diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes index 0df01b536e59269adbadbc0741f9e51406c20997..88a57dcb49a962ce49a5cf5b5dd5209d4883e741 100644 --- a/.gitattributes +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -1452,3 +1452,1259 @@ Operating[[:space:]]Systems/Windows[[:space:]]XP/Windows[[:space:]]XP[[:space:]] Operating[[:space:]]Systems/Windows[[:space:]]XP/Windows[[:space:]]XP[[:space:]]Hacks[[:space:]]&[[:space:]]Mods[[:space:]]For[[:space:]]Dummies[[:space:]](Sep[[:space:]]2005).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text Operating[[:space:]]Systems/Windows[[:space:]]XP/Windows[[:space:]]XP[[:space:]]Just[[:space:]]the[[:space:]]Steps[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]Dummies[[:space:]](2005).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text Operating[[:space:]]Systems/Windows[[:space:]]XP/Windows[[:space:]]XP[[:space:]]Timesaving[[:space:]]Techniques[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]Dummies,[[:space:]]2nd[[:space:]]Edition[[:space:]](Jan[[:space:]]2005).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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+Programming/Delphi/Delphi/Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]The[[:space:]]Tomes[[:space:]]of[[:space:]]Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Win32[[:space:]]Core[[:space:]]API[[:space:]]Windows[[:space:]]2000[[:space:]]Edition.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Delphi/Delphi/Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]The[[:space:]]Tomes[[:space:]]of[[:space:]]Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Win32[[:space:]]Shell[[:space:]]API[[:space:]]Windows[[:space:]]2000[[:space:]]Edition.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Delphi/Delphi/Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Using[[:space:]]ADO[[:space:]]from[[:space:]]Delphi.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Delphi/Delphi/Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Visual[[:space:]]Component[[:space:]]Libary[[:space:]]Referecne[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Delphi[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]Windows.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Delphi/Delphi/Delphi[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Win32API[[:space:]](deutsch).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs 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+Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]2[[:space:]]Bible[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]ISBN[[:space:]]0764508822.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]2[[:space:]]Certification[[:space:]]Training[[:space:]]Guide[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]ISBN[[:space:]]1562059505.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]2[[:space:]]Micro[[:space:]]Edition[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]ISBN[[:space:]]1930110332.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]2[[:space:]]Web[[:space:]]Developer[[:space:]]Certification[[:space:]]Study[[:space:]]Guide[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]ISBN[[:space:]]0782140912.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]6[[:space:]]Platform[[:space:]]Revealed[[:space:]](2006).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Java/Java[[:space:]]After[[:space:]]Hours[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]ISBN[[:space:]]0672327473.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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+Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Managing.Linux.Systems.With.Webmin.System.Administration.And.Module.Development.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Managing.Windows.with.VBScript.and.WMI.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Microsoft.SQL[[:space:]]Server[[:space:]]2000-A[[:space:]]Guide[[:space:]]to[[:space:]]Enhancements[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]New[[:space:]]Features.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Modern.C++[[:space:]]Design[[:space:]]Generic[[:space:]]Programming[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]Design[[:space:]]Patterns[[:space:]]Applied.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.More.Exceptional[[:space:]]C++.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Moving.To.Linux.Kiss.The.Blue.Screen.Of.Death.Goodbye.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Multitool.Linux[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Practical[[:space:]]Uses[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]Open[[:space:]]Source[[:space:]]Software.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Perl.Debugged.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Secure.XML[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]The[[:space:]]New[[:space:]]Syntax[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]Signatures[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]Encryption.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.SQL.Performance[[:space:]]Tuning.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.The.Art.Of.Unix.Programming.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.The.C++[[:space:]]Standard[[:space:]]Library-A[[:space:]]Tutorial[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]Reference.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.The.Ultimate[[:space:]]Windows[[:space:]]Server[[:space:]]2003[[:space:]]System[[:space:]]Administrator's[[:space:]]Guide.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.The.XML[[:space:]]Schema[[:space:]]Complete[[:space:]]Reference.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.UNIX.Network.Programming.Volume.1.3rd.Ed.The.Sockets.Networking.API.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Using.XML.With.Legacy.Business.Applications.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Windows.Forms.Programming.In.C.Sharp.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.Windows.Forms.Programming.In.Visual.Basic.Dot.NET.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.XML.-[[:space:]]A[[:space:]]Manager's[[:space:]]Guide,[[:space:]]Second[[:space:]]Edition.chm filter=lfs 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+Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.XPath,.XLink,[[:space:]]XPointer,[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]XML-A[[:space:]]Practical[[:space:]]Guide[[:space:]]to[[:space:]]Web[[:space:]]Hyperlinking[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]Transclusion.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Addison.Wesley.XQuery.From.The.Experts.A.Guide.To.The.W3C.XML.Query.Language.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Apress.Automating.UNIX.and.Linux.Administration.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Apress.Data.Entry.and.Validation.with.CSharp.and.VB.Dot.NET.Windows.Forms.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Apress.Hardening.Windows.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Apress.Practical.API.Design.Confessions.of.a.Java.Framework.Architect.Jul.2008.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Apress.The.Definitive.Guide.to.MySQL.Second.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs 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+Programming/Misc/Implementing.and[[:space:]]Administering[[:space:]]Security[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]a[[:space:]]Windows[[:space:]]2000[[:space:]]Network.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.And.Sons.Implementing.SSH.Strategies.For.Optimizing.The.Secure.Shell.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.and.Sons.JavaScript.Bible.5th.Edition.eBook-DDU.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.and.Sons.Linux.Timesaving.Techniques.For.Dummies.Jul.2004.eBook-DDU.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.and.Sons.Red.Hat.Linux.Bible.Fedora.and.Enterprise.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.and.Sons.Red.Hat.Linux.Fedora.for.Dummies.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/John.Wiley.And.Sons.SQL.Bible.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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+Programming/Misc/MS.Press.Microsoft.Windows.Server.2003.TCP.IP.Protocols.And.Services.Technical.Reference.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/New.Riders.Real.World.XML.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/No.Starch.Press.Absolute.OpenBSD.UNIX.For.The.Practical.Paranoid.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/No.Starch.Press.How.Linux.Works.What.Every.Super.User.Should.Know.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/No.Starch.Press.Wicked.Cool.Shell.Scripts-101.Scripts.for.Linux.Mac.OS.X.and.Unix.Systems.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Novell.Press.Novell.Certified.Linux.Engineer.Novell.CLE.Study.Guide.Oct.2004.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/O'Reilly-XSLT-Mastering.XML.Transformations.eBook-iNTENSiTY.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/O'Reilly.Building.Secure[[:space:]]Servers[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]Linux.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/O'Reilly.PC.Hardware[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]a[[:space:]]Nutshell,[[:space:]]2nd[[:space:]]Edition.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.ADO.Dot.Net.In.A.Nutshell.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.AppleScript.In.A.Nutshell.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.ASP.Dot.NET.In.A.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.ASP.dotNET[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]Nutshell.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.Building.Embedded.Linux.Systems.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.C.Sharp.In.A.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm 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merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.Perl.Cookbook.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.Practical.Unix.And.Internet.Security.3rd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.Programming.Dot.NET.Windows.Applications.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.Programming.Perl[[:space:]]Dbi.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Oreilly.Python.In.A.Nutshell.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.Running.Linux[[:space:]]4th[[:space:]]Edition.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.Securing.Windows.Server.2003.Nov.2004.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/OReilly.SELinux.NSAs.Open.Source.Security.Enhanced.Linux.Oct.2004.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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+Programming/Misc/Planning.and[[:space:]]Maintaining[[:space:]]a[[:space:]]Windows[[:space:]]Server[[:space:]]2003[[:space:]]Network[[:space:]]Infrastructure.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.JavaScript.Professional.Projects.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.Learn.JavaScript.In.a.Weekend.ebook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.Microsoft.Windows.Shell.Script.Programming.for.the.Absolute.Beginner.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.Microsoft.Windows.XP.Fast.and.Easy.Media.Center.Edition.eBook-DDU.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.Microsoft.Windows.XP.Professional.Administrators.Guide.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/Premier.Press.SQL.Tips.And.Techniques.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/The[[:space:]]Art[[:space:]]of[[:space:]]Computer[[:space:]]Programming/Introduction[[:space:]]to[[:space:]]Combinatorial[[:space:]]Searching.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/The[[:space:]]Art[[:space:]]of[[:space:]]Computer[[:space:]]Programming/MMIX.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/The[[:space:]]Art[[:space:]]of[[:space:]]Computer[[:space:]]Programming/Vol[[:space:]]2[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Seminumerical[[:space:]]Algorithms.djvu filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/The.MIT.Press.Beowulf.Cluster.Computing.With.Linux.Second.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/TotalRecall.Press.ExamInsight.for.Windows.XP.Professional.Certification.Exam.70.270.eBook-DDU.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Misc/UNIX.Administration.A.Comprehensive.Sourcebook.for.Effective.Systems.and.Network.Management.eBook-EEn.pdf filter=lfs 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+Programming/Perl/Higher-Order[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]Transforming[[:space:]]Programs[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]Programs[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Morgan[[:space:]]Kaufmann[[:space:]]2005.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Learning[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]](6th[[:space:]]Edition).pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Learning[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]on[[:space:]]Win32[[:space:]]Systems[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]O'Reilly[[:space:]]1997.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Mastering[[:space:]]Algorithms[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]O'Reilly[[:space:]]1999.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Mastering[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]Tk.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Minimal[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]for[[:space:]]UNIX[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]Linux[[:space:]]People[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Manning[[:space:]]2006.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Sams[[:space:]]Teach[[:space:]]Yourself[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]21[[:space:]]Days.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Teach[[:space:]]Yourself[[:space:]]CGI[[:space:]]Programming[[:space:]]With[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]a[[:space:]]Week[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Sams[[:space:]]1996.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Teach[[:space:]]Yourself[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]5[[:space:]]In[[:space:]]21[[:space:]]Days.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Teach[[:space:]]Yourself[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]21[[:space:]]Days[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Sams[[:space:]]1996.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Teach[[:space:]]Yourself[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]24[[:space:]]Hours[[:space:]]3rd[[:space:]]Edition[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]Sams[[:space:]]2005.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/The[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]CD[[:space:]]Bookshelf[[:space:]]3.0.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/The[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]CD[[:space:]]Bookshelf[[:space:]]4.0.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/The[[:space:]]Visibooks[[:space:]]Guide[[:space:]]to[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]Basics.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Web[[:space:]]Client[[:space:]]Programming[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]O'Reilly[[:space:]]1997.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Wicked[[:space:]]Cool[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]Scripts[[:space:]]-[[:space:]]No[[:space:]]Starch[[:space:]]Press[[:space:]]2006.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text +Programming/Perl/Writing[[:space:]]Apache[[:space:]]Modules[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]Perl[[:space:]]and[[:space:]]C.chm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text 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596.36 l +629.519 602.72 l +635.279 609.44 l +640.799 616.4 l +645.959 623.6 l +650.759 631.04 l +655.199 638.84 l +659.279 646.76 l +662.879 654.92 l +666.239 663.32 l +669.119 671.84 l +671.639 680.6 l +671.759 680.6 l +669.239 671.84 l +666.359 663.32 l +662.999 654.92 l +659.399 646.76 l +655.319 638.84 l +650.879 631.04 l +650.879 630.92 l +646.079 623.48 l +640.919 616.28 l +635.399 609.32 l +629.639 602.6 l +623.519 596.24 l +617.159 590.12 l +610.439 584.36 l +603.479 578.84 l +596.279 573.68 l +588.839 568.88 l +588.719 568.88 l +580.919 564.44 l +572.999 560.36 l +564.839 556.76 l +556.439 553.4 l +547.919 550.52 l +539.159 548 l +530.279 545.96 l +521.159 544.4 l +512.039 543.2 l +502.679 542.48 l +493.199 542.24 l +483.599 542.48 l +474.359 543.2 l +465.119 544.4 l +455.999 545.96 l +447.119 548 l +438.359 550.52 l +429.839 553.4 l +421.439 556.76 l +413.279 560.36 l +405.359 564.44 l +397.559 568.88 l +390.119 573.68 l +382.919 578.84 l +375.959 584.36 l +f +Q +0.5 g +/GS1 gs +1 i +91.439 114.44 m +201.719 145.16 l +108.719 238.16 l +f* +91.439 114.56 m +201.719 145.28 l +201.839 145.28 l +201.599 145.04 l +108.599 238.04 l +108.599 238.52 l +202.079 145.04 l +201.839 144.92 l +91.559 114.2 l +f +108.959 238.16 m +91.679 114.44 l +91.559 114.2 l +91.079 114.08 l +91.319 114.44 l +108.599 238.16 l +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +26.1744 0 0 31.92 214.439 510.0803 Tm +0 g +-0.0477 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(T)86.5(u)-0.6(torial:)-562.9(C)0.4(reating a )]TJ +0 -1 TD +-0.0474 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +(Database Application )Tj +ET +q +94.439 435.44 423.12 -3 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 435.44 423.12 -3 re +f +Q +214.439 433.76 303.12 0.36 re +f +BT +26.1744 0 0 31.92 214.439 446.1203 Tm +(using Delphi)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.36 0 0 9.36 214.439 117.6804 Tm +0.0025 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[(Bo)-2.8(rlan)7.6(d In)-5.2(t)8(e)-5.7(rn)7.6(a)-10.3(t)8(io)-2.8(n)7.6(a)2.5(l,)-3.9( )12.8(I)-6.7(n)7.6(c.)-3.9(,)8.9( 100 Bo)-2.8(rl)11.4(a)-10.3(n)7.6(d W)92.2(a)2.5(y)]TJ +0 -1.0513 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0057 Tw +[(P)117.5(.)7.1(O)-8.2(.)7.1( Bo)8.2(x)-8.9( )12.8(6)-12.1(60001,)-5.7( Sco)8.2(t)-6.6(t)6.2(s)-11.2( )12.8(V)81.7(a)0.7(l)9.7(l)-3.2(e)-7.5(y)108(,)7.1( CA 9506)-12.1(7-0001)]TJ +0 -1.0385 TD +0.0125 Tc +0 Tw +[(ww)13.2(w)102.9(.)6.1(b)14.2(o)7.2(r)10.1(l)21.4(an)17.6(d)8.1(.)6.1(c)20.6(o)7.2(m)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +9.84 0 0 12 214.439 185.9604 Tm +-0.0382 Tc +[(Borl)8.1(and)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +5.904 0 0 7.2 249.599 189.5603 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +19.68 0 0 24 213.479 164.0004 Tm +-0.0402 Tc +[(K)41.6(y)-2.5(lix)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 257.0391 175.5204 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +19.68 0 0 24 262.079 164.0004 Tm +-0.0402 Tc +( 3)Tj +14.76 0 0 18 214.439 143.6004 Tm +-0.0255 Tc +[(Delph)8.3(i)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 257.1591 151.4003 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +19.68 0 0 24 262.439 143.6004 Tm +( )Tj +14.76 0 0 18 268.199 143.6004 Tm +-0.0331 Tc +0.0071 Tw +[(a)-5.6(n)-7.5(d C)-10.3(+)-1.9(+)-10.1( f)15.3(o)-7.5(r L)-7.5(i)-7.1(nux)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 386.519 152.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +19 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F6 22 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +26 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +27 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +28 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +29 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 141 144 null] +>> +endobj +30 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +31 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 677 null] +>> +endobj +32 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 664 null] +>> +endobj +33 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 651 null] +>> +endobj +34 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 637 null] +>> +endobj +35 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 624 null] +>> +endobj +36 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 611 null] +>> +endobj +37 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 597 null] +>> +endobj +38 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 584 null] +>> +endobj +39 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 571 null] +>> +endobj +40 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 557 null] +>> +endobj +41 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 544 null] +>> +endobj +42 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 531 null] +>> +endobj +43 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 517 null] +>> +endobj +44 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 504 null] +>> +endobj +45 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 491 null] +>> +endobj +46 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 477 null] +>> +endobj +47 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 464 null] +>> +endobj +48 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 451 null] +>> +endobj +49 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 437 null] +>> +endobj +50 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 424 null] +>> +endobj +51 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 410 null] +>> +endobj +52 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 397 null] +>> +endobj +53 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 384 null] +>> +endobj +54 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 370 null] +>> +endobj +55 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 357 null] +>> +endobj +56 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 344 null] +>> +endobj +57 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 330 null] +>> +endobj +58 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 317 null] +>> +endobj +59 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 304 null] +>> +endobj +60 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 290 null] +>> +endobj +61 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 277 null] +>> +endobj +62 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 264 null] +>> +endobj +63 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 250 null] +>> +endobj +64 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 237 null] +>> +endobj +65 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 224 null] +>> +endobj +66 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 210 null] +>> +endobj +67 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 197 null] +>> +endobj +68 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 184 null] +>> +endobj +69 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 170 null] +>> +endobj +70 0 obj +<< +/D [25 0 R /XYZ 93 138 null] +>> +endobj +71 0 obj +<< +/Length 1059 +>> +stream +BT +/F6 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 142.439 161.6004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(C)Tj +5.904 0 0 7.2 147.839 161.6004 Tm +-0.0081 Tc +[(OP)28.8(Y)8.5(R)-17.8(I)-14.7(G)-2.5(HT)]TJ +7.38 0 0 9 178.319 161.6004 Tm +-0.0031 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[( 20012002 Bor)-11.6(l)7.5(and Softw)19.7(ar)-11.6(e Cor)-27.8(porati)7.5(on. Al)7.5(l)-8.7( r)-11.6(i)7.5(ghts)-7.2( res)-7.2(e)0.1(r)-27.8(v)25.4(ed. Al)7.5(l)-285.2(B)13.5(or)-27.8(l)7.5(and brand and produc)9.1(t names)-7.2( )]TJ +-4.8618 -1.0267 TD +[(ar)-11.7(e t)14.6(r)4.6(ademar)-11.7(k)-7.3(s)-7.3( )16.2(or)-11.7( regi)7.4(s)-7.3(t)-1.6(ered trademar)-11.7(k)-7.3(s)9( of Bor)-11.7(l)-8.8(and )16.2(Software Cor)-27.9(porati)7.4(on i)-8.8(n)0( the Uni)7.4(t)-1.6(ed States)9( and other c)-7.3(ountr)-11.7(i)7.4(es)9(. )]TJ +0 -1.04 TD +-0.0028 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(Al)-8.4(l)7.8( other mar)-11.3(k)-6.9(s)9.4( ar)-11.3(e the )16.2(pr)-11.3(oper)-43.8(ty)9.4( of thei)7.8(r)-11.3( )16.2(r)-11.3(e)0.4(s)9.4(pec)-6.9(ti)7.8(v)25.7(e)0.4( o)16.6(w)-12.5(ners)9.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.4933 TD +-0.0039 Tc +0 Tw +[(K3-D)-13.6(el)6.7(phi)-9.5(_DB-0702)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +72 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F6 22 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +74 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +75 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +76 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.20482) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 607 298 637] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +77 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 646 null] +>> +endobj +78 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14094) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 596 298 607] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +79 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 614 null] +>> +endobj +80 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14111) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 586 298 596] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +81 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 603 null] +>> +endobj +82 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.23744) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 575 298 585] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +83 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 592 null] +>> +endobj +84 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14134) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 563 298 574] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +85 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 105 581 null] +>> +endobj +86 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14179) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 553 298 563] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +87 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 105 570 null] +>> +endobj +88 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14199) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 530 298 552] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +89 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 105 559 null] +>> +endobj +90 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14234) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 520 298 530] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +91 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 537 null] +>> +endobj +92 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14245) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 509 298 519] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +93 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 105 526 null] +>> +endobj +94 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14287) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 497 298 508] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +95 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 105 515 null] +>> +endobj +96 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.28800) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 596 518 607] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +97 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 324 614 null] +>> +endobj +98 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14387) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 586 518 596] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +99 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 324 603 null] +>> +endobj +100 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14404) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 575 518 585] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +101 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 592 null] +>> +endobj +102 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14452) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 563 518 574] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +103 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 581 null] +>> +endobj +104 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14464) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 542 518 563] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +105 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 324 570 null] +>> +endobj +106 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14491) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 530 518 541] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +107 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 324 548 null] +>> +endobj +108 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +109 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.14518) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 520 518 530] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +110 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 324 537 null] +>> +endobj +111 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G4.64) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 497 518 513] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +112 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 522 null] +>> +endobj +113 0 obj +<< +/I << +/Title (A) +>> +/F 114 0 R +>> +endobj +115 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 105 null] +>> +endobj +116 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +117 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 638 null] +>> +endobj +118 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 608 null] +>> +endobj +119 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 597 null] +>> +endobj +120 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 586 null] +>> +endobj +121 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 575 null] +>> +endobj +122 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 564 null] +>> +endobj +123 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 553 null] +>> +endobj +124 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 531 null] +>> +endobj +125 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 520 null] +>> +endobj +126 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 509 null] +>> +endobj +127 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 638 null] +>> +endobj +128 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 608 null] +>> +endobj +129 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 597 null] +>> +endobj +130 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 586 null] +>> +endobj +131 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 575 null] +>> +endobj +132 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 564 null] +>> +endobj +133 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 542 null] +>> +endobj +134 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 531 null] +>> +endobj +135 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 312 513 null] +>> +endobj +136 0 obj +<< +/D [73 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +137 0 obj +<< +/Length 4851 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 302.279 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +-0.0243 Tc +0 Tw +[(ii)-13.3(i)]TJ +ET +0.703 g +1 i +305.999 773.96 m +262.319 730.28 l +305.999 686.48 l +349.679 730.28 l +f* +BT +/F2 1 Tf +10.824 0 0 13.2 94.4391 624.8003 Tm +0 g +-0.0123 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(Cre)11.5(a)0.5(ti)10.7(ng )11.1(a d)11.1(a)0.5(ta)11.5(base)11.5( ap)11.1(pli)10.7(cat)10.3(ion)11.1( usi)10.7(ng )]TJ +0.5543 -1.0818 TD +-0.0121 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(the)11.7( De)11.7(lph)11.3(i)-0.2( I)10.9(D)0.4(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 599.1204 Tm +0.0027 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(Ov)7.7(erv)7.7(i)0.4(ew)10( of d)13.7(a)-4(t)8.7(a)-4(b)9(a)-4(s)13.4(e)1.7( a)9.4(r)11(c)6.7(h)11.4(itec)6.7(t)8.7(u)5.7(r)11(e)-598.3( . )13.3(. .)12.7( .)12.7( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-694(1)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(C)5.6(r)11.6(e)15.6(a)-3.4(t)9.3(i)1(ng)12.6( a )13.3(new)10.6( pr)25(oje)15.6(c)-6(t)-510.7( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.7(2)]TJ +0 -1.2267 TD +0.0041 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(Se)16.4(tt)10.1(ing)13.4( u)7.1(p)5.1( da)10.8(ta)10.8( a)10.8(c)8.1(c)-5.2(e)3.1(s)14.8(s)1.4( c)8.1(o)3.4(m)7.1(p)5.1(one)16.4(n)-0.6(t)10.1(s)-638.6(. )13.3(. .)14.1( .)14.1( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-705.9(3)]TJ +1.3333 -1.2267 TD +0.0039 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(Se)16.2(tt)9.9(ing)13.2( u)6.9(p)4.9( t)9.9(h)-0.8(e d)14.9(a)-2.8(t)9.9(a)-2.8(b)10.2(a)-2.8(s)14.6(e)2.9( c)7.9(o)3.2(nn)12.6(ec)7.9(tio)16.6(n)-520.8( .)13.9( .)13.9( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.1(3)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.003 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(S)-5.3(e)15.3(tt)9(ing)12.3( u)6(p)4( t)9(h)-1.7(e u)6(n)11.7(idir)24.7(ec)7(t)9(i)0.7(ona)9.7(l)0.7( d)14(a)-3.7(t)9(a)-3.7(se)15.3(t)-604.3( .)13( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-707(4)]TJ +0 -1.2267 TD +0.0029 Tc +[(S)-5.4(e)15.2(tt)8.9(ing)12.2( u)5.9(p)3.9( t)8.9(h)-1.8(e pr)24.6(ov)7.9(ide)15.2(r)64.6(,)12.9( c)6.9(lien)11.6(t)-4.4( )13.3(dat)8.9(a)9.6(set,)12.9( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0034 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(an)12.1(d da)10.1(t)9.4(a)-3.3( s)14.1(o)2.7(u)6.4(r)11.7(c)7.4(e)-730.9( .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.4( .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.6(5)]TJ +-2 -1.2133 TD +0.0029 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(Desig)12.2(n)-1.8(in)11.6(g t)8.9(h)-1.8(e )13.3(u)5.9(s)0.2(er )13.3(int)8.9(e)1.9(rfa)9.6(c)6.9(e)-598.1(.)-0.4( .)12.9( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)12.9( .)12.9( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-693.8(6)]TJ +1.3333 -1.2267 TD +0.0039 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(C)6.2(r)12.2(e)16.2(a)-2.8(t)9.9(i)1.6(ng)13.2( th)12.6(e g)13.2(r)-1.1(id)14.9( an)12.6(d n)12.6(a)-2.8(v)8.9(i)1.6(ga)10.6(t)9.9(i)1.6(on )13.3(ba)10.6(r)-721.1(.)13.9( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.1(6)]TJ +T* +0.0029 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(A)-5.8(d)13.9(din)11.6(g su)5.9(ppor)11.2(t)-4.4( )13.3(for a)9.6( m)5.9(e)1.9(n)11.6(u)-660.8( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)12.9( .)12.9( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-707.1(8)]TJ +24.3467 11 TD +0.0034 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(A)-5.3(d)14.4(ding)12.7( a)10.1( m)6.4(e)2.4(nu)-540.3(. )13.3(. .)13.4( .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.4( .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.4( .)13.4( . )13.3( )-573.4(9)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)-5.4(d)14.3(ding)12.6( a)10( b)9.6(u)-7(t)9.3(t)9.3(o)2.6(n)-668( )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( .)-626.7(1)63.3(1)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.2267 TD +0.0029 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(Displa)9.6(yin)11.6(g)-1.1( a)9.6( t)8.9(i)0.6(t)8.9(l)0.6(e a)9.6(n)-1.8(d )13.3(an)11.6( im)5.9(a)9.6(g)-1.1(e)-544.8( .)12.9( .)12.9( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)12.9( .)12.9( .)-573.8(1)9.6(2)]TJ +T* +0.0032 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(W)69.9(r)11.5(it)9.2(ing )13.3(an)11.9( ev)8.2(ent)9.2( h)11.9(a)-3.5(n)11.9(dler)-535.1( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.2( .)13.2( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.2( .)13.2( .)-573.5(1)9.9(3)]TJ +1.3333 -1.2133 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0135 Tw +[(W)70.2(r)11.8(it)9.5(ing th)12.2(e )-13.3(U)8.2(p)4.5(da)10.2(te N)-5.5(o)2.8(w)10.8(!)1.5( )-13.3(c)7.5(o)2.8(m)6.5(m)6.5(a)10.2(nd )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(1)10.2(3)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0032 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(W)69.9(r)11.5(it)9.2(ing )13.3(th)11.9(e Ex)12.5(it)9.2( c)7.2(o)2.5(m)6.2(m)-7.1(a)9.9(n)-1.5(d)14.2( ev)8.2(ent)9.2( ha)9.9(nd)14.2(ler)-708.5(.)13.2( .)-573.5(1)9.9(4)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(W)69.2(r)10.8(it)8.5(ing )13.3(t)-4.8(h)11.2(e Fo)15.2(rmClose )13.3(ev)7.5(ent)8.5( ha)9.2(nd)13.5(ler)-575.8( )13.3(. .)12.5( .)12.5( .)-574.2(1)9.2(4)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +10.824 0 0 13.2 313.559 500.3604 Tm +-0.0121 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ind)11.3(e)11.7(x)]TJ +ET +1 g +94.439 671.96 423.12 -30 re +f +BT +22.14 0 0 27 261.839 653.9603 Tm +0 g +-0.0436 Tc +(Contents)Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +138 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +140 0 obj +<< +/D [139 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +141 0 obj +<< +/D [139 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +142 0 obj +<< +/D [139 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +144 0 obj +<< +/D [139 0 R /XYZ 93 105 null] +>> +endobj +145 0 obj +<< +/D [139 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +146 0 obj +<< +/Length 76 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 302.279 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +-0.011 Tc +0 Tw +(iv)Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +147 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F5 21 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +149 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +150 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 211 573 null] +>> +endobj +151 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 211 573 null] +>> +endobj +152 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 371 null] +>> +endobj +153 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 371 null] +>> +endobj +154 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 371 null] +>> +endobj +155 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 482 null] +>> +endobj +156 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 371 null] +>> +endobj +157 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 335 null] +>> +endobj +158 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +159 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 477 546 null] +>> +endobj +160 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 171 460 null] +>> +endobj +143 0 obj +<< +/P 139 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 114 0 R +/N 161 0 R +>> +endobj +162 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 111 null] +>> +endobj +163 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +164 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 716 null] +>> +endobj +165 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 555 null] +>> +endobj +166 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 475 null] +>> +endobj +167 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 437 null] +>> +endobj +168 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 409 null] +>> +endobj +169 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 410 null] +>> +endobj +170 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 93 360 null] +>> +endobj +171 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 328 null] +>> +endobj +172 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 289 null] +>> +endobj +173 0 obj +<< +/D [148 0 R /XYZ 141 251 null] +>> +endobj +174 0 obj +<< +/Length 7183 +>> +stream +BT +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 266.399 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Cr)17.5(eat)17.9(in)18.8(g a)18.8( da)18.8(tab)18.8(a)0.3(se)18.8( ap)18.8(pl)17.4(ica)18.8(t)-0.5(i)17.4(on )18.4(usi)17.4(ng )18.4(th)18.8(e D)18.5(e)0.3(l)17.4(phi I)17.9(D)0(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +3.96 0 0 3.96 199.679 528.9203 Tm +1 g +-0.0726 Tc +[(Ch)24.5(a)33.5(p)13.2(t)41.3(e)12.5(r)80(0)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +22.14 0 0 27 212.639 528.9203 Tm +0 g +-0.0417 Tc +0.0022 Tw +(Creating a database application)Tj +4.878 -1.0222 TD +-0.0419 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(using the Delp)-5.4(hi)8.5( IDE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 465.4403 Tm +0.0005 Tc +[(Th)-7.9(is tu)-11(toria)-5.5(l)2.3( gu)-11(ides yo)-7.7(u thro)-7.7(ugh)-7.9( )12(t)-10.8(h)4.2(e crea)6.5(ti)-9.7(on)-7.9( )12(o)-7.7(f)-3.8( )12(a)-5.5(n)4.2( In)-7.9(terBa)6.5(s)-9.2(e )12(da)-5.5(ta)-5.5(ba)6.5(s)-9.2(e)-2.4( )12(a)-5.5(ppli)-9.7(c)-1.3(a)6.5(t)1.2(i)-9.7(o)4.3(n)-7.9( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(w)-7.6(i)3.6(th)-6.6( )12(w)-7.6(h)5.5(i)-8.4(c)0(h)5.5( yo)-6.4(u ca)7.8(n)-6.6( view)4.5( an)5.5(d update a)7.8( s)4.1(a)-4.2(m)-6.8(p)0.4(le em)5.3(plo)-6.4(y)3.6(ee da)7.8(tabas)4.1(e)-1.1(. Y)6.2(o)-6.4(u w)4.5(i)3.6(l)-8.4(l)3.6( us)4.1(e th)-6.6(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(D)-8.7(e)-2.5(lphi)-9.8( )12(I)-12(D)3.3(E)-3.1( to crea)-5.6(te )12(t)-10.9(h)4.1(e d)-3.1(a)6.4(t)-11(a)6.4(ba)-5.6(se a)-5.6(pplica)-5.6(t)1.1(io)-7.8(n. )]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Th)-8.5(is tu)-11.6(toria)-6.1(l)1.7( a)-6.1(ssu)-11.6(mes yo)-8.3(u a)-6.1(r)9.4(e f)-4.5(a)-6.1(mil)-10.3(i)1.7(a)-6.1(r)9.4( w)-9.5(i)1.7(th)-8.5( )12(Li)-10.3(nux a)-6.1(n)3.6(d ha)-6.1(ve rea)5.9(d)-3.6( th)-8.5(e)9( in)-8.5(trodu)-11.6(c)-1.9(tion)-8.5( to )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(K)-9.4(yli)-10.7(x )12(pro)-8.7(g)1.3(ra)-6.5(mm)-9.1(ing)-10.8( an)-8.9(d)-4( )12(t)-11.9(h)3.2(e IDE)-4( in)-8.9( the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.4458 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(Quick Star)5(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7831 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 400.1603 Tm +0.0084 Tc +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 400.1603 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(is tu)-11.5(toria)-6(l)1.8( is)-9.7( )12(w)-9.4(r)-2.6(itten)-8.4( f)7.7(o)-8.2(r )12(t)-11.3(h)3.7(e Ky)-10.3(lix E)-3.5(n)3.7(terpris)-9.7(e)-2.9( )12(a)-6(n)-8.4(d)8.6( P)-10.5(r)9.5(o)-8.2(f)-4.3(essio)-8.2(n)3.7(a)-6(l)1.8( ed)-3.5(itio)-8.2(ns)-9.7(, )12(w)-9.4(h)3.7(i)-10.2(c)-1.8(h )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(i)-9.6(n)4.3(clude th)-7.8(e )12(da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(ba)6.6(s)-9.1(e)-2.3( )12(co)-7.6(mp)-12.9(onen)-7.8(ts. Y)-7.1(o)4.4(u m)-8(u)1.2(st h)-7.8(a)6.6(ve In)-7.8(terB)9.2(a)-5.4(s)2.9(e in)-7.8(sta)-5.4(lled to)-7.6( )12(s)-9.1(u)1.2(ccessful)-9.6(ly )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.011 Tc +-0.02 Tw +[(c)9.2(o)2.8(m)14.5(p)9.6(le)20.1(te)8.1( th)14.7(i)12.8(s)1.3( tu)11.6(t)11.7(o)14.8(r)8.4(i)12.8(a)5(l)12.8(.)8( )]TJ +ET +q +1 i +94.439 337.64 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 337.64 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +1 i +94.439 336.44 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 343.4003 Tm +-0.0272 Tc +0.005 Tw +[(O)-8.2(ver)-13.4(vie)8.6(w)0.3( of database ar)20.7(chi)-5(t)-1.2(ecture)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 318.3203 Tm +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(Th)-7.4(e a)7(r)-1.6(ch)-7.4(itecture of a)7( da)-5(ta)-5(ba)7(s)-8.7(e)10.1( a)-5(ppli)-9.2(c)-0.8(a)7(t)1.7(i)-9.2(o)4.8(n)-7.4( )12(m)-7.6(a)-5(y seem co)-7.2(mpli)-9.2(ca)7(ted a)-5(t)1.7( f)8.7(i)-9.2(r)10.5(s)-8.7(t, but the us)-8.7(e )]TJ +T* +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(o)-8.9(f)7( m)-9.3(u)-0.1(lti)-10.9(p)-2.1(le com)-9.3(p)-2.1(on)-9.1(ents)-10.4( )12(s)-10.4(i)1.1(m)-9.3(p)-2.1(lif)-5(ies th)-9.1(e )12(d)-4.2(e)-3.6(velo)-8.9(pmen)-9.1(t an)-9.1(d)-4.2( ma)-6.7(in)-9.1(tena)-6.7(nce of)-5( a)-6.7(c)-2.5(tua)-6.7(l)1.1( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0092 Tc +-0.0182 Tw +[(d)5.7(a)3.2(t)9.9(a)3.2(b)8(a)15.2(se)6.3( ap)7.8(p)7.8(l)11(ic)7.4(a)15.2(t)9.9(io)13(ns)11.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.0228 Tw +[(D)-7.4(a)7.7(t)-9.6(a)7.7(bas)4(e)-1.2( a)7.7(ppl)-8.5(icatio)5.5(n)-6.7(s)4( in)-6.7(clude )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(ree )12(m)-6.9(a)7.7(i)-8.5(n)5.4( par)11.2(t)-9.6(s)4(:)-1.3( )12(th)-6.7(e )12(u)-9.8(s)4(er )12(i)-8.5(n)5.4(terfa)7.7(c)-0.1(e, a)7.7( s)4(e)-1.2(t o)5.5(f)-2.6( da)7.7(ta a)7.7(cces)4(s)-8( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(co)-8.4(mpo)-8.4(n)3.5(en)-8.6(ts, an)-8.6(d)-3.7( the d)-3.7(a)5.8(t)-11.5(a)5.8(ba)-6.2(se its)-9.9(e)-3.1(lf)-4.5(.)8.8( In)-8.6( this)-9.9( tuto)-8.4(rial)-10.4(,)8.8( y)-10.5(o)3.6(u w)-9.6(ill crea)-6.2(te )12(a)-6.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +30.747 0 TD +-0.0045 Tc +0 Tw +[(d)-10.5(b)0.7(E)-8(x)-10.5(pr)-13.1(ess)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.1446 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-34.8916 -1.1084 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(d)-3.6(a)-6.1(ta)-6.1(bas)-9.8(e)-3( )12(a)-6.1(ppli)-10.3(c)-1.9(ati)-10.3(o)3.7(n)-8.5(.)8.9( O)-9.3(t)0.6(her d)-3.6(a)5.9(t)-11.5(a)5.9(ba)-6.1(se a)-6.1(pplica)-6.1(t)0.6(io)-8.3(ns)-9.8( )12(h)-8.5(a)5.9(v)-13.4(e)9( a)-6.1( sim)-8.7(ila)-6.1(r arch)-8.5(itecture.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(Th)-6.3(e us)4.4(er in)5.8(t)-9.2(e)11.2(rface )12(i)-8.1(n)5.8(clu)-9.4(d)10.7(es)-7.6( d)10.7(a)-3.9(ta-a)8.1(w)-7.3(a)8.1(re co)5.9(n)-6.3(t)2.8(ro)5.9(l)-8.1(s)4.4( s)4.4(u)2.7(ch)-6.3( a)8.1(s)-7.6( )12(a grid s)4.4(o)-6.1( th)5.8(at us)4.4(ers)-7.6( )12(can)5.8( edit )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(a)-4.9(n)4.8(d po)-7.1(st da)7.1(t)-10.2(a)7.1( to)-7.1( the da)7.1(t)-10.3(a)7.1(ba)-4.9(se. The da)-4.9(ta)7.1( a)-4.9(ccess co)-7.1(mpo)-7.1(n)4.8(en)-7.3(ts in)-7.3(clude the da)7.1(t)-10.2(a)7.1( so)-7.1(urce, )]TJ +T* +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(th)-7.5(e client)-10.5( )12(da)-5.1(ta)-5.1(set, the da)-5.1(ta)6.9( pro)-7.3(v)-0.4(ider, )12(a)-5.1( un)-7.5(idirectio)-7.3(n)4.6(a)-5.1(l)2.7( da)6.9(ta)-5.1(set, a)-5.1(n)4.6(d a)-5.1( )12(co)-7.3(nn)-7.5(ectio)-7.3(n)4.6( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(co)-7.1(mpo)-7.1(n)4.8(en)-7.3(t. )12(T)-12.4(h)4.8(e da)7.1(ta)-4.9( so)-7.1(urce )12(a)-4.9(c)-0.7(ts)-8.6( )12(a)-4.9(s)3.4( a)-4.9( con)-7.3(d)9.7(u)-10.4(i)2.9(t between)-7.3( the user in)-7.3(terf)8.8(a)-4.9(c)-0.7(e a)7.1(n)-7.3(d a)7.1( cli)-9.1(e)10.2(n)-7.3(t)1.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(da)-5.6(ta)-5.6(set. The clien)-8(t)1.1( da)6.4(ta)-5.6(set is)-9.3( the hea)-5.6(r)-2.2(t of the a)-5.6(pplica)-5.6(t)1.1(io)-7.8(n beca)-5.6(use it co)-7.8(nta)-5.6(i)2.2(n)-8(s)2.7( a)-5.6( )12(s)-9.3(e)-2.5(t of )]TJ +T* +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(reco)-7.5(r)10.2(d)-2.8(s)-9( )12(f)-3.6(r)-1.9(o)-7.5(m)4.2( th)-7.7(e)9.8( u)-10.8(n)4.4(d)-2.8(e)-2.2(rlyin)-7.7(g d)-2.8(a)-5.3(taba)-5.3(se w)-8.7(h)4.4(ich)-7.7( are buf)-3.7(f)-3.6(er)10.2(ed)-2.8( in)-7.7( mem)-7.9(o)4.5(ry. The pro)-7.5(v)-0.6(id)-2.8(er )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0024 Tw +[(tra)-5.4(n)4.3(s)-9.1(f)-3.7(e)9.7(r)-2(s)-9.1( )12(t)-10.8(h)4.3(e da)6.6(ta)-5.4( betw)-8.8(e)9.7(e)-2.3(n)-7.8( the clien)-7.8(t)1.3( da)6.6(ta)-5.4(set a)-5.4(n)4.3(d th)-7.8(e )12(u)-10.9(n)4.3(idi)-9.6(r)10.1(ecti)-9.6(on)-7.8(a)6.6(l)-9.6( )12(da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(set, wh)-7.8(ich )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(f)-4.7(e)-3.3(tch)-8.8(e)8.7(s)-10.1( d)8.2(a)-6.4(ta)-6.4( d)-3.9(i)1.4(rectly f)-4.7(r)-3(om)-9( the d)-3.9(a)-6.4(taba)-6.4(se. Fin)-8.8(a)-6.4(lly, th)-8.8(e)8.7( co)-8.6(nn)-8.8(ection)-8.8( com)-9(p)-1.8(on)-8.8(ent )]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +175 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F6 22 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +178 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 370 null] +>> +endobj +179 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 407 null] +>> +endobj +180 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 407 null] +>> +endobj +181 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 441 null] +>> +endobj +182 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 374 441 null] +>> +endobj +183 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 407 null] +>> +endobj +184 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 370 null] +>> +endobj +185 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +186 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 441 315 null] +>> +endobj +161 0 obj +<< +/P 148 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 143 0 R +/N 187 0 R +>> +endobj +188 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 111 null] +>> +endobj +189 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 698 null] +>> +endobj +190 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +191 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 433 null] +>> +endobj +192 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 434 null] +>> +endobj +193 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 93 396 null] +>> +endobj +194 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 363 null] +>> +endobj +195 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 336 null] +>> +endobj +196 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 308 null] +>> +endobj +197 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 281 null] +>> +endobj +198 0 obj +<< +/D [177 0 R /XYZ 141 253 null] +>> +endobj +199 0 obj +<< +/Length 27964 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3091 Tc +-0.0039 Tw +[(C)6(r)-11.8(e)16.7(a)-0.9(ting a)16.7( new)6( pr)5.8(ojec)13.8(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(est)-11(a)6.3(bl)-9.9(ish)-8.1(e)-2.6(s a)6.3( co)-7.9(nn)-8.1(e)9.4(c)-1.5(t)-11(i)2.1(on)-8.1( to th)-8.1(e )12(da)-5.7(ta)-5.7(ba)6.3(s)-9.4(e)-2.6(.)9.3( Ea)-5.7(ch ty)-10(pe)9.4( o)-7.9(f)-4.1( )12(u)-11.2(n)4(idirecti)-9.9(on)-8.1(a)6.3(l)2.1( da)-5.7(ta)-5.7(set uses)-9.4( )12(a)-5.7( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(different typ)-13.4(e)9.2( o)-8.1(f)7.8( co)-8.1(nn)-8.3(ection)-8.3( com)-8.5(p)-1.3(on)-8.3(ent.)]TJ +0 -23.3494 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(F)-10.9(o)3.2(r mo)-8.8(re )12(i)-10.8(n)3.1(f)-4.9(o)3.2(rm)-9.2(at)-11.9(ion)-9( on)-9( )12(d)-4.1(a)-6.6(ta)-6.6(bas)-10.3(e)-3.5( )12(d)-4.1(e)-3.5(velo)-8.8(pm)-9.2(e)8.5(n)-9(t, see D)-9.7(esign)-9(in)-9(g d)-4.1(a)5.4(t)-12(a)5.4(ba)-6.6(se )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0088 Tc +-0.0058 Tw +[(ap)7.4(p)7.4(l)10.6(ic)19.1(at)9.5(io)12.6(n)12.5(s)-0.9()14.8( in)12.5( t)9.5(h)12.5(e)5.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.9398 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +-0.0142 Tw +[(De)8.7(ve)8.7(l)-6(o)3.4(p)11.2(e)-3.4(r)8.7()6.1(s Gu)-5.1(i)6.1(d)-0.8(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4458 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[( or o)-7.7(n)4.2(lin)-7.9(e Help.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 373.16 423.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 373.16 423.12 -1.92 re +f +Q +94.439 372.08 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 378.9203 Tm +-0.0242 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(Creati)6.5(ng )8.5(a ne)20.1(w pr)23.7(oj)6.5(ect)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 353.9603 Tm +0.001 Tc +[(Before yo)-7.2(u begin)-7.4( the tuto)-7.2(ria)-5(l)2.8(, cr)10.5(ea)-5(te a)7( fo)-7.2(lder)10.5( to)-7.2( ho)-7.2(ld the so)-7.2(urce f)8.7(i)-9.2(les. Then)-7.4( )12(o)-7.2(p)-0.4(en a)-5(n)4.7(d )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0081 Tc +-0.0051 Tw +[(sa)14.1(v)6.8(e)5.2( a )12(ne)5.2(w)10.8( p)6.7(r)5.5(oj)13.2(e)5.2(c)6.3(t)8.8(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 326.3603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 326.3603 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(Crea)-6(te a f)-4.3(o)3.8(l)-10.2(d)8.6(er ca)-6(lled)-3.5( Tuto)-8.2(rial)-10.2( to ho)-8.2(ld)-3.5( th)-8.4(e)9.1( pro)-8.2(j)5.1(ect f)-4.4(iles y)-10.3(o)3.8(ul)-10.2(l)1.8( create wh)-8.4(ile w)-9.4(o)3.8(rki)-10.2(n)3.7(g )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.001 Tc +0.004 Tw +[(th)-9.4(rou)-12.5(g)0.8(h th)-9.4(is tu)-12.5(toria)-7(l)0.8(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 298.8803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 298.8803 Tm +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(Us)4.2(e th)-6.5(e )12(default pro)-6.3(j)7(ect a)7.9(l)-8.3(rea)7.9(d)-1.6(y created )12(w)-7.5(h)5.6(en)-6.5( yo)5.7(u)-9.6( )12(s)-7.8(t)2.6(a)7.9(r)-0.7(t)-9.4( )12(th)-6.5(e D)4.8(e)-1(lph)-6.5(i)3.7( ID)4.8(E o)-6.3(r)-0.7( )12(beg)-8.4(i)3.7(n)5.6( a )]TJ +T* +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(n)-9(e)-3.5(w proj)-7.6(ect by cho)-8.8(o)3.2(s)-10.3(i)1.2(ng)-10.9( )12(F)-10.9(ile|)-9.1(N)-0.9(ew A)-5.7(pplica)-6.6(t)0.1(io)-8.8(n.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 271.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 271.4004 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(y)-10.1(o)4(ur f)-4.1(iles)-9.5( )12(t)-11.2(o)4( d)-3.3(i)2(sk)-10.1(.)9.2( W)-11.9(h)3.9(en th)-8.2(e S)7.1(a)-5.8(ve A)7.1(s)-9.5( d)-3.3(i)2(al)-10(og bo)-8(x )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(a)-6.3(ppea)-6.3(r)9.2(s)-10(,)-3.3( )12(n)-8.7(a)5.7(vig)-10.6(a)5.7(t)-11.6(e)8.8( to yo)-8.5(ur )12(Tut)-11.7(o)3.5(ria)-6.3(l)1.5( f)7.4(o)-8.5(ld)-3.8(er )12(a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( sav)-13.6(e)8.8( each)-8.7( )12(f)-4.6(ile usi)-10.5(n)3.4(g its d)-3.8(e)-3.2(f)7.4(a)-6.3(ult)-11.6( )12(na)-6.3(m)-8.9(e)-3.2(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(L)-3.7(a)-6.2(ter on)-8.6(,)8.8( yo)-8.4(u ca)-6.2(n sa)-6.2(ve you)-11.7(r)-2.8( )12(w)-9.6(o)3.6(rk)-10.5( )12(a)-6.2(t)0.5( a)-6.2(n)3.5(y ti)-10.4(me by ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(sin)-8.6(g)1.6( File|)-8.7(S)-5.3(ave A)-5.3(ll. If)-4.5( you)-11.7( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(decide no)-8.1(t to co)-8.1(mpl)-10.1(e)9.2(t)-11.2(e)-2.8( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.8(e tuto)-8.1(ria)6.1(l)-10.1( in o)-8.1(n)3.8(e sitt)-11.2(ing)-10.2(,)9.1( y)-10.2(o)3.9(u ca)-5.9(n o)-8.1(p)-1.3(e)9.2(n)-8.3( the sa)-5.9(ved versio)-8.1(n )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(by)-10.5( )12(ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(sin)-8.6(g)1.6( Fi)-10.4(le|R)-6.9(eopen)-8.6( )12(a)-6.2(n)-8.6(d)8.4( s)-9.9(e)-3.1(lecting)-10.5( the tut)-11.5(o)3.6(ria)-6.2(l)1.6( f)-4.5(r)9.3(o)-8.4(m)3.3( th)-8.6(e list)-11.6(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +142.439 647.96 333 -206.04 re +f +0 0 0 0 k +/GS2 gs +142.599 442.221 332.814 205.436 re +f +309.006 544.939 m +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +138.948 523.924 m +447.536 523.924 l +447.536 680.451 l +138.948 680.451 l +138.948 523.924 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +293.242 602.188 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +137.162 525.711 m +445.75 525.711 l +445.75 682.237 l +137.162 682.237 l +137.162 525.711 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +291.456 603.974 m +B +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +9.0132 0 1.9158 8.0698 273.097 635.8252 Tm +0 0 0 1 k +0 Tc +0 Tw +(Database application)Tj +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +217.1 531.516 m +440.39 531.516 l +440.39 661.471 l +217.1 661.471 l +217.1 531.516 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +328.745 596.494 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +215.314 533.303 m +438.605 533.303 l +438.605 663.258 l +215.314 663.258 l +215.314 533.303 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +0 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +326.959 598.28 m +B +Q +BT +9.0132 0 1.9158 8.0698 324.3053 617.8665 Tm +(Data module)Tj +ET +0 0 0 0.247 k +365.052 578.779 m +368.67 577.089 l +372.524 575.821 l +376.772 575.047 l +381.02 574.906 l +385.267 575.047 l +389.279 575.821 l +393.369 577.089 l +400.607 580.47 l +404.46 581.596 l +408.708 582.371 l +412.956 582.653 l +417.204 582.371 l +421.294 581.596 l +425.306 580.47 l +428.924 578.779 l +428.924 605.894 l +365.052 605.894 l +365.052 578.779 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +345.418 611.678 m +348.841 609.891 l +352.489 608.551 l +356.508 607.733 l +360.527 607.584 l +364.546 607.733 l +368.342 608.551 l +372.212 609.891 l +379.061 613.464 l +382.707 614.655 l +386.727 615.474 l +390.746 615.771 l +394.765 615.474 l +398.635 614.655 l +402.432 613.464 l +405.855 611.678 l +405.855 640.333 l +345.418 640.333 l +345.418 611.678 l +S +Q +360.961 575.821 m +364.579 574.131 l +368.434 572.934 l +372.682 572.3 l +376.929 571.948 l +381.256 572.3 l +385.267 572.934 l +389.279 574.131 l +392.976 575.821 l +396.594 577.582 l +400.37 578.779 l +404.618 579.413 l +408.944 579.695 l +413.192 579.413 l +417.204 578.779 l +421.294 577.582 l +424.913 575.821 l +424.913 603.006 l +360.961 603.006 l +360.961 575.821 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +341.548 608.551 m +344.971 606.765 l +348.619 605.5 l +352.638 604.83 l +356.656 604.458 l +360.75 604.83 l +364.546 605.5 l +368.342 606.765 l +371.841 608.551 l +375.264 610.412 l +378.837 611.678 l +382.856 612.348 l +386.949 612.645 l +390.969 612.348 l +394.765 611.678 l +398.635 610.412 l +402.06 608.551 l +402.06 637.281 l +341.548 637.281 l +341.548 608.551 l +S +Q +356.949 572.934 m +360.568 571.385 l +364.579 570.117 l +368.67 569.342 l +372.918 569.06 l +377.165 569.342 l +381.413 570.117 l +385.267 571.385 l +388.886 572.934 l +392.504 574.624 l +396.594 575.821 l +400.607 576.596 l +404.854 576.807 l +409.101 576.596 l +413.349 575.821 l +417.204 574.624 l +420.822 572.934 l +420.822 600.048 l +356.949 600.048 l +356.949 572.934 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +337.751 605.5 m +341.176 603.862 l +344.971 602.522 l +348.841 601.704 l +352.861 601.406 l +356.88 601.704 l +360.899 602.522 l +364.546 603.862 l +367.97 605.5 l +371.394 607.286 l +375.264 608.551 l +379.061 609.37 l +383.08 609.594 l +387.098 609.37 l +391.118 608.551 l +394.765 607.286 l +398.189 605.5 l +398.189 634.155 l +337.751 634.155 l +337.751 605.5 l +S +Q +0 0 0 0 k +363.163 580.47 m +366.782 578.779 l +370.636 577.512 l +374.884 576.737 l +379.132 576.596 l +383.379 576.737 l +387.392 577.512 l +391.482 578.779 l +398.718 582.16 l +402.573 583.287 l +406.82 584.062 l +411.068 584.343 l +415.316 584.062 l +419.406 583.287 l +423.417 582.16 l +427.036 580.47 l +427.036 607.584 l +363.163 607.584 l +363.163 580.47 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +343.631 613.464 m +347.055 611.678 l +350.702 610.338 l +354.722 609.519 l +358.741 609.37 l +362.76 609.519 l +366.556 610.338 l +370.427 611.678 l +377.274 615.25 l +380.921 616.441 l +384.94 617.26 l +388.959 617.558 l +392.979 617.26 l +396.849 616.441 l +400.645 615.25 l +404.069 613.464 l +404.069 642.12 l +343.631 642.12 l +343.631 613.464 l +S +Q +359.073 577.512 m +362.692 575.821 l +366.546 574.624 l +370.794 573.99 l +375.042 573.638 l +379.368 573.99 l +383.379 574.624 l +387.392 575.821 l +391.088 577.512 l +394.707 579.272 l +398.483 580.47 l +402.73 581.104 l +407.057 581.385 l +411.304 581.104 l +415.316 580.47 l +419.406 579.272 l +423.024 577.512 l +423.024 604.697 l +359.073 604.697 l +359.073 577.512 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +339.761 610.338 m +343.185 608.551 l +346.832 607.286 l +350.851 606.616 l +354.871 606.244 l +358.964 606.616 l +362.76 607.286 l +366.556 608.551 l +370.054 610.338 l +373.478 612.198 l +377.051 613.464 l +381.07 614.134 l +385.164 614.431 l +389.183 614.134 l +392.979 613.464 l +396.849 612.198 l +400.273 610.338 l +400.273 639.068 l +339.761 639.068 l +339.761 610.338 l +S +Q +355.062 574.624 m +358.68 573.075 l +362.692 571.807 l +366.782 571.032 l +371.029 570.751 l +375.277 571.032 l +379.525 571.807 l +383.379 573.075 l +386.998 574.624 l +390.617 576.314 l +394.707 577.512 l +398.718 578.286 l +402.966 578.498 l +407.214 578.286 l +411.462 577.512 l +415.316 576.314 l +418.934 574.624 l +418.934 601.739 l +355.062 601.739 l +355.062 574.624 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +335.965 607.286 m +339.389 605.649 l +343.185 604.309 l +347.055 603.49 l +351.074 603.192 l +355.094 603.49 l +359.113 604.309 l +362.76 605.649 l +366.184 607.286 l +369.608 609.072 l +373.478 610.338 l +377.274 611.157 l +381.293 611.38 l +385.313 611.157 l +389.332 610.338 l +392.979 609.072 l +396.402 607.286 l +396.402 635.942 l +335.965 635.942 l +335.965 607.286 l +S +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +7.8661 0 0 7.0427 362.3305 587.1602 Tm +0 0 0 1 k +(Client dataset)Tj +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +149.443 601.183 m +205.266 601.183 l +205.266 639.961 l +149.443 639.961 l +149.443 601.183 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +177.354 620.572 m +B +Q +156.994 594.414 57.187 11.973 re +f +185.587 600.4 m +f +BT +9.0132 0 0 8.0698 182.0079 597.513 Tm +0 0 0 0 k +-0.0001 Tc +(UI)Tj +ET +156.994 571.314 57.187 23.17 re +f +185.587 582.899 m +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.465 w 4 M []0 d +148.55 628.722 m +202.14 628.722 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +147.657 602.969 55.823 38.778 re +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 k +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +175.568 622.358 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +258.186 605.128 m +258.186 605.128 l +259.451 603.565 l +260.716 602.895 l +262.056 602.522 l +263.321 602.151 l +264.661 601.853 l +265.926 601.778 l +267.192 601.629 l +268.531 601.481 l +269.797 601.481 l +271.137 601.332 l +272.402 601.481 l +273.667 601.481 l +275.007 601.629 l +276.272 601.778 l +277.612 601.853 l +278.877 602.151 l +280.143 602.522 l +281.482 602.895 l +282.747 603.565 l +284.087 605.128 l +285.353 606.691 l +286.618 607.361 l +287.958 607.733 l +289.223 608.179 l +290.563 608.402 l +291.828 608.551 l +293.093 608.7 l +294.433 608.849 l +295.699 608.849 l +297.038 608.924 l +298.303 608.849 l +299.569 608.849 l +300.909 608.7 l +302.174 608.551 l +303.513 608.402 l +304.779 608.179 l +306.044 607.733 l +307.384 607.361 l +308.649 606.691 l +309.84 605.128 l +309.84 640.482 l +258.186 640.482 l +258.186 605.128 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +262.279 640.482 m +262.279 602.82 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +256.399 606.914 m +256.399 606.914 l +257.665 605.351 l +258.93 604.681 l +260.27 604.309 l +261.535 603.937 l +262.875 603.639 l +264.14 603.565 l +265.405 603.416 l +266.745 603.267 l +268.01 603.267 l +269.35 603.118 l +270.615 603.267 l +271.881 603.267 l +273.22 603.416 l +274.486 603.565 l +275.826 603.639 l +277.091 603.937 l +278.356 604.309 l +279.696 604.681 l +280.961 605.351 l +282.301 606.914 l +283.566 608.477 l +284.832 609.147 l +286.171 609.519 l +287.437 609.965 l +288.776 610.189 l +290.042 610.338 l +291.307 610.487 l +292.647 610.635 l +293.912 610.635 l +295.252 610.71 l +296.517 610.635 l +297.782 610.635 l +299.122 610.487 l +300.387 610.338 l +301.727 610.189 l +302.993 609.965 l +304.258 609.519 l +305.598 609.147 l +306.863 608.477 l +308.054 606.914 l +308.054 642.268 l +256.399 642.268 l +256.399 606.914 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +260.493 642.268 m +260.493 604.607 l +S +Q +BT +7.8661 0 0 7.0427 277.9273 590.0476 Tm +0 0 0 1 k +0 Tc +[(Data sour)20(ce)]TJ +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +310.956 622.544 m +333.137 622.619 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +308.203 622.544 m +314.753 625.224 l +311.701 622.544 l +314.827 619.939 l +308.203 622.544 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +335.891 622.619 m +329.341 619.939 l +332.393 622.619 l +329.266 625.224 l +335.891 622.619 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +396.477 604.755 m +400.422 588.679 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +395.807 607.435 m +399.975 601.704 l +396.626 604.011 l +394.84 600.364 l +395.807 607.435 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +401.092 585.999 m +396.923 591.73 l +400.273 589.423 l +402.06 593.07 l +401.092 585.999 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +206.233 622.395 m +253.645 622.619 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +203.479 622.395 m +210.029 625.075 l +206.978 622.395 l +210.104 619.791 l +203.479 622.395 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +256.399 622.619 m +249.849 619.939 l +252.901 622.619 l +249.775 625.224 l +256.399 622.619 l +B +Q +0 0 0 0.247 k +324.305 529.481 m +327.294 527.79 l +330.44 526.522 l +333.98 525.748 l +337.521 525.607 l +341.06 525.748 l +344.364 526.522 l +347.746 527.79 l +350.736 529.481 l +353.724 531.17 l +356.949 532.227 l +360.411 533.002 l +363.951 533.284 l +367.49 533.002 l +370.873 532.227 l +374.176 531.17 l +377.165 529.481 l +377.165 556.313 l +324.305 556.313 l +324.305 529.481 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +306.863 559.577 m +309.691 557.79 l +312.668 556.45 l +316.018 555.632 l +319.367 555.483 l +322.716 555.632 l +325.843 556.45 l +329.043 557.79 l +331.872 559.577 l +334.7 561.362 l +337.751 562.479 l +341.027 563.298 l +344.376 563.596 l +347.725 563.298 l +350.926 562.479 l +354.052 561.362 l +356.88 559.577 l +356.88 587.934 l +306.863 587.934 l +306.863 559.577 l +S +Q +320.923 526.522 m +323.912 524.833 l +327.137 523.635 l +330.677 523.001 l +334.138 522.719 l +337.678 523.001 l +341.06 523.635 l +344.364 524.833 l +347.431 526.522 l +350.421 528.213 l +353.567 529.481 l +357.107 530.044 l +360.646 530.396 l +364.108 530.044 l +367.49 529.481 l +370.873 528.213 l +373.861 526.522 l +373.861 553.355 l +320.923 553.355 l +320.923 526.522 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +303.663 556.45 m +306.491 554.664 l +309.543 553.398 l +312.892 552.729 l +316.167 552.431 l +319.516 552.729 l +322.716 553.398 l +325.843 554.664 l +328.745 556.45 l +331.574 558.237 l +334.551 559.577 l +337.901 560.172 l +341.25 560.544 l +344.525 560.172 l +347.725 559.577 l +350.926 558.237 l +353.754 556.45 l +353.754 584.808 l +303.663 584.808 l +303.663 556.45 l +S +Q +317.619 523.635 m +320.608 522.086 l +323.912 520.888 l +327.294 520.113 l +330.834 519.761 l +334.374 520.113 l +337.835 520.888 l +341.06 522.086 l +344.049 523.635 l +347.038 525.326 l +350.421 526.522 l +353.724 527.297 l +357.264 527.438 l +360.804 527.297 l +364.344 526.522 l +367.49 525.326 l +370.479 523.635 l +370.479 550.468 l +317.619 550.468 l +317.619 523.635 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +300.536 553.398 m +303.364 551.761 l +306.491 550.496 l +309.691 549.677 l +313.041 549.305 l +316.39 549.677 l +319.665 550.496 l +322.716 551.761 l +325.545 553.398 l +328.373 555.185 l +331.574 556.45 l +334.7 557.269 l +338.049 557.418 l +341.398 557.269 l +344.748 556.45 l +347.725 555.185 l +350.553 553.398 l +350.553 581.756 l +300.536 581.756 l +300.536 553.398 l +S +Q +0 0 0 0 k +322.417 531.17 m +325.406 529.481 l +328.553 528.213 l +332.093 527.438 l +335.632 527.297 l +339.172 527.438 l +342.476 528.213 l +345.858 529.481 l +348.847 531.17 l +351.837 532.861 l +355.062 533.917 l +358.522 534.692 l +362.062 534.974 l +365.602 534.692 l +368.985 533.917 l +372.288 532.861 l +375.277 531.17 l +375.277 558.004 l +322.417 558.004 l +322.417 531.17 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +305.076 561.362 m +307.905 559.577 l +310.883 558.237 l +314.232 557.418 l +317.581 557.269 l +320.93 557.418 l +324.056 558.237 l +327.257 559.577 l +330.085 561.362 l +332.914 563.149 l +335.965 564.266 l +339.24 565.084 l +342.589 565.382 l +345.939 565.084 l +349.14 564.266 l +352.265 563.149 l +355.094 561.362 l +355.094 589.721 l +305.076 589.721 l +305.076 561.362 l +S +Q +319.035 528.213 m +322.024 526.522 l +325.249 525.326 l +328.789 524.692 l +332.25 524.41 l +335.79 524.692 l +339.172 525.326 l +342.476 526.522 l +345.544 528.213 l +348.533 529.903 l +351.679 531.17 l +355.219 531.734 l +358.759 532.086 l +362.22 531.734 l +365.602 531.17 l +368.985 529.903 l +371.974 528.213 l +371.974 555.046 l +319.035 555.046 l +319.035 528.213 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +301.876 558.237 m +304.704 556.45 l +307.756 555.185 l +311.106 554.515 l +314.38 554.217 l +317.73 554.515 l +320.93 555.185 l +324.056 556.45 l +326.959 558.237 l +329.788 560.023 l +332.765 561.362 l +336.114 561.958 l +339.463 562.33 l +342.738 561.958 l +345.939 561.362 l +349.14 560.023 l +351.968 558.237 l +351.968 586.595 l +301.876 586.595 l +301.876 558.237 l +S +Q +315.731 525.326 m +318.721 523.776 l +322.024 522.578 l +325.406 521.804 l +328.946 521.452 l +332.486 521.804 l +335.947 522.578 l +339.172 523.776 l +342.162 525.326 l +345.15 527.015 l +348.533 528.213 l +351.837 528.988 l +355.377 529.128 l +358.916 528.988 l +362.455 528.213 l +365.602 527.015 l +368.591 525.326 l +368.591 552.158 l +315.731 552.158 l +315.731 525.326 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +298.75 555.185 m +301.579 553.547 l +304.704 552.282 l +307.905 551.464 l +311.255 551.091 l +314.604 551.464 l +317.879 552.282 l +320.93 553.547 l +323.759 555.185 l +326.587 556.971 l +329.788 558.237 l +332.914 559.056 l +336.263 559.204 l +339.612 559.056 l +342.961 558.237 l +345.939 556.971 l +348.767 555.185 l +348.767 583.543 l +298.75 583.543 l +298.75 555.185 l +S +Q +BT +7.5514 0 0 7.0427 316.7856 542.5798 Tm +0 0 0 1 k +(Unidirectional)Tj +7.8661 0 0 7.0427 330.283 533.2836 Tm +(dataset)Tj +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +224.245 552.059 m +280.291 552.059 l +280.291 585.106 l +224.245 585.106 l +224.245 552.059 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +252.269 568.583 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +228.711 585.106 m +228.711 552.059 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +222.459 553.845 m +278.505 553.845 l +278.505 586.892 l +222.459 586.892 l +222.459 553.845 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +250.482 570.369 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +226.925 586.892 m +226.925 553.845 l +S +Q +BT +7.8661 0 0 7.0427 248.1616 542.2276 Tm +(Connection)Tj +0.06 -1.32 TD +(component)Tj +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +378.539 552.952 m +427.217 552.952 l +427.217 584.213 l +378.539 584.213 l +378.539 552.952 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +402.878 568.583 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +378.539 552.952 m +386.28 552.952 l +386.28 584.213 l +378.539 584.213 l +378.539 552.952 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 k +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +382.41 568.583 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +376.753 554.738 m +425.43 554.738 l +425.43 585.999 l +376.753 585.999 l +376.753 554.738 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0 k +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +401.092 570.369 m +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +376.753 554.738 m +384.494 554.738 l +384.494 585.999 l +376.753 585.999 l +376.753 554.738 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +380.623 570.369 m +B +Q +BT +7.8661 0 0 7.0427 413.6642 537.3683 Tm +[(Pr)20(o)20(vider)]TJ +ET +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +357.922 570.369 m +373.999 570.443 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +355.168 570.369 m +361.718 573.048 l +358.666 570.369 l +361.792 567.764 l +355.168 570.369 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +376.753 570.443 m +370.203 567.764 l +373.255 570.443 l +370.129 573.048 l +376.753 570.443 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +280.887 570.369 m +296.294 570.369 l +S +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +278.505 570.369 m +285.055 572.974 l +282.078 570.369 l +285.055 567.764 l +278.505 570.369 l +B +Q +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0 w 4 M []0 d +298.676 570.369 m +292.126 567.764 l +295.103 570.369 l +292.126 572.974 l +298.676 570.369 l +B +Q +0 0 0 0.247 k +221.967 483.492 m +222.361 484.618 l +223.619 485.534 l +225.428 486.45 l +227.946 487.294 l +231.013 488.21 l +234.789 488.914 l +238.958 489.548 l +243.442 489.76 l +248.24 489.971 l +253.038 490.253 l +257.994 489.971 l +262.714 489.76 l +267.04 489.548 l +271.209 488.914 l +274.985 488.21 l +278.289 487.294 l +280.727 486.45 l +282.615 485.534 l +283.638 484.618 l +284.031 483.492 l +284.031 452.222 l +283.638 451.166 l +282.615 450.25 l +280.727 449.124 l +278.289 448.208 l +274.985 447.574 l +271.209 446.869 l +267.04 446.236 l +262.714 445.813 l +257.994 445.531 l +248.24 445.531 l +243.442 445.813 l +238.958 446.236 l +234.789 446.869 l +231.013 447.574 l +227.946 448.208 l +225.428 449.124 l +223.619 450.25 l +222.361 451.166 l +221.967 452.222 l +221.967 483.492 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 0.247 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +210.029 510.974 m +210.402 512.164 l +211.592 513.132 l +213.304 514.1 l +215.686 514.992 l +218.589 515.96 l +222.162 516.704 l +226.106 517.374 l +230.349 517.598 l +234.889 517.821 l +239.429 518.119 l +244.118 517.821 l +248.584 517.598 l +252.678 517.374 l +256.623 516.704 l +260.195 515.96 l +263.321 514.992 l +265.629 514.1 l +267.415 513.132 l +268.383 512.164 l +268.755 510.974 l +268.755 477.926 l +268.383 476.81 l +267.415 475.843 l +265.629 474.652 l +263.321 473.684 l +260.195 473.014 l +256.623 472.27 l +252.678 471.6 l +248.584 471.153 l +244.118 470.855 l +234.889 470.855 l +230.349 471.153 l +226.106 471.6 l +222.162 472.27 l +218.589 473.014 l +215.686 473.684 l +213.304 474.652 l +211.592 475.843 l +210.402 476.81 l +210.029 477.926 l +210.029 510.974 l +268.755 510.974 m +268.383 509.857 l +267.415 508.889 l +265.629 507.698 l +263.321 506.731 l +260.195 506.061 l +256.623 505.317 l +252.678 504.647 l +248.584 504.2 l +244.118 503.902 l +234.889 503.902 l +230.349 504.2 l +226.106 504.647 l +222.162 505.317 l +218.589 506.061 l +215.686 506.731 l +213.304 507.698 l +211.592 508.889 l +210.402 509.857 l +210.029 510.974 l +268.755 507.476 m +268.383 506.285 l +267.415 505.317 l +265.629 504.2 l +263.321 503.233 l +260.195 502.488 l +256.623 501.818 l +252.678 501.074 l +248.584 500.627 l +244.118 500.405 l +234.889 500.405 l +230.349 500.627 l +226.106 501.074 l +222.162 501.818 l +218.589 502.488 l +215.686 503.233 l +213.304 504.2 l +211.592 505.317 l +210.402 506.285 l +210.029 507.476 l +268.755 503.902 m +268.383 502.712 l +267.415 501.818 l +265.629 500.627 l +263.321 499.66 l +260.195 498.99 l +256.623 498.246 l +252.678 497.576 l +248.584 497.055 l +244.118 496.832 l +234.889 496.832 l +230.349 497.055 l +226.106 497.576 l +222.162 498.246 l +218.589 498.99 l +215.686 499.66 l +213.304 500.627 l +211.592 501.818 l +210.402 502.712 l +210.029 503.902 l +S +Q +0 0 0 0 k +220.08 485.182 m +220.473 486.309 l +221.732 487.225 l +223.541 488.14 l +226.058 488.985 l +229.126 489.9 l +232.901 490.605 l +237.07 491.239 l +241.554 491.45 l +246.352 491.661 l +251.151 491.943 l +256.106 491.661 l +260.826 491.45 l +265.152 491.239 l +269.321 490.605 l +273.097 489.9 l +276.401 488.985 l +278.839 488.14 l +280.727 487.225 l +281.75 486.309 l +282.143 485.182 l +282.143 453.912 l +281.75 452.856 l +280.727 451.94 l +278.839 450.813 l +276.401 449.898 l +273.097 449.264 l +269.321 448.56 l +265.152 447.926 l +260.826 447.503 l +256.106 447.222 l +246.352 447.222 l +241.554 447.503 l +237.07 447.926 l +232.901 448.56 l +229.126 449.264 l +226.058 449.898 l +223.541 450.813 l +221.732 451.94 l +220.473 452.856 l +220.08 453.912 l +220.08 485.182 l +f +q +1.0568 0 0 0.9462 0 0 cm +0 0 0 1 K +1 J 1 j 0.93 w 4 M []0 d +208.243 512.76 m +208.615 513.951 l +209.806 514.919 l +211.518 515.886 l +213.9 516.779 l +216.802 517.747 l +220.375 518.491 l +224.32 519.161 l +228.562 519.384 l +233.102 519.607 l +237.643 519.905 l +242.332 519.607 l +246.798 519.384 l +250.891 519.161 l +254.836 518.491 l +258.409 517.747 l +261.535 516.779 l +263.842 515.886 l +265.629 514.919 l +266.596 513.951 l +266.968 512.76 l +266.968 479.713 l +266.596 478.596 l +265.629 477.628 l +263.842 476.438 l +261.535 475.47 l +258.409 474.8 l +254.836 474.056 l +250.891 473.386 l +246.798 472.94 l +242.332 472.642 l +233.102 472.642 l +228.562 472.94 l +224.32 473.386 l +220.375 474.056 l +216.802 474.8 l +213.9 475.47 l +211.518 476.438 l +209.806 477.628 l +208.615 478.596 l +208.243 479.713 l +208.243 512.76 l +266.968 512.76 m +266.596 511.643 l +265.629 510.676 l +263.842 509.485 l +261.535 508.517 l +258.409 507.848 l +254.836 507.103 l +250.891 506.433 l +246.798 505.987 l +242.332 505.689 l +233.102 505.689 l +228.562 505.987 l +224.32 506.433 l +220.375 507.103 l +216.802 507.848 l +213.9 508.517 l +211.518 509.485 l +209.806 510.676 l +208.615 511.643 l +208.243 512.76 l +266.968 509.261 m +266.596 508.07 l +265.629 507.103 l +263.842 505.987 l +261.535 505.019 l +258.409 504.275 l +254.836 503.605 l +250.891 502.861 l +246.798 502.414 l +242.332 502.191 l +233.102 502.191 l +228.562 502.414 l +224.32 502.861 l +220.375 503.605 l +216.802 504.275 l +213.9 505.019 l +211.518 505.987 l +209.806 507.103 l +208.615 508.07 l +208.243 509.261 l +266.968 505.689 m +266.596 504.498 l +265.629 503.605 l +263.842 502.414 l +261.535 501.446 l +258.409 500.776 l +254.836 500.033 l +250.891 499.363 l +246.798 498.842 l +242.332 498.618 l +233.102 498.618 l +228.562 498.842 l +224.32 499.363 l +220.375 500.033 l +216.802 500.776 l +213.9 501.446 l +211.518 502.414 l +209.806 503.605 l +208.615 504.498 l +208.243 505.689 l +S +Q +BT +7.7088 0 0 7.0427 220.7567 457.4615 Tm +0 0 0 1 k +[(Database ser)-10(ver)]TJ +ET +0 0 0 0.247 k +242.262 489.196 m +242.262 489.196 l +261.298 504.338 l +260.826 493.703 l +284.424 524.621 l +265.703 506.38 l +268.456 519.269 l +242.262 489.196 l +f +0 0 0 0.498 k +240.374 490.886 m +240.374 490.886 l +259.41 506.028 l +258.938 495.394 l +282.536 526.311 l +263.815 508.071 l +266.568 520.959 l +240.374 490.886 l +f +endstream +endobj +200 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F6 22 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +/GS2 202 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +204 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +205 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 502 null] +>> +endobj +206 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 502 null] +>> +endobj +207 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 502 null] +>> +endobj +208 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 502 null] +>> +endobj +209 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 470 null] +>> +endobj +210 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 331 393 null] +>> +endobj +211 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 319 421 null] +>> +endobj +212 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 412 421 null] +>> +endobj +213 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 308 289 null] +>> +endobj +214 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 253 355 null] +>> +endobj +215 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +216 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +217 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 502 null] +>> +endobj +218 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 470 null] +>> +endobj +219 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +220 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 316 196 null] +>> +endobj +221 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 460 196 null] +>> +endobj +187 0 obj +<< +/P 177 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 161 0 R +/N 222 0 R +>> +endobj +223 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 111 null] +>> +endobj +224 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 698 null] +>> +endobj +225 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +226 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +227 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +228 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 587 null] +>> +endobj +229 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 538 null] +>> +endobj +230 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 539 null] +>> +endobj +231 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 492 null] +>> +endobj +232 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 464 null] +>> +endobj +233 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 436 null] +>> +endobj +234 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 386 null] +>> +endobj +235 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 370 null] +>> +endobj +236 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 332 null] +>> +endobj +237 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 282 null] +>> +endobj +238 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 283 null] +>> +endobj +239 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 93 244 null] +>> +endobj +240 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 245 null] +>> +endobj +241 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 217 null] +>> +endobj +242 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 190 null] +>> +endobj +243 0 obj +<< +/D [203 0 R /XYZ 141 162 null] +>> +endobj +244 0 obj +<< +/Length 12728 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 266.399 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Cr)17.5(eat)17.9(in)18.8(g a)18.8( da)18.8(tab)18.8(a)0.3(se)18.8( ap)18.8(pl)17.4(ica)18.8(t)-0.5(i)17.4(on )18.4(usi)17.4(ng )18.4(th)18.8(e D)18.5(e)0.3(l)17.4(phi I)17.9(D)0(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 341.399 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3089 Tc +-0.0744 Tw +[(Setti)18.4(ng u)16.5(p)-1.1( data)16.5( ac)13.6(ces)13.6(s)-4.1( c)13.6(o)-1.1(m)-6.9(p)16.5(onen)16.5(t)-14(s)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0271 Tc +0.0049 Tw +[(S)-8.2(e)0.2(tting up da)-8.4(ta )8.5(a)-8.4(ccess)-8.4( )8.5(components)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(D)-6.9(a)8.2(t)-9.1(a)8.2( acces)4.5(s)4.5( co)6(m)-6.4(p)0.8(o)-6(n)5.9(en)5.9(t)-9.1(s)4.5( a)8.2(r)-0.4(e co)6(m)-6.4(p)0.8(o)6(n)-6.2(en)5.9(ts)-7.5( th)5.9(at repre)11.3(s)-7.5(en)5.9(t data)8.2( \(data)8.2(s)-7.5(ets)4.5(\))-2.1(, )12(an)-6.2(d)10.8( th)-6.2(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(co)-7.7(mpo)-7.7(n)4.2(en)-7.9(ts th)-7.9(a)6.5(t)1.2( co)-7.7(nn)-7.9(ec)10.8(t)-10.8( )12(t)-10.9(h)4.2(ese da)-5.5(ta)6.5(s)-9.2(e)-2.4(ts to o)-7.7(t)1.2(her pa)-5.5(rts of)-3.9( yo)-7.7(ur a)6.5(ppl)-9.7(ica)-5.5(t)1.2(ion)-7.9(.)-2.5( E)9.1(a)-5.5(ch)-7.9( )12(da)-5.5(ta)-5.5( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(acces)3.9(s)3.9( co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)-6.8(t po)5.4(in)-6.8(ts)3.9( to)-6.6( th)5.3(e n)5.3(e)-1.3(xt l)-8.6(o)5.4(w)4.3(e)-1.3(r co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)5.3(t)-9.8(.)10.6( F)-8.7(o)5.4(r exa)7.6(m)-7(ple, th)5.3(e data)7.6( s)3.9(o)-6.6(urce )]TJ +T* +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(po)-7.5(in)-7.7(ts to th)-7.7(e client)-10.6( )12(da)-5.3(ta)-5.3(set, the cli)-9.5(e)9.8(n)-7.7(t)1.4( da)6.7(t)-10.7(a)6.7(s)-9(e)9.8(t)-10.6( )12(po)-7.5(in)-7.7(ts to)-7.5( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.4(e provi)-9.5(d)9.3(er, a)6.7(n)-7.7(d so fo)-7.5(r)10.2(t)-10.6(h. )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0003 Tc +-0.0093 Tw +[(W)-11.7(h)4(en )-12(yo)-7.9(u )-12(set u)-11.2(p)-1.1( th)-8.1(e da)-5.7(ta)-5.7( a)-5.7(ccess )-12(com)-8.3(p)-1.1(o)-7.9(n)4(ent)-11(s)2.6(, y)-10(o)4.1(ul)-9.9(l)2.1( a)-5.7(dd t)-11(h)4(e l)-9.9(o)4.1(w)-9.1(e)-2.6(st )-12(com)-8.3(p)-1.1(on)-8.1(e)9.4(n)-8.1(t )-12(f)8(i)-9.9(rst. )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(In)-8.3( the foll)-10.1(ow)-9.3(ing)-10.2( )12(s)-9.6(e)-2.8(ctio)-8.1(ns, yo)-8.1(ull)-10.1( )12(a)-5.9(dd com)-8.5(p)-1.3(on)-8.3(ents)-9.6( )12(t)-11.3(o)3.9( crea)6.1(te th)-8.3(e )12(da)-5.9(ta)-5.9(ba)6.1(s)-9.6(e)-2.8( conn)-8.3(ectio)-8.1(n)3.8(, )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(u)-10.9(n)4.3(idirecti)-9.6(ona)-5.4(l)2.4( da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(set, pr)10.1(o)-7.6(v)-0.7(ider, client)-10.8( )12(da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(set, a)6.6(n)-7.8(d d)9.2(a)-5.4(ta)-5.4( so)-7.6(urce.)9.6( A)-4.5(f)-3.7(terwa)-5.4(r)-2(ds, you)-10.9()1.5(ll )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(create th)5.6(e us)4.2(er in)-6.5(terf)9.6(ace fo)5.7(r th)5.6(e applicatio)-6.3(n)5.6(.)-1.1( Th)5.6(es)-7.8(e )12(co)-6.3(m)5.4(p)0.5(o)-6.3(n)5.6(en)-6.5(ts)4.2( are )12(l)-8.3(o)5.7(cated )12(o)-6.3(n)5.6( th)-6.5(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(dbExpress)-9.3(,)9.4( D)-8.7(a)6.4(ta)-5.6( A)-4.7(ccess, a)-5.6(n)4.1(d Da)-5.6(ta)-5.6( )12(C)-13.5(o)4.2(nt)-11(rols)-9.3( )12(pa)-5.6(ges)-9.3( )12(o)-7.8(f)-4( )12(t)-10.9(h)4.1(e Com)-8.2(p)-1(on)-8(ent pa)-5.6(lette.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 529.1603 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 529.1603 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(It)-9.6( )12(i)-8.5(s)4( a)7.7( go)-6.5(o)5.5(d)-1.8( idea to)5.5( is)-8(o)5.5(l)3.5(ate yo)-6.5(ur us)4(er in)5.4(t)-9.6(e)-1.2(r)11.2(f)-2.6(ace o)5.5(n)5.4( i)-8.5(t)2.4(s)4( o)5.5(w)-7.7(n)5.4( fo)5.5(rm)-6.9( a)7.7(n)-6.7(d )12(h)-6.7(o)5.5(u)-9.8(s)4(e th)5.4(e da)7.7(t)-9.6(a)7.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(a)-5.6(ccess co)-7.8(mpo)-7.8(n)4.1(en)-8(ts in)-8( )12(a)-5.6( d)-3.1(a)6.4(t)-11(a)6.4( m)-8.2(o)4.2(d)-3.1(u)1(le. Ho)-7.8(wever, to m)-8.2(a)6.4(k)-9.9(e)9.5( th)-8(in)-8(gs si)-9.8(mpler f)-3.9(o)4.2(r th)-8(is )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(tu)-10.8(toria)-5.3(l)2.5(, yo)-7.5(ull)-9.5( )12(pl)-9.5(a)6.7(c)-1.1(e th)-7.7(e )12(u)-10.8(s)3(er interfa)-5.3(c)-1.1(e)9.8( a)-5.3(n)4.4(d a)-5.3(ll th)-7.7(e )12(co)-7.5(mpo)-7.5(n)4.4(en)-7.7(ts o)-7.5(n)4.4( th)-7.7(e)9.8( s)-9(a)6.7(m)-7.9(e)-2.2( )12(fo)-7.5(rm.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 473.24 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 473.24 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 472.04 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 478.0403 Tm +-0.0161 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(Setting up t)-5.6(h)0.3(e)5.7( databas)5.7(e)-4.3( c)5.7(onn)-9.8(e)5.7(c)-4.3(tion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 453.9203 Tm +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(Th)-6.2(e d)10.8(b)1(Expres)-7.5(s)4.5( pa)8.2(g)-8.1(e)-0.7( )12(co)-6(n)5.9(t)2.9(ain)-6.2(s)4.5( a )12(s)-7.5(e)-0.7(t o)6(f)-2.1( co)6(m)-6.4(p)0.8(o)6(n)-6.2(en)5.9(ts)-7.5( )12(th)-6.2(at pro)6(v)0.9(ide fa)8.2(s)-7.5(t)2.9( a)8.2(cces)4.5(s)-7.5( to)6( SQ)5.1(L )]TJ +T* +0.0097 Tc +-0.0187 Tw +[(d)6.2(a)3.7(t)10.4(a)3.7(b)8.5(a)15.7(se)6.8( se)6.8(r)19.2(v)-3.6(e)18.8(r)7.1(s.)18.7( )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(Y)-7.1(o)4.4(u)-10.9( )12(n)-7.8(eed )12(to)-7.6( a)6.6(dd a)-5.4( c)10.9(o)-7.6(nn)-7.8(ectio)-7.6(n)4.3( com)-8(p)-0.8(o)-7.6(n)4.3(ent)-10.8( )12(s)-9.1(o)4.4( th)-7.8(a)6.6(t)1.3( yo)-7.6(u ca)-5.4(n con)-7.8(n)4.3(ect to)-7.6( a)6.6( da)-5.4(ta)6.6(b)-12.7(a)6.6(se. Th)-7.8(e)9.7( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(ty)-10.2(pe of conn)-8.3(ectio)-8.1(n)3.8( com)-8.5(p)-1.3(o)-8.1(n)3.8(ent)-11.2( )12(y)-10.2(o)3.9(u us)-9.6(e )12(depen)-8.3(d)-3.4(s on)-8.3( )12(w)-9.3(h)3.8(a)-5.9(t)0.8( ty)-10.2(pe)9.2( o)-8.1(f)7.8( da)-5.9(ta)-5.9(set com)-8.5(p)-1.3(on)-8.3(ent )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(y)-10.6(o)3.5(u us)-10(e.)8.7( In)-8.7( this)-10( tuto)-8.5(r)9.2(i)-10.5(al)-10.5( )12(y)-10.6(o)3.5(u w)-9.7(ill us)-10(e the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.9036 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +[(T)-3.5(S)1.8(Q)-5.1(L)1.8(C)-7.7(o)-1.8(nne)-8.6(ct)7.7(i)-11.2(o)10.3(n)-10.3( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4096 0 TD +-0.006 Tc +[(an)-14.4(d)]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.6988 0 TD +0.0037 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[( TS)-6.6(Q)10.6(L)-6.6(Dat)11.4(a)1.9(S)-6.6(e)7.2(t )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +-27.012 -1.1084 TD +0.0011 Tc +0 Tw +[(co)-7.1(m)4.6(p)-0.3(o)-7.1(n)4.8(en)-7.3(ts.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0031 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(To a)9.1(dd a )12(dbExpres)5.4(s)-6.6( )12(con)6.8(n)-5.3(ecti)4.9(on)6.8( co)6.9(m)-5.5(p)1.7(o)6.9(n)-5.3(en)6.8(t:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 360.4403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 360.4403 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(M)-5.1(a)-5.3(ke sure th)-7.7(e)9.8( In)-7.7(terBa)6.7(s)-9(e)9.8( s)-9(e)-2.2(r)10.2(v)-0.6(er h)-7.7(a)6.7(s)-9( )12(been)-7.7( sta)-5.3(r)-1.9(ted)9.3( s)-9(o)4.5( th)-7.7(a)6.7(t)1.4( yo)-7.5(u ca)-5.3(n con)-7.7(n)4.4(ect to)-7.5( the )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0008 Tc +-0.0203 Tw +[(s)-10.5(a)5.2(m)-9.4(p)-2.2(le empl)-11(oyee d)-4.3(a)5.2(t)-12.2(a)5.2(ba)-6.8(se used)-4.3( in)-9.2( this)-10.5( tuto)-9(r)8.7(i)-11(al)-11(.)8.2( Fo)-9(r inf)-5.1(o)-9(r)8.7(m)-9.4(a)-6.8(t)-0.1(io)-9(n abo)-9(u)-0.2(t st)-12.1(arti)-11(ng th)-9.2(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(s)-9.1(e)9.7(rver us)-9.1(ing)-9.7( )12(t)-10.7(h)4.3(e ibm)-8(g)2.4(r util)-9.6(ity, see the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.7711 0 TD +0.0049 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(In)6.7(te)8.4(rb)10.1(ase)8.4( Op)10.9(er)8.4(ati)5.8(o)3.1(n)6.7(s)-3.7( Gu)6.7(i)5.8(d)-1.1(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +11.1687 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 321.9203 Tm +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 321.9203 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Cl)-10(ick th)-8.2(e)9.3( d)-3.3(b)-1(E)-3.3(x)-1.9(press)-9.5( )12(pa)-5.8(ge o)-8(n)3.9( th)-8.2(e)9.3( Co)-8(mpo)-8(n)3.9(en)-8.2(t pal)-10(e)-2.7(tte an)-8.2(d)-3.3( )12(d)-3.3(o)-8(uble-)-4.1(c)-1.6(lick)-10.1( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +0 -1.0964 TD +0.003 Tc +0 Tw +[(TS)4.8(QL)-7.3(C)7.3(o)1.2(n)4.8(n)-7.3(e)6.5(c)0.4(tion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.1566 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( co)-6.1(m)5.6(p)0.7(o)-6.1(n)5.8(en)5.8(t)-9.3( )12(t)-9.2(o)5.9( place it o)5.9(n)-6.3( )12(t)-9.2(h)5.8(e fo)5.9(rm)-6.5(.)11.1( To)-6.1( f)9.8(i)3.9(n)-6.3(d)-1.4( th)5.8(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +20.9036 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0 Tw +[(T)-3.4(S)1.9(Q)-5(L)1.9(C)-7.6(o)-1.7(nne)-8.5(ct)-4.2(ion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.1566 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-35.2169 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(co)-7.6(mpo)-7.6(n)4.3(en)-7.8(t, )12(p)-12.9(o)4.4(in)-7.8(t a)6.6(t)1.3( a)-5.4(n)4.3( ico)-7.6(n)4.3( o)-7.6(n)4.3( th)-7.8(e )12(pa)-5.4(lett)-10.7(e)9.7( f)-3.8(o)4.4(r a)-5.4( mo)-7.6(men)-7.8(t)1.3(; )12(a)-5.4( Help h)-7.8(i)2.4(nt s)-9.1(h)4.3(o)-7.6(w)3.3(s th)-7.8(e )]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(n)-6.8(a)7.6(m)-7(e)-1.3( o)5.4(f)-2.7( th)5.3(e co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)5.3(t)-9.7(.)10.6( Th)-6.8(e )12(co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)-11.9(o)5.4(n)-6.8(e)10.7(n)-6.8(t is)3.9( called )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +22.0241 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0 Tw +[(SQ)-5.5(LC)-8.1(onn)-10.7(e)3.1(ct)-4.7(ion1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.0482 0 TD +0.0133 Tc +-0.0223 Tw +[( by)15.1( )-12(d)9.8(e)22.4(f)8.9(a)7.3(u)13.9(l)15.1(t)14(.)10.3( )]TJ +-29.0723 -1.5904 TD +0.0022 Tc +0 Tw +[(Th)-6.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.9398 0 TD +-0.0065 Tc +[(TS)-16.8(Q)-11.6(L)-4.7(Co)-8.3(n)-16.8(n)-4.7(e)-3(c)-9.1(t)-10.8(i)-5.6(o)-8.3(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.1566 0 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[( co)-8.2(mpo)-8.2(n)3.7(en)-8.4(t is n)-8.4(o)3.8(nv)-13.3(isua)-6(l, so)-8.2( )12(i)-10.2(t)0.7( doesn)-8.4()0.9(t ma)-6(tter wh)-8.4(ere )12(y)-10.3(o)3.8(u pu)-11.5(t )]TJ +-9.0964 -1.0964 TD +-0.0001 Tc +-0.021 Tw +[(i)-10.3(t)0.6(.)8.9( Ho)-8.3(wever, f)7.6(o)-8.3(r )12(t)-11.4(h)3.6(is)-9.8( )12(tu)-11.6(toria)-6.1(l)1.7(, lin)-8.5(e )12(up a)-6.1(ll th)-8.5(e)9( n)-8.5(o)3.7(n)-8.5(v)-1.4(isua)-6.1(l com)-8.7(p)-1.5(on)-8.5(ents)-9.8( )12(a)-6.1(t)0.6( the to)-8.3(p )12(o)-8.3(f)-4.5( )12(th)-8.5(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.005 Tc +0 Tw +[(fo)8.8(rm.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 235.2803 Tm +0.0069 Tc +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 235.2803 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(To)-6.5( dis)4(p)0.3(lay th)-6.7(e c)12(a)-4.3(pti)-8.5(o)5.5(n)-6.7(s)4( f)9.4(o)-6.5(r th)5.4(e co)5.5(m)-6.9(p)0.3(o)5.5(n)-6.7(en)5.4(ts)-8( yo)5.5(u)-9.8( )12(p)-11.8(l)3.5(a)7.7(c)-0.1(e o)-6.5(n)5.4( a )12(fo)-6.5(r)11.2(m)-6.9(, ch)5.4(o)-6.5(o)5.5(s)4(e)-1.2( To)-6.5(o)5.5(l)3.5(s)-8(|)]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +[(En)-6.8(viro)5.4(n)-6.8(m)5.1(en)-6.8(t O)4.5(p)0.2(ti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8(s)3.9(|)5.2(D)-7.5(e)-1.3(s)3.9(i)3.4(g)-8.7(n)5.3(er a)7.6(n)-6.8(d c)11.9(l)-8.6(ick Sh)5.3(o)-6.6(w)4.3( co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)5.3(t)-9.7( )12(captio)-6.6(n)5.3(s)-8.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 207.8004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 207.8004 Tm +0.0003 Tc +-0.0214 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the O)-8.9(b)-0.9(ject In)-8.1(specto)-7.9(r, set th)-8.1(e)9.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.5542 0 TD +0.0039 Tc +0 Tw +[(Con)5.7(n)-6.4(e)7.4(c)1.3(ti)4.8(on)5.7(Name)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.0361 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0225 Tw +[( pro)-6.8(p)0(er)10.9(t)-9.9(y)3.2( to)-6.8( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.4819 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()-12.1( )0()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.2771 0 TD +-0.0008 Tc +-0.0203 Tw +[( \(it)-12(s on)-9.2( the )]TJ +-31.3494 -1.1084 TD +0.0071 Tc +-0.0161 Tw +[(dr)4.5(op)5.7(-)14.8(d)3.6(ow)9.8(n li)8.9(s)9.4(t)7.8(\).)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 180.3204 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 180.3204 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(S)-5.8(e)-3.6(t th)-9.1(e)8.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Lo)8.5(g)16.3(i)11.2(nP)6.8(r)13.8(o)8.5(m)5.2(p)16.3(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.4096 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\012 )12.1( \015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +-0.0099 Tw +[(. By)-9.4( s)-8.8(e)-2(ttin)-7.5(g)2.7( )-12(thi)-9.3(s)3.2( )-12(property)-9.4( t)-10.4(o)4.7( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +12.3374 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\012)12.1( \015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, y)-19.3(o)-5.2(u)-8.4( w)-18.4(o)-5.2(n)-17.4()-8.1(t)-8.3( )]TJ +-30.9277 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(be pro)5.3(m)-7.1(pted to)5.3( l)-8.7(o)5.3(g o)-6.7(n)5.2( every tim)-7.1(e)-1.4( )12(y)-8.8(o)5.3(u acces)3.8(s)3.8( th)-6.9(e da)7.5(tabas)3.8(e)-1.4(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 152.8403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 152.8403 Tm +0.0097 Tc +-0.0067 Tw +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( t)10.4(h)1.3(e)18.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.5181 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0 Tw +[(TS)-7.9(Q)9.3(L)-7.9(C)6.7(o)0.6(n)4.2(n)-7.9(e)5.9(c)-0.2(tion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.1566 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[( co)-6.5(m)5.2(p)0.3(o)-6.5(n)5.4(en)5.4(t)-9.6( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.5( dis)4(p)0.3(l)-8.5(a)7.7(y)-8.6( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.4(e Co)5.5(n)-6.7(n)5.4(ectio)-6.5(n)5.4( edito)-6.5(r)-0.9(.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +245 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +248 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +249 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 342 312 null] +>> +endobj +250 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 290 null] +>> +endobj +251 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 290 null] +>> +endobj +252 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 482 636 null] +>> +endobj +253 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 317 416 null] +>> +endobj +254 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 305 248 null] +>> +endobj +255 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 290 null] +>> +endobj +256 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 258 null] +>> +endobj +222 0 obj +<< +/P 203 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 187 0 R +/N 257 0 R +>> +endobj +258 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 93 677 null] +>> +endobj +259 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +260 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 640 null] +>> +endobj +261 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 410 null] +>> +endobj +262 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 360 null] +>> +endobj +263 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 333 null] +>> +endobj +264 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 305 null] +>> +endobj +265 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 281 null] +>> +endobj +266 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 252 null] +>> +endobj +267 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 213 null] +>> +endobj +268 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 197 null] +>> +endobj +269 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 141 180 null] +>> +endobj +270 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 153 546 null] +>> +endobj +271 0 obj +<< +/D [247 0 R /XYZ 153 490 null] +>> +endobj +272 0 obj +<< +/Length 9872 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3094 Tc +-0.0042 Tw +[(Setting u)17(p)-0.6( data a)17(cce)17(ss c)14.1(o)-0.6(m)11.3(ponen)17(ts)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.9603 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(Yo)5.3(u)-10( )12(u)-10(s)3.8(e th)5.2(e Co)5.3(n)-6.9(n)5.2(ecti)-8.7(o)5.3(n)-6.9( )12(edi)-8.7(t)2.2(o)5.3(r)-1.1( to)-6.7( )12(s)-8.2(e)-1.4(lect a)7.5( co)-6.7(n)5.2(n)-6.9(e)10.6(c)-0.3(t)-9.8(i)3.3(o)5.3(n)-6.9( co)5.3(n)5.2(f)-2.8(ig)-8.8(uratio)5.3(n)-6.9( f)9.2(o)-6.7(r th)5.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +0 -1.1084 TD +0.003 Tc +0 Tw +[(TS)4.8(QL)-7.3(C)7.3(o)1.2(n)4.8(n)-7.3(e)6.5(c)0.4(tion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.1566 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)5.3(t)-9.8( )12(o)-6.6(r)-1( ed)10.2(i)-8.6(t)2.3( th)5.3(e co)5.4(n)-6.8(n)5.3(ecti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8(s)3.9( s)3.9(t)2.3(o)-6.6(r)-1(e)10.7(d)-1.9( in)-6.8( th)5.3(e dbxco)5.4(n)-6.8(n)5.3(e)-1.3(cti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8(s)3.9( )]TJ +-7.1566 -1.0964 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(f)-3.9(ile in)-8( the .borl)-9.8(a)6.4(n)-8(d)-3.1( )12(d)-3.1(i)-9.8(r)9.9(e)-2.5(cto)-7.8(r)-2.2(y. )]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +[(In)-8( the Co)-7.8(nnect)-10.9(ion)-8( e)9.5(d)-3.1(i)-9.8(t)1.1(or, specif)-4(y th)-8(e )12(pa)-5.6(th)-8(na)-5.6(me o)-7.8(f)8.1( th)-8(e d)9(a)-5.6(ta)-5.6(ba)-5.6(se f)8.1(i)-9.8(le ca)6.4(ll)-9.8(ed)9( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(em)-8.9(ploy)-10.6(ee.)8.7(g)-10.6(d)-3.8(b on y)-10.6(o)3.5(ur sy)-10.6(stem)-8.9(.)8.7( In)-8.7( this)-10( tuto)-8.5(r)9.2(i)-10.5(al)-10.5( )12(y)-10.6(o)3.5(u w)-9.7(ill co)-8.5(nn)-8.7(ect to a)-6.3( )12(s)-10(a)5.7(m)-8.9(p)-1.7(le )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(In)-7.4(terBa)7(s)-8.7(e )12(da)-5(ta)-5(ba)7(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(,)10( em)-7.6(ploy)-9.3(ee.)10(g)-9.3(d)-2.5(b,)10( th)-7.4(a)-5(t)1.7( is provi)-9.2(d)-2.5(e)10.1(d)-2.5( w)-8.4(i)2.8(th K)-7.9(yli)-9.2(x.)10( By def)-3.4(a)7(u)-10.5(l)2.8(t, the )]TJ +T* +0.0014 Tc +-0.0104 Tw +[(In)-7(terBa)7.4(s)-8.3(e i)-8.8(n)5.1(s)3.7(t)-10(a)7.4(l)3.2(l)-8.8(a)7.4(ti)-8.8(o)5.2(n)-7( p)-12.1(l)3.2(a)7.4(c)-0.4(es)-8.3( em)-7.2(plo)-6.8(y)3.2(ee.gdb )-12(in)5.1( )-12(/)-7.1(o)5.2(pt/)-7.1(i)3.2(n)-7(t)2.1(er)10.9(b)-11.9(a)7.4(s)3.7(e)-1.5(/)-7.1(e)-1.5(xa)7.4(m)-7.2(p)0(les)3.7(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 400.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 400.0403 Tm +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(Ch)-6.3(eck th)5.8(e Us)4.4(er_Nam)5.6(e a)8.1(n)-6.3(d Pas)4.4(s)4.4(w)-7.3(o)5.9(r)-0.5(d fields)4.4( fo)5.9(r acce)11.2(pt)-9.3(a)8.1(b)0.9(l)-8.1(e)11.2( values)-7.6(.)11.1( If yo)-6.1(u h)5.8(a)-3.9(ve n)5.8(o)-6.1(t )]TJ +T* +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(a)-4.9(l)2.9(tered the defa)7.1(ul)-9.1(t va)7.1(l)-9.1(u)1.7(es, you)-10.4( d)9.7(o)-7.1( no)-7.1(t need to ch)-7.3(a)7.1(n)-7.3(ge the fields. If da)7.1(ta)-4.9(ba)-4.9(se a)7.1(cces)-8.6(s)3.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(i)-8.2(s)4.3( a)8(d)-1.5(m)-6.6(i)3.8(n)5.7(i)-8.2(s)4.3(t)2.7(ered by s)4.3(o)-6.2(m)5.5(e)-0.9(o)5.8(n)-6.4(e els)4.3(e)-0.9(, yo)5.8(u)-9.5( )12(m)-6.6(a)-4(y n)5.7(eed to)5.8( g)-8.3(e)11.1(t)-9.3( )12(a us)4.3(ern)-6.4(a)8(m)-6.6(e)-0.9( a)8(n)-6.4(d )12(p)-11.5(a)8(s)4.3(s)-7.7(w)4.7(o)-6.2(rd )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(to)-7.1( a)7.1(cces)-8.6(s)3.4( the da)-4.9(ta)7.1(ba)-4.9(se.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 350.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 350.6003 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(W)-10.3(h)5.4(en)5.4( y)-8.6(o)5.5(u are )12(do)-6.5(n)5.4(e)-1.2( ch)5.4(eck)-8.6(i)3.5(n)5.4(g)-8.6( )12(an)-6.7(d)10.3( editi)-8.5(n)5.4(g th)-6.7(e f)9.4(i)-8.5(e)10.8(l)-8.5(ds)4(, click O)-7.5(K)4.8( to)-6.5( )12(cl)-8.5(o)5.5(s)4(e th)-6.7(e )]TJ +T* +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(Co)-7.8(nn)-8(ectio)-7.8(n)4.1( ed)-3.1(itor a)-5.6(n)4.1(d)-3.1( sa)-5.6(ve yo)-7.8(ur )12(ch)-8(a)-5.6(n)4.1(ges)-9.3(.)9.4( )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0347 Tw +[(Th)-6.8(es)3.9(e ch)-6.8(a)7.6(n)-6.8(ges)3.9( are w)-7.8(r)11.1(i)-8.6(tten)5.3( )-12(to)5.4( t)-9.8(h)5.3(e dbxco)5.4(n)-6.8(n)5.3(e)-1.3(cti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8(s)3.9( file an)-6.8(d)10.2( )-12(th)5.3(e s)-8.1(e)-1.3(lected co)5.4(n)-6.8(n)5.3(ecti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)5.3( )-12(is)3.9( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0235 Tw +[(as)4.7(s)-7.3(ign)-6(e)11.5(d)-1.1( as)4.7( t)-9(h)6.1(e value o)-5.8(f)10.1( t)-9(h)6.1(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.3012 0 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0 Tw +[(SQ)-5.2(LC)-7.8(onn)-10.4(e)3.4(ct)-4.4(ion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.5422 0 TD +0.0008 Tc +-0.0219 Tw +[( co)-7.4(m)4.3(p)-0.6(o)-7.4(n)4.5(en)4.5(t)-10.5()1.7(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1687 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(C)-7.2(o)-1.3(nne)-8.1(ct)8.2(i)-10.7(o)10.8(n)-9.8(N)-4.6(am)7.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.0482 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0225 Tw +[( pro)5.2(p)0(erty)-8.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 295.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 295.5203 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(Ch)-8(oo)-7.8(se Fil)-9.8(e)9.5(|)-8.1(S)-4.7(a)6.4(ve A)-4.7(ll to)-7.8( sa)-5.6(ve )12(y)-9.9(o)4.2(ur pro)-7.8(j)5.5(ect. )]TJ +ET +q +142.439 261.56 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 261.56 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 260.48 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 266.4803 Tm +-0.0157 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(Setting up t)-5.2(h)0.7(e)6.1( unidirec)6.1(t)-5.2(iona)6.1(l datase)6.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 242.3604 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(A)-5( ba)-5.9(sic da)-5.9(ta)6.1(ba)-5.9(se a)-5.9(pplica)-5.9(t)0.8(io)-8.1(n us)-9.6(es a)6.1( da)-5.9(ta)6.1(s)-9.6(e)-2.8(t to a)-5.9(ccess in)-8.3(f)7.8(o)-8.1(rma)-5.9(t)0.8(io)-8.1(n f)-4.3(r)-2.5(om)-8.5( the da)-5.9(ta)6.1(ba)-5.9(se. )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(In)-9( d)-4.1(b)-1.8(E)8(x)-2.7(p)-14.1(r)8.9(es)-10.3(s app)-14.1(lica)-6.6(t)0.1(io)-8.8(ns, yo)-8.8(u use a)-6.6( unid)-4.1(i)-10.8(r)8.9(ecti)-10.8(on)-9(al)-10.8( )12(d)-4.1(a)-6.6(ta)-6.6(set. A)-5.7( )12(u)-12.1(n)3.1(id)-4.1(irecti)-10.8(on)-9(al d)-4.1(a)-6.6(ta)-6.6(set )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(rea)-5.2(d)-2.7(s da)6.8(ta)-5.2( f)-3.6(r)-1.8(om)-7.8( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.5(e da)6.8(ta)-5.2(ba)-5.2(se but does)-8.9(nt up)-12.7(d)9.4(a)-5.2(te da)6.8(t)-10.5(a)6.8(. )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(To)-7.2( a)7(dd th)-7.4(e)10.1( un)-7.4(idirectio)-7.2(n)4.7(a)-5(l)2.8( da)-5(ta)7(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(t:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 187.4003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 187.4003 Tm +0.0035 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(F)-6.8(r)13(om)-5.1( )12(the dbExpr)13(es)-6.2(s)5.8( pag)5.3(e)0.6(, )12(drop )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.2289 0 TD +0.004 Tc +0 Tw +[(TS)-6.3(QL)5.8(Dat)11.7(a)2.2(S)-6.3(e)7.5(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.7952 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( a)7.4(t)2.1( th)-7(e top o)-6.8(f)9.1( th)-7(e )12(fo)-6.8(rm. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 170.8403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 170.8403 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(In)-8.3( the Ob)-13.2(ject Ins)-9.6(p)-1.3(ector, set its)-9.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.3373 0 TD +-0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[(SQ)-6.1(LC)-8.7(onne)-9.6(c)8.4(t)-5.3(ion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.5422 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.01 Tw +[( pro)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )-12(to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.1687 0 TD +0.0047 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[( \(the)13.8( )]TJ +-31.5904 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(da)-5.2(ta)-5.2(ba)6.8(s)-8.9(e)-2.1( )12(co)-7.4(nn)-7.6(ectio)-7.4(n)4.5( crea)6.8(ted previo)-7.4(usly)-9.5(\))8.5(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +256.439 588.08 226.08 -171.12 re +f +q +256.439 588.08 226.08 -171.12 re +W* n +q +226.08 0 0 171.12 256.4391 416.9603 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 154.439 538.2803 Tm +0 g +0.002 Tc +-0.0709 Tw +[(Y)7(o)-16.9(u c)-20.6(an )-17.4(choose)-16.9( fr)-13.4(om )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0027 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(sever)-12.7(a)1.2(l da)-16.2(taba)-16.2(se )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(drive)-16.7(r)4.2(s to)-16.7( conn)-16.7(ect to)-16.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(your)-13.6( dat)-16.4(aba)-17.1(se an)-17.1(d )]TJ +T* +0.0012 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(then)-17.7( ed)-17.7(i)14.1(t)-17( the )]TJ +T* +0.0027 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(conn)-16.2(ection)-16.2( settin)-16.2(g)1.2(s.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(Y)7(o)-16.9(u ca)-16.9(n ad)-16.9(d, d)-16.9(e)0.5(lete,)-16.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +[(ren)-17(a)0.4(me)-17(, an)-17(d test)-16.3( )]TJ +T* +0.0027 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(your)-12.7( con)-16.2(nection)-16.2(s.)]TJ +ET +249.719 521.96 m +249.839 521.6 l +254.279 523.52 l +254.159 523.88 l +f +248.999 524.48 m +248.999 524.12 l +254.279 523.52 l +254.519 523.76 l +254.279 523.88 l +f +254.399 523.64 m +254.159 523.88 l +250.919 519.68 l +251.159 519.44 l +f +210.479 505.04 m +210.359 505.04 l +210.479 504.68 l +210.599 504.68 l +f +249.719 521.96 m +249.839 521.96 l +249.959 521.6 l +249.839 521.6 l +f +210.479 505.04 m +210.599 504.68 l +249.839 521.6 l +249.719 521.96 l +f +250.439 562.76 m +250.799 562.52 l +253.559 566.48 l +253.199 566.72 l +f +248.519 564.44 m +248.639 564.08 l +253.439 566.36 l +253.679 566.84 l +253.319 566.72 l +f +253.559 566.6 m +253.199 566.72 l +252.719 561.44 l +253.079 561.32 l +f +211.319 505.04 m +211.199 504.92 l +211.439 504.68 l +211.559 504.8 l +f +250.439 562.76 m +250.559 562.88 l +250.799 562.64 l +250.679 562.52 l +f +211.319 505.04 m +211.559 504.8 l +250.679 562.52 l +250.439 562.76 l +f +248.879 546.2 m +249.119 545.96 l +252.359 549.56 l +252.119 549.8 l +f +247.199 548.24 m +247.319 548 l +252.359 549.56 l +252.479 549.56 l +252.599 550.04 l +252.239 549.8 l +f +252.479 549.56 m +252.119 549.8 l +250.919 544.64 l +251.279 544.4 l +f +210.359 505.04 m +210.239 504.92 l +210.479 504.68 l +210.599 504.8 l +f +248.879 546.2 m +248.999 546.32 l +249.239 546.08 l +249.119 545.96 l +f +210.359 505.04 m +210.599 504.8 l +249.119 545.96 l +248.879 546.2 l +f +1 g +108.479 302.48 20.04 -20.88 re +f +q +108.479 302.48 20.04 -20.88 re +W* n +q +20.04 0 0 20.88 108.4791 281.6003 cm +/Im2 Do +Q +Q +q +105.719 194.24 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +108.599 194 20.88 -21.6 re +f +Q +q +108.599 194 19.92 -21.24 re +W n +q +20.88 0 0 21.6 108.5991 172.4003 cm +/Im3 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +273 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im1 274 0 R +/Im2 275 0 R +/Im3 276 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +278 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +279 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 597 null] +>> +endobj +280 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 597 null] +>> +endobj +281 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 310 472 null] +>> +endobj +282 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 310 373 null] +>> +endobj +283 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 313 538 null] +>> +endobj +284 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 310 246 null] +>> +endobj +285 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 597 null] +>> +endobj +286 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 565 null] +>> +endobj +287 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 226 635 null] +>> +endobj +288 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 284 329 null] +>> +endobj +257 0 obj +<< +/P 247 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 222 0 R +/N 289 0 R +>> +endobj +290 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +291 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 628 null] +>> +endobj +292 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 612 null] +>> +endobj +293 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 587 null] +>> +endobj +294 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 559 null] +>> +endobj +295 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 531 null] +>> +endobj +296 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 482 null] +>> +endobj +297 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 465 null] +>> +endobj +298 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 438 null] +>> +endobj +299 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 421 null] +>> +endobj +300 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 383 null] +>> +endobj +301 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 366 null] +>> +endobj +302 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 339 null] +>> +endobj +303 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 322 null] +>> +endobj +304 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 306 null] +>> +endobj +305 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 256 null] +>> +endobj +306 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 240 null] +>> +endobj +307 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 212 null] +>> +endobj +308 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 196 null] +>> +endobj +309 0 obj +<< +/D [277 0 R /XYZ 141 179 null] +>> +endobj +310 0 obj +<< +/Length 11850 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 266.399 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Cr)17.5(eat)17.9(in)18.8(g a)18.8( da)18.8(tab)18.8(a)0.3(se)18.8( ap)18.8(pl)17.4(ica)18.8(t)-0.5(i)17.4(on )18.4(usi)17.4(ng )18.4(th)18.8(e D)18.5(e)0.3(l)17.4(phi I)17.9(D)0(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 341.399 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3089 Tc +-0.0744 Tw +[(Setti)18.4(ng u)16.5(p)-1.1( data)16.5( ac)13.6(ces)13.6(s)-4.1( c)13.6(o)-1.1(m)-6.9(p)16.5(onen)16.5(t)-14(s)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(S)-5.8(e)-3.6(t th)-9.1(e)8.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0071 Tc +0 Tw +[(Co)5.3(mm)14(a)5.3(n)-3.2(d)13.1(T)3.6(ex)13.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.0241 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.8(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1(\015)12.1( )12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +8.3735 0 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[( )12(t)-11.7(o)3.5( specif)-4.6(y th)-8.7(e com)-8.9(m)3.2(a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( th)-8.7(at )]TJ +-23.1687 -1.1084 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(th)-6.6(e da)7.8(tas)4.1(e)-1.1(t executes)4.1(. Yo)5.6(u can)5.5( eith)-6.6(er type th)5.5(e Select s)4.1(t)2.5(atem)-6.8(e)10.9(n)-6.6(t in)-6.6( )12(t)-9.6(h)5.5(e O)4.7(b)0.6(ject )]TJ +T* +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(In)-8.5(specto)-8.3(r )12(o)-8.3(r)-2.7( click th)-8.5(e e)9(l)-10.3(lips)-9.8(i)1.7(s to)-8.3( )12(t)-11.4(h)3.6(e righ)-8.5(t of)-4.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +19.1928 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +0 Tw +[(C)8.7(o)2.6(mman)6.2(d)-1.6(Te)7.9(xt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.0241 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[( to)-8.1( d)-3.4(i)1.9(spla)-5.9(y th)-8.3(e )]TJ +-25.2169 -1.0964 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Co)-6.5(m)5.2(m)-6.9(an)5.4(dText edito)5.5(r)-0.9(, w)4.4(h)-6.7(ere )12(y)-8.6(o)5.5(u can)5.4( bu)-9.8(ild yo)5.5(u)-9.8(r)-0.9( )12(o)-6.5(w)4.4(n)-6.7( q)7.5(u)-9.8(e)10.8(r)-0.9(y)-8.6( )12(s)-8(t)2.4(atem)5.2(en)-6.7(t.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 618.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 618.8003 Tm +0.004 Tc +[(Set)4.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.5904 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +[(Activ)7.7(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +( to )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.3735 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.7711 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[( to)-7.2( open)-7.4( )12(t)-10.3(h)4.7(e da)7(ta)-5(set.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 602.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 602.3604 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +ET +q +142.439 568.4 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 568.4 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 567.2 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 573.2003 Tm +-0.0154 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(Setting up t)-4.9(h)1(e)6.4( pr)20.8(o)11(v)6.4(ider)61.2(, c)16.5(l)10.6(ient datase)6.4(t)-4.9(,)10.6( and data s)6.4(our)20.9(ce)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 549.0803 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Th)-6.8(e Data)7.6( Access)-8.1( )12(page co)-6.6(n)5.3(t)2.3(ain)-6.8(s)3.9( co)5.4(m)-7(p)0.2(o)5.4(n)-6.8(en)5.3(ts)-8.1( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(at ca)7.6(n)-6.8( be)10.7( u)-9.9(s)3.9(ed )12(w)-7.8(i)3.4(th)-6.8( a)7.6(n)-6.8(y da)7.6(t)-9.7(a)7.6( access )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0018 Tc +0.0048 Tw +[(m)-10.4(e)-4.7(cha)-7.8(n)1.9(i)-12(s)0.5(m,)-4.8( n)-10.2(o)2(t ju)-13.3(st d)-5.3(b)-3(E)-5.3(x)-3.9(pre)-4.7(ss.)-4.8( )]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(P)-10.3(r)9.7(o)-8(v)-1.1(ider com)-8.4(p)-1.2(on)-8.2(ents)-9.5( )12(a)-5.8(r)-2.4(e the w)-9.2(a)6.2(y th)-8.2(a)-5.8(t)0.9( client)-11.1( )12(da)-5.8(ta)-5.8(sets o)-8(b)-1(ta)-5.8(in th)-8.2(eir d)8.8(a)-5.8(ta)-5.8( f)7.9(r)-2.4(o)-8(m)3.7( o)-8(t)0.9(her )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(da)-4.7(ta)-4.7(sets. The pro)-6.9(v)0(ider )12(receives)-8.4( )12(da)-4.7(ta)-4.7( r)10.8(e)-1.6(q)-5(u)1.9(est)-10(s)3.6( f)9(r)-1.3(o)-6.9(m)4.8( a)-4.7( clien)-7.1(t)2( d)9.9(a)-4.7(ta)-4.7(set, fe)10.4(t)-10(c)-0.5(hes da)-4.7(ta)7.3(, )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(pa)-4.9(cka)-4.9(g)2.9(es i)-9.1(t)1.8(,)10.1( a)-4.9(n)4.8(d return)-7.3(s the da)-4.9(ta)-4.9( )12(to)-7.1( the cli)-9.1(e)10.2(n)-7.3(t)1.8( da)7.1(t)-10.2(a)7.1(s)-8.6(e)10.2(t)-10.2(.)10.1( In)-7.3( dbE)9.7(x)-1(p)-12.4(r)10.6(es)-8.6(s, the provi)-9.1(d)-2.4(e)10.2(r)-1.5( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(receives u)-10.7(p)-0.6(d)9.4(a)-5.2(tes from)-7.8( a)6.8( cli)-9.4(e)-2.1(nt da)-5.2(ta)6.8(s)-8.9(e)-2.1(t a)6.8(n)-7.6(d )12(a)-5.2(ppli)-9.4(e)-2.1(s them)-7.8( to th)-7.6(e )12(da)-5.2(ta)-5.2(ba)6.8(s)-8.9(e)-2.1( )12(s)-8.9(e)-2.1(rver)10.3(.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0036 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(To a)9.6(dd the)12.7( provi)5.4(d)0.1(er:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 455.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 455.6003 Tm +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(F)-9.5(r)10.3(o)-7.4(m)-7.8( )12(th)-7.6(e Da)-5.2(ta)-5.2( )12(A)-4.3(ccess)-8.9( pa)6.8(g)-9.5(e)9.9(, drop a)-5.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.7108 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0 Tw +[(TD)9(ataSe)-6.5(t)-2.3(P)10.7(r)-6.5(ov)8.1(i)-9.1(d)8.1(e)-6.5(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4096 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[( com)-8.8(p)-1.6(on)-8.6(ent a)-6.2(t)0.5( the to)-8.4(p of)-4.6( the )]TJ +-23.1205 -1.1084 TD +0.005 Tc +0 Tw +[(fo)8.8(rm.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 428.1203 Tm +0 Tc +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 428.1203 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(In)-7.9( the Ob)-12.8(ject Ins)-9.2(p)-0.9(ector, set th)-7.9(e )12(pro)-7.7(v)-0.8(iders )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.5301 0 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(DataS)5.1(e)6.8(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2892 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1( )12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8434 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-33.4096 -1.6627 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(Th)-7.7(e client)-10.7( )12(da)-5.3(ta)-5.3(set buff)-3.7(er)10.2(s)-9( its da)-5.3(ta)6.7( in)-7.7( mem)-7.9(o)4.5(ry. It a)-5.3(l)2.5(so)-7.5( ca)6.7(ch)-7.7(es upda)-5.3(tes to be sen)-7.7(t)1.4( to th)-7.7(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0024 Tw +[(da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(ba)6.6(s)-9.1(e)-2.3(.)9.6( Y)-7.1(o)4.4(u ca)-5.4(n us)-9.1(e )12(cl)-9.6(ient da)-5.4(ta)-5.4(sets to)-7.6( supply)-9.7( the da)6.6(t)-10.8(a)6.6( for da)-5.4(ta)6.6(-a)-5.4(wa)-5.4(re )12(co)-7.6(nt)-10.7(r)10.1(o)-7.6(ls o)-7.6(n)4.3( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(th)-7.1(e us)3.6(er in)5(t)-10(e)-1.6(r)10.8(f)-3(ace us)3.6(in)-7.1(g th)-7.1(e)10.4( data )12(s)-8.4(o)5.1(urce co)5.1(m)-7.3(p)-0.1(o)-6.9(n)5(en)5(t)-10(.)10.3( )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(To)-7.3( a)6.9(dd th)-7.5(e)10( cli)-9.3(e)-2(nt da)-5.1(ta)6.9(s)-8.8(e)-2(t:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 356.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 356.6003 Tm +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(F)-9.5(r)10.3(o)-7.4(m)-7.8( )12(th)-7.6(e Da)-5.2(ta)-5.2( )12(A)-4.3(ccess)-8.9( pa)6.8(g)-9.5(e)9.9(, drop a)-5.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.7108 0 TD +-0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[(TClie)-9.6(nt)-5.3(D)-6.1(a)-2.8(t)6.7(a)-2.8(S)-11.3(e)2.5(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.4096 0 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[( com)-8.7(p)-1.5(on)-8.5(ent to)-8.3( )12(t)-11.4(h)3.6(e righ)-8.5(t of the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +-22.1205 -1.1084 TD +0.0029 Tc +0 Tw +[(TDataSe)6.4(t)-1.5(Pr)6.4(ovide)6.4(r)-5.7( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.6747 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +[(co)-6.9(m)4.8(p)-12.2(o)5.1(n)5(en)-7.1(t.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 329.1203 Tm +0 Tc +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 329.1203 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(S)-5.8(e)-3.6(t th)-9.1(e)8.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0028 Tc +0 Tw +[(Pr)-5.8(ov)8.8(ide)6.3(r)-5.8(Nam)9.7(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.9157 0 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[( property to)-7.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )0()12.1( )0()12.1()12.1()12.1( )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.0482 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 312.5603 Tm +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 312.5603 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(S)-5.8(e)-3.6(t th)-9.1(e)8.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(Activ)-4.3(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[( prop)-13.9(e)8.7(r)-3(ty)-10.7( to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( to)-7.6( a)6.6(l)2.4(l)-9.6(o)4.4(w)-8.8( )12(da)-5.4(ta)-5.4( to be pa)-5.4(ssed to y)-9.7(o)4.4(ur a)-5.4(pplica)-5.4(t)1.3(io)-7.6(n.)]TJ +-14.3735 -1.6506 TD +0.0005 Tc +[(A)-4.6( da)6.5(t)-10.8(a)6.5( so)-7.7(urce con)-7.9(n)4.2(ects th)-7.9(e client)-10.9( )12(da)-5.5(ta)-5.5(set wi)-9.7(th da)-5.5(ta)6.5(-a)-5.5(wa)-5.5(re cont)-10.9(rols)-9.2(.)9.5( Ea)-5.5(ch da)-5.5(ta)6.5(-a)-5.5(wa)-5.5(re )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +-0.0215 Tw +[(co)-7.8(ntro)-7.8(l m)-8.2(u)1(st )-12.1(be a)6.4(s)-9.3(soci)-9.8(a)6.4(t)1.1(ed w)-9(i)2.2(th)-8( a)-5.6( da)6.4(ta)-5.6( s)-9.3(o)4.2(urce co)-7.8(mpo)-7.8(n)4.1(en)-8(t to)-7.8( ha)-5.6(ve da)-5.6(ta)6.4( )-12.1(to dis)-9.3(p)-1(la)-5.6(y a)-5.6(n)4.1(d )]TJ +T* +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(m)-6.5(a)8.1(n)-6.3(i)3.9(pul)-8.1(a)8.1(t)-9.3(e)11.2(. Sim)-6.5(ilarly, a)8.1(l)-8.1(l da)8.1(tas)4.4(e)-0.8(ts)-7.6( m)5.6(u)2.7(s)-7.6(t)2.8( be )12(as)4.4(s)-7.6(o)5.9(ciated w)4.8(i)3.9(t)-9.2(h)5.8( a )12(data s)4.4(o)5.9(u)-9.4(r)11.6(ce co)-6.1(m)5.6(p)0.7(o)-6.1(n)5.8(en)-6.3(t )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(for th)-7.5(eir da)6.9(ta)-5.1( to be dis)-8.8(p)-0.5(la)6.9(y)-9.4(e)-2(d )12(a)-5.1(n)-7.5(d)9.5( m)-7.7(a)6.9(n)-7.5(i)2.7(pul)-9.3(a)6.9(ted in)-7.5( d)9.5(a)-5.1(ta)-5.1(-)-3.5(a)6.9(w)-8.5(a)6.9(re con)-7.5(t)1.6(ro)-7.3(ls on)-7.5( a)6.9( form)-7.7(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0033 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(To a)9.3(dd the)12.4( data )12(s)-6.4(o)7.1(urce:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 230.1203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 230.1203 Tm +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(F)-9.5(r)10.3(o)-7.4(m)-7.8( )12(th)-7.6(e Da)-5.2(ta)-5.2( )12(A)-4.3(ccess)-8.9( pa)6.8(g)-9.5(e)9.9(, drop a)-5.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.7108 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0 Tw +[(TD)9(ataSou)-8.2(r)5.6(c)-0.5(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.3735 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( co)-7.6(mpo)-7.6(n)4.3(en)-7.8(t to th)-7.8(e )12(ri)-9.6(ght o)-7.6(f)8.3( th)-7.8(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +-21.0843 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0 Tw +[(TC)-8(lien)-10.6(t)7.4(D)-5.4(a)-2.1(t)-4.7(a)-2.1(Se)-8.9(t)7.4( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.6627 0 TD +0.002 Tc +[(co)-6.2(m)5.5(p)0.6(o)-6.2(n)5.7(en)-6.4(t. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 202.6404 Tm +0 Tc +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 202.6404 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(S)-4.5(e)-2.3(t th)-7.8(e)9.7( da)-5.4(ta)-5.4( )12(s)-9.1(o)4.4(urces)-9.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.2892 0 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(DataS)5.1(e)-5.3(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2892 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[( pro)-7.3(p)-0.5(erty to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1( )12.1()12.1( )12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.1687 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 186.0804 Tm +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 186.0804 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(S)-4.3(o)4.6( fa)-5.2(r )12(y)-9.5(o)4.6(u h)-7.6(a)6.8(ve a)-5.2(dde)9.9(d th)-7.6(e non)-7.6(v)-0.5(is)-8.9(ua)6.8(l)-9.4( )12(da)-5.2(ta)-5.2(ba)-5.2(se inf)-3.6(r)-1.8(a)-5.2(s)3.1(tructu)-10.7(r)10.3(e)-2.1( to)-7.4( you)-10.7(r)-1.8( )12(a)-5.2(ppli)-9.4(c)-1(a)6.8(t)1.5(i)-9.4(o)4.6(n)-7.6(.)9.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(Next)-10.3( )12(y)-9.3(o)4.8(u n)-7.4(e)-1.9(e)10.1(d)-2.5( to)-7.2( de)10.1(s)-8.7(ign)-7.4( the user in)-7.4(terf)8.7(a)-5(c)-0.8(e.)]TJ +ET +q +105.719 462.44 22.8 -21.36 re +W* n +1 g +106.919 462.44 21.6 -21.6 re +f +Q +q +106.919 462.44 21.6 -21.36 re +W n +q +21.6 0 0 21.6 106.9191 440.8403 cm +/Im4 Do +Q +Q +q +105.719 363.44 22.8 -21.36 re +W* n +1 g +105.239 363.44 23.28 -21.6 re +f +Q +q +105.719 363.44 22.8 -21.36 re +W n +q +23.28 0 0 21.6 105.2391 341.8403 cm +/Im5 Do +Q +Q +q +105.719 236.96 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 236.96 22.44 -22.44 re +f +Q +q +106.079 236.96 22.44 -21.48 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.44 106.0791 214.5204 cm +/Im6 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +311 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im4 312 0 R +/Im5 313 0 R +/Im6 314 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +316 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +317 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +318 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +319 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 600 null] +>> +endobj +320 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 600 null] +>> +endobj +321 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 309 541 null] +>> +endobj +322 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +323 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +324 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 600 null] +>> +endobj +325 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 568 null] +>> +endobj +326 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 483 513 null] +>> +endobj +327 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 349 502 null] +>> +endobj +289 0 obj +<< +/P 277 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 257 0 R +/N 328 0 R +>> +endobj +329 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +330 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +331 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 591 null] +>> +endobj +332 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 562 null] +>> +endobj +333 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 545 null] +>> +endobj +334 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 518 null] +>> +endobj +335 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 468 null] +>> +endobj +336 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 430 null] +>> +endobj +337 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 380 null] +>> +endobj +338 0 obj +<< +/Length 7954 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3091 Tc +-0.0039 Tw +[(D)6(e)-0.9(sig)16.7(n)-0.9(ing th)16.7(e use)16.7(r)-11.8( in)16.7(ter)5.8(f)3.9(ace)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0268 Tc +0.0046 Tw +[(Desi)-4.6(gni)-4.6(n)4.3(g t)7.7(h)-4.2(e us)-8.1(er i)-4.6(n)4.3(terface)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(No)-7(w)3.9( y)-9.1(o)5(u n)-7.2(e)10.3(ed to)-7( a)7.2(dd vis)3.5(u)-10.3(a)7.2(l)3( co)-7(n)4.9(t)1.9(ro)-7(ls)3.5( to)-7( th)4.9(e applicatio)-7(n)4.9( s)3.5(o)-7( yo)5(u)-10.3(r)-1.4( )12(u)-10.3(s)3.5(ers)3.5( ca)7.2(n)-7.2( view)3.9( th)-7.2(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(d)-3.2(a)-5.7(ta)-5.7(,)9.3( ed)-3.2(it it)-11(,)9.3( a)-5.7(n)4(d)-3.2( sa)-5.7(ve it. The D)-8.8(a)6.3(ta)-5.7( Con)-8.1(t)1(rol)-9.9(s)2.6( pa)-5.7(ge pr)9.8(o)-7.9(v)-1(id)-3.2(es d)-3.2(a)-5.7(ta)-5.7(-)8(a)-5.7(wa)-5.7(re con)-8.1(t)1(rols)-9.4( )12(t)-11(h)4(a)-5.7(t)1( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(w)-9.3(o)3.9(rk w)-9.3(i)1.9(th)-8.3( )12(d)-3.4(a)-5.9(ta)-5.9( in a)-5.9( d)8.7(a)-5.9(ta)-5.9(ba)-5.9(se an)-8.3(d)-3.4( )12(b)-13.2(u)0.7(ild)-3.4( a)-5.9( )12(u)-11.4(s)2.4(er interf)-4.2(a)-5.9(c)-1.7(e)9.2(.)-2.9( Y)-7.6(o)3.9(u)-11.1(ll d)-3.4(i)1.9(spl)-10.1(a)6.1(y)-10.2( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.8(e d)-3.4(a)6.1(ta)-5.9(ba)-5.9(se )]TJ +T* +0.0057 Tc +-0.0027 Tw +[(in)9.4( a)11.7( gr)15.2(id )12(and)14.3( add a)11.7( few)8.4( co)9.5(mm)9.2(and)14.3(s)-4( a)11.7(n)-2.7(d )12(a n)9.4(a)-0.3(vi)7.5(ga)11.7(t)6.4(i)-4.5(o)9.5(n)-2.7( )12(b)-7.6(a)11.7(r.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 571.52 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 571.52 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 570.44 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 576.4403 Tm +-0.0158 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(Creating the grid a)6(n)0.6(d)-9.5( )10(na)6(v)6(i)0.2(gation bar)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 552.3203 Tm +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(To)-6.9( cre)10.4(a)-4.7(te th)-7.1(e)10.4( i)-8.9(n)5(terf)-3.1(a)7.3(c)-0.5(e for th)-7.1(e)10.4( a)-4.7(ppli)-8.9(c)-0.5(a)7.3(t)2(i)-8.9(o)5.1(n)-7.1(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 535.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 535.7603 Tm +0.0025 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Yo)6.3(u)-9( )12(can)6.2( s)-7.2(t)3.2(a)8.5(r)-0.1(t by)-7.8( )12(addin)-5.9(g)4.3( a)8.5( g)-7.8(r)12(i)-7.7(d)-1( )12(t)-8.8(o)6.3( th)6.2(e fo)6.3(rm)-6.1(. )12(F)-7.8(r)-0.1(o)6.3(m)-6.1( th)6.2(e D)5.4(a)-3.5(ta Co)6.3(n)-5.9(t)3.2(ro)6.3(ls)-7.2( pa)8.5(g)-7.8(e)11.6(, dro)6.3(p)1.1( a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(TDBGr)6.8(i)-7.9(d)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9036 0 TD +0.0081 Tc +-0.0051 Tw +[( c)6.3(o)11.9(mp)6.7(on)11.8(e)5.2(n)11.8(t )12(on)11.8(t)8.8(o)-0.1( t)8.8(h)11.8(e)5.2( fo)11.9(r)5.5(m)-0.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 508.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 508.2803 Tm +0.004 Tc +[(Set)4.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.5663 0 TD +-0.0003 Tc +[(D)-5.4(B)-3.8(Gr)-8.9(id)-6.3(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9518 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +-0.0215 Tw +[( pr)9.9(o)-7.8(p)-1(erties to a)-5.6(n)4.1(cho)-7.8(r)-2.2( )12(th)-8(e )12(g)-9.9(r)9.9(i)-9.8(d)-3.1(.)9.4( Click)-9.9( )12(th)-8(e )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.92 0 0 13.92 383.2791 508.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 389.399 508.2803 Tm +-0.003 Tc +-0.0181 Tw +[( ne)-5.9(x)-5.1(t)-2.3( to )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.4578 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +0 Tw +[(Anch)-5.6(ors)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.4217 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +-0.0204 Tw +[( in)-9.1( )12(th)-9.1(e)8.4( Obj)-7.7(e)-3.6(ct )]TJ +-30.4699 -1.1084 TD +0.0003 Tc +-0.0093 Tw +[(In)-8.1(spe)-2.6(c)-1.5(to)-7.9(r t)-11.1(o)4.1( )-12(d)-3.2(i)2.1(spl)-9.9(a)6.3(y)-10( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.0723 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +[(akL)-8.5(e)5.3(f)2.7(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.4458 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(, )Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.506 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +[(akT)10.4(op)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.4458 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(, )Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.506 0 TD +0.0032 Tc +[(akR)7.5(ight)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.1807 0 TD +0.0042 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(, an)7.9(d )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.4458 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0 Tw +[(akBot)10.1(tom)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.8434 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(; set them)-8.5( a)6.1(l)-10.1(l to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +6.9759 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.7711 0 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(. Th)-6.1(e)11.4( )]TJ +-33.1928 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(ea)-6.2(sies)-9.9(t wa)-6.2(y to d)-3.7(o)-8.4( )12(t)-11.6(h)3.5(is)-9.9( )12(i)-10.4(s)2.1( to d)-3.7(o)-8.4(uble-)-4.6(c)-2(lick)-10.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +17.5663 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\012 )12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +-0.0037 Tc +0.0067 Tw +[( ne)-6.6(x)-5.8(t)-15( )12(t)-15(o)0.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.5422 0 TD +-0.0048 Tc +0.0078 Tw +[(ea)-6.6(c)-7.4(h)-10.8( pr)-13.4(o)-6.6(p)1.2(e)-13.4(r)-1.3(t)-9.1(y)1.2( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.6988 0 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(in)-8.4( the O)-9.2(b)-1.2(ject )]TJ +-29 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0 Tw +[(In)-7.6(specto)-7.4(r.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 458.8403 Tm +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 458.8403 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(A)-5(l)1.9(i)-10.1(g)1.9(n th)-8.3(e grid wit)-11.2(h)3.8( the bo)-8.1(ttom)-8.5( of)-4.3( th)-8.3(e)9.2( form)-8.5( by setti)-10.1(ng th)-8.3(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.3373 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Alig)-6.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3374 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.8(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-27.6747 -1.1084 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(. )12(Y)-7.4(o)4.1(u)-11.2( can)-8.1( )12(a)-5.7(l)2.1(s)-9.4(o)4.1( enl)-9.9(a)6.3(rge th)-8.1(e )12(s)-9.4(i)2.1(z)-5.7(e)-2.6( )12(o)-7.9(f)-4( )12(t)-11(h)4(e grid)-3.2( by d)-3.2(r)-2.3(a)-5.7(ggin)-8.1(g it o)-7.9(r)-2.3( )12(s)-9.4(e)-2.6(ttin)-8.1(g)2.1( its)-9.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +-3.5301 -1.1084 TD +0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(He)9.1(i)-5.6(g)11.6(ht)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.7952 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +-0.0097 Tw +[( p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty )-12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3133 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 420.3203 Tm +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 420.3203 Tm +-0.001 Tc +0.004 Tw +[(S)-6.1(e)-3.9(t th)-9.4(e)8.1( g)-11.3(r)8.5(i)-11.2(d)-4.5(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.0482 0 TD +0.003 Tc +0 Tw +[(Dat)10.7(a)1.2(S)-7.3(o)1.2(u)4.8(r)6.5(ce)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.759 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +-0.0097 Tw +[( p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty )-12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[( )-12.1( )-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()0()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8434 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(. )12(W)-11.6(h)4.1(en)-8( )12(y)-9.9(o)4.2(u d)-3.1(o)-7.8( )12(t)-10.9(h)4.1(is)-9.3(,)9.4( th)-8(e grid)-3.1( is )]TJ +-21.1928 -1.1084 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.012 Tw +[(popul)4.8(a)-3(ted w)-6.4(i)4.8(th da)9(t)-8.3(a)9( )-12(f)10.7(r)0.4(om)6.5( )-12(th)6.7(e em)-5.6(pl)4.8(oy)4.8(ee data)9(bas)5.3(e)0.1(. )-12(If)10.7( )-12(th)6.7(e )-12(g)4.8(r)0.4(i)4.8(d)-0.5( doe)12.1(s)-6.7(n)6.7()3.9(t)-8.3( di)4.8(s)5.3(p)1.6(l)-7.2(a)9(y)-7.3( da)9(t)-8.3(a)9(, )]TJ +T* +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(m)-6.5(a)8.1(k)-8.2(e)-0.8( s)4.4(u)2.7(re yo)5.9(u)-9.4()3(ve co)5.9(rrectly s)-7.6(e)11.2(t)-9.2( )12(t)-9.3(h)5.8(e pro)5.9(p)0.7(erties)-7.6( o)5.9(f)-2.2( a)8.1(l)3.9(l)-8.1( )12(t)-9.2(h)5.8(e o)5.9(b)0.9(jects)4.4( o)-6.1(n)5.8( th)5.8(e fo)5.9(rm)-6.5(, )12(as)4.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(explain)-7.6(e)-2.1(d )12(i)-9.4(n)4.5( previo)-7.4(us in)-7.6(structi)-9.4(o)4.6(n)-7.6(s)3.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(S)-5.6(o)3.3( f)-4.8(a)-6.5(r )12(y)-10.8(o)3.3(ur a)-6.5(pplica)-6.5(t)0.2(io)-8.7(n sh)-8.9(ou)-12(ld)-4( loo)-8.7(k)1.3( lik)-10.8(e )12(t)-11.9(h)3.2(is)-10.2(:)]TJ +ET +q +105.719 542.72 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 542.72 22.44 -22.44 re +f +Q +q +106.079 542.72 22.44 -21.48 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.44 106.0791 520.2803 cm +/Im7 Do +Q +Q +1 g +154.439 361.4 285.24 -213.84 re +f +q +154.439 361.4 285.24 -213.84 re +W* n +q +285.24 0 0 213.84 154.439 147.5603 cm +/Im8 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +339 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +/F13 340 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im7 341 0 R +/Im8 342 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +344 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +345 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 381 635 null] +>> +endobj +346 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 153 514 null] +>> +endobj +347 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 368 569 null] +>> +endobj +348 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 483 569 null] +>> +endobj +328 0 obj +<< +/P 315 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 289 0 R +/N 349 0 R +>> +endobj +350 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +351 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 628 null] +>> +endobj +352 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 590 null] +>> +endobj +353 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 562 null] +>> +endobj +354 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 524 null] +>> +endobj +355 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 507 null] +>> +endobj +356 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 242 null] +>> +endobj +357 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 93 192 null] +>> +endobj +358 0 obj +<< +/D [343 0 R /XYZ 141 193 null] +>> +endobj +359 0 obj +<< +/Length 8136 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 266.399 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Cr)17.5(eat)17.9(in)18.8(g a)18.8( da)18.8(tab)18.8(a)0.3(se)18.8( ap)18.8(pl)17.4(ica)18.8(t)-0.5(i)17.4(on )18.4(usi)17.4(ng )18.4(th)18.8(e D)18.5(e)0.3(l)17.4(phi I)17.9(D)0(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 374.759 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.1101 Tw +[(D)6.2(e)-0.7(sig)16.9(n)-0.7(ing the)16.9( )-17.7(us)14(er)6( inter)6(f)4.1(ac)14(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0022 Tc +0 Tw +[(Th)-6.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.9398 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(DB)-10.4(G)-7.8(r)-15.5(i)-6(d)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2892 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[( )12(co)-8.1(ntro)-8.1(l d)-3.4(i)1.9(spl)-10.1(a)6.1(y)-10.2(s)2.4( d)-3.4(a)6.1(ta)-5.9( a)-5.9(t)0.8( d)8.7(e)-2.8(s)-9.6(ign)-8.3( )12(t)-11.3(i)1.9(me, wh)-8.3(ile yo)-8.1(u a)-5.9(r)9.6(e w)-9.3(o)3.9(rki)-10.1(n)3.8(g in)-8.3( the )]TJ +-5.2289 -1.1084 TD +0.0003 Tc +-0.0334 Tw +[(ID)-8.8(E. )12.1(Th)-8.1(is)-9.4( )12.1(a)-5.7(l)2.1(l)-9.9(o)4.1(ws)-9.4( you)-11.2( to verify th)-8.1(a)6.3(t)-11.1( )12.1(y)-10(o)4.1(u)-10.9(ve )12.1(co)-7.9(nn)-8.1(ected to th)-8.1(e d)8.9(a)-5.7(ta)-5.7(ba)-5.7(se correctly)-10(.)9.3( Y)-7.4(o)4.1(u)-11.2( )]TJ +T* +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(ca)-5.3(nn)-7.7(ot, h)-7.7(o)4.5(w)-8.7(e)9.8(v)-12.6(e)9.8(r, edit th)-7.7(e)9.8( da)-5.3(ta)-5.3( )12(a)-5.3(t)1.4( desig)-9.6(n)4.4( tim)-7.9(e)-2.2(; to edit th)-7.7(e)9.8( da)-5.3(ta)-5.3( )12(i)-9.5(n)4.4( th)-7.7(e )12(ta)-5.3(ble, yo)-7.5(ull)-9.5( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(h)-7.9(a)6.5(ve to)-7.7( run th)-7.9(e )12(a)-5.5(ppli)-9.7(c)-1.3(a)6.5(t)1.2(i)-9.7(o)4.3(n)-7.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 618.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 618.8003 Tm +0.0003 Tc +-0.0093 Tw +[(F)-10(r)9.8(o)-7.9(m)-8.3( th)-8.1(e )-12(Da)-5.7(ta)-5.7( Co)-7.9(nt)-11.1(r)9.8(o)-7.9(ls)-9.4( pa)-5.7(ge, )-12(drop )-12(a)-5.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.5422 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0 Tw +[(T)11(D)-2.7(BNavig)8.4(ator)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.1325 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( co)-8(ntro)-8(l on)-8.2(to th)-8.2(e f)7.9(o)-8(rm. A)-4.9( )]TJ +-22.6747 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(da)-5.6(ta)-5.6(ba)6.4(s)-9.3(e)-2.5( )12(n)-8(a)6.4(v)-12.9(iga)-5.6(tor is)-9.3( )12(a)-5.6( to)-7.8(ol f)-4(o)4.2(r m)-8.2(o)4.2(vin)-8(g)2.2( th)-8(r)9.9(o)-7.8(ugh)-8( the da)-5.6(ta)6.4( i)-9.8(n)4.1( a)6.4( da)-5.6(ta)-5.6(set \(usin)-8(g)2.2( next )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(an)6.3(d previo)-5.6(us)4.9( arro)6.4(w)5.3(s)-7.1(, )12(fo)-5.6(r )12(exam)6.1(p)-10.9(l)4.4(e\))10.3( an)6.3(d perfo)6.4(r)0(m)-6(i)4.4(n)6.3(g)-7.7( )12(o)-5.6(p)1.2(era)8.6(t)-8.7(io)6.4(n)-5.8(s)4.9( o)6.4(n)-5.8( th)6.3(e data)8.6(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 580.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 580.2803 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(S)-5.3(e)-3.1(t th)-8.6(e)8.9( n)-8.6(a)5.8(vi)-10.4(ga)-6.2(tor ba)-6.2(rs )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +10.1687 0 TD +0.003 Tc +0 Tw +[(Dat)10.7(a)1.2(S)-7.3(o)1.2(u)4.8(r)6.5(ce)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.759 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +-0.0097 Tw +[( p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty )-12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[( )-12.1( )-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()-12.1()0()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8434 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[( so th)-9.1(e na)-6.7(viga)-6.7(to)-8.9(r)8.8( is)-10.4( )]TJ +-25.3133 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(l)-10.4(ook)-10.5(ing)-10.5( a)5.8(t)0.5( th)-8.6(e d)8.4(a)-6.2(ta)-6.2( in th)-8.6(e client)-11.5( )12(da)-6.2(ta)-6.2(set.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 552.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 552.8003 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +-0.0089 Tw +[(S)-5.2(e)-3(t th)-8.5(e na)-6.1(vig)-10.4(a)5.9(to)-8.3(r ba)-6.1(rs )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +10.1325 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Sh)16.3(o)8.5(w)9.4(H)5.2(i)11.2(nt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( pr)10.8(o)-6.9(p)-0.1(erty )12(t)-10(o)5.1( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.506 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.7711 0 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(.)8.9( \()7.6(S)-5.2(ettin)-8.5(g)1.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.1687 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Sh)16.3(o)8.5(w)9.4(H)5.2(i)11.2(nt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.1807 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +( to )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.3614 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +-0.0037 Tw +[( al)-15.5(low)-14.7(s)-3( )]TJ +-33.0723 -1.1084 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(H)-9.5(e)11(l)-8.3(p)0.5( h)5.6(i)3.7(n)-6.5(t)2.6(s)4.2( to)-6.3( a)7.9(ppear w)4.6(h)5.6(en)-6.5( th)5.6(e curs)4.2(o)-6.3(r)-0.7( is)4.2( po)-6.3(s)4.2(i)3.7(ti)-8.3(o)5.7(n)5.6(ed o)-6.3(v)0.6(er)11.4( each)5.6( o)-6.3(f)9.6( th)-6.5(e )12(i)-8.3(t)2.6(em)5.4(s)-7.8( )12(o)-6.3(n)5.6( th)-6.5(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(n)-6.8(a)7.6(vi)-8.6(gato)5.4(r bar )12(at run)-6.8(t)2.3(im)-7(e)10.7(.)-1.4(\))]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 514.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 514.2803 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 497.8403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 497.8403 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 179.879 497.8403 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.479 497.8403 Tm +0.0002 Tc +-0.0333 Tw +[( )12.1(t)-11.1(o)4( com)-8.4(p)-1.2(il)-10(e)9.3( a)-5.8(n)3.9(d run)-8.2( the pro)-8(j)5.3(ect. Yo)-8(u ca)6.2(n)-8.2( a)6.2(l)-10(so)-8( )12.1(ru)-11.3(n the pro)-8(j)5.3(ect by cl)-10(ickin)-8.2(g th)-8.2(e )]TJ +-3.5181 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(R)-7.1(u)0.2(n)-8.8( )12(b)-13.7(u)0.2(tto)-8.6(n on)-8.8( the Debu)-11.9(g too)-8.6(l)1.4(ba)-6.4(r,)8.6( o)-8.6(r)-3( by cho)-8.6(o)3.4(si)-10.6(ng R)-7.1(u)0.2(n)-8.8( )12(f)-4.8(r)-3(o)-8.6(m)3.1( th)-8.8(e)8.7( R)-7.1(u)0.2(n)-8.8( )12(m)-9(e)-3.3(nu)-11.9(.)]TJ +0 -25.5542 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(W)-10.7(h)5(en)5( y)-9(o)5.1(u run)-7.1( yo)5.1(u)-10.2(r)10.8( pro)-6.9(j)6.4(ect, th)5(e pro)-6.9(g)3.1(ra)7.3(m)-7.3( o)5.1(p)-0.1(en)-7.1(s)3.6( in)-7.1( )12(a w)4(i)-8.9(n)5(d)-2.2(o)5.1(w)-8.1( lik)-9(e)10.4( th)-7.1(e o)5.1(n)-7.1(e)10.4( y)-9(o)5.1(u )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +-0.0333 Tw +[(desi)-10(gned o)-8(n)3.9( th)-8.2(e f)7.9(o)-8(rm. Y)-7.5(o)4(u ca)-5.8(n tes)-9.5(t)0.9( the n)-8.2(a)6.2(vi)-10(ga)-5.8(tion)-8.2( ba)-5.8(r)9.7( w)-9.2(i)2(th)-8.2( the em)-8.4(ploy)-10.1(ee)9.3( da)-5.8(ta)-5.8(ba)6.2(s)-9.5(e)-2.7(.)9.2( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0353 Tw +[(F)-8.1(o)6(r exa)8.2(m)-6.4(ple, yo)6(u)-9.3( )12.1(can)-6.2( )12.1(m)-6.4(o)6(ve fro)6(m)-6.4( re)11.3(co)-6(rd )12.1(t)-9.1(o)6( reco)6(rd usi)-8(n)5.9(g th)-6.2(e )12.1(arro)6(w)-7.2( co)6(m)-6.4(m)5.7(an)5.9(ds)-7.5(,)11.2( add )]TJ +T* +0.0003 Tc +-0.0093 Tw +[(reco)-7.9(r)9.8(d)-3.2(s)-9.4( u)-11.2(s)2.6(in)-8.1(g )-12(the )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.92 0 0 13.92 233.2791 199.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 239.519 199.2803 Tm +0.0027 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[( com)6.2(m)-5.9(a)8.7(n)-5.7(d, )12(and)11.3( del)4.5(e)-0.2(te reco)6.5(rds)5( us)-7(i)4.5(n)6.4(g)-7.6( th)6.4(e )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.92 0 0 13.92 418.799 199.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 424.919 199.2803 Tm +0.0085 Tc +-0.0055 Tw +[( c)6.7(o)12.3(mma)14.5(nd)5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 183.4404 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 183.4404 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(If)-4.5( yo)-8.3(u sh)-8.5(ould)-3.6( en)-8.5(coun)-8.5(ter )12(a)-6.1(n)-8.5( )12(erro)-8.3(r )12(w)-9.5(h)3.6(i)-10.3(l)1.7(e )12(t)-11.5(e)-3(stin)-8.5(g an)-8.5( early)-10.4( ver)9.4(s)-9.8(ion)-8.5( of)-4.5( yo)-8.3(ur )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(a)-5.9(ppli)-10.1(c)-1.7(a)6.1(t)0.8(i)-10.1(o)3.9(n, ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se Run)-8.3(|)3.7(P)-10.4(r)-2.5(ogra)-5.9(m R)-6.6(e)-2.8(set to)-8.1( )12(retu)-11.4(rn to th)-8.3(e de)9.2(s)-9.6(ign)-8.3(-time view)-9.3(.)]TJ +ET +q +105.719 625.64 22.8 -21.36 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 625.64 22.44 -22.32 re +f +Q +q +106.079 625.64 22.44 -21.36 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.32 106.0791 603.3203 cm +/Im9 Do +Q +Q +1 g +110.879 504.68 17.64 -19.2 re +f +q +17.64 0 0 19.2 110.8791 485.4803 cm +/Im10 Do +Q +154.439 477.44 250.92 -226.44 re +f +q +154.439 477.44 250.92 -226.44 re +W* n +q +250.92 0 0 226.44 154.439 251.0004 cm +/Im11 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +360 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +/F13 340 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im9 361 0 R +/Im10 362 0 R +/Im11 363 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +367 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +368 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +369 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +370 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +371 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 458 553 null] +>> +endobj +372 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 417 514 null] +>> +endobj +373 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +374 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +349 0 obj +<< +/P 343 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 328 0 R +/N 375 0 R +>> +endobj +376 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +377 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +378 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 612 null] +>> +endobj +379 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 574 null] +>> +endobj +380 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 546 null] +>> +endobj +381 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 508 null] +>> +endobj +382 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 480 null] +>> +endobj +383 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 464 null] +>> +endobj +384 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 311 null] +>> +endobj +385 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 141 284 null] +>> +endobj +386 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 295 424 null] +>> +endobj +387 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 295 368 null] +>> +endobj +388 0 obj +<< +/D [366 0 R /XYZ 296 227 null] +>> +endobj +389 0 obj +<< +/Length 10731 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3091 Tc +-0.0039 Tw +[(D)6(e)-0.9(sig)16.7(n)-0.9(ing th)16.7(e use)16.7(r)-11.8( in)16.7(ter)5.8(f)3.9(ace)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0159 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(Adding s)5.9(upp)-9.6(or)-20(t f)24.8(o)0.5(r a me)5.9(n)10.5(u)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +-0.0011 Tc +0.0041 Tw +[(Th)-9.5(ou)-12.6(gh yo)-9.3(ur prog)-11.4(r)8.4(a)-7.1(m)-9.7( alrea)-7.1(d)-4.6(y ha)-7.1(s a)-7.1( great d)-4.6(e)-4(a)-7.1(l)0.7( of)-5.5( f)-5.4(u)-0.5(ncti)-11.3(on)-9.5(ali)-11.3(t)-0.4(y, it st)-12.4(ill la)-7.1(cks)-10.8( )12(m)-9.7(a)-7.1(ny )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(f)-4.8(e)-3.4(a)-6.5(t)0.2(ures usu)-12(a)5.5(l)-10.7(ly f)-4.9(o)3.3(un)-8.9(d)-4( in G)-8.6(U)6.4(I a)-6.5(ppli)-10.7(c)-2.3(ati)-10.7(o)3.3(ns)-10.2(. )12(F)-10.8(o)3.3(r exam)-9.1(ple, mo)-8.7(st a)-6.5(pplica)-6.5(t)0.2(io)-8.7(ns)-10.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(i)-10(m)3.7(plem)-8.4(ent m)-8.4(e)-2.7(nus)-9.5( )12(a)-5.8(n)-8.2(d)8.8( bu)-11.3(tton)-8.2(s)2.5( to)-8( )12(m)-8.4(a)-5.8(ke them)-8.4( e)9.3(a)-5.8(sy)-10.1( )12(t)-11.1(o)4( use.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +-0.0008 Tc +0.0038 Tw +[(In)-9.2( thi)-11(s)1.5( sectio)-9(n, yo)-9(ull a)-6.8(d)-4.3(d)-4.3( an)-9.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.8072 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0109 Tw +[(action)-8.4( l)-9.3(i)2.8(s)5.4(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0114 Tw +[(. W)-9.6(h)6.1(il)-7.8(e y)-7.9(o)6.2(u )-12(can)6.1( )-12(create m)-6.2(e)-0.5(n)6.1(u)-9.1(s)4.7(,)-0.6( )-12(to)6.2(o)-5.8(l)4.2(bars)4.7(, an)-6(d )]TJ +-16.8072 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(bu)-11.8(tton)-8.7(s)2( wi)-10.5(tho)-8.5(u)0.3(t us)-10(ing)-10.6( )12(a)-6.3(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4( li)-10.5(sts, a)-6.3(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4( lis)-10(ts sim)-8.9(p)-1.7(li)-10.5(f)7.4(y)-10.6( )12(develo)-8.5(pmen)-8.7(t a)5.7(n)-8.7(d )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(m)-8.6(a)6(i)-10.2(n)3.7(ten)-8.4(a)6(n)-8.4(c)-1.8(e by centra)-6(liz)-6(in)-8.4(g respon)-8.4(ses to)-8.2( user com)-8.6(m)3.5(a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5(s)-9.7(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 564.0803 Tm +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 564.0803 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(If)-4.9( th)-8.9(e)8.6( a)-6.5(pplica)-6.5(t)0.2(i)-10.7(o)3.3(n i)-10.7(s)1.8( stil)-10.7(l runn)-8.9(ing)-10.8(,)-3.5( )12(cl)-10.7(ick th)-8.9(e )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +18.6867 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( in)5( th)-7.1(e upper r)10.8(i)-8.9(gh)5(t)-10( )12(co)-6.9(rn)5(er to)-6.9( )12(cl)-8.9(o)5.1(s)3.6(e th)-7.1(e )]TJ +-19.3614 -1.0964 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(a)-5.4(ppli)-9.6(c)-1.2(a)6.6(t)1.3(i)-9.6(o)4.4(n a)-5.4(n)4.3(d return)-7.8( to th)-7.8(e)9.7( desi)-9.6(gn-ti)-9.6(m)4.1(e view o)-7.6(f)-3.8( )12(t)-10.7(h)4.3(e f)8.3(o)-7.6(rm.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 536.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 536.6003 Tm +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(F)-8.4(r)11.4(o)-6.3(m)-6.7( )12(th)-6.5(e Co)5.7(m)-6.7(m)5.4(o)-6.3(n)5.6( Co)-6.3(n)5.6(t)2.6(ro)-6.3(ls)4.2( page o)5.7(f)-2.4( th)5.6(e Co)-6.3(m)5.4(p)0.5(o)-6.3(n)5.6(en)-6.5(t pa)7.9(let)-9.4(t)2.6(e,)10.9( dro)5.7(p)-11.6( )12(an)5.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +30.7349 0 TD +0.005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Imag)11(eL)6.8(i)5.9(s)-3.6(t)12.7( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +-30.7349 -1.1084 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(co)-8.2(mpo)-8.2(n)3.7(en)-8.4(t on)-8.4(to th)-8.4(e )12(f)-4.4(o)-8.2(rm. Line th)-8.4(is up n)-8.4(e)-2.9(x)10(t)-11.3( )12(t)-11.3(o)3.8( th)-8.4(e)9.1( o)-8.2(t)0.7(her no)-8.2(nvi)-10.2(s)2.3(ua)-6(l com)-8.6(p)-1.4(on)-8.4(ents)-9.7(. )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0022 Tc +0 Tw +[(Th)-6.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.9398 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +[(Im)-10.7(a)-7.4(g)-11.6(eL)-3.8(i)-16.8(s)-2.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.012 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[( will)-10.7( cont)-11.8(ain)-8.9( icon)-8.9(s th)-8.9(at)-11.8( )12(represen)-8.9(t sta)-6.5(n)3.2(d)-4(a)-6.5(rd)-4( )12(a)-6.5(c)-2.3(tio)-8.7(n)3.2(s)-10.2( like cut a)-6.5(n)3.2(d)-4( pa)-6.5(ste.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 498.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 498.0803 Tm +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(F)-8(r)11.8(o)-5.9(m)-6.3( )12(th)-6.1(e S)9.2(t)-9(a)8.3(n)-6.1(da)8.3(rd page o)6.1(f)-2( th)6(e Co)6.1(m)-6.3(p)0.9(o)-5.9(n)6(en)6(t)-9( )12(palett)-9.1(e)11.4(,)-0.7( dro)6.1(p)0.9( an)6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +26.5542 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[(ActionL)-9.3(i)1.9(st )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.5663 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +[(co)6.2(m)-6.2(p)1(o)6.2(n)-6(en)6.1(t)]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.012 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +-36.1325 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(o)-8.1(n)3.8(to)-8.1( the form)-8.5(. )12(S)-5(e)-2.8(t th)-8.3(e)9.2( a)-5.9(c)-1.7(tio)-8.1(n)3.8( li)-10.1(sts )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.0361 0 TD +0.005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Imag)11(es)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( pro)-6.8(p)0(e)10.5(r)-1.2(t)-9.9(y)3.2( to)5.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )12.1( )12.1(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 470.6003 Tm +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 470.6003 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(D)-9.2(o)3.7(ub)-13.4(le-)7.6(c)-1.9(l)-10.3(i)1.7(ck th)-8.5(e)9( a)-6.1(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6( li)-10.3(st to dis)-9.8(p)-1.5(la)-6.1(y the A)-5.2(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6( Lis)-9.8(t)0.6( e)9(d)-3.6(i)-10.3(t)0.6(or.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 454.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 454.0403 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(R)-6.4(igh)-8.1(t-)-4(click)-10( )12(t)-11(h)4(e A)-4.8(c)-1.5(tion)-8.1( L)-3.2(i)2.1(st ed)-3.2(ito)-7.9(r)-2.3( )12(a)-5.7(n)-8.1(d)-3.2( )12(ch)-8.1(oo)-7.9(se New S)-4.8(t)1(a)-5.7(n)4(d)-3.2(a)-5.7(rd)-3.2( )12(A)-4.8(c)-1.5(tio)-7.9(n)4(. Th)-8.1(e )12(S)-4.8(t)1(a)-5.7(n)4(d)-3.2(a)-5.7(rd)-3.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(A)-5.2(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6(s)-9.8( list bo)-8.3(x a)5.9(ppea)-6.1(r)-2.7(s.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 301.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 301.7603 Tm +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(S)-5.5(e)-3.3(lect th)-8.8(e )12(f)-4.7(o)-8.6(llo)-8.6(win)-8.8(g)1.4( act)-11.8(i)1.4(on)-8.8(s: )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.6145 0 TD +0.0034 Tc +0 Tw +[(TEd)9.4(itCop)9.4(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4578 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(, )Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.506 0 TD +-0.0086 Tc +[(TE)-12.1(d)-14.6(i)-7.7(t)-13(C)-4.3(u)-18.9(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9036 0 TD +0.0042 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(, an)7.9(d )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.4458 0 TD +0.0032 Tc +0 Tw +[(TEd)9.2(i)-8(t)10.9(Pas)-5.4(t)10.9(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.5181 0 TD +-0.0091 Tc +0.0121 Tw +[(. \()-13.4(U)-14.2(s)-6.8(e)-12( t)-8.4(h)-17.5(e )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 481.679 301.7603 Tm +0.0126 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ct)11.4(r)22.4(l)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 494.519 301.7603 Tm +0.0103 Tc +-0.0073 Tw +[( ke)19.4(y )]TJ +-34.1446 -1.0964 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(to)-7.9( select m)-8.3(u)0.9(ltipl)-9.9(e)-2.6( )12(i)-9.9(t)1(ems)-9.4(.)9.3(\))-4.1( Th)-8.1(e)9.4(n)-8.1( click O)-8.9(K)3.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(Th)-7.8(ese sta)-5.4(n)4.3(da)-5.4(rd )12(a)-5.4(c)-1.2(ti)-9.6(ons)-9.1( a)6.6(ppea)-5.4(r)-2( in th)-7.8(e A)7.5(c)-1.2(ti)-9.6(on)-7.8( )12(Li)-9.6(st edito)-7.6(r)10.1( w)-8.8(i)2.4(th)-7.8( )12(defa)-5.4(ult im)-8(a)6.6(g)-9.7(es )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.005 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(al)6.8(read)13.6(y a)11(s)-4.7(s)7.3(o)8.8(cia)11(t)5.7(ed w)7.7(i)-5.2(t)5.7(h)8.7( t)5.7(h)-3.4(em)8.5(.)]TJ +ET +q +105.719 543.44 22.8 -21.36 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 543.44 22.44 -22.32 re +f +Q +q +106.079 543.44 22.44 -21.36 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.32 106.0791 521.1203 cm +/Im12 Do +Q +Q +1 g +106.919 504.92 21.6 -20.76 re +f +q +21.6 0 0 20.76 106.9191 484.1603 cm +/Im13 Do +Q +154.439 433.76 111.6 -90.36 re +f +q +111.6 0 0 90.36 154.439 343.4004 cm +/Im14 Do +Q +360.839 433.76 126 -103.2 re +f +q +126 0 0 103.2 360.8391 330.5603 cm +/Im15 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 295.799 416.1203 Tm +0 g +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(R)-7.1(i)-1.9(ght-)-12.8(c)-2.6(lick in th)-16.3(e )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(edito)-17(r a)-17(nd ch)-17(oose)-17( )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(N)-8.2(e)0(w)-8.2( S)-10.9(t)0.8(an)-17.4(dar)-13.9(d )]TJ +T* +0.003 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[(A)-9.4(c)-2.2(tion t)-15.2(o)1.5( displa)-15.9(y )]TJ +T* +0.001 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(the)-17.9( S)6(t)-17.2(anda)-17.9(rd )]TJ +T* +0.0027 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(A)-9.7(c)-2.5(tions list )-17.5(box.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(S)-10.1(e)0.8(lect t)-15.9(he a)-16.6(c)-2.9(tions )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(you )-17.5(w)-6.9(ant a)-16.1(nd click )]TJ +T* +0.0038 Tc +-0.0031 Tw +[(OK)-8.6(. P)-8.6(r)5.8(ess )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 329.519 342.5603 Tm +0.0097 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ct)9(r)11.7(l)5.2( )]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 342.359 342.5603 Tm +0.0007 Tc +[(to)-18.2( )]TJ +-6.7596 -1.0429 TD +0.0033 Tc +-0.0026 Tw +[(select)-14.9( multip)-15.6(l)16.2(e)-15.6( )]TJ +T* +0.0032 Tc +0 Tw +[(action)-15.7(s.)]TJ +ET +364.079 373.16 m +364.319 372.92 l +367.679 376.4 l +367.439 376.64 l +f +362.399 375.2 m +362.519 374.96 l +367.679 376.4 l +367.799 376.4 l +367.919 376.88 l +367.559 376.64 l +f +367.799 376.4 m +367.439 376.52 l +366.119 371.36 l +366.479 371.24 l +f +353.759 362.84 m +353.639 362.72 l +353.879 362.48 l +353.999 362.6 l +f +364.079 373.16 m +364.199 373.28 l +364.439 373.04 l +364.319 372.92 l +f +353.759 362.84 m +353.999 362.6 l +364.319 372.92 l +364.079 373.16 l +f +243.359 390.08 m +243.239 390.44 l +239.039 388.16 l +239.159 387.8 l +f +244.559 387.68 m +244.439 388.04 l +239.039 388.16 l +238.919 388.04 l +238.679 387.68 l +239.159 387.8 l +f +238.919 388.04 m +239.279 387.92 l +242.039 392.48 l +241.679 392.6 l +f +291.959 416.48 m +292.079 416.48 l +291.959 416.84 l +291.839 416.84 l +f +243.479 389.96 m +243.359 389.96 l +243.239 390.32 l +243.359 390.32 l +f +291.959 416.48 m +291.839 416.84 l +243.359 390.32 l +243.479 389.96 l +f +1 g +154.439 254 110.88 -80.4 re +f +q +154.439 254 110.88 -80.4 re +W* n +q +110.88 0 0 80.4 154.439 173.6004 cm +/Im16 Do +Q +Q +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 296.879 218.6004 Tm +0 g +0.0124 Tc +[(Yo)10.9(u)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +1.7944 0 TD +0 Tc +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(ve)-17.3( add)-17.3(ed t)-16.6(h)0.1(re)-17.3(e stan)-17.3(dar)-13.8(d )]TJ +-2.0209 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(act)-16.3(i)-2.6(ons th)-17(at co)-17(me w)-7.8(i)-2.6(th)-17( the)-17( )]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(pr)-13.8(odu)-17.3(ct. Y)-10.8(o)0.1(u)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +5.7317 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(ll u)-16.7(s)-3(e th)-16.7(ese o)-16.7(n)0.7( a )]TJ +-5.9582 -1.0429 TD +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(m)-19.2(enu.)]TJ +ET +264.959 211.04 4.8 0.36 re +f +269.519 208.4 m +269.639 208.76 l +264.959 211.4 l +264.839 211.4 l +264.479 211.16 l +264.839 211.04 l +f +264.839 211.4 m +265.079 211.04 l +269.759 213.8 l +269.519 214.16 l +f +291.839 210.92 0.12 0.36 re +f +269.639 211.28 0.12 -0.36 re +f +269.759 210.92 22.08 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +390 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F6 22 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im12 391 0 R +/Im13 392 0 R +/Im14 393 0 R +/Im15 394 0 R +/Im16 395 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +397 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +398 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 526 null] +>> +endobj +399 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 526 null] +>> +endobj +400 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 410 467 null] +>> +endobj +401 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 526 null] +>> +endobj +402 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 494 null] +>> +endobj +375 0 obj +<< +/P 366 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 349 0 R +/N 403 0 R +>> +endobj +404 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 93 677 null] +>> +endobj +405 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +406 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 640 null] +>> +endobj +407 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 612 null] +>> +endobj +408 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 585 null] +>> +endobj +409 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 569 null] +>> +endobj +410 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 541 null] +>> +endobj +411 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 517 null] +>> +endobj +412 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 488 null] +>> +endobj +413 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 460 null] +>> +endobj +414 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 433 null] +>> +endobj +415 0 obj +<< +/D [396 0 R /XYZ 141 405 null] +>> +endobj +416 0 obj +<< +/Length 6802 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 266.399 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(Cr)17.5(eat)17.9(in)18.8(g a)18.8( da)18.8(tab)18.8(a)0.3(se)18.8( ap)18.8(pl)17.4(ica)18.8(t)-0.5(i)17.4(on )18.4(usi)17.4(ng )18.4(th)18.8(e D)18.5(e)0.3(l)17.4(phi I)17.9(D)0(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 374.759 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.1101 Tw +[(D)6.2(e)-0.7(sig)16.9(n)-0.7(ing the)16.9( )-17.7(us)14(er)6( inter)6(f)4.1(ac)14(e)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.9603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.9603 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(R)-6.6(igh)-8.3(t-click)-10.2( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.8(e A)-5(c)-1.7(tion)-8.3( List edito)-8.1(r)-2.5( )12(a)-5.9(n)-8.3(d )12(ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se New A)-5(c)-1.7(tio)-8.1(n)3.8( to)-8.1( a)6.1(dd a)6.1(n)-8.3(ot)-11.3(her a)6.1(c)-1.7(ti)-10.1(on)-8.3( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0009 Tc +-0.0099 Tw +[(\(no)-7.3(t)1.6( pro)-7.3(v)-0.4(ided by def)8.6(a)-5.1(ul)-9.3(t\))8.6(. A)-4.2(c)-0.9(tio)-7.3(n)4.6(1)-5.1( is)-8.8( a)6.9(dded by defa)6.9(u)-10.6(l)2.7(t. In th)-7.5(e Obj)-6.1(e)-2(ct Ins)-8.8(p)-0.5(ector, set )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0102 Tc +0 Tw +[(it)10.9(s)12.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.3012 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( property)-9.7( to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( !)12.1()0( )12.1()0()12.1(")12.1(#$)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +-10.0723 -1.6626 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(is s)-9.7(a)6(m)-8.6(e)-2.9( )12(a)-6(c)-1.8(tio)-8.2(n)3.7( w)-9.4(ill be us)-9.7(e)9.1(d)-3.5( o)-8.2(n)3.7( a)-6( )12(m)-8.6(e)-2.9(nu)-11.5( )12(a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( a)-6( butto)-8.2(n. L)-3.5(a)6(t)-11.3(e)9.1(r o)-8.2(n)3.7(, yo)-8.2(ull a)-6(d)-3.5(d)-3.5( )12(a)-6(n)-8.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(even)-6.4(t h)5.7(a)-4(n)5.7(d)-1.5(ler s)4.3(o)-6.2( it w)4.7(i)3.8(l)-8.2(l)3.8( update )12(t)-9.4(h)5.7(e da)8(tabas)4.3(e)-0.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 602.9603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 602.9603 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(Cl)-10.7(ick \()-4.8(N)-0.8(o Ca)-6.5(tego)-8.7(ry\))-4.8(,)8.5( rig)-10.8(h)3.2(t-)-4.8(cli)-10.7(c)-2.3(k an)-8.9(d)-4( c)9.8(h)-8.9(oo)-8.7(se New)-9.9( )12(A)-5.6(c)-2.3(ti)-10.7(on to)-8.7( ad)-4(d)-4( a)-6.5(n)3.2(o)-8.7(t)0.2(her a)-6.5(c)9.8(t)-11.9(i)1.3(on)-8.9(. )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0047 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(Act)5.4(i)6.5(on)8.4(2 i)6.5(s)7( added)13.3(.)1.7( Set)5.4( i)6.5(t)5.4(s)7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +10.9036 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.3(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.01 Tw +[( pro)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )-12(to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(%&')12.1( )12.1(\()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 575.4803 Tm +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 575.4803 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( \()7.9(i)-10(n th)-8.2(e)9.3( up)-13.3(per)9.7( rig)-10.1(h)3.9(t co)-8(r)9.7(n)-8.2(er\))7.9( to)-8( clos)-9.5(e )12(t)-11.1(h)3.9(e A)-4.9(c)-1.6(tion)-8.2( List edito)-8(r)-2.4(.)]TJ +-4.8675 -1.6627 TD +0.0003 Tc +[(Y)-7.4(o)4.1(u)-11.2()1.2(ve )12(a)-5.7(dded three sta)-5.7(n)4(da)-5.7(rd )12(a)-5.7(c)-1.5(tio)-7.9(n)4(s)-9.4( plus tw)-9.1(o o)-7.9(t)1(her a)6.3(c)-1.5(t)-11.1(i)2.1(on)-8.1(s th)-8.1(a)6.3(t)1( yo)-7.9(ul)-9.9(l)2.1( con)-8.1(n)4(ect to)-7.9( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(even)-6.6(t h)5.5(a)-4.2(n)5.5(d)-1.7(lers)4.1( later. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 531.4403 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(10)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 531.4403 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +ET +q +142.439 497.48 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 497.48 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 496.4 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 502.4003 Tm +-0.0154 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(Adding a)6.4( men)11(u)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 478.2803 Tm +-0.0011 Tc +0.0041 Tw +[(In)-9.5( thi)-11.3(s)1.2( sectio)-9.3(n, yo)-9.3(ull a)-7.1(d)-4.6(d)-4.6( a m)-9.7(a)4.9(in)-9.5( men)-9.5(u)-0.5( bar w)-10.5(i)0.7(th tw)-10.5(o d)-4.6(r)-3.7(op)-14.6(-)6.6(d)-4.6(o)-9.3(w)1.6(n)-9.5( )12(m)-9.7(e)-4(nu)-12.6(sFi)-11.3(le an)-9.5(d)-4.6( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +[(E)-4.6(d)-4.6(i)0.7(t)-13.1(an)-9.5(d)-4.6( you)-12.6()-0.2(ll a)-7.1(d)-4.6(d)7.5( m)-9.7(e)-4(nu it)-12.5(ems to)-9.3( each)-9.5( one us)-10.8(ing)-11.4( the a)-7.1(c)-2.9(tion)-9.5(s in)-9.5( the a)-7.1(c)-2.9(tion)-9.5( list)-12.4(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 450.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 450.8003 Tm +0.0005 Tc +-0.0336 Tw +[(F)-9.8(r)10(o)-7.7(m)-8.1( th)-7.9(e S)-4.6(t)1.2(a)-5.5(n)4.2(da)-5.5(rd pa)-5.5(ge )-12(of)-3.9( th)-7.9(e Co)-7.7(mp)-13(on)-7.9(e)9.6(n)-7.9(t )-12(pa)6.5(l)-9.7(e)9.6(t)-10.8(t)1.2(e,)9.5( )-12(drop )-12(a)-5.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.6988 0 TD +0.0031 Tc +0 Tw +[(TMain)4.9(M)-4.7(e)6.6(n)4.9(u)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.3012 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +-0.0344 Tw +[( co)-6.9(m)4.8(p)-0.1(o)-6.9(n)5(en)-7.1(t )]TJ +-31 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(o)-8.1(n)3.8(to)-8.1( the form)-8.5(. )12(D)-9(r)-2.5(a)6.1(g)-10.2( )12(i)-10.1(t)0.8( next to)-8.1( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.8(e oth)-8.3(e)-2.8(r non)-8.3(v)-1.2(is)-9.6(ua)6.1(l)-10.1( c)10.4(o)-8.1(m)-8.5(p)-1.3(on)-8.3(e)9.2(n)-8.3(ts.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 423.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 423.3203 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(S)-5.3(e)-3.1(t th)-8.6(e)8.9( m)-8.8(a)5.8(i)-10.4(n)3.5( m)-8.8(e)8.9(n)-8.6(u)0.4(s)-9.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.2651 0 TD +0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(Image)7.8(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )12.1( )12.1(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( to)5.2( as)3.7(s)3.7(o)-6.8(ciate th)5.1(e im)-7.2(a)7.4(g)-8.9(e )12(l)-8.8(i)3.2(s)3.7(t)2.1( w)-8(i)3.2(th)-7( )]TJ +-22.0482 -1.1084 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(th)-7.2(e m)4.7(e)-1.7(n)-7.2(u)1.8( item)4.7(s)-8.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 395.7203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 395.7203 Tm +0.0097 Tc +-0.0067 Tw +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( t)10.4(h)1.3(e)18.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.5181 0 TD +0.0031 Tc +0 Tw +[(TMain)4.9(M)-4.7(e)6.6(n)-7.2(u)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.3012 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[( com)-9(p)-1.8(on)-8.8(ent to)-8.6( d)8.2(i)-10.6(spla)-6.4(y th)-8.8(e )12(M)-6.2(e)-3.3(n)-8.8(u)0.2( Desi)-10.6(gner.)]TJ +ET +q +105.719 457.64 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 457.64 22.44 -22.44 re +f +Q +q +106.079 457.64 22.44 -21.48 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.44 106.0791 435.2003 cm +/Im17 Do +Q +Q +1 g +154.439 386.48 98.04 -78.84 re +f +q +98.04 0 0 78.84 154.439 307.6403 cm +/Im18 Do +Q +endstream +endobj +417 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im17 418 0 R +/Im18 419 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +421 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +403 0 obj +<< +/P 396 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 375 0 R +/N 422 0 R +>> +endobj +423 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +424 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 442 null] +>> +endobj +425 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 415 null] +>> +endobj +426 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 376 null] +>> +endobj +427 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 338 null] +>> +endobj +428 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 310 null] +>> +endobj +429 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 283 null] +>> +endobj +430 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 255 null] +>> +endobj +431 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 228 null] +>> +endobj +432 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 141 211 null] +>> +endobj +433 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 250 650 null] +>> +endobj +434 0 obj +<< +/D [420 0 R /XYZ 250 594 null] +>> +endobj +435 0 obj +<< +/Length 9595 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(10)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3091 Tc +-0.0039 Tw +[(D)6(e)-0.9(sig)16.7(n)-0.9(ing th)16.7(e use)16.7(r)-11.8( in)16.7(ter)5.8(f)3.9(ace)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0018 Tc +[(Ty)-8.5(pe )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.5181 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +[(&\012 )12.1( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[( to)-7.8( set the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.506 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.3(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[( pro)-6.5(p)0.3(erty o)5.5(f)-2.6( th)5.4(e firs)4(t)-9.6( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.5(p-level m)5.2(e)-1.2(n)-6.7(u)2.3( item)-6.9( a)7.7(n)-6.7(d )12(pres)-8(s)4( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 154.439 657.3203 Tm +0.0089 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)6.6(t)7.7(e)6.6(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 174.119 657.3203 Tm +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 432.8003 Tm +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 432.8003 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(S)-4.7(e)-2.5(lect the bla)-5.6(n)4.1(k)-9.9( )12(m)-8.2(e)-2.5(nu item)-8.2( )12(bel)-9.8(o)4.2(w)-9( )12(th)-8(e )12(F)-9.9(ile menu)-11.1(. )12(S)-4.7(e)-2.5(t )12(t)-10.9(h)4.1(e bla)-5.6(n)4.1(k men)-8(u)1( item)-8.2(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +33.4578 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)9.5(i)-9.4(o)12.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-36.2048 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(pro)-7.6(p)-0.8(erty to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\))12.1( )12.1(*)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(. A)-4.7(n)4.1( E)-3.1(x)-1.7(it m)-8.2(e)-2.5(nu item)-8.2( appea)-5.6(r)-2.2(s un)-8(d)-3.1(e)-2.5(r)9.9( th)-8(e File m)-8.2(e)-2.5(nu. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 405.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 405.3203 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Cl)-10.3(ick th)-8.5(e)9( s)-9.8(e)9(co)-8.3(nd)-3.6( to)-8.3(p-)-4.4(level men)-8.5(u)0.5( item)-8.7( )12(\()-4.5(t)0.6(o)-8.3( the righ)-8.5(t of)-4.4( Fil)-10.3(e)9(\))-4.4(. S)-5.2(e)9(t)-11.4( )12(i)-10.3(t)0.6(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +28.747 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.4(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[( pro)-5.6(p)1.2(er)12.1(t)-8.7(y)4.4( )]TJ +-31.988 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0 Tw +[(to)-8.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.1325 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[(&%)-12.1( )-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(a)-6.6(n)3.1(d)-4.1( pre)-3.5(ss )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 237.119 394.2803 Tm +0.0089 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)6.6(t)7.7(e)6.6(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 256.799 394.2803 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(.)9.1( S)-5(e)-2.8(lect th)-8.3(e)9.2( bl)-10.1(an)-8.3(k men)-8.3(u)0.7( item)-8.5( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.8(a)-5.9(t)0.8( appea)-5.9(r)-2.5(s un)-8.3(d)-3.4(e)9.2(r th)-8.3(e E)8.7(d)-3.4(i)-10.1(t)0.8( )]TJ +-10.2771 -1.0964 TD +0.0086 Tc +0 Tw +[(me)5.7(n)12.3(u)9.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 366.8003 Tm +0 Tc +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 366.8003 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the Ob)-13(ject Ins)-9.4(p)-1.1(ector, set th)-8.1(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.6867 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)22.3(t)8.5(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.01 Tw +[( pro)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )-12(to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(% )12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +-0.0058 Tc +0.0088 Tw +[( an)-14.2(d)-9.3( p)-7.2(r)-8.4(es)-15.5(s )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 455.999 366.8003 Tm +0 Tw +[(En)-8.1(t)-7(e)-8.1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 475.559 366.8003 Tm +0.0025 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(. Th)6.2(e )]TJ +-32.241 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(i)-10.9(t)0(ems)-10.4( )12(ca)-6.7(ptio)-8.9(n is)-10.4( a)5.3(u)-12.2(tom)-9.3(a)5.3(ti)-10.9(ca)5.3(l)-10.9(ly set to)-8.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +16.4096 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3133 0 TD +0.0049 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[( an)8.6(d a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.9639 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(de)8.7(f)-6(a)3.4(u)7(l)6.1(t )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0361 0 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(cut bitm)-8.6(a)6(p)-1.4( a)-6(ppea)-6(r)-2.6(s on)-8.4( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.7(e )]TJ +-23.7229 -1.0964 TD +0.0086 Tc +0 Tw +[(me)5.7(n)12.3(u)9.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 328.2803 Tm +0 Tc +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 328.2803 Tm +-0.0019 Tc +-0.0312 Tw +[(S)-7(e)-4.8(le)-4.8(c)-3.7(t)-1.2( the)-4.8( ne)-4.8(x)-4(t)-1.2( bla)-7.9(n)1.8(k)-12.2( )12.1(m)-10.5(e)-4.8(nu ite)-4.8(m)-10.5( )12.1(\()-6.2(u)-1.3(n)-10.3(d)-5.4(e)7.2(r)-4.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.3855 0 TD +-0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(Cu)-14.6(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.5663 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0476 Tw +[(\) )-12.1(a)8.4(n)-6(d s)-7.3(e)-0.5(t i)4.2(t)-8.9(s)4.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.1566 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)9.5(i)2.7(on)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +-0.0455 Tw +[( pro)-7.9(p)-1.1(erty )-12.1(to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(%)12.1()0( )12.1()12.1(!+)12.1()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-36.241 -1.0964 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(\(a d)8.6(e)-6(fault copy)8.6( b)-4.3(i)3.5(t)10.3(m)-2.5(ap ap)8.6(pe)6.1(ar)-6(s)6.1( on th)8.6(e)-6( me)6.1(nu)-7.7(\))]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +17.9036 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 300.8003 Tm +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 300.8003 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(S)-4.9(e)-2.7(lect th)-8.2(e )12(n)-8.2(e)-2.7(xt bla)-5.8(n)3.9(k m)-8.4(e)-2.7(nu it)-11.1(e)9.3(m)-8.4( \()-4.1(u)0.8(nd)-3.3(er )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.6627 0 TD +-0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(Co)-6.1(p)-10.3(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1205 0 TD +-0.0018 Tc +0.0048 Tw +[(\))5.9( a)-7.8(n)1.9(d)-5.3( se)-4.7(t it)-13.1(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.3133 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)9.5(i)-9.4(on)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[( property)-9.6( )12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-27.8434 -1.1084 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(%)12.1( )12.1( \015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0.0033 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[( \()11(a)1.5( de)6.8(fau)-7(l)4.2(t )12(pas)-5.3(t)11(e)-5.3( )12(b)-3.6(i)4.2(tmap)9.3( app)9.3(e)-5.3(ar)6.8(s)-5.3( )12(on)-7( t)11(h)-2.7(e)6.8( me)6.8(n)-7(u)5.1(\))]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +18.3614 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 273.3204 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +(10)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 273.3204 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(S)-4.9(e)-2.7(lect th)-8.2(e )12(n)-8.2(e)-2.7(xt bla)-5.8(n)3.9(k m)-8.4(e)-2.7(nu it)-11.1(e)9.3(m)-8.4( \()-4.1(u)0.8(nd)-3.3(er )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.6627 0 TD +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +[(Pas)6.2(t)-1.6(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1687 0 TD +-0.0025 Tc +0.0055 Tw +[(\))-6.8( an)-10.9(d)-6( se)-5.4(t its )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.3133 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.4(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[( )12(p)-12.5(r)10.5(o)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty to)-7.2( a)7( )]TJ +-28.3855 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(h)-7.6(y)2.6(ph)-7.6(e)9.9(n)-7.6( \()-3.6(-)8.5(\) to crea)-5.2(te a)6.8( divider lin)-7.6(e in th)-7.6(e menu)-10.7(.)9.8( P)-9.7(r)-1.8(e)9.9(s)-8.9(s )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 388.319 262.2803 Tm +-0.0058 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)-8.1(t)-7(e)-8.1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 407.879 262.2803 Tm +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 245.8403 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +(11)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 245.8403 Tm +0.0013 Tc +-0.0344 Tw +[(Select th)-7.1(e n)5(e)-1.6(xt )-12(blan)5(k m)-7.3(e)-1.6(n)5(u)-10.2( item)-7.3( \()9(u)-10.2(n)5(d)-2.2(er th)-7.1(e divider lin)-7.1(e\) a)7.3(n)-7.1(d s)3.6(e)-1.6(t i)-8.9(t)2(s)3.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +29.3494 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.0221 Tw +[( pr)10.5(o)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )]TJ +-32.1084 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0 Tw +[(to)-8.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.1325 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[(\))-12.1( )-12.1()-12.1()0()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0.0033 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(. )12(The)6.8( me)6.8(n)-7(u)5.1( ite)6.8(m)-1.8( d)9.3(i)4.2(s)-5.3(p)9.3(l)-7.9(a)1.5(y)9.3(s)-5.3( U)10.2(pdat)11(e)-5.3( N)10.2(o)1.5(w!)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 218.2404 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(12)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 218.2404 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[( to)5.7( clo)-6.3(s)4.2(e th)5.6(e Men)5.6(u)-9.6( )12(D)-7.2(e)-1(s)4.2(i)3.7(g)-8.4(n)5.6(er. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 201.8004 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(13)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 201.8004 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +ET +1 g +340.559 647.96 97.92 -78.84 re +f +q +340.559 647.96 97.92 -78.84 re +W* n +q +97.92 0 0 78.84 340.559 569.1204 cm +/Im19 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 251.039 642.3203 Tm +0 g +0.0009 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(Wh)-18(en y)-21.8(ou typ)-18(e)-0.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +8.4 0 0 8.4 299.519 642.3203 Tm +0.0039 Tc +0 Tw +[(&\012 )-14.2()]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 318.119 642.3203 Tm +0 Tc +( )Tj +-9.7387 -1.0429 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0159 Tw +[(and pre)-16.6(ss )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 283.559 633.5603 Tm +0.0124 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)10.9(t)11.7(e)10.9(r)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 300.239 633.5603 Tm +0.0009 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(, the)-18( )]TJ +-7.1429 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0193 Tw +[(top-)-12.8(level F)3.8(ile com)-18.1(m)-0.6(an)-16.3(d )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(appe)-16.7(ars )-17.5(rea)-16.7(d)0.7(y for)-13.2( you)-16.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(to ad)-17.4(d th)-17.4(e fir)-13.9(s)-3.7(t me)-17.4(nu )]TJ +T* +-0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(it)-31.1(e)-14.4(m)-16.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(The)-17.4( am)-19.2(persa)-17.4(nd )-17.5(befo)-17.4(r)3.5(e )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0023 Tc +-0.0887 Tw +[(a char)-13.1(acte)-16.6(r activa)-16.6(tes an)-16.6( )]TJ +T* +0.0032 Tc +-0.0025 Tw +[(acceler)-12.2(a)1.7(to)-15.7(r)5.2( key.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 647.96 76.08 -197.64 re +f +q +154.439 647.96 76.08 -197.64 re +W* n +q +76.08 0 0 197.64 154.439 450.3203 cm +/Im20 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +436 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im19 437 0 R +/Im20 438 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +440 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +441 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 391 null] +>> +endobj +442 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 391 null] +>> +endobj +443 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 374 413 null] +>> +endobj +444 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 359 null] +>> +endobj +445 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 412 304 null] +>> +endobj +446 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 391 null] +>> +endobj +447 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 359 null] +>> +endobj +422 0 obj +<< +/P 420 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 403 0 R +/N 448 0 R +>> +endobj +449 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +450 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 455 null] +>> +endobj +451 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 406 null] +>> +endobj +452 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 381 null] +>> +endobj +453 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 353 null] +>> +endobj +454 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 314 null] +>> +endobj +455 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 298 null] +>> +endobj +456 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 270 null] +>> +endobj +457 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 254 null] +>> +endobj +458 0 obj +<< +/Length 5557 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 261.959 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +-0.0179 Tw +[(Cre)18.8(a)0.3(ti)17.4(ng a dat)17.9(aba)18.8(se appl)17.4(i)17.4(c)-0.3(at)17.9(ion)18.8( )-18.5(us)18.2(in)18.8(g )-18.4(t)17.9(he )18.5(Del)17.4(p)0.3(h)18.8(i)-1.1( IDE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(11)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 374.759 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.1101 Tw +[(D)6.2(e)-0.7(sig)16.9(n)-0.7(ing the)16.9( )-17.7(us)14(er)6( inter)6(f)4.1(ac)14(e)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(14)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 668.3604 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.8391 668.3604 Tm +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[( )12(o)-8.6(r)-3( Run)-8.8( on)-8.8( the too)-8.6(l)1.4(ba)-6.4(r to run)-8.8( you)-11.9(r)9.1( pro)-8.6(g)1.4(ra)-6.4(m a)-6.4(n)3.3(d see ho)-8.6(w it lo)-8.6(ok)-10.7(s.)]TJ +-4.759 -22.3494 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(Man)5.9(y)-8.1( )12(o)-6(f)-2.1( )12(t)-9.2(h)5.9(e co)6(m)-6.4(m)5.7(an)5.9(ds)-7.5( )12(o)-6(n)5.9( th)-6.2(e E)10.8(d)-1.3(i)-8(t)2.9( m)5.7(e)-0.7(n)5.9(u)-9.3( )12(an)-6.2(d )12(th)-6.2(e n)5.9(a)-3.8(vigatio)-6(n)5.9( bar a)8.2(r)-0.4(e o)6(p)0.8(eratio)-6(n)5.9(a)-3.8(l at )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0004 Tc +-0.0215 Tw +[(th)-8(is ti)-9.8(me. Copy)-9.9( a)6.4(n)-8(d )12(Cu)-11.1(t a)6.4(r)-2.2(e gra)-5.6(y)2.2(ed on)-8( the Edit m)-8.2(e)9.5(n)-8(u)1( un)-8(til yo)-7.8(u select)-10.9( )12(s)-9.3(o)4.2(m)-8.2(e)-2.5( )12(t)-11(e)9.5(xt)-10.9( )12(i)-9.8(n)4.1( th)-8(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(databa)7.9(s)-7.8(e)-1(.)10.9( Y)-5.8(o)5.7(u can)5.6( us)-7.8(e )12(t)-9.4(h)5.6(e n)5.6(a)-4.1(vig)-8.4(a)7.9(ti)-8.3(o)5.7(n)-6.5( )12(bar to)5.7( m)-6.7(o)5.7(ve fro)5.7(m)-6.7( )12(reco)-6.3(rd )12(t)-9.5(o)5.7( reco)5.7(rd in)5.6( th)-6.5(e )]TJ +T* +0.0025 Tc +-0.0236 Tw +[(databa)8.5(s)-7.2(e)-0.4(,)11.5( in)-5.9(sert a )12(reco)-5.7(rd)11.1(, o)-5.7(r)12( delete a )12(reco)-5.7(rd.)11.5( Th)-5.9(e )12(Update co)6.3(m)-6.1(m)6(an)6.2(d do)6.3(es)-7.2( )12(n)-5.9(o)6.3(t w)-6.9(o)6.3(rk y)-7.8(e)11.6(t)-8.8(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Cl)-8.6(o)5.4(s)3.9(e th)-6.8(e )12(appli)-8.6(c)-0.2(a)7.6(t)2.3(i)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8( )12(w)-7.8(h)5.3(en)-6.8( yo)5.4(u)-9.9()2.5(re )12(ready to)5.4( co)-6.6(n)5.3(t)2.3(i)-8.6(n)5.3(ue.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 362.36 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 362.36 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 361.28 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 367.2803 Tm +-0.0172 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(Adding a)4.6( b)19.3(u)-10.9(tton)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 343.1603 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(Th)-8.9(is s)-10.2(e)8.6(ct)-11.9(ion)-8.9( d)8.1(e)-3.4(s)-10.2(c)-2.3(ribes ho)-8.7(w to)-8.7( ad)-4(d)-4( an)-8.9( U)-5.6(p)-1.9(d)8.1(a)-6.5(te No)-8.7(w butt)-11.9(on)-8.9( )12(t)-11.8(o)3.3( the a)-6.5(pplica)-6.5(t)0.2(io)-8.7(n. Th)-8.9(is )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(bu)-11.8(tton)-8.7( is us)-10(e)8.8(d)-3.8( to)-8.5( appl)-10.5(y an)-8.7(y ed)-3.8(its)-10( )12(th)-8.7(a)-6.3(t)0.4( a us)-10(e)8.8(r)-2.9( m)-8.9(a)5.7(k)-10.6(e)-3.2(s to th)-8.7(e d)8.3(a)-6.3(ta)-6.3(ba)-6.3(se, )12(s)-10(u)0.3(ch a)-6.3(s)2( ed)-3.8(itin)-8.7(g )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(reco)-6(r)11.7(d)-1.3(s)-7.5(,)11.2( addin)5.9(g)-8.1( n)5.9(e)-0.7(w)4.9( reco)6(rds)-7.5(,)11.2( o)-6(r)-0.4( )12(deleti)-8(n)5.9(g)-8.1( )12(reco)-6(r)11.7(d)-1.3(s)-7.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(To a)9.5(dd a )12(bu)-8(tto)7.3(n:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 288.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 288.0803 Tm +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(F)-8(r)11.8(o)-5.9(m)-6.3( )12(th)-6.1(e S)9.2(t)-9(a)8.3(n)-6.1(da)8.3(rd page o)6.1(f)-2( th)6(e Co)6.1(m)-6.3(p)0.9(o)-5.9(n)6(en)6(t)-9( )12(palett)-9.1(e)11.4(,)-0.7( dro)6.1(p)0.9( a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.9759 0 TD +0.0035 Tc +0 Tw +[(TB)12.1(u)-6.8(t)-0.9(t)11.2(o)1.7(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.4578 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( )12(o)-6.9(n)5(to)-6.9( the f)-3.1(o)5.1(rm)-7.3(. )]TJ +-29.4337 -1.0964 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(\(Select th)5.3(e co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)5.3(t)-9.8( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(en)5.3( cli)-8.6(c)-0.2(k th)5.3(e fo)5.4(rm)-7( n)5.3(e)-1.3(xt to)-6.6( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e n)5.3(a)-4.4(vig)-8.7(a)7.6(ti)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8( )12(bar.\))]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 260.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 260.6003 Tm +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[(S)-6(e)-3.8(t th)-9.3(e)8.2( bu)-12.4(tton)-9.3()0(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.1325 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( pro)-6.8(p)0(e)10.5(r)-1.2(t)-10(y)3.2( to)5.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\))12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-18.506 -1.6506 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(Th)-8.9(e butto)-8.7(ns)-10.2( )12(ca)-6.5(ptio)-8.7(n ch)-8.9(an)-8.9(ges to)-8.7( U)6.4(p)-1.9(d)-4(a)-6.5(te No)-8.7(w! Wh)-8.9(en yo)-8.7(u run th)-8.9(e appl)-10.7(icat)-11.8(ion)-8.9(,)-3.5( )12(i)-10.7(t)0.2( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(w)-10.1(ill be gra)-6.7(y)1.1(ed)-4.2( ou)-12.2(t unti)-10.9(l an)-9.1( eve)8.4(n)-9.1(t ha)-6.7(n)-9.1(d)7.9(l)-10.9(e)-3.6(r)8.8( is)-10.4( ad)-4.2(d)-4.2(e)-3.6(d)-4.2( to m)-9.3(a)5.3(k)-11(e)-3.6( )12(i)-10.9(t)0( work)-11(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 659 207.24 -194.4 re +f +q +154.439 659 207.24 -194.4 re +W* n +q +207.24 0 0 194.4 154.439 464.6003 cm +/Im21 Do +Q +Q +q +105.719 295.04 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +106.079 295.04 22.44 -22.44 re +f +Q +q +106.079 295.04 22.44 -21.48 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.44 106.0791 272.6003 cm +/Im22 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +459 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im21 460 0 R +/Im22 461 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +463 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +464 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +465 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 153 323 null] +>> +endobj +466 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 412 627 null] +>> +endobj +467 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 419 351 null] +>> +endobj +468 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +469 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +470 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +471 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +448 0 obj +<< +/P 439 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 422 0 R +/N 472 0 R +>> +endobj +473 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +474 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +475 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 620 null] +>> +endobj +476 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 593 null] +>> +endobj +477 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 566 null] +>> +endobj +478 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 361 null] +>> +endobj +479 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 344 null] +>> +endobj +480 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 317 null] +>> +endobj +481 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 289 null] +>> +endobj +482 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 141 240 null] +>> +endobj +483 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 236 507 null] +>> +endobj +484 0 obj +<< +/D [462 0 R /XYZ 236 460 null] +>> +endobj +485 0 obj +<< +/Length 8848 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(12)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.0041 Tw +[(D)6.2(i)1.1(spla)16.9(ying)16.9( a title an)16.9(d an im)11.2(age)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0274 Tc +-0.0033 Tw +[(Dis)-8.7(p)3.7(l)-5.2(a)16.9(yi)-5.2(ng a)-8.7( ti)-5.2(tle )-8.5(and )-8.5(an i)-5.2(m)0.3(a)8.4(g)-13.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +-0.001 Tc +0.004 Tw +[(Y)-8.7(o)2.8(u)-12.5( )12(ca)-7(n a)-7(d)-4.5(d)-4.5( a com)-9.6(p)-2.4(a)-7(n)2.7(y ti)-11.2(tle an)-9.4(d)-4.5( an)-9.4( ima)-7(g)0.8(e to)-9.2( ma)-7(ke yo)-9.2(ur )12(a)-7(ppli)-11.2(c)-2.8(ati)-11.2(o)2.8(n)-9.4( )12(l)-11.2(o)2.8(o)-9.2(k)0.8( mo)-9.2(re )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0075 Tc +0 Tw +[(p)6.1(r)4.9(of)15.2(e)4.6(s)-2.2(s)9.8(i)9.3(on)11.2(al)9.3(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 611.0003 Tm +0 Tc +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 611.0003 Tm +0.0012 Tc +-0.0102 Tw +[(F)-9.1(r)10.7(o)-7(m)-7.4( th)-7.2(e S)-3.9(t)1.9(a)-4.8(n)4.9(da)-4.8(rd pa)-4.8(ge )-12(of t)-10.1(h)4.9(e C)-12.7(o)5(m)-7.4(p)-0.2(on)-7.2(e)10.3(n)-7.2(t )-12(pa)7.2(l)-9(e)-1.7(tte, drop )-12(a)-4.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.9398 0 TD +0.0039 Tc +0 Tw +[(TL)5.7(abe)7.4(l)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.0082 Tc +-0.0172 Tw +[( c)6.4(o)0(m)11.7(p)6.8(on)11.9(e)5.3(n)-0.2(t)8.9( on)11.9(t)8.9(o)0( )]TJ +-28.6988 -1.1084 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(th)-9(e f)7.1(o)-8.8(rm. Ky)-10.9(lix na)-6.6(m)-9.2(e)-3.5(s thi)-10.8(s)1.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +11.9639 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Lab)-7.4(e)3(l1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[( by def)8.9(a)-4.8(ult)-10.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 583.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 583.5203 Tm +0.0003 Tc +-0.0334 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the O)-8.9(b)-0.9(ject In)-8.1(spector, ch)-8.1(a)6.3(n)-8.1(ge the la)-5.7(bels)-9.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.4337 0 TD +-0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-6.1(p)-10.3(t)3.4(i)-15.5(o)-6.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0345 Tw +[( pro)5.2(p)0(erty)-8.9( )12.1(t)-9.9(o)5.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.4337 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(,)12.1( )12.1()72.3()12.1(!)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3494 0 TD +0.0083 Tc +-0.0414 Tw +[( or)5.7( a)14.3(n)-0.1(o)12.1(t)9(he)5.4(r)5.7( )]TJ +-31.4458 -1.1084 TD +-0.0028 Tc +0.0058 Tw +[(c)-4.6(o)-11(mpa)-8.8(n)0.9(y)-13.1( na)-8.8(me)-5.7(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 556.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 556.0403 Tm +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(Ch)-9(an)-9(ge th)-9(e)8.5( co)-8.8(mpa)-6.6(n)3.1(y)-10.9( na)-6.6(mes)-10.3( )12(f)-4.9(o)-8.8(nt by)-10.9( )12(cl)-10.8(ickin)-9(g th)-9(e)8.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +21.8675 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fo)8.5(n)12.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9036 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +-0.0096 Tw +[( pro)-7.6(p)-0.8(erty. )-12(Click)-9.7( t)-10.7(h)4.3(e )-12(ellips)-9.1(i)2.4(s )]TJ +-23.7711 -1.1084 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(th)-8.2(a)-5.8(t)0.9( a)6.2(ppea)-5.8(r)-2.4(s on)-8.2( the righ)-8.2(t a)-5.8(n)3.9(d in th)-8.2(e Fon)-8.2(t)0.9( dia)-5.8(l)2(og)-10.1( )12(b)-13.1(o)4(x, cha)-5.8(n)3.9(g)-10.1(e)9.3( th)-8.2(e f)7.9(o)-8(nt to)-8( Helvetica)-5.8( )]TJ +T* +0.0003 Tc +[(B)-3.2(o)-7.9(ld)-3.2(, )12(1)-5.7(6)-5.7(-)8(p)-13.2(o)4.1(in)-8.1(t type. Click)-10( )12(O)-8.9(K)3.4(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 351.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 351.0803 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(P)-10.4(o)3.9(si)-10.1(tion)-8.3( the la)-5.9(bel in)-8.3( the upper righ)-8.3(t corn)-8.3(er)9.6(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 334.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 334.5203 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(F)-9.6(r)10.2(o)-7.5(m)-7.9( )12(th)-7.7(e A)7.6(ddi)-9.5(tion)-7.7(a)6.7(l)-9.5( pa)6.7(g)-9.6(e)9.8( o)-7.5(f)8.4( th)-7.7(e Com)-7.9(p)-0.7(on)-7.7(ent pa)-5.3(lette, drop a)-5.3( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +26.759 0 TD +-0.0073 Tc +0 Tw +[(TI)-11.6(m)-12.4(a)-9.1(ge)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0602 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( co)5.4(m)-7(p)0.2(o)5.4(n)-6.8(en)5.3(t )]TJ +-29.8193 -1.0964 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(n)-7.9(e)-2.4(xt to th)-7.9(e )12(l)-9.7(a)6.5(bel. K)-8.4(ylix n)-7.9(a)6.5(m)-8.1(e)-2.4(s th)-7.9(e)9.6( co)-7.7(mpo)-7.7(n)4.2(en)-7.9(t )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +20.2289 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Im)-10.7(a)-7.4(g)-11.6(e1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.9518 0 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[( by def)8.9(a)-4.8(ult)-10.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 307.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 307.0403 Tm +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(To)-7( a)7.2(dd a)-4.8(n)4.9( im)-7.4(a)7.2(g)-9.1(e)10.3( to)-7( the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +10.4699 0 TD +0.0051 Tc +0 Tw +[(Imag)11.1(e1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.9518 0 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[( co)-7.4(m)4.3(p)-0.6(o)-7.4(n)4.5(en)-7.6(t,)9.8( cl)-9.4(ick th)-7.6(e)9.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.6867 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0 Tw +[(Pictu)4.2(r)-6.2(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.9759 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[( property)-9.9(.)9.4( Cl)-9.8(ick th)-8(e)9.5( )]TJ +-26.0843 -1.1084 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(ell)-9.3(i)2.7(ps)3.2(i)-9.3(s)3.2( to)4.7( dis)-8.8(p)-0.5(la)6.9(y)-9.4( th)4.6(e Pi)-9.3(c)11.2(t)-10.4(ure )12(edi)-9.3(t)1.6(o)4.7(r)-1.7(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 279.5604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 279.5604 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(In)-8.4( the Pi)-10.2(cture e)9.1(d)-3.5(i)-10.2(t)0.7(or, cho)-8.2(o)3.8(se L)-3.5(o)-8.2(ad)-3.5( a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( na)-6(viga)-6(te to)-8.2( )12(t)-11.4(h)3.7(e icon)-8.4(s d)-3.5(i)1.8(recto)-8.2(r)-2.6(y provid)-3.5(ed)-3.5( )]TJ +T* +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(w)-8.8(i)2.4(th)-7.8( )12(t)-10.7(h)4.3(e product. Th)-7.8(e )12(defa)-5.4(ult lo)-7.6(ca)6.6(ti)-9.6(on)-7.8( )12(i)-9.6(s)2.9( {ins)-9.1(ta)6.6(l)-9.6(l)2.4( directory}/)-7.9(i)2.4(ma)-5.4(ges)-9.1(/)4.2(ico)-7.6(n)4.3(s)-9.1(.)9.6( F)-9.7(o)4.4(r )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(exa)-6.4(m)3.1(pl)-10.6(e,)8.6( if)-4.7( Ky)-10.7(lix is)-10.1( )12(i)-10.6(n)3.3(st)-11.8(all)-10.6(e)-3.3(d)-3.9( )12(i)-10.6(n)3.3( yo)-8.6(ur /us)-10.1(r)-3(/lo)-8.6(c)-2.2(al)-10.6(/ky)-10.7(lix d)-3.9(i)1.4(rectory)-10.7(,)-3.4( )12(l)-10.6(o)3.4(o)-8.6(k)1.4( in /)-8.9(u)0.2(sr/)]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(l)-11.7(o)2.3(ca)-7.5(l/k)-11.8(ylix/)-10(i)0.3(m)-10.1(a)4.5(g)-11.8(e)-4.4(s/i)-11.7(c)-3.3(ons)-11.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 230.0004 Tm +0 Tc +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 230.0004 Tm +0.0009 Tc +-0.0099 Tw +[(D)-8.2(o)4.7(ub)-12.4(le-)8.6(c)-0.9(l)-9.3(i)2.7(ck ea)6.9(rt)-10.4(h)4.6(.)-2.1(ico)-7.3(.)9.9( Cli)-9.3(c)-0.9(k OK)-8( )12.1(t)-10.4(o)4.7( lo)-7.3(a)6.9(d)-2.6( th)-7.5(e)10( pi)-9.3(cture )12.1(an)-7.5(d )12.1(to)-7.3( clo)4.7(s)-8.8(e )12.1(t)-10.5(h)4.6(e Pictu)-10.6(r)-1.7(e)10( edito)-7.3(r)-1.7(. )]TJ +ET +q +105.719 617.84 22.8 -21.36 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 617.84 22.44 -22.32 re +f +Q +q +106.079 617.84 22.44 -21.36 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.32 106.0791 595.5203 cm +/Im23 Do +Q +Q +1 g +154.439 524.72 74.4 -134.4 re +f +q +74.4 0 0 134.4 154.439 390.3203 cm +/Im24 Do +Q +307.919 524.72 203.16 -155.28 re +f +q +307.919 524.72 203.16 -155.28 re +W* n +q +203.16 0 0 155.28 307.919 369.4403 cm +/Im25 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 236.879 499.0403 Tm +0 g +0.0021 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[(Y)-10.3(o)0.6(u)-16.8( can)-16.8( chan)-16.8(ge t)-16.1(he )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(f)-16.4(ont o)-17.1(f)1.1( th)-17.1(e labe)-17.1(l )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(u)-17(s)-3.3(ing t)-16.3(he )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 267.119 481.5203 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(F)-14.7(ont)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 281.039 481.5203 Tm +0 Tc +( )Tj +-6.4111 -1.0429 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0166 Tw +[(p)-17.3(r)3.6(op)-17.3(erty in )17.5(the)-17.3( )]TJ +T* +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(O)-21(b)0.9(ject I)-15.8(n)0.9(spe)-16.5(c)-2.8(tor)4.4(.)-15.8( )]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0037 Tc +-0.003 Tw +[(C)-6(lick t)-14.5(he e)-15.2(l)16.6(lip)-15.2(si)16.6(s)-19( to )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(d)-16.3(i)-1.9(splay a)-16.3( stan)-16.3(dar)-12.8(d )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(f)-16.3(ont d)-17(i)-2.6(alog )-17.5(box.)]TJ +ET +222.719 413.96 m +222.359 414.2 l +219.839 410.12 l +220.199 409.88 l +f +224.759 412.4 m +224.639 412.76 l +219.959 410.24 l +219.839 410 l +219.839 409.76 l +220.079 409.88 l +f +219.839 410 m +220.199 409.88 l +220.319 415.16 l +219.959 415.28 l +f +234.599 433.52 m +234.719 433.64 l +234.359 433.88 l +234.239 433.76 l +f +222.839 413.96 m +222.719 413.84 l +222.359 414.08 l +222.479 414.2 l +f +234.599 433.52 m +234.239 433.76 l +222.479 414.2 l +222.839 413.96 l +f +297.719 434.48 4.8 0.36 re +f +297.959 437.48 m +297.839 437.12 l +302.519 434.48 l +302.639 434.48 l +302.999 434.72 l +302.639 434.84 l +f +302.639 434.48 m +302.399 434.84 l +297.719 432.08 l +297.959 431.72 l +f +286.799 434.48 0.12 0.36 re +f +297.719 434.84 0.12 -0.36 re +f +286.919 434.48 10.8 0.36 re +f +q +105.719 341.48 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +1 g +106.079 341.48 22.44 -22.44 re +f +Q +q +106.079 341.48 22.44 -21.48 re +W n +q +22.44 0 0 22.44 106.0791 319.0403 cm +/Im26 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +486 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im23 487 0 R +/Im24 488 0 R +/Im25 489 0 R +/Im26 490 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +492 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +493 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 93 427 null] +>> +endobj +494 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 93 427 null] +>> +endobj +495 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 390 null] +>> +endobj +496 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 308 null] +>> +endobj +497 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 308 null] +>> +endobj +498 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 93 427 null] +>> +endobj +499 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 390 null] +>> +endobj +500 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 404 340 null] +>> +endobj +501 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 308 null] +>> +endobj +502 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 276 null] +>> +endobj +472 0 obj +<< +/P 462 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 448 0 R +/N 503 0 R +>> +endobj +504 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +505 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 504 null] +>> +endobj +506 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 476 null] +>> +endobj +507 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 460 null] +>> +endobj +508 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 443 null] +>> +endobj +509 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 93 416 null] +>> +endobj +510 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 383 null] +>> +endobj +511 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 334 null] +>> +endobj +512 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 298 null] +>> +endobj +513 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 270 null] +>> +endobj +514 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 253 null] +>> +endobj +515 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 141 237 null] +>> +endobj +516 0 obj +<< +/D [491 0 R /XYZ 436 649 null] +>> +endobj +517 0 obj +<< +/Length 8497 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 261.959 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +-0.0179 Tw +[(Cre)18.8(a)0.3(ti)17.4(ng a dat)17.9(aba)18.8(se appl)17.4(i)17.4(c)-0.3(at)17.9(ion)18.8( )-18.5(us)18.2(in)18.8(g )-18.4(t)17.9(he )18.5(Del)17.4(p)0.3(h)18.8(i)-1.1( IDE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(13)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 394.079 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3095 Tc +-0.1103 Tw +[(W)16.3(r)-11.4(i)18.9(t)4.3(ing an ev)14.2(ent hand)17.1(ler)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(S)-4.4(i)2.5(z)-5.3(e)-2.2( the def)8.4(a)-5.3(ul)-9.5(t )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.1084 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(im)-4.6(ag)6.5(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[( )12(area)7.7( to)-6.5( th)5.4(e s)4(i)-8.5(z)7.7(e)-1.2( o)5.5(f)-2.7( th)-6.7(e )12(pi)-8.5(cture. )12(P)-8.8(l)3.5(ace )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e im)-6.9(a)7.7(g)3.5(e n)-6.7(e)-1.2(xt )12(t)-9.7(o)5.5( th)-6.7(e)10.8( )]TJ +-9.506 -1.1084 TD +0.0102 Tc +0 Tw +[(la)16.2(b)9(e)7.3(l)12(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 494.0003 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +(10)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 494.0003 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(To)-6.5( a)7.7(l)-8.5(ign)-6.7( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.4(e text a)7.7(n)-6.7(d th)5.4(e im)-6.9(a)7.7(g)-8.6(e,)10.7( s)4(e)-1.2(l)-8.5(e)-1.2(ct )12(b)-11.6(o)5.5(th)-6.7( )12(o)-6.5(b)0.5(j)6.8(e)-1.2(ct)-9.6(s)4( o)5.5(n)-6.7( )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e fo)5.5(rm)5.2(, rig)-8.6(h)5.4(t-click)-8.6(,)10.7( an)5.4(d )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se A)-5(lign)-8.3(. )12(I)-12.3(n)3.8( the A)-5(lig)-10.2(nm)-8.5(ent d)-3.4(i)1.9(a)-5.9(l)1.9(o)-8.1(g)1.9( box, un)-8.3(d)8.7(e)-2.8(r Vertica)-5.9(l)1.9(, click)-10.2( )12(B)-3.4(o)-8.1(tto)-8.1(ms)-9.6(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 466.5203 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(11)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 466.5203 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Ch)-8.2(oo)-8(se Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(S)-4.9(a)6.2(ve A)-4.9(ll to)-8( sa)-5.8(ve )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e proj)-6.8(ect. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 450.0803 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(12)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 450.0803 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 450.0803 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.8391 450.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[( )12(t)-11.3(o)3.8( com)-8.6(p)-1.4(ile a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( run)-8.4( )12(y)-10.3(o)3.8(ur a)-6(pplica)-6(t)0.7(io)-8.2(n.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 433.5203 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(13)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 433.5203 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Cl)-8.6(o)5.4(s)3.9(e th)-6.8(e )12(appli)-8.6(c)-0.2(a)7.6(t)2.3(i)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8( )12(w)-7.8(h)5.3(en)-6.8( yo)5.4(u)-9.9()2.5(re )12(ready to)5.4( co)-6.6(n)5.3(t)2.3(i)-8.6(n)5.3(ue.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 392.96 423.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 392.96 423.12 -1.92 re +f +Q +94.439 391.88 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 398.7203 Tm +-0.0224 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(Wri)8.3(t)3.6(in)8.7(g )8.5(an)8.7( e)21.9(v)-3.7(e)4.9(n)8.7(t ha)4.9(n)8.7(d)0.2(le)4.9(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 373.7603 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(M)-5.9(o)-8.3(st com)-8.7(p)-1.5(on)-8.5(ents)-9.8( on th)-8.5(e Com)-8.7(p)-1.5(on)-8.5(ent pa)-6.1(lette ha)-6.1(ve events)-9.8(,)8.9( a)-6.1(n)3.6(d m)-8.7(o)3.7(st)-11.4( )12(co)-8.3(mpo)-8.3(n)3.6(en)-8.5(ts )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +-0.0467 Tw +[(h)-6.9(a)7.5(ve )-12.1(a)7.5( )-12.1(def)9.2(a)-4.5(ul)-8.7(t even)5.2(t)-9.8(.)10.5( )-12.1(A co)-6.7(m)5(m)-7.1(o)5.3(n)-6.9( defa)7.5(ul)-8.7(t even)-6.9(t is)-8.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +21.3614 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0 Tw +[(O)-4.8(n)2.1(C)-7.4(lick)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.4217 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0468 Tw +[(, w)-7.8(h)5.3(i)-8.6(c)-0.2(h)5.3( g)-8.7(e)-1.3(ts)3.9( )-12.1(ca)7.6(ll)-8.6(ed)10.2( )-12.1(w)4.3(h)-6.8(en)5.3(ever )]TJ +-24.7831 -1.0964 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(a co)6(m)-6.4(p)0.8(o)6(n)-6.2(en)5.9(t, such)-6.2( a)8.2(s)-7.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.759 0 TD +-0.0086 Tc +0 Tw +[(TB)-12.1(u)-18.9(t)-0.9(t)-13(o)-10.4(n)-6.8(,)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6988 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( is)-9.5( )12(cl)-10(icked)-3.3(.)-2.8( If)7.9( y)-10.1(o)4(u sel)-10(e)9.3(ct)-11.1( )12(a)-5.8( com)-8.4(p)-1.2(on)-8.2(ent o)-8(n)3.9( a)-5.8( )12(f)-4.1(o)-8(rm a)-5.8(n)3.9(d)-3.3( )]TJ +-13.4578 -1.1084 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(cli)-9.1(c)-0.7(k th)4.8(e O)-8.1(b)-0.1(j)6.2(e)-1.8(ct In)-7.3(s)3.4(p)-0.3(ecto)4.9(r)-10.1(s)3.4( Even)4.8(ts)3.4( tab, yo)-7.1(ull s)-8.6(e)10.2(e a lis)3.4(t)-10.3( )12(o)-7.1(f)-3.2( )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e co)4.9(m)-7.5(p)-0.3(o)4.9(n)-7.3(en)4.8(t)-10.1(s)3.4( eve)10.2(n)-7.3(ts)3.4(. )]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(F)-8.7(o)5.4(r m)5.1(o)-6.6(re )12(i)-8.6(n)5.3(fo)5.4(rm)-7(a)7.6(t)-9.7(io)5.4(n)-6.8( a)7.6(b)0.4(o)-6.6(u)2.2(t even)5.3(ts)-8.1( a)7.6(n)-6.8(d )12(even)-6.8(t h)5.3(a)-4.4(n)5.3(d)-1.9(lers)-8.1(,)10.6( s)-8.1(e)10.7(e D)4.5(evelo)-6.6(p)0.2(in)-6.8(g th)5.3(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0091 Tc +-0.0061 Tw +[(ap)7.7(p)7.7(l)10.9(ic)19.4(at)9.8(io)12.9(n)12.8( us)11.4(e)6.2(r)6.5( )12(in)12.8(t)9.8(e)6.2(r)6.5(f)4.8(ac)19.4(e)6.2()3.1( i)10.9(n)0.7( )12(th)12.8(e)6.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.7711 0 TD +0.0064 Tc +-0.0034 Tw +[(De)9.9(ve)9.9(l)7.3(o)4.6(pe)9.9(r)7.3(s)9.9( G)5.5(u)8.2(i)-4.8(d)12.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4458 0 TD +-0.0017 Tc +0.0047 Tw +[( )12(o)-9.9(r)-4.3( on)-10.1(lin)-10.1(e)7.4( H)-13.1(e)7.4(l)-11.9(p)-3.1(.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 279.32 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 279.32 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 278.12 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 284.2404 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the Update )10(N)-9.1(o)21(w! comma)6.3(nd e)6.3(v)6.3(e)-3.7(nt handle)6.3(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 260.0004 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(F)-8.7(i)3.4(rs)3.9(t, yo)-6.6(ull w)-7.8(r)-1(ite th)5.3(e even)5.3(t)-9.7( )12(h)-6.8(a)-4.4(n)5.3(d)-1.9(ler fo)5.4(r th)5.3(e Upda)7.6(t)-9.7(e)10.7( N)-10.8(o)5.4(w)4.3(!)-9.6( )12(co)-6.6(m)5.1(m)-7(an)5.3(d a)7.6(n)-6.8(d butto)-6.6(n)5.3(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 243.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 243.5603 Tm +0.0097 Tc +-0.0067 Tw +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( t)10.4(h)1.3(e)18.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.5181 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0 Tw +[(Action)-10.2(List)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3132 0 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[( com)-8.9(p)-1.7(on)-8.7(ent to)-8.5( displa)-6.3(y th)-8.7(e A)6.6(c)-2.1(t)-11.6(i)1.5(on)-8.7( L)8.3(i)-10.5(st edito)-8.5(r)-2.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 227.0004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 227.0004 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(S)-4.9(e)-2.7(lect \(No Ca)-5.8(tego)-8(ry\))-4.2( to see A)-4.9(c)-1.6(tio)-8(n)3.9(1)-5.8( a)6.2(n)-8.2(d )12(A)-4.9(c)-1.6(ti)-10(on2)-5.8(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 647.96 257.28 -135.6 re +f +q +154.439 647.96 257.28 -135.6 re +W* n +q +257.28 0 0 135.6 154.439 512.3604 cm +/Im27 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 437.519 641.1204 Tm +0 g +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(Y)-9.9(ou )-17.5(can se)-16.4(t the)-16.4( size o)-16.4(f)1.8( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0011 Tc +0 Tw +[(th)-17.8(e )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 449.1591 632.3604 Tm +0.0017 Tc +[(Ima)-17.2(ge1)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 472.319 632.3604 Tm +-0.001 Tw +[( com)-19(pone)-17.2(nt )]TJ +-5.0523 -1.0429 TD +[(to)-17.1( matc)-20.8(h the)-17.1( size o)-17.1(f)1.1( the)-17.1( )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +0.016 Tw +[(pictu)-16.7(r)4.2(e i)15.1(n)-16.7(side )17.5(it i)15.1(n)-16.7( )17.5(tw)-7.5(o )]TJ +T* +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(w)-7.9(a)0.3(ys:)-16.4( dra)-17.1(g)0.3( th)-17.1(e ed)-17.1(ge o)-17.1(f)]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 507.959 606.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +( )Tj +-10.0048 -1.0429 TD +0.0011 Tc +[(Im)-19.6(age1)-17.8(, )]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 464.639 597.3203 Tm +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(or)-13.7( cha)-17.2(nge )-17.5(the)]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 507.239 597.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +( )Tj +-9.9003 -1.0429 TD +0.0142 Tc +[(Wi)9.7(d)12.7(t)13.5(h)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 455.2791 588.5603 Tm +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[( and)-17.6( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 470.759 588.5603 Tm +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +[(H)-7.4(e)0.8(ight)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 490.919 588.5603 Tm +0 Tc +( )Tj +-7.7526 -1.0429 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[(pr)-12.4(ope)-15.9(r)5(t)2.3(ies in)-15.9( the)-15.9( Object)-15.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0012 Tc +0 Tw +[(In)-17.7(specto)-17.7(r.)]TJ +ET +370.679 601.76 m +370.679 602.12 l +365.879 602.24 l +365.879 601.88 l +f +370.319 599.12 m +370.559 599.48 l +365.999 602.24 l +365.759 602.24 l +365.519 602.12 l +365.759 601.88 l +f +365.759 602.24 m +365.879 601.88 l +370.559 604.52 l +370.439 604.88 l +f +434.519 601.28 0.12 0.36 re +f +370.559 602 0.12 -0.36 re +f +434.519 601.28 m +434.519 601.64 l +370.679 602 l +370.679 601.64 l +f +endstream +endobj +518 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im27 519 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +521 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +522 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 467 null] +>> +endobj +523 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 467 null] +>> +endobj +524 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 467 null] +>> +endobj +525 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 436 null] +>> +endobj +526 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 153 612 null] +>> +endobj +527 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 424 612 null] +>> +endobj +528 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 570 null] +>> +endobj +529 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 153 302 null] +>> +endobj +530 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 424 302 null] +>> +endobj +531 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 185 285 null] +>> +endobj +503 0 obj +<< +/P 491 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 472 0 R +/N 532 0 R +>> +endobj +533 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +534 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 650 null] +>> +endobj +535 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 641 null] +>> +endobj +536 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 630 null] +>> +endobj +537 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 620 null] +>> +endobj +538 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 605 null] +>> +endobj +539 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 589 null] +>> +endobj +540 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 579 null] +>> +endobj +541 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 564 null] +>> +endobj +542 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 93 503 null] +>> +endobj +543 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 504 null] +>> +endobj +544 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 458 null] +>> +endobj +545 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 429 null] +>> +endobj +546 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 412 null] +>> +endobj +547 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 385 null] +>> +endobj +548 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 368 null] +>> +endobj +549 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 341 null] +>> +endobj +550 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 331 null] +>> +endobj +551 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 321 null] +>> +endobj +552 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 311 null] +>> +endobj +553 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 296 null] +>> +endobj +554 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 279 null] +>> +endobj +555 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 264 null] +>> +endobj +556 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 237 null] +>> +endobj +557 0 obj +<< +/D [520 0 R /XYZ 141 220 null] +>> +endobj +558 0 obj +<< +/Length 8086 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(14)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3092 Tc +-0.004 Tw +[(Wr)5.9(iting)16.8( an ev)13.9(ent han)16.8(dler)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(D)-7.6(o)5.3(ub)-11.8(le-)9.2(c)-0.3(l)-8.7(i)3.3(ck Actio)-6.7(n)5.2(1. )12(In)-6.9( th)5.2(e Co)-6.7(de)10.6( edito)-6.7(r)-1.1(, )12(t)-9.8(h)5.2(e fo)5.3(llo)-6.7(w)4.2(i)-8.7(n)5.2(g)3.3( s)-8.2(k)3.3(eleto)-6.7(n)5.2( even)5.2(t h)-6.9(a)7.5(n)-6.9(d)-2(ler )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.004 Tc +0 Tw +[(appear)13.5(s)-5.7(:)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 641.9603 Tm +0.001 Tc +[( )13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.9467 0 TD +[(\012)13.3(\(\) )13.3(%'-)13.3(.)13.3(/0123)]TJ +-3.9467 -1.1067 TD +(0 )Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0 -2.2267 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 595.7603 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Righ)-6.7(t w)4.4(h)-6.7(ere )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e curs)4(o)-6.5(r)-0.9( )12(i)-8.5(s)4( po)5.5(s)-8(i)3.5(tio)-6.5(n)5.4(ed \()9.4(b)-11.6(e)10.8(t)-9.7(w)4.4(een)5.4( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +20.6867 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +[(beg)6.6(i)0.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6265 0 TD +0.0072 Tc +-0.0162 Tw +[( and)15.8( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +(end)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +1.7349 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +0.0107 Tw +[(\),)-10.7( t)-7(y)-18(p)-9.1(e)-10.6(:)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 580.5203 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(  )13.3(\( )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9.6533 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.8667 0 TD +[(4\015%)13.3( 5\015\015)13.3(6)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +8.7733 0 TD +[(\015)13.3(\012)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.7467 0 TD +[( )13.3(  \()13.3(\0153)]TJ +-21.92 -1.12 TD +[( )13.3(  \()13.3(\)!! + ! )13.3(\015-723)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 554.2404 Tm +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(Th)-7(is)3.7( even)-7(t )12(h)-7(a)-4.6(n)5.1(d)-2.1(ler firs)3.7(t ch)5.1(eck)-8.9(s)3.7( to)5.2( s)-8.3(e)10.5(e w)-8(h)5.1(at s)3.7(t)2.1(ate th)5.1(e data)7.4(bas)3.7(e)-1.5( is)-8.3( in)5.1(. Wh)-7(en)5.1( yo)-6.8(u m)4.9(o)-6.8(ve )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(o)-8.4(f)7.5(f)-4.5( a)-6.2( cha)-6.2(n)3.5(ged)-3.7( record)-3.7(, it is a)-6.2(u)0.4(to)-8.4(ma)-6.2(tica)-6.2(lly)-10.5( post)-11.5(ed)8.4(. B)-3.7(u)0.4(t if)-4.6( yo)-8.4(u d)-3.7(o)3.6(n)-8.6()0.7(t mo)-8.4(ve of)-4.5(f)7.5( a)-6.2( cha)-6.2(n)3.5(g)-10.5(e)-3.1(d)8.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(reco)-7.7(r)10(d)-3(, th)-7.9(e)9.6( d)-3(a)-5.5(ta)-5.5(bas)-9.2(e)-2.4( )12(rem)-8.1(a)6.5(i)-9.7(n)4.2(s in)-7.9( ed)-3(it or in)-7.9(sert mo)-7.7(d)-3(e)-2.4(.)9.5( Th)-7.9(e )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +25.012 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +0 Tw +(if)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.7229 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0106 Tw +[( s)-8.1(t)2.3(atem)5.1(en)-6.8(t p)-11.9(o)5.4(s)3.9(t)2.3(s)-8.1( )-12(a)7.6(n)-6.8(y )-12(da)7.6(t)-9.8(a)7.6( )]TJ +-25.7349 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(th)-8.3(a)-5.9(t)0.8( ma)-5.9(y ha)-5.9(ve been cha)-5.9(n)3.8(g)-10.2(e)-2.8(d )12(bu)-11.4(t wa)-5.9(s no)-8.1(t pa)-5.9(ssed to th)-8.3(e client)-11.2( )12(da)-5.9(ta)-5.9(set. The next )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(s)-8.9(t)1.5(a)6.8(t)-10.5(e)9.9(m)-7.8(ent)-10.5( )12(a)-5.2(ppli)-9.4(e)9.9(s)-8.9( upda)6.8(t)-10.6(e)9.9(s)-8.9( held in)-7.6( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.5(e clien)-7.6(t)1.5( da)6.8(ta)-5.2(set to)-7.4( the da)6.8(t)-10.5(a)6.8(ba)-5.2(se.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 494.4803 Tm +0.0084 Tc +0 Tw +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 494.4803 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(Ch)-8.1(a)6.3(n)-8.1(ges to)-7.9( the da)-5.7(ta)6.3( a)-5.7(r)-2.3(e )12(n)-8.1(o)4.1(t)-11( )12(a)-5.7(u)0.9(to)-7.9(ma)-5.7(ti)-9.9(c)10.6(a)-5.7(ll)-9.9(y pos)-9.4(t)1(ed )12(t)-11(o)4.1( the da)-5.7(ta)6.3(b)-13(a)6.3(s)-9.4(e)9.4( w)-9.1(h)4(en)-8.1( )12(u)-11.2(s)2.6(in)-8.1(g )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(dbExpres)4.6(s)-7.4(.)11.3( Yo)6.1(u n)-6.1(eed)10.9( to)-5.9( ca)8.3(l)-7.9(l)4.1( th)6(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.1687 0 TD +-0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)-6.1(p)-11.2(pl)-16.4(yU)-10.3(p)-11.2(d)0.8(a)-7(t)-9.5(es)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.8554 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[( meth)-8.1(od)-3.2( to)-7.9( )12(w)-9.1(r)-2.3(ite a)-5.7(ll upd)-3.2(a)-5.7(ted)-3.2(,)9.3( in)-8.1(serted)-3.2(, )]TJ +-20.0241 -1.0964 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(a)-4.9(n)4.8(d deleted records from)-7.5( )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e clien)-7.3(t)1.8( da)7.1(ta)-4.9(set to)-7.1( the da)7.1(t)-10.2(a)7.1(ba)-4.9(se.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 438.56 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 438.56 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 437.36 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 443.3603 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the E)6.5(x)-3.7(it comm)6.7(and e)16.4(vent handle)6.3(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 419.2403 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Next)-9.7(,)10.6( yo)-6.6(ul)-8.6(l)3.4( w)4.3(r)-1(ite th)-6.8(e )12(even)-6.8(t h)5.3(a)-4.4(n)5.3(d)-1.9(ler fo)5.4(r th)-6.8(e )12(Exit)-9.7( )12(co)-6.6(m)5.1(m)-7(an)5.3(d:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 402.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 402.8003 Tm +0.0097 Tc +-0.0067 Tw +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( t)10.4(h)1.3(e)18.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.5181 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +0 Tw +[(Action)-10.2(List)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3132 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[( com)-9.1(p)-1.9(on)-8.9(ent to)-8.7( d)-4(i)1.3(spla)-6.5(y th)-8.9(e A)6.4(c)-2.3(t)-11.8(i)1.3(on)-8.9( L)8.1(i)-10.7(st ed)-4(ito)-8.7(r)-3.1( )12(i)-10.7(f)7.2( it)-11.9( )12(i)-10.7(s)1.8( no)-8.7(t )]TJ +-11.8313 -1.1084 TD +0.0053 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[(al)7.1(read)13.9(y di)7.1(s)7.6(p)3.9(l)7.1(a)-0.7(y)7.1(e)2.4(d.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 375.2003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 375.2003 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Cl)-10.3(ick \()-4.4(N)-0.4(o Ca)-6.1(tego)-8.3(ry\))-4.4( )12(s)-9.8(o)3.7( yo)-8.3(u see A)-5.2(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6(2)-6.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 358.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 358.7603 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(D)-8.9(o)4(ub)-13.1(le-)7.9(c)-1.6(l)-10(i)2(ck A)-4.9(c)-1.6(tio)-8(n)3.9(2)-5.8(.)-2.8( )12(Th)-8.2(e Cod)-3.3(e)-2.7( ed)-3.3(itor d)-3.3(i)2(s)-9.5(p)-1.2(la)-5.8(ys th)-8.2(e)9.3( f)-4.1(o)-8(llow)-9.2(i)2(n)-8.2(g)2( skel)-10(e)9.3(t)-11.1(on)-8.2( )12(even)-8.2(t )]TJ +T* +0.0072 Tc +0 Tw +[(ha)13.2(ndl)9(e)4.3(r)4.6(:)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 332.4803 Tm +0.001 Tc +[( )13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.9467 0 TD +[(\012)13.3(\(\) *)13.3(%'-)13.3(.)13.3(/0123)]TJ +-3.9467 -1.12 TD +(0 )Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0 -2.2133 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 286.2804 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Righ)-6.7(t w)4.4(h)-6.7(ere )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e curs)4(o)-6.5(r)-0.9( )12(i)-8.5(s)4( po)5.5(s)-8(i)3.5(tio)-6.5(n)5.4(ed \()9.4(b)-11.6(e)10.8(t)-9.7(w)4.4(een)5.4( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +20.6867 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +[(beg)6.6(i)0.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6265 0 TD +0.0072 Tc +-0.0162 Tw +[( and)15.8( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +(end)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +1.7349 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +0.0107 Tw +[(\),)-10.7( t)-7(y)-18(p)-9.1(e)-10.6(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 270.9203 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +( \0153)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 254.7204 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(is even)-8.4(t )12(h)-8.4(a)-6(nd)-3.5(ler wi)-10.2(ll clo)-8.2(s)2.3(e the a)-6(pplica)-6(t)0.7(io)-8.2(n wh)-8.4(en th)-8.4(e )12(F)-10.3(ile|)-8.5(E)8.6(xi)-10.2(t com)-8.6(m)3.5(a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( o)-8.2(n)3.7( the )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0086 Tc +-0.0056 Tw +[(me)5.7(n)12.3(u)9.2( i)10.4(s)-1.1( u)9.2(s)10.9(e)5.7(d)5.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 227.2404 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 227.2404 Tm +0.0017 Tc +-0.0107 Tw +[(Cl)-8.5(o)5.5(s)4(e )-12(th)-6.7(e Acti)-8.5(o)5.5(n)-6.7( Li)-8.5(s)4(t)2.4( )-12(edito)5.5(r)-0.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 210.8004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 210.8004 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(Ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se Fil)-10.1(e)9.2(|)-8.4(S)-5(a)6.1(ve A)-5(ll to)-8.1( sa)-5.9(ve )12(t)-11.3(h)3.8(e proj)-6.9(ect.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +559 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +/F13 340 0 R +/F16 560 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +562 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +563 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +564 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +565 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +566 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +567 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 165 457 null] +>> +endobj +568 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 413 457 null] +>> +endobj +569 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 153 313 null] +>> +endobj +532 0 obj +<< +/P 520 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 503 0 R +/N 570 0 R +>> +endobj +571 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +572 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +573 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 590 null] +>> +endobj +574 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 563 null] +>> +endobj +575 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 546 null] +>> +endobj +576 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 530 null] +>> +endobj +577 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 491 null] +>> +endobj +578 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 481 null] +>> +endobj +579 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 471 null] +>> +endobj +580 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 461 null] +>> +endobj +581 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 451 null] +>> +endobj +582 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 441 null] +>> +endobj +583 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 431 null] +>> +endobj +584 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 421 null] +>> +endobj +585 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 411 null] +>> +endobj +586 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 401 null] +>> +endobj +587 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 391 null] +>> +endobj +588 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 361 null] +>> +endobj +589 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 351 null] +>> +endobj +590 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 341 null] +>> +endobj +591 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 331 null] +>> +endobj +592 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 321 null] +>> +endobj +593 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 306 null] +>> +endobj +594 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 224 null] +>> +endobj +595 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 196 null] +>> +endobj +596 0 obj +<< +/D [561 0 R /XYZ 141 186 null] +>> +endobj +597 0 obj +<< +/Length 9635 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 261.959 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +-0.0179 Tw +[(Cre)18.8(a)0.3(ti)17.4(ng a dat)17.9(aba)18.8(se appl)17.4(i)17.4(c)-0.3(at)17.9(ion)18.8( )-18.5(us)18.2(in)18.8(g )-18.4(t)17.9(he )18.5(Del)17.4(p)0.3(h)18.8(i)-1.1( IDE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(15)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 394.079 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3095 Tc +-0.1103 Tw +[(W)16.3(r)-11.4(i)18.9(t)4.3(ing an ev)14.2(ent hand)17.1(ler)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the FormClos)6.3(e)-3.7( e)16.4(v)-3.7(e)6.3(n)0.9(t)-5( ha)6.3(ndler)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(F)-10.8(i)1.3(na)-6.5(lly)-10.8(, )12(y)-10.8(o)3.3(u)-11.7(ll writ)-11.8(e)8.6( a)-6.5(n)3.2(o)-8.7(t)0.2(h)-8.9(e)8.6(r event)-11.8( )12(h)-8.9(a)-6.5(nd)-4(ler tha)-6.5(t)0.2( is)-10.2( )12(i)-10.7(n)3.2(vo)-8.7(ked)-4( wh)-8.9(e)8.6(n)-8.9( the a)-6.5(pplica)-6.5(t)0.2(io)-8.7(n is)-10.2( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0 Tc +-0.009 Tw +[(clo)-8.2(s)2.3(ed)-3.5(. )-12(The )-12(appl)-10.2(icat)-11.4(ion)-8.4( ca)-6(n )-12(be )-12(clos)-9.7(ed)8.6( )-12(eith)-8.4(er by)-10.3( us)-9.7(ing)-10.3( F)-10.3(ile|)-8.5(E)8.6(xi)-10.2(t o)-8.2(r)-2.6( by)-10.3( cl)-10.2(ickin)-8.4(g )-12(the )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +35.6145 0 TD +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[( in)-8.6( )]TJ +-36.2892 -1.0964 TD +0.0006 Tc +-0.0337 Tw +[(th)-7.8(e upper ri)-9.6(ght)-10.8( corn)-7.8(er)10.1(. )-12(E)9.2(i)-9.6(ther w)-8.8(a)6.6(y)-9.7(,)-2.4( th)-7.8(e)9.7( )-12(progra)-5.4(m)-8( checks)-9.1( to)-7.6( ma)-5.4(ke )-12(sure th)-7.8(a)6.6(t)-10.7( th)-7.8(e)9.7(r)-2(e a)-5.4(r)-2(e n)-7.8(o)4.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0036 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(pendi)5.4(n)7.3(g)-6.7( )12(u)-7.9(p)2.2(da)9.6(tes)-6.1( )12(t)-7.7(o)7.4( the)12.7( databa)9.6(s)-6.1(e)0.7( )12(an)7.3(d di)5.4(s)-6.1(p)2.2(l)5.4(a)-2.4(y)5.4(s)5.9( a )12(m)-5(e)0.7(s)5.9(s)-6.1(a)9.6(g)5.4(e w)-5.8(i)5.4(n)7.3(d)0.1(ow)6.3( as)5.9(k)5.4(i)-6.6(n)7.3(g)5.4( the us)5.9(er )]TJ +T* +0.0058 Tc +-0.0028 Tw +[(wh)9.5(at)6.5( t)6.5(o)9.6( do )12(if)13.5( cha)11.8(n)-2.6(g)7.6(e)2.9(s)8.1( are )12(p)-7.7(e)14.9(ndi)7.6(n)9.5(g. )]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(Y)-8.2(o)3.3(u)-12( )12(co)-8.7(uld)-4( pla)-6.5(c)-2.3(e this)-10.2( cod)-4(e)-3.4( in th)-8.9(e E)8.1(x)-2.6(i)-10.7(t)0.2( event ha)-6.5(n)-8.9(d)8.1(l)-10.7(e)-3.4(r)9( bu)-12(t an)-8.9(y pend)-4(in)-8.9(g d)-4(a)-6.5(taba)-6.5(se )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(ch)-8.8(an)-8.8(ges w)-9.8(o)3.4(ul)-10.6(d)8.2( be lo)-8.6(st if)-4.7( users)-10.1( )12(ch)-8.8(os)-10.1(e )12(to)-8.6( exit yo)-8.6(ur appl)-10.6(icat)-11.7(ion)-8.8( usin)-8.8(g th)-8.8(e )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +31.2651 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6627 0 TD +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 553.1603 Tm +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 553.1603 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Cl)-10(ick th)-8.2(e)9.3( g)-10.1(r)9.7(i)-10(d)-3.3( )12(a)-5.8(r)-2.4(ea)-5.8( )12(o)-8(f)-4.1( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e ma)-5.8(in)-8.2( )12(f)-4.1(o)-8(rm to)-8( )12(s)-9.5(e)-2.7(lect the f)-4.1(o)4(rm)-8.4( itself)-4.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 536.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 536.6003 Tm +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(S)-4.3(e)-2.1(lect th)-7.6(e )12(Even)-7.6(ts ta)-5.2(b in th)-7.6(e Obj)-6.2(e)9.9(ct)-10.5( )12(In)-7.6(specto)-7.4(r to see th)-7.6(e)9.9( form)-7.8( events)-8.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 520.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 520.0403 Tm +0.0097 Tc +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.8675 0 TD +0.0049 Tc +[(On)6.7(Cl)5.8(os)8.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0.0012 Tc +-0.0102 Tw +[( \()8.9(o)-7(r type Fo)-7(rm)4.7(Cl)-9(o)5(s)3.5(e n)-7.2(e)-1.7(xt to)5( t)-10.1(h)4.9(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.9518 0 TD +0.0049 Tc +0 Tw +[(On)6.7(Cl)5.8(os)8.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +-0.0092 Tw +[( e)9.3(v)-1.1(en)-8.2(t a)-5.8(n)3.9(d)-3.3( click)-10.1( it\))-4.1(.)-2.8( A)7.1( )]TJ +-26.8554 -1.0964 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(s)-8.3(k)3.2(eleto)-6.8(n)5.1( Fo)-6.8(rm)4.9(Clo)-6.8(s)3.7(e even)5.1(t h)-7(a)7.4(n)-7(d)-2.1(ler is)3.7( w)4.1(r)-1.2(i)-8.8(tten)5.1( an)5.1(d dis)3.7(p)0(l)-8.8(a)7.4(y)-8.9(e)10.5(d in)-7( th)5.1(e Co)-6.8(d)10(e)-1.5( edito)-6.8(r)-1.2( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(after )12(t)-8.9(h)6.1(e o)6.2(t)3.1(h)-6(e)-0.5(r e)11.5(v)1.1(en)-6(t h)6.1(a)-3.6(n)6.1(d)-1.1(l)-7.8(e)11.5(rs)-7.3(:)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 482.7203 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[( )13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.9467 0 TD +[(\012)13.3(\(\012 )13.3(\015-)13.3(./01)13.3(3)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +15.3467 0 TD +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +[(\))13.3( .)13.3( \015\) )13.3(23)]TJ +-20.6133 -1.1067 TD +(0 )Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0 -2.2267 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +-1.32 -1.1067 TD +0.001 Tc +[(8 9#)13.3(99)13.3(\015 )13.3(\015!\015  )13.3(-0)13.3(#)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 347.999 442.7603 Tm +0.0035 Tc +[(be)9.5(g)-6.8(i)11.2(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6145 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.006 Tc +0 Tw +[(en)14.6(d)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 413.2791 442.7603 Tm +0.001 Tc +(25+!.)Tj +-27.4267 -1.1067 TD +[(\) )13.3(.: \012)13.3(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(   )13.3(\( )13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9.64 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[(4\015)13.3(% 5\015)13.3(\0156)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +8.7733 0 TD +[(\015)13.3(\012)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-21.0533 -1.1067 TD +[( )13.3(  )13.3(\(\0153)]TJ +T* +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(   )13.3(\(9 )13.3(;)13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.5867 0 TD +(\015\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-15.3467 -1.12 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-0.88 -1.1067 TD +[(/!)13.3( .:\))13.3(!!   )13.3(\(<\015\015 )13.3('-=>)13.3(9 !)13.3( !)13.3( \015\()13.3(+# )13.3(# )13.3()]TJ +2.64 -1.1067 TD +[()13.3(9)13.3(9  0 )13.3(\015?=5=)13.3(  !)13.3( \015=54)13.3(\0150>\0155)13.3(\0150"5\015)13.3(0  6)13.3(5)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +[(\015)13.3(\015,  )13.3(5\0150>\015)13.3(23)]TJ +-2.64 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +1.76 0 TD +[()13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.7467 0 TD +[(/! )13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +3.52 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-7.0267 -1.1067 TD +[(\015)13.3(0>\015.)13.3(   )13.3(\(\)!!)13.3( + ! \015)13.3(-723)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +[(\015)13.3(0  )13.3(.\) )13.3(.: ")13.3(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +1.76 0 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +-3.08 -1.1067 TD +0.001 Tc +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 296.6003 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(is)4( even)-6.7(t )12(h)-6.7(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler ch)5.4(ecks)-8( th)5.4(e s)4(t)2.4(ate o)5.5(f)-2.6( th)-6.7(e )12(databa)7.7(s)-8(e)-1.2(.)10.7( If ch)5.4(an)5.4(g)-8.6(e)-1.2(s)4( a)7.7(r)-0.9(e pen)5.4(d)-1.8(i)-8.5(n)5.4(g, th)-6.7(ey )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +[(are po)5.4(s)3.9(t)-9.8(e)10.7(d)-1.9( to)-6.6( th)5.3(e clien)-6.8(t)2.3( da)7.6(tas)3.9(e)-1.3(t w)-7.8(h)5.3(ere th)5.3(e ch)-6.8(a)7.6(n)-6.8(ge co)5.4(un)-6.8(t is)3.9( in)-6.8(crea)7.6(s)-8.1(e)-1.3(d)10.2(.)-1.4( Th)-6.8(en)5.3( befo)5.4(re )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(cl)-10.8(osi)-10.8(n)3.1(g th)-9(e )12(a)-6.6(ppli)-10.8(c)-2.4(at)-11.9(ion)-9(,)-3.6( )12(a)-6.6( mes)-10.3(s)1.7(a)-6.6(g)1.2(e box is d)-4.1(i)1.2(s)-10.3(p)-2(la)-6.6(yed)-4.1( tha)-6.6(t)0.1( as)-10.3(ks h)-9(o)3.2(w)-10( )12(t)-11.9(o)3.2( ha)-6.6(n)-9(d)8(l)-10.8(e)-3.5( )12(t)-12(h)3.1(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0013 Tc +-0.0318 Tw +[(ch)-9.7(an)-9.7(ge)-4.2(s.)-4.3( The)-4.2( re)-4.2(ply o)-9.5(p)-2.7(tio)-9.5(n)2.4(s a)-7.3(r)-3.9(e)-4.2( )12.1(Y)-9(e)-4.2(s,)-4.3( No,)-4.3( or Ca)-7.3(nce)-4.2(l)0.5(.)-4.3( Re)-4.2(ply)-11.6(i)0.5(n)-9.7(g)0.5( Ye)-4.2(s a)-7.3(pplie)-4.2(s upd)-4.8(a)-7.3(te)-4.2(s to)-9.5( )]TJ +T* +0.0002 Tc +-0.0333 Tw +[(th)-8.2(e da)-5.8(ta)6.2(ba)-5.8(se; No)-8( clo)-8(s)2.5(es t)-11.2(h)3.9(e a)-5.8(pplica)-5.8(t)0.9(io)-8(n w)-9.2(i)2(th)-8.2(ou)-11.3(t cha)-5.8(n)3.9(g)-10.1(i)2(ng)-10.1( th)-8.2(e)9.3( )-12(d)8.8(a)-5.8(ta)-5.8(ba)-5.8(se; a)6.2(n)-8.2(d Ca)-5.8(ncel )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(can)5.5(c)0(el)-8.4(s)4.1( th)5.5(e exit but)-9.6( )12(do)-6.4(es)4.1( n)5.5(o)-6.4(t ca)7.8(n)-6.6(c)0(el th)5.5(e ch)-6.6(a)7.8(n)-6.6(ges)4.1( to)-6.4( )12(t)-9.5(h)5.5(e da)7.8(tabas)4.1(e)-1.1( a)7.8(n)-6.6(d lea)7.8(v)-11.5(e)10.9(s)-7.9( th)5.5(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0015 Tc +0.0045 Tw +[(a)-7.5(ppli)-11.7(c)-3.3(ati)-11.7(o)2.3(n s)-11.2(t)-0.8(ill run)-9.9(n)2.2(i)-11.7(n)2.2(g.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 214.0404 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 214.0404 Tm +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(Yo)5.9(u)-9.4( )12(n)-6.3(eed )12(to)-6.1( decla)8.1(r)-0.5(e th)-6.3(e )12(variable us)4.4(ed w)-7.3(i)3.9(th)5.8(i)-8.1(n)5.8( th)-6.3(e)11.2( pro)-6.1(c)0.3(ed)10.7(u)-9.4(r)-0.5(e.)11.1( O)-7.1(n)5.8( a )12(l)-8.1(i)3.9(n)5.8(e)-0.8( betw)-7.3(ee)11.2(n)-6.3( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(pr)-4.3(o)6.1(c)2.5(ed)12.9(ur)-4.3(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.6386 0 TD +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +[(beg)6.6(i)0.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6265 0 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[( ty)-9.1(pe:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 187.7603 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +( )Tj +0 -1.1067 TD +[(/! )13.3(.<\015)13.3(\015 )13.3(3)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +598 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F8 176 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +/F13 340 0 R +/F16 560 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +600 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +601 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +602 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 401 null] +>> +endobj +603 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +604 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 401 null] +>> +endobj +605 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 153 483 null] +>> +endobj +570 0 obj +<< +/P 561 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 532 0 R +/N 606 0 R +>> +endobj +607 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 93 111 null] +>> +endobj +608 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +609 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +610 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 662 null] +>> +endobj +611 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +612 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 641 null] +>> +endobj +613 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 632 null] +>> +endobj +614 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 621 null] +>> +endobj +615 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 611 null] +>> +endobj +616 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 602 null] +>> +endobj +617 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 591 null] +>> +endobj +618 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 581 null] +>> +endobj +619 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 572 null] +>> +endobj +620 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 542 null] +>> +endobj +621 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 531 null] +>> +endobj +622 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 521 null] +>> +endobj +623 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 512 null] +>> +endobj +624 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 501 null] +>> +endobj +625 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 491 null] +>> +endobj +626 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 476 null] +>> +endobj +627 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 93 449 null] +>> +endobj +628 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 449 null] +>> +endobj +629 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 422 null] +>> +endobj +630 0 obj +<< +/D [599 0 R /XYZ 141 395 null] +>> +endobj +631 0 obj +<< +/Length 4276 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(16)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(Ch)-7.4(eck th)4.7(at th)-7.4(e )12(w)-8.4(h)4.7(o)-7.2(l)2.8(e pro)4.8(c)-0.8(edure lo)-7.2(o)4.8(k)2.8(s)-8.7( )12(l)-9.2(ike th)-7.4(is)3.3(:)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 653.0003 Tm +0 Tw +[( )13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.9467 0 TD +[(\012)13.3(\(\012 )13.3(\015-)13.3(./01)13.3(3)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +15.3467 0 TD +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +[(\))13.3( .)13.3( \015\) )13.3(23)]TJ +-20.6133 -1.12 TD +( )Tj +0 -1.1067 TD +[(/! )13.3(.<\015)13.3(\015 )13.3(3)]TJ +T* +(0 )Tj +0 -1.12 TD +[(\) )13.3(.: \012)13.3(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(   )13.3(\( )13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +9.64 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[(4\015)13.3(% 5\015)13.3(\0156)]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +8.7733 0 TD +[(\015)13.3(\012)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-21.0533 -1.1067 TD +[( )13.3(  )13.3(\(\0153)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(   )13.3(\(9 )13.3(;)13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.5867 0 TD +(\015\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-15.3467 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-0.88 -1.1067 TD +[(/!)13.3( .:\))13.3(!!   )13.3(\(<\015\015 )13.3('-=>)13.3(9 !)13.3( !)13.3( \015\()13.3(+# )13.3(# )13.3()]TJ +2.64 -1.12 TD +[()13.3(9)13.3(9  0 )13.3(\015?=5=)13.3(  !)13.3( \015=54)13.3(\0150>\0155)13.3(\0150"5\015)13.3(0  6)13.3(5)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +[(\015)13.3(\015,  )13.3(5\0150>\015)13.3(23)]TJ +-2.64 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +1.76 0 TD +[()13.3()]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.7467 0 TD +[(/! )13.3()]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +3.52 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-7.0267 -1.12 TD +[(\015)13.3(0>\015.)13.3(   )13.3(\(\)!!)13.3( + ! \015)13.3(-723)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +[(\015)13.3(0  )13.3(.\) )13.3(.: ")13.3(3)]TJ +T* +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +1.76 0 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +-3.08 -1.12 TD +0.001 Tc +()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F13 1 Tf +-2.2 -1.1067 TD +0.001 Tc +(\012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 466.7603 Tm +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 466.7603 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(To)-6.6( f)9.3(i)-8.6(n)5.3(i)3.4(s)-8.1(h)5.3( up, ch)5.3(o)-6.6(o)5.4(s)-8.1(e)10.7( F)-8.7(ile|)5.2(S)-3.5(ave A)8.5(l)-8.6(l to)5.4( s)3.9(a)-4.4(ve th)-6.8(e)10.7( pro)-6.6(j)6.7(ect. Th)5.3(en)-6.8( pre)10.7(s)-8.1(s)3.9( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 443.039 466.7603 Tm +0.0061 Tc +0 Tw +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 452.639 466.7603 Tm +0.0113 Tc +-0.0083 Tw +[( )12(to)15.1( r)8.7(u)11.9(n)15( t)12(h)2.9(e)8.4( )]TJ +-29.9398 -1.0964 TD +0.0094 Tc +0 Tw +[(ap)8(p)8(l)11.2(ic)7.6(a)15.4(t)10.1(io)13.2(n)13.1(.)6.4( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 440.0003 Tm +0.0069 Tc +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 440.0003 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(F)-10.3(i)1.8(x an)-8.4(y errors th)-8.4(at)-11.3( )12(o)-8.2(ccur by d)-3.5(o)3.8(u)-11.5(b)-1.2(le-)7.7(c)-1.8(l)-10.2(i)1.8(ckin)-8.4(g th)-8.4(e )12(erro)-8.2(r)9.5( m)-8.6(e)-2.9(ssa)-6(ge to)-8.2( )12(g)-10.3(o)3.8( to)-8.2( the cod)-3.5(e)-2.9( in)-8.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(ques)4.3(t)-9.3(i)3.8(o)5.8(n)-6.4( o)5.8(r)-0.6( by pres)4.3(s)4.3(i)-8.2(n)5.7(g)3.8( F)-8.3(1)8( fo)5.8(r Help o)-6.2(n)5.7( th)-6.4(e )12(m)-6.6(e)-0.9(s)4.3(s)4.3(a)-4(ge.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Th)-8.5(a)5.9(t)-11.5(s it! Y)-7.8(o)3.7(u)-11.6( )12(ca)-6.1(n try)-10.4( )12(o)-8.3(u)0.5(t th)-8.5(e )12(a)-6.1(ppli)-10.3(c)-1.9(a)5.9(t)-11.4(ion)-8.5( to see ho)-8.3(w it)-11.4( )12(w)-9.5(o)3.7(rk)-10.4(s. )12(W)-12.2(h)3.6(en)-8.5( )12(y)-10.4(o)3.7(u w)-9.5(a)5.9(n)-8.5(t)0.6( to exit)-11.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(th)-8.8(e progra)-6.4(m, yo)-8.6(u ca)-6.4(n use th)-8.8(e )12(f)-4.7(u)0.2(l)-10.6(ly f)-4.7(u)0.2(nct)-11.7(i)1.4(on)-8.8(al)-10.6( File|)-8.9(E)-3.9(xit com)-9(m)3.1(a)-6.4(n)3.3(d)-3.9(.)-3.4( )]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +632 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +/F11 246 0 R +/F13 340 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +634 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +635 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +671 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +672 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +673 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +674 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +675 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +676 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +677 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21216) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [188 605 297 616] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +678 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 186 623 null] +>> +endobj +679 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21143) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [267 586 297 596] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +680 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 267 603 null] +>> +endobj +681 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21147) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [203 575 297 586] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +682 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 203 593 null] +>> +endobj +683 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21156) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [210 566 214 576] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +684 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 209 583 null] +>> +endobj +685 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21166) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [226 566 297 576] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +686 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 226 583 null] +>> +endobj +687 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21168) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [202 556 297 566] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +688 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 201 573 null] +>> +endobj +689 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21169) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [216 545 297 556] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +690 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 216 563 null] +>> +endobj +691 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21167) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [272 536 297 546] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +692 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 272 553 null] +>> +endobj +693 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21146) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [245 526 297 536] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +694 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 244 543 null] +>> +endobj +695 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21167) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [203 515 297 526] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +696 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 203 533 null] +>> +endobj +697 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 520 null] +>> +endobj +698 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 520 null] +>> +endobj +699 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21218) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [173 478 297 489] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +700 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 172 495 null] +>> +endobj +701 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21167) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [212 468 297 479] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +702 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 211 485 null] +>> +endobj +703 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 473 null] +>> +endobj +704 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 102 473 null] +>> +endobj +705 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21214) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [201 431 297 442] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +706 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 200 448 null] +>> +endobj +707 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14460) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [152 421 161 432] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +708 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 151 438 null] +>> +endobj +709 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.20572) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [173 421 297 432] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +710 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 172 438 null] +>> +endobj +711 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39274) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [180 411 297 422] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +712 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 179 428 null] +>> +endobj +713 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21216) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [153 391 297 402] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +714 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 151 408 null] +>> +endobj +715 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21218) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [138 381 297 392] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +716 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 137 398 null] +>> +endobj +717 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21214) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [166 371 297 382] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +718 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 165 388 null] +>> +endobj +719 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21213) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [177 361 297 372] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +720 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 176 378 null] +>> +endobj +721 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.27680) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [157 351 297 362] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +722 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 156 368 null] +>> +endobj +723 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21147) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [142 341 297 352] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +724 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 141 358 null] +>> +endobj +725 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21155) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [164 331 297 342] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +726 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 163 348 null] +>> +endobj +727 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21220) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [136 321 297 332] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +728 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 135 338 null] +>> +endobj +729 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21215) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [151 311 297 322] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +730 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 149 328 null] +>> +endobj +731 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21219) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [133 301 297 312] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +732 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 132 318 null] +>> +endobj +733 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21217) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [155 291 297 302] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +734 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 154 308 null] +>> +endobj +735 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21222) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [150 281 297 292] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +736 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 149 298 null] +>> +endobj +737 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21205) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [174 271 297 282] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +738 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 173 288 null] +>> +endobj +739 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21206) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [159 261 297 272] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +740 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 158 278 null] +>> +endobj +741 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21143) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [222 251 297 262] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +742 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 221 268 null] +>> +endobj +743 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21142) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [167 241 297 252] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +744 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 166 258 null] +>> +endobj +745 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +746 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +747 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.16818) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [368 596 373 606] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +748 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 367 613 null] +>> +endobj +749 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14175) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [385 596 517 606] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +750 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 384 613 null] +>> +endobj +751 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14093) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [368 586 517 596] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +752 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 367 603 null] +>> +endobj +753 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39341) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [446 575 517 586] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +754 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 445 593 null] +>> +endobj +755 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39353) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [456 566 517 576] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +756 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 456 583 null] +>> +endobj +757 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21213) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [432 556 517 566] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +758 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 431 573 null] +>> +endobj +759 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21227) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [353 536 517 546] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +760 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 352 553 null] +>> +endobj +761 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21146) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [387 526 517 536] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +762 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 386 543 null] +>> +endobj +763 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.27680) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [412 515 517 526] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +764 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 411 533 null] +>> +endobj +765 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14093) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [361 506 517 516] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +766 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 359 523 null] +>> +endobj +767 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21147) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [397 496 517 506] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +768 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 396 513 null] +>> +endobj +769 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21155) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [419 485 517 496] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +770 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 418 503 null] +>> +endobj +771 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 321 490 null] +>> +endobj +772 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 321 490 null] +>> +endobj +773 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39341) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [444 448 517 459] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +774 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 443 465 null] +>> +endobj +775 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14460) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [414 438 423 449] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +776 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 414 455 null] +>> +endobj +777 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.20572) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [436 438 517 449] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +778 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 435 455 null] +>> +endobj +779 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.14460) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [345 428 517 439] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +780 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 344 445 null] +>> +endobj +781 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 433 null] +>> +endobj +782 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 433 null] +>> +endobj +783 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 433 null] +>> +endobj +784 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 322 433 null] +>> +endobj +785 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21147) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [438 391 517 402] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +786 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 437 408 null] +>> +endobj +787 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 316 395 null] +>> +endobj +788 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 316 395 null] +>> +endobj +789 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 316 395 null] +>> +endobj +790 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 316 395 null] +>> +endobj +791 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.27533) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [369 353 517 364] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +792 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 368 371 null] +>> +endobj +793 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21169) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [429 343 517 354] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +794 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 429 360 null] +>> +endobj +795 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21220) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [391 333 517 344] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +796 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 390 350 null] +>> +endobj +797 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21169) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [433 323 517 334] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +798 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 433 341 null] +>> +endobj +799 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21215) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [406 313 517 324] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +800 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 405 330 null] +>> +endobj +801 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.27533) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [418 303 517 314] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +802 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 417 320 null] +>> +endobj +803 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +804 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +805 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +806 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +807 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +808 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 320 308 null] +>> +endobj +809 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21219) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [388 266 517 277] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +810 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 387 283 null] +>> +endobj +811 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 323 271 null] +>> +endobj +812 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 323 271 null] +>> +endobj +813 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21217) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [411 229 517 239] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +814 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 410 246 null] +>> +endobj +815 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21156) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [444 218 448 229] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +816 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 443 236 null] +>> +endobj +817 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21166) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [461 218 470 229] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +818 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 460 236 null] +>> +endobj +819 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +606 0 obj +<< +/P 599 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 570 0 R +/N 820 0 R +>> +endobj +821 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 105 null] +>> +endobj +822 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 759 null] +>> +endobj +823 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 638 null] +>> +endobj +824 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 617 null] +>> +endobj +825 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 607 null] +>> +endobj +826 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 597 null] +>> +endobj +827 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 587 null] +>> +endobj +828 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 577 null] +>> +endobj +829 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 567 null] +>> +endobj +830 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 557 null] +>> +endobj +831 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 547 null] +>> +endobj +832 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 537 null] +>> +endobj +833 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 527 null] +>> +endobj +834 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 511 null] +>> +endobj +835 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 489 null] +>> +endobj +836 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 479 null] +>> +endobj +837 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 463 null] +>> +endobj +838 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 442 null] +>> +endobj +839 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 432 null] +>> +endobj +840 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 422 null] +>> +endobj +841 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 412 null] +>> +endobj +842 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 402 null] +>> +endobj +843 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 392 null] +>> +endobj +844 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 382 null] +>> +endobj +845 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 372 null] +>> +endobj +846 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 362 null] +>> +endobj +847 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 352 null] +>> +endobj +848 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 342 null] +>> +endobj +849 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 332 null] +>> +endobj +850 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 322 null] +>> +endobj +851 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 312 null] +>> +endobj +852 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 302 null] +>> +endobj +853 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 292 null] +>> +endobj +854 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 282 null] +>> +endobj +855 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 272 null] +>> +endobj +856 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 262 null] +>> +endobj +857 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 252 null] +>> +endobj +858 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 638 null] +>> +endobj +859 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 617 null] +>> +endobj +860 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 607 null] +>> +endobj +861 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 597 null] +>> +endobj +862 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 587 null] +>> +endobj +863 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 577 null] +>> +endobj +864 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 567 null] +>> +endobj +865 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 557 null] +>> +endobj +866 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 547 null] +>> +endobj +867 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 537 null] +>> +endobj +868 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 527 null] +>> +endobj +869 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 517 null] +>> +endobj +870 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 507 null] +>> +endobj +871 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 497 null] +>> +endobj +872 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 481 null] +>> +endobj +873 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 459 null] +>> +endobj +874 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 449 null] +>> +endobj +875 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 439 null] +>> +endobj +876 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 423 null] +>> +endobj +877 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 402 null] +>> +endobj +878 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 386 null] +>> +endobj +879 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 365 null] +>> +endobj +880 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 354 null] +>> +endobj +881 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 344 null] +>> +endobj +882 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 335 null] +>> +endobj +883 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 324 null] +>> +endobj +884 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 314 null] +>> +endobj +885 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 298 null] +>> +endobj +886 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 277 null] +>> +endobj +887 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 261 null] +>> +endobj +888 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 240 null] +>> +endobj +889 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 313 230 null] +>> +endobj +890 0 obj +<< +/D [633 0 R /XYZ 93 683 null] +>> +endobj +891 0 obj +<< +/Length 8548 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 478.799 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.257 Tc +0 Tw +[(I)17.6(nde)18.5(x)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.399 97.7603 Tm +0 Tc +(v)Tj +ET +0.703 g +1 i +305.999 773.96 m +262.319 730.28 l +305.999 686.48 l +349.679 730.28 l +f* +q +94.439 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +0 g +94.439 617.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 623.7203 Tm +(A)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 608.1204 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(A)5.4(c)4.7(t)-6.6(i)-1.6(on)9.4(List)6.7( compon)9.4(ent)-500(8)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +[(a)9(ddin)11(g)]TJ +1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0135 Tw +[(a)10.2( )-13.3(da)10.2(ta)10.2(ba)10.2(se c)-5.8(o)2.8(n)12.2(n)-1.2(ec)7.5(t)9.5(i)1.2(on to an)12.2( )-13.3(appl)14.5(ic)7.5(at)9.5(ion)-494.5(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(a)9.2( gr)10.8(id t)8.5(o)1.8( a)9.2(n)-2.2( )13.3(applic)6.5(a)9.2(t)-4.8(i)13.5(o)1.8(n)-508.8(6)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0072 Tc +0.0105 Tw +[(a me)-8.2(n)-11.9(u)-4.2( to)-7.9( an)-11.9( )13.3(a)-13.9(p)-6.2(p)-6.2(l)-9.5(ic)-16.5(at)-14.5(io)-7.9(n)-518.5(8)-0.5( to)-7.9( 11)]TJ +T* +0.0049 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(a)11.6( ti)15.9(tle)17.2( to)17.6( an)13.6( a)11.6(p)5.9(p)5.9(lic)8.9(at)10.9(io)4.2(n)-493.1(1)11.6(2)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.013 Tw +[(a)9.7(n)-1.7( )-13.3(im)6(a)9.7(g)-1(e to an)11.7( )-13.3(appl)14(ic)7(at)9(ion)-495(1)-3.7(2)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0036 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(a)10.3(n)-1.1( U)8.3(p)4.6(da)10.3(te )13.3(N)7.9(o)2.9(w b)9.9(u)6.6(tt)9.6(on)12.3( to )13.3(an)12.3( a)10.3(pplic)7.6(at)9.6(ion)-494.4(1)10.3(1)]TJ +T* +0.0031 Tc +-0.0131 Tw +[(u)6.1(n)-1.6(id)14.1(irec)7.1(t)9.1(i)0.8(on)11.8(al dat)9.1(a)-3.6(s)13.8(e)2.1(t c)-6.2(o)15.8(m)-7.2(p)4.1(on)11.8(ent)-497.6(4)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(a)9.3(pplyin)11.3(g)-1.4( ed)13.6(it)8.6(s t)8.6(o)1.9( da)9.3(ta)9.3(b)8.9(a)-4.1(se)-491.7(1)9.3(1)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 491.48 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 491.48 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 490.52 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 496.4003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(B)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 480.8003 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(But)6.3(t)-7(on)9( componen)9(t)-500.4(1)7(1)]TJ +T* +-0.0064 Tc +0.0097 Tw +[(bu)-16.7(tto)-7.1(n)-11.1(,)-9.7( )13.3(a)-13.1(d)-8.7(di)-8.7(n)-11.1(g)2.9( Upd)-8.7(a)-13.1(te)-7.4( No)-7.1(w)-505.7(1)0.3(1)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 444.08 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 444.08 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 443 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 449.0003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(C)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 433.4003 Tm +-0.0051 Tc +0.0084 Tw +[(Cl)-7.4(i)-7.4(e)-6.1(nt)-12.4(D)-4.4(a)1.6(ta)-11.8(Se)-6.1(t co)-5.8(mpo)-5.8(n)-9.8(e)-6.1(n)3.6(t)-505.8(5)]TJ +T* +0.004 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(c)8(o)3.3(de,)14( wr)12.3(it)10(ing)-493.3(1)10.7(3 t)10(o)3.3( 1)10.7(6)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.002 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(c)6(o)1.3(m)5(p)3(ilin)10.7(g pr)10.3(ogr)10.3(a)-4.7(m)5(s)-494(7)]TJ +T* +-0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(compon)-6.4(ent)-9(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0026 Tc +[(A)7.3(c)6.6(tion)11.3(List)-498.1(8)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0015 Tc +[(Bu)4.5(t)7.5(t)-5.8(on)-496.5(1)8.2(1)]TJ +T* +0.0003 Tc +[(Clien)9(t)-7(Da)7(t)6.3(a)-6.4(S)5.3(e)-0.7(t)-500.4(5)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.007 Tc +[(D)7.7(a)13.7(ta)13.7(Se)19.3(tP)11(ro)6.3(v)12(i)4.7(d)18(e)6(r)-504.7(5)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0024 Tc +[(Da)4.3(t)-9.7(a)4.3(S)-10.7(o)10.3(u)-12.7(r)5.9(ce)-510.1(5)]TJ +T* +0 Tc +[(DBGr)8.3(id)-509(6)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +-0.0018 Tc +[(DBNa)4.9(v)-10.1(i)-4.1(g)7.5(a)-8.5(t)4.2(o)-2.5(r)-500.1(7)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0034 Tc +[(Ima)-10.1(g)5.9(e)-511.1(1)3.3(2)]TJ +T* +0.0036 Tc +[(I)7.3(m)6.6(ag)12.9(eList)-497.1(8)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0047 Tc +[(La)11.4(be)17(l)-504.3(1)11.4(2)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0024 Tc +[(Ma)9.1(inMe)14.7(nu)-501.3(9)]TJ +T* +0.004 Tc +[(no)16.7(nv)9(isu)7(a)-2.7(l)-491.7(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +-0.0059 Tc +[(SQ)-6.6(L)-8.2(C)-3.6(o)-6.6(n)-10.6(ne)-6.9(ct)-13.2(i)5.1(o)-6.6(n)-517.2(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0061 Tc +[(SQ)-6.8(L)-8.4(D)-5.4(at)-13.4(aS)-14.4(e)6.2(t)-506.8(3)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.003 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(c)7(o)2.3(nn)11.7(ec)7(tion)11.7( c)7(o)2.3(m)6(p)4(onen)11.7(t,)13( a)9.7(ddin)11.7(g)-507.7(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0116 Tw +[(crea)8.3(t)-5.7(i)12.6(ng a)-5.1( proj)8.9(ec)-7.7(t)-499.1(2)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 617.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 623.7203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(D)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 608.1204 Tm +0.0024 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(d)13.4(a)-4.3(t)8.4(a)-4.3(b)8.7(a)9.1(se a)9.1(pplic)6.4(at)8.4(ion)11.1(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.1067 TD +-0.0067 Tc +0.01 Tw +[(acc)-16(e)5.6(s)-9.4(s)-9.4(i)-9(ng)-517.4(3 to)-7.4( 4)]TJ +T* +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[(o)13.7(v)-7.3(er)9.3(v)-7.3(i)12(ew)-498.3(1)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(d)13.1(a)-4.6(t)8.1(a)-4.6(b)8.4(a)8.8(se sa)8.8(m)5.1(p)3.1(le, )13.3(em)5.1(ployee)14.4(.gdb)-498.2(4)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0033 Tc +0.0066 Tw +[(d)7.7(a)-10(ta)-10(bas)-6(e)-4.3( us)-6(er)5( n)-8(a)3.4(me an)-8(d)-5.6( )13.3(pa)-10(s)7.4(s)-6(w)-9.3(o)-4(r)5(d)-512.3(4)]TJ +T* +-0.0062 Tc +0.0095 Tw +[(D)-5.5(a)0.5(ta)-12.9(Se)-7.2(tP)-15.5(ro)-6.9(vi)-8.5(d)-8.5(e)-7.2(r co)-6.9(m)-16.5(p)-5.2(o)6.5(n)-10.9(e)-7.2(n)2.5(t)-506.9(5)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +-0.0092 Tc +0 Tw +[(da)-15.9(ta)-15.9(se)-10.2(t)-16.5(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.1067 TD +-0.004 Tc +[(cl)-6.3(i)7(e)-5(n)-8.7(t)-504.7(5)]TJ +T* +0.0034 Tc +[(u)6.4(n)12.1(idir)11.7(ec)7.4(tio)16.1(n)-1.3(al)-492.3(4)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.12 TD +-0.0026 Tc +0.0059 Tw +[(Data)-9.3(Sour)-7.6(ce componen)-7.3(t)-503.3(5)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.011 Tc +0 Tw +[(db)-18(Ex)-15(p)-10(r)-16(e)-12(s)-0.3(s)-520.3(1)]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +-0.0116 Tw +[(DB)12.6(G)4.6(r)-3.4(id c)-7.7(o)14.3(m)-8.7(p)2.6(o)14.3(n)-3.1(ent)-499.1(6)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(DB)10.8(N)-9.2(a)6.5(viga)6.5(t)-7.5(o)12.5(r)-5.2( compon)-4.9(e)12.1(n)-4.9(t)-500.9(7)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 461.48 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 461.48 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 460.4 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 466.4003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(E)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 450.8003 Tm +-0.0072 Tc +0.0105 Tw +[(e)5.1(m)-17.5(p)-6.2(l)3.8(o)-7.9(y)-11.2(e)-8.2(e)-8.2(.)2.8(g)-11.2(d)-9.5(b s)-9.9(a)-0.5(mp)-6.2(l)-9.5(e)-8.2( da)-13.9(ta)-13.9(ba)-13.9(se)-514.9(4)]TJ +T* +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(e)14.8(v)-5.8(en)11.2(t)-4.8( )13.3(ha)9.2(ndle)14.8(rs,)12.5( crea)9.2(t)-4.8(i)0.2(n)11.2(g)-494.8(1)-4.2(3)9.2( t)8.5(o)1.8( 1)9.2(6)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0123 Tc +0 Tw +[(ev)-20.6(e)-13.3(n)-3.6(t)-19.6(s)-508.3(1)-5.6(3)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 404.12 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 404.12 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 403.04 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 408.9203 Tm +0 Tc +(G)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 393.3203 Tm +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(g)11.8(r)-2.5(id)13.5(, a)9.2(ddin)11.2(g t)8.5(o)1.8( a)9.2(n)-2.2( )13.3(appli)13.5(c)-6.8(a)9.2(t)8.5(ion)-495.5(6)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 366.68 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 366.68 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 365.6 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 371.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(I)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 356.0003 Tm +0.0023 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(i)13.3(b)-4.7(m)5.3(g)-1.7(r)10.6( u)5.3(t)8.3(ilit)8.3(y)-495(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0032 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(i)14.2(c)-6.1(o)15.9(n)-1.5(s, )13.3(ad)14.2(ding)12.5( t)9.2(o)2.5( a)9.9(p)-9.1(pl)14.2(ic)7.2(at)9.2(ion)-494.8(1)9.9(2)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(Ima)6.3(g)-4.4(e compon)8.3(ent)-501.1(1)6.3(2)]TJ +T* +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(i)13.5(m)5.5(age)14.8(,)-0.8( a)9.2(ddin)11.2(g t)8.5(o)1.8( a)9.2(pplic)6.5(a)9.2(t)-4.8(ion)-495.5(1)9.2(2)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0005 Tc +-0.0105 Tw +[(Ima)7.2(g)-3.5(eLi)11.5(s)-2.2(t)-6.8( c)-8.8(o)13.2(m)-9.8(p)1.5(on)9.2(ent)-500.2(8)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.012 Tw +[(In)10.7(t)-5.3(e)1(r)10.3(b)-5(a)8.7(s)-0.7(e serv)7(er)10.3(, )-13.3(st)8(a)-4.7(r)10.3(t)-5.3(i)13(ng)-495.3(3)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 279.2 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 279.2 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +314.639 278.24 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 284.1204 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(L)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 268.5204 Tm +-0.0087 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(La)-15.4(be)-9.7(l)-11( c)-4.7(o)-9.4(m)-5.7(p)-7.7(o)-9.4(n)0(e)-9.7(n)-13.4(t)-509.4(1)-2(2)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 241.88 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 241.88 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 240.8 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 246.8004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(M)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 231.2003 Tm +0.0009 Tc +-0.0109 Tw +[(M)13.6(a)-5.8(in)9.6(Menu c)-8.4(o)0.2(mpon)9.6(ent)-499.8(9)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0032 Tc +-0.0132 Tw +[(m)6.2(e)2.2(n)11.9(u)6.2(, )-13.3(a)9.9(ddin)11.9(g to )-13.3(a)9.9(n)-1.5( appli)14.2(c)-6.1(a)9.9(t)9.2(ion)-494.8(8)-3.5( to )-13.3(11)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +22.14 0 0 27 279.479 656.9603 Tm +-0.0413 Tc +0 Tw +[(Inde)16.1(x)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +892 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 20 0 R +/F5 21 0 R +/F10 201 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 23 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +895 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +896 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +897 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 102 689 null] +>> +endobj +898 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 102 689 null] +>> +endobj +899 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21155) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [217 647 297 658] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +900 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 217 664 null] +>> +endobj +901 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21222) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [190 637 297 648] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +902 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 189 654 null] +>> +endobj +903 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 101 642 null] +>> +endobj +904 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 101 642 null] +>> +endobj +905 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 101 642 null] +>> +endobj +906 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 101 642 null] +>> +endobj +907 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39353) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [189 599 297 610] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +908 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 189 617 null] +>> +endobj +909 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21142) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [143 580 297 590] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +910 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 142 597 null] +>> +endobj +911 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.39274) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [144 569 297 580] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +912 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 143 587 null] +>> +endobj +913 0 obj +<< +/D [894 0 R /XYZ 102 574 null] +>> +endobj +914 0 obj +<< 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0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /Type1 +/FirstChar 1 +/LastChar 19 +/Widths [439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 439 +439 439 439 ] +/Encoding 981 0 R +/BaseFont /OOKJPE+Mono-NewBold +/FontDescriptor 975 0 R +/ToUnicode 982 0 R +>> +endobj +560 0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /Type1 +/FirstChar 32 +/LastChar 181 +/Widths [250 278 402 500 500 889 833 227 333 333 444 606 250 333 250 296 +500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 606 606 606 444 +747 778 667 722 833 611 556 833 833 389 389 778 611 1000 833 833 +611 833 722 611 667 778 778 1000 667 667 667 333 606 333 606 500 +333 500 611 444 611 500 389 556 611 333 333 611 333 889 611 556 +611 611 389 444 333 611 556 833 500 556 500 310 606 310 606 250 +250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 +250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 +250 250 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 747 250 250 250 250 250 250 +250 606 250 250 250 611 ] +/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 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[161 0 R] +>> +endobj +177 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 24 0 R +/Resources 200 0 R +/Contents 199 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [187 0 R] +>> +endobj +203 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 24 0 R +/Resources 245 0 R +/Contents 244 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [222 0 R] +>> +endobj +247 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 24 0 R +/Resources 273 0 R +/Contents 272 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [257 0 R] +>> +endobj +277 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 24 0 R +/Resources 311 0 R +/Contents 310 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [289 0 R] +>> +endobj +315 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 24 0 R +/Resources 339 0 R +/Contents 338 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [328 0 R] +>> +endobj +343 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 360 0 R +/Contents 359 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [349 0 R] +>> +endobj +366 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 390 0 R +/Contents 389 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [375 0 R] +>> +endobj +396 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 417 0 R +/Contents 416 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [403 0 R] +>> +endobj +420 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 436 0 R +/Contents 435 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [422 0 R] +>> +endobj +439 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 459 0 R +/Contents 458 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [448 0 R] +>> +endobj +462 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 486 0 R +/Contents 485 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [472 0 R] +>> +endobj +491 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 518 0 R +/Contents 517 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [503 0 R] +>> +endobj +520 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 559 0 R +/Contents 558 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [532 0 R] +>> +endobj +561 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 598 0 R +/Contents 597 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [570 0 R] +>> +endobj +599 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 365 0 R +/Resources 632 0 R +/Contents 631 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [606 0 R] +>> +endobj +633 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 893 0 R +/Resources 892 0 R +/Contents 891 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/Annots [677 0 R 679 0 R 681 0 R 683 0 R 685 0 R 687 0 R 689 0 R 691 0 R 693 0 R 695 0 R 699 0 R 701 0 R 705 0 R 707 0 R 709 0 R 711 0 R +713 0 R 715 0 R 717 0 R 719 0 R 721 0 R 723 0 R 725 0 R 727 0 R 729 0 R 731 0 R 733 0 R 735 0 R 737 0 R 739 0 R 741 0 R 743 0 R +747 0 R 749 0 R 751 0 R 753 0 R 755 0 R 757 0 R 759 0 R 761 0 R 763 0 R 765 0 R 767 0 R 769 0 R 773 0 R 775 0 R 777 0 R 779 0 R +785 0 R 791 0 R 793 0 R 795 0 R 797 0 R 799 0 R 801 0 R 809 0 R 813 0 R 815 0 R 817 0 R] +/B [820 0 R] +>> +endobj +894 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 893 0 R +/Resources 964 0 R +/Contents 963 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/Annots [899 0 R 901 0 R 907 0 R 909 0 R 911 0 R 917 0 R 921 0 R 923 0 R 925 0 R 929 0 R 933 0 R 935 0 R 938 0 R] +/B [940 0 R] +>> +endobj +983 0 obj +<< +/S /D +>> +endobj +984 0 obj +<< +/Nums [0 983 0 R ] +>> +endobj +24 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [1 0 R 25 0 R 73 0 R 139 0 R 148 0 R 177 0 R 203 0 R 247 0 R 277 0 R 315 0 R] +/Count 10 +/Parent 364 0 R +>> +endobj +365 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [343 0 R 366 0 R 396 0 R 420 0 R 439 0 R 462 0 R 491 0 R 520 0 R 561 0 R 599 0 R] +/Count 10 +/Parent 364 0 R +>> +endobj +893 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [633 0 R 894 0 R] +/Count 2 +/Parent 364 0 R +>> +endobj +364 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [24 0 R 365 0 R 893 0 R ] +/Count 22 +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +>> +endobj +985 0 obj +<< +/Count 10 +/First 636 0 R +/Last 636 0 R +>> +endobj +636 0 obj +<< +/Title (Tutorial:Creating a Database Application using Delphi) +/Dest (G1.2224) +/Parent 985 0 R +/First 637 0 R +/Last 655 0 R +/Count 9 +>> +endobj +637 0 obj +<< +/Title (Contents) +/Dest (G2.51) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Next 638 0 R +>> +endobj +638 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating a database application using the Delphi IDE) +/Dest (G3.20482) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 637 0 R +/Next 639 0 R +>> +endobj +639 0 obj +<< +/Title (Overview of database architecture) +/Dest (G3.14094) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 638 0 R +/Next 640 0 R +>> +endobj +640 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating a new project) +/Dest (G3.14111) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 639 0 R +/Next 641 0 R +>> +endobj +641 0 obj +<< +/Title (Setting up data access components) +/Dest (G3.23744) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 640 0 R +/Next 645 0 R +/First 642 0 R +/Last 644 0 R +/Count -3 +>> +endobj +642 0 obj +<< +/Title (Setting up the database connection) +/Dest (G3.14134) +/Parent 641 0 R +/Next 643 0 R +>> +endobj +643 0 obj +<< +/Title (Setting up the unidirectional dataset) +/Dest (G3.14179) +/Parent 641 0 R +/Prev 642 0 R +/Next 644 0 R +>> +endobj +644 0 obj +<< +/Title (Setting up the provider, client dataset, and data source) +/Dest (G3.14199) +/Parent 641 0 R +/Prev 643 0 R +>> +endobj +645 0 obj +<< +/Title (Designing the user interface) +/Dest (G3.14234) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 641 0 R +/Next 650 0 R +/First 646 0 R +/Last 649 0 R +/Count -4 +>> +endobj +646 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating the grid and navigation bar) +/Dest (G3.14245) +/Parent 645 0 R +/Next 647 0 R +>> +endobj +647 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding support for a menu) +/Dest (G3.14287) +/Parent 645 0 R +/Prev 646 0 R +/Next 648 0 R +>> +endobj +648 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding a menu) +/Dest (G3.28800) +/Parent 645 0 R +/Prev 647 0 R +/Next 649 0 R +>> +endobj +649 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding a button) +/Dest (G3.14387) +/Parent 645 0 R +/Prev 648 0 R +>> +endobj +650 0 obj +<< +/Title (Displaying a title and an image) +/Dest (G3.14404) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 645 0 R +/Next 651 0 R +>> +endobj +651 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing an event handler) +/Dest (G3.14452) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 650 0 R +/Next 655 0 R +/First 652 0 R +/Last 654 0 R +/Count -3 +>> +endobj +652 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Update Now! command event handler) +/Dest (G3.14464) +/Parent 651 0 R +/Next 653 0 R +>> +endobj +653 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Exit command event handler) +/Dest (G3.14491) +/Parent 651 0 R +/Prev 652 0 R +/Next 654 0 R +>> +endobj +654 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the FormClose event handler) +/Dest (G3.14518) +/Parent 651 0 R +/Prev 653 0 R +>> +endobj +655 0 obj +<< +/Title (Index) +/Dest (G4.64) +/Parent 636 0 R +/Prev 651 0 R +/First 656 0 R +/Last 670 0 R +/Count -15 +>> +endobj +656 0 obj +<< +/Title (A) +/Dest (G4.82837) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Next 657 0 R +>> +endobj +657 0 obj +<< +/Title (B) +/Dest (G4.82861) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 656 0 R +/Next 658 0 R +>> +endobj +658 0 obj +<< +/Title (C) +/Dest (G4.82867) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 657 0 R +/Next 659 0 R +>> +endobj +659 0 obj +<< +/Title (D) +/Dest (G4.82909) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 658 0 R +/Next 660 0 R +>> +endobj +660 0 obj +<< +/Title (E) +/Dest (G4.82936) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 659 0 R +/Next 661 0 R +>> +endobj +661 0 obj +<< +/Title (G) +/Dest (G4.82945) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 660 0 R +/Next 662 0 R +>> +endobj +662 0 obj +<< +/Title (I) +/Dest (G4.82950) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 661 0 R +/Next 663 0 R +>> +endobj +663 0 obj +<< +/Title (L) +/Dest (G4.82965) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 662 0 R +/Next 664 0 R +>> +endobj +664 0 obj +<< +/Title (M) +/Dest (G4.82971) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 663 0 R +/Next 665 0 R +>> +endobj +665 0 obj +<< +/Title (N) +/Dest (G4.82978) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 664 0 R +/Next 666 0 R +>> +endobj +666 0 obj +<< +/Title (P) +/Dest (G4.82984) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 665 0 R +/Next 667 0 R +>> +endobj +667 0 obj +<< +/Title (R) +/Dest (G4.82994) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 666 0 R +/Next 668 0 R +>> +endobj +668 0 obj +<< +/Title (S) +/Dest (G4.82999) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 667 0 R +/Next 669 0 R +>> +endobj +669 0 obj +<< +/Title (T) +/Dest (G4.83007) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 668 0 R +/Next 670 0 R +>> +endobj +670 0 obj +<< +/Title (U) +/Dest (G4.83011) +/Parent 655 0 R +/Prev 669 0 R +>> +endobj +940 0 obj +<< +/P 894 0 R +/R [86 495 527 684] +/V 820 0 R +/N 114 0 R +>> +endobj +114 0 obj +<< +/T 113 0 R +/P 73 0 R +/R [85 483 527 643] +/V 940 0 R +/N 143 0 R +>> +endobj +986 0 obj +[ 113 0 R ] +endobj +987 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(F1) (G2.30458)] +/Names [(F1) 4 0 R (F2) 75 0 R (F3) 149 0 R (F4) 635 0 R (G1.1012) 48 0 R (G1.1035) 52 0 R (G1.1038) 70 0 R (G1.1150) 13 0 R +(G1.1160) 64 0 R (G1.1179) 63 0 R (G1.1315) 53 0 R (G1.1316) 54 0 R (G1.1317) 55 0 R (G1.1318) 56 0 R (G1.1319) 57 0 R (G1.1320) 58 0 R +(G1.1321) 60 0 R (G1.1322) 61 0 R (G1.1323) 62 0 R (G1.1882) 65 0 R (G1.1948) 11 0 R (G1.1949) 12 0 R (G1.2224) 10 0 R (G1.2756) 66 0 R +(G1.2758) 67 0 R (G1.2763) 68 0 R (G1.2764) 69 0 R (G1.3805) 14 0 R (G1.3815) 15 0 R (G1.3816) 16 0 R (G1.3817) 17 0 R (G1.3820) 59 0 R +(G1.4613) 8 0 R (G1.4650) 30 0 R (G1.498) 9 0 R (G1.550) 31 0 R (G1.641) 32 0 R (G1.642) 33 0 R (G1.643) 34 0 R (G1.644) 35 0 R +(G1.662) 36 0 R (G1.663) 37 0 R (G1.664) 38 0 R (G1.668) 39 0 R (G1.669) 40 0 R (G1.670) 41 0 R (G1.674) 42 0 R (G1.675) 50 0 R +(G1.676) 51 0 R (G1.705) 43 0 R (G1.737) 44 0 R (G1.738) 45 0 R (G1.740) 46 0 R (G1.741) 47 0 R (G1.742) 49 0 R (G2.29236) 144 0 R +(G2.29238) 145 0 R (G2.29312) 115 0 R (G2.29315) 116 0 R (G2.30450) 117 0 R (G2.30452) 118 0 R (G2.30454) 119 0 R (G2.30456) 120 0 R (G2.30458) 121 0 R] +>> +endobj +988 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G2.30460) (G3.14222)] +/Names [(G2.30460) 122 0 R (G2.30462) 123 0 R (G2.30464) 124 0 R (G2.30466) 125 0 R (G2.30468) 126 0 R (G2.30472) 129 0 R (G2.30474) 130 0 R (G2.30476) 131 0 R +(G2.30478) 132 0 R (G2.30480) 133 0 R (G2.30482) 134 0 R (G2.30484) 135 0 R (G2.30487) 128 0 R (G2.30489) 127 0 R (G2.51) 136 0 R (G3.14079) 164 0 R +(G3.14088) 166 0 R (G3.14089) 168 0 R (G3.14090) 169 0 R (G3.14094) 170 0 R (G3.14102) 171 0 R (G3.14103) 172 0 R (G3.14111) 193 0 R (G3.14119) 194 0 R +(G3.14120) 195 0 R (G3.14121) 196 0 R (G3.14122) 197 0 R (G3.14128) 228 0 R (G3.14129) 229 0 R (G3.14130) 230 0 R (G3.14134) 231 0 R (G3.14144) 232 0 R +(G3.14145) 234 0 R (G3.14150) 237 0 R (G3.14151) 238 0 R (G3.14152) 239 0 R (G3.14153) 240 0 R (G3.14154) 241 0 R (G3.14155) 242 0 R (G3.14156) 243 0 R +(G3.14157) 258 0 R (G3.14158) 259 0 R (G3.14173) 262 0 R (G3.14174) 263 0 R (G3.14176) 264 0 R (G3.14179) 265 0 R (G3.14187) 266 0 R (G3.14188) 267 0 R +(G3.14192) 268 0 R (G3.14193) 269 0 R (G3.14194) 290 0 R (G3.14195) 291 0 R (G3.14196) 292 0 R (G3.14199) 293 0 R (G3.14207) 294 0 R (G3.14208) 295 0 R +(G3.14209) 296 0 R (G3.14213) 297 0 R (G3.14214) 298 0 R (G3.14215) 299 0 R (G3.14216) 300 0 R (G3.14220) 301 0 R (G3.14221) 302 0 R (G3.14222) 303 0 R] +>> +endobj +989 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G3.14223) (G3.14416)] +/Names [(G3.14223) 304 0 R (G3.14224) 305 0 R (G3.14228) 306 0 R (G3.14229) 307 0 R (G3.14230) 308 0 R (G3.14231) 309 0 R (G3.14234) 329 0 R (G3.14242) 330 0 R +(G3.14245) 331 0 R (G3.14253) 332 0 R (G3.14257) 333 0 R (G3.14258) 334 0 R (G3.14259) 335 0 R (G3.14260) 336 0 R (G3.14264) 337 0 R (G3.14271) 352 0 R +(G3.14282) 356 0 R (G3.14283) 357 0 R (G3.14284) 358 0 R (G3.14287) 376 0 R (G3.14295) 377 0 R (G3.14296) 378 0 R (G3.14297) 379 0 R (G3.14301) 380 0 R +(G3.14305) 381 0 R (G3.14306) 382 0 R (G3.14307) 383 0 R (G3.14316) 386 0 R (G3.14317) 387 0 R (G3.14318) 384 0 R (G3.14319) 385 0 R (G3.14326) 388 0 R +(G3.14327) 404 0 R (G3.14335) 405 0 R (G3.14336) 406 0 R (G3.14337) 407 0 R (G3.14338) 408 0 R (G3.14339) 409 0 R (G3.14340) 410 0 R (G3.14355) 413 0 R +(G3.14356) 414 0 R (G3.14360) 415 0 R (G3.14361) 423 0 R (G3.14368) 433 0 R (G3.14369) 434 0 R (G3.14370) 424 0 R (G3.14371) 425 0 R (G3.14372) 426 0 R +(G3.14373) 427 0 R (G3.14374) 428 0 R (G3.14375) 429 0 R (G3.14376) 430 0 R (G3.14377) 431 0 R (G3.14378) 432 0 R (G3.14382) 449 0 R (G3.14387) 452 0 R +(G3.14395) 453 0 R (G3.14396) 454 0 R (G3.14400) 455 0 R (G3.14401) 456 0 R (G3.14402) 457 0 R (G3.14404) 473 0 R (G3.14412) 474 0 R (G3.14416) 475 0 R] +>> +endobj +990 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G3.14417) (G3.28553)] +/Names [(G3.14417) 476 0 R (G3.14418) 477 0 R (G3.14427) 483 0 R (G3.14428) 484 0 R (G3.14429) 478 0 R (G3.14433) 479 0 R (G3.14434) 480 0 R (G3.14435) 481 0 R +(G3.14436) 482 0 R (G3.14437) 504 0 R (G3.14444) 516 0 R (G3.14446) 505 0 R (G3.14447) 506 0 R (G3.14448) 507 0 R (G3.14449) 508 0 R (G3.14452) 509 0 R +(G3.14461) 510 0 R (G3.14464) 512 0 R (G3.14472) 513 0 R (G3.14473) 514 0 R (G3.14474) 515 0 R (G3.14475) 533 0 R (G3.14484) 538 0 R (G3.14487) 541 0 R +(G3.14488) 542 0 R (G3.14489) 543 0 R (G3.14491) 544 0 R (G3.14499) 545 0 R (G3.14500) 546 0 R (G3.14501) 547 0 R (G3.14502) 548 0 R (G3.14511) 553 0 R +(G3.14513) 555 0 R (G3.14514) 556 0 R (G3.14515) 557 0 R (G3.14518) 571 0 R (G3.14526) 572 0 R (G3.14527) 573 0 R (G3.14528) 574 0 R (G3.14529) 575 0 R +(G3.14530) 576 0 R (G3.14535) 581 0 R (G3.14547) 593 0 R (G3.14551) 609 0 R (G3.14569) 627 0 R (G3.14570) 628 0 R (G3.14571) 629 0 R (G3.16574) 173 0 R +(G3.16578) 191 0 R (G3.16822) 233 0 R (G3.16843) 554 0 R (G3.16902) 626 0 R (G3.19196) 167 0 R (G3.20482) 165 0 R (G3.21148) 350 0 R (G3.21152) 351 0 R +(G3.21161) 450 0 R (G3.21162) 451 0 R (G3.23742) 198 0 R (G3.23744) 226 0 R (G3.27057) 227 0 R (G3.27510) 235 0 R (G3.27511) 236 0 R (G3.28553) 192 0 R] +>> +endobj +991 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G3.28800) (G3.40164)] +/Names [(G3.28800) 411 0 R (G3.28801) 412 0 R (G3.28872) 511 0 R (G3.37010) 607 0 R (G3.37011) 608 0 R (G3.37034) 162 0 R (G3.37036) 163 0 R (G3.37082) 223 0 R +(G3.37087) 224 0 R (G3.37088) 225 0 R (G3.37114) 188 0 R (G3.37118) 189 0 R (G3.37119) 190 0 R (G3.39272) 353 0 R (G3.39273) 354 0 R (G3.39275) 355 0 R +(G3.39340) 260 0 R (G3.39351) 270 0 R (G3.39352) 271 0 R (G3.39354) 261 0 R (G3.40050) 534 0 R (G3.40051) 535 0 R (G3.40052) 536 0 R (G3.40053) 537 0 R +(G3.40063) 539 0 R (G3.40064) 540 0 R (G3.40085) 549 0 R (G3.40086) 550 0 R (G3.40087) 551 0 R (G3.40088) 552 0 R (G3.40114) 577 0 R (G3.40115) 578 0 R +(G3.40116) 579 0 R (G3.40117) 580 0 R (G3.40127) 582 0 R (G3.40128) 583 0 R (G3.40129) 584 0 R (G3.40130) 585 0 R (G3.40131) 586 0 R (G3.40132) 587 0 R +(G3.40133) 588 0 R (G3.40134) 589 0 R (G3.40135) 590 0 R (G3.40136) 591 0 R (G3.40137) 592 0 R (G3.40142) 594 0 R (G3.40143) 595 0 R (G3.40144) 596 0 R +(G3.40149) 610 0 R (G3.40150) 611 0 R (G3.40151) 612 0 R (G3.40152) 613 0 R (G3.40153) 614 0 R (G3.40154) 615 0 R (G3.40155) 616 0 R (G3.40156) 617 0 R +(G3.40157) 618 0 R (G3.40158) 619 0 R (G3.40159) 620 0 R (G3.40160) 621 0 R (G3.40161) 622 0 R (G3.40162) 623 0 R (G3.40163) 624 0 R (G3.40164) 625 0 R] +>> +endobj +992 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G3.7607) (G4.82955)] +/Names [(G3.7607) 630 0 R (G4.64) 890 0 R (G4.80205) 941 0 R (G4.80207) 942 0 R (G4.80255) 821 0 R (G4.80257) 822 0 R (G4.82837) 823 0 R (G4.82841) 824 0 R +(G4.82843) 825 0 R (G4.82844) 826 0 R (G4.82846) 827 0 R (G4.82848) 828 0 R (G4.82851) 829 0 R (G4.82853) 830 0 R (G4.82855) 831 0 R (G4.82857) 832 0 R +(G4.82859) 833 0 R (G4.82861) 834 0 R (G4.82863) 835 0 R (G4.82865) 836 0 R (G4.82867) 837 0 R (G4.82869) 838 0 R (G4.82871) 839 0 R (G4.82874) 840 0 R +(G4.82876) 841 0 R (G4.82877) 842 0 R (G4.82879) 843 0 R (G4.82881) 844 0 R (G4.82883) 845 0 R (G4.82885) 846 0 R (G4.82887) 847 0 R (G4.82889) 848 0 R +(G4.82891) 849 0 R (G4.82893) 850 0 R (G4.82895) 851 0 R (G4.82897) 852 0 R (G4.82899) 853 0 R (G4.82901) 854 0 R (G4.82903) 855 0 R (G4.82905) 856 0 R +(G4.82907) 857 0 R (G4.82909) 858 0 R (G4.82911) 859 0 R (G4.82912) 860 0 R (G4.82915) 861 0 R (G4.82917) 862 0 R (G4.82919) 863 0 R (G4.82921) 864 0 R +(G4.82923) 865 0 R (G4.82924) 866 0 R (G4.82926) 867 0 R (G4.82928) 868 0 R (G4.82930) 869 0 R (G4.82932) 870 0 R (G4.82934) 871 0 R (G4.82936) 872 0 R +(G4.82938) 873 0 R (G4.82940) 874 0 R (G4.82943) 875 0 R (G4.82945) 876 0 R (G4.82948) 877 0 R (G4.82950) 878 0 R (G4.82953) 879 0 R (G4.82955) 880 0 R] +>> +endobj +993 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G4.82957) (I3.1.14244)] +/Names [(G4.82957) 881 0 R (G4.82959) 882 0 R (G4.82961) 883 0 R (G4.82963) 884 0 R (G4.82965) 885 0 R (G4.82969) 886 0 R (G4.82971) 887 0 R (G4.82973) 888 0 R +(G4.82975) 889 0 R (G4.82978) 943 0 R (G4.82980) 944 0 R (G4.82982) 945 0 R (G4.82984) 946 0 R (G4.82987) 947 0 R (G4.82989) 948 0 R (G4.82990) 949 0 R +(G4.82992) 950 0 R (G4.82994) 951 0 R (G4.82997) 952 0 R (G4.82999) 953 0 R (G4.83001) 954 0 R (G4.83003) 955 0 R (G4.83005) 956 0 R (G4.83007) 957 0 R +(G4.83009) 958 0 R (G4.83011) 959 0 R (G4.83013) 960 0 R (G4.83015) 961 0 R (G4.83017) 962 0 R (I1.1.5450) 28 0 R (I1.1.5501) 6 0 R (I1.1.5612) 7 0 R +(I1.1.5657) 5 0 R (I1.1.5675) 29 0 R (I2.1.30096) 142 0 R (I2.1.30153) 108 0 R (I2.1.30449) 77 0 R (I2.1.30451) 79 0 R (I2.1.30453) 81 0 R (I2.1.30455) 83 0 R +(I2.1.30457) 85 0 R (I2.1.30459) 87 0 R (I2.1.30461) 89 0 R (I2.1.30463) 91 0 R (I2.1.30465) 93 0 R (I2.1.30467) 95 0 R (I2.1.30469) 97 0 R (I2.1.30471) 99 0 R +(I2.1.30473) 101 0 R (I2.1.30475) 103 0 R (I2.1.30477) 105 0 R (I2.1.30479) 107 0 R (I2.1.30481) 110 0 R (I2.1.30483) 112 0 R (I3.1.14078) 151 0 R (I3.1.14092) 153 0 R +(I3.1.14093) 154 0 R (I3.1.14132) 206 0 R (I3.1.14133) 208 0 R (I3.1.14175) 249 0 R (I3.1.14178) 251 0 R (I3.1.14198) 280 0 R (I3.1.14233) 318 0 R (I3.1.14244) 320 0 R] +>> +endobj +994 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I3.1.14286) (I3.1.40683)] +/Names [(I3.1.14286) 369 0 R (I3.1.14386) 442 0 R (I3.1.14451) 494 0 R (I3.1.14460) 495 0 R (I3.1.14517) 564 0 R (I3.1.16818) 209 0 R (I3.1.20572) 602 0 R (I3.1.21142) 178 0 R +(I3.1.21143) 210 0 R (I3.1.21146) 254 0 R (I3.1.21147) 321 0 R (I3.1.21155) 345 0 R (I3.1.21156) 370 0 R (I3.1.21166) 443 0 R (I3.1.21167) 444 0 R (I3.1.21168) 464 0 R +(I3.1.21169) 465 0 R (I3.1.21205) 211 0 R (I3.1.21206) 212 0 R (I3.1.21213) 281 0 R (I3.1.21214) 282 0 R (I3.1.21215) 371 0 R (I3.1.21216) 372 0 R (I3.1.21217) 400 0 R +(I3.1.21218) 445 0 R (I3.1.21219) 466 0 R (I3.1.21220) 467 0 R (I3.1.21222) 213 0 R (I3.1.21227) 283 0 R (I3.1.27533) 214 0 R (I3.1.27680) 284 0 R (I3.1.28587) 180 0 R +(I3.1.28799) 399 0 R (I3.1.28958) 469 0 R (I3.1.28961) 497 0 R (I3.1.28970) 523 0 R (I3.1.39274) 346 0 R (I3.1.39341) 252 0 R (I3.1.39353) 253 0 R (I3.1.40305) 603 0 R +(I3.1.40324) 155 0 R (I3.1.40343) 156 0 R (I3.1.40356) 157 0 R (I3.1.40375) 181 0 R (I3.1.40388) 182 0 R (I3.1.40401) 183 0 R (I3.1.40414) 184 0 R (I3.1.40433) 215 0 R +(I3.1.40446) 216 0 R (I3.1.40459) 217 0 R (I3.1.40472) 218 0 R (I3.1.40491) 255 0 R (I3.1.40504) 256 0 R (I3.1.40523) 285 0 R (I3.1.40536) 286 0 R (I3.1.40555) 322 0 R +(I3.1.40568) 323 0 R (I3.1.40587) 324 0 R (I3.1.40600) 325 0 R (I3.1.40619) 373 0 R (I3.1.40632) 374 0 R (I3.1.40651) 401 0 R (I3.1.40664) 402 0 R (I3.1.40683) 446 0 R] +>> +endobj +995 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I3.1.40696) (I4.1.82884)] +/Names [(I3.1.40696) 447 0 R (I3.1.40715) 470 0 R (I3.1.40728) 471 0 R (I3.1.40747) 498 0 R (I3.1.40760) 499 0 R (I3.1.40779) 500 0 R (I3.1.40792) 501 0 R (I3.1.40805) 502 0 R +(I3.1.40824) 524 0 R (I3.1.40837) 525 0 R (I3.1.40856) 565 0 R (I3.1.40869) 566 0 R (I3.1.40888) 604 0 R (I3.1.40901) 158 0 R (I3.1.40920) 219 0 R (I3.1.40939) 185 0 R +(I3.1.41081) 159 0 R (I3.1.41094) 160 0 R (I3.1.41107) 186 0 R (I3.1.41120) 220 0 R (I3.1.41133) 221 0 R (I3.1.41146) 287 0 R (I3.1.41159) 288 0 R (I3.1.41172) 326 0 R +(I3.1.41185) 327 0 R (I3.1.41198) 347 0 R (I3.1.41211) 348 0 R (I3.1.41224) 526 0 R (I3.1.41240) 527 0 R (I3.1.41253) 528 0 R (I3.1.41269) 529 0 R (I3.1.41285) 530 0 R +(I3.1.41298) 531 0 R (I3.1.41311) 567 0 R (I3.1.41327) 568 0 R (I3.1.41340) 569 0 R (I3.1.41369) 605 0 R (I4.1.80940) 937 0 R (I4.1.80978) 819 0 R (I4.1.82838) 672 0 R +(I4.1.82839) 674 0 R (I4.1.82840) 676 0 R (I4.1.82842) 678 0 R (I4.1.82845) 680 0 R (I4.1.82847) 682 0 R (I4.1.82849) 684 0 R (I4.1.82850) 686 0 R (I4.1.82852) 688 0 R +(I4.1.82854) 690 0 R (I4.1.82856) 692 0 R (I4.1.82858) 694 0 R (I4.1.82860) 696 0 R (I4.1.82862) 698 0 R (I4.1.82864) 700 0 R (I4.1.82866) 702 0 R (I4.1.82868) 704 0 R +(I4.1.82870) 706 0 R (I4.1.82872) 708 0 R (I4.1.82873) 710 0 R (I4.1.82875) 712 0 R (I4.1.82878) 714 0 R (I4.1.82880) 716 0 R (I4.1.82882) 718 0 R (I4.1.82884) 720 0 R] +>> +endobj +996 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I4.1.82886) (I4.1.83006)] +/Names [(I4.1.82886) 722 0 R (I4.1.82888) 724 0 R (I4.1.82890) 726 0 R (I4.1.82892) 728 0 R (I4.1.82894) 730 0 R (I4.1.82896) 732 0 R (I4.1.82898) 734 0 R (I4.1.82900) 736 0 R +(I4.1.82902) 738 0 R (I4.1.82904) 740 0 R (I4.1.82906) 742 0 R (I4.1.82908) 744 0 R (I4.1.82910) 746 0 R (I4.1.82913) 748 0 R (I4.1.82914) 750 0 R (I4.1.82916) 752 0 R +(I4.1.82918) 754 0 R (I4.1.82920) 756 0 R (I4.1.82922) 758 0 R (I4.1.82925) 760 0 R (I4.1.82927) 762 0 R (I4.1.82929) 764 0 R (I4.1.82931) 766 0 R (I4.1.82933) 768 0 R +(I4.1.82935) 770 0 R (I4.1.82937) 772 0 R (I4.1.82939) 774 0 R (I4.1.82941) 776 0 R (I4.1.82942) 778 0 R (I4.1.82944) 780 0 R (I4.1.82946) 782 0 R (I4.1.82947) 784 0 R +(I4.1.82949) 786 0 R (I4.1.82951) 788 0 R (I4.1.82952) 790 0 R (I4.1.82954) 792 0 R (I4.1.82956) 794 0 R (I4.1.82958) 796 0 R (I4.1.82960) 798 0 R (I4.1.82962) 800 0 R +(I4.1.82964) 802 0 R (I4.1.82966) 804 0 R (I4.1.82967) 806 0 R (I4.1.82968) 808 0 R (I4.1.82970) 810 0 R (I4.1.82972) 812 0 R (I4.1.82974) 814 0 R (I4.1.82976) 816 0 R +(I4.1.82977) 818 0 R (I4.1.82979) 898 0 R (I4.1.82981) 900 0 R (I4.1.82983) 902 0 R (I4.1.82985) 904 0 R (I4.1.82986) 906 0 R (I4.1.82988) 908 0 R (I4.1.82991) 910 0 R +(I4.1.82993) 912 0 R (I4.1.82995) 914 0 R (I4.1.82996) 916 0 R (I4.1.82998) 918 0 R (I4.1.83000) 920 0 R (I4.1.83002) 922 0 R (I4.1.83004) 924 0 R (I4.1.83006) 926 0 R] +>> +endobj +997 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I4.1.83008) (P.7)] +/Names [(I4.1.83008) 928 0 R (I4.1.83010) 930 0 R (I4.1.83012) 932 0 R (I4.1.83014) 934 0 R (I4.1.83016) 936 0 R (I4.1.83018) 939 0 R (L1) 27 0 R (L2) 141 0 R +(L3) 601 0 R (L4) 896 0 R (M3.9.10613.Head1.Creating.the.user.interface) 317 0 R (M3.9.15161.Head1.Adding.objects.to.the.form) 205 0 R (M3.9.21451.Head1.Creating.a.new.project) 179 0 R (M3.9.24216.Head1.Starting.a.new.application) 152 0 R (M3.9.26947.Head2.Creating.the.grid.and.navigation.bar) 319 0 R (M3.9.28240.Head2.Writing.the.Exit.command.event.handler) 522 0 R +(M3.9.31248.Head2.Writing.the.FormClose.event.handler) 563 0 R (M3.9.32179.Head1.Adding.support.for.a.menu.and.a.toolbar) 368 0 R (M3.9.33510.ChapTitle.Chapter3.Your.first.applicationa.brief.tutorial) 150 0 R (M3.9.34730.Head1.Writing.an.event.handler) 493 0 R (M3.9.35094.Head1.Adding.a.menu) 398 0 R (M3.9.47820.Head2.Setting.up.the.dataset) 250 0 R (M3.9.57782.Head2.Setting.up.data.access) 279 0 R (M3.9.73358.Head2.Setting.up.the.database.connection) 207 0 R +(M3.9.74905.Head2.Writing.the.Update.Now.command.event.handler) 496 0 R (M3.9.77443.Head1.Displaying.a.title.and.an.image) 468 0 R (M3.9.84070.Head2.Adding.a.button) 441 0 R (M4.8.newlink.A) 675 0 R (M4.8.newlink.B) 697 0 R (M4.8.newlink.C) 703 0 R (M4.8.newlink.D) 745 0 R (M4.8.newlink.E) 771 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.F) 781 0 R (M4.8.newlink.G) 783 0 R (M4.8.newlink.H) 787 0 R (M4.8.newlink.I) 789 0 R (M4.8.newlink.J) 803 0 R (M4.8.newlink.K) 805 0 R (M4.8.newlink.L) 807 0 R (M4.8.newlink.M) 811 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.N) 897 0 R (M4.8.newlink.Numerics) 673 0 R (M4.8.newlink.O) 903 0 R (M4.8.newlink.P) 905 0 R (M4.8.newlink.Q) 913 0 R (M4.8.newlink.R) 915 0 R (M4.8.newlink.S) 919 0 R (M4.8.newlink.Symbols) 671 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.T) 927 0 R (M4.8.newlink.U) 931 0 R (P.1) 2 0 R (P.10) 421 0 R (P.11) 440 0 R (P.12) 463 0 R (P.13) 492 0 R (P.14) 521 0 R +(P.15) 562 0 R (P.16) 600 0 R (P.2) 26 0 R (P.3) 204 0 R (P.4) 248 0 R (P.5) 278 0 R (P.6) 316 0 R (P.7) 344 0 R] +>> +endobj +998 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(P.8) (P.vi)] +/Names [(P.8) 367 0 R (P.9) 397 0 R (P.iii) 74 0 R (P.iv) 140 0 R (P.v) 634 0 R (P.vi) 895 0 R] +>> +endobj +999 0 obj +<< +/Kids [987 0 R 988 0 R 989 0 R 990 0 R 991 0 R 992 0 R 993 0 R 994 0 R 995 0 R 996 0 R 997 0 R 998 0 R] +>> +endobj +1000 0 obj +<< +/Dests 999 0 R +>> +endobj +1001 0 obj +<< +/Dt (D:20020614120513) +/JTM (Distiller) +>> +endobj +1002 0 obj +/This + +endobj +1003 0 obj +<< +/CP (Distiller) +/Fi 1002 0 R +>> +endobj +1004 0 obj +<< +/Po true +/R [ +600.000 600.000 ]>> +endobj +1005 0 obj +<< +/JTF 0 +/MB [ +0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000 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null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 38 0 R +/Next 41 0 R +>> +endobj +40 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 323 0 R +/Resources 327 0 R +/Contents 326 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 543 0 R +>> +endobj +41 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.1 Server software requirements) +/Dest [ 40 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 39 0 R +/Next 42 0 R +>> +endobj +42 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.2 Client workstation) +/Dest [ 40 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 41 0 R +/Next 44 0 R +>> +endobj +43 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 323 0 R +/Resources 329 0 R +/Contents 328 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 545 0 R +>> +endobj +44 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.3 Installation changes for the InterBase SQL Link driver) +/Dest [ 43 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 42 0 R +/Next 46 0 R +>> +endobj +45 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 323 0 R +/Resources 331 0 R +/Contents 330 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 547 0 R +>> +endobj +46 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.4 Winsock 1.1 Client files) +/Dest [ 45 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 44 0 R +/Next 47 0 R +>> +endobj +47 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.5 Non-Winsock Compliant TCP Support Files) +/Dest [ 45 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 46 0 R +/Next 49 0 R +>> +endobj +48 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 339 0 R +/Resources 341 0 R +/Contents 340 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 553 0 R +>> +endobj +49 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.6 Borland language drivers for InterBase) +/Dest [ 48 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 47 0 R +/Next 51 0 R +>> +endobj +50 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 339 0 R +/Resources 343 0 R +/Contents 342 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 555 0 R +>> +endobj +51 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.7 General information about InterBase servers) +/Dest [ 50 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 49 0 R +/Next 52 0 R +>> +endobj +52 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.8 InterBase to Paradox and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 50 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 51 0 R +/Next 54 0 R +>> +endobj +53 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 339 0 R +/Resources 345 0 R +/Contents 344 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 557 0 R +>> +endobj +54 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.9 Paradox to InterBase and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 53 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 52 0 R +/Next 55 0 R +>> +endobj +55 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.10 dBASE to InterBase and Paradox data type translations) +/Dest [ 53 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 54 0 R +/Next 57 0 R +>> +endobj +56 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 339 0 R +/Resources 347 0 R +/Contents 346 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 559 0 R +>> +endobj +57 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.11 Paradox to BDE logical to dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 56 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 55 0 R +/Next 58 0 R +>> +endobj +58 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.12 dBASE to BDE logical to Paradox data type translations) +/Dest [ 56 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 57 0 R +/Next 60 0 R +>> +endobj +59 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 339 0 R +/Resources 349 0 R +/Contents 348 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 561 0 R +>> +endobj +60 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.13 InterBase to BDE logical to Paradox and dBASE data type translation\ +s) +/Dest [ 59 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 58 0 R +/Next 61 0 R +>> +endobj +61 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.14 SQL to InterBase data type translations) +/Dest [ 59 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 60 0 R +/Next 63 0 R +>> +endobj +62 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 353 0 R +/Resources 351 0 R +/Contents 350 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 563 0 R +>> +endobj +63 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.15 Selected InterBase system relations) +/Dest [ 62 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 61 0 R +/Next 64 0 R +>> +endobj +64 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.16 InterBase field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 62 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 63 0 R +/Next 66 0 R +>> +endobj +65 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 353 0 R +/Resources 358 0 R +/Contents 357 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 567 0 R +>> +endobj +66 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.1 Server software requirements for ORACLE) +/Dest [ 65 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 64 0 R +/Next 67 0 R +>> +endobj +67 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.2 Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 65 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 66 0 R +/Next 69 0 R +>> +endobj +68 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 353 0 R +/Resources 360 0 R +/Contents 359 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 569 0 R +>> +endobj +69 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.3 Installation changes for the ORACLE SQL Link driver) +/Dest [ 68 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 67 0 R +/Next 70 0 R +>> +endobj +70 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.4 NET PROTOCOL settings) +/Dest [ 68 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 69 0 R +/Next 72 0 R +>> +endobj +71 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 353 0 R +/Resources 362 0 R +/Contents 361 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 571 0 R +>> +endobj +72 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.5 Borland language drivers for ORACLE) +/Dest [ 71 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 70 0 R +/Next 74 0 R +>> +endobj +73 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 367 0 R +/Resources 366 0 R +/Contents 365 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 575 0 R +>> +endobj +74 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.6 General information about ORACLE servers) +/Dest [ 73 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 72 0 R +/Next 76 0 R +>> +endobj +75 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 367 0 R +/Resources 369 0 R +/Contents 368 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 577 0 R +>> +endobj +76 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.7 ORACLE to Paradox and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 75 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 74 0 R +/Next 77 0 R +>> +endobj +77 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.8 Paradox to ORACLE and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 75 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 76 0 R +/Next 79 0 R +>> +endobj +78 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 367 0 R +/Resources 371 0 R +/Contents 370 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 579 0 R +>> +endobj +79 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.9 dBASE to ORACLE and Paradox data type translations) +/Dest [ 78 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 77 0 R +/Next 80 0 R +>> +endobj +80 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.10 Paradox to BDE logical and dBASE physical data type translations) +/Dest [ 78 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 79 0 R +/Next 82 0 R +>> +endobj +81 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 367 0 R +/Resources 373 0 R +/Contents 372 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 581 0 R +>> +endobj +82 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.11 dBASE physical to BDE logical and Paradox physical type translation\ +s) +/Dest [ 81 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 80 0 R +/Next 83 0 R +>> +endobj +83 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.12 ORACLE physical to BDE logical and Paradox and dBASE physical data \ +type translations) +/Dest [ 81 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 82 0 R +/Next 84 0 R +>> +endobj +84 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.13 Selected ORACLE system tables) +/Dest [ 81 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 83 0 R +/Next 86 0 R +>> +endobj +85 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 367 0 R +/Resources 375 0 R +/Contents 374 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 583 0 R +>> +endobj +86 0 obj +<< +/Title (C.14 ORACLE field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 85 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 84 0 R +/Next 88 0 R +>> +endobj +87 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 380 0 R +/Contents 379 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 587 0 R +>> +endobj +88 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.1 Server software requirements for SYBASE) +/Dest [ 87 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 86 0 R +/Next 90 0 R +>> +endobj +89 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 383 0 R +/Contents 382 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 589 0 R +>> +endobj +90 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.2 Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 89 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 88 0 R +/Next 91 0 R +>> +endobj +91 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.3 Installation changes for the SYBASE SQL Link driver) +/Dest [ 89 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 90 0 R +/Next 93 0 R +>> +endobj +92 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 387 0 R +/Contents 386 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 593 0 R +>> +endobj +93 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.4 Borland language drivers for SYBASE) +/Dest [ 92 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 91 0 R +/Next 95 0 R +>> +endobj +94 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 391 0 R +/Contents 390 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 597 0 R +>> +endobj +95 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.5 General information about SQL Servers) +/Dest [ 94 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 93 0 R +/Next 96 0 R +>> +endobj +96 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.6 SQL Server to Paradox and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 94 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 95 0 R +/Next 98 0 R +>> +endobj +97 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 394 0 R +/Resources 393 0 R +/Contents 392 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 599 0 R +>> +endobj +98 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.7 Paradox to SQL Server and dBASE data type translations) +/Dest [ 97 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 96 0 R +/Next 99 0 R +>> +endobj +99 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.8 dBASE to SQL Server and Paradox data type translations) +/Dest [ 97 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 98 0 R +/Next 101 0 R +>> +endobj +100 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 394 0 R +/Resources 396 0 R +/Contents 395 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 601 0 R +>> +endobj +101 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.9 Paradox physical to BDE logical and dBASE physical data type transla\ +tions) +/Dest [ 100 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 99 0 R +/Next 102 0 R +>> +endobj +102 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.10 dBASE physical to BDE logical and Paradox physical data type transl\ +ations) +/Dest [ 100 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 101 0 R +/Next 104 0 R +>> +endobj +103 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 394 0 R +/Resources 398 0 R +/Contents 397 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 603 0 R +>> +endobj +104 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.11 SQL Server physical to BDE logical, Paradox physical and dBASE phys\ +ical data type translations) +/Dest [ 103 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 102 0 R +/Next 105 0 R +>> +endobj +105 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.12 Selected SQL server system tables) +/Dest [ 103 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 104 0 R +/Next 107 0 R +>> +endobj +106 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 394 0 R +/Resources 400 0 R +/Contents 399 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 605 0 R +>> +endobj +107 0 obj +<< +/Title (D.13 SQL Server field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 106 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 4 0 R +/Prev 105 0 R +>> +endobj +108 0 obj +<< +/Title (FIGURES) +/Dest [ 456 0 R /XYZ -81 708 0 ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 4 0 R +/Next 123 0 R +/First 110 0 R +/Last 122 0 R +/Count -8 +>> +endobj +109 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 261 0 R +/Resources 259 0 R +/Contents 258 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 491 0 R +>> +endobj +110 0 obj +<< +/Title (1.1 How SQL Links works) +/Dest [ 109 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Next 112 0 R +>> +endobj +111 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 261 0 R +/Resources 272 0 R +/Contents 271 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 499 0 R +>> +endobj +112 0 obj +<< +/Title (2.1 Opening dialog box) +/Dest [ 111 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 110 0 R +/Next 113 0 R +>> +endobj +113 0 obj +<< +/Title (2.2 Specifying the Borland SQL Links home directory) +/Dest [ 111 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 112 0 R +/Next 114 0 R +>> +endobj +114 0 obj +<< +/Title (2.3 Specifying where to install IDAPI.CFG) +/Dest [ 111 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 113 0 R +/Next 116 0 R +>> +endobj +115 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 278 0 R +/Resources 281 0 R +/Contents 280 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 505 0 R +>> +endobj +116 0 obj +<< +/Title (3.1 Sample IDAPI.CFG driver settings) +/Dest [ 115 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 114 0 R +/Next 118 0 R +>> +endobj +117 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 278 0 R +/Resources 290 0 R +/Contents 289 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 513 0 R +>> +endobj +118 0 obj +<< +/Title (3.2 Sample Add New Alias dialog box) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 116 0 R +/Next 120 0 R +>> +endobj +119 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 295 0 R +/Resources 294 0 R +/Contents 293 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 515 0 R +>> +endobj +120 0 obj +<< +/Title (3.3 Customizing the new alias) +/Dest [ 119 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 118 0 R +/Next 122 0 R +>> +endobj +121 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 323 0 R +/Resources 334 0 R +/Contents 333 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 549 0 R +>> +endobj +122 0 obj +<< +/Title (B.1 InterBase Connect Utility dialog box) +/Dest [ 121 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 108 0 R +/Prev 120 0 R +>> +endobj +123 0 obj +<< +/Title (INTRODUCTION) +/Dest [ 2 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 108 0 R +/Next 129 0 R +/First 124 0 R +/Last 127 0 R +/Count -4 +>> +endobj +124 0 obj +<< +/Title (Supported Borland applications) +/Dest [ 2 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 123 0 R +/Next 125 0 R +>> +endobj +125 0 obj +<< +/Title (Supported databases) +/Dest [ 2 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 126 0 R +/Prev 124 0 R +/Parent 123 0 R +>> +endobj +126 0 obj +<< +/Title (Where to find information) +/Dest [ 2 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 127 0 R +/Prev 125 0 R +/Parent 123 0 R +>> +endobj +127 0 obj +<< +/Title (Terms and conventions) +/Dest [ 7 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 126 0 R +/Parent 123 0 R +>> +endobj +128 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 242 0 R +/Resources 254 0 R +/Contents 253 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 487 0 R +>> +endobj +129 0 obj +<< +/Title (CHAPTER 1: How Borland SQL Links work) +/Dest [ 128 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 123 0 R +/Next 140 0 R +/First 130 0 R +/Last 134 0 R +/Count -8 +>> +endobj +130 0 obj +<< +/Title (Introduction) +/Dest [ 128 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 129 0 R +/First 131 0 R +/Last 133 0 R +/Count 2 +/Next 134 0 R +>> +endobj +131 0 obj +<< +/Title (The database server) +/Dest [ 128 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 130 0 R +/Next 133 0 R +>> +endobj +132 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 242 0 R +/Resources 256 0 R +/Contents 255 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 489 0 R +>> +endobj +133 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQL) +/Dest [ 132 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 131 0 R +/Parent 130 0 R +>> +endobj +134 0 obj +<< +/Title (Borland SQL Links for Windows) +/Dest [ 132 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 130 0 R +/Parent 129 0 R +/First 135 0 R +/Last 137 0 R +/Count 4 +>> +endobj +135 0 obj +<< +/Title (How the SQL Links work) +/Dest [ 109 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 134 0 R +/Next 137 0 R +>> +endobj +136 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 261 0 R +/Resources 263 0 R +/Contents 262 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 493 0 R +>> +endobj +137 0 obj +<< +/Title (Options for querying SQL data) +/Dest [ 136 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 135 0 R +/Parent 134 0 R +/First 138 0 R +/Last 139 0 R +/Count 2 +>> +endobj +138 0 obj +<< +/Title (Default SQL query mode) +/Dest [ 136 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 137 0 R +/Next 139 0 R +>> +endobj +139 0 obj +<< +/Title (Default pass-through SQL mode) +/Dest [ 136 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 138 0 R +/Parent 137 0 R +>> +endobj +140 0 obj +<< +/Title (CHAPTER 2: Installing the SQL Link drivers) +/Dest [ 9 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 129 0 R +/Next 148 0 R +/First 141 0 R +/Last 144 0 R +/Count -5 +>> +endobj +141 0 obj +<< +/Title (Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 9 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 140 0 R +/Next 143 0 R +>> +endobj +142 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 261 0 R +/Resources 267 0 R +/Contents 266 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 497 0 R +>> +endobj +143 0 obj +<< +/Title (Database access requirements) +/Dest [ 142 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 144 0 R +/Prev 141 0 R +/Parent 140 0 R +>> +endobj +144 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installing the software) +/Dest [ 142 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 143 0 R +/Parent 140 0 R +/First 145 0 R +/Last 146 0 R +/Count 2 +>> +endobj +145 0 obj +<< +/Title (What happens during installation?) +/Dest [ 142 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 144 0 R +/Next 146 0 R +>> +endobj +146 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installation procedure) +/Dest [ 142 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 145 0 R +/Parent 144 0 R +>> +endobj +147 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 278 0 R +/Resources 277 0 R +/Contents 276 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 503 0 R +>> +endobj +148 0 obj +<< +/Title (CHAPTER 3: Configuring the SQL environment) +/Dest [ 147 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 140 0 R +/Next 170 0 R +/First 149 0 R +/Last 169 0 R +/Count -6 +>> +endobj +149 0 obj +<< +/Title (Specifying default SQL Link driver settings) +/Dest [ 147 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 148 0 R +/Next 164 0 R +/First 150 0 R +/Last 163 0 R +/Count -14 +>> +endobj +150 0 obj +<< +/Title (DLL) +/Dest [ 115 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 149 0 R +/Next 151 0 R +>> +endobj +151 0 obj +<< +/Title (DRIVER FLAGS) +/Dest [ 115 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 152 0 R +/Prev 150 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +152 0 obj +<< +/Title (LANGDRIVER) +/Dest [ 115 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 153 0 R +/Prev 151 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +153 0 obj +<< +/Title (OPEN MODE) +/Dest [ 11 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 154 0 R +/Prev 152 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +154 0 obj +<< +/Title (SCHEMA CACHE SIZE) +/Dest [ 11 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 155 0 R +/Prev 153 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +155 0 obj +<< +/Title (SCHEMA CACHE TIME) +/Dest [ 11 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 156 0 R +/Prev 154 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +156 0 obj +<< +/Title (SERVER NAME) +/Dest [ 13 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 157 0 R +/Prev 155 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +157 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQLPASSTHRU MODE) +/Dest [ 13 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 158 0 R +/Prev 156 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +158 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQLQRYMODE) +/Dest [ 15 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Count 2 +/Last 160 0 R +/First 159 0 R +/Next 161 0 R +/Prev 157 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +159 0 obj +<< +/Title (How language drivers affect SQL server query processing) +/Dest [ 15 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 158 0 R +/Next 160 0 R +>> +endobj +160 0 obj +<< +/Title (Blocking local processing of queries) +/Dest [ 15 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 159 0 R +/Parent 158 0 R +>> +endobj +161 0 obj +<< +/Title (TYPE) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 162 0 R +/Prev 158 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +162 0 obj +<< +/Title (USER NAME) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 163 0 R +/Prev 161 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +163 0 obj +<< +/Title (VERSION) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 162 0 R +/Parent 149 0 R +>> +endobj +164 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating and managing SQL aliases) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 169 0 R +/Prev 149 0 R +/Parent 148 0 R +/First 165 0 R +/Last 168 0 R +/Count 3 +>> +endobj +165 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding a new SQL alias) +/Dest [ 117 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 164 0 R +/Next 166 0 R +>> +endobj +166 0 obj +<< +/Title (Modifying an existing SQL alias) +/Dest [ 119 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 168 0 R +/Prev 165 0 R +/Parent 164 0 R +>> +endobj +167 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 295 0 R +/Resources 297 0 R +/Contents 296 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 517 0 R +>> +endobj +168 0 obj +<< +/Title (Deleting an SQL alias) +/Dest [ 167 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 166 0 R +/Parent 164 0 R +>> +endobj +169 0 obj +<< +/Title (Connecting to the SQL server) +/Dest [ 167 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 164 0 R +/Parent 148 0 R +>> +endobj +170 0 obj +<< +/Title (APPENDIX A: Connecting to Informix) +/Dest [ 17 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 148 0 R +/Next 188 0 R +/First 171 0 R +/Last 182 0 R +/Count -16 +>> +endobj +171 0 obj +<< +/Title (INFORMIX-SQL server requirements) +/Dest [ 17 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 170 0 R +/Next 172 0 R +>> +endobj +172 0 obj +<< +/Title (Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 17 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 173 0 R +/Prev 171 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +>> +endobj +173 0 obj +<< +/Title (Database access requirements) +/Dest [ 20 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 174 0 R +/Prev 172 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +>> +endobj +174 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installation changes) +/Dest [ 20 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 175 0 R +/Prev 173 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +>> +endobj +175 0 obj +<< +/Title (Special SQL Link driver settings) +/Dest [ 20 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 180 0 R +/Prev 174 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +/First 176 0 R +/Last 179 0 R +/Count 4 +>> +endobj +176 0 obj +<< +/Title (DATABASE NAME) +/Dest [ 22 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 175 0 R +/Next 177 0 R +>> +endobj +177 0 obj +<< +/Title (DATE MODE) +/Dest [ 22 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 178 0 R +/Prev 176 0 R +/Parent 175 0 R +>> +endobj +178 0 obj +<< +/Title (DATE SEPARATOR) +/Dest [ 22 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 179 0 R +/Prev 177 0 R +/Parent 175 0 R +>> +endobj +179 0 obj +<< +/Title (LOCK MODE) +/Dest [ 22 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 178 0 R +/Parent 175 0 R +>> +endobj +180 0 obj +<< +/Title (Borland language drivers for Informix) +/Dest [ 22 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 181 0 R +/Prev 175 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +>> +endobj +181 0 obj +<< +/Title (Troubleshooting common connection problems) +/Dest [ 26 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 182 0 R +/Prev 180 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +>> +endobj +182 0 obj +<< +/Title (Working with Informix servers) +/Dest [ 26 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 181 0 R +/Parent 170 0 R +/First 183 0 R +/Last 187 0 R +/Count 4 +>> +endobj +183 0 obj +<< +/Title (Informix data type translations) +/Dest [ 28 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 182 0 R +/Next 186 0 R +/First 185 0 R +/Last 185 0 R +/Count 1 +>> +endobj +184 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 323 0 R +/Resources 322 0 R +/Contents 321 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 539 0 R +>> +endobj +185 0 obj +<< +/Title (Using the Informix Interval data type) +/Dest [ 184 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 183 0 R +>> +endobj +186 0 obj +<< +/Title (Transaction isolation levels) +/Dest [ 184 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 187 0 R +/Prev 183 0 R +/Parent 182 0 R +>> +endobj +187 0 obj +<< +/Title (Informix field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 37 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 186 0 R +/Parent 182 0 R +>> +endobj +188 0 obj +<< +/Title (APPENDIX B: Connecting to InterBase) +/Dest [ 40 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 170 0 R +/Next 202 0 R +/First 189 0 R +/Last 197 0 R +/Count -13 +>> +endobj +189 0 obj +<< +/Title (InterBase server requirements) +/Dest [ 40 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 188 0 R +/Next 190 0 R +>> +endobj +190 0 obj +<< +/Title (Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 40 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 191 0 R +/Prev 189 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +>> +endobj +191 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installation changes) +/Dest [ 43 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/First 192 0 R +/Last 193 0 R +/Count 2 +/Next 194 0 R +/Prev 190 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +>> +endobj +192 0 obj +<< +/Title (TCP/IP interface) +/Dest [ 45 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 193 0 R +/Parent 191 0 R +>> +endobj +193 0 obj +<< +/Title (Other communication protocols) +/Dest [ 45 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 192 0 R +/Parent 191 0 R +>> +endobj +194 0 obj +<< +/Title (Testing the InterBase connection) +/Dest [ 121 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 195 0 R +/Prev 191 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +>> +endobj +195 0 obj +<< +/Title (Troubleshooting common connection problems) +/Dest [ 121 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 196 0 R +/Prev 194 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +>> +endobj +196 0 obj +<< +/Title (Borland language drivers for InterBase) +/Dest [ 48 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 197 0 R +/Prev 195 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +>> +endobj +197 0 obj +<< +/Title (Working with InterBase servers) +/Dest [ 50 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 196 0 R +/Parent 188 0 R +/First 198 0 R +/Last 201 0 R +/Count 4 +>> +endobj +198 0 obj +<< +/Title (InterBase data type translations) +/Dest [ 50 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 197 0 R +/Next 199 0 R +>> +endobj +199 0 obj +<< +/Title (InterBase equivalents to standard SQL data types) +/Dest [ 59 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 200 0 R +/Prev 198 0 R +/Parent 197 0 R +>> +endobj +200 0 obj +<< +/Title (InterBase system relations/tables) +/Dest [ 59 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 201 0 R +/Prev 199 0 R +/Parent 197 0 R +>> +endobj +201 0 obj +<< +/Title (InterBase field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 62 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 200 0 R +/Parent 197 0 R +>> +endobj +202 0 obj +<< +/Title (APPENDIX C: Connecting to ORACLE) +/Dest [ 65 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 188 0 R +/Next 216 0 R +/First 203 0 R +/Last 212 0 R +/Count -12 +>> +endobj +203 0 obj +<< +/Title (ORACLE server requirements) +/Dest [ 65 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 202 0 R +/Next 204 0 R +>> +endobj +204 0 obj +<< +/Title (Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 65 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Count 0 +/Next 205 0 R +/Prev 203 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +>> +endobj +205 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installation changes) +/Dest [ 68 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 206 0 R +/Prev 204 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +>> +endobj +206 0 obj +<< +/Title (Special SQL Link driver settings) +/Dest [ 68 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 209 0 R +/Prev 205 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +/First 207 0 R +/Last 208 0 R +/Count 2 +>> +endobj +207 0 obj +<< +/Title (NET PROTOCOL) +/Dest [ 68 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 206 0 R +/Next 208 0 R +>> +endobj +208 0 obj +<< +/Title (VENDOR INIT) +/Dest [ 71 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 207 0 R +/Parent 206 0 R +>> +endobj +209 0 obj +<< +/Title (Borland language drivers for ORACLE) +/Dest [ 71 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 211 0 R +/Prev 206 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +>> +endobj +210 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 353 0 R +/Resources 364 0 R +/Contents 363 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 573 0 R +>> +endobj +211 0 obj +<< +/Title (Troubleshooting common connection problems) +/Dest [ 210 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 212 0 R +/Prev 209 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +>> +endobj +212 0 obj +<< +/Title (Working with ORACLE servers) +/Dest [ 73 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 211 0 R +/Parent 202 0 R +/First 213 0 R +/Last 215 0 R +/Count 3 +>> +endobj +213 0 obj +<< +/Title (ORACLE data type translations) +/Dest [ 73 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 212 0 R +/Next 214 0 R +>> +endobj +214 0 obj +<< +/Title (ORACLE system tables) +/Dest [ 81 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 215 0 R +/Prev 213 0 R +/Parent 212 0 R +>> +endobj +215 0 obj +<< +/Title (ORACLE field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 85 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 214 0 R +/Parent 212 0 R +>> +endobj +216 0 obj +<< +/Title (APPENDIX D: Connecting to SYBASE and Microsoft SQL Servers) +/Dest [ 87 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 202 0 R +/Next 236 0 R +/First 217 0 R +/Last 231 0 R +/Count -16 +>> +endobj +217 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQL Server requirements) +/Dest [ 87 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 216 0 R +/Next 218 0 R +>> +endobj +218 0 obj +<< +/Title (Client workstation requirements) +/Dest [ 89 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 219 0 R +/Prev 217 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +>> +endobj +219 0 obj +<< +/Title (Installation changes) +/Dest [ 89 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 221 0 R +/Prev 218 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +>> +endobj +220 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 385 0 R +/Contents 384 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 591 0 R +>> +endobj +221 0 obj +<< +/Title (Special SQL Link driver settings) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 228 0 R +/Prev 219 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +/First 222 0 R +/Last 227 0 R +/Count 6 +>> +endobj +222 0 obj +<< +/Title (Blob EDIT LOGGING) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 221 0 R +/Next 223 0 R +>> +endobj +223 0 obj +<< +/Title (CONNECT TIMEOUT) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 224 0 R +/Prev 222 0 R +/Parent 221 0 R +>> +endobj +224 0 obj +<< +/Title (DATABASE NAME) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 225 0 R +/Prev 223 0 R +/Parent 221 0 R +>> +endobj +225 0 obj +<< +/Title (DATE MODE) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 226 0 R +/Prev 224 0 R +/Parent 221 0 R +>> +endobj +226 0 obj +<< +/Title (TIMEOUT) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 227 0 R +/Prev 225 0 R +/Parent 221 0 R +>> +endobj +227 0 obj +<< +/Title (MAX QUERY TIME) +/Dest [ 220 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 226 0 R +/Parent 221 0 R +>> +endobj +228 0 obj +<< +/Title (Borland language drivers for SQL Server) +/Dest [ 92 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 230 0 R +/Prev 221 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +>> +endobj +229 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 381 0 R +/Resources 389 0 R +/Contents 388 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 595 0 R +>> +endobj +230 0 obj +<< +/Title (Troubleshooting common connection problems) +/Dest [ 229 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 231 0 R +/Prev 228 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +>> +endobj +231 0 obj +<< +/Title (Working with SQL Servers) +/Dest [ 229 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 230 0 R +/Parent 216 0 R +/First 232 0 R +/Last 234 0 R +/Count 3 +>> +endobj +232 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQL Server data type translations) +/Dest [ 94 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 231 0 R +/Next 233 0 R +>> +endobj +233 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQL Server system tables) +/Dest [ 103 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Next 234 0 R +/Prev 232 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +>> +endobj +234 0 obj +<< +/Title (SQL Server field-naming rules) +/Dest [ 106 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Prev 233 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +>> +endobj +235 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 394 0 R +/Resources 402 0 R +/Contents 401 0 R +/CropBox [ 72 90 540 702 ] +/Thumb 607 0 R +>> +endobj +236 0 obj +<< +/Title (INDEX) +/Dest [ 235 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +/Parent 428 0 R +/Prev 216 0 R +/First 430 2 R +/Last 455 0 R +/Count -5 +>> +endobj +237 1 obj +[ +238 1 R +] +endobj +238 1 obj +<< +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Text +/Rect [ 103 253 522 530 ] +/Open false +/Contents (Borland may have patents and/or pending patent applications covering sub\ +ject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not g\ +ive you any license to these patents.