor Q) ] =$\n(dropping unncessary parentheses)\n$[\\neg P \\land (\\neg Q \\lor \\neg R \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor Q) ]$\nAnd now you can use those simplification laws from the start of my post:\n(Complement:)\n$[\\neg P \\land (\\neg R \\lor \\top) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\top) ]$\n(Annihilation:)\n$=[\\neg P \\land \\top \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land \\top ]$\n(Identity:)\n$=[\\neg P \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q)] \\lor [R \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q)]$\n(Distribution:)\n$=(\\neg P \\land R) \\lor (\\neg P \\land \\neg Q) \\lor (R \\land \\neg P) \\lor (R \\land Q)$\n(Commutation:)\n$=(\\neg P \\land R) \\lor (\\neg P \\land \\neg Q) \\lor (\\neg P \\land R) \\lor (R \\land Q)$\n(Idempotence:)\n$=(\\neg P \\land R) \\lor (\\neg P \\land \\neg Q) \\lor (R \\land Q)$\n(Distribution 2*2*2:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor \\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg P \\lor R) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (R \\lor \\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\neg Q \\lor Q)$\n(Complement:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\top) \\land (\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (R \\lor \\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (R \\lor \\top)$\n(Annihilation:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land \\top \\land (\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (R \\lor \\neg P \\lor Q) \\land \\top$\n(Identity:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor \\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R) \\land (R \\lor \\neg P \\lor Q) $\n(two Absorptions and an Idempotence:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R)$\nPhew! ",
"Almost there ....\nNow, use:\nAdjacency\n$$P = (P \\lor Q) \\land (P \\lor \\neg Q)$$\nApplied to where we were:\n$(\\neg P \\lor R) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R)$\n(Adjacency:)\n$=(\\neg P \\lor R \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg P \\lor R \\lor \\neg Q) \\land (\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R)$\n(Two Absorptions)\n$(\\neg P \\lor Q) \\land (\\neg Q \\lor R)$\n.. and finally we're there! ",
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"Search\n\nWhat a Championship Saturday that was. ",
"Brentford drew 2-2 with Bolton (or lost 3-1 depending on if you were watching the half time Zorb action or the main event), Birmingham City and Bournemouth shared 8 goals between one of the two teams whilst Leeds United changed managers. ",
"As for Ipswich Town, their home game with Huddersfield Town was graced with a visit from Clem….",
"\n\nTo read the rest of this article, season 2014/15 is now available to download onto Kindle (and other electronic reading device) in full. ",
"Containing additional material and even some (poor) editing, you can get it here for less than the cost of a Griffin Park matchday programme or Balti Pie.",
"\n\nThanks for reading and all your comments over the course of the season. ",
"For now, I need to make more space on the site for any follow up. ",
"However, ‘close season’ will continue in full, further along.",
"\n\nWe need to start today by saying congratulations to Wolves. ",
"Whilst Brentford failed to pick up one of the two victories needed to secure promotion, our title rivals had no such problem in getting the three points they required.",
"\n\nDespite a mid season wobble that let Brentford back into the race, Wolves have been an excellent side and so deserve to end the campaign by going up rather than down (as has been the case for the previous two)."
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"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates generally to a mobile communication network. ",
"More particularly, the present invention relates to a mobile communication network for the provision of digital optical transmission through an optical link in the base transceiver system of a digital cellular system (DCS), a mobile telephone network, a personal communication system, a mobile communication system of the next generation (IMT2000), etc.",
"\n2. ",
"Description of the Related Art\nFIG. ",
"1 illustrates a conventional mobile communication system for controlling a plurality of base transceiver systems, which comprises a mobile station (MS) 12; a plurality of base transceiver systems (BTS) 5; a base station controller (BSC) 3 in communication with the BTSs; a mobile switching center (MSC) 2 coupled to the BSC 3; and, a public switching telephone network (PSTN) 1. ",
"The mobile station 12 is a terminal unit that allows a subscriber to communicate within the mobile communication networks. ",
"The base transceiver systems 5 establish a wireless connection to the mobile station 12 and control the mobile station 12 through the established communication channels. ",
"The base station controller 3 controls both wireless and wired connections and couples the existing network to other communication networks. ",
"A single base station controller 3 typically employs E1/T1 links for controlling the plurality of BTSs 5. ",
"However, the installation cost of the plurality of BTSs is enormous and each BTS only provides a limited cell coverage area. ",
"A cell is classified according to its size, i.e., a macro cell (about 5 km-30 km); a micro cell (about 500 m-1 km); and a mega cell using low-orbit satellites (100 km). ",
"For example, the reference number 6 represents the cell coverage of a base transceiver system 5.",
"\nA plurality of optical repeaters 7 employing a sub-carrier multiplexing (SCM) scheme have been developed to provide services beyond the assigned cell coverage area in the areas where the installation of the base transceiver systems is difficult and the reception of the electromagnetic radiation signals is poor. ",
"The optical repeaters 7 are employed to secure a broader cell coverage in the regions where the traffic usage is low. ",
"In this prior art system, many remote base transceiver systems (BTSs) includes optical repeaters that are installed within the network with one reference base transceiver system 5 for controlling the optical repeaters 7. ",
"In the regions where the installation of a reference BTS 5 is costly and the expected traffic is not so heavy, i.e., skiing resorts, golf courses, streets, remote villages, optical repeaters are used to cover the same regions (i.e., reference number 8 represents the cell coverage of each optical repeater) in the prior art system. ",
"To this end, the optical divider 11 is provided in the reference base transceiver system 5 to transmit data to each optical repeater 7 through the optical fibers 10. ",
"Thus, the conventional art system has some merit of efficiently reducing the enormous cost of installing the reference base transceiver system 5.",
"\nHowever, the optical divider 11 used in the prior art system has some drawbacks in that the multiple optical fibers 10 has be installed as many as the respective optical repeaters 7. ",
"Another drawback is that the optical fibers 10 corresponding to the respective optical repeaters 7 have to be installed around highways, in tunnels and buildings. ",
"As each repeater requires a dedicated fiber line, the cost of this type of installation is very high.",
"\nMoreover, the conventional mobile communication system is not equipped to prove multimedia service requiring higher speed and capacity, thus causing a problem during an access operation between the optical repeaters and the base transceiver systems.",
"\nAs the prior art system employs optical repeaters to secure broader coverage beyond the existing cell coverage of the BTSs by means of the optical fibers matching the respective optical repeaters, it has a structural disadvantage in installation around highways or inside buildings. ",
"Moreover, if the optical fibers are arranged in parallel, the expenses associated in installing the optical fibers and the dedicated lines will increase dramatically. ",
"Furthermore, the distance between the reference base transceiver system and the optical repeaters is limited in the range of 20 Km. ",
"Hence, the business sector would have the double burden of installing more optical repeaters as well as the reference base transceiver system."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000519 | 5 |
"Bluetooth accessories have been selling like gang busters recently. ",
"There is a wide variety of bluetooth accessories on the market right now, from ear pieces to bluetooth adapters that will read the codes in your vehicle. ",
"Bluetooth desktop speakers allow the user to broadcast their audio, such as Pandora or Spotify directly to the speaker. ",
"Most built in speakers on modern cell phones sound horrible. ",
"The sound is tinny and sound reproduction is lacking. ",
"Having a bluetooth speaker on your desk at work or home can improve the quality of the sound from your phone or other bluetooth device. ",
"The Rosewill R-Studio Ampbox is one such speaker. ",
"The Rosewill R-Studio Ampbox boasts great sound with long battery life.",
"\n\nFeatures\n\n-A2DP Bluetooth with 30 foot range for wireless music streaming -Built-in microphone for phone calls -Rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery offers up to 12 hours of playtime (Battery Life Varies by volume and audio content) -Works with any audio device that has Bluetooth or 3.5mm audio plug such as MP3 players, iPods, iPads, iPhones, Android Phones and Tablets\n\n[sc:sponsor sponsor=”Rosewill” product_link=”http://www.rosewill.com/products/2519/ProductDetail_Overview.htm” product_name=”Rosewill R-Studio Ampbox Bluetooth Speaker” ]\n\nSpecifications\n\nModel\n\nBrand Rosewill Type Bluetooth Portable Speaker Model Ampbox\n\nGeneral SPEC\n\nColor Red Driver Unit 2” Full-Range Speakers x 2, Passive Bass Driver x 1 Frequency Response 80Hz -20Khz Music Play Time Up to 12 hours (Battery Life Varies by volume and audio content) Talk Time Up to 12 hours Operating Range 30 Feet Bluetooth Version A2DP, V3.0+EDR with microphone AUX-In 3.5mm\n\nPackaging"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.005188 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nShow that the sequence converges\n\nI am hoping to have my proof reviewed for verification. ",
"Thanks. ",
"\nProblem:\n\nLet $X$ be a topological space and let $Y$ be a metric space. ",
"Let $f_n: X \\to Y$ be a sequence of continuous functions. ",
"Let $x_n$ be a sequence of points in $X$ converging to $x \\in X$. Show that if the sequence $(f_n)$ converges uniformly to $f$, then $f_n(x_n)$ converges to $f(x)$. \n\nProof:\nSince each $f_n$ is continuous, $Y$ is a metric space, and $f_n$ converges to $f$ uniformly, then $f$ is continuous.",
"\nLet $U$ be an open set containing $f(x)$. \nTake $V$ to be the open ball of some radius $ε$ centered at $f(x)$, where $V$ is contained within $U$. \nLet $W$ be the open ball of radius $\\dfracε2$, centered at $f(x)$. Then so far we have: $W \\subset V \\subset U$. \nThen $f^{-1}(W)$ is an open set containing $x$. Then there exists some $n_1$ such that for $n > n_1, x_n \\in f^{-1}(W)$. \nThen $f(x_n) \\in W$ for $n > n_1$.\nThen choose an $n_2$ such that $d(f(x), f_n(x)) < \\dfracε2, \\forall x, \\forall n > n_2$. Such an $n_2$ exists since $f_n$ converges uniformly to $f$. (Note: $d$ is the distance function on the metric space $Y$). ",
"\nTake $n_3$ to be maximum of $n_1$ and $n_2$. Then for $n > n_3$, the sequence $f_n(x_n)$ is contained within $V$ and hence, $U$. So the sequence converges to $f(x)$ since $U$ was chosen to be an arbitrary open set containing $f(x)$.\n\nA:\n\nIt's a completely valid proof which I would write differently (more formulae, fewer words): \nTake $\\varepsilon > 0$. As $f$ is continuous at $x$ (for the reasons you stated) we can find an open neighbourhood $U$ of $x$ such that \n$$\\text{ (1): } \\forall p \\in U : d(f(p) ,f(x)) < {\\varepsilon \\over 2}$$\nAnd as $x_n \\to x$, we can find $N_1 \\in \\mathbb{N}$ such that:\n$$\\text{ (2): } \\forall n \\ge N_1: x_n \\in U$$\nCombining (2) with (1) we thus have:\n$$\\text{ (2a): } \\forall n \\ge N_1: d(f(x_n), f(x)) < {\\varepsilon \\over 2}$$\nAnd by uniform convergence of $f_n$ to $f$, we can find $N_2 \\in \\mathbb{N}$ such that:\n$$\\text{ (3): } \\forall n \\ge N_2: \\forall x \\in X: d(f_n(x), f(x)) < {\\varepsilon \\over 2}$$ \nNow taking $n \\ge N_3 = \\max(N_1, N_2)$, by the triangle inequality we see:\n$$d(f_n(x_n), f(x)) \\le d(f_n(x_n), f_n(x)) + d(f_n(x), f(x)) < {\\varepsilon \\over 2} + {\\varepsilon \\over 2} = \\varepsilon$$\nbecause we can apply (2a) and (3) at the end. ",
"As $\\varepsilon>0$ was arbitrary, we have shown $f_n(x_n) \\to f(x)$, as required.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.001918 | 5 |
"Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nMyasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that affects the neuromuscular junction and neuromuscular transmission, therefore it causes muscle weakness. ",
"The most common form involves antibodies against the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AchR), reaching up to 80% of the cases. ",
"The phenotype can also vary, with several muscle groups affected in different ways. ",
"The most commonly affected are the eyes muscles. ",
"The most serious manifestations are the myasthenic crisis (MC) and the cholinergic crisis \\[[@CR1]\\].",
"\n\nMG patients are a challenge for anesthesiologists in several aspects. ",
"Antibiotics, sedatives, inhalational anesthetics and surgical stress can trigger its symptoms \\[[@CR1]\\]. ",
"In this scenario, neuromuscular blocking agent (NMB) use increases the risk of residual paralysis. ",
"Succinylcholine is not recommended for myasthenia as it has a slower onset of action and a delayed recovery. ",
"The myasthenic patient has greater sensitivity to nondepolarizing NMB due to the reduced number of functional AChR \\[[@CR1]\\]. ",
"Sugammadex may be a safe option in the reversal of neuromuscular blockade by rocuronium. ",
"This duet may be considered the first choice when neuromuscular block in MG patients is needed \\[[@CR2]--[@CR7]\\]. ",
"However, there are some cases in the literature that report failures with these drugs in myasthenic patients \\[[@CR8]\\] as well as in patients without myasthenia \\[[@CR9]\\]. ",
"The purpose of this case report is to highlight the importance of cholinesterase inhibitors management and neuromuscular block monitoring in the perioperative period of myasthenic patients, even with the use of rocuronium-sugammadex. ",
"Written informed consent was obtained from the patient.",
"\n\nCase presentation {#Sec2}\n=================\n\nMG female patient, 27 years old, 110 kg, 172 cm, BMI 37.18 kg/m^2^, in use of azathioprine (150 mg qDay) and pyridostigmine (240 mg qDay), submitted to videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy. ",
"On the days before the surgery, her disease was stable, under pharmacological treatment, with no symptoms. ",
"No plasmapheresis was performed. ",
"At the morning of the day of the surgery, she received pyridostigmine 240 mg. ",
"Orotracheal intubation was performed by fiberoscopy, under topical anesthesia, as the patient had a closed previous tracheostomy, followed by venous induction after intratracheal cannula position confirmation. ",
"For neuromuscular block monitoring, an acceleromyography method device was used (TOF Watch®). ",
"Before the injection of rocuronium (20 mg -- 01xED~95~ for ideal body weight), this device was calibrated, and the train-of-four ratio (TOF) ratio was 100%. ",
"Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane. ",
"The timeline of events during anesthesia is illustrated in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ",
"The patient was maintained under temperature control and monitoring. ",
"Warm air blanket device and pharyngeal thermometer were used. ",
"She had normal core temperature at all times (36--36.8 °C). ",
"The surgery had no intercurrences. ",
"She kept hemodynamic stability during all time of surgery. ",
"At the end of the surgery, the neuromuscular monitor showed one response to four stimuli. ",
"A first bolus dose of sugammadex 200 mg (equivalent to approximately 2 mg/kg, for body weight) was used at 3:50 PM. ",
"At 4:15 PM the TOF counting presented four responses and TOF ratio (TOFR) was 45%. ",
"A second bolus of 200 mg of sugammadex did not change the TOFR results. ",
"At 4:25 PM, another 200 mg was administered, followed by a slight improvement in neuromuscular monitor (TOFR of 50%). ",
"Extubation was performed on her awakening at 4:35 PM, as she was in adequate spontaneous breathing with minimal support by mechanical ventilator. ",
"She complained of respiratory discomfort, and 200 mg of sugammadex were injected at 4:40 PM without clinical improvement and no changes on neuromuscular monitor (TOFR of 60%). ",
"At this point, it was decided to administer neostigmine 2 mg and atropine 0,5 mg, at 4:50 PM, which resulted in a progressive improvement of respiratory pattern. ",
"At 5:00 PM, neuromuscular monitor showed TOFR of 100%. ",
"The patient was then maintained under supplemental O2 5L/min by facial mask and then referred to the ICU with no adverse events until final discharge to the ward. ",
"Table 1Summary and timing of perioperative eventsTime1:50 PM2:00 PM2:05 PM3:00 PM3:50 PM4:15 PM4:25 PM4:35 PM4:40 PM4:50 PM5:00 PMEventAwake intubationPost intubationBeginning of surgeryIntraoperative periodEnd of surgeryEspontaneous breathingInhaled agent turned offAwaking and extubationRespiratory discomfortRespiratory discomfortNo respiratory discomfortTOF Count (N responses) or TOF Ratio (%)100%--0 response3 responses1 response45%50%60%60%60%100%Propofol (mg)--100------------------Ketamine (mg)----50----------------Fentanyl (mcg)250250150100--------------Rocuronium (mg)--20--5--------------Sevoflurane expiractory fraction (%)-- off--------Sugammadex (mg)--------200200200--200----Neostigmine (mg)------------------2--\n\nDiscussion and conclusions {#Sec3}\n==========================\n\nMG has long been a challenge for anesthesiologists. ",
"Plasmapheresis or administration of intravenous immunoglobulins prior to surgery have already been recommended for these patients \\[[@CR1]\\]. ",
"Currently, these practices are reserved for patients with poor control of symptoms requiring surgery. ",
"In elective cases, it is better to perform surgery at best moment of disease control, with lower doses of symptomatic and immunosuppressive medications. ",
"Pre-anesthetic medications (benzodiazepines and other sedatives) should be avoided \\[[@CR7]\\]. ",
"An alternative for the NMB is the use of inhaled anesthetics in high concentrations.",
"\n\nIn many cases, however, if NMB is needed, empirical experience in several case reports indicates that reduction of 50% of the usual dose is recommended in these patients \\[[@CR1]\\]. ",
"The choice of rocuronium-sugammadex is the preferred option in the current scenario, although the dose of sugammadex in myasthenia is not standardized yet. ",
"Case reports of success used doses of 2 to 4 mg/kg for moderate and intense blocks \\[[@CR2]--[@CR7]\\]. ",
"In our case, sugammadex was used in fractional doses of 200 mg (equivalent to 1,81 mg/kg) and guided by quantitative TOF monitoring, in a total of 800 mg (equivalent to 7,27 mg/kg) which should have been an effective dose.",
"\n\nMyasthenic crisis (MC) or worsening of myasthenia status may be another perioperative problem. ",
"Sepsis, use of corticosteroids, surgical stress, pregnancy, stop of immunosuppressive agents and use of drugs that interfere with neuromuscular junction can increase muscle weakness. ",
"In this case, in addition to surgical stress and NMB, sevoflurane was also used. ",
"These factors may be causes of decreased TOF measurements \\[[@CR1]\\]. ",
"An important item to be considered is the treatment agent for MG, the cholinesterase inhibitors agents. ",
"It is possible that the delay in recovery of the TOFR resulted from falling of pyridostigmine blood levels. ",
"That might be the reason why the patient recovered so quickly after neostigmine administration \\[[@CR1]\\].",
"\n\nTo this date, no randomized studies have been conducted with sugammadex in the specific group of myasthenic patients. ",
"The majority of patients was reported on case series and case reports \\[[@CR1]--[@CR5], [@CR7]\\]. ",
"Neuromuscular blockade with rocuronium and its reversal with sugammadex seems to be the best option, when NMB is needed \\[[@CR6], [@CR7]\\], but it does not dispense from the use of objective neuromuscular monitoring.",
"\n\nIn general anesthesia, several conditions that may interfere in the recovery to the neuromuscular blockade should be considered, like the unpredictability of NMBs in patients with MG, the greater sensitivity to the non-depolarizing agents, the lack of standardized dose of NMBs in these patients and the precise magnitude of anesthetic drugs (hypnotic, opioids, volatile anesthetics) interference as well as other substances. ",
"The use of rocuronium-sugammadex may not be completely predictable without neuromuscular blockade monitoring, since patients with MG may manifest MC or even MG worsening in the perioperative period, regardless of NMB. ",
"The present report adds to the literature supporting to the use of neuromuscular blockade monitoring as mandatory for surgeries in patients with MG, especially in cases where NMB is required.",
"\n\nAchR\n\n: Acetylcholine receptor\n\nMC\n\n: Myasthenic crisis\n\nMG\n\n: Myasthenia gravis\n\nNMB\n\n: Neuromuscular blocking agent\n\nTOF\n\n: Train-of-four\n\nTOFR\n\n: Train-of-four ratio\n\n**Publisher's Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.",
"\n\nWe thank the General Surgery Team for having respected our management conducts in this case and our wish to publish this case for educational purposes.",
"\n\nH.S.F. was involved in the care of the patient and did the writing of the paper. ",
"J.L.S.X. did the chart review, literature review and writing of the paper. ",
"D.I.N was involved in the care of the patient and collaborated on paper writing. ",
"H.A.A collaborated on paper writing and review of the paper. ",
"J.E.V. collaborated on paper writing and did the final review of the paper. ",
"All authors read and approved the final manuscript.",
"\n\nData are available on request due to privacy or other restrictions. ",
"The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author HSF. ",
"The data are not publicly available due to them containing information that could compromise research participant privacy/consent.",
"\n\nNot applicable.",
"\n\nWritten informed consent to participate and for publication was obtained from the patient. ",
"The signed informed consent form is available to the Editor upon request.",
"\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | [
] | 0.004535 | 5 |
"Introduction {#S5}\n============\n\nThe endogenous circadian system is involved in the regulation of sleep-wake behaviors as well as key metabolic pathways.^[@R1]^ Recent research has demonstrated both the timing and duration of sleep may influence risk for cardiometabolic disease.^[@R2],\\ [@R3]^ In particular, several recent studies have reported higher BMI associated with later sleep timing, independent of sleep duration.^[@R4]--[@R6]^ However, a limitation of this literature is that few studies have included biological markers of circadian timing (e.g., melatonin). ",
"There are several pathways in which late sleep timing may affect weight regulation. ",
"Individuals may curtail their sleep in order to meet occupational or social demands. ",
"In addition, individuals with late sleep timing also may have greater barriers to engaging in healthful diet and exercise behaviors due to competing demands after work and school obligations.^[@R4],\\ [@R7]^ Another factor may be that late timing may impact weight regulation through alignment of the circadian rhythm. ",
"The need to habitually sleep earlier in the circadian rhythm may lead to misalignment, which then contributes to changes in metabolism and behavior.^[@R8]^\n\nCircadian misalignment has multiple definitions, but has primarily been defined as alteration of sleep-wake timing relative to the endogenous circadian rhythm. ",
"It is hypothesized that circadian rhythm misalignment among shift workers contributes to increased rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease risk compared with non-shift workers.^[@R9]--[@R11]^ One of the primary effects of shifting the sleep period relative to the appropriate circadian time is sleep disruption, which has been well documented among shift workers.^[@R12]^ Therefore, it is difficult to tease apart the independent effects of circadian alignment versus sleep duration, particularly in real life settings. ",
"Several studies have used laboratory protocols, such as forced desynchrony or simulated shift work in attempts to isolate the effects of circadian misalignment, independent of sleep duration, and have demonstrated that circadian misalignment leads to impairments in glucose metabolism and alterations in appetite stimulating hormones even after controlling for sleep timing and quality.^[@R13]--[@R17]^ However, these studies typically evaluate major misalignment, such as that seen in shift work (e.g., 8--12 hours shifted from the individual's typical overnight sleep wake schedule). ",
"Circadian misalignment can also be present in more minor forms, such as jet lag from only a few time zones, or due to changing sleep timing several hours to fit social or occupational obligations from weekdays to weekends. ",
"Less is known about the health effects of these minor degrees of circadian misalignment in non-shift workers.",
"\n\nOne method of quantifying circadian alignment in daily life is by phase angle, which is calculated as the duration between dim light melatonin onset and sleep onset time. ",
"Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO), a marker of the nocturnal rise in melatonin, is a well-accepted measure of the timing of the endogenous circadian rhythm.^[@R19]^ The relationship between the timing of melatonin and other behavioral and biological markers (e.g. sleep onset) has been called \"phase angle\" and it is thought to be an excellent marker of alignment of the behavioral rhythm or other variables with the central circadian rhythm. ",
"On average, the duration between DLMO and sleep onset is 2 hours among individuals with controlled (i.e. 8 hours in bed, consistent bedtimes/wake times) and uncontrolled (i.e. self-selected) sleep schedules.^[@R20],\\ [@R21]^ Individual differences in circadian alignment have been reported based on sex^[@R22],\\ [@R23]^, age^[@R24],\\ [@R25]^ and sleep timing preference.^[@R26]^ The determinants of circadian alignment in daily life have not been extensively studied but laboratory studies suggest light exposure and the length of their endogenous circadian period play a role.^[@R18]^ Individuals with later sleep/wake timing may be at greater risk for circadian misalignment, perhaps due to a mismatch between their preferred schedule and the typical work or school schedule.^[@R27]^ Prior research has demonstrated higher depressive symptoms among individuals with sleep onset closer to DLMO (i.e. short phase angles) but these studies did not measure associations with physical health variables.^[@R28]--[@R30]^ Two studies have reported that individuals with a greater difference between sleep times on work days and free days (social jet lag) had higher BMI but did not evaluate circadian timing or alignment.^[@R2],\\ [@R31]^ Given the experimental literature linking phase alignment to metabolic outcomes, evaluating associations with circadian alignment in daily life would contribute to understanding potential mechanisms by which circadian alignment affects weight regulation in real world settings.",
"\n\nThe goal of the current study was to determine the relationship between circadian timing and alignment of DLMO to sleep onset with BMI, body fat, diet and physical activity among healthy non-shift working adults. ",
"We tested these relationships among healthy individuals without psychiatric or sleep disorders with habitual sleep duration of at least 6.5 hours per night in order to assess the independent contribution of circadian timing and alignment. ",
"We predicted that later circadian timing would be associated with circadian alignment (i.e., sleep onset closer to melatonin onset), but effects of circadian alignment on BMI, body fat, diet and exercise behaviors would be independent of circadian timing and sleep duration.",
"\n\nMethods {#S6}\n=======\n\nParticipants {#S7}\n------------\n\nMen and women were recruited from the community using flyers and web advertisements. ",
"Flyers were posted specifically to recruit healthy sleepers as well as healthy \"night owls\" in order to over recruit individuals who may have circadian misalignment. ",
"Inclusionary criteria included: age 18--50, habitual sleep duration ≥ 6.5 hours and ≤ 8.5 hours, and ability to read and write English. ",
"Exclusionary criteria included: High risk or presence of obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome as assessed by the screening questionnaires and/or home sleep monitoring, history of cognitive or other neurological disorders, presence of any major psychiatric disorder, current alcohol or substance abuse as assessed by screening questionnaires, history of or concurrent unstable or serious medical illness (cancer, diabetes or cardiovascular disease), current use of psychoactive medications including antidepressants, anxiolytics, neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, stimulants, or beta blockers, shift work or travel over 2 time zones in the past 6 months, caffeine \\>300 mg per day, smoking, pregnancy or the desire to become pregnant during the study period.",
"\n\nProcedure {#S8}\n---------\n\n### Screening procedures {#S9}\n\nProspective participants first completed an initial web or telephone screening to screen for self-reported short sleep duration, comorbid conditions and health behaviors (smoking, alcohol and substance use). ",
"Next, potential participants attended an in-person screening visit. ",
"During this visit, they completed questionnaires and then one night of home sleep apnea screening and 7 days of actigraphy to determine if they met study criteria. ",
"After screening actigraphy and apnea screening data were reviewed, eligible participants were scheduled for one night in the Clinical Research Unit for melatonin assessment and DXA.",
"\n\n### Pre-laboratory procedures {#S10}\n\nParticipants completed 7 days of actigraphy, sleep and food diaries prior to the laboratory session. ",
"Participants were asked to keep their habitual bedtimes and wake times at screening stable, within ± 1 hour of their average at screening times.",
"\n\n### Laboratory session {#S11}\n\nParticipants arrived at approximately 1:00 PM. ",
"After admission, participants underwent a history and physical exam by a sleep medicine physician and female participants underwent a urine pregnancy screening. ",
"Then, participants completed a Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) tissue measurement to assess body fat. ",
"Bedtime, wake time and blood sampling times were determined based on habitual bedtime. ",
"Circadian time 0 (CT 0) was determined by average sleep onset time plus 8 hours because participants were not required to spend 8 hours in bed in the week prior to the CRU visit. ",
"The lights were dimmed to \\<20 lux at CT 8. ",
"An IV was inserted by CT 10, and blood samples were taken every 30 min from CT 11-CT 18. ",
"Lights out (\\<5 lux) was CT 16. ",
"Wake time was scheduled for 8 hours after lights out to standardize the timing of the fasting blood draw. ",
"In the morning, participants were asked to void, and then their weight was taken without shoes in light clothing before eating or drinking anything. ",
"Participants were discharged after breakfast.",
"\n\nMeasures {#S12}\n--------\n\n### Demographics {#S13}\n\nA demographic questionnaire included age, sex, race, ethnicity, income, employment and marital status.",
"\n\n### Depressive symptoms {#S14}\n\nParticipants were screened for depressive symptoms using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Questionnaire^[@R32]^. This 20-item measure assesses depressive symptoms over the past 2 weeks. ",
"Participants rate items from 0 (not at all or less than one day) to 3 (nearly every day for two weeks). ",
"Items measure a range of depressive symptoms, including low mood, appetite, anhedonia, and somatic symptoms. ",
"The CES-D is well established as a valid screening measure for depressive symptoms.^[@R32]^ Participants with scores ≥ 20 were excluded.",
"\n\n### Obstructive sleep apnea risk {#S15}\n\nRisk for obstructive sleep apnea was first assessed via questionnaire at the phone/web screening. ",
"Then, those potential participants who did not score as high risk for obstructive sleep apnea on the phone screening completed an overnight screening at home using portable sleep apnea screening device (ApneaLink, Resmed Inc. Poway, CA). ",
"This 3 channel device includes a pulse oximeter, heart rate, respiratory effort and nasal airflow using a nasal pressure transducer. ",
"Apnea Hypopnea Index (AHI) is calculated based on events per hour of recording time. ",
"Previous studies have demonstrated this device has excellent sensitivity and specificity for AHI \\> 10, sensitivity 0.977 and specificity of 1.0^[@R33]^. All recordings were both visually inspected and scored using the Apnea Link software. ",
"Participants who had an Apnea Hypopnea Index \\>5 on the Apnea Link recording were excluded from the study.",
"\n\n### Subjective Sleep quality {#S16}\n\nSubjective sleep quality was measured by the the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI).^[@R34]^ This measure assesses self-reported sleep quality and disturbances over a one-month time interval. ",
"A higher PSQI global score indicates greater sleep disturbance. ",
"Scores ≥5 are associated with clinically significant sleep disturbance.^[@R34]^ Subscores of the PSQI include sleep duration, sleep disturbance, sleep latency, daytime dysfunction, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep quality and medication use.",
"\n\n### Sleep {#S17}\n\nSleep/wake patterns were estimated using 7 days of wrist actigraphy at screening and before the laboratory session using the Actiwatch Spectrum (Philips/Respironics, Inc, Bend, OR). ",
"Actiwatches were worn on the non-dominant wrist and set with 30 second epoch length and medium sensitivity. ",
"Actigraphic sleep parameters were calculated using Actiware-Sleep 6.0 software with default settings and included the following variables: sleep onset time, sleep offset time and sleep duration. ",
"Sleep diary based measures of bedtime and wake time were manually entered in Actiware and used in scoring. ",
"Off wrist time was excluded based on the Spectrum's off wrist detection. ",
"A day was not considered valid if there was any off-wrist time during the sleep period reported on the sleep diary. ",
"In order to be included in analyses, participants needed at least 5 days of valid actigraphy data.",
"\n\n### Evening light exposure {#S18}\n\nWhite light exposure was measured using the Actiwatch Spectrum (Philips/Respironics, Inc, Bend, OR). ",