\r\rCOPYRIGHT \251 1995 by Borland \ +International. All rights reserved. All Borland products are trademarks \ +or registered trademarks of Borland International, Inc. Other brand and \ +product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiv\ +e holders.\r\rPortions of this program copyright \251 1983\2051990 by No\ +vell, Inc. All rights reserved.\r\rPrinted in the U.S.A.\r\r2E0R195\r959\ +6979899- 987654321\rW1 \r) +/M (D:19950121110500) +/T (Copyright Agreement) +/C [ 0 0 1 ] +>> +endobj +239 0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /Type1 +/Name /F2 +/Encoding 419 0 R +/BaseFont /Helvetica +>> +endobj +240 0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /Type1 +/Name /F4 +/FirstChar 0 +/LastChar 255 +/Widths [ 333 333 333 333 333 333 250 333 333 333 380 313 333 287 250 250 250 +250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 +278 371 500 500 840 778 208 333 333 389 606 250 333 250 606 500 +500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 606 606 606 444 747 +778 611 709 774 611 556 763 832 337 333 726 611 946 831 786 604 +786 668 525 613 778 722 1000 667 667 667 333 606 333 606 500 333 +500 553 444 611 479 333 556 582 291 234 556 291 883 582 546 601 +560 395 424 326 603 565 834 516 556 500 333 606 333 606 606 606 +606 278 500 500 1000 500 500 333 1144 525 331 998 606 606 606 606 +278 278 500 500 606 500 1000 333 979 424 331 827 606 606 667 250 +278 500 500 500 500 606 500 333 747 333 500 606 333 747 333 400 +606 300 300 333 603 628 250 333 300 333 500 750 750 750 444 778 +778 778 778 778 778 944 709 611 611 611 611 337 337 337 337 774 +831 786 786 786 786 786 606 833 778 778 778 778 667 604 556 500 +500 500 500 500 500 758 444 479 479 479 479 287 287 287 287 546 +582 546 546 546 546 546 606 556 603 603 603 603 556 601 556 ] +/Encoding 419 0 R +/BaseFont /Palatino-Roman +/FontDescriptor 420 0 R +>> +endobj +241 0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /Type1 +/Name /F6 +/Encoding 419 0 R +/BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold +>> +endobj +242 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [ 2 0 R 5 0 R 7 0 R 250 0 R 128 0 R 132 0 R ] +/Count 6 +/Parent 260 0 R +>> +endobj +243 0 obj +<< /Length 3545 /Filter /LZWDecode >> +stream + Dph(` FB@6LHe"^F EH(p.F<O)F8r7" *8(d)*hJ6 jRʤs2 $Y s;OgcFT;Kbj((Fb`iFq G"p(9FB)ȸ2`pyhP #M&ANx). 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+413.279 560.36 l +405.359 564.44 l +397.559 568.88 l +390.119 573.68 l +382.919 578.84 l +375.959 584.36 l +f +Q +0.5 g +/GS1 gs +1 i +91.439 114.44 m +201.719 145.16 l +108.719 238.16 l +f* +91.439 114.56 m +201.719 145.28 l +201.839 145.28 l +201.599 145.04 l +108.599 238.04 l +108.599 238.52 l +202.079 145.04 l +201.839 144.92 l +91.559 114.2 l +f +108.959 238.16 m +91.679 114.44 l +91.559 114.2 l +91.079 114.08 l +91.319 114.44 l +108.599 238.16 l +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +26.1744 0 0 31.92 214.439 510.0803 Tm +0 g +-0.0477 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(T)86.5(u)-0.6(torial:)-562.9(C)0.4(reating a T)59(e)13.2(xt )]TJ +ET +q +94.439 467.48 423.12 -3 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 467.48 423.12 -3 re +f +Q +214.439 465.68 303.12 0.36 re +f +BT +26.1744 0 0 31.92 214.439 478.1603 Tm +-0.0475 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +(Editor using Delphi)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.36 0 0 9.36 214.439 117.6804 Tm +-0.01 Tc +-0.0092 Tw +[(Bo)10.4(rlan)7.9(d So)10.4(ft)8.3(w)3.5(a)2.8(r)13.2(e)7.5( Co)10.4(rpo)10.4(r)0.4(at)8.3(io)10.4(n)]TJ +0 -1.0513 TD +-0.013 Tc +-0.0062 Tw +[(100 E)8.3(n)4.9(t)-7.5(e)4.5(r)10.2(p)-1.7(r)10.2(i)-4(se W)89.6(a)12.6(y)107.1(,)6.2( Sc)7.9(o)-5.5(t)5.3(t)5.3(s)0.7( V)93.6(a)12.6(ll)8.8(ey)107.1(,)6.2( CA 950)12.6(66-)12.3(3249)]TJ +0 -1.0385 TD +0.0125 Tc +0 Tw +[(ww)13.2(w)102.9(.)6.1(b)14.2(o)7.2(r)10.1(l)21.4(an)17.6(d)8.1(.)6.1(c)20.6(o)7.2(m)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +9.84 0 0 12 214.439 183.5603 Tm +-0.0382 Tc +[(Borl)8.1(and)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +5.904 0 0 7.2 249.599 187.1604 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +19.68 0 0 24 213.479 161.6004 Tm +-0.0402 Tc +[(K)41.6(y)-2.5(lix)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 257.0391 173.1203 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +19.68 0 0 24 262.079 161.6004 Tm +-0.0402 Tc +( 3)Tj +14.76 0 0 18 214.439 141.2003 Tm +-0.0255 Tc +[(Delph)8.3(i)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 257.1591 149.0004 Tm +0 Tc +()Tj +/F2 1 Tf +14.76 0 0 18 263.519 141.2003 Tm +-0.025 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[( an)8.8(d C+)6.2(+ )8.1(f)15.3(o)0.6(r)6.3( Lin)8.8(u)8.8(x)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 385.559 149.9604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +16 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +23 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +24 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +25 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +26 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ 154 159 null] +>> +endobj +27 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +28 0 obj +<< +/D [22 0 R /XYZ 93 153 null] +>> +endobj +29 0 obj +<< +/Length 1053 +>> +stream +BT +/F6 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 142.439 176.9604 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(C)Tj +5.904 0 0 7.2 147.839 176.9604 Tm +-0.0081 Tc +[(OP)28.8(Y)8.5(R)-17.8(I)-14.7(G)-2.5(HT)]TJ +7.38 0 0 9 178.319 176.9604 Tm +-0.0031 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[( 20012002 Bor)-11.6(l)7.5(and Softw)19.7(ar)-11.6(e Cor)-27.8(porati)7.5(on. Al)7.5(l)-8.7( r)-11.6(i)7.5(ghts)-7.2( res)-7.2(e)0.1(r)-27.8(v)25.4(ed. Al)7.5(l)-285.2(B)13.5(or)-27.8(l)7.5(and brand and produc)9.1(t names)-7.2( )]TJ +-4.8618 -1.04 TD +[(ar)-11.7(e t)14.6(r)4.6(ademar)-11.7(k)-7.3(s)-7.3( )16.2(or)-11.7( regi)7.4(s)-7.3(t)-1.6(ered trademar)-11.7(k)-7.3(s)9( of Bor)-11.7(l)-8.8(and )16.2(Software Cor)-27.9(porati)7.4(on i)-8.8(n)0( the Uni)7.4(t)-1.6(ed States)9( and other c)-7.3(ountr)-11.7(i)7.4(es)9(. )]TJ +T* +-0.0028 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(Al)-8.4(l)7.8( other mar)-11.3(k)-6.9(s)9.4( ar)-11.3(e the )16.2(pr)-11.3(oper)-43.8(ty)9.4( of thei)7.8(r)-11.3( )16.2(r)-11.3(e)0.4(s)9.4(pec)-6.9(ti)7.8(v)25.7(e)0.4( o)16.6(w)-12.5(ners)9.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.48 TD +-0.0032 Tc +0 Tw +[(K3Del)-8.8(phi)7.4(_T)-10.1(E)13.4(0702)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +30 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F6 19 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +32 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +33 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +34 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.60542) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 607 298 637] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +35 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 646 null] +>> +endobj +36 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.10706) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 596 298 607] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +37 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 614 null] +>> +endobj +38 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.10772) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 586 298 596] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +39 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 603 null] +>> +endobj +40 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.10786) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 575 298 585] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +41 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 592 null] +>> +endobj +42 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.10886) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 553 298 574] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +43 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 581 null] +>> +endobj +44 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11013) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 542 298 552] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +45 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 105 559 null] +>> +endobj +46 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11099) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 520 298 541] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +47 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 105 548 null] +>> +endobj +48 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11171) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 509 298 519] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +49 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 105 526 null] +>> +endobj +50 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11266) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 497 298 508] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +51 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 515 null] +>> +endobj +52 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11367) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 487 298 497] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +53 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 504 null] +>> +endobj +54 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11378) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [94 476 298 486] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +55 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 493 null] +>> +endobj +56 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11434) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 625 518 636] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +57 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 312 642 null] +>> +endobj +58 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.60790) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 603 518 625] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +59 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 324 631 null] +>> +endobj +60 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11551) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 581 518 603] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +61 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 324 609 null] +>> +endobj +62 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11619) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 559 518 581] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +63 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 324 587 null] +>> +endobj +64 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11667) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 537 518 559] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +65 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 324 565 null] +>> +endobj +66 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11741) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 515 518 537] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +67 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 324 543 null] +>> +endobj +68 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11783) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 504 518 515] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +69 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 312 521 null] +>> +endobj +70 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11861) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 493 518 504] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +71 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 312 510 null] +>> +endobj +72 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G4.64) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [314 471 518 486] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +73 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 312 495 null] +>> +endobj +74 0 obj +<< +/I << +/Title (A) +>> +/F 75 0 R +>> +endobj +76 0 obj +<< +/D [31 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +77 0 obj +<< +/Length 5931 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 302.039 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +(iii)Tj +ET +0.703 g +1 i +305.999 773.96 m +262.319 730.28 l +305.999 686.48 l +349.679 730.28 l +f* +BT +/F2 1 Tf +10.824 0 0 13.2 94.4391 624.8003 Tm +0 g +-0.0123 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(Cre)11.5(a)0.5(ti)10.7(ng )11.1(a t)10.3(e)11.5(xt)10.3( ed)11.1(ito)11.1(r)-0.2( )11.1(usin)11.1(g )]TJ +0.5543 -1.0818 TD +0 Tw +[(the)-254.4(D)0.3(e)11.6(l)-0.3(ph)11.2(i)-266.4(I)10.8(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 599.1204 Tm +0.0036 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(St)9.6(a)10.3(r)-1.4(t)9.6(i)1.3(ng)12.9( a )13.3(new)10.9( a)10.3(p)-8.7(pl)14.6(ic)7.6(at)9.6(ion)-614.4(.)0.3( )13.3(. .)13.6( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.6( .)13.6( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.4(1)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.0034 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(Se)15.7(tt)9.4(ing)12.7( pr)25.1(opert)9.4(y)-0.6( )13.3(va)10.1(lu)6.4(es)-665.9( )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.4( .)13.4( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.6(3)]TJ +0 -1.2267 TD +0.003 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(A)-5.7(d)14(din)11.7(g c)7(o)2.3(m)6(p)4(one)15.3(n)-1.7(t)9(s)0.3( t)9(o)2.3( t)9(h)-1.7(e fo)15.7(rm)-727.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13( .)13( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-707(3)]TJ +T* +0.0021 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(A)-6.6(d)13.1(din)10.8(g su)5.1(ppor)10.4(t)-5.2( )13.3(for a)8.8( m)5.1(e)1.1(n)10.8(u)5.1( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2133 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(an)12(d a)10( t)9.3(oolb)9.6(a)-3.4(r)-721.7( )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-706.7(6)]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.003 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(A)-5.7(d)14(din)11.7(g a)9.7(c)-6.3(t)9(i)0.7(on)11.7(s t)9(o)2.3( t)9(h)-1.7(e )13.3(ac)7(t)9(i)0.7(on )13.3(list)-577.7(.)-0.3( )13.3(. .)13( .)13( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-707(7)]TJ +T* +0.0028 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(A)-5.9(d)13.8(din)11.5(g st)8.8(a)9.5(n)-1.9(da)9.5(r)24.5(d)0.5( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2133 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(ac)7.5(t)9.5(i)1.2(ons)14.2( to)16.2( th)12.2(e a)10.2(c)-5.8(t)9.5(i)1.2(on)12.2( lis)14.2(t)-603.8(.)0.2( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(.)-693.2(9)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.003 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(A)-5.7(d)14(din)11.7(g im)6(a)9.7(g)-1(es)13.7( to )13.3(th)11.7(e im)6(a)9.7(g)-1(e )13.3(list)-537.7(.)-0.3( )13.3(. .)13( .)13( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )-506.7(1)63(1)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.2267 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(A)-5.2(d)14.5(din)12.2(g a)10.2( m)6.5(e)2.5(nu)-513.5( )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )-706.7(13)]TJ +0 -1.2133 TD +0.0032 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(C)5.5(l)0.9(ea)9.9(rin)11.9(g)-0.8( t)9.2(h)-1.5(e )13.3(tex)12.5(t)-4.1( a)9.9(r)24.9(ea)-550.1(.)13.2( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.2( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.2( .)13.2( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )-706.7(15)]TJ +0 -1.2267 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)-5.4(d)14.3(din)12(g a)10( t)9.3(oolb)9.6(a)-3.4(r)-655( )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )-706.7(16)]TJ +24.3467 16.6 TD +[(W)70(r)11.6(it)9.3(ing )13.3(ev)8.3(ent)9.3( ha)10(nd)14.3(lers)-692.7( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( .)-573.4(1)10(7)]TJ +1.3333 -1.2267 TD +0.0036 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(W)70.3(r)11.9(it)9.6(ing )13.3(th)12.3(e N)7.9(e)2.6(w)10.9( c)7.6(o)2.9(m)6.6(m)-6.7(a)10.3(n)-1.1(d)14.6( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2133 TD +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(1)10.2(7)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0027 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(W)69.4(r)11(it)8.7(ing )13.3(th)11.4(e Open)11.4( c)6.7(o)2(m)5.7(m)5.7(a)-4(n)11.4(d)0.4( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(1)10.2(9)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2133 TD +-0.0003 Tw +[(W)70.3(r)11.9(it)9.6(ing )13.3(th)12.3(e S)8.6(a)-3.1(v)8.6(e)2.6( c)7.6(o)2.9(m)6.6(m)6.6(a)10.3(nd )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(2)10.2(1)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0034 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(W)70.1(r)11.7(it)9.4(ing )13.3(th)12.1(e S)8.4(a)-3.3(v)8.4(e)2.4( A)8.1(s)0.7( )13.3(c)-5.9(o)16.1(m)-6.9(m)6.4(a)10.1(n)-1.3(d )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2133 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(2)10.2(2)]TJ +-0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0032 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(W)69.9(r)11.5(it)9.2(ing )13.3(th)11.9(e Ex)12.5(it)9.2( c)7.2(o)2.5(m)6.2(m)-7.1(a)9.9(n)-1.5(d)14.2( )]TJ +0.6667 -1.2267 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(eve)15.8(n)-1.2(t)9.5( ha)10.2(ndl)14.5(e)2.5(r)-494.8( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.5( .)13.5( .)-559.8(2)10.2(3)]TJ +-2 -1.2133 TD +0.0033 Tc +0 Tw +[(C)5.6(r)11.6(ea)10(t)9.3(i)1(ng)12.6( an)12( A)8(b)-3.7(ou)6.3(t)9.3( b)9.6(o)2.6(x)-534( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( .)-573.4(2)10(4)]TJ +0 -1.2267 TD +[(C)5.6(o)2.6(m)6.3(p)4.3(leti)14.3(ng )13.3(you)6.3(r)-1.7( )13.3(appli)14.3(c)-6(a)10(t)-4(i)14.3(o)2.6(n)-521.4(.)0( )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( . )13.3( . )13.3(. )13.3(. .)13.3( .)13.3( .)-573.4(2)10(6)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +10.824 0 0 13.2 313.559 473.7203 Tm +-0.0121 Tc +[(Ind)11.3(e)11.7(x)]TJ +ET +1 g +94.439 671.96 423.12 -30 re +f +BT +22.14 0 0 27 261.839 653.9603 Tm +0 g +-0.0436 Tc +(Contents)Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +78 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +80 0 obj +<< +/D [79 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +81 0 obj +<< +/D [79 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +83 0 obj +<< +/Length 76 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 302.159 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +(iv)Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +84 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F5 18 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +86 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +87 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 256 573 null] +>> +endobj +88 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 256 573 null] +>> +endobj +89 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 404 null] +>> +endobj +90 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 404 null] +>> +endobj +91 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 153 307 null] +>> +endobj +92 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 487 280 null] +>> +endobj +93 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +94 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 173 241 null] +>> +endobj +95 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 208 224 null] +>> +endobj +96 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 233 213 null] +>> +endobj +97 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 233 213 null] +>> +endobj +98 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 415 546 null] +>> +endobj +99 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 482 null] +>> +endobj +100 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 356 471 null] +>> +endobj +101 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 404 null] +>> +endobj +102 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 368 null] +>> +endobj +103 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 369 323 null] +>> +endobj +104 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 215 280 null] +>> +endobj +105 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 205 252 null] +>> +endobj +106 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 317 197 null] +>> +endobj +107 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 318 186 null] +>> +endobj +108 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 215 280 null] +>> +endobj +109 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 205 252 null] +>> +endobj +110 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 165 224 null] +>> +endobj +111 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 321 197 null] +>> +endobj +112 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 321 186 null] +>> +endobj +82 0 obj +<< +/P 79 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 75 0 R +/N 113 0 R +>> +endobj +114 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +115 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 716 null] +>> +endobj +116 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 555 null] +>> +endobj +117 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 475 null] +>> +endobj +118 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 448 null] +>> +endobj +119 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 93 393 null] +>> +endobj +120 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 361 null] +>> +endobj +121 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 328 null] +>> +endobj +122 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 273 null] +>> +endobj +123 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 245 null] +>> +endobj +124 0 obj +<< +/D [85 0 R /XYZ 141 190 null] +>> +endobj +125 0 obj +<< +/Length 7015 +>> +stream +BT +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 312.119 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2574 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(Cr)17.6(eat)18(ing)18.9( )-18.4(a te)18.9(xt ed)18.9(it)18(or usi)17.5(ng th)18.9(e)-535.4(D)18.6(el)17.5(phi)-518.4(I)18(D)0.1(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +3.96 0 0 3.96 243.959 528.9203 Tm +1 g +-0.1045 Tc +[(Ch)-7.4(ap)-18.6(t)-20.9(e)10.9(r)48.1(0)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +22.14 0 0 27 256.919 528.9203 Tm +0 g +-0.0412 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(Creating )5.4(a te)16.2(xt e)5.3(d)0.7(itor using)]TJ +5.5718 -1.0222 TD +-0.0406 Tc +0 Tw +[(the)-238(D)-1.5(elphi)-228.7(I)4.3(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 465.4403 Tm +0.0001 Tc +-0.0091 Tw +[(Th)-8.3(is )-12(tuto)-8.1(ria)6.1(l)-10.1( gui)-10.1(d)-3.4(e)9.2(s)-9.6( yo)-8.1(u th)-8.3(rou)-11.4(g)1.9(h )-12(the crea)-5.9(tio)-8.1(n)3.8( o)-8.1(f)-4.2( a)6.1( )-12(text edito)-8.1(r)-2.5( com)-8.5(p)-1.3(lete w)-9.3(i)1.9(th)-8.3( m)-8.5(e)9.2(n)-8.3(u)0.7(s, )-12(a)6.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0029 Tw +[(to)-8.1(ol)-10.1(bar, a)-5.9(n)3.8(d)-3.4( a st)-11.2(atu)-11.4(s)2.4( ba)-5.9(r)9.6(.)-2.9( Y)-7.6(o)3.9(u w)-9.3(ill us)-9.6(e )12(t)-11.3(h)3.8(e Delph)-8.3(i)1.9( IDE)-3.4( to)-8.1( cre)9.2(a)-5.9(te th)-8.3(e)9.2( text ed)-3.4(ito)-8.1(r)-2.5(. )]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Th)-8.5(is tu)-11.6(toria)-6.1(l)1.7( a)-6.1(ssu)-11.6(mes yo)-8.3(u a)-6.1(r)9.4(e f)-4.5(a)-6.1(mil)-10.3(i)1.7(a)-6.1(r)9.4( w)-9.5(i)1.7(th)-8.5( )12(Li)-10.3(nux a)-6.1(n)3.6(d ha)-6.1(ve rea)5.9(d)-3.6( th)-8.5(e)9( in)-8.5(trodu)-11.6(c)-1.9(tion)-8.5( to )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(K)-9.4(yli)-10.7(x )12(pro)-8.7(g)1.3(ra)-6.5(mm)-9.1(ing)-10.8( an)-8.9(d)-4( )12(t)-11.9(h)3.2(e IDE)-4( in)-8.9( the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.4458 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(Quick Star)5(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7831 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 411.2003 Tm +0.0084 Tc +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 411.2003 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Th)-8.7(is tu)-11.8(toria)-6.3(l)1.5( is)-10( )12(f)-4.7(o)-8.5(r )12(a)-6.3(ll ed)-3.8(iti)-10.5(o)3.5(n)-8.7(s)2( of)-4.7( Ky)-10.6(lix.)]TJ +ET +q +1 i +94.439 370.64 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 370.64 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +1 i +94.439 369.44 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 376.4003 Tm +-0.0276 Tc +0.0054 Tw +[(S)-8.7(t)6.9(a)-8.9(r)-22.4(ting a ne)8.2(w appl)-5.4(ica)-8.9(t)-1.6(ion)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 351.3203 Tm +-0.0022 Tc +0.0052 Tw +[(B)-5.7(e)-5.1(f)-6.5(o)1.6(r)-4.8(e)-5.1( be)-5.1(gin)-10.6(ni)-12.4(ng a)-8.2( ne)-5.1(w)-11.6( )12(a)-8.2(p)-3.6(p)-3.6(l)-0.4(i)-12.4(c)-4(ati)-12.4(o)1.6(n)-10.6(,)6.8( c)-4(r)-4.8(e)-5.1(a)-8.2(te)-5.1( )12(a)-8.2( d)-5.7(i)-0.4(r)-4.8(e)-5.1(c)-4(t)-1.5(or)-4.8(y)-12.5( to ho)-10.4(ld)-5.7( the)-5.1( s)-11.9(o)1.6(ur)-4.8(c)-4(e)-5.1( f)-6.5(ile)-5.1(s:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 334.8803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 334.8803 Tm +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(Create a)7.4( directo)-6.8(r)-1.2(y ca)7.4(l)-8.8(l)3.2(ed )12(TextEdi)-8.8(to)5.2(r in)-7( )12(y)-8.9(o)5.2(ur h)-7(o)5.2(m)-7.2(e)-1.5( )12(directo)-6.8(r)-1.2(y.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 318.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 318.3203 Tm +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(B)-3.9(e)-3.3(gi)-10.6(n a)-6.4( )12(n)-8.8(e)-3.3(w proj)-7.4(ect by cho)-8.6(o)3.4(s)-10.1(i)1.4(ng)-10.7( File|)-8.9(N)-0.7(ew A)-5.5(ppli)-10.6(c)-2.2(ati)-10.6(o)3.4(n)-8.8( )12(o)-8.6(r)-3( use the d)-3.9(e)-3.3(f)-4.7(a)5.6(u)-11.9(l)1.4(t proj)-7.4(ect )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(th)-8.9(a)-6.5(t)0.2( is a)-6.5(l)1.3(read)-4(y o)-8.7(p)-1.9(en wh)-8.9(en yo)-8.7(u sta)-6.5(r)-3.1(ted)-4( the D)-9.6(e)8.6(l)-10.7(p)-1.9(hi)-10.7( ID)-9.6(E)-4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(E)-3.7(a)-6.2(ch a)-6.2(pplica)-6.2(t)0.5(io)-8.4(n is)-9.9( r)9.3(e)-3.1(presen)-8.6(ted)-3.7( by a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.241 0 TD +0.0045 Tc +0 Tw +[(pr)8(oj)5.4(ect)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(. Wh)-8.8(en yo)-8.6(u sta)-6.4(r)-3(t Ky)-10.7(lix, it creat)-11.7(e)8.7(s)-10.1( a )]TJ +-19 -1.1084 TD +[(bl)-10.6(an)-8.8(k proj)-7.4(ect by d)-3.9(e)-3.3(f)7.3(a)-6.4(ult)-11.8(,)8.6( a)-6.4(n)3.3(d)-3.9( a)-6.4(u)0.2(to)-8.6(ma)-6.4(tica)-6.4(lly)-10.7( )12(crea)-6.4(tes th)-8.8(e )12(f)-4.7(o)-8.6(llo)-8.6(win)-8.8(g)1.4( f)-4.7(iles:)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F8 1 Tf +1.2048 0 TD +0.0046 Tc +[(Proj)5.5(e)8.1(c)2(t1)10.6(.dpr)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.012 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0227 Tw +[(: a)7.6( s)-8.1(o)5.4(urce-co)5.4(d)-1.9(e file as)3.9(s)3.9(o)-6.6(ciated w)4.3(i)3.4(t)-9.7(h)5.3( th)-6.8(e)10.7( pro)-6.6(j)6.7(ect. Th)-6.8(is)3.9( is)-8.1( ca)7.6(l)-8.6(l)3.4(ed a)7.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +27.253 0 TD +0.0045 Tc +0 Tw +[(pr)8(oj)5.4(ect)12.2( )]TJ +-32.2651 -1.1084 TD +-0.0009 Tc +[(fi)-12.1(le)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.2289 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-2.4337 -1.6506 TD +()Tj +/F8 1 Tf +1.2048 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +[(Un)6.6(i)-6.4(t)12.5(1.p)10.8(a)3(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.0482 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +-0.0329 Tw +[(: )12.1(a)-6.2( )12.1(s)-9.9(o)3.6(urce-)-4.5(c)-2(od)-3.7(e f)-4.5(ile as)-9.9(soci)-10.4(ated)-3.7( wit)-11.6(h)3.5( the ma)-6.2(in)-8.6( )12.1(pro)-8.4(j)4.9(ect f)-4.5(o)3.6(rm)-8.8(.)8.8( Th)-8.6(is is ca)-6.2(lled)-3.7( )]TJ +-4.0482 -1.1084 TD +0.006 Tc +0 Tw +(a )Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.759 0 TD +-0.0014 Tc +0.0044 Tw +[(uni)-12.6(t)6.3( fil)-12.6(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2048 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +-5.1687 -1.6506 TD +()Tj +/F8 1 Tf +1.2048 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +[(Un)6.6(i)-6.4(t)12.5(1.x)10.8(f)-6.4(m)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.2771 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(: a)-6.2( )12(res)-9.9(o)3.6(urce f)-4.5(ile tha)-6.2(t)0.5( st)-11.5(ores in)-8.6(f)7.5(o)-8.4(rma)-6.2(t)0.5(io)-8.4(n a)-6.2(b)-1.4(ou)-11.7(t the ma)-6.2(in)-8.6( proj)-7.2(e)8.9(c)-2(t)-11.5( )12(f)-4.5(o)-8.4(r)9.3(m)-8.8(. )]TJ +-4.2771 -1.1084 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Th)-8.2(is is)-9.5( call)-10(ed)8.8( a)-5.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.7711 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(form)-5.8( file)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.3735 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +-11.3494 -1.6626 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(Each)5.9( fo)6(rm)-6.4( h)5.9(a)-3.8(s)4.5( its)-7.5( )12(o)-6(w)4.9(n)-6.2( un)5.9(i)-8(t)2.9( \()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.4819 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +[(Un)6.6(i)-6.4(t)12.5(1.p)10.8(a)3(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.0482 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +0.0107 Tw +[(\) a)-13.7(n)-4(d)-11.2( f)-12(o)-3.9(r)-10.3(m)-16.3( \()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +0 Tw +[(Un)6.6(i)-6.4(t)12.5(1.x)10.8(f)-6.4(m)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.2651 0 TD +0 Tc +(\))Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.3253 0 TD +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(f)-4.1(iles. If)-4.1( you)-11.3( cr)9.7(ea)-5.8(te a )]TJ +-26.6627 -1.0964 TD +0.0028 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(s)-6.9(e)11.9(co)-5.4(n)6.5(d)-0.7( fo)6.6(rm)-5.8(, )12(a s)5.1(e)-0.1(co)-5.4(n)6.5(d)-0.7( un)6.5(i)-7.4(t)3.5( \()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.5181 0 TD +0.0059 Tc +0 Tw +[(Uni)6.8(t)13.6(2.)14.9(pas)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.0361 0 TD +0.0055 Tc +-0.0025 Tw +[(\) )12(and)14.1( for)15(m)-3.1( \()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +-0.0065 Tc +0 Tw +[(Un)-16.8(i)-5.6(t)-10.8(2.)-9.5(x)-12.5(f)-5.6(m)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.2651 0 TD +0 Tc +(\))Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.3253 0 TD +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(f)-4.7(ile a)-6.4(r)-3(e )12(a)-6.4(u)0.2(to)-8.6(ma)-6.4(tica)-6.4(ll)-10.6(y )]TJ +-26.6867 -1.1084 TD +0.0028 Tc +0 Tw +(created.)Tj +ET +endstream +endobj +126 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +129 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 261 684 null] +>> +endobj +130 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 436 564 null] +>> +endobj +131 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 165 353 null] +>> +endobj +132 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +133 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 407 591 null] +>> +endobj +134 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 362 651 null] +>> +endobj +135 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 373 635 null] +>> +endobj +113 0 obj +<< +/P 85 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 82 0 R +/N 136 0 R +>> +endobj +137 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +138 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 141 645 null] +>> +endobj +139 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 141 628 null] +>> +endobj +140 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 141 584 null] +>> +endobj +141 0 obj +<< +/D [128 0 R /XYZ 141 557 null] +>> +endobj +142 0 obj +<< +/Length 6728 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F6 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3086 Tc +-0.0034 Tw +[(Star)5.3(ting a n)16.2(e)-1.4(w)5.5( appli)18(c)-4.4(atio)16.2(n)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.0087 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(C)-10.5(h)-17.1(o)-4.9(o)-16.9(s)-6.4(e)-11.6( F)-6.9(i)-18.9(l)-6.9(e)-11.6(|)-5.1(S)-13.8(a)-14.7(v)-10(e A)-13.8(l)-6.9(l)-18.9( t)-8(o)-4.9( s)-18.4(a)-2.7(v)-10(e)-11.6( y)-19(o)-4.9(u)-8.1(r)-11.3( f)-13(i)-6.9(l)-6.9(e)-11.6(s)-18.4( t)-8(o)-4.9( d)-12.2(i)-6.9(s)-18.4(k)-6.9(.)-11.7( W)-8.7(h)-17.1(en)-17.1( t)-8(h)-17.1(e S)-13.8(a)-14.7(v)-10(e)-11.6( d)-12.2(i)-6.9(a)-14.7(l)-6.9(o)-4.9(g)-19( b)-9.9(o)-4.9(x)-10.8( a)-14.7(p)-10.1(p)-10.1(e)-11.6(ar)-11.3(s)-18.4(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[()-599.4(N)-13(avig)-10.9(at)-11.9(e)8.5( to)-8.8( yo)-8.8(ur )12(T)-14.1(e)8.5(xt)-11.9(E)8(d)-4.1(i)-10.8(t)0.1(or f)-5(o)3.2(ld)-4.1(er.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0008 Tc +0.0038 Tw +[()-599.6(S)-5.9(a)-6.8(v)-2.1(e )12(U)-5.9(n)-9.2(it1)-6.8( usin)-9.2(g th)-9.2(e)8.3( d)-4.3(e)-3.7(f)-5.2(a)5.2(u)-12.3(l)1(t na)-6.8(m)-9.4(e)8.3( U)-5.9(n)-9.2(it1)-6.8(.)-3.8(pa)-6.8(s.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[()-597.4(S)-3.7(ave )12(t)-10(h)5.1(e pro)5.2(j)-5.6(ect us)3.7(in)-7(g th)-7(e)10.5( n)-7(a)7.4(m)-7.2(e)-1.5( TextEdito)5.2(r.dpr. \()9.1(T)-0.1(h)-7(e)-1.5( ex)11.4(ecu)-10.1(t)2.1(a)7.4(b)0.2(l)-8.8(e)-1.5( )12(w)-8(ill)-8.8( )12(be n)-7(a)7.4(m)-7.2(e)-1.5(d )]TJ +1.2048 -1.1084 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(th)-8.4(e sa)-6(me a)-6(s)2.3( the proj)-7(ect na)-6(me w)-9.4(i)1.8(tho)-8.2(u)0.6(t a)-6(n)3.7( exten)-8.4(s)2.3(io)-8.2(n.\))]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +[(L)-3.5(a)-6(ter, )12(y)-10.3(o)3.8(u ca)-6(n resa)-6(ve you)-11.5(r)-2.6( )12(w)-9.4(o)3.8(rk)-10.3( )12(by)-10.3( cho)-8.2(o)3.8(si)-10.2(ng Fi)-10.2(le|S)-5.1(a)-6(v)-1.3(e )12(A)-5.1(l)-10.2(l.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(W)-12.1(h)3.6(en y)-10.4(o)3.7(u sa)-6.1(ve yo)-8.3(ur project)-11.5(,)8.9( K)-9(ylix crea)-6.1(tes ad)-3.6(d)-3.6(i)1.7(t)-11.5(i)1.7(on)-8.5(al)-10.3( f)7.6(i)-10.3(les in y)-10.4(o)3.7(ur proj)-7.1(ect )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(d)-3(i)2.3(recto)-7.7(r)-2.1(y. Do)-7.7( )12(n)-7.9(o)4.3(t)-10.9( )12(d)-3(e)-2.4(lete th)-7.9(ese f)8.2(i)-9.7(les.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(W)-10.3(h)5.4(en)5.4( y)-8.6(o)5.5(u o)-6.5(p)0.3(en)5.4( a)7.7( n)-6.7(e)-1.2(w)4.4( pro)5.5(j)-5.3(ect, K)4.8(y)3.5(l)-8.5(i)3.5(x d)10.3(i)-8.5(s)4(p)0.3(lays)-8( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.4(e pro)5.5(j)-5.3(ects)4( m)-6.9(a)7.7(in)-6.7( f)9.4(o)-6.5(rm)5.2(, n)-6.7(a)7.7(m)-6.9(e)-1.2(d )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fo)8.5(r)13.8(m)5.2(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6867 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[( by)-9.4( )12(def)-3.5(a)-5.1(ult. Yo)-7.3(ul)-9.3(l)2.7( cr)10.4(ea)-5.1(te the us)-8.8(er )12(i)-9.3(n)4.6(terfa)6.9(c)-0.9(e a)-5.1(n)4.6(d ot)-10.4(her pa)6.9(rts)-8.8( of you)-10.6(r)-1.7( )]TJ +-2.6867 -1.0964 TD +0.0095 Tc +-0.0065 Tw +[(ap)8.1(p)8.1(l)11.3(ic)7.7(a)15.5(t)10.2(io)13.3(n)13.2( b)8.3(y)-0.8( p)8.1(l)11.3(a)15.5(c)7.7(in)13.2(g)11.3( c)7.7(o)1.3(m)13(p)8.1(on)13.2(e)6.6(n)1.1(t)10.2(s)11.8( o)13.3(n)1.1( t)10.2(h)13.2(is)11.8( f)17.2(o)1.3(r)6.9(m)13(.)6.5( )]TJ +0 -15.6145 TD +0.0081 Tc +-0.0051 Tw +[(Ru)8.7(n )12(th)11.8(e)5.2( fo)11.9(r)5.5(m)11.6( no)11.9(w b)6.9(y)9.9( p)6.7(r)5.5(e)5.2(s)10.4(s)10.4(i)9.9(ng)9.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.7711 0 TD +-0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +1.0602 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(, eve)11(n)-6.5( th)5.6(o)-6.3(u)2.5(gh)-6.5( th)5.6(ere ar)11.4(e n)-6.5(o)5.7( co)5.7(m)-6.7(p)0.5(o)5.7(n)-6.5(en)5.6(ts)-7.8( o)5.7(n)-6.5( )12(i)-8.3(t)2.6(.)]TJ +-14.8313 -1.6506 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(To)-6.6( re)10.7(t)-9.7(u)2.2(rn)5.3( to)-6.6( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e des)3.9(ign)-6.8(-tim)-7(e )12(vi)-8.6(ew)4.3( o)5.4(f)-2.7( Fo)-6.6(rm)5.1(1, )12(ei)-8.6(th)5.3(er:)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(C)597(l)588.6(i)600.6(c)597(k)600.6( t)599.5(h)590.4(e)607.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +10.92 0 0 10.92 208.199 336.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 215.639 336.8003 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( in)-7.8( the upper righ)-7.8(t corn)-7.8(er )12(o)-7.6(f)-3.7( )12(t)-10.7(h)4.3(e titl)-9.6(e)9.7( ba)-5.4(r of you)-10.9(r)-2( )12(a)-5.4(ppli)-9.6(c)-1.2(a)6.6(t)1.3(i)-9.6(o)4.4(n)-7.8( )]TJ +-4.9398 -1.1084 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(\(th)-6.5(e)-1( )12(run)-6.5(t)2.6(im)-6.7(e view)4.6( o)-6.3(f)9.6( th)-6.5(e )12(fo)-6.3(rm)5.4(\);)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[()-598.1(C)-1.1(l)-9.5(i)2.5(ck th)-7.7(e)9.8( Exit)-10.7( )12(a)-5.3(ppli)-9.5(c)-1.1(a)6.7(t)1.4(i)-9.5(o)4.5(n)-7.7( )12(bu)-10.8(tton)-7.7( in th)-7.7(e upper lef)8.4(t)-10.6( )12(co)-7.5(rner of)-3.7( th)-7.7(e)9.8( ti)-9.5(tle ba)6.7(r a)-5.3(n)4.4(d )]TJ +1.2048 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(s)-8.2(e)10.6(l)-8.7(e)-1.4(ct Clo)5.3(s)-8.2(e )12(fro)-6.7(m)5( th)-6.9(e)10.6( m)-7.1(e)-1.4(n)5.2(u)2.1(;)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.0084 Tc +-0.0054 Tw +[()-590.4(C)6.6(ho)12.2(os)10.7(e)5.5( R)13.7(u)-3.1(n)12.1(|)-0.1(P)10(r)5.8(o)12.2(g)-1.9(r)5.8(a)14.4(m R)13.8(e)5.5(s)10.7(e)5.5(t)9.1(;)5.4( or)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[()-598.7(C)-1.7(h)-8.3(o)3.9(o)-8.1(s)2.4(e View)-9.3(|Fo)-8.1(r)-2.5(ms)-9.6(,)9.1( s)-9.6(e)9.2(l)-10.1(e)-2.8(ct Form)-8.5(1, a)-5.9(n)3.8(d)-3.4( click)-10.2( )12(O)-9.1(K)3.2(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 515.96 200.4 -129.6 re +f +q +200.4 0 0 129.6 154.439 386.3604 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +BT +/F6 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 367.439 489.3203 Tm +0 g +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(Th)-17.5(e de)-17.5(fault )-17.5(form)-19.3( has )-17.5(Maxim)-19.3(i)14.3(z)-21.2(e)-0.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(and)-17( Minim)-18.8(i)-2.6(ze bu)-17(ttons)-20.7(, a C)-7.8(l)-2.6(ose)-17( )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +0.0167 Tw +[(butt)-16.7(on, and a )17.4(C)-8.2(o)0(n)-17.4(t)0.8(rol )17.5(m)-19.2(enu)-17.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(If yo)-17.5(u ru)-17.5(n th)-17.5(e for)-14(m)-1.8( n)-17.5(o)-0.1(w)-8.3( by )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0024 Tc +0 Tw +[(pre)-16.5(ssing )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 395.759 450.8003 Tm +0.0162 Tc +(F9)Tj +6.888 0 0 8.4 403.919 450.8003 Tm +0.0007 Tc +[(, y)-21.9(o)-0.8(u)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +2.1951 0 TD +0 Tc +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(ll see)-16.1( that)-15.4( )]TJ +-7.7178 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(thes)-20.8(e bu)-17.1(ttons)-20.8( all w)-7.9(o)0.3(rk.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +[(To)-17.1( retu)-17.1(rn )-17.5(to de)-17.1(sign m)-18.9(ode)-17.1(, click )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0013 Tc +0 Tw +(the )Tj +/F2 1 Tf +1.6899 0 TD +0 Tc +(X)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.6794 0 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[( )-17.5(to close)-16.7( the)-16.7( for)-13.2(m)-1(.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +143 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im1 145 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +147 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +148 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 153 342 null] +>> +endobj +149 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 268 320 null] +>> +endobj +150 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +151 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +152 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 280 655 null] +>> +endobj +153 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 544 null] +>> +endobj +154 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 544 null] +>> +endobj +155 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 299 496 null] +>> +endobj +156 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +157 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 303 458 null] +>> +endobj +158 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +159 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +160 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 544 null] +>> +endobj +161 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 141 507 null] +>> +endobj +136 0 obj +<< +/P 128 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 113 0 R +/N 162 0 R +>> +endobj +163 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +164 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +165 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +166 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 93 532 null] +>> +endobj +167 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 141 500 null] +>> +endobj +168 0 obj +<< +/D [146 0 R /XYZ 141 335 null] +>> +endobj +169 0 obj +<< +/Length 8978 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 312.119 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2574 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(Cr)17.6(eat)18(ing)18.9( )-18.4(a te)18.9(xt ed)18.9(it)18(or usi)17.5(ng th)18.9(e)-535.4(D)18.6(el)17.5(phi)-518.4(I)18(D)0.1(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 400.319 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3084 Tc +-0.1622 Tw +[(Se)16(tting pr)5.1(oper)5.1(ty)13.1( )-17.6(v)13.1(a)-1.6(lues)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0232 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(Setti)7.5(ng)7.9( pr)24.7(op)7.9(er)-9.4(ty )8.5(v)21.1(a)4.1(lues)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(Next)-10( )12(to)-6.9( th)5(e fo)5.1(rm)-7.3(, )12(y)-9(o)5.1(u)-9.9(ll s)3.6(ee th)5(e O)-7.9(b)0.1(j)6.4(e)-1.6(ct In)-7.1(s)3.6(p)-0.1(ecto)5.1(r, w)4(h)-7.1(ich)-7.1( )12(y)-9(o)5.1(u can)5( us)-8.4(e to)5.1( s)3.6(e)-1.6(t pro)-6.9(p)-0.1(er)10.8(t)-10(y)3.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(values)-7.9( )12(fo)-6.4(r )12(t)-9.6(h)5.5(e fo)5.6(rm)5.3( an)5.5(d co)-6.4(m)5.3(p)0.4(o)-6.4(n)5.5(en)5.5(t)-9.6(s)4.1( yo)-6.4(u place)10.9( o)-6.4(n)5.5( it. Wh)-6.6(en)5.5( yo)-6.4(u s)4.1(e)-1.1(t pro)5.6(p)-11.7(e)10.9(r)-0.8(ti)-8.4(es)4.1(, K)4.9(y)3.6(l)-8.4(i)3.6(x )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(m)-7(a)7.6(i)-8.6(n)5.3(tain)-6.8(s)3.9( yo)-6.6(ur s)3.9(o)5.4(u)-9.9(r)11.1(ce co)-6.6(de)10.7( fo)5.4(r yo)-6.6(u. Th)5.3(e values)3.9( y)-8.7(o)5.4(u s)3.9(e)-1.3(t i)-8.6(n)5.3( th)5.3(e O)-7.6(b)0.4(j)6.7(e)-1.3(ct In)-6.8(s)3.9(p)0.2(ecto)5.4(r are )]TJ +T* +0.0006 Tc +0 Tw +[(ca)-5.4(lled)-2.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.8795 0 TD +-0.0044 Tc +[(d)-10.4(esi)-15.6(gn)-14.7(-t)-8.7(im)-9.5(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.747 0 TD +0.0105 Tc +-0.0075 Tw +[( se)19.6(tt)11.2(i)12.3(n)14.2(gs)12.8(.)]TJ +-7.6265 -1.6506 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(Y)-6.4(o)5.1(u)-10.2( )12(can)5( ch)-7.1(a)7.3(n)-7.1(ge th)-7.1(e)10.4( captio)-6.9(n)5( o)-6.9(f)9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.5904 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +[(For)-8.6(m)-5.1(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6747 0 TD +0.0053 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[( ri)7.1(gh)9(t)6( aw)8(ay)7.1(: )]TJ +-16.2651 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(F)588.5(i)600.6(n)602.5(d)595.3( t)599.5(h)590.4(e)595.9( )12(f)594.5(o)590.6(r)608.3(m)590.2()599.7(s)601.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.2651 0 TD +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.1(pt)14.6(i)7.8(o)5.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[( pr)10.3(o)-7.4(p)-0.6(erty in)-7.6( the Obj)-6.2(e)-2.1(ct Ins)-8.9(p)-0.6(ector a)-5.2(n)4.5(d type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +18.8313 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1( \012)12.1()]TJ +-29.1325 -1.0964 TD +[( )12.1( \012)12.1( )12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[( )12(repla)-6.4(c)-2.2(in)-8.8(g the d)-3.9(e)-3.3(f)7.3(a)-6.4(ult)-11.8( )12(ca)-6.4(ptio)-8.6(n )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +13.241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( \012)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(. )12(No)-7.9(tice tha)-5.7(t)1( the ca)6.3(p)-13.2(t)1(ion)-8.1( )12(i)-9.9(n)4( the hea)-5.7(d)-3.2(ing)-10( )]TJ +-18.9759 -1.1084 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(o)-8.3(f)7.6( th)-8.5(e f)7.6(o)-8.3(rm ch)-8.5(an)-8.5(ges a)-6.1(s)2.2( yo)-8.3(u type.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 509.96 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 509.96 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 508.88 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 515.7203 Tm +-0.0263 Tc +-0.0044 Tw +[(Addi)-4.1(ng )-8.5(com)-7.2(p)4.8(onents to the )-8.5(f)16.7(o)4.8(rm)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 490.6403 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(Before yo)-7.7(u sta)-5.5(r)-2.1(t a)6.5(ddin)-7.9(g)2.3( com)-8.1(p)-0.9(o)-7.7(n)4.2(ent)-10.9(s)2.8( to th)-7.9(e )12(fo)-7.7(rm, yo)-7.7(u need to th)-7.9(ink)-9.8( a)6.5(b)-0.7(o)-7.7(u)1.1(t th)-7.9(e)9.6( bes)-9.2(t)1.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(w)-7.8(a)7.6(y)-8.7( to)5.4( crea)7.6(t)-9.8(e)10.7( th)-6.8(e us)3.9(er in)5.3(t)-9.8(e)-1.3(r)11.1(f)-2.8(ace \()9.3(U)-3.5(I\) f)9.3(o)-6.6(r yo)5.4(u)-9.9(r)-1( )12(appli)-8.6(c)-0.2(a)7.6(t)2.3(i)-8.6(o)5.4(n)-6.8(.)10.6( Th)-6.8(e )12(UI is)-8.1( w)4.3(h)5.3(at allo)-6.6(w)4.3(s)3.9( th)-6.8(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(u)-11.5(s)2.3(er )12(o)-8.2(f)-4.3( )12(y)-10.3(o)3.8(ur a)-6(pplica)-6(t)0.7(io)-8.2(n to)-8.2( int)-11.3(e)9.1(ra)-6(ct wi)-10.2(th it a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( sh)-8.4(ou)-11.5(ld)-3.5( be )12(d)-3.5(e)-2.9(si)-10.2(gn)-8.4(e)9.1(d)-3.5( f)-4.4(o)3.8(r ea)-6(se of)-4.3( use. )]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0004 Tc +-0.0327 Tw +[(K)-9.3(yli)-10.6(x in)-8.8(clud)-3.9(es )-12(ma)-6.4(ny)-10.7( co)-8.6(mpo)-8.6(n)3.3(en)-8.8(ts t)-11.7(h)3.3(a)-6.4(t)0.3( represen)-8.8(t pa)-6.4(rts )-12(of)-4.8( )-12(an)-8.8( a)-6.4(pplica)-6.4(t)0.3(io)-8.6(n. )-12(For )-12(exam)-9(ple, )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0112 Tw +[(th)-6.2(ere are )-12(co)6(m)-6.4(p)0.8(o)6(n)-6.2(en)5.9(ts)-7.5( \(derived )-12(f)9.9(r)-0.4(o)-6(m)5.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.2771 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(ob)-5.4(je)5(cts)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.7108 0 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(\))-4.5( on)-8.5( the Co)-8.3(mpo)-8.3(n)3.6(ent)-11.5( )12(pa)-6.1(lett)-11.4(e)9( th)-8.5(a)-6.1(t)0.6( ma)-6.1(ke it )]TJ +-18.9879 -1.1084 TD +0.0066 Tc +-0.0277 Tw +[(e)3.7(a)0.6(s)8.9(y)8.4( t)7.3(o)-1.6( )12(p)5.2(r)4(og)8.4(r)4(a)0.6(m)10.1( m)10.1(e)3.7(nu)7.2(s)8.9(,)3.6( t)7.3(o)10.4(ol)8.4(b)5.4(a)0.6(r)4(s)8.9(,)3.6( )12(di)8.4(al)8.4(og)8.4( b)5.4(o)10.4(x)4.5(e)3.7(s,)15.6( an)10.3(d m)10.1(a)0.6(n)10.3(y)-3.7( )12(ot)7.3(h)10.3(e)3.7(r)4( v)5.3(i)8.4(s)8.9(u)-4.9(a)12.6(l)8.4( an)10.3(d n)10.3(o)-1.6(n)10.3(v)5.3(i)8.4(s)-3.1(u)7.2(a)0.6(l)8.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(pro)-6.2(g)3.8(ram)5.5( elem)-6.6(e)11.1(n)-6.4(ts)4.3(. )]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(e text e)9.1(d)-3.5(i)-10.2(t)0.7(or a)-6(pplica)-6(t)0.7(io)-8.2(n requ)-11.5(ires an)-8.4( ed)-3.5(itin)-8.4(g area)-6(, )12(a)-6( sta)-6(t)0.7(us)-9.7( bar f)-4.4(o)3.8(r d)-3.5(i)1.8(spl)-10.2(a)6(y)-10.3(i)1.8(ng)-10.3( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(i)-10.3(n)3.6(f)-4.4(o)3.7(rm)-8.7(ati)-10.3(o)3.7(n)-8.5( )12(s)-9.8(u)0.5(ch a)-6.1(s)2.2( th)-8.5(e )12(n)-8.5(a)-6.1(me of)-4.4( the f)-4.5(ile bein)-8.5(g ed)-3.6(ited)-3.6(, menu)-11.6(s, an)-8.5(d)-3.6( )12(p)-13.6(e)9(rh)-8.5(aps)-9.8( a to)-8.3(olb)-13.4(a)5.9(r )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(w)-9.2(i)2(th)-8.2( )12(i)-10(c)-1.6(on)-8.2(s f)7.9(o)-8(r ea)6.2(s)-9.5(y)2( a)6.2(ccess)-9.5( to co)-8(mm)-8.4(a)6.2(n)-8.2(ds. The bea)6.2(u)-11.3(ty of)-4.2( desig)-10.1(n)3.9(in)-8.2(g th)-8.2(e)9.3( i)-10(n)3.9(terfa)6.2(c)-1.6(e us)-9.5(ing)-10.1( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(K)-7.4(yli)-8.7(x )12(i)-8.7(s)3.8( th)5.2(at yo)-6.7(u ca)7.5(n)-6.9( exper)11(i)-8.7(m)5(e)-1.4(n)-6.9(t)2.2( w)4.2(i)3.3(th)-6.9( diff)9.2(eren)5.2(t)-9.9( )12(co)-6.7(m)5(p)-12(o)5.3(n)5.2(en)-6.9(ts)3.8( an)5.2(d s)3.8(ee th)-6.9(e)10.6( res)3.8(u)-10(lts)3.8( rig)-8.8(h)5.2(t )]TJ +T* +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(a)-6.7(w)2(a)-6.7(y)1.1(. Th)-9.1(is wa)-6.7(y, yo)-8.9(u can)-9.1( qu)-12.2(ickly)-11( )12(p)-14.2(r)8.8(o)-8.9(t)0(o)-8.9(t)0(ype an)-9.1( appl)-10.9(ica)-6.7(t)0(ion)-9.1( int)-12(e)-3.6(r)8.8(f)-5(a)-6.7(c)-2.5(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0005 Tc +-0.0206 Tw +[(To)-8.7( sta)-6.5(r)-3.1(t d)-4(e)-3.4(sign)-8.9(in)-8.9(g th)-8.9(e)8.6( text ed)-4(it)-11.8(or, ad)-4(d)-4( a)-6.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.5422 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-14.2(mo)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5663 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +-0.0263 Tw +[( an)8.9(d a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.8795 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(St)-5.3(at)-5.2(usB)-4.4(a)-2.7(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.0723 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +-0.0333 Tw +[( co)-8(mp)-13.3(onen)-8.2(t )-12(to)-8( t)-11.1(h)3.9(e )-12(f)-4.2(o)4(rm)-8.4(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 325.6403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 325.6403 Tm +0.0036 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(To cre)12.7(a)-2.4(t)4.3(e)0.7( a )12(t)-7.7(e)12.7(xt)-7.8( )12(area)9.6(, fi)5.4(rs)5.9(t)4.3( add a)9.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.0964 0 TD +0.0065 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)10(mo)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5663 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( co)5.9(m)-6.5(p)0.7(o)5.9(n)-6.3(en)5.8(t. To)5.9( fin)-6.3(d)-1.4( )12(t)-9.3(h)5.8(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +10.8916 0 TD +-0.0042 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-12.8(m)-9.3(o)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5663 0 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.011 Tw +[( co)-6.2(m)5.5(p)0.6(o)-6.2(n)5.7(en)-6.4(t, )]TJ +-30.1205 -1.0964 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(o)-7.5(n)4.4( the )12(S)-4.4(t)1.4(a)-5.3(n)4.4(da)-5.3(rd )12(ta)-5.3(b )12(o)-7.5(f)8.4( the Com)-7.9(p)-0.7(on)-7.7(ent pa)6.7(l)-9.5(e)9.8(t)-10.7(t)1.4(e,)9.7( poi)-9.5(n)4.4(t to a)6.7(n)-7.7( )12(ico)-7.5(n)4.4( )12(o)-7.5(n)4.4( the pa)6.7(l)-9.5(e)9.8(t)-10.7(t)1.4(e )12(for )12(a)-5.3( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(m)-9.1(o)3.3(m)-9.1(e)-3.4(nt; Ky)-10.8(lix d)-4(i)1.3(s)-10.2(p)-1.9(lay)-10.8(s)1.8( a)-6.5( )12(H)-11.9(e)-3.4(lp too)-8.7(l)1.3(tip s)-10.2(h)3.2(o)-8.7(w)2.2(in)-8.9(g th)-8.9(e)8.6( n)-8.9(a)5.5(m)-9.1(e)-3.4( of)-4.8( the com)-9.1(p)-1.9(o)-8.7(n)3.2(ent)-11.9(.)-3.5( )]TJ +ET +1 g +115.679 332.6 12.84 -14.4 re +f +q +12.84 0 0 14.4 115.6791 318.2003 cm +/Im2 Do +Q +154.439 296.36 350.88 -48.72 re +f +q +154.439 296.36 350.88 -48.72 re +W* n +q +350.8799 0 0 48.72 154.439 247.6403 cm +/Im3 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +170 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im2 172 0 R +/Im3 173 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +175 0 obj +<< +/D [174 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +176 0 obj +<< +/D [174 0 R /XYZ 272 436 null] +>> +endobj +162 0 obj +<< +/P 146 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 136 0 R +/N 177 0 R +>> +endobj +178 0 obj +<< +/D [174 0 R /XYZ 141 375 null] +>> +endobj +179 0 obj +<< +/Length 8004 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3088 Tc +-0.0036 Tw +[(Adding)16.4( com)10.7(pone)16.4(nts to th)16.4(e for)5.5(m)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(W)-10.5(h)5.2(en)5.2( y)-8.8(o)5.3(u fin)-6.9(d)10.1( th)-6.9(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.5904 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-14.2(mo)-7.4( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8072 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0108 Tw +[(co)-6.4(m)5.3(p)0.4(o)-6.4(n)5.5(en)-6.6(t, ei)-8.4(th)5.5(er:)]TJ +-11.3976 -1.6627 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[()-597.6(S)-3.9(elect th)-7.2(e )12(co)-7(m)4.7(p)-0.2(o)-7(n)4.9(en)-7.2(t o)5(n)-7.2( )12(t)-10.1(h)4.9(e palette a)7.2(n)-7.2(d click o)-7(n)4.9( th)-7.2(e)10.3( fo)5(rm)-7.4( w)3.9(h)-7.2(er)10.7(e yo)-7(u w)3.9(a)-4.8(n)-7.2(t)1.9( to)5( )]TJ +1.2048 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(pl)-8.6(a)7.6(c)-0.2(e th)-6.8(e)10.7( co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)-6.8(t; )12(o)-6.6(r)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[()-598.3(D)-8.6(oub)-12.8(l)2.3(e-)8.2(cl)-9.7(ick it to)-7.7( pla)-5.5(c)-1.3(e)9.6( i)-9.7(t)1.2( )12(i)-9.7(n)4.2( th)-7.9(e )12(m)-8.1(i)2.3(d)-3(d)-3(l)2.3(e of)-3.8( th)-7.9(e)9.6( f)-3.9(o)4.3(rm)-8.1(.)]TJ +0 -20.506 TD +-0.0018 Tc +-0.0193 Tw +[(E)-5.3(a)-7.8(ch K)-10.7(yli)-12(x c)8.5(o)-10(m)-10.4(p)-3.2(on)-10.2(e)7.3(n)-10.2(t is)-11.5( a )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +11.9036 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0 Tw +[(clas)-7.3(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9157 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0255 Tw +[(; pl)6.2(aci)6.2(n)-4(g)6.2( a c)14.7(o)-3.8(mpo)8.2(n)-4(e)13.5(n)-4(t)5.1( on)8.1( a f)12.1(o)-3.8(rm)7.9( creat)5.1(e)1.5(s)6.7( an)8.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +19.0361 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(in)-10.8(st)-4.8(ance)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.3735 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-36.2289 -1.1084 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(o)-7.9(f)8( th)-8.1(a)-5.7(t)1( cla)6.3(s)-9.4(s. On)-8.1(ce )12(t)-11(h)4(e com)-8.3(p)-1.1(on)-8.1(ent is)-9.4( )12(o)-7.9(n)4( th)-8.1(e f)8(o)-7.9(rm, Ky)-10(lix gen)-8.1(e)9.4(ra)-5.7(tes th)-8.1(e code )]TJ +T* +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(n)-9(e)-3.5(cessa)-6.6(ry to co)-8.8(ns)-10.3(truct an)-9( ins)-10.3(t)0.1(a)-6.6(n)3.1(ce of)-4.9( the o)-8.8(b)-1.8(ject wh)-9(en yo)-8.8(ur ap)-14.1(plica)-6.6(t)0.1(io)-8.8(n is run)-9(n)3.1(i)-10.8(n)3.1(g.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 381.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 381.5603 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(S)-5.8(e)-3.6(t th)-9.1(e)8.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +[(Al)-11.2(ig)6(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3494 0 TD +0.0082 Tc +-0.0172 Tw +[( p)-5.3(r)17.7(op)6.8(e)5.3(r)5.6(t)8.9(y)10( )-12(of)15.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0063 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)9.8(mo)4.5(1 )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.3253 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +[(to)-8.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.1205 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +[(alC)4.2(l)-11.4(ie)3.3(n)-10.5(t)7.5(.)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +-15.5663 -1.6627 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(To)-7.7( d)-3(o)4.3( thi)-9.7(s)2.8(, click )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.241 0 TD +0.0065 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)10(mo)4.7(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0723 0 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[( to)5( s)3.5(e)-1.7(lect it)-10.1( )12(o)-7(n)4.9( th)-7.2(e f)8.9(o)-7(rm)4.7(, th)-7.2(e)10.3(n)-7.2( ch)4.9(o)-7(o)5(s)3.5(e)-1.7( th)-7.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.7952 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Alig)-6.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3373 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty i)-8.6(n)5.3( )]TJ +-30.4458 -1.0964 TD +0.0017 Tc +[(th)-6.7(e O)4.6(b)0.5(ject In)5.4(s)4(p)0.3(ecto)-6.5(r. )12(Select )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.1807 0 TD +-0.0008 Tc +0 Tw +[(alC)-8.5(lie)-9.4(nt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0073 Tc +-0.0043 Tw +[( )12(fr)4.7(om)10.8( t)8(h)-1.1(e)16.4( dr)4.7(op)5.9(-)15(d)3.8(ow)10(n )12(li)9.1(s)9.6(t)8(.)]TJ +-15.4217 -14.9639 TD +0.0022 Tc +0 Tw +[(Th)-6.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +1.9398 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +[(Me)-14.2(mo)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5663 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[( co)-7.9(mpo)-7.9(n)4(en)-8.1(t now)-9.1( f)-4.1(ills)-9.4( )12(t)-11.1(h)4(e entire f)-4(o)4.1(rm)-8.3( so yo)-7.9(u ha)-5.7(ve a)-5.7( )12(l)-9.9(a)6.3(rge text ed)-3.2(iti)-9.9(n)4(g )]TJ +-4.506 -1.1084 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(area)8.3(. By ch)6(o)-5.9(o)6.1(s)-7.4(i)4.1(n)6(g)-8( th)6(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.6867 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(alC)-8.6(lien)-11.2(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( value fo)5.9(r th)-6.3(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1205 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)-13.8(lig)5.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3373 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( property, th)-7(e )12(s)-8.3(i)3.2(z)-4.6(e)10.5( o)-6.8(f)9.1( th)-7(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +11.0361 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-14.2(mo)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5663 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-34.988 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(co)-8.4(ntro)-8.4(l wi)-10.4(ll va)-6.2(r)9.3(y)-10.5( to f)-4.5(ill w)-9.6(h)3.5(a)-6.2(t)0.5(ever siz)-6.2(e)-3.1( )12(w)-9.6(i)1.6(n)-8.6(d)-3.7(ow)-9.6( )12(i)-10.4(s)2.1( d)-3.7(i)1.6(spla)-6.2(yed)-3.7( even if)-4.5( th)-8.6(e)8.9( f)-4.5(o)-8.4(r)9.3(m)-8.8( is )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0013 Tc +0 Tw +[(resi)-8.9(z)7.3(e)-1.6(d.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 155.6004 Tm +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 155.6004 Tm +0.0097 Tc +-0.0067 Tw +[(Do)13.5(u)10.3(b)-3.6(l)11.5(e)6.8(-)17.4(c)7.9(li)11.5(c)7.9(k)11.5( t)10.4(h)1.3(e)18.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +7.5181 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(St)18(a)8.5(t)5.9(u)12.1(s)1.7(B)6.8(a)8.5(r)13.8( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3253 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(co)5.5(m)-6.9(p)0.3(o)5.5(n)-6.7(en)5.4(t o)-6.5(n)5.4( th)-6.7(e )12(Co)-6.5(m)5.2(m)-6.9(o)5.5(n)-6.7( Co)5.5(n)-6.7(t)2.4(ro)5.5(l)-8.5(s)4( ta)7.7(b)-11.6( )12(o)-6.5(f)-2.6( )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e )]TJ +-11.8434 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(Co)-7.6(mpo)-7.6(n)4.3(en)-7.8(t pa)6.6(l)-9.6(e)-2.3(tte. )12(Th)-7.8(is a)-5.4(dds a)-5.4( )12(s)-9.1(t)1.3(a)6.6(t)-10.8(us ba)-5.4(r )12(t)-10.8(o)4.4( the bo)-7.6(tto)-7.6(m of)-3.8( th)-7.8(e)9.7( form)-8(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 614.96 240.12 -179.64 re +f +q +240.12 0 0 179.64 166.439 435.3203 cm +/Im4 Do +Q +154.439 344.72 86.4 -124.32 re +f +q +154.439 344.72 86.4 -124.32 re +W* n +q +86.4 0 0 124.32 154.439 220.4003 cm +/Im5 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 268.679 334.6403 Tm +0 g +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(S)-9.9(e)1(le)-16.4(ct the)-16.4( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 301.679 334.6403 Tm +0.0028 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-16.1(mo1)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 324.839 334.6403 Tm +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[( comp)-17.2(one)-17.2(nt o)-17.2(n)0.2( the)-17.2( )]TJ +-8.1533 -1.0429 TD +0.0182 Tc +0 Tw +[(fo)16.7(r)20.2(m)-2.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0011 Tc +-0.0352 Tw +[(L)-17.8(ook for the )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 306.359 313.6403 Tm +0.0045 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)9.5(lig)-14.4(n)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 321.959 313.6403 Tm +0.0026 Tc +-0.0541 Tw +[( pr)-12.8(ope)-16.3(rty in)-16.3( the)-16.3( Obje)-16.3(ct )]TJ +-7.7352 -1.0429 TD +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(I)-16.9(n)-0.2(spe)-17.6(c)-3.9(tor.)-16.9( C)-8.4(l)14.2(ick )-17.5(the d)-17.6(o)-0.2(w)-8.4(n)-0.2( a)-17.6(rro)-17.6(w)-8.4( to )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(d)-16.7(i)-2.3(splay t)-16(he p)-16.7(r)4.2(ope)-16.7(rty)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +8.8328 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0189 Tc +-0.0182 Tw +[(s)13.7( dr)20.9(o)17.4(p)0(-)20.9(d)17.4(ow)26.6(n l)14.4(i)14.4(s)13.7(t)18.2(.)]TJ +-9.0592 -1.4571 TD +0.0124 Tc +0 Tw +[(Se)10.9(l)7.9(e)-6.5(c)7.2(t)11.7( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +8.4 0 0 8.4 290.039 283.8804 Tm +0.0039 Tc +[( \015\015)-14.2()14.3()]TJ +ET +236.519 304.28 m +236.399 304.64 l +231.959 302.72 l +232.079 302.36 l +f +237.239 301.76 m +237.239 302.12 l +231.959 302.72 l +231.839 302.6 l +231.599 302.24 l +231.959 302.36 l +f +231.839 302.6 m +232.199 302.36 l +235.319 306.56 l +234.959 306.8 l +f +264.839 316.04 m +264.959 316.04 l +264.839 316.4 l +264.719 316.4 l +f +236.639 304.16 m +236.519 304.16 l +236.399 304.52 l +236.519 304.52 l +f +264.839 316.04 m +264.719 316.4 l +236.519 304.52 l +236.639 304.16 l +f +241.919 284.48 m +241.919 284.84 l +237.119 284.6 l +237.119 284.24 l +f +241.679 281.84 m +241.919 282.2 l +237.239 284.6 l +236.999 284.6 l +236.759 284.48 l +236.999 284.24 l +f +236.999 284.6 m +237.119 284.24 l +241.559 287.12 l +241.439 287.48 l +f +268.679 286.04 0.12 0.36 re +f +241.799 284.72 0.12 -0.36 re +f +268.679 286.04 m +268.679 286.4 l +241.919 284.72 l +241.919 284.36 l +f +1 g +110.879 162.44 17.64 -8.76 re +f +q +17.64 0 0 8.76 110.8791 153.6804 cm +/Im6 Do +Q +endstream +endobj +180 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im4 181 0 R +/Im5 182 0 R +/Im6 183 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +185 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +186 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 265 618 null] +>> +endobj +187 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 473 475 null] +>> +endobj +188 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 452 213 null] +>> +endobj +177 0 obj +<< +/P 174 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 162 0 R +/N 189 0 R +>> +endobj +190 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 141 612 null] +>> +endobj +191 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 141 468 null] +>> +endobj +192 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 141 441 null] +>> +endobj +193 0 obj +<< +/D [184 0 R /XYZ 141 206 null] +>> +endobj +194 0 obj +<< +/Length 7713 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 312.119 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2574 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(Cr)17.6(eat)18(ing)18.9( )-18.4(a te)18.9(xt ed)18.9(it)18(or usi)17.5(ng th)18.9(e)-535.4(D)18.6(el)17.5(phi)-518.4(I)18(D)0.1(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 362.879 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3085 Tc +-0.074 Tw +[(Addin)16.1(g)-1.5( c)13.2(o)-1.5(m)-7.3(p)16.1(onents)13.2( to )17.6(the for)5.2(m)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0003 Tc +-0.0093 Tw +[(Next)-11.1( )12.1(y)-10(o)4.1(u w)-9.1(a)6.3(n)-8.1(t)1( to crea)6.3(t)-11(e)9.4( a)-5.7( pla)-5.7(c)-1.5(e)9.4( o)-7.9(n)4( th)-8.1(e)9.4( s)-9.4(t)1(a)6.3(t)1(u)-11.2(s)2.6( ba)-5.7(r)9.8( to)-7.9( d)8.9(i)-9.9(spla)-5.7(y th)-8.1(e )12.1(pa)-5.7(th)-8.1( )12.1(a)-5.7(n)-8.1(d)8.9( file n)-8.1(a)6.3(m)-8.3(e)-2.6( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0011 Tc +-0.0222 Tw +[(o)-7.1(f)8.8( t)-10.2(h)4.8(e file bein)-7.3(g edited by y)-9.2(o)4.9(ur text edit)-10.2(o)4.9(r)-1.5(. Th)4.8(e eas)3.4(i)2.9(es)-8.6(t w)3.8(a)-4.9(y is)-8.6( to)4.9( pro)-7.1(v)-0.2(ide o)4.9(n)-7.3(e s)3.4(t)1.8(atus)3.4( )]TJ +T* +0.0037 Tc +0 Tw +[(pan)7.4(e)0.8(l)-6.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0084 Tc +-0.0415 Tw +[()-590.4(C)6.6(ha)14.4(ng)10.2(e)5.5( t)9.1(h)0(e)17.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.4458 0 TD +0.0082 Tc +0 Tw +[(Si)9.1(m)3.1(p)14.2(l)9.1(e)-0.4(T)4.7(e)11.7(xt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.6386 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +-0.0334 Tw +[( pro)-7.9(p)-1.1(erty to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.7349 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +-0.0337 Tw +[( )12.1(I)-11.8(f)8.3( th)-7.8(e )12.1(fil)-9.6(e)-2.3( )12.1(bei)-9.6(n)4.3(g edited is)2.9( n)-7.8(o)4.4(t y)-9.7(e)9.7(t)-10.7( )]TJ +-21.0361 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(s)-8.9(a)6.8(ved, the n)-7.6(a)6.8(m)-7.8(e)-2.1( )12(w)-8.6(ill)-9.4( )12(b)-12.5(e)9.9( un)-7.6(titl)-9.4(ed.)9.8(t)1.5(xt)-10.5(.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.7952 0 TD +-0.0011 Tc +0.0041 Tw +[(Sim)-6.2(p)-7.1(le P)-4.6(a)-2.9(ne)-9.7(l)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.3253 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +( to )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.3735 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\012)12.1( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.7711 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-11.2651 -14.4096 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[()-597.6(C)-0.6(l)-9(i)3(ck th)-7.2(e)10.3( ell)-9(i)3(ps)3.5(e o)5(f)-3.2( th)-7.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +11.3012 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(Pan)-9.4(e)4.4(ls)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6747 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(erty to)-6.4( )12(o)-6.4(p)0.4(en)5.5( th)-6.6(e )12(Edit)-9.6(i)3.6(n)5.5(g)-8.5( )12(Status)-7.9(Ba)7.8(r1)7.8(.Pan)5.5(els)4.1( )]TJ +-12.7711 -1.1084 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(dia)-5.8(l)2(o)-8(g)2( box. Y)-7.5(o)4(u ca)-5.8(n st)-11.2(r)9.7(e)-2.7(tch)-8.2( the dia)-5.8(l)2(o)-8(g)2( box to)-8( ma)-5.8(ke it la)-5.8(rger.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6627 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[()-599.2(R)-7.1(igh)-8.8(t-)-4.7(click)-10.7( )12(t)-11.7(h)3.3(e d)-3.9(i)1.4(a)-6.4(l)1.4(og)-10.7( )12(bo)-8.6(x an)-8.8(d)-3.9( click A)-5.5(d)-3.9(d)-3.9( to a)-6.4(d)-3.9(d)8.2( a)-6.4( pan)-8.8(e)-3.3(l to th)-8.8(e sta)-6.4(t)0.3(us ba)-6.4(r.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 224.0004 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 224.0004 Tm +0.003 Tc +[(Yo)6.8(u)-8.5( )12(can)6.7( al)4.8(s)5.3(o)-5.2( a)9(cces)-6.7(s)5.3( th)6.7(e Edi)4.8(ti)-7.2(n)6.7(g)4.8( Status)5.3(Bar1)9( P)-7.5(a)9(nel)4.8(s)5.3( di)4.8(al)4.8(o)6.8(g)-7.3( bo)6.8(x by)4.8( do)6.8(u)-8.5(b)1.8(l)4.8(e)0.1(-cl)4.8(i)4.8(c)1.2(k)4.8(i)-7.2(n)6.7(g)4.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(th)-7.7(e sta)-5.3(t)1.4(us ba)-5.3(r.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 196.5204 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 196.5204 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( in)5.3( th)-6.8(e upper )12(ri)-8.6(gh)5.3(t)-9.7( )12(co)-6.6(rn)5.3(er to)5.4( cl)-8.6(o)5.4(s)3.9(e th)-6.8(e )12(Edit)-9.8(i)3.4(n)5.3(g)-8.7( )12(Status)-8.1(Ba)7.6(r1.Pa)7.6(n)-6.8(els)3.9( dialo)-6.6(g)3.4( )]TJ +-4.8675 -1.1084 TD +0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(bo)-6.5(x.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6627 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(No)-7(w)3.9( th)-7.2(e m)4.7(a)-4.8(in)-7.2( )12(edit)-10.1(in)4.9(g)-9.1( )12(area)7.2( o)-7(f)8.9( th)-7.2(e us)3.5(er in)-7.2(ter)10.7(f)-3.2(ace f)8.9(o)-7(r )12(t)-10.2(h)4.9(e text edito)5(r)-1.4( is)-8.5( s)3.5(e)-1.7(t up.)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 593 240.84 -116.4 re +f +q +240.84 0 0 116.4 166.439 476.6003 cm +/Im7 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 433.439 531.3203 Tm +0 g +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(E)7.2(d)-16.7(iting a)-16.7(r)4.2(ea)]TJ +-0.2787 -5.9571 TD +0.0012 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(S)-11.2(t)0.5(atu)-17.7(s)-4( bar)]TJ +ET +395.879 532.88 4.8 0.36 re +f +400.319 530.24 m +400.559 530.6 l +395.999 533.24 l +395.759 533.24 l +395.399 533 l +395.759 532.88 l +f +395.759 533.24 m +395.999 532.88 l +400.559 535.52 l +400.319 535.88 l +f +427.439 532.76 0.12 0.36 re +f +400.559 533.12 0.12 -0.36 re +f +400.679 532.76 26.76 0.36 re +f +408.839 481.88 4.8 0.36 re +f +413.399 479.24 m +413.519 479.6 l +408.839 482.24 l +408.719 482.24 l +408.239 482 l +408.719 481.88 l +f +408.719 482.24 m +408.839 481.88 l +413.519 484.52 l +413.399 484.88 l +f +424.439 481.76 0.12 0.36 re +f +413.519 482.12 0.12 -0.36 re +f +413.639 481.76 10.8 0.36 re +f +1 g +166.439 422 217.2 -109.8 re +f +q +217.2 0 0 109.8 166.439 312.2003 cm +/Im8 Do +Q +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 405.599 381.4403 Tm +0 g +0.003 Tc +0.0152 Tw +[(Righ)-15.9(t-)5(click )17.5(th)-15.9(i)15.9(s)-2.2( ar)5(e)-15.9(a)1.5( )17.5(to display a )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(co)-16.3(ntext )-17.5(men)-16.3(u)1.1(. C)-7.1(lick A)-9.9(dd )-17.5(to )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(cr)-13.7(eate)-17.2( a pa)-17.2(nel o)-17.2(n)0.2( th)-17.2(e sta)-17.2(t)1(us ba)-17.2(r )]TJ +T* +0.0021 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[(th)-16.8(at ca)-16.8(n ho)-16.8(l)15(d)-16.8( pe)-16.8(rsisten)-16.8(t)1.4( text)-16.1(.)]TJ +ET +344.879 375.8 4.8 0.36 re +f +349.319 373.16 m +349.559 373.52 l +344.999 376.16 l +344.759 376.16 l +344.399 375.92 l +344.759 375.8 l +f +344.759 376.16 m +344.999 375.8 l +349.559 378.44 l +349.319 378.8 l +f +398.399 375.68 0.12 0.36 re +f +349.559 376.04 0.12 -0.36 re +f +349.679 375.68 48.72 0.36 re +f +365.519 356.24 m +365.399 356.6 l +360.719 355.28 l +360.839 354.92 l +f +365.879 353.6 m +365.879 353.96 l +360.719 355.28 l +360.359 354.92 l +360.719 354.92 l +f +360.719 355.28 m +360.959 354.92 l +364.679 358.76 l +364.439 359.12 l +f +401.759 365.96 m +401.879 365.96 l +401.759 366.32 l +401.639 366.32 l +f +365.639 356.12 m +365.519 356.12 l +365.399 356.48 l +365.519 356.48 l +f +401.759 365.96 m +401.639 366.32 l +365.519 356.48 l +365.639 356.12 l +f +1 g +321.479 305 161.04 -63 re +f +q +321.479 305 161.04 -63 re +W* n +q +161.04 0 0 63 321.479 242.0003 cm +/Im9 Do +Q +Q +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 166.439 299.2403 Tm +0 g +0.0002 Tc +0 Tw +[(Th)-18.7(e )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 180.359 299.2403 Tm +0.0025 Tc +[(P)7.5(a)-16.4(nels)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 201.719 299.2403 Tm +-0.0017 Tw +[( pr)-13(oper)-13(ty is )17.4(a)-16.5( )17.4(ze)-16.5(ro-)-13(base)-16.5(d)0.9( arr)-13(a)0.9(y so )]TJ +-5.122 -1.0286 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(that)-15.6( you )-17.5(can a)-16.3(ccess e)-16.3(a)1.1(ch p)-16.3(ane)-16.3(l)15.5( )-17.5(you cr)-12.8(eate)-16.3( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(base)-16.7(d)0.7( on)-16.7( its un)-16.7(ique )-17.5(index )-17.5(value.)-16( B)7.2(y)-20.4( defa)-16.7(u)0.7(lt, )]TJ +T* +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(the )-17.5(first p)-17.1(ane)-17.1(l)14.7( )-17.5(has a)-17.1( value)-17.1( of 0)-17.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(E)7.8(a)-16.1(ch tim)-17.9(e)1.3( you)-16.1( click A)-9.6(dd, )-17.5(you a)-16.1(dd a)-16.1(n)1.3( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(add)-17.1(itional )-17.5(pane)-17.1(l to th)-17.1(e sta)-17.1(t)1.1(us b)-17.1(a)0.3(r.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +195 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im7 196 0 R +/Im8 197 0 R +/Im9 198 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +200 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +201 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +202 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +203 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +204 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +189 0 obj +<< +/P 184 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 177 0 R +/N 205 0 R +>> +endobj +206 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +207 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +208 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 141 390 null] +>> +endobj +209 0 obj +<< +/D [199 0 R /XYZ 141 302 null] +>> +endobj +210 0 obj +<< +/Length 10515 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.0038 Tw +[(Adding)16.6( sup)16.6(por)5.7(t for)5.7( a m)-6.8(e)16.6(nu an)16.6(d a toolb)16.6(a)-1(r)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0298 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(A)-7.1(ddi)-7.6(ng)-7.2( )-8.5(sup)-7.2(p)-7.2(o)1.3(r)-24.6(t)-3.8( )-8.5(f)13.2(o)1.3(r)-7.5( a )-8.5(me)-11.1(n)9.8(u)-7.2( a)-11.1(n)1.3(d)-7.2( a)-11.1( t)-3.8(o)-7.2(ol)-7.6(b)-7.2(a)-2.5(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +-0.0006 Tc +0.0036 Tw +[(F)-10.9(o)3.2(r the a)-6.6(pplica)-6.6(t)0.1(io)-8.8(n to)-8.8( d)-4.1(o)3.2( an)-9(yth)-9(i)1.2(n)-9(g)1.2(, it need)-4.1(s a)-6.6( menu)-12.1(,)8.4( co)-8.8(mm)-9.2(an)-9(d)-4.1(s)1.7(, an)-9(d)-4.1(,)-3.6( )12(f)-4.9(o)-8.8(r )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(co)-8.3(nven)-8.5(ience, a to)-8.3(ol)-10.3(bar. Tho)-8.3(u)0.5(gh)-8.5( you)-11.6( c)10.2(a)-6.1(n)-8.5( )12(co)-8.3(d)-3.6(e)-3( the com)-8.7(m)3.4(a)-6.1(n)-8.5(d)8.5(s)-9.8( separa)-6.1(tely)-10.4(,)8.9( K)-9(yli)-10.3(x)9.9( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(pro)-5.8(v)1.1(ides an)6.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.5181 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(act)8.3(i)-10.6(on lis)4.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +[( to)-7.7( )12(h)-7.9(e)-2.4(lp centra)-5.5(li)-9.7(ze the co)-7.7(d)-3(e)9.6(.)]TJ +-9.5181 -1.6626 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(F)-10.4(o)3.7(ll)-10.3(owi)-10.3(n)3.6(g)-10.4( )12(a)-6.1(r)-2.7(e the kin)-8.5(d)-3.6(s)2.2( of)-4.4( a)-6.1(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6(s o)-8.3(u)0.5(r sa)-6.1(mple text ed)-3.6(ito)-8.3(r)-2.7( )12(a)-6.1(ppli)-10.3(c)-1.9(ati)-10.3(o)3.7(n)-8.5( )12(n)-8.5(eed)-3.6(s:)]TJ +0 -18.747 TD +-0.0002 Tc +[(Y)-7.9(o)3.6(u)-11.7( )12(ca)-6.2(n a)-6.2(l)1.6(so)-8.4( centra)-6.2(liz)-6.2(e ima)-6.2(g)1.6(es)-9.9( )12(t)-11.6(o)3.6( use f)-4.5(o)3.6(r yo)-8.4(ur too)-8.4(l)1.6(ba)-6.2(r an)-8.6(d)-3.7( )12(m)-8.8(e)-3.1(nu)-11.7(s in a)-6.2(n)3.5( im)-8.8(a)-6.2(g)1.6(e list)-11.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[(To a)10.4(dd an)8.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)-5.2(i)0(onLi)-12.1(st)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3133 0 TD +0.0066 Tc +-0.0156 Tw +[( and)15.2( )-12(an)10.3( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0.0051 Tc +0 Tw +[(Imag)11.1(eL)6.9(i)6(s)-3.5(t)12.8( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.2651 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +[(co)-5.8(m)5.9(p)1(o)-5.8(n)6.1(en)-6(t)]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.012 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +0.003 Tw +[(to yo)-8.2(ur form:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 380.2403 Tm +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 380.2403 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(O)-8.5(n)4.4( th)-7.7(e )12(S)-4.4(t)1.4(a)-5.3(n)4.4(da)-5.3(rd ta)6.7(b o)-7.5(f)8.4( th)-7.7(e Com)-7.9(p)-0.7(on)-7.7(ent pa)-5.3(lette, doubl)-9.5(e)-2.2(-)8.4(c)-1.1(li)-9.5(ck the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +28.3855 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +[(ActionL)-10.3(i)0.9(st)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3133 0 TD +( )Tj +-32.6988 -1.0964 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(co)-7.4(mpo)-7.4(n)4.5(en)-7.6(t to drop it)-10.6( )12(o)-7.4(n)4.5(t)-10.5(o)4.6( the form)-7.8(. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 352.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 352.7603 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(O)-9.1(n)3.8( th)-8.3(e )12(Co)-8.1(mm)-8.5(on)-8.3( Con)-8.3(t)0.8(rol)-10.1(s)2.4( ta)-5.9(b,)9.1( d)-3.4(o)-8.1(uble-)-4.2(c)-1.7(lick th)-8.3(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +21.012 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Im)-10.7(a)-7.4(g)-11.6(eL)-15.9(i)-4.7(s)-2.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.0121 0 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[( com)-8.8(p)-1.6(on)-8.6(ent to)-8.4( )12(dro)-8.4(p)-1.6( it )]TJ +-25.0241 -1.0964 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(o)-6.7(n)5.2(to)-6.7( yo)5.3(u)-10(r)-1.1( )12(fo)-6.7(rm)5(. It dro)5.3(p)0.1(s)3.8( o)-6.7(n)5.2( to)-6.7(p o)5.3(f)-2.8( th)5.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.9277 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)-5.2(i)0(onLi)-12.1(st)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3133 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( co)5.1(m)-7.3(p)-0.1(o)5.1(n)-7.1(e)10.4(n)-7.1(t s)3.6(o)-6.9( d)9.9(r)-1.3(ag it to)-6.9( a)7.3(n)-7.1(o)5.1(t)-10.1(h)5(e)-1.6(r )]TJ +-21.241 -1.1084 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(l)-9.9(o)4.1(ca)-5.7(tion)-8.1( on)-8.1( the f)-4.1(o)4.1(rm)-8.3(.)9.3( Bo)-7.9(th th)-8.1(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.4578 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)22.3(t)8.6(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)2.6(L)14.7(i)13.8(s)16.4(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3012 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0042 Tc +0 Tw +[(Im)11.1(age)7.7(L)-6.1(i)5.1(s)7.7(t )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.2651 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(co)5.6(m)-6.8(p)0.4(o)5.6(n)-6.6(en)5.5(ts)-7.9( a)7.8(r)-0.8(e n)5.5(o)-6.4(n)5.5(v)0.5(i)-8.4(s)4.1(ual, )]TJ +-24.2289 -1.1084 TD +[(s)-8(o)5.5( it do)5.5(es)-8(n)5.4()2.6(t m)-6.9(a)7.7(t)-9.6(t)2.4(er )12(w)-7.7(h)5.4(ere yo)-6.5(u put th)-6.7(e)10.8(m)-6.9( o)5.5(n)-6.7( th)5.4(e fo)5.5(rm)-6.9(.)10.7( Th)-6.7(ey w)4.4(o)-6.5(n)5.4()2.6(t)-9.6( )12(appear )12(at )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0007 Tc +0 Tw +[(run)-7.7(t)1.4(im)-7.9(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(Y)-7.2(o)4.3(u)-11(r)10( f)-3.9(o)4.3(rm)-8.1( sh)-7.9(ould)-3( n)-7.9(o)4.3(w)-8.9( )12(res)-9.2(e)9.6(m)-8.1(b)-0.7(le th)-7.9(e )12(f)-3.9(o)-7.7(llo)-7.7(win)-7.9(g)2.3( f)-3.8(igure. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.7736 0 0 9.48 142.439 579.3203 Tm +0.0065 Tc +-0.0066 Tw +[(Ta)6.8(bl)6.6(e)6.8( 1)]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +6.1747 0 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(P)-12.5(l)5.6(anni)-9.9(ng T)8.7(e)0(x)-9.7(t)-0.2( Edi)-9.9(t)-0.2(or)8.5( c)-9.7(o)0(mmands)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +142.439 573.2 45 -16.56 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +7.7736 0 0 9.48 145.439 562.8803 Tm +0 g +0.0187 Tc +0 Tw +[(Co)12.2(mm)12.4(an)12.2(d)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +187.439 573.2 27 -16.56 re +f +BT +7.7736 0 0 9.48 190.439 562.8803 Tm +0 g +0.0156 Tc +[(Men)9.1(u)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +214.439 573.2 54 -16.56 re +f +BT +7.7736 0 0 9.48 217.439 562.8803 Tm +0 g +0.0065 Tc +0.0088 Tw +[(O)-18.2(n)0( To)-15.4(ol)-8.8(ba)-8.7(r)-5.9(?)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +268.439 573.2 250.56 -16.56 re +f +BT +7.7736 0 0 9.48 271.439 562.8803 Tm +0 g +0.0154 Tc +0 Tw +[(Descri)15.5(p)-6.5(t)8.8(i)0.1(o)8.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +8.4 0 0 8.4 145.439 548.3604 Tm +-0.006 Tc +0.0131 Tw +[(N)-17.9(e)-12.7(w)-3200.6(F)-21.4(il)-15(e)-1584.1(Y)-24.7(es)-4853.4(C)-25.6(r)-11(ea)-20.3(t)-8.6(e)-12.7(s)-10.6( a)-6( n)-9.7(e)-12.7(w)-14.9( fi)-15(le)-12.7(.)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.0088 Tc +-0.0159 Tw +[(Ope)16.4(n)-2880.6(F)-6.6(i)14.1(le)-1569.3(Y)-9.9(e)16.4(s)-4838.6(O)-5.2(pe)16.4(n)-9.2(s)4.2( a)-5.5(n)5.1( )-14.2(ex)10.5(ist)6.2(i)-0.2(n)5.1(g)7.7( )-14.2(fi)14.1(le for ed)-8.8(i)14.1(t)6.2(in)5.1(g)7.7(.)]TJ +0 -1.5143 TD +0.0041 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Sa)-10.2(ve)-3259.8(F)-11.3(i)9.4(l)-4.9(e)-1574(Y)-14.6(e)11.7(s)-4843.3(S)-13.8(to)7.2(res the cu)-7.2(rrent f)-5.8(i)9.4(l)-4.9(e)-2.6( )14.2(to)-7( di)-4.9(sk.)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.0082 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(S)4.6(a)-6.1(ve As)-1782.1(F)-7.2(i)13.5(le)-1569.9(No)-5031.5(S)-9.7(t)5.6(o)11.3(r)3.2(es a)8.2( fi)13.5(le )14.2(usin)4.5(g)7.1( a)-6.1( )14.2(n)4.5(e)1.5(w n)4.5(a)-6.1(m)5.5(e)1.5( \(a)8.2(lso)11.3( let)5.6(s)3.6( )14.2(y)-7.2(o)11.3(u st)5.6(ore )14.2(a)-6.1( )14.2(n)-9.8(e)1.5(w )14.2(fil)13.5(e)1.5( )]TJ +15 -1.1286 TD +[(usin)4.5(g)7.1( a)8.2( spec)9.3(if)12.6(ied)4.9( n)4.5(a)8.2(m)-8.8(e)1.5(\))12.6(.)]TJ +-15 -1.5286 TD +0.0084 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(E)-9.2(x)10.1(it)-3579.9(F)-7(i)13.7(le)-1569.7(Y)-10.3(e)16(s)-4839(Q)-5.6(ui)13.7(t)5.8(s)3.8( t)5.8(h)4.7(e ed)5.1(it)5.8(or )14.2(prog)7.3(ra)8.4(m)-8.6(.)]TJ +T* +0.0042 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(Cu)-7.1(t)-3698.4(E)-13.4(di)9.5(t)-1355.5(Y)-14.5(e)11.8(s)-4843.2(D)-7.5(e)-2.5(l)-4.8(e)-2.5(tes )14.2(tex)-8.4(t)1.6( and)-13.4( )14.2(sto)-6.9(r)-0.8(es i)9.5(t)1.6( i)-4.8(n)0.5( the cl)-4.8(i)9.5(p)-9.1(bo)-6.9(ard.)]TJ +0 -1.5143 TD +0.0084 Tc +-0.0155 Tw +[(Copy)7.3( )-2671.4(E)-9.2(d)5.1(i)13.7(t)-1351.3(Y)-10.3(e)16(s)-4839(C)-11.2(o)11.5(p)-4.9(i)13.7(e)1.7(s )-14.2(t)5.8(e)1.7(xt)5.8( a)-5.9(n)4.7(d)5.1( )-14.2(st)5.8(ores it)5.8( )-14.2(in)4.7( t)-8.5(h)4.7(e cl)13.7(ipbo)11.5(a)-5.9(r)3.4(d)5.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.0051 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(P)-5.2(a)5.1(s)-13.8(t)2.5(e)-2987.3(E)-12.5(di)10.4(t)-1354.6(Y)-13.6(e)12.7(s)-4842.3(Inserts tex)-7.5(t)2.5( f)9.5(r)0.1(o)-6(m)2.4( the c)6.2(lip)6.1(bo)-6(ard)-12.5(.)]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +0.0055 Tw +[(A)-6.1(b)-16.8(ou)-9.7(t)-2515.3(H)-9.3(e)-5.1(l)-7.4(p)-983.1(N)-10.3(o)-5038.1(D)-10.1(i)-7.4(s)-3(pl)-7.4(ay)-13.8(s i)6.9(n)-2.1(f)-8.3(o)-9.5(rma)-12.7(t)-1(i)6.9(o)-9.5(n abo)-9.5(u)-9.7(t the)-5.1( ap)-11.7(pl)-7.4(i)6.9(c)-11.5(ati)-7.4(o)-9.5(n )14.2(i)-7.4(n)-2.1( a bo)-9.5(x)-11(.)]TJ +ET +142.439 431.72 376.56 0.36 re +f +1 g +106.919 387.2 21.6 -20.88 re +f +q +21.6 0 0 20.88 106.9191 366.3203 cm +/Im10 Do +Q +q +105.719 359.72 22.8 -21.48 re +W* n +105.239 359.72 23.28 -20.04 re +f +Q +q +105.719 359.72 22.8 -20.04 re +W n +q +23.28 0 0 20.04 105.2391 339.6803 cm +/Im11 Do +Q +Q +154.439 282.92 241.32 -116.76 re +f +q +154.439 282.92 241.32 -116.76 re +W* n +q +241.32 0 0 116.76 154.439 166.1604 cm +/Im12 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 412.439 269.2404 Tm +0 g +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(To)-16.9( display )-17.5(the c)-20.7(aption)-16.9(s)-3.2( for)-13.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0027 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[(the )-17.5(comp)-16.2(one)-16.2(nts yo)-16.2(u place)-16.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(on a)-16.6( for)-13.1(m)-0.9(, ch)-16.6(oose)-16.6( To)-16.6(ols|)]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0187 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(E)23.7(n)-0.2(v)13.5(i)14.2(r)20.7(o)17.2(nm)15.5(e)17.2(n)-0.2(t)18( O)12.7(p)17.2(ti)31.6(on)17.2(s)13.5(|)]TJ +T* +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(D)-6.9(e)1.3(signe)-16.1(r a)-16.1(nd click S)-9.6(h)1.3(o)-16.1(w)-6.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(comp)-16.5(one)-16.5(nt ca)-16.5(ption)-16.5(s)-2.8(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0189 Tc +-0.1053 Tw +[(B)23.9(e)0(c)13.7(a)17.4(u)17.4(s)13.7(e t)18.2(h)17.4(e )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 451.919 213.3204 Tm +0.0031 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)-9.3(c)-2.1(tionList)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 482.1591 213.3204 Tm +0.0015 Tc +-0.0879 Tw +[( and)-17.4( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 412.439 204.5603 Tm +0.0029 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ima)-16(geList)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 442.679 204.5603 Tm +0.0017 Tc +-0.0184 Tw +[( c)-21(o)0.2(mp)-17.2(onen)-17.2(ts )-17.4(are)-17.2( )]TJ +-4.3902 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(non)-16.3(visual, yo)-16.3(u ca)-16.3(nnot)-15.6( see )]TJ +T* +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(them)-18.7( w)-7.7(h)0.5(e)-16.9(n)0.5( the)-16.9( app)-16.9(lication)-16.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0033 Tc +-0.0026 Tw +[(is r)5.3(u)1.8(n)-15.6(n)1.8(ing)-15.6(.)]TJ +ET +358.199 237.2 4.8 0.36 re +f +362.639 234.56 m +362.879 234.92 l +358.319 237.56 l +358.079 237.56 l +357.719 237.32 l +358.079 237.2 l +f +358.079 237.56 m +358.319 237.2 l +362.879 239.84 l +362.639 240.2 l +f +407.519 237.08 0.12 0.36 re +f +362.879 237.44 0.12 -0.36 re +f +362.999 237.08 44.52 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +211 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im10 212 0 R +/Im11 213 0 R +/Im12 214 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +216 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +217 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +218 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +219 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 225 657 null] +>> +endobj +220 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 153 372 null] +>> +endobj +221 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +222 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +223 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 239 586 null] +>> +endobj +205 0 obj +<< +/P 199 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 189 0 R +/N 224 0 R +>> +endobj +225 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +226 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +227 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 580 null] +>> +endobj +228 0 obj +<< +/D [215 0 R /XYZ 141 552 null] +>> +endobj +229 0 obj +<< +/Length 7242 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 312.119 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2574 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(Cr)17.6(eat)18(ing)18.9( )-18.4(a te)18.9(xt ed)18.9(it)18(or usi)17.5(ng th)18.9(e)-535.4(D)18.6(el)17.5(phi)-518.4(I)18(D)0.1(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 314.999 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3096 Tc +-0.0397 Tw +[(A)-13.2(d)17.2(ding)17.2( su)17.2(ppor)6.3(t )17.7(f)-13.3(o)17.2(r)6.3( a )17.7(m)-6.2(e)-0.4(n)17.2(u)-0.4( a)17.2(nd a)17.2( tool)19(bar)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0157 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(Adding a)6.1(c)-3.9(tions to t)-5.2(h)0.7(e)6.1( ac)6.1(t)-5.2(i)0.3(on li)10.3(st)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(Next)-11.2( )12(w)-9.3(e)-2.8(ll a)-5.9(dd )12(t)-11.3(h)3.8(e a)6.1(c)-1.7(t)-11.2(i)1.9(on)-8.3(s to th)-8.3(e a)6.1(c)-1.7(ti)-10.1(on)-8.3( )12(l)-10.1(i)1.9(st. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 625.2803 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 625.2803 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +-0.033 Tw +[(By )-12(con)-8.5(v)-1.4(e)9(n)-8.5(tio)-8.3(n)3.6(, w)-9.5(e)-3(ll n)-8.5(a)-6.1(me a)-6.1(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6(s t)-11.4(h)3.6(a)-6.1(t)0.6( a)-6.1(r)-2.7(e)9( )-12(con)-8.5(n)3.6(ected to)-8.3( men)-8.5(u)0.5( item)-8.7(s w)-9.5(i)1.7(th)-8.5( the n)-8.5(a)5.9(m)-8.7(e)-3( o)-8.3(f)7.6( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(th)-6.8(e to)5.4(p-level m)-7(e)-1.3(n)5.3(u)2.2( an)5.3(d th)-6.8(e )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3(em)5.1( n)5.3(a)-4.4(m)-7(e)-1.3(.)10.6( F)-8.7(o)5.4(r exa)7.6(m)-7(ple, th)5.3(e Fi)-8.6(leExit a)7.6(c)-0.2(t)-9.8(i)3.4(o)5.4(n)-6.8( r)11.1(e)-1.3(fers)3.9( to)-6.6( )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[(E)-4.4(x)-3(it)-12.3( )12(co)-9.1(mm)-9.5(a)-6.9(n)2.8(d)-4.4( on)-9.3( the Fil)-11.1(e )12(m)-9.5(e)-3.8(nu)-12.4(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 586.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 586.7603 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(D)-8.8(o)4.1(ub)-13(le-)8(c)-1.5(l)-9.9(i)2.1(ck th)-8.1(e)9.4( A)-4.8(c)-1.5(tio)-7.9(n)4(Li)-9.9(st ico)-7.9(n)4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Th)-8.7(e E)8.3(d)-3.8(i)-10.5(t)0.4(ing)-10.6( Form)-8.9(1)-6.3(.)8.7(A)-5.4(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(L)-3.8(i)-10.5(st1)-6.3( )12(d)-3.8(i)-10.5(alo)-8.5(g)1.5( bo)-8.5(x )12(a)-6.3(ppea)-6.3(r)-2.9(s. This)-10( )12(i)-10.5(s)2( al)-10.5(so)-8.5( )12(ca)-6.3(lled)-3.8( th)-8.7(e )12(A)-5.4(c)-2.1(ti)-10.5(on)-8.7( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0032 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(Li)5(s)-6.5(t)3.9( ed)11.8(i)-7(t)3.9(o)7(r)0.6(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 542.7203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 542.7203 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(R)-6.9(igh)-8.6(t-)-4.5(click)-10.5( )12(o)-8.4(n)3.5( th)-8.6(e A)6.7(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6( )12(L)-3.7(i)-10.4(st ed)-3.7(ito)-8.4(r)9.3( a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se New A)-5.3(c)-2(tio)-8.4(n)3.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 355.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 355.7603 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the Ob)-13(ject Ins)-9.4(p)-1.1(ector, set th)-8.1(e )12(f)-4.1(o)-7.9(llo)-7.9(win)-8.1(g)2.1( properti)-9.9(e)9.4(s)-9.4( f)8(o)-7.9(r )12(t)-11.1(h)4(e a)6.3(c)-1.5(t)-11(i)2.1(on)-8.1(:)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.747 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.4(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +-0.0121 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-7.2(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.6627 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0.0045 Tc +-0.0376 Tw +[(. N)-7.9(o)8.3(t)5.2(e)1.6( )-12(t)5.2(h)8.2(at)5.2( t)-6.9(y)6.3(pi)6.3(ng)6.3( an am)8(pers)6.8(and)13.1( )-12(befo)8.3(re on)8.2(e )-12(o)8.3(f)0.2( t)-6.8(h)8.2(e let)5.2(t)5.2(e)1.6(rs)6.8( )]TJ +-10.2048 -1.1084 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(m)-8.9(a)5.7(k)-10.6(e)-3.2(s tha)-6.3(t)0.4( lett)-11.6(e)8.8(r)-2.9( a)-6.3( sho)-8.5(r)-2.9(tcut to)-8.5( a)5.7(ccess)-10(ing)-10.6( the com)-8.9(m)3.2(a)-6.3(n)-8.7(d)8.3(.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.004 Tc +[(Ca)-5.8(t)-8.3(e)-0.5(g)-10(o)-5.8(ry)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6747 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[( \()-5.3(t)-0.2(hi)-11.1(s orga)-6.9(ni)-11.1(zes)-10.6( )12(t)-12.2(h)2.8(e Fil)-11.1(e)8.2( co)-9.1(mm)-9.5(an)-9.3(d)-4.4(s)1.4( in)-9.3( )12(o)-9.1(n)2.8(e pla)-6.9(c)-2.7(e\))-5.2(.)]TJ +-11.9398 -1.6626 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Hi)-18.1(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\012)12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[()-12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( \(this)-9.5( will)-10( be)9.3( th)-8.2(e Help to)-8(olti)-10(p\))7.9(.)]TJ +-13.1084 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0041 Tc +[(Im)-9.2(a)-5.9(g)-10.1(eI)-8.5(nd)-10.1(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4458 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[( \()-4.8(t)0.2(h)-8.9(i)1.3(s wi)-10.7(ll a)-6.5(sso)-8.7(cia)-6.5(t)0.2(e )12(i)-10.7(m)3(a)-6.5(g)1.3(e nu)-12(mber 0 in)-8.9( yo)-8.7(ur Ima)-6.5(g)1.3(eL)-4(ist)-11.8( )]TJ +-10.4819 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +-0.0091 Tw +[(w)-9.3(i)1.9(th)-8.3( t)-11.2(h)3.8(is)-9.6( a)-5.9(c)-1.7(tio)-8.1(n)3.8(\).)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 539.48 375.12 -170.52 re +W* n +1 g +154.439 533.48 201.12 -165 re +f +Q +q +154.439 533.48 201.12 -164.52 re +W n +q +201.12 0 0 165 154.439 368.4803 cm +/Im13 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 408.479 527.7203 Tm +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(R)-7.3(i)-2.1(g)-16.5(h)0.9(t-click o)-16.5(n)0.9( th)-16.5(e A)-10.1(c)-2.8(tion )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0021 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[(L)-16.8(i)-2.4(st ed)-16.8(i)15(t)-16.1(or a)-16.8(nd ch)-16.8(oose)-16.8( )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(N)-8.3(e)-17.5(w)-8.3( A)6.4(c)-21.3(tion to)-17.5( cre)-17.5(a)-0.1(te a)-17.5(n)-0.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(a)-17.2(c)-3.5(tion )-17.5(for t)-16.5(he a)-17.2(c)-3.5(tion list.)]TJ +ET +262.439 486.8 m +262.319 487.16 l +257.759 485.84 l +257.879 485.48 l +f +262.919 484.16 m +263.039 484.52 l +257.879 485.84 l +257.639 485.84 l +257.519 485.6 l +257.759 485.48 l +f +257.639 485.84 m +257.999 485.48 l +261.599 489.32 l +261.239 489.68 l +f +403.559 528.2 m +403.679 528.2 l +403.559 528.56 l +403.439 528.56 l +f +262.559 486.68 m +262.439 486.68 l +262.319 487.04 l +262.439 487.04 l +f +403.559 528.2 m +403.439 528.56 l +262.439 487.04 l +262.559 486.68 l +f +357.359 475.52 m +357.119 475.88 l +353.279 472.88 l +353.519 472.52 l +f +358.679 473.24 m +358.559 473.6 l +353.279 472.88 l +353.159 472.76 l +353.039 472.4 l +353.399 472.52 l +f +353.159 472.76 m +353.519 472.64 l +355.559 477.56 l +355.199 477.68 l +f +403.559 510.32 m +403.679 510.44 l +403.439 510.68 l +403.319 510.56 l +f +357.359 475.52 m +357.239 475.4 l +356.999 475.64 l +357.119 475.76 l +f +403.559 510.32 m +403.319 510.56 l +357.119 475.76 l +357.359 475.52 l +f +endstream +endobj +230 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im13 231 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +235 0 obj +<< +/D [234 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +224 0 obj +<< +/P 215 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 205 0 R +/N 236 0 R +>> +endobj +237 0 obj +<< +/D [234 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +238 0 obj +<< +/Length 10813 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 108.5991 103.4004 Tm +0.239 Tc +[(Tu)-18(t)-18.8(o)0.5(r)-19.3(i)-0.9(a)-18(l)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.0038 Tw +[(Adding)16.6( sup)16.6(por)5.7(t for)5.7( a m)-6.8(e)16.6(nu an)16.6(d a toolb)16.6(a)-1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0.0028 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[( \(fo)6.6(r)0.2( th)-5.6(e)11.9( F)-7.5(ile|)6.4(N)-9.6(ew)5.5( co)6.6(m)-5.8(m)6.3(an)6.5(d\) an)6.5(d pres)5.1(s)5.1( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 452.759 668.3604 Tm +0.0089 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)6.6(t)7.7(e)6.6(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 472.319 668.3604 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[( to)-7.7( sa)-5.5(ve )]TJ +-30.7108 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(th)-8(e cha)-5.6(n)4.1(g)-9.9(e)]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 214.319 657.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 488.6003 Tm +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 488.6003 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(R)-6.9(igh)-8.6(t-)-4.5(click)-10.5( )12(o)-8.4(n)3.5( th)-8.6(e A)6.7(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6( )12(L)-3.7(i)-10.4(st ed)-3.7(ito)-8.4(r)9.3( a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se New A)-5.3(c)-2(tio)-8.4(n)3.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 472.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 472.0403 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )12(f)-4.2(o)-8(llo)-8(win)-8.2(g)2( properti)-10(e)9.3(s)-9.5(:)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-11.9398 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(M)593(a)592.8(k)600.6(e)595.9( s)601.1(u)599.4(r)596.2(e)595.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1084 0 TD +-0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-7(t)-9.5(e)-13.8(go)-7(r)-13.8(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6747 0 TD +-0.0021 Tc +0.0051 Tw +[( sa)-8.1(ys)-11.8( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.9639 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Hi)-18.1(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[()-12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-12.2289 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0041 Tc +[(Im)-9.2(a)-5.9(g)-10.1(eI)-8.5(nd)-10.1(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4458 0 TD +(.)Tj +-11.6867 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, e)-11.9(n)-17.4(t)-8.3(e)-11.9(r)-11.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.0241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[( \()10.1(f)-1.9(o)-5.8(r)-0.2( )12(t)-9(h)6.1(e Fil)-7.8(e)11.5(|)-6.1(O)5.3(p)1(en)-6( co)6.2(m)-6.2(m)5.9(an)6.1(d\).)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 395.0003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 395.0003 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(R)-6.9(igh)-8.6(t-)-4.5(click)-10.5( )12(o)-8.4(n)3.5( th)-8.6(e A)6.7(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6( )12(L)-3.7(i)-10.4(st ed)-3.7(ito)-8.4(r)9.3( a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se New A)-5.3(c)-2(tio)-8.4(n)3.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 378.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 378.5603 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )12(f)-4.2(o)-8(llo)-8(win)-8.2(g)2( properti)-10(e)9.3(s)-9.5(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-11.9398 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(M)593(a)592.8(k)600.6(e)595.9( s)601.1(u)599.4(r)596.2(e)595.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1084 0 TD +-0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-7(t)-9.5(e)-13.8(go)-7(r)-13.8(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6747 0 TD +-0.0021 Tc +0.0051 Tw +[( sa)-8.1(ys)-11.8( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.9639 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Hi)-18.1(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[()-12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-12.2289 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0041 Tc +[(Im)-9.2(a)-5.9(g)-10.1(eI)-8.5(nd)-10.1(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4458 0 TD +(.)Tj +-11.6867 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, e)-11.9(n)-17.4(t)-8.3(e)-11.9(r)-11.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.0241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +-0.0083 Tc +0.0113 Tw +[( \(f)-12.6(o)-16.5(r)-10.9( )12(t)-19.7(h)-4.6(e)-11.2( F)-6.5(i)-6.5(l)-18.5(e|)-16.8(S)-13.4(a)-2.3(v)-9.6(e)-11.2( c)-10.1(o)-4.5(m)-16.9(m)-16.9(a)-2.3(n)-16.7(d)-11.8(\).)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 301.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 301.5203 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(R)-6.9(igh)-8.6(t-)-4.5(click)-10.5( )12(o)-8.4(n)3.5( th)-8.6(e A)6.7(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6( )12(L)-3.7(i)-10.4(st ed)-3.7(ito)-8.4(r)9.3( a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se New A)-5.3(c)-2(tio)-8.4(n)3.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 285.0804 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 285.0804 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )12(f)-4.2(o)-8(llo)-8(win)-8.2(g)2( properti)-10(e)9.3(s)-9.5(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1( )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.2651 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(M)593(a)592.8(k)600.6(e)595.9( s)601.1(u)599.4(r)596.2(e)595.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1084 0 TD +-0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-7(t)-9.5(e)-13.8(go)-7(r)-13.8(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6747 0 TD +-0.0021 Tc +0.0051 Tw +[( sa)-8.1(ys)-11.8( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.9639 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Hi)-18.1(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[()-12.1(\015)-12.1( )-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.5542 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(N)586.4(o)602.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +-0.0029 Tc +[(I)-7.3(m)4(a)-4.7(g)-8.9(eI)-7.2(nd)-8.9(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[( is)4.2( n)-6.5(eed)10.5(ed. Lea)7.9(v)0.6(e th)-6.5(e )12(default value.)]TJ +-7.5783 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, e)-11.9(n)-17.4(t)-8.3(e)-11.9(r)-11.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.0241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1( )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3976 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[( \(f)10.1(o)-5.8(r)-0.2( th)6.1(e Fil)-7.8(e|)6(Sa)8.4(ve As)4.7( co)-5.8(m)5.9(m)-6.2(a)8.4(n)-6(d\))10.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 208.0404 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(10)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 208.0404 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(R)-6.9(igh)-8.6(t-)-4.5(click)-10.5( )12(o)-8.4(n)3.5( th)-8.6(e A)6.7(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6( )12(L)-3.7(i)-10.4(st ed)-3.7(ito)-8.4(r)9.3( a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se New A)-5.3(c)-2(tio)-8.4(n)3.5(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +253.439 647.96 76.08 -141.96 re +f +q +253.439 647.96 76.08 -141.96 re +W* n +q +76.08 0 0 141.96 253.439 506.0003 cm +/Im14 Do +Q +Q +338.759 647 134.76 -110.52 re +f +q +338.759 647 134.76 -110.52 re +W* n +q +134.76 0 0 110.52 338.759 536.4803 cm +/Im15 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 166.439 637.2803 Tm +0 g +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(W)-12.4(i)14.7(t)-16.4(h)0.3( th)-17.1(e ne)-17.1(w)9.5( )-17.5(action)-17.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(selecte)-16.5(d)0.9( in )-17.5(the A)-10(c)-2.8(tio)-16.5(n)0.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(List e)-16.6(d)0.8(itor)-13.1(, chan)-16.6(ge )-17.5(i)15.2(t)-15.9(s )]TJ +T* +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(pro)-16.9(per)-13.4(ties in t)-16.2(he O)-21.4(b)0.5(ject )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +[(Insp)-16.2(ector)-12.7(.)]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 166.439 590.0003 Tm +0.0025 Tc +[(C)-7.2(aptio)-16.4(n)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 190.5591 590.0003 Tm +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[( is use)-16.6(d)0.8( in )-17.5(the )]TJ +-3.5017 -1.0286 TD +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(men)-17.4(u)0(, )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 187.799 581.3604 Tm +0.0002 Tc +[(C)-9.5(a)-18.7(tego)-18.7(ry)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 216.119 581.3604 Tm +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[( is th)-17(e )]TJ +-7.2125 -1.0429 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(type)-17.3( of a)-17.3(c)-3.6(tion, )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 211.799 572.6003 Tm +-0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Hi)-12.2(n)-26.6(t)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 224.2791 572.6003 Tm +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +( is a )Tj +-8.3972 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(H)-7.9(e)0.3(lp too)-17.1(l)-2.7(tip, )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 205.199 563.8403 Tm +0.002 Tc +0 Tw +[(Im)-18.7(ageI)-16.2(nde)-16.9(x )]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 166.439 555.0803 Tm +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(lets yo)-17.6(u re)-17.6(fer )-17.5(to a)-17.6( )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.036 Tw +[(gra)-17(phic )-17.4(i)14.8(n)-17( th)-17(e Im)-18.8(age)-17(List, )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(and)-17.4( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 179.9991 537.5603 Tm +0.0097 Tc +[(Na)8.2(m)6.5(e)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 198.599 537.5603 Tm +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[( is w)-7.2(hat)-15.7( it)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +4.216 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +(s )Tj +-9.1115 -1.0429 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(called )-17.5(in the)-16.5( code)-16.5(.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +239 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im14 240 0 R +/Im15 241 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +243 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +244 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 493 null] +>> +endobj +245 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 493 null] +>> +endobj +246 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 243 461 null] +>> +endobj +247 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 493 null] +>> +endobj +248 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 461 null] +>> +endobj +249 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 456 195 null] +>> +endobj +236 0 obj +<< +/P 234 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 224 0 R +/N 250 0 R +>> +endobj +251 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 483 null] +>> +endobj +252 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 454 null] +>> +endobj +253 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 356 null] +>> +endobj +254 0 obj +<< +/D [242 0 R /XYZ 141 188 null] +>> +endobj +255 0 obj +<< +/Length 10419 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 312.119 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2574 Tc +-0.018 Tw +[(Cr)17.6(eat)18(ing)18.9( )-18.4(a te)18.9(xt ed)18.9(it)18(or usi)17.5(ng th)18.9(e)-535.4(D)18.6(el)17.5(phi)-518.4(I)18(D)0.1(E)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.999 103.4004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 314.999 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3096 Tc +-0.0397 Tw +[(A)-13.2(d)17.2(ding)17.2( su)17.2(ppor)6.3(t )17.7(f)-13.3(o)17.2(r)6.3( a )17.7(m)-6.2(e)-0.4(n)17.2(u)-0.4( a)17.2(nd a)17.2( tool)19(bar)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(11)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )12(f)-4.2(o)-8(llo)-8(win)-8.2(g)2( properti)-10(e)9.3(s)-9.5(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-11.9398 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(M)593(a)592.8(k)600.6(e)595.9( s)601.1(u)599.4(r)596.2(e)595.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1084 0 TD +-0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-7(t)-9.5(e)-13.8(go)-7(r)-13.8(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.6747 0 TD +-0.0021 Tc +0.0051 Tw +[( sa)-8.1(ys)-11.8( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.4217 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-13.9639 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Hi)-18.1(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, t)-8.3(y)-19.3(p)-10.4(e)-11.9( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0.0121 Tw +[( )-12.1(\015)-12.1( )-12.1()0()-12.1( )0()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8434 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(.)Tj +-15.3133 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0041 Tc +[(Im)-9.2(a)-5.9(g)-10.1(eI)-8.5(nd)-10.1(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(!)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4458 0 TD +(.)Tj +-11.6867 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, e)-11.9(n)-17.4(t)-8.3(e)-11.9(r)-11.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.0241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( \()7.9(f)-4.1(o)-8(r)-2.4( )12(t)-11.2(h)3.9(e Fil)-10(e)9.3(|)-8.3(E)-3.3(x)-1.9(it com)-8.4(m)-8.4(a)6.2(n)-8.2(d)-3.3(\))7.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 591.3203 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(12)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 591.3203 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(R)-6.1(igh)-7.8(t-click)-9.7( )12(o)-7.6(n)4.3( th)-7.8(e A)7.5(c)-1.2(ti)-9.6(on)-7.8( )12(Li)-9.6(st edito)-7.6(r)10.1( a)-5.4(n)4.3(d ch)-7.8(oo)-7.6(se New A)-4.5(c)-1.2(tio)-7.6(n)4.3( to)-7.6( )12(crea)-5.4(te a)6.6( Hel)-9.6(p)-0.8(|)]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0052 Tc +-0.0022 Tw +[(Abou)5.8(t)5.9( co)9(mm)8.7(an)8.9(d.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 563.8403 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(13)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 563.8403 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )12(f)-4.2(o)-8(llo)-8(win)-8.2(g)2( properti)-10(e)9.3(s)-9.5(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0027 Tc +[(Ca)-4.5(p)-8.7(t)-7.1(io)-4.5(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(" )12.1( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6386 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-12.3735 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.004 Tc +[(Ca)-5.8(t)-8.3(e)-0.5(g)-10(o)-5.8(ry)-10(,)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9277 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +( type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.4699 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(#)12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.759 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-11.9398 -1.0964 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(N)586.4(o)602.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +-0.0029 Tc +[(I)-7.3(m)4(a)-4.7(g)-8.9(eI)-7.2(nd)-8.9(ex)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7349 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[( is)4.2( n)-6.5(eed)10.5(ed. Lea)7.9(v)0.6(e th)-6.5(e )12(default value.)]TJ +-7.5783 -1.1084 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0069 Tc +[(Na)-8.7(m)-12(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.3976 0 TD +-0.009 Tc +0.012 Tw +[(, e)-11.9(n)-17.4(t)-8.3(e)-11.9(r)-11.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +3.0241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(#)12.1(\015)12.1(" )12.1( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[( \(fo)6.2(r)-0.2( th)-6(e)11.5( H)-9(e)11.5(l)-7.8(p)1(|)6(A)-2.7(bo)-5.8(ut co)6.2(m)-6.2(m)5.9(an)6.1(d\).)]TJ +-14.3735 -1.6506 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(K)-7(eep )12(t)-9.4(h)5.6(e Actio)5.7(n)-6.5( Lis)4.2(t)2.6( edito)-6.3(r)-0.7( o)5.7(n)5.6( th)-6.5(e s)4.2(c)0.1(reen)5.6(.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 463.88 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 463.88 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 462.68 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 468.6803 Tm +-0.0158 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(Adding s)6(t)-5.3(a)6(ndar)20.4(d)0.6( ac)6(t)-5.3(i)0.2(ons)6( t)-5.3(o)0.6( the a)6(c)-4(tion lis)6(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 444.5603 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(K)-8.8(yli)-10.1(x )12(pro)-8.1(v)-1.2(id)-3.4(es severa)-5.9(l sta)-5.9(n)3.8(d)-3.4(a)-5.9(rd)-3.4( acti)-10.1(ons)-9.6( tha)-5.9(t)0.8( a)-5.9(r)9.6(e o)-8.1(f)7.8(ten)-8.3( used)-3.4( wh)-8.3(en d)-3.4(e)-2.8(velopi)-10.1(ng)-10.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0046 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(appl)6.4(ic)14.9(at)5.3(io)8.4(n)8.3(s)-5.1(. )12(N)-7.8(e)1.7(xt)5.3( w)7.3(e)1.7()5.5(l)6.4(l )12(add t)5.3(h)8.3(e s)6.9(t)5.3(and)13.2(a)-1.4(rd a)10.6(c)2.8(t)5.3(i)-5.6(o)8.4(n)-3.8(s)6.9( \(c)14.9(u)-6.9(t)5.3(, c)14.9(o)-3.6(py)6.4(, an)8.3(d pas)6.9(t)5.3(e\) )12(t)-6.7(o)8.4( t)5.3(h)-3.8(e)13.7( act)5.3(i)6.4(on)8.3( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0102 Tc +0 Tw +[(li)12(s)12.5(t)10.9(.)7.2( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 406.7603 Tm +0.0084 Tc +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 406.7603 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +-0.0326 Tw +[(Th)-8.9(e A)-5.6(c)-2.3(tio)-8.7(n)3.2( )-12(L)-4(i)1.3(st )-12(ed)-4(ito)-8.7(r)-3.1( sh)-8.9(ou)-12(ld)-4( s)-10.2(t)0.2(ill )-12(be d)-4(i)1.3(s)-10.2(p)-1.9(la)-6.5(yed)-4(.)-3.5( If)-4.8( )-12(its )-12(no)-8.7(t, d)-4(o)-8.7(uble-)-4.8(c)-2.3(lick)-10.8( th)-8.9(e A)-5.6(c)-2.3(tio)-8.7(n)3.2(L)-4(i)1.3(s)-10.2(t)0.2( )]TJ +T* +0.0082 Tc +-0.0052 Tw +[(ic)18.5(on)11.9( on)11.9( t)8.9(h)-0.2(e)5.3( )12(for)5.6(m)11.7(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(To)-8( a)6.2(dd sta)-5.8(n)3.9(da)-5.8(rd a)6.2(c)-1.6(ti)-10(on)-8.2(s to th)-8.2(e a)6.2(c)-1.6(ti)-10(on)-8.2( )12(l)-10(i)2(st:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 362.7203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 362.7203 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(R)-7(igh)-8.7(t-)-4.6(click)-10.6( )12(o)-8.5(n)3.4( th)-8.7(e A)6.6(c)-2.1(ti)-10.5(on)-8.7( )12(L)-3.8(i)-10.5(st ed)-3.8(ito)-8.5(r)9.2( a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( ch)-8.7(oo)-8.5(se New S)-5.4(t)0.4(an)-8.7(d)-3.8(a)5.7(rd)-3.8( A)-5.4(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(.)]TJ +T* +0.0036 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(The S)10.5(t)4.3(and)12.2(a)-2.4(rd A)10.5(c)1.8(t)-7.7(i)5.4(o)7.4(n)-4.8(s)5.9( di)5.4(al)5.4(o)7.4(g)-6.7( bo)7.4(x appea)9.6(r)1(s)5.9(.)]TJ +0 -16.8193 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[()-598.4(D)-8.7(oub)-12.9(l)2.2(e-)8.1(cl)-9.8(ick TEditCut)-10.9(.)9.4( Th)-8(e a)6.4(c)-1.4(ti)-9.8(on i)-9.8(s)2.7( cre)9.5(a)-5.6(ted in)-8( )12(t)-11(h)4.1(e Editin)-8(g)2.2( Fo)-7.8(r)9.9(m)-8.2(1)-5.6(.)-2.6(A)-4.7(c)-1.4(ti)-9.8(on)-8(L)9(i)-9.8(st1)-5.6( )]TJ +1.2048 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(d)-3.3(i)2(a)-5.8(l)2(o)-8(g)2( box a)-5.8(l)2(o)-8(n)3.9(g w)-9.2(i)2(th)-8.2( )12(a)-5.8( new)-9.2( )12(ca)-5.8(tego)-8(ry ca)-5.8(lled)-3.3( E)-3.3(d)8.8(i)-10(t)0.9(. S)7.1(e)-2.7(lect E)-3.3(d)-3.3(i)2(tCu)-11.3(t)0.9(1.)]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6627 TD +[()-598.6(I)-0.1(n)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.8916 0 TD +-0.0029 Tc +0 Tw +[(I)-7.2(m)-8(a)-4.7(g)-8.9(eI)-7.2(nd)-8.9(ex)-8.9( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.9879 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +($)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4337 0 TD +(.)Tj +-25.6024 -1.6506 TD +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Th)-7.3(e o)4.9(t)1.8(h)-7.3(e)-1.8(r)10.6( pro)-7.1(p)-0.3(erties)3.4( are)10.2( s)-8.6(e)10.2(t)-10.3( )12(auto)-7.1(m)4.6(a)-4.9(ti)-9.1(c)11.4(a)-4.9(ll)-9.1(y.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 342.92 375.12 -150.96 re +W* n +1 g +154.439 310.76 113.88 -118.8 re +f +Q +q +154.439 310.76 113.88 -118.8 re +W* n +q +113.88 0 0 118.8 154.439 191.9603 cm +/Im16 Do +Q +Q +1 g +345.959 333.92 148.56 -140.64 re +f +q +345.959 333.92 148.56 -140.64 re +W* n +q +148.56 0 0 140.64 345.959 193.2803 cm +/Im17 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 281.519 287.2404 Tm +0 g +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(T)-13.7(he a)-16.4(v)-2.7(ailable)-16.4( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(sta)-16.7(ndar)-13.2(d a)-16.7(c)-3(tions )]TJ +T* +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(ar)-14.1(e th)-17.6(en )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(disp)-16.7(l)15.1(a)-16.7(yed.)-16( To)-16.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(pick o)-16.4(ne,)-15.7( dou)-16.4(ble-)]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0028 Tw +[(click an)-15.4( actio)-15.4(n)2(.)]TJ +ET +202.199 299.36 0.36 4.8 re +f +205.319 303.8 m +204.959 304.04 l +202.199 299.48 l +202.199 299.24 l +202.319 299 l +202.559 299.24 l +f +202.199 299.24 m +202.559 299.48 l +199.919 304.04 l +199.559 303.8 l +f +202.319 319.88 0.36 0.12 re +f +202.319 304.16 0.36 -0.12 re +f +202.319 304.16 0.36 15.72 re +f +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 154.439 331.2803 Tm +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(R)-7.8(i)-2.6(ght-)-13.5(c)-3.3(li)14.8(c)-20.7(k)-3.3( on t)-16.3(he A)-10.5(c)-3.3(tion)-17( List e)-17(d)0.4(itor)-13.5( and)-17( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(choo)-17.1(se N)-7.9(e)0.3(w)-7.9( S)-10.6(t)1.1(a)-17.1(nda)-17.1(rd A)-10.6(c)-3.4(tion)-17.1(.)]TJ +ET +345.479 231.2 m +345.239 230.84 l +349.079 227.96 l +349.319 228.32 l +f +347.279 233.12 m +347.039 232.88 l +349.079 227.96 l +349.559 227.96 l +349.319 228.2 l +f +349.199 227.96 m +349.199 228.32 l +343.919 229.04 l +343.919 228.68 l +f +331.559 242 m +331.439 242.12 l +331.199 241.88 l +331.319 241.76 l +f +345.479 231.2 m +345.599 231.08 l +345.359 230.84 l +345.239 230.96 l +f +331.559 242 m +331.319 241.76 l +345.239 230.96 l +345.479 231.2 l +f +202.199 299.36 0.36 4.8 re +f +205.319 303.8 m +204.959 304.04 l +202.199 299.48 l +202.199 299.24 l +202.319 299 l +202.559 299.24 l +f +202.199 299.24 m +202.559 299.48 l +199.919 304.04 l +199.559 303.8 l +f +202.319 319.88 0.36 0.12 re +f +202.319 304.16 0.36 -0.12 re +f +202.319 304.16 0.36 15.72 re +f +endstream +endobj +256 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im16 257 0 R +/Im17 258 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +260 0 obj +<< +/D [259 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +250 0 obj +<< +/P 242 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 236 0 R +/N 261 0 R +>> +endobj +262 0 obj +<< +/D [259 0 R /XYZ 141 579 null] +>> +endobj +263 0 obj +<< +/Length 5261 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(10)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.0038 Tw +[(Adding)16.6( sup)16.6(por)5.7(t for)5.7( a m)-6.8(e)16.6(nu an)16.6(d a toolb)16.6(a)-1(r)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(R)-7(igh)-8.7(t-)-4.6(click)-10.6( )12(o)-8.5(n)3.4( th)-8.7(e A)6.6(c)-2.1(ti)-10.5(on)-8.7( )12(L)-3.8(i)-10.5(st ed)-3.8(ito)-8.5(r)9.2( a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( ch)-8.7(oo)-8.5(se New S)-5.4(t)0.4(an)-8.7(d)-3.8(a)5.7(rd)-3.8( A)-5.4(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[()-598.8(D)-9.1(oub)-13.3(l)1.8(e-)7.7(cl)-10.2(ick TE)-3.5(d)-3.5(i)1.8(tCo)-8.2(p)-1.4(y.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(I)-0.1(n)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.8916 0 TD +-0.0029 Tc +0 Tw +[(I)-7.2(m)-8(a)-4.7(g)-8.9(eI)-7.2(nd)-8.9(ex)-8.9( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.9879 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +(%)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 618.8003 Tm +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 618.8003 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(R)-7(igh)-8.7(t-)-4.6(click)-10.6( )12(o)-8.5(n)3.4( th)-8.7(e A)6.6(c)-2.1(ti)-10.5(on)-8.7( )12(L)-3.8(i)-10.5(st ed)-3.8(ito)-8.5(r)9.2( a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( ch)-8.7(oo)-8.5(se New S)-5.4(t)0.4(an)-8.7(d)-3.8(a)5.7(rd)-3.8( A)-5.4(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[()-598.8(D)-9.1(oub)-13.3(l)1.8(e-)7.7(cl)-10.2(ick TE)-3.5(d)-3.5(i)1.8(tPa)-6(s)2.3(t)-11.3(e)-2.9(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(I)-0.1(n)-8.2( the Ob)-13.1(ject Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(ector, set th)-8.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.8916 0 TD +-0.0029 Tc +0 Tw +[(I)-7.2(m)-8(a)-4.7(g)-8.9(eI)-7.2(nd)-8.9(ex)-8.9( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.9879 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.2892 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +(&)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 569.3604 Tm +0 Tc +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 569.3604 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(No)-8.5(w y)-10.6(o)3.5(uve g)-10.6(o)3.5(t a)-6.3(ll th)-8.7(e)8.8( a)-6.3(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(s)-10( )12(t)-11.6(h)3.4(a)-6.3(t)0.4( you)-11.8()0.6(ll n)-8.7(e)8.8(ed)-3.8( f)-4.6(o)3.5(r th)-8.7(e )12(m)-8.9(e)-3.2(nus)-10( an)-8.7(d)-3.8( )12(t)-11.6(o)3.5(o)-8.5(l)1.5(ba)-6.3(r)9.2(.)-3.3( If)-4.6( you)-11.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(cl)-10.7(ick the ca)-6.5(tego)-8.7(ry A)6.4(l)-10.7(l A)-5.6(c)-2.3(tion)-8.9(s, yo)-8.7(u can)-8.9( see all)-10.7( the a)-6.5(c)9.8(t)-11.8(i)1.3(on)-8.9(s in)-8.9( the lis)-10.2(t:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 405.6803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 405.6803 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( to clo)-7.6(s)2.9(e the A)-4.5(c)-1.2(tio)-7.6(n)4.3( Lis)-9.1(t)1.3( e)9.7(d)-2.9(i)-9.6(t)1.3(or.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 389.2403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 389.2403 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(W)-11.6(i)2.2(th th)-8(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.1084 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0 Tw +[(Act)7.9(i)-11(o)10.5(n)-10.1(Lis)-8.4(t)7.9( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.5542 0 TD +-0.0013 Tc +0.0043 Tw +[(co)-9.5(mpo)-9.5(n)2.4(e)-4.2(n)-9.7(t still)-11.5( se)-4.2(le)-4.2(cte)-4.2(d)-4.8( on)-9.7( )12(t)-12.6(h)2.4(e)-4.2( f)6.4(o)-9.5(rm,)-4.3( se)-4.2(t it)-12.7(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +19.4096 0 TD +-0.0056 Tc +0 Tw +[(Im)-10.7(a)-7.4(g)-11.6(es)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.01 Tw +[( pro)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )-12(to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-30.9157 -1.1084 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(')12.1( \()12.1(\))12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +ET +1 g +154.439 548.96 152.64 -125.28 re +f +q +152.64 0 0 125.28 154.439 423.6803 cm +/Im18 Do +Q +154.439 367.16 74.4 -95.64 re +f +q +154.439 367.16 74.4 -95.64 re +W* n +q +74.4 0 0 95.64 154.439 271.5203 cm +/Im19 Do +Q +Q +238.679 368.84 197.4 -97.2 re +f +q +238.679 368.84 197.4 -97.2 re +W* n +q +197.4 0 0 97.2 238.679 271.6403 cm +/Im12 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 155.039 257.7203 Tm +0 g +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(C)-7.7(lick th)-16.9(e do)-16.9(w)-7.7(n)0.5( ar)-13.4(row)-7.7( n)-16.9(e)0.5(xt t)-16.2(o)0.5( the)-16.9( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 256.199 257.7203 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ima)-17.2(ges)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 278.999 257.7203 Tm +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[( p)-17(r)3.9(op)-17(ert)-16.3(y)-3.3(. S)-10.5(e)0.4(lect I)-16.3(m)-1.3(ag)-17(eList1)-17(.)1.2( Th)-17(i)14.8(s)-20.8( associa)-17(t)1.2(es th)-17(e )]TJ +-17.9965 -1.0286 TD +0.002 Tc +[(im)-18.7(ages)-20.6( that)-16.2( you)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +7.1429 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(ll ad)-16.7(d to)-16.7( the)-16.7( imag)-16.7(e list w)-7.5(i)-2.3(th )-17.5(the a)-16.7(c)-3(tions )-17.5(i)15.1(n)-16.7( the)-16.7( actio)-16.7(n)0.7( list.)]TJ +ET +223.919 319.52 0.36 4.8 re +f +221.279 319.88 m +221.639 319.64 l +224.279 324.2 l +224.279 324.44 l +224.039 324.8 l +223.919 324.44 l +f +224.279 324.44 m +223.919 324.2 l +226.559 319.64 l +226.919 319.88 l +f +223.919 267.44 0.36 0.12 re +f +223.919 319.64 0.36 -0.12 re +f +223.919 267.56 0.36 51.96 re +f +endstream +endobj +264 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im12 214 0 R +/Im18 265 0 R +/Im19 266 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +268 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +269 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +270 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +271 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 487 657 null] +>> +endobj +272 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +273 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +261 0 obj +<< +/P 259 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 250 0 R +/N 274 0 R +>> +endobj +275 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +276 0 obj +<< +/D [267 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +277 0 obj +<< +/Length 7814 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(11)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 314.999 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3096 Tc +-0.0397 Tw +[(A)-13.2(d)17.2(ding)17.2( su)17.2(ppor)6.3(t )17.7(f)-13.3(o)17.2(r)6.3( a )17.7(m)-6.2(e)-0.4(n)17.2(u)-0.4( a)17.2(nd a)17.2( tool)19(bar)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0143 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(Adding im)7.9(a)7.5(g)-8(es)7.5( to t)6.3(h)2.1(e i)11.7(m)-2.1(a)7.5(g)-8(e l)11.7(i)1.7(st)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(P)-11(r)9(evi)-10.7(o)3.3(us)-10.2(ly, yo)-8.7(u ad)-4(d)-4(e)-3.4(d)-4( an)-8.9( Ima)-6.5(g)1.3(eL)-4(is)-10.2(t obj)-7.5(e)-3.4(c)9.8(t)-11.9( )12(t)-11.8(o)3.3( yo)-8.7(ur f)7.2(o)-8.7(rm. In)-8.9( )12(th)-8.9(is)-10.2( )12(s)-10.2(e)-3.4(ction)-8.9(,)-3.5( you)-12()0.4(ll a)-6.5(d)-4(d)8.1( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(i)-8.9(m)4.8(ages)3.6( to)-6.9( th)5(at lis)-8.4(t f)9(o)-6.9(r )12(u)-10.2(s)3.6(e o)5.1(n)-7.1( )12(t)-10.1(h)5(e to)5.1(o)-6.9(l)3.1(bar a)7.3(n)-7.1(d )12(o)-6.9(n)5( m)-7.3(e)-1.6(n)5(u)1.9(s)-8.4(.)10.3( F)-9(o)5.1(ll)-8.9(o)5.1(w)-8.1(in)5(g)-9( )12(are th)5(e im)-7.3(a)7.3(g)-9(es)3.6( to)5.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0028 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(u)-8.7(s)5.1(e f)10.5(o)-5.4(r )12(each)6.5( co)-5.4(m)6.3(m)-5.8(a)8.8(n)-5.6(d: )]TJ +0 -15.2289 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(To)-7.6( a)6.6(dd th)-7.8(e)9.7( im)-8(a)-5.4(g)2.4(es to)-7.6( )12(t)-10.7(h)4.3(e im)-8(a)6.6(g)-9.7(e)9.7( l)-9.6(i)2.4(st:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 451.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 451.0403 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(D)-8.7(o)4.2(ub)-12.9(le-)8.1(c)-1.4(l)-9.8(i)2.2(ck th)-8(e)9.5( Im)-8.2(a)-5.6(g)2.2(eList o)-7.8(b)-0.8(ject o)-7.8(n)4.1( the form)-8.2( to dis)-9.3(p)-1(la)-5.6(y the Im)-8.2(a)6.4(g)-9.9(e)9.5( Lis)-9.3(t)1.1( ed)9(i)-9.8(t)1.1(or.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 434.4803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 434.4803 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(Cl)-9.9(ick th)-8.1(e)9.4( A)-4.8(dd butto)-7.9(n a)-5.7(n)4(d na)-5.7(vig)-10(a)6.3(te to)-7.9( the Butto)-7.9(ns)-9.4( )12(di)-9.9(r)9.8(e)-2.6(cto)-7.9(r)-2.3(y provi)-9.9(d)-3.2(ed)8.9( w)-9.1(i)2.1(th)-8.1( )12(t)-11(h)4(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0002 Tc +[(pro)-8(d)-3.3(uct. The d)-3.3(e)-2.7(f)7.9(a)-5.8(ult)-11.2( )12(l)-10(o)4(ca)-5.8(tio)-8(n)3.9( is)-9.5( )12({)-4.2(i)2(n)-8.2(s)2.5(ta)-5.8(ll d)-3.3(i)2(recto)-8(r)-2.4(y})-4.2(/im)-8.4(a)-5.8(ges/)-8.3(butto)-8(ns. Fo)-8(r ex)10.2(a)-5.8(m)-8.4(ple, )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(i)-10.9(f)7( K)-9.6(ylix is)-10.4( ins)-10.4(t)0(al)-10.9(led)-4.2( )12(i)-10.9(n)3( yo)-8.9(ur /us)-10.4(r)-3.3(/lo)-8.9(c)-2.5(al)-10.9(/ky)-11(lix d)-4.2(i)1.1(recto)-8.9(r)8.8(y)-11(,)-3.7( )12(l)-10.9(o)3.1(o)-8.9(k)1.1( in /)-9.2(u)-0.1(sr/)-9.2(l)1.1(oca)-6.7(l)1.1(/)-9.2(kyl)-10.9(ix/)]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0012 Tc +0 Tw +[(i)-11.4(m)2.3(a)-7.2(g)0.6(es/)-9.7(b)-2.4(utto)-9.4(ns)-10.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 385.0403 Tm +0 Tc +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 385.0403 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(D)-8.5(o)4.4(ub)-12.7(le-)8.3(c)-1.2(l)-9.6(i)2.4(ck f)-3.7(ileo)-7.6(p)-0.8(e)9.7(n)-7.8(.bmp. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 368.4803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 368.4803 Tm +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(W)-9.9(h)5.8(en)5.8( a m)5.6(e)-0.8(s)4.4(s)-7.6(a)8.1(g)-8.2(e )12(as)4.4(k)-8.2(s)4.4( if yo)5.9(u)-9.4( )12(w)-7.3(a)-3.9(n)5.8(t)2.8( to)-6.1( s)4.4(e)-0.8(pa)8.1(rate th)5.8(e bit)-9.3(m)5.6(ap in)5.8(t)-9.2(o)5.9( tw)4.8(o)-6.1( s)4.4(e)-0.8(para)8.1(te o)-6.1(n)5.8(es)4.4(, )]TJ +T* +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(cl)-10.2(ick Yes)-9.7( )12(ea)-6(ch ti)-10.2(me. E)-3.5(a)6(ch)-8.4( of)-4.3( the ico)-8.2(n)3.7(s in)-8.4(clud)-3.5(es)-9.7( )12(a)-6(n)3.7( a)-6(c)-1.8(tive a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( a)-6( )12(g)-10.3(r)-2.6(ay)-10.3(e)9.1(d)-3.5( o)-8.2(u)0.6(t versio)-8.2(n )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(o)-6.4(f)9.5( th)-6.6(e im)5.3(age. Yo)5.6(ul)-8.4(l)3.6( s)4.1(ee bo)5.6(th)-6.6( im)5.3(ages)-7.9(.)10.8( D)-7.3(e)-1.1(lete th)5.5(e grayed o)5.6(u)2.4(t)-9.5( )12(\(s)4.1(eco)-6.4(n)5.5(d\) im)5.3(age.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[()-598.8(C)-1.8(l)-10.2(i)1.8(ck A)-5.1(d)-3.5(d)-3.5(.)9( D)-9.1(o)3.8(ubl)-10.2(e)-2.9(-)7.7(c)-1.8(li)-10.2(ck f)-4.3(ilenew)-9.4(.)-3(bmp. Del)-10.2(e)9.1(t)-11.3(e)9.1( th)-8.4(e gray)-10.3(ed)-3.5( )12(o)-8.2(u)0.6(t im)-8.6(ag)-10.3(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[()-598.1(C)-1.1(l)-9.5(i)2.5(ck A)-4.4(d)-2.8(d)-2.8(.)9.7( D)-8.4(o)4.5(ubl)-9.5(e)-2.2(-)8.4(c)-1.1(li)-9.5(ck f)-3.6(ileopen)-7.7(.bmp. Del)-9.5(e)9.8(t)-10.6(e)-2.2( )12(th)-7.7(e gra)-5.3(y)2.5(ed)-2.8( )12(o)-7.5(u)1.3(t im)-7.9(a)-5.3(g)2.5(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +[()-598.1(C)-1.1(l)-9.5(i)2.5(ck A)-4.4(d)-2.8(d)-2.8(.)9.7( D)-8.4(o)4.5(ubl)-9.5(e)-2.2(-)8.4(c)-1.1(li)-9.5(ck f)-3.6(ilesa)-5.3(ve.bmp. Del)-9.5(e)9.8(t)-10.6(e)-2.2( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.4(e gra)-5.3(y)2.5(ed)-2.8( )12(o)-7.5(u)1.3(t im)-7.9(a)-5.3(g)2.5(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[()-597.3(C)-0.3(l)-8.7(i)3.3(ck Add.)10.5( D)-7.6(o)5.3(ubl)-8.7(e)-1.4(-)9.2(c)-0.3(li)-8.7(ck do)5.3(o)-6.7(r)-1.1(s)3.8(h)5.2(u)-10(t)2.2(.bm)5(p)0.1(. D)4.4(e)-1.4(let)-9.8(e)10.6( th)-6.9(e gra)7.5(y)-8.8(ed )12(o)-6.7(u)2.1(t im)-7.1(a)7.5(g)-8.8(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[()-597.8(C)-0.8(l)-9.2(i)2.8(ck A)-4.1(dd.)10( D)-8.1(o)4.8(ubl)-9.2(e)-1.9(-)8.7(c)-0.8(li)-9.2(ck cut.bm)-7.6(p.)10( D)-8.1(e)-1.9(lete the gra)-5(y)2.8(ed ou)-10.5(t )12(i)-9.2(m)4.5(a)-5(g)2.8(e.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(C)-1.6(l)-10(i)2(ck A)-4.9(d)-3.3(d)-3.3(.)9.2( D)-8.9(o)4(ubl)-10(e)-2.7(-)7.9(c)-1.6(li)-10(ck copy)-10.1(.)9.2(b)-13.1(mp. Delete th)-8.2(e gray)-10.1(ed)8.8( o)-8(u)0.8(t im)-8.4(ag)-10.1(e.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.7736 0 0 9.48 142.439 598.4003 Tm +0.0065 Tc +-0.0066 Tw +[(Ta)6.8(bl)6.6(e)6.8( 2)]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +6.1747 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(Command Im)-15.9(ages)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +142.439 592.28 55.92 -16.56 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +7.7736 0 0 9.48 145.439 581.9603 Tm +0 g +0.0187 Tc +0 Tw +[(Co)12.2(mm)12.4(an)12.2(d)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +198.359 592.28 81.12 -16.56 re +f +BT +7.7736 0 0 9.48 201.359 581.9603 Tm +0 g +0.0152 Tc +0.0001 Tw +[(Ico)8.7(n)-6.7( i)15.3(m)-6.6(ag)8.7(e n)8.7(a)0(m)8.9(e)]TJ +ET +0.902 g +279.479 592.28 96.48 -16.56 re +f +BT +7.7736 0 0 9.48 287.039 581.9603 Tm +0 g +0.015 Tc +0.0003 Tw +[(Im)8.7(ag)-6.9(eI)15.1(n)-6.9(d)8.5(ex p)8.5(r)2.6(o)-6.9(p)8.5(ert)8.4(y)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +8.4 0 0 8.4 145.439 567.4403 Tm +0.0154 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fi)20.7(l)6.4(e)8.7(|)7.1(N)3.5(e)8.7(w)-2222(Fi)20.7(l)6.4(e)8.7(n)11.7(e)8.7(w)6.5(.)8.3(b)11.3(m)12.7(p)-8740.7(0)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.0119 Tc +[(Fi)17.2(le)5.2(|O)12.2(pe)5.2(n)-1920.4(F)-3.5(i)17.2(l)2.9(e)5.2(o)15(pe)5.2(n)8.2(.)4.8(b)7.8(m)-5.1(p)-8415.7(1)]TJ +0 -1.5143 TD +0.0014 Tc +[(F)-14(i)6.7(l)-7.6(e)-5.3(|)-6.9(S)-2.2(av)-5(e)-2319.6(F)-14(i)6.7(l)-7.6(e)-5.3(s)-3.2(av)-5(e)-5.3(.)-5.7(bm)-15.6(p)-8669(2)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.0143 Tc +[(Fi)19.6(l)5.3(e)7.6(|)6(E)11(xi)19.6(t)-2631.1(D)2.6(oo)17.4(r)9.3(s)9.7(hu)17.3(t)11.7(.)7.2(b)10.2(m)-2.7(p)-8041.8(3)]TJ +T* +0.0176 Tc +[(Ed)14.3(i)22.9(t)0.7(|)23.6(C)-2(u)20.6(t)-2513.5(C)12.3(u)6.3(t)15(.)10.5(b)13.5(m)0.6(p)-10624.3(4)]TJ +0 -1.5143 TD +[(Ed)14.3(i)22.9(t)0.7(|)23.6(C)-2(o)20.7(p)4.3(y)-1726.4(C)12.3(o)6.5(p)4.3(y)16.5(.)10.5(b)13.5(m)14.9(p)-9852.8(5)]TJ +0 -1.5286 TD +0.016 Tc +[(Ed)12.7(i)21.3(t)-0.9(|)22(P)5.7(as)11.4(t)13.4(e)-1805(P)5.7(a)16(s)11.4(t)13.4(e)9.3(.)8.9(b)11.9(m)-1(p)-9925.9(6)]TJ +ET +142.439 485.96 233.52 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +278 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +280 0 obj +<< +/D [279 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +274 0 obj +<< +/P 267 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 261 0 R +/N 281 0 R +>> +endobj +282 0 obj +<< +/D [279 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +283 0 obj +<< +/D [279 0 R /XYZ 141 451 null] +>> +endobj +284 0 obj +<< +/Length 4103 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(12)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.0038 Tw +[(Adding)16.6( sup)16.6(por)5.7(t for)5.7( a m)-6.8(e)16.6(nu an)16.6(d a toolb)16.6(a)-1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[()-597.1(C)-0.1(l)-8.5(i)3.5(ck Add.)10.7( D)-7.4(o)5.5(ubl)-8.5(e)-1.2(-)9.4(c)-0.1(li)-8.5(ck pas)4(t)2.4(e.bm)5.2(p. D)4.6(e)-1.2(l)-8.5(e)-1.2(te )12(t)-9.7(h)5.4(e grayed o)5.5(u)2.3(t im)-6.9(age.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 512.2404 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 512.2404 Tm +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(Cl)-9.2(ick O)3.9(K)-7.9( to)4.8( clo)-7.2(s)3.3(e th)4.7(e Im)-7.6(a)7(g)-9.3(e L)9.6(i)-9.2(s)3.3(t)1.7( edito)-7.2(r)10.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0112 Tw +[(Yo)6(u)-9.3()3.1(ve )12.1(adde)11.3(d 7)8.2( im)-6.4(a)8.2(g)-8.1(es)4.5( )12.1(t)-9.1(o)6( )12.1(t)-9.1(h)5.9(e )12.1(i)-8(m)5.7(age lis)4.5(t)-9.1( )12.1(an)5.9(d th)5.9(eyre n)5.9(u)2.8(m)-6.4(b)1(ered )12.1(0-6)8.2( co)6(n)-6.2(s)4.5(is)4.5(t)-9.1(e)11.3(n)-6.2(t)2.9( w)4.9(i)4(th)-6.2( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[(th)-6.6(e Im)5.3(ageIn)-6.6(d)-1.7(e)10.9(x)-0.3( n)-6.6(u)2.4(m)5.3(b)-11.5(e)10.9(r)-0.8(s)-7.9( )12(o)-6.4(n)5.5( each)5.5( o)-6.4(f)9.5( th)-6.6(e )12(actio)-6.4(n)5.5(s)-7.9(.)-1.2( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 468.9203 Tm +0.0084 Tc +0 Tw +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 468.9203 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(If)-3.7( yo)-7.5(u get th)-7.7(e)9.8(m)-7.9( ou)-10.8(t )12(o)-7.5(f)-3.6( order,)9.7( y)-9.6(o)4.5(u ca)-5.3(n dra)6.7(g)-9.6( a)6.7(n)-7.7(d )12(dro)-7.5(p)-0.7( them)-7.9( )12(i)-9.5(n)4.4(to)-7.5( their co)-7.5(r)10.2(r)-1.9(ect )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0017 Tc +0.0047 Tw +[(po)-9.9(sit)-13(i)0.1(on)-10.1(s in)-10.1( )12(t)-13(h)2(e)-4.6( Ima)-7.7(g)0.1(e)-4.6( L)-5.2(i)0.1(st)-13.1( )12(e)-4.6(d)-5.2(it)-13.1(or.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 441.4403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 441.4403 Tm +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(To)-6.9( s)3.6(ee th)5(e as)3.6(s)3.6(o)-6.9(ciated)9.9( i)-8.9(c)-0.5(o)5.1(n)5(s)-8.4( o)5.1(n)-7.1( )12(t)-10.1(h)5(e a)7.3(c)-0.5(t)-10(i)3.1(o)5.1(n)-7.1( lis)3.6(t, do)5.1(u)-10.2(b)0.1(le-click th)-7.1(e A)8.2(c)-0.5(ti)-8.9(o)5.1(n)-7.1(Lis)3.6(t)2( o)-6.9(b)0.1(j)6.4(e)-1.6(ct )]TJ +T* +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(th)-8.4(en sel)-10.2(e)9.1(ct)-11.4( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.7(e A)-5.1(ll A)-5.1(c)-1.8(tio)-8.2(n)3.7(s ca)-6(tego)-8.2(r)9.5(y)-10.3(.)]TJ +-1.2048 -13.8313 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(W)-10.1(h)5.6(en)5.6( y)-8.4(o)5.7(ure do)5.7(n)-6.5(e)-1( clo)5.7(s)-7.8(e)11( th)-6.5(e A)8.8(c)0.1(t)-9.4(i)3.7(o)5.7(n)-6.5( Lis)4.2(t)2.6( edito)-6.3(r)-0.7(.)10.9( No)-6.3(w)4.6( y)-8.4(o)5.7(ure rea)7.9(d)-1.6(y)-8.4( )12(t)-9.4(o)5.7( ad)10.5(d th)-6.5(e m)5.4(e)-1(n)5.6(u)-9.6( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.004 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(an)7.7(d t)4.7(o)-4.2(o)7.8(l)5.8(b)-9.3(a)10(r.)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 659 185.16 -130.08 re +f +q +166.439 659 185.16 -130.08 re +W* n +q +185.16 0 0 130.08 166.439 528.9203 cm +/Im20 Do +Q +Q +154.439 421.16 134.76 -110.52 re +f +q +134.76 0 0 110.52 154.439 310.6404 cm +/Im21 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 316.439 389.4803 Tm +0 g +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(W)-11.9(hen )-17.5(you d)-16.6(i)-2.2(splay th)-16.6(e A)-10.1(c)-2.9(tion)-16.6( List e)-16.6(d)0.8(itor)-13.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0164 Tw +[(now)-7.9(, you)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +4.0418 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0033 Tc +-0.0026 Tw +[(ll see)-15.6( the)-15.6( icons a)-15.6(ssociate)-15.6(d)1.8( with )]TJ +-4.2683 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.016 Tw +[(the action)-16.7(s. )]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(W)-12.3(e)0.4( didn)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +3.7108 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(t sele)-17(ct icons )-17.5(for t)-16.3(w)-7.8(o of )-17.5(the )]TJ +-3.9373 -1.0429 TD +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(comm)-18.3(and)-16.5(s be)-16.5(cause )-17.5(they )-17.5(w)-7.3(i)15.3(ll n)-16.5(o)0.9(t b)-16.5(e)0.9( on)-16.5( the )]TJ +T* +0.0007 Tc +0 Tw +[(toolb)-18.2(a)-0.8(r.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +285 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im20 286 0 R +/Im21 287 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +289 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +290 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +291 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +292 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 240 644 null] +>> +endobj +293 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +294 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +281 0 obj +<< +/P 279 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 274 0 R +/N 295 0 R +>> +endobj +296 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +297 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +298 0 obj +<< +/D [288 0 R /XYZ 141 408 null] +>> +endobj +299 0 obj +<< +/Length 5281 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(13)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 444.8391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.1631 Tw +[(Add)16.9(i)1.1(ng a m)-6.5(e)-0.7(n)16.9(u)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.03 Tc +0.0078 Tw +[(A)-7.3(ddi)-7.8(ng)-7.4( a )8.5(m)-10.9(e)-2.7(n)9.6(u)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +-0.0004 Tc +-0.0086 Tw +[(In)-8.8( this)-10.1( )12.1(s)-10.1(e)-3.3(ctio)-8.6(n, you)-11.9()0.5(ll a)-6.4(d)-3.9(d)8.2( a)-6.4( ma)-6.4(in m)-9(e)-3.3(nu ba)-6.4(r )12.1(w)-9.8(i)1.4(th)-8.8( )12.1(t)-11.7(h)3.3(ree d)8.2(r)-3(o)-8.6(p)-1.8(-)-4.7(d)-3.9(own)-8.8( men)-8.8(u)0.2(sF)-10.7(ile, E)-3.9(d)8.2(i)-10.6(t)0.3(, )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0033 Tw +[(a)-6.3(n)3.4(d)-3.8( Help)-12.3(a)5.7(n)-8.7(d)-3.8( )12(y)-10.6(o)3.5(u)-11.5(ll ad)-3.8(d)-3.8( men)-8.7(u)0.3( item)-8.9(s )12(t)-11.7(o)3.5( each)-8.7( )12(o)-8.5(n)3.4(e us)-10(ing)-10.6( )12(th)-8.7(e )12(a)-6.3(c)-2.1(tio)-8.5(n)3.4(s)-10( )12(i)-10.5(n)3.4( the a)-6.3(c)-2.1(tion)-8.7( list)-11.6(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 611.0003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 611.0003 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(F)-9.2(r)10.6(o)-7.1(m)-7.5( )12(th)-7.3(e S)8(t)-10.2(a)7.1(n)-7.3(da)7.1(rd ta)-4.9(b of the Com)-7.5(p)-0.3(o)-7.1(n)4.8(ent)-10.2( )12(pa)-4.9(lette, drop a)-4.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.2169 0 TD +-0.0028 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ma)-4.6(in)-13.1(Me)-11.4(nu)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.6867 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( co)-6.6(m)5.1(p)0.2(o)-6.6(n)5.3(en)-6.8(t )]TJ +-29.9036 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tw +[(o)-6.7(n)5.2(to)-6.7( th)5.2(e fo)5.3(rm)-7.1(. )12(It)-9.9( )12(do)-6.7(es)3.8(n)5.2()-9.7(t m)5(a)-4.5(tter w)4.2(h)-6.9(er)11(e yo)-6.7(u place it.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 583.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 583.5203 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(S)-5.3(e)-3.1(t th)-8.6(e)8.9( m)-8.8(a)5.8(i)-10.4(n)3.5( m)-8.8(e)8.9(n)-8.6(u)0.4(s)-9.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +9.2651 0 TD +0.0043 Tc +0 Tw +[(Image)7.8(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(')12.1( \()12.1(\))12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(so y)-10.6(o)3.5(u ca)-6.3(n a)-6.3(d)-3.8(d)8.3( th)-8.7(e bitm)-8.9(a)5.7(p)-1.7(s)-10( )12(t)-11.6(o)3.5( )]TJ +-22.3012 -1.1084 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(th)-7.2(e m)4.7(e)-1.7(n)-7.2(u)1.8( item)4.7(s)-8.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 556.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 556.0403 Tm +0.0095 Tc +-0.0065 Tw +[(Do)13.3(u)10.1(b)-3.8(l)11.3(e)6.6(-)17.2(c)7.7(li)11.3(c)7.7(k)11.3( t)10.2(h)1.1(e)18.6( ma)15.5(in)13.2( me)18.6(nu)10.1( c)7.7(o)13.3(mp)8.1(on)13.2(e)6.6(n)13.2(t )12(to)13.3( d)6(i)11.3(s)11.8(p)8.1(la)15.5(y )12(t)10.2(h)1.1(e)6.6( M)15.7(e)6.6(nu)10.1( D)12.4(e)6.6(si)11.3(g)11.3(n)1.1(e)18.6(r)6.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 398.4803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 398.4803 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(In)-7.9( the Ob)-12.8(ject Ins)-9.2(p)-0.9(ector, a)6.5(f)-3.9(ter )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.8434 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.3(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)9.5(,)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.4819 0 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( typ)-13.3(e)9.3( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.4699 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0028 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(, a)8.8(n)-5.6(d pre)11.9(s)-6.9(s)5.1( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 413.759 398.4803 Tm +-0.0058 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)-8.1(t)-7(e)-8.1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 433.319 398.4803 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[( to)-8( )12(s)-9.5(e)-2.7(t the first to)-8(p-)]TJ +-28 -1.1084 TD +0.0098 Tc +-0.0188 Tw +[(le)18.9(v)8.5(e)6.9(l me)6.9(n)13.5(u)-1.7( it)10.5(e)6.9(m)13.3(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +110.879 617.84 17.64 -15.12 re +f +q +17.64 0 0 15.12 110.8791 602.7203 cm +/Im22 Do +Q +154.439 546.68 192.72 -132.6 re +f +q +192.72 0 0 132.6 154.439 414.0803 cm +/Im23 Do +Q +156.119 379.28 88.8 -130.08 re +f +q +88.8 0 0 130.08 156.119 249.2003 cm +/Im24 Do +Q +312.599 377.12 201.12 -118.08 re +f +q +312.599 377.12 201.12 -118.08 re +W* n +q +201.12 0 0 118.08 312.599 259.0403 cm +/Im25 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 250.919 346.5203 Tm +0 g +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(W)-11.6(h)-16.3(en yo)-16.3(u typ)-16.3(e)1.1( )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 250.919 337.7603 Tm +0.0143 Tc +0 Tw +[(&Fi)9.8(l)27.2(e)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 266.759 337.7603 Tm +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[( and)-16.3( focu)-16.3(s )]TJ +-2.2997 -1.0429 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(o)-17.3(n)0.1( th)-17.3(e Me)-17.3(nu )]TJ +T* +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(D)-8(e)-17.2(signer)-13.7(, th)-17.2(e top)-17.2(-)]TJ +T* +0.0042 Tc +-0.0035 Tw +[(le)-14.7(vel F)5.4(ile)-14.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0031 Tc +0 Tw +[(co)-15.8(mma)-15.8(nd )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +-0.0356 Tw +[(a)-17.4(ppe)-17.4(ars re)-17.4(ady for)-13.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(yo)-17.1(u to)-17.1( add)-17.1( the)-17.1( )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(f)-16.3(i)14.8(r)-13.5(s)-3.3(t me)-17(nu )-17.5(i)14.8(t)-16.3(em.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +300 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im22 301 0 R +/Im23 302 0 R +/Im24 303 0 R +/Im25 304 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +306 0 obj +<< +/D [305 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +295 0 obj +<< +/P 288 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 281 0 R +/N 307 0 R +>> +endobj +308 0 obj +<< +/D [305 0 R /XYZ 141 328 null] +>> +endobj +309 0 obj +<< +/Length 7260 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(14)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.0038 Tw +[(Adding)16.6( a m)-6.8(e)16.6(nu)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0019 Tc +-0.0109 Tw +[(In)-6.5( t)-9.5(h)5.6(e Men)-6.5(u)2.5( D)-7.2(e)-1(s)4.2(i)3.7(g)-8.4(n)5.6(er, s)-7.8(e)11(l)-8.3(e)-1(ct th)-6.5(e F)-8.4(ile )-12(item)5.4( )-12(yo)-6.3(u )-12(j)7(u)2.5(s)-7.8(t)2.6( created.)10.9( )-12(Yo)5.7(ul)-8.3(l)3.7( n)-6.5(o)5.7(t)-9.5(i)3.7(ce an)5.6( )-12(em)5.4(pt)-9.5(y )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(i)-8.5(t)2.4(em)5.2( un)-6.7(de)10.8(r it)-9.6(:)10.7( s)-8(e)10.8(l)-8.5(e)-1.2(ct )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e em)5.2(pty)-8.6( item)5.2(. In)-6.7( )12(t)-9.6(h)5.4(e O)4.6(b)0.5(ject In)5.4(s)-8(p)0.3(e)10.8(c)-0.1(t)-9.6(o)5.5(r, ch)5.4(o)-6.5(o)5.5(s)4(e)-1.2( th)-6.7(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +31.7108 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)22.3(t)8.5(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-34.4578 -1.1084 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(pro)-7.7(p)-0.9(erty. The A)-4.6(c)-1.3(tio)-7.7(n)4.2(s from)-8.1( the a)-5.5(c)-1.3(tio)-7.7(n)4.2( lis)-9.2(t a)6.5(r)-2.1(e a)6.5(l)-9.7(l lis)-9.2(ted )12(th)-7.9(ere.)9.5( S)-4.6(e)-2.4(lect )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +29.8193 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-32.9036 -15.8072 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[()-597.5(S)-3.8(elect th)-7.1(e )12(i)-8.9(t)2(em)4.8( un)-7.1(de)10.4(r New)-8.1( a)7.3(n)-7.1(d )12(s)-8.4(e)-1.6(t its)3.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.9518 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-29.7711 -1.6627 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[()-597(S)-3.3(elect th)-6.6(e )12(i)-8.4(t)2.5(em)5.3( un)-6.6(de)10.9(r O)-7.4(p)0.4(en)5.5( an)5.5(d s)4.1(e)-1.1(t its)-7.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.2651 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)10.3(t)20.6(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[( pr)10.5(o)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1(\015)-12.1( )-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-30.0723 -1.6506 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[()-596.5(S)-2.8(elect th)-6.1(e )12(i)-7.9(t)3(em)5.8( un)-6.1(de)11.4(r Save )12(an)6(d s)-7.4(e)11.4(t)-9.1( )12(i)-7.9(t)3(s)4.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.8795 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( property)-9.7( to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1( )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-30.5783 -1.6627 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[()-596.6(S)-2.9(elect th)-6.2(e )12(i)-8(t)2.9(em)5.7( un)-6.2(de)11.3(r Save )12(As)4.5(, ty)-8.1(pe )12(a h)5.9(y)-8.1(ph)5.9(en)-6.2( )12(after its)4.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.0602 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.4(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( pro)-6.1(p)0.7(erty, a)8.1(n)-6.3(d )]TJ +-27.0964 -1.0964 TD +0.0012 Tc +0 Tw +[(press)-8.5( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 192.239 428.3603 Tm +-0.0058 Tc +[(En)-8.1(t)-7(e)-8.1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 211.799 428.3603 Tm +0.0008 Tc +-0.0098 Tw +[(. T)-12.7(h)4.5(is)-8.9( crea)-5.2(tes )-12(a)-5.2( s)-8.9(e)-2.1(pa)6.8(ra)-5.2(to)-7.4(r)10.3( )-12(ba)-5.2(r )-12(on)-7.6( t)-10.6(h)4.5(e )-12(men)-7.6(u)1.4(.)]TJ +-5.759 -1.6626 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[()-597.2(S)-3.5(elect th)-6.8(e )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3(em)5.1( un)-6.8(de)10.7(r th)-6.8(e s)3.9(e)-1.3(pa)7.6(rato)-6.6(r )12(bar a)7.6(n)-6.8(d s)3.9(e)-1.3(t its)-8.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +23.3373 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.001 Tc +-0.01 Tw +[( pro)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty )-12(to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 395.3603 Tm +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 395.3603 Tm +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(Next)-10( )12(crea)-4.6(te the Edit m)-7.2(e)10.5(n)-7(u)2(:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0 Tc +-0.0331 Tw +[()-598.8(S)-5.1(elect t)-11.4(h)3.7(e it)-11.3(em t)-11.4(o)3.8( th)-8.4(e rig)-10.3(h)3.7(t o)-8.2(f)-4.4( th)-8.4(e)9.1( )-12(File )-12(com)-8.6(m)3.5(a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5(,)-3( s)-9.7(e)-2.9(t its)-9.7( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.0964 0 TD +-0.0026 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)-4.4(p)-8.6(t)-6.9(io)-4.4(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0 Tc +-0.0211 Tw +[( property to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.4578 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(, )Tj +-34.7711 -1.1084 TD +0.0048 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(an)8.5(d pres)7.1(s )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 211.679 367.7603 Tm +0.0089 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)6.6(t)7.7(e)6.6(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 231.239 367.7603 Tm +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-7.7108 -1.6506 TD +0.003 Tw +[()-598.8(T)-1.5(h)-8.4(e)-2.9( f)7.7(o)-8.2(cus is)-9.7( )12(n)-8.4(o)3.8(w)-9.4( on)-8.4( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.7(e item)-8.6( )12(u)-11.5(n)3.7(d)-3.5(e)-2.9(r E)-3.5(d)8.6(i)-10.2(t)0.7(; set its )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +22.253 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[( pro)-7.3(p)-0.5(erty to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-34.0723 -1.6627 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[()-597.2(S)-3.5(elect th)-6.8(e )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3(em)5.1( un)-6.8(de)10.7(r Cut)-9.7( )12(an)-6.8(d)10.2( s)-8.1(e)-1.3(t )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3(s)3.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.4458 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( pro)5.2(p)-12.1(e)10.5(r)-1.2(t)-9.9(y)3.2( to)5.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1( )12.1(*)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-29.6988 -1.6506 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[()-597.2(S)-3.5(elect th)-6.8(e )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3(em)5.1( un)-6.8(de)10.7(r Co)-6.6(py an)5.3(d s)3.9(e)-1.3(t its)-8.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.2289 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)10.3(t)20.6(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[( pr)10.5(o)-7.2(p)-0.4(erty to)-7.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()-12.1(+ )-12.1()-12.1()0()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.3976 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +ET +1 g +155.519 638 88.8 -130.08 re +f +q +88.8 0 0 130.08 155.519 507.9203 cm +/Im26 Do +Q +315.599 633.92 199.92 -117.36 re +f +q +315.599 633.92 199.92 -117.36 re +W* n +q +199.92 0 0 117.36 315.599 516.5604 cm +/Im27 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 250.319 612.3203 Tm +0 g +0.0029 Tc +-0.0022 Tw +[(W)-11.3(h)1.4(e)-16(n)1.4( you)-16( select )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(F)-14.8(i)14.3(le)-17.5(N)-8.3(e)-0.1(w)-8.3( fro)-17.5(m)-1.8( th)-17.5(e )]TJ +T* +0.002 Tc +-0.1058 Tw +[(A)-10.4(c)-3.2(tion)-16.9( pr)-13.4(ope)-16.9(rty )-17.4(li)14.9(s)-20.6(t, )]TJ +T* +-0.0361 Tw +[(th)-16.9(e N)-7.7(e)0.5(w)-7.7( comm)-18.7(and)-16.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(ap)-17.6(pea)-17.6(rs w)-8.4(i)-3.2(th )-17.5(the )]TJ +T* +0.0026 Tc +-0.0019 Tw +[(cor)-12.8(r)4.6(ect)-15.6( C)-7.1(aptio)-16.3(n )]TJ +T* +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(an)-17.1(d Im)-18.9(age)-17.1(Inde)-17.1(x.)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 308.96 90.24 -122.4 re +f +q +166.439 308.96 90.24 -122.4 re +W* n +q +90.24 0 0 122.4 166.439 186.5603 cm +/Im28 Do +Q +Q +298.439 308.96 191.4 -131.28 re +f +q +298.439 308.96 191.4 -131.28 re +W* n +q +191.4 0 0 131.28 298.439 177.6803 cm +/Im29 Do +Q +Q +endstream +endobj +310 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im26 311 0 R +/Im27 312 0 R +/Im28 313 0 R +/Im29 314 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +316 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +317 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 202 591 null] +>> +endobj +307 0 obj +<< +/P 305 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 295 0 R +/N 318 0 R +>> +endobj +319 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +320 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 93 291 null] +>> +endobj +321 0 obj +<< +/D [315 0 R /XYZ 141 259 null] +>> +endobj +322 0 obj +<< +/Length 8897 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(15)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 406.919 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3089 Tc +-0.1097 Tw +[(C)5.8(l)0.7(e)16.5(a)-1.1(r)5.6(i)0.7(ng the tex)13.6(t)3.7( )-17.7(a)16.5(r)-12(e)16.5(a)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Next)-10.3( )12(crea)-4.9(te the Help m)-7.5(e)-1.8(nu:)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[()-598.3(S)-4.6(elect th)-7.9(e )12(i)-9.7(t)1.2(em to)-7.7( )12(t)-10.8(h)4.2(e righ)-7.9(t of the Edit co)-7.7(mm)-8.1(a)6.5(n)-7.9(d,)9.5( s)-9.2(e)-2.4(t )12(i)-9.7(t)1.2(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +25.6867 0 TD +0.0077 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.9(p)13.7(t)3.3(i)8.6(o)5.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +-27.7229 -1.1084 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(#)12.1(\015)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0028 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(, a)8.8(n)-5.6(d pre)11.9(s)-6.9(s)5.1( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 238.5591 640.7603 Tm +-0.0058 Tc +0 Tw +[(En)-8.1(t)-7(e)-8.1(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 258.119 640.7603 Tm +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-10.4096 -1.6506 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[()-597.5(S)-3.8(elect th)-7.1(e )12(i)-8.9(t)2(em)4.8( un)-7.1(de)10.4(r H)-10.1(e)10.4(l)-8.9(p)-0.1( a)7.3(n)-7.1(d )12(s)-8.4(e)-1.6(t its)3.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.0121 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(#)12.1(\015)12.1(" )12.1( )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 607.7603 Tm +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 607.7603 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( to)5.6( clo)-6.4(s)4.1(e th)5.5(e Men)5.5(u)-9.7( )12(D)-7.3(e)-1.1(s)4.1(i)3.6(g)-8.5(n)5.5(er.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 591.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 591.3203 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Ch)-8.6(oo)-8.4(se Fil)-10.4(e)8.9(|)-8.7(S)-5.3(a)5.8(ve to)-8.4( sa)-6.2(ve)8.9( ch)-8.6(an)-8.6(ges in)-8.6( yo)-8.4(ur )12(p)-13.7(r)9.3(o)-8.4(j)4.9(ect.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 574.7603 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(10)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 574.7603 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 574.7603 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.8391 574.7603 Tm +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( )12(t)-9.2(o)5.9( co)5.9(m)-6.5(p)0.7(ile an)5.8(d run)-6.3( )12(th)-6.3(e pro)5.9(j)-4.9(ec)12.4(t)-9.2(.)11.1( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 558.9203 Tm +0.0084 Tc +0 Tw +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 558.9203 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Y)-8(o)3.5(u)-11.8( )12(ca)-6.3(n a)-6.3(l)1.5(so)-8.5( run th)-8.7(e project)-11.6( )12(by)-10.6( clicki)-10.5(ng th)-8.7(e )12(R)-7(u)0.3(n)-8.7( butto)-8.5(n on)-8.7( the D)-9.4(e)8.8(b)-13.6(u)0.3(g to)-8.5(olba)-6.3(r or )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.004 Tc +0.007 Tw +[(c)-5.8(h)-12.4(oo)-12.2(sin)-12.4(g)-2.2( Ru)-15.5(n|)-12.5(Ru)-15.5(n.)]TJ +0 -13.5542 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(W)-12.4(h)3.3(en y)-10.7(o)3.4(u run)-8.8( you)-11.9(r)9.1( pro)-8.6(j)4.7(ect, Ky)-10.7(lix open)-8.8(s th)-8.8(e)8.7( pro)-8.6(g)1.4(ra)-6.4(m in)-8.8( )12(a)-6.4( wi)-10.6(nd)-3.9(ow)-9.8( lik)-10.7(e)8.7( th)-8.8(e on)-8.8(e)8.7( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(y)-8.7(o)5.4(u des)3.9(i)3.4(g)-8.7(n)5.3(ed o)5.4(n)-6.8( th)5.3(e run)-6.8(t)2.3(im)-7(e)10.7( fo)5.4(rm)-7(. Th)5.3(e m)5.1(e)-1.3(n)-6.8(u)2.2(s)3.9( all w)4.3(o)-6.6(rk alth)5.3(o)-6.6(u)2.2(g)-8.7(h)5.3( m)5.1(o)-6.6(s)3.9(t)2.3( o)-6.6(f)9.3( th)-6.8(e )]TJ +T* +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(co)-6.1(m)5.6(m)-6.5(a)8.1(n)-6.3(ds)4.4( ar)11.6(e grayed o)5.9(u)-9.4(t. )12(Th)-6.3(e )12(i)-8.1(m)5.6(ages)4.4( appea)8.1(r)-0.5( n)-6.3(e)-0.8(xt )12(t)-9.3(o)5.9( th)5.8(e m)-6.5(e)-0.8(n)5.8(u)2.7( item)-6.5(s)4.4( w)4.8(i)-8.1(th)5.8( w)4.8(h)-6.3(ich)-6.3( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0058 Tc +-0.0028 Tw +[(we )12(as)8.1(so)9.6(ci)7.6(at)6.5(ed t)6.5(h)9.5(e i)7.6(c)4(on)9.5(s.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +-0.0008 Tc +0.0038 Tw +[(Th)-9.2(ou)-12.3(gh yo)-9(ur prog)-11.1(ram)-9.4( alrea)-6.8(d)-4.3(y ha)-6.8(s a)-6.8( great d)-4.3(e)-3.7(a)-6.8(l)1( of)-5.2( f)-5.1(u)-0.2(ncti)-11(on)-9.2(ali)-11(t)-0.1(y, theres)-10.5( )12(s)-10.5(t)-0.1(ill)-11( )12(m)-9.4(o)3(re )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(to)-7.8( do to)-7.8( )12(a)-5.6(c)-1.4(tiva)-5.6(te th)-8(e)9.5( co)-7.8(mm)-8.2(a)-5.6(n)4.1(ds. A)-4.7(n)4.1(d we wa)-5.6(n)-8(t)1.1( to a)-5.6(d)-3.1(d)9( a)-5.6( too)-7.8(l)2.2(ba)-5.6(r to provi)-9.8(d)-3.1(e)9.5( ea)-5.6(sy )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(access to)-7.6( th)4.3(e co)4.4(m)-8(m)-8(a)6.6(n)-7.8(d)-2.9(s.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 324.9203 Tm +-0.1112 Tc +0 Tw +(11)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 324.9203 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(To)-7.6( re)9.7(t)-10.7(u)1.2(rn to)-7.6( )12(d)-2.9(e)-2.3(s)-9.1(ign)-7.8( )12(m)-8(o)4.4(d)-2.9(e)-2.3(, click)-9.7( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +10.92 0 0 10.92 294.959 324.9203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 302.279 324.9203 Tm +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( )12(i)-8.9(n)5( th)5(e upp)-12.2(e)10.4(r rig)-9(h)5(t co)-6.9(r)10.8(n)-7.1(er.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 309.0803 Tm +0.0084 Tc +0 Tw +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 309.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(If)-4.4( yo)-8.2(u los)-9.7(e)-2.9( )12(t)-11.4(h)3.7(e f)-4.4(o)3.8(rm)-8.6(,)9( ch)-8.4(oo)-8.2(se Win)-8.4(d)8.6(o)-8.2(w)2.7(|)-8.5(F)1.8(o)-8.2(r)-2.6(m1)-6( to red)-3.5(i)1.8(spl)-10.2(a)6(y)-10.3( )12(i)-10.2(t)0.7(.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 268.64 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 268.64 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 267.44 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 274.2804 Tm +-0.0205 Tc +-0.0102 Tw +[(Cl)10.2(ea)6.8(r)10.3(i)1.7(ng)10.6( )-8.5(t)5.5(h)10.6(e t)5.5(e)15.3(x)6.8(t)5.5( ar)10.3(e)6.8(a)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 249.3204 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(W)-11.7(h)4(en y)-10(o)4.1(u ra)-5.7(n yo)-7.9(ur progra)-5.7(m, th)-8.1(e )12(n)-8.1(a)-5.7(me )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +17.6988 0 TD +-0.0042 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)-12.8(m)-9.3(o)-6(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0602 0 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[( appea)8(r)-0.6(ed in)-6.4( )12(t)-9.3(h)5.7(e text a)8(r)-0.6(ea. Y)6.3(o)-6.2(u ca)8(n)-6.4( )]TJ +-20.759 -1.1084 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(rem)-7.9(o)4.5(ve th)-7.7(a)6.7(t)1.4( text us)-9(ing)-9.6( the S)-4.4(t)1.4(ring)-9.6( )12(Li)-9.5(st Edito)-7.5(r)10.2(.)-2.3( If yo)-7.5(u d)9.3(o)-7.5(n)-10.5(t clea)6.7(r th)-7.7(e )12(t)-10.6(e)9.8(xt)-10.7( )12(n)-7.7(o)4.5(w)-8.7(,)-2.3( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.4(e text )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(s)-9.6(h)3.8(o)-8.1(u)0.7(ld)-3.4( be r)9.6(e)-2.8(m)-8.5(o)3.9(ved)-3.4( wh)-8.3(en in)-8.3(itia)-5.9(li)-10.1(zin)-8.3(g)1.9( th)-8.3(e )12(m)-8.5(a)-5.9(in f)-4.2(o)3.9(rm)-8.5( in th)-8.3(e las)-9.6(t)0.8( step. )]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0023 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(To)-5.9( clea)8.3(r th)-6.1(e )12(t)-9.1(e)-0.6(x)12.3(t)-9.1( )12(area:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 194.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 194.3604 Tm +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(O)-8.3(n)4.6( th)-7.5(e )12(m)-7.7(a)-5.1(in f)-3.4(o)4.7(rm)-7.7(, )12(cl)-9.3(ick th)-7.5(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +12.3855 0 TD +0.0065 Tc +0 Tw +[(Me)10(mo)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.5542 0 TD +0.0025 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[( co)6.3(m)-6.1(p)1.1(o)-5.7(n)6.2(en)6.2(t)-8.9(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 177.8004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 177.8004 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(In)-8( the Ob)-12.9(ject Ins)-9.3(p)-1(ector, next to)-7.8( the )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.4819 0 TD +-0.0014 Tc +0 Tw +[(Lin)-11.7(e)2.1(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.1807 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( )12(pro)-6.9(p)-0.1(erty, do)5.1(ubl)-8.9(e)-1.6(-)9(c)-0.5(li)-8.9(ck th)5(e value )]TJ +-17.6627 -1.0964 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(\()-4.3(T)-1.5(S)-5.1(t)0.7(rin)-8.4(g)1.8(s\))-4.3( to d)-3.5(i)1.8(s)-9.7(p)-1.4(la)-6(y the S)-5.1(t)0.7(rin)-8.4(g)1.8( L)-3.5(i)1.8(st ed)-3.5(ito)-8.2(r)-2.6(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 538.64 202.56 -109.44 re +f +q +202.56 0 0 109.44 154.439 429.2003 cm +/Im30 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 378.479 503.9603 Tm +0 g +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(W)-11.9(hen)-16.6( you )-17.5(pre)-16.6(ss )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 430.799 503.9603 Tm +-0.0012 Tc +0 Tw +(F9)Tj +6.888 0 0 8.4 438.8391 503.9603 Tm +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[( to r)-13.8(un yo)-17.3(ur )]TJ +-8.7631 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0186 Tw +[(pr)-13.5(oject, )-17.4(the)-17( ap)-17(plication)-17( inte)-17(rfa)-17(c)-3.3(e )]TJ +T* +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(ap)-17.2(pear)-13.7(s. T)-14.5(he m)-19(enu)-17.2(s, text)-16.5( are)-17.2(a)0.2(, )]TJ +T* +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(an)-17.5(d sta)-17.5(t)0.7(us ba)-17.5(r a)-17.5(l)14.3(l a)-17.5(ppe)-17.5(ar o)-17.5(n)-0.1( th)-17.5(e )]TJ +T* +0.0011 Tc +0 Tw +[(for)-14.3(m)-2.1(.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +323 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im30 324 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +326 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +327 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 93 629 null] +>> +endobj +328 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 93 629 null] +>> +endobj +329 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 581 null] +>> +endobj +330 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 93 629 null] +>> +endobj +331 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 592 null] +>> +endobj +332 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 313 468 null] +>> +endobj +333 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 422 468 null] +>> +endobj +334 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 508 468 null] +>> +endobj +318 0 obj +<< +/P 315 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 307 0 R +/N 335 0 R +>> +endobj +336 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 93 617 null] +>> +endobj +337 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 585 null] +>> +endobj +338 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 557 null] +>> +endobj +339 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 461 null] +>> +endobj +340 0 obj +<< +/D [325 0 R /XYZ 141 390 null] +>> +endobj +341 0 obj +<< +/Length 9151 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(16)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3086 Tc +-0.0034 Tw +[(Adding)16.2( a toolb)16.2(a)-1.4(r)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(S)-5.3(e)-3.1(lect a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( d)-3.7(e)-3.1(lete the M)-6(e)-3.1(mo)-8.4(1 text a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( click)-10.5( OK.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 651.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 651.8003 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(S)-5.3(a)-6.2(ve )12(y)-10.5(o)3.6(ur ch)-8.6(an)-8.6(ges a)-6.2(n)3.5(d)-3.7( tryi)-10.4(ng run)-8.6(n)3.5(in)-8.6(g th)-8.6(e )12(pro)-8.4(g)1.6(ra)-6.2(m a)-6.2(g)1.6(a)-6.2(i)1.6(n. )]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(Th)-6.5(e text e)11(d)-1.6(i)-8.3(t)2.6(in)5.6(g)-8.4( a)7.9(r)-0.7(ea )12(i)-8.3(s)4.2( n)5.6(o)-6.3(w)4.6( cleared )12(w)-7.5(h)5.6(en)-6.5( )12(t)-9.4(h)5.6(e m)5.4(a)-4.1(in)-6.5( f)9.6(o)-6.3(rm)5.4( is)-7.8( )12(di)-8.3(s)4.2(p)0.5(layed.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 594.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 594.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 593.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 600.5603 Tm +-0.03 Tc +0.0078 Tw +[(A)-7.3(ddi)-7.8(ng)-7.4( a )8.5(t)-4(o)-7.4(o)-7.4(l)0.7(b)-7.4(a)-2.7(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 575.4803 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(S)-5.2(i)1.7(n)-8.5(c)-1.9(e )12(y)-10.4(o)3.7(u)-11.3(ve )12(s)-9.8(e)-3(t up a)5.9(c)-1.9(ti)-10.3(on)-8.5(s in a)-6.1(n)3.6( a)-6.1(c)-1.9(tio)-8.3(n)3.6( li)-10.3(st, you)-11.6( )12(ca)-6.1(n)-8.5( )12(a)-6.1(dd som)-8.7(e)-3( of tho)-8.3(s)2.2(e a)-6.1(c)10.2(t)-11.5(i)1.7(on)-8.5(s to)-8.3( )12(a)-6.1( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0 Tw +[(to)-8.4(ol)-10.4(ba)5.8(r.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 548.0003 Tm +0 Tc +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 548.0003 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(O)-9(n)3.9( th)-8.2(e )12(Co)-8(mm)-8.4(on)-8.2( Con)-8.2(t)0.9(rol)-10(s)2.5( ta)-5.8(b )12(o)-8(f)-4.1( )12(t)-11.1(h)3.9(e Com)-8.4(p)-1.2(on)-8.2(ent pa)-5.8(lette, doub)-13.1(le-)7.9(c)-1.6(l)-10(i)2(ck th)-8.2(e )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +32.5663 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +0 Tw +(ToolBar)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +3.241 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-35.8072 -1.1084 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(co)-7(mpo)-7(n)4.9(en)-7.2(t to a)-4.8(dd )12(i)-9(t)1.9( to th)-7.2(e )12(fo)-7(r)10.7(m)-7.4(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(A)-4.4( bla)-5.3(n)4.4(k)-9.6( )12(t)-10.6(o)4.5(o)-7.5(l)2.5(ba)-5.3(r)10.2( is)-9( a)6.7(dded under the m)-7.9(a)6.7(i)-9.5(n)4.4( men)-7.7(u)1.3(. With)-7.7( the to)-7.5(olba)-5.3(r sti)-9.5(ll selected, )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(ch)-8.1(a)6.3(n)-8.1(ge th)-8.1(e)9.4( fol)-9.9(l)2.1(ow)-9.1(in)-8.1(g properties)-9.4( )12(i)-9.9(n)4( th)-8.1(e)9.4( O)-8.9(b)-0.9(ject In)-8.1(specto)-7.9(r:)]TJ +0 -1.4096 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( t)599.5(h)590.4(e)607.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.4337 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +0 Tw +[(In)7(de)8.7(n)-5.1(t)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.6867 0 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[( pro)-8.2(p)-1.4(er)9.5(t)-11.3(y)1.8( to 4)-6(.)-3( \()7.7(T)-1.5(h)-8.4(i)1.8(s in)-8.4(d)-3.5(e)-2.9(nts)-9.7( )12(t)-11.3(h)3.7(e icon)-8.4(s 4)-6( pixels f)-4.4(r)-2.6(om)-8.6( the lef)-4.3(t)0.7( of)-4.4( the )]TJ +-5.9157 -1.0964 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0 Tw +[(to)-8.3(ol)-10.3(ba)5.9(r.\))]TJ +-1.2048 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( t)599.5(h)590.4(e)607.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.4337 0 TD +0.0051 Tc +0 Tw +[(Imag)11.1(es)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.8434 0 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[( prop)-13.9(e)8.7(r)-3(ty)-10.7( to )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(')12.1( \()12.1(\))12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +-12.8193 -1.6506 TD +0.5988 Tc +-0.5958 Tw +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( t)599.5(h)590.4(e)607.9( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +4.4337 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +0 Tw +[(Sh)16.3(o)8.5(w)9.4(H)5.2(i)11.2(nt)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.1807 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0035 Tc +0 Tw +[(Tr)7(u)-6.8(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(. \()Tj +/F13 1 Tf +0.8434 0 TD +-0.0043 Tc +[(Ti)-8.7(p)-7.8(:)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.8675 0 TD +0.0103 Tc +-0.0193 Tw +[( Do)14.1(ub)9.1(l)12.1(e)7.4(-)18(c)8.5(li)12.1(c)8.5(k)12.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.1205 0 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fals)-9.1(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.0602 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[( to)-7.9( cha)-5.7(n)4(ge it)-11.1( )12(t)-11(o)4.1( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.7831 0 TD +0.0035 Tc +0 Tw +[(Tr)7(u)5.3(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.9518 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(.\))Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 434.9603 Tm +0 Tc +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 434.9603 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(A)-4.5(dd butto)-7.6(ns)-9.1( )12(a)-5.4(n)4.3(d s)-9.1(e)9.7(pa)-5.4(ra)-5.4(tors)-9.1( )12(to)-7.6( the to)-7.6(olb)-12.7(a)6.6(r:)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(W)-11.8(ith th)-8.2(e too)-8(l)2(ba)-5.8(r )12(s)-9.5(e)-2.7(lected,)9.2( rig)-10.1(h)3.9(t-cli)-10(c)-1.6(k a)6.2(n)-8.2(d c)10.5(h)-8.2(oo)-8(se New)-9.2( )12(But)-11.1(t)0.9(on)-8.2( f)7.9(o)-8(ur tim)-8.4(e)-2.7(s.)]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[()-599.2(R)-7.1(igh)-8.8(t-)-4.7(click)-10.7( )12(a)-6.4(n)-8.8(d)8.2( ch)-8.8(oo)-8.6(se New S)-5.5(e)-3.3(para)-6.4(to)-8.6(r)9.1(.)]TJ +T* +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[()-598.7(R)-6.6(igh)-8.3(t-click)-10.2( )12(a)-5.9(n)-8.3(d)8.7( ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se New Butt)-11.2(on th)-8.3(ree )12(m)-8.5(o)3.9(re tim)-8.5(e)-2.8(s.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 380.6003 Tm +0.0084 Tc +0 Tw +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 380.6003 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(D)-7.6(o)5.3(n)-6.9()2.4(t w)4.2(o)-6.7(rry if th)5.2(e ico)-6.7(n)5.2(s)3.8( aren)5.2(t co)-6.7(rr)11(ect y)-8.8(e)-1.4(t. )12(Th)-6.9(e co)5.3(rrect ico)5.3(n)-6.9(s)3.8( w)4.2(i)-8.7(ll be s)3.8(e)-1.4(lected w)4.2(h)-6.9(en)5.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[(y)-11.2(o)2.9(u a)-6.9(ssi)-11.1(gn a)-6.9(c)-2.7(tio)-9.1(n)2.8(s)-10.6( )12(to)-9.1( the but)-12.2(t)-0.2(on)-9.3(s.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 204.4404 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 204.4404 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(A)-5.3(s)2.1(s)-9.9(ign)-8.6( a)5.8(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on)-8.6(s f)7.5(r)-2.8(o)-8.4(m)3.3( th)-8.6(e )12(a)-6.2(c)-2(ti)-10.4(on l)-10.4(i)1.6(st to)-8.4( the first set o)-8.4(f)7.5( bu)-11.7(tton)-8.6(s)2.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[()-598.5(S)-4.8(elect th)-8.1(e )12(firs)-9.4(t butto)-7.9(n a)-5.7(n)4(d set its)-9.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.6145 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)22.3(t)8.6(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +-0.0097 Tw +[( p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty )-12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-27.4217 -1.1084 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[()-597.8(S)-4.1(elect th)-7.4(e )12(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(co)4.8(n)4.7(d)-2.5( but)-10.3(t)1.7(o)4.8(n)-7.4( a)7(n)-7.4(d )12(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(t its)3.3( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.9277 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-28.3012 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(S)-4.9(elect th)-8.2(e )12(t)-11.1(h)3.9(ird butto)-8(n a)-5.8(n)3.9(d set it)-11.2(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.0482 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-27.8554 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[()-598.4(S)-4.7(elect th)-8(e )12(fo)-7.8(urth but)-10.9(t)1.1(on)-8( a)6.4(n)-8(d )12(s)-9.3(e)-2.5(t its )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.6265 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[( pro)-6.8(p)0(e)10.5(r)-1.2(t)-9.9(y)3.2( to)5.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015)12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5301 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +ET +1 g +107.639 554.84 20.88 -14.4 re +f +q +20.88 0 0 14.4 107.6391 540.4403 cm +/Im31 Do +Q +154.439 360.32 194.16 -139.44 re +f +q +154.439 360.32 194.16 -139.44 re +W* n +q +194.16 0 0 139.44 154.439 220.8804 cm +/Im32 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 386.519 337.2803 Tm +0 g +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(Th)-17.4(e too)-17.4(l)-3(bar)-13.9( objec)-21.1(t is ad)-17.4(ded )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +-0.0009 Tw +[(und)-17.3(er t)-16.6(he m)-19.1(enu)-17.3(s by d)-17.3(e)0.1(fau)-17.3(l)-2.9(t. )]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +-0.0008 Tw +[(To)-17.4( add)-17.4( butt)-16.7(ons o)-17.4(r)3.5( se)-17.4(para)-17.4(t)0.8(or)-13.9(s, )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.016 Tw +[(select the toolba)-16.7(r, )17.5(r)-13.2(i)-2.3(ght-)-13.2(c)-3(lick, )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(and)-17.4( choo)-17.4(se N)-8.2(e)0(w)-8.2( )-17.5(B)6.5(u)-17.4(tton )-17.5(or )]TJ +T* +[(N)-8.2(e)0(w)-8.2( S)-10.9(epa)-17.4(rato)-17.4(r. T)-14.7(hen)-17.4( assig)-17.4(n)0( )]TJ +T* +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(action)-16.6(s fro)-16.6(m)-0.9( th)-16.6(e act)-15.9(i)15.2(o)-16.6(n)0.8( list.)]TJ +ET +351.839 337.16 4.8 0.36 re +f +356.399 334.52 m +356.519 334.88 l +351.839 337.52 l +351.719 337.52 l +351.239 337.28 l +351.719 337.16 l +f +351.719 337.52 m +351.839 337.16 l +356.519 339.8 l +356.399 340.16 l +f +381.479 337.04 0.12 0.36 re +f +356.519 337.4 0.12 -0.36 re +f +356.639 337.04 24.84 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +342 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F13 343 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im31 344 0 R +/Im32 345 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +347 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +348 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 325 null] +>> +endobj +349 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 325 null] +>> +endobj +350 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 93 554 null] +>> +endobj +351 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 93 554 null] +>> +endobj +352 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 517 null] +>> +endobj +353 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 93 554 null] +>> +endobj +354 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 517 null] +>> +endobj +355 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 191 484 null] +>> +endobj +356 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 325 null] +>> +endobj +357 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 294 null] +>> +endobj +358 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 215 238 null] +>> +endobj +359 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 153 196 null] +>> +endobj +335 0 obj +<< +/P 325 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 318 0 R +/N 360 0 R +>> +endobj +361 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 93 543 null] +>> +endobj +362 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 511 null] +>> +endobj +363 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 316 null] +>> +endobj +364 0 obj +<< +/D [346 0 R /XYZ 141 254 null] +>> +endobj +365 0 obj +<< +/Length 10401 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(17)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 404.2791 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3092 Tc +-0.163 Tw +[(W)16(r)-11.7(i)18.6(t)4(ing eve)16.8(n)-0.8(t )-17.7(h)16.8(andle)16.8(r)-11.7(s)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(A)-5.8(s)1.6(s)-10.4(ign)-9.1( a)5.3(c)-2.5(ti)-10.9(on)-9.1(s to th)-9.1(e )12(s)-10.4(e)-3.6(con)-9.1(d)-4.2( )12(s)-10.4(e)-3.6(t of butto)-8.9(ns.)]TJ +0 -1.4096 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[()-598.5(S)-4.8(elect th)-8.1(e )12(firs)-9.4(t butto)-7.9(n a)-5.7(n)4(d set its)-9.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +15.6145 0 TD +0.0129 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ac)22.3(t)8.6(i)13.8(o)11.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +-0.0097 Tw +[( p)-12.8(r)10.2(o)-7.5(p)-0.7(erty )-12(to)-7.5( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1( )12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.5181 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-27.4217 -1.1084 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[()-597.8(S)-4.1(elect th)-7.4(e )12(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(co)4.8(n)4.7(d)-2.5( but)-10.3(t)1.7(o)4.8(n)-7.4( a)7(n)-7.4(d )12(s)-8.7(e)-1.9(t its)3.3( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.9277 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.759 0 TD +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)-6.4(p)0.4(er)11.3(t)-9.5(y)3.6( to)5.6( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5301 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1( )12.1(*)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-29.1807 -1.0964 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[()-598.6(S)-4.9(elect th)-8.2(e )12(t)-11.1(h)3.9(ird butto)-8(n a)-5.8(n)3.9(d set it)-11.2(s )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.0482 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0 Tw +(Action)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[( pro)5.4(p)0.2(erty)-8.7( )12(t)-9.7(o)5.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +5.5422 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1(+ )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.4096 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 615.8003 Tm +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 615.8003 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 615.8003 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.8391 615.8003 Tm +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( )12(t)-9.2(o)5.9( co)5.9(m)-6.5(p)0.7(ile an)5.8(d run)-6.3( )12(th)-6.3(e pro)5.9(j)-4.9(ec)12.4(t)-9.2(.)]TJ +-3.5542 -1.6506 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(Y)-7(o)4.5(u)-10.8( )12(ca)-5.3(n ty)-9.6(pe in th)-7.7(e )12(t)-10.6(e)9.8(xt)-10.6( )12(a)-5.3(r)-1.9(ea)-5.3(.)9.7( Ch)-7.7(eck out)-10.6( )12(t)-10.6(h)4.4(e too)-7.5(l)2.5(ba)-5.3(r.)9.7( If yo)-7.5(u select text in)-7.7( the text )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(area)8(, th)-6.4(e )12(Cu)-9.5(t, )12(Co)-6.2(py, an)5.7(d Pas)4.3(t)2.7(e butt)-9.3(o)5.8(n)-6.4(s)4.3( s)4.3(h)5.7(o)-6.2(u)2.6(ld w)-7.4(o)5.8(rk.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 571.7603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 571.7603 Tm +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(Cl)-10.4(ick th)-8.6(e)8.9( )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +4.1928 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.6747 0 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[( in th)-7.5(e upper )12(ri)-9.3(ght)-10.4( )12(co)-7.3(rner to cl)-9.3(ose th)-7.5(e )12(a)-5.1(ppli)-9.3(c)-0.9(a)6.9(t)1.6(i)-9.3(o)4.7(n)-7.5( )12(a)-5.1(n)-7.5(d)9.5( return)-7.5( to th)-7.5(e )]TJ +-4.8675 -1.0964 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(des)3.8(i)-8.7(gn)5.2(-ti)-8.7(m)5(e view)4.2(.)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 520.28 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 520.28 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 519.08 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 526.0403 Tm +-0.0242 Tc +-0.0065 Tw +[(Wri)6.5(t)1.8(in)6.9(g e)11.6(vent )-8.5(h)6.9(a)3.1(ndl)6.5(er)15.2(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 500.9603 Tm +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(U)-5.5(p)-1.8( to)-8.6( )12(t)-11.8(h)3.3(is)-10.1( )12(po)-8.6(in)-8.8(t, )12(y)-10.7(o)3.4(u)-11.6(ve )12(d)-3.9(e)-3.3(velo)-8.6(ped)-3.9( you)-11.9(r)9.1( a)-6.4(ppli)-10.6(c)9.9(a)-6.4(t)0.3(i)-10.6(o)3.4(n w)-9.8(i)1.4(th)-8.8(out w)-9.8(r)-3(itin)-8.8(g a)-6.4( )12(s)-10.1(i)1.4(ng)-10.7(le lin)-8.8(e )12(o)-8.6(f)-4.8( )]TJ +T* +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(co)-7.6(de.)9.6( By us)-9.1(ing)-9.7( the Obj)-6.4(e)-2.3(ct Ins)-9.1(p)-0.8(ector to)-7.6( )12(s)-9.1(e)-2.3(t property va)-5.4(lues)-9.1( )12(a)-5.4(t)1.3( desig)-9.7(n)4.3( tim)-8(e)-2.3(, )12(y)-9.7(o)4.4(u)-10.6(ve )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(ta)-6.7(ken)-9.1( f)7(u)-12.2(ll ad)-4.2(va)-6.7(n)-9.1(t)0(ag)-11(e )12(o)-8.9(f)-5.1( )12(t)-12(h)3(e Ky)-11(lix RA)-5.8(D)-9.8( e)8.4(n)-9.1(viro)-8.9(nm)-9.3(ent. In th)-9.1(is sect)-12(ion)-9.1(,)-3.7( )12(y)-11(o)3.1(u)-11.9(ll writ)-12(e)8.4( )]TJ +T* +0.0026 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(pro)-5.6(c)0.8(ed)11.2(u)-8.9(r)0(es)4.9( ca)8.6(l)-7.6(l)4.4(ed )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.1325 0 TD +0.008 Tc +-0.005 Tw +[(ev)14(en)9.8(t h)14(a)6.2(nd)14(l)8.9(e)-0.6(r)11.5(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.8795 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[( )12(t)-12(h)3(a)-6.7(t)0( re)8.4(s)-10.4(p)-2.1(on)-9.1(d)-4.2( to us)-10.4(e)8.4(r)-3.3( in)-9.1(put w)-10.1(h)3(il)-10.9(e)8.4( th)-9.1(e appl)-10.9(icat)-12(ion)-9.1( is )]TJ +-14.012 -1.0964 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0104 Tw +[(run)-7(n)5.1(i)-8.8(n)5.1(g. )-12(Y)5.7(o)-6.8(ull)-8.8( co)-6.8(n)5.1(n)-7(e)10.5(c)-0.4(t)-10( th)-7(e even)-7(t h)-7(a)7.4(n)-7(d)-2.1(lers)3.7( )-12(to)5.2( )-12(th)5.1(e )-12(item)-7.2(s)3.7( )-12(o)5.2(n)-7( th)-7(e m)-7.2(e)-1.5(n)5.1(u)2(s)-8.3( an)5.1(d )-12(to)5.2(o)-6.8(l)3.2(bar, s)3.7(o)-6.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(th)-6.9(at w)4.2(h)5.2(en)-6.9( a)7.5(n)-6.9( item)5( i)-8.7(s)3.8( s)3.8(e)-1.4(lected yo)-6.7(ur )12(appli)-8.7(c)-0.3(a)7.5(t)2.2(i)-8.7(o)5.3(n)-6.9( )12(execut)-9.8(es)3.8( th)5.2(e co)5.3(de in)-6.9( th)5.2(e h)5.2(a)-4.5(n)-6.9(d)10.1(l)-8.7(e)-1.4(r)11(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(F)-9.5(o)4.6(r the n)-7.6(o)4.6(n)-7.6(s)3.1(ta)-5.2(nda)-5.2(r)-1.8(d)9.4( a)-5.2(c)-1(tio)-7.4(n)4.5(s)-8.9(,)9.8( y)-9.5(o)4.6(u m)-7.8(u)1.4(st crea)-5.2(te )12(a)-5.2(n)-7.6( )12(even)-7.6(t ha)-5.2(ndler. Fo)-7.4(r )12(th)-7.6(e sta)-5.2(n)4.5(da)-5.2(rd )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(actio)-6.5(n)5.4(s)-8(,)10.7( s)-8(u)2.3(ch)5.4( as)4( th)5.4(e Fi)-8.5(le|)5.3(E)-1.8(xit)-9.6( )12(an)-6.7(d)10.3( Edit|)-6.8(Pas)4(t)2.4(e co)5.5(m)-6.9(m)-6.9(a)7.7(n)-6.7(d)-1.8(s)4(,)-1.3( th)5.4(e even)5.4(ts)-8( a)7.7(r)-0.9(e in)5.4(cl)-8.5(uded )12(i)-8.5(n)5.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(th)-7.6(e code. How)-8.6(e)-2.1(ver,)9.8( for so)-7.4(me o)-7.4(f)8.5( th)-7.6(e sta)-5.2(n)4.5(da)-5.2(rd)9.4( a)-5.2(c)-1(tio)-7.4(n)4.5(s)-8.9(,)9.8( s)-8.9(u)1.4(ch a)-5.2(s)3.1( the Fi)-9.4(le|S)-4.3(a)-5.2(v)-0.5(e )12(A)-4.3(s)-8.9( )]TJ +T* +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(co)-8.6(mm)-9(an)-8.8(d)-3.9(,)-3.4( )12(y)-10.7(o)3.4(u w)-9.8(ill w)-9.8(a)5.6(n)-8.8(t)0.3( to)-8.6( )12(w)-9.8(r)-3(ite yo)-8.6(ur own)-8.8( event h)-8.8(a)5.6(n)-8.8(d)-3.9(ler )12(t)-11.7(o)3.4( cust)-11.8(om)-9(ize th)-8.8(e )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +[(co)-5.5(m)6.2(m)-5.9(a)8.7(n)-5.7(d.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(B)-4(e)-3.4(ca)-6.5(use a)-6.5(ll of)-4.8( th)-8.9(e)8.6( m)-9.1(e)-3.4(nu it)-11.9(ems a)-6.5(n)3.2(d)-4( to)-8.7(olba)-6.5(r act)-11.9(i)1.3(on)-8.9(s a)-6.5(r)9(e co)-8.7(nso)-8.7(lid)-4(a)-6.5(t)0.2(ed)-4( in th)-8.9(e acti)-10.7(on)-8.9( )12(l)-10.7(i)1.3(st, )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(y)-8.6(o)5.5(u can)5.4( crea)7.7(t)-9.6(e)-1.2( )12(th)-6.7(e even)5.4(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)-6.7(d)10.3(l)-8.5(e)-1.2(rs)4( f)9.4(r)-0.9(o)-6.5(m)5.2( th)-6.7(ere)10.8(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0016 Tc +[(F)-8.7(o)5.4(r m)5.1(o)-6.6(re )12(i)-8.6(n)5.3(fo)5.4(rm)-7(a)7.6(t)-9.7(io)5.4(n)-6.8( a)7.6(b)0.4(o)-6.6(u)2.2(t even)5.3(ts)-8.1( a)7.6(n)-6.8(d )12(even)-6.8(t h)5.3(a)-4.4(n)5.3(d)-1.9(lers)-8.1(,)10.6( s)-8.1(e)10.7(e D)4.5(evelo)-6.6(p)0.2(in)-6.8(g th)5.3(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0091 Tc +-0.0061 Tw +[(ap)7.7(p)7.7(l)10.9(ic)19.4(at)9.8(io)12.9(n)12.8( us)11.4(e)6.2(r)6.5( )12(in)12.8(t)9.8(e)6.2(r)6.5(f)4.8(ac)19.4(e)6.2()3.1( i)10.9(n)0.7( )12(th)12.8(e)6.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +14.7711 0 TD +0.0064 Tc +-0.0034 Tw +[(De)9.9(ve)9.9(l)7.3(o)4.6(pe)9.9(r)7.3(s)9.9( G)5.5(u)8.2(i)-4.8(d)12.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4458 0 TD +-0.0017 Tc +0.0047 Tw +[( )12(o)-9.9(r)-4.3( on)-10.1(lin)-10.1(e)7.4( H)-13.1(e)7.4(l)-11.9(p)-3.1(.)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 296.6 375.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 296.6 375.12 -2.04 re +f +0 g +142.439 295.4 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 301.4003 Tm +-0.0148 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(W)-8.1(r)1.3(i)11.2(t)-4.3(ing the Ne)17.1(w c)7(o)1.6(mmand e)17.1(v)-3(e)7(n)1.6(t)-4.3( )10(h)-8.5(a)7(ndler)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 277.2804 Tm +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(To)-5.8( w)5.1(r)-0.2(ite an)6.1( even)6.1(t)-8.9( )12(h)-6(a)8.4(n)-6(d)-1.1(ler f)10.1(o)-5.8(r th)6.1(e New)-7( )12(co)-5.8(m)5.9(m)-6.2(an)6.1(d:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 260.8403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 260.8403 Tm +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(Ch)-8.9(oo)-8.7(se View)-9.9(|U)-5.6(ni)-10.7(ts an)-8.9(d)-4( select U)-5.6(n)3.2(it)-11.8(1 to)-8.7( d)8.1(i)-10.7(spla)-6.5(y th)-8.9(e )12(co)-8.7(d)-4(e)-3.4( )12(a)-6.5(s)1.8(s)-10.2(o)3.3(cia)-6.5(t)0.2(ed)-4( wi)-10.7(th Fo)-8.7(rm1)-6.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 244.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 244.2803 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(Y)-7.3(o)4.2(u)-11.1( )12(n)-8(eed)-3.1( )12(to)-7.8( d)-3.1(e)-2.5(clare a)-5.6( f)8.1(i)-9.8(le )12(n)-8(a)-5.6(me tha)-5.6(t)1.1( w)-9(ill be used)-3.1( in)-8( the event h)-8(a)6.4(n)-8(d)-3.1(ler. )12(A)-4.7(d)-3.1(d)-3.1( a )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(cus)-9.6(t)0.8(om)-8.5( property)-10.2( )12(f)-4.3(o)-8.1(r)9.6( th)-8.3(e f)7.8(i)-10.1(le na)-5.9(me to)-8.1( )12(m)-8.5(a)-5.9(ke it glo)-8.1(ba)-5.9(lly a)-5.9(ccessi)-10.1(ble. E)-3.4(a)-5.9(rly in)-8.3( the )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0055 Tc +0 Tw +[(Uni)7.3(t)6.2(1.)14.5(pas)]TJ +0.297 g +4.2771 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +0 g +0.241 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(f)-5.1(ile, lo)-8.9(cat)-12(e)8.4( th)-9.1(e public d)-4.2(e)-3.6(cla)-6.7(r)-3.3(at)-12(ion)-9.1(s)1.6( sectio)-8.9(n f)-5(o)3.1(r th)-9.1(e c)9.6(l)-10.9(as)-10.4(s TFo)-8.9(r)-3.3(m1)-6.7( an)-9.1(d)-4.2( )12(o)-8.9(n)3( )]TJ +-4.5181 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(th)-7.8(e lin)-7.8(e)9.7( a)-5.4(f)-3.8(ter:)]TJ +/F14 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 195.9203 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[()-440()13.3( \012 )13.3( \015)-440()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 179.8403 Tm +0.0007 Tc +[(ty)-9.6(pe:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 164.4803 Tm +0.001 Tc +[(\015 )13.3(,\012)13.3(\(-)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +366 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F14 367 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +370 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +371 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ 153 684 null] +>> +endobj +372 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ 302 684 null] +>> +endobj +373 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ 437 454 null] +>> +endobj +360 0 obj +<< +/P 346 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 335 0 R +/N 374 0 R +>> +endobj +375 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +376 0 obj +<< +/D [369 0 R /XYZ 141 447 null] +>> +endobj +377 0 obj +<< +/Length 5946 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(18)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.0041 Tw +[(Wr)6(iting)16.9( even)16.9(t handl)18.8(er)6(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(Y)-7.4(o)4.1(u)-11.2(r)9.8( s)-9.4(c)-1.5(r)9.8(een)-8.1( sho)-7.9(u)0.9(ld)-3.2( lo)-7.9(ok l)-9.9(ike thi)-9.9(s)2.6(: )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 514.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 514.2803 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 514.2803 Tm +0.0042 Tc +(F12)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 194.399 514.2803 Tm +0.0012 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[( )12(t)-10.2(o)5( go)-7( )12(back to)-7( th)4.9(e m)-7.4(a)7.2(in)-7.2( f)8.9(o)-7(rm)4.7(. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 498.4403 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 154.439 498.4403 Tm +0.0042 Tc +(F12)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 168.599 498.4403 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[( is a)-6.1( tog)-10.4(gle wh)-8.5(ich ta)-6.1(kes)-9.8( )12(y)-10.4(o)3.7(u ba)-6.1(ck a)-6.1(n)3.6(d)-3.6( f)-4.4(o)3.7(rth)-8.5( )12(f)-4.5(r)-2.7(o)-8.3(m)3.4( a)-6.1( )12(f)-4.5(o)-8.3(rm to)-8.3( )12(t)-11.4(h)3.6(e as)-9.8(soci)-10.3(ated)-3.6( co)-8.3(d)8.5(e)-3(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 481.8803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 481.8803 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(D)-8.7(o)4.2(ub)-12.9(le-)8.1(c)-1.4(l)-9.8(i)2.2(ck th)-8(e)9.5( A)-4.7(c)-1.4(tio)-7.8(n)4.1(Li)-9.8(st ico)-7.8(n)4.1( on)-8( the form)-8.2( )12(t)-10.9(o)4.2( displ)-9.8(a)6.4(y)-9.9( )12(t)-11(h)4.1(e A)-4.7(c)-1.4(tion)-8( List edito)-7.8(r)-2.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 465.4403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 465.4403 Tm +-0.0331 Tw +[(In)-8.4( the A)-5.1(c)-1.8(tio)-8.2(n)3.7( L)-3.5(i)1.8(st)-11.4( )12.1(ed)-3.5(it)-11.3(or, select th)-8.4(e)9.1( F)-10.3(ile cat)-11.3(e)9.1(g)-10.3(o)3.8(ry a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5( th)-8.4(en d)-3.5(o)3.8(ub)-13.3(le-)7.7(c)-1.8(l)-10.2(i)1.8(ck th)-8.4(e)9.1( F)-10.3(ileNew)-9.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0061 Tc +0 Tw +[(act)6.8(i)7.9(on)9.8(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(e Co)5.5(de ed)10.3(i)-8.5(t)2.4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( o)-6.5(p)0.3(e)10.8(n)-6.7(s)4( w)-7.7(i)3.5(th)5.4( th)-6.7(e curs)4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( in)-6.7(s)4(i)3.5(de th)-6.7(e )12(even)-6.7(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler. )]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 659 231.96 -127.8 re +f +q +154.439 659 231.96 -127.8 re +W* n +q +231.96 0 0 127.8 154.439 531.2003 cm +/Im33 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 407.2791 605.3604 Tm +0 g +0.003 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[(T)4.2(h)-15.9(is line d)-15.9(e)1.5(fine)-15.9(s F)4.2(ileN)-6.7(a)-15.9(me )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0029 Tc +-0.0022 Tw +[(as a)-16( strin)-16(g)1.4( w)-6.8(h)1.4(ich)-16( is glob)-16(ally )]TJ +T* +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(acce)-16.1(ssible fr)-12.6(om )-17.5(any o)-16.1(t)2.1(her)-12.6( )]TJ +T* +0 Tw +[(me)-16.1(thod)-16.1(s.)]TJ +ET +267.719 603.08 4.8 0.36 re +f +272.159 600.44 m +272.399 600.8 l +267.839 603.44 l +267.599 603.44 l +267.239 603.2 l +267.599 603.08 l +f +267.599 603.44 m +267.839 603.08 l +272.399 605.72 l +272.159 606.08 l +f +403.199 602.96 0.12 0.36 re +f +272.399 603.32 0.12 -0.36 re +f +272.519 602.96 130.68 0.36 re +f +1 g +264.239 404.12 237.24 -118.08 re +f +q +264.239 404.12 237.24 -118.08 re +W* n +q +237.24 0 0 118.08 264.239 286.0403 cm +/Im34 Do +Q +Q +269.039 314.6 243.6 -111 re +f +q +269.039 314.6 243.6 -111 re +W* n +q +243.6 0 0 111 269.039 203.6003 cm +/Im35 Do +Q +Q +154.439 401.12 106.32 -115.68 re +f +q +154.439 401.12 106.32 -115.68 re +W* n +q +106.32 0 0 115.68 154.439 285.4403 cm +/Im36 Do +Q +Q +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 310.439 422.9603 Tm +0 g +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(First)-15.8(,)1.7( do)-16.5(uble-)-13(cli)15.3(c)-20.2(k the )-17.5(A)7.4(c)-2.8(t)-15.8(i)15.3(o)-16.5(n)0.9( List)-15.8( objec)-20.2(t to d)-16.5(i)-2.1(splay )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +-0.0008 Tw +[(the )-17.5(A)6.5(c)-3.7(t)-16.7(i)14.4(o)-17.4(n)0( L)-17.4(i)14.4(st)-16.7( edito)-17.4(r.)]TJ +ET +251.999 386.72 m +251.879 387.08 l +247.319 385.4 l +247.439 385.04 l +f +252.599 384.2 m +252.719 384.56 l +247.439 385.4 l +247.199 385.4 l +247.079 385.16 l +247.319 385.04 l +f +247.199 385.4 m +247.439 385.04 l +250.799 389.12 l +250.559 389.48 l +f +315.479 410.96 m +315.599 410.96 l +315.479 411.32 l +315.359 411.32 l +f +252.119 386.6 m +251.999 386.6 l +251.879 386.96 l +251.999 386.96 l +f +315.479 410.96 m +315.359 411.32 l +251.999 386.96 l +252.119 386.6 l +f +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 154.439 267.9203 Tm +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-16.9(en, d)-16.9(oub)-16.9(le-click th)-16.9(e act)-16.2(i)14.9(o)-16.9(n)0.5( to)-16.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(crea)-17.3(te a)-17.3(n)0.1( em)-19.1(pty e)-17.3(v)-3.6(ent )-17.5(han)-17.3(dler )]TJ +T* +0.0028 Tc +-0.0021 Tw +[(w)-6.9(her)-12.6(e you)-16.1( can )-17.5(specify )-17.5(w)10.5(h)-16.1(at w)-6.9(ill )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(hap)-17(pen)-17( w)-7.8(hen)-17( user)-13.5(s exec)-20.7(ute t)-16.3(he )]TJ +T* +0.0025 Tc +0 Tw +[(comm)-18.2(and)-16.4(.)]TJ +ET +279.839 286.76 12.12 -0.24 re +f +279.839 286.64 0.24 -43.2 re +f +279.959 243.44 11.04 0.24 re +f +257.279 263.96 22.44 0.24 re +f +233.879 357.68 m +234.239 357.68 l +233.879 362.48 l +233.519 362.48 l +f +231.239 357.8 m +231.599 357.68 l +233.879 362.48 l +233.879 362.6 l +233.759 362.84 l +233.519 362.6 l +f +233.879 362.6 m +233.519 362.48 l +236.519 358.04 l +236.879 358.16 l +f +240.359 277.28 0.36 0.12 re +f +233.879 357.8 0.36 -0.12 re +f +240.359 277.4 m +240.719 277.4 l +234.239 357.68 l +233.879 357.68 l +f +423.359 367.64 m +422.999 367.4 l +425.519 363.32 l +425.879 363.56 l +f +425.759 368.72 m +425.399 368.72 l +425.519 363.44 l +425.639 363.2 l +425.879 363.08 l +425.879 363.44 l +f +425.639 363.2 m +425.759 363.56 l +421.079 366.08 l +420.959 365.72 l +f +393.719 416.24 m +393.599 416.36 l +393.239 416.12 l +393.359 416 l +f +423.479 367.64 m +423.599 367.52 l +423.239 367.28 l +423.119 367.4 l +f +393.719 416.24 m +393.359 416 l +423.119 367.4 l +423.479 367.64 l +f +endstream +endobj +378 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im33 379 0 R +/Im34 380 0 R +/Im35 381 0 R +/Im36 382 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +384 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +385 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 424 null] +>> +endobj +386 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 424 null] +>> +endobj +387 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 441 684 null] +>> +endobj +388 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 497 684 null] +>> +endobj +389 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 153 622 null] +>> +endobj +390 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 421 622 null] +>> +endobj +391 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 424 null] +>> +endobj +392 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 392 null] +>> +endobj +374 0 obj +<< +/P 369 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 360 0 R +/N 393 0 R +>> +endobj +394 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 678 null] +>> +endobj +395 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 615 null] +>> +endobj +396 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 414 null] +>> +endobj +397 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 385 null] +>> +endobj +398 0 obj +<< +/D [383 0 R /XYZ 141 314 null] +>> +endobj +399 0 obj +<< +/Length 9403 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(19)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 404.2791 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3092 Tc +-0.163 Tw +[(W)16(r)-11.7(i)18.6(t)4(ing eve)16.8(n)-0.8(t )-17.7(h)16.8(andle)16.8(r)-11.7(s)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 668.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Righ)-6.8(t w)4.3(h)-6.8(ere )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e curs)3.9(o)-6.6(r)-1( )12(i)-8.6(s)3.9( po)5.4(s)-8.1(i)3.4(tio)-6.6(n)5.3(ed in)5.3( th)-6.8(e Co)5.4(de edito)5.4(r)-1( \(betw)4.3(een)-6.8( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +28.9759 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3253 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +[(\),)-10.7( )]TJ +-34.6988 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(ty)-10.8(pe the foll)-10.7(ow)-9.9(ing)-10.8( )12(l)-10.7(i)1.3(nes)-10.2(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 641.9603 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +[(. )13.3(\015 \012-)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +[(\015 )13.3(,/0 )13.3(\015)13.3(0-)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +[(  1)13.3( \012+ )13.3(\01523)13.3(,/\015)13.3( -)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 605.8403 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(Y)-7.4(o)4.1(u)-11.2(r)9.8( even)-8.1(t ha)-5.7(nd)-3.2(ler sh)-8.1(oul)-9.9(d)-3.2( )12(l)-9.9(o)4.1(o)-7.9(k)2.1( like th)-8.1(is w)-9.1(h)4(en y)-10(o)4.1(ure d)-3.2(o)4.1(n)-8.1(e)-2.6(: )]TJ +0 -16.1687 TD +[(S)-4.8(a)-5.7(ve )12(y)-10(o)4.1(ur w)-9.1(o)4.1(rk a)-5.7(n)4(d)-3.2( th)-8.1(at)-10.9(s)2.6( it f)-4(o)4.1(r the F)-10(ile|N)-12.1(e)9.4(w)-9.1( com)-8.3(m)3.8(a)-5.7(n)4(d)-3.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 119.1591 428.9603 Tm +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ti)-7.8(p)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 428.9603 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Y)-7.5(o)4(u)-11.3( )12(ca)-5.8(n resi)-10(ze th)-8.2(e )12(co)-8(d)-3.3(e)-2.7( )12(po)-8(rtio)-8(n of)-4.1( th)-8.2(e )12(w)-9.2(i)2(n)-8.2(d)8.8(o)-8(w)2.9( to)-8( re)9.3(d)-3.3(u)-11.3(ce)9.3( h)-8.2(o)4(riz)-5.8(o)-8(nta)-5.8(l)2( scro)-8(llin)-8.2(g. )]TJ +ET +q +142.439 395 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 395 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 393.92 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 399.9203 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the O)6.6(p)0.9(en comm)6.7(and e)16.4(v)-3.7(e)6.3(n)-9.2(t handle)6.3(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 375.8003 Tm +-0.0008 Tc +0.0038 Tw +[(W)-12.8(h)2.9(en y)-11.1(o)3(u o)-9(p)-2.2(en a f)-5.2(ile, a)-6.8( )12(F)-11.1(ile Op)-14.3(e)8.3(n)-9.2( d)-4.3(i)1(al)-11(og)-11.1( )12(bo)-9(x is a)-6.8(u)-0.2(to)-9(ma)-6.8(tica)-6.8(lly)-11.1( )12(d)-4.3(i)1(s)-10.5(p)-2.2(la)-6.8(yed)-4.3(.)-3.8( )12(T)-14.3(o)3( at)-12.1(tach)-9.2( it )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0008 Tc +-0.0219 Tw +[(to)-7.4( )-12.1(the )-12.1(Open)-7.6( co)-7.4(mm)-7.8(a)6.8(n)-7.6(d, dro)-7.4(p)-0.6( a)-5.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +13.5301 0 TD +0.0109 Tc +0 Tw +[(T)19.5(O)5.8(p)4.9(e)14.4(nD)17.8(ia)21.2(lo)9.1(g)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.5663 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0104 Tw +[( o)5.2(b)0.2(ject o)5.2(n)-7( )12.1(th)-7(e )12.1(m)-7.2(a)-4.6(in)5.1( edito)-6.8(r)10.9( fo)5.2(rm)-7.2(. )12.1(Th)-7(en)5.1( yo)-6.8(u )]TJ +-19.0964 -1.1084 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(can)5.4( w)-7.7(r)-0.9(ite th)5.4(e even)5.4(t)-9.6( )12(h)-6.7(a)7.7(n)-6.7(d)-1.8(ler f)9.4(o)-6.5(r th)5.4(e co)5.5(m)-6.9(m)-6.9(a)7.7(n)-6.7(d)-1.8(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(To)-5.8( cre)11.5(a)-3.6(te an)6.1( O)5.3(p)1(en)-6( d)11(i)-7.8(a)8.4(l)-7.8(o)6.2(g)4.2( bo)-5.8(x a)8.4(n)-6(d )12(an)-6( )12(even)-6(t h)6.1(a)-3.6(n)6.1(d)-1.1(ler fo)6.2(r th)-6(e)11.5( O)-6.8(p)1(en)6.1( co)6.2(m)-6.2(m)-6.2(a)8.4(n)-6(d)-1.1(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 320.7203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 320.7203 Tm +0.008 Tc +-0.005 Tw +[(Loc)6.2(a)14(t)8.7(e)5.1( t)8.7(h)-0.4(e)5.1( )12(mai)9.8(n)11.7( fo)11.8(r)5.4(m)-0.6( b)6.8(y)9.8( c)6.2(h)11.7(oo)11.8(si)9.8(n)11.7(g)-2.3( )12(Wi)9.8(n)11.7(d)4.5(ow)10.7(|F)9.8(or)17.5(m1.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 304.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 304.2803 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(O)-9.3(n)3.6( th)-8.5(e )12(D)-9.2(i)1.7(a)-6.1(l)1.7(og)-10.4(s ta)-6.1(b on)-8.5( )12(t)-11.5(h)3.6(e Com)-8.7(p)-1.5(on)-8.5(ent pa)-6.1(lette, doubl)-10.3(e)-3(-)7.6(c)-1.9(l)-10.3(i)1.7(ck a)-6.1(n)3.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +27.6627 0 TD +0.0045 Tc +0 Tw +[(Op)10.5(en)6.3(Di)5.4(al)5.4(og)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +( )Tj +-32.6265 -1.1084 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(co)-7.6(mpo)-7.6(n)4.3(en)-7.8(t to a)-5.4(dd )12(i)-9.6(t)1.3( to th)-7.8(e )12(fo)-7.6(r)10.1(m)-8(. This)-9.1( is a)-5.4( )12(n)-7.8(o)4.4(n)-7.8(v)-0.7(isu)-10.9(a)6.6(l)-9.6( )12(co)-7.6(mpo)-7.6(n)4.3(en)-7.8(t, so it)-10.8( )12(do)-7.6(esn)-10.6(t )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0011 Tc +-0.0101 Tw +[(m)-7.5(a)7.1(t)-10.2(t)1.8(er w)-8.3(h)4.8(ere )-12(yo)-7.1(u )-12(place i)-9.1(t)1.8(. K)-7.8(yli)-9.1(x n)-7.3(a)-4.9(m)4.6(e)-1.8(s)3.4( )-12(it)-10.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +18.494 0 TD +0.0036 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ope)7.1(n)5.4(Di)4.5(al)-7.6(og)9.6(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.4699 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[( by def)9(a)-4.7(ul)-8.9(t.)10.3( \(Wh)-7.1(e)-1.6(n)5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +-23.9639 -1.1084 TD +0.0036 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ope)7.1(n)5.4(Di)4.5(al)-7.6(og)9.6(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.4699 0 TD +-0.0016 Tc +(s )Tj +/F8 1 Tf +0.9518 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +[(Exe)8.3(c)2.2(u)6.6(t)0.5(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2048 0 TD +0.0085 Tc +-0.0055 Tw +[( me)5.6(t)9.2(h)12.2(od)5( )12(is)10.8( c)6.7(a)14.5(ll)10.3(e)5.6(d)5(,)5.5( )12(it)9.2( i)10.3(n)12.2(v)7.2(o)0.3(k)10.3(e)5.6(s)10.8( a s)10.8(t)9.2(an)12.2(d)5(a)2.5(r)5.9(d)5( )12(d)5(i)-1.7(a)14.5(l)10.3(og)10.3( b)7.3(o)0.3(x)6.4( )12(f)4.2(o)0.3(r)18( )]TJ +-9.6265 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(o)-8.9(p)-2.1(enin)-9.1(g f)-5(iles.\))]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 243.8004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 243.8004 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the Ob)-13(ject Ins)-9.4(p)-1.1(ector, set th)-8.1(e )12(f)-4.1(o)-7.9(llo)-7.9(win)-8.1(g)2.1( properti)-9.9(e)9.4(s)-9.4( of )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +24.1566 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(O)8.4(p)-4.5(e)5(n)-8.8(Dialog)7.5(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.4578 0 TD +0 Tc +(:)Tj +-29.6145 -1.6626 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.7952 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +[(De)8.7(f)6.1(a)3.4(u)-5.1(l)6.1(t)12.9(E)1.7(xt )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7711 0 TD +-0.0023 Tc +(to )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.1205 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3253 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-10.012 -1.6506 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[()-598.2(D)-8.5(oub)-12.7(l)2.4(e-)8.3(cl)-9.6(ick th)-7.8(e)9.7( text a)-5.4(r)-2(ea)6.6( n)-7.8(e)-2.3(xt to )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.0482 0 TD +-0.0014 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fil)-12.6(t)6.3(e)-10(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2289 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[( to)-7.7( )12(di)-9.7(spla)-5.5(y th)-7.9(e)9.6( F)-9.8(ilter Editor. In)-7.9( )12(t)-10.8(h)4.2(e f)8.2(i)-9.7(rst )]TJ +-17.0723 -1.1084 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(ro)-6.6(w)4.3( o)5.4(f)-2.7( th)-6.8(e )12(F)-8.7(ilter Nam)5.1(e)-1.3( co)5.4(l)-8.6(u)2.2(m)5.1(n)-6.8(, type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +16.4458 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1(45)12.1()12.1()12.1(6)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.9277 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(. In)5.2( th)-6.9(e )12(F)-8.8(ilter co)5.3(l)-8.7(u)2.1(m)5(n)-6.9(, )]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 596.48 244.08 -135.36 re +f +q +244.08 0 0 135.36 154.439 461.1204 cm +/Im37 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 418.799 556.1603 Tm +0 g +-0.0009 Tw +[(Th)-17.3(i)14.5(s)-21( li)14.5(n)-17.3(e)0.1( clea)-17.3(rs th)-17.3(e te)-17.3(xt ar)-13.8(ea )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(w)-7.8(hen)-17( you )-17.5(crea)-17(te a )-17.5(new)-7.8( file)-17(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.0023 Tw +[(T)4.2(h)-15.9(i)15.9(s)-19.6( li)15.9(n)-15.9(e)1.5( ca)-15.9(l)15.9(l)-1.5(s )-17.5(the n)-15.9(e)1.5(w)-6.7( file )]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +0 -1.0429 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.331 0 TD +0.0019 Tc +[(un)-17(titled.)-16.3(txt.)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +4.8955 0 TD +0 Tc +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +-5.2265 -1.4571 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(Th)-17(i)14.8(s)-20.7( li)14.8(n)-17(e)0.4( p)-17(u)0.4(ts th)-17(e file n)-17(a)0.4(me)-17( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0163 Tw +[(into the status bar)-13.5(.)]TJ +ET +239.879 546.08 m +239.879 546.44 l +235.199 546.08 l +235.199 545.72 l +f +239.759 543.44 m +239.879 543.8 l +235.199 546.08 l +235.079 546.08 l +234.719 545.84 l +235.079 545.72 l +f +235.079 546.08 m +235.319 545.72 l +239.639 548.72 l +239.399 549.08 l +f +411.719 557.6 0.12 0.36 re +f +239.759 546.32 0.12 -0.36 re +f +411.719 557.6 m +411.719 557.96 l +239.879 546.32 l +239.879 545.96 l +f +308.159 536.84 m +308.159 537.2 l +303.359 537.08 l +303.359 536.72 l +f +307.799 534.2 m +307.919 534.56 l +303.359 537.08 l +303.239 537.08 l +302.879 536.84 l +303.239 536.72 l +f +303.239 537.08 m +303.479 536.72 l +308.039 539.48 l +307.799 539.84 l +f +414.719 537.56 0.12 0.36 re +f +308.039 537.08 0.12 -0.36 re +f +414.719 537.56 m +414.719 537.92 l +308.159 537.08 l +308.159 536.72 l +f +358.199 525.2 m +358.199 525.56 l +353.519 526.28 l +353.519 525.92 l +f +357.479 522.56 m +357.719 522.92 l +353.639 526.28 l +353.399 526.28 l +353.159 526.16 l +353.399 525.92 l +f +353.399 526.28 m +353.519 525.92 l +358.439 527.84 l +358.319 528.2 l +f +413.759 516.56 0.12 0.36 re +f +358.079 525.44 0.12 -0.36 re +f +413.759 516.56 m +413.759 516.92 l +358.199 525.44 l +358.199 525.08 l +f +1 g +114.119 310.28 16.32 -16.44 re +f +q +16.32 0 0 16.44 114.1191 293.8403 cm +/Im38 Do +Q +endstream +endobj +400 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F16 401 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im37 402 0 R +/Im38 403 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +405 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +406 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 441 446 null] +>> +endobj +407 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 497 446 null] +>> +endobj +408 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 153 354 null] +>> +endobj +409 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 459 354 null] +>> +endobj +393 0 obj +<< +/P 383 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 374 0 R +/N 410 0 R +>> +endobj +411 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 141 440 null] +>> +endobj +412 0 obj +<< +/D [404 0 R /XYZ 141 347 null] +>> +endobj +413 0 obj +<< +/Length 7863 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(20)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.0041 Tw +[(Wr)6(iting)16.9( even)16.9(t handl)18.8(er)6(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 166.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0 Tw +[(ty)-9.6(pe )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +2.2169 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +[(5)-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0004 Tc +-0.0094 Tw +[(. In)-8( )12.1(th)-8(e secon)-8(d)-3.1( r)9.9(o)-7.8(w o)-7.8(f)8.1( th)-8(e Filter Na)-5.6(me co)-7.8(lum)-8.2(n)4.1(, type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +22.9639 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(\015)12.1(\015)36.2(\015)12.1()12.1()24.1(4)0(5)12.1(6)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.6867 0 TD +-0.007 Tc +-0.002 Tw +[( an)-15.4(d)-10.5( )]TJ +-33.0723 -1.1084 TD +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(i)-10.3(n)3.6( the Fi)-10.3(lter colu)-11.6(mn)-8.5(,)8.9( ty)-10.4(pe )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +11.4578 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4337 0 TD +0.001 Tc +0.002 Tw +[(. Click)-9.3( )12(O)-8.2(K)4.1(.)]TJ +-13.0964 -14.6386 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(A)593.7(f)594.5(t)599.5(e)595.9(r)596.2( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +3.7831 0 TD +-0.0082 Tc +[(Ti)-19.4(tl)-19.4(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.8916 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +(, type )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +2.7229 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1(\015)12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9639 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 490.5203 Tm +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 490.5203 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(e A)6.9(c)-1.8(ti)-10.2(on)-8.4( )12(L)-3.5(i)-10.2(st ed)-3.5(ito)-8.2(r)9.5( s)-9.7(h)3.7(o)-8.2(u)0.6(ld)-3.5( stil)-10.2(l be d)8.6(i)-10.2(spla)-6(yed)-3.5(.)-3( If)7.7( it)-11.3(s no)-8.2(t, d)-3.5(o)3.8(ubl)-10.2(e)9.1(-)-4.3(c)-1.8(li)-10.2(ck the )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0065 Tc +-0.0035 Tw +[(Ac)4.7(t)7.2(i)8.3(on)10.2(Lis)8.8(t)7.2( i)8.3(c)4.7(on)10.2( o)10.3(n)-1.9( t)7.2(h)10.2(e)3.6( fo)10.3(r)3.9(m)-2.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 463.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 463.0403 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(In)-8.2( the A)-4.9(c)-1.6(tio)-8(n)3.9( L)-3.3(i)2(st)-11.1( )12(ed)-3.3(it)-11.1(or, d)8.8(o)-8(uble-)-4.2(c)-1.6(li)-10(ck the Fi)-10(leOpen)-8.2( )12(a)-5.8(c)-1.6(tio)-8(n)3.9(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(e Co)5.5(de ed)10.3(i)-8.5(t)2.4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( o)-6.5(p)0.3(e)10.8(n)-6.7(s)4( w)-7.7(i)3.5(th)5.4( th)-6.7(e curs)4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( in)-6.7(s)4(i)3.5(de th)-6.7(e )12(even)-6.7(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 430.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 430.0403 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Righ)-6.8(t w)4.3(h)-6.8(ere )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e curs)3.9(o)-6.6(r)-1( )12(i)-8.6(s)3.9( po)5.4(s)-8.1(i)3.4(tio)-6.6(n)5.3(ed in)5.3( th)-6.8(e Co)5.4(de edito)5.4(r)-1( \(betw)4.3(een)-6.8( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +28.9759 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3253 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +[(\),)-10.7( )]TJ +-34.6988 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(ty)-10.8(pe the foll)-10.7(ow)-9.9(ing)-10.8( )12(l)-10.7(i)1.3(nes)-10.2(:)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 174.359 403.7603 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[()13.3(7 \015 \()13.3( )13.3()]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +9.2 0 TD +( \012)Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-10.08 -1.12 TD +("\()Tj +0.4533 -1.1067 TD +[(. \))13.3(\) )13.3(\012 \015)13.3(47 )13.3(\015 \(\015)13.3( 6-)]TJ +T* +[(\015 )13.3(,/)13.3(7 \015 \()13.3(\015 )13.3(-)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +[(  1)13.3( \012+ )13.3(\01523)13.3(,/\015)13.3( -)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +-0.4533 -1.1067 TD +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(-)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 337.5203 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(Y)-7.8(o)3.7(u)-11.6(r)9.4( F)-10.4(ileOpen)-8.5( event ha)-6.1(n)-8.5(d)8.5(l)-10.3(e)-3(r)9.4( s)-9.8(h)3.6(o)-8.3(u)0.5(ld)-3.6( loo)-8.3(k)1.7( li)-10.3(ke this)-9.8( wh)-8.5(e)9(n)-8.5( yo)-8.3(ure d)8.5(o)-8.3(ne:)]TJ +0 -16.8554 TD +-0.0043 Tc +0.0073 Tw +[(T)-5.8(h)-12.7(at)-15.6()-3.4(s)-2( it)-3.6( f)-8.6(o)-0.5(r)-6.9( t)-3.6(h)-12.7(e)-7.2( )12(F)-14.6(ile)-7.2(|)-12.8(O)-1.4(p)-5.7(e)-7.2(n c)-6.1(o)-12.5(mm)-12.9(an)-12.7(d)-7.8( an)-12.7(d)-7.8( )12(t)-15.7(h)-0.6(e)-7.2( Op)-5.7(e)-7.2(n)-12.7( di)-14.5(al)-14.5(og b)-5.5(o)-12.5(x)-6.4(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 647.96 159.72 -120.36 re +f +q +166.439 647.96 159.72 -120.36 re +W* n +q +159.72 0 0 120.36 166.439 527.6003 cm +/Im39 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 347.519 613.5203 Tm +0 g +0.0016 Tc +-0.0531 Tw +[(U)-8.1(s)-3.6(e t)-16.6(he F)-14.6(ilter E)-10.8(d)0.1(ito)-17.3(r)3.6( to)-17.3( def)-16.6(i)14.5(n)-17.3(e )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.0706 Tw +[(filter)-13.7(s for th)-17.2(e )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 386.2791 604.7603 Tm +0.0028 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ope)-16.1(n)1.3(D)-6.9(i)-1.7(alog)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 422.999 604.7603 Tm +0.0015 Tc +-0.0879 Tw +[( a)-17.4(nd )]TJ +6.888 0 1.4641 8.4 347.519 596.0003 Tm +0.0189 Tc +0 Tw +[(S)6.5(a)17.4(v)13.7(e)17.4(D)9.2(i)14.4(al)31.8(og)]TJ +6.888 0 0 8.4 383.159 596.0003 Tm +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[( co)-16.4(mpo)-16.4(nent)-15.7(s. )]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 328.16 257.64 -142.8 re +f +q +154.439 328.16 257.64 -142.8 re +W* n +q +257.64 0 0 142.8 154.439 185.3603 cm +/Im40 Do +Q +Q +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 421.439 293.1203 Tm +0 g +0.0014 Tc +0.0168 Tw +[(Th)-17.5(i)14.3(s)-3.8( l)14.3(i)-3.1(n)-17.5(e)-0.1( )17.5(de)-17.5(fines w)9.1(h)-17.5(at )]TJ +T* +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(hap)-16.9(pen)-16.9(s w)-7.7(hen)-16.9( the )-17.5(Open)-16.9( )]TJ +T* +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(comm)-18.3(and)-16.5( is exe)-16.5(c)-2.8(uted)-16.5(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0029 Tc +-0.0196 Tw +[(T)4.1(h)-16(i)15.8(s)-2.3( line)-16( )17.4(inse)-16(r)4.9(t)2.2(s the)-16( text fr)4.9(o)-16(m)-0.3( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0156 Tw +[(the specifie)-16.3(d )17.5(file.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.0361 Tw +[(Th)-16.9(i)14.9(s)-3.2( line sets the)-16.9( )17.4(file na)-16.9(me to )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0011 Tw +[(the )-17.5(one)-17.1( in the)-17.1( Ope)-17.1(n)0.3( dia)-17.1(l)-2.7(og )]TJ +T* +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +(box.)Tj +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0016 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(Th)-17.3(i)14.5(s)-3.6( )-17.5(l)14.5(i)-2.9(n)-17.3(e)0.1( pu)-17.3(ts th)-17.3(e file n)-17.3(a)0.1(me)-17.3( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.002 Tc +0.0162 Tw +[(into the )17.5(st)-16.2(atus bar.)]TJ +ET +404.879 260.48 m +404.759 260.84 l +400.199 259.28 l +400.319 258.92 l +f +405.359 257.96 m +405.359 258.32 l +400.199 259.28 l +400.079 259.28 l +399.839 258.92 l +400.199 258.92 l +f +400.079 259.28 m +400.439 258.92 l +403.919 263 l +403.559 263.36 l +f +418.559 265.16 m +418.679 265.16 l +418.559 265.52 l +418.439 265.52 l +f +404.999 260.36 m +404.879 260.36 l +404.759 260.72 l +404.879 260.72 l +f +418.559 265.16 m +418.439 265.52 l +404.879 260.72 l +404.999 260.36 l +f +343.199 249.56 m +343.199 249.92 l +338.519 250.28 l +338.519 249.92 l +f +342.719 246.92 m +342.959 247.28 l +338.639 250.28 l +338.399 250.28 l +338.159 250.16 l +338.399 249.92 l +f +338.399 250.28 m +338.639 249.92 l +343.319 252.2 l +343.079 252.56 l +f +417.479 244.16 0.12 0.36 re +f +343.079 249.8 0.12 -0.36 re +f +417.479 244.16 m +417.479 244.52 l +343.199 249.8 l +343.199 249.44 l +f +309.959 277.52 m +309.959 277.88 l +305.279 277.04 l +305.279 276.68 l +f +310.079 274.88 m +310.199 275.24 l +305.279 277.04 l +305.159 277.04 l +304.799 276.68 l +305.159 276.68 l +f +305.159 277.04 m +305.279 276.68 l +309.359 280.04 l +309.239 280.4 l +f +417.839 295.52 0.12 0.36 re +f +309.839 277.76 0.12 -0.36 re +f +417.839 295.52 m +417.839 295.88 l +309.959 277.76 l +309.959 277.4 l +f +362.399 237.44 m +362.519 237.8 l +357.959 239.36 l +357.839 239 l +f +361.199 234.92 m +361.559 235.28 l +358.079 239.36 l +357.599 239.36 l +357.719 239 l +f +357.839 239.36 m +357.839 239 l +363.119 239.96 l +363.119 240.32 l +f +420.479 216.92 m +420.599 216.92 l +420.719 217.28 l +420.599 217.28 l +f +362.399 237.32 m +362.279 237.32 l +362.399 237.68 l +362.519 237.68 l +f +420.479 216.92 m +420.599 217.28 l +362.519 237.68 l +362.399 237.32 l +f +endstream +endobj +414 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F16 401 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im39 415 0 R +/Im40 416 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +418 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +419 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +420 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +421 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +422 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +423 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 441 580 null] +>> +endobj +424 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 497 580 null] +>> +endobj +425 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 153 508 null] +>> +endobj +426 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 378 486 null] +>> +endobj +427 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 212 475 null] +>> +endobj +428 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 416 447 null] +>> +endobj +429 0 obj +<< +/Dest (G3.11689) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [229 456 266 468] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +410 0 obj +<< +/P 404 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 393 0 R +/N 430 0 R +>> +endobj +431 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +432 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +433 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 574 null] +>> +endobj +434 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 501 null] +>> +endobj +435 0 obj +<< +/D [417 0 R /XYZ 141 441 null] +>> +endobj +436 0 obj +<< +/Length 6403 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(21)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 404.2791 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3092 Tc +-0.163 Tw +[(W)16(r)-11.7(i)18.6(t)4(ing eve)16.8(n)-0.8(t )-17.7(h)16.8(andle)16.8(r)-11.7(s)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.015 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(W)-8.3(r)1.1(i)11(t)-4.5(ing the S)7(a)6.8(v)6.8(e)-3.2( c)6.8(o)1.4(mmand e)16.9(v)-3.2(e)6.8(n)1.4(t)-4.5( )10(h)-8.7(a)6.8(ndler)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +0.0024 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(To)-5.8( w)5.1(r)-0.2(ite an)6.1( even)6.1(t)-8.9( )12(h)-6(a)8.4(n)-6(d)-1.1(ler f)10.1(o)-5.8(r th)6.1(e Sa)8.4(ve co)-5.8(m)5.9(m)-6.2(a)8.4(n)-6(d:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 624.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 624.5603 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(e A)6.9(c)-1.8(ti)-10.2(on)-8.4( )12(L)-3.5(i)-10.2(st ed)-3.5(ito)-8.2(r)9.5( s)-9.7(h)3.7(o)-8.2(u)0.6(ld)-3.5( stil)-10.2(l be d)8.6(i)-10.2(spla)-6(yed)-3.5(.)-3( If)7.7( it)-11.3(s no)-8.2(t, d)-3.5(o)3.8(ubl)-10.2(e)9.1(-)-4.3(c)-1.8(li)-10.2(ck the )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0065 Tc +-0.0035 Tw +[(Ac)4.7(t)7.2(i)8.3(on)10.2(Lis)8.8(t)7.2( i)8.3(c)4.7(on)10.2( o)10.3(n)-1.9( t)7.2(h)10.2(e)3.6( fo)10.3(r)3.9(m)-2.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 597.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 597.0803 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(O)-8.7(n)4.2( th)-7.9(e )12(A)-4.6(c)-1.3(ti)-9.7(on)-7.9( )12(Lis)-9.2(t)1.2( editor, dou)-11(b)-0.7(le-)8.2(c)-1.3(l)-9.7(i)2.3(ck th)-7.9(e )12(F)-9.8(ileS)-4.6(a)6.5(v)-12.8(e)9.6( a)-5.5(c)-1.3(tio)-7.7(n)4.2(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(e Co)5.5(de ed)10.3(i)-8.5(t)2.4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( o)-6.5(p)0.3(e)10.8(n)-6.7(s)4( w)-7.7(i)3.5(th)5.4( th)-6.7(e curs)4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( in)-6.7(s)4(i)3.5(de th)-6.7(e )12(even)-6.7(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 564.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 564.0803 Tm +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(Righ)-6.8(t w)4.3(h)-6.8(ere )12(t)-9.7(h)5.3(e curs)3.9(o)-6.6(r)-1( )12(i)-8.6(s)3.9( po)5.4(s)-8.1(i)3.4(tio)-6.6(n)5.3(ed in)5.3( th)-6.8(e Co)5.4(de edito)5.4(r)-1( \(betw)4.3(een)-6.8( )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +28.9759 0 TD +-0.0053 Tc +0 Tw +[()-12.1()-12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0044 Tc +-0.0014 Tw +[( an)8.1(d )]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +2.1928 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3253 0 TD +-0.0077 Tc +[(\),)-10.7( )]TJ +-34.6988 -1.1084 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(ty)-10.8(pe the foll)-10.7(ow)-9.9(ing)-10.8( )12(l)-10.7(i)1.3(nes)-10.2(:)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 174.359 537.8003 Tm +0.001 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[(4)13.3(\015 )13.3(/0 \015)13.3(06)13.3()]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +12.72 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +-13.1467 -1.12 TD +[(\015 )13.3( )13.3(4)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +7.8933 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.32 0 TD +0 Tc +(6)Tj +-9.6667 -1.1067 TD +0.001 Tc +(\015)Tj +0.4533 -1.1067 TD +[(. \))13.3( )13.3( \0154)13.3(\015 6)13.3(-)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 491.6003 Tm +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(Th)-7.7(is co)-7.5(de)9.8( tel)-9.5(l)2.5(s th)-7.7(e)9.8( text edito)-7.5(r)-1.9( to dis)-9(p)-0.7(la)6.7(y)-9.6( the S)-4.4(a)6.7(veA)-4.4(s)3( dia)-5.3(l)2.5(o)-7.5(g)2.5( box if)-3.7( th)-7.7(e )12(fil)-9.5(e)9.8( i)-9.5(s)3(nt)-10.6( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(n)-8.8(a)5.6(m)-9(e)-3.3(d)-3.9( yet so)-8.6( )12(t)-11.8(h)3.3(e user can)-8.8( as)-10.1(sig)-10.7(n)3.3( a)-6.4( )12(n)-8.8(a)5.6(m)-9(e)-3.3( to it)-11.7(.)8.6( O)-9.6(t)0.3(herw)-9.8(ise, it sa)-6.4(ves th)-8.8(e)8.7( f)-4.7(i)1.4(l)-10.6(e)8.7( us)-10.1(in)-8.8(g its )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(curren)-6.2(t)2.9( n)5.9(a)-3.8(m)5.7(e)-0.7(. Th)5.9(e Sa)8.2(v)-11.1(e)11.3(As)-7.5( )12(dialo)-6(g)4( bo)-6(x )12(i)-8(s)4.5( de)11.3(fin)-6.2(e)-0.7(d in)5.9( th)-6.2(e )12(even)-6.2(t h)5.9(a)-3.8(n)5.9(d)-1.3(ler fo)6(r th)-6.2(e )12(Save )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0052 Tc +-0.0263 Tw +[(As)7.5( co)9(mm)8.7(and o)9(n)-3.2( )]TJ +0.105 g +7.4699 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0 Tw +[(page)-253.8(-2)8.1(2)]TJ +0 g +3.7349 0 TD +0.0001 Tc +-0.0212 Tw +[(. )12(F)-10.2(ileS)-5(a)6.1(veA)-5(s)2.4(E)-3.4(x)-2(ecut)-11.2(e)9.2( is th)-8.3(e)9.2( a)-5.9(u)0.7(tom)-8.5(a)-5.9(tica)-5.9(lly gen)-8.3(e)9.2(ra)-5.9(ted)-3.4( )12(n)-8.3(a)-5.9(me )]TJ +-11.2048 -1.1084 TD +0.004 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(fo)7.8(r the S)10.9(a)-2(ve As)6.3( co)7.8(mm)7.5(an)7.7(d.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(Y)-7.6(o)3.9(u)-11.4(r)9.6( even)-8.3(t ha)-5.9(nd)-3.4(ler sh)-8.3(oul)-10.1(d)-3.4( )12(l)-10.1(o)3.9(o)-8.1(k)1.9( like th)-8.3(is w)-9.3(h)3.8(en y)-10.2(o)3.9(ure d)-3.4(o)3.9(n)-8.3(e)-2.8(:)]TJ +0 -16.7711 TD +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(Th)-8.2(at)-11.1(s it f)-4.1(o)4(r th)-8.2(e )12(F)-10.1(ile|)-8.3(S)7.1(a)-5.8(v)-1.1(e com)-8.4(m)3.7(a)-5.8(n)3.9(d)-3.3(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 421.76 257.64 -142.8 re +f +q +154.439 421.76 257.64 -142.8 re +W* n +q +257.64 0 0 142.8 154.439 278.9604 cm +/Im41 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 428.759 368.6003 Tm +0 g +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(This lin)-16.9(e stat)-16.2(es th)-16.9(at if th)-16.9(e )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +-0.0367 Tw +[(file is unt)-15.6(i)15.5(t)-15.6(l)15.5(e)-16.3(d, th)-16.3(e F)3.8(ile)-16.3( S)7.6(a)-16.3(ve )]TJ +T* +0.0022 Tc +0.016 Tw +[(A)7.2(s)-3( dialog box )17.5(a)-16.7(ppe)-16.7(ars.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(Othe)-16.9(rw)-7.7(ise, th)-16.9(e file )-17.5(i)14.9(s)-20.7( saved)-16.9( )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +[(w)-7.8(i)14.8(t)-16.3(h)0.4( the)-17( cur)-13.5(r)3.9(ent)-16.3( file na)-17(me.)]TJ +ET +294.479 362.24 4.8 0.36 re +f +298.919 359.48 m +299.159 359.84 l +294.599 362.6 l +294.359 362.6 l +294.119 362.48 l +294.359 362.24 l +f +294.359 362.6 m +294.599 362.24 l +299.159 364.88 l +298.919 365.24 l +f +420.959 362.12 0.12 0.36 re +f +299.159 362.48 0.12 -0.36 re +f +299.279 362.12 121.68 0.36 re +f +335.399 343.16 4.8 0.36 re +f +339.959 340.52 m +340.079 340.88 l +335.399 343.52 l +335.279 343.52 l +334.799 343.28 l +335.279 343.16 l +f +335.279 343.52 m +335.399 343.16 l +340.079 345.8 l +339.959 346.16 l +f +422.999 343.04 0.12 0.36 re +f +340.079 343.4 0.12 -0.36 re +f +340.199 343.04 82.8 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +437 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F16 401 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im41 438 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +440 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +441 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +442 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +443 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 153 428 null] +>> +endobj +444 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 153 428 null] +>> +endobj +445 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +446 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +447 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 153 326 null] +>> +endobj +448 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 467 326 null] +>> +endobj +449 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 177 411 null] +>> +endobj +450 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 177 411 null] +>> +endobj +430 0 obj +<< +/P 417 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 410 0 R +/N 451 0 R +>> +endobj +452 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +453 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +454 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 421 null] +>> +endobj +455 0 obj +<< +/D [439 0 R /XYZ 141 320 null] +>> +endobj +456 0 obj +<< +/Length 11561 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(22)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3093 Tc +-0.0041 Tw +[(Wr)6(iting)16.9( even)16.9(t handl)18.8(er)6(s)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the S)6.5(a)6.3(v)6.3(e)-3.7( As)6.3( comma)6.3(nd e)6.3(v)6.3(e)-3.7(nt handle)6.3(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +0.0025 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(To)-5.7( w)5.2(r)-0.1(ite an)6.2( even)6.2(t)-8.8( )12(h)-5.9(a)8.5(n)-5.9(d)-1(ler f)10.2(o)-5.7(r th)6.2(e Sa)8.5(ve As)4.8( co)-5.7(m)6(m)-6.1(a)8.5(n)-5.9(d:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 624.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 624.5603 Tm +0.0004 Tc +-0.0335 Tw +[(F)-9.9(r)9.9(o)-7.8(m)-8.2( )12.1(th)-8(e )12.1(D)-8.7(i)2.2(a)-5.6(l)2.2(o)-7.8(g)2.2(s ta)-5.6(b )12.1(o)-7.8(f)-4( )12.1(t)-11(h)4.1(e Com)-8.2(p)-1(on)-8(ent pa)-5.6(lette, dr)9.9(o)-7.8(p)-1( a)6.4( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +24.1687 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0 Tw +[(Save)5.6(Dialog)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.6265 0 TD +-0.0013 Tc +-0.0318 Tw +[( com)-9.9(p)-2.7(on)-9.7(ent o)-9.5(n)2.4(to)-9.5( )]TJ +-28.7952 -1.0964 TD +0.0016 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(th)-6.8(e f)9.3(o)-6.6(rm)5.1(. Th)5.3(i)-8.6(s)3.9( is)3.9( a n)5.3(o)-6.6(n)5.3(v)0.3(is)-8.1(ual co)5.4(m)-7(p)0.2(o)5.4(n)-6.8(en)5.3(t, s)3.9(o)-6.6( )12(i)-8.6(t)2.3( do)5.4(es)3.9(n)-6.8()2.5(t m)5.1(a)-4.4(tter w)4.3(h)-6.8(ere )12(y)-8.7(o)5.4(u pl)-8.6(a)7.6(c)-0.2(e it. )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0009 Tc +-0.0081 Tw +[(K)-9.8(yli)-11.1(x n)-9.3(a)5.1(m)-9.5(e)-3.8(s )-12(it )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +6.6386 0 TD +0.0011 Tc +0 Tw +[(S)-9.2(a)-0.7(v)7.1(e)-7.5(D)8(i)-10.1(alog)7.1(1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.1325 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[( by def)8.4(a)-5.3(ul)-9.5(t. )12(\(Wh)-7.7(e)-2.2(n )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.506 0 TD +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +[(Save)5.8(Dial)-8.9(og)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.6265 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +[(s)-10.6( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +0.9639 0 TD +0.0048 Tc +[(Exe)8.3(c)2.2(u)-5.5(t)12.5(e)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.1928 0 TD +-0.0025 Tc +0.0055 Tw +[( me)-5.4(th)-10.9(od)-6( is )]TJ +-29.0602 -1.1084 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[(ca)-6.7(lled)-4.2(,)-3.7( it in)-9.1(vok)-11(e)8.4(s)-10.4( a st)-12.1(an)-9.1(d)-4.2(a)5.3(rd)-4.2( d)-4.2(i)1.1(a)-6.7(l)1.1(og)-11( )12(b)-14(o)3.1(x f)-5.1(o)3.1(r sa)-6.7(ving)-11( f)7(i)-10.9(les.\))]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 575.1204 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 575.1204 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(In)-8.1( the Ob)-13(ject Ins)-9.4(p)-1.1(ector, set th)-8.1(e )12(f)-4.1(o)-7.9(llo)-7.9(win)-8.1(g)2.1( properti)-9.9(e)9.4(s)-9.4( of )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +24.1566 0 TD +0.0025 Tc +0 Tw +[(Save)6(Dialog1)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +5.1205 0 TD +0 Tc +(:)Tj +-29.2771 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.7952 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +[(De)8.7(f)6.1(a)3.4(u)-5.1(l)6.1(t)12.9(E)1.7(xt )]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.7711 0 TD +-0.0023 Tc +(to )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.1205 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +[()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +1.3253 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-10.012 -1.6506 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[()-598.2(D)-8.5(oub)-12.7(l)2.4(e-)8.3(cl)-9.6(ick th)-7.8(e)9.7( text a)-5.4(r)-2(ea)6.6( n)-7.8(e)-2.3(xt to )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +16.0482 0 TD +-0.0014 Tc +0 Tw +[(Fil)-12.6(t)6.3(e)-10(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2289 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[( to)-7.7( )12(di)-9.7(spla)-5.5(y th)-7.9(e)9.6( F)-9.8(ilter Editor. In)-7.9( )12(t)-10.8(h)4.2(e f)8.2(i)-9.7(rst )]TJ +-17.0723 -1.1084 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(ro)-7.5(w un)-7.7(d)-2.8(e)9.8(r th)-7.7(e Filter Na)-5.3(me co)-7.5(lum)-7.9(n)4.4(, type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +18.241 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1(\015)12.1()12.1(45)12.1()12.1(6)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.9277 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(. In th)-7.8(e Filter )]TJ +-26.1687 -1.1084 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(co)-7.3(lum)-7.7(n)4.6(, type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +6.0843 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(5)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.2048 0 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(. In)5( th)-7.1(e)10.4( s)-8.4(e)-1.6(c)11.6(o)-6.9(n)5(d)-2.2( ro)-6.9(w)4( un)-7.1(d)9.9(e)-1.6(r th)-7.1(e )12(F)-9(ilter Nam)4.8(e)-1.6( co)-6.9(lum)-7.3(n)5(, type )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +24.9036 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(\015\015)]TJ +-33.1928 -1.0964 TD +[()12.1(\015)12.1(4)12.1(56)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.9759 0 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[( a)-5.4(n)4.3(d)-2.9( in)-7.8( the Fil)-9.6(ter )12(co)-7.6(lum)-8(n)4.3(, ty)-9.7(pe)9.7( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +13.6386 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.4458 0 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(. Click O)-8.9(K)3.4(.)]TJ +-19.2651 -1.6627 TD +0.5988 Tc +0 Tw +[(S)593.7(e)595.9(t)599.5( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +2.7952 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +(Title)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +1.8916 0 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[( to)-7.7( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +1.3855 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.0843 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +7.38 0 0 9 113.759 472.2803 Tm +0.0084 Tc +(Note)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 472.2803 Tm +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(e A)6.9(c)-1.8(ti)-10.2(on)-8.4( )12(L)-3.5(i)-10.2(st ed)-3.5(ito)-8.2(r)9.5( s)-9.7(h)3.7(o)-8.2(u)0.6(ld)-3.5( stil)-10.2(l be d)8.6(i)-10.2(spla)-6(yed)-3.5(.)-3( If)7.7( it)-11.3(s no)-8.2(t, d)-3.5(o)3.8(ubl)-10.2(e)9.1(-)-4.3(c)-1.8(li)-10.2(ck the )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0065 Tc +-0.0035 Tw +[(Ac)4.7(t)7.2(i)8.3(on)10.2(Lis)8.8(t)7.2( i)8.3(c)4.7(on)10.2( o)10.3(n)-1.9( t)7.2(h)10.2(e)3.6( fo)10.3(r)3.9(m)-2.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 444.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 444.8003 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(In)-8.3( the A)-5(c)-1.7(tio)-8.1(n)3.8( L)-3.4(i)1.9(st)-11.2( )12(ed)-3.4(it)-11.2(or, d)8.7(o)-8.1(uble-)-4.3(c)-1.7(li)-10.1(ck the Fi)-10.1(leS)7(a)-5.9(veA)-5(s)2.4( a)-5.9(c)-1.7(tion)-8.3(.)]TJ +0 -1.6627 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(e Co)5.5(de ed)10.3(i)-8.5(t)2.4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( o)-6.5(p)0.3(e)10.8(n)-6.7(s)4( w)-7.7(i)3.5(th)5.4( th)-6.7(e curs)4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( in)-6.7(s)4(i)3.5(de th)-6.7(e )12(even)-6.7(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 411.8003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 411.8003 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Righ)-7.3(t w)3.8(h)-7.3(ere )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e curs)3.4(o)-7.1(r)-1.5( )12(i)-9.1(s)3.4( po)4.9(s)-8.6(i)2.9(tio)-7.1(n)4.8(ed in)4.8( th)-7.3(e Co)4.9(de edito)4.9(r)-1.5(, typ)-12.4(e)10.2( th)-7.3(e f)8.8(o)-7.1(llo)-7.1(w)3.8(i)2.9(n)-7.3(g)2.9( li)-9.1(n)4.8(e)-1.8(s)3.4(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 178.439 396.4403 Tm +0 Tw +[( 7 )13.3(\015 \(\015)13.3( ,/)13.3(\015 )13.3(-)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0133 Tw +[( 7 )13.3(\015 \(')13.3( \0157\012,)13.3(/\012 \015+ 8)13.3(4\015 )13.3(6-)]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +-0.4533 -1.12 TD +0 Tw +()Tj +/F11 1 Tf +0.88 0 TD +[( )13.3(7 \015 \()13.3( )13.3()]TJ +/F16 1 Tf +9.2 0 TD +( )Tj +/F11 1 Tf +1.76 0 TD +0 Tc +()Tj +-11.84 -1.1067 TD +0.001 Tc +("\()Tj +0.4533 -1.1067 TD +[(. \))13.3( )13.3( \0154)13.3( 7 \015 )13.3(\(\015 )13.3(6-)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +[(\015 )13.3(,/ )13.3(7 \015 \()13.3(\015 )13.3(-)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +[(  1)13.3( \012+ )13.3(\01523)13.3(,/\015)13.3( -)]TJ +-0.4533 -1.1067 TD +(-)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 310.2803 Tm +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(Y)-7.6(o)3.9(u)-11.4(r)9.6( F)-10.2(ileS)-5(a)6.1(veA)-5(s)2.4( even)-8.3(t ha)-5.9(nd)-3.4(ler sh)-8.3(oul)-10.1(d)8.7( l)-10.1(ook)-10.2( like th)-8.3(is w)-9.3(h)3.8(en y)-10.2(o)3.9(ure d)-3.4(o)3.9(n)-8.3(e)-2.8(:)]TJ +0 -16.8072 TD +0 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(at)-11.3(s it f)-4.3(o)3.8(r th)-8.4(e )12(F)-10.3(ile|)-8.5(S)6.9(a)-6(v)-1.3(eA)-5.1(s com)-8.6(m)3.5(a)-6(n)3.7(d)-3.5(.)]TJ +ET +1 g +106.919 631.52 21.6 -20.04 re +f +q +21.6 0 0 20.04 106.9191 611.4803 cm +/Im42 Do +Q +154.439 300.92 264.48 -142.44 re +f +q +154.439 300.92 264.48 -142.44 re +W* n +q +264.4799 0 0 142.44 154.439 158.4803 cm +/Im43 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 427.439 294.2003 Tm +0 g +0.0022 Tc +-0.0537 Tw +[(Th)-16.7(i)15.1(s)-3( se)-16.7(ts the)-16.7( )17.4(S)-10.2(a)0.7(v)-20.4(e)0.7(A)-10.2(s)-3( dialog )]TJ +0 -1.0286 TD +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +(box)Tj +/F6 1 Tf +1.6202 0 TD +0 Tc +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0023 Tc +-0.0016 Tw +[(s F)-13.9(ileN)-7.4(a)0.8(m)-18.4(e)0.8( pr)-13.1(ope)-16.6(rty to)-16.6( )]TJ +-1.8467 -1.0429 TD +0.0012 Tc +0.017 Tw +[(the main form)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.1847 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0037 Tc +-0.003 Tw +[(s F)4.9(ileN)-6(a)-15.2(me )]TJ +-6.4112 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(pro)-17(per)-13.5(ty value)-17(.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.002 Tc +[(Th)-16.9(e de)-16.9(fault d)-16.9(i)-2.5(rect)-16.2(ory is se)-16.9(t )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +-0.0014 Tw +[(to th)-16.8(e last)-16.1( one)-16.8( acces)-20.6(s)-3.1(ed.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +[(Th)-16.8(i)15(s)-3.1( )-17.5(l)15(i)-2.4(n)-16.8(e)0.6( sav)-20.5(e)0.6(s the)-16.8( text)-16.1( to )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0156 Tw +[(the specifie)-16.3(d )17.5(file.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0011 Tc +-0.0004 Tw +[(Th)-17.8(i)14(s)-4.1( )-17.5(sets th)-17.8(e m)-19.6(a)-0.4(in fo)-17.8(rm)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +10.5052 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0052 Tc +(s )Tj +-10.7317 -1.0429 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(FileN)-8(a)-17.2(me t)-16.5(o)0.2( the)-17.2( nam)-19(e )]TJ +T* +0.0029 Tc +-0.0022 Tw +[(specifie)-16(d in t)-15.3(he S)-9.5(a)1.4(ve)-16(A)7.9(s)-2.3( )]TJ +T* +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(dialog)-16.5( box.)]TJ +0 -1.4571 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(Th)-17(i)14.8(s)-3.3( )-17.5(puts )-17.5(the f)-16.3(i)14.8(le)-17( nam)-18.8(e in )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +[(the )-17.5(text p)-17(ane)-17(l of th)-17(e sta)-17(t)1.2(us )]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +0 Tw +[(bar)-13.9(.)]TJ +ET +412.799 251.36 m +412.679 251.72 l +408.119 250.28 l +408.239 249.92 l +f +413.399 248.84 m +413.399 249.2 l +408.119 250.28 l +407.999 250.28 l +407.759 249.92 l +408.119 249.92 l +f +407.999 250.28 m +408.239 249.92 l +411.839 253.88 l +411.599 254.24 l +f +423.599 254.72 m +423.719 254.72 l +423.599 255.08 l +423.479 255.08 l +f +412.919 251.24 m +412.799 251.24 l +412.679 251.6 l +412.799 251.6 l +f +423.599 254.72 m +423.479 255.08 l +412.799 251.6 l +412.919 251.24 l +f +385.799 224.24 m +385.799 224.6 l +381.119 223.52 l +381.119 223.16 l +f +386.039 221.6 m +386.279 221.96 l +381.239 223.52 l +380.999 223.52 l +380.759 223.28 l +380.999 223.16 l +f +380.999 223.52 m +381.119 223.16 l +384.959 226.76 l +384.839 227.12 l +f +421.559 232.64 m +421.679 232.64 l +421.559 233 l +421.439 233 l +f +385.919 224.12 m +385.799 224.12 l +385.679 224.48 l +385.799 224.48 l +f +421.559 232.64 m +421.439 233 l +385.799 224.48 l +385.919 224.12 l +f +331.439 259.28 m +331.439 259.64 l +326.759 258.68 l +326.759 258.32 l +f +331.679 256.76 m +331.799 257.12 l +326.759 258.68 l +326.639 258.68 l +326.279 258.32 l +326.639 258.32 l +f +326.639 258.68 m +326.879 258.32 l +330.719 261.92 l +330.479 262.28 l +f +423.599 279.68 m +423.719 279.68 l +423.599 280.04 l +423.479 280.04 l +f +331.559 259.16 m +331.439 259.16 l +331.319 259.52 l +331.439 259.52 l +f +423.599 279.68 m +423.479 280.04 l +331.439 259.52 l +331.559 259.16 l +f +330.239 214.52 4.8 0.36 re +f +334.799 211.88 m +334.919 212.24 l +330.239 214.88 l +330.119 214.88 l +329.639 214.64 l +330.119 214.52 l +f +330.119 214.88 m +330.239 214.52 l +334.919 217.16 l +334.799 217.52 l +f +422.879 214.4 0.12 0.36 re +f +334.919 214.76 0.12 -0.36 re +f +335.039 214.4 87.84 0.36 re +f +355.199 201.2 m +355.319 201.56 l +350.759 203.12 l +350.639 202.76 l +f +353.999 198.8 m +354.239 199.16 l +350.759 203.12 l +350.639 203.12 l +350.159 203 l +350.519 202.76 l +f +350.639 203.12 m +350.759 202.76 l +355.919 203.84 l +355.799 204.2 l +f +423.479 177.68 m +423.599 177.68 l +423.719 178.04 l +423.599 178.04 l +f +355.199 201.08 m +355.079 201.08 l +355.199 201.44 l +355.319 201.44 l +f +423.479 177.68 m +423.599 178.04 l +355.319 201.44 l +355.199 201.08 l +f +endstream +endobj +457 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F16 401 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im42 458 0 R +/Im43 459 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +461 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +462 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +463 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +464 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 223 295 null] +>> +endobj +465 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 344 284 null] +>> +endobj +466 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 689 null] +>> +endobj +467 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 657 null] +>> +endobj +468 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 185 563 null] +>> +endobj +451 0 obj +<< +/P 439 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 430 0 R +/N 469 0 R +>> +endobj +470 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 679 null] +>> +endobj +471 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 651 null] +>> +endobj +472 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 557 null] +>> +endobj +473 0 obj +<< +/D [460 0 R /XYZ 141 498 null] +>> +endobj +474 0 obj +<< +/Length 5652 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(23)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 404.2791 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3092 Tc +-0.163 Tw +[(W)16(r)-11.7(i)18.6(t)4(ing eve)16.8(n)-0.8(t )-17.7(h)16.8(andle)16.8(r)-11.7(s)]TJ +ET +q +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +142.439 660.32 375.12 -1.92 re +f +0 g +142.439 659.24 423.12 0.36 re +f +Q +BT +/F2 1 Tf +11.9064 0 0 14.52 142.439 665.2404 Tm +-0.0155 Tc +-0.0005 Tw +[(W)-8.8(r)0.6(i)10.5(t)-5(ing the E)6.5(x)-3.7(it comm)6.7(and e)16.4(vent handle)6.3(r)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 641.1204 Tm +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(To)-6.2( w)4.7(r)-0.6(ite an)5.7( even)5.7(t)-9.3( )12(h)-6.4(a)8(n)-6.4(d)-1.5(ler f)9.7(o)-6.2(r th)5.7(e Exit co)-6.2(m)5.5(m)-6.6(a)8(n)-6.4(d:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 624.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 624.5603 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(Th)-8.4(e A)6.9(c)-1.8(ti)-10.2(on)-8.4( )12(L)-3.5(i)-10.2(st ed)-3.5(ito)-8.2(r)9.5( s)-9.7(h)3.7(o)-8.2(u)0.6(ld)-3.5( stil)-10.2(l be d)8.6(i)-10.2(spla)-6(yed)-3.5(.)-3( If)7.7( it)-11.3(s no)-8.2(t, d)-3.5(o)3.8(ubl)-10.2(e)9.1(-)-4.3(c)-1.8(li)-10.2(ck the )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0065 Tc +-0.0035 Tw +[(Ac)4.7(t)7.2(i)8.3(on)10.2(Lis)8.8(t)7.2( i)8.3(c)4.7(on)10.2( o)10.3(n)-1.9( t)7.2(h)10.2(e)3.6( fo)10.3(r)3.9(m)-2.1(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 597.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 597.0803 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(O)-8.8(n)4.1( th)-8(e )12(A)-4.7(c)-1.4(ti)-9.8(on)-8( )12(L)-3.1(i)2.2(s)-9.3(t)1.1( ed)-3.1(itor, d)-3.1(o)4.2(u)-11.1(b)-0.8(le-)8.1(c)-1.4(l)-9.8(i)2.2(ck th)-8(e )12(F)-9.9(ileE)-3.1(x)-1.7(it a)-5.6(c)-1.4(tio)-7.8(n)4.1(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(Th)-6.7(e Co)5.5(de ed)10.3(i)-8.5(t)2.4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( o)-6.5(p)0.3(e)10.8(n)-6.7(s)4( w)-7.7(i)3.5(th)5.4( th)-6.7(e curs)4(o)5.5(r)-0.9( in)-6.7(s)4(i)3.5(de th)-6.7(e )12(even)-6.7(t h)5.4(a)-4.3(n)5.4(d)-1.8(ler.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 564.0803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 564.0803 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Righ)-7.3(t w)3.8(h)-7.3(ere )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e curs)3.4(o)-7.1(r)-1.5( )12(i)-9.1(s)3.4( po)4.9(s)-8.6(i)2.9(tio)-7.1(n)4.8(ed in)4.8( th)-7.3(e Co)4.9(de edito)4.9(r)-1.5(, typ)-12.4(e)10.2( th)-7.3(e f)8.8(o)-7.1(llo)-7.1(w)3.8(i)2.9(n)-7.3(g)2.9( li)-9.1(n)4.8(e)-1.8(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 548.7203 Tm +0 Tw +(\015 -)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 532.6403 Tm +0.0001 Tc +-0.0212 Tw +[(Th)-8.3(is )-12.1(ca)6.1(l)-10.1(l)1.9(s )-12.1(the )-12.1(c)10.4(l)-10.1(os)-9.6(e)9.2( )-12.1(meth)-8.3(od )-12.1(of)-4.3( th)-8.3(e m)-8.5(a)6.1(i)-10.1(n)3.8( f)-4.3(o)-8.1(rm. Th)-8.3(a)-5.9(t)0.8(s )-12.1(a)6.1(l)1.9(l)-10.1( yo)-8.1(u n)-8.3(eed to)-8.1( do )-12.1(for th)-8.3(e F)-10.2(ile|)]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0043 Tc +-0.0133 Tw +[(Exi)6.1(t)-7( com)7.8(m)-4.3(an)8(d.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 505.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 505.0403 Tm +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(Ch)-8.1(oo)-7.9(se Fil)-9.9(e)9.4(|)-8.2(S)-4.8(a)6.3(ve A)-4.8(ll to)-7.9( sa)-5.7(ve )12(y)-10(o)4.1(ur pro)-7.9(j)5.4(ect.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +-0.0002 Tc +0.0032 Tw +[(To)-8.4( see wh)-8.6(at it)-11.6( )12(l)-10.4(o)3.6(o)-8.4(k)1.6(s lik)-10.5(e )12(s)-9.9(o)3.6( f)-4.5(a)5.8(r, run)-8.6( )12(t)-11.6(h)3.5(e ap)-13.7(plica)-6.2(t)0.5(io)-8.4(n by press)-9.9(i)1.6(ng)-10.5( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 433.199 488.6003 Tm +0.0061 Tc +0 Tw +(F9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 442.679 488.6003 Tm +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-28.9398 -17.747 TD +0.0003 Tc +0.0027 Tw +[(M)-5.5(o)-7.9(st of th)-8.1(e)9.4( bu)-11.2(tton)-8.1(s)2.6( a)-5.7(n)4(d too)-7.9(l)2.1(ba)-5.7(r butto)-7.9(ns w)-9.1(o)4.1(rk but)-11( )12(w)-9.1(e)-2.6(re no)-7.9(t )12(f)-4.1(i)2.1(n)-8.1(i)2.1(sh)-8.1(ed yet.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 295.4003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 295.4003 Tm +0.0005 Tc +0.0025 Tw +[(To)-7.7( re)9.6(t)-10.8(u)1.1(rn to)-7.7( )12(d)-3(e)-2.4(s)-9.2(ign)-7.9( )12(m)-8.1(o)4.3(d)-3(e)-2.4(, clo)-7.7(s)2.8(e the text ed)-3(ito)-7.7(r)-2.1( )12(a)-5.5(ppli)-9.7(c)-1.3(ati)-9.7(o)4.3(n)-7.9( )12(by)-9.8( clicki)-9.7(ng th)-7.9(e )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +10.92 0 0 10.92 479.999 295.4003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(X)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 487.319 295.4003 Tm +(.)Tj +-34.6265 -1.6626 TD +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(If yo)-6.8(u rece)10.5(i)-8.8(v)0.1(e )12(an)-7(y er)10.9(ro)-6.8(r m)4.9(e)-1.5(ss)-8.3(a)7.4(g)-8.9(es, )12(cl)-8.8(ick th)-7(em)4.9( to)-6.8( )12(l)-8.8(o)5.2(cate th)5.1(e erro)5.2(r. M)7.6(a)-4.6(ke su)-10.1(re)10.5( y)-8.9(o)5.2(uv)-11.9(e)10.5( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0011 Tw +[(fo)5.7(l)-8.3(l)3.7(o)5.7(w)-7.5(ed th)5.6(e s)4.2(t)2.6(eps)-7.8( )12(as)4.2( des)4.2(c)0.1(ribed in)-6.5( th)5.6(e tut)-9.4(o)5.7(rial.)]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 479.24 247.92 -152.16 re +f +q +247.92 0 0 152.16 154.439 327.0804 cm +/Im44 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 411.479 416.6003 Tm +0 g +0.0026 Tc +-0.0193 Tw +[(T)-13.6(he r)-12.8(unn)-16.3(ing ap)-16.3(plication)-16.3( l)15.5(o)-16.3(oks )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.016 Tw +[(a)-16.7( )17.5(lot )17.5(like the main for)4.2(m)-18.5( )17.5(in )]TJ +T* +0.0019 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(d)-17(e)0.4(sign)-17( mod)-17(e)0.4(. N)-7.8(o)0.4(t)-16.3(i)-2.6(ce tha)-17(t)1.2( the)-17( )]TJ +T* +0.0031 Tc +-0.0024 Tw +[(n)-15.8(onvisu)-15.8(a)1.6(l ob)-15.8(j)16(e)-15.8(cts ar)-12.3(en)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +10.0697 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0007 Tc +(t )Tj +-10.2962 -1.0429 TD +0.0003 Tc +[(t)-17.9(here)-18.6(.)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +475 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im44 476 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +478 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +479 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +480 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +481 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 275 655 null] +>> +endobj +482 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 328 583 null] +>> +endobj +483 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 93 692 null] +>> +endobj +484 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 141 655 null] +>> +endobj +469 0 obj +<< +/P 460 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 451 0 R +/N 485 0 R +>> +endobj +486 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 93 680 null] +>> +endobj +487 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 141 648 null] +>> +endobj +488 0 obj +<< +/D [477 0 R /XYZ 141 549 null] +>> +endobj +489 0 obj +<< +/Length 4661 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(24)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 423.12 -12 re +f +BT +6.7896 0 0 8.28 94.4391 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.3078 Tc +-0.0026 Tw +[(C)4.7(r)-13.1(e)15.4(a)-2.2(ting a)15.4(n)-2.2( About b)15.4(o)-2.2(x)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 657.8 423.12 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 656.6 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 663.5603 Tm +-0.0241 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Creati)6.6(ng )8.5(an A)7.1(bou)7(t b)7(o)24(x)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 638.4803 Tm +-0.0011 Tc +0.0041 Tw +[(M)-6.9(a)-7.1(ny)-11.4( )12(a)-7.1(pplica)-7.1(t)-0.4(i)-11.3(o)2.7(ns)-10.8( inclu)-12.6(d)-4.6(e)8( a)-7.1(n)2.6( A)-6.2(b)-2.3(ou)-12.6(t box wh)-9.5(ich d)-4.6(i)0.7(s)-10.8(p)-2.5(la)-7.1(ys in)-9.5(f)6.6(o)-9.3(rma)-7.1(t)-0.4(io)-9.3(n on)-9.5( the prod)-4.6(u)-12.6(c)-2.9(t )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +-0.0005 Tc +0.0035 Tw +[(s)-10.2(u)0.1(ch a)-6.5(s)1.8( th)-8.9(e)8.6( n)-8.9(a)5.5(m)-9.1(e)-3.4(, )12(vers)-10.2(ion)-8.9(,)-3.5( )12(l)-10.7(o)3.3(go)-8.7(s, a)-6.5(n)3.2(d)-4( ma)-6.5(y in)-8.9(clud)-4(e oth)-8.9(e)-3.4(r lega)-6.5(l inf)-4.8(o)-8.7(rma)-6.5(t)0.2(io)-8.7(n in)-8.9(clud)-4(in)-8.9(g )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(co)-7.8(pyrig)-9.9(h)4.1(t in)-8(f)8.1(o)-7.8(rm)3.9(atio)-7.8(n)4.1(.)-2.6( )]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0043 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(Yo)8.1(u)-7.2()5.2(ve )12(al)6.1(ready)6.1( s)6.6(e)1.4(t)5( u)4.9(p)2.9( a H)5(e)1.4(l)6.1(p)2.9( Abo)8.1(u)4.9(t)-7.1( )12(com)7.8(m)-4.3(an)8(d o)8.1(n)-4.1( t)5(h)8(e act)5(i)6.1(o)8.1(n)-4.1( l)6.1(i)6.1(s)-5.4(t)5(.)]TJ +0 -1.6506 TD +0.0026 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(To)-5.6( cre)11.7(a)-3.4(te an)6.3( Abo)6.4(u)3.2(t)-8.7( )12(bo)-5.6(x:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 566.9603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 566.9603 Tm +0.0001 Tc +-0.0212 Tw +[(Ch)-8.3(oo)-8.1(se F)-10.2(ile|)-8.4(N)-0.2(ew|)-8.4(O)3(th)-8.3(er to)-8.1( d)-3.4(i)1.9(s)-9.6(p)-1.3(la)-5.9(y t)-11.2(h)3.8(e )-12.1(New )-12.1(Items)-9.6( d)-3.4(i)1.9(a)-5.9(l)1.9(o)-8.1(g)1.9( b)-13.2(o)3.9(x a)-5.9(n)-8.3(d)8.7( )-12.1(click)-10.2( th)-8.3(e F)-10.2(o)3.9(rm)-8.5(s )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0003 Tc +0 Tw +[(ta)-5.7(b.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 539.4803 Tm +0 Tc +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 539.4803 Tm +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(O)-8.3(n)4.6( th)-7.5(e )12(F)-9.4(o)4.7(rm)-7.7(s ta)-5.1(b,)9.9( do)-7.3(uble-click)-9.4( )12(A)-4.2(b)-0.3(o)-7.3(u)1.5(t Box.)]TJ +0 -17.9398 TD +0.0022 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(A predes)4.5(ign)-6.2(ed )12(fo)-6(rm)5.7( fo)6(r th)-6.2(e)11.3( Abo)-6(u)2.8(t bo)6(x appea)8.2(r)-0.4(s)-7.5(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 344.3603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 344.3603 Tm +0.0002 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(S)-4.9(e)-2.7(lect th)-8.2(e )12(g)-10.1(r)-2.4(id)-3.3( itself)-4.1( \()-4.1(c)-1.6(lick th)-8.2(e grid)-3.3( porti)-10(o)4(n\))-4.2( a)-5.8(n)3.9(d)-3.3( in)-8.2( )12(t)-11.1(h)3.9(e Obj)-6.8(e)-2.7(ct Ins)-9.5(p)-1.2(e)9.3(c)-1.6(t)-11.1(o)4(r, click th)-8.2(e )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.002 Tc +0.001 Tw +[(P)-8.5(r)11.5(o)-6.2(p)0.6(erties)4.3( tab an)5.7(d ch)5.7(an)5.7(g)-8.3(e)-0.9( )12(t)-9.4(h)5.7(e Ca)8(pt)-9.4(io)5.8(n)-6.4( pro)5.8(p)0.6(erty to)-6.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +22.5542 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1(")0( )12.1( )0()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1( \012)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +7.4819 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 316.7603 Tm +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 316.7603 Tm +0.003 Tw +[(S)-5.1(e)-2.9(lect th)-8.4(e )12(f)-4.3(o)-8.2(llo)-8.2(win)-8.4(g)1.8( )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +8.988 0 TD +0.0039 Tc +0 Tw +[(TL)5.7(abe)7.4(l)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.747 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[( item)-6.9(s)4( o)5.5(n)-6.7( th)5.4(e Abo)5.5(u)-9.8(t bo)5.5(x an)5.4(d in)5.4( th)-6.7(e O)4.6(b)0.5(ject )12(I)-10.7(n)5.4(s)4(p)0.3(ecto)-6.5(r, )]TJ +-11.7349 -1.0964 TD +0.0013 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(ch)-7.1(a)7.3(n)-7.1(ge th)-7.1(e)10.4(i)-8.9(r )]TJ +/F8 1 Tf +5.747 0 TD +0.0069 Tc +0 Tw +[(Ca)5.1(pt)14.6(i)7.8(o)5.1(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +3.2289 0 TD +0.0018 Tc +0.0012 Tw +[( pro)5.6(p)0.4(erties)4.1(:)]TJ +-8.9759 -1.6627 TD +0.0076 Tc +-0.0046 Tw +[()-591.2(C)5.8(ha)13.6(ng)9.4(e)4.7( P)9.2(r)5(odu)8.2(c)5.8(t)8.3( N)7.3(a)1.6(m)11.1(e)4.7( t)8.3(o)11.4( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +12.747 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[()12.1()12.1()12.1()12.1( \012)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8554 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +-17.6024 -1.6506 TD +0.0084 Tc +-0.0054 Tw +[()-590.4(C)6.6(ha)14.4(ng)10.2(e)5.5( V)7.5(e)5.5(r)5.8(s)10.7(i)10.2(o)0.2(n)12.1( t)9.1(o)0.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9.7108 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[(9)12.1()0(\012)12.1( )12.1()12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +4.8434 0 TD +0 Tc +(.)Tj +ET +1 g +154.439 530.12 186.24 -152.16 re +f +q +186.24 0 0 152.16 154.439 377.9604 cm +/Im45 Do +Q +endstream +endobj +490 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im45 491 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +493 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +494 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 498 531 null] +>> +endobj +495 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 302 503 null] +>> +endobj +496 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 392 476 null] +>> +endobj +497 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 394 476 null] +>> +endobj +498 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 434 514 null] +>> +endobj +499 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 484 514 null] +>> +endobj +500 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 194 503 null] +>> +endobj +501 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 394 476 null] +>> +endobj +485 0 obj +<< +/P 477 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 469 0 R +/N 502 0 R +>> +endobj +503 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 141 524 null] +>> +endobj +504 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 141 507 null] +>> +endobj +505 0 obj +<< +/D [492 0 R /XYZ 141 480 null] +>> +endobj +506 0 obj +<< +/Length 6999 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 307.679 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.2573 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(C)18.5(r)-1(ea)18.8(ti)17.4(ng )18.4(a t)17.9(e)0.3(xt)17.9( e)18.8(d)0.3(i)17.4(t)-0.5(or)17.5( us)18.2(in)18.8(g t)17.9(h)0.3(e)-517.1(D)0(el)17.4(ph)18.8(i)-537(I)-0.6(DE)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 508.559 103.4004 Tm +-0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(25)Tj +ET +1 g +1 i +94.439 695.96 426.6 -12 re +f +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.7896 0 0 8.28 406.319 690.4403 Tm +0 g +0.309 Tc +-0.1098 Tw +[(C)5.9(r)5.7(eatin)16.6(g an About box)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0084 Tc +-0.0054 Tw +[()-590.4(C)6.6(ha)14.4(ng)10.2(e)5.5( C)6.6(o)12.2(p)-5.1(y)10.2(r)5.8(i)10.2(g)10.2(h)0(t)9.1( t)9.1(o)12.2( )]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +10.8313 0 TD +0.0068 Tc +0 Tw +[( )12.1(*)12.1(\012\()12.1(8)12.1()12.1()]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +6.1687 0 TD +0.003 Tc +(. )Tj +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 514.5203 Tm +0 Tc +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 514.5203 Tm +0.0039 Tc +-0.0009 Tw +[(Save )12(t)-7.4(h)7.6(e Abo)7.7(u)4.5(t)4.6( box f)11.6(o)-4.3(rm)7.4( by)-6.4( )12(cho)7.7(o)-4.3(s)6.2(i)5.7(ng)5.7( F)5.7(i)5.7(l)-6.3(e|)7.5(Sa)9.9(ve As)6.2( an)7.6(d s)6.2(a)-2.1(vi)5.7(ng)5.7( i)5.7(t)4.6( as)6.2( Abo)7.7(u)4.5(t)-7.4(.)0.9(pas)6.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 497.9603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(6)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 497.9603 Tm +-0.0001 Tc +0.0031 Tw +[(In)-8.5( the Co)-8.3(d)8.5(e)-3( ed)-3.6(ito)-8.3(r)-2.7(, )12(y)-10.4(o)3.7(u sh)-8.5(ou)-11.6(ld)-3.6( ha)-6.1(ve these f)-4.5(iles d)-3.6(i)1.7(s)-9.8(p)-1.5(la)-6.1(yed)-3.6(:)-3.1( )12(U)-5.2(n)-8.5(it1)-6.1( an)-8.5(d)-3.6( )12(A)-5.2(b)-1.3(o)-8.3(u)0.5(t. Click)-10.4( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(th)-8(e U)7.3(n)-8(it1)-5.6( ta)-5.6(b )12(t)-11(o)4.2( displ)-9.8(a)6.4(y)-9.9( )12(U)-4.7(n)-8(it1)-5.6(.)-2.6(pa)6.4(s)-9.3(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 470.4803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(7)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 470.4803 Tm +0.0004 Tc +0.0026 Tw +[(A)-4.7(dd the n)-8(e)9.5(w)-9( A)7.3(b)-12.9(out un)-8(it to)-7.8( the )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +13.9518 0 TD +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +[(use)8.7(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2.012 0 TD +-0.0007 Tc +0.0037 Tw +[( s)-10.4(e)8.4(ct)-12(ion)-9.1( of)-5( U)6.2(n)-9.1(it1)-6.7( by typ)-14.2(i)1.1(ng)-11( )12(t)-12(h)3(e wo)-8.9(rd)7.9( A)-5.8(b)-1.9(o)-8.9(u)-0.1(t at)-12.1( )]TJ +-15.9639 -1.1084 TD +0.0009 Tc +0.0021 Tw +[(th)-7.5(e en)4.6(d o)4.7(f)-3.5( th)4.6(e li)-9.3(s)3.2(t)1.6( o)4.7(f)-3.5( in)-7.5(cluded un)4.6(it)-10.5(s)3.2( in)4.6( th)-7.5(e )]TJ +/F13 1 Tf +18.506 0 TD +0.0027 Tc +0 Tw +[(use)8.7(s)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +2 0 TD +0.0021 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[( claus)4.4(e)-0.8(. )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 200.0004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(8)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 200.0004 Tm +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(O)-8.6(n)4.3( th)-7.8(e )12(a)-5.4(c)-1.2(tio)-7.6(n)4.3( li)-9.6(st, doubl)-9.6(e)-2.3(-)8.3(c)-1.2(l)-9.6(i)2.4(ck the H)-10.8(e)9.7(l)-9.6(p)-0.8(A)-4.5(b)-0.6(out a)-5.4(c)-1.2(tio)-7.6(n)4.3( to)-7.6( )12(crea)-5.4(te a)6.6(n)-7.8( event h)-7.8(a)6.6(n)-7.8(d)-2.9(ler.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 183.5603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(9)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 183.5603 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Righ)-7.3(t w)3.8(h)-7.3(ere )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e curs)3.4(o)-7.1(r)-1.5( )12(i)-9.1(s)3.4( po)4.9(s)-8.6(i)2.9(tio)-7.1(n)4.8(ed in)4.8( th)-7.3(e Co)4.9(de edito)4.9(r)-1.5(, typ)-12.4(e)10.2( th)-7.3(e f)8.8(o)-7.1(llo)-7.1(w)3.8(i)2.9(n)-7.3(g)2.9( li)-9.1(n)4.8(e)-1.8(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 168.2003 Tm +0 Tw +[(" 1 )13.3(8 . )13.3( \015-)]TJ +ET +1 g +166.439 659 156.96 -128.16 re +f +q +156.96 0 0 128.16 166.439 530.8403 cm +/Im46 Do +Q +159.359 414.56 281.28 -170.76 re +f +q +159.359 414.56 281.28 -170.76 re +W* n +q +281.28 0 0 170.76 159.359 243.8003 cm +/Im47 Do +Q +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 228.959 232.0404 Tm +0 g +0.0018 Tc +-0.0185 Tw +[(W)-12.4(h)0.3(e)-17.1(n)0.3( you)-17.1( cre)-17.1(a)0.3(te a)-17.1( ne)-17.1(w)9.5( )-17.4(form)-18.9( for)-13.6( your)-13.6( ap)-17.1(plication)-17.1(,)1.1( you)-17.1( nee)-17.1(d to )-17.4(add )-17.4(it to )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0011 Tc +0 Tw +[(th)-17.8(e )]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +1.6899 0 TD +0.0015 Tc +[(u)-14.7(ses)]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +2.2997 0 TD +0.0014 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[( clause)-17.5( of th)-17.5(e m)-19.3(a)-0.1(in fo)-17.5(rm.)-16.8( H)-8.3(e)-0.1(re)-17.5( w)-8.3(e)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +15.122 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0017 Tc +-0.001 Tw +[(re )-17.5(addin)-17.2(g)0.2( th)-17.2(e A)-10.7(bou)-17.2(t bo)-17.2(x.)]TJ +ET +250.559 290.6 m +250.919 290.72 l +248.759 295.04 l +248.399 294.92 l +f +248.039 289.64 m +248.399 289.76 l +248.759 295.04 l +248.639 295.16 l +248.279 295.4 l +248.399 294.92 l +f +248.639 295.16 m +248.519 294.8 l +252.959 291.8 l +253.079 292.16 l +f +274.079 241.76 m +274.079 241.64 l +274.439 241.76 l +274.439 241.88 l +f +250.559 290.48 m +250.559 290.6 l +250.919 290.72 l +250.919 290.6 l +f +274.079 241.76 m +274.439 241.88 l +250.919 290.6 l +250.559 290.48 l +f +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 156.359 446.3603 Tm +0.0024 Tc +-0.0017 Tw +[(C)-7.3(lick the)-16.5( tab)-16.5( to d)-16.5(i)15.3(s)-20.2(p)0.9(lay a )-17.5(file asso)-16.5(ciated)-16.5( w)-7.3(i)-2.1(th a)-16.5( unit. )-17.5(If you)-16.5( ope)-16.5(n )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0019 Tc +-0.036 Tw +[(oth)-17(e)0.4(r )-17.4(fil)14.8(e)-17(s w)-7.8(h)0.4(ile w)-7.8(o)-17(rking)-17( on )-17.4(a pr)-13.5(oject, )-17.4(add)-17(i)14.8(t)-16.3(i)14.8(o)-17(nal t)-16.3(abs a)-17(ppe)-17(ar o)-17(n)0.4( th)-17(e )]TJ +T* +0.001 Tc +-0.0003 Tw +[(C)-8.7(ode)-17.9( ed)-17.9(i)13.9(t)-17.2(or.)]TJ +ET +261.719 305.48 m +261.359 307.04 l +261.359 306.92 l +260.279 308.24 l +260.399 308.24 l +258.719 309.44 l +256.439 310.52 l +253.679 311.48 l +250.559 312.08 l +247.079 312.56 l +243.359 312.68 l +239.639 312.56 l +236.159 312.08 l +233.039 311.48 l +233.159 311.48 l +230.519 310.52 l +228.239 309.44 l +226.559 308.24 l +225.479 306.92 l +225.479 307.04 l +225.119 305.48 l +225.479 304.04 l +226.559 302.72 l +226.559 302.84 l +228.239 301.52 l +230.519 300.44 l +233.159 299.6 l +233.039 299.6 l +236.159 298.88 l +239.639 298.52 l +243.359 298.28 l +247.079 298.52 l +250.559 298.88 l +253.679 299.6 l +256.439 300.44 l +258.719 301.52 l +260.399 302.84 l +260.279 302.72 l +261.359 304.04 l +261.719 305.48 l +261.959 305.48 l +261.599 304.04 l +261.599 303.92 l +260.519 302.6 l +258.839 301.28 l +256.559 300.2 l +253.799 299.36 l +253.679 299.36 l +250.559 298.64 l +247.079 298.28 l +243.359 298.04 l +239.639 298.28 l +236.159 298.64 l +233.039 299.36 l +230.399 300.2 l +228.119 301.28 l +226.439 302.6 l +226.319 302.6 l +225.239 303.92 l +225.239 304.04 l +224.879 305.48 l +225.239 307.04 l +226.319 308.36 l +226.439 308.48 l +228.119 309.68 l +230.399 310.76 l +233.039 311.72 l +236.159 312.32 l +239.639 312.8 l +243.359 312.92 l +247.079 312.8 l +250.559 312.32 l +253.679 311.72 l +253.799 311.72 l +256.559 310.76 l +258.839 309.68 l +260.519 308.48 l +260.519 308.36 l +261.599 307.04 l +261.959 305.48 l +f +261.719 305.48 m +261.959 305.48 l +f +168.839 416.96 0.36 4.8 re +f +171.839 421.4 m +171.479 421.64 l +168.839 417.08 l +168.839 416.84 l +169.079 416.48 l +169.199 416.84 l +f +168.839 416.84 m +169.199 417.08 l +166.559 421.64 l +166.199 421.4 l +f +168.959 427.76 0.36 0.12 re +f +168.959 421.76 0.36 -0.12 re +f +168.959 421.76 0.36 6 re +f +endstream +endobj +507 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +/F13 343 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im46 508 0 R +/Im47 509 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +511 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +512 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +513 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 640 null] +>> +endobj +514 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 640 null] +>> +endobj +515 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 182 208 null] +>> +endobj +516 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 153 684 null] +>> +endobj +517 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 640 null] +>> +endobj +518 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 141 603 null] +>> +endobj +519 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 153 274 null] +>> +endobj +520 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 141 164 null] +>> +endobj +521 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +502 0 obj +<< +/P 492 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 485 0 R +/N 522 0 R +>> +endobj +523 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +524 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 93 628 null] +>> +endobj +525 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 141 596 null] +>> +endobj +526 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 141 552 null] +>> +endobj +527 0 obj +<< +/D [510 0 R /XYZ 141 174 null] +>> +endobj +528 0 obj +<< +/Length 7928 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 103.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.0067 Tc +0 Tw +(26)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 113.039 103.4004 Tm +0.2571 Tc +[(Tut)17.7(o)0.1(r)17.3(i)-1.3(al)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 668.3604 Tm +0.0014 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(Th)-7(is)3.7( co)-6.8(de)10.5( o)-6.8(p)0(en)5.1(s)3.7( th)-7(e A)8.3(b)-11.9(o)5.2(u)2(t bo)-6.8(x w)4.1(h)5.1(en)-7( th)5.1(e us)-8.3(e)10.5(r)-1.2( cli)-8.8(c)-0.4(ks)3.7( Help)-12.1(|)5(A)-3.7(bo)5.2(u)-10.1(t)2.1(. )12(Sh)-7(o)5.2(w)-8(M)7.6(o)-6.8(da)7.4(l)-8.8( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +[(o)-6.8(p)0(en)5.1(s)-8.3( )12(th)-7(e f)9.1(o)-6.8(rm)4.9( in)-7( a)7.4( m)-7.2(o)5.2(dal s)3.7(t)2.1(ate, a)7.4( run)-7(t)2.1(im)-7.2(e)10.5( s)-8.3(t)2.1(a)7.4(t)-10(e)10.5( i)-8.8(n)5.1( w)4.1(h)-7(ich)5.1( th)-7(e us)3.7(er ca)7.4(n)-7()2.3(t do)5.2( )]TJ +T* +-0.0028 Tc +0.0058 Tw +[(a)-8.8(n)0.9(y)-13.1(t)-2.1(hi)-13(ng un)-11.2(til)-13( )12(th)-11.2(e)-5.7( fo)-11(r)-5.4(m)0.7( is)-12.5( c)-4.6(l)-1(os)-12.5(e)6.3(d)-6.3(.)]TJ +ET +q +1 i +94.439 605.72 423.12 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 605.72 423.12 -1.92 re +f +Q +1 i +94.439 604.64 423.12 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +14.0712 0 0 17.16 94.4391 611.4803 Tm +-0.0292 Tc +0.007 Tw +[(C)-6.5(o)-6.6(mp)-6.6(let)-3.2(i)-7(ng)-6.6( y)23.6(o)-6.6(ur)-6.9( )8.5(a)-10.5(p)1.9(p)-6.6(l)1.5(i)-7(cat)-3.2(i)-7(o)1.9(n)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 142.439 586.5203 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Th)-8.7(e appl)-10.5(icat)-11.7(ion)-8.7( is a)-6.3(l)1.5(mo)-8.5(st co)-8.5(mplete. Ho)-8.5(wever, we sti)-10.5(ll ha)-6.3(ve to s)-10(p)-1.7(e)8.8(c)-2.1(i)-10.5(f)7.4(y)-10.6( som)-8.9(e)-3.2( items)-10( on)-8.7( )]TJ +T* +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(th)-7.8(e ma)-5.4(in)-7.8( )12(fo)-7.6(r)10.1(m)-8(. To com)-8(p)-0.8(lete th)-7.8(e )12(a)-5.4(ppli)-9.6(c)-1.2(a)6.6(t)1.3(i)-9.6(o)4.4(n)-7.8(:)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 559.0403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(1)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 559.0403 Tm +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(Lo)-6.7(ca)7.5(te th)-6.9(e )12(m)-7.1(a)-4.5(in form)-7.1( \()9.2(p)0.1(res)-8.2(s)3.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 280.559 559.0403 Tm +-0.0086 Tc +0 Tw +[(F1)-10.9(2)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 294.719 559.0403 Tm +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[( to)-9.1( qu)-12.4(ickly)-11.2( )12(f)-5.2(i)0.9(n)-9.3(d)-4.4( it\))-5.2(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 542.4803 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(2)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 542.4803 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Ch)-8.7(eck tha)-6.3(t)0.4( f)-4.7(o)3.5(cus)-10( is on)-8.7( the f)-4.7(o)3.5(rm)-8.9( itself)-4.7(, no)-8.5(t an)-8.7(y of)-4.6( its)-10( com)-8.9(p)-1.7(on)-8.7(e)8.8(n)-8.7(ts. Th)-8.7(e )12(to)-8.5(p lis)-10(t box )]TJ +T* +-0.0006 Tc +-0.0205 Tw +[(o)-8.8(n)3.1( the Obj)-7.6(e)8.5(ct)-12( )12(In)-9(spector sh)-9(ould)-4.1( sa)-6.6(y )12(F)-10.9(o)3.2(rm)-9.2(1 TFo)-8.8(r)8.9(m)-9.2(1)-6.6(.)8.4( \()-4.9(I)-0.9(f)7.1( it d)8(o)-8.8(esn)-9()0.3(t, )12(s)-10.3(e)8.5(l)-10.8(e)-3.5(ct )12(Fo)-8.8(rm1)-6.6( )12(f)-4.9(r)-3.2(om)-9.2( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0001 Tc +0.0029 Tw +[(th)-8.3(e dr)9.6(o)-8.1(p)-1.3(-dow)-9.3(n lis)-9.6(t.\))]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 347.8403 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(3)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 347.8403 Tm +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(In)-7.6( the Events)-8.9( ta)6.8(b, dou)-10.7(b)-0.4(le-)-3.6(c)-1(lick O)-8.4(n)4.5(Crea)-5.2(te a)6.8(n)-7.6(d )12(ch)-7.6(oo)-7.4(se Fo)-7.4(r)10.3(m)-7.8(Crea)-5.2(te )12(fro)-7.4(m)4.3( th)-7.6(e)9.9( drop)-12.7(-)]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +-0.0227 Tw +[(do)-6.6(w)4.3(n)-6.8( )12(l)-8.6(i)3.4(s)3.9(t)2.3( to)-6.6( cr)11.1(eate a)7.6(n)-6.8( even)5.3(t h)-6.8(a)7.6(n)-6.8(d)-1.9(ler )12(t)-9.8(h)5.3(at d)10.2(e)-1.3(s)-8.1(c)-0.2(ribes)3.9( w)4.3(h)-6.8(a)7.6(t)-9.7( )12(h)-6.8(a)-4.4(ppen)5.3(s)3.9( w)-7.8(h)5.3(en)5.3( th)-6.8(e f)9.3(o)-6.6(rm)5.1( is)-8.1( )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0014 Tw +[(created )12(\(th)-6.8(a)7.6(t)-9.8( )12(i)-8.6(s)3.9(, w)4.3(h)-6.8(e)10.7(n)-6.8( yo)-6.6(u o)5.4(p)0.2(en)-6.8( )12(t)-9.8(h)5.3(e a)7.6(ppl)-8.6(icatio)5.4(n)-6.8(\))-2.7(.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 309.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(4)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 309.3203 Tm +0.0011 Tc +0.0019 Tw +[(Righ)-7.3(t w)3.8(h)-7.3(ere )12(t)-10.2(h)4.8(e curs)3.4(o)-7.1(r)-1.5( )12(i)-9.1(s)3.4( po)4.9(s)-8.6(i)2.9(tio)-7.1(n)4.8(ed in)4.8( th)-7.3(e Co)4.9(de edito)4.9(r)-1.5(, typ)-12.4(e)10.2( th)-7.3(e f)8.8(o)-7.1(llo)-7.1(w)3.8(i)2.9(n)-7.3(g)2.9( li)-9.1(n)4.8(e)-1.8(s)3.4(:)]TJ +/F11 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 166.439 294.0803 Tm +0 Tw +[(\015 )13.3(,/0 )13.3(\015)13.3(0-)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +[(  1)13.3( \012+ )13.3(\01523)13.3(,/\015)13.3( -)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +[(. )13.3(\015 \012-)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 257.8403 Tm +-0.0003 Tc +0.0033 Tw +[(Th)-8.7(is co)-8.5(d)-3.8(e)8.8( in)-8.7(iti)-10.5(a)5.7(li)-10.5(zes)-10( )12(t)-11.6(h)3.4(e app)-13.8(lica)-6.3(t)0.4(ion)-8.7( by setti)-10.5(ng)-10.6( )12(th)-8.7(e val)-10.5(u)0.3(e of)-4.6( FileNa)-6.3(m)-8.9(e)-3.2( )12(t)-11.6(o)3.5( )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0007 Tc +0.0023 Tw +[(u)-10.8(n)4.4(tit)-10.6(l)2.5(ed.)9.7(t)-10.6(xt,)9.7( pu)-10.8(ttin)-7.7(g)2.5( the file na)-5.3(m)-7.9(e)-2.2( )12(i)-9.5(n)4.4(to)-7.5( the sta)-5.3(t)1.4(us)-9( ba)6.7(r, a)6.7(n)-7.7(d clea)6.7(ri)-9.5(ng o)-7.5(u)1.3(t the text )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +-0.0004 Tc +0.0034 Tw +[(ed)-3.9(iti)-10.6(n)3.3(g a)-6.4(r)-3(ea.)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +8.364 0 0 10.2 142.439 219.3204 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(5)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 154.439 219.3204 Tm +0.0105 Tc +[(Pr)20(e)7.6(s)0.8(s)12.8( )]TJ +/F10 1 Tf +8.1672 0 1.736 9.96 180.239 219.3204 Tm +0.0061 Tc +(F9)Tj +/F8 1 Tf +9.96 0 0 9.96 189.8391 219.3204 Tm +0 Tc +( )Tj +/F5 1 Tf +0.253 0 TD +-0.0009 Tc +0.0039 Tw +[(t)-12.2(o)2.9( run th)-9.3(e appl)-11.1(icat)-12.3(ion)-9.3(.)]TJ +-5.012 -1.6506 TD +0.0008 Tc +0.0022 Tw +[(Y)-6.9(o)4.6(u)-10.7( )12(ca)-5.2(n tes)-8.9(t)1.5( the text edito)-7.4(r)-1.8( )12(n)-7.6(o)4.6(w)-8.6( to m)-7.8(a)6.8(k)-9.5(e)9.9( s)-8.9(u)1.4(re )12(i)-9.4(t)1.5( wo)-7.4(r)10.3(k)-9.5(s. If)-3.6( )12(erro)-7.4(r)10.3(s)-8.9( occur, doubl)-9.4(e)-2.1(-)8.5(c)-1(l)-9.4(i)2.6(ck )]TJ +0 -1.1084 TD +0.0015 Tc +0.0015 Tw +[(th)-6.9(e er)11(ro)-6.7(r m)5(e)-1.4(s)3.8(s)-8.2(a)7.5(g)-8.8(e)10.6( an)5.2(d yo)-6.7(ul)-8.7(l)3.3( go)5.3( rig)-8.8(h)5.2(t to)-6.7( th)5.2(e place in)5.2( th)-6.9(e )12(co)-6.7(de )12(w)-7.9(h)5.2(ere th)-6.9(e)10.6( erro)5.3(r )]TJ +0 -1.0964 TD +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +[(o)-5.9(ccurred.)]TJ +0 -1.6626 TD +0.0006 Tc +0.0024 Tw +[(Co)-7.6(n)4.3(g)-9.7(r)10.1(a)-5.4(tu)-10.9(la)6.6(t)-10.8(i)2.4(o)4.4(n)-7.8(s! Y)-7.1(o)4.4(ure do)4.4(n)-7.8(e)-2.3(! )]TJ +ET +1 g +154.439 511.16 92.52 -146.88 re +f +q +92.52 0 0 146.88 154.439 364.2804 cm +/Im48 Do +Q +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.888 0 0 8.4 285.239 500.4803 Tm +0 g +0.0029 Tc +-0.0022 Tw +[(Check h)-16(e)1.4(r)4.9(e)-16( to m)-17.8(a)1.4(ke )-17.5(sur)4.9(e)-16( focu)-16(s is on )-17.5(the )]TJ +0 -1.0429 TD +0.0022 Tc +-0.0015 Tw +[(main)-16.7( for)-13.2(m)-1(. If )-17.5(it)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +6.4112 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(s not,)-16.2( select)-16.2( For)-13.4(m)-1.2(1 )-17.5(from)-18.7( the)-16.9( )]TJ +-6.6376 -1.0429 TD +0.0013 Tc +-0.0006 Tw +[(dro)-17.6(p)-0.2(-d)-17.6(ow)-8.4(n list.)]TJ +ET +227.879 495.08 4.8 0.36 re +f +232.319 492.44 m +232.559 492.8 l +227.999 495.44 l +227.759 495.44 l +227.399 495.2 l +227.759 495.08 l +f +227.759 495.44 m +227.999 495.08 l +232.559 497.72 l +232.319 498.08 l +f +278.519 494.96 0.12 0.36 re +f +232.559 495.32 0.12 -0.36 re +f +232.679 494.96 45.84 0.36 re +f +BT +6.888 0 0 8.4 285.239 390.9203 Tm +0.0022 Tc +-0.0537 Tw +[(D)-7.5(oub)-16.7(le-click h)-16.7(e)0.7(re)-16.7( to cr)-13.2(eate)-16.7( an)-16.7( even)-16.7(t ha)-16.7(ndler)-13.2( )]TJ +T* +0.0003 Tc +0.0004 Tw +[(for)-15.1( the)-18.6( form)]TJ +/F6 1 Tf +5.1742 0 TD +0 Tc +0 Tw +()Tj +/F10 1 Tf +0.2265 0 TD +0.0025 Tc +-0.0018 Tw +[(s OnC)-7.2(r)-12.9(eate)-16.4( even)-16.4(t.)]TJ +ET +247.919 390.08 4.8 0.36 re +f +252.359 387.44 m +252.599 387.8 l +248.039 390.44 l +247.799 390.44 l +247.439 390.2 l +247.799 390.08 l +f +247.799 390.44 m +248.039 390.08 l +252.599 392.72 l +252.359 393.08 l +f +279.359 389.96 0.12 0.36 re +f +252.599 390.32 0.12 -0.36 re +f +252.719 389.96 26.64 0.36 re +f +endstream +endobj +529 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F6 19 0 R +/F8 127 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +/F11 171 0 R +>> +/XObject << +/Im48 530 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +532 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +533 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +573 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +574 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +575 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +576 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +577 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +578 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 648 null] +>> +endobj +579 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11791) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [174 605 297 616] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +580 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 173 623 null] +>> +endobj +581 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11021) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [229 596 233 606] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +582 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 228 613 null] +>> +endobj +583 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11108) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [238 596 297 606] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +584 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 237 613 null] +>> +endobj +585 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11021) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [208 575 297 586] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +586 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 207 593 null] +>> +endobj +587 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11791) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [165 566 297 576] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +588 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 164 583 null] +>> +endobj +589 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10795) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [198 556 203 566] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +590 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 197 573 null] +>> +endobj +591 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11275) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [207 556 297 566] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +592 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 206 573 null] +>> +endobj +593 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11179) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [208 545 297 556] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +594 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 207 563 null] +>> +endobj +595 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11275) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [207 536 297 546] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +596 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 206 553 null] +>> +endobj +597 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10819) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [176 526 297 536] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +598 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 175 543 null] +>> +endobj +599 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11108) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [246 515 297 526] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +600 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 245 533 null] +>> +endobj +601 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11387) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [212 506 297 516] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +602 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 211 523 null] +>> +endobj +603 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11343) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [255 496 297 506] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +604 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 255 513 null] +>> +endobj +605 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 500 null] +>> +endobj +606 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 500 null] +>> +endobj +607 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11179) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [233 458 297 469] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +608 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 232 475 null] +>> +endobj +609 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 463 null] +>> +endobj +610 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 463 null] +>> +endobj +611 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11442) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [152 421 161 432] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +612 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 151 438 null] +>> +endobj +613 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [173 421 297 432] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +614 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 172 438 null] +>> +endobj +615 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11343) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [180 411 297 422] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +616 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 179 428 null] +>> +endobj +617 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21638) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [178 391 297 402] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +618 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 177 408 null] +>> +endobj +619 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [181 381 297 392] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +620 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 180 398 null] +>> +endobj +621 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 386 null] +>> +endobj +622 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 102 386 null] +>> +endobj +623 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10762) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [168 343 297 354] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +624 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 167 360 null] +>> +endobj +625 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 101 348 null] +>> +endobj +626 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 101 348 null] +>> +endobj +627 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11778) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [159 306 168 317] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +628 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 158 323 null] +>> +endobj +629 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11896) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [172 306 297 317] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +630 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 171 323 null] +>> +endobj +631 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11442) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [194 296 203 307] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +632 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 194 313 null] +>> +endobj +633 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [216 296 297 307] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +634 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 215 313 null] +>> +endobj +635 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11442) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [125 286 297 297] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +636 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 123 303 null] +>> +endobj +637 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 100 291 null] +>> +endobj +638 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 100 291 null] +>> +endobj +639 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10730) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [130 239 297 249] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +640 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 129 256 null] +>> +endobj +641 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21312) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [138 229 297 239] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +642 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 137 246 null] +>> +endobj +643 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10732) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [137 218 297 229] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +644 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 136 236 null] +>> +endobj +645 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21308) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [132 209 297 219] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +646 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 131 226 null] +>> +endobj +647 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10724) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [127 199 297 209] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +648 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 126 216 null] +>> +endobj +649 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10729) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [172 188 297 199] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +650 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 171 206 null] +>> +endobj +651 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10795) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [200 169 297 179] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +652 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 199 186 null] +>> +endobj +653 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10762) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [139 158 297 169] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +654 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 138 176 null] +>> +endobj +655 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10743) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [131 149 297 159] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +656 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 130 166 null] +>> +endobj +657 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +658 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +659 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +660 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 648 null] +>> +endobj +661 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.75505) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [365 605 517 616] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +662 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 364 623 null] +>> +endobj +663 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21643) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [371 596 517 606] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +664 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 370 613 null] +>> +endobj +665 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 316 600 null] +>> +endobj +666 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 316 600 null] +>> +endobj +667 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11179) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [449 558 517 569] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +668 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 449 575 null] +>> +endobj +669 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +670 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +671 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +672 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +673 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +674 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +675 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +676 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 323 563 null] +>> +endobj +677 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11275) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [448 521 517 532] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +678 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 447 538 null] +>> +endobj +679 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11778) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [381 511 390 522] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +680 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 380 528 null] +>> +endobj +681 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11896) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [394 511 517 522] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +682 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 394 528 null] +>> +endobj +683 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 515 null] +>> +endobj +684 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 515 null] +>> +endobj +685 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11795) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [433 473 517 484] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +686 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 433 491 null] +>> +endobj +687 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 478 null] +>> +endobj +688 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 478 null] +>> +endobj +689 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [410 436 517 447] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +690 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 409 453 null] +>> +endobj +691 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10819) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [398 416 517 427] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +692 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 397 433 null] +>> +endobj +693 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10797) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [362 406 517 417] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +694 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 360 423 null] +>> +endobj +695 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 321 411 null] +>> +endobj +696 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 321 411 null] +>> +endobj +697 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11343) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [465 368 517 379] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +698 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 465 386 null] +>> +endobj +699 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.50565) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [365 359 517 369] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +700 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 364 376 null] +>> +endobj +701 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21312) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [378 338 517 349] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +702 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 377 356 null] +>> +endobj +703 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10732) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [357 329 517 339] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +704 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 356 346 null] +>> +endobj +705 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [391 319 396 329] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +706 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 390 336 null] +>> +endobj +707 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11046) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [400 319 517 329] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +708 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 399 336 null] +>> +endobj +709 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 323 null] +>> +endobj +710 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 323 null] +>> +endobj +711 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 323 null] +>> +endobj +712 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 322 323 null] +>> +endobj +713 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11343) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [402 281 517 292] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +714 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 401 298 null] +>> +endobj +715 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 321 286 null] +>> +endobj +716 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 321 286 null] +>> +endobj +717 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10732) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [379 244 517 255] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +718 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 378 261 null] +>> +endobj +719 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10780) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [389 234 393 245] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +720 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 388 251 null] +>> +endobj +721 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11046) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [398 234 517 245] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +722 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 397 251 null] +>> +endobj +723 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21308) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [387 224 517 235] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +724 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 386 241 null] +>> +endobj +725 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11108) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [487 214 517 225] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +726 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 486 231 null] +>> +endobj +727 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 320 218 null] +>> +endobj +728 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 320 218 null] +>> +endobj +729 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.11387) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [453 176 517 187] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +730 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 453 194 null] +>> +endobj +731 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.21643) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [386 166 391 177] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +732 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 385 183 null] +>> +endobj +733 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +522 0 obj +<< +/P 510 0 R +/R [85 121 527 684] +/V 502 0 R +/N 734 0 R +>> +endobj +735 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +736 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 638 null] +>> +endobj +737 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 617 null] +>> +endobj +738 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 607 null] +>> +endobj +739 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 587 null] +>> +endobj +740 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 577 null] +>> +endobj +741 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 567 null] +>> +endobj +742 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 557 null] +>> +endobj +743 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 547 null] +>> +endobj +744 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 537 null] +>> +endobj +745 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 527 null] +>> +endobj +746 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 517 null] +>> +endobj +747 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 507 null] +>> +endobj +748 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 491 null] +>> +endobj +749 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 469 null] +>> +endobj +750 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 453 null] +>> +endobj +751 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 432 null] +>> +endobj +752 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 422 null] +>> +endobj +753 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 402 null] +>> +endobj +754 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 392 null] +>> +endobj +755 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 376 null] +>> +endobj +756 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 354 null] +>> +endobj +757 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 338 null] +>> +endobj +758 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 317 null] +>> +endobj +759 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 307 null] +>> +endobj +760 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 297 null] +>> +endobj +761 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 281 null] +>> +endobj +762 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 250 null] +>> +endobj +763 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 240 null] +>> +endobj +764 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 230 null] +>> +endobj +765 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 220 null] +>> +endobj +766 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 210 null] +>> +endobj +767 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 200 null] +>> +endobj +768 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 180 null] +>> +endobj +769 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 170 null] +>> +endobj +770 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 160 null] +>> +endobj +771 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 638 null] +>> +endobj +772 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 617 null] +>> +endobj +773 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 607 null] +>> +endobj +774 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 591 null] +>> +endobj +775 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 569 null] +>> +endobj +776 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 553 null] +>> +endobj +777 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 532 null] +>> +endobj +778 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 522 null] +>> +endobj +779 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 506 null] +>> +endobj +780 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 485 null] +>> +endobj +781 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 468 null] +>> +endobj +782 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 447 null] +>> +endobj +783 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 427 null] +>> +endobj +784 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 417 null] +>> +endobj +785 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 401 null] +>> +endobj +786 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 380 null] +>> +endobj +787 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 370 null] +>> +endobj +788 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 350 null] +>> +endobj +789 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 340 null] +>> +endobj +790 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 330 null] +>> +endobj +791 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 314 null] +>> +endobj +792 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 292 null] +>> +endobj +793 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 276 null] +>> +endobj +794 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 255 null] +>> +endobj +795 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 245 null] +>> +endobj +796 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 235 null] +>> +endobj +797 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 225 null] +>> +endobj +798 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 209 null] +>> +endobj +799 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 188 null] +>> +endobj +800 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 313 177 null] +>> +endobj +801 0 obj +<< +/D [531 0 R /XYZ 93 683 null] +>> +endobj +802 0 obj +<< +/Length 9440 +>> +stream +BT +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 478.799 97.7603 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +0.257 Tc +0 Tw +[(I)17.6(nde)18.5(x)]TJ +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 512.399 97.7603 Tm +0 Tc +(v)Tj +ET +0.703 g +1 i +305.999 773.96 m +262.319 730.28 l +305.999 686.48 l +349.679 730.28 l +f* +q +94.439 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +0 g +94.439 617.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 623.7203 Tm +(A)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 608.1204 Tm +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(A)8.2(b)-3.5(ou)6.5(t)9.5( b)9.8(o)2.8(x, )13.3(ad)14.5(ding)-493.8(2)10.2(4)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.013 Tw +[(a)9.7(c)-6.3(t)9(i)0.7(on)11.7(s, )-13.3(a)9.7(ddi)14(ng to an)11.7( )-13.3(appl)14(ic)7(at)9(ion)-495(7)-3.7(, 9)]TJ +T* +0.0023 Tc +0 Tw +[(a)9(ddin)11(g)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +-0.0064 Tc +0.0097 Tw +[(ac)-15.7(ti)-8.7(o)-7.1(n)2.3(s)-9.1( to)-7.1( an)-11.1( ap)-5.4(p)-5.4(l)-8.7(i)-8.7(c)-2.4(at)-13.7(i)-8.7(o)-7.1(n)-504.4(7)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0062 Tc +0.0095 Tw +[(an)-10.9( Abo)-6.9(u)-3.2(t)-13.5( bo)-6.9(x)-503.5(2)0.5(4)]TJ +T* +0.0059 Tc +-0.0026 Tw +[(c)9.9(o)5.2(m)8.9(p)6.9(o)5.2(n)1.2(e)4.9(n)14.6(ts)16.6( to)18.6( a )13.3(f)5.6(o)5.2(rm)-484.4(3, )13.3(13)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.003 Tc +-0.013 Tw +[(im)6(a)9.7(g)-1(es to an)11.7( )-13.3(appl)14(ic)7(at)9(ion)-495(1)-3.7(1)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0035 Tc +-0.0002 Tw +[(m)6.5(e)2.5(nu)6.5(s)14.2( to )13.3(an)12.2( a)10.2(pplic)7.5(at)9.5(ion)-494.5(1)10.2(3)]TJ +T* +0.0003 Tc +0.003 Tw +[(ob)6.6(j)-5.7(e)-0.7(ct)6.3(s t)6.3(o)-0.4( a)7( for)8.6(m)-503.4(4)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0048 Tc +-0.0148 Tw +[(st)10.8(an)13.5(da)11.5(rd ac)8.8(ti)15.8(o)4.1(n)0.1(s to)4.1( an)13.5( )-13.3(ap)5.8(p)5.8(l)15.8(ic)8.8(at)10.8(io)4.1(n)-493.2(9)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0067 Tc +0.01 Tw +[(to)-7.4(o)-7.4(l)-9(ba)-13.4(rs)-9.4( to)-7.4( an)-11.4( ap)-5.7(p)-5.7(l)-9(i)-9(c)-2.7(at)-14(i)-9(o)-7.4(n)-504.7(1)0(6)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.0034 Tc +-0.0001 Tw +[(a)10.1(pplic)7.4(at)9.4(ion)12.1(s)0.7(, c)7.4(o)2.7(m)6.4(p)4.4(ili)14.4(ng )13.3(an)12.1(d de)15.7(bu)6.4(gg)12.7(ing)-493.9(1)10.1(5)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 471.44 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 471.44 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +94.439 470.48 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 476.3604 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(B)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 460.7603 Tm +0.0046 Tc +-0.0013 Tw +[(b)10.9(i)2.3(tm)7.6(a)11.3(p)5.6(s, )13.3(add)15.6(i)2.3(ng)13.9( to)17.3( an)13.3( a)11.3(p)5.6(p)5.6(lic)8.6(at)10.6(io)3.9(n)-493.4(1)11.3(1)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 434.12 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 434.12 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 433.04 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 438.9203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(C)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 423.3203 Tm +0.004 Tc +-0.0007 Tw +[(c)8(o)3.3(de,)14( wr)12.3(it)10(ing)-493.3(1)10.7(7 t)10(o)3.3( 2)10.7(3)]TJ +T* +0.0028 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(c)6.8(o)2.1(m)5.8(p)3.8(ilin)11.5(g pr)11.1(ogr)11.1(a)-3.9(m)5.8(s)-493.2(15)]TJ +T* +-0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(compon)-6.4(ent)-9(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0024 Tc +0.0009 Tw +[(a)9.1(ddin)11.1(g t)8.4(o)1.7( a)9.1( for)10.7(m)-501.3(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0019 Tc +0.0014 Tw +[(set)7.9(t)7.9(i)-0.4(ng)11.2( proper)10.2(t)-5.4(i)12.9(es)-507.4(3)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 356.6 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 356.6 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +94.439 355.64 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 361.5203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(D)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 345.9203 Tm +0.0023 Tc +-0.0123 Tw +[(des)13(i)0(gn)11(-tim)5.3(e v)-6(i)13.3(ew)-497(2)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 319.28 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 319.28 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +94.439 318.2 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 324.2003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(E)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 308.6003 Tm +0.0045 Tc +-0.0012 Tw +[(e)3.5(r)12.8(ro)3.8(r)12.8( m)7.5(e)3.5(ssa)11.2(ge)3.5(s)-491.5(2)11.2(3, )13.3(26)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0017 Tc +0.0016 Tw +[(ev)6.7(ent)7.7( h)10.4(a)-5(n)10.4(dler)10(s)-1(, cr)10(ea)-5(t)7.7(i)-0.6(ng)-495.6(1)8.4(7)-5( )13.3(t)-5.6(o)1( 2)-5(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0019 Tc +0 Tw +[(ev)6.9(ent)7.9(s)-494.1(1)-4.8(7)]TJ +ET +q +94.439 261.8 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +94.439 261.8 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +94.439 260.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 94.4391 266.7203 Tm +0 Tc +(F)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.4391 251.1204 Tm +0.0013 Tc +[(fil)12.3(e)0.3(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.0005 Tc +[(for)8.8(m)-503.2(1)]TJ +T* +-0.0013 Tc +[(pr)-6.3(o)11.4(j)-7.3(ect)-502(1)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0037 Tc +[(sa)10.4(v)8.7(i)1.4(ng)-493.6(2)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0035 Tc +[(ty)-7.5(pe)-4.5(s)-499.5(1)]TJ +T* +-0.003 Tc +[(un)-7.7(i)-5.3(t)-503.7(1)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0018 Tc +-0.0118 Tw +[(for)10.1(m)-8.5( files)12.5(,)-1.5( )-13.3(de)14.1(fined)-493.9(1)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +0.0005 Tc +0 Tw +[(for)8.8(m)-9.8(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.0025 Tc +0.0008 Tw +[(a)9.2(ddin)11.2(g c)6.5(o)1.8(m)5.5(p)3.5(on)11.2(ent)8.5(s)-0.2( t)8.5(o)-504.8(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +-0.0017 Tc +0 Tw +[(cl)-4(os)-4.4(i)9.3(n)-6.4(g)-499(2)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.003 Tc +[(ma)-9.7(i)8(n)-514.3(2)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 618.92 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 617.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 623.7203 Tm +0 Tc +(H)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 608.1204 Tm +0.002 Tc +-0.012 Tw +[(h)10.7(e)1(a)8.7(d)-0.3(er files)-494(1)]TJ +T* +0.0056 Tc +-0.0156 Tw +[(H)10.9(e)4.6(lp)6.6( to)4.9(o)18.3(l)3.3(ti)16.6(p)6.6(s)-503.7(3)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 571.52 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 571.52 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 570.44 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 576.3203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(I)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 560.7203 Tm +0.0045 Tc +-0.0145 Tw +[(i)15.5(m)7.5(age)16.8(s)1.8(, )-13.3(a)11.2(ddi)15.5(ng to)3.8( an)13.2( )-13.3(ap)5.5(p)5.5(l)15.5(ic)8.5(at)10.5(io)3.8(n)-493.5(1)-2.2(1)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 534.08 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 534.08 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 533.12 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 539.0003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(M)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 523.4003 Tm +-0.0072 Tc +-0.0028 Tw +[(me)-8.2(nus)-9.9(,)-10.5( )-13.3(ad)-9.5(di)-9.5(n)-11.9(g)-11.2( t)-14.5(o)-7.9( a)-13.9(n)1.5( )-13.3(ap)-19.5(p)-6.2(l)3.8(i)-9.5(c)-3.2(a)-13.9(t)-1.2(i)-9.5(o)-7.9(n)-505.2(1)-0.5(3)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.002 Tc +-0.012 Tw +[(mes)12.7(s)-0.7(a)-4.7(g)11.3(es, err)10.3(o)1.3(r)-496.3(2)-4.7(3)8.7(,)-1.3( )-13.3(2)8.7(6)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 486.68 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 486.68 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 485.72 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 491.6003 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(N)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 476.0003 Tm +0.0027 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(N)7(e)1.7(w)10( I)6.4(t)-4.6(e)15(m)-7.6(s)13.4( dia)9.4(log)12( b)9(o)2(x, )13.3(u)-7.6(s)13.4(ing)-494.6(2)9.4(4)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 449.24 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 449.24 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +314.639 448.28 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 454.1603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(O)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 438.5603 Tm +-0.0107 Tc +0.014 Tw +[(Ob)-17.7(j)-3.4(e)-11.7(c)-6.7(t)-18( I)-7(n)-2(s)-13.4(p)-9.7(e)-11.7(c)-6.7(t)-18(o)-11.4(r,)-14( u)-7.7(s)-13.4(in)-15.4(g)-508(3)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0127 Tc +0 Tw +[(ob)-19.7(j)-5.4(e)-13.7(c)-22(t)-6.7(s)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0037 Tc +-0.0137 Tw +[(a)10.4(ddi)14.7(ng to a form)-500(4)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.011 Tc +0 Tw +[(de)-12(f)-11.3(i)-13.3(n)-15.7(e)1.3(d)-520(3)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 381.8 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 381.8 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +314.639 380.84 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 386.7203 Tm +0 Tc +(P)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 371.1203 Tm +0.0028 Tc +0.0005 Tw +[(pr)11.1(ogr)11.1(a)-3.9(m)5.8(s)0.1(,)12.8( c)6.8(o)2.1(m)5.8(p)3.8(ilin)11.5(g a)9.5(n)-1.9(d)13.8( deb)9.1(u)5.8(ggin)11.5(g)-494.5(15)]TJ +T* +-0.0013 Tc +0.0046 Tw +[(pr)7(oj)-7.3(e)11(c)-10.6(t fil)9.7(e)-2.3(s)-510.6(2)]TJ +T* +-0.0021 Tc +0 Tw +[(pr)6.2(oj)-8.1(e)10.2(c)-11.4(ts)]TJ +1.3333 -1.12 TD +0.0005 Tc +0.0028 Tw +[(d)11.5(e)-0.5(fa)-6.2(ult)6.5( fi)11.5(les)-495.5(1)]TJ +0 -1.1067 TD +-0.0097 Tc +0 Tw +[(sa)-16.4(v)-4.7(i)-12(ng)-520.4(2)]TJ +-1.3333 -1.1067 TD +0.002 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(pr)10.3(opert)8(i)-0.3(es)12.7(, se)14.3(t)-5.3(t)8(ing)-495.3(3)8.7(, 7)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 294.44 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 294.44 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 293.48 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 299.3603 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(R)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 283.7603 Tm +0.0027 Tc +0.0006 Tw +[(r)11(u)5.7(nn)11.4(ing)12( appl)13.7(ic)-6.6(a)9.4(t)8.7(ions)-493.3(1)9.4(5)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 257 202.56 -1.92 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 257 202.56 -1.92 re +f +Q +314.639 256.04 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 261.9203 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(S)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 246.3204 Tm +-0.0085 Tc +0.0118 Tw +[(sa)-15.2(v)-3.5(i)-10.8(ng)-12.5( p)-7.5(r)-0.2(o)-9.2(j)-14.5(e)-9.5(c)-4.5(ts)-517.8(2)]TJ +T* +0.0015 Tc +0.0018 Tw +[(s)12.2(e)0.5(t)-5.8(t)7.5(in)10.2(g pr)9.8(opert)7.5(i)-0.8(es)-494.5(3)-5.2(,)-1.8( )13.3(7)]TJ +T* +0.002 Tc +0.0013 Tw +[(s)12.7(o)1.3(u)5(r)-3(c)6(e)1( c)6(o)1.3(de,)12( file)14.3(s)-507.3(1)]TJ +0 -1.12 TD +0.0031 Tc +0.0002 Tw +[(s)13.8(t)-4.2(a)9.8(n)-1.6(da)9.8(rd)14.1( a)9.8(c)-6.2(t)9.1(i)0.8(on)11.8(s, a)9.8(ddi)14.1(ng )13.3(to )13.3(an)11.8( appl)14.1(ic)7.1(at)9.1(ion)-494.9(9)]TJ +ET +q +314.639 189.68 202.56 -2.04 re +W* n +1 g +314.639 189.68 202.56 -2.04 re +f +Q +314.639 188.6 129.6 0.36 re +f +BT +/F2 1 Tf +12.0048 0 0 14.64 314.639 194.6004 Tm +0 Tc +0 Tw +(T)Tj +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 314.639 179.0004 Tm +0.0026 Tc +0.0007 Tw +[(t)8.6(oolb)8.9(a)9.3(rs,)12.6( ad)13.6(ding)11.9( t)8.6(o)1.9( a)9.3(n)-2.1( a)9.3(pplic)6.6(a)9.3(t)-4.7(ion)-495.4(1)9.3(6)]TJ +T* +0.0016 Tc +0.0017 Tw +[(t)7.6(oolt)7.6(i)-0.7(ps,)11.6( v)6.6(i)-0.7(ew)8.9(ing)-495.7(3)]TJ +/F2 1 Tf +22.14 0 0 27 279.479 656.9603 Tm +-0.0413 Tc +0 Tw +[(Inde)16.1(x)]TJ +ET +endstream +endobj +803 0 obj +<< +/ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] +/Font << +/F2 17 0 R +/F5 18 0 R +/F10 144 0 R +>> +/ExtGState << +/GS1 20 0 R +>> +>> +endobj +806 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +807 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ null null null] +>> +endobj +808 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 102 689 null] +>> +endobj +809 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 102 689 null] +>> +endobj +810 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10724) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [134 647 297 658] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +811 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 133 664 null] +>> +endobj +812 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.75505) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [164 637 297 648] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +813 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 163 654 null] +>> +endobj +814 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10795) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [197 627 297 638] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +815 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 196 644 null] +>> +endobj +816 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +817 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +818 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +819 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +820 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +821 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 321 689 null] +>> +endobj +822 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 93 771 null] +>> +endobj +823 0 obj +<< +/Dest (I3.1.10727) +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Rect [356 647 518 658] +/Border [0 0 0] +>> +endobj +824 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 355 664 null] +>> +endobj +734 0 obj +<< +/P 531 0 R +/R [85 109 526 643] +/V 522 0 R +/N 825 0 R +>> +endobj +826 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 93 765 null] +>> +endobj +827 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 94 679 null] +>> +endobj +828 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 94 658 null] +>> +endobj +829 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 94 648 null] +>> +endobj +830 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 94 638 null] +>> +endobj +831 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 314 679 null] +>> +endobj +832 0 obj +<< +/D [805 0 R /XYZ 314 658 null] +>> +endobj +833 0 obj +<< +/Length 940 +>> +stream +BT +/F5 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 94.7991 97.4004 Tm +0 g +/GS1 gs +-0.005 Tc +0 Tw +(vi)Tj +/F10 1 Tf +6.4944 0 0 7.92 112.0791 97.4004 Tm +0.2574 Tc +[(Tu)18.9(tor)17.6(i)-1(a)18.9(l)]TJ +ET +q +1 i 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[250 0 R] +>> +endobj +259 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 264 0 R +/Contents 263 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [261 0 R] +>> +endobj +267 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 278 0 R +/Contents 277 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [274 0 R] +>> +endobj +279 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 285 0 R +/Contents 284 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [281 0 R] +>> +endobj +288 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 300 0 R +/Contents 299 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [295 0 R] +>> +endobj +305 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 310 0 R +/Contents 309 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [307 0 R] +>> +endobj +315 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 323 0 R +/Contents 322 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [318 0 R] +>> +endobj +325 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 233 0 R +/Resources 342 0 R +/Contents 341 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [335 0 R] +>> +endobj +346 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 366 0 R +/Contents 365 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [360 0 R] +>> +endobj +369 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 378 0 R +/Contents 377 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [374 0 R] +>> +endobj +383 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 400 0 R +/Contents 399 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [393 0 R] +>> +endobj +404 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 414 0 R +/Contents 413 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [410 0 R] +>> +endobj +417 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 437 0 R +/Contents 436 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/Annots [429 0 R] +/B [430 0 R] +>> +endobj +439 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 457 0 R +/Contents 456 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [451 0 R] +>> +endobj +460 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 475 0 R +/Contents 474 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [469 0 R] +>> +endobj +477 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 490 0 R +/Contents 489 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [485 0 R] +>> +endobj +492 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 507 0 R +/Contents 506 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [502 0 R] +>> +endobj +510 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 368 0 R +/Resources 529 0 R +/Contents 528 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/B [522 0 R] +>> +endobj +531 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 804 0 R +/Resources 803 0 R +/Contents 802 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/Annots [579 0 R 581 0 R 583 0 R 585 0 R 587 0 R 589 0 R 591 0 R 593 0 R 595 0 R 597 0 R 599 0 R 601 0 R 603 0 R 607 0 R 611 0 R 613 0 R +615 0 R 617 0 R 619 0 R 623 0 R 627 0 R 629 0 R 631 0 R 633 0 R 635 0 R 639 0 R 641 0 R 643 0 R 645 0 R 647 0 R 649 0 R 651 0 R +653 0 R 655 0 R 661 0 R 663 0 R 667 0 R 677 0 R 679 0 R 681 0 R 685 0 R 689 0 R 691 0 R 693 0 R 697 0 R 699 0 R 701 0 R 703 0 R +705 0 R 707 0 R 713 0 R 717 0 R 719 0 R 721 0 R 723 0 R 725 0 R 729 0 R 731 0 R] +/B [734 0 R] +>> +endobj +805 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 804 0 R +/Resources 834 0 R +/Contents 833 0 R +/CropBox [53 71 557 719] +/Annots [810 0 R 812 0 R 814 0 R 823 0 R] +/B [825 0 R] +>> +endobj +857 0 obj +<< +/S /D +>> +endobj +858 0 obj +<< +/Nums [0 857 0 R ] +>> +endobj +21 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [1 0 R 22 0 R 31 0 R 79 0 R 85 0 R 128 0 R 146 0 R 174 0 R 184 0 R 199 0 R] +/Count 10 +/Parent 232 0 R +>> +endobj +233 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [215 0 R 234 0 R 242 0 R 259 0 R 267 0 R 279 0 R 288 0 R 305 0 R 315 0 R 325 0 R] +/Count 10 +/Parent 232 0 R +>> +endobj +368 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [346 0 R 369 0 R 383 0 R 404 0 R 417 0 R 439 0 R 460 0 R 477 0 R 492 0 R 510 0 R] +/Count 10 +/Parent 232 0 R +>> +endobj +804 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [531 0 R 805 0 R] +/Count 2 +/Parent 232 0 R +>> +endobj +232 0 obj +<< +/Type /Pages +/Kids [21 0 R 233 0 R 368 0 R 804 0 R ] +/Count 32 +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +>> +endobj +859 0 obj +<< +/Count 4 +/First 534 0 R +/Last 555 0 R +>> +endobj +534 0 obj +<< +/Title (Tutorial:Creating a Text Editor using Delphi) +/Dest (G1.2224) +/Parent 859 0 R +/Next 535 0 R +>> +endobj +535 0 obj +<< +/Title (Contents) +/Dest (G2.51) +/Parent 859 0 R +/Prev 534 0 R +/Next 536 0 R +>> +endobj +536 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating a text editor using theDelphiIDE) +/Dest (G3.60542) +/Parent 859 0 R +/Prev 535 0 R +/Next 555 0 R +/First 537 0 R +/Last 554 0 R +/Count -10 +>> +endobj +537 0 obj +<< +/Title (Starting a new application) +/Dest (G3.10706) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Next 538 0 R +>> +endobj +538 0 obj +<< +/Title (Setting property values) +/Dest (G3.10772) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 537 0 R +/Next 539 0 R +>> +endobj +539 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding components to the form) +/Dest (G3.10786) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 538 0 R +/Next 540 0 R +>> +endobj +540 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding support for a menu and a toolbar) +/Dest (G3.10886) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 539 0 R +/Next 544 0 R +/First 541 0 R +/Last 543 0 R +/Count -3 +>> +endobj +541 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding actions to the action list) +/Dest (G3.11013) +/Parent 540 0 R +/Next 542 0 R +>> +endobj +542 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding standard actions to the action list) +/Dest (G3.11099) +/Parent 540 0 R +/Prev 541 0 R +/Next 543 0 R +>> +endobj +543 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding images to the image list) +/Dest (G3.11171) +/Parent 540 0 R +/Prev 542 0 R +>> +endobj +544 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding a menu) +/Dest (G3.11266) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 540 0 R +/Next 545 0 R +>> +endobj +545 0 obj +<< +/Title (Clearing the text area) +/Dest (G3.11367) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 544 0 R +/Next 546 0 R +>> +endobj +546 0 obj +<< +/Title (Adding a toolbar) +/Dest (G3.11378) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 545 0 R +/Next 547 0 R +>> +endobj +547 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing event handlers) +/Dest (G3.11434) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 546 0 R +/Next 553 0 R +/First 548 0 R +/Last 552 0 R +/Count -5 +>> +endobj +548 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the New command event handler) +/Dest (G3.60790) +/Parent 547 0 R +/Next 549 0 R +>> +endobj +549 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Open command event handler) +/Dest (G3.11551) +/Parent 547 0 R +/Prev 548 0 R +/Next 550 0 R +>> +endobj +550 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Save command event handler) +/Dest (G3.11619) +/Parent 547 0 R +/Prev 549 0 R +/Next 551 0 R +>> +endobj +551 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Save As command event handler) +/Dest (G3.11667) +/Parent 547 0 R +/Prev 550 0 R +/Next 552 0 R +>> +endobj +552 0 obj +<< +/Title (Writing the Exit command event handler) +/Dest (G3.11741) +/Parent 547 0 R +/Prev 551 0 R +>> +endobj +553 0 obj +<< +/Title (Creating an About box) +/Dest (G3.11783) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 547 0 R +/Next 554 0 R +>> +endobj +554 0 obj +<< +/Title (Completing your application) +/Dest (G3.11861) +/Parent 536 0 R +/Prev 553 0 R +>> +endobj +555 0 obj +<< +/Title (Index) +/Dest (G4.64) +/Parent 859 0 R +/Prev 536 0 R +/First 556 0 R +/Last 572 0 R +/Count -17 +>> +endobj +556 0 obj +<< +/Title (A) +/Dest (G4.83790) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Next 557 0 R +>> +endobj +557 0 obj +<< +/Title (B) +/Dest (G4.83819) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 556 0 R +/Next 558 0 R +>> +endobj +558 0 obj +<< +/Title (C) +/Dest (G4.83823) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 557 0 R +/Next 559 0 R +>> +endobj +559 0 obj +<< +/Title (D) +/Dest (G4.83835) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 558 0 R +/Next 560 0 R +>> +endobj +560 0 obj +<< +/Title (E) +/Dest (G4.83839) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 559 0 R +/Next 561 0 R +>> +endobj +561 0 obj +<< +/Title (F) +/Dest (G4.83849) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 560 0 R +/Next 562 0 R +>> +endobj +562 0 obj +<< +/Title (H) +/Dest (G4.83871) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 561 0 R +/Next 563 0 R +>> +endobj +563 0 obj +<< +/Title (I) +/Dest (G4.83878) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 562 0 R +/Next 564 0 R +>> +endobj +564 0 obj +<< +/Title (M) +/Dest (G4.83882) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 563 0 R +/Next 565 0 R +>> +endobj +565 0 obj +<< +/Title (N) +/Dest (G4.83892) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 564 0 R +/Next 566 0 R +>> +endobj +566 0 obj +<< +/Title (O) +/Dest (G4.83896) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 565 0 R +/Next 567 0 R +>> +endobj +567 0 obj +<< +/Title (P) +/Dest (G4.83905) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 566 0 R +/Next 568 0 R +>> +endobj +568 0 obj +<< +/Title (R) +/Dest (G4.83919) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 567 0 R +/Next 569 0 R +>> +endobj +569 0 obj +<< +/Title (S) +/Dest (G4.83924) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 568 0 R +/Next 570 0 R +>> +endobj +570 0 obj +<< +/Title (T) +/Dest (G4.83935) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 569 0 R +/Next 571 0 R +>> +endobj +571 0 obj +<< +/Title (U) +/Dest (G4.83941) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 570 0 R +/Next 572 0 R +>> +endobj +572 0 obj +<< +/Title (X) +/Dest (G4.83949) +/Parent 555 0 R +/Prev 571 0 R +>> +endobj +825 0 obj +<< +/P 805 0 R +/R [86 109 527 684] +/V 734 0 R +/N 75 0 R +>> +endobj +75 0 obj +<< +/T 74 0 R +/P 31 0 R +/R [85 109 527 643] +/V 825 0 R +/N 82 0 R +>> +endobj +860 0 obj +[ 74 0 R ] +endobj +861 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(F1) (G3.11534)] +/Names [(F1) 4 0 R (F2) 33 0 R (F3) 86 0 R (F4) 533 0 R (G1.1003) 27 0 R (G1.1038) 28 0 R (G1.1298) 14 0 R (G1.1861) 13 0 R +(G1.2224) 12 0 R (G1.970) 11 0 R (G2.51) 76 0 R (G3.10701) 117 0 R (G3.10706) 119 0 R (G3.10714) 120 0 R (G3.10716) 121 0 R (G3.10723) 123 0 R +(G3.10731) 124 0 R (G3.10735) 138 0 R (G3.10736) 139 0 R (G3.10738) 140 0 R (G3.10742) 141 0 R (G3.10772) 164 0 R (G3.10781) 165 0 R (G3.10786) 166 0 R +(G3.10794) 167 0 R (G3.10821) 178 0 R (G3.10853) 190 0 R (G3.10854) 191 0 R (G3.10870) 192 0 R (G3.10881) 193 0 R (G3.10886) 206 0 R (G3.10894) 207 0 R +(G3.10990) 208 0 R (G3.10995) 209 0 R (G3.11013) 225 0 R (G3.11022) 226 0 R (G3.11026) 227 0 R (G3.11037) 228 0 R (G3.11052) 237 0 R (G3.11099) 251 0 R +(G3.11107) 252 0 R (G3.11126) 253 0 R (G3.11137) 254 0 R (G3.11146) 262 0 R (G3.11171) 275 0 R (G3.11180) 276 0 R (G3.11243) 282 0 R (G3.11248) 283 0 R +(G3.11266) 296 0 R (G3.11274) 297 0 R (G3.11288) 298 0 R (G3.11333) 308 0 R (G3.11338) 319 0 R (G3.11367) 320 0 R (G3.11369) 321 0 R (G3.11378) 336 0 R +(G3.11386) 337 0 R (G3.11391) 338 0 R (G3.11395) 339 0 R (G3.11401) 340 0 R (G3.11434) 361 0 R (G3.11443) 362 0 R (G3.11470) 375 0 R (G3.11534) 395 0 R] +>> +endobj +862 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G3.11551) (G4.83835)] +/Names [(G3.11551) 396 0 R (G3.11553) 397 0 R (G3.11559) 398 0 R (G3.11574) 411 0 R (G3.11601) 412 0 R (G3.11619) 431 0 R (G3.11627) 432 0 R (G3.11631) 433 0 R +(G3.11640) 434 0 R (G3.11654) 435 0 R (G3.11667) 452 0 R (G3.11675) 453 0 R (G3.11689) 454 0 R (G3.11722) 455 0 R (G3.11741) 470 0 R (G3.11749) 471 0 R +(G3.11754) 472 0 R (G3.11764) 473 0 R (G3.11783) 486 0 R (G3.11792) 487 0 R (G3.11827) 503 0 R (G3.11828) 504 0 R (G3.11829) 505 0 R (G3.11861) 524 0 R +(G3.11869) 525 0 R (G3.11871) 526 0 R (G3.11898) 527 0 R (G3.20963) 376 0 R (G3.20964) 394 0 R (G3.21141) 488 0 R (G3.21311) 122 0 R (G3.21642) 168 0 R +(G3.41256) 118 0 R (G3.60540) 115 0 R (G3.60542) 116 0 R (G3.60775) 364 0 R (G3.60790) 363 0 R (G3.7813) 523 0 R (G3.7851) 114 0 R (G3.7904) 163 0 R +(G3.7928) 137 0 R (G4.64) 801 0 R (G4.70401) 826 0 R (G4.70451) 735 0 R (G4.83790) 736 0 R (G4.83794) 737 0 R (G4.83796) 738 0 R (G4.83800) 739 0 R +(G4.83802) 740 0 R (G4.83804) 741 0 R (G4.83807) 742 0 R (G4.83809) 743 0 R (G4.83811) 744 0 R (G4.83813) 745 0 R (G4.83815) 746 0 R (G4.83817) 747 0 R +(G4.83819) 748 0 R (G4.83821) 749 0 R (G4.83823) 750 0 R (G4.83825) 751 0 R (G4.83828) 752 0 R (G4.83831) 753 0 R (G4.83833) 754 0 R (G4.83835) 755 0 R] +>> +endobj +863 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(G4.83837) (I2.1.29961)] +/Names [(G4.83837) 756 0 R (G4.83839) 757 0 R (G4.83841) 758 0 R (G4.83844) 759 0 R (G4.83847) 760 0 R (G4.83849) 761 0 R (G4.83852) 762 0 R (G4.83854) 763 0 R +(G4.83856) 764 0 R (G4.83858) 765 0 R (G4.83860) 766 0 R (G4.83862) 767 0 R (G4.83865) 768 0 R (G4.83867) 769 0 R (G4.83869) 770 0 R (G4.83871) 771 0 R +(G4.83874) 772 0 R (G4.83876) 773 0 R (G4.83878) 774 0 R (G4.83880) 775 0 R (G4.83882) 776 0 R (G4.83887) 777 0 R (G4.83889) 778 0 R (G4.83892) 779 0 R +(G4.83894) 780 0 R (G4.83896) 781 0 R (G4.83898) 782 0 R (G4.83901) 783 0 R (G4.83903) 784 0 R (G4.83905) 785 0 R (G4.83907) 786 0 R (G4.83909) 787 0 R +(G4.83912) 788 0 R (G4.83914) 789 0 R (G4.83916) 790 0 R (G4.83919) 791 0 R (G4.83922) 792 0 R (G4.83924) 793 0 R (G4.83926) 794 0 R (G4.83928) 795 0 R +(G4.83931) 796 0 R (G4.83933) 797 0 R (G4.83935) 798 0 R (G4.83937) 799 0 R (G4.83939) 800 0 R (G4.83941) 827 0 R (G4.83943) 828 0 R (G4.83945) 829 0 R +(G4.83947) 830 0 R (G4.83949) 831 0 R (G4.83953) 832 0 R (I1.1.5208) 25 0 R (I1.1.5297) 6 0 R (I1.1.5316) 7 0 R (I1.1.5329) 8 0 R (I1.1.5342) 9 0 R +(I1.1.5406) 10 0 R (I1.1.5485) 5 0 R (I1.1.5503) 26 0 R (I2.1.29953) 35 0 R (I2.1.29955) 37 0 R (I2.1.29957) 39 0 R (I2.1.29959) 41 0 R (I2.1.29961) 43 0 R] +>> +endobj +864 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I2.1.29963) (I3.1.75505)] +/Names [(I2.1.29963) 45 0 R (I2.1.29965) 47 0 R (I2.1.29967) 49 0 R (I2.1.29969) 51 0 R (I2.1.29971) 53 0 R (I2.1.29973) 55 0 R (I2.1.29975) 57 0 R (I2.1.29977) 59 0 R +(I2.1.29979) 61 0 R (I2.1.29981) 63 0 R (I2.1.29983) 65 0 R (I2.1.29985) 67 0 R (I2.1.29987) 69 0 R (I2.1.29989) 71 0 R (I2.1.29991) 73 0 R (I3.1.10705) 90 0 R +(I3.1.10724) 94 0 R (I3.1.10727) 95 0 R (I3.1.10729) 96 0 R (I3.1.10730) 97 0 R (I3.1.10732) 129 0 R (I3.1.10743) 130 0 R (I3.1.10762) 131 0 R (I3.1.10771) 151 0 R +(I3.1.10780) 152 0 R (I3.1.10785) 154 0 R (I3.1.10795) 155 0 R (I3.1.10797) 157 0 R (I3.1.10819) 176 0 R (I3.1.10885) 202 0 R (I3.1.11012) 218 0 R (I3.1.11021) 219 0 R +(I3.1.11046) 220 0 R (I3.1.11098) 245 0 R (I3.1.11108) 246 0 R (I3.1.11170) 270 0 R (I3.1.11179) 271 0 R (I3.1.11265) 291 0 R (I3.1.11275) 292 0 R (I3.1.11343) 317 0 R +(I3.1.11377) 328 0 R (I3.1.11387) 329 0 R (I3.1.11433) 351 0 R (I3.1.11442) 352 0 R (I3.1.11550) 386 0 R (I3.1.11618) 420 0 R (I3.1.11666) 442 0 R (I3.1.11688) 444 0 R +(I3.1.11740) 463 0 R (I3.1.11778) 464 0 R (I3.1.11780) 465 0 R (I3.1.11782) 480 0 R (I3.1.11791) 481 0 R (I3.1.11795) 482 0 R (I3.1.11860) 514 0 R (I3.1.11896) 515 0 R +(I3.1.21308) 91 0 R (I3.1.21312) 92 0 R (I3.1.21638) 148 0 R (I3.1.21643) 149 0 R (I3.1.50565) 133 0 R (I3.1.60541) 88 0 R (I3.1.60789) 349 0 R (I3.1.75505) 0 0 R] +>> +endobj +865 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I3.1.77226) (I3.1.79098)] +/Names [(I3.1.77226) 93 0 R (I3.1.77248) 156 0 R (I3.1.77270) 132 0 R (I3.1.77305) 99 0 R (I3.1.77337) 101 0 R (I3.1.77350) 102 0 R (I3.1.77462) 158 0 R (I3.1.77475) 159 0 R +(I3.1.77494) 160 0 R (I3.1.77507) 161 0 R (I3.1.77565) 203 0 R (I3.1.77578) 204 0 R (I3.1.77597) 221 0 R (I3.1.77610) 222 0 R (I3.1.77642) 247 0 R (I3.1.77655) 248 0 R +(I3.1.77681) 272 0 R (I3.1.77694) 273 0 R (I3.1.77713) 293 0 R (I3.1.77726) 294 0 R (I3.1.77739) 330 0 R (I3.1.77752) 331 0 R (I3.1.77810) 353 0 R (I3.1.77823) 354 0 R +(I3.1.77855) 356 0 R (I3.1.77868) 357 0 R (I3.1.78044) 391 0 R (I3.1.78057) 392 0 R (I3.1.78141) 421 0 R (I3.1.78154) 422 0 R (I3.1.78215) 426 0 R (I3.1.78228) 427 0 R +(I3.1.78264) 445 0 R (I3.1.78277) 446 0 R (I3.1.78346) 466 0 R (I3.1.78359) 467 0 R (I3.1.78378) 483 0 R (I3.1.78391) 484 0 R (I3.1.78488) 517 0 R (I3.1.78501) 518 0 R +(I3.1.78535) 520 0 R (I3.1.78548) 521 0 R (I3.1.78768) 98 0 R (I3.1.78786) 100 0 R (I3.1.78804) 103 0 R (I3.1.78816) 108 0 R (I3.1.78823) 104 0 R (I3.1.78835) 109 0 R +(I3.1.78842) 105 0 R (I3.1.78855) 110 0 R (I3.1.78874) 106 0 R (I3.1.78887) 111 0 R (I3.1.78905) 107 0 R (I3.1.78918) 112 0 R (I3.1.78936) 134 0 R (I3.1.78954) 135 0 R +(I3.1.78972) 186 0 R (I3.1.78990) 187 0 R (I3.1.79008) 188 0 R (I3.1.79026) 223 0 R (I3.1.79044) 249 0 R (I3.1.79062) 332 0 R (I3.1.79080) 333 0 R (I3.1.79098) 334 0 R] +>> +endobj +866 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I3.1.79116) (I4.1.83845)] +/Names [(I3.1.79116) 355 0 R (I3.1.79134) 358 0 R (I3.1.79152) 359 0 R (I3.1.79170) 371 0 R (I3.1.79196) 372 0 R (I3.1.79240) 373 0 R (I3.1.79276) 387 0 R (I3.1.79294) 388 0 R +(I3.1.79314) 389 0 R (I3.1.79346) 390 0 R (I3.1.79375) 406 0 R (I3.1.79393) 407 0 R (I3.1.79416) 408 0 R (I3.1.79453) 409 0 R (I3.1.79485) 423 0 R (I3.1.79503) 424 0 R +(I3.1.79524) 425 0 R (I3.1.79555) 428 0 R (I3.1.79577) 450 0 R (I3.1.79591) 447 0 R (I3.1.79632) 448 0 R (I3.1.79661) 468 0 R (I3.1.79679) 494 0 R (I3.1.79692) 498 0 R +(I3.1.79705) 499 0 R (I3.1.79718) 500 0 R (I3.1.79736) 495 0 R (I3.1.79754) 496 0 R (I3.1.79785) 497 0 R (I3.1.79798) 501 0 R (I3.1.79828) 516 0 R (I3.1.79848) 519 0 R +(I4.1.83416) 822 0 R (I4.1.83435) 733 0 R (I4.1.83791) 574 0 R (I4.1.83792) 576 0 R (I4.1.83793) 578 0 R (I4.1.83795) 580 0 R (I4.1.83797) 582 0 R (I4.1.83798) 584 0 R +(I4.1.83801) 586 0 R (I4.1.83803) 588 0 R (I4.1.83805) 590 0 R (I4.1.83806) 592 0 R (I4.1.83808) 594 0 R (I4.1.83810) 596 0 R (I4.1.83812) 598 0 R (I4.1.83814) 600 0 R +(I4.1.83816) 602 0 R (I4.1.83818) 604 0 R (I4.1.83820) 606 0 R (I4.1.83822) 608 0 R (I4.1.83824) 610 0 R (I4.1.83826) 612 0 R (I4.1.83827) 614 0 R (I4.1.83829) 616 0 R +(I4.1.83832) 618 0 R (I4.1.83834) 620 0 R (I4.1.83836) 622 0 R (I4.1.83838) 624 0 R (I4.1.83840) 626 0 R (I4.1.83842) 628 0 R (I4.1.83843) 630 0 R (I4.1.83845) 632 0 R] +>> +endobj +867 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(I4.1.83846) (M3.9.19134.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Save.command)] +/Names [(I4.1.83846) 634 0 R (I4.1.83848) 636 0 R (I4.1.83850) 638 0 R (I4.1.83853) 640 0 R (I4.1.83855) 642 0 R (I4.1.83857) 644 0 R (I4.1.83859) 646 0 R (I4.1.83861) 648 0 R +(I4.1.83863) 650 0 R (I4.1.83866) 652 0 R (I4.1.83868) 654 0 R (I4.1.83870) 656 0 R (I4.1.83872) 658 0 R (I4.1.83873) 660 0 R (I4.1.83875) 662 0 R (I4.1.83877) 664 0 R +(I4.1.83879) 666 0 R (I4.1.83881) 668 0 R (I4.1.83883) 670 0 R (I4.1.83884) 672 0 R (I4.1.83885) 674 0 R (I4.1.83886) 676 0 R (I4.1.83888) 678 0 R (I4.1.83890) 680 0 R +(I4.1.83891) 682 0 R (I4.1.83893) 684 0 R (I4.1.83895) 686 0 R (I4.1.83897) 688 0 R (I4.1.83899) 690 0 R (I4.1.83902) 692 0 R (I4.1.83904) 694 0 R (I4.1.83906) 696 0 R +(I4.1.83908) 698 0 R (I4.1.83910) 700 0 R (I4.1.83913) 702 0 R (I4.1.83915) 704 0 R (I4.1.83917) 706 0 R (I4.1.83918) 708 0 R (I4.1.83920) 710 0 R (I4.1.83921) 712 0 R +(I4.1.83923) 714 0 R (I4.1.83925) 716 0 R (I4.1.83927) 718 0 R (I4.1.83929) 720 0 R (I4.1.83930) 722 0 R (I4.1.83932) 724 0 R (I4.1.83934) 726 0 R (I4.1.83936) 728 0 R +(I4.1.83938) 730 0 R (I4.1.83940) 732 0 R (I4.1.83942) 809 0 R (I4.1.83944) 811 0 R (I4.1.83946) 813 0 R (I4.1.83948) 815 0 R (I4.1.83950) 817 0 R (I4.1.83951) 819 0 R +(I4.1.83952) 821 0 R (I4.1.83954) 824 0 R (L1) 24 0 R (L2) 81 0 R (L3) 512 0 R (L4) 807 0 R (M3.9.12615.Head1.Adding.a.toolbar) 327 0 R (M3.9.19134.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Save.command) 419 0 R] +>> +endobj +868 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(M3.9.19674.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Exit.command) (P.3)] +/Names [(M3.9.19674.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Exit.command) 462 0 R (M3.9.19808.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Save.As.command) 441 0 R (M3.9.34730.Head1.Writing.an.event.handler) 350 0 R (M3.9.35094.Head1.Adding.a.menu) 290 0 R (M3.9.41274.Head1.Completing.your.application) 513 0 R (M3.9.42006.Head2.Adding.actions.to.the.action.list) 217 0 R (M3.9.42039.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.New.command) 348 0 R (M3.9.48506.CodeFirst.SaveDialog1FileName..FileName) 449 0 R +(M3.9.50790.Head1.Setting.property.values) 150 0 R (M3.9.64070.NumList1.4.Right.where.the.cursor.is.positioned.in.the.text.editor.between.begin.and.end) 443 0 R (M3.9.68026.ChapTitle.Chapter3.Creating.a.text.editora.tutorial) 87 0 R (M3.9.71438.Head1.Adding.support.for.a.menu.and.a.toolbar) 201 0 R (M3.9.72951.Head1.Adding.objects.to.the.form) 153 0 R (M3.9.82035.Head1.Starting.a.new.application) 89 0 R (M3.9.84892.Head2.Adding.images.to.the.image.list) 269 0 R (M3.9.86967.Head1.Creating.an.About.box) 479 0 R +(M3.9.97213.Head2.Adding.standard.actions.to.the.action.list) 244 0 R (M3.9.99493.Head2.Creating.an.event.handler.for.the.Open.command) 385 0 R (M4.8.newlink.A) 577 0 R (M4.8.newlink.B) 605 0 R (M4.8.newlink.C) 609 0 R (M4.8.newlink.D) 621 0 R (M4.8.newlink.E) 625 0 R (M4.8.newlink.F) 637 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.G) 657 0 R (M4.8.newlink.H) 659 0 R (M4.8.newlink.I) 665 0 R (M4.8.newlink.J) 669 0 R (M4.8.newlink.K) 671 0 R (M4.8.newlink.L) 673 0 R (M4.8.newlink.M) 675 0 R (M4.8.newlink.N) 683 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.Numerics) 575 0 R (M4.8.newlink.O) 687 0 R (M4.8.newlink.P) 695 0 R (M4.8.newlink.Q) 709 0 R (M4.8.newlink.R) 711 0 R (M4.8.newlink.S) 715 0 R (M4.8.newlink.Symbols) 573 0 R (M4.8.newlink.T) 727 0 R +(M4.8.newlink.U) 808 0 R (M4.8.newlink.V) 816 0 R (M4.8.newlink.W) 818 0 R (M4.8.newlink.X) 820 0 R (P.1) 2 0 R (P.10) 260 0 R (P.11) 268 0 R (P.12) 280 0 R +(P.13) 289 0 R (P.14) 306 0 R (P.15) 316 0 R (P.16) 326 0 R (P.17) 347 0 R (P.18) 370 0 R (P.19) 384 0 R (P.2) 23 0 R +(P.20) 405 0 R (P.21) 418 0 R (P.22) 440 0 R (P.23) 461 0 R (P.24) 478 0 R (P.25) 493 0 R (P.26) 511 0 R (P.3) 147 0 R] +>> +endobj +869 0 obj +<< +/Limits [(P.4) (P.vi)] +/Names [(P.4) 175 0 R (P.5) 185 0 R (P.6) 200 0 R (P.7) 216 0 R (P.8) 235 0 R (P.9) 243 0 R (P.iii) 32 0 R (P.iv) 80 0 R +(P.v) 532 0 R (P.vi) 806 0 R] +>> +endobj +870 0 obj +<< +/Kids [861 0 R 862 0 R 863 0 R 864 0 R 865 0 R 866 0 R 867 0 R 868 0 R 869 0 R] +>> +endobj +871 0 obj +<< +/Dests 870 0 R +>> +endobj +872 0 obj +<< +/Dt (D:20020620102756) +/JTM (Distiller) +>> +endobj +873 0 obj +/This + +endobj +874 0 obj +<< +/CP (Distiller) +/Fi 873 0 R +>> +endobj +875 0 obj +<< +/Po true +/R [ +600.000 600.000 ]>> +endobj +876 0 obj +<< +/JTF 0 +/MB [ +0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000 ]/R 875 0 R +/W [ +0 31 ]>> +endobj +877 0 obj +<< +/Fi [ +874 0 R +]/P [ +876 0 R +]>> +endobj +878 0 obj +<< +/Dm [ +612.000 792.000 612.000 792.000 ]>> +endobj +879 0 obj +<< +/Me 878 0 R +>> +endobj +880 0 obj +<< +/CTM [ +1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ]/O 1 +>> +endobj +881 0 obj +<< +/PO [ +880 0 R +]>> +endobj +882 0 obj +<< +/CTM [ +1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 ]/O 0 +>> +endobj +883 0 obj +<< +/PO [ +882 0 R +]>> +endobj +884 0 obj +<< +/B 881 0 R +/Fr 883 0 R +>> +endobj +885 0 obj +<< +/S [ +884 0 R +]>> +endobj +886 0 obj +<< +/Si 885 0 R +>> +endobj +887 0 obj +<< +/D [ +877 0 R +]/MS 879 0 R +/PL 886 0 R +/Type /JobTicketContents +>> +endobj +888 0 obj +<< +/A [ +872 0 R +]/Cn [ +887 0 R +]/V 1.100 +>> +endobj +889 0 obj +<< +/Type /Catalog +/Pages 232 0 R +/Outlines 859 0 R +/Threads 860 0 R +/Names 871 0 R +/OpenAction [1 0 R /XYZ null null null] +/PageMode /UseOutlines +/JT 888 0 R +/PageLabels 858 0 R +>> +endobj +xref +0 890 +0000000000 65535 f +0000446540 00000 n +0000000016 00000 n +0000000068 00000 n +0000000223 00000 n +0000000275 00000 n +0000000325 00000 n +0000000375 00000 n +0000000425 00000 n +0000000475 00000 n +0000000525 00000 n +0000000575 00000 n +0000000625 00000 n +0000000675 00000 n +0000000726 00000 n +0000000777 00000 n +0000009381 00000 n +0000438921 00000 n +0000439703 00000 n +0000440415 00000 n +0000406448 00000 n +0000451275 00000 n +0000446648 00000 n +0000009500 00000 n +0000009554 00000 n +0000009608 00000 n +0000009659 00000 n +0000009711 00000 n +0000009762 00000 n +0000009813 00000 n +0000010919 00000 n 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Cooper Jr. - Basic Lisp Techniques.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/David J. Cooper Jr. - Basic Lisp Techniques.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecde442462cf7e38e7f2e575f92a8255580557b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/David J. Cooper Jr. - Basic Lisp Techniques.pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/David S. Touretzky - Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/David S. Touretzky - Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d186dbd205291991a8dd59fce50b7408ab9834b --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/David S. Touretzky - Common Lisp - A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:06056ba534d01149e5c50fdaa497fe9cdfe5a7f464807d140a52a6d03064da74 +size 1055030 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Defmarco - The Nature of Lisp.html b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Defmarco - The Nature of Lisp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa99a488d838d24dc406a880220abc6116bb9da7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Defmarco - The Nature of Lisp.html @@ -0,0 +1,962 @@ + +defmacro - The Nature of Lisp + + + + + +