"We calculated evening light exposure as the sum of white light exposure (lux) in the 3 hours prior to bedtime on each day of recording and averaged over the valid recording days.",
"\n\n### Circadian timing (DLMO) {#S19}\n\nPlasma melatonin levels were assayed using a commercially available radioimmunoassay for the in-vitro diagnostic quantitative determination of melatonin from IBL (IBL International GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). ",
"Lower limit of this assay is 3.5 kg/mL and upper limit is 281 pg/mL. After blood draws, samples were centrifuged, aliquoted and stored at −70 F until assayed. ",
"All melatonin profiles were first visually inspected. ",
"Dim light melatonin onset was determined using 2 SD above the baseline + 15% of the 3 highest values.^[@R35]^ Circadian alignment (also known as phase angle) was calculated as the duration of time between DLMO to average sleep onset time recorded on actigraphy during the prior 7 days.",
"\n\n### Body Mass index {#S20}\n\nBody Mass Index (kg/m^2^) was calculated using measurements from the laboratory session: height measured at admission by nursing and weight taken in light clothing, without eating or drinking after the morning void.",
"\n\n### Body fat and body fat distribution {#S21}\n\nBody Fat was measured using DXA on a whole body Hologic scanner (Version 13.1). ",
"Body fat values were calculated for total body fat mass, trunk fat mass, android and gynoid regions using automated calculations provided by Hologic. ",
"Values were calculated for total body fat % and the gynoid/android ratio, a measure of central adiposity.",
"\n\n### Dietary Intake {#S22}\n\nParticipants completed 7 days of written food diaries during the week before the laboratory assessment. ",
"On the food diaries, participants recorded time, location, type of food, amount consumed and a description of each component including brands and restaurant names. ",
"Participants were instructed to break down foods into component parts (e.g. turkey sandwich= 2 slices of white bread, 3 oz of deli turkey and 1 Tbs of reduced fat mayo) and to remember to record drinks and condiments. ",
"Participants emailed, faxed or called in diaries each day to ensure they were completed on time. ",
"At the laboratory session, study staff reviewed the food diaries with the participant and queried for missing foods and components (e.g. cream in coffee, drinks, condiments, cooking with oil or other missed foods). ",
"Food diaries were analyzed using the Food Processor software (ESHA, Inc, Salem, OR). ",
"For foods that were not in the database, they were looked up on company or restaurant websites. ",
"If caloric information was not available, the closest substitute was used. ",
"Total daily caloric intake, grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates each day was computed and averaged. ",
"Meal frequency was calculated as the number of eating occasions each day, with an eating occasion defined as \\>50 calories consumed \\>30 minutes after the previous meal or snack.",
"\n\n### Physical activity {#S23}\n\nPhysical Activity was assessed using the Sensewear Pro armband monitor (Bodymedia Inc., Pittsburgh, PA). ",
"The Sensewear monitor estimates physical activity and energy expenditure using several sensors including a 3 axis accelerometer, heat flux sensor, skin temperature sensor, near body ambient temperature sensor and galvanic skin response sensor). ",
"The Sensewear monitor has demonstrated accuracy and reliability for physical activity assessment.^[@R36]--[@R38]^ Physical activity values were calculated using Sensewear Professional software (Version 8.1). ",
"Sensewear recordings were considered valid if participants had at least 3 days of recording with ≥ 18 hours of wear time each day.",
"\n\nStatistical Analyses {#S24}\n--------------------\n\nData were analyzed using SPSS (Version 22, IBM Inc., Chicago, IL). ",
"First, sample characteristics were calculated using means (SD) and frequencies. ",
"Next, we calculated Pearson correlations to examine associations between circadian timing and alignment with sleep characteristics, age and evening light exposure. ",
"We also used t-tests to evaluate sex differences in circadian timing and alignment. ",
"Next we conducted multivariable regression models predicting BMI, body fat, dietary intake and physical activity controlling for potentially confounding variables, age, sex and sleep duration. ",
"Models predicting diet variables were also adjusted for BMI. ",
"Both circadian timing and alignment were entered into the each model. ",
"Due to known sex differences in body fat^[@R39]^, circadian timing and alignment^[@R22]^, we conducted exploratory analyses testing for interactions with sex. ",
"There was one outlier for phase angle (phase angle −2.0 hours, which indicates DLMO occurred 2 hours after sleep onset). ",
"We examined the actigraphy data from this participant which indicated a sleep pattern consistent with study entry criteria and there was no clear behavioral reason why sleep onset was before DLMO (e.g., shift work). ",
"We then conducted our regression analyses with and without this participant and results were similar. ",
"Therefore data from this participant is included our analyses. ",
"Statistical significance was defined as *p*\\<0.05 on 2 tailed tests.",
"\n\nResults {#S25}\n=======\n\nParticipant Characteristics {#S26}\n---------------------------\n\nOf the 146 participants who were eligible for the study, 114 completed the protocol. ",
"Our sample includes 97 participants with valid DLMO and actigraphy data. ",
"Of the 17 participants excluded from the analyses, actigraph device failures occurred in 3 participants and we were unable to calculate DLMO among 14 participants due to lack of a baseline or other irregularities, such as no clear rise in melatonin or erratic profile. ",
"There were no differences in sleep timing, age, sex or BMI between participants with or without valid DLMO profiles. ",
"Sample statistics are listed in [Table 1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}. ",
"Participants were on average in their middle 20's. ",
"The majority (79%) reported work and or school during the week prior to the clinical research unit. ",
"Average BMI and body fat were in the normal weight range. ",
"BMI ranged from 16--38 kg/m^2^. Average sleep onset and sleep offset times were slightly later than average for the age of the sample, but reflect recruitment of strategy to over recruit self-described late sleep times. ",
"For example, 45% of the sample had midpoint of sleep after 5:00 am. ",
"The measure of circadian alignment (phase angle) had a normal distribution (ranging from −2.22 to 4.27 hours) with one participant with sleep onset before DLMO. ",
"The mean phase angle was 2.19 (SD= 0.95) hours.",
"\n\nRelationships between demographic, circadian and sleep characteristics {#S27}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe conducted bivariate correlations ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}) and t-tests to evaluate the relationships between demographics, sleep duration, sleep quality and evening light exposure with circadian timing and alignment. ",
"Later circadian timing was associated with younger age and circadian alignment (shorter duration between DLMO and sleep onset). ",
"Circadian alignment was associated with sleep duration but not associated with age, sleep quality (total score or subscores) or evening light exposure. ",
"Later circadian timing was associated with a higher score on the subjective sleep latency subscore but not the total score for subjective sleep quality, other sleep quality subscores or evening light exposure. ",
"Sex differences in circadian timing and alignment were not statistically significant (DLMO= 22:24 females, 22:57 males, *p*=0.07, alignment of melatonin and sleep onset (phase angle)=2.2 hours in females, 2.1 hours in men, *p*= ns).",
"\n\nBMI and Body Fat {#S28}\n----------------\n\nIn the multivariable model including age, sex, sleep duration, phase angle, and evening light exposure, Circadian timing was inversely associated with BMI (*B*(*SE*)=−0.83 (0.40), *p*=0.04, *r^2^*~Δ~= 0.027). ",
"Circadian timing was not associated with body fat percentage or distribution. ",
"Circadian alignment was not associated with BMI or body fat but there were significant sex differences in the relationship with body fat. ",
"Circadian alignment was associated with total body fat % (*B*(*SE*)= −3.56 (1.48), *p*=0.02, *r^2^*~Δ~= 0.032; [Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and android/gynoid fat ratio (*B*(*SE*)= −0.09 (.04), *p*=0.04, *r^2^*~Δ~= 0.044), indicating a stronger relationship between circadian alignment and body fat among men.",
"\n\nDietary intake {#S29}\n--------------\n\nCircadian alignment was associated with higher caloric intake in the multivariable model (*B*(*SE*)= −168.85 (84.45), p=.049). ",
"There was a non-significant trend for a relationship between circadian alignment and carbohydrate intake (*B*(*SE*)= −21.23 (9.9), *p*=0.04) and no relationship between circadian alignment with protein or fat intake. ",
"Circadian timing was not associated with caloric or macronutrient intake. ",
"There were no sex differences for caloric intake. ",
"Circadian alignment but not timing was associated with meal frequency (*B*(*SE*)=−0.36 (0.16), p=0.03.",
"\n\nAssociations with physical activity {#S30}\n-----------------------------------\n\nCircadian timing and alignment were not associated with physical activity and there were no sex differences in these effects.",
"\n\nDiscussion {#S31}\n==========\n\nIn this study, we tested if later circadian timing or differences in circadian alignment were associated with BMI/body fat, diet and physical activity. ",
"Participants were carefully screened for confounds, most notably sleep duration and depression, which are often associated with later circadian timing. ",
"Results demonstrated that in this carefully screened population, later circadian timing was associated with lower BMI and circadian alignment (sleep onset closer to DLMO) was associated with higher caloric intake, carbohydrates and greater meal frequency. ",
"We did not observe associations between circadian alignment with BMI, body fat or physical activity however there were sex differences in the relationship with body fat, in that shorter duration between DLMO and sleep onset was associated with higher body fat and greater central body fat distribution among men.",
"\n\nThe magnitude of effect for phase angle and caloric intake was moderate; interpretation of the regression coefficient of the multivariable model indicates that participants consumed an average of 168 more calories per day per 1 hour difference in phase angle, after accounting for demographics, sleep duration and circadian timing and that phase angle independently accounted for 4% of the variance in caloric intake. ",
"If not balanced by energy expenditure, it would amount to an increased weight 17 lbs per year. ",
"However, despite this difference in energy intake, phase angle was not associated with BMI or body fat. ",
"We also observed differences in other dietary behaviors associated with circadian alignment including greater carbohydrate intake and meal frequency associated with a shorter duration between DLMO and sleep onset. ",
"It is possible that differences in diet composition and eating pattern may contribute to the lack of an increased BMI despite higher caloric intake in our study. ",
"For example, higher meal frequency in the context of controlling overall calories has been associated with a lower postprandial insulin response and higher thermic effect of food.^[@R40],\\ [@R41]^ Furthermore, previous studies, including those from our own laboratory, have observed eating occasions associated with higher caloric intake but not BMI in other samples of young and middle aged adults.^[@R42],\\ [@R43]^\n\nThe association between circadian alignment and dietary intake is in line with several laboratory studies which use experimental protocols to test disruption of circadian rhythms on metabolism and weight regulation. ",
"One example is use of forced desynchrony, in which participants' sleep schedules are moved several hours earlier or later each day. ",
"Using this protocol, researchers are able to observe effects of circadian misalignment controlling for sleep duration, and have observed the development of insulin resistance and decrease in leptin levels.^[@R13],\\ [@R14],\\ [@R16]^ Other studies have evaluated the effects of acute simulated shift work (3--7 days), and have also observed insulin resistance and changes in appetite regulating hormones.^[@R13],\\ [@R15],\\ [@R44]^ Results of our study are novel in that they demonstrate that even the relatively small differences in the internal phase relationship among healthy individuals in everyday life is associated with dietary behavior.",
"\n\nContrary to prior studies which have demonstrated poorer sleep quality with circadian misalignment^[@R12],\\ [@R45],\\ [@R46]^ in our sample, a shorter phase angle was associated with longer sleep duration and was unrelated to subjective sleep quality. ",
"Our study criteria (recruitment of participants with ≥6.5 hours sleep duration and over recruitment of late sleepers) may have led to the selection of participants with more adaptable sleep schedules. ",
"It has been proposed that sleep is regulated by two main processes: homeostatic sleep pressure and the circadian rhythm.^[@R47]^ It is possible that due to our selection criteria, we selected individuals with later circadian timing but higher homeostatic pressure to sleep, which allowed them to fall asleep earlier, thus contributing to a shorter phase angle.",
"\n\nGiven the sex differences in circadian timing, alignment^[@R22],\\ [@R23][@R48]^ and body fat^[@R39],\\ [@R49]^, we conducted exploratory analyses of sex differences and found that phase angle was associated with body fat and body fat distribution only in men. ",
"In our sample, consistent with previous research, women had higher body fat and slightly (non-significantly) longer phase angle than men.^[@R22],\\ [@R39]^ We did not evaluate the role of sex hormones but previous studies have demonstrated changes in the circadian rhythm across the menstrual cycle. ",
"It should be noted that this study was not designed to study sex differences and we were therefore underpowered to observe interactions. ",
"Larger, more controlled samples should further explore the interaction of sex in circadian misalignment as well as the role of sex hormones that may moderate the effects of circadian alignment on health outcomes.",
"\n\nLimitations to our data include use of a convenience sample, which limits generalizability. ",
"Also, use of a healthy, young sample may have led to ceiling/floor effects in evaluation of BMI, physical activity and phase angle due to restricted range. ",
"In addition, our results in healthy sleepers without short sleep duration may under represent the effects of circadian misalignment among individuals who also have sleep duration \\< 6.5 hours. ",
"A previous study has demonstrated an additive effect of sleep loss and circadian misalignment in metabolic risk.^[@R15]^, We also assessed phase angle at a single point in time. ",
"Prior research suggests that circadian timing and alignment are stable over repeated assessment in weeks or months but little is known about changes in phase angle over months and years.^[@R50]--[@R52]^ Finally, further assessment of the type and intensity of light exposure is warranted. ",
"In this study, total white light exposure prior to bedtime was not associated with circadian timing and alignment. ",
"Given that light exposure is one of the determinants of phase angle in laboratory studies, known to suppress melatonin, and also associated with body fat, it may be useful to further characterize the role of the timing of light, wavelength and intensity in examining the metabolic correlates of phase angle.^[@R18],\\ [@R53]^\n\nIn conclusion, these data suggest circadian alignment, rather than late timing alone, may play a role in the links between sleep timing and weight regulation. ",
"We observed lower BMI associated with later biological timing, rather than higher in this highly selected sample. ",
"Circadian alignment was associated with dietary intake even among healthy, non-shift workers with at least 6.5 hours habitual sleep duration. ",
"Our results did not support an association with circadian alignment and body fat in this sample as a whole. ",
"Future research should evaluate sex differences and seek to understand how differences in circadian alignment can affect weight regulation and risk for cardiometabolic disease.",
"\n\nWe thank Leland Bardsley, Leah Hecht, David Clough and Lori Koch for their assistance with data collection and analyses. ",
"Research reported in this publication was supported, in part, by the National Institutes of Health\\'sNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Grant Number UL1TR000150 and by the National Institute of Health's Heart Lung Blood and Sleep Institute Grant Number 1K23HL109110-01. ",
"The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health\n\nDr. Zee reports she is a consultant for Merck, Philips, Research grants to Northwestern University from Jazz Pharmaceuticals and stock ownership in Teva Pharmaceuticals.",
"\n\nConflicts of Interest\n\nThe other authors do not have conflicts of interest.",
"\n\n{#F1}\n\n{#F2}\n\n###### \n\nParticipant Characteristics\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n [Demographics]{.ul} Total (*n*=97)\\ Women (*n*=61)\\ Men (*n*=36)\\\n M(SD) or N(%) M(SD) or N(%) M(SD) or N(%)\n --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------\n Age (years) 26.8 (7.3) 26.9 (8.4) 26.5 (5.7)\n\n \n\n Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino 8 (8.2) 4 (6.6) 4 (11.1)\n\n Non-\\ 89 (91.8) 57 (93.4) 32 (88.9)\n Hispanic/Latino \n\n \n\n Race Asian 22 (22.7) 14 (23.0) 8 (22.2)\n\n Black/African\\ 6 (6.2) 5 (8.2) 1 (2.8)\n American \n\n White 61 (62.9) 38 (62.3) 23 (36.8)\n\n More than one race 7 (7.2) 3 (4.9) 4 (11.1)\n\n Do not wish to\\ 1 (1) 1 (1.6) 0 (0)\n respond \n\n \n\n Employment[\\*](#TFN2){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \n\n Full time 34 (35.1) 21 (34.4) 31 (36.1)\n\n Part time 15 (15.5) 11 (18.0) 4 (11.1)\n\n Unemployed 6 (6.2) 4 (6.6) 1 (2.8)\n\n Student 42 (43.3) 25 (41.0) 17 (47.2)\n\n \n\n [Weight and Body]{.ul}\\ \n [Fat]{.ul} \n\n \n\n BMI (kg/m^2^) 24.0 (4.6) 23.9 (5.0) 24.7 (3.8)\n\n \n\n Body Fat% 30.4 (8.4) 34.8 (6.6) 22.9 (5.6)\n\n \n\n [Sleep]{.ul} \n\n \n\n PSQI Global\\ 3.5 (2.0) 3.6 (2.2) 3.3 (1.6)\n Score \n\n \n\n Sleep Onset\\ 00:47 (1:22) 00:39 (1:22) 01:02 (1:22)\n (hh:mm) \n\n \n\n Sleep Offset\\ 08:05 (1:14) 08:06 (1:16) 08:04 (1:12)\n (hh:mm) \n\n \n\n Sleep midpoint\\ 04:42 (1.24) 04:37 (1:17) 04:48 (1:10)\n (hh:mm) \n\n \n\n Sleep Duration\\ 443.7 (50.4) 452.1 (48.1) 429.5 (52.9)\n (min) \n\n \n\n DLMO (hh:mm) 22:36 (1:27) 22:24 (1:18) 22:57 (1:40)\n\n \n\n Circadian\\ 2:11 (0:57) 2:14 (0:59) 2:05 (0:55)\n alignment (Phase\\ \n angle of DLMO\\ \n to sleep onset,\\ \n hh:mm) \n\n \n\n [Dietary Intake]{.ul}[a](#TFN4){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \n\n \n\n Caloric intake\\ 2079 (656) 1905 (594) 2308 (673)\n (kcal) \n\n \n\n Protein 87.78 (44.87) 76.72 (47.00) 105.60 (34.97)\n\n \n\n Fat 79.17 (33.09) 71.45 (28.80) 91.62 (36.09)\n\n \n\n Carbohydrates 243.21 (81.04) 229.98 (76.60) 264.53 (84.48)\n\n \n\n Number of meals 4.39 (1.22) 4.46 (1.18) 4.28 (1.28)\n\n \n\n [Physical activity]{.ul}[b](#TFN5){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \n\n \n\n Physical activity\\ 1:49 (0:58) 1:29 (0:49) 2:26 (0:56)\n duration above\\ \n 3.0 mets (hh:mm\\ \n per day) \n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n*Note.* ",
"PSQI= Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index, DLMO= dim light melatonin onset,\n\n79% of participants reported work or school obligations during the 7 days of actigraphy.",
"\n\nNumber of participants varies due to missing data for some measures.",
"\n\nN=95 for dietary intake,\n\nN= 72 for physical activity.",
"\n\n###### \n\nCorrelations between phase angle with demographics, sleep characteristics and evening light exposure\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Age DLMO Phase\\ Sleep\\ Sleep\\ Evening\\\n Angle Duration Quality Light\n ---------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------- --------- ----------\n Age \\-- \n\n DLMO 0.31[\\*\\*](#TFN7){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \\-- \n\n Phase Angle −0.17 −0.42[\\*\\*\\*](#TFN8){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \\-- \n\n Sleep Duration 0.16 −0.15 −0.28[\\*\\*](#TFN7){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} \\-- \n\n Sleep Quality −0.12 0.19 −0.06 −0.14 \\-- \n\n Evening light 0.30[\\*\\*](#TFN7){ref-type=\"table-fn\"} −0.001 −0.09 0.02 0.03 \\--\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nNote.",
"\n\n*p*\\< 0.01,\n\n*p*\\< 0.001,\n\nDLMO= Dim light melatonin onset time, Phase angle= DLMO to sleep onset,\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} | [
] | 0.004381 | 5 |
"Kaine ‘the interrupter’ hit for debate demeanor\n\nIn a presidential race where Hillary Clinton has sought to disqualify Donald Trump over his “temperament,” running mate Tim Kaine is facing mounting fallout over his own demeanor at Tuesday night’s first-and-only VP debate – where the Virginia senator frequently interrupted not only Mike Pence but the moderator.",
"\n\nTrump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, speaking Wednesday morning on “Fox & Friends,” pointedly called out Kaine for the interruptions and even suggested his treatment of moderator Elaine Quijano undercuts the campaign’s appeal to women voters.",
"\n\n“He interrupted 72 times,” she said. “",
"It doesn’t play well on TV … and frankly, the ignoring of the female moderator was really a low point.”",
"\n\nConway claimed the Clinton camp was dealing with a “one-two punch” – a day after Bill Clinton undercut his wife’s health care message by criticizing the “crazy” ObamaCare system, she said, Kaine spent Tuesday night “doing her no favors.”",
"\n\n“Why in the world was her running mate interrupting and ignoring a female moderator?” ",
"Conway said. “",
"It was almost like he didn’t hear her.”",
"\n\nThe vice presidential debates rarely have a big impact on the race for the White House, and it's unclear whether Tuesday's feisty faceoff will make a dent in the numbers as the candidates at the top of the ticket prepare for their second debate, this Sunday.",
"\n\nAnd while Kaine was taking heat, both running mates had their share of interruptions Tuesday night. ",
"An analysis by FiveThirtyEight said Kaine logged more than 70 interjections and interruptions, while Pence had more than 40.",
"\n\nQuijano, too, faced criticism from some analysts for letting the format get out of hand.",
"\n\nBut the debate on balance showed Kaine stepping immediately into the role of aggressor, going after Trump’s tax returns, his coarse campaign comments, his praise of “dictators” and more – while Pence sought to defend his running mate from the verbal attacks.",
"\n\nBy Wednesday morning, both Trump and Clinton were giving their respective running mates a big thumbs-up, but analysts largely were giving Pence higher marks for his composure on stage as GOP groups seized on the debate's unruly moments.",
"\n\n“While Tim Kaine desperately flailed away with empty platitudes and constant interruptions, Mike Pence put forth the Trump-Pence vision for shaking up the Beltway, keeping Americans safe from terrorism, and making sure the American Dream is within everyone’s reach,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.",
"\n\nAn energized Pence, at a campaign stop Wednesday in Harrisonburg, Va., declared that Trump won the debate.",
"\n\n“Donald Trump’s vision to make America great again won the debate,” Pence said.",
"\n\nDemocrats, for their part, touted Kaine’s performance. ",
"Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook credited Kaine for interjecting and said Trump is the one who lost the debate because Pence, he claimed, did not adequately defend him.",
"\n\nLucky to have a partner like @TimKaine who stood up for our shared vision tonight—instead of trying to deny it. #",
"VPDebate\n\nDuring their many feisty exchanges Tuesday night, Kaine pressured Pence to answer for some of his running mate’s more controversial comments, including praising Russian President Vladimir Putin and calling for a Muslim immigration ban in the United States. ",
"He also said Trump needed to make his taxes public, while ripping the GOP presidential nominee over his coarse language and a “selfish me-first style.”",
"\n\nPence countered that Trump’s comments are “small potatoes” compared with Clinton calling half their supporters a “basket of deplorables.”",
"\n\nPence also defended Trump's tax handling and said his running mate “used the tax code just the way it’s supposed to be used, and he did it brilliantly.” ",
"He also asked Kaine: \"Do you not take deductions?\"",
"\n\nKaine had said: \"Donald Trump must give the American public his tax returns to show he's prepared to be president, and he's breaking his promise.\""
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.013499 | 5 |
"Flushing an i.v. ",
"line: a simple but potentially costly procedure for both patient and health unit.",
"\nThis observational study investigated the intravenous (i.v.) ",
"medication administration technique of Registered Nurses (n = 47) using the injection port of a concurrent intravenous infusion. ",
"Study findings showed that the majority of nurses adhered to the most common although debatable recommended guideline in stopping the concurrent infusion and slowly administering the medication in the syringe over 3-5 minutes, prior to flushing the line quickly. ",
"Nurses failed to account for the dead space in the i.v. ",
"line when calculating the administration rate for pre and post medication flush. ",
"Similarly, the benefits of continuing the concurrent infusion when administering intravenous medication were not taken into consideration. ",
"Based upon these study findings, we recommend changes to procedural guidelines for i.v. ",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.001136 | 5 |
"Arthur Wontner, Ian Fleming. ",
"The semi-retired Sherlock Holmes is paid a visit by his nemesis Professor Moriarty, who warns him not to investigate the sudden death of an American Pinkerton agent. ",
"1935/b&w/72 min/NR."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.027005 | 5 |
"Combination treatment with 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin and acute irradiation produces supra-additive growth suppression in human prostate carcinoma spheroids.",
"\nFailure to control localized prostate cancer can result not only in localized disease progression but also distant metastatic spread. ",
"Whereas significant advances in both surgical technique and radiation therapy have improved local control rates with decreased morbidity, consistent long-term control remains elusive. ",
"This study investigates the potential of 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin (17AAG), a geldanamycin derivative, to sensitize tumor cells to ionizing radiation, permitting a significant improvement to targeted radiotherapies of prostate carcinoma. ",
"As a monotherapeutic, 17AAG functions to modulate the action of heat shock protein 90, ultimately affecting a multitude of cellular signaling pathways. ",
"It is in Phase I trial and has shown promise in controlling prostate cancer progression. ",
"Human prostate tumor cells (LNCaP and CWR22Rv1) were grown as spheroids and incubated for 96 h with increasing doses of 17AAG immediately before and after 2 or 6 Gy low linear energy transfer (LET), high dose-rate irradiation (Cs-137 irradiator). ",
"Twelve or 24 spheroids (initial diameter, 150-200 microm) were used per experiment. ",
"Response was determined by spheroid volume measurements taken over at least 40 days, after treatment. ",
"Incubation of either cell line with 17AAG (<or=1000 nM) or irradiation (<or=6 Gy) alone resulted in transient median growth delays ranging from 2 to 9 days (relative to controls). ",
"Combining treatments produced dose- and cell line-dependent supra-additive responses. ",
"For LNCaP spheroids, the combination of 2 Gy and 100 nM 17AAG resulted in growth delays additive of the treatments individually; however, increasing either the radiation to 6 Gy or the 17AAG concentration to 1000 nM led to synergistic interactions. ",
"Similarly, synergy was noted in CWR22Rv1 studies at only 6 Gy and 1000 nM 17AAG. ",
"Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) and Ki67 staining of spheroid sections revealed the increased growth control to be a function of spheroids failing to re-enter the cell cycle. ",
"For all 6 Gy experiments, cells remaining from each of the spheroids that failed to regrow were transferred to adherent dishes to evaluate clonogenicity; growth-controlled spheroids also failed to form colonies within 2 weeks of being plated. ",
"These results suggest that significant gains in treatment effectiveness may be obtained by combining these treatment modalities, warranting additional preclinical investigation."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.000902 | 5 |
"GOP Fiddles While Earth Burns\n\nThere a scientific consensus on global warming. ",
"In the scientific field of climate studies, which includes many disciplines, the consensus can be demonstrated by the number of scientists who have stopped arguing about what is causing climate change. ",
"So a consensus in science is different from a political one. ",
"There is no vote. ",
"Scientists just give up arguing because the sheer weight of consistent evidence is too compelling, the tide too strong to swim against any longer. ",
"More than 95 percent of scientists working in the disciplines contributing to studies of our climate accept that climate change is almost certainly being caused by human activities. ",
"Global warming is no longer about science – it is now a political, economic and social debate.",
"\n\nGlobal warming is caused by several greenhouse gasses emitted by humans in a variety of ways. ",
"Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. ",
"The gases responsible for the most warming are carbon dioxide (82%), methane (10%) and nitrous oxide (5%).",
"\n\nWhat are some of the documented effects of global warming? ",
"Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles; sea level rise has increased faster over the last century and is expected to have risen as much as 20-48 inches by 2100; global average temperatures have increased 1 degree Fahrenheit; precipitation is increasing across the globe; floods and droughts have become more frequent – and severe; fresh water availability is on the decline; and climate change migration and infectious disease transfer are on the rise.",
"\n\nThe recent Paris climate control accord is a promising start, albeit lacking any force in law. ",
"What is needed is a treaty, which, under the US Constitution, would require the approval of two-thirds of the Senate. ",
"Any climate-change treaty would be dead on arrival in a Republican-controlled Senate, which recently rejected elements of a new Obama plan to cut power plant emissions.",
"\n\nPrior to Obama’s Paris visit, the GOP-controlled Senate voted 52-46 for measures to overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (limiting power plant emissions) and revoke the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. ",
"The Clean Power Plan is the largest component of Obama’s Climate Action Plan, which could achieve the carbon emission cuts he is promising the world. ",
"Obama vetoed the bills.",
"\n\nThe president could enact an executive agreement, which does not require Senate consent. ",
"However, the next president could repeal the agreement. ",
"When it comes to a climate deal in Paris, an executive agreement probably does not meet the “legally binding” demands of the accord because the president alone cannot keep the promises set forth in the accord. ",
"For example, the Paris negotiators want firm emissions-control agreements. ",
"But only Congress can set specific national limits on greenhouse gas emissions and only Congress can approve a proposed $10 billion Green Climate Fund, as Congress alone controls the purse. ",
"Thus, President Obama’s action on climate change is at the mercy and consent of Congress.",
"\n\nThere’s no mystery as to why too many in Congress, including the Republican presidential candidates, deny global warming. ",
"It is because the oil and coal industries have conducted a vigorous campaign for years now, primarily targeting Republicans, to cast doubt on the global warming science and evidence.",
"\n\nLet’s look at what the GOP presidential candidates have said about the threat of global warming:\n\n– “And many of the alarmists on global warming, they’ve got a problem cause the science doesn’t back them up. ",
"And in particular, satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years, there’s been zero warming. ",
"None, whatsoever.” (",
"Real climate scientists, who understand this issue far, far better than Cruz, disagree).",
"\n\n– “We’re not going to make America a harder place to create jobs in order to pursue policies that will do absolutely nothing, nothing to change our climate.”",
"\n\n– “We’re not going to destroy our economy the way the left-wing government wants to.”",
"\n\n– “Humans are not responsible for climate change in the way some of these people out there are trying to make us believe, for the following reason. ",
"I believe climate is changing because there’s never been a moment where the climate is not changing. ",
"The question is what percentage of that is due to human activity? ",
"If we do the things they want us to do, cap and trade, you name it, how much will that change the pace of climates change vs. how much will it cost to our economy?”",
"\n\nJeb Bush, who has made varying statements on climate change, said he believes humans are partly responsible for it but has cautioned against actions that would harm the U.S. economy.",
"\n\nBen Carson, during a visit to California, seemed unaware about climate change and asked to see the science demonstrating climate change is caused by human activity. ",
"California Governor Jerry Brown mailed Carson a copy of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with a letter asking Carson to utilize his “considerable intelligence” to review the material. ",
"The IPCC is the scientific body created by the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization to provide regular assessments of the state of climate science for policymakers.",
"\n\nAccording to a new poll, at least 70 percent of Americans believe global warming is real and supported by scientific evidence. ",
"Realizing that denying global warming is not a viable campaign position, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are now combining half-hearted denials with an anti-action, economic argument.",
"\n\nReaching an enforceable climate control treaty is the ultimate goal to arrest global warming and climate change. ",
"Without such a treaty, Republicans and their paymasters will continue to oppose climate change action, all while the Earth burns.",