    The Nature of Lisp

    Found at www.defmacro.org

    + + + + + + + + +
    Monday, May 8, 2006
    + +



    When +I first stumbled into Lisp advocacy on various corners of the web I was +already an experienced programmer. At that point I had grokked what +seemed at the time a wide range of programming languages. I was proud +to have the usual suspects (C++, Java, C#, etc.) on my service record +and was under impression that I knew everything there is to know about +programming languages. I couldn't have possibly been more wrong.


    My initial +attempt to learn Lisp came to a crashing halt as soon as I saw some +sample code. I suppose the same thought ran through my mind that ran +through thousands of other minds who were ever in my shoes: "Why on +Earth would anyone want to use a language with such horrific syntax?!" +I couldn't be bothered to learn a language if its creators couldn't be +bothered to give it a pleasant syntax. After all, I was almost blinded +by the infamous Lisp parentheses!


    The +moment I regained my sight I communicated my frustrations to some +members of the Lisp sect. Almost immediately I was bombarded by a +standard set of responses: Lisp's parentheses are only a superficial +matter, Lisp has a huge benefit of code and data being expressed in the +same manner (which, obviously, is a huge improvement over XML), Lisp +has tremendously powerful metaprogramming facilities that allow +programs to write code and modify themselves, Lisp allows for creation +of mini-languages specific to the problem at hand, Lisp blurs the +distinction between run time and compile time, Lisp, Lisp, Lisp... The +list was very impressive. Needless to say none of it made sense. Nobody +could illustrate the usefulness of these features with specific +examples because these techniques are supposedly only useful in large +software systems. After many hours of debating that conventional +programming languages do the job just fine, I gave up. I wasn't about +to invest months into learning a language with a terrible syntax in +order to understand obscure features that had no useful examples. My +time has not yet come.


    For +many months the Lisp advocates pressed on. I was baffled. Many +extremely intelligent people I knew and had much respect for were +praising Lisp with almost religious dedication. There had to be +something there, something I couldn't afford not to get my hands on! +Eventually my thirst for knowledge won me over. I took the plunge, bit +the bullet, got my hands dirty, and began months of mind bending +exercises. It was a journey on an endless lake of frustration. I turned +my mind inside out, rinsed it, and put it back in place. I went through +seven rings of hell and came back. And then I got it.


    The +enlightenment came instantaneously. One moment I understood nothing, +and the next moment everything clicked into place. I've achieved +nirvana. Dozens of times I heard Eric Raymond's statement quoted by +different people: "Lisp is worth learning for the profound +enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that +experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, +even if you never actually use Lisp itself a lot." I never understood +this statement. I never believed it could be true. And finally, after +all the pain, it made sense! There was more truth to it than I ever +could have imagined. I've achieved an almost divine state of mind, an +instantaneous enlightenment experience that turned my view of computer +science on its head in less than a single second.


    That very second I became a member of +the Lisp cult. I felt something a ninjitsu master must feel: I had to +spread my newfound knowledge to at least ten lost souls in the course +of my lifetime. I took the usual path. I was rehashing the same +arguments that were given to me for years (only now they actually made +sense!), hoping to convert unsuspecting bystanders. It didn't work. My +persistence sparked a few people's interest but their curiosity +dwindled at the mere sight of sample Lisp code. Perhaps years of +advocacy would forge a few new Lispers, but I wasn't satisfied. There +had to be a better way.


    I +gave the matter careful thought. Is there something inherently hard +about Lisp that prevents very intelligent, experienced programmers from +understanding it? No, there isn't. After all, I got it, and if I can do +it, anybody can. Then what is it that makes Lisp so hard to understand? +The answer, as such things usually do, came unexpectedly. Of course! +Teaching anybody anything involves building advanced concepts on top of +concepts they already understand! If the process is made interesting +and the matter is explained properly the new concepts become as +intuitive as the original building blocks that aided their +understanding. That was the problem! Metaprogramming, code and data in +one representation, self-modifying programs, domain specific +mini-languages, none of the explanations for these concepts referenced +familiar territory. How could I expect anyone to understand them! No +wonder people wanted specific examples. I could as well have been +speaking in Martian!


    I +shared my ideas with fellow Lispers. "Well, of course these concepts +aren't explained in terms of familiar territory", they said. "They are +so different, they're unlike anything these people have learned +before." This was a poor excuse. "I do not believe this to be true", I +said. The response was unanimous: "Why don't you give it a try?" So I +did. This article is a product of my efforts. It is my attempt to +explain Lisp in familiar, intuitive concepts. I urge brave souls to +read on. Grab your favorite drink. Take a deep breath. Prepare to be +blown away. Oh, and may the Force be with you.


    XML Reloaded


    A +thousand mile journey starts with a single step. A journey to +enlightenment is no exception and our first step just happens to be +XML. What more could possibly be said about XML that hasn't already +been said? It turns out, quite a bit. While there's nothing +particularly interesting about XML itself, its relationship to Lisp is +fascinating. XML is the all too familiar concept that Lisp advocates +need so much. It is our bridge to conveying understanding to regular +programmers. So let's revive the dead horse, take out the stick, and +venture into XML wilderness that no one dared venture into before us. +It's time to see the all too familiar moon from the other side.


    Superficially XML is nothing more than +a standardized syntax used to express arbitrary hierarchical data in +human readable form. To-do lists, web pages, medical records, auto +insurance claims, configuration files are all examples of potential XML +use. Let's use a simple to-do list as an example (in a couple of +sections you'll see it in a whole new light):

    <todo name="housework">
    +    <item priority="high">Clean the house.</item>
    +    <item priority="medium">Wash the dishes.</item>
    +    <item priority="medium">Buy more soap.</item>

    What happens if we unleash our favorite XML parser on +this to-do list? Once the data is parsed, how is it represented in +memory? The most natural representation is, of course, a tree - a +perfect data structure for hierarchical data. After all is said and +done, XML is really just a tree serialized to a human readable form. +Anything that can be represented in a tree can be represented in XML +and vice versa. I hope you understand this idea. It's very important +for what's coming next.


    Let's +take this a little further. What other type of data is often +represented as a tree? At this point the list is as good as infinite so +I'll give you a hint at what I'm getting at - try to remember your old +compiler course. If you have a vague recollection that source code is +stored in a tree after it's parsed, you're on the right track. Any +compiler inevitably parses the source code into an abstract syntax +tree. This isn't surprising since source code is hierarchical: +functions contain arguments and blocks of code. Blocks of code contain +expressions and statements. Expressions contain variables and +operators. And so it goes.


    Let's +apply our corollary that any tree can easily be serialized into XML to +this idea. If all source code is eventually represented as a tree, and +any tree can be serialized into XML, then all source code can be +converted to XML, right? Let's illustrate this interesting property by +a simple example. Consider the function below:

    +int add(int arg1, int arg2)
    +    return arg1 + arg2;

    Can you convert this function definition to its XML +equivalent? Turns out, it's reasonably simple. Naturally there are many +ways to do this. Here is one way the resulting XML can look like:

    <define-function return-type="int" name="add">
    +    <arguments>
    +        <argument type="int">arg1</argument>
    +        <argument type="int">arg2</argument>
    +    </arguments>
    +    <body>
    +        <return>
    +            <add value1="arg1" value2="arg2" />
    +        </return>
    +    </body>

    We can go through this relatively simple exercise with +any language. We can turn any source code into XML, and we can +transform the resulting XML back to original source code. We can write +a converter that turns Java into XML and a converter that turns XML +back to Java. We could do the same for C++. (In case you're wondering +if anyone is crazy enough to do it, take a look at GCC-XML). +Furthermore, for languages that share common features but use different +syntax (which to some extent is true about most mainstream languages) +we could convert source code from one language to another using XML as +an intermediary representation. We could use our Java2XML converter to +convert a Java program to XML. We could then run an XML2CPP converter +on the resulting XML and turn it into C++ code. With any luck (if we +avoid using features of Java that don't exist in C++) we'll get a +working C++ program. Neat, eh?


    All +this effectively means that we can use XML for generic storage of +source code. We'd be able to create a whole class of programming +languages that use uniform syntax, as well as write transformers that +convert existing source code to XML. If we were to actually adopt this +idea, compilers for different languages wouldn't need to implement +parsers for their specific grammars - they'd simply use an XML parser +to turn XML directly into an abstract syntax tree.


    By +now you're probably wondering why I've embarked on the XML crusade and +what it has to do with Lisp (after all, Lisp was created about thirty +years before XML). I promise that everything will become clear soon +enough. But before we take our second step, let's go through a small +philosophical exercise. Take a good look at the XML version of our +"add" function above. How would you classify it? Is it data or code? If +you think about it for a moment you'll realize that there are good +reasons to put this XML snippet into both categories. It's XML and it's +just information encoded in a standardized format. We've already +determined that it can be generated from a tree data structure in +memory (that's effectively what GCC-XML does). It's lying around in a +file with no apparent way to execute it. We can parse it into a tree of +XML nodes and do various transformations on it. It's data. But wait a +moment! When all is said and done it's the same "add" function written +with a different syntax, right? Once parsed, its tree could be fed into +a compiler and we could execute it. We could easily write a small +interpreter for this XML code and we could execute it directly. +Alternatively, we could transform it into Java or C++ code, compile it, +and run it. It's code.


    So, +where are we? Looks like we've just arrived to an interesting point. A +concept that has traditionally been so hard to understand is now +amazingly simple and intuitive. Code is also always data! Does it mean +that data is also always code? As crazy as this sounds this very well +might be the case. Remember how I promised that you'll see our to-do +list in a whole new light? Let me reiterate on that promise. But we +aren't ready to discuss this just yet. For now let's continue walking +down our path.


    A +little earlier I mentioned that we could easily write an interpreter to +execute our XML snippet of the add function. Of course this sounds like +a purely theoretical exercise. Who in their right mind would want to do +that for practical purposes? Well, it turns out quite a few people +would disagree. You've likely encountered and used their work at least +once in your career, too. Do I have you out on the edge of your seat? +If so, let's move on!


    Ant Reloaded


    Now +that we've made the trip to the dark side of the moon, let's not leave +quite yet. We may still learn something by exploring it a little more, +so let's take another step. We begin by closing our eyes and +remembering a cold rainy night in the winter of 2000. A prominent +developer by the name of James Duncan Davidson1 was hacking his way through + Tomcat servlet container. As the time came to build the changes he carefully saved all his files + and ran make. +Errors. Lots of errors. Something was wrong. After careful examination +James exclaimed: "Is my command not executing because I have a space in +front of my tab?!" Indeed, this was the problem. Again. James has had +enough. He could sense the full moon through the clouds and it made him +adventurous. He created a fresh Java project and quickly hacked +together a simple but surprisingly useful utility. This spark of genius +used Java property files for information on how to build the project. +James could now write the equivalent of the makefile in a nice format +without worrying about the damned spaces ever again. His utility did +all the hard work by interpreting the property file and taking +appropriate actions to build the project. It was neat. Another Neat +Tool. Ant.


    After +using Ant to build Tomcat for a few months it became clear that Java +property files are not sufficient to express complicated build +instructions. Files needed to be checked out, copied, compiled, sent to +another machine, and unit tested. In case of failure e-mails needed to +be sent out to appropriate people. In case of success "Bad to the Bone" +needed to be played at the highest possible volume. At the end of the +track volume had to be restored to its original level. Yes, Java +property files didn't cut it anymore. James needed a more flexible +solution. He didn't feel like writing his own parser (especially since +he wanted an industry standard solution). XML seemed like a reasonable +alternative. In a couple of days Ant was ported to XML. It was the best +thing since sliced bread.


    So how does Ant work? It's pretty simple. It +takes an XML file with specific build instructions (you decide if +they're data or code) and interprets them by running specialized Java +code for each XML element. It's actually much simpler than it sounds. A +simple XML instruction like the one below causes a Java class with an +equivalent name to be loaded and its code to be executed.

    <copy todir="../new/dir">
    +    <fileset dir="src_dir"/>

    The snippet above copies a source directory to a +destination directory. Ant locates a "copy" task (a Java class, +really), sets appropriate parameters (todir and fileset) by calling +appropriate Java methods and then executes the task. Ant comes with a +set of core tasks and anyone can extend it with tasks of their own +simply by writing Java classes that follow certain conventions. Ant +finds these classes and executes them whenever XML elements with +appropriate names are encountered. Pretty simple. Effectively Ant +accomplishes what we were talking about in the previous section: it +acts as an interpreter for a language that uses XML as its syntax by +translating XML elements to appropriate Java instructions. We could +write an "add" task and have Ant execute it when it encounters the XML +snippet for addition presented in the previous section! Considering +that Ant is an extremely popular project, the ideas presented in the +previous section start looking more sane. After all, they're being used +every day in what probably amounts to thousands of companies!


    So far I've said nothing about +why Ant actually goes through all the trouble of interpreting XML. +Don't try to look for the answer on its website either - you'll find +nothing of value. Nothing relevant to our discussion, anyway. Let's +take another step. It's time to find out why.


    Why XML?


    Sometimes right decisions are made without full conscious + understanding of all the issues involved. I'm not sure if James + knew why he chose XML - it was likely a subconscious decision. + At the very least, the reasons I saw on Ant's website for using + XML are all the wrong reasons. It appears that the main concerns + revolved around portability and extensibility. I fail to see how + XML helps advance these goals in Ant's case. What is the + advantage of using interpreted XML over simple Java source code? + Why not create a set of classes with a nice API for commonly + used tasks (copying directories, compiling, etc.) and using + those directly from Java source code? This would run on every + platform that runs Java (which Ant requires anyway), it's + infinitely extensible, and it has the benefit of having a more + pleasant, familiar syntax. So why XML? Can we find a good reason + for using it?


    It turns out that we can (although as I mentioned earlier I'm + not sure if James was consciously aware of it). XML has the + property of being far more flexible in terms of introduction of + semantic constructs than Java could ever hope to be. Don't + worry, I'm not falling into the trap of using big words to + describe incomprehensible concepts. This is actually a + relatively simple idea, though it may take some effort to + explain. Buckle your seat-belt. We're about to make a giant leap + towards achieving nirvana.


    How can we represent 'copy' example above in Java code? Here's one way to do it:

    CopyTask copy = new CopyTask();
    +Fileset fileset = new Fileset();

    The code is almost the same, albeit a little longer than the original XML. So + what's different? The answer is that the XML snippet introduces a + special semantic construct for copying. If we could do it in Java it would look + like this:

    +    fileset("src_dir");

    Can you see the difference? The code above (if it were possible + in Java) is a special operator for copying files - similar to a + for loop or a new foreach construct introduced in Java 5. If we + had an automatic converter from XML to Java it would likely + produce the above gibberish. The reason for this is that Java's + accepted syntax tree grammar is fixed by the language + specification - we have no way of modifying it. We can add + packages, classes, methods, but we cannot extend Java to make + addition of new operators possible. Yet we can do it to our + heart's content in XML - its syntax tree isn't restricted by + anything except our interpreter! If the idea is still unclear, + consider introducing a special operator 'unless' to Java:

    +    someObject.transportByGround();

    In the previous two examples we extend the Java language to introduce an + operator for copying files and a conditional operator unless. We would do this + by modifying the abstract syntax tree grammar that Java compiler accepts. + Naturally we cannot do it with standard Java facilities, but we can easily do it + in XML. Because our XML interpreter parses the abstract syntax tree that results + from it, we can extend it to include any operator we like.


    For complex operators this ability provides tremendous benefits. Can you imagine + writing special operators for checking out source code, compiling files, running + unit testing, sending email? Try to come up with some. If you're dealing with a + specialized problem (in our case it's building projects) these operators can do + wonders to decrease the amount of code you have to type and to increase clarity + and code reuse. Interpreted XML makes this extremely easy to accomplish because + it's a simple data file that stores hierarchical data. We do not have this option + in Java because it's hierarchical structure is fixed (as you will soon find out, + we do have this option in Lisp). Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Ant is + so successful?


    I urge you to take a look at recent evolution of Java and C# (especially the + recently released specification for C# 3.0). The languages are being evolved by + abstracting away commonly used functionality and adding it in the form of + operators. New C# operators for built-in queries is one example. This is + accomplished by relatively traditional means: language creators modify the + accepted abstract syntax tree and add implementations of certain features. + Imagine the possibilities if the programmer could modify the abstract syntax + tree himself! Whole new sub-languages could be built for specialized domains (for + example a language for building projects, like Ant). Can you come up with other + examples? Think about these concepts for a bit, but don't worry about them too + much. We'll come back to these issues after introducing a few more ideas. By + then things will be a little more clear.


    Almost Lisp


    Let's forget about the operator business for the moment and try to expand our + horizons beyond the constraints of Ant's design. I mentioned earlier that Ant + can be extended by writing conventional Java classes. Ant interpreter then + attempts to match XML elements to appropriately named Java classes and if the + match is found the task is executed. An interesting question begs to be asked. + Why not extend Ant in Ant itself? After all, core tasks contain a lot of + conventional programming language constructs ('if' being a perfect example). If + Ant provided constructs to develop tasks in Ant itself we'd reach a higher + degree of portability. We'd be dependent on a core set of tasks (a standard + library, if you will) and we wouldn't care if Java runtime is present: the core + set could be implemented in anything. The rest of the tasks would be built on + top of the core using Ant-XML itself. Ant would then become a generic, + extensible, XML-based programming language. Consider the possibilities:

    <task name="Test">
    +    <echo message="Hello World!"/>
    +<Test />

    If ant supported the "task" construct, the example above would print "Hello + World!". In fact, we could write a "task" task in Java and make Ant able to + extend itself using Ant-XML! Ant would then be able to build more complicated + primitives on top of simple ones, just like any other programming language! This + is an example of "XML" based programming language we were talking about in the + beginning of this tutorial. Not very useful (can you tell why?) but pretty damn + cool.


    By the way, take a look at our 'Test' task once again. Congratulations. You're + looking at Lisp code. What on Earth am I talking about? It doesn't look anything + like Lisp? Don't worry, we'll fix that in a bit. Confused? Good. Let's clear it + all up!


    A Better XML


    I mentioned in the previous section that self-extending Ant wouldn't be very + useful. The reason for that is XML's verbosity. It's not too bad for data files + but the moment you try writing reasonably complex code the amount of typing you + have to do quickly starts to get in the way and progresses to becoming unusable + for any real project. Have you ever tried writing Ant build scripts? I have, and + once they get complex enough having to do it in XML becomes really annoying. + Imagine having to type almost everything in Java twice because you have to close + every element. Wouldn't that drive you nuts?


    The solution to this problem involves using a less verbose alternative to XML. + Remember, XML is just a format for representing hierarchical data. We don't have + to use XML's angle brackets to serialize trees. We could come up with many other + formats. One such format (incidentally, the one Lisp uses) is called an + s-expression. S-expressions accomplish the same goals as XML. They're just a lot + less verbose, which makes them much better suited for typing code. I will + explain s-expressions in a little while, but before I do I have to clear up a + few things about XML. Let's consider our XML example for copying files:

    <copy todir="../new/dir">
    +    <fileset dir="src_dir"/>

    Think of what the parse tree of this snippet would look like in memory. We'd + have a 'copy' node that contains a fileset node. But what about attributes? How + do they fit into our picture? If you've ever used XML to describe data and + wondered whether you should use an element or an attribute, you're not alone. + Nobody can really figure this out and doing it right tends to be black magic + rather than science. The reason for that is that attributes are really subsets + of elements. Anything attributes can do, elements can do as well. The reason + attributes were introduced is to curb XML's verbosity. Take a look at another + version of our 'copy' snippet:

    +    <todir>../new/dir</todir>
    +    <fileset>
    +        <dir>src_dir</dir>
    +    </fileset>

    The two snippets hold exactly the same information. However, we use attributes + to avoid typing the same thing more than once. Imagine if attributes weren't + part of XML specification. Writing anything in XML would drive us nuts!


    Now that we got attributes out of the way, let's look at s-expressions. The + reason we took this detour is that s-expressions do not have attributes. Because + they're a lot less verbose, attributes are simply unnecessary. This is one thing + we need to keep in mind when transforming XML to s-expressions. Let's take a + look at an example. We could translate above snippet to s-expressions like this:

    +    (todir "../new/dir")
    +    (fileset (dir "src_dir")))

    Take a good look at this representation. What's different? Angle brackets seem + to be replaced by parentheses. Instead of enclosing each element into a pair of + parentheses and then closing each element with a "(/element)" we simply skip the + second parenthesis in "(element" and proceed. The element is then closed like + this: ")". That's it! The translation is natural and very simple. It's also a + lot easier to type. Do parentheses blind first time users? Maybe, but now that + we're understand the reasoning behind them they're a lot easier to handle. At + the very least they're better than arthritis inducing verbosity of XML. After + you get used to s-expressions writing code in them is not only doable but very + pleasant. And they provide all the benefits of writing code in XML (many of + which we're yet to explore). Let's take a look at our 'task' code in something + that looks a lot more like lisp:

    (task (name "Test")
    +    (echo (message "Hello World!")))

    S-expressions are called lists in Lisp lingo. Consider our 'task' element above. + If we rewrite it without a line break and with comas instead of spaces it's + starting to look surprisingly like a list of elements and other lists (the formatting + is added to make it easier to see nested lists):

    (task, (name, "test"), (echo, (message, "Hello World!")))

    We could do the same with XML. Of course the line above isn't really a list, + it's a tree, just like its XML-alternative. Don't let references to lists + confuse you, it's just that lists that contain other lists and trees are + effectively the same thing. Lisp may stand for List Processing, but it's really + tree processing - no different than processing XML nodes.

    + +

    Whew. After much rambling we finally got to something that looks like Lisp (and + is Lisp, really). By now the mysterious Lisp parentheses as well as some claims + made by Lisp advocates should become more clear. But we still have a lot of + ground to cover. Ready? Let's move on!


    C Macros Reloaded


    By now you must be tired of all the XML talk. I'm tired of it as well. It's time + to take a break from all the trees, s-expressions, and Ant business. Instead, + let's go back to every programmer's roots. It's time to talk about C + preprocessor. What's C got to do with anything, I hear you ask? Well, we now + know enough to get into metaprogramming and discuss code that writes other code. + Understanding this tends to be hard since all tutorials discuss it in terms of + languages that you don't know. But there is nothing hard about the concept. I + believe that a metaprogramming discussion based on C will make the whole thing + much easier to understand. So, let's see (pun intended).


    Why would anyone want to write a program that writes programs? How can we use + something like this in the real world? What on Earth is metaprogramming, anyway? + You already know all the answers, you just don't know it yet. In order to unlock + the hidden vault of divine knowledge let's consider a rather mundane task of + simple database access from code. We've all been there. Writing SQL queries all + over the code to modify data within tables turns into repetitive hell soon + enough. Even with the new C# 3.0 LINQ stuff this is a huge pain. Writing a full + SQL query (albeit with a nice built in syntax) to get someone's name or to + modify someone's address isn't exactly a programmer's idea of comfort. What do + we do to solve these problems? Enter data access layers.


    The idea is simple enough. You abstract database access (at least trivial + queries, anyway) by creating a set of classes that mirror the tables in the + database and use accessor methods to execute actual queries. This simplifies + development tremendously - instead of writing SQL queries we make simple method + calls (or property assignments, depending on your language of choice). Anyone + who has ever used even the simplest of data access layers knows how much time it + can save. Of course anyone who has ever written one knows how much time it can + kill - writing a set of classes that mirror tables and convert accessors to SQL + queries takes a considerable chunk of time. This seems especially silly since + most of the work is manual: once you figure out the design and develop a + template for your typical data access class you don't need to do any thinking. + You just write code based on the same template over and over and over and over + again. Many people figured out that there is a better way - there are plenty of + tools that connect to the database, grab the schema, and write code for you based + on a predefined (or a custom) template.


    Anyone who has ever used such a tool knows what an amazing time saver it can be. + In a few clicks you connect the tool to the database, get it to generate the + data access layer source code, add the files to your project and voilà - ten + minutes worth of work do a better job than hundreds of man-hours that were + required previously. What happens if your database schema changes? Well, you + just have to go through this short process again. Of course some of the best + tools let you automate this - you simply add them as a part of your build step + and every time you compile your project everything is done for you + automatically. This is perfect! You barely have to do anything at all. If the + schema ever changes your data access layer code updates automatically at compile + time and any obsolete access in your code will result in compiler errors!


    Data access layers are one good example, but there are plenty of others. From + boilerplate GUI code, to web code, to COM and CORBA stubs, to MFC and ATL, - + there are plenty of examples where the same code is written over and over again. + Since writing this code is a task that can be automated completely and a + programmer's time is far more expensive than CPU time, plenty of tools have been + created that generate this boilerplate code automatically. What are these tools, + exactly? Well, they are programs that write programs. They perform a simple task + that has a mysterious name of metaprogramming. That's all there is to it.


    We could create and use such tools in millions of scenarios but more often than + not we don't. What it boils down to is a subconscious calculation - is it worth it + for me to create a separate project, write a whole tool to generate something, + and then use it, if I only have to write these very similar pieces about seven + times? Of course not. Data access layers and COM stubs are written hundreds, + thousands of times. This is why there are tools for them. For similar pieces of + code that repeat only a few times, or even a few dozen times, writing code + generation tools isn't even considered. The trouble to create such a tool more + often than not far outweighs the benefit of using one. If only creating such + tools was much easier, we could use them more often, and perhaps save many hours + of our time. Let's see if we can accomplish this in a reasonable manner.


    Surprisingly C preprocessor comes to the rescue. We've all used it in C and C++. + On occasion we all wish Java had it. We use it to execute simple instructions + at compile time to make small changes to our code (like selectively removing + debug statements). Let's look at a quick example:

    #define triple(X)    X + X + X

    What does this line do? It's a simple instruction written in the preprocessor + language that instructs it to replace all instances of triple(X) with X + X + + X. For example all instances of 'triple(5)' will be replaced with '5 + 5 + 5' + and the resulting code will be compiled by the C compiler. We're really doing a + very primitive version of code generation here. If only C preprocessor was a + little more powerful and included ways to connect to the database and a few more + simple constructs, we could use it to develop our data access layer right there, + from within our program! Consider the following example that uses an imaginary + extension of the C preprocessor:

    #get-db-schema(", un, pwd");
    +    class #table-name
    +    {
    +    };

    We've just connected to the database schema, iterated through all the tables, + and created an empty class for each. All in a couple of lines right within our + source code! Now every time we recompile the file where above code appears we'll + get a freshly built set of classes that automatically update based on the + schema. With a little imagination you can see how we could build a full data + access layer straight from within our program, without the use of any external + tools! Of course this has a certain disadvantage (aside from the fact that such + an advanced version of C preprocessor doesn't exist) - we'd have to learn a + whole new "compile-time language" to do this sort of work. For complex code + generation this language would have to be very complex as well, it would have to + support many libraries and language constructs. For example, if our generated + code depended on some file located at some ftp server the preprocessor would + have to be able to connect to ftp. It's a shame to create and learn a new + language just to do this. Especially since there are so many nice languages + already out there. Of course if we add a little creativity we can easily avoid + this pitfall.


    Why not replace the preprocessor language with C/C++ itself? We'd have full + power of the language at compile time and we'd only need to learn a few simple + directives to differentiate between compile time and runtime code!

    +    cout << "Enter a number: ";
    +    cin >> n;
    +for(int i = 0; i < <%= n %>; i++)
    +    cout << "hello" << endl;

    Can you see what happens here? Everything that's between <% and %> tags + runs when the program is compiled. Anything outside of these tags is normal + code. In the example above you'd start compiling your program in the development + environment. The code between the tags would be compiled and then ran. You'd get + a prompt to enter a number. You'd enter one and it would be placed inside the + for loop. The for loop would then be compiled as usual and you'd be able to + execute it. For example, if you'd enter 5 during the compilation of your + program, the resulting code would look like this:

    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    +    cout << "hello" << endl;

    Simple and effective. No need for a special preprocessor language. We get full + power of our host language (in this case C/C++) at compile time. We could easily + connect to a database and generate our data access layer source code at compile + time in the same way JSP or ASP generate HTML! Creating such tools would also be + tremendously quick and simple. We'd never have to create new projects with + specialized GUIs. We could inline our tools right into our programs. We wouldn't + have to worry about whether writing such tools is worth it because writing them + would be so fast - we could save tremendous amounts of time by creating simple + bits of code that do mundane code generation for us!

    + +

    Hello, Lisp!


    Everything we've learned about Lisp so far can be summarized by a single + statement: Lisp is executable XML with a friendlier syntax. We haven't said a + single word about how Lisp actually operates. It's time to fill this + gap2.


    Lisp has a number of built in data types. Integers and strings, for example, + aren't much different from what you're used to. The meaning of 71 or "hello" is + roughly the same in Lisp as in C++ or Java. What is of more interest to us are + symbols, lists, and functions. I will spend the rest of this section describing + these data types as well as how a Lisp environment compiles and executes the + source code you type into it (this is called evaluation in Lisp lingo). Getting + through this section in one piece is important for understanding true potential of + Lisp's metaprogramming, the unity of code and data, and the notion of domain + specific languages. Don't think of this section as a chore though, I'll try to + make it fun and accessible. Hopefully you can pick up a few interesting ideas on + the way. Ok. Let's start with Lisp's symbols.


    A symbol in Lisp is roughly equivalent to C++ or Java's notion of an identifier. + It's a name you can use to access a variable (like currentTime, arrayCount, n, + etc.) The difference is that a symbol in Lisp is a lot more liberal than its + mainstream identifier alternative. In C++ or Java you're limited to + alphanumeric characters and an underscore. In Lisp, you are not. For example + + is a valid symbol. So is -, =, hello-world, hello+world, *, etc. (you can find + the exact definition of valid Lisp symbols online). You can assign to these + symbols any data-type you like. Let's ignore Lisp syntax and use pseudo-code for + now. Assume that a function set assigns some value to a symbol (like = does + in Java or C++). The following are all valid examples:

    set(test, 5)            // symbol 'test' will equal an integer 5
    +set(=, 5)               // symbol '=' will equal an integer 5
    +set(test, "hello")      // symbol 'test' will equal a string "hello"
    +set(test, =)            // at this point symbol '=' is equal to 5
    +                        // therefore symbol 'test' will equal to 5
    +set(*, "hello")         // symbol '*' will equal a string "hello"

    At this point something must smell wrong. If we can assign strings and integers + to symbols like *, how does Lisp do multiplication? After all, * means + multiply, right? The answer is pretty simple. Functions in Lisp aren't special. + There is a data-type, function, just like integer and string, that you assign to + symbols. A multiplication function is built into Lisp and is assigned to a + symbol *. You can reassign a different value to * and you'd lose the + multiplication function. Or you can store the value of the function in some + other variable. Again, using pseudo-code:

    *(3, 4)                 // multiplies 3 by 4, resulting in 12
    +set(temp, *)            // symbol '*' is equal to the multiply function
    +                        // so temp will equal to the multiply function
    +set(*, 3)               // sets symbol '*' to equal to 3
    +*(3, 4)                 // error, symbol '*' no longer equals to a function
    +                        // it's equal to 3
    +temp(3, 4)              // temp equals to a multiply function
    +                        // so Lisp multiplies 3 by 4 resulting in 12
    +set(*, temp)            // symbol '*' equals multiply function again
    +*(3, 4)                 // multiplies 3 by 4, resulting in 12

    You can even do wacky stuff like reassigning plus to minus:

    set(+, -)               // the value of '-' is a built in minus function
    +                        // so now symbol '+' equals to a minus function
    ++(5, 4)                 // since symbol '+' is equal to the minus function
    +                        // this results in 1

    I've used functions quite liberally in these examples but I didn't describe them + yet. A function in Lisp is just a data-type like an integer, a string, or a + symbol. A function doesn't have a notion of a name like in Java or C++. Instead, it + stands on its own. Effectively it is a pointer to a block of code along with + some information (like a number of parameters it accepts). You only give the + function a name by assigning it to a symbol, just like you assign an integer or + a string. You can create a function by using a built in function for creating + functions, assigned to a symbol 'fn'. Using pseudo-code:

    fn [a]
    +    return *(a, 2);

    This returns a function that takes a single parameter named 'a' and doubles it. + Note that the function has no name but you can assign it to a symbol:

    set(times-two, fn [a] { return *(a, 2); })

    We can now call this function:

    times-two(5)             // returns 10

    Now that we went over symbols and functions, what about lists? Well, you already + know a lot about them. Lists are simply pieces of XML written in s-expression + form. A list is specified by parentheses and contains Lisp data-types (including + other lists) separated by a space. For example (this is real Lisp, note that we + use semicolons for comments now):

    ()                      ; an empty list
    +(1)                     ; a list with a single element, 1
    +(1 "test")              ; a list with two elements
    +                        ; an integer 1 and a string "test"
    +(test "hello")          ; a list with two elements
    +                        ; a symbol test and a string "hello"
    +(test (1 2) "hello")    ; a list with three elements, a symbol test
    +                        ; a list of two integers 1 and 2
    +                        ; and a string "hello"

    When a Lisp system encounters lists in the source code it acts exactly like Ant + does when it encounters XML - it attempts to execute them. In fact, Lisp source + code is only specified using lists, just like Ant source code is only specified + using XML. Lisp executes lists in the following manner. The first element of the + list is treated as the name of a function. The rest of the elements are treated + as functions parameters. If one of the parameters is another list it is + executed using the same principles and the result is passed as a parameter to + the original function. That's it. We can write real code now:

    (* 3 4)                 ; equivalent to pseudo-code *(3, 4).
    +                        ; Symbol '*' is a function
    +                        ; 3 and 4 are its parameters.
    +                        ; Returns 12.
    +(times-two 5)           ; returns 10
    +(3 4)                   ; error: 3 is not a function
    +(times-two)              ; error, times-two expects one parameter
    +(times-two 3 4)          ; error, times-two expects one parameter
    +(set + -)               ; sets symbol '+' to be equal to whatever symbol '-'
    +                        ; equals to, which is a minus function
    +(+ 5 4)                 ; returns 1 since symbol '+' is now equal
    +                        ; to the minus function
    +(* 3 (* 2 2))           ; multiplies 3 by the second parameter
    +                        ; (which is a function call that returns 4).
    +                        ; Returns 12.

    Note that so far every list we've specified was treated by a Lisp system as + code. But how can we treat a list as data? Again, imagine an Ant task that + accepts XML as one of its parameters. In Lisp we do this using a quote operator + ' like so:

    (set test '(1 2))       ; test is equal to a list of two integers, 1 and 2
    +(set test (1 2))        ; error, 1 is not a function
    +(set test '(* 3 4))     ; sets test to a list of three elements,
    +                        ; a symbol *, an integer 3, and an integer 4

    We can use a built in function head to return the first element of the + list, and a built in function tail to return the rest of the list's + elements:

    (head '(* 3 4))         ; returns a symbol '*'
    +(tail '(* 3 4))         ; returns a list (3 4)
    +(head (tail '( * 3 4))) ; (tail '(* 3 4)) returns a list (3 4)
    +                        ; and (head '(3 4)) returns 3.
    +(head test)             ; test was set to a list in previous example
    +                        ; returns a symbol '*'

    You can think of built in Lisp functions as you think of Ant tasks. The difference + is that we don't have to extend Lisp in another language (although we can), we can + extend it in Lisp itself as we did with the times-two example. Lisp comes with a very + compact set of built in functions - the necessary minimum. The rest of the language + is implemented as a standard library in Lisp itself.


    Lisp Macros


    So far we've looked at metaprogramming in terms of a simple templating + engine similar to JSP. We've done code generation using simple string + manipulations. This is generally how most code generation tools go + about doing this task. But we can do much better. To get on the + right track, let's start off with a question. How would we write a + tool that automatically generates Ant build scripts by looking at + source files in the directory structure?


    We could take the easy way out and generate Ant XML by manipulating + strings. Of course a much more abstract, expressive and extensible way + is to work with XML processing libraries to generate XML nodes + directly in memory. The nodes can then be serialized to strings + automatically. Furthermore, our tool would be able to analyze and + transform existing Ant build scripts by loading them and dealing with + the XML nodes directly. We would abstract ourselves from strings and deal + with higher level concepts which let us get the job done faster and + easier.


    Of course we could write Ant tasks that allow dealing with XML + transformations and write our generation tool in Ant itself. Or we + could just use Lisp. As we saw earlier, a list is a built in Lisp + data structure and Lisp has a number of facilities for processing lists + quickly and effectively (head and tail being the simplest ones). Additionally Lisp + has no semantic constraints - you can have your code (and data) have + any structure you want.


    Metaprogramming in Lisp is done using a + construct called a "macro". Let's try to develop a set of macros that + transform data like, say, a to-do list (surprised?), into a language for dealing with + to-do lists.


    Let's recall our to-do list example. The XML looks like this:

    <todo name="housework">
    +    <item priority="high">Clean the house.</item>
    +    <item priority="medium">Wash the dishes.</item>
    +    <item priority="medium">Buy more soap.</item>

    The corresponding s-expression version looks like this:

    (todo "housework"
    +    (item (priority high) "Clean the house.")
    +    (item (priority medium) "Wash the dishes.")
    +    (item (priority medium) "Buy more soap."))

    Suppose we're writing a to-do manager application. We keep our to-do + items serialized in a set of files and when the program starts up we + want to read them and display them to the user. How would we do this + with XML and some other language (say, Java)? We'd parse our XML files + with the to-do lists using some XML parser, write the code that walks + the XML tree and converts it to a Java data structure (because frankly, + processing DOM in Java is a pain in the neck), and then use + this data structure to display the data. Now, how would we do the + same thing in Lisp?


    If we were to adopt the same approach we'd parse the files using Lisp + libraries responsible for parsing XML. The XML would then be presented + to us as a Lisp list (an s-expression) and we'd walk the list and + present relevant data to the user. Of course if we used Lisp it would + make sense to persist the data as s-expressions directly as there's no + reason to do an XML conversion. We wouldn't need special parsing + libraries since data persisted as a set of s-expressions is valid Lisp and we + could use Lisp compiler to parse it and store it in memory as a Lisp + list. Note that Lisp compiler (much like .NET compiler) is available + to a Lisp program at runtime.


    But we can do better. Instead of writing code to walk the s-expression + that stores our data we could write a macro that allows us to treat + data as code! How do macros work? Pretty simple, really. Recall that a + Lisp function is called like this:

    (function-name arg1 arg2 arg3)

    Where each argument is a valid Lisp expression that's evaluated and + passed to the function. For example if we replace arg1 above with (+ 4 + 5), it will be evaluated and 9 would be passed to the function. A + macro works the same way as a function, except its arguments are not + evaluated.

    (macro-name (+ 4 5))

    In this case, (+ 4 5) is not evaluated and is passed to the macro as a + list. The macro is then free to do what it likes with it, including + evaluating it. The return value of a macro is a Lisp list that's + treated as code. The original place with the macro is replaced with + this code. For example, we could define a macro plus that takes two + arguments and puts in the code that adds them.


    What does it have to do with metaprogramming and our to-do list problem? + Well, for one, macros are little bits of code that generate code using + a list abstraction. Also, we could create macros named to-do and item that + replace our data with whatever code we like, for instance code that + displays the item to the user.


    What benefits does this approach offer? We don't have to walk the list. + The compiler will do it for us and will invoke appropriate macros. All + we need to do is create the macros that convert our data to + appropriate code!


    For example, a macro similar to our triple C macro we showed earlier + looks like this:

    (defmacro triple (x)
    +    '(+ ~x ~x ~x))

    The quote prevents evaluation while the tilde allows it. Now every + time triple is encountered in lisp code:

    (triple 4)

    it is replaced with the following code:

    (+ 4 4 4)

    We can create macros for our to-do list items that will get called by + lisp compiler and will transform the to-do list into code. Now our to-do + list will be treated as code and will be executed. Suppose all we want to do + is print it to standard output for the user to read:

    (defmacro item (priority note)
    +    '(block
    +         (print stdout tab "Priority: " ~(head (tail priority)) endl)
    +         (print stdout tab "Note: " ~note endl endl)))

    We've just created a very small and limited language for managing to-do lists + embedded in Lisp. Such languages are very specific to a particular problem domain + and are often referred to as domain specific languages or DSLs.


    Domain Specific Languages


    In this article we've already encountered two domain specific languages: Ant + (specific to dealing with project builds) and our unnamed mini-language for dealing with to-do + lists. The difference is that Ant was written from scratch using XML, an XML parser, and Java while + our language is embedded into Lisp and is easily created within a couple of minutes.


    We've already discussed the benefits of DSLs, mainly why Ant is using XML, not Java source code. + Lisp lets us create as many DSLs as we need for our problem. We can create domain specific languages + for creating web applications, writing massively multiplayer games, doing fixed income trading, + solving the protein folding problem, dealing with transactions, etc. We can layer these languages on + top of each other and create a language for writing web-based trading applications by taking advantage + of our web application language and bond trading language. Every day we'd reap the benefits of + this approach, much like we reap the benefits of Ant.


    Using DSLs to solve problems results in much more compact, maintainable, flexible programs. In + a way we create them in Java by creating classes that help us solve the problem. The difference + is that Lisp allows us to take this abstraction to the next level: we're not limited by Java's parser. + Think of writing build scripts in Java itself using some supporting library. Compare it to using Ant. + Now apply this same comparison to every single problem you've ever worked on and you'll begin + to glimpse a small share of the benefits offered by Lisp.


    What's next?


    + Learning Lisp is an uphill battle. Even though in Computer Science terms Lisp is an ancient language, + few people to date figured out how to teach it well enough + to make it accessible. Despite great efforts by many Lisp advocates, + learning Lisp today is still hard. The good news is that this won't remain the case forever + since the amount of Lisp-related resources is rapidly increasing. Time is on Lisp's side.


    Lisp is a way to escape mediocrity and to get ahead of the pack. Learning Lisp + means you can get a better job today, because you can impress any reasonably intelligent interviewer + with fresh insight into most aspects of software engineering. It also means + you're likely to get fired tomorrow because everyone is tired of you constantly mentioning how much better + the company could be doing if only its software was written in Lisp. Is it worth the effort? Everyone who has ever + learned Lisp says yes. The choice, of course, remains yours.




    Whew. That's enough. I've been writing this article, on and off, for months. If you find it interesting, + have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please drop a note at coffeemug@gmail.com. + I'll be glad to hear your feedback.


    1I have never met James, nor does he know about my existence. The story is entirely fictional and is based on + a few postings about Ant's history I found on the internet.


    2Lisp +has many different dialects (the most popular of which are Common Lisp +and Scheme). Each dialect deals with intricate details differently yet +shares the same set of basic principles. Since the goal of this article +is to give you an understanding of Lisp's principles I will use Blaise +for examples (which at the time of this writing is vaporware). With +some minor modifications these examples can be translated to other Lisp +dialects.

    + + diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Erann Gat - Idiots Guide To Lisp Packages.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Erann Gat - Idiots Guide To Lisp Packages.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bb2497f2b4dd45f9a33dbf72141acae25b13c01 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Erann Gat - Idiots Guide To Lisp Packages.pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Gabriel & Steele - The Evolution of Lisp.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Gabriel & Steele - The Evolution of Lisp.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8e9fe3fb01439c03742bb86800af94fcb9eedae Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Gabriel & Steele - The Evolution of Lisp.pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Guy L. Steele - Common Lisp the Language (specification) (html).zip b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Guy L. Steele - Common Lisp the Language (specification) (html).zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56a02070cf90be18858fc70c93f08f10fc907a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Guy L. Steele - Common Lisp the Language (specification) (html).zip @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:37b5b1d3b0312e3b4d3f0d43269295b03ddbed324d9c35fd3a575442f4d16a6c +size 1741027 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/OOP in Common Lisp.djvu b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/OOP in Common Lisp.djvu new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2f275ca5a27b1023363f5d0cd86710504324438 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/OOP in Common Lisp.djvu @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:206732290697d5fa952b874f937cb12a82647bd19fe2e30c024543204d0a3770 +size 5351160 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Paul Graham - The Roots of Lisp.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Paul Graham - The Roots of Lisp.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c1c37e3d5d3e5dc13a670666f98d896d5142ff4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Paul Graham - The Roots of Lisp.pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Norvig - Good Lisp Programming Style.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Norvig - Good Lisp Programming Style.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b15fe7ca3ec59998a3be9cc273931d714b884e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Norvig - Good Lisp Programming Style.pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Seibel - Practical Common Lisp (html).zip b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Seibel - Practical Common Lisp (html).zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ac92b7deeac7d36eae231f9f0139feea9a40f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Peter Seibel - Practical Common Lisp (html).zip @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:49bd04a9c467a82e3f63ccf256730d9ff178db1480eb214c37fa4ac609a6f326 +size 624261 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 1 - Basic Lisp Programming.html b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 1 - Basic Lisp Programming.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2896c88d35402b2a80654ac2393b98f29dd07f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 1 - Basic Lisp Programming.html @@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@ + + +LISP Tutorial 1: Basic LISP Programming + + +

    LISP Tutorial 1: Basic LISP Programming

    + + + +

    LISP Expressions

    + +

    When you start up the Common LISP environment, you should +see a prompt, which means that LISP is waiting for you to enter +a LISP expression. In the environment I am using, it looks like +the following: +

    +The Common LISP environment follows the algorithm below +when interacting with users: +
    +    read in an expression from the console;
    +    evaluate the expression;
    +    print the result of evaluation to the console;
    +end loop.
    +Common LISP reads in an expression, evaluates it, +and then prints out the result. For example, if you want to +compute the value of (2 * cos(0) * (4 + 6)), you type in: +
    +USER(1): (* 2 (cos 0) (+ 4 6))
    +Common LISP replies: +
    +before prompting you to enter the next expression. +Several things are worth noting: +
    • LISP expressions are composed of forms. + The most common LISP form is function application. + LISP represents a function call f(x) + as (f x). For example, cos(0) + is written as (cos 0). +
    • LISP expressions are case-insensitive. It makes + no difference whether we type (cos 0) or + (COS 0). +
    • Similarly, "+" is the name of the + addition function that returns the sum of + its arguments. +
    • Some functions, like "+" and "*", + could take an arbitrary number of arguments. In our + example, "*" took three arguments. It could + as well take 2 arguments, as in "(* 2 3)", or + 4 arguments, as in "(* 2 3 4 5)". +
    • In general, + a function application form looks like + (function + argument1 argument2 + ... argumentn). + As in many programming languages (e.g. C/C++), + LISP evaluates function calls in applicative order, which + means that all the argument forms are evaluated + before the function is invoked. That is to say, the + argument forms (cos 0) + and (+ 4 6) are respectively evaluated to the + values 1 and + 10 before they are passed as arguments to the * + function. + Some other forms, like + the conditionals we will see later, are not evaluated in + applicative order. +
    • Numeric values like 4 and 6 are + called self-evaluating forms: they evaluate + to themselves. To evaluate (+ 4 6) in applicative order, + the forms 4 and 6 are respectively evaluated + to the values 4 and 6 before they are passed + as arguments to the + function. +
    + +

    Complex arithmatic expressions can be constructed from built-in +functions like the following: +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Numeric FunctionsMeaning
    (+ x1 x2 ... xn)The sum of x1, x2, ..., xn
    (* x1 x2 ... xn)The product of x1, x2, ..., xn
    (- x y)Subtract y from x
    (/ x y)Divide x by y
    (rem x y)The remainder of dividing x by y
    (abs x)The absolute value of x
    (max x1 x2 ... xn)The maximum of x1, x2, ..., xn
    (min x1 x2 ... xn)The minimum of x1, x2, ..., xn

    Common LISP has a rich set of pre-defined numerical functions. +For a complete coverage, consult Chapter 12 of the book, Common +LISP, The Language (2nd Edition) (CLTL2) by Guy Steele. In +general, we will not be able to cover all aspects of Common LISP +in this tutorial. +Adventurous readers should consult CLTL2 frequently for more +in-depth explanation of various features of the language. + +

    +Exercise: Look up pages 376-378 of CLTL2 and find out +what the functions floor and ceiling are +for. Then, find out the subtle difference between mod +and rem. +
    + +

    Defining Functions

    + +

    Evaluating expressions is not very interesting. We would like to +build expression abstractions that could be reused in the future. +For example, we could type in the following: +

    +USER(2): (defun double (x) (* x 2))
    +In the above, we define a function named double, which +returns two times the value of its input argument x. We can then +test-drive the function as below: +
    +USER(3): (double 3)
    +USER(4): (double 7)
    + +

    Editing, Loading and Compiling LISP Programs

    + +

    Most of the functions we would like to write is going to +be a lot longer than the double function. +When working with complex programs, it is usually desirable +to edit the program with an editor, fully debug the code, +and then compile it for faster performance. Use +your favorite text editor (mine is emacs) to key in the +following function definition: +

    +;;; testing.lisp
    +;;; by Philip Fong
    +;;; Introductory comments are preceded by ";;;"
    +;;; Function headers are preceded by ";;"
    +;;; Inline comments are introduced by ";"
    +;; Triple the value of a number
    +(defun triple (X)
    +  "Compute three times X."  ; Inline comments can
    +  (* 3 X))                  ; be placed here.
    +;; Negate the sign of a number
    +(defun negate (X)
    +  "Negate the value of X."  ; This is a documentation string.
    +  (- X))                
    +Save the above in the file testing.lisp. Now load +the definition into the LISP environment by typing: +
    +USER(5): (load "testing.lisp")
    +; Loading ./testing.lisp
    +Let us try to see if they are working properly. +
    +USER(6): (triple 2)
    +USER(7): (negate 3)
    +When functions are fully debugged, we can also +compile them into binaries: +
    +USER(8): (compile-file "testing.lisp")
    +Depending on whether your code is well-formed, and what system +you are using, some compilation messages will be generated. +The compiled code can be loaded into the LISP environment later by +using the following: +
    +USER(9): (load "testing")
    +; Fast loading ./testing.fasl
    + +

    Control Stuctures: Recursions and Conditionals

    + +

    Now that we are equipped with all the tools for +developing LISP programs, let us venture into +something more interesting. Consider the definition of +factorials: + + + + + + + +
    n! = 1 if n = 1
    n! = n * (n - 1)! if n > 1
    +We can implement a function to compute factorials using +recursion: +

    +(defun factorial (N)
    +  "Compute the factorial of N."
    +  (if (= N 1)
    +      1
    +    (* N (factorial (- N 1)))))
    +The if form checks if N is one, and +returns one if that is the case, or else returns +N * (N - 1)!. + +Several points are worth noting: +
    • The condition expression (= N 1) is + a relational expression. It returns boolean + values T or NIL. In fact, LISP + treats NIL as false, and everything else + as true. Other relational operators include the + following: +

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
      Relational OperatorsMeaning
      (= x y)x is equal to y
      (/= x y)x is not equal to y
      (< x y)x is less than y
      (> x y)x is greater than y
      (<= x y)x is no greater than y
      (>= x y)x is no less than y


    • The if form is not a strict function + (strict functions evaluate their arguments in applicative + order). + Instead, the if form evaluates + the condition (= N 1) before further + evaluating the other two arguments. + If the condition evaluates to true, then only the + second argument is evaluated, and its value is + returned as the value of the if form. + Otherwise, the third argument is evaluated, and its + value is returned. Forms that are not strict + functions are called + special forms. +
    • The function is recursive. The definition of factorial + involves invocation of itself. Recursion is, for now, our only + mechanism for producing looping behavior. Specifically, + the kind of recursion we are looking at is called linear + recursion, in which the function may make at most one + recursive call from any level of invocation. +
    + +

    To better understand the last point, +we can make use of the debugging facility +trace (do not compile your code if you want to use +trace): +

    +USER(11): (trace factorial)
    +USER(12): (factorial 4)
    + 0: (FACTORIAL 4)
    +   1: (FACTORIAL 3)
    +     2: (FACTORIAL 2)
    +       3: (FACTORIAL 1)
    +       3: returned 1
    +     2: returned 2
    +   1: returned 6
    + 0: returned 24
    +Tracing factorial allows us to examine +the recursive invocation of the function. As you +can see, at most one recursive call is made from +each level of invocation. + +

    Exercise: +The N'th triangular number is +defined to be 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N. +Alternatively, we could give a recursive definition +of triangular number as follows: + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    T(n) = 1if n = 1
    T(n) = n + T(n-1)if n > 1
    +Use the recursive definition to +help you implement + a linearly recursive function (triangular N) +that returns the N'th triangular number. +Enter your function definition into a text file. Then load +it into LISP. Trace the execution of (triangular 6). +
    + +

    Exercise: +Write down a recursive definition of BE +(assuming that +both B and E are non-negative integers). +Then implement a linearly +recursive function (power B E) that +computes BE. +Enter your function definition into a text file. Then load +it into LISP. Trace the execution of (power 2 6). +
    + +

    Multiple Recursions

    + +

    Recall the definition of Fibonacci numbers: + + + + + + + + + +
    Fib(n) = 1 for n = 0 or n = 1
    Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2) for n > 1
    +This definition can be directly translated to the +following LISP code: +

    +(defun fibonacci (N)
    +  "Compute the N'th Fibonacci number."
    +  (if (or (zerop N) (= N 1))
    +      1
    +    (+ (fibonacci (- N 1)) (fibonacci (- N 2)))))
    + +

    Again, several observations can be made. +First, the function call (zerop N) tests if N is +zero. It is merely a shorthand for (= N 0). As such, +zerop returns either T or NIL. We +call such a boolean function a predicate, as indicated by the +suffix p. Some other built-in shorthands and predicates +are the following: +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    (1+ x)(+ x 1)
    (1- x)(- x 1)
    (zerop x)(= x 0)
    (plusp x)(> x 0)
    (minusp x)(< x 0)
    (evenp x)(= (rem x 2) 0)
    (oddp x)(/= (rem x 2) 0)
    + +

    Second, the or form is a logical operator. Like if, +or is not a strict function. +It evaluates its arguments from left +to right, returning non-NIL immediately if it encounters +an argument that evaluates to non-NIL. It evaluates +to NIL if all tests fail. +For example, in the expression (or t (= 1 1)), the second +argument (= 1 1) will not be evaluated. Similar logical +connectives are listed below: +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    Logical OperatorsMeaning
    (or x1 x2 ... xn)Logical or
    (and x1 x2 ... xn)Logical and
    (not x)Logical negation
    + +

    Third, the function definition contains two self references. +It first recursively evaluates (fibonacci (- N 1)) to +compute Fib(N-1), then evaluates (fibonacci (- N 2)) +to obtain Fib(N-2), and lastly return their sum. +This kind of recursive definitiion is called double recursion +(more generally, multiple recursion). +Tracing the function yields the following: +

    +USER(20): (fibonacci 3)
    + 0: (FIBONACCI 3)
    +   1: (FIBONACCI 2)
    +     2: (FIBONACCI 1)
    +     2: returned 1
    +     2: (FIBONACCI 0)
    +     2: returned 1
    +   1: returned 2
    +   1: (FIBONACCI 1)
    +   1: returned 1
    + 0: returned 3
    +Note that in each level, there could be up to two recursive invocations. + + +

    Exercise: The Binomial Coefficient B(n, r) is +the coefficient of the term xr in the binormial +expansion of +(1 + x)n. +For example, B(4, 2) = 6 because (1+x)4 += 1 + 4x + 6x2 + 4x3 + x4. +The Binomial Coefficient + can be computed using the Pascal Triangle formula: + + + + + + + + + +
    B(n, r) = 1 if r = 0 or r = n
    B(n, r) = B(n-1, r-1) + B(n-1, r) otherwise
    +Implement a doubly recursive function (binomial N R) +that computes the binomial coefficient B(N, R). +
    + +

    Some beginners might find nested function calls like the +following very difficult to understand: +

    +    (+ (fibonacci (- N 1)) (fibonacci (- N 2)))))
    +To make such expressions easier to write and comprehend, one +could define local name bindings to represent intermediate +results: +
    +    (let
    +	((F1 (fibonacci (- N 1)))
    +	 (F2 (fibonacci (- N 2))))
    +      (+ F1 F2))
    +The let special form above defines two local variables, +F1 and F2, which binds to Fib(N-1) +and Fib(N-2) respectively. Under these local +bindings, let evaluates (+ F1 F2). +The fibonacci function can thus be rewritten as follows: +
    +(defun fibonacci (N)
    +  "Compute the N'th Fibonacci number."
    +  (if (or (zerop N) (= N 1))
    +      1
    +    (let
    +	((F1 (fibonacci (- N 1)))
    +	 (F2 (fibonacci (- N 2))))
    +      (+ F1 F2))))
    + +

    Notice that let creates all bindings in parallel. +That is, both (fibonacci (- N 1)) and (fibonacci (- N 2)) +are evaluated first, and then they are bound to F1 and F2. +This means that the following LISP code will not work: +

    +    ((x 1)
    +     (y (* x 2)))
    +  (+ x y))
    +LISP will attempt to evaluate the right hand sides first before +the bindings are established. So, the expression +(* x 2) is evaluated before the binding of x +is available. To perform sequential binding, use the let* +form instead: +
    +    ((x 1)
    +     (y (* x 2)))
    +  (+ x y))
    +LISP will bind 1 to x, then evaluate (* x 2) +before the value is bound to y. + +


    + +

    Numeric values are not the only type of data LISP supports. +LISP is designed for symbolic computing. The fundamental +LISP data structure for supporting symbolic manipulation are +lists. In fact, LISP stands for "LISt Processing." + +

    Lists are containers that supports sequential traversal. +List is also a recursive data structure: its definition +is recursive. +As such, most of its traversal algorithms are recursive functions. +In order to better +understand a recursive abstract data type and prepare oneself +to develop recursive operations on the data type, one should present +the data type in terms of its constructors, +selectors and recognizers. + +

    Constructors are forms that create new +instances of a data type (possibly out of some simpler components). +A list is obtained by +evaluating one of the following constructors: +

    1. nil: Evaluating nil creates an empty + list; +
    2. (cons x L): Given a LISP object + x and a list L, evaluating (cons x L) + creates a list + containing +x followed by the elements in L. +

    Notice that the above definition is inherently recursive. +For example, +to construct a list containing 1 followed by 2, we could type +in the expression: +

    +USER(21): (cons 1 (cons 2 nil))
    +(1 2)
    +LISP replies by printing (1 2), which is a more +readable representation of a list containing 1 followed by 2. +To understand why the above works, notice that nil +is a list (an empty one), and thus (cons 2 nil) is +also a list (a list containing 1 followed by nothing). Applying +the second constructor again, we see that (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) +is also a list (a list containing 1 followed by 2 followed by nothing). + + +

    Typing cons expressions could be tedious. +If we already know all the elements in a list, we could +enter our list as list literals. For example, to +enter a list containing all prime numbers less than 20, +we could type in the following expression: +

    +USER(22): (quote (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
    +Notice that we have quoted the list using the quote special +form. This is necessary +because, without the quote, LISP would interpret the expression +(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19) +as a function call to a function with name "2" and arguments 3, 5, ..., 19 +The quote is just a syntactic device that instructs LISP +not to evaluate the a form in applicative order, but rather treat it +as a literal. +Since quoting is used frequently in LISP programs, +there is a shorthand for quote: +
    +USER(23): '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
    +(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
    +The quote symbol ' is nothing but a syntactic shorthand for +(quote ...). + +

    The second ingredient of an abstract data type are its selectors. +Given a composite object constructed out of several components, +a selector form returns one of its components. Specifically, +suppose a list L1 is constructed by evaluating +(cons x L2), where x is a +LISP object and L2 is a list. Then, the selector forms +(first L1) and (rest L1) evaluate +to x and L2 respectively, as the following +examples illustrate: +

    +USER(24): (first '(2 4 8))
    +USER(25): (rest '(2 4 8))
    +(4 8)
    +USER(26): (first (rest '(2 4 8)))
    +USER(27): (rest (rest '(2 4 8)))
    +USER(28): (rest (rest (rest '(8))))
    + +

    Finally, we look at recognizers, expressions that test how an +object is constructed. Corresponding to each constructor of +a data type is a recognizer. In the case of list, they are +null for nil and consp for cons. +Given a list L, (null L) returns +t iff L is nil, and (consp L) +returns t iff L is constructed from cons. +

    +USER(29): (null nil)
    +USER(30): (null '(1 2 3))
    +USER(31): (consp nil)
    +USER(32): (consp '(1 2 3))
    +Notice that, since lists have only two constructors, the recognizers +are complementary. Therefore, we usually need only one of them. +In our following discussion, we use only null. + +

    Structural Recursion with Lists

    + +

    As we have promised, understanding how the constructors, selectors and +recognizers of lists work helps us to develop recursive functions that +traverse a list. Let us begin with an example. +The LISP built-in function list-length counts the number of +elements in a list. For example, +

    +USER(33): (list-length '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +Let us try to see how such a function can be implemented recursively. +A given list L is created by either one of the two constructors, +namely nil or a cons: +
    • Case 1: L is nil.
      + The length of an empty list is zero. +
    • Case 2: L is constructed by cons.
      + Then L is composed of two parts, namely, +(first L) and (rest L). In such +case, the length of L can be obtained inductively by adding +1 to the length of (rest L). +

    Formally, we could +implement our own version of list-length as follows: +

    +(defun recursive-list-length (L)
    +  "A recursive implementation of list-length."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      0
    +    (1+ (recursive-list-length (rest L)))))
    +Here, we use the recognizer null to differentiate how +L is constructed. In case L is nil, +we return 0 as its length. Otherwise, L is a cons, +and we return 1 plus the length of (rest L). +Recall that (1+ n) is simply a shorthand for +(+ n 1). + +

    Again, it is instructive to use the trace facilities to +examine the unfolding of recursive invocations: +

    +USER(40): (trace recursive-list-length)
    +USER(41): (recursive-list-length '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    + 0: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +   1: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +     2: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +       3: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (7 11 13 17 19))
    +         4: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (11 13 17 19))
    +           5: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (13 17 19))
    +             6: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (17 19))
    +               7: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (19))
    +                 8: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH NIL)
    +                 8: returned 0
    +               7: returned 1
    +             6: returned 2
    +           5: returned 3
    +         4: returned 4
    +       3: returned 5
    +     2: returned 6
    +   1: returned 7
    + 0: returned 8
    + +

    The kind of recursion we see here is called structural +recursion. Its standard pattern is as follows. To +process an instance X of a recursive data type: +

    1. Use the recognizers to determine how X is created + (i.e. which constructor creates it). In our example, we + use null to decide if a list is created by + nil or cons. +
    2. For instances that are atomic (i.e. those created by + constructors with no components), return a trivial + value. For example, in the case when a list is nil, + we return zero as its length. +
    3. If the instance is composite, then use the selectors to + extract its components. In our example, we use first + and rest to extract the two components of a nonempty + list. +
    4. Following that, we apply recursion on one or more components + of X. For instance, we recusively invoked + recursive-list-length on (rest L). +
    5. Finally, we use either the constructors or some other + functions to combine the result of the recursive calls, + yielding the value of the function. In the case of + recursive-list-length, we return one plus the + result of the recursive call. +
    + +

    Exercise: Implement a linearly recursive +function (sum L) which +computes the sum of all numbers in a list L. +Compare your solution with the standard pattern of +structural recursion. +
    + +

    Sometimes, long traces like the one for list-length +may be difficult to read on a terminal screen. +Common LISP allows you to capture screen I/O into a file +so that you can, for example, produce a hard copy for +more comfortable reading. To capture the trace of +executing (recursive-list-length '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)), +we use the dribble command: +

    +USER(42): (dribble "output.txt")
    +dribbling to file "output.txt"
    +USER(43): (recursive-list-length '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    + 0: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +   1: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +     2: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +       3: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (7 11 13 17 19))
    +         4: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (11 13 17 19))
    +           5: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (13 17 19))
    +             6: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (17 19))
    +               7: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (19))
    +                 8: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH NIL)
    +                 8: returned 0
    +               7: returned 1
    +             6: returned 2
    +           5: returned 3
    +         4: returned 4
    +       3: returned 5
    +     2: returned 6
    +   1: returned 7
    + 0: returned 8
    +USER(44): (dribble)
    +The form (dribble "output.txt") instructs Common LISP +to begin capturing all terminal I/O into a file called output.txt. +The trailing (dribble) form instructs Common LISP to +stop I/O capturing, and closes the file output.txt. If we +examine output.txt, we will see the following: +
    +dribbling to file "output.txt"
    +USER(43): (recursive-list-length '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    + 0: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +   1: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (3 5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +     2: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (5 7 11 13 17 19))
    +       3: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (7 11 13 17 19))
    +         4: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (11 13 17 19))
    +           5: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (13 17 19))
    +             6: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (17 19))
    +               7: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH (19))
    +                 8: (RECURSIVE-LIST-LENGTH NIL)
    +                 8: returned 0
    +               7: returned 1
    +             6: returned 2
    +           5: returned 3
    +         4: returned 4
    +       3: returned 5
    +     2: returned 6
    +   1: returned 7
    + 0: returned 8
    +USER(44): (dribble)
    + +


    + + +

    The lists we have seen so far are lists of numbers. Another data +type of LISP is symbols. A symbol is simply a sequence +of characters: +

    +USER(45): 'a           ; LISP is case-insensitive.
    +USER(46): 'A           ; 'a and 'A evaluate to the same symbol.
    +USER(47): 'apple2      ; Both alphanumeric characters ...
    +USER(48): 'an-apple    ; ... and symbolic characters are allowed.
    +USER(49): t            ; Our familiar t is also a symbol.
    +USER(50): 't           ; In addition, quoting is redundant for t.
    +USER(51): nil          ; Our familiar nil is also a symbol.
    +USER(52): 'nil         ; Again, it is self-evaluating.
    + +

    With symbols, we can build more interesting lists: +

    +USER(53): '(how are you today ?)   ; A list of symbols.
    +USER(54): '(1 + 2 * x)             ; A list of symbols and numbers.
    +(1 + 2 * X)
    +USER(55): '(pair (2 3))            ; A list containing 'pair and '(2 3).
    +(pair (2 3))
    +Notice that the list (pair (2 3)) +has length 2: +
    +USER(56): (recursive-list-length '(pair (2 3)))
    +Notice also the result of applying accessors: +
    +USER(57): (first '(pair (2 3)))
    +USER(58): (rest '(pair (2 3)))
    +((2 3))
    +Lists containing other lists as members are difficult to understand +for beginners. Make sure you understand the above example. + +

    Example: nth

    + +

    LISP defines a function (nth N L) +that returns the N'th member of list L (assuming +that the elements are numbered from zero onwards): +

    +USER(59): (nth 0 '(a b c d))
    +USER(60): (nth 2 '(a b c d))
    +We could implement our own version of nth by linear recursion. +Given N and L, either L is nil +or it is constructed by cons. +
    • Case 1: L is nil.
      +Accessing the N'th element is an undefined operation, +and our implementation should arbitrarily return nil to +indicate this. +
    • Case 2: L is constructed by a cons.
      +Then L +has two components: (first L) and +(rest L). There are +two subcases: either N = 0 or N > 0: +
      • Case 2.1: N = 0.
        + The zeroth element of L is simply + (first L). +
      • Case 2.2: N > 0.
        +The N'th +member of L is exactly the (N-1)'th member of +(rest L). +
    +The following code implements our algorithm: +
    +(defun list-nth (N L)
    +  "Return the N'th member of a list L."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (if (zerop N) 
    +	(first L)
    +      (list-nth (1- N) (rest L)))))
    +Recall that (1- N) is merely a shorthand for (- N 1). +Notice that both our implementation and its +correctness argument closely follow the standard pattern +of structural recursion. +Tracing the execution of the function, we get: +
    +USER(61): (list-nth 2 '(a b c d))
    + 0: (LIST-NTH 2 (A B C D))
    +   1: (LIST-NTH 1 (B C D))
    +     2: (LIST-NTH 0 (C D))
    +     2: returned C
    +   1: returned C
    + 0: returned C
    + + +

    Exercise: LISP has a built-in function (last L) +that returns a the last cons structure in a given list L. +
    +USER(62): (last '(a b c d))
    +USER(63): (last '(1 2 3))
    +Implement your own version of last +using linear recursion. You may assume that (last nil) +returns nil. Compare your implementation with +the standard pattern of structural recursion. +
    + +

    Notice that we have a standard if-then-else-if structure +in our implementation of list-nth. +Such logic can alternatively +be implemented using the cond special form. +

    +(defun list-nth (n L)
    +  "Return the n'th member of a list L."
    +  (cond
    +   ((null L)   nil)
    +   ((zerop n)  (first L))
    +   (t          (list-nth (1- n) (rest L)))))
    +The cond form above is evaluated as follows. The condition +(null L) is evaluated first. If the result is true, +then nil is returned. Otherwise, the condition (zerop n) +is evaluated. If the condition holds, then the value of (first L) is +returned. In case neither of the conditions holds, +the value of (list-nth +(1- n) (rest L)) is returned. + +

    Exercise: Survey CLTL2 section 7.6 (pages 156-161) and find +out what other conditional special forms are available in Common LISP. +Do you know when the special forms when and unless +should be used instead of if? +
    + +

    Example: member

    + +

    LISP defines a function (member E L) +that returns non-NIL if E is a member of L. +

    +USER(64): (member 'b '(perhaps today is a good day to die)) ; test fails
    +USER(65): (member 'a '(perhaps today is a good day to die)) ; returns non-NIL
    +'(a good day to die)
    +We implement our own recursive version as follows: +
    +(defun list-member (E L)
    +  "Test if E is a member of L."
    +  (cond
    +   ((null L)          nil)   
    +   ((eq E (first L))  t)     
    +   (t                 (list-member E (rest L))))) 
    +The correctness of the above implementation is easy to justify. The list +L is either constructed by nil or by a call to +cons: +
    • Case 1: L is nil.
      +L is +empty, and there is no way E is in L. +
    • Case 2: L +is constructed by cons
      +Then it has two components: +(first L) and (rest L). +There are two cases, either (first L) is E +itself, or it is not. +
      • Case 2.1: E equals (first L).
        +This means that E is a member of L, +
      • Case 2.2: E does not equal (first L).
        +Then E is a member of L iff E is a +member of (rest L). +
    + +

    Tracing the execution of list-member, we get the following: +

    +USER(70): (list-member 'a '(perhaps today is a good day to die))
    +       3: (LIST-MEMBER A (A GOOD DAY TO DIE))
    +       3: returned T
    +     2: returned T
    +   1: returned T
    + 0: returned T
    + +

    In the implementation of list-member, +the function call (eq x y) tests if two symbols +are the same. In fact, the semantics of this test determines what +we mean by a member: +

    +USER(71): (list-member '(a b) '((a a) (a b) (a c)))
    + 0: (LIST-MEMBER (A B) ((A A) (A B) (A C)))
    +   1: (LIST-MEMBER (A B) ((A B) (A C)))
    +     2: (LIST-MEMBER (A B) ((A C)))
    +       3: (LIST-MEMBER (A B) NIL)
    +       3: returned NIL
    +     2: returned NIL
    +   1: returned NIL
    + 0: returned NIL
    +In the example above, we would have expected a result of t. +However, since '(a b) does not eq another copy +of '(a b) (they are not the same symbol), +list-member returns nil. +If we want to account for list equivalence, we could have used +the LISP built-in function equal instead of eq. +Common LISP defines the following set of predicates for testing +equality: +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    (= x y)True if x and y evaluate to the same number.
    (eq x y)True if x and y evaluate to the same symbol.
    (eql x y)True if x and y are either = or eq.
    (equal x y)True if x and y are eql or if + they evaluate to the same list.
    (equalp x y)To be discussed in Tutorial 4.
    + +

    Exercise: What would be the behavior of list-member +if we replace eq by =? By eql? By equal? +
    + +

    Example: append

    + +

    LISP defines a function append that appends one list by +another: +

    +USER(72): (append '(a b c) '(c d e))
    +(A B C C D E)
    +We implement a recursive version of append. +Suppose we are given two lists L1 and L2. +L1 is either nil or constructed by cons. +
    • Case 1: L1 is nil.
      +Appending L2 to +L1 simply results in L2. +
    • Case 2: L1 +is composed of two parts: (first L1) and +(rest L1). If we know the result of appending L2 +to (rest L1), then we can take this result, insert +(first L1) to the front, and we then have +the list we want. +

    Formally, we define the following function: +

    +(defun list-append (L1 L2)
    +  "Append L1 by L2."
    +  (if (null L1)
    +      L2
    +    (cons (first L1) (list-append (rest L1) L2))))
    +An execution trace is the following: +
    +USER(73): (list-append '(a b c) '(c d e))
    + 0: (LIST-APPEND (A B C) (C D E))
    +   1: (LIST-APPEND (B C) (C D E))
    +     2: (LIST-APPEND (C) (C D E))
    +       3: (LIST-APPEND NIL (C D E))
    +       3: returned (C D E)
    +     2: returned (C C D E)
    +   1: returned (B C C D E)
    + 0: returned (A B C C D E)
    +(A B C C D E)
    + +

    Exercise: LISP defines a function (butlast L) +that returns a list containing the same elements in L except +for the last one. Implement your own version of butlast +using linear recursion. You may assume that (butlast nil) +returns nil. +
    + +

    Using Lists as Sets

    + +Formally, lists are ordered sequences. They differ with sets +in two ways: +
    1. Sets are unordered, but lists are. (a b c) +and (c b a) are two different lists. +
    2. +An element either belong to a set or it does not. There is +no notion of multiple occurrences. +Yet, a list may contain multiple occurrences of the same element. +(a b b c) and (a b c) are two different lists. +
    +However, one may use lists to approximate sets, although the +performance of such implementation is not the greatest. + +

    We have already seen how we can use the built-in function member +to test set membership. LISP also defines functions like +(intersection L1 L2), +(union L1 L2) +and (difference L1 L2) for +boolean operations on sets. In fact, these functions +are not difficult to implement. Consider the following +implementation of set intersection: +

    +(defun list-intersection (L1 L2)
    +  "Return a list containing elements belonging to both L1 and L2."
    +  (cond
    +   ((null L1) nil)
    +   ((member (first L1) L2) 
    +    (cons (first L1) (list-intersection (rest L1) L2)))
    +   (t (list-intersection (rest L1) L2))))
    +The correctness of the implementation is easy to see. +L1 is either an empty set (nil) or it is not: +
    • Case 1: L1 is an empty set.
      +Then its interection with L2 +is obviously empty. +
    • Case 2: L1 is not empty.
      +L1 has both a first +component and a rest component. There are two cases: +either (first L1) is a member of L2 or it is not. +
      • Case 2.1: (first L1) is a member +of L2.
        +(first L1) belongs to both L1 +and L2, and thus belong to their intersection. Therefore, +the intersection of L1 and L2 is simply +(first L1) plus the intersection of (rest L1) and +L2. +
      • Case 2.2: (first L1) is not a member +of L2.
        +Since (first L1) +does not belong to L2, it does not belong to the intersection +of L1 and L2. As a result, the intersection of +L1 and L2 is exactly the intersection of +(rest L1) and L2. +

    A trace of executing the function is given below: +

    +USER(80): (trace list-intersection)
    +USER(81): (list-intersection '(1 3 5 7) '(1 2 3 4))
    + 0: (LIST-INTERSECTION (1 3 5 7) (1 2 3 4))
    +   1: (LIST-INTERSECTION (3 5 7) (1 2 3 4))
    +     2: (LIST-INTERSECTION (5 7) (1 2 3 4))
    +       3: (LIST-INTERSECTION (7) (1 2 3 4))
    +         4: (LIST-INTERSECTION NIL (1 2 3 4))
    +         4: returned NIL
    +       3: returned NIL
    +     2: returned NIL
    +   1: returned (3)
    + 0: returned (1 3)
    +(1 3)

    Exercise: Give a linearly recursive implementation of +union and difference. +
    + + diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 2 - Advanced Functional Programming.html b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 2 - Advanced Functional Programming.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfa63d9371e58f933e2ab2fdc00a00e99dd47f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 2 - Advanced Functional Programming.html @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ + + +LISP Tutorial 2: Advanced Functional Programming in LISP + + +

    LISP Tutorial 2: Advanced Functional Programming in LISP

    + +

    Auxiliary Functions and Accumulator Variables

    + +

    We define the reversal of a list L +to be a list containing exactly the elements of L in reversed +order. +The Common LISP built-in function (reverse L) +returns the reversal of L: +

    +USER(1): (reverse '(1 2 3 4))
    +(4 3 2 1)
    +USER(2): (reverse '(1 (a b) (c d) 4))
    +(4 (c d) (a b) 1)
    +USER(3): (reverse nil)
    + +

    Implementing a version of reverse is not difficult, +but finding an efficient implementation is not as trivial. +To review what we learned in the last tutorial, let us begin +with a naive implementation of reverse: +

    +(defun slow-list-reverse (L)
    +  "Create a new list containing the elements of L in reversed order."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (list-append (slow-list-reverse (rest L)) 
    +                 (list (first L)))))
    + +

    Notice that this linearly recursive implementation calls +the function list-append we implemented in the +the last tutorial. Notice also the new function list, +which returns a list containing its arguments. For example, +(list 1 2) returns the list (1 2). In general, +(list x1 x2 ... +xn) +is just a shorthand for (cons x1 +(cons x2 +... (cons xn nil) ... )). So, the expression +(list (first L)) in the listing above returns a +singleton list containing the first element of L. + +

    So, why does (slow-list-reverse L) returns +the reversal of L? The list L is +constructed either by nil or by cons: +

    • Case 1: L is nil.
      + The reversal of + L is simply nil. +
    • Case 2: L is constructed from a call to cons.
      + Then L has two components: (first L) and +(rest L). If we append (first L) +to the end of the reversal of (rest L), +then we +obtain the reversal of L. +Of course, we could make use of list-append to do this. +However, list-append expects two list arguments, so we +need to construct a singleton list containing (first L) +before we pass it as a second argument to list-append. +
    + +

    Let us trace the execution of the function to see how the recursive +calls unfold: +

    +USER(3): (trace slow-list-reverse)
    +USER(4): (slow-list-reverse '(1 2 3 4))
    + 0: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (1 2 3 4))
    +   1: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (2 3 4))
    +     2: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (3 4))
    +       3: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (4))
    +         4: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE NIL)
    +         4: returned NIL
    +       3: returned (4)
    +     2: returned (4 3)
    +   1: returned (4 3 2)
    + 0: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +(4 3 2 1)
    +Everything looks fine, until we trace also the unfolding of list-append: +
    +USER(9): (trace list-append)
    +USER(10): (slow-list-reverse '(1 2 3 4))
    + 0: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (1 2 3 4))
    +   1: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (2 3 4))
    +     2: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (3 4))
    +       3: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE (4))
    +         4: (SLOW-LIST-REVERSE NIL)
    +         4: returned NIL
    +         4: (LIST-APPEND NIL (4))
    +         4: returned (4)
    +       3: returned (4)
    +       3: (LIST-APPEND (4) (3))
    +         4: (LIST-APPEND NIL (3))
    +         4: returned (3)
    +       3: returned (4 3)
    +     2: returned (4 3)
    +     2: (LIST-APPEND (4 3) (2))
    +       3: (LIST-APPEND (3) (2))
    +         4: (LIST-APPEND NIL (2))
    +         4: returned (2)
    +       3: returned (3 2)
    +     2: returned (4 3 2)
    +   1: returned (4 3 2)
    +   1: (LIST-APPEND (4 3 2) (1))
    +     2: (LIST-APPEND (3 2) (1))
    +       3: (LIST-APPEND (2) (1))
    +         4: (LIST-APPEND NIL (1))
    +         4: returned (1)
    +       3: returned (2 1)
    +     2: returned (3 2 1)
    +   1: returned (4 3 2 1)
    + 0: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +(4 3 2 1)
    +What we see here is revealing: given a list of N element, +slow-list-reverse makes O(N) recursive calls, +with each level of recursionl involving a call to the linear-time +function list-append. The result is that slow-list-reverse +is an O(N2) function. + +

    We can in fact build a much more efficient version +of reverse using auxiliary functions +and accumulator variables: +

    +(defun list-reverse (L)
    +  "Create a new list containing the elements of L in reversed order."
    +  (list-reverse-aux L nil))
    +(defun list-reverse-aux (L A)
    +  "Append list A to the reversal of list L."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      A
    +    (list-reverse-aux (rest L) (cons (first L) A))))
    + +

    +The function list-reverse-aux is an auxiliary function +(or a helper function). It does not perform any useful +function by itself, but the driver function +list-reverse could use it as a tool when building a +reversal. Specifically, (list-reverse-aux L A) +returns a new list obtained by appending list A to +the reversal of list L. By passing nil as A +to list-reverse-aux, +the driver function list-reverse obtains the reversal of L. + +

    Let us articulate why (list-reverse-aux L A) +correctly appends A to the reversal of list L. +Again, we know that either +L is nil or it is constructed +by cons: +

    • Case 1: L is nil.
      + The reversal of L is simply nil. The + result of appending A to the end of an empty list + is simply A itself. +
    • Case 2: L is constructed by cons.
      + Now L is composed of two parts: (first L) + and (rest L). Observe that (first L) + is the last element in the reversal of L. If we are to + append A to the end of the reversal of L, then + (first L) will come immediately before the + elements of A. Observing the above, we recognize that + we obtain the desired result by recursively appending + (cons (first L) A) to the + reversal of (rest L). +
    +Tracing both list-reverse and list-reverse-aux, we get +the following: +
    +USER(17): (trace list-reverse list-reverse-aux)
    +USER(18): (list-reverse '(1 2 3 4))
    + 0: (LIST-REVERSE (1 2 3 4))
    +   1: (LIST-REVERSE-AUX (1 2 3 4) NIL)
    +     2: (LIST-REVERSE-AUX (2 3 4) (1))
    +       3: (LIST-REVERSE-AUX (3 4) (2 1))
    +         4: (LIST-REVERSE-AUX (4) (3 2 1))
    +           5: (LIST-REVERSE-AUX NIL (4 3 2 1))
    +           5: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +         4: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +       3: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +     2: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +   1: returned (4 3 2 1)
    + 0: returned (4 3 2 1)
    +(4 3 2 1)

    For each recursive call to list-reverse-aux, notice how +the first element of L is "peeled off", and is then +"accumulated" in A. Because of this observation, we +call the variable A an accumulator variable. + +

    Factorial Revisited

    + +

    To better understand how auxiliary functions and accumulator +variables are used, let us revisit the problem of computing +factorials. The following is an alternative implementation +of the factorial function: +

    +(defun fast-factorial (N)
    +  "A tail-recursive version of factorial."
    +  (fast-factorial-aux N 1))
    +(defun fast-factorial-aux (N A)
    +  "Multiply A by the factorial of N."
    +  (if (= N 1)
    +      A
    +    (fast-factorial-aux (- N 1) (* N A))))
    +Let us defer the explanation of why the function is named "fast-factorial", and treat it as just another way to implement factorial. +Notice the structural similarity between this pair of functions and +those for computing list reversal. +The auxiliary function (fast-factorial-aux N A) +computes the product of A and the N'th factorial. +The driver function computes N! by calling +fast-factorial-aux with A set to 1. +Now, the correctness of the auxiliary function +(i.e. that (fast-factorial-aux N A) indeed +returns the product of N! and A) can be established as +follows. N is either one or larger than one. +
    • Case 1: N = 1
      + The product of A and 1! is simply A * 1! = A. +
    • Case 2: N > 1
      + Since N! = N * (N-1)!, we then have N! * A = (N-1)! + * (N * A), thus justifying our implementation. +
    + +

    Tracing both fast-factorial and fast-factorial-aux, + we get the following: +

    +USER(3): (trace fast-factorial fast-factorial-aux)  
    +USER(4): (fast-factorial 4)
    + 0: (FAST-FACTORIAL 4)
    +   1: (FAST-FACTORIAL-AUX 4 1)
    +     2: (FAST-FACTORIAL-AUX 3 4)
    +       3: (FAST-FACTORIAL-AUX 2 12)
    +         4: (FAST-FACTORIAL-AUX 1 24)
    +         4: returned 24
    +       3: returned 24
    +     2: returned 24
    +   1: returned 24
    + 0: returned 24
    + +

    If we compare the structure of fast-factorial with +list-reverse, we notice certain patterns underlying +the use of accumulator variables in auxiliary functions: +

    1. An auxiliary function generalizes the functionality of + the driver function by promising to compute + the function of interest and also combine the result with + the value of the accumulator variable. + In the case of list-reverse-aux, our original + interest were computing list reversals, but then the + auxiliary function computes a more general concept, namely, that + of appending an auxiliary list to some list reversal. + In the case of fast-factorial-aux, our original + interest were computing factorials, but the auxiliary + function computes a more general value, namely, the + product of some auxiliary number with a factorial. +
    2. At each level of recursion, the auxiliary function + reduces the problem into a smaller subproblem, and + accumulating intermediate results in the accumulator + variable. In the case of list-reverse-aux, recursion + is applied to the sublist (rest L), while + (first L) is cons'ed with A. + In the case of fast-factorial, recursion is applied + to (N - 1)!, while N is multiplied with A. +
    3. The driver function initiates the recursion by providing + an initial value for the auxiliary variable. + In the case of computing + list reversals, list-reverse initializes + A to nil. In the case of computing factorials, + fast-factorial initializes A to 1. +
    + +

    Now that you understand how fast-factorial works, +we explain where the adjective "fast" come from ... + +

    Tail Recursions

    + +Recursive functions are usually easier to reason about. Notice +how we articulate the correctness of recursive functions in this +and the previous tutorial. However, some naive programmers +complain that recursive functions are slow when compared to +their iterative counter parts. For example, consider the +original implementation of factorial we saw in the +previous tutorial: +
    +(defun factorial (N)
    +  "Compute the factorial of N."
    +  (if (= N 1)
    +      1
    +    (* N (factorial (- N 1)))))
    +It is fair to point out that, as recursion unfolds, stack frames +will have to be set up, function arguments will have to be pushed +into the stack, so on and so forth, resulting in unnecessary +runtime overhead not experienced by the iterative counterpart +of the above factorial function: +
    +int factorial(int N) {
    +  int A = 1;
    +  while (N != 1) {
    +    A = A * N;
    +    N = N - 1;
    +  }
    +  return A;
    +Because of this and other excuses, programmers conclude that +they could write off recursive implementations ... + +

    Modern compilers for functional programming languages usually +implement tail-recursive call optimizations which +automatically translate a certain kind of linear recursion into +efficient iterations. A linear recursive function is tail-recursive +if the result of each recursive call is returned right away as the +value of the function. Let's examine the implementation of +fast-factorial again: +

    +(defun fast-factorial (N)
    +  "A tail-recursive version of factorial."
    +  (fast-factorial-aux N 1))
    +(defun fast-factorial-aux (N A)
    +  "Multiply A by the factorial of N."
    +  (if (= N 1)
    +      A
    +    (fast-factorial-aux (- N 1) (* N A))))
    + +

    Notice that, in fast-factorial-aux, there is no work +left to be done after the recursive call (fast-factorial-aux +(- N 1) (* N A)). Consequently, the compiler will not +create new stack frame or push arguments, but instead simply +bind (- N 1) to N and (* N A) +to A, and jump to the beginning of the function. +Such optimization effectively renders fast-factorial +as efficient as its iterative counterpart. Notice also +the striking structural similarity between the two. + +

    When you implement linearly recursive functions, you are +encouraged to restructure it as a tail recursion after you +have fully debugged your implementation. Doing so allows +the compiler to optimize away stack management code. +However, you should do so only after you get the prototype +function correctly implemented. Notice that the technique +of accumulator variables can be used even when we are +not transforming code to tail recursions. For some problems, +the use of accumulator variables offers the most natural solutions. + +

    Exercise: +Recall that the N'th triangular number is +defined to be 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N. +Give a tail-recursive implementation of the function +(fast-triangular N) +which returns the N'th triangular number. +
    + +

    Exercise: +Give a tail-recursive implementation of the +function (fast-power B E) that +raises B to the power E (assuming that +both B and E are non-negative integers). +
    + +

    Exercise: +Give a tail-recursive implementation of the +function (fast-list-length L), which +returns the length of a given list L. +
    + +

    Functions as First-Class Objects

    + +

    A data type is first-class in a programming language when you +can pass instances of the data type as function arguments +or return them as function values. We are used to treating +numeric and Boolean values as first-class data types in +languages like Pascal and C. However, we might not be familiar to the +notion +that functions could be treated as first-class objects, that is, +functions can be passed as function arguments and returned as +function values. This unique feature of Common LISP and other +functional languages makes it easy to build very powerful abstractions. +In the remaining of this tutorial, we will look at what passing functional +arguments buys us. In the fourth tutorial, when we talk about +imperative programming in LISP, we will return to the topic of +returning functional values. + +

    +Frequently, we need to apply a transformation multiple times on +the same data object. For example, we could define the following +transformation: +

    +(defun double (x)
    +  "Multiple X by 2."
    +  (* 2 x))
    +We could compute 24 +by applying the double transformation +4 times on 1: +
    +USER(10): (double (double (double (double 1))))
    +Not only is this clumsy, but it also fails to express the very idea +that the same transformation is applied multiple times. +It would be nice if we can repeat applying a given transformation F + on X for N times by simply writing +(repeat-transformation F N X). +The following function does just that: +
    +(defun repeat-transformation (F N X)
    +  "Repeat applying function F on object X for N times."
    +  (if (zerop N)
    +      X
    +    (repeat-transformation F (1- N) (funcall F X))))
    +The definition follows the standard tail recursive pattern. Notice +the form (funcall F X). Given +a function F and objects X1 +X2 ... Xn, +the form (funcall F X1 +X2 ... Xn) +invoke the function F with arguments X1, +X2, ..., Xn. The variable N +is a counter keeping track of the remaining number of times we need to apply +function F to the accumulator variable X. + +

    To pass a the function double as an argument to +repeat-transformation, we need to annotate the function name +double by a closure constructor, +as in the following: +

    +USER(11): (repeat-transformation (function double) 4 1)
    +There is nothing magical going on, the closure constructor is +just a syntax for telling Common LISP that what follows is a function +rather than a local variable name. Had we not included the +annotation, Common LISP will treat the name double as a variable +name, and then report an error since the name double is not +defined. + +

    To see how the evaluation arrives at the result 16, we could, +as usual, trace the execution: +

    +USER(12): (trace repeat-transformation)
    +USER(13): (repeat-transformation #'double 4 1)
    +   1: (REPEAT-TRANSFORMATION # 3 2)
    +     2: (REPEAT-TRANSFORMATION # 2 4)
    +       3: (REPEAT-TRANSFORMATION # 1 8)
    +         4: (REPEAT-TRANSFORMATION # 0 16)
    +         4: returned 16
    +       3: returned 16
    +     2: returned 16
    +   1: returned 16
    + 0: returned 16
    + +

    Higher-Order Functions

    + +

    Notice that exponentiation is not the only use of the +repeat-transformation function. Let's say we want to +build a list containing 10 occurrences of the symbol blah. +We can do so with the help of repeat-transformation: +

    +USER(30): (defun prepend-blah (L) (cons 'blah L))
    +USER(31): (repeat-transformation (function prepend-blah) 10 nil)
    + +

    Suppose we want to fetch the 7'th element of the list +(a b c d e f g h i j). + Of course, we could use the +built in function seventh to do the job, but for the fun of it, we +could also achieve what we want in the following way: +

    +USER(32): (first (repeat-transformation (function rest) 6 '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
    +Basically, we apply rest six times before apply first +to get the seventh element. In fact, we could have defined the function +list-nth (see previous tutorial) in the following way: +
    +(defun list-nth (N L)
    +  (first (repeat-transformation (function rest) N L)))
    +(list-nth numbers the member of a list from zero onwards.) + +

    As you can see, functions that accepts other functions as arguments +are very powerful abstractions. You can encapsulate generic +algorithms in such a function, and parameterize their behavior by +passing in different function arguments. We call a function that +has functional parameters (or return a function as its value) +a higher-order function. + +

    One last point before we move on. The closure constructor function +is used very often when working with higher-order functions. Common +LISP therefore provide another equivalent syntax to reduce typing. +When we want Common LISP to interpret a name F +as a function, instead +of typing (function F), we can also type the shorthand +#'F. The prefix #' is nothing but an alternative +syntax for the closure constructor. For example, we could enter +the following: +

    +USER(33): (repeat-transformation #'double 4 1)
    +USER(34): (repeat-transformation #'prepend-blah 10 nil)
    +USER(35): (first (repeat-transformation #'rest 6 '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
    + +

    Lambda Expressions

    + +

    Some of the functions, like +prepend-blah for example, serves no other purpose +but to instantiate the generic algorithm repeat-transformation. +It would be tedious if we need to define it as a global function +using defun +before we pass it into repeat-transformation. Fortunately, +LISP provides a mechanism to help us define functions "in place": +

    +USER(36): (repeat-transformation #'(lambda (L) (cons 'blah L)) 10 nil)
    +The first argument (lambda (L) (cons 'blah L)) is a +lambda expression. It designates an anonymous function +(nameless function) with one parameter L, and it returns +as a function value (cons 'blah L). We prefix +the lambda expression with the closure constructor #' +since we want Common LISP to interpret the argument as a function +rather than a call to a function named lambda. + +

    Similarly, we could have computed powers as follows: +

    +USER(36): (repeat-transformation #'(lambda (x) (* 2 x)) 4 1)
    + +

    Exercise: Define a function (apply-func-list L +X) +so that, given a list L of functions and an object X, +apply-func-list applies the functions in L to X in +reversed order. For example, the following expression +
    +(apply-func-list (list #'double #'list-length #'rest) '(1 2 3))
    +is equivalent to +
    +(double (list-length (rest '(1 2 3))))
    + +

    Exercise: Use apply-func-list to compute the following: +
    1. 10 times the fourth element of the list (10 20 30 40 50), +
    2. the third element of the second element in the list + ((1 2) (3 4 5) (6)), +
    3. the difference between 10 and the length of (a b c d e f), +
    4. a list containing a list containing the symbol blah. +
    + +

    Iterating Through a List

    + +

    We have seen how we could iterate through a list using linear +recursion. We have also seen how such recursion can be optimized +if structured in a tail-recursive form. However, many of the +the list processing functions look striking similar. Consider +the following examples: +

    +(defun double-list-elements (L)
    +  "Given a list L of numbers, return a list containing the elements of L multiplied by 2."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (cons (double (first L)) (double-list-elements (rest L)))))
    +(defun reverse-list-elements (L)
    +  "Given a list L of lists, return a list containing the reversal of L's members."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (cons (reverse (first L)) (reverse-list-elements (rest L)))))
    +We could come up with infinitely many more examples of this sort. +Having to write a new function everytime we want to iterate +through a list is both time-consuming and error-prone. +The solution is to capture the generic logic of list iteration +in higher-order functions, and specialize their behaviors by +passing in functional arguments. + +

    If we look at the definitions of double-list-elements +and reverse-list-elements, we see that they +apply a certain function to +the first element of their input, then recursively invoke +themselves to +process the rest of the input list, and lastly +combine the result of the two function calls using cons. + We could capture this +logic into the following function: +

    +(defun mapfirst (F L)
    +  "Apply function F to every element of list L, and return a list containing the results."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (cons (funcall F (first L)) (mapfirst F (rest L)))))
    + +

    The functions double-list-elements +and reverse-list-elements can be replaced by the following: +

    +USER(18): (mapfirst #'double '(1 2 3 4))
    +(2 4 6 8)
    +USER(19): (mapfirst #'reverse '((1 2 3) (a b c) (4 5 6) (d e f)))
    +((3 2 1) (C B A) (6 5 4) (F E D))
    + +

    Of course, you could also pass lambda abstractions as arguments: +

    +USER(20): (mapfirst #'(lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4))
    +(1 4 9 16)
    + +

    In fact, the higher-order function is so useful that +Common LISP defines a function mapcar that does +exactly what mapfirst is intended for: +

    +USER(22): (mapcar #'butlast '((1 2 3) (a b c) (4 5 6) (d e f)))
    +((1 2) (A B) (4 5) (D E))
    +The reason why it is called mapcar is that the function +first was called car in some older dialects of +LISP (and rest was called cdr in those dialects; +Common LISP still supports car and cdr but +we strongly advice you to stick with the more readable first +and rest). We suggest you to consider using mapcar +whenever you are tempted to write your own list-iterating functions. + +

    The function mapcar is an example of generic iterators, +which capture the generic logic of iterating through a list. +If we look at what we do the most when we iterate through a list, +we find that the following kinds of iterations occurs most frequently +in our LISP programs: +

    1. Transformation iteration: transforming a list by + systematically applying a monadic function to the elements + of the list. +
    2. Search iteration: searching for a list member that + satisfies a given condition. +
    3. Filter iteration: screening out all members that + does not satisfy a given condition. +
    +As we have already seen, mapcar implements the generic +algorithm for performing transformation iteration. In the following, +we will look at the analogous of mapcar for the +remaining iteration categories. + +

    Search Iteration

    + +

    Let us begin by writing a function that returns an even element in +a list of numbers: +

    +(defun find-even (L)
    +  "Given a list L of numbers, return the leftmost even member."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (if (evenp (first L))
    +        (first L)
    +      (find-even (rest L)))))
    + +

    Exercise: Implement a function that, when given a list L + of lists, return a non-empty member of L. +
    + +

    We notice that the essential logic of searching can be extracted out +into the following definition: +

    +(defun list-find-if (P L)
    +  "Find the leftmost element of list L that satisfies predicate P."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (if (funcall P (first L))
    +        (first L)
    +      (list-find-if P (rest L)))))
    +The function list-find-if examines the elements of L +one by one, and return the first one that satisfies predicate P. +The function can be used for locating even or non-nil members +in a list: +
    +USER(34): (list-find-if #'evenp '(1 3 5 8 11 12))
    +USER(35): (list-find-if #'(lambda (X) (not (null X))) '(nil nil (1 2 3) (4 5)))
    +(1 2 3)
    + +

    Common LISP defines a built-in function find-if which is +a more general version of list-find-if. It can be used just +like list-find-if: +

    +USER(37): (find-if #'evenp '(1 3 5 8 11 12))
    +USER(38): (find-if #'(lambda (X) (not (null X))) '(nil nil (1 2 3) (4 5)))
    +(1 2 3)
    + +

    Exercise: Use find-if to define +a function that +searches among a list of lists for a member +that has length at least 3. +

    Exercise: Use find-if to define +a function that searches among a list of lists for a member that +contains an even number of elements. +

    Exercise: Use find-if to define +a function that searches among a list of numbers for +a member that is divisible by three. +
    + +

    Filter Iteration

    + +

    Given a list of lists, suppose we want to screen out all the +member lists with length less than three. We could do so by +the following function: +

    +(defun remove-short-lists (L)
    +  "Remove all members of L that has length less than three."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (if (< (list-length (first L)) 3)
    +        (remove-short-lists (rest L))
    +      (cons (first L) (remove-short-lists (rest L))))))
    +To articulate the correctness of this implementation, consider the +following. The list L is either nil or constructed +by cons. +
    • Case 1: L is nil.
      + Removing short lists from an empty list simply results in + an empty list. +
    • Case 2: L is constructed by cons.
      + L has two components: (first L) and + (rest L). We have two cases: either (first + L) has fewer than 3 members or it has at least 3 members. +
      • Case 2.1: (first L) + has fewer than three elements.
        + Since (first L) is short, and will not appear + in the result of removing short lists from L, the latter + is equivalent to the result of removing short lists from + (rest L). +
      • Case 2.2: (first L) + has at least three elements.
        + Since (first L) is not short, and will appear + in the result of removing short lists from L, the latter + is equivalent to adding (first L) to the + result of removing short lists from (rest L). +
    +A typical execution trace is the following: +
    +USER(17): (remove-short-lists '((1 2 3) (1 2) nil (1 2 3 4)))
    + 0: (REMOVE-SHORT-LISTS ((1 2 3) (1 2) NIL (1 2 3 4)))
    +   1: (REMOVE-SHORT-LISTS ((1 2) NIL (1 2 3 4)))
    +     2: (REMOVE-SHORT-LISTS (NIL (1 2 3 4)))
    +       3: (REMOVE-SHORT-LISTS ((1 2 3 4)))
    +         4: (REMOVE-SHORT-LISTS NIL)
    +         4: returned NIL
    +       3: returned ((1 2 3 4))
    +     2: returned ((1 2 3 4))
    +   1: returned ((1 2 3 4))
    + 0: returned ((1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
    +((1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
    + +

    Alternatively, we could have removed short lists using Common LISP's +built-in function remove-if: +

    +USER(19): (remove-if #'(lambda (X) (< (list-length X) 3)) '((1 2 3) (1 2) nil (1 2 3 4)))
    +((1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
    + +

    The function (remove-if P L) constructs +a new version of list L that contains only members not satisfying +predicate P. For example, we can remove all +even members from the list (3 6 8 9 10 13 15 18) by the +following: +

    +USER(21): (remove-if #'(lambda (X) (zerop (rem x 2))) '(3 6 8 9 10 13 15 18))
    +(3 9 13 15)
    +Without remove-if, we would end up having to implement a function +like the following: +
    +(defun remove-even (L)
    +  "Remove all members of L that is an even number."
    +  (if (null L)
    +      nil
    +    (if (zerop (rem (first L) 2))
    +        (remove-even (rest L))
    +      (cons (first L) (remove-even (rest L))))))
    + +

    Exercise: Demonstrate the correctness of remove-even + using arguments you have seen in this tutorial. +

    Exercise: Observe the recurring pattern in + remove-short-lists + and remove-even, and implement your own version of +remove-if. +

    We could actually implement list-intersection using +remove-if and lambda abstraction: +

    +(defun list-intersection (L1 L2)
    +  "Compute the intersection of lists L1 and L2."
    +  (remove-if #'(lambda (X) (not (member X L2))) L1))
    +In the definition above, the lambda abstraction evaluates to a +predicate that returns true if its argument is not a member of +L2. Therefore, the remove-if expression +removes all elements of L1 that is not a member of L2. +This precisely gives us the intersection of L1 and L2. + +

    Exercise: Use remove-if and lambda abstractions + to implement list-difference. +

    Exercise: Look up the functionality of remove-if-not + in CTRL2. Re-implement list-intersection using +remove-if-not and lambda abstraction. +
    + +

    Functions Returning Multiple Values

    + +

    The functions we have seen so far return a single value, but some +LISP functions return two or more values. For example, if two arguments +number and divisor are passed to the floor +function, it returns two values, the quotient q and the +remainder r so that number = divisor * q + r. +

    +USER(11): (floor 17 5)
    +USER(12): (floor -17 5)
    +Regular binding constructs like let and let* +only allows us to catch the first returned value of a multiple-valued +function, as the following example illustrates: +
    +USER(13): (let ((x (floor 17 5))) x)
    +One can use the multiple-value-bind to receive the results of +a multiple-valued function: +
    +USER(14): (multiple-value-bind (x y) (floor 17 5) 
    +            (+ x y))
    +In the above expression, (x y) is the list of variables +binding to the returned values, (floor 17 5) is the +expression generating multiple results. Binding the two values +of (floor 17 5) to x and y, LISP +then evaluates the expression (+ x y). + +

    One may also write LISP functions that return multiple values: +

    +(defun order (a b)
    +  "Return two values: (min a b) and (max a b)."
    +  (if (>= a b)
    +      (values b a)
    +    (values a b)))
    +The values special form returns its arguments as multiple +values. + +

    For more information about LISP constructs for handling +multiple values, consult section 7.10 of CLTL2. + +

    Exercise: Implement a tail-recursive +function (list-min-max +L) that returns two values: the minimum +and maximum members of a list L of numbers. +
    + + + diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 3 - Data Abstraction In Lisp.html b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 3 - Data Abstraction In Lisp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bce877d60365b98594986f79a8ff25939436f55d --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 3 - Data Abstraction In Lisp.html @@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@ + + +LISP Tutorial Lecture 3: Data Abstraction + + +

    LISP Tutorial Lecture 3: Data Abstraction

    + +

    Binary Trees

    + +

    Suppose we want to create a new kind +of recursive data type, our familiar binary trees. +The first thing we have to do is to define the data type in terms of +its constructors, selectors and recognizers. +In the case of binary trees, we have the following: +

    1. Constructors: We have two kinds of binary trees, leaves + and nodes. Accordingly, we need a constructor for each + kind: +
      • (make-bin-tree-leaf E): A leaf is a composite + object with one component, the element E. +
      • (make-bin-tree-node E + B1 B2): A node consists of three components, + an element E, a left subtree B1 and + a right subtree B2. Each of B1 + and B2 is a binary tree. +
      + Notice that the definition of binary tree is inherently recursive + (as in the case of nodes). + Larger binary trees can be composed from smaller ones. +
    2. Selectors: We need to define a selector for each + component of each kind of binary tree. +
      • (bin-tree-leaf-element L): Retrieve the element + of a leaf L. +
      • (bin-tree-node-element N): Retrieve the element + of a node N. +
      • (bin-tree-node-left N): Retrieve the + left subtree of a node N. +
      • (bin-tree-node-right N): Retrieve the right + subtree of a node N. +
    3. Recognizers: We define one recognizer for each kind + of binary tree. +
      • (bin-tree-leaf-p B): Test if a given binary tree + B is a leaf. +
      • (bin-tree-node-p B): Test if a given binary tree + B is a node. +
    + +

    Notice that we have not written a line of code yet, and still we +are able to write down the function signature of all the constructors, +selectors and recognizers. The process is more or less mechanical: +

    1. Define a constructor for each variant of the recursive data type. + The parameters for a constructor defines the components of + a composite object. +
    2. For each parameter of each constructor, define a selector to + retrieve the corresponding component. +
    3. For each constructor, define a corresponding recognizer. +
    + +

    The next question is how we are to represent a binary tree +as a LISP object. Of course, a list is the first thing that comes to +our mind: +

    • We represent an leaf with element E by a singleton list + containing E (i.e. (list E)). +
    • A node with element E, left subtree B1 +and right subtree B2 is represented as a list containing +the three components (i.e. +(list E B1 B2)). +
    +Fixing the representation, we can thus implement the recursive +data type functions: +
    +;; Binary Trees
    +;; Constructors for binary trees
    +(defun make-bin-tree-leaf (E)
    +  "Create a leaf."
    +  (list E))
    +(defun make-bin-tree-node (E B1 B2)
    +  "Create a node with element K, left subtree B1 and right subtree B2."
    +  (list E B1 B2))
    +;; Selectors for binary trees
    +(defun bin-tree-leaf-element (L)
    +  "Retrieve the element of a leaf L."
    +  (first L))
    +(defun bin-tree-node-element (N)
    +  "Retrieve the element of a node N."
    +  (first N))
    +(defun bin-tree-node-left (N)
    +  "Retrieve the left subtree of a node N."
    +  (second N))
    +(defun bin-tree-node-right (N)
    +  "Retrieve the right subtree of a node N."
    +  (third N))
    +;; Recognizers for binary trees
    +(defun bin-tree-leaf-p (B)
    +  "Test if binary tree B is a leaf."
    +  (and (listp B) (= (list-length B) 1)))
    +(defun bin-tree-node-p (B)
    +  "Test if binary tree B is a node."
    +  (and (listp B) (= (list-length B) 3)))
    + +

    The representation scheme works out like the following: +

    +USER(5): (make-bin-tree-node '*
    +                             (make-bin-tree-node '+
    +                                                 (make-bin-tree-leaf 2)
    +                                                 (make-bin-tree-leaf 3))
    +                             (make-bin-tree-node '-
    +                                                 (make-bin-tree-leaf 7)
    +                                                 (make-bin-tree-leaf 8)))
    +(* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8)))
    +The expression above is a binary tree node with element * and +two subtrees. The left subtree is itself a binary tree node with ++ as its element and leaves as its subtress. The right +subtree is also a binary tree node with - as its element +and leaves as its subtrees. All the leaves are decorated by +numeric components. +
    +            *
    +           / \
    +          /   \
    +         /     \
    +        +       -
    +       / \     / \
    +      2   3   7   8
    + +

    Searching Binary Trees

    + +

    As discussed in previous tutorials, having recursive data structures +defined in the way we did streamlines the process of formulating +structural recursions. We review this concept in the following examples. + +

    Suppose we treat binary trees as containers. An +expression E is a member of a binary tree B if: +

    1. B is a leaf and its element is E. +
    2. B is a node and either its element is E or + E is a member of one of its subtrees. +
    +For example, the definition asserts that the members of +(* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))) are *, +, +2, 3, -, 7 and 8. +Such a definition can be directly implemented by our recursive data +type functions: +
    +(defun bin-tree-member-p (B E)
    +  "Test if E is an element in binary tree B."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (equal E (bin-tree-leaf-element B))
    +    (or (equal E (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +        (bin-tree-member-p (bin-tree-node-left B) E)
    +	(bin-tree-member-p (bin-tree-node-right B) E))))
    +The function can be made more readable by using the let form: +
    +(defun bin-tree-member-p (B E)
    +  "Test if E is an element in binary tree B."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (equal E (bin-tree-leaf-element B))
    +    (let
    +	((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	 (left  (bin-tree-node-left    B))
    +	 (right (bin-tree-node-right   B)))
    +      (or (equal E elmt)
    +	  (bin-tree-member-p left E)
    +	  (bin-tree-member-p right E)))))

    Tracing the execution of bin-tree-member-p, we get: +

    +USER(14): (trace bin-tree-member-p)
    +USER(15): (bin-tree-member-p '(+ (* (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))) 7) 
    + 0: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (+ (* (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))) 7)
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (* (2) (3)) 7)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (2) 7)
    +     2: returned NIL
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (3) 7)
    +     2: returned NIL
    +   1: returned NIL
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (- (7) (8)) 7)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-MEMBER-P (7) 7)
    +     2: returned T
    +   1: returned T
    + 0: returned T
    + +

    Exercise: + Let size(B) be the number of members in a binary tree B. + Give a recursive definition of size(B), and then implement a + LISP function (bin-tree-size B) that + returns size(B). +
    + + + +

    Traversing Binary Trees

    + +

    +Let us write a function +that will reverse a tree in the sense that the left +and right subtrees of every node are swapped: +

    +(defun binary-tree-reverse (B)
    +  "Reverse binary tree B."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      B
    +    (let
    +	((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	 (left  (bin-tree-node-left    B))
    +	 (right (bin-tree-node-right   B)))
    +      (make-bin-tree-node elmt
    +		          (binary-tree-reverse right)
    +		          (binary-tree-reverse left)))))

    The correctness of the above implementation can be articulated +as follows. Given a binary tree B and an object E, +either the binary tree is a leaf or it is a node: +

    • Case 1: B is a leaf.
      + Then the reversal of B is simply B itself. +
    • Case 2: B is a node.
      + Then B has three components, namely, an element elmt, + a left subtree left and a right subtree right. + The reversal of B is a node with element elmt, + left subtree the reversal of right, and right subtree + the reversal of left. +

    The following shows us how the recursion unfolds: +

    +USER(21): (trace bin-tree-reverse)
    +USER(22): (bin-tree-reverse '(* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    + 0: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (- (7) (8)))
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (8))
    +     2: returned (8)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (7))
    +     2: returned (7)
    +   1: returned (- (8) (7))
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (+ (2) (3)))
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (3))
    +     2: returned (3)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-REVERSE (2))
    +     2: returned (2)
    +   1: returned (+ (3) (2))
    + 0: returned (* (- (8) (7)) (+ (3) (2)))
    +(* (- (8) (7)) (+ (3) (2)))
    +The resulting expression represents the following tree: +
    +            *
    +           / \
    +          /   \
    +         /     \
    +        -       +
    +       / \     / \
    +      8   7   3   2
    + +

    Let us implement a function that will extract the members of a given binary +tree, and put them into a list in preorder. +

    +(defun bin-tree-preorder (B)
    +  "Create a list containing keys of B in preorder."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (list (bin-tree-leaf-element B))
    +    (let
    +	((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	 (left  (bin-tree-node-left    B))
    +	 (right (bin-tree-node-right   B)))
    +      (cons elmt
    +	    (append (bin-tree-preorder left)
    +		    (bin-tree-preorder right))))))
    +Tracing the execution of the function, we obtain the following: +
    +USER(13): (trace bin-tree-preorder)
    +USER(14): (bin-tree-preorder '(* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    + 0: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (+ (2) (3)))
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (2))
    +     2: returned (2)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (3))
    +     2: returned (3)
    +   1: returned (+ 2 3)
    +   1: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (- (7) (8)))
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (7))
    +     2: returned (7)
    +     2: (BIN-TREE-PREORDER (8))
    +     2: returned (8)
    +   1: returned (- 7 8)
    + 0: returned (* + 2 3 - 7 8)
    +(* + 2 3 - 7 8)
    + +

    As we have discussed before, the append call in the code above +is a source of inefficiency that can be obtimized away: +

    +(defun fast-bin-tree-preorder (B)
    +  "A tail-recursive version of bin-tree-preorder."
    +  (preorder-aux B nil))
    +(defun preorder-aux (B A)
    +  "Append A to the end of the list containing elements of B in preorder."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (cons (bin-tree-leaf-element B) A)
    +    (let
    +	((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	 (left  (bin-tree-node-left    B))
    +	 (right (bin-tree-node-right   B)))
    +      (cons elmt
    +	    (preorder-aux left
    +			  (preorder-aux right A))))))
    +An execution trace of the implementation is the following: +
    +USER(15): (trace fast-bin-tree-preorder preorder-aux)          
    +USER(16): (fast-bin-tree-preorder '(* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    + 0: (FAST-BIN-TREE-PREORDER (* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))))
    +   1: (PREORDER-AUX (* (+ (2) (3)) (- (7) (8))) NIL)
    +     2: (PREORDER-AUX (- (7) (8)) NIL)
    +       3: (PREORDER-AUX (8) NIL)
    +       3: returned (8)
    +       3: (PREORDER-AUX (7) (8))
    +       3: returned (7 8)
    +     2: returned (- 7 8)
    +     2: (PREORDER-AUX (+ (2) (3)) (- 7 8))
    +       3: (PREORDER-AUX (3) (- 7 8))
    +       3: returned (3 - 7 8)
    +       3: (PREORDER-AUX (2) (3 - 7 8))
    +       3: returned (2 3 - 7 8)
    +     2: returned (+ 2 3 - 7 8)
    +   1: returned (* + 2 3 - 7 8)
    + 0: returned (* + 2 3 - 7 8)
    +(* + 2 3 - 7 8)
    + +

    Exercise: Implement a function that will create a list +containing members of a given binary tree in postorder. Implement +also a tail-recursive version of the same function. + +

    Exercise: Repeat the last exercise with inorder. + +

    Abstract Data Types

    + +

    Abstract data types are blackboxes. They are defined +in terms of their external interfaces, and not their implementation. +For example, a set abstraction offers the following +operations: +

    • (make-empty-set) creates an empty set. +
    • (set-insert S E) + returns a set containing all members + of set S plus an additional member E. +
    • (set-remove S E) + returns a set containing all members of set S + except for E. +
    • (set-member-p S E) + returns true if E is a member of set S. +
    • (set-empty-p S) returns true if set S + is empty. +
    + +

    To implement an abstract data type, we need to decide on +a representation. Let us represent a set by a list with +no repeated members. +

    +(defun make-empty-set ()
    +  "Creates an empty set."
    +  nil)
    +(defun set-insert (S E)
    +  "Return a set containing all the members of set S plus the element E."
    +  (adjoin E S :test #'equal))
    +(defun set-remove (S E)
    +  "Return a set containing all the members of set S except for element E."
    +  (remove E S :test #'equal))
    +(defun set-member-p (S E)
    +  "Return non-NIL if set S contains element E."
    +  (member E S :test #'equal))
    +(defun set-empty-p (S)
    +  "Return true if set S is empty."
    +  (null S))
    + +

    Exercise: Look up the definition of adjoin, + remove and member from CLTL2. In particular, + find out how the :test keyword is used to specify + the equality test function to be used by the three functions. + What will happen if we omit the :test keyword and + the subsequent #'equal when invoking the three + functions? +
    + +

    Notice that we have implemented an abstract data type (sets) +using a more fundamental recursive data structure (lists) with additional +computational constraints (no repetition) imposed by the interface +functions. + +

    Binary Search Trees

    + +

    Another way of implementing the same set abstraction is to use + the more efficient binary search tree (BST). +Binary search trees are basically binary trees with the following +additional computational constraints: +

    • All the members in the left subtree of a tree node + is no greater than the element of the node. +
    • All the members in the right subtree of a tree node + is greater than the element of the node. +
    • All the leaf members are distinct. +
    +Again, we are implementing an abstract data type (sets) by a more +fundamental recursive data structure (binary trees) with additional +computational constraints. In particular, we use the leaves of +a binary tree to store the member of a set, and the tree nodes +for providing indexing information that improves search performance. +for example, a BST representing the set {1 2 3 4} would look like: +
    +            2
    +           / \
    +          /   \
    +         /     \
    +        1       3
    +       / \     / \
    +      1   2   3   4
    + +

    An +empty BST is represented by NIL, while a nonempty BST is +represented by a binary tree. +We begin with the constructor and recognizer for empty BST. +

    +(defun make-empty-BST ()
    +  "Create an empty BST."
    +  nil)
    +(defun BST-empty-p (B)
    +  "Check if BST B is empty."
    +  (null B))
    + +

    Given the additional computational constraints, membership test +can be implemented as follows: +

    +(defun BST-member-p (B E)
    +  "Check if E is a member of BST B."
    +  (if (BST-empty-p B)
    +      nil
    +    (BST-nonempty-member-p B E)))
    +(defun BST-nonempty-member-p (B E)
    +  "Check if E is a member of nonempty BST B."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (= E (bin-tree-leaf-element B))
    +    (if (<= E (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	(BST-nonempty-member-p (bin-tree-node-left B) E)
    +      (BST-nonempty-member-p (bin-tree-node-right B) E))))
    +Notice that we handle the degenerate case of searching an empty BST +separately, and apply the well-known recursive search algorithm +only on nonempty BST. +
    +USER(16): (trace BST-member-p BST-nonempty-member-p)
    +USER(17): (BST-member-p '(2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    + 0: (BST-MEMBER-P (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    +   1: (BST-NONEMPTY-MEMBER-P (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    +     2: (BST-NONEMPTY-MEMBER-P (3 (3) (4)) 3)
    +       3: (BST-NONEMPTY-MEMBER-P (3) 3)
    +       3: returned T
    +     2: returned T
    +   1: returned T
    + 0: returned T
    + +

    Insertion is handled by the following family of functions: +

    +(defun BST-insert (B E)
    +  "Insert E into BST B."
    +  (if (BST-empty-p B)
    +      (make-bin-tree-leaf E)
    +    (BST-nonempty-insert B E)))
    +(defun BST-nonempty-insert (B E)
    +  "Insert E into nonempty BST B."
    +  (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +      (BST-leaf-insert B E)
    +    (let ((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	  (left  (bin-tree-node-left    B))
    +	  (right (bin-tree-node-right   B)))
    +      (if (<= E (bin-tree-node-element B))
    +	  (make-bin-tree-node elmt
    +			      (BST-nonempty-insert (bin-tree-node-left B) E)
    +			      right)
    +	(make-bin-tree-node elmt
    +			    left
    +			    (BST-nonempty-insert (bin-tree-node-right B) E))))))
    +(defun BST-leaf-insert (L E)
    +  "Insert element E to a BST with only one leaf."
    +  (let ((elmt (bin-tree-leaf-element L)))
    +    (if (= E elmt)
    +	L
    +      (if (< E elmt)
    +	  (make-bin-tree-node E
    +			      (make-bin-tree-leaf E)
    +			      (make-bin-tree-leaf elmt))
    +	(make-bin-tree-node elmt
    +			    (make-bin-tree-leaf elmt)
    +			    (make-bin-tree-leaf E))))))
    +As before, recursive insertion to nonempty BST is handled +outside of the general entry point of BST insertion. Traversing +down the index nodes, the recursive algorithm eventually arrives +at a leaf. In case the element is not already in the tree, the +leaf is turned into a node with leaf subtrees holding the inserted +element and the element of the original leaf. For example, if +we insert 2.5 into the tree represented by +(2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))), +the effect is the following: +
    +            2                      2
    +           / \                    / \
    +          /   \                  /   \
    +         /     \       ==>      /     \
    +        1       3              1       3
    +       / \     / \            / \     / \
    +      1   2   3   4          1   2  2.5  4
    +                                    / \
    +                                  2.5  3
    +A trace of the insertion operation is given below: +
    +USER(22): (trace BST-insert BST-nonempty-insert BST-leaf-insert)
    +USER(23): (BST-insert '(2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 2.5)
    + 0: (BST-INSERT (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 2.5)
    +   1: (BST-NONEMPTY-INSERT (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 2.5)
    +     2: (BST-NONEMPTY-INSERT (3 (3) (4)) 2.5)
    +       3: (BST-NONEMPTY-INSERT (3) 2.5)
    +         4: (BST-LEAF-INSERT (3) 2.5)
    +         4: returned (2.5 (2.5) (3))
    +       3: returned (2.5 (2.5) (3))
    +     2: returned (3 (2.5 (2.5) (3)) (4))
    +   1: returned (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (2.5 (2.5) (3)) (4)))
    + 0: returned (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (2.5 (2.5) (3)) (4)))
    +(2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (2.5 (2.5) (3)) (4)))
    + +

    Removal of elements is handled by the following family of functions: +

    +(defun BST-remove (B E)
    +  "Remove E from BST B."
    +  (if (BST-empty-p B)
    +      B
    +    (if (bin-tree-leaf-p B)
    +	(BST-leaf-remove B E)
    +      (BST-node-remove B E))))
    +(defun BST-leaf-remove (L E)
    +  "Remove E from BST leaf L."
    +  (if (= E (bin-tree-leaf-element L))
    +      (make-empty-BST)
    +    L))
    +(defun BST-node-remove (N E)
    +  "Remove E from BST node N."
    +  (let
    +      ((elmt  (bin-tree-node-element N))
    +       (left  (bin-tree-node-left    N))
    +       (right (bin-tree-node-right   N)))
    +    (if (<= E elmt)
    +	(if (bin-tree-leaf-p left)
    +	    (if (= E (bin-tree-leaf-element left))
    +		right
    +	      N)
    +	  (make-bin-tree-node elmt (BST-node-remove left E) right))
    +      (if (bin-tree-leaf-p right)
    +	  (if (= E (bin-tree-leaf-element right))
    +	      left
    +	    N)
    +	(make-bin-tree-node elmt left (BST-node-remove right E))))))
    +This time, removal from empty BST's and BST's with a single leaf are +both degenerate cases. The recursive removal algorithm deals with +BST nodes. Traversing down the index nodes, the recursive algorithm +searches for the parent node of the leaf to be removed. In case it is +found, the sibling of the leaf to be removed replaces its parent +node. For example, the effect of removing 2 from the BST represented +by (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) is depicted as follows: +
    +            2                      2
    +           / \                    / \
    +          /   \                  /   \
    +         /     \       ==>      /     \
    +        1       3              1       4
    +       / \     / \            / \     
    +      1   2   3   4          1   2  
    +A trace of the deletion operation is given below: +
    +USER(4): (trace BST-remove BST-node-remove)
    +USER(5): (BST-remove '(2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    + 0: (BST-REMOVE (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    +   1: (BST-NODE-REMOVE (2 (1 (1) (2)) (3 (3) (4))) 3)
    +     2: (BST-NODE-REMOVE (3 (3) (4)) 3)
    +     2: returned (4)
    +   1: returned (2 (1 (1) (2)) (4))
    + 0: returned (2 (1 (1) (2)) (4))
    +(2 (1 (1) (2)) (4))
    + +

    Exercise: A set can be implemented as a sorted list, +which is a list storing distinct members in ascending order. Implement +the sorted list abstraction. +
    + +


    + +

    We demonstrate how one can perform symbolic computation using +LISP. To begin with, we define a new recursive data type for +polynomials, which is defined recursively as follows: +

    • If num is a number, then + (make-constant num) is a polynomial; +
    • If sym is a symbol, then (make-variable sym) + is a polynomial; +
    • If poly1 and poly2 are polynomials, then + the following are also polynomials: +
      • (make-sum poly1 poly2) +
      • (make-product poly1 poly2) +
    • If poly is a polynomial and num is a number, + then (make-power poly num) is a polynomial. +
    +One can represent polynomials in the most standard way: +
    +;; Constructors for polynomials
    +(defun make-constant (num)
    +  num)
    +(defun make-variable (sym)
    +  sym)
    +(defun make-sum (poly1 poly2)
    +  (list '+ poly1 poly2))
    +(defun make-product (poly1 poly2)
    +  (list '* poly1 poly2))
    +(defun make-power (poly num)
    +  (list '** poly num))
    +For example, (make-power (make-sum (make-variable 'x) (make-constant 1)) 2) is represented by the LISP form (** (+ x 1) 2), which +denotes the polynomail (x + 1)2 in our usual +notation. + +

    We then define a recognizer for each constructor: +

    +;; Recognizers for polynomials
    +(defun constant-p (poly)
    +  (numberp poly))
    +(defun variable-p (poly)
    +  (symbolp poly))
    +(defun sum-p (poly)
    +  (and (listp poly) (eq (first poly) '+)))
    +(defun product-p (poly)
    +  (and (listp poly) (eq (first poly) '*)))
    +(defun power-p (poly)
    +  (and (listp poly) (eq (first poly) '**)))
    + +

    We then need to define selectors for the composite polynomials. +We define a selector for each component of each composite +constructor. +

    +;; Selectors for polynomials
    +(defun constant-numeric (const)
    +  const)
    +(defun variable-symbol (var)
    +  var)
    +(defun sum-arg1 (sum)
    +  (second sum))
    +(defun sum-arg2 (sum)
    +  (third sum))
    +(defun product-arg1 (prod)
    +  (second prod))
    +(defun product-arg2 (prod)
    +  (third prod))
    +(defun power-base (pow)
    +  (second pow))
    +(defun power-exponent (pow)
    +  (third pow))
    +One may ask why we define so many trivial looking functions for +carrying out the same task (sum-arg1 and product-arg1 +have exactly the same implementation). The reason is that we +may end up changing the representation in the future, and there is +no guarantee that sums and products will be represented similarly +in the future. Also, programs written like this tends to be +self-commenting. + +

    Now that we have a completely defined polynomial data type, let us +do something interesting with it. Let us define a function that +carries out symbolic differentiation. In particular, we want a function +(d poly x) which returns the derivative +of polynomial poly with respect to variable x. +Let us review our first-year differential calculus: +

    • The derivative (dC / dx) of a constant C + is zero. +
    • The derivative (dy/dx) of a variable y + is 1 if the x = y. Otherwise, we leave + the derivative unevaluated. We represent unevaluated + derivatives using the following functions +
      +;; Unevaluated derivative
      +(defun make-derivative (poly x)
      +    (list 'd poly x))
      +(defun derivative-p (poly x)
      +  (and (listp poly) (eq (first poly) 'd)))
    • The derivative (d(F+G)/dx) + of a sum (F+G) is (dF/dx) + (dG/dx). +
    • The derivative (d(F*G)/dx) of a product (F*G) + is F*(dG/dx) + G*(dF/dx). +
    • The derivative (d(FN)/dx) + of a power FN is + N * FN-1 * (dF/dx). +
    + +

    The above calculus can be encoded in LISP as follows: +

    +;; Differentiation function
    +(defun d (poly x)
    +  (cond
    +   ((constant-p poly) 0)
    +   ((variable-p poly) 
    +    (if (equal poly x) 
    +	1 
    +      (make-derivative poly x)))
    +   ((sum-p poly) 
    +    (make-sum (d (sum-arg1 poly) x) 
    +	      (d (sum-arg2 poly) x)))
    +   ((product-p poly) 
    +    (make-sum (make-product (product-arg1 poly) 
    +			    (d (product-arg2 poly) x))
    +	      (make-product (product-arg2 poly) 
    +			    (d (product-arg1 poly) x))))
    +   ((power-p poly)
    +    (make-product (make-product (power-exponent poly)
    +				(make-power (power-base poly) 
    +					    (1- (power-exponent poly))))
    +		  (d (power-base poly) x)))))
    + +

    Test driving the differentiation function we get: +

    +USER(11): (d '(+ x y) 'x)
    +(+ 1 (D Y X))
    +USER(12): (d '(* (+ x 1) (+ x 1)) 'x)
    +(+ (* (+ X 1) (+ 1 0)) (* (+ X 1) (+ 1 0)))
    +USER(13): (d '(** (+ x 1) 2) 'x)
    +(* (* 2 (** (+ X 1) 1)) (+ 1 0))
    + +

    The result is correct but very clumsy. We would like to +simplify the result a bit using the following rewriting rules: +

    • E + 0 = E +
    • 0 + E = E +
    • E * 0 = 0 +
    • 0 * E = 0 +
    • E * 1 = E +
    • 1 * E = E +
    • E0 = 1 +
    • E1 = E +
    + +

    This can be done by defining a simplification framework, in which +we can implement such rules: +

    +;; Simplification function
    +(defun simplify (poly)
    +  "Simplify polynomial POLY."
    +  (cond
    +   ((constant-p poly) poly)
    +   ((variable-p poly) poly)
    +   ((sum-p poly)
    +    (let ((arg1 (simplify (sum-arg1 poly)))
    +	  (arg2 (simplify (sum-arg2 poly))))
    +      (make-simplified-sum arg1 arg2)))
    +   ((product-p poly)
    +    (let ((arg1 (simplify (product-arg1 poly)))
    +	  (arg2 (simplify (product-arg2 poly))))
    +      (make-simplified-product arg1 arg2)))
    +   ((power-p poly)
    +    (let ((base (simplify (power-base poly)))
    +	  (exponent (simplify (power-exponent poly))))
    +      (make-simplified-power base exponent)))
    +   ((derivative-p poly) poly)))
    +The simplify function decomposes a composite polynomial into +its components, apply simplification recursively to the +components, and then invoke the type-specific simplification +rules (i.e. make-simplified-sum, make-simplified-product, +make-simplified-power) based on the type of the polynomial +being processed. + +

    The simplification rules are encoded in LISP as follows: +

    +(defun make-simplified-sum (arg1 arg2)
    +  "Given simplified polynomials ARG1 and ARG2, construct a simplified sum of ARG1 and ARG2."
    +  (cond
    +   ((and (constant-p arg1) (zerop arg1)) arg2)
    +   ((and (constant-p arg2) (zerop arg2)) arg1)
    +   (t                                    (make-sum arg1 arg2))))
    +(defun make-simplified-product (arg1 arg2)
    +  "Given simplified polynomials ARG1 and ARG2, construct a simplified product of ARG1 and ARG2."
    +  (cond
    +   ((and (constant-p arg1) (zerop arg1)) (make-constant 0))
    +   ((and (constant-p arg2) (zerop arg2)) (make-constant 0))
    +   ((and (constant-p arg1) (= arg1 1))   arg2)
    +   ((and (constant-p arg2) (= arg2 1))   arg1)
    +   (t                                    (make-product arg1 arg2))))
    +(defun make-simplified-power (base exponent)
    +  "Given simplified polynomials BASE and EXPONENT, construct a simplified power with base BASE and exponent EXPONENT."
    +  (cond
    +   ((and (constant-p exponent) (= exponent 1))   base)
    +   ((and (constant-p exponent) (zerop exponent)) (make-constant 1))
    +   (t                          (make-power base exponent))))
    + +

    Let us see how all these pay off: +

    +USER(14): (simplify (d '(* (+ x 1) (+ x 1)) 'x))
    +(+ (+ X 1) (+ X 1))
    +USER(15): (simplify (d '(** (+ x 1) 2) 'x))
    +(* 2 (+ X 1))
    +Comparing to the original results we saw before, this is a lot +more reasonable. + +

    Exercise: Extend the symbolic polynomial framework +in the following ways: +
    • Define a new type of polynomial --- difference. + If poly1 and poly2 are polynomials, then + (make-difference poly1 poly2) + is also a polynomial. Implement the constructor, recognizer + and selectors for this type of polynomial. +
    • The derivative (d(F-G)/dx) of a difference (F-G) + is (dF/dx) - (dG/dx). Extend the differentiation function + to incorporate this. +
    • Implement the following simplification rule: +
      • E - 0 = E +
    + +

    Exercise: Extend the symbolic polynomial framework +in the following ways: +
    • Define a new type of polynomial --- negation. + If poly1 is a polynomial, then (make-negation + poly) is also a polynomial. Implement the + constructor, recognizer and selectors for this type of polynomial. +
    • The derivative (d(-F)/dx) of a negation -F + is -(dF/dx). Extend the differentiation function + to incorporate this. +
    • Implement the following simplification rules: +
      • -0 = 0 +
      • -(-E) = E +
    + +

    Exercise: The simplification rules we have seen so +far share a common feature: the right hand sides do not involve +any new polynomial constructor. For example, -(-E) is +simply E. However, some of the most useful simplification +rules are those involving constructors on the right hand sides: +
    • 0 - E = -E +
    • E1 + (-E2) = E1 - E2 +
    • (-E1) + E2 = E2 - E1 +
    • E1 - (-E2) = E1 + E2 +
    • E * (-1) = -E +
    • (-1) * E = -E +
    +Within the type-specific simplification functions, +if we naively apply the regular constructors to build the expressions +on the right hand sides, then we run into the risk of constructing +polynomials that are not fully simplified. For example, -x +and -1 are both fully simplified, but if we now construct their +product (-1) * (-x), the last simplification rule above +says that we can rewrite the product into -(-x), which needs +further simplification. One naive solution is to blindly apply full +simplification to the newly constructed polynomials, but this is +obviously an overkill. What then is an efficient and yet correct +implementation of the +above simplification rules? +
    + +

    Exercise: If all the components of a composite polynomial +are constants, then we can actually perform further simplification. +For example, (+ 1 1) should be simplified to 2. +Extend the simplification framework to incorporate this. +
    + +

    Tower of Hanoi

    + +

    The Tower of Hanoi problem is a classical toy problem in +Artificial Intelligence: There are N disks +D1, D2, ..., Dn, +of graduated sizes and three pegs 1, 2, and 3. Initially all the disks +are stacked on peg 1, with D1, the smallest, +on top and Dn, the largest, at the bottom. The +problem is to transfer the stack to peg 3 given that only one disk +can be moved at a time and that no disk may be placed on top of a +smaller one. [Pearl 1984] + +

    We call peg 1 the "from" peg, peg 3 the "to" peg. Peg 2 is +a actually a buffer to facilitate movement of disks, and we call +it an "auxiliary" peg. We can move N disks from the +"from" peg to the "to" peg using the following recursive scheme. +

    1. Ignoring the largest disk at the "from" peg, treat the remaining disks + as a Tower of Hanoi problem with N-1 disks. Recursively + move the top N-1 disks from the "from" peg to the + "auxiliary" peg, using the "to" peg as a buffer. +
    2. Now that the N-1 smaller disks are in the "auxiliary" peg, + we move the largest disk to the "to" peg. +
    3. Ignoring the largest disk again, treat the remaining disks + as a Tower of Hanoi problem with N-1 disks. + Recursively move the N-1 disks from the "auxiliary" + peg to the "to" peg, using the "from" peg as a buffer. +
    + +

    To code this solution in LISP, we need to define some data structure. +First, we represent a disk by a number, so that Di +is represented by i. +Second, we represent a stack of disks by a tower, which is +nothing but a list of numbers, with the first element representing +the top disk. We define the usual constructors and selectors for +the tower data type. +

    +;; A tower is a list of numbers
    +(defun make-empty-tower ()
    +  "Create tower with no disk."
    +  nil)
    +(defun tower-push (tower disk)
    +  "Create tower by stacking DISK on top of TOWER."
    +  (cons disk tower))
    +(defun tower-top (tower)
    +  "Get the top disk of TOWER."
    +  (first tower))
    +(defun tower-pop (tower)
    +  "Remove the top disk of TOWER."
    +  (rest tower))
    + +

    Third, we define the hanoi data type to represent +a Tower of Hanoi configuration. In particular, a hanoi configuration +is a list of three towers. The elementary constructors and selectors +are given below: +