"\n\nI was born in Massachusetts; graduated from Middlebury College and Suffolk Law School; served as an officer in the Vietnam war; retired from the Federal Trade Commission (consumer and antitrust law); travel extensively with my wife Judi; and since retirement involved in domestic violence prevention and consumer issues."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.004471 | 5 |
"A novel bioactivity of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their ester derivatives.",
"\nFish oil, enriched in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), is widely used as a dietary or nutritional supplement with numerous benefits, including as an anti-inflammatory particularly linked to atherosclerosis. ",
"While n-3 PUFA have been suggested to be able to improve oral health through a reduction in inflammation through elevations in these fatty acids in serum and cellular membranes, information is lacking for the possibility that these fatty acids could directly impact the survival and growth of the oral bacteria that trigger the chronic inflammatory responses. ",
"The n-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and their fatty acid ethyl esters, ALAEE, EPAEE, DHAEE were analysed for antibacterial activity against oral pathogens. ",
"This study demonstrated a novel bioactivity of the three major n-3 PUFA, EPA, DHA, and ALA, and their ester derivatives. ",
"Our experimental data indicated that n-3 PUFA and their ester derivatives exhibited strong antibacterial activity against various oral pathogens, including Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Porphyromonas gingivalis. ",
"This study suggested that n-3 PUFA could have a positive therapeutic effect for improving oral health via their antibacterial activities, besides their anti-inflammatory effects."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.009387 | 5 |
"Real Housewives Of New Jersey Cast In Oklahoma- Photos\n\nMarenah April 20, 2018\n\nFilming for Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 is underway and the ladies just wrapped up a cast trip in Oklahoma. ",
"As of this moment there’s no word on whether they are pretending that this is a work trip for one of their businesses or why they chose to go to Oklahoma, but the ladies went all out with the wardrobe.",
"\n\nTeresa Giudice, Melissa Gorga, Dolores Catania, and Margaret Josephs were all decked out in denim, flannel, and cowboy boots for the trip. ",
"Personally, I think they all looked adorable and I applaud the enthusiasm to be in theme, but based on some Instagram comments, I’m sure there are some people who will be overly offended by their interpretation of “country” apparel.",
"\n\nThe reported new cast members Jennifer Aydin and Jackie Goldschneider have not shared any photos from Oklahoma on either of their Instagram accounts, but they were both tagged in photos filming with Teresa, Melissa, Dolores, and Margaret.",
"\n\nBut wait, where was Danielle Staub? ",
"Is it possible that she just didn’t make it into any of the photos? ",
"Or was she really missing from the trip?",
"\n\nThe ladies went fishing, endured the Oklahoma winds, two-stepped, and more. ",
"Check out some photos from their trip in the photo gallery below.",
"\n\nRELATED: Report: Real Housewives Of New Jersey Adds 2 New Cast Members\n\nTELL US- WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE RHONJ CAST GOING TO OKLAHOMA? ",
"\n\n[Photo Credit: Instagram]"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.009367 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nFrequency count per observation in R\n\nI am trying to do a frequency count of a categorical variable (i.e., upper division class) per case in a dataset that is currently in long format. ",
"I am using R.\nCurrent data set:\nStudent_ID Class UD_class \n111 PSY 400 1 \n111 ENG 310 0 \n111 EE 510 1 \n\nI would like to conver it to a frame that looks like this: \nStudent_ID UD_class\n111 2 \n\nI tried using this code and this is providing me wrong frequencies: \ndata.frame(table(data$Student_ID, data$UD_class)) \n\nAny suggestions on how I can do this in R? ",
"Thank you!",
"\n\nA:\n\nTry: \n with(data[data$UD_class==1,], data.frame(table(Student_ID))\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.005277 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nPerl - Code not executing as expected\n\nI have the following scripts\nprint (\"\\n\\n=========================================\\n\");\n\n@array = (1,2,\"Hello\");\n\nprint(\"\\$array[0] = $array[0]\\n\");\nprint(\"\\$array[1] = $array[1]\\n\");\nprint(\"\\$array[2] = $array[2]\\n\");\n@array =(a..z);\n**print(\"\\@array[5..10]=@array(5,3..10,24\");**\n@lenght=@array;\nprint \"The lenght of\\@array is:@lenght\\n\";\n\nprint (\"=========================================\\n\\n\");. ",
"\n\nMarked with double ** were i am not getting expected output. ",
"Please help me in solving this. ",
"\nThe output i am expect is something like this d,e,f,h,k something like this \n\nA:\n\nIf your desire is to print out specific array elements and the length of the entire array, use something like:\n@array = ('a'..'z');\n$newarray = @array[0,5..10];\nprint(\"\\@array[0,5..10] = @array[0,5..10]\\n\");\n$length = @array;\nprint \"The length of \\@array is $length\\n\";\n\nThe output of that is:\n@array[0,5..10] = a f g h i j k\nThe length of @array is 26\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.009645 | 5 |
"The North Carolina Senate has passed a bill that could strip control of Charlotte Douglas Airport from the city council and end a year-long legal impasse in the state’s favor—all less than two days after the legislation became public.",
"\n\nThe head of Charlotte Douglas International Airport says he will take an extra 30 days to decide the fate of the airport’s taxi contract. ",
"That contract is up for renewal. ",
"But allegations of corruption has led Interim Aviation Director Brent Cagle to look at what legal options he has in seeking a new deal. ",
"He made the announcement last night, while airport staff briefed the city council on the process that lead to the contract in the first place. ",
"It was a briefing with some holes.",
"\n\nCharlotte city manager Ron Carlee gave taxpayers a preliminary glimpse Monday night into how the city will spend their money, and how much they will pay. ",
"Carlee presented to city council his recommendation for next year’s budget, which runs from July through next June.",
"\n\nMonday we brought you the story of an alleged pay-to-play scheme involving Charlotte Douglas International Airport and taxi companies. ",
"In 2011 the City Council slashed the number of companies that could pick-up at the airport from 12 to 3. ",
"The allegations were that only companies that paid $5,000 to join The Greater Charlotte Hospitality and Tourism Alliance, or HTA, were given the coveted slots. ",
"Those who did not were cut out of the most lucrative market in the city for cabs.",
"\n\nIn our earlier report, Diamond Cab owner Obaid Khan said, \"We feel like you shouldn’t have to pay to play. ",
"That’s exactly what took place at the airport.\"",
"\n\nLast night, Khan addressed the Charlotte City Council about another side of the controversy."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.007762 | 5 |
"Just figured I'd post another example of the lack of sheeple logic I witnessed at work today. ",
"I typically carry (among many many other things - yes batman would be an exceptable nickname) a kershaw assisted opener cliped on my pants pocket.",
"\n\nI was working on a lady's PC in our office and needed to get a new cd out of the box and the wrapping around it was being difficult so ...out pops the kershaw. ",
"When finished I sat it on the desk and continued working. ",
"The person I was fixing the pc for was sitting on the opposite side of desk patiently waiting. ",
"After a few minutes of me working in Oh sweet, glorious silence she suddenly (and in a ...meek? ",
"voice) asked me to put the knife away. ",
"I asked what the problem was and her response was that it made her uncomfortable. ",
"Me being the blunt person I am...I know I couldn't help it...\" What's wrong? ",
"You think it's going to jump up off the desk and bite you?\":hand5:. ",
"She responded no...but \"it just makes me feel uncomfortable\". ",
"Sorry honey. :",
"sheep: :sheep::rant: Stupid people really get on my nerves. ",
"I think I need to go fishing now.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 05:41 PM\n\nhavegunjoe\n\nMine too! ",
"When I hear this dribble from someone I want to say, \"you have a perfect right to feel uncomfortable, and I have a perfect right to not give a crap about your comfort level.\" ",
"We are becoming such a nation of pansies it makes me sick.",
"\n\nOK, rant over!",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 05:46 PM\n\nBob The Great\n\nI can relate. ",
"I used to do exactly that (fix computers), and at leat a few times a day, my knife would be used to pry open a stubborn case or open a package on the bench. ",
"I never had anyone ask me to put it away, but jokes about \"going postal with that thing\", etc seemed to follow closely behind whenever I used it. (",
"Despite the fact that as soon as anyone needed a static bag opened or a zip-tie cut, I was first pick)\n\nThe really humorous part is I've cut myself much worse on the cases of the very computers I fixed than I ever have with my pocketknife. :",
"duh:\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 05:54 PM\n\n4my sons\n\nI wonder what the reaction would be if you had a matching pair of cordless drills, one on each hip. ",
"Then you could practice your speed draw, and watch the :sheep: faint all around you.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:00 PM\n\nRETSUPT99\n\nIf It Didn't Ruin The Point...\n\nYou could gently pick it up...quickly stab the top of the desk...let it wobble back and forth, and say, \"Now that nasty knive won't jump up on anyone...:banana:\n\nHeck with the :sheep:...but I couldn't be that nasty to a good knife!",
"\n\nOr you could...just take out your gun and lay it next to the knife and say, \"This guy will watch that nasty knife...\"\n\nSheeeeesh...:sheep: they sure are frustrating...\n\nStay armed...stay safe!",
"\n\nret:urla9ub:\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:01 PM\n\nP95Carry\n\nI am all but lost for words ......... rare huh!? :",
"wink:\n\nAmazing ..... there is a population of whimps all around us. :",
"rolleyes:\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nQuote:\n\nOr you could...just take out your gun and lay it next to the knife and say, \"This guy will watch that nasty knife...\"\n\n:rofl:\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:06 PM\n\nSIGguy229\n\nI sometimes get the same reaction (with the same knife as OP)--except I work with people who wear BDUs, ACUs, and khakis all day.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:14 PM\n\nsisco\n\nI wear a Touche' by Gerber, it's a small knife that attaches to a belt buckle.",
"\nA while back I went in for a CAT scan. ",
"Took everything out of my pockets but forgot about the knife. ",
"As I was walking toward the table the tech said \"Your belt buckle\"\nSince the buckle itself is plastic I removed the knife portion and tossed it into the tray with my change & stuff.",
"\nThe tech says \"Is that a knife?\"",
"\nI thought oh, boy here we go\n\"Yes, it is\" I told her.",
"\nAll she said was \"My husband would love one of those, where did you get it?\"",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:30 PM\n\nbuckeye .45\n\nThe past few summers I working in the shipping, recieving and delivery department of a construction supply company, out on the loading/unloading docks and in the trucks.",
"\n\nI usually carried some sort of lockblade knife with about a 3 inch blade. ",
"It always amazed me, some customer would come in to pick up a couple cabinets, which are shipped in cardboard boxes to protect them.",
"\n\n\"Hey can you open up the box so we can look at it and make sure its not damaged?\"",
"\n\"yeah sure\" pull out the knife, cut the box open\n\"What are you gonna do with that thing?\"",
"\n\"Well, I didn just cut the box open like you wanted me to, what did you expect me to use?\"",
"\n\nBlank stare.",
"\n\nThe ladies that worked in the office didn't seem to like me walking around back there with it clipped on my pocket either, like I have time\nto dig in my pocket with something heavy in one hand.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:37 PM\n\nWrascal\n\nHave you all had too much coffee? ",
"\n\nShe asked politely enough. ",
"What if this lady was your mother/wife/daughter?",
"\n\nPS. ",
"I did enjoy the remark about letting the gun babysit the knife.",
"\n\nI carry an assisted opening Gerber.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:42 PM\n\nRedneck Repairs\n\nLOL she woulda really crapped @ my automatic boker work knife then .",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 06:43 PM\n\nRide4TheBrand\n\nQuote:\n\nOriginally Posted by Wrascal\n\nWhat if this lady was your mother/wife/daughter?",
"\n\nMy mother/wife/daughter all know that it is only a tool.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 08:13 PM\n\nbriansmech\n\npolitical correctness doesnt fly far around me.",
"\n\nimho, being offended too easily, is offensive itself. ",
"when someone gets all uptight and starts painting me as some gun weilding, blood drinking, violence monger, i get offended myself.",
"\n\ni just deal with them with a smile, and a spoonful of disdain and sarcasm.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 08:16 PM\n\nraevan\n\nIsn't it amazing how a butcher knife with a blade 7-8 inches long used in an office to cut cake doesn't bother anyone but a clipit with a 3 inch blade will make people go in to histerics.",
"\n\nMarch 15th, 2007, 08:42 PM\n\nWrascal\n\nDifferent folks, different strokes.",
"\n\nI once sat in a hospital lab - beside a bunch of urine bottles. ",
"It didn't bother the lab personnel, but it did me.",
"\n\nI've seen big tough guys get woozy while donating blood - didn't like seeing their own blood in the bag. ",
"That didn't bother me.",
"\n\nDoes any of this bother you? ",
"How about fingernails on a chalk board. ",
"People have different fears. ",
"Doesn't make them wrong or sheep."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.000649 | 5 |
"Childhood diarrhoea symptoms, management and duration: observations from a longitudinal community study.",
"\nThis study examined the evolution and duration of diarrhoea episodes observed in a community setting, with regard to symptoms and carers' responses. ",
"The study group comprised 1156 children, aged 0-36 months, who were followed-up with twice-weekly home visits in 30 sampling areas in the city of Salvador, northeast Brazil. ",
"A total of 2403 diarrhoea episodes (mean duration: 2.9 days) were recorded. ",
"The number of soft/liquid motions per day (3.6) did not vary significantly with duration, but other symptoms were more commonly reported in the longer episodes. ",
"However, when the data were analysed by day of the episode, rather than the episode's overall duration, the reported frequency of fever and vomiting declined significantly with time. ",
"During the course of an episode, rehydration, medication and care-seeking also showed a decline in frequency after the first or second week. ",
"As episodes continue, less rehydration and medical care are provided by carers, whereas they ought to be maintained because of the continued purging and cumulative effect of the symptoms. ",
"Since most cases of diarrhoea are managed at home, it is important to understand how to encourage better management of the longer episodes, which cause an increasing proportion of mortality in some countries."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"UPDATE, writethru: M. Night Shyamalan’s Glass took the top spot at the international box office this weekend with $48.5M in 55 markets. ",
"That’s right in line with pre-weekend projections and positions the Blumhouse pic at 13% ahead of its predecessor, Split. ",
"Disney, which handled the first movie in Shyamalan’s Eastrail 177 trilogy, 2000’s Unbreakable, has overseas on Glass via Buena Vista International. ",
"Combined with the domestic take (via Universal), the global three-day weekend is $89.1M.\n\nComing into the frame, we were reminded that there is lower awareness of Unbreakable outside the mature major territories, but the Bruce Willis/Samuel L Jackson/James McAvoy-starrer opened at No. ",
"1 in the majority of its offshore hubs (note that it currently does not have a China date; should it slot in, the movie would not go through Disney, rather it would be a Shyamalan deal). ",
"While some expected Glass to be front-loaded, we understand the weekend didn’t reflect that overseas. ",
"We’ll see how word of mouth plays out during the next week. ",
"Internationally, the reactions have been better than the domestic RT score.",
"\n\nGlass’ top offshore bows were in Russia ($5.2M/39% ahead of Split) and Mexico ($4.5M/+96%), both the best Shyamalan openings ever; the UK ($4.3M/+29%), France ($3.4M/-1%) and Korea ($2.8M). ",
"Within those, Mexico, Russia and the UK were highlights while Korea is the only one of the group that didn’t debut at No. ",
"1, landing softly and faced with competition from the holdovers of two successful local pics. ",
"Japan was also light, not cracking the Top 10. ",
"While Japan was the biggest play for Unbreakable, Split was weak there.",
"\n\nOverall on Split, the UK, France, Korea, Germany and Russia were the lead markets and that film finaled at $140.2M abroad for a little more than 50% of its total.",
"\n\nParamount Elsewhere at international turnstiles, Paramount’s Bumblebee stung the No. ",
"2 spot for the weekend. ",
"As we reported yesterday, the well-received Transformers origins story flew past the $400M mark globally. ",
"Through today, it’s at $412.3M worldwide and $296.4M overseas, so it will soon zip across $300M offshore. ",
"Japan doesn’t release until March 22.",
"\n\nWarner Bros’ Aquaman for his part has now butterflied to $759.1M in international waters, and lifted his global cume to $1.06B.\n\n20th Century Fox Coming in behind the undersea adventure this weekend, Fox’s phenomenal Bohemian Rhapsody is now the biggest 2018 release in 13 international markets, including Japan ($88.6M), Italy ($30.5M) and the Netherlands ($19.3M). ",
"The cume on the Freddie Mercury biopic will imminently cross $800M global and $600M international.",
"\n\nFox this weekend also took advantage of school holidays in four markets to sneak The Kid Who Would Be King. ",
"The Joe Cornish-helmed fantasy action comedy pulled $822K from 741 screens before it travels to 14 new markets next session along with North America. ",
"The well-reviewed adventure stars Ashbourne Serkis as Alex, a kid who stumbles upon the mythical Excalibur and learns he must form a new Round Table, teaming up with Merlin (Patrick Stewart) to take on the wicked enchantress Morgana (Rebecca Ferguson).",
"\n\nIn milestones, Disney’s Mary Poppins Returns sashayed across $300M worldwide and will pass Chicago tomorrow.",
"\n\nNext weekend, we’ll keep a particular eye on China when, in a first for Deadpool, the Merc heads to the Middle Kingdom. ",
"Fox’s sequel, Deadpool 2, in its PG-13 version Once Upon A Deadpool, has been slated for January 25 in China where the original 2016 movie and its 2018 follow-up were too raunchy for the market. ",
"This one’s going out with the local title Deadpool 2: I Love My Home and star Ryan Reynolds has been in Beijing to promote the movie.",
"\n\nWhile the release will come just 10 days ahead of the start of the Chinese New Year influx of local pics, it’s thought there is pent-up demand for a Deadpool movie in the superhero-loving market. ",
"The last X-Men film to release in China was 2017’s Logan, which likewise was R-rated elsewhere, had some cuts and ultimately grossed a tidy $106.2M there. ",
"DP2 has nearly 600 IMAX screens booked in the Middle Kingdom.",
"\n\nBreakdowns on this week’s films above and more have been updated below.",
"\n\nNEW\n\nGLASS\n\nUniversal Disney/BVI served up M Night Shyamalan’s Glass in 55 offshore markets this weekend for a $48.5M start. ",
"Globally, the 3-day bow is $89.1M (it’s $95.6M when factoring in the 4-day domestic Martin Luther King holiday Monday). ",
"The overseas bow is in line with pre-weekend projections and didn’t play as front-loaded as feared offshore through the weekend. ",
"Word of mouth will be a significant factor going forward — reviews have been better overseas than in the States. ",
"Ahead, there is not much in Glass’ way. ",
"Most upcoming titles fall in the family realm and will stagger in before Alita: Battle Angel marches in February.",
"\n\nGlass‘ opening this weekend is 13% bigger than Split at today’s rates and in like-for-likes. ",
"There is much higher awareness of that recent picture versus 2000’s Unbreakable which is largely known in the mature major territories.",
"\n\nRussia was the top opener ($5.2M/39% ahead of Split) at No. ",
"1 for Shyamalan’s best; followed by Mexico ($4.5M/+96%), also with Shyamalan’s best opening ever and at No. ",
"1; the UK ($4.3M/+29%) at No. ",
"1; France ($3.4M/-1%) at No. ",
"1; and Korea ($2.8M). ",
"The latter was a soft start and fell in at No. ",
"3 behind two local pics.",
"\n\nIn Latin America, all markets opened above Split (+59% overall in admissions). ",
"In Europe, the region was 30% ahead of Split. ",
"Glass also shattered Shyamalan’s opening bests in Indonesia, Hong Kong and Vietnam.",
"\n\nThere is no China date on Glass for the moment, and should it slot in, the movie would not go through Disney. ",
"Rather it would be a Shyamalan show; he is understood to have self-financed the $20M movie which was a negative pick-up for Universal domestically and Disney offshore. ",
"China doesn’t typically accept horror movies, although Blumhouse’s Happy Death Day got in last year and so did Paramount’s A Quiet Place. ",
"Still, this one is more of a hybrid.",
"\n\nThe total IMAX portion of this weekend was $3.5M internationally.",
"\n\nIn terms of getting the word out, Shyamalan traveled to Moscow Comic-Con, the Sitges Film Festival, Munich, London and Sao Paulo Comic-Con. ",
"On January 7, there was a gala screening in Paris with the director and McAvoy in attendance. ",
"There was also a surprise screening for fans where they introduced the movie and took questions. ",
"The UK premiere was held at the Curzon, Mayfair on January 9 and was attended by Shyamalan, McAvoy, Jackson, Willis, Sarah Paulson and Anya Taylor-Joy. ",
"McAvoy and Paulson then appeared on Graham Norton January 11 and Shyamalan surprised fans at London comic book store Forbidden Planet.",
"\n\nMARY QUEEN OF SCOTS\n\nLiam Daniel / Focus Features Josie Rourke’s feature directing debut had its overseas coronation this weekend in 13 markets. ",
"The Saoirse Ronan/Margot Robbie-starrer took in a solid $6.4M for a current global cume of $22.5M. Predictably, the story of the determined queen cousins opened best in the UK with Scotland standing out. ",
"The total there was $2.8M at 506 locations which was good for No. ",
"2 and in line with The Favourite, The Post and Iron Lady, and above Victoria And Abdul, Lincoln, Suffragette and The Danish Girl.",
"\n\nRobbie’s native Australia was next with $970K at 225, above Darkest Hour, Brooklyn, Lady Bird, The Favourite and The Danish Girl. ",
"Italy ($817K/314), Germany ($509K/185) and Russia ($492K/615) round out the Top 5.",
"\n\nThe three-time BAFTA nominee’s next major openings are Spain on February 8, followed by France and Japan.",
"\n\nHOLDOVERS/EXPANSIONS\n\nBUMBLEBEE\n\nParamount Paramount’s Bumblebee zipped past the $400M mark worldwide on Saturday, and through Sunday has a $412.3M global total including $296.4M internationally. ",
"The Hailee Steinfeld-starrer held No. ",
"1 in China and still has Japan to come on March 22. ",
"That’s been a solid play for the Transformers franchise, so there’s more fuel in the VW Bug’s tank ahead.",
"\n\nThe current weekend was worth $20.9M in 64 markets. ",
"China accounted for $16.3M of that at 7,154 locations and despite the arrival of eight new pictures. ",
"This is the 3rd weekend in a row at No. ",
"1 with a cume to date of $137.7M and an extension to play through the New Year holiday.",
"\n\nElsewhere, the top weekend holds were in the Philippines ($869K/207 cinemas/$3.3M cume); the UK ($798K/497/$14.7M); France ($419K/473/$9M); and Germany ($205K/388/$7.6M).",
"\n\nAQUAMAN\n\nWarner Bros. Warner Bros/DC’s heir to Atlantis speared $14.3M on roughly 8,660 screens in 79 markets in his most recent session. ",
"The international cume to date is $759.1M for $1.06B global. ",
"All markets save Japan (February 8) are open and China is now at $289.7M as its extended run starts to slow. ",
"Below the Middle Kingdom, the Top 5 markets are Korea ($39M), Brazil ($33.9M), Mexico ($29.7M) and the UK ($27.3M).",
"\n\nBOHEMIAN RHAPSODY\n\n20th Century Fox Any moment now, Fox’s runaway hit Freddie Mercury biopic will cross $800M at the worldwide box office. ",
"It’s currently at $798M through Sunday estimates. ",
"Internationally, the Rami Malek-starrer will also pass $600M imminently ($596M current).",
"\n\nThe phenom added $11.3M on 4,036 screens in 44 markets this weekend — its 13th of international release. ",
"It is now the biggest movie released in 2018 in 13 markets including Japan ($88.6M), Italy ($30.5M) and the Netherlands ($19.3M).",
"\n\nIn the current frame, Bo Rhap was No. ",
"2 in Japan during the 11th weekend; in Holland it was No. ",
"1 in the 12th; and in the UK the $66.27M cume takes it past Harry Potter 6 and Black Panther.",
"\n\nHOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD\n\nDWA Universal/DreamWorks Animation’s threequel swooped into five more markets this session including Brazil, Colombia and the Netherlands. ",
"The film is opening early offshore before its February 22 domestic bow. ",
"The weekend was worth $10.8M in 13 hubs for a $29M cume so far.",
"\n\nFamily-friendly Brazil was the top start at No. ",
"1 with $3.7M from 653 locations. ",
"That’s the 3rd best launch for DWA behind HTTYD2 and Madagascar 3. ",
"The Netherlands is ahead of all comps with $1.3M from 136, and Colombia bowed No. ",
"1 for $1.2M at 192 (double HTTYD2 and ahead of The Secret Life Of Pets and Kung Fu Panda 3, notably.",
"\n\nIn holds, Australia has cumed $12.1M after three frames, followed by Indonesia with $4.4M after two. ",
"The next big markets to open will be Korea and Italy at the end of the month.",
"\n\nESCAPE ROOM\n\nSony Sony’s Escape Room absconded with $9.5M this weekend in 16 markets. ",
"That includes a rare-for-horror release in China where the Adam Robitel-directed movie did a solid $8.5M, with increases throughout the weekend to more than double Happy Death Day‘s opening last February. ",
"The international cume is now $13M as rollout continues in the UK, Australia, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy and Spain through mid-March.",
"\n\nRALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET\n\nCrossing $450M global, Disney’s sequel still has Germany and France to open, next weekend and next month, respectively. ",
"The current frame punched up $9.2M in 32 markets for an offshore cume of $262M. Worldwide, the lovable guy has grossed $455.2M.\n\nMajor markets continue to hold well including the UK (-25%), Australia (-35%) and Japan (-38%). ",
"China is still the top overall market, having finished its run with $39M, followed by Japan ($31.7M), the UK ($21.9M), Mexico ($17.4M) and Spain ($13.5M).",
"\n\nMARY POPPINS RETURNS\n\nWalt Disney Studios Another $6M internationally helped the magical nanny cross the $300M global mark after five sessions. ",
"In 44 markets, the overseas cume on Disney’s sequel is $147.3M for $306M worldwide. ",
"This was always a movie that was targeting Europe overseas, and with $118.8M in the region, MPR has passed Iron Man 1 & 2, Doctor Strange, Captain America: Winter Soldier and Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation across the Euro hubs. ",
"The UK, with $51.7M through Sunday off a 27% drop, will exceed the local lifetime of Les Misérables today.",
"\n\nThe UK is the lead market, followed by Italy ($14.6M), France ($11M), Australia ($10.7M) and Germany ($9.9M). ",
"Big hubs to come include Japan and Korea in February.",
"\n\nCREED II\n\nMGM In 37 offshore Warner Bros markets, the Rocky spinoff sequel rang up a further $5.5M this weekend on 3,093 screens. ",
"The international running cume is $60.2M. With Germany, Italy, Brazil and Spain opening next weekend, it should top the previous Creed’s unadjusted $63.8M from 2015.",
"\n\nFrance, which was the leader on that movie, has now grossed $9.6M. Overall, it’s the No. ",
"2 market behind the UK ($12.7M) and above Australia ($6.3M), Mexico ($5.9M) and China ($2.5M).",
"\n\nMISC UPDATED CUMES/NOTABLES\n\nFunimation Films Dragon Ball Super: Broly (FOX): $5.3M intl weekend (18 markets); $65.9M intl cume\n\nMortal Engines (UNI): $4.9M intl weekend (34 markets); $64.1M intl cume\n\nSpider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (SNY): $4.7M intl weekend (65 markets); $164.6M intl cume\n\nThe Favourite (FOX): $3.2M intl weekend (11 markets), $19.7M intl cume\n\nA Dog’s Way Home (SNY): $2.8M intl weekend (8 markets); $5.1M intl cume\n\nInstant Family (PAR): $2.6M intl weekend (20 markets); $17.4M intl cume\n\nStan & Ollie (EONE): $2.4M intl weekend (2 markets); $8.14M intl cume\n\nStorm Boy (SNY): $1.2M intl weekend (Australia only); $1.3M intl cume\n\nThe Grinch (UNI): $1.1M intl weekend (54 markets); $237.9M intl cume"
] | {
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] | 0.007668 | 5 |
"All Discussions Tagged 'Cometbus' - We Make Zines2015-03-31T18:47:36Zhttp://wemakezines.ning.com/forum/topic/listForTag?tag=Cometbus&feed=yes&xn_auth=noCometbus Art Show at 1-2-3-4 Go!tag:wemakezines.ning.com,2010-01-17:2288844:Topic:1176642010-01-17T06:48:09.069ZBradley Aditahttp://wemakezines.ning.com/profile/bradleyadita\nAaron is having an art show. ",
"Its gonna be at 1-2-3-4 Go! ",
"Records * 423 40th St. * Oakland, CA 94609 * (510) 985-0325 - on Feb 5th, running through the month. ",
"The opening is in the 5th. ",
"Here's a fcbk event page: <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=244901187748\">http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=244901187748</a>\nAaron is having an art show. ",
"Its gonna be at 1-2-3-4 Go! ",
"Records * 423 40th St. * Oakland, CA 94609 * (510) 985-0325 - on Feb 5th, running through the month. ",
"The opening is in the 5th. ",
"Here's a fcbk event page: <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=244901187748\">http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=244901187748</a>"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.00709 | 5 |
"\n40 Md. App. ",
"713 (1978)\n395 A.2d 1225\nCARL H. EZERSKY\nv.\nELIZABETH EZERSKY.",
"\nNo. ",
"219, September Term, 1978.",
"\nCourt of Special Appeals of Maryland.",
"\nDecided December 7, 1978.",
"\nThe cause was argued before MELVIN, MASON and MACDANIEL, JJ.",
"\nEugene I. Glazer for appellant.",
"\n*714 Larry W. Newell, with whom was Kenneth L. Johnson on the brief, for appellee.",
"\nMacDANIEL, J., delivered the opinion of the Court.",
"\nThe appellant in this case, Carl H. Ezersky, challenges the action of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City in granting the petition of the appellee, Elizabeth Ezersky, and removing the child custody portion of the pending divorce case to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County.",
"\nThe appellee was formerly married to George Diering, and Sally Ellen Diering was born of that marriage. ",
"The appellee was divorced from George Diering by a decree of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County dated March 18, 1970, and she was awarded custody of the above minor child, subject to the continuing jurisdiction of that court. ",
"After an intervening marriage and divorce, the appellee married the appellant on November 19, 1974. ",
"The appellant and appellee separated in 1975, and on July 1, 1976, they entered into a separation agreement which, among other things, stipulated that the minor child, Sally Ellen Diering, could continue to reside with the appellant as long as she desired. ",
"On March 10, 1977, the appellant filed for divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the appellee in the Circuit Court of Baltimore City. ",
"Subsequently, on August 19, 1977, he amended the complaint and sought temporary and permanent custody of Sally Ellen Diering. ",
"On the same day, the court, in an ex parte proceeding without notice to the appellee's counsel, granted the appellant temporary custody of the child. ",
"The appellee then petitioned the court to remove the portion of the case relating to child custody to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County. ",
"On December 7, 1977, the petition was granted.",
"\nThe appellant argues that the lower court did not have the power to remove any portion of the pending case to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County. ",
"We agree.",
"\nWe note, first, that an order granting or denying the removal of a case is final and appealable. ",
"Greenberg v. Dunn, 245 Md. 651, 227 A.2d 242 (1967), and the cases cited therein. ",
"Thus, the issue of the lower court's power of removal is properly before this Court for review.",
"\n\n\n*715 I.\nPart of the appellee's argument appears to be that removal was appropriate under the \"continuing jurisdiction\" concept. ",
"The lower court emphasized the fact that the Circuit Court for Baltimore County had decided the issue of the custody of the minor child in the previous divorce litigation and that it \"presumably has reports and facts available to it.\"",
"\nWe feel, however, the \"continuing jurisdiction\" arguments are inapposite to this case. ",
"Jurisdiction involves the inherent power of a court to decide a case, and it clearly may be had by more than one court at a time, even where jurisdiction by one of the courts is \"continuing.\" ",
"Struzinski v. Butler, 24 Md. App. ",
"672, 332 A.2d 713 (1975). ",
"The real issue in this case is where, among the courts having jurisdiction, the case will be heard, and this is a question of venue. ",
"The appellee has not alleged any facts indicating the Circuit Court of Baltimore City did not have jurisdiction over the entire case or that the initial venue selection was not proper. ",
"This case must be decided, then, under the established guidelines for the removal of cases to another court.",
"\nThe appellant correctly argues that there is no \"right\" of removal in divorce or equity cases, such as the one now before this Court. ",
"Under Md. Const. ",
"art. ",
"IV, § 8, Maryland Code § 6-204 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, and Maryland Rule 542, a party has a \"right\" to have a case removed to another court having jurisdiction if he can show that he cannot have a \"fair and impartial trial\" in the court in which the action has been initially brought.[1] This statutory *716 and constitutional protection clearly does not apply, however, to equity cases. ",
"Link v. Link, 35 Md. App. ",
"684, 371 A.2d 1146 (1977); Olson v. Love, 234 Md. 503, 200 A.2d 66 (1964); Cooke v. Cooke, 41 Md. 362 (1875).[2] Therefore, the appellee does not have a \"right\" to have this case, or any portion thereof, removed from Baltimore City.",