    +;; Hanoi configuration
    +(defun make-hanoi (from-tower aux-tower to-tower)
    +  "Create a Hanoi configuration from three towers."
    +  (list from-tower aux-tower to-tower))
    +(defun hanoi-tower (hanoi i)
    +  "Select the I'th tower of a Hanoi construction."
    +  (nth (1- i) hanoi))

    Working with towers within a Hanoi configuration is tedious. +We therefore define some shortcut to capture recurring operations: +

    +;; Utilities
    +(defun hanoi-tower-update (hanoi i tower)
    +  "Replace the I'th tower in the HANOI configuration by tower TOWER."
    +  (cond
    +   ((= i 1) (make-hanoi tower (second hanoi) (third hanoi)))
    +   ((= i 2) (make-hanoi (first hanoi) tower (third hanoi)))
    +   ((= i 3) (make-hanoi (first hanoi) (second hanoi) tower))))
    +(defun hanoi-tower-top (hanoi i)
    +  "Return the top disk of the I'th tower in the HANOI configuration."
    +  (tower-top (hanoi-tower hanoi i)))
    +(defun hanoi-tower-pop (hanoi i)
    +  "Pop the top disk of the I'th tower in the HANOI configuration."
    +  (hanoi-tower-update hanoi i (tower-pop (hanoi-tower hanoi i))))
    +(defun hanoi-tower-push (hanoi i disk)
    +  "Push DISK into the I'th tower of the HANOI configuration."
    +  (hanoi-tower-update hanoi i (tower-push (hanoi-tower hanoi i) disk)))
    + +

    The fundamental operator we can perform on a Hanoi configuration +is to move a top disk from one peg to another: +

    +;; Operator: move top disk from one tower to another
    +(defun move-disk (from to hanoi)
    +  "Move the top disk from peg FROM to peg TO in configuration HANOI."
    +  (let
    +      ((disk               (hanoi-tower-top hanoi from))
    +       (intermediate-hanoi (hanoi-tower-pop hanoi from)))
    +    (hanoi-tower-push intermediate-hanoi to disk)))
    + +

    We are now ready to capture the logic of our recursive solution +into the following code: +

    +;; Subgoal: moving a tower from one peg to another
    +(defun move-tower (N from aux to hanoi)
    +  "In the HANOI configuration, move the top N disks from peg FROM to peg TO using peg AUX as an auxiliary peg."
    +  (if (= N 1)
    +      (move-disk from to hanoi)
    +    (move-tower (- N 1) aux from to 
    +		(move-disk from to
    +			   (move-tower (- N 1) from to aux hanoi)))))
    + +

    We use the driver function solve-hanoi to start up the recursion: +

    +;; Driver function
    +(defun solve-hanoi (N)
    +  "Solve the Tower of Hanoi problem."
    +  (move-tower N 1 2 3 (make-hanoi (make-complete-tower N) nil nil)))
    +(defun make-complete-tower (N)
    +  "Create a tower of N disks."
    +  (make-complete-tower-aux N (make-empty-tower)))
    +(defun make-complete-tower-aux (N A)
    +  "Push a complete tower of N disks on top of tower A."
    +  (if (zerop N)
    +      A
    +    (make-complete-tower-aux (1- N) (tower-push A N))))
    + +

    To solve a Tower of Hanoi problem with 3 disks, we call +(solve-hanoi 3): +

    +USER(50): (solve-hanoi 3)
    +(NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +All we get back is the final configuration, which is not as +interesting as knowing the sequence of moves taken by the +algorithm. So we trace usage of the move-disk +operator: +
    +USER(51): (trace move-disk)
    +USER(52): (solve-hanoi 3)
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    + 0: returned ((2 3) NIL (1))
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 1 2 ((2 3) NIL (1)))
    + 0: returned ((3) (2) (1))
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 3 2 ((3) (2) (1)))
    + 0: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((3) (1 2) NIL))
    + 0: returned (NIL (1 2) (3))
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 2 1 (NIL (1 2) (3)))
    + 0: returned ((1) (2) (3))
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 2 3 ((1) (2) (3)))
    + 0: returned ((1) NIL (2 3))
    + 0: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((1) NIL (2 3)))
    + 0: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +(NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +From the trace we can actually read off the sequence of +operator applications necessary for one to achieve the solution +configuration. +This is good, but not good enough. We want to know why each move is +being taken. So we trace also the high-level subgoals: +
    +USER(53): (trace move-tower)
    +USER(54): (solve-hanoi 3)
    + 0: (MOVE-TOWER 3 1 2 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +   1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 1 3 2 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +     2: (MOVE-TOWER 1 1 2 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +       3: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +       3: returned ((2 3) NIL (1))
    +     2: returned ((2 3) NIL (1))
    +     2: (MOVE-DISK 1 2 ((2 3) NIL (1)))
    +     2: returned ((3) (2) (1))
    +     2: (MOVE-TOWER 1 3 1 2 ((3) (2) (1)))
    +       3: (MOVE-DISK 3 2 ((3) (2) (1)))
    +       3: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)
    +     2: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)
    +   1: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)
    +   1: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((3) (1 2) NIL))
    +   1: returned (NIL (1 2) (3))
    +   1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 2 1 3 (NIL (1 2) (3)))
    +     2: (MOVE-TOWER 1 2 3 1 (NIL (1 2) (3)))
    +       3: (MOVE-DISK 2 1 (NIL (1 2) (3)))
    +       3: returned ((1) (2) (3))
    +     2: returned ((1) (2) (3))
    +     2: (MOVE-DISK 2 3 ((1) (2) (3)))
    +     2: returned ((1) NIL (2 3))
    +     2: (MOVE-TOWER 1 1 2 3 ((1) NIL (2 3)))
    +       3: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((1) NIL (2 3)))
    +       3: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +     2: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +   1: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    + 0: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +(NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +The trace gives us information as to what subgoals each operator +application is trying to establish. For example, the top level +subgoals are the following: +
    + 0: (MOVE-TOWER 3 1 2 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +   1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 1 3 2 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))
    +     ...
    +   1: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)
    +   1: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((3) (1 2) NIL))
    +   1: returned (NIL (1 2) (3))
    +   1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 2 1 3 (NIL (1 2) (3)))
    +     ...
    +   1: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    + 0: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))
    +They translate directly to the following: In order to move a tower +of 3 disks from peg 1 to peg 3 using peg 2 as a buffer +(i.e. (MOVE-TOWER 3 1 2 3 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))) +we do the following: +
    1. + "1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 1 3 2 ((1 2 3) NIL NIL))"
      + Move a tower of 2 disks from peg 1 to peg 2 using peg 3 as a buffer. + The result of the move is the following:
      + "1: returned ((3) (1 2) NIL)" +
    2. + "1: (MOVE-DISK 1 3 ((3) (1 2) NIL))"
      + Move a top disk from peg 1 to peg 3. The result of this move is:
      + "1: returned (NIL (1 2) (3))"
    3. "1: (MOVE-TOWER 2 2 1 3 (NIL (1 2) (3)))"
      + Move a tower of 2 disks from peg 2 to peg 3 using peg 1 as a buffer, + yielding the following configuration:
      + "1: returned (NIL NIL (1 2 3))"
    + + + + diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 4 - Imperative Programming In Lisp.html b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 4 - Imperative Programming In Lisp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..858f2a57f34e18094f2cad267fbf3a6d46332898 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Lisp Mess/Tutorial 4 - Imperative Programming In Lisp.html @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ + + +LISP Tutorial Lecture 4: Imperative Programming + + +

    LISP Tutorial Lecture 4: Imperative Programming

    + + +

    Imperative vs Functional Programming + +

    The fragment of LISP we have learned so far is purely functional. +We program by defining mathematical functions. Programming this way +has the benefit of referential transparency, which means that +an experession has the same value and the same behavior, no matter +where it is located, and how many times it is invoked. For example, +the following function always returns 4 when an input 2 is supplied: +

    +(defun double (x) (* 2 x))
    +Such programs are easy to develop and debug. The only effect of calling +a function is the returned value. Functions become a lot harder to +understand and debug when we allow them to produce side effects, that +is, affecting subsequent computation in ways other than returning a value. +This style of programming, in which side effect is not only permissible +but is also the primary means by which we program, is +called imperative programming. This is not something new, but +is in fact the very kind of programming habits that you have acquired since +you learned your first programming language (e.g. C/C++, Pascal, Java). +Because of this, we intentionally leave the topic of imperative programming to +the end of this series of tutorials. We do so since you already know so +much about imperative programming, and since, in my taste, teaching it +before teaching functional programming would only reinforce some of +the bad habits programmers usually have, and thereby luring you to +write C code with LISP, which, of course, make it harder to finish +your assignment on time. + +


    + +

    Imperative programming is made possible by the notion of + program state. The behavior of an expression depends + on the exact state a program is in. In turn, the state of + a program is defined by, guess what, variables. + +

    Suppose we want to create a global counter to keep track of the +times some computational events occur. +Common LISP allows us to define global variables as follows. +

    +USER(7): (defparameter *counter* 0 "Counter to keep track of ....")
    +USER(8): (setf *counter* (1+ *counter*))
    +USER(9): *counter*
    +USER(10): (setf *counter* (1+ *counter*))
    +USER(11): *counter*
    +We use the defparameter special form to define +a global variable *counter*, with zero as its +initial value. We also decorate the declaration by a +documentation string. We then use the setf +special form to assign new values to the variable. +The setf special form returns the new value of +the variable. +Lastly, evaluating the variable gives its current value. +Notice that *counter* is evaluated to two different values +at different point of time. This is something you will never see if +you work with purely functional programs. + +

    Suppose we actually want this counter to reset to zero when it +reaches a user defined threshold. We would encapsulate this +service into the following definitions: +

    +(defparameter *counter* 0 
    +  "Counter to keep track of ....")
    +(defparameter *threshold* 4
    +  "Counter will be reset to zero when its value reaches this threshold.")
    +(defun counter-inc ()
    +  "Increment global counter by one."
    +  (if (>= (1+ *counter*) *threshold*)
    +      (setf *counter* 0)
    +    (setf *counter* (1+ *counter*))))
    +(defun counter-value ()
    +  "Return current value of global counter."
    +  *counter*)
    +(defun counter-threshold ()
    +  "Return current threshold of global counter."
    +  *threshold*)
    +USER(24): (counter-value)
    +USER(25): (counter-inc)
    +USER(26): (counter-inc)
    +USER(27): (counter-inc)
    +USER(28): (counter-threshold)
    +USER(29): (counter-inc)
    + + +

    The function counter-inc can also be defined as follows: +

    +(defun counter-inc ()
    +  "Increment global counter by one."
    +  (if (>= (1+ *counter*) *threshold*)
    +      (setf *counter* 0)
    +    (incf *counter*)))
    + +


    + +

    With the possibility of state alteration, we also need a new kind +of programming construct --- sequencing. This allows us to +perform multiple state-alterating operations, one after another. +For example, we might want to introduce another function to our global +counter abstraction: a function to modify the value of *threshold* +on the fly: +

    +(defun counter-set-threshold (th)
    +  "Set counter threshold to TH."
    +  (setf *threshold* th)
    +  (if (>= *counter* *threshold*)
    +      (setf *counter* 0))
    +  *threshold*)
    +The function sets the global value of *threshold* to a new value, +and then checks if the current counter value has exceeded the new threshold. +If the check succeeds, then the counter is reset to zero. Lastly, the +function evaluates and returns the last expression, which is simply the +new value of *threshold*. Notice that +in this example the body of a function is no longer one expression, but +a sequence of expressions. They are evaluated in order, and the value +of the last expression is returned as a value of the sequence. +The effect is demonstrated as in the following trace: +
    +USER(2): (counter-value)
    +USER(3): (counter-inc)
    +USER(4): (counter-inc)
    +USER(5): (counter-inc)
    +USER(6): (counter-inc)
    +USER(7): (counter-inc)
    +USER(8): (counter-inc)
    +USER(9): (counter-set-threshold 2)
    +USER(10): (counter-value)
    + +

    In fact, forms like let, let*, when and +unless all admit sequences as their bodies. The cond +form allows sequencing in the body of each alternative. The exception +is if, due to its syntax. However, you can always get around +by introducing a let form in the alternatives or by using +other conditional forms. + +

    Before we move on, notice that we can rewrite the counter-inc +function as follows: +

    +(defun counter-inc ()
    +  "Increment global counter by one."
    +  (if (>= (1+ *counter*) *threshold*)
    +      (setf *counter* 0)
    +    (incf *counter*)))
    +The (incf x) form is simply a shorthand for (setf x (+ x 1)). +In general, the following are useful shorthands when developing imperative +programs: +

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    (incf x delta)(setf x (+ x delta))
    (incf x)(incf x 1)
    (decf x delta)(setf x (- x delta))
    (decf x)(decf x 1)
    (push e x)(setf x (cons e x))
    (pop x)(let ((e (first x))) (setf x (rest x)) e)
    + +

    Exercise: Create a global stack abstraction, with +interface functions for performing pushing and poping. +
    + +


    + +

    The above method for defining an abstraction is not good enough. +For one, the global variables are not encapsulated. There is +nothing to forbid a careless user to change the value of *counter* +in ways violating the invariants of the counter abstraction. +To enforce this, we make use of local variables and closures. + +

    As one would expect, the names introduced by a let form turns +out not to be a name binding to some immutable values. The names refer +to local variables. Such variables follow typical lexical scoping +rules, so that LISP always looks up the innermost variable definition +when a variable name is to be evaluated. + +

    What is more interesting is that, due to the ability to return +functions as values, the local variable has a life span longer than +the expression defining it. Consider the following example: +

    +USER(20): (setf inc (let ((counter 0)) 
    +                      #'(lambda () 
    +                          (incf counter))))
    +USER(21): (funcall inc)
    +USER(22): (funcall inc)
    +USER(23): (funcall inc)
    +We assign a value to the global variable inc. That value +is obtained by first +defining local variable counter using let, +and then within the lexical scope of the local variable, +a lambda expression is evaluated, +thereby creating an annonymous function, which is returned as a value +to be assigned to inc. The most interesting part +is in the body of that lambda expression --- it increments +the value of the local variable counter! When the lambda +expression is returned, the local variable persists, and is accessible +only through the annonymous function. + +

    The thing to remember from this example is that, in other kinds +of languages like Pascal and C/C++ the lexical scope of a local +variable somehow coincide with its life span. After executation +passes beyond the boundary of a lexical scope, all the local +variables defined within it cease to exist. This is not true +in languages supporting higher-order functions, in particular, +expressions that return functions as values. +However, that is not to say that lexical scoping does not +hold in such languages. In the contrary, lexical scoping is +enforced strictly, and therefore the only place from which +you can alter the value of counter is, as every +true believer of lexical scoping would agree, within the lexical +scope of the variable --- the lambda expression. As a result, +the counter state is effectively encapsulated. The only +way to modify it is by going through the annonymous function stored +in inc. The technical term to refer to this thing +that is stored in inc, this thing that at the same time +captures both the definition of a function and the variables +referenced within the function body is called a function closure. + +

    What if we want to define multiple interface functions for +the encapsulated counter? Simple, just return all of them: +

    +USER(34): (setf list-of-funcs (let ((counter 0))
    +                                (list #'(lambda ()
    +                                          (incf counter))
    +                                      #'(lambda ()
    +                                          (setf counter 0)))))
    + #)
    +USER(35): (setf inc (first list-of-funcs))
    +USER(36): (setf reset (second list-of-funcs))
    +USER(37): (funcall inc)
    +USER(38): (funcall inc)
    +USER(39): (funcall inc)
    +USER(40): (funcall reset)
    +USER(41): (funcall inc)
    + +

    Exercise: Define an encapsulated global stack. +
    + +

    Poor-Man's Object

    + +

    Having only one instance of this encapsulated counter abstraction +is not good enough. Imagine cases when we need multiple instances +of such counters, each having its own state. Well, the answer +is simple, we just evaluate the function-returning let +form everytime we need a new instance of counter. Since, a new +local variable will be created everytime we evaluate the let +form, the function closure that is returned each time will be +associated with a different incarnation of the local variable counter. +To automate this process, of course we define a constructor +for such closures: +

    +(defun make-counter ()
    +  "Create a new instance of a counter object."
    +  (let ((counter 0))
    +    (list #'(lambda ()
    +	      (incf counter))
    +	  #'(lambda ()
    +	      (setf counter 0)))))
    +Notice how this allows us to maintain independently encapsulated states: +
    +USER(44): (setf c1 (make-counter))
    + #)
    +USER(44): (setf c2 (make-counter))
    + #)
    +USER(45): (funcall (first c1))
    +USER(46): (funcall (first c1))
    +USER(47): (funcall (second c1))
    +USER(48): (funcall (first c2))
    +USER(49): (funcall (first c2))
    +USER(50): (funcall (first c2))
    +USER(51): (funcall (first c1))
    +USER(52): (funcall (first c1))
    +USER(53): (funcall (second c2))
    +USER(54): (funcall (first c1))
    + +

    To make invoking counter interface functions easier, we can +define the following shorthands: +

    +(defun counter-increment (counter)
    +  "Increment counter."
    +  (funcall (first counter)))
    +(defun counter-reset (counter)
    +  "Reset counter."
    +  (funcall (second counter)))
    +And now we have an all-rounded counter abstraction. +
    +USER(56): (counter-increment c1)
    +USER(57): (counter-reset c1)
    + +

    The moral of this store is that, function closures are encapsulated +states. They are a poor-man's version of objects, which, after all, +are nothing but encapsulated states. (Yes, I am aware that Common LISP +has a Common LISP Object System (CLOS), and there is no point of +using closures in this manner if all we want is simply object orientation. +But No, I want you to understand what higher-order functions buy +you, and how they serve as a building block for other advanced +programming language constructs. Lastly, I don't want you to spend +time struggling to learn yet another object system.) + +

    Exercise: Implement a constructor for your encapsulated +stack abstraction. Define appropriate shorthands for +convenient invocation of interface functions. +
    + +

    Iterative Constructs

    + +

    To round off this tutorial, we discuss something that you +know so much about --- iterations. We start with something +very simple: +

    +USER(1): (dotimes (i 10) (print i))
    +The (dotimes (i n) + body) form executes body N times. +In addition, it defines a local variable i, which receives +an integer value ranging from 0 to n-1. +The body of the form could be a sequence of expressions. The form +returns NIL. The (print x) form prints +the LISP object x to the console. + +

    A similar construct is defined for iterating through a list: +

    +USER(2): (dolist (i '(a b c d e)) (print i))
    + +

    The most general looping construct is the do form: +

    +(defun fibonacci (n)
    +  "Compute the N'th Fibonacci number."
    +  (do ((f1 0 f2)
    +       (f2 1 (+ f1 f2))
    +       (i  0 (1+ i)))
    +      ((= i n) f2)
    +      ; empty body
    +      ))
    +The first list following the do keyword is a list of +local variables and their initializations and update forms. +Each member of this list has the format (var +init-form update-form). +Within this loop are defined three local variables f1, +f2 and i. The three initialization forms +0, 1 and 0 are evaluated first, and then assigned to the +three locals simultaneously. In each subsequent iteration, +the three update forms f2, (+ f1 f2) and +(1+ i) will be evaluated first, and then the values +are assigned to the three local variables simultaneously. +The second list following the do keyword +(i.e. ((= i n) f2)) has the general format of +(exit-condition return-form). +The exit condition (= i n) is checked after +the initialization is done, or after the update is performed +in subsequent iterations. If the test succeeds, then the +return form is evaluated, and its value is returned. Otherwise, +the body of the do form, which in this case is empty, +will be executed with the updated value of the local variables. + +

    Indefinite looping can be achieved using the (loop body) +form. One may exit from such loop using the return-from form: +

    +(defun fib (n)
    +  "Compute the N'th Fibonacci number."
    +  (let ((f1 0)
    +	(f2 1)
    +	(i  0))
    +    (loop
    +     (if (= i n)
    +	 (return-from fib f2))
    +     ; empty body
    +     (psetf f1 f2
    +	    f2 (+ f1 f2)
    +	    i  (1+ i)))))
    +The fib function has the same meaning as the fibonacci +function coded in terms of do. The psetf is a +variation of setf that implements "parallel" assignment. + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/On LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.pdf b/Programming/Lisp/On LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be27e0b356ef322124e6afcb3c9e475e65ea137c --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/On LISP Advanced Techniques for Common LISP - Paul Graham.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:e382effbae6e4522f1267bd54c699eca5a2042965c5d44629b8467ccdf28e147 +size 1112310 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel.chm b/Programming/Lisp/Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel.chm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d9b1595c5a237af9a1e048f077a9ef342a194b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Lisp/Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel.chm @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:e24ff34830ebcbabdf2ac9253d963bafd1c6c4398e7e2d474bb16f6907b8dd04 +size 2198847 diff --git a/Programming/Lisp/Programming Languages - 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0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3535 0 R /Next 3533 0 R >> endobj 3535 0 obj << /Title (next_permutation\(\)) /Dest [ 2938 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3536 0 R /Next 3534 0 R >> endobj 3536 0 obj << /Title (mismatch\(\)) /Dest [ 2935 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3537 0 R /Next 3535 0 R >> endobj 3537 0 obj << /Title (merge\(\)) /Dest [ 2932 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3538 0 R /Next 3536 0 R >> endobj 3538 0 obj << /Title (min_element\(\)) /Dest [ 2929 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3539 0 R /Next 3537 0 R >> endobj 3539 0 obj << /Title (min\(\)) /Dest [ 2926 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3540 0 R /Next 3538 0 R >> endobj 3540 0 obj << /Title (max_element\(\)) /Dest [ 2926 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3541 0 R /Next 3539 0 R >> endobj 3541 0 obj << /Title (max\(\)) /Dest [ 2926 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3542 0 R /Next 3540 0 R >> endobj 3542 0 obj << /Title (lower_bound\(\)) /Dest [ 2923 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3543 0 R /Next 3541 0 R >> 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(find_first_of\(\)) /Dest [ 2893 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3552 0 R /Next 3550 0 R >> endobj 3552 0 obj << /Title (find_end\(\)) /Dest [ 2890 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3553 0 R /Next 3551 0 R >> endobj 3553 0 obj << /Title (find_if\(\)) /Dest [ 2887 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3554 0 R /Next 3552 0 R >> endobj 3554 0 obj << /Title (find\(\)) /Dest [ 2884 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3555 0 R /Next 3553 0 R >> endobj 3555 0 obj << /Title (fill_n\(\)) /Dest [ 2881 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3556 0 R /Next 3554 0 R >> endobj 3556 0 obj << /Title (fill\(\)) /Dest [ 2878 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3557 0 R /Next 3555 0 R >> endobj 3557 0 obj << /Title (equal_range\(\)) /Dest [ 2872 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3558 0 R /Next 3556 0 R >> endobj 3558 0 obj << /Title (equal\(\)) /Dest [ 2869 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3559 0 R /Next 3557 0 R >> endobj 3559 0 obj << /Title (count_if\(\)) /Dest [ 2863 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3560 0 R /Next 3558 0 R >> endobj 3560 0 obj << /Title (count\(\)) /Dest [ 2860 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3561 0 R /Next 3559 0 R >> endobj 3561 0 obj << /Title (copy_backward\(\)) /Dest [ 2857 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3562 0 R /Next 3560 0 R >> endobj 3562 0 obj << /Title (copy\(\)) /Dest [ 2854 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3563 0 R /Next 3561 0 R >> endobj 3563 0 obj << /Title (binary_search\(\)) /Dest [ 2851 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3564 0 R /Next 3562 0 R >> endobj 3564 0 obj << /Title (adjacent_find\(\)) /Dest [ 2848 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3565 0 R /Next 3563 0 R >> endobj 3565 0 obj << /Title (adjacent_difference\(\)) /Dest [ 2845 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3469 0 R /Prev 3496 0 R /Next 3564 0 R >> endobj 3566 0 obj << /Title ({,V{ WN[avz ^) /Dest [ 1563 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3466 0 R /Prev 3643 0 R /Next 3495 0 R /First 3644 0 R /Last 3645 0 R /Count 14 >> endobj 3567 0 obj << /Title ({,17z |{~bT[P|{W) /Dest [ 2228 0 R /Fit ] /First 3617 0 R /Last 3618 0 R /Count -8 /Next 3574 0 R /Parent 3495 0 R >> endobj 3568 0 obj << /Title ({,20z iostream^) /Dest [ 2682 0 R /Fit ] /First 3569 0 R /Last 3570 0 R /Count -10 /Parent 3495 0 R /Prev 3571 0 R >> endobj 3569 0 obj << /Title (20.1 QdO\\{&<<) /Dest [ 2694 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Next 3615 0 R >> endobj 3570 0 obj << /Title (20.10 _:|{W^) /Dest [ 2830 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3608 0 R >> endobj 3571 0 obj << /Title ({,19z C++N-~bvu\(l) /Dest [ 2583 0 R /Fit ] /First 3572 0 R /Last 3573 0 R /Count -3 /Next 3568 0 R /Prev 3574 0 R /Parent 3495 0 R >> endobj 3572 0 obj << /Title (19.1 RTTI) /Dest [ 2583 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3571 0 R /Next 3593 0 R /First 3605 0 R /Last 3606 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3573 0 obj << /Title (19.3 ͏}gz T~b ;) /Dest [ 2655 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3571 0 R /Prev 3593 0 R /First 3594 0 R /Last 3595 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3574 0 obj << /Title ({,18z Y~bTZb~b) /Dest [ 2447 0 R /Fit ] /First 3575 0 R /Last 3576 0 R /Count -6 /Next 3571 0 R /Prev 3567 0 R /Parent 3495 0 R >> endobj 3575 0 obj << /Title (18.1 QY6k) /Dest [ 2447 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Next 3588 0 R >> endobj 3576 0 obj << /Title (18.6 Y~bSʆZb~b[O ;) /Dest [ 2546 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Prev 3577 0 R /First 3578 0 R /Last 3579 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3577 0 obj << /Title (18.5 Zb~b ;) /Dest [ 2516 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Prev 3581 0 R /Next 3576 0 R /First 3582 0 R /Last 3583 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3578 0 obj << /Title (18.6.1 ^&g VhgvArraym>u|{) /Dest [ 2552 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3576 0 R /Next 3580 0 R >> endobj 3579 0 obj << /Title (18.6.3 Ym>uvArray|{) /Dest [ 2574 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3576 0 R /Prev 3580 0 R >> endobj 3580 0 obj << /Title (18.6.2 c^vArraym>u|{) /Dest [ 2558 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3576 0 R /Prev 3578 0 R /Next 3579 0 R >> endobj 3581 0 obj << /Title (18.4 ~bN v|{W) /Dest [ 2495 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Prev 3586 0 R /Next 3577 0 R /First 3587 0 R /Last 3587 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3582 0 obj << /Title (18.5.1 ZbW|{Xf) /Dest [ 2522 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3577 0 R /Next 3585 0 R >> endobj 3583 0 obj << /Title (18.5.4 ZbW|{bTXvS`') /Dest [ 2537 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3577 0 R /Prev 3584 0 R >> endobj 3584 0 obj << /Title (18.5.3 g QepNggQepz^) /Dest [ 2534 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3577 0 R /Prev 3585 0 R /Next 3583 0 R >> endobj 3585 0 obj << /Title (18.5.2 rykvRYSNI) /Dest [ 2525 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3577 0 R /Prev 3582 0 R /Next 3584 0 R >> endobj 3586 0 obj << /Title (18.3 public0privateTprotected~b) /Dest [ 2477 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Prev 3588 0 R /Next 3581 0 R /First 3589 0 R /Last 3590 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3587 0 obj << /Title (18.4.1 Y~bN v|{W) /Dest [ 2504 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3581 0 R >> endobj 3588 0 obj << /Title (18.2 Y~b) /Dest [ 2459 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3574 0 R /Prev 3575 0 R /Next 3586 0 R >> endobj 3589 0 obj << /Title (18.3.1 ~bN~Tcomposition ) /Dest [ 2483 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3586 0 R /Next 3592 0 R >> endobj 3590 0 obj << /Title (18.3.4 [a~T) /Dest [ 2489 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3586 0 R /Prev 3591 0 R >> endobj 3591 0 obj << /Title (18.3.3 protected~b) /Dest [ 2489 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3586 0 R /Prev 3592 0 R /Next 3590 0 R >> endobj 3592 0 obj << /Title (18.3.2 QMdexempting N*R+bTXvyg ~b_qT) /Dest [ 2486 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3586 0 R /Prev 3589 0 R /Next 3591 0 R >> endobj 3593 0 obj << /Title (19.2 _^8T~b) /Dest [ 2613 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3571 0 R /Prev 3572 0 R /Next 3573 0 R /First 3597 0 R /Last 3598 0 R /Count -8 >> endobj 3594 0 obj << /Title (19.3.1 P Qep) /Dest [ 2655 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3573 0 R /Next 3596 0 R >> endobj 3595 0 obj << /Title (19.3.3 gOsSLQep) /Dest [ 2670 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3573 0 R /Prev 3596 0 R >> endobj 3596 0 obj << /Title (19.3.2 SLQepTu\(b7[NIvlcb^R) /Dest [ 2664 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3573 0 R /Prev 3594 0 R /Next 3595 0 R >> endobj 3597 0 obj << /Title (19.2.1 [NIN:|{\\Bk!~gv_^8) /Dest [ 2613 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Next 3604 0 R >> endobj 3598 0 obj << /Title (19.2.8 C++hQ^v_^8|{\\Bk!~g) /Dest [ 2643 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3599 0 R >> endobj 3599 0 obj << /Title (19.2.7 g QepTQeptryWW) /Dest [ 2640 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3600 0 R /Next 3598 0 R >> endobj 3600 0 obj << /Title (19.2.6 _^8ă) /Dest [ 2634 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3601 0 R /Next 3599 0 R >> endobj 3601 0 obj << /Title (19.2.5 h\\U_TggQepu\() /Dest [ 2631 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3602 0 R /Next 3600 0 R >> endobj 3602 0 obj << /Title (19.2.4 _^8[aTZbQep) /Dest [ 2625 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3603 0 R /Next 3601 0 R >> endobj 3603 0 obj << /Title (19.2.3 Yt|{|{Wv_^8) /Dest [ 2619 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3604 0 R /Next 3602 0 R >> endobj 3604 0 obj << /Title (19.2.2 bQ|{|{Wv_^8) /Dest [ 2616 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3593 0 R /Prev 3597 0 R /Next 3603 0 R >> endobj 3605 0 obj << /Title (19.1.1 dynamic_castdO\\{&) /Dest [ 2586 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3572 0 R /Next 3607 0 R >> endobj 3606 0 obj << /Title (19.1.3 type_info|{) /Dest [ 2604 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3572 0 R /Prev 3607 0 R >> endobj 3607 0 obj << /Title (19.1.2 typeiddO\\{&) /Dest [ 2598 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3572 0 R /Prev 3605 0 R /Next 3606 0 R >> endobj 3608 0 obj << /Title (20.9 h<_r`) /Dest [ 2811 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3609 0 R /Next 3570 0 R >> endobj 3609 0 obj << /Title (20.8 stringmA) /Dest [ 2802 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3610 0 R /Next 3608 0 R >> endobj 3610 0 obj << /Title (20.7 gaNr`) /Dest [ 2796 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3611 0 R /Next 3609 0 R >> endobj 3611 0 obj << /Title (20.6 eNQeTQ) /Dest [ 2769 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3612 0 R /Next 3610 0 R >> endobj 3612 0 obj << /Title (20.5 ͏}QedO\\{&>>) /Dest [ 2763 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3613 0 R /Next 3611 0 R >> endobj 3613 0 obj << /Title (20.4 ͏}QdO\\{&<<) /Dest [ 2751 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3614 0 R /Next 3612 0 R >> endobj 3614 0 obj << /Title (20.3 QvN֏QeQdO\\{&) /Dest [ 2736 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3615 0 R /Next 3613 0 R >> endobj 3615 0 obj << /Title (20.2 Qe) /Dest [ 2706 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3568 0 R /Prev 3569 0 R /Next 3614 0 R /First 3616 0 R /Last 3616 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3616 0 obj << /Title (20.2.1 [W{&N2Qe) /Dest [ 2718 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3615 0 R >> endobj 3617 0 obj << /Title (17.1 [NINN*|{\\Bk!~g) /Dest [ 2234 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Next 3638 0 R /First 3642 0 R /Last 3642 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3618 0 obj << /Title (17.8 ~Twge) /Dest [ 2429 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3619 0 R >> endobj 3619 0 obj << /Title (17.7 UserQuery{t|{) /Dest [ 2405 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3620 0 R /Next 3618 0 R /First 3621 0 R /Last 3621 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3620 0 obj << /Title (17.6 c bTXRYSTKP< ;) /Dest [ 2393 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3622 0 R /Next 3619 0 R >> endobj 3621 0 obj << /Title (17.7.1 [NIUserQuery|{) /Dest [ 2417 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3619 0 R >> endobj 3622 0 obj << /Title (17.5 W|{Tm>u|{ZbQep) /Dest [ 2327 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3623 0 R /Next 3620 0 R /First 3624 0 R /Last 3625 0 R /Count -8 >> endobj 3623 0 obj << /Title (17.4 W|{Tm>u|{vg ) /Dest [ 2303 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3632 0 R /Next 3622 0 R /First 3633 0 R /Last 3634 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 3624 0 obj << /Title (17.5.1 ZbvQeQ) /Dest [ 2333 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Next 3631 0 R >> endobj 3625 0 obj << /Title (17.5.8 ZbQep0g QepTggQep) /Dest [ 2386 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3626 0 R >> endobj 3626 0 obj << /Title (17.5.7 ZbnewdO\\{&) /Dest [ 2380 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3627 0 R /Next 3625 0 R >> endobj 3627 0 obj << /Title (17.5.6 eval\(\)ZbQep) /Dest [ 2368 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3628 0 R /Next 3626 0 R >> endobj 3628 0 obj << /Title (17.5.5 ZbggQep) /Dest [ 2362 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3629 0 R /Next 3627 0 R >> endobj 3629 0 obj << /Title (17.5.4 ZbQepT:w[S) /Dest [ 2356 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3630 0 R /Next 3628 0 R >> endobj 3630 0 obj << /Title (17.5.3 ZbQepvY`u\() /Dest [ 2353 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3631 0 R /Next 3629 0 R >> endobj 3631 0 obj << /Title (17.5.2 ~ZbQep) /Dest [ 2347 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3622 0 R /Prev 3624 0 R /Next 3630 0 R >> endobj 3632 0 obj << /Title (17.3 W|{bTX) /Dest [ 2282 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3638 0 R /Next 3623 0 R >> endobj 3633 0 obj << /Title (17.4.1 W|{g Qep) /Dest [ 2306 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3623 0 R /Next 3637 0 R >> endobj 3634 0 obj << /Title (17.4.5 ggQep) /Dest [ 2321 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3623 0 R /Prev 3635 0 R >> endobj 3635 0 obj << /Title (17.4.4 WhmKLazy error detection\ ) /Dest [ 2321 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3623 0 R /Prev 3636 0 R /Next 3634 0 R >> endobj 3636 0 obj << /Title (17.4.3 SYNN*|{\\Bk!~g) /Dest [ 2312 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3623 0 R /Prev 3637 0 R /Next 3635 0 R >> endobj 3637 0 obj << /Title (17.4.2 m>u|{g Qep) /Dest [ 2309 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3623 0 R /Prev 3633 0 R /Next 3636 0 R >> endobj 3638 0 obj << /Title (17.2 xn[\\Bk!vbTX) /Dest [ 2257 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3567 0 R /Prev 3617 0 R /Next 3632 0 R /First 3639 0 R /Last 3640 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3639 0 obj << /Title (17.2.1 [NIW|{) /Dest [ 2257 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3638 0 R /Next 3641 0 R >> endobj 3640 0 obj << /Title (17.2.3 \\~) /Dest [ 2276 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3638 0 R /Prev 3641 0 R >> endobj 3641 0 obj << /Title (17.2.2 [NIm>u|{) /Dest [ 2269 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3638 0 R /Prev 3639 0 R /Next 3640 0 R >> endobj 3642 0 obj << /Title (17.1.1 bT[av) /Dest [ 2245 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3617 0 R >> endobj 3643 0 obj << /Title ({,N { WNz vz ^) /Dest [ 876 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3466 0 R /Prev 3744 0 R /Next 3566 0 R /First 3745 0 R /Last 3746 0 R /Count 6 >> endobj 3644 0 obj << /Title ({,13z |{) /Dest [ 1569 0 R /Fit ] /First 3714 0 R /Last 3715 0 R /Count -12 /Next 3651 0 R /Parent 3566 0 R >> endobj 3645 0 obj << /Title ({,16z |{ j! g) /Dest [ 2063 0 R /Fit ] /First 3646 0 R /Last 3647 0 R /Count -13 /Parent 3566 0 R /Prev 3648 0 R >> endobj 3646 0 obj << /Title (16.1 |{j!g[NI) /Dest [ 2063 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Next 3710 0 R /First 3713 0 R /Last 3713 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3647 0 obj << /Title (16.13 j!gep~|{) /Dest [ 2198 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3696 0 R >> endobj 3648 0 obj << /Title ({,15z ͏}dO\\{&Tu\(b7[NIvlcb) /Dest [ 1886 0 R /Fit ] /First 3649 0 R /Last 3650 0 R /Count -12 /Next 3645 0 R /Prev 3651 0 R /Parent 3566 0 R >> endobj 3649 0 obj << /Title (15.1 dO\\{&͏}) /Dest [ 1886 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Next 3693 0 R /First 3694 0 R /Last 3695 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 3650 0 obj << /Title (15.12 ͏}gTdO\\{& ;) /Dest [ 2039 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3670 0 R /First 3671 0 R /Last 3672 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3651 0 obj << /Title ({,14z |{vRYS0KP> endobj 3652 0 obj << /Title (14.1 |{vRYS) /Dest [ 1759 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Next 3662 0 R >> endobj 3653 0 obj << /Title (14.8 eHs ;) /Dest [ 1871 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3654 0 R >> endobj 3654 0 obj << /Title (14.7 c bTXKP< ;) /Dest [ 1862 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3655 0 R /Next 3653 0 R >> endobj 3655 0 obj << /Title (14.6 c bTXRYS ;) /Dest [ 1847 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3656 0 R /Next 3654 0 R /First 3657 0 R /Last 3657 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3656 0 obj << /Title (14.5 bTXRYSh) /Dest [ 1832 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3658 0 R /Next 3655 0 R >> endobj 3657 0 obj << /Title (14.6.1 bTX|{[avRYS) /Dest [ 1856 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3655 0 R >> endobj 3658 0 obj << /Title (14.4 |{[aep~Tvector) /Dest [ 1813 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3659 0 R /Next 3656 0 R /First 3660 0 R /Last 3661 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 3659 0 obj << /Title (14.3 |{vggQep) /Dest [ 1796 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3662 0 R /Next 3658 0 R /First 3663 0 R /Last 3664 0 R /Count 2 >> endobj 3660 0 obj << /Title (14.4.1 Xep~vRYS ;) /Dest [ 1819 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3658 0 R /Next 3661 0 R >> endobj 3661 0 obj << /Title (14.4.2 |{[avvector) /Dest [ 1825 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3658 0 R /Prev 3660 0 R >> endobj 3662 0 obj << /Title (14.2 |{vg Qep) /Dest [ 1766 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3651 0 R /Prev 3652 0 R /Next 3659 0 R /First 3667 0 R /Last 3668 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3663 0 obj << /Title (14.3.1 f>_vggu\() /A 3666 0 R /Parent 3659 0 R /Next 3664 0 R >> endobj 3664 0 obj << /Title (14.3.2 SQsvz ^Nx) /Prev 3663 0 R /Parent 3659 0 R /A 3665 0 R >> endobj 3665 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 1806 0 R /FitH 503 ] >> endobj 3666 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 1806 0 R /FitH 841 ] >> endobj 3667 0 obj << /Title (14.2.1 :wg Qep) /Dest [ 1783 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3662 0 R /Next 3669 0 R >> endobj 3668 0 obj << /Title (14.2.3 bg Qep) /Dest [ 1790 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3662 0 R /Prev 3669 0 R >> endobj 3669 0 obj << /Title (14.2.2 PR6[aR^) /Dest [ 1786 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3662 0 R /Prev 3667 0 R /Next 3668 0 R >> endobj 3670 0 obj << /Title (15.11 ͏}gTbTXQep ;) /Dest [ 2027 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3674 0 R /Next 3650 0 R /First 3675 0 R /Last 3676 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3671 0 obj << /Title (15.12.1 P vdO\\{&Qep) /Dest [ 2042 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3650 0 R /Next 3673 0 R >> endobj 3672 0 obj << /Title (15.12.3 NNI`') /Dest [ 2054 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3650 0 R /Prev 3673 0 R >> endobj 3673 0 obj << /Title (15.12.2 SLQep) /Dest [ 2051 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3650 0 R /Prev 3671 0 R /Next 3672 0 R >> endobj 3674 0 obj << /Title (15.10 bNN*lcb ;) /Dest [ 1997 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3678 0 R /Next 3670 0 R /First 3679 0 R /Last 3680 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3675 0 obj << /Title (15.11.1 ͏}bTXQepvXf) /Dest [ 2027 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3670 0 R /Next 3677 0 R >> endobj 3676 0 obj << /Title (15.11.3 SLQep) /Dest [ 2030 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3670 0 R /Prev 3677 0 R >> endobj 3677 0 obj << /Title (15.11.2 P Qep) /Dest [ 2030 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3670 0 R /Prev 3675 0 R /Next 3676 0 R >> endobj 3678 0 obj << /Title (15.9 u\(b7[NIvlcb) /Dest [ 1970 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3683 0 R /Next 3674 0 R /First 3684 0 R /Last 3685 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 3679 0 obj << /Title (15.10.1 Qep͏}g  Vޘ~) /Dest [ 2003 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3674 0 R /Next 3682 0 R >> endobj 3680 0 obj << /Title (15.10.4 [u\(b7[NIvlcb^RRR{I~) /Dest [ 2015 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3674 0 R /Prev 3681 0 R >> endobj 3681 0 obj << /Title (15.10.3 |{WN-vQepb@u\(vP Qep) /Dest [ 2012 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3674 0 R /Prev 3682 0 R /Next 3680 0 R >> endobj 3682 0 obj << /Title (15.10.2 O Qep) /Dest [ 2006 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3674 0 R /Prev 3679 0 R /Next 3681 0 R >> endobj 3683 0 obj << /Title (15.8 dO\\{&newTdelete) /Dest [ 1949 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3686 0 R /Next 3678 0 R /First 3687 0 R /Last 3688 0 R /Count -2 >> endobj 3684 0 obj << /Title (15.9.1 lcbQep) /Dest [ 1979 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3678 0 R /Next 3685 0 R >> endobj 3685 0 obj << /Title (15.9.2 u\(g QepO\\N:lcbQep) /Dest [ 1991 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3678 0 R /Prev 3684 0 R >> endobj 3686 0 obj << /Title (15.7 dO\\{&++T--) /Dest [ 1937 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3689 0 R /Next 3683 0 R >> endobj 3687 0 obj << /Title (15.8.1 ep~dO\\{&new[]Tdelete[]) /Dest [ 1958 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3683 0 R /Next 3688 0 R >> endobj 3688 0 obj << /Title (15.8.2 [OMdO\\{&new\(\)Tdelete\(\)) /Dest [ 1964 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3683 0 R /Prev 3687 0 R >> endobj 3689 0 obj << /Title (15.6 dO\\{&->) /Dest [ 1931 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3690 0 R /Next 3686 0 R >> endobj 3690 0 obj << /Title (15.5 dO\\{&operator\(\)) /Dest [ 1928 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3691 0 R /Next 3689 0 R >> endobj 3691 0 obj << /Title (15.4 dO\\{&[]) /Dest [ 1925 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3692 0 R /Next 3690 0 R >> endobj 3692 0 obj << /Title (15.3 dO\\{&=) /Dest [ 1919 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3693 0 R /Next 3691 0 R >> endobj 3693 0 obj << /Title (15.2 SQC) /Dest [ 1913 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3648 0 R /Prev 3649 0 R /Next 3692 0 R >> endobj 3694 0 obj << /Title (15.1.1 |{bTXN^bTX) /Dest [ 1895 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3649 0 R /Next 3695 0 R >> endobj 3695 0 obj << /Title (15.1.2 ͏}dO\\{&vT\r[W) /Dest [ 1904 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3649 0 R /Prev 3694 0 R >> endobj 3696 0 obj << /Title (16.12 T\r[WzzT|{j!g ;) /Dest [ 2192 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3697 0 R /Next 3647 0 R >> endobj 3697 0 obj << /Title (16.11 |{j!gN-vT\r[Wg ;) /Dest [ 2186 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3698 0 R /Next 3696 0 R >> endobj 3698 0 obj << /Title (16.10 |{j!gRryS ;) /Dest [ 2180 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3699 0 R /Next 3697 0 R >> endobj 3699 0 obj << /Title (16.9 |{j!gryS ;) /Dest [ 2171 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3700 0 R /Next 3698 0 R >> endobj 3700 0 obj << /Title (16.8 |{j!gTj!_ ;) /Dest [ 2156 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3701 0 R /Next 3699 0 R /First 3702 0 R /Last 3703 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3701 0 obj << /Title (16.7 bTXj!g ;) /Dest [ 2144 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3705 0 R /Next 3700 0 R >> endobj 3702 0 obj << /Title (16.8.1 ST+j!_) /Dest [ 2159 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3700 0 R /Next 3704 0 R >> endobj 3703 0 obj << /Title (16.8.3 f>_[OXf) /Dest [ 2168 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3700 0 R /Prev 3704 0 R >> endobj 3704 0 obj << /Title (16.8.2 Ryj!_) /Dest [ 2162 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3700 0 R /Prev 3702 0 R /Next 3703 0 R >> endobj 3705 0 obj << /Title (16.6 |{j!gv]LYW|{W) /Dest [ 2138 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3706 0 R /Next 3701 0 R >> endobj 3706 0 obj << /Title (16.5 |{j!gvY`epcnbTX) /Dest [ 2132 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3707 0 R /Next 3705 0 R >> endobj 3707 0 obj << /Title (16.4 |{j!gN-vSQCXf) /Dest [ 2117 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3708 0 R /Next 3706 0 R /First 3709 0 R /Last 3709 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3708 0 obj << /Title (16.3 |{j!gvbTXQep) /Dest [ 2108 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3710 0 R /Next 3707 0 R /First 3711 0 R /Last 3711 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3709 0 obj << /Title (16.4.1 QueueTQueueItemvSQCXf) /Dest [ 2123 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3707 0 R >> endobj 3710 0 obj << /Title (16.2 |{j!g[OS) /Dest [ 2084 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3645 0 R /Prev 3646 0 R /Next 3708 0 R /First 3712 0 R /Last 3712 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3711 0 obj << /Title (16.3.1 QueueTQueueItemj!gbTXQep) /Dest [ 2111 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3708 0 R >> endobj 3712 0 obj << /Title (16.2.1 ^|{WSepvj!g[S) /Dest [ 2096 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3710 0 R >> endobj 3713 0 obj << /Title (16.1.1 QueueTQueueItem|{j!gv[NI) /Dest [ 2078 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3646 0 R >> endobj 3714 0 obj << /Title (13.1 |{[NI) /Dest [ 1569 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Next 3732 0 R /First 3739 0 R /Last 3740 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 3715 0 obj << /Title (13.12 \\@|{ ;) /Dest [ 1750 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3716 0 R >> endobj 3716 0 obj << /Title (13.11 O\\N:T\r[WzzbTXv|{ ;) /Dest [ 1741 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3717 0 R /Next 3715 0 R >> endobj 3717 0 obj << /Title (13.10 ]LYW|{) /Dest [ 1717 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3718 0 R /Next 3716 0 R /First 3719 0 R /Last 3719 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3718 0 obj << /Title (13.9 |{W ;) /Dest [ 1699 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3720 0 R /Next 3717 0 R /First 3721 0 R /Last 3721 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3719 0 obj << /Title (13.10.1 W\(]LYW|{WN-vT\r[Wg) /Dest [ 1735 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3717 0 R >> endobj 3720 0 obj << /Title (13.8 OMWbit-field Ny͂wzzvbTX) /Dest [ 1692 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3722 0 R /Next 3718 0 R >> endobj 3721 0 obj << /Title (13.9.1 |{WN-vT\r[Wg) /Dest [ 1708 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3718 0 R >> endobj 3722 0 obj << /Title (13.7 TTNy͂wzzv|{) /Dest [ 1677 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3723 0 R /Next 3720 0 R >> endobj 3723 0 obj << /Title (13.6 cT|{bTXvc) /Dest [ 1656 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3724 0 R /Next 3722 0 R /First 3725 0 R /Last 3726 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3724 0 obj << /Title (13.5 Y`|{bTX) /Dest [ 1635 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3728 0 R /Next 3723 0 R /First 3729 0 R /Last 3729 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3725 0 obj << /Title (13.6.1 |{bTXv|{W) /Dest [ 1662 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3723 0 R /Next 3727 0 R >> endobj 3726 0 obj << /Title (13.6.3 Y`|{bTXvc) /Dest [ 1674 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3723 0 R /Prev 3727 0 R >> endobj 3727 0 obj << /Title (13.6.2 Ou\(cT|{bTXvc) /Dest [ 1668 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3723 0 R /Prev 3725 0 R /Next 3726 0 R >> endobj 3728 0 obj << /Title (13.4 T+vthisc) /Dest [ 1623 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3730 0 R /Next 3724 0 R /First 3731 0 R /Last 3731 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3729 0 obj << /Title (13.5.1 Y`bTXQep) /Dest [ 1647 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3724 0 R >> endobj 3730 0 obj << /Title (13.3 |{bTXQep) /Dest [ 1593 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3732 0 R /Next 3728 0 R /First 3733 0 R /Last 3734 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 3731 0 obj << /Title (13.4.1 OUeOu\(thisc) /Dest [ 1629 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3728 0 R >> endobj 3732 0 obj << /Title (13.2 |{[a) /Dest [ 1587 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3644 0 R /Prev 3714 0 R /Next 3730 0 R >> endobj 3733 0 obj << /Title (13.3.1 inlineT^inlinebTXQep) /Dest [ 1596 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Next 3738 0 R >> endobj 3734 0 obj << /Title (13.3.6 mutableepcnbTX) /Dest [ 1620 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Prev 3735 0 R >> endobj 3735 0 obj << /Title (13.3.5 constTvolatilebTXQep) /Dest [ 1611 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Prev 3736 0 R /Next 3734 0 R >> endobj 3736 0 obj << /Title (13.3.4 rykvbTXQep) /Dest [ 1611 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Prev 3737 0 R /Next 3735 0 R >> endobj 3737 0 obj << /Title (13.3.3 yg NQlg bTXQep) /Dest [ 1602 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Prev 3738 0 R /Next 3736 0 R >> endobj 3738 0 obj << /Title (13.3.2 |{bTX) /Dest [ 1599 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3730 0 R /Prev 3733 0 R /Next 3737 0 R >> endobj 3739 0 obj << /Title (13.1.1 epcnbTX) /Dest [ 1572 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3714 0 R /Next 3743 0 R >> endobj 3740 0 obj << /Title (13.1.5 |{XfT|{[NI) /Dest [ 1584 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3714 0 R /Prev 3741 0 R >> endobj 3741 0 obj << /Title (13.1.4 SQC) /Dest [ 1581 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3714 0 R /Prev 3742 0 R /Next 3740 0 R >> endobj 3742 0 obj << /Title (13.1.3 bTX) /Dest [ 1578 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3714 0 R /Prev 3743 0 R /Next 3741 0 R >> endobj 3743 0 obj << /Title (13.1.2 bTXQep) /Dest [ 1575 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3714 0 R /Prev 3739 0 R /Next 3742 0 R >> endobj 3744 0 obj << /Title ({,N{ Wg,) /Dest [ 212 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3466 0 R /Prev 3882 0 R /Next 3643 0 R /First 3883 0 R /Last 3884 0 R /Count 4 >> endobj 3745 0 obj << /Title ({,7z Qep) /Dest [ 882 0 R /Fit ] /First 3856 0 R /Last 3857 0 R /Count -9 /Next 3758 0 R /Parent 3643 0 R >> endobj 3746 0 obj << /Title ({,12z lW{l) /Dest [ 1463 0 R /Fit ] /First 3747 0 R /Last 3748 0 R /Count -6 /Parent 3643 0 R /Prev 3749 0 R >> endobj 3747 0 obj << /Title (12.1 i) /Dest [ 1463 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3746 0 R /Next 3849 0 R >> endobj 3748 0 obj << /Title (12.6 OUeN\ru\(lW{l) /Dest [ 1551 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3746 0 R /Prev 3824 0 R /First 3825 0 R /Last 3826 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 3749 0 obj << /Title ({,11z _^8Yt) /Dest [ 1406 0 R /Fit ] /First 3750 0 R /Last 3751 0 R /Count -5 /Next 3746 0 R /Prev 3752 0 R /Parent 3643 0 R >> endobj 3750 0 obj << /Title (11.1 bQ_^8) /Dest [ 1406 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3749 0 R /Next 3819 0 R >> endobj 3751 0 obj << /Title (11.5 _^8NNy) /Dest [ 1457 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3749 0 R /Prev 3816 0 R >> endobj 3752 0 obj << /Title ({,10z Qepj!g) /Dest [ 1272 0 R /Fit ] /First 3753 0 R /Last 3754 0 R /Count -11 /Next 3749 0 R /Prev 3755 0 R /Parent 3643 0 R >> endobj 3753 0 obj << /Title (10.1 Qepj!g[NI) /Dest [ 1272 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Next 3815 0 R >> endobj 3754 0 obj << /Title (10.11 Qepj!gy:O) /Dest [ 1397 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3804 0 R >> endobj 3755 0 obj << /Title ({,9z ͏}Qep) /Dest [ 1164 0 R /Fit ] /First 3756 0 R /Last 3757 0 R /Count -4 /Next 3752 0 R /Prev 3758 0 R /Parent 3643 0 R >> endobj 3756 0 obj << /Title (9.1 ͏}QepXf) /Dest [ 1164 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3755 0 R /Next 3792 0 R /First 3797 0 R /Last 3798 0 R /Count -7 >> endobj 3757 0 obj << /Title (9.4 Qep͏}g~Ƃ ;) /Dest [ 1236 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3755 0 R /Prev 3787 0 R /First 3788 0 R /Last 3789 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3758 0 obj << /Title ({,8z WTuT}g) /Dest [ 1030 0 R /Fit ] /First 3759 0 R /Last 3760 0 R /Count -6 /Next 3755 0 R /Prev 3745 0 R /Parent 3643 0 R >> endobj 3759 0 obj << /Title (8.1 W) /Dest [ 1030 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Next 3779 0 R /First 3786 0 R /Last 3786 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3760 0 obj << /Title (8.6 Ou\(T\r[WzzbTX ;) /Dest [ 1140 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Prev 3761 0 R /First 3762 0 R /Last 3763 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3761 0 obj << /Title (8.5 T\r[Wzz[NI ;) /Dest [ 1103 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Prev 3766 0 R /Next 3760 0 R /First 3767 0 R /Last 3768 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 3762 0 obj << /Title (8.6.1 T\r[WzzR+T\r) /Dest [ 1140 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3760 0 R /Next 3765 0 R >> endobj 3763 0 obj << /Title (8.6.4 hQT\r[Wzzstd) /Dest [ 1155 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3760 0 R /Prev 3764 0 R >> endobj 3764 0 obj << /Title (8.6.3 usingcy:{&) /Dest [ 1146 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3760 0 R /Prev 3765 0 R /Next 3763 0 R >> endobj 3765 0 obj << /Title (8.6.2 using Xf) /Dest [ 1143 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3760 0 R /Prev 3762 0 R /Next 3764 0 R >> endobj 3766 0 obj << /Title (8.4 R`RMv[a) /Dest [ 1070 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Prev 3773 0 R /Next 3761 0 R /First 3774 0 R /Last 3775 0 R /Count -5 >> endobj 3767 0 obj << /Title (8.5.1 T\r[Wzz[NI) /Dest [ 1109 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Next 3772 0 R >> endobj 3768 0 obj << /Title (8.5.6 g*T}T\rvT\r[Wzz) /Dest [ 1134 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Prev 3769 0 R >> endobj 3769 0 obj << /Title (8.5.5 ODRTT\r[WzzbTX) /Dest [ 1131 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Prev 3770 0 R /Next 3768 0 R >> endobj 3770 0 obj << /Title (8.5.4 T\r[WzzbTX[NI) /Dest [ 1124 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Prev 3771 0 R /Next 3769 0 R >> endobj 3771 0 obj << /Title (8.5.3 ]LYWT\r[Wzz) /Dest [ 1118 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Prev 3772 0 R /Next 3770 0 R >> endobj 3772 0 obj << /Title (8.5.2 WdO\\{&:: ) /Dest [ 1115 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3761 0 R /Prev 3767 0 R /Next 3771 0 R >> endobj 3773 0 obj << /Title (8.3 \\@[a) /Dest [ 1061 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Prev 3779 0 R /Next 3766 0 R /First 3780 0 R /Last 3781 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3774 0 obj << /Title (8.4.1 SUN*[avR`RMNe>) /Dest [ 1073 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3766 0 R /Next 3778 0 R >> endobj 3775 0 obj << /Title (8.4.5 [OMnewh_) /Dest [ 1097 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3766 0 R /Prev 3776 0 R >> endobj 3776 0 obj << /Title (8.4.4 ^8[avR`RMNe>) /Dest [ 1094 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3766 0 R /Prev 3777 0 R /Next 3775 0 R >> endobj 3777 0 obj << /Title (8.4.3 ep~vR`RMNe>) /Dest [ 1091 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3766 0 R /Prev 3778 0 R /Next 3776 0 R >> endobj 3778 0 obj << /Title (8.4.2 auto_ptr ;) /Dest [ 1079 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3766 0 R /Prev 3774 0 R /Next 3777 0 R >> endobj 3779 0 obj << /Title (8.2 Qh\\@[aTQep) /Dest [ 1046 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3758 0 R /Prev 3759 0 R /Next 3773 0 R /First 3783 0 R /Last 3784 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3780 0 obj << /Title (8.3.1 R[a) /Dest [ 1061 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3773 0 R /Next 3782 0 R >> endobj 3781 0 obj << /Title (8.3.3 Y`\\@[a) /Dest [ 1067 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3773 0 R /Prev 3782 0 R >> endobj 3782 0 obj << /Title (8.3.2 [[XVhR[a) /Dest [ 1064 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3773 0 R /Prev 3780 0 R /Next 3781 0 R >> endobj 3783 0 obj << /Title (8.2.1 XfT[NI) /Dest [ 1046 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3779 0 R /Next 3785 0 R >> endobj 3784 0 obj << /Title (8.2.3 Y4eN) /Dest [ 1055 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3779 0 R /Prev 3785 0 R >> endobj 3785 0 obj << /Title (8.2.2 N\rT eNNKXfvS9M) /Dest [ 1049 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3779 0 R /Prev 3783 0 R /Next 3784 0 R >> endobj 3786 0 obj << /Title (8.1.1 \\@W) /Dest [ 1037 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3759 0 R >> endobj 3787 0 obj << /Title (9.3 Sep|{Wlcb ;) /Dest [ 1200 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3755 0 R /Prev 3792 0 R /Next 3757 0 R /First 3793 0 R /Last 3794 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3788 0 obj << /Title (9.4.1 P Qep) /Dest [ 1239 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3757 0 R /Next 3791 0 R >> endobj 3789 0 obj << /Title (9.4.4 :w[S) /Dest [ 1266 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3757 0 R /Prev 3790 0 R >> endobj 3790 0 obj << /Title (9.4.3 gOsSLQep) /Dest [ 1254 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3757 0 R /Prev 3791 0 R /Next 3789 0 R >> endobj 3791 0 obj << /Title (9.4.2 SLQep) /Dest [ 1248 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3757 0 R /Prev 3788 0 R /Next 3790 0 R >> endobj 3792 0 obj << /Title (9.2 ͏}gvN N*ke) /Dest [ 1194 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3755 0 R /Prev 3756 0 R /Next 3787 0 R >> endobj 3793 0 obj << /Title (9.3.1 |xnS9Mv~Ƃ) /Dest [ 1203 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3787 0 R /Next 3796 0 R >> endobj 3794 0 obj << /Title (9.3.4 _u\() /Dest [ 1230 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3787 0 R /Prev 3795 0 R >> endobj 3795 0 obj << /Title (9.3.3 hQƏlcbv~Ƃ) /Dest [ 1221 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3787 0 R /Prev 3796 0 R /Next 3794 0 R >> endobj 3796 0 obj << /Title (9.3.2 cSGv~Ƃ) /Dest [ 1215 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3787 0 R /Prev 3793 0 R /Next 3795 0 R >> endobj 3797 0 obj << /Title (9.1.1 N:NNH͏}NN*QepT\r) /Dest [ 1164 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Next 3803 0 R >> endobj 3798 0 obj << /Title (9.1.7 |{W[Qhc ;) /Dest [ 1191 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3799 0 R >> endobj 3799 0 obj << /Title (9.1.6 cT͏}Qepvc ;) /Dest [ 1188 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3800 0 R /Next 3798 0 R >> endobj 3800 0 obj << /Title (9.1.5 extern "c" T͏}Qep ;) /Dest [ 1185 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3801 0 R /Next 3799 0 R >> endobj 3801 0 obj << /Title (9.1.4 ͏}NW ;) /Dest [ 1176 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3802 0 R /Next 3800 0 R >> endobj 3802 0 obj << /Title (9.1.3 OUeN\r͏}NN*QepT\r) /Dest [ 1173 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3803 0 R /Next 3801 0 R >> endobj 3803 0 obj << /Title (9.1.2 `h7͏}NN*QepT\r) /Dest [ 1167 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3756 0 R /Prev 3797 0 R /Next 3802 0 R >> endobj 3804 0 obj << /Title (10.10 T\r[WzzTQepj!g ;) /Dest [ 1385 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3805 0 R /Next 3754 0 R >> endobj 3805 0 obj << /Title (10.9 j!g[NIN-vT\r[Wg ;) /Dest [ 1370 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3806 0 R /Next 3804 0 R >> endobj 3806 0 obj << /Title (10.8 Qj!gQep[Ov͏}g ;) /Dest [ 1351 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3807 0 R /Next 3805 0 R >> endobj 3807 0 obj << /Title (10.7 ͏}Qepj!g ;) /Dest [ 1342 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3808 0 R /Next 3806 0 R >> endobj 3808 0 obj << /Title (10.6 j!gf>_ryS ;) /Dest [ 1330 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3809 0 R /Next 3807 0 R >> endobj 3809 0 obj << /Title (10.5 j!gj!_ ;) /Dest [ 1317 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3810 0 R /Next 3808 0 R /First 3811 0 R /Last 3812 0 R /Count -3 >> endobj 3810 0 obj << /Title (10.4 f>_j!g[S ;) /Dest [ 1308 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3814 0 R /Next 3809 0 R >> endobj 3811 0 obj << /Title (10.5.1 ST+j!_) /Dest [ 1320 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3809 0 R /Next 3813 0 R >> endobj 3812 0 obj << /Title (10.5.3 f>_[OSXf) /Dest [ 1327 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3809 0 R /Prev 3813 0 R >> endobj 3813 0 obj << /Title (10.5.2 Ryj!_) /Dest [ 1320 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3809 0 R /Prev 3811 0 R /Next 3812 0 R >> endobj 3814 0 obj << /Title (10.3 j!g[Sco ;) /Dest [ 1299 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3815 0 R /Next 3810 0 R >> endobj 3815 0 obj << /Title (10.2 Qepj!g[OS) /Dest [ 1290 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3752 0 R /Prev 3753 0 R /Next 3814 0 R >> endobj 3816 0 obj << /Title (11.4 _^8ă) /Dest [ 1448 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3749 0 R /Prev 3817 0 R /Next 3751 0 R /First 3818 0 R /Last 3818 0 R /Count -1 >> endobj 3817 0 obj << /Title (11.3 cU_^8) /Dest [ 1424 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3749 0 R /Prev 3819 0 R /Next 3816 0 R /First 3820 0 R /Last 3821 0 R /Count -4 >> endobj 3818 0 obj << /Title (11.4.1 _^8ăNQepc) /Dest [ 1454 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3816 0 R >> endobj 3819 0 obj << /Title (11.2 tryWW) /Dest [ 1415 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3749 0 R /Prev 3750 0 R /Next 3817 0 R >> endobj 3820 0 obj << /Title (11.3.1 _^8[a) /Dest [ 1427 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3817 0 R /Next 3823 0 R >> endobj 3821 0 obj << /Title (11.3.4 catch-allYtNx) /Dest [ 1442 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3817 0 R /Prev 3822 0 R >> endobj 3822 0 obj << /Title (11.3.3 ebQ) /Dest [ 1436 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3817 0 R /Prev 3823 0 R /Next 3821 0 R >> endobj 3823 0 obj << /Title (11.3.2 h\\U_) /Dest [ 1436 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3817 0 R /Prev 3820 0 R /Next 3822 0 R >> endobj 3824 0 obj << /Title (12.5 lW{l) /Dest [ 1542 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3746 0 R /Prev 3832 0 R /Next 3748 0 R /First 3833 0 R /Last 3834 0 R /Count -9 >> endobj 3825 0 obj << /Title (12.6.1 list::merge\(\)) /Dest [ 1554 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Next 3831 0 R >> endobj 3826 0 obj << /Title (12.6.7 list::unique\(\)) /Dest [ 1560 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3827 0 R >> endobj 3827 0 obj << /Title (12.6.6 list::splice\(\)) /Dest [ 1557 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3828 0 R /Next 3826 0 R >> endobj 3828 0 obj << /Title (12.6.5 list::sort\(\)) /Dest [ 1557 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3829 0 R /Next 3827 0 R >> endobj 3829 0 obj << /Title (12.6.4 list::reverse\(\)) /Dest [ 1557 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3830 0 R /Next 3828 0 R >> endobj 3830 0 obj << /Title (12.6.3 list::remove_if\(\)) /Dest [ 1554 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3831 0 R /Next 3829 0 R >> endobj 3831 0 obj << /Title (12.6.2 list::remove\(\)) /Dest [ 1554 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3748 0 R /Prev 3825 0 R /Next 3830 0 R >> endobj 3832 0 obj << /Title (12.4 Vޘ~iterator) /Dest [ 1523 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3746 0 R /Prev 3842 0 R /Next 3824 0 R /First 3843 0 R /Last 3844 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 3833 0 obj << /Title (12.5.1 gb~{l) /Dest [ 1545 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Next 3841 0 R >> endobj 3834 0 obj << /Title (12.5.9 X{l) /Dest [ 1551 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3835 0 R >> endobj 3835 0 obj << /Title (12.5.8 T{l) /Dest [ 1551 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3836 0 R /Next 3834 0 R >> endobj 3836 0 obj << /Title (12.5.7 Qs|{l) /Dest [ 1548 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3837 0 R /Next 3835 0 R >> endobj 3837 0 obj << /Title (12.5.6 ubT_S{l) /Dest [ 1548 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3838 0 R /Next 3836 0 R >> endobj 3838 0 obj << /Title (12.5.5 {g/{l) /Dest [ 1548 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3839 0 R /Next 3837 0 R >> endobj 3839 0 obj << /Title (12.5.4 cR~T{l) /Dest [ 1548 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3840 0 R /Next 3838 0 R >> endobj 3840 0 obj << /Title (12.5.3 R dTfcb{l) /Dest [ 1548 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3841 0 R /Next 3839 0 R >> endobj 3841 0 obj << /Title (12.5.2 c^Tu\(et^{l) /Dest [ 1545 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3824 0 R /Prev 3833 0 R /Next 3840 0 R >> endobj 3842 0 obj << /Title (12.3 Qep[a) /Dest [ 1502 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3746 0 R /Prev 3849 0 R /Next 3832 0 R /First 3850 0 R /Last 3851 0 R /Count -6 >> endobj 3843 0 obj << /Title (12.4.1 cQeiterator) /Dest [ 1523 0 R /Fit ] /Parent 3832 0 R 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(subsection.1.1.28) >> +endobj +124 0 obj +(\044IFC : Start conditional compilation) +endobj +125 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.29) >> +endobj +128 0 obj +(\044IFDEF Name : Start conditional compilation) +endobj +129 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.30) >> +endobj +132 0 obj +(\044IFNDEF : Start conditional compilation) +endobj +133 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.31) >> +endobj +136 0 obj +(\044IFOPT : Start conditional compilation) +endobj +137 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.32) >> +endobj +140 0 obj +(\044IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS : Implicit finalization code generation) +endobj +141 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.33) >> +endobj +144 0 obj +(\044INFO : Generate info message) +endobj +145 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.34) >> +endobj +148 0 obj +(\044INLINE : Allow inline code.) +endobj +149 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.35) >> +endobj +152 0 obj +(\044INTERFACES : Specify Interface type.) +endobj +153 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.36) >> +endobj +156 0 obj +(\044I or \044IOCHECKS : Input/Output checking) +endobj +157 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.37) >> +endobj +160 0 obj +(\044I or \044INCLUDE : Include file ) +endobj +161 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.38) >> +endobj +164 0 obj +(\044I or \044INCLUDE : Include compiler info) +endobj +165 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.39) >> +endobj +168 0 obj +(\044I386\137XXX : Specify assembler format \(Intel 80x86 only\)) +endobj +169 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.40) >> +endobj +172 0 obj +(\044J or \044WRITEABLECONST : Allow assignments to typed consts) +endobj +173 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.41) >> +endobj +176 0 obj +(\044L or \044LINK : Link object file) +endobj +177 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.42) >> +endobj +180 0 obj +(\044LINKFRAMEWORK : Link to a framework) +endobj +181 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.43) >> +endobj +184 0 obj +(\044LINKLIB : Link to a library) +endobj +185 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.44) >> +endobj +188 0 obj +(\044M or \044TYPEINFO : Generate type info) +endobj +189 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.45) >> +endobj +192 0 obj +(\044MACRO : Allow use of macros.) +endobj +193 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.46) >> +endobj +196 0 obj +(\044MAXFPUREGISTERS : Maximum number of FPU registers for variables) +endobj +197 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.47) >> +endobj +200 0 obj +(\044MESSAGE : Generate info message) +endobj +201 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.48) >> +endobj +204 0 obj +(\044MINENUMSIZE : Specify minimum enumeration size) +endobj +205 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.49) >> +endobj +208 0 obj +(\044MINFPCONSTPREC : Specify floating point constant precision) +endobj +209 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.50) >> +endobj +212 0 obj +(\044MMX : Intel MMX support \(Intel 80x86 only\)) +endobj +213 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.51) >> +endobj +216 0 obj +(\044NODEFINE : Ignored) +endobj +217 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.52) >> +endobj +220 0 obj +(\044NOTE : Generate note message) +endobj +221 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.53) >> +endobj +224 0 obj +(\044NOTES : Emit notes) +endobj +225 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.54) >> +endobj +228 0 obj +(\044OBJECTCHECKS : Check Object) +endobj +229 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.55) >> +endobj +232 0 obj +(\044OPTIMIZATION : Enable Optimizations) +endobj +233 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.56) >> +endobj +236 0 obj +(\044OUTPUT\137FORMAT : Specify the output format) +endobj +237 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.57) >> +endobj +240 0 obj +(\044PACKENUM or \044Z : Minimum enumeration type size) +endobj +241 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.58) >> +endobj +244 0 obj +(\044PACKRECORDS : Alignment of record elements) +endobj +245 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.59) >> +endobj +248 0 obj +(\044PACKSET : Specify set size) +endobj +249 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.60) >> +endobj +252 0 obj +(\044POP : Restore compiler settings) +endobj +253 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.61) >> +endobj +256 0 obj +(\044PUSH : Save compiler settings) +endobj +257 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.62) >> +endobj +260 0 obj +(\044Q or \044OV or \044OVERFLOWCHECKS: Overflow checking) +endobj +261 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.63) >> +endobj +264 0 obj +(\044R or \044RANGECHECKS : Range checking) +endobj +265 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.64) >> +endobj +268 0 obj +(\044R or \044RESOURCE : Include resource) +endobj +269 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.65) >> +endobj +272 0 obj +(\044SATURATION : Saturation operations \(Intel 80x86 only\)) +endobj +273 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.66) >> +endobj +276 0 obj +(\044SETC : Define and assign a value to a symbol) +endobj +277 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.67) >> +endobj +280 0 obj +(\044STATIC : Allow use of Static keyword.) +endobj +281 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.68) >> +endobj +284 0 obj +(\044STOP : Generate fatal error message) +endobj +285 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.69) >> +endobj +288 0 obj +(\044T or \044TYPEDADDRESS : Typed address operator \(@\)) +endobj +289 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.70) >> +endobj +292 0 obj +(\044UNDEF or \044UNDEFC : Undefine a symbol) +endobj +293 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.71) >> +endobj +296 0 obj +(\044V or \044VARSTRINGCHECKS : Var-string checking) +endobj +297 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.72) >> +endobj +300 0 obj +(\044W or \044STACKFRAMES : Generate stackframes) +endobj +301 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.73) >> +endobj +304 0 obj +(\044WAIT : Wait for enter key press) +endobj +305 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.74) >> +endobj +308 0 obj +(\044WARNING : Generate warning message) +endobj +309 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.75) >> +endobj +312 0 obj +(\044WARNINGS : Emit warnings) +endobj +313 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.76) >> +endobj +316 0 obj +(\044Z1, \044Z2 and \044Z4) +endobj +317 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +endobj +320 0 obj +(Global directives) +endobj +321 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.1) >> +endobj +324 0 obj +(\044APPID : Specify application ID.) +endobj +325 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.2) >> +endobj +328 0 obj +(\044APPNAME : Specify application name.) +endobj +329 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.3) >> +endobj +332 0 obj +(\044APPTYPE : Specify type of application.) +endobj +333 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.4) >> +endobj +336 0 obj +(\044CALLING : Default calling convention) +endobj +337 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.5) >> +endobj +340 0 obj +(\044CODEPAGE : Set the source codepage) +endobj +341 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.6) >> +endobj +344 0 obj +(\044COPYRIGHT specify copyright info) +endobj +345 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.7) >> +endobj +348 0 obj +(\044D or \044DEBUGINFO : Debugging symbols) +endobj +349 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.8) >> +endobj +352 0 obj +(\044DESCRIPTION : Application description) +endobj +353 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.9) >> +endobj +356 0 obj +(\044E : Emulation of coprocessor) +endobj +357 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.3) >> +endobj +360 0 obj +(Intel 80x86 version) +endobj +361 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +endobj +364 0 obj +(Motorola 680x0 version) +endobj +365 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.10) >> +endobj +368 0 obj +(\044G : Generate 80286 code) +endobj +369 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.11) >> +endobj +372 0 obj +(\044INCLUDEPATH : Specify include path.) +endobj +373 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.12) >> +endobj +376 0 obj +(\044INTERFACES : Default interface type) +endobj +377 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.13) >> +endobj +380 0 obj +(\044L or \044LOCALSYMBOLS : Local symbol information) +endobj +381 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.14) >> +endobj +384 0 obj +(\044LIBRARYPATH : Specify library path.) +endobj +385 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.15) >> +endobj +388 0 obj +(\044M or \044MEMORY : Memory sizes) +endobj +389 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.16) >> +endobj +392 0 obj +(\044MODE : Set compiler compatibility mode) +endobj +393 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.17) >> +endobj +396 0 obj +(\044MODESWITCH : Select mode features) +endobj +397 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.18) >> +endobj +400 0 obj +(\044N : Numeric processing ) +endobj +401 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.19) >> +endobj +404 0 obj +(\044O : Level 2 Optimizations ) +endobj +405 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.20) >> +endobj +408 0 obj +(\044OBJECTPATH : Specify object path.) +endobj +409 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.21) >> +endobj +412 0 obj +(\044P or \044OPENSTRINGS : Use open strings) +endobj +413 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.22) >> +endobj +416 0 obj +(\044PASCALMAINNAME : Set entry point name) +endobj +417 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.23) >> +endobj +420 0 obj +(\044PIC : Generate PIC code or not) +endobj +421 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.24) >> +endobj +424 0 obj +(\044PROFILE : Profiling) +endobj +425 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.25) >> +endobj +428 0 obj +(\044S : Stack checking) +endobj +429 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.26) >> +endobj +432 0 obj +(\044SCREENNAME : Specify screen name) +endobj +433 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.27) >> +endobj +436 0 obj +(\044SMARTLINK : Use smartlinking) +endobj +437 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.28) >> +endobj +440 0 obj +(\044THREADNAME : Set thread name in Netware) +endobj +441 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.29) >> +endobj +444 0 obj +(\044THREADING : Allow use of threads.) +endobj +445 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.30) >> +endobj +448 0 obj +(\044UNITPATH : Specify unit path.) +endobj +449 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.31) >> +endobj +452 0 obj +(\044VERSION : Specify DLL version.) +endobj +453 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.32) >> +endobj +456 0 obj +(\044WEAKPACKAGEUNIT : ignored) +endobj +457 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.33) >> +endobj +460 0 obj +(\044X or \044EXTENDEDSYNTAX : Extended syntax) +endobj +461 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.34) >> +endobj +464 0 obj +(\044Y or \044REFERENCEINFO : Insert Browser information) +endobj +465 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +endobj +468 0 obj +(Using conditionals, messages and macros) +endobj +469 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +endobj +472 0 obj +(Conditionals) +endobj +473 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.1) >> +endobj +476 0 obj +(Predefined symbols) +endobj +477 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +endobj +480 0 obj +(Macros) +endobj +481 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +endobj +484 0 obj +(Compile time variables) +endobj +485 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> +endobj +488 0 obj +(Compile time expressions) +endobj +489 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.1) >> +endobj +492 0 obj +(Definition) +endobj +493 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.2) >> +endobj +496 0 obj +(Usage) +endobj +497 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> +endobj +500 0 obj +(Messages) +endobj +501 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +endobj +504 0 obj +(Using Assembly language) +endobj +505 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +endobj +508 0 obj +(Using assembler in the sources) +endobj +509 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +endobj +512 0 obj +(Intel 80x86 Inline assembler) +endobj +513 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.1) >> +endobj +516 0 obj +(Intel syntax) +endobj +517 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.2) >> +endobj +520 0 obj +(AT\046T Syntax) +endobj +521 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +endobj +524 0 obj +(Motorola 680x0 Inline assembler) +endobj +525 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +endobj +528 0 obj +(Signaling changed registers) +endobj +529 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +endobj +532 0 obj +(Generated code) +endobj +533 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +endobj +536 0 obj +(Units) +endobj +537 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +endobj +540 0 obj +(Programs) +endobj +541 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +endobj +544 0 obj +(Intel MMX support) +endobj +545 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +endobj +548 0 obj +(What is it about?) +endobj +549 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +endobj +552 0 obj +(Saturation support) +endobj +553 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +endobj +556 0 obj +(Restrictions of MMX support) +endobj +557 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> +endobj +560 0 obj +(Supported MMX operations) +endobj +561 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> +endobj +564 0 obj +(Optimizing MMX support) +endobj +565 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +endobj +568 0 obj +(Code issues) +endobj +569 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +endobj +572 0 obj +(Register Conventions) +endobj +573 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.1) >> +endobj +576 0 obj +(accumulator register) +endobj +577 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.2) >> +endobj +580 0 obj +(accumulator 64-bit register) +endobj +581 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.3) >> +endobj +584 0 obj +(float result register) +endobj +585 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.4) >> +endobj +588 0 obj +(self register) +endobj +589 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.5) >> +endobj +592 0 obj +(frame pointer register) +endobj +593 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.6) >> +endobj +596 0 obj +(stack pointer register) +endobj +597 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.7) >> +endobj +600 0 obj +(scratch registers) +endobj +601 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.8) >> +endobj +604 0 obj +(Processor mapping of registers) +endobj +605 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +endobj +608 0 obj +(Intel 80x86 version) +endobj +609 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +endobj +612 0 obj +(Motorola 680x0 version) +endobj +613 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +endobj +616 0 obj +(Name mangling) +endobj +617 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.1) >> +endobj +620 0 obj +(Mangled names for data blocks) +endobj +621 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.2) >> +endobj +624 0 obj +(Mangled names for code blocks) +endobj +625 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.3) >> +endobj +628 0 obj +(Modifying the mangled names) +endobj +629 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +endobj +632 0 obj +(Calling mechanism) +endobj +633 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +endobj +636 0 obj +(Nested procedure and functions) +endobj +637 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.5) >> +endobj +640 0 obj +(Constructor and Destructor calls) +endobj +641 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.1) >> +endobj +644 0 obj +(objects) +endobj +645 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.2) >> +endobj +648 0 obj +(classes) +endobj +649 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.6) >> +endobj +652 0 obj +(Entry and exit code) +endobj +653 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.6.1) >> +endobj +656 0 obj +(Intel 80x86 standard routine prologue / epilogue) +endobj +657 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.6.2) >> +endobj +660 0 obj +(Motorola 680x0 standard routine prologue / epilogue) +endobj +661 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.7) >> +endobj +664 0 obj +(Parameter passing) +endobj +665 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.7.1) >> +endobj +668 0 obj +(Parameter alignment) +endobj +669 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.8) >> +endobj +672 0 obj +(Stack limitations) +endobj +673 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +endobj +676 0 obj +(Linking issues) +endobj +677 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +endobj +680 0 obj +(Using external code and variables) +endobj +681 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.1) >> +endobj +684 0 obj +(Declaring external functions or procedures) +endobj +685 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.2) >> +endobj +688 0 obj +(Declaring external variables) +endobj +689 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.3) >> +endobj +692 0 obj +(Declaring the calling convention modifier) +endobj +693 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.4) >> +endobj +696 0 obj +(Declaring the external object code) +endobj +697 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +endobj +700 0 obj +(Linking to an object file) +endobj +701 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +endobj +704 0 obj +(Linking to a library) +endobj +705 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +endobj +708 0 obj +(Making libraries) +endobj +709 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.1) >> +endobj +712 0 obj +(Exporting functions) +endobj +713 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.2) >> +endobj +716 0 obj +(Exporting variables) +endobj +717 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.3) >> +endobj +720 0 obj +(Compiling libraries) +endobj +721 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.4) >> +endobj +724 0 obj +(Unit searching strategy) +endobj +725 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +endobj +728 0 obj +(Using smart linking) +endobj +729 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +endobj +732 0 obj +(Memory issues) +endobj +733 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +endobj +736 0 obj +(The memory model.) +endobj +737 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +endobj +740 0 obj +(Data formats) +endobj +741 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.1) >> +endobj +744 0 obj +(Integer types) +endobj +745 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.2) >> +endobj +748 0 obj +(Char types) +endobj +749 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.3) >> +endobj +752 0 obj +(Boolean types) +endobj +753 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.4) >> +endobj +756 0 obj +(Enumeration types) +endobj +757 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.5) >> +endobj +760 0 obj +(Floating point types) +endobj +761 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +endobj +764 0 obj +(Single) +endobj +765 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> +endobj +768 0 obj +(Double) +endobj +769 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +endobj +772 0 obj +(Extended) +endobj +773 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> +endobj +776 0 obj +(Comp) +endobj +777 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +endobj +780 0 obj +(Real) +endobj +781 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.6) >> +endobj +784 0 obj +(Pointer types) +endobj +785 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.7) >> +endobj +788 0 obj +(String types) +endobj +789 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.14) >> +endobj +792 0 obj +(Ansistring types) +endobj +793 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +endobj +796 0 obj +(Shortstring types) +endobj +797 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.16) >> +endobj +800 0 obj +(Widestring types) +endobj +801 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.8) >> +endobj +804 0 obj +(Set types) +endobj +805 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.9) >> +endobj +808 0 obj +(Static array types) +endobj +809 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.10) >> +endobj +812 0 obj +(Dynamic array types) +endobj +813 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.11) >> +endobj +816 0 obj +(Record types) +endobj +817 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.12) >> +endobj +820 0 obj +(Object types) +endobj +821 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.13) >> +endobj +824 0 obj +(Class types) +endobj +825 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.14) >> +endobj +828 0 obj +(File types) +endobj +829 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.15) >> +endobj +832 0 obj +(Procedural types) +endobj +833 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +endobj +836 0 obj +(Data alignment) +endobj +837 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.3.1) >> +endobj +840 0 obj +(Typed constants and variable alignment) +endobj +841 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.3.2) >> +endobj +844 0 obj +(Structured types alignment) +endobj +845 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +endobj +848 0 obj +(The heap) +endobj +849 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.1) >> +endobj +852 0 obj +(Heap allocation strategy) +endobj +853 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.2) >> +endobj +856 0 obj +(The heap grows) +endobj +857 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.3) >> +endobj +860 0 obj +(Debugging the heap) +endobj +861 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.4) >> +endobj +864 0 obj +(Writing your own memory manager) +endobj +865 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.5) >> +endobj +868 0 obj +(Using dos memory under the Go32 extender) +endobj +869 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.6) >> +endobj +872 0 obj +(When porting Turbo Pascal code) +endobj +873 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.7) >> +endobj +876 0 obj +(Memavail and Maxavail) +endobj +877 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +endobj +880 0 obj +(Resource strings) +endobj +881 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +endobj +884 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +885 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +endobj +888 0 obj +(The resource string file) +endobj +889 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +endobj +892 0 obj +(Updating the string tables) +endobj +893 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +endobj +896 0 obj +(GNU gettext) +endobj +897 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +endobj +900 0 obj +(Caveat) +endobj +901 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +endobj +904 0 obj +(Thread programming) +endobj +905 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +endobj +908 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +909 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +endobj +912 0 obj +(Programming threads) +endobj +913 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +endobj +916 0 obj +(Critical sections) +endobj +917 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.4) >> +endobj +920 0 obj +(The Thread Manager) +endobj +921 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.11) >> +endobj +924 0 obj +(Optimizations) +endobj +925 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.1) >> +endobj +928 0 obj +(Non processor specific) +endobj +929 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.1) >> +endobj +932 0 obj +(Constant folding) +endobj +933 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.2) >> +endobj +936 0 obj +(Constant merging) +endobj +937 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.3) >> +endobj +940 0 obj +(Short cut evaluation) +endobj +941 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.4) >> +endobj +944 0 obj +(Constant set inlining) +endobj +945 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.5) >> +endobj +948 0 obj +(Small sets) +endobj +949 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.6) >> +endobj +952 0 obj +(Range checking) +endobj +953 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.7) >> +endobj +956 0 obj +(And instead of modulo) +endobj +957 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.8) >> +endobj +960 0 obj +(Shifts instead of multiply or divide) +endobj +961 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.9) >> +endobj +964 0 obj +(Automatic alignment) +endobj +965 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.10) >> +endobj +968 0 obj +(Smart linking) +endobj +969 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.11) >> +endobj +972 0 obj +(Inline routines) +endobj +973 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.12) >> +endobj +976 0 obj +(Stack frame omission) +endobj +977 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.13) >> +endobj +980 0 obj +(Register variables) +endobj +981 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.2) >> +endobj +984 0 obj +(Processor specific) +endobj +985 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.2.1) >> +endobj +988 0 obj +(Intel 80x86 specific) +endobj +989 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.2.2) >> +endobj +992 0 obj +(Motorola 680x0 specific) +endobj +993 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.3) >> +endobj +996 0 obj +(Optimization switches) +endobj +997 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.4) >> +endobj +1000 0 obj +(Tips to get faster code) +endobj +1001 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.5) >> +endobj +1004 0 obj +(Tips to get smaller code) +endobj +1005 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.6) >> +endobj +1008 0 obj +(Whole Program Optimization) +endobj +1009 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.6.1) >> +endobj +1012 0 obj +(Overview) +endobj +1013 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.7) >> +endobj +1016 0 obj +(General principles) +endobj +1017 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.1) >> +endobj +1020 0 obj +(How to use) +endobj +1021 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +endobj +1024 0 obj +(Step 1: Generate WPO feedback file) +endobj +1025 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.18) >> +endobj +1028 0 obj +(Step 2: Use the generated WPO feedback file) +endobj +1029 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.2) >> +endobj +1032 0 obj +(Available WPO optimizations) +endobj +1033 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.3) >> +endobj +1036 0 obj +(format of the WPO file) +endobj +1037 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.12) >> +endobj +1040 0 obj +(Programming shared libraries) +endobj +1041 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.1) >> +endobj +1044 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +1045 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.2) >> +endobj +1048 0 obj +(Creating a library) +endobj +1049 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.3) >> +endobj +1052 0 obj +(Using a library in a pascal program) +endobj +1053 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.4) >> +endobj +1056 0 obj +(Using a pascal library from a C program) +endobj +1057 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.5) >> +endobj +1060 0 obj +(Some Windows issues) +endobj +1061 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.13) >> +endobj +1064 0 obj +(Using Windows resources) +endobj +1065 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.1) >> +endobj +1068 0 obj +(The resource directive \044R) +endobj +1069 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.2) >> +endobj +1072 0 obj +(Creating resources) +endobj +1073 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.3) >> +endobj +1076 0 obj +(Using string tables.) +endobj +1077 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.4) >> +endobj +1080 0 obj +(Inserting version information) +endobj +1081 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.5) >> +endobj +1084 0 obj +(Inserting an application icon) +endobj +1085 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.6) >> +endobj +1088 0 obj +(Using a Pascal preprocessor) +endobj +1089 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.A) >> +endobj +1092 0 obj +(Anatomy of a unit file) +endobj +1093 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.A.1) >> +endobj +1096 0 obj +(Basics) +endobj +1097 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.A.2) >> +endobj +1100 0 obj +(reading ppufiles) +endobj +1101 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.A.3) >> +endobj +1104 0 obj +(The Header) +endobj +1105 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.A.4) >> +endobj +1108 0 obj +(The sections) +endobj +1109 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.A.5) >> +endobj +1112 0 obj +(Creating ppufiles) +endobj +1113 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.B) >> +endobj +1116 0 obj +(Compiler and RTL source tree structure) +endobj +1117 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.B.1) >> +endobj +1120 0 obj +(The compiler source tree) +endobj +1121 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.B.2) >> +endobj +1124 0 obj +(The RTL source tree) +endobj +1125 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.C) >> +endobj +1128 0 obj +(Compiler limits) +endobj +1129 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.D) >> +endobj +1132 0 obj +(Compiler modes) +endobj +1133 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.D.1) >> +endobj +1136 0 obj +(FPC mode) +endobj +1137 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.D.2) >> +endobj +1140 0 obj +(TP mode) +endobj +1141 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.D.3) >> +endobj +1144 0 obj +(Delphi mode) +endobj +1145 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.D.4) >> +endobj +1148 0 obj +(OBJFPC mode) +endobj +1149 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.D.5) >> +endobj +1152 0 obj +(MAC mode) +endobj +1153 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.E) >> +endobj +1156 0 obj +(Using fpcmake) +endobj +1157 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.1) >> +endobj +1160 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +1161 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.2) >> +endobj +1164 0 obj +(Functionality) +endobj +1165 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.3) >> +endobj +1168 0 obj +(Usage) +endobj +1169 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.4) >> +endobj +1172 0 obj +(Format of the configuration file) +endobj +1173 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.1) >> +endobj +1176 0 obj +(clean) +endobj +1177 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.2) >> +endobj +1180 0 obj +(compiler) +endobj +1181 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.3) >> +endobj +1184 0 obj +(Default) +endobj +1185 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.4) >> +endobj +1188 0 obj +(Dist) +endobj +1189 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.5) >> +endobj +1192 0 obj +(Install) +endobj +1193 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.6) >> +endobj +1196 0 obj +(Package) +endobj +1197 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.7) >> +endobj +1200 0 obj +(Prerules) +endobj +1201 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.8) >> +endobj +1204 0 obj +(Requires) +endobj +1205 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.9) >> +endobj +1208 0 obj +(Rules) +endobj +1209 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.10) >> +endobj +1212 0 obj +(Target) +endobj +1213 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.5) >> +endobj +1216 0 obj +(Programs needed to use the generated makefile) +endobj +1217 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.6) >> +endobj +1220 0 obj +(Variables that affect the generated makefile) +endobj +1221 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.6.1) >> +endobj +1224 0 obj +(Directory variables) +endobj +1225 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.6.2) >> +endobj +1228 0 obj +(Compiler command line variables ) +endobj +1229 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.7) >> +endobj +1232 0 obj +(Variables set by fpcmake) +endobj +1233 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.1) >> +endobj +1236 0 obj +(Directory variables) +endobj +1237 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.2) >> +endobj +1240 0 obj +(Target variables) +endobj +1241 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.3) >> +endobj +1244 0 obj +(Compiler command line variables) +endobj +1245 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.4) >> +endobj +1248 0 obj +(Program names) +endobj +1249 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.5) >> +endobj +1252 0 obj +(File extensions) +endobj +1253 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.7.6) >> +endobj +1256 0 obj +(Target files) +endobj +1257 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.E.8) >> +endobj +1260 0 obj +(Rules and targets created by fpcmake) +endobj +1261 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.1) >> +endobj +1264 0 obj +(Pattern rules) +endobj +1265 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.2) >> +endobj +1268 0 obj +(Build rules) +endobj +1269 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.3) >> +endobj +1272 0 obj +(Cleaning rules) +endobj +1273 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.4) >> +endobj +1276 0 obj +(Archiving rules) +endobj +1277 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.5) >> +endobj +1280 0 obj +(Installation rules) +endobj +1281 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.8.6) >> +endobj +1284 0 obj +(Informative rules) +endobj +1285 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.F) >> +endobj +1288 0 obj +(Compiling the compiler) +endobj +1289 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.F.1) >> +endobj +1292 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +1293 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.F.2) >> +endobj +1296 0 obj +(Before starting) +endobj +1297 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.F.3) >> +endobj +1300 0 obj +(Compiling using make) +endobj +1301 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.F.4) >> +endobj +1304 0 obj +(Compiling by hand) +endobj +1305 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.F.4.1) >> +endobj +1308 0 obj +(Compiling the RTL) +endobj +1309 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.F.4.2) >> +endobj +1312 0 obj +(Compiling the compiler) +endobj +1313 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.G) >> +endobj +1316 0 obj +(Compiler defines during compilation) +endobj +1317 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.H) >> +endobj +1320 0 obj +(Stack configuration) +endobj +1321 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.1) >> +endobj +1324 0 obj +(DOS) +endobj +1325 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.2) >> +endobj +1328 0 obj +(Linux) +endobj +1329 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.3) >> +endobj +1332 0 obj +(Netbsd) +endobj +1333 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.4) >> +endobj +1336 0 obj +(Freebsd) +endobj +1337 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.5) >> +endobj +1340 0 obj +(BeOS) +endobj +1341 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.6) >> +endobj +1344 0 obj +(Windows) +endobj +1345 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.7) >> +endobj +1348 0 obj +(OS/2) +endobj +1349 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.8) >> +endobj +1352 0 obj +(Amiga) +endobj +1353 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.H.9) >> +endobj +1356 0 obj +(Atari) +endobj +1357 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.I) >> +endobj +1360 0 obj +(Operating system specific behavior) +endobj +1363 0 obj << +/Length 315 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xڅMO0 J̋I|lhH.t٘ېM'u0Ox^t&Fs  , H"#N}U.Ad[t+ws]<-%NB0jCU'}^95h,Nmy)@蜐_m&eFD۶0/)DyZQowFhHH>}q$W?zDOLg~> endobj +1364 0 obj << +/D [1362 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1365 0 obj << +/D [1362 0 R /XYZ 91.925 733.028 null] +>> endobj +1361 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 1366 0 R /F31 1367 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1402 0 obj << +/Length 1528 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xZsH~߿{0Uf\[W{DIB- &nRucAz[[r-D$,wa}nu(tu:ZJi_YҒ@r3If Hdչӳ6VmN]5s[ gmORM$ȣu+moc9kՕ2"Q g: -=H緛z2X롙攨ZNfR ڮPl :v[L4M͠^INy(&@0:)G80ANlHCgnHs# ăP 9:U( 3L>֖ȧ)(kOwtG5 \#n\ӥ<[yRm7Q꟥XyIpx7c{t+Ⳍ/z`z fjZיҒsv*ɡ|th go41~3Cutsio@MݱF% p)"gvf]SOIAj +7W Tk@^4V i53w:PzZe+qU\'Z4 zxE\_P"4 f v/#4W J| 53c5v[kK~C` d\ti@m l`ٷ^ت@EkGWHԧ^0`VúAl)vvZ}pHK +endstream +endobj +1401 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 1402 0 R +/Resources 1400 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 1368 0 R +/Annots [ 1369 0 R 1370 0 R 1371 0 R 1372 0 R 1373 0 R 1374 0 R 1375 0 R 1376 0 R 1377 0 R 1378 0 R 1379 0 R 1380 0 R 1381 0 R 1382 0 R 1383 0 R 1384 0 R 1385 0 R 1386 0 R 1387 0 R 1388 0 R 1389 0 R 1390 0 R 1391 0 R 1392 0 R 1393 0 R 1394 0 R 1395 0 R 1396 0 R 1397 0 R 1398 0 R ] +>> endobj +1369 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 582.094 214.355 590.941] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.0.1) >> +>> endobj +1370 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 554.069 191.321 564.948] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> +>> endobj +1371 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 539.852 194.291 548.699] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1372 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 521.655 275.506 532.559] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1373 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 506.233 261.23 516.42] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.2) >> +>> endobj +1374 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 489.376 360.457 500.28] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.3) >> +>> endobj +1375 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 473.237 365.717 484.141] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.4) >> +>> endobj +1376 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 457.097 331.964 468.001] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.5) >> +>> endobj +1377 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 440.958 326.365 451.862] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.6) >> +>> endobj +1378 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 424.818 324.492 435.722] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.7) >> +>> endobj +1379 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 408.679 331.984 419.582] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.8) >> +>> endobj +1380 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 392.539 321.224 403.443] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.9) >> +>> endobj +1381 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 376.399 326.853 387.303] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.10) >> +>> endobj +1382 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 360.26 338.659 371.164] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.11) >> +>> endobj +1383 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 344.12 325.388 355.024] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.12) >> +>> endobj +1384 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 327.981 331.366 338.885] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.13) >> +>> endobj +1385 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 311.841 386.489 322.745] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.14) >> +>> endobj +1386 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 295.702 313.762 306.606] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.15) >> +>> endobj +1387 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 279.562 319.74 290.466] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.16) >> +>> endobj +1388 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 263.423 355.446 274.327] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.17) >> +>> endobj +1389 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 247.283 270.635 258.187] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.18) >> +>> endobj +1390 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 231.99 265.494 242.047] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.19) >> +>> endobj +1391 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 215.004 320.417 225.908] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.20) >> +>> endobj +1392 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 198.864 312.298 209.768] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.21) >> +>> endobj +1393 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 182.725 307.506 193.629] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.22) >> +>> endobj +1394 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 166.585 332.412 177.489] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.23) >> +>> endobj +1395 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 150.446 290.489 161.35] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.24) >> +>> endobj +1396 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 135.153 247.521 145.21] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.25) >> +>> endobj +1397 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 118.167 246.725 129.071] +/A 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0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 369.384 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.71) >> +>> endobj +1454 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 656.201 353.403 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.72) >> +>> endobj +1455 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 639.215 294.973 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.73) >> +>> endobj +1456 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 623.075 325.468 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.74) >> +>> endobj +1457 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 606.935 282.5 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.75) >> +>> endobj +1458 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 591.513 240.807 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.76) >> +>> endobj +1459 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 576.714 198.724 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +>> endobj +1460 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 558.517 298.968 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1461 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 542.377 321.991 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1462 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 328.357 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.3) >> +>> endobj +1463 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 510.098 323.835 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.4) >> +>> endobj +1464 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 493.959 320.208 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.5) >> +>> endobj +1465 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 477.819 312.816 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.6) >> +>> endobj +1466 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 461.679 335.202 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.7) >> +>> endobj +1467 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 445.54 335.949 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.8) >> +>> endobj +1468 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 429.4 284.741 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.9) >> +>> endobj +1469 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 415.318 239.989 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.3) >> +>> endobj +1470 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 399.179 258.809 408.025] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +>> endobj +1471 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 381.829 267.018 391.886] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.10) >> +>> endobj +1472 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 364.842 326.535 375.746] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.11) >> +>> endobj +1473 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 348.703 322.828 359.607] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.12) >> +>> endobj +1474 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 332.563 377.403 343.467] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.13) >> +>> endobj +1475 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 316.424 323.765 327.327] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.14) >> +>> endobj +1476 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 300.284 293.658 311.188] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.15) >> +>> endobj +1477 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 284.144 331.196 295.048] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.16) >> +>> endobj +1478 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 268.852 319.162 278.909] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.17) >> +>> endobj +1479 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 251.865 264.816 262.769] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.18) >> +>> endobj +1480 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 235.726 273.563 246.63] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.19) >> +>> endobj +1481 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 219.586 315.576 230.49] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.20) >> +>> endobj +1482 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 203.447 333.787 214.351] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.21) >> +>> endobj +1483 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 187.307 342.813 198.211] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.22) >> +>> endobj +1484 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 172.014 295.581 182.072] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.23) >> +>> endobj +1485 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 155.028 253.11 165.932] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.24) >> +>> endobj +1486 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 138.888 242.958 149.792] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.25) >> +>> endobj +1487 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 122.749 318.604 133.653] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.26) >> +>> endobj +1488 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 106.609 298.539 117.513] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.27) >> +>> endobj +1489 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 91.317 346.728 101.374] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.28) >> +>> endobj +1494 0 obj << +/D [1492 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1491 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F29 1366 0 R /F39 1405 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1534 0 obj << +/Length 1448 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMsH +R[P(-^{A8 U%$"~4FA 8Bf~{M45؍קj\ 1;C:D3)=֮݋maaٍo (~4CsD566m,{sSsu  5B:N4/L +"&֌:_L).ލn .o{eX^,b?ZmDAa `l>cx/B(/ ټY +V24 +ʠ_ *Wĺrk$\8}szCg\X3ϗ=TMݬDs㻊}A@]Lmyd=hwQ"\jؑFRMr>Iuګ*HȳL/O7vxe$! (?Mʗo,]f%Үcƶ˗ J-ՆƗ7Lс#Bvh /#(> endobj +1490 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 720.759 315.157 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.29) >> +>> endobj +1495 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 294.774 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.30) >> +>> endobj +1496 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 304.687 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.31) >> +>> endobj +1497 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 296.488 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.32) >> +>> endobj +1498 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 351.441 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.33) >> +>> endobj +1499 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 640.061 387.545 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.34) >> +>> endobj +1500 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 613.247 281.762 624.126] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +>> endobj +1501 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 598.91 181.708 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1502 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 580.833 240.976 591.737] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1503 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 566.751 160.657 575.598] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1504 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 548.554 223.51 559.458] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +>> endobj +1505 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 532.415 234.131 543.319] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> +>> endobj +1506 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 518.332 203.068 527.179] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.1) >> +>> endobj +1507 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 500.135 187.556 511.039] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.2) >> +>> endobj +1508 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 483.996 169.514 494.9] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> +>> endobj +1509 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 458.028 216.358 468.907] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +>> endobj +1510 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 441.754 254.185 452.658] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +>> endobj +1511 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 427.672 244.502 436.519] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +>> endobj +1512 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 409.475 209.424 420.379] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1513 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 393.336 218.839 404.239] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1514 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 379.253 263.321 388.1] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +>> endobj +1515 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 361.056 240.756 371.96] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +>> endobj +1516 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 336.992 174.545 345.968] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +>> endobj +1517 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 320.872 152.368 329.719] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +>> endobj +1518 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 302.675 168.966 313.579] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +>> endobj +1519 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 276.707 191.989 287.587] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +>> endobj +1520 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 262.491 198.574 271.337] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +>> endobj +1521 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 244.294 204.114 255.198] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +>> endobj +1522 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 228.154 248.945 239.058] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +>> endobj +1523 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 212.015 243.127 222.919] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> +>> endobj +1524 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 195.875 235.944 206.779] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> +>> endobj +1525 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 171.81 156.851 180.787] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +>> endobj +1526 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 153.633 216.149 164.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +>> endobj +1527 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 137.494 244.123 148.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1528 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 121.354 270.415 132.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.2) >> +>> endobj +1529 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 105.215 237.219 116.119] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.3) >> +>> endobj +1530 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 89.075 209.264 99.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.4) >> +>> endobj +1535 0 obj << +/D [1533 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1532 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F29 1366 0 R /F39 1405 0 R /F36 1403 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1577 0 obj << +/Length 1284 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKw6,텉$$$mdz:IgBء< Fii|Y@ȣG?F0t};}r;ԇ.AЙ͝oz6{ρ~]C uG \]/##O7C?⭇y-|W=d +E.p2EWY0pxUG؝Lq|t?<2p [}NB񆪯ROUJJkA.dh,K!N mi_,"bMj [;/7D23KP +R'vP9+Q"o2Y,*" +e&).32hݚ؞tYx<宭TxwP{қw8اjs!,x<)`]78ž +\](" ͍ܲya|l&Ϯc6%nRıAH"u>?TGWe9_Z"4*9= vV%u kiX^saz' +7³@ځS͔v%oA,Lz&;#l_{T?:~⥤d+|x*WoRvZFihd-Bo*NZΉ v~oߋ >~#H)μ1gزO>>%Rc=E-$L:_LkQIћs:n3'o-@j ś~'SFEs-by٫mbm,YJ,!"oL}JCܓzߐ@(?]*]wn +jnwm1XxkT#СKghzAMd3neO=&|LVxTv +|ȵ6‘h`c*e[;A~u UwkLkܼ '49m`=: ފgԗ6s3fOߔ4UKH3v́0$g[C3q̒U)[pu*5E(ѐ-d.d֙?imjۭRHD.kV"9: ӽ0y˶ d֋6"f:/3GkUU{``Xe&C2p-<zߓ+VX^bCݭ?V1Μ78ːB̙zELݬg9 +endstream +endobj +1576 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 1577 0 R +/Resources 1575 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 1368 0 R +/Annots [ 1531 0 R 1536 0 R 1537 0 R 1538 0 R 1539 0 R 1540 0 R 1541 0 R 1542 0 R 1543 0 R 1544 0 R 1545 0 R 1546 0 R 1547 0 R 1548 0 R 1549 0 R 1550 0 R 1551 0 R 1552 0 R 1553 0 R 1554 0 R 1555 0 R 1556 0 R 1557 0 R 1558 0 R 1559 0 R 1560 0 R 1561 0 R 1562 0 R 1563 0 R 1564 0 R 1565 0 R 1566 0 R 1567 0 R 1568 0 R 1569 0 R 1570 0 R 1571 0 R 1572 0 R 1573 0 R ] +>> endobj +1531 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 248.826 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.5) >> +>> endobj +1536 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 246.066 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.6) >> +>> endobj +1537 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 226.968 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.7) >> +>> endobj +1538 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 285.638 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.8) >> +>> endobj +1539 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 657.411 239.989 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +>> endobj +1540 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 641.272 258.809 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +>> endobj +1541 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 623.075 194.699 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +>> endobj +1542 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 606.935 287.72 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1543 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 590.796 289.932 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1544 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 574.656 284.691 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.3) >> +>> endobj +1545 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 558.517 207.989 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +>> endobj +1546 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 542.377 257.214 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +>> endobj +1547 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 528.295 259.993 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.5) >> +>> endobj +1548 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 510.098 190.884 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.1) >> +>> endobj +1549 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 496.016 190.326 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.2) >> +>> endobj +1550 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 477.819 208.378 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.6) >> +>> endobj +1551 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 461.679 355.246 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.6.1) >> +>> endobj +1552 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 445.54 374.065 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.6.2) >> +>> endobj +1553 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 429.4 203.396 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.7) >> +>> endobj +1554 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 413.261 245.239 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.7.1) >> +>> endobj +1555 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 399.179 198.036 408.025] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.8) >> +>> endobj +1556 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 371.154 168.497 382.033] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +>> endobj +1557 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 354.88 265.393 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +>> endobj +1558 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 338.74 332.93 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1559 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 322.6 274.579 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.2) >> +>> endobj +1560 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 306.461 328.686 317.365] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.3) >> +>> endobj +1561 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 290.321 299.177 301.225] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1.4) >> +>> endobj +1562 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 274.182 258.41 285.086] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +>> endobj +1563 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 258.042 240.418 268.946] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +>> endobj +1564 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 241.903 196.911 252.807] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +>> endobj +1565 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 225.763 242.081 236.667] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1566 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 209.624 240.716 220.528] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1567 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 193.484 240.427 204.388] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.3) >> +>> endobj +1568 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 177.344 254.923 188.248] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.4) >> +>> endobj +1569 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 161.205 209.932 172.109] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +>> endobj +1570 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 135.237 171.227 146.116] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +>> endobj +1571 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 118.963 211.855 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +>> endobj +1572 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 104.761 182.515 113.728] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +>> endobj +1573 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 86.684 214.246 97.588] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1578 0 obj << +/D [1576 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1575 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F29 1366 0 R /F36 1403 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1620 0 obj << +/Length 1252 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKw8,aarLi҉"Ӆs0d06~l96,O+{@K!fZ!W`bq]փ}vs_\3arO@s`BW jq],'c,bY_3Aa`El[(I[sSHlDxMy.r3IQ`g/jUgua*]gJx!B`f ^N!s!0~$qf U|/1x/R2[$]0R+58/D%dg]Q amy!љf!l#t{یs7YLš +OHgy!Jh +{­Qv!@AO syt`&:|ÂOp:>"qwu0ۋdśSޣ_buM$;{J I&Y!^ KTIzVvUvfÖJЈzܒ"(Y4/)=餶wy8S[<l#ͽ  +4 pbE%ݛǿTйHxq,U82=B¤d|T14A!gZ& +שR&_VoSv$e&M^xE osHaelFīLƙ1mqan!+fO10Z-KfYuy^~^g}9bv(I־:wHԢ&wp[U ,r /&INռ@jwh +x7O8kn#mRUe%3eȾ)곷 +!(ކz˲RUQ0?P^!8P΄ .3T\Ղ:}LʏrNrT [u9TŨcaQ-ene_D;kn~cC=K̶)$ c~ȷ'@ʽzv,Hř9оhs5^I0,MB=8zcxk@,ؘE7;|]X^{j9ܪ'ƞvNW> endobj +1574 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 205.549 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1579 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 219.387 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.3) >> +>> endobj +1580 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 237.648 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.4) >> +>> endobj +1581 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 242.37 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.5) >> +>> endobj +1582 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 655.354 188.124 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +>> endobj +1583 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 641.152 191.99 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> +>> endobj +1584 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 625.013 200.289 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +>> endobj +1585 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 606.935 187.018 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> +>> endobj +1586 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 592.734 180.921 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +>> endobj +1587 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 574.656 214.963 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.6) >> +>> endobj +1588 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 558.517 210.54 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.7) >> +>> endobj +1589 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 542.377 227.695 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.14) >> +>> endobj +1590 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 526.238 230.465 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +>> endobj +1591 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 510.098 230.056 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.16) >> +>> endobj +1592 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 493.959 198.914 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.8) >> +>> endobj +1593 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 477.819 231.83 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.9) >> +>> endobj +1594 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 461.679 245.658 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.10) >> +>> endobj +1595 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 445.54 214.953 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.11) >> +>> endobj +1596 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 429.4 212.742 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.12) >> +>> endobj +1597 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 413.261 207.77 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.13) >> +>> endobj +1598 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 397.121 201.683 408.025] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.14) >> +>> endobj +1599 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 380.982 229.339 391.886] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.2.15) >> +>> endobj +1600 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 364.842 191.929 375.746] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +>> endobj +1601 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 348.703 320.437 359.607] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.3.1) >> +>> endobj +1602 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 332.563 270.026 343.467] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.3.2) >> +>> endobj +1603 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 316.424 167.571 327.327] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +>> endobj +1604 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 300.284 259.346 311.188] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.1) >> +>> endobj +1605 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 284.144 226.042 295.048] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.2) >> +>> endobj +1606 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 268.005 242.699 278.909] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.3) >> +>> endobj +1607 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 251.865 306.29 262.769] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.4) >> +>> endobj +1608 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 235.726 311.291 246.63] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.5) >> +>> endobj +1609 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 219.586 261.329 230.49] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.6) >> +>> endobj +1610 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 205.504 227.277 214.351] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.7) >> +>> endobj +1611 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 177.479 178.241 188.358] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +>> endobj +1612 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 163.143 180.034 172.109] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +>> endobj +1613 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 145.065 222.913 155.969] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +>> endobj +1614 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 128.926 233.443 139.83] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +>> endobj +1615 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 112.786 181.818 123.69] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +>> endobj +1616 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 98.584 158.097 107.551] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +>> endobj +1621 0 obj << +/D [1619 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1618 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F29 1366 0 R /F36 1403 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1664 0 obj << +/Length 1297 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMs8탩$$ͤtI6C)/^v? +$plܝM%0?yknW\˟YE6sE]h-?7?]?GP^,y!"%Ԧd X<ޘd/<D-a(` !'}@l26ؚB׆3m(mK[Wig*,E6 mg~Cn>)c#E6߬p"(Zf\4 > +"X.x-aL3x ;qoecE_pܯ>`)Jؙ$SϑDfe)w)s0Oiaq-UYȋ"+6{ +C/ lhɺM/jAZ*Ƴ,:U1E]L^\eC(,TÕ'?A +rMSKDCgNiİl'- u 0\{u">(utP}wSD.1y#QG7vƍ^_w +@*DP b1O.cVΠ~>ŮzHE'E2 CHԪR^UyJy*V +ziiA]תyhY"#w<8n:@"kStQT.Ǹ-[ӳ+;wDzi"eA7Fu\Waswnm{ad[2˳8P@] bK1"9lD7(e%Nb#+!;͢^,uUf87Bb¬"y{a; +rjȞw,IP_vM3DgEw\N +W#ؠB՗6nr +/: @iwWf'NG ex;mf`IPɬ-![)}j{kL!e1*E#+h{E^O'a<_ +|nϷ EΥ 2l/{ì)з{M_}ιeP[U4އvY%;x1liȰ <$YG; +endstream +endobj +1663 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 1664 0 R +/Resources 1662 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 1622 0 R +/Annots [ 1617 0 R 1623 0 R 1624 0 R 1625 0 R 1626 0 R 1627 0 R 1628 0 R 1629 0 R 1630 0 R 1631 0 R 1632 0 R 1633 0 R 1634 0 R 1635 0 R 1636 0 R 1637 0 R 1638 0 R 1639 0 R 1640 0 R 1641 0 R 1642 0 R 1643 0 R 1644 0 R 1645 0 R 1646 0 R 1647 0 R 1648 0 R 1649 0 R 1650 0 R 1651 0 R 1652 0 R 1653 0 R 1654 0 R 1655 0 R 1656 0 R 1657 0 R 1658 0 R 1659 0 R 1660 0 R ] +>> endobj +1617 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 720.047 200.766 730.926] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +>> endobj +1623 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 705.83 180.034 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +>> endobj +1624 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 687.633 216.836 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +>> endobj +1625 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 673.551 195.257 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +>> endobj +1626 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 655.354 214.874 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.4) >> +>> endobj +1627 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 629.386 168.198 640.265] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.11) >> +>> endobj +1628 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 613.112 221.528 624.016] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.1) >> +>> endobj +1629 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 596.973 229.359 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.1) >> +>> endobj +1630 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 580.833 233.603 591.737] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.2) >> +>> endobj +1631 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 566.751 242.41 575.598] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.3) >> +>> endobj +1632 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 548.554 245.14 559.458] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.4) >> +>> endobj +1633 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 534.472 203.347 543.319] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.5) >> +>> endobj +1634 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 516.275 226.57 527.179] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.6) >> +>> endobj +1635 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 502.193 254.256 511.039] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.7) >> +>> endobj +1636 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 483.996 301.617 494.9] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.8) >> +>> endobj +1637 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 467.856 247.062 478.76] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.9) >> +>> endobj +1638 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 451.717 217.185 462.621] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.10) >> +>> endobj +1639 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 437.635 220.492 446.481] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.11) >> +>> endobj +1640 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 421.495 248.995 430.342] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.12) >> +>> endobj +1641 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 403.298 233.922 414.202] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1.13) >> +>> endobj +1642 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 387.159 202.44 398.063] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.2) >> +>> endobj +1643 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 371.019 241.245 381.923] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1644 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 354.88 260.064 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.2.2) >> +>> endobj +1645 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 338.74 220.163 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.3) >> +>> endobj +1646 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 322.6 218.868 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.4) >> +>> endobj +1647 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 306.461 226.171 317.365] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.5) >> +>> endobj +1648 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 290.321 249.214 301.225] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.6) >> +>> endobj +1649 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 276.239 201.544 285.086] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.6.1) >> +>> endobj +1650 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 258.042 204.094 268.946] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.7) >> +>> endobj +1651 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 243.96 207.79 252.807] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.1) >> +>> endobj +1652 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 225.763 307.954 236.667] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +>> endobj +1653 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 209.624 343.371 220.528] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.18) >> +>> endobj +1654 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 193.484 281.772 204.388] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.2) >> +>> endobj +1655 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 179.402 254.525 188.248] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.7.3) >> +>> endobj +1656 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 151.377 237.01 162.256] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.12) >> +>> endobj +1657 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 137.16 180.034 146.007] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.1) >> +>> endobj +1658 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 118.963 201.055 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.2) >> +>> endobj +1659 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 102.824 271.331 113.728] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.3) >> +>> endobj +1660 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 86.684 292.083 97.588] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.4) >> +>> endobj +1665 0 obj << +/D [1663 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1662 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F36 1403 0 R /F29 1366 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1704 0 obj << +/Length 1221 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKwF|Yt!(~,[紉k+ 7 UȎND%ќ|H Ghx\~3/_`"|13P 8F '`!x~&_@ +3 a >C0'JoOćz`R8smf`ªܗ\Q +a GA1W )l1Ť,q<0g~J重<%hr>&>IIW9(2_,/m:RD}  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/D (section.12.5) >> +>> endobj +1666 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 693.945 216.816 704.824] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.13) >> +>> endobj +1667 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 678.517 233.902 688.574] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.1) >> +>> endobj +1668 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 661.531 205.2 672.435] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.2) >> +>> endobj +1669 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 645.391 207.989 656.295] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.3) >> +>> endobj +1670 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 629.252 247.401 640.156] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.4) >> +>> endobj +1671 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 613.112 244.502 624.016] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.5) >> +>> endobj +1672 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 596.973 242.679 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.6) >> +>> endobj +1673 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 571.005 200.298 581.884] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.A) >> +>> endobj +1674 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 556.788 156.792 565.635] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.A.1) >> +>> endobj +1675 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 538.591 194.699 549.495] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.A.2) >> +>> endobj +1676 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 524.509 177.524 533.356] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.A.3) >> +>> endobj +1677 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 508.37 180.861 517.216] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.A.4) >> +>> endobj +1678 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 490.173 199.132 501.077] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.A.5) >> +>> endobj +1679 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 464.205 279.859 475.084] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.B) >> +>> endobj +1680 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 447.931 230.096 458.835] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.B.1) >> +>> endobj +1681 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 433.849 212.901 442.695] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.B.2) >> +>> endobj +1682 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 405.824 174.554 416.703] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.C) >> +>> endobj +1683 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 379.722 177.872 390.601] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.D) >> +>> endobj +1684 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 365.505 173.13 374.352] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.D.1) >> +>> endobj +1685 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 349.365 167.033 358.212] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.D.2) >> +>> endobj +1686 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 331.169 182.525 342.072] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.D.3) >> +>> endobj +1687 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 317.086 190.844 325.933] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.D.4) >> +>> endobj +1688 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 300.947 177.703 309.793] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.D.5) >> +>> endobj +1689 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 272.882 175.133 284.204] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.E) >> +>> endobj +1690 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 258.705 180.034 267.552] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.E.1) >> +>> endobj +1691 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 240.508 183.92 251.412] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.E.2) >> +>> endobj +1692 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 224.369 155.676 235.273] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.E.3) >> +>> endobj +1693 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 208.229 255.71 219.133] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.E.4) >> +>> endobj +1694 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 194.027 183.681 202.993] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.1) >> +>> endobj +1695 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 175.95 198.077 186.854] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.2) >> +>> endobj +1696 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 161.868 192.438 170.714] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.3) >> +>> endobj +1697 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 145.728 179.267 154.575] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.4) >> +>> endobj +1698 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 129.589 187.566 138.435] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.5) >> +>> endobj +1699 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 111.392 195.706 122.296] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.6) >> +>> endobj +1700 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 97.309 195.307 106.156] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.E.4.7) >> +>> endobj +1705 0 obj << +/D [1703 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1702 0 obj << +/Font << /F41 1450 0 R /F29 1366 0 R /F36 1403 0 R /F39 1405 0 R /F45 1706 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1747 0 obj << +/Length 1231 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream 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/D (table.2.1) >> +>> endobj +1756 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 517.87 233.842 528.774] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.1) >> +>> endobj +1757 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 501.73 252.661 512.634] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.2) >> +>> endobj +1758 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 485.591 270.095 496.494] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.3) >> +>> endobj +1759 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 469.451 386.966 480.355] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.4) >> +>> endobj +1760 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 453.311 341.876 464.215] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.5) >> +>> endobj +1761 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 437.172 256.138 448.076] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.6.6) >> +>> endobj +1762 0 obj 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[105.873 197.47 228.203 208.374] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.A.3) >> +>> endobj +1775 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 183.388 203.267 192.234] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.A.4) >> +>> endobj +1776 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 165.191 232.905 176.095] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.A.5) >> +>> endobj +1777 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 139.089 281.891 149.992] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.F.1) >> +>> endobj +1778 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 112.986 305.971 123.89] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.G.1) >> +>> endobj +1779 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 96.847 327.839 107.751] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.G.2) >> +>> endobj +1784 0 obj << +/D [1782 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1785 0 obj << +/D [1782 0 R /XYZ 91.925 599.032 null] +>> 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0 R +/A 1289 0 R +/Parent 1287 0 R +/Next 1295 0 R +>> endobj +1287 0 obj << +/Title 1288 0 R +/A 1285 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 1155 0 R +/Next 1315 0 R +/First 1291 0 R +/Last 1303 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +1283 0 obj << +/Title 1284 0 R +/A 1281 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Prev 1279 0 R +>> endobj +1279 0 obj << +/Title 1280 0 R +/A 1277 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Prev 1275 0 R +/Next 1283 0 R +>> endobj +1275 0 obj << +/Title 1276 0 R +/A 1273 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Prev 1271 0 R +/Next 1279 0 R +>> endobj +1271 0 obj << +/Title 1272 0 R +/A 1269 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Prev 1267 0 R +/Next 1275 0 R +>> endobj +1267 0 obj << +/Title 1268 0 R +/A 1265 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Prev 1263 0 R +/Next 1271 0 R +>> endobj +1263 0 obj << +/Title 1264 0 R +/A 1261 0 R +/Parent 1259 0 R +/Next 1267 0 R +>> endobj +1259 0 obj << +/Title 1260 0 R +/A 1257 0 R +/Parent 1155 0 R +/Prev 1231 0 R +/First 1263 0 R +/Last 1283 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +1255 0 obj << +/Title 1256 0 R +/A 1253 0 R 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0 R +/A 1141 0 R +/Parent 1131 0 R +/Prev 1139 0 R +/Next 1147 0 R +>> endobj +1139 0 obj << +/Title 1140 0 R +/A 1137 0 R +/Parent 1131 0 R +/Prev 1135 0 R +/Next 1143 0 R +>> endobj +1135 0 obj << +/Title 1136 0 R +/A 1133 0 R +/Parent 1131 0 R +/Next 1139 0 R +>> endobj +1131 0 obj << +/Title 1132 0 R +/A 1129 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 1127 0 R +/Next 1155 0 R +/First 1135 0 R +/Last 1151 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +1127 0 obj << +/Title 1128 0 R +/A 1125 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 1115 0 R +/Next 1131 0 R +>> endobj +1123 0 obj << +/Title 1124 0 R +/A 1121 0 R +/Parent 1115 0 R +/Prev 1119 0 R +>> endobj +1119 0 obj << +/Title 1120 0 R +/A 1117 0 R +/Parent 1115 0 R +/Next 1123 0 R +>> endobj +1115 0 obj << +/Title 1116 0 R +/A 1113 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 1091 0 R +/Next 1127 0 R +/First 1119 0 R +/Last 1123 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +1111 0 obj << +/Title 1112 0 R +/A 1109 0 R +/Parent 1091 0 R +/Prev 1107 0 R +>> endobj +1107 0 obj << +/Title 1108 0 R +/A 1105 0 R 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endobj +1031 0 obj << +/Title 1032 0 R +/A 1029 0 R +/Parent 1015 0 R +/Prev 1019 0 R +/Next 1035 0 R +>> endobj +1027 0 obj << +/Title 1028 0 R +/A 1025 0 R +/Parent 1019 0 R +/Prev 1023 0 R +>> endobj +1023 0 obj << +/Title 1024 0 R +/A 1021 0 R +/Parent 1019 0 R +/Next 1027 0 R +>> endobj +1019 0 obj << +/Title 1020 0 R +/A 1017 0 R +/Parent 1015 0 R +/Next 1031 0 R +/First 1023 0 R +/Last 1027 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +1015 0 obj << +/Title 1016 0 R +/A 1013 0 R +/Parent 923 0 R +/Prev 1007 0 R +/First 1019 0 R +/Last 1035 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +1011 0 obj << +/Title 1012 0 R +/A 1009 0 R +/Parent 1007 0 R +>> endobj +1007 0 obj << +/Title 1008 0 R +/A 1005 0 R +/Parent 923 0 R +/Prev 1003 0 R +/Next 1015 0 R +/First 1011 0 R +/Last 1011 0 R +/Count -1 +>> endobj +1003 0 obj << +/Title 1004 0 R +/A 1001 0 R +/Parent 923 0 R +/Prev 999 0 R +/Next 1007 0 R +>> endobj +999 0 obj << +/Title 1000 0 R +/A 997 0 R +/Parent 923 0 R +/Prev 995 0 R +/Next 1003 0 R +>> endobj +995 0 obj 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R +/Prev 915 0 R +>> endobj +915 0 obj << +/Title 916 0 R +/A 913 0 R +/Parent 903 0 R +/Prev 911 0 R +/Next 919 0 R +>> endobj +911 0 obj << +/Title 912 0 R +/A 909 0 R +/Parent 903 0 R +/Prev 907 0 R +/Next 915 0 R +>> endobj +907 0 obj << +/Title 908 0 R +/A 905 0 R +/Parent 903 0 R +/Next 911 0 R +>> endobj +903 0 obj << +/Title 904 0 R +/A 901 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 879 0 R +/Next 923 0 R +/First 907 0 R +/Last 919 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +899 0 obj << +/Title 900 0 R +/A 897 0 R +/Parent 879 0 R +/Prev 895 0 R +>> endobj +895 0 obj << +/Title 896 0 R +/A 893 0 R +/Parent 879 0 R +/Prev 891 0 R +/Next 899 0 R +>> endobj +891 0 obj << +/Title 892 0 R +/A 889 0 R +/Parent 879 0 R +/Prev 887 0 R +/Next 895 0 R +>> endobj +887 0 obj << +/Title 888 0 R +/A 885 0 R +/Parent 879 0 R +/Prev 883 0 R +/Next 891 0 R +>> endobj +883 0 obj << +/Title 884 0 R +/A 881 0 R +/Parent 879 0 R +/Next 887 0 R +>> endobj +879 0 obj << +/Title 880 0 R +/A 877 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 731 0 R 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+>> endobj +719 0 obj << +/Title 720 0 R +/A 717 0 R +/Parent 707 0 R +/Prev 715 0 R +/Next 723 0 R +>> endobj +715 0 obj << +/Title 716 0 R +/A 713 0 R +/Parent 707 0 R +/Prev 711 0 R +/Next 719 0 R +>> endobj +711 0 obj << +/Title 712 0 R +/A 709 0 R +/Parent 707 0 R +/Next 715 0 R +>> endobj +707 0 obj << +/Title 708 0 R +/A 705 0 R +/Parent 675 0 R +/Prev 679 0 R +/Next 727 0 R +/First 711 0 R +/Last 723 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +703 0 obj << +/Title 704 0 R +/A 701 0 R +/Parent 695 0 R +/Prev 699 0 R +>> endobj +699 0 obj << +/Title 700 0 R +/A 697 0 R +/Parent 695 0 R +/Next 703 0 R +>> endobj +695 0 obj << +/Title 696 0 R +/A 693 0 R +/Parent 679 0 R +/Prev 691 0 R +/First 699 0 R +/Last 703 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +691 0 obj << +/Title 692 0 R +/A 689 0 R +/Parent 679 0 R +/Prev 687 0 R +/Next 695 0 R +>> endobj +687 0 obj << +/Title 688 0 R +/A 685 0 R +/Parent 679 0 R +/Prev 683 0 R +/Next 691 0 R +>> endobj +683 0 obj << +/Title 684 0 R +/A 681 0 R +/Parent 679 0 R +/Next 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0 obj << +/Title 604 0 R +/A 601 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 599 0 R +/First 607 0 R +/Last 611 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +599 0 obj << +/Title 600 0 R +/A 597 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 595 0 R +/Next 603 0 R +>> endobj +595 0 obj << +/Title 596 0 R +/A 593 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 591 0 R +/Next 599 0 R +>> endobj +591 0 obj << +/Title 592 0 R +/A 589 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 587 0 R +/Next 595 0 R +>> endobj +587 0 obj << +/Title 588 0 R +/A 585 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 583 0 R +/Next 591 0 R +>> endobj +583 0 obj << +/Title 584 0 R +/A 581 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 579 0 R +/Next 587 0 R +>> endobj +579 0 obj << +/Title 580 0 R +/A 577 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Prev 575 0 R +/Next 583 0 R +>> endobj +575 0 obj << +/Title 576 0 R +/A 573 0 R +/Parent 571 0 R +/Next 579 0 R +>> endobj +571 0 obj << +/Title 572 0 R +/A 569 0 R +/Parent 567 0 R +/Next 615 0 R +/First 575 0 R +/Last 603 0 R +/Count -8 +>> endobj +567 0 obj << +/Title 568 0 R +/A 565 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 543 0 R +/Next 675 0 R +/First 571 0 R +/Last 671 0 R +/Count -8 +>> endobj +563 0 obj << +/Title 564 0 R +/A 561 0 R +/Parent 543 0 R +/Prev 559 0 R +>> endobj +559 0 obj << +/Title 560 0 R +/A 557 0 R +/Parent 543 0 R +/Prev 555 0 R +/Next 563 0 R +>> endobj +555 0 obj << +/Title 556 0 R +/A 553 0 R +/Parent 543 0 R +/Prev 551 0 R +/Next 559 0 R +>> endobj +551 0 obj << +/Title 552 0 R +/A 549 0 R +/Parent 543 0 R +/Prev 547 0 R +/Next 555 0 R +>> endobj +547 0 obj << +/Title 548 0 R +/A 545 0 R +/Parent 543 0 R +/Next 551 0 R +>> endobj +543 0 obj << +/Title 544 0 R +/A 541 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 531 0 R +/Next 567 0 R +/First 547 0 R +/Last 563 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +539 0 obj << +/Title 540 0 R +/A 537 0 R +/Parent 531 0 R +/Prev 535 0 R +>> endobj +535 0 obj << +/Title 536 0 R +/A 533 0 R +/Parent 531 0 R +/Next 539 0 R +>> endobj +531 0 obj << +/Title 532 0 R +/A 529 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 503 0 R +/Next 543 0 R +/First 535 0 R +/Last 539 0 R +/Count -2 +>> 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11 0 R +/Prev 247 0 R +/Next 255 0 R +>> endobj +247 0 obj << +/Title 248 0 R +/A 245 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 243 0 R +/Next 251 0 R +>> endobj +243 0 obj << +/Title 244 0 R +/A 241 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 239 0 R +/Next 247 0 R +>> endobj +239 0 obj << +/Title 240 0 R +/A 237 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 235 0 R +/Next 243 0 R +>> endobj +235 0 obj << +/Title 236 0 R +/A 233 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 231 0 R +/Next 239 0 R +>> endobj +231 0 obj << +/Title 232 0 R +/A 229 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 227 0 R +/Next 235 0 R +>> endobj +227 0 obj << +/Title 228 0 R +/A 225 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 223 0 R +/Next 231 0 R +>> endobj +223 0 obj << +/Title 224 0 R +/A 221 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 219 0 R +/Next 227 0 R +>> endobj +219 0 obj << +/Title 220 0 R +/A 217 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 215 0 R +/Next 223 0 R +>> endobj +215 0 obj << +/Title 216 0 R +/A 213 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 211 0 R +/Next 219 0 R +>> endobj +211 0 obj << +/Title 212 0 R +/A 209 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R 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0 R +/Next 175 0 R +>> endobj +167 0 obj << +/Title 168 0 R +/A 165 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 163 0 R +/Next 171 0 R +>> endobj +163 0 obj << +/Title 164 0 R +/A 161 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 159 0 R +/Next 167 0 R +>> endobj +159 0 obj << +/Title 160 0 R +/A 157 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 155 0 R +/Next 163 0 R +>> endobj +155 0 obj << +/Title 156 0 R +/A 153 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 151 0 R +/Next 159 0 R +>> endobj +151 0 obj << +/Title 152 0 R +/A 149 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 147 0 R +/Next 155 0 R +>> endobj +147 0 obj << +/Title 148 0 R +/A 145 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 143 0 R +/Next 151 0 R +>> endobj +143 0 obj << +/Title 144 0 R +/A 141 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 139 0 R +/Next 147 0 R +>> endobj +139 0 obj << +/Title 140 0 R +/A 137 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 135 0 R +/Next 143 0 R +>> endobj +135 0 obj << +/Title 136 0 R +/A 133 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 131 0 R +/Next 139 0 R +>> endobj +131 0 obj << +/Title 132 0 R +/A 129 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 127 0 R +/Next 135 0 R +>> endobj +127 0 obj << +/Title 128 0 R +/A 125 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 123 0 R +/Next 131 0 R +>> endobj +123 0 obj << +/Title 124 0 R +/A 121 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 119 0 R +/Next 127 0 R +>> endobj +119 0 obj << +/Title 120 0 R +/A 117 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 115 0 R +/Next 123 0 R +>> endobj +115 0 obj << +/Title 116 0 R +/A 113 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 111 0 R +/Next 119 0 R +>> endobj +111 0 obj << +/Title 112 0 R +/A 109 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 107 0 R +/Next 115 0 R +>> endobj +107 0 obj << +/Title 108 0 R +/A 105 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 103 0 R +/Next 111 0 R +>> endobj +103 0 obj << +/Title 104 0 R +/A 101 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 99 0 R +/Next 107 0 R +>> endobj +99 0 obj << +/Title 100 0 R +/A 97 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 95 0 R +/Next 103 0 R +>> endobj +95 0 obj << +/Title 96 0 R +/A 93 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 91 0 R +/Next 99 0 R +>> endobj +91 0 obj << +/Title 92 0 R +/A 89 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 87 0 R +/Next 95 0 R +>> endobj +87 0 obj << +/Title 88 0 R +/A 85 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 83 0 R +/Next 91 0 R +>> endobj +83 0 obj << +/Title 84 0 R +/A 81 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 79 0 R +/Next 87 0 R +>> endobj +79 0 obj << +/Title 80 0 R +/A 77 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 75 0 R +/Next 83 0 R +>> endobj +75 0 obj << +/Title 76 0 R +/A 73 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 71 0 R +/Next 79 0 R +>> endobj +71 0 obj << +/Title 72 0 R +/A 69 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 67 0 R +/Next 75 0 R +>> endobj +67 0 obj << +/Title 68 0 R +/A 65 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 63 0 R +/Next 71 0 R +>> endobj +63 0 obj << +/Title 64 0 R +/A 61 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 59 0 R +/Next 67 0 R +>> endobj +59 0 obj << +/Title 60 0 R +/A 57 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 55 0 R +/Next 63 0 R +>> endobj +55 0 obj << +/Title 56 0 R +/A 53 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 51 0 R +/Next 59 0 R +>> endobj +51 0 obj << +/Title 52 0 R +/A 49 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 47 0 R +/Next 55 0 R +>> endobj +47 0 obj << +/Title 48 0 R +/A 45 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 43 0 R +/Next 51 0 R +>> endobj +43 0 obj << +/Title 44 0 R +/A 41 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 39 0 R +/Next 47 0 R +>> endobj +39 0 obj << +/Title 40 0 R +/A 37 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 35 0 R +/Next 43 0 R +>> endobj +35 0 obj << +/Title 36 0 R +/A 33 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 31 0 R +/Next 39 0 R +>> endobj +31 0 obj << +/Title 32 0 R +/A 29 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 27 0 R +/Next 35 0 R +>> endobj +27 0 obj << +/Title 28 0 R +/A 25 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 23 0 R +/Next 31 0 R +>> endobj +23 0 obj << +/Title 24 0 R +/A 21 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 19 0 R +/Next 27 0 R +>> endobj +19 0 obj << +/Title 20 0 R +/A 17 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Prev 15 0 R +/Next 23 0 R +>> endobj +15 0 obj << +/Title 16 0 R +/A 13 0 R +/Parent 11 0 R +/Next 19 0 R +>> endobj +11 0 obj << +/Title 12 0 R +/A 9 0 R +/Parent 7 0 R +/Next 319 0 R +/First 15 0 R +/Last 315 0 R +/Count -76 +>> endobj +7 0 obj << +/Title 8 0 R +/A 5 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Prev 3 0 R +/Next 467 0 R +/First 11 0 R +/Last 319 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +3 0 obj << +/Title 4 0 R +/A 1 0 R +/Parent 2922 0 R +/Next 7 0 R +>> endobj +2923 0 obj << +/Names [(Doc-Start) 1365 0 R (Hfootnote.1) 1829 0 R (Hfootnote.10) 2376 0 R (Hfootnote.11) 2459 0 R (Hfootnote.12) 2528 0 R (Hfootnote.13) 2626 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Hfootnote.13)] +>> endobj +2924 0 obj << +/Names [(Hfootnote.2) 2032 0 R (Hfootnote.3) 2144 0 R (Hfootnote.4) 2147 0 R (Hfootnote.5) 2145 0 R (Hfootnote.6) 2152 0 R (Hfootnote.7) 2297 0 R] +/Limits [(Hfootnote.2) (Hfootnote.7)] +>> endobj +2925 0 obj << +/Names [(Hfootnote.8) 2345 0 R (Hfootnote.9) 2365 0 R (Item.1) 1890 0 R (Item.10) 2080 0 R (Item.100) 2712 0 R (Item.101) 2713 0 R] +/Limits [(Hfootnote.8) (Item.101)] +>> endobj +2926 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.102) 2714 0 R (Item.103) 2715 0 R (Item.104) 2716 0 R (Item.105) 2717 0 R (Item.106) 2723 0 R (Item.107) 2724 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.102) (Item.107)] +>> endobj +2927 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.108) 2725 0 R (Item.109) 2726 0 R (Item.11) 2081 0 R (Item.110) 2727 0 R (Item.111) 2728 0 R (Item.112) 2729 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.108) (Item.112)] +>> endobj +2928 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.113) 2730 0 R (Item.114) 2731 0 R (Item.115) 2732 0 R (Item.116) 2733 0 R (Item.117) 2734 0 R (Item.118) 2735 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.113) (Item.118)] +>> endobj +2929 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.119) 2736 0 R (Item.12) 2086 0 R (Item.120) 2737 0 R (Item.121) 2738 0 R (Item.122) 2739 0 R (Item.123) 2740 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.119) (Item.123)] +>> endobj +2930 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.124) 2741 0 R (Item.125) 2742 0 R (Item.126) 2743 0 R (Item.127) 2748 0 R (Item.128) 2749 0 R (Item.129) 2750 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.124) (Item.129)] +>> endobj +2931 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.13) 2087 0 R (Item.130) 2751 0 R (Item.131) 2752 0 R (Item.132) 2753 0 R (Item.133) 2754 0 R (Item.134) 2755 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.13) (Item.134)] +>> endobj +2932 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.135) 2756 0 R (Item.136) 2761 0 R (Item.137) 2762 0 R (Item.138) 2763 0 R (Item.139) 2764 0 R (Item.14) 2088 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.135) (Item.14)] +>> endobj +2933 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.140) 2765 0 R (Item.141) 2831 0 R (Item.142) 2832 0 R (Item.143) 2833 0 R (Item.144) 2834 0 R (Item.145) 2835 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.140) (Item.145)] +>> endobj +2934 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.146) 2836 0 R (Item.147) 2847 0 R (Item.148) 2848 0 R (Item.149) 2849 0 R (Item.15) 2089 0 R (Item.150) 2850 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.146) (Item.150)] +>> endobj +2935 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.151) 2851 0 R (Item.16) 2106 0 R (Item.17) 2107 0 R (Item.18) 2108 0 R (Item.19) 2109 0 R (Item.2) 1891 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.151) (Item.2)] +>> endobj +2936 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.20) 2110 0 R (Item.21) 2111 0 R (Item.22) 2117 0 R (Item.23) 2118 0 R (Item.24) 2194 0 R (Item.25) 2195 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.20) (Item.25)] +>> endobj +2937 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.26) 2196 0 R (Item.27) 2197 0 R (Item.28) 2198 0 R (Item.29) 2209 0 R (Item.3) 1892 0 R (Item.30) 2210 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.26) (Item.30)] +>> endobj +2938 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.31) 2211 0 R (Item.32) 2212 0 R (Item.33) 2217 0 R (Item.34) 2218 0 R (Item.35) 2219 0 R (Item.36) 2226 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.31) (Item.36)] +>> endobj +2939 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.37) 2227 0 R (Item.38) 2228 0 R (Item.39) 2229 0 R (Item.4) 1905 0 R (Item.40) 2239 0 R (Item.41) 2240 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.37) (Item.41)] +>> endobj +2940 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.42) 2255 0 R (Item.43) 2256 0 R (Item.44) 2327 0 R (Item.45) 2328 0 R (Item.46) 2329 0 R (Item.47) 2330 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.42) (Item.47)] +>> endobj +2941 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.48) 2338 0 R (Item.49) 2371 0 R (Item.5) 1906 0 R (Item.50) 2372 0 R (Item.51) 2373 0 R (Item.52) 2374 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.48) (Item.52)] +>> endobj +2942 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.53) 2375 0 R (Item.54) 2381 0 R (Item.55) 2382 0 R (Item.56) 2383 0 R (Item.57) 2384 0 R (Item.58) 2385 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.53) (Item.58)] +>> endobj +2943 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.59) 2390 0 R (Item.6) 1907 0 R (Item.60) 2401 0 R (Item.61) 2402 0 R (Item.62) 2403 0 R (Item.63) 2404 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.59) (Item.63)] +>> endobj +2944 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.64) 2405 0 R (Item.65) 2449 0 R (Item.66) 2450 0 R (Item.67) 2451 0 R (Item.68) 2452 0 R (Item.69) 2453 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.64) (Item.69)] +>> endobj +2945 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.7) 2077 0 R (Item.70) 2477 0 R (Item.71) 2478 0 R (Item.72) 2479 0 R (Item.73) 2484 0 R (Item.74) 2485 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.7) (Item.74)] +>> endobj +2946 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.75) 2486 0 R (Item.76) 2547 0 R (Item.77) 2548 0 R (Item.78) 2549 0 R (Item.79) 2648 0 R (Item.8) 2078 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.75) (Item.8)] +>> endobj +2947 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.80) 2649 0 R (Item.81) 2650 0 R (Item.82) 2651 0 R (Item.83) 2652 0 R (Item.84) 2653 0 R (Item.85) 2670 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.80) (Item.85)] +>> endobj +2948 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.86) 2671 0 R (Item.87) 2686 0 R (Item.88) 2691 0 R (Item.89) 2692 0 R (Item.9) 2079 0 R (Item.90) 2693 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.86) (Item.90)] +>> endobj +2949 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.91) 2699 0 R (Item.92) 2700 0 R (Item.93) 2701 0 R (Item.94) 2702 0 R (Item.95) 2707 0 R (Item.96) 2708 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.91) (Item.96)] +>> endobj +2950 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.97) 2709 0 R (Item.98) 2710 0 R (Item.99) 2711 0 R (appendix.A) 1090 0 R (appendix.B) 1114 0 R (appendix.C) 1126 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.97) (appendix.C)] +>> endobj +2951 0 obj << +/Names [(appendix.D) 1130 0 R (appendix.E) 1154 0 R (appendix.F) 1286 0 R (appendix.G) 1314 0 R (appendix.H) 1318 0 R (appendix.I) 1358 0 R] +/Limits [(appendix.D) (appendix.I)] +>> endobj +2952 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.1) 1404 0 R (chapter*.2) 1785 0 R (chapter.1) 6 0 R (chapter.10) 902 0 R (chapter.11) 922 0 R (chapter.12) 1038 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.1) (chapter.12)] +>> endobj +2953 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.13) 1062 0 R (chapter.2) 466 0 R (chapter.3) 502 0 R (chapter.4) 530 0 R (chapter.5) 542 0 R (chapter.6) 566 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.13) (chapter.6)] +>> endobj +2954 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.7) 674 0 R (chapter.8) 730 0 R (chapter.9) 878 0 R (figure.8.1) 2280 0 R (figure.8.2) 2287 0 R (figure.A.1) 2654 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.7) (figure.A.1)] +>> endobj +2955 0 obj << +/Names [(lstlisting.12.-1) 2492 0 R (lstlisting.12.-2) 2527 0 R (lstlisting.12.-3) 2550 0 R (lstlisting.12.-4) 2580 0 R (lstlisting.12.-5) 2596 0 R (lstnumber.-1.1) 2493 0 R] +/Limits [(lstlisting.12.-1) (lstnumber.-1.1)] +>> endobj +2956 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-1.10) 2509 0 R (lstnumber.-1.11) 2510 0 R (lstnumber.-1.12) 2511 0 R (lstnumber.-1.13) 2512 0 R (lstnumber.-1.14) 2513 0 R (lstnumber.-1.15) 2514 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.10) (lstnumber.-1.15)] +>> endobj +2957 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-1.16) 2515 0 R (lstnumber.-1.17) 2516 0 R (lstnumber.-1.18) 2518 0 R (lstnumber.-1.19) 2519 0 R (lstnumber.-1.2) 2495 0 R (lstnumber.-1.20) 2520 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.16) (lstnumber.-1.20)] +>> endobj +2958 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-1.21) 2521 0 R (lstnumber.-1.22) 2522 0 R (lstnumber.-1.23) 2523 0 R (lstnumber.-1.24) 2524 0 R (lstnumber.-1.25) 2525 0 R (lstnumber.-1.26) 2526 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.21) (lstnumber.-1.26)] +>> endobj +2959 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-1.3) 2502 0 R (lstnumber.-1.4) 2503 0 R (lstnumber.-1.5) 2504 0 R (lstnumber.-1.6) 2505 0 R (lstnumber.-1.7) 2506 0 R (lstnumber.-1.8) 2507 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.3) (lstnumber.-1.8)] +>> endobj +2960 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-1.9) 2508 0 R (lstnumber.-2.1) 2533 0 R (lstnumber.-2.10) 2542 0 R (lstnumber.-2.11) 2543 0 R (lstnumber.-2.12) 2544 0 R (lstnumber.-2.13) 2545 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.9) (lstnumber.-2.13)] +>> endobj +2961 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-2.14) 2546 0 R (lstnumber.-2.2) 2534 0 R (lstnumber.-2.3) 2535 0 R (lstnumber.-2.4) 2536 0 R (lstnumber.-2.5) 2537 0 R (lstnumber.-2.6) 2538 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-2.14) (lstnumber.-2.6)] +>> endobj +2962 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-2.7) 2539 0 R (lstnumber.-2.8) 2540 0 R (lstnumber.-2.9) 2541 0 R (lstnumber.-3.1) 2551 0 R (lstnumber.-3.10) 2560 0 R (lstnumber.-3.11) 2561 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-2.7) (lstnumber.-3.11)] +>> endobj +2963 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-3.12) 2562 0 R (lstnumber.-3.13) 2563 0 R (lstnumber.-3.14) 2564 0 R (lstnumber.-3.15) 2565 0 R (lstnumber.-3.16) 2566 0 R (lstnumber.-3.17) 2567 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-3.12) (lstnumber.-3.17)] +>> endobj +2964 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-3.18) 2568 0 R (lstnumber.-3.19) 2573 0 R (lstnumber.-3.2) 2552 0 R (lstnumber.-3.20) 2574 0 R (lstnumber.-3.21) 2575 0 R (lstnumber.-3.22) 2576 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-3.18) (lstnumber.-3.22)] +>> endobj +2965 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-3.23) 2577 0 R (lstnumber.-3.24) 2578 0 R (lstnumber.-3.25) 2579 0 R (lstnumber.-3.3) 2553 0 R (lstnumber.-3.4) 2554 0 R (lstnumber.-3.5) 2555 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-3.23) (lstnumber.-3.5)] +>> endobj +2966 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-3.6) 2556 0 R (lstnumber.-3.7) 2557 0 R (lstnumber.-3.8) 2558 0 R (lstnumber.-3.9) 2559 0 R (lstnumber.-4.1) 2581 0 R (lstnumber.-4.10) 2590 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-3.6) (lstnumber.-4.10)] +>> endobj +2967 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-4.11) 2591 0 R (lstnumber.-4.12) 2592 0 R (lstnumber.-4.13) 2593 0 R (lstnumber.-4.14) 2594 0 R (lstnumber.-4.15) 2595 0 R (lstnumber.-4.2) 2582 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-4.11) (lstnumber.-4.2)] +>> endobj +2968 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-4.3) 2583 0 R (lstnumber.-4.4) 2584 0 R (lstnumber.-4.5) 2585 0 R (lstnumber.-4.6) 2586 0 R (lstnumber.-4.7) 2587 0 R (lstnumber.-4.8) 2588 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-4.3) (lstnumber.-4.8)] +>> endobj +2969 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-4.9) 2589 0 R (lstnumber.-5.1) 2597 0 R (lstnumber.-5.10) 2606 0 R (lstnumber.-5.11) 2611 0 R (lstnumber.-5.12) 2612 0 R (lstnumber.-5.13) 2613 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-4.9) (lstnumber.-5.13)] +>> endobj +2970 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-5.14) 2614 0 R (lstnumber.-5.15) 2615 0 R (lstnumber.-5.16) 2616 0 R (lstnumber.-5.17) 2617 0 R (lstnumber.-5.18) 2618 0 R (lstnumber.-5.19) 2619 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-5.14) (lstnumber.-5.19)] +>> endobj +2971 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-5.2) 2598 0 R (lstnumber.-5.20) 2620 0 R (lstnumber.-5.3) 2599 0 R (lstnumber.-5.4) 2600 0 R (lstnumber.-5.5) 2601 0 R (lstnumber.-5.6) 2602 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-5.2) (lstnumber.-5.6)] +>> endobj +2972 0 obj << +/Names [(lstnumber.-5.7) 2603 0 R (lstnumber.-5.8) 2604 0 R (lstnumber.-5.9) 2605 0 R (page.1) 1364 0 R (page.10) 1753 0 R (page.100) 2344 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-5.7) (page.100)] +>> endobj +2973 0 obj << +/Names [(page.101) 2349 0 R (page.102) 2353 0 R (page.103) 2358 0 R (page.104) 2364 0 R (page.105) 2370 0 R (page.106) 2380 0 R] +/Limits [(page.101) (page.106)] +>> endobj +2974 0 obj << +/Names [(page.107) 2389 0 R (page.108) 2395 0 R (page.109) 2400 0 R (page.11) 1784 0 R (page.110) 2409 0 R (page.111) 2413 0 R] +/Limits [(page.107) (page.111)] +>> endobj +2975 0 obj << +/Names [(page.112) 2417 0 R (page.113) 2421 0 R (page.114) 2425 0 R (page.115) 2430 0 R (page.116) 2434 0 R (page.117) 2438 0 R] +/Limits [(page.112) (page.117)] +>> endobj +2976 0 obj << +/Names [(page.118) 2444 0 R (page.119) 2448 0 R (page.12) 1817 0 R (page.120) 2458 0 R (page.121) 2464 0 R (page.122) 2468 0 R] +/Limits [(page.118) (page.122)] +>> endobj +2977 0 obj << +/Names [(page.123) 2472 0 R (page.124) 2476 0 R (page.125) 2483 0 R (page.126) 2491 0 R (page.127) 2501 0 R (page.128) 2532 0 R] +/Limits [(page.123) (page.128)] +>> endobj +2978 0 obj << +/Names [(page.129) 2572 0 R (page.13) 1828 0 R (page.130) 2610 0 R (page.131) 2625 0 R (page.132) 2630 0 R (page.133) 2635 0 R] +/Limits [(page.129) (page.133)] +>> endobj +2979 0 obj << +/Names [(page.134) 2639 0 R (page.135) 2647 0 R (page.136) 2660 0 R (page.137) 2665 0 R (page.138) 2669 0 R (page.139) 2676 0 R] +/Limits [(page.134) (page.139)] +>> endobj +2980 0 obj << +/Names [(page.14) 1835 0 R (page.140) 2680 0 R (page.141) 2685 0 R (page.142) 2690 0 R (page.143) 2698 0 R (page.144) 2706 0 R] +/Limits [(page.14) (page.144)] +>> endobj +2981 0 obj << +/Names [(page.145) 2722 0 R (page.146) 2747 0 R (page.147) 2760 0 R (page.148) 2769 0 R (page.149) 2773 0 R (page.15) 1843 0 R] +/Limits [(page.145) (page.15)] +>> endobj +2982 0 obj << +/Names [(page.150) 2777 0 R (page.151) 2782 0 R (page.152) 2788 0 R (page.153) 2792 0 R (page.154) 2796 0 R (page.155) 2800 0 R] +/Limits [(page.150) (page.155)] +>> endobj +2983 0 obj << +/Names [(page.156) 2804 0 R (page.157) 2809 0 R (page.158) 2813 0 R (page.159) 2817 0 R (page.16) 1847 0 R (page.160) 2821 0 R] +/Limits [(page.156) (page.160)] +>> endobj +2984 0 obj << +/Names [(page.161) 2825 0 R (page.162) 2830 0 R (page.163) 2841 0 R (page.164) 2846 0 R (page.165) 2855 0 R (page.166) 2859 0 R] +/Limits [(page.161) (page.166)] +>> endobj +2985 0 obj << +/Names [(page.167) 2863 0 R (page.168) 2867 0 R (page.169) 2872 0 R (page.17) 1853 0 R (page.170) 2876 0 R (page.171) 2881 0 R] +/Limits [(page.167) (page.171)] +>> endobj +2986 0 obj << +/Names [(page.18) 1857 0 R (page.19) 1862 0 R (page.2) 1449 0 R (page.20) 1866 0 R (page.21) 1870 0 R (page.22) 1874 0 R] +/Limits [(page.18) (page.22)] +>> endobj +2987 0 obj << +/Names [(page.23) 1878 0 R (page.24) 1883 0 R (page.25) 1889 0 R (page.26) 1898 0 R (page.27) 1904 0 R (page.28) 1911 0 R] +/Limits [(page.23) (page.28)] +>> endobj +2988 0 obj << +/Names [(page.29) 1919 0 R (page.3) 1494 0 R (page.30) 1925 0 R (page.31) 1930 0 R (page.32) 1935 0 R (page.33) 1940 0 R] +/Limits [(page.29) (page.33)] +>> endobj +2989 0 obj << +/Names [(page.34) 1949 0 R (page.35) 1955 0 R (page.36) 1959 0 R (page.37) 1964 0 R (page.38) 1970 0 R (page.39) 1974 0 R] +/Limits [(page.34) (page.39)] +>> endobj +2990 0 obj << +/Names [(page.4) 1535 0 R (page.40) 1978 0 R (page.41) 1982 0 R (page.42) 1986 0 R (page.43) 1993 0 R (page.44) 1999 0 R] +/Limits [(page.4) (page.44)] +>> endobj +2991 0 obj << +/Names [(page.45) 2003 0 R (page.46) 2007 0 R (page.47) 2011 0 R (page.48) 2015 0 R (page.49) 2020 0 R (page.5) 1578 0 R] +/Limits [(page.45) (page.5)] +>> endobj +2992 0 obj << +/Names [(page.50) 2026 0 R (page.51) 2031 0 R (page.52) 2036 0 R (page.53) 2040 0 R (page.54) 2044 0 R (page.55) 2049 0 R] +/Limits [(page.50) (page.55)] +>> endobj +2993 0 obj << +/Names [(page.56) 2053 0 R (page.57) 2059 0 R (page.58) 2063 0 R (page.59) 2067 0 R (page.6) 1621 0 R (page.60) 2071 0 R] +/Limits [(page.56) (page.60)] +>> endobj +2994 0 obj << +/Names [(page.61) 2076 0 R (page.62) 2085 0 R (page.63) 2093 0 R (page.64) 2097 0 R (page.65) 2101 0 R (page.66) 2105 0 R] +/Limits [(page.61) (page.66)] +>> endobj +2995 0 obj << +/Names [(page.67) 2116 0 R (page.68) 2122 0 R (page.69) 2127 0 R (page.7) 1665 0 R (page.70) 2131 0 R (page.71) 2136 0 R] +/Limits [(page.67) (page.71)] +>> endobj +2996 0 obj << +/Names [(page.72) 2143 0 R (page.73) 2151 0 R (page.74) 2156 0 R (page.75) 2160 0 R (page.76) 2172 0 R (page.77) 2177 0 R] +/Limits [(page.72) (page.77)] +>> endobj +2997 0 obj << +/Names [(page.78) 2183 0 R (page.79) 2193 0 R (page.8) 1705 0 R (page.80) 2202 0 R (page.81) 2208 0 R (page.82) 2216 0 R] +/Limits [(page.78) (page.82)] +>> endobj +2998 0 obj << +/Names [(page.83) 2225 0 R (page.84) 2233 0 R (page.85) 2238 0 R (page.86) 2244 0 R (page.87) 2254 0 R (page.88) 2262 0 R] +/Limits [(page.83) (page.88)] +>> endobj +2999 0 obj << +/Names [(page.89) 2266 0 R (page.9) 1748 0 R (page.90) 2271 0 R (page.91) 2279 0 R (page.92) 2286 0 R (page.93) 2296 0 R] +/Limits [(page.89) (page.93)] +>> endobj +3000 0 obj << +/Names [(page.94) 2303 0 R (page.95) 2311 0 R (page.96) 2315 0 R (page.97) 2322 0 R (page.98) 2326 0 R (page.99) 2337 0 R] +/Limits [(page.94) (page.99)] +>> endobj +3001 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.10) 766 0 R (section*.11) 770 0 R (section*.12) 774 0 R (section*.13) 778 0 R (section*.14) 790 0 R (section*.15) 794 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.10) (section*.15)] +>> endobj +3002 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.16) 798 0 R (section*.17) 1022 0 R (section*.18) 1026 0 R (section*.3) 358 0 R (section*.4) 362 0 R (section*.5) 606 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.16) (section*.5)] +>> endobj +3003 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.6) 610 0 R (section*.7) 698 0 R (section*.8) 702 0 R (section*.9) 762 0 R (section.0.1) 2 0 R (section.1.1) 10 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.6) (section.1.1)] +>> endobj +3004 0 obj << +/Names [(section.1.2) 318 0 R (section.10.1) 906 0 R (section.10.2) 910 0 R (section.10.3) 914 0 R (section.10.4) 918 0 R (section.11.1) 926 0 R] +/Limits [(section.1.2) (section.11.1)] +>> endobj +3005 0 obj << +/Names [(section.11.2) 982 0 R (section.11.3) 994 0 R (section.11.4) 998 0 R (section.11.5) 1002 0 R (section.11.6) 1006 0 R (section.11.7) 1014 0 R] +/Limits [(section.11.2) (section.11.7)] +>> endobj +3006 0 obj << +/Names [(section.12.1) 1042 0 R (section.12.2) 1046 0 R (section.12.3) 1050 0 R (section.12.4) 1054 0 R (section.12.5) 1058 0 R (section.13.1) 1066 0 R] +/Limits [(section.12.1) (section.13.1)] +>> endobj +3007 0 obj << +/Names [(section.13.2) 1070 0 R (section.13.3) 1074 0 R (section.13.4) 1078 0 R (section.13.5) 1082 0 R (section.13.6) 1086 0 R (section.2.1) 470 0 R] +/Limits [(section.13.2) (section.2.1)] +>> endobj +3008 0 obj << +/Names [(section.2.2) 478 0 R (section.2.3) 482 0 R (section.2.4) 486 0 R (section.2.5) 498 0 R (section.3.1) 506 0 R (section.3.2) 510 0 R] +/Limits [(section.2.2) (section.3.2)] +>> endobj +3009 0 obj << +/Names [(section.3.3) 522 0 R (section.3.4) 526 0 R (section.4.1) 534 0 R (section.4.2) 538 0 R (section.5.1) 546 0 R (section.5.2) 550 0 R] +/Limits [(section.3.3) (section.5.2)] +>> endobj +3010 0 obj << +/Names [(section.5.3) 554 0 R (section.5.4) 558 0 R (section.5.5) 562 0 R (section.6.1) 570 0 R (section.6.2) 614 0 R (section.6.3) 630 0 R] +/Limits [(section.5.3) (section.6.3)] +>> endobj +3011 0 obj << +/Names [(section.6.4) 634 0 R (section.6.5) 638 0 R (section.6.6) 650 0 R (section.6.7) 662 0 R (section.6.8) 670 0 R (section.7.1) 678 0 R] +/Limits [(section.6.4) (section.7.1)] +>> endobj +3012 0 obj << +/Names [(section.7.2) 706 0 R (section.7.3) 726 0 R (section.8.1) 734 0 R (section.8.2) 738 0 R (section.8.3) 834 0 R (section.8.4) 846 0 R] +/Limits [(section.7.2) (section.8.4)] +>> endobj +3013 0 obj << +/Names [(section.8.5) 866 0 R (section.8.6) 870 0 R (section.8.7) 874 0 R (section.9.1) 882 0 R (section.9.2) 886 0 R (section.9.3) 890 0 R] +/Limits [(section.8.5) (section.9.3)] +>> endobj +3014 0 obj << +/Names [(section.9.4) 894 0 R (section.9.5) 898 0 R (section.A.1) 1094 0 R (section.A.2) 1098 0 R (section.A.3) 1102 0 R (section.A.4) 1106 0 R] +/Limits [(section.9.4) (section.A.4)] +>> endobj +3015 0 obj << +/Names [(section.A.5) 1110 0 R (section.B.1) 1118 0 R (section.B.2) 1122 0 R (section.D.1) 1134 0 R (section.D.2) 1138 0 R (section.D.3) 1142 0 R] +/Limits [(section.A.5) (section.D.3)] +>> endobj +3016 0 obj << +/Names [(section.D.4) 1146 0 R (section.D.5) 1150 0 R (section.E.1) 1158 0 R (section.E.2) 1162 0 R (section.E.3) 1166 0 R (section.E.4) 1170 0 R] +/Limits [(section.D.4) (section.E.4)] +>> endobj +3017 0 obj << +/Names [(section.E.5) 1214 0 R (section.E.6) 1218 0 R (section.E.7) 1230 0 R (section.E.8) 1258 0 R (section.F.1) 1290 0 R (section.F.2) 1294 0 R] +/Limits [(section.E.5) (section.F.2)] +>> endobj +3018 0 obj << +/Names [(section.F.3) 1298 0 R (section.F.4) 1302 0 R (section.H.1) 1322 0 R (section.H.2) 1326 0 R (section.H.3) 1330 0 R (section.H.4) 1334 0 R] +/Limits [(section.F.3) (section.H.4)] +>> endobj +3019 0 obj << +/Names [(section.H.5) 1338 0 R (section.H.6) 1342 0 R (section.H.7) 1346 0 R (section.H.8) 1350 0 R (section.H.9) 1354 0 R (subsection.1.1.1) 14 0 R] +/Limits [(section.H.5) (subsection.1.1.1)] +>> endobj +3020 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.10) 50 0 R (subsection.1.1.11) 54 0 R (subsection.1.1.12) 58 0 R (subsection.1.1.13) 62 0 R (subsection.1.1.14) 66 0 R (subsection.1.1.15) 70 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.10) (subsection.1.1.15)] +>> endobj +3021 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.16) 74 0 R (subsection.1.1.17) 78 0 R (subsection.1.1.18) 82 0 R (subsection.1.1.19) 86 0 R (subsection.1.1.2) 18 0 R (subsection.1.1.20) 90 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.16) (subsection.1.1.20)] +>> endobj +3022 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.21) 94 0 R (subsection.1.1.22) 98 0 R (subsection.1.1.23) 102 0 R (subsection.1.1.24) 106 0 R (subsection.1.1.25) 110 0 R (subsection.1.1.26) 114 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.21) (subsection.1.1.26)] +>> endobj +3023 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.27) 118 0 R (subsection.1.1.28) 122 0 R (subsection.1.1.29) 126 0 R (subsection.1.1.3) 22 0 R (subsection.1.1.30) 130 0 R (subsection.1.1.31) 134 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.27) (subsection.1.1.31)] +>> endobj +3024 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.32) 138 0 R (subsection.1.1.33) 142 0 R (subsection.1.1.34) 146 0 R (subsection.1.1.35) 150 0 R (subsection.1.1.36) 154 0 R (subsection.1.1.37) 158 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.32) (subsection.1.1.37)] +>> endobj +3025 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.38) 162 0 R (subsection.1.1.39) 166 0 R (subsection.1.1.4) 26 0 R (subsection.1.1.40) 170 0 R (subsection.1.1.41) 174 0 R (subsection.1.1.42) 178 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.38) (subsection.1.1.42)] +>> endobj +3026 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.43) 182 0 R (subsection.1.1.44) 186 0 R (subsection.1.1.45) 190 0 R (subsection.1.1.46) 194 0 R (subsection.1.1.47) 198 0 R (subsection.1.1.48) 202 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.43) (subsection.1.1.48)] +>> endobj +3027 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.49) 206 0 R (subsection.1.1.5) 30 0 R (subsection.1.1.50) 210 0 R (subsection.1.1.51) 214 0 R (subsection.1.1.52) 218 0 R (subsection.1.1.53) 222 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.49) (subsection.1.1.53)] +>> endobj +3028 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.54) 226 0 R (subsection.1.1.55) 230 0 R (subsection.1.1.56) 234 0 R (subsection.1.1.57) 238 0 R (subsection.1.1.58) 242 0 R (subsection.1.1.59) 246 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.54) (subsection.1.1.59)] +>> endobj +3029 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.6) 34 0 R (subsection.1.1.60) 250 0 R (subsection.1.1.61) 254 0 R (subsection.1.1.62) 258 0 R (subsection.1.1.63) 262 0 R (subsection.1.1.64) 266 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.6) (subsection.1.1.64)] +>> endobj +3030 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.65) 270 0 R (subsection.1.1.66) 274 0 R (subsection.1.1.67) 278 0 R (subsection.1.1.68) 282 0 R (subsection.1.1.69) 286 0 R (subsection.1.1.7) 38 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.65) (subsection.1.1.7)] +>> endobj +3031 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.70) 290 0 R (subsection.1.1.71) 294 0 R (subsection.1.1.72) 298 0 R (subsection.1.1.73) 302 0 R (subsection.1.1.74) 306 0 R (subsection.1.1.75) 310 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.70) (subsection.1.1.75)] +>> endobj +3032 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.1.76) 314 0 R (subsection.1.1.8) 42 0 R (subsection.1.1.9) 46 0 R (subsection.1.2.1) 322 0 R (subsection.1.2.10) 366 0 R (subsection.1.2.11) 370 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.76) (subsection.1.2.11)] +>> endobj +3033 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.12) 374 0 R (subsection.1.2.13) 378 0 R (subsection.1.2.14) 382 0 R (subsection.1.2.15) 386 0 R (subsection.1.2.16) 390 0 R (subsection.1.2.17) 394 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.12) (subsection.1.2.17)] +>> endobj +3034 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.18) 398 0 R (subsection.1.2.19) 402 0 R (subsection.1.2.2) 326 0 R (subsection.1.2.20) 406 0 R (subsection.1.2.21) 410 0 R (subsection.1.2.22) 414 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.18) (subsection.1.2.22)] +>> endobj +3035 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.23) 418 0 R (subsection.1.2.24) 422 0 R (subsection.1.2.25) 426 0 R (subsection.1.2.26) 430 0 R (subsection.1.2.27) 434 0 R (subsection.1.2.28) 438 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.23) (subsection.1.2.28)] +>> endobj +3036 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.29) 442 0 R (subsection.1.2.3) 330 0 R (subsection.1.2.30) 446 0 R (subsection.1.2.31) 450 0 R (subsection.1.2.32) 454 0 R (subsection.1.2.33) 458 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.29) (subsection.1.2.33)] +>> endobj +3037 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.34) 462 0 R (subsection.1.2.4) 334 0 R (subsection.1.2.5) 338 0 R (subsection.1.2.6) 342 0 R (subsection.1.2.7) 346 0 R (subsection.1.2.8) 350 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.34) (subsection.1.2.8)] +>> endobj +3038 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.2.9) 354 0 R (subsection.11.1.1) 930 0 R (subsection.11.1.10) 966 0 R (subsection.11.1.11) 970 0 R (subsection.11.1.12) 974 0 R (subsection.11.1.13) 978 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.9) (subsection.11.1.13)] +>> endobj +3039 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.1.2) 934 0 R (subsection.11.1.3) 938 0 R (subsection.11.1.4) 942 0 R (subsection.11.1.5) 946 0 R (subsection.11.1.6) 950 0 R (subsection.11.1.7) 954 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.1.2) (subsection.11.1.7)] +>> endobj +3040 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.1.8) 958 0 R (subsection.11.1.9) 962 0 R (subsection.11.2.1) 986 0 R (subsection.11.2.2) 990 0 R (subsection.11.6.1) 1010 0 R (subsection.11.7.1) 1018 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.1.8) (subsection.11.7.1)] +>> endobj +3041 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.7.2) 1030 0 R (subsection.11.7.3) 1034 0 R (subsection.2.1.1) 474 0 R (subsection.2.4.1) 490 0 R (subsection.2.4.2) 494 0 R (subsection.3.2.1) 514 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.7.2) (subsection.3.2.1)] +>> endobj +3042 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.3.2.2) 518 0 R (subsection.6.1.1) 574 0 R (subsection.6.1.2) 578 0 R (subsection.6.1.3) 582 0 R (subsection.6.1.4) 586 0 R (subsection.6.1.5) 590 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.3.2.2) (subsection.6.1.5)] +>> endobj +3043 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.1.6) 594 0 R (subsection.6.1.7) 598 0 R (subsection.6.1.8) 602 0 R (subsection.6.2.1) 618 0 R (subsection.6.2.2) 622 0 R (subsection.6.2.3) 626 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.1.6) (subsection.6.2.3)] +>> endobj +3044 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.5.1) 642 0 R (subsection.6.5.2) 646 0 R (subsection.6.6.1) 654 0 R (subsection.6.6.2) 658 0 R (subsection.6.7.1) 666 0 R (subsection.7.1.1) 682 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.5.1) (subsection.7.1.1)] +>> endobj +3045 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.7.1.2) 686 0 R (subsection.7.1.3) 690 0 R (subsection.7.1.4) 694 0 R (subsection.7.2.1) 710 0 R (subsection.7.2.2) 714 0 R (subsection.7.2.3) 718 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.7.1.2) (subsection.7.2.3)] +>> endobj +3046 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.7.2.4) 722 0 R (subsection.8.2.1) 742 0 R (subsection.8.2.10) 810 0 R (subsection.8.2.11) 814 0 R (subsection.8.2.12) 818 0 R (subsection.8.2.13) 822 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.7.2.4) (subsection.8.2.13)] +>> endobj +3047 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.8.2.14) 826 0 R (subsection.8.2.15) 830 0 R (subsection.8.2.2) 746 0 R (subsection.8.2.3) 750 0 R (subsection.8.2.4) 754 0 R (subsection.8.2.5) 758 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.8.2.14) (subsection.8.2.5)] +>> endobj +3048 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.8.2.6) 782 0 R (subsection.8.2.7) 786 0 R (subsection.8.2.8) 802 0 R (subsection.8.2.9) 806 0 R (subsection.8.3.1) 838 0 R (subsection.8.3.2) 842 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.8.2.6) (subsection.8.3.2)] +>> endobj +3049 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.8.4.1) 850 0 R (subsection.8.4.2) 854 0 R (subsection.8.4.3) 858 0 R (subsection.8.4.4) 862 0 R (subsection.E.4.1) 1174 0 R (subsection.E.4.10) 1210 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.8.4.1) (subsection.E.4.10)] +>> endobj +3050 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.E.4.2) 1178 0 R (subsection.E.4.3) 1182 0 R (subsection.E.4.4) 1186 0 R (subsection.E.4.5) 1190 0 R (subsection.E.4.6) 1194 0 R (subsection.E.4.7) 1198 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.E.4.2) (subsection.E.4.7)] +>> endobj +3051 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.E.4.8) 1202 0 R (subsection.E.4.9) 1206 0 R (subsection.E.6.1) 1222 0 R (subsection.E.6.2) 1226 0 R (subsection.E.7.1) 1234 0 R (subsection.E.7.2) 1238 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.E.4.8) (subsection.E.7.2)] +>> endobj +3052 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.E.7.3) 1242 0 R (subsection.E.7.4) 1246 0 R (subsection.E.7.5) 1250 0 R (subsection.E.7.6) 1254 0 R (subsection.E.8.1) 1262 0 R (subsection.E.8.2) 1266 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.E.7.3) (subsection.E.8.2)] +>> endobj +3053 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.E.8.3) 1270 0 R (subsection.E.8.4) 1274 0 R (subsection.E.8.5) 1278 0 R (subsection.E.8.6) 1282 0 R (subsection.F.4.1) 1306 0 R (subsection.F.4.2) 1310 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.E.8.3) (subsection.F.4.2)] +>> endobj +3054 0 obj << +/Names [(table.1.1) 1786 0 R (table.12.1) 1803 0 R (table.2.1) 1787 0 R (table.6.1) 1788 0 R (table.6.2) 1789 0 R (table.6.3) 1790 0 R] +/Limits [(table.1.1) (table.6.3)] +>> endobj +3055 0 obj << +/Names [(table.6.4) 1791 0 R (table.6.5) 1792 0 R (table.6.6) 1793 0 R (table.8.1) 1794 0 R (table.8.2) 1795 0 R (table.8.3) 1796 0 R] +/Limits [(table.6.4) (table.8.3)] +>> endobj +3056 0 obj << +/Names [(table.8.4) 1797 0 R (table.8.5) 1798 0 R (table.8.6) 1799 0 R (table.8.7) 1800 0 R (table.8.8) 1801 0 R (table.8.9) 1802 0 R] +/Limits [(table.8.4) (table.8.9)] +>> endobj +3057 0 obj << +/Names [(table.A.1) 1804 0 R (table.A.2) 1805 0 R (table.A.3) 1806 0 R (table.A.4) 1807 0 R (table.A.5) 1808 0 R (table.F.1) 1809 0 R] +/Limits [(table.A.1) (table.F.1)] +>> endobj +3058 0 obj << +/Names [(table.G.1) 1810 0 R (table.G.2) 1811 0 R (table.G.3) 1819 0 R (table.G.4) 1820 0 R (table.I.1) 1821 0 R] +/Limits [(table.G.1) (table.I.1)] +>> endobj +3059 0 obj << +/Kids [2923 0 R 2924 0 R 2925 0 R 2926 0 R 2927 0 R 2928 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.118)] +>> endobj +3060 0 obj << +/Kids [2929 0 R 2930 0 R 2931 0 R 2932 0 R 2933 0 R 2934 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.119) (Item.150)] +>> endobj +3061 0 obj << +/Kids [2935 0 R 2936 0 R 2937 0 R 2938 0 R 2939 0 R 2940 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.151) (Item.47)] +>> endobj +3062 0 obj << +/Kids [2941 0 R 2942 0 R 2943 0 R 2944 0 R 2945 0 R 2946 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.48) (Item.8)] +>> endobj +3063 0 obj << +/Kids [2947 0 R 2948 0 R 2949 0 R 2950 0 R 2951 0 R 2952 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.80) (chapter.12)] +>> endobj +3064 0 obj << +/Kids [2953 0 R 2954 0 R 2955 0 R 2956 0 R 2957 0 R 2958 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.13) (lstnumber.-1.26)] +>> endobj +3065 0 obj << +/Kids [2959 0 R 2960 0 R 2961 0 R 2962 0 R 2963 0 R 2964 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-1.3) (lstnumber.-3.22)] +>> endobj +3066 0 obj << +/Kids [2965 0 R 2966 0 R 2967 0 R 2968 0 R 2969 0 R 2970 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-3.23) (lstnumber.-5.19)] +>> endobj +3067 0 obj << +/Kids [2971 0 R 2972 0 R 2973 0 R 2974 0 R 2975 0 R 2976 0 R] +/Limits [(lstnumber.-5.2) (page.122)] +>> endobj +3068 0 obj << +/Kids [2977 0 R 2978 0 R 2979 0 R 2980 0 R 2981 0 R 2982 0 R] +/Limits [(page.123) (page.155)] +>> endobj +3069 0 obj << +/Kids [2983 0 R 2984 0 R 2985 0 R 2986 0 R 2987 0 R 2988 0 R] +/Limits [(page.156) (page.33)] +>> endobj +3070 0 obj << +/Kids [2989 0 R 2990 0 R 2991 0 R 2992 0 R 2993 0 R 2994 0 R] +/Limits [(page.34) (page.66)] +>> endobj +3071 0 obj << +/Kids [2995 0 R 2996 0 R 2997 0 R 2998 0 R 2999 0 R 3000 0 R] +/Limits [(page.67) (page.99)] +>> endobj +3072 0 obj << +/Kids [3001 0 R 3002 0 R 3003 0 R 3004 0 R 3005 0 R 3006 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.10) (section.13.1)] +>> endobj +3073 0 obj << +/Kids [3007 0 R 3008 0 R 3009 0 R 3010 0 R 3011 0 R 3012 0 R] +/Limits [(section.13.2) (section.8.4)] +>> endobj +3074 0 obj << +/Kids [3013 0 R 3014 0 R 3015 0 R 3016 0 R 3017 0 R 3018 0 R] +/Limits [(section.8.5) (section.H.4)] +>> endobj +3075 0 obj << +/Kids [3019 0 R 3020 0 R 3021 0 R 3022 0 R 3023 0 R 3024 0 R] +/Limits [(section.H.5) (subsection.1.1.37)] +>> endobj +3076 0 obj << +/Kids [3025 0 R 3026 0 R 3027 0 R 3028 0 R 3029 0 R 3030 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.38) (subsection.1.1.7)] +>> endobj +3077 0 obj << +/Kids [3031 0 R 3032 0 R 3033 0 R 3034 0 R 3035 0 R 3036 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.1.70) (subsection.1.2.33)] +>> endobj +3078 0 obj << +/Kids [3037 0 R 3038 0 R 3039 0 R 3040 0 R 3041 0 R 3042 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.2.34) (subsection.6.1.5)] +>> endobj +3079 0 obj << +/Kids [3043 0 R 3044 0 R 3045 0 R 3046 0 R 3047 0 R 3048 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.1.6) (subsection.8.3.2)] +>> endobj +3080 0 obj << +/Kids 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00000 n +0000465923 00000 n +0000465986 00000 n +0000466049 00000 n +0000466112 00000 n +0000466174 00000 n +0000466237 00000 n +0000466300 00000 n +0000466426 00000 n +0000466489 00000 n +0000466552 00000 n +0000466615 00000 n +0000466678 00000 n +0000466741 00000 n +0000466804 00000 n +0000466867 00000 n +0000466930 00000 n +0000469618 00000 n +0000468804 00000 n +0000467123 00000 n +0000468927 00000 n +0000469051 00000 n +0000469114 00000 n +0000469177 00000 n +0000469240 00000 n +0000469303 00000 n +0000469366 00000 n +0000469429 00000 n +0000469492 00000 n +0000469555 00000 n +0000471964 00000 n +0000471276 00000 n +0000469748 00000 n +0000471399 00000 n +0000471650 00000 n +0000471712 00000 n +0000471775 00000 n +0000471838 00000 n +0000471901 00000 n +0000474801 00000 n +0000474555 00000 n +0000472094 00000 n +0000474678 00000 n +0000477058 00000 n +0000476684 00000 n +0000474945 00000 n +0000476807 00000 n +0000479782 00000 n +0000479473 00000 n +0000477216 00000 n +0000479596 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00000 n +0000510848 00000 n +0000508182 00000 n +0000511146 00000 n +0000511207 00000 n +0000511270 00000 n +0000511394 00000 n +0000511457 00000 n +0000511520 00000 n +0000511583 00000 n +0000683993 00000 n +0000514590 00000 n +0000514279 00000 n +0000511790 00000 n +0000514402 00000 n +0000516900 00000 n +0000517489 00000 n +0000516756 00000 n +0000514734 00000 n +0000517050 00000 n +0000517174 00000 n +0000517237 00000 n +0000517300 00000 n +0000517363 00000 n +0000517426 00000 n +0000518858 00000 n +0000518609 00000 n +0000517633 00000 n +0000518732 00000 n +0000520615 00000 n +0000520304 00000 n +0000518960 00000 n +0000520427 00000 n +0000521989 00000 n +0000521740 00000 n +0000520717 00000 n +0000521863 00000 n +0000523608 00000 n +0000523296 00000 n +0000522091 00000 n +0000523419 00000 n +0000684118 00000 n +0000525551 00000 n +0000524926 00000 n +0000523696 00000 n +0000525049 00000 n +0000526860 00000 n +0000526487 00000 n +0000525681 00000 n +0000526610 00000 n +0000527941 00000 n +0000528282 00000 n +0000527797 00000 n +0000526962 00000 n +0000528093 00000 n +0000528404 00000 n +0000678202 00000 n +0000528448 00000 n +0000528712 00000 n +0000529184 00000 n +0000529528 00000 n +0000529552 00000 n +0000530028 00000 n +0000530236 00000 n +0000530666 00000 n +0000531241 00000 n +0000532152 00000 n +0000532640 00000 n +0000539748 00000 n +0000539977 00000 n +0000547171 00000 n +0000547411 00000 n +0000561699 00000 n +0000562045 00000 n +0000582354 00000 n +0000582993 00000 n +0000596239 00000 n +0000596697 00000 n +0000607805 00000 n +0000608385 00000 n +0000613379 00000 n +0000613670 00000 n +0000631576 00000 n +0000632051 00000 n +0000653203 00000 n +0000653815 00000 n +0000666359 00000 n +0000666714 00000 n +0000677900 00000 n +0000684225 00000 n +0000684351 00000 n +0000684477 00000 n +0000684603 00000 n +0000684729 00000 n +0000684846 00000 n +0000684947 00000 n +0000717497 00000 n +0000717707 00000 n +0000717916 00000 n +0000718107 00000 n +0000718292 00000 n +0000718476 00000 n +0000718661 00000 n +0000718845 00000 n +0000719030 00000 n +0000719213 00000 n +0000719396 00000 n +0000719581 00000 n +0000719765 00000 n +0000719942 00000 n +0000720119 00000 n +0000720295 00000 n +0000720472 00000 n +0000720648 00000 n +0000720825 00000 n +0000721001 00000 n +0000721178 00000 n +0000721354 00000 n +0000721531 00000 n +0000721706 00000 n +0000721881 00000 n +0000722058 00000 n +0000722234 00000 n +0000722411 00000 n +0000722600 00000 n +0000722801 00000 n +0000722996 00000 n +0000723186 00000 n +0000723380 00000 n +0000723625 00000 n +0000723866 00000 n +0000724106 00000 n +0000724347 00000 n +0000724580 00000 n +0000724818 00000 n +0000725053 00000 n +0000725289 00000 n +0000725530 00000 n +0000725770 00000 n +0000726007 00000 n +0000726242 00000 n +0000726481 00000 n +0000726714 00000 n +0000726952 00000 n +0000727193 00000 n +0000727427 00000 n +0000727633 00000 n +0000727818 00000 n +0000728002 00000 n +0000728187 00000 n +0000728371 00000 n +0000728556 00000 n +0000728740 00000 n +0000728925 00000 n +0000729108 00000 n +0000729291 00000 n +0000729476 00000 n +0000729660 00000 n +0000729845 00000 n +0000730029 00000 n +0000730205 00000 n +0000730382 00000 n +0000730558 00000 n +0000730735 00000 n +0000730910 00000 n +0000731085 00000 n +0000731262 00000 n +0000731438 00000 n +0000731615 00000 n +0000731791 00000 n +0000731968 00000 n +0000732144 00000 n +0000732321 00000 n +0000732497 00000 n +0000732674 00000 n +0000732877 00000 n +0000733078 00000 n +0000733273 00000 n +0000733482 00000 n +0000733696 00000 n +0000733913 00000 n +0000734127 00000 n +0000734330 00000 n +0000734533 00000 n +0000734736 00000 n +0000734939 00000 n +0000735142 00000 n +0000735345 00000 n +0000735552 00000 n +0000735761 00000 n +0000735970 00000 n +0000736179 00000 n +0000736388 00000 n +0000736605 00000 n +0000736850 00000 n +0000737094 00000 n +0000737343 00000 n +0000737592 00000 n +0000737843 00000 n +0000738092 00000 n +0000738343 00000 n +0000738592 00000 n +0000738843 00000 n +0000739091 00000 n +0000739339 00000 n +0000739590 00000 n +0000739836 00000 n +0000740087 00000 n +0000740337 00000 n +0000740588 00000 n +0000740838 00000 n +0000741083 00000 n +0000741337 00000 n +0000741588 00000 n +0000741841 00000 n +0000742089 00000 n +0000742332 00000 n +0000742575 00000 n +0000742818 00000 n +0000743061 00000 n +0000743309 00000 n +0000743555 00000 n +0000743798 00000 n +0000744045 00000 n +0000744294 00000 n +0000744543 00000 n +0000744792 00000 n +0000745041 00000 n +0000745235 00000 n +0000745428 00000 n +0000745621 00000 n +0000745814 00000 n +0000745986 00000 n +0000746105 00000 n +0000746223 00000 n +0000746340 00000 n +0000746455 00000 n +0000746574 00000 n +0000746701 00000 n +0000746832 00000 n +0000746964 00000 n +0000747088 00000 n +0000747206 00000 n +0000747323 00000 n +0000747439 00000 n +0000747555 00000 n +0000747680 00000 n +0000747805 00000 n +0000747929 00000 n +0000748059 00000 n +0000748194 00000 n +0000748330 00000 n +0000748465 00000 n +0000748599 00000 n +0000748726 00000 n +0000748828 00000 n +0000748954 00000 n +0000749077 00000 n +0000749202 00000 n +0000749321 00000 n +0000749423 00000 n +0000749463 00000 n +0000749615 00000 n +trailer +<< /Size 3090 +/Root 3088 0 R +/Info 3089 0 R +/ID [<016E06736CDEF398B956B39784A5AF54> <016E06736CDEF398B956B39784A5AF54>] >> +startxref +750020 +%%EOF diff --git a/Programming/Pascal/Free Component Library (FCL) Reference.pdf b/Programming/Pascal/Free Component Library (FCL) Reference.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7e8d2389d8a8b79956145a3084a42bf552c1eea --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Pascal/Free Component Library (FCL) Reference.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:14d847a558109d8df327db32362adee82862a3e4022fe047d3ceeea7a9f46ad5 +size 3543439 diff --git a/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal Reference.pdf b/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal Reference.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01bae0a4e510f67cfa2fcc92d129ec23e2fd1ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal Reference.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,16998 @@ +%PDF-1.4 +% +1 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> +endobj +4 0 obj +(Pascal Tokens) +endobj +5 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> +endobj +8 0 obj +(Symbols) +endobj +9 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +endobj +12 0 obj +(Comments) +endobj +13 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.3) >> +endobj +16 0 obj +(Reserved words) +endobj +17 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.1) >> +endobj +20 0 obj +(Turbo Pascal reserved words) +endobj +21 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.2) >> +endobj +24 0 obj +(Free Pascal reserved words) +endobj +25 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.3) >> +endobj +28 0 obj +(Object Pascal reserved words) +endobj +29 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.4) >> +endobj +32 0 obj +(Modifiers) +endobj +33 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.4) >> +endobj +36 0 obj +(Identifiers) +endobj +37 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.5) >> +endobj +40 0 obj +(Hint directives) +endobj +41 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.6) >> +endobj +44 0 obj +(Numbers) +endobj +45 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.7) >> +endobj +48 0 obj +(Labels) +endobj +49 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.8) >> +endobj +52 0 obj +(Character strings) +endobj +53 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +endobj +56 0 obj +(Constants) +endobj +57 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +endobj +60 0 obj +(Ordinary constants) +endobj +61 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +endobj +64 0 obj +(Typed constants) +endobj +65 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +endobj +68 0 obj +(Resource strings) +endobj +69 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +endobj +72 0 obj +(Types) +endobj +73 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +endobj +76 0 obj +(Base types) +endobj +77 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.1) >> +endobj +80 0 obj +(Ordinal types) +endobj +81 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +endobj +84 0 obj +(Integers) +endobj +85 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +endobj +88 0 obj +(Boolean types) +endobj +89 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +endobj +92 0 obj +(Enumeration types) +endobj +93 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> +endobj +96 0 obj +(Subrange types) +endobj +97 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.2) >> +endobj +100 0 obj +(Real types) +endobj +101 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +endobj +104 0 obj +(Character types) +endobj +105 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.1) >> +endobj +108 0 obj +(Char) +endobj +109 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.2) >> +endobj +112 0 obj +(Strings) +endobj +113 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.3) >> +endobj +116 0 obj +(Short strings) +endobj +117 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.4) >> +endobj +120 0 obj +(Ansistrings) +endobj +121 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.5) >> +endobj +124 0 obj +(UnicodeStrings) +endobj +125 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.6) >> +endobj +128 0 obj +(WideStrings) +endobj +129 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.7) >> +endobj +132 0 obj +(Constant strings) +endobj +133 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.8) >> +endobj +136 0 obj +(PChar - Null terminated strings) +endobj +137 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +endobj +140 0 obj +(Structured Types) +endobj +141 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +endobj +144 0 obj +(Packed structured types) +endobj +145 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.1) >> +endobj +148 0 obj +(Arrays) +endobj +149 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> +endobj +152 0 obj +(Static arrays) +endobj +153 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +endobj +156 0 obj +(Dynamic arrays) +endobj +157 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.14) >> +endobj +160 0 obj +(Packing and unpacking an array) +endobj +161 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.2) >> +endobj +164 0 obj +(Record types) +endobj +165 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.3) >> +endobj +168 0 obj +(Set types) +endobj +169 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.4) >> +endobj +172 0 obj +(File types) +endobj +173 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +endobj +176 0 obj +(Pointers) +endobj +177 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> +endobj +180 0 obj +(Forward type declarations) +endobj +181 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.6) >> +endobj +184 0 obj +(Procedural types) +endobj +185 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.7) >> +endobj +188 0 obj +(Variant types) +endobj +189 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.1) >> +endobj +192 0 obj +(Definition) +endobj +193 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.2) >> +endobj +196 0 obj +(Variants in assignments and expressions) +endobj +197 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.3) >> +endobj +200 0 obj +(Variants and interfaces) +endobj +201 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +endobj +204 0 obj +(Variables) +endobj +205 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +endobj +208 0 obj +(Definition) +endobj +209 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +endobj +212 0 obj +(Declaration) +endobj +213 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.3) >> +endobj +216 0 obj +(Scope) +endobj +217 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.4) >> +endobj +220 0 obj +(Initialized variables) +endobj +221 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.5) >> +endobj +224 0 obj +(Thread Variables) +endobj +225 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.6) >> +endobj +228 0 obj +(Properties) +endobj +229 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +endobj +232 0 obj +(Objects) +endobj +233 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +endobj +236 0 obj +(Declaration) +endobj +237 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +endobj +240 0 obj +(Fields) +endobj +241 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +endobj +244 0 obj +(Static fields) +endobj +245 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> +endobj +248 0 obj +(Constructors and destructors ) +endobj +249 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> +endobj +252 0 obj +(Methods) +endobj +253 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.5.1) >> +endobj +256 0 obj +(Declaration) +endobj +257 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.5.2) >> +endobj +260 0 obj +(Method invocation) +endobj +261 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +endobj +264 0 obj +(Static methods) +endobj +265 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.16) >> +endobj +268 0 obj +(Virtual methods) +endobj +269 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +endobj +272 0 obj +(Abstract methods) +endobj +273 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.6) >> +endobj +276 0 obj +(Visibility) +endobj +277 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +endobj +280 0 obj +(Classes) +endobj +281 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +endobj +284 0 obj +(Class definitions) +endobj +285 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +endobj +288 0 obj +(Class instantiation) +endobj +289 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +endobj +292 0 obj +(Methods) +endobj +293 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> +endobj +296 0 obj +(Declaration) +endobj +297 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> +endobj +300 0 obj +(invocation) +endobj +301 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> +endobj +304 0 obj +(Virtual methods) +endobj +305 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> +endobj +308 0 obj +(Class methods) +endobj +309 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.5) >> +endobj +312 0 obj +(Message methods) +endobj +313 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.6) >> +endobj +316 0 obj +(Using inherited) +endobj +317 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +endobj +320 0 obj +(Properties) +endobj +321 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.1) >> +endobj +324 0 obj +(Definition) +endobj +325 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.2) >> +endobj +328 0 obj +(Indexed properties) +endobj +329 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.3) >> +endobj +332 0 obj +(Array properties) +endobj +333 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.4) >> +endobj +336 0 obj +(Default properties) +endobj +337 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.5) >> +endobj +340 0 obj +(Storage information) +endobj +341 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.6) >> +endobj +344 0 obj +(Overriding properties) +endobj +345 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +endobj +348 0 obj +(Interfaces) +endobj +349 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +endobj +352 0 obj +(Definition) +endobj +353 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +endobj +356 0 obj +(Interface identification: A GUID) +endobj +357 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +endobj +360 0 obj +(Interface implementations) +endobj +361 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.4) >> +endobj +364 0 obj +(Interfaces and COM) +endobj +365 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.5) >> +endobj +368 0 obj +(CORBA and other Interfaces) +endobj +369 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.6) >> +endobj +372 0 obj +(Reference counting) +endobj +373 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +endobj +376 0 obj +(Generics) +endobj +377 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +endobj +380 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +381 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +endobj +384 0 obj +(Generic class definition) +endobj +385 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +endobj +388 0 obj +(Generic class specialization) +endobj +389 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +endobj +392 0 obj +(A word about scope) +endobj +393 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +endobj +396 0 obj +(Expressions) +endobj +397 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +endobj +400 0 obj +(Expression syntax) +endobj +401 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +endobj +404 0 obj +(Function calls) +endobj +405 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +endobj +408 0 obj +(Set constructors) +endobj +409 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +endobj +412 0 obj +(Value typecasts) +endobj +413 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +endobj +416 0 obj +(Variable typecasts) +endobj +417 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.6) >> +endobj +420 0 obj +(Unaligned typecasts) +endobj +421 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.7) >> +endobj +424 0 obj +(The @ operator) +endobj +425 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.8) >> +endobj +428 0 obj +(Operators) +endobj +429 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.1) >> +endobj +432 0 obj +(Arithmetic operators) +endobj +433 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.2) >> +endobj +436 0 obj +(Logical operators) +endobj +437 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.3) >> +endobj +440 0 obj +(Boolean operators) +endobj +441 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.4) >> +endobj +444 0 obj +(String operators) +endobj +445 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.5) >> +endobj +448 0 obj +(Set operators) +endobj +449 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.6) >> +endobj +452 0 obj +(Relational operators) +endobj +453 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.7) >> +endobj +456 0 obj +(Class operators) +endobj +457 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +endobj +460 0 obj +(Statements) +endobj +461 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +endobj +464 0 obj +(Simple statements) +endobj +465 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.1) >> +endobj +468 0 obj +(Assignments) +endobj +469 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.2) >> +endobj +472 0 obj +(Procedure statements) +endobj +473 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.3) >> +endobj +476 0 obj +(Goto statements) +endobj +477 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +endobj +480 0 obj +(Structured statements) +endobj +481 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.1) >> +endobj +484 0 obj +(Compound statements) +endobj +485 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.2) >> +endobj +488 0 obj +(The Case statement) +endobj +489 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.3) >> +endobj +492 0 obj +(The If..then..else statement) +endobj +493 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.4) >> +endobj +496 0 obj +(The For..to/downto..do statement) +endobj +497 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.5) >> +endobj +500 0 obj +(The For..in..do statement) +endobj +501 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.6) >> +endobj +504 0 obj +(The Repeat..until statement) +endobj +505 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.7) >> +endobj +508 0 obj +(The While..do statement) +endobj +509 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.8) >> +endobj +512 0 obj +(The With statement) +endobj +513 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.9) >> +endobj +516 0 obj +(Exception Statements) +endobj +517 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +endobj +520 0 obj +(Assembler statements) +endobj +521 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.11) >> +endobj +524 0 obj +(Using functions and procedures) +endobj +525 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.1) >> +endobj +528 0 obj +(Procedure declaration) +endobj +529 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.2) >> +endobj +532 0 obj +(Function declaration) +endobj +533 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.3) >> +endobj +536 0 obj +(Function results) +endobj +537 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.4) >> +endobj +540 0 obj +(Parameter lists) +endobj +541 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.1) >> +endobj +544 0 obj +(Value parameters) +endobj +545 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.2) >> +endobj +548 0 obj +(Variable parameters) +endobj +549 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.3) >> +endobj +552 0 obj +(Out parameters) +endobj +553 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.4) >> +endobj +556 0 obj +(Constant parameters) +endobj +557 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.5) >> +endobj +560 0 obj +(Open array parameters) +endobj +561 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.6) >> +endobj +564 0 obj +(Array of const) +endobj +565 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.5) >> +endobj +568 0 obj +(Function overloading) +endobj +569 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.6) >> +endobj +572 0 obj +(Forward defined functions) +endobj +573 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.7) >> +endobj +576 0 obj +(External functions) +endobj +577 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.8) >> +endobj +580 0 obj +(Assembler functions) +endobj +581 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.9) >> +endobj +584 0 obj +(Modifiers) +endobj +585 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.1) >> +endobj +588 0 obj +(alias) +endobj +589 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.2) >> +endobj +592 0 obj +(cdecl) +endobj +593 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.3) >> +endobj +596 0 obj +(export) +endobj +597 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.4) >> +endobj +600 0 obj +(inline) +endobj +601 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.5) >> +endobj +604 0 obj +(interrupt) +endobj +605 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.6) >> +endobj +608 0 obj +(iocheck) +endobj +609 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.7) >> +endobj +612 0 obj +(local) +endobj +613 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.8) >> +endobj +616 0 obj +(nostackframe) +endobj +617 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.9) >> +endobj +620 0 obj +(overload) +endobj +621 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.10) >> +endobj +624 0 obj +(pascal) +endobj +625 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.11) >> +endobj +628 0 obj +(public) +endobj +629 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.12) >> +endobj +632 0 obj +(register) +endobj +633 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.13) >> +endobj +636 0 obj +(safecall) +endobj +637 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.14) >> +endobj +640 0 obj +(saveregisters) +endobj +641 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.15) >> +endobj +644 0 obj +(softfloat) +endobj +645 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.16) >> +endobj +648 0 obj +(stdcall) +endobj +649 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.17) >> +endobj +652 0 obj +(varargs) +endobj +653 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11.10) >> +endobj +656 0 obj +(Unsupported Turbo Pascal modifiers) +endobj +657 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.12) >> +endobj +660 0 obj +(Operator overloading) +endobj +661 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.1) >> +endobj +664 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +665 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.2) >> +endobj +668 0 obj +(Operator declarations) +endobj +669 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.3) >> +endobj +672 0 obj +(Assignment operators) +endobj +673 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.4) >> +endobj +676 0 obj +(Arithmetic operators) +endobj +677 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.12.5) >> +endobj +680 0 obj +(Comparision operator) +endobj +681 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.13) >> +endobj +684 0 obj +(Programs, units, blocks) +endobj +685 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.1) >> +endobj +688 0 obj +(Programs) +endobj +689 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.2) >> +endobj +692 0 obj +(Units) +endobj +693 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.3) >> +endobj +696 0 obj +(Unit dependencies) +endobj +697 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.4) >> +endobj +700 0 obj +(Blocks) +endobj +701 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.5) >> +endobj +704 0 obj +(Scope) +endobj +705 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.1) >> +endobj +708 0 obj +(Block scope) +endobj +709 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.2) >> +endobj +712 0 obj +(Record scope) +endobj +713 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.3) >> +endobj +716 0 obj +(Class scope) +endobj +717 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.4) >> +endobj +720 0 obj +(Unit scope) +endobj +721 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.13.6) >> +endobj +724 0 obj +(Libraries) +endobj +725 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.14) >> +endobj +728 0 obj +(Exceptions) +endobj +729 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.14.1) >> +endobj +732 0 obj +(The raise statement) +endobj +733 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.14.2) >> +endobj +736 0 obj +(The try...except statement) +endobj +737 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.14.3) >> +endobj +740 0 obj +(The try...finally statement) +endobj +741 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.14.4) >> +endobj +744 0 obj +(Exception handling nesting) +endobj +745 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.14.5) >> +endobj +748 0 obj +(Exception classes) +endobj +749 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.15) >> +endobj +752 0 obj +(Using assembler) +endobj +753 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.15.1) >> +endobj +756 0 obj +(Assembler statements ) +endobj +757 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.15.2) >> +endobj +760 0 obj +(Assembler procedures and functions) +endobj +763 0 obj << +/Length 304 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xuMO0 >#CBҥkE!INL;űد߄ +80>/ȃP(!(j=iܢ4%d>|FgYt?ߊj&,zI)ԡm51] 8}19$e5*gZ!/C($MΈh=$5GLZӓSXw} +,%D7MצaT1n(CʸDiW][v{YrhDDwCq"aF\/8\u&F7O=|ZOa][m\mr/P 7}_z +endstream +endobj +762 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 763 0 R +/Resources 761 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 768 0 R +>> endobj +764 0 obj << +/D [762 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +765 0 obj << +/D [762 0 R /XYZ 91.925 733.028 null] +>> endobj +761 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 766 0 R /F31 767 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +801 0 obj << +/Length 855 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMW@Y:l=$Ә6 i `t7y#B0\@{=O>\0 #!3 zgY4_?Oŭ eJygdz|d5I~b_b/m~A!lD4iH8[BP*X\lـ rTI)h@+ ,[.(3~[Nh(|bߨ}<5-?s2=mC߁Bq(Qˀȃah̎2oYzB6TV>?؉y:$MNdO%3Bl:!V#;)ݖJmMVؔv⥄Lwf8O_LWDj1ulmn5^; dÆJ9lɈSyBBjļKt2ɕ.Miy:k #$w M .$ Y5!B!qCoS礈%z:z:O}_=]΅S(-,\nb_@Oo% qꎛ{l'®NX_kkde1 m=zvڕ%fѣ{n;GRh=4WfRu /7I>,[$3NCtT:YpPAKAn7=nugfп~kwuOqGMZ +te.y֙kFL0 Eߞ'~u% +endstream +endobj +800 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 801 0 R +/Resources 799 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 768 0 R +/Annots [ 769 0 R 770 0 R 771 0 R 772 0 R 773 0 R 774 0 R 775 0 R 776 0 R 777 0 R 778 0 R 779 0 R 780 0 R 781 0 R 782 0 R 783 0 R 784 0 R 785 0 R 786 0 R 787 0 R 788 0 R 789 0 R 790 0 R 791 0 R 792 0 R 793 0 R 794 0 R 795 0 R 796 0 R 797 0 R ] +>> endobj +769 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 572.111 167.362 581.088] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> +>> endobj +770 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 553.934 165.658 564.838] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> +>> endobj +771 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 539.852 173.957 548.699] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +>> endobj +772 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 523.713 194.44 532.559] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.3) >> +>> endobj +773 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 507.573 277.18 516.42] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.1) >> +>> endobj +774 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 491.434 270.983 500.28] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.2) >> +>> endobj +775 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 473.237 279.839 484.141] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.3) >> +>> endobj +776 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 459.154 201.404 468.001] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.4) >> +>> endobj +777 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 443.015 171.178 451.862] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.4) >> +>> endobj +778 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 426.875 189.319 435.722] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.5) >> +>> endobj +779 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 410.736 167.302 419.582] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.6) >> +>> endobj +780 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 394.596 157.34 403.443] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.7) >> +>> endobj +781 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 376.399 198.564 387.303] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.8) >> +>> endobj +782 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 352.335 150.485 361.311] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +>> endobj +783 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 334.158 206.316 345.062] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +>> endobj +784 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 318.018 195.008 328.922] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +>> endobj +785 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 301.879 196.911 312.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +>> endobj +786 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 275.911 132.592 286.79] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +>> endobj +787 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 259.637 173.668 270.541] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +>> endobj +788 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 243.497 216.617 254.401] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.1) >> +>> endobj +789 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 227.358 194.6 238.262] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +>> endobj +790 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 211.218 219.387 222.122] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +>> endobj +791 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 195.079 237.648 205.983] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +>> endobj +792 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 178.939 223.81 189.843] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> +>> endobj +793 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 162.8 204.443 173.703] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.2) >> +>> endobj +794 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 146.66 193.025 157.564] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +>> endobj +795 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 132.578 182.027 141.424] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.1) >> +>> endobj +796 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 114.381 190.894 125.285] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.2) >> +>> endobj +797 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 98.241 213.309 109.145] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.3) >> +>> endobj +803 0 obj << +/D [800 0 R /XYZ 91.925 599.032 null] +>> endobj +799 0 obj << +/Font << /F35 802 0 R /F29 766 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +845 0 obj << +/Length 1172 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKwF/ızsMNV&py&8 _fo٫Q@9c/r(Baw7?f?L80ofw!Xstk 8P_5X~$?77r$@dସ)`s!^Gp&aﱺ8sE-Ǟ3RpA->nc9rQǫ`ٍa9R*3%?m +$T[M݊UmS/J9f:X+KW^Rpz]JdF^z+~mr"9օT;&FGOwIȵ%6$<&8/ٳubQS96hBc W崺ܗD_w ⭞M\'19Sq?N`h*["xexAVr4=iMR,uCI2n& +Z6q龫=%X{Ǣg3Xd/Nf}*^\e2SμzjxލhNQRh#zBbh9M/m Btbmº-:7ž-V-v>D>Q8Aߞ@.;XSuJK5ogkܹUW +s"ɤ{3<߯9)~U;XXGE8d6|n3,Q2uPؚlgX İӺ5soW-kcv挏WaTU>&WW.RkoOAN&RQ Q}abezWgBk*3 VgEW+at!klٯng \MBrن89nWL뙈ˏRRcܖ2ey MshL,lTE> endobj +798 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 208.049 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.4) >> +>> endobj +804 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 224.647 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.5) >> +>> endobj +805 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 212.074 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.6) >> +>> endobj +806 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 227.147 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.7) >> +>> endobj +807 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 287.739 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2.8) >> +>> endobj +808 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 639.215 198.326 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +>> endobj +809 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 623.075 257.035 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +>> endobj +810 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 606.935 189.768 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.1) >> +>> endobj +811 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 590.796 212.183 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> +>> endobj +812 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 574.656 226.012 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +>> endobj +813 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 558.517 290.331 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.14) >> +>> endobj +814 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 542.377 214.953 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.2) >> +>> endobj +815 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 198.914 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.3) >> +>> endobj +816 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 510.098 201.683 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3.4) >> +>> endobj +817 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 496.016 163.437 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +>> endobj +818 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 477.819 234.559 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> +>> endobj +819 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 461.679 197.459 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.6) >> +>> endobj +820 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 445.54 183.073 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.7) >> +>> endobj +821 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 431.458 203.068 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.1) >> +>> endobj +822 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 413.261 322.449 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.2) >> +>> endobj +823 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 399.059 253.299 408.025] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.7.3) >> +>> endobj +824 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 373.056 147.905 382.033] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +>> endobj +825 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 356.937 171.188 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +>> endobj +826 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 340.797 177.255 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +>> endobj +827 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 322.6 155.128 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.3) >> +>> endobj +828 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 308.518 209.384 317.365] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.4) >> +>> endobj +829 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 292.379 198.555 301.225] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.5) >> +>> endobj +830 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 274.182 171.178 285.086] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.6) >> +>> endobj +831 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 248.214 140.513 259.093] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +>> endobj +832 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 233.997 177.255 242.844] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +>> endobj +833 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 217.738 155.138 226.704] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +>> endobj +834 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 201.718 177.553 210.565] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +>> endobj +835 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 185.579 247.271 194.425] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> +>> endobj +836 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 169.439 165.648 178.286] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> +>> endobj +837 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 153.3 209.135 162.146] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.5.1) >> +>> endobj +838 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 137.16 237.608 146.007] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.5.2) >> +>> endobj +839 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 121.02 221.608 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +>> endobj +840 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 104.881 226.54 113.728] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.16) >> +>> endobj +841 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 88.741 232.667 97.588] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +>> endobj +846 0 obj << +/D [844 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +843 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 847 0 R /F29 766 0 R /F35 802 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +887 0 obj << +/Length 1157 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMW6Zڋ0B7t&QqTvf`~}[v!1e'y{_]ri2 @c&s@9$ (` ~(y f Ϊb2sy'qR>d=:xK3KyR% 8#11U\ʨΓ(U;"_;ю$$f&af43VU@9?L !N"|$h{K#a7C/IaoXڕ:JtlO4+xqw-SKwLj\T_7ȖY*ϣz]Lk[y.jKt\SZ1v@Cg+X9: (.9nm/Sv3mLU:S>b#eZY\蚣iδ^HN;SڤoY?G!@L7.-N^ndHm͏2jvX$=:I&v[֡mY_hzk-ZM5Bw;aӾ]if*-M\~yhpVݽl٣+U +*QKC6j=?:VҰ;()[M]O xRz4e$;K>UsUZi6XOQ)ºK*OxchY%:e-DZQ{nD¾.014W!&Ž>vq|l)E8zֶWO&i:iޡhH[4.WGSy+L)$=hm/(ԌT46/f(P(ͺ1/*Uĉ.h(wu)woؤL EW[!/JvQB>d]:c)at9;xEZ$N;jfHFP`08DTw;ѿ +endstream +endobj +886 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 887 0 R +/Resources 885 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 768 0 R +/Annots [ 842 0 R 848 0 R 849 0 R 850 0 R 851 0 R 852 0 R 853 0 R 854 0 R 855 0 R 856 0 R 857 0 R 858 0 R 859 0 R 860 0 R 861 0 R 862 0 R 863 0 R 864 0 R 865 0 R 866 0 R 867 0 R 868 0 R 869 0 R 870 0 R 871 0 R 872 0 R 873 0 R 874 0 R 875 0 R 876 0 R 877 0 R 878 0 R 879 0 R 880 0 R 881 0 R 882 0 R 883 0 R ] +>> endobj +842 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 719.912 167.83 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.6) >> +>> endobj +848 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 695.847 138.859 704.824] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +>> endobj +849 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 679.728 196.931 688.574] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +>> endobj +850 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 663.588 204.123 672.435] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +>> endobj +851 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 647.449 165.648 656.295] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +>> endobj +852 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 631.309 209.135 640.156] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> +>> endobj +853 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 615.17 204.124 624.016] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> +>> endobj +854 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 599.03 226.54 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> +>> endobj +855 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 582.891 220.502 591.737] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> +>> endobj +856 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 564.694 233.772 575.598] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.5) >> +>> endobj +857 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 548.554 224.368 559.458] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.6) >> +>> endobj +858 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 532.415 171.178 543.319] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +>> endobj +859 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 518.332 203.068 527.179] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.1) >> +>> endobj +860 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 500.135 236.782 511.039] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.2) >> +>> endobj +861 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 483.996 228.223 494.9] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.3) >> +>> endobj +862 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 467.856 234.769 478.76] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.4) >> +>> endobj +863 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 451.717 242.629 462.621] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.5) >> +>> endobj +864 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 435.577 248.557 446.481] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.6) >> +>> endobj +865 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 411.512 150.465 420.489] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +>> endobj +866 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 395.393 171.188 404.239] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +>> endobj +867 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 379.253 261.588 388.1] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +>> endobj +868 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 361.056 234.987 371.96] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +>> endobj +869 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 346.974 212.014 355.821] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.4) >> +>> endobj +870 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 330.835 246.255 339.681] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.5) >> +>> endobj +871 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 312.638 208.517 323.542] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.6) >> +>> endobj +872 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 288.573 145.494 297.549] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +>> endobj +873 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 272.453 180.034 281.3] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +>> endobj +874 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 256.314 224.856 265.16] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +>> endobj +875 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 238.117 241.443 249.021] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +>> endobj +876 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 221.977 210.64 232.881] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +>> endobj +877 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 196.01 158.615 206.889] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +>> endobj +878 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 179.736 203.556 190.64] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +>> endobj +879 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 165.534 186.958 174.5] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +>> endobj +880 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 149.394 194.699 158.36] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +>> endobj +881 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 131.317 192.477 142.221] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +>> endobj +882 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 115.177 202.988 126.081] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +>> endobj +883 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 99.038 211.297 109.942] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.6) >> +>> endobj +888 0 obj << +/D [886 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +885 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 847 0 R /F29 766 0 R /F35 802 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +930 0 obj << +/Length 1252 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKsF㲧2',Y0R[ +(iDcKAUIy7F%p  @C-2 `0[teit==`1Ԅ%zt@jw{#"01~!w +:-xNF*,:) $le&/~6dafӭN6Lk9©cnn, :q@ [= t_؇+"e)EZNgS͐8hLtO~H؄f,jQpN,J)T^5xw +a`5V0~ H*wd"v{E@%T\X܈T14-¬MR4MP~}<àfmFemz)&{uV}Z:*e;yLZY+JWRq5Kfͼ>^uOߡʏi(*R /%wl;/P>\ (%(If{76>}EWˤ~ֶUam0띞7&k{\;R@"ZLI 4qkI][7W6\DLDE;ۛ4pӋE);@ok,Sg˛2=QF 1/Bfas?l|([+3n"L~Z9%݆`/YA b󂜹uĻߕ[wcdQsҢjՃyTtRR]l_I85яVedތb衿qZGy*{aK9$;GM6j\%H+ <(gĞ>9ףjaqT4@ ׮93urjej3V}\[!۸%F_QV6s1|lż6E}/%:V>%\5?&qoo4;]:std({CQ燷‡R`:P3)Cb[ċW!9vc\#fYW3Hz$],x/}R~X5| Mˎ4\gCr -l=Npi z !џGceob~("Lއ}k" `׳w +endstream +endobj +929 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 930 0 R +/Resources 928 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 768 0 R +/Annots [ 884 0 R 889 0 R 890 0 R 891 0 R 892 0 R 893 0 R 894 0 R 895 0 R 896 0 R 897 0 R 898 0 R 899 0 R 900 0 R 901 0 R 902 0 R 903 0 R 904 0 R 905 0 R 906 0 R 907 0 R 908 0 R 909 0 R 910 0 R 911 0 R 912 0 R 913 0 R 914 0 R 915 0 R 916 0 R 917 0 R 918 0 R 919 0 R 920 0 R 921 0 R 922 0 R 923 0 R 924 0 R 925 0 R 926 0 R ] +>> endobj +884 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 719.912 193.623 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.7) >> +>> endobj +889 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 703.773 170.062 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.8) >> +>> endobj +890 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 245.389 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.1) >> +>> endobj +891 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 232.657 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.2) >> +>> endobj +892 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 235.426 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.3) >> +>> endobj +893 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 639.215 226.58 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.4) >> +>> endobj +894 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 623.075 214.953 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.5) >> +>> endobj +895 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 606.935 243.177 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.6) >> +>> endobj +896 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 590.796 223.81 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.9.8.7) >> +>> endobj +897 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 566.731 154.899 575.707] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +>> endobj +898 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 548.554 203.565 559.458] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +>> endobj +899 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 532.415 214.136 543.319] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.1) >> +>> endobj +900 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 518.213 247.6 527.179] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.2) >> +>> endobj +901 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 502.193 227.137 511.039] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.1.3) >> +>> endobj +902 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 486.053 216.836 494.9] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +>> endobj +903 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 467.856 251.496 478.76] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.1) >> +>> endobj +904 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 453.719 245.23 462.621] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.2) >> +>> endobj +905 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 437.58 305.005 446.481] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.3) >> +>> endobj +906 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 420.808 328.916 430.342] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.4) >> +>> endobj +907 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 405.301 287.073 414.202] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.5) >> +>> endobj +908 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 387.781 299.028 398.063] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.6) >> +>> endobj +909 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 373.022 275.118 381.923] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.7) >> +>> endobj +910 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 356.882 245.23 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.8) >> +>> endobj +911 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 338.74 249.274 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.10.2.9) >> +>> endobj +912 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 324.658 217.941 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +>> endobj +913 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 296.633 242.29 307.512] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.11) >> +>> endobj +914 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 282.416 217.922 291.263] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.1) >> +>> endobj +915 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 266.276 212.96 275.123] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.2) >> +>> endobj +916 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 250.137 194.709 258.984] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.3) >> +>> endobj +917 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 233.878 189.568 242.844] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.4) >> +>> endobj +918 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 215.8 231.541 226.704] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.1) >> +>> endobj +919 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 199.661 242.051 210.565] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.2) >> +>> endobj +920 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 183.521 223.8 194.425] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.3) >> +>> endobj +921 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 167.382 244.283 178.286] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.4) >> +>> endobj +922 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 151.242 253.389 162.146] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.5) >> +>> endobj +923 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 135.103 220.204 146.007] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.4.6) >> +>> endobj +924 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 118.963 215.99 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.5) >> +>> endobj +925 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 104.881 235.675 113.728] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.6) >> +>> endobj +926 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 88.741 204.104 97.588] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.7) >> +>> endobj +931 0 obj << +/D [929 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +928 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 847 0 R /F29 766 0 R /F35 802 0 R /F41 932 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +973 0 obj << +/Length 1098 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMw8 +-9շ4'홞6UڅtGFIj&@y^*&擷"s0_q(G!30i~i~|'O: +@Ģ0" w2GC"bk@1 O@{ f~/ +A\3sQq0c Nk^R3_.eUY.<CP+x8aSD_ iItag R9XctEXyBo?DMSB"=zR"O%bClL 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+/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 187.965 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.3) >> +>> endobj +937 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 641.152 185.355 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.4) >> +>> endobj +938 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 623.075 196.971 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.5) >> +>> endobj +939 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 608.873 193.644 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.6) >> +>> endobj +940 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 592.734 182.027 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.7) >> +>> endobj +941 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 576.594 216.328 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.8) >> +>> endobj +942 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 560.454 197.22 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.9) >> +>> endobj +943 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 542.377 187.556 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.10) >> +>> endobj +944 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 187.566 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.11) >> +>> endobj +945 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 510.098 192.388 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.12) >> +>> endobj +946 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 495.896 193.085 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.13) >> +>> endobj +947 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 477.819 213.618 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.14) >> +>> endobj +948 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 463.617 195.317 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.15) >> +>> endobj +949 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 447.478 188.672 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.16) >> +>> endobj +950 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 429.4 191.551 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.9.17) >> +>> endobj +951 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 413.261 276.562 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.11.10) >> +>> endobj +952 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 387.293 200.368 398.172] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.12) >> +>> endobj +953 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 373.076 180.034 381.923] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.1) >> +>> endobj +954 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 354.88 216.816 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.2) >> +>> endobj +955 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 338.74 217.942 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.3) >> +>> endobj +956 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 322.6 213.508 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.4) >> +>> endobj +957 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 306.461 217.942 317.365] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.12.5) >> +>> endobj +958 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 280.493 207.869 291.372] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.13) >> +>> endobj +959 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 264.219 168.966 275.123] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.1) >> +>> endobj +960 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 250.137 152.368 258.984] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.2) >> +>> endobj +961 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 231.94 204.652 242.844] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.3) >> +>> endobj +962 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 217.858 158.455 226.704] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.4) >> +>> endobj +963 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 199.661 155.128 210.565] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.5) >> +>> endobj +964 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 183.521 211.636 194.425] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.1) >> +>> endobj +965 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 167.382 216.607 178.286] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.2) >> +>> endobj +966 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 151.242 209.424 162.146] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.3) >> +>> endobj +967 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 135.103 205.549 146.007] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.13.5.4) >> +>> endobj +968 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 120.901 166.744 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.13.6) >> +>> endobj +969 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 92.995 154.361 103.875] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.14) >> +>> endobj +974 0 obj << +/D [972 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +971 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 847 0 R /F29 766 0 R /F35 802 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +984 0 obj << +/Length 453 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xn0 ~ +5R ـ:lNY]l})$v6$ɒIk@}ȣw+;F +4dKUuo*ZѯuKJ3)rn*w(]-hz5D_# . vu0-8%O"4ba,d;H JRf{ObӅiۺ|Uj2 q>+i[xsb8B8SZH7G꟠ ʦ8e<zOC3P/4aո-ƚhV_"ٲ.uG{SmKp'1֐J!<(}cYv&lLq;8 5 :I6_sSŇ;>zj}M !narԔ֚_!mZBBgؿ<8 +endstream +endobj +983 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 984 0 R +/Resources 982 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 986 0 R +/Annots [ 970 0 R 975 0 R 976 0 R 977 0 R 978 0 R 979 0 R 980 0 R 981 0 R ] +>> endobj +970 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 721.97 208.248 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.14.1) >> +>> endobj +975 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 703.773 233.185 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.14.2) >> +>> endobj +976 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 687.633 232.796 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.14.3) >> +>> endobj +977 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 671.494 239.81 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.14.4) >> +>> endobj +978 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 655.354 201.334 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.14.5) >> +>> endobj +979 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 629.386 177.324 640.265] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.15) >> +>> endobj +980 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 615.17 220.432 624.016] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.15.1) >> +>> endobj +981 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 596.973 276.033 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.15.2) >> +>> endobj +985 0 obj << +/D [983 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +982 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 847 0 R /F29 766 0 R /F35 802 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1004 0 obj << +/Length 597 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xMo@{9Vr)⍃DX B6m|ki,<2&OXn.E$|!) + Z" WyH0Ǿ41tQ8GN:g} +$HQ ]'劢R@dURzUYgDfVM$+Y9Q~lj^> endobj +987 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 570.074 226.918 580.978] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.1) >> +>> endobj +988 0 obj 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0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 447.135 238.126 458.038] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.3) >> +>> endobj +995 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 430.995 200.776 441.899] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.4) >> +>> endobj +996 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 414.855 203.546 425.759] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.5) >> +>> endobj +997 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 398.716 183.073 409.62] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.6) >> +>> endobj +998 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 382.576 211.297 393.48] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.7) >> +>> endobj +999 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 366.437 191.929 377.341] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.9.8) >> +>> endobj +1000 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 342.272 275.097 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+<< +/S /GoTo +/D [499 0 R /XYZ 115.0 164.0 null] +>> +endobj +39 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [506 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +41 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [506 0 R /XYZ 115.0 398.675 null] +>> +endobj +43 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [515 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +45 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [515 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +47 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [515 0 R /XYZ 115.0 182.67 null] +>> +endobj +49 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [521 0 R /XYZ 115.0 470.732 null] +>> +endobj +51 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [523 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +53 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [523 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +55 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [523 0 R /XYZ 115.0 589.684 null] +>> +endobj +57 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [523 0 R /XYZ 115.0 168.593 null] +>> +endobj +59 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [525 0 R /XYZ 115.0 455.0 null] +>> +endobj +61 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [525 0 R /XYZ 115.0 141.483 null] +>> +endobj +63 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [532 0 R /XYZ 115.0 559.84 null] +>> +endobj +65 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [532 0 R /XYZ 115.0 311.267 null] +>> +endobj +67 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [536 0 R /XYZ 115.0 342.126 null] +>> +endobj +69 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [538 0 R /XYZ 115.0 601.56 null] +>> +endobj +71 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [540 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +73 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [540 0 R /XYZ 115.0 644.009 null] +>> +endobj +75 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [540 0 R /XYZ 115.0 556.684 null] +>> +endobj +77 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [540 0 R /XYZ 115.0 387.359 null] +>> +endobj +79 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [544 0 R /XYZ 115.0 353.098 null] +>> +endobj +81 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [544 0 R /XYZ 115.0 254.773 null] +>> +endobj +83 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [546 0 R /XYZ 115.0 673.0 null] +>> +endobj +85 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [546 0 R /XYZ 115.0 596.675 null] +>> +endobj +87 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [551 0 R /XYZ 115.0 675.28 null] +>> +endobj +89 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [551 0 R /XYZ 115.0 537.101 null] +>> +endobj +91 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [551 0 R /XYZ 115.0 343.528 null] +>> +endobj +93 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [555 0 R /XYZ 115.0 612.7 null] +>> +endobj +95 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [560 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +97 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [562 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +99 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [562 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +101 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [562 0 R /XYZ 115.0 578.684 null] +>> +endobj +103 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [566 0 R /XYZ 115.0 435.94 null] +>> +endobj +105 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [568 0 R /XYZ 115.0 386.94 null] +>> +endobj +107 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [568 0 R /XYZ 115.0 303.501 null] +>> +endobj +109 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [568 0 R /XYZ 115.0 231.062 null] +>> +endobj +111 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [568 0 R /XYZ 115.0 197.737 null] +>> +endobj +113 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [570 0 R /XYZ 115.0 335.988 null] +>> +endobj +115 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [572 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +117 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [572 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +119 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [572 0 R /XYZ 115.0 567.684 null] +>> +endobj +124 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [572 0 R /XYZ 115.0 491.359 null] +>> +endobj +126 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [574 0 R /XYZ 115.0 586.68 null] +>> +endobj +128 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [578 0 R /XYZ 115.0 613.866 null] +>> +endobj +130 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [578 0 R /XYZ 115.0 537.541 null] +>> +endobj +132 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [582 0 R /XYZ 115.0 347.51 null] +>> +endobj +134 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [582 0 R /XYZ 115.0 271.185 null] +>> +endobj +136 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [586 0 R /XYZ 115.0 216.874 null] +>> +endobj +138 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [586 0 R /XYZ 115.0 108.549 null] +>> +endobj +140 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [592 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +142 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [592 0 R /XYZ 115.0 669.675 null] +>> +endobj +144 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [592 0 R /XYZ 115.0 174.172 null] +>> +endobj +146 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [596 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +148 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [596 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +150 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [596 0 R /XYZ 115.0 545.684 null] +>> +endobj +152 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [596 0 R /XYZ 115.0 151.201 null] +>> +endobj +154 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [598 0 R /XYZ 115.0 649.0 null] +>> +endobj +156 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [598 0 R /XYZ 115.0 132.637 null] +>> +endobj +158 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [600 0 R /XYZ 115.0 682.0 null] +>> +endobj +160 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [600 0 R /XYZ 115.0 196.217 null] +>> +endobj +162 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [602 0 R /XYZ 115.0 258.936 null] +>> +endobj +164 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [602 0 R /XYZ 115.0 139.611 null] +>> +endobj +166 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [604 0 R /XYZ 115.0 195.962 null] +>> +endobj +168 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [606 0 R /XYZ 115.0 703.0 null] +>> +endobj +170 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [606 0 R /XYZ 115.0 171.937 null] +>> +endobj +172 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [608 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +174 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [608 0 R /XYZ 115.0 145.637 null] +>> +endobj +176 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [610 0 R /XYZ 115.0 703.0 null] +>> +endobj +178 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [616 0 R /XYZ 115.0 649.0 null] +>> +endobj +180 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [618 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +182 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [618 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +184 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [618 0 R /XYZ 115.0 567.684 null] +>> +endobj +186 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [620 0 R /XYZ 115.0 348.0 null] +>> +endobj +188 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [620 0 R /XYZ 115.0 238.675 null] +>> +endobj +190 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [620 0 R /XYZ 115.0 140.35 null] +>> +endobj +192 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [626 0 R /XYZ 115.0 671.0 null] +>> +endobj +194 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [626 0 R /XYZ 115.0 248.077 null] +>> +endobj +196 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [626 0 R /XYZ 115.0 182.752 null] +>> +endobj +198 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [628 0 R /XYZ 115.0 209.668 null] +>> +endobj +200 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [630 0 R /XYZ 115.0 624.84 null] +>> +endobj +202 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [630 0 R /XYZ 115.0 527.515 null] +>> +endobj +204 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [632 0 R /XYZ 115.0 596.0 null] +>> +endobj +206 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +208 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +210 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 589.684 null] +>> +endobj +212 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 459.359 null] +>> +endobj +214 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 235.92 null] +>> +endobj +216 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [642 0 R /XYZ 115.0 628.0 null] +>> +endobj +218 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [642 0 R /XYZ 115.0 540.675 null] +>> +endobj +220 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [646 0 R /XYZ 115.0 494.866 null] +>> +endobj +222 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [648 0 R /XYZ 115.0 499.0 null] +>> +endobj +224 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [648 0 R /XYZ 115.0 272.675 null] +>> +endobj +226 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [652 0 R /XYZ 115.0 660.0 null] +>> +endobj +228 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [652 0 R /XYZ 115.0 572.675 null] +>> +endobj +230 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [654 0 R /XYZ 115.0 204.484 null] +>> +endobj +232 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [656 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +234 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [658 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +236 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [658 0 R /XYZ 115.0 626.675 null] +>> +endobj +238 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [660 0 R /XYZ 115.0 703.0 null] +>> +endobj +243 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [662 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +245 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [662 0 R /XYZ 115.0 627.018 null] +>> +endobj +247 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [662 0 R /XYZ 115.0 328.693 null] +>> +endobj +249 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [662 0 R /XYZ 115.0 263.368 null] +>> +endobj +251 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [666 0 R /XYZ 115.0 386.866 null] +>> +endobj +253 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [670 0 R /XYZ 115.0 152.068 null] +>> +endobj +255 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [674 0 R /XYZ 115.0 540.084 null] +>> +endobj +257 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [676 0 R /XYZ 115.0 346.988 null] +>> +endobj +259 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [680 0 R /XYZ 115.0 434.866 null] +>> +endobj +261 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [680 0 R /XYZ 115.0 113.407 null] +>> +endobj +263 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [684 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +265 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [684 0 R /XYZ 115.0 659.018 null] +>> +endobj +267 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [684 0 R /XYZ 115.0 266.559 null] +>> +endobj +269 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [686 0 R /XYZ 115.0 617.0 null] +>> +endobj +271 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [686 0 R /XYZ 115.0 562.675 null] +>> +endobj +273 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +275 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 669.675 null] +>> +endobj +277 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 256.612 null] +>> +endobj +279 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 148.287 null] +>> +endobj +281 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [692 0 R /XYZ 115.0 231.694 null] +>> +endobj +283 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [694 0 R /XYZ 115.0 682.0 null] +>> +endobj +285 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 115.0 586.0 null] +>> +endobj +287 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 115.0 219.675 null] +>> +endobj +289 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [702 0 R /XYZ 115.0 510.0 null] +>> +endobj +291 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [704 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +293 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [704 0 R /XYZ 115.0 590.009 null] +>> +endobj +295 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [704 0 R /XYZ 115.0 502.684 null] +>> +endobj +297 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [706 0 R /XYZ 115.0 415.644 null] +>> +endobj +299 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [706 0 R /XYZ 115.0 296.319 null] +>> +endobj +301 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [708 0 R /XYZ 115.0 338.128 null] +>> +endobj +303 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [710 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +305 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [710 0 R /XYZ 115.0 612.009 null] +>> +endobj +307 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [710 0 R /XYZ 115.0 376.364 null] +>> +endobj +309 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [710 0 R /XYZ 115.0 170.159 null] +>> +endobj +311 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [712 0 R /XYZ 115.0 123.636 null] +>> +endobj +313 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [714 0 R /XYZ 115.0 671.0 null] +>> +endobj +315 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [716 0 R /XYZ 115.0 617.0 null] +>> +endobj +317 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [716 0 R /XYZ 115.0 529.675 null] +>> +endobj +319 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [718 0 R /XYZ 115.0 582.944 null] +>> +endobj +321 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [720 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +323 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [720 0 R /XYZ 115.0 659.018 null] +>> +endobj +325 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [720 0 R /XYZ 115.0 528.693 null] +>> +endobj +327 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [720 0 R /XYZ 115.0 463.368 null] +>> +endobj +329 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [724 0 R /XYZ 115.0 672.0 null] +>> +endobj +331 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [724 0 R /XYZ 115.0 437.961 null] +>> +endobj +333 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [726 0 R /XYZ 115.0 560.7 null] +>> +endobj +335 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [728 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +337 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [728 0 R /XYZ 115.0 655.009 null] +>> +endobj +339 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [728 0 R /XYZ 115.0 289.202 null] +>> +endobj +341 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [730 0 R /XYZ 115.0 617.0 null] +>> +endobj +343 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [730 0 R /XYZ 115.0 540.675 null] +>> +endobj +345 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [730 0 R /XYZ 115.0 154.912 null] +>> +endobj +347 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [732 0 R /XYZ 115.0 504.24 null] +>> +endobj +349 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [732 0 R /XYZ 115.0 449.915 null] +>> +endobj +351 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [734 0 R /XYZ 115.0 633.804 null] +>> +endobj +353 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [734 0 R /XYZ 115.0 367.159 null] +>> +endobj +355 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [734 0 R /XYZ 115.0 141.514 null] +>> +endobj +357 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [736 0 R /XYZ 115.0 541.4 null] +>> +endobj +362 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [738 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +364 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [738 0 R /XYZ 115.0 440.009 null] +>> +endobj +366 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [748 0 R /XYZ 115.0 618.0 null] +>> +endobj +368 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [748 0 R /XYZ 115.0 444.427 null] +>> +endobj +370 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [762 0 R /XYZ 115.0 499.0 null] +>> +endobj +372 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [772 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +374 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [801 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +376 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [801 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +378 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [801 0 R /XYZ 115.0 480.684 null] +>> +endobj +380 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [806 0 R /XYZ 115.0 725.0 null] +>> +endobj +382 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [806 0 R /XYZ 115.0 687.009 null] +>> +endobj +387 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [562 0 R /XYZ 115.0 348.485 null] +>> +endobj +389 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [566 0 R /XYZ 115.0 241.615 null] +>> +endobj +391 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [728 0 R /XYZ 115.0 493.684 null] +>> +endobj +396 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [523 0 R /XYZ 115.0 439.359 null] +>> +endobj +398 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [525 0 R /XYZ 115.0 336.675 null] +>> +endobj +400 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [546 0 R /XYZ 115.0 240.082 null] +>> +endobj +402 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [568 0 R /XYZ 115.0 158.298 null] +>> +endobj +404 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [572 0 R /XYZ 115.0 451.92 null] +>> +endobj +406 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [578 0 R /XYZ 115.0 498.102 null] +>> +endobj +408 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [582 0 R /XYZ 115.0 231.746 null] +>> +endobj +410 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [590 0 R /XYZ 115.0 715.0 null] +>> +endobj +412 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [592 0 R /XYZ 115.0 630.236 null] +>> +endobj +414 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [596 0 R /XYZ 115.0 506.245 null] +>> +endobj +416 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [598 0 R /XYZ 115.0 609.561 null] +>> +endobj +418 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [600 0 R /XYZ 115.0 642.561 null] +>> +endobj +420 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [602 0 R /XYZ 115.0 704.0 null] +>> +endobj +422 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [604 0 R /XYZ 115.0 715.0 null] +>> +endobj +424 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [606 0 R /XYZ 115.0 663.561 null] +>> +endobj +426 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [608 0 R /XYZ 115.0 695.561 null] +>> +endobj +428 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [610 0 R /XYZ 115.0 663.561 null] +>> +endobj +430 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [618 0 R /XYZ 115.0 528.245 null] +>> +endobj +432 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [626 0 R /XYZ 115.0 631.561 null] +>> +endobj +434 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [626 0 R /XYZ 115.0 143.313 null] +>> +endobj +436 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [630 0 R /XYZ 115.0 488.076 null] +>> +endobj +438 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [634 0 R /XYZ 115.0 196.481 null] +>> +endobj +440 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [642 0 R /XYZ 115.0 501.236 null] +>> +endobj +442 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [646 0 R /XYZ 115.0 434.427 null] +>> +endobj +444 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [648 0 R /XYZ 115.0 233.236 null] +>> +endobj +446 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [652 0 R /XYZ 115.0 533.236 null] +>> +endobj +448 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [656 0 R /XYZ 115.0 695.561 null] +>> +endobj +450 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [658 0 R /XYZ 115.0 587.236 null] +>> +endobj +452 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [662 0 R /XYZ 115.0 223.929 null] +>> +endobj +454 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [666 0 R /XYZ 115.0 239.427 null] +>> +endobj +456 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [672 0 R /XYZ 115.0 683.0 null] +>> +endobj +458 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [674 0 R /XYZ 115.0 500.645 null] +>> +endobj +460 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [686 0 R /XYZ 115.0 523.236 null] +>> +endobj +462 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 630.236 null] +>> +endobj +464 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [690 0 R /XYZ 115.0 108.848 null] +>> +endobj +466 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [694 0 R /XYZ 115.0 642.561 null] +>> +endobj +468 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 115.0 180.236 null] +>> +endobj +470 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [704 0 R /XYZ 115.0 463.245 null] +>> +endobj +472 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [706 0 R /XYZ 115.0 256.88 null] +>> +endobj +474 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [712 0 R /XYZ 115.0 715.0 null] +>> +endobj +476 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [714 0 R /XYZ 115.0 631.561 null] +>> +endobj +478 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [716 0 R /XYZ 115.0 490.236 null] +>> +endobj +480 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [720 0 R /XYZ 115.0 423.929 null] +>> +endobj +482 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [730 0 R /XYZ 115.0 501.236 null] +>> +endobj +484 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [732 0 R /XYZ 115.0 410.476 null] +>> +endobj +624 0 obj +<< +/S /GoTo +/D [499 0 R /XYZ 115.0 587.0 null] +>> +endobj +xref +0 815 +0000000000 65535 f +0000312015 00000 n +0000312943 00000 n +0000312993 00000 n +0000000015 00000 n +0000000071 00000 n +0000000344 00000 n +0000000450 00000 n +0000001068 00000 n +0000001174 00000 n +0000001335 00000 n +0000001442 00000 n +0000003503 00000 n +0000003626 00000 n +0000004027 00000 n +0000313159 00000 n +0000004163 00000 n +0000313225 00000 n +0000004298 00000 n +0000313293 00000 n +0000004434 00000 n +0000313361 00000 n +0000004569 00000 n +0000313429 00000 n +0000004705 00000 n +0000313495 00000 n +0000004841 00000 n +0000313563 00000 n +0000004977 00000 n +0000313630 00000 n +0000005113 00000 n +0000313698 00000 n +0000005249 00000 n +0000313764 00000 n +0000005385 00000 n +0000313832 00000 n +0000005521 00000 n +0000313899 00000 n +0000005657 00000 n +0000313965 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+endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER5': class PDFDictionary +9 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/files/120/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 500.0506 + 552.176 + 511.3826 + 567.176 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER6': class PDFDictionary +10 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2008/dec/05/python-3000/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 154.8853 + 522.176 + 166.2173 + 537.176 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page2': class PDFPage +11 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 5 0 R + 6 0 R + 7 0 R + 8 0 R + 9 0 R + 10 0 R ] + /Contents 711 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER7': class PDFDictionary +12 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.linux.com/feature/126522) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 327.1802 + 401.3492 + 338.5122 + 416.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER8': class PDFDictionary +13 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://paxmodept.com/telesto/blogitem.htm?id=627) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 239.7925 + 335.3492 + 251.1246 + 350.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER9': class PDFDictionary +14 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.few.vu.nl/~nsilvis/PPL/2007/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 490.3775 + 268.3492 + 501.7095 + 283.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER10': class PDFDictionary +15 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/courses/exp_course_desc/10.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 446.1539 + 253.3492 + 462.5757 + 268.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER11': class PDFDictionary +16 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~preshman/python_winter.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 376.6128 + 238.3492 + 393.0347 + 253.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER12': class PDFDictionary +17 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/acom1900/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 391.4029 + 223.3492 + 407.8247 + 238.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER13': class PDFDictionary +18 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.cs.bu.edu/courses/cs108/materials.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 444.313 + 208.3492 + 460.7349 + 223.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER14': class PDFDictionary +19 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gentry.metr.ou.edu/byteofpython/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 500.7242 + 193.3492 + 517.146 + 208.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER15': class PDFDictionary +20 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.msu.edu/~ashton/classes/825/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 351.4664 + 178.3492 + 367.8882 + 193.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER16': class PDFDictionary +21 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ewan/masws/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 467.4087 + 163.3492 + 483.8306 + 178.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page3': class PDFPage +22 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 12 0 R + 13 0 R + 14 0 R + 15 0 R + 16 0 R + 17 0 R + 18 0 R + 19 0 R + 20 0 R + 21 0 R ] + /Contents 712 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER17': class PDFDictionary +23 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov/software/Python/byte-of-python/output/byteofpython_html/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 491.1085 + 750.3492 + 507.5304 + 765.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER18': class PDFDictionary +24 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/doc/intros/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 473.8521 + 686.3492 + 490.274 + 701.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER19': class PDFDictionary +25 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 603.3492 + 91.11479 + 618.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER20': class PDFDictionary +26 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 313.6343 + 369.3492 + 486.6348 + 384.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER21': class PDFDictionary +27 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 354.3492 + 109.356 + 369.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER22': class PDFDictionary +28 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 514.733 + 339.3492 + 531.1548 + 354.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER23': class PDFDictionary +29 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 320.7664 + 188.3492 + 337.1883 + 203.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER24': class PDFDictionary +30 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/files/byteofpython/byte_of_python_v191.pdf) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 147.6226 + 120.3492 + 164.0445 + 135.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER25': class PDFDictionary +31 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/files/byteofpython/byte_of_python_v191.xml) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 237.7544 + 105.3492 + 254.1763 + 120.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER26': class PDFDictionary +32 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=swaroop%40swaroopch%2ecom&item_name=A%20Byte%20of%20Python&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&lc=IN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 171.438 + 72.34919 + 189.8833 + 87.34919 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER27': class PDFDictionary +33 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 342.1392 + 72.34919 + 360.5845 + 87.34919 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page4': class PDFPage +34 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 23 0 R + 24 0 R + 25 0 R + 26 0 R + 27 0 R + 28 0 R + 29 0 R + 30 0 R + 31 0 R + 32 0 R + 33 0 R ] + /Contents 713 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER28': class PDFDictionary +35 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/read/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 661.5492 + 353.5157 + 676.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER29': class PDFDictionary +36 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/files/120/byteofpython_120.pdf) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 646.5492 + 485.065 + 661.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER30': class PDFDictionary +37 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/files/byteofpython/byte_of_python_v191.pdf) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 631.5492 + 449.3755 + 646.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER31': class PDFDictionary +38 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 616.5492 + 270.9073 + 631.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER32': class PDFDictionary +39 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibiblio.org/swaroopch/byteofpython/files/120/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 601.5492 + 373.9898 + 616.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER33': class PDFDictionary +40 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2008/dec/05/python-3000/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 586.5492 + 367.9942 + 601.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER34': class PDFDictionary +41 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.linux.com/feature/126522) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 571.5492 + 276.2154 + 586.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER35': class PDFDictionary +42 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://paxmodept.com/telesto/blogitem.htm?id=627) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 556.5492 + 350.3902 + 571.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER36': class PDFDictionary +43 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.few.vu.nl/~nsilvis/PPL/2007/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 86.03666 + 541.5492 + 342.5845 + 556.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER37': class PDFDictionary +44 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/courses/exp_course_desc/10.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 526.5492 + 400.211 + 541.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER38': class PDFDictionary +45 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~preshman/python_winter.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 511.5492 + 432.7207 + 526.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER39': class PDFDictionary +46 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/acom1900/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 496.5492 + 300.2832 + 511.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER40': class PDFDictionary +47 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.cs.bu.edu/courses/cs108/materials.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 481.5492 + 353.6436 + 496.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER41': class PDFDictionary +48 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gentry.metr.ou.edu/byteofpython/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 466.5492 + 296.1812 + 481.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER42': class PDFDictionary +49 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.msu.edu/~ashton/classes/825/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 451.5492 + 361.5879 + 466.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER43': class PDFDictionary +50 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/ewan/masws/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 436.5492 + 317.0904 + 451.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER44': class PDFDictionary +51 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov/software/Python/byte-of-python/output/byteofpython_html/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 421.5492 + 419.6641 + 436.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER45': class PDFDictionary +52 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dsnra.jpl.nasa.gov/software/Python/byte-of-python/output/byteofpython_html/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 406.5492 + 172.7984 + 421.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER46': class PDFDictionary +53 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/doc/intros/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 391.5492 + 263.94 + 406.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER47': class PDFDictionary +54 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 376.5492 + 331.1475 + 391.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER48': class PDFDictionary +55 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 361.5492 + 356.6016 + 376.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER49': class PDFDictionary +56 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 346.5492 + 277.2696 + 361.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER50': class PDFDictionary +57 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/files/byteofpython/byte_of_python_v191.pdf) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 331.5492 + 455.7378 + 346.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER51': class PDFDictionary +58 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/files/byteofpython/byte_of_python_v191.xml) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 316.5492 + 457.9595 + 331.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER52': class PDFDictionary +59 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=swaroop%40swaroopch%2ecom&item_name=A%20Byte%20of%20Python&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&lc=IN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 301.5492 + 389.3501 + 316.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER53': class PDFDictionary +60 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=swaroop%40swaroopch%2ecom&item_name=A%20Byte%20of%20Python&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&lc=IN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 286.5492 + 509.4346 + 301.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER54': class PDFDictionary +61 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=swaroop%40swaroopch%2ecom&item_name=A%20Byte%20of%20Python&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&lc=IN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 271.5492 + 404.983 + 286.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER55': class PDFDictionary +62 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=swaroop%40swaroopch%2ecom&item_name=A%20Byte%20of%20Python&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD&lc=IN&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 256.5492 + 294.8985 + 271.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER56': class PDFDictionary +63 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.39897 + 241.5492 + 277.2696 + 256.5492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER57': class PDFDictionary +64 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1391) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 211.1455 + 347.8765 + 223.1455 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page5': class PDFPage +65 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 35 0 R + 36 0 R + 37 0 R + 38 0 R + 39 0 R + 40 0 R + 41 0 R + 42 0 R + 43 0 R + 44 0 R + 45 0 R + 46 0 R + 47 0 R + 48 0 R + 49 0 R + 50 0 R + 51 0 R + 52 0 R + 53 0 R + 54 0 R + 55 0 R + 56 0 R + 57 0 R + 58 0 R + 59 0 R + 60 0 R + 61 0 R + 62 0 R + 63 0 R + 64 0 R ] + /Contents 714 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER58': class LinkAnnotation +66 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 11 0 R + /XYZ + 148.8453 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 77.87162 + 731.3492 + 145.816 + 746.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER59': class LinkAnnotation +67 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 95 0 R + /XYZ + 349.4019 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 713.3492 + 155.9244 + 728.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER60': class LinkAnnotation +68 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 116 0 R + /XYZ + 287.8599 + 692.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 698.3492 + 131.5787 + 713.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER61': class LinkAnnotation +69 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 128 0 R + /XYZ + 351.2925 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 683.3492 + 156.3003 + 698.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER62': class LinkAnnotation +70 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 158 0 R + /XYZ + 337.8648 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 668.3492 + 150.5093 + 683.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER63': class LinkAnnotation +71 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 164 0 R + /XYZ + 328.2076 + 704.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 653.3492 + 148.5367 + 668.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER64': class LinkAnnotation +72 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 273.9917 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 638.3492 + 125.3433 + 653.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER65': class LinkAnnotation +73 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 194 0 R + /XYZ + 525.8101 + 519.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 623.3492 + 230.4361 + 638.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER66': class LinkAnnotation +74 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 202 0 R + /XYZ + 352.8287 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 608.3492 + 158.9956 + 623.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER67': class LinkAnnotation +75 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 209 0 R + /XYZ + 317.1968 + 435.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 81.41264 + 593.3492 + 143.1997 + 608.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER68': class LinkAnnotation +76 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 224 0 R + /XYZ + 299.7622 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 578.3492 + 142.6822 + 593.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER69': class LinkAnnotation +77 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 234 0 R + /XYZ + 391.189 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 563.3492 + 180.4507 + 578.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER70': class LinkAnnotation +78 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 249 0 R + /XYZ + 397.5376 + 616.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 548.3492 + 182.7994 + 563.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER71': class LinkAnnotation +79 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 262 0 R + /XYZ + 233.021 + 762.482 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 533.3492 + 253.4781 + 548.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER72': class LinkAnnotation +80 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 274 0 R + /XYZ + 356.9644 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 518.3492 + 165.2798 + 533.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER73': class LinkAnnotation +81 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 279 0 R + /XYZ + 328.8521 + 420.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 503.3492 + 155.0015 + 518.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER74': class LinkAnnotation +82 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 288 0 R + /XYZ + 404.6167 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 488.3492 + 186.7398 + 503.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER75': class LinkAnnotation +83 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 259.232 + 455.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 473.3492 + 126.2906 + 488.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER76': class LinkAnnotation +84 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 318 0 R + /XYZ + 324.7808 + 704.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 458.3492 + 153.5367 + 473.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER77': class LinkAnnotation +85 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 380 0 R + /XYZ + 398.9878 + 510.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 443.3492 + 188.981 + 458.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER78': class LinkAnnotation +86 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 390.2437 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 428.3492 + 183.605 + 443.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER79': class LinkAnnotation +87 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 407 0 R + /XYZ + 520.1919 + 664.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.77494 + 413.3492 + 237.2867 + 428.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER80': class LinkAnnotation +88 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 11 0 R + /XYZ + 148.8453 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 389.0992 + 118.1177 + 404.0992 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER81': class LinkAnnotation +89 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 95 0 R + /XYZ + 349.4019 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 121.2964 + 389.0992 + 157.1802 + 404.0992 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER82': class PDFDictionary +90 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1343) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 358.6955 + 347.8765 + 370.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page6': class PDFPage +91 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 66 0 R + 67 0 R + 68 0 R + 69 0 R + 70 0 R + 71 0 R + 72 0 R + 73 0 R + 74 0 R + 75 0 R + 76 0 R + 77 0 R + 78 0 R + 79 0 R + 80 0 R + 81 0 R + 82 0 R + 83 0 R + 84 0 R + 85 0 R + 86 0 R + 87 0 R + 88 0 R + 89 0 R + 90 0 R ] + /Contents 715 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER83': class PDFDictionary +92 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://code.google.com/p/zhpy/wiki/ByteOfZhpy) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 149.4366 + 313.3492 + 395.8087 + 328.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER84': class PDFDictionary +93 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://code.google.com/p/zhpy/wiki/ByteOfZhpy) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 399.5625 + 313.3492 + 500.5384 + 328.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER85': class PDFDictionary +94 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://code.google.com/p/zhpy/wiki/ByteOfZhpy) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 298.3492 + 212.1236 + 313.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page7': class PDFPage +95 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 92 0 R + 93 0 R + 94 0 R ] + /Contents 716 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER86': class PDFDictionary +96 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.gentoo.it/Programmazione/byteofpython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 493.3502 + 715.3492 + 528.2042 + 730.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER87': class PDFDictionary +97 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.gentoo.it/Programmazione/byteofpython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 700.3492 + 306.5197 + 715.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER88': class PDFDictionary +98 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://abop-german.berlios.de) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 232.3182 + 401.3492 + 396.8456 + 416.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER89': class PDFDictionary +99 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://abop-german.berlios.de) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 403.2492 + 401.3492 + 512.1928 + 416.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER90': class PDFDictionary +100 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://abop-german.berlios.de) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 386.3492 + 116.087 + 401.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page8': class PDFPage +101 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 96 0 R + 97 0 R + 98 0 R + 99 0 R + 100 0 R ] + /Contents 717 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER91': class PDFDictionary +102 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandvika_videreg%C3%A5ende_skole) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 494.1286 + 507.3492 + 528.9826 + 522.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER92': class PDFDictionary +103 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandvika_videreg%C3%A5ende_skole) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 492.3492 + 348.7406 + 507.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER93': class PDFDictionary +104 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://forbedre.blogspot.com/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 479.8964 + 492.3492 + 514.7504 + 507.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER94': class PDFDictionary +105 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://forbedre.blogspot.com/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 477.3492 + 188.5433 + 492.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER95': class PDFDictionary +106 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://python.or.id/moin.cgi/ByteofPython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 497.8085 + 241.3492 + 528.7612 + 256.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER96': class PDFDictionary +107 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://python.or.id/moin.cgi/ByteofPython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 226.3492 + 241.6456 + 241.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER97': class PDFDictionary +108 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://wiki.mercury.lo5.bielsko.pl/index.php/Uk%C4%85%C5%9B_Pythona) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 494.6874 + 158.3492 + 529.5414 + 173.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER98': class PDFDictionary +109 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://wiki.mercury.lo5.bielsko.pl/index.php/Uk%C4%85%C5%9B_Pythona) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 143.3492 + 340.7383 + 158.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page9': class PDFPage +110 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 102 0 R + 103 0 R + 104 0 R + 105 0 R + 106 0 R + 107 0 R + 108 0 R + 109 0 R ] + /Contents 718 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER99': class PDFDictionary +111 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python_ro) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 240.4908 + 333.3492 + 471.5044 + 348.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER100': class PDFDictionary +112 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://rodrigoamaral.net) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 161.4763 + 280.3492 + 314.6064 + 295.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page10': class PDFPage +113 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 111 0 R + 112 0 R ] + /Contents 719 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page11': class PDFPage +114 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 720 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER101': class PDFDictionary +115 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2278) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 733.6955 + 347.8765 + 745.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page12': class PDFPage +116 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 115 0 R ] + /Contents 721 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER102': class PDFDictionary +117 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/contact/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.5141 + 561.3492 + 304.1997 + 576.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER103': class PDFDictionary +118 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 243.4995 + 445.3492 + 457.3705 + 460.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER104': class PDFDictionary +119 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 116.3062 + 415.3492 + 308.9795 + 430.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER105': class PDFDictionary +120 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 174.1363 + 347.3492 + 436.4497 + 362.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER106': class PDFDictionary +121 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 313.6343 + 113.3492 + 486.6348 + 128.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER107': class PDFDictionary +122 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 98.34919 + 109.356 + 113.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page13': class PDFPage +123 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 117 0 R + 118 0 R + 119 0 R + 120 0 R + 121 0 R + 122 0 R ] + /Contents 722 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER108': class PDFDictionary +124 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 755.3492 + 346.6983 + 770.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER109': class PDFDictionary +125 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/buybook) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 139.021 + 559.3492 + 331.6944 + 574.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER110': class PDFDictionary +126 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=987) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 358.6955 + 342.7867 + 370.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page14': class PDFPage +127 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 124 0 R + 125 0 R + 126 0 R ] + /Contents 723 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page15': class PDFPage +128 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 724 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER111': class PDFDictionary +129 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.wxpython.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 142.029 + 113.3492 + 284.9272 + 128.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER112': class PDFDictionary +130 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.twistedmatrix.com/products/twisted) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 342.5205 + 113.3492 + 508.0356 + 128.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER113': class PDFDictionary +131 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.twistedmatrix.com/products/twisted) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 98.34919 + 176.7556 + 113.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER114': class PDFDictionary +132 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 311.4908 + 98.34919 + 514.3437 + 113.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER115': class PDFDictionary +133 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 83.34919 + 158.2164 + 98.34919 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page16': class PDFPage +134 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 129 0 R + 130 0 R + 131 0 R + 132 0 R + 133 0 R ] + /Contents 725 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER116': class PDFDictionary +135 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://cpan.perl.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 463.4944 + 498.3492 + 526.5087 + 513.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER117': class PDFDictionary +136 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://cpan.perl.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 483.3492 + 106.2176 + 498.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER118': class PDFDictionary +137 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pypi.python.org/pypi) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 223.4888 + 408.3492 + 367.5831 + 423.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER119': class PDFDictionary +138 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3882) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 197.1246 + 143.3492 + 458.8804 + 158.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page17': class PDFPage +139 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 135 0 R + 136 0 R + 137 0 R + 138 0 R ] + /Contents 726 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER120': class PDFDictionary +140 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.artima.com/intv/aboutme.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 294.1997 + 770.3492 + 489.3199 + 785.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER121': class PDFDictionary +141 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.artima.com/intv/aboutme.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 755.3492 + 101.3726 + 770.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER122': class PDFDictionary +142 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.google.com/jobs/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 99.43412 + 695.3492 + 306.8936 + 710.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER123': class PDFDictionary +143 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/2to3.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 149.6997 + 546.3492 + 401.0962 + 561.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER124': class PDFDictionary +144 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=208549) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 248.8824 + 510.3492 + 466.0581 + 525.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER125': class PDFDictionary +145 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=208549) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 495.3492 + 177.7886 + 510.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER126': class PDFDictionary +146 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/2.6.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 212.4126 + 480.3492 + 455.6299 + 495.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER127': class PDFDictionary +147 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/whatsnew/3.0.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 212.4126 + 435.3492 + 475.5381 + 450.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER128': class PDFDictionary +148 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0361/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 269.1949 + 420.3492 + 496.4839 + 435.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER129': class PDFDictionary +149 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3000/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 405.8501 + 405.3492 + 507.2139 + 420.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER130': class PDFDictionary +150 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3000/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 390.3492 + 200.3003 + 405.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER131': class PDFDictionary +151 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3100/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 241.646 + 375.3492 + 468.9351 + 390.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER132': class PDFDictionary +152 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/NEWS.txt) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 276.5826 + 360.3492 + 505.6924 + 375.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER133': class PDFDictionary +153 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/NEWS.txt) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 345.3492 + 135.9341 + 360.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER134': class PDFDictionary +154 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1789) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 290.6955 + 347.8765 + 302.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page18': class PDFPage +155 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 140 0 R + 141 0 R + 142 0 R + 143 0 R + 144 0 R + 145 0 R + 146 0 R + 147 0 R + 148 0 R + 149 0 R + 150 0 R + 151 0 R + 152 0 R + 153 0 R + 154 0 R ] + /Contents 727 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER135': class PDFDictionary +156 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 313.6773 + 324.3492 + 487.3467 + 339.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER136': class PDFDictionary +157 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 309.3492 + 144.084 + 324.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page19': class PDFPage +158 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 156 0 R + 157 0 R ] + /Contents 728 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER137': class PDFDictionary +159 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 90.09261 + 748.3492 + 336.9699 + 763.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER138': class PDFDictionary +160 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.0/python-3.0b1.msi) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 289.8473 + 733.3492 + 506.9248 + 748.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER139': class PDFDictionary +161 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.0/python-3.0b1.msi) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 718.3492 + 155.9785 + 733.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page20': class PDFPage +162 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 159 0 R + 160 0 R + 161 0 R ] + /Contents 729 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER140': class PDFDictionary +163 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1746) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 733.6955 + 347.8765 + 745.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page21': class PDFPage +164 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 163 0 R ] + /Contents 730 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER141': class PDFDictionary +165 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://love-python.blogspot.com/2008/03/install-idle-in-linux.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.26267 + 458.3492 + 441.2738 + 473.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER142': class PDFDictionary +166 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/idle/doc/idlemain.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 170.9205 + 410.3492 + 409.479 + 425.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER143': class PDFDictionary +167 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/PythonEditors) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.9314 + 377.3492 + 392.4047 + 392.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER144': class PDFDictionary +168 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 337.2571 + 347.3492 + 513.8765 + 362.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER145': class PDFDictionary +169 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 332.3492 + 311.1751 + 347.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER146': class PDFDictionary +170 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://blog.sontek.net/2008/05/11/python-with-a-modular-ide-vim/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 139.2261 + 233.3492 + 481.8038 + 248.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER147': class PDFDictionary +171 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.enigmacurry.com/2008/05/09/emacs-as-a-powerful-python-ide/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 155.1205 + 182.3492 + 492.4729 + 197.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER148': class PDFDictionary +172 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.enigmacurry.com/2008/05/09/emacs-as-a-powerful-python-ide/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 167.3492 + 257.3223 + 182.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page22': class PDFPage +173 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 165 0 R + 166 0 R + 167 0 R + 168 0 R + 169 0 R + 170 0 R + 171 0 R + 172 0 R ] + /Contents 731 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER149': class LinkAnnotation +174 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 209 0 R + /XYZ + 317.1968 + 435.0106 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 422.665 + 72.34919 + 500.963 + 87.34919 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page23': class PDFPage +175 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 174 0 R ] + /Contents 732 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page24': class PDFPage +176 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 733 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER150': class LinkAnnotation +177 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 158 0 R + /XYZ + 337.8648 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 384.8492 + 118.1177 + 399.8492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER151': class LinkAnnotation +178 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 273.9917 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 121.2964 + 384.8492 + 157.1802 + 399.8492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER152': class PDFDictionary +179 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2332) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 354.4455 + 347.8765 + 366.4455 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page25': class PDFPage +180 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 177 0 R + 178 0 R + 179 0 R ] + /Contents 734 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER153': class PDFDictionary +181 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.unicode.org/faq/basic_q.html#16) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 271.4429 + 368.3492 + 506.251 + 383.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER154': class PDFDictionary +182 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/175240/how-do-i-convert-a-files-format-from-unicode-to-ascii-using-python#175270) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 390.6791 + 302.3492 + 523.8393 + 317.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER155': class PDFDictionary +183 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/175240/how-do-i-convert-a-files-format-from-unicode-to-ascii-using-python#175270) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 287.3492 + 181.336 + 302.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER156': class PDFDictionary +184 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/175240/how-do-i-convert-a-files-format-from-unicode-to-ascii-using-python#175270) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 272.3492 + 472.9761 + 287.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page26': class PDFPage +185 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 181 0 R + 182 0 R + 183 0 R + 184 0 R ] + /Contents 735 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page27': class PDFPage +186 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 736 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page28': class PDFPage +187 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 737 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER157': class PDFDictionary +188 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 112.4488 + 464.3492 + 339.7378 + 479.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page29': class PDFPage +189 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 188 0 R ] + /Contents 738 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page30': class PDFPage +190 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 739 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page31': class PDFPage +191 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 740 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page32': class PDFPage +192 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 741 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER158': class PDFDictionary +193 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2376) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 548.6955 + 347.8765 + 560.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page33': class PDFPage +194 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 193 0 R ] + /Contents 742 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page34': class PDFPage +195 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 743 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER159': class PDFDictionary +196 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/reference/expressions.html#evaluation-order) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 393.3009 + 412.2626 + 519.2461 + 427.2626 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER160': class PDFDictionary +197 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/reference/expressions.html#evaluation-order) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 397.2626 + 356.6048 + 412.2626 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page35': class PDFPage +198 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 196 0 R + 197 0 R ] + /Contents 744 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page36': class PDFPage +199 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 745 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER161': class PDFDictionary +200 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1579) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 422.6955 + 347.8765 + 434.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page37': class PDFPage +201 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 200 0 R ] + /Contents 746 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page38': class PDFPage +202 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 747 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page39': class PDFPage +203 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 748 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page40': class PDFPage +204 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 749 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page41': class PDFPage +205 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 750 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page42': class PDFPage +206 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 751 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page43': class PDFPage +207 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 752 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER162': class PDFDictionary +208 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1664) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 464.6955 + 347.8765 + 476.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page44': class PDFPage +209 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 208 0 R ] + /Contents 753 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page45': class PDFPage +210 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 754 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page46': class PDFPage +211 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 755 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page47': class PDFPage +212 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 756 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page48': class PDFPage +213 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 757 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page49': class PDFPage +214 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 758 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page50': class PDFPage +215 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 759 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page51': class PDFPage +216 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 760 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page52': class PDFPage +217 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 761 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page53': class PDFPage +218 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 762 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER163': class PDFDictionary +219 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 317.4913 + 579.3492 + 511.0095 + 594.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER164': class PDFDictionary +220 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 564.3492 + 118.1866 + 579.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER165': class PDFDictionary +221 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2379) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 408.6955 + 347.8765 + 420.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page54': class PDFPage +222 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 219 0 R + 220 0 R + 221 0 R ] + /Contents 763 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER166': class PDFDictionary +223 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/extending/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 112.8047 + 592.3492 + 292.5262 + 607.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page55': class PDFPage +224 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 223 0 R ] + /Contents 764 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page56': class PDFPage +225 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 765 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page57': class PDFPage +226 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 766 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page58': class PDFPage +227 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 767 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER167': class PDFDictionary +228 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228181/zen-of-python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 326.4671 + 578.3492 + 518.7059 + 593.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER168': class PDFDictionary +229 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228181/zen-of-python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 563.3492 + 203.0303 + 578.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page59': class PDFPage +230 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 228 0 R + 229 0 R ] + /Contents 768 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page60': class PDFPage +231 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 769 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER169': class PDFDictionary +232 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2371) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 205.6955 + 347.8765 + 217.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page61': class PDFPage +233 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 232 0 R ] + /Contents 770 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page62': class PDFPage +234 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 771 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page63': class PDFPage +235 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 772 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page64': class PDFPage +236 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 773 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page65': class PDFPage +237 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 774 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page66': class PDFPage +238 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 775 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page67': class PDFPage +239 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 776 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page68': class PDFPage +240 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 777 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page69': class PDFPage +241 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 778 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page70': class PDFPage +242 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 779 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page71': class PDFPage +243 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 780 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER170': class PDFDictionary +244 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1582) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 645.6955 + 347.8765 + 657.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER171': class PDFDictionary +245 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/zip.php) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 275.5962 + 270.926 + 499.8272 + 285.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER172': class PDFDictionary +246 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/zip.php) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 255.926 + 115.4991 + 270.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER173': class PDFDictionary +247 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/zip.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 288.9659 + 255.926 + 510.9214 + 270.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER174': class PDFDictionary +248 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/zip.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 240.926 + 116.4659 + 255.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page72': class PDFPage +249 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 244 0 R + 245 0 R + 246 0 R + 247 0 R + 248 0 R ] + /Contents 781 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page73': class PDFPage +250 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 782 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER175': class PDFDictionary +251 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/time.html#time.strftime) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 554.3492 + 387.7422 + 569.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page74': class PDFPage +252 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 251 0 R ] + /Contents 783 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page75': class PDFPage +253 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 784 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page76': class PDFPage +254 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 785 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page77': class PDFPage +255 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 786 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page78': class PDFPage +256 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 787 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER176': class PDFDictionary +257 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/zipfile.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 359.1565 + 240.3492 + 514.7457 + 255.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER177': class PDFDictionary +258 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/zipfile.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 225.3492 + 168.3829 + 240.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page79': class PDFPage +259 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 257 0 R + 258 0 R ] + /Contents 788 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER178': class PDFDictionary +260 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1395) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 391.6955 + 347.8765 + 403.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page80': class PDFPage +261 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 260 0 R ] + /Contents 789 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page81': class PDFPage +262 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 790 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page82': class PDFPage +263 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 791 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page83': class PDFPage +264 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 792 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page84': class PDFPage +265 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 793 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page85': class PDFPage +266 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 794 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER179': class PDFDictionary +267 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cpdecor.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 392.0141 + 419.3492 + 516.4318 + 434.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER180': class PDFDictionary +268 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-cpdecor.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 404.3492 + 286.2007 + 419.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page86': class PDFPage +269 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 267 0 R + 268 0 R ] + /Contents 795 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page87': class PDFPage +270 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 796 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page88': class PDFPage +271 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 797 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER181': class PDFDictionary +272 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=2359) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 245.6955 + 347.8765 + 257.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page89': class PDFPage +273 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 272 0 R ] + /Contents 798 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page90': class PDFPage +274 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 799 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER182': class PDFDictionary +275 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/palindrome) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 167.0972 + 674.3492 + 378.0328 + 689.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page91': class PDFPage +276 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 275 0 R ] + /Contents 800 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page92': class PDFPage +277 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 801 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER183': class PDFDictionary +278 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1583) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 449.6955 + 347.8765 + 461.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page93': class PDFPage +279 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 278 0 R ] + /Contents 802 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page94': class PDFPage +280 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 803 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page95': class PDFPage +281 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 804 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page96': class PDFPage +282 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 805 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER184': class PDFDictionary +283 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 494.5075 + 267.3492 + 529.3615 + 282.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER185': class PDFDictionary +284 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 252.3492 + 254.8101 + 267.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER186': class PDFDictionary +285 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1470) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 111.6955 + 347.8765 + 123.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page97': class PDFPage +286 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 283 0 R + 284 0 R + 285 0 R ] + /Contents 806 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER187': class PDFDictionary +287 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 102.5957 + 610.3492 + 308.5171 + 625.