"\nThe appellee argues that, independent of the above statutory and constitutional provisions, the lower court judge had, and properly exercised, a common law discretionary power (as opposed to statutory duty) to remove the case, or *717 part of it, from the Circuit Court of Baltimore City. ",
"This discretion would not be dependent on whether the case was at law or in equity or whether there was a showing that a fair and impartial trial could not be had. ",
"We disagree.",
"\nFirst, while Maryland law courts (as opposed to equity courts) do have a common law discretionary power to remove cases, as the appellee alleges, an examination of the cases discussing this power shows that it can only be exercised when a party cannot otherwise have a fair and impartial trial. ",
"It cannot be exercised for any other reason.",
"\nIn Davidson v. Miller, 276 Md. 54, 83, 344 A.2d 422, 439 (1975), for example, the Court of Appeals, after finding the statutory removal provisions then in effect unconstitutional,[3] stated:\n\"The effect of this ruling ... will in no way deprive or otherwise curtail the circuit courts of the counties or the circuit-level civil law courts of Baltimore City from exercising their common law discretionary power (which is subject to appellate review for abuse) to remove an action to another jurisdiction, within or without the circuit, in order to rid the case of any prejudicial barnacles which, because of local prejudice, passion or interest, may have attached; thus, as near as is reasonably possible, an action's consideration by a fair and impartial jury can be insured.\" (",
"Citations omitted.)",
"\nSee also Price v. State, 8 Gill 295 (1849), and Negro Jerry v. Townshend, 2 Md. 274 (1852).",
"\nIn Price v. State, supra, 8 Gill at 310-11, the Court of Appeals explained the origin of this discretionary power:\n\"It has always been held, that the county courts in this State, being the only courts of record with original common law jurisdiction, can rightfully *718 exercise all the powers exercised in England, by the court of King's bench, so far as these powers are derived from rules and principles of the common law, and so far as the same are suited to the change in our political institutions, and are not modified by our constitutional or statutory enactments.",
"\n\"That the court of King's bench has rightfully exercised this power of removal as an acknowledged, if not an essential part of its ordinary common law jurisdiction, both in respect to criminal and civil cases, does not seem to have been doubted in any of the cases in which its exercise is reported to us, .. .\"",
"\nThe English common law cases in the Court of King's Bench which are the basis for the discretionary power of removal at law in Maryland are summarized in Crocker v. Justices of Superior Court, 208 Mass. 162, 94 N.E. 369 (1911). ",
"We need not repeat that summary here. ",
"It is clear, however, that the only ground for removal ever recognized was the impossibility of having a fair and impartial trial in the original court of law.",
"\nThe correct understanding of the Maryland cases such as Davidson, supra, then, is that even if the constitution and statutes of this State did not give to parties a \"right\" to have a case at law removed, a court would still retain a common law discretionary power to remove a case upon the same showing. ",
"The only purpose behind codification of removal at law in this State was to make \"the privilege, for the first time, an object of constitutional security, leaving to the legislature no longer the power to deprive a party of its exercise, but only the power of extending it, or prescribing the mode of its exercise.\" ",
"Price v. State, supra, 8 Gill at 311.",
"\nClearly, the common law discretionary power of removal is never available in an equity or divorce case. ",
"As indicated above, this discretionary power originated in the common law Court of King's Bench. ",
"It has, accordingly, been inherited by our common law courts. ",
"Our equity courts, on the other hand, find their origin in the Court of Chancery and, in the case of divorce, in the Ecclesiastical Courts, Dougherty v. *719 Dougherty, 187 Md. 21, 48 A.2d 451 (1946). ",
"There is no indication that these English courts exercised a discretionary power of removal, and we are not free to give their successors such a power.",
"\nBecause removal is only available in courts of law (and not equity) and only upon a showing that otherwise a fair and impartial trial cannot be had, removal should not have been granted in this case.",
"\nJudgment reversed.",
"\nCosts to be paid by appellee.",
"\nNOTES\n[1] Md. Const. ",
"art. ",
"IV, § 8, Removal of causes, provides in part:\n\n\"The parties to any cause may submit the same to the court for determination without the aid of a jury, and in all suits or actions at law, issues from the orphans' court, or from any court sitting in equity, ... pending in any of the courts of law in this State, having jurisdiction thereof, upon suggestion in writing under oath of either of the parties to said proceedings, that such party cannot have a fair and impartial trial in the court in which the same may be pending, the said court shall order and direct the record of proceedings in such suit or action, issue ... to be transmitted to some other court having jurisdiction in such case for trial....\"\nMaryland Code § 6-204 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article provides in part:\n\"(a) Suggestion under oath. ",
" In actions at law, including issues from the orphans' court and appeals from the Workmen's Compensation Commission, pending in any of the courts of law in this State, upon suggestion in writing under oath of either of the parties to the action and not of counsel, that such party cannot have a fair and impartial trial in that county or judicial circuit in which the same may be pending, the court shall order and direct the record of proceedings in the action to be transmitted to a court of some other county within the circuit or to some other judicial circuit having jurisdiction in the action for trial.\"",
"\nMaryland Rule 542 provides in part:\n\"a. Right of Suggestion by Affidavit.",
"\n1. ",
"Prejudice in County.",
"\nIn an action at law, including issues from the Orphans' Court and an appeal from the Workmen's Compensation Commission, pending in any of the courts of law of this State, any party to the action and not counsel, may suggest by affidavit that he cannot have a fair and impartial trial in the county in which the action is pending. ",
"If the court finds that there is a reasonable ground for the suggestion, it shall order and direct the record of proceedings in the action to be transmitted to a court having jurisdiction in the action in some other county. ",
"Any party, including a party who has obtained removal, may obtain further removal pursuant to this Rule.\"",
"\nOther sections of the above statutory provisions give additional procedural requirements which are not in issue in this case.",
"\n[2] See Bullock v. State, 230 Md. 280, 186 A.2d 888 (1962) footnote 3, which makes clear that while the language of § 8, Article IV of the Constitution of Maryland provides for removal when issues from an equity court are tried in a court of law, it does not provide for removal from an equity court.",
"\n[3] The reason for finding the provisions unconstitutional in Davidson and subsequently in Perkins v. Eskridge, 278 Md. 619, 366 A.2d 21 (1976), does not in any way affect this case, and the problem has since been remedied by the Maryland Legislature.",
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] | 0.006083 | 5 |
"Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the completion of the Long Island Rail Road Double Track more than a year ahead of schedule. ",
"This historic project adds a second 13-mile track between Farmingdale and Ronkonkoma — a segment of the LIRR that carries 48,000 riders every weekday — and will significantly reduce delays and allow for reverse-peak service expansions. ",
"The double track project also includes a new signal system, electrical substation modifications and new third rail electrical systems that will power the new track's trains. ",
"Governor Cuomo also announced the official opening of a new and fully accessible Wyandanch Station along the new double track.",
"\n\n\"After 70 years of stagnation we are investing $6.6 billion in 100 projects to completely transform the LIRR and improve service, and the completion of the new Double Track demonstrates our commitment to delivering results,\" Governor Cuomo said. \"",
"The LIRR is the lifeblood of the region's economy and projects like the Double Track and Third Track will help support future growth and vastly improve riders' experience on the busiest commuter rail in the country.\"",
"\n\n\"We're making significant investments to transform the Long Island Rail Road, and the completion of the new double track will significantly reduce delays and ease traffic,\" said Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, who delivered today's announcement. \"",
"This project adds a second track and expands service between Farmingdale and Ronkonkoma, making transportation faster, easier, and safer for New Yorkers. ",
"We're cutting through red tape to deliver ahead of schedule because we prioritize our commuters.\"",
"\n\nThe Double Track allows the LIRR to immediately begin offering substantial reverse peak service on the Ronkonkoma Line in the mornings and evenings for the first time. ",
"The new infrastructure will enhance train reliability by allowing dispatchers flexibility to route trains around problems that may arise. ",
"The Double Track project added 13 miles of new track to an already existing 5-mile stretch of previously unused track - totaling 18 miles. ",
"The first trains are entering the new double track region more than a year ahead of the original construction schedule, which was accelerated in 2016 at Governor Cuomo's direction.",
"\n\nEarly completion of the project will free up LIRR resources for other projects in support of LIRR's expansion and modernization like East Side Access, the Main Line Third Track, and the Mid-Suffolk Train Storage Yard. ",
"Commuters can look forward to improvements at 39 stations throughout Long Island which will include amenities such as free public Wi-Fi, USB charging ports, bicycle racks, and customer information totems.",
"\n\n\"More tracks, whether it's here along the Ronkonkoma Branch corridor but also along the Main Line in Nassau County, mean more capacity and flexibility for the LIRR,\" LIRR President Phil Eng said. \"",
"That means fewer train delays from congestion or from an incident. ",
"And it's all one integrated system, so fewer delays on the Ronkonkoma Branch translates to fewer delays on other branches result from held connections or congestion at terminals.\"",
"\n\n\"Work here proceeded quickly to minimize impact to the customers and the local community,\" said MTA Chief Development Officer Janno Lieber. \"",
"In that respect, this project was a forerunner of the approach we will be taking along the Third Track corridor, minimizing disruption and maintaining continuous inclusion of the local communities.\"",
"\n\nAssembly Member Kimberly Jean-Pierre said, \"The Long Island Rail Road is a critical piece of the island's infrastructure, serving millions of Long Islanders and visitors each year. ",
"After years of delayed and frustrating service, today's announcement marks a new day for Long Islanders. ",
"Completion of the double track—an entire year ahead of schedule—will truly transform the LIRR and the daily commute for thousands of riders. ",
"I thank Governor Cuomo for championing this significant undertaking, and for helping to improve the quality of life and local economies for Long Island residents.\"",
"\n\nSuffolk County Executive Steve Bellone said, \"I have been proud to work alongside Governor Cuomo to tackle some of the toughest challenges on Long Island, most especially upgrading our transportation system in Suffolk County. ",
"Nothing exemplifies his commitment to Long Island more than his dedication to rebuilding the Long Island Rail Road, which is the lifeblood of our communities and economic competitiveness. ",
"Today, the Governor is advancing historic investments to improve and expand service across the island, and I thank him for following through on his promise to get the job done.\"",
"\n\nNassau County Executive Laura Curran said, \"The Governor continues to assist in fixing and improving our infrastructure and providing what we need to grow this economy. ",
"The Double Track ushers in a new era for commuting on Long Island. ",
"We thank the Governor for once again making good on his promises.\"",
"\n\nBabylon Town Supervisor Rich Schaffer said, \"The Long Island Rail Road is a pillar of our community, driving business and economic opportunity all across the island. ",
"Thanks to the Governor's leadership, the new double track will improve LIRR service, making it easier for Long Islanders to commute, travel, and do business. ",
"And with the addition of the Wyandanch station, the local community will be able to attract businesses and new jobs like never before. ",
"I applaud the Governor's commitment to these projects and to strengthening the Long Island economy with critical infrastructure investments.\"",
"\n\nMore Reverse-Peak Service for Wyandanch Through Greenport\n\nThe 6:07 a.m. train from Penn Station, which previously had terminated at Farmingdale, is now extended to Wyandanch, Deer Park, Brentwood, Central Islip, and Ronkonkoma, where it connects with a train making all North Fork stops and due into Greenport at 8:54 a.m.\n\nThis pairing of an extended train and the connecting train provides reverse peak service to all 11 stations from Wyandanch through Greenport. ",
"Between Wyandanch and Ronkonkoma, it closes a reverse-peak service gap of nearly two hours during the prime reverse peak commuting time.",
"\n\nIn addition, the 7:37 a.m. train from Penn Station to Ronkonkoma has added stops at Bethpage and Wyandanch, providing additional morning reverse peak service at those stations.",
"\n\nReverse-peak trains that had originated in Farmingdale at 6:25 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. are now extended to originate at Ronkonkoma at 5:57 p.m. and 6:36 p.m., respectively, initiating true reverse peak service for the first time from Ronkonkoma, Central Islip, Brentwood, Deer Park and Wyandanch. ",
"The second train is timed to receive passengers from a connecting train from Yaphank and Medford.",
"\n\nThe extension of these two trains closes a service gap of nearly three hours during the prime reverse peak commuting time.",
"\n\nIn addition, the 4:46 p.m. train from Ronkonkoma to Penn Station has added stops at Brentwood and Wyandanch, providing additional afternoon reverse peak service at those stations.",
"\n\nRonkonkoma Branch Is the LIRR Main Line\n\nConstruction of the second track began in February 2014, with an initial completion forecasted for December 2019. ",
"Phase 1, covering the segment from Ronkonkoma to Central Islip, was completed in August 2016, when Governor Cuomo expedited the completion of the overall project to reduce its timetable by more than a year.",
"\n\nBusinesses along the corridor have been citing the need for increased reverse-peak service to tap into regional job market, and Double Track, in conjunction with East Side Access and the Main Line Third Track projects, will unlock the region's true potential.",
"\n\nDouble Track will allow the LIRR to provide better access to Brookhaven National Laboratory and Long Island MacArthur Airport, and a second track will give this branch the capacity possibilities Suffolk County needs to grow, allowing transit oriented development to function optimally and encourage smart growth near train stations, as is already happening at Wyandanch.",
"\n\nWyandanch Station\n\nAs part of the Double Track project, the LIRR built two new 12-car-long platforms at the Wyandanch Station that include a snow melt system, a pedestrian overpass with elevators, new stairs, new canopies and new platform shelters. ",
"A new station building replaces a previous station building, which was built in 1986, with new amenities such as digital signs, MTA Help Points, Wi-Fi and USB charging stations and bike racks.",
"\n\nIn recent years, LIRR has partnered with the Town of Babylon and Suffolk County in the site location and design of the new Wyandanch Station Building, as the LIRR station forms the heart of the Wyandanch revitalization effort known as Wyandanch Rising. ",
"For the 4,200 daily customers at Wyandanch Station, improved platforms will allow for a more comfortable customer experience.",
"\n\n100 Projects Modernizing the LIRR\n\nThe Ronkonkoma Branch Double Track project is one component of Governor Cuomo's larger effort to modernize the LIRR.",
"\n\nIn July 2017, Gov. Cuomo unveiled a $5.6 billion transformation of the railroad that includes 100 projects to expand the system's capacity, eliminate dangerous grade crossings, and rebuild and upgrade tracks, switches, yards, signaling and power substations -- all efforts that will help increase the railroad capacity by more than 80 percent. ",
"These 100 projects address areas and issues that had been left untouched for as long as 70 years before this initiative made them a priority.",
"\n\nSpanning the entire railroad system, these projects, some recently completed and many others already started, will benefit railroad passengers by improving the reliability, frequency, and comfort of their trips and by improving customer communications. ",
"Details on each of these projects can be found at aModernLI.com."
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] | 0.005603 | 5 |
"According to Jonathan Vanderhagen's lawyer, it took a jury all of 26 minutes and 8 seconds to decide that he was not guilty of using his Facebook account to threaten a county judge. ",
"Reason previously covered the Michigan father's free speech case, which began with a custody battle two years ago.",
"\n\nIn 2017, Vanderhagen petitioned the court for sole custody over his 2-year-old son, Killian. ",
"Vanderhagen believed Killian's mother to be an unfit guardian. ",
"Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Rachel Rancilio, the presiding judge, denied the request and Killian was permitted to continue living with his mother. ",
"Killian passed away that September while in his mother's care.",
"\n\nAuthorities concluded that a preexisting medical condition contributed to Killian's death. ",
"Vanderhagen, however, blamed Rancilio's custody ruling for contributing to his son's death, which he believes would not have happened had Killian been in his care. ",
"He used his Facebook page to say as much. ",
"For two years, he posted about Killian's mother, the court system, and Rancilio—at times using Rancilio's own public Facebook posts and Pinterest pins to criticize her ruling.",
"\n\nRancilio was made aware of the posts and an investigation was opened against Vanderhagen. \"",
"At no point does [Vanderhagen] threaten harm or violence towards Rancilio,\" Sgt. ",
"Jason Conklin of the Macomb County Sheriff's Office, the investigating officer, concluded in his case report.",
"\n\nNevertheless, Vanderhagen was charged with the malicious use of telecommunication services, a misdemeanor, in July. \"",
"Malicious use\" means that Vanderhagen was accused of using a telecommunication service with the intention of terrorizing, intimidating, threatening, or harassing Rancilio. ",
"Vanderhagen was ordered to refrain from engaging in direct or third-party contact with Rancilio, including sending \"inadvertent messages by way of Facebook.\"",
"\n\nProsecutors and presiding District Judge Sebastian Lucido used the following post to accuse Vanderhagen of violating his bond conditions later that month.",
"\n\nDada back to digging & you best believe im gonna dig up all the skeletons in this court's closet ???? ",
"Posted by Jonathan Vanderhagen on Monday, July 8, 2019\n\nThe Facebook post features Vanderhagen holding a shovel with the initials R.R., standing for Rachel Rancilio. ",
"The post's caption read, \"Dada back to digging [and] you best believe [I'm] gonna dig up all the skeletons in this court's closet.\"",
"\n\nIn addition to the Facebook post not being threatening, Nicholas Somberg, Vanderhagen's lawyer, told me that the post was created three days before Vanderhagen received his bond conditions.",
"\n\nSomberg also argued in an emergency bond hearing that Vanderhagen had a First Amendment right to criticize legal authorities. ",
"Judge Lucido replied that there were \"limits\" to free speech. ",
"When Somberg asked Lucido to clarify which of the Facebook posts presented to the court were threatening, Lucido said that they 'alluded' to the judge and did not explain his reasoning any further.",
"\n\nLucido raised Vanderhagen's bond to $500,000, an amount Somberg told Reason was tantamount to a bond \"you would expect for a murderer or rapist.\"",
"\n\nA jury acquitted Vanderhagen on Thursday of the charge.",
"\n\nSomberg told me that he was \"so happy\" that justice was served for both Vanderhagen and his son. ",
"He used a portion of his closing argument, which was provided to Reason, to remind the jury that the case was first and foremost about Vanderhagen's First Amendment right to free speech:\n\nOur [Founding Fathers] guaranteed us the right to a Jury Trial for situations just like this. ",
"That the founders understood absolute power corrupts absolutely and that we should be judged by a jury of our peers, not the government. ",
"You all should feel lucky to be sitting for such an important trial. ",
"The verdict that you come back with will send one of two very different messages to the people of Macomb County. ",
"We either have the right to free speech, or if the people of Macomb criticize our elected officials they better watch out.",
"\n\nVanderhagen also provided a statemen saying that he was \"beyond thankful\" to be a free man. ",
"He also thanked Somberg for his work on the case.",
"\n\n\"The past [two] months have been incredibly hard but it was a journey [I] was willing to take to be the voice my son needed it most,\" he said. \"",
"Hearing of everyone's support while [I] was locked up is what kept me going [and] most importantly kept Killian's spirit alive, [I] know he is smiling down proud [and] feeling like the most special boy in the world.\"",
"\n\nThe original Reason report can be read here."
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} | [
] | 0.010007 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nTrying to learn Angular - why isn't the pagination working here?",
"\n\nI'm trying to learn Angular by doing a little hobby project. ",
" Im trying to follow the pagination examples given here- How to do paging in AngularJS?, ",
"but I can't get it to work for me. ",
" What am I doing wrong? ",
" Here is the code-\nhtml\n<!",
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] | 0.000236 | 5 |
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] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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] | 0.00965 | 5 |
"Free Shemale Porn Movies at Shemale Flick.com\n\nIf you are into shemales, this is the place for even the most kinkiest individuals. ",
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] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.001272 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nOpen source license not allowing to publish others changes\n\nI am developing a framework, and want it to be dual-licensed:\n\nfree for non-commercial use; if someone improves the code, then the only way to publish it is by a pull request on Github (he cannot make his own \"branch\" and develop it basing on my code). ",
"Then all the copyrights of the modification are acquired by me.",
"\npaid for commercial use\n\nDo you know maybe adequate, common licenses?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere is no open source license that allows you to do this.",
"\nThe fact that you're looking to prevent people modifying your software without going through you restricts some of the freedoms that are essential to open source. ",
"That's not necessarily a bad thing, but the license you want isn't an open source license.",
"\nAdditionally, if you're looking to be open source, you can't discriminate based on fields of endeavour, or commercial viability, etc. ",
"that means you can't make it free for personal use and paid for commercial use using an open source license.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIt is not open source software anymore, and your code is very unlikely to be often used (unless you build some way to sell it otherwise, and that requires a lot of time and money in marketing), see this. ",
"Probably, nobody will care about your framework. ",
"BTW, you are quite unlikely to get contributions if you are a commercial entity requiring a copyright assignment (notice that the FSF requires a copyright assignment, but it is non-profit, and that assignment is a big stopper to occasionally contribute to GNU projects).",
"\nI know an example (academically interesting) of such code: the CompCert project (a certified and proven C99 compiler). ",
"For academic (or personal) usage, the source code is freely available. ",
"But commercial licenses are available from AbsInt.",
"\nHowever, INRIA folks working on CompCert never claimed that it is open source software. ",
"AFAIK they don't want (or don't care about) external contributions (except perhaps by few selected academic partners).",
"\nFor a framework or library, I would suggest to use the GPLv3 (not the LGPL) license. ",
"It is then restricting the free software to free software projects (since a GPLv3 library cannot be linked to a proprietary software without additional permission), but you won't own the improvements contributed by others.",
"\nYou probably should hire a lawyer, and of course I am not a lawyer (and details depend upon the country, legal system, etc...)\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002103 | 5 |
"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a charge transporting material useful as organic electronic device materials such as an electrophotographic photoreceptor, an organic EL device, and an organic solar cell and a process for the preparation of charge transporting fine particles used for the material.",
"\n2. ",
"Description of the Related Art\nA low-molecular dispersion type organic semiconductor in which a low-molecular charge transporting compound, such as a triarylamine or tetraarylbenzidine type compound, is dispersed in a resin, or an organic semiconductor containing a charge transporting resin typified by a polyvinyl carbazole derivative (PVK) is an important component of a charge transporting layer in an organic electronic device such as an electrophotographic photoreceptor, an electrophotographic photoconductive toner or an organic EL device. ",
"Various proposals have been made with a view to improve the charge transporting ability and physical and chemical durability thereof.",
"\nFor example, charge transporting resins having as a pendant a charge transporting substituent such as hydrazone or triarylamine have been investigated from the viewpoints of the improvement in charge transporting ability and mechanical durability. ",
"Among them, a charge transporting resin having a tetraarylbenzidine skeleton is known to have a high mobility and therefore have high utility as reported in \"The Sixth International Congress on Advances in Non-impact Printing Technologies, p.306(1990)\".",
"\nA polycarbonate or polyester of an arylamine having a specific fluorene skeleton is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"5,034,296, and a polyurethane is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"\nAs an example of an organic electronic device using such a charge transporting compound, a heterogeneous electron transporting layer comprising charge transporting molecular crystallites and an insulating resin or a heterogeneous electron transporting layer comprising a block copolymer composed of an insulating block and a charge transporting block, in order to form a contorted charge transporting path in a charge transporting layer as a photoreceptor constitution aimed at obtaining a high image quality for digital image formation in the recent electrophotographic field is proposed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open (JP-A) No. ",
"6-83077. ",
"However, properties such as charge transporting ability and residual potential of some charge transporting molecules are not always satisfactory in practical use. ",
"It has also been proposed to provide a heterogeneous charge transporting layer obtained by dispersing, in an insulating resin, a charge mobile organic pigment such as phthalocyanine or a charge mobile inorganic pigment such as selenium. ",
"That proposal was, however, not always satisfactory in practice due to a deviation of charge transferring properties attributable to the heterogeneous particle shape or limitation of the freedom of the device designing in the selection of the charge generating layer, since the pigment has an optical sensitivity in its specific wavelengths.",
"\nIn order to reduce residual potential or to maintain image quality over a long period, it has been proposed to provide a layer containing a charge transporting compound such as an organic electron transporting pigment (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open (JP-A) No. ",
"64-3671), a fluorene derivative (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open (JP-A) No. ",
"2-203352) and a diphenoquinone derivative (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open (JP-A) 4-353861), each having an electron transporting property, as an undercoat layer for an electrophotographic photoreceptor. ",
"For practical use, compounds having even better properties in charge transporting and durability are being sought. ",
"Ideally, it is preferred from the viewpoint of heightening the freedom of device designing, to form an undercoat layer as a charge mobility layer to permit the structural control of charge mobility.",
"\nOn the other hand, application of a low-molecular charge transporting material to an organic EL device has drawn attention. ",
"It is however accompanied by the problem that since the low-molecular compound is melted by the joule heat generated when it is applied to an organic EL device, a stable device with a long life is not easily available."
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] | 0.000795 | 5 |
"NEW YORK -- Now that Jason Groome is an official member of the Red Sox after signing a $3.65 million contract on Friday, he is eager to get a uniform on and start his professional career.",
"\n\nTaken with the 12th overall pick in the Draft, the hard-throwing lefty was a spectator the last few weeks while his agents worked out a deal with the Red Sox that came to fruition before Friday's 5 p.m. ET deadline.",
"\n\n• 2016 Draft: Signing and Bonus Tracker\n\nThe 17-year-old is confident he can succeed even in the early stages of professional baseball.",
"\n\n\"I think I'm more likely ready because I trust my stuff,\" Groome said. \"",
"I've talked to a few of my agent's other clients that are in pro ball, and they said if you pitch and do your thing then you'll get outs and you'll be successful. ",
"That's what I'm keeping in my head, so when I get out there, I'm just going to compete, throw strikes and try to get outs and get a win.\"",
"\n\nThe Red Sox shared Groome's enthusiasm.",
"\n\n\"Yeah, we're extremely excited to have Jason with us for a number of reasons,\" said director of amateur scouting Mike Rikard. \"",
"Typically through the signing process, those things can take time, but we were very confident we were going to be able to make Jason part of the Red Sox family and extremely ecstatic sitting here today, knowing that his career is soon to be getting started.\"",
"\n\nGroome will report to Fort Myers, Fla., on Sunday and start out in the Gulf Coast League. ",
"Rikard said that Groome could pitch for Class A Short-Season Lowell within the next two to three weeks.",
"\n\n\"Obviously, with an elite talent like Jay, we're going to be extremely conservative right out of the gate,\" said Rikard. \"",
"As you can probably tell just from hearing the tone of his voice, he's champing at the bit to get going, and we want to get him out there and get his feet under him, get him on our throwing program and certainly get him headed in the right direction as soon as possible.\"",
"\n\nIt has been a whirlwind few days for Groome, who flew to Boston for a physical on Thursday, got to chat with Red Sox manager John Farrell and even took a walk to the Green Monster seats.",
"\n\n\"Overall, that was my first time in Boston,\" said Groome. \"",
"I loved it. ",
"My first time in Fenway Park as well. ",
"I was walking around and it's just a beautiful park. ",
"I was standing atop the Green Monster, and it was just awesome seeing that field. ",
"And then Mr. Farrell, he was just a great guy. ",
"We were talking about how we're both from Jersey, and he couldn't wait to get my career started. ",
"Overall it was a great exchange being up there yesterday.\"",
"\n\nThe 6-foot-5, 200-pound lefty from Barnegat High School in New Jersey was the top-rated prospect by MLBPipeline.com entering the Draft, and the Red Sox were able to get him with the 12th pick due to signability concerns and perhaps because of some questions about his makeup.",
"\n\n\"It's kind of tough when people are saying stuff like that … but there's nothing you can do about it,\" Groome said. \"",
"If you know it's not true, then it's not true. ",
"You just go about your day and keep playing baseball.\"",
"\n\nGroome has the looks of a future top-of-the-rotation starter. ",
"He features a fastball that sits at 93-94 mph and can reach 96, and he has a nasty curveball with tight rotation and bite.",
"\n\nHe also has a history of rooting for the Red Sox, even though he grew up surrounded by Yankees fans.",
"\n\n\"Everyone in my family [roots for the Yankees], except for me and my father are Red Sox fans,\" said Groome. \"",
"Me and my father both have the same type of favorite player. ",
"He liked Pedro Martinez. ",
"Every time I would be watching baseball with him, the Red Sox would be playing the Yankees and Pedro would be on the mound. ",
"I grew a liking to Pedro's style and how he played and the Red Sox, how they played as a whole. ",
"It mainly started like that.",
"\n\n\"Now they have two of my favorite players playing for them, which are David Price and Dustin Pedroia . ",
"Two great ballplayers. ",
"It's mainly just from my father, I've grown to take a liking to them.\"",
"\n\nThe Red Sox were able to sign their first 10 picks from this year's Draft.",
"\n\n\"Yeah, it was very important,\" said Rikard. \"",
"We selected in each round with the intent to sign. ",
"That was certainly a mission accomplished to make it to the finish line with everyone intact. ",
"When you get to the end of the process and you're not quite there yet, it can certainly make for some hectic times, with a lot of phone calls and balls in the air, so to speak.",
"\n\n\"We ended up in a really good place and everyone's happy and we got a lot of good, talented young players that are very eager to start their professional careers. ",
"We're very excited.\"",
"\n\nIan Browne has covered the Red Sox for MLB.com since 2002. ",
"Follow him on Twitter @IanMBrowne and Facebook."
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] | 0.008909 | 5 |
"Warsaw - Our final city\n\nToday we traveled to Warsaw. ",
"Our day started off with an uneventful ride to the train station, helped a great deal by our driver who showed us where to go, to the point of taking us directly to the platform. ",
"We thought we had it made.",
"\n\nWhen our train pulled into the station, we boarded what we thought would be our car. ",
"It was full of people, many of whom were not thrilled to see us block their paths with our big bags. ",
"RailEurope sold us tickets that had no specific seat assignments. ",
"So, we were in a first class car but without assigned seats. ",
"Everytime we tried to take a seat we were pushed out by someone with a numbered ticket. ",
"We sought help from the snack car girls, then separated to get out of other people's way. ",
"Jake found a conductor on car #6 who sent him to car #2. ",
"As he bypassed the pilgrims back out on the platform, they were concerned he might be left behind. ",
"Then, Rich's bag with our stock of bottled water for the day broke open. ",
"All of this was taking place in a hallway full of people that was meant for\n\nthe passage of just one person at a time and was not exactly big bag friendly. ",
"Long story short, we finally found a place in car #2, but not without a modicum of stress. ",
"Finally, we were on our way to Warsaw, on the right train, and knew where to get off. ",
"\n\nOnce we knew we weren't going to be thrown off the train, we were able to enjoy the passage of the Polish countryside. ",
"It reminded us of the Midwest, but with smaller fields, rolling hills, and more trees. ",
"We had the window open and enjoyed the sun and a cool breeze.",
"\n\nArriving in Warsaw, there was absolutely no drama as our driver was waiting for us with our names on a sign about 10 feet from where we exited the train. ",
"As we loaded our bags into his van, a quick glance around told us we were in a big city. ",
"Near to the train station was the last of Stalin's wedding cakes. ",
"Somehow his \"gifts\" followed the same path as our trip. ",
"Our driver was very clear that the people of Poland did not much appreciate Stalin's \"gift\" (paid for with Polish money) and had considered demolishing it\n\nat one point. ",
"He filled us in on the history of Old Town Warsaw, which was completely reconstructed after suffering severe damage during WWII. ",
"The Germans specifically targeted the area following the Warsaw Uprising, while the Russians waited outside the city about 25km away waiting to collect their new Polish prize.",
"\n\nWe checked into our rooms at the B&B Boutique which is a little different than the other places we've stayed. ",
"It is a large building with several small apartments on various floors that have been turned into guest rooms. ",
"Now, we are sitting in the common dining room. ",
"When we first arrived, one of our rooms led into the next through a door hidden by a tapestry. ",
"We have since discovered that there are separate entrances served by different stairwells. ",
"Our showers and bathrooms are kind of the same room, also, something like the bathrooms on RVs.",
"\n\nOur walk down the Royal Way, similar to Michigan Avenue in Chicago, led us to Warsaw's Old Town, a UNESCO heritage site. ",
"If we hadn't been told this area had been meticulously reconstructed in the early 1950s, we could have easily believed it was a step back centuries in time. ",
"We are still\n\ncurious how the communists allowed this to happen as it seems more about Polish national pride, something they wouldn't have seemed to favor. ",
"Lots to learn tomorrow.",
"\n\nOur big lunch was eaten at a German-style brauhaus, that featured the biggest pivas we had seen since Munich - 1 litre size. ",
"They served great Polish food.",
"\n\nAs we walked down the Royal Way and into Old Town, we took lots of pictures of things that looked nice even though we weren't sure what they were. ",
"Rich and Jake had both left their Rick Steve's travel guides back at the B&B, and our map was only in Polish. \"",
"We'll add captions tomorrow,\" we said. ",
"We saw many churches, old buildings, statues, a gate and barbecan much like the one in Krakow, and two universities.",
"\n\nJeannette and Barb met an interesting man named Edward Mizikowski, who helped them pronounce a name on a statue and then proceeded to pull out a handout about himself, pictured with some famous people we don't know. ",
"He posed for a picture in front of the statue and was very jovial and kind. ",
"Looking him up tonight, we see that he was a leader in the Solidarity movement and a\n\nwell known figure and poet in Poland. ",
"We will research him some more and are looking for someone back home who can translate his poetry better than Google. ",
"Any volunteers?",
"\n\nTomorrow we are taking a guided tour of Warsaw and hope to see a museum that tells of the Warsaw uprising against the Germans as well as one about the reconstruction of Warsaw in the years following WWII.",
"\n\nPoland is an ancient nation that was conceived near the middle of the 10th century. ",
"Its golden age occurred in the 16th century. ",
"During the following century, the strengthening of the gentry and internal disorders weakened the nation. ",
"In a series of ...more history"
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] | 0.002666 | 5 |
"[Effect of recipient derived bone marrow stromal cells on immunological rejection in mouse allogeneic skin transplantation].",
"\nTo investigate the effect of recipient derived bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) on immunological rejection in mouse allogeneic skin transplantation. ",
"The C57BL/6 to BALB/c allogeneic skin transplantation model was created. ",
"The bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) were isolated from BALB/c by gradient density centrifugation and adhesion separation. ",
"The BMSCs were injected back through tail vein. ",
"The mouse were divided into three groups as group A (BALB/c + BMSCs), group B (BALB/c with skin transplantation), and group C (BALB/c with skin transplantation + BMSCs). ",
"The pathologic examination of the graft was performed and the cytokines such as IL-2, IFN-gamma were detected at the different time. ",
"The attained BMSCs in the experiment had the characteristics of BMSCs. ",
"The acute immunological rejection reaction detected by immunohistochemistry staining was alleviated noticeably in group C than that in group B. The concentrations of cytokines IL-2, IFN-gamma in group B were lower than that in group C at 7 d (F = 248,954.6, P < 0.05; F = 148,311.7, P < 0.05) and 14 d (F = 117,372.3, P < 0.05; F = 126,743.3, P < 0.05) after skin transplantation. ",
"Recipient derived BMSCs transfusion can alleviate the acute immunological rejection after allogeneic skin transplantation. ",
"The possible mechanism maybe related to the inhibitory effect on the secretion of cytokines like IL-2, IFN-gamma."
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] | 0.003848 | 5 |
"Start Date: 12/26/01; HourAhead hour: 16; No ancillary schedules awarded. ",
" No variances detected. ",
"\n\n LOG MESSAGES:\n\nPARSING FILE -->> O:\\Portland\\WestDesk\\California Scheduling\\ISO Final Schedules\\2001122616.txt"
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"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
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] | 0.007318 | 5 |
"This invention relates to cold cathodes, which are devices which, without external heating and on application of a relatively small voltage, emit electrons into a vacuum. ",
"The invention includes a method of preparation, and also new cold cathodes whose emission characteristics are improved, in some cases by an order of magnitude, over any silicon cathodes described in the literature.",
"\nThere are two main approaches to forming cold cathodes. ",
"One is by the production of negative electron affinity surfaces, and the other by forming material into small pyramids or columns, each with a very sharp point, on the surface of a wafer. ",
"This invention is concerned with the latter technique, the provision of sharp tips on a surface.",
"\nIn order to emit electrons by field emission, the cathode tips must be very sharp, particularly if low operational voltages are required. ",
"The electrons are attracted to an anode and a metal gate usually held 0.1 .mu.m to 0.5 .mu.m away is normally used to switch the electron beam on and off. ",
"A diagram of a vacuum triode is shown in FIG. ",
"1 and illustrates one possible arrangement of a device. ",
"A field emitter is fabricated of metal or semiconductor 10, and includes a cathode tip 12. ",
"A metal gate 14 is held around the top of the cathode tip by an insulating layer 16 (of an oxide) and a metal anode 18 is held above the cathode by a further insulating layer 20. ",
"When a positive potential difference is applied between the base 10 and the gate 14, an electric field is generated at the tip 12 which allows electrons to tunnel from the cathode material to a vacuum 22. ",
"The field at the tip and so the number of electrons emitted are controlled by the gate potential. ",
"This basic unit is usually integrated into a very large array, for example as shown in FIG. ",
"2. ",
"This comprises a silicon base 24 having a profiled upper surface with silicon pyramids 26. ",
"An overlying layer of insulator 28 1 .mu.m thick is itself overlain by a metal grid 30, both gated to reveal the pyramids. ",
"The pyramids are shown 10 .mu.m apart, but the packing density of units into the array will depend on the particular application.",
"\nThe field emission triode shown in the Figures may be used to perform similar functions to a transistor, and there are many applications which have been suggested for vacuum microelectronic devices which may lead to the development of a whole new industry. ",
"Possible applications include flat panel displays; superfast computers and memories; a new class of electron sources with large current densities, low extraction voltages, integral focussing and deflection, optical excitation and possibly multiple beams from a single chip; very high frequency amplifiers operating in the GHz range; sub-picosecond electronic devices and high power fast switches; in scientific instrumentation such as electron microscopes and in high radiation environments; for millimeter wave amplification and microwave sources for radar; as pressure sensors; and in electron beam processing of materials and for high gradient accelerators.",
"\nThe properties which must be successfully developed for the evolution of vacuum microelectronics technology are cold emission, low voltage operation, high current density and small size and compatibility with present-day devices. ",
"Low emission noise, long life and uniformity are also required. ",
"Developing a fabrication method which gives reproducible cathode geometry and emission, controlling and understanding the physical processes at the emitter surface and practical aspects relevant to real devices, e.g. noise, life time and packing requirements, have all proved to be problems and are taking longer to resolve than expected. ",
"This invention focuses on improving the current from and operating voltage of individual cathodes, and also the reproducibility of emission from different individual cathodes; the current density and operating voltage of an array of cathodes should be improved comparably.",
"\nField emitter arrays were first fabricated in 1961. ",
"These were of molybdenum and since that time, metals, semiconductors and semiconductors with a metal coating have been investigated for use as the cathode material. ",
"Different researchers often use widely differing anode-cathode distances, making it difficult to compare various results in the literature. ",
"Currents of 90 .mu.",
"A per tip at an operating voltage of tens of volts have been achieved from solid molybdenum cathodes. ",
"The highest current obtained from an n-type silicon is 8 .mu.",
"A at an operating voltage of 750 V. Metal coated silicon tips have produced a maximum emission current of 35 .mu.",
"A, from a tungsten coated tip at an operating voltage of 200 to 330 V.\nMetal cathodes can self destruct as they operate at higher currents. ",
"Emission uniformity from tip to tip is harder to achieve with metals, due to the stronger field dependence on tip radius and a large metal charge density in the conduction band. ",
"Semiconductor arrays can be fabricated using conventional techniques. ",
"Silicon is also easier to integrate with present-day devices.",
"\nMost geometries which have been examined have been either approximately conical (including pyramidal) or wedges, but rod like geometries have also been investigated. ",
"If a conical and wedge emitter have the same base area and the same tip-anode spacings and the same applied voltage, the wedge will generate less current. ",
"If the electric field is made the same as that of the conical tip, the field emission current will be considerably larger. ",
"Rod-like cathodes have been developed by etching eutectic compositions. ",
"These may give greater packing densities but the cathodes are often randomly distributed and would be complicated to integrate with present-day solid state devices.",
"\nIn many situations the ideal field emitter will produce the highest possible emission current at the lowest possible applied electric field with the smallest possible linear dimensions. ",
"FIG. ",
"3 shows various possible field emitter profiles, with a figure of merit f applied to each. ",
"A large figure of merit implies a good field emitter, so the best shape shown is the rounded whisker a) and the worst is the wide-angle pyramid d). ",
"However, it is also necessary to consider the ultimate limit of field emission current due to electrical breakdown which is determined by the thermal stability of the field emitter, when heat is generated by the electric current. ",
"The best shape for this purpose is a wide-angle pyramid and the worst shape a rounded whisker. ",
"This is because the temperature gradient of an emitter is largest at the root. ",
"Taking account of both factors, an ideal profile for a field emitter is a rounded whisker with a wide base, the Eiffel Tower shape shown in FIG. ",
"4. (",
"C. T. Utsumi, Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume 38, No. ",
"10, October 1991, pages 2276-2283). ",
"The radius of curvature of the tip needs to be less than about 50 .ANG., ",
"typically in the range 5 to 25 .ANG., ",
"the smaller the better.",
"\nPorous silicon is a product that has been known since the late 1950s, but has been investigated intensively over the last 15 years on account of its interesting electrical properties including the ability to photoluminesce at room temperature. ",
"Porous silicon is formed by anodising silicon in a solvent having some dissolving power for the silicon, typically one based on hydrofluoric acid. ",
"The pores typically have diameters of 1 to 100 nm, usually a few tens of nm. ",
"The thickness of the resulting sponge structure depends on the anodising time. ",
"Control over silicon dopant type, resistivity, current density and HF concentration can be used to control density and other properties of the porous silicon (M. I. J. Beale et al., ",
"Applied Physics Letters, Volume 46(1), January 1985, pages 86-88). ",
"Following the formation of pores by electrochemical dissolution, chemical dissolution can be used to reduce the density by enlarging the pores until the intervening pillars are separate and form a foam or whiskered structure (L. T. Canham, Applied Physics Letters, Volume 57(10), September 1990, pages 1046-1048)."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.0053 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nmagento - differences with collections\n\nI'm starting to gain a little experience with magento but collections are are thrown up some inconsistencies. ",
"\n\nSome collections use addAttributeToSelect and addAttributeToFilter whereas others use addFilter and addSelect. ",
"\n\nWhy is this and how do you tell straight off which collection uses which?",
"\n\nHow the hell do you join collections. ",
"I've tried every single example out there which never works. ",
"Specifically I would like to join shipping, invoice and order collections\n\nA:\n\nAs far as I know there are no addFilter and addSelect functions in Magneto. ",
"What you might refer to is differences between addFieldToFilter and addAttributeToFilter.",
"\nThe difference between those two is that there is a specific data type in Magento called EAV. ",
"You can read more about it anywhere else. ",
"Products and their attributes, customers and sales are EAV in Magneto. ",
"The quick background under EAV is that the data is kept in a different tables that's why functions to filter a collection is absolutely different.",
"\nThis brings us to your second questions. ",
"Since there is not single table for products, customers or orders in Magento you can't apply normal SQL join to it. ",
"However it's quite unlikely that you will need it often. ",
"For all other non-EAV cases you can use the following syntax:\n$collection = Mage::getModel('group/model')->getCollection();\n$collection->getSelect()->join(array(\n 'your_alias' => Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getTableName('group2/model2')),\n 'main_table.your_id = your_alias.your_id',\n array());\n\nPlease let me know if I can make it more clear.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003635 | 5 |
"1968–69 AHL season\n\nThe 1968–69 AHL season was the 33rd season of the American Hockey League. ",
"Eight teams played 74 games each in the schedule. ",
" The Buffalo Bisons finished first overall in the regular season. ",
"The Hershey Bears won their fourth Calder Cup championship.",
"\n\nFinal standings\nNote: GP = Games played; W = Wins; L = Losses; T = Ties; GF = Goals for; GA = Goals against; Pts = Points;\n\nScoring leadersNote: GP = Games played; G = Goals; A = Assists; Pts = Points; PIM = Penalty minutes''\n\n complete list\n\nCalder Cup playoffs\nFirst round\nHershey Bears defeated Buffalo Bisons 4 games to 2.",
"\nProvidence Reds defeated Baltimore Clippers 3 games to 1.",
"\nQuebec Aces defeated Cleveland Barons 3 games to 2.",
"\nSecond round\nHershey Bears earned second round bye.",
"\nQuebec Aces defeated Providence Reds 3 games to 2. ",
" \nFinals\nHershey Bears defeated Quebec Aces 4 games to 1, to win the Calder Cup. ",
"\n list of scores\n\nTrophy and award winners\nTeam awards\n\nIndividual awards\n\nOther awards\n\nSee also\nList of AHL seasons\n\nReferences\nAHL official site\nAHL Hall of Fame\nHockeyDB\n\nCategory:American Hockey League seasons\n2\n2"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} | [
] | 0.006339 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nQ: Where do I get security patches for CentOS 6.7/6.5\n\nI just wanted to ask if there is a website where CentOs security patches are released. ",
"I am having trouble finding it in google though. ",
"\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nPlease check this link which stats whole process about installing security updates on CentOS\nSecurity Updates\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"/**\n * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd.\n * Copyright (c) 2015, Lucee Assosication Switzerland\n *\n * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\n * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either \n * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.",
"\n * \n * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ",
" See the GNU\n * Lesser General Public License for more details.",
"\n * \n * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public \n * License along with this library. ",
" If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.",
"\n * \n */\npackage lucee.runtime.tag;\n\nimport java.io.",
"IOException;\nimport java.util.",
"Iterator;\nimport java.util.",
"Entry;\n\nimport javax.servlet.jsp.",
"JspWriter;\nimport javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.",
"Tag;\n\nimport lucee.commons.io.log.",
"LogUtil;\nimport lucee.commons.io.res.util.",
"ResourceUtil;\nimport lucee.commons.lang.",
"ExceptionUtil;\nimport lucee.commons.lang.",
"StringUtil;\nimport lucee.runtime.",
"Component;\nimport lucee.runtime.",
"Mapping;\nimport lucee.runtime.",
"PageContext;\nimport lucee.runtime.",
"PageContextImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.",
"PageSource;\nimport lucee.runtime.component.",
"ComponentLoader;\nimport lucee.runtime.component.",
"Member;\nimport lucee.runtime.config.",
"ConfigWebImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.customtag.",
"CustomTagUtil;\nimport lucee.runtime.customtag.",
"InitFile;\nimport lucee.runtime.engine.",
"ThreadLocalPageContext;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"ApplicationException;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"CasterException;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"ExpressionException;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"PageException;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"PageRuntimeException;\nimport lucee.runtime.exp.",
"PageServletException;\nimport lucee.runtime.ext.tag.",
"AppendixTag;\nimport lucee.runtime.ext.tag.",
"BodyTagTryCatchFinallyImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.ext.tag.",
"DynamicAttributes;\nimport lucee.runtime.op.",
"Caster;\nimport lucee.runtime.op.",
"Decision;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.",
"Collection;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.",
"Key;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.",
"KeyImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.",
"Struct;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.",
"StructImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.scope.",
"Caller;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.scope.",
"CallerImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.scope.",
"Undefined;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.scope.",
"Variables;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.scope.",
"VariablesImpl;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.util.",
"ArrayUtil;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.util.",
"KeyConstants;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.util.",
"ListUtil;\nimport lucee.runtime.type.util.",
"Type;\nimport lucee.runtime.util.",
"QueryStack;\nimport lucee.runtime.util.",
"QueryStackImpl;\nimport lucee.transformer.library.tag.",
"TagLibTag;\nimport lucee.transformer.library.tag.",
"TagLibTagAttr;\nimport lucee.transformer.library.tag.",
"TagLibTagScript;\n\n/**\n * Creates a CFML Custom Tag\n **/\npublic class CFTag extends BodyTagTryCatchFinallyImpl implements DynamicAttributes, AppendixTag {\n\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key GENERATED_CONTENT = KeyConstants._GENERATEDCONTENT;\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key EXECUTION_MODE = KeyConstants._EXECUTIONMODE;\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key EXECUTE_BODY = KeyConstants._EXECUTEBODY;\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key PARENT = KeyConstants._PARENT;\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key CFCATCH = KeyConstants._CFCATCH;\n\tprivate static Collection.",
"Key SOURCE = KeyConstants._SOURCE;\n\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key ON_ERROR = KeyConstants._onError;\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key ON_FINALLY = KeyConstants._onFinally;\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key ON_START_TAG = KeyConstants._onStartTag;\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key ON_END_TAG = KeyConstants._onEndTag;\n\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = KeyImpl.getInstance(\"attributetype\");\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key SCRIPT = KeyConstants._script;\n\tprivate static final Collection.",
"Key RT_EXPR_VALUE = KeyImpl.getInstance(\"rtexprvalue\");\n\tprivate static final String MARKER = \"2w12801\";\n\n\t/**\n\t * Field <code>attributesScope</code>\n\t */\n\t// new scopes\n\tprotected StructImpl attributesScope;\n\tprivate Caller callerScope;\n\tprivate StructImpl thistagScope;\n\n\tprivate Variables ctVariablesScope;\n\n\tprivate boolean hasBody;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Field <code>filename</code>\n\t */\n\t// protected String filename;\n\n\t/**\n\t * Field <code>source</code>\n\t */\n\tprotected InitFile source;\n\tprivate String appendix;\n\n\tprivate Component cfc = null;\n\tprivate boolean isEndTag;\n\n\t/**\n\t * constructor for the tag class\n\t **/\n\tpublic CFTag() {\n\t\tattributesScope = new StructImpl();\n\t\tcallerScope = new CallerImpl();\n\t\t// thistagScope = new StructImpl();\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void setDynamicAttribute(String uri, String name, Object value) {\n\t\tTagUtil.setDynamicAttribute(attributesScope, KeyImpl.init(name), value, TagUtil.",
"ORIGINAL_CASE);\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void setDynamicAttribute(String uri, Collection.",
"Key name, Object value) {\n\t\tTagUtil.setDynamicAttribute(attributesScope, name, value, TagUtil.",
"ORIGINAL_CASE);\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void release() {\n\t\tsuper.release();\n\n\t\thasBody = false;\n\t\t// filename=null;\n\n\t\tattributesScope = new StructImpl();// .clear();\n\t\tcallerScope = new CallerImpl();\n\t\tif (thistagScope !",
"= null) thistagScope = null;\n\t\tif (ctVariablesScope !",
"= null) ctVariablesScope = null;\n\n\t\tisEndTag = false;\n\n\t\t// cfc=null;\n\t\tsource = null;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * sets the appendix of the class\n\t * \n\t * @param appendix\n\t */\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void setAppendix(String appendix) {\n\t\tthis.appendix = appendix;\n\t\t// filename = appendix+'.",
"'+pageContext.getConfig().getCFMLExtension();\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic int doStartTag() throws PageException {\n\n\t\tPageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pageContext;\n\t\tboolean old = pci.useSpecialMappings(true);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tinitFile();\n\t\t\tcallerScope.initialize(pageContext);\n\t\t\tif (source.isCFC()) return cfcStartTag();\n\t\t\treturn cfmlStartTag();\n\t\t}\n\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\tpci.useSpecialMappings(old);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic int doEndTag() {\n\t\tPageContextImpl pci = (PageContextImpl) pageContext;\n\t\tboolean old = pci.useSpecialMappings(true);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tif (source.isCFC()) _doCFCFinally();\n\t\t\treturn EVAL_PAGE;\n\t\t}\n\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\tpci.useSpecialMappings(old);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void doInitBody() {\n\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic int doAfterBody() throws PageException {\n\t\tif (source.isCFC()) return cfcEndTag();\n\t\treturn cfmlEndTag();\n\t}\n\n\t@Override\n\tpublic void doCatch(Throwable t) throws Throwable {\n\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t);\n\t\tif (source.isCFC()) {\n\t\t\tString source = isEndTag ? \"",
"end\" : \"body\";\n\t\t\tisEndTag = false;\n\t\t\t_doCFCCatch(t, source, true);\n\t\t}\n\t\telse super.doCatch(t);\n\t}\n\n\tvoid initFile() throws PageException {\n\t\tsource = initFile(pageContext);\n\t}\n\n\tpublic InitFile initFile(PageContext pageContext) throws PageException {\n\t\treturn CustomTagUtil.loadInitFile(pageContext, appendix);\n\t}\n\n\tprivate int cfmlStartTag() throws PageException {\n\t\tcallerScope.initialize(pageContext);\n\n\t\t// thistag\n\t\tif (thistagScope == null) thistagScope = new StructImpl(Struct.",
"TYPE_LINKED);\n\t\tthistagScope.set(GENERATED_CONTENT, \"\");\n\t\tthistagScope.set(EXECUTION_MODE, \"start\");\n\t\tthistagScope.set(EXECUTE_BODY, Boolean.",
"TRUE);\n\t\tthistagScope.set(KeyConstants._HASENDTAG, Caster.toBoolean(hasBody));\n\n\t\tctVariablesScope = new VariablesImpl();\n\t\tctVariablesScope.setEL(KeyConstants._ATTRIBUTES, attributesScope);\n\t\tctVariablesScope.setEL(KeyConstants._CALLER, callerScope);\n\t\tctVariablesScope.setEL(KeyConstants._THISTAG, thistagScope);\n\n\t\t// include\n\t\tdoInclude();\n\n\t\treturn Caster.toBooleanValue(thistagScope.get(EXECUTE_BODY)) ? ",
"EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED : SKIP_BODY;\n\t}\n\n\tprivate int cfmlEndTag() throws PageException {\n\t\t// thistag\n\t\tString genConBefore = bodyContent.getString();\n\t\tthistagScope.set(GENERATED_CONTENT, genConBefore);\n\t\tthistagScope.set(EXECUTION_MODE, \"end\");\n\t\tthistagScope.set(EXECUTE_BODY, Boolean.",
"FALSE);\n\t\twriteEL(bodyContent, MARKER);\n\n\t\t// include\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tdoInclude();\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Throwable t) {\n\t\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t);\n\t\t\twriteOut(genConBefore);\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(t);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\twriteOut(genConBefore);\n\n\t\treturn Caster.toBooleanValue(thistagScope.get(EXECUTE_BODY)) ? ",
"EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED : SKIP_BODY;\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void writeOut(String genConBefore) throws PageException {\n\t\tString output = bodyContent.getString();\n\t\tbodyContent.clearBody();\n\t\tString genConAfter = Caster.toString(thistagScope.get(GENERATED_CONTENT));\n\n\t\tif (genConBefore !",
"= genConAfter) {\n\t\t\tif (output.startsWith(genConBefore + MARKER)) {\n\t\t\t\toutput = output.substring((genConBefore + MARKER).length());\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toutput = genConAfter + output;\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tif (output.startsWith(genConBefore + MARKER)) {\n\t\t\t\toutput = output.substring((genConBefore + MARKER).length());\n\t\t\t\toutput = genConBefore + output;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\twriteEL(bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter(), output);\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void writeEL(JspWriter writer, String str) throws PageException {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twriter.write(str);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (IOException e) {\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(e);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tvoid doInclude() throws PageException {\n\t\tVariables var = pageContext.variablesScope();\n\t\tpageContext.setVariablesScope(ctVariablesScope);\n\n\t\tQueryStack cs = null;\n\t\tUndefined undefined = pageContext.undefinedScope();\n\t\tint oldMode = undefined.setMode(Undefined.",
"MODE_NO_LOCAL_AND_ARGUMENTS);\n\t\tif (oldMode !",
"= Undefined.",
"MODE_NO_LOCAL_AND_ARGUMENTS) callerScope.setScope(var, pageContext.localScope(), pageContext.argumentsScope(), true);\n\t\telse callerScope.setScope(var, null, null, false);\n\n\t\tif (pageContext.getConfig().allowImplicidQueryCall()) {\n\t\t\tcs = undefined.getQueryStack();\n\t\t\tundefined.setQueryStack(new QueryStackImpl());\n\t\t}\n\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tpageContext.doInclude(new PageSource[] { source.getPageSource() }, false);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Throwable t) {\n\t\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t);\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(t);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\tundefined.setMode(oldMode);\n\t\t\t// varScopeData=variablesScope.getMap();\n\t\t\tpageContext.setVariablesScope(var);\n\t\t\tif (pageContext.getConfig().allowImplicidQueryCall()) {\n\t\t\t\tundefined.setQueryStack(cs);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t}\n\n\t// CFC\n\n\tprivate int cfcStartTag() throws PageException {\n\t\tcallerScope.initialize(pageContext);\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tcfc = ComponentLoader.loadComponent(pageContext, source.getPageSource(), ResourceUtil.removeExtension(source.getFilename(), source.getFilename()), false, true);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (PageException e) {\n\t\t\tMapping m = source.getPageSource().getMapping();\n\n\t\t\tConfigWebImpl c = (ConfigWebImpl) pageContext.getConfig();\n\t\t\tif (m == c.getDefaultTagMapping()) m = c.getDefaultServerTagMapping();\n\t\t\telse m = null;\n\t\t\t// is te page source from a tag mapping, so perhaps it was moved from server to web context\n\t\t\tif (m !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\t\tPageSource ps = m.getPageSource(source.getFilename());\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\tcfc = ComponentLoader.loadComponent(pageContext, ps, ResourceUtil.removeExtension(source.getFilename(), source.getFilename()), false, true);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tcatch (PageException e1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow e;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse throw e;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvalidateAttributes(pageContext, cfc, attributesScope, StringUtil.ucFirst(ListUtil.last(source.getPageSource().getComponentName(), '.')));",
"\n\n\t\tboolean exeBody = false;\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tObject rtn = Boolean.",
"TRUE;\n\t\t\tif (cfc.contains(pageContext, KeyConstants._init)) {\n\t\t\t\tTag parent = getParent();\n\t\t\t\twhile (parent !",
"= null && !(",
"parent instanceof CFTag && ((CFTag) parent).isCFCBasedCustomTag())) {\n\t\t\t\t\tparent = parent.getParent();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tStruct args = new StructImpl(Struct.",
"TYPE_LINKED);\n\t\t\t\targs.set(KeyConstants._HASENDTAG, Caster.toBoolean(hasBody));\n\t\t\t\tif (parent instanceof CFTag) {\n\t\t\t\t\targs.set(PARENT, ((CFTag) parent).getComponent());\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\trtn = cfc.callWithNamedValues(pageContext, KeyConstants._init, args);\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tif (cfc.contains(pageContext, ON_START_TAG)) {\n\t\t\t\tStruct args = new StructImpl();\n\t\t\t\targs.set(KeyConstants._ATTRIBUTES, attributesScope);\n\t\t\t\tsetCaller(pageContext, args);\n\n\t\t\t\trtn = cfc.callWithNamedValues(pageContext, ON_START_TAG, args);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\texeBody = Caster.toBooleanValue(rtn, true);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Throwable t) {\n\t\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t);\n\t\t\t_doCFCCatch(t, \"start\", true);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn exeBody ? ",
"EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED : SKIP_BODY;\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void setCaller(PageContext pageContext, Struct args) throws PageException {\n\t\tcallerScope.initialize(pageContext);\n\t\tboolean checkAgs = pageContext.undefinedScope().getCheckArguments();\n\t\tif (checkAgs) callerScope.setScope(pageContext.variablesScope(), pageContext.localScope(), pageContext.argumentsScope(), true);\n\t\telse callerScope.setScope(pageContext.variablesScope(), null, null, false);\n\n\t\targs.set(KeyConstants._CALLER, callerScope);\n\n\t\t// args.set(KeyConstants._CALLER, Duplicator.duplicate(pageContext.undefinedScope(),false));\n\t}\n\n\tprivate static void validateAttributes(PageContext pc, Component cfc, StructImpl attributesScope, String tagName) throws ApplicationException, ExpressionException {\n\t\tTagLibTag tag = getAttributeRequirments(cfc, false);\n\t\tif (tag == null) return;\n\n\t\tif (tag.getAttributeType() == TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FIXED || tag.getAttributeType() == TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MIXED) {\n\t\t\tIterator<Entry<String, TagLibTagAttr>> it = tag.getAttributes().entrySet().iterator();\n\t\t\tint count = 0;\n\t\t\tCollection.",
"Key key;\n\t\t\tTagLibTagAttr attr;\n\t\t\tObject value;\n\t\t\tEntry<String, TagLibTagAttr> entry;\n\t\t\t// check existing attributes\n\t\t\twhile (it.hasNext()) {\n\t\t\t\tentry = it.next();\n\t\t\t\tcount++;\n\t\t\t\tkey = KeyImpl.toKey(entry.getKey(), null);\n\t\t\t\tattr = entry.getValue();\n\t\t\t\tvalue = attributesScope.get(pc, key, null);\n\n\t\t\t\t// check alias\n\t\t\t\tif (value == null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tString[] alias = attr.getAlias();\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!",
"ArrayUtil.isEmpty(alias)) for (int i = 0; i < alias.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = attributesScope.get(pc, KeyImpl.toKey(alias[i], null), null);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (value !",