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page98': class PDFPage +288 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 287 0 R ] + /Contents 807 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page99': class PDFPage +289 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 808 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER188': class PDFDictionary +290 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://bugs.python.org/issue3763) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 494.0164 + 318.3492 + 528.8704 + 333.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER189': class PDFDictionary +291 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://bugs.python.org/issue3763) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 303.3492 + 229.2129 + 318.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page100': class PDFPage +292 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 290 0 R + 291 0 R ] + /Contents 809 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER190': class PDFDictionary +293 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?query=byte+of+python&appid=jl22psvV34HELWhdfUJbfDQzlJ2B57KFS_qs4I8D0Wz5U5_yCI1Awv8.lBSfPhwr&results=20&start=1&output=json) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 356.9522 + 314.3492 + 517.9458 + 329.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER191': class PDFDictionary +294 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?query=byte+of+python&appid=jl22psvV34HELWhdfUJbfDQzlJ2B57KFS_qs4I8D0Wz5U5_yCI1Awv8.lBSfPhwr&results=20&start=1&output=json) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 299.3492 + 482.6415 + 314.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER192': class PDFDictionary +295 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?query=byte+of+python&appid=jl22psvV34HELWhdfUJbfDQzlJ2B57KFS_qs4I8D0Wz5U5_yCI1Awv8.lBSfPhwr&results=20&start=1&output=json) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 284.3492 + 482.5811 + 299.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER193': class PDFDictionary +296 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch?query=byte+of+python&appid=jl22psvV34HELWhdfUJbfDQzlJ2B57KFS_qs4I8D0Wz5U5_yCI1Awv8.lBSfPhwr&results=20&start=1&output=json) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 269.3492 + 243.1361 + 284.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page101': class PDFPage +297 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 293 0 R + 294 0 R + 295 0 R + 296 0 R ] + /Contents 810 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER194': class PDFDictionary +298 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/pdb.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 464.6503 + 748.3492 + 526.5179 + 763.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER195': class PDFDictionary +299 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/pdb.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 733.3492 + 233.2896 + 748.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER196': class PDFDictionary +300 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/getopt.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 406.8917 + 733.3492 + 508.7617 + 748.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER197': class PDFDictionary +301 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/getopt.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 718.3492 + 227.6326 + 733.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER198': class PDFDictionary +302 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.diveintopython.org/regular_expressions/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 339.4491 + 718.3492 + 503.3379 + 733.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER199': class PDFDictionary +303 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.diveintopython.org/regular_expressions/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 703.3492 + 224.6031 + 718.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER200': class PDFDictionary +304 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.doughellmann.com/projects/PyMOTW/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 206.3746 + 670.3492 + 465.7188 + 685.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER201': class PDFDictionary +305 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 144.2851 + 587.3492 + 368.7073 + 602.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER202': class PDFDictionary +306 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1156) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 484.6955 + 347.8765 + 496.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page102': class PDFPage +307 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 298 0 R + 299 0 R + 300 0 R + 301 0 R + 302 0 R + 303 0 R + 304 0 R + 305 0 R + 306 0 R ] + /Contents 811 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER203': class PDFDictionary +308 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-names) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 270.0745 + 456.3492 + 506.5126 + 471.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER204': class PDFDictionary +309 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-names) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 441.3492 + 269.2071 + 456.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page103': class PDFPage +310 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 308 0 R + 309 0 R ] + /Contents 812 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page104': class PDFPage +311 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 813 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page105': class PDFPage +312 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 814 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Page106': class PDFPage +313 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Contents 815 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER205': class PDFDictionary +314 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1463) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 733.6955 + 347.8765 + 745.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER206': class PDFDictionary +315 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/contact/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 143.4382 + 372.926 + 335.6454 + 387.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER207': class PDFDictionary +316 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?replace) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 291.5678 + 291.926 + 482.2163 + 306.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER208': class PDFDictionary +317 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?replace) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 276.926 + 174.5093 + 291.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page107': class PDFPage +318 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 314 0 R + 315 0 R + 316 0 R + 317 0 R ] + /Contents 816 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER209': class PDFDictionary +319 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pleac.sourceforge.net/pleac_python/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 177.8179 + 715.3492 + 454.9454 + 730.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER210': class PDFDictionary +320 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 201.8658 + 700.3492 + 459.3345 + 715.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER211': class PDFDictionary +321 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.java2s.com/Code/Python/CatalogPython.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 215.6841 + 685.3492 + 508.0562 + 700.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER212': class PDFDictionary +322 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 169.7808 + 670.3492 + 429.8287 + 685.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER213': class PDFDictionary +323 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 236.1724 + 587.3492 + 497.4019 + 602.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER214': class PDFDictionary +324 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/doc/faq/general/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 181.8218 + 572.3492 + 390.6978 + 587.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER215': class PDFDictionary +325 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://norvig.com/python-iaq.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 308.98 + 557.3492 + 488.3233 + 572.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER216': class PDFDictionary +326 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dev.fyicenter.com/Interview-Questions/Python/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 201.8169 + 542.3492 + 504.628 + 557.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER217': class PDFDictionary +327 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dev.fyicenter.com/Interview-Questions/Python/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 527.3492 + 101.3726 + 542.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER218': class PDFDictionary +328 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://beta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 309.273 + 512.3492 + 468.1568 + 527.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER219': class PDFDictionary +329 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://beta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 497.3492 + 204.606 + 512.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER220': class PDFDictionary +330 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.siafoo.net/article/52) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 187.6275 + 444.3492 + 355.98 + 459.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER221': class PDFDictionary +331 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/advanced-swc/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 303.6822 + 429.3492 + 451.502 + 444.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER222': class PDFDictionary +332 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/advanced-swc/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 414.3492 + 153.6338 + 429.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER223': class PDFDictionary +333 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnosis.cx/publish/tech_index_cp.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 169.8833 + 399.3492 + 396.9468 + 414.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER224': class PDFDictionary +334 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.diveintopython.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 316.3492 + 229.6557 + 331.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER225': class PDFDictionary +335 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://showmedo.com/videos/python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 230.772 + 250.3492 + 423.7823 + 265.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER226': class PDFDictionary +336 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://youtube.com/results?search_query=googletechtalks+python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 257.8619 + 235.3492 + 362.3897 + 250.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER227': class PDFDictionary +337 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://youtube.com/results?search_query=googletechtalks+python) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 220.3492 + 316.5831 + 235.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER228': class PDFDictionary +338 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.awaretek.com/tutorials.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 333.4966 + 205.3492 + 516.2872 + 220.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER229': class PDFDictionary +339 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.awaretek.com/tutorials.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 190.3492 + 101.3726 + 205.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER230': class PDFDictionary +340 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://effbot.org/zone/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 209.2632 + 175.3492 + 329.2217 + 190.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER231': class PDFDictionary +341 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/t/37de95ef0326293d) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 306.5777 + 160.3492 + 505.9556 + 175.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER232': class PDFDictionary +342 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/t/37de95ef0326293d) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 145.3492 + 301.2085 + 160.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER233': class PDFDictionary +343 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pythonpapers.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 154.4488 + 130.3492 + 282.8731 + 145.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page108': class PDFPage +344 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 319 0 R + 320 0 R + 321 0 R + 322 0 R + 323 0 R + 324 0 R + 325 0 R + 326 0 R + 327 0 R + 328 0 R + 329 0 R + 330 0 R + 331 0 R + 332 0 R + 333 0 R + 334 0 R + 335 0 R + 336 0 R + 337 0 R + 338 0 R + 339 0 R + 340 0 R + 341 0 R + 342 0 R + 343 0 R ] + /Contents 817 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER234': class PDFDictionary +345 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/topics) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 246.0102 + 733.3492 + 509.627 + 748.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER235': class PDFDictionary +346 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/topics) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 718.3492 + 96.46733 + 733.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER236': class PDFDictionary +347 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://planet.python.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.1888 + 632.3492 + 242.684 + 647.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER237': class PDFDictionary +348 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.planetpython.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 446.4278 + 632.3492 + 512.3661 + 647.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER238': class PDFDictionary +349 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.planetpython.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 617.3492 + 153.3135 + 632.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER239': class PDFDictionary +350 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pypi.python.org/pypi) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 493.0637 + 564.3492 + 527.9177 + 579.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER240': class PDFDictionary +351 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pypi.python.org/pypi) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 549.3492 + 171.6153 + 564.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER241': class PDFDictionary +352 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#using-easy-install) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 516.3492 + 440.357 + 531.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER242': class PDFDictionary +353 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 327.0965 + 289.3492 + 515.4176 + 304.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER243': class PDFDictionary +354 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 176.6822 + 274.3492 + 362.6519 + 289.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER244': class PDFDictionary +355 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.pygtk.org/tutorial.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 326.8287 + 163.3492 + 508.3892 + 178.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER245': class PDFDictionary +356 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://spe.pycs.net/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 388.1141 + 82.34919 + 496.0738 + 97.34919 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page109': class PDFPage +357 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 345 0 R + 346 0 R + 347 0 R + 348 0 R + 349 0 R + 350 0 R + 351 0 R + 352 0 R + 353 0 R + 354 0 R + 355 0 R + 356 0 R ] + /Contents 818 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER246': class PDFDictionary +358 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://wxglade.sourceforge.net/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 156.0491 + 770.3492 + 328.629 + 785.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER247': class PDFDictionary +359 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://zetcode.com/wxpython/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 128.5083 + 740.3492 + 288.3252 + 755.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER248': class PDFDictionary +360 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.pythonware.com/library/tkinter/introduction/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 272.9393 + 644.3492 + 512.2609 + 659.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER249': class PDFDictionary +361 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.pythonware.com/library/tkinter/introduction/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 87.69291 + 629.3492 + 155.8868 + 644.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER250': class PDFDictionary +362 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/GuiProgramming) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 494.552 + 611.3492 + 529.4061 + 626.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER251': class PDFDictionary +363 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/GuiProgramming) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 596.3492 + 329.0479 + 611.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER252': class PDFDictionary +364 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://archive.pythonpapers.org/ThePythonPapersVolume3Issue1.pdf) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 156.1646 + 454.3492 + 512.2027 + 469.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER253': class PDFDictionary +365 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.jython.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 102.5464 + 317.3492 + 238.3287 + 332.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER254': class PDFDictionary +366 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 153.6279 + 266.3492 + 489.3762 + 281.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER255': class PDFDictionary +367 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 251.3492 + 242.4976 + 266.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER256': class PDFDictionary +368 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/home.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 92.83451 + 200.3492 + 397.7403 + 215.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER257': class PDFDictionary +369 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.stackless.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 161.5747 + 119.3492 + 317.9527 + 134.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page110': class PDFPage +370 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 358 0 R + 359 0 R + 360 0 R + 361 0 R + 362 0 R + 363 0 R + 364 0 R + 365 0 R + 366 0 R + 367 0 R + 368 0 R + 369 0 R ] + /Contents 819 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER258': class PDFDictionary +371 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://common-lisp.net/project/clpython/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 277.1008 + 770.3492 + 497.1905 + 785.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER259': class PDFDictionary +372 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://wiki.mozilla.org/Tamarin:IronMonkey) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 401.4475 + 755.3492 + 520.5186 + 770.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER260': class PDFDictionary +373 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://wiki.mozilla.org/Tamarin:IronMonkey) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 740.3492 + 169.7583 + 755.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER261': class PDFDictionary +374 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1845) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 539.6955 + 347.8765 + 551.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER262': class PDFDictionary +375 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLOSS) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 103.0339 + 423.926 + 294.3404 + 438.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER263': class PDFDictionary +376 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.kernel.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 205.7818 + 279.926 + 324.2847 + 294.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER264': class PDFDictionary +377 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ubuntu.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 393.5699 + 204.926 + 495.5733 + 219.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER265': class PDFDictionary +378 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ubuntu.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 189.926 + 99.9517 + 204.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER266': class PDFDictionary +379 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.openoffice.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 129.926 + 214.4165 + 144.926 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page111': class PDFPage +380 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 371 0 R + 372 0 R + 373 0 R + 374 0 R + 375 0 R + 376 0 R + 377 0 R + 378 0 R + 379 0 R ] + /Contents 820 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER267': class PDFDictionary +381 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 204.024 + 755.3492 + 410.1597 + 770.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER268': class PDFDictionary +382 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 141.7437 + 740.3492 + 374.8912 + 755.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER269': class PDFDictionary +383 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mono-project.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 240.5865 + 695.3492 + 399.397 + 710.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER270': class PDFDictionary +384 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ecma-international.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 441.3453 + 695.3492 + 504.232 + 710.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER271': class PDFDictionary +385 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.ecma-international.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 680.3492 + 193.6241 + 695.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER272': class PDFDictionary +386 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.microsoft.com/net) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 280.9483 + 680.3492 + 440.023 + 695.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER273': class PDFDictionary +387 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://httpd.apache.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 255.2154 + 620.3492 + 381.3257 + 635.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER274': class PDFDictionary +388 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mysql.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 207.9937 + 575.3492 + 329.9488 + 590.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER275': class PDFDictionary +389 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 468.3355 + 545.3492 + 503.1895 + 560.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER276': class PDFDictionary +390 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 74.69291 + 530.3492 + 190.8277 + 545.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER277': class PDFDictionary +391 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://geexbox.org/en/start.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 202.188 + 500.3492 + 373.7193 + 515.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER278': class PDFDictionary +392 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.linux.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 130.2496 + 386.3492 + 246.3599 + 401.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER279': class PDFDictionary +393 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.linuxtoday.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 140.1128 + 371.3492 + 284.6558 + 386.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER280': class PDFDictionary +394 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.newsforge.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 139.4683 + 356.3492 + 283.5572 + 371.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER281': class PDFDictionary +395 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.distrowatch.com) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 144.5171 + 341.3492 + 295.0269 + 356.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER282': class PDFDictionary +396 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.sourceforge.net) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 146.7193 + 305.3492 + 293.4107 + 320.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER283': class PDFDictionary +397 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.freshmeat.net) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 136.397 + 290.3492 + 274.6851 + 305.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER284': class PDFDictionary +398 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=1580) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 217.6955 + 347.8765 + 229.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page112': class PDFPage +399 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 381 0 R + 382 0 R + 383 0 R + 384 0 R + 385 0 R + 386 0 R + 387 0 R + 388 0 R + 389 0 R + 390 0 R + 391 0 R + 392 0 R + 393 0 R + 394 0 R + 395 0 R + 396 0 R + 397 0 R + 398 0 R ] + /Contents 821 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER285': class PDFDictionary +400 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mediawiki.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 288.1375 + 337.3492 + 426.4823 + 352.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER286': class PDFDictionary +401 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 94.14097 + 322.3492 + 277.4172 + 337.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER287': class PDFDictionary +402 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/394) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 487.4336 + 289.3492 + 527.4976 + 304.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER288': class PDFDictionary +403 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/394) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 274.3492 + 289.2242 + 289.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page113': class PDFPage +404 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 400 0 R + 401 0 R + 402 0 R + 403 0 R ] + /Contents 822 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER289': class PDFDictionary +405 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/about/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 748.3492 + 236.8067 + 763.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER290': class PDFDictionary +406 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=236) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 693.6955 + 342.7867 + 705.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page114': class PDFPage +407 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 405 0 R + 406 0 R ] + /Contents 823 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER291': class LinkAnnotation +408 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 390.2437 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 62.69291 + 377.0992 + 118.1177 + 392.0992 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER292': class LinkAnnotation +409 0 obj +<< /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Contents () + /Dest [ 91 0 R + /XYZ + 413.3179 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 121.2964 + 377.0992 + 264.0894 + 392.0992 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER293': class PDFDictionary +410 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=240) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 346.6955 + 342.7867 + 358.6955 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page115': class PDFPage +411 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 408 0 R + 409 0 R + 410 0 R ] + /Contents 824 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER294': class PDFDictionary +412 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://henry.precheur.org/2008/4/18/Indenting%20Python%20with%20VIM.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 687.3492 + 492.6641 + 702.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER295': class PDFDictionary +413 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.enigmacurry.com/2008/05/09/emacs-as-a-powerful-python-ide/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 672.3492 + 468.5474 + 687.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER296': class PDFDictionary +414 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/tutorial/introduction.html#about-unicode) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 639.3492 + 455.6382 + 654.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER297': class PDFDictionary +415 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3131/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 606.3492 + 309.0401 + 621.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER298': class PDFDictionary +416 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3105/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 573.3492 + 309.0401 + 588.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER299': class PDFDictionary +417 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3111/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 540.3492 + 309.0401 + 555.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER300': class PDFDictionary +418 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3127/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 507.3492 + 309.0401 + 522.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER301': class PDFDictionary +419 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3104/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 474.3492 + 309.0401 + 489.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER302': class PDFDictionary +420 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3102/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 441.3492 + 309.0401 + 456.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER303': class PDFDictionary +421 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3107/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 408.3492 + 309.0401 + 423.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER304': class PDFDictionary +422 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://ivory.idyll.org/articles/advanced-swc/#packages) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 360.3492 + 365.1289 + 375.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER305': class PDFDictionary +423 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3101/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 327.3492 + 309.0401 + 342.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER306': class PDFDictionary +424 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/string.html#formatstrings) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 312.3492 + 395.3345 + 327.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER307': class PDFDictionary +425 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3106/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 279.3492 + 309.0401 + 294.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER308': class PDFDictionary +426 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/zip.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 112.5279 + 231.3492 + 368.7715 + 246.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER309': class PDFDictionary +427 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/reference/datamodel.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 198.3492 + 380.3794 + 213.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER310': class PDFDictionary +428 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3115/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 165.3492 + 309.0401 + 180.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER311': class PDFDictionary +429 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3119/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 132.3492 + 309.0401 + 147.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER312': class PDFDictionary +430 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3116/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 99.34919 + 309.0401 + 114.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page116': class PDFPage +431 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 412 0 R + 413 0 R + 414 0 R + 415 0 R + 416 0 R + 417 0 R + 418 0 R + 419 0 R + 420 0 R + 421 0 R + 422 0 R + 423 0 R + 424 0 R + 425 0 R + 426 0 R + 427 0 R + 428 0 R + 429 0 R + 430 0 R ] + /Contents 825 0 R + /MediaBox [ 0 + 0 + 595.2756 + 841.8898 ] + /Parent 709 0 R + /Resources << /Font 1 0 R + /ProcSet [ /PDF + /Text + /ImageB + /ImageC + /ImageI ] >> + /Rotate 0 + /Trans << >> + /Type /Page >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER313': class PDFDictionary +432 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0352/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 770.3492 + 309.0401 + 785.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER314': class PDFDictionary +433 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3109/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 755.3492 + 309.0401 + 770.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER315': class PDFDictionary +434 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3110/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 740.3492 + 309.0401 + 755.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER316': class PDFDictionary +435 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3108/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 176.7564 + 707.3492 + 395.9248 + 722.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER317': class PDFDictionary +436 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/warnings.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 692.3492 + 336.2232 + 707.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER318': class PDFDictionary +437 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/logging.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 677.3492 + 327.8492 + 692.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER319': class PDFDictionary +438 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/urllib.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 662.3492 + 315.9253 + 677.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER320': class PDFDictionary +439 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/json.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 89.87162 + 647.3492 + 311.2378 + 662.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER321': class PDFDictionary +440 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/pdb.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 614.3492 + 321.8365 + 629.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER322': class PDFDictionary +441 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/3.0/library/trace.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 599.3492 + 348.5122 + 614.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER323': class PDFDictionary +442 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://hpux.connect.org.uk/hppd/hpux/Users/replace-2.24/man.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 113.8716 + 533.3492 + 457.7447 + 548.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER324': class PDFDictionary +443 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3132/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 482.3492 + 321.0401 + 497.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER325': class PDFDictionary +444 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 449.3492 + 321.0401 + 464.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER326': class PDFDictionary +445 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?replace) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 398.3492 + 330.8448 + 413.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER327': class PDFDictionary +446 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://docs.python.org/dev/howto/doanddont.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 350.3492 + 355.2984 + 365.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER328': class PDFDictionary +447 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.python.org/doc/faq/general/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 335.3492 + 302.627 + 350.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER329': class PDFDictionary +448 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://norvig.com/python-iaq.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 320.3492 + 273.4122 + 335.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER330': class PDFDictionary +449 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.coderholic.com/free-python-programming-books/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 287.3492 + 408.2608 + 302.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER331': class PDFDictionary +450 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://pythonpapers.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 272.3492 + 222.4932 + 287.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER332': class PDFDictionary +451 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.mobilepythonbook.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 257.3492 + 274.5201 + 272.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER333': class PDFDictionary +452 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://effbot.org/zone/) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 242.3492 + 213.7095 + 257.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER334': class PDFDictionary +453 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/t/37de95ef0326293d) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 113.8716 + 209.3492 + 433.4566 + 224.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER335': class PDFDictionary +454 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python.announce/t/37de95ef0326293d) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 110.6929 + 194.3492 + 209.1988 + 209.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER336': class PDFDictionary +455 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.rosettacode.org) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 161.3492 + 240.9263 + 176.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER337': class PDFDictionary +456 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://dev.fyicenter.com/Interview-Questions/Python/index.html) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 146.3492 + 423.8775 + 161.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER338': class PDFDictionary +457 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.java2s.com/Code/Python/CatalogPython.htm) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 131.3492 + 386.441 + 146.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER339': class PDFDictionary +458 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.siafoo.net/article/52) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 101.8716 + 98.34919 + 262.4214 + 113.3492 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Annot.NUMBER340': class PDFDictionary +459 0 obj +<< /A << /S /URI + /Type /Action + /URI (http://www.swaroopch.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=242) >> + /Border [ 0 + 0 + 0 ] + /Rect [ 95.58354 + 67.9455 + 342.7867 + 79.9455 ] + /Subtype /Link + /Type /Annot >> +endobj +% 'Page117': class PDFPage +460 0 obj +% Page dictionary +<< /Annots [ 432 0 R + 433 0 R + 434 0 R + 435 0 R + 436 0 R + 437 0 R + 438 0 R + 439 0 R 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+% 'Outline.26.2': class OutlineEntryObject +501 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 11 0 R + /XYZ + 229.2222 + 454.4559 + 0 ] + /Next 502 0 R + /Parent 498 0 R + /Prev 500 0 R + /Title (Feedback From Readers ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.26.3': class OutlineEntryObject +502 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 22 0 R + /XYZ + 189.7769 + 320.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 503 0 R + /Parent 498 0 R + /Prev 501 0 R + /Title (Academic Courses ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.26.4': class OutlineEntryObject +503 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 34 0 R + /XYZ + 141.7828 + 784.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 504 0 R + /Parent 498 0 R + /Prev 502 0 R + /Title (Even NASA ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.26.5': class OutlineEntryObject +504 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 34 0 R + /XYZ + 238.2515 + 720.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 505 0 R + /Parent 498 0 R + /Prev 503 0 R + /Title (Official Recommendation ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.26.6': class OutlineEntryObject +505 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 34 0 R + /XYZ + 127.1285 + 655.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 506 0 R + /Parent 498 0 R + /Prev 504 0 R + /Title (License ) >> +endobj +% 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+511 0 obj +<< /Count -19 + /Dest [ 95 0 R + /XYZ + 349.4019 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 512 0 R + /Last 530 0 R + /Next 531 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 510 0 R + /Title (Python en:Translations) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.0': class OutlineEntryObject +512 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 95 0 R + /XYZ + 130.0816 + 649.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 513 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Title (Chinese ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.1': class OutlineEntryObject +513 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 95 0 R + /XYZ + 222.6197 + 383.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 514 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 512 0 R + /Title (Chinese Traditional ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.2': class OutlineEntryObject +514 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 101 0 R + /XYZ + 119.5406 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 515 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 513 0 R + /Title (Italian ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.3': class OutlineEntryObject +515 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 101 0 R + /XYZ + 129.8697 + 486.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 516 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 514 0 R + /Title (German ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.4': class OutlineEntryObject +516 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 110 0 R + /XYZ + 228.5464 + 544.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 517 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 515 0 R + /Title (Norwegian \(bokm\345l\) ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.5': class OutlineEntryObject +517 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 110 0 R + /XYZ + 154.9576 + 278.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 518 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 516 0 R + /Title (Indonesian ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.6': class OutlineEntryObject +518 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 110 0 R + /XYZ + 116.1294 + 210.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 519 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 517 0 R + /Title (Polish ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.7': class OutlineEntryObject +519 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 127.8872 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 520 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 518 0 R + /Title (Catalan ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.8': class OutlineEntryObject +520 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 157.1177 + 594.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 521 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 519 0 R + /Title (Portuguese ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.9': class OutlineEntryObject +521 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 147.1714 + 526.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 522 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 520 0 R + /Title (Romanian ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.10': class OutlineEntryObject +522 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 233.4273 + 317.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 523 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 521 0 R + /Title (Brazilian Portuguese ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.11': class OutlineEntryObject +523 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 122.6714 + 249.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 524 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 522 0 R + /Title (French ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.12': class OutlineEntryObject +524 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 122.3365 + 181.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 525 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 523 0 R + /Title (Danish ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.13': class OutlineEntryObject +525 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 113 0 R + /XYZ + 130.0953 + 128.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 526 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 524 0 R + /Title (Spanish ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.14': class OutlineEntryObject +526 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 114 0 R + /XYZ + 118.5083 + 631.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 527 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 525 0 R + /Title (Arabic ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.15': class OutlineEntryObject +527 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 114 0 R + /XYZ + 131.8042 + 563.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 528 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 526 0 R + /Title (Swedish ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.16': class OutlineEntryObject +528 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 114 0 R + /XYZ + 241.6031 + 495.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 529 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 527 0 R + /Title (Russian and Ukranian ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.17': class OutlineEntryObject +529 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 114 0 R + /XYZ + 128.6187 + 427.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 530 0 R + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 528 0 R + /Title (Turkish ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.27.18': class OutlineEntryObject +530 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 114 0 R + /XYZ + 151.5943 + 359.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 511 0 R + /Prev 529 0 R + /Title (Mongolian ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.3': class OutlineEntryObject +531 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 116 0 R + /XYZ + 287.8599 + 692.0106 + 0 ] + /First 532 0 R + /Last 539 0 R + /Next 540 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 511 0 R + /Title (Python en:Preface) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.0': class OutlineEntryObject +532 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 116 0 R + /XYZ + 237.3921 + 557.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 533 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Title (Who This Book Is For ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.1': class OutlineEntryObject +533 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 116 0 R + /XYZ + 184.2154 + 378.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 534 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 532 0 R + /Title (History Lesson ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.2': class OutlineEntryObject +534 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 123 0 R + /XYZ + 220.2955 + 706.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 535 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 533 0 R + /Title (Status Of The Book ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.3': class OutlineEntryObject +535 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 123 0 R + /XYZ + 193.2251 + 482.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 536 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 534 0 R + /Title (Official Website ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.4': class OutlineEntryObject +536 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 123 0 R + /XYZ + 127.1285 + 399.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 537 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 535 0 R + /Title (License ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.5': class OutlineEntryObject +537 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 127 0 R + /XYZ + 142.1949 + 709.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 538 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 536 0 R + /Title (Feedback ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.6': class OutlineEntryObject +538 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 127 0 R + /XYZ + 173.2232 + 611.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 539 0 R + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 537 0 R + /Title (Buy the Book ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.28.7': class OutlineEntryObject +539 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 127 0 R + /XYZ + 279.4742 + 543.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 531 0 R + /Prev 538 0 R + /Title (Something To Think About ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.4': class OutlineEntryObject +540 0 obj +<< /Count -6 + /Dest [ 128 0 R + /XYZ + 351.2925 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 541 0 R + /Last 546 0 R + /Next 547 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 531 0 R + /Title (Python en:Introduction) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.0': class OutlineEntryObject +541 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 128 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 542 0 R + /Parent 540 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.1': class OutlineEntryObject +542 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 128 0 R + /XYZ + 216.2281 + 462.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 543 0 R + /Parent 540 0 R + /Prev 541 0 R + /Title (Features of Python ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.2': class OutlineEntryObject +543 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 139 0 R + /XYZ + 177.6665 + 739.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 544 0 R + /Parent 540 0 R + /Prev 542 0 R + /Title (Why not Perl? ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.3': class OutlineEntryObject +544 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 139 0 R + /XYZ + 185.2749 + 392.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 545 0 R + /Parent 540 0 R + /Prev 543 0 R + /Title (Why not Ruby? ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.4': class OutlineEntryObject +545 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 139 0 R + /XYZ + 253.3404 + 228.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 546 0 R + /Parent 540 0 R + /Prev 544 0 R + /Title (What Programmers Say ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.29.5': class OutlineEntryObject +546 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 155 0 R + /XYZ + 203.4786 + 664.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 540 0 R + /Prev 545 0 R + /Title (About Python 3.0 ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.5': class OutlineEntryObject +547 0 obj +<< /Count -5 + /Dest [ 158 0 R + /XYZ + 337.8648 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 548 0 R + /Last 552 0 R + /Next 553 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 540 0 R + /Title (Python en:Installation) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.30.0': class OutlineEntryObject +548 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 158 0 R + /XYZ + 262.9312 + 700.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 549 0 R + /Parent 547 0 R + /Title (For Linux and BSD users ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.30.1': class OutlineEntryObject +549 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 162 0 R + /XYZ + 218.5044 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 550 0 R + /Parent 547 0 R + /Prev 548 0 R + /Title (For Windows Users ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.30.2': class OutlineEntryObject +550 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 162 0 R + /XYZ + 150.5542 + 574.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 551 0 R + /Parent 547 0 R + /Prev 549 0 R + /Title (DOS Prompt ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.30.3': class OutlineEntryObject +551 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 162 0 R + /XYZ + 224.233 + 398.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 552 0 R + /Parent 547 0 R + /Prev 550 0 R + /Title (For Mac OS X Users ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.30.4': class OutlineEntryObject +552 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 162 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 330.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 547 0 R + /Prev 551 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.6': class OutlineEntryObject +553 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 164 0 R + /XYZ + 328.2076 + 704.0106 + 0 ] + /First 554 0 R + /Last 561 0 R + /Next 562 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 547 0 R + /Title (Python en:First Steps) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.0': class OutlineEntryObject +554 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 164 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 654.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 555 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.1': class OutlineEntryObject +555 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 164 0 R + /XYZ + 303.6802 + 553.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 556 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 554 0 R + /Title (Using The Interpreter Prompt ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.2': class OutlineEntryObject +556 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 164 0 R + /XYZ + 220.48 + 170.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 557 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 555 0 R + /Title (Choosing An Editor ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.3': class OutlineEntryObject +557 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 175 0 R + /XYZ + 222.3462 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 558 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 556 0 R + /Title (Using A Source File ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.4': class OutlineEntryObject +558 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 175 0 R + /XYZ + 158.9273 + 328.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 559 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 557 0 R + /Title (How It Works ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.5': class OutlineEntryObject +559 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 176 0 R + /XYZ + 261.3785 + 725.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 560 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 558 0 R + /Title (Executable Python Programs ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.6': class OutlineEntryObject +560 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 180 0 R + /XYZ + 168.7662 + 718.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 561 0 R + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 559 0 R + /Title (Getting Help ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.31.7': class OutlineEntryObject +561 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 180 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 503.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 553 0 R + /Prev 560 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.7': class OutlineEntryObject +562 0 obj +<< /Count -19 + /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 273.9917 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 563 0 R + /Last 581 0 R + /Next 582 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 553 0 R + /Title (Python en:Basics) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.0': class OutlineEntryObject +563 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 203.3492 + 685.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 564 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Title (Literal Constants ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.1': class OutlineEntryObject +564 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 139.3101 + 587.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 565 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 563 0 R + /Title (Numbers ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.2': class OutlineEntryObject +565 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 185 0 R + /XYZ + 124.688 + 435.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 566 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 564 0 R + /Title (Strings ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.3': class OutlineEntryObject +566 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 186 0 R + /XYZ + 160.6968 + 784.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 567 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 565 0 R + /Title (Single Quotes ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.4': class OutlineEntryObject +567 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 186 0 R + /XYZ + 165.8824 + 720.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 568 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 566 0 R + /Title (Double Quotes ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.5': class OutlineEntryObject +568 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 186 0 R + /XYZ + 158.5581 + 656.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 569 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 567 0 R + /Title (Triple Quotes ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.6': class OutlineEntryObject +569 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 186 0 R + /XYZ + 189.5308 + 511.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 570 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 568 0 R + /Title (Escape Sequences ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.7': class OutlineEntryObject +570 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 187 0 R + /XYZ + 148.0874 + 784.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 571 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 569 0 R + /Title (Raw Strings ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.8': class OutlineEntryObject +571 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 187 0 R + /XYZ + 221.0894 + 705.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 572 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 570 0 R + /Title (Strings Are Immutable ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.9': class OutlineEntryObject +572 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 187 0 R + /XYZ + 260.1304 + 626.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 573 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 571 0 R + /Title (String Literal Concatenation ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.10': class OutlineEntryObject +573 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 187 0 R + /XYZ + 197.5992 + 379.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 574 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 572 0 R + /Title (The format Method ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.11': class OutlineEntryObject +574 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 189 0 R + /XYZ + 141.1626 + 448.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 575 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 573 0 R + /Title (Variables ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.12': class OutlineEntryObject +575 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 189 0 R + /XYZ + 209.2417 + 320.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 576 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 574 0 R + /Title (Identifier Naming ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.13': class OutlineEntryObject +576 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 190 0 R + /XYZ + 154.3218 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 577 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 575 0 R + /Title (Data Types ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.14': class OutlineEntryObject +577 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 190 0 R + /XYZ + 126.397 + 702.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 578 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 576 0 R + /Title (Objects ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.15': class OutlineEntryObject +578 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 190 0 R + /XYZ + 390.1558 + 413.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 579 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 577 0 R + /Title (Example: Using Variables And Literal Constants ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.16': class OutlineEntryObject +579 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 191 0 R + /XYZ + 277.3072 + 622.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 580 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 578 0 R + /Title (Logical And Physical Lines ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.17': class OutlineEntryObject +580 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 192 0 R + /XYZ + 160.0093 + 559.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 581 0 R + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 579 0 R + /Title (Indentation ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.32.18': class OutlineEntryObject +581 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 194 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 670.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 562 0 R + /Prev 580 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.8': class OutlineEntryObject +582 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 194 0 R + /XYZ + 525.8101 + 519.0106 + 0 ] + /First 583 0 R + /Last 590 0 R + /Next 591 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 562 0 R + /Title (Python en:Operators and Expressions) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.0': class OutlineEntryObject +583 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 194 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 469.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 584 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.1': class OutlineEntryObject +584 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 194 0 R + /XYZ + 145.9683 + 353.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 585 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 583 0 R + /Title (Operators ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.2': class OutlineEntryObject +585 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 198 0 R + /XYZ + 368.23 + 733.5425 + 0 ] + /Next 586 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 584 0 R + /Title (Shortcut for math operation and assignment ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.3': class OutlineEntryObject +586 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 198 0 R + /XYZ + 201.8316 + 560.1701 + 0 ] + /Next 587 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 585 0 R + /Title (Evaluation Order ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.4': class OutlineEntryObject +587 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 199 0 R + /XYZ + 335.8706 + 549.1701 + 0 ] + /Next 588 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 586 0 R + /Title (Changing the Order Of Evaluation ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.5': class OutlineEntryObject +588 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 199 0 R + /XYZ + 166.2847 + 403.1701 + 0 ] + /Next 589 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 587 0 R + /Title (Associativity ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.6': class OutlineEntryObject +589 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 199 0 R + /XYZ + 161.1372 + 305.1701 + 0 ] + /Next 590 0 R + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 588 0 R + /Title (Expressions ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.33.7': class OutlineEntryObject +590 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 201 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 544.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 582 0 R + /Prev 589 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.9': class OutlineEntryObject +591 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 202 0 R + /XYZ + 352.8287 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 592 0 R + /Last 599 0 R + /Next 600 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 582 0 R + /Title (Python en:Control Flow) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.0': class OutlineEntryObject +592 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 202 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 593 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.1': class OutlineEntryObject +593 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 202 0 R + /XYZ + 197.3199 + 594.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 594 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 592 0 R + /Title (The if statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.2': class OutlineEntryObject +594 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 204 0 R + /XYZ + 229.982 + 688.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 595 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 593 0 R + /Title (The while Statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.3': class OutlineEntryObject +595 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 205 0 R + /XYZ + 163.3384 + 499.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 596 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 594 0 R + /Title (The for loop ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.4': class OutlineEntryObject +596 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 206 0 R + /XYZ + 233.0513 + 436.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 597 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 595 0 R + /Title (The break Statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.5': class OutlineEntryObject +597 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 207 0 R + /XYZ + 232.2105 + 557.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 598 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 596 0 R + /Title (Swaroop's Poetic Python ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.6': class OutlineEntryObject +598 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 207 0 R + /XYZ + 257.2984 + 441.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 599 0 R + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 597 0 R + /Title (The continue Statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.34.7': class OutlineEntryObject +599 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 209 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 604.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 591 0 R + /Prev 598 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.10': class OutlineEntryObject +600 0 obj +<< /Count -13 + /Dest [ 209 0 R + /XYZ + 317.1968 + 435.0106 + 0 ] + /First 601 0 R + /Last 613 0 R + /Next 614 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 591 0 R + /Title (Python en:Functions) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.0': class OutlineEntryObject +601 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 209 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 385.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 602 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.1': class OutlineEntryObject +602 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 210 0 R + /XYZ + 232.9624 + 529.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 603 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 601 0 R + /Title (Function Parameters ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.2': class OutlineEntryObject +603 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 211 0 R + /XYZ + 188.1324 + 589.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 604 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 602 0 R + /Title (Local Variables ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.3': class OutlineEntryObject +604 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 212 0 R + /XYZ + 287.0826 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 605 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 603 0 R + /Title (Using The global Statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.4': class OutlineEntryObject +605 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 213 0 R + /XYZ + 269.1177 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 606 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 604 0 R + /Title (Using nonlocal statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.5': class OutlineEntryObject +606 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 213 0 R + /XYZ + 266.2124 + 255.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 607 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 605 0 R + /Title (Default Argument Values ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.6': class OutlineEntryObject +607 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 214 0 R + /XYZ + 226.6597 + 340.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 608 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 606 0 R + /Title (Keyword Arguments ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.7': class OutlineEntryObject +608 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 215 0 R + /XYZ + 225.3199 + 463.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 609 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 607 0 R + /Title (VarArgs parameters ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.8': class OutlineEntryObject +609 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 216 0 R + /XYZ + 269.7325 + 688.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 610 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 608 0 R + /Title (Keyword-only Parameters ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.9': class OutlineEntryObject +610 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 217 0 R + /XYZ + 238.691 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 611 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 609 0 R + /Title (The return Statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.10': class OutlineEntryObject +611 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 218 0 R + /XYZ + 154.691 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 612 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 610 0 R + /Title (DocStrings ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.11': class OutlineEntryObject +612 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 222 0 R + /XYZ + 162.8462 + 691.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 613 0 R + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 611 0 R + /Title (Annotations ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.35.12': class OutlineEntryObject +613 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 222 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 548.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 600 0 R + /Prev 612 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.11': class OutlineEntryObject +614 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 224 0 R + /XYZ + 299.7622 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 615 0 R + /Last 622 0 R + /Next 623 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 600 0 R + /Title (Python en:Modules) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.0': class OutlineEntryObject +615 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 224 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 616 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.1': class OutlineEntryObject +616 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 225 0 R + /XYZ + 255.732 + 280.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 617 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 615 0 R + /Title (Byte-compiled .pyc files ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.2': class OutlineEntryObject +617 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 226 0 R + /XYZ + 312.8374 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 618 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 616 0 R + /Title (The from ... import ... statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.3': class OutlineEntryObject +618 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 226 0 R + /XYZ + 230.7051 + 654.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 619 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 617 0 R + /Title (A module's __name__ ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.4': class OutlineEntryObject +619 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 227 0 R + /XYZ + 279.9664 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 620 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 618 0 R + /Title (Making Your Own Modules ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.5': class OutlineEntryObject +620 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 230 0 R + /XYZ + 195.5083 + 547.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 621 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 619 0 R + /Title (The dir function ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.6': class OutlineEntryObject +621 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 233 0 R + /XYZ + 141.0396 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 622 0 R + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 620 0 R + /Title (Packages ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.36.7': class OutlineEntryObject +622 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 233 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 363.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 614 0 R + /Prev 621 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.12': class OutlineEntryObject +623 0 obj +<< /Count -10 + /Dest [ 234 0 R + /XYZ + 391.189 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 624 0 R + /Last 633 0 R + /Next 634 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 614 0 R + /Title (Python en:Data Structures) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.0': class OutlineEntryObject +624 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 234 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 625 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.1': class OutlineEntryObject +625 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 234 0 R + /XYZ + 97.07768 + 639.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 626 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 624 0 R + /Title (List ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.2': class OutlineEntryObject +626 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 234 0 R + /XYZ + 356.148 + 479.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 627 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 625 0 R + /Title (Quick Introduction To Objects And Classes ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.3': class OutlineEntryObject +627 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 236 0 R + /XYZ + 112.1783 + 658.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 628 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 626 0 R + /Title (Tuple ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.4': class OutlineEntryObject +628 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 237 0 R + /XYZ + 149.4341 + 373.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 629 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 627 0 R + /Title (Dictionary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.5': class OutlineEntryObject +629 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 239 0 R + /XYZ + 150.9517 + 577.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 630 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 628 0 R + /Title (Sequences ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.6': class OutlineEntryObject +630 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 241 0 R + /XYZ + 93.05131 + 463.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 631 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 629 0 R + /Title (Set ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.7': class OutlineEntryObject +631 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 242 0 R + /XYZ + 154.814 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 632 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 630 0 R + /Title (References ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.8': class OutlineEntryObject +632 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 243 0 R + /XYZ + 222.189 + 703.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 633 0 R + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 631 0 R + /Title (More About Strings ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.37.9': class OutlineEntryObject +633 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 249 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 623 0 R + /Prev 632 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.13': class OutlineEntryObject +634 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 249 0 R + /XYZ + 397.5376 + 616.0106 + 0 ] + /First 635 0 R + /Last 642 0 R + /Next 643 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 623 0 R + /Title (Python en:Problem Solving) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.0': class OutlineEntryObject +635 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 249 0 R + /XYZ + 168.0142 + 511.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 636 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Title (The Problem ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.1': class OutlineEntryObject +636 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 250 0 R + /XYZ + 168.1919 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 637 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 635 0 R + /Title (The Solution ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.2': class OutlineEntryObject +637 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 253 0 R + /XYZ + 189.1509 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 638 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 636 0 R + /Title (Second Version ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.3': class OutlineEntryObject +638 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 254 0 R + /XYZ + 175.3833 + 547.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 639 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 637 0 R + /Title (Third Version ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.4': class OutlineEntryObject +639 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 256 0 R + /XYZ + 185.7808 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 640 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 638 0 R + /Title (Fourth Version ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.5': class OutlineEntryObject +640 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 259 0 R + /XYZ + 212.7759 + 484.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 641 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 639 0 R + /Title (More Refinements ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.6': class OutlineEntryObject +641 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 261 0 R + /XYZ + 344.3746 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 642 0 R + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 640 0 R + /Title (The Software Development Process ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.38.7': class OutlineEntryObject +642 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 261 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 546.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 634 0 R + /Prev 641 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.14': class OutlineEntryObject +643 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 262 0 R + /XYZ + 233.021 + 762.482 + 0 ] + /First 644 0 R + /Last 651 0 R + /Next 652 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 634 0 R + /Title (Python en:Object Oriented Programming) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.0': class OutlineEntryObject +644 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 262 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 714.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 645 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.1': class OutlineEntryObject +645 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 262 0 R + /XYZ + 130.0747 + 235.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 646 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 644 0 R + /Title (The self ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.2': class OutlineEntryObject +646 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 263 0 R + /XYZ + 125.6519 + 610.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 647 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 645 0 R + /Title (Classes ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.3': class OutlineEntryObject +647 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 264 0 R + /XYZ + 191.4478 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 648 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 646 0 R + /Title (Object Methods ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.4': class OutlineEntryObject +648 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 264 0 R + /XYZ + 218.1128 + 429.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 649 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 647 0 R + /Title (The __init__ method ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.5': class OutlineEntryObject +649 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 265 0 R + /XYZ + 278.8589 + 571.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 650 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 648 0 R + /Title (Class And Object Variables ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.6': class OutlineEntryObject +650 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 270 0 R + /XYZ + 159.2232 + 562.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 651 0 R + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 649 0 R + /Title (Inheritance ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.39.7': class OutlineEntryObject +651 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 273 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 400.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 643 0 R + /Prev 650 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.15': class OutlineEntryObject +652 0 obj +<< /Count -5 + /Dest [ 274 0 R + /XYZ + 356.9644 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 653 0 R + /Last 657 0 R + /Next 658 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 643 0 R + /Title (Python en:Input Output) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.40.0': class OutlineEntryObject +653 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 274 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 654 0 R + /Parent 652 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.40.1': class OutlineEntryObject +654 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 274 0 R + /XYZ + 192.3706 + 576.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 655 0 R + /Parent 652 0 R + /Prev 653 0 R + /Title (Input from user ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.40.2': class OutlineEntryObject +655 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 276 0 R + /XYZ + 104.9322 + 592.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 656 0 R + /Parent 652 0 R + /Prev 654 0 R + /Title (Files ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.40.3': class OutlineEntryObject +656 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 277 0 R + /XYZ + 115.8628 + 415.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 657 0 R + /Parent 652 0 R + /Prev 655 0 R + /Title (Pickle ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.40.4': class OutlineEntryObject +657 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 279 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 574.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 652 0 R + /Prev 656 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.16': class OutlineEntryObject +658 0 obj +<< /Count -8 + /Dest [ 279 0 R + /XYZ + 328.8521 + 420.0106 + 0 ] + /First 659 0 R + /Last 666 0 R + /Next 667 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 652 0 R + /Title (Python en:Exceptions) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.0': class OutlineEntryObject +659 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 279 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 370.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 660 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.1': class OutlineEntryObject +660 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 279 0 R + /XYZ + 117.5855 + 254.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 661 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 659 0 R + /Title (Errors ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.2': class OutlineEntryObject +661 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 280 0 R + /XYZ + 152.9888 + 739.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 662 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 660 0 R + /Title (Exceptions ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.3': class OutlineEntryObject +662 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 280 0 R + /XYZ + 230.7339 + 551.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 663 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 661 0 R + /Title (Handling Exceptions ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.4': class OutlineEntryObject +663 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 281 0 R + /XYZ + 217.0552 + 577.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 664 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 662 0 R + /Title (Raising Exceptions ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.5': class OutlineEntryObject +664 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 282 0 R + /XYZ + 162.0933 + 559.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 665 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 663 0 R + /Title (Try .. Finally ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.6': class OutlineEntryObject +665 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 286 0 R + /XYZ + 219.9947 + 634.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 666 0 R + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 664 0 R + /Title (The with statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.41.7': class OutlineEntryObject +666 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 286 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 236.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 658 0 R + /Prev 665 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.17': class OutlineEntryObject +667 0 obj +<< /Count -6 + /Dest [ 288 0 R + /XYZ + 404.6167 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 668 0 R + /Last 673 0 R + /Next 674 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 658 0 R + /Title (Python en:Standard Library) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.0': class OutlineEntryObject +668 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 288 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 669 0 R + /Parent 667 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.1': class OutlineEntryObject +669 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 288 0 R + /XYZ + 154.6841 + 495.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 670 0 R + /Parent 667 0 R + /Prev 668 0 R + /Title (sys module ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.2': class OutlineEntryObject +670 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 289 0 R + /XYZ + 190.3062 + 592.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 671 0 R + /Parent 667 0 R + /Prev 669 0 R + /Title (logging module ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.3': class OutlineEntryObject +671 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 292 0 R + /XYZ + 253.2173 + 469.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 672 0 R + /Parent 667 0 R + /Prev 670 0 R + /Title (urllib and json modules ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.4': class OutlineEntryObject +672 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 278.7427 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 673 0 R + /Parent 667 0 R + /Prev 671 0 R + /Title (Module of the Week Series ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.42.5': class OutlineEntryObject +673 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 654.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 667 0 R + /Prev 672 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.18': class OutlineEntryObject +674 0 obj +<< /Count -11 + /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 259.232 + 455.0106 + 0 ] + /First 675 0 R + /Last 685 0 R + /Next 686 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 667 0 R + /Title (Python en:More) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.0': class OutlineEntryObject +675 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 167.2691 + 405.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 676 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Title (Introduction ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.1': class OutlineEntryObject +676 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 307 0 R + /XYZ + 242.4371 + 322.8335 + 0 ] + /Next 677 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 675 0 R + /Title (Passing tuples around ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.2': class OutlineEntryObject +677 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 310 0 R + /XYZ + 197.5386 + 604.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 678 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 676 0 R + /Title (Special Methods ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.3': class OutlineEntryObject +678 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 310 0 R + /XYZ + 260.9214 + 273.0835 + 0 ] + /Next 679 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 677 0 R + /Title (Single Statement Blocks ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.4': class OutlineEntryObject +679 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 311 0 R + /XYZ + 184.1675 + 754.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 680 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 678 0 R + /Title (Lambda Forms ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.5': class OutlineEntryObject +680 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 311 0 R + /XYZ + 225.2994 + 281.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 681 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 679 0 R + /Title (List Comprehension ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.6': class OutlineEntryObject +681 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 312 0 R + /XYZ + 381.0767 + 649.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 682 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 680 0 R + /Title (Receiving Tuples and Lists in Functions ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.7': class OutlineEntryObject +682 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 312 0 R + /XYZ + 172.4712 + 326.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 683 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 681 0 R + /Title (exec and eval ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.8': class OutlineEntryObject +683 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 313 0 R + /XYZ + 233.564 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 684 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 682 0 R + /Title (The assert statement ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.9': class OutlineEntryObject +684 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 313 0 R + /XYZ + 206.4732 + 477.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 685 0 R + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 683 0 R + /Title (The repr function ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.43.10': class OutlineEntryObject +685 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 313 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 229.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 674 0 R + /Prev 684 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.19': class OutlineEntryObject +686 0 obj +<< /Count -11 + /Dest [ 318 0 R + /XYZ + 324.7808 + 704.0106 + 0 ] + /First 687 0 R + /Last 697 0 R + /Next 698 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 674 0 R + /Title (Python en:What Next) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.0': class OutlineEntryObject +687 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 344 0 R + /XYZ + 178.5347 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 688 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Title (Example Code ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.1': class OutlineEntryObject +688 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 344 0 R + /XYZ + 249.8404 + 624.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 689 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 687 0 R + /Title (Questions and Answers ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.2': class OutlineEntryObject +689 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 344 0 R + /XYZ + 188.98 + 481.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 690 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 688 0 R + /Title (Tips and Tricks ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.3': class OutlineEntryObject +690 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 344 0 R + /XYZ + 321.9185 + 368.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 691 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 689 0 R + /Title (Books, Papers, Tutorials, Videos ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.4': class OutlineEntryObject +691 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 357 0 R + /XYZ + 152.2095 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 692 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 690 0 R + /Title (Discussion ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.5': class OutlineEntryObject +692 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 357 0 R + /XYZ + 109.2046 + 684.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 693 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 691 0 R + /Title (News ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.6': class OutlineEntryObject +693 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 357 0 R + /XYZ + 214.8677 + 601.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 694 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 692 0 R + /Title (Installing libraries ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.7': class OutlineEntryObject +694 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 357 0 R + /XYZ + 218.3882 + 500.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 695 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 693 0 R + /Title (Graphical Software ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.8': class OutlineEntryObject +695 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 370 0 R + /XYZ + 219.0035 + 581.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 696 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 694 0 R + /Title (Summary of GUI Tools ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.9': class OutlineEntryObject +696 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 370 0 R + /XYZ + 266.4654 + 438.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 697 0 R + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 695 0 R + /Title (Various Implementations ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.44.10': class OutlineEntryObject +697 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 380 0 R + /XYZ + 142.065 + 676.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 686 0 R + /Prev 696 0 R + /Title (Summary ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.20': class OutlineEntryObject +698 0 obj +<< /Count -1 + /Dest [ 380 0 R + /XYZ + 398.9878 + 510.0106 + 0 ] + /First 699 0 R + /Last 699 0 R + /Next 700 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 686 0 R + /Title (Python en:Appendix FLOSS) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.45.0': class OutlineEntryObject +699 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 380 0 R + /XYZ + 433.0977 + 460.8335 + 0 ] + /Parent 698 0 R + /Title (Free/Libre and Open Source Software \(FLOSS\) ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.21': class OutlineEntryObject +700 0 obj +<< /Count -5 + /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 390.2437 + 789.4338 + 0 ] + /First 701 0 R + /Last 705 0 R + /Next 706 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 698 0 R + /Title (Python en:Appendix About) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.46.0': class OutlineEntryObject +701 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 142.188 + 740.2567 + 0 ] + /Next 702 0 R + /Parent 700 0 R + /Title (Colophon ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.46.1': class OutlineEntryObject +702 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 184.2281 + 673.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 703 0 R + /Parent 700 0 R + /Prev 701 0 R + /Title (Birth of the Book ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.46.2': class OutlineEntryObject +703 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 164.8277 + 576.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 704 0 R + /Parent 700 0 R + /Prev 702 0 R + /Title (Teenage Years ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.46.3': class OutlineEntryObject +704 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 404 0 R + /XYZ + 96.17338 + 371.6291 + 0 ] + /Next 705 0 R + /Parent 700 0 R + /Prev 703 0 R + /Title (Now ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.46.4': class OutlineEntryObject +705 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 407 0 R + /XYZ + 207.854 + 785.2567 + 0 ] + /Parent 700 0 R + /Prev 704 0 R + /Title (About The Author ) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.22': class OutlineEntryObject +706 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 407 0 R + /XYZ + 520.1919 + 664.0106 + 0 ] + /Next 707 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 700 0 R + /Title (Python en:Appendix Revision History) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.23': class OutlineEntryObject +707 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 431 0 R + /XYZ + 217.7349 + 762.482 + 0 ] + /Next 708 0 R + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 706 0 R + /Title (Python en:Appendix Changes for Python 3000) >> +endobj +% 'Outline.24': class OutlineEntryObject +708 0 obj +<< /Dest [ 462 0 R + /XYZ + 105.2369 + 764.5992 + 0 ] + /Parent 497 0 R + /Prev 707 0 R + /Title (License) >> +endobj +% 'R709': class PDFPages +709 0 obj +% page tree +<< /Count 118 + /Kids [ 3 0 R + 11 0 R + 22 0 R + 34 0 R + 65 0 R + 91 0 R + 95 0 R + 101 0 R + 110 0 R + 113 0 R + 114 0 R + 116 0 R + 123 0 R + 127 0 R + 128 0 R + 134 0 R + 139 0 R + 155 0 R + 158 0 R + 162 0 R + 164 0 R + 173 0 R + 175 0 R + 176 0 R + 180 0 R + 185 0 R + 186 0 R + 187 0 R + 189 0 R + 190 0 R + 191 0 R + 192 0 R + 194 0 R + 195 0 R + 198 0 R + 199 0 R + 201 0 R + 202 0 R + 203 0 R + 204 0 R + 205 0 R + 206 0 R + 207 0 R + 209 0 R + 210 0 R + 211 0 R + 212 0 R + 213 0 R + 214 0 R + 215 0 R + 216 0 R + 217 0 R + 218 0 R + 222 0 R + 224 0 R + 225 0 R + 226 0 R + 227 0 R + 230 0 R + 231 0 R + 233 0 R + 234 0 R + 235 0 R + 236 0 R + 237 0 R + 238 0 R + 239 0 R + 240 0 R + 241 0 R + 242 0 R + 243 0 R + 249 0 R + 250 0 R + 252 0 R + 253 0 R + 254 0 R + 255 0 R + 256 0 R + 259 0 R + 261 0 R + 262 0 R + 263 0 R + 264 0 R + 265 0 R + 266 0 R + 269 0 R + 270 0 R + 271 0 R + 273 0 R + 274 0 R + 276 0 R + 277 0 R + 279 0 R + 280 0 R + 281 0 R + 282 0 R + 286 0 R + 288 0 R + 289 0 R + 292 0 R + 297 0 R + 307 0 R + 310 0 R + 311 0 R + 312 0 R + 313 0 R + 318 0 R + 344 0 R + 357 0 R + 370 0 R + 380 0 R + 399 0 R + 404 0 R + 407 0 R + 411 0 R + 431 0 R + 460 0 R + 462 0 R ] + /Type /Pages >> +endobj +% 'R710': class PDFStream +710 0 obj +% page stream +<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode + /FlateDecode ] + /Length 421 >> +stream +GasbUcVK0I*6%A>p`J@4dobg0^mg8M[)7hcmP:Kjcp8OkRf2tIR:>f]Bg]UKanraF8eH3(qJTDDXq<97."gB.$6l.0GgO:f(ecCb7O1].3Y!I3A0dK3gXuU'_1Z-:V'7C#Bf?S\$sDiF3YMC#e!Qqi-4+c#aq\?JbO/KqhT=4G(STN)k1Fg0`4PV"e(+Bu4&_PZj%PJ3>?!\o]n*:[L";iabb0>J'[LaL*aT45K73jn'lH!n.cH4$8CQ-,m%(1q__AF-+goFM:#22F-(->PCi+gQ2?lV#NTJ.p[dmn@(?LLR7++B%DsYm?j&h"EQRZGs8_Q+GWT#_icVc#[6m>$+b)i*n5.KN]Ljk-Tfl]lq=In8s2"Lr8@fN0$&hBs688"Zpo>n8qB_Pt<:]"#o3]MuIZelf89KiHW%ZW4~>endstream + +endobj +% 'R711': class PDFStream +711 0 obj +% page stream +<< /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode + /FlateDecode ] + /Length 2596 >> +stream 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All Rights Reserved) readonly def +/FullName (CMR8) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def +/Weight (Medium) readonly def +/ItalicAngle 0 def +/isFixedPitch false def +end readonly def +/FontName /CMR8 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def +/Encoding 256 array +0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for +dup 174 /ff put +dup 34 /quotedblright put +dup 44 /comma put +dup 45 /hyphen put +dup 46 /period put +dup 65 /A put +dup 70 /F put +dup 71 /G put +dup 77 /M put +dup 78 /N put +dup 83 /S put +dup 92 /quotedblleft put +dup 97 /a put +dup 98 /b put +dup 99 /c put +dup 100 /d put +dup 101 /e put +dup 102 /f put +dup 103 /g put +dup 104 /h put +dup 105 /i put +dup 107 /k put +dup 108 /l put +dup 109 /m put +dup 110 /n put +dup 111 /o put +dup 112 /p put +dup 114 /r put +dup 115 /s put +dup 116 /t put +dup 117 /u put +dup 118 /v put +dup 119 /w put +dup 120 /x put +readonly def +/FontBBox{-36 -250 1070 750}readonly def 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All Rights Reserved) readonly def +/FullName (CMTT10) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def +/Weight (Medium) readonly def +/ItalicAngle 0 def +/isFixedPitch true def +end readonly def +/FontName /CMTT10 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def +/Encoding 256 array +0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for +dup 161 /Gamma put +dup 174 /arrowup put +dup 175 /arrowdown put +dup 176 /quotesingle put +dup 178 /questiondown put +dup 183 /caron put +dup 188 /germandbls put +dup 33 /exclam put +dup 34 /quotedbl put +dup 35 /numbersign put +dup 36 /dollar put +dup 37 /percent put +dup 39 /quoteright put +dup 40 /parenleft put +dup 41 /parenright put +dup 42 /asterisk put +dup 43 /plus put +dup 44 /comma put +dup 45 /hyphen put +dup 46 /period put +dup 47 /slash put +dup 48 /zero put +dup 49 /one put +dup 50 /two put +dup 51 /three put +dup 52 /four put +dup 53 /five put +dup 54 /six put +dup 55 /seven put +dup 56 /eight put +dup 57 /nine put +dup 58 /colon put +dup 59 /semicolon put +dup 60 /less put +dup 61 /equal put +dup 62 /greater put +dup 63 /question put +dup 64 /at put +dup 65 /A put +dup 66 /B put +dup 67 /C put +dup 68 /D put +dup 69 /E put +dup 70 /F put +dup 71 /G put +dup 72 /H put +dup 73 /I put +dup 74 /J put +dup 75 /K put +dup 76 /L put +dup 77 /M put +dup 78 /N put +dup 79 /O put +dup 80 /P put +dup 81 /Q put +dup 82 /R put +dup 83 /S put +dup 84 /T put +dup 86 /V put +dup 87 /W put +dup 89 /Y put +dup 90 /Z put +dup 91 /bracketleft put +dup 92 /backslash put +dup 93 /bracketright put +dup 94 /asciicircum put +dup 95 /underscore put +dup 97 /a put +dup 98 /b put +dup 99 /c put +dup 100 /d put +dup 101 /e put +dup 102 /f put +dup 103 /g put +dup 104 /h put +dup 105 /i put +dup 106 /j put +dup 107 /k put +dup 108 /l put +dup 109 /m put +dup 110 /n put +dup 111 /o put +dup 112 /p put +dup 113 /q put +dup 114 /r put +dup 115 /s put +dup 116 /t put +dup 117 /u put +dup 118 /v put +dup 119 /w put +dup 120 /x put +dup 121 /y put +dup 122 /z put +dup 123 /braceleft put +dup 125 /braceright put +readonly def +/FontBBox{-4 -235 731 800}readonly def +/UniqueXX 5000832 def +currentdict end +currentfile eexec +8053514d28ec28da1630165fab262882d3fca78881823c5537fe6c3dda8ee5b8 +97e17cb027f5c73fdbb56b0a7c25fc3512b55fe8f3acfbffcc7f4a382d8299cc +8fd37d3cea49dabdca92847af0560b404ef71134b0f3d99934fc9d0b4e602011 +b9cfb856c23f958f3c5a2fbe0ef8587d1f5774879c324e51fcb22888b74f2415 +50d7401eb990d4f3a7af635198422283cac1b6cd446ddbcbd915db9bff88844e +784c6bf7389803d9450b0c21756a017306462c563d51ecefaacd079732f12c29 +315e4b9623a5752c6f1d8145869e120d910b2644887cea7e30b15676a92537c2 +9d3aa80dc30082aba94b40990b82fb1a877e805e0c8c48f61e9f2edac05b944e +e4d8084ec1d5cc517aaeec5b3ea379dd011eeb454cecab3ad2443c887c582789 +72355673e503affe0394fc7db31de364e4f56c24033c7df2265c56445ec63a1d +5695a6041ea1b94407e1cdb7c5635603a4fd047e6edcaeb2d0da6c9e0e9396d5 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All Rights Reserved) readonly def +/FullName (CMTI10) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def +/Weight (Medium) readonly def +/ItalicAngle -14.04 def +/isFixedPitch false def +end readonly def +/FontName /CMTI10 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def +/Encoding 256 array +0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for +dup 161 /Gamma put +dup 174 /ff put +dup 175 /fi put +dup 176 /fl put +dup 177 /ffi put +dup 178 /ffl put +dup 183 /caron put +dup 188 /germandbls put +dup 39 /quoteright put +dup 40 /parenleft put +dup 41 /parenright put +dup 44 /comma put +dup 45 /hyphen put +dup 46 /period put +dup 48 /zero put +dup 49 /one put +dup 50 /two put +dup 51 /three put +dup 52 /four put +dup 53 /five put +dup 54 /six put +dup 57 /nine put +dup 58 /colon put +dup 63 /question put +dup 65 /A put +dup 66 /B put +dup 67 /C put +dup 68 /D put +dup 69 /E put +dup 70 /F put +dup 71 /G put +dup 72 /H put +dup 73 /I put +dup 74 /J put +dup 75 /K put +dup 76 /L put +dup 77 /M put +dup 78 /N put +dup 79 /O put +dup 80 /P put +dup 81 /Q put +dup 82 /R put +dup 83 /S put +dup 84 /T put +dup 85 /U put +dup 87 /W put +dup 89 /Y put +dup 97 /a put +dup 98 /b put +dup 99 /c put +dup 100 /d put +dup 101 /e put +dup 102 /f put +dup 103 /g put +dup 104 /h put +dup 105 /i put +dup 106 /j put +dup 107 /k put +dup 108 /l put +dup 109 /m put +dup 110 /n put +dup 111 /o put +dup 112 /p put +dup 113 /q put +dup 114 /r put +dup 115 /s put +dup 116 /t put +dup 117 /u put +dup 118 /v put +dup 119 /w put +dup 120 /x put +dup 121 /y put +dup 122 /z put +dup 196 /dieresis put +readonly def +/FontBBox{-163 -250 1146 969}readonly def +/UniqueXX 5000828 def +currentdict end +currentfile eexec +8053514d28ec28da1630165fab262882d3ffd20326947b1065649b533eb5e9e3 +a88a87fe987918a687950b26f647d6e08bf14d983ed1d4a8ca1e2da8d985f944 +2eb916f5b6ed0697ac7c33e1e36a3bf460d34ce45f1631871097cb04f18e3889 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b(t)275 +b(Sections)h(b)28 b(eing)276 b(\\F)-85 b(orew)-28 b(ord,")0 +19444 y(\\Preface,")490 b(and)459 b(\\Con)-28 b(tributor)458 +b(List,")490 b(with)459 b(no)h(F)-85 b(ron)-28 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)458 +b(T)-85 b(exts,)489 b(and)460 b(with)f(no)h(Bac)-28 b(k-)0 +20686 y(Co)g(v)g(er)406 b(T)-85 b(exts.)653 b(A)407 b(cop)-28 +b(y)407 b(of)g(the)h(license)h(is)e(included)h(in)g(the)g(app)28 +b(endix)408 b(en)-28 b(titled)409 b(\\GNU)e(F)-85 b(ree)0 +21928 y(Do)28 b(cumen)-28 b(tation)342 b(License.")0 +23980 y(The)298 b(GNU)h(F)-85 b(ree)298 b(Do)28 b(cumen)-28 +b(tation)300 b(License)f(is)g(a)-28 b(v)-57 b(ailable)300 +b(from)e Fq(www.gnu.org)h Ft(or)f(b)-28 b(y)298 b(writing)g(to)0 +25222 y(the)381 b(F)-85 b(ree)381 b(Soft)-28 b(w)g(are)379 +b(F)-85 b(oundation,)391 b(Inc.,)f(59)381 b(T)-85 b(emple)381 +b(Place,)391 b(Suite)382 b(330,)390 b(Boston,)h(MA)381 +b(02111-)0 26464 y(1307,)342 b(USA.)0 28516 y(The)331 +b(original)g(form)f(of)h(this)g(b)28 b(o)g(ok)331 b(is)g(L)15145 +28289 y Fp(A)15587 28516 y Ft(T)16156 28731 y(E)16725 +28516 y(X)f(source)h(co)28 b(de.)453 b(Compiling)331 +b(this)g(L)30901 28289 y Fp(A)31343 28516 y Ft(T)31912 +28731 y(E)32481 28516 y(X)f(source)g(has)0 29758 y(the)342 +b(e\256ect)h(of)e(generating)i(a)e(device-indep)28 b(enden)-28 +b(t)345 b(represen)-28 b(tation)341 b(of)h(a)f(textb)28 +b(o)g(ok,)344 b(whic)-28 b(h)341 b(can)0 31000 y(b)28 +b(e)342 b(con)-28 b(v)g(erted)341 b(to)h(other)f(formats)g(and)g(prin) +-28 b(ted.)0 33052 y(The)341 b(L)2376 32825 y Fp(A)2818 +33052 y Ft(T)3387 33267 y(E)3956 33052 y(X)g(source)g(for)f(this)i(b)28 +b(o)g(ok)343 b(is)e(a)-28 b(v)-57 b(ailable)343 b(from)e +Fq(http://www.thinkpython.com)0 36705 y Ft(Publisher's)h +(Cataloging-in-Publication)h(\(pro)-28 b(vided)341 b(b)-28 +b(y)341 b(Qualit)-28 b(y)343 b(Bo)28 b(oks,)343 b(Inc.\))0 +38352 y(Do)-28 b(wney)-85 b(,)341 b(Allen)2048 39594 +y(Ho)-28 b(w)340 b(to)h(think)i(lik)-28 b(e)342 b(a)f(computer)h(scien) +-28 b(tist)342 b(:)456 b(learning)1024 40836 y(with)341 +b(Python)h(/)f(Allen)h(Do)-28 b(wney)-85 b(,)341 b(Je\256rey)i(Elkner,) +f(Chris)1024 42078 y(Mey)-28 b(ers.)456 b({)341 b(1st)h(ed.)2048 +43320 y(p.)455 b(cm.)2048 44562 y(Includes)341 b(index.)2048 +45804 y(ISBN)g(0-9716775-0-6)2048 47046 y(LCCN)f(2002100618)2048 +49530 y(1.)455 b(Python)342 b(\(Computer)f(program)f(language\))i(I.)f +(Elkner,)1024 50772 y(Je\256rey)-85 b(.)456 b(I)28 b(I.)342 +b(Mey)-28 b(ers,)342 b(Chris.)455 b(I)28 b(I)g(I.)341 +b(Title)1024 53256 y(QA76.73.P98D69)h(2002)5461 b(005.13'3)14335 +54498 y(QBI02-200031)p eop +%%Page: 5 5 +5 4 bop 0 10557 a Fo(F)-258 b(orew)-86 b(ord)0 17110 +y Fn(By)369 b(Da)-31 b(vid)370 b(Beazley)0 19235 y(As)449 +b(an)h(educator,)471 b(researc)-31 b(her,)468 b(and)450 +b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)450 b(author,)471 b(I)449 b(am)h(deligh)-31 +b(ted)451 b(to)g(see)d(the)i(com-)0 20590 y(pletion)417 +b(of)e(this)h(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)631 b(Python)416 b(is)f(a)g(fun)g(and)h +(extremely)g(easy-to-use)g(programming)0 21945 y(language)484 +b(that)g(has)e(steadily)h(gained)g(in)g(p)31 b(opularit)-31 +b(y)484 b(o)-31 b(v)g(er)482 b(the)h(last)g(few)f(y)-31 +b(ears.)832 b(De-)0 23300 y(v)-31 b(elop)31 b(ed)386 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(er)386 b(ten)f(y)-31 b(ears)385 b(ago)i(b)-31 +b(y)385 b(Guido)g(v)-61 b(an)386 b(Rossum,)j(Python's)d(simple)g(syn) +-31 b(tax)387 b(and)0 24655 y(o)-31 b(v)g(erall)299 b(feel)e(is)f +(largely)j(deriv)-31 b(ed)297 b(from)g(ABC,)g(a)g(teac)-31 +b(hing)299 b(language)g(that)f(w)-31 b(as)297 b(dev)-31 +b(elop)31 b(ed)0 26010 y(in)400 b(the)g(1980's.)586 b(Ho)-31 +b(w)g(ev)g(er,)409 b(Python)401 b(w)-31 b(as)400 b(also)h(created)e(to) +i(solv)-31 b(e)400 b(real)g(problems)g(and)g(it)0 27365 +y(b)31 b(orro)-31 b(ws)390 b(a)f(wide)i(v)-61 b(ariet)-31 +b(y)390 b(of)g(features)g(from)g(programming)i(languages)f(suc)-31 +b(h)390 b(as)f(C++,)0 28720 y(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 b(a,)470 +b(Mo)31 b(dula-3,)470 b(and)448 b(Sc)-31 b(heme.)732 +b(Because)448 b(of)h(this,)470 b(one)448 b(of)h(Python's)h(most)g +(remark-)0 30074 y(able)398 b(features)g(is)g(its)g(broad)g(app)31 +b(eal)399 b(to)f(professional)h(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)399 +b(dev)-31 b(elop)31 b(ers,)406 b(scien)-31 b(tists,)0 +31429 y(researc)g(hers,)368 b(artists,)i(and)g(educators.)0 +33554 y(Despite)408 b(Python's)i(app)31 b(eal)409 b(to)g(man)-31 +b(y)409 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)409 b(comm)-31 b(unities,)421 +b(y)-31 b(ou)408 b(ma)-31 b(y)410 b(still)f(w)-31 b(onder)0 +34909 y(\\wh)g(y)421 b(Python?")644 b(or)419 b(\\wh)-31 +b(y)420 b(teac)-31 b(h)421 b(programming)g(with)g(Python?")644 +b(Answ)-31 b(ering)420 b(these)0 36264 y(questions)d(is)f(no)g(simple)h +(task|esp)31 b(ecially)418 b(when)e(p)31 b(opular)417 +b(opinion)h(is)e(on)g(the)g(side)g(of)0 37619 y(more)495 +b(maso)31 b(c)-31 b(histic)497 b(alternativ)-31 b(es)497 +b(suc)-31 b(h)495 b(as)g(C++)g(and)g(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 b(a.)871 +b(Ho)-31 b(w)g(ev)g(er,)528 b(I)495 b(think)h(the)0 38974 +y(most)434 b(direct)f(answ)-31 b(er)434 b(is)f(that)h(programming)h(in) +f(Python)g(is)f(simply)h(a)g(lot)g(of)g(fun)f(and)0 40329 +y(more)369 b(pro)31 b(ductiv)-31 b(e.)0 42454 y(When)499 +b(I)h(teac)-31 b(h)500 b(computer)h(science)f(courses,)532 +b(I)499 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)502 b(to)e(co)-31 b(v)g(er)501 +b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)502 b(concepts)0 43809 y(in)429 +b(addition)i(to)f(making)g(the)f(material)i(in)-31 b(teresting)431 +b(and)e(engaging)i(to)e(studen)-31 b(ts.)672 b(Un-)0 +45164 y(fortunately)-92 b(,)381 b(there)376 b(is)g(a)h(tendency)g(for)f +(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(ductory)378 b(programming)g(courses)e(to)h(fo)31 +b(cus)0 46519 y(far)501 b(to)31 b(o)502 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)501 +b(atten)-31 b(tion)504 b(on)d(mathematical)k(abstraction)e(and)e(for)g +(studen)-31 b(ts)501 b(to)g(b)31 b(e-)0 47874 y(come)409 +b(frustrated)g(with)h(anno)-31 b(ying)410 b(problems)f(related)h(to)f +(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)411 b(details)f(of)f(syn)-31 b(tax,)0 +49229 y(compilation,)555 b(and)514 b(the)h(enforcemen)-31 +b(t)515 b(of)g(seemingly)h(arcane)f(rules.)927 b(Although)516 +b(suc)-31 b(h)0 50584 y(abstraction)422 b(and)f(formalism)h(is)f(imp)31 +b(ortan)-31 b(t)422 b(to)g(professional)f(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)422 +b(engineers)f(and)0 51938 y(studen)-31 b(ts)389 b(who)g(plan)h(to)f +(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue)391 b(their)e(study)g(of)g(computer)h(science,)k +(taking)c(suc)-31 b(h)389 b(an)0 53293 y(approac)-31 +b(h)470 b(in)f(an)h(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(ductory)470 b(course)f(mostly)i +(succeeds)d(in)h(making)i(computer)f(sci-)0 54648 y(ence)363 +b(b)31 b(oring.)491 b(When)363 b(I)f(teac)-31 b(h)364 +b(a)g(course,)g(I)e(don't)j(w)-31 b(an)g(t)365 b(to)e(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)364 b(a)g(ro)31 b(om)363 b(of)h(uninspired)0 +56003 y(studen)-31 b(ts.)485 b(I)345 b(w)-31 b(ould)347 +b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)346 b(rather)g(see)f(them)h(trying)h(to)f(solv)-31 +b(e)347 b(in)-31 b(teresting)347 b(problems)f(b)-31 b(y)0 +57358 y(exploring)350 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)349 b(ideas,)k(taking)e +(uncon)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tional)352 b(approac)-31 b(hes,)354 +b(breaking)349 b(the)g(rules,)p eop +%%Page: 6 6 +6 5 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(vi)31973 b(F)-106 b(orew)-35 b(ord)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(and)473 b(learning)i(from)e(their)h +(mistak)-31 b(es.)805 b(In)473 b(doing)h(so,)500 b(I)472 +b(don't)j(w)-31 b(an)g(t)474 b(to)g(w)-31 b(aste)474 +b(half)g(of)0 2220 y(the)329 b(semester)g(trying)h(to)g(sort)f(out)g +(obscure)g(syn)-31 b(tax)330 b(problems,)338 b(unin)-31 +b(telligible)333 b(compiler)0 3575 y(error)421 b(messages,)436 +b(or)422 b(the)g(sev)-31 b(eral)423 b(h)-31 b(undred)422 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)423 b(that)g(a)g(program)g(migh)-31 +b(t)424 b(generate)f(a)0 4930 y(general)370 b(protection)h(fault.)0 +7095 y(One)427 b(of)h(the)g(reasons)f(wh)-31 b(y)428 +b(I)f(lik)-31 b(e)428 b(Python)h(is)e(that)i(it)f(pro)-31 +b(vides)428 b(a)g(really)g(nice)g(balance)0 8450 y(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)413 b(the)f(practical)h(and)g(the)f(conceptual.)622 +b(Since)412 b(Python)h(is)f(in)-31 b(terpreted,)423 b(b)31 +b(egin-)0 9805 y(ners)389 b(can)h(pic)-31 b(k)390 b(up)f(the)h +(language)i(and)e(start)g(doing)h(neat)g(things)f(almost)i(immediately) +0 11160 y(without)404 b(getting)g(lost)e(in)g(the)g(problems)g(of)h +(compilation)i(and)d(linking.)592 b(F)-92 b(urthermore,)0 +12515 y(Python)401 b(comes)g(with)g(a)g(large)g(library)f(of)h(mo)31 +b(dules)401 b(that)g(can)f(b)31 b(e)400 b(used)g(to)h(do)f(all)h(sorts) +0 13870 y(of)443 b(tasks)g(ranging)g(from)g(w)-31 b(eb-programming)446 +b(to)d(graphics.)713 b(Ha)-31 b(ving)444 b(suc)-31 b(h)442 +b(a)h(practical)0 15225 y(fo)31 b(cus)406 b(is)g(a)g(great)g(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)408 b(to)e(engage)h(studen)-31 b(ts)406 b(and)h(it)f(allo)-31 +b(ws)408 b(them)f(to)f(complete)i(signif-)0 16580 y(ican)-31 +b(t)427 b(pro)61 b(jects.)663 b(Ho)-31 b(w)g(ev)g(er,)441 +b(Python)427 b(can)f(also)g(serv)-31 b(e)425 b(as)h(an)g(excellen)-31 +b(t)427 b(foundation)h(for)0 17934 y(in)-31 b(tro)31 +b(ducing)372 b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)372 b(computer)f(science)f +(concepts.)496 b(Since)370 b(Python)h(fully)h(supp)31 +b(orts)0 19289 y(pro)g(cedures)386 b(and)i(classes,)393 +b(studen)-31 b(ts)388 b(can)g(b)31 b(e)387 b(gradually)j(in)-31 +b(tro)31 b(duced)388 b(to)h(topics)g(suc)-31 b(h)387 +b(as)0 20644 y(pro)31 b(cedural)377 b(abstraction,)k(data)d +(structures,)g(and)f(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)379 +b(programming|all)0 21999 y(of)293 b(whic)-31 b(h)294 +b(are)e(applicable)j(to)e(later)h(courses)d(on)i(Ja)-31 +b(v)-61 b(a)293 b(or)g(C++.)467 b(Python)294 b(ev)-31 +b(en)293 b(b)31 b(orro)-31 b(ws)293 b(a)0 23354 y(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)355 b(of)g(features)g(from)h(functional)h(programming) +g(languages)g(and)e(can)g(b)31 b(e)355 b(used)f(to)0 +24709 y(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(duce)393 b(concepts)g(that)g(w)-31 +b(ould)394 b(b)31 b(e)391 b(co)-31 b(v)g(ered)393 b(in)g(more)f(detail) +i(in)f(courses)e(on)i(Sc)-31 b(heme)0 26064 y(and)369 +b(Lisp.)0 28229 y(In)381 b(reading)h(Je\256rey's)e(preface,)385 +b(I)c(am)h(struc)-31 b(k)381 b(b)-31 b(y)381 b(his)g(commen)-31 +b(ts)383 b(that)g(Python)f(allo)-31 b(w)g(ed)0 29584 +y(him)304 b(to)g(see)e(a)h(\\higher)h(lev)-31 b(el)305 +b(of)e(success)f(and)h(a)h(lo)-31 b(w)g(er)304 b(lev)-31 +b(el)304 b(of)g(frustration")h(and)e(that)h(he)0 30939 +y(w)-31 b(as)292 b(able)g(to)g(\\mo)-31 b(v)g(e)293 b(faster)f(with)g +(b)31 b(etter)292 b(results.")466 b(Although)294 b(these)d(commen)-31 +b(ts)293 b(refer)d(to)0 32294 y(his)312 b(in)-31 b(tro)31 +b(ductory)314 b(course,)324 b(I)312 b(sometimes)h(use)f(Python)i(for)e +(these)h(exact)g(same)g(reasons)f(in)0 33649 y(adv)-61 +b(anced)344 b(graduate)i(lev)-31 b(el)345 b(computer)f(science)g +(courses)f(at)i(the)f(Univ)-31 b(ersit)g(y)346 b(of)e(Chicago.)0 +35004 y(In)475 b(these)g(courses,)502 b(I)475 b(am)h(constan)-31 +b(tly)478 b(faced)e(with)g(the)g(daun)-31 b(ting)478 +b(task)e(of)g(co)-31 b(v)g(ering)477 b(a)0 36359 y(lot)463 +b(of)f(di\261cult)h(course)e(material)j(in)e(a)g(blistering)h(nine)f(w) +-31 b(eek)462 b(quarter.)771 b(Although)463 b(it)0 37714 +y(is)532 b(certainly)j(p)31 b(ossible)532 b(for)h(me)g(to)g(in\260ict)h +(a)f(lot)h(of)f(pain)g(and)g(su\256ering)f(b)-31 b(y)533 +b(using)g(a)0 39069 y(language)324 b(lik)-31 b(e)324 +b(C++,)332 b(I)322 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)323 b(often)g(found)g(this)f +(approac)-31 b(h)324 b(to)f(b)31 b(e)321 b(coun)-31 b(terpro)31 +b(ductiv)-31 b(e|)0 40423 y(esp)31 b(ecially)354 b(when)e(the)h(course) +f(is)g(ab)31 b(out)353 b(a)g(topic)g(unrelated)g(to)h(just)e +(\\programming.")490 b(I)0 41778 y(\257nd)434 b(that)i(using)f(Python)h +(allo)-31 b(ws)437 b(me)e(to)g(b)31 b(etter)435 b(fo)31 +b(cus)434 b(on)h(the)g(actual)h(topic)g(at)g(hand)0 43133 +y(while)370 b(allo)-31 b(wing)373 b(studen)-31 b(ts)369 +b(to)h(complete)h(substan)-31 b(tial)372 b(class)d(pro)61 +b(jects.)0 45298 y(Although)375 b(Python)g(is)e(still)i(a)e(y)-31 +b(oung)375 b(and)e(ev)-31 b(olving)376 b(language,)h(I)c(b)31 +b(eliev)-31 b(e)374 b(that)g(it)g(has)g(a)0 46653 y(brigh)-31 +b(t)370 b(future)f(in)h(education.)494 b(This)370 b(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)369 b(is)h(an)f(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)371 b(step)e(in)h(that) +g(direction.)0 50413 y(Da)-31 b(vid)370 b(Beazley)0 51768 +y(Univ)-31 b(ersit)g(y)371 b(of)e(Chicago)0 53123 y(Author)h(of)f(the)h +Fm(Python)396 b(Essential)g(R)-57 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)p +eop +%%Page: 7 7 +7 6 bop 0 10695 a Fo(Preface)0 17386 y Fn(By)369 b(Je\256)g(Elkner)0 +19649 y(This)345 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)346 b(o)-31 b(w)g(es)346 +b(its)g(existence)f(to)h(the)f(collab)31 b(oration)349 +b(made)d(p)31 b(ossible)345 b(b)-31 b(y)345 b(the)h(In)-31 +b(ternet)0 21004 y(and)389 b(the)g(free)f(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)390 +b(mo)-31 b(v)g(emen)g(t.)554 b(Its)388 b(three)h(authors|a)g(college)i +(professor,)i(a)c(high)0 22359 y(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)403 +b(teac)-31 b(her,)410 b(and)402 b(a)g(professional)h(programmer|ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)404 b(y)-31 b(et)402 b(to)h(meet)f(face)g(to)h(face,)0 +23714 y(but)412 b(w)-31 b(e)413 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)413 +b(b)31 b(een)412 b(able)h(to)g(w)-31 b(ork)413 b(closely)g(together)h +(and)e(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)414 b(b)31 b(een)411 b(aided)i(b)-31 +b(y)413 b(man)-31 b(y)0 25069 y(w)g(onderful)420 b(folks)f(who)h(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)419 b(donated)h(their)f(time)h(and)f(energy)f(to)i(helping)g +(mak)-31 b(e)420 b(this)0 26424 y(b)31 b(o)g(ok)370 b(b)31 +b(etter.)0 28687 y(W)-92 b(e)332 b(think)h(this)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)333 b(is)g(a)f(testamen)-31 b(t)335 b(to)e(the)g(b)31 +b(ene\257ts)332 b(and)h(future)f(p)31 b(ossibilities)335 +b(of)e(this)0 30041 y(kind)304 b(of)h(collab)31 b(oration,)320 +b(the)305 b(framew)-31 b(ork)305 b(for)f(whic)-31 b(h)305 +b(has)e(b)31 b(een)304 b(put)g(in)g(place)g(b)-31 b(y)305 +b(Ric)-31 b(hard)0 31396 y(Stallman)372 b(and)d(the)h(F)-92 +b(ree)368 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)371 b(F)-92 b(oundation.)0 +36200 y Fl(Ho)-50 b(w)598 b(and)g(wh)-50 b(y)599 b(I)e(came)h(to)g(use) +h(Python)0 38836 y Fn(In)278 b(1999,)299 b(the)279 b(College)h(Board's) +f(Adv)-61 b(anced)279 b(Placemen)-31 b(t)281 b(\(AP\))f(Computer)f +(Science)g(exam)0 40191 y(w)-31 b(as)412 b(giv)-31 b(en)412 +b(in)f(C++)g(for)g(the)g(\257rst)f(time.)619 b(As)411 +b(in)g(man)-31 b(y)412 b(high)g(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ols)411 +b(throughout)i(the)0 41546 y(coun)-31 b(try)-92 b(,)360 +b(the)e(decision)f(to)h(c)-31 b(hange)358 b(languages)h(had)e(a)g +(direct)g(impact)i(on)e(the)g(computer)0 42901 y(science)513 +b(curriculum)h(at)g(Y)-92 b(orkto)-31 b(wn)515 b(High)f(Sc)-31 +b(ho)31 b(ol)514 b(in)g(Arlington,)552 b(Virginia,)f(where)513 +b(I)0 44256 y(teac)-31 b(h.)860 b(Up)491 b(to)h(this)f(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t,)524 b(P)-31 b(ascal)492 b(w)-31 b(as)492 +b(the)f(language)j(of)d(instruction)i(in)e(b)31 b(oth)492 +b(our)0 45611 y(\257rst-y)-31 b(ear)366 b(and)h(AP)f(courses.)491 +b(In)366 b(k)-31 b(eeping)367 b(with)g(past)g(practice)g(of)g(giving)h +(studen)-31 b(ts)366 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 46966 y(y)g(ears)311 +b(of)g(exp)31 b(osure)310 b(to)i(the)f(same)g(language,)325 +b(w)-31 b(e)311 b(made)h(the)f(decision)h(to)f(switc)-31 +b(h)312 b(to)g(C++)0 48321 y(in)379 b(the)f(\257rst-y)-31 +b(ear)379 b(course)f(for)g(the)h(1997-98)i(sc)-31 b(ho)31 +b(ol)379 b(y)-31 b(ear)379 b(so)f(that)i(w)-31 b(e)379 +b(w)-31 b(ould)379 b(b)31 b(e)378 b(in)h(step)0 49676 +y(with)370 b(the)g(College)h(Board's)f(c)-31 b(hange)370 +b(for)f(the)h(AP)f(course)g(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)373 +b(y)-31 b(ear.)0 51938 y(Tw)g(o)469 b(y)-31 b(ears)468 +b(later,)493 b(I)467 b(w)-31 b(as)468 b(con)-31 b(vinced)469 +b(that)g(C++)f(w)-31 b(as)468 b(a)g(p)31 b(o)g(or)467 +b(c)-31 b(hoice)469 b(to)f(use)f(for)h(in-)0 53293 y(tro)31 +b(ducing)436 b(studen)-31 b(ts)435 b(to)g(computer)g(science.)690 +b(While)435 b(it)g(is)g(certainly)h(a)f(v)-31 b(ery)435 +b(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(erful)0 54648 y(programming)440 +b(language,)458 b(it)439 b(is)f(also)h(an)f(extremely)i(di\261cult)f +(language)i(to)d(learn)h(and)0 56003 y(teac)-31 b(h.)509 +b(I)374 b(found)h(m)-31 b(yself)375 b(constan)-31 b(tly)377 +b(\257gh)-31 b(ting)376 b(with)g(C++'s)f(di\261cult)h(syn)-31 +b(tax)375 b(and)g(m)-31 b(ul-)0 57358 y(tiple)431 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys)431 b(of)f(doing)h(things,)446 b(and)430 b(I)g(w)-31 +b(as)430 b(losing)h(man)-31 b(y)431 b(studen)-31 b(ts)430 +b(unnecessarily)g(as)g(a)p eop +%%Page: 8 8 +8 7 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(viii)32321 b(Preface)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(result.)775 b(Con)-31 b(vinced)465 b(there)e(had)h(to)g +(b)31 b(e)463 b(a)h(b)31 b(etter)463 b(language)j(c)-31 +b(hoice)464 b(for)g(our)f(\257rst-y)-31 b(ear)0 2220 +y(class,)370 b(I)e(w)-31 b(en)g(t)371 b(lo)31 b(oking)371 +b(for)e(an)h(alternativ)-31 b(e)372 b(to)e(C++.)0 4406 +y(I)335 b(needed)h(a)g(language)i(that)g(w)-31 b(ould)337 +b(run)e(on)h(the)h(mac)-31 b(hines)337 b(in)f(our)g(Lin)-31 +b(ux)336 b(lab)h(as)f(w)-31 b(ell)337 b(as)0 5761 y(on)268 +b(the)g(Windo)-31 b(ws)269 b(and)g(Macin)-31 b(tosh)269 +b(platforms)g(most)g(studen)-31 b(ts)268 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)269 +b(at)g(home.)460 b(I)267 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)0 7116 y(it)396 +b(to)g(b)31 b(e)394 b(free)h(and)g(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)398 +b(electronically)-92 b(,)405 b(so)395 b(that)h(studen)-31 +b(ts)395 b(could)h(use)f(it)g(at)h(home)0 8471 y(regardless)414 +b(of)g(their)g(income.)629 b(I)413 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)416 +b(a)e(language)i(that)f(w)-31 b(as)415 b(used)e(b)-31 +b(y)415 b(professional)0 9826 y(programmers,)452 b(and)435 +b(one)g(that)i(had)e(an)g(activ)-31 b(e)436 b(dev)-31 +b(elop)31 b(er)436 b(comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)437 b(around)e(it.)691 +b(It)0 11181 y(had)428 b(to)h(supp)31 b(ort)427 b(b)31 +b(oth)429 b(pro)31 b(cedural)428 b(and)g(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 +b(ted)430 b(programming.)671 b(And)428 b(most)0 12536 +y(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(tly)-92 b(,)537 b(it)502 b(had)f(to)h(b)31 +b(e)501 b(easy)g(to)h(learn)f(and)g(teac)-31 b(h.)890 +b(When)500 b(I)h(in)-31 b(v)g(estigated)504 b(the)0 13891 +y(c)-31 b(hoices)444 b(with)i(these)d(goals)j(in)e(mind,)464 +b(Python)445 b(sto)31 b(o)g(d)444 b(out)h(as)f(the)g(b)31 +b(est)443 b(candidate)j(for)0 15245 y(the)369 b(job.)0 +17431 y(I)475 b(ask)-31 b(ed)476 b(one)g(of)g(Y)-92 b(orkto)-31 +b(wn's)478 b(talen)-31 b(ted)478 b(studen)-31 b(ts,)503 +b(Matt)476 b(Ahrens,)502 b(to)477 b(giv)-31 b(e)477 b(Python)g(a)0 +18786 y(try)-92 b(.)569 b(In)395 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)396 +b(mon)-31 b(ths)396 b(he)f(not)g(only)h(learned)f(the)g(language)i(but) +e(wrote)h(an)f(application)0 20141 y(called)486 b(p)-31 +b(yTic)g(k)g(et)486 b(that)g(enabled)f(our)f(sta\256)h(to)g(rep)31 +b(ort)484 b(tec)-31 b(hnology)487 b(problems)d(via)i(the)0 +21496 y(W)-92 b(eb.)828 b(I)480 b(knew)i(that)g(Matt)g(could)g(not)g +(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)482 b(\257nished)f(an)g(application)k(of)c(that)i +(scale)0 22851 y(in)f(so)g(short)g(a)h(time)g(in)f(C++,)511 +b(and)483 b(this)f(accomplishmen)-31 b(t,)514 b(com)-31 +b(bined)484 b(with)f(Matt's)0 24206 y(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 +b(e)455 b(assessmen)-31 b(t)454 b(of)h(Python,)477 b(suggested)454 +b(that)h(Python)g(w)-31 b(as)455 b(the)f(solution)i(I)d(w)-31 +b(as)0 25561 y(lo)31 b(oking)371 b(for.)0 30134 y Fl(Finding)599 +b(a)e(textb)50 b(o)g(ok)0 32662 y Fn(Ha)-31 b(ving)510 +b(decided)f(to)g(use)f(Python)i(in)e(b)31 b(oth)509 b(of)g(m)-31 +b(y)509 b(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(ductory)510 b(computer)f(science)0 +34017 y(classes)283 b(the)h(follo)-31 b(wing)287 b(y)-31 +b(ear,)301 b(the)284 b(most)g(pressing)f(problem)h(w)-31 +b(as)284 b(the)g(lac)-31 b(k)285 b(of)f(an)f(a)-31 b(v)-61 +b(ailable)0 35372 y(textb)31 b(o)g(ok.)0 37558 y(F)-92 +b(ree)495 b(con)-31 b(ten)g(t)497 b(came)g(to)f(the)g(rescue.)872 +b(Earlier)496 b(in)h(the)f(y)-31 b(ear,)528 b(Ric)-31 +b(hard)496 b(Stallman)j(had)0 38913 y(in)-31 b(tro)31 +b(duced)375 b(me)g(to)h(Allen)f(Do)-31 b(wney)-92 b(.)510 +b(Both)376 b(of)f(us)f(had)h(written)h(to)f(Ric)-31 b(hard)375 +b(expressing)0 40268 y(an)i(in)-31 b(terest)378 b(in)g(dev)-31 +b(eloping)379 b(free)e(educational)j(con)-31 b(ten)g(t.)518 +b(Allen)378 b(had)g(already)g(written)h(a)0 41623 y(\257rst-y)-31 +b(ear)350 b(computer)g(science)g(textb)31 b(o)g(ok,)355 +b Fm(How)378 b(to)f(Think)i(Like)h(a)e(Computer)f(Scientist)p +Fn(.)0 42978 y(When)531 b(I)g(read)g(this)h(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)573 +b(I)531 b(knew)h(immediately)j(that)e(I)e(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)533 +b(to)f(use)f(it)h(in)g(m)-31 b(y)0 44333 y(class.)490 +b(It)360 b(w)-31 b(as)361 b(the)g(clearest)g(and)g(most)g(helpful)g +(computer)g(science)g(text)g(I)f(had)h(seen.)489 b(It)0 +45688 y(emphasized)397 b(the)f(pro)31 b(cesses)394 b(of)j(though)-31 +b(t)398 b(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(ed)398 b(in)e(programming)i(rather)e(than) +h(the)0 47043 y(features)476 b(of)f(a)h(particular)h(language.)813 +b(Reading)477 b(it)f(immediately)j(made)d(me)f(a)h(b)31 +b(etter)0 48398 y(teac)-31 b(her.)0 50584 y Fm(How)385 +b(to)h(Think)h(Like)h(a)e(Computer)g(Scientist)359 b +Fn(w)-31 b(as)360 b(not)f(just)g(an)f(excellen)-31 b(t)361 +b(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)361 b(but)e(it)0 51938 y(had)437 b(b)31 +b(een)435 b(released)i(under)e(a)i(GNU)f(public)h(license,)454 +b(whic)-31 b(h)438 b(mean)-31 b(t)437 b(it)h(could)f(b)31 +b(e)436 b(used)0 53293 y(freely)315 b(and)f(mo)31 b(di\257ed)316 +b(to)f(meet)g(the)g(needs)f(of)h(its)g(user.)473 b(Once)314 +b(I)g(decided)h(to)g(use)f(Python,)0 54648 y(it)e(o)31 +b(ccurred)309 b(to)j(me)f(that)h(I)e(could)i(translate)g(Allen's)g +(original)h(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 b(a)311 b(v)-31 b(ersion)311 +b(of)g(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok)0 56003 y(in)-31 b(to)409 +b(the)f(new)f(language.)610 b(While)408 b(I)f(w)-31 b(ould)408 +b(not)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)408 b(b)31 b(een)407 b(able)h(to)g(write)h(a)e +(textb)31 b(o)g(ok)0 57358 y(on)348 b(m)-31 b(y)348 b(o)-31 +b(wn,)354 b(ha)-31 b(ving)349 b(Allen's)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)349 +b(to)f(w)-31 b(ork)348 b(from)g(made)h(it)f(p)31 b(ossible)348 +b(for)f(me)h(to)h(do)f(so,)p eop +%%Page: 9 9 +9 8 bop 37165 -2070 a Fv(ix)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 +a Fn(at)392 b(the)g(same)f(time)i(demonstrating)g(that)g(the)f(co)31 +b(op)g(erativ)-31 b(e)393 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)393 +b(mo)31 b(del)393 b(used)0 2220 y(so)369 b(w)-31 b(ell)371 +b(in)e(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)371 b(could)f(also)g(w)-31 +b(ork)370 b(for)f(educational)j(con)-31 b(ten)g(t.)0 +4310 y(W)-92 b(orking)452 b(on)g(this)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok)453 +b(for)f(the)g(last)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)454 b(y)-31 b(ears)451 +b(has)h(b)31 b(een)451 b(rew)-31 b(arding)453 b(for)f(b)31 +b(oth)452 b(m)-31 b(y)0 5665 y(studen)g(ts)475 b(and)f(me,)502 +b(and)474 b(m)-31 b(y)475 b(studen)-31 b(ts)475 b(pla)-31 +b(y)g(ed)476 b(a)f(big)g(part)f(in)h(the)g(pro)31 b(cess.)807 +b(Since)474 b(I)0 7019 y(could)316 b(mak)-31 b(e)316 +b(instan)-31 b(t)317 b(c)-31 b(hanges)316 b(whenev)-31 +b(er)315 b(someone)h(found)g(a)g(sp)31 b(elling)316 b(error)e(or)h +(di\261cult)0 8374 y(passage,)405 b(I)397 b(encouraged)h(them)g(to)g +(lo)31 b(ok)398 b(for)g(mistak)-31 b(es)398 b(in)g(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)398 b(b)-31 b(y)398 b(giving)h(them)f(a)0 9729 +y(b)31 b(on)-31 b(us)374 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)375 b(eac)-31 +b(h)374 b(time)h(they)f(made)h(a)f(suggestion)h(that)g(resulted)f(in)g +(a)g(c)-31 b(hange)375 b(in)f(the)0 11084 y(text.)687 +b(This)434 b(had)g(the)g(double)h(b)31 b(ene\257t)434 +b(of)g(encouraging)h(them)g(to)f(read)g(the)g(text)h(more)0 +12439 y(carefully)505 b(and)f(of)h(getting)h(the)e(text)h(thoroughly)h +(review)-31 b(ed)504 b(b)-31 b(y)505 b(its)f(most)h(imp)31 +b(ortan)-31 b(t)0 13794 y(critics,)370 b(studen)-31 b(ts)369 +b(using)h(it)g(to)g(learn)f(computer)h(science.)0 15884 +y(F)-92 b(or)423 b(the)i(second)f(half)h(of)g(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)425 b(on)f(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)427 +b(programming,)440 b(I)424 b(knew)h(that)0 17239 y(someone)416 +b(with)g(more)f(real)g(programming)i(exp)31 b(erience)414 +b(than)i(I)e(had)h(w)-31 b(ould)416 b(b)31 b(e)414 b(needed)0 +18593 y(to)366 b(do)f(it)h(righ)-31 b(t.)493 b(The)365 +b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)366 b(sat)g(in)f(an)h(un\257nished)f(state)h(for)f(the) +h(b)31 b(etter)365 b(part)g(of)h(a)g(y)-31 b(ear)0 19948 +y(un)g(til)335 b(the)e(free)g(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)335 +b(comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)336 b(once)e(again)h(pro)-31 b(vided)334 +b(the)f(needed)g(means)h(for)g(its)0 21303 y(completion.)0 +23393 y(I)295 b(receiv)-31 b(ed)295 b(an)g(email)i(from)f(Chris)f(Mey) +-31 b(ers)294 b(expressing)h(in)-31 b(terest)296 b(in)g(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok.)468 b(Chris)296 b(is)f(a)0 24748 y(professional)384 +b(programmer)g(who)g(started)g(teac)-31 b(hing)385 b(a)f(programming)h +(course)e(last)h(y)-31 b(ear)0 26103 y(using)467 b(Python)h(at)g(Lane)f +(Comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)470 b(College)f(in)e(Eugene,)492 +b(Oregon.)786 b(The)467 b(prosp)31 b(ect)0 27458 y(of)452 +b(teac)-31 b(hing)453 b(the)f(course)f(had)g(led)h(Chris)f(to)h(the)g +(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)473 b(and)452 b(he)f(started)h(helping)g(out)0 +28813 y(with)343 b(it)f(immediately)-92 b(.)487 b(By)342 +b(the)g(end)f(of)i(the)f(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)342 b(y)-31 +b(ear)342 b(he)g(had)g(created)g(a)g(companion)0 30167 +y(pro)61 b(ject)292 b(on)g(our)f(W)-92 b(ebsite)291 b(at)h +Fk(http://www.ibiblio.org/obp)j Fn(called)e Fm(Python)325 +b(for)f(F)-85 b(un)0 31522 y Fn(and)344 b(w)-31 b(as)345 +b(w)-31 b(orking)345 b(with)g(some)g(of)f(m)-31 b(y)345 +b(most)f(adv)-61 b(anced)345 b(studen)-31 b(ts)344 b(as)f(a)i(master)f +(teac)-31 b(her,)0 32877 y(guiding)371 b(them)f(b)31 +b(ey)-31 b(ond)369 b(where)g(I)g(could)h(tak)-31 b(e)370 +b(them.)0 37282 y Fl(In)-50 b(tro)50 b(ducing)599 b(programming)g(with) +f(Python)0 39705 y Fn(The)401 b(pro)31 b(cess)399 b(of)j(translating)h +(and)e(using)g Fm(How)424 b(to)g(Think)i(Like)g(a)f(Computer)g +(Scientist)0 41060 y Fn(for)322 b(the)g(past)h(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)323 b(y)-31 b(ears)322 b(has)g(con\257rmed)g(Python's)h +(suitabilit)-31 b(y)326 b(for)c(teac)-31 b(hing)324 b(b)31 +b(eginning)0 42415 y(studen)-31 b(ts.)667 b(Python)429 +b(greatly)g(simpli\257es)f(programming)h(examples)g(and)e(mak)-31 +b(es)428 b(imp)31 b(or-)0 43770 y(tan)-31 b(t)371 b(programming)g +(ideas)f(easier)f(to)h(teac)-31 b(h.)0 45860 y(The)291 +b(\257rst)f(example)j(from)e(the)g(text)h(illustrates)h(this)e(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t.)468 b(It)291 b(is)f(the)i(traditional)i(\\hello,)0 +47215 y(w)-31 b(orld")371 b(program,)f(whic)-31 b(h)370 +b(in)g(the)f(C++)h(v)-31 b(ersion)369 b(of)h(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)370 b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)1743 +48899 y Fk(#include)583 b()1743 51609 y(void)f(main\(\)) +1743 52964 y({)2906 54319 y(cout)f(<<)h("Hello,)g(world.")g(<<)g(endl;) +1743 55674 y(})0 57358 y Fn(in)369 b(the)h(Python)g(v)-31 +b(ersion)370 b(it)g(b)31 b(ecomes:)p eop +%%Page: 10 10 +10 9 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(x)33383 b(Preface)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 1743 865 a Fk(print)582 b("Hello,)h(World!")0 2829 +y Fn(Ev)-31 b(en)521 b(though)g(this)f(is)g(a)h(trivial)h(example,)559 +b(the)521 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tages)521 b(of)g(Python)g(stand)g(out.)0 +4184 y(Y)-92 b(orkto)-31 b(wn's)522 b(Computer)g(Science)e(I)g(course)g +(has)g(no)h(prerequisites,)558 b(so)520 b(man)-31 b(y)522 +b(of)f(the)0 5539 y(studen)-31 b(ts)403 b(seeing)h(this)g(example)g +(are)f(lo)31 b(oking)406 b(at)e(their)f(\257rst)g(program.)596 +b(Some)403 b(of)h(them)0 6894 y(are)411 b(undoubtedly)i(a)e(little)i +(nerv)-31 b(ous,)422 b(ha)-31 b(ving)413 b(heard)e(that)i(computer)f +(programming)h(is)0 8249 y(di\261cult)463 b(to)f(learn.)769 +b(The)461 b(C++)h(v)-31 b(ersion)461 b(has)g(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)464 b(forced)d(me)g(to)h(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(ose)462 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)0 9604 y(t)g(w)g(o)368 b(unsatisfying)h +(options:)492 b(either)367 b(to)g(explain)h(the)f Fk(#include)p +Fn(,)h Fk(void)582 b(main\(\))p Fn(,)368 b Fj(f)p Fn(,)g(and)0 +10959 y Fj(g)439 b Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)441 b(and)f(risk)e(confusing)j +(or)e(in)-31 b(timidating)443 b(some)d(of)f(the)h(studen)-31 +b(ts)439 b(righ)-31 b(t)440 b(at)0 12313 y(the)352 b(start,)357 +b(or)352 b(to)g(tell)i(them,)i(\\Just)d(don't)g(w)-31 +b(orry)352 b(ab)31 b(out)353 b(all)h(of)e(that)i(stu\256)d(no)-31 +b(w;)360 b(w)-31 b(e)352 b(will)0 13668 y(talk)485 b(ab)31 +b(out)485 b(it)g(later,")515 b(and)484 b(risk)g(the)g(same)g(thing.)838 +b(The)485 b(educational)h(ob)61 b(jectiv)-31 b(es)486 +b(at)0 15023 y(this)354 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)354 b(in)f(the)h(course)e +(are)h(to)h(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(duce)354 b(studen)-31 b(ts)353 +b(to)h(the)g(idea)g(of)f(a)h(programming)0 16378 y(statemen)-31 +b(t)502 b(and)e(to)h(get)g(them)g(to)g(write)g(their)f(\257rst)g +(program,)534 b(thereb)-31 b(y)500 b(in)-31 b(tro)31 +b(ducing)0 17733 y(them)333 b(to)g(the)g(programming)h(en)-31 +b(vironmen)g(t.)482 b(The)333 b(Python)g(program)h(has)e(exactly)i +(what)0 19088 y(is)369 b(needed)g(to)h(do)f(these)g(things,)i(and)e +(nothing)i(more.)0 21457 y(Comparing)495 b(the)e(explanatory)i(text)f +(of)g(the)f(program)h(in)f(eac)-31 b(h)493 b(v)-31 b(ersion)494 +b(of)f(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok)0 22812 y(further)313 b(illustrates)j(what)f +(this)f(means)g(to)h(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)315 b(studen)-31 +b(t.)475 b(There)314 b(are)f(thirteen)0 24167 y(paragraphs)303 +b(of)h(explanation)h(of)f(\\Hello,)318 b(w)-31 b(orld!")472 +b(in)303 b(the)h(C++)f(v)-31 b(ersion;)325 b(in)304 b(the)f(Python)0 +25522 y(v)-31 b(ersion,)445 b(there)430 b(are)f(only)h(t)-31 +b(w)g(o.)676 b(More)429 b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(tly)-92 +b(,)447 b(the)430 b(missing)g(elev)-31 b(en)431 b(paragraphs)0 +26877 y(do)361 b(not)h(deal)f(with)i(the)e(\\big)h(ideas")g(in)f +(computer)g(programming)j(but)d(with)h(the)f(min)-31 +b(u-)0 28232 y(tia)439 b(of)g(C++)f(syn)-31 b(tax.)700 +b(I)437 b(found)i(this)f(same)g(thing)h(happ)31 b(ening)439 +b(throughout)h(the)e(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)0 29587 y(Whole)280 +b(paragraphs)g(simply)h(disapp)31 b(ear)280 b(from)g(the)g(Python)h(v) +-31 b(ersion)280 b(of)h(the)f(text)g(b)31 b(ecause)0 +30941 y(Python's)371 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)370 b(clearer)f(syn)-31 +b(tax)370 b(renders)d(them)j(unnecessary)-92 b(.)0 33310 +y(Using)259 b(a)f(v)-31 b(ery)259 b(high-lev)-31 b(el)260 +b(language)g(lik)-31 b(e)260 b(Python)f(allo)-31 b(ws)261 +b(a)d(teac)-31 b(her)259 b(to)g(p)31 b(ostp)g(one)258 +b(talking)0 34665 y(ab)31 b(out)371 b(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)373 +b(details)e(of)g(the)f(mac)-31 b(hine)372 b(un)-31 b(til)371 +b(studen)-31 b(ts)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(the)f(bac)-31 +b(kground)372 b(that)0 36020 y(they)365 b(need)f(to)h(b)31 +b(etter)365 b(mak)-31 b(e)366 b(sense)d(of)i(the)g(details.)492 +b(It)365 b(th)-31 b(us)364 b(creates)h(the)f(abilit)-31 +b(y)367 b(to)f(put)0 37375 y(\\\257rst)347 b(things)h(\257rst")f(p)31 +b(edagogically)-92 b(.)488 b(One)347 b(of)h(the)f(b)31 +b(est)347 b(examples)h(of)f(this)h(is)f(the)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)349 +b(in)0 38730 y(whic)-31 b(h)387 b(Python)g(handles)f(v)-61 +b(ariables.)543 b(In)385 b(C++)h(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)386 +b(is)g(a)g(name)g(for)g(a)g(place)h(that)0 40085 y(holds)343 +b(a)h(thing.)485 b(V)-92 b(ariables)344 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)344 +b(to)g(b)31 b(e)343 b(declared)g(with)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es)344 b(at)g(least)g(in)f(part)g(b)31 b(ecause)0 41440 +y(the)390 b(size)g(of)h(the)f(place)h(to)f(whic)-31 b(h)391 +b(they)g(refer)e(needs)g(to)i(b)31 b(e)390 b(predetermined.)555 +b(Th)-31 b(us,)396 b(the)0 42795 y(idea)355 b(of)f(a)g(v)-61 +b(ariable)355 b(is)f(b)31 b(ound)354 b(up)g(with)h(the)f(hardw)-31 +b(are)355 b(of)f(the)g(mac)-31 b(hine.)489 b(The)355 +b(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(erful)0 44150 y(and)365 b(fundamen)-31 +b(tal)368 b(concept)d(of)h(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)366 b(is)f(already)h +(di\261cult)h(enough)e(for)h(b)31 b(eginning)0 45505 +y(studen)-31 b(ts)421 b(\(in)g(b)31 b(oth)422 b(computer)f(science)g +(and)g(algebra\).)649 b(Bytes)421 b(and)g(addresses)e(do)i(not)0 +46860 y(help)438 b(the)g(matter.)701 b(In)437 b(Python)i(a)g(v)-61 +b(ariable)439 b(is)f(a)g(name)g(that)i(refers)c(to)j(a)f(thing.)701 +b(This)0 48215 y(is)359 b(a)h(far)g(more)g(in)-31 b(tuitiv)g(e)362 +b(concept)e(for)g(b)31 b(eginning)361 b(studen)-31 b(ts)360 +b(and)f(is)h(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)360 b(closer)f(to)i(the)0 +49570 y(meaning)d(of)f(\\v)-61 b(ariable")358 b(that)f(they)g(learned)f +(in)h(their)f(math)i(courses.)487 b(I)356 b(had)g(m)-31 +b(uc)g(h)357 b(less)0 50924 y(di\261cult)-31 b(y)463 +b(teac)-31 b(hing)463 b(v)-61 b(ariables)462 b(this)g(y)-31 +b(ear)461 b(than)h(I)e(did)i(in)f(the)h(past,)484 b(and)462 +b(I)e(sp)31 b(en)-31 b(t)461 b(less)0 52279 y(time)370 +b(helping)h(studen)-31 b(ts)369 b(with)i(problems)e(using)h(them.)0 +54648 y(Another)375 b(example)g(of)g(ho)-31 b(w)375 b(Python)g(aids)f +(in)h(the)f(teac)-31 b(hing)376 b(and)e(learning)i(of)e(program-)0 +56003 y(ming)413 b(is)g(in)f(its)h(syn)-31 b(tax)413 +b(for)f(functions.)623 b(My)412 b(studen)-31 b(ts)413 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)413 b(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)414 b(had)f(a)f(great)h(deal)0 +57358 y(of)504 b(di\261cult)-31 b(y)505 b(understanding)g(functions.) +896 b(The)503 b(main)i(problem)f(cen)-31 b(ters)503 b(around)h(the)p +eop +%%Page: 11 11 +11 10 bop 37165 -2070 a Fv(xi)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 +865 a Fn(di\256erence)331 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)333 +b(a)f(function)h(de\257nition)g(and)f(a)g(function)h(call,)341 +b(and)332 b(the)g(related)g(dis-)0 2220 y(tinction)456 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)454 b(a)g(parameter)h(and)f(an)f(argumen)-31 +b(t.)748 b(Python)455 b(comes)f(to)g(the)g(rescue)0 3575 +y(with)388 b(syn)-31 b(tax)389 b(that)f(is)f(nothing)i(short)e(of)h(b) +31 b(eautiful.)548 b(F)-92 b(unction)388 b(de\257nitions)g(b)31 +b(egin)388 b(with)0 4930 y(the)450 b(k)-31 b(eyw)g(ord)451 +b Fk(def)p Fn(,)471 b(so)450 b(I)f(simply)i(tell)g(m)-31 +b(y)450 b(studen)-31 b(ts,)471 b(\\When)450 b(y)-31 b(ou)450 +b(de\257ne)g(a)g(function,)0 6285 y(b)31 b(egin)493 b(with)h +Fk(def)p Fn(,)524 b(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)496 b(b)-31 b(y)493 +b(the)g(name)g(of)g(the)g(function)h(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)493 +b(are)g(de\257ning;)0 7640 y(when)531 b(y)-31 b(ou)531 +b(call)g(a)g(function,)573 b(simply)531 b(call)h(\(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e\))531 b(out)h(its)e(name.")978 b(P)-31 b(arameters)531 +b(go)0 8995 y(with)328 b(de\257nitions;)343 b(argumen)-31 +b(ts)328 b(go)f(with)h(calls.)480 b(There)326 b(are)h(no)g(return)f(t) +-31 b(yp)31 b(es,)336 b(parameter)0 10350 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es,)459 b(or)440 b(reference)g(and)g(v)-61 b(alue)441 +b(parameters)g(to)g(get)g(in)g(the)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 +b(,)459 b(so)441 b(I)f(am)h(no)-31 b(w)441 b(able)0 11705 +y(to)j(teac)-31 b(h)443 b(functions)h(in)f(less)f(than)i(half)g(the)f +(time)h(that)g(it)f(previously)h(to)31 b(ok)444 b(me,)462 +b(with)0 13059 y(b)31 b(etter)369 b(comprehension.)0 +15225 y(Using)397 b(Python)i(has)d(impro)-31 b(v)g(ed)399 +b(the)e(e\256ectiv)-31 b(eness)397 b(of)g(our)g(computer)g(science)g +(program)0 16580 y(for)517 b(all)g(studen)-31 b(ts.)935 +b(I)516 b(see)f(a)i(higher)g(general)g(lev)-31 b(el)518 +b(of)f(success)e(and)h(a)h(lo)-31 b(w)g(er)518 b(lev)-31 +b(el)517 b(of)0 17934 y(frustration)290 b(than)g(I)e(exp)31 +b(erienced)289 b(during)g(the)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)291 b(y)-31 +b(ears)289 b(I)f(taugh)-31 b(t)291 b(C++.)466 b(I)288 +b(mo)-31 b(v)g(e)291 b(faster)0 19289 y(with)442 b(b)31 +b(etter)440 b(results.)707 b(More)440 b(studen)-31 b(ts)441 +b(lea)-31 b(v)g(e)442 b(the)e(course)g(with)i(the)f(abilit)-31 +b(y)443 b(to)f(create)0 20644 y(meaningful)452 b(programs)e(and)g(with) +h(the)f(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 b(e)452 b(attitude)f(to)-31 +b(w)g(ard)452 b(the)e(exp)31 b(erience)449 b(of)0 21999 +y(programming)371 b(that)g(this)e(engenders.)0 26510 +y Fl(Building)598 b(a)g(comm)-50 b(unit)g(y)0 29009 y +Fn(I)472 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)474 b(receiv)-31 b(ed)473 b(email)i(from)e +(all)h(o)-31 b(v)g(er)474 b(the)f(glob)31 b(e)474 b(from)f(p)31 +b(eople)473 b(using)h(this)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)473 b(to)0 +30364 y(learn)423 b(or)g(to)h(teac)-31 b(h)424 b(programming.)657 +b(A)423 b(user)f(comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)426 b(has)d(b)31 +b(egun)423 b(to)h(emerge,)438 b(and)0 31719 y(man)-31 +b(y)389 b(p)31 b(eople)388 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)389 b(b)31 +b(een)387 b(con)-31 b(tributing)390 b(to)e(the)g(pro)61 +b(ject)389 b(b)-31 b(y)387 b(sending)h(in)g(materials)i(for)0 +33074 y(the)369 b(companion)j(W)-92 b(ebsite)369 b(at)h +Fk(http://www.thinkpython.com)p Fn(.)0 35239 y(With)350 +b(the)f(publication)j(of)e(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)350 b(in)g(prin)-31 +b(t)349 b(form,)355 b(I)348 b(exp)31 b(ect)350 b(the)f(gro)-31 +b(wth)351 b(in)e(the)h(user)0 36594 y(comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)388 +b(to)e(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue)387 b(and)f(accelerate.)542 +b(The)386 b(emergence)f(of)h(this)g(user)e(comm)-31 b(unit)g(y)0 +37949 y(and)438 b(the)f(p)31 b(ossibilit)-31 b(y)440 +b(it)e(suggests)g(for)f(similar)i(collab)31 b(oration)441 +b(among)e(educators)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 39303 y(b)31 b(een)474 +b(the)h(most)g(exciting)i(parts)d(of)h(w)-31 b(orking)477 +b(on)d(this)h(pro)61 b(ject)476 b(for)e(me.)809 b(By)475 +b(w)-31 b(orking)0 40658 y(together,)351 b(w)-31 b(e)345 +b(can)g(increase)f(the)h(qualit)-31 b(y)347 b(of)e(materials)h(a)-31 +b(v)-61 b(ailable)347 b(for)e(our)f(use)g(and)g(sa)-31 +b(v)g(e)0 42013 y(v)-61 b(aluable)382 b(time.)528 b(I)381 +b(in)-31 b(vite)382 b(y)-31 b(ou)381 b(to)h(join)f(our)g(comm)-31 +b(unit)g(y)383 b(and)e(lo)31 b(ok)382 b(forw)-31 b(ard)382 +b(to)f(hearing)0 43368 y(from)370 b(y)-31 b(ou.)493 b(Please)370 +b(write)g(to)g(the)f(authors)h(at)g Fk(feedback@thinkpython.com)p +Fn(.)0 47128 y(Je\256rey)e(Elkner)0 48483 y(Y)-92 b(orkto)-31 +b(wn)371 b(High)f(Sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)0 49838 y(Arlington,)372 +b(Virginia)p eop +%%Page: 12 12 +12 11 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xii)32675 b(Preface)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 13 13 +13 12 bop 0 10514 a Fo(Con)-86 b(tributor)1034 b(List)0 +17023 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)506 b(paraphrase)f(the)h(philosoph)-31 +b(y)507 b(of)e(the)h(F)-92 b(ree)504 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)507 +b(F)-92 b(oundation,)542 b(this)505 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)506 +b(is)0 18378 y(free)514 b(lik)-31 b(e)515 b(free)f(sp)31 +b(eec)-31 b(h,)550 b(but)514 b(not)h(necessarily)g(free)e(lik)-31 +b(e)516 b(free)e(pizza.)928 b(It)514 b(came)h(ab)31 b(out)0 +19733 y(b)g(ecause)348 b(of)i(a)f(collab)31 b(oration)352 +b(that)e(w)-31 b(ould)350 b(not)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)350 +b(b)31 b(een)348 b(p)31 b(ossible)349 b(without)i(the)e(GNU)0 +21088 y(F)-92 b(ree)539 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation)544 +b(License.)1006 b(So)541 b(w)-31 b(e)542 b(w)-31 b(ould)542 +b(lik)-31 b(e)542 b(to)f(thank)h(the)f(F)-92 b(ree)539 +b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)0 22443 y(F)-92 b(oundation)353 +b(for)f(dev)-31 b(eloping)355 b(this)d(license)g(and,)k(of)d(course,)i +(making)f(it)f(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)354 b(to)f(us.)0 +24524 y(W)-92 b(e)248 b(w)-31 b(ould)250 b(also)f(lik)-31 +b(e)250 b(to)f(thank)h(the)f(more)f(than)i(100)g(sharp-ey)-31 +b(ed)248 b(and)h(though)-31 b(tful)251 b(readers)0 25879 +y(who)446 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)446 b(sen)-31 b(t)445 b(us)f(suggestions)i +(and)g(corrections)f(o)-31 b(v)g(er)446 b(the)f(past)g(few)h(y)-31 +b(ears.)720 b(In)445 b(the)0 27234 y(spirit)511 b(of)g(free)f(soft)-31 +b(w)g(are,)548 b(w)-31 b(e)511 b(decided)g(to)g(express)e(our)i +(gratitude)h(in)f(the)g(form)g(of)g(a)0 28589 y(con)-31 +b(tributor)406 b(list.)600 b(Unfortunately)-92 b(,)416 +b(this)405 b(list)g(is)g(not)g(complete,)416 b(but)405 +b(w)-31 b(e)405 b(are)f(doing)i(our)0 29944 y(b)31 b(est)369 +b(to)h(k)-31 b(eep)369 b(it)h(up)f(to)h(date.)0 32025 +y(If)288 b(y)-31 b(ou)289 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)290 b(a)e(c)-31 +b(hance)289 b(to)g(lo)31 b(ok)290 b(through)f(the)f(list,)306 +b(y)-31 b(ou)289 b(should)g(realize)g(that)h(eac)-31 +b(h)289 b(p)31 b(erson)0 33380 y(here)303 b(has)h(spared)f(y)-31 +b(ou)304 b(and)g(all)h(subsequen)-31 b(t)303 b(readers)g(from)h(the)g +(confusion)h(of)f(a)g(tec)-31 b(hnical)0 34735 y(error)368 +b(or)h(a)h(less-than-transparen)-31 b(t)370 b(explanation,)j(just)c(b) +-31 b(y)369 b(sending)h(us)f(a)g(note.)0 36817 y(Imp)31 +b(ossible)411 b(as)f(it)h(ma)-31 b(y)411 b(seem)g(after)f(so)g(man)-31 +b(y)412 b(corrections,)421 b(there)410 b(ma)-31 b(y)412 +b(still)g(b)31 b(e)409 b(errors)0 38171 y(in)365 b(this)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok.)492 b(If)364 b(y)-31 b(ou)365 b(should)g(stum)-31 +b(ble)366 b(across)e(one,)i(w)-31 b(e)365 b(hop)31 b(e)365 +b(y)-31 b(ou)365 b(will)i(tak)-31 b(e)366 b(a)e(min)-31 +b(ute)0 39526 y(to)426 b(con)-31 b(tact)427 b(us.)660 +b(The)426 b(email)h(address)d(is)h Fk(feedback@thinkpython.com)p +Fn(.)664 b(If)425 b(w)-31 b(e)426 b(mak)-31 b(e)0 40881 +y(a)501 b(c)-31 b(hange)502 b(due)f(to)h(y)-31 b(our)501 +b(suggestion,)536 b(y)-31 b(ou)502 b(will)h(app)31 b(ear)501 +b(in)g(the)g(next)h(v)-31 b(ersion)501 b(of)h(the)0 42236 +y(con)-31 b(tributor)371 b(list)f(\(unless)f(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(ask)f(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(omitted\).)495 b(Thank)370 +b(y)-31 b(ou!)1660 44643 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Llo)-31 b(yd)371 +b(Hugh)e(Allen)h(sen)-31 b(t)370 b(in)f(a)h(correction)g(to)g(Section)g +(8.4.)1660 46805 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Yv)-31 b(on)371 b(Boulianne)g(sen) +-31 b(t)369 b(in)g(a)h(correction)g(of)f(a)h(seman)-31 +b(tic)371 b(error)d(in)h(Chapter)h(5.)1660 48968 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(F)-92 b(red)368 b(Bremmer)h(submitted)i(a)e(correction)h(in)g +(Section)g(2.1.)1660 51131 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Jonah)386 +b(Cohen)f(wrote)h(the)f(P)-31 b(erl)385 b(scripts)g(to)g(con)-31 +b(v)g(ert)386 b(the)f(LaT)-92 b(eX)385 b(source)g(for)g(this)2767 +52486 y(b)31 b(o)g(ok)370 b(in)-31 b(to)371 b(b)31 b(eautiful)371 +b(HTML.)1660 54648 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Mic)-31 b(hael)256 +b(Conlon)g(sen)-31 b(t)255 b(in)f(a)h(grammar)h(correction)f(in)f +(Chapter)h(2)g(and)g(an)f(impro)-31 b(v)g(e-)2767 56003 +y(men)g(t)449 b(in)e(st)-31 b(yle)448 b(in)g(Chapter)g(1,)467 +b(and)448 b(he)f(initiated)j(discussion)d(on)h(the)f(tec)-31 +b(hnical)2767 57358 y(asp)31 b(ects)369 b(of)h(in)-31 +b(terpreters.)p eop +%%Page: 14 14 +14 13 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xiv)27280 b(Con)-35 b(tributor)427 +b(List)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b +Fn(Benoit)371 b(Girard)e(sen)-31 b(t)369 b(in)g(a)h(correction)g(to)g +(a)f(h)-31 b(umorous)370 b(mistak)-31 b(e)371 b(in)f(Section)g(5.6.) +1660 3210 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Courtney)453 b(Gleason)f(and)g(Katherine)h +(Smith)g(wrote)f Fk(horsebet.py)p Fn(,)475 b(whic)-31 +b(h)452 b(w)-31 b(as)2767 4565 y(used)354 b(as)g(a)g(case)g(study)g(in) +g(an)g(earlier)h(v)-31 b(ersion)354 b(of)g(the)h(b)31 +b(o)g(ok.)488 b(Their)354 b(program)h(can)2767 5920 y(no)-31 +b(w)371 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(found)i(on)f(the)h(w)-31 b(ebsite.)1660 +8265 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Lee)354 b(Harr)g(submitted)h(more)f +(corrections)h(than)g(w)-31 b(e)354 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)355 +b(ro)31 b(om)355 b(to)g(list)g(here,)i(and)2767 9620 +y(indeed)370 b(he)f(should)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(listed)h(as)f(one)h(of)f +(the)h(principal)g(editors)g(of)f(the)h(text.)1660 11966 +y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(James)479 b(Ka)-31 b(ylin)479 b(is)f(a)g(studen)-31 +b(t)479 b(using)f(the)h(text.)820 b(He)478 b(has)g(submitted)h(n)-31 +b(umerous)2767 13321 y(corrections.)1660 15666 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Da)-31 b(vid)370 b(Kersha)-31 b(w)370 b(\257xed)f(the)g(brok)-31 +b(en)370 b Fk(catTwice)g Fn(function)h(in)e(Section)h(3.10.)1660 +18011 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Eddie)379 b(Lam)g(has)f(sen)-31 +b(t)379 b(in)f(n)-31 b(umerous)379 b(corrections)g(to)g(Chapters)f(1,)k +(2,)f(and)e(3.)520 b(He)2767 19366 y(also)407 b(\257xed)e(the)h(Mak)-31 +b(e\257le)406 b(so)g(that)g(it)h(creates)e(an)h(index)g(the)f(\257rst)g +(time)i(it)f(is)g(run)2767 20721 y(and)370 b(help)31 +b(ed)369 b(us)g(set)g(up)g(a)g(v)-31 b(ersioning)371 +b(sc)-31 b(heme.)1660 23066 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Man-Y)-92 +b(ong)370 b(Lee)f(sen)-31 b(t)370 b(in)f(a)h(correction)f(to)h(the)g +(example)g(co)31 b(de)370 b(in)f(Section)h(2.4.)1660 +25411 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Da)-31 b(vid)561 b(Ma)-31 b(y)g(o)560 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ted)561 b(out)f(that)h(the)f(w)-31 +b(ord)560 b(\\unconsciously")i(in)d(Chapter)i(1)2767 +26766 y(needed)369 b(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(c)-31 b(hanged)370 +b(to)g(\\sub)31 b(consciously".)1660 29112 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Chris)370 b(McAlo)31 b(on)370 b(sen)-31 b(t)369 +b(in)g(sev)-31 b(eral)370 b(corrections)g(to)g(Sections)g(3.9)g(and)f +(3.10.)1660 31457 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Matthew)348 b(J.)e(Mo)31 +b(elter)346 b(has)g(b)31 b(een)345 b(a)i(long-time)h(con)-31 +b(tributor)348 b(who)f(sen)-31 b(t)346 b(in)g(n)-31 b(umer-)2767 +32812 y(ous)369 b(corrections)h(and)g(suggestions)g(to)g(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok.)1660 35157 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Simon)366 b(Dicon)e(Mon)-31 +b(tford)365 b(rep)31 b(orted)364 b(a)g(missing)h(function)h +(de\257nition)f(and)g(sev)-31 b(eral)2767 36512 y(t)g(yp)31 +b(os)460 b(in)f(Chapter)h(3.)763 b(He)459 b(also)g(found)h(errors)e(in) +h(the)g Fk(increment)h Fn(function)h(in)2767 37867 y(Chapter)370 +b(13.)1660 40212 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(John)370 b(Ouzts)f(corrected)g(the) +g(de\257nition)i(of)f(\\return)f(v)-61 b(alue")370 b(in)f(Chapter)h(3.) +1660 42557 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Kevin)e(P)-31 b(arks)551 +b(sen)-31 b(t)551 b(in)g(v)-61 b(aluable)552 b(commen)-31 +b(ts)553 b(and)e(suggestions)h(as)f(to)g(ho)-31 b(w)552 +b(to)2767 43912 y(impro)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(the)f(distribution)h(of)e +(the)h(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)1660 46258 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Da)-31 +b(vid)453 b(P)-31 b(o)31 b(ol)453 b(sen)-31 b(t)451 b(in)h(a)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(o)452 b(in)g(the)g(glossary)g(of)g(Chapter)g(1,)473 +b(as)451 b(w)-31 b(ell)453 b(as)e(kind)2767 47613 y(w)-31 +b(ords)370 b(of)f(encouragemen)-31 b(t.)1660 49958 y +Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Mic)-31 b(hael)286 b(Sc)-31 b(hmitt)287 +b(sen)-31 b(t)285 b(in)g(a)h(correction)f(to)h(the)f(c)-31 +b(hapter)285 b(on)h(\257les)e(and)h(exceptions.)1660 +52303 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Robin)477 b(Sha)-31 b(w)476 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ted)477 b(out)g(an)f(error)f(in)h(Section)h(13.1,) +504 b(where)476 b(the)g(prin)-31 b(tTime)2767 53658 y(function)371 +b(w)-31 b(as)370 b(used)e(in)i(an)f(example)i(without)g(b)31 +b(eing)370 b(de\257ned.)1660 56003 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(P)-31 +b(aul)355 b(Sleigh)g(found)f(an)f(error)f(in)i(Chapter)g(7)g(and)f(a)h +(bug)g(in)f(Jonah)h(Cohen's)g(P)-31 b(erl)2767 57358 +y(script)370 b(that)g(generates)f(HTML)h(from)f(LaT)-92 +b(eX.)p eop +%%Page: 15 15 +15 14 bop 36846 -2070 a Fv(xv)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 +865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Craig)332 b(T.)f(Sn)-31 b(ydal)331 +b(is)f(testing)i(the)e(text)i(in)e(a)h(course)e(at)i(Drew)f(Univ)-31 +b(ersit)g(y)-92 b(.)481 b(He)330 b(has)2767 2220 y(con)-31 +b(tributed)371 b(sev)-31 b(eral)370 b(v)-61 b(aluable)370 +b(suggestions)g(and)g(corrections.)1660 4541 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Ian)337 b(Thomas)i(and)e(his)f(studen)-31 b(ts)338 +b(are)e(using)i(the)f(text)h(in)f(a)g(programming)i(course.)2767 +5896 y(They)370 b(are)e(the)h(\257rst)f(ones)h(to)h(test)f(the)g(c)-31 +b(hapters)369 b(in)g(the)g(latter)h(half)g(of)f(the)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok,)2767 7251 y(and)370 b(they)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 +b(made)f(n)-31 b(umerous)369 b(corrections)g(and)h(suggestions.)1660 +9572 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Keith)370 b(V)-92 b(erheyden)369 +b(sen)-31 b(t)369 b(in)h(a)f(correction)h(in)g(Chapter)g(3.)1660 +11893 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(P)-31 b(eter)390 b(Winstanley)h(let)f(us)f +(kno)-31 b(w)391 b(ab)31 b(out)390 b(a)g(longstanding)i(error)c(in)i +(our)f(Latin)i(in)2767 13248 y(Chapter)370 b(3.)1660 +15569 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Chris)353 b(W)-92 b(rob)31 b(el)353 +b(made)g(corrections)g(to)h(the)f(co)31 b(de)353 b(in)g(the)g(c)-31 +b(hapter)354 b(on)f(\257le)g(I/O)g(and)2767 16924 y(exceptions.)1660 +19244 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Moshe)385 b(Zadk)-61 b(a)385 +b(has)g(made)g(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(aluable)386 b(con)-31 +b(tributions)387 b(to)e(this)g(pro)61 b(ject.)540 b(In)384 +b(addi-)2767 20599 y(tion)392 b(to)f(writing)i(the)d(\257rst)g(draft)i +(of)f(the)f(c)-31 b(hapter)391 b(on)g(Dictionaries,)398 +b(he)390 b(pro)-31 b(vided)2767 21954 y(con)g(tin)g(ual)372 +b(guidance)f(in)e(the)g(early)h(stages)g(of)g(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(ok.)1660 24275 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Christoph)423 +b(Zw)-31 b(ersc)g(hk)g(e)422 b(sen)-31 b(t)422 b(sev)-31 +b(eral)421 b(corrections)h(and)g(p)31 b(edagogic)423 +b(suggestions,)2767 25630 y(and)370 b(explained)g(the)g(di\256erence)e +(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)371 b Fm(gleich)e Fn(and)h Fm(selb)-57 +b(e)p Fn(.)1660 27951 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(James)459 b(Ma)-31 +b(y)g(er)458 b(sen)-31 b(t)458 b(us)g(a)g(whole)h(slew)g(of)f(sp)31 +b(elling)460 b(and)e(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(ographical)461 b(errors,)2767 +29306 y(including)371 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(in)f(the)f(con)-31 +b(tributor)371 b(list.)1660 31627 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Ha)-31 +b(yden)326 b(McAfee)e(caugh)-31 b(t)326 b(a)f(p)31 b(oten)-31 +b(tially)328 b(confusing)e(inconsistency)g(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)325 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)2767 32982 y(examples.)1660 +35303 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Angel)324 b(Arnal)f(is)f(part)h(of)g(an)g(in) +-31 b(ternational)326 b(team)e(of)f(translators)h(w)-31 +b(orking)324 b(on)f(the)2767 36658 y(Spanish)294 b(v)-31 +b(ersion)294 b(of)g(the)f(text.)469 b(He)293 b(has)h(also)g(found)g +(sev)-31 b(eral)293 b(errors)f(in)i(the)g(English)2767 +38013 y(v)-31 b(ersion.)1660 40334 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(T)-92 +b(auhidul)378 b(Ho)31 b(que)376 b(and)g(Lex)g(Berezhn)-31 +b(y)376 b(created)g(the)g(illustrations)j(in)d(Chapter)h(1)2767 +41689 y(and)370 b(impro)-31 b(v)g(ed)370 b(man)-31 b(y)371 +b(of)f(the)f(other)h(illustrations.)1660 44010 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Dr.)453 b(Mic)-31 b(hele)254 b(Alzetta)i(caugh)-31 +b(t)254 b(an)g(error)e(in)i(Chapter)g(8)g(and)f(sen)-31 +b(t)254 b(some)f(in)-31 b(teresting)2767 45364 y(p)31 +b(edagogic)371 b(commen)-31 b(ts)371 b(and)f(suggestions)g(ab)31 +b(out)370 b(Fib)31 b(onacci)370 b(and)g(Old)f(Maid.)1660 +47685 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Andy)310 b(Mitc)-31 b(hell)311 +b(caugh)-31 b(t)311 b(a)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(o)311 b(in)f(Chapter)g(1)g +(and)g(a)g(brok)-31 b(en)309 b(example)i(in)f(Chap-)2767 +49040 y(ter)369 b(2.)1660 51361 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Kalin)250 +b(Harv)-31 b(ey)250 b(suggested)f(a)g(clari\257cation)i(in)e(Chapter)h +(7)f(and)g(caugh)-31 b(t)250 b(some)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(os.)1660 +53682 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Christopher)457 b(P)-92 b(.)456 +b(Smith)h(caugh)-31 b(t)457 b(sev)-31 b(eral)456 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(os)457 b(and)f(is)g(helping)h(us)e(prepare)g(to)2767 +55037 y(up)31 b(date)370 b(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)370 b(for)f(Python)i +(2.2.)1660 57358 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Da)-31 b(vid)370 +b(Hutc)-31 b(hins)370 b(caugh)-31 b(t)371 b(a)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(o)370 b(in)f(the)h(F)-92 b(orew)-31 b(ord.)p +eop +%%Page: 16 16 +16 15 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xvi)27280 b(Con)-35 b(tributor)427 +b(List)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b +Fn(Gregor)388 b(Lingl)i(is)e(teac)-31 b(hing)390 b(Python)g(at)f(a)f +(high)h(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)389 b(in)g(Vienna,)394 b(Austria.)551 +b(He)2767 2220 y(is)397 b(w)-31 b(orking)399 b(on)f(a)f(German)g +(translation)j(of)d(the)h(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)405 b(and)397 +b(he)g(caugh)-31 b(t)399 b(a)e(couple)2767 3575 y(of)370 +b(bad)g(errors)d(in)j(Chapter)g(5.)1660 5815 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Julie)370 b(P)-31 b(eters)369 b(caugh)-31 b(t)371 +b(a)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(o)370 b(in)f(the)h(Preface.)1660 +8056 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Florin)657 b(Oprina)f(sen)-31 +b(t)656 b(in)g(an)h(impro)-31 b(v)g(emen)g(t)658 b(in)e +Fk(makeTime)p Fn(,)730 b(a)656 b(correction)h(in)2767 +9411 y Fk(printTime)p Fn(,)371 b(and)f(a)f(nice)h(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(o.)1660 11651 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(D.)369 b(J.)h(W)-92 +b(ebre)368 b(suggested)h(a)h(clari\257cation)i(in)d(Chapter)h(3.)1660 +13892 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Ken)369 b(found)h(a)f(\257stful)h(of)g(errors) +e(in)h(Chapters)h(8,)g(9)f(and)h(11.)1660 16132 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Iv)-31 b(o)499 b(W)-92 b(ev)-31 b(er)497 b(caugh)-31 +b(t)500 b(a)e(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(o)499 b(in)g(Chapter)f(5)h(and)f +(suggested)h(a)f(clari\257cation)j(in)2767 17487 y(Chapter)370 +b(3.)1660 19728 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Curtis)370 b(Y)-92 +b(ank)-31 b(o)370 b(suggested)g(a)f(clari\257cation)j(in)e(Chapter)g +(2.)1660 21968 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Ben)408 b(Logan)g(sen)-31 +b(t)408 b(in)f(a)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)407 b(of)h(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(os)408 b(and)g(problems)f(with)i(translating)h(the)2767 +23323 y(b)31 b(o)g(ok)370 b(in)-31 b(to)371 b(HTML.)1660 +25564 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Jason)370 b(Armstrong)g(sa)-31 +b(w)370 b(the)f(missing)h(w)-31 b(ord)370 b(in)f(Chapter)h(2.)1660 +27804 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Louis)390 b(Cordier)f(noticed)h(a)f(sp)31 +b(ot)389 b(in)g(Chapter)h(16)g(where)e(the)h(co)31 b(de)389 +b(didn't)h(matc)-31 b(h)2767 29159 y(the)370 b(text.)1660 +31400 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Brian)370 b(Cain)g(suggested)g(sev)-31 +b(eral)370 b(clari\257cations)h(in)f(Chapters)f(2)h(and)f(3.)p +eop +%%Page: 17 17 +17 16 bop 0 10597 a Fo(Con)-86 b(ten)g(ts)0 18296 y Fv(F)-106 +b(orew)-35 b(ord)32329 b(v)0 21568 y(Preface)32677 b(vii)0 +24840 y(Con)-35 b(tributor)426 b(List)27245 b(xiii)0 +28111 y(1)1024 b(The)425 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 b(of)g(the)i(program)22362 +b(1)1660 30276 y Fn(1.1)1908 b(The)370 b(Python)g(programming)i +(language)411 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)1754 b(1)1660 32440 y(1.2)1908 b(What)370 +b(is)f(a)h(program?)1064 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1754 +b(3)1660 34605 y(1.3)1908 b(What)370 b(is)f(debugging?)1133 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1754 b(4)1660 36770 y(1.4)1908 +b(F)-92 b(ormal)370 b(and)g(natural)g(languages)620 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)1754 b(6)1660 38934 y(1.5)1908 b(The)370 b(\257rst)e(program)447 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1754 b(8)1660 +41099 y(1.6)1908 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1754 b(8)0 44370 y Fv(2)1024 b(V)-106 +b(ariables,)425 b(expressions)h(and)f(statemen)-35 b(ts)14197 +b(11)1660 46535 y Fn(2.1)1908 b(V)-92 b(alues)370 b(and)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es)849 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(11)1660 48700 y(2.2)1908 b(V)-92 b(ariables)330 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(12)1660 50864 y(2.3)1908 b(V)-92 b(ariable)371 b(names)e(and)h(k)-31 +b(eyw)g(ords)751 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(13)1660 53029 y(2.4)1908 +b(Statemen)-31 b(ts)1103 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(14)1660 55194 y(2.5)1908 b(Ev)-61 b(aluating)372 +b(expressions)670 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(15)1660 +57358 y(2.6)1908 b(Op)31 b(erators)369 b(and)h(op)31 +b(erands)808 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(16)p eop +%%Page: 18 18 +18 17 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xviii)30809 b(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(2.7)1908 b(Order)368 +b(of)i(op)31 b(erations)447 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(16)1660 3036 y(2.8)1908 b(Op)31 b(erations)370 b(on)g(strings)344 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(17)1660 5207 y(2.9)1908 +b(Comp)31 b(osition)366 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(18)1660 7378 y(2.10)1355 b(Commen)-31 b(ts)488 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(18)1660 9549 y(2.11)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(19)0 12829 y Fv(3)1024 +b(F)-106 b(unctions)29888 b(21)1660 15000 y Fn(3.1)1908 +b(F)-92 b(unction)370 b(calls)625 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)1200 b(21)1660 17171 y(3.2)1908 b(T)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)370 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)330 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)1200 b(22)1660 19342 y(3.3)1908 b(T)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)370 b(co)31 b(ercion)520 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(22)1660 21513 y(3.4)1908 b(Math)370 b(functions)825 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(23)1660 +23684 y(3.5)1908 b(Comp)31 b(osition)366 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(24)1660 25855 y(3.6)1908 b(Adding)370 +b(new)g(functions)1071 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.) +h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(25)1660 28026 y(3.7)1908 b(De\257nitions)370 b(and)g(use)648 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(27)1660 30197 +y(3.8)1908 b(Flo)-31 b(w)371 b(of)e(execution)509 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(28)1660 32368 y(3.9)1908 +b(P)-31 b(arameters)371 b(and)e(argumen)-31 b(ts)364 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(28)1660 34539 y(3.10)1355 b(V)-92 +b(ariables)370 b(and)g(parameters)f(are)g(lo)31 b(cal)900 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +1200 b(30)1660 36710 y(3.11)1355 b(Stac)-31 b(k)371 b(diagrams)822 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(30)1660 +38881 y(3.12)1355 b(F)-92 b(unctions)370 b(with)g(results)916 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(32)1660 41052 y(3.13)1355 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)1200 b(32)0 44332 y Fv(4)1024 b(Conditionals)426 b(and)e(recursion) +20281 b(35)1660 46503 y Fn(4.1)1908 b(The)370 b(mo)31 +b(dulus)369 b(op)31 b(erator)819 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(35)1660 48674 y(4.2)1908 b(Bo)31 b(olean)371 b(expressions)1131 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(35)1660 50845 y(4.3)1908 +b(Logical)372 b(op)31 b(erators)710 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(36)1660 53016 y(4.4)1908 b(Conditional)373 +b(execution)1047 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(37)1660 +55187 y(4.5)1908 b(Alternativ)-31 b(e)372 b(execution)398 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(37)1660 57358 y(4.6)1908 +b(Chained)371 b(conditionals)642 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(38)p eop +%%Page: 19 19 +19 18 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)31519 b(xix)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(4.7)1908 b(Nested)370 +b(conditionals)482 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(39)1660 2875 y(4.8)1908 b(The)370 b Fk(return)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)752 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(40)1660 4886 +y(4.9)1908 b(Recursion)867 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(40)1660 6896 y(4.10)1355 b(Stac)-31 +b(k)371 b(diagrams)f(for)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)368 b(functions)924 +b(.)553 b(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(42)1660 8906 y(4.11)1355 b(In\257nite)370 b(recursion)848 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(43)1660 +10917 y(4.12)1355 b(Keyb)31 b(oard)370 b(input)520 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(43)1660 12927 +y(4.13)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(44)0 16044 y Fv(5)1024 b(F)-106 +b(ruitful)425 b(functions)25544 b(47)1660 18055 y Fn(5.1)1908 +b(Return)369 b(v)-61 b(alues)652 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)1200 b(47)1660 20065 y(5.2)1908 b(Program)371 +b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)1026 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(48)1660 22075 y(5.3)1908 b(Comp)31 b(osition)366 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(51)1660 +24086 y(5.4)1908 b(Bo)31 b(olean)371 b(functions)410 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(52)1660 +26096 y(5.5)1908 b(More)369 b(recursion)968 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(53)1660 28106 y(5.6)1908 b(Leap)370 +b(of)f(faith)1124 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(55)1660 30117 y(5.7)1908 b(One)369 b(more)h(example)859 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(56)1660 32127 +y(5.8)1908 b(Chec)-31 b(king)371 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)855 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(57)1660 +34137 y(5.9)1908 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(58)0 37255 y Fv(6)1024 b(Iteration)30361 +b(59)1660 39265 y Fn(6.1)1908 b(Multiple)371 b(assignmen)-31 +b(t)1004 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(59)1660 +41275 y(6.2)1908 b(The)370 b Fk(while)f Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)473 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(60)1660 +43286 y(6.3)1908 b(T)-92 b(ables)794 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(62)1660 45296 y(6.4)1908 +b(Tw)-31 b(o-dimensional)373 b(tables)1096 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(64)1660 47306 y(6.5)1908 b(Encapsulation)372 b(and)e(generalization) +747 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)1200 b(65)1660 49317 y(6.6)1908 b(More)369 b(encapsulation)485 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(66)1660 51327 +y(6.7)1908 b(Lo)31 b(cal)370 b(v)-61 b(ariables)991 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(67)1660 53337 +y(6.8)1908 b(More)369 b(generalization)d(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)1200 b(68)1660 55348 y(6.9)1908 b(F)-92 b(unctions)932 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(69)1660 57358 y(6.10)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(70)p eop +%%Page: 20 20 +20 19 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xx)31871 b(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(7)1024 b(Strings)31332 b(71)1660 +2995 y Fn(7.1)1908 b(A)370 b(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(data)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)431 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(71)1660 +5126 y(7.2)1908 b(Length)508 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(72)1660 7256 y(7.3)1908 b(T)-92 +b(ra)-31 b(v)g(ersal)370 b(and)g(the)f Fk(for)h Fn(lo)31 +b(op)336 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(72)1660 9386 y(7.4)1908 +b(String)370 b(slices)692 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(74)1660 11516 y(7.5)1908 b(String)370 b(comparison)1127 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(74)1660 13647 +y(7.6)1908 b(Strings)370 b(are)f(imm)-31 b(utable)913 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(75)1660 15777 y(7.7)1908 +b(A)370 b Fk(find)f Fn(function)352 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)1200 b(76)1660 17907 y(7.8)1908 b(Lo)31 b(oping)371 +b(and)e(coun)-31 b(ting)1063 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(76)1660 20037 y(7.9)1908 b(The)370 b Fk(string)g Fn(mo)31 +b(dule)1126 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(77)1660 +22167 y(7.10)1355 b(Character)370 b(classi\257cation)384 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(78)1660 24298 y(7.11)1355 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)1200 b(79)0 27535 y Fv(8)1024 b(Lists)32638 b(81)1660 +29665 y Fn(8.1)1908 b(List)370 b(v)-61 b(alues)464 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(81)1660 +31795 y(8.2)1908 b(Accessing)370 b(elemen)-31 b(ts)751 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(82)1660 33926 +y(8.3)1908 b(List)370 b(length)379 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(83)1660 36056 y(8.4)1908 b(List)370 +b(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(ership)984 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(84)1660 38186 y(8.5)1908 b(Lists)369 b(and)h Fk(for)f +Fn(lo)31 b(ops)499 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(84)1660 40316 y(8.6)1908 b(List)370 b(op)31 b(erations)954 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(85)1660 +42447 y(8.7)1908 b(List)370 b(slices)919 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(86)1660 44577 y(8.8)1908 +b(Lists)369 b(are)g(m)-31 b(utable)648 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)1200 b(86)1660 46707 y(8.9)1908 b(List)370 b(deletion)441 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(87)1660 48837 y(8.10)1355 b(Ob)61 b(jects)370 b(and)g(v)-61 +b(alues)756 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(88)1660 +50967 y(8.11)1355 b(Aliasing)857 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(89)1660 53098 y(8.12)1355 +b(Cloning)372 b(lists)449 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)1200 b(89)1660 55228 y(8.13)1355 b(List)370 b(parameters)612 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(90)1660 +57358 y(8.14)1355 b(Nested)370 b(lists)904 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(91)p eop +%%Page: 21 21 +21 20 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)31519 b(xxi)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(8.15)1355 b(Matrixes)514 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(91)1660 2992 y(8.16)1355 b(Strings)370 b(and)f(lists)379 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(92)1660 +5119 y(8.17)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(93)0 8353 y Fv(9)1024 b(T)-106 +b(uples)31624 b(95)1660 10480 y Fn(9.1)1908 b(Mutabilit)-31 +b(y)372 b(and)e(tuples)1101 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 +b(95)1660 12607 y(9.2)1908 b(T)-92 b(uple)370 b(assignmen)-31 +b(t)635 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(96)1660 +14733 y(9.3)1908 b(T)-92 b(uples)370 b(as)f(return)f(v)-61 +b(alues)437 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(97)1660 +16860 y(9.4)1908 b(Random)371 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)528 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(97)1660 +18987 y(9.5)1908 b(List)370 b(of)f(random)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)858 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)1200 b(98)1660 21114 y(9.6)1908 +b(Coun)-31 b(ting)310 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)1200 b(99)1660 23241 y(9.7)1908 b(Man)-31 b(y)370 +b(buc)-31 b(k)g(ets)640 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(100)1660 25368 y(9.8)1908 b(A)370 b(single-pass)f(solution)285 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(102)1660 27495 y(9.9)1908 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(103)0 30729 y Fv(10)388 b(Dictionaries)27951 +b(105)1660 32855 y Fn(10.1)1355 b(Dictionary)371 b(op)31 +b(erations)281 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(106)1660 +34982 y(10.2)1355 b(Dictionary)371 b(metho)31 b(ds)345 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(107)1660 37109 +y(10.3)1355 b(Aliasing)372 b(and)d(cop)-31 b(ying)672 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(108)1660 39236 y(10.4)1355 +b(Sparse)369 b(matrices)1489 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(108)1660 41363 y(10.5)1355 b(Hin)-31 b(ts)456 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(109)1660 43490 y(10.6)1355 b(Long)370 b(in)-31 b(tegers)837 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(111)1660 +45617 y(10.7)1355 b(Coun)-31 b(ting)372 b(letters)360 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(112)1660 +47744 y(10.8)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(112)0 50977 y Fv(11)388 b(Files)425 +b(and)f(exceptions)23340 b(115)1660 53104 y Fn(11.1)1355 +b(T)-92 b(ext)370 b(\257les)332 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(117)1660 55231 y(11.2)1355 +b(W)-92 b(riting)370 b(v)-61 b(ariables)788 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(118)1660 57358 y(11.3)1355 b(Directories)403 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(121)p eop +%%Page: 22 22 +22 21 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xxii)31163 b(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(11.4)1355 b(Pic)-31 +b(kling)879 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(121)1660 2992 y(11.5)1355 b(Exceptions)349 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(122)1660 +5119 y(11.6)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(124)0 8353 y Fv(12)388 b(Classes)425 +b(and)g(ob)71 b(jects)23808 b(127)1660 10480 y Fn(12.1)1355 +b(User-de\257ned)369 b(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es)784 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(127)1660 12607 y(12.2)1355 b(A)-31 +b(ttributes)638 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(128)1660 14733 y(12.3)1355 b(Instances)369 b(as)g(parameters)954 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(129)1660 16860 y(12.4)1355 +b(Sameness)1064 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(129)1660 18987 y(12.5)1355 b(Rectangles)441 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(131)1660 +21114 y(12.6)1355 b(Instances)369 b(as)g(return)g(v)-61 +b(alues)861 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(132)1660 23241 y(12.7)1355 +b(Ob)61 b(jects)370 b(are)f(m)-31 b(utable)946 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(132)1660 25368 y(12.8)1355 +b(Cop)-31 b(ying)771 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)647 b(133)1660 27495 y(12.9)1355 b(Glossary)592 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(135)0 30729 y Fv(13)388 b(Classes)425 b(and)g(functions)22694 +b(137)1660 32855 y Fn(13.1)1355 b(Time)524 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(137)1660 +34982 y(13.2)1355 b(Pure)369 b(functions)284 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(138)1660 +37109 y(13.3)1355 b(Mo)31 b(di\257ers)1128 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(139)1660 39236 y(13.4)1355 +b(Whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(b)31 b(etter?)1005 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(140)1660 41363 y(13.5)1355 +b(Protot)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)371 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)372 +b(v)-31 b(ersus)368 b(planning)1105 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(141)1660 43490 y(13.6)1355 +b(Generalization)330 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(142)1660 45617 y(13.7)1355 b(Algorithms)1100 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(142)1660 +47744 y(13.8)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(143)0 50977 y Fv(14)388 b(Classes)425 +b(and)g(metho)35 b(ds)23031 b(145)1660 53104 y Fn(14.1)1355 +b(Ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)372 b(features)787 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(145)1660 55231 y(14.2)1355 b Fk(printTime)398 +b Fn(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(146)1660 57358 y(14.3)1355 b(Another)370 b(example)767 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(147)p eop +%%Page: 23 23 +23 22 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)30812 b(xxiii)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(14.4)1355 b(A)370 b(more)f +(complicated)j(example)1013 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(148)1660 +3036 y(14.5)1355 b(Optional)372 b(argumen)-31 b(ts)299 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(149)1660 5207 +y(14.6)1355 b(The)370 b(initialization)k(metho)31 b(d)985 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(150)1660 7378 y(14.7)1355 b(P)-31 +b(oin)g(ts)371 b(revisited)708 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(151)1660 9549 y(14.8)1355 b(Op)31 b(erator)370 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(erloading)516 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(152)1660 11720 y(14.9)1355 b(P)-31 b(olymorphism)378 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(153)1660 +13891 y(14.10)802 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(155)0 17171 y Fv(15)388 b(Sets)426 +b(of)e(ob)71 b(jects)26510 b(157)1660 19342 y Fn(15.1)1355 +b(Comp)31 b(osition)366 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)647 b(157)1660 21513 y(15.2)1355 b Fk(Card)370 b +Fn(ob)61 b(jects)376 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(157)1660 23684 y(15.3)1355 b(Class)370 b(attributes)h(and)e(the)p +17126 23684 349 45 v 17545 23684 V 1206 w Fk(str)p 19706 +23684 V 20125 23684 V 1207 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)743 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(159)1660 +25855 y(15.4)1355 b(Comparing)372 b(cards)817 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(160)1660 28026 y(15.5)1355 +b(Dec)-31 b(ks)1085 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(161)1660 30197 y(15.6)1355 b(Prin)-31 +b(ting)371 b(the)f(dec)-31 b(k)658 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(161)1660 32368 y(15.7)1355 b(Sh)-31 b(u\262ing)371 +b(the)e(dec)-31 b(k)431 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(163)1660 34539 y(15.8)1355 b(Remo)-31 b(ving)372 b(and)d(dealing)i +(cards)559 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(164)1660 36710 y(15.9)1355 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(165)0 39990 y Fv(16)388 b(Inheritance)28293 +b(167)1660 42161 y Fn(16.1)1355 b(Inheritance)1043 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(167)1660 +44332 y(16.2)1355 b(A)370 b(hand)f(of)h(cards)451 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(168)1660 46503 +y(16.3)1355 b(Dealing)371 b(cards)774 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(169)1660 48674 y(16.4)1355 b(Prin)-31 +b(ting)371 b(a)f(Hand)320 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(169)1660 50845 y(16.5)1355 b(The)370 b Fk(CardGame)g +Fn(class)412 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(171)1660 +53016 y(16.6)1355 b Fk(OldMaidHand)371 b Fn(class)944 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(171)1660 55187 +y(16.7)1355 b Fk(OldMaidGame)371 b Fn(class)944 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(173)1660 57358 y(16.8)1355 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(177)p eop +%%Page: 24 24 +24 23 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xxiv)30845 b(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(17)388 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)28236 b(179)1660 3036 y Fn(17.1)1355 b(Em)-31 +b(b)31 b(edded)370 b(references)586 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(179)1660 5207 y(17.2)1355 b(The)370 b Fk(Node)f Fn(class)1015 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(179)1660 +7378 y(17.3)1355 b(Lists)369 b(as)h(collections)915 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(181)1660 9549 y(17.4)1355 +b(Lists)369 b(and)h(recursion)728 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(182)1660 11720 y(17.5)1355 b(In\257nite)370 b(lists)726 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(183)1660 13891 y(17.6)1355 b(The)370 b(fundamen)-31 +b(tal)372 b(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)372 b(theorem)736 b(.)554 +b(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(184)1660 16062 y(17.7)1355 b(Mo)31 b(difying)371 b(lists)1003 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(184)1660 +18233 y(17.8)1355 b(W)-92 b(rapp)31 b(ers)368 b(and)h(help)31 +b(ers)1054 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(185)1660 20404 +y(17.9)1355 b(The)370 b Fk(LinkedList)g Fn(class)972 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(186)1660 22575 y(17.10)802 +b(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(ts)822 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(187)1660 24746 y(17.11)802 +b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(188)0 28026 y Fv(18)388 b(Stac)-35 b(ks)31095 +b(189)1660 30197 y Fn(18.1)1355 b(Abstract)370 b(data)h(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es)1122 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(189)1660 +32368 y(18.2)1355 b(The)370 b(Stac)-31 b(k)370 b(ADT)446 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(190)1660 +34539 y(18.3)1355 b(Implemen)-31 b(ting)372 b(stac)-31 +b(ks)370 b(with)g(Python)h(lists)760 b(.)553 b(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(190)1660 36710 y(18.4)1355 +b(Pushing)370 b(and)g(p)31 b(opping)471 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +647 b(191)1660 38881 y(18.5)1355 b(Using)370 b(a)g(stac)-31 +b(k)370 b(to)g(ev)-61 b(aluate)370 b(p)31 b(ost\257x)997 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)647 b(192)1660 41052 y(18.6)1355 b(P)-31 b(arsing)284 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(192)1660 43223 y(18.7)1355 b(Ev)-61 b(aluating)372 +b(p)31 b(ost\257x)1086 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(193)1660 45394 y(18.8)1355 b(Clien)-31 b(ts)371 b(and)f(pro)-31 +b(viders)473 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(194)1660 +47565 y(18.9)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(195)0 50845 y Fv(19)388 b(Queues)30583 +b(197)1660 53016 y Fn(19.1)1355 b(The)370 b(Queue)f(ADT)876 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(197)1660 +55187 y(19.2)1355 b(Link)-31 b(ed)370 b(Queue)630 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(198)1660 +57358 y(19.3)1355 b(P)-31 b(erformance)371 b(c)-31 b(haracteristics)945 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(199)p eop +%%Page: 25 25 +25 24 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)31201 b(xxv)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fn(19.4)1355 b(Impro)-31 +b(v)g(ed)370 b(Link)-31 b(ed)370 b(Queue)873 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(199)1660 3171 y(19.5)1355 b(Priorit)-31 +b(y)371 b(queue)409 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(201)1660 5476 y(19.6)1355 b(The)370 b Fk(Golfer)g Fn(class)713 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(203)1660 +7782 y(19.7)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(204)0 11242 y Fv(20)388 b(T)-106 +b(rees)31649 b(205)1660 13548 y Fn(20.1)1355 b(Building)371 +b(trees)590 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(206)1660 15853 y(20.2)1355 b(T)-92 b(ra)-31 b(v)g(ersing)370 +b(trees)501 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(207)1660 18159 y(20.3)1355 b(Expression)370 b(trees)328 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(207)1660 +20465 y(20.4)1355 b(T)-92 b(ree)369 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal)693 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(208)1660 +22770 y(20.5)1355 b(Building)371 b(an)f(expression)f(tree)1042 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(210)1660 25076 y(20.6)1355 b(Handling)371 +b(errors)660 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(214)1660 27381 y(20.7)1355 b(The)370 b(animal)h(tree)458 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(214)1660 +29687 y(20.8)1355 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(217)0 33147 y Fv(A)698 b(Debugging)28679 +b(219)1660 35453 y Fn(A.1)1631 b(Syn)-31 b(tax)371 b(errors)844 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(219)1660 +37759 y(A.2)1631 b(Run)-31 b(time)371 b(errors)890 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(221)1660 40064 +y(A.3)1631 b(Seman)-31 b(tic)371 b(errors)660 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(225)0 43525 +y Fv(B)754 b(Creating)426 b(a)e(new)i(data)e(t)-35 b(yp)35 +b(e)20359 b(229)1660 45830 y Fn(B.1)1677 b(F)-92 b(raction)370 +b(m)-31 b(ultiplication)540 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(230)1660 48136 y(B.2)1677 b(F)-92 b(raction)370 b(addition)691 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(232)1660 +50441 y(B.3)1677 b(Euclid's)371 b(algorithm)1054 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(232)1660 52747 y(B.4)1677 +b(Comparing)372 b(fractions)911 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(233)1660 55053 y(B.5)1677 b(T)-92 b(aking)371 b(it)f(further)916 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(234)1660 +57358 y(B.6)1677 b(Glossary)592 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(235)p eop +%%Page: 26 26 +26 25 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(xxvi)30845 b(Con)-35 b(ten)g(ts)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(C)741 b(Recommendations)426 +b(for)f(further)h(reading)13564 b(237)1660 3030 y Fn(C.1)1662 +b(Python-related)372 b(w)-31 b(eb)369 b(sites)h(and)f(b)31 +b(o)g(oks)394 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(238)1660 5195 y(C.2)1662 b(Recommended)370 +b(general)g(computer)g(science)f(b)31 b(o)g(oks)1073 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(239)0 8468 +y Fv(D)684 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 b(ree)426 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 +b(tation)426 b(License)15380 b(241)1660 10633 y Fn(D.1)1615 +b(Applicabilit)-31 b(y)373 b(and)d(De\257nitions)1117 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(242)1660 12798 y(D.2)1615 b(V)-92 b(erbatim)371 +b(Cop)-31 b(ying)1075 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(243)1660 14963 y(D.3)1615 b(Cop)-31 b(ying)372 b(in)d(Quan)-31 +b(tit)g(y)802 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(243)1660 +17128 y(D.4)1615 b(Mo)31 b(di\257cations)826 b(.)554 +b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(244)1660 +19293 y(D.5)1615 b(Com)-31 b(bining)372 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(ts)625 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(246)1660 21458 +y(D.6)1615 b(Collections)372 b(of)e(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(ts)1049 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(247)1660 23624 y(D.7)1615 +b(Aggregation)372 b(with)f(Indep)31 b(enden)-31 b(t)369 +b(W)-92 b(orks)356 b(.)554 b(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.) +g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(247)1660 25789 y(D.8)1615 b(T)-92 b(ranslation)977 +b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f +(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 +b(247)1660 27954 y(D.9)1615 b(T)-92 b(ermination)553 +b(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(248)1660 +30119 y(D.10)1062 b(F)-92 b(uture)369 b(Revisions)g(of)h(This)g +(License)1002 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)647 b(248)1660 32284 y(D.11)1062 b(Addendum:)493 +b(Ho)-31 b(w)371 b(to)f(Use)f(This)g(License)g(for)g(Y)-92 +b(our)369 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(ts)523 b(.)554 b(.)g(.)647 +b(248)p eop +%%Page: 1 27 +1 26 bop 0 10080 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(1)0 16539 y Fo(The)1033 +b(w)-86 b(a)g(y)1032 b(of)h(the)g(program)0 23179 y Fn(The)423 +b(goal)i(of)f(this)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok)424 b(is)f(to)h(teac)-31 +b(h)424 b(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(to)g(think)g(lik)-31 b(e)425 +b(a)e(computer)h(scien)-31 b(tist.)657 b(This)0 24534 +y(w)-31 b(a)g(y)293 b(of)f(thinking)i(com)-31 b(bines)293 +b(some)f(of)g(the)g(b)31 b(est)292 b(features)g(of)g(mathematics,)310 +b(engineering,)0 25889 y(and)408 b(natural)g(science.)608 +b(Lik)-31 b(e)408 b(mathematicians,)421 b(computer)408 +b(scien)-31 b(tists)408 b(use)f(formal)i(lan-)0 27244 +y(guages)379 b(to)f(denote)h(ideas)f(\(sp)31 b(eci\257cally)380 +b(computations\).)522 b(Lik)-31 b(e)379 b(engineers,)h(they)f(design)0 +28599 y(things,)346 b(assem)-31 b(bling)341 b(comp)31 +b(onen)-31 b(ts)340 b(in)-31 b(to)340 b(systems)f(and)g(ev)-61 +b(aluating)341 b(tradeo\256s)e(among)h(al-)0 29954 y(ternativ)-31 +b(es.)512 b(Lik)-31 b(e)376 b(scien)-31 b(tists,)379 +b(they)c(observ)-31 b(e)376 b(the)f(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)377 +b(of)e(complex)i(systems,)g(form)0 31309 y(h)-31 b(yp)31 +b(otheses,)370 b(and)f(test)h(predictions.)0 33521 y(The)412 +b(single)g(most)h(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)414 b(skill)f(for)e(a)h +(computer)h(scien)-31 b(tist)412 b(is)g Fv(problem)474 +b(solving)p Fn(.)0 34876 y(Problem)284 b(solving)g(means)g(the)f +(abilit)-31 b(y)285 b(to)f(form)-31 b(ulate)285 b(problems,)301 +b(think)284 b(creativ)-31 b(ely)285 b(ab)31 b(out)0 36231 +y(solutions,)486 b(and)461 b(express)e(a)i(solution)i(clearly)f(and)f +(accurately)-92 b(.)768 b(As)461 b(it)h(turns)e(out,)485 +b(the)0 37586 y(pro)31 b(cess)356 b(of)i(learning)g(to)g(program)g(is)f +(an)g(excellen)-31 b(t)359 b(opp)31 b(ortunit)-31 b(y)359 +b(to)f(practice)g(problem-)0 38941 y(solving)371 b(skills.)493 +b(That's)371 b(wh)-31 b(y)370 b(this)f(c)-31 b(hapter)370 +b(is)f(called,)i(\\The)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)370 b(of)g(the)g(program.")0 +41153 y(On)287 b(one)h(lev)-31 b(el,)306 b(y)-31 b(ou)288 +b(will)h(b)31 b(e)287 b(learning)i(to)f(program,)305 +b(a)288 b(useful)g(skill)h(b)-31 b(y)287 b(itself.)467 +b(On)287 b(another)0 42508 y(lev)-31 b(el,)330 b(y)-31 +b(ou)318 b(will)i(use)d(programming)j(as)d(a)h(means)g(to)h(an)f(end.) +475 b(As)317 b(w)-31 b(e)319 b(go)f(along,)330 b(that)319 +b(end)0 43863 y(will)371 b(b)31 b(ecome)370 b(clearer.)0 +48516 y Fl(1.1)1793 b(The)598 b(Python)h(programming)g(language)0 +51081 y Fn(The)332 b(programming)i(language)h(y)-31 b(ou)332 +b(will)i(b)31 b(e)332 b(learning)h(is)f(Python.)481 b(Python)334 +b(is)e(an)g(exam-)0 52436 y(ple)321 b(of)h(a)f Fv(high-lev)-35 +b(el)369 b(language)p Fn(;)339 b(other)321 b(high-lev)-31 +b(el)323 b(languages)g(y)-31 b(ou)321 b(migh)-31 b(t)323 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)322 b(heard)0 53791 y(of)370 b(are)f(C,)h(C++,)g(P)-31 +b(erl,)370 b(and)f(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 b(a.)0 56003 y(As)455 +b(y)-31 b(ou)457 b(migh)-31 b(t)457 b(infer)f(from)g(the)g(name)h +(\\high-lev)-31 b(el)458 b(language,")480 b(there)456 +b(are)f(also)i Fv(lo)-35 b(w-)0 57358 y(lev)g(el)463 +b(languages)p Fn(,)414 b(sometimes)405 b(referred)d(to)i(as)g(\\mac)-31 +b(hine)405 b(languages")h(or)d(\\assem)-31 b(bly)p eop +%%Page: 2 28 +2 27 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(2)24022 b(The)424 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 +b(of)h(the)g(program)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(languages.")488 +b(Lo)31 b(osely)347 b(sp)31 b(eaking,)353 b(computers)347 +b(can)g(only)h(execute)f(programs)h(written)g(in)0 2220 +y(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)321 b(languages.)477 b(Th)-31 b(us,)329 +b(programs)318 b(written)h(in)g(a)f(high-lev)-31 b(el)320 +b(language)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)319 b(to)f(b)31 b(e)0 3575 +y(pro)g(cessed)354 b(b)31 b(efore)355 b(they)g(can)h(run.)487 +b(This)355 b(extra)h(pro)31 b(cessing)355 b(tak)-31 b(es)356 +b(some)f(time,)360 b(whic)-31 b(h)356 b(is)0 4930 y(a)369 +b(small)i(disadv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)371 b(of)f(high-lev)-31 +b(el)371 b(languages.)0 7587 y(But)518 b(the)f(adv)-61 +b(an)-31 b(tages)519 b(are)e(enormous.)937 b(First,)554 +b(it)518 b(is)f(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)518 b(easier)f(to)h(program)g(in)g(a)0 +8942 y(high-lev)-31 b(el)445 b(language.)714 b(Programs)444 +b(written)f(in)g(a)g(high-lev)-31 b(el)444 b(language)h(tak)-31 +b(e)444 b(less)e(time)0 10297 y(to)471 b(write,)496 b(they)471 +b(are)e(shorter)h(and)g(easier)g(to)h(read,)495 b(and)470 +b(they)h(are)e(more)i(lik)-31 b(ely)472 b(to)e(b)31 b(e)0 +11652 y(correct.)965 b(Second,)567 b(high-lev)-31 b(el)528 +b(languages)h(are)d Fv(p)35 b(ortable)p Fn(,)568 b(meaning)529 +b(that)f(they)f(can)0 13007 y(run)486 b(on)g(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)487 b(kinds)f(of)h(computers)f(with)i(few)f(or)f(no)g(mo)31 +b(di\257cations.)847 b(Lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)0 14362 y(programs)317 +b(can)f(run)f(on)i(only)g(one)f(kind)h(of)f(computer)h(and)f(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)317 b(to)g(b)31 b(e)316 b(rewritten)h(to)g(run)0 +15716 y(on)369 b(another.)0 18374 y(Due)252 b(to)i(these)e(adv)-61 +b(an)-31 b(tages,)278 b(almost)255 b(all)f(programs)f(are)g(written)h +(in)f(high-lev)-31 b(el)255 b(languages.)0 19728 y(Lo)-31 +b(w-lev)g(el)371 b(languages)g(are)e(used)g(only)h(for)f(a)h(few)g(sp) +31 b(ecialized)370 b(applications.)0 22385 y(Tw)-31 b(o)482 +b(kinds)e(of)h(programs)f(pro)31 b(cess)479 b(high-lev)-31 +b(el)483 b(languages)f(in)-31 b(to)482 b(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)483 +b(languages:)0 23740 y Fv(in)-35 b(terpreters)433 b Fn(and)f +Fv(compilers)p Fn(.)680 b(An)431 b(in)-31 b(terpreter)432 +b(reads)f(a)h(high-lev)-31 b(el)433 b(program)g(and)0 +25095 y(executes)382 b(it,)k(meaning)d(that)g(it)g(do)31 +b(es)381 b(what)i(the)f(program)g(sa)-31 b(ys.)530 b(It)382 +b(pro)31 b(cesses)380 b(the)i(pro-)0 26450 y(gram)370 +b(a)f(little)j(at)e(a)f(time,)i(alternately)h(reading)e(lines)f(and)h +(p)31 b(erforming)370 b(computations.)6005 27829 y + 15499581 3646961 0 0 17366384 4078469 startTexFig + 6005 +27829 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/interpret.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: interpret.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 7 16:26:37 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 264 62 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind 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+7.500 slw +gs clippath +1236 787 m 1236 697 l 1024 697 l 1204 742 l 1024 787 l cp +eoclip +n 892 742 m + 1221 742 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1024 787 m 1204 742 l 1024 697 l col0 s +% Polyline +15.000 slw +n 67 442 m 742 442 l 892 592 l 892 1342 l 67 1342 l + 67 442 l cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 742 442 m 742 592 l + 892 592 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +15.000 slw +n 1304 540 m 2274 540 l 2274 1327 l 1304 1327 l + cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2274 1225 m 2371 1327 l 2371 961 l + 2274 1066 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +7.500 slw +gs clippath +2721 1162 m 2721 1072 l 2509 1072 l 2689 1117 l 2509 1162 l cp +eoclip +n 2377 1117 m + 2706 1117 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2509 1162 m 2689 1117 l 2509 1072 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2775 1125 m +gs 1 -1 sc (CODE) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2775 900 m +gs 1 -1 sc (OBJECT) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4005 975 m +gs 1 -1 sc (EXECUTOR) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf 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y(Python)h(1.5.2)g(\(#1,)g(Feb)f(1)h(2000,)f(16:32:16\))0 +3575 y(Copyright)h(1991-1995)h(Stichting)f(Mathematish)h(Centrum,)g +(Amsterdam)0 4930 y(>>>)f(print)f(1)h(+)f(1)0 6285 y(2)0 +8616 y Fn(The)289 b(\257rst)f(line)i(of)f(this)g(example)h(is)f(the)g +(command)h(that)g(starts)f(the)g(Python)h(in)-31 b(terpreter.)0 +9971 y(The)322 b(next)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)324 b(lines)e(are)g(messages)g +(from)h(the)f(in)-31 b(terpreter.)477 b(The)322 b(third)h(line)g +(starts)f(with)0 11326 y Fk(>>>)p Fn(,)431 b(whic)-31 +b(h)420 b(is)e(the)h(prompt)g(the)f(in)-31 b(terpreter)419 +b(uses)e(to)i(indicate)i(that)e(it)g(is)g(ready)-92 b(.)640 +b(W)-92 b(e)0 12681 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(ed)370 b Fk(print)582 +b(1)f(+)g(1)p Fn(,)370 b(and)f(the)h(in)-31 b(terpreter)369 +b(replied)g Fk(2)p Fn(.)0 14931 y(Alternativ)-31 b(ely)-92 +b(,)287 b(y)-31 b(ou)263 b(can)g(write)g(a)g(program)g(in)g(a)g(\257le) +f(and)h(use)f(the)h(in)-31 b(terpreter)262 b(to)h(execute)0 +16286 y(the)403 b(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)405 b(of)f(the)f(\257le.)595 +b(Suc)-31 b(h)403 b(a)h(\257le)f(is)h(called)g(a)g Fv(script)p +Fn(.)594 b(F)-92 b(or)403 b(example,)413 b(w)-31 b(e)404 +b(used)f(a)0 17641 y(text)370 b(editor)g(to)g(create)g(a)f(\257le)g +(named)h Fk(latoya.py)h Fn(with)f(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)372 +b(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts:)0 19972 y Fk(print)582 b(1)f(+)g(1)0 +22303 y Fn(By)433 b(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tion,)451 b(\257les)433 +b(that)h(con)-31 b(tain)434 b(Python)g(programs)f(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)434 b(names)f(that)g(end)g(with)0 23658 y Fk(.py)p +Fn(.)0 25908 y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(execute)f(the)h(program,)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(tell)g(the)g(in)-31 +b(terpreter)369 b(the)h(name)g(of)f(the)h(script:)0 28239 +y Fk($)581 b(python)h(latoya.py)0 29594 y(2)0 31925 y +Fn(In)353 b(other)h(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)356 b(en)-31 +b(vironmen)g(ts,)358 b(the)c(details)h(of)f(executing)h(programs)f(ma) +-31 b(y)354 b(dif-)0 33280 y(fer.)492 b(Also,)371 b(most)f(programs)f +(are)g(more)h(in)-31 b(teresting)371 b(than)e(this)h(one.)0 +35530 y(Most)347 b(of)h(the)g(examples)g(in)f(this)h(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)348 b(are)f(executed)g(on)h(the)f(command)i(line.)486 +b(W)-92 b(orking)0 36885 y(on)447 b(the)g(command)h(line)f(is)f(con)-31 +b(v)g(enien)g(t)449 b(for)e(program)g(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)449 +b(and)e(testing,)467 b(b)31 b(e-)0 38240 y(cause)379 +b(y)-31 b(ou)379 b(can)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)380 b(programs)f(and)g +(execute)g(them)h(immediately)-92 b(.)525 b(Once)378 +b(y)-31 b(ou)380 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)380 b(a)0 39595 y(w)-31 +b(orking)398 b(program,)405 b(y)-31 b(ou)397 b(should)f(store)h(it)g +(in)g(a)f(script)g(so)h(y)-31 b(ou)397 b(can)f(execute)h(or)f(mo)31 +b(dify)0 40950 y(it)370 b(in)f(the)h(future.)0 45716 +y Fl(1.2)1793 b(What)598 b(is)g(a)g(program?)0 48333 +y Fn(A)384 b Fv(program)i Fn(is)e(a)g(sequence)g(of)h(instructions)g +(that)h(sp)31 b(eci\257es)383 b(ho)-31 b(w)386 b(to)f(p)31 +b(erform)384 b(a)g(com-)0 49688 y(putation.)521 b(The)378 +b(computation)j(migh)-31 b(t)380 b(b)31 b(e)378 b(something)h +(mathematical,)385 b(suc)-31 b(h)377 b(as)h(solving)0 +51043 y(a)367 b(system)g(of)h(equations)g(or)f(\257nding)g(the)g(ro)31 +b(ots)367 b(of)h(a)f(p)31 b(olynomial,)371 b(but)c(it)g(can)h(also)f(b) +31 b(e)367 b(a)0 52398 y(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(olic)428 b(computation,)444 +b(suc)-31 b(h)426 b(as)g(searc)-31 b(hing)427 b(and)g(replacing)g(text) +g(in)g(a)g(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)427 b(or)0 53753 y(\(strangely)371 +b(enough\))f(compiling)i(a)d(program.)0 56003 y(The)478 +b(details)h(lo)31 b(ok)479 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)478 b(in)g(di\256eren) +-31 b(t)478 b(languages,)507 b(but)478 b(a)g(few)g(basic)g +(instructions)0 57358 y(app)31 b(ear)369 b(in)h(just)f(ab)31 +b(out)370 b(ev)-31 b(ery)369 b(language:)p eop +%%Page: 4 30 +4 29 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4)24022 b(The)424 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 +b(of)h(the)g(program)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(input:)553 +b Fn(Get)370 b(data)g(from)g(the)f(k)-31 b(eyb)31 b(oard,)371 +b(a)e(\257le,)h(or)f(some)g(other)h(device.)0 2891 y +Fv(output:)554 b Fn(Displa)-31 b(y)370 b(data)h(on)e(the)h(screen)e(or) +h(send)f(data)j(to)f(a)f(\257le)h(or)f(other)g(device.)0 +4917 y Fv(math:)553 b Fn(P)-31 b(erform)289 b(basic)g(mathematical)j +(op)31 b(erations)289 b(lik)-31 b(e)290 b(addition)g(and)f(m)-31 +b(ultiplication.)0 6943 y Fv(conditional)424 b(execution:)555 +b Fn(Chec)-31 b(k)406 b(for)f(certain)h(conditions)g(and)g(execute)f +(the)h(appro-)2767 8298 y(priate)370 b(sequence)f(of)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts.)0 10323 y Fv(rep)35 b(etition:)555 b Fn(P)-31 b(erform)370 +b(some)f(action)i(rep)31 b(eatedly)-92 b(,)370 b(usually)h(with)f(some) +g(v)-61 b(ariation.)0 12309 y(Believ)-31 b(e)288 b(it)f(or)f(not,)304 +b(that's)288 b(prett)-31 b(y)287 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)287 +b(all)g(there)f(is)g(to)i(it.)465 b(Ev)-31 b(ery)287 +b(program)g(y)-31 b(ou'v)g(e)288 b(ev)-31 b(er)0 13664 +y(used,)363 b(no)e(matter)i(ho)-31 b(w)362 b(complicated,)k(is)c(made)g +(up)f(of)h(instructions)g(that)h(lo)31 b(ok)362 b(more)g(or)0 +15019 y(less)399 b(lik)-31 b(e)400 b(these.)583 b(Th)-31 +b(us,)407 b(w)-31 b(e)400 b(can)f(describ)31 b(e)398 +b(programming)k(as)d(the)g(pro)31 b(cess)398 b(of)i(breaking)0 +16373 y(a)414 b(large,)426 b(complex)416 b(task)e(in)-31 +b(to)416 b(smaller)e(and)g(smaller)h(subtasks)f(un)-31 +b(til)415 b(the)f(subtasks)g(are)0 17728 y(simple)370 +b(enough)g(to)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(p)31 b(erformed)369 b(with)h(one)f(of)h +(these)f(basic)h(instructions.)0 19663 y(That)393 b(ma)-31 +b(y)392 b(b)31 b(e)391 b(a)h(little)h(v)-61 b(ague,)398 +b(but)391 b(w)-31 b(e)392 b(will)h(come)f(bac)-31 b(k)392 +b(to)h(this)e(topic)i(later)f(when)f(w)-31 b(e)0 21017 +y(talk)371 b(ab)31 b(out)370 b Fv(algorithms)p Fn(.)0 +25205 y Fl(1.3)1793 b(What)598 b(is)g(debugging?)0 27472 +y Fn(Programming)455 b(is)d(a)g(complex)h(pro)31 b(cess,)472 +b(and)453 b(b)31 b(ecause)451 b(it)i(is)f(done)g(b)-31 +b(y)452 b(h)-31 b(uman)453 b(b)31 b(eings,)0 28827 y(it)421 +b(often)h(leads)f(to)h(errors.)645 b(F)-92 b(or)420 b(whimsical)j +(reasons,)434 b(programming)423 b(errors)c(are)i(called)0 +30182 y Fv(bugs)537 b Fn(and)e(the)h(pro)31 b(cess)535 +b(of)h(trac)-31 b(king)537 b(them)g(do)-31 b(wn)536 b(and)g(correcting) +h(them)f(is)g(called)0 31537 y Fv(debugging)p Fn(.)0 +33471 y(Three)468 b(kinds)g(of)h(errors)d(can)i(o)31 +b(ccur)468 b(in)g(a)h(program:)691 b(syn)-31 b(tax)469 +b(errors,)492 b(run)-31 b(time)469 b(errors,)0 34826 +y(and)390 b(seman)-31 b(tic)392 b(errors.)554 b(It)390 +b(is)g(useful)g(to)h(distinguish)h(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)391 +b(them)f(in)h(order)e(to)i(trac)-31 b(k)0 36181 y(them)370 +b(do)-31 b(wn)370 b(more)g(quic)-31 b(kly)-92 b(.)0 39798 +y Fh(1.3.1)1495 b(Syn)-42 b(tax)499 b(errors)0 41875 +y Fn(Python)548 b(can)f(only)h(execute)f(a)g(program)g(if)g(the)g +(program)h(is)e(syn)-31 b(tactically)551 b(correct;)0 +43230 y(otherwise,)361 b(the)d(pro)31 b(cess)356 b(fails)i(and)g +(returns)e(an)i(error)e(message.)490 b Fv(Syn)-35 b(tax)356 +b Fn(refers)h(to)h(the)0 44585 y(structure)496 b(of)h(a)g(program)h +(and)f(the)g(rules)f(ab)31 b(out)498 b(that)g(structure.)874 +b(F)-92 b(or)496 b(example,)531 b(in)0 45940 y(English,)340 +b(a)331 b(sen)-31 b(tence)330 b(m)-31 b(ust)332 b(b)31 +b(egin)331 b(with)g(a)g(capital)i(letter)e(and)g(end)f(with)i(a)f(p)31 +b(erio)g(d.)480 b(this)0 47294 y(sen)-31 b(tence)369 +b(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(a)e Fv(syn)-35 b(tax)424 b(error)p +Fn(.)495 b(So)369 b(do)31 b(es)369 b(this)g(one)0 49229 +y(F)-92 b(or)458 b(most)i(readers,)481 b(a)460 b(few)g(syn)-31 +b(tax)460 b(errors)e(are)h(not)g(a)h(signi\257can)-31 +b(t)461 b(problem,)483 b(whic)-31 b(h)460 b(is)0 50584 +y(wh)-31 b(y)329 b(w)-31 b(e)329 b(can)f(read)h(the)f(p)31 +b(o)g(etry)329 b(of)f(e.)479 b(e.)g(cummings)330 b(without)g(sp)31 +b(ewing)329 b(error)e(messages.)0 51938 y(Python)439 +b(is)f(not)h(so)f(forgiving.)701 b(If)438 b(there)g(is)g(a)g(single)h +(syn)-31 b(tax)439 b(error)e(an)-31 b(ywhere)438 b(in)h(y)-31 +b(our)0 53293 y(program,)350 b(Python)344 b(will)h(prin)-31 +b(t)344 b(an)f(error)f(message)i(and)f(quit,)350 b(and)344 +b(y)-31 b(ou)344 b(will)h(not)e(b)31 b(e)343 b(able)0 +54648 y(to)407 b(run)f(y)-31 b(our)407 b(program.)605 +b(During)407 b(the)g(\257rst)f(few)h(w)-31 b(eeks)406 +b(of)i(y)-31 b(our)406 b(programming)j(career,)0 56003 +y(y)-31 b(ou)348 b(will)i(probably)f(sp)31 b(end)347 +b(a)h(lot)h(of)f(time)h(trac)-31 b(king)349 b(do)-31 +b(wn)349 b(syn)-31 b(tax)349 b(errors.)484 b(As)347 b(y)-31 +b(ou)349 b(gain)0 57358 y(exp)31 b(erience,)369 b(though,)i(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(will)h(mak)-31 b(e)370 b(few)-31 b(er)370 +b(errors)e(and)h(\257nd)g(them)h(faster.)p eop +%%Page: 5 31 +5 30 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(1.3)425 b(What)f(is)g(debugging?)24388 +b(5)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fh(1.3.2)1495 b(Run)-42 +b(time)499 b(errors)0 3145 y Fn(The)462 b(second)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)462 b(of)h(error)e(is)h(a)g(run)-31 b(time)463 +b(error,)485 b(so)461 b(called)j(b)31 b(ecause)461 b(the)h(error)f(do) +31 b(es)0 4500 y(not)510 b(app)31 b(ear)509 b(un)-31 +b(til)510 b(y)-31 b(ou)509 b(run)g(the)g(program.)912 +b(These)509 b(errors)e(are)i(also)h(called)g Fv(excep-)0 +5855 y(tions)399 b Fn(b)31 b(ecause)398 b(they)h(usually)h(indicate)g +(that)g(something)g(exceptional)h(\(and)f(bad\))f(has)0 +7210 y(happ)31 b(ened.)0 9348 y(Run)-31 b(time)497 b(errors)d(are)i +(rare)f(in)h(the)g(simple)g(programs)g(y)-31 b(ou)497 +b(will)g(see)e(in)h(the)g(\257rst)f(few)0 10703 y(c)-31 +b(hapters,)370 b(so)f(it)h(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 +b(a)g(while)i(b)31 b(efore)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)369 b(encoun)-31 +b(ter)370 b(one.)0 14604 y Fh(1.3.3)1495 b(Seman)-42 +b(tic)500 b(errors)0 16884 y Fn(The)486 b(third)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)486 b(of)g(error)f(is)h(the)g Fv(seman)-35 +b(tic)557 b(error)p Fn(.)844 b(If)486 b(there)f(is)h(a)g(seman)-31 +b(tic)487 b(error)0 18239 y(in)464 b(y)-31 b(our)464 +b(program,)489 b(it)464 b(will)i(run)d(successfully)-92 +b(,)487 b(in)464 b(the)g(sense)f(that)i(the)f(computer)g(will)0 +19594 y(not)421 b(generate)h(an)-31 b(y)421 b(error)f(messages,)434 +b(but)421 b(it)h(will)g(not)f(do)g(the)g(righ)-31 b(t)422 +b(thing.)649 b(It)420 b(will)j(do)0 20949 y(something)371 +b(else.)493 b(Sp)31 b(eci\257cally)-92 b(,)371 b(it)f(will)g(do)g(what) +g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(told)h(it)f(to)g(do.)0 23086 y(The)495 +b(problem)g(is)g(that)g(the)g(program)g(y)-31 b(ou)496 +b(wrote)f(is)g(not)g(the)g(program)g(y)-31 b(ou)495 b(w)-31 +b(an)g(ted)0 24441 y(to)486 b(write.)843 b(The)486 b(meaning)h(of)f +(the)g(program)h(\(its)f(seman)-31 b(tics\))488 b(is)d(wrong.)843 +b(Iden)-31 b(tifying)0 25796 y(seman)g(tic)546 b(errors)d(can)i(b)31 +b(e)544 b(tric)-31 b(ky)545 b(b)31 b(ecause)544 b(it)h(requires)f(y)-31 +b(ou)545 b(to)h(w)-31 b(ork)545 b(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard)546 +b(b)-31 b(y)0 27151 y(lo)31 b(oking)371 b(at)f(the)g(output)g(of)g(the) +f(program)h(and)g(trying)g(to)g(\257gure)f(out)h(what)g(it)g(is)f +(doing.)0 31052 y Fh(1.3.4)1495 b(Exp)42 b(erimen)-42 +b(tal)500 b(debugging)0 33332 y Fn(One)327 b(of)g(the)g(most)h(imp)31 +b(ortan)-31 b(t)329 b(skills)e(y)-31 b(ou)328 b(will)g(acquire)g(is)e +(debugging.)480 b(Although)329 b(it)f(can)0 34687 y(b)31 +b(e)334 b(frustrating,)342 b(debugging)336 b(is)e(one)g(of)h(the)f +(most)h(in)-31 b(tellectually)338 b(ric)-31 b(h,)341 +b(c)-31 b(hallenging,)345 b(and)0 36042 y(in)-31 b(teresting)371 +b(parts)e(of)h(programming.)0 38179 y(In)h(some)g(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys,)373 b(debugging)g(is)e(lik)-31 b(e)373 b(detectiv)-31 +b(e)372 b(w)-31 b(ork.)500 b(Y)-92 b(ou)371 b(are)g(confron)-31 +b(ted)372 b(with)h(clues,)0 39534 y(and)c(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(to)e(infer)h(the)f(pro)31 b(cesses)368 +b(and)h(ev)-31 b(en)g(ts)370 b(that)g(led)g(to)g(the)f(results)g(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(see.)0 41672 y(Debugging)462 b(is)f(also)h(lik)-31 +b(e)462 b(an)g(exp)31 b(erimen)-31 b(tal)462 b(science.)768 +b(Once)461 b(y)-31 b(ou)462 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)462 b(an)f(idea)h(what)0 +43026 y(is)485 b(going)i(wrong,)516 b(y)-31 b(ou)486 +b(mo)31 b(dify)486 b(y)-31 b(our)486 b(program)g(and)g(try)f(again.)843 +b(If)485 b(y)-31 b(our)485 b(h)-31 b(yp)31 b(othesis)0 +44381 y(w)-31 b(as)411 b(correct,)422 b(then)410 b(y)-31 +b(ou)412 b(can)f(predict)g(the)f(result)h(of)g(the)g(mo)31 +b(di\257cation,)424 b(and)411 b(y)-31 b(ou)412 b(tak)-31 +b(e)0 45736 y(a)372 b(step)g(closer)g(to)g(a)g(w)-31 +b(orking)374 b(program.)501 b(If)372 b(y)-31 b(our)372 +b(h)-31 b(yp)31 b(othesis)373 b(w)-31 b(as)372 b(wrong,)i(y)-31 +b(ou)372 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)373 b(to)0 47091 y(come)452 +b(up)e(with)i(a)f(new)g(one.)738 b(As)451 b(Sherlo)31 +b(c)-31 b(k)451 b(Holmes)h(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ted)452 b(out,)473 +b(\\When)450 b(y)-31 b(ou)452 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 48446 +y(eliminated)356 b(the)e(imp)31 b(ossible,)359 b(whatev)-31 +b(er)355 b(remains,)j(ho)-31 b(w)g(ev)g(er)355 b(improbable,)k(m)-31 +b(ust)354 b(b)31 b(e)354 b(the)0 49801 y(truth.")493 +b(\(A.)371 b(Conan)f(Do)-31 b(yle,)371 b Fm(The)396 b(Sign)h(of)f(F)-85 +b(our)p Fn(\))0 51938 y(F)-92 b(or)497 b(some)i(p)31 +b(eople,)531 b(programming)500 b(and)e(debugging)i(are)d(the)i(same)f +(thing.)880 b(That)499 b(is,)0 53293 y(programming)538 +b(is)e(the)g(pro)31 b(cess)534 b(of)j(gradually)g(debugging)h(a)e +(program)g(un)-31 b(til)538 b(it)e(do)31 b(es)0 54648 +y(what)459 b(y)-31 b(ou)458 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t.)759 b(The)457 +b(idea)i(is)e(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)459 b(should)e(start)h(with)h(a)e +(program)i(that)f(do)31 b(es)0 56003 y Fm(something)473 +b Fn(and)h(mak)-31 b(e)474 b(small)h(mo)31 b(di\257cations,)502 +b(debugging)474 b(them)g(as)f(y)-31 b(ou)474 b(go,)501 +b(so)473 b(that)0 57358 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)371 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(a)g(w)-31 b(orking)371 b(program.)p +eop +%%Page: 6 32 +6 31 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6)24022 b(The)424 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 +b(of)h(the)g(program)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(F)-92 +b(or)407 b(example,)419 b(Lin)-31 b(ux)409 b(is)f(an)g(op)31 +b(erating)409 b(system)f(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)410 b(thousands)e(of)g +(lines)g(of)0 2220 y(co)31 b(de,)505 b(but)478 b(it)h(started)f(out)h +(as)e(a)i(simple)f(program)h(Lin)-31 b(us)478 b(T)-92 +b(orv)-61 b(alds)478 b(used)f(to)h(explore)0 3575 y(the)487 +b(In)-31 b(tel)488 b(80386)h(c)-31 b(hip.)847 b(According)487 +b(to)h(Larry)f(Green\257eld,)516 b(\\One)487 b(of)h(Lin)-31 +b(us's)487 b(earlier)0 4930 y(pro)61 b(jects)339 b(w)-31 +b(as)339 b(a)g(program)g(that)h(w)-31 b(ould)340 b(switc)-31 +b(h)339 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)340 b(prin)-31 b(ting)339 +b(AAAA)h(and)e(BBBB.)0 6285 y(This)370 b(later)g(ev)-31 +b(olv)g(ed)370 b(to)g(Lin)-31 b(ux.")494 b(\()p Fm(The)397 +b(Linux)f(Users')g(Guide)370 b Fn(Beta)g(V)-92 b(ersion)369 +b(1\))0 8571 y(Later)302 b(c)-31 b(hapters)302 b(will)i(mak)-31 +b(e)303 b(more)f(suggestions)h(ab)31 b(out)302 b(debugging)i(and)e +(other)g(program-)0 9926 y(ming)370 b(practices.)0 14801 +y Fl(1.4)1793 b(F)-149 b(ormal)598 b(and)g(natural)g(languages)0 +17470 y Fv(Natural)635 b(languages)553 b Fn(are)f(the)g(languages)i +(that)f(p)31 b(eople)553 b(sp)31 b(eak,)598 b(suc)-31 +b(h)551 b(as)h(English,)0 18825 y(Spanish,)436 b(and)422 +b(F)-92 b(renc)-31 b(h.)651 b(They)422 b(w)-31 b(ere)422 +b(not)h(designed)g(b)-31 b(y)422 b(p)31 b(eople)423 b(\(although)h(p)31 +b(eople)423 b(try)0 20180 y(to)370 b(imp)31 b(ose)370 +b(some)f(order)g(on)g(them\);)i(they)f(ev)-31 b(olv)g(ed)371 +b(naturally)-92 b(.)0 22467 y Fv(F)-106 b(ormal)340 b(languages)297 +b Fn(are)e(languages)j(that)f(are)e(designed)h(b)-31 +b(y)296 b(p)31 b(eople)297 b(for)e(sp)31 b(eci\257c)296 +b(appli-)0 23822 y(cations.)460 b(F)-92 b(or)267 b(example,)290 +b(the)267 b(notation)k(that)d(mathematicians)k(use)266 +b(is)i(a)g(formal)h(language)0 25176 y(that)295 b(is)e(particularly)j +(go)31 b(o)g(d)294 b(at)g(denoting)i(relationships)f(among)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)293 b(and)h(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ols.)0 +26531 y(Chemists)276 b(use)e(a)i(formal)g(language)h(to)f(represen)-31 +b(t)274 b(the)h(c)-31 b(hemical)277 b(structure)e(of)g(molecules.)0 +27886 y(And)369 b(most)h(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(tly:)2767 +30766 y Fv(Programming)695 b(languages)g(are)f(formal)g(languages)g +(that)g(ha)-35 b(v)g(e)2767 32121 y(b)35 b(een)426 b(designed)h(to)d +(express)i(computations.)0 35001 y Fn(F)-92 b(ormal)308 +b(languages)i(tend)e(to)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)309 b(strict)f(rules)f(ab)31 +b(out)309 b(syn)-31 b(tax.)473 b(F)-92 b(or)307 b(example,)322 +b(3)123 b(+)g(3)309 b(=)f(6)0 36356 y(is)403 b(a)h(syn)-31 +b(tactically)406 b(correct)d(mathematical)408 b(statemen)-31 +b(t,)414 b(but)403 b Fk(3=+6$)h Fn(is)f(not.)596 b Fg(H)34715 +36522 y Ff(2)35211 36356 y Fg(O)435 b Fn(is)403 b(a)0 +37711 y(syn)-31 b(tactically)373 b(correct)c(c)-31 b(hemical)371 +b(name,)f(but)19938 37877 y Ff(2)20434 37711 y Fg(Z)79 +b(z)418 b Fn(is)369 b(not.)0 39997 y(Syn)-31 b(tax)410 +b(rules)e(come)h(in)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)411 b(\260a)-31 b(v)g(ors,)419 +b(p)31 b(ertaining)410 b(to)f Fv(tok)-35 b(ens)409 b +Fn(and)g(structure.)609 b(T)-92 b(ok)-31 b(ens)0 41352 +y(are)418 b(the)h(basic)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)420 b(of)f(the)g(language,) +434 b(suc)-31 b(h)418 b(as)g(w)-31 b(ords,)432 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)431 b(and)419 b(c)-31 b(hemical)0 +42707 y(elemen)g(ts.)883 b(One)498 b(of)i(the)f(problems)g(with)h +Fk(3=+6$)g Fn(is)e(that)j Fk($)d Fn(is)h(not)h(a)f(legal)i(tok)-31 +b(en)500 b(in)0 44062 y(mathematics)432 b(\(at)f(least)g(as)e(far)h(as) +g(w)-31 b(e)430 b(kno)-31 b(w\).)675 b(Similarly)-92 +b(,)26294 44228 y Ff(2)26790 44062 y Fg(Z)79 b(z)478 +b Fn(is)430 b(not)g(legal)h(b)31 b(ecause)0 45417 y(there)369 +b(is)g(no)h(elemen)-31 b(t)370 b(with)h(the)e(abbreviation)j +Fg(Z)79 b(z)49 b Fn(.)0 47704 y(The)365 b(second)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)366 b(of)f(syn)-31 b(tax)367 b(error)d(p)31 +b(ertains)365 b(to)h(the)f(structure)g(of)g(a)g(statemen)-31 +b(t|that)0 49059 y(is,)350 b(the)344 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)346 +b(the)f(tok)-31 b(ens)345 b(are)f(arranged.)485 b(The)344 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)347 b Fk(3=+6$)d Fn(is)h(structurally)g(illegal)0 +50414 y(b)31 b(ecause)384 b(y)-31 b(ou)385 b(can't)h(place)f(a)g(plus)g +(sign)g(immediately)j(after)d(an)g(equal)g(sign.)539 +b(Similarly)-92 b(,)0 51768 y(molecular)362 b(form)-31 +b(ulas)361 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)360 b(to)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)361 +b(subscripts)e(after)h(the)g(elemen)-31 b(t)361 b(name,)i(not)e(b)31 +b(efore.)2767 54648 y Fm(As)443 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)456 +b(cr)-57 b(e)g(ate)444 b(what)e(app)-57 b(e)g(ars)443 +b(to)g(b)-57 b(e)444 b(a)e(wel)57 b(l-structur)-57 b(e)g(d)443 +b(English)2767 56003 y(sentenc)-57 b(e)444 b(with)d(unr)-57 +b(e)g(c)g(o)g(gnizable)445 b(tokens)d(in)g(it.)648 b(Then)442 +b(write)g(another)g(sen-)2767 57358 y(tenc)-57 b(e)398 +b(with)d(al)57 b(l)395 b(valid)h(tokens)g(but)g(with)g(invalid)h +(structur)-57 b(e.)p eop +%%Page: 7 33 +7 32 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(1.4)425 b(F)-106 b(ormal)424 b(and)h(natural)f +(languages)18920 b(7)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(When)374 +b(y)-31 b(ou)376 b(read)e(a)h(sen)-31 b(tence)375 b(in)g(English)h(or)f +(a)g(statemen)-31 b(t)377 b(in)e(a)g(formal)h(language,)j(y)-31 +b(ou)0 2220 y(ha)g(v)g(e)397 b(to)f(\257gure)f(out)h(what)h(the)f +(structure)f(of)h(the)g(sen)-31 b(tence)395 b(is)h(\(although)i(in)e(a) +g(natural)0 3575 y(language)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(do)g(this)f(sub)31 +b(consciously\).)494 b(This)370 b(pro)31 b(cess)368 b(is)h(called)h +Fv(parsing)p Fn(.)0 5746 y(F)-92 b(or)289 b(example,)307 +b(when)290 b(y)-31 b(ou)290 b(hear)g(the)g(sen)-31 b(tence,)306 +b(\\The)290 b(other)g(sho)31 b(e)289 b(fell,")308 b(y)-31 +b(ou)290 b(understand)0 7101 y(that)295 b(\\the)f(other)g(sho)31 +b(e")293 b(is)h(the)f(sub)61 b(ject)294 b(and)g(\\fell")h(is)f(the)f(v) +-31 b(erb.)468 b(Once)293 b(y)-31 b(ou)294 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)295 +b(parsed)0 8456 y(a)371 b(sen)-31 b(tence,)372 b(y)-31 +b(ou)372 b(can)f(\257gure)f(out)i(what)g(it)g(means,)g(or)f(the)g +(seman)-31 b(tics)372 b(of)f(the)g(sen)-31 b(tence.)0 +9811 y(Assuming)479 b(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)479 b(kno)-31 +b(w)479 b(what)g(a)g(sho)31 b(e)477 b(is)h(and)h(what)g(it)g(means)f +(to)h(fall,)507 b(y)-31 b(ou)479 b(will)0 11166 y(understand)369 +b(the)g(general)h(implication)j(of)d(this)f(sen)-31 b(tence.)0 +13337 y(Although)279 b(formal)g(and)e(natural)i(languages)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)278 b(man)-31 b(y)279 b(features)e(in)h(common|tok)-31 +b(ens,)0 14692 y(structure,)369 b(syn)-31 b(tax,)371 +b(and)e(seman)-31 b(tics|there)371 b(are)e(man)-31 b(y)370 +b(di\256erences:)0 17348 y Fv(am)-35 b(biguit)g(y:)552 +b Fn(Natural)481 b(languages)g(are)e(full)h(of)g(am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)-92 b(,)511 b(whic)-31 b(h)480 b(p)31 b(eople)480 +b(deal)g(with)2767 18703 y(b)-31 b(y)469 b(using)g(con)-31 +b(textual)471 b(clues)d(and)h(other)g(information.)793 +b(F)-92 b(ormal)469 b(languages)h(are)2767 20058 y(designed)376 +b(to)h(b)31 b(e)375 b(nearly)i(or)e(completely)j(unam)-31 +b(biguous,)380 b(whic)-31 b(h)377 b(means)f(that)h(an)-31 +b(y)2767 21413 y(statemen)g(t)372 b(has)d(exactly)i(one)e(meaning,)i +(regardless)e(of)h(con)-31 b(text.)0 23665 y Fv(redundancy:)554 +b Fn(In)442 b(order)e(to)j(mak)-31 b(e)443 b(up)e(for)h(am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)445 b(and)d(reduce)e(misunderstand-)2767 +25019 y(ings,)415 b(natural)406 b(languages)g(emplo)-31 +b(y)407 b(lots)e(of)h(redundancy)-92 b(.)599 b(As)404 +b(a)h(result,)414 b(they)405 b(are)2767 26374 y(often)371 +b(v)-31 b(erb)31 b(ose.)492 b(F)-92 b(ormal)370 b(languages)h(are)e +(less)f(redundan)-31 b(t)370 b(and)f(more)h(concise.)0 +28626 y Fv(literalness:)553 b Fn(Natural)402 b(languages)g(are)f(full)g +(of)g(idiom)h(and)e(metaphor.)588 b(If)400 b(I)f(sa)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)409 b(\\The)2767 29981 y(other)471 b(sho)31 +b(e)470 b(fell,")497 b(there)470 b(is)g(probably)h(no)f(sho)31 +b(e)470 b(and)h(nothing)g(falling.)798 b(F)-92 b(ormal)2767 +31336 y(languages)371 b(mean)f(exactly)h(what)g(they)e(sa)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 33992 y(P)-31 b(eople)324 b(who)g(gro)-31 +b(w)323 b(up)g(sp)31 b(eaking)323 b(a)g(natural)h(language|ev)-31 +b(ery)g(one|often)327 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)324 b(a)f(hard)0 +35347 y(time)285 b(adjusting)h(to)e(formal)i(languages.)466 +b(In)283 b(some)h(w)-31 b(a)g(ys,)303 b(the)284 b(di\256erence)g(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)284 b(formal)0 36702 y(and)364 b(natural)i(language) +g(is)e(lik)-31 b(e)366 b(the)e(di\256erence)g(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)365 b(p)31 b(o)g(etry)365 b(and)f(prose,)h(but)g(more)0 +38057 y(so:)0 40714 y Fv(P)-35 b(o)35 b(etry:)554 b Fn(W)-92 +b(ords)365 b(are)h(used)g(for)g(their)h(sounds)e(as)h(w)-31 +b(ell)368 b(as)e(for)g(their)g(meaning,)j(and)e(the)2767 +42069 y(whole)396 b(p)31 b(o)g(em)394 b(together)i(creates)e(an)h +(e\256ect)f(or)g(emotional)k(resp)31 b(onse.)567 b(Am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)2767 43424 y(is)370 b(not)f(only)i(common)f(but)g(often)g +(delib)31 b(erate.)0 45675 y Fv(Prose:)555 b Fn(The)329 +b(literal)i(meaning)g(of)e(w)-31 b(ords)330 b(is)f(more)g(imp)31 +b(ortan)-31 b(t,)340 b(and)330 b(the)f(structure)g(con-)2767 +47030 y(tributes)416 b(more)g(meaning.)632 b(Prose)415 +b(is)h(more)f(amenable)i(to)f(analysis)h(than)f(p)31 +b(o)g(etry)2767 48385 y(but)370 b(still)g(often)h(am)-31 +b(biguous.)0 50636 y Fv(Programs:)555 b Fn(The)427 b(meaning)i(of)e(a)h +(computer)f(program)h(is)f(unam)-31 b(biguous)429 b(and)f(literal,)2767 +51991 y(and)370 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)369 b(understo)31 b(o)g(d)369 +b(en)-31 b(tirely)370 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b(analysis)g(of)g(the)f(tok)-31 +b(ens)370 b(and)g(structure.)0 54648 y(Here)396 b(are)h(some)g +(suggestions)h(for)f(reading)h(programs)f(\(and)h(other)f(formal)h +(languages\).)0 56003 y(First,)390 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 +b(er)386 b(that)i(formal)f(languages)h(are)e(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)387 +b(more)f(dense)g(than)h(natural)g(lan-)0 57358 y(guages,)313 +b(so)296 b(it)i(tak)-31 b(es)297 b(longer)h(to)f(read)g(them.)469 +b(Also,)312 b(the)297 b(structure)g(is)f(v)-31 b(ery)297 +b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t,)314 b(so)p eop +%%Page: 8 34 +8 33 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8)24022 b(The)424 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 +b(of)h(the)g(program)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(it)372 +b(is)f(usually)h(not)g(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)372 b(idea)g(to)f(read)g(from) +h(top)g(to)f(b)31 b(ottom,)374 b(left)e(to)g(righ)-31 +b(t.)499 b(Instead,)0 2220 y(learn)314 b(to)h(parse)f(the)h(program)g +(in)f(y)-31 b(our)315 b(head,)325 b(iden)-31 b(tifying)317 +b(the)e(tok)-31 b(ens)315 b(and)f(in)-31 b(terpreting)0 +3575 y(the)388 b(structure.)549 b(Finally)-92 b(,)395 +b(the)388 b(details)i(matter.)551 b(Little)389 b(things)g(lik)-31 +b(e)390 b(sp)31 b(elling)389 b(errors)e(and)0 4930 y(bad)371 +b(punctuation,)j(whic)-31 b(h)372 b(y)-31 b(ou)372 b(can)f(get)g(a)-31 +b(w)g(a)g(y)373 b(with)g(in)e(natural)h(languages,)i(can)d(mak)-31 +b(e)0 6285 y(a)369 b(big)h(di\256erence)f(in)h(a)f(formal)i(language.)0 +10942 y Fl(1.5)1793 b(The)598 b(\257rst)h(program)0 13509 +y Fn(T)-92 b(raditionally)g(,)609 b(the)558 b(\257rst)g(program)h +(written)g(in)f(a)h(new)f(language)i(is)e(called)h(\\Hello,)0 +14864 y(W)-92 b(orld!")494 b(b)31 b(ecause)369 b(all)i(it)f(do)31 +b(es)369 b(is)h(displa)-31 b(y)371 b(the)e(w)-31 b(ords,)371 +b(\\Hello,)h(W)-92 b(orld!")494 b(In)369 b(Python,)i(it)0 +16219 y(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 18514 +y Fk(print)582 b("Hello,)g(World!")0 20809 y Fn(This)279 +b(is)g(an)h(example)g(of)f(a)h Fv(prin)-35 b(t)320 b(statemen)-35 +b(t)p Fn(,)298 b(whic)-31 b(h)280 b(do)31 b(esn't)280 +b(actually)h(prin)-31 b(t)280 b(an)-31 b(ything)0 22164 +y(on)350 b(pap)31 b(er.)486 b(It)350 b(displa)-31 b(ys)351 +b(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)350 b(on)g(the)h(screen.)485 b(In)349 +b(this)i(case,)j(the)c(result)g(is)g(the)h(w)-31 b(ords)0 +24459 y Fk(Hello,)582 b(World!)0 26754 y Fn(The)363 b(quotation)j +(marks)d(in)h(the)f(program)h(mark)f(the)h(b)31 b(eginning)364 +b(and)f(end)g(of)h(the)f(v)-61 b(alue;)0 28109 y(they)370 +b(don't)g(app)31 b(ear)369 b(in)h(the)f(result.)0 30323 +y(Some)382 b(p)31 b(eople)381 b(judge)h(the)f(qualit)-31 +b(y)383 b(of)f(a)f(programming)i(language)g(b)-31 b(y)381 +b(the)h(simplicit)-31 b(y)383 b(of)0 31678 y(the)393 +b(\\Hello,)401 b(W)-92 b(orld!")563 b(program.)h(By)393 +b(this)g(standard,)399 b(Python)394 b(do)31 b(es)393 +b(ab)31 b(out)393 b(as)g(w)-31 b(ell)394 b(as)0 33033 +y(p)31 b(ossible.)0 37690 y Fl(1.6)1793 b(Glossary)0 +39904 y Fv(problem)425 b(solving:)554 b Fn(The)464 b(pro)31 +b(cess)463 b(of)i(form)-31 b(ulating)468 b(a)c(problem,)489 +b(\257nding)465 b(a)g(solution,)2767 41259 y(and)370 +b(expressing)f(the)g(solution.)0 43590 y Fv(high-lev)-35 +b(el)425 b(language:)554 b Fn(A)430 b(programming)i(language)g(lik)-31 +b(e)431 b(Python)h(that)f(is)f(designed)2767 44945 y(to)370 +b(b)31 b(e)369 b(easy)g(for)h(h)-31 b(umans)369 b(to)h(read)f(and)h +(write.)0 47276 y Fv(lo)-35 b(w-lev)g(el)424 b(language:)555 +b Fn(A)360 b(programming)i(language)g(that)f(is)f(designed)g(to)g(b)31 +b(e)360 b(easy)g(for)2767 48631 y(a)379 b(computer)h(to)f(execute;)384 +b(also)379 b(called)h(\\mac)-31 b(hine)381 b(language")g(or)d(\\assem) +-31 b(bly)380 b(lan-)2767 49986 y(guage.")0 52317 y Fv(p)35 +b(ortabilit)-35 b(y:)553 b Fn(A)389 b(prop)31 b(ert)-31 +b(y)389 b(of)h(a)g(program)g(that)g(can)g(run)e(on)i(more)f(than)h(one) +g(kind)f(of)2767 53672 y(computer.)0 56003 y Fv(in)-35 +b(terpret:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)340 b(execute)g(a)g(program)h(in)e(a)h +(high-lev)-31 b(el)342 b(language)g(b)-31 b(y)339 b(translating)j(it)f +(one)2767 57358 y(line)370 b(at)g(a)g(time.)p eop +%%Page: 9 35 +9 34 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(1.6)425 b(Glossary)30693 b(9)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(compile:)553 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)421 +b(translate)h(a)e(program)i(written)f(in)g(a)g(high-lev)-31 +b(el)422 b(language)h(in)-31 b(to)422 b(a)e(lo)-31 b(w-)2767 +2220 y(lev)g(el)371 b(language)g(all)g(at)f(once,)f(in)h(preparation)g +(for)g(later)g(execution.)0 4455 y Fv(source)426 b(co)35 +b(de:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(program)h(in)g(a)f(high-lev)-31 +b(el)372 b(language)f(b)31 b(efore)369 b(b)31 b(eing)369 +b(compiled.)0 6691 y Fv(ob)71 b(ject)425 b(co)35 b(de:)554 +b Fn(The)370 b(output)g(of)g(the)f(compiler)i(after)f(it)f(translates)i +(the)e(program.)0 8926 y Fv(executable:)554 b Fn(Another)370 +b(name)g(for)f(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(co)31 b(de)370 b(that)g(is)f(ready)g +(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(executed.)0 11162 y Fv(script:)553 +b Fn(A)369 b(program)h(stored)f(in)h(a)f(\257le)h(\(usually)h(one)e +(that)h(will)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(in)-31 b(terpreted\).)0 +13397 y Fv(program:)554 b Fn(A)370 b(set)f(of)g(instructions)i(that)f +(sp)31 b(eci\257es)368 b(a)i(computation.)0 15633 y Fv(algorithm:)553 +b Fn(A)370 b(general)g(pro)31 b(cess)368 b(for)h(solving)i(a)e +(category)i(of)f(problems.)0 17868 y Fv(bug:)554 b Fn(An)369 +b(error)f(in)i(a)f(program.)0 20104 y Fv(debugging:)556 +b Fn(The)520 b(pro)31 b(cess)519 b(of)i(\257nding)g(and)f(remo)-31 +b(ving)522 b(an)-31 b(y)521 b(of)g(the)f(three)g(kinds)g(of)2767 +21459 y(programming)372 b(errors.)0 23694 y Fv(syn)-35 +b(tax:)553 b Fn(The)369 b(structure)g(of)g(a)h(program.)0 +25929 y Fv(syn)-35 b(tax)424 b(error:)555 b Fn(An)420 +b(error)g(in)h(a)f(program)i(that)g(mak)-31 b(es)421 +b(it)g(imp)31 b(ossible)422 b(to)f(parse)f(\(and)2767 +27284 y(therefore)370 b(imp)31 b(ossible)370 b(to)g(in)-31 +b(terpret\).)0 29520 y Fv(run)c(time)425 b(error:)554 +b Fn(An)335 b(error)e(that)j(do)31 b(es)334 b(not)i(o)31 +b(ccur)334 b(un)-31 b(til)336 b(the)e(program)i(has)e(started)h(to)2767 +30875 y(execute)370 b(but)f(that)i(prev)-31 b(en)g(ts)369 +b(the)h(program)g(from)f(con)-31 b(tin)g(uing.)0 33110 +y Fv(exception:)554 b Fn(Another)370 b(name)g(for)f(a)h(run)-31 +b(time)370 b(error.)0 35346 y Fv(seman)-35 b(tic)424 +b(error:)555 b Fn(An)302 b(error)f(in)i(a)g(program)g(that)g(mak)-31 +b(es)304 b(it)f(do)f(something)j(other)d(than)2767 36701 +y(what)371 b(the)e(programmer)h(in)-31 b(tended.)0 38936 +y Fv(seman)c(tics:)553 b Fn(The)369 b(meaning)i(of)f(a)f(program.)0 +41171 y Fv(natural)424 b(language:)555 b Fn(An)-31 b(y)418 +b(one)g(of)h(the)f(languages)i(that)f(p)31 b(eople)418 +b(sp)31 b(eak)418 b(that)h(ev)-31 b(olv)g(ed)2767 42526 +y(naturally)-92 b(.)0 44762 y Fv(formal)424 b(language:)555 +b Fn(An)-31 b(y)542 b(one)g(of)g(the)h(languages)g(that)g(p)31 +b(eople)543 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)543 b(designed)f(for)2767 +46117 y(sp)31 b(eci\257c)481 b(purp)31 b(oses,)509 b(suc)-31 +b(h)481 b(as)g(represen)-31 b(ting)482 b(mathematical)j(ideas)d(or)f +(computer)2767 47472 y(programs;)371 b(all)f(programming)h(languages)g +(are)e(formal)i(languages.)0 49707 y Fv(tok)-35 b(en:)554 +b Fn(One)327 b(of)g(the)g(basic)h(elemen)-31 b(ts)328 +b(of)f(the)h(syn)-31 b(tactic)329 b(structure)d(of)i(a)f(program,)337 +b(anal-)2767 51062 y(ogous)370 b(to)g(a)g(w)-31 b(ord)370 +b(in)f(a)h(natural)g(language.)0 53297 y Fv(parse:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(examine)g(a)g(program)g(and)f(analyze)i(the)e(syn) +-31 b(tactic)371 b(structure.)0 55533 y Fv(prin)-35 b(t)424 +b(statemen)-35 b(t:)554 b Fn(An)283 b(instruction)g(that)h(causes)e +(the)h(Python)h(in)-31 b(terpreter)282 b(to)i(displa)-31 +b(y)2767 56888 y(a)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(on)f(the)g(screen.)p +eop +%%Page: 10 36 +10 35 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(10)23386 b(The)424 b(w)-35 b(a)g(y)424 +b(of)h(the)g(program)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 11 37 +11 36 bop 0 9917 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(2)0 16212 y Fo(V)-258 +b(ariables,)1032 b(expressions)i(and)0 19599 y(statemen)-86 +b(ts)0 26753 y Fl(2.1)1793 b(V)-149 b(alues)598 b(and)g(t)-50 +b(yp)50 b(es)0 29136 y Fn(A)452 b Fv(v)-71 b(alue)453 +b Fn(is)f(one)g(of)h(the)g(fundamen)-31 b(tal)455 b(things|lik)-31 +b(e)454 b(a)f(letter)g(or)f(a)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er|that)454 +b(a)0 30491 y(program)334 b(manipulates.)484 b(The)333 +b(v)-61 b(alues)334 b(w)-31 b(e)334 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)335 +b(seen)e(so)h(far)f(are)h Fk(2)g Fn(\(the)g(result)g(when)f(w)-31 +b(e)0 31845 y(added)369 b Fk(1)582 b(+)f(1)p Fn(\),)370 +b(and)g Fk("Hello,)582 b(World!")p Fn(.)0 33894 y(These)388 +b(v)-61 b(alues)388 b(b)31 b(elong)389 b(to)g(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)389 b Fv(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(es)p Fn(:)531 b Fk(2)388 +b Fn(is)g(an)g(in)-31 b(teger,)395 b(and)388 b Fk("Hello,)582 +b(World!")0 35249 y Fn(is)472 b(a)g Fv(string)p Fn(,)499 +b(so-called)473 b(b)31 b(ecause)471 b(it)i(con)-31 b(tains)473 +b(a)f(\\string")i(of)e(letters.)801 b(Y)-92 b(ou)472 +b(\(and)h(the)0 36604 y(in)-31 b(terpreter\))370 b(can)f(iden)-31 +b(tify)371 b(strings)f(b)31 b(ecause)368 b(they)i(are)f(enclosed)g(in)h +(quotation)i(marks.)0 38653 y(The)d(prin)-31 b(t)370 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)371 b(also)f(w)-31 b(orks)370 b(for)f(in)-31 +b(tegers.)0 40783 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(4)0 42138 y(4)0 +44268 y Fn(If)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(not)h(sure)e(what)i(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)370 b(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(has,)h(the)f(in)-31 +b(terpreter)369 b(can)h(tell)g(y)-31 b(ou.)0 46397 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(type\("Hello,)h(World!"\))0 47752 y()0 +49107 y(>>>)g(type\(17\))0 50462 y()0 52592 +y Fn(Not)401 b(surprisingly)-92 b(,)408 b(strings)400 +b(b)31 b(elong)400 b(to)h(the)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)400 +b Fk(string)h Fn(and)f(in)-31 b(tegers)400 b(b)31 b(elong)401 +b(to)g(the)0 53947 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)344 b Fk(int)p +Fn(.)484 b(Less)343 b(ob)-31 b(viously)-92 b(,)351 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)343 b(with)i(a)f(decimal)h(p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)345 b(b)31 b(elong)344 b(to)h(a)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)344 +b(called)0 55302 y Fk(float)p Fn(,)607 b(b)31 b(ecause)559 +b(these)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)559 b(are)f(represen)-31 +b(ted)559 b(in)g(a)g(format)i(called)f Fv(\260oating-)0 +56657 y(p)35 b(oin)-35 b(t)p Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 12 38 +12 37 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(12)15858 b(V)-106 b(ariables,)424 +b(expressions)j(and)d(statemen)-35 b(ts)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(type\(3.2\))0 2220 y()0 +4478 y Fn(What)350 b(ab)31 b(out)351 b(v)-61 b(alues)350 +b(lik)-31 b(e)350 b Fk("17")h Fn(and)e Fk("3.2")p Fn(?)486 +b(They)351 b(lo)31 b(ok)350 b(lik)-31 b(e)351 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)354 b(but)c(they)g(are)0 5833 y(in)369 +b(quotation)k(marks)c(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(strings.)0 8090 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(type\("17"\))0 9445 y()0 +10800 y(>>>)g(type\("3.2"\))0 12155 y()0 +14413 y Fn(They're)370 b(strings.)0 16590 y(When)386 +b(y)-31 b(ou)387 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)387 b(a)f(large)i(in)-31 +b(teger,)392 b(y)-31 b(ou)387 b(migh)-31 b(t)388 b(b)31 +b(e)386 b(tempted)h(to)h(use)d(commas)j(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)0 17945 y(groups)405 b(of)h(three)f(digits,)416 +b(as)406 b(in)f Fk(1,000,000)p Fn(.)602 b(This)406 b(is)f(not)i(a)e +(legal)i(in)-31 b(teger)407 b(in)e(Python,)0 19299 y(but)369 +b(it)h(is)g(a)f(legal)i(expression:)0 21557 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(print)f(1,000,000)0 22912 y(1)g(0)h(0)0 25170 y Fn(W)-92 +b(ell,)498 b(that's)474 b(not)e(what)h(w)-31 b(e)473 +b(exp)31 b(ected)472 b(at)g(all!)802 b(Python)474 b(in)-31 +b(terprets)472 b Fk(1,000,000)h Fn(as)f(a)0 26525 y(comma-separated)g +(list)f(of)g(three)f(in)-31 b(tegers,)496 b(whic)-31 +b(h)471 b(it)g(prin)-31 b(ts)470 b(consecutiv)-31 b(ely)-92 +b(.)798 b(This)470 b(is)0 27880 y(the)547 b(\257rst)f(example)h(w)-31 +b(e)547 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)548 b(seen)e(of)g(a)h(seman)-31 +b(tic)548 b(error:)846 b(the)547 b(co)31 b(de)546 b(runs)g(without)0 +29235 y(pro)31 b(ducing)370 b(an)f(error)f(message,)i(but)g(it)g(do)31 +b(esn't)370 b(do)f(the)g(\\righ)-31 b(t")372 b(thing.)0 +33780 y Fl(2.2)1793 b(V)-149 b(ariables)0 36295 y Fn(One)388 +b(of)g(the)h(most)g(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(erful)389 b(features)f(of)h(a)f +(programming)j(language)f(is)e(the)g(abilit)-31 b(y)391 +b(to)0 37650 y(manipulate)372 b Fv(v)-71 b(ariables)p +Fn(.)492 b(A)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(is)f(a)g(name)h(that)h(refers) +d(to)i(a)f(v)-61 b(alue.)0 39827 y(The)369 b Fv(assignmen)-35 +b(t)425 b(statemen)-35 b(t)370 b Fn(creates)f(new)h(v)-61 +b(ariables)369 b(and)h(giv)-31 b(es)370 b(them)g(v)-61 +b(alues:)0 42084 y Fk(>>>)582 b(message)g(=)f("What's)h(up,)g(Doc?")0 +43439 y(>>>)g(n)f(=)g(17)0 44794 y(>>>)h(pi)f(=)g(3.14159)0 +47052 y Fn(This)471 b(example)g(mak)-31 b(es)471 b(three)f(assignmen) +-31 b(ts.)797 b(The)470 b(\257rst)g(assigns)g(the)h(string)f +Fk("What's)0 48407 y(up,)582 b(Doc?")381 b Fn(to)g(a)g(new)g(v)-61 +b(ariable)381 b(named)h Fk(message)p Fn(.)528 b(The)380 +b(second)h(giv)-31 b(es)381 b(the)g(in)-31 b(teger)382 +b Fk(17)0 49762 y Fn(to)370 b Fk(n)p Fn(,)g(and)f(the)g(third)h(giv)-31 +b(es)370 b(the)f(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)373 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b Fk(3.14159)h Fn(to)g Fk(pi)p Fn(.)0 +51938 y(A)448 b(common)i(w)-31 b(a)g(y)449 b(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)447 b(v)-61 b(ariables)449 b(on)f(pap)31 b(er)448 +b(is)g(to)h(write)f(the)h(name)f(with)i(an)0 53293 y(arro)-31 +b(w)506 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ting)507 b(to)f(the)g(v)-61 +b(ariable's)506 b(v)-61 b(alue.)901 b(This)506 b(kind)g(of)f(\257gure)g +(is)h(called)g(a)g Fv(state)0 54648 y(diagram)374 b Fn(b)31 +b(ecause)374 b(it)h(sho)-31 b(ws)375 b(what)g(state)g(eac)-31 +b(h)375 b(of)g(the)g(v)-61 b(ariables)375 b(is)f(in)g(\(think)i(of)f +(it)g(as)0 56003 y(the)385 b(v)-61 b(ariable's)386 b(state)g(of)f +(mind\).)541 b(This)385 b(diagram)h(sho)-31 b(ws)385 +b(the)g(result)g(of)g(the)g(assignmen)-31 b(t)0 57358 +y(statemen)g(ts:)p eop +%%Page: 13 39 +13 38 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(2.3)425 b(V)-106 b(ariable)424 +b(names)h(and)g(k)-35 b(eyw)g(ords)18326 b(13)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 9484 -242 a + 11380244 4012687 0 0 11380244 4012687 startTexFig + 9484 -242 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/state2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: state2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 09:26:35 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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Fn(The)369 b(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(also)f(w)-31 b(orks)370 b(with)g(v)-61 b(ariables.)0 +11098 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(message)0 12453 y(What's)h(up,)g(Doc?)0 +13808 y(>>>)g(print)f(n)0 15163 y(17)0 16518 y(>>>)h(print)f(pi)0 +17873 y(3.14159)0 20276 y Fn(In)425 b(eac)-31 b(h)427 +b(case)e(the)i(result)e(is)h(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)427 b(of)f(the)g(v)-61 +b(ariable.)664 b(V)-92 b(ariables)427 b(also)f(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)427 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es;)0 21631 y(again,)371 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(ask)f(the)g(in)-31 b(terpreter)370 +b(what)g(they)g(are.)0 24033 y Fk(>>>)582 b(type\(message\))0 +25388 y()0 26743 y(>>>)g(type\(n\))0 +28098 y()0 29453 y(>>>)g(type\(pi\))0 30808 +y()0 33211 y Fn(The)369 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)370 b(of)g(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(is)g(the)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)370 b(of)f(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(it)h(refers)e(to.)0 +38191 y Fl(2.3)1793 b(V)-149 b(ariable)598 b(names)h(and)f(k)-50 +b(eyw)g(ords)0 40909 y Fn(Programmers)383 b(generally)h(c)-31 +b(ho)31 b(ose)383 b(names)g(for)g(their)f(v)-61 b(ariables)384 +b(that)f(are)g(meaningful|)0 42264 y(they)370 b(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)370 b(what)g(the)g(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(is)f(used)g(for.)0 44585 y(V)-92 b(ariable)308 b(names)g(can)f(b)31 +b(e)307 b(arbitrarily)h(long.)473 b(They)308 b(can)f(con)-31 +b(tain)309 b(b)31 b(oth)308 b(letters)f(and)g(n)-31 b(um-)0 +45940 y(b)31 b(ers,)342 b(but)337 b(they)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)338 +b(to)f(b)31 b(egin)337 b(with)g(a)g(letter.)482 b(Although)339 +b(it)e(is)f(legal)i(to)f(use)f(upp)31 b(ercase)0 47295 +y(letters,)378 b(b)-31 b(y)376 b(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tion)379 +b(w)-31 b(e)376 b(don't.)513 b(If)376 b(y)-31 b(ou)376 +b(do,)i(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)376 b(that)h(case)e(matters.)513 +b Fk(Bruce)0 48650 y Fn(and)369 b Fk(bruce)h Fn(are)f(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)370 b(v)-61 b(ariables.)0 50972 y(The)410 b(underscore)f(c)-31 +b(haracter)410 b(\()p 13278 50972 349 45 v 419 w(\))g(can)g(app)31 +b(ear)409 b(in)h(a)g(name.)615 b(It)410 b(is)g(often)g(used)g(in)g +(names)0 52327 y(with)370 b(m)-31 b(ultiple)372 b(w)-31 +b(ords,)370 b(suc)-31 b(h)369 b(as)g Fk(my)p 15429 52327 +V 419 w(name)g Fn(or)g Fk(price)p 22802 52327 V 419 w(of)p +24383 52327 V 419 w(tea)p 26545 52327 V 419 w(in)p 28126 +52327 V 419 w(china)p Fn(.)0 54648 y(If)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(giv)-31 b(e)370 b(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(an)f(illegal)j(name,)f(y) +-31 b(ou)370 b(get)g(a)f(syn)-31 b(tax)370 b(error:)p +eop +%%Page: 14 40 +14 39 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14)15858 b(V)-106 b(ariables,)424 +b(expressions)j(and)d(statemen)-35 b(ts)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(76trombones)g(=)g("big)f(parade")0 +2220 y(SyntaxError:)i(invalid)f(syntax)0 3575 y(>>>)g(more$)f(=)h +(1000000)0 4930 y(SyntaxError:)h(invalid)f(syntax)0 6285 +y(>>>)g(class)f(=)h("Computer)g(Science)g(101")0 7640 +y(SyntaxError:)h(invalid)f(syntax)0 9691 y(76trombones)399 +b Fn(is)e(illegal)j(b)31 b(ecause)397 b(it)h(do)31 b(es)397 +b(not)h(b)31 b(egin)397 b(with)i(a)e(letter.)578 b Fk(more$)398 +b Fn(is)f(illegal)0 11046 y(b)31 b(ecause)353 b(it)h(con)-31 +b(tains)355 b(an)f(illegal)i(c)-31 b(haracter,)358 b(the)353 +b(dollar)i(sign.)488 b(But)354 b(what's)g(wrong)h(with)0 +12401 y Fk(class)p Fn(?)0 14371 y(It)398 b(turns)f(out)h(that)h +Fk(class)f Fn(is)f(one)h(of)g(the)g(Python)h Fv(k)-35 +b(eyw)g(ords)p Fn(.)578 b(Keyw)-31 b(ords)398 b(de\257ne)g(the)0 +15726 y(language's)371 b(rules)e(and)h(structure,)f(and)g(they)h +(cannot)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(used)f(as)h(v)-61 b(ariable)371 +b(names.)0 17696 y(Python)f(has)g(t)-31 b(w)g(en)g(t)g(y-eigh)g(t)373 +b(k)-31 b(eyw)g(ords:)0 19747 y Fk(and)4068 b(continue)1164 +b(else)3487 b(for)4069 b(import)2325 b(not)4069 b(raise)0 +21102 y(assert)2325 b(def)4069 b(except)2325 b(from)3488 +b(in)4649 b(or)h(return)0 22457 y(break)2906 b(del)4069 +b(exec)3487 b(global)2326 b(is)4649 b(pass)3488 b(try)0 +23812 y(class)2906 b(elif)3488 b(finally)1744 b(if)4650 +b(lambda)2325 b(print)2907 b(while)0 25863 y Fn(Y)-92 +b(ou)365 b(migh)-31 b(t)366 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)366 b(to)f(k)-31 +b(eep)365 b(this)g(list)g(handy)-92 b(.)492 b(If)364 +b(the)g(in)-31 b(terpreter)365 b(complains)h(ab)31 b(out)366 +b(one)0 27218 y(of)k(y)-31 b(our)369 b(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(names)g(and)f(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(don't)h(kno)-31 b(w)370 +b(wh)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)370 b(see)f(if)h(it)f(is)h(on)f(this)h(list.)0 +31455 y Fl(2.4)1793 b(Statemen)-50 b(ts)0 33759 y Fn(A)311 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)313 b(is)d(an)i(instruction)g(that)g(the)f(Python)h +(in)-31 b(terpreter)311 b(can)g(execute.)474 b(W)-92 +b(e)310 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 35114 y(seen)369 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)370 +b(kinds)g(of)f(statemen)-31 b(ts:)495 b(prin)-31 b(t)370 +b(and)f(assignmen)-31 b(t.)0 37084 y(When)550 b(y)-31 +b(ou)551 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)550 b(a)h(statemen)-31 b(t)552 +b(on)e(the)h(command)g(line,)597 b(Python)552 b(executes)e(it)h(and)0 +38439 y(displa)-31 b(ys)429 b(the)g(result,)444 b(if)428 +b(there)h(is)f(one.)670 b(The)429 b(result)f(of)h(a)g(prin)-31 +b(t)429 b(statemen)-31 b(t)430 b(is)e(a)h(v)-61 b(alue.)0 +39794 y(Assignmen)-31 b(t)371 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)370 +b(don't)h(pro)31 b(duce)369 b(a)g(result.)0 41764 y(A)431 +b(script)g(usually)i(con)-31 b(tains)433 b(a)e(sequence)g(of)h +(statemen)-31 b(ts.)681 b(If)431 b(there)g(is)g(more)h(than)g(one)0 +43119 y(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(the)d(results)g(app)31 +b(ear)369 b(one)h(at)f(a)h(time)g(as)f(the)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts)371 b(execute.)0 45089 y(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example,)j(the)f(script) +0 47140 y Fk(print)582 b(1)0 48495 y(x)f(=)h(2)0 49850 +y(print)g(x)0 51901 y Fn(pro)31 b(duces)368 b(the)i(output)0 +53952 y Fk(1)0 55307 y(2)0 57358 y Fn(Again,)h(the)f(assignmen)-31 +b(t)370 b(statemen)-31 b(t)372 b(pro)31 b(duces)368 b(no)h(output.)p +eop +%%Page: 15 41 +15 40 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(2.5)425 b(Ev)-71 b(aluating)425 +b(expressions)22241 b(15)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a +Fl(2.5)1793 b(Ev)-100 b(aluating)599 b(expressions)0 +4092 y Fn(An)379 b(expression)f(is)g(a)h(com)-31 b(bination)382 +b(of)d(v)-61 b(alues,)381 b(v)-61 b(ariables,)382 b(and)d(op)31 +b(erators.)521 b(If)378 b(y)-31 b(ou)379 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)0 5447 y(an)414 b(expression)f(on)g(the)h(command)g(line,)426 +b(the)413 b(in)-31 b(terpreter)414 b Fv(ev)-71 b(aluates)413 +b Fn(it)h(and)g(displa)-31 b(ys)0 6802 y(the)369 b(result:)0 +9568 y Fk(>>>)582 b(1)f(+)g(1)0 10922 y(2)0 13688 y Fn(Although)517 +b(expressions)e(con)-31 b(tain)517 b(v)-61 b(alues,)552 +b(v)-61 b(ariables,)553 b(and)515 b(op)31 b(erators,)553 +b(not)516 b(ev)-31 b(ery)515 b(ex-)0 15043 y(pression)468 +b(con)-31 b(tains)469 b(all)g(of)g(these)f(elemen)-31 +b(ts.)790 b(A)468 b(v)-61 b(alue)468 b(all)i(b)-31 b(y)468 +b(itself)h(is)f(considered)g(an)0 16398 y(expression,)369 +b(and)h(so)f(is)g(a)h(v)-61 b(ariable.)0 19164 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(17)0 20519 y(17)0 21874 y(>>>)g(x)0 23229 y(2)0 25995 +y Fn(Confusingly)-92 b(,)383 b(ev)-61 b(aluating)381 +b(an)d(expression)g(is)g(not)h(quite)g(the)g(same)f(thing)i(as)e(prin) +-31 b(ting)380 b(a)0 27350 y(v)-61 b(alue.)0 30116 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(message)g(=)f("What's)h(up,)g(Doc?")0 31471 +y(>>>)g(message)0 32826 y("What's)g(up,)g(Doc?")0 34181 +y(>>>)g(print)f(message)0 35536 y(What's)h(up,)g(Doc?)0 +38302 y Fn(When)382 b(Python)j(displa)-31 b(ys)383 b(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)384 b(of)f(an)g(expression,)k(it)d(uses)d(the)j(same)f(format)h +(y)-31 b(ou)0 39657 y(w)g(ould)413 b(use)d(to)i(en)-31 +b(ter)412 b(a)f(v)-61 b(alue.)620 b(In)410 b(the)i(case)f(of)h +(strings,)422 b(that)412 b(means)g(that)h(it)f(includes)0 +41012 y(the)296 b(quotation)k(marks.)468 b(But)297 b(the)f(prin)-31 +b(t)297 b(statemen)-31 b(t)298 b(prin)-31 b(ts)296 b(the)h(v)-61 +b(alue)297 b(of)f(the)h(expression,)0 42367 y(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(in)g(this)f(case)g(is)g(the)h(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)370 +b(of)g(the)f(string.)0 45052 y(In)475 b(a)g(script,)502 +b(an)475 b(expression)g(all)i(b)-31 b(y)475 b(itself)h(is)f(a)h(legal)h +(statemen)-31 b(t,)504 b(but)475 b(it)h(do)31 b(esn't)476 +b(do)0 46406 y(an)-31 b(ything.)495 b(The)369 b(script)0 +49172 y Fk(17)0 50527 y(3.2)0 51882 y("Hello,)582 b(World!")0 +53237 y(1)f(+)h(1)0 56003 y Fn(pro)31 b(duces)496 b(no)h(output)h(at)f +(all.)877 b(Ho)-31 b(w)497 b(w)-31 b(ould)499 b(y)-31 +b(ou)497 b(c)-31 b(hange)498 b(the)f(script)f(to)i(displa)-31 +b(y)498 b(the)0 57358 y(v)-61 b(alues)369 b(of)h(these)f(four)g +(expressions?)p eop +%%Page: 16 42 +16 41 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16)15858 b(V)-106 b(ariables,)424 +b(expressions)j(and)d(statemen)-35 b(ts)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fl(2.6)1793 b(Op)50 b(erators)599 b(and)f(op)50 +b(erands)0 3189 y Fv(Op)35 b(erators)406 b Fn(are)d(sp)31 +b(ecial)405 b(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ols)404 b(that)h(represen)-31 +b(t)403 b(computations)k(lik)-31 b(e)405 b(addition)h(and)0 +4544 y(m)-31 b(ultiplication.)497 b(The)370 b(v)-61 b(alues)369 +b(the)h(op)31 b(erator)369 b(uses)g(are)g(called)h Fv(op)35 +b(erands)p Fn(.)0 6534 y(The)451 b(follo)-31 b(wing)454 +b(are)c(all)i(legal)g(Python)f(expressions)f(whose)h(meaning)h(is)e +(more)h(or)f(less)0 7889 y(clear:)0 10366 y Fk(20+32)1744 +b(hour-1)h(hour*60+minute)g(minute/60)g(5**2)f(\(5+9\)*\(15-7\))0 +12842 y Fn(The)521 b(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ols)522 b Fk(+)p +Fn(,)559 b Fk(-)p Fn(,)g(and)521 b Fk(/)p Fn(,)560 b(and)521 +b(the)g(use)f(of)h(paren)-31 b(thesis)522 b(for)f(grouping,)560 +b(mean)522 b(in)0 14197 y(Python)481 b(what)g(they)g(mean)f(in)g +(mathematics.)828 b(The)480 b(asterisk)g(\()p Fk(*)p +Fn(\))h(is)f(the)g(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ol)481 b(for)0 15552 +y(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)375 b(and)369 b Fk(**)g Fn(is)g(the)h(sym)-31 +b(b)31 b(ol)370 b(for)f(exp)31 b(onen)-31 b(tiation.)0 +17543 y(When)417 b(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)418 b(name)g(app)31 +b(ears)417 b(in)g(the)g(place)h(of)g(an)f(op)31 b(erand,)430 +b(it)417 b(is)g(replaced)h(with)0 18897 y(its)370 b(v)-61 +b(alue)369 b(b)31 b(efore)369 b(the)h(op)31 b(eration)370 +b(is)f(p)31 b(erformed.)0 20888 y(Addition,)449 b(subtraction,)g(m)-31 +b(ultiplication,)452 b(and)432 b(exp)31 b(onen)-31 b(tiation)434 +b(all)f(do)e(what)i(y)-31 b(ou)432 b(ex-)0 22243 y(p)31 +b(ect,)440 b(but)425 b(y)-31 b(ou)426 b(migh)-31 b(t)427 +b(b)31 b(e)424 b(surprised)g(b)-31 b(y)425 b(division.)662 +b(The)425 b(follo)-31 b(wing)429 b(op)31 b(eration)427 +b(has)e(an)0 23598 y(unexp)31 b(ected)369 b(result:)0 +25669 y Fk(>>>)582 b(minute)g(=)f(59)0 27024 y(>>>)h(minute/60)0 +28379 y(0)0 30450 y Fn(The)419 b(v)-61 b(alue)420 b(of)f +Fk(minute)h Fn(is)f(59,)433 b(and)419 b(in)g(con)-31 +b(v)g(en)g(tional)423 b(arithmetic)e(59)f(divided)g(b)-31 +b(y)419 b(60)h(is)0 31805 y(0.98333,)495 b(not)467 b(0.)786 +b(The)467 b(reason)f(for)h(the)g(discrepancy)g(is)g(that)g(Python)i(is) +d(p)31 b(erforming)0 33160 y Fv(in)-35 b(teger)426 b(division)p +Fn(.)0 35151 y(When)329 b(b)31 b(oth)330 b(of)g(the)g(op)31 +b(erands)329 b(are)h(in)-31 b(tegers,)338 b(the)330 b(result)g(m)-31 +b(ust)330 b(also)h(b)31 b(e)329 b(an)h(in)-31 b(teger,)339 +b(and)0 36505 y(b)-31 b(y)291 b(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tion,)310 +b(in)-31 b(teger)292 b(division)h(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)293 +b(rounds)e Fm(down)p Fn(,)306 b(ev)-31 b(en)291 b(in)h(cases)e(lik)-31 +b(e)293 b(this)e(where)0 37860 y(the)369 b(next)h(in)-31 +b(teger)370 b(is)f(v)-31 b(ery)370 b(close.)0 39851 y(A)432 +b(p)31 b(ossible)432 b(solution)i(to)f(this)g(problem)g(is)f(to)g +(calculate)j(a)d(p)31 b(ercen)-31 b(tage)433 b(rather)f(than)h(a)0 +41206 y(fraction:)0 43277 y Fk(>>>)582 b(minute*100/60)0 +44632 y(98)0 46703 y Fn(Again)326 b(the)g(result)f(is)f(rounded)h(do) +-31 b(wn,)335 b(but)326 b(at)f(least)h(no)-31 b(w)326 +b(the)f(answ)-31 b(er)326 b(is)f(appro)-31 b(ximately)0 +48058 y(correct.)481 b(Another)333 b(alternativ)-31 b(e)336 +b(is)d(to)i(use)d(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)337 b(division,)343 +b(whic)-31 b(h)334 b(w)-31 b(e)334 b(get)g(to)g(in)0 +49413 y(Chapter)370 b(3.)0 53679 y Fl(2.7)1793 b(Order)599 +b(of)e(op)50 b(erations)0 56003 y Fn(When)501 b(more)h(than)g(one)g(op) +31 b(erator)502 b(app)31 b(ears)501 b(in)g(an)h(expression,)535 +b(the)502 b(order)e(of)i(ev)-61 b(alu-)0 57358 y(ation)450 +b(dep)31 b(ends)448 b(on)g(the)h Fv(rules)516 b(of)g(precedence)p +Fn(.)732 b(Python)450 b(follo)-31 b(ws)450 b(the)f(same)g(prece-)0 +58713 y(dence)275 b(rules)g(for)g(its)h(mathematical)j(op)31 +b(erators)276 b(that)g(mathematics)i(do)31 b(es.)461 +b(The)276 b(acron)-31 b(ym)0 60068 y Fv(PEMD)c(AS)371 +b Fn(is)e(a)g(useful)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(remem)-31 +b(b)31 b(er)369 b(the)g(order)g(of)h(op)31 b(erations:)p +eop +%%Page: 17 43 +17 42 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(2.8)425 b(Op)35 b(erations)426 +b(on)f(strings)22834 b(17)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 +a Fj(\262)554 b Fv(P)p Fn(aren)-31 b(theses)545 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)545 b(the)f(highest)h(precedence)e(and)i(can)f(b)31 +b(e)544 b(used)g(to)g(force)h(an)2767 2220 y(expression)373 +b(to)g(ev)-61 b(aluate)375 b(in)e(the)g(order)f(y)-31 +b(ou)373 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t.)505 b(Since)373 b(expressions)f(in)h(paren-) +2767 3575 y(theses)270 b(are)h(ev)-61 b(aluated)272 b(\257rst,)290 +b Fk(2)581 b(*)g(\(3-1\))271 b Fn(is)g(4,)291 b(and)270 +b Fk(\(1+1\)**\(5-2\))j Fn(is)d(8.)460 b(Y)-92 b(ou)271 +b(can)2767 4930 y(also)395 b(use)e(paren)-31 b(theses)393 +b(to)h(mak)-31 b(e)395 b(an)f(expression)f(easier)h(to)g(read,)400 +b(as)393 b(in)h Fk(\(minute)2767 6285 y(*)582 b(100\))f(/)h(60)p +Fn(,)370 b(ev)-31 b(en)369 b(though)h(it)g(do)31 b(esn't)370 +b(c)-31 b(hange)370 b(the)g(result.)1660 8581 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fv(E)p Fn(xp)31 b(onen)-31 b(tiation)413 b(has)c(the)g(next)g +(highest)h(precedence,)418 b(so)409 b Fk(2**1+1)g Fn(is)g(3)g(and)g +(not)2767 9936 y(4,)370 b(and)g Fk(3*1**3)g Fn(is)f(3)g(and)h(not)g +(27.)1660 12232 y Fj(\262)554 b Fv(M)p Fn(ultiplication)478 +b(and)473 b Fv(D)p Fn(ivision)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)474 b(the)f(same)g +(precedence,)498 b(whic)-31 b(h)474 b(is)f(higher)2767 +13587 y(than)334 b Fv(A)p Fn(ddition)g(and)f Fv(S)p Fn(ubtraction,)342 +b(whic)-31 b(h)334 b(also)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)333 b(the)g(same)g +(precedence.)480 b(So)2767 14942 y Fk(2*3-1)422 b Fn(yields)g(5)f +(rather)g(than)h(4,)435 b(and)421 b Fk(2/3-1)h Fn(is)f +Fk(-1)p Fn(,)435 b(not)422 b Fk(1)f Fn(\(remem)-31 b(b)31 +b(er)421 b(that)i(in)2767 16297 y(in)-31 b(teger)371 +b(division,)g Fk(2/3=0)p Fn(\).)1660 18593 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Op)31 b(erators)293 b(with)i(the)e(same)h(precedence)e(are)h(ev) +-61 b(aluated)295 b(from)f(left)g(to)g(righ)-31 b(t.)468 +b(So)294 b(in)2767 19948 y(the)400 b(expression)f Fk(minute*100/60)p +Fn(,)408 b(the)400 b(m)-31 b(ultiplication)404 b(happ)31 +b(ens)398 b(\257rst,)407 b(yielding)2767 21303 y Fk(5900/60)p +Fn(,)459 b(whic)-31 b(h)440 b(in)g(turn)f(yields)h Fk(98)p +Fn(.)704 b(If)439 b(the)h(op)31 b(erations)441 b(had)f(b)31 +b(een)439 b(ev)-61 b(aluated)2767 22658 y(from)378 b(righ)-31 +b(t)378 b(to)f(left,)k(the)c(result)g(w)-31 b(ould)378 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)378 b(b)31 b(een)376 b Fk(59*1)p Fn(,)k(whic)-31 +b(h)378 b(is)f Fk(59)p Fn(,)i(whic)-31 b(h)378 b(is)2767 +24013 y(wrong.)0 28613 y Fl(2.8)1793 b(Op)50 b(erations)598 +b(on)g(strings)0 31154 y Fn(In)363 b(general,)i(y)-31 +b(ou)364 b(cannot)g(p)31 b(erform)363 b(mathematical)k(op)31 +b(erations)365 b(on)e(strings,)i(ev)-31 b(en)363 b(if)h(the)0 +32509 y(strings)331 b(lo)31 b(ok)332 b(lik)-31 b(e)333 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers.)479 b(The)332 b(follo)-31 +b(wing)335 b(are)330 b(illegal)k(\(assuming)f(that)f +Fk(message)g Fn(has)0 33864 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b +Fk(string)p Fn(\):)581 36140 y Fk(message-1)1745 b("Hello"/123)g +(message*"Hello")h("15"+2)0 38416 y Fn(In)-31 b(terestingly)-92 +b(,)496 b(the)469 b Fk(+)g Fn(op)31 b(erator)470 b(do)31 +b(es)468 b(w)-31 b(ork)470 b(with)h(strings,)494 b(although)471 +b(it)f(do)31 b(es)469 b(not)h(do)0 39771 y(exactly)312 +b(what)g(y)-31 b(ou)312 b(migh)-31 b(t)312 b(exp)31 b(ect.)473 +b(F)-92 b(or)310 b(strings,)323 b(the)311 b Fk(+)g Fn(op)31 +b(erator)311 b(represen)-31 b(ts)309 b Fv(concate-)0 +41126 y(nation)p Fn(,)327 b(whic)-31 b(h)317 b(means)g(joining)h(the)e +(t)-31 b(w)g(o)318 b(op)31 b(erands)315 b(b)-31 b(y)316 +b(linking)i(them)f(end-to-end.)476 b(F)-92 b(or)0 42481 +y(example:)0 44757 y Fk(fruit)582 b(=)f("banana")0 46112 +y(bakedGood)h(=)g(")f(nut)h(bread")0 47467 y(print)g(fruit)g(+)f +(bakedGood)0 49743 y Fn(The)399 b(output)h(of)g(this)f(program)h(is)f +Fk(banana)582 b(nut)g(bread)p Fn(.)g(The)400 b(space)e(b)31 +b(efore)399 b(the)g(w)-31 b(ord)0 51098 y Fk(nut)477 +b Fn(is)f(part)h(of)g(the)f(string,)505 b(and)476 b(is)h(necessary)e +(to)i(pro)31 b(duce)476 b(the)h(space)f(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)478 b(the)0 52453 y(concatenated)371 b(strings.)0 +54648 y(The)533 b Fk(*)g Fn(op)31 b(erator)533 b(also)h(w)-31 +b(orks)533 b(on)g(strings;)615 b(it)533 b(p)31 b(erforms)532 +b(rep)31 b(etition.)985 b(F)-92 b(or)532 b(example,)0 +56003 y Fk("Fun"*3)340 b Fn(is)g Fk("FunFunFun")p Fn(.)484 +b(One)340 b(of)g(the)g(op)31 b(erands)339 b(has)g(to)i(b)31 +b(e)339 b(a)h(string;)350 b(the)340 b(other)g(has)0 57358 +y(to)370 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(an)g(in)-31 b(teger.)p eop +%%Page: 18 44 +18 43 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(18)15858 b(V)-106 b(ariables,)424 +b(expressions)j(and)d(statemen)-35 b(ts)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(On)254 b(one)g(hand,)277 b(this)254 b(in)-31 +b(terpretation)256 b(of)f Fk(+)e Fn(and)h Fk(*)g Fn(mak)-31 +b(es)255 b(sense)e(b)-31 b(y)254 b(analogy)i(with)f(addition)0 +2220 y(and)422 b(m)-31 b(ultiplication.)656 b(Just)421 +b(as)h Fk(4*3)g Fn(is)g(equiv)-61 b(alen)-31 b(t)423 +b(to)g Fk(4+4+4)p Fn(,)436 b(w)-31 b(e)422 b(exp)31 b(ect)422 +b Fk("Fun"*3)h Fn(to)0 3575 y(b)31 b(e)433 b(the)h(same)h(as)e +Fk("Fun"+"Fun"+"Fun")p Fn(,)453 b(and)434 b(it)h(is.)687 +b(On)433 b(the)h(other)g(hand,)451 b(there)434 b(is)g(a)0 +4930 y(signi\257can)-31 b(t)402 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)402 b(in)e(whic)-31 +b(h)402 b(string)e(concatenation)k(and)c(rep)31 b(etition)402 +b(are)e(di\256eren)-31 b(t)400 b(from)0 6285 y(in)-31 +b(teger)372 b(addition)h(and)e(m)-31 b(ultiplication.)502 +b(Can)372 b(y)-31 b(ou)372 b(think)f(of)h(a)f(prop)31 +b(ert)-31 b(y)371 b(that)h(addition)0 7640 y(and)d(m)-31 +b(ultiplication)374 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(that)f(string)g +(concatenation)i(and)d(rep)31 b(etition)371 b(do)e(not?)0 +11885 y Fl(2.9)1793 b(Comp)50 b(osition)0 14193 y Fn(So)478 +b(far,)505 b(w)-31 b(e)478 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)478 b(lo)31 +b(ok)-31 b(ed)479 b(at)f(the)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)479 b(of)f(a)f +(program|v)-61 b(ariables,)507 b(expressions,)0 15548 +y(and)369 b(statemen)-31 b(ts|in)372 b(isolation,)g(without)g(talking)f +(ab)31 b(out)370 b(ho)-31 b(w)371 b(to)e(com)-31 b(bine)371 +b(them.)0 17523 y(One)478 b(of)h(the)g(most)g(useful)f(features)h(of)g +(programming)h(languages)g(is)e(their)h(abilit)-31 b(y)481 +b(to)0 18878 y(tak)-31 b(e)390 b(small)h(building)g(blo)31 +b(c)-31 b(ks)389 b(and)h Fv(comp)35 b(ose)390 b Fn(them.)554 +b(F)-92 b(or)388 b(example,)396 b(w)-31 b(e)390 b(kno)-31 +b(w)390 b(ho)-31 b(w)390 b(to)0 20233 y(add)461 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)461 b(and)g(w)-31 b(e)462 b(kno)-31 +b(w)462 b(ho)-31 b(w)462 b(to)g(prin)-31 b(t;)508 b(it)462 +b(turns)e(out)i(w)-31 b(e)462 b(can)f(do)g(b)31 b(oth)462 +b(at)g(the)0 21588 y(same)370 b(time:)0 23644 y Fk(>>>)1163 +b(print)582 b(17)f(+)g(3)0 24999 y(20)0 27055 y Fn(In)371 +b(realit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)374 b(the)e(addition)h(has)f(to)g(happ)31 +b(en)371 b(b)31 b(efore)372 b(the)f(prin)-31 b(ting,)374 +b(so)e(the)f(actions)i(aren't)0 28410 y(actually)296 +b(happ)31 b(ening)294 b(at)h(the)e(same)h(time.)469 b(The)293 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)295 b(is)f(that)g(an)-31 b(y)295 +b(expression)e(in)-31 b(v)g(olving)0 29765 y(n)g(um)g(b)31 +b(ers,)470 b(strings,)f(and)450 b(v)-61 b(ariables)450 +b(can)g(b)31 b(e)449 b(used)f(inside)i(a)g(prin)-31 b(t)450 +b(statemen)-31 b(t.)735 b(Y)-92 b(ou'v)-31 b(e)0 31120 +y(already)370 b(seen)f(an)g(example)i(of)f(this:)0 33176 +y Fk(print)582 b("Number)g(of)g(minutes)g(since)g(midnight:)g(",)g +(hour*60+minute)0 35233 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)362 b(can)g(also)h(put)f +(arbitrary)g(expressions)f(on)h(the)g(righ)-31 b(t-hand)363 +b(side)f(of)g(an)g(assignmen)-31 b(t)0 36588 y(statemen)g(t:)0 +38644 y Fk(percentage)583 b(=)e(\(minute)h(*)f(100\))h(/)f(60)0 +40700 y Fn(This)522 b(abilit)-31 b(y)524 b(ma)-31 b(y)522 +b(not)g(seem)f(impressiv)-31 b(e)522 b(no)-31 b(w,)561 +b(but)522 b(y)-31 b(ou)522 b(will)h(see)d(other)i(examples)0 +42055 y(where)456 b(comp)31 b(osition)458 b(mak)-31 b(es)457 +b(it)g(p)31 b(ossible)456 b(to)h(express)d(complex)k(computations)g +(neatly)0 43410 y(and)369 b(concisely)-92 b(.)0 45385 +y(W)g(arning:)473 b(There)328 b(are)h(limits)i(on)e(where)g(y)-31 +b(ou)329 b(can)g(use)g(certain)g(expressions.)479 b(F)-92 +b(or)328 b(exam-)0 46740 y(ple,)451 b(the)435 b(left-hand)h(side)e(of)h +(an)g(assignmen)-31 b(t)436 b(statemen)-31 b(t)436 b(has)f(to)g(b)31 +b(e)434 b(a)g Fm(variable)h Fn(name,)0 48095 y(not)370 +b(an)f(expression.)493 b(So,)370 b(the)f(follo)-31 b(wing)373 +b(is)c(illegal:)496 b Fk(minute+1)582 b(=)f(hour)p Fn(.)0 +52340 y Fl(2.10)1792 b(Commen)-50 b(ts)0 54648 y Fn(As)386 +b(programs)i(get)f(bigger)h(and)f(more)g(complicated,)394 +b(they)387 b(get)h(more)f(di\261cult)h(to)g(read.)0 56003 +y(F)-92 b(ormal)418 b(languages)g(are)f(dense,)429 b(and)417 +b(it)h(is)f(often)h(di\261cult)g(to)g(lo)31 b(ok)418 +b(at)g(a)f(piece)g(of)h(co)31 b(de)0 57358 y(and)369 +b(\257gure)g(out)h(what)h(it)f(is)f(doing,)i(or)e(wh)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)p eop +%%Page: 19 45 +19 44 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(2.11)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(19)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(F)-92 b(or)419 b(this)i(reason,)434 +b(it)421 b(is)f(a)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)421 b(idea)g(to)g(add)g(notes)g(to)g +(y)-31 b(our)420 b(programs)h(to)g(explain)h(in)0 2220 +y(natural)280 b(language)h(what)f(the)f(program)h(is)f(doing.)464 +b(These)278 b(notes)h(are)g(called)h Fv(commen)-35 b(ts)p +Fn(,)0 3575 y(and)369 b(they)h(are)f(mark)-31 b(ed)370 +b(with)g(the)g Fk(#)f Fn(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ol:)0 5890 +y Fk(#)581 b(compute)h(the)g(percentage)h(of)e(the)h(hour)g(that)f(has) +h(elapsed)0 7245 y(percentage)h(=)e(\(minute)h(*)f(100\))h(/)f(60)0 +9560 y Fn(In)272 b(this)i(case,)292 b(the)273 b(commen)-31 +b(t)275 b(app)31 b(ears)272 b(on)h(a)g(line)h(b)-31 b(y)273 +b(itself.)462 b(Y)-92 b(ou)273 b(can)g(also)g(put)g(commen)-31 +b(ts)0 10915 y(at)370 b(the)f(end)g(of)h(a)f(line:)0 +13230 y Fk(percentage)583 b(=)e(\(minute)h(*)f(100\))h(/)f(60)2907 +b(#)581 b(caution:)h(integer)g(division)0 15544 y Fn(Ev)-31 +b(erything)371 b(from)e(the)h Fk(#)f Fn(to)g(the)h(end)e(of)i(the)f +(line)h(is)f(ignored|it)h(has)f(no)g(e\256ect)g(on)h(the)0 +16899 y(program.)609 b(The)408 b(message)g(is)g(in)-31 +b(tended)409 b(for)e(the)h(programmer)h(or)f(for)f(future)h(program-)0 +18254 y(mers)460 b(who)i(migh)-31 b(t)462 b(use)f(this)g(co)31 +b(de.)767 b(In)460 b(this)i(case,)484 b(it)461 b(reminds)g(the)g +(reader)f(ab)31 b(out)462 b(the)0 19609 y(ev)-31 b(er-surprising)369 +b(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)370 b(of)g(in)-31 b(teger)370 +b(division.)0 24326 y Fl(2.11)1792 b(Glossary)0 26560 +y Fv(v)-71 b(alue:)553 b Fn(A)282 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)282 b(or)g(string)g(\(or)g(other)g(thing)i(to)e(b)31 +b(e)282 b(named)g(later\))h(that)g(can)g(b)31 b(e)281 +b(stored)2767 27915 y(in)370 b(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)371 +b(or)e(computed)h(in)f(an)h(expression.)0 30283 y Fv(t)-35 +b(yp)35 b(e:)554 b Fn(A)518 b(set)g(of)h(v)-61 b(alues.)941 +b(The)519 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)519 b(of)g(a)f(v)-61 b(alue)519 +b(determines)g(ho)-31 b(w)520 b(it)f(can)g(b)31 b(e)518 +b(used)2767 31638 y(in)451 b(expressions.)736 b(So)451 +b(far,)472 b(the)450 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)451 b(y)-31 +b(ou)451 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)452 b(seen)e(are)g(in)-31 b(tegers)451 +b(\(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)452 b Fk(int)p Fn(\),)2767 32993 +y(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)373 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)369 b(\(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b Fk(float)p Fn(\),)h(and)e +(strings)h(\(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b Fk(string)p Fn(\).)0 +35361 y Fv(\260oating-p)35 b(oin)-35 b(t:)555 b Fn(A)369 +b(format)i(for)e(represen)-31 b(ting)369 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)369 b(with)i(fractional)g(parts.)0 37729 y Fv(v)-71 +b(ariable:)553 b Fn(A)369 b(name)h(that)h(refers)c(to)j(a)g(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 40098 y Fv(statemen)-35 b(t:)554 b Fn(A)307 +b(section)g(of)h(co)31 b(de)307 b(that)h(represen)-31 +b(ts)306 b(a)h(command)h(or)f(action.)474 b(So)307 b(far,)320 +b(the)2767 41452 y(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(seen)f(are)g(assignmen)-31 b(ts)370 +b(and)g(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(statemen)-31 b(ts.)0 43821 +y Fv(assignmen)c(t:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(statemen)-31 b(t)371 +b(that)g(assigns)e(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(to)g(a)f(v)-61 +b(ariable.)0 46189 y Fv(state)425 b(diagram:)553 b Fn(A)335 +b(graphical)i(represen)-31 b(tation)336 b(of)f(a)g(set)g(of)h(v)-61 +b(ariables)335 b(and)h(the)f(v)-61 b(alues)2767 47544 +y(to)370 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(they)g(refer.)0 49912 y +Fv(k)-35 b(eyw)g(ord:)554 b Fn(A)441 b(reserv)-31 b(ed)440 +b(w)-31 b(ord)441 b(that)h(is)f(used)f(b)-31 b(y)441 +b(the)g(compiler)i(to)e(parse)f(a)i(program;)2767 51267 +y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(cannot)h(use)d(k)-31 b(eyw)g(ords)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b Fk(if)p Fn(,)f Fk(def)p Fn(,)f(and)h +Fk(while)g Fn(as)f(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(names.)0 53635 +y Fv(op)35 b(erator:)556 b Fn(A)275 b(sp)31 b(ecial)275 +b(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ol)276 b(that)h(represen)-31 b(ts)274 +b(a)h(simple)h(computation)i(lik)-31 b(e)276 b(addition,)2767 +54990 y(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)375 b(or)369 b(string)h(concatenation.)0 +57358 y Fv(op)35 b(erand:)555 b Fn(One)369 b(of)h(the)f(v)-61 +b(alues)370 b(on)f(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(an)g(op)31 b(erator)369 +b(op)31 b(erates.)p eop +%%Page: 20 46 +20 45 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20)15858 b(V)-106 b(ariables,)424 +b(expressions)j(and)d(statemen)-35 b(ts)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a(expression:)555 b Fn(A)362 b(com)-31 b(bination)366 +b(of)d(v)-61 b(ariables,)364 b(op)31 b(erators,)365 b(and)d(v)-61 +b(alues)363 b(that)g(represen)-31 b(ts)2767 2220 y(a)370 +b(single)g(result)f(v)-61 b(alue.)0 4461 y Fv(ev)-71 +b(aluate:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)405 b(simplify)j(an)d(expression)g(b)-31 +b(y)406 b(p)31 b(erforming)406 b(the)f(op)31 b(erations)407 +b(in)e(order)g(to)2767 5815 y(yield)371 b(a)e(single)h(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 8056 y Fv(in)-35 b(teger)426 b(division:)552 +b Fn(An)330 b(op)31 b(eration)331 b(that)g(divides)g(one)f(in)-31 +b(teger)331 b(b)-31 b(y)330 b(another)g(and)g(yields)2767 +9411 y(an)297 b(in)-31 b(teger.)469 b(In)-31 b(teger)297 +b(division)g(yields)g(only)g(the)g(whole)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)296 b(of)h(times)g(that)h(the)2767 10766 y(n)-31 +b(umerator)371 b(is)e(divisible)h(b)-31 b(y)370 b(the)f(denominator)j +(and)d(discards)g(an)-31 b(y)370 b(remainder.)0 13006 +y Fv(rules)425 b(of)g(precedence:)555 b Fn(The)262 b(set)f(of)h(rules)f +(go)-31 b(v)g(erning)263 b(the)f(order)f(in)g(whic)-31 +b(h)263 b(expressions)2767 14361 y(in)-31 b(v)g(olving)373 +b(m)-31 b(ultiple)371 b(op)31 b(erators)370 b(and)f(op)31 +b(erands)369 b(are)g(ev)-61 b(aluated.)0 16602 y Fv(concatenate:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(join)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(op)31 +b(erands)369 b(end-to-end.)0 18842 y Fv(comp)35 b(osition:)554 +b Fn(The)414 b(abilit)-31 b(y)417 b(to)e(com)-31 b(bine)415 +b(simple)g(expressions)e(and)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)415 +b(in)-31 b(to)2767 20197 y(comp)31 b(ound)320 b(statemen)-31 +b(ts)321 b(and)e(expressions)f(in)i(order)e(to)i(represen)-31 +b(t)318 b(complex)i(com-)2767 21552 y(putations)371 b(concisely)-92 +b(.)0 23793 y Fv(commen)-35 b(t:)553 b Fn(Information)360 +b(in)e(a)f(program)i(that)f(is)g(mean)-31 b(t)358 b(for)g(other)g +(programmers)g(\(or)2767 25147 y(an)-31 b(y)g(one)348 +b(reading)g(the)e(source)g(co)31 b(de\))347 b(and)g(has)f(no)h +(e\256ect)f(on)h(the)g(execution)h(of)f(the)2767 26502 +y(program.)p eop +%%Page: 21 47 +21 46 bop 0 9841 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(3)0 16060 y Fo(F)-258 +b(unctions)0 23139 y Fl(3.1)1793 b(F)-149 b(unction)598 +b(calls)0 25446 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 +b(already)f(seen)e(one)i(example)g(of)g(a)g Fv(function)424 +b(call)p Fn(:)0 27500 y Fk(>>>)582 b(type\("32"\))0 28855 +y()0 30909 y Fn(The)306 b(name)h(of)g(the)f(function)i +(is)e Fk(type)p Fn(,)319 b(and)307 b(it)g(displa)-31 +b(ys)307 b(the)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)307 b(of)f(a)h(v)-61 +b(alue)306 b(or)g(v)-61 b(ariable.)0 32264 y(The)479 +b(v)-61 b(alue)479 b(or)g(v)-61 b(ariable,)507 b(whic)-31 +b(h)480 b(is)f(called)h(the)f Fv(argumen)-35 b(t)479 +b Fn(of)g(the)g(function,)509 b(has)478 b(to)0 33619 +y(b)31 b(e)493 b(enclosed)h(in)g(paren)-31 b(theses.)866 +b(It)493 b(is)h(common)h(to)f(sa)-31 b(y)494 b(that)h(a)f(function)h +(\\tak)-31 b(es")496 b(an)0 34974 y(argumen)-31 b(t)371 +b(and)e(\\returns")g(a)h(result.)492 b(The)370 b(result)f(is)g(called)h +(the)g Fv(return)426 b(v)-71 b(alue)p Fn(.)0 36947 y(Instead)369 +b(of)h(prin)-31 b(ting)371 b(the)e(return)g(v)-61 b(alue,)370 +b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(could)h(assign)g(it)g(to)g(a)f(v)-61 +b(ariable:)0 39001 y Fk(>>>)582 b(betty)f(=)h(type\("32"\))0 +40356 y(>>>)g(print)f(betty)0 41711 y()0 +43765 y Fn(As)360 b(another)h(example,)k(the)360 b Fk(id)h +Fn(function)h(tak)-31 b(es)361 b(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)361 +b(or)f(a)h(v)-61 b(ariable)361 b(and)g(returns)f(an)0 +45120 y(in)-31 b(teger)370 b(that)h(acts)e(as)g(a)h(unique)f(iden)-31 +b(ti\257er)371 b(for)e(the)g(v)-61 b(alue:)0 47174 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(id\(3\))0 48529 y(134882108)0 49884 y(>>>)g(betty)f(=)h(3) +0 51239 y(>>>)g(id\(betty\))0 52594 y(134882108)0 54648 +y Fn(Ev)-31 b(ery)405 b(v)-61 b(alue)404 b(has)h(an)f +Fk(id)p Fn(,)414 b(whic)-31 b(h)405 b(is)f(a)h(unique)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)405 b(related)g(to)g(where)f(it)h(is)f(stored)0 +56003 y(in)395 b(the)g(memory)h(of)g(the)f(computer.)570 +b(The)396 b Fk(id)f Fn(of)g(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)396 b(is)f(the)g +Fk(id)g Fn(of)h(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)395 b(to)0 57358 y(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(it)g(refers.)p eop +%%Page: 22 48 +22 47 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(22)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(3.2)1793 b(T)-50 b(yp)50 +b(e)599 b(con)-50 b(v)g(ersion)0 3294 y Fn(Python)389 +b(pro)-31 b(vides)388 b(a)g(collection)i(of)e(built-in)i(functions)e +(that)h(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)389 b(v)-61 b(alues)388 b(from)g(one)0 +4649 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)313 b(to)h(another.)475 b(The)313 +b Fk(int)g Fn(function)h(tak)-31 b(es)314 b(an)-31 b(y)314 +b(v)-61 b(alue)313 b(and)g(con)-31 b(v)g(erts)314 b(it)g(to)f(an)g(in) +-31 b(teger,)0 6004 y(if)370 b(p)31 b(ossible,)370 b(or)f(complains)i +(otherwise:)0 8181 y Fk(>>>)582 b(int\("32"\))0 9536 +y(32)0 10891 y(>>>)g(int\("Hello"\))0 12246 y(ValueError:)h(invalid)f +(literal)g(for)g(int\(\):)g(Hello)0 14422 y(int)515 b +Fn(can)g(also)h(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)516 b(\260oating-p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)518 b(v)-61 b(alues)515 b(to)h(in)-31 b(tegers,)552 +b(but)515 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)515 b(that)h(it)0 15777 +y(truncates)370 b(the)f(fractional)j(part:)0 17954 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(int\(3.99999\))0 19309 y(3)0 20664 y(>>>)g(int\(-2.3\))0 +22019 y(-2)0 24195 y Fn(The)369 b Fk(float)h Fn(function)h(con)-31 +b(v)g(erts)370 b(in)-31 b(tegers)369 b(and)h(strings)f(to)h +(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)373 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers:)0 26372 y Fk(>>>)582 b(float\(32\))0 27727 y(32.0)0 +29082 y(>>>)g(float\("3.14159"\))0 30437 y(3.14159)0 +32613 y Fn(Finally)-92 b(,)371 b(the)e Fk(str)h Fn(function)g(con)-31 +b(v)g(erts)370 b(to)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b Fk(string)p +Fn(:)0 34790 y Fk(>>>)582 b(str\(32\))0 36145 y('32')0 +37500 y(>>>)g(str\(3.14149\))0 38855 y('3.14149')0 41031 +y Fn(It)288 b(ma)-31 b(y)289 b(seem)f(o)31 b(dd)287 b(that)i(Python)h +(distinguishes)e(the)g(in)-31 b(teger)289 b(v)-61 b(alue)289 +b Fk(1)e Fn(from)i(the)f(\260oating-)0 42386 y(p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)497 b(v)-61 b(alue)496 b Fk(1.0)p Fn(.)872 b(They)496 +b(ma)-31 b(y)497 b(represen)-31 b(t)495 b(the)h(same)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)528 b(but)495 b(they)i(b)31 b(elong)496 +b(to)0 43741 y(di\256eren)-31 b(t)451 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es.)737 b(The)450 b(reason)h(is)f(that)i(they)f(are)g(represen)-31 +b(ted)449 b(di\256eren)-31 b(tly)452 b(inside)f(the)0 +45096 y(computer.)0 49509 y Fl(3.3)1793 b(T)-50 b(yp)50 +b(e)599 b(co)50 b(ercion)0 51938 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)511 +b(that)g(w)-31 b(e)510 b(can)g(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)511 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)511 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es,)546 +b(w)-31 b(e)510 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)511 b(another)f(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)512 b(to)e(deal)h(with)0 53293 y(in)-31 b(teger)383 +b(division.)534 b(Returning)382 b(to)h(the)g(example)h(from)e(the)h +(previous)f(c)-31 b(hapter,)387 b(supp)31 b(ose)0 54648 +y(w)-31 b(e)310 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)311 b(to)f(calculate)h(the)e(fraction) +i(of)f(an)f(hour)g(that)i(has)e(elapsed.)473 b(The)309 +b(most)i(ob)-31 b(vious)0 56003 y(expression,)312 b Fk(minute)582 +b(/)g(60)p Fn(,)312 b(do)31 b(es)298 b(in)-31 b(teger)298 +b(arithmetic,)315 b(so)298 b(the)g(result)f(is)h(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)300 b(0,)313 b(ev)-31 b(en)0 57358 y(at)370 +b(59)g(min)-31 b(utes)370 b(past)g(the)f(hour.)p eop +%%Page: 23 49 +23 48 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.4)425 b(Math)g(functions)26349 +b(23)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(One)408 b(solution)j(is)d(to)i +(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)409 b Fk(minute)h Fn(to)f(\260oating-p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)412 b(and)d(do)g(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)412 b(divi-)0 2220 y(sion:)0 4544 y Fk(>>>)582 b(minute)g(=)f(59)0 +5899 y(>>>)h(float\(minute\))h(/)e(60)0 7254 y(0.983333333333)0 +9577 y Fn(Alternativ)-31 b(ely)-92 b(,)514 b(w)-31 b(e)483 +b(can)f(tak)-31 b(e)484 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)484 +b(of)f(the)g(rules)f(for)g(automatic)k(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)482 b(con)-31 b(v)g(er-)0 10932 y(sion,)375 b(whic)-31 +b(h)375 b(is)e(called)i Fv(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)430 b(co)35 +b(ercion)p Fn(.)507 b(F)-92 b(or)372 b(the)i(mathematical)j(op)31 +b(erators,)376 b(if)e(either)0 12287 y(op)31 b(erand)369 +b(is)g(a)h Fk(float)p Fn(,)g(the)f(other)h(is)f(automatically)374 +b(con)-31 b(v)g(erted)370 b(to)g(a)g Fk(float)p Fn(:)0 +14611 y Fk(>>>)582 b(minute)g(=)f(59)0 15966 y(>>>)h(minute)g(/)f(60.0) +0 17321 y(0.983333333333)0 19644 y Fn(By)551 b(making)h(the)e +(denominator)j(a)e Fk(float)p Fn(,)596 b(w)-31 b(e)551 +b(force)g(Python)h(to)f(do)f(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)0 20999 y(division.)0 25743 y Fl(3.4)1793 b(Math)598 +b(functions)0 28350 y Fn(In)442 b(mathematics,)465 b(y)-31 +b(ou)443 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)444 b(probably)g(seen)e(functions)h(lik)-31 +b(e)444 b Fk(sin)f Fn(and)g Fk(log)p Fn(,)462 b(and)443 +b(y)-31 b(ou)0 29705 y(ha)g(v)g(e)398 b(learned)f(to)h(ev)-61 +b(aluate)399 b(expressions)d(lik)-31 b(e)398 b Fk(sin\(pi/2\))h +Fn(and)e Fk(log\(1/x\))p Fn(.)577 b(First,)404 b(y)-31 +b(ou)0 31060 y(ev)-61 b(aluate)465 b(the)e(expression)g(in)h(paren)-31 +b(theses)463 b(\(the)h(argumen)-31 b(t\).)777 b(F)-92 +b(or)463 b(example,)488 b Fk(pi/2)464 b Fn(is)0 32415 +y(appro)-31 b(ximately)373 b(1.571,)e(and)f Fk(1/x)f +Fn(is)g(0.1)i(\(if)f Fk(x)f Fn(happ)31 b(ens)369 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)369 b(10.0\).)0 34657 y(Then,)416 b(y)-31 b(ou)407 +b(ev)-61 b(aluate)407 b(the)g(function)g(itself,)417 +b(either)406 b(b)-31 b(y)407 b(lo)31 b(oking)408 b(it)f(up)f(in)g(a)g +(table)i(or)e(b)-31 b(y)0 36012 y(p)31 b(erforming)405 +b(v)-61 b(arious)404 b(computations.)601 b(The)404 b +Fk(sin)h Fn(of)f(1.571)j(is)d(1,)414 b(and)404 b(the)g +Fk(log)h Fn(of)g(0.1)g(is)0 37367 y(-1)369 b(\(assuming)i(that)f +Fk(log)g Fn(indicates)g(the)g(logarithm)i(base)d(10\).)0 +39610 y(This)266 b(pro)31 b(cess)265 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)265 +b(applied)i(rep)31 b(eatedly)267 b(to)g(ev)-61 b(aluate)267 +b(more)f(complicated)j(expressions)0 40965 y(lik)-31 +b(e)530 b Fk(log\(1/sin\(pi/2\)\))p Fn(.)974 b(First,)569 +b(y)-31 b(ou)529 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)530 b(the)f(argumen)-31 +b(t)531 b(of)e(the)g(innermost)0 42320 y(function,)371 +b(then)f(ev)-61 b(aluate)370 b(the)g(function,)h(and)e(so)g(on.)0 +44562 y(Python)484 b(has)f(a)g(math)h(mo)31 b(dule)484 +b(that)h(pro)-31 b(vides)483 b(most)h(of)f(the)g(familiar)j +(mathematical)0 45917 y(functions.)832 b(A)481 b Fv(mo)35 +b(dule)483 b Fn(is)f(a)g(\257le)g(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)483 +b(a)g(collection)h(of)e(related)h(functions)0 47272 y(group)31 +b(ed)369 b(together.)0 49515 y(Before)g(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(can)f(use)g(the)g(functions)i(from)e(a)h(mo)31 b(dule,)371 +b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(imp)31 b(ort)371 +b(them:)0 51838 y Fk(>>>)582 b(import)g(math)0 54162 +y Fn(T)-92 b(o)334 b(call)g(one)g(of)g(the)g(functions,)342 +b(w)-31 b(e)334 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)334 b(to)g(sp)31 b(ecify)334 +b(the)f(name)h(of)g(the)g(mo)31 b(dule)334 b(and)g(the)0 +55517 y(name)373 b(of)h(the)f(function,)i(separated)e(b)-31 +b(y)373 b(a)g(dot,)i(also)f(kno)-31 b(wn)374 b(as)e(a)h(p)31 +b(erio)g(d.)503 b(This)373 b(format)0 56872 y(is)c(called)i +Fv(dot)425 b(notation)p Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 24 50 +24 49 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(24)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(decibel)g(=)f(math.log10)i +(\(17.0\))0 2220 y(>>>)f(angle)f(=)h(1.5)0 3575 y(>>>)g(height)g(=)f +(math.sin\(angle\))0 6010 y Fn(The)365 b(\257rst)g(statemen)-31 +b(t)367 b(sets)d Fk(decibel)i Fn(to)g(the)f(logarithm)j(of)d(17,)i +(base)e Fk(10)p Fn(.)491 b(There)365 b(is)g(also)0 7365 +y(a)k(function)i(called)f Fk(log)g Fn(that)g(tak)-31 +b(es)370 b(logarithm)i(base)d Fk(e)p Fn(.)0 9718 y(The)387 +b(third)f(statemen)-31 b(t)389 b(\257nds)d(the)h(sine)f(of)h(the)g(v) +-61 b(alue)387 b(of)g(the)f(v)-61 b(ariable)388 b Fk(angle)p +Fn(.)545 b Fk(sin)387 b Fn(and)0 11073 y(the)442 b(other)g +(trigonometric)j(functions)d(\()p Fk(cos)p Fn(,)461 b +Fk(tan)p Fn(,)g(etc.\))711 b(tak)-31 b(e)443 b(argumen)-31 +b(ts)443 b(in)f(radians.)0 12428 y(T)-92 b(o)428 b(con)-31 +b(v)g(ert)429 b(from)f(degrees)f(to)i(radians,)443 b(divide)428 +b(b)-31 b(y)428 b(360)h(and)f(m)-31 b(ultiply)430 b(b)-31 +b(y)428 b Fk(2*pi)p Fn(.)669 b(F)-92 b(or)0 13783 y(example,)395 +b(to)389 b(\257nd)e(the)i(sine)f(of)g(45)h(degrees,)k(\257rst)387 +b(calculate)j(the)f(angle)g(in)f(radians)h(and)0 15138 +y(then)369 b(tak)-31 b(e)371 b(the)e(sine:)0 17573 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(degrees)g(=)f(45)0 18927 y(>>>)h(angle)f(=)h(degrees)g(*)f +(2)h(*)f(math.pi)h(/)f(360.0)0 20282 y(>>>)h(math.sin\(angle\))0 +21637 y(0.707106781187)0 24072 y Fn(The)401 b(constan)-31 +b(t)402 b Fk(pi)e Fn(is)h(also)g(part)g(of)g(the)g(math)h(mo)31 +b(dule.)587 b(If)400 b(y)-31 b(ou)402 b(kno)-31 b(w)401 +b(y)-31 b(our)401 b(geometry)-92 b(,)0 25427 y(y)-31 +b(ou)480 b(can)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)479 b(the)g(previous)g(result)f(b)-31 +b(y)479 b(comparing)i(it)f(to)f(the)g(square)g(ro)31 +b(ot)479 b(of)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 26782 y(divided)370 b(b)-31 +b(y)370 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o:)0 29216 y Fk(>>>)582 b(math.sqrt\(2\))h(/)e +(2.0)0 30571 y(0.707106781187)0 35729 y Fl(3.5)1793 b(Comp)50 +b(osition)0 38491 y Fn(Just)295 b(as)h(with)g(mathematical)k +(functions,)312 b(Python)297 b(functions)f(can)g(b)31 +b(e)295 b(comp)31 b(osed,)311 b(mean-)0 39846 y(ing)417 +b(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)418 b(use)e(one)h(expression)f(as)h(part)g(of)g +(another.)636 b(F)-92 b(or)416 b(example,)430 b(y)-31 +b(ou)418 b(can)f(use)0 41201 y(an)-31 b(y)370 b(expression)f(as)g(an)g +(argumen)-31 b(t)371 b(to)f(a)f(function:)0 43636 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(x)f(=)g(math.cos\(angle)i(+)f(pi/2\))0 46070 y Fn(This)344 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)345 b(tak)-31 b(es)344 b(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)344 b(of)g Fk(pi)p Fn(,)349 b(divides)344 b(it)g(b)-31 +b(y)344 b(2,)349 b(and)343 b(adds)h(the)f(result)h(to)g(the)0 +47425 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)f Fk(angle)p Fn(.)494 b(The)369 +b(sum)g(is)g(then)h(passed)e(as)h(an)h(argumen)-31 b(t)370 +b(to)g(the)g Fk(cos)f Fn(function.)0 49779 y(Y)-92 b(ou)513 +b(can)f(also)h(tak)-31 b(e)514 b(the)e(result)g(of)h(one)g(function)g +(and)g(pass)f(it)h(as)f(an)g(argumen)-31 b(t)514 b(to)0 +51134 y(another:)0 53569 y Fk(>>>)582 b(x)f(=)g +(math.exp\(math.log\(10.0\)\))0 56003 y Fn(This)373 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)374 b(\257nds)e(the)g(log)i(base)e Fk(e)g Fn(of)h(10)g(and)f(then)h +(raises)f Fk(e)g Fn(to)h(that)g(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(er.)503 +b(The)0 57358 y(result)369 b(gets)h(assigned)f(to)h Fk(x)p +Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 25 51 +25 50 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.6)425 b(Adding)g(new)h(functions)22670 +b(25)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(3.6)1793 b(Adding)598 +b(new)h(functions)0 3577 y Fn(So)446 b(far,)465 b(w)-31 +b(e)446 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)446 b(only)h(b)31 b(een)445 +b(using)h(the)g(functions)g(that)h(come)f(with)h(Python,)466 +b(but)446 b(it)0 4932 y(is)504 b(also)h(p)31 b(ossible)504 +b(to)h(add)f(new)h(functions.)898 b(Creating)506 b(new)e(functions)h +(to)g(solv)-31 b(e)505 b(y)-31 b(our)0 6287 y(particular)472 +b(problems)f(is)g(one)f(of)i(the)f(most)g(useful)g(things)g(ab)31 +b(out)472 b(a)f(general-purp)31 b(ose)0 7642 y(programming)371 +b(language.)0 9960 y(In)i(the)g(con)-31 b(text)375 b(of)f(programming,) +j(a)d Fv(function)g Fn(is)f(a)h(named)g(sequence)e(of)i(statemen)-31 +b(ts)0 11315 y(that)468 b(p)31 b(erforms)466 b(a)h(desired)e(op)31 +b(eration.)787 b(This)466 b(op)31 b(eration)468 b(is)f(sp)31 +b(eci\257ed)466 b(in)h(a)g Fv(function)0 12670 y(de\257nition)p +Fn(.)556 b(The)391 b(functions)g(w)-31 b(e)391 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)391 b(b)31 b(een)389 b(using)i(so)f(far)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)391 b(b)31 b(een)390 b(de\257ned)g(for)g(us,)0 +14025 y(and)371 b(these)g(de\257nitions)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)372 +b(b)31 b(een)370 b(hidden.)497 b(This)372 b(is)e(a)h(go)31 +b(o)g(d)372 b(thing,)h(b)31 b(ecause)370 b(it)i(allo)-31 +b(ws)0 15380 y(us)369 b(to)h(use)e(the)i(functions)g(without)h(w)-31 +b(orrying)371 b(ab)31 b(out)370 b(the)f(details)i(of)e(their)h +(de\257nitions.)0 17697 y(The)f(syn)-31 b(tax)371 b(for)e(a)g(function) +i(de\257nition)g(is:)0 20096 y Fk(def)582 b(NAME\()f(LIST)h(OF)g +(PARAMETERS)g(\):)1162 21451 y(STATEMENTS)0 23850 y Fn(Y)-92 +b(ou)339 b(can)g(mak)-31 b(e)340 b(up)f(an)-31 b(y)340 +b(names)f(y)-31 b(ou)339 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)341 b(for)e(the)g(functions)h +(y)-31 b(ou)340 b(create,)345 b(except)340 b(that)0 25205 +y(y)-31 b(ou)321 b(can't)h(use)f(a)g(name)g(that)h(is)f(a)g(Python)h(k) +-31 b(eyw)g(ord.)478 b(The)321 b(list)g(of)h(parameters)f(sp)31 +b(eci\257es)0 26560 y(what)367 b(information,)i(if)e(an)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)367 b(y)-31 b(ou)366 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)367 +b(to)f(pro)-31 b(vide)366 b(in)g(order)f(to)h(use)f(the)h(new)g +(function.)0 28877 y(There)425 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)425 b(an)-31 +b(y)426 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)425 b(of)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts)427 b(inside)f(the)f(function,)441 b(but)426 b(they)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)426 b(to)0 30232 y(b)31 b(e)378 b(inden)-31 b(ted)379 +b(from)g(the)g(left)g(margin.)522 b(In)378 b(the)h(examples)g(in)g +(this)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)382 b(w)-31 b(e)379 b(will)h(use)e(an)0 +31587 y(inden)-31 b(tation)372 b(of)e(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 +b(spaces.)0 33905 y(The)405 b(\257rst)g(couple)h(of)g(functions)g(w)-31 +b(e)406 b(are)f(going)i(to)f(write)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)406 +b(no)f(parameters,)416 b(so)405 b(the)0 35260 y(syn)-31 +b(tax)370 b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)0 +37658 y Fk(def)582 b(newLine\(\):)1162 39013 y(print)0 +41412 y Fn(This)437 b(function)h(is)f(named)h Fk(newLine)p +Fn(.)696 b(The)437 b(empt)-31 b(y)438 b(paren)-31 b(theses)437 +b(indicate)h(that)g(it)g(has)0 42767 y(no)466 b(parameters.)785 +b(It)466 b(con)-31 b(tains)467 b(only)h(a)e(single)h(statemen)-31 +b(t,)493 b(whic)-31 b(h)467 b(outputs)g(a)g(newline)0 +44122 y(c)-31 b(haracter.)490 b(\(That's)361 b(what)g(happ)31 +b(ens)359 b(when)g(y)-31 b(ou)360 b(use)f(a)h Fk(print)g +Fn(command)h(without)g(an)-31 b(y)0 45477 y(argumen)g(ts.\))0 +47795 y(The)426 b(syn)-31 b(tax)427 b(for)f(calling)i(the)e(new)g +(function)h(is)f(the)g(same)h(as)e(the)h(syn)-31 b(tax)427 +b(for)f(built-in)0 49149 y(functions:)0 51548 y Fk(print)582 +b("First)g(Line.")0 52903 y(newLine\(\))0 54258 y(print)g("Second)g +(Line.")0 56657 y Fn(The)369 b(output)i(of)f(this)f(program)h(is:)p +eop +%%Page: 26 52 +26 51 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(26)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(First)582 b(line.)0 3575 +y(Second)g(line.)0 5851 y Fn(Notice)426 b(the)g(extra)f(space)g(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)426 b(the)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)427 b(lines.)660 +b(What)425 b(if)h(w)-31 b(e)425 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)427 +b(more)e(space)0 7206 y(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(the)g(lines?)492 +b(W)-92 b(e)368 b(could)i(call)h(the)e(same)h(function)g(rep)31 +b(eatedly:)0 9481 y Fk(print)582 b("First)g(Line.")0 +10836 y(newLine\(\))0 12191 y(newLine\(\))0 13546 y(newLine\(\))0 +14901 y(print)g("Second)g(Line.")0 17176 y Fn(Or)495 +b(w)-31 b(e)496 b(could)h(write)f(a)g(new)g(function)i(named)e +Fk(threeLines)h Fn(that)g(prin)-31 b(ts)496 b(three)g(new)0 +18531 y(lines:)0 20807 y Fk(def)582 b(threeLines\(\):)1162 +22162 y(newLine\(\))1162 23517 y(newLine\(\))1162 24872 +y(newLine\(\))0 27582 y(print)g("First)g(Line.")0 28936 +y(threeLines\(\))0 30291 y(print)g("Second)g(Line.")0 +32567 y Fn(This)283 b(function)g(con)-31 b(tains)284 +b(three)e(statemen)-31 b(ts,)301 b(all)284 b(of)f(whic)-31 +b(h)283 b(are)f(inden)-31 b(ted)283 b(b)-31 b(y)282 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)284 b(spaces.)0 33922 y(Since)420 b(the)h(next)f(statemen)-31 +b(t)422 b(is)e(not)h(inden)-31 b(ted,)435 b(Python)421 +b(kno)-31 b(ws)421 b(that)g(it)g(is)f(not)h(part)f(of)0 +35277 y(the)369 b(function.)0 37471 y(Y)-92 b(ou)369 +b(should)h(notice)g(a)g(few)f(things)i(ab)31 b(out)370 +b(this)f(program:)1353 40174 y(1.)554 b(Y)-92 b(ou)409 +b(can)g(call)h(the)f(same)g(pro)31 b(cedure)408 b(rep)31 +b(eatedly)-92 b(.)611 b(In)409 b(fact,)420 b(it)409 b(is)g(quite)g +(common)2767 41529 y(and)370 b(useful)f(to)h(do)g(so.)1353 +43824 y(2.)554 b(Y)-92 b(ou)357 b(can)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)357 +b(one)g(function)h(call)f(another)g(function;)362 b(in)357 +b(this)g(case)f Fk(threeLines)2767 45179 y Fn(calls)370 +b Fk(newLine)p Fn(.)0 47881 y(So)337 b(far,)343 b(it)338 +b(ma)-31 b(y)338 b(not)f(b)31 b(e)336 b(clear)h(wh)-31 +b(y)337 b(it)g(is)g(w)-31 b(orth)337 b(the)g(trouble)g(to)h(create)e +(all)i(of)f(these)g(new)0 49236 y(functions.)633 b(Actually)-92 +b(,)430 b(there)415 b(are)h(a)g(lot)h(of)f(reasons,)427 +b(but)416 b(this)g(example)h(demonstrates)0 50591 y(t)-31 +b(w)g(o:)1660 53293 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Creating)506 b(a)e(new)g +(function)h(giv)-31 b(es)504 b(y)-31 b(ou)505 b(an)f(opp)31 +b(ortunit)-31 b(y)506 b(to)e(name)g(a)g(group)g(of)2767 +54648 y(statemen)-31 b(ts.)560 b(F)-92 b(unctions)391 +b(can)g(simplify)i(a)e(program)h(b)-31 b(y)391 b(hiding)i(a)e(complex)h +(com-)2767 56003 y(putation)330 b(b)31 b(ehind)327 b(a)g(single)h +(command)h(and)e(b)-31 b(y)328 b(using)f(English)i(w)-31 +b(ords)327 b(in)h(place)f(of)2767 57358 y(arcane)370 +b(co)31 b(de.)p eop +%%Page: 27 53 +27 52 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.7)425 b(De\257nitions)h(and)e(use)24170 +b(27)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Creating)285 +b(a)f(new)g(function)h(can)e(mak)-31 b(e)285 b(a)e(program)i(smaller)f +(b)-31 b(y)283 b(eliminating)k(rep)31 b(et-)2767 2220 +y(itiv)-31 b(e)411 b(co)31 b(de.)613 b(F)-92 b(or)409 +b(example,)421 b(a)410 b(short)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)411 b(to)f(prin)-31 +b(t)410 b(nine)f(consecutiv)-31 b(e)411 b(new)f(lines)2767 +3575 y(is)370 b(to)f(call)i Fk(threeLines)f Fn(three)f(times.)2767 +6338 y Fm(As)809 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)914 b(write)809 +b(a)h(function)h(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 b(d)810 b Fk(nineLines)h +Fm(that)d(uses)2767 7693 y Fk(threeLines)385 b Fm(to)e(print)h(nine)h +(blank)e(lines.)506 b(How)383 b(would)f(you)i(print)g(twenty-)2767 +9048 y(seven)397 b(new)f(lines?)0 13740 y Fl(3.7)1793 +b(De\257nitions)600 b(and)e(use)0 16324 y Fn(Pulling)362 +b(together)e(the)g(co)31 b(de)360 b(fragmen)-31 b(ts)360 +b(from)g(Section)h(3.6,)i(the)d(whole)h(program)f(lo)31 +b(oks)0 17679 y(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 19986 y Fk(def)582 +b(newLine\(\):)1162 21341 y(print)0 24051 y(def)g(threeLines\(\):)1162 +25406 y(newLine\(\))1162 26761 y(newLine\(\))1162 28116 +y(newLine\(\))0 30826 y(print)g("First)g(Line.")0 32180 +y(threeLines\(\))0 33535 y(print)g("Second)g(Line.")0 +35842 y Fn(This)588 b(program)g(con)-31 b(tains)589 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)590 b(function)e(de\257nitions:)931 b Fk(newLine)588 +b Fn(and)g Fk(threeLines)p Fn(.)0 37197 y(F)-92 b(unction)475 +b(de\257nitions)g(get)g(executed)g(just)f(lik)-31 b(e)475 +b(other)g(statemen)-31 b(ts,)502 b(but)475 b(the)f(e\256ect)g(is)0 +38552 y(to)542 b(create)f(the)h(new)f(function.)1010 +b(The)542 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)542 b(inside)g(the)f(function)i(do)e(not) +h(get)0 39907 y(executed)445 b(un)-31 b(til)446 b(the)e(function)i(is)e +(called,)465 b(and)445 b(the)f(function)i(de\257nition)g(generates)f +(no)0 41262 y(output.)0 43488 y(As)405 b(y)-31 b(ou)405 +b(migh)-31 b(t)407 b(exp)31 b(ect,)415 b(y)-31 b(ou)406 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)406 b(to)f(create)h(a)f(function)h(b)31 +b(efore)405 b(y)-31 b(ou)406 b(can)f(execute)h(it.)0 +44843 y(In)383 b(other)g(w)-31 b(ords,)387 b(the)d(function)g +(de\257nition)h(has)e(to)h(b)31 b(e)382 b(executed)i(b)31 +b(efore)383 b(the)g(\257rst)g(time)0 46198 y(it)370 b(is)f(called.)2767 +48960 y Fm(As)405 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)408 b(move)d(the)g(last)e +(thr)-57 b(e)g(e)406 b(lines)f(of)g(this)g(pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(am)405 +b(to)f(the)h(top,)2767 50315 y(so)400 b(the)g(function)i(c)-57 +b(al)57 b(ls)400 b(app)-57 b(e)g(ar)400 b(b)-57 b(efor)g(e)402 +b(the)e(de\257nitions.)523 b(R)-28 b(un)401 b(the)f(pr)-57 +b(o)g(gr)g(am)2767 51670 y(and)396 b(se)-57 b(e)397 b(what)e(err)-57 +b(or)395 b(message)h(you)h(get.)2767 54433 y(As)639 b(another)g(exer) +-57 b(cise,)701 b(start)638 b(with)g(the)h(working)h(version)f(of)h +(the)f(pr)-57 b(o-)2767 55788 y(gr)g(am)591 b(and)f(move)g(the)g +(de\257nition)h(of)f Fk(newLine)h Fm(after)f(the)g(de\257nition)h(of) +2767 57143 y Fk(threeLines)p Fm(.)512 b(What)395 b(happ)-57 +b(ens)395 b(when)h(you)h(run)f(this)g(pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(am?)p +eop +%%Page: 28 54 +28 53 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(28)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(3.8)1793 b(Flo)-50 b(w)598 +b(of)f(execution)0 3394 y Fn(In)469 b(order)f(to)i(ensure)e(that)i(a)f +(function)h(is)f(de\257ned)g(b)31 b(efore)469 b(its)g(\257rst)g(use,) +493 b(y)-31 b(ou)470 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)470 b(to)0 4749 +y(kno)-31 b(w)424 b(the)g(order)e(in)i(whic)-31 b(h)424 +b(statemen)-31 b(ts)424 b(are)f(executed,)438 b(whic)-31 +b(h)424 b(is)f(called)h(the)g Fv(\260o)-35 b(w)487 b(of)0 +6104 y(execution)p Fn(.)0 8291 y(Execution)376 b(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)376 b(b)31 b(egins)374 b(at)h(the)g(\257rst)e(statemen)-31 +b(t)377 b(of)d(the)h(program.)508 b(Statemen)-31 b(ts)376 +b(are)0 9646 y(executed)370 b(one)f(at)h(a)f(time,)i(in)f(order)e(from) +i(top)g(to)g(b)31 b(ottom.)0 11832 y(F)-92 b(unction)543 +b(de\257nitions)h(do)e(not)h(alter)h(the)e(\260o)-31 +b(w)544 b(of)e(execution)i(of)f(the)g(program,)587 b(but)0 +13187 y(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)257 b(that)i(statemen)-31 +b(ts)260 b(inside)e(the)g(function)h(are)e(not)h(executed)g(un)-31 +b(til)260 b(the)e(function)0 14542 y(is)276 b(called.)463 +b(Although)278 b(it)f(is)f(not)h(common,)297 b(y)-31 +b(ou)277 b(can)f(de\257ne)g(one)h(function)g(inside)g(another.)0 +15897 y(In)318 b(this)h(case,)330 b(the)319 b(inner)f(de\257nition)i +(isn't)g(executed)f(un)-31 b(til)320 b(the)f(outer)g(function)i(is)d +(called.)0 18084 y(F)-92 b(unction)344 b(calls)g(are)f(lik)-31 +b(e)344 b(a)g(detour)f(in)h(the)f(\260o)-31 b(w)345 b(of)e(execution.) +486 b(Instead)343 b(of)h(going)h(to)f(the)0 19439 y(next)379 +b(statemen)-31 b(t,)383 b(the)c(\260o)-31 b(w)380 b(jumps)e(to)i(the)e +(\257rst)g(line)i(of)f(the)f(called)i(function,)j(executes)0 +20794 y(all)370 b(the)g(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(there,)e(and)h(then)f +(comes)h(bac)-31 b(k)369 b(to)h(pic)-31 b(k)370 b(up)f(where)g(it)h +(left)g(o\256.)0 22980 y(That)538 b(sounds)e(simple)h(enough,)579 +b(un)-31 b(til)538 b(y)-31 b(ou)537 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 +b(er)537 b(that)g(one)g(function)h(can)f(call)0 24335 +y(another.)458 b(While)262 b(in)g(the)h(middle)g(of)f(one)h(function,) +285 b(the)262 b(program)h(migh)-31 b(t)264 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)263 +b(to)g(execute)0 25690 y(the)339 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)341 +b(in)e(another)g(function.)484 b(But)339 b(while)h(executing)h(that)f +(new)f(function,)347 b(the)0 27045 y(program)370 b(migh)-31 +b(t)371 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(execute)g(y)-31 b(et)370 +b(another)g(function!)0 29232 y(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)522 +b(Python)492 b(is)e(adept)h(at)g(k)-31 b(eeping)491 b(trac)-31 +b(k)491 b(of)g(where)f(it)h(is,)521 b(so)490 b(eac)-31 +b(h)491 b(time)h(a)0 30587 y(function)397 b(completes,)404 +b(the)395 b(program)h(pic)-31 b(ks)396 b(up)f(where)h(it)g(left)g +(o\256)g(in)f(the)h(function)h(that)0 31942 y(called)370 +b(it.)494 b(When)368 b(it)i(gets)g(to)g(the)f(end)g(of)h(the)f +(program,)i(it)f(terminates.)0 34128 y(What's)456 b(the)g(moral)h(of)f +(this)f(sordid)h(tale?)752 b(When)455 b(y)-31 b(ou)456 +b(read)f(a)h(program,)478 b(don't)457 b(read)0 35483 +y(from)370 b(top)g(to)g(b)31 b(ottom.)494 b(Instead,)370 +b(follo)-31 b(w)372 b(the)d(\260o)-31 b(w)370 b(of)g(execution.)0 +40059 y Fl(3.9)1793 b(P)-50 b(arameters)600 b(and)e(argumen)-50 +b(ts)0 42587 y Fn(Some)331 b(of)f(the)g(built-in)h(functions)g(y)-31 +b(ou)331 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)331 b(used)e(require)g(argumen)-31 +b(ts,)340 b(the)330 b(v)-61 b(alues)330 b(that)0 43942 +y(con)-31 b(trol)495 b(ho)-31 b(w)495 b(the)f(function)i(do)31 +b(es)493 b(its)h(job.)868 b(F)-92 b(or)493 b(example,)527 +b(if)494 b(y)-31 b(ou)495 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)495 b(to)g(\257nd)f(the)0 +45297 y(sine)392 b(of)i(a)e(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)399 +b(y)-31 b(ou)394 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)393 b(to)g(indicate)i(what)e(the)g(n) +-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)393 b(is.)562 b(Th)-31 b(us,)399 +b Fk(sin)393 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)394 b(a)0 46652 y(n)-31 +b(umeric)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(as)g(an)h(argumen)-31 +b(t.)0 48839 y(Some)521 b(functions)g(tak)-31 b(e)522 +b(more)e(than)h(one)g(argumen)-31 b(t.)947 b(F)-92 b(or)520 +b(example,)560 b Fk(pow)520 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)521 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)0 50194 y(argumen)g(ts,)371 b(the)e(base)g(and)h(the)f(exp)31 +b(onen)-31 b(t.)494 b(Inside)368 b(the)i(function,)h(the)e(v)-61 +b(alues)370 b(that)g(are)0 51549 y(passed)f(get)h(assigned)f(to)h(v)-61 +b(ariables)370 b(called)g Fv(parameters)p Fn(.)0 53735 +y(Here)f(is)g(an)g(example)i(of)f(a)f(user-de\257ned)f(function)j(that) +f(tak)-31 b(es)370 b(a)g(parameter:)0 56003 y Fk(def)582 +b(printTwice\(bruce\):)1162 57358 y(print)g(bruce,)g(bruce)p +eop +%%Page: 29 55 +29 54 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.9)425 b(P)-35 b(arameters)425 +b(and)g(argumen)-35 b(ts)19839 b(29)p 0 -1627 38191 45 +v 0 865 a Fn(This)519 b(function)i(tak)-31 b(es)520 b(a)f(single)h +(argumen)-31 b(t)521 b(and)e(assigns)g(it)h(to)g(a)f(parameter)h(named) +0 2220 y Fk(bruce)p Fn(.)564 b(The)393 b(v)-61 b(alue)394 +b(of)f(the)g(parameter)h(\(at)g(this)f(p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)394 b(w)-31 b(e)394 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)394 b(no)f(idea)g(what)i(it)e +(will)0 3575 y(b)31 b(e\))488 b(is)f(prin)-31 b(ted)489 +b(t)-31 b(wice,)519 b(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)491 b(b)-31 +b(y)488 b(a)g(newline.)849 b(The)488 b(name)h Fk(bruce)f +Fn(w)-31 b(as)488 b(c)-31 b(hosen)488 b(to)0 4930 y(suggest)423 +b(that)i(the)e(name)g(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(giv)-31 b(e)424 +b(a)g(parameter)f(is)g(up)g(to)h(y)-31 b(ou,)437 b(but)423 +b(in)h(general,)437 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 6285 y(w)g(an)g(t)371 +b(to)f(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(ose)369 b(something)i(more)f(illustrativ)-31 +b(e)372 b(than)e Fk(bruce)p Fn(.)0 8524 y(The)f(function)i +Fk(printTwice)f Fn(w)-31 b(orks)370 b(for)f(an)-31 b(y)370 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b(that)g(can)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(prin)-31 +b(ted:)0 10844 y Fk(>>>)582 b(printTwice\('Spam'\))0 +12199 y(Spam)g(Spam)0 13554 y(>>>)g(printTwice\(5\))0 +14909 y(5)f(5)0 16264 y(>>>)h(printTwice\(3.14159\))0 +17619 y(3.14159)g(3.14159)0 19939 y Fn(In)319 b(the)h(\257rst)f +(function)j(call,)331 b(the)320 b(argumen)-31 b(t)321 +b(is)f(a)g(string.)477 b(In)319 b(the)h(second,)330 b(it's)320 +b(an)g(in)-31 b(teger.)0 21294 y(In)369 b(the)g(third,)h(it's)g(a)g +Fk(float)p Fn(.)0 23533 y(The)477 b(same)g(rules)f(of)h(comp)31 +b(osition)479 b(that)f(apply)f(to)g(built-in)i(functions)e(also)h +(apply)f(to)0 24888 y(user-de\257ned)342 b(functions,)350 +b(so)343 b(w)-31 b(e)344 b(can)f(use)g(an)-31 b(y)344 +b(kind)g(of)f(expression)g(as)h(an)f(argumen)-31 b(t)345 +b(for)0 26242 y Fk(printTwice)p Fn(:)0 28563 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(printTwice\('Spam'*4\))0 29917 y(SpamSpamSpamSpam)i(SpamSpamSpamSpam) +0 31272 y(>>>)e(printTwice\(math.cos\(math.pi\)\))0 32627 +y(-1.0)g(-1.0)0 34947 y Fn(As)356 b(usual,)k(the)d(expression)g(is)g +(ev)-61 b(aluated)358 b(b)31 b(efore)356 b(the)h(function)h(is)f(run,)i +(so)e Fk(printTwice)0 36302 y Fn(prin)-31 b(ts)369 b +Fk(SpamSpamSpamSpam)584 b(SpamSpamSpamSpam)371 b Fn(instead)f(of)g +Fk('Spam'*4)582 b('Spam'*4)p Fn(.)2767 39090 y Fm(As)346 +b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)357 b(write)345 b(a)h(c)-57 b(al)57 +b(l)345 b(to)h Fk(printTwice)h Fm(that)e(do)-57 b(es)346 +b(print)g Fk('Spam'*4)2767 40445 y('Spam'*4)p Fm(.)677 +b(Hint:)621 b(strings)451 b(c)-57 b(an)452 b(b)-57 b(e)452 +b(enclose)-57 b(d)452 b(in)g(either)g(single)g(or)f(double)2767 +41800 y(quotes,)471 b(and)455 b(the)h(typ)-57 b(e)456 +b(of)f(quote)h(not)f(use)-57 b(d)456 b(to)f(enclose)h(the)f(string)h(c) +-57 b(an)456 b(b)-57 b(e)2767 43155 y(use)g(d)397 b(inside)f(it)h(as)e +(p)-57 b(art)396 b(of)g(the)g(string.)0 45943 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)368 b(can)i(also)g(use)f(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(as)f(an)h(argumen)-31 b(t:)0 48263 y Fk(>>>)582 b(michael)g(=)f +('Eric,)h(the)g(half)f(a)h(bee.')0 49618 y(>>>)g(printTwice\(michael\)) +0 50973 y(Eric,)g(the)f(half)h(a)g(bee.)f(Eric,)h(the)g(half)g(a)f +(bee.)0 53293 y Fn(Notice)355 b(something)h(v)-31 b(ery)353 +b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)356 b(here.)487 b(The)354 b(name)h(of)f(the)g +(v)-61 b(ariable)355 b(w)-31 b(e)354 b(pass)f(as)h(an)0 +54648 y(argumen)-31 b(t)296 b(\()p Fk(michael)p Fn(\))f(has)g(nothing)g +(to)g(do)g(with)g(the)f(name)h(of)g(the)f(parameter)h(\()p +Fk(bruce)p Fn(\).)0 56003 y(It)406 b(do)31 b(esn't)406 +b(matter)h(what)h(the)e(v)-61 b(alue)406 b(w)-31 b(as)407 +b(called)g(bac)-31 b(k)406 b(home)h(\(in)f(the)h(caller\);)425 +b(here)406 b(in)0 57358 y Fk(printTwice)p Fn(,)371 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(call)g(ev)-31 b(eryb)31 b(o)g(dy)369 b Fk(bruce)p +Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 30 56 +30 55 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(30)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(3.10)1792 b(V)-149 b(ariables)599 +b(and)f(parameters)i(are)e(lo)50 b(cal)0 4124 y Fn(When)442 +b(y)-31 b(ou)444 b(create)f(a)g Fv(lo)35 b(cal)509 b(v)-71 +b(ariable)442 b Fn(inside)i(a)f(function,)463 b(it)444 +b(only)f(exists)g(inside)h(the)0 5479 y(function,)371 +b(and)f(y)-31 b(ou)369 b(cannot)i(use)d(it)i(outside.)494 +b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example:)0 8269 y Fk(def)582 b(catTwice\(part1,)h +(part2\):)1162 9624 y(cat)f(=)f(part1)h(+)f(part2)1162 +10979 y(printTwice\(cat\))0 13768 y Fn(This)527 b(function)h(tak)-31 +b(es)528 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)528 b(argumen)-31 b(ts,)568 +b(concatenates)529 b(them,)567 b(and)527 b(then)g(prin)-31 +b(ts)527 b(the)0 15123 y(result)369 b(t)-31 b(wice.)494 +b(W)-92 b(e)369 b(can)g(call)i(the)e(function)i(with)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)371 b(strings:)0 17913 y Fk(>>>)582 b(chant1)g(=)f("Pie)h(Jesu) +f(domine,)i(")0 19267 y(>>>)f(chant2)g(=)f("Dona)h(eis)f(requiem.")0 +20622 y(>>>)h(catTwice\(chant1,)h(chant2\))0 21977 y(Pie)f(Jesu)f +(domine,)i(Dona)e(eis)h(requiem.)g(Pie)g(Jesu)g(domine,)g(Dona)f(eis)h +(requiem.)0 24767 y Fn(When)351 b Fk(catTwice)h Fn(terminates,)357 +b(the)352 b(v)-61 b(ariable)352 b Fk(cat)g Fn(is)f(destro)-31 +b(y)g(ed.)488 b(If)351 b(w)-31 b(e)352 b(try)f(to)i(prin)-31 +b(t)352 b(it,)0 26122 y(w)-31 b(e)370 b(get)g(an)f(error:)0 +28911 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(cat)0 30266 y(NameError:)i(cat)0 +33056 y Fn(P)-31 b(arameters)325 b(are)f(also)h(lo)31 +b(cal.)479 b(F)-92 b(or)323 b(example,)335 b(outside)325 +b(the)g(function)g Fk(printTwice)p Fn(,)335 b(there)0 +34410 y(is)369 b(no)h(suc)-31 b(h)368 b(thing)j(as)e +Fk(bruce)p Fn(.)493 b(If)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(try)f(to)h(use)f(it,)h +(Python)h(will)g(complain.)0 40551 y Fl(3.11)1792 b(Stac)-50 +b(k)599 b(diagrams)0 43810 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)431 b(k)-31 +b(eep)431 b(trac)-31 b(k)432 b(of)f(whic)-31 b(h)431 +b(v)-61 b(ariables)432 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)430 b(used)g(where,)446 +b(it)432 b(is)e(sometimes)i(useful)f(to)0 45165 y(dra)-31 +b(w)353 b(a)f Fv(stac)-35 b(k)404 b(diagram)p Fn(.)487 +b(Lik)-31 b(e)353 b(state)g(diagrams,)k(stac)-31 b(k)353 +b(diagrams)h(sho)-31 b(w)352 b(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)352 +b(of)0 46520 y(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable,)370 +b(but)g(they)f(also)i(sho)-31 b(w)369 b(the)h(function)g(to)g(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(b)31 +b(elongs.)0 49229 y(Eac)-31 b(h)425 b(function)g(is)f(represen)-31 +b(ted)423 b(b)-31 b(y)425 b(a)f Fv(frame)p Fn(.)657 b(A)424 +b(frame)h(is)e(a)i(b)31 b(o)-31 b(x)424 b(with)h(the)g(name)f(of)0 +50584 y(a)388 b(function)h(b)31 b(eside)388 b(it)h(and)f(the)g +(parameters)g(and)g(v)-61 b(ariables)389 b(of)f(the)g(function)h +(inside)g(it.)0 51938 y(The)369 b(stac)-31 b(k)370 b(diagram)h(for)f +(the)f(previous)g(example)i(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(this:)p eop +%%Page: 31 57 +31 56 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.11)425 b(Stac)-35 b(k)424 b(diagrams)25760 +b(31)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 2928 -242 a + 19142492 9341009 0 0 19142492 9341009 startTexFig + 2928 -242 a 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col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 2302 m 2490 2242 l 2338 2242 l 2458 2272 l 2338 2302 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 2272 m + 2475 2272 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 2302 m 2458 2272 l 2338 2242 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 2602 m 2490 2542 l 2338 2542 l 2458 2572 l 2338 2602 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 2572 m + 2475 2572 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 2602 m 2458 2572 l 2338 2542 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 2002 m 2490 1942 l 2338 1942 l 2458 1972 l 2338 2002 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1972 m + 2475 1972 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 2002 m 2458 1972 l 2338 1942 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1477 m 2490 1417 l 2338 1417 l 2458 1447 l 2338 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 2475 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1477 m 2458 1447 l 2338 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2482 3127 m 2482 3067 l 2330 3067 l 2450 3097 l 2330 3127 l cp +eoclip +n 2092 3097 m + 2467 3097 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2330 3127 m 2450 3097 l 2330 3067 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1350 2025 m +gs 1 -1 sc (catTwice) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (chant1) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (chant2) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Pie Jesu domine,") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Dona eis requiem.") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1350 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (__main__) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +578 3173 m +gs 1 -1 sc (printTwice) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 2025 m +gs 1 -1 sc (part1) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 2325 m +gs 1 -1 sc (part2) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 2625 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cat) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 2025 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Pie Jesu domine,") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 2625 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Pie Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem.") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 2325 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Dona eis requiem.") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2017 3150 m +gs 1 -1 sc (bruce) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2542 3150 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("Pie Jesu domine, Dona eis requiem.") col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 17864 a Fn(The)394 b(order)f(of)h(the)h(stac)-31 b(k)394 +b(sho)-31 b(ws)394 b(the)g(\260o)-31 b(w)395 b(of)f(execution.)568 +b Fk(printTwice)395 b Fn(w)-31 b(as)395 b(called)g(b)-31 +b(y)0 19219 y Fk(catTwice)p Fn(,)484 b(and)460 b Fk(catTwice)h +Fn(w)-31 b(as)461 b(called)g(b)-31 b(y)p 19935 19219 +349 45 v 20353 19219 V 1297 w Fk(main)p 23096 19219 V +23514 19219 V 837 w Fn(,)483 b(whic)-31 b(h)461 b(is)f(a)g(sp)31 +b(ecial)460 b(name)h(for)0 20574 y(the)439 b(topmost)i(function.)704 +b(When)439 b(y)-31 b(ou)439 b(create)h(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)440 +b(outside)g(of)g(an)-31 b(y)440 b(function,)458 b(it)0 +21929 y(b)31 b(elongs)370 b(to)p 5395 21929 V 5814 21929 +V 1207 w Fk(main)p 8557 21929 V 8975 21929 V 837 w Fn(.)0 +24420 y(Eac)-31 b(h)476 b(parameter)g(refers)e(to)i(the)f(same)h(v)-61 +b(alue)475 b(as)g(its)h(corresp)31 b(onding)475 b(argumen)-31 +b(t.)812 b(So,)0 25775 y Fk(part1)354 b Fn(has)f(the)h(same)g(v)-61 +b(alue)353 b(as)h Fk(chant1)p Fn(,)j Fk(part2)d Fn(has)g(the)f(same)h +(v)-61 b(alue)354 b(as)f Fk(chant2)p Fn(,)358 b(and)0 +27130 y Fk(bruce)370 b Fn(has)f(the)g(same)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 +b(as)h Fk(cat)p Fn(.)0 29620 y(If)290 b(an)g(error)f(o)31 +b(ccurs)289 b(during)i(a)f(function)i(call,)307 b(Python)292 +b(prin)-31 b(ts)290 b(the)g(name)h(of)g(the)f(function,)0 +30975 y(and)382 b(the)f(name)h(of)g(the)f(function)i(that)g(called)f +(it,)k(and)381 b(the)h(name)g(of)f(the)h(function)h(that)0 +32330 y(called)370 b Fm(that)p Fn(,)f(all)h(the)g(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)370 b(bac)-31 b(k)370 b(to)p 15374 32330 V 15793 +32330 V 1207 w Fk(main)p 18535 32330 V 18954 32330 V +838 w Fn(.)0 34820 y(F)-92 b(or)649 b(example,)721 b(if)650 +b(w)-31 b(e)651 b(try)e(to)i(access)e Fk(cat)g Fn(from)i(within)g +Fk(printTwice)p Fn(,)721 b(w)-31 b(e)650 b(get)h(a)0 +36175 y Fk(NameError)p Fn(:)0 38747 y Fk(Traceback)582 +b(\(innermost)h(last\):)1162 40102 y(File)f("test.py",)h(line)e(13,)h +(in)f(__main__)2325 41457 y(catTwice\(chant1,)i(chant2\))1162 +42812 y(File)f("test.py",)h(line)e(5,)h(in)f(catTwice)2325 +44167 y(printTwice\(cat\))1162 45521 y(File)h("test.py",)h(line)e(9,)h +(in)f(printTwice)2325 46876 y(print)g(cat)0 48231 y(NameError:)i(cat)0 +50803 y Fn(This)391 b(list)g(of)f(functions)i(is)e(called)h(a)g +Fv(tracebac)-35 b(k)p Fn(.)555 b(It)390 b(tells)h(y)-31 +b(ou)391 b(what)g(program)g(\257le)g(the)0 52158 y(error)298 +b(o)31 b(ccurred)298 b(in,)314 b(and)299 b(what)h(line,)314 +b(and)299 b(what)h(functions)g(w)-31 b(ere)299 b(executing)h(at)g(the)f +(time.)0 53513 y(It)369 b(also)h(sho)-31 b(ws)370 b(the)f(line)h(of)g +(co)31 b(de)369 b(that)h(caused)f(the)h(error.)0 56003 +y(Notice)415 b(the)e(similarit)-31 b(y)417 b(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)414 b(the)f(tracebac)-31 b(k)415 b(and)e(the)h(stac)-31 +b(k)414 b(diagram.)627 b(It's)414 b(not)g(a)0 57358 y(coincidence.)p +eop +%%Page: 32 58 +32 57 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(32)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(3.12)1792 b(F)-149 b(unctions)599 +b(with)g(results)0 3498 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)408 b(migh)-31 +b(t)411 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)409 b(noticed)g(b)-31 b(y)409 +b(no)-31 b(w)409 b(that)g(some)g(of)g(the)f(functions)i(w)-31 +b(e)408 b(are)g(using,)419 b(suc)-31 b(h)0 4853 y(as)361 +b(the)f(math)i(functions,)i(yield)e(results.)489 b(Other)361 +b(functions,)j(lik)-31 b(e)361 b Fk(newLine)p Fn(,)j(p)31 +b(erform)361 b(an)0 6207 y(action)371 b(but)e(don't)i(return)d(a)i(v) +-61 b(alue.)493 b(That)370 b(raises)f(some)h(questions:)1353 +9037 y(1.)554 b(What)388 b(happ)31 b(ens)388 b(if)g(y)-31 +b(ou)388 b(call)h(a)f(function)h(and)f(y)-31 b(ou)388 +b(don't)h(do)f(an)-31 b(ything)390 b(with)f(the)2767 +10392 y(result)427 b(\(i.e.,)443 b(y)-31 b(ou)428 b(don't)g(assign)f +(it)g(to)h(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)428 b(or)e(use)g(it)i(as)e(part)h(of)h +(a)f(larger)2767 11747 y(expression\)?)1353 14165 y(2.)554 +b(What)341 b(happ)31 b(ens)339 b(if)i(y)-31 b(ou)341 +b(use)e(a)h(function)i(without)g(a)e(result)g(as)g(part)g(of)h(an)f +(expres-)2767 15520 y(sion,)370 b(suc)-31 b(h)369 b(as)g +Fk(newLine\(\))583 b(+)e(7)p Fn(?)1353 17938 y(3.)554 +b(Can)427 b(y)-31 b(ou)427 b(write)f(functions)h(that)g(yield)g +(results,)441 b(or)425 b(are)h(y)-31 b(ou)427 b(stuc)-31 +b(k)426 b(with)h(simple)2767 19293 y(function)371 b(lik)-31 +b(e)370 b Fk(newLine)g Fn(and)g Fk(printTwice)p Fn(?)0 +22123 y(The)f(answ)-31 b(er)370 b(to)g(the)f(third)h(question)g(is)f(y) +-31 b(es,)370 b(and)f(w)-31 b(e'll)371 b(do)f(it)g(in)f(Chapter)h(5.) +2767 24953 y Fm(As)421 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)429 b(answer)421 +b(the)g(other)f(two)h(questions)h(by)g(trying)g(them)g(out.)2767 +26308 y(When)364 b(you)g(have)f(a)g(question)h(ab)-57 +b(out)363 b(what)f(is)i(le)-57 b(gal)364 b(or)f(il)57 +b(le)-57 b(gal)363 b(in)i(Python,)370 b(a)2767 27663 +y(go)-57 b(o)g(d)397 b(way)f(to)f(\257nd)i(out)e(is)h(to)g(ask)g(the)f +(interpr)-57 b(eter.)0 32460 y Fl(3.13)1792 b(Glossary)0 +34721 y Fv(function)425 b(call:)552 b Fn(A)415 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)417 b(that)f(executes)f(a)g(function.)631 b(It)415 +b(consists)g(of)g(the)g(name)2767 36076 y(of)370 b(the)g(function)g +(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)372 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b(a)f(list)h(of)g(argumen)-31 +b(ts)370 b(enclosed)g(in)f(paren)-31 b(theses.)0 38494 +y Fv(argumen)c(t:)554 b Fn(A)430 b(v)-61 b(alue)430 b(pro)-31 +b(vided)431 b(to)g(a)f(function)i(when)e(the)g(function)h(is)f(called.) +677 b(This)2767 39849 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(is)f(assigned)h(to)g(the)f +(corresp)31 b(onding)370 b(parameter)f(in)h(the)f(function.)0 +42266 y Fv(return)426 b(v)-71 b(alue:)553 b Fn(The)353 +b(result)f(of)g(a)h(function.)488 b(If)352 b(a)h(function)g(call)h(is)e +(used)f(as)h(an)h(expres-)2767 43621 y(sion,)370 b(the)g(return)e(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(is)f(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(of)h(the)f(expression.)0 +46039 y Fv(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)425 b(con)-35 b(v)g(ersion:)554 +b Fn(An)483 b(explicit)j(statemen)-31 b(t)485 b(that)g(tak)-31 +b(es)484 b(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)484 b(of)g(one)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)484 b(and)2767 47394 y(computes)370 b(a)g(corresp)31 +b(onding)369 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)g(another)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e.)0 49812 y Fv(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)425 b(co)35 +b(ercion:)554 b Fn(A)516 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)516 b(con)-31 +b(v)g(ersion)516 b(that)h(happ)31 b(ens)515 b(automatically)520 +b(according)d(to)2767 51167 y(Python's)371 b(co)31 b(ercion)370 +b(rules.)0 53585 y Fv(mo)35 b(dule:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(\257le)h(that)g +(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(a)f(collection)h(of)f(related)g(functions)g(and) +g(classes.)0 56003 y Fv(dot)425 b(notation:)554 b Fn(The)342 +b(syn)-31 b(tax)342 b(for)g(calling)i(a)e(function)g(in)g(another)g(mo) +31 b(dule,)349 b(sp)31 b(ecifying)2767 57358 y(the)370 +b(mo)31 b(dule)370 b(name)g(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)372 b(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(a)h(dot)g(\(p)31 b(erio)g(d\))370 b(and)f(the)h(function)g +(name.)p eop +%%Page: 33 59 +33 58 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(3.13)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(33)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(function:)554 b Fn(A)426 b(named)g(sequence) +g(of)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)427 b(that)h(p)31 b(erforms)425 +b(some)i(useful)f(op)31 b(era-)2767 2220 y(tion.)815 +b(F)-92 b(unctions)476 b(ma)-31 b(y)478 b(or)e(ma)-31 +b(y)477 b(not)g(tak)-31 b(e)477 b(parameters)g(and)f(ma)-31 +b(y)478 b(or)e(ma)-31 b(y)477 b(not)2767 3575 y(pro)31 +b(duce)369 b(a)h(result.)0 5815 y Fv(function)425 b(de\257nition:)554 +b Fn(A)424 b(statemen)-31 b(t)426 b(that)f(creates)f(a)g(new)g +(function,)440 b(sp)31 b(ecifying)425 b(its)2767 7170 +y(name,)371 b(parameters,)f(and)f(the)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts)371 b(it)f(executes.)0 9411 y Fv(\260o)-35 b(w)425 +b(of)g(execution:)554 b Fn(The)351 b(order)g(in)g(whic)-31 +b(h)352 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)353 b(are)e(executed)g(during)h(a)f(pro-) +2767 10766 y(gram)370 b(run.)0 13006 y Fv(parameter:)554 +b Fn(A)401 b(name)h(used)e(inside)h(a)g(function)i(to)e(refer)f(to)i +(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)401 b(passed)g(as)g(an)2767 14361 +y(argumen)-31 b(t.)0 16602 y Fv(lo)35 b(cal)424 b(v)-71 +b(ariable:)553 b Fn(A)356 b(v)-61 b(ariable)358 b(de\257ned)e(inside)g +(a)h(function.)490 b(A)356 b(lo)31 b(cal)358 b(v)-61 +b(ariable)357 b(can)g(only)2767 17957 y(b)31 b(e)369 +b(used)g(inside)g(its)h(function.)0 20197 y Fv(stac)-35 +b(k)424 b(diagram:)553 b Fn(A)379 b(graphical)h(represen)-31 +b(tation)381 b(of)e(a)g(stac)-31 b(k)380 b(of)g(functions,)j(their)c(v) +-61 b(ari-)2767 21552 y(ables,)370 b(and)g(the)f(v)-61 +b(alues)370 b(to)g(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(they)f(refer.)0 +23793 y Fv(frame:)553 b Fn(A)436 b(b)31 b(o)-31 b(x)435 +b(in)h(a)g(stac)-31 b(k)436 b(diagram)h(that)f(represen)-31 +b(ts)434 b(a)i(function)h(call.)692 b(It)435 b(con)-31 +b(tains)2767 25147 y(the)370 b(lo)31 b(cal)370 b(v)-61 +b(ariables)370 b(and)g(parameters)f(of)h(the)f(function.)0 +27388 y Fv(tracebac)-35 b(k:)553 b Fn(A)372 b(list)g(of)g(the)g +(functions)h(that)g(are)f(executing,)i(prin)-31 b(ted)372 +b(when)g(a)g(run)-31 b(time)2767 28743 y(error)369 b(o)31 +b(ccurs.)p eop +%%Page: 34 60 +34 59 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(34)31548 b(F)-106 b(unctions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 35 61 +35 60 bop 0 9812 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(4)0 16002 y Fo(Conditionals)1033 +b(and)h(recursion)0 23051 y Fl(4.1)1793 b(The)598 b(mo)50 +b(dulus)599 b(op)50 b(erator)0 25328 y Fn(The)323 b Fv(mo)35 +b(dulus)371 b(op)35 b(erator)325 b Fn(w)-31 b(orks)323 +b(on)g(in)-31 b(tegers)323 b(\(and)g(in)-31 b(teger)323 +b(expressions\))g(and)f(yields)0 26683 y(the)374 b(remainder)h(when)f +(the)h(\257rst)f(op)31 b(erand)374 b(is)g(divided)h(b)-31 +b(y)375 b(the)f(second.)508 b(In)373 b(Python,)378 b(the)0 +28038 y(mo)31 b(dulus)468 b(op)31 b(erator)468 b(is)g(a)g(p)31 +b(ercen)-31 b(t)467 b(sign)h(\()p Fk(\045)p Fn(\).)789 +b(The)468 b(syn)-31 b(tax)468 b(is)g(the)g(same)f(as)h(for)g(other)0 +29393 y(op)31 b(erators:)0 31418 y Fk(>>>)582 b(quotient)g(=)f(7)h(/)f +(3)0 32773 y(>>>)h(print)f(quotient)0 34128 y(2)0 35483 +y(>>>)h(remainder)g(=)f(7)h(\045)f(3)0 36838 y(>>>)h(print)f(remainder) +0 38193 y(1)0 40217 y Fn(So)369 b(7)h(divided)g(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(3)h(is)f(2)h(with)g(1)f(left)i(o)-31 b(v)g(er.)0 +42161 y(The)467 b(mo)31 b(dulus)467 b(op)31 b(erator)467 +b(turns)e(out)j(to)f(b)31 b(e)466 b(surprisingly)g(useful.)785 +b(F)-92 b(or)466 b(example,)492 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 43516 +y(can)364 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)364 b(whether)f(one)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)363 b(is)h(divisible)h(b)-31 b(y)363 +b(another|if)i Fk(x)581 b(\045)h(y)363 b Fn(is)g(zero,)i(then)f +Fk(x)0 44871 y Fn(is)369 b(divisible)i(b)-31 b(y)369 +b Fk(y)p Fn(.)0 46815 y(Also,)302 b(y)-31 b(ou)284 b(can)h(extract)f +(the)g(righ)-31 b(t-most)286 b(digit)g(or)d(digits)i(from)g(a)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er.)464 b(F)-92 b(or)283 b(example,)0 48170 +y Fk(x)581 b(\045)h(10)420 b Fn(yields)h(the)g(righ)-31 +b(t-most)423 b(digit)f(of)f Fk(x)g Fn(\(in)g(base)g(10\).)648 +b(Similarly)423 b Fk(x)581 b(\045)g(100)421 b Fn(yields)0 +49525 y(the)369 b(last)i(t)-31 b(w)g(o)370 b(digits.)0 +53726 y Fl(4.2)1793 b(Bo)50 b(olean)597 b(expressions)0 +56003 y Fn(A)338 b Fv(b)35 b(o)g(olean)390 b(expression)340 +b Fn(is)e(an)g(expression)f(that)i(is)f(either)g(true)g(or)g(false.)483 +b(In)337 b(Python,)0 57358 y(an)426 b(expression)f(that)i(is)e(true)g +(has)h(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)426 b(1,)440 b(and)426 b(an)g(expression)f +(that)i(is)e(false)h(has)0 58713 y(the)369 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(0.)p eop +%%Page: 36 62 +36 61 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(36)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)369 b(op)31 b(erator)370 +b Fk(==)f Fn(compares)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(v)-61 b(alues)369 +b(and)h(pro)31 b(duces)368 b(a)h(b)31 b(o)g(olean)371 +b(expression:)0 2973 y Fk(>>>)582 b(5)f(==)g(5)0 4328 +y(1)0 5683 y(>>>)h(5)f(==)g(6)0 7038 y(0)0 9147 y Fn(In)399 +b(the)g(\257rst)g(statemen)-31 b(t,)409 b(the)399 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)401 b(op)31 b(erands)399 b(are)g(equal,)408 b(so)399 +b(the)h(expression)f(ev)-61 b(aluates)0 10502 y(to)370 +b(1)f(\(true\);)i(in)e(the)h(second)f(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 +b(5)d(is)g(not)h(equal)g(to)g(6,)g(so)f(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(get)g(0)f(\(false\).)0 12529 y(The)g Fk(==)h Fn(op)31 +b(erator)369 b(is)h(one)f(of)h(the)f Fv(comparison)425 +b(op)35 b(erators)p Fn(;)372 b(the)e(others)f(are:)3487 +14637 y Fk(x)581 b(!=)h(y)8717 b(#)581 b(x)h(is)f(not)h(equal)g(to)f(y) +3487 15992 y(x)g(>)g(y)9299 b(#)581 b(x)h(is)f(greater)h(than)g(y)3487 +17347 y(x)f(<)g(y)9299 b(#)581 b(x)h(is)f(less)h(than)g(y)3487 +18702 y(x)f(>=)h(y)8717 b(#)581 b(x)h(is)f(greater)h(than)g(or)f(equal) +h(to)g(y)3487 20057 y(x)f(<=)h(y)8717 b(#)581 b(x)h(is)f(less)h(than)g +(or)f(equal)h(to)f(y)0 22165 y Fn(Although)474 b(these)e(op)31 +b(erations)473 b(are)f(probably)h(familiar)i(to)d(y)-31 +b(ou,)500 b(the)472 b(Python)h(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ols)0 +23520 y(are)328 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)328 b(from)g(the)g(mathematical)k +(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ols.)480 b(A)327 b(common)j(error)c(is)i(to)h(use)e +(a)h(single)0 24875 y(equal)520 b(sign)g(\()p Fk(=)p +Fn(\))g(instead)f(of)h(a)f(double)h(equal)g(sign)g(\()p +Fk(==)p Fn(\).)943 b(Remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)519 b(that)i +Fk(=)e Fn(is)g(an)0 26230 y(assignmen)-31 b(t)451 b(op)31 +b(erator)450 b(and)g Fk(==)f Fn(is)h(a)f(comparison)i(op)31 +b(erator.)734 b(Also,)471 b(there)449 b(is)h(no)f(suc)-31 +b(h)0 27585 y(thing)370 b(as)g Fk(=<)f Fn(or)g Fk(=>)p +Fn(.)0 31903 y Fl(4.3)1793 b(Logical)597 b(op)50 b(erators)0 +34264 y Fn(There)278 b(are)g(three)h Fv(logical)319 b(op)35 +b(erators)p Fn(:)449 b Fk(and)p Fn(,)298 b Fk(or)p Fn(,)f(and)278 +b Fk(not)p Fn(.)463 b(The)279 b(seman)-31 b(tics)279 +b(\(meaning\))0 35619 y(of)426 b(these)f(op)31 b(erators)425 +b(is)h(similar)g(to)g(their)g(meaning)h(in)f(English.)662 +b(F)-92 b(or)424 b(example,)441 b Fk(x)582 b(>)f(0)0 +36974 y(and)h(x)f(<)g(10)369 b Fn(is)h(true)f(only)h(if)f +Fk(x)h Fn(is)f(greater)g(than)h(0)g Fm(and)f Fn(less)f(than)i(10.)0 +39001 y Fk(n\0452)582 b(==)f(0)g(or)h(n\0453)f(==)h(0)370 +b Fn(is)f(true)h(if)h Fm(either)e Fn(of)i(the)f(conditions)i(is)d +(true,)i(that)g(is,)f(if)h(the)0 40356 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)369 b(is)g(divisible)i(b)-31 b(y)369 b(2)h Fm(or)e +Fn(3.)0 42383 y(Finally)-92 b(,)422 b(the)411 b Fk(not)g +Fn(op)31 b(erator)411 b(negates)g(a)f(b)31 b(o)g(olean)412 +b(expression,)421 b(so)410 b Fk(not\(x)582 b(>)f(y\))411 +b Fn(is)f(true)0 43738 y(if)370 b Fk(\(x)581 b(>)g(y\))370 +b Fn(is)f(false,)h(that)h(is,)e(if)h Fk(x)f Fn(is)g(less)g(than)h(or)f +(equal)h(to)g Fk(y)p Fn(.)0 45765 y(Strictly)428 b(sp)31 +b(eaking,)441 b(the)426 b(op)31 b(erands)426 b(of)h(the)f(logical)j(op) +31 b(erators)426 b(should)g(b)31 b(e)426 b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)427 +b(ex-)0 47120 y(pressions,)375 b(but)g(Python)h(is)e(not)h(v)-31 +b(ery)374 b(strict.)509 b(An)-31 b(y)375 b(nonzero)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)375 b(is)f(in)-31 b(terpreted)375 b(as)0 +48475 y(\\true.")0 50584 y Fk(>>>)1163 b(x)581 b(=)g(5)0 +51938 y(>>>)1163 b(x)581 b(and)h(1)0 53293 y(1)0 54648 +y(>>>)1163 b(y)581 b(=)g(0)0 56003 y(>>>)1163 b(y)581 +b(and)h(1)0 57358 y(0)p eop +%%Page: 37 63 +37 62 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4.4)425 b(Conditional)g(execution)22650 +b(37)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(In)270 b(general,)291 +b(this)271 b(sort)g(of)f(thing)i(is)e(not)i(considered)e(go)31 +b(o)g(d)271 b(st)-31 b(yle.)461 b(If)270 b(y)-31 b(ou)271 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)272 b(to)f(compare)0 2220 y(a)369 b(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(to)g(zero,)g(y)-31 b(ou)369 b(should)h(do)f(it)h +(explicitly)-92 b(.)0 6709 y Fl(4.4)1793 b(Conditional)598 +b(execution)0 9192 y Fn(In)424 b(order)f(to)i(write)g(useful)f +(programs,)439 b(w)-31 b(e)425 b(almost)h(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)426 +b(need)e(the)h(abilit)-31 b(y)427 b(to)d(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)0 +10547 y(conditions)403 b(and)e(c)-31 b(hange)402 b(the)f(b)31 +b(eha)-31 b(vior)402 b(of)g(the)f(program)h(accordingly)-92 +b(.)589 b Fv(Conditional)0 11902 y(statemen)-35 b(ts)370 +b Fn(giv)-31 b(e)370 b(us)f(this)g(abilit)-31 b(y)-92 +b(.)496 b(The)369 b(simplest)h(form)g(is)f(the)g Fk(if)h +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t:)0 14132 y Fk(if)581 b(x)h(>)f(0:)1162 +15487 y(print)h("x)g(is)f(positive")0 17717 y Fn(The)382 +b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)383 b(expression)e(after)h(the)g Fk(if)g +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)384 b(is)e(called)g(the)g Fv(condition)p +Fn(.)531 b(If)382 b(it)g(is)0 19072 y(true,)369 b(then)h(the)f(inden) +-31 b(ted)370 b(statemen)-31 b(t)372 b(gets)d(executed.)493 +b(If)369 b(not,)i(nothing)g(happ)31 b(ens.)0 21222 y(Lik)-31 +b(e)357 b(other)g(comp)31 b(ound)357 b(statemen)-31 b(ts,)361 +b(the)c Fk(if)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)358 b(is)e(made)i(up)e(of)h(a)f +(header)h(and)0 22577 y(a)369 b(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k)371 +b(of)e(statemen)-31 b(ts:)0 24807 y Fk(HEADER:)1162 26162 +y(FIRST)582 b(STATEMENT)1162 27517 y(...)1162 28872 y(LAST)g(STATEMENT) +0 31102 y Fn(The)538 b(header)f(b)31 b(egins)537 b(on)h(a)f(new)h(line) +g(and)g(ends)e(with)j(a)e(colon)i(\(:\).)998 b(The)538 +b(inden)-31 b(ted)0 32457 y(statemen)g(ts)273 b(that)g(follo)-31 +b(w)275 b(are)c(called)i(a)f Fv(blo)35 b(c)-35 b(k)p +Fn(.)460 b(The)272 b(\257rst)f(uninden)-31 b(ted)273 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)274 b(marks)0 33812 y(the)365 b(end)f(of)i(the)f +(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k.)492 b(A)364 b(statemen)-31 b(t)367 +b(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k)366 b(inside)f(a)g(comp)31 b(ound)365 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)367 b(is)e(called)0 35167 y(the)k +Fv(b)35 b(o)g(dy)371 b Fn(of)f(the)f(statemen)-31 b(t.)0 +37317 y(There)396 b(is)g(no)g(limit)i(on)f(the)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)396 b(of)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)397 b(that)g(can)g(app)31 +b(ear)396 b(in)g(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(dy)396 b(of)0 38671 +y(an)430 b(if)h(statemen)-31 b(t,)448 b(but)430 b(there)g(has)g(to)h(b) +31 b(e)430 b(at)h(least)g(one.)676 b(Occasionally)-92 +b(,)448 b(it)431 b(is)f(useful)g(to)0 40026 y(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)342 b(a)f(b)31 b(o)g(dy)340 b(with)i(no)f(statemen)-31 +b(ts)342 b(\(usually)g(as)f(a)g(place)g(k)-31 b(eep)31 +b(er)340 b(for)h(co)31 b(de)341 b(y)-31 b(ou)341 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(en't)0 41381 y(written)323 b(y)-31 b(et\).)478 +b(In)321 b(that)i(case,)331 b(y)-31 b(ou)322 b(can)g(use)f(the)h +Fk(pass)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t,)333 b(whic)-31 b(h)323 +b(do)31 b(es)321 b(nothing.)0 45870 y Fl(4.5)1793 b(Alternativ)-50 +b(e)600 b(execution)0 48353 y Fn(A)391 b(second)f(form)h(of)g(the)g +Fk(if)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)393 b(is)d(alternativ)-31 +b(e)394 b(execution,)j(in)391 b(whic)-31 b(h)392 b(there)e(are)0 +49708 y(t)-31 b(w)g(o)473 b(p)31 b(ossibilities)473 b(and)f(the)g +(condition)h(determines)f(whic)-31 b(h)472 b(one)g(gets)g(executed.)800 +b(The)0 51063 y(syn)-31 b(tax)370 b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(this:)0 53293 y Fk(if)581 b(x\0452)h(==)f(0:)1162 +54648 y(print)h(x,)g("is)f(even")0 56003 y(else:)1162 +57358 y(print)h(x,)g("is)f(odd")p eop +%%Page: 38 64 +38 63 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(38)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)275 b(the)h(remainder)g(when)g +Fk(x)g Fn(is)f(divided)i(b)-31 b(y)275 b(2)h(is)g(0,)295 +b(then)276 b(w)-31 b(e)276 b(kno)-31 b(w)277 b(that)g +Fk(x)e Fn(is)h(ev)-31 b(en,)295 b(and)276 b(the)0 2220 +y(program)395 b(displa)-31 b(ys)395 b(a)g(message)f(to)h(that)h +(e\256ect.)567 b(If)394 b(the)h(condition)h(is)e(false,)402 +b(the)394 b(second)0 3575 y(set)340 b(of)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts)342 b(is)e(executed.)484 b(Since)340 b(the)h(condition)h(m)-31 +b(ust)341 b(b)31 b(e)340 b(true)g(or)g(false,)347 b(exactly)0 +4930 y(one)368 b(of)h(the)f(alternativ)-31 b(es)370 b(will)g(b)31 +b(e)367 b(executed.)493 b(The)368 b(alternativ)-31 b(es)370 +b(are)e(called)h Fv(branc)-35 b(hes)p Fn(,)0 6285 y(b)31 +b(ecause)369 b(they)g(are)g(branc)-31 b(hes)369 b(in)h(the)f(\260o)-31 +b(w)370 b(of)g(execution.)0 8559 y(As)404 b(an)h(aside,)414 +b(if)405 b(y)-31 b(ou)405 b(need)f(to)h(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)405 +b(the)f(parit)-31 b(y)406 b(\(ev)-31 b(enness)404 b(or)g(o)31 +b(ddness\))404 b(of)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)0 9914 +y(often,)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(\\wrap")f(this)g(co) +31 b(de)369 b(in)g(a)h(function:)0 12269 y Fk(def)582 +b(printParity\(x\):)1162 13624 y(if)g(x\0452)f(==)h(0:)2325 +14979 y(print)f(x,)h("is)g(even")1162 16334 y(else:)2325 +17689 y(print)f(x,)h("is)g(odd")0 20044 y Fn(F)-92 b(or)416 +b(an)-31 b(y)418 b(v)-61 b(alue)417 b(of)h Fk(x)p Fn(,)429 +b Fk(printParity)419 b Fn(displa)-31 b(ys)418 b(an)f(appropriate)h +(message.)637 b(When)416 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 21399 y(call)370 +b(it,)h(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can)f(pro)-31 b(vide)370 b(an)-31 +b(y)370 b(in)-31 b(teger)370 b(expression)f(as)g(an)h(argumen)-31 +b(t.)0 23754 y Fk(>>>)582 b(printParity\(17\))0 25109 +y(>>>)g(printParity\(y+1\))0 30027 y Fl(4.6)1793 b(Chained)598 +b(conditionals)0 32679 y Fn(Sometimes)465 b(there)f(are)f(more)h(than)g +(t)-31 b(w)g(o)465 b(p)31 b(ossibilities)465 b(and)f(w)-31 +b(e)464 b(need)f(more)h(than)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 34034 +y(branc)g(hes.)811 b(One)476 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)477 b(to)f(express)e(a)i +(computation)j(lik)-31 b(e)477 b(that)g(is)e(a)h Fv(c)-35 +b(hained)546 b(condi-)0 35389 y(tional)p Fn(:)0 37744 +y Fk(if)581 b(x)h(<)f(y:)1162 39099 y(print)h(x,)g("is)f(less)h(than",) +g(y)0 40454 y(elif)g(x)f(>)g(y:)1162 41808 y(print)h(x,)g("is)f +(greater)h(than",)g(y)0 43163 y(else:)1162 44518 y(print)g(x,)g("and",) +g(y,)f("are)h(equal")0 46873 y(elif)316 b Fn(is)f(an)h(abbreviation)i +(of)e(\\else)g(if.")475 b(Again,)329 b(exactly)317 b(one)e(branc)-31 +b(h)316 b(will)h(b)31 b(e)315 b(executed.)0 48228 y(There)369 +b(is)g(no)h(limit)i(of)e(the)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)370 +b(of)g Fk(elif)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts,)372 b(but)e(the)f(last)h(branc) +-31 b(h)370 b(has)f(to)0 49583 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(an)g +Fk(else)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t:)0 51938 y Fk(if)581 b(choice)h(==)g +('A':)1162 53293 y(functionA\(\))0 54648 y(elif)g(choice)g(==)f('B':) +1162 56003 y(functionB\(\))0 57358 y(elif)h(choice)g(==)f('C':)1162 +58713 y(functionC\(\))0 60068 y(else:)1162 61423 y(print)h("Invalid)h +(choice.")p eop +%%Page: 39 65 +39 64 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4.7)425 b(Nested)h(conditionals)23937 +b(39)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Eac)-31 b(h)497 +b(condition)i(is)d(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)g(ed)497 b(in)g(order.)873 +b(If)496 b(the)h(\257rst)f(is)g(false,)529 b(the)497 +b(next)g(is)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)g(ed,)0 2220 y(and)408 +b(so)g(on.)609 b(If)408 b(one)g(of)h(them)f(is)g(true,)418 +b(the)408 b(corresp)31 b(onding)408 b(branc)-31 b(h)408 +b(executes,)418 b(and)409 b(the)0 3575 y(statemen)-31 +b(t)483 b(ends.)826 b(Ev)-31 b(en)482 b(if)f(more)g(than)g(one)g +(condition)i(is)e(true,)508 b(only)482 b(the)f(\257rst)f(true)0 +4930 y(branc)-31 b(h)369 b(executes.)5203 7303 y Fm(As)521 +b(an)i(exer)-57 b(cise,)554 b(wr)-57 b(ap)522 b(these)g(examples)f(in)i +(functions)g(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 b(d)5203 8658 y Fk(compare\(x,)582 +b(y\))397 b Fm(and)f Fk(dispatch\(choice\))p Fm(.)0 13035 +y Fl(4.7)1793 b(Nested)599 b(conditionals)0 15439 y Fn(One)381 +b(conditional)j(can)d(also)h(b)31 b(e)381 b(nested)g(within)h(another.) +529 b(W)-92 b(e)381 b(could)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)382 b(written)h(the)0 +16794 y(tric)-31 b(hotom)g(y)372 b(example)f(as)e(follo)-31 +b(ws:)0 18944 y Fk(if)581 b(x)h(==)f(y:)1162 20299 y(print)h(x,)g +("and",)g(y,)f("are)h(equal")0 21654 y(else:)1162 23009 +y(if)g(x)f(<)g(y:)2325 24364 y(print)g(x,)h("is)g(less)f(than",)h(y) +1162 25719 y(else:)2325 27074 y(print)f(x,)h("is)g(greater)g(than",)g +(y)0 29225 y Fn(The)300 b(outer)g(conditional)i(con)-31 +b(tains)301 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)302 b(branc)-31 b(hes.)469 +b(The)300 b(\257rst)f(branc)-31 b(h)299 b(con)-31 b(tains)301 +b(a)f(simple)0 30580 y(output)486 b(statemen)-31 b(t.)840 +b(The)485 b(second)g(branc)-31 b(h)484 b(con)-31 b(tains)486 +b(another)f Fk(if)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t,)516 b(whic)-31 +b(h)0 31935 y(has)400 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)403 b(branc)-31 +b(hes)400 b(of)h(its)g(o)-31 b(wn.)588 b(Those)401 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)402 b(branc)-31 b(hes)400 b(are)h(b)31 b(oth)401 +b(output)h(statemen)-31 b(ts,)0 33290 y(although)371 +b(they)f(could)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(b)31 b(een)369 +b(conditional)j(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(as)e(w)-31 b(ell.)0 +35359 y(Although)617 b(the)e(inden)-31 b(tation)617 b(of)f(the)f +(statemen)-31 b(ts)616 b(mak)-31 b(es)616 b(the)f(structure)f(apparen) +-31 b(t,)0 36714 y(nested)501 b(conditionals)j(b)31 b(ecome)501 +b(di\261cult)i(to)f(read)e(v)-31 b(ery)501 b(quic)-31 +b(kly)-92 b(.)890 b(In)501 b(general,)535 b(it)502 b(is)f(a)0 +38069 y(go)31 b(o)g(d)370 b(idea)g(to)g(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)371 +b(them)f(when)f(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can.)0 40139 y(Logical)304 +b(op)31 b(erators)303 b(often)g(pro)-31 b(vide)303 b(a)f(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)304 b(to)f(simplify)h(nested)d(conditional)306 +b(statemen)-31 b(ts.)0 41494 y(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example,)j(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(can)g(rewrite)f(the)h(follo)-31 b(wing)372 +b(co)31 b(de)370 b(using)f(a)h(single)g(conditional:)0 +43645 y Fk(if)581 b(0)h(<)f(x:)1162 45000 y(if)h(x)f(<)g(10:)2325 +46355 y(print)g("x)h(is)f(a)h(positive)g(single)g(digit.")0 +48506 y Fn(The)347 b Fk(print)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)349 +b(is)e(executed)h(only)g(if)g(w)-31 b(e)348 b(mak)-31 +b(e)348 b(it)g(past)g(b)31 b(oth)347 b(the)h(conditionals,)0 +49860 y(so)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(use)g(the)g Fk(and)h +Fn(op)31 b(erator:)0 52011 y Fk(if)581 b(0)h(<)f(x)g(and)h(x)f(<)h(10:) +1162 53366 y(print)g("x)g(is)f(a)g(positive)i(single)f(digit.")0 +55517 y Fn(These)278 b(kinds)g(of)h(conditions)h(are)d(common,)299 +b(so)278 b(Python)h(pro)-31 b(vides)279 b(an)f(alternativ)-31 +b(e)281 b(syn)-31 b(tax)0 56872 y(that)370 b(is)g(similar)g(to)g +(mathematical)j(notation:)p eop +%%Page: 40 66 +40 65 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(40)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(if)581 b(0)h(<)f(x)g(<)h(10:)1162 +2220 y(print)g("x)g(is)f(a)g(positive)i(single)f(digit.")0 +4344 y Fn(This)463 b(condition)i(is)e(seman)-31 b(tically)467 +b(the)c(same)g(as)g(the)g(comp)31 b(ound)464 b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)464 +b(expression)0 5699 y(and)369 b(the)h(nested)f(conditional.)0 +10039 y Fl(4.8)1793 b(The)598 b Fe(return)h Fl(statemen)-50 +b(t)0 12416 y Fn(The)269 b Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)272 b(allo)-31 b(ws)271 b(y)-31 b(ou)270 b(to)g(terminate)h(the)f +(execution)g(of)g(a)f(function)i(b)31 b(efore)0 13771 +y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(reac)-31 b(h)369 b(the)h(end.)492 +b(One)369 b(reason)g(to)h(use)f(it)h(is)f(if)g(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(detect)g(an)g(error)e(condition:)0 15896 y +Fk(import)582 b(math)0 18606 y(def)g(printLogarithm\(x\):)1162 +19960 y(if)g(x)f(<=)g(0:)2325 21315 y(print)g("Positive)i(numbers)f +(only,)g(please.")2325 22670 y(return)1162 25380 y(result)g(=)g +(math.log\(x\))1162 26735 y(print)g("The)g(log)g(of)f(x)g(is",)h +(result)0 28859 y Fn(The)438 b(function)g Fk(printLogarithm)h +Fn(tak)-31 b(es)439 b(a)e(parameter)h(named)g Fk(x)p +Fn(.)697 b(The)438 b(\257rst)f(thing)h(it)0 30214 y(do)31 +b(es)400 b(is)g(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)400 b(whether)g Fk(x)g +Fn(is)g(less)g(than)h(or)e(equal)i(to)g(0,)409 b(in)400 +b(whic)-31 b(h)401 b(case)f(it)h(displa)-31 b(ys)401 +b(an)0 31569 y(error)344 b(message)i(and)g(then)g(uses)e +Fk(return)j Fn(to)f(exit)g(the)g(function.)486 b(The)346 +b(\260o)-31 b(w)346 b(of)h(execution)0 32924 y(immediately)438 +b(returns)c(to)h(the)g(caller,)452 b(and)435 b(the)g(remaining)i(lines) +e(of)g(the)g(function)h(are)0 34279 y(not)370 b(executed.)0 +36322 y(Remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)325 b(that)h(to)f(use)f(a)h(function)h +(from)f(the)g(math)h(mo)31 b(dule,)335 b(y)-31 b(ou)325 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)326 b(to)f(imp)31 b(ort)326 b(it.)0 +40663 y Fl(4.9)1793 b(Recursion)0 43039 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)471 +b(men)-31 b(tioned)474 b(that)f(it)g(is)f(legal)h(for)f(one)g(function) +i(to)e(call)h(another,)499 b(and)472 b(y)-31 b(ou)473 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 44394 y(seen)378 b(sev)-31 b(eral)379 +b(examples)g(of)g(that.)522 b(W)-92 b(e)377 b(neglected)j(to)f(men)-31 +b(tion)380 b(that)g(it)f(is)f(also)i(legal)g(for)0 45749 +y(a)365 b(function)g(to)g(call)h(itself.)492 b(It)364 +b(ma)-31 b(y)365 b(not)g(b)31 b(e)364 b(ob)-31 b(vious)366 +b(wh)-31 b(y)365 b(that)g(is)f(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)365 +b(thing,)i(but)d(it)0 47104 y(turns)408 b(out)h(to)g(b)31 +b(e)408 b(one)g(of)h(the)f(most)i(magical)h(and)d(in)-31 +b(teresting)410 b(things)f(a)g(program)g(can)0 48459 +y(do.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example,)j(lo)31 b(ok)371 +b(at)f(the)f(follo)-31 b(wing)373 b(function:)0 50584 +y Fk(def)582 b(countdown\(n\):)1162 51938 y(if)g(n)f(==)g(0:)2325 +53293 y(print)g("Blastoff!")1162 54648 y(else:)2325 56003 +y(print)g(n)2325 57358 y(countdown\(n-1\))p eop +%%Page: 41 67 +41 66 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4.9)425 b(Recursion)29332 b(41)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(countdown)276 b Fn(exp)31 +b(ects)275 b(the)h(parameter,)295 b Fk(n)p Fn(,)f(to)276 +b(b)31 b(e)275 b(a)g(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 b(e)277 b(in)-31 +b(teger.)462 b(If)275 b Fk(n)g Fn(is)g(0,)295 b(it)276 +b(outputs)0 2220 y(the)388 b(w)-31 b(ord,)394 b(\\Blasto\256)86 +b(!")551 b(Otherwise,)393 b(it)c(outputs)f Fk(n)g Fn(and)g(then)g +(calls)h(a)f(function)h(named)0 3575 y Fk(countdown)p +Fn(|itself|passing)372 b Fk(n-1)e Fn(as)f(an)g(argumen)-31 +b(t.)0 5787 y(What)370 b(happ)31 b(ens)368 b(if)i(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(call)g(this)g(function)g(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)0 +8080 y Fk(>>>)582 b(countdown\(3\))0 10373 y Fn(The)426 +b(execution)g(of)g Fk(countdown)h Fn(b)31 b(egins)425 +b(with)i Fk(n=3)p Fn(,)440 b(and)426 b(since)f Fk(n)g +Fn(is)h(not)g(0,)440 b(it)426 b(outputs)0 11728 y(the)369 +b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(3,)g(and)f(then)h(calls)g(itself...)2767 +14464 y(The)407 b(execution)g(of)g Fk(countdown)g Fn(b)31 +b(egins)406 b(with)i Fk(n=2)p Fn(,)416 b(and)406 b(since)g +Fk(n)g Fn(is)g(not)h(0,)2767 15819 y(it)370 b(outputs)g(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)369 b(2,)h(and)g(then)f(calls)h(itself...)5203 +17741 y(The)357 b(execution)h(of)g Fk(countdown)g Fn(b)31 +b(egins)357 b(with)h Fk(n=1)p Fn(,)i(and)d(since)g Fk(n)5203 +19096 y Fn(is)369 b(not)h(0,)g(it)g(outputs)g(the)f(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(1,)g(and)f(then)h(calls)g(itself...)7273 +21048 y(The)283 b(execution)i(of)e Fk(countdown)h Fn(b)31 +b(egins)284 b(with)g Fk(n=0)p Fn(,)301 b(and)7273 22403 +y(since)371 b Fk(n)h Fn(is)f(0,)i(it)f(outputs)g(the)g(w)-31 +b(ord,)373 b(\\Blasto\256)86 b(!")502 b(and)7273 23758 +y(then)369 b(returns.)5203 25710 y(The)g Fk(countdown)h +Fn(that)h(got)f Fk(n=1)g Fn(returns.)2767 27632 y(The)g +Fk(countdown)g Fn(that)h(got)f Fk(n=2)f Fn(returns.)0 +30368 y(The)g Fk(countdown)i Fn(that)f(got)h Fk(n=3)e +Fn(returns.)0 32580 y(And)h(then)h(y)-31 b(ou're)371 +b(bac)-31 b(k)371 b(in)p 12224 32580 349 45 v 12642 32580 +V 1207 w Fk(main)p 15385 32580 V 15804 32580 V 1208 w +Fn(\(what)h(a)e(trip\).)497 b(So,)371 b(the)g(total)h(output)g(lo)31 +b(oks)371 b(lik)-31 b(e)0 33935 y(this:)0 36228 y Fk(3)0 +37583 y(2)0 38938 y(1)0 40293 y(Blastoff!)0 42586 y Fn(As)369 +b(a)g(second)g(example,)i(lo)31 b(ok)371 b(again)g(at)f(the)f +(functions)h Fk(newLine)g Fn(and)g Fk(threeLines)p Fn(:)0 +44879 y Fk(def)582 b(newline\(\):)1162 46234 y(print)0 +48944 y(def)g(threeLines\(\):)1162 50299 y(newLine\(\))1162 +51654 y(newLine\(\))1162 53009 y(newLine\(\))0 55302 +y Fn(Although)435 b(these)e(w)-31 b(ork,)451 b(they)434 +b(w)-31 b(ould)434 b(not)g(b)31 b(e)433 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)434 +b(help)g(if)f(w)-31 b(e)434 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)435 b(to)f(output)h(2)0 +56657 y(newlines,)370 b(or)g(106.)493 b(A)370 b(b)31 +b(etter)369 b(alternativ)-31 b(e)372 b(w)-31 b(ould)370 +b(b)31 b(e)369 b(this:)p eop +%%Page: 42 68 +42 67 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(42)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(nLines\(n\):)1162 +2220 y(if)g(n)f(>)g(0:)2325 3575 y(print)2325 4930 y(nLines\(n-1\))0 +7086 y Fn(This)346 b(program)h(is)f(similar)i(to)e Fk(countdown)p +Fn(;)356 b(as)346 b(long)h(as)f Fk(n)g Fn(is)g(greater)g(than)h(0,)k +(it)c(outputs)0 8441 y(one)405 b(newline)h(and)f(then)g(calls)h(itself) +g(to)f(output)h Fk(n-1)f Fn(additional)j(newlines.)600 +b(Th)-31 b(us,)415 b(the)0 9796 y(total)437 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)436 b(of)f(newlines)h(is)f Fk(1)582 b(+)f(\(n)h(-)f(1\))435 +b Fn(whic)-31 b(h,)453 b(if)436 b(y)-31 b(ou)436 b(do)f(y)-31 +b(our)436 b(algebra)g(righ)-31 b(t,)0 11151 y(comes)370 +b(out)f(to)h Fk(n)p Fn(.)0 13225 y(The)313 b(pro)31 b(cess)311 +b(of)i(a)g(function)h(calling)g(itself)g(is)e Fv(recursion)p +Fn(,)326 b(and)313 b(suc)-31 b(h)312 b(functions)h(are)g(said)0 +14580 y(to)370 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(recursiv)-31 b(e.)0 18965 +y Fl(4.10)1792 b(Stac)-50 b(k)599 b(diagrams)g(for)e(recursiv)-50 +b(e)601 b(functions)0 21373 y Fn(In)444 b(Section)h(3.11,)465 +b(w)-31 b(e)444 b(used)g(a)g(stac)-31 b(k)445 b(diagram)h(to)f +(represen)-31 b(t)443 b(the)h(state)h(of)g(a)f(program)0 +22728 y(during)342 b(a)g(function)h(call.)485 b(The)342 +b(same)g(kind)g(of)h(diagram)g(can)f(help)g(in)-31 b(terpret)342 +b(a)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)0 24083 y(function.)0 26158 y(Ev)g(ery)380 +b(time)h(a)f(function)h(gets)g(called,)j(Python)d(creates)e(a)h(new)g +(function)i(frame,)h(whic)-31 b(h)0 27513 y(con)g(tains)321 +b(the)f(function's)h(lo)31 b(cal)321 b(v)-61 b(ariables)320 +b(and)f(parameters.)477 b(F)-92 b(or)318 b(a)i(recursiv)-31 +b(e)319 b(function,)0 28868 y(there)369 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 +b(b)31 b(e)369 b(more)g(than)h(one)g(frame)f(on)h(the)f(stac)-31 +b(k)370 b(at)g(the)g(same)f(time.)0 30943 y(This)h(\257gure)f(sho)-31 +b(ws)369 b(a)g(stac)-31 b(k)370 b(diagram)h(for)f Fk(countdown)g +Fn(called)g(with)h Fk(n)581 b(=)g(3)p Fn(:)11817 32322 +y + 8617410 9933045 0 0 8617410 9933045 startTexFig + 11817 32322 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/stack2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: stack2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev 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+b(case)p Fn(.)694 b(It)436 b(do)31 b(es)436 b(not)h(mak)-31 +b(e)438 b(a)0 57152 y(recursiv)-31 b(e)369 b(call,)i(so)e(there)g(are)g +(no)g(more)h(frames.)2767 59540 y Fm(As)396 b(an)g(exer)-57 +b(cise,)397 b(dr)-57 b(aw)395 b(a)h(stack)g(diagr)-57 +b(am)396 b(for)g Fk(nLines)h Fm(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 +b(d)396 b(with)g Fk(n=4)p Fm(.)p eop +%%Page: 43 69 +43 68 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4.11)425 b(In\257nite)g(recursion)24666 +b(43)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(4.11)1792 b(In\257nite)599 +b(recursion)0 3327 y Fn(If)288 b(a)h(recursion)f(nev)-31 +b(er)288 b(reac)-31 b(hes)289 b(a)f(base)h(case,)305 +b(it)289 b(go)31 b(es)289 b(on)g(making)h(recursiv)-31 +b(e)288 b(calls)h(forev)-31 b(er,)0 4682 y(and)401 b(the)h(program)g +(nev)-31 b(er)401 b(terminates.)589 b(This)402 b(is)f(kno)-31 +b(wn)402 b(as)f Fv(in\257nite)462 b(recursion)p Fn(,)411 +b(and)0 6037 y(it)395 b(is)f(generally)h(not)g(considered)f(a)g(go)31 +b(o)g(d)395 b(idea.)567 b(Here)394 b(is)g(a)g(minimal)j(program)d(with) +i(an)0 7392 y(in\257nite)370 b(recursion:)0 9601 y Fk(def)582 +b(recurse\(\):)1162 10956 y(recurse\(\))0 13165 y Fn(In)547 +b(most)g(programming)j(en)-31 b(vironmen)g(ts,)593 b(a)548 +b(program)f(with)i(in\257nite)f(recursion)e(do)31 b(es)0 +14520 y(not)465 b(really)f(run)f(forev)-31 b(er.)777 +b(Python)465 b(rep)31 b(orts)463 b(an)h(error)f(message)h(when)g(the)g +(maxim)-31 b(um)0 15875 y(recursion)369 b(depth)g(is)g(reac)-31 +b(hed:)1162 18085 y Fk(File)582 b("",)h(line)e(2,)h(in)f +(recurse)1162 19439 y(\(98)h(repetitions)h(omitted\))1162 +20794 y(File)f("",)h(line)e(2,)h(in)f(recurse)0 +22149 y(RuntimeError:)i(Maximum)f(recursion)h(depth)f(exceeded)0 +24359 y Fn(This)433 b(tracebac)-31 b(k)433 b(is)g(a)g(little)h(bigger)f +(than)h(the)e(one)h(w)-31 b(e)433 b(sa)-31 b(w)433 b(in)g(the)f +(previous)h(c)-31 b(hapter.)0 25714 y(When)369 b(the)g(error)f(o)31 +b(ccurs,)369 b(there)g(are)g(100)h Fk(recurse)g Fn(frames)g(on)f(the)h +(stac)-31 b(k!)2767 28254 y Fm(As)349 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)360 b(write)349 b(a)h(function)h(with)e(in\257nite)i(r)-57 +b(e)g(cursion)351 b(and)e(run)h(it)g(in)2767 29609 y(the)396 +b(Python)g(interpr)-57 b(eter.)0 34068 y Fl(4.12)1792 +b(Keyb)50 b(oard)599 b(input)0 36530 y Fn(The)301 b(programs)h(w)-31 +b(e)302 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)302 b(written)g(so)f(far)g(are)g(a)h(bit)g +(rude)e(in)i(the)f(sense)f(that)j(they)e(accept)0 37885 +y(no)369 b(input)h(from)g(the)g(user.)491 b(They)370 +b(just)f(do)h(the)f(same)h(thing)g(ev)-31 b(ery)369 b(time.)0 +40013 y(Python)363 b(pro)-31 b(vides)363 b(built-in)g(functions)h(that) +f(get)g(input)f(from)h(the)f(k)-31 b(eyb)31 b(oard.)491 +b(The)363 b(sim-)0 41368 y(plest)382 b(is)g(called)h +Fk(raw)p 8751 41368 349 45 v 418 w(input)p Fn(.)531 b(When)381 +b(this)h(function)h(is)f(called,)387 b(the)381 b(program)i(stops)f(and) +0 42723 y(w)-31 b(aits)501 b(for)e(the)h(user)e(to)i(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)500 b(something.)885 b(When)499 b(the)h(user)e(presses)f +(Return)i(or)h(the)0 44078 y(En)-31 b(ter)357 b(k)-31 +b(ey)-92 b(,)359 b(the)d(program)h(resumes)f(and)g Fk(raw)p +19704 44078 V 419 w(input)g Fn(returns)g(what)h(the)f(user)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(ed)357 b(as)0 45433 y(a)369 b Fk(string)p Fn(:)0 +47642 y Fk(>>>)582 b(input)f(=)h(raw_input)g(\(\))0 48997 +y(What)g(are)f(you)h(waiting)g(for?)0 50352 y(>>>)g(print)f(input)0 +51707 y(What)h(are)f(you)h(waiting)g(for?)0 53916 y Fn(Before)422 +b(calling)j Fk(raw)p 8887 53916 V 419 w(input)p Fn(,)436 +b(it)423 b(is)f(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)423 b(idea)g(to)g(prin)-31 +b(t)423 b(a)f(message)h(telling)h(the)f(user)0 55271 +y(what)397 b(to)f(input.)572 b(This)396 b(message)f(is)h(called)g(a)g +Fv(prompt)p Fn(.)572 b(W)-92 b(e)395 b(can)h(supply)f(a)h(prompt)g(as)0 +56626 y(an)369 b(argumen)-31 b(t)371 b(to)f Fk(raw)p +9657 56626 V 419 w(input)p Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 44 70 +44 69 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(44)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(name)f(=)h(raw_input)g +(\("What...is)h(your)f(name?)g("\))0 2220 y(What...is)g(your)g(name?)g +(Arthur,)g(King)g(of)g(the)f(Britons!)0 3575 y(>>>)h(print)f(name)0 +4930 y(Arthur,)h(King)g(of)f(the)h(Britons!)0 7214 y +Fn(If)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(exp)31 b(ect)369 b(the)g(resp)31 +b(onse)368 b(to)i(b)31 b(e)369 b(an)h(in)-31 b(teger,)370 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(use)g(the)g Fk(input)h Fn(function:)0 +9497 y Fk(prompt)582 b(=)f("What...is)i(the)f(airspeed)g(velocity)g(of) +g(an)f(unladen)h(swallow?\\n")0 10852 y(speed)g(=)f(input\(prompt\))0 +13136 y Fn(If)454 b(the)h(user)e(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)454 +b(a)h(string)f(of)h(digits,)478 b(it)455 b(is)f(con)-31 +b(v)g(erted)455 b(to)g(an)g(in)-31 b(teger)455 b(and)f(assigned)0 +14491 y(to)429 b Fk(speed)p Fn(.)669 b(Unfortunately)-92 +b(,)445 b(if)429 b(the)f(user)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)428 +b(a)g(c)-31 b(haracter)428 b(that)h(is)f(not)h(a)f(digit,)445 +b(the)0 15846 y(program)370 b(crashes:)0 18129 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(speed)f(=)h(input)g(\(prompt\))0 19484 y(What...is)g(the)g(airspeed)g +(velocity)h(of)e(an)h(unladen)g(swallow?)0 20839 y(What)g(do)f(you)h +(mean,)g(an)f(African)h(or)g(a)f(European)h(swallow?)0 +22194 y(SyntaxError:)h(invalid)f(syntax)0 24478 y Fn(T)-92 +b(o)387 b(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)389 b(this)e(kind)g(of)g(error,)j(it)d(is)g +(generally)h(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)387 b(idea)h(to)f(use)f +Fk(raw)p 31703 24478 349 45 v 419 w(input)h Fn(to)g(get)0 +25833 y(a)369 b(string)h(and)g(then)f(use)g(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)370 +b(functions)g(to)g(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)370 b(to)g(other)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es.)0 30456 y Fl(4.13)1792 b(Glossary)0 32658 +y Fv(mo)35 b(dulus)425 b(op)35 b(erator:)556 b Fn(An)330 +b(op)31 b(erator,)338 b(denoted)331 b(with)g(a)f(p)31 +b(ercen)-31 b(t)329 b(sign)h(\()p Fk(\045)p Fn(\),)340 +b(that)330 b(w)-31 b(orks)2767 34013 y(on)398 b(in)-31 +b(tegers)398 b(and)g(yields)g(the)f(remainder)h(when)f(one)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)397 b(is)h(divided)g(b)-31 b(y)398 b(an-)2767 +35368 y(other.)0 37678 y Fv(b)35 b(o)g(olean)426 b(expression:)555 +b Fn(An)369 b(expression)g(that)i(is)e(either)g(true)g(or)g(false.)0 +39988 y Fv(comparison)425 b(op)35 b(erator:)556 b Fn(One)460 +b(of)i(the)f(op)31 b(erators)461 b(that)h(compares)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)463 b(v)-61 b(alues:)676 b Fk(==)p Fn(,)2767 +41343 y Fk(!=)p Fn(,)370 b Fk(>)p Fn(,)g Fk(<)p Fn(,)f +Fk(>=)p Fn(,)h(and)g Fk(<=)p Fn(.)0 43653 y Fv(logical)424 +b(op)35 b(erator:)555 b Fn(One)537 b(of)g(the)g(op)31 +b(erators)537 b(that)h(com)-31 b(bines)537 b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)538 +b(expressions:)2767 45008 y Fk(and)p Fn(,)370 b Fk(or)p +Fn(,)g(and)g Fk(not)p Fn(.)0 47318 y Fv(conditional)424 +b(statemen)-35 b(t:)554 b Fn(A)422 b(statemen)-31 b(t)423 +b(that)g(con)-31 b(trols)423 b(the)f(\260o)-31 b(w)422 +b(of)g(execution)h(de-)2767 48673 y(p)31 b(ending)370 +b(on)f(some)h(condition.)0 50983 y Fv(condition:)554 +b Fn(The)329 b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)331 b(expression)e(in)g(a)h +(conditional)i(statemen)-31 b(t)331 b(that)g(determines)2767 +52338 y(whic)-31 b(h)371 b(branc)-31 b(h)369 b(is)g(executed.)0 +54648 y Fv(comp)35 b(ound)426 b(statemen)-35 b(t:)554 +b Fn(A)514 b(statemen)-31 b(t)515 b(that)g(consists)f(of)g(a)g(header)g +(and)g(a)g(b)31 b(o)g(dy)-92 b(.)2767 56003 y(The)451 +b(header)e(ends)h(with)h(a)f(colon)h(\(:\).)736 b(The)451 +b(b)31 b(o)g(dy)450 b(is)f(inden)-31 b(ted)451 b(relativ)-31 +b(e)452 b(to)f(the)2767 57358 y(header.)p eop +%%Page: 45 71 +45 70 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(4.13)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(45)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(blo)35 b(c)-35 b(k:)553 b +Fn(A)369 b(group)h(of)f(consecutiv)-31 b(e)371 b(statemen)-31 +b(ts)371 b(with)f(the)g(same)f(inden)-31 b(tation.)0 +3106 y Fv(b)35 b(o)g(dy:)555 b Fn(The)369 b(blo)31 b(c)-31 +b(k)370 b(in)g(a)f(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(that)g(follo)-31 b(ws)371 b(the)f(header.)0 +5346 y Fv(nesting:)554 b Fn(One)451 b(program)h(structure)e(within)j +(another,)472 b(suc)-31 b(h)451 b(as)g(a)g(conditional)j(state-)2767 +6701 y(men)-31 b(t)371 b(inside)e(a)h(branc)-31 b(h)369 +b(of)g(another)h(conditional)j(statemen)-31 b(t.)0 8942 +y Fv(recursion:)555 b Fn(The)369 b(pro)31 b(cess)368 +b(of)i(calling)h(the)e(function)i(that)f(is)g(curren)-31 +b(tly)369 b(executing.)0 11182 y Fv(base)425 b(case:)553 +b Fn(A)378 b(branc)-31 b(h)377 b(of)i(the)e(conditional)k(statemen)-31 +b(t)380 b(in)e(a)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)377 b(function)i(that)2767 +12537 y(do)31 b(es)369 b(not)h(result)f(in)h(a)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e)369 b(call.)0 14777 y Fv(in\257nite)425 b(recursion:)554 +b Fn(A)353 b(function)g(that)h(calls)f(itself)h(recursiv)-31 +b(ely)352 b(without)j(ev)-31 b(er)352 b(reac)-31 b(h-)2767 +16132 y(ing)321 b(the)g(base)f(case.)477 b(Ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)-92 +b(,)333 b(an)320 b(in\257nite)i(recursion)e(causes)g(a)g(run)-31 +b(time)321 b(error.)0 18373 y Fv(prompt:)554 b Fn(A)369 +b(visual)i(cue)e(that)h(tells)g(the)g(user)e(to)i(input)g(data.)p +eop +%%Page: 46 72 +46 71 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(46)21941 b(Conditionals)425 b(and)g(recursion)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 47 73 +47 72 bop 0 9911 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(5)0 16200 y Fo(F)-258 +b(ruitful)1032 b(functions)0 23349 y Fl(5.1)1793 b(Return)599 +b(v)-100 b(alues)0 25725 y Fn(Some)402 b(of)f(the)h(built-in)g +(functions)h(w)-31 b(e)401 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)402 b(used,)409 +b(suc)-31 b(h)401 b(as)g(the)g(math)h(functions,)411 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 27080 y(pro)31 b(duced)359 b(results.)489 +b(Calling)363 b(the)d(function)h(generates)f(a)g(new)g(v)-61 +b(alue,)363 b(whic)-31 b(h)361 b(w)-31 b(e)360 b(usually)0 +28435 y(assign)370 b(to)g(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(or)f(use)g(as)g +(part)g(of)h(an)g(expression.)0 30559 y Fk(e)581 b(=)h(math.exp\(1.0\)) +0 31914 y(height)g(=)f(radius)h(*)g(math.sin\(angle\))0 +34038 y Fn(But)370 b(so)f(far,)g(none)h(of)g(the)f(functions)h(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(written)g(has)g(returned)e(a)i(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 36082 y(In)455 b(this)h(c)-31 b(hapter,)478 +b(w)-31 b(e)456 b(are)f(going)j(to)e(write)g(functions)h(that)f(return) +f(v)-61 b(alues,)478 b(whic)-31 b(h)456 b(w)-31 b(e)0 +37436 y(will)442 b(call)f Fv(fruitful)505 b(functions)p +Fn(,)459 b(for)439 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)442 b(of)e(a)g(b)31 +b(etter)440 b(name.)705 b(The)440 b(\257rst)g(example)h(is)0 +38791 y Fk(area)p Fn(,)370 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(returns)e(the)i(area)f +(of)h(a)f(circle)h(with)g(the)g(giv)-31 b(en)370 b(radius:)0 +40916 y Fk(import)582 b(math)0 43625 y(def)g(area\(radius\):)1162 +44980 y(temp)g(=)f(math.pi)i(*)e(radius**2)1162 46335 +y(return)h(temp)0 48459 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)295 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)298 +b(seen)d(the)h Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)299 b(b)31 +b(efore,)311 b(but)296 b(in)g(a)h(fruitful)g(function)h(the)e +Fk(return)0 49814 y Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)412 b(includes)f(a)g +Fv(return)473 b(v)-71 b(alue)p Fn(.)616 b(This)411 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)412 b(means:)576 b(\\Return)410 b(immedi-)0 51169 +y(ately)285 b(from)f(this)g(function)g(and)g(use)f(the)h(follo)-31 +b(wing)287 b(expression)c(as)g(a)h(return)f(v)-61 b(alue.")465 +b(The)0 52524 y(expression)260 b(pro)-31 b(vided)260 +b(can)g(b)31 b(e)260 b(arbitrarily)h(complicated,)285 +b(so)260 b(w)-31 b(e)260 b(could)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)260 +b(written)i(this)0 53879 y(function)371 b(more)e(concisely:)0 +56003 y Fk(def)582 b(area\(radius\):)1162 57358 y(return)g(math.pi)h(*) +e(radius**2)p eop +%%Page: 48 74 +48 73 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(48)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(On)525 b(the)h(other)g +(hand,)565 b Fv(temp)35 b(orary)605 b(v)-71 b(ariables)526 +b Fn(lik)-31 b(e)526 b Fk(temp)g Fn(often)h(mak)-31 b(e)526 +b(debugging)0 2220 y(easier.)0 4425 y(Sometimes)423 b(it)f(is)f(useful) +g(to)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)422 b(m)-31 b(ultiple)424 b(return)c(statemen)-31 +b(ts,)436 b(one)422 b(in)f(eac)-31 b(h)422 b(branc)-31 +b(h)0 5780 y(of)370 b(a)f(conditional:)0 8067 y Fk(def)582 +b(absoluteValue\(x\):)1162 9422 y(if)g(x)f(<)g(0:)2325 +10777 y(return)h(-x)1162 12132 y(else:)2325 13487 y(return)g(x)0 +15773 y Fn(Since)293 b(these)g Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(ts)295 b(are)e(in)g(an)g(alternativ)-31 b(e)296 b(conditional,)312 +b(only)294 b(one)g(will)g(b)31 b(e)0 17128 y(executed.)466 +b(As)286 b(so)31 b(on)287 b(as)g(one)g(is)g(executed,)305 +b(the)287 b(function)h(terminates)g(without)i(executing)0 +18483 y(an)-31 b(y)370 b(subsequen)-31 b(t)369 b(statemen)-31 +b(ts.)0 20688 y(Co)31 b(de)499 b(that)h(app)31 b(ears)498 +b(after)i(a)f Fk(return)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t,)534 b(or)498 +b(an)-31 b(y)499 b(other)g(place)h(the)f(\260o)-31 b(w)499 +b(of)0 22043 y(execution)371 b(can)e(nev)-31 b(er)369 +b(reac)-31 b(h,)370 b(is)f(called)h Fv(dead)425 b(co)35 +b(de)p Fn(.)0 24249 y(In)275 b(a)g(fruitful)i(function,)296 +b(it)276 b(is)f(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)276 b(idea)g(to)g(ensure)e(that)i(ev) +-31 b(ery)276 b(p)31 b(ossible)275 b(path)h(through)0 +25604 y(the)369 b(program)h(hits)g(a)f Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t.)495 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example:)0 27890 y Fk(def)582 +b(absoluteValue\(x\):)1162 29245 y(if)g(x)f(<)g(0:)2325 +30600 y(return)h(-x)1162 31955 y(elif)g(x)f(>)h(0:)2325 +33310 y(return)g(x)0 35596 y Fn(This)412 b(program)g(is)g(not)g +(correct)f(b)31 b(ecause)411 b(if)h Fk(x)g Fn(happ)31 +b(ens)411 b(to)h(b)31 b(e)411 b(0,)423 b(neither)411 +b(condition)j(is)0 36951 y(true,)431 b(and)418 b(the)h(function)g(ends) +f(without)i(hitting)g(a)f Fk(return)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t.)641 b(In)418 b(this)h(case,)0 38306 y(the)369 b(return)g(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(is)f(a)g(sp)31 b(ecial)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(called)g Fk(None)p Fn(:)0 40592 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f +(absoluteValue\(0\))0 41947 y(None)5203 44752 y Fm(As)365 +b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)373 b(write)366 b(a)g Fk(compare)h +Fm(function)g(that)e(r)-57 b(eturns)366 b Fk(1)g Fm(if)5203 +46107 y Fk(x)581 b(>)g(y)p Fm(,)397 b Fk(0)f Fm(if)h +Fk(x)581 b(==)h(y)p Fm(,)397 b(and)e Fk(-1)i Fm(if)g +Fk(x)581 b(<)g(y)p Fm(.)0 50738 y Fl(5.2)1793 b(Program)598 +b(dev)-50 b(elopmen)g(t)0 53293 y Fn(A)-31 b(t)425 b(this)f(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t,)440 b(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(should)h(b)31 b(e)423 +b(able)i(to)g(lo)31 b(ok)425 b(at)g(complete)g(functions)g(and)f(tell)i +(what)0 54648 y(they)298 b(do.)469 b(Also,)313 b(if)298 +b(y)-31 b(ou)298 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)298 b(b)31 b(een)297 +b(doing)i(the)e(exercises,)312 b(y)-31 b(ou)298 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)298 b(written)h(some)f(small)0 56003 y(functions.)469 +b(As)293 b(y)-31 b(ou)295 b(write)f(larger)g(functions,)311 +b(y)-31 b(ou)294 b(migh)-31 b(t)296 b(start)e(to)h(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)294 b(more)h(di\261cult)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)0 57358 +y(esp)31 b(ecially)370 b(with)h(run)-31 b(time)370 b(and)g(seman)-31 +b(tic)370 b(errors.)p eop +%%Page: 49 75 +49 74 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(5.2)425 b(Program)h(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t)22552 +b(49)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)278 b(deal)g(with)h +(increasingly)g(complex)g(programs,)296 b(w)-31 b(e)278 +b(are)g(going)h(to)f(suggest)g(a)g(tec)-31 b(hnique)0 +2220 y(called)358 b Fv(incremen)-35 b(tal)411 b(dev)-35 +b(elopmen)g(t)p Fn(.)489 b(The)357 b(goal)i(of)f(incremen)-31 +b(tal)359 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)359 b(is)e(to)0 3575 +y(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)486 b(long)f(debugging)h(sessions)d(b)-31 +b(y)484 b(adding)h(and)g(testing)g(only)g(a)f(small)h(amoun)-31 +b(t)486 b(of)0 4930 y(co)31 b(de)369 b(at)h(a)g(time.)0 +7279 y(As)532 b(an)h(example,)575 b(supp)31 b(ose)531 +b(y)-31 b(ou)533 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)534 b(to)f(\257nd)g(the)f(distance)h +(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)533 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)535 b(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(ts,)0 8634 y(giv)g(en)471 b(b)-31 b(y)471 +b(the)g(co)31 b(ordinates)471 b(\()p Fg(x)13684 8800 +y Ff(1)14181 8634 y Fg(;)184 b(y)15215 8800 y Ff(1)15712 +8634 y Fn(\))470 b(and)h(\()p Fg(x)19929 8800 y Ff(2)20426 +8634 y Fg(;)184 b(y)21460 8800 y Ff(2)21957 8634 y Fn(\).)796 +b(By)471 b(the)f(Pythagorean)j(theorem,)0 9989 y(the)369 +b(distance)h(is:)10188 13949 y Fg(distance)309 b Fn(=)15784 +12948 y Fd(p)p 16891 12948 11112 45 v 1001 x Fn(\()p +Fg(x)17954 14115 y Ff(2)18697 13949 y Fj(\241)246 b Fg(x)20437 +14115 y Ff(1)20933 13949 y Fn(\))21363 13629 y Ff(2)22106 +13949 y Fn(+)g(\()p Fg(y)24186 14115 y Ff(2)24929 13949 +y Fj(\241)g Fg(y)26579 14115 y Ff(1)27075 13949 y Fn(\))27505 +13629 y Ff(2)35915 13949 y Fn(\(5.1\))0 16224 y(The)253 +b(\257rst)g(step)g(is)f(to)i(consider)f(what)h(a)g Fk(distance)g +Fn(function)g(should)f(lo)31 b(ok)255 b(lik)-31 b(e)254 +b(in)f(Python.)0 17579 y(In)283 b(other)i(w)-31 b(ords,)301 +b(what)285 b(are)f(the)g(inputs)g(\(parameters\))i(and)e(what)h(is)f +(the)g(output)h(\(return)0 18934 y(v)-61 b(alue\)?)0 +21282 y(In)423 b(this)g(case,)437 b(the)423 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)425 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts)424 b(are)f(the)g(inputs,)437 b(whic)-31 +b(h)424 b(w)-31 b(e)424 b(can)f(represen)-31 b(t)422 +b(using)i(four)0 22637 y(parameters.)493 b(The)370 b(return)e(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(is)f(the)g(distance,)i(whic)-31 b(h)370 +b(is)f(a)g(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)373 b(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 24986 y(Already)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(write)h(an)f +(outline)i(of)f(the)f(function:)0 27416 y Fk(def)582 +b(distance\(x1,)h(y1,)e(x2,)h(y2\):)1162 28771 y(return)g(0.0)0 +31201 y Fn(Ob)-31 b(viously)-92 b(,)566 b(this)525 b(v)-31 +b(ersion)526 b(of)f(the)h(function)g(do)31 b(esn't)526 +b(compute)g(distances;)604 b(it)526 b(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)0 +32556 y(returns)398 b(zero.)582 b(But)400 b(it)g(is)f(syn)-31 +b(tactically)403 b(correct,)k(and)399 b(it)h(will)h(run,)406 +b(whic)-31 b(h)400 b(means)g(that)0 33911 y(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(can)f(test)h(it)g(b)31 b(efore)369 b(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(mak)-31 b(e)371 b(it)f(more)f(complicated.)0 36260 +y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(test)f(the)h(new)f(function,)i(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(call)g(it)g(with)h(sample)f(v)-61 b(alues:)0 +38690 y Fk(>>>)582 b(distance\(1,)g(2,)g(4,)f(6\))0 40045 +y(0.0)0 42475 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)379 b(c)-31 b(hose)380 b(these)g(v)-61 +b(alues)381 b(so)f(that)h(the)f(horizon)-31 b(tal)383 +b(distance)e(equals)f(3)h(and)f(the)g(v)-31 b(ertical)0 +43829 y(distance)363 b(equals)f(4;)j(that)e(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 +b(,)365 b(the)e(result)e(is)h(5)g(\(the)h(h)-31 b(yp)31 +b(oten)-31 b(use)363 b(of)f(a)g(3-4-5)h(triangle\).)0 +45184 y(When)369 b(testing)h(a)g(function,)h(it)f(is)f(useful)g(to)h +(kno)-31 b(w)370 b(the)g(righ)-31 b(t)370 b(answ)-31 +b(er.)0 47533 y(A)g(t)393 b(this)f(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)393 +b(w)-31 b(e)393 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)393 b(con\257rmed)f(that)h(the)g +(function)g(is)f(syn)-31 b(tactically)396 b(correct,)i(and)0 +48888 y(w)-31 b(e)422 b(can)g(start)h(adding)g(lines)f(of)g(co)31 +b(de.)651 b(After)422 b(eac)-31 b(h)422 b(incremen)-31 +b(tal)424 b(c)-31 b(hange,)436 b(w)-31 b(e)422 b(test)h(the)0 +50243 y(function)390 b(again.)551 b(If)388 b(an)h(error)e(o)31 +b(ccurs)388 b(at)h(an)-31 b(y)389 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t,)395 +b(w)-31 b(e)388 b(kno)-31 b(w)390 b(where)e(it)h(m)-31 +b(ust)389 b(b)31 b(e|in)0 51598 y(the)369 b(last)i(line)e(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(added.)0 53947 y(A)475 b(logical)k(\257rst)c(step)g(in)h(the) +f(computation)k(is)c(to)i(\257nd)e(the)h(di\256erences)e +Fg(x)32811 54113 y Ff(2)33624 53947 y Fj(\241)317 b Fg(x)35435 +54113 y Ff(1)36407 53947 y Fn(and)0 55302 y Fg(y)543 +55468 y Ff(2)1186 55302 y Fj(\241)147 b Fg(y)2737 55468 +y Ff(1)3233 55302 y Fn(.)476 b(W)-92 b(e)318 b(will)k(store)d(those)h +(v)-61 b(alues)319 b(in)h(temp)31 b(orary)321 b(v)-61 +b(ariables)320 b(named)g Fk(dx)f Fn(and)h Fk(dy)g Fn(and)0 +56657 y(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(them.)p eop +%%Page: 50 76 +50 75 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(50)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(distance\(x1,)h +(y1,)e(x2,)h(y2\):)1162 2220 y(dx)g(=)f(x2)g(-)h(x1)1162 +3575 y(dy)g(=)f(y2)g(-)h(y1)1162 4930 y(print)g("dx)g(is",)g(dx)1162 +6285 y(print)g("dy)g(is",)g(dy)1162 7640 y(return)g(0.0)0 +9942 y Fn(If)280 b(the)h(function)h(is)f(w)-31 b(orking,)300 +b(the)281 b(outputs)h(should)f(b)31 b(e)280 b(3)h(and)f(4.)464 +b(If)280 b(so,)299 b(w)-31 b(e)281 b(kno)-31 b(w)282 +b(that)g(the)0 11297 y(function)428 b(is)f(getting)i(the)f(righ)-31 +b(t)428 b(parameters)f(and)g(p)31 b(erforming)428 b(the)f(\257rst)g +(computation)0 12652 y(correctly)-92 b(.)493 b(If)369 +b(not,)h(there)f(are)g(only)i(a)e(few)h(lines)f(to)h(c)-31 +b(hec)g(k.)0 14874 y(Next)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(compute)g(the)f(sum)g +(of)h(squares)f(of)g Fk(dx)h Fn(and)f Fk(dy)p Fn(:)0 +17176 y Fk(def)582 b(distance\(x1,)h(y1,)e(x2,)h(y2\):)1162 +18531 y(dx)g(=)f(x2)g(-)h(x1)1162 19886 y(dy)g(=)f(y2)g(-)h(y1)1162 +21241 y(dsquared)h(=)e(dx**2)h(+)f(dy**2)1162 22596 y(print)h +("dsquared)h(is:)e(",)h(dsquared)1162 23951 y(return)g(0.0)0 +26253 y Fn(Notice)449 b(that)f(w)-31 b(e)447 b(remo)-31 +b(v)g(ed)448 b(the)g Fk(print)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)449 +b(w)-31 b(e)448 b(wrote)g(in)f(the)g(previous)h(step.)0 +27608 y(Co)31 b(de)255 b(lik)-31 b(e)257 b(that)f(is)f(called)h +Fv(sca\256olding)e Fn(b)31 b(ecause)255 b(it)h(is)e(helpful)i(for)f +(building)i(the)e(program)0 28963 y(but)369 b(is)h(not)f(part)h(of)g +(the)f(\257nal)h(pro)31 b(duct.)0 31185 y(Again,)482 +b(w)-31 b(e)459 b(w)-31 b(ould)459 b(run)f(the)g(program)h(at)g(this)f +(stage)h(and)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)459 b(the)f(output)h(\(whic)-31 +b(h)0 32539 y(should)370 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(25\).)0 34761 +y(Finally)-92 b(,)356 b(if)351 b(w)-31 b(e)350 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)351 b(imp)31 b(orted)352 b(the)e(math)h(mo)31 +b(dule,)356 b(w)-31 b(e)350 b(can)h(use)f(the)g Fk(sqrt)h +Fn(function)g(to)0 36116 y(compute)370 b(and)g(return)e(the)i(result:)0 +38418 y Fk(def)582 b(distance\(x1,)h(y1,)e(x2,)h(y2\):)1162 +39773 y(dx)g(=)f(x2)g(-)h(x1)1162 41128 y(dy)g(=)f(y2)g(-)h(y1)1162 +42483 y(dsquared)h(=)e(dx**2)h(+)f(dy**2)1162 43838 y(result)h(=)g +(math.sqrt\(dsquared\))1162 45193 y(return)g(result)0 +47495 y Fn(If)407 b(that)h(w)-31 b(orks)407 b(correctly)-92 +b(,)417 b(y)-31 b(ou)408 b(are)e(done.)606 b(Otherwise,)418 +b(y)-31 b(ou)407 b(migh)-31 b(t)409 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)409 +b(to)e(prin)-31 b(t)408 b(the)0 48850 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(of)f Fk(result)h Fn(b)31 b(efore)369 b(the)h(return)e(statemen)-31 +b(t.)0 51072 y(When)420 b(y)-31 b(ou)421 b(start)g(out,)435 +b(y)-31 b(ou)422 b(should)f(add)f(only)i(a)f(line)g(or)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)422 b(of)f(co)31 b(de)421 b(at)g(a)g(time.)648 +b(As)0 52427 y(y)-31 b(ou)317 b(gain)g(more)f(exp)31 +b(erience,)327 b(y)-31 b(ou)317 b(migh)-31 b(t)317 b(\257nd)f(y)-31 +b(ourself)317 b(writing)g(and)g(debugging)g(bigger)0 +53782 y(c)-31 b(h)g(unks.)508 b(Either)375 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 +b(,)378 b(the)c(incremen)-31 b(tal)377 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)376 +b(pro)31 b(cess)373 b(can)i(sa)-31 b(v)g(e)375 b(y)-31 +b(ou)375 b(a)g(lot)g(of)0 55137 y(debugging)c(time.)0 +57358 y(The)e(k)-31 b(ey)370 b(asp)31 b(ects)369 b(of)h(the)f(pro)31 +b(cess)368 b(are:)p eop +%%Page: 51 77 +51 76 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(5.3)425 b(Comp)35 b(osition)27824 +b(51)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1353 865 a Fn(1.)554 b(Start)440 +b(with)g(a)f(w)-31 b(orking)440 b(program)f(and)g(mak)-31 +b(e)440 b(small)g(incremen)-31 b(tal)441 b(c)-31 b(hanges.)701 +b(A)-31 b(t)2767 2220 y(an)g(y)370 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t,)371 +b(if)f(there)f(is)g(an)g(error,)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(will)h(kno)-31 +b(w)370 b(exactly)h(where)e(it)h(is.)1353 4617 y(2.)554 +b(Use)470 b(temp)31 b(orary)471 b(v)-61 b(ariables)471 +b(to)f(hold)h(in)-31 b(termediate)473 b(v)-61 b(alues)470 +b(so)g(y)-31 b(ou)470 b(can)h(output)2767 5972 y(and)370 +b(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)369 b(them.)1353 8368 y(3.)554 b(Once)530 +b(the)h(program)g(is)f(w)-31 b(orking,)573 b(y)-31 b(ou)531 +b(migh)-31 b(t)533 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)532 b(to)f(remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)531 b(some)g(of)g(the)2767 9723 y(sca\256olding)320 +b(or)e(consolidate)j(m)-31 b(ultiple)320 b(statemen)-31 +b(ts)320 b(in)-31 b(to)320 b(comp)31 b(ound)319 b(expressions,)2767 +11078 y(but)370 b(only)g(if)g(it)g(do)31 b(es)368 b(not)i(mak)-31 +b(e)371 b(the)e(program)h(di\261cult)h(to)f(read.)2767 +13886 y Fm(As)563 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)606 b(use)563 +b(incr)-57 b(emental)565 b(development)e(to)g(write)f(a)h(function)2767 +15241 y(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 b(d)555 b Fk(hypotenuse)h +Fm(that)d(r)-57 b(eturns)554 b(the)g(length)g(of)h(the)f(hyp)-57 +b(otenuse)554 b(of)h(a)2767 16595 y(right)348 b(triangle)g(given)h(the) +e(lengths)h(of)g(the)f(two)g(le)-57 b(gs)348 b(as)f(p)-57 +b(ar)g(ameters.)493 b(R)-57 b(e)g(c)g(or)g(d)2767 17950 +y(e)g(ach)397 b(stage)e(of)i(the)e(incr)-57 b(emental)398 +b(development)f(pr)-57 b(o)g(c)g(ess)396 b(as)f(you)i(go.)0 +22713 y Fl(5.3)1793 b(Comp)50 b(osition)0 25330 y Fn(As)423 +b(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(should)g(exp)31 b(ect)424 b(b)-31 +b(y)424 b(no)-31 b(w,)438 b(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(can)g(call)h(one)f +(function)g(from)h(within)g(another.)0 26684 y(This)370 +b(abilit)-31 b(y)371 b(is)f(called)g Fv(comp)35 b(osition)p +Fn(.)0 28934 y(As)422 b(an)h(example,)438 b(w)-31 b(e'll)425 +b(write)e(a)g(function)h(that)g(tak)-31 b(es)423 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)425 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts,)437 b(the)423 b(cen)-31 +b(ter)423 b(of)g(the)0 30289 y(circle)369 b(and)h(a)f(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)371 b(on)e(the)h(p)31 b(erimeter,)369 b(and)h(computes)g +(the)f(area)h(of)f(the)h(circle.)0 32538 y(Assume)520 +b(that)i(the)f(cen)-31 b(ter)520 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)522 +b(is)e(stored)g(in)h(the)g(v)-61 b(ariables)521 b Fk(xc)f +Fn(and)h Fk(yc)p Fn(,)559 b(and)521 b(the)0 33893 y(p)31 +b(erimeter)333 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)335 b(is)e(in)g Fk(xp)h +Fn(and)f Fk(yp)p Fn(.)481 b(The)333 b(\257rst)g(step)g(is)g(to)h +(\257nd)f(the)h(radius)f(of)h(the)f(circle,)0 35248 y(whic)-31 +b(h)391 b(is)e(the)h(distance)h(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)390 +b(the)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)392 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts.)555 +b(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)396 b(there)389 b(is)h(a)g(function,)0 +36602 y Fk(distance)p Fn(,)371 b(that)f(do)31 b(es)369 +b(that:)0 38933 y Fk(radius)582 b(=)f(distance\(xc,)i(yc,)f(xp,)f(yp\)) +0 41263 y Fn(The)369 b(second)g(step)h(is)f(to)h(\257nd)f(the)g(area)g +(of)h(a)g(circle)f(with)h(that)h(radius)e(and)g(return)g(it:)0 +43593 y Fk(result)582 b(=)f(area\(radius\))0 44948 y(return)h(result)0 +47278 y Fn(W)-92 b(rapping)369 b(that)i(up)e(in)g(a)h(function,)h(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(get:)0 49608 y Fk(def)582 b(area2\(xc,)g(yc,)g(xp,)f(yp\):) +1162 50963 y(radius)h(=)g(distance\(xc,)h(yc,)e(xp,)h(yp\))1162 +52318 y(result)g(=)g(area\(radius\))1162 53673 y(return)g(result)0 +56003 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)395 b(called)h(this)g(function)h +Fk(area2)e Fn(to)h(distinguish)h(it)f(from)g(the)g Fk(area)f +Fn(function)i(de\257ned)0 57358 y(earlier.)454 b(There)253 +b(can)h(only)g(b)31 b(e)253 b(one)g(function)i(with)f(a)f(giv)-31 +b(en)255 b(name)f(within)h(a)e(giv)-31 b(en)254 b(mo)31 +b(dule.)p eop +%%Page: 52 78 +52 77 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(52)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)481 b(temp)31 +b(orary)482 b(v)-61 b(ariables)481 b Fk(radius)h Fn(and)f +Fk(result)g Fn(are)g(useful)g(for)g(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)483 +b(and)0 2220 y(debugging,)440 b(but)425 b(once)f(the)h(program)g(is)f +(w)-31 b(orking,)440 b(w)-31 b(e)425 b(can)g(mak)-31 +b(e)425 b(it)g(more)g(concise)g(b)-31 b(y)0 3575 y(comp)31 +b(osing)371 b(the)e(function)i(calls:)0 5911 y Fk(def)582 +b(area2\(xc,)g(yc,)g(xp,)f(yp\):)1162 7266 y(return)h +(area\(distance\(xc,)i(yc,)e(xp,)f(yp\)\))2767 10165 +y Fm(As)469 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)488 b(write)469 b(a)f(function)j +Fk(slope\(x1,)582 b(y1,)g(x2,)f(y2\))469 b Fm(that)f(r)-57 +b(e-)2767 11520 y(turns)451 b(the)h(slop)-57 b(e)451 +b(of)g(the)g(line)i(thr)-57 b(ough)451 b(the)g(p)-57 +b(oints)451 b Fn(\()p Fg(x)p Fn(1)p Fg(;)184 b(y)40 b +Fn(1\))454 b Fm(and)d Fn(\()p Fg(x)p Fn(2)p Fg(;)184 +b(y)40 b Fn(2\))p Fm(.)2767 12875 y(Then)322 b(use)g(this)f(function)i +(in)f(a)g(function)h(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 b(d)322 b +Fk(intercept\(x1,)583 b(y1,)e(x2,)2767 14230 y(y2\))437 +b Fm(that)e(r)-57 b(eturns)436 b(the)g(y-inter)-57 b(c)g(ept)438 +b(of)e(the)g(line)h(thr)-57 b(ough)435 b(the)h(p)-57 +b(oints)436 b Fk(\(x1,)2767 15585 y(y1\))397 b Fm(and)f +Fk(\(x2,)582 b(y2\))p Fm(.)0 20364 y Fl(5.4)1793 b(Bo)50 +b(olean)597 b(functions)0 22989 y Fn(F)-92 b(unctions)371 +b(can)g(return)f(b)31 b(o)g(olean)372 b(v)-61 b(alues,)372 +b(whic)-31 b(h)372 b(is)f(often)g(con)-31 b(v)g(enien)g(t)373 +b(for)e(hiding)h(com-)0 24344 y(plicated)f(tests)e(inside)h(functions.) +493 b(F)-92 b(or)369 b(example:)0 26679 y Fk(def)582 +b(isDivisible\(x,)h(y\):)1162 28034 y(if)f(x)f(\045)g(y)h(==)f(0:)2325 +29389 y(return)h(1)4068 b(#)581 b(it's)h(true)1162 30744 +y(else:)2325 32099 y(return)g(0)4068 b(#)581 b(it's)h(false)0 +34435 y Fn(The)368 b(name)h(of)f(this)h(function)g(is)f +Fk(isDivisible)p Fn(.)494 b(It)367 b(is)h(common)i(to)f(giv)-31 +b(e)369 b(b)31 b(o)g(olean)369 b(func-)0 35790 y(tions)c(names)g(that)h +(sound)e(lik)-31 b(e)366 b(y)-31 b(es/no)365 b(questions.)492 +b Fk(isDivisible)366 b Fn(returns)d(either)i Fk(1)f Fn(or)0 +37145 y Fk(0)369 b Fn(to)h(indicate)h(whether)e(the)h +Fk(x)f Fn(is)g(or)g(is)g(not)h(divisible)h(b)-31 b(y)369 +b Fk(y)p Fn(.)0 39399 y(W)-92 b(e)448 b(can)h(mak)-31 +b(e)450 b(the)g(function)g(more)f(concise)g(b)-31 b(y)449 +b(taking)i(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)451 b(of)f(the)f(fact)h(that)0 +40754 y(the)371 b(condition)i(of)f(the)f Fk(if)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)373 b(is)e(itself)i(a)e(b)31 b(o)g(olean)372 b(expression.)498 +b(W)-92 b(e)370 b(can)i(return)0 42109 y(it)e(directly)-92 +b(,)370 b(a)-31 b(v)g(oiding)372 b(the)e Fk(if)f Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(altogether:)0 44445 y Fk(def)582 b(isDivisible\(x,)h(y\):) +1162 45800 y(return)f(x)g(\045)f(y)g(==)h(0)0 48136 y +Fn(This)370 b(session)e(sho)-31 b(ws)370 b(the)f(new)h(function)g(in)g +(action:)0 50471 y Fk(>>>)1744 b(isDivisible\(6,)583 +b(4\))0 51826 y(0)0 53181 y(>>>)1744 b(isDivisible\(6,)583 +b(3\))0 54536 y(1)0 56872 y Fn(Bo)31 b(olean)371 b(functions)f(are)f +(often)h(used)f(in)g(conditional)j(statemen)-31 b(ts:)p +eop +%%Page: 53 79 +53 78 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(5.5)425 b(More)h(recursion)26386 +b(53)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(if)581 b(isDivisible\(x,)j(y\):) +1162 2220 y(print)e("x)g(is)f(divisible)i(by)e(y")0 3575 +y(else:)1162 4930 y(print)h("x)g(is)f(not)h(divisible)g(by)g(y")0 +7174 y Fn(It)369 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(tempting)i(to)f +(write)g(something)h(lik)-31 b(e:)0 9418 y Fk(if)581 +b(isDivisible\(x,)j(y\))d(==)h(1:)0 11662 y Fn(But)370 +b(the)f(extra)h(comparison)g(is)f(unnecessary)-92 b(.)2767 +14301 y Fm(As)424 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)433 b(write)424 +b(a)h(function)h Fk(isBetween\(x,)583 b(y,)e(z\))425 +b Fm(that)f(r)-57 b(eturns)2767 15656 y Fk(1)397 b Fm(if)g +Fg(y)346 b Fj(\267)308 b Fg(x)f Fj(\267)h Fg(z)444 b +Fm(or)396 b Fk(0)g Fm(otherwise.)0 20163 y Fl(5.5)1793 +b(More)598 b(recursion)0 22660 y Fn(So)547 b(far,)592 +b(y)-31 b(ou)547 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)548 b(only)f(learned)g(a)g(small)h +(subset)e(of)i(Python,)592 b(but)547 b(y)-31 b(ou)548 +b(migh)-31 b(t)548 b(b)31 b(e)0 24014 y(in)-31 b(terested)351 +b(to)h(kno)-31 b(w)351 b(that)h(this)f(subset)f(is)h(a)f +Fm(c)-57 b(omplete)351 b Fn(programming)i(language,)k(whic)-31 +b(h)0 25369 y(means)390 b(that)h(an)-31 b(ything)393 +b(that)e(can)f(b)31 b(e)389 b(computed)i(can)g(b)31 b(e)389 +b(expressed)g(in)h(this)g(language.)0 26724 y(An)-31 +b(y)395 b(program)f(ev)-31 b(er)394 b(written)i(could)e(b)31 +b(e)394 b(rewritten)h(using)f(only)h(the)g(language)h(features)0 +28079 y(y)-31 b(ou)426 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)427 b(learned)f(so)f(far)h +(\(actually)-92 b(,)443 b(y)-31 b(ou)426 b(w)-31 b(ould)427 +b(need)e(a)h(few)g(commands)h(to)f(con)-31 b(trol)0 29434 +y(devices)369 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(the)e(k)-31 b(eyb)31 +b(oard,)371 b(mouse,)f(disks,)f(etc.,)h(but)g(that's)g(all\).)0 +31597 y(Pro)-31 b(ving)436 b(that)f(claim)h(is)e(a)g(non)-31 +b(trivial)437 b(exercise)c(\257rst)h(accomplished)i(b)-31 +b(y)434 b(Alan)h(T)-92 b(uring,)0 32952 y(one)508 b(of)g(the)g(\257rst) +f(computer)h(scien)-31 b(tists)508 b(\(some)h(w)-31 b(ould)509 +b(argue)f(that)g(he)g(w)-31 b(as)508 b(a)g(math-)0 34307 +y(ematician,)d(but)476 b(a)g(lot)h(of)f(early)h(computer)f(scien)-31 +b(tists)477 b(started)f(as)f(mathematicians\).)0 35662 +y(Accordingly)-92 b(,)553 b(it)515 b(is)f(kno)-31 b(wn)515 +b(as)g(the)f(T)-92 b(uring)515 b(Thesis.)928 b(If)514 +b(y)-31 b(ou)515 b(tak)-31 b(e)516 b(a)e(course)g(on)h(the)0 +37017 y(Theory)370 b(of)f(Computation,)374 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(will)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(a)f(c)-31 b(hance)370 b(to)g(see)e(the)i +(pro)31 b(of.)0 39180 y(T)-92 b(o)496 b(giv)-31 b(e)496 +b(y)-31 b(ou)496 b(an)f(idea)h(of)f(what)i(y)-31 b(ou)495 +b(can)h(do)f(with)h(the)g(to)31 b(ols)496 b(y)-31 b(ou)496 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)496 b(learned)f(so)0 40535 y(far,)321 +b(w)-31 b(e'll)310 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)310 b(a)e(few)h(recursiv)-31 +b(ely)309 b(de\257ned)f(mathematical)k(functions.)473 +b(A)308 b(recursiv)-31 b(e)0 41889 y(de\257nition)544 +b(is)e(similar)h(to)g(a)g(circular)f(de\257nition,)588 +b(in)542 b(the)g(sense)g(that)h(the)f(de\257nition)0 +43244 y(con)-31 b(tains)316 b(a)f(reference)f(to)h(the)g(thing)h(b)31 +b(eing)315 b(de\257ned.)474 b(A)314 b(truly)i(circular)e(de\257nition)j +(is)d(not)0 44599 y(v)-31 b(ery)369 b(useful:)0 47238 +y Fv(frab)71 b(juous:)554 b Fn(An)369 b(adjectiv)-31 +b(e)371 b(used)e(to)h(describ)31 b(e)368 b(something)j(that)g(is)e +(frab)61 b(juous.)0 49877 y(If)298 b(y)-31 b(ou)299 b(sa)-31 +b(w)298 b(that)h(de\257nition)h(in)e(the)h(dictionary)-92 +b(,)314 b(y)-31 b(ou)299 b(migh)-31 b(t)300 b(b)31 b(e)297 +b(anno)-31 b(y)g(ed.)471 b(On)297 b(the)i(other)0 51232 +y(hand,)321 b(if)308 b(y)-31 b(ou)309 b(lo)31 b(ok)-31 +b(ed)309 b(up)f(the)g(de\257nition)i(of)e(the)h(mathematical)j +(function)d(factorial,)323 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 52587 y(migh)g(t)371 +b(get)f(something)h(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)16776 54407 +y(0!)309 b(=)e(1)16776 56094 y Fg(n)p Fn(!)i(=)e Fg(n)p +Fn(\()p Fg(n)247 b Fj(\241)f Fn(1\)!)0 58713 y(This)432 +b(de\257nition)h(sa)-31 b(ys)432 b(that)g(the)g(factorial)i(of)e(0)g +(is)f(1,)448 b(and)432 b(the)f(factorial)j(of)e(an)-31 +b(y)433 b(other)0 60068 y(v)-61 b(alue,)370 b Fg(n)p +Fn(,)g(is)f Fg(n)h Fn(m)-31 b(ultiplied)372 b(b)-31 b(y)369 +b(the)h(factorial)h(of)f Fg(n)246 b Fj(\241)g Fn(1.)p +eop +%%Page: 54 80 +54 79 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(54)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(So)277 b(3!)h(is)f(3)g +(times)h(2!,)296 b(whic)-31 b(h)278 b(is)f(2)g(times)h(1!,)297 +b(whic)-31 b(h)278 b(is)f(1)g(times)h(0!.)462 b(Putting)279 +b(it)f(all)g(together,)0 2220 y(3!)370 b(equals)g(3)f(times)h(2)g +(times)g(1)f(times)h(1,)g(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(6.)0 +4395 y(If)483 b(y)-31 b(ou)483 b(can)g(write)h(a)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e)483 b(de\257nition)h(of)g(something,)513 b(y)-31 +b(ou)484 b(can)f(usually)h(write)g(a)0 5749 y(Python)356 +b(program)g(to)f(ev)-61 b(aluate)356 b(it.)489 b(The)355 +b(\257rst)f(step)h(is)f(to)i(decide)f(what)h(the)f(parameters)0 +7104 y(are)460 b(for)g(this)h(function.)767 b(With)460 +b(little)j(e\256ort,)483 b(y)-31 b(ou)461 b(should)g(conclude)f(that)i +Fk(factorial)0 8459 y Fn(tak)-31 b(es)370 b(a)g(single)g(parameter:)0 +10715 y Fk(def)582 b(factorial\(n\):)0 12970 y Fn(If)369 +b(the)g(argumen)-31 b(t)371 b(happ)31 b(ens)369 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)368 b(0,)i(all)h(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 +b(to)g(do)f(is)g(return)g(1:)0 15226 y Fk(def)582 b(factorial\(n\):) +1162 16581 y(if)g(n)f(==)g(0:)2325 17936 y(return)h(1)0 +20191 y Fn(Otherwise,)385 b(and)c(this)g(is)g(the)g(in)-31 +b(teresting)382 b(part,)j(w)-31 b(e)381 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)382 +b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)382 b(a)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)380 b(call)i(to)0 +21546 y(\257nd)369 b(the)g(factorial)j(of)e Fg(n)246 +b Fj(\241)g Fn(1)370 b(and)f(then)g(m)-31 b(ultiply)372 +b(it)e(b)-31 b(y)370 b Fg(n)p Fn(:)0 23802 y Fk(def)582 +b(factorial\(n\):)1162 25157 y(if)g(n)f(==)g(0:)2325 +26512 y(return)h(1)1162 27867 y(else:)2325 29222 y(recurse)g(=)f +(factorial\(n-1\))2325 30576 y(result)h(=)f(n)g(*)h(recurse)2325 +31931 y(return)g(result)0 34187 y Fn(The)442 b(\260o)-31 +b(w)442 b(of)g(execution)h(for)e(this)h(program)h(is)e(similar)i(to)f +(the)g(\260o)-31 b(w)442 b(of)g Fk(countdown)h Fn(in)0 +35542 y(Section)370 b(4.9.)494 b(If)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(call)g Fk(factorial)h Fn(with)f(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)369 +b(3:)0 37716 y(Since)e(3)f(is)h(not)g(0,)h(w)-31 b(e)367 +b(tak)-31 b(e)368 b(the)e(second)h(branc)-31 b(h)366 +b(and)h(calculate)h(the)f(factorial)i(of)e Fk(n-1)p Fn(...)2767 +40380 y(Since)270 b(2)f(is)h(not)g(0,)290 b(w)-31 b(e)269 +b(tak)-31 b(e)271 b(the)e(second)g(branc)-31 b(h)270 +b(and)f(calculate)j(the)d(factorial)2767 41735 y(of)370 +b Fk(n-1)p Fn(...)5203 43588 y(Since)378 b(1)g(is)f(not)i(0,)h(w)-31 +b(e)378 b(tak)-31 b(e)379 b(the)f(second)f(branc)-31 +b(h)378 b(and)g(calculate)5203 44943 y(the)369 b(factorial)j(of)e +Fk(n-1)p Fn(...)7273 46860 y(Since)407 b(0)g Fm(is)g +Fn(0,)417 b(w)-31 b(e)408 b(tak)-31 b(e)408 b(the)f(\257rst)g(branc)-31 +b(h)407 b(and)g(return)7273 48215 y(1)369 b(without)j(making)f(an)-31 +b(y)370 b(more)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)369 b(calls.)5203 50132 +y(The)450 b(return)g(v)-61 b(alue)451 b(\(1\))h(is)e(m)-31 +b(ultiplied)453 b(b)-31 b(y)451 b Fg(n)p Fn(,)472 b(whic)-31 +b(h)451 b(is)f(1,)472 b(and)5203 51487 y(the)369 b(result)g(is)g +(returned.)2767 53340 y(The)348 b(return)e(v)-61 b(alue)348 +b(\(1\))h(is)e(m)-31 b(ultiplied)350 b(b)-31 b(y)347 +b Fg(n)p Fn(,)353 b(whic)-31 b(h)348 b(is)f(2,)352 b(and)c(the)f +(result)h(is)2767 54694 y(returned.)0 57358 y(The)395 +b(return)f(v)-61 b(alue)395 b(\(2\))h(is)f(m)-31 b(ultiplied)397 +b(b)-31 b(y)395 b Fg(n)p Fn(,)402 b(whic)-31 b(h)396 +b(is)f(3,)402 b(and)394 b(the)h(result,)402 b(6,)g(b)31 +b(ecomes)0 58713 y(the)369 b(return)g(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(of)f(the)h(function)g(call)h(that)f(started)g(the)f(whole)i(pro)31 +b(cess.)p eop +%%Page: 55 81 +55 80 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(5.6)425 b(Leap)f(of)h(faith)27753 +b(55)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Here)369 b(is)g(what)h(the)g(stac) +-31 b(k)370 b(diagram)h(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 +b(for)f(this)h(sequence)f(of)g(function)i(calls:)1928 +3044 y + 20326563 9933045 0 0 20326563 9933045 startTexFig + 1928 3044 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/stack3.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: stack3.eps 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col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1800 2550 m 5700 2550 l 5700 2925 l 1800 2925 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1800 450 m 5700 450 l 5700 825 l 1800 825 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2565 1177 m 2565 1117 l 2413 1117 l 2533 1147 l 2413 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 1147 m + 2550 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2413 1177 m 2533 1147 l 2413 1117 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4065 1177 m 4065 1117 l 3913 1117 l 4033 1147 l 3913 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3675 1147 m + 4050 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3913 1177 m 4033 1147 l 3913 1117 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3600 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (recurse) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4125 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4065 1702 m 4065 1642 l 3913 1642 l 4033 1672 l 3913 1702 l cp +eoclip +n 3675 1672 m + 4050 1672 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3913 1702 m 4033 1672 l 3913 1642 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3600 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (recurse) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4125 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4065 2227 m 4065 2167 l 3913 2167 l 4033 2197 l 3913 2227 l cp +eoclip +n 3675 2197 m + 4050 2197 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3913 2227 m 4033 2197 l 3913 2167 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3600 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (recurse) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4125 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +5415 2227 m 5415 2167 l 5263 2167 l 5383 2197 l 5263 2227 l cp +eoclip +n 5025 2197 m + 5400 2197 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5263 2227 m 5383 2197 l 5263 2167 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5415 1702 m 5415 1642 l 5263 1642 l 5383 1672 l 5263 1702 l cp +eoclip +n 5025 1672 m + 5400 1672 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5263 1702 m 5383 1672 l 5263 1642 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5415 1177 m 5415 1117 l 5263 1117 l 5383 1147 l 5263 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 5025 1147 m + 5400 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5263 1177 m 5383 1147 l 5263 1117 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (return) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (return) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (6) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (return) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +% Arc +gs clippath +5694 2216 m 5676 2274 l 5821 2319 l 5716 2255 l 5839 2262 l cp +eoclip +n 5700.0 2475.0 225.0 90.0 -90.0 arcn +gs col0 s gr + gr + +% arrowhead +n 5839 2262 m 5716 2255 l 5821 2319 l col0 s +% Arc +gs clippath +5694 1691 m 5676 1749 l 5821 1794 l 5716 1730 l 5839 1737 l cp +eoclip +n 5700.0 1950.0 225.0 90.0 -90.0 arcn +gs col0 s gr + gr + +% arrowhead +n 5839 1737 m 5716 1730 l 5821 1794 l col0 s +% Arc +gs clippath +5694 641 m 5676 699 l 5821 744 l 5716 680 l 5839 687 l cp +eoclip +n 5700.0 900.0 225.0 90.0 -90.0 arcn +gs col0 s gr + gr + +% arrowhead +n 5839 687 m 5716 680 l 5821 744 l col0 s +% Arc +gs clippath +5694 1166 m 5676 1224 l 5821 1269 l 5716 1205 l 5839 1212 l cp +eoclip +n 5700.0 1425.0 225.0 90.0 -90.0 arcn +gs col0 s gr + gr + +% arrowhead +n 5839 1212 m 5716 1205 l 5821 1269 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2565 1702 m 2565 1642 l 2413 1642 l 2533 1672 l 2413 1702 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 1672 m + 2550 1672 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2413 1702 m 2533 1672 l 2413 1642 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2565 2227 m 2565 2167 l 2413 2167 l 2533 2197 l 2413 2227 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 2197 m + 2550 2197 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2413 2227 m 2533 2197 l 2413 2167 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2565 2752 m 2565 2692 l 2413 2692 l 2533 2722 l 2413 2752 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 2722 m + 2550 2722 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2413 2752 m 2533 2722 l 2413 2692 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1650 675 m +gs 1 -1 sc (__main__) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1650 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (factorial) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 2775 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 2775 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1650 1725 m +gs 1 -1 sc (factorial) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1650 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (factorial) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1650 2775 m +gs 1 -1 sc (factorial) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 2025 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 975 m +gs 1 -1 sc (6) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 22635 a Fn(The)319 b(return)g(v)-61 b(alues)319 b(are)g(sho)-31 +b(wn)319 b(b)31 b(eing)320 b(passed)f(bac)-31 b(k)319 +b(up)g(the)h(stac)-31 b(k.)476 b(In)319 b(eac)-31 b(h)320 +b(frame,)330 b(the)0 23990 y(return)369 b(v)-61 b(alue)369 +b(is)g(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(of)h Fk(result)p Fn(,)g(whic)-31 +b(h)371 b(is)e(the)g(pro)31 b(duct)369 b(of)h Fk(n)f +Fn(and)h Fk(recurse)p Fn(.)0 26165 y(Notice)440 b(that)f(in)f(the)h +(last)g(frame,)456 b(the)438 b(lo)31 b(cal)440 b(v)-61 +b(ariables)439 b Fk(recurse)g Fn(and)f Fk(result)h Fn(do)f(not)0 +27520 y(exist,)370 b(b)31 b(ecause)369 b(the)g(branc)-31 +b(h)370 b(that)g(creates)f(them)h(did)g(not)f(execute.)0 +32061 y Fl(5.6)1793 b(Leap)598 b(of)f(faith)0 34574 y +Fn(F)-92 b(ollo)-31 b(wing)358 b(the)e(\260o)-31 b(w)356 +b(of)g(execution)h(is)e(one)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)356 b(to)h(read)e +(programs,)k(but)c(it)i(can)e(quic)-31 b(kly)0 35929 +y(b)31 b(ecome)382 b(lab)-31 b(yrin)g(thine.)533 b(An)382 +b(alternativ)-31 b(e)385 b(is)d(what)h(w)-31 b(e)382 +b(call)h(the)f(\\leap)h(of)g(faith.")532 b(When)0 37284 +y(y)-31 b(ou)527 b(come)f(to)h(a)f(function)h(call,)567 +b(instead)527 b(of)f(follo)-31 b(wing)530 b(the)c(\260o)-31 +b(w)527 b(of)f(execution,)567 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 38638 y +Fm(assume)369 b Fn(that)h(the)f(function)i(w)-31 b(orks)370 +b(correctly)f(and)h(returns)e(the)h(appropriate)i(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 40814 y(In)345 b(fact,)351 b(y)-31 b(ou)347 +b(are)e(already)h(practicing)h(this)f(leap)g(of)g(faith)h(when)e(y)-31 +b(ou)346 b(use)f(built-in)i(func-)0 42168 y(tions.)485 +b(When)342 b(y)-31 b(ou)344 b(call)g Fk(math.cos)f Fn(or)g +Fk(math.exp)p Fn(,)350 b(y)-31 b(ou)343 b(don't)h(examine)g(the)f +(implemen-)0 43523 y(tations)381 b(of)e(those)h(functions.)523 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)380 b(just)f(assume)g(that)h(they)g(w)-31 +b(ork)380 b(b)31 b(ecause)378 b(the)h(p)31 b(eople)0 +44878 y(who)370 b(wrote)g(the)f(built-in)i(libraries)f(w)-31 +b(ere)369 b(go)31 b(o)g(d)370 b(programmers.)0 47053 +y(The)480 b(same)h(is)f(true)g(when)g(y)-31 b(ou)481 +b(call)g(one)f(of)h(y)-31 b(our)480 b(o)-31 b(wn)481 +b(functions.)827 b(F)-92 b(or)479 b(example,)510 b(in)0 +48408 y(Section)417 b(5.4,)430 b(w)-31 b(e)416 b(wrote)h(a)f(function)i +(called)f Fk(isDivisible)g Fn(that)g(determines)g(whether)0 +49763 y(one)339 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)338 b(is)h(divisible)h(b)-31 +b(y)339 b(another.)483 b(Once)338 b(w)-31 b(e)339 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)340 b(con)-31 b(vinced)339 b(ourselv)-31 b(es)339 +b(that)h(this)0 51118 y(function)282 b(is)e(correct|b)-31 +b(y)280 b(testing)i(and)f(examining)h(the)f(co)31 b(de|w)-31 +b(e)281 b(can)f(use)g(the)h(function)0 52473 y(without)371 +b(lo)31 b(oking)372 b(at)e(the)f(co)31 b(de)369 b(again.)0 +54648 y(The)468 b(same)h(is)f(true)g(of)h(recursiv)-31 +b(e)467 b(programs.)791 b(When)467 b(y)-31 b(ou)469 b(get)g(to)g(the)g +(recursiv)-31 b(e)467 b(call,)0 56003 y(instead)346 b(of)g(follo)-31 +b(wing)349 b(the)c(\260o)-31 b(w)346 b(of)g(execution,)352 +b(y)-31 b(ou)346 b(should)f(assume)h(that)g(the)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e)p eop +%%Page: 56 82 +56 81 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(56)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(call)443 +b(w)-31 b(orks)443 b(\(yields)g(the)g(correct)f(result\))h(and)f(then)h +(ask)f(y)-31 b(ourself,)462 b(\\Assuming)443 b(that)g(I)0 +2220 y(can)388 b(\257nd)f(the)h(factorial)i(of)f Fg(n)258 +b Fj(\241)h Fn(1,)393 b(can)388 b(I)f(compute)i(the)f(factorial)i(of)e +Fg(n)p Fn(?")548 b(In)387 b(this)i(case,)0 3575 y(it)370 +b(is)f(clear)h(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can,)g(b)-31 b(y)369 +b(m)-31 b(ultiplying)373 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b Fg(n)p Fn(.)0 +5888 y(Of)405 b(course,)413 b(it's)406 b(a)f(bit)g(strange)g(to)h +(assume)e(that)i(the)f(function)h(w)-31 b(orks)405 b(correctly)h(when)0 +7243 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(en't)371 b(\257nished)e(writing)i +(it,)f(but)g(that's)g(wh)-31 b(y)370 b(it's)g(called)h(a)e(leap)h(of)g +(faith!)0 12198 y Fl(5.7)1793 b(One)598 b(more)g(example)0 +14904 y Fn(In)317 b(the)g(previous)h(example,)329 b(w)-31 +b(e)318 b(used)f(temp)31 b(orary)318 b(v)-61 b(ariables)318 +b(to)g(sp)31 b(ell)317 b(out)h(the)g(steps)f(and)0 16259 +y(to)370 b(mak)-31 b(e)370 b(the)g(co)31 b(de)369 b(easier)g(to)h +(debug,)g(but)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(could)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 +b(sa)-31 b(v)g(ed)370 b(a)f(few)h(lines:)0 18653 y Fk(def)582 +b(factorial\(n\):)1162 20008 y(if)g(n)f(==)g(0:)2325 +21363 y(return)h(1)1162 22718 y(else:)2325 24072 y(return)g(n)f(*)g +(factorial\(n-1\))0 26467 y Fn(F)-92 b(rom)442 b(no)-31 +b(w)444 b(on,)462 b(w)-31 b(e)443 b(will)i(tend)e(to)g(use)g(the)g +(more)g(concise)g(form,)462 b(but)443 b(w)-31 b(e)443 +b(recommend)0 27822 y(that)463 b(y)-31 b(ou)463 b(use)f(the)g(more)g +(explicit)i(v)-31 b(ersion)463 b(while)g(y)-31 b(ou)463 +b(are)f(dev)-31 b(eloping)464 b(co)31 b(de.)771 b(When)0 +29176 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(it)g(w)-31 +b(orking,)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can)g(tigh)-31 b(ten)371 +b(it)f(up)f(if)h(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(feeling)h(inspired.)0 +31490 y(After)478 b Fk(factorial)p Fn(,)507 b(the)478 +b(most)g(common)i(example)f(of)f(a)g(recursiv)-31 b(ely)478 +b(de\257ned)g(mathe-)0 32845 y(matical)372 b(function)e(is)g +Fk(fibonacci)p Fn(,)g(whic)-31 b(h)371 b(has)e(the)g(follo)-31 +b(wing)373 b(de\257nition:)7475 35757 y Fg(f)119 b(ibonacci)p +Fn(\(0\))310 b(=)d(1)7475 37444 y Fg(f)119 b(ibonacci)p +Fn(\(1\))310 b(=)d(1)7475 39131 y Fg(f)119 b(ibonacci)p +Fn(\()p Fg(n)p Fn(\))310 b(=)d Fg(f)119 b(ibonacci)p +Fn(\()p Fg(n)248 b Fj(\241)e Fn(1\))h(+)f Fg(f)119 b(ibonacci)p +Fn(\()p Fg(n)248 b Fj(\241)e Fn(2\);)0 41730 y(T)-92 +b(ranslated)370 b(in)-31 b(to)371 b(Python,)g(it)f(lo)31 +b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 44125 y Fk(def)582 +b(fibonacci)g(\(n\):)1162 45480 y(if)g(n)f(==)g(0)h(or)f(n)h(==)f(1:) +2325 46834 y(return)h(1)1162 48189 y(else:)2325 49544 +y(return)g(fibonacci\(n-1\))h(+)e(fibonacci\(n-2\))0 +51938 y Fn(If)366 b(y)-31 b(ou)367 b(try)g(to)g(follo)-31 +b(w)369 b(the)e(\260o)-31 b(w)367 b(of)g(execution)h(here,)f(ev)-31 +b(en)367 b(for)f(fairly)i(small)g(v)-61 b(alues)366 b(of)h +Fg(n)p Fn(,)0 53293 y(y)-31 b(our)386 b(head)g(explo)31 +b(des.)542 b(But)386 b(according)h(to)f(the)g(leap)h(of)f(faith,)392 +b(if)386 b(y)-31 b(ou)386 b(assume)g(that)h(the)0 54648 +y(t)-31 b(w)g(o)404 b(recursiv)-31 b(e)402 b(calls)h(w)-31 +b(ork)404 b(correctly)-92 b(,)411 b(then)403 b(it)g(is)f(clear)h(that)h +(y)-31 b(ou)403 b(get)g(the)g(righ)-31 b(t)403 b(result)0 +56003 y(b)-31 b(y)369 b(adding)i(them)f(together.)p eop +%%Page: 57 83 +57 82 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(5.8)425 b(Chec)-35 b(king)425 +b(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(es)26373 b(57)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v +0 865 a Fl(5.8)1793 b(Chec)-50 b(king)599 b(t)-50 b(yp)50 +b(es)0 3243 y Fn(What)370 b(happ)31 b(ens)368 b(if)i(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(call)g Fk(factorial)h Fn(and)e(giv)-31 b(e)370 +b(it)g(1.5)h(as)e(an)g(argumen)-31 b(t?)0 5369 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(factorial)g(\(1.5\))0 6724 y(RuntimeError:)h(Maximum)f(recursion)h +(depth)f(exceeded)0 8849 y Fn(It)354 b(lo)31 b(oks)355 +b(lik)-31 b(e)355 b(an)f(in\257nite)h(recursion.)487 +b(But)354 b(ho)-31 b(w)355 b(can)f(that)h(b)31 b(e?)487 +b(There)353 b(is)h(a)g(base)g(case|)0 10204 y(when)369 +b Fk(n)582 b(==)f(0)p Fn(.)493 b(The)369 b(problem)h(is)f(that)i(the)e +(v)-61 b(alues)369 b(of)h Fk(n)f Fm(miss)g Fn(the)h(base)f(case.)0 +12249 y(In)458 b(the)h(\257rst)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)457 +b(call,)483 b(the)459 b(v)-61 b(alue)458 b(of)h Fk(n)g +Fn(is)f(0.5.)762 b(In)458 b(the)g(next,)482 b(it)459 +b(is)g(-0.5.)761 b(F)-92 b(rom)0 13604 y(there,)369 b(it)h(gets)g +(smaller)g(and)g(smaller,)g(but)g(it)f(will)i(nev)-31 +b(er)369 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(0.)0 15648 y(W)-92 b(e)347 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)349 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)349 b(c)-31 b(hoices.)486 +b(W)-92 b(e)347 b(can)h(try)g(to)h(generalize)g(the)f +Fk(factorial)g Fn(function)i(to)e(w)-31 b(ork)0 17003 +y(with)426 b(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)429 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)439 b(or)425 b(w)-31 b(e)426 b(can)f(mak)-31 +b(e)427 b Fk(factorial)f Fn(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)426 b(the)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)426 b(of)g(its)0 18358 y(parameter.)468 b(The)292 +b(\257rst)g(option)i(is)e(called)h(the)f(gamma)j(function)e(and)g(it's) +g(a)f(little)i(b)31 b(ey)-31 b(ond)0 19713 y(the)369 +b(scop)31 b(e)369 b(of)h(this)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)493 b(So)369 +b(w)-31 b(e'll)371 b(go)f(for)f(the)h(second.)0 21757 +y(W)-92 b(e)364 b(can)i(use)e Fk(type)i Fn(to)g(compare)g(the)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)366 b(of)f(the)h(parameter)g(to)g(the)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)366 b(of)f(a)h(kno)-31 b(wn)0 23112 y(in)g(teger)465 +b(v)-61 b(alue)464 b(\(lik)-31 b(e)465 b(1\).)777 b(While)464 +b(w)-31 b(e're)464 b(at)g(it,)489 b(w)-31 b(e)464 b(also)g(mak)-31 +b(e)465 b(sure)e(the)h(parameter)g(is)0 24467 y(p)31 +b(ositiv)-31 b(e:)0 26593 y Fk(def)582 b(factorial)g(\(n\):)1162 +27948 y(if)g(type\(n\))g(!=)f(type\(1\):)2325 29303 y(print)g +("Factorial)i(is)f(only)f(defined)i(for)e(integers.")2325 +30658 y(return)h(-1)1162 32013 y(elif)g(n)f(<)h(0:)2325 +33367 y(print)f("Factorial)i(is)f(only)f(defined)i(for)e(positive)h +(integers.")2325 34722 y(return)g(-1)1162 36077 y(elif)g(n)f(==)h(0:) +2325 37432 y(return)g(1)1162 38787 y(else:)2325 40142 +y(return)g(n)f(*)g(factorial\(n-1\))0 42268 y Fn(No)-31 +b(w)270 b(w)-31 b(e)269 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)269 b(three)g(base)f(cases.) +459 b(The)269 b(\257rst)f(catc)-31 b(hes)269 b(nonin)-31 +b(tegers.)460 b(The)269 b(second)f(catc)-31 b(hes)0 43623 +y(negativ)g(e)553 b(in)-31 b(tegers.)1037 b(In)550 b(b)31 +b(oth)550 b(cases,)596 b(the)551 b(program)g(prin)-31 +b(ts)551 b(an)f(error)g(message)h(and)0 44978 y(returns)368 +b(a)i(sp)31 b(ecial)369 b(v)-61 b(alue,)371 b(-1,)e(to)h(indicate)h +(that)g(something)g(w)-31 b(en)g(t)370 b(wrong:)0 47103 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(factorial)g(\("fred"\))0 48458 y(Factorial)g(is)g(only)g +(defined)g(for)f(integers.)0 49813 y(-1)0 51168 y(>>>)h(factorial)g +(\(-2\))0 52523 y(Factorial)g(is)g(only)g(defined)g(for)f(positive)i +(integers.)0 53878 y(-1)0 56003 y Fn(If)422 b(w)-31 b(e)423 +b(get)g(past)g(b)31 b(oth)422 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks,)436 +b(then)423 b(w)-31 b(e)423 b(kno)-31 b(w)423 b(that)h +Fg(n)e Fn(is)g(a)h(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 b(e)424 b(in)-31 +b(teger,)437 b(and)422 b(w)-31 b(e)0 57358 y(can)369 +b(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(that)h(the)e(recursion)g(terminates.)p +eop +%%Page: 58 84 +58 83 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(58)27205 b(F)-106 b(ruitful)424 +b(functions)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)395 +b(program)g(demonstrates)g(a)g(pattern)g(sometimes)g(called)h(a)e +Fv(guardian)p Fn(.)569 b(The)394 b(\257rst)0 2220 y(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)480 b(conditionals)h(act)e(as)f(guardians,)507 +b(protecting)480 b(the)e(co)31 b(de)479 b(that)g(follo)-31 +b(ws)481 b(from)d(v)-61 b(al-)0 3575 y(ues)482 b(that)j(migh)-31 +b(t)484 b(cause)f(an)g(error.)833 b(The)484 b(guardians)f(mak)-31 +b(e)485 b(it)e(p)31 b(ossible)483 b(to)h(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)484 +b(the)0 4930 y(correctness)368 b(of)i(the)f(co)31 b(de.)0 +9441 y Fl(5.9)1793 b(Glossary)0 11606 y Fv(fruitful)424 +b(function:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(function)i(that)f(yields)g(a)f(return)g(v) +-61 b(alue.)0 13846 y Fv(return)426 b(v)-71 b(alue:)553 +b Fn(The)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(pro)-31 b(vided)370 +b(as)f(the)h(result)f(of)h(a)f(function)i(call.)0 16087 +y Fv(temp)35 b(orary)426 b(v)-71 b(ariable:)553 b Fn(A)300 +b(v)-61 b(ariable)302 b(used)e(to)h(store)g(an)g(in)-31 +b(termediate)303 b(v)-61 b(alue)301 b(in)f(a)h(com-)2767 +17442 y(plex)370 b(calculation.)0 19682 y Fv(dead)425 +b(co)35 b(de:)554 b Fn(P)-31 b(art)475 b(of)g(a)f(program)g(that)h(can) +f(nev)-31 b(er)474 b(b)31 b(e)473 b(executed,)501 b(often)475 +b(b)31 b(ecause)473 b(it)2767 21037 y(app)31 b(ears)369 +b(after)h(a)f Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t.)0 23278 +y Fk(None)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(A)367 b(sp)31 b(ecial)368 b(Python)h(v)-61 +b(alue)368 b(returned)f(b)-31 b(y)368 b(functions)g(that)h(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)368 b(no)g(return)f(state-)2767 24633 y(men)-31 +b(t,)371 b(or)e(a)h(return)e(statemen)-31 b(t)371 b(without)h(an)d +(argumen)-31 b(t.)0 26873 y Fv(incremen)c(tal)424 b(dev)-35 +b(elopmen)g(t:)555 b Fn(A)431 b(program)i(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)435 +b(plan)d(in)-31 b(tended)433 b(to)g(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)2767 +28228 y(debugging)371 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b(adding)g(and)f(testing)i(only)f +(a)g(small)g(amoun)-31 b(t)371 b(of)f(co)31 b(de)369 +b(at)h(a)g(time.)0 30468 y Fv(sca\256olding:)553 b Fn(Co)31 +b(de)350 b(that)i(is)d(used)h(during)g(program)g(dev)-31 +b(elopmen)g(t)353 b(but)d(is)g(not)g(part)g(of)2767 31823 +y(the)370 b(\257nal)g(v)-31 b(ersion.)0 34064 y Fv(guardian:)554 +b Fn(A)413 b(condition)j(that)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)414 +b(for)f(and)h(handles)g(circumstances)g(that)h(migh)-31 +b(t)2767 35419 y(cause)369 b(an)h(error.)p eop +%%Page: 59 85 +59 84 bop 0 10202 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(6)0 16783 y Fo(Iteration)0 +24223 y Fl(6.1)1793 b(Multiple)599 b(assignmen)-50 b(t)0 +26959 y Fn(As)422 b(y)-31 b(ou)424 b(ma)-31 b(y)424 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)423 b(disco)-31 b(v)g(ered,)438 b(it)423 b(is)g(legal)h(to)g +(mak)-31 b(e)423 b(more)g(than)h(one)f(assignmen)-31 +b(t)424 b(to)0 28314 y(the)361 b(same)g(v)-61 b(ariable.)491 +b(A)361 b(new)g(assignmen)-31 b(t)362 b(mak)-31 b(es)361 +b(an)g(existing)i(v)-61 b(ariable)361 b(refer)f(to)i(a)f(new)0 +29669 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(\(and)g(stop)f(referring)g(to)h(the)f(old)h +(v)-61 b(alue\).)0 32084 y Fk(bruce)582 b(=)f(5)0 33439 +y(print)h(bruce,)0 34794 y(bruce)g(=)f(7)0 36149 y(print)h(bruce)0 +38565 y Fn(The)383 b(output)g(of)g(this)g(program)g(is)f +Fk(5)581 b(7)p Fn(,)386 b(b)31 b(ecause)382 b(the)h(\257rst)f(time)h +Fk(bruce)g Fn(is)f(prin)-31 b(ted,)387 b(his)0 39920 +y(v)-61 b(alue)433 b(is)g(5,)449 b(and)433 b(the)f(second)h(time,)450 +b(his)432 b(v)-61 b(alue)433 b(is)g(7.)683 b(The)433 +b(comma)h(at)f(the)g(end)g(of)g(the)0 41274 y(\257rst)502 +b Fk(print)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)505 b(suppresses)500 +b(the)j(newline)h(after)f(the)g(output,)537 b(whic)-31 +b(h)504 b(is)e(wh)-31 b(y)0 42629 y(b)31 b(oth)370 b(outputs)g(app)31 +b(ear)369 b(on)g(the)h(same)f(line.)0 44964 y(Here)g(is)g(what)h +Fv(m)-35 b(ultiple)424 b(assignmen)-35 b(t)369 b Fn(lo)31 +b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(in)e(a)h(state)g(diagram:)14706 +46343 y + 5196759 2828615 0 0 5196759 2828615 startTexFig + 14706 46343 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/assign2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: assign2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 10:52:44 2001 +%%For: 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b(lik)-31 b(e)337 b Fk(a)582 +b(=)f(b)0 57358 y Fn(as)369 b(a)h(statemen)-31 b(t)371 +b(of)e(equalit)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)495 b(It)370 b(is)f(not!)p +eop +%%Page: 60 86 +60 85 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(60)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(First,)423 b(equalit)-31 b(y)414 +b(is)e(comm)-31 b(utativ)g(e)416 b(and)c(assignmen)-31 +b(t)414 b(is)e(not.)622 b(F)-92 b(or)411 b(example,)424 +b(in)413 b(mathe-)0 2220 y(matics,)369 b(if)e Fg(a)308 +b Fn(=)f(7)367 b(then)g(7)308 b(=)g Fg(a)p Fn(.)491 b(But)367 +b(in)g(Python,)i(the)e(statemen)-31 b(t)369 b Fk(a)581 +b(=)g(7)367 b Fn(is)g(legal)h(and)f Fk(7)0 3575 y(=)581 +b(a)369 b Fn(is)h(not.)0 5664 y(F)-92 b(urthermore,)423 +b(in)413 b(mathematics,)427 b(a)413 b(statemen)-31 b(t)415 +b(of)e(equalit)-31 b(y)415 b(is)e(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)414 +b(true.)623 b(If)413 b Fg(a)380 b Fn(=)g Fg(b)0 7019 +y Fn(no)-31 b(w,)353 b(then)346 b Fg(a)h Fn(will)h(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)349 b(equal)e Fg(b)p Fn(.)485 b(In)346 b(Python,)353 +b(an)347 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)348 b(statemen)-31 b(t)349 +b(can)e(mak)-31 b(e)0 8374 y(t)g(w)g(o)371 b(v)-61 b(ariables)370 +b(equal,)g(but)g(they)f(don't)i(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(sta)-31 +b(y)370 b(that)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y:)0 10544 y Fk(a)581 b(=)h(5)0 +11899 y(b)f(=)h(a)2324 b(#)582 b(a)f(and)h(b)f(are)g(now)h(equal)0 +13254 y(a)f(=)h(3)2324 b(#)582 b(a)f(and)h(b)f(are)g(no)h(longer)g +(equal)0 15423 y Fn(The)465 b(third)g(line)g(c)-31 b(hanges)466 +b(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)465 b(of)g Fk(a)g Fn(but)g(do)31 +b(es)464 b(not)i(c)-31 b(hange)465 b(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)466 +b(of)f Fk(b)p Fn(,)489 b(so)0 16778 y(they)381 b(are)f(no)h(longer)h +(equal.)527 b(\(In)381 b(some)g(programming)i(languages,)i(a)c +(di\256eren)-31 b(t)381 b(sym)-31 b(b)31 b(ol)0 18133 +y(is)369 b(used)g(for)g(assignmen)-31 b(t,)371 b(suc)-31 +b(h)369 b(as)g Fk(<-)g Fn(or)h Fk(:=)p Fn(,)f(to)h(a)-31 +b(v)g(oid)371 b(confusion.\))0 20222 y(Although)351 b(m)-31 +b(ultiple)351 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)351 b(is)e(frequen)-31 +b(tly)350 b(helpful,)k(y)-31 b(ou)350 b(should)f(use)g(it)g(with)i +(cau-)0 21577 y(tion.)502 b(If)372 b(the)g(v)-61 b(alues)373 +b(of)f(v)-61 b(ariables)373 b(c)-31 b(hange)373 b(frequen)-31 +b(tly)-92 b(,)374 b(it)f(can)f(mak)-31 b(e)373 b(the)f(co)31 +b(de)372 b(di\261cult)0 22932 y(to)e(read)f(and)g(debug.)0 +27336 y Fl(6.2)1793 b(The)598 b Fe(while)h Fl(statemen)-50 +b(t)0 29759 y Fn(Computers)384 b(are)e(often)i(used)e(to)i(automate)h +(rep)31 b(etitiv)-31 b(e)384 b(tasks.)534 b(Rep)31 b(eating)384 +b(iden)-31 b(tical)385 b(or)0 31113 y(similar)446 b(tasks)g(without)h +(making)g(errors)c(is)i(something)i(that)f(computers)f(do)g(w)-31 +b(ell)447 b(and)0 32468 y(p)31 b(eople)370 b(do)f(p)31 +b(o)g(orly)-92 b(.)0 34557 y(W)g(e)350 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)353 +b(seen)d(t)-31 b(w)g(o)353 b(programs,)j Fk(nLines)c +Fn(and)f Fk(countdown)p Fn(,)356 b(that)d(use)d(recursion)h(to)h(p)31 +b(er-)0 35912 y(form)313 b(rep)31 b(etition,)325 b(whic)-31 +b(h)313 b(is)f(also)h(called)g Fv(iteration)p Fn(.)474 +b(Because)312 b(iteration)i(is)e(so)g(common,)0 37267 +y(Python)425 b(pro)-31 b(vides)423 b(sev)-31 b(eral)424 +b(language)i(features)d(to)h(mak)-31 b(e)425 b(it)f(easier.)655 +b(The)424 b(\257rst)e(feature)0 38622 y(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(are)f(going)i(to)f(lo)31 b(ok)370 b(at)g(is)f(the)g +Fk(while)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t.)0 40711 y(Here)369 b(is)g(what)h +Fk(countdown)h Fn(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(with)g(a)g +Fk(while)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t:)0 42881 y Fk(def)582 +b(countdown\(n\):)1162 44236 y(while)g(n)f(>)h(0:)2325 +45591 y(print)f(n)2325 46946 y(n)g(=)g(n-1)1162 48301 +y(print)h("Blastoff!")0 50471 y Fn(Since)369 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed)370 b(the)g(recursiv)-31 +b(e)368 b(call,)j(this)f(function)g(is)g(not)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e.)0 52559 y(Y)-92 b(ou)278 b(can)f(almost)j(read)d(the)g +Fk(while)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)280 b(as)d(if)h(it)g(w)-31 +b(ere)278 b(English.)463 b(It)277 b(means,)297 b(\\While)0 +53914 y Fk(n)454 b Fn(is)h(greater)f(than)i(0,)476 b(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ue)456 b(displa)-31 b(ying)457 b(the)e(v)-61 +b(alue)454 b(of)h Fk(n)g Fn(and)f(then)h(reducing)g(the)0 +55269 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)f Fk(n)g Fn(b)-31 b(y)370 +b(1.)493 b(When)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)369 b(get)h(to)g(0,)g(displa)-31 +b(y)371 b(the)e(w)-31 b(ord)370 b Fk(Blastoff!)p Fn(")0 +57358 y(More)f(formally)-92 b(,)371 b(here)e(is)g(the)g(\260o)-31 +b(w)371 b(of)e(execution)i(for)e(a)h Fk(while)f Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t:)p eop +%%Page: 61 87 +61 86 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6.2)425 b(The)g Fk(while)g Fv(statemen)-35 +b(t)23430 b(61)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1353 865 a Fn(1.)554 +b(Ev)-61 b(aluate)371 b(the)f(condition,)i(yielding)f +Fk(0)e Fn(or)g Fk(1)p Fn(.)1353 3012 y(2.)554 b(If)346 +b(the)f(condition)j(is)d(false)h(\(0\),)352 b(exit)347 +b(the)f Fk(while)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)347 b(and)f(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ue)347 b(execu-)2767 4367 y(tion)371 b(at)f(the)f(next)h +(statemen)-31 b(t.)1353 6514 y(3.)554 b(If)458 b(the)h(condition)h(is)e +(true)g(\(1\),)482 b(execute)458 b(eac)-31 b(h)459 b(of)f(the)h +(statemen)-31 b(ts)459 b(in)g(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(dy)2767 +7869 y(and)370 b(then)f(go)h(bac)-31 b(k)370 b(to)g(step)f(1.)0 +10227 y(The)527 b(b)31 b(o)g(dy)527 b(consists)g(of)h(all)g(of)f(the)h +(statemen)-31 b(ts)528 b(b)31 b(elo)-31 b(w)528 b(the)f(header)g(with)h +(the)g(same)0 11582 y(inden)-31 b(tation.)0 13646 y(This)396 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)395 b(of)h(\260o)-31 b(w)397 b(is)e(called)h(a)g +Fv(lo)35 b(op)396 b Fn(b)31 b(ecause)395 b(the)h(third)f(step)h(lo)31 +b(ops)396 b(bac)-31 b(k)396 b(around)f(to)0 15001 y(the)337 +b(top.)483 b(Notice)338 b(that)h(if)e(the)g(condition)i(is)e(false)h +(the)f(\257rst)g(time)h(through)g(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)345 +b(the)0 16356 y(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(inside)e(the)h(lo)31 +b(op)370 b(are)f(nev)-31 b(er)369 b(executed.)0 18420 +y(The)382 b(b)31 b(o)g(dy)382 b(of)g(the)g(lo)31 b(op)382 +b(should)g(c)-31 b(hange)383 b(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)382 +b(of)g(one)g(or)g(more)g(v)-61 b(ariables)382 b(so)g(that)0 +19775 y(ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)377 b(the)d(condition)j(b)31 +b(ecomes)374 b(false)h(and)g(the)f(lo)31 b(op)376 b(terminates.)509 +b(Otherwise)375 b(the)0 21130 y(lo)31 b(op)455 b(will)h(rep)31 +b(eat)455 b(forev)-31 b(er,)476 b(whic)-31 b(h)455 b(is)f(called)i(an)f +Fv(in\257nite)522 b(lo)35 b(op)p Fn(.)749 b(An)455 b(endless)f(source)0 +22485 y(of)404 b(am)-31 b(usemen)g(t)405 b(for)e(computer)h(scien)-31 +b(tists)404 b(is)g(the)f(observ)-61 b(ation)404 b(that)h(the)f +(directions)g(on)0 23840 y(shamp)31 b(o)g(o,)370 b(\\Lather,)h(rinse,)e +(rep)31 b(eat,")370 b(are)f(an)h(in\257nite)g(lo)31 b(op.)0 +25905 y(In)457 b(the)h(case)f(of)i Fk(countdown)p Fn(,)481 +b(w)-31 b(e)458 b(can)g(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)458 b(that)h(the)f(lo)31 +b(op)458 b(terminates)h(b)31 b(ecause)457 b(w)-31 b(e)0 +27259 y(kno)g(w)312 b(that)g(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)311 b(of)h +Fk(n)e Fn(is)h(\257nite,)324 b(and)311 b(w)-31 b(e)312 +b(can)f(see)f(that)j(the)e(v)-61 b(alue)311 b(of)h Fk(n)f +Fn(gets)g(smaller)0 28614 y(eac)-31 b(h)406 b(time)g(through)g(the)f +(lo)31 b(op,)416 b(so)405 b(ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)408 +b(w)-31 b(e)406 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)406 b(to)g(get)g(to)g(0.)601 +b(In)404 b(other)i(cases,)0 29969 y(it)370 b(is)f(not)h(so)f(easy)g(to) +h(tell:)0 32115 y Fk(def)582 b(sequence\(n\):)1162 33470 +y(while)g(n)f(!=)h(1:)2325 34825 y(print)f(n,)2325 36180 +y(if)g(n\0452)h(==)f(0:)4650 b(#)581 b(n)g(is)h(even)3487 +37534 y(n)f(=)g(n/2)2325 38889 y(else:)8718 b(#)581 b(n)g(is)h(odd)3487 +40244 y(n)f(=)g(n*3+1)0 42390 y Fn(The)482 b(condition)i(for)e(this)g +(lo)31 b(op)483 b(is)f Fk(n)581 b(!=)h(1)p Fn(,)510 b(so)482 +b(the)g(lo)31 b(op)483 b(will)h(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue)483 +b(un)-31 b(til)484 b Fk(n)e Fn(is)f Fk(1)p Fn(,)0 43745 +y(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(will)h(mak)-31 b(e)370 b(the)g(condition)h(false.) +0 45809 y(Eac)-31 b(h)296 b(time)h(through)f(the)g(lo)31 +b(op,)311 b(the)296 b(program)g(outputs)h(the)e(v)-61 +b(alue)296 b(of)g Fk(n)g Fn(and)f(then)h(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)0 +47164 y(whether)305 b(it)g(is)g(ev)-31 b(en)304 b(or)h(o)31 +b(dd.)471 b(If)304 b(it)i(is)e(ev)-31 b(en,)318 b(the)305 +b(v)-61 b(alue)305 b(of)g Fk(n)g Fn(is)f(divided)i(b)-31 +b(y)305 b(2.)471 b(If)305 b(it)g(is)f(o)31 b(dd,)0 48519 +y(the)307 b(v)-61 b(alue)306 b(is)h(replaced)f(b)-31 +b(y)307 b Fk(n*3+1)p Fn(.)472 b(F)-92 b(or)306 b(example,)320 +b(if)307 b(the)g(starting)h(v)-61 b(alue)306 b(\(the)h(argumen)-31 +b(t)0 49874 y(passed)369 b(to)h(sequence\))f(is)g(3,)h(the)f(resulting) +h(sequence)f(is)g(3,)h(10,)h(5,)f(16,)g(8,)g(4,)g(2,)g(1.)0 +51938 y(Since)343 b Fk(n)g Fn(sometimes)h(increases)e(and)h(sometimes)h +(decreases,)k(there)342 b(is)h(no)g(ob)-31 b(vious)344 +b(pro)31 b(of)0 53293 y(that)419 b Fk(n)g Fn(will)g(ev)-31 +b(er)418 b(reac)-31 b(h)419 b(1,)431 b(or)418 b(that)h(the)g(program)g +(terminates.)641 b(F)-92 b(or)417 b(some)i(particular)0 +54648 y(v)-61 b(alues)434 b(of)g Fk(n)p Fn(,)450 b(w)-31 +b(e)434 b(can)g(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)434 b(termination.)689 +b(F)-92 b(or)433 b(example,)452 b(if)434 b(the)g(starting)h(v)-61 +b(alue)434 b(is)g(a)0 56003 y(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(er)364 +b(of)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o,)367 b(then)c(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)363 +b(of)h Fk(n)f Fn(will)i(b)31 b(e)363 b(ev)-31 b(en)363 +b(eac)-31 b(h)364 b(time)g(through)g(the)f(lo)31 b(op)364 +b(un)-31 b(til)0 57358 y(it)323 b(reac)-31 b(hes)322 +b(1.)477 b(The)323 b(previous)f(example)i(ends)e(with)h(suc)-31 +b(h)322 b(a)h(sequence,)331 b(starting)324 b(with)g(16.)p +eop +%%Page: 62 88 +62 87 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(62)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(P)-31 b(articular)442 b(v)-61 b(alues)441 +b(aside,)458 b(the)441 b(in)-31 b(teresting)442 b(question)f(is)f +(whether)h(w)-31 b(e)440 b(can)h(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)441 +b(that)0 2220 y(this)299 b(program)g(terminates)g(for)f +Fm(al)57 b(l)298 b Fn(v)-61 b(alues)298 b(of)h Fk(n)p +Fn(.)468 b(So)299 b(far,)313 b(no)298 b(one)h(has)f(b)31 +b(een)298 b(able)g(to)h(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)0 3575 y(it)370 +b Fm(or)e Fn(dispro)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(it!)2767 6367 y +Fm(As)418 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)425 b(r)-57 b(ewrite)417 +b(the)h(function)h Fk(nLines)g Fm(fr)-57 b(om)418 b(Se)-57 +b(ction)419 b(4.9)f(using)2767 7722 y(iter)-57 b(ation)397 +b(inste)-57 b(ad)397 b(of)f(r)-57 b(e)g(cursion.)0 12460 +y Fl(6.3)1793 b(T)-149 b(ables)0 15065 y Fn(One)323 b(of)g(the)g +(things)h(lo)31 b(ops)323 b(are)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)323 b(for)g(is)g +(generating)h(tabular)g(data.)479 b(Before)323 b(comput-)0 +16420 y(ers)j(w)-31 b(ere)327 b(readily)h(a)-31 b(v)-61 +b(ailable,)338 b(p)31 b(eople)327 b(had)g(to)h(calculate)h(logarithms,) +338 b(sines)326 b(and)h(cosines,)0 17774 y(and)387 b(other)h +(mathematical)j(functions)e(b)-31 b(y)387 b(hand.)547 +b(T)-92 b(o)388 b(mak)-31 b(e)389 b(that)f(easier,)k(mathematics)0 +19129 y(b)31 b(o)g(oks)406 b(con)-31 b(tained)409 b(long)e(tables)g +(listing)i(the)d(v)-61 b(alues)406 b(of)h(these)g(functions.)605 +b(Creating)408 b(the)0 20484 y(tables)370 b(w)-31 b(as)370 +b(slo)-31 b(w)370 b(and)g(b)31 b(oring,)370 b(and)f(they)h(tended)f(to) +h(b)31 b(e)369 b(full)h(of)g(errors.)0 22725 y(When)365 +b(computers)h(app)31 b(eared)366 b(on)g(the)g(scene,)g(one)g(of)g(the)g +(initial)j(reactions)e(w)-31 b(as,)367 b(\\This)0 24080 +y(is)400 b(great!)588 b(W)-92 b(e)400 b(can)h(use)f(the)g(computers)h +(to)h(generate)f(the)g(tables,)409 b(so)401 b(there)f(will)j(b)31 +b(e)400 b(no)0 25435 y(errors.")478 b(That)331 b(turned)e(out)g(to)h(b) +31 b(e)329 b(true)g(\(mostly\))i(but)f(shortsigh)-31 +b(ted.)480 b(So)31 b(on)330 b(thereafter,)0 26790 y(computers)370 +b(and)f(calculators)i(w)-31 b(ere)369 b(so)g(p)31 b(erv)-61 +b(asiv)-31 b(e)369 b(that)i(the)e(tables)h(b)31 b(ecame)370 +b(obsolete.)0 29031 y(W)-92 b(ell,)499 b(almost.)805 +b(F)-92 b(or)472 b(some)h(op)31 b(erations,)500 b(computers)473 +b(use)f(tables)i(of)f(v)-61 b(alues)473 b(to)g(get)h(an)0 +30386 y(appro)-31 b(ximate)471 b(answ)-31 b(er)468 b(and)h(then)f(p)31 +b(erform)468 b(computations)j(to)e(impro)-31 b(v)g(e)470 +b(the)f(appro)-31 b(xi-)0 31741 y(mation.)713 b(In)441 +b(some)i(cases,)460 b(there)442 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)442 +b(b)31 b(een)442 b(errors)e(in)j(the)f(underlying)h(tables,)461 +b(most)0 33096 y(famously)337 b(in)e(the)g(table)h(the)f(In)-31 +b(tel)335 b(P)-31 b(en)g(tium)337 b(used)d(to)i(p)31 +b(erform)334 b(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)339 b(division.)0 +35337 y(Although)552 b(a)e(log)i(table)f(is)f(not)h(as)f(useful)g(as)g +(it)h(once)f(w)-31 b(as,)597 b(it)550 b(still)i(mak)-31 +b(es)551 b(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)0 36692 y(example)311 b(of)f(iteration.) +476 b(The)310 b(follo)-31 b(wing)313 b(program)e(outputs)f(a)g +(sequence)f(of)i(v)-61 b(alues)310 b(in)g(the)0 38047 +y(left)370 b(column)h(and)e(their)g(logarithms)j(in)d(the)h(righ)-31 +b(t)370 b(column:)0 40368 y Fk(x)581 b(=)h(1.0)0 41723 +y(while)g(x)f(<)g(10.0:)1162 43078 y(print)h(x,)g('\\t',)g +(math.log\(x\))1162 44433 y(x)g(=)f(x)g(+)g(1.0)0 46755 +y Fn(The)369 b(string)h Fk('\\t')g Fn(represen)-31 b(ts)368 +b(a)h Fv(tab)g Fn(c)-31 b(haracter.)0 48996 y(As)319 +b(c)-31 b(haracters)320 b(and)f(strings)h(are)f(displa)-31 +b(y)g(ed)321 b(on)f(the)f(screen,)329 b(an)320 b(in)-31 +b(visible)321 b(mark)-31 b(er)320 b(called)0 50351 y(the)520 +b Fv(cursor)g Fn(k)-31 b(eeps)519 b(trac)-31 b(k)520 +b(of)g(where)f(the)h(next)g(c)-31 b(haracter)520 b(will)h(go.)944 +b(After)520 b(a)f Fk(print)0 51706 y Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(the)d(cursor)f(normally)j(go)31 b(es)370 b(to)g(the)f(b)31 +b(eginning)371 b(of)e(the)h(next)g(line.)0 53947 y(The)412 +b(tab)g(c)-31 b(haracter)412 b(shifts)f(the)h(cursor)f(to)h(the)f(righ) +-31 b(t)413 b(un)-31 b(til)413 b(it)f(reac)-31 b(hes)411 +b(one)h(of)g(the)f(tab)0 55302 y(stops.)608 b(T)-92 b(abs)408 +b(are)f(useful)h(for)g(making)i(columns)e(of)g(text)h(line)f(up,)418 +b(as)408 b(in)g(the)g(output)g(of)0 56657 y(the)369 b(previous)h +(program:)p eop +%%Page: 63 89 +63 88 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6.3)425 b(T)-106 b(ables)31321 +b(63)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(1.0)2906 b(0.0)0 +2220 y(2.0)g(0.69314718056)0 3575 y(3.0)g(1.09861228867)0 +4930 y(4.0)g(1.38629436112)0 6285 y(5.0)g(1.60943791243)0 +7640 y(6.0)g(1.79175946923)0 8995 y(7.0)g(1.94591014906)0 +10350 y(8.0)g(2.07944154168)0 11705 y(9.0)g(2.19722457734)0 +13862 y Fn(If)442 b(these)f(v)-61 b(alues)442 b(seem)g(o)31 +b(dd,)460 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)442 b(that)h(the)f +Fk(log)g Fn(function)h(uses)e(base)g Fk(e)p Fn(.)711 +b(Since)0 15216 y(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(ers)534 b(of)h(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)535 b(are)f(so)g(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)536 b(in)e(computer)h +(science,)575 b(w)-31 b(e)535 b(often)g(w)-31 b(an)g(t)535 +b(to)g(\257nd)0 16571 y(logarithms)310 b(with)g(resp)31 +b(ect)307 b(to)i(base)f(2.)472 b(T)-92 b(o)309 b(do)f(that,)322 +b(w)-31 b(e)309 b(can)f(use)g(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)312 +b(form)-31 b(ula:)15590 20276 y(log)17020 20546 y Ff(2)17701 +20276 y Fg(x)307 b Fn(=)19942 19527 y Fg(l)22 b(og)21359 +19693 y Fc(e)21834 19527 y Fg(x)p 19942 20021 2525 45 +v 19982 21035 a(l)g(og)21399 21201 y Fc(e)21874 21035 +y Fn(2)35915 20276 y(\(6.1\))0 23391 y(Changing)371 b(the)f(output)g +(statemen)-31 b(t)371 b(to:)1743 25548 y Fk(print)582 +b(x,)g('\\t',)1163 b(math.log\(x\)/math.log\(2.0\))0 +27705 y Fn(yields:)0 29862 y Fk(1.0)2906 b(0.0)0 31217 +y(2.0)g(1.0)0 32572 y(3.0)g(1.58496250072)0 33927 y(4.0)g(2.0)0 +35281 y(5.0)g(2.32192809489)0 36636 y(6.0)g(2.58496250072)0 +37991 y(7.0)g(2.80735492206)0 39346 y(8.0)g(3.0)0 40701 +y(9.0)g(3.16992500144)0 42858 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)375 b(can)h(see)f(that)i +(1,)i(2,)f(4,)g(and)e(8)g(are)g(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(ers)376 +b(of)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)377 b(b)31 b(ecause)376 b(their)g(logarithms)i +(base)0 44213 y(2)438 b(are)g(round)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers.)699 b(If)437 b(w)-31 b(e)439 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)439 +b(to)g(\257nd)f(the)g(logarithms)i(of)f(other)f(p)31 +b(o)-31 b(w)g(ers)438 b(of)0 45568 y(t)-31 b(w)g(o,)371 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(could)g(mo)31 b(dify)371 b(the)e(program)h(lik)-31 +b(e)370 b(this:)0 47725 y Fk(x)581 b(=)h(1.0)0 49080 +y(while)g(x)f(<)g(100.0:)1162 50435 y(print)h(x,)g('\\t',)g +(math.log\(x\)/math.log\(2.0\))1162 51790 y(x)g(=)f(x)g(*)g(2.0)0 +53947 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)340 b(instead)g(of)f(adding)h(something)h(to)f +Fk(x)f Fn(eac)-31 b(h)339 b(time)h(through)g(the)f(lo)31 +b(op,)346 b(whic)-31 b(h)340 b(yields)0 55302 y(an)442 +b(arithmetic)j(sequence,)460 b(w)-31 b(e)443 b(m)-31 +b(ultiply)445 b Fk(x)d Fn(b)-31 b(y)442 b(something,)463 +b(yielding)444 b(a)f(geometric)h(se-)0 56657 y(quence.)493 +b(The)369 b(result)g(is:)p eop +%%Page: 64 90 +64 89 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(64)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(1.0)2906 b(0.0)0 2220 y(2.0)g(1.0)0 +3575 y(4.0)g(2.0)0 4930 y(8.0)g(3.0)0 6285 y(16.0)2325 +b(4.0)0 7640 y(32.0)g(5.0)0 8995 y(64.0)g(6.0)0 11083 +y Fn(Because)390 b(of)g(the)h(tab)g(c)-31 b(haracters)390 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)391 b(the)f(columns,)396 b(the)391 +b(p)31 b(osition)391 b(of)g(the)f(second)0 12437 y(column)370 +b(do)31 b(es)369 b(not)h(dep)31 b(end)369 b(on)g(the)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(digits)g(in)g(the)f(\257rst)g(column.)0 +14444 y(Logarithm)552 b(tables)f(ma)-31 b(y)551 b(not)f(b)31 +b(e)550 b(useful)g(an)-31 b(y)550 b(more,)596 b(but)550 +b(for)g(computer)h(scien)-31 b(tists,)0 15799 y(kno)g(wing)371 +b(the)f(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(ers)369 b(of)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 +b(is!)2767 17992 y Fm(As)384 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)387 +b(mo)-57 b(dify)386 b(this)e(pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(am)385 +b(so)f(that)f(it)i(outputs)e(the)h(p)-57 b(owers)383 +b(of)2767 19347 y(two)395 b(up)h(to)g(65,536)f(\(that's)g +Fn(2)15343 18945 y Ff(16)16281 19347 y Fm(\).)510 b(Print)396 +b(it)g(out)g(and)g(memorize)g(it.)0 21540 y Fn(The)570 +b(bac)-31 b(kslash)571 b(c)-31 b(haracter)570 b(in)g +Fk('\\t')g Fn(indicates)h(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)572 b(of)e(an)g +Fv(escap)35 b(e)656 b(se-)0 22895 y(quence)p Fn(.)g(Escap)31 +b(e)424 b(sequences)f(are)g(used)g(to)h(represen)-31 +b(t)423 b(in)-31 b(visible)425 b(c)-31 b(haracters)424 +b(lik)-31 b(e)425 b(tabs)0 24250 y(and)369 b(newlines.)494 +b(The)369 b(sequence)g Fk(\\n)g Fn(represen)-31 b(ts)368 +b(a)i(newline.)0 26257 y(An)419 b(escap)31 b(e)418 b(sequence)g(can)h +(app)31 b(ear)418 b(an)-31 b(ywhere)420 b(in)f(a)g(string;)444 +b(in)419 b(the)f(example,)433 b(the)419 b(tab)0 27612 +y(escap)31 b(e)369 b(sequence)g(is)g(the)g(only)h(thing)h(in)e(the)h +(string.)0 29619 y(Ho)-31 b(w)370 b(do)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(think)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(represen)-31 b(t)368 b(a)i(bac)-31 +b(kslash)370 b(in)f(a)h(string?)2767 31812 y Fm(As)396 +b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)397 b(write)f(a)g(single)g(string)h(that)2767 +33988 y Fk(produces)7417 35343 y(this)12066 36698 y(output.)0 +41439 y Fl(6.4)1793 b(Tw)-50 b(o-dimensional)599 b(tables)0 +43779 y Fn(A)360 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o-dimensional)364 b(table)d(is)f(a)g +(table)i(where)d(y)-31 b(ou)361 b(read)f(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)360 b(at)h(the)f(in)-31 b(tersection)0 45134 y(of)338 +b(a)f(ro)-31 b(w)338 b(and)g(a)f(column.)483 b(A)337 +b(m)-31 b(ultiplication)343 b(table)338 b(is)f(a)h(go)31 +b(o)g(d)338 b(example.)483 b(Let's)338 b(sa)-31 b(y)337 +b(y)-31 b(ou)0 46489 y(w)g(an)g(t)371 b(to)f(prin)-31 +b(t)370 b(a)f(m)-31 b(ultiplication)374 b(table)c(for)g(the)f(v)-61 +b(alues)369 b(from)h(1)g(to)g(6.)0 48496 y(A)364 b(go)31 +b(o)g(d)364 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)366 b(to)e(start)h(is)e(to)i(write)g(a)f +(lo)31 b(op)364 b(that)i(prin)-31 b(ts)364 b(the)g(m)-31 +b(ultiples)365 b(of)g(2,)g(all)h(on)e(one)0 49851 y(line:)0 +51938 y Fk(i)581 b(=)h(1)0 53293 y(while)g(i)f(<=)h(6:)1162 +54648 y(print)g(2*i,)g(')1744 b(',)1162 56003 y(i)582 +b(=)f(i)g(+)g(1)0 57358 y(print)p eop +%%Page: 65 91 +65 90 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6.5)425 b(Encapsulation)g(and)f(generalization) +16438 b(65)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)460 b(\257rst)f(line)h +(initializes)i(a)e(v)-61 b(ariable)460 b(named)h Fk(i)p +Fn(,)482 b(whic)-31 b(h)461 b(acts)e(as)h(a)g(coun)-31 +b(ter)460 b(or)f Fv(lo)35 b(op)0 2220 y(v)-71 b(ariable)p +Fn(.)600 b(As)404 b(the)h(lo)31 b(op)406 b(executes,)415 +b(the)405 b(v)-61 b(alue)405 b(of)h Fk(i)f Fn(increases)f(from)i(1)f +(to)g(6.)601 b(When)404 b Fk(i)0 3575 y Fn(is)e(7,)410 +b(the)402 b(lo)31 b(op)403 b(terminates.)592 b(Eac)-31 +b(h)403 b(time)g(through)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op,)412 b(it)402 +b(displa)-31 b(ys)403 b(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)402 b(of)0 +4930 y Fk(2*i)p Fn(,)370 b(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)372 b(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(three)g(spaces.)0 7088 y(Again,)482 b(the)459 +b(comma)g(in)g(the)f Fk(print)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)460 +b(suppresses)c(the)i(newline.)760 b(After)459 b(the)0 +8443 y(lo)31 b(op)370 b(completes,)h(the)f(second)f Fk(print)g +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)372 b(starts)d(a)g(new)h(line.)0 +10601 y(The)f(output)i(of)f(the)f(program)h(is:)0 12841 +y Fk(2)3487 b(4)g(6)g(8)g(10)2906 b(12)0 15080 y Fn(So)369 +b(far,)h(so)f(go)31 b(o)g(d.)494 b(The)369 b(next)h(step)f(is)g(to)h +Fv(encapsulate)g Fn(and)f Fv(generalize)p Fn(.)0 19581 +y Fl(6.5)1793 b(Encapsulation)599 b(and)f(generalization)0 +22073 y Fn(Encapsulation)344 b(is)e(the)f(pro)31 b(cess)341 +b(of)h(wrapping)h(a)e(piece)h(of)g(co)31 b(de)342 b(in)g(a)g(function,) +349 b(allo)-31 b(wing)0 23428 y(y)g(ou)418 b(to)h(tak)-31 +b(e)419 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)419 b(of)f(all)h(the)f(things)h +(functions)f(are)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)418 b(for.)638 b(Y)-92 +b(ou)418 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)419 b(seen)0 24783 y(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)382 b(examples)f(of)g(encapsulation:)517 b Fk(printParity)382 +b Fn(in)f(Section)g(4.5;)388 b(and)380 b Fk(isDivisible)0 +26138 y Fn(in)369 b(Section)i(5.4.)0 28296 y(Generalization)389 +b(means)f(taking)h(something)f(sp)31 b(eci\257c,)392 +b(suc)-31 b(h)386 b(as)h(prin)-31 b(ting)389 b(the)e(m)-31 +b(ultiples)0 29651 y(of)365 b(2,)i(and)d(making)j(it)e(more)g(general,) +i(suc)-31 b(h)364 b(as)h(prin)-31 b(ting)366 b(the)f(m)-31 +b(ultiples)367 b(of)e(an)-31 b(y)365 b(in)-31 b(teger.)0 +31809 y(This)268 b(function)g(encapsulates)g(the)g(previous)f(lo)31 +b(op)268 b(and)f(generalizes)h(it)g(to)g(prin)-31 b(t)268 +b(m)-31 b(ultiples)0 33164 y(of)370 b Fk(n)p Fn(:)0 35403 +y Fk(def)582 b(printMultiples\(n\):)1162 36758 y(i)g(=)f(1)1162 +38113 y(while)h(i)f(<=)h(6:)2325 39468 y(print)f(n*i,)h('\\t',)2325 +40823 y(i)f(=)g(i)g(+)h(1)1162 42178 y(print)0 44417 +y Fn(T)-92 b(o)325 b(encapsulate,)336 b(all)326 b(w)-31 +b(e)326 b(had)f(to)h(do)f(w)-31 b(as)325 b(add)h(the)f(\257rst)f(line,) +335 b(whic)-31 b(h)326 b(declares)f(the)g(name)0 45772 +y(of)495 b(the)g(function)h(and)f(the)g(parameter)g(list.)870 +b(T)-92 b(o)495 b(generalize,)528 b(all)496 b(w)-31 b(e)495 +b(had)g(to)g(do)g(w)-31 b(as)0 47127 y(replace)369 b(the)h(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(2)f(with)h(the)g(parameter)g Fk(n)p Fn(.)0 +49285 y(If)363 b(w)-31 b(e)364 b(call)h(this)e(function)i(with)g(the)e +(argumen)-31 b(t)365 b(2,)g(w)-31 b(e)364 b(get)g(the)g(same)g(output)g +(as)g(b)31 b(efore.)0 50640 y(With)370 b(the)f(argumen)-31 +b(t)371 b(3,)f(the)f(output)i(is:)0 52880 y Fk(3)3487 +b(6)g(9)g(12)2906 b(15)g(18)0 55119 y Fn(With)370 b(the)f(argumen)-31 +b(t)371 b(4,)f(the)f(output)i(is:)0 57358 y Fk(4)3487 +b(8)g(12)2906 b(16)g(20)g(24)p eop +%%Page: 66 92 +66 91 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(66)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(By)451 b(no)-31 b(w)452 b(y)-31 +b(ou)452 b(can)f(probably)h(guess)e(ho)-31 b(w)452 b(to)g(prin)-31 +b(t)451 b(a)g(m)-31 b(ultiplication)456 b(table|b)-31 +b(y)453 b(call-)0 2220 y(ing)422 b Fk(printMultiples)h +Fn(rep)31 b(eatedly)422 b(with)g(di\256eren)-31 b(t)422 +b(argumen)-31 b(ts.)649 b(In)421 b(fact,)435 b(w)-31 +b(e)422 b(can)g(use)0 3575 y(another)370 b(lo)31 b(op:)0 +6175 y Fk(i)581 b(=)h(1)0 7530 y(while)g(i)f(<=)h(6:)1162 +8885 y(printMultiples\(i\))1162 10240 y(i)g(=)f(i)g(+)g(1)0 +12840 y Fn(Notice)419 b(ho)-31 b(w)418 b(similar)h(this)f(lo)31 +b(op)418 b(is)f(to)h(the)g(one)g(inside)f Fk(printMultiples)p +Fn(.)639 b(All)419 b(w)-31 b(e)418 b(did)0 14195 y(w)-31 +b(as)370 b(replace)f(the)h Fk(print)f Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)372 b(with)e(a)g(function)g(call.)0 16713 y(The)f(output)i(of)f +(this)f(program)h(is)f(a)h(m)-31 b(ultiplication)374 +b(table:)0 19313 y Fk(1)3487 b(2)g(3)g(4)g(5)g(6)0 20668 +y(2)g(4)g(6)g(8)g(10)2906 b(12)0 22023 y(3)3487 b(6)g(9)g(12)2906 +b(15)g(18)0 23378 y(4)3487 b(8)g(12)2906 b(16)g(20)g(24)0 +24733 y(5)3487 b(10)2906 b(15)g(20)g(25)g(30)0 26088 +y(6)3487 b(12)2906 b(18)g(24)g(30)g(36)0 31741 y Fl(6.6)1793 +b(More)598 b(encapsulation)0 34735 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)448 +b(demonstrate)h(encapsulation)h(again,)469 b(let's)448 +b(tak)-31 b(e)449 b(the)f(co)31 b(de)447 b(from)h(the)g(end)f(of)h +(Sec-)0 36090 y(tion)370 b(6.5)h(and)e(wrap)h(it)g(up)f(in)g(a)h +(function:)0 38690 y Fk(def)582 b(printMultTable\(\):)1162 +40045 y(i)g(=)f(1)1162 41400 y(while)h(i)f(<=)h(6:)2325 +42755 y(printMultiples\(i\))2325 44110 y(i)f(=)g(i)g(+)h(1)0 +46710 y Fn(This)466 b(pro)31 b(cess)465 b(is)g(a)h(common)i +Fv(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t)536 b(plan)p Fn(.)782 b(W)-92 +b(e)465 b(dev)-31 b(elop)467 b(co)31 b(de)466 b(b)-31 +b(y)466 b(writing)0 48065 y(lines)390 b(of)g(co)31 b(de)390 +b(outside)h(an)-31 b(y)390 b(function,)397 b(or)390 b(t)-31 +b(yping)391 b(them)f(in)g(to)h(the)f(in)-31 b(terpreter.)554 +b(When)0 49420 y(w)-31 b(e)370 b(get)g(the)f(co)31 b(de)369 +b(w)-31 b(orking,)372 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(extract)i(it)e(and)h(wrap)f(it) +h(up)f(in)h(a)f(function.)0 51938 y(This)j(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)374 +b(plan)e(is)f(particularly)j(useful)d(if)h(y)-31 b(ou)372 +b(don't)h(kno)-31 b(w,)374 b(when)d(y)-31 b(ou)372 b(start)0 +53293 y(writing,)291 b(ho)-31 b(w)271 b(to)f(divide)g(the)f(program)h +(in)-31 b(to)271 b(functions.)460 b(This)270 b(approac)-31 +b(h)270 b(lets)g(y)-31 b(ou)270 b(design)0 54648 y(as)369 +b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(go)g(along.)p eop +%%Page: 67 93 +67 92 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6.7)425 b(Lo)35 b(cal)424 b(v)-71 +b(ariables)26603 b(67)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(6.7)1793 +b(Lo)50 b(cal)597 b(v)-100 b(ariables)0 4195 y Fn(Y)-92 +b(ou)673 b(migh)-31 b(t)676 b(b)31 b(e)672 b(w)-31 b(ondering)675 +b(ho)-31 b(w)674 b(w)-31 b(e)674 b(can)g(use)e(the)i(same)f(v)-61 +b(ariable,)751 b Fk(i)p Fn(,)f(in)673 b(b)31 b(oth)0 +5549 y Fk(printMultiples)487 b Fn(and)e Fk(printMultTable)p +Fn(.)841 b(Do)31 b(esn't)485 b(it)h(cause)e(problems)i(when)f(one)0 +6904 y(of)370 b(the)f(functions)h(c)-31 b(hanges)370 +b(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(of)h(the)f(v)-61 b(ariable?)0 +9663 y(The)909 b(answ)-31 b(er)909 b(is)f(no,)1044 b(b)31 +b(ecause)909 b(the)f Fk(i)h Fn(in)g Fk(printMultiples)h +Fn(and)f(the)g Fk(i)g Fn(in)0 11018 y Fk(printMultTable)371 +b Fn(are)e Fm(not)g Fn(the)g(same)h(v)-61 b(ariable.)0 +13776 y(V)-92 b(ariables)380 b(created)f(inside)g(a)g(function)h +(de\257nition)g(are)f(lo)31 b(cal;)386 b(y)-31 b(ou)379 +b(can't)h(access)e(a)h(lo)31 b(cal)0 15131 y(v)-61 b(ariable)476 +b(from)f(outside)g(its)g(\\home")h(function.)811 b(That)476 +b(means)f(y)-31 b(ou)475 b(are)f(free)h(to)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 +16486 y(m)g(ultiple)521 b(v)-61 b(ariables)518 b(with)i(the)e(same)g +(name)h(as)f(long)i(as)e(they)g(are)g(not)h(in)f(the)h(same)0 +17841 y(function.)0 20599 y(The)394 b(stac)-31 b(k)395 +b(diagram)h(for)e(this)g(program)h(sho)-31 b(ws)395 b(that)g(the)f(t) +-31 b(w)g(o)396 b(v)-61 b(ariables)394 b(named)h Fk(i)f +Fn(are)0 21954 y(not)307 b(the)f(same)g(v)-61 b(ariable.)472 +b(They)307 b(can)f(refer)f(to)h(di\256eren)-31 b(t)306 +b(v)-61 b(alues,)319 b(and)306 b(c)-31 b(hanging)308 +b(one)e(do)31 b(es)0 23309 y(not)370 b(a\256ect)g(the)f(other.)6762 +24473 y + 14603550 6643957 0 0 14603550 6643957 startTexFig + 6762 24473 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/stack4.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: stack4.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 14 14:02:13 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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gr + +% arrowhead +n 3538 2130 m 3658 2100 l 3538 2070 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 2175 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 2175 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3225 2175 m +gs 1 -1 sc (i) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 2175 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1950 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +675 975 m +gs 1 -1 sc (printMultTable) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +750 1950 m +gs 1 -1 sc (printMultiples) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 38292 a Fn(The)348 b(v)-61 b(alue)348 b(of)g Fk(i)f +Fn(in)h Fk(printMultTable)h Fn(go)31 b(es)348 b(from)g(1)g(to)g(6.)486 +b(In)347 b(the)h(diagram)h(it)f(happ)31 b(ens)0 39647 +y(to)426 b(b)31 b(e)424 b(3.)661 b(The)425 b(next)g(time)i(through)e +(the)h(lo)31 b(op)426 b(it)f(will)i(b)31 b(e)425 b(4.)660 +b(Eac)-31 b(h)426 b(time)g(through)g(the)0 41002 y(lo)31 +b(op,)382 b Fk(printMultTable)e Fn(calls)f Fk(printMultiples)h +Fn(with)g(the)e(curren)-31 b(t)378 b(v)-61 b(alue)379 +b(of)f Fk(i)h Fn(as)f(an)0 42357 y(argumen)-31 b(t.)494 +b(That)371 b(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(gets)h(assigned)f(to)h(the)g(parameter) +g Fk(n)p Fn(.)0 45115 y(Inside)480 b Fk(printMultiples)p +Fn(,)512 b(the)481 b(v)-61 b(alue)481 b(of)g Fk(i)g Fn(go)31 +b(es)481 b(from)g(1)g(to)h(6.)828 b(In)480 b(the)h(diagram,)511 +b(it)0 46470 y(happ)31 b(ens)514 b(to)i(b)31 b(e)514 +b(2.)929 b(Changing)517 b(this)e(v)-61 b(ariable)515 +b(has)g(no)g(e\256ect)f(on)h(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)515 b(of)g +Fk(i)g Fn(in)0 47825 y Fk(printMultTable)p Fn(.)0 50584 +y(It)355 b(is)g(common)i(and)f(p)31 b(erfectly)355 b(legal)i(to)f(ha) +-31 b(v)g(e)357 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)355 b(lo)31 b(cal)357 +b(v)-61 b(ariables)356 b(with)g(the)g(same)0 51938 y(name.)614 +b(In)409 b(particular,)421 b(names)409 b(lik)-31 b(e)411 +b Fk(i)e Fn(and)h Fk(j)f Fn(are)g(used)g(frequen)-31 +b(tly)410 b(as)g(lo)31 b(op)410 b(v)-61 b(ariables.)0 +53293 y(If)347 b(y)-31 b(ou)349 b(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)349 +b(using)f(them)h(in)f(one)g(function)h(just)f(b)31 b(ecause)347 +b(y)-31 b(ou)348 b(used)f(them)i(somewhere)0 54648 y(else,)370 +b(y)-31 b(ou)369 b(will)i(probably)g(mak)-31 b(e)370 +b(the)f(program)h(harder)f(to)h(read.)p eop +%%Page: 68 94 +68 93 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(68)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(6.8)1793 b(More)598 b(generalization)0 +3246 y Fn(As)265 b(another)g(example)i(of)e(generalization,)290 +b(imagine)267 b(y)-31 b(ou)266 b(w)-31 b(an)g(ted)266 +b(a)f(program)h(that)g(w)-31 b(ould)0 4601 y(prin)g(t)357 +b(a)g(m)-31 b(ultiplication)362 b(table)c(of)f(an)-31 +b(y)358 b(size,)h(not)f(just)f(the)g(six-b)-31 b(y-six)357 +b(table.)490 b(Y)-92 b(ou)357 b(could)0 5956 y(add)369 +b(a)h(parameter)g(to)g Fk(printMultTable)p Fn(:)0 8085 +y Fk(def)582 b(printMultTable\(high\):)1162 9440 y(i)g(=)f(1)1162 +10795 y(while)h(i)f(<=)h(high:)2325 12150 y(printMultiples\(i\))2325 +13504 y(i)f(=)g(i)g(+)h(1)0 15633 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)402 +b(replaced)i(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)404 b(6)g(with)g(the)g(parameter)g +Fk(high)p Fn(.)595 b(If)403 b(w)-31 b(e)404 b(call)g +Fk(printMultTable)0 16988 y Fn(with)370 b(the)g(argumen)-31 +b(t)371 b(7,)e(it)h(displa)-31 b(ys:)0 19117 y Fk(1)3487 +b(2)g(3)g(4)g(5)g(6)0 20471 y(2)g(4)g(6)g(8)g(10)2906 +b(12)0 21826 y(3)3487 b(6)g(9)g(12)2906 b(15)g(18)0 23181 +y(4)3487 b(8)g(12)2906 b(16)g(20)g(24)0 24536 y(5)3487 +b(10)2906 b(15)g(20)g(25)g(30)0 25891 y(6)3487 b(12)2906 +b(18)g(24)g(30)g(36)0 27246 y(7)3487 b(14)2906 b(21)g(28)g(35)g(42)0 +29375 y Fn(This)481 b(is)g(\257ne,)510 b(except)481 b(that)h(w)-31 +b(e)482 b(probably)g(w)-31 b(an)g(t)483 b(the)e(table)h(to)g(b)31 +b(e)481 b(square|with)h(the)0 30730 y(same)414 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)413 b(of)h(ro)-31 b(ws)413 b(and)h(columns.)626 +b(T)-92 b(o)414 b(do)f(that,)427 b(w)-31 b(e)413 b(add)h(another)g +(parameter)g(to)0 32084 y Fk(printMultiples)371 b Fn(to)f(sp)31 +b(ecify)369 b(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(man)-31 b(y)371 b(columns)f(the)f(table) +i(should)e(ha)-31 b(v)g(e.)0 34132 y(Just)371 b(to)i(b)31 +b(e)371 b(anno)-31 b(ying,)375 b(w)-31 b(e)372 b(call)h(this)f +(parameter)g Fk(high)p Fn(,)h(demonstrating)h(that)f(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)0 35487 y(functions)436 b(can)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)437 +b(parameters)e(with)i(the)f(same)g(name)g(\(just)g(lik)-31 +b(e)436 b(lo)31 b(cal)437 b(v)-61 b(ariables\).)0 36842 +y(Here's)369 b(the)g(whole)i(program:)0 38970 y Fk(def)582 +b(printMultiples\(n,)h(high\):)1162 40325 y(i)f(=)f(1)1162 +41680 y(while)h(i)f(<=)h(high:)2325 43035 y(print)f(n*i,)h('\\t',)2325 +44390 y(i)f(=)g(i)g(+)h(1)1162 45745 y(print)0 48455 +y(def)g(printMultTable\(high\):)1162 49810 y(i)g(=)f(1)1162 +51165 y(while)h(i)f(<=)h(high:)2325 52520 y(printMultiples\(i,)h +(high\))2325 53875 y(i)e(=)g(i)g(+)h(1)0 56003 y Fn(Notice)355 +b(that)g(when)f(w)-31 b(e)354 b(added)g(a)f(new)h(parameter,)k(w)-31 +b(e)354 b(had)g(to)h(c)-31 b(hange)354 b(the)g(\257rst)f(line)h(of)0 +57358 y(the)345 b(function)h(\(the)f(function)h(heading\),)351 +b(and)345 b(w)-31 b(e)345 b(also)g(had)g(to)g(c)-31 b(hange)345 +b(the)g(place)g(where)p eop +%%Page: 69 95 +69 94 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(6.9)425 b(F)-106 b(unctions)29497 +b(69)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(the)369 b(function)i(is)e(called)i +(in)e Fk(printMultTable)p Fn(.)0 2976 y(As)g(exp)31 b(ected,)370 +b(this)f(program)h(generates)g(a)f(square)g(sev)-31 b(en-b)g(y-sev)g +(en)370 b(table:)0 5168 y Fk(1)3487 b(2)g(3)g(4)g(5)g(6)g(7)0 +6523 y(2)g(4)g(6)g(8)g(10)2906 b(12)g(14)0 7878 y(3)3487 +b(6)g(9)g(12)2906 b(15)g(18)g(21)0 9233 y(4)3487 b(8)g(12)2906 +b(16)g(20)g(24)g(28)0 10587 y(5)3487 b(10)2906 b(15)g(20)g(25)g(30)g +(35)0 11942 y(6)3487 b(12)2906 b(18)g(24)g(30)g(36)g(42)0 +13297 y(7)3487 b(14)2906 b(21)g(28)g(35)g(42)g(49)0 15489 +y Fn(When)474 b(y)-31 b(ou)475 b(generalize)h(a)e(function)i +(appropriately)-92 b(,)503 b(y)-31 b(ou)475 b(often)h(get)f(a)f +(program)i(with)0 16844 y(capabilities)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)369 +b(didn't)g(plan.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)367 b(example,)i(y)-31 +b(ou)369 b(migh)-31 b(t)370 b(notice)e(that,)i(b)31 b(ecause)367 +b Fg(ab)308 b Fn(=)0 18199 y Fg(ba)p Fn(,)328 b(all)317 +b(the)g(en)-31 b(tries)317 b(in)g(the)g(table)g(app)31 +b(ear)317 b(t)-31 b(wice.)477 b(Y)-92 b(ou)316 b(could)i(sa)-31 +b(v)g(e)317 b(ink)g(b)-31 b(y)317 b(prin)-31 b(ting)318 +b(only)0 19554 y(half)303 b(the)g(table.)471 b(T)-92 +b(o)303 b(do)f(that,)318 b(y)-31 b(ou)303 b(only)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)303 b(to)g(c)-31 b(hange)303 b(one)g(line)g(of)g +Fk(printMultTable)p Fn(.)0 20909 y(Change)2325 23101 +y Fk(printMultiples\(i,)583 b(high\))0 25293 y Fn(to)2325 +27484 y Fk(printMultiples\(i,)g(i\))0 29676 y Fn(and)369 +b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(get)0 31868 y Fk(1)0 33223 y(2)3487 +b(4)0 34578 y(3)g(6)g(9)0 35933 y(4)g(8)g(12)2906 b(16)0 +37288 y(5)3487 b(10)2906 b(15)g(20)g(25)0 38643 y(6)3487 +b(12)2906 b(18)g(24)g(30)g(36)0 39998 y(7)3487 b(14)2906 +b(21)g(28)g(35)g(42)g(49)2767 42569 y Fm(As)1186 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)1385 b(tr)-57 b(ac)g(e)1187 b(the)f(exe)-57 b(cution)1188 +b(of)e(this)h(version)f(of)2767 43924 y Fk(printMultTable)399 +b Fm(and)c(\257gur)-57 b(e)398 b(out)d(how)g(it)i(works.)0 +48359 y Fl(6.9)1793 b(F)-149 b(unctions)0 50803 y Fn(A)446 +b(few)h(times)g(no)-31 b(w,)467 b(w)-31 b(e)447 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)447 b(men)-31 b(tioned)448 b(\\all)g(the)e(things)i(functions)f +(are)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)447 b(for.")0 52158 y(By)353 b(no)-31 +b(w,)357 b(y)-31 b(ou)354 b(migh)-31 b(t)354 b(b)31 b(e)353 +b(w)-31 b(ondering)354 b(what)g(exactly)g(those)f(things)h(are.)487 +b(Here)352 b(are)h(some)0 53513 y(of)370 b(them:)1660 +56003 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Giving)361 b(a)f(name)h(to)g(a)f(sequence)f +(of)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)362 b(mak)-31 b(es)361 b(y)-31 +b(our)360 b(program)g(easier)g(to)2767 57358 y(read)369 +b(and)h(debug.)p eop +%%Page: 70 96 +70 95 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(70)32021 b(Iteration)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Dividing)321 b(a)e(long)h +(program)f(in)-31 b(to)320 b(functions)g(allo)-31 b(ws)321 +b(y)-31 b(ou)319 b(to)h(separate)f(parts)f(of)i(the)2767 +2220 y(program,)371 b(debug)e(them)h(in)g(isolation,)i(and)e(then)f +(comp)31 b(ose)370 b(them)g(in)-31 b(to)370 b(a)g(whole.)1660 +4249 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(F)-92 b(unctions)370 b(facilitate)i(b)31 +b(oth)370 b(recursion)f(and)g(iteration.)1660 6279 y +Fj(\262)554 b Fn(W)-92 b(ell-designed)484 b(functions)h(are)e(often)h +(useful)f(for)h(man)-31 b(y)484 b(programs.)835 b(Once)483 +b(y)-31 b(ou)2767 7634 y(write)370 b(and)g(debug)f(one,)h(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(can)f(reuse)g(it.)0 11826 y Fl(6.10)1792 b(Glossary)0 +13764 y Fv(m)-35 b(ultiple)424 b(assignmen)-35 b(t:)553 +b Fn(Making)277 b(more)e(than)h(one)g(assignmen)-31 b(t)277 +b(to)f(the)f(same)h(v)-61 b(ariable)2767 15119 y(during)370 +b(the)f(execution)i(of)f(a)f(program.)0 17148 y Fv(iteration:)554 +b Fn(Rep)31 b(eated)439 b(execution)h(of)f(a)g(set)g(of)h(statemen)-31 +b(ts)440 b(using)f(either)g(a)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)2767 +18503 y(function)371 b(call)f(or)f(a)h(lo)31 b(op.)0 +20532 y Fv(lo)k(op:)554 b Fn(A)387 b(statemen)-31 b(t)390 +b(or)d(group)g(of)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)389 b(that)f(execute)g(rep)31 +b(eatedly)388 b(un)-31 b(til)389 b(a)e(ter-)2767 21887 +y(minating)372 b(condition)g(is)d(satis\257ed.)0 23917 +y Fv(in\257nite)425 b(lo)35 b(op:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(lo)31 +b(op)370 b(in)g(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(the)f(terminating)j(condition)g(is)d +(nev)-31 b(er)369 b(satis\257ed.)0 25946 y Fv(b)35 b(o)g(dy:)555 +b Fn(The)369 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(inside)e(a)h(lo)31 +b(op.)0 27975 y Fv(lo)k(op)426 b(v)-71 b(ariable:)553 +b Fn(A)358 b(v)-61 b(ariable)359 b(used)f(as)g(part)h(of)g(the)f +(terminating)j(condition)g(of)e(a)f(lo)31 b(op.)0 30005 +y Fv(tab:)553 b Fn(A)433 b(sp)31 b(ecial)433 b(c)-31 +b(haracter)434 b(that)g(causes)e(the)h(cursor)f(to)h(mo)-31 +b(v)g(e)434 b(to)g(the)f(next)g(tab)h(stop)2767 31360 +y(on)370 b(the)f(curren)-31 b(t)369 b(line.)0 33389 y +Fv(newline:)554 b Fn(A)390 b(sp)31 b(ecial)391 b(c)-31 +b(haracter)390 b(that)h(causes)f(the)g(cursor)f(to)i(mo)-31 +b(v)g(e)391 b(to)g(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)2767 34744 y(of)370 +b(the)g(next)f(line.)0 36773 y Fv(cursor:)554 b Fn(An)400 +b(in)-31 b(visible)402 b(mark)-31 b(er)400 b(that)h(k)-31 +b(eeps)400 b(trac)-31 b(k)400 b(of)h(where)e(the)h(next)h(c)-31 +b(haracter)400 b(will)2767 38128 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(prin)-31 +b(ted.)0 40157 y Fv(escap)35 b(e)426 b(sequence:)554 +b Fn(An)385 b(escap)31 b(e)384 b(c)-31 b(haracter)385 +b(\()p Fj(n)p Fn(\))h(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)388 b(b)-31 +b(y)385 b(one)g(or)f(more)h(prin)-31 b(table)2767 41512 +y(c)g(haracters)370 b(used)e(to)i(designate)h(a)e(nonprin)-31 +b(table)371 b(c)-31 b(haracter.)0 43542 y Fv(encapsulate:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)402 b(divide)g(a)g(large)h(complex)g(program)f(in)-31 +b(to)403 b(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(ts)403 b(\(lik)-31 b(e)403 +b(func-)2767 44897 y(tions\))250 b(and)e(isolate)i(the)f(comp)31 +b(onen)-31 b(ts)249 b(from)g(eac)-31 b(h)248 b(other)h(\(b)-31 +b(y)249 b(using)f(lo)31 b(cal)250 b(v)-61 b(ariables,)2767 +46252 y(for)370 b(example\).)0 48281 y Fv(generalize:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)336 b(replace)f(something)i(unnecessarily)e(sp)31 +b(eci\257c)334 b(\(lik)-31 b(e)337 b(a)e(constan)-31 +b(t)337 b(v)-61 b(alue\))2767 49636 y(with)315 b(something)g +(appropriately)g(general)f(\(lik)-31 b(e)315 b(a)f(v)-61 +b(ariable)314 b(or)f(parameter\).)476 b(Gen-)2767 50991 +y(eralization)319 b(mak)-31 b(es)317 b(co)31 b(de)316 +b(more)h(v)-31 b(ersatile,)328 b(more)317 b(lik)-31 b(ely)318 +b(to)f(b)31 b(e)315 b(reused,)326 b(and)317 b(some-)2767 +52346 y(times)370 b(ev)-31 b(en)370 b(easier)f(to)h(write.)0 +54375 y Fv(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t)426 b(plan:)552 b Fn(A)402 +b(pro)31 b(cess)400 b(for)h(dev)-31 b(eloping)403 b(a)f(program.)589 +b(In)401 b(this)g(c)-31 b(hapter,)410 b(w)-31 b(e)2767 +55730 y(demonstrated)343 b(a)f(st)-31 b(yle)342 b(of)g(dev)-31 +b(elopmen)g(t)344 b(based)e(on)f(dev)-31 b(eloping)344 +b(co)31 b(de)341 b(to)i(do)f(sim-)2767 57085 y(ple,)370 +b(sp)31 b(eci\257c)369 b(things)h(and)g(then)f(encapsulating)i(and)f +(generalizing.)p eop +%%Page: 71 97 +71 96 bop 0 9915 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(7)0 16209 y Fo(Strings)0 +23361 y Fl(7.1)1793 b(A)598 b(comp)50 b(ound)598 b(data)g(t)-50 +b(yp)50 b(e)0 25742 y Fn(So)394 b(far)h(w)-31 b(e)394 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)395 b(seen)f(three)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es:)543 +b Fk(int)p Fn(,)401 b Fk(float)p Fn(,)g(and)395 b Fk(string)p +Fn(.)568 b(Strings)395 b(are)e(qualita-)0 27097 y(tiv)-31 +b(ely)314 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)313 b(from)f(the)h(other)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)314 b(b)31 b(ecause)312 b(they)g(are)g(made)h(up)f(of)h +(smaller)g(pieces|)0 28452 y(c)-31 b(haracters.)0 30499 +y(T)g(yp)31 b(es)479 b(that)g(comprise)g(smaller)h(pieces)e(are)h +(called)g Fv(comp)35 b(ound)552 b(data)e(t)-35 b(yp)35 +b(es)p Fn(.)822 b(De-)0 31854 y(p)31 b(ending)354 b(on)g(what)h(w)-31 +b(e)355 b(are)e(doing,)359 b(w)-31 b(e)354 b(ma)-31 b(y)355 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)356 b(to)e(treat)h(a)f(comp)31 b(ound)355 +b(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)354 b(as)0 33209 y(a)369 b(single)i(thing,)f +(or)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ma)-31 b(y)371 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)370 +b(to)g(access)f(its)h(parts.)492 b(This)370 b(am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)372 b(is)e(useful.)0 35257 y(The)f(brac)-31 +b(k)g(et)371 b(op)31 b(erator)369 b(selects)h(a)f(single)h(c)-31 +b(haracter)370 b(from)g(a)f(string.)0 37385 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(fruit)f(=)h("banana")0 38740 y(>>>)g(letter)g(=)f(fruit[1])0 +40095 y(>>>)h(print)f(letter)0 42223 y Fn(The)363 b(expression)f +Fk(fruit[1])h Fn(selects)f(c)-31 b(haracter)363 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)362 b(1)h(from)g Fk(fruit)p Fn(.)490 +b(The)363 b(v)-61 b(ariable)0 43578 y Fk(letter)370 b +Fn(refers)e(to)i(the)f(result.)493 b(When)368 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(displa)-31 b(y)371 b Fk(letter)p Fn(,)f(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(get)g(a)f(surprise:)0 45706 y Fk(a)0 47835 +y Fn(The)421 b(\257rst)g(letter)g(of)h Fk("banana")g +Fn(is)f(not)g Fk(a)p Fn(.)648 b(Unless)421 b(y)-31 b(ou)422 +b(are)e(a)i(computer)f(scien)-31 b(tist.)649 b(In)0 49190 +y(that)428 b(case)f(y)-31 b(ou)428 b(should)f(think)h(of)f(the)h +(expression)e(in)h(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets)428 b(as)f(an)g(o\256set)g(from)h +(the)0 50545 y(b)31 b(eginning)376 b(of)g(the)f(string,)j(and)d(the)h +(o\256set)f(of)g(the)h(\257rst)e(letter)i(is)f(zero.)510 +b(So)376 b Fk(b)f Fn(is)g(the)g(0th)0 51900 y(letter)341 +b(\(\\zero-eth"\))i(of)e Fk("banana")p Fn(,)348 b Fk(a)340 +b Fn(is)g(the)h(1th)g(letter)h(\(\\one-eth"\),)349 b(and)341 +b Fk(n)f Fn(is)g(the)h(2th)0 53255 y(\(\\t)-31 b(w)g(o-eth"\))373 +b(letter.)0 55302 y(T)-92 b(o)464 b(get)g(the)f(\257rst)g(letter)h(of)g +(a)g(string,)487 b(y)-31 b(ou)464 b(just)g(put)f(0,)488 +b(or)463 b(an)-31 b(y)464 b(expression)f(with)i(the)0 +56657 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(0,)g(in)f(the)g(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets:)p +eop +%%Page: 72 98 +72 97 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(72)32992 b(Strings)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(letter)g(=)f(fruit[0])0 2220 +y(>>>)h(print)f(letter)0 3575 y(b)0 5724 y Fn(The)268 +b(expression)g(in)h(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets)268 b(is)g(called)i(an)e +Fv(index)p Fn(.)459 b(An)268 b(index)h(sp)31 b(eci\257es)267 +b(a)i(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)268 b(of)h(an)0 7079 y(ordered)364 +b(set,)j(in)e(this)g(case)g(the)g(set)g(of)h(c)-31 b(haracters)365 +b(in)g(the)h(string.)491 b(The)366 b(index)f Fm(indic)-57 +b(ates)0 8434 y Fn(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(one)g(y)-31 b(ou)369 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t,)372 b(hence)d(the)g(name.)494 b(It)369 +b(can)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(in)-31 b(teger)370 +b(expression.)0 12809 y Fl(7.2)1793 b(Length)0 15211 +y Fn(The)369 b Fk(len)h Fn(function)g(returns)f(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(c)-31 b(haracters)369 b(in)h(a)f(string:)0 +17361 y Fk(>>>)582 b(fruit)f(=)h("banana")0 18716 y(>>>)g(len\(fruit\)) +0 20071 y(6)0 22220 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)426 b(get)h(the)f(last)h(letter)f +(of)h(a)f(string,)441 b(y)-31 b(ou)426 b(migh)-31 b(t)428 +b(b)31 b(e)426 b(tempted)h(to)f(try)g(something)i(lik)-31 +b(e)0 23575 y(this:)0 25724 y Fk(length)582 b(=)f(len\(fruit\))0 +27079 y(last)h(=)f(fruit[length])4070 b(#)581 b(ERROR!)0 +29229 y Fn(That)504 b(w)-31 b(on't)506 b(w)-31 b(ork.)895 +b(It)504 b(causes)e(the)i(run)-31 b(time)504 b(error)e +Fk(IndexError:)1164 b(string)582 b(index)0 30584 y(out)g(of)f(range)p +Fn(.)490 b(The)359 b(reason)g(is)g(that)h(there)e(is)h(no)h(6th)f +(letter)h(in)f Fk("banana")p Fn(.)490 b(Since)359 b(w)-31 +b(e)0 31938 y(started)439 b(coun)-31 b(ting)440 b(at)f(zero,)455 +b(the)439 b(six)f(letters)h(are)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ered)438 +b(0)g(to)h(5.)700 b(T)-92 b(o)439 b(get)g(the)f(last)0 +33293 y(c)-31 b(haracter,)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(subtract)g(1)f(from)h Fk(length)p +Fn(:)0 35443 y Fk(length)582 b(=)f(len\(fruit\))0 36798 +y(last)h(=)f(fruit[length-1])0 38947 y Fn(Alternativ)-31 +b(ely)-92 b(,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)368 b(can)f(use)g(negativ)-31 +b(e)369 b(indices,)f(whic)-31 b(h)368 b(coun)-31 b(t)368 +b(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard)369 b(from)f(the)f(end)0 40302 y(of)322 +b(the)g(string.)477 b(The)322 b(expression)f Fk(fruit[-1])i +Fn(yields)f(the)g(last)g(letter,)333 b Fk(fruit[-2])322 +b Fn(yields)0 41657 y(the)369 b(second)g(to)h(last,)h(and)e(so)h(on.)0 +46032 y Fl(7.3)1793 b(T)-149 b(ra)-50 b(v)g(ersal)599 +b(and)f(the)h Fe(for)f Fl(lo)50 b(op)0 48434 y Fn(A)306 +b(lot)i(of)f(computations)i(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(e)309 +b(pro)31 b(cessing)306 b(a)g(string)h(one)g(c)-31 b(haracter)307 +b(at)g(a)f(time.)473 b(Often)0 49789 y(they)427 b(start)f(at)h(the)f(b) +31 b(eginning,)443 b(select)426 b(eac)-31 b(h)427 b(c)-31 +b(haracter)426 b(in)h(turn,)440 b(do)427 b(something)h(to)f(it,)0 +51144 y(and)456 b(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue)456 b(un)-31 b(til)457 +b(the)f(end.)750 b(This)456 b(pattern)g(of)g(pro)31 b(cessing)455 +b(is)g(called)i(a)e Fv(tra)-35 b(v)g(ersal)p Fn(.)0 52499 +y(One)369 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(enco)31 b(de)369 +b(a)g(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal)371 b(is)e(with)h(a)g Fk(while)f +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t:)0 54648 y Fk(index)582 b(=)f(0)0 +56003 y(while)h(index)g(<)f(len\(fruit\):)1162 57358 +y(letter)h(=)g(fruit[index])1162 58713 y(print)g(letter)1162 +60068 y(index)g(=)f(index)h(+)g(1)p eop +%%Page: 73 99 +73 98 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(7.3)425 b(T)-106 b(ra)-35 b(v)g(ersal)423 +b(and)i(the)g Fk(for)g Fv(lo)35 b(op)20132 b(73)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)412 b(lo)31 b(op)413 b(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erses)412 b(the)g(string)g(and)g(displa)-31 b(ys)413 +b(eac)-31 b(h)412 b(letter)h(on)f(a)g(line)h(b)-31 b(y)412 +b(itself.)622 b(The)0 2220 y(lo)31 b(op)443 b(condition)h(is)f +Fk(index)581 b(<)h(len\(fruit\))p Fn(,)462 b(so)442 b(when)g +Fk(index)h Fn(is)f(equal)h(to)g(the)g(length)0 3575 y(of)423 +b(the)h(string,)437 b(the)423 b(condition)i(is)e(false,)438 +b(and)423 b(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(dy)423 b(of)g(the)h(lo)31 +b(op)423 b(is)g(not)h(executed.)0 4930 y(The)417 b(last)h(c)-31 +b(haracter)417 b(accessed)g(is)f(the)i(one)f(with)h(the)f(index)g +Fk(len\(fruit\)-1)p Fn(,)431 b(whic)-31 b(h)418 b(is)0 +6285 y(the)369 b(last)i(c)-31 b(haracter)369 b(in)h(the)f(string.)2767 +9162 y Fm(As)405 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)409 b(write)c(a)h(function)h +(that)d(takes)h(a)h(string)f(as)g(an)h(ar)-57 b(gument)2767 +10517 y(and)396 b(outputs)f(the)h(letters)f(b)-57 b(ackwar)g(d,)397 +b(one)f(p)-57 b(er)396 b(line.)0 13394 y Fn(Using)413 +b(an)g(index)g(to)h(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)413 b(a)g(set)f(of)h(v)-61 +b(alues)413 b(is)g(so)f(common)j(that)f(Python)g(pro)-31 +b(vides)0 14749 y(an)369 b(alternativ)-31 b(e,)373 b(simpler)c(syn)-31 +b(tax|the)371 b Fk(for)f Fn(lo)31 b(op:)0 17115 y Fk(for)582 +b(char)f(in)h(fruit:)1162 18470 y(print)g(char)0 20837 +y Fn(Eac)-31 b(h)379 b(time)h(through)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op,)382 +b(the)d(next)g(c)-31 b(haracter)379 b(in)g(the)f(string)h(is)g +(assigned)f(to)i(the)0 22192 y(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b +Fk(char)p Fn(.)493 b(The)370 b(lo)31 b(op)370 b(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ues)370 b(un)-31 b(til)371 b(no)e(c)-31 b(haracters)370 +b(are)f(left.)0 24477 y(The)376 b(follo)-31 b(wing)379 +b(example)e(sho)-31 b(ws)376 b(ho)-31 b(w)376 b(to)h(use)e +(concatenation)j(and)e(a)g Fk(for)g Fn(lo)31 b(op)376 +b(to)h(gen-)0 25832 y(erate)464 b(an)g(ab)31 b(ecedarian)464 +b(series.)775 b(\\Ab)31 b(ecedarian")466 b(refers)c(to)i(a)g(series)f +(or)h(list)g(in)g(whic)-31 b(h)0 27187 y(the)325 b(elemen)-31 +b(ts)326 b(app)31 b(ear)326 b(in)f(alphab)31 b(etical)328 +b(order.)477 b(F)-92 b(or)324 b(example,)336 b(in)326 +b(Rob)31 b(ert)325 b(McClosk)-31 b(ey's)0 28542 y(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)289 b Fm(Make)322 b(Way)g(for)g(Ducklings)p +Fn(,)306 b(the)289 b(names)h(of)f(the)g(duc)-31 b(klings)290 +b(are)f(Jac)-31 b(k,)306 b(Kac)-31 b(k,)306 b(Lac)-31 +b(k,)0 29896 y(Mac)g(k,)343 b(Nac)-31 b(k,)344 b(Ouac)-31 +b(k,)344 b(P)-31 b(ac)g(k,)344 b(and)336 b(Quac)-31 b(k.)482 +b(This)336 b(lo)31 b(op)336 b(outputs)h(these)e(names)h(in)g(order:)0 +32263 y Fk(prefixes)582 b(=)g("JKLMNOPQ")0 33618 y(suffix)g(=)f("ack")0 +36327 y(for)h(letter)g(in)f(prefixes:)1162 37682 y(print)h(letter)g(+)g +(suffix)0 40049 y Fn(The)369 b(output)i(of)f(this)f(program)h(is:)0 +42415 y Fk(Jack)0 43770 y(Kack)0 45125 y(Lack)0 46480 +y(Mack)0 47835 y(Nack)0 49190 y(Oack)0 50544 y(Pack)0 +51899 y(Qack)0 54266 y Fn(Of)357 b(course,)i(that's)g(not)e(quite)h +(righ)-31 b(t)358 b(b)31 b(ecause)357 b(\\Ouac)-31 b(k")358 +b(and)f(\\Quac)-31 b(k")359 b(are)e(missp)31 b(elled.)2767 +57143 y Fm(As)396 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)397 b(mo)-57 +b(dify)398 b(the)e(pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(am)396 b(to)g(\257x)g(this)f(err) +-57 b(or.)p eop +%%Page: 74 100 +74 99 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(74)32992 b(Strings)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fl(7.4)1793 b(String)599 b(slices)0 3439 +y Fn(A)363 b(segmen)-31 b(t)363 b(of)g(a)g(string)g(is)g(called)g(a)g +Fv(slice)p Fn(.)490 b(Selecting)364 b(a)f(slice)g(is)f(similar)i(to)g +(selecting)g(a)0 4794 y(c)-31 b(haracter:)0 7094 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(s)f(=)g("Peter,)h(Paul,)g(and)g(Mary")0 8449 y(>>>)g(print)f(s[0:5])0 +9804 y(Peter)0 11159 y(>>>)h(print)f(s[7:11])0 12514 +y(Paul)0 13869 y(>>>)h(print)f(s[17:21])0 15224 y(Mary)0 +17523 y Fn(The)323 b(op)31 b(erator)322 b Fk([n:m])h +Fn(returns)f(the)g(part)h(of)g(the)f(string)h(from)g(the)g(\\n-eth")g +(c)-31 b(haracter)323 b(to)0 18878 y(the)345 b(\\m-eth")i(c)-31 +b(haracter,)351 b(including)346 b(the)f(\257rst)g(but)g(excluding)h +(the)f(last.)486 b(This)345 b(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)0 +20233 y(is)540 b(coun)-31 b(terin)g(tuitiv)g(e;)629 b(it)540 +b(mak)-31 b(es)541 b(more)f(sense)f(if)h(y)-31 b(ou)541 +b(imagine)h(the)e(indices)g(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ting)0 21588 +y Fm(b)-57 b(etwe)g(en)370 b Fn(the)g(c)-31 b(haracters,)370 +b(as)f(in)g(the)h(follo)-31 b(wing)372 b(diagram:)8206 +22967 y + 12893224 3354869 0 0 12893224 3354869 startTexFig + 8206 22967 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/banana.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: banana.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 7 16:48:33 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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1080 l 2338 1050 l col0 s +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 2700 825 m + 2700 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3000 825 m + 3000 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3300 825 m + 3300 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3600 825 m + 3600 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3900 825 m + 3900 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 4200 825 m + 4200 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 4500 825 m + 4500 1500 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1125 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fruit) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +2775 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +3075 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +3375 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +3975 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +3675 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 330.00 scf sf +4575 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2925 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3225 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3525 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3825 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (4) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4125 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (5) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4425 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (6) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (index) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 30691 a Fn(If)323 b(y)-31 b(ou)324 b(omit)h(the)f(\257rst)e(index)i +(\(b)31 b(efore)324 b(the)f(colon\),)335 b(the)323 b(slice)h(starts)f +(at)h(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)324 b(of)0 32046 y(the)357 +b(string.)489 b(If)356 b(y)-31 b(ou)357 b(omit)i(the)e(second)f(index,) +k(the)d(slice)g(go)31 b(es)357 b(to)g(the)g(end)f(of)h(the)g(string.)0 +33401 y(Th)-31 b(us:)0 35701 y Fk(>>>)582 b(fruit)f(=)h("banana")0 +37056 y(>>>)g(fruit[:3])0 38411 y('ban')0 39766 y(>>>)g(fruit[3:])0 +41120 y('ana')0 43420 y Fn(What)370 b(do)f(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(think)g Fk(s[:])493 b Fn(means?)0 48092 y Fl(7.5)1793 +b(String)599 b(comparison)0 50666 y Fn(The)369 b(comparison)i(op)31 +b(erators)369 b(w)-31 b(ork)370 b(on)g(strings.)492 b(T)-92 +b(o)370 b(see)f(if)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(strings)f(are)f(equal:)0 +52966 y Fk(if)581 b(word)h(==)g("banana":)1162 54321 +y(print)1163 b("Yes,)582 b(we)g(have)f(no)h(bananas!")p +eop +%%Page: 75 101 +75 100 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(7.6)425 b(Strings)g(are)g(imm)-35 +b(utable)22459 b(75)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Other)324 +b(comparison)i(op)31 b(erations)325 b(are)f(useful)h(for)f(putting)i(w) +-31 b(ords)324 b(in)h(alphab)31 b(etical)327 b(order:)0 +3380 y Fk(if)581 b(word)h(<)f("banana":)1162 4735 y(print)h("Your)g +(word,")g(+)f(word)h(+)f(",)h(comes)g(before)g(banana.")0 +6090 y(elif)g(word)f(>)h("banana":)1162 7445 y(print)g("Your)g(word,")g +(+)f(word)h(+)f(",)h(comes)g(after)g(banana.")0 8800 +y(else:)1162 10155 y(print)g("Yes,)g(we)g(have)f(no)h(bananas!")0 +12670 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)270 b(should)h(b)31 b(e)269 b(a)-31 +b(w)g(are,)292 b(though,)f(that)272 b(Python)f(do)31 +b(es)270 b(not)g(handle)h(upp)31 b(er-)269 b(and)i(lo)-31 +b(w)g(ercase)0 14025 y(letters)400 b(the)g(same)g(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)401 b(that)f(p)31 b(eople)400 b(do.)584 b(All)401 +b(the)f(upp)31 b(ercase)398 b(letters)i(come)g(b)31 b(efore)400 +b(all)0 15380 y(the)369 b(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase)371 b(letters.)493 +b(As)369 b(a)g(result:)0 17895 y Fk(Your)582 b(word,)g(Zebra,)g(comes)g +(before)g(banana.)0 20411 y Fn(A)528 b(common)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)530 b(to)e(address)f(this)i(problem)f(is)g(to)h(con)-31 +b(v)g(ert)529 b(strings)f(to)g(a)h(standard)0 21765 y(format,)281 +b(suc)-31 b(h)256 b(as)g(all)h(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase,)281 +b(b)31 b(efore)256 b(p)31 b(erforming)257 b(the)f(comparison.)457 +b(A)256 b(more)g(di\261cult)0 23120 y(problem)370 b(is)f(making)i(the)f +(program)g(realize)g(that)g(zebras)f(are)g(not)h(fruit.)0 +28438 y Fl(7.6)1793 b(Strings)599 b(are)f(imm)-50 b(utable)0 +31314 y Fn(It)338 b(is)g(tempting)i(to)f(use)e(the)i +Fk([])f Fn(op)31 b(erator)339 b(on)f(the)g(left)h(side)f(of)h(an)f +(assignmen)-31 b(t,)346 b(with)340 b(the)0 32669 y(in)-31 +b(ten)g(tion)372 b(of)e(c)-31 b(hanging)371 b(a)e(c)-31 +b(haracter)370 b(in)f(a)h(string.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)368 +b(example:)0 35184 y Fk(greeting)582 b(=)g("Hello,)g(world!")0 +36539 y(greeting[0])h(=)e('J')6974 b(#)582 b(ERROR!)0 +37894 y(print)g(greeting)0 40409 y Fn(Instead)267 b(of)g(pro)31 +b(ducing)268 b(the)f(output)h Fk(Jello,)582 b(world!)p +Fn(,)289 b(this)267 b(co)31 b(de)267 b(pro)31 b(duces)266 +b(the)h(run)-31 b(time)0 41764 y(error)368 b Fk(TypeError:)1164 +b(object)582 b(doesn't)g(support)g(item)g(assignment)p +Fn(.)0 44198 y(Strings)351 b(are)f Fv(imm)-35 b(utable)p +Fn(,)354 b(whic)-31 b(h)352 b(means)e(y)-31 b(ou)352 +b(can't)f(c)-31 b(hange)352 b(an)f(existing)h(string.)487 +b(The)0 45553 y(b)31 b(est)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can)f(do)h(is)f +(create)g(a)h(new)f(string)h(that)g(is)f(a)h(v)-61 b(ariation)371 +b(on)e(the)h(original:)0 48068 y Fk(greeting)582 b(=)g("Hello,)g +(world!")0 49423 y(newGreeting)h(=)e('J')h(+)f(greeting[1:])0 +50778 y(print)h(newGreeting)0 53293 y Fn(The)391 b(solution)h(here)e +(is)g(to)i(concatenate)g(a)f(new)g(\257rst)f(letter)h(on)-31 +b(to)392 b(a)f(slice)f(of)h Fk(greeting)p Fn(.)0 54648 +y(This)370 b(op)31 b(eration)370 b(has)f(no)h(e\256ect)f(on)g(the)h +(original)h(string.)p eop +%%Page: 76 102 +76 101 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(76)32992 b(Strings)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(7.7)1793 b(A)598 b Fe(find)g Fl(function)0 +3402 y Fn(What)370 b(do)31 b(es)368 b(the)i(follo)-31 +b(wing)373 b(function)d(do?)0 5676 y Fk(def)582 b(find\(str,)g(ch\):) +1162 7031 y(index)g(=)f(0)1162 8386 y(while)h(index)g(<)f(len\(str\):) +2325 9741 y(if)g(str[index])i(==)e(ch:)3487 11096 y(return)h(index)2325 +12451 y(index)f(=)h(index)g(+)f(1)1162 13806 y(return)h(-1)0 +16079 y Fn(In)385 b(a)i(sense,)i Fk(find)e Fn(is)f(the)g(opp)31 +b(osite)387 b(of)f(the)g Fk([])g Fn(op)31 b(erator.)544 +b(Instead)386 b(of)g(taking)i(an)e(index)0 17434 y(and)421 +b(extracting)h(the)e(corresp)31 b(onding)421 b(c)-31 +b(haracter,)434 b(it)421 b(tak)-31 b(es)421 b(a)g(c)-31 +b(haracter)420 b(and)h(\257nds)f(the)0 18789 y(index)372 +b(where)f(that)h(c)-31 b(haracter)372 b(app)31 b(ears.)499 +b(If)371 b(the)h(c)-31 b(haracter)372 b(is)f(not)h(found,)h(the)f +(function)0 20144 y(returns)c Fk(-1)p Fn(.)0 22337 y(This)404 +b(is)g(the)h(\257rst)e(example)j(w)-31 b(e)404 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)406 b(seen)d(of)i(a)f Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)406 b(inside)e(a)h(lo)31 b(op.)598 b(If)0 23692 y +Fk(str[index])583 b(==)e(ch)p Fn(,)362 b(the)d(function)h(returns)e +(immediately)-92 b(,)364 b(breaking)c(out)g(of)f(the)g(lo)31 +b(op)0 25047 y(prematurely)-92 b(.)0 27239 y(If)424 b(the)h(c)-31 +b(haracter)425 b(do)31 b(esn't)425 b(app)31 b(ear)424 +b(in)h(the)g(string,)439 b(then)424 b(the)h(program)g(exits)g(the)g(lo) +31 b(op)0 28594 y(normally)371 b(and)f(returns)e Fk(-1)p +Fn(.)0 30787 y(This)303 b(pattern)g(of)h(computation)h(is)e(sometimes)h +(called)g(a)f(\\eurek)-61 b(a")303 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal)304 +b(b)31 b(ecause)302 b(as)0 32142 y(so)31 b(on)307 b(as)g(w)-31 +b(e)308 b(\257nd)f(what)h(w)-31 b(e)308 b(are)f(lo)31 +b(oking)309 b(for,)321 b(w)-31 b(e)307 b(can)h(cry)e(\\Eurek)-61 +b(a!")473 b(and)308 b(stop)f(lo)31 b(oking.)2767 34841 +y Fm(As)527 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)562 b(mo)-57 b(dify)529 +b(the)e Fk(find)h Fm(function)h(so)e(that)g(it)g(takes)g(a)h(thir)-57 +b(d)2767 36196 y(p)g(ar)g(ameter,)397 b(the)f(index)g(in)h(the)f +(string)g(wher)-57 b(e)396 b(it)g(should)f(start)g(lo)-57 +b(oking.)0 40789 y Fl(7.8)1793 b(Lo)50 b(oping)597 b(and)h(coun)-50 +b(ting)0 43326 y Fn(The)478 b(follo)-31 b(wing)482 b(program)d(coun)-31 +b(ts)478 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)478 b(of)h(times)g(the)f +(letter)h Fk(a)f Fn(app)31 b(ears)477 b(in)i(a)0 44681 +y(string:)0 46955 y Fk(fruit)582 b(=)f("banana")0 48310 +y(count)h(=)f(0)0 49665 y(for)h(char)f(in)h(fruit:)1162 +51020 y(if)g(char)f(==)h('a':)2325 52375 y(count)f(=)h(count)g(+)f(1)0 +53730 y(print)h(count)0 56003 y Fn(This)389 b(program)h(demonstrates)g +(another)g(pattern)g(of)g(computation)i(called)e(a)f +Fv(coun)-35 b(ter)p Fn(.)0 57358 y(The)429 b(v)-61 b(ariable)429 +b Fk(count)g Fn(is)g(initialized)i(to)f(0)e(and)h(then)g(incremen)-31 +b(ted)429 b(eac)-31 b(h)429 b(time)h(an)f Fk(a)f Fn(is)p +eop +%%Page: 77 103 +77 102 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(7.9)425 b(The)g Fk(string)g Fv(mo)35 +b(dule)24271 b(77)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(found.)546 +b(\(T)-92 b(o)388 b Fv(incremen)-35 b(t)387 b Fn(is)g(to)h(increase)f +(b)-31 b(y)387 b(one;)396 b(it)388 b(is)f(the)g(opp)31 +b(osite)388 b(of)f Fv(decremen)-35 b(t)p Fn(,)0 2220 +y(and)426 b(unrelated)h(to)g(\\excremen)-31 b(t,")443 +b(whic)-31 b(h)427 b(is)f(a)h(noun.\))664 b(When)426 +b(the)h(lo)31 b(op)427 b(exits,)441 b Fk(count)0 3575 +y Fn(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(the)e(result|the)h(total)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h Fk(a)p Fn('s.)2767 6257 y +Fm(As)902 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)1030 b(enc)-57 b(apsulate)903 +b(this)f(c)-57 b(o)g(de)903 b(in)h(a)e(function)i(name)-57 +b(d)2767 7612 y Fk(countLetters)p Fm(,)557 b(and)522 +b(gener)-57 b(alize)524 b(it)f(so)f(that)f(it)i(ac)-57 +b(c)g(epts)523 b(the)f(string)h(and)2767 8966 y(the)396 +b(letter)g(as)f(p)-57 b(ar)g(ameters.)2767 11648 y(As)340 +b(a)g(se)-57 b(c)g(ond)341 b(exer)-57 b(cise,)352 b(r)-57 +b(ewrite)340 b(this)g(function)h(so)e(that)h(inste)-57 +b(ad)340 b(of)g(tr)-57 b(avers-)2767 13003 y(ing)421 +b(the)d(string,)426 b(it)419 b(uses)g(the)g(thr)-57 b(e)g(e-p)g(ar)g +(ameter)420 b(version)f(of)g Fk(find)h Fm(fr)-57 b(om)420 +b(the)2767 14358 y(pr)-57 b(evious.)0 18925 y Fl(7.9)1793 +b(The)598 b Fe(string)h Fl(mo)50 b(dule)0 21450 y Fn(The)284 +b Fk(string)h Fn(mo)31 b(dule)284 b(con)-31 b(tains)286 +b(useful)e(functions)h(that)g(manipulate)h(strings.)465 +b(As)283 b(usual,)0 22805 y(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 +b(to)g(imp)31 b(ort)370 b(the)f(mo)31 b(dule)371 b(b)31 +b(efore)369 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(can)h(use)e(it:)0 25070 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(import)g(string)0 27334 y Fn(The)394 b +Fk(string)f Fn(mo)31 b(dule)395 b(includes)e(a)h(function)h(named)e +Fk(find)h Fn(that)h(do)31 b(es)393 b(the)g(same)h(thing)0 +28689 y(as)364 b(the)h(function)g(w)-31 b(e)365 b(wrote.)492 +b(T)-92 b(o)364 b(call)i(it)f(w)-31 b(e)364 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)365 b(to)g(sp)31 b(ecify)365 b(the)f(name)h(of)g(the)f(mo)31 +b(dule)0 30044 y(and)369 b(the)h(name)g(of)f(the)h(function)h(using)e +(dot)h(notation.)0 32309 y Fk(>>>)582 b(fruit)f(=)h("banana")0 +33664 y(>>>)g(index)f(=)h(string.find\(fruit,)i("a"\))0 +35019 y(>>>)e(print)f(index)0 36374 y(1)0 38639 y Fn(This)517 +b(example)h(demonstrates)f(one)g(of)g(the)g(b)31 b(ene\257ts)516 +b(of)h(mo)31 b(dules|they)517 b(help)g(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)0 +39994 y(collisions)476 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)475 +b(the)f(names)h(of)f(built-in)i(functions)f(and)f(user-de\257ned)f +(functions.)0 41349 y(By)369 b(using)h(dot)g(notation)i(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(can)h(sp)31 b(ecify)369 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 +b(v)-31 b(ersion)370 b(of)f Fk(find)h Fn(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t.)0 43533 y(Actually)-92 b(,)584 b Fk(string.find)540 +b Fn(is)f(more)g(general)h(than)f(our)g(v)-31 b(ersion.)1002 +b(First,)581 b(it)540 b(can)f(\257nd)0 44887 y(substrings,)369 +b(not)h(just)g(c)-31 b(haracters:)0 47152 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(string.find\("banana",)i("na"\))0 48507 y(2)0 50772 +y Fn(Also,)345 b(it)337 b(tak)-31 b(es)338 b(an)f(additional)k(argumen) +-31 b(t)338 b(that)g(sp)31 b(eci\257es)336 b(the)i(index)f(it)h(should) +f(start)h(at:)0 53037 y Fk(>>>)582 b(string.find\("banana",)i("na",)e +(3\))0 54392 y(4)0 56657 y Fn(Or)369 b(it)g(can)h(tak)-31 +b(e)370 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(additional)i(argumen)-31 +b(ts)370 b(that)g(sp)31 b(ecify)370 b(a)f(range)h(of)f(indices:)p +eop +%%Page: 78 104 +78 103 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(78)32992 b(Strings)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(string.find\("bob",)h("b",)f(1,)g(2\))0 +2220 y(-1)0 4435 y Fn(In)483 b(this)i(example,)514 b(the)484 +b(searc)-31 b(h)484 b(fails)h(b)31 b(ecause)483 b(the)h(letter)h +Fm(b)f Fn(do)31 b(es)483 b(not)i(app)31 b(ear)484 b(in)g(the)0 +5790 y(index)370 b(range)f(from)h Fk(1)f Fn(to)h Fk(2)f +Fn(\(not)h(including)h Fk(2)p Fn(\).)0 10257 y Fl(7.10)1792 +b(Character)599 b(classi\257cation)0 12724 y Fn(It)389 +b(is)h(often)g(helpful)h(to)f(examine)h(a)f(c)-31 b(haracter)390 +b(and)f(test)h(whether)g(it)g(is)g(upp)31 b(er-)388 b(or)h(lo)-31 +b(w-)0 14079 y(ercase,)508 b(or)481 b(whether)g(it)g(is)g(a)g(c)-31 +b(haracter)481 b(or)g(a)g(digit.)829 b(The)481 b Fk(string)g +Fn(mo)31 b(dule)482 b(pro)-31 b(vides)0 15434 y(sev)g(eral)370 +b(constan)-31 b(ts)370 b(that)g(are)f(useful)h(for)f(these)g(purp)31 +b(oses.)0 17568 y(The)306 b(string)g Fk(string.lowercase)h +Fn(con)-31 b(tains)307 b(all)g(of)f(the)g(letters)g(that)g(the)g +(system)g(consid-)0 18922 y(ers)356 b(to)i(b)31 b(e)356 +b(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase.)490 b(Similarly)-92 b(,)363 b +Fk(string.uppercase)c Fn(con)-31 b(tains)359 b(all)f(of)f(the)h(upp)31 +b(ercase)0 20277 y(letters.)493 b(T)-92 b(ry)369 b(the)h(follo)-31 +b(wing)372 b(and)e(see)e(what)j(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(get:)0 +22492 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(string.lowercase)0 23847 +y(>>>)h(print)f(string.uppercase)0 25202 y(>>>)h(print)f(string.digits) +0 27417 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)481 b(can)h(use)f(these)h(constan)-31 +b(ts)483 b(and)f Fk(find)g Fn(to)h(classify)g(c)-31 b(haracters.)830 +b(F)-92 b(or)482 b(example,)511 b(if)0 28772 y Fk(find\(lowercase,)583 +b(ch\))254 b Fn(returns)e(a)i(v)-61 b(alue)254 b(other)f(than)h +Fk(-1)p Fn(,)277 b(then)254 b Fk(ch)f Fn(m)-31 b(ust)254 +b(b)31 b(e)253 b(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase:)0 30987 y Fk(def)582 +b(isLower\(ch\):)1162 32341 y(return)g(string.find\(string.lowercase,)k +(ch\))581 b(!=)h(-1)0 34556 y Fn(Alternativ)-31 b(ely)-92 +b(,)624 b(w)-31 b(e)570 b(can)h(tak)-31 b(e)571 b(adv)-61 +b(an)-31 b(tage)572 b(of)f(the)f Fk(in)g Fn(op)31 b(erator,)622 +b(whic)-31 b(h)571 b(determines)0 35911 y(whether)369 +b(a)h(c)-31 b(haracter)370 b(app)31 b(ears)368 b(in)i(a)f(string:)0 +38126 y Fk(def)582 b(isLower\(ch\):)1162 39481 y(return)g(ch)g(in)f +(string.lowercase)0 41696 y Fn(As)369 b(y)-31 b(et)370 +b(another)g(alternativ)-31 b(e,)372 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(use)g(the)g +(comparison)i(op)31 b(erator:)0 43910 y Fk(def)582 b(isLower\(ch\):) +1162 45265 y(return)g('a')g(<=)f(ch)h(<=)f('z')0 47480 +y Fn(If)369 b Fk(ch)g Fn(is)g(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 +b Fm(a)f Fn(and)h Fm(z)p Fn(,)f(it)h(m)-31 b(ust)370 +b(b)31 b(e)368 b(a)i(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase)370 b(letter.)2767 +50036 y Fm(As)437 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)448 b(discuss)437 +b(which)g(version)g(of)g Fk(isLower)i Fm(you)e(think)h(wil)57 +b(l)436 b(b)-57 b(e)2767 51391 y(fastest.)662 b(Can)447 +b(you)g(think)g(of)h(other)e(r)-57 b(e)g(asons)446 b(b)-57 +b(esides)448 b(sp)-57 b(e)g(e)g(d)448 b(to)e(pr)-57 b(efer)447 +b(one)2767 52746 y(or)396 b(the)g(other?)0 55302 y Fn(Another)495 +b(constan)-31 b(t)495 b(de\257ned)f(in)h(the)f Fk(string)h +Fn(mo)31 b(dule)495 b(ma)-31 b(y)495 b(surprise)e(y)-31 +b(ou)495 b(when)f(y)-31 b(ou)0 56657 y(prin)g(t)370 b(it:)p +eop +%%Page: 79 105 +79 104 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(7.11)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(79)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(string.whitespace)0 +3111 y Fv(Whitespace)369 b Fn(c)-31 b(haracters)369 b(mo)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(the)e(cursor)g(without)i(prin)-31 b(ting)370 +b(an)-31 b(ything.)495 b(They)369 b(cre-)0 4466 y(ate)420 +b(the)g(white)h(space)e(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)420 b(visible)h(c)-31 +b(haracters)420 b(\(at)g(least)h(on)e(white)i(pap)31 +b(er\).)644 b(The)0 5821 y(constan)-31 b(t)382 b Fk(string.whitespace)h +Fn(con)-31 b(tains)382 b(all)g(the)f(whitespace)h(c)-31 +b(haracters,)384 b(including)0 7176 y(space,)370 b(tab)f(\()p +Fk(\\t)p Fn(\),)i(and)f(newline)g(\()p Fk(\\n)p Fn(\).)0 +9341 y(There)533 b(are)h(other)g(useful)f(functions)i(in)f(the)g +Fk(string)g Fn(mo)31 b(dule,)576 b(but)534 b(this)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)534 b(isn't)0 10696 y(in)-31 b(tended)508 b(to)f(b)31 +b(e)506 b(a)h(reference)f(man)-31 b(ual.)907 b(On)506 +b(the)h(other)g(hand,)542 b(the)506 b Fm(Python)523 b(Libr)-57 +b(ary)0 12051 y(R)g(efer)g(enc)g(e)431 b Fn(is.)670 b(Along)429 +b(with)h(a)e(w)-31 b(ealth)430 b(of)f(other)f(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(tation,)447 b(it's)429 b(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)430 +b(from)0 13406 y(the)369 b(Python)i(w)-31 b(ebsite,)371 +b Fk(www.python.org)p Fn(.)0 17917 y Fl(7.11)1792 b(Glossary)0 +20082 y Fv(comp)35 b(ound)426 b(data)e(t)-35 b(yp)35 +b(e:)554 b Fn(A)361 b(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)361 b(in)g(whic)-31 +b(h)361 b(the)g(v)-61 b(alues)361 b(are)f(made)h(up)f(of)h(com-)2767 +21437 y(p)31 b(onen)-31 b(ts,)370 b(or)f(elemen)-31 b(ts,)371 +b(that)g(are)e(themselv)-31 b(es)370 b(v)-61 b(alues.)0 +23677 y Fv(tra)-35 b(v)g(erse:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)383 +b(iterate)i(through)f(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts)385 b(of)e(a)h(set,)j(p)31 +b(erforming)384 b(a)g(similar)g(op)31 b(er-)2767 25032 +y(ation)371 b(on)f(eac)-31 b(h.)0 27273 y Fv(index:)553 +b Fn(A)391 b(v)-61 b(ariable)391 b(or)e(v)-61 b(alue)391 +b(used)e(to)i(select)g(a)f(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)390 b(of)h(an)f(ordered) +g(set,)395 b(suc)-31 b(h)390 b(as)2767 28628 y(a)370 +b(c)-31 b(haracter)370 b(from)f(a)h(string.)0 30868 y +Fv(slice:)553 b Fn(A)369 b(part)g(of)h(a)g(string)f(sp)31 +b(eci\257ed)369 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b(a)h(range)f(of)h(indices.)0 +33109 y Fv(m)-35 b(utable:)553 b Fn(A)324 b(comp)31 b(ound)324 +b(data)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)323 b(whose)i(elemen)-31 +b(ts)325 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)323 b(assigned)h(new)g(v)-61 +b(alues.)0 35349 y Fv(coun)-35 b(ter:)554 b Fn(A)452 +b(v)-61 b(ariable)453 b(used)f(to)h(coun)-31 b(t)453 +b(something,)475 b(usually)453 b(initialized)i(to)e(zero)f(and)2767 +36704 y(then)370 b(incremen)-31 b(ted.)0 38945 y Fv(incremen)c(t:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)369 b(increase)g(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 +b(of)h(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b(one.)0 +41185 y Fv(decremen)-35 b(t:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(decrease)f(the)g +(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)g(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(b)-31 +b(y)370 b(one.)0 43426 y Fv(whitespace:)554 b Fn(An)-31 +b(y)361 b(of)g(the)f(c)-31 b(haracters)361 b(that)g(mo)-31 +b(v)g(e)362 b(the)e(cursor)g(without)i(prin)-31 b(ting)362 +b(vis-)2767 44780 y(ible)349 b(c)-31 b(haracters.)486 +b(The)348 b(constan)-31 b(t)349 b Fk(string.whitespace)h +Fn(con)-31 b(tains)350 b(all)f(the)f(white-)2767 46135 +y(space)369 b(c)-31 b(haracters.)p eop +%%Page: 80 106 +80 105 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(80)32992 b(Strings)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 81 107 +81 106 bop 0 10060 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(8)0 16499 y Fo(Lists)0 +23119 y Fn(A)447 b Fv(list)f Fn(is)g(an)h(ordered)f(set)h(of)g(v)-61 +b(alues,)467 b(where)447 b(eac)-31 b(h)447 b(v)-61 b(alue)447 +b(is)g(iden)-31 b(ti\257ed)448 b(b)-31 b(y)447 b(an)g(index.)0 +24474 y(The)473 b(v)-61 b(alues)472 b(that)i(mak)-31 +b(e)474 b(up)e(a)h(list)h(are)e(called)i(its)f Fv(elemen)-35 +b(ts)p Fn(.)803 b(Lists)473 b(are)f(similar)i(to)0 25829 +y(strings,)398 b(whic)-31 b(h)393 b(are)f(ordered)f(sets)h(of)g(c)-31 +b(haracters,)398 b(except)393 b(that)g(the)f(elemen)-31 +b(ts)393 b(of)g(a)f(list)0 27184 y(can)310 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)311 +b(an)-31 b(y)310 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)474 b(Lists)309 +b(and)h(strings|and)g(other)h(things)f(that)h(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(v)g(e)311 b(lik)-31 b(e)311 b(ordered)0 28539 y(sets|are)369 +b(called)h Fv(sequences)p Fn(.)0 33132 y Fl(8.1)1793 +b(List)599 b(v)-100 b(alues)0 35669 y Fn(There)256 b(are)g(sev)-31 +b(eral)256 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)257 b(to)g(create)f(a)g(new)g(list;)296 +b(the)256 b(simplest)h(is)f(to)g(enclose)h(the)f(elemen)-31 +b(ts)0 37024 y(in)369 b(square)g(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets)370 +b(\()p Fk([)g Fn(and)f Fk(])p Fn(\):)0 39297 y Fk([10,)582 +b(20,)f(30,)h(40])0 40652 y(["spam",)g("bungee",)h("swallow"])0 +42926 y Fn(The)367 b(\257rst)f(example)i(is)e(a)h(list)h(of)f(four)f +(in)-31 b(tegers.)493 b(The)367 b(second)f(is)h(a)f(list)i(of)f(three)f +(strings.)0 44280 y(The)277 b(elemen)-31 b(ts)278 b(of)g(a)f(list)h +(don't)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)278 b(to)f(b)31 b(e)277 b(the)g(same)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e.)463 b(The)277 b(follo)-31 b(wing)281 b(list)c(con)-31 +b(tains)0 45635 y(a)369 b(string,)i(a)e(\260oat,)i(an)e(in)-31 +b(teger,)371 b(and)f(\(mirabile)h(dictu\))f(another)g(list:)0 +47909 y Fk(["hello",)582 b(2.0,)g(5,)g([10,)f(20]])0 +50182 y Fn(A)369 b(list)h(within)h(another)f(list)g(is)f(said)h(to)g(b) +31 b(e)369 b Fv(nested)p Fn(.)0 52375 y(Lists)279 b(that)h(con)-31 +b(tain)281 b(consecutiv)-31 b(e)280 b(in)-31 b(tegers)280 +b(are)e(common,)299 b(so)279 b(Python)i(pro)-31 b(vides)279 +b(a)g(simple)0 53730 y(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(create)f(them:)0 +56003 y Fk(>>>)582 b(range\(1,5\))0 57358 y([1,)g(2,)f(3,)g(4])p +eop +%%Page: 82 108 +82 107 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(82)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)325 b Fk(range)g Fn(function)h(tak)-31 +b(es)326 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)326 b(argumen)-31 b(ts)326 b(and)f(returns)f +(a)h(list)g(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)327 b(all)f(the)0 +2220 y(in)-31 b(tegers)432 b(from)g(the)g(\257rst)e(to)j(the)e(second,) +447 b(including)433 b(the)f(\257rst)f(but)h(not)g(including)h(the)0 +3575 y(second!)0 5579 y(There)418 b(are)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)420 +b(other)f(forms)g(of)g Fk(range)p Fn(.)641 b(With)419 +b(a)g(single)g(argumen)-31 b(t,)433 b(it)420 b(creates)e(a)h(list)0 +6934 y(that)370 b(starts)g(at)g(0:)0 9019 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(range\(10\))0 10374 y([0,)g(1,)f(2,)g(3,)h(4,)f(5,)h(6,)f(7,)h(8,)f +(9])0 12459 y Fn(If)475 b(there)f(is)h(a)g(third)g(argumen)-31 +b(t,)504 b(it)475 b(sp)31 b(eci\257es)474 b(the)h(space)g(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)476 b(successiv)-31 b(e)474 b(v)-61 +b(alues,)0 13813 y(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(called)i(the)e +Fv(step)425 b(size)p Fn(.)493 b(This)369 b(example)i(coun)-31 +b(ts)370 b(from)f(1)h(to)g(10)g(b)-31 b(y)369 b(steps)g(of)h(2:)0 +15898 y Fk(>>>)582 b(range\(1,)g(10,)g(2\))0 17253 y([1,)g(3,)f(5,)g +(7,)h(9])0 19338 y Fn(Finally)-92 b(,)393 b(there)386 +b(is)h(a)g(sp)31 b(ecial)387 b(list)g(that)h(con)-31 +b(tains)388 b(no)f(elemen)-31 b(ts.)546 b(It)387 b(is)f(called)i(the)f +(empt)-31 b(y)0 20693 y(list,)371 b(and)e(it)h(is)f(denoted)h +Fk([])p Fn(.)0 22697 y(With)502 b(all)g(these)f(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys)503 b(to)f(create)f(lists,)535 b(it)502 b(w)-31 +b(ould)503 b(b)31 b(e)501 b(disapp)31 b(oin)-31 b(ting)504 +b(if)e(w)-31 b(e)501 b(couldn't)0 24052 y(assign)370 +b(list)g(v)-61 b(alues)369 b(to)h(v)-61 b(ariables)370 +b(or)f(pass)g(lists)g(as)g(parameters)h(to)g(functions.)494 +b(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can.)0 26137 y Fk(vocabulary)583 b(=)e +(["ameliorate",)i("castigate",)g("defenestrate"])0 27492 +y(numbers)f(=)f([17,)h(123])0 28847 y(empty)g(=)f([])0 +30202 y(print)h(vocabulary,)h(numbers,)f(empty)0 31557 +y(['ameliorate',)h('castigate',)g('defenestrate'])h([17,)d(123])h([])0 +35923 y Fl(8.2)1793 b(Accessing)599 b(elemen)-50 b(ts)0 +38260 y Fn(The)472 b(syn)-31 b(tax)473 b(for)e(accessing)i(the)e +(elemen)-31 b(ts)473 b(of)f(a)g(list)h(is)f(the)f(same)i(as)e(the)h +(syn)-31 b(tax)473 b(for)0 39615 y(accessing)354 b(the)g(c)-31 +b(haracters)354 b(of)g(a)g(string|the)h(brac)-31 b(k)g(et)354 +b(op)31 b(erator)355 b(\()p Fk([])p Fn(\).)488 b(The)354 +b(expression)0 40970 y(inside)370 b(the)f(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets)370 +b(sp)31 b(eci\257es)368 b(the)i(index.)493 b(Remem)-31 +b(b)31 b(er)369 b(that)h(the)g(indices)f(start)h(at)g(0:)0 +43055 y Fk(print)582 b(numbers[0])0 44410 y(numbers[1])h(=)e(5)0 +46495 y Fn(The)390 b(brac)-31 b(k)g(et)391 b(op)31 b(erator)390 +b(can)g(app)31 b(ear)390 b(an)-31 b(ywhere)390 b(in)g(an)g(expression.) +555 b(When)389 b(it)h(app)31 b(ears)0 47850 y(on)400 +b(the)h(left)g(side)f(of)h(an)f(assignmen)-31 b(t,)410 +b(it)401 b(c)-31 b(hanges)400 b(one)h(of)f(the)h(elemen)-31 +b(ts)401 b(in)f(the)h(list,)409 b(so)0 49205 y(the)369 +b(one-eth)h(elemen)-31 b(t)371 b(of)f Fk(numbers)p Fn(,)g(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(used)f(to)h(b)31 b(e)368 b(123,)j(is)f(no)-31 +b(w)370 b(5.)0 51208 y(An)-31 b(y)370 b(in)-31 b(teger)370 +b(expression)f(can)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(used)f(as)i(an)f(index:)0 +53293 y Fk(>>>)582 b(numbers[3-2])0 54648 y(5)0 56003 +y(>>>)g(numbers[1.0])0 57358 y(TypeError:)h(sequence)f(index)g(must)g +(be)f(integer)p eop +%%Page: 83 109 +83 108 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8.3)425 b(List)f(length)28843 +b(83)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)437 b(y)-31 b(ou)439 +b(try)e(to)h(read)g(or)f(write)h(an)g(elemen)-31 b(t)439 +b(that)g(do)31 b(es)437 b(not)h(exist,)456 b(y)-31 b(ou)438 +b(get)g(a)g(run)-31 b(time)0 2220 y(error:)0 4617 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(numbers[2])g(=)g(5)0 5972 y(IndexError:)h(list)f(assignment)g(index)g +(out)g(of)f(range)0 8369 y Fn(If)369 b(an)g(index)h(has)f(a)h(negativ) +-31 b(e)371 b(v)-61 b(alue,)370 b(it)g(coun)-31 b(ts)370 +b(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard)370 b(from)g(the)g(end)f(of)g(the)h(list:)0 +10765 y Fk(>>>)582 b(numbers[-1])0 12120 y(5)0 13475 +y(>>>)g(numbers[-2])0 14830 y(17)0 16185 y(>>>)g(numbers[-3])0 +17540 y(IndexError:)h(list)f(index)f(out)h(of)f(range)0 +19937 y(numbers[-1])382 b Fn(is)f(the)g(last)h(elemen)-31 +b(t)382 b(of)f(the)g(list,)k Fk(numbers[-2])e Fn(is)d(the)h(second)g +(to)h(last,)0 21292 y(and)369 b Fk(numbers[-3])i Fn(do)31 +b(esn't)370 b(exist.)0 23608 y(It)f(is)g(common)i(to)f(use)f(a)g(lo)31 +b(op)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable)371 b(as)e(a)g(list)h(index.)0 +26004 y Fk(horsemen)582 b(=)g(["war",)g("famine",)g("pestilence",)h +("death"])0 28714 y(i)e(=)h(0)0 30069 y(while)g(i)f(<)g(4:)1162 +31424 y(print)h(horsemen[i])1162 32779 y(i)g(=)f(i)g(+)g(1)0 +35176 y Fn(This)292 b Fk(while)g Fn(lo)31 b(op)293 b(coun)-31 +b(ts)292 b(from)g(0)g(to)g(4.)467 b(When)291 b(the)h(lo)31 +b(op)293 b(v)-61 b(ariable)292 b Fk(i)g Fn(is)f(4,)308 +b(the)292 b(condition)0 36531 y(fails)373 b(and)f(the)g(lo)31 +b(op)372 b(terminates.)502 b(So)372 b(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(dy)372 +b(of)g(the)g(lo)31 b(op)373 b(is)e(only)i(executed)f(when)g +Fk(i)0 37886 y Fn(is)d(0,)h(1,)g(2,)g(and)f(3.)0 40201 +y(Eac)-31 b(h)476 b(time)h(through)f(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)503 +b(the)476 b(v)-61 b(ariable)476 b Fk(i)f Fn(is)g(used)g(as)g(an)h +(index)f(in)-31 b(to)477 b(the)f(list,)0 41556 y(prin)-31 +b(ting)321 b(the)g Fk(i)p Fn(-eth)f(elemen)-31 b(t.)478 +b(This)320 b(pattern)h(of)f(computation)j(is)d(called)h(a)g +Fv(list)367 b(tra)-35 b(v)g(er-)0 42911 y(sal)p Fn(.)0 +47874 y Fl(8.3)1793 b(List)599 b(length)0 50584 y Fn(The)351 +b(function)h Fk(len)f Fn(returns)e(the)i(length)h(of)f(a)f(list.)488 +b(It)350 b(is)h(a)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)351 b(idea)g(to)h(use)e(this)g(v)-61 +b(alue)0 51938 y(as)356 b(the)g(upp)31 b(er)355 b(b)31 +b(ound)356 b(of)h(a)f(lo)31 b(op)357 b(instead)g(of)g(a)f(constan)-31 +b(t.)490 b(That)357 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 b(,)360 b(if)d(the)f(size)g(of) +h(the)0 53293 y(list)370 b(c)-31 b(hanges,)371 b(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(w)-31 b(on't)371 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(to)f(go)g(through)g +(the)g(program)g(c)-31 b(hanging)371 b(all)g(the)f(lo)31 +b(ops;)0 54648 y(they)370 b(will)h(w)-31 b(ork)370 b(correctly)f(for)h +(an)-31 b(y)370 b(size)f(list:)p eop +%%Page: 84 110 +84 109 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(84)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(horsemen)582 b(=)g(["war",)g("famine",)g("pestilence",) +h("death"])0 3575 y(i)e(=)h(0)0 4930 y(while)g(i)f(<)g +(len\(horsemen\):)1162 6285 y(print)h(horsemen[i])1162 +7640 y(i)g(=)f(i)g(+)g(1)0 9682 y Fn(The)336 b(last)g(time)h(the)f(b)31 +b(o)g(dy)335 b(of)h(the)g(lo)31 b(op)336 b(is)g(executed,)343 +b Fk(i)335 b Fn(is)h Fk(len\(horsemen\))583 b(-)e(1)p +Fn(,)343 b(whic)-31 b(h)0 11037 y(is)570 b(the)h(index)g(of)g(the)f +(last)i(elemen)-31 b(t.)1098 b(When)569 b Fk(i)i Fn(is)f(equal)i(to)f +Fk(len\(horsemen\))p Fn(,)623 b(the)0 12392 y(condition)472 +b(fails)f(and)f(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(dy)470 b(is)g(not)g(executed,)496 +b(whic)-31 b(h)471 b(is)f(a)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)471 b(thing,)496 +b(b)31 b(ecause)0 13746 y Fk(len\(horsemen\))371 b Fn(is)e(not)h(a)f +(legal)i(index.)0 15707 y(Although)408 b(a)f(list)h(can)e(con)-31 +b(tain)409 b(another)e(list,)417 b(the)407 b(nested)f(list)i(still)g +(coun)-31 b(ts)407 b(as)f(a)h(single)0 17062 y(elemen)-31 +b(t.)494 b(The)370 b(length)g(of)g(this)f(list)h(is)f(four:)0 +19104 y Fk(['spam!',)582 b(1,)g(['Brie',)g('Roquefort',)h('Pol)f(le)f +(Veq'],)h([1,)g(2,)f(3]])2767 21247 y Fm(As)305 b(an)g(exer)-57 +b(cise,)325 b(write)305 b(a)g(lo)-57 b(op)305 b(that)f(tr)-57 +b(averses)304 b(the)h(pr)-57 b(evious)306 b(list)f(and)g(prints)2767 +22602 y(the)406 b(length)g(of)g(e)-57 b(ach)406 b(element.)539 +b(What)405 b(happ)-57 b(ens)405 b(if)i(you)f(send)f(an)h(inte)-57 +b(ger)407 b(to)2767 23957 y Fk(len)p Fm(?)0 28182 y Fl(8.4)1793 +b(List)599 b(mem)-50 b(b)50 b(ership)0 30477 y Fk(in)440 +b Fn(is)f(a)h(b)31 b(o)g(olean)441 b(op)31 b(erator)441 +b(that)g(tests)e(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(ership)440 b(in)g(a)g(sequence.)704 +b(W)-92 b(e)439 b(used)g(it)i(in)0 31831 y(Section)370 +b(7.10)h(with)g(strings,)e(but)h(it)g(also)g(w)-31 b(orks)370 +b(with)g(lists)g(and)f(other)h(sequences:)0 33873 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(horsemen)g(=)f(['war',)h('famine',)h('pestilence',)g('death'])0 +35228 y(>>>)f('pestilence')h(in)e(horsemen)0 36583 y(1)0 +37938 y(>>>)h('debauchery')h(in)e(horsemen)0 39293 y(0)0 +41335 y Fn(Since)462 b(\\p)31 b(estilence")462 b(is)g(a)f(mem)-31 +b(b)31 b(er)462 b(of)g(the)f Fk(horsemen)h Fn(list,)486 +b(the)462 b Fk(in)f Fn(op)31 b(erator)462 b(returns)0 +42690 y(true.)492 b(Since)370 b(\\debauc)-31 b(hery")370 +b(is)f(not)h(in)g(the)f(list,)i Fk(in)e Fn(returns)f(false.)0 +44651 y(W)-92 b(e)347 b(can)h(use)f(the)h Fk(not)g Fn(in)g(com)-31 +b(bination)351 b(with)e Fk(in)e Fn(to)i(test)f(whether)g(an)g(elemen) +-31 b(t)349 b(is)e(not)i(a)0 46006 y(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)369 +b(of)h(a)g(list:)0 48048 y Fk(>>>)582 b('debauchery')h(not)e(in)h +(horsemen)0 49403 y(1)0 53709 y Fl(8.5)1793 b(Lists)599 +b(and)f Fe(for)h Fl(lo)50 b(ops)0 56003 y Fn(The)286 +b Fk(for)g Fn(lo)31 b(op)287 b(w)-31 b(e)287 b(sa)-31 +b(w)286 b(in)g(Section)i(7.3)f(also)g(w)-31 b(orks)286 +b(with)h(lists.)466 b(The)286 b(generalized)h(syn)-31 +b(tax)0 57358 y(of)370 b(a)f Fk(for)h Fn(lo)31 b(op)370 +b(is:)p eop +%%Page: 85 111 +85 110 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8.6)425 b(List)f(op)35 b(erations)26527 +b(85)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(for)582 b(VARIABLE)g(in)f(LIST:) +1162 2220 y(BODY)0 4606 y Fn(This)370 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(is)e(equiv)-61 b(alen)-31 b(t)371 b(to:)0 6992 +y Fk(i)581 b(=)h(0)0 8347 y(while)g(i)f(<)g(len\(LIST\):)1162 +9702 y(VARIABLE)i(=)e(LIST[i])1162 11057 y(BODY)1162 +12412 y(i)h(=)f(i)g(+)g(1)0 14798 y Fn(The)482 b Fk(for)g +Fn(lo)31 b(op)483 b(is)f(more)h(concise)f(b)31 b(ecause)481 +b(w)-31 b(e)483 b(can)f(eliminate)j(the)d(lo)31 b(op)483 +b(v)-61 b(ariable,)511 b Fk(i)p Fn(.)0 16153 y(Here)369 +b(is)g(the)g(previous)h(lo)31 b(op)370 b(written)g(with)h(a)e +Fk(for)h Fn(lo)31 b(op.)0 18538 y Fk(for)582 b(horseman)g(in)f +(horsemen:)1162 19893 y(print)h(horseman)0 22279 y Fn(It)420 +b(almost)i(reads)d(lik)-31 b(e)422 b(English:)595 b(\\F)-92 +b(or)420 b(\(ev)-31 b(ery\))421 b(horseman)f(in)h(\(the)f(list)h(of)86 +b(\))422 b(horsemen,)0 23634 y(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(\(the)g(name)g(of)f +(the\))h(horseman.")0 25939 y(An)-31 b(y)370 b(list)g(expression)f(can) +g(b)31 b(e)369 b(used)f(in)i(a)f Fk(for)h Fn(lo)31 b(op:)0 +28325 y Fk(for)582 b(number)g(in)f(range\(20\):)1162 +29680 y(if)h(number)g(\045)f(2)g(==)h(0:)2325 31035 y(print)1163 +b(number)0 33745 y(for)582 b(fruit)f(in)h(["banana",)h("apple",)f +("quince"]:)1162 35100 y(print)g("I)g(like)f(to)h(eat)f(")h(+)f(fruit)h +(+)f("s!")0 37486 y Fn(The)380 b(\257rst)g(example)i(prin)-31 +b(ts)380 b(all)h(the)g(ev)-31 b(en)380 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)380 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)381 b(zero)f(and)g(nineteen.)527 +b(The)0 38841 y(second)369 b(example)i(expresses)c(en)-31 +b(th)g(usiasm)371 b(for)e(v)-61 b(arious)369 b(fruits.)0 +43771 y Fl(8.6)1793 b(List)599 b(op)50 b(erations)0 46465 +y Fn(The)369 b Fk(+)h Fn(op)31 b(erator)369 b(concatenates)i(lists:)0 +48851 y Fk(>>>)582 b(a)f(=)g([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 50206 y(>>>)h(b)f(=)g([4,) +h(5,)f(6])0 51561 y(>>>)h(c)f(=)g(a)g(+)h(b)0 52916 y(>>>)g(print)f(c)0 +54271 y([1,)h(2,)f(3,)g(4,)h(5,)f(6])0 56657 y Fn(Similarly)-92 +b(,)372 b(the)d Fk(*)g Fn(op)31 b(erator)370 b(rep)31 +b(eats)369 b(a)h(list)g(a)f(giv)-31 b(en)370 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)370 b(of)f(times:)p eop +%%Page: 86 112 +86 111 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(86)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b([0])f(*)g(4)0 2220 y([0,)h(0,)f(0,)g(0])0 +3575 y(>>>)h([1,)f(2,)h(3])f(*)g(3)0 4930 y([1,)h(2,)f(3,)g(1,)h(2,)f +(3,)h(1,)f(2,)h(3])0 7154 y Fn(The)384 b(\257rst)f(example)j(rep)31 +b(eats)383 b Fk([0])i Fn(four)e(times.)538 b(The)384 +b(second)g(example)h(rep)31 b(eats)384 b(the)g(list)0 +8509 y Fk([1,)582 b(2,)f(3])369 b Fn(three)g(times.)0 +12989 y Fl(8.7)1793 b(List)599 b(slices)0 15465 y Fn(The)369 +b(slice)h(op)31 b(erations)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(sa)-31 +b(w)370 b(in)f(Section)i(7.4)f(also)g(w)-31 b(ork)370 +b(on)g(lists:)0 17689 y Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(['a',)g('b',)f('c',)h +('d',)g('e',)g('f'])0 19044 y(>>>)g(list[1:3])0 20399 +y(['b',)g('c'])0 21754 y(>>>)g(list[:4])0 23109 y(['a',)g('b',)g('c',)f +('d'])0 24464 y(>>>)h(list[3:])0 25819 y(['d',)g('e',)g('f'])0 +27174 y(>>>)g(list[:])0 28529 y(['a',)g('b',)g('c',)f('d',)h('e',)g +('f'])0 33090 y Fl(8.8)1793 b(Lists)599 b(are)f(m)-50 +b(utable)0 35566 y Fn(Unlik)-31 b(e)468 b(strings,)492 +b(lists)467 b(are)g(m)-31 b(utable,)493 b(whic)-31 b(h)468 +b(means)f(w)-31 b(e)468 b(can)f(c)-31 b(hange)467 b(their)g(elemen)-31 +b(ts.)0 36921 y(Using)323 b(the)f(brac)-31 b(k)g(et)323 +b(op)31 b(erator)323 b(on)g(the)f(left)h(side)f(of)h(an)f(assignmen)-31 +b(t,)334 b(w)-31 b(e)323 b(can)f(up)31 b(date)323 b(one)0 +38276 y(of)370 b(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts:)0 40500 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(fruit)f(=)h(["banana",)g("apple",)h("quince"])0 41855 +y(>>>)f(fruit[0])g(=)f("pear")0 43210 y(>>>)h(fruit[-1])g(=)f("orange") +0 44565 y(>>>)h(print)f(fruit)0 45920 y(['pear',)h('apple',)h +('orange'])0 48144 y Fn(With)370 b(the)f(slice)h(op)31 +b(erator)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(up)31 b(date)369 +b(sev)-31 b(eral)370 b(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 b(at)g(once:)0 +50368 y Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(['a',)g('b',)f('c',)h('d',)g('e',)g +('f'])0 51723 y(>>>)g(list[1:3])g(=)f(['x',)h('y'])0 +53078 y(>>>)g(print)f(list)0 54433 y(['a',)h('x',)g('y',)f('d',)h('e',) +g('f'])0 56657 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(also)g(remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 b(from)g(a)g(list)g(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(assigning)i(the)e(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(list)f(to)g(them:)p +eop +%%Page: 87 113 +87 112 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8.9)425 b(List)f(deletion)27906 +b(87)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(['a',)g('b',) +f('c',)h('d',)g('e',)g('f'])0 2220 y(>>>)g(list[1:3])g(=)f([])0 +3575 y(>>>)h(print)f(list)0 4930 y(['a',)h('d',)g('e',)f('f'])0 +7539 y Fn(And)339 b(w)-31 b(e)339 b(can)g(add)g(elemen)-31 +b(ts)340 b(to)g(a)f(list)h(b)-31 b(y)339 b(squeezing)g(them)g(in)-31 +b(to)341 b(an)e(empt)-31 b(y)340 b(slice)f(at)h(the)0 +8894 y(desired)369 b(lo)31 b(cation:)0 11502 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(list)f(=)h(['a',)g('d',)f('f'])0 12857 y(>>>)h(list[1:1])g(=)f(['b',) +h('c'])0 14212 y(>>>)g(print)f(list)0 15567 y(['a',)h('b',)g('c',)f +('d',)h('f'])0 16922 y(>>>)g(list[4:4])g(=)f(['e'])0 +18277 y(>>>)h(print)f(list)0 19632 y(['a',)h('b',)g('c',)f('d',)h('e',) +g('f'])0 25312 y Fl(8.9)1793 b(List)599 b(deletion)0 +28318 y Fn(Using)395 b(slices)g(to)g(delete)g(list)h(elemen)-31 +b(ts)396 b(can)e(b)31 b(e)395 b(a)-31 b(wkw)g(ard,)403 +b(and)395 b(therefore)g(error-prone.)0 29673 y(Python)370 +b(pro)-31 b(vides)370 b(an)g(alternativ)-31 b(e)371 b(that)g(is)e(more) +g(readable.)0 32201 y Fk(del)g Fn(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)370 +b(an)g(elemen)-31 b(t)370 b(from)g(a)g(list:)0 34810 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(a)f(=)g(['one',)h('two',)g('three'])0 +36165 y(>>>)g(del)f(a[1])0 37519 y(>>>)h(a)0 38874 y(['one',)g +('three'])0 41483 y Fn(As)401 b(y)-31 b(ou)403 b(migh)-31 +b(t)403 b(exp)31 b(ect,)410 b Fk(del)402 b Fn(handles)g(negativ)-31 +b(e)404 b(indices)e(and)g(causes)f(a)g(run)-31 b(time)403 +b(error)0 42838 y(if)370 b(the)f(index)h(is)f(out)h(of)g(range.)0 +45366 y(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(can)h(use)e(a)i(slice)f(as)h(an)f(index)h(for) +f Fk(del)p Fn(:)0 47975 y Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(['a',)g('b',)f('c',)h +('d',)g('e',)g('f'])0 49330 y(>>>)g(del)f(list[1:5])0 +50685 y(>>>)h(print)f(list)0 52039 y(['a',)h('f'])0 54648 +y Fn(As)276 b(usual,)296 b(slices)276 b(select)h(all)h(the)f(elemen)-31 +b(ts)277 b(up)g(to,)296 b(but)277 b(not)g(including,)297 +b(the)277 b(second)f(index.)p eop +%%Page: 88 114 +88 113 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(88)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fl(8.10)1792 b(Ob)100 b(jects)599 b(and)f(v)-100 +b(alues)0 3145 y Fn(If)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(execute)f(these)g +(assignmen)-31 b(t)371 b(statemen)-31 b(ts,)0 5173 y +Fk(a)581 b(=)h("banana")0 6528 y(b)f(=)h("banana")0 8556 +y Fn(w)-31 b(e)393 b(kno)-31 b(w)394 b(that)g Fk(a)e +Fn(and)h Fk(b)g Fn(will)h(refer)e(to)h(a)g(string)g(with)h(the)f +(letters)g Fk("banana")p Fn(.)563 b(But)393 b(w)-31 b(e)0 +9911 y(can't)370 b(tell)h(whether)e(they)h(p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)370 b(to)g(the)g Fm(same)f Fn(string.)0 11857 y(There)g(are)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)371 b(p)31 b(ossible)369 b(states:)6984 13236 +y + 14340423 2828615 0 0 14340423 2828615 startTexFig + 6984 13236 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/list1.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: list1.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 09:34:48 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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2338 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 2475 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1477 m 2458 1447 l 2338 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("banana") col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("banana") col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4522 1375 m 4507 1317 l 4360 1355 l 4484 1354 l 4375 1413 l cp +eoclip +n 4125 1447 m + 4500 1350 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4375 1413 m 4484 1354 l 4360 1355 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4504 1308 m 4523 1251 l 4380 1202 l 4484 1270 l 4360 1259 l cp +eoclip +n 4125 1147 m + 4500 1275 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4360 1259 m 4484 1270 l 4380 1202 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4050 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4050 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4575 1350 m +gs 1 -1 sc ("banana") col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 19799 a Fn(In)393 b(one)g(case,)400 b Fk(a)393 b Fn(and)h +Fk(b)f Fn(refer)f(to)i(t)-31 b(w)g(o)395 b(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)394 b(things)g(that)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)394 b(the)f(same)h(v)-61 +b(alue.)565 b(In)0 21154 y(the)299 b(second)g(case,)314 +b(they)299 b(refer)f(to)i(the)f(same)h(thing.)470 b(These)299 +b(\\things")i(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)300 b(names|they)0 22509 +y(are)369 b(called)h Fv(ob)71 b(jects)p Fn(.)494 b(An)369 +b(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(is)e(something)i(a)e(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(can)g(refer)e(to.)0 24455 y(Ev)-31 b(ery)291 b(ob)61 +b(ject)293 b(has)e(a)g(unique)g Fv(iden)-35 b(ti\257er)p +Fn(,)308 b(whic)-31 b(h)292 b(w)-31 b(e)292 b(can)f(obtain)h(with)h +(the)e Fk(id)g Fn(function.)0 25810 y(By)340 b(prin)-31 +b(ting)342 b(the)e(iden)-31 b(ti\257er)341 b(of)f Fk(a)g +Fn(and)h Fk(b)p Fn(,)346 b(w)-31 b(e)340 b(can)h(tell)g(whether)f(they) +g(refer)g(to)g(the)h(same)0 27165 y(ob)61 b(ject.)0 29193 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(id\(a\))0 30548 y(135044008)0 31903 y(>>>)g(id\(b\))0 +33257 y(135044008)0 35285 y Fn(In)332 b(fact,)341 b(w)-31 +b(e)333 b(get)g(the)g(same)f(iden)-31 b(ti\257er)334 +b(t)-31 b(wice,)341 b(whic)-31 b(h)333 b(means)g(that)h(Python)f(only)h +(created)0 36640 y(one)369 b(string,)i(and)e(b)31 b(oth)370 +b Fk(a)f Fn(and)g Fk(b)g Fn(refer)g(to)h(it.)0 38587 +y(In)-31 b(terestingly)-92 b(,)552 b(lists)515 b(b)31 +b(eha)-31 b(v)g(e)515 b(di\256eren)-31 b(tly)-92 b(.)929 +b(When)513 b(w)-31 b(e)515 b(create)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)516 +b(lists,)551 b(w)-31 b(e)515 b(get)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 +39942 y(ob)61 b(jects:)0 41969 y Fk(>>>)582 b(a)f(=)g([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 +43324 y(>>>)h(b)f(=)g([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 44679 y(>>>)h(id\(a\))0 +46034 y(135045528)0 47389 y(>>>)g(id\(b\))0 48744 y(135041704)0 +50771 y Fn(So)369 b(the)h(state)g(diagram)h(lo)31 b(oks)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)13706 52151 y + 6380830 2828615 0 0 6380830 2828615 startTexFig + 13706 52151 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/list2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: list2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 09:32:48 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 97 43 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind 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1354 l 2335 1355 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2479 1308 m 2498 1251 l 2355 1202 l 2459 1270 l 2335 1259 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1275 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2335 1259 m 2459 1270 l 2355 1202 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (a) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1350 m +gs 1 -1 sc ([ 1, 2, 3 ]) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 19127 a Fn(Because)288 b(the)g(same)g(list)g(has)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)289 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)288 b(names,)305 b Fk(a)287 +b Fn(and)h Fk(b)p Fn(,)305 b(w)-31 b(e)288 b(sa)-31 b(y)288 +b(that)h(it)f(is)g Fv(aliased)p Fn(.)0 20482 y(Changes)370 +b(made)g(with)g(one)g(alias)g(a\256ect)g(the)f(other:)0 +22819 y Fk(>>>)582 b(b[0])f(=)h(5)0 24174 y(>>>)g(print)f(a)0 +25529 y([5,)h(2,)f(3])0 27866 y Fn(Although)281 b(this)f(b)31 +b(eha)-31 b(vior)281 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)279 b(useful,)298 +b(it)280 b(is)f(sometimes)i(unexp)31 b(ected)280 b(or)f(undesirable.)0 +29221 y(In)529 b(general,)570 b(it)530 b(is)g(safer)f(to)h(a)-31 +b(v)g(oid)531 b(aliasing)h(when)d(y)-31 b(ou)530 b(are)f(w)-31 +b(orking)531 b(with)g(m)-31 b(utable)0 30576 y(ob)61 +b(jects.)924 b(Of)512 b(course,)549 b(for)512 b(imm)-31 +b(utable)516 b(ob)61 b(jects,)550 b(there's)512 b(no)h(problem.)923 +b(That's)514 b(wh)-31 b(y)0 31931 y(Python)370 b(is)g(free)e(to)i +(alias)h(strings)e(when)h(it)f(sees)g(an)g(opp)31 b(ortunit)-31 +b(y)371 b(to)f(economize.)0 36714 y Fl(8.12)1792 b(Cloning)598 +b(lists)0 39341 y Fn(If)475 b(w)-31 b(e)476 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)477 +b(to)f(mo)31 b(dify)476 b(a)g(list)g(and)g(also)g(k)-31 +b(eep)475 b(a)h(cop)-31 b(y)476 b(of)f(the)h(original,)504 +b(w)-31 b(e)476 b(need)f(to)0 40695 y(b)31 b(e)386 b(able)h(to)h(mak) +-31 b(e)387 b(a)g(cop)-31 b(y)387 b(of)h(the)e(list)i(itself,)k(not)c +(just)e(the)h(reference.)544 b(This)387 b(pro)31 b(cess)385 +b(is)0 42050 y(sometimes)371 b(called)f Fv(cloning)p +Fn(,)g(to)g(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)371 b(the)e(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)373 +b(of)d(the)f(w)-31 b(ord)370 b(\\cop)-31 b(y)-92 b(.")0 +44307 y(The)369 b(easiest)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(clone)g(a)f(list)h +(is)f(to)h(use)f(the)g(slice)h(op)31 b(erator:)0 46644 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(a)f(=)g([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 47999 y(>>>)h(b)f(=)g(a[:])0 +49354 y(>>>)h(print)f(b)0 50708 y([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 53046 +y Fn(T)-92 b(aking)335 b(an)-31 b(y)334 b(slice)g(of)g +Fk(a)g Fn(creates)f(a)h(new)g(list.)481 b(In)333 b(this)h(case)g(the)f +(slice)h(happ)31 b(ens)333 b(to)h(consist)0 54401 y(of)370 +b(the)f(whole)i(list.)0 56657 y(No)-31 b(w)370 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(are)f(free)g(to)h(mak)-31 b(e)370 b(c)-31 b(hanges)370 +b(to)g Fk(b)f Fn(without)i(w)-31 b(orrying)371 b(ab)31 +b(out)370 b Fk(a)p Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 90 116 +90 115 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(90)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(b[0])f(=)h(5)0 2220 y(>>>)g(print)f(a)0 +3575 y([1,)h(2,)f(3])2767 6138 y Fm(As)464 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)482 b(dr)-57 b(aw)464 b(a)g(state)g(diagr)-57 +b(am)465 b(for)f Fk(a)h Fm(and)f Fk(b)h Fm(b)-57 b(efor)g(e)465 +b(and)g(after)2767 7493 y(this)396 b(change.)0 11924 +y Fl(8.13)1792 b(List)599 b(parameters)0 14365 y Fn(P)-31 +b(assing)286 b(a)f(list)g(as)g(an)g(argumen)-31 b(t)286 +b(actually)h(passes)d(a)h(reference)f(to)i(the)e(list,)303 +b(not)286 b(a)f(cop)-31 b(y)285 b(of)0 15720 y(the)342 +b(list.)485 b(F)-92 b(or)341 b(example,)349 b(the)343 +b(function)g Fk(head)g Fn(tak)-31 b(es)342 b(a)h(list)g(as)f(a)g +(parameter)h(and)f(returns)0 17075 y(the)369 b(\257rst)g(elemen)-31 +b(t:)0 19264 y Fk(def)582 b(head\(list\):)1162 20619 +y(return)g(list[0])0 22808 y Fn(Here's)369 b(ho)-31 b(w)370 +b(it)g(is)f(used:)0 24997 y Fk(>>>)582 b(numbers)g(=)f([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 +26352 y(>>>)h(head\(numbers\))0 27706 y(1)0 29895 y Fn(The)395 +b(parameter)h Fk(list)f Fn(and)g(the)g(v)-61 b(ariable)396 +b Fk(numbers)f Fn(are)g(aliases)h(for)f(the)g(same)g(ob)61 +b(ject.)0 31250 y(The)369 b(state)h(diagram)h(lo)31 b(oks)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)10095 32630 y + 10656645 4341596 0 0 10656645 4341596 startTexFig + 10095 32630 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/stack5.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: stack5.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 14 14:07:05 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 162 66 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind 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l 2374 1672 l cp +eoclip +n 2082 1793 m + 2482 1582 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2374 1672 m 2467 1590 l 2346 1619 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2480 1458 m 2509 1406 l 2378 1331 l 2468 1417 l 2348 1383 l cp +eoclip +n 2085 1200 m + 2482 1425 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2348 1383 m 2468 1417 l 2378 1331 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1852 m +gs 1 -1 sc (list) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2528 1553 m +gs 1 -1 sc ([ 1, 2, 3 ]) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2040 1245 m +gs 1 -1 sc (numbers) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1192 1245 m +gs 1 -1 sc (__main__) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1207 1852 m +gs 1 -1 sc (head) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 41909 a Fn(Since)e(the)h(list)g(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(is)e(shared)f(b) +-31 b(y)370 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(frames,)e(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(drew)f(it)h(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(them.)0 44017 +y(If)349 b(a)h(function)h(mo)31 b(di\257es)351 b(a)f(list)g(parameter,) +355 b(the)350 b(caller)g(sees)f(the)h(c)-31 b(hange.)487 +b(F)-92 b(or)349 b(example,)0 45372 y Fk(deleteHead)370 +b Fn(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)370 b(the)g(\257rst)e(elemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(from)f(a)f(list:)0 47561 y Fk(def)582 b(deleteHead\(list\):) +1162 48915 y(del)g(list[0])0 51104 y Fn(Here's)369 b(ho)-31 +b(w)370 b Fk(deleteHead)h Fn(is)e(used:)0 53293 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(numbers)g(=)f([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 54648 y(>>>)h(deleteHead\(numbers\))0 +56003 y(>>>)g(print)f(numbers)0 57358 y([2,)h(3])p eop +%%Page: 91 117 +91 116 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8.14)425 b(Nested)h(lists)27731 +b(91)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)363 b(a)h(function)h(returns)d +(a)i(list,)i(it)e(returns)f(a)g(reference)g(to)h(the)g(list.)491 +b(F)-92 b(or)363 b(example,)k Fk(tail)0 2220 y Fn(returns)h(a)i(list)g +(that)g(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(all)f(but)g(the)f(\257rst)g(elemen)-31 +b(t)370 b(of)g(the)g(giv)-31 b(en)370 b(list:)0 4326 +y Fk(def)582 b(tail\(list\):)1162 5681 y(return)g(list[1:])0 +7788 y Fn(Here's)369 b(ho)-31 b(w)370 b Fk(tail)g Fn(is)f(used:)0 +9894 y Fk(>>>)582 b(numbers)g(=)f([1,)h(2,)f(3])0 11249 +y(>>>)h(rest)f(=)h(tail\(numbers\))0 12604 y(>>>)g(print)f(rest)0 +13959 y([2,)h(3])0 16065 y Fn(Because)438 b(the)h(return)e(v)-61 +b(alue)439 b(w)-31 b(as)439 b(created)f(with)i(the)e(slice)h(op)31 +b(erator,)456 b(it)439 b(is)g(a)f(new)h(list.)0 17420 +y(Creating)315 b Fk(rest)p Fn(,)325 b(and)313 b(an)-31 +b(y)314 b(subsequen)-31 b(t)313 b(c)-31 b(hanges)313 +b(to)h Fk(rest)p Fn(,)325 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)314 b(no)f(e\256ect)g(on)h +Fk(numbers)p Fn(.)0 21735 y Fl(8.14)1792 b(Nested)600 +b(lists)0 24094 y Fn(A)335 b(nested)g(list)g(is)g(a)g(list)h(that)g +(app)31 b(ears)335 b(as)g(an)g(elemen)-31 b(t)336 b(in)f(another)h +(list.)482 b(In)334 b(this)i(list,)343 b(the)0 25448 +y(three-eth)369 b(elemen)-31 b(t)371 b(is)e(a)h(nested)f(list:)0 +27555 y Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(["hello",)g(2.0,)g(5,)f([10,)h(20]])0 +29661 y Fn(If)395 b(w)-31 b(e)396 b(prin)-31 b(t)396 +b Fk(list[3])p Fn(,)403 b(w)-31 b(e)396 b(get)g Fk([10,)582 +b(20])p Fn(.)572 b(T)-92 b(o)396 b(extract)g(an)g(elemen)-31 +b(t)396 b(from)g(the)g(nested)0 31016 y(list,)371 b(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(can)h(pro)31 b(ceed)368 b(in)i(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 +b(steps:)0 33122 y Fk(>>>)582 b(elt)f(=)g(list[3])0 34477 +y(>>>)h(elt[0])0 35832 y(10)0 37938 y Fn(Or)369 b(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(can)h(com)-31 b(bine)370 b(them:)0 40045 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(list[3][1])0 41400 y(20)0 43506 y Fn(Brac)-31 +b(k)g(et)379 b(op)31 b(erators)379 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)379 +b(from)g(left)g(to)g(righ)-31 b(t,)382 b(so)d(this)f(expression)g(gets) +h(the)f(three-)0 44861 y(eth)369 b(elemen)-31 b(t)371 +b(of)f Fk(list)f Fn(and)h(extracts)g(the)f(one-eth)h(elemen)-31 +b(t)370 b(from)g(it.)0 49176 y Fl(8.15)1792 b(Matrixes)0 +51534 y Fn(Nested)369 b(lists)h(are)f(often)h(used)f(to)h(represen)-31 +b(t)368 b(matrices.)494 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example,)j(the)f(matrix:) +16151 52914 y + 3486433 2631270 0 0 3486433 2631270 startTexFig + 16151 52914 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/matrix.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: matrix.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 10:02:32 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 53 40 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind 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+/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 1800 1050 m 1875 1050 l 1875 1687 l + 1800 1687 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1120 1050 m 1045 1050 l 1045 1687 l + 1120 1687 l gs col0 s gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1 2 3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 1650 m +gs 1 -1 sc (7 8 9) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 1425 m +gs 1 -1 sc (4 5 6) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + eop +%%Page: 92 118 +92 117 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(92)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(represen)-31 +b(ted)368 b(as:)0 3082 y Fk(>>>)582 b(matrix)g(=)f([[1,)h(2,)f(3],)h +([4,)f(5,)h(6],)f([7,)h(8,)f(9]])0 5299 y(matrix)344 +b Fn(is)f(a)g(list)h(with)g(three)f(elemen)-31 b(ts,)350 +b(where)342 b(eac)-31 b(h)344 b(elemen)-31 b(t)344 b(is)f(a)h(ro)-31 +b(w)343 b(of)h(the)f(matrix.)0 6654 y(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(select)f +(an)h(en)-31 b(tire)370 b(ro)-31 b(w)369 b(from)h(the)f(matrix)i(in)f +(the)f(usual)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y:)0 8870 y Fk(>>>)582 b(matrix[1])0 +10225 y([4,)g(5,)f(6])0 12442 y Fn(Or)288 b(w)-31 b(e)290 +b(can)f(extract)h(a)f(single)h(elemen)-31 b(t)291 b(from)e(the)g +(matrix)i(using)e(the)h(double-index)g(form:)0 14659 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(matrix[1][1])0 16014 y(5)0 18231 y Fn(The)439 +b(\257rst)g(index)g(selects)g(the)g(ro)-31 b(w,)458 b(and)439 +b(the)g(second)g(index)g(selects)g(the)g(column.)703 +b(Al-)0 19586 y(though)261 b(this)e(w)-31 b(a)g(y)261 +b(of)f(represen)-31 b(ting)260 b(matrices)g(is)f(common,)284 +b(it)260 b(is)f(not)h(the)g(only)g(p)31 b(ossibilit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 20940 y(A)390 b(small)h(v)-61 b(ariation)391 +b(is)f(to)g(use)f(a)h(list)g(of)g(columns)h(instead)f(of)g(a)g(list)h +(of)f(ro)-31 b(ws.)554 b(Later)389 b(w)-31 b(e)0 22295 +y(will)371 b(see)e(a)g(more)g(radical)i(alternativ)-31 +b(e)372 b(using)d(a)h(dictionary)-92 b(.)0 26765 y Fl(8.16)1792 +b(Strings)600 b(and)e(lists)0 29234 y Fn(Tw)-31 b(o)380 +b(of)g(the)f(most)h(useful)f(functions)h(in)f(the)g Fk(string)g +Fn(mo)31 b(dule)380 b(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(e)382 b(lists)d(of)g(strings.) +0 30589 y(The)320 b Fk(split)g Fn(function)h(breaks)e(a)h(string)g(in) +-31 b(to)321 b(a)f(list)g(of)g(w)-31 b(ords.)477 b(By)319 +b(default,)332 b(an)-31 b(y)320 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)0 +31944 y(of)370 b(whitespace)g(c)-31 b(haracters)370 b(is)f(considered)g +(a)g(w)-31 b(ord)370 b(b)31 b(oundary:)0 34161 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(import)g(string)0 35516 y(>>>)g(song)f(=)h("The)f(rain)h(in)g +(Spain...")0 36871 y(>>>)g(string.split\(song\))0 38226 +y(['The',)g('rain',)g('in',)g('Spain...'])0 40443 y Fn(An)365 +b(optional)i(argumen)-31 b(t)367 b(called)f(a)f Fv(delimiter)g +Fn(can)g(b)31 b(e)364 b(used)g(to)i(sp)31 b(ecify)365 +b(whic)-31 b(h)365 b(c)-31 b(harac-)0 41797 y(ters)330 +b(to)h(use)f(as)g(w)-31 b(ord)331 b(b)31 b(oundaries.)480 +b(The)331 b(follo)-31 b(wing)334 b(example)e(uses)d(the)i(string)g +Fk(ai)f Fn(as)h(the)0 43152 y(delimiter:)0 45369 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(string.split\(song,)h('ai'\))0 46724 y(['The)f(r',)f('n)h(in)f(Sp',)h +('n...'])0 48941 y Fn(Notice)371 b(that)f(the)f(delimiter)i(do)31 +b(esn't)370 b(app)31 b(ear)369 b(in)h(the)f(list.)0 51077 +y(The)330 b Fk(join)g Fn(function)h(is)e(the)h(in)-31 +b(v)g(erse)329 b(of)h Fk(split)p Fn(.)480 b(It)330 b(tak)-31 +b(es)330 b(a)g(list)g(of)g(strings)g(and)g(concate-)0 +52432 y(nates)370 b(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 b(with)h(a)e(space)g(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(pair:)0 54648 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(list)f(=)h(['The',)g('rain',)g('in',)g('Spain...'])0 +56003 y(>>>)g(string.join\(list\))0 57358 y('The)g(rain)f(in)h +(Spain...')p eop +%%Page: 93 119 +93 118 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(8.17)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(93)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Lik)-31 b(e)342 b Fk(split)p +Fn(,)349 b Fk(join)342 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)343 b(an)f(optional)i +(delimiter)g(that)f(is)f(inserted)g(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)342 +b(elemen)-31 b(ts:)0 3111 y Fk(>>>)582 b(string.join\(list,)h('_'\))0 +4466 y('The_rain_in_Spain...')5203 7193 y Fm(As)1094 +b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)1271 b(describ)-57 b(e)1096 b(the)f(r)-57 +b(elationship)1095 b(b)-57 b(etwe)g(en)5203 8548 y Fk +(string.join\(string.split\(song\)\))388 b Fm(and)c Fk(song)p +Fm(.)506 b(A)-28 b(r)-57 b(e)384 b(they)5203 9903 y(the)395 +b(same)h(for)g(al)57 b(l)396 b(strings?)508 b(When)396 +b(would)f(they)i(b)-57 b(e)397 b(di\256er)-57 b(ent?)0 +14413 y Fl(8.17)1792 b(Glossary)0 16579 y Fv(list:)552 +b Fn(A)332 b(named)g(collection)j(of)d(ob)61 b(jects,)340 +b(where)332 b(eac)-31 b(h)332 b(ob)61 b(ject)333 b(is)e(iden)-31 +b(ti\257ed)333 b(b)-31 b(y)332 b(an)g(index.)0 18819 +y Fv(index:)553 b Fn(An)370 b(in)-31 b(teger)370 b(v)-61 +b(ariable)370 b(or)f(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(that)g(indicates)h(an)e(elemen) +-31 b(t)371 b(of)e(a)h(list.)0 21060 y Fv(elemen)-35 +b(t:)554 b Fn(One)340 b(of)i(the)f(v)-61 b(alues)340 +b(in)i(a)f(list)g(\(or)g(other)g(sequence\).)484 b(The)341 +b(brac)-31 b(k)g(et)341 b(op)31 b(erator)2767 22415 y(selects)370 +b(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 b(of)g(a)f(list.)0 24655 y Fv(sequence:)555 +b Fn(An)-31 b(y)461 b(of)g(the)h(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es)461 b(that)h(consist)f(of)h(an)f(ordered)f(set)h(of)g(elemen)-31 +b(ts,)2767 26010 y(with)371 b(eac)-31 b(h)369 b(elemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(iden)-31 b(ti\257ed)371 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b(an)h(index.)0 +28250 y Fv(nested)426 b(list:)552 b Fn(A)370 b(list)g(that)g(is)f(an)h +(elemen)-31 b(t)370 b(of)g(another)g(list.)0 30491 y +Fv(list)424 b(tra)-35 b(v)g(ersal:)552 b Fn(The)370 b(sequen)-31 +b(tial)371 b(accessing)e(of)h(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(elemen)-31 +b(t)370 b(in)g(a)f(list.)0 32731 y Fv(ob)71 b(ject:)554 +b Fn(A)369 b(thing)h(to)g(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(a)g(v)-61 +b(ariable)370 b(can)g(refer.)0 34972 y Fv(aliases:)553 +b Fn(Multiple)370 b(v)-61 b(ariables)370 b(that)g(con)-31 +b(tain)372 b(references)367 b(to)j(the)g(same)f(ob)61 +b(ject.)0 37212 y Fv(clone:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)431 b(create)g(a)g(new)g +(ob)61 b(ject)432 b(that)g(has)f(the)g(same)g(v)-61 b(alue)431 +b(as)g(an)g(existing)h(ob)61 b(ject.)2767 38567 y(Cop)-31 +b(ying)475 b(a)d(reference)f(to)h(an)h(ob)61 b(ject)473 +b(creates)f(an)g(alias)h(but)g(do)31 b(esn't)472 b(clone)h(the)2767 +39922 y(ob)61 b(ject.)0 42163 y Fv(delimiter:)553 b Fn(A)284 +b(c)-31 b(haracter)285 b(or)f(string)g(used)g(to)h(indicate)h(where)e +(a)g(string)g(should)h(b)31 b(e)284 b(split.)p eop +%%Page: 94 120 +94 119 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(94)34300 b(Lists)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v eop +%%Page: 95 121 +95 120 bop 0 10119 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(9)0 16616 y Fo(T)-258 +b(uples)0 23972 y Fl(9.1)1793 b(Mutabilit)-50 b(y)600 +b(and)e(tuples)0 26590 y Fn(So)537 b(far,)579 b(y)-31 +b(ou)537 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)537 b(seen)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)538 +b(comp)31 b(ound)538 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es:)827 b(strings,)579 +b(whic)-31 b(h)538 b(are)e(made)h(up)f(of)0 27945 y(c)-31 +b(haracters;)469 b(and)435 b(lists,)453 b(whic)-31 b(h)436 +b(are)f(made)g(up)g(of)h(elemen)-31 b(ts)436 b(of)g(an)-31 +b(y)435 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)691 b(One)435 b(of)h(the)0 +29300 y(di\256erences)522 b(w)-31 b(e)523 b(noted)g(is)g(that)g(the)g +(elemen)-31 b(ts)524 b(of)f(a)g(list)h(can)e(b)31 b(e)522 +b(mo)31 b(di\257ed,)563 b(but)523 b(the)0 30655 y(c)-31 +b(haracters)366 b(in)g(a)h(string)f(cannot.)493 b(In)366 +b(other)g(w)-31 b(ords,)367 b(strings)f(are)g Fv(imm)-35 +b(utable)365 b Fn(and)h(lists)0 32010 y(are)j Fv(m)-35 +b(utable)p Fn(.)0 34261 y(There)399 b(is)h(another)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)400 b(in)g(Python)h(called)g(a)f Fv(tuple)g +Fn(that)g(is)g(similar)h(to)f(a)g(list)g(except)0 35616 +y(that)359 b(it)g(is)e(imm)-31 b(utable.)492 b(Syn)-31 +b(tactically)-92 b(,)364 b(a)359 b(tuple)f(is)g(a)g(comma-separated)i +(list)f(of)f(v)-61 b(alues:)0 37948 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tuple)f(=)h('a',)g +('b',)f('c',)h('d',)g('e')0 40279 y Fn(Although)356 b(it)f(is)f(not)h +(necessary)-92 b(,)356 b(it)f(is)f(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tional)358 +b(to)d(enclose)f(tuples)g(in)h(paren)-31 b(theses:)0 +42611 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tuple)f(=)h(\('a',)g('b',)f('c',)h('d',)g('e'\))0 +44943 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(create)f(a)h(tuple)g(with)g(a)f(single)h +(elemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 +b(to)g(include)g(the)g(\257nal)g(comma:)0 47275 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(t1)f(=)g(\('a',\))0 48630 y(>>>)h(type\(t1\))0 49985 +y()0 52316 y Fn(Without)371 b(the)e(comma,)i(Python)g +(treats)f Fk(\('a'\))f Fn(as)g(a)h(string)f(in)h(paren)-31 +b(theses:)0 54648 y Fk(>>>)582 b(t2)f(=)g(\('a'\))0 56003 +y(>>>)h(type\(t2\))0 57358 y()p eop +%%Page: 96 122 +96 121 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(96)33285 b(T)-106 b(uples)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Syn)-31 b(tax)358 b(issues)e(aside,)361 +b(the)c(op)31 b(erations)358 b(on)f(tuples)g(are)g(the)g(same)h(as)e +(the)i(op)31 b(erations)358 b(on)0 2220 y(lists.)493 +b(The)370 b(index)f(op)31 b(erator)370 b(selects)f(an)h(elemen)-31 +b(t)370 b(from)g(a)f(tuple.)0 4383 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tuple)f(=)h(\('a',)g +('b',)f('c',)h('d',)g('e'\))0 5737 y(>>>)g(tuple[0])0 +7092 y('a')0 9255 y Fn(And)369 b(the)h(slice)f(op)31 +b(erator)370 b(selects)f(a)h(range)f(of)h(elemen)-31 +b(ts.)0 11417 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tuple[1:3])0 12772 y(\('b',)g('c'\))0 +14935 y Fn(But)370 b(if)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(try)f(to)h(mo)31 +b(dify)371 b(one)e(of)h(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(of)e(the)h(tuple,)g +(w)-31 b(e)370 b(get)g(a)f(error:)0 17097 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(tuple[0])g(=)f('A')0 18452 y(TypeError:)i(object)f(doesn't)g(support) +g(item)g(assignment)0 20614 y Fn(Of)457 b(course,)479 +b(ev)-31 b(en)458 b(if)g(w)-31 b(e)458 b(can't)g(mo)31 +b(dify)459 b(the)e(elemen)-31 b(ts)459 b(of)e(a)h(tuple,)480 +b(w)-31 b(e)458 b(can)g(replace)f(it)0 21969 y(with)370 +b(a)g(di\256eren)-31 b(t)369 b(tuple:)0 24132 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(tuple)f(=)h(\('A',\))g(+)f(tuple[1:])0 25487 y(>>>)h(tuple)0 +26842 y(\('A',)g('b',)g('c',)f('d',)h('e'\))0 31316 y +Fl(9.2)1793 b(T)-149 b(uple)598 b(assignmen)-50 b(t)0 +33731 y Fn(Once)485 b(in)g(a)g(while,)515 b(it)486 b(is)f(useful)g(to)g +(sw)-31 b(ap)486 b(the)f(v)-61 b(alues)485 b(of)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)487 b(v)-61 b(ariables.)840 b(With)486 b(con-)0 +35086 y(v)-31 b(en)g(tional)523 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)522 +b(statemen)-31 b(ts,)560 b(w)-31 b(e)520 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)521 +b(to)g(use)e(a)i(temp)31 b(orary)520 b(v)-61 b(ariable.)947 +b(F)-92 b(or)0 36441 y(example,)371 b(to)f(sw)-31 b(ap)370 +b Fk(a)f Fn(and)g Fk(b)p Fn(:)0 38604 y Fk(>>>)582 b(temp)f(=)h(a)0 +39958 y(>>>)g(a)f(=)g(b)0 41313 y(>>>)h(b)f(=)g(temp)0 +43476 y Fn(If)254 b(w)-31 b(e)254 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)254 +b(to)h(do)f(this)g(often,)278 b(this)254 b(approac)-31 +b(h)255 b(b)31 b(ecomes)254 b(cum)-31 b(b)31 b(ersome.)454 +b(Python)256 b(pro)-31 b(vides)0 44831 y(a)369 b(form)h(of)g +Fv(tuple)425 b(assignmen)-35 b(t)369 b Fn(that)i(solv)-31 +b(es)370 b(this)f(problem)h(neatly:)0 46993 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(a,)f(b)g(=)h(b,)f(a)0 49156 y Fn(The)297 b(left)g(side)f(is)g(a)h +(tuple)g(of)g(v)-61 b(ariables;)322 b(the)296 b(righ)-31 +b(t)298 b(side)e(is)g(a)h(tuple)g(of)g(v)-61 b(alues.)468 +b(Eac)-31 b(h)297 b(v)-61 b(alue)0 50511 y(is)420 b(assigned)g(to)h +(its)f(resp)31 b(ectiv)-31 b(e)420 b(v)-61 b(ariable.)645 +b(All)421 b(the)f(expressions)f(on)h(the)h(righ)-31 b(t)420 +b(side)g(are)0 51865 y(ev)-61 b(aluated)400 b(b)31 b(efore)398 +b(an)-31 b(y)399 b(of)g(the)g(assignmen)-31 b(ts.)581 +b(This)399 b(feature)g(mak)-31 b(es)399 b(tuple)g(assignmen)-31 +b(t)0 53220 y(quite)370 b(v)-31 b(ersatile.)0 55302 y(Naturally)-92 +b(,)380 b(the)d(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)376 b(of)g(v)-61 +b(ariables)377 b(on)f(the)h(left)g(and)f(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)377 b(of)f(v)-61 b(alues)376 b(on)h(the)0 +56657 y(righ)-31 b(t)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(b)31 +b(e)369 b(the)g(same:)p eop +%%Page: 97 123 +97 122 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(9.3)425 b(T)-106 b(uples)424 +b(as)h(return)g(v)-71 b(alues)21932 b(97)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(a,)f(b,)g(c,)h(d)f(=)h(1,)f(2,)g(3)0 +2220 y(ValueError:)i(unpack)f(tuple)g(of)f(wrong)h(size)0 +6910 y Fl(9.3)1793 b(T)-149 b(uples)598 b(as)g(return)i(v)-100 +b(alues)0 9454 y Fn(F)-92 b(unctions)466 b(can)f(return)g(tuples)h(as)f +(return)g(v)-61 b(alues.)781 b(F)-92 b(or)465 b(example,)491 +b(w)-31 b(e)466 b(could)g(write)h(a)0 10809 y(function)371 +b(that)f(sw)-31 b(aps)369 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(parameters:)0 +13088 y Fk(def)582 b(swap\(x,)g(y\):)1162 14443 y(return)g(y,)g(x)0 +16722 y Fn(Then)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(assign)f(the)h(return)e(v) +-61 b(alue)370 b(to)g(a)f(tuple)h(with)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)370 +b(v)-61 b(ariables:)0 19000 y Fk(a,)581 b(b)h(=)f(swap\(a,)h(b\))0 +21279 y Fn(In)453 b(this)h(case,)475 b(there)453 b(is)h(no)g(great)g +(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)456 b(in)e(making)h Fk(swap)f +Fn(a)g(function.)747 b(In)453 b(fact,)0 22634 y(there)334 +b(is)g(a)h(danger)g(in)f(trying)i(to)f(encapsulate)g +Fk(swap)p Fn(,)343 b(whic)-31 b(h)335 b(is)f(the)h(follo)-31 +b(wing)338 b(tempting)0 23989 y(mistak)-31 b(e:)0 26268 +y Fk(def)582 b(swap\(x,)g(y\):)3487 b(#)581 b(incorrect)i(version)1162 +27623 y(x,)f(y)f(=)g(y,)h(x)0 29902 y Fn(If)369 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(call)g(this)g(function)g(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)0 +32180 y Fk(swap\(a,)582 b(b\))0 34459 y Fn(then)490 b +Fk(a)f Fn(and)g Fk(x)h Fn(are)f(aliases)h(for)f(the)h(same)g(v)-61 +b(alue.)853 b(Changing)491 b Fk(x)f Fn(inside)f Fk(swap)h +Fn(mak)-31 b(es)0 35814 y Fk(x)495 b Fn(refer)f(to)i(a)f(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)495 b(v)-61 b(alue,)528 b(but)495 b(it)h(has)e(no)i(e\256ect)f(on)g +Fk(a)g Fn(in)p 28531 35814 349 45 v 28949 35814 V 1332 +w Fk(main)p 31692 35814 V 32111 35814 V 837 w Fn(.)870 +b(Similarly)-92 b(,)0 37169 y(c)-31 b(hanging)371 b Fk(y)e +Fn(has)g(no)h(e\256ect)f(on)g Fk(b)p Fn(.)0 39367 y(This)353 +b(function)g(runs)e(without)k(pro)31 b(ducing)353 b(an)f(error)f +(message,)357 b(but)352 b(it)h(do)31 b(esn't)353 b(do)g(what)0 +40722 y(w)-31 b(e)370 b(in)-31 b(tended.)493 b(This)370 +b(is)f(an)g(example)i(of)f(a)f(seman)-31 b(tic)371 b(error.)2767 +43430 y Fm(As)456 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)472 b(dr)-57 +b(aw)456 b(a)g(state)f(diagr)-57 b(am)457 b(for)f(this)g(function)i(so) +e(that)f(you)2767 44785 y(c)-57 b(an)397 b(se)-57 b(e)397 +b(why)e(it)i(do)-57 b(esn)-113 b('t)396 b(work.)0 49394 +y Fl(9.4)1793 b(Random)597 b(n)-50 b(um)g(b)50 b(ers)0 +51938 y Fn(Most)287 b(computer)g(programs)h(do)f(the)g(same)g(thing)h +(ev)-31 b(ery)287 b(time)h(they)f(execute,)304 b(so)287 +b(they)g(are)0 53293 y(said)296 b(to)h(b)31 b(e)295 b +Fv(deterministic)p Fn(.)469 b(Determinism)297 b(is)e(usually)i(a)g(go) +31 b(o)g(d)296 b(thing,)313 b(since)295 b(w)-31 b(e)297 +b(exp)31 b(ect)0 54648 y(the)428 b(same)g(calculation)j(to)e(yield)g +(the)f(same)g(result.)669 b(F)-92 b(or)427 b(some)h(applications,)446 +b(though,)0 56003 y(w)-31 b(e)320 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)321 +b(the)f(computer)h(to)f(b)31 b(e)319 b(unpredictable.)477 +b(Games)320 b(are)f(an)h(ob)-31 b(vious)321 b(example,)332 +b(but)0 57358 y(there)369 b(are)g(more.)p eop +%%Page: 98 124 +98 123 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(98)33285 b(T)-106 b(uples)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Making)329 b(a)e(program)h(truly)g +(nondeterministic)i(turns)d(out)h(to)g(b)31 b(e)327 b(not)h(so)f(easy) +-92 b(,)337 b(but)327 b(there)0 2220 y(are)428 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys)429 b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)430 b(it)f(at)g(least)g(seem)f +(nondeterministic.)672 b(One)427 b(of)i(them)g(is)f(to)h(gener-)0 +3575 y(ate)414 b(random)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)413 +b(and)g(use)g(them)g(to)h(determine)g(the)f(outcome)i(of)e(the)h +(program.)0 4930 y(Python)441 b(pro)-31 b(vides)439 b(a)h(built-in)h +(function)f(that)h(generates)e Fv(pseudorandom)j Fn(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)0 6285 y(whic)-31 b(h)467 b(are)f(not)h(truly)f +(random)h(in)g(the)f(mathematical)k(sense,)490 b(but)466 +b(for)g(our)g(purp)31 b(oses)0 7640 y(they)370 b(will)h(do.)0 +9947 y(The)407 b Fk(random)h Fn(mo)31 b(dule)408 b(con)-31 +b(tains)409 b(a)f(function)g(called)h Fk(random)f Fn(that)g(returns)e +(a)i(\260oating-)0 11302 y(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)319 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)318 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)318 b(0.0)h(and)f(1.0.) +477 b(Eac)-31 b(h)318 b(time)h(y)-31 b(ou)319 b(call)g +Fk(random)p Fn(,)329 b(y)-31 b(ou)318 b(get)h(the)e(next)0 +12656 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(in)h(a)f(long)i(series.)491 +b(T)-92 b(o)370 b(see)f(a)g(sample,)i(run)d(this)i(lo)31 +b(op:)0 15044 y Fk(import)582 b(random)0 17754 y(for)g(i)f(in)g +(range\(10\):)1162 19109 y(x)h(=)f(random.random\(\))1162 +20464 y(print)h(x)0 22852 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)546 b(generate)h(a)f(random)h +(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)546 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)547 +b(0.0)g(and)g(an)f(upp)31 b(er)545 b(b)31 b(ound)546 +b(lik)-31 b(e)547 b Fk(high)p Fn(,)0 24207 y(m)-31 b(ultiply)372 +b Fk(x)d Fn(b)-31 b(y)369 b Fk(high)p Fn(.)2767 27126 +y Fm(As)396 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)397 b(gener)-57 b(ate)397 +b(a)f(r)-57 b(andom)396 b(numb)-57 b(er)397 b(b)-57 b(etwe)g(en)398 +b Fk(low)e Fm(and)g Fk(high)p Fm(.)2767 30045 y(As)489 +b(an)h(additional)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)514 b(gener)-57 +b(ate)491 b(a)e(r)-57 b(andom)490 b Fn(in)-31 b(teger)490 +b Fm(b)-57 b(etwe)g(en)491 b Fk(low)2767 31400 y Fm(and)396 +b Fk(high)p Fm(,)h(including)h(b)-57 b(oth)396 b(end)h(p)-57 +b(oints.)0 36336 y Fl(9.5)1793 b(List)599 b(of)e(random)i(n)-50 +b(um)g(b)50 b(ers)0 39033 y Fn(The)273 b(\257rst)g(step)g(is)g(to)i +(generate)e(a)h(list)g(of)g(random)g(v)-61 b(alues.)461 +b Fk(randomList)274 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)274 b(an)g(in)-31 +b(teger)0 40388 y(parameter)313 b(and)g(returns)f(a)h(list)g(of)g +(random)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)312 b(with)i(the)e(giv)-31 +b(en)314 b(length.)475 b(It)313 b(starts)0 41743 y(with)286 +b(a)f(list)h(of)f Fk(n)g Fn(zeros.)464 b(Eac)-31 b(h)286 +b(time)g(through)g(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)303 b(it)286 b(replaces)e(one)h +(of)h(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts)0 43098 y(with)370 b(a)g(random)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er.)492 b(The)370 b(return)e(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(is)f(a)h(reference)e(to)i(the)f(complete)i(list:)0 +45486 y Fk(def)582 b(randomList\(n\):)1162 46841 y(s)g(=)f([0])g(*)h(n) +1162 48196 y(for)g(i)f(in)h(range\(n\):)2325 49551 y(s[i])f(=)h +(random.random\(\))1162 50905 y(return)g(s)0 53293 y +Fn(W)-92 b(e'll)320 b(test)g(this)g(function)h(with)g(a)f(list)g(of)g +(eigh)-31 b(t)321 b(elemen)-31 b(ts.)478 b(F)-92 b(or)318 +b(purp)31 b(oses)319 b(of)h(debugging,)0 54648 y(it)370 +b(is)f(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)369 b(idea)h(to)g(start)g(small.)p +eop +%%Page: 99 125 +99 124 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(9.6)425 b(Coun)-35 b(ting)29740 +b(99)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(randomList\(8\))0 +2220 y(0.15156642489)0 3575 y(0.498048560109)0 4930 y(0.810894847068)0 +6285 y(0.360371157682)0 7640 y(0.275119183077)0 8995 +y(0.328578797631)0 10350 y(0.759199803101)0 11705 y(0.800367163582)0 +13953 y Fn(The)466 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)465 b(generated)h(b)-31 +b(y)466 b Fk(random)g Fn(are)f(supp)31 b(osed)465 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)465 b(distributed)h(uniformly)-92 b(,)0 15308 y(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(means)g(that)g(ev)-31 b(ery)369 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(is)f(equally)i(lik)-31 b(ely)-92 b(.)0 17475 y(If)404 +b(w)-31 b(e)404 b(divide)h(the)g(range)f(of)h(p)31 b(ossible)404 +b(v)-61 b(alues)404 b(in)-31 b(to)406 b(equal-sized)f(\\buc)-31 +b(k)g(ets,")415 b(and)404 b(coun)-31 b(t)0 18830 y(the)341 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)340 b(of)h(times)g(a)g(random)g(v)-61 +b(alue)341 b(falls)h(in)e(eac)-31 b(h)341 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et,)348 +b(w)-31 b(e)341 b(should)g(get)g(roughly)0 20184 y(the)369 +b(same)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(in)h(eac)-31 b(h.)0 +22352 y(W)-92 b(e)392 b(can)i(test)f(this)h(theory)f(b)-31 +b(y)394 b(writing)h(a)e(program)h(to)g(divide)g(the)f(range)h(in)-31 +b(to)394 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(ets)0 23706 y(and)369 b(coun)-31 +b(t)371 b(the)e(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(v)-61 +b(alues)369 b(in)h(eac)-31 b(h.)0 28223 y Fl(9.6)1793 +b(Coun)-50 b(ting)0 30724 y Fn(A)290 b(go)31 b(o)g(d)291 +b(approac)-31 b(h)291 b(to)g(problems)g(lik)-31 b(e)291 +b(this)g(is)f(to)h(divide)g(the)f(problem)h(in)-31 b(to)292 +b(subproblems)0 32079 y(and)305 b(lo)31 b(ok)307 b(for)e(subproblems)g +(that)h(\257t)g(a)f(computational)k(pattern)d(y)-31 b(ou)306 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)306 b(seen)f(b)31 b(efore.)0 34246 y(In)284 +b(this)h(case,)301 b(w)-31 b(e)285 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)286 +b(to)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)285 b(a)f(list)i(of)e(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)284 b(and)h(coun)-31 b(t)285 b(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)284 b(of)h(times)0 35601 y(a)370 b(v)-61 +b(alue)369 b(falls)i(in)f(a)f(giv)-31 b(en)371 b(range.)493 +b(That)371 b(sounds)e(familiar.)495 b(In)369 b(Section)i(7.8,)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(wrote)g(a)0 36956 y(program)343 b(that)h(tra)-31 +b(v)g(ersed)343 b(a)f(string)h(and)g(coun)-31 b(ted)343 +b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)342 b(of)h(times)h(a)e(giv)-31 +b(en)344 b(letter)0 38311 y(app)31 b(eared.)0 40478 y(So,)362 +b(w)-31 b(e)359 b(can)g(pro)31 b(ceed)359 b(b)-31 b(y)359 +b(cop)-31 b(ying)361 b(the)e(old)g(program)h(and)f(adapting)i(it)f(for) +f(the)g(curren)-31 b(t)0 41833 y(problem.)493 b(The)370 +b(original)h(program)f(w)-31 b(as:)0 44081 y Fk(count)582 +b(=)f(0)0 45436 y(for)h(char)f(in)h(fruit:)1162 46791 +y(if)g(char)f(==)h('a':)2325 48146 y(count)f(=)h(count)g(+)f(1)0 +49501 y(print)h(count)0 51749 y Fn(The)396 b(\257rst)e(step)i(is)f(to)h +(replace)f Fk(fruit)h Fn(with)h Fk(list)f Fn(and)f Fk(char)h +Fn(with)g Fk(num)p Fn(.)572 b(That)396 b(do)31 b(esn't)0 +53104 y(c)-31 b(hange)370 b(the)g(program;)g(it)g(just)f(mak)-31 +b(es)370 b(it)g(more)g(readable.)0 55271 y(The)428 b(second)f(step)h +(is)f(to)i(c)-31 b(hange)428 b(the)g(test.)668 b(W)-92 +b(e)427 b(aren't)i(in)-31 b(terested)428 b(in)g(\257nding)g(letters.)0 +56626 y(W)-92 b(e)368 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)371 b(to)f(see)f(if)h +Fk(num)f Fn(is)g(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(the)g(giv)-31 +b(en)370 b(v)-61 b(alues)369 b Fk(low)h Fn(and)f Fk(high)p +Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 100 126 +100 125 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(100)32649 b(T)-106 b(uples)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(count)582 b(=)f(0)0 2220 +y(for)h(num)f(in)h(list)1162 3575 y(if)g(low)f(<)h(num)f(<)h(high:)2325 +4930 y(count)f(=)h(count)g(+)f(1)0 6285 y(print)h(count)0 +8568 y Fn(The)455 b(last)h(step)f(is)f(to)i(encapsulate)g(this)f(co)31 +b(de)455 b(in)g(a)h(function)g(called)g Fk(inBucket)p +Fn(.)751 b(The)0 9923 y(parameters)370 b(are)f(the)g(list)h(and)g(the)f +(v)-61 b(alues)369 b Fk(low)h Fn(and)f Fk(high)p Fn(.)0 +12205 y Fk(def)582 b(inBucket\(list,)h(low,)f(high\):)1162 +13560 y(count)g(=)f(0)1162 14915 y(for)h(num)f(in)h(list:)2325 +16270 y(if)f(low)h(<)f(num)h(<)f(high:)3487 17625 y(count)h(=)f(count)h +(+)f(1)1162 18980 y(return)h(count)0 21263 y Fn(By)547 +b(cop)-31 b(ying)548 b(and)f(mo)31 b(difying)549 b(an)e(existing)h +(program,)592 b(w)-31 b(e)548 b(w)-31 b(ere)546 b(able)i(to)f(write)h +(this)0 22618 y(function)462 b(quic)-31 b(kly)461 b(and)g(sa)-31 +b(v)g(e)460 b(a)h(lot)g(of)g(debugging)h(time.)766 b(This)461 +b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)462 b(plan)f(is)0 23973 y(called)357 +b Fv(pattern)411 b(matc)-35 b(hing)p Fn(.)488 b(If)356 +b(y)-31 b(ou)357 b(\257nd)f(y)-31 b(ourself)357 b(w)-31 +b(orking)358 b(on)e(a)h(problem)g(y)-31 b(ou)357 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)0 25327 y(solv)g(ed)370 b(b)31 b(efore,)369 b(reuse)g(the)g +(solution.)0 29948 y Fl(9.7)1793 b(Man)-50 b(y)598 b(buc)-50 +b(k)g(ets)0 32498 y Fn(As)368 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)368 b(of)h(buc)-31 b(k)g(ets)368 b(increases,)h +Fk(inBucket)g Fn(gets)f(a)h(little)h(un)-31 b(wieldy)-92 +b(.)494 b(With)368 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 33853 y(buc)g(k)g(ets,)370 +b(it's)g(not)g(bad:)0 36136 y Fk(low)582 b(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.0,)e +(0.5\))0 37491 y(high)h(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.5,)f(1\))0 +39773 y Fn(But)370 b(with)g(four)f(buc)-31 b(k)g(ets)370 +b(it)g(is)f(getting)i(cum)-31 b(b)31 b(ersome.)0 42056 +y Fk(bucket1)582 b(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.0,)f(0.25\))0 +43411 y(bucket2)g(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.25,)f(0.5\))0 +44766 y(bucket3)g(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.5,)f(0.75\))0 +46121 y(bucket4)g(=)f(inBucket\(a,)i(0.75,)f(1.0\))0 +48404 y Fn(There)404 b(are)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)406 b(problems.)596 +b(One)404 b(is)g(that)h(w)-31 b(e)404 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)405 +b(to)f(mak)-31 b(e)405 b(up)f(new)g(v)-61 b(ariable)405 +b(names)0 49759 y(for)314 b(eac)-31 b(h)314 b(result.)474 +b(The)314 b(other)g(is)f(that)i(w)-31 b(e)314 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)315 b(to)f(compute)h(the)f(range)g(for)f(eac)-31 +b(h)314 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et.)0 51960 y(W)-92 b(e'll)415 +b(solv)-31 b(e)416 b(the)f(second)f(problem)i(\257rst.)628 +b(If)415 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)414 b(of)h(buc)-31 +b(k)g(ets)416 b(is)e Fk(numBuckets)p Fn(,)0 53315 y(then)369 +b(the)h(width)g(of)g(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et)370 +b(is)f Fk(1.0)581 b(/)h(numBuckets)p Fn(.)0 55517 y(W)-92 +b(e'll)466 b(use)e(a)i(lo)31 b(op)466 b(to)g(compute)g(the)f(range)h +(of)f(eac)-31 b(h)466 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et.)781 b(The)466 +b(lo)31 b(op)466 b(v)-61 b(ariable,)490 b Fk(i)p Fn(,)0 +56872 y(coun)-31 b(ts)370 b(from)g(0)f(to)h Fk(numBuckets-1)p +Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 101 127 +101 126 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(9.7)425 b(Man)-35 b(y)424 b(buc)-35 +b(k)g(ets)26473 b(101)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(bucketWidth)583 +b(=)e(1.0)h(/)f(numBuckets)0 2220 y(for)h(i)f(in)g +(range\(numBuckets\):)1162 3575 y(low)h(=)f(i)g(*)h(bucketWidth)1162 +4930 y(high)g(=)f(low)h(+)f(bucketWidth)1162 6285 y(print)h(low,)g +("to",)g(high)0 8340 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)430 b(compute)g(the)g(lo)-31 +b(w)431 b(end)e(of)h(eac)-31 b(h)430 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et,)446 +b(w)-31 b(e)430 b(m)-31 b(ultiply)432 b(the)d(lo)31 b(op)431 +b(v)-61 b(ariable)430 b(b)-31 b(y)430 b(the)0 9695 y(buc)-31 +b(k)g(et)370 b(width.)494 b(The)369 b(high)h(end)f(is)g(just)h(a)f +Fk(bucketWidth)i Fn(a)-31 b(w)g(a)g(y)-92 b(.)0 11668 +y(With)370 b Fk(numBuckets)582 b(=)g(8)p Fn(,)369 b(the)h(output)g(is:) +0 13723 y Fk(0.0)582 b(to)f(0.125)0 15078 y(0.125)h(to)f(0.25)0 +16433 y(0.25)h(to)f(0.375)0 17788 y(0.375)h(to)f(0.5)0 +19143 y(0.5)h(to)f(0.625)0 20498 y(0.625)h(to)f(0.75)0 +21853 y(0.75)h(to)f(0.875)0 23208 y(0.875)h(to)f(1.0)0 +25263 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)419 b(can)g(con\257rm)g(that)h(eac)-31 +b(h)420 b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et)419 b(is)g(the)g(same)h(width,)432 +b(that)421 b(they)e(don't)h(o)-31 b(v)g(erlap,)0 26618 +y(and)369 b(that)i(they)f(co)-31 b(v)g(er)369 b(the)h(en)-31 +b(tire)369 b(range)h(from)g(0.0)g(to)g(1.0.)0 28592 y(No)-31 +b(w)335 b(bac)-31 b(k)335 b(to)g(the)f(\257rst)f(problem.)482 +b(W)-92 b(e)333 b(need)h(a)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)335 b(to)g(store)f(eigh)-31 +b(t)335 b(in)-31 b(tegers,)342 b(using)335 b(the)0 29946 +y(lo)31 b(op)346 b(v)-61 b(ariable)345 b(to)h(indicate)g(one)f(at)g(a)g +(time.)486 b(By)344 b(no)-31 b(w)346 b(y)-31 b(ou)345 +b(should)g(b)31 b(e)344 b(thinking,)352 b(\\List!")0 +31920 y(W)-92 b(e)367 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)369 b(to)f(create)g(the)g(buc) +-31 b(k)g(et)369 b(list)f(outside)h(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)369 +b(b)31 b(ecause)368 b(w)-31 b(e)368 b(only)h(w)-31 b(an)g(t)369 +b(to)g(do)0 33275 y(it)438 b(once.)698 b(Inside)437 b(the)g(lo)31 +b(op,)456 b(w)-31 b(e'll)439 b(call)g Fk(inBucket)f Fn(rep)31 +b(eatedly)438 b(and)g(up)31 b(date)438 b(the)g Fk(i)p +Fn(-eth)0 34630 y(elemen)-31 b(t)371 b(of)e(the)h(list:)0 +36685 y Fk(numBuckets)583 b(=)e(8)0 38040 y(buckets)h(=)f([0])h(*)f +(numBuckets)0 39395 y(bucketWidth)i(=)e(1.0)h(/)f(numBuckets)0 +40750 y(for)h(i)f(in)g(range\(numBuckets\):)1162 42105 +y(low)h(=)f(i)g(*)h(bucketWidth)1162 43460 y(high)g(=)f(low)h(+)f +(bucketWidth)1162 44815 y(buckets[i])i(=)e(inBucket\(list,)i(low,)f +(high\))0 46170 y(print)g(buckets)0 48224 y Fn(With)370 +b(a)f(list)h(of)g(1000)h(v)-61 b(alues,)370 b(this)f(co)31 +b(de)369 b(pro)31 b(duces)369 b(this)g(buc)-31 b(k)g(et)370 +b(list:)0 50279 y Fk([138,)582 b(124,)g(128,)f(118,)h(130,)g(117,)g +(114,)f(131])0 52334 y Fn(These)299 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)300 b(are)f(fairly)i(close)f(to)g(125,)315 b(whic)-31 +b(h)301 b(is)e(what)i(w)-31 b(e)300 b(exp)31 b(ected.)469 +b(A)-31 b(t)301 b(least,)314 b(they)0 53689 y(are)369 +b(close)h(enough)f(that)i(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(b)31 +b(eliev)-31 b(e)370 b(the)f(random)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)370 b(generator)g(is)f(w)-31 b(orking.)2767 55788 +y Fm(As)435 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)445 b(test)434 b(this)h(function)h +(with)e(some)h(longer)g(lists,)444 b(and)435 b(se)-57 +b(e)435 b(if)2767 57143 y(the)396 b(numb)-57 b(er)397 +b(of)g(values)f(in)g(e)-57 b(ach)397 b(bucket)f(tends)g(to)g(level)g +(o\256.)p eop +%%Page: 102 128 +102 127 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(102)32649 b(T)-106 b(uples)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(9.8)1793 b(A)598 b(single-pass)h +(solution)0 3903 y Fn(Although)358 b(this)f(program)g(w)-31 +b(orks,)360 b(it)d(is)f(not)h(as)g(e\261cien)-31 b(t)357 +b(as)g(it)g(could)g(b)31 b(e.)488 b(Ev)-31 b(ery)357 +b(time)g(it)0 5257 y(calls)372 b Fk(inBucket)p Fn(,)g(it)g(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erses)370 b(the)h(en)-31 b(tire)371 b(list.)498 +b(As)371 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)370 b(of)i(buc)-31 +b(k)g(ets)371 b(increases,)0 6612 y(that)f(gets)g(to)g(b)31 +b(e)369 b(a)g(lot)i(of)e(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersals.)0 9162 +y(It)363 b(w)-31 b(ould)364 b(b)31 b(e)362 b(b)31 b(etter)363 +b(to)h(mak)-31 b(e)364 b(a)f(single)h(pass)e(through)i(the)f(list)g +(and)h(compute)g(for)e(eac)-31 b(h)0 10517 y(v)-61 b(alue)507 +b(the)h(index)f(of)h(the)f(buc)-31 b(k)g(et)508 b(in)f(whic)-31 +b(h)508 b(it)g(falls.)907 b(Then)507 b(w)-31 b(e)508 +b(can)f(incremen)-31 b(t)508 b(the)0 11872 y(appropriate)370 +b(coun)-31 b(ter.)0 14422 y(In)737 b(the)g(previous)h(section)g(w)-31 +b(e)738 b(to)31 b(ok)738 b(an)g(index,)830 b Fk(i)p Fn(,)f(and)738 +b(m)-31 b(ultiplied)740 b(it)e(b)-31 b(y)738 b(the)0 +15777 y Fk(bucketWidth)394 b Fn(to)f(\257nd)f(the)g(lo)-31 +b(w)g(er)394 b(b)31 b(ound)392 b(of)h(a)f(giv)-31 b(en)394 +b(buc)-31 b(k)g(et.)562 b(No)-31 b(w)394 b(w)-31 b(e)393 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)394 b(to)f(tak)-31 b(e)0 17132 y(a)369 +b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(in)g(the)f(range)g(0.0)i(to)f(1.0)g(and)g(\257nd)f +(the)g(index)h(of)f(the)h(buc)-31 b(k)g(et)370 b(where)f(it)h(falls.)0 +19682 y(Since)387 b(this)f(problem)h(is)g(the)f(in)-31 +b(v)g(erse)387 b(of)g(the)f(previous)h(problem,)392 b(w)-31 +b(e)387 b(migh)-31 b(t)388 b(guess)e(that)0 21037 y(w)-31 +b(e)334 b(should)f(divide)h(b)-31 b(y)334 b Fk(bucketWidth)g +Fn(instead)g(of)g(m)-31 b(ultiplying.)484 b(That)335 +b(guess)d(is)i(correct.)0 23587 y(Since)250 b Fk(bucketWidth)583 +b(=)f(1.0)f(/)g(numBuckets)p Fn(,)276 b(dividing)253 +b(b)-31 b(y)250 b Fk(bucketWidth)i Fn(is)e(the)h(same)0 +24942 y(as)361 b(m)-31 b(ultiplying)365 b(b)-31 b(y)362 +b Fk(numBuckets)p Fn(.)491 b(If)361 b(w)-31 b(e)362 b(m)-31 +b(ultiply)364 b(a)e(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)361 b(in)h(the)f(range)h +(0.0)h(to)f(1.0)0 26296 y(b)-31 b(y)418 b Fk(numBuckets)p +Fn(,)432 b(w)-31 b(e)418 b(get)h(a)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)418 b(in)g(the)g(range)g(from)g(0.0)h(to)g Fk(numBuckets)p +Fn(.)640 b(If)417 b(w)-31 b(e)0 27651 y(round)290 b(that)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)290 b(to)h(the)f(next)h(lo)-31 b(w)g(er)291 +b(in)-31 b(teger,)308 b(w)-31 b(e)290 b(get)h(exactly)h(what)f(w)-31 +b(e)291 b(are)f(lo)31 b(oking)0 29006 y(for|a)370 b(buc)-31 +b(k)g(et)370 b(index:)0 31637 y Fk(numBuckets)583 b(=)e(8)0 +32992 y(buckets)h(=)f([0])h(*)f(numBuckets)0 34347 y(for)h(i)f(in)g +(list:)1162 35702 y(index)h(=)f(int\(i)h(*)g(numBuckets\))1162 +37057 y(buckets[index])i(=)d(buckets[index])i(+)e(1)0 +39688 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(used)h(the)g Fk(int)h Fn(function)g(to)g +(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)371 b(a)e(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)373 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(to)h(an)f(in)-31 +b(teger.)0 42238 y(Is)316 b(it)i(p)31 b(ossible)318 b(for)f(this)g +(calculation)j(to)e(pro)31 b(duce)317 b(an)g(index)h(that)g(is)f(out)h +(of)g(range)f(\(either)0 43593 y(negativ)-31 b(e)371 +b(or)e(greater)h(than)g Fk(len\(buckets\)-1)p Fn(\)?)0 +46143 y(A)388 b(list)h(lik)-31 b(e)390 b Fk(buckets)f +Fn(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)390 b(coun)-31 b(ts)388 b(of)h(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)388 b(of)h(v)-61 b(alues)388 b(in)h(eac)-31 +b(h)389 b(range)0 47498 y(is)369 b(called)i(a)e Fv(histogram)p +Fn(.)2767 50885 y Fm(As)452 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)467 +b(write)451 b(a)h(function)h(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 b(d)453 +b Fk(histogram)g Fm(that)e(takes)g(a)h(list)2767 52240 +y(and)343 b(a)g(numb)-57 b(er)344 b(of)f(buckets)h(as)e(p)-57 +b(ar)g(ameters)343 b(and)f(r)-57 b(eturns)343 b(a)g(histo)-57 +b(gr)g(am)343 b(with)2767 53595 y(the)396 b(given)i(numb)-57 +b(er)397 b(of)f(buckets.)p eop +%%Page: 103 129 +103 128 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(9.9)425 b(Glossary)29420 b(103)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(9.9)1793 b(Glossary)0 3030 +y Fv(imm)-35 b(utable)424 b(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e:)553 b +Fn(A)395 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)395 b(in)g(whic)-31 b(h)396 +b(the)f(elemen)-31 b(ts)395 b(cannot)h(b)31 b(e)395 b(mo)31 +b(di\257ed.)570 b(Assign-)2767 4385 y(men)-31 b(ts)370 +b(to)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 b(or)f(slices)h(of)f(imm)-31 +b(utable)372 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)370 b(cause)f(an)g(error.)0 +6626 y Fv(m)-35 b(utable)424 b(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e:)554 +b Fn(A)418 b(data)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)418 b(in)g(whic)-31 +b(h)418 b(the)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)419 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)417 +b(mo)31 b(di\257ed.)640 b(All)418 b(m)-31 b(u-)2767 7981 +y(table)382 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)380 b(are)f(comp)31 +b(ound)381 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es.)525 b(Lists)380 b(and)g(dictionaries)i +(are)e(m)-31 b(utable)382 b(data)2767 9336 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es;)370 b(strings)f(and)h(tuples)f(are)g(not.)0 11576 +y Fv(tuple:)554 b Fn(A)472 b(sequence)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)473 b(that)h(is)f(similar)h(to)g(a)f(list)h(except)f(that)h(it)g +(is)f(imm)-31 b(utable.)2767 12931 y(T)-92 b(uples)325 +b(can)h(b)31 b(e)324 b(used)h(wherev)-31 b(er)324 b(an)i(imm)-31 +b(utable)327 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)326 b(is)f(required,)334 +b(suc)-31 b(h)324 b(as)h(a)g(k)-31 b(ey)2767 14286 y(in)370 +b(a)f(dictionary)-92 b(.)0 16526 y Fv(tuple)425 b(assignmen)-35 +b(t:)554 b Fn(An)486 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)488 b(to)f(all)h(of)f(the)f +(elemen)-31 b(ts)488 b(in)e(a)h(tuple)g(using)g(a)2767 +17881 y(single)436 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)436 b(statemen)-31 +b(t.)690 b(T)-92 b(uple)435 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)436 b(o)31 +b(ccurs)433 b(in)i(parallel)h(rather)2767 19236 y(than)370 +b(in)g(sequence,)f(making)i(it)f(useful)f(for)h(sw)-31 +b(apping)370 b(v)-61 b(alues.)0 21477 y Fv(deterministic:)553 +b Fn(A)370 b(program)g(that)g(do)31 b(es)369 b(the)g(same)h(thing)g +(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(time)g(it)g(is)f(called.)0 23717 y +Fv(pseudorandom:)556 b Fn(A)432 b(sequence)f(of)i(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)431 b(that)i(app)31 b(ear)432 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)432 b(random)g(but)h(that)2767 25072 y(are)369 b(actually)j(the)d +(result)h(of)f(a)h(deterministic)h(computation.)0 27313 +y Fv(histogram:)554 b Fn(A)288 b(list)i(of)f(in)-31 b(tegers)289 +b(in)g(whic)-31 b(h)289 b(eac)-31 b(h)289 b(elemen)-31 +b(t)290 b(coun)-31 b(ts)289 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)288 b(of)h(times)2767 28668 y(something)371 b(happ)31 +b(ens.)0 30908 y Fv(pattern)425 b(matc)-35 b(hing:)553 +b Fn(A)439 b(program)g(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)441 b(plan)e(that)h(in)-31 +b(v)g(olv)g(es)440 b(iden)-31 b(tifying)442 b(a)2767 +32263 y(familiar)299 b(computational)h(pattern)d(and)f(cop)-31 +b(ying)298 b(the)e(solution)i(to)e(a)h(similar)g(prob-)2767 +33618 y(lem.)p eop +%%Page: 104 130 +104 129 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(104)32649 b(T)-106 b(uples)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 105 131 +105 130 bop 0 9950 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(10)0 16278 y Fo(Dictionaries)0 +22788 y Fn(The)474 b(comp)31 b(ound)475 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es)474 b(y)-31 b(ou)475 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)475 b(learned)f(ab)31 +b(out|strings,)502 b(lists,)g(and)474 b(tuples|use)0 +24143 y(in)-31 b(tegers)459 b(as)f(indices.)759 b(If)458 +b(y)-31 b(ou)458 b(try)g(to)h(use)f(an)-31 b(y)458 b(other)h(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)458 b(as)g(an)g(index,)481 b(y)-31 b(ou)459 +b(get)g(an)0 25498 y(error.)0 27580 y Fv(Dictionaries)476 +b Fn(are)g(similar)h(to)g(other)f(comp)31 b(ound)477 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)476 b(except)g(that)h(they)f(can)h(use)0 +28935 y(an)-31 b(y)447 b(imm)-31 b(utable)450 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)447 b(as)f(an)h(index.)726 b(As)446 b(an)h(example,)468 +b(w)-31 b(e)447 b(will)h(create)f(a)g(dictionary)0 30290 +y(to)494 b(translate)g(English)g(w)-31 b(ords)493 b(in)-31 +b(to)494 b(Spanish.)864 b(F)-92 b(or)493 b(this)g(dictionary)-92 +b(,)526 b(the)493 b(indices)g(are)0 31645 y Fk(strings)p +Fn(.)0 33727 y(One)418 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)419 b(to)g(create)f(a)g +(dictionary)i(is)e(to)h(start)f(with)h(the)f(empt)-31 +b(y)420 b(dictionary)f(and)g(add)0 35082 y(elemen)-31 +b(ts.)494 b(The)369 b(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(dictionary)g(is)e(denoted)h +Fk({})p Fn(:)0 37246 y Fk(>>>)582 b(eng2sp)g(=)f({})0 +38600 y(>>>)h(eng2sp['one'])h(=)e('uno')0 39955 y(>>>)h(eng2sp['two'])h +(=)e('dos')0 42119 y Fn(The)343 b(\257rst)g(assignmen)-31 +b(t)345 b(creates)e(a)g(dictionary)i(named)f Fk(eng2sp)p +Fn(;)353 b(the)343 b(other)h(assignmen)-31 b(ts)0 43474 +y(add)522 b(new)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)523 b(to)f(the)g(dictionary)-92 +b(.)952 b(W)-92 b(e)521 b(can)h(prin)-31 b(t)522 b(the)g(curren)-31 +b(t)521 b(v)-61 b(alue)522 b(of)h(the)0 44828 y(dictionary)371 +b(in)f(the)f(usual)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y:)0 46992 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(print)f(eng2sp)0 48347 y({'one':)h('uno',)g('two':)g('dos'})0 +50510 y Fn(The)501 b(elemen)-31 b(ts)501 b(of)g(a)g(dictionary)h(app)31 +b(ear)501 b(in)g(a)f(comma-separated)j(list.)887 b(Eac)-31 +b(h)502 b(en)-31 b(try)0 51865 y(con)g(tains)345 b(an)g(index)f(and)g +(a)g(v)-61 b(alue)345 b(separated)f(b)-31 b(y)344 b(a)g(colon.)486 +b(In)343 b(a)h(dictionary)-92 b(,)351 b(the)345 b(indices)0 +53220 y(are)369 b(called)h Fv(k)-35 b(eys)p Fn(,)370 +b(so)f(the)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(are)e(called)h Fv(k)-35 +b(ey-v)-71 b(alue)425 b(pairs)p Fn(.)0 55302 y(Another)389 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)390 b(to)f(create)f(a)h(dictionary)h(is)e(to)h(pro)-31 +b(vide)389 b(a)g(list)g(of)g(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)389 +b(pairs)g(using)0 56657 y(the)369 b(same)h(syn)-31 b(tax)370 +b(as)f(the)h(previous)f(output:)p eop +%%Page: 106 132 +106 131 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(106)29612 b(Dictionaries)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(eng2sp)g(=)f({'one':)h('uno',)g +('two':)g('dos',)g('three':)h('tres'})0 3071 y Fn(If)369 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(prin)-31 b(t)369 b(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 +b(of)h Fk(eng2sp)g Fn(again,)h(w)-31 b(e)370 b(get)g(a)g(surprise:)0 +5276 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(eng2sp)0 6631 y({'one':)h('uno',)g +('three':)h('tres',)f('two':)g('dos'})0 8837 y Fn(The)462 +b(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)464 b(pairs)e(are)g(not)h(in)f(order!)771 +b(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)487 b(there)462 b(is)g(no)g(reason)g(to)h +(care)0 10192 y(ab)31 b(out)262 b(the)f(order,)283 b(since)261 +b(the)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)262 b(of)g(a)f(dictionary)i(are)e(nev)-31 +b(er)261 b(indexed)h(with)g(in)-31 b(teger)0 11546 y(indices.)493 +b(Instead,)370 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(use)g(the)g(k)-31 b(eys)370 +b(to)g(lo)31 b(ok)370 b(up)f(the)h(corresp)31 b(onding)369 +b(v)-61 b(alues:)0 13752 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(eng2sp['two'])0 +15107 y('dos')0 17312 y Fn(The)372 b(k)-31 b(ey)373 b +Fk('two')g Fn(yields)g(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)373 b Fk('dos')g +Fn(ev)-31 b(en)372 b(though)i(it)f(app)31 b(ears)372 +b(in)g(the)h(third)f(k)-31 b(ey-)0 18667 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(pair.)0 23121 y Fl(10.1)1792 b(Dictionary)600 b(op)50 +b(erations)0 25579 y Fn(The)445 b Fk(del)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)446 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)446 b(a)f(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 +b(alue)445 b(pair)g(from)h(a)e(dictionary)-92 b(.)721 +b(F)-92 b(or)444 b(example,)0 26934 y(the)348 b(follo)-31 +b(wing)352 b(dictionary)e(con)-31 b(tains)350 b(the)f(names)f(of)h(v) +-61 b(arious)348 b(fruits)g(and)h(the)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)348 b(of)0 28289 y(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(fruit)f(in)h(sto)31 +b(c)-31 b(k:)0 30495 y Fk(>>>)582 b(inventory)g(=)f({'apples':)i(430,)f +('bananas':)g(312,)g('oranges':)h(525,)0 31850 y('pears':)f(217})0 +33205 y(>>>)g(print)f(inventory)0 34559 y({'oranges':)i(525,)f +('apples':)g(430,)g('pears':)g(217,)g('bananas':)g(312})0 +36765 y Fn(If)369 b(someone)h(buys)f(all)h(of)g(the)f(p)31 +b(ears,)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(remo)-31 b(v)g(e)371 +b(the)e(en)-31 b(try)369 b(from)h(the)g(dictionary:)0 +38971 y Fk(>>>)582 b(del)f(inventory['pears'])0 40325 +y(>>>)h(print)f(inventory)0 41680 y({'oranges':)i(525,)f('apples':)g +(430,)g('bananas':)g(312})0 43886 y Fn(Or)274 b(if)h(w)-31 +b(e're)275 b(exp)31 b(ecting)276 b(more)e(p)31 b(ears)274 +b(so)31 b(on,)294 b(w)-31 b(e)275 b(migh)-31 b(t)277 +b(just)d(c)-31 b(hange)276 b(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)275 b(asso)31 +b(ciated)0 45241 y(with)370 b(p)31 b(ears:)0 47446 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(inventory['pears'])h(=)f(0)0 48801 y(>>>)g(print)f +(inventory)0 50156 y({'oranges':)i(525,)f('apples':)g(430,)g('pears':)g +(0,)g('bananas':)g(312})0 52362 y Fn(The)346 b Fk(len)f +Fn(function)i(also)g(w)-31 b(orks)346 b(on)f(dictionaries;)356 +b(it)346 b(returns)f(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)346 +b(of)g(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)0 53717 y(pairs:)0 55922 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(len\(inventory\))0 57277 y(4)p eop +%%Page: 107 133 +107 132 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(10.2)425 b(Dictionary)g(metho)35 +b(ds)22540 b(107)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(10.2)1792 +b(Dictionary)600 b(metho)50 b(ds)0 3632 y Fn(A)380 b +Fv(metho)35 b(d)381 b Fn(is)e(similar)i(to)g(a)f(function|it)i(tak)-31 +b(es)380 b(parameters)g(and)g(returns)f(a)g(v)-61 b(alue|)0 +4987 y(but)432 b(the)g(syn)-31 b(tax)433 b(is)f(di\256eren)-31 +b(t.)680 b(F)-92 b(or)431 b(example,)449 b(the)432 b +Fk(keys)h Fn(metho)31 b(d)432 b(tak)-31 b(es)433 b(a)f(dictionary)0 +6342 y(and)k(returns)e(a)i(list)g(of)g(the)g(k)-31 b(eys)435 +b(that)i(app)31 b(ear,)452 b(but)436 b(instead)g(of)g(the)g(function)h +(syn)-31 b(tax)0 7697 y Fk(keys\(eng2sp\))p Fn(,)371 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(use)f(the)g(metho)31 b(d)370 b(syn)-31 +b(tax)370 b Fk(eng2sp.keys\(\))p Fn(.)0 10135 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(eng2sp.keys\(\))0 11490 y(['one',)g('three',)h('two'])0 +13927 y Fn(This)499 b(form)g(of)f(dot)i(notation)h(sp)31 +b(eci\257es)497 b(the)i(name)g(of)g(the)f(function,)533 +b Fk(keys)p Fn(,)e(and)499 b(the)0 15282 y(name)377 b(of)f(the)g(ob)61 +b(ject)377 b(to)g(apply)g(the)f(function)h(to,)i Fk(eng2sp)p +Fn(.)514 b(The)376 b(paren)-31 b(theses)375 b(indicate)0 +16637 y(that)370 b(this)g(metho)31 b(d)370 b(tak)-31 +b(es)370 b(no)g(parameters.)0 18994 y(A)393 b(metho)31 +b(d)395 b(call)f(is)f(called)i(an)f Fv(in)-35 b(v)g(o)35 +b(cation)p Fn(;)405 b(in)394 b(this)g(case,)399 b(w)-31 +b(e)394 b(w)-31 b(ould)395 b(sa)-31 b(y)394 b(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)394 b(are)0 20349 y(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)372 b Fk(keys)d +Fn(on)h(the)f(ob)61 b(ject)371 b Fk(eng2sp)p Fn(.)0 22706 +y(The)e Fk(values)h Fn(metho)31 b(d)370 b(is)g(similar;)h(it)f(returns) +e(a)h(list)h(of)g(the)f(v)-61 b(alues)370 b(in)f(the)h(dictionary:)0 +25143 y Fk(>>>)582 b(eng2sp.values\(\))0 26498 y(['uno',)g('tres',)g +('dos'])0 28936 y Fn(The)433 b Fk(items)g Fn(metho)31 +b(d)434 b(returns)e(b)31 b(oth,)450 b(in)433 b(the)g(form)g(of)h(a)f +(list)h(of)f(tuples|one)h(for)e(eac)-31 b(h)0 30291 y(k)g(ey-v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(pair:)0 32729 y Fk(>>>)582 b(eng2sp.items\(\))0 +34084 y([\('one','uno'\),)h(\('three',)g('tres'\),)f(\('two',)g +('dos'\)])0 36522 y Fn(The)325 b(syn)-31 b(tax)326 b(pro)-31 +b(vides)326 b(useful)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)325 b(information.)481 +b(The)326 b(square)e(brac)-31 b(k)g(ets)326 b(indicate)h(that)0 +37877 y(this)370 b(is)f(a)g(list.)494 b(The)369 b(paren)-31 +b(theses)369 b(indicate)i(that)f(the)g(elemen)-31 b(ts)370 +b(of)g(the)f(list)h(are)f(tuples.)0 40233 y(If)376 b(a)h(metho)31 +b(d)377 b(tak)-31 b(es)378 b(an)f(argumen)-31 b(t,)380 +b(it)d(uses)f(the)g(same)h(syn)-31 b(tax)378 b(as)e(a)h(function)h +(call.)516 b(F)-92 b(or)0 41588 y(example,)303 b(the)285 +b(metho)31 b(d)286 b Fk(has)p 12154 41588 349 45 v 418 +w(key)f Fn(tak)-31 b(es)285 b(a)g(k)-31 b(ey)285 b(and)g(returns)e +(true)i(\(1\))h(if)f(the)f(k)-31 b(ey)285 b(app)31 b(ears)0 +42943 y(in)369 b(the)h(dictionary:)0 45381 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(eng2sp.has_key\('one'\))0 46736 y(1)0 48091 y(>>>)g +(eng2sp.has_key\('deux'\))0 49446 y(0)0 51883 y Fn(If)412 +b(y)-31 b(ou)414 b(try)f(to)g(call)h(a)f(metho)31 b(d)414 +b(without)g(sp)31 b(ecifying)414 b(an)f(ob)61 b(ject,)426 +b(y)-31 b(ou)413 b(get)g(an)g(error.)622 b(In)0 53238 +y(this)370 b(case,)f(the)h(error)e(message)h(is)g(not)h(v)-31 +b(ery)370 b(helpful:)0 55676 y Fk(>>>)582 b(has_key\('one'\))0 +57031 y(NameError:)h(has_key)p eop +%%Page: 108 134 +108 133 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(108)29612 b(Dictionaries)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(10.3)1792 b(Aliasing)599 +b(and)f(cop)-50 b(ying)0 3264 y Fn(Because)400 b(dictionaries)j(are)d +(m)-31 b(utable,)411 b(y)-31 b(ou)401 b(need)f(to)i(b)31 +b(e)400 b(a)-31 b(w)g(are)401 b(of)g(aliasing.)589 b(Whenev)-31 +b(er)0 4619 y(t)g(w)g(o)371 b(v)-61 b(ariables)370 b(refer)e(to)i(the)f +(same)h(ob)61 b(ject,)371 b(c)-31 b(hanges)370 b(to)g(one)f(a\256ect)h +(the)f(other.)0 6684 y(If)495 b(y)-31 b(ou)496 b(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)497 b(to)g(mo)31 b(dify)496 b(a)g(dictionary)i(and)d(k)-31 +b(eep)496 b(a)f(cop)-31 b(y)497 b(of)f(the)f(original,)530 +b(use)495 b(the)0 8039 y Fk(copy)458 b Fn(metho)31 b(d.)757 +b(F)-92 b(or)456 b(example,)481 b Fk(opposites)459 b +Fn(is)e(a)g(dictionary)i(that)g(con)-31 b(tains)458 b(pairs)f(of)0 +9394 y(opp)31 b(osites:)0 11540 y Fk(>>>)582 b(opposites)g(=)f({'up':)h +('down',)h('right':)f('wrong',)g('true':)g('false'})0 +12895 y(>>>)g(alias)f(=)h(opposites)0 14250 y(>>>)g(copy)f(=)h +(opposites.copy\(\))0 16396 y(alias)424 b Fn(and)g Fk(opposites)h +Fn(refer)e(to)h(the)g(same)g(ob)61 b(ject;)453 b Fk(copy)424 +b Fn(refers)f(to)h(a)g(fresh)f(cop)-31 b(y)424 b(of)0 +17751 y(the)369 b(same)h(dictionary)-92 b(.)494 b(If)369 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(mo)31 b(dify)371 b Fk(alias)p Fn(,)f +Fk(opposites)g Fn(is)f(also)h(c)-31 b(hanged:)0 19897 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(alias['right'])h(=)e('left')0 21252 y(>>>)h +(opposites['right'])0 22607 y('left')0 24753 y Fn(If)369 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(mo)31 b(dify)370 b Fk(copy)p Fn(,)g +Fk(opposites)h Fn(is)e(unc)-31 b(hanged:)0 26899 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(copy['right'])h(=)e('privilege')0 28254 y(>>>)h(opposites['right'])0 +29609 y('left')0 34061 y Fl(10.4)1792 b(Sparse)599 b(matrices)0 +36460 y Fn(In)455 b(Section)j(8.14,)479 b(w)-31 b(e)457 +b(used)e(a)i(list)f(of)h(lists)f(to)h(represen)-31 b(t)455 +b(a)h(matrix.)755 b(That)457 b(is)f(a)g(go)31 b(o)g(d)0 +37815 y(c)-31 b(hoice)451 b(for)g(a)g(matrix)h(with)g(mostly)g(nonzero) +e(v)-61 b(alues,)472 b(but)451 b(consider)f(a)h(sparse)e(matrix)0 +39170 y(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this)g(one:)14706 40334 y + 5196759 4473159 0 0 5196759 4473159 startTexFig + 14706 +40334 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/sparse.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: 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-1 sc (0 0 0 1 0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 1425 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0 0 0 0 0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 2100 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0 0 0 3 0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1200 1875 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0 0 0 0 0) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 49792 a Fn(The)f(list)i(represen)-31 b(tation)370 +b(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(a)e(lot)h(of)g(zero)31 b(es:)0 +51938 y Fk(matrix)582 b(=)f([)h([0,0,0,1,0],)6393 53293 +y([0,0,0,0,0],)6393 54648 y([0,2,0,0,0],)6393 56003 y([0,0,0,0,0],)6393 +57358 y([0,0,0,3,0])g(])p eop +%%Page: 109 135 +109 134 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(10.5)425 b(Hin)-35 b(ts)30575 +b(109)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(An)519 b(alternativ)-31 +b(e)522 b(is)d(to)h(use)e(a)h(dictionary)-92 b(.)944 +b(F)-92 b(or)519 b(the)g(k)-31 b(eys,)557 b(w)-31 b(e)520 +b(can)f(use)f(tuples)i(that)0 2220 y(con)-31 b(tain)394 +b(the)f(ro)-31 b(w)393 b(and)f(column)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers.)562 b(Here)392 b(is)g(the)h(dictionary)h(represen)-31 +b(tation)393 b(of)0 3575 y(the)369 b(same)h(matrix:)0 +5883 y Fk(matrix)582 b(=)f({\(0,3\):)i(1,)e(\(2,)h(1\):)f(2,)h(\(4,)f +(3\):)h(3})0 8191 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)324 b(only)h(need)f(three)g(k)-31 +b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)325 b(pairs,)334 b(one)324 b(for)h(eac)-31 +b(h)324 b(nonzero)h(elemen)-31 b(t)326 b(of)e(the)h(matrix.)0 +9546 y(Eac)-31 b(h)370 b(k)-31 b(ey)370 b(is)f(a)g(tuple,)i(and)e(eac) +-31 b(h)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(is)h(an)f(in)-31 b(teger.)0 +11773 y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(access)e(an)i(elemen)-31 b(t)370 +b(of)g(the)g(matrix,)h(w)-31 b(e)369 b(could)h(use)f(the)g +Fk([])h Fn(op)31 b(erator:)0 14081 y Fk(matrix[0,3])0 +15436 y(1)0 17743 y Fn(Notice)379 b(that)g(the)f(syn)-31 +b(tax)379 b(for)f(the)g(dictionary)h(represen)-31 b(tation)379 +b(is)f(not)g(the)g(same)g(as)g(the)0 19098 y(syn)-31 +b(tax)373 b(for)f(the)g(nested)f(list)i(represen)-31 +b(tation.)502 b(Instead)371 b(of)i(t)-31 b(w)g(o)373 +b(in)-31 b(teger)373 b(indices,)g(w)-31 b(e)373 b(use)0 +20453 y(one)c(index,)i(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(a)g(tuple)h(of)g(in)-31 +b(tegers.)0 22680 y(There)442 b(is)g(one)g(problem.)711 +b(If)442 b(w)-31 b(e)442 b(sp)31 b(ecify)442 b(an)h(elemen)-31 +b(t)443 b(that)g(is)f(zero,)460 b(w)-31 b(e)443 b(get)f(an)g(error,)0 +24035 y(b)31 b(ecause)369 b(there)g(is)g(no)g(en)-31 +b(try)370 b(in)f(the)h(dictionary)h(with)f(that)h(k)-31 +b(ey:)0 26343 y Fk(>>>)582 b(matrix[1,3])0 27698 y(KeyError:)g(\(1,)g +(3\))0 30006 y Fn(The)369 b Fk(get)h Fn(metho)31 b(d)370 +b(solv)-31 b(es)370 b(this)f(problem:)0 32314 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(matrix.get\(\(0,3\),)h(0\))0 33669 y(1)0 35977 y Fn(The)502 +b(\257rst)e(argumen)-31 b(t)503 b(is)e(the)h(k)-31 b(ey;)568 +b(the)502 b(second)f(argumen)-31 b(t)503 b(is)e(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)502 b Fk(get)g Fn(should)0 37332 y(return)369 +b(if)g(the)h(k)-31 b(ey)369 b(is)g(not)h(in)g(the)f(dictionary:)0 +39639 y Fk(>>>)582 b(matrix.get\(\(1,3\),)h(0\))0 40994 +y(0)0 43302 y(get)273 b Fn(de\257nitely)h(impro)-31 b(v)g(es)274 +b(the)f(seman)-31 b(tics)274 b(of)f(accessing)h(a)f(sparse)e(matrix.) +462 b(Shame)274 b(ab)31 b(out)0 44657 y(the)369 b(syn)-31 +b(tax.)0 49353 y Fl(10.5)1792 b(Hin)-50 b(ts)0 51938 +y Fn(If)363 b(y)-31 b(ou)364 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(ed)365 b(around)e(with)h +(the)g Fk(fibonacci)g Fn(function)h(from)f(Section)g(5.7,)i(y)-31 +b(ou)364 b(migh)-31 b(t)0 53293 y(ha)g(v)g(e)356 b(noticed)g(that)h +(the)e(bigger)h(the)f(argumen)-31 b(t)357 b(y)-31 b(ou)356 +b(pro)-31 b(vide,)359 b(the)c(longer)h(the)g(function)0 +54648 y(tak)-31 b(es)516 b(to)g(run.)930 b(F)-92 b(urthermore,)552 +b(the)515 b(run)g(time)h(increases)f(v)-31 b(ery)516 +b(quic)-31 b(kly)-92 b(.)932 b(On)515 b(one)g(of)0 56003 +y(our)371 b(mac)-31 b(hines,)373 b Fk(fibonacci\(20\))g +Fn(\257nishes)d(instan)-31 b(tly)-92 b(,)374 b Fk(fibonacci\(30\))f +Fn(tak)-31 b(es)372 b(ab)31 b(out)372 b(a)0 57358 y(second,)e(and)f +Fk(fibonacci\(40\))i Fn(tak)-31 b(es)370 b(roughly)g(forev)-31 +b(er.)p eop +%%Page: 110 136 +110 135 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(110)29612 b(Dictionaries)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(understand)f(wh)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)370 b(consider)f(this)h Fv(call)423 b(graph)370 +b Fn(for)f Fk(fibonacci)h Fn(with)h Fk(n=4)p Fn(:)7815 +2244 y + 13356326 9472573 0 0 20260782 14340423 startTexFig + 7815 2244 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/fibonacci.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: fibonacci.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 7 17:25:43 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 308 218 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def +/col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def +/col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def +/col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def +/col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def + +end +save +newpath 0 218 moveto 0 0 lineto 308 0 lineto 308 218 lineto closepath clip newpath +-62.0 244.0 translate +1 -1 scale + +/cp {closepath} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 3450 450 m 4350 450 l 4350 1125 l 3450 1125 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2250 1425 m 3150 1425 l 3150 2100 l 2250 2100 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 4650 1425 m 5550 1425 l 5550 2100 l 4650 2100 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 5250 2400 m 6150 2400 l 6150 3075 l 5250 3075 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 4050 2400 m 4950 2400 l 4950 3075 l 4050 3075 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2850 2400 m 3750 2400 l 3750 3075 l 2850 3075 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1650 2400 m 2550 2400 l 2550 3075 l 1650 3075 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2250 3375 m 3150 3375 l 3150 4050 l 2250 4050 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1050 3375 m 1950 3375 l 1950 4050 l 1050 4050 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4095 929 m 4095 869 l 3943 869 l 4063 899 l 3943 929 l cp +eoclip +n 3705 899 m + 4080 899 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3943 929 m 4063 899 l 3943 869 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3555 705 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3630 952 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4155 952 m +gs 1 -1 sc (4) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +3118 1414 m 3160 1456 l 3268 1349 l 3162 1413 l 3225 1306 l cp +eoclip +n 3450 1125 m + 3150 1425 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3225 1306 m 3162 1413 l 3268 1349 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2068 2389 m 2110 2431 l 2218 2324 l 2112 2388 l 2175 2281 l cp +eoclip +n 2400 2100 m + 2100 2400 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2175 2281 m 2112 2388 l 2218 2324 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1468 3364 m 1510 3406 l 1618 3299 l 1512 3363 l 1575 3256 l cp +eoclip +n 1800 3075 m + 1500 3375 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1575 3256 m 1512 3363 l 1618 3299 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4468 2389 m 4510 2431 l 4618 2324 l 4512 2388 l 4575 2281 l cp +eoclip +n 4800 2100 m + 4500 2400 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4575 2281 m 4512 2388 l 4618 2324 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4639 1456 m 4681 1414 l 4574 1306 l 4638 1413 l 4531 1349 l cp +eoclip +n 4350 1125 m + 4650 1425 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4531 1349 m 4638 1413 l 4574 1306 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3289 2431 m 3331 2389 l 3224 2281 l 3288 2388 l 3181 2324 l cp +eoclip +n 3000 2100 m + 3300 2400 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3181 2324 m 3288 2388 l 3224 2281 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2689 3406 m 2731 3364 l 2624 3256 l 2688 3363 l 2581 3299 l cp +eoclip +n 2400 3075 m + 2700 3375 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2581 3299 m 2688 3363 l 2624 3256 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5689 2431 m 5731 2389 l 5624 2281 l 5688 2388 l 5581 2324 l cp +eoclip +n 5400 2100 m + 5700 2400 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5581 2324 m 5688 2388 l 5624 2281 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2895 1904 m 2895 1844 l 2743 1844 l 2863 1874 l 2743 1904 l cp +eoclip +n 2505 1874 m + 2880 1874 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2743 1904 m 2863 1874 l 2743 1844 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5295 1904 m 5295 1844 l 5143 1844 l 5263 1874 l 5143 1904 l cp +eoclip +n 4905 1874 m + 5280 1874 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5143 1904 m 5263 1874 l 5143 1844 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5895 2879 m 5895 2819 l 5743 2819 l 5863 2849 l 5743 2879 l cp +eoclip +n 5505 2849 m + 5880 2849 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5743 2879 m 5863 2849 l 5743 2819 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4695 2879 m 4695 2819 l 4543 2819 l 4663 2849 l 4543 2879 l cp +eoclip +n 4305 2849 m + 4680 2849 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4543 2879 m 4663 2849 l 4543 2819 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3495 2879 m 3495 2819 l 3343 2819 l 3463 2849 l 3343 2879 l cp +eoclip +n 3105 2849 m + 3480 2849 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3343 2879 m 3463 2849 l 3343 2819 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2295 2879 m 2295 2819 l 2143 2819 l 2263 2849 l 2143 2879 l cp +eoclip +n 1905 2849 m + 2280 2849 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2143 2879 m 2263 2849 l 2143 2819 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2895 3854 m 2895 3794 l 2743 3794 l 2863 3824 l 2743 3854 l cp +eoclip +n 2505 3824 m + 2880 3824 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2743 3854 m 2863 3824 l 2743 3794 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1695 3854 m 1695 3794 l 1543 3794 l 1663 3824 l 1543 3854 l cp +eoclip +n 1305 3824 m + 1680 3824 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1543 3854 m 1663 3824 l 1543 3794 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2355 1680 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2430 1927 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2955 1927 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4755 1680 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4830 1927 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5355 1927 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5355 2655 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5430 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5955 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4155 2655 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4230 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4755 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2955 2655 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3030 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3555 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1755 2655 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1830 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2355 2902 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2355 3630 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2430 3877 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2955 3877 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1155 3630 m +gs 1 -1 sc (fibonacci) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1230 3877 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1755 3877 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 20311 a Fn(A)417 b(call)i(graph)e(sho)-31 b(ws)418 +b(a)f(set)g(function)i(frames,)430 b(with)418 b(lines)g(connecting)h +(eac)-31 b(h)417 b(frame)h(to)0 21666 y(the)428 b(frames)g(of)h(the)f +(functions)h(it)g(calls.)670 b(A)-31 b(t)429 b(the)f(top)h(of)g(the)f +(graph,)444 b Fk(fibonacci)429 b Fn(with)0 23021 y Fk(n=4)524 +b Fn(calls)g Fk(fibonacci)h Fn(with)f Fk(n=3)g Fn(and)g +Fk(n=2)p Fn(.)956 b(In)523 b(turn,)562 b Fk(fibonacci)525 +b Fn(with)f Fk(n=3)g Fn(calls)0 24375 y Fk(fibonacci)370 +b Fn(with)h Fk(n=2)e Fn(and)h Fk(n=1)p Fn(.)493 b(And)369 +b(so)g(on.)0 26604 y(Coun)-31 b(t)322 b(ho)-31 b(w)322 +b(man)-31 b(y)322 b(times)f Fk(fibonacci\(0\))i Fn(and)d +Fk(fibonacci\(1\))j Fn(are)d(called.)478 b(This)321 b(is)g(an)0 +27959 y(ine\261cien)-31 b(t)424 b(solution)f(to)f(the)g(problem,)436 +b(and)422 b(it)g(gets)h(far)e(w)-31 b(orse)422 b(as)g(the)f(argumen)-31 +b(t)424 b(gets)0 29314 y(bigger.)0 31542 y(A)367 b(go)31 +b(o)g(d)369 b(solution)g(is)e(to)h(k)-31 b(eep)368 b(trac)-31 +b(k)368 b(of)g(v)-61 b(alues)368 b(that)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)369 +b(already)f(b)31 b(een)367 b(computed)i(b)-31 b(y)0 32897 +y(storing)457 b(them)g(in)g(a)g(dictionary)-92 b(.)756 +b(A)456 b(previously)h(computed)h(v)-61 b(alue)457 b(that)g(is)g +(stored)f(for)0 34252 y(later)361 b(use)e(is)h(called)h(a)f +Fv(hin)-35 b(t)p Fn(.)489 b(Here)359 b(is)h(an)g(implemen)-31 +b(tation)364 b(of)d Fk(fibonacci)g Fn(using)f(hin)-31 +b(ts:)0 36561 y Fk(previous)582 b(=)g({0:1,)g(1:1})0 +39271 y(def)g(fibonacci\(n\):)1162 40626 y(if)g(previous.has_key\(n\):) +2325 41981 y(return)g(previous[n])1162 43336 y(else:)2325 +44691 y(newValue)g(=)f(fibonacci\(n-1\))i(+)f(fibonacci\(n-2\))2325 +46046 y(previous[n])g(=)g(newValue)2325 47401 y(return)g(newValue)0 +49710 y Fn(The)435 b(dictionary)j(named)d Fk(previous)h +Fn(k)-31 b(eeps)436 b(trac)-31 b(k)435 b(of)h(the)g(Fib)31 +b(onacci)436 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)435 b(w)-31 b(e)435 +b(al-)0 51065 y(ready)369 b(kno)-31 b(w.)494 b(W)-92 +b(e)369 b(start)g(with)i(only)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(pairs:)492 +b(0)370 b(maps)f(to)h(1;)g(and)g(1)f(maps)h(to)g(1.)0 +53293 y(Whenev)-31 b(er)407 b Fk(fibonacci)h Fn(is)g(called,)418 +b(it)408 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)408 b(the)f(dictionary)j(to)e(determine)g +(if)g(it)g(con-)0 54648 y(tains)539 b(the)g(result.)1001 +b(If)538 b(it's)i(there,)581 b(the)539 b(function)h(can)f(return)f +(immediately)k(without)0 56003 y(making)383 b(an)-31 +b(y)382 b(more)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)381 b(calls.)529 b(If)381 +b(not,)386 b(it)c(has)f(to)h(compute)g(the)f(new)h(v)-61 +b(alue.)529 b(The)0 57358 y(new)369 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(is)f(added)h(to)g(the)f(dictionary)i(b)31 b(efore)369 +b(the)h(function)g(returns.)p eop +%%Page: 111 137 +111 136 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(10.6)425 b(Long)h(in)-35 b(tegers)26074 +b(111)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Using)358 b(this)g(v)-31 +b(ersion)357 b(of)h Fk(fibonacci)p Fn(,)j(our)c(mac)-31 +b(hines)359 b(can)e(compute)i Fk(fibonacci\(40\))g Fn(in)0 +2220 y(an)431 b(ey)-31 b(eblink.)679 b(But)432 b(when)f(w)-31 +b(e)431 b(try)g(to)h(compute)g Fk(fibonacci\(50\))p Fn(,)448 +b(w)-31 b(e)432 b(get)f(a)h(di\256eren)-31 b(t)0 3575 +y(problem:)0 5945 y Fk(>>>)582 b(fibonacci\(50\))0 7300 +y(OverflowError:)h(integer)f(addition)0 9669 y Fn(The)348 +b(answ)-31 b(er,)352 b(as)347 b(y)-31 b(ou)348 b(will)h(see)e(in)g(a)h +(min)-31 b(ute,)354 b(is)347 b(20,365,011,074.)492 b(The)347 +b(problem)h(is)g(that)0 11024 y(this)383 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)382 b(is)g(to)31 b(o)383 b(big)h(to)f(\257t)f(in)-31 +b(to)384 b(a)e(Python)i(in)-31 b(teger.)533 b(It)382 +b Fv(o)-35 b(v)g(er\260o)g(ws)p Fn(.)533 b(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)0 +12379 y(this)370 b(problem)g(has)f(an)g(easy)g(solution.)0 +17260 y Fl(10.6)1792 b(Long)598 b(in)-50 b(tegers)0 19932 +y Fn(Python)302 b(pro)-31 b(vides)300 b(a)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)301 b(called)g Fk(long)582 b(int)300 b Fn(that)i(can)e(handle)h(an) +-31 b(y)301 b(size)f(in)-31 b(teger.)471 b(There)0 21287 +y(are)251 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)252 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)252 b(to)g(create)f(a)g +Fk(long)582 b(int)251 b Fn(v)-61 b(alue.)454 b(One)250 +b(is)h(to)h(write)f(an)h(in)-31 b(teger)251 b(with)i(a)e(capital)0 +22642 y Fk(L)369 b Fn(at)h(the)g(end:)0 25012 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(type\(1L\))0 26367 y()0 28736 +y Fn(The)406 b(other)f(is)h(to)g(use)e(the)i Fk(long)g +Fn(function)h(to)f(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)406 b(a)g(v)-61 +b(alue)406 b(to)g(a)f Fk(long)582 b(int)p Fn(.)602 b +Fk(long)0 30091 y Fn(can)369 b(accept)h(an)-31 b(y)370 +b(n)-31 b(umerical)371 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 b(and)f(ev)-31 +b(en)369 b(strings)h(of)f(digits:)0 32461 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(long\(1\))0 33816 y(1L)0 35171 y(>>>)g(long\(3.9\))0 +36526 y(3L)0 37881 y(>>>)g(long\('57'\))0 39236 y(57L)0 +41605 y Fn(All)347 b(of)g(the)g(math)g(op)31 b(erations)348 +b(w)-31 b(ork)347 b(on)f Fk(long)582 b(int)p Fn(s,)351 +b(so)c(w)-31 b(e)347 b(don't)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)347 b(to)h(do)e(m)-31 +b(uc)g(h)347 b(to)0 42960 y(adapt)370 b Fk(fibonacci)p +Fn(:)0 45330 y Fk(>>>)582 b(previous)g(=)f({0:1L,)h(1:1L})0 +46685 y(>>>)g(fibonacci\(50\))0 48040 y(20365011074L)0 +50409 y Fn(Just)444 b(b)-31 b(y)444 b(c)-31 b(hanging)446 +b(the)e(initial)j(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)445 b(of)g Fk(previous)p +Fn(,)464 b(w)-31 b(e)444 b(c)-31 b(hange)445 b(the)f(b)31 +b(eha)-31 b(vior)445 b(of)0 51764 y Fk(fibonacci)p Fn(.)492 +b(The)366 b(\257rst)e(t)-31 b(w)g(o)367 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)365 b(in)g(the)h(sequence)f(are)g Fk(long)581 b(int)p +Fn(s,)367 b(so)e(all)h(of)g(the)0 53119 y(subsequen)-31 +b(t)369 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)369 b(in)g(the)h(sequence)f(are,)g +(to)31 b(o.)2767 56003 y Fm(As)449 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)464 +b(c)-57 b(onvert)450 b Fk(factorial)h Fm(so)e(that)g(it)g(pr)-57 +b(o)g(duc)g(es)450 b(a)g Fk(long)581 b(int)2767 57358 +y Fm(as)396 b(a)g(r)-57 b(esult.)p eop +%%Page: 112 138 +112 137 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(112)29612 b(Dictionaries)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(10.7)1792 b(Coun)-50 b(ting)599 +b(letters)0 3316 y Fn(In)354 b(Chapter)h(7,)j(w)-31 b(e)355 +b(wrote)g(a)f(function)i(that)f(coun)-31 b(ted)355 b(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)354 b(of)h(o)31 b(ccurrences)353 b(of)i(a)0 +4671 y(letter)325 b(in)g(a)g(string.)478 b(A)325 b(more)g(general)g(v) +-31 b(ersion)325 b(of)g(this)g(problem)g(is)g(to)g(form)g(a)g +(histogram)0 6026 y(of)370 b(the)f(letters)h(in)f(the)h(string,)g(that) +g(is,)g(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(man)-31 b(y)370 b(times)g(eac)-31 +b(h)370 b(letter)g(app)31 b(ears.)0 8144 y(Suc)-31 b(h)367 +b(a)g(histogram)h(migh)-31 b(t)369 b(b)31 b(e)366 b(useful)h(for)g +(compressing)g(a)g(text)h(\257le.)492 b(Because)367 b(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)0 9499 y(letters)313 b(app)31 b(ear)312 b(with)h(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)312 b(frequencies,)324 b(w)-31 b(e)313 b(can)f(compress)g(a)g +(\257le)h(b)-31 b(y)312 b(using)g(shorter)0 10854 y(co)31 +b(des)282 b(for)g(common)i(letters)f(and)g(longer)g(co)31 +b(des)282 b(for)g(letters)h(that)g(app)31 b(ear)283 b(less)e(frequen) +-31 b(tly)-92 b(.)0 12971 y(Dictionaries)371 b(pro)-31 +b(vide)370 b(an)f(elegan)-31 b(t)371 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 +b(to)f(generate)g(a)f(histogram:)0 15170 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(letterCounts)h(=)e({})0 16525 y(>>>)h(for)f(letter)h(in)g +("Mississippi":)0 17880 y(...)1744 b(letterCounts[letter])584 +b(=)d(letterCounts.get)j(\(letter,)e(0\))g(+)f(1)0 19235 +y(...)0 20590 y(>>>)h(letterCounts)0 21945 y({'M':)g(1,)f('s':)h(4,)g +('p':)f(2,)h('i':)f(4})0 24143 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)438 b(start)h(with)g(an)g +(empt)-31 b(y)440 b(dictionary)-92 b(.)702 b(F)-92 b(or)437 +b(eac)-31 b(h)439 b(letter)g(in)g(the)g(string,)457 b(w)-31 +b(e)438 b(\257nd)h(the)0 25498 y(curren)-31 b(t)543 b(coun)-31 +b(t)544 b(\(p)31 b(ossibly)545 b(zero\))f(and)f(incremen)-31 +b(t)545 b(it.)1016 b(A)-31 b(t)544 b(the)g(end,)587 b(the)544 +b(dictionary)0 26853 y(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(pairs)e(of)h(letters)f +(and)h(their)f(frequencies.)0 28971 y(It)364 b(migh)-31 +b(t)367 b(b)31 b(e)363 b(more)i(app)31 b(ealing)366 b(to)f(displa)-31 +b(y)366 b(the)e(histogram)j(in)d(alphab)31 b(etical)367 +b(order.)491 b(W)-92 b(e)0 30326 y(can)369 b(do)h(that)g(with)h(the)e +Fk(items)h Fn(and)f Fk(sort)h Fn(metho)31 b(ds:)0 32524 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(letterItems)g(=)g(letterCounts.items\(\))0 +33879 y(>>>)g(letterItems.sort\(\))0 35234 y(>>>)g(print)f(letterItems) +0 36589 y([\('M',)h(1\),)g(\('i',)g(4\),)f(\('p',)h(2\),)g(\('s',)g +(4\)])0 38788 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)354 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)355 +b(seen)e(the)h Fk(items)g Fn(metho)31 b(d)355 b(b)31 +b(efore,)357 b(but)d Fk(sort)h Fn(is)e(the)h(\257rst)g(metho)31 +b(d)354 b(y)-31 b(ou)355 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 40143 y(encoun)g(tered)292 +b(that)g(applies)g(to)g(lists.)467 b(There)291 b(are)g(sev)-31 +b(eral)292 b(other)f(list)h(metho)31 b(ds,)308 b(including)0 +41498 y Fk(append)p Fn(,)370 b Fk(extend)p Fn(,)h(and)e +Fk(reverse)p Fn(.)494 b(Consult)370 b(the)g(Python)g(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(tation)372 b(for)e(details.)0 45942 y Fl(10.8)1792 +b(Glossary)0 48059 y Fv(dictionary:)553 b Fn(A)308 b(collection)i(of)e +(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)308 b(pairs)g(that)h(maps)e(from)i(k)-31 +b(eys)307 b(to)h(v)-61 b(alues.)473 b(The)2767 49414 +y(k)-31 b(eys)370 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)369 b(an)-31 b(y)370 +b(imm)-31 b(utable)372 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)370 b(and)f(the)h(v)-61 +b(alues)369 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)368 b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e.)0 51611 y Fv(k)-35 b(ey:)553 b Fn(A)369 +b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(that)g(is)f(used)g(to)h(lo)31 b(ok)370 +b(up)f(an)h(en)-31 b(try)369 b(in)h(a)f(dictionary)-92 +b(.)0 53807 y Fv(k)-35 b(ey-v)-71 b(alue)425 b(pair:)553 +b Fn(One)369 b(of)g(the)h(items)g(in)f(a)h(dictionary)-92 +b(.)0 56003 y Fv(metho)35 b(d:)555 b Fn(A)365 b(kind)h(of)g(function)h +(that)g(is)f(called)g(with)h(a)f(di\256eren)-31 b(t)366 +b(syn)-31 b(tax)366 b(and)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)2767 +57358 y(\\on")371 b(an)e(ob)61 b(ject.)p eop +%%Page: 113 139 +113 138 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(10.8)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(113)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(in)-35 b(v)g(ok)g(e:)553 b +Fn(T)-92 b(o)369 b(call)i(a)e(metho)31 b(d.)0 3106 y +Fv(hin)-35 b(t:)553 b Fn(T)-92 b(emp)31 b(orary)337 b(storage)g(of)f(a) +h(precomputed)g(v)-61 b(alue)336 b(to)h(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)339 +b(redundan)-31 b(t)336 b(computa-)2767 4461 y(tion.)0 +6701 y Fv(o)-35 b(v)g(er\260o)g(w:)554 b Fn(A)330 b(n)-31 +b(umerical)331 b(result)f(that)g(is)g(to)31 b(o)331 b(large)f(to)h(b)31 +b(e)329 b(represen)-31 b(ted)329 b(in)h(a)f(n)-31 b(umerical)2767 +8056 y(format.)p eop +%%Page: 114 140 +114 139 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(114)29612 b(Dictionaries)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 115 141 +115 140 bop 0 9901 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(11)0 16180 y Fo(Files)1032 +b(and)h(exceptions)0 22641 y Fn(While)431 b(a)g(program)h(is)f +(running,)447 b(its)431 b(data)h(is)f(in)g(memory)-92 +b(.)679 b(When)430 b(the)h(program)h(ends,)0 23996 y(or)448 +b(the)g(computer)g(sh)-31 b(uts)447 b(do)-31 b(wn,)469 +b(data)449 b(in)f(memory)h(disapp)31 b(ears.)728 b(T)-92 +b(o)448 b(store)g(data)h(p)31 b(er-)0 25351 y(manen)-31 +b(tly)-92 b(,)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)368 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)368 +b(to)g(put)g(it)g(in)f(a)g Fv(\257le)p Fn(.)493 b(Files)367 +b(are)g(usually)h(stored)f(on)h(a)f(hard)g(driv)-31 b(e,)0 +26706 y(\260opp)g(y)370 b(driv)-31 b(e,)370 b(or)f(CD-R)-31 +b(OM.)0 28739 y(When)262 b(there)g(are)h(a)g(large)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)263 b(of)g(\257les,)284 b(they)263 b(are)f(often)i +(organized)g(in)-31 b(to)264 b Fv(directories)0 30094 +y Fn(\(also)279 b(called)f(\\folders"\).)464 b(Eac)-31 +b(h)278 b(\257le)f(is)g(iden)-31 b(ti\257ed)279 b(b)-31 +b(y)277 b(a)h(unique)f(name,)297 b(or)277 b(a)h(com)-31 +b(bination)0 31449 y(of)370 b(a)f(\257le)h(name)g(and)f(a)g(directory)h +(name.)0 33482 y(By)263 b(reading)g(and)f(writing)j(\257les,)284 +b(programs)263 b(can)f(exc)-31 b(hange)264 b(information)h(with)f(eac) +-31 b(h)263 b(other)0 34837 y(and)369 b(generate)h(prin)-31 +b(table)371 b(formats)f(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(PDF.)0 36870 +y(W)-92 b(orking)357 b(with)i(\257les)e(is)f(a)i(lot)g(lik)-31 +b(e)358 b(w)-31 b(orking)359 b(with)f(b)31 b(o)g(oks.)489 +b(T)-92 b(o)357 b(use)g(a)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)360 b(y)-31 +b(ou)358 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)358 b(to)0 38225 y(op)31 b(en)400 +b(it.)586 b(When)399 b(y)-31 b(ou're)401 b(done,)408 +b(y)-31 b(ou)401 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)401 b(to)f(close)h(it.)585 +b(While)401 b(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)400 b(is)g(op)31 b(en,)408 +b(y)-31 b(ou)0 39579 y(can)345 b(either)f(write)i(in)e(it)h(or)g(read)f +(from)h(it.)485 b(In)344 b(either)h(case,)k(y)-31 b(ou)345 +b(kno)-31 b(w)346 b(where)e(y)-31 b(ou)345 b(are)g(in)0 +40934 y(the)393 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)562 b(Most)393 b(of)g(the)f(time,)400 +b(y)-31 b(ou)393 b(read)g(the)f(whole)i(b)31 b(o)g(ok)393 +b(in)f(its)h(natural)h(order,)k(but)0 42289 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 +b(can)f(also)h(skip)g(around.)0 44322 y(All)496 b(of)g(this)g(applies)g +(to)g(\257les)f(as)g(w)-31 b(ell.)872 b(T)-92 b(o)496 +b(op)31 b(en)495 b(a)g(\257le,)528 b(y)-31 b(ou)496 b(sp)31 +b(ecify)495 b(its)h(name)g(and)0 45677 y(indicate)371 +b(whether)e(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)371 b(to)f(read)f(or)g +(write.)0 47710 y(Op)31 b(ening)352 b(a)h(\257le)f(creates)g(a)g +(\257le)g(ob)61 b(ject.)489 b(In)351 b(this)i(example,)k(the)352 +b(v)-61 b(ariable)353 b Fk(f)f Fn(refers)f(to)i(the)0 +49065 y(new)369 b(\257le)h(ob)61 b(ject.)0 51179 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(f)f(=)g(open\("test.dat","w"\))0 52534 y(>>>)h(print)f(f)0 +53889 y()0 +56003 y Fn(The)276 b(op)31 b(en)275 b(function)j(tak)-31 +b(es)276 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)277 b(argumen)-31 b(ts.)463 +b(The)276 b(\257rst)f(is)g(the)h(name)h(of)f(the)g(\257le,)295 +b(and)276 b(the)0 57358 y(second)369 b(is)g(the)h(mo)31 +b(de.)493 b(Mo)31 b(de)369 b Fk("w")g Fn(means)h(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(are)f(op)31 b(ening)370 b(the)f(\257le)h(for)f(writing.)p +eop +%%Page: 116 142 +116 141 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(116)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)361 b(there)f(is)h(no)h(\257le)f +(named)g Fk(test.dat)p Fn(,)j(it)e(will)h(b)31 b(e)360 +b(created.)491 b(If)360 b(there)h(already)h(is)f(one,)i(it)0 +2220 y(will)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(replaced)g(b)-31 b(y)369 +b(the)h(\257le)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(are)f(writing.)0 4245 +y(When)418 b(w)-31 b(e)418 b(prin)-31 b(t)419 b(the)g(\257le)f(ob)61 +b(ject,)432 b(w)-31 b(e)419 b(see)f(the)g(name)h(of)g(the)f(\257le,)431 +b(the)419 b(mo)31 b(de,)431 b(and)419 b(the)0 5600 y(lo)31 +b(cation)372 b(of)d(the)h(ob)61 b(ject.)0 7626 y(T)-92 +b(o)370 b(put)f(data)i(in)e(the)g(\257le)h(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)371 b(the)e Fk(write)h Fn(metho)31 +b(d)370 b(on)f(the)h(\257le)f(ob)61 b(ject:)0 9732 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(f.write\("Now)h(is)e(the)h(time"\))0 11087 +y(>>>)g(f.write\("to)g(close)g(the)g(file"\))0 13193 +y Fn(Closing)478 b(the)f(\257le)f(tells)i(the)e(system)h(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)477 b(are)g(done)f(writing)i(and)f(mak)-31 b(es)477 +b(the)g(\257le)0 14548 y(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)372 +b(for)d(reading:)0 16655 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f.close\(\))0 +18761 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)456 b(w)-31 b(e)455 b(can)g(op)31 +b(en)455 b(the)f(\257le)h(again,)479 b(this)455 b(time)g(for)g +(reading,)477 b(and)455 b(read)g(the)g(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)0 +20116 y(in)g(to)371 b(a)e(string.)493 b(This)370 b(time,)h(the)e(mo)31 +b(de)370 b(argumen)-31 b(t)370 b(is)g Fk("r")f Fn(for)g(reading:)0 +22222 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g(open\("test.dat","r"\))0 +24329 y Fn(If)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(try)f(to)h(op)31 +b(en)369 b(a)g(\257le)h(that)g(do)31 b(esn't)370 b(exist,)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(get)g(an)f(error:)0 26435 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g +(open\("test.cat","r"\))0 27790 y(IOError:)h([Errno)g(2])g(No)f(such)h +(file)g(or)f(directory:)i('test.cat')0 29897 y Fn(Not)304 +b(surprisingly)-92 b(,)317 b(the)304 b Fk(read)f Fn(metho)31 +b(d)304 b(reads)f(data)h(from)g(the)f(\257le.)471 b(With)304 +b(no)f(argumen)-31 b(ts,)0 31252 y(it)370 b(reads)f(the)g(en)-31 +b(tire)370 b(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)370 b(of)g(the)f(\257le:)0 +33358 y Fk(>>>)582 b(text)f(=)h(f.read\(\))0 34713 y(>>>)g(print)f +(text)0 36068 y(Now)h(is)f(the)h(timeto)g(close)g(the)f(file)0 +38174 y Fn(There)435 b(is)g(no)g(space)g(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)436 b(\\time")h(and)f(\\to")g(b)31 b(ecause)435 +b(w)-31 b(e)436 b(did)f(not)h(write)g(a)f(space)0 39529 +y(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(the)g(strings.)0 41554 +y Fk(read)g Fn(can)f(also)h(tak)-31 b(e)371 b(an)e(argumen)-31 +b(t)371 b(that)f(indicates)h(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(man)-31 +b(y)370 b(c)-31 b(haracters)369 b(to)h(read:)0 43661 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g(open\("test.dat","r"\))0 45016 +y(>>>)h(print)f(f.read\(5\))0 46371 y(Now)h(i)0 48477 +y Fn(If)360 b(not)h(enough)g(c)-31 b(haracters)361 b(are)f(left)h(in)g +(the)f(\257le,)j Fk(read)e Fn(returns)e(the)h(remaining)i(c)-31 +b(harac-)0 49832 y(ters.)492 b(When)369 b(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(get)h(to)g(the)g(end)f(of)g(the)h(\257le,)g Fk(read)f +Fn(returns)g(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)370 b(string:)0 51938 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(f.read\(1000006\))0 53293 y(s)g(the)h(timeto)g +(close)g(the)f(file)0 54648 y(>>>)h(print)f(f.read\(\))0 +57358 y(>>>)p eop +%%Page: 117 143 +117 142 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(11.1)425 b(T)-106 b(ext)425 +b(\257les)28493 b(117)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)415 +b(follo)-31 b(wing)419 b(function)d(copies)f(a)g(\257le,)427 +b(reading)416 b(and)f(writing)i(up)d(to)i(\257ft)-31 +b(y)416 b(c)-31 b(haracters)0 2220 y(at)375 b(a)f(time.)508 +b(The)375 b(\257rst)e(argumen)-31 b(t)376 b(is)e(the)g(name)g(of)h(the) +f(original)j(\257le;)g(the)d(second)g(is)g(the)0 3575 +y(name)c(of)g(the)f(new)g(\257le:)0 5825 y Fk(def)582 +b(copyFile\(oldFile,)h(newFile\):)1162 7180 y(f1)f(=)f(open\(oldFile,)i +("r"\))1162 8535 y(f2)f(=)f(open\(newFile,)i("w"\))1162 +9890 y(while)f(1:)2325 11245 y(text)f(=)h(f1.read\(50\))2325 +12600 y(if)f(text)h(==)f("":)3487 13955 y(break)2325 +15310 y(f2.write\(text\))1162 16665 y(f1.close\(\))1162 +18020 y(f2.close\(\))1162 19375 y(return)0 21625 y Fn(The)424 +b Fk(break)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)426 b(is)e(new.)657 +b(Executing)425 b(it)g(breaks)e(out)i(of)f(the)g(lo)31 +b(op;)453 b(the)424 b(\260o)-31 b(w)424 b(of)0 22980 +y(execution)371 b(mo)-31 b(v)g(es)370 b(to)g(the)f(\257rst)g(statemen) +-31 b(t)371 b(after)f(the)f(lo)31 b(op.)0 25150 y(In)424 +b(this)g(example,)440 b(the)425 b Fk(while)f Fn(lo)31 +b(op)426 b(is)e(in\257nite)h(b)31 b(ecause)424 b(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)425 b Fk(1)f Fn(is)g(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)427 b(true.)0 +26505 y(The)401 b Fm(only)h Fn(w)-31 b(a)g(y)402 b(to)g(get)g(out)f(of) +h(the)f(lo)31 b(op)402 b(is)f(to)h(execute)f Fk(break)p +Fn(,)410 b(whic)-31 b(h)402 b(happ)31 b(ens)401 b(when)0 +27859 y Fk(text)370 b Fn(is)f(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)371 +b(string,)f(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(happ)31 b(ens)369 b(when)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(get)g(to)f(the)h(end)f(of)h(the)f(\257le.)0 +32383 y Fl(11.1)1792 b(T)-149 b(ext)599 b(\257les)0 34888 +y Fn(A)293 b Fv(text)338 b(\257le)293 b Fn(is)g(a)h(\257le)f(that)i +(con)-31 b(tains)295 b(prin)-31 b(table)294 b(c)-31 b(haracters)294 +b(and)f(whitespace,)311 b(organized)0 36243 y(in)-31 +b(to)321 b(lines)f(separated)h(b)-31 b(y)320 b(newline)g(c)-31 +b(haracters.)477 b(Since)320 b(Python)h(is)f(sp)31 b(eci\257cally)321 +b(designed)0 37598 y(to)370 b(pro)31 b(cess)368 b(text)i(\257les,)g(it) +g(pro)-31 b(vides)369 b(metho)31 b(ds)370 b(that)g(mak)-31 +b(e)371 b(the)e(job)h(easy)-92 b(.)0 39767 y(T)g(o)481 +b(demonstrate,)510 b(w)-31 b(e'll)483 b(create)e(a)g(text)g(\257le)g +(with)h(three)e(lines)h(of)g(text)h(separated)f(b)-31 +b(y)0 41122 y(newlines:)0 43373 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g +(open\("test.dat","w"\))0 44728 y(>>>)h(f.write\("line)h(one\\nline)f +(two\\nline)h(three\\n"\))0 46083 y(>>>)f(f.close\(\))0 +48333 y Fn(The)480 b Fk(readline)g Fn(metho)31 b(d)481 +b(reads)e(all)i(the)f(c)-31 b(haracters)480 b(up)f(to)h(and)g +(including)i(the)d(next)0 49688 y(newline)370 b(c)-31 +b(haracter:)0 51938 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g(open\("test.dat","r"\))0 +53293 y(>>>)h(print)f(f.readline\(\))0 54648 y(line)h(one)0 +57358 y(>>>)p eop +%%Page: 118 144 +118 143 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(118)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(readlines)370 b Fn(returns)e(all)j(of)f +(the)f(remaining)i(lines)f(as)f(a)g(list)h(of)g(strings:)0 +2900 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(f.readlines\(\))0 4255 y(['line)h +(two\\012',)h('line)e(three\\012'])0 6290 y Fn(In)408 +b(this)g(case,)418 b(the)408 b(output)h(is)f(in)h(list)f(format,)420 +b(whic)-31 b(h)409 b(means)f(that)i(the)e(strings)g(app)31 +b(ear)0 7645 y(with)316 b(quotation)i(marks)d(and)g(the)h(newline)g(c) +-31 b(haracter)315 b(app)31 b(ears)315 b(as)g(the)g(escap)31 +b(e)314 b(sequence)0 9000 y Fk(012)p Fn(.)0 10954 y(A)-31 +b(t)280 b(the)g(end)f(of)h(the)f(\257le,)298 b Fk(readline)281 +b Fn(returns)d(the)i(empt)-31 b(y)280 b(string)g(and)f +Fk(readlines)i Fn(returns)0 12309 y(the)369 b(empt)-31 +b(y)371 b(list:)0 14344 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(f.readline\(\))0 +17053 y(>>>)h(print)f(f.readlines\(\))0 18408 y([])0 +20443 y Fn(The)342 b(follo)-31 b(wing)346 b(is)c(an)h(example)g(of)g(a) +f(line-pro)31 b(cessing)343 b(program.)484 b Fk(filterFile)344 +b Fn(mak)-31 b(es)343 b(a)0 21798 y(cop)-31 b(y)370 b(of)g +Fk(oldFile)p Fn(,)g(omitting)i(an)-31 b(y)370 b(lines)g(that)g(b)31 +b(egin)370 b(with)g Fk(#)p Fn(:)0 23833 y Fk(def)582 +b(filterFile\(oldFile,)i(newFile\):)1162 25188 y(f1)e(=)f +(open\(oldFile,)i("r"\))1162 26543 y(f2)f(=)f(open\(newFile,)i("w"\)) +1162 27898 y(while)f(1:)2325 29253 y(text)f(=)h(f1.readline\(\))2325 +30608 y(if)f(text)h(==)f("":)3487 31963 y(break)2325 +33318 y(if)g(text[0])h(==)g('#':)3487 34672 y(continue)2325 +36027 y(f2.write\(text\))1162 37382 y(f1.close\(\))1162 +38737 y(f2.close\(\))1162 40092 y(return)0 42127 y Fn(The)418 +b Fk(continue)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)421 b(ends)c(the)h(curren)-31 +b(t)418 b(iteration)i(of)f(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)432 b(but)419 +b(con)-31 b(tin)g(ues)0 43482 y(lo)31 b(oping.)457 b(The)256 +b(\260o)-31 b(w)257 b(of)f(execution)h(mo)-31 b(v)g(es)257 +b(to)g(the)f(top)h(of)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op,)280 b(c)-31 +b(hec)g(ks)256 b(the)g(condition,)0 44837 y(and)369 b(pro)31 +b(ceeds)369 b(accordingly)-92 b(.)0 46791 y(Th)-31 b(us,)399 +b(if)393 b Fk(text)h Fn(is)e(the)h(empt)-31 b(y)394 b(string,)400 +b(the)393 b(lo)31 b(op)393 b(exits.)564 b(If)393 b(the)g(\257rst)f(c) +-31 b(haracter)393 b(of)h Fk(text)0 48146 y Fn(is)384 +b(a)g(hash)g(mark,)389 b(the)384 b(\260o)-31 b(w)385 +b(of)g(execution)g(go)31 b(es)384 b(to)h(the)g(top)f(of)h(the)f(lo)31 +b(op.)538 b(Only)385 b(if)f(b)31 b(oth)0 49501 y(conditions)371 +b(fail)g(do)e(w)-31 b(e)370 b(cop)-31 b(y)370 b Fk(text)f +Fn(in)-31 b(to)371 b(the)e(new)h(\257le.)0 53716 y Fl(11.2)1792 +b(W)-149 b(riting)599 b(v)-100 b(ariables)0 56003 y Fn(The)370 +b(argumen)-31 b(t)371 b(of)g Fk(write)f Fn(has)g(to)h(b)31 +b(e)369 b(a)h(string,)h(so)f(if)h(w)-31 b(e)370 b(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)372 b(to)e(put)g(other)h(v)-61 b(alues)370 b(in)0 +57358 y(a)434 b(\257le,)451 b(w)-31 b(e)435 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)435 b(to)g(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)435 b(them)g(to)f(strings)g +(\257rst.)687 b(The)435 b(easiest)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)436 +b(to)e(do)h(that)g(is)p eop +%%Page: 119 145 +119 144 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(11.2)425 b(W)-106 b(riting)425 +b(v)-71 b(ariables)24026 b(119)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 +865 a Fn(with)370 b(the)g Fk(str)f Fn(function:)0 3151 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(x)f(=)g(52)0 4506 y(>>>)h(f.write)g(\(str\(x\)\))0 +6792 y Fn(An)398 b(alternativ)-31 b(e)401 b(is)e(to)g(use)f(the)g +Fv(format)459 b(op)35 b(erator)400 b Fk(\045)p Fn(.)581 +b(When)397 b(applied)j(to)f(in)-31 b(tegers,)407 b Fk(\045)0 +8147 y Fn(is)338 b(the)h(mo)31 b(dulus)339 b(op)31 b(erator.)483 +b(But)338 b(when)h(the)f(\257rst)g(op)31 b(erand)338 +b(is)g(a)h(string,)345 b Fk(\045)339 b Fn(is)f(the)g(format)0 +9502 y(op)31 b(erator.)0 11707 y(The)413 b(\257rst)f(op)31 +b(erand)412 b(is)h(the)f Fv(format)475 b(string)p Fn(,)425 +b(and)412 b(the)h(second)f(op)31 b(erand)413 b(is)f(a)h(tuple)g(of)0 +13062 y(expressions.)626 b(The)415 b(result)f(is)g(a)g(string)g(that)h +(con)-31 b(tains)416 b(the)e(v)-61 b(alues)414 b(of)h(the)f +(expressions,)0 14417 y(formatted)371 b(according)g(to)f(the)f(format)i +(string.)0 16622 y(As)249 b(a)h(simple)h(example,)275 +b(the)250 b Fv(format)288 b(sequence)251 b Fk("\045d")f +Fn(means)g(that)h(the)f(\257rst)f(expression)0 17977 +y(in)483 b(the)h(tuple)g(should)f(b)31 b(e)483 b(formatted)i(as)e(an)g +(in)-31 b(teger.)836 b(Here)483 b(the)g(letter)h Fm(d)f +Fn(stands)g(for)0 19332 y(\\decimal":)0 21618 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(cars)f(=)h(52)0 22973 y(>>>)g("\045d")f(\045)h(cars)0 +24328 y('52')0 26614 y Fn(The)332 b(result)g(is)g(the)g(string)h +Fk('52')p Fn(,)340 b(whic)-31 b(h)333 b(is)f(not)h(to)f(b)31 +b(e)332 b(confused)g(with)h(the)f(in)-31 b(teger)333 +b(v)-61 b(alue)0 27969 y Fk(52)p Fn(.)0 30174 y(A)352 +b(format)i(sequence)d(can)i(app)31 b(ear)352 b(an)-31 +b(ywhere)353 b(in)f(the)h(format)g(string,)k(so)352 b(w)-31 +b(e)352 b(can)h(em)-31 b(b)31 b(ed)0 31529 y(a)369 b(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(in)g(a)f(sen)-31 b(tence:)0 33815 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(cars)f(=)h(52)0 35170 y(>>>)g("In)f(July)h(we)f(sold)h(\045d)g +(cars.")g(\045)f(cars)0 36524 y('In)h(July)f(we)h(sold)g(52)f(cars.')0 +38811 y Fn(The)312 b(format)h(sequence)e Fk("\045f")h +Fn(formats)g(the)g(next)g(item)h(in)e(the)h(tuple)g(as)g(a)f +(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)0 40165 y(n)g(um)g(b)31 +b(er,)370 b(and)f Fk("\045s")h Fn(formats)g(the)f(next)h(item)h(as)e(a) +g(string:)0 42451 y Fk(>>>)582 b("In)f(\045d)h(days)f(we)h(made)g +(\045f)f(million)h(\045s.")g(\045)f(\(34,6.1,'dollars'\))0 +43806 y('In)h(34)f(days)h(we)f(made)h(6.100000)g(million)h(dollars.')0 +46092 y Fn(By)369 b(default,)i(the)f(\260oating-p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)373 b(format)d(prin)-31 b(ts)370 b(six)f(decimal)i +(places.)0 48297 y(The)501 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)502 +b(of)f(expressions)g(in)g(the)h(tuple)g(has)f(to)h(matc)-31 +b(h)502 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)501 b(of)g(format)0 +49652 y(sequences)435 b(in)i(the)f(string.)694 b(Also,)454 +b(the)436 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)437 b(of)f(the)h(expressions)e(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)437 b(to)g(matc)-31 b(h)438 b(the)0 51007 y(format)371 +b(sequences:)0 53293 y Fk(>>>)582 b("\045d)f(\045d)h(\045d")f(\045)h +(\(1,2\))0 54648 y(TypeError:)h(not)e(enough)h(arguments)h(for)e +(format)h(string)0 56003 y(>>>)g("\045d")f(\045)h('dollars')0 +57358 y(TypeError:)h(illegal)f(argument)g(type)g(for)g(built-in)g +(operation)p eop +%%Page: 120 146 +120 145 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(120)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(In)337 b(the)g(\257rst)g(example,)346 +b(there)337 b(aren't)h(enough)g(expressions;)347 b(in)338 +b(the)f(second,)344 b(the)338 b(expres-)0 2220 y(sion)370 +b(is)f(the)g(wrong)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)0 4150 y(F)-92 +b(or)492 b(more)i(con)-31 b(trol)494 b(o)-31 b(v)g(er)494 +b(the)f(format)i(of)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)524 b(w)-31 +b(e)493 b(can)h(sp)31 b(ecify)493 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)493 b(of)0 5505 y(digits)371 b(as)e(part)g(of)h(the)f(format)i +(sequence:)0 7517 y Fk(>>>)582 b("\0456d")f(\045)h(62)0 +8872 y(')2325 b(62')0 10227 y(>>>)582 b("\04512f")g(\045)f(6.1)0 +11582 y(')2325 b(6.100000')0 13593 y Fn(The)286 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)286 b(after)g(the)g(p)31 b(ercen)-31 +b(t)285 b(sign)h(is)g(the)g(minim)-31 b(um)288 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)286 b(of)g(spaces)f(the)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)0 14948 y(will)366 b(tak)-31 b(e)365 b(up.)490 b(If)364 +b(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)364 b(pro)-31 b(vided)365 b(tak)-31 +b(es)365 b(few)-31 b(er)364 b(digits,)j(leading)e(spaces)f(are)f +(added.)0 16303 y(If)369 b(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)370 +b(of)f(spaces)g(is)g(negativ)-31 b(e,)372 b(trailing)f(spaces)e(are)g +(added:)0 18314 y Fk(>>>)582 b("\045-6d")g(\045)f(62)0 +19669 y('62)2325 b(')0 21681 y Fn(F)-92 b(or)419 b(\260oating-p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)424 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)433 b(w)-31 +b(e)421 b(can)f(also)h(sp)31 b(ecify)420 b(the)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)420 b(of)g(digits)i(after)f(the)0 23035 +y(decimal)371 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t:)0 25047 y Fk(>>>)582 +b("\04512.2f")g(\045)f(6.1)0 26402 y(')4649 b(6.10')0 +28413 y Fn(In)372 b(this)h(example,)i(the)e(result)f(tak)-31 +b(es)373 b(up)f(t)-31 b(w)g(elv)g(e)375 b(spaces)d(and)h(includes)f(t) +-31 b(w)g(o)375 b(digits)e(after)0 29768 y(the)347 b(decimal.)487 +b(This)347 b(format)i(is)e(useful)g(for)g(prin)-31 b(ting)348 +b(dollar)g(amoun)-31 b(ts)349 b(with)f(the)f(decimal)0 +31123 y(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts)370 b(aligned.)0 33053 y(F)-92 +b(or)509 b(example,)546 b(imagine)512 b(a)d(dictionary)j(that)e(con)-31 +b(tains)511 b(studen)-31 b(t)510 b(names)g(as)f(k)-31 +b(eys)510 b(and)0 34408 y(hourly)411 b(w)-31 b(ages)412 +b(as)e(v)-61 b(alues.)617 b(Here)410 b(is)g(a)h(function)h(that)g(prin) +-31 b(ts)410 b(the)h(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)412 b(of)f(the)g(dic-)0 +35763 y(tionary)371 b(as)e(a)g(formatted)i(rep)31 b(ort:)0 +37775 y Fk(def)582 b(report)g(\(wages\))g(:)1162 39130 +y(students)h(=)e(wages.keys\(\))1162 40485 y(students.sort\(\))1162 +41839 y(for)h(student)g(in)g(students)g(:)2325 43194 +y(print)f("\045-20s)i(\04512.02f")f(\045)f(\(student,)i +(wages[student]\))0 45206 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)345 b(test)h(this)f(the)g +(function,)352 b(w)-31 b(e'll)347 b(create)e(a)g(small)h(dictionary)h +(and)e(prin)-31 b(t)346 b(the)f(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts:)0 +47217 y Fk(>>>)582 b(wages)f(=)h({'mary':)g(6.23,)g('joe':)g(5.45,)g +('joshua':)g(4.25})0 48572 y(>>>)g(report)g(\(wages\))0 +49927 y(joe)15110 b(5.45)0 51282 y(joshua)13367 b(4.25)0 +52637 y(mary)14529 b(6.23)0 54648 y Fn(By)358 b(con)-31 +b(trolling)360 b(the)e(width)g(of)g(eac)-31 b(h)358 b(v)-61 +b(alue,)361 b(w)-31 b(e)358 b(guaran)-31 b(tee)359 b(that)f(the)g +(columns)g(will)h(line)0 56003 y(up,)290 b(as)270 b(long)h(as)f(the)g +(names)h(con)-31 b(tain)271 b(few)-31 b(er)271 b(than)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(en)g(t)g(y-one)273 b(c)-31 b(haracters)270 b(and)h(the)f(w)-31 +b(ages)0 57358 y(are)369 b(less)g(than)h(one)f(billion)i(dollars)g(an)e +(hour.)p eop +%%Page: 121 147 +121 146 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(11.3)425 b(Directories)27497 +b(121)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(11.3)1792 b(Directories)0 +3517 y Fn(When)389 b(y)-31 b(ou)390 b(create)f(a)h(new)f(\257le)h(b)-31 +b(y)389 b(op)31 b(ening)390 b(it)g(and)g(writing,)396 +b(the)390 b(new)f(\257le)h(go)31 b(es)389 b(in)h(the)0 +4872 y(curren)-31 b(t)466 b(directory)h(\(wherev)-31 +b(er)466 b(y)-31 b(ou)467 b(w)-31 b(ere)467 b(when)f(y)-31 +b(ou)467 b(ran)f(the)h(program\).)785 b(Similarly)-92 +b(,)0 6227 y(when)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(op)31 b(en)369 +b(a)h(\257le)f(for)h(reading,)g(Python)h(lo)31 b(oks)370 +b(for)f(it)h(in)f(the)h(curren)-31 b(t)369 b(directory)-92 +b(.)0 8502 y(If)380 b(y)-31 b(ou)382 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)382 +b(to)g(op)31 b(en)380 b(a)h(\257le)g(somewhere)g(else,)j(y)-31 +b(ou)382 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)381 b(to)h(sp)31 b(ecify)381 +b(the)f Fv(path)h Fn(to)h(the)0 9857 y(\257le,)370 b(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(is)f(the)h(name)g(of)f(the)h(directory)f(\(or)h(folder\))g +(where)f(the)h(\257le)f(is)g(lo)31 b(cated:)0 12213 y +Fk(>>>)1744 b(f)581 b(=)g(open\("/usr/share/dict/words","r"\))0 +13568 y(>>>)1744 b(print)582 b(f.readline\(\))0 14923 +y(Aarhus)0 17278 y Fn(This)336 b(example)h(op)31 b(ens)335 +b(a)h(\257le)g(named)g Fk(words)g Fn(that)h(resides)e(in)h(a)g +(directory)g(named)g Fk(dict)p Fn(,)0 18633 y(whic)-31 +b(h)533 b(resides)f(in)g Fk(share)p Fn(,)574 b(whic)-31 +b(h)533 b(resides)f(in)g Fk(usr)p Fn(,)574 b(whic)-31 +b(h)533 b(resides)f(in)g(the)h(top-lev)-31 b(el)0 19988 +y(directory)370 b(of)f(the)h(system,)g(called)g Fk(/)p +Fn(.)0 22263 y(Y)-92 b(ou)460 b(cannot)h(use)e Fk(/)h +Fn(as)g(part)g(of)g(a)h(\257lename;)506 b(it)461 b(is)f(reserv)-31 +b(ed)459 b(as)g(a)h(delimiter)i(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)0 +23618 y(directory)370 b(and)f(\257lenames.)0 25893 y(The)333 +b(\257le)g Fk(/usr/share/dict/words)j Fn(con)-31 b(tains)335 +b(a)e(list)h(of)f(w)-31 b(ords)333 b(in)g(alphab)31 b(etical)336 +b(order,)0 27248 y(of)370 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(the)f(\257rst)g(is)g +(the)g(name)h(of)g(a)g(Danish)f(univ)-31 b(ersit)g(y)-92 +b(.)0 32087 y Fl(11.4)1792 b(Pic)-50 b(kling)0 34740 +y Fn(In)330 b(order)g(to)h(put)g(v)-61 b(alues)331 b(in)-31 +b(to)332 b(a)f(\257le,)339 b(y)-31 b(ou)331 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)332 b(to)f(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)332 b(them)f(to)g(strings.)480 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)331 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 36095 y(already)370 +b(seen)f(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(to)g(do)f(that)i(with)f Fk(str)p +Fn(:)0 38450 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f.write)g(\(str\(12.3\)\))0 +39805 y(>>>)g(f.write)g(\(str\([1,2,3]\)\))0 42161 y +Fn(The)274 b(problem)h(is)f(that)h(when)f(y)-31 b(ou)274 +b(read)g(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)275 b(bac)-31 b(k,)294 b(y)-31 +b(ou)274 b(get)h(a)f(string.)462 b(The)274 b(original)0 +43516 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)307 b(information)i(has)e(b)31 +b(een)306 b(lost.)472 b(In)306 b(fact,)321 b(y)-31 b(ou)307 +b(can't)g(ev)-31 b(en)307 b(tell)h(where)e(one)h(v)-61 +b(alue)307 b(ends)0 44871 y(and)369 b(the)h(next)g(b)31 +b(egins:)0 47227 y Fk(>>>)1744 b(f.readline\(\))0 48582 +y('12.3[1,)582 b(2,)g(3]')0 50938 y Fn(The)371 b(solution)i(is)d +Fv(pic)-35 b(kling)p Fn(,)371 b(so)g(called)h(b)31 b(ecause)370 +b(it)i(\\preserv)-31 b(es")370 b(data)i(structures.)497 +b(The)0 52292 y Fk(pickle)473 b Fn(mo)31 b(dule)473 b(con)-31 +b(tains)473 b(the)g(necessary)e(commands.)803 b(T)-92 +b(o)473 b(use)e(it,)499 b(imp)31 b(ort)473 b Fk(pickle)0 +53647 y Fn(and)369 b(then)h(op)31 b(en)369 b(the)g(\257le)h(in)f(the)h +(usual)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y:)0 56003 y Fk(>>>)582 b(import)g(pickle)0 +57358 y(>>>)g(f)f(=)g(open\("test.pck","w"\))p eop +%%Page: 122 148 +122 147 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(122)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)433 b(store)f(a)h(data)g +(structure,)448 b(use)432 b(the)g Fk(dump)h Fn(metho)31 +b(d)433 b(and)g(then)f(close)h(the)g(\257le)f(in)h(the)0 +2220 y(usual)370 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y:)0 4467 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(pickle.dump\(12.3,)h(f\))0 5821 y(>>>)f(pickle.dump\([1,2,3],)i(f\))0 +7176 y(>>>)e(f.close\(\))0 9423 y Fn(Then)343 b(w)-31 +b(e)344 b(can)g(op)31 b(en)343 b(the)h(\257le)f(for)g(reading)h(and)g +(load)g(the)g(data)g(structures)f(w)-31 b(e)344 b(dump)31 +b(ed:)0 11669 y Fk(>>>)582 b(f)f(=)g(open\("test.pck","r"\))0 +13024 y(>>>)h(x)f(=)g(pickle.load\(f\))0 14379 y(>>>)h(x)0 +15734 y(12.3)0 17089 y(>>>)g(type\(x\))0 18444 y()0 +19799 y(>>>)g(y)f(=)g(pickle.load\(f\))0 21154 y(>>>)h(y)0 +22509 y([1,)g(2,)f(3])0 23864 y(>>>)h(type\(y\))0 25219 +y()0 27465 y Fn(Eac)-31 b(h)339 b(time)h(w)-31 +b(e)339 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)340 b Fk(load)p Fn(,)346 +b(w)-31 b(e)339 b(get)g(a)g(single)g(v)-61 b(alue)339 +b(from)g(the)f(\257le,)346 b(complete)340 b(with)g(its)0 +28820 y(original)371 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)0 33332 y Fl(11.5)1792 +b(Exceptions)0 35831 y Fn(Whenev)-31 b(er)251 b(a)h(run)-31 +b(time)252 b(error)f(o)31 b(ccurs,)275 b(it)252 b(creates)f(an)h +Fv(exception)p Fn(.)455 b(Usually)-92 b(,)276 b(the)252 +b(program)0 37186 y(stops)369 b(and)h(Python)g(prin)-31 +b(ts)369 b(an)h(error)e(message.)0 39351 y(F)-92 b(or)368 +b(example,)j(dividing)h(b)-31 b(y)369 b(zero)g(creates)g(an)h +(exception:)0 41598 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(55/0)0 42953 +y(ZeroDivisionError:)j(integer)e(division)g(or)g(modulo)0 +45199 y Fn(So)369 b(do)31 b(es)369 b(accessing)h(a)f(nonexisten)-31 +b(t)371 b(list)f(item:)0 47445 y Fk(>>>)582 b(a)f(=)g([])0 +48800 y(>>>)h(print)f(a[5])0 50155 y(IndexError:)i(list)f(index)f(out)h +(of)f(range)0 52402 y Fn(Or)369 b(accessing)g(a)h(k)-31 +b(ey)369 b(that)i(isn't)f(in)f(the)h(dictionary:)0 54648 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(b)f(=)g({})0 56003 y(>>>)h(print)f(b['what'])0 +57358 y(KeyError:)h(what)p eop +%%Page: 123 149 +123 148 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(11.5)425 b(Exceptions)27536 +b(123)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(In)514 b(eac)-31 +b(h)516 b(case,)551 b(the)515 b(error)f(message)h(has)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)516 b(parts:)784 b(the)515 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)515 +b(of)g(error)f(b)31 b(efore)515 b(the)0 2220 y(colon,)587 +b(and)542 b(sp)31 b(eci\257cs)541 b(ab)31 b(out)543 b(the)f(error)f +(after)h(the)g(colon.)1012 b(Normally)544 b(Python)f(also)0 +3575 y(prin)-31 b(ts)437 b(a)f(tracebac)-31 b(k)438 b(of)f(where)f(the) +h(program)g(w)-31 b(as,)455 b(but)437 b(w)-31 b(e)437 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)437 b(omitted)i(that)e(from)0 4930 y(the)369 +b(examples.)0 7097 y(Sometimes)349 b(w)-31 b(e)347 b(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)349 b(to)f(execute)f(an)h(op)31 b(eration)348 +b(that)g(could)g(cause)f(an)g(exception,)354 b(but)0 +8452 y(w)-31 b(e)447 b(don't)h(w)-31 b(an)g(t)448 b(the)f(program)h(to) +f(stop.)726 b(W)-92 b(e)446 b(can)h Fv(handle)g Fn(the)g(exception)h +(using)f(the)0 9807 y Fk(try)369 b Fn(and)h Fk(except)g +Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts.)0 11974 y(F)-92 b(or)404 b(example,)416 +b(w)-31 b(e)405 b(migh)-31 b(t)406 b(prompt)g(the)f(user)f(for)h(the)g +(name)g(of)g(a)g(\257le)g(and)g(then)g(try)g(to)0 13329 +y(op)31 b(en)387 b(it.)546 b(If)386 b(the)h(\257le)g(do)31 +b(esn't)387 b(exist,)392 b(w)-31 b(e)388 b(don't)f(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)389 b(the)e(program)g(to)h(crash;)395 b(w)-31 +b(e)387 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)0 14684 y(to)370 b(handle)g(the)f(exception:)0 +16932 y Fk(filename)582 b(=)g(raw_input\('Enter)h(a)e(file)h(name:)g +('\))0 18287 y(try:)1162 19642 y(f)g(=)f(open)h(\(filename,)g("r"\))0 +20997 y(except:)1162 22352 y(print)g('There)g(is)g(no)f(file)h(named',) +g(filename)0 24600 y Fn(The)389 b Fk(try)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)391 b(executes)e(the)h(statemen)-31 b(ts)390 b(in)f(the)h(\257rst)e +(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k.)553 b(If)389 b(no)g(exceptions)0 +25955 y(o)31 b(ccur,)352 b(it)d(ignores)g(the)f Fk(except)h +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t.)488 b(If)347 b(an)-31 b(y)349 b(exception)h(o)31 +b(ccurs,)352 b(it)d(executes)f(the)0 27310 y(statemen)-31 +b(ts)371 b(in)e(the)h Fk(except)g Fn(branc)-31 b(h)369 +b(and)g(then)h(con)-31 b(tin)g(ues.)0 29477 y(W)-92 b(e)390 +b(can)g(encapsulate)i(this)f(capabilit)-31 b(y)394 b(in)c(a)h +(function:)537 b Fk(exists)391 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)391 +b(a)g(\257lename)h(and)0 30832 y(returns)368 b(true)h(if)h(the)f +(\257le)h(exists,)g(false)f(if)h(it)g(do)31 b(esn't:)0 +33080 y Fk(def)582 b(exists\(filename\):)1162 34435 y(try:)2325 +35790 y(f)f(=)g(open\(filename\))2325 37145 y(f.close\(\))2325 +38500 y(return)h(1)1162 39855 y(except:)2325 41210 y(return)g(0)0 +43458 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)301 b(can)g(use)e(m)-31 b(ultiple)303 +b Fk(except)f Fn(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(ks)301 b(to)g(handle)g(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)301 b(kinds)g(of)g(exceptions.)471 b(The)0 44813 +y Fm(Python)396 b(R)-57 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)399 b(Manual)369 +b Fn(has)g(the)g(details.)0 46980 y(If)326 b(y)-31 b(our)327 +b(program)g(detects)g(an)g(error)e(condition,)338 b(y)-31 +b(ou)327 b(can)g(mak)-31 b(e)328 b(it)f Fv(raise)f Fn(an)h(exception.)0 +48335 y(Here)411 b(is)h(an)g(example)h(that)g(gets)g(input)f(from)h +(the)f(user)e(and)i(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)412 b(for)g(the)g(v)-61 +b(alue)413 b(17.)0 49690 y(Assuming)370 b(that)g(17)g(is)f(not)h(v)-61 +b(alid)370 b(input)g(for)g(some)f(reason,)h(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(raise)h(an)f(exception.)0 51938 y Fk(def)582 b(inputNumber)g(\(\))g +(:)1162 53293 y(x)g(=)f(input)h(\('Pick)g(a)f(number:)h('\))1162 +54648 y(if)g(x)f(==)g(17)h(:)2325 56003 y(raise)f('BadNumberError',)j +('17)e(is)f(a)h(bad)f(number')1162 57358 y(return)h(x)p +eop +%%Page: 124 150 +124 149 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(124)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)530 b Fk(raise)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)532 b(tak)-31 b(es)531 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)532 b(argumen)-31 +b(ts:)816 b(the)531 b(exception)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)531 +b(and)f(sp)31 b(eci\257c)0 2220 y(information)464 b(ab)31 +b(out)462 b(the)f(error.)767 b Fk(BadNumberError)463 +b Fn(is)e(a)g(new)g(kind)h(of)f(exception)h(w)-31 b(e)0 +3575 y(in)g(v)g(en)g(ted)371 b(for)e(this)h(application.)0 +5764 y(If)468 b(the)h(function)h(that)g(called)g Fk(inputNumber)g +Fn(handles)f(the)g(error,)493 b(then)469 b(the)g(program)0 +7119 y(can)369 b(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue;)372 b(otherwise,)e(Python)h(prin) +-31 b(ts)369 b(the)h(error)e(message)h(and)h(exits:)0 +9389 y Fk(>>>)582 b(inputNumber)g(\(\))0 10744 y(Pick)g(a)f(number:)h +(17)0 12099 y(BadNumberError:)h(17)f(is)f(a)h(bad)f(number)0 +14369 y Fn(The)412 b(error)g(message)g(includes)h(the)f(exception)i(t) +-31 b(yp)31 b(e)413 b(and)f(the)h(additional)i(information)0 +15724 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(pro)-31 b(vided.)2767 18415 +y Fm(As)543 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)581 b(write)542 b(a)h(function)h +(that)e(uses)g Fk(inputNumber)i Fm(to)e(input)2767 19770 +y(a)444 b(numb)-57 b(er)445 b(fr)-57 b(om)445 b(the)f(keyb)-57 +b(o)g(ar)g(d)445 b(and)f(that)f(hand)57 b(les)443 b(the)h +Fk(BadNumberError)2767 21125 y Fm(exc)-57 b(eption.)0 +25708 y Fl(11.6)1792 b(Glossary)0 28240 y Fv(\257le:)553 +b Fn(A)367 b(named)g(en)-31 b(tit)g(y)-92 b(,)369 b(usually)f(stored)f +(on)f(a)h(hard)g(driv)-31 b(e,)367 b(\260opp)-31 b(y)368 +b(disk,)f(or)g(CD-R)-31 b(OM,)2767 29595 y(that)371 b(con)-31 +b(tains)371 b(a)e(stream)h(of)f(c)-31 b(haracters.)0 +31880 y Fv(directory:)554 b Fn(A)369 b(named)h(collection)i(of)e +(\257les,)f(also)h(called)h(a)e(folder.)0 34165 y Fv(path:)553 +b Fn(A)368 b(sequence)f(of)g(directory)h(names)g(that)h(sp)31 +b(eci\257es)366 b(the)i(exact)g(lo)31 b(cation)370 b(of)e(a)f(\257le.)0 +36449 y Fv(text)425 b(\257le:)553 b Fn(A)485 b(\257le)h(that)h(con)-31 +b(tains)487 b(prin)-31 b(table)486 b(c)-31 b(haracters)486 +b(organized)g(in)-31 b(to)487 b(lines)f(sepa-)2767 37804 +y(rated)370 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b(newline)i(c)-31 b(haracters.)0 +40089 y Fv(break)425 b(statemen)-35 b(t:)554 b Fn(A)266 +b(statemen)-31 b(t)267 b(that)h(causes)d(the)h(\260o)-31 +b(w)267 b(of)f(execution)i(to)e(exit)h(a)f(lo)31 b(op.)0 +42374 y Fv(con)-35 b(tin)g(ue)425 b(statemen)-35 b(t:)553 +b Fn(A)374 b(statemen)-31 b(t)376 b(that)f(causes)f(the)g(curren)-31 +b(t)373 b(iteration)j(of)f(a)f(lo)31 b(op)2767 43729 +y(to)424 b(end.)655 b(The)424 b(\260o)-31 b(w)424 b(of)g(execution)h +(go)31 b(es)423 b(to)h(the)g(top)g(of)f(the)h(lo)31 b(op,)438 +b(ev)-61 b(aluates)425 b(the)2767 45084 y(condition,)372 +b(and)e(pro)31 b(ceeds)368 b(accordingly)-92 b(.)0 47369 +y Fv(format)425 b(op)35 b(erator:)555 b Fn(The)333 b +Fk(\045)f Fn(op)31 b(erator)332 b(tak)-31 b(es)333 b(a)g(format)g +(string)g(and)f(a)g(tuple)h(of)g(expres-)2767 48724 y(sions)266 +b(and)g(yields)g(a)g(string)g(that)h(includes)f(the)g(expressions,)286 +b(formatted)268 b(according)2767 50079 y(to)370 b(the)g(format)g +(string.)0 52363 y Fv(format)425 b(string:)554 b Fn(A)594 +b(string)h(that)g(con)-31 b(tains)596 b(prin)-31 b(table)596 +b(c)-31 b(haracters)595 b(and)g(format)h(se-)2767 53718 +y(quences)369 b(that)i(indicate)f(ho)-31 b(w)371 b(to)f(format)g(v)-61 +b(alues.)0 56003 y Fv(format)425 b(sequence:)554 b Fn(A)459 +b(sequence)g(of)h(c)-31 b(haracters)459 b(b)31 b(eginning)460 +b(with)g Fk(\045)f Fn(that)i(indicates)2767 57358 y(ho)-31 +b(w)371 b(to)f(format)g(a)g(v)-61 b(alue.)p eop +%%Page: 125 151 +125 150 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(11.6)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(125)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(pic)-35 b(kle:)552 b Fn(T)-92 +b(o)400 b(write)h(a)e(data)i(v)-61 b(alue)400 b(in)g(a)g(\257le)g +(along)h(with)g(its)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)400 b(information)i(so)e(that) +2767 2220 y(it)370 b(can)g(b)31 b(e)368 b(reconstituted)j(later.)0 +4461 y Fv(exception:)554 b Fn(An)369 b(error)g(that)h(o)31 +b(ccurs)368 b(at)i(run)-31 b(time.)0 6701 y Fv(handle:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)466 b(prev)-31 b(en)g(t)467 b(an)f(exception)h(from)g +(terminating)i(a)d(program)h(using)f(the)h Fk(try)2767 +8056 y Fn(and)370 b Fk(except)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts.)0 +10296 y Fv(raise:)553 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(signal)h(an)e(exception)i +(using)e(the)h Fk(raise)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(t.)p eop +%%Page: 126 152 +126 151 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(126)25000 b(Files)424 b(and)h(exceptions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 127 153 +127 152 bop 0 10069 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(12)0 16517 y Fo(Classes)1032 +b(and)i(ob)172 b(jects)0 23824 y Fl(12.1)1792 b(User-de\257ned)601 +b(comp)50 b(ound)598 b(t)-50 b(yp)50 b(es)0 26373 y Fn(Ha)-31 +b(ving)492 b(used)d(some)i(of)g(Python's)g(built-in)h(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es,)521 b(w)-31 b(e)490 b(are)g(ready)g(to)h(create)g(a)f +(user-)0 27728 y(de\257ned)369 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e:)493 +b(the)369 b Fk(Point)p Fn(.)0 29930 y(Consider)450 b(the)f(concept)h +(of)g(a)f(mathematical)454 b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t.)734 +b(In)448 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)451 b(dimensions,)471 b(a)450 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)450 b(is)0 31285 y(t)-31 b(w)g(o)446 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)444 b(\(co)31 b(ordinates\))447 +b(that)e(are)f(treated)i(collectiv)-31 b(ely)447 b(as)e(a)f(single)i +(ob)61 b(ject.)719 b(In)0 32640 y(mathematical)425 b(notation,)436 +b(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts)421 b(are)g(often)g(written)h(in)f(paren)-31 +b(theses)420 b(with)h(a)g(comma)0 33994 y(separating)355 +b(the)g(co)31 b(ordinates.)488 b(F)-92 b(or)353 b(example,)359 +b(\(0)p Fg(;)184 b Fn(0\))357 b(represen)-31 b(ts)353 +b(the)h(origin,)359 b(and)354 b(\()p Fg(x;)184 b(y)40 +b Fn(\))0 35349 y(represen)-31 b(ts)368 b(the)h(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)371 b Fg(x)d Fn(units)i(to)g(the)f(righ)-31 +b(t)371 b(and)e Fg(y)409 b Fn(units)369 b(up)g(from)h(the)f(origin.)0 +37551 y(A)359 b(natural)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)360 b(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)358 b(a)h(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)360 b(in)f(Python)h(is)e(with)i(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)361 b(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)362 b(v)-61 +b(alues.)0 38906 y(The)399 b(question,)408 b(then,)f(is)399 +b(ho)-31 b(w)400 b(to)g(group)g(these)e(t)-31 b(w)g(o)401 +b(v)-61 b(alues)399 b(in)-31 b(to)401 b(a)e(comp)31 b(ound)400 +b(ob)61 b(ject.)0 40261 y(The)362 b(quic)-31 b(k)363 +b(and)f(dirt)-31 b(y)363 b(solution)h(is)d(to)i(use)e(a)i(list)f(or)g +(tuple,)j(and)d(for)g(some)g(applications)0 41616 y(that)370 +b(migh)-31 b(t)372 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(the)i(b)31 b(est)369 +b(c)-31 b(hoice.)0 43817 y(An)510 b(alternativ)-31 b(e)513 +b(is)d(to)h(de\257ne)f(a)h(new)f(user-de\257ned)f(comp)31 +b(ound)512 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)546 b(also)511 b(called)h(a)0 +45172 y Fv(class)p Fn(.)488 b(This)357 b(approac)-31 +b(h)358 b(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(es)359 b(a)f(bit)g(more)f(e\256ort,)j(but) +d(it)h(has)f(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tages)359 b(that)f(will)0 +46527 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(apparen)-31 b(t)370 b(so)31 b(on.)0 +48728 y(A)369 b(class)g(de\257nition)i(lo)31 b(oks)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)0 51011 y Fk(class)582 b(Point:)1162 +52366 y(pass)0 54648 y Fn(Class)379 b(de\257nitions)g(can)g(app)31 +b(ear)378 b(an)-31 b(ywhere)379 b(in)f(a)h(program,)j(but)c(they)h(are) +f(usually)h(near)0 56003 y(the)k(b)31 b(eginning)384 +b(\(after)f(the)g Fk(import)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts\).)535 +b(The)382 b(syn)-31 b(tax)384 b(rules)e(for)h(a)g(class)f(de\257-)0 +57358 y(nition)371 b(are)e(the)g(same)h(as)f(for)g(other)h(comp)31 +b(ound)370 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(\(see)e(Section)h(4.4\).)p +eop +%%Page: 128 154 +128 153 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(128)25469 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)452 b(de\257nition)h +(creates)e(a)h(new)f(class)h(called)g Fk(Point)p Fn(.)740 +b(The)452 b Fv(pass)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)453 b(has)f(no)0 +2220 y(e\256ect;)348 b(it)336 b(is)g(only)h(necessary)f(b)31 +b(ecause)335 b(a)i(comp)31 b(ound)336 b(statemen)-31 +b(t)338 b(m)-31 b(ust)337 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)337 b(something)0 +3575 y(in)369 b(its)h(b)31 b(o)g(dy)-92 b(.)0 5811 y(By)476 +b(creating)h(the)f Fk(Point)g Fn(class,)503 b(w)-31 b(e)476 +b(created)g(a)g(new)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)503 b(also)477 +b(called)g Fk(Point)p Fn(.)813 b(The)0 7166 y(mem)-31 +b(b)31 b(ers)392 b(of)g(this)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)392 +b(are)g(called)h Fv(instances)e Fn(of)i(the)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)392 b(or)f Fv(ob)71 b(jects)p Fn(.)561 b(Creating)394 +b(a)0 8521 y(new)f(instance)h(is)f(called)h Fv(instan)-35 +b(tiation)p Fn(.)563 b(T)-92 b(o)393 b(instan)-31 b(tiate)396 +b(a)d Fk(Point)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject,)401 b(w)-31 b(e)394 +b(call)g(a)0 9876 y(function)371 b(named)e(\(y)-31 b(ou)371 +b(guessed)e(it\))h Fk(Point)p Fn(:)0 12194 y Fk(blank)582 +b(=)f(Point\(\))0 14511 y Fn(The)413 b(v)-61 b(ariable)413 +b Fk(blank)g Fn(is)f(assigned)h(a)g(reference)f(to)h(a)g(new)f +Fk(Point)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject.)624 b(A)413 b(function)0 +15866 y(lik)-31 b(e)370 b Fk(Point)g Fn(that)h(creates)e(new)g(ob)61 +b(jects)370 b(is)f(called)i(a)e Fv(constructor)p Fn(.)0 +20591 y Fl(12.2)1792 b(A)-50 b(ttributes)0 23189 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)368 b(can)i(add)f(new)h(data)g(to)g(an)g(instance)g(using)f(dot)h +(notation:)0 25507 y Fk(>>>)582 b(blank.x)g(=)f(3.0)0 +26862 y(>>>)h(blank.y)g(=)f(4.0)0 29179 y Fn(This)328 +b(syn)-31 b(tax)328 b(is)f(similar)i(to)f(the)g(syn)-31 +b(tax)328 b(for)f(selecting)i(a)f(v)-61 b(ariable)328 +b(from)g(a)f(mo)31 b(dule,)337 b(suc)-31 b(h)0 30534 +y(as)336 b Fk(math.pi)h Fn(or)f Fk(string.uppercase)p +Fn(.)484 b(In)336 b(this)h(case,)343 b(though,)i(w)-31 +b(e)336 b(are)h(selecting)g(a)g(data)0 31889 y(item)370 +b(from)g(an)g(instance.)493 b(These)369 b(named)h(items)g(are)f(called) +h Fv(attributes)p Fn(.)0 34126 y(The)f(follo)-31 b(wing)373 +b(state)d(diagram)h(sho)-31 b(ws)370 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b(ject,)304 +b(whic)-31 b(h)286 b(con)-31 b(tains)286 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)287 +b(attributes.)466 b(Eac)-31 b(h)0 43712 y(attribute)371 +b(refers)d(to)i(a)f(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)373 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er.)0 45949 y(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(read)f(the)g +(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)g(an)f(attribute)i(using)f(the)f(same)h(syn)-31 +b(tax:)0 48266 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(blank.y)0 49621 +y(4.0)0 50976 y(>>>)h(x)f(=)g(blank.x)0 52331 y(>>>)h(print)f(x)0 +53686 y(3.0)0 56003 y Fn(The)395 b(expression)f Fk(blank.x)h +Fn(means,)401 b(\\Go)395 b(to)g(the)g(ob)61 b(ject)396 +b Fk(blank)f Fn(refers)e(to)i(and)g(get)g(the)0 57358 +y(v)-61 b(alue)451 b(of)h Fk(x)p Fn(.")738 b(In)451 b(this)g(case,)472 +b(w)-31 b(e)451 b(assign)h(that)g(v)-61 b(alue)452 b(to)f(a)h(v)-61 +b(ariable)452 b(named)f Fk(x)p Fn(.)738 b(There)p eop +%%Page: 129 155 +129 154 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(12.3)425 b(Instances)g(as)g(parameters)20242 +b(129)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(is)430 b(no)g(con\260ict)h(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)430 b(the)g(v)-61 b(ariable)431 b +Fk(x)f Fn(and)f(the)h(attribute)i Fk(x)p Fn(.)674 b(The)430 +b(purp)31 b(ose)429 b(of)h(dot)0 2220 y(notation)372 +b(is)d(to)h(iden)-31 b(tify)371 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(v)-61 +b(ariable)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(referring)g(to)h(unam)-31 +b(biguously)-92 b(.)0 4295 y(Y)g(ou)344 b(can)g(use)f(dot)h(notation)j +(as)d(part)g(of)g(an)-31 b(y)344 b(expression,)349 b(so)344 +b(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)347 b(statemen)-31 b(ts)0 5650 +y(are)369 b(legal:)0 7806 y Fk(print)582 b('\(')f(+)h(str\(blank.x\))h +(+)e(',)g(')h(+)f(str\(blank.y\))i(+)e('\)')0 9161 y(distanceSquared)i +(=)f(blank.x)g(*)f(blank.x)h(+)g(blank.y)g(*)f(blank.y)0 +11317 y Fn(The)369 b(\257rst)g(line)h(outputs)g Fk(\(3.0,)582 +b(4.0\))p Fn(;)370 b(the)f(second)g(line)h(calculates)h(the)f(v)-61 +b(alue)369 b(25.0.)0 13392 y(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(migh)-31 +b(t)372 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(tempted)j(to)f(prin)-31 b(t)369 +b(the)h(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(of)h Fk(blank)g Fn(itself:)0 +15548 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(blank)0 16903 y(<__main__.Point)i +(instance)g(at)e(80f8e70>)0 19059 y Fn(The)478 b(result)g(indicates)h +(that)g Fk(blank)g Fn(is)f(an)g(instance)g(of)h(the)f +Fk(Point)h Fn(class)e(and)i(it)f(w)-31 b(as)0 20414 y(de\257ned)487 +b(in)p 5411 20414 349 45 v 5829 20414 V 1325 w Fk(main)p +8572 20414 V 8990 20414 V 837 w Fn(.)848 b Fk(80f8e70)488 +b Fn(is)f(the)h(unique)g(iden)-31 b(ti\257er)488 b(for)g(this)g(ob)61 +b(ject,)519 b(written)0 21769 y(in)468 b(hexadecimal)j(\(base)d(16\).) +790 b(This)469 b(is)f(probably)h(not)g(the)f(most)h(informativ)-31 +b(e)471 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)469 b(to)0 23124 y(displa)-31 +b(y)371 b(a)e Fk(Point)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject.)494 b(Y)-92 +b(ou)369 b(will)i(see)e(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(to)g(c)-31 b(hange)370 +b(it)g(shortly)-92 b(.)2767 25512 y Fm(As)395 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)397 b(cr)-57 b(e)g(ate)396 b(and)g(print)g(a)f +Fk(Point)h Fm(obje)-57 b(ct,)398 b(and)d(then)h(use)f +Fk(id)h Fm(to)2767 26867 y(print)417 b(the)f(obje)-57 +b(ct's)418 b(unique)f(identi\257er.)572 b(T)-85 b(r)-57 +b(anslate)417 b(the)f(hexade)-57 b(cimal)416 b(form)2767 +28222 y(into)397 b(de)-57 b(cimal)397 b(and)f(c)-57 b(on\257rm)397 +b(that)e(they)h(match.)0 32606 y Fl(12.3)1792 b(Instances)600 +b(as)d(parameters)0 35015 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(can)h(pass)f(an)g +(instance)h(as)f(a)h(parameter)g(in)f(the)g(usual)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)-92 b(.)494 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example:)0 37171 +y Fk(def)582 b(printPoint\(p\):)1162 38526 y(print)g('\(')g(+)f +(str\(p.x\))h(+)g(',)f(')g(+)h(str\(p.y\))g(+)f('\)')0 +40682 y(printPoint)270 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)270 b(a)g(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)270 b(as)f(an)h(argumen)-31 b(t)270 b(and)g(displa)-31 +b(ys)270 b(it)g(in)f(the)g(standard)h(format.)0 42037 +y(If)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(call)g Fk(printPoint\(blank\))p +Fn(,)i(the)e(output)g(is)f Fk(\(3.0,)582 b(4.0\))p Fn(.)2767 +44425 y Fm(As)450 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)465 b(r)-57 +b(ewrite)451 b(the)f Fk(distance)i Fm(function)g(fr)-57 +b(om)452 b(Se)-57 b(ction)452 b(5.2)e(so)2767 45780 y(that)396 +b(it)g(takes)f(two)g Fk(Point)p Fm(s)i(as)e(p)-57 b(ar)g(ameters)396 +b(inste)-57 b(ad)396 b(of)h(four)f(numb)-57 b(ers.)0 +50165 y Fl(12.4)1792 b(Sameness)0 52573 y Fn(The)433 +b(meaning)i(of)e(the)g(w)-31 b(ord)433 b(\\same")h(seems)f(p)31 +b(erfectly)433 b(clear)g(un)-31 b(til)434 b(y)-31 b(ou)434 +b(giv)-31 b(e)434 b(it)g(some)0 53928 y(though)-31 b(t,)372 +b(and)d(then)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(realize)g(there)f(is)g(more)h(to)g(it)g +(than)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(exp)31 b(ected.)0 56003 y(F)-92 +b(or)323 b(example,)335 b(if)324 b(y)-31 b(ou)325 b(sa)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)333 b(\\Chris)325 b(and)f(I)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)325 +b(the)f(same)g(car,")334 b(y)-31 b(ou)325 b(mean)f(that)h(his)f(car)0 +57358 y(and)402 b(y)-31 b(ours)401 b(are)g(the)h(same)f(mak)-31 +b(e)403 b(and)e(mo)31 b(del,)411 b(but)402 b(that)g(they)g(are)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)403 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)402 b(cars.)p eop +%%Page: 130 156 +130 155 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(130)25469 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)352 b(y)-31 +b(ou)353 b(sa)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)356 b(\\Chris)c(and)h(I)e(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)354 b(the)e(same)g(mother,")358 b(y)-31 b(ou)353 +b(mean)f(that)i(his)e(mother)h(and)0 2220 y(y)-31 b(ours)433 +b(are)g(the)g(same)g(p)31 b(erson.)13228 1818 y Ff(1)14408 +2220 y Fn(So)433 b(the)h(idea)f(of)h(\\sameness")f(is)g(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)434 b(dep)31 b(ending)0 3575 y(on)369 b(the)h(con)-31 +b(text.)0 5981 y(When)365 b(y)-31 b(ou)366 b(talk)h(ab)31 +b(out)367 b(ob)61 b(jects,)368 b(there)d(is)h(a)g(similar)h(am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)-92 b(.)494 b(F)-92 b(or)365 b(example,)j(if)e(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)0 7336 y Fk(Point)p Fn(s)355 b(are)f(the)g(same,)k(do)31 +b(es)354 b(that)i(mean)f(they)g(con)-31 b(tain)356 b(the)f(same)f(data) +i(\(co)31 b(ordinates\))0 8691 y(or)369 b(that)h(they)g(are)f(actually) +j(the)d(same)h(ob)61 b(ject?)0 11097 y(T)-92 b(o)374 +b(\257nd)f(out)h(if)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)376 b(references)c(refer)g(to)j +(the)e(same)h(ob)61 b(ject,)377 b(use)372 b(the)i Fk(==)g +Fn(op)31 b(erator.)506 b(F)-92 b(or)0 12452 y(example:)0 +14939 y Fk(>>>)582 b(p1)f(=)g(Point\(\))0 16294 y(>>>)h(p1.x)f(=)h(3)0 +17649 y(>>>)g(p1.y)f(=)h(4)0 19003 y(>>>)g(p2)f(=)g(Point\(\))0 +20358 y(>>>)h(p2.x)f(=)h(3)0 21713 y(>>>)g(p2.y)f(=)h(4)0 +23068 y(>>>)g(p1)f(==)g(p2)0 24423 y(0)0 26910 y Fn(Ev)-31 +b(en)449 b(though)g Fk(p1)g Fn(and)f Fk(p2)h Fn(con)-31 +b(tain)450 b(the)f(same)f(co)31 b(ordinates,)470 b(they)449 +b(are)f(not)h(the)g(same)0 28265 y(ob)61 b(ject.)788 +b(If)467 b(w)-31 b(e)468 b(assign)g Fk(p1)f Fn(to)h Fk(p2)p +Fn(,)492 b(then)468 b(the)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)469 b(v)-61 +b(ariables)468 b(are)f(aliases)h(of)g(the)g(same)0 29620 +y(ob)61 b(ject:)0 32107 y Fk(>>>)582 b(p2)f(=)g(p1)0 +33462 y(>>>)h(p1)f(==)g(p2)0 34817 y(1)0 37304 y Fn(This)381 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)382 b(of)f(equalit)-31 b(y)384 b(is)c(called)j +Fv(shallo)-35 b(w)437 b(equalit)-35 b(y)380 b Fn(b)31 +b(ecause)381 b(it)g(compares)h(only)g(the)0 38659 y(references,)368 +b(not)i(the)g(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)370 b(of)g(the)f(ob)61 +b(jects.)0 41065 y(T)-92 b(o)350 b(compare)g(the)g(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts)351 b(of)f(the)g(ob)61 b(jects|)p Fv(deep)405 +b(equalit)-35 b(y)p Fn(|w)k(e)349 b(can)h(write)g(a)g(func-)0 +42420 y(tion)370 b(called)h Fk(samePoint)p Fn(:)0 44907 +y Fk(def)582 b(samePoint\(p1,)h(p2\))e(:)1162 46262 y(return)h(\(p1.x)g +(==)g(p2.x\))g(and)f(\(p1.y)h(==)g(p2.y\))0 48749 y Fn(No)-31 +b(w)405 b(if)g(w)-31 b(e)405 b(create)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)406 +b(di\256eren)-31 b(t)404 b(ob)61 b(jects)406 b(that)f(con)-31 +b(tain)406 b(the)e(same)h(data,)415 b(w)-31 b(e)404 b(can)h(use)0 +50103 y Fk(samePoint)370 b Fn(to)g(\257nd)f(out)h(if)g(they)g(represen) +-31 b(t)368 b(the)h(same)h(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t.)p 0 51475 +15276 45 v 1232 52190 a Fp(1)1694 52503 y Fb(Not)340 +b(all)i(languages)h(ha)-26 b(v)g(e)340 b(the)g(same)i(problem.)499 +b(F)-78 b(or)340 b(example,)349 b(German)340 b(has)h(di\256eren)-26 +b(t)340 b(w)-26 b(ords)340 b(for)0 53576 y(di\256eren)-26 +b(t)326 b(kinds)g(of)g(sameness.)458 b(\\Same)328 b(car")f(in)f(this)h +(con)-26 b(text)326 b(w)-26 b(ould)326 b(b)26 b(e)327 +b(\\gleic)-26 b(he)328 b(Auto,")i(and)d(\\same)0 54648 +y(mother")314 b(w)-26 b(ould)314 b(b)26 b(e)313 b(\\selb)26 +b(e)315 b(Mutter.")p eop +%%Page: 131 157 +131 156 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(12.5)425 b(Rectangles)27594 +b(131)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(p1)f(=)g(Point\(\))0 +2220 y(>>>)h(p1.x)f(=)h(3)0 3575 y(>>>)g(p1.y)f(=)h(4)0 +4930 y(>>>)g(p2)f(=)g(Point\(\))0 6285 y(>>>)h(p2.x)f(=)h(3)0 +7640 y(>>>)g(p2.y)f(=)h(4)0 8995 y(>>>)g(samePoint\(p1,)h(p2\))0 +10350 y(1)0 12563 y Fn(Of)360 b(course,)h(if)f(the)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)362 b(v)-61 b(ariables)360 b(refer)f(to)h(the)g(same)g(ob)61 +b(ject,)364 b(they)c(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)361 b(b)31 b(oth)360 +b(shallo)-31 b(w)0 13918 y(and)369 b(deep)g(equalit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 18382 y Fl(12.5)1792 b(Rectangles)0 20847 +y Fn(Let's)405 b(sa)-31 b(y)405 b(that)h(w)-31 b(e)405 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)407 b(a)e(class)g(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)404 b(a)h(rectangle.)601 b(The)405 b(question)h(is,)414 +b(what)0 22202 y(information)264 b(do)d(w)-31 b(e)262 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)262 b(to)g(pro)-31 b(vide)261 b(in)h(order)e(to)i(sp) +31 b(ecify)261 b(a)g(rectangle?)457 b(T)-92 b(o)262 b(k)-31 +b(eep)261 b(things)0 23557 y(simple,)482 b(assume)457 +b(that)j(the)e(rectangle)h(is)f(orien)-31 b(ted)459 b(either)f(v)-31 +b(ertically)461 b(or)c(horizon)-31 b(tally)-92 b(,)0 +24912 y(nev)-31 b(er)369 b(at)h(an)f(angle.)0 27044 y(There)393 +b(are)f(a)i(few)f(p)31 b(ossibilities:)542 b(w)-31 b(e)393 +b(could)h(sp)31 b(ecify)393 b(the)g(cen)-31 b(ter)393 +b(of)g(the)h(rectangle)g(\(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 28399 y(co)31 +b(ordinates\))507 b(and)g(its)f(size)f(\(width)j(and)e(heigh)-31 +b(t\);)577 b(or)505 b(w)-31 b(e)507 b(could)f(sp)31 b(ecify)506 +b(one)g(of)h(the)0 29754 y(corners)373 b(and)i(the)g(size;)i(or)e(w)-31 +b(e)375 b(could)g(sp)31 b(ecify)375 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)376 +b(opp)31 b(osing)375 b(corners.)508 b(A)374 b(con)-31 +b(v)g(en)g(tional)0 31109 y(c)g(hoice)370 b(is)f(to)h(sp)31 +b(ecify)369 b(the)h(upp)31 b(er-left)369 b(corner)g(of)h(the)f +(rectangle)h(and)g(the)f(size.)0 33241 y(Again,)i(w)-31 +b(e'll)371 b(de\257ne)e(a)h(new)f(class:)0 35454 y Fk(class)582 +b(Rectangle:)1162 36809 y(pass)0 39022 y Fn(And)369 b(instan)-31 +b(tiate)372 b(it:)0 41235 y Fk(box)582 b(=)f(Rectangle\(\))0 +42590 y(box.width)h(=)g(100.0)0 43945 y(box.height)h(=)e(200.0)0 +46158 y Fn(This)441 b(co)31 b(de)440 b(creates)g(a)g(new)h +Fk(Rectangle)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject)442 b(with)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)442 +b(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)444 b(attributes.)0 47512 +y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(sp)31 b(ecify)369 b(the)g(upp)31 b(er-left)370 +b(corner,)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(em)-31 b(b)31 b(ed)369 +b(an)h(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(within)h(an)f(ob)61 b(ject!)0 +49725 y Fk(box.corner)583 b(=)e(Point\(\))0 51080 y(box.corner.x)i(=)e +(0.0;)0 52435 y(box.corner.y)i(=)e(0.0;)0 54648 y Fn(The)391 +b(dot)h(op)31 b(erator)391 b(comp)31 b(oses.)558 b(The)391 +b(expression)g Fk(box.corner.x)i Fn(means,)k(\\Go)391 +b(to)h(the)0 56003 y(ob)61 b(ject)483 b Fk(box)e Fn(refers)f(to)i(and)g +(select)f(the)h(attribute)h(named)f Fk(corner)p Fn(;)538 +b(then)482 b(go)g(to)g(that)0 57358 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 +b(and)e(select)h(the)f(attribute)i(named)f Fk(x)p Fn(.")p +eop +%%Page: 132 158 +132 157 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(132)25469 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)369 b(\257gure)g(sho)-31 +b(ws)370 b(the)f(state)h(of)g(this)g(ob)61 b(ject:)7317 +2244 y + 13945733 4012687 0 0 13945733 4012687 startTexFig + 7317 2244 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/rectangle.