"= null) break;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (value == null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (attr.getDefaultValue() !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = attr.getDefaultValue();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tattributesScope.setEL(key, value);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (attr.isRequired()) throw new ApplicationException(\"attribute [\" + key.getString() + \"] is required for tag [\" + tagName + \"]\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif (value !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!",
"Decision.isCastableTo(attr.getType(), value, true, true, -1)) throw new CasterException(createMessage(attr.getType(), value));\n\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// check if there are attributes not supported\n\t\t\tif (tag.getAttributeType() == TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FIXED && count < attributesScope.size()) {\n\t\t\t\tCollection.",
"Key[] keys = attributesScope.keys();\n\t\t\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif (tag.getAttribute(keys[i].getLowerString(), true) == null)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new ApplicationException(\"attribute [\" + keys[i].getString() + \"] is not supported for tag [\" + tagName + \"]\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t// Attribute susi is not allowed for tag cfmail\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tprivate static String createMessage(String type, Object value) {\n\t\tif (value instanceof String) return \"can't cast String [\" + CasterException.crop(value) + \"] to a value of type [\" + type + \"]\";\n\t\telse if (value !",
"= null) return \"can't cast Object type [\" + Type.getName(value) + \"] to a value of type [\" + type + \"]\";\n\t\telse return \"can't cast Null value to value of type [\" + type + \"]\";\n\n\t}\n\n\tprivate static TagLibTag getAttributeRequirments(Component cfc, boolean runtime) {\n\t\tStruct meta = null;\n\t\tMember mem = cfc !",
"= null ? ",
"ACCESS_PRIVATE, KeyConstants._metadata, true, false) : null;\n\t\tif (mem !",
"= null) meta = Caster.toStruct(mem.getValue(), null, false);\n\t\tif (meta == null) return null;\n\n\t\tTagLibTag tag = new TagLibTag(null);\n\t\t// TAG\n\n\t\t// type\n\t\tString type = Caster.toString(meta.get(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, \"dynamic\"), \"dynamic\");\n\n\t\t// script\n\t\tString script = Caster.toString(meta.get(SCRIPT, null), null);\n\t\tif (!",
"StringUtil.isEmpty(script, true)) {\n\t\t\tscript = script.trim();\n\t\t\tTagLibTagScript tlts = new TagLibTagScript(tag);\n\t\t\tif (\"multiple\".equalsIgnoreCase(script) || Caster.toBooleanValue(script, false)) {\n\t\t\t\ttlts = new TagLibTagScript(tag);\n\t\t\t\ttlts.setType(TagLibTagScript.",
"TYPE_MULTIPLE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse if (\"single\".equalsIgnoreCase(script)) {\n\t\t\t\ttlts = new TagLibTagScript(tag);\n\t\t\t\ttlts.setType(TagLibTagScript.",
"TYPE_SINGLE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (tlts !",
"= null) tag.setScript(tlts);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (\"fixed\".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) tag.setAttributeType(TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_FIXED);\n\t\t// else if(\"mixed\".equalsIgnoreCase(type))tag.setAttributeType(TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_MIXED);\n\t\t// else if(\"noname\".equalsIgnoreCase(type))tag.setAttributeType(TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NONAME);\n\t\telse tag.setAttributeType(TagLibTag.",
"ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_DYNAMIC);\n\n\t\tif (!",
"runtime) {\n\t\t\t// hint\n\t\t\tString hint = Caster.toString(meta.get(KeyConstants._hint, null), null);\n\t\t\tif (!",
"StringUtil.isEmpty(hint)) tag.setDescription(hint);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// ATTRIBUTES\n\t\tStruct attributes = Caster.toStruct(meta.get(KeyConstants._ATTRIBUTES, null), null, false);\n\t\tif (attributes !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\tIterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = attributes.entryIterator();\n\t\t\t// Iterator it = attributes.entrySet().iterator();\n\t\t\tEntry<Key, Object> entry;\n\t\t\tTagLibTagAttr attr;\n\t\t\tStruct sct;\n\t\t\tString name;\n\t\t\tObject defaultValue;\n\t\t\twhile (it.hasNext()) {\n\t\t\t\tentry = it.next();\n\t\t\t\tname = Caster.toString(entry.getKey(), null);\n\t\t\t\tif (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) continue;\n\t\t\t\tattr = new TagLibTagAttr(tag);\n\t\t\t\tattr.setName(name);\n\n\t\t\t\tsct = Caster.toStruct(entry.getValue(), null, false);\n\t\t\t\tif (sct !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tattr.setRequired(Caster.toBooleanValue(sct.get(KeyConstants._required, Boolean.",
"FALSE), false));\n\t\t\t\t\tattr.setType(Caster.toString(sct.get(KeyConstants._type, \"any\"), \"any\"));\n\n\t\t\t\t\tdefaultValue = sct.get(KeyConstants._default, null);\n\t\t\t\t\tif (defaultValue !",
"= null) attr.setDefaultValue(defaultValue);\n\n\t\t\t\t\tif (!",
"runtime) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tattr.setDescription(Caster.toString(sct.get(KeyConstants._hint, null), null));\n\t\t\t\t\t\tattr.setRtexpr(Caster.toBooleanValue(sct.get(RT_EXPR_VALUE, Boolean.",
"TRUE), true));\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ttag.setAttribute(attr);\n\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn tag;\n\t}\n\n\tprivate int cfcEndTag() throws PageException {\n\n\t\tboolean exeAgain = false;\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tString output = null;\n\t\t\tObject rtn = Boolean.",
"FALSE;\n\n\t\t\tif (cfc.contains(pageContext, ON_END_TAG)) {\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\toutput = bodyContent.getString();\n\t\t\t\t\tbodyContent.clearBody();\n\t\t\t\t\t// rtn=cfc.call(pageContext, ON_END_TAG, new\n\t\t\t\t\t// Object[]{attributesScope,pageContext.variablesScope(),output});\n\n\t\t\t\t\tStruct args = new StructImpl(Struct.",
"TYPE_LINKED);\n\t\t\t\t\targs.set(KeyConstants._ATTRIBUTES, attributesScope);\n\t\t\t\t\tsetCaller(pageContext, args);\n\t\t\t\t\targs.set(GENERATED_CONTENT, output);\n\t\t\t\t\trtn = cfc.callWithNamedValues(pageContext, ON_END_TAG, args);\n\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\t\t\twriteEnclosingWriter();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse writeEnclosingWriter();\n\n\t\t\texeAgain = Caster.toBooleanValue(rtn, false);\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Throwable t) {\n\t\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t);\n\t\t\tisEndTag = true;\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(t);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn exeAgain ? ",
"EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED : SKIP_BODY;\n\n\t}\n\n\tpublic void _doCFCCatch(Throwable t, String source, boolean throwIfCFCNotExists) throws PageException {\n\t\twriteEnclosingWriter();\n\n\t\t// remove PageServletException wrap\n\t\tif (t instanceof PageServletException) {\n\t\t\tPageServletException pse = (PageServletException) t;\n\t\t\tt = pse.getPageException();\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// abort\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tif (lucee.runtime.exp.",
"Abort.isAbort(t)) {\n\t\t\t\tif (bodyContent !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbodyContent.writeOut(bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter());\n\t\t\t\t\tbodyContent.clearBuffer();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (IOException ioe) {\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(ioe);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif (throwIfCFCNotExists && cfc == null) throw Caster.toPageException(t);\n\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tif (cfc !",
"= null && cfc.contains(pageContext, ON_ERROR)) {\n\t\t\t\tPageException pe = Caster.toPageException(t);\n\t\t\t\t// Object rtn=cfc.call(pageContext, ON_ERROR, new Object[]{pe.getCatchBlock(pageContext),source});\n\n\t\t\t\tStruct args = new StructImpl(Struct.",
"TYPE_LINKED);\n\t\t\t\targs.set(CFCATCH, pe.getCatchBlock(ThreadLocalPageContext.getConfig(pageContext)));\n\t\t\t\targs.set(SOURCE, source);\n\t\t\t\tObject rtn = cfc.callWithNamedValues(pageContext, ON_ERROR, args);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (Caster.toBooleanValue(rtn, false)) throw t;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\telse throw t;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcatch (Throwable th) {\n\t\t\tExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(th);\n\t\t\twriteEnclosingWriter();\n\t\t\t_doCFCFinally();\n\t\t\tthrow Caster.toPageException(th);\n\t\t}\n\t\twriteEnclosingWriter();\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void _doCFCFinally() {\n\t\tif (cfc !",
"= null && cfc.contains(pageContext, ON_FINALLY)) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tcfc.call(pageContext, ON_FINALLY, ArrayUtil.",
"OBJECT_EMPTY);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcatch (PageException pe) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new PageRuntimeException(pe);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\t\t// writeEnclosingWriter();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void writeEnclosingWriter() {\n\t\tif (bodyContent !",
"= null) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tString output = bodyContent.getString();\n\t\t\t\tbodyContent.clearBody();\n\t\t\t\tbodyContent.getEnclosingWriter().write(output);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcatch (IOException e) {\n\t\t\t\t// throw Caster.toPageException(e);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * sets if tag has a body or not\n\t * \n\t * @param hasBody\n\t */\n\tpublic void hasBody(boolean hasBody) {\n\t\tthis.hasBody = hasBody;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return Returns the appendix.",
"\n\t */\n\t@Override\n\tpublic String getAppendix() {\n\t\treturn appendix;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return return thistag\n\t */\n\tpublic Struct getThis() {\n\t\tif (isCFCBasedCustomTag()) {\n\t\t\treturn cfc;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn thistagScope;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return return thistag\n\t */\n\tpublic Struct getCallerScope() {\n\t\treturn callerScope;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return return thistag\n\t */\n\tpublic Struct getAttributesScope() {\n\t\treturn attributesScope;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return the ctVariablesScope\n\t */\n\tpublic Struct getVariablesScope() {\n\t\tif (isCFCBasedCustomTag()) {\n\t\t\treturn cfc.getComponentScope();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn ctVariablesScope;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * @return the cfc\n\t */\n\tpublic Component getComponent() {\n\t\treturn cfc;\n\t}\n\n\tpublic boolean isCFCBasedCustomTag() {\n\t\treturn getSource().isCFC();\n\t}\n\n\tprivate InitFile getSource() {\n\t\tif (source == null) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tsource = initFile(pageContext);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcatch (PageException e) {\n\t\t\t\tLogUtil.log(ThreadLocalPageContext.getConfig(pageContext), CFTag.class.getName(), e);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn source;\n\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t * class InitFile { PageSource ps; String filename; boolean isCFC;\n\t * \n\t * public InitFile(PageSource ps,String filename,boolean isCFC){ this.ps=ps; this.filename=filename;\n\t * this.isCFC=isCFC; } }\n\t */\n\n}"
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"Call us: Office: 01344 442407 Onsite: 07980 385 419\n\nWelcome to Woodworks Fencing.",
"\n\nBracknell's local fencing company. ",
"We are a family run business and have been installing and manufacturing for over 20 years.",
"\n\nDomestic Dwellings\n\nFencing is a crucial part of any property and garden security. ",
"A quality fence makeover can make all the difference to your garden and home.",
"\n\nCommercial Sectors\n\nSecurity fencing is a superb preventative solution that guards against intruder access, acts as a significant deterrent to crime, both small-scale and large.",
"\n\nIndependent Schools\n\nWe work closely with a range of independent schools in Berkshire, we are happy to provide quotations and free surveys for your projects. ",
"We are also available for emergency works and temporary solutions.",
"\n\nBuilding Contractors\n\nFences and gates do not require building regulation approval. ",
"We work with Contractors and Builders to make sure they are installed correctly and maintained.",
"\n\nWe use premiumbuilding materialsand suppliesto stand out fromthe competition\n\nFrom first grade woods to rust resistant hardware, nails, and screws. ",
"We not only meet building regulations, but we exceed them. ",
"We dig our post holes wider and deeper than most of our competitors for straighter lines and a longer life of your fence. ",
"We do not use pre-fabricated panels that are stapelled and thrown together with substandard rails and pickets.",
"\n\nWhy Woodworks Fencing Posts are Special\n\nHere at Woodworks Fencing we believe that achieving a deep penetration of treatment into our posts is the single most important factor for a long life expectancy. ",
"To ensure that every UC4 post that we buy has deep penetration, Woodworks Fencing ensures that the timber chosen is the right species that it is kiln dried prior to treatment. ",
"Only Pine (Redwood) allows treatment to penetrate deeply into the post, which is why Woodworks Fencing insist upon it for ground contact timber.",
"\n\nWe stand out!",
"\n\nWoodworks Fencing Company guarantees that any option will bring long lasting prestige and increase property appeal and security for your home and business.",
"\n\nTailoring solutions to suit your needs...\n\nWe will arrange a convenient time for our surveyor to carry out a free onsite survey, this will help ascertain if there are any special conditions to be taken into account, for instance, vastly uneven ground or steep slopes.",
"\n\nOur competent installers can deal with most situations, but it pays to be prepared and it helps to be sure we are quoting accurately for the job.",
"This way we can tailor solutions to your needs.",
"\n\nWhy us?",
"\n\n*Competitive Prices\n\n*Understand Client needs\n\n*Experience and Accuracy\n\n*No Obligation Quotations\n\n*Delivered Results\n\nMaterial Sales\n\nIf you are a homeowner, do it yourselfer or contractors with little experience in fence installation and design. ",
"Our\nprofessional and experienced staff are here to help you. ",
"Simply email or fax us a sketch of your fence design include\nmeasurements, gate placements and any notes of special interest.",
"\n\nWe will review your design and make recommendations where necessary and help you with your fencing materials. ",
"We are available via email, phone and fax.",
"\n\nWe can order the materials at very competitive rates straight to your home or business and also provide installation costs if you require this. ",
"Its a simple as that."
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"After years of work, we’re proud to announce the release of JRuby 9000!",
"\n\nJRuby is an implementation of the Ruby programming language atop the Java virtual machine, bringing true parallelism, increased performance, and top-notch garbage collectors to the Ruby world. ",
"You can call into other JVM languages, deploy on Java servers, and take advantage of the massive Java tooling ecosystem. ",
"At the same time, “It’s Just Ruby”… we pride ourselves on compatibility and on being a Ruby implementation first, and a JVM language second.",
"\n\nWe’ve put an enormous amount of effort into this release, and we wanted to share with you why we’re so excited.",
"\n\nCompatibility\n\nDuring JRuby 1.7.x we had the brilliant idea to support multiple compatibility\n\nlevels of Ruby from the same runtime. ",
"If you passed ‘–1.8’ you would be\n\nrunning JRuby in 1.8.7 compatibility mode. ",
"Passing ‘–1.9’ would be running\n\nin1.9.3 compatibility mode.",
"\n\nAs it turned out this ended up being extremely messy internally. ",
"We were forced\n\nto start versioning method names (e.g. inspect or\n\ninspect19). ",
"We would get bug reports where we had a 1.9 method\n\ncalling a 1.8 method which did the wrong thing. ",
"We confused people making\n\nnative extensions – “which method do I call?” ",
"In hindsight, this idea was\n\ntoo difficult to maintain.",
"\n\nFor JRuby 9000 we only support a single version of Ruby. ",
"For we will\n\nsupport Ruby 2.2, the current version of Ruby. ",
"As new versions of Ruby come out you should expect to see\n\na version of JRuby come out that supports the same features.",
"\n\nVersioning\n\nJRuby 9000 is the ninth major release of JRuby. ",
"We opted to go with 9000 as a code name and as a version number to separate it from Ruby’s version numbers (1.8, 1.9, 2.0 etc). ",
"We frequently ran into confusion about our version numbers versus Ruby’s, and neither “1.8” nor “2.0” would do anything but make that worse.",
"\n\nGoing forward, expect to see maintenance releases versioned as 9.0.x and Ruby compatibility updates numbered as 9.x.",
"\n\nNew Runtime\n\nMore than five years ago Subramanya Sastry (subbu) expressed an interest in\n\nhelping us work on a new runtime for JRuby. ",
"It was based, in part, on his\n\nPhD experience designing a static optimizing compiler for Java. ",
"From this\n\nbeginning, we have worked with subbu to build a new runtime (called IR) which\n\nwill look pretty familiar to anyone who has ever taken a compiler course in\n\ncollege.",
"\n\nFor JRuby 9000, this new runtime runs things about as fast as JRuby 1.7 but we\n\nhave years worth of plans for improving performance. ",
"At this point, we are\n\nonly executing conservative static optimizations. ",
"Over the next several months\n\nwe will start enabling profiled optimizations and things will start to get\n\nexciting. ",
"The ability to perform more aggressive optimizations like unboxed\n\nmath and inlining methods and the blocks they call will open up\n\nan entire new dimension for JRuby’s performance.",
"\n\nIR is the beginning of a new road for performance for JRuby. ",
"We hope to\n\nship continual performance improvements during our point releases.",
"\n\nNative Process and IO\n\nDuring the JRuby 9000 dev cycle, we decided it was time to improve the POSIX behavior of our Process and IO subsystems.",
"\n\nIn C Ruby, IO and Process are implemented directly atop the standard C library functions. ",
"As a result, they reflect behaviors\n\noften hidden when running Java applications, where those APIs are wrapped in many layers of abstraction. ",
"For example, a\n\nsubprocess launched from Java can’t be read from in a nonblocking way, can’t be signaled, can’t inherit open files and\n\nfrom the parent process, and many other limitations. ",
"In short, we realized we’d need to go native to be truly compatible.",
"\n\nJRuby 9000 now uses native operations for much of IO and almost all of Process. ",
"This makes us the first\n\nPOSIX-friendly JVM language, with full support for spawning processes, inheriting open streams, perfoming nonblocking\n\noperations on all types of IO, and generally fitting well into a POSIX environment.",
"\n\nYears of Work\n\nWe first started talking about the next JRuby a few years ago, and the IR work started years before that. ",
"JRuby 9000 represents\n\nthe largest (by far!) ",
"release we’ve ever done.",
"\n\nJust counting the time since we branched, there have been over 5500 commits by 104 contributors. ",
"That’s a rate of 7 commits\n\nper day for two years.",
"\n\nper day for two years. ",
"We fixed 468 issues during our preview and release candidate cycle. ",
"Your bug reports were crucial to delivering a high quality release.",
"\n\nWith all the work that has gone into JRuby 9000, we’re very proud of what we’ve achieved.",
"\n\nInstalling JRuby\n\nJRuby 9000 can be installed in the same ways as previous versions. ",
"If you are using Windows, we recommend the Windows Executable installer. ",
"If you are using Linux or Mac OS X, we recommend using RVM by running the command rvm install jruby- .",
"\n\nYou can also install the JRuby 9000 binaries by downloading the latest TAR or ZIP file from the JRuby Downloads page, and putting the bin directory on your PATH. ",
"For more information on installing JRuby, see the Getting Started with JRuby guide on the Wiki.",
"\n\nYour Turn\n\nWe’re a very friendly community and we welcome all users to our mailing list, our IRC channel (#jruby on Freenode), and our team Twitter account. ",
"File bugs against our Github project and check out our community page for more information.",
"\n\nWelcome to the future…JRuby 9000 is here!",
"\n\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus."
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"Lord Darcy Investigates\n\nLord Darcy Investigates is a collection of short stories by Randall Garrett featuring his alternate history detective Lord Darcy. ",
"It was first published in paperback in 1981 by Ace Books, and has been reprinted a number of times since. ",
"It was later gathered together with Murder and Magic (1979) and Too Many Magicians into the omnibus collection Lord Darcy (1983, expanded 2002).",
"\n\nThe book collects four Lord Darcy short stories originally published in the magazines Analog Science Fact & Fiction in October 1974 and December 1976, and June 1965, Fantastic in May 1976, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in April 1979.",
"\n\nThe Lord Darcy stories are set in an alternate world whose history supposedly diverged from our own during the reign of King Richard the Lionheart, in which King John never reigned and most of Western Europe and the Americas are united in an Angevin Empire whose continental possessions were never lost by that king. ",
"In this world a magic-based technology has developed in place of the science of our own world.",
"\n\nContents\n\"A Matter of Gravity\" (1974) \n\"The Ipswich Phial\" (1976) \n\"The Sixteen Keys\" (1976) \n\"The Napoli Express\" (1979)\n\nExternal links\n ISFD entry\n Fantastic Fiction entry\n\nCategory:1981 short story collections\nCategory:Science fiction short story collections\nCategory:Fantasy short story collections\nCategory:Alternate history anthologies\nCategory:Lord Darcy novels\nCategory:Short story collections by Randall Garrett\nCategory:Ace Books books"
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"Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?",
"\n\nBy Tom Hall and Barry Grey\n\n16 July 2015\n\nThe growth of support for the campaign of the “socialist” Bernie Sanders is an indication of the leftward shift of broad layers of the American population. ",
"The senator from Vermont, who calls himself an independent but caucuses with the Democrats, is seeking to tap into popular anger over ever-rising social inequality by placing the issue at the center of his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.",
"\n\nIn his campaign speeches, he declares that income inequality is “the great moral issue of our time” and attacks the greed of the “billionaire class,” while calling for the restoration of “the once-great American middle class.”",
"\n\nSanders has been gaining on Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, in key early primary states. ",
"In two months, Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire has shrunk from 38 points to 8. ",
"In Iowa, Sanders is currently polling at 33 percent, 19 points below Clinton. ",
"The Clinton campaign, which was expected to cruise to an easy nomination, now admits that she may lose to Sanders in Iowa.",
"\n\nThe Vermont senator has generally drawn larger crowds than any other announced presidential candidate. ",
"A July 1 rally in Madison, Wisconsin drew 13,000 people. ",
"By contrast, Clinton’s largest rally thus far, held in New York City, attracted only 5,000 people.",
"\n\nSupport for Sanders is all the more significant given that anti-communism has served as the bedrock of official politics in the United States for more than 70 years. ",
"From the McCarthyite witch-hunts and Hollywood blacklists of the 1950s, through the triumphalism that accompanied the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, socialism has been effectively banned from official political discourse in the United States.",
"\n\nBroad layers of the population, particularly young people, are alienated and disaffected from the political establishment and its two right-wing parties of big business. ",
"Voter turnout in the 2014 mid-term elections was a mere 36.3 percent, the lowest in over seven decades.",
"\n\nRecent polls give an indication of the depth of this sentiment. ",
"According to a Pew Survey, the portion of the voting-age population that identifies with neither of the two major parties has reached a record-high 39 percent. ",
"A Gallup poll last month found that fully 47 percent of respondents were willing to vote for a socialist for president.",
"\n\nMany people are looking for alternatives to the existing political and economic order, which offers nothing but inequality, war and escalating attacks on democratic rights. ",
"For this reason, Sanders’ “socialism,” far from being a liability, has actually contributed to his popularity. ",
"Young people, in particular, are intrigued by the prospect of a socialist presidential candidate.",
"\n\nBut is Bernie Sanders really a socialist? ",
"This question raises a related one: What are the basic principles of socialism?",
"\n\nInternationalism: Since the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848, which proclaimed, “Workers of the world, unite!” ",
"the socialist movement has been an international movement. ",
"Engels described the International Workingmen’s Association as “the first international movement of the working class.”",
"\n\nThe basic orientation of bourgeois politics is nationalism, according to which workers should identify their interests with those of the nation, which, of course, is ruled by the capitalist class. ",
"To this, socialism counterposes the perspective and program of working class internationalism, stressing the identity of interests of workers of all countries, races, religions, etc., ",
"who are objectively united in a common struggle against the capitalists of all countries.",
"\n\nSocialism strives to unite the workers of all countries on the basis of a common revolutionary program and stresses that the struggle to put an end to capitalist exploitation and establish socialism is, by its very nature, an international struggle. ",
"Socialism opposes all attempts to scapegoat or discriminate against immigrants and rejects all forms of nationalist or racial politics, which serve to divide the working class.",
"\n\nBernie Sanders is not an internationalist. ",
"He is an American nationalist. ",
"He is a consistent advocate of economic nationalism and protectionism, which seek to place the onus for layoffs and unemployment in the US on the workers of other countries. ",
"By virtue of his “America First” politics, he seeks to line up American workers behind “their” American exploiters and in opposition to their class brothers and sisters in other countries. ",
"He has long agitated, in particular, against China, opposing trade deals from a chauvinist standpoint.",
"\n\nSanders opposes the Obama administration’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) from a right-wing, nationalist standpoint. ",
"The proposed economic bloc is a reactionary initiative, part of American imperialism’s drive to isolate, militarily encircle and ultimately attack China. ",
"But Sanders does not oppose it on an anti-imperialist basis. ",
"Rather, he accuses the TPP of “undermining American sovereignty.”",
"\n\nFor years, Sanders has attacked immigrant workers, accusing them of taking the jobs of American workers. ",
"He has sponsored multiple bills opposing the federal visa program, while supporting the immigration policy of Obama, who has deported more immigrants than any other administration in history. ",
"For his efforts, right-wing anti-immigrant talk show host Lou Dobbs called Sanders “one of the few straight-talkers in Congress.”",
"\n\nSocial ownership of the means of production: The rational development of a complex global economy to benefit the world’s population is blocked by the anarchy of the capitalist market, which subordinates all decisions to the profit interests of a few. ",
"The American and world economy is dominated by a handful of banks and hedge funds whose operations are entirely parasitic and essentially criminal. ",
"The resources of the world, first and foremost, human labor, are subordinated to the drive of a narrow financial aristocracy to accumulate ever greater wealth. ",
"A necessary first step in the development of a planned economy geared to social need and the promotion of social equality is the expropriation of the major banks and corporations and their transformation into publicly owned and democratically controlled institutions.",
"\n\nThe question of social ownership of industry and finance is not even mentioned in Sanders’ speeches. ",
"He talks about the “billionaire class,” but is careful not to speak of the capitalist class. ",
"His use of phrases such as the “billionaire class” and the “great American middle class” are indicative of the intellectual vacuity of his politics, which serves to conceal rather than reveal the underlying roots of social inequality and other social evils.",
"\n\nThe term “billionaire class” has no scientific validity. ",
"Social class is determined not by the scale of wealth, but by the relationship of social layers to the basic economic structure of society. ",
"Sanders seeks to divert attention from the economic system on which obscene levels of personal wealth are based.",
"\n\nSimilarly, talk of the “great American middle class,” a nebulous and essentially mythical construct, has long served to cover up and blur the basic division between the working class and capitalist class that dominates society.",
"\n\nNone of Sanders’ programmatic demands touch on the private ownership and control of the main levers of economic life. ",
"His program is not only not socialist, it is not particularly left-wing. ",
"Democratic presidential platforms during the last great period of economic crisis, the 1930s, were far more radical. ",
"The 1936 platform, for example, pledged to make full use of the law “in stamping out monopolistic practices and the concentration of economic power.”",
"\n\nSanders’ reform proposals—a $15 minimum wage, a federal jobs program—modest as they are, cannot be realized outside of a broad mobilization of the working class in opposition to the ruling class and both of its political parties. ",
"The Vermont senator promotes the illusion that they can be achieved within the framework of the Democratic Party and the capitalist system.",
"\n\nHis most radical proposal is the breakup of the biggest banks, a reform measure that was carried out in isolated cases during the Great Depression as part of Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” program, which was enacted for the purpose of saving capitalism from the threat of socialist revolution. ",
"Sanders knows, of course, that the Democratic Party of today, whose nomination he is seeking, would never carry out such a measure and has instead used the financial crash of 2008 to transfer trillions of dollars in public funds to Wall Street and strengthen the grip of the biggest banks on the economy.",
"\n\nAnti-imperialism: We continue to live in the epoch of imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. ",
"Imperialism emerged at the end of the 19th century. ",
"Its main features were defined by Lenin during World War I as the monopolistic concentration of production, the domination of finance capital and economic parasitism, the great power striving for global geo-political and economic dominance, the oppression of weaker nations, and the universal tendency toward political reaction.",
"\n\nLenin called imperialism the epoch of wars and revolutions. ",
"The irreconcilable contradictions—between global economy and the division of the world into rival nation-states, the basic geo-political framework of capitalism, and between socialized production and private ownership of the means of production—inevitably give rise to wars of colonial conquest and wars between rival imperialist powers. ",
"They also give rise to the objective conditions for the overthrow of capitalism by the working class.",
"\n\nSocialists oppose all wars waged by imperialist powers such as the United States and oppose all of the efforts of imperialism, whether by economic, political or military means, to subjugate and exploit poorer and weaker countries. ",
"Socialists place at the very center of their activities the development of a mass international working class movement against war, insisting that the prevention of a third world war is possible only on the basis of a revolutionary struggle to put an end to capitalism.",
"\n\nSanders is a supporter of American imperialism. ",
"Although he boasts that he voted against the Patriot Act and the Iraq War, he has voted for numerous defense spending bills and has supported imperialist interventions under the guise of human rights, including the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia and the current war against ISIS.",
"\n\nSanders supported the US-led regime-change operation, spearheaded by neo-Nazis, that overthrew a pro-Russian government in Ukraine and installed a rabidly anti-Russian, right-wing government, which has carried out a bloody war against pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. ",
"The US has used its puppet government in Kiev to carry out a massive US-NATO militarization drive in Eastern Europe, threatening the outbreak of war with nuclear-armed Russia.",
"\n\nSanders supports this reckless and reactionary policy, portraying it as a defensive response to “Russian aggression.” ",
"In a 2014 television interview he declared, “The entire world has got to stand up to Putin.”",
"\n\nSanders is also a staunch Zionist. ",
"He defended Israel’s barbaric war in Gaza last year. ",
"Video has emerged of Sanders at one of his public meetings shouting down and threatening protesters challenging his support for the state of Israel.",
"\n\nHe is a supporter of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a next-generation warplane that has a unit price of $350 million and whose development has already cost $1 trillion. ",
"Sanders supports the basing of F-35s in Burlington, Vermont, where he served as mayor in the 1980s.",
"\n\nSocial equality: Capitalism, which is predicated upon the exploitation of the working class, is incapable of providing economic security and a decent standard of living for working people. ",
"Even at its height during the post-World War II economic boom, American capitalism was characterized by massive discrepancies of wealth and income and widespread poverty.",
"\n\nThe past 40 years have seen a vast decline in the global economic position of American capitalism. ",
"This has produced ever greater levels of social inequality, the result of a relentless attack on the living standards of the working class. ",
"This process is bound up with the dismantling of large parts of the country’s industrial infrastructure and the rise of a new financial aristocracy, which accumulates its wealth on the basis of non-productive, parasitic and semi-criminal activities.",
"\n\nSocial inequality is not some aberration of capitalism, it is its essential feature.",
"\n\nSanders, for all his populist rhetoric, defends capitalism and opposes the mass mobilization of the working class. ",
"On a host of issues, from public health care to mandated vacation time, Sanders holds up European countries as a model to be emulated—at a time when these countries are carrying out brutal austerity measures and dismantling the welfare state programs established after the Second World War. ",
"All that is necessary is that we “make better choices,” a recent statement on his web site declared.",
"\n\nSanders avoids any concrete explanation of the social and political dynamics behind the growth of social inequality and the decades-long assault on the working class. ",
"He covers up the role played by the Democratic Party in this process.",
"\n\nOn his web site, he declares that “the economy today is much better than when President George W. Bush left office.” ",
"In reality, the Obama administration has overseen the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in American history. ",
"One Harvard study found that 95 percent of all income gains went to the wealthiest 1 percent of the country between 2009 and 2012.",
"\n\nThe political independence of the working class: Socialism insists that the struggles of working people for decent jobs, wages, health care, education, housing, etc. ",
"are in essence political. ",
"The capitalist ruling class, by virtue of its control of the means of production, controls the political system. ",
"For the working class to free itself from economic exploitation, it must conduct a political struggle consciously directed at the taking of power and establishment of a workers’ government.",
"\n\nThe most critical question is the political independence of the working class from all parties and politicians of the capitalist class. ",
"The working class must advance its own solution to the crisis, and to do so, it must have its own mass socialist party.",
"\n\nThat is why in the United States socialists have always opposed the political subordination of the labor movement to the Democratic Party. ",
"The tying of American labor to the Democrats by the trade unions has been the primary means for upholding the political dominance of the ruling class. ",
"In a country that has seen violent, bitter and heroic workers’ struggles, the political subordination of labor to the Democrats has been the Achilles’ heel of the workers’ movement.",
"\n\nThe major political function of Sanders’ campaign is to divert the growing social discontent and hostility toward the existing system behind the Democratic Party, in order to contain and dissipate it. ",
"His supposedly “socialist” campaign is an attempt to preempt and block the emergence of an independent movement of the working class. ",
"This is underscored by his decision to conduct his campaign within the framework of the Democratic Party. ",
"Indeed, Sanders announced at the start of his campaign that he would throw his support behind the eventual Democratic presidential nominee, whomever that might be.",
"\n\nAs a comparison of Sanders’ positions to these core conceptions of socialism makes clear, his “socialism” is a ruse to prevent the emergence of the real thing.",
"\n\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.003536 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nTable Valued CLR Function with SQL date return type\n\nI'm trying to create a CLR (C#) table valued function that returns a table of dates.",
"\n[SqlFunction(\n DataAccess = DataAccessKind.",
"Read,\n FillRowMethodName = \"FindDates_FillRow\",\n TableDefinition = \"ReturnDate date\")]\npublic static IEnumerable BusinessDays(SqlDateTime startDate, SqlDateTime endDate)\n{\n //function body\n}\n\npublic static void FindDates_FillRow(\nobject resultObj,\nout SqlDateTime returnDate)\n{\n dayResult result = (dayResult)resultObj;\n returnDate = result.",
"Date;\n}\n\nThe above code results in an error because the SqlDateTime type creates a method signature on FillRow that differs from what SQL Server expects given the TableDefinition attribute.",
"\n\nSQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 6258, Level 16, State 1,\n Procedure BusinessDays, Line 1 Function signature of \"FillRow\" method\n (as designated by SqlFunctionAttribute.",
"FillRowMethodName) does not\n match SQL declaration for table valued CLR function'BusinessDays' due\n to column 1.",
"\n\nIf I change the TableDefinition to a datetime type, everything works but since there is no SqlDate type, how can I return a date type? ",
"Is this even possible or do I just need to use datetime on the CLR side and cast to a date in my SQL query? ",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere is no SqlDate type in system.data.sqltypes, and no other data type that would contain only a date. ",
"The way to do it is to pass a datetime and convert it in SQL(if you really need conversion to Date).",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.009198 | 5 |
"The current Republican Party isn't the party of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. ",
"It isn’t a conservative party. ",
"It’s the party, instead, of Nixon and Gingrich. ",
"And that’s why it’s a dysfunctional mess, and a problem for the nation.",
"\n\nI said something to that effect the other day, and a commenter got all upset about it:\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThe party of Nixon? ",
"The guy who created and implemented the EPA? ",
"The guy who normalized the US international relationship with China? ",
"The guy who intervened in escalating fuel markets to fix prices, in order to protect consumers? ",
"They are so far away from Nixon's policies and governance.",
"\n\nI’ve seen this reaction before, and because it’s such an important point it’s worth spelling it out. ",
"It’s not about ideology. ",
"It’s not about specific policies. ",
"A healthy party, one that is able to cut deals and work with others, can be healthy even if their policies are far from the mainstream.",
"\n\nWe can get at this a couple of ways. ",
"One is that everyone should be very careful about what \"Nixon\" did, as opposed to what the government did while he was president. ",
"Give Nixon the Congress and the policy environment of 1947 -- or 1997 -- and you get very different results.",
"\n\nBut I suppose more to the point is that there's just no way to read the contemporary Republican Party as some sort of principled ideological party. ",
"It just isn't.",
"\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThink, on the one hand, how easily they took to George W. Bush's support of an intrusive federal government program on education, or to Bush's support of a major Medicare expansion.",
"\n\nOr think about their convoluted path on healthcare reform over the last 20 years – how an outline originally concocted by Republicans as a reaction to Bill Clinton’s initiative, and eventually implemented in one state by a Republican governor and a Democratic legislature, became (once adopted by Democrats) the essence of tyranny.",
"\n\nAnd don’t even get started on Republicans and the federal budget deficit.",
"\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThat’s not a principled conservative party.",
"\n\nAs no one knows better than real hardcore ideologues, the ones who know well that George W. Bush and the Republican Congresses he served with were never “real” conservatives. ",
"They’re right about that! ",
"Even though most of those saying that now are wannabes who never dissented during those years.",
"\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nUnlike those ideologues, I’m not complaining about pragmatism; I think ideological parties are a terrible idea in a democracy. ",
"But while they aren’t the ideal conservative party that some want, they’re certainly not a healthy (conservative) pragmatic party, either.",
"\n\nThat’s where Nixon and Newt come in.",
"\n\nBoth of these very successful (pre-disgrace, anyway) Republicans became national figures as conservatives. ",
"Neither, however, was a principled conservative. ",
"Nixon was covered above; Gingrich was a Rockefeller Republican when he first ran for Congress, and both of them shifted back and forth as they saw opportunities to exploit.",
"\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nBut that kind of opportunism isn’t what make Newt and Nixon stand out. ",
"No, what they have bequeathed to Republicans is a contempt for the regular norms and institutions of the American political system, along with a Leninist belief that contradictions must always be heightened. ",
"Nixon broke laws, to be sure, but other presidents have broken laws. ",
"What made Nixon different – what made everyone, including his own party, so eager to be rid of him – was that he refused to accept that others within the system, whether in Congress or the press or the bureaucracy, were as legitimate as the president. ",
"What made Gingrich different is his consistent strategy of tearing down institutions (the House, and then the presidency) in order to save them. ",
"For both, politics was never about the normal promotion of interests and reconciliation of differences, but instead, very simply, about destroying their opponents.",
"\n\nBecause they are the party of Newt and Nixon, the principles that today’s GOP worships aren’t market economics or personal liberty; look instead at a “principle” such as a refusal to compromise.",
"\n\nOr brinkmanship as a principle. ",
"The quintessential GOP stance, in a lot of ways, is the current insistence by many in the party that they must shut down the government to prove they are serious about the Affordable Care Act. ",
"What makes it such a great example -- so much a Newt-inspired example -- is that they've been flailing around all year trying to figure out what to ask for when they blackmailed the nation over the debt limit and funding the government. ",
"And that half or more of the party is insisting on it even as experienced legislators and analysts tell them that it can’t possible work. ",
"Because as I said back in the spring, the faction that wants the shutdown isn't really sure about what it wants to demand; it's only certain that it wants to take hostages. ",
"Extortion for the sake of extortion. ",
"As principle.",
"\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nIt’s of a piece with the series of almost-shutdowns we’ve endured (all of them echoing the Gingrich train wreck of 1995-1996). ",
"With the debt limit showdown of 2011. ",
"With the explosion of the filibuster far beyond previous use in the Senate. ",
"With a series of “constitutional hardball” examples over the years. ",
"With the choice to attempt to undermine the ACA rather than fix or improve what they could, with the goal – the goal! – ",
"of causing as much policy failure as possible.",
"\n\nA party only does those things if its leaders and many of its members have taken as a principle Nixon’s standard operating procedure of treating the rest of the United States government beyond the White House as illegitimate; a party only does those things if it no longer accepts the basic constitutional constraints that most politicians, no matter what their views on public policy, have by and large accepted. ",
"And a party only does this if it believes, as Newt Gingrich did, that the best way to gain control of institutions is to first destroy them.",
"\n\nThat’s the Republican Party we have. ",
"Not every single member of it, of course, but it’s a strong enough influence that it’s what really matters. ",
"And while I have no brilliant suggestions for how to do it, I do believe that the most urgent task facing the political system right now is to figure out some way for Republicans to shake off the influence of Newt and Nixon."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0.007547 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nRSS feed url showing page not found. ",
"How to solve it?",
"\n\nAm developing a WordPress site. ",
"My site footer having a link to navigate RSS Feed URL. ",
"This URL is generated using <?",
"php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?",
"> and it correctly generating the URL like mysite.com/?feed=rss2 but this link is not working from home page. ",
"Showing page not found when i try to access it from home page. ",
"But When i try to access it from category page the link is working. ",
"Please help me to solve this issue.",
"\nThank you.",
"\nHariprasad\nUpdate\nAm not using default category or post of wordpress. ",
"Only using custom post type and custom taxonomies.",
"\n\nA:\n\nSolved it\nI think the custom post types does not display in feed by default.",
"\nIt worked when i add following code in function.php\n//enabling feeds for custom post types..\nfunction myfeed_request($qv) {\nif (isset($qv['feed']) && !",
"isset($qv['post_type']))\n$qv['post_type'] = array('news', 'results', 'events', 'video-gallery');\nreturn $qv;\n}\nadd_filter('request', 'myfeed_request');\n\nThanks\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.004499 | 5 |
"Iraq cancels $4.2bn Russian arms deal over 'corruption'\n\nIraq has cancelled a $4.2bn (£2.6bn) deal to buy arms from Russia because of concerns about \"corruption\", an Iraqi government advisor has said.",
"\n\nIraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has suspicions about corruption within his own team, his spokesman told the BBC.",
"\n\nThe purchase - said to include attack helicopters and missiles - was only signed off in October.",
"\n\nIraq has been rebuilding its armed forces since the end of US-led combat operations against insurgents.",
"\n\nOne Russian military expert has suggested that the Iraqi authorities scuppered the Russian arms deal under pressure from Washington.",
"\n\n'Arms monopoly'\n\nAnnouncing the cancellation of the purchase on Saturday, a spokesman for Prime Minister Nouri Maliki told AFP news agency that \"when Maliki returned from his trip to Russia, he had some suspicions of corruption, so he decided to review the whole deal\".",
"\n\n\"There is an investigation going on, on this,\" he added.",
"\n\nThe deal was announced after talks between Nouri Maliki (r) and Dmitry Medvedev in Ocotber\n\nThe sale would have made Moscow - the main supplier of arms to Iraq under Saddam Hussein - the country's second-biggest arms supplier after the US.",
"\n\nThere has been no word from Russia about the cancellations.",
"\n\nIn early October, Mr Maliki said in a speech that he did not want Iraq to be \"part of someone else's (arms) monopoly.\"",
"\n\nBut he faced criticism from political opponents who questioned buying from Russia, when multiple deals with the US had been signed.",
"\n\nAs far as talk about corruption is concerned, I think it's a smokescreenIgor Korotchenko, Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade\n\nOne Iraqi MP suggested that counterterrorism operations - the stated aim of the purchase - required improved intelligence, and not the 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters that were reported to be part of the deal.",
"\n\nThe contracts were announced to some fanfare on 9 October after talks between the two countries' prime ministers near Moscow.",
"\n\nMr Maliki - who said he was seeking \"quick contracts to fight terrorism\" - warned even before he left that anything he signed might be scuttled by parliament.",
"\n\nAnd at the time the deal was agreed, analysts suggested that while it was clear Iraq wanted to diversify its weapons purchases, buying from Russia would only encourage the sense in Washington that the US was somehow \"losing Iraq\".",
"\n\n\"As soon as the deal was announced a month ago I said that the US would not allow Iraq to buy such huge quantities of weapons from Russia. ",
"I believe Washington regarded this as an absolutely unacceptable scenario,\" he said.",
"\n\n\"As far as talk about corruption is concerned, I think it's a smokescreen,\" he said, adding: \"I can't see any scope for corruption in the Iraq deal. ",
"I believe this is just a pretext and the true reason is Washington applying pressure on Baghdad.\""
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.002584 | 5 |
"When a voltage is applied to an organic electroluminescence device (hereinafter referred to as an organic EL device), holes are injected from an anode into an emitting layer and electrons are injected from a cathode into the emitting layer. ",
"The injected holes and electrons are recombined in the emitting layer to form excitons. ",
"Here, according to the electron spin statistics theory, singlet excitons and triplet excitons are generated at a ratio of 25%:75%. ",
"In the classification according to the emission principle, in a fluorescent EL device which uses emission caused by singlet excitons, an internal quantum efficiency of the organic EL device is believed to be limited to 25%. ",
"On the other hand, it has been known that the internal quantum efficiency can be improved up to 100% under efficient intersystem crossing from the singlet excitons in a phosphorescent EL device which uses emission caused by triplet excitons.",
"\nA technology for extending a lifetime of a fluorescent organic EL device has recently been improved and applied to a full-color display of a mobile phone, TV and the like. ",
"However, an efficiency of the fluorescent organic EL device is required to be improved.",
"\nBased on such a background, a highly efficient fluorescent organic EL device using delayed fluorescence has been proposed and developed. ",
"For instance, Patent Literatures 1 and 2 each disclose an organic EL device using TTF (Triplet-Triplet Fusion) mechanism that is one of mechanisms for delayed fluorescence. ",
"The TTF mechanism utilizes a phenomenon in which a singlet exciton is generated by collision between two triplet excitons.",
"\nBy using delayed fluorescence caused by the TTF mechanism, it is considered that an internal quantum efficiency can be theoretically raised up to 40% even in fluorescent emission. ",
"However, as compared with phosphorescent emission, the fluorescent emission still needs to be improved in efficiency. ",
"Accordingly, in order to further improve the internal quantum efficiency, an organic EL device using another delayed fluorescence mechanism has been studied.",
"\nFor instance, TADF (Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence) mechanism is used. ",
"The TADF mechanism utilizes a phenomenon in which reverse intersystem crossing from triplet excitons to singlet excitons is generated by using a material having a small energy difference (ΔST) between the singlet level and the triplet level. ",
"An organic EL device using the TADF mechanism is disclosed in, for instance, non-Patent Literature 1. ",
"In the organic EL device of non-Patent Literature 1, a compound having a small ΔST is used as a dopant material to cause reverse intersystem crossing from the triplet level to the singlet level by heat energy. ",
"It is considered that the internal quantum efficiency can be theoretically raised up to 100% even in fluorescent emission by using delayed fluorescence by the TADF mechanism,\nNon-Patent Literature 2 discloses an organic EL device having a doped film including a specific host material and a specific compound having a Spiro skeleton as a dopant material. ",
"The organic EL device exhibits a high external quantum efficiency by using the TADF mechanism."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.006305 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nFilament that is resistant to ozone\n\nDoes a filament exist that can resist ozone (like certain silicone tubing's can). ",
"Most glass bottles come with tin or plastic screw hard tops and I would like to replace the screw caps with something that is more resistant to ozone.",
"\nThe reason for this is I make my own homemade ozonated oil in glass bottles and I would like to print out different hard screw top caps for some of the bottles.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIf making your own caps ends up being the best solution, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) is probably your best bet. ",
"I don't have specific information on printed TPU filament and ozone, but TPU is widely regarded as one of the most chemical-resistant materials you can easily print with, and this page by Ozone Solutions rates polyurethane (no mention of specific types) A/Excellent described as:\n\nOzone has no effect on these materials. ",
"They will last indefinitely.",
"\n\nBeing at least slightly flexible, TPU will also yield a good seal without any additional gasket. ",
"You should probably choose an unpigmented \"natural/clear\" TPU filament in case the pigments do react.",
"\nIt might (probably would) also work to coat an existing cap with polyurethane. ",
"I'm not sure how you'd best get it to adhere, but lightly sanding the plastic then using a spray in multiple coats is what I'd try first.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.002224 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nActivity starts with delay when calling startActivity from background thread and the main thread being blocked\n\nI'm trying to block the main thread and show user a dialog activity (running in another android:process) for a yes/no decision. ",
"After user's click on yes or no, the dialog activity finishes and the main thread resumes. ",
"Please note that blocking the main thread is required for my project.",
"\nStarting the dialog:\nprivate boolean getUserDecision() {\n DialogRunnable dialogRunnable = new DialogRunnable();\n Thread thread = new Thread(dialogRunnable);\n thread.start();\n while (thread.isAlive()) {\n try {\n // block the thread until user enters his decision\n thread.join();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n return dialogRunnable.decision;\n}\n\nAnd DialogRunnable:\nclass DialogRunnable extends Runnable {\n public boolean decision;\n\n @Override\n public void run() {\n Looper.prepare();\n Intent intent = /* intent for launching the dialog */\n intent.setResultMessenger(new Messenger(new Handler() {\n @Override\n public void handleMessage(Message msg) {\n Looper.myLooper().quit();\n decision = msg.arg1 == 1;\n }\n }));\n startActivity(intent);\n Looper.loop();\n }\n}\n\nUnexpected Behavior\nIf getUserDecision gets called on the main thread, the dialog starts after a noticeable delay (~ 1s), but calling that method from a background thread starts the dialog immediately. ",
"\n\nA:\n\nThat's because of the Activity Manager Service waiting for the app's onPause to complete. ",
"And since the main thread is blocked, ActivityManagerService waits for 500ms and gives up and then launches the next activity.",
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.001627 | 5 |
"would it be alright with you if i used this as a cover page for an essay?"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Failure to thrive: paradigm for the frail elder.",
"\nA retrospective study of 82 elderly \"failure to thrive\" (FTT) inpatients suggests that FTT is diagnosed when the elderly patient's functional ability to live with multisystem diseases, cope with the ensuing problems, and manage his/her own care are remarkably diminished and no longer responsive to health care interventions. ",
"In an attempt to clarify the clinical picture of FTT, we used standardized questionnaires to abstract data from medical charts."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} | [
] | 0.004663 | 5 |
"Q:\n\nError while dealing with mapActivity. ",
"Is there a better way to do this?",
"\n\nI've a layout now, which has a add location button. ",
"The current layout is a form that sends a post request once all the values are added. ",
"Adding location is one of the values. ",
"When I click on the addLocation button, I call another activity which is a MapActivity. ",
"This is where I display another layout called map_layout.xml where I allow the user the freedom to either enter the location that he/she wants, zoom in and out, multiple overlays and all that.",
"\nBut, this is a different activity and layout. ",
"Thus, I've the lost the context of the previous activity. ",
"How can I send back the latitude and longitude back to this activity? ",
"\nOr, is it possible to have a relative layout of the map inside the same activity(On the Add location button), which when clicked opens up to something.",
"\nThe biggest problem is MapActivity is required to open the MapView. ",
"But, I am using RoboActivity in my first activity. ",
"I hope I was rather clear about my predicament. ",
"\n\nA:\n\nyou can use startActivityForResult from your RoboActivity:\nfinal int MAP_ACTIVITY = 1;\n\nIntent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), RoboActivity.class); \nstartActivityForResult(intent, MAP_ACTIVITY);\n\nIn your MapActivity you can return data like this:\nIntent returnIntent = new Intent();\nreturnIntent.putExtra(\"latitude\", fltLatitude);\nreturnIntent.putExtra(\"longitude\", fltLongitude);\nsetResult(RESULT_OK, returnIntent); \nfinish();\n\nTo get these result in RoboActivity you need to implement onActivityResult:\n@Override\nprotected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {\n\nif (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {\n\nswitch (requestCode) {\n case MAP_ACTIVITY:\n float fltLatitude = data.getFloatExtra(\"latitude\", 0);\n float fltLongitude = data.getFloatExtra(\"longitude\", 0);\n break;\n}\n}\n\n"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} | [
] | 0.003611 | 5 |
"Mary Clare Sweet\n\nHometown: Omaha,Nebraska\n\nPower Moves: Yoga\n\nI intend to love! ",
"Energetic vibrations of fun run deep in my veins. ",
"I marry the mystic and the modern to create an experience that touches the center of your being. ",
"Inside your soul, a spark alights revealing the radical nature of your being. ",
"I own Lotus House of Yoga, vinyasa studios in the heartland. ",
"The classes I lead are fun, challenging and filled with love. ",
"My godfather is ashtanga and my sister is rock and roll. ",
"Gracefully tip toe along the fierce edge of your practice, expect sweat, love, and OM. ",
"www.maryclaresweet.com / @mcsweetyogi\n\nWhat is the first thing you do when you wake up?",
"\n\nScan my body for the subtle energy of how I feel. ",
"How does my body feel? ",
"Am I thirsty? ",
"How is my heart? ",
"I practice the simple mantra of, I am Grateful for the wisdom of my heart. ",
"Then, every day I drink a glass of warm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. ",
"No matter where in the world I am, I must start my day like that!",
"\n\nHow would you describe your personal style?",
"\n\nI come from a long line of stylish women who taught me to always dress and live attuned to my spirit. ",
"My style is eclectic but rooted in classic silhouettes and bold fashion statements. ",
"I do not shy away from trends and I love to stand out. ",
"My wardrobe and my livelihood is inspired by the colors of Marrakech, the spirit of Santa Fe, the technicality of New York and the sophistication of Paris.",
"\n\nWhere is your favorite place to go to connect with nature and why?",
"\n\nI absolutely love the Colorado rockies. ",
"I have been traveling to the mountains in Estes Park since i was a small child. ",
"There I feel rooted in my family lineage, my grandparents love the earth there too. ",
"The magnitude of the peaks inspires awe and wonder, dissolving self imposed limitations. ",
"When I am there I feel a deep sense of remembrance; that we come from the earth and to the earth we will return.",
"\n\nWhat activity stirs your creativity most?",
"\n\nListening stirs me up. ",
"Weather I am listening to music, a wise teacher, or to the whispers of my heart, my creativity ignites when I stop talking and soften. ",
"The universe has so much to tell us. ",
"Its message is woven into the notes of my favorite songs, I hear it in the words of great speeches, and most powerfully in the desires of my soul.",
"\n\nWhat makes you feel the most connected with people?",
"\n\nConnecting to people happens when I remember that we can heal each other. ",
"When I approach people with softness and unconditional love, I am connected.",
"\n\nHow do you stay healthy?",
"\n\nI have a deep obsession with plants. ",
"All. ",
"Plants. ",
"Fruits, vegetables, legumes, leafy greens, root veggies, nuts, seeds, seaweeds… the works. ",
"I have been plant based since 2003 and it really works for me. ",
"It keeps my skin glowing, my tummy happy, and my immune system stellar. ",
"I do not watch TV and no screen time from 10 pm to 6 am. ",
"I drink lemon water every morning and juice ginger and turmeric as often as possible. ",
"A Qi Gong teacher told me that the very best way to strengthen your immune system is a positive attitude. ",
"I believe that, above everything else, keeps me flowing.",
"\n\nWhat does success mean to you?",
"\n\nMy best friend Chaeli taught me that success is measured by how much fun you are having. ",
"That rings perfectly true. ",
"I work with my family and my best friends, so when things get really tough, we are there to make each other laugh and smile. ",
"I have a lot of fun traveling, teaching yoga, and coaching people. ",
"When I am doing those things, I am success.",
"\n\nWhat is the last thing you do before you go to bed?",
"\n\nIt is tough for me to fall asleep at night. ",
"So I do everything I can to give myself the most soothing drift into slumber. ",
"First, I say, “the kitchen is closed”. ",
"This is something my grandmother used to tell us grandkids when she wanted us to stop raiding the fridge and cabinets. ",
"It meant the dishes were done and the cleaning was finished. ",
"This means that my brain is not meant to take in any more information. ",
"We are DONE for the day. ",
"When “to do” thoughts creep in, I remind myself, the kitchen is closed. ",
"Then I practice a visualization my friend and teacher David McConaghay shared with me. ",
"I imagine pink fountains of light ascending my spine, moving through the top of my skull and raining down either side of my body. ",
"I imagine this over and over again until I feel my auric field is cleansed. ",
"Finally I do a 4, 7, 8 breath. ",
"4 counts to inhale, hold the breath for 7, exhale slowly for 8. ",
"This I do until I fall asleep!",
"\n\nWhat is your must-have Stelari item?",
"\n\nMy must-have item is the Agate Kimono. ",
"When I wear it, I feel totally magical. ",
"The art of wearing a Kimono is called Swanning. ",
"I am a professional Swan. ",
"I love the colors of the Agate Kimono because they are bold but also neutral. ",
"So it goes with nearly everything in my wardrobe. ",
"Wearing yoga pants every day can get mundane (I am not complaining!) ",
"SO throwing on the mystical threads of the Stelari Kimonos makes it feel more special. ",
"I have worn that kimono with a dress, jeans, to sleep, when I travel, as a swim cover up, and of course to teach at Lotus house of yoga!"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.002304 | 5 |
"For certain operations, among them the loading of packaged bakery products into shipping baskets or trays, it is advantageous to employ robotic transfer devices for picking up pre-arranged groups of packages from a delivery location and transferring them to a loading station. ",
"At the loading station, the robotic device may reorient the package group and deposit the packages in one or more operations in the shipping basket. ",
"Each type of product has an optimum loading pattern in the shipping basket, typically with certain of the product items (e.g., loaves of bread) oriented in one direction and others oriented in another direction. ",
"Such pattern loading of the shipping baskets is common in the commercial baking for example.",
"\nIn order to effectively carry out pattern loading operations with robotic devices, the robotic device, together with the gripping means for the product, may have to execute a series of translational and rotational movements at relatively high speed, such that lightweight construction of the gripper is an important priority. ",
"In addition, because product packages of different sizes require different numbers of packages to be loaded into a shipping tray, typically with more than one product orientation, a product gripping device must be easily reconfigurable, so that the gripping device may be quickly adapted to the particular product being delivered to the shipping area. ",
"In a typical bakery operation, for example, the product type may change relatively frequently not only between different package sizes, but also between different product types (e.g., bread, rolls, etc.)",
"\nPursuant to the present invention, a novel and advantageous form of robotically mounted gripper device is provided which is of very lightweight yet strong construction, ideally suited for the relatively high translational and orientational accelerations imposed upon it during high speed loading operations. ",
"Moreover, the construction of the gripping device is such that it may be quickly and easily disassembled and reassembled and/or adjusted, as necessary, to accommodate product groupings of various types.",
"\nIn accordance with one specific aspect of the invention, a frame structure for the gripper device is formed of conventional rigid plastic tubing, such as commercially available, low cost PVC tubing. ",
"The basic frame structure includes a pair of spaced-apart, longitudinally extending tubular frame sections arranged to be mounted on a robotic device or the like. ",
"These spaced members form lateral supports for a plurality of cross members, each mounting a plurality of package-engaging suction devices. ",
"The cross members advantageously may be formed of rigid PVC tubing or the like, joined at each end by conventional T-shaped fittings. ",
"The cross bar portions of the T-shaped fittings are machined through, so that the fittings are slideably received over the lateral supports and can be adjustably positioned thereon and secured by thumbscrews or the like.",
"\nPursuant to the invention, the individual cross members mount a plurality of tubular supports, carrying individual suction devices. ",
"The tubular supports are slideably adjustable along the cross members and may be secured in adjusted positions by means such as thumbscrews or the like.",
"\nIn accordance with another specific aspect of the invention, the gripper assembly as a whole, formed principally of sections of PVC tubing joined by T-shaped and L-shaped fittings, is arranged with selected components permanently joined and others arranged for free assembly and disassembly. ",
"Accordingly, as and when necessary, the entire gripper frame structure may be disassembled in a few minutes time and reconfigured with additional or fewer cross members and more or fewer suction devices mounted on the several cross members, all as may be indicated by the particular type and size of product to be handled. ",
"When the type or size of product being delivered to the robotic station is changed, the gripping device may be quickly reconfigured to accommodate a new pattern of products and/or a greater or lesser number thereof.",
"\nPursuant to another feature of the invention, the gripping device is provided on its opposite ends with retractable L-shaped flaps confining pivotally secured to the end members of the gripper frame. ",
"When the various product items at the delivery station have been engaged by suction devices, the end flaps are closed, causing the package group to be confined across the two ends of the gripper and also underneath. ",
"This enables the package group to better withstand the accelerations imposed thereon during the subsequent lifting, translating and rotating movements exerted upon the gripper by the associated robotic device. ",
"In this respect, the products may typically be contained in plastic bags which are engaged and gripped in a limited area by a suction device. ",
"Physical confinement of the packages during transfer presents or reduces swinging of the packages and thus enables higher rates of acceleration to be utilized.",
"\nFor a better understanding of the above and other features and advantages of the invention, reference should be made to the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the invention and to the accompanying drawings."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000337 | 5 |
"I asked for help with the dishes He left a picture in the sink\n\n132 shares"
] | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} | [
] | 0 | 5 |
"Melvin Conviction May Reignite Talk of Reform\n\nBumsted, Brad, Tribune-Review/Pittsburgh Tribune-Review\n\nHARRISBURG -- As lawmakers and court officials assess how\nsuspended Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin will leave the\nbench, others are pondering whether her corruption conviction will\nstop the pervasive use of tax dollars in Pennsylvania political\ncampaigns.",
"\n\nMelvin, 56, of Marshall, convicted on Thursday on six criminal\ncharges in Allegheny County, joins more than 30 state officials\ncharged with public corruption during the past five years. ",
"Most of\nthem, including eight ex-legislative leaders, were convicted.",
"\n\nJurors found that Melvin and her sister and former staffer,\nJanine Orie, 58, of McCandless, conspired with a third sister,\nformer state Sen. Jane Orie, to use state-paid employees for\npolitical work during Melvin's campaigns for Supreme Court in 2003\nand 2009. ",
"Jane Orie, 51, convicted separately, is serving 21/2 to 10\nyears in the State Correctional Institution in Cambridge Springs,\nPa.\n\n\"So-called scandals like this can act as springboards to reform\naspects of the system,\" said Lynn Marks, executive director of\nPennsylvanians for Modern Courts, a court watchdog group that\nadvocates appointing rather than electing judges, among other\njustice system changes.",
"\n\nSome elected officials cut corners and use state money for\ncampaigns because they believe their policies and programs are so\nimportant that it's worth it, said Bruce Antkowiak, a law professor\nat St. Vincent College and a former federal prosecutor. ",
"He said\nthose officials think that \" 'for me to continue serving my\nconstituents and continue working on legislation I've worked on, I\nneed to be in office.' \"",
"\n\nIn Pennsylvania, Antkowiak said, that has led to a \"blurring of\nthe lines\" between state and campaign business.",
"\n\nThe next steps\n\nGov. Tom Corbett will nominate someone to replace Melvin if she\nresigns, is impeached or is removed by a judge at sentencing or by\nthe Court of Judicial Discipline, which has an active complaint. ",
"The\nHouse will begin impeachment if she doesn't resign, according to a\nspokesman for Speaker Sam Smith, R-Punxsutawney.",
"\n\nMelvin's seat would be up for election in November 2015, so her\nappointed replacement would serve until January 2016.",
"\n\n\"(Corbett) will deal with that issue when a vacancy occurs,\"\nspokesman Kevin Harley said of the appointment.",
"\n\nThe change might take time. ",
"The Senate must confirm whomever\nCorbett nominates by a two-thirds vote. ",
"The Republican governor\nneeds Democratic support to meet that threshhold -- something that\ngives Senate Democrats leverage when negotiating the state budget\nbefore June 30.",
"\n\nThe Supreme Court continues with six members, three Republicans\nand three Democrats. ",
"As a Republican, Melvin gave the GOP an edge as\na potential deciding vote before her suspension in May. Republicans\ncontrol the Senate, 27-23, but it will take 34 votes to confirm a\nnominee.",
"\n\nAllegheny County Judge Lester G. …\n\nThe rest of this article is only available to active members of Questia\n\nPrint this page\n\nWhile we understand printed pages are helpful to our users, this limitation is necessary\nto help protect our publishers' copyrighted material and prevent its unlawful distribution.",
"\nWe are sorry for any inconvenience."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} | [
] | 0.008457 | 5 |
"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThe field of the invention generally pertains to systems and methods for controlling energy distribution at local sites.",
"\n2. ",
"Background\nElectrical utilities face particular challenges in meeting continuously changing customer load demands. ",
"At least two related reasons exist for these challenges. ",
"First, power demands can fluctuate substantially from day to day or hour to hour, making it difficult for utilities to ensure that they have enough capacity to meet demand. ",
"These fluctuations in energy demand may arise from ordinary cyclic energy usage patterns (for example peaking in the afternoon), or else can result from an unexpected change in the balance between energy supply and demand, such as where, for example, a power generator linked to the power grid unexpectedly goes down, large energy users go on or off line, or a fault occurs somewhere in the distribution system.",
"\nA second factor contributing to the challenges faced by power utilities is the fact that power consumption in local areas tends to grow over time, gradually placing increasing burdens on electrical utilities to meet the growing demand. ",
"Because the construction of new power plants is very costly and must comply with a variety of governmental regulations, it is possible for a local or even large geographic region to find itself without the power capacity to supply its current or anticipated future demand.",
"\nA major challenge for utility companies is handling peak energy demands. ",
"This is because the energy supplied by power utilities must be sufficient to meet the energy demand moment by moment, and peak demands place the greatest strain on the power distribution system. ",
"When energy demand outstrips available supply, disruptive events such as power blackouts, brownouts or interruptions can occur. ",
"Not only can such events cause substantial inconvenience to large numbers of people and businesses, but they can also be dangerous or life-threatening—where, for example, the power supply for hospitals or critical home care medical equipment is compromised.",
"\nHistorically, when power utilities serving a locality have been faced with a severe energy situation caused by high demand, their options have been extremely limited. ",
"Power utilities can, for example, request that consumers conserve energy, but not all consumers follow such requests and, in any event, conservation has not tended to provide a complete solution for energy supply problems. ",
"Power utilities can attempt to satisfy peak demands by purchasing available energy from a third party source connected to the power grid, but such purchases, particularly at peak demand times, can be extremely costly as energy suppliers often demand a premium when demand is high. ",
"Another option is for power utilities to build additional power plants, but building power plants takes substantial time and investment, and may require approvals from state and/or federal government authorities as well as consumer associations.",
"\nTo help reduce peak power demand and thus ward off costs associated with new power plants or premium energy purchases, various attempts have been made to develop load management systems which control peak demand on the power generating equipment by temporarily turning off certain customer loads when deemed necessary to avoid a blackout or similar power interruption. ",
"Generally, the types of customer loads that are regulated in this manner involve non-critical electrical equipment such as air conditions, electric heaters, and the like.",
"\nOne type of load management system, for example, uses ripple tone injection to send coded pulses over the utility's power lines. ",
"The coded pulses may be applied to the utility power lines by way of an electromechanical ripple control transmitter, which may consist of a motor/alternator operating through thyristor static switches, or by way of a step-up transformer selectively connected to the utility power lines through a passband circuit tuned to the frequency of the coded pulse signal. ",
"At the customer sites, receivers interpret the coded pulses and perform desired command functions—e.g., turning off the customer load(s).",
"\nAn example of a particular system for load management is described in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,264,960. ",
"As set forth in that patent, a plurality of substation injection units, under control of a master control station, transmit pulse coded signals on the utility power lines. ",
"Remote receiver units positioned at customer loads control the on and off states of the loads in response to the signals received over the utility power lines from the substation injection units, by activating latchable single-pole contacts. ",
"Different types of loads are organized into load control groups (e.g., electrical hot water heaters, air conditioner compressors, street lights, etc.). ",
"The master control station independently controls the various different types of loads through different pulse control signals. ",
"Each remote receiver unit is pre-coded so that it responds to one and only one pulse code signal. ",
"In order to control different types of loads (e.g., hot water heater and air conditioning compressor) at the same location, separately encoded remote receiver units at the location are required. ",
"The master control station turns load groups on and off in order to implement a load management strategy, as determined by a system operator.",
"\nA variety of drawbacks or limitations exist with conventional techniques for load management in large-scale power distribution systems. ",
"A major drawback is that shut-off commands from the power utility to the remote customer sites are generally propagated over the same lines that carry high-voltage electricity. ",
"Because transformers are used to relay electrical signals across power lines, it can be difficult to pass data (e.g., shut-off commands or other control signals) over power lines. ",
"Moreover, noise or interference can prevent proper reception of shut-off commands or other control signals. ",
"Any inductance at the customer load can generate large harmonics, which can easily match the control signal frequency, thus blocking out control signals or possibly causing “false alarms.” ",
"A simple household device such as an electric oven can disrupt the reception of control signals over power lines. ",
"Over a large area, since all loads inject noise into the power distribution system, the cumulative interference or noise effect can be substantial. ",
"Thus, using power lines to distribute control signals can be quite problematic, because of the many sources of noise and interference. ",
"Sophisticated digital signal processing techniques might be used to filter out the noise or interference and reconstruct control signals, but such techniques are complicated and would generally require that a receiver be quite costly.",
"\nAnother drawback with conventional techniques for load management is the lack of control either at the utility or consumer level. ",
"In situations where the utility is forced to shut off power to one or more regions (e.g., by causing a rolling blackout) in order to prevent peak demand from causing a catastrophic blackout or damaging power generation or distribution equipment, power customers typically have little or no control over which loads get shed. ",
"Rather, a complete shut-down of the customer's power usually occurs for those customers within a region subject to a rolling blackout. ",
"Even in those situations where the utility has pre-configured the customer's wiring so that certain isolated loads (usually an air conditioner or electric water heater) can be dynamically shed at peak power times, neither the utility nor the customer can easily alter which loads get shed unless the customer's wiring is re-configured. ",
"Where the customer loads are collectively grouped into different load control groups, the utility may be able to shed certain types of loads (e.g., all air conditioners) en masse, but the choice is generally made by the utility based upon its overall power demands and management strategy, with little or no control being available to the customer (other than perhaps initially giving permission to the utility to shut down a specific load, such as an air conditioning unit, before the utility pre-configures the wiring to control the specific load as part of a larger group of similar loads).",
"\nAnother problem that remains insufficiently addressed by conventional load management techniques is the fact that power interruptions, brownouts or blackouts generally occur with little or no warning to power customer. ",
"In some cases, where unusually large demand can be forecasted, electrical utilities have been able to provide warnings to power customers that a blackout or power interruption is likely within a certain upcoming period of time—e.g., within the next several hour period, or next 24 or 48 hour period. ",
"However, power interruption or blackout warnings are typically so broad and vague in nature as to be of limited or no value to power customers, who are left with uncertainty as to whether or not their power will go out and if so, exactly when. ",
"Moreover, since power interruption or blackout warnings are normally broadcast by radio or television, customers who are not tuned in by radio or television to the broadcast stations can easily miss the warnings and not realize that a power interruption or blackout is imminent.",
"\nCertain power management techniques have been proposed for controlling power consumption at a specific local site (e.g., a factory), but such systems are usually isolated and operate independently of the power utility. ",
"An example of one power management system is described, for example, in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,216,384. ",
"According to a representative technique described therein, the various main power lines of the installation or site are monitored for energy usage, and a control circuit selectively disconnects loads when the total energy being drawn at the installation or site exceeds a specified maximum. ",
"While ostensibly having the effect of reducing overall power consumption at the installation or site, a drawback of these types of power management systems is that they can be relatively complex and costly. ",
"For example, the power management system described in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,216,384 utilizes a set of transformers to independently monitor various main power lines, a bank of LED-triggered Triacs to selectively engage various customer loads, programmable control circuitry, automatic priority realignment circuitry, and so on. ",
"Because of their relative cost and complexity, these types of local power management systems are not very suitable for widespread use, particularly for ordinary residential use or other cost-sensitive applications. ",
"Moreover, their operation is very localized in effect, and cannot be controlled from a central location such as the power utility itself.",
"\nIn addition to the foregoing limitations and drawbacks, conventional power and load management strategies are limited by the available circuits and switches which are used in some applications to control actual power delivery at local sites. ",
"One common type of power switch, for example, for connecting and disconnecting power sources to loads is a circuit breaker, which functions to prevent an excessive amount of current from being drawn from the power source or into the load by breaking the electrical circuit path between the source and load when the current limit is reached. ",
"A typical circuit breaker has a bimetal arm through which travels a power signal from the source to the load. ",
"One end of the bimetal arm is connected to the power signal line, while the other end of the bimetal arm is connected to an electrical conductor from which the power can be distributed to the load. ",
"When too much current travels through the bimetal arm, the heat from the current causes the bimetal arm to deform or bend in a predictable manner, which causes the bimetal arm to break contact with the electrical conductor, resulting in a break between the power signal and the load. ",
"In this manner, the source and load are both protected from currents which exceed a certain limit.",
"\nWhile circuit breakers are useful for protecting against high current levels, they are generally passive circuit elements whose response depends entirely upon the amount of power being drawn by the load. ",
"They typically do not provide active control of a power signal line. ",
"However, some resettable circuit breakers have been proposed, which utilize, for example, a spring-operated mechanism allowing a remote operator to open and close the contacts of the circuit breaker. ",
"An example of such a circuit breaker is disclosed in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"3,883,781 issued to J. Cotton.",
"\nOther types of remotely controlled or operated circuit breakers are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"5,381,121 to Peter et al., ",
"and U.S. Pat. ",
"No. ",
"4,625,190 to Wafer et al. ",
"These circuit breakers involve rather elaborate mechanisms that, due to their complexity, would be expensive to manufacture and potentially subject to mechanical wear or failure.",
"\nBesides circuit breakers, other types of circuits have been utilized in controlling power signals. ",
"However, these other types of circuits have drawbacks as well. ",
"For example, solid state switches (e.g., transistors or silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs)) can be used as switches between a power source and load, for controlling distribution of the power signal to the load. ",
"However, transistors and SCRs generally have limited power ratings and, at high current levels, can become damaged or shorted. ",
"Moreover, transistors or SCRs with high power ratings can be relatively expensive.",
"\nIt would therefore be advantageous to provide a load management system that overcomes one or more of the foregoing problems, limitations or disadvantages. ",
"It would further be advantageous to provide a load management system that gives more flexibility to power utilities and/or consumers, that is not subject to the noise and interference effects caused by transmitting data over power lines, and does not require a relatively expensive receiver. ",
"It would also be advantageous to provide a load management system that uses a controllable electronic switch capable of selectively connecting or disconnecting a power source to a load and, in particular, a switch that is reliable, durable, and low-cost, and that can handle relatively high power demands, such as may be required for residential or commercial applications."
] | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} | [
] | 0.000379 | 5 |
"Seit Wochen haben in Seligenstadt Menschen für die Aufnahme von mehr Flüchtlingen demonstriert – und dagegen. ",
"Die Demos verliefen friedlich, der Streit konnte entschärft werden. ",
"Angenähert haben sich die Parteien aber nicht.",
"\n\nVideobeitrag Video zum Video Bürgermeister Bastian: \"Schwierige Position gewesen\" [Videoseite] Video Bild © hr Ende des Videobeitrags\n\nSeligenstadt im Kreis Offenbach, eine Stadt wie viele in Hessen: Rund 20.000 Einwohner, hübsche Fachwerkfassaden, ein schmucker Marktplatz. ",
"Man kennt sich untereinander, zum Teil seit vielen Jahren. ",
"Und dann, plötzlich, steht man sich auf dem Marktplatz gegenüber. ",
"Jeden Mittwochabend. ",
"Gespalten bei einem Thema, das nicht nur in Seligenstadt die Menschen entzweit: die Flüchtlingspolitik.",
"\n\nEine Gruppe von Bürgern setzt sich für die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen ein, hielt vor dem Brunnen auf dem Marktplatz Mahnwachen ab. ",
"Eine Gegenbewegung findet hingegen: Seligenstadt ist bunt genug – und protestierte unter genau diesem Motto gegen die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen. ",
"Zur selben Zeit, unter der Linde auf dem Marktplatz, zehn Wochen lang. ",
"Die Emotionen drohten hochzukochen, so wie in Kandel oder Chemnitz. ",
"Nun haben beide Gruppen ihre Aktionen beendet.",
"\n\nWeitere Informationen Hinweis Zur besseren Einordnung der Geschehnisse haben wir den Artikel um eine Demonstrations-Chronik ergänzt. ",
"Diese finden Sie am Ende des Artikels. ",
"Ende der weiteren Informationen\n\nEin Bürgermeister zwischen den Stühlen\n\nDer Marktplatz ist eine wahre Schönheit. ",
"Kleine bunte Fachwerkhäuser umkreisen den Platz, der bei Einheimischen wie Touristen beliebt ist. ",
"Genau hier steht auch das Seligenstädter Rathaus. ",
"Vom Balkon aus kann Bürgermeister Daniell Bastian den gesamten Platz überblicken. ",
"Während der vergangenen Monate blickte der FDP-Mann immer wieder besorgt hinab. ",
"Denn was als Mahnwache für die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten mit nur 20 Menschen begann, entwickelte sich im Sommer zu einer Demo mit zwei Lagern und bis zu 300 Menschen.",
"\n\n\"Das war eine sehr ungewohnte Situation für alle Seligenstädter, dass auf einmal dieses Thema Flüchtlinge wieder so emotional im Brennpunkt steht. ",
"Und dass sich da jetzt zwei Gruppen so unversöhnlich gegenüberstehen\", sagt der Bürgermeister im Gespräch mit hr-iNFO. ",
"Bastian ist selbst Seligenstädter, er kennt deshalb viele Menschen auf dem Marktplatz – sowohl auf der einen als auch auf der anderen Seite.",
"\n\nNatürlich erwarteten beide Seiten, dass sich der Bürgermeister auf die ihrige stellt. \"",
"Das habe ich ganz bewusst nicht getan. ",
"Weil ich meine Position irgendwo in der Mitte sehe - und um nichts zu tun, das diesen Streit noch weiter eskalieren lässt\", so Bastian. ",
"Das brachte ihm zwar Kritik ein, die Situation blieb aber bis zuletzt ruhig.",
"\n\nRauer Ton bei Facebook\n\nDeutlich rauer als auf dem Marktplatz ging es auf Facebook zu. ",
"Vor allem die Aktion \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\" setzte auf die Plattform, um ihre Inhalte zu verbreiten. ",
"Mit Erfolg: Die Seite hat bis heute rund 1.800 Abonnenten, mehr als drei Mal so viele wie der Account der Gegenpartei, der \"Seebrücke Seligenstadt\".",
"\n\nDabei setzen die Akteure \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\" auf klassische Strategien: Mit Fake-Accounts werden Meinungen verstärkt, die Seite wird wie ein eigener Nachrichtenkanal genutzt. ",
"Eine Interviewanfrage von hr-iNFO lehnt der Veranstalter von \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\" ab. ",
"Er befürchte, nicht \"fair\" behandelt zu werden, so die Begründung.",
"\n\nBei einem Gespräch vor einigen Wochen in Seligenstadt legt der Mann Wert auf die Feststellung, dass man mit rechts nicht zu tun haben. ",
"Fotos auf seinem persönlichen Facebook-Profil zeigen ihn allerdings als Teilnehmer einer kürzlich stattgefundenen Pegida-Demonstration und zusammen mit dem rechten Blogger Michael Stürzenberger. ",
"Und auch auf der Facebook-Seite \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\" gibt es zumindest Berührungspunkte zu Rechtsextremisten, die einzelne Inhalte teilen und wohlwollend kommentieren.",
"\n\nEin Riss zieht sich durch Seligenstadt\n\nDie Teilnehmer, die allwöchentlich auf dem Marktplatz in Seligenstadt anzutreffen sind, scheinen hingegen bürgerlich. ",
"Auffällig ist hier allein der hohe Anteil von Leuten aus der Rockerszene bei \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\". ",
"Einer der Mit-Initiatoren gilt als gut vernetzt mit den Hells Angels.",
"\n\nDass die Lage in den vergangenen zehn Wochen nicht eskaliert ist, ist die gute Nachricht. ",
"Die evangelische Pfarrerin Leonie Krauß-Buck, eine Mit-Iniatorin der \"Seebrücke Seligenstadt\", spricht allerdings von einem Riss, der sich durch die Stadt zieht. \"",
"Seligenstadt ist keine Oase. ",
"Es war nur erschütternd zu sehen, welche von den Menschen, die man schon länger kannte, sich unter der Linde versammelt haben\", sagt sie.",
"\n\nWeitere Informationen Chronologie der Proteste Am vergangenen Mittwoch fand auf dem Marktplatz die 65. ",
"und damit letzte \"Mahnwache\" der Seebrücke Seligenstadt statt. ",
"Zuvor vor hatte die Seebrücke seit Sommer 2018 jeden Mittwochabend die „Mahnwache“ abgehalten. ",
"Ziel war es, Seligenstadt zum sogenannten \"Sicheren Hafen\" für Flüchtlinge zu machen. ",
"Eine entsprechende Petition wurde Ende September beim Magistrat der Stadt und dem Bürgermeister eingereicht.",
"\n\n\n\nGegen die Ziele der \"Seebrücke\" protestierte seit August dieses Jahres eine zweite Gruppe unter dem Slogan \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\". ",
"Auch diese Gruppe rief jeden Mittwochabend zur Demonstration auf dem Marktplatz auf, so dass sich über mehrere Wochen beide Gruppen gegenüber standen.",
"\n\n\n\nAnfang Oktober kündigte \"Seligenstadt ist bunt genug\" allerdings an, keine Versammlungen auf dem Marktplatz mehr durchzuführen. ",
"Zur Begründung hieß es: Es sei absehbar, dass die von der Seebrücke formulierten Ziele in der Stadtverordnetenversammlung Seligenstadt keine Mehrheit bekommt.",
"\n\n\n\nAm vergangenen Montag lehnte die Stadtverordneten-Versammlung einen im Sinne der \"Seebrücke\" formulierten und von den Grünen eingebrachten Vorschlag ab. ",
"In dem Antrag wurde unter anderem auch die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen über die bestehende Quote hinaus gefordert. ",
"Ende der weiteren Informationen\n\nSendung: hr-iNFO Aktuell, 31.10.2019, 15-18 Uhr"
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"Practice Passionately.",
"\n\nWhen you are “in the zone” of your craft, you feel it, and others do too. ",
"Cultivate it.",
"\n\nIf you’re not engaged in what you’re doing, no one else will be either. ",
"If you’re not learning and passionate about what you’re doing, it’s time you made some changes – for everyone’s sake.",
"\n\nFeel the excitement\n\nOne of the most fundamental joys we experience as human beings is the mastery of a skill. ",
"Starting as a beginner one feels exhilaration in doing something successfully for the first time. ",
"But this isn’t true mastery. ",
"Mastery isn’t about if you will succeed, but how well you succeed. ",
"True mastery, in art forms especially, isn’t just a matter of attaining a result – it’s about how well you performed in getting there. ",
"Think about a chef or a musician. ",
"Their mastery is not about being able to reproduce a recipe or tune, but in how they perfected or subtly transformed the composition.",
"\n\nIn the company of a Master\n\nIronically, it seems to me, the pleasure experienced by witnessing someone else’s mastery is often far more intense than that felt by the artisan themself. (",
"Indeed, masters are far more likely to be self-critical than self-congratulatory!) ",
"Think of the last time you were in the presence of someone at the top of their game. ",
"It’s enough to give you goose bumps.",
"\n\nThe witnessing of mastery is a large part of why watching the Olympics or many other spectator sporting events are so popular. ",
"And it’s not just sports. ",
"Television has profiled people in virtually every walk of life from fishing to sculpting to car repair – showcasing people’s expertise and passions. ",
"In literature, John McPhee has written numerous penetrating accounts of people and their vocations (e.g. The Deltoid Pumpkin Seed on body development, Looking for a Ship about a U.S. Merchant Marine, and A Sense of Where You Are which chronicled Bill Bradley’s college basketball career. ",
"As we become witnesses (spectators) to mastery, we feel respect and awe for the accrued knowledge and heart that the specialist has brought to bear on their chosen vocation.",
"\n\nThe rewards of passion\n\nAs an architect (or designer of any type) you want to be at the top of your game. ",
"You want to be challenged and excited – indeed passionate – about the work you are doing. ",
"It makes life more interesting – for you, and everyone else. ",
"The greater your mastery and passion about your art, the more likely you are to attract people who get energized by you and your passions. ",
"So it’s a win-win.",
"\n\nAn example from design practice\n\nProbably the most damning praise I have ever gotten was from a residential client. ",
"It went something like this: “My husband and I know that we didn’t take your design advice on one particular issue and proceeded otherwise, but in retrospect we wish you had advocated more strongly for what you believed. ",
"You were right.” ",
"Ouch. ",
"Double ouch.",
"\n\nThe lesson there was that one’s role as a designer is definitely a balancing act. ",
"While a designer has to listen and be attentive to a client’s interests and requests, it can’t be at the expense of their own experience, intuition and passions.",
"\n\nIn working on another residential commission, I presented an initial design scheme to a client. ",
"I felt that I had addressed all of the issues that the client had put forth in her brief and responded to the context of the community very deferentially. ",
"After asking a few clarifying questions, she asked: “How do you feel about the design?” ",
"I paused a minute, wondering how candid I could afford to be. ",
"Somewhat ruefully I replied that although I thought the design was very efficient and that her neighbors would be very happy with it, truthfully I wasn’t very enthusiastic about the design. ",
"It wasn’t really expressing what was unique about her family or the site. ",
"To my surprise, she responded “If you’re not happy with the design, than you need to go back to the drawing board!”",
"\n\nI felt myself very lucky to have had a second chance. ",
"The redesign was everything that the first one wasn’t. ",
"I felt my design passions re-energized in developing a scheme I wholeheartedly could get excited about. ",
"As a result the client also caught the excitement and it went on to receive an architectural design award as well. ",
"The lesson learned is to prepare what you’re passionate about on the first go ‘round. ",
"One might not be lucky enough to get a second chance.",
"\n\nDo your homework in approaching each design project and then proceed with passion. ",
"The enthusiasm will likely be contagious.",
"\n\nRemember, Practice Passionately.",
"\n\nEd Barnhart, principal; Always by Design\n\n*The banner graphic features the letter P, cropped by a square to its unique alphabetic essence, utilizing the colors Pistachio and Persimmon, and a photo of a violinist Practicing Passionately."
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"__author__ = \"gerbal\"\n\nimport unittest\n\nclass string_format(unittest.",
"TestCase):\n def test_simple_position(self):\n self.assertEqual('a, b, c', '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format('a', 'b', 'c'))\n self.assertEqual('a, b, c', '{}, {}, {}'.format('a', 'b', 'c'))\n self.assertEqual('c, b, a', '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format('a', 'b', 'c'))\n self.assertEqual('c, b, a', '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format(*'abc'))\n self.assertEqual('abracadabra', '{0}{1}{0}'.format('abra', 'cad'))\n\n def test_arg_names(self):\n self.assertEqual('Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W', 'Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}'.format(latitude='37.24N', longitude='-115.81W'))\n coord = {'latitude': '37.24N', 'longitude': '-115.81W'}\n self.assertEqual('Coordinates: 37.24N, -115.81W', 'Coordinates: {latitude}, {longitude}'.format(**coord))\n \n def test_arg_attr(self):\n # Skulpt: Complex Numbers Currently unsupported\n # c = 3-5j\n # self.assertEqual('The complex number (3-5j) is formed from the real part 3.0 and the imaginary part -5.0.', ('",
"The complex number {0} is formed from the real part {0.real} and the imaginary part {0.imag}.').format(c))\n\n class Point(object):\n def __init__(self, x, y):\n self.x, self.y = x, y\n def __str__(self):\n return 'Point({self.x}, {self.y})'.format(self=self)\n self.assertEqual('Point(4, 2)', str(Point(4, 2)))\n\n self.assertEqual('4, 2', \"{0.x}, {0.y}\".format(Point(4, 2)))\n self.assertEqual('4, 2', \"{.x}, {.y}\".format(Point(4, 3), Point(3, 2)))\n\n def test_arg_items(self):\n coord = (3, 5)\n self.assertEqual('X: 3; Y: 5','X: {0[0]}; Y: {0[1]}'.format(coord))\n self.assertEqual('My name is Fred',\"My name is {0[name]}\".format({'name':'Fred'}))\n\n def test_width(self):\n self.assertEqual(' 2,2',\"{0:10},{0}\".format(2))\n self.assertEqual('foo bar baz ',\"{0:4}{1:4}{2:4}\".format(\"foo\",\"bar\",\"baz\")) \n self.assertEqual('Fo', \"{:.2}\".format(\"Foo bar\"))\n self.assertEqual('Fo ', \"{:4.2}\".format(\"Foo bar\"))\n\n\n def test_conversion(self):\n self.assertEqual(\"repr() shows quotes: 'test1'; str() doesn't: test2\", \"repr() shows quotes: {!",
"r}; str() doesn't: {!",
"s}\".format('test1', 'test2'))\n\n def test_expansion(self):\n self.assertEqual('left aligned ', '{:<30}'.format('left aligned'))\n self.assertEqual(' right aligned', '{:>30}'.format('right aligned'))\n self.assertEqual(' centered ', '{:^30}'.format('centered'))\n self.assertEqual('***********centered***********', '{:*^30}'.format('centered'))\n\n # Make sure it works with numbers too\n self.assertEqual('2 ',\"{:<10}\".format(2))\n self.assertEqual(' 2 ',\"{:^10}\".format(2))\n self.assertEqual('- 2',\"{:=10}\".format(-2))\n self.assertEqual('+000000002',\"{:+010}\".format(2))\n\n def test_fixed_point(self):\n self.assertEqual('+3.140000; -3.140000', '{:+f}; {:+f}'.format(3.14, -3.14))\n self.assertEqual(' 3.140000; -3.140000', '{: f}; {: f}'.format(3.14, -3.14))\n self.assertEqual('3.140000; -3.140000', '{:-f}; {:-f}'.format(3.14, -3.14))\n\n def test_zeroes(self):\n self.assertEqual('3.14', \"{}\".format(3.14))\n self.assertEqual('3.1', \"{:.2}\".format(3.14))\n self.assertEqual('3.14', \"{:.5}\".format(3.14))\n self.assertEqual('3.14', \"{:.5g}\".format(3.14))\n self.assertEqual('3', \"{:.5g}\".format(3.0))\n self.assertEqual('3.0', \"{:.5}\".format(3.0))\n\n def test_hex_oct(self):\n self.assertEqual('int: 42; hex: 2a; oct: 52; bin: 101010', \"int: {0:d}; hex: {0:x}; oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}\".format(42))\n self.assertEqual('int: 42; hex: 0x2a; oct: 0o52; bin: 0b101010', \"int: {0:d}; hex: {0:#x}; oct: {0:#o}; bin: {0:#b}\".format(42))\n\n def test_comma_sep(self):\n self.assertEqual('1,234,567,890', '{:,}'.format(1234567890))\n self.assertEqual('1,234,567.89', '{:,.2f}'.format(1234567.888))\n\n def test_percentage(self):\n points = 19.5\n total = 22\n self.assertEqual('Correct answers: 88.64%', 'Correct answers: {:.2%}'.format(points/total))\n self.assertEqual(\"-5.00%\", \"{:.2%}\".format(-.05))\n\n\n def test_datetime(self):\n import datetime\n d = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 4, 12, 15, 58)\n self.assertEqual('2010-07-04 12:15:58', '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(d))\n\n def test_fstrings(self):\n self.assertEqual('1 + 2 = 3', f'1 + 2 = {1+2}')\n self.assertEqual(\"'hello'\", F'{\"hello\"!r}')\n self.assertEqual(\"hi{there}\", f\"hi{{{'there'}}}\")\n\n import datetime\n d = datetime.datetime(2010, 7, 4, 12, 15, 58)\n self.assertEqual('2010-07-04 12:15:58', f'{d:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}')\n # Make sure we can format multiple objects next to each other (bug regression)\n self.assertEqual('2010-07-04 12:15:58 TIME', f'{d:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} {\"TIME\"}')\n\n class Dummy:\n def __format__(self, fmtstring):\n return fmtstring\n x = Dummy()\n self.assertEqual('hello world!', ",
"f'hello {x:world}!')",
"\n self.assertEqual('hello world!!', ",
"f'{x:hello {x:world}!}!')",
"\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n unittest.main()\n"
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"ST. ",
"PETERSBURG, June 2. ",
"/TASS/. An agreement for television broadcasting of 2017 Confederations Cup and 2018 World Cup matches in Russia has been reached with world’s football governing body FIFA, Tina Kandelaki, the general producer of national sports channel Match-TV, said on Friday.",
"\n\n\"The agreement has been reached and you will all soon find out abot the details,\" Kandelaki said speaking at the 2017 St. Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF-2017). \"",
"Match-TV will be broadcasting the matches of the (FIFA 2018) World Cup and the (FIFA 2017) Confederations Cup.\"",
"\n\n\"Fans will have a full access to developments around the Russian national football team,\" she said. \"",
"The negotiations took some time, but this is a standard process.\"",
"\n\nA conglomerate of state-owned Russia’s Channel One and VGTRK, and Match-TV (owned by Gazprom-Media), earlier refused buying the broadcasting rights for the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2017 Confederations Cup at $120 million.",
"\n\nThe price was nearly four times higher than the $32 million that the Russian channels paid for the broadcasting rights of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.",
"\n\nRussia is currently in full-swing preparations for the global football tournaments after the country clinched the bid, following the final vote held in Guatemala on December 4, 2010 at the FIFA Congress. ",
"The victory came following a tight race against the bids from England, Portugal and Spain, in addition to a joint bid on behalf of Belgium and the Netherlands."
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"Capitol Boulevard Memorial Bridge\n\nThe Capitol Boulevard Memorial Bridge, also known as the Oregon Trail Memorial Bridge, is a historic bridge over the Boise River in Boise, Idaho, United States, the is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.",
"\n\nDescription\nThe bridge is a Art Deco style deck arch bridge constructed in 1931 by Morrison Knudsen. ",
"Idaho state highway engineer Charles A. Kyle designed the bridge, which includes four open spandrel arches supporting a wide roadbed with four lanes of motorized traffic crossing river. ",
"Two , cantilevered sidewalks allow for pedestrian traffic.",
"\n\nHistory\nBoise was established in 1863, soon after the second Fort Boise was constructed, and its location required that Oregon Trail pioneers ford the Boise River. ",
"In 1864 John McClellan and William Thompson formed the Ada Ferry Company and received a charter to operate a ferry at the crossing. ",
"McClellan and Thompson constructed a toll bridge near the site in 1868. ",
"The Ninth Street Bridge replaced McClellan and Thompson's toll bridge in 1911.",
"\n\nIn 1914 architect Charles Wayland envisioned a grand boulevard approaching the Idaho State Capitol Building, and after the Boise Depot was built in 1925, city planners redesignated 7th Street as Capitol Boulevard, and the Capitol Boulevard Memorial Bridge was constructed and dedicated as a memorial to Oregon Trail pioneers.",
"\n\nThe bridge was refurbished in 1987 and restored in 2013 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places November 5, 1990.",
"\n\nSee also\n\n List of bridges on the National Register of Historic Places in Idaho\n National Register of Historic Places listings in Ada County, Idaho\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:Road bridges on the National Register of Historic Places in Idaho\nCategory:Bridges completed in 1931\nCategory:Road bridges in Idaho"
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