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: rectangle.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 09:48:32 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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l 3763 1852 l cp +eoclip +n 3525 1822 m + 3900 1822 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3763 1852 m 3883 1822 l 3763 1792 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3915 1552 m 3915 1492 l 3763 1492 l 3883 1522 l 3763 1552 l cp +eoclip +n 3525 1522 m + 3900 1522 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3763 1552 m 3883 1522 l 3763 1492 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3450 1875 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3975 1575 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3450 1575 m +gs 1 -1 sc (x) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3975 1875 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0.0) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1477 m 2490 1417 l 2338 1417 l 2458 1447 l 2338 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 2475 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1477 m 2458 1447 l 2338 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3310 1774 m 3309 1714 l 3157 1715 l 3278 1745 l 3158 1775 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1747 m + 3295 1745 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3158 1775 m 3278 1745 l 3157 1715 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1515 1185 m 1515 1125 l 1363 1125 l 1483 1155 l 1363 1185 l cp +eoclip +n 1115 1155 m + 1500 1155 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1363 1185 m 1483 1155 l 1363 1125 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (width) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (height) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (100.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1800 m +gs 1 -1 sc (corner) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (200.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1050 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (box) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + 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Fl(12.7)1792 b(Ob)100 +b(jects)599 b(are)f(m)-50 b(utable)0 42094 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)457 b(can)h(c)-31 b(hange)459 b(the)f(state)g(of)g(an)g(ob)61 +b(ject)460 b(b)-31 b(y)458 b(making)h(an)f(assignmen)-31 +b(t)460 b(to)e(one)g(of)h(its)0 43449 y(attributes.)524 +b(F)-92 b(or)378 b(example,)384 b(to)379 b(c)-31 b(hange)381 +b(the)e(size)g(of)g(a)h(rectangle)g(without)i(c)-31 b(hanging)381 +b(its)0 44804 y(p)31 b(osition,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(could)g(mo)31 +b(dify)370 b(the)g(v)-61 b(alues)369 b(of)h Fk(width)g +Fn(and)f Fk(height)p Fn(:)0 47182 y Fk(box.width)582 +b(=)g(box.width)g(+)g(50)0 48537 y(box.height)h(=)e(box.height)i(+)e +(100)0 50915 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)360 b(could)i(encapsulate)g(this)g(co)31 +b(de)361 b(in)g(a)h(metho)31 b(d)361 b(and)h(generalize)g(it)g(to)g +(gro)-31 b(w)362 b(the)f(rect-)0 52270 y(angle)370 b(b)-31 +b(y)370 b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(amoun)-31 b(t:)0 54648 y Fk(def)582 +b(growRect\(box,)h(dwidth,)f(dheight\))g(:)1162 56003 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+34535 y Fn(Aliasing)282 b(can)d(mak)-31 b(e)281 b(a)f(program)g +(di\261cult)i(to)e(read)f(b)31 b(ecause)279 b(c)-31 b(hanges)280 +b(made)h(in)e(one)h(place)0 35890 y(migh)-31 b(t)410 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)409 b(unexp)31 b(ected)409 b(e\256ects)e(in)i(another) +g(place.)610 b(It)408 b(is)h(hard)f(to)h(k)-31 b(eep)408 +b(trac)-31 b(k)409 b(of)g(all)0 37245 y(the)369 b(v)-61 +b(ariables)370 b(that)h(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(refer)d(to)i(a)g(giv)-31 +b(en)370 b(ob)61 b(ject.)0 39379 y(Cop)-31 b(ying)311 +b(an)e(ob)61 b(ject)310 b(is)f(often)g(an)g(alternativ)-31 +b(e)311 b(to)f(aliasing.)475 b(The)309 b Fk(copy)g Fn(mo)31 +b(dule)309 b(con)-31 b(tains)0 40734 y(a)369 b(function)i(called)f +Fk(copy)g Fn(that)g(can)g(duplicate)h(an)-31 b(y)370 +b(ob)61 b(ject:)0 42949 y Fk(>>>)582 b(import)g(copy)0 +44304 y(>>>)g(p1)f(=)g(Point\(\))0 45659 y(>>>)h(p1.x)f(=)h(3)0 +47014 y(>>>)g(p1.y)f(=)h(4)0 48368 y(>>>)g(p2)f(=)g(copy.copy\(p1\))0 +49723 y(>>>)h(p1)f(==)g(p2)0 51078 y(0)0 52433 y(>>>)h(samePoint\(p1,)h +(p2\))0 53788 y(1)0 56003 y Fn(Once)368 b(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(imp)31 b(ort)369 b(the)f Fk(copy)h Fn(mo)31 b(dule,)369 +b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(can)f(use)g(the)g Fk(copy)h Fn(metho)31 +b(d)369 b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)369 b(a)g(new)0 57358 y Fk(Point)p +Fn(.)493 b Fk(p1)370 b Fn(and)f Fk(p2)g Fn(are)g(not)h(the)g(same)f(p) +31 b(oin)-31 b(t,)371 b(but)e(they)h(con)-31 b(tain)371 +b(the)f(same)f(data.)p eop +%%Page: 134 160 +134 159 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(134)25469 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)521 +b(cop)-31 b(y)520 b(a)h(simple)g(ob)61 b(ject)521 b(lik)-31 +b(e)521 b(a)g Fk(Point)p Fn(,)558 b(whic)-31 b(h)521 +b(do)31 b(esn't)521 b(con)-31 b(tain)522 b(an)-31 b(y)521 +b(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded)0 2220 y(ob)61 b(jects,)371 b +Fk(copy)e Fn(is)g(su\261cien)-31 b(t.)494 b(This)370 +b(is)f(called)h Fv(shallo)-35 b(w)424 b(cop)-35 b(ying)p +Fn(.)0 4523 y(F)-92 b(or)431 b(something)j(lik)-31 b(e)434 +b(a)e Fk(Rectangle)p Fn(,)450 b(whic)-31 b(h)433 b(con)-31 +b(tains)434 b(a)e(reference)f(to)i(a)g Fk(Point)p Fn(,)449 +b Fk(copy)0 5878 y Fn(do)31 b(esn't)362 b(do)f(quite)h(the)g(righ)-31 +b(t)362 b(thing.)491 b(It)362 b(copies)f(the)h(reference)e(to)i(the)f +Fk(Point)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject,)365 b(so)0 7232 y(b)31 b(oth)370 +b(the)f(old)h Fk(Rectangle)g Fn(and)g(the)f(new)h(one)f(refer)f(to)i(a) +g(single)g Fk(Point)p Fn(.)0 9535 y(If)f(w)-31 b(e)371 +b(create)f(a)g(b)31 b(o)-31 b(x,)370 b Fk(b1)p Fn(,)h(in)f(the)g(usual) +g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(and)f(then)g(mak)-31 b(e)371 b(a)f(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)371 b Fk(b2)p Fn(,)f(using)g Fk(copy)p Fn(,)0 +10890 y(the)f(resulting)i(state)f(diagram)g(lo)31 b(oks)371 +b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)40 13069 y + 22563143 4012687 0 0 22563143 4012687 startTexFig + 40 13069 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/rectangle2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: rectangle2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Sat Dec 8 14:55:19 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen 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def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 3300 1350 m 4275 1350 l 4275 1950 l 3300 1950 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 4575 975 m 6075 975 l 6075 1950 l 4575 1950 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1500 975 m 3000 975 l 3000 1950 l 1500 1950 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +3915 1852 m 3915 1792 l 3763 1792 l 3883 1822 l 3763 1852 l cp +eoclip +n 3525 1822 m + 3900 1822 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3763 1852 m 3883 1822 l 3763 1792 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3915 1552 m 3915 1492 l 3763 1492 l 3883 1522 l 3763 1552 l cp +eoclip +n 3525 1522 m + 3900 1522 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3763 1552 m 3883 1522 l 3763 1492 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3450 1875 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3975 1575 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3450 1575 m +gs 1 -1 sc (x) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3975 1875 m +gs 1 -1 sc (0.0) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1477 m 2490 1417 l 2338 1417 l 2458 1447 l 2338 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 2475 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1477 m 2458 1447 l 2338 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5085 1417 m 5085 1477 l 5237 1477 l 5117 1447 l 5237 1417 l cp +eoclip +n 5475 1447 m + 5100 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5237 1417 m 5117 1447 l 5237 1477 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5085 1117 m 5085 1177 l 5237 1177 l 5117 1147 l 5237 1117 l cp +eoclip +n 5475 1147 m + 5100 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5237 1117 m 5117 1147 l 5237 1177 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3310 1774 m 3309 1714 l 3157 1715 l 3278 1745 l 3158 1775 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1747 m + 3295 1745 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3158 1775 m 3278 1745 l 3157 1715 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4257 1724 m 4256 1784 l 4408 1785 l 4289 1755 l 4409 1725 l cp +eoclip +n 5467 1757 m + 4272 1755 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4409 1725 m 4289 1755 l 4408 1785 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +6060 1125 m 6060 1185 l 6212 1185 l 6092 1155 l 6212 1125 l cp +eoclip +n 6420 1155 m + 6075 1155 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 6212 1125 m 6092 1155 l 6212 1185 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1515 1185 m 1515 1125 l 1363 1125 l 1483 1155 l 1363 1185 l cp +eoclip +n 1140 1155 m + 1500 1155 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1363 1185 m 1483 1155 l 1363 1125 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4650 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (100.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4650 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (200.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (width) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (height) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (100.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1800 m +gs 1 -1 sc (corner) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (200.0) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (width) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (height) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5550 1800 m +gs 1 -1 sc (corner) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1125 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b1) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6450 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (b2) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 22788 a Fn(This)375 b(is)g(almost)h(certainly)g(not)g(what)f(w)-31 +b(e)376 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t.)510 b(In)374 b(this)h(case,)i(in)-31 +b(v)g(oking)377 b Fk(growRect)f Fn(on)0 24142 y(one)441 +b(of)h(the)g Fk(Rectangles)g Fn(w)-31 b(ould)443 b(not)f(a\256ect)g +(the)f(other,)460 b(but)442 b(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)443 +b Fk(moveRect)g Fn(on)0 25497 y(either)369 b(w)-31 b(ould)371 +b(a\256ect)f(b)31 b(oth!)493 b(This)369 b(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(vior)371 b(is)e(confusing)h(and)f(error-prone.)0 27800 +y(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)405 b(the)397 b Fk(copy)g Fn(mo)31 +b(dule)398 b(con)-31 b(tains)399 b(a)e(metho)31 b(d)397 +b(named)h Fk(deepcopy)g Fn(that)g(copies)0 29155 y(not)405 +b(only)g(the)f(ob)61 b(ject)406 b(but)e(also)h(an)-31 +b(y)405 b(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded)404 b(ob)61 b(jects.)598 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)404 b(will)i(not)f(b)31 b(e)403 b(surprised)0 +30510 y(to)370 b(learn)f(that)i(this)e(op)31 b(eration)371 +b(is)e(called)i(a)e Fv(deep)426 b(cop)-35 b(y)p Fn(.)0 +32893 y Fk(>>>)582 b(b2)f(=)g(copy.deepcopy\(b1\))0 35277 +y Fn(No)-31 b(w)370 b Fk(b1)g Fn(and)f Fk(b2)g Fn(are)g(completely)j +(separate)e(ob)61 b(jects.)0 37580 y(W)-92 b(e)534 b(can)i(use)f +Fk(deepcopy)h Fn(to)g(rewrite)f Fk(growRect)i Fn(so)e(that)h(instead)g +(of)g(mo)31 b(difying)538 b(an)0 38934 y(existing)398 +b Fk(Rectangle)p Fn(,)404 b(it)397 b(creates)f(a)g(new)g +Fk(Rectangle)i Fn(that)f(has)f(the)g(same)h(lo)31 b(cation)398 +b(as)0 40289 y(the)369 b(old)h(one)g(but)f(new)h(dimensions:)0 +42673 y Fk(def)582 b(growRect\(box,)h(dwidth,)f(dheight\))g(:)1162 +44028 y(import)g(copy)1162 45383 y(newBox)g(=)g(copy.deepcopy\(box\)) +1162 46738 y(newBox.width)h(=)f(newBox.width)g(+)g(dwidth)1162 +48093 y(newBox.height)h(=)f(newBox.height)h(+)e(dheight)1162 +49448 y(return)h(newBox)2767 52439 y Fm(A)-28 b(n)486 +b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)510 b(r)-57 b(ewrite)486 b Fk(moveRect)h +Fm(so)f(that)f(it)h(cr)-57 b(e)g(ates)486 b(and)g(r)-57 +b(eturns)486 b(a)2767 53794 y(new)397 b Fk(Rectangle)g +Fm(inste)-57 b(ad)396 b(of)h(mo)-57 b(difying)398 b(the)e(old)g(one.)p +eop +%%Page: 135 161 +135 160 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(12.9)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(135)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(12.9)1792 b(Glossary)0 +3030 y Fv(class:)553 b Fn(A)526 b(user-de\257ned)g(comp)31 +b(ound)527 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)966 b(A)527 b(class)f(can)h(also)h(b)31 +b(e)526 b(though)-31 b(t)529 b(of)e(as)g(a)2767 4385 +y(template)372 b(for)d(the)g(ob)61 b(jects)371 b(that)f(are)f +(instances)h(of)f(it.)0 6626 y Fv(instan)-35 b(tiate:)553 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)369 b(create)h(an)f(instance)h(of)g(a)g(class.)0 +8866 y Fv(instance:)553 b Fn(An)370 b(ob)61 b(ject)370 +b(that)h(b)31 b(elongs)369 b(to)h(a)g(class.)0 11107 +y Fv(ob)71 b(ject:)554 b Fn(A)362 b(comp)31 b(ound)362 +b(data)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)363 b(that)g(is)e(often)i(used)e(to)i(mo)31 +b(del)363 b(a)f(thing)h(or)e(concept)2767 12462 y(in)370 +b(the)f(real)h(w)-31 b(orld.)0 14702 y Fv(constructor:)555 +b Fn(A)369 b(metho)31 b(d)370 b(used)f(to)h(create)f(new)h(ob)61 +b(jects.)0 16943 y Fv(attribute:)554 b Fn(One)369 b(of)g(the)h(named)g +(data)g(items)g(that)h(mak)-31 b(es)370 b(up)f(an)g(instance.)0 +19183 y Fv(shallo)-35 b(w)424 b(equalit)-35 b(y:)552 +b Fn(Equalit)-31 b(y)431 b(of)d(references,)442 b(or)428 +b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)429 b(references)e(that)i(p)31 b(oin)-31 +b(t)429 b(to)g(the)2767 20538 y(same)370 b(ob)61 b(ject.)0 +22779 y Fv(deep)426 b(equalit)-35 b(y:)552 b Fn(Equalit)-31 +b(y)324 b(of)d(v)-61 b(alues,)331 b(or)321 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)322 +b(references)e(that)i(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)322 b(to)g(ob)61 +b(jects)322 b(that)2767 24133 y(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(the)e(same)h(v)-61 +b(alue.)0 26374 y Fv(shallo)-35 b(w)424 b(cop)-35 b(y:)553 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)404 b(cop)-31 b(y)404 b(the)g(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts)405 b(of)e(an)h(ob)61 b(ject,)414 b(including)405 +b(an)-31 b(y)404 b(references)e(to)2767 27729 y(em)-31 +b(b)31 b(edded)302 b(ob)61 b(jects;)325 b(implemen)-31 +b(ted)303 b(b)-31 b(y)302 b(the)f Fk(copy)h Fn(function)g(in)g(the)f +Fk(copy)h Fn(mo)31 b(dule.)0 29969 y Fv(deep)426 b(cop)-35 +b(y:)553 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)475 b(cop)-31 b(y)476 b(the)g(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts)476 b(of)g(an)f(ob)61 b(ject)477 b(as)e(w)-31 +b(ell)476 b(as)g(an)-31 b(y)475 b(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded)476 +b(ob-)2767 31324 y(jects,)362 b(and)e(an)-31 b(y)360 +b(ob)61 b(jects)360 b(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded)360 b(in)g(them,)i(and)e +(so)f(on;)k(implemen)-31 b(ted)362 b(b)-31 b(y)360 b(the)2767 +32679 y Fk(deepcopy)371 b Fn(function)f(in)g(the)f Fk(copy)h +Fn(mo)31 b(dule.)p eop +%%Page: 136 162 +136 161 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(136)25469 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 137 163 +137 162 bop 0 10209 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(13)0 16797 y Fo(Classes)1032 +b(and)i(functions)0 24243 y Fl(13.1)1792 b(Time)0 26989 +y Fn(As)360 b(another)h(example)h(of)f(a)g(user-de\257ned)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e,)363 b(w)-31 b(e'll)362 b(de\257ne)f(a)f(class)h(called)h +Fk(Time)f Fn(that)0 28344 y(records)368 b(the)i(time)g(of)g(da)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)493 b(The)369 b(class)h(de\257nition)g(lo)31 +b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)0 30766 y Fk(class)582 +b(Time:)1162 32121 y(pass)0 34543 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)364 +b(can)g(create)h(a)f(new)h Fk(Time)f Fn(ob)61 b(ject)366 +b(and)f(assign)g(attributes)g(for)g(hours,)g(min)-31 +b(utes,)367 b(and)0 35898 y(seconds:)0 38320 y Fk(time)582 +b(=)f(Time\(\))0 39675 y(time.hours)i(=)e(11)0 41030 +y(time.minutes)i(=)e(59)0 42385 y(time.seconds)i(=)e(30)0 +44808 y Fn(The)369 b(state)h(diagram)h(for)f(the)f Fk(Time)h +Fn(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 +b(this:)11762 46187 y + 8683192 4012687 0 0 8683192 4012687 startTexFig + 11762 46187 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/time.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: time.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 10:11:34 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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1447 l 2413 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2557 1777 m 2557 1717 l 2405 1717 l 2525 1747 l 2405 1777 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 1747 m + 2542 1747 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2405 1777 m 2525 1747 l 2405 1717 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2565 1177 m 2565 1117 l 2413 1117 l 2533 1147 l 2413 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2175 1147 m + 2550 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2413 1177 m 2533 1147 l 2413 1117 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (59) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1800 m +gs 1 -1 sc (30) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (hour) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (minute) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 1800 m +gs 1 -1 sc (second) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2625 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (11) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +1515 1185 m 1515 1125 l 1363 1125 l 1483 1155 l 1363 1185 l cp +eoclip +n 1115 1155 m + 1500 1155 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1363 1185 m 1483 1155 l 1363 1125 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1050 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (time) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 2767 55788 a Fm(As)365 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)373 b(write)364 +b(a)g(function)j Fk(printTime)f Fm(that)e(takes)g(a)g +Fk(Time)i Fm(obje)-57 b(ct)2767 57143 y(as)385 b(an)g(ar)-57 +b(gument)385 b(and)g(prints)g(it)g(in)g(the)g(form)g +Fk(hours:minutes:seconds)p Fm(.)p eop +%%Page: 138 164 +138 163 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(138)24355 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(functions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 2767 865 a Fm(As)397 b(a)g(se)-57 +b(c)g(ond)398 b(exer)-57 b(cise,)398 b(write)f(a)f(b)-57 +b(o)g(ole)g(an)399 b(function)f Fk(after)g Fm(that)e(takes)h(two)2767 +2220 y Fk(Time)468 b Fm(obje)-57 b(cts,)486 b Fk(t1)467 +b Fm(and)f Fk(t2)p Fm(,)486 b(as)466 b(ar)-57 b(guments,)486 +b(and)466 b(r)-57 b(eturns)467 b(true)g(\(1\))f(if)h +Fk(t1)2767 3575 y Fm(fol)57 b(lows)395 b Fk(t2)h Fm(chr)-57 +b(onolo)g(gic)g(al)57 b(ly)397 b(and)f(false)g(\(0\))f(otherwise.)0 +8670 y Fl(13.2)1792 b(Pure)599 b(functions)0 11442 y +Fn(In)389 b(the)h(next)f(few)h(sections,)396 b(w)-31 +b(e'll)391 b(write)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)391 b(v)-31 b(ersions)390 +b(of)g(a)f(function)i(called)g Fk(addTime)p Fn(,)0 12797 +y(whic)-31 b(h)485 b(calculates)h(the)e(sum)g(of)h(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)485 b Fk(Time)p Fn(s.)838 b(They)484 b(will)i(demonstrate)f(t) +-31 b(w)g(o)486 b(kinds)e(of)0 14152 y(functions:)494 +b(pure)368 b(functions)i(and)g(mo)31 b(di\257ers.)0 16512 +y(The)369 b(follo)-31 b(wing)373 b(is)c(a)h(rough)f(v)-31 +b(ersion)370 b(of)g Fk(addTime)p Fn(:)0 18953 y Fk(def)582 +b(addTime\(t1,)g(t2\):)1162 20308 y(sum)g(=)f(Time\(\))1162 +21663 y(sum.hours)i(=)e(t1.hours)h(+)g(t2.hours)1162 +23018 y(sum.minutes)h(=)e(t1.minutes)i(+)e(t2.minutes)1162 +24372 y(sum.seconds)i(=)e(t1.seconds)i(+)e(t2.seconds)1162 +25727 y(return)h(sum)0 28168 y Fn(The)361 b(function)i(creates)e(a)h +(new)f Fk(Time)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject,)365 b(initializes)f(its)d +(attributes,)k(and)c(returns)g(a)0 29523 y(reference)320 +b(to)i(the)f(new)g(ob)61 b(ject.)478 b(This)321 b(is)g(called)h(a)f +Fv(pure)370 b(function)322 b Fn(b)31 b(ecause)320 b(it)i(do)31 +b(es)320 b(not)0 30878 y(mo)31 b(dify)375 b(an)-31 b(y)375 +b(of)f(the)g(ob)61 b(jects)374 b(passed)g(to)g(it)h(as)e(parameters)h +(and)g(it)h(has)e(no)h(side)g(e\256ects,)0 32233 y(suc)-31 +b(h)369 b(as)g(displa)-31 b(ying)371 b(a)f(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(or)f(getting)i(user)d(input.)0 34593 y(Here)383 b(is)g(an)h(example)h +(of)f(ho)-31 b(w)384 b(to)g(use)f(this)h(function.)537 +b(W)-92 b(e'll)384 b(create)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)386 b Fk(Time)d +Fn(ob)61 b(jects:)0 35948 y Fk(currentTime)p Fn(,)354 +b(whic)-31 b(h)350 b(con)-31 b(tains)350 b(the)e(curren)-31 +b(t)348 b(time;)357 b(and)349 b Fk(breadTime)p Fn(,)354 +b(whic)-31 b(h)349 b(con)-31 b(tains)0 37303 y(the)441 +b(amoun)-31 b(t)443 b(of)e(time)h(it)f(tak)-31 b(es)442 +b(for)e(a)h(breadmak)-31 b(er)442 b(to)f(mak)-31 b(e)442 +b(bread.)707 b(Then)441 b(w)-31 b(e'll)443 b(use)0 38658 +y Fk(addTime)504 b Fn(to)g(\257gure)f(out)g(when)h(the)f(bread)g(will)h +(b)31 b(e)503 b(done.)895 b(If)502 b(y)-31 b(ou)504 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(en't)505 b(\257nished)0 40013 y(writing)371 b Fk(printTime)f +Fn(y)-31 b(et,)371 b(tak)-31 b(e)370 b(a)g(lo)31 b(ok)370 +b(ahead)g(to)g(Section)g(14.2)h(b)31 b(efore)369 b(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(try)f(this:)0 42454 y Fk(>>>)582 b(currentTime)g(=)g +(Time\(\))0 43809 y(>>>)g(currentTime.hours)h(=)f(9)0 +45164 y(>>>)g(currentTime.minutes)i(=)d(14)0 46519 y(>>>)h +(currentTime.seconds)i(=)1162 b(30)0 49229 y(>>>)582 +b(breadTime)g(=)f(Time\(\))0 50584 y(>>>)h(breadTime.hours)h(=)1162 +b(3)0 51938 y(>>>)582 b(breadTime.minutes)h(=)1163 b(35)0 +53293 y(>>>)582 b(breadTime.seconds)h(=)1163 b(0)0 56003 +y(>>>)582 b(doneTime)g(=)f(addTime\(currentTime,)j(breadTime\))0 +57358 y(>>>)e(printTime\(doneTime\))p eop +%%Page: 139 165 +139 164 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(13.3)425 b(Mo)35 b(di\257ers)28338 +b(139)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)385 b(output)h(of)f(this)g +(program)h(is)e Fk(12:49:30)p Fn(,)390 b(whic)-31 b(h)386 +b(is)f(correct.)539 b(On)384 b(the)h(other)g(hand,)0 +2220 y(there)369 b(are)g(cases)g(where)g(the)g(result)g(is)g(not)h +(correct.)493 b(Can)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(think)g(of)f(one?)0 +4733 y(The)331 b(problem)h(is)f(that)i(this)e(function)i(do)31 +b(es)331 b(not)h(deal)g(with)g(cases)f(where)g(the)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)331 b(of)0 6088 y(seconds)412 b(or)h(min)-31 +b(utes)414 b(adds)e(up)h(to)g(more)g(than)h(sixt)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)624 b(When)412 b(that)i(happ)31 b(ens,)424 +b(w)-31 b(e)413 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 7443 y(to)350 b(\\carry")g(the)g +(extra)g(seconds)f(in)-31 b(to)351 b(the)f(min)-31 b(utes)351 +b(column)g(or)e(the)h(extra)g(min)-31 b(utes)350 b(in)-31 +b(to)0 8798 y(the)369 b(hours)g(column.)0 11310 y(Here's)g(a)g(second)g +(corrected)g(v)-31 b(ersion)370 b(of)g(the)f(function:)0 +13904 y Fk(def)582 b(addTime\(t1,)g(t2\):)1162 15259 +y(sum)g(=)f(Time\(\))1162 16614 y(sum.hours)i(=)e(t1.hours)h(+)g +(t2.hours)1162 17969 y(sum.minutes)h(=)e(t1.minutes)i(+)e(t2.minutes) +1162 19324 y(sum.seconds)i(=)e(t1.seconds)i(+)e(t2.seconds)1162 +22034 y(if)h(sum.seconds)h(>=)e(60:)2325 23389 y(sum.seconds)h(=)g +(sum.seconds)g(-)g(60)2325 24744 y(sum.minutes)g(=)g(sum.minutes)g(+)g +(1)1162 27453 y(if)g(sum.minutes)h(>=)e(60:)2325 28808 +y(sum.minutes)h(=)g(sum.minutes)g(-)g(60)2325 30163 y(sum.hours)g(=)f +(sum.hours)i(+)e(1)1162 32873 y(return)h(sum)0 35467 +y Fn(Although)345 b(this)f(function)g(is)f(correct,)349 +b(it)344 b(is)f(starting)i(to)f(get)g(big.)484 b(Later)344 +b(w)-31 b(e)344 b(will)g(suggest)0 36822 y(an)369 b(alternativ)-31 +b(e)372 b(approac)-31 b(h)370 b(that)h(yields)f(shorter)e(co)31 +b(de.)0 42375 y Fl(13.3)1792 b(Mo)50 b(di\257ers)0 45361 +y Fn(There)426 b(are)h(times)g(when)g(it)h(is)e(useful)h(for)g(a)g +(function)h(to)f(mo)31 b(dify)428 b(one)f(or)g(more)g(of)g(the)0 +46716 y(ob)61 b(jects)305 b(it)f(gets)g(as)f(parameters.)472 +b(Usually)-92 b(,)318 b(the)304 b(caller)g(k)-31 b(eeps)303 +b(a)h(reference)f(to)h(the)g(ob)61 b(jects)0 48071 y(it)346 +b(passes,)k(so)c(an)-31 b(y)346 b(c)-31 b(hanges)346 +b(the)g(function)h(mak)-31 b(es)347 b(are)e(visible)i(to)f(the)g +(caller.)486 b(F)-92 b(unctions)0 49426 y(that)370 b(w)-31 +b(ork)370 b(this)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(are)e(called)h +Fv(mo)35 b(di\257ers)p Fn(.)0 51938 y Fk(increment)p +Fn(,)410 b(whic)-31 b(h)401 b(adds)f(a)g(giv)-31 b(en)402 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)400 b(of)g(seconds)g(to)h(a)f +Fk(Time)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject,)410 b(w)-31 b(ould)401 b(b)31 +b(e)0 53293 y(written)417 b(most)g(naturally)h(as)f(a)f(mo)31 +b(di\257er.)634 b(A)416 b(rough)g(draft)h(of)g(the)f(function)i(lo)31 +b(oks)417 b(lik)-31 b(e)0 54648 y(this:)p eop +%%Page: 140 166 +140 165 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(140)24355 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(functions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(increment\(time,)h(seconds\):) +1162 2220 y(time.seconds)g(=)f(time.seconds)g(+)g(seconds)1162 +4930 y(if)g(time.seconds)h(>=)e(60:)2325 6285 y(time.seconds)i(=)e +(time.seconds)i(-)e(60)2325 7640 y(time.minutes)i(=)e(time.minutes)i(+) +e(1)1162 10350 y(if)h(time.minutes)h(>=)e(60:)2325 11705 +y(time.minutes)i(=)e(time.minutes)i(-)e(60)2325 13059 +y(time.hours)h(=)g(time.hours)g(+)f(1)0 15199 y Fn(The)318 +b(\257rst)f(line)h(p)31 b(erforms)317 b(the)h(basic)g(op)31 +b(eration;)336 b(the)318 b(remainder)g(deals)g(with)h(the)e(sp)31 +b(ecial)0 16554 y(cases)369 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(sa)-31 +b(w)370 b(b)31 b(efore.)0 18612 y(Is)549 b(this)i(function)g(correct?) +1035 b(What)551 b(happ)31 b(ens)549 b(if)i(the)f(parameter)h +Fk(seconds)g Fn(is)f(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)0 19967 y(greater)475 +b(than)h(sixt)-31 b(y?)810 b(In)474 b(that)i(case,)502 +b(it)476 b(is)e(not)i(enough)f(to)h(carry)f(once;)528 +b(w)-31 b(e)475 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)476 b(to)0 21322 y(k)-31 +b(eep)364 b(doing)i(it)e(un)-31 b(til)366 b Fk(seconds)f +Fn(is)f(less)f(than)i(sixt)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)492 b(One)364 +b(solution)h(is)f(to)h(replace)g(the)f Fk(if)0 22677 +y Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(with)f Fk(while)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(ts:)0 24816 y Fk(def)582 b(increment\(time,)h(seconds\):)1162 +26171 y(time.seconds)g(=)f(time.seconds)g(+)g(seconds)1162 +28881 y(while)g(time.seconds)h(>=)f(60:)2325 30236 y(time.seconds)h(=)e +(time.seconds)i(-)e(60)2325 31591 y(time.minutes)i(=)e(time.minutes)i +(+)e(1)1162 34301 y(while)h(time.minutes)h(>=)f(60:)2325 +35656 y(time.minutes)h(=)e(time.minutes)i(-)e(60)2325 +37010 y(time.hours)h(=)g(time.hours)g(+)f(1)0 39150 y +Fn(This)370 b(function)g(is)f(no)-31 b(w)370 b(correct,)g(but)f(it)h +(is)f(not)h(the)g(most)g(e\261cien)-31 b(t)370 b(solution.)2767 +41490 y Fm(As)450 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)465 b(r)-57 +b(ewrite)450 b(this)g(function)i(so)e(that)f(it)i(do)-57 +b(esn)-113 b('t)451 b(c)-57 b(ontain)451 b(any)2767 42845 +y(lo)-57 b(ops.)2767 45185 y(As)526 b(a)g(se)-57 b(c)g(ond)526 +b(exer)-57 b(cise,)560 b(r)-57 b(ewrite)526 b Fk(increment)h +Fm(as)f(a)f(pur)-57 b(e)526 b(function,)561 b(and)2767 +46540 y(write)396 b(function)i(c)-57 b(al)57 b(ls)395 +b(to)h(b)-57 b(oth)396 b(versions.)0 50901 y Fl(13.4)1792 +b(Whic)-50 b(h)599 b(is)f(b)50 b(etter?)0 53293 y Fn(An)-31 +b(ything)490 b(that)g(can)f(b)31 b(e)487 b(done)i(with)h(mo)31 +b(di\257ers)488 b(can)h(also)g(b)31 b(e)488 b(done)h(with)g(pure)f +(func-)0 54648 y(tions.)478 b(In)322 b(fact,)333 b(some)323 +b(programming)i(languages)f(only)f(allo)-31 b(w)325 b(pure)d +(functions.)478 b(There)322 b(is)0 56003 y(some)373 b(evidence)h(that)g +(programs)g(that)g(use)e(pure)h(functions)h(are)e(faster)i(to)f(dev)-31 +b(elop)375 b(and)0 57358 y(less)408 b(error-prone)g(than)h(programs)g +(that)h(use)d(mo)31 b(di\257ers.)611 b(Nev)-31 b(ertheless,)419 +b(mo)31 b(di\257ers)409 b(are)0 58713 y(con)-31 b(v)g(enien)g(t)371 +b(at)f(times,)h(and)e(in)h(some)f(cases,)g(functional)j(programs)e(are) +f(less)f(e\261cien)-31 b(t.)p eop +%%Page: 141 167 +141 166 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(13.5)425 b(Protot)-35 b(yp)35 +b(e)427 b(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t)425 b(v)-35 b(ersus)425 +b(planning)11435 b(141)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(In)368 +b(general,)i(w)-31 b(e)369 b(recommend)h(that)g(y)-31 +b(ou)369 b(write)g(pure)f(functions)i(whenev)-31 b(er)369 +b(it)g(is)g(reason-)0 2220 y(able)451 b(to)g(do)f(so)g(and)g(resort)f +(to)i(mo)31 b(di\257ers)450 b(only)h(if)g(there)f(is)g(a)g(comp)31 +b(elling)452 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage.)0 3575 y(This)370 +b(approac)-31 b(h)370 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 +b(called)h(a)f Fv(functional)425 b(programming)h(st)-35 +b(yle)p Fn(.)0 7929 y Fl(13.5)1792 b(Protot)-50 b(yp)50 +b(e)600 b(dev)-50 b(elopmen)g(t)600 b(v)-50 b(ersus)600 +b(planning)0 10315 y Fn(In)489 b(this)h(c)-31 b(hapter,)520 +b(w)-31 b(e)490 b(demonstrated)h(an)f(approac)-31 b(h)490 +b(to)h(program)f(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)492 b(that)0 11670 +y(w)-31 b(e)465 b(call)i Fv(protot)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)536 +b(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t)p Fn(.)781 b(In)465 b(eac)-31 +b(h)465 b(case,)489 b(w)-31 b(e)466 b(wrote)g(a)f(rough)g(draft)h(\(or) +0 13025 y(protot)-31 b(yp)31 b(e\))503 b(that)e(p)31 +b(erformed)501 b(the)g(basic)g(calculation)j(and)c(then)h(tested)g(it)h +(on)f(a)f(few)0 14380 y(cases,)369 b(correcting)h(\260a)-31 +b(ws)370 b(as)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(found)f(them.)0 16433 +y(Although)292 b(this)e(approac)-31 b(h)291 b(can)f(b)31 +b(e)290 b(e\256ectiv)-31 b(e,)307 b(it)290 b(can)h(lead)f(to)h(co)31 +b(de)290 b(that)h(is)f(unnecessarily)0 17788 y(complicated|since)448 +b(it)d(deals)g(with)i(man)-31 b(y)446 b(sp)31 b(ecial)445 +b(cases|and)g(unreliable|since)h(it)0 19143 y(is)369 +b(hard)g(to)h(kno)-31 b(w)370 b(if)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(found)g(all)g(the)g(errors.)0 21196 y(An)407 +b(alternativ)-31 b(e)410 b(is)d Fv(planned)469 b(dev)-35 +b(elopmen)g(t)p Fn(,)418 b(in)407 b(whic)-31 b(h)408 +b(high-lev)-31 b(el)409 b(insigh)-31 b(t)409 b(in)-31 +b(to)409 b(the)0 22551 y(problem)280 b(can)g(mak)-31 +b(e)281 b(the)e(programming)j(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)280 b(easier.)463 +b(In)279 b(this)h(case,)298 b(the)279 b(insigh)-31 b(t)281 +b(is)f(that)0 23906 y(a)338 b Fk(Time)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject)339 +b(is)e(really)i(a)e(three-digit)j(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)337 +b(in)h(base)f(60!)483 b(The)338 b Fk(second)g Fn(comp)31 +b(onen)-31 b(t)0 25261 y(is)420 b(the)g(\\ones)g(column,")435 +b(the)420 b Fk(minute)g Fn(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(t)422 +b(is)e(the)g(\\sixties)h(column,")435 b(and)420 b(the)0 +26616 y Fk(hour)370 b Fn(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(t)370 b(is)f(the)h +(\\thirt)-31 b(y-six)371 b(h)-31 b(undreds)369 b(column.")0 +28669 y(When)378 b(w)-31 b(e)379 b(wrote)g Fk(addTime)h +Fn(and)e Fk(increment)p Fn(,)383 b(w)-31 b(e)379 b(w)-31 +b(ere)378 b(e\256ectiv)-31 b(ely)380 b(doing)g(addition)h(in)0 +30024 y(base)369 b(60,)i(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(wh)-31 +b(y)370 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(had)h(to)g(carry)f(from)g(one)h(column)g(to)g +(the)f(next.)0 32077 y(This)319 b(observ)-61 b(ation)320 +b(suggests)f(another)g(approac)-31 b(h)320 b(to)g(the)f(whole)h +(problem|w)-31 b(e)320 b(can)f(con-)0 33432 y(v)-31 b(ert)343 +b(a)g Fk(Time)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject)344 b(in)-31 b(to)344 +b(a)e(single)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)342 b(and)h(tak)-31 +b(e)344 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)345 b(of)e(the)f(fact)i(that)g(the)0 +34787 y(computer)458 b(kno)-31 b(ws)458 b(ho)-31 b(w)458 +b(to)g(do)f(arithmetic)i(with)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers.)755 +b(The)458 b(follo)-31 b(wing)461 b(function)0 36141 y(con)-31 +b(v)g(erts)370 b(a)f Fk(Time)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(in)-31 +b(to)370 b(an)g(in)-31 b(teger:)0 38276 y Fk(def)582 +b(convertToSeconds\(t\):)1162 39630 y(minutes)g(=)g(t.hours)g(*)f(60)h +(+)f(t.minutes)1162 40985 y(seconds)h(=)g(minutes)g(*)f(60)h(+)f +(t.seconds)1162 42340 y(return)h(seconds)0 44474 y Fn(No)-31 +b(w,)371 b(all)f(w)-31 b(e)370 b(need)f(is)g(a)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)370 b(to)g(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)370 b(from)g(an)g(in)-31 +b(teger)370 b(to)g(a)f Fk(Time)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject:)0 46608 +y Fk(def)582 b(makeTime\(seconds\):)1162 47963 y(time)g(=)f(Time\(\)) +1162 49318 y(time.hours)i(=)e(seconds/3600)1162 50673 +y(time.minutes)i(=)f(\(seconds\0453600\)/60)1162 52028 +y(time.seconds)h(=)f(seconds\04560)1162 53383 y(return)g(time)0 +55517 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)348 b(migh)-31 b(t)349 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)348 b(to)h(think)f(a)g(bit)g(to)g(con)-31 b(vince)349 +b(y)-31 b(ourself)348 b(that)h(this)e(function)i(is)f(correct.)0 +56872 y(Assuming)375 b(y)-31 b(ou)374 b(are)g(con)-31 +b(vinced,)376 b(y)-31 b(ou)375 b(can)f(use)f(it)i(and)f +Fk(convertToSeconds)i Fn(to)f(rewrite)0 58227 y Fk(addTime)p +Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 142 168 +142 167 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(142)24355 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(functions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(addTime\(t1,)g(t2\):)1162 +2220 y(seconds)g(=)g(convertToSeconds\(t1\))i(+)d +(convertToSeconds\(t2\))1162 3575 y(return)h(makeTime\(seconds\))0 +5796 y Fn(This)366 b(v)-31 b(ersion)366 b(is)f(m)-31 +b(uc)g(h)366 b(shorter)f(than)h(the)g(original,)j(and)c(it)h(is)g(m)-31 +b(uc)g(h)366 b(easier)f(to)h(demon-)0 7151 y(strate)k(that)g(it)g(is)f +(correct.)2767 9725 y Fm(As)396 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)397 +b(r)-57 b(ewrite)396 b Fk(increment)i Fm(the)d(same)h(way.)0 +14201 y Fl(13.6)1792 b(Generalization)0 16674 y Fn(In)372 +b(some)g(w)-31 b(a)g(ys,)374 b(con)-31 b(v)g(erting)374 +b(from)f(base)f(60)g(to)h(base)f(10)h(and)f(bac)-31 b(k)373 +b(is)f(harder)f(than)i(just)0 18029 y(dealing)394 b(with)f(times.)562 +b(Base)392 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)393 b(is)f(more)g(abstract;)405 +b(our)391 b(in)-31 b(tuition)395 b(for)d(dealing)0 19384 +y(with)370 b(times)g(is)g(b)31 b(etter.)0 21524 y(But)268 +b(if)g(w)-31 b(e)268 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)268 b(the)g(insigh)-31 +b(t)269 b(to)g(treat)f(times)g(as)g(base)f(60)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)268 b(and)f(mak)-31 b(e)269 b(the)f(in)-31 +b(v)g(est-)0 22879 y(men)g(t)446 b(of)g(writing)h(the)f(con)-31 +b(v)g(ersion)446 b(functions)g(\()p Fk(convertToSeconds)i +Fn(and)e Fk(makeTime)p Fn(\),)0 24234 y(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(get)g(a)f(program)h(that)h(is)e(shorter,)g(easier)g(to)h(read)f(and)g +(debug,)h(and)g(more)f(reliable.)0 26374 y(It)479 b(is)g(also)i(easier) +e(to)h(add)f(features)h(later.)823 b(F)-92 b(or)479 b(example,)508 +b(imagine)482 b(subtracting)e(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 27729 y +Fk(Time)p Fn(s)505 b(to)i(\257nd)e(the)g(duration)i(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)506 b(them.)902 b(The)506 b(na)-123 +b(\304)-430 b(\263v)-31 b(e)506 b(approac)-31 b(h)506 +b(w)-31 b(ould)507 b(b)31 b(e)505 b(to)0 29084 y(implemen)-31 +b(t)439 b(subtraction)e(with)h(b)31 b(orro)-31 b(wing.)695 +b(Using)436 b(the)h(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)437 b(functions)g(w)-31 +b(ould)0 30439 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(easier)g(and)g(more)h(lik)-31 +b(ely)371 b(to)f(b)31 b(e)369 b(correct.)0 32579 y(Ironically)-92 +b(,)304 b(sometimes)286 b(making)h(a)e(problem)h(harder)e(\(or)h(more)g +(general\))i(mak)-31 b(es)285 b(it)h(easier)0 33934 y(\(b)31 +b(ecause)369 b(there)g(are)g(few)-31 b(er)370 b(sp)31 +b(ecial)369 b(cases)g(and)h(few)-31 b(er)369 b(opp)31 +b(ortunities)371 b(for)e(error\).)0 38410 y Fl(13.7)1792 +b(Algorithms)0 40884 y Fn(When)246 b(y)-31 b(ou)248 b(write)g(a)f +(general)h(solution)h(for)e(a)g(class)g(of)h(problems,)272 +b(as)247 b(opp)31 b(osed)247 b(to)h(a)f(sp)31 b(eci\257c)0 +42239 y(solution)437 b(to)e(a)g(single)g(problem,)453 +b(y)-31 b(ou)435 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)436 b(written)g(an)f +Fv(algorithm)p Fn(.)689 b(W)-92 b(e)434 b(men)-31 b(tioned)0 +43593 y(this)410 b(w)-31 b(ord)410 b(b)31 b(efore)409 +b(but)h(did)f(not)i(de\257ne)e(it)h(carefully)-92 b(.)614 +b(It)410 b(is)f(not)i(easy)e(to)h(de\257ne,)420 b(so)409 +b(w)-31 b(e)0 44948 y(will)371 b(try)e(a)h(couple)g(of)f(approac)-31 +b(hes.)0 47088 y(First,)400 b(consider)393 b(something)j(that)e(is)g +(not)g(an)g(algorithm.)568 b(When)393 b(y)-31 b(ou)395 +b(learned)f(to)g(m)-31 b(ul-)0 48443 y(tiply)502 b(single-digit)i(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)533 b(y)-31 b(ou)502 b(probably)g(memorized)g(the)f +(m)-31 b(ultiplication)505 b(table.)0 49798 y(In)395 +b(e\256ect,)402 b(y)-31 b(ou)396 b(memorized)h(100)f(sp)31 +b(eci\257c)395 b(solutions.)572 b(That)397 b(kind)f(of)g(kno)-31 +b(wledge)397 b(is)e(not)0 51153 y(algorithmic.)0 53293 +y(But)511 b(if)h(y)-31 b(ou)511 b(w)-31 b(ere)511 b(\\lazy)-92 +b(,")549 b(y)-31 b(ou)512 b(probably)g(c)-31 b(heated)511 +b(b)-31 b(y)512 b(learning)g(a)f(few)g(tric)-31 b(ks.)919 +b(F)-92 b(or)0 54648 y(example,)412 b(to)403 b(\257nd)f(the)g(pro)31 +b(duct)402 b(of)h Fg(n)f Fn(and)h(9,)411 b(y)-31 b(ou)402 +b(can)h(write)g Fg(n)268 b Fj(\241)g Fn(1)402 b(as)g(the)h(\257rst)e +(digit)0 56003 y(and)388 b(10)260 b Fj(\241)f Fg(n)388 +b Fn(as)g(the)h(second)f(digit.)551 b(This)389 b(tric)-31 +b(k)389 b(is)f(a)g(general)h(solution)h(for)e(m)-31 b(ultiplying)0 +57358 y(an)g(y)370 b(single-digit)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)369 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b(9.)492 b(That's)371 b(an)e(algorithm!)p +eop +%%Page: 143 169 +143 168 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(13.8)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(143)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Similarly)-92 b(,)538 b(the)502 +b(tec)-31 b(hniques)503 b(y)-31 b(ou)502 b(learned)g(for)g(addition)i +(with)f(carrying,)537 b(subtraction)0 2220 y(with)351 +b(b)31 b(orro)-31 b(wing,)355 b(and)350 b(long)h(division)h(are)d(all)i +(algorithms.)489 b(One)349 b(of)i(the)f(c)-31 b(haracteristics)0 +3575 y(of)454 b(algorithms)i(is)d(that)i(they)f(do)f(not)i(require)e +(an)-31 b(y)454 b(in)-31 b(telligence)456 b(to)e(carry)f(out.)746 +b(They)0 4930 y(are)398 b(mec)-31 b(hanical)401 b(pro)31 +b(cesses)397 b(in)h(whic)-31 b(h)400 b(eac)-31 b(h)399 +b(step)f(follo)-31 b(ws)401 b(from)e(the)f(last)i(according)f(to)0 +6285 y(a)369 b(simple)h(set)g(of)f(rules.)0 8450 y(In)439 +b(our)g(opinion,)460 b(it)440 b(is)f(em)-31 b(barrassing)441 +b(that)f(h)-31 b(umans)440 b(sp)31 b(end)439 b(so)g(m)-31 +b(uc)g(h)441 b(time)f(in)g(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)0 9805 +y(learning)370 b(to)g(execute)g(algorithms)i(that,)e(quite)h(literally) +-92 b(,)372 b(require)c(no)i(in)-31 b(telligence.)0 11970 +y(On)407 b(the)h(other)g(hand,)418 b(the)408 b(pro)31 +b(cess)407 b(of)h(designing)h(algorithms)h(is)e(in)-31 +b(teresting,)419 b(in)-31 b(tellec-)0 13325 y(tually)371 +b(c)-31 b(hallenging,)373 b(and)c(a)h(cen)-31 b(tral)370 +b(part)f(of)h(what)g(w)-31 b(e)370 b(call)h(programming.)0 +15490 y(Some)526 b(of)g(the)g(things)g(that)h(p)31 b(eople)526 +b(do)g(naturally)-92 b(,)567 b(without)527 b(di\261cult)-31 +b(y)528 b(or)d(conscious)0 16845 y(though)-31 b(t,)603 +b(are)553 b(the)i(hardest)e(to)i(express)e(algorithmically)-92 +b(.)1052 b(Understanding)555 b(natural)0 18200 y(language)507 +b(is)d(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)505 b(example.)900 b(W)-92 b(e)504 +b(all)h(do)g(it,)540 b(but)504 b(so)h(far)f(no)h(one)g(has)f(b)31 +b(een)504 b(able)0 19555 y(to)370 b(explain)h Fm(how)d +Fn(w)-31 b(e)369 b(do)h(it,)g(at)g(least)g(not)g(in)g(the)f(form)h(of)f +(an)h(algorithm.)0 24066 y Fl(13.8)1792 b(Glossary)0 +26231 y Fv(pure)425 b(function:)554 b Fn(A)352 b(function)g(that)h(do) +31 b(es)351 b(not)h(mo)31 b(dify)353 b(an)-31 b(y)352 +b(of)g(the)f(ob)61 b(jects)353 b(it)f(receiv)-31 b(es)2767 +27586 y(as)370 b(parameters.)493 b(Most)369 b(pure)f(functions)j(are)e +(fruitful.)0 29826 y Fv(mo)35 b(di\257er:)555 b Fn(A)483 +b(function)h(that)h(c)-31 b(hanges)484 b(one)f(or)g(more)h(of)g(the)f +(ob)61 b(jects)485 b(it)f(receiv)-31 b(es)483 b(as)2767 +31181 y(parameters.)493 b(Most)370 b(mo)31 b(di\257ers)369 +b(are)g(v)-31 b(oid.)0 33422 y Fv(functional)424 b(programming)i(st)-35 +b(yle:)553 b Fn(A)342 b(st)-31 b(yle)343 b(of)f(program)h(design)f(in)g +(whic)-31 b(h)343 b(the)f(ma-)2767 34777 y(jorit)-31 +b(y)371 b(of)f(functions)g(are)f(pure.)0 37017 y Fv(protot)-35 +b(yp)35 b(e)426 b(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t:)555 b Fn(A)343 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)344 b(of)f(dev)-31 b(eloping)345 b(programs)f(starting) +g(with)g(a)f(pro-)2767 38372 y(tot)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)371 +b(and)e(gradually)j(testing)e(and)g(impro)-31 b(ving)371 +b(it.)0 40612 y Fv(planned)425 b(dev)-35 b(elopmen)g(t:)554 +b Fn(A)261 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)262 b(of)e(dev)-31 b(eloping)263 +b(programs)e(that)g(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(es)263 b(high-lev)-31 +b(el)2767 41967 y(insigh)g(t)287 b(in)-31 b(to)287 b(the)f(problem)g +(and)g(more)g(planning)h(than)f(incremen)-31 b(tal)288 +b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)2767 43322 y(or)369 b(protot)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)371 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t.)0 45563 y Fv(algorithm:)553 +b Fn(A)256 b(set)f(of)h(instructions)h(for)e(solving)i(a)f(class)g(of)g +(problems)g(b)-31 b(y)255 b(a)h(mec)-31 b(hanical,)2767 +46918 y(unin)g(telligen)g(t)373 b(pro)31 b(cess.)p eop +%%Page: 144 170 +144 169 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(144)24355 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(functions)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 145 171 +145 170 bop 0 9897 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(14)0 16173 y Fo(Classes)1032 +b(and)i(metho)86 b(ds)0 23308 y Fl(14.1)1792 b(Ob)100 +b(ject-orien)-50 b(ted)600 b(features)0 25671 y Fn(Python)332 +b(is)e(an)g Fv(ob)71 b(ject-orien)-35 b(ted)382 b(programming)f +(language)p Fn(,)340 b(whic)-31 b(h)331 b(means)g(that)g(it)0 +27026 y(pro)-31 b(vides)370 b(features)f(that)h(supp)31 +b(ort)369 b Fv(ob)71 b(ject-orien)-35 b(ted)427 b(programming)p +Fn(.)0 29055 y(It)369 b(is)g(not)h(easy)g(to)f(de\257ne)g(ob)61 +b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)372 b(programming,)g(but)e(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(already)h(seen)0 30410 +y(some)f(of)f(its)h(c)-31 b(haracteristics:)1660 32668 +y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Programs)381 b(are)f(made)h(up)e(of)i(ob)61 +b(ject)381 b(de\257nitions)h(and)e(function)h(de\257nitions,)k(and)2767 +34023 y(most)370 b(of)g(the)g(computation)i(is)d(expressed)f(in)h +(terms)h(of)f(op)31 b(erations)371 b(on)e(ob)61 b(jects.)1660 +36137 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Eac)-31 b(h)411 b(ob)61 b(ject)411 +b(de\257nition)g(corresp)31 b(onds)409 b(to)h(some)h(ob)61 +b(ject)411 b(or)e(concept)i(in)f(the)g(real)2767 37492 +y(w)-31 b(orld,)488 b(and)463 b(the)g(functions)g(that)h(op)31 +b(erate)464 b(on)e(that)i(ob)61 b(ject)464 b(corresp)31 +b(ond)462 b(to)i(the)2767 38847 y(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)371 +b(real-w)-31 b(orld)370 b(ob)61 b(jects)371 b(in)-31 +b(teract.)0 41105 y(F)-92 b(or)274 b(example,)296 b(the)275 +b Fk(Time)g Fn(class)g(de\257ned)f(in)h(Chapter)h(13)f(corresp)31 +b(onds)274 b(to)h(the)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)276 b(p)31 b(eople)0 +42460 y(record)450 b(the)g(time)i(of)f(da)-31 b(y)-92 +b(,)472 b(and)450 b(the)h(functions)g(w)-31 b(e)451 b(de\257ned)f +(corresp)31 b(ond)450 b(to)h(the)g(kinds)0 43815 y(of)496 +b(things)g(p)31 b(eople)495 b(do)h(with)g(times.)872 +b(Similarly)-92 b(,)529 b(the)496 b Fk(Point)g Fn(and)f +Fk(Rectangle)h Fn(classes)0 45170 y(corresp)31 b(ond)368 +b(to)i(the)g(mathematical)j(concepts)d(of)f(a)h(p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t)370 b(and)g(a)f(rectangle.)0 47199 y(So)464 +b(far,)487 b(w)-31 b(e)464 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)464 b(not)h(tak)-31 +b(en)464 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)466 b(of)e(the)f(features)h(Python)h +(pro)-31 b(vides)463 b(to)i(sup-)0 48554 y(p)31 b(ort)524 +b(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)527 b(programming.)960 +b(Strictly)526 b(sp)31 b(eaking,)565 b(these)524 b(features)g(are)g +(not)0 49909 y(necessary)-92 b(.)556 b(F)-92 b(or)390 +b(the)g(most)i(part,)k(they)391 b(pro)-31 b(vide)392 +b(an)f(alternativ)-31 b(e)393 b(syn)-31 b(tax)391 b(for)g(things)g(w) +-31 b(e)0 51264 y(ha)g(v)g(e)348 b(already)f(done,)352 +b(but)347 b(in)g(man)-31 b(y)348 b(cases,)k(the)346 b(alternativ)-31 +b(e)350 b(is)d(more)g(concise)g(and)g(more)0 52619 y(accurately)371 +b(con)-31 b(v)g(eys)370 b(the)f(structure)g(of)g(the)h(program.)0 +54648 y(F)-92 b(or)376 b(example,)381 b(in)c(the)g Fk(Time)g +Fn(program,)j(there)d(is)f(no)h(ob)-31 b(vious)379 b(connection)f(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)378 b(the)0 56003 y(class)264 b(de\257nition)i(and)f +(the)g(function)h(de\257nitions)f(that)h(follo)-31 b(w.)460 +b(With)265 b(some)g(examination,)0 57358 y(it)320 b(is)f(apparen)-31 +b(t)320 b(that)g(ev)-31 b(ery)319 b(function)i(tak)-31 +b(es)320 b(at)g(least)g(one)f Fk(Time)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject)320 +b(as)f(a)h(parameter.)p eop +%%Page: 146 172 +146 171 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(146)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)431 b(observ)-61 +b(ation)432 b(is)e(the)h(motiv)-61 b(ation)434 b(for)c +Fv(metho)35 b(ds)p Fn(.)679 b(W)-92 b(e)430 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)431 b(already)h(seen)e(some)0 2220 y(metho)31 +b(ds,)420 b(suc)-31 b(h)409 b(as)g Fk(keys)g Fn(and)g +Fk(values)p Fn(,)421 b(whic)-31 b(h)410 b(w)-31 b(ere)409 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)411 b(on)e(dictionaries.)614 b(Eac)-31 +b(h)0 3575 y(metho)31 b(d)362 b(is)f(asso)31 b(ciated)363 +b(with)f(a)g(class)f(and)h(is)f(in)-31 b(tended)362 b(to)g(b)31 +b(e)361 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)363 b(on)f(instances)f(of)0 +4930 y(that)370 b(class.)0 7204 y(Metho)31 b(ds)369 b(are)g(just)g(lik) +-31 b(e)371 b(functions,)f(with)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(di\256erences:) +1660 10060 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Metho)31 b(ds)464 b(are)f(de\257ned)g +(inside)h(a)g(class)f(de\257nition)i(in)f(order)f(to)h(mak)-31 +b(e)465 b(the)f(rela-)2767 11415 y(tionship)371 b(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(the)f(class)h(and)f(the)h(metho)31 +b(d)370 b(explicit.)1660 13858 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(The)383 +b(syn)-31 b(tax)383 b(for)f(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)384 b(a)f(metho)31 +b(d)383 b(is)f(di\256eren)-31 b(t)382 b(from)g(the)h(syn)-31 +b(tax)383 b(for)f(calling)2767 15213 y(a)370 b(function.)0 +18068 y(In)335 b(the)h(next)h(few)f(sections,)343 b(w)-31 +b(e)336 b(will)i(tak)-31 b(e)337 b(the)f(functions)h(from)f(the)g +(previous)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)337 b(c)-31 b(hap-)0 19423 +y(ters)356 b(and)h(transform)g(them)h(in)-31 b(to)358 +b(metho)31 b(ds.)489 b(This)357 b(transformation)i(is)e(purely)g(mec) +-31 b(hani-)0 20778 y(cal;)319 b(y)-31 b(ou)293 b(can)g(do)f(it)h +(simply)h(b)-31 b(y)292 b(follo)-31 b(wing)296 b(a)d(sequence)f(of)h +(steps.)466 b(If)292 b(y)-31 b(ou)293 b(are)f(comfortable)0 +22133 y(con)-31 b(v)g(erting)399 b(from)f(one)g(form)g(to)g(another,) +406 b(y)-31 b(ou)398 b(will)h(b)31 b(e)397 b(able)i(to)f(c)-31 +b(ho)31 b(ose)398 b(the)f(b)31 b(est)397 b(form)0 23488 +y(for)369 b(whatev)-31 b(er)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(doing.)0 +28326 y Fl(14.2)1792 b Fe(printTime)0 30977 y Fn(In)348 +b(Chapter)i(13,)k(w)-31 b(e)349 b(de\257ned)f(a)h(class)g(named)g +Fk(Time)g Fn(and)g(y)-31 b(ou)350 b(wrote)f(a)g(function)h(named)0 +32332 y Fk(printTime)p Fn(,)371 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(should)f(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)371 b(lo)31 b(ok)-31 b(ed)370 b(something)h(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(this:)0 34687 y Fk(class)582 b(Time:)1162 36042 +y(pass)0 38752 y(def)g(printTime\(time\):)1162 40107 +y(print)g(str\(time.hours\))i(+)d(":")g(+)h(\\)4649 41462 +y(str\(time.minutes\))i(+)d(":")h(+)f(\\)4649 42817 y +(str\(time.seconds\))0 45172 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(call)g(this)g +(function,)h(w)-31 b(e)369 b(passed)g(a)h Fk(Time)f Fn(ob)61 +b(ject)371 b(as)e(a)g(parameter:)0 47527 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(currentTime)g(=)g(Time\(\))0 48882 y(>>>)g(currentTime.hours)h(=)f(9) +0 50237 y(>>>)g(currentTime.minutes)i(=)d(14)0 51592 +y(>>>)h(currentTime.seconds)i(=)d(30)0 52947 y(>>>)h +(printTime\(currentTime\))0 55302 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)329 +b(mak)-31 b(e)330 b Fk(printTime)f Fn(a)g(metho)31 b(d,)338 +b(all)329 b(w)-31 b(e)329 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)330 b(to)f(do)g(is)f(mo)-31 +b(v)g(e)330 b(the)e(function)i(de\257nition)0 56657 y(inside)370 +b(the)f(class)g(de\257nition.)495 b(Notice)370 b(the)g(c)-31 +b(hange)370 b(in)f(inden)-31 b(tation.)p eop +%%Page: 147 173 +147 172 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14.3)425 b(Another)i(example)23974 +b(147)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(Time:)1162 +2220 y(def)g(printTime\(time\):)2325 3575 y(print)f(str\(time.hours\))j +(+)d(":")h(+)1162 b(\\)5811 4930 y(str\(time.minutes\))584 +b(+)d(":")h(+)1163 b(\\)5811 6285 y(str\(time.seconds\))0 +8519 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(e)371 b Fk(printTime)f Fn(using)g(dot)f(notation.)0 +10753 y Fk(>>>)582 b(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 12988 +y Fn(As)313 b(usual,)326 b(the)313 b(ob)61 b(ject)315 +b(on)f(whic)-31 b(h)314 b(the)g(metho)31 b(d)315 b(is)e(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(ed)315 b(app)31 b(ears)313 b(b)31 b(efore)314 +b(the)f(dot)i(and)0 14343 y(the)369 b(name)h(of)g(the)f(metho)31 +b(d)371 b(app)31 b(ears)368 b(after)i(the)g(dot.)0 16496 +y(The)409 b(ob)61 b(ject)410 b(on)f(whic)-31 b(h)410 +b(the)f(metho)31 b(d)409 b(is)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)410 +b(is)f(assigned)g(to)h(the)f(\257rst)f(parameter,)0 17851 +y(so)369 b(in)h(this)f(case)g Fk(currentTime)i Fn(is)e(assigned)h(to)g +(the)f(parameter)h Fk(time)p Fn(.)0 20004 y(By)401 b(con)-31 +b(v)g(en)g(tion,)412 b(the)402 b(\257rst)e(parameter)i(of)f(a)h(metho) +31 b(d)402 b(is)f(called)h Fk(self)p Fn(.)589 b(The)401 +b(reason)g(for)0 21359 y(this)370 b(is)f(a)g(little)j(con)-31 +b(v)g(oluted,)372 b(but)d(it)h(is)f(based)g(on)h(a)f(useful)g +(metaphor.)0 23512 y(The)513 b(syn)-31 b(tax)513 b(for)g(a)g(function)h +(call,)550 b Fk(printTime\(currentTime\))p Fn(,)i(suggests)513 +b(that)h(the)0 24867 y(function)338 b(is)e(the)g(activ)-31 +b(e)338 b(agen)-31 b(t.)484 b(It)336 b(sa)-31 b(ys)336 +b(something)i(lik)-31 b(e,)345 b(\\Hey)337 b Fk(printTime)p +Fn(!)483 b(Here's)336 b(an)0 26222 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 +b(for)e(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(to)g(prin)-31 b(t.")0 28376 +y(In)480 b(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)482 b(programming,)511 +b(the)480 b(ob)61 b(jects)482 b(are)e(the)g(activ)-31 +b(e)482 b(agen)-31 b(ts.)826 b(An)480 b(in)-31 b(v)g(o-)0 +29730 y(cation)477 b(lik)-31 b(e)478 b Fk(currentTime.printTime\(\))h +Fn(sa)-31 b(ys)475 b(\\Hey)i Fk(currentTime)p Fn(!)814 +b(Please)476 b(prin)-31 b(t)0 31085 y(y)g(ourself)86 +b(!")0 33239 y(This)419 b(c)-31 b(hange)420 b(in)f(p)31 +b(ersp)g(ectiv)-31 b(e)419 b(migh)-31 b(t)420 b(b)31 +b(e)419 b(more)g(p)31 b(olite,)433 b(but)419 b(it)h(is)e(not)i(ob)-31 +b(vious)420 b(that)g(it)0 34594 y(is)414 b(useful.)627 +b(In)413 b(the)h(examples)h(w)-31 b(e)415 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)415 +b(seen)e(so)h(far,)425 b(it)415 b(ma)-31 b(y)415 b(not)g(b)31 +b(e.)626 b(But)414 b(sometimes)0 35948 y(shifting)402 +b(resp)31 b(onsibilit)-31 b(y)402 b(from)f(the)g(functions)h(on)-31 +b(to)402 b(the)e(ob)61 b(jects)402 b(mak)-31 b(es)401 +b(it)g(p)31 b(ossible)401 b(to)0 37303 y(write)369 b(more)f(v)-31 +b(ersatile)369 b(functions,)h(and)e(mak)-31 b(es)369 +b(it)f(easier)g(to)h(main)-31 b(tain)371 b(and)d(reuse)e(co)31 +b(de.)0 41798 y Fl(14.3)1792 b(Another)599 b(example)0 +44284 y Fn(Let's)440 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)440 b Fk(increment)h +Fn(\(from)g(Section)f(13.3\))i(to)e(a)g(metho)31 b(d.)705 +b(T)-92 b(o)440 b(sa)-31 b(v)g(e)440 b(space,)457 b(w)-31 +b(e)0 45639 y(will)459 b(lea)-31 b(v)g(e)459 b(out)g(previously)f +(de\257ned)f(metho)31 b(ds,)481 b(but)458 b(y)-31 b(ou)458 +b(should)g(k)-31 b(eep)458 b(them)g(in)g(y)-31 b(our)0 +46994 y(v)g(ersion:)0 49229 y Fk(class)582 b(Time:)1162 +50584 y(#previous)h(method)f(definitions)h(here...)1162 +53293 y(def)f(increment\(self,)h(seconds\):)2325 54648 +y(self.seconds)g(=)e(seconds)h(+)f(self.seconds)p eop +%%Page: 148 174 +148 173 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(148)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 2325 865 a Fk(while)581 b(self.seconds)i(>=)f +(60:)3487 2220 y(self.seconds)h(=)e(self.seconds)i(-)e(60)3487 +3575 y(self.minutes)i(=)e(self.minutes)i(+)e(1)2325 6285 +y(while)g(self.minutes)i(>=)f(60:)3487 7640 y(self.minutes)h(=)e +(self.minutes)i(-)e(60)3487 8995 y(self.hours)i(=)e(self.hours)h(+)g(1) +0 11154 y Fn(The)391 b(transformation)i(is)e(purely)g(mec)-31 +b(hanical|w)g(e)393 b(mo)-31 b(v)g(e)392 b(the)f(metho)31 +b(d)392 b(de\257nition)g(in)-31 b(to)0 12509 y(the)369 +b(class)h(de\257nition)g(and)g(c)-31 b(hange)370 b(the)f(name)h(of)g +(the)f(\257rst)g(parameter.)0 14586 y(No)-31 b(w)370 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)371 b Fk(increment)f +Fn(as)f(a)h(metho)31 b(d.)0 16745 y Fk(currentTime.increment\(500\))0 +18904 y Fn(Again,)539 b(the)504 b(ob)61 b(ject)505 b(on)f(whic)-31 +b(h)504 b(the)g(metho)31 b(d)504 b(is)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)505 +b(gets)f(assigned)g(to)h(the)e(\257rst)0 20259 y(parameter,)370 +b Fk(self)p Fn(.)494 b(The)369 b(second)g(parameter,)h +Fk(seconds)g Fn(gets)g(the)f(v)-61 b(alue)370 b Fk(500)p +Fn(.)2767 22656 y Fm(As)351 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)360 +b(c)-57 b(onvert)352 b Fk(convertToSeconds)h Fm(\(fr)-57 +b(om)351 b(Se)-57 b(ction)352 b(13.5\))f(to)f(a)2767 +24010 y(metho)-57 b(d)396 b(in)h(the)f Fk(Time)h Fm(class.)0 +28399 y Fl(14.4)1792 b(A)598 b(more)h(complicated)g(example)0 +30811 y Fn(The)508 b Fk(after)g Fn(function)h(is)e(sligh)-31 +b(tly)510 b(more)e(complicated)i(b)31 b(ecause)507 b(it)i(op)31 +b(erates)507 b(on)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 32165 y Fk(Time)339 +b Fn(ob)61 b(jects,)346 b(not)339 b(just)g(one.)483 b(W)-92 +b(e)337 b(can)i(only)h(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)339 b(one)g(of)g(the)g +(parameters)g(to)g Fk(self)p Fn(;)0 33520 y(the)369 b(other)h(sta)-31 +b(ys)370 b(the)f(same:)0 35679 y Fk(class)582 b(Time:)1162 +37034 y(#previous)h(method)f(definitions)h(here...)1162 +39744 y(def)f(after\(self,)h(time2\):)2325 41099 y(if)e(self.hour)i(>)e +(time2.hour:)3487 42454 y(return)h(1)2325 43809 y(if)f(self.hour)i(<)e +(time2.hour:)3487 45164 y(return)h(0)2325 47874 y(if)f(self.minute)i(>) +e(time2.minute:)3487 49229 y(return)h(1)2325 50584 y(if)f(self.minute)i +(<)e(time2.minute:)3487 51938 y(return)h(0)2325 54648 +y(if)f(self.second)i(>)e(time2.second:)3487 56003 y(return)h(1)2325 +57358 y(return)g(0)p eop +%%Page: 149 175 +149 174 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14.5)425 b(Optional)g(argumen)-35 +b(ts)22542 b(149)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(W)-92 +b(e)368 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)372 b(this)d(metho)31 b(d)370 +b(on)g(one)f(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(and)e(pass)g(the)g(other)h(as)f(an)g +(argumen)-31 b(t:)0 3062 y Fk(if)581 b(doneTime.after\(currentTime\):) +1162 4417 y(print)h("The)g(bread)g(is)f(not)h(done)g(yet.")0 +6613 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)382 b(can)g(almost)h(read)f(the)g(in)-31 +b(v)g(o)31 b(cation)385 b(lik)-31 b(e)383 b(English:)519 +b(\\If)382 b(the)f(done-time)j(is)d(after)i(the)0 7968 +y(curren)-31 b(t-time,)371 b(then...")0 12409 y Fl(14.5)1792 +b(Optional)598 b(argumen)-50 b(ts)0 14858 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(seen)e(built-in)j(functions)g(that)f +(tak)-31 b(e)372 b(a)e(v)-61 b(ariable)372 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)370 b(of)h(argumen)-31 b(ts.)497 b(F)-92 b(or)0 +16213 y(example,)371 b Fk(string.find)g Fn(can)e(tak)-31 +b(e)371 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o,)371 b(three,)e(or)g(four)h(argumen)-31 +b(ts.)0 18329 y(It)406 b(is)h(p)31 b(ossible)406 b(to)h(write)g +(user-de\257ned)e(functions)j(with)f(optional)i(argumen)-31 +b(t)408 b(lists.)605 b(F)-92 b(or)0 19684 y(example,)564 +b(w)-31 b(e)524 b(can)g(upgrade)f(our)h(o)-31 b(wn)524 +b(v)-31 b(ersion)524 b(of)g Fk(find)g Fn(to)g(do)g(the)f(same)h(thing)h +(as)0 21038 y Fk(string.find)p Fn(.)0 23154 y(This)370 +b(is)f(the)g(original)j(v)-31 b(ersion)369 b(from)h(Section)g(7.7:)0 +25350 y Fk(def)582 b(find\(str,)g(ch\):)1162 26705 y(index)g(=)f(0)1162 +28060 y(while)h(index)g(<)f(len\(str\):)2325 29415 y(if)g(str[index])i +(==)e(ch:)3487 30770 y(return)h(index)2325 32125 y(index)f(=)h(index)g +(+)f(1)1162 33480 y(return)h(-1)0 35676 y Fn(This)370 +b(is)f(the)g(new)h(and)f(impro)-31 b(v)g(ed)371 b(v)-31 +b(ersion:)0 37873 y Fk(def)582 b(find\(str,)g(ch,)g(start=0\):)1162 +39228 y(index)g(=)f(start)1162 40583 y(while)h(index)g(<)f(len\(str\):) +2325 41938 y(if)g(str[index])i(==)e(ch:)3487 43293 y(return)h(index) +2325 44648 y(index)f(=)h(index)g(+)f(1)1162 46003 y(return)h(-1)0 +48199 y Fn(The)349 b(third)g(parameter,)354 b Fk(start)p +Fn(,)g(is)349 b(optional)j(b)31 b(ecause)348 b(a)h(default)i(v)-61 +b(alue,)354 b Fk(0)p Fn(,)f(is)c(pro)-31 b(vided.)0 49554 +y(If)354 b(w)-31 b(e)354 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)356 b +Fk(find)f Fn(with)g(only)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)356 b(argumen)-31 +b(ts,)358 b(it)d(uses)e(the)i(default)g(v)-61 b(alue)355 +b(and)f(starts)0 50909 y(from)370 b(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)371 +b(of)e(the)h(string:)0 53105 y Fk(>>>)582 b(find\("apple",)h("p"\))0 +54460 y(1)0 56657 y Fn(If)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(pro)-31 +b(vide)370 b(a)f(third)h(parameter,)g(it)g Fv(o)-35 b(v)g(errides)370 +b Fn(the)f(default:)p eop +%%Page: 150 176 +150 175 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(150)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(find\("apple",)h("p",)e +(2\))0 2220 y(2)0 3575 y(>>>)h(find\("apple",)h("p",)e(3\))0 +4930 y(-1)2767 7862 y Fm(As)393 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)394 +b(add)f(a)g(fourth)g(p)-57 b(ar)g(ameter,)394 b Fk(end)p +Fm(,)h(that)d(sp)-57 b(e)g(ci\257es)395 b(wher)-57 b(e)393 +b(to)2767 9217 y(stop)i(lo)-57 b(oking.)2767 11113 y(Warning:)761 +b(This)521 b(exer)-57 b(cise)522 b(is)g(a)f(bit)g(tricky.)887 +b(The)521 b(default)g(value)h(of)f Fk(end)2767 12468 +y Fm(should)469 b(b)-57 b(e)471 b Fk(len\(str\))p Fm(,)490 +b(but)470 b(that)f(do)-57 b(esn)-113 b('t)470 b(work.)731 +b(The)470 b(default)g(values)g(ar)-57 b(e)2767 13823 +y(evaluate)g(d)410 b(when)f(the)g(function)i(is)f(de\257ne)-57 +b(d,)414 b(not)409 b(when)h(it)f(is)h(c)-57 b(al)57 b(le)-57 +b(d.)550 b(When)2767 15178 y Fk(find)397 b Fm(is)f(de\257ne)-57 +b(d,)398 b Fk(str)e Fm(do)-57 b(esn)-113 b('t)396 b(exist)g(yet,)h(so)e +(you)i(c)-57 b(an)-113 b('t)397 b(\257nd)f(its)g(length.)0 +20008 y Fl(14.6)1792 b(The)599 b(initialization)g(metho)50 +b(d)0 22656 y Fn(The)313 b Fv(initialization)357 b(metho)35 +b(d)314 b Fn(is)f(a)f(sp)31 b(ecial)314 b(metho)31 b(d)313 +b(that)h(is)e(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)315 b(when)e(an)f(ob)61 +b(ject)0 24011 y(is)472 b(created.)801 b(The)473 b(name)f(of)h(this)f +(metho)31 b(d)473 b(is)p 20307 24011 349 45 v 20725 24011 +V 1309 w Fk(init)p 23468 24011 V 23887 24011 V 1309 w +Fn(\(t)-31 b(w)g(o)474 b(underscore)d(c)-31 b(haracters,)0 +25366 y(follo)g(w)g(ed)459 b(b)-31 b(y)457 b Fk(init)p +Fn(,)479 b(and)456 b(then)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)458 b(more)e(underscores\).) +753 b(An)457 b(initialization)k(metho)31 b(d)0 26720 +y(for)369 b(the)h Fk(Time)f Fn(class)g(lo)31 b(oks)371 +b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 29073 y Fk(class)582 b(Time:)1162 +30428 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(hours=0,)f(minutes=0,)h(seconds=0\):) +2325 31783 y(self.hours)f(=)g(hours)2325 33138 y(self.minutes)h(=)e +(minutes)2325 34493 y(self.seconds)i(=)e(seconds)0 36845 +y Fn(There)265 b(is)h(no)f(con\260ict)i(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)266 b(the)g(attribute)h Fk(self.hours)g Fn(and)f(the)g +(parameter)g Fk(hours)p Fn(.)0 38200 y(Dot)370 b(notation)h(sp)31 +b(eci\257es)369 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(are)f(referring)g(to.)0 40472 y(When)484 +b(w)-31 b(e)484 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)487 b(the)d Fk(Time)h +Fn(constructor,)514 b(the)484 b(argumen)-31 b(ts)486 +b(w)-31 b(e)484 b(pro)-31 b(vide)485 b(are)f(passed)0 +41827 y(along)371 b(to)f Fk(init)p Fn(:)0 44179 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(currentTime)g(=)g(Time\(9,)g(14,)f(30\))0 45534 y(>>>)h +(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 46889 y(>>>)g(9:14:30)0 +49242 y Fn(Because)369 b(the)h(parameters)f(are)g(optional,)k(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(can)h(omit)h(them:)0 51594 y Fk(>>>)582 b(currentTime)g(=)g +(Time\(\))0 52949 y(>>>)g(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 +54304 y(>>>)g(0:0:0)0 56657 y Fn(Or)369 b(pro)-31 b(vide)369 +b(only)i(the)e(\257rst)g(parameter:)p eop +%%Page: 151 177 +151 176 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14.7)425 b(P)-35 b(oin)g(ts)425 +b(revisited)24901 b(151)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a +Fk(>>>)582 b(currentTime)g(=)g(Time)f(\(9\))0 2220 y(>>>)h +(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 3575 y(>>>)g(9:0:0)0 5815 +y Fn(Or)369 b(the)g(\257rst)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(parameters:)0 +8055 y Fk(>>>)582 b(currentTime)g(=)g(Time)f(\(9,)h(14\))0 +9410 y(>>>)g(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 10765 y(>>>)g(9:14:0)0 +13005 y Fn(Finally)-92 b(,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(pro)-31 +b(vide)370 b(a)g(subset)e(of)i(the)f(parameters)h(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(naming)i(them)f(explicitly:)0 15245 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(currentTime)g(=)g(Time\(seconds)h(=)e(30,)h(hours)f(=)h(9\))0 +16600 y(>>>)g(currentTime.printTime\(\))0 17955 y(>>>)g(9:0:30)0 +22538 y Fl(14.7)1792 b(P)-50 b(oin)g(ts)599 b(revisited)0 +25030 y Fn(Let's)366 b(rewrite)g(the)g Fk(Point)h Fn(class)f(from)g +(Section)h(12.1)h(in)e(a)g(more)g(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 +b(ted)369 b(st)-31 b(yle:)0 27270 y Fk(class)582 b(Point:)1162 +28625 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(x=0,)f(y=0\):)2325 29980 +y(self.x)g(=)f(x)2325 31335 y(self.y)h(=)f(y)1162 34045 +y(def)h(__str__\(self\):)2325 35400 y(return)g('\(')f(+)h +(str\(self.x\))g(+)g(',)f(')g(+)h(str\(self.y\))g(+)g('\)')0 +37640 y Fn(The)539 b(initialization)544 b(metho)31 b(d)540 +b(tak)-31 b(es)540 b Fg(x)e Fn(and)h Fg(y)579 b Fn(v)-61 +b(alues)539 b(as)f(optional)k(parameters;)625 b(the)0 +38995 y(default)371 b(for)e(either)g(parameter)h(is)f(0.)0 +41154 y(The)359 b(next)g(metho)31 b(d,)p 9142 41154 349 +45 v 9560 41154 V 1199 w Fk(str)p 11722 41154 V 12141 +41154 V 837 w Fn(,)362 b(returns)357 b(a)i(string)g(represen)-31 +b(tation)360 b(of)f(a)g Fk(Point)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject.)490 +b(If)0 42509 y(a)441 b(class)h(pro)-31 b(vides)441 b(a)h(metho)31 +b(d)442 b(named)p 16912 42509 V 17331 42509 V 1278 w +Fk(str)p 19492 42509 V 19911 42509 V 838 w Fn(,)459 b(it)442 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(errides)441 b(the)h(default)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(vior)442 b(of)0 43864 y(the)369 b(Python)i(built-in)g +Fk(str)e Fn(function.)0 46104 y Fk(>>>)582 b(p)f(=)g(Point\(3,)i(4\))0 +47458 y(>>>)f(str\(p\))0 48813 y('\(3,)g(4\)')0 51053 +y Fn(Prin)-31 b(ting)498 b(a)e Fk(Point)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject)498 +b(implicitly)h(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 21533 51053 V 21952 +51053 V 1334 w Fk(str)p 24113 51053 V 24532 51053 V 1334 +w Fn(on)496 b(the)g(ob)61 b(ject,)529 b(so)496 b(de\257ning)p +0 52408 V 418 52408 V 767 52408 a Fk(str)p 2580 52408 +V 2999 52408 V 1206 w Fn(also)370 b(c)-31 b(hanges)370 +b(the)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)370 b(of)g Fk(print)p Fn(:)0 +54648 y Fk(>>>)582 b(p)f(=)g(Point\(3,)i(4\))0 56003 +y(>>>)f(print)f(p)0 57358 y(\(3,)h(4\))p eop +%%Page: 152 178 +152 177 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(152)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(When)382 b(w)-31 +b(e)382 b(write)h(a)f(new)h(class,)j(w)-31 b(e)382 b(almost)i(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)384 b(start)f(b)-31 b(y)382 b(writing)p 30771 +865 349 45 v 31189 865 V 1221 w Fk(init)p 33932 865 V +34351 865 V 837 w Fn(,)k(whic)-31 b(h)0 2220 y(mak)g(es)307 +b(it)g(easier)f(to)g(instan)-31 b(tiate)309 b(ob)61 b(jects,)321 +b(and)p 20270 2220 V 20688 2220 V 1143 w Fk(str)p 22850 +2220 V 23268 2220 V 837 w Fn(,)e(whic)-31 b(h)307 b(is)f(almost)i(alw) +-31 b(a)g(ys)308 b(useful)0 3575 y(for)369 b(debugging.)0 +8045 y Fl(14.8)1792 b(Op)50 b(erator)599 b(o)-50 b(v)g(erloading)0 +10514 y Fn(Some)249 b(languages)i(mak)-31 b(e)250 b(it)f(p)31 +b(ossible)249 b(to)h(c)-31 b(hange)250 b(the)f(de\257nition)h(of)f(the) +g(built-in)i(op)31 b(erators)0 11869 y(when)443 b(they)g(are)f(applied) +i(to)g(user-de\257ned)d(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es.)713 b(This)443 +b(feature)g(is)g(called)h Fv(op)35 b(erator)0 13224 y(o)-35 +b(v)g(erloading)p Fn(.)493 b(It)370 b(is)f(esp)31 b(ecially)370 +b(useful)f(when)h(de\257ning)g(new)f(mathematical)k(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es.)0 15360 y(F)-92 b(or)391 b(example,)398 +b(to)392 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erride)392 b(the)g(addition)h(op)31 +b(erator)392 b Fk(+)p Fn(,)397 b(w)-31 b(e)392 b(pro)-31 +b(vide)392 b(a)g(metho)31 b(d)392 b(named)p 0 16715 V +418 16715 V 767 16715 a Fk(add)p 2580 16715 V 2999 16715 +V 837 w Fn(:)0 18932 y Fk(class)582 b(Point:)1162 20287 +y(#)g(previously)g(defined)g(methods)h(here...)1162 22997 +y(def)f(__add__\(self,)h(other\):)2325 24351 y(return)f(Point\(self.x)h +(+)e(other.x,)h(self.y)g(+)g(other.y\))0 26568 y Fn(As)321 +b(usual,)332 b(the)322 b(\257rst)f(parameter)i(is)e(the)h(ob)61 +b(ject)323 b(on)f(whic)-31 b(h)323 b(the)f(metho)31 b(d)322 +b(is)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed.)479 b(The)0 27923 y(second)362 +b(parameter)i(is)e(con)-31 b(v)g(enien)g(tly)366 b(named)d +Fk(other)g Fn(to)h(distinguish)g(it)f(from)h Fk(self)p +Fn(.)490 b(T)-92 b(o)0 29278 y(add)318 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)319 +b Fk(Point)p Fn(s,)328 b(w)-31 b(e)318 b(create)g(and)g(return)f(a)g +(new)h Fk(Point)g Fn(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)319 b(the)e(sum)h(of)g(the) +0 30633 y Fg(x)369 b Fn(co)31 b(ordinates)370 b(and)f(the)h(sum)f(of)h +(the)f Fg(y)408 b Fn(co)31 b(ordinates.)0 32769 y(No)-31 +b(w,)371 b(when)e(w)-31 b(e)370 b(apply)g(the)g Fk(+)f +Fn(op)31 b(erator)369 b(to)h Fk(Point)g Fn(ob)61 b(jects,)371 +b(Python)f(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 34278 32769 V 34696 +32769 V 1208 w Fk(add)p 36858 32769 V 37277 32769 V 837 +w Fn(:)0 34986 y Fk(>>>)1744 b(p1)581 b(=)h(Point\(3,)g(4\))0 +36341 y(>>>)1744 b(p2)581 b(=)h(Point\(5,)g(7\))0 37696 +y(>>>)1744 b(p3)581 b(=)h(p1)f(+)g(p2)0 39051 y(>>>)1744 +b(print)582 b(p3)0 40406 y(\(8,)g(11\))0 42622 y Fn(The)470 +b(expression)g Fk(p1)581 b(+)g(p2)470 b Fn(is)g(equiv)-61 +b(alen)-31 b(t)472 b(to)e Fk(p1.)p 22188 42622 V 22607 +42622 V 838 w(add)p 24769 42622 V 25187 42622 V 837 w(\(p2\))p +Fn(,)496 b(but)470 b(ob)-31 b(viously)472 b(more)0 43977 +y(elegan)-31 b(t.)2767 46539 y Fm(As)393 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)395 b(add)d(a)h(metho)-57 b(d)p 17439 46539 V +17858 46539 V 1231 w Fk(sub)p 20020 46539 V 20438 46539 +V 837 w(\(self,)582 b(other\))394 b Fm(that)f(overlo)-57 +b(ads)2767 47894 y(the)396 b(subtr)-57 b(action)396 b(op)-57 +b(er)g(ator,)396 b(and)g(try)g(it)h(out.)0 50456 y Fn(There)382 +b(are)h(sev)-31 b(eral)383 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)384 b(to)f(o)-31 +b(v)g(erride)383 b(the)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)383 b(of)h(the)e(m)-31 +b(ultiplication)388 b(op)31 b(erator:)0 51811 y(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(de\257ning)h(a)g(metho)31 b(d)370 b(named)p +14307 51811 V 14725 51811 V 1207 w Fk(mul)p 16887 51811 +V 17305 51811 V 837 w Fn(,)f(or)p 19756 51811 V 20175 +51811 V 1206 w Fk(rmul)p 22917 51811 V 23336 51811 V +838 w Fn(,)g(or)g(b)31 b(oth.)0 53947 y(If)355 b(the)h(left)g(op)31 +b(erand)355 b(of)h Fk(*)f Fn(is)h(a)f Fk(Point)p Fn(,)k(Python)e(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 24747 53947 V 25165 53947 V 1194 w Fk(mul)p +27327 53947 V 27745 53947 V 837 w Fn(,)358 b(whic)-31 +b(h)357 b(assumes)e(that)0 55302 y(the)445 b(other)g(op)31 +b(erand)445 b(is)g(also)g(a)g Fk(Point)p Fn(.)720 b(It)445 +b(computes)h(the)f Fv(dot)512 b(pro)35 b(duct)446 b Fn(of)f(the)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)0 56657 y(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts,)371 b(de\257ned)d(according)j +(to)f(the)f(rules)g(of)h(linear)f(algebra:)p eop +%%Page: 153 179 +153 178 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14.9)425 b(P)-35 b(olymorphism)25545 +b(153)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(__mul__\(self,)h +(other\):)1162 2220 y(return)f(self.x)g(*)g(other.x)g(+)f(self.y)h(*)g +(other.y)0 4572 y Fn(If)445 b(the)h(left)h(op)31 b(erand)446 +b(of)g Fk(*)g Fn(is)f(a)h(primitiv)-31 b(e)448 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)446 b(and)g(the)g(righ)-31 b(t)447 b(op)31 +b(erand)445 b(is)h(a)g Fk(Point)p Fn(,)0 5927 y(Python)370 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 7840 5927 349 45 v 8258 5927 +V 1208 w Fk(rmul)p 11001 5927 V 11420 5927 V 838 w Fn(,)369 +b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(p)31 b(erforms)369 b Fv(scalar)424 +b(m)-35 b(ultiplication)p Fn(:)0 8279 y Fk(def)582 b(__rmul__\(self,)h +(other\):)1162 9634 y(return)f(Point\(other)h(*)e(self.x,)1164 +b(other)582 b(*)f(self.y\))0 11985 y Fn(The)538 b(result)g(is)g(a)g +(new)g Fk(Point)g Fn(whose)g(co)31 b(ordinates)539 b(are)f(a)g(m)-31 +b(ultiple)540 b(of)f(the)f(original)0 13340 y(co)31 b(ordinates.)751 +b(If)454 b Fk(other)i Fn(is)e(a)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)455 +b(that)h(cannot)g(b)31 b(e)454 b(m)-31 b(ultiplied)458 +b(b)-31 b(y)455 b(a)g(\260oating-p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)0 +14695 y(n)g(um)g(b)31 b(er,)370 b(then)p 6930 14695 V +7348 14695 V 1206 w Fk(rmul)p 10091 14695 V 10510 14695 +V 1206 w Fn(will)h(yield)f(an)g(error.)0 16966 y(This)g(example)g +(demonstrates)g(b)31 b(oth)370 b(kinds)f(of)h(m)-31 b(ultiplication:)0 +19318 y Fk(>>>)582 b(p1)f(=)g(Point\(3,)i(4\))0 20673 +y(>>>)f(p2)f(=)g(Point\(5,)i(7\))0 22028 y(>>>)f(print)f(p1)h(*)f(p2)0 +23383 y(43)0 24738 y(>>>)h(print)f(2)h(*)f(p2)0 26092 +y(\(10,)h(14\))0 28444 y Fn(What)506 b(happ)31 b(ens)505 +b(if)i(w)-31 b(e)506 b(try)g(to)g(ev)-61 b(aluate)507 +b Fk(p2)582 b(*)f(2)p Fn(?)901 b(Since)506 b(the)g(\257rst)g(parameter) +g(is)g(a)0 29799 y Fk(Point)p Fn(,)408 b(Python)400 b(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 11520 29799 V 11938 29799 V 1238 w Fk(mul)p +14100 29799 V 14519 29799 V 1236 w Fn(with)401 b Fk(2)e +Fn(as)g(the)g(second)g(argumen)-31 b(t.)585 b(Inside)p +34535 29799 V 34954 29799 V 1235 w Fk(mul)p 37115 29799 +V 37534 29799 V 838 w Fn(,)0 31154 y(the)435 b(program)g(tries)g(to)g +(access)f(the)h Fk(x)g Fn(co)31 b(ordinate)436 b(of)f +Fk(other)p Fn(,)452 b(whic)-31 b(h)436 b(fails)f(b)31 +b(ecause)435 b(an)0 32509 y(in)-31 b(teger)370 b(has)f(no)h +(attributes:)0 34861 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(p2)h(*)f(2)0 +36216 y(AttributeError:)i('int')f(object)g(has)g(no)f(attribute)i('x')0 +38568 y Fn(Unfortunately)-92 b(,)442 b(the)425 b(error)f(message)i(is)f +(a)g(bit)h(opaque.)662 b(This)425 b(example)i(demonstrates)0 +39923 y(some)438 b(of)h(the)f(di\261culties)h(of)g(ob)61 +b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)440 b(programming.)701 b(Sometimes)440 +b(it)e(is)g(hard)0 41277 y(enough)370 b(just)f(to)h(\257gure)f(out)h +(what)g(co)31 b(de)370 b(is)f(running.)0 43548 y(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(a)i(more)f(complete)i(example)g(of)e(op)31 +b(erator)370 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erloading,)373 b(see)368 b(App)31 +b(endix)370 b(B.)0 48376 y Fl(14.9)1792 b(P)-50 b(olymorphism)0 +51023 y Fn(Most)383 b(of)g(the)g(metho)31 b(ds)384 b(w)-31 +b(e)383 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)384 b(written)g(only)g(w)-31 +b(ork)383 b(for)g(a)g(sp)31 b(eci\257c)383 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e.)534 b(When)382 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 52378 y(create)369 +b(a)h(new)f(ob)61 b(ject,)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(write)g(metho)31 +b(ds)370 b(that)h(op)31 b(erate)369 b(on)h(that)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e.)0 54648 y(But)284 b(there)f(are)g(certain)h(op)31 +b(erations)285 b(that)f(y)-31 b(ou)285 b(will)g(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)285 b(to)f(apply)g(to)h(man)-31 b(y)284 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es,)301 b(suc)-31 b(h)0 56003 y(as)310 b(the)g(arithmetic)i +(op)31 b(erations)312 b(in)e(the)g(previous)g(sections.)474 +b(If)310 b(man)-31 b(y)311 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)310 b(supp)31 +b(ort)310 b(the)0 57358 y(same)315 b(set)f(of)i(op)31 +b(erations,)327 b(y)-31 b(ou)315 b(can)g(write)g(functions)h(that)g(w) +-31 b(ork)315 b(on)g(an)-31 b(y)315 b(of)g(those)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(es.)p eop +%%Page: 154 180 +154 179 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(154)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(F)-92 b(or)367 b(example,)i(the)f +Fk(multadd)g Fn(op)31 b(eration)369 b(\(whic)-31 b(h)369 +b(is)f(common)h(in)f(linear)g(algebra\))h(tak)-31 b(es)0 +2220 y(three)428 b(parameters;)458 b(it)429 b(m)-31 b(ultiplies)431 +b(the)d(\257rst)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)430 b(and)e(then)g(adds)g(the)h(third.) +669 b(W)-92 b(e)428 b(can)0 3575 y(write)370 b(it)g(in)f(Python)i(lik) +-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 5653 y Fk(def)582 b(multadd)g(\(x,)f(y,)h(z\):) +1162 7008 y(return)g(x)g(*)f(y)g(+)h(z)0 9085 y Fn(This)355 +b(metho)31 b(d)356 b(will)g(w)-31 b(ork)356 b(for)f(an)-31 +b(y)355 b(v)-61 b(alues)355 b(of)g Fk(x)g Fn(and)g Fk(y)g +Fn(that)h(can)f(b)31 b(e)354 b(m)-31 b(ultiplied)358 +b(and)d(for)0 10440 y(an)-31 b(y)370 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 +b(of)f Fk(z)g Fn(that)i(can)e(b)31 b(e)369 b(added)g(to)h(the)g(pro)31 +b(duct.)0 12437 y(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)371 +b(it)f(with)g(n)-31 b(umeric)370 b(v)-61 b(alues:)0 14514 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(multadd)g(\(3,)f(2,)h(1\))0 15869 y(7)0 +17947 y Fn(Or)369 b(with)h Fk(Point)p Fn(s:)0 20024 y +Fk(>>>)582 b(p1)f(=)g(Point\(3,)i(4\))0 21379 y(>>>)f(p2)f(=)g +(Point\(5,)i(7\))0 22734 y(>>>)f(print)f(multadd)i(\(2,)e(p1,)h(p2\))0 +24089 y(\(11,)g(15\))0 25444 y(>>>)g(print)f(multadd)i(\(p1,)e(p2,)h +(1\))0 26799 y(44)0 28877 y Fn(In)357 b(the)h(\257rst)f(case,)j(the)e +Fk(Point)g Fn(is)f(m)-31 b(ultiplied)361 b(b)-31 b(y)358 +b(a)g(scalar)g(and)f(then)h(added)g(to)g(another)0 30231 +y Fk(Point)p Fn(.)490 b(In)357 b(the)i(second)f(case,)j(the)d(dot)h +(pro)31 b(duct)358 b(yields)h(a)g(n)-31 b(umeric)359 +b(v)-61 b(alue,)361 b(so)d(the)h(third)0 31586 y(parameter)370 +b(also)g(has)f(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(a)g(n)-31 b(umeric)370 +b(v)-61 b(alue.)0 33583 y(A)553 b(function)i(lik)-31 +b(e)555 b(this)f(that)g(can)g(tak)-31 b(e)555 b(parameters)e(with)i +(di\256eren)-31 b(t)554 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)553 b(is)h(called)0 +34938 y Fv(p)35 b(olymorphic)p Fn(.)0 36934 y(As)483 +b(another)i(example,)514 b(consider)484 b(the)g(metho)31 +b(d)484 b Fk(frontAndBack)p Fn(,)515 b(whic)-31 b(h)484 +b(prin)-31 b(ts)484 b(a)g(list)0 38289 y(t)-31 b(wice,)371 +b(forw)-31 b(ard)370 b(and)g(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard:)0 40367 +y Fk(def)582 b(frontAndBack\(front\):)1162 41722 y(import)g(copy)1162 +43077 y(back)g(=)f(copy.copy\(front\))1162 44432 y(back.reverse\(\)) +1162 45787 y(print)h(str\(front\))h(+)e(str\(back\))0 +47864 y Fn(Because)433 b(the)f Fk(reverse)i Fn(metho)31 +b(d)433 b(is)g(a)g(mo)31 b(di\257er,)449 b(w)-31 b(e)434 +b(mak)-31 b(e)433 b(a)g(cop)-31 b(y)434 b(of)f(the)g(list)g(b)31 +b(efore)0 49219 y(rev)-31 b(ersing)376 b(it.)513 b(That)377 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 b(,)379 b(this)d(metho)31 b(d)377 +b(do)31 b(esn't)377 b(mo)31 b(dify)377 b(the)f(list)h(it)f(gets)g(as)g +(a)g(param-)0 50574 y(eter.)0 52571 y(Here's)369 b(an)g(example)i(that) +f(applies)g Fk(frontAndBack)h Fn(to)f(a)g(list:)0 54648 +y Fk(>>>)1744 b(myList)582 b(=)f([1,)h(2,)f(3,)h(4])0 +56003 y(>>>)1744 b(frontAndBack\(myList\))0 57358 y([1,)582 +b(2,)f(3,)g(4][4,)h(3,)g(2,)f(1])p eop +%%Page: 155 181 +155 180 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(14.10)426 b(Glossary)28147 b(155)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Of)317 b(course,)327 b(w)-31 +b(e)317 b(in)-31 b(tended)318 b(to)f(apply)h(this)f(function)h(to)g +(lists,)328 b(so)317 b(it)g(is)g(not)g(surprising)g(that)0 +2220 y(it)370 b(w)-31 b(orks.)493 b(What)370 b(w)-31 +b(ould)370 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(surprising)g(is)g(if)h(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(could)h(apply)g(it)g(to)g(a)g Fk(Point)p Fn(.)0 +4412 y(T)-92 b(o)434 b(determine)g(whether)g(a)g(function)h(can)e(b)31 +b(e)433 b(applied)i(to)f(a)g(new)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)450 +b(w)-31 b(e)434 b(apply)h(the)0 5767 y(fundamen)-31 b(tal)372 +b(rule)d(of)g(p)31 b(olymorphism:)2767 8464 y Fv(If)504 +b(all)g(of)g(the)h(op)35 b(erations)507 b(inside)d(the)h(function)g +(can)f(b)35 b(e)506 b(applied)2767 9819 y(to)425 b(the)g(t)-35 +b(yp)35 b(e,)425 b(the)g(function)g(can)f(b)35 b(e)425 +b(applied)g(to)g(the)g(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e.)0 12516 y Fn(The)369 +b(op)31 b(erations)371 b(in)e(the)h(metho)31 b(d)370 +b(include)g Fk(copy)p Fn(,)g Fk(reverse)p Fn(,)g(and)g +Fk(print)p Fn(.)0 14708 y Fk(copy)436 b Fn(w)-31 b(orks)436 +b(on)g(an)-31 b(y)437 b(ob)61 b(ject,)454 b(and)436 b(w)-31 +b(e)436 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)437 b(already)g(written)g(a)p +28987 14708 349 45 v 29406 14708 V 1272 w Fk(str)p 31567 +14708 V 31986 14708 V 1273 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)437 b(for)0 +16063 y Fk(Point)p Fn(s,)370 b(so)f(all)h(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(need)f(is)g(a)h Fk(reverse)g Fn(metho)31 b(d)370 b(in)f(the)h +Fk(Point)f Fn(class:)0 18336 y Fk(def)582 b(reverse\(self\):)1162 +19691 y(self.x)g(,)g(self.y)g(=)f(self.y,)h(self.x)0 +21964 y Fn(Then)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)g(pass)e Fk(Point)p +Fn(s)i(to)g Fk(frontAndBack)p Fn(:)0 24237 y Fk(>>>)1744 +b(p)581 b(=)g(Point\(3,)i(4\))0 25592 y(>>>)1744 b(frontAndBack\(p\))0 +26947 y(\(3,)582 b(4\)\(4,)f(3\))0 29220 y Fn(The)440 +b(b)31 b(est)440 b(kind)g(of)h(p)31 b(olymorphism)442 +b(is)d(the)i(unin)-31 b(ten)g(tional)443 b(kind,)459 +b(where)440 b(y)-31 b(ou)440 b(disco)-31 b(v)g(er)0 30575 +y(that)327 b(a)f(function)g(y)-31 b(ou)327 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)326 +b(already)h(written)g(can)e(b)31 b(e)325 b(applied)i(to)f(a)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)326 b(for)g(whic)-31 b(h)326 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 +31930 y(nev)g(er)369 b(planned.)0 36521 y Fl(14.10)1792 +b(Glossary)0 38713 y Fv(ob)71 b(ject-orien)-35 b(ted)427 +b(language:)554 b Fn(A)412 b(language)j(that)f(pro)-31 +b(vides)413 b(features,)424 b(suc)-31 b(h)412 b(as)g(user-)2767 +40068 y(de\257ned)488 b(classes)g(and)g(inheritance,)519 +b(that)489 b(facilitate)j(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)490 +b(program-)2767 41423 y(ming.)0 43713 y Fv(ob)71 b(ject-orien)-35 +b(ted)427 b(programming:)554 b Fn(A)415 b(st)-31 b(yle)416 +b(of)f(programming)j(in)d(whic)-31 b(h)416 b(data)g(and)2767 +45068 y(the)338 b(op)31 b(erations)339 b(that)g(manipulate)h(it)e(are)f +(organized)i(in)-31 b(to)339 b(classes)e(and)h(metho)31 +b(ds.)0 47358 y Fv(metho)k(d:)555 b Fn(A)382 b(function)i(that)f(is)f +(de\257ned)g(inside)g(a)h(class)f(de\257nition)i(and)e(is)h(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(ed)384 b(on)2767 48713 y(instances)370 b(of)g(that)g(class.) +0 51003 y Fv(o)-35 b(v)g(erride:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)269 +b(replace)f(a)g(default.)461 b(Examples)269 b(include)g(replacing)g(a)g +(default)g(parameter)2767 52358 y(with)397 b(a)f(particular)g(argumen) +-31 b(t)397 b(and)e(replacing)i(a)f(default)g(metho)31 +b(d)397 b(b)-31 b(y)395 b(pro)-31 b(viding)2767 53713 +y(a)370 b(new)f(metho)31 b(d)370 b(with)h(the)e(same)h(name.)0 +56003 y Fv(initialization)422 b(metho)35 b(d:)555 b Fn(A)340 +b(sp)31 b(ecial)341 b(metho)31 b(d)340 b(that)h(is)f(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(ed)342 b(automatically)j(when)2767 57358 y(a)370 +b(new)f(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(is)e(created)g(and)h(that)g(initializes)i +(the)e(ob)61 b(ject's)370 b(attributes.)p eop +%%Page: 156 182 +156 181 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(156)24691 b(Classes)425 b(and)f(metho)35 +b(ds)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(op)g(erator)427 b(o)-35 +b(v)g(erloading:)554 b Fn(Extending)470 b(built-in)g(op)31 +b(erators)468 b(\()p Fk(+)p Fn(,)494 b Fk(-)p Fn(,)f +Fk(*)p Fn(,)h Fk(>)p Fn(,)f Fk(<)p Fn(,)h(etc.\))790 +b(so)2767 2220 y(that)371 b(they)e(w)-31 b(ork)370 b(with)h +(user-de\257ned)d(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es.)0 4461 y Fv(dot)425 +b(pro)35 b(duct:)555 b Fn(An)247 b(op)31 b(eration)249 +b(de\257ned)e(in)g(linear)h(algebra)h(that)f(m)-31 b(ultiplies)250 +b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)249 b Fk(Point)p Fn(s)2767 5815 y(and)370 +b(yields)g(a)f(n)-31 b(umeric)370 b(v)-61 b(alue.)0 8056 +y Fv(scalar)424 b(m)-35 b(ultiplication:)551 b Fn(An)371 +b(op)31 b(eration)373 b(de\257ned)d(in)h(linear)h(algebra)g(that)g(m) +-31 b(ultiplies)2767 9411 y(eac)g(h)370 b(of)g(the)f(co)31 +b(ordinates)370 b(of)g(a)g Fk(Point)f Fn(b)-31 b(y)370 +b(a)f(n)-31 b(umeric)370 b(v)-61 b(alue.)0 11651 y Fv(p)35 +b(olymorphic:)554 b Fn(A)395 b(function)i(that)g(can)f(op)31 +b(erate)396 b(on)f(more)h(than)g(one)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e.)572 b(If)395 b(all)i(the)2767 13006 y(op)31 b(erations)414 +b(in)f(a)g(function)h(can)f(b)31 b(e)412 b(applied)h(to)h(a)f(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e,)424 b(then)413 b(the)g(function)h(can)2767 +14361 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(applied)h(to)g(a)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e.)p eop +%%Page: 157 183 +157 182 bop 0 9891 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(15)0 16162 y Fo(Sets)1033 +b(of)g(ob)172 b(jects)0 23291 y Fl(15.1)1792 b(Comp)50 +b(osition)0 25648 y Fn(By)352 b(no)-31 b(w,)357 b(y)-31 +b(ou)353 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)354 b(seen)d(sev)-31 b(eral)353 +b(examples)g(of)g(comp)31 b(osition.)489 b(One)352 b(of)h(the)f +(\257rst)g(exam-)0 27003 y(ples)370 b(w)-31 b(as)371 +b(using)g(a)f(metho)31 b(d)371 b(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cation)374 +b(as)c(part)h(of)f(an)h(expression.)496 b(Another)371 +b(example)0 28358 y(is)478 b(the)g(nested)g(structure)g(of)g(statemen) +-31 b(ts;)535 b(y)-31 b(ou)479 b(can)f(put)g(an)h Fk(if)f +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)480 b(within)g(a)0 29713 y Fk(while)370 +b Fn(lo)31 b(op,)370 b(within)h(another)f Fk(if)f Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(and)e(so)f(on.)0 31736 y(Ha)-31 b(ving)291 +b(seen)d(this)g(pattern,)306 b(and)289 b(ha)-31 b(ving)291 +b(learned)d(ab)31 b(out)290 b(lists)f(and)g(ob)61 b(jects,)306 +b(y)-31 b(ou)290 b(should)0 33091 y(not)h(b)31 b(e)290 +b(surprised)f(to)i(learn)g(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)291 b(can)g(create)f +(lists)h(of)g(ob)61 b(jects.)468 b(Y)-92 b(ou)291 b(can)f(also)i +(create)0 34446 y(ob)61 b(jects)368 b(that)f(con)-31 +b(tain)369 b(lists)e(\(as)g(attributes\);)j(y)-31 b(ou)367 +b(can)g(create)g(lists)g(that)g(con)-31 b(tain)369 b(lists;)0 +35801 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can)f(create)h(ob)61 b(jects)370 +b(that)h(con)-31 b(tain)371 b(ob)61 b(jects;)370 b(and)g(so)f(on.)0 +37825 y(In)390 b(this)i(c)-31 b(hapter)391 b(and)h(the)f(next,)397 +b(w)-31 b(e)392 b(will)g(lo)31 b(ok)393 b(at)e(some)h(examples)g(of)f +(these)g(com)-31 b(bina-)0 39180 y(tions,)371 b(using)e +Fk(Card)h Fn(ob)61 b(jects)370 b(as)f(an)g(example.)0 +43493 y Fl(15.2)1792 b Fe(Card)599 b Fl(ob)100 b(jects)0 +45850 y Fn(If)293 b(y)-31 b(ou)294 b(are)f(not)h(familiar)i(with)f +(common)g(pla)-31 b(ying)295 b(cards,)309 b(no)-31 b(w)294 +b(w)-31 b(ould)295 b(b)31 b(e)293 b(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)294 +b(time)g(to)0 47205 y(get)346 b(a)g(dec)-31 b(k,)350 +b(or)c(else)f(this)g(c)-31 b(hapter)346 b(migh)-31 b(t)348 +b(not)e(mak)-31 b(e)346 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)346 b(sense.)484 +b(There)345 b(are)g(\257ft)-31 b(y-t)g(w)g(o)0 48560 +y(cards)402 b(in)i(a)f(dec)-31 b(k,)412 b(eac)-31 b(h)404 +b(of)f(whic)-31 b(h)404 b(b)31 b(elongs)404 b(to)g(one)f(of)h(four)f +(suits)g(and)g(one)h(of)f(thirteen)0 49915 y(ranks.)476 +b(The)320 b(suits)g(are)g(Spades,)330 b(Hearts,)g(Diamonds,)h(and)320 +b(Clubs)h(\(in)f(descending)h(order)0 51270 y(in)371 +b(bridge\).)497 b(The)371 b(ranks)f(are)h(Ace,)g(2,)g(3,)h(4,)g(5,)f +(6,)h(7,)g(8,)f(9,)h(10,)g(Jac)-31 b(k,)372 b(Queen,)f(and)g(King.)0 +52625 y(Dep)31 b(ending)437 b(on)f(the)h(game)h(that)f(y)-31 +b(ou)438 b(are)e(pla)-31 b(ying,)456 b(the)437 b(rank)f(of)h(Ace)g(ma) +-31 b(y)438 b(b)31 b(e)436 b(higher)0 53979 y(than)370 +b(King)g(or)f(lo)-31 b(w)g(er)370 b(than)g(2.)0 56003 +y(If)506 b(w)-31 b(e)507 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)508 b(to)g(de\257ne)e(a)h +(new)f(ob)61 b(ject)508 b(to)g(represen)-31 b(t)505 b(a)i(pla)-31 +b(ying)509 b(card,)541 b(it)507 b(is)g(ob)-31 b(vious)0 +57358 y(what)397 b(the)f(attributes)h(should)f(b)31 b(e:)546 +b Fk(rank)396 b Fn(and)g Fk(suit)p Fn(.)573 b(It)395 +b(is)h(not)h(as)e(ob)-31 b(vious)397 b(what)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)p eop +%%Page: 158 184 +158 183 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(158)28170 b(Sets)425 b(of)g(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(the)364 b(attributes)h(should)e +(b)31 b(e.)491 b(One)363 b(p)31 b(ossibilit)-31 b(y)366 +b(is)d(to)h(use)f(strings)h(con)-31 b(taining)366 b(w)-31 +b(ords)364 b(lik)-31 b(e)0 2220 y Fk("Spade")263 b Fn(for)g(suits)g +(and)g Fk("Queen")g Fn(for)g(ranks.)457 b(One)262 b(problem)i(with)g +(this)f(implemen)-31 b(tation)0 3575 y(is)336 b(that)h(it)g(w)-31 +b(ould)338 b(not)f(b)31 b(e)335 b(easy)h(to)h(compare)g(cards)f(to)g +(see)g(whic)-31 b(h)337 b(had)f(a)h(higher)f(rank)g(or)0 +4930 y(suit.)0 7439 y(An)389 b(alternativ)-31 b(e)392 +b(is)d(to)h(use)f(in)-31 b(tegers)390 b(to)g Fv(enco)35 +b(de)391 b Fn(the)f(ranks)f(and)g(suits.)553 b(By)390 +b(\\enco)31 b(de,")0 8794 y(w)-31 b(e)394 b(do)f(not)h(mean)g(what)g +(some)g(p)31 b(eople)393 b(think,)401 b(whic)-31 b(h)394 +b(is)f(to)h(encrypt)f(or)g(translate)h(in)-31 b(to)0 +10149 y(a)465 b(secret)g(co)31 b(de.)780 b(What)466 b(a)f(computer)h +(scien)-31 b(tist)467 b(means)e(b)-31 b(y)465 b(\\enco)31 +b(de")466 b(is)f(\\to)i(de\257ne)e(a)0 11504 y(mapping)455 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)455 b(a)e(sequence)g(of)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)454 b(and)f(the)h(items)g(I)f(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)455 b(to)g(represen)-31 b(t.")0 12859 y(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(example:)664 16341 y(Spades)2851 b Fj(7!)1328 +b Fn(3)664 17696 y(Hearts)3002 b Fj(7!)1328 b Fn(2)664 +19051 y(Diamonds)i Fj(7!)e Fn(1)664 20406 y(Clubs)3405 +b Fj(7!)1328 b Fn(0)0 22684 y(An)414 b(ob)-31 b(vious)415 +b(feature)g(of)f(this)h(mapping)g(is)f(that)h(the)g(suits)f(map)g(to)h +(in)-31 b(tegers)415 b(in)f(order,)0 24039 y(so)330 b(w)-31 +b(e)330 b(can)g(compare)h(suits)e(b)-31 b(y)330 b(comparing)i(in)-31 +b(tegers.)480 b(The)330 b(mapping)i(for)d(ranks)h(is)g(fairly)0 +25394 y(ob)-31 b(vious;)338 b(eac)-31 b(h)320 b(of)h(the)f(n)-31 +b(umerical)321 b(ranks)f(maps)g(to)h(the)f(corresp)31 +b(onding)320 b(in)-31 b(teger,)331 b(and)320 b(for)0 +26749 y(face)370 b(cards:)664 30015 y(Jac)-31 b(k)2236 +b Fj(7!)1329 b Fn(11)664 31370 y(Queen)f Fj(7!)h Fn(12)664 +32725 y(King)2067 b Fj(7!)1329 b Fn(13)0 35003 y(The)333 +b(reason)f(w)-31 b(e)333 b(are)g(using)g(mathematical)j(notation)f(for) +e(these)f(mappings)i(is)f(that)g(they)0 36358 y(are)365 +b(not)i(part)f(of)g(the)g(Python)h(program.)492 b(They)366 +b(are)g(part)g(of)g(the)g(program)g(design,)i(but)0 37713 +y(they)361 b(nev)-31 b(er)361 b(app)31 b(ear)361 b(explicitly)j(in)d +(the)g(co)31 b(de.)490 b(The)361 b(class)g(de\257nition)i(for)e(the)g +Fk(Card)g Fn(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)0 39068 y(lo)g(oks)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 41658 y Fk(class)582 b(Card:)1162 +43013 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(suit=0,)f(rank=0\):)2325 +44368 y(self.suit)g(=)f(suit)2325 45723 y(self.rank)h(=)f(rank)0 +48313 y Fn(As)346 b(usual,)352 b(w)-31 b(e)348 b(pro)-31 +b(vide)347 b(an)g(initialization)352 b(metho)31 b(d)347 +b(that)h(tak)-31 b(es)348 b(an)f(optional)i(parameter)0 +49668 y(for)369 b(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(attribute.)0 52178 +y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(create)f(an)h(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(that)h(represen)-31 +b(ts)368 b(the)h(3)h(of)f(Clubs,)h(use)f(this)g(command:)0 +54768 y Fk(threeOfClubs)583 b(=)e(Card\(0,)h(3\))0 57358 +y Fn(The)369 b(\257rst)g(argumen)-31 b(t,)371 b Fk(0)p +Fn(,)f(represen)-31 b(ts)368 b(the)h(suit)h(Clubs.)p +eop +%%Page: 159 185 +159 184 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(15.3)425 b(Class)g(attributes)g(and)g(the)p +16651 -2070 349 45 v 17070 -2070 V 1262 w Fk(str)p 19232 +-2070 V 19650 -2070 V 1261 w Fv(metho)35 b(d)11634 b(159)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(15.3)1792 b(Class)599 b(attributes)h(and) +e(the)p 24639 865 493 45 v 25230 865 V 1780 w Fe(str)p +28280 865 V 28872 865 V 1780 w Fl(metho)50 b(d)0 3178 +y Fn(In)447 b(order)f(to)i(prin)-31 b(t)447 b Fk(Card)h +Fn(ob)61 b(jects)448 b(in)f(a)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)449 b(that)f(p)31 +b(eople)448 b(can)f(easily)h(read,)467 b(w)-31 b(e)447 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)0 4533 y(to)462 b(map)f(the)g(in)-31 +b(teger)462 b(co)31 b(des)461 b(on)-31 b(to)462 b(w)-31 +b(ords.)768 b(A)461 b(natural)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)463 b(to)e(do)g(that)h +(is)f(with)h(lists)0 5888 y(of)483 b(strings.)831 b(W)-92 +b(e)482 b(assign)g(these)g(lists)h(to)g Fv(class)554 +b(attributes)483 b Fn(at)g(the)f(top)h(of)g(the)f(class)0 +7243 y(de\257nition:)0 9304 y Fk(class)582 b(Card:)1162 +10659 y(suitList)h(=)e(["Clubs",)h("Diamonds",)h("Hearts",)g("Spades"]) +1162 12014 y(rankList)g(=)e(["narf",)h("Ace",)g("2",)g("3",)g("4",)g +("5",)f("6",)h("7",)8136 13369 y("8",)g("9",)g("10",)f("Jack",)i +("Queen",)f("King"])1162 16078 y(#init)g(method)g(omitted)1162 +18788 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 20143 y(return)g +(\(self.rankList[self.rank])j(+)c(")g(of)h(")f(+)6974 +21498 y(self.suitList[self.suit]\))0 23559 y Fn(A)359 +b(class)h(attribute)h(is)e(de\257ned)g(outside)h(of)g(an)-31 +b(y)360 b(metho)31 b(d,)363 b(and)d(it)g(can)g(b)31 b(e)359 +b(accessed)f(from)0 24914 y(an)-31 b(y)370 b(of)g(the)f(metho)31 +b(ds)370 b(in)f(the)h(class.)0 26893 y(Inside)p 3657 +26893 349 45 v 4075 26893 V 1558 w Fk(str)p 6237 26893 +V 6656 26893 V 837 w Fn(,)811 b(w)-31 b(e)722 b(can)g(use)f +Fk(suitList)h Fn(and)g Fk(rankList)h Fn(to)g(map)f(the)g(n)-31 +b(umer-)0 28248 y(ical)763 b(v)-61 b(alues)761 b(of)h +Fk(suit)g Fn(and)f Fk(rank)h Fn(to)g(strings.)1670 b(F)-92 +b(or)760 b(example,)862 b(the)761 b(expression)0 29603 +y Fk(self.suitList[self.suit])527 b Fn(means)d(\\use)g(the)g(attribute) +h Fk(suit)f Fn(from)h(the)e(ob)61 b(ject)0 30958 y Fk(self)421 +b Fn(as)g(an)g(index)h(in)-31 b(to)422 b(the)f(class)g(attribute)i +(named)f Fk(suitList)p Fn(,)435 b(and)421 b(select)g(the)h(ap-)0 +32313 y(propriate)370 b(string.")0 34293 y(The)k(reason)f(for)h(the)g +Fk("narf")g Fn(in)g(the)g(\257rst)f(elemen)-31 b(t)375 +b(in)f Fk(rankList)h Fn(is)e(to)h(act)h(as)e(a)h(place)0 +35647 y(k)-31 b(eep)31 b(er)396 b(for)g(the)g(zero-eth)g(elemen)-31 +b(t)398 b(of)e(the)h(list,)404 b(whic)-31 b(h)397 b(will)h(nev)-31 +b(er)395 b(b)31 b(e)396 b(used.)573 b(The)396 b(only)0 +37002 y(v)-61 b(alid)424 b(ranks)e(are)h(1)g(to)h(13.)654 +b(This)423 b(w)-31 b(asted)424 b(item)g(is)f(not)g(en)-31 +b(tirely)425 b(necessary)-92 b(.)652 b(W)-92 b(e)422 +b(could)0 38357 y(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)355 b(started)g(at)g(0,)j(as)c(usual,) +k(but)c(it)h(is)f(less)g(confusing)h(to)g(enco)31 b(de)354 +b(2)g(as)g(2,)k(3)d(as)f(3,)k(and)0 39712 y(so)369 b(on.)0 +41692 y(With)h(the)f(metho)31 b(ds)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(so)f(far,)h(w)-31 b(e)369 b(can)h(create)f(and)h +(prin)-31 b(t)369 b(cards:)0 43752 y Fk(>>>)582 b(card1)f(=)h(Card\(1,) +g(11\))0 45107 y(>>>)g(print)f(card1)0 46462 y(Jack)h(of)f(Diamonds)0 +48523 y Fn(Class)419 b(attributes)h(lik)-31 b(e)420 b +Fk(suitList)g Fn(are)e(shared)g(b)-31 b(y)419 b(all)h +Fk(Card)f Fn(ob)61 b(jects.)642 b(The)419 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 +b(tage)0 49878 y(of)370 b(this)f(is)g(that)i(w)-31 b(e)370 +b(can)f(use)g(an)-31 b(y)369 b Fk(Card)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject)371 +b(to)f(access)e(the)i(class)f(attributes:)0 51938 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(card2)f(=)h(Card\(1,)g(3\))0 53293 y(>>>)g(print)f(card2)0 +54648 y(3)g(of)h(Diamonds)0 56003 y(>>>)g(print)f(card2.suitList[1])0 +57358 y(Diamonds)p eop +%%Page: 160 186 +160 185 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(160)28170 b(Sets)425 b(of)g(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)335 b(disadv)-61 +b(an)-31 b(tage)337 b(is)d(that)i(if)f(w)-31 b(e)335 +b(mo)31 b(dify)336 b(a)f(class)g(attribute,)343 b(it)336 +b(a\256ects)e(ev)-31 b(ery)335 b(instance)0 2220 y(of)411 +b(the)g(class.)616 b(F)-92 b(or)410 b(example,)423 b(if)411 +b(w)-31 b(e)411 b(decide)g(that)g(\\Jac)-31 b(k)412 b(of)f(Diamonds")h +(should)f(really)0 3575 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(called)h(\\Jac)-31 +b(k)370 b(of)g(Swirly)g(Whales,")h(w)-31 b(e)369 b(could)h(do)g(this:)0 +5926 y Fk(>>>)582 b(card1.suitList[1])h(=)f("Swirly)g(Whales")0 +7281 y(>>>)g(print)f(card1)0 8636 y(Jack)h(of)f(Swirly)h(Whales)0 +10986 y Fn(The)369 b(problem)h(is)f(that)i Fm(al)57 b(l)368 +b Fn(of)i(the)f(Diamonds)h(just)g(b)31 b(ecame)369 b(Swirly)h(Whales:)0 +13337 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(card2)0 14692 y(3)g(of)h(Swirly)g(Whales)0 +17043 y Fn(It)369 b(is)g(usually)i(not)f(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)370 +b(idea)g(to)g(mo)31 b(dify)370 b(class)g(attributes.)0 +21868 y Fl(15.4)1792 b(Comparing)599 b(cards)0 24513 +y Fn(F)-92 b(or)277 b(primitiv)-31 b(e)281 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es,)297 b(there)277 b(are)h(conditional)k(op)31 b(erators)278 +b(\()p Fk(<)p Fn(,)297 b Fk(>)p Fn(,)g Fk(==)p Fn(,)g(etc.\))463 +b(that)279 b(compare)0 25868 y(v)-61 b(alues)394 b(and)f(determine)i +(when)e(one)h(is)g(greater)g(than,)400 b(less)394 b(than,)400 +b(or)394 b(equal)g(to)h(another.)0 27223 y(F)-92 b(or)312 +b(user-de\257ned)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es,)324 b(w)-31 b(e)313 +b(can)g(o)-31 b(v)g(erride)313 b(the)f(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(vior)314 b(of)e(the)h(built-in)h(op)31 b(erators)313 +b(b)-31 b(y)0 28578 y(pro)g(viding)396 b(a)e(metho)31 +b(d)395 b(named)p 13609 28578 349 45 v 14027 28578 V +1231 w Fk(cmp)p 16189 28578 V 16608 28578 V 837 w Fn(.)567 +b(By)394 b(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tion,)p 25535 28578 V 25953 +28578 V 1240 w Fk(cmp)p 28115 28578 V 28533 28578 V 1231 +w Fn(tak)g(es)395 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)395 b(parame-)0 29933 +y(ters,)330 b Fk(self)320 b Fn(and)g Fk(other)p Fn(,)331 +b(and)320 b(returns)f(1)h(if)g(the)g(\257rst)g(ob)61 +b(ject)321 b(is)f(greater,)330 b(-1)321 b(if)f(the)g(second)0 +31288 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(is)e(greater,)h(and)f(0)h(if)f(they)h(are)f +(equal)h(to)g(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(other.)0 33557 y(Some)308 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)307 b(are)g(completely)j(ordered,)319 +b(whic)-31 b(h)308 b(means)g(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)308 b(can)f(compare)h +(an)-31 b(y)308 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 34912 y(elemen)g(ts)432 +b(and)f(tell)h(whic)-31 b(h)432 b(is)f(bigger.)678 b(F)-92 +b(or)431 b(example,)448 b(the)431 b(in)-31 b(tegers)431 +b(and)h(the)f(\260oating-)0 36267 y(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)394 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)393 b(are)g(completely)i(ordered.)564 +b(Some)393 b(sets)g(are)g(unordered,)399 b(whic)-31 b(h)394 +b(means)0 37622 y(that)340 b(there)e(is)h(no)g(meaningful)i(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)340 b(to)f(sa)-31 b(y)339 b(that)h(one)f(elemen)-31 +b(t)340 b(is)f(bigger)g(than)h(another.)0 38977 y(F)-92 +b(or)329 b(example,)340 b(the)331 b(fruits)f(are)g(unordered,)338 +b(whic)-31 b(h)331 b(is)f(wh)-31 b(y)331 b(y)-31 b(ou)331 +b(cannot)h(compare)f(apples)0 40332 y(and)369 b(oranges.)0 +42602 y(The)388 b(set)g(of)g(pla)-31 b(ying)390 b(cards)d(is)h +(partially)i(ordered,)i(whic)-31 b(h)389 b(means)f(that)h(sometimes)g +(y)-31 b(ou)0 43957 y(can)447 b(compare)h(cards)e(and)i(sometimes)g +(not.)727 b(F)-92 b(or)446 b(example,)469 b(y)-31 b(ou)447 +b(kno)-31 b(w)449 b(that)f(the)f(3)g(of)0 45312 y(Clubs)391 +b(is)f(higher)h(than)h(the)e(2)h(of)g(Clubs,)397 b(and)391 +b(the)g(3)g(of)g(Diamonds)g(is)g(higher)f(than)i(the)0 +46667 y(3)361 b(of)g(Clubs.)491 b(But)361 b(whic)-31 +b(h)362 b(is)e(b)31 b(etter,)363 b(the)f(3)f(of)g(Clubs)g(or)g(the)g(2) +g(of)g(Diamonds?)490 b(One)361 b(has)0 48022 y(a)369 +b(higher)h(rank,)g(but)f(the)h(other)f(has)g(a)h(higher)f(suit.)0 +50291 y(In)287 b(order)g(to)h(mak)-31 b(e)289 b(cards)e(comparable,)306 +b(y)-31 b(ou)288 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)289 b(to)f(decide)g(whic)-31 +b(h)288 b(is)f(more)h(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t,)0 51646 +y(rank)350 b(or)h(suit.)487 b(T)-92 b(o)350 b(b)31 b(e)350 +b(honest,)355 b(the)c(c)-31 b(hoice)351 b(is)g(arbitrary)-92 +b(.)486 b(F)-92 b(or)350 b(the)h(sak)-31 b(e)351 b(of)f(c)-31 +b(ho)31 b(osing,)356 b(w)-31 b(e)0 53001 y(will)371 b(sa)-31 +b(y)370 b(that)h(suit)f(is)g(more)g(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 +b(t,)372 b(b)31 b(ecause)369 b(a)h(new)g(dec)-31 b(k)370 +b(of)g(cards)f(comes)h(sorted)0 54356 y(with)g(all)h(the)e(Clubs)h +(together,)h(follo)-31 b(w)g(ed)372 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b(all)i(the)e +(Diamonds,)i(and)e(so)g(on.)0 56626 y(With)h(that)g(decided,)g(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(can)f(write)p 16124 56626 V 16542 56626 V 1207 +w Fk(cmp)p 18704 56626 V 19122 56626 V 837 w Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 161 187 +161 186 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(15.5)425 b(Dec)-35 b(ks)30330 +b(161)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(__cmp__\(self,)h +(other\):)1162 2220 y(#)f(check)f(the)h(suits)1162 3575 +y(if)g(self.suit)g(>)g(other.suit:)g(return)g(1)1162 +4930 y(if)g(self.suit)g(<)g(other.suit:)g(return)g(-1)1162 +6285 y(#)g(suits)f(are)h(the)g(same...)g(check)g(ranks)1162 +7640 y(if)g(self.rank)g(>)g(other.rank:)g(return)g(1)1162 +8995 y(if)g(self.rank)g(<)g(other.rank:)g(return)g(-1)1162 +10350 y(#)g(ranks)f(are)h(the)g(same...)g(it's)g(a)f(tie)1162 +11705 y(return)h(0)0 13722 y Fn(In)369 b(this)g(ordering,)h(Aces)f(app) +31 b(ear)369 b(lo)-31 b(w)g(er)371 b(than)f(Deuces)e(\(2s\).)2767 +15716 y Fm(As)429 b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)438 b(mo)-57 +b(dify)p 14315 15716 349 45 v 14733 15716 V 1268 w Fk(cmp)p +16895 15716 V 17314 15716 V 1267 w Fm(so)428 b(that)h(A)-57 +b(c)g(es)430 b(ar)-57 b(e)429 b(r)-57 b(anke)g(d)431 +b(higher)e(than)2767 17070 y(Kings.)0 21262 y Fl(15.5)1792 +b(Dec)-50 b(ks)0 23532 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)388 b(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)388 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)387 b(ob)61 b(jects)388 b(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)386 b Fk(Card)p Fn(s,)392 b(the)387 b(next)g(logical)j(step)d(is)g +(to)g(de\257ne)0 24887 y(a)337 b(class)f(to)h(represen)-31 +b(t)336 b(a)g Fk(Deck)p Fn(.)483 b(Of)336 b(course,)343 +b(a)336 b(dec)-31 b(k)337 b(is)f(made)h(up)g(of)g(cards,)342 +b(so)337 b(eac)-31 b(h)337 b Fk(Deck)0 26242 y Fn(ob)61 +b(ject)371 b(will)g(con)-31 b(tain)371 b(a)e(list)h(of)g(cards)f(as)g +(an)g(attribute.)0 28179 y(The)f(follo)-31 b(wing)370 +b(is)e(a)f(class)h(de\257nition)g(for)g(the)f Fk(Deck)h +Fn(class.)492 b(The)368 b(initialization)k(metho)31 b(d)0 +29534 y(creates)369 b(the)h(attribute)g Fk(cards)g Fn(and)g(generates)f +(the)h(standard)f(set)g(of)h(\257ft)-31 b(y-t)g(w)g(o)372 +b(cards:)0 31552 y Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 32906 y(def)g +(__init__\(self\):)2325 34261 y(self.cards)g(=)g([])2325 +35616 y(for)f(suit)h(in)f(range\(4\):)3487 36971 y(for)g(rank)h(in)g +(range\(1,)g(14\):)4649 38326 y(self.cards.append\(Card\(suit,)k +(rank\)\))0 40344 y Fn(The)475 b(easiest)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)476 +b(to)g(p)31 b(opulate)477 b(the)e(dec)-31 b(k)475 b(is)g(with)i(a)e +(nested)g(lo)31 b(op.)811 b(The)476 b(outer)f(lo)31 b(op)0 +41699 y(en)-31 b(umerates)289 b(the)g(suits)f(from)h(0)g(to)h(3.)466 +b(The)288 b(inner)h(lo)31 b(op)289 b(en)-31 b(umerates)289 +b(the)g(ranks)f(from)h(1)g(to)0 43054 y(13.)481 b(Since)334 +b(the)f(outer)h(lo)31 b(op)334 b(iterates)g(four)f(times,)342 +b(and)333 b(the)h(inner)f(lo)31 b(op)334 b(iterates)g(thirteen)0 +44409 y(times,)309 b(the)292 b(total)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)292 b(of)g(times)h(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(dy)292 b(is)f(executed)i(is)e +(\257ft)-31 b(y-t)g(w)g(o)295 b(\(thirteen)e(times)0 +45764 y(four\).)572 b(Eac)-31 b(h)396 b(iteration)i(creates)d(a)h(new)g +(instance)g(of)g Fk(Card)g Fn(with)g(the)g(curren)-31 +b(t)395 b(suit)h(and)0 47119 y(rank,)370 b(and)f(app)31 +b(ends)369 b(that)h(card)f(to)h(the)g Fk(cards)f Fn(list.)0 +49055 y(The)g Fk(append)h Fn(metho)31 b(d)370 b(w)-31 +b(orks)370 b(on)f(lists)h(but)g(not,)g(of)g(course,)f(tuples.)0 +53247 y Fl(15.6)1792 b(Prin)-50 b(ting)600 b(the)e(dec)-50 +b(k)0 55517 y Fn(As)424 b(usual,)439 b(when)424 b(w)-31 +b(e)425 b(de\257ne)f(a)g(new)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)425 +b(of)f(ob)61 b(ject)426 b(w)-31 b(e)425 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)426 +b(a)e(metho)31 b(d)425 b(that)h(prin)-31 b(ts)0 56872 +y(the)397 b(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)398 b(of)f(an)g(ob)61 +b(ject.)576 b(T)-92 b(o)397 b(prin)-31 b(t)398 b(a)f +Fk(Deck)p Fn(,)404 b(w)-31 b(e)397 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)397 +b(the)g(list)g(and)g(prin)-31 b(t)397 b(eac)-31 b(h)0 +58227 y Fk(Card)p Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 162 188 +162 187 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(162)28170 b(Sets)425 b(of)g(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 +2220 y(...)1162 3575 y(def)g(printDeck\(self\):)2325 +4930 y(for)f(card)h(in)f(self.cards:)3487 6285 y(print)h(card)0 +8655 y Fn(Here,)442 b(and)428 b(from)h(no)-31 b(w)428 +b(on,)443 b(the)428 b(ellipsis)h(\()p Fk(...)p Fn(\))669 +b(indicates)429 b(that)g(w)-31 b(e)428 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)429 +b(omitted)h(the)0 10010 y(other)369 b(metho)31 b(ds)370 +b(in)g(the)f(class.)0 12299 y(As)380 b(an)g(alternativ)-31 +b(e)383 b(to)d Fk(printDeck)p Fn(,)385 b(w)-31 b(e)380 +b(could)h(write)g(a)p 24477 12299 349 45 v 24895 12299 +V 1217 w Fk(str)p 27057 12299 V 27476 12299 V 1217 w +Fn(metho)31 b(d)381 b(for)f(the)h Fk(Deck)0 13654 y Fn(class.)808 +b(The)475 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)476 b(of)p 12490 +13654 V 12909 13654 V 1312 w Fk(str)p 15070 13654 V 15489 +13654 V 1312 w Fn(is)e(that)i(it)f(is)f(more)h(\260exible.)809 +b(Rather)475 b(than)g(just)0 15009 y(prin)-31 b(ting)509 +b(the)f(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)509 b(of)g(the)f(ob)61 b(ject,)544 +b(it)508 b(generates)h(a)f(string)g(represen)-31 b(tation)509 +b(that)0 16364 y(other)469 b(parts)f(of)h(the)g(program)h(can)f +(manipulate)i(b)31 b(efore)468 b(prin)-31 b(ting,)496 +b(or)468 b(store)g(for)h(later)0 17718 y(use.)0 20007 +y(Here)263 b(is)g(a)g(v)-31 b(ersion)264 b(of)p 9213 +20007 V 9632 20007 V 1100 w Fk(str)p 11793 20007 V 12212 +20007 V 1100 w Fn(that)h(returns)d(a)h(string)h(represen)-31 +b(tation)264 b(of)g(a)f Fk(Deck)p Fn(.)458 b(T)-92 b(o)264 +b(add)0 21362 y(a)381 b(bit)g(of)h(pizzazz,)i(it)e(arranges)e(the)h +(cards)f(in)h(a)g(cascade)g(where)g(eac)-31 b(h)381 b(card)f(is)h +(inden)-31 b(ted)0 22717 y(one)369 b(space)g(more)h(than)g(the)f +(previous)h(card:)0 25087 y Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 +26442 y(...)1162 27797 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 +29152 y(s)f(=)g("")2325 30507 y(for)g(i)g(in)h +(range\(len\(self.cards\)\):)3487 31862 y(s)f(=)g(s)h(+)f(")g("*i)h(+)f +(str\(self.cards[i]\))j(+)d("\\n")2325 33217 y(return)h(s)0 +35587 y Fn(This)706 b(example)i(demonstrates)f(sev)-31 +b(eral)706 b(features.)1504 b(First,)790 b(instead)707 +b(of)g(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersing)0 36942 y Fk(self.cards)493 +b Fn(and)g(assigning)h(eac)-31 b(h)492 b(card)g(to)h(a)g(v)-61 +b(ariable,)524 b(w)-31 b(e)493 b(are)f(using)g Fk(i)g +Fn(as)g(a)h(lo)31 b(op)0 38297 y(v)-61 b(ariable)370 +b(and)g(an)f(index)h(in)-31 b(to)370 b(the)g(list)g(of)g(cards.)0 +40586 y(Second,)395 b(w)-31 b(e)390 b(are)g(using)f(the)h(string)g(m) +-31 b(ultiplication)395 b(op)31 b(erator)390 b(to)g(inden)-31 +b(t)390 b(eac)-31 b(h)390 b(card)g(b)-31 b(y)0 41941 +y(one)381 b(more)h(space)f(than)g(the)h(last.)529 b(The)381 +b(expression)g Fk(")581 b("*i)382 b Fn(yields)f(a)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)381 b(of)g(spaces)0 43296 y(equal)370 +b(to)g(the)g(curren)-31 b(t)368 b(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)g +Fk(i)p Fn(.)0 45585 y(Third,)382 b(instead)e(of)g(using)g(the)f +Fk(print)h Fn(command)g(to)g(prin)-31 b(t)380 b(the)f(cards,)j(w)-31 +b(e)380 b(use)e(the)i Fk(str)0 46940 y Fn(function.)482 +b(P)-31 b(assing)332 b(an)g(ob)61 b(ject)333 b(as)e(an)h(argumen)-31 +b(t)333 b(to)g Fk(str)e Fn(is)h(equiv)-61 b(alen)-31 +b(t)333 b(to)f(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)335 b(the)p 0 48295 +V 418 48295 V 767 48295 a Fk(str)p 2580 48295 V 2999 +48295 V 1206 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)371 b(on)e(the)g(ob)61 +b(ject.)0 50584 y(Finally)-92 b(,)305 b(w)-31 b(e)287 +b(are)f(using)g(the)h(v)-61 b(ariable)287 b Fk(s)g Fn(as)f(an)g +Fv(accum)-35 b(ulator)p Fn(.)465 b(Initially)-92 b(,)306 +b Fk(s)286 b Fn(is)g(the)h(empt)-31 b(y)0 51938 y(string.)479 +b(Eac)-31 b(h)327 b(time)h(through)f(the)f(lo)31 b(op,)337 +b(a)326 b(new)h(string)g(is)f(generated)h(and)g(concatenated)0 +53293 y(with)417 b(the)g(old)f(v)-61 b(alue)417 b(of)f +Fk(s)g Fn(to)h(get)g(the)f(new)g(v)-61 b(alue.)634 b(When)416 +b(the)g(lo)31 b(op)417 b(ends,)427 b Fk(s)416 b Fn(con)-31 +b(tains)0 54648 y(the)369 b(complete)i(string)f(represen)-31 +b(tation)370 b(of)g(the)f Fk(Deck)p Fn(,)h(whic)-31 b(h)371 +b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)p eop +%%Page: 163 189 +163 188 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(15.7)425 b(Sh)-35 b(u\262ing)425 +b(the)g(dec)-35 b(k)23622 b(163)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v +0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(deck)f(=)h(Deck\(\))0 2220 y(>>>)g(print)f(deck)0 +3575 y(Ace)h(of)f(Clubs)581 4930 y(2)g(of)h(Clubs)1162 +6285 y(3)g(of)f(Clubs)1743 7640 y(4)h(of)f(Clubs)2325 +8995 y(5)g(of)g(Clubs)2906 10350 y(6)g(of)g(Clubs)3487 +11705 y(7)g(of)h(Clubs)4068 13059 y(8)f(of)h(Clubs)4649 +14414 y(9)f(of)h(Clubs)5230 15769 y(10)g(of)f(Clubs)5811 +17124 y(Jack)h(of)g(Clubs)6393 18479 y(Queen)g(of)f(Clubs)6974 +19834 y(King)h(of)f(Clubs)7555 21189 y(Ace)h(of)f(Diamonds)0 +23911 y Fn(And)312 b(so)g(on.)474 b(Ev)-31 b(en)313 b(though)h(the)e +(result)h(app)31 b(ears)311 b(on)i(52)g(lines,)325 b(it)313 +b(is)f(one)g(long)i(string)f(that)0 25266 y(con)-31 b(tains)371 +b(newlines.)0 31204 y Fl(15.7)1792 b(Sh)-50 b(u\262ing)599 +b(the)g(dec)-50 b(k)0 34369 y Fn(If)304 b(a)h(dec)-31 +b(k)305 b(is)f(p)31 b(erfectly)306 b(sh)-31 b(u\262ed,)318 +b(then)304 b(an)-31 b(y)306 b(card)e(is)h(equally)h(lik)-31 +b(ely)306 b(to)g(app)31 b(ear)304 b(an)-31 b(ywhere)0 +35724 y(in)369 b(the)h(dec)-31 b(k,)370 b(and)f(an)-31 +b(y)370 b(lo)31 b(cation)372 b(in)d(the)h(dec)-31 b(k)369 +b(is)g(equally)i(lik)-31 b(ely)371 b(to)f(con)-31 b(tain)371 +b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(card.)0 38365 y(T)-92 b(o)269 b(sh)-31 +b(u\262e)268 b(the)h(dec)-31 b(k,)289 b(w)-31 b(e)269 +b(will)h(use)d(the)i Fk(randrange)g Fn(function)h(from)f(the)g +Fk(random)f Fn(mo)31 b(dule.)0 39720 y(With)402 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)403 b(in)-31 b(teger)402 b(argumen)-31 b(ts,)412 +b Fk(a)401 b Fn(and)h Fk(b)p Fn(,)409 b Fk(randrange)403 +b Fn(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(oses)401 b(a)h(random)g(in)-31 b(teger)403 +b(in)0 41075 y(the)448 b(range)g Fk(a)581 b(<=)h(x)f(<)h(b)p +Fn(.)728 b(Since)448 b(the)g(upp)31 b(er)447 b(b)31 b(ound)448 +b(is)g(strictly)h(less)e(than)h Fk(b)p Fn(,)468 b(w)-31 +b(e)449 b(can)0 42430 y(use)392 b(the)i(length)g(of)f(a)h(list)f(as)g +(the)h(second)e(parameter,)401 b(and)393 b(w)-31 b(e)393 +b(are)g(guaran)-31 b(teed)394 b(to)g(get)0 43785 y(a)367 +b(legal)i(index.)492 b(F)-92 b(or)366 b(example,)k(this)d(expression)f +(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(oses)367 b(the)g(index)h(of)f(a)g(random)h(card)0 +45140 y(in)h(a)h(dec)-31 b(k:)0 47862 y Fk(random.randrange\(0,)584 +b(len\(self.cards\)\))0 50584 y Fn(An)425 b(easy)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)426 b(to)g(sh)-31 b(u\262e)425 b(the)h(dec)-31 +b(k)425 b(is)g(b)-31 b(y)426 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersing)426 +b(the)g(cards)e(and)i(sw)-31 b(apping)426 b(eac)-31 b(h)0 +51938 y(card)391 b(with)i(a)f(randomly)h(c)-31 b(hosen)392 +b(one.)561 b(It)391 b(is)h(p)31 b(ossible)392 b(that)h(the)f(card)f +(will)i(b)31 b(e)392 b(sw)-31 b(app)31 b(ed)0 53293 y(with)414 +b(itself,)426 b(but)413 b(that)i(is)d(\257ne.)625 b(In)412 +b(fact,)426 b(if)413 b(w)-31 b(e)414 b(precluded)f(that)h(p)31 +b(ossibilit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)426 b(the)414 b(order)0 54648 +y(of)370 b(the)f(cards)g(w)-31 b(ould)370 b(b)31 b(e)369 +b(less)g(than)h(en)-31 b(tirely)370 b(random:)p eop +%%Page: 164 190 +164 189 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(164)28170 b(Sets)425 b(of)g(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 +2220 y(...)1162 3575 y(def)g(shuffle\(self\):)2325 4930 +y(import)g(random)2325 6285 y(nCards)g(=)f(len\(self.cards\))2325 +7640 y(for)g(i)g(in)h(range\(nCards\):)3487 8995 y(j)f(=)g +(random.randrange\(i,)j(nCards\))3487 10350 y(self.cards[i],)f +(self.cards[j])g(=)f(self.cards[j],)h(self.cards[i])0 +12495 y Fn(Rather)321 b(than)h(assume)g(that)g(there)f(are)g(\257ft)-31 +b(y-t)g(w)g(o)325 b(cards)320 b(in)i(the)f(dec)-31 b(k,)332 +b(w)-31 b(e)322 b(get)g(the)f(actual)0 13850 y(length)370 +b(of)g(the)g(list)g(and)f(store)g(it)h(in)g Fk(nCards)p +Fn(.)0 15915 y(F)-92 b(or)342 b(eac)-31 b(h)344 b(card)f(in)h(the)f +(dec)-31 b(k,)349 b(w)-31 b(e)344 b(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(ose)343 +b(a)h(random)g(card)f(from)h(among)h(the)e(cards)g(that)0 +17270 y(ha)-31 b(v)g(en't)362 b(b)31 b(een)359 b(sh)-31 +b(u\262ed)360 b(y)-31 b(et.)490 b(Then)360 b(w)-31 b(e)360 +b(sw)-31 b(ap)360 b(the)g(curren)-31 b(t)360 b(card)f(\()p +Fk(i)p Fn(\))i(with)g(the)f(selected)0 18624 y(card)369 +b(\()p Fk(j)p Fn(\).)494 b(T)-92 b(o)369 b(sw)-31 b(ap)370 +b(the)g(cards)e(w)-31 b(e)370 b(use)e(a)i(tuple)g(assignmen)-31 +b(t,)371 b(as)e(in)h(Section)g(9.2:)0 20770 y Fk(self.cards[i],)583 +b(self.cards[j])g(=)f(self.cards[j],)h(self.cards[i])2767 +23209 y Fm(As)508 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)538 b(r)-57 +b(ewrite)508 b(this)g(line)h(of)g(c)-57 b(o)g(de)509 +b(without)e(using)i(a)f(se)-57 b(quenc)g(e)2767 24564 +y(assignment.)0 28934 y Fl(15.8)1792 b(Remo)-50 b(ving)599 +b(and)f(dealing)g(cards)0 31332 y Fn(Another)388 b(metho)31 +b(d)389 b(that)g(w)-31 b(ould)389 b(b)31 b(e)387 b(useful)h(for)g(the)g +Fk(Deck)g Fn(class)g(is)g Fk(removeCard)p Fn(,)394 b(whic)-31 +b(h)0 32687 y(tak)g(es)365 b(a)e(card)h(as)g(a)f(parameter,)k(remo)-31 +b(v)g(es)364 b(it,)i(and)e(returns)e(true)i(\(1\))h(if)f(the)g(card)f +(w)-31 b(as)365 b(in)0 34042 y(the)k(dec)-31 b(k)370 +b(and)f(false)h(\(0\))h(otherwise:)0 36188 y Fk(class)582 +b(Deck:)1162 37542 y(...)1162 38897 y(def)g(removeCard\(self,)h +(card\):)2325 40252 y(if)e(card)h(in)f(self.cards:)3487 +41607 y(self.cards.remove\(card\))3487 42962 y(return)h(1)2325 +44317 y(else:)3487 45672 y(return)g(0)0 47818 y Fn(The)407 +b Fk(in)g Fn(op)31 b(erator)408 b(returns)e(true)g(if)i(the)f(\257rst)f +(op)31 b(erand)407 b(is)g(in)g(the)h(second,)416 b(whic)-31 +b(h)408 b(m)-31 b(ust)0 49173 y(b)31 b(e)401 b(a)g(list)h(or)f(a)h +(tuple.)589 b(If)401 b(the)h(\257rst)e(op)31 b(erand)401 +b(is)h(an)f(ob)61 b(ject,)411 b(Python)403 b(uses)d(the)h(ob)61 +b(ject's)p 0 50527 349 45 v 418 50527 V 767 50527 a Fk(cmp)p +2580 50527 V 2999 50527 V 1245 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)408 +b(to)h(determine)f(equalit)-31 b(y)410 b(with)f(items)g(in)e(the)h +(list.)609 b(Since)408 b(the)p 34843 50527 V 35261 50527 +V 1245 w Fk(cmp)p 37423 50527 V 37841 50527 V 0 51882 +a Fn(in)428 b(the)g Fk(Card)h Fn(class)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)428 +b(for)g(deep)f(equalit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)446 b(the)428 +b Fk(removeCard)h Fn(metho)31 b(d)429 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)428 +b(for)0 53237 y(deep)369 b(equalit)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)0 +55302 y(T)g(o)323 b(deal)g(cards,)331 b(w)-31 b(e)323 +b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)324 b(to)f(remo)-31 b(v)g(e)323 b(and)f(return)g(the)g +(top)h(card.)477 b(The)322 b(list)i(metho)31 b(d)323 +b Fk(pop)0 56657 y Fn(pro)-31 b(vides)370 b(a)f(con)-31 +b(v)g(enien)g(t)371 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(do)f(that:)p +eop +%%Page: 165 191 +165 190 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(15.9)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(165)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 +2220 y(...)1162 3575 y(def)g(popCard\(self\):)2325 4930 +y(return)g(self.cards.pop\(\))0 7176 y Fn(Actually)-92 +b(,)394 b Fk(pop)387 b Fn(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)388 b(the)f +Fm(last)f Fn(card)h(in)g(the)h(list,)393 b(so)387 b(w)-31 +b(e)387 b(are)g(in)h(e\256ect)f(dealing)h(from)0 8531 +y(the)369 b(b)31 b(ottom)372 b(of)d(the)h(dec)-31 b(k.)0 +10696 y(One)324 b(more)h(op)31 b(eration)327 b(that)f(w)-31 +b(e)325 b(are)f(lik)-31 b(ely)327 b(to)f(w)-31 b(an)g(t)326 +b(is)f(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(olean)325 b(function)i Fk(isEmpty)p +Fn(,)0 12051 y(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(returns)e(true)h(if)h(the)f(dec)-31 +b(k)370 b(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(no)e(cards:)0 14297 y +Fk(class)582 b(Deck:)1162 15652 y(...)1162 17007 y(def)g +(isEmpty\(self\):)2325 18362 y(return)g(\(len\(self.cards\))h(==)f(0\)) +0 22954 y Fl(15.9)1792 b(Glossary)0 25119 y Fv(enco)35 +b(de:)555 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)294 b(represen)-31 b(t)293 b(one)h(set)f(of)h +(v)-61 b(alues)294 b(using)g(another)g(set)g(of)g(v)-61 +b(alues)294 b(b)-31 b(y)294 b(construct-)2767 26474 y(ing)370 +b(a)g(mapping)h(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)370 b(them.)0 +28714 y Fv(class)424 b(attribute:)554 b Fn(A)329 b(v)-61 +b(ariable)330 b(that)g(is)f(de\257ned)g(inside)g(a)h(class)f +(de\257nition)i(but)e(outside)2767 30069 y(an)-31 b(y)356 +b(metho)31 b(d.)489 b(Class)356 b(attributes)h(are)e(accessible)g(from) +h(an)-31 b(y)356 b(metho)31 b(d)356 b(in)f(the)h(class)2767 +31424 y(and)370 b(are)f(shared)f(b)-31 b(y)370 b(all)g(instances)g(of)g +(the)f(class.)0 33665 y Fv(accum)-35 b(ulator:)553 b +Fn(A)360 b(v)-61 b(ariable)361 b(used)f(in)g(a)h(lo)31 +b(op)361 b(to)g(accum)-31 b(ulate)362 b(a)f(series)e(of)i(v)-61 +b(alues,)362 b(suc)-31 b(h)2767 35020 y(as)337 b(b)-31 +b(y)336 b(concatenating)k(them)d(on)-31 b(to)337 b(a)g(string)g(or)f +(adding)h(them)g(to)g(a)g(running)g(sum.)p eop +%%Page: 166 192 +166 191 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(166)28170 b(Sets)425 b(of)g(ob)71 +b(jects)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 167 193 +167 192 bop 0 9795 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(16)0 15968 y Fo(Inheritance)0 +23001 y Fl(16.1)1792 b(Inheritance)0 25261 y Fn(The)392 +b(language)j(feature)e(most)g(often)g(asso)31 b(ciated)393 +b(with)h(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)395 b(programming)0 +26616 y(is)284 b Fv(inheritance)p Fn(.)465 b(Inheritance)285 +b(is)g(the)f(abilit)-31 b(y)288 b(to)d(de\257ne)f(a)h(new)g(class)f +(that)i(is)e(a)h(mo)31 b(di\257ed)0 27971 y(v)-31 b(ersion)370 +b(of)f(an)h(existing)h(class.)0 29898 y(The)433 b(primary)h(adv)-61 +b(an)-31 b(tage)435 b(of)f(this)f(feature)h(is)f(that)h(y)-31 +b(ou)434 b(can)f(add)h(new)f(metho)31 b(ds)434 b(to)g(a)0 +31253 y(class)473 b(without)i(mo)31 b(difying)475 b(the)f(existing)g +(class.)804 b(It)473 b(is)g(called)h(\\inheritance")h(b)31 +b(ecause)0 32608 y(the)424 b(new)h(class)f(inherits)g(all)i(of)e(the)h +(metho)31 b(ds)424 b(of)h(the)f(existing)i(class.)658 +b(Extending)426 b(this)0 33963 y(metaphor,)522 b(the)491 +b(existing)h(class)e(is)g(sometimes)i(called)g(the)e +Fv(paren)-35 b(t)491 b Fn(class.)856 b(The)491 b(new)0 +35318 y(class)369 b(ma)-31 b(y)371 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(called)j(the)e +Fv(c)-35 b(hild)368 b Fn(class)h(or)g(sometimes)i(\\sub)31 +b(class.")0 37245 y(Inheritance)449 b(is)g(a)g(p)31 b(o)-31 +b(w)g(erful)450 b(feature.)733 b(Some)449 b(programs)h(that)g(w)-31 +b(ould)450 b(b)31 b(e)448 b(complicated)0 38600 y(without)416 +b(inheritance)e(can)g(b)31 b(e)413 b(written)i(concisely)f(and)g +(simply)h(with)g(it.)626 b(Also,)426 b(inheri-)0 39955 +y(tance)385 b(can)g(facilitate)j(co)31 b(de)384 b(reuse,)k(since)c(y) +-31 b(ou)386 b(can)e(customize)i(the)f(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(vior)385 b(of)g(paren)-31 b(t)0 41310 y(classes)309 +b(without)j(ha)-31 b(ving)311 b(to)f(mo)31 b(dify)311 +b(them.)473 b(In)309 b(some)h(cases,)321 b(the)310 b(inheritance)g +(structure)0 42665 y(re\260ects)419 b(the)h(natural)g(structure)f(of)h +(the)g(problem,)433 b(whic)-31 b(h)421 b(mak)-31 b(es)420 +b(the)g(program)g(easier)0 44020 y(to)370 b(understand.)0 +45947 y(On)430 b(the)g(other)h(hand,)446 b(inheritance)432 +b(can)e(mak)-31 b(e)432 b(programs)e(di\261cult)i(to)f(read.)676 +b(When)430 b(a)0 47302 y(metho)31 b(d)432 b(is)f(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(ed,)450 b(it)432 b(is)f(sometimes)i(not)f(clear)f(where)g +(to)h(\257nd)f(its)h(de\257nition.)681 b(The)0 48656 +y(relev)-61 b(an)-31 b(t)270 b(co)31 b(de)269 b(ma)-31 +b(y)270 b(b)31 b(e)268 b(scattered)h(among)i(sev)-31 +b(eral)269 b(mo)31 b(dules.)460 b(Also,)290 b(man)-31 +b(y)270 b(of)g(the)f(things)0 50011 y(that)276 b(can)f(b)31 +b(e)275 b(done)g(using)g(inheritance)i(can)e(b)31 b(e)274 +b(done)h(as)g(elegan)-31 b(tly)278 b(\(or)d(more)g(so\))h(without)0 +51366 y(it.)690 b(If)434 b(the)h(natural)h(structure)e(of)h(the)g +(problem)g(do)31 b(es)434 b(not)h(lend)g(itself)h(to)f(inheritance,)0 +52721 y(this)370 b(st)-31 b(yle)370 b(of)f(programming)j(can)d(do)h +(more)f(harm)h(than)g(go)31 b(o)g(d.)0 54648 y(In)355 +b(this)g(c)-31 b(hapter)356 b(w)-31 b(e)355 b(will)i(demonstrate)g(the) +e(use)g(of)g(inheritance)i(as)e(part)g(of)h(a)f(program)0 +56003 y(that)310 b(pla)-31 b(ys)311 b(the)e(card)g(game)h(Old)g(Maid.) +473 b(One)309 b(of)h(our)f(goals)h(is)g(to)g(write)g(co)31 +b(de)309 b(that)h(could)0 57358 y(b)31 b(e)369 b(reused)f(to)i +(implemen)-31 b(t)371 b(other)f(card)f(games.)p eop +%%Page: 168 194 +168 193 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(168)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(16.2)1792 b(A)598 b(hand)h(of)e(cards)0 +3449 y Fn(F)-92 b(or)458 b(almost)i(an)-31 b(y)460 b(card)e(game,)483 +b(w)-31 b(e)459 b(need)g(to)g(represen)-31 b(t)458 b(a)h(hand)g(of)g +(cards.)761 b(A)458 b(hand)h(is)0 4804 y(similar)290 +b(to)f(a)f(dec)-31 b(k,)306 b(of)288 b(course.)466 b(Both)289 +b(are)f(made)h(up)f(of)h(a)f(set)h(of)g(cards,)304 b(and)289 +b(b)31 b(oth)288 b(require)0 6159 y(op)31 b(erations)433 +b(lik)-31 b(e)433 b(adding)g(and)g(remo)-31 b(ving)433 +b(cards.)681 b(Also,)449 b(w)-31 b(e)432 b(migh)-31 b(t)434 +b(lik)-31 b(e)433 b(the)f(abilit)-31 b(y)435 b(to)0 7514 +y(sh)-31 b(u\262e)369 b(b)31 b(oth)370 b(dec)-31 b(ks)369 +b(and)g(hands.)0 9740 y(A)377 b(hand)f(is)h(also)g(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)377 b(from)g(a)g(dec)-31 b(k.)515 b(Dep)31 b(ending)377 +b(on)f(the)h(game)h(b)31 b(eing)377 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(ed,)380 +b(w)-31 b(e)0 11095 y(migh)g(t)417 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)418 +b(to)e(p)31 b(erform)415 b(some)h(op)31 b(erations)417 +b(on)f(hands)f(that)i(don't)g(mak)-31 b(e)416 b(sense)f(for)h(a)0 +12450 y(dec)-31 b(k.)583 b(F)-92 b(or)398 b(example,)409 +b(in)399 b(p)31 b(ok)-31 b(er)399 b(w)-31 b(e)400 b(migh)-31 +b(t)401 b(classify)f(a)g(hand)f(\(straigh)-31 b(t,)409 +b(\260ush,)e(etc.\))583 b(or)0 13805 y(compare)326 b(it)g(with)h +(another)f(hand.)478 b(In)325 b(bridge,)335 b(w)-31 b(e)326 +b(migh)-31 b(t)327 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)328 b(to)e(compute)g(a)g(score)f +(for)0 15159 y(a)369 b(hand)h(in)f(order)g(to)h(mak)-31 +b(e)370 b(a)g(bid.)0 17385 y(This)392 b(situation)h(suggests)f(the)f +(use)g(of)h(inheritance.)560 b(If)391 b Fk(Hand)h Fn(is)f(a)h(sub)31 +b(class)391 b(of)g Fk(Deck)p Fn(,)398 b(it)0 18740 y(will)371 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(all)h(the)e(metho)31 b(ds)370 +b(of)f Fk(Deck)p Fn(,)h(and)g(new)f(metho)31 b(ds)370 +b(can)g(b)31 b(e)368 b(added.)0 20966 y(In)h(the)g(class)g +(de\257nition,)j(the)d(name)h(of)g(the)f(paren)-31 b(t)370 +b(class)f(app)31 b(ears)369 b(in)g(paren)-31 b(theses:)0 +23273 y Fk(class)582 b(Hand\(Deck\):)1162 24628 y(pass)0 +26935 y Fn(This)293 b(statemen)-31 b(t)295 b(indicates)f(that)g(the)f +(new)g Fk(Hand)h Fn(class)e(inherits)i(from)f(the)g(existing)i +Fk(Deck)0 28290 y Fn(class.)0 30516 y(The)306 b Fk(Hand)g +Fn(constructor)h(initializes)h(the)e(attributes)i(for)e(the)g(hand,)319 +b(whic)-31 b(h)307 b(are)e Fk(name)i Fn(and)0 31871 y +Fk(cards)p Fn(.)475 b(The)317 b(string)f Fk(name)g Fn(iden)-31 +b(ti\257es)317 b(this)g(hand,)327 b(probably)317 b(b)-31 +b(y)316 b(the)h(name)f(of)h(the)f(pla)-31 b(y)g(er)0 +33226 y(that)434 b(holds)e(it.)684 b(The)432 b(name)h(is)g(an)f +(optional)j(parameter)f(with)f(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)433 +b(string)g(as)g(a)0 34581 y(default)446 b(v)-61 b(alue.)719 +b Fk(cards)445 b Fn(is)f(the)h(list)h(of)f(cards)f(in)g(the)h(hand,)464 +b(initialized)448 b(to)d(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)0 35936 y(list:)0 +38243 y Fk(class)582 b(Hand\(Deck\):)1162 39598 y(def)g +(__init__\(self,)h(name=""\):)2325 40953 y(self.cards)f(=)g([])2325 +42308 y(self.name)g(=)f(name)0 44615 y Fn(F)-92 b(or)333 +b(just)h(ab)31 b(out)334 b(an)-31 b(y)335 b(card)e(game,)343 +b(it)334 b(is)g(necessary)f(to)h(add)g(and)g(remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)334 b(cards)f(from)i(the)0 45970 y(dec)-31 b(k.)493 +b(Remo)-31 b(ving)370 b(cards)e(is)g(already)h(tak)-31 +b(en)370 b(care)e(of,)h(since)f Fk(Hand)h Fn(inherits)g +Fk(removeCard)0 47324 y Fn(from)h Fk(Deck)p Fn(.)493 +b(But)369 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(to)g(write)g +Fk(addCard)p Fn(:)0 49631 y Fk(class)582 b(Hand\(Deck\):)1162 +50986 y(...)1162 52341 y(def)g(addCard\(self,card\))i(:)2325 +53696 y(self.cards.append\(card\))0 56003 y Fn(Again,)k(the)544 +b(ellipsis)g(indicates)g(that)g(w)-31 b(e)544 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)544 b(omitted)h(other)e(metho)31 b(ds.)1015 b(The)543 +b(list)0 57358 y Fk(append)370 b Fn(metho)31 b(d)370 +b(adds)f(the)g(new)h(card)f(to)h(the)f(end)g(of)h(the)f(list)h(of)g +(cards.)p eop +%%Page: 169 195 +169 194 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16.3)425 b(Dealing)g(cards)26022 +b(169)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(16.3)1792 b(Dealing)599 +b(cards)0 3681 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)310 b(that)f(w)-31 b(e)309 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)310 b(a)f Fk(Hand)f Fn(class,)322 b(w)-31 +b(e)309 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)310 b(to)f(deal)g(cards)f(from)h(the)g +Fk(Deck)g Fn(in)-31 b(to)310 b(hands.)0 5035 y(It)374 +b(is)g(not)h(immediately)j(ob)-31 b(vious)375 b(whether)g(this)f(metho) +31 b(d)375 b(should)g(go)g(in)f(the)g Fk(Hand)h Fn(class)0 +6390 y(or)314 b(in)g(the)h Fk(Deck)f Fn(class,)326 b(but)314 +b(since)g(it)h(op)31 b(erates)314 b(on)h(a)f(single)h(dec)-31 +b(k)315 b(and)f(\(p)31 b(ossibly\))316 b(sev)-31 b(eral)0 +7745 y(hands,)370 b(it)f(is)h(more)f(natural)i(to)e(put)h(it)g(in)f +Fk(Deck)p Fn(.)0 10137 y Fk(deal)397 b Fn(should)h(b)31 +b(e)396 b(fairly)j(general,)405 b(since)397 b(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)397 b(games)h(will)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)398 b(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)397 b(require-)0 11492 y(men)-31 b(ts.)737 b(W)-92 +b(e)449 b(ma)-31 b(y)452 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)452 b(to)f(deal)g(out)g(the)g +(en)-31 b(tire)451 b(dec)-31 b(k)450 b(at)h(once)g(or)f(add)g(one)h +(card)f(to)0 12846 y(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(hand.)0 15238 +y Fk(deal)413 b Fn(tak)-31 b(es)414 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)414 +b(parameters,)425 b(a)413 b(list)h(\(or)f(tuple\))h(of)f(hands)g(and)g +(the)g(total)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)412 b(of)0 16593 +y(cards)390 b(to)h(deal.)558 b(If)390 b(there)h(are)f(not)h(enough)h +(cards)e(in)g(the)h(dec)-31 b(k,)397 b(the)391 b(metho)31 +b(d)391 b(deals)g(out)0 17948 y(all)370 b(of)g(the)g(cards)e(and)i +(stops:)0 20420 y Fk(class)582 b(Deck)g(:)1162 21775 +y(...)1162 23130 y(def)g(deal\(self,)h(hands,)f(nCards=999\):)2325 +24485 y(nHands)g(=)f(len\(hands\))2325 25840 y(for)g(i)g(in)h +(range\(nCards\):)3487 27195 y(if)f(self.isEmpty\(\):)j(break)2325 +b(#)581 b(break)h(if)g(out)f(of)h(cards)3487 28549 y(card)g(=)f +(self.popCard\(\))4070 b(#)581 b(take)h(the)g(top)f(card)3487 +29904 y(hand)h(=)f(hands[i)h(\045)f(nHands])2326 b(#)581 +b(whose)h(turn)g(is)f(next?)3487 31259 y(hand.addCard\(card\))5814 +b(#)581 b(add)h(the)g(card)f(to)h(the)f(hand)0 33732 +y Fn(The)310 b(second)g(parameter,)322 b Fk(nCards)p +Fn(,)h(is)310 b(optional;)333 b(the)310 b(default)h(is)e(a)h(large)h(n) +-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)322 b(whic)-31 b(h)0 35087 y(e\256ectiv)g(ely)371 +b(means)e(that)i(all)f(of)g(the)f(cards)g(in)g(the)h(dec)-31 +b(k)369 b(will)i(get)f(dealt.)0 37478 y(The)428 b(lo)31 +b(op)429 b(v)-61 b(ariable)428 b Fk(i)g Fn(go)31 b(es)428 +b(from)g(0)g(to)g Fk(nCards-1)p Fn(.)669 b(Eac)-31 b(h)429 +b(time)g(through)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op,)444 b(a)0 38833 +y(card)437 b(is)f(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed)438 b(from)f(the)g(dec)-31 +b(k)437 b(using)g(the)g(list)h(metho)31 b(d)437 b Fk(pop)p +Fn(,)455 b(whic)-31 b(h)437 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)438 b(and)0 +40188 y(returns)368 b(the)i(last)g(item)g(in)g(the)f(list.)0 +42579 y(The)346 b(mo)31 b(dulus)347 b(op)31 b(erator)346 +b(\()p Fk(\045)p Fn(\))h(allo)-31 b(ws)348 b(us)e(to)h(deal)f(cards)g +(in)g(a)g(round)g(robin)h(\(one)f(card)g(at)0 43934 y(a)391 +b(time)h(to)f(eac)-31 b(h)391 b(hand\).)558 b(When)390 +b Fk(i)g Fn(is)h(equal)g(to)h(the)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)390 b(of)h(hands)g(in)f(the)h(list,)398 b(the)0 +45289 y(expression)369 b Fk(i)581 b(\045)h(nHands)369 +b Fn(wraps)h(around)f(to)h(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)371 +b(of)f(the)f(list)h(\(index)g(0\).)0 50478 y Fl(16.4)1792 +b(Prin)-50 b(ting)600 b(a)d(Hand)0 53293 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)401 +b(prin)-31 b(t)401 b(the)g(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)402 b(of)g(a)f(hand,)409 +b(w)-31 b(e)401 b(can)g(tak)-31 b(e)402 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 +b(tage)403 b(of)e(the)g Fk(printDeck)h Fn(and)p 0 54648 +349 45 v 418 54648 V 767 54648 a Fk(str)p 2580 54648 +V 2999 54648 V 1206 w Fn(metho)31 b(ds)370 b(inherited)g(from)g +Fk(Deck)p Fn(.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example:)p eop +%%Page: 170 196 +170 195 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(170)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(deck)f(=)h(Deck\(\))0 +2220 y(>>>)g(deck.shuffle\(\))0 3575 y(>>>)g(hand)f(=)h +(Hand\("frank"\))0 4930 y(>>>)g(deck.deal\([hand],)h(5\))0 +6285 y(>>>)f(print)f(hand)0 7640 y(Hand)h(frank)g(contains)0 +8995 y(2)f(of)h(Spades)581 10350 y(3)f(of)h(Spades)1162 +11705 y(4)g(of)f(Spades)1743 13059 y(Ace)h(of)f(Hearts)2325 +14414 y(9)g(of)g(Clubs)0 17499 y Fn(It's)369 b(not)h(a)g(great)g(hand,) +g(but)f(it)h(has)f(the)h(makings)g(of)g(a)f(straigh)-31 +b(t)371 b(\260ush.)0 20502 y(Although)469 b(it)g(is)e(con)-31 +b(v)g(enien)g(t)470 b(to)e(inherit)h(the)f(existing)h(metho)31 +b(ds,)493 b(there)467 b(is)h(additional)0 21857 y(information)390 +b(in)d(a)g Fk(Hand)g Fn(ob)61 b(ject)389 b(w)-31 b(e)387 +b(migh)-31 b(t)389 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)388 b(to)g(include)g(when)f(w)-31 +b(e)387 b(prin)-31 b(t)387 b(one.)546 b(T)-92 b(o)0 23212 +y(do)407 b(that,)418 b(w)-31 b(e)407 b(can)g(pro)-31 +b(vide)407 b(a)p 13068 23212 349 45 v 13486 23212 V 1244 +w Fk(str)p 15648 23212 V 16067 23212 V 1244 w Fn(metho)31 +b(d)407 b(in)g(the)g Fk(Hand)g Fn(class)g(that)h(o)-31 +b(v)g(errides)407 b(the)0 24566 y(one)369 b(in)h(the)f +Fk(Deck)h Fn(class:)0 27651 y Fk(class)582 b(Hand\(Deck\))1162 +29006 y(...)1162 30360 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 +31715 y(s)f(=)g("Hand)h(")f(+)h(self.name)2325 33070 +y(if)f(self.isEmpty\(\):)3487 34425 y(return)h(s)f(+)h(")f(is)g +(empty\\n")2325 35780 y(else:)3487 37135 y(return)h(s)f(+)h(")f +(contains\\n")i(+)e(Deck.__str__\(self\))0 40219 y Fn(Initially)-92 +b(,)317 b Fk(s)301 b Fn(is)g(a)g(string)g(that)h(iden)-31 +b(ti\257es)302 b(the)f(hand.)470 b(If)300 b(the)i(hand)e(is)h(empt)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)316 b(the)301 b(program)0 41574 y(app)31 +b(ends)369 b(the)g(w)-31 b(ords)370 b Fk(is)581 b(empty)370 +b Fn(and)f(returns)f(the)i(result.)0 44577 y(Otherwise,)351 +b(the)345 b(program)h(app)31 b(ends)344 b(the)i(w)-31 +b(ord)345 b Fk(contains)h Fn(and)g(the)f(string)g(represen)-31 +b(ta-)0 45932 y(tion)434 b(of)f(the)f Fk(Deck)p Fn(,)450 +b(computed)433 b(b)-31 b(y)433 b(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)435 +b(the)p 22012 45932 V 22430 45932 V 1270 w Fk(str)p 24592 +45932 V 25010 45932 V 1269 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)434 b(in)e(the)h +Fk(Deck)g Fn(class)0 47287 y(on)369 b Fk(self)p Fn(.)0 +50290 y(It)495 b(ma)-31 b(y)495 b(seem)g(o)31 b(dd)494 +b(to)i(send)e Fk(self)p Fn(,)526 b(whic)-31 b(h)496 b(refers)d(to)j +(the)e(curren)-31 b(t)495 b Fk(Hand)p Fn(,)526 b(to)496 +b(a)f Fk(Deck)0 51645 y Fn(metho)31 b(d,)441 b(un)-31 +b(til)426 b(y)-31 b(ou)426 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)425 +b(that)i(a)e Fk(Hand)h Fn(is)f(a)g(kind)h(of)g Fk(Deck)p +Fn(.)661 b Fk(Hand)425 b Fn(ob)61 b(jects)427 b(can)0 +53000 y(do)356 b(ev)-31 b(erything)358 b Fk(Deck)f Fn(ob)61 +b(jects)357 b(can,)i(so)d(it)h(is)f(legal)i(to)f(send)f(a)g +Fk(Hand)h Fn(to)g(a)f Fk(Deck)h Fn(metho)31 b(d.)0 56003 +y(In)504 b(general,)540 b(it)505 b(is)f(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)507 +b(legal)f(to)f(use)f(an)h(instance)g(of)g(a)g(sub)31 +b(class)504 b(in)g(place)i(of)f(an)0 57358 y(instance)370 +b(of)g(a)f(paren)-31 b(t)370 b(class.)p eop +%%Page: 171 197 +171 196 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16.5)425 b(The)g Fk(CardGame)h +Fv(class)23376 b(171)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(16.5)1792 +b(The)599 b Fe(CardGame)h Fl(class)0 3215 y Fn(The)360 +b Fk(CardGame)g Fn(class)g(tak)-31 b(es)360 b(care)g(of)g(some)g(basic) +g(c)-31 b(hores)359 b(common)i(to)g(all)f(games,)j(suc)-31 +b(h)0 4570 y(as)369 b(creating)i(the)e(dec)-31 b(k)369 +b(and)h(sh)-31 b(u\262ing)370 b(it:)0 6666 y Fk(class)582 +b(CardGame:)1162 8021 y(def)g(__init__\(self\):)2325 +9376 y(self.deck)g(=)f(Deck\(\))2325 10731 y(self.deck.shuffle\(\))0 +12828 y Fn(This)420 b(is)g(the)g(\257rst)f(case)h(w)-31 +b(e)420 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)421 b(seen)e(where)h(the)g(initialization)425 +b(metho)31 b(d)420 b(p)31 b(erforms)420 b(a)0 14183 y(signi\257can)-31 +b(t)371 b(computation,)i(b)31 b(ey)-31 b(ond)370 b(initializing)j +(attributes.)0 16199 y(T)-92 b(o)430 b(implemen)-31 b(t)431 +b(sp)31 b(eci\257c)429 b(games,)445 b(w)-31 b(e)429 b(can)h(inherit)g +(from)f Fk(CardGame)h Fn(and)f(add)h(features)0 17554 +y(for)369 b(the)h(new)f(game.)494 b(As)369 b(an)g(example,)i(w)-31 +b(e'll)372 b(write)e(a)f(sim)-31 b(ulation)372 b(of)e(Old)f(Maid.)0 +19570 y(The)472 b(ob)61 b(ject)472 b(of)g(Old)g(Maid)f(is)h(to)g(get)g +(rid)f(of)h(cards)e(in)i(y)-31 b(our)472 b(hand.)799 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)471 b(do)h(this)g(b)-31 b(y)0 20924 y(matc)g(hing)401 +b(cards)d(b)-31 b(y)399 b(rank)f(and)h(color.)581 b(F)-92 +b(or)398 b(example,)408 b(the)399 b(4)f(of)h(Clubs)g(matc)-31 +b(hes)400 b(the)f(4)0 22279 y(of)427 b(Spades)e(since)h(b)31 +b(oth)427 b(suits)f(are)g(blac)-31 b(k.)664 b(The)427 +b(Jac)-31 b(k)426 b(of)h(Hearts)f(matc)-31 b(hes)427 +b(the)g(Jac)-31 b(k)426 b(of)0 23634 y(Diamonds)370 b(since)f(b)31 +b(oth)370 b(are)f(red.)0 25650 y(T)-92 b(o)427 b(b)31 +b(egin)426 b(the)g(game,)442 b(the)427 b(Queen)e(of)i(Clubs)f(is)g +(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed)427 b(from)g(the)f(dec)-31 b(k)426 +b(so)g(that)i(the)0 27005 y(Queen)390 b(of)g(Spades)g(has)f(no)i(matc) +-31 b(h.)556 b(The)390 b(\257ft)-31 b(y-one)391 b(remaining)h(cards)d +(are)h(dealt)h(to)g(the)0 28360 y(pla)-31 b(y)g(ers)345 +b(in)h(a)f(round)f(robin.)485 b(After)345 b(the)g(deal,)351 +b(all)346 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(ers)346 b(matc)-31 b(h)346 +b(and)f(discard)g(as)g(man)-31 b(y)0 29715 y(cards)369 +b(as)g(p)31 b(ossible.)0 31731 y(When)432 b(no)h(more)h(matc)-31 +b(hes)434 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)432 b(made,)450 b(pla)-31 +b(y)434 b(b)31 b(egins.)684 b(In)432 b(turn,)449 b(eac)-31 +b(h)434 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(er)434 b(pic)-31 b(ks)0 33086 +y(a)528 b(card)f(\(without)j(lo)31 b(oking\))530 b(from)e(the)g +(closest)g(neigh)-31 b(b)31 b(or)528 b(to)g(the)g(left)g(who)g(still)h +(has)0 34441 y(cards.)1034 b(If)550 b(the)g(c)-31 b(hosen)550 +b(card)g(matc)-31 b(hes)551 b(a)f(card)g(in)g(the)g(pla)-31 +b(y)g(er's)551 b(hand,)596 b(the)550 b(pair)g(is)0 35795 +y(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed.)860 b(Otherwise,)522 b(the)492 b(card)f(is)g +(added)g(to)h(the)f(pla)-31 b(y)g(er's)493 b(hand.)858 +b(Ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)495 b(all)0 37150 y(p)31 b(ossible)532 +b(matc)-31 b(hes)532 b(are)f(made,)573 b(lea)-31 b(ving)534 +b(only)e(the)g(Queen)f(of)g(Spades)h(in)f(the)h(loser's)0 +38505 y(hand.)0 40521 y(In)382 b(our)g(computer)g(sim)-31 +b(ulation)386 b(of)c(the)h(game,)k(the)382 b(computer)h(pla)-31 +b(ys)383 b(all)g(hands.)532 b(Unfor-)0 41876 y(tunately)-92 +b(,)490 b(some)465 b(n)-31 b(uances)464 b(of)h(the)f(real)h(game)g(are) +f(lost.)779 b(In)464 b(a)g(real)h(game,)489 b(the)465 +b(pla)-31 b(y)g(er)0 43231 y(with)395 b(the)g(Old)f(Maid)h(go)31 +b(es)394 b(to)h(some)g(e\256ort)f(to)h(get)g(their)f(neigh)-31 +b(b)31 b(or)395 b(to)g(pic)-31 b(k)395 b(that)h(card,)0 +44586 y(b)-31 b(y)374 b(displa)-31 b(ying)376 b(it)e(a)g(little)i(more) +e(prominen)-31 b(tly)-92 b(,)377 b(or)c(p)31 b(erhaps)373 +b(failing)j(to)e(displa)-31 b(y)375 b(it)g(more)0 45941 +y(prominen)-31 b(tly)-92 b(,)381 b(or)376 b(ev)-31 b(en)376 +b(failing)j(to)e(fail)h(to)f(displa)-31 b(y)378 b(that)f(card)f(more)h +(prominen)-31 b(tly)-92 b(.)516 b(The)0 47296 y(computer)370 +b(simply)g(pic)-31 b(ks)370 b(a)f(neigh)-31 b(b)31 b(or's)370 +b(card)f(at)h(random.)0 51597 y Fl(16.6)1792 b Fe(OldMaidHand)601 +b Fl(class)0 53947 y Fn(A)307 b(hand)h(for)f(pla)-31 +b(ying)309 b(Old)f(Maid)f(requires)g(some)g(abilities)j(b)31 +b(ey)-31 b(ond)307 b(the)h(general)g(abilities)0 55302 +y(of)445 b(a)g Fk(Hand)p Fn(.)720 b(W)-92 b(e)444 b(will)j(de\257ne)d +(a)h(new)g(class,)464 b Fk(OldMaidHand)p Fn(,)i(that)446 +b(inherits)f(from)h Fk(Hand)0 56657 y Fn(and)369 b(pro)-31 +b(vides)370 b(an)f(additional)k(metho)31 b(d)370 b(called)g +Fk(removeMatches)p Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 172 198 +172 197 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(172)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(OldMaidHand\(Hand\):)1162 +2220 y(def)g(removeMatches\(self\):)2325 3575 y(count)f(=)h(0)2325 +4930 y(originalCards)h(=)e(self.cards[:])2325 6285 y(for)g(card)h(in)f +(originalCards:)3487 7640 y(match)h(=)f(Card\(3)h(-)f(card.suit,)i +(card.rank\))3487 8995 y(if)e(match)h(in)g(self.cards:)4649 +10350 y(self.cards.remove\(card\))4649 11705 y +(self.cards.remove\(match\))4649 13059 y(print)g("Hand)g(\045s:)g +(\045s)f(matches)h(\045s")g(\045)f(\(self.name,card,match\))4649 +14414 y(count)h(=)f(count)h(+)g(1)2325 15769 y(return)g(count)0 +18077 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)338 b(start)i(b)-31 b(y)339 b(making)j(a)d(cop)-31 +b(y)340 b(of)g(the)f(list)h(of)g(cards,)345 b(so)339 +b(that)h(w)-31 b(e)340 b(can)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)340 +b(the)f(cop)-31 b(y)0 19432 y(while)456 b(remo)-31 b(ving)457 +b(cards)d(from)h(the)g(original.)752 b(Since)455 b Fk(self.cards)h +Fn(is)f(mo)31 b(di\257ed)456 b(in)f(the)0 20787 y(lo)31 +b(op,)500 b(w)-31 b(e)474 b(don't)g(w)-31 b(an)g(t)474 +b(to)g(use)e(it)i(to)g(con)-31 b(trol)474 b(the)f(tra)-31 +b(v)g(ersal.)805 b(Python)474 b(can)f(get)h(quite)0 22142 +y(confused)369 b(if)h(it)g(is)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersing)370 +b(a)g(list)g(that)g(is)f(c)-31 b(hanging!)0 24369 y(F)-92 +b(or)497 b(eac)-31 b(h)499 b(card)f(in)g(the)g(hand,)531 +b(w)-31 b(e)499 b(\257gure)e(out)i(what)g(the)g(matc)-31 +b(hing)500 b(card)e(is)g(and)g(go)0 25724 y(lo)31 b(oking)313 +b(for)e(it.)473 b(The)311 b(matc)-31 b(h)312 b(card)f(has)f(the)h(same) +g(rank)g(and)g(the)g(other)g(suit)g(of)g(the)g(same)0 +27079 y(color.)579 b(The)398 b(expression)g Fk(3)581 +b(-)g(card.suit)399 b Fn(turns)e(a)h(Club)h(\(suit)f(0\))h(in)-31 +b(to)399 b(a)f(Spade)g(\(suit)0 28434 y(3\))459 b(and)f(a)g(Diamond)h +(\(suit)f(1\))h(in)-31 b(to)459 b(a)f(Heart)h(\(suit)f(2\).)759 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)458 b(should)h(satisfy)f(y)-31 b(ourself)0 +29789 y(that)412 b(the)f(opp)31 b(osite)412 b(op)31 b(erations)412 +b(also)g(w)-31 b(ork.)619 b(If)410 b(the)h(matc)-31 b(h)413 +b(card)d(is)h(also)h(in)f(the)g(hand,)0 31144 y(b)31 +b(oth)370 b(cards)e(are)h(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed.)0 33371 +y(The)369 b(follo)-31 b(wing)373 b(example)e(demonstrates)f(ho)-31 +b(w)370 b(to)g(use)f Fk(removeMatches)p Fn(:)0 35679 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(game)f(=)h(CardGame\(\))0 37034 y(>>>)g(hand)f(=)h +(OldMaidHand\("frank"\))0 38389 y(>>>)g(game.deck.deal\([hand],)i(13\)) +0 39744 y(>>>)e(print)f(hand)0 41099 y(Hand)h(frank)g(contains)0 +42454 y(Ace)g(of)f(Spades)581 43809 y(2)g(of)h(Diamonds)1162 +45164 y(7)g(of)f(Spades)1743 46519 y(8)h(of)f(Clubs)2325 +47874 y(6)g(of)g(Hearts)2906 49229 y(8)g(of)g(Spades)3487 +50584 y(7)g(of)h(Clubs)4068 51938 y(Queen)g(of)f(Clubs)4649 +53293 y(7)g(of)h(Diamonds)5230 54648 y(5)g(of)f(Clubs)5811 +56003 y(Jack)h(of)g(Diamonds)6393 57358 y(10)f(of)h(Diamonds)6974 +58713 y(10)f(of)h(Hearts)p eop +%%Page: 173 199 +173 198 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16.7)425 b Fk(OldMaidGame)h +Fv(class)24234 b(173)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 2220 a Fk(>>>)582 +b(hand.removeMatches\(\))0 3575 y(Hand)g(frank:)g(7)f(of)h(Spades)g +(matches)g(7)f(of)h(Clubs)0 4930 y(Hand)g(frank:)g(8)f(of)h(Spades)g +(matches)g(8)f(of)h(Clubs)0 6285 y(Hand)g(frank:)g(10)f(of)h(Diamonds)g +(matches)g(10)g(of)f(Hearts)0 7640 y(>>>)h(print)f(hand)0 +8995 y(Hand)h(frank)g(contains)0 10350 y(Ace)g(of)f(Spades)581 +11705 y(2)g(of)h(Diamonds)1162 13059 y(6)g(of)f(Hearts)1743 +14414 y(Queen)h(of)g(Clubs)2325 15769 y(7)f(of)g(Diamonds)2906 +17124 y(5)g(of)g(Clubs)3487 18479 y(Jack)h(of)f(Diamonds)0 +20627 y Fn(Notice)366 b(that)f(there)f(is)g(no)p 11400 +20627 349 45 v 11819 20627 V 1202 w Fk(init)p 14562 20627 +V 14980 20627 V 1201 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)365 b(for)g(the)f +Fk(OldMaidHand)i Fn(class.)491 b(W)-92 b(e)363 b(inherit)0 +21982 y(it)370 b(from)g Fk(Hand)p Fn(.)0 26355 y Fl(16.7)1792 +b Fe(OldMaidGame)601 b Fl(class)0 28755 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)426 +b(w)-31 b(e)424 b(can)h(turn)f(our)g(atten)-31 b(tion)427 +b(to)f(the)e(game)i(itself.)659 b Fk(OldMaidGame)426 +b Fn(is)e(a)h(sub)31 b(class)0 30110 y(of)465 b Fk(CardGame)g +Fn(with)g(a)f(new)h(metho)31 b(d)465 b(called)g Fk(play)g +Fn(that)g(tak)-31 b(es)465 b(a)f(list)h(of)g(pla)-31 +b(y)g(ers)465 b(as)f(a)0 31465 y(parameter.)0 33532 y(Since)p +2952 33532 V 3370 33532 V 1198 w Fk(init)p 6113 33532 +V 6531 33532 V 1198 w Fn(is)360 b(inherited)h(from)h +Fk(CardGame)p Fn(,)h(a)e(new)g Fk(OldMaidGame)h Fn(ob)61 +b(ject)362 b(con)-31 b(tains)0 34887 y(a)369 b(new)h(sh)-31 +b(u\262ed)369 b(dec)-31 b(k:)0 37034 y Fk(class)582 b +(OldMaidGame\(CardGame\):)1162 38389 y(def)g(play\(self,)h(names\):) +2325 39744 y(#)e(remove)h(Queen)g(of)f(Clubs)2325 41099 +y(self.deck.removeCard\(Card\(0,12\)\))2325 43809 y(#)g(make)h(a)f +(hand)h(for)f(each)h(player)2325 45164 y(self.hands)g(=)g([])2325 +46519 y(for)f(name)h(in)f(names)h(:)3487 47874 y +(self.hands.append\(OldMaidHand\(name\)\))2325 50584 +y(#)f(deal)h(the)f(cards)2325 51938 y(self.deck.deal\(self.hands\))2325 +53293 y(print)g("----------)i(Cards)f(have)g(been)g(dealt")2325 +54648 y(self.printHands\(\))p eop +%%Page: 174 200 +174 199 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(174)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 2325 865 a Fk(#)581 b(remove)h(initial)g(matches)2325 +2220 y(matches)g(=)f(self.removeAllMatches\(\))2325 3575 +y(print)g("----------)i(Matches)f(discarded,)h(play)f(begins")2325 +4930 y(self.printHands\(\))2325 7640 y(#)f(play)h(until)g(all)f(50)h +(cards)f(are)h(matched)2325 8995 y(turn)f(=)h(0)2325 +10350 y(numHands)g(=)f(len\(self.hands\))2325 11705 y(while)g(matches)i +(<)e(25:)3487 13059 y(matches)h(=)f(matches)i(+)e +(self.playOneTurn\(turn\))3487 14414 y(turn)h(=)f(\(turn)h(+)f(1\))h +(\045)f(numHands)2325 17124 y(print)g("----------)i(Game)f(is)f(Over") +2325 18479 y(self.printHands\(\))0 20677 y Fn(Some)954 +b(of)h(the)f(steps)f(of)h(the)g(game)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)954 +b(b)31 b(een)954 b(separated)g(in)-31 b(to)955 b(metho)31 +b(ds.)0 22032 y Fk(removeAllMatches)439 b Fn(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erses)436 b(the)h(list)g(of)g(hands)g(and)f(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(es)438 b Fk(removeMatches)h Fn(on)0 23387 +y(eac)-31 b(h:)0 25585 y Fk(class)582 b(OldMaidGame\(CardGame\):)1162 +26940 y(...)1162 28295 y(def)g(removeAllMatches\(self\):)2325 +29650 y(count)f(=)h(0)2325 31005 y(for)f(hand)h(in)f(self.hands:)3487 +32360 y(count)h(=)f(count)h(+)f(hand.removeMatches\(\))2325 +33715 y(return)h(count)2767 36304 y Fm(As)417 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)424 b(write)417 b Fk(printHands)i Fm(which)e(tr)-57 +b(averses)417 b Fk(self.hands)i Fm(and)2767 37659 y(prints)396 +b(e)-57 b(ach)397 b(hand.)0 40167 y Fk(count)338 b Fn(is)g(an)g(accum) +-31 b(ulator)340 b(that)f(adds)f(up)f(the)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)338 b(of)h(matc)-31 b(hes)338 b(in)g(eac)-31 b(h)339 +b(hand)f(and)0 41522 y(returns)368 b(the)i(total.)0 43639 +y(When)462 b(the)g(total)j(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)462 +b(of)h(matc)-31 b(hes)464 b(reac)-31 b(hes)462 b(t)-31 +b(w)g(en)g(t)g(y-\257v)g(e,)489 b(\257ft)-31 b(y)463 +b(cards)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)463 b(b)31 b(een)0 44994 y(remo)-31 +b(v)g(ed)388 b(from)f(the)g(hands,)k(whic)-31 b(h)388 +b(means)f(that)h(only)f(one)g(card)g(is)f(left)i(and)f(the)g(game)0 +46349 y(is)369 b(o)-31 b(v)g(er.)0 48466 y(The)449 b(v)-61 +b(ariable)449 b Fk(turn)g Fn(k)-31 b(eeps)449 b(trac)-31 +b(k)449 b(of)g(whic)-31 b(h)450 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(er's)450 +b(turn)e(it)h(is.)731 b(It)449 b(starts)f(at)i(0)f(and)0 +49821 y(increases)457 b(b)-31 b(y)457 b(one)g(eac)-31 +b(h)458 b(time;)503 b(when)457 b(it)h(reac)-31 b(hes)457 +b Fk(numHands)p Fn(,)480 b(the)458 b(mo)31 b(dulus)457 +b(op)31 b(erator)0 51176 y(wraps)369 b(it)h(bac)-31 b(k)370 +b(around)f(to)h(0.)0 53293 y(The)476 b(metho)31 b(d)476 +b Fk(playOneTurn)h Fn(tak)-31 b(es)476 b(a)g(parameter)g(that)h +(indicates)f(whose)g(turn)f(it)h(is.)0 54648 y(The)369 +b(return)g(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(is)f(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)369 b(of)h(matc)-31 b(hes)370 b(made)g(during)g(this)f(turn:)p +eop +%%Page: 175 201 +175 200 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16.7)425 b Fk(OldMaidGame)h +Fv(class)24234 b(175)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 +b(OldMaidGame\(CardGame\):)1162 2220 y(...)1162 3575 +y(def)g(playOneTurn\(self,)i(i\):)2325 4930 y(if)d +(self.hands[i].isEmpty\(\):)3487 6285 y(return)h(0)2325 +7640 y(neighbor)g(=)f(self.findNeighbor\(i\))2325 8995 +y(pickedCard)h(=)g(self.hands[neighbor].popCard\(\))2325 +10350 y(self.hands[i].addCard\(pickedCard\))2325 11705 +y(print)f("Hand",)i(self.hands[i].name,)h("picked",)e(pickedCard)2325 +13059 y(count)f(=)h(self.hands[i].removeMatches\(\))2325 +14414 y(self.hands[i].shuffle\(\))2325 15769 y(return)g(count)0 +17960 y Fn(If)442 b(a)g(pla)-31 b(y)g(er's)444 b(hand)e(is)g(empt)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)462 b(that)443 b(pla)-31 b(y)g(er)443 b(is)f(out)h(of)g +(the)f(game,)462 b(so)442 b(he)g(or)g(she)f(do)31 b(es)0 +19315 y(nothing)371 b(and)e(returns)f(0.)0 21424 y(Otherwise,)384 +b(a)c(turn)g(consists)h(of)f(\257nding)h(the)g(\257rst)e(pla)-31 +b(y)g(er)381 b(on)g(the)f(left)h(that)h(has)e(cards,)0 +22779 y(taking)334 b(one)d(card)h(from)g(the)g(neigh)-31 +b(b)31 b(or,)340 b(and)332 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(king)333 b(for)e(matc)-31 +b(hes.)481 b(Before)332 b(returning,)0 24134 y(the)369 +b(cards)g(in)h(the)f(hand)g(are)g(sh)-31 b(u\262ed)370 +b(so)f(that)h(the)g(next)f(pla)-31 b(y)g(er's)371 b(c)-31 +b(hoice)370 b(is)f(random.)0 26244 y(The)491 b(metho)31 +b(d)492 b Fk(findNeighbor)h Fn(starts)e(with)h(the)g(pla)-31 +b(y)g(er)492 b(to)g(the)f(immediate)j(left)e(and)0 27599 +y(con)-31 b(tin)g(ues)370 b(around)g(the)f(circle)h(un)-31 +b(til)370 b(it)g(\257nds)f(a)g(pla)-31 b(y)g(er)371 b(that)f(still)h +(has)e(cards:)0 29789 y Fk(class)582 b(OldMaidGame\(CardGame\):)1162 +31144 y(...)1162 32499 y(def)g(findNeighbor\(self,)i(i\):)2325 +33854 y(numHands)e(=)f(len\(self.hands\))2325 35209 y(for)g(next)h(in)f +(range\(1,numHands\):)3487 36564 y(neighbor)h(=)g(\(i)f(+)g(next\))h +(\045)f(numHands)3487 37919 y(if)g(not)h +(self.hands[neighbor].isEmpty\(\):)4649 39274 y(return)g(neighbor)0 +41464 y Fn(If)358 b Fk(findNeighbor)h Fn(ev)-31 b(er)358 +b(w)-31 b(en)g(t)359 b(all)g(the)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)360 +b(around)e(the)g(circle)g(without)i(\257nding)f(cards,)0 +42819 y(it)331 b(w)-31 b(ould)331 b(return)f Fk(None)g +Fn(and)h(cause)f(an)g(error)f(elsewhere)h(in)h(the)f(program.)480 +b(F)-92 b(ortunately)g(,)0 44174 y(w)-31 b(e)460 b(can)h(pro)-31 +b(v)g(e)460 b(that)h(that)g(will)h(nev)-31 b(er)460 b(happ)31 +b(en)459 b(\(as)i(long)g(as)f(the)g(end)f(of)i(the)f(game)h(is)0 +45529 y(detected)370 b(correctly\).)0 47638 y(W)-92 b(e)368 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(omitted)g(the)e Fk(printHands)i +Fn(metho)31 b(d.)493 b(Y)-92 b(ou)370 b(can)f(write)h(that)h(one)e(y) +-31 b(ourself.)0 49748 y(The)377 b(follo)-31 b(wing)380 +b(output)e(is)f(from)g(a)g(truncated)g(form)g(of)g(the)g(game)h(where)f +(only)g(the)g(top)0 51103 y(\257fteen)301 b(cards)f(\(tens)h(and)g +(higher\))g(w)-31 b(ere)301 b(dealt)h(to)f(three)g(pla)-31 +b(y)g(ers.)470 b(With)301 b(this)g(small)h(dec)-31 b(k,)0 +52458 y(pla)g(y)370 b(stops)g(after)f(sev)-31 b(en)369 +b(matc)-31 b(hes)371 b(instead)f(of)f(t)-31 b(w)g(en)g(t)g(y-\257v)g +(e.)0 54648 y Fk(>>>)582 b(import)g(cards)0 56003 y(>>>)g(game)f(=)h +(cards.OldMaidGame\(\))0 57358 y(>>>)g +(game.play\(["Allen","Jeff","Chris"]\))p eop +%%Page: 176 202 +176 201 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(176)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(----------)583 b(Cards)f(have)f(been)h +(dealt)0 2220 y(Hand)g(Allen)g(contains)0 3575 y(King)g(of)f(Hearts)581 +4930 y(Jack)h(of)f(Clubs)1162 6285 y(Queen)h(of)g(Spades)1743 +7640 y(King)g(of)g(Spades)2325 8995 y(10)f(of)g(Diamonds)0 +11705 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(contains)0 13059 y(Queen)h(of)f(Hearts)581 +14414 y(Jack)h(of)f(Spades)1162 15769 y(Jack)h(of)f(Hearts)1743 +17124 y(King)h(of)g(Diamonds)2325 18479 y(Queen)f(of)h(Diamonds)0 +21189 y(Hand)g(Chris)g(contains)0 22544 y(Jack)g(of)f(Diamonds)581 +23899 y(King)h(of)f(Clubs)1162 25254 y(10)h(of)f(Spades)1743 +26609 y(10)h(of)f(Hearts)2325 27964 y(10)g(of)g(Clubs)0 +30673 y(Hand)h(Jeff:)g(Queen)g(of)f(Hearts)h(matches)g(Queen)g(of)g +(Diamonds)0 32028 y(Hand)g(Chris:)g(10)f(of)h(Spades)g(matches)g(10)f +(of)h(Clubs)0 33383 y(----------)h(Matches)f(discarded,)g(play)g +(begins)0 34738 y(Hand)g(Allen)g(contains)0 36093 y(King)g(of)f(Hearts) +581 37448 y(Jack)h(of)f(Clubs)1162 38803 y(Queen)h(of)g(Spades)1743 +40158 y(King)g(of)g(Spades)2325 41513 y(10)f(of)g(Diamonds)0 +44223 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(contains)0 45578 y(Jack)h(of)f(Spades)581 +46933 y(Jack)h(of)f(Hearts)1162 48287 y(King)h(of)f(Diamonds)0 +50997 y(Hand)h(Chris)g(contains)0 52352 y(Jack)g(of)f(Diamonds)581 +53707 y(King)h(of)f(Clubs)1162 55062 y(10)h(of)f(Hearts)p +eop +%%Page: 177 203 +177 202 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(16.8)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(177)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(Hand)582 b(Allen)g(picked)g(King)f(of)h +(Diamonds)0 2220 y(Hand)g(Allen:)g(King)g(of)f(Hearts)h(matches)g(King) +g(of)f(Diamonds)0 3575 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(picked)i(10)e(of)g(Hearts)0 +4930 y(Hand)h(Chris)g(picked)g(Jack)f(of)h(Clubs)0 6285 +y(Hand)g(Allen)g(picked)g(Jack)f(of)h(Hearts)0 7640 y(Hand)g(Jeff)f +(picked)i(Jack)e(of)h(Diamonds)0 8995 y(Hand)g(Chris)g(picked)g(Queen)g +(of)f(Spades)0 10350 y(Hand)h(Allen)g(picked)g(Jack)f(of)h(Diamonds)0 +11705 y(Hand)g(Allen:)g(Jack)g(of)f(Hearts)h(matches)g(Jack)g(of)f +(Diamonds)0 13059 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(picked)i(King)e(of)h(Clubs)0 +14414 y(Hand)g(Chris)g(picked)g(King)f(of)h(Spades)0 +15769 y(Hand)g(Allen)g(picked)g(10)f(of)h(Hearts)0 17124 +y(Hand)g(Allen:)g(10)f(of)h(Diamonds)g(matches)g(10)g(of)f(Hearts)0 +18479 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(picked)i(Queen)e(of)h(Spades)0 +19834 y(Hand)g(Chris)g(picked)g(Jack)f(of)h(Spades)0 +21189 y(Hand)g(Chris:)g(Jack)g(of)f(Clubs)h(matches)g(Jack)g(of)f +(Spades)0 22544 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(picked)i(King)e(of)h(Spades)0 +23899 y(Hand)g(Jeff:)g(King)f(of)h(Clubs)g(matches)g(King)g(of)f +(Spades)0 25254 y(----------)i(Game)e(is)h(Over)0 26609 +y(Hand)g(Allen)g(is)f(empty)0 29319 y(Hand)h(Jeff)f(contains)0 +30673 y(Queen)h(of)f(Spades)0 33383 y(Hand)h(Chris)g(is)f(empty)0 +36984 y Fn(So)369 b(Je\256)g(loses.)0 41495 y Fl(16.8)1792 +b(Glossary)0 43660 y Fv(inheritance:)554 b Fn(The)407 +b(abilit)-31 b(y)410 b(to)d(de\257ne)g(a)g(new)h(class)f(that)h(is)f(a) +g(mo)31 b(di\257ed)408 b(v)-31 b(ersion)407 b(of)h(a)2767 +45015 y(previously)370 b(de\257ned)f(class.)0 47256 y +Fv(paren)-35 b(t)425 b(class:)553 b Fn(The)369 b(class)g(from)h(whic) +-31 b(h)370 b(a)g(c)-31 b(hild)370 b(class)f(inherits.)0 +49496 y Fv(c)-35 b(hild)423 b(class:)553 b Fn(A)275 b(new)g(class)g +(created)g(b)-31 b(y)275 b(inheriting)h(from)g(an)f(existing)h(class;) +307 b(also)276 b(called)2767 50851 y(a)370 b(\\sub)31 +b(class.")p eop +%%Page: 178 204 +178 203 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(178)29953 b(Inheritance)p 0 +-1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 179 205 +179 204 bop 0 9966 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(17)0 16311 y Fo(Link)-86 +b(ed)1033 b(lists)0 23515 y Fl(17.1)1792 b(Em)-50 b(b)50 +b(edded)600 b(references)0 25947 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)315 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)317 b(seen)e(examples)i(of)f(attributes)i(that)f(refer)e(to)h +(other)g(ob)61 b(jects,)329 b(whic)-31 b(h)316 b(w)-31 +b(e)317 b(called)0 27302 y Fv(em)-35 b(b)35 b(edded)646 +b(references)562 b Fn(\(see)e(Section)i(12.8\).)1068 +b(A)560 b(common)h(data)h(structure,)608 b(the)0 28657 +y Fv(link)-35 b(ed)424 b(list)p Fn(,)369 b(tak)-31 b(es)370 +b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tage)371 b(of)f(this)f(feature.)0 +30755 y(Link)-31 b(ed)339 b(lists)h(are)e(made)i(up)e(of)h +Fv(no)35 b(des)p Fn(,)347 b(where)339 b(eac)-31 b(h)339 +b(no)31 b(de)339 b(con)-31 b(tains)340 b(a)f(reference)f(to)i(the)0 +32110 y(next)385 b(no)31 b(de)384 b(in)h(the)g(list.)540 +b(In)384 b(addition,)391 b(eac)-31 b(h)385 b(no)31 b(de)384 +b(con)-31 b(tains)386 b(a)f(unit)g(of)g(data)h(called)g(the)0 +33465 y Fv(cargo)p Fn(.)0 35563 y(A)350 b(link)-31 b(ed)352 +b(list)f(is)f(considered)g(a)g Fv(recursiv)-35 b(e)403 +b(data)g(structure)351 b Fn(b)31 b(ecause)350 b(it)h(has)f(a)g(recur-)0 +36918 y(siv)-31 b(e)370 b(de\257nition.)2767 39373 y(A)g(link)-31 +b(ed)370 b(list)g(is)f(either:)4096 41552 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(the)369 b(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(list,)f(represen)-31 +b(ted)368 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b Fk(None)p Fn(,)g(or)4096 +43288 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(a)349 b(no)31 b(de)350 b(that)h(con)-31 +b(tains)351 b(a)e(cargo)i(ob)61 b(ject)350 b(and)g(a)g(reference)e(to)j +(a)e(link)-31 b(ed)5203 44643 y(list.)0 47097 y(Recursiv)g(e)369 +b(data)h(structures)f(lend)g(themselv)-31 b(es)370 b(to)g(recursiv)-31 +b(e)369 b(metho)31 b(ds.)0 51515 y Fl(17.2)1792 b(The)599 +b Fe(Node)g Fl(class)0 53947 y Fn(As)306 b(usual)g(when)g(writing)i(a)e +(new)g(class,)319 b(w)-31 b(e'll)308 b(start)e(with)i(the)e +(initialization)311 b(and)p 34843 53947 349 45 v 35261 +53947 V 1143 w Fk(str)p 37423 53947 V 37841 53947 V 0 +55302 a Fn(metho)31 b(ds)319 b(so)g(that)h(w)-31 b(e)319 +b(can)g(test)h(the)f(basic)g(mec)-31 b(hanism)320 b(of)g(creating)g +(and)f(displa)-31 b(ying)321 b(the)0 56657 y(new)369 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e:)p eop +%%Page: 180 206 +180 205 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(180)29898 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 b(Node:)1162 +2220 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(cargo=None,)g(next=None\):)2325 +3575 y(self.cargo)f(=)g(cargo)2325 4930 y(self.next)1163 +b(=)582 b(next)1162 7640 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 +8995 y(return)g(str\(self.cargo\))0 11399 y Fn(As)334 +b(usual,)342 b(the)335 b(parameters)f(for)h(the)f(initialization)340 +b(metho)31 b(d)335 b(are)f(optional.)484 b(By)334 b(default,)0 +12754 y(b)31 b(oth)370 b(the)f(cargo)h(and)f(the)h(link,)h +Fk(next)p Fn(,)f(are)f(set)g(to)h Fk(None)p Fn(.)0 15077 +y(The)294 b(string)g(represen)-31 b(tation)295 b(of)f(a)g(no)31 +b(de)294 b(is)g(just)f(the)h(string)h(represen)-31 b(tation)294 +b(of)h(the)f(cargo.)0 16432 y(Since)376 b(an)-31 b(y)377 +b(v)-61 b(alue)376 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)375 b(passed)h(to)g(the)h +Fk(str)f Fn(function,)j(w)-31 b(e)377 b(can)f(store)g(an)-31 +b(y)377 b(v)-61 b(alue)376 b(in)h(a)0 17787 y(list.)0 +20110 y(T)-92 b(o)370 b(test)f(the)h(implemen)-31 b(tation)373 +b(so)c(far,)h(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(create)h(a)f Fk(Node)h +Fn(and)f(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(it:)0 22514 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(node)f(=)h(Node\("test"\))0 23869 y(>>>)g(print)f(node)0 +25224 y(test)0 27628 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(mak)-31 b(e)370 +b(it)g(in)-31 b(teresting,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(need)f(a)g(list)h +(with)h(more)e(than)h(one)g(no)31 b(de:)0 30032 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(node1)f(=)h(Node\(1\))0 31387 y(>>>)g(node2)f(=)h(Node\(2\))0 +32742 y(>>>)g(node3)f(=)h(Node\(3\))0 35146 y Fn(This)418 +b(co)31 b(de)418 b(creates)g(three)g(no)31 b(des,)430 +b(but)418 b(w)-31 b(e)419 b(don't)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)419 +b(a)f(list)h(y)-31 b(et)419 b(b)31 b(ecause)417 b(the)h(no)31 +b(des)0 36501 y(are)369 b(not)h Fv(link)-35 b(ed)p Fn(.)492 +b(The)369 b(state)i(diagram)f(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(this:)2206 37880 y + 19997655 4999413 0 0 19997655 4999413 startTexFig + 2206 37880 a 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0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1477 m 4215 1417 l 4063 1417 l 4183 1447 l 4063 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1447 m + 4200 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1477 m 4183 1447 l 4063 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1177 m 4215 1117 l 4063 1117 l 4183 1147 l 4063 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1147 m + 4200 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1177 m 4183 1147 l 4063 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3345 990 m 3405 990 l 3405 838 l 3375 958 l 3345 838 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 600 m + 3375 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3345 838 m 3375 958 l 3405 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1477 m 2490 1417 l 2338 1417 l 2458 1447 l 2338 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 2475 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1477 m 2458 1447 l 2338 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1620 990 m 1680 990 l 1680 838 l 1650 958 l 1620 838 l cp +eoclip +n 1650 600 m + 1650 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1620 838 m 1650 958 l 1680 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1477 m 5940 1417 l 5788 1417 l 5908 1447 l 5788 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1447 m + 5925 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1477 m 5908 1447 l 5788 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1177 m 5940 1117 l 5788 1117 l 5908 1147 l 5788 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1147 m + 5925 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1177 m 5908 1147 l 5788 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5070 990 m 5130 990 l 5130 838 l 5100 958 l 5070 838 l cp +eoclip +n 5100 600 m + 5100 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5070 838 m 5100 958 l 5130 838 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3225 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1500 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 48485 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)412 b(link)f(the)h(no)31 b(des,)421 +b(w)-31 b(e)412 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)412 b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)412 +b(the)f(\257rst)f(no)31 b(de)411 b(refer)g(to)g(the)h(second)e(and)i +(the)0 49840 y(second)369 b(no)31 b(de)369 b(refer)f(to)i(the)g(third:) +0 52244 y Fk(>>>)582 b(node1.next)g(=)g(node2)0 53599 +y(>>>)g(node2.next)g(=)g(node3)0 56003 y Fn(The)328 b(reference)e(of)i +(the)f(third)h(no)31 b(de)327 b(is)h Fk(None)p Fn(,)336 +b(whic)-31 b(h)329 b(indicates)f(that)h(it)f(is)f(the)h(end)f(of)h(the) +0 57358 y(list.)494 b(No)-31 b(w)370 b(the)f(state)h(diagram)h(lo)31 +b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)p eop +%%Page: 181 207 +181 206 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(17.3)425 b(Lists)f(as)h(collections)23252 +b(181)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 2206 -242 a + 19997655 4999413 0 0 19997655 4999413 startTexFig + 2206 -242 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/link2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: link2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 16:23:10 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 304 76 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def +/col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def +/col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def +/col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def +/col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def + +end +save +newpath 0 76 moveto 0 0 lineto 304 0 lineto 304 76 lineto closepath clip newpath +-89.0 100.0 translate +1 -1 scale + +/cp {closepath} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 4950 975 m 6525 975 l 6525 1650 l 4950 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3225 975 m 4575 975 l 4575 1650 l 3225 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1500 975 m 2850 975 l 2850 1650 l 1500 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +3240 1477 m 3240 1417 l 3088 1417 l 3208 1447 l 3088 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 3225 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3088 1477 m 3208 1447 l 3088 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1620 990 m 1680 990 l 1680 838 l 1650 958 l 1620 838 l cp +eoclip +n 1650 600 m + 1650 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1620 838 m 1650 958 l 1680 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4965 1469 m 4964 1409 l 4812 1410 l 4933 1440 l 4813 1470 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1447 m + 4950 1440 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4813 1470 m 4933 1440 l 4812 1410 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1177 m 4215 1117 l 4063 1117 l 4183 1147 l 4063 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1147 m + 4200 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1177 m 4183 1147 l 4063 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3345 990 m 3405 990 l 3405 838 l 3375 958 l 3345 838 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 600 m + 3375 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3345 838 m 3375 958 l 3405 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1477 m 5940 1417 l 5788 1417 l 5908 1447 l 5788 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1447 m + 5925 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1477 m 5908 1447 l 5788 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1177 m 5940 1117 l 5788 1117 l 5908 1147 l 5788 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1147 m + 5925 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1177 m 5908 1147 l 5788 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5070 990 m 5130 990 l 5130 838 l 5100 958 l 5070 838 l cp +eoclip +n 5100 600 m + 5100 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5070 838 m 5100 958 l 5130 838 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1500 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3225 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 10774 a Fn(No)-31 b(w)440 b(y)-31 b(ou)440 b(kno)-31 +b(w)440 b(ho)-31 b(w)440 b(to)g(create)f(no)31 b(des)438 +b(and)i(link)g(them)f(in)-31 b(to)441 b(lists.)702 b(What)440 +b(migh)-31 b(t)440 b(b)31 b(e)0 12129 y(less)369 b(clear)g(at)h(this)g +(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)370 b(is)f(wh)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)0 18345 +y Fl(17.3)1792 b(Lists)600 b(as)e(collections)0 21640 +y Fn(Lists)364 b(are)g(useful)g(b)31 b(ecause)364 b(they)h(pro)-31 +b(vide)365 b(a)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)366 b(to)f(assem)-31 b(ble)365 +b(m)-31 b(ultiple)367 b(ob)61 b(jects)365 b(in)-31 b(to)366 +b(a)0 22995 y(single)409 b(en)-31 b(tit)g(y)-92 b(,)420 +b(sometimes)409 b(called)h(a)e Fv(collection)p Fn(.)609 +b(In)408 b(the)g(example,)420 b(the)408 b(\257rst)f(no)31 +b(de)408 b(of)0 24350 y(the)369 b(list)i(serv)-31 b(es)368 +b(as)h(a)g(reference)g(to)h(the)f(en)-31 b(tire)370 b(list.)0 +27083 y(T)-92 b(o)455 b(pass)f(the)h(list)g(as)g(a)g(parameter,)477 +b(w)-31 b(e)455 b(only)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)456 b(to)f(pass)f(a)h +(reference)e(to)j(the)e(\257rst)0 28438 y(no)31 b(de.)472 +b(F)-92 b(or)307 b(example,)321 b(the)308 b(function)g +Fk(printList)h Fn(tak)-31 b(es)308 b(a)g(single)g(no)31 +b(de)307 b(as)g(an)h(argumen)-31 b(t.)0 29793 y(Starting)371 +b(with)f(the)g(head)f(of)h(the)f(list,)i(it)f(prin)-31 +b(ts)369 b(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(no)31 b(de)369 b(un)-31 +b(til)371 b(it)f(gets)f(to)h(the)g(end:)0 32608 y Fk(def)582 +b(printList\(node\):)1162 33963 y(while)g(node:)2325 +35318 y(print)f(node,)2325 36672 y(node)g(=)h(node.next)1162 +38027 y(print)0 40842 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)371 +b(this)e(metho)31 b(d,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(pass)e(a)i(reference)e(to) +i(the)g(\257rst)e(no)31 b(de:)0 43657 y Fk(>>>)582 b +(printList\(node1\))0 45012 y(1)f(2)h(3)0 47826 y Fn(Inside)398 +b Fk(printList)i Fn(w)-31 b(e)400 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)400 +b(a)f(reference)f(to)h(the)g(\257rst)f(no)31 b(de)399 +b(of)h(the)f(list,)407 b(but)399 b(there)g(is)0 49181 +y(no)368 b(v)-61 b(ariable)369 b(that)g(refers)d(to)i(the)g(other)g(no) +31 b(des.)492 b(W)-92 b(e)367 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)369 b(to)f(use)f(the)h +Fk(next)g Fn(v)-61 b(alue)368 b(from)0 50536 y(eac)-31 +b(h)370 b(no)31 b(de)369 b(to)h(get)g(to)g(the)f(next)h(no)31 +b(de.)0 53270 y(T)-92 b(o)393 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)392 +b(a)g(link)-31 b(ed)394 b(list,)399 b(it)393 b(is)f(common)h(to)g(use)f +(a)g(lo)31 b(op)393 b(v)-61 b(ariable)393 b(lik)-31 b(e)393 +b Fk(node)g Fn(to)g(refer)0 54625 y(to)370 b(eac)-31 +b(h)370 b(of)f(the)h(no)31 b(des)369 b(in)g(succession.)0 +57358 y(This)h(diagram)g(sho)-31 b(ws)370 b(the)f(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(of)g Fk(list)f Fn(and)h(the)f(v)-61 b(alues)369 +b(that)i Fk(node)e Fn(tak)-31 b(es)371 b(on:)p eop +%%Page: 182 208 +182 207 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(182)29898 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 2206 -242 a + 19997655 7301775 0 0 19997655 7301775 startTexFig + 2206 -242 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/link3.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: link3.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 11 10:59:36 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 304 111 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def +/col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def +/col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def +/col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def +/col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def + +end +save +newpath 0 111 moveto 0 0 lineto 304 0 lineto 304 111 lineto closepath clip newpath +-89.0 135.0 translate +1 -1 scale + +/cp {closepath} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 4950 975 m 6525 975 l 6525 1650 l 4950 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3225 975 m 4575 975 l 4575 1650 l 3225 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1500 975 m 2850 975 l 2850 1650 l 1500 1650 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +1620 990 m 1680 990 l 1680 838 l 1650 958 l 1620 838 l cp +eoclip +n 1650 600 m + 1650 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1620 838 m 1650 958 l 1680 838 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1500 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node1) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +3240 1477 m 3240 1417 l 3088 1417 l 3208 1447 l 3088 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 3225 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3088 1477 m 3208 1447 l 3088 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4965 1469 m 4964 1409 l 4812 1410 l 4933 1440 l 4813 1470 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1447 m + 4950 1440 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4813 1470 m 4933 1440 l 4812 1410 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1177 m 4215 1117 l 4063 1117 l 4183 1147 l 4063 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1147 m + 4200 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1177 m 4183 1147 l 4063 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3345 990 m 3405 990 l 3405 838 l 3375 958 l 3345 838 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 600 m + 3375 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3345 838 m 3375 958 l 3405 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1477 m 5940 1417 l 5788 1417 l 5908 1447 l 5788 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1447 m + 5925 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1477 m 5908 1447 l 5788 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1177 m 5940 1117 l 5788 1117 l 5908 1147 l 5788 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1147 m + 5925 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1177 m 5908 1147 l 5788 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5070 990 m 5130 990 l 5130 838 l 5100 958 l 5070 838 l cp +eoclip +n 5100 600 m + 5100 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5070 838 m 5100 958 l 5130 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4977 1669 m 4948 1616 l 4815 1689 l 4935 1658 l 4844 1741 l cp +eoclip +n 4125 2100 m + 4950 1650 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4844 1741 m 4935 1658 l 4815 1689 l col0 s +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3675 2100 m + 2850 1650 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +% Polyline + [15 45] 45 sd +n 3900 2100 m + 3900 1650 l gs col0 s gr [] 0 sd +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3225 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4950 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (node) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 2767 14398 a Fm(By)464 b(c)-57 b(onvention,)482 b(lists)463 +b(ar)-57 b(e)463 b(often)h(printe)-57 b(d)464 b(in)g(br)-57 +b(ackets)463 b(with)f(c)-57 b(ommas)464 b(b)-57 b(e-)2767 +15753 y(twe)g(en)662 b(the)f(elements,)728 b(as)660 b(in)i +Fk([1,)582 b(2,)f(3])p Fm(.)1305 b(As)661 b(an)g(exer)-57 +b(cise,)728 b(mo)-57 b(dify)2767 17108 y Fk(printList)398 +b Fm(so)d(that)g(it)i(gener)-57 b(ates)396 b(output)f(in)i(this)f +(format.)0 21532 y Fl(17.4)1792 b(Lists)600 b(and)e(recursion)0 +23969 y Fn(It)418 b(is)g(natural)i(to)f(express)e(man)-31 +b(y)419 b(list)g(op)31 b(erations)419 b(using)g(recursiv)-31 +b(e)417 b(metho)31 b(ds.)641 b(F)-92 b(or)417 b(ex-)0 +25324 y(ample,)371 b(the)e(follo)-31 b(wing)373 b(is)c(a)h(recursiv)-31 +b(e)368 b(algorithm)k(for)e(prin)-31 b(ting)370 b(a)g(list)g(bac)-31 +b(kw)g(ards:)1353 27793 y(1.)554 b(Separate)348 b(the)f(list)h(in)-31 +b(to)349 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)348 b(pieces:)482 b(the)347 +b(\257rst)f(no)31 b(de)347 b(\(called)i(the)e(head\);)355 +b(and)348 b(the)2767 29148 y(rest)369 b(\(called)i(the)e(tail\).)1353 +31330 y(2.)554 b(Prin)-31 b(t)371 b(the)e(tail)i(bac)-31 +b(kw)g(ard.)1353 33513 y(3.)554 b(Prin)-31 b(t)371 b(the)e(head.)0 +35982 y(Of)450 b(course,)469 b(Step)450 b(2,)471 b(the)450 +b(recursiv)-31 b(e)449 b(call,)471 b(assumes)450 b(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)451 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)450 b(a)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)451 +b(of)f(prin)-31 b(ting)0 37337 y(a)462 b(list)g(bac)-31 +b(kw)g(ard.)772 b(But)462 b(if)g(w)-31 b(e)462 b(assume)g(that)h(the)f +(recursiv)-31 b(e)461 b(call)i(w)-31 b(orks|the)462 b(leap)g(of)0 +38692 y(faith|then)371 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(con)-31 +b(vince)371 b(ourselv)-31 b(es)369 b(that)h(this)g(algorithm)i(w)-31 +b(orks.)0 40795 y(All)504 b(w)-31 b(e)504 b(need)e(are)h(a)h(base)f +(case)f(and)i(a)f(w)-31 b(a)g(y)505 b(of)e(pro)-31 b(ving)505 +b(that)f(for)f(an)-31 b(y)504 b(list,)538 b(w)-31 b(e)503 +b(will)0 42150 y(ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)305 b(get)f(to)g(the)f(base)f +(case.)471 b(Giv)-31 b(en)303 b(the)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)302 +b(de\257nition)j(of)e(a)g(list,)318 b(a)303 b(natural)0 +43505 y(base)369 b(case)g(is)g(the)h(empt)-31 b(y)370 +b(list,)h(represen)-31 b(ted)368 b(b)-31 b(y)369 b Fk(None)p +Fn(:)0 45689 y Fk(def)582 b(printBackward\(list\):)1162 +47044 y(if)g(list)f(==)h(None:)g(return)1162 48399 y(head)g(=)f(list) +1162 49754 y(tail)h(=)f(list.next)1162 51109 y(printBackward\(tail\)) +1162 52464 y(print)h(head,)0 54648 y Fn(The)388 b(\257rst)f(line)i +(handles)f(the)g(base)g(case)g(b)-31 b(y)388 b(doing)h(nothing.)550 +b(The)388 b(next)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)390 b(lines)e(split)0 +56003 y(the)434 b(list)h(in)-31 b(to)435 b Fk(head)f +Fn(and)g Fk(tail)p Fn(.)687 b(The)434 b(last)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)436 b(lines)e(prin)-31 b(t)434 b(the)g(list.)688 +b(The)434 b(comma)h(at)0 57358 y(the)369 b(end)g(of)h(the)g(last)g +(line)g(k)-31 b(eeps)369 b(Python)h(from)g(prin)-31 b(ting)370 +b(a)g(newline)g(after)g(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(no)31 b(de.)p +eop +%%Page: 183 209 +183 208 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(17.5)425 b(In\257nite)g(lists)26926 +b(183)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(e)372 b(this)d(metho)31 b(d)370 b(as)f(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)371 b Fk(printList)p Fn(:)0 +3078 y Fk(>>>)582 b(printBackward\(node1\))0 4433 y(3)f(2)h(1)0 +6645 y Fn(The)369 b(result)h(is)f(a)g(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard)371 +b(list.)0 8777 y(Y)-92 b(ou)421 b(migh)-31 b(t)423 b(w)-31 +b(onder)421 b(wh)-31 b(y)422 b Fk(printList)g Fn(and)f +Fk(printBackward)h Fn(are)f(functions)h(and)f(not)0 10132 +y(metho)31 b(ds)336 b(in)f(the)g Fk(Node)h Fn(class.)481 +b(The)335 b(reason)g(is)g(that)i(w)-31 b(e)335 b(w)-31 +b(an)g(t)337 b(to)f(use)e Fk(None)i Fn(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)0 11487 y(the)398 b(empt)-31 b(y)399 b(list)g(and)f(it)g(is)g(not)g +(legal)i(to)e(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)400 b(a)e(metho)31 +b(d)399 b(on)f Fk(None)p Fn(.)579 b(This)398 b(limitation)0 +12842 y(mak)-31 b(es)515 b(it)h(a)-31 b(wkw)g(ard)516 +b(to)g(write)f(list-manipulating)520 b(co)31 b(de)514 +b(in)h(a)g(clean)g(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)0 14197 +y(st)g(yle.)0 16328 y(Can)378 b(w)-31 b(e)378 b(pro)-31 +b(v)g(e)378 b(that)g Fk(printBackward)h Fn(will)g(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)380 b(terminate?)518 b(In)377 b(other)g(w)-31 +b(ords,)380 b(will)0 17683 y(it)415 b(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)417 +b(reac)-31 b(h)415 b(the)f(base)h(case?)628 b(In)414 +b(fact,)427 b(the)415 b(answ)-31 b(er)415 b(is)f(no.)629 +b(Some)415 b(lists)g(will)i(mak)-31 b(e)0 19038 y(this)370 +b(metho)31 b(d)370 b(crash.)0 23502 y Fl(17.5)1792 b(In\257nite)599 +b(lists)0 25967 y Fn(There)332 b(is)g(nothing)i(to)f(prev)-31 +b(en)g(t)333 b(a)g(no)31 b(de)332 b(from)h(referring)f(bac)-31 +b(k)333 b(to)g(an)f(earlier)h(no)31 b(de)332 b(in)h(the)0 +27322 y(list,)419 b(including)410 b(itself.)610 b(F)-92 +b(or)407 b(example,)420 b(this)408 b(\257gure)g(sho)-31 +b(ws)409 b(a)f(list)h(with)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)410 b(no)31 +b(des,)418 b(one)0 28677 y(of)370 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 +b(refers)e(to)i(itself:)8706 29841 y + 12301189 6183485 0 0 12301189 6183485 startTexFig + 8706 29841 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/link4.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: link4.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 16:55:09 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 187 94 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind 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clippath +3553 1631 m 3493 1638 l 3511 1788 l 3527 1666 l 3571 1781 l cp +eoclip +n 3787.5 1687.5 265.2 81.9 -171.9 arc +gs col0 s gr + gr + +% arrowhead +n 3571 1781 m 3527 1666 l 3511 1788 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1177 m 4215 1117 l 4063 1117 l 4183 1147 l 4063 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1147 m + 4200 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1177 m 4183 1147 l 4063 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1620 990 m 1680 990 l 1680 838 l 1650 958 l 1620 838 l cp +eoclip +n 1650 600 m + 1650 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1620 838 m 1650 958 l 1680 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3240 1477 m 3240 1417 l 3088 1417 l 3208 1447 l 3088 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 3225 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3088 1477 m 3208 1447 l 3088 1417 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1500 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (list) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 42255 a Fn(If)702 b(w)-31 b(e)703 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)705 +b Fk(printList)e Fn(on)g(this)g(list,)787 b(it)703 b(will)i(lo)31 +b(op)703 b(forev)-31 b(er.)1493 b(If)702 b(w)-31 b(e)703 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)0 43610 y Fk(printBackward)p Fn(,)450 +b(it)433 b(will)h(recurse)d(in\257nitely)-92 b(.)683 +b(This)433 b(sort)f(of)h(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)433 b(mak)-31 +b(es)433 b(in\257nite)0 44965 y(lists)370 b(di\261cult)h(to)f(w)-31 +b(ork)370 b(with.)0 47097 y(Nev)-31 b(ertheless,)434 +b(they)422 b(are)e(o)31 b(ccasionally)424 b(useful.)648 +b(F)-92 b(or)420 b(example,)435 b(w)-31 b(e)422 b(migh)-31 +b(t)423 b(represen)-31 b(t)420 b(a)0 48452 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)273 b(as)h(a)g(list)g(of)g(digits)h(and)e(use)g(an)h(in\257nite)h +(list)f(to)g(represen)-31 b(t)273 b(a)h(rep)31 b(eating)274 +b(fraction.)0 50584 y(Regardless,)814 b(it)725 b(is)g(problematic)i +(that)f(w)-31 b(e)725 b(cannot)h(pro)-31 b(v)g(e)725 +b(that)h Fk(printList)g Fn(and)0 51938 y Fk(printBackward)411 +b Fn(terminate.)614 b(The)410 b(b)31 b(est)408 b(w)-31 +b(e)410 b(can)f(do)h(is)f(the)g(h)-31 b(yp)31 b(othetical)412 +b(statemen)-31 b(t,)0 53293 y(\\If)378 b(the)h(list)g(con)-31 +b(tains)379 b(no)f(lo)31 b(ops,)382 b(then)c(these)g(metho)31 +b(ds)379 b(will)g(terminate.")522 b(This)378 b(sort)g(of)0 +54648 y(claim)h(is)f(called)g(a)g Fv(precondition)p Fn(.)519 +b(It)378 b(imp)31 b(oses)378 b(a)g(constrain)-31 b(t)379 +b(on)f(one)f(of)h(the)g(parame-)0 56003 y(ters)344 b(and)h(describ)31 +b(es)344 b(the)h(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)345 b(of)h(the)f(metho)31 +b(d)345 b(if)h(the)f(constrain)-31 b(t)346 b(is)f(satis\257ed.)485 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)0 57358 y(will)371 b(see)e(more)g(examples)h(so)31 +b(on.)p eop +%%Page: 184 210 +184 209 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(184)29898 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(17.6)1792 b(The)599 +b(fundamen)-50 b(tal)599 b(am)-50 b(biguit)g(y)600 b(theorem)0 +3252 y Fn(One)369 b(part)g(of)h Fk(printBackward)h Fn(migh)-31 +b(t)371 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(raised)f(an)h(ey)-31 b(ebro)g(w:)2325 +5387 y Fk(head)581 b(=)h(list)2325 6742 y(tail)f(=)h(list.next)0 +8877 y Fn(After)473 b(the)g(\257rst)f(assignmen)-31 b(t,)501 +b Fk(head)473 b Fn(and)g Fk(list)g Fn(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)474 +b(the)e(same)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)473 b(and)g(the)g(same)0 +10232 y(v)-61 b(alue.)493 b(So)370 b(wh)-31 b(y)370 b(did)f(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(create)f(a)h(new)f(v)-61 b(ariable?)0 12285 +y(The)361 b(reason)f(is)h(that)h(the)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)362 +b(v)-61 b(ariables)361 b(pla)-31 b(y)362 b(di\256eren)-31 +b(t)361 b(roles.)490 b(W)-92 b(e)359 b(think)j(of)f Fk(head)g +Fn(as)g(a)0 13640 y(reference)353 b(to)i(a)g(single)g(no)31 +b(de,)357 b(and)e(w)-31 b(e)355 b(think)g(of)f Fk(list)h +Fn(as)f(a)h(reference)e(to)i(the)f(\257rst)g(no)31 b(de)0 +14995 y(of)340 b(a)h(list.)484 b(These)339 b(\\roles")i(are)f(not)h +(part)f(of)h(the)f(program;)351 b(they)340 b(are)g(in)g(the)g(mind)h +(of)g(the)0 16350 y(programmer.)0 18404 y(In)309 b(general)h(w)-31 +b(e)310 b(can't)g(tell)h(b)-31 b(y)309 b(lo)31 b(oking)312 +b(at)e(a)g(program)g(what)g(role)g(a)g(v)-61 b(ariable)310 +b(pla)-31 b(ys.)474 b(This)0 19759 y(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)437 +b(can)d(b)31 b(e)434 b(useful,)451 b(but)434 b(it)g(can)h(also)f(mak) +-31 b(e)435 b(programs)g(di\261cult)g(to)g(read.)687 +b(W)-92 b(e)0 21114 y(often)346 b(use)f(v)-61 b(ariable)346 +b(names)g(lik)-31 b(e)346 b Fk(node)g Fn(and)f Fk(list)h +Fn(to)g(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)346 b(ho)-31 b(w)347 b(w)-31 +b(e)345 b(in)-31 b(tend)347 b(to)f(use)0 22469 y(a)369 +b(v)-61 b(ariable)371 b(and)e(sometimes)i(create)e(additional)j(v)-61 +b(ariables)370 b(to)g(disam)-31 b(biguate.)0 24522 y(W)-92 +b(e)348 b(could)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)350 b(written)g Fk(printBackward)g +Fn(without)h Fk(head)e Fn(and)g Fk(tail)p Fn(,)354 b(whic)-31 +b(h)350 b(mak)-31 b(es)349 b(it)0 25877 y(more)369 b(concise)h(but)f(p) +31 b(ossibly)370 b(less)f(clear:)0 28012 y Fk(def)582 +b(printBackward\(list\))i(:)1162 29367 y(if)e(list)f(==)h(None)g(:)f +(return)1162 30722 y(printBackward\(list.next\))1162 +32077 y(print)h(list,)0 34211 y Fn(Lo)31 b(oking)443 +b(at)f(the)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)443 b(function)f(calls,)461 +b(w)-31 b(e)442 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)442 b(to)g(remem)-31 +b(b)31 b(er)442 b(that)g Fk(printBackward)0 35566 y Fn(treats)468 +b(its)g(argumen)-31 b(t)470 b(as)d(a)i(collection)h(and)e +Fk(print)g Fn(treats)h(its)f(argumen)-31 b(t)469 b(as)f(a)g(single)0 +36921 y(ob)61 b(ject.)0 38975 y(The)315 b Fv(fundamen)-35 +b(tal)362 b(am)-35 b(biguit)g(y)360 b(theorem)316 b Fn(describ)31 +b(es)314 b(the)h(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)318 b(that)e(is)e(inher-)0 +40330 y(en)-31 b(t)370 b(in)f(a)h(reference)e(to)i(a)f(no)31 +b(de:)2767 42657 y Fv(A)447 b(v)-71 b(ariable)447 b(that)g(refers)h(to) +f(a)g(no)35 b(de)448 b(migh)-35 b(t)446 b(treat)i(the)f(no)35 +b(de)448 b(as)f(a)2767 44012 y(single)425 b(ob)71 b(ject)425 +b(or)g(as)g(the)g(\257rst)g(in)f(a)g(list)g(of)h(no)35 +b(des.)0 48366 y Fl(17.7)1792 b(Mo)50 b(difying)598 b(lists)0 +50754 y Fn(There)339 b(are)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)340 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys)340 b(to)g(mo)31 b(dify)341 b(a)e(link)-31 b(ed)340 +b(list.)483 b(Ob)-31 b(viously)-92 b(,)347 b(w)-31 b(e)340 +b(can)f(c)-31 b(hange)340 b(the)f(cargo)0 52108 y(of)374 +b(one)f(of)g(the)h(no)31 b(des,)374 b(but)f(the)h(more)f(in)-31 +b(teresting)375 b(op)31 b(erations)374 b(are)f(the)g(ones)g(that)h +(add,)0 53463 y(remo)-31 b(v)g(e,)371 b(or)e(reorder)f(the)h(no)31 +b(des.)0 55517 y(As)425 b(an)g(example,)440 b(let's)426 +b(write)g(a)f(metho)31 b(d)426 b(that)g(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)425 +b(the)g(second)g(no)31 b(de)425 b(in)g(the)g(list)0 56872 +y(and)369 b(returns)g(a)g(reference)f(to)i(the)g(remo)-31 +b(v)g(ed)370 b(no)31 b(de:)p eop +%%Page: 185 211 +185 210 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(17.8)425 b(W)-106 b(rapp)35 +b(ers)426 b(and)f(help)35 b(ers)21304 b(185)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(removeSecond\(list\):)1162 +2220 y(if)g(list)f(==)h(None:)g(return)1162 3575 y(first)g(=)f(list) +1162 4930 y(second)h(=)g(list.next)1162 6285 y(#)g(make)f(the)h(first)g +(node)g(refer)f(to)h(the)g(third)1162 7640 y(first.next)h(=)e +(second.next)1162 8995 y(#)h(separate)g(the)g(second)g(node)f(from)h +(the)g(rest)f(of)h(the)f(list)1162 10350 y(second.next)i(=)e(None)1162 +11705 y(return)h(second)0 13909 y Fn(Again,)349 b(w)-31 +b(e)342 b(are)f(using)g(temp)31 b(orary)342 b(v)-61 b(ariables)342 +b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)343 b(the)e(co)31 b(de)342 b(more)f(readable.)484 +b(Here)0 15264 y(is)369 b(ho)-31 b(w)370 b(to)g(use)f(this)g(metho)31 +b(d:)0 17468 y Fk(>>>)582 b(printList\(node1\))0 18823 +y(1)f(2)h(3)0 20178 y(>>>)g(removed)g(=)f(removeSecond\(node1\))0 +21533 y(>>>)h(printList\(removed\))0 22888 y(2)0 24243 +y(>>>)g(printList\(node1\))0 25598 y(1)f(3)0 27802 y +Fn(This)370 b(state)g(diagram)h(sho)-31 b(ws)369 b(the)g(e\256ect)h(of) +f(the)h(op)31 b(eration:)2206 29181 y + 19997655 6183485 0 0 19997655 6183485 startTexFig + 2206 29181 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/link5.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: link5.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Thu Dec 6 16:26:17 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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b(a)h(precondition)i(for)d(this)i(metho)31 +b(d?)472 b(If)306 b(so,)320 b(\257x)306 b(the)h(metho)31 +b(d)308 b(to)f(handle)h(a)f(violation)0 45652 y(of)370 +b(the)f(precondition)i(in)e(a)h(reasonable)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 +b(.)0 50104 y Fl(17.8)1792 b(W)-149 b(rapp)50 b(ers)599 +b(and)f(help)50 b(ers)0 52561 y Fn(It)412 b(is)f(often)i(useful)f(to)h +(divide)f(a)g(list)h(op)31 b(eration)413 b(in)-31 b(to)413 +b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)414 b(metho)31 b(ds.)621 b(F)-92 b(or)411 +b(example,)424 b(to)0 53916 y(prin)-31 b(t)367 b(a)g(list)h(bac)-31 +b(kw)g(ard)368 b(in)g(the)f(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tional)370 +b(list)e(format)g Fk([3,)582 b(2,)f(1])367 b Fn(w)-31 +b(e)367 b(can)g(use)g(the)0 55271 y Fk(printBackward)335 +b Fn(metho)31 b(d)335 b(to)f(prin)-31 b(t)334 b Fk(3,)581 +b(2,)341 b Fn(but)334 b(w)-31 b(e)334 b(need)f(a)h(separate)g(metho)31 +b(d)334 b(to)g(prin)-31 b(t)0 56626 y(the)369 b(brac)-31 +b(k)g(ets)370 b(and)g(the)f(\257rst)g(no)31 b(de.)492 +b(Let's)370 b(call)g(it)g Fk(printBackwardNicely)p Fn(:)p +eop +%%Page: 186 212 +186 211 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(186)29898 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b +(printBackwardNicely\(list\))i(:)1162 2220 y(print)e("[",)1162 +3575 y(if)g(list)f(!=)h(None)g(:)2325 4930 y(head)f(=)h(list)2325 +6285 y(tail)f(=)h(list.next)2325 7640 y(printBackward\(tail\))2325 +8995 y(print)f(head,)1162 10350 y(print)h("]",)0 12546 +y Fn(Again,)523 b(it)491 b(is)f(a)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)491 +b(idea)h(to)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)491 b(metho)31 b(ds)491 +b(lik)-31 b(e)491 b(this)g(to)h(see)d(if)i(they)g(w)-31 +b(ork)492 b(with)0 13901 y(sp)31 b(ecial)370 b(cases)e(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(an)e(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(list)f(or)f(a)g(singleton.)0 +16017 y(When)1119 b(w)-31 b(e)1120 b(use)f(this)h(metho)31 +b(d)1120 b(elsewhere)f(in)h(the)g(program,)1308 b(w)-31 +b(e)1120 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)0 17372 y Fk(printBackwardNicely)673 +b Fn(directly)-92 b(,)747 b(and)670 b(it)i(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)672 +b Fk(printBackward)g Fn(on)e(our)g(b)31 b(e-)0 18727 +y(half.)968 b(In)527 b(that)i(sense,)566 b Fk(printBackwardNicely)530 +b Fn(acts)e(as)f(a)h Fv(wrapp)35 b(er)p Fn(,)569 b(and)528 +b(it)g(uses)0 20082 y Fk(printBackward)371 b Fn(as)e(a)g +Fv(help)35 b(er)p Fn(.)0 24524 y Fl(17.9)1792 b(The)599 +b Fe(LinkedList)h Fl(class)0 26973 y Fn(There)348 b(are)f(some)i +(subtle)f(problems)g(with)h(the)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)349 b(w)-31 +b(e)348 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)349 b(b)31 b(een)348 b(implemen)-31 +b(ting)351 b(lists.)0 28328 y(In)453 b(a)i(rev)-31 b(ersal)454 +b(of)g(cause)g(and)g(e\256ect,)475 b(w)-31 b(e'll)456 +b(prop)31 b(ose)454 b(an)g(alternativ)-31 b(e)457 b(implemen)-31 +b(tation)0 29683 y(\257rst)369 b(and)g(then)g(explain)i(what)g +(problems)e(it)h(solv)-31 b(es.)0 31799 y(First,)404 +b(w)-31 b(e'll)400 b(create)d(a)h(new)f(class)g(called)i +Fk(LinkedList)p Fn(.)578 b(Its)397 b(attributes)h(are)f(an)h(in)-31 +b(teger)0 33154 y(that)292 b(con)-31 b(tains)293 b(the)e(length)h(of)g +(the)f(list)h(and)f(a)g(reference)g(to)g(the)h(\257rst)e(no)31 +b(de.)467 b Fk(LinkedList)0 34509 y Fn(ob)61 b(jects)370 +b(serv)-31 b(e)369 b(as)g(handles)h(for)f(manipulating)k(lists)c(of)h +Fk(Node)g Fn(ob)61 b(jects:)0 36705 y Fk(class)582 b(LinkedList)h(:) +1162 38060 y(def)f(__init__\(self\))h(:)2325 39415 y(self.length)f(=)g +(0)2325 40770 y(self.head)1744 b(=)582 b(None)0 42967 +y Fn(One)314 b(nice)h(thing)g(ab)31 b(out)315 b(the)g +Fk(LinkedList)g Fn(class)g(is)f(that)h(it)g(pro)-31 b(vides)315 +b(a)g(natural)g(place)g(to)0 44322 y(put)267 b(wrapp)31 +b(er)267 b(functions)i(lik)-31 b(e)268 b Fk(printBackwardNicely)p +Fn(,)291 b(whic)-31 b(h)268 b(w)-31 b(e)268 b(can)f(mak)-31 +b(e)268 b(a)g(metho)31 b(d)0 45677 y(of)370 b(the)f Fk(LinkedList)i +Fn(class:)0 47874 y Fk(class)582 b(LinkedList:)1162 49229 +y(...)1162 50584 y(def)g(printBackward\(self\):)2325 +51938 y(print)f("[",)2325 53293 y(if)g(self.head)i(!=)e(None:)3487 +54648 y(self.head.printBackward\(\))2325 56003 y(print)g("]",)p +eop +%%Page: 187 213 +187 212 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(17.10)426 b(In)-35 b(v)-71 b(arian)-35 +b(ts)27416 b(187)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 +b(Node:)1162 2220 y(...)1162 3575 y(def)g(printBackward\(self\):)2325 +4930 y(if)f(self.next)i(!=)e(None:)3487 6285 y(tail)h(=)f(self.next) +3487 7640 y(tail.printBackward\(\))2325 8995 y(print)g(self.cargo,)0 +11201 y Fn(Just)373 b(to)i(mak)-31 b(e)374 b(things)h(confusing,)h(w) +-31 b(e)374 b(renamed)g Fk(printBackwardNicely)p Fn(.)508 +b(No)-31 b(w)375 b(there)0 12556 y(are)476 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)479 +b(metho)31 b(ds)477 b(named)g Fk(printBackward)p Fn(:)709 +b(one)477 b(in)g(the)g Fk(Node)g Fn(class)f(\(the)h(help)31 +b(er\);)0 13911 y(and)488 b(one)f(in)h(the)g Fk(LinkedList)h +Fn(class)e(\(the)h(wrapp)31 b(er\).)848 b(When)487 b(the)g(wrapp)31 +b(er)487 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)0 15266 y Fk(self.head.printBackward)p +Fn(,)448 b(it)430 b(is)f(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)431 b(the)f(help)31 +b(er,)444 b(b)31 b(ecause)428 b Fk(self.head)j Fn(is)e(a)0 +16621 y Fk(Node)370 b Fn(ob)61 b(ject.)0 18746 y(Another)485 +b(b)31 b(ene\257t)485 b(of)h(the)f Fk(LinkedList)h Fn(class)f(is)g +(that)h(it)g(mak)-31 b(es)486 b(it)f(easier)g(to)h(add)f(or)0 +20101 y(remo)-31 b(v)g(e)542 b(the)g(\257rst)e(elemen)-31 +b(t)543 b(of)f(a)f(list.)1010 b(F)-92 b(or)540 b(example,)586 +b Fk(addFirst)542 b Fn(is)f(a)h(metho)31 b(d)542 b(for)0 +21456 y Fk(LinkedList)p Fn(s;)638 b(it)548 b(tak)-31 +b(es)548 b(an)g(item)g(of)g(cargo)g(as)f(an)h(argumen)-31 +b(t)549 b(and)e(puts)g(it)i(at)f(the)0 22811 y(b)31 b(eginning)371 +b(of)e(the)h(list:)0 25018 y Fk(class)582 b(LinkedList:)1162 +26372 y(...)1162 27727 y(def)g(addFirst\(self,)h(cargo\):)2325 +29082 y(node)e(=)h(Node\(cargo\))2325 30437 y(node.next)g(=)f +(self.head)2325 31792 y(self.head)h(=)f(node)2325 33147 +y(self.length)h(=)g(self.length)g(+)g(1)0 35354 y Fn(As)404 +b(usual,)413 b(y)-31 b(ou)405 b(should)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)404 +b(co)31 b(de)404 b(lik)-31 b(e)405 b(this)f(to)h(see)e(if)i(it)f +(handles)g(the)g(sp)31 b(ecial)405 b(cases.)0 36709 y(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(example,)j(what)g(happ)31 b(ens)369 b(if)g(the)h(list)g(is)f +(initially)k(empt)-31 b(y?)0 41164 y Fl(17.10)1792 b(In)-50 +b(v)-100 b(arian)-50 b(ts)0 43623 y Fn(Some)419 b(lists)h(are)e(\\w)-31 +b(ell)421 b(formed";)445 b(others)419 b(are)f(not.)642 +b(F)-92 b(or)418 b(example,)433 b(if)420 b(a)f(list)g(con)-31 +b(tains)421 b(a)0 44978 y(lo)31 b(op,)407 b(it)400 b(will)g(cause)e +(man)-31 b(y)400 b(of)f(our)g(metho)31 b(ds)399 b(to)g(crash,)406 +b(so)398 b(w)-31 b(e)399 b(migh)-31 b(t)401 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)400 +b(to)f(require)0 46333 y(that)314 b(lists)g(con)-31 b(tain)315 +b(no)e(lo)31 b(ops.)475 b(Another)313 b(requiremen)-31 +b(t)314 b(is)f(that)i(the)e Fk(length)h Fn(v)-61 b(alue)313 +b(in)h(the)0 47688 y Fk(LinkedList)370 b Fn(ob)61 b(ject)371 +b(should)f(b)31 b(e)368 b(equal)i(to)g(the)g(actual)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(no)31 b(des)368 b(in)i(the)f(list.)0 +49813 y(Requiremen)-31 b(ts)398 b(lik)-31 b(e)398 b(these)f(are)g +(called)h Fv(in)-35 b(v)-71 b(arian)-35 b(ts)396 b Fn(b)31 +b(ecause,)404 b(ideally)-92 b(,)406 b(they)398 b(should)f(b)31 +b(e)0 51168 y(true)449 b(of)g(ev)-31 b(ery)449 b(ob)61 +b(ject)450 b(all)g(the)f(time.)732 b(Sp)31 b(ecifying)450 +b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(ts)451 b(for)d(ob)61 b(jects)450 +b(is)f(a)g(useful)0 52523 y(programming)520 b(practice)f(b)31 +b(ecause)518 b(it)h(mak)-31 b(es)519 b(it)g(easier)f(to)h(pro)-31 +b(v)g(e)519 b(the)f(correctness)f(of)0 53878 y(co)31 +b(de,)370 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)369 b(the)h(in)-31 b(tegrit)g(y)371 +b(of)f(data)h(structures,)d(and)i(detect)g(errors.)0 +56003 y(One)382 b(thing)i(that)g(is)f(sometimes)h(confusing)g(ab)31 +b(out)384 b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(ts)384 b(is)f(that)h(there)e +(are)h(times)0 57358 y(when)535 b(they)g(are)f(violated.)992 +b(F)-92 b(or)533 b(example,)578 b(in)535 b(the)g(middle)h(of)f +Fk(addFirst)p Fn(,)577 b(after)535 b(w)-31 b(e)p eop +%%Page: 188 214 +188 213 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(188)29898 b(Link)-35 b(ed)424 +b(lists)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)416 +b(added)e(the)h(no)31 b(de)415 b(but)g(b)31 b(efore)414 +b(w)-31 b(e)415 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)416 b(incremen)-31 b(ted)415 +b Fk(length)p Fn(,)428 b(the)414 b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)417 b(is)0 2220 y(violated.)908 b(This)507 b(kind)g(of)h(violation) +i(is)c(acceptable;)578 b(in)507 b(fact,)543 b(it)507 +b(is)g(often)h(imp)31 b(ossible)0 3575 y(to)471 b(mo)31 +b(dify)471 b(an)f(ob)61 b(ject)472 b(without)g(violating)h(an)d(in)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)472 b(for)e(at)h(least)g(a)f(little)i(while.)0 +4930 y(Normally)-92 b(,)355 b(w)-31 b(e)349 b(require)f(that)i(ev)-31 +b(ery)348 b(metho)31 b(d)349 b(that)h(violates)g(an)f(in)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)350 b(m)-31 b(ust)349 b(restore)0 +6285 y(the)369 b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t.)0 8450 +y(If)433 b(there)h(is)g(an)-31 b(y)434 b(signi\257can)-31 +b(t)436 b(stretc)-31 b(h)434 b(of)g(co)31 b(de)434 b(in)f(whic)-31 +b(h)435 b(the)f(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)436 b(is)d(violated,)453 +b(it)0 9805 y(is)466 b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)468 b(for)e(the)g(commen) +-31 b(ts)468 b(to)e(mak)-31 b(e)468 b(that)f(clear,)491 +b(so)466 b(that)h(no)f(op)31 b(erations)467 b(are)0 11160 +y(p)31 b(erformed)369 b(that)h(dep)31 b(end)369 b(on)g(the)h(in)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t.)0 15671 y Fl(17.11)1792 b(Glossary)0 +18169 y Fv(em)-35 b(b)35 b(edded)426 b(reference:)556 +b Fn(A)369 b(reference)f(stored)h(in)h(an)f(attribute)i(of)f(an)f(ob)61 +b(ject.)0 20410 y Fv(link)-35 b(ed)424 b(list:)552 b +Fn(A)362 b(data)h(structure)f(that)h(implemen)-31 b(ts)363 +b(a)f(collection)j(using)d(a)g(sequence)f(of)2767 21765 +y(link)-31 b(ed)371 b(no)31 b(des.)0 24005 y Fv(no)k(de:)555 +b Fn(An)409 b(elemen)-31 b(t)410 b(of)g(a)f(list,)421 +b(usually)410 b(implemen)-31 b(ted)411 b(as)e(an)g(ob)61 +b(ject)411 b(that)f(con)-31 b(tains)411 b(a)2767 25360 +y(reference)369 b(to)h(another)g(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(of)g(the)f(same)h +(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)0 27601 y Fv(cargo:)554 b Fn(An)369 +b(item)i(of)e(data)i(con)-31 b(tained)371 b(in)e(a)h(no)31 +b(de.)0 29841 y Fv(link:)552 b Fn(An)370 b(em)-31 b(b)31 +b(edded)369 b(reference)f(used)h(to)h(link)g(one)f(ob)61 +b(ject)371 b(to)f(another.)0 32082 y Fv(precondition:)555 +b Fn(An)398 b(assertion)h(that)h(m)-31 b(ust)398 b(b)31 +b(e)398 b(true)g(in)h(order)f(for)g(a)h(metho)31 b(d)399 +b(to)g(w)-31 b(ork)2767 33437 y(correctly)-92 b(.)0 35677 +y Fv(fundamen)-35 b(tal)424 b(am)-35 b(biguit)g(y)424 +b(theorem:)555 b Fn(A)339 b(reference)g(to)h(a)g(list)h(no)31 +b(de)339 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)339 b(treated)2767 37032 y(as)370 +b(a)f(single)h(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(or)e(as)g(the)g(\257rst)g(in)g(a)h +(list)g(of)g(no)31 b(des.)0 39272 y Fv(singleton:)554 +b Fn(A)370 b(link)-31 b(ed)370 b(list)g(with)g(a)g(single)g(no)31 +b(de.)0 41513 y Fv(wrapp)k(er:)555 b Fn(A)414 b(metho)31 +b(d)416 b(that)f(acts)g(as)g(a)f(middleman)j(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)415 b(a)g(caller)g(and)g(a)f(help)31 b(er)2767 +42868 y(metho)g(d,)371 b(often)f(making)h(the)f(metho)31 +b(d)370 b(easier)f(or)g(less)g(error-prone)f(to)i(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(e.)0 45108 y Fv(help)35 b(er:)555 b Fn(A)276 +b(metho)31 b(d)278 b(that)g(is)f(not)h(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)278 +b(directly)g(b)-31 b(y)277 b(a)g(caller)h(but)f(is)g(used)f(b)-31 +b(y)277 b(another)2767 46463 y(metho)31 b(d)371 b(to)e(p)31 +b(erform)369 b(part)h(of)g(an)f(op)31 b(eration.)0 48704 +y Fv(in)-35 b(v)-71 b(arian)-35 b(t:)552 b Fn(An)423 +b(assertion)g(that)h(should)f(b)31 b(e)422 b(true)g(of)h(an)g(ob)61 +b(ject)424 b(at)g(all)g(times)f(\(except)2767 50059 y(p)31 +b(erhaps)369 b(while)h(the)g(ob)61 b(ject)370 b(is)f(b)31 +b(eing)370 b(mo)31 b(di\257ed\).)p eop +%%Page: 189 215 +189 214 bop 0 10118 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(18)0 16615 y Fo(Stac)-86 +b(ks)0 23971 y Fl(18.1)1792 b(Abstract)600 b(data)e(t)-50 +b(yp)50 b(es)0 26590 y Fn(The)373 b(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(es)373 b(y)-31 b(ou)373 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)373 b(seen)f(so)g(far)h(are) +f(all)i(concrete,)g(in)e(the)h(sense)e(that)j(w)-31 b(e)373 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 27945 y(completely)460 b(sp)31 b(eci\257ed)457 +b(ho)-31 b(w)458 b(they)g(are)f(implemen)-31 b(ted.)759 +b(F)-92 b(or)456 b(example,)482 b(the)457 b Fk(Card)h +Fn(class)0 29299 y(represen)-31 b(ts)417 b(a)h(card)g(using)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)420 b(in)-31 b(tegers.)640 b(As)417 b(w)-31 b(e)419 +b(discussed)e(at)i(the)f(time,)432 b(that)419 b(is)f(not)0 +30654 y(the)369 b(only)i(w)-31 b(a)g(y)370 b(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)369 b(a)g(card;)h(there)f(are)g(man)-31 b(y)370 b(alternativ)-31 +b(e)372 b(implemen)-31 b(tations.)0 32905 y(An)450 b +Fv(abstract)518 b(data)f(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)p Fn(,)472 +b(or)450 b(ADT,)h(sp)31 b(eci\257es)449 b(a)i(set)f(of)h(op)31 +b(erations)451 b(\(or)g(metho)31 b(ds\))0 34260 y(and)354 +b(the)f(seman)-31 b(tics)355 b(of)f(the)f(op)31 b(erations)355 +b(\(what)g(they)f(do\),)j(but)d(it)g(do)31 b(es)353 b(not)h(sp)31 +b(ecify)354 b(the)0 35615 y(implemen)-31 b(tation)373 +b(of)d(the)g(op)31 b(erations.)493 b(That's)371 b(what)f(mak)-31 +b(es)370 b(it)g(abstract.)0 37865 y(Wh)-31 b(y)369 b(is)g(that)i +(useful?)1660 40676 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(It)529 b(simpli\257es)g(the)g +(task)f(of)h(sp)31 b(ecifying)530 b(an)e(algorithm)j(if)e(y)-31 +b(ou)529 b(can)g(denote)g(the)2767 42031 y(op)31 b(erations)349 +b(y)-31 b(ou)348 b(need)f(without)j(ha)-31 b(ving)349 +b(to)f(think)g(at)h(the)e(same)h(time)h(ab)31 b(out)348 +b(ho)-31 b(w)2767 43386 y(the)370 b(op)31 b(erations)370 +b(are)f(p)31 b(erformed.)1660 45785 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Since)493 +b(there)e(are)h(usually)h(man)-31 b(y)493 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)493 +b(to)g(implemen)-31 b(t)494 b(an)e(ADT,)h(it)g(migh)-31 +b(t)493 b(b)31 b(e)2767 47140 y(useful)481 b(to)g(write)g(an)g +(algorithm)i(that)e(can)g(b)31 b(e)480 b(used)g(with)h(an)-31 +b(y)481 b(of)g(the)g(p)31 b(ossible)2767 48495 y(implemen)-31 +b(tations.)1660 50894 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(W)-92 b(ell-kno)-31 +b(wn)388 b(ADTs,)j(suc)-31 b(h)386 b(as)h(the)f(Stac)-31 +b(k)388 b(ADT)e(in)h(this)g(c)-31 b(hapter,)392 b(are)386 +b(often)h(im-)2767 52249 y(plemen)-31 b(ted)396 b(in)f(standard)f +(libraries)h(so)f(they)h(can)g(b)31 b(e)393 b(written)j(once)e(and)h +(used)f(b)-31 b(y)2767 53604 y(man)g(y)371 b(programmers.)1660 +56003 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(The)362 b(op)31 b(erations)363 +b(on)f(ADTs)g(pro)-31 b(vide)362 b(a)h(common)g(high-lev)-31 +b(el)364 b(language)g(for)e(sp)31 b(ec-)2767 57358 y(ifying)371 +b(and)f(talking)h(ab)31 b(out)370 b(algorithms.)p eop +%%Page: 190 216 +190 215 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(190)32757 b(Stac)-35 b(ks)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(When)399 b(w)-31 b(e)400 +b(talk)g(ab)31 b(out)401 b(ADTs,)407 b(w)-31 b(e)400 +b(often)g(distinguish)h(the)e(co)31 b(de)400 b(that)g(uses)f(the)g +(ADT,)0 2220 y(called)518 b(the)f Fv(clien)-35 b(t)517 +b Fn(co)31 b(de,)554 b(from)517 b(the)h(co)31 b(de)517 +b(that)h(implemen)-31 b(ts)519 b(the)e(ADT,)h(called)g(the)0 +3575 y Fv(pro)-35 b(vider)370 b Fn(co)31 b(de.)0 8091 +y Fl(18.2)1792 b(The)599 b(Stac)-50 b(k)599 b(ADT)0 10593 +y Fn(In)488 b(this)i(c)-31 b(hapter,)519 b(w)-31 b(e)490 +b(will)g(lo)31 b(ok)491 b(at)e(one)g(common)i(ADT,)e(the)g +Fv(stac)-35 b(k)p Fn(.)851 b(A)489 b(stac)-31 b(k)490 +b(is)f(a)0 11948 y(collection,)393 b(meaning)387 b(that)g(it)f(is)g(a)g +(data)g(structure)f(that)i(con)-31 b(tains)387 b(m)-31 +b(ultiple)388 b(elemen)-31 b(ts.)0 13302 y(Other)369 +b(collections)i(w)-31 b(e)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(seen)f(include)h +(dictionaries)h(and)e(lists.)0 15469 y(An)487 b(ADT)g(is)g(de\257ned)g +(b)-31 b(y)487 b(the)g(op)31 b(erations)488 b(that)g(can)g(b)31 +b(e)486 b(p)31 b(erformed)487 b(on)g(it,)518 b(whic)-31 +b(h)488 b(is)0 16824 y(called)370 b(an)g Fv(in)-35 b(terface)p +Fn(.)493 b(The)369 b(in)-31 b(terface)370 b(for)g(a)f(stac)-31 +b(k)370 b(consists)g(of)f(these)g(op)31 b(erations:)p +70 19473 349 45 v 488 19473 V 837 19473 a Fk(init)p 3231 +19473 V 3650 19473 V 837 w Fv(:)553 b Fn(Initialize)372 +b(a)d(new)h(empt)-31 b(y)370 b(stac)-31 b(k.)0 21717 +y Fk(push)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Add)369 b(a)g(new)h(item)g(to)g(the)g(stac) +-31 b(k.)0 23961 y Fk(pop)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Remo)-31 b(v)g(e)399 +b(and)g(return)e(an)i(item)g(from)g(the)g(stac)-31 b(k.)581 +b(The)398 b(item)i(that)f(is)f(returned)g(is)2767 25316 +y(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)372 b(the)d(last)h(one)g(that)g(w)-31 +b(as)370 b(added.)0 27560 y Fk(isEmpty)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Chec)-31 +b(k)370 b(whether)f(the)h(stac)-31 b(k)370 b(is)f(empt)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 30209 y(A)288 b(stac)-31 b(k)288 b(is)g(sometimes)h +(called)g(a)f(\\last)i(in,)304 b(\257rst)288 b(out")h(or)e(LIF)-31 +b(O)287 b(data)i(structure,)304 b(b)31 b(ecause)0 31564 +y(the)369 b(last)i(item)f(added)f(is)g(the)h(\257rst)f(to)g(b)31 +b(e)369 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed.)0 36080 y Fl(18.3)1792 b(Implemen)-50 +b(ting)600 b(stac)-50 b(ks)600 b(with)e(Python)h(lists)0 +38582 y Fn(The)534 b(list)h(op)31 b(erations)536 b(that)f(Python)g(pro) +-31 b(vides)535 b(are)f(similar)h(to)g(the)f(op)31 b(erations)536 +b(that)0 39937 y(de\257ne)334 b(a)g(stac)-31 b(k.)482 +b(The)335 b(in)-31 b(terface)335 b(isn't)g(exactly)h(what)f(it)g(is)f +(supp)31 b(osed)334 b(to)g(b)31 b(e,)342 b(but)334 b(w)-31 +b(e)335 b(can)0 41292 y(write)370 b(co)31 b(de)369 b(to)h(translate)h +(from)e(the)h(Stac)-31 b(k)370 b(ADT)f(to)h(the)g(built-in)h(op)31 +b(erations.)0 43459 y(This)554 b(co)31 b(de)555 b(is)f(called)h(an)f +Fv(implemen)-35 b(tation)554 b Fn(of)h(the)f(Stac)-31 +b(k)556 b(ADT.)e(In)g(general,)602 b(an)0 44814 y(implemen)-31 +b(tation)554 b(is)c(a)g(set)f(of)i(metho)31 b(ds)550 +b(that)h(satisfy)g(the)f(syn)-31 b(tactic)551 b(and)f(seman)-31 +b(tic)0 46169 y(requiremen)g(ts)370 b(of)f(an)h(in)-31 +b(terface.)0 48335 y(Here)369 b(is)g(an)g(implemen)-31 +b(tation)374 b(of)369 b(the)h(Stac)-31 b(k)370 b(ADT)g(that)g(uses)e(a) +i(Python)g(list:)0 50584 y Fk(class)582 b(Stack)g(:)1162 +51938 y(def)g(__init__\(self\))h(:)2325 53293 y(self.items)f(=)g([]) +1162 56003 y(def)g(push\(self,)h(item\))e(:)2325 57358 +y(self.items.append\(item\))p eop +%%Page: 191 217 +191 216 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(18.4)425 b(Pushing)h(and)e(p)35 +b(opping)21739 b(191)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1162 2220 a +Fk(def)582 b(pop\(self\))g(:)2325 3575 y(return)g(self.items.pop\(\)) +1162 6285 y(def)g(isEmpty\(self\))h(:)2325 7640 y(return)f +(\(self.items)g(==)g([]\))0 9886 y Fn(A)345 b Fk(Stack)g +Fn(ob)61 b(ject)346 b(con)-31 b(tains)347 b(an)e(attribute)h(named)g +Fk(items)f Fn(that)h(is)f(a)g(list)h(of)f(items)h(in)f(the)0 +11241 y(stac)-31 b(k.)494 b(The)369 b(initialization)374 +b(metho)31 b(d)370 b(sets)f Fk(items)h Fn(to)g(the)f(empt)-31 +b(y)371 b(list.)0 13405 y(T)-92 b(o)447 b(push)f(a)g(new)h(item)g(on) +-31 b(to)448 b(the)f(stac)-31 b(k,)467 b Fk(push)447 +b Fn(app)31 b(ends)446 b(it)h(on)-31 b(to)448 b Fk(items)p +Fn(.)724 b(T)-92 b(o)447 b(p)31 b(op)447 b(an)0 14760 +y(item)315 b(o\256)e(the)h(stac)-31 b(k,)326 b Fk(pop)314 +b Fn(uses)f(the)g(homon)-31 b(ymous)21466 14359 y Ff(1)22279 +14760 y Fn(list)314 b(metho)31 b(d)315 b(to)f(remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)315 b(and)f(return)0 16115 y(the)369 b(last)i(item)f(on)f(the)h +(list.)0 18280 y(Finally)-92 b(,)422 b(to)411 b(c)-31 +b(hec)g(k)411 b(if)g(the)f(stac)-31 b(k)411 b(is)f(empt)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)422 b Fk(isEmpty)411 b Fn(compares)g Fk(items)f +Fn(to)h(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)0 19635 y(list.)0 21800 y(An)312 +b(implemen)-31 b(tation)316 b(lik)-31 b(e)313 b(this,)324 +b(in)312 b(whic)-31 b(h)312 b(the)g(metho)31 b(ds)312 +b(consist)g(of)h(simple)f(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cations)0 +23155 y(of)383 b(existing)g(metho)31 b(ds,)387 b(is)382 +b(called)h(a)f Fv(v)-35 b(eneer)p Fn(.)533 b(In)381 b(real)h(life,)387 +b(v)-31 b(eneer)382 b(is)g(a)g(thin)h(coating)h(of)0 +24510 y(go)31 b(o)g(d)374 b(qualit)-31 b(y)375 b(w)-31 +b(o)31 b(o)g(d)374 b(used)f(in)g(furniture-making)j(to)d(hide)h(lo)-31 +b(w)g(er)374 b(qualit)-31 b(y)376 b(w)-31 b(o)31 b(o)g(d)374 +b(under-)0 25865 y(neath.)495 b(Computer)371 b(scien)-31 +b(tists)371 b(use)e(this)i(metaphor)g(to)f(describ)31 +b(e)369 b(a)h(small)i(piece)e(of)g(co)31 b(de)0 27220 +y(that)488 b(hides)e(the)h(details)h(of)f(an)g(implemen)-31 +b(tation)491 b(and)c(pro)-31 b(vides)487 b(a)g(simpler,)517 +b(or)487 b(more)0 28575 y(standard,)370 b(in)-31 b(terface.)0 +33085 y Fl(18.4)1792 b(Pushing)599 b(and)f(p)50 b(opping)0 +35583 y Fn(A)377 b(stac)-31 b(k)379 b(is)e(a)g Fv(generic)435 +b(data)f(structure)p Fn(,)381 b(whic)-31 b(h)378 b(means)g(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)378 b(can)g(add)f(an)-31 b(y)378 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)0 36938 y(of)383 b(item)h(to)f(it.)534 b(The)383 +b(follo)-31 b(wing)386 b(example)e(pushes)e(t)-31 b(w)g(o)384 +b(in)-31 b(tegers)384 b(and)f(a)f(string)i(on)-31 b(to)384 +b(the)0 38293 y(stac)-31 b(k:)0 40539 y Fk(>>>)582 b(s)f(=)g(Stack\(\)) +0 41894 y(>>>)h(s.push\(54\))0 43249 y(>>>)g(s.push\(45\))0 +44604 y(>>>)g(s.push\("+"\))0 46850 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)352 +b(can)g(use)g Fk(isEmpty)h Fn(and)f Fk(pop)h Fn(to)g(remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)353 b(and)g(prin)-31 b(t)353 b(all)g(of)g(the)f(items)i(on)e +(the)h(stac)-31 b(k:)0 49096 y Fk(while)582 b(not)f(s.isEmpty\(\))i(:) +1162 50451 y(print)f(s.pop\(\),)0 52697 y Fn(The)359 +b(output)h(is)f Fk(+)581 b(45)g(54)p Fn(.)490 b(In)358 +b(other)h(w)-31 b(ords,)361 b(w)-31 b(e)360 b(just)f(used)f(a)h(stac) +-31 b(k)359 b(to)h(prin)-31 b(t)359 b(the)g(items)0 54051 +y(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard!)470 b(Gran)-31 b(ted,)310 b(it's)297 +b(not)f(the)f(standard)h(format)h(for)e(prin)-31 b(ting)297 +b(a)f(list,)311 b(but)296 b(b)-31 b(y)296 b(using)0 55406 +y(a)369 b(stac)-31 b(k,)371 b(it)f(w)-31 b(as)370 b(remark)-61 +b(ably)370 b(easy)f(to)h(do.)p 0 56330 15276 45 v 1232 +57046 a Fp(1)1694 57358 y Fb(same-named)p eop +%%Page: 192 218 +192 217 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(192)32757 b(Stac)-35 b(ks)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)397 b(should)g(compare)g(this) +g(bit)g(of)g(co)31 b(de)397 b(to)g(the)g(implemen)-31 +b(tation)401 b(of)c Fk(printBackward)0 2220 y Fn(in)601 +b(Section)g(17.4.)1189 b(There)600 b(is)h(a)f(natural)i(parallel)g(b)31 +b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)602 b(the)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)600 b(v)-31 +b(ersion)0 3575 y(of)692 b Fk(printBackward)g Fn(and)g(the)f(stac)-31 +b(k)692 b(algorithm)h(here.)1458 b(The)691 b(di\256erence)g(is)g(that)0 +4930 y Fk(printBackward)390 b Fn(uses)e(the)h(run)-31 +b(time)389 b(stac)-31 b(k)390 b(to)f(k)-31 b(eep)389 +b(trac)-31 b(k)389 b(of)g(the)g(no)31 b(des)388 b(while)i(it)g(tra-)0 +6285 y(v)-31 b(erses)390 b(the)h(list,)398 b(and)391 +b(then)g(prin)-31 b(ts)391 b(them)h(on)f(the)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)392 b(bac)-31 b(k)392 b(from)f(the)g(recursion.)558 +b(The)0 7640 y(stac)-31 b(k)339 b(algorithm)i(do)31 b(es)339 +b(the)f(same)h(thing,)346 b(except)339 b(that)h(it)f(uses)f(a)g +Fk(Stack)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject)340 b(instead)0 8995 y(of)370 +b(the)f(run)-31 b(time)370 b(stac)-31 b(k.)0 13616 y +Fl(18.5)1792 b(Using)599 b(a)e(stac)-50 b(k)599 b(to)f(ev)-100 +b(aluate)599 b(p)50 b(ost\257x)0 16167 y Fn(In)301 b(most)g +(programming)j(languages,)317 b(mathematical)305 b(expressions)300 +b(are)h(written)h(with)h(the)0 17522 y(op)31 b(erator)380 +b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)380 b(the)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)381 +b(op)31 b(erands,)382 b(as)e(in)f Fk(1+2)p Fn(.)524 b(This)380 +b(format)h(is)e(called)i Fv(in\257x)p Fn(.)523 b(An)0 +18877 y(alternativ)-31 b(e)382 b(used)d(b)-31 b(y)380 +b(some)g(calculators)h(is)f(called)h Fv(p)35 b(ost\257x)p +Fn(.)525 b(In)379 b(p)31 b(ost\257x,)383 b(the)c(op)31 +b(erator)0 20232 y(follo)-31 b(ws)372 b(the)d(op)31 b(erands,)369 +b(as)g(in)h Fk(1)581 b(2)g(+)p Fn(.)0 22434 y(The)324 +b(reason)f(p)31 b(ost\257x)323 b(is)h(sometimes)g(useful)g(is)f(that)h +(there)f(is)h(a)f(natural)i(w)-31 b(a)g(y)324 b(to)h(ev)-61 +b(aluate)0 23789 y(a)369 b(p)31 b(ost\257x)370 b(expression)f(using)g +(a)h(stac)-31 b(k:)1660 26506 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Starting)511 +b(at)e(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)510 b(of)f(the)g(expression,)543 +b(get)510 b(one)f(term)f(\(op)31 b(erator)510 b(or)2767 +27860 y(op)31 b(erand\))370 b(at)g(a)f(time.)4013 29765 +y Fv({)554 b Fn(If)369 b(the)g(term)h(is)f(an)g(op)31 +b(erand,)370 b(push)e(it)i(on)g(the)f(stac)-31 b(k.)4013 +31597 y Fv({)554 b Fn(If)407 b(the)h(term)g(is)f(an)h(op)31 +b(erator,)418 b(p)31 b(op)408 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)409 b(op)31 +b(erands)407 b(o\256)h(the)g(stac)-31 b(k,)418 b(p)31 +b(erform)5203 32951 y(the)369 b(op)31 b(eration)371 b(on)e(them,)i(and) +e(push)g(the)g(result)g(bac)-31 b(k)370 b(on)g(the)f(stac)-31 +b(k.)1660 35261 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(When)428 b(y)-31 b(ou)428 +b(get)g(to)h(the)f(end)f(of)h(the)g(expression,)443 b(there)427 +b(should)h(b)31 b(e)427 b(exactly)j(one)2767 36616 y(op)31 +b(erand)370 b(left)g(on)f(the)h(stac)-31 b(k.)493 b(That)371 +b(op)31 b(erand)369 b(is)g(the)g(result.)2767 39332 y +Fm(As)396 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)397 b(apply)f(this)g(algorithm)f(to)h +(the)g(expr)-57 b(ession)395 b Fk(1)582 b(2)f(+)g(3)h(*)p +Fm(.)0 42049 y Fn(This)402 b(example)h(demonstrates)g(one)e(of)i(the)e +(adv)-61 b(an)-31 b(tages)404 b(of)e(p)31 b(ost\257x|there)402 +b(is)f(no)h(need)0 43404 y(to)359 b(use)e(paren)-31 b(theses)358 +b(to)h(con)-31 b(trol)360 b(the)e(order)g(of)g(op)31 +b(erations.)490 b(T)-92 b(o)359 b(get)g(the)f(same)h(result)f(in)0 +44759 y(in\257x,)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(w)-31 b(ould)370 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 b(to)f(write)g Fk(\(1)581 b(+)g(2\))h(*)f(3)p +Fn(.)2767 47476 y Fm(As)353 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)363 +b(write)353 b(a)f(p)-57 b(ost\257x)353 b(expr)-57 b(ession)352 +b(that)h(is)g(e)-57 b(quivalent)354 b(to)f Fk(1)581 b(+)h(2)2767 +48831 y(*)g(3)p Fm(.)0 53453 y Fl(18.6)1792 b(P)-50 b(arsing)0 +56003 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)274 b(implemen)-31 b(t)275 b(the)f(previous)f +(algorithm,)295 b(w)-31 b(e)274 b(need)f(to)h(b)31 b(e)273 +b(able)g(to)h(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)274 b(a)f(string)h(and)0 +57358 y(break)412 b(it)h(in)-31 b(to)414 b(op)31 b(erands)412 +b(and)g(op)31 b(erators.)622 b(This)413 b(pro)31 b(cess)411 +b(is)h(an)g(example)i(of)f Fv(parsing)p Fn(,)p eop +%%Page: 193 219 +193 218 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(18.7)425 b(Ev)-71 b(aluating)425 +b(p)35 b(ost\257x)23487 b(193)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 +865 a Fn(and)436 b(the)h(results|the)f(individual)i(c)-31 +b(h)g(unks)436 b(of)h(the)f(string|are)h(called)g Fv(tok)-35 +b(ens)p Fn(.)694 b(Y)-92 b(ou)0 2220 y(migh)-31 b(t)371 +b(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)369 b(these)g(w)-31 b(ords)370 +b(from)f(Chapter)h(1.)0 4991 y(Python)265 b(pro)-31 b(vides)264 +b(a)g Fk(split)g Fn(metho)31 b(d)265 b(in)e(b)31 b(oth)265 +b(the)e Fk(string)i Fn(and)f Fk(re)f Fn(\(regular)i(expression\))0 +6346 y(mo)31 b(dules.)696 b(The)436 b(function)i Fk(string.split)h +Fn(splits)e(a)g(string)g(in)-31 b(to)438 b(a)f(list)g(using)g(a)g +(single)0 7701 y(c)-31 b(haracter)370 b(as)f(a)g Fv(delimiter)p +Fn(.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example:)0 10553 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(import)g(string)0 11908 y(>>>)g(string.split\("Now)h(is)f(the)f +(time",")i("\))0 13262 y(['Now',)f('is',)g('the',)g('time'])0 +16114 y Fn(In)422 b(this)h(case,)437 b(the)423 b(delimiter)h(is)f(the)g +(space)g(c)-31 b(haracter,)437 b(so)422 b(the)h(string)h(is)e(split)i +(at)f(eac)-31 b(h)0 17469 y(space.)0 20240 y(The)427 +b(function)h Fk(re.split)g Fn(is)e(more)h(p)31 b(o)-31 +b(w)g(erful,)443 b(allo)-31 b(wing)430 b(us)c(to)i(pro)-31 +b(vide)427 b(a)g(regular)g(ex-)0 21595 y(pression)336 +b(instead)i(of)f(a)g(delimiter.)483 b(A)337 b(regular)g(expression)f +(is)h(a)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)338 b(of)f(sp)31 b(ecifying)338 +b(a)f(set)0 22950 y(of)425 b(strings.)659 b(F)-92 b(or)423 +b(example,)440 b Fk([A-z])425 b Fn(is)g(the)f(set)h(of)g(all)g(letters) +g(and)g Fk([0-9])g Fn(is)f(the)h(set)f(of)0 24305 y(all)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers.)651 b(The)423 b Fk(^)f Fn(op)31 b(erator)423 +b(negates)g(a)g(set,)436 b(so)422 b Fk([^0-9])h Fn(is)g(the)f(set)h(of) +f(ev)-31 b(erything)0 25660 y(that)337 b(is)f(not)g(a)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)343 b(whic)-31 b(h)336 b(is)g(exactly)h(the)f(set)g +(w)-31 b(e)336 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)338 b(to)e(use)f(to)i(split)f(up)g(p)31 +b(ost\257x)0 27015 y(expressions:)0 29867 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(import)g(re)0 31222 y(>>>)g(re.split\("\([^0-9]\)",)i("123+456*/"\))0 +32576 y(['123',)e('+',)g('456',)g('*',)g('',)f('/',)h(''])0 +35428 y Fn(Notice)516 b(that)f(the)g(order)f(of)h(the)f(argumen)-31 +b(ts)516 b(is)e(di\256eren)-31 b(t)515 b(from)g Fk(string.split)p +Fn(;)589 b(the)0 36783 y(delimiter)371 b(comes)e(b)31 +b(efore)369 b(the)h(string.)0 39554 y(The)413 b(resulting)g(list)g +(includes)g(the)g(op)31 b(erands)412 b Fk(123)h Fn(and)f +Fk(456)h Fn(and)g(the)g(op)31 b(erators)412 b Fk(*)h +Fn(and)0 40909 y Fk(/)p Fn(.)493 b(It)369 b(also)h(includes)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)371 b(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(strings)e(that)h(are)f(inserted)g +(after)h(the)g(op)31 b(erands.)0 47237 y Fl(18.7)1792 +b(Ev)-100 b(aluating)599 b(p)50 b(ost\257x)0 50584 y +Fn(T)-92 b(o)283 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)285 b(a)e(p)31 b(ost\257x)283 +b(expression,)301 b(w)-31 b(e)283 b(will)i(use)d(the)h(parser)f(from)i +(the)f(previous)g(section)0 51938 y(and)460 b(the)h(algorithm)h(from)f +(the)f(section)h(b)31 b(efore)460 b(that.)766 b(T)-92 +b(o)461 b(k)-31 b(eep)460 b(things)h(simple,)484 b(w)-31 +b(e'll)0 53293 y(start)370 b(with)g(an)f(ev)-61 b(aluator)371 +b(that)g(only)f(implemen)-31 b(ts)371 b(the)e(op)31 b(erators)370 +b Fk(+)f Fn(and)g Fk(*)p Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 194 220 +194 219 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(194)32757 b(Stac)-35 b(ks)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(evalPostfix\(expr\):)1162 +2220 y(import)g(re)1162 3575 y(tokenList)h(=)e(re.split\("\([^0-9]\)",) +j(expr\))1162 4930 y(stack)e(=)f(Stack\(\))1162 6285 +y(for)h(token)g(in)f(tokenList:)2325 7640 y(if)1162 b(token)582 +b(==)g('')f(or)g(token)h(==)g(')f(':)3487 8995 y(continue)2325 +10350 y(if)1162 b(token)582 b(==)g('+':)3487 11705 y(sum)f(=)h +(stack.pop\(\))h(+)e(stack.pop\(\))3487 13059 y(stack.push\(sum\))2325 +14414 y(elif)g(token)h(==)g('*':)3487 15769 y(product)g(=)f +(stack.pop\(\))i(*)e(stack.pop\(\))3487 17124 y(stack.push\(product\)) +2325 18479 y(else:)3487 19834 y(stack.push\(int\(token\)\))1162 +21189 y(return)h(stack.pop\(\))0 23395 y Fn(The)403 b(\257rst)g +(condition)i(tak)-31 b(es)404 b(care)f(of)g(spaces)g(and)g(empt)-31 +b(y)404 b(strings.)594 b(The)403 b(next)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)405 +b(con-)0 24750 y(ditions)425 b(handle)f(op)31 b(erators.)655 +b(W)-92 b(e)422 b(assume,)437 b(for)424 b(no)-31 b(w,)438 +b(that)424 b(an)-31 b(ything)426 b(else)d(m)-31 b(ust)424 +b(b)31 b(e)423 b(an)0 26105 y(op)31 b(erand.)492 b(Of)366 +b(course,)g(it)h(w)-31 b(ould)368 b(b)31 b(e)366 b(b)31 +b(etter)366 b(to)h(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)366 b(for)h(erroneous)e(input)i(and) +f(rep)31 b(ort)0 27460 y(an)369 b(error)g(message,)h(but)f(w)-31 +b(e'll)371 b(get)f(to)g(that)h(later.)0 29586 y(Let's)e(test)h(it)g(b) +-31 b(y)369 b(ev)-61 b(aluating)372 b(the)d(p)31 b(ost\257x)370 +b(form)g(of)f Fk(\(56+47\)*2)p Fn(:)0 31792 y Fk(>>>)582 +b(print)f(evalPostfix)i(\("56)f(47)f(+)h(2)f(*"\))0 33147 +y(206)0 35354 y Fn(That's)371 b(close)e(enough.)0 39809 +y Fl(18.8)1792 b(Clien)-50 b(ts)600 b(and)e(pro)-50 b(viders)0 +42268 y Fn(One)506 b(of)g(the)h(fundamen)-31 b(tal)508 +b(goals)g(of)e(an)g(ADT)g(is)g(to)h(separate)g(the)f(in)-31 +b(terests)506 b(of)h(the)0 43623 y(pro)-31 b(vider,)449 +b(who)434 b(writes)f(the)g(co)31 b(de)432 b(that)i(implemen)-31 +b(ts)435 b(the)e(ADT,)g(and)g(the)g(clien)-31 b(t,)450 +b(who)0 44978 y(uses)441 b(the)h(ADT.)h(The)f(pro)-31 +b(vider)442 b(only)h(has)f(to)h(w)-31 b(orry)442 b(ab)31 +b(out)443 b(whether)f(the)g(implemen-)0 46333 y(tation)366 +b(is)d(correct|in)h(accord)g(with)h(the)e(sp)31 b(eci\257cation)365 +b(of)f(the)g(ADT|and)g(not)h(ho)-31 b(w)364 b(it)0 47688 +y(will)371 b(b)31 b(e)369 b(used.)0 49813 y(Con)-31 b(v)g(ersely)-92 +b(,)429 b(the)415 b(clien)-31 b(t)417 b Fm(assumes)e +Fn(that)h(the)g(implemen)-31 b(tation)420 b(of)c(the)f(ADT)h(is)f +(correct)0 51168 y(and)539 b(do)31 b(esn't)540 b(w)-31 +b(orry)540 b(ab)31 b(out)540 b(the)f(details.)1004 b(When)539 +b(y)-31 b(ou)540 b(are)f(using)g(one)h(of)f(Python's)0 +52523 y(built-in)371 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es,)370 b(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(the)f(luxury)h(of)f(thinking)i +(exclusiv)-31 b(ely)371 b(as)f(a)f(clien)-31 b(t.)0 54648 +y(Of)386 b(course,)391 b(when)386 b(y)-31 b(ou)387 b(implemen)-31 +b(t)389 b(an)d(ADT,)h(y)-31 b(ou)387 b(also)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)387 b(to)g(write)g(clien)-31 b(t)388 b(co)31 +b(de)386 b(to)0 56003 y(test)403 b(it.)592 b(In)402 b(that)i(case,)410 +b(y)-31 b(ou)403 b(pla)-31 b(y)404 b(b)31 b(oth)403 b(roles,)411 +b(whic)-31 b(h)403 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)402 b(confusing.)593 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)403 b(should)0 57358 y(mak)-31 b(e)370 b(some)g(e\256ort)f +(to)h(k)-31 b(eep)370 b(trac)-31 b(k)370 b(of)f(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(role)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(pla)-31 b(ying)371 +b(at)f(an)-31 b(y)370 b(momen)-31 b(t.)p eop +%%Page: 195 221 +195 220 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(18.9)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(195)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(18.9)1792 b(Glossary)0 +3364 y Fv(abstract)424 b(data)h(t)-35 b(yp)35 b(e)425 +b(\(ADT\):)553 b Fn(A)567 b(data)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)568 +b(\(usually)h(a)f(collection)i(of)e(ob)61 b(jects\))2767 +4719 y(that)511 b(is)e(de\257ned)h(b)-31 b(y)509 b(a)h(set)f(of)h(op)31 +b(erations)511 b(but)f(that)g(can)g(b)31 b(e)509 b(implemen)-31 +b(ted)512 b(in)2767 6074 y(a)370 b(v)-61 b(ariet)-31 +b(y)370 b(of)g(w)-31 b(a)g(ys.)0 8314 y Fv(in)c(terface:)553 +b Fn(The)370 b(set)f(of)h(op)31 b(erations)370 b(that)g(de\257ne)f(an)h +(ADT.)0 10555 y Fv(implemen)-35 b(tation:)553 b Fn(Co)31 +b(de)329 b(that)h(satis\257es)f(the)g(syn)-31 b(tactic)330 +b(and)f(seman)-31 b(tic)331 b(requiremen)-31 b(ts)2767 +11910 y(of)370 b(an)g(in)-31 b(terface.)0 14150 y Fv(clien)c(t:)552 +b Fn(A)370 b(program)g(\(or)f(the)h(p)31 b(erson)368 +b(who)i(wrote)g(it\))g(that)h(uses)d(an)h(ADT.)0 16391 +y Fv(pro)-35 b(vider:)554 b Fn(The)370 b(co)31 b(de)369 +b(\(or)g(the)h(p)31 b(erson)368 b(who)i(wrote)g(it\))g(that)h(implemen) +-31 b(ts)371 b(an)e(ADT.)0 18631 y Fv(v)-35 b(eneer:)554 +b Fn(A)453 b(class)g(de\257nition)i(that)f(implemen)-31 +b(ts)455 b(an)f(ADT)e(with)j(metho)31 b(d)454 b(de\257nitions)2767 +19986 y(that)313 b(are)e(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cations)314 +b(of)d(other)h(metho)31 b(ds,)324 b(sometimes)312 b(with)h(simple)f +(transforma-)2767 21341 y(tions.)465 b(The)282 b(v)-31 +b(eneer)282 b(do)31 b(es)282 b(no)g(signi\257can)-31 +b(t)284 b(w)-31 b(ork,)301 b(but)282 b(it)h(impro)-31 +b(v)g(es)284 b(or)d(standardizes)2767 22696 y(the)370 +b(in)-31 b(terface)370 b(seen)f(b)-31 b(y)369 b(the)h(clien)-31 +b(t.)0 24936 y Fv(generic)426 b(data)e(structure:)554 +b Fn(A)477 b(kind)h(of)f(data)h(structure)f(that)h(can)f(con)-31 +b(tain)479 b(data)f(of)2767 26291 y(an)-31 b(y)370 b(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e.)0 28532 y Fv(in\257x:)553 b Fn(A)410 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)411 b(of)g(writing)h(mathematical)i(expressions)409 +b(with)j(the)e(op)31 b(erators)410 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)2767 +29887 y(the)370 b(op)31 b(erands.)0 32127 y Fv(p)k(ost\257x:)554 +b Fn(A)448 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)450 b(of)e(writing)i(mathematical)i +(expressions)c(with)h(the)f(op)31 b(erators)448 b(after)2767 +33482 y(the)370 b(op)31 b(erands.)0 35723 y Fv(parse:)554 +b Fn(T)-92 b(o)475 b(read)f(a)h(string)f(of)h(c)-31 b(haracters)475 +b(or)f(tok)-31 b(ens)475 b(and)g(analyze)g(its)g(grammatical)2767 +37078 y(structure.)0 39318 y Fv(tok)-35 b(en:)554 b Fn(A)424 +b(set)f(of)i(c)-31 b(haracters)424 b(that)h(are)f(treated)g(as)g(a)g +(unit)h(for)f(purp)31 b(oses)423 b(of)h(parsing,)2767 +40673 y(suc)-31 b(h)369 b(as)g(the)h(w)-31 b(ords)369 +b(in)h(a)f(natural)h(language.)0 42913 y Fv(delimiter:)553 +b Fn(A)343 b(c)-31 b(haracter)344 b(that)h(is)e(used)g(to)h(separate)f +(tok)-31 b(ens,)350 b(suc)-31 b(h)343 b(as)g(punctuation)j(in)2767 +44268 y(a)370 b(natural)g(language.)p eop +%%Page: 196 222 +196 221 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(196)32757 b(Stac)-35 b(ks)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 197 223 +197 222 bop 0 9955 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(19)0 16288 y Fo(Queues)0 +22803 y Fn(This)275 b(c)-31 b(hapter)276 b(presen)-31 +b(ts)274 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)276 b(ADTs:)446 b(the)275 b(Queue)f(and)h(the) +g(Priorit)-31 b(y)277 b(Queue.)461 b(In)274 b(real)h(life,)0 +24158 y(a)250 b Fv(queue)h Fn(is)f(a)g(line)h(of)f(customers)g(w)-31 +b(aiting)253 b(for)d(service)g(of)g(some)g(kind.)454 +b(In)249 b(most)i(cases,)274 b(the)0 25513 y(\257rst)400 +b(customer)h(in)f(line)h(is)f(the)h(next)g(customer)g(to)g(b)31 +b(e)400 b(serv)-31 b(ed.)585 b(There)400 b(are)g(exceptions,)0 +26868 y(though.)787 b(A)-31 b(t)467 b(airp)31 b(orts,)492 +b(customers)467 b(whose)g(\260igh)-31 b(ts)468 b(are)f(lea)-31 +b(ving)469 b(so)31 b(on)467 b(are)f(sometimes)0 28223 +y(tak)-31 b(en)368 b(from)f(the)f(middle)i(of)f(the)f(queue.)492 +b(A)-31 b(t)367 b(sup)31 b(ermark)-31 b(ets,)368 b(a)e(p)31 +b(olite)368 b(customer)f(migh)-31 b(t)0 29578 y(let)370 +b(someone)g(with)g(only)h(a)e(few)h(items)g(go)g(\257rst.)0 +31665 y(The)431 b(rule)f(that)i(determines)f(who)h(go)31 +b(es)431 b(next)g(is)f(called)i(the)f Fv(queueing)497 +b(p)35 b(olicy)p Fn(.)677 b(The)0 33020 y(simplest)366 +b(queueing)g(p)31 b(olicy)366 b(is)f(called)i Fv(FIF)-35 +b(O)p Fn(,)365 b(for)g(\\\257rst-in-\257rst-out.")492 +b(The)366 b(most)g(gen-)0 34374 y(eral)c(queueing)h(p)31 +b(olicy)363 b(is)f Fv(priorit)-35 b(y)416 b(queueing)p +Fn(,)365 b(in)d(whic)-31 b(h)363 b(eac)-31 b(h)362 b(customer)h(is)e +(assigned)0 35729 y(a)465 b(priorit)-31 b(y)466 b(and)f(the)f(customer) +h(with)h(the)f(highest)g(priorit)-31 b(y)466 b(go)31 +b(es)465 b(\257rst,)488 b(regardless)464 b(of)0 37084 +y(the)354 b(order)f(of)h(arriv)-61 b(al.)488 b(W)-92 +b(e)353 b(sa)-31 b(y)355 b(this)f(is)f(the)h(most)h(general)f(p)31 +b(olicy)355 b(b)31 b(ecause)354 b(the)g(priorit)-31 b(y)0 +38439 y(can)438 b(b)31 b(e)437 b(based)g(on)h(an)-31 +b(ything:)631 b(what)439 b(time)g(a)e(\260igh)-31 b(t)439 +b(lea)-31 b(v)g(es;)473 b(ho)-31 b(w)439 b(man)-31 b(y)439 +b(gro)31 b(ceries)437 b(the)0 39794 y(customer)i(has;)475 +b(or)439 b(ho)-31 b(w)440 b(imp)31 b(ortan)-31 b(t)441 +b(the)e(customer)g(is.)703 b(Of)439 b(course,)456 b(not)440 +b(all)g(queueing)0 41149 y(p)31 b(olicies)370 b(are)f(\\fair,")i(but)f +(fairness)f(is)g(in)g(the)h(ey)-31 b(e)369 b(of)h(the)f(b)31 +b(eholder.)0 43236 y(The)338 b(Queue)f(ADT)g(and)h(the)g(Priorit)-31 +b(y)339 b(Queue)e(ADT)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)338 b(the)g(same)g(set)f(of)h +(op)31 b(erations.)0 44591 y(The)485 b(di\256erence)f(is)h(in)g(the)g +(seman)-31 b(tics)486 b(of)f(the)g(op)31 b(erations:)725 +b(a)485 b(queue)f(uses)g(the)h(FIF)-31 b(O)0 45946 y(p)31 +b(olicy;)424 b(and)405 b(a)g(priorit)-31 b(y)406 b(queue)e(\(as)h(the)g +(name)g(suggests\))h(uses)d(the)i(priorit)-31 b(y)406 +b(queueing)0 47301 y(p)31 b(olicy)-92 b(.)0 51702 y Fl(19.1)1792 +b(The)599 b(Queue)f(ADT)0 54123 y Fn(The)369 b(Queue)g(ADT)h(is)f +(de\257ned)g(b)-31 b(y)369 b(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)373 +b(op)31 b(erations:)p 70 56545 349 45 v 488 56545 V 837 +56545 a Fk(init)p 3231 56545 V 3650 56545 V 837 w Fv(:)553 +b Fn(Initialize)372 b(a)d(new)h(empt)-31 b(y)370 b(queue.)0 +58713 y Fk(insert)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Add)369 b(a)h(new)f(item)h(to)g(the)g +(queue.)p eop +%%Page: 198 224 +198 223 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(198)32242 b(Queues)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(remove)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)324 b(and)f(return)f(an)h(item)h(from)g(the)f(queue.)477 +b(The)323 b(item)h(that)g(is)f(returned)2767 2220 y(is)370 +b(the)f(\257rst)g(one)g(that)h(w)-31 b(as)370 b(added.)0 +4253 y Fk(isEmpty)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Chec)-31 b(k)370 b(whether)f(the)h +(queue)f(is)g(empt)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)0 8450 y Fl(19.2)1792 +b(Link)-50 b(ed)600 b(Queue)0 10725 y Fn(The)390 b(\257rst)f(implemen) +-31 b(tation)394 b(of)c(the)g(Queue)f(ADT)h(w)-31 b(e)390 +b(will)i(lo)31 b(ok)391 b(at)f(is)g(called)h(a)f Fv(link)-35 +b(ed)0 12080 y(queue)309 b Fn(b)31 b(ecause)307 b(it)h(is)g(made)g(up)f +(of)i(link)-31 b(ed)308 b Fk(Node)g Fn(ob)61 b(jects.)474 +b(Here)307 b(is)g(the)h(class)g(de\257nition:)0 14102 +y Fk(class)582 b(Queue:)1162 15457 y(def)g(__init__\(self\):)2325 +16812 y(self.length)g(=)g(0)2325 18167 y(self.head)g(=)f(None)1162 +20876 y(def)h(isEmpty\(self\):)2325 22231 y(return)g(\(self.length)h +(==)e(0\))1162 24941 y(def)h(insert\(self,)h(cargo\):)2325 +26296 y(node)e(=)h(Node\(cargo\))2325 27651 y(node.next)g(=)f(None)2325 +29006 y(if)g(self.head)i(==)e(None:)3487 30361 y(#)g(if)h(list)f(is)h +(empty)g(the)f(new)h(node)g(goes)f(first)3487 31716 y(self.head)h(=)g +(node)2325 33071 y(else:)3487 34426 y(#)f(find)h(the)g(last)f(node)h +(in)f(the)h(list)3487 35781 y(last)g(=)f(self.head)3487 +37136 y(while)h(last.next:)g(last)g(=)f(last.next)3487 +38490 y(#)g(append)h(the)g(new)f(node)3487 39845 y(last.next)h(=)g +(node)2325 41200 y(self.length)g(=)g(self.length)g(+)g(1)1162 +43910 y(def)g(remove\(self\):)2325 45265 y(cargo)f(=)h(self.head.cargo) +2325 46620 y(self.head)g(=)f(self.head.next)2325 47975 +y(self.length)h(=)g(self.length)g(-)g(1)2325 49330 y(return)g(cargo)0 +51352 y Fn(The)486 b(metho)31 b(ds)486 b Fk(isEmpty)g +Fn(and)g Fk(remove)g Fn(are)f(iden)-31 b(tical)488 b(to)e(the)g +Fk(LinkedList)g Fn(metho)31 b(ds)0 52707 y Fk(isEmpty)346 +b Fn(and)f Fk(removeFirst)p Fn(.)486 b(The)346 b Fk(insert)f +Fn(metho)31 b(d)346 b(is)f(new)g(and)h(a)f(bit)h(more)f(compli-)0 +54062 y(cated.)0 56003 y(W)-92 b(e)418 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)421 +b(to)e(insert)g(new)g(items)h(at)g(the)f(end)f(of)i(the)f(list.)642 +b(If)419 b(the)g(queue)g(is)g(empt)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)432 +b(w)-31 b(e)0 57358 y(just)369 b(set)g Fk(head)h Fn(to)g(refer)e(to)i +(the)g(new)f(no)31 b(de.)p eop +%%Page: 199 225 +199 224 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(19.3)425 b(P)-35 b(erformance)426 +b(c)-35 b(haracteristics)18200 b(199)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(Otherwise,)418 b(w)-31 b(e)407 b(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erse)408 b(the)g(list)g(to)g(the)f(last)h(no)31 +b(de)408 b(and)f(tac)-31 b(k)409 b(the)e(new)h(no)31 +b(de)407 b(on)h(the)0 2220 y(end.)492 b(W)-92 b(e)369 +b(can)g(iden)-31 b(tify)371 b(the)f(last)g(no)31 b(de)369 +b(b)31 b(ecause)369 b(its)g Fk(next)h Fn(attribute)h(is)e +Fk(None)p Fn(.)0 4399 y(There)520 b(are)f(t)-31 b(w)g(o)522 +b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(ts)521 b(for)f(a)g(prop)31 +b(erly)520 b(formed)g Fk(Queue)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject.)946 +b(The)520 b(v)-61 b(alue)520 b(of)0 5754 y Fk(length)395 +b Fn(should)g(b)31 b(e)394 b(the)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)394 b(of)h(no)31 b(des)394 b(in)h(the)f(queue,)402 +b(and)394 b(the)h(last)g(no)31 b(de)395 b(should)0 7109 +y(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)452 b Fk(next)g Fn(equal)g(to)g Fk(None)p +Fn(.)739 b(Con)-31 b(vince)453 b(y)-31 b(ourself)452 +b(that)h(this)e(metho)31 b(d)453 b(preserv)-31 b(es)449 +b(b)31 b(oth)0 8464 y(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(ts.)0 +13016 y Fl(19.3)1792 b(P)-50 b(erformance)600 b(c)-50 +b(haracteristics)0 15535 y Fn(Normally)424 b(when)d(w)-31 +b(e)422 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)423 b(a)f(metho)31 b(d,)436 +b(w)-31 b(e)422 b(are)f(not)h(concerned)f(with)i(the)f(details)g(of)0 +16890 y(its)519 b(implemen)-31 b(tation.)944 b(But)518 +b(there)g(is)g(one)h(\\detail")i(w)-31 b(e)518 b(migh)-31 +b(t)520 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)520 b(to)f(kno)-31 b(w|the)0 +18245 y(p)31 b(erformance)495 b(c)-31 b(haracteristics)496 +b(of)f(the)f(metho)31 b(d.)870 b(Ho)-31 b(w)496 b(long)f(do)31 +b(es)494 b(it)i(tak)-31 b(e,)527 b(and)495 b(ho)-31 b(w)0 +19599 y(do)31 b(es)369 b(the)g(run)g(time)h(c)-31 b(hange)370 +b(as)f(the)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(items)g(in)f(the)h +(collection)h(increases?)0 21779 y(First)347 b(lo)31 +b(ok)350 b(at)e Fk(remove)p Fn(.)487 b(There)347 b(are)h(no)g(lo)31 +b(ops)349 b(or)e(function)j(calls)e(here,)k(suggesting)e(that)0 +23133 y(the)404 b(run)-31 b(time)404 b(of)g(this)g(metho)31 +b(d)405 b(is)e(the)h(same)g(ev)-31 b(ery)404 b(time.)597 +b(Suc)-31 b(h)403 b(a)h(metho)31 b(d)404 b(is)g(called)h(a)0 +24488 y Fv(constan)-35 b(t-time)339 b Fn(op)31 b(eration.)484 +b(In)337 b(realit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)347 b(the)338 b(metho)31 +b(d)340 b(migh)-31 b(t)340 b(b)31 b(e)338 b(sligh)-31 +b(tly)340 b(faster)f(when)0 25843 y(the)402 b(list)g(is)f(empt)-31 +b(y)403 b(since)e(it)h(skips)f(the)h(b)31 b(o)g(dy)401 +b(of)h(the)f(conditional,)413 b(but)402 b(that)g(di\256erence)0 +27198 y(is)369 b(not)h(signi\257can)-31 b(t.)0 29377 +y(The)447 b(p)31 b(erformance)448 b(of)g Fk(insert)g +Fn(is)f(v)-31 b(ery)447 b(di\256eren)-31 b(t.)727 b(In)447 +b(the)g(general)h(case,)467 b(w)-31 b(e)448 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)448 b(to)0 30732 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)369 b(the)h(list)g(to)g +(\257nd)f(the)g(last)h(elemen)-31 b(t.)0 32911 y(This)267 +b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal)267 b(tak)-31 b(es)267 b(time)h(prop)31 +b(ortional)268 b(to)f(the)f(length)i(of)e(the)h(list.)459 +b(Since)266 b(the)h(run)-31 b(time)0 34266 y(is)337 b(a)g(linear)h +(function)h(of)e(the)h(length,)345 b(this)337 b(metho)31 +b(d)338 b(is)f(called)i Fv(linear)387 b(time)p Fn(.)482 +b(Compared)0 35621 y(to)370 b(constan)-31 b(t)371 b(time,)g(that's)f(v) +-31 b(ery)369 b(bad.)0 40174 y Fl(19.4)1792 b(Impro)-50 +b(v)g(ed)600 b(Link)-50 b(ed)600 b(Queue)0 42692 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)402 b(w)-31 b(ould)405 b(lik)-31 b(e)404 b(an)f(implemen)-31 +b(tation)408 b(of)403 b(the)g(Queue)g(ADT)g(that)h(can)g(p)31 +b(erform)402 b(all)j(op-)0 44047 y(erations)388 b(in)f(constan)-31 +b(t)388 b(time.)546 b(One)387 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)388 b(to)g(do)f(that)h +(is)e(to)i(mo)31 b(dify)388 b(the)f(Queue)f(class)h(so)0 +45402 y(that)442 b(it)g(main)-31 b(tains)444 b(a)d(reference)g(to)h(b) +31 b(oth)441 b(the)h(\257rst)e(and)i(the)f(last)h(no)31 +b(de,)460 b(as)441 b(sho)-31 b(wn)442 b(in)0 46757 y(the)369 +b(\257gure:)2206 48136 y + 19997655 5459886 0 0 19997655 5459886 startTexFig + 2206 48136 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/queue1.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: queue1.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 11 11:01:07 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1500 300 m 5475 300 l 5475 675 l 1500 675 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +4971 1485 m 4972 1425 l 4820 1424 l 4940 1455 l 4819 1484 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1447 m + 4957 1455 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4819 1484 m 4940 1455 l 4820 1424 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4215 1177 m 4215 1117 l 4063 1117 l 4183 1147 l 4063 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 3825 1147 m + 4200 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4063 1177 m 4183 1147 l 4063 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3240 1477 m 3240 1417 l 3088 1417 l 3208 1447 l 3088 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1447 m + 3225 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3088 1477 m 3208 1447 l 3088 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2490 1177 m 2490 1117 l 2338 1117 l 2458 1147 l 2338 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 2100 1147 m + 2475 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2338 1177 m 2458 1147 l 2338 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1477 m 5940 1417 l 5788 1417 l 5908 1447 l 5788 1477 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1447 m + 5925 1447 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1477 m 5908 1447 l 5788 1417 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5940 1177 m 5940 1117 l 5788 1117 l 5908 1147 l 5788 1177 l cp +eoclip +n 5550 1147 m + 5925 1147 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5788 1177 m 5908 1147 l 5788 1117 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +5070 990 m 5130 990 l 5130 838 l 5100 958 l 5070 838 l cp +eoclip +n 5100 600 m + 5100 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 5070 838 m 5100 958 l 5130 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +1845 990 m 1905 990 l 1905 838 l 1875 958 l 1845 838 l cp +eoclip +n 1875 600 m + 1875 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 1845 838 m 1875 958 l 1905 838 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3765 502 m 3765 442 l 3613 442 l 3733 472 l 3613 502 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 472 m + 3750 472 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3613 502 m 3733 472 l 3613 442 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3750 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2025 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (next) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (1) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4275 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +6000 1200 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (head) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5175 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (last) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3300 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (length) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3825 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + eop +%%Page: 200 226 +200 225 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(200)32242 b(Queues)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)369 b Fk(ImprovedQueue)i Fn(implemen)-31 +b(tation)374 b(lo)31 b(oks)370 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 b(this:)0 +3068 y Fk(class)582 b(ImprovedQueue:)1162 4423 y(def)g +(__init__\(self\):)2325 5778 y(self.length)g(=)g(0)2325 +7133 y(self.head)1744 b(=)582 b(None)2325 8488 y(self.last)1744 +b(=)582 b(None)1162 11197 y(def)g(isEmpty\(self\):)2325 +12552 y(return)g(\(self.length)h(==)e(0\))0 14755 y Fn(So)382 +b(far,)i(the)e(only)g(c)-31 b(hange)383 b(is)e(the)g(attribute)i +Fk(last)p Fn(.)530 b(It)381 b(is)g(used)g(in)h Fk(insert)g +Fn(and)f Fk(remove)0 16110 y Fn(metho)31 b(ds:)0 18313 +y Fk(class)582 b(ImprovedQueue:)1162 19668 y(...)1162 +21023 y(def)g(insert\(self,)h(cargo\):)2325 22378 y(node)e(=)h +(Node\(cargo\))2325 23732 y(node.next)g(=)f(None)2325 +25087 y(if)g(self.length)i(==)e(0:)3487 26442 y(#)g(if)h(list)f(is)h +(empty,)g(the)f(new)h(node)g(is)f(head)h(and)g(last)3487 +27797 y(self.head)g(=)g(self.last)g(=)f(node)2325 29152 +y(else:)3487 30507 y(#)g(find)h(the)g(last)f(node)3487 +31862 y(last)h(=)f(self.last)3487 33217 y(#)g(append)h(the)g(new)f +(node)3487 34572 y(last.next)h(=)g(node)3487 35927 y(self.last)g(=)g +(node)2325 37282 y(self.length)g(=)g(self.length)g(+)g(1)0 +39484 y Fn(Since)444 b Fk(last)g Fn(k)-31 b(eeps)444 +b(trac)-31 b(k)445 b(of)f(the)g(last)h(no)31 b(de,)463 +b(w)-31 b(e)444 b(don't)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)445 b(to)f(searc)-31 +b(h)444 b(for)g(it.)717 b(As)444 b(a)0 40839 y(result,)370 +b(this)f(metho)31 b(d)370 b(is)f(constan)-31 b(t)371 +b(time.)0 42961 y(There)342 b(is)f(a)i(price)e(to)i(pa)-31 +b(y)343 b(for)f(that)h(sp)31 b(eed.)482 b(W)-92 b(e)342 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)342 b(to)h(add)f(a)g(sp)31 b(ecial)343 +b(case)f(to)g Fk(remove)0 44316 y Fn(to)370 b(set)f Fk(last)h +Fn(to)g Fk(None)f Fn(when)h(the)f(last)h(no)31 b(de)369 +b(is)g(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed:)0 46519 y Fk(class)582 b(ImprovedQueue:)1162 +47874 y(...)1162 49229 y(def)g(remove\(self\):)2325 50584 +y(cargo)2906 b(=)581 b(self.head.cargo)2325 51938 y(self.head)h(=)f +(self.head.next)2325 53293 y(self.length)h(=)g(self.length)g(-)g(1)2325 +54648 y(if)f(self.length)i(==)e(0:)3487 56003 y(self.last)h(=)g(None) +2325 57358 y(return)g(cargo)p eop +%%Page: 201 227 +201 226 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(19.5)425 b(Priorit)-35 b(y)425 +b(queue)25523 b(201)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)387 +b(implemen)-31 b(tation)390 b(is)c(more)h(complicated)i(than)e(the)f +(Link)-31 b(ed)387 b(Queue)f(implemen)-31 b(ta-)0 2220 +y(tion,)439 b(and)424 b(it)g(is)g(more)g(di\261cult)h(to)f(demonstrate) +h(that)g(it)g(is)e(correct.)656 b(The)424 b(adv)-61 b(an)-31 +b(tage)0 3575 y(is)379 b(that)i(w)-31 b(e)380 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)381 b(ac)-31 b(hiev)g(ed)381 b(the)e(goal|b)31 +b(oth)382 b Fk(insert)f Fn(and)e Fk(remove)i Fn(are)e(constan)-31 +b(t-time)0 4930 y(op)31 b(erations.)2767 7541 y Fm(As)371 +b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)377 b(write)371 b(an)g(implementation)i(of)e +(the)g(Queue)g(ADT)g(using)h(a)2767 8896 y(Python)360 +b(list.)497 b(Comp)-57 b(ar)g(e)361 b(the)e(p)-57 b(erformanc)g(e)361 +b(of)f(this)g(implementation)h(to)e(the)2767 10250 y +Fk(ImprovedQueue)398 b Fm(for)e(a)g(r)-57 b(ange)397 +b(of)f(queue)h(lengths.)0 14744 y Fl(19.5)1792 b(Priorit)-50 +b(y)600 b(queue)0 17231 y Fn(The)250 b(Priorit)-31 b(y)251 +b(Queue)f(ADT)g(has)f(the)h(same)g(in)-31 b(terface)251 +b(as)f(the)g(Queue)f(ADT,)i(but)f(di\256eren)-31 b(t)0 +18586 y(seman)g(tics.)494 b(Again,)371 b(the)e(in)-31 +b(terface)371 b(is:)p 70 21196 349 45 v 488 21196 V 837 +21196 a Fk(init)p 3231 21196 V 3650 21196 V 837 w Fv(:)553 +b Fn(Initialize)372 b(a)d(new)h(empt)-31 b(y)370 b(queue.)0 +23425 y Fk(insert)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Add)369 b(a)h(new)f(item)h(to)g(the)g +(queue.)0 25655 y Fk(remove)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Remo)-31 +b(v)g(e)324 b(and)f(return)f(an)h(item)h(from)g(the)f(queue.)477 +b(The)323 b(item)h(that)g(is)f(returned)2767 27010 y(is)370 +b(the)f(one)g(with)i(the)e(highest)h(priorit)-31 b(y)-92 +b(.)0 29239 y Fk(isEmpty)p Fv(:)554 b Fn(Chec)-31 b(k)370 +b(whether)f(the)h(queue)f(is)g(empt)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)0 +31849 y(The)378 b(seman)-31 b(tic)379 b(di\256erence)e(is)h(that)h(the) +f(item)h(that)g(is)f(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed)379 b(from)f(the)g(queue)g(is)f +(not)0 33204 y(necessarily)466 b(the)h(\257rst)e(one)h(that)i(w)-31 +b(as)466 b(added.)784 b(Rather,)491 b(it)467 b(is)f(the)g(item)h(in)g +(the)f(queue)0 34559 y(that)357 b(has)g(the)f(highest)h(priorit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)490 b(What)356 b(the)h(priorities)g(are)f(and)g(ho)-31 +b(w)358 b(they)e(compare)h(to)0 35914 y(eac)-31 b(h)374 +b(other)f(are)g(not)h(sp)31 b(eci\257ed)373 b(b)-31 b(y)373 +b(the)h(Priorit)-31 b(y)375 b(Queue)e(implemen)-31 b(tation.)509 +b(It)373 b(dep)31 b(ends)0 37269 y(on)369 b(whic)-31 +b(h)371 b(items)f(are)f(in)g(the)h(queue.)0 39422 y(F)-92 +b(or)438 b(example,)458 b(if)439 b(the)g(items)h(in)f(the)g(queue)f(ha) +-31 b(v)g(e)440 b(names,)457 b(w)-31 b(e)439 b(migh)-31 +b(t)441 b(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(ose)439 b(them)h(in)0 40777 +y(alphab)31 b(etical)501 b(order.)880 b(If)498 b(they)h(are)f(b)31 +b(o)-31 b(wling)501 b(scores,)530 b(w)-31 b(e)499 b(migh)-31 +b(t)501 b(go)e(from)g(highest)g(to)0 42132 y(lo)-31 b(w)g(est,)371 +b(but)d(if)h(they)f(are)g(golf)i(scores,)d(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(w)-31 b(ould)370 b(go)e(from)h(lo)-31 b(w)g(est)370 +b(to)f(highest.)493 b(As)368 b(long)0 43487 y(as)325 +b(w)-31 b(e)326 b(can)f(compare)h(the)g(items)g(in)f(the)h(queue,)334 +b(w)-31 b(e)326 b(can)f(\257nd)g(and)h(remo)-31 b(v)g(e)326 +b(the)f(one)h(with)0 44842 y(the)369 b(highest)h(priorit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 46995 y(This)423 b(implemen)-31 b(tation)427 +b(of)c(Priorit)-31 b(y)425 b(Queue)d(has)h(as)g(an)g(attribute)h(a)f +(Python)h(list)g(that)0 48350 y(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(the)e(items)h(in) +g(the)f(queue.)0 50584 y Fk(class)582 b(PriorityQueue:)1162 +51938 y(def)g(__init__\(self\):)2325 53293 y(self.items)g(=)g([])1162 +56003 y(def)g(isEmpty\(self\):)2325 57358 y(return)g(self.items)g(==)g +([])p eop +%%Page: 202 228 +202 227 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(202)32242 b(Queues)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 1162 2220 a Fk(def)582 b(insert\(self,)h(item\):)2325 +3575 y(self.items.append\(item\))0 5586 y Fn(The)427 +b(initialization)432 b(metho)31 b(d,)443 b Fk(isEmpty)p +Fn(,)g(and)427 b Fk(insert)h Fn(are)e(all)j(v)-31 b(eneers)426 +b(on)h(list)h(op)31 b(era-)0 6941 y(tions.)494 b(The)369 +b(only)h(in)-31 b(teresting)371 b(metho)31 b(d)370 b(is)f +Fk(remove)p Fn(:)0 8952 y Fk(class)582 b(PriorityQueue:)1162 +10307 y(...)1162 11662 y(def)g(remove\(self\):)2325 13017 +y(maxi)f(=)h(0)2325 14372 y(for)f(i)g(in)h +(range\(1,len\(self.items\)\):)3487 15727 y(if)f(self.items[i])i(>)f +(self.items[maxi]:)4649 17082 y(maxi)g(=)f(i)2325 18436 +y(item)g(=)h(self.items[maxi])2325 19791 y(self.items[maxi:maxi+1])i(=) +d([])2325 21146 y(return)h(item)0 23157 y Fn(A)-31 b(t)483 +b(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)484 b(of)g(eac)-31 b(h)483 b(iteration,)513 +b Fk(maxi)484 b Fn(holds)f(the)f(index)i(of)f(the)g(biggest)h(item)0 +24512 y(\(highest)309 b(priorit)-31 b(y\))310 b(w)-31 +b(e)308 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)309 b(seen)f Fm(so)339 b(far)p +Fn(.)472 b(Eac)-31 b(h)308 b(time)i(through)e(the)g(lo)31 +b(op,)322 b(the)308 b(program)0 25867 y(compares)393 +b(the)g Fk(i)p Fn(-eth)h(item)g(to)f(the)g(c)-31 b(hampion.)566 +b(If)392 b(the)h(new)h(item)g(is)e(bigger,)400 b(the)393 +b(v)-61 b(alue)0 27222 y(of)370 b Fk(maxi)f Fn(if)h(set)f(to)h +Fk(i)p Fn(.)0 29152 y(When)340 b(the)h Fk(for)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)342 b(completes,)348 b Fk(maxi)341 b Fn(is)g(the)f(index)h(of)h +(the)e(biggest)i(item.)485 b(This)0 30507 y(item)370 +b(is)g(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed)370 b(from)f(the)h(list)g(and)f(returned.)0 +32437 y(Let's)g(test)h(the)f(implemen)-31 b(tation:)0 +34448 y Fk(>>>)582 b(q)f(=)g(PriorityQueue\(\))0 35803 +y(>>>)h(q.insert\(11\))0 37158 y(>>>)g(q.insert\(12\))0 +38513 y(>>>)g(q.insert\(14\))0 39868 y(>>>)g(q.insert\(13\))0 +41223 y(>>>)g(while)f(not)h(q.isEmpty\(\):)h(print)f(q.remove\(\))0 +42578 y(14)0 43933 y(13)0 45288 y(12)0 46642 y(11)0 48654 +y Fn(If)349 b(the)h(queue)f(con)-31 b(tains)351 b(simple)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)349 b(or)g(strings,)354 b(they)c(are)f(remo)-31 +b(v)g(ed)351 b(in)e(n)-31 b(umerical)0 50008 y(or)254 +b(alphab)31 b(etical)257 b(order,)277 b(from)255 b(highest)g(to)g(lo) +-31 b(w)g(est.)457 b(Python)255 b(can)g(\257nd)f(the)g(biggest)i(in)-31 +b(teger)0 51363 y(or)348 b(string)g(b)31 b(ecause)348 +b(it)g(can)h(compare)f(them)h(using)f(the)g(built-in)i(comparison)f(op) +31 b(erators.)0 53293 y(If)337 b(the)h(queue)f(con)-31 +b(tains)339 b(an)e(ob)61 b(ject)339 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)344 +b(it)339 b(has)e(to)h(pro)-31 b(vide)338 b(a)p 27198 +53293 349 45 v 27616 53293 V 1174 w Fk(cmp)p 29778 53293 +V 30197 53293 V 1175 w Fn(metho)31 b(d.)482 b(When)0 +54648 y Fk(remove)394 b Fn(uses)f(the)h Fk(>)g Fn(op)31 +b(erator)394 b(to)h(compare)f(items,)401 b(it)395 b(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(es)395 b(the)p 29785 54648 V 30203 54648 V +1231 w Fk(cmp)p 32365 54648 V 32783 54648 V 1231 w Fn(for)e(one)h(of)0 +56003 y(the)387 b(items)h(and)f(passes)f(the)h(other)g(as)g(a)g +(parameter.)546 b(As)386 b(long)i(as)f(the)p 30797 56003 +V 31215 56003 V 1224 w Fk(cmp)p 33377 56003 V 33796 56003 +V 1224 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)0 57358 y(w)-31 b(orks)370 b(correctly)-92 +b(,)370 b(the)f(Priorit)-31 b(y)371 b(Queue)e(will)i(w)-31 +b(ork.)p eop +%%Page: 203 229 +203 228 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(19.6)425 b(The)g Fk(Golfer)g +Fv(class)24539 b(203)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(19.6)1792 +b(The)599 b Fe(Golfer)g Fl(class)0 3198 y Fn(As)256 b(an)h(example)i +(of)e(an)g(ob)61 b(ject)258 b(with)g(an)f(un)-31 b(usual)257 +b(de\257nition)i(of)e(priorit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)281 b(let's)258 +b(implemen)-31 b(t)0 4553 y(a)440 b(class)g(called)h +Fk(Golfer)f Fn(that)h(k)-31 b(eeps)440 b(trac)-31 b(k)440 +b(of)g(the)g(names)g(and)g(scores)f(of)h(golfers.)705 +b(As)0 5908 y(usual,)370 b(w)-31 b(e)370 b(start)f(b)-31 +b(y)370 b(de\257ning)p 13276 5908 349 45 v 13695 5908 +V 1207 w Fk(init)p 16438 5908 V 16856 5908 V 1206 w Fn(and)p +19796 5908 V 20215 5908 V 1206 w Fk(str)p 22376 5908 +V 22795 5908 V 838 w Fn(:)0 7988 y Fk(class)582 b(Golfer:)1162 +9343 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(name,)f(score\):)2325 +10698 y(self.name)g(=)f(name)2325 12053 y(self.score=)h(score)1162 +14763 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 16117 y(return)g("\045-16s:)g +(\045d")f(\045)h(\(self.name,)h(self.score\))p 70 18198 +V 488 18198 V 837 18198 a(str)p 2650 18198 V 3068 18198 +V 1206 w Fn(uses)368 b(the)i(format)g(op)31 b(erator)370 +b(to)g(put)g(the)f(names)h(and)f(scores)f(in)i(neat)g(columns.)0 +20197 y(Next)352 b(w)-31 b(e)351 b(de\257ne)g(a)h(v)-31 +b(ersion)351 b(of)p 13439 20197 V 13857 20197 V 1189 +w Fk(cmp)p 16019 20197 V 16437 20197 V 1188 w Fn(where)g(the)g(lo)-31 +b(w)g(est)353 b(score)e(gets)g(highest)h(priorit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 21552 y(As)368 b(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys,)p 5553 +21552 V 5971 21552 V 1207 w Fk(cmp)p 8133 21552 V 8552 +21552 V 1205 w Fn(returns)367 b(1)h(if)g Fk(self)h Fn(is)e(\\greater)i +(than")g Fk(other)p Fn(,)g(-1)f(if)h Fk(self)f Fn(is)g(\\less)0 +22907 y(than")i(other,)g(and)g(0)f(if)h(they)g(are)f(equal.)0 +24987 y Fk(class)582 b(Golfer:)1162 26342 y(...)1162 +27697 y(def)g(__cmp__\(self,)h(other\):)2325 29052 y(if)e(self.score)i +(<)e(other.score:)i(return)1163 b(1)1744 b(#)581 b(less)h(is)f(more) +2325 30407 y(if)g(self.score)i(>)e(other.score:)i(return)f(-1)2325 +31761 y(return)g(0)0 33842 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)370 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(are)f(ready)g(to)h(test)g(the)f(priorit)-31 +b(y)371 b(queue)e(with)h(the)g Fk(Golfer)g Fn(class:)0 +35922 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tiger)f(=)h(Golfer\("Tiger)h(Woods",)2326 +b(61\))0 37277 y(>>>)582 b(phil)1162 b(=)582 b(Golfer\("Phil)h +(Mickelson",)g(72\))0 38632 y(>>>)f(hal)1743 b(=)582 +b(Golfer\("Hal)h(Sutton",)2907 b(69\))0 39987 y(>>>)0 +41341 y(>>>)582 b(pq)f(=)g(PriorityQueue\(\))0 42696 +y(>>>)h(pq.insert\(tiger\))0 44051 y(>>>)g(pq.insert\(phil\))0 +45406 y(>>>)g(pq.insert\(hal\))0 46761 y(>>>)g(while)f(not)h +(pq.isEmpty\(\):)h(print)f(pq.remove\(\))0 48116 y(Tiger)g(Woods)2325 +b(:)582 b(61)0 49471 y(Hal)g(Sutton)2906 b(:)582 b(69)0 +50826 y(Phil)g(Mickelson)g(:)g(72)2767 53078 y Fm(As)332 +b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)346 b(write)332 b(an)g(implementation)i(of)f +(the)f(Priority)g(Queue)h(ADT)2767 54433 y(using)366 +b(a)e(linke)-57 b(d)366 b(list.)499 b(Y)-85 b(ou)364 +b(should)g(ke)-57 b(ep)365 b(the)f(list)g(sorte)-57 b(d)364 +b(so)g(that)g(r)-57 b(emoval)365 b(is)2767 55788 y(a)418 +b(c)-57 b(onstant)417 b(time)h(op)-57 b(er)g(ation.)575 +b(Comp)-57 b(ar)g(e)418 b(the)f(p)-57 b(erformanc)g(e)419 +b(of)f(this)f(imple-)2767 57143 y(mentation)397 b(with)f(the)f(Python)i +(list)e(implementation.)p eop +%%Page: 204 230 +204 229 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(204)32242 b(Queues)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(19.7)1792 b(Glossary)0 3364 y Fv(queue:)554 +b Fn(An)369 b(ordered)g(set)g(of)h(ob)61 b(jects)370 +b(w)-31 b(aiting)372 b(for)d(a)h(service)f(of)g(some)h(kind.)0 +5604 y Fv(Queue:)555 b Fn(An)352 b(ADT)h(that)h(p)31 +b(erforms)352 b(the)h(op)31 b(erations)353 b(one)g(migh)-31 +b(t)354 b(p)31 b(erform)353 b(on)g(a)f(queue.)0 7845 +y Fv(queueing)426 b(p)35 b(olicy:)553 b Fn(The)461 b(rules)f(that)i +(determine)g(whic)-31 b(h)462 b(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)461 +b(of)g(a)g(queue)g(is)g(re-)2767 9200 y(mo)-31 b(v)g(ed)371 +b(next.)0 11440 y Fv(FIF)-35 b(O:)553 b Fn(\\First)432 +b(In,)449 b(First)432 b(Out,")449 b(a)433 b(queueing)h(p)31 +b(olicy)433 b(in)g(whic)-31 b(h)434 b(the)e(\257rst)g(mem)-31 +b(b)31 b(er)433 b(to)2767 12795 y(arriv)-31 b(e)370 b(is)f(the)g +(\257rst)g(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed.)0 15036 +y Fv(priorit)c(y)424 b(queue:)555 b Fn(A)439 b(queueing)h(p)31 +b(olicy)441 b(in)e(whic)-31 b(h)440 b(eac)-31 b(h)440 +b(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)440 b(has)f(a)h(priorit)-31 b(y)440 +b(de-)2767 16391 y(termined)319 b(b)-31 b(y)318 b(external)h(factors.) +477 b(The)318 b(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)318 b(with)h(the)g(highest)f +(priorit)-31 b(y)320 b(is)e(the)2767 17746 y(\257rst)369 +b(to)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(remo)-31 b(v)g(ed.)0 19986 y Fv(Priorit)c(y)424 +b(Queue:)555 b Fn(An)412 b(ADT)g(that)i(de\257nes)d(the)h(op)31 +b(erations)413 b(one)g(migh)-31 b(t)414 b(p)31 b(erform)412 +b(on)2767 21341 y(a)370 b(priorit)-31 b(y)370 b(queue.)0 +23581 y Fv(link)-35 b(ed)424 b(queue:)554 b Fn(An)369 +b(implemen)-31 b(tation)374 b(of)c(a)f(queue)g(using)h(a)f(link)-31 +b(ed)371 b(list.)0 25822 y Fv(constan)-35 b(t)425 b(time:)553 +b Fn(An)443 b(op)31 b(eration)446 b(whose)e(run)-31 b(time)444 +b(do)31 b(es)444 b(not)g(dep)31 b(end)443 b(on)h(the)g(size)f(of)2767 +27177 y(the)370 b(data)g(structure.)0 29417 y Fv(linear)424 +b(time:)553 b Fn(An)330 b(op)31 b(eration)331 b(whose)f(run)-31 +b(time)331 b(is)e(a)h(linear)h(function)g(of)f(the)g(size)f(of)i(the) +2767 30772 y(data)371 b(structure.)p eop +%%Page: 205 231 +205 230 bop 0 10169 a Fi(Chapter)861 b(20)0 16716 y Fo(T)-258 +b(rees)0 23444 y Fn(Lik)-31 b(e)294 b(link)-31 b(ed)295 +b(lists,)309 b(trees)293 b(are)g(made)h(up)f(of)h(no)31 +b(des.)467 b(A)293 b(common)i(kind)f(of)g(tree)f(is)g(a)h +Fv(binary)0 24799 y(tree)p Fn(,)315 b(in)299 b(whic)-31 +b(h)300 b(eac)-31 b(h)299 b(no)31 b(de)299 b(con)-31 +b(tains)301 b(a)e(reference)f(to)i(t)-31 b(w)g(o)301 +b(other)e(no)31 b(des)299 b(\(p)31 b(ossibly)300 b(n)-31 +b(ull\).)0 26154 y(These)402 b(references)g(are)g(referred)f(to)j(as)e +(the)h(left)h(and)f(righ)-31 b(t)403 b(subtrees.)592 +b(Lik)-31 b(e)403 b(list)h(no)31 b(des,)0 27509 y(tree)369 +b(no)31 b(des)369 b(also)h(con)-31 b(tain)371 b(cargo.)493 +b(A)370 b(state)g(diagram)h(for)e(a)g(tree)g(lo)31 b(oks)370 +b(lik)-31 b(e)371 b(this:)10595 28888 y + 10064586 8051672 0 0 14077296 11182899 startTexFig + 10595 28888 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/tree1.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: tree1.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 11 17:35:32 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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2167 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4665 2227 m 4665 2167 l 4513 2167 l 4633 2197 l 4513 2227 l cp +eoclip +n 4275 2197 m + 4650 2197 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4513 2227 m 4633 2197 l 4513 2167 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3150 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (tree) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +1575 3225 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2775 3225 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3525 3225 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4725 3225 m +gs 1 -1 sc (None) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3075 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3525 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4050 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4500 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2250 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2775 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (2) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4200 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cargo) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4725 2250 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 44627 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 b(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)371 b(cluttering)g(up)e +(the)g(picture,)h(w)-31 b(e)370 b(often)g(omit)h(the)e +Fk(Nones)p Fn(.)0 46928 y(The)321 b(top)h(of)g(the)f(tree)g(\(the)h(no) +31 b(de)321 b Fk(tree)g Fn(refers)f(to\))i(is)f(called)h(the)g +Fv(ro)35 b(ot)p Fn(.)478 b(In)320 b(k)-31 b(eeping)323 +b(with)0 48283 y(the)462 b(tree)g(metaphor,)486 b(the)462 +b(other)g(no)31 b(des)462 b(are)f(called)i(branc)-31 +b(hes)462 b(and)g(the)g(no)31 b(des)461 b(at)i(the)0 +49638 y(tips)396 b(with)g(n)-31 b(ull)396 b(references)e(are)h(called)i +Fv(lea)-35 b(v)g(es)p Fn(.)570 b(It)395 b(ma)-31 b(y)396 +b(seem)g(o)31 b(dd)395 b(that)h(w)-31 b(e)396 b(dra)-31 +b(w)396 b(the)0 50993 y(picture)404 b(with)h(the)g(ro)31 +b(ot)404 b(at)h(the)f(top)h(and)f(the)h(lea)-31 b(v)g(es)405 +b(at)f(the)h(b)31 b(ottom,)415 b(but)404 b(that)h(is)f(not)0 +52348 y(the)369 b(strangest)h(thing.)0 54648 y(T)-92 +b(o)284 b(mak)-31 b(e)284 b(things)g(w)-31 b(orse,)301 +b(computer)284 b(scien)-31 b(tists)284 b(mix)g(in)g(another)g +(metaphor|the)h(family)0 56003 y(tree.)495 b(The)371 +b(top)f(no)31 b(de)370 b(is)g(sometimes)i(called)f(a)g +Fv(paren)-35 b(t)370 b Fn(and)g(the)h(no)31 b(des)370 +b(it)g(refers)f(to)i(are)0 57358 y(its)f Fv(c)-35 b(hildren)p +Fn(.)492 b(No)31 b(des)369 b(with)i(the)e(same)h(paren)-31 +b(t)369 b(are)g(called)i Fv(siblings)p Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 206 232 +206 231 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(206)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Finally)-92 b(,)515 b(there)483 +b(is)h(a)h(geometric)h(v)-31 b(o)31 b(cabulary)485 b(for)f(talking)j +(ab)31 b(out)485 b(trees.)837 b(W)-92 b(e)483 b(already)0 +2220 y(men)-31 b(tioned)416 b(left)g(and)f(righ)-31 b(t,)427 +b(but)415 b(there)g(is)f(also)i(\\up")f(\(to)-31 b(w)g(ard)417 +b(the)e(paren)-31 b(t/ro)31 b(ot\))417 b(and)0 3575 y(\\do)-31 +b(wn")408 b(\(to)-31 b(w)g(ard)407 b(the)f(c)-31 b(hildren/lea)g(v)g +(es\).)605 b(Also,)416 b(all)407 b(of)f(the)g(no)31 b(des)405 +b(that)i(are)f(the)g(same)0 4930 y(distance)370 b(from)g(the)f(ro)31 +b(ot)370 b(comprise)f(a)h Fv(lev)-35 b(el)369 b Fn(of)g(the)h(tree.)0 +6893 y(W)-92 b(e)316 b(probably)i(don't)h(need)d(three)h(metaphors)h +(for)f(talking)j(ab)31 b(out)318 b(trees,)327 b(but)318 +b(there)e(they)0 8248 y(are.)0 10212 y(Lik)-31 b(e)477 +b(link)-31 b(ed)479 b(lists,)504 b(trees)477 b(are)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e)477 b(data)h(structures)e(b)31 b(ecause)476 b(they)i(are)e +(de\257ned)0 11567 y(recursiv)-31 b(ely)-92 b(.)2767 +13636 y(A)370 b(tree)f(is)g(either:)4096 15284 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(the)369 b(empt)-31 b(y)371 b(tree,)e(represen)-31 +b(ted)368 b(b)-31 b(y)370 b Fk(None)p Fn(,)g(or)4096 +16894 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(a)255 b(no)31 b(de)255 b(that)i(con)-31 +b(tains)256 b(an)g(ob)61 b(ject)256 b(reference)e(and)i(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)256 b(tree)f(references.)0 21229 y Fl(20.1)1792 +b(Building)599 b(trees)0 23526 y Fn(The)338 b(pro)31 +b(cess)336 b(of)i(assem)-31 b(bling)339 b(a)f(tree)g(is)f(similar)i(to) +f(the)g(pro)31 b(cess)337 b(of)h(assem)-31 b(bling)339 +b(a)f(link)-31 b(ed)0 24881 y(list.)494 b(Eac)-31 b(h)370 +b(constructor)f(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cation)373 b(builds)c(a)h(single)g +(no)31 b(de.)0 26925 y Fk(class)582 b(Tree:)1162 28280 +y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(cargo,)f(left=None,)h(right=None\):)2325 +29635 y(self.cargo)f(=)g(cargo)2325 30990 y(self.left)1163 +b(=)582 b(left)2325 32345 y(self.right)g(=)g(right)1162 +35055 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 36410 y(return)g(str\(self.cargo\)) +0 38454 y Fn(The)338 b Fk(cargo)f Fn(can)h(b)31 b(e)337 +b(an)-31 b(y)338 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)345 b(but)337 b(the)h +Fk(left)f Fn(and)h Fk(right)g Fn(parameters)g(should)f(b)31 +b(e)337 b(tree)0 39809 y(no)31 b(des.)492 b Fk(left)370 +b Fn(and)f Fk(right)h Fn(are)f(optional;)j(the)e(default)g(v)-61 +b(alue)370 b(is)f Fk(None)p Fn(.)0 41773 y(T)-92 b(o)370 +b(prin)-31 b(t)369 b(a)h(no)31 b(de,)370 b(w)-31 b(e)369 +b(just)h(prin)-31 b(t)369 b(the)h(cargo.)0 43736 y(One)f(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(build)f(a)h(tree)f(is)g(from)h(the)f(b)31 +b(ottom)371 b(up.)493 b(Allo)31 b(cate)371 b(the)f(c)-31 +b(hild)370 b(no)31 b(des)368 b(\257rst:)0 45781 y Fk(left)582 +b(=)f(Tree\(2\))0 47136 y(right)h(=)f(Tree\(3\))0 49180 +y Fn(Then)369 b(create)h(the)f(paren)-31 b(t)370 b(no)31 +b(de)369 b(and)h(link)g(it)g(to)g(the)f(c)-31 b(hildren:)0 +51225 y Fk(tree)582 b(=)f(Tree\(1,)h(left,)g(right\);)0 +53269 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(write)g(this)f(co)31 +b(de)370 b(more)f(concisely)h(b)-31 b(y)370 b(nesting)g(constructor)f +(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cations:)0 55314 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tree)f(=)h +(Tree\(1,)g(Tree\(2\),)g(Tree\(3\)\))0 57358 y Fn(Either)370 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)-92 b(,)371 b(the)e(result)g(is)g(the)h(tree)f(at)h +(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)371 b(of)f(the)f(c)-31 b(hapter.)p +eop +%%Page: 207 233 +207 232 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20.2)425 b(T)-106 b(ra)-35 b(v)g(ersing)425 +b(trees)24651 b(207)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(20.2)1792 +b(T)-149 b(ra)-50 b(v)g(ersing)600 b(trees)0 3396 y Fn(An)-31 +b(y)474 b(time)g(y)-31 b(ou)474 b(see)e(a)h(new)h(data)g(structure,)499 +b(y)-31 b(our)473 b(\257rst)g(question)h(should)f(b)31 +b(e,)499 b(\\Ho)-31 b(w)0 4751 y(do)429 b(I)e(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erse)429 b(it?")670 b(The)429 b(most)g(natural)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)429 b(to)g(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)429 b(a)f(tree)h(is)f(recursiv) +-31 b(ely)-92 b(.)670 b(F)-92 b(or)0 6106 y(example,)371 +b(if)f(the)f(tree)g(con)-31 b(tains)371 b(in)-31 b(tegers)370 +b(as)f(cargo,)h(this)g(function)h(returns)d(their)h(sum:)0 +8376 y Fk(def)582 b(total\(tree\):)1162 9731 y(if)g(tree)f(==)h(None:)g +(return)g(0)1162 11086 y(return)g(total\(tree.left\))i(+)d +(total\(tree.right\))j(+)d(tree.cargo)0 13355 y Fn(The)362 +b(base)g(case)f(is)h(the)g(empt)-31 b(y)363 b(tree,)h(whic)-31 +b(h)362 b(con)-31 b(tains)364 b(no)e(cargo,)i(so)e(the)g(sum)g(is)f(0.) +491 b(The)0 14710 y(recursiv)-31 b(e)302 b(step)g(mak)-31 +b(es)304 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)304 b(recursiv)-31 b(e)302 b(calls)h(to)h +(\257nd)e(the)h(sum)f(of)h(the)g(c)-31 b(hild)304 b(trees.)469 +b(When)0 16065 y(the)289 b(recursiv)-31 b(e)289 b(calls)g(complete,)308 +b(w)-31 b(e)289 b(add)g(the)h(cargo)f(of)h(the)f(paren)-31 +b(t)289 b(and)h(return)e(the)h(total.)0 20645 y Fl(20.3)1792 +b(Expression)600 b(trees)0 23177 y Fn(A)314 b(tree)g(is)h(a)f(natural)i +(w)-31 b(a)g(y)316 b(to)f(represen)-31 b(t)313 b(the)i(structure)e(of)i +(an)g(expression.)474 b(Unlik)-31 b(e)316 b(other)0 24532 +y(notations,)437 b(it)423 b(can)f(represen)-31 b(t)420 +b(the)i(computation)j(unam)-31 b(biguously)-92 b(.)652 +b(F)-92 b(or)421 b(example,)437 b(the)0 25887 y(in\257x)301 +b(expression)f Fk(1)581 b(+)g(2)h(*)f(3)300 b Fn(is)h(am)-31 +b(biguous)302 b(unless)e(w)-31 b(e)300 b(kno)-31 b(w)302 +b(that)g(the)e(m)-31 b(ultiplication)0 27242 y(happ)31 +b(ens)369 b(b)31 b(efore)369 b(the)g(addition.)0 29430 +y(This)h(expression)f(tree)f(represen)-31 b(ts)369 b(the)g(same)h +(computation:)8615 30809 y + 12409069 9472573 0 0 17958420 13616824 startTexFig + 8615 30809 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/tree2.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: tree2.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Fri Dec 7 17:49:49 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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+/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5700 3300 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2591 2020 m 2641 2054 l 2725 1927 l 2634 2011 l 2675 1894 l cp +eoclip +n 2925 1575 m + 2625 2025 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2675 1894 m 2634 2011 l 2725 1927 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4033 2054 m 4083 2020 l 3999 1894 l 4041 2011 l 3949 1927 l cp +eoclip +n 3750 1575 m + 4050 2025 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3949 1927 m 4041 2011 l 3999 1894 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3641 3075 m 3695 3101 l 3762 2966 l 3682 3060 l 3708 2939 l cp +eoclip +n 3900 2625 m + 3675 3075 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3708 2939 m 3682 3060 l 3762 2966 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4929 3101 m 4983 3075 l 4916 2939 l 4943 3060 l 4862 2966 l cp +eoclip +n 4725 2625 m + 4950 3075 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 4862 2966 m 4943 3060 l 4916 2939 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3270 990 m 3330 990 l 3330 838 l 3300 958 l 3270 838 l cp +eoclip +n 3300 600 m + 3300 975 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3270 838 m 3300 958 l 3330 838 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3150 525 m +gs 1 -1 sc (tree) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3075 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3525 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4050 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +4500 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3075 3600 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +3525 3600 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5025 3600 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +5475 3600 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2100 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (left) dup sw pop neg 0 rm col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 165.00 scf sf +2550 2550 m +gs 1 -1 sc (right) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 48836 a Fn(The)383 b(no)31 b(des)382 b(of)h(an)g(expression)g(tree)f +(can)h(b)31 b(e)383 b(op)31 b(erands)382 b(lik)-31 b(e)384 +b Fk(1)f Fn(and)g Fk(2)f Fn(or)h(op)31 b(erators)383 +b(lik)-31 b(e)0 50190 y Fk(+)449 b Fn(and)g Fk(*)p Fn(.)733 +b(Op)31 b(erands)448 b(are)h(leaf)h(no)31 b(des;)489 +b(op)31 b(erator)450 b(no)31 b(des)449 b(con)-31 b(tain)451 +b(references)d(to)i(their)0 51545 y(op)31 b(erands.)649 +b(\(All)423 b(of)e(these)h(op)31 b(erators)421 b(are)g +Fv(binary)p Fn(,)435 b(meaning)423 b(they)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)422 +b(exactly)h(t)-31 b(w)g(o)0 52900 y(op)31 b(erands.\))0 +55089 y(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(build)g(this)f(tree)g(lik)-31 +b(e)371 b(this:)0 57358 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tree)f(=)h(Tree\('+',)g +(Tree\(1\),)g(Tree\('*',)h(Tree\(2\),)f(Tree\(3\)\)\))p +eop +%%Page: 208 234 +208 233 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(208)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Lo)31 b(oking)531 b(at)g(the)f(\257gure,) +570 b(there)530 b(is)f(no)h(question)h(what)g(the)f(order)f(of)i(op)31 +b(erations)530 b(is;)0 2220 y(the)367 b(m)-31 b(ultiplication)371 +b(happ)31 b(ens)366 b(\257rst)h(in)f(order)g(to)i(compute)g(the)e +(second)h(op)31 b(erand)367 b(of)g(the)0 3575 y(addition.)0 +5767 y(Expression)482 b(trees)f(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)483 b(man)-31 +b(y)483 b(uses.)830 b(The)482 b(example)h(in)f(this)h(c)-31 +b(hapter)482 b(uses)f(trees)g(to)0 7122 y(translate)400 +b(expressions)d(to)j(p)31 b(ost\257x,)406 b(pre\257x,)g(and)398 +b(in\257x.)581 b(Similar)400 b(trees)e(are)g(used)g(inside)0 +8477 y(compilers)370 b(to)g(parse,)f(optimize,)j(and)d(translate)i +(programs.)0 13067 y Fl(20.4)1792 b(T)-149 b(ree)599 +b(tra)-50 b(v)g(ersal)0 15603 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(tra)-31 +b(v)g(erse)369 b(an)h(expression)f(tree)g(and)g(prin)-31 +b(t)370 b(the)f(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)371 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 +b(this:)0 17876 y Fk(def)582 b(printTree\(tree\):)1162 +19231 y(if)g(tree)f(==)h(None:)g(return)1162 20586 y(print)g +(tree.cargo,)1162 21941 y(printTree\(tree.left\))1162 +23295 y(printTree\(tree.right\))0 25568 y Fn(In)423 b(other)g(w)-31 +b(ords,)437 b(to)424 b(prin)-31 b(t)424 b(a)f(tree,)437 +b(\257rst)422 b(prin)-31 b(t)424 b(the)f(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)425 +b(of)e(the)g(ro)31 b(ot,)438 b(then)423 b(prin)-31 b(t)0 +26923 y(the)498 b(en)-31 b(tire)498 b(left)h(subtree,)530 +b(and)498 b(then)g(prin)-31 b(t)499 b(the)f(en)-31 b(tire)498 +b(righ)-31 b(t)499 b(subtree.)878 b(This)498 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)499 b(of)0 28278 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersing)375 b(a)f(tree)f(is)h +(called)g(a)g Fv(preorder)p Fn(,)k(b)31 b(ecause)373 +b(the)h(con)-31 b(ten)g(ts)375 b(of)f(the)g(ro)31 b(ot)374 +b(app)31 b(ear)0 29633 y Fm(b)-57 b(efor)g(e)370 b Fn(the)g(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts)370 b(of)g(the)f(c)-31 b(hildren.)494 b(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(the)h(previous)h(example,)h(the)e(output)i(is:)0 +31906 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tree)f(=)h(Tree\('+',)g(Tree\(1\),)g(Tree\('*',)h +(Tree\(2\),)f(Tree\(3\)\)\))0 33261 y(>>>)g(printTree\(tree\))0 +34616 y(+)f(1)h(*)f(2)g(3)0 36888 y Fn(This)313 b(format)i(is)d +(di\256eren)-31 b(t)313 b(from)h(b)31 b(oth)313 b(p)31 +b(ost\257x)313 b(and)h(in\257x;)332 b(it)314 b(is)f(another)g(notation) +j(called)0 38243 y Fv(pre\257x)p Fn(,)371 b(in)e(whic)-31 +b(h)370 b(the)g(op)31 b(erators)369 b(app)31 b(ear)369 +b(b)31 b(efore)369 b(their)h(op)31 b(erands.)0 40435 +y(Y)-92 b(ou)342 b(migh)-31 b(t)344 b(susp)31 b(ect)341 +b(that)i(if)f(y)-31 b(ou)342 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)342 +b(the)g(tree)g(in)g(a)g(di\256eren)-31 b(t)342 b(order,)347 +b(y)-31 b(ou)343 b(will)g(get)0 41790 y(the)452 b(expression)f(in)h(a)g +(di\256eren)-31 b(t)452 b(notation.)742 b(F)-92 b(or)451 +b(example,)474 b(if)453 b(y)-31 b(ou)452 b(prin)-31 b(t)452 +b(the)g(subtrees)0 43145 y(\257rst)369 b(and)g(then)g(the)h(ro)31 +b(ot)370 b(no)31 b(de,)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(get:)0 +45418 y Fk(def)582 b(printTreePostorder\(tree\):)1162 +46773 y(if)g(tree)f(==)h(None:)g(return)1162 48127 y +(printTreePostorder\(tree.left\))1162 49482 y 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b(is)e(the)g(expression)g(in)h(in\257x.)0 11022 +y(T)-92 b(o)277 b(b)31 b(e)277 b(fair,)296 b(w)-31 b(e)278 +b(should)f(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t)278 b(out)g(that)g(w)-31 +b(e)277 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)278 b(omitted)h(an)f(imp)31 +b(ortan)-31 b(t)279 b(complication.)0 12377 y(Sometimes)367 +b(when)f(w)-31 b(e)366 b(write)h(an)e(expression)h(in)g(in\257x,)h(w) +-31 b(e)366 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)367 b(to)f(use)f(paren)-31 +b(theses)365 b(to)0 13732 y(preserv)-31 b(e)397 b(the)h(order)f(of)i +(op)31 b(erations.)580 b(So)398 b(an)g(inorder)g(tra)-31 +b(v)g(ersal)399 b(is)f(not)h(quite)g(su\261cien)-31 b(t)0 +15086 y(to)370 b(generate)g(an)f(in\257x)h(expression.)0 +17414 y(Nev)-31 b(ertheless,)331 b(with)322 b(a)f(few)g(impro)-31 +b(v)g(emen)g(ts,)334 b(the)321 b(expression)f(tree)h(and)g(the)g(three) +f(recur-)0 18769 y(siv)-31 b(e)417 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersals)417 +b(pro)-31 b(vide)416 b(a)h(general)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)417 +b(to)g(translate)h(expressions)d(from)i(one)f(format)0 +20124 y(to)370 b(another.)2767 23084 y Fm(As)397 b(an)h(exer)-57 +b(cise,)398 b(mo)-57 b(dify)399 b Fk(printTreeInorder)h +Fm(so)d(that)f(it)i(puts)e(p)-57 b(ar)g(enthe-)2767 24439 +y(ses)325 b(ar)-57 b(ound)326 b(every)g(op)-57 b(er)g(ator)325 +b(and)h(p)-57 b(air)326 b(of)g(op)-57 b(er)g(ands.)486 +b(Is)325 b(the)g(output)g(c)-57 b(orr)g(e)g(ct)2767 25794 +y(and)396 b(unambiguous?)510 b(A)-28 b(r)-57 b(e)396 +b(the)g(p)-57 b(ar)g(entheses)396 b(always)f(ne)-57 b(c)g(essary?)0 +28753 y Fn(If)346 b(w)-31 b(e)346 b(do)g(an)g(inorder)g(tra)-31 +b(v)g(ersal)347 b(and)f(k)-31 b(eep)346 b(trac)-31 b(k)347 +b(of)f(what)h(lev)-31 b(el)347 b(in)f(the)g(tree)g(w)-31 +b(e)346 b(are)g(on,)0 30108 y(w)-31 b(e)370 b(can)f(generate)h(a)g +(graphical)g(represen)-31 b(tation)371 b(of)e(a)h(tree:)0 +32517 y Fk(def)582 b(printTreeIndented\(tree,)i(level=0\):)1162 +33872 y(if)e(tree)f(==)h(None:)g(return)1162 35227 y +(printTreeIndented\(tree.right,)k(level+1\))1162 36582 +y(print)c(')1163 b('*level)582 b(+)f(str\(tree.cargo\))1162 +37937 y(printTreeIndented\(tree.left,)586 b(level+1\))0 +40346 y Fn(The)378 b(parameter)h Fk(level)g Fn(k)-31 +b(eeps)378 b(trac)-31 b(k)379 b(of)f(where)g(w)-31 b(e)379 +b(are)f(in)g(the)g(tree.)520 b(By)378 b(default,)k(it)d(is)0 +41701 y(initially)436 b(0.)681 b(Eac)-31 b(h)433 b(time)g(w)-31 +b(e)433 b(mak)-31 b(e)433 b(a)g(recursiv)-31 b(e)431 +b(call,)450 b(w)-31 b(e)432 b(pass)g Fk(level+1)h Fn(b)31 +b(ecause)432 b(the)0 43056 y(c)-31 b(hild's)410 b(lev)-31 +b(el)409 b(is)g(alw)-31 b(a)g(ys)410 b(one)f(greater)g(than)g(the)g +(paren)-31 b(t's.)612 b(Eac)-31 b(h)409 b(item)h(is)e(inden)-31 +b(ted)410 b(b)-31 b(y)0 44411 y(t)g(w)g(o)371 b(spaces)e(p)31 +b(er)368 b(lev)-31 b(el.)494 b(The)369 b(result)g(for)h(the)f(example)i +(tree)e(is:)0 46820 y Fk(>>>)582 b(printTreeIndented\(tree\))2325 +48175 y(3)1162 49529 y(*)2325 50884 y(2)0 52239 y(+)1162 +53594 y(1)0 56003 y Fn(If)405 b(y)-31 b(ou)406 b(lo)31 +b(ok)407 b(at)f(the)g(output)h(sidew)-31 b(a)g(ys,)416 +b(y)-31 b(ou)406 b(see)f(a)g(simpli\257ed)i(v)-31 b(ersion)406 +b(of)g(the)g(original)0 57358 y(\257gure.)p eop +%%Page: 210 236 +210 235 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(210)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(20.5)1792 b(Building)599 +b(an)e(expression)k(tree)0 3621 y Fn(In)265 b(this)i(section,)287 +b(w)-31 b(e)267 b(parse)e(in\257x)h(expressions)g(and)g(build)g(the)g +(corresp)31 b(onding)266 b(expression)0 4976 y(trees.)492 +b(F)-92 b(or)368 b(example,)k(the)d(expression)g Fk(\(3+7\)*9)h +Fn(yields)g(the)f(follo)-31 b(wing)373 b(tree:)13706 +6355 y + 6380830 6972866 0 0 6380830 6972866 startTexFig + 13706 6355 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/tree3.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: tree3.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 11 18:04:00 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 97 106 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def +/col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def +/col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def +/col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def +/col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def + +end +save +newpath 0 106 moveto 0 0 lineto 97 0 lineto 97 106 lineto closepath clip newpath +-138.0 163.0 translate +1 -1 scale + +/cp {closepath} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 2325 2325 m 2775 2325 l 2775 2700 l 2325 2700 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3075 2325 m 3525 2325 l 3525 2700 l 3075 2700 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3450 1650 m 3900 1650 l 3900 2025 l 3450 2025 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2700 1650 m 3150 1650 l 3150 2025 l 2700 2025 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3075 975 m 3525 975 l 3525 1350 l 3075 1350 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2893 1639 m 2935 1681 l 3043 1574 l 2937 1638 l 3000 1531 l cp +eoclip +n 3225 1350 m + 2925 1650 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3000 1531 m 2937 1638 l 3043 1574 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3664 1681 m 3706 1639 l 3599 1531 l 3663 1638 l 3556 1574 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 1350 m + 3675 1650 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3556 1574 m 3663 1638 l 3599 1531 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +2518 2314 m 2560 2356 l 2668 2249 l 2562 2313 l 2625 2206 l cp +eoclip +n 2850 2025 m + 2550 2325 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 2625 2206 m 2562 2313 l 2668 2249 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3289 2356 m 3331 2314 l 3224 2206 l 3288 2313 l 3181 2249 l cp +eoclip +n 3000 2025 m + 3300 2325 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3181 2249 m 3288 2313 l 3224 2206 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +3630 1913 m +gs 1 -1 sc (9) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +3248 2595 m +gs 1 -1 sc (7) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +2490 2588 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +2858 1905 m +gs 1 -1 sc (+) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 360.00 scf sf +3225 1380 m +gs 1 -1 sc (*) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 20320 a Fn(Notice)492 b(that)h(w)-31 b(e)491 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)492 b(simpli\257ed)g(the)g(diagram)g(b)-31 b(y)492 +b(lea)-31 b(ving)493 b(out)f(the)f(names)g(of)h(the)0 +21675 y(attributes.)0 24024 y(The)306 b(parser)f(w)-31 +b(e)306 b(will)i(write)e(handles)g(expressions)g(that)h(include)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)319 b(paren)-31 b(theses,)0 25379 +y(and)400 b(the)g(op)31 b(erators)399 b Fk(+)h Fn(and)g +Fk(*)p Fn(.)583 b(W)-92 b(e)399 b(assume)h(that)g(the)g(input)g(string) +g(has)g(already)g(b)31 b(een)0 26734 y(tok)-31 b(enized)371 +b(in)-31 b(to)371 b(a)e(Python)h(list.)494 b(The)369 +b(tok)-31 b(en)371 b(list)f(for)f Fk(\(3+7\)*9)h Fn(is:)0 +29164 y Fk(['\(',)582 b(3,)f('+',)h(7,)g('\)',)f('*',)h(9,)f('end'])0 +31594 y Fn(The)389 b Fk(end)g Fn(tok)-31 b(en)390 b(is)f(useful)f(for)h +(prev)-31 b(en)g(ting)390 b(the)f(parser)f(from)h(reading)h(past)f(the) +g(end)f(of)0 32949 y(the)369 b(list.)2767 35949 y Fm(As)385 +b(an)h(exer)-57 b(cise,)389 b(write)c(a)g(function)i(that)d(takes)h(an) +h(expr)-57 b(ession)385 b(string)h(and)2767 37304 y(r)-57 +b(eturns)396 b(a)g(token)h(list.)0 40304 y Fn(The)548 +b(\257rst)f(function)h(w)-31 b(e'll)550 b(write)e(is)f +Fk(getToken)p Fn(,)594 b(whic)-31 b(h)548 b(tak)-31 b(es)548 +b(a)g(tok)-31 b(en)549 b(list)f(and)g(an)0 41659 y(exp)31 +b(ected)544 b(tok)-31 b(en)545 b(as)f(parameters.)1016 +b(It)544 b(compares)g(the)g(exp)31 b(ected)544 b(tok)-31 +b(en)545 b(to)f(the)g(\257rst)0 43014 y(tok)-31 b(en)374 +b(on)f(the)f(list:)501 b(if)373 b(they)g(matc)-31 b(h,)375 +b(it)f(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)373 b(the)g(tok)-31 b(en)374 +b(from)f(the)g(list)g(and)g(returns)0 44369 y(true;)c(otherwise,)i(it)f +(returns)e(false:)0 46799 y Fk(def)582 b(getToken\(tokenList,)i +(expected\):)1162 48154 y(if)e(tokenList[0])h(==)e(expected:)2325 +49508 y(del)g(tokenList[0])2325 50863 y(return)h(1)1162 +52218 y(else:)2325 53573 y(return)g(0)0 56003 y Fn(Since)389 +b Fk(tokenList)h Fn(refers)e(to)i(a)f(m)-31 b(utable)391 +b(ob)61 b(ject,)396 b(the)389 b(c)-31 b(hanges)390 b(made)g(here)e(are) +h(visible)0 57358 y(to)370 b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(other)f(v)-61 +b(ariable)371 b(that)f(refers)e(to)i(the)f(same)h(ob)61 +b(ject.)p eop +%%Page: 211 237 +211 236 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20.5)425 b(Building)f(an)h(expression)h(tree) +18313 b(211)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)712 b(next)h(function,) +800 b Fk(getNumber)p Fn(,)f(handles)713 b(op)31 b(erands.)1521 +b(If)711 b(the)i(next)f(tok)-31 b(en)714 b(in)0 2220 +y Fk(tokenList)503 b Fn(is)f(a)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)535 +b Fk(getNumber)503 b Fn(remo)-31 b(v)g(es)502 b(it)h(and)f(returns)e(a) +i(leaf)h(no)31 b(de)502 b(con-)0 3575 y(taining)371 b(the)f(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er;)369 b(otherwise,)i(it)f(returns)e Fk(None)p +Fn(.)0 5893 y Fk(def)582 b(getNumber\(tokenList\):)1162 +7248 y(x)g(=)f(tokenList[0])1162 8603 y(if)h(type\(x\))g(!=)f +(type\(0\):)i(return)f(None)1162 9958 y(del)g(tokenList[0])1162 +11312 y(return)g(Tree)g(\(x,)g(None,)g(None\))0 13630 +y Fn(Before)447 b(con)-31 b(tin)g(uing,)470 b(w)-31 b(e)447 +b(should)h(test)f Fk(getNumber)i Fn(in)e(isolation.)729 +b(W)-92 b(e)446 b(assign)i(a)f(list)h(of)0 14985 y(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers)257 b(to)g Fk(tokenList)p Fn(,)281 +b(extract)258 b(the)g(\257rst,)279 b(prin)-31 b(t)258 +b(the)f(result,)280 b(and)257 b(prin)-31 b(t)257 b(what)i(remains)0 +16340 y(of)370 b(the)f(tok)-31 b(en)371 b(list:)0 18658 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(tokenList)g(=)f([9,)h(11,)g('end'])0 20013 +y(>>>)g(x)f(=)g(getNumber\(tokenList\))0 21368 y(>>>)h +(printTreePostorder\(x\))0 22723 y(9)0 24078 y(>>>)g(print)f(tokenList) +0 25432 y([11,)h('end'])0 27750 y Fn(The)429 b(next)h(metho)31 +b(d)430 b(w)-31 b(e)430 b(need)f(is)g Fk(getProduct)p +Fn(,)446 b(whic)-31 b(h)430 b(builds)f(an)h(expression)f(tree)g(for)0 +29105 y(pro)31 b(ducts.)492 b(A)370 b(simple)g(pro)31 +b(duct)369 b(has)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)369 b(as)g(op)31 b(erands,)369 b(lik)-31 b(e)370 +b Fk(3)582 b(*)f(7)p Fn(.)0 31342 y(Here)369 b(is)g(a)g(v)-31 +b(ersion)370 b(of)g Fk(getProduct)g Fn(that)h(handles)e(simple)h(pro)31 +b(ducts.)0 33660 y Fk(def)582 b(getProduct\(tokenList\):)1162 +35015 y(a)g(=)f(getNumber\(tokenList\))1162 36369 y(if)h +(getToken\(tokenList,)i('*'\):)2325 37724 y(b)d(=)g +(getNumber\(tokenList\))2325 39079 y(return)h(Tree)f(\('*',)h(a,)g(b\)) +1162 40434 y(else:)2325 41789 y(return)g(a)0 44107 y +Fn(Assuming)381 b(that)g Fk(getNumber)g Fn(succeeds)e(and)i(returns)e +(a)h(singleton)i(tree,)h(w)-31 b(e)381 b(assign)g(the)0 +45462 y(\257rst)451 b(op)31 b(erand)451 b(to)h Fk(a)p +Fn(.)739 b(If)452 b(the)f(next)h(c)-31 b(haracter)452 +b(is)f Fk(*)p Fn(,)473 b(w)-31 b(e)451 b(get)i(the)e(second)g(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)452 b(and)0 46817 y(build)370 b(an)f(expression)g +(tree)g(with)i Fk(a)p Fn(,)e Fk(b)p Fn(,)h(and)f(the)h(op)31 +b(erator.)0 49054 y(If)365 b(the)g(next)h(c)-31 b(haracter)366 +b(is)f(an)-31 b(ything)368 b(else,)e(then)f(w)-31 b(e)366 +b(just)g(return)e(the)i(leaf)g(no)31 b(de)365 b(with)h +Fk(a)p Fn(.)0 50408 y(Here)j(are)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 +b(examples:)0 52726 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tokenList)g(=)f([9,)h('*',)g(11,)f +('end'])0 54081 y(>>>)h(tree)f(=)h(getProduct\(tokenList\))0 +55436 y(>>>)g(printTreePostorder\(tree\))0 56791 y(9)f(11)h(*)p +eop +%%Page: 212 238 +212 237 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(212)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(tokenList)g(=)f([9,)h('+',)g +(11,)f('end'])0 2220 y(>>>)h(tree)f(=)h(getProduct\(tokenList\))0 +3575 y(>>>)g(printTreePostorder\(tree\))0 4930 y(9)0 +7037 y Fn(The)402 b(second)g(example)i(implies)f(that)h(w)-31 +b(e)402 b(consider)g(a)h(single)g(op)31 b(erand)402 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)401 b(a)i(kind)f(of)0 8392 y(pro)31 b(duct.)484 b(This)345 +b(de\257nition)h(of)f(\\pro)31 b(duct")345 b(is)f(coun)-31 +b(terin)g(tuitiv)g(e,)354 b(but)344 b(it)h(turns)f(out)h(to)g(b)31 +b(e)0 9747 y(useful.)0 11773 y(No)-31 b(w)376 b(w)-31 +b(e)375 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)376 b(to)g(deal)f(with)h(comp)31 +b(ound)376 b(pro)31 b(ducts,)376 b(lik)-31 b(e)376 b(lik)-31 +b(e)376 b Fk(3)582 b(*)f(5)g(*)g(13)p Fn(.)510 b(W)-92 +b(e)374 b(treat)0 13128 y(this)d(expression)g(as)f(a)h(pro)31 +b(duct)371 b(of)g(pro)31 b(ducts,)371 b(namely)h Fk(3)582 +b(*)f(\(5)g(*)h(13\))p Fn(.)497 b(The)371 b(resulting)0 +14483 y(tree)e(is:)13706 15647 y + 6380830 6972866 0 0 6380830 6972866 startTexFig + 13706 15647 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/tree4.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: tree4.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Tue Dec 11 18:03:53 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. Downey) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 97 106 +%%Magnification: 1.0000 +%%EndComments +/$F2psDict 200 dict def +$F2psDict begin +$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put +/col-1 {0 setgray} bind def +/col0 {0.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col1 {0.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col2 {0.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col3 {0.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col4 {1.000 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col5 {1.000 0.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col6 {1.000 1.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col7 {1.000 1.000 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col8 {0.000 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col9 {0.000 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col10 {0.000 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col11 {0.530 0.810 1.000 srgb} bind def +/col12 {0.000 0.560 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col13 {0.000 0.690 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col14 {0.000 0.820 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col15 {0.000 0.560 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col16 {0.000 0.690 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col17 {0.000 0.820 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col18 {0.560 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col19 {0.690 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col20 {0.820 0.000 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col21 {0.560 0.000 0.560 srgb} bind def +/col22 {0.690 0.000 0.690 srgb} bind def +/col23 {0.820 0.000 0.820 srgb} bind def +/col24 {0.500 0.190 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col25 {0.630 0.250 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col26 {0.750 0.380 0.000 srgb} bind def +/col27 {1.000 0.500 0.500 srgb} bind def +/col28 {1.000 0.630 0.630 srgb} bind def +/col29 {1.000 0.750 0.750 srgb} bind def +/col30 {1.000 0.880 0.880 srgb} bind def +/col31 {1.000 0.840 0.000 srgb} bind def + +end +save +newpath 0 106 moveto 0 0 lineto 97 0 lineto 97 106 lineto closepath clip newpath +-161.0 163.0 translate +1 -1 scale + +/cp {closepath} bind def +/ef {eofill} bind def +/gr {grestore} bind def +/gs {gsave} bind def +/sa {save} bind def +/rs {restore} bind def +/l {lineto} bind def +/m {moveto} bind def +/rm {rmoveto} bind def +/n {newpath} bind def +/s {stroke} bind def +/sh {show} bind def +/slc {setlinecap} bind def +/slj {setlinejoin} bind def +/slw {setlinewidth} bind def +/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def +/rot {rotate} bind def +/sc {scale} bind def +/sd {setdash} bind def +/ff {findfont} bind def +/sf {setfont} bind def +/scf {scalefont} bind def +/sw {stringwidth} bind def +/tr {translate} bind def +/tnt {dup dup currentrgbcolor + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add + 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb} + bind def +/shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul + 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def +/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def +/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def + +$F2psBegin +%%Page: 1 1 +10 setmiterlimit + 0.06000 0.06000 sc +% +% Fig objects follow +% +% Polyline +7.500 slw +n 3450 1650 m 3900 1650 l 3900 2025 l 3450 2025 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2700 1650 m 3150 1650 l 3150 2025 l 2700 2025 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3075 975 m 3525 975 l 3525 1350 l 3075 1350 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3075 2325 m 3525 2325 l 3525 2700 l 3075 2700 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 3825 2325 m 4275 2325 l 4275 2700 l 3825 2700 l + cp gs col7 0.90 shd ef gr gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +gs clippath +2893 1639 m 2935 1681 l 3043 1574 l 2937 1638 l 3000 1531 l cp +eoclip +n 3225 1350 m + 2925 1650 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3000 1531 m 2937 1638 l 3043 1574 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3664 1681 m 3706 1639 l 3599 1531 l 3663 1638 l 3556 1574 l cp +eoclip +n 3375 1350 m + 3675 1650 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3556 1574 m 3663 1638 l 3599 1531 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +3268 2314 m 3310 2356 l 3418 2249 l 3312 2313 l 3375 2206 l cp +eoclip +n 3600 2025 m + 3300 2325 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3375 2206 m 3312 2313 l 3418 2249 l col0 s +% Polyline +gs clippath +4039 2356 m 4081 2314 l 3974 2206 l 4038 2313 l 3931 2249 l cp +eoclip +n 3750 2025 m + 4050 2325 l gs col0 s gr gr + +% arrowhead +n 3931 2249 m 4038 2313 l 3974 2206 l col0 s +/Helvetica ff 360.00 scf sf +3225 1380 m +gs 1 -1 sc (*) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +2865 1920 m +gs 1 -1 sc (3) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 360.00 scf sf +3600 2047 m +gs 1 -1 sc (*) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +3240 2595 m +gs 1 -1 sc (5) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 210.00 scf sf +3931 2595 m +gs 1 -1 sc (13) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 29289 a Fn(With)326 b(a)h(small)g(c)-31 b(hange)327 +b(in)f Fk(getProduct)p Fn(,)336 b(w)-31 b(e)327 b(can)f(handle)h(an)f +(arbitrarily)h(long)g(pro)31 b(duct:)0 31396 y Fk(def)582 +b(getProduct\(tokenList\):)1162 32751 y(a)g(=)f(getNumber\(tokenList\)) +1162 34106 y(if)h(getToken\(tokenList,)i('*'\):)2325 +35461 y(b)d(=)g(getProduct\(tokenList\))4071 b(#)582 +b(this)f(line)h(changed)2325 36816 y(return)g(Tree)f(\('*',)h(a,)g(b\)) +1162 38171 y(else:)2325 39526 y(return)g(a)0 41633 y +Fn(In)290 b(other)h(w)-31 b(ords,)307 b(a)291 b(pro)31 +b(duct)290 b(can)h(b)31 b(e)290 b(either)h(a)g(singleton)h(or)f(a)f +(tree)h(with)h Fk(*)e Fn(at)h(the)g(ro)31 b(ot,)308 b(a)0 +42988 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)311 b(on)g(the)g(left,)324 +b(and)311 b(a)g(pro)31 b(duct)311 b(on)g(the)h(righ)-31 +b(t.)474 b(This)311 b(kind)h(of)f(recursiv)-31 b(e)310 +b(de\257nition)0 44343 y(should)370 b(b)31 b(e)368 b(starting)j(to)f +(feel)f(familiar.)0 46369 y(Let's)g(test)h(the)f(new)h(v)-31 +b(ersion)369 b(with)i(a)e(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(pro)31 +b(duct:)0 48476 y Fk(>>>)582 b(tokenList)g(=)f([2,)h('*',)g(3,)f('*',)h +(5)f(,)h('*',)f(7,)h('end'])0 49831 y(>>>)g(tree)f(=)h +(getProduct\(tokenList\))0 51186 y(>>>)g(printTreePostorder\(tree\))0 +52541 y(2)f(3)h(5)f(7)g(*)g(*)h(*)0 54648 y Fn(Next)371 +b(w)-31 b(e)372 b(will)g(add)f(the)g(abilit)-31 b(y)373 +b(to)f(parse)e(sums.)497 b(Again,)373 b(w)-31 b(e)371 +b(use)f(a)h(sligh)-31 b(tly)373 b(coun)-31 b(terin-)0 +56003 y(tuitiv)g(e)423 b(de\257nition)f(of)g(\\sum.")648 +b(F)-92 b(or)420 b(us,)433 b(a)421 b(sum)g(can)g(b)31 +b(e)420 b(a)h(tree)g(with)h Fk(+)e Fn(at)i(the)f(ro)31 +b(ot,)435 b(a)0 57358 y(pro)31 b(duct)369 b(on)h(the)f(left,)i(and)e(a) +h(sum)f(on)g(the)h(righ)-31 b(t.)493 b(Or,)369 b(a)h(sum)f(can)g(b)31 +b(e)369 b(just)g(a)h(pro)31 b(duct.)p eop +%%Page: 213 239 +213 238 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20.5)425 b(Building)f(an)h(expression)h(tree) +18313 b(213)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)398 b(y)-31 +b(ou)399 b(are)f(willing)j(to)d(pla)-31 b(y)400 b(along)g(with)f(this)g +(de\257nition,)407 b(it)399 b(has)f(a)g(nice)h(prop)31 +b(ert)-31 b(y:)550 b(w)-31 b(e)0 2220 y(can)366 b(represen)-31 +b(t)364 b(an)-31 b(y)366 b(expression)f(\(without)j(paren)-31 +b(theses\))366 b(as)f(a)h(sum)f(of)h(pro)31 b(ducts.)491 +b(This)0 3575 y(prop)31 b(ert)-31 b(y)369 b(is)g(the)h(basis)f(of)h +(our)f(parsing)g(algorithm.)0 5813 y Fk(getSum)375 b +Fn(tries)f(to)h(build)g(a)g(tree)f(with)h(a)g(pro)31 +b(duct)374 b(on)g(the)h(left)g(and)g(a)f(sum)g(on)h(the)f(righ)-31 +b(t.)0 7168 y(But)370 b(if)f(it)h(do)31 b(esn't)370 b(\257nd)f(a)g +Fk(+)p Fn(,)h(it)g(just)f(builds)h(a)f(pro)31 b(duct.)0 +9488 y Fk(def)582 b(getSum\(tokenList\):)1162 10843 y(a)g(=)f +(getProduct\(tokenList\))1162 12198 y(if)h(getToken\(tokenList,)i +('+'\):)2325 13552 y(b)d(=)g(getSum\(tokenList\))2325 +14907 y(return)h(Tree)f(\('+',)h(a,)g(b\))1162 16262 +y(else:)2325 17617 y(return)g(a)0 19937 y Fn(Let's)369 +b(test)h(it)g(with)g Fk(9)582 b(*)f(11)g(+)h(5)f(*)g(7)p +Fn(:)0 22256 y Fk(>>>)h(tokenList)g(=)f([9,)h('*',)g(11,)f('+',)h(5,)g +('*',)f(7,)h('end'])0 23611 y(>>>)g(tree)f(=)h(getSum\(tokenList\))0 +24966 y(>>>)g(printTreePostorder\(tree\))0 26321 y(9)f(11)h(*)f(5)g(7)h +(*)f(+)0 28640 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)407 b(are)g(almost)i(done,)417 +b(but)408 b(w)-31 b(e)408 b(still)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)409 +b(to)f(handle)g(paren)-31 b(theses.)606 b(An)-31 b(ywhere)408 +b(in)g(an)0 29995 y(expression)256 b(where)g(there)h(can)f(b)31 +b(e)256 b(a)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)279 b(there)257 +b(can)f(also)i(b)31 b(e)256 b(an)g(en)-31 b(tire)257 +b(sum)g(enclosed)0 31350 y(in)339 b(paren)-31 b(theses.)482 +b(W)-92 b(e)338 b(just)g(need)g(to)i(mo)31 b(dify)340 +b Fk(getNumber)f Fn(to)h(handle)f Fv(sub)35 b(expressions)p +Fn(:)0 33669 y Fk(def)582 b(getNumber\(tokenList\):)1162 +35024 y(if)g(getToken\(tokenList,)i('\('\):)2325 36379 +y(x)d(=)g(getSum\(tokenList\))5233 b(#)581 b(get)h(the)g(subexpression) +2325 37734 y(getToken\(tokenList,)i('\)'\))3487 b(#)581 +b(remove)h(the)g(closing)g(parenthesis)2325 39089 y(return)g(x)1162 +40444 y(else:)2325 41799 y(x)f(=)g(tokenList[0])2325 +43154 y(if)g(type\(x\))h(!=)g(type\(0\):)g(return)g(None)2325 +44509 y(tokenList[0:1])h(=)e([])2325 45864 y(return)h(Tree)f(\(x,)h +(None,)g(None\))0 48183 y Fn(Let's)369 b(test)h(this)g(co)31 +b(de)369 b(with)h Fk(9)581 b(*)h(\(11)f(+)h(5\))f(*)g(7)p +Fn(:)0 50502 y Fk(>>>)h(tokenList)g(=)f([9,)h('*',)g('\(',)f(11,)h +('+',)g(5,)f('\)',)h('*',)g(7,)f('end'])0 51857 y(>>>)h(tree)f(=)h +(getSum\(tokenList\))0 53212 y(>>>)g(printTreePostorder\(tree\))0 +54567 y(9)f(11)h(5)f(+)g(7)h(*)f(*)p eop +%%Page: 214 240 +214 239 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(214)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)386 b(parser)e(handled)j(the)e(paren) +-31 b(theses)386 b(correctly;)395 b(the)385 b(addition)j(happ)31 +b(ens)385 b(b)31 b(efore)386 b(the)0 2220 y(m)-31 b(ultiplication.)0 +4467 y(In)376 b(the)g(\257nal)h(v)-31 b(ersion)376 b(of)h(the)f +(program,)j(it)e(w)-31 b(ould)377 b(b)31 b(e)376 b(a)g(go)31 +b(o)g(d)377 b(idea)g(to)g(giv)-31 b(e)377 b Fk(getNumber)0 +5821 y Fn(a)369 b(name)h(more)g(descriptiv)-31 b(e)370 +b(of)g(its)f(new)h(role.)0 10576 y Fl(20.6)1792 b(Handling)599 +b(errors)0 13189 y Fn(Throughout)388 b(the)f(parser,)j(w)-31 +b(e'v)g(e)388 b(b)31 b(een)386 b(assuming)h(that)h(expressions)e(are)g +(w)-31 b(ell-formed.)0 14544 y(F)-92 b(or)458 b(example,)482 +b(when)459 b(w)-31 b(e)459 b(reac)-31 b(h)459 b(the)f(end)g(of)h(a)g +(sub)31 b(expression,)481 b(w)-31 b(e)459 b(assume)f(that)i(the)0 +15898 y(next)345 b(c)-31 b(haracter)344 b(is)g(a)g(close)h(paren)-31 +b(thesis.)484 b(If)344 b(there)g(is)g(an)g(error)f(and)i(the)f(next)g +(c)-31 b(haracter)0 17253 y(is)369 b(something)i(else,)f(w)-31 +b(e)369 b(should)h(deal)g(with)g(it.)0 19581 y Fk(def)582 +b(getNumber\(tokenList\):)1162 20936 y(if)g(getToken\(tokenList,)i +('\('\):)2325 22291 y(x)d(=)g(getSum\(tokenList\))2325 +23646 y(if)g(not)h(getToken\(tokenList,)i('\)'\):)3487 +25001 y(raise)e('BadExpressionError',)i('missing)e(parenthesis')2325 +26356 y(return)g(x)1162 27710 y(else:)2325 29065 y(#)f(the)g(rest)h(of) +g(the)f(function)i(omitted)0 31393 y Fn(The)350 b Fk(raise)h +Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)352 b(creates)e(an)g(exception;)359 +b(in)350 b(this)g(case)g(w)-31 b(e)351 b(create)f(a)h(new)f(kind)g(of)0 +32748 y(exception,)292 b(called)271 b(a)f Fk(BadExpressionError)p +Fn(.)462 b(If)269 b(the)h(function)h(that)g(called)g +Fk(getNumber)p Fn(,)0 34103 y(or)388 b(one)g(of)h(the)f(other)h +(functions)g(in)f(the)g(tracebac)-31 b(k,)395 b(handles)388 +b(the)h(exception,)394 b(then)389 b(the)0 35458 y(program)337 +b(can)g(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue.)483 b(Otherwise,)344 b(Python)338 +b(will)g(prin)-31 b(t)337 b(an)g(error)e(message)i(and)f(quit.)2767 +38260 y Fm(As)360 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)368 b(\257nd)360 +b(other)f(plac)-57 b(es)360 b(in)g(these)g(functions)g(wher)-57 +b(e)360 b(err)-57 b(ors)359 b(c)-57 b(an)2767 39615 y(o)g(c)g(cur)479 +b(and)e(add)g(appr)-57 b(opriate)476 b Fk(raise)i Fm(statements.)753 +b(T)-85 b(est)478 b(your)f(c)-57 b(o)g(de)478 b(with)2767 +40970 y(impr)-57 b(op)g(erly)397 b(forme)-57 b(d)397 +b(expr)-57 b(essions.)0 45724 y Fl(20.7)1792 b(The)599 +b(animal)f(tree)0 48337 y Fn(In)523 b(this)g(section,)563 +b(w)-31 b(e)523 b(dev)-31 b(elop)525 b(a)e(small)h(program)g(that)g +(uses)e(a)i(tree)f(to)g(represen)-31 b(t)523 b(a)0 49692 +y(kno)-31 b(wledge)371 b(base.)0 51938 y(The)439 b(program)h(in)-31 +b(teracts)441 b(with)f(the)g(user)e(to)i(create)f(a)h(tree)f(of)g +(questions)h(and)g(animal)0 53293 y(names.)493 b(Here)369 +b(is)g(a)g(sample)h(run:)p eop +%%Page: 215 241 +215 240 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20.7)425 b(The)g(animal)e(tree)24671 +b(215)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(Are)582 b(you)f(thinking)i(of)e +(an)g(animal?)i(y)0 2220 y(Is)e(it)h(a)f(bird?)h(n)0 +3575 y(What)g(is)f(the)h(animals)g(name?)g(dog)0 4930 +y(What)g(question)g(would)g(distinguish)h(a)e(dog)h(from)f(a)h(bird?)g +(Can)f(it)h(fly)0 6285 y(If)f(the)h(animal)g(were)g(dog)f(the)h(answer) +g(would)g(be?)g(n)0 8995 y(Are)g(you)f(thinking)i(of)e(an)g(animal?)i +(y)0 10350 y(Can)f(it)f(fly?)h(n)0 11705 y(Is)f(it)h(a)f(dog?)h(n)0 +13059 y(What)g(is)f(the)h(animals)g(name?)g(cat)0 14414 +y(What)g(question)g(would)g(distinguish)h(a)e(cat)h(from)f(a)h(dog?)f +(Does)h(it)g(bark)0 15769 y(If)f(the)h(animal)g(were)g(cat)f(the)h +(answer)g(would)g(be?)g(n)0 18479 y(Are)g(you)f(thinking)i(of)e(an)g +(animal?)i(y)0 19834 y(Can)f(it)f(fly?)h(n)0 21189 y(Does)g(it)f(bark?) +h(y)0 22544 y(Is)f(it)h(a)f(dog?)h(y)0 23899 y(I)f(rule!)0 +26609 y(Are)h(you)f(thinking)i(of)e(an)g(animal?)i(n)0 +29271 y Fn(Here)369 b(is)g(the)g(tree)g(this)h(dialog)h(builds:)8206 +30650 y + 12893224 7235993 0 0 12893224 7235993 startTexFig + 8206 30650 a +%%BeginDocument: illustrations/tree5.eps +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 +%%Title: tree5.eps +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3c +%%CreationDate: Sun Dec 30 19:29:04 2001 +%%For: downey@rocky.wellesley.edu (Allen B. 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4 {pop} repeat + 1425 1950 1920 1950 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 2025 1950 2025 1755 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 2025 1650 1530 1650 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1350 1200 m + 1725 1650 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1050 1200 m + 675 1650 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 705 900 m 600 900 600 1095 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 600 1200 1770 1200 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 1875 1200 1875 1005 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 1875 900 705 900 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1800 450 m + 1200 900 l gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 1380 150 m 1275 150 1275 345 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 1275 450 2820 450 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 2925 450 2925 255 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 2925 150 1380 150 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2430 900 m 2325 900 2325 1095 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 2325 1200 3495 1200 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 3600 1200 3600 1005 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + 3600 900 2430 900 105 arcto 4 {pop} repeat + cp gs col0 s gr +% Polyline +n 2400 450 m + 3000 900 l gs col0 s gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +2820 1117 m +gs 1 -1 sc (bird) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +1275 750 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +1650 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +675 1500 m +gs 1 -1 sc (n) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +2887 750 m +gs 1 -1 sc (y) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +1687 367 m +gs 1 -1 sc (Can it fly?) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +697 1118 m +gs 1 -1 sc (Does it bark?) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +548 1860 m +gs 1 -1 sc (cat) col0 sh gr +/Helvetica ff 180.00 scf sf +1575 1860 m +gs 1 -1 sc (dog) col0 sh gr +$F2psEnd +rs + +%%EndDocument + + endTexFig + 0 45292 a Fn(A)-31 b(t)404 b(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)405 +b(of)g(eac)-31 b(h)404 b(round,)412 b(the)404 b(program)h(starts)e(at)i +(the)f(top)g(of)g(the)g(tree)g(and)0 46647 y(asks)f(the)g(\257rst)g +(question.)595 b(Dep)31 b(ending)403 b(on)g(the)h(answ)-31 +b(er,)412 b(it)404 b(mo)-31 b(v)g(es)404 b(to)g(the)f(left)h(or)f(righ) +-31 b(t)0 48002 y(c)g(hild)348 b(and)f(con)-31 b(tin)g(ues)348 +b(un)-31 b(til)348 b(it)g(gets)f(to)h(a)f(leaf)h(no)31 +b(de.)485 b(A)-31 b(t)347 b(that)i(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(t,)353 +b(it)347 b(mak)-31 b(es)348 b(a)f(guess.)0 49357 y(If)320 +b(the)g(guess)f(is)h(not)g(correct,)330 b(it)321 b(asks)e(the)h(user)f +(for)h(the)g(name)g(of)h(the)f(new)g(animal)i(and)e(a)0 +50712 y(question)366 b(that)h(distinguishes)f(the)f(\(bad\))h(guess)f +(from)h(the)f(new)g(animal.)494 b(Then)365 b(it)h(adds)0 +52067 y(a)j(no)31 b(de)370 b(to)g(the)f(tree)g(with)h(the)g(new)f +(question)i(and)e(the)g(new)h(animal.)0 54648 y(Here)f(is)g(the)g(co)31 +b(de:)p eop +%%Page: 216 242 +216 241 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(216)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(animal\(\):)1162 +2220 y(#)g(start)f(with)h(a)g(singleton)1162 3575 y(root)g(=)f +(Tree\("bird"\))1162 6285 y(#)h(loop)f(until)h(the)g(user)g(quits)1162 +7640 y(while)g(1:)2325 8995 y(print)2325 10350 y(if)f(not)h(yes\("Are)g +(you)g(thinking)g(of)f(an)h(animal?)g("\):)g(break)2325 +13059 y(#)f(walk)h(the)f(tree)2325 14414 y(tree)g(=)h(root)2325 +15769 y(while)f(tree.getLeft\(\))j(!=)d(None:)3487 17124 +y(prompt)h(=)f(tree.getCargo\(\))j(+)d("?)g(")3487 18479 +y(if)g(yes\(prompt\):)4649 19834 y(tree)h(=)f(tree.getRight\(\))3487 +21189 y(else:)4649 22544 y(tree)h(=)f(tree.getLeft\(\))2325 +25254 y(#)g(make)h(a)f(guess)2325 26609 y(guess)g(=)h +(tree.getCargo\(\))2325 27964 y(prompt)g(=)f("Is)h(it)f(a)g(")h(+)f +(guess)h(+)f("?)h(")2325 29319 y(if)f(yes\(prompt\):)3487 +30673 y(print)h("I)f(rule!")3487 32028 y(continue)2325 +34738 y(#)g(get)g(new)h(information)2325 36093 y(prompt)1163 +b(=)581 b("What)h(is)f(the)h(animal's)g(name?)g(")2325 +37448 y(animal)1163 b(=)581 b(raw_input\(prompt\))2325 +38803 y(prompt)1163 b(=)581 b("What)h(question)g(would)g(distinguish)h +(a)e(\045s)h(from)f(a)h(\045s?)f(")2325 40158 y(question)h(=)f +(raw_input\(prompt)j(\045)d(\(animal,guess\)\))2325 42868 +y(#)g(add)g(new)h(information)h(to)e(the)h(tree)2325 +44223 y(tree.setCargo\(question\))2325 45578 y(prompt)g(=)f("If)h(the)f +(animal)h(were)g(\045s)f(the)h(answer)g(would)g(be?)f(")2325 +46933 y(if)g(yes\(prompt)i(\045)e(animal\):)3487 48287 +y(tree.setLeft\(Tree\(guess\)\))3487 49642 y +(tree.setRight\(Tree\(animal\)\))2325 50997 y(else:)3487 +52352 y(tree.setLeft\(Tree\(animal\)\))3487 53707 y +(tree.setRight\(Tree\(guess\)\))0 56003 y Fn(The)370 +b(function)h Fk(yes)f Fn(is)g(a)g(help)31 b(er;)370 b(it)h(prin)-31 +b(ts)370 b(a)g(prompt)g(and)g(then)g(tak)-31 b(es)371 +b(input)f(from)h(the)0 57358 y(user.)492 b(If)369 b(the)g(resp)31 +b(onse)368 b(b)31 b(egins)369 b(with)i Fm(y)e Fn(or)g +Fm(Y)p Fn(,)g(the)h(function)h(returns)d(true:)p eop +%%Page: 217 243 +217 242 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(20.8)425 b(Glossary)28784 b(217)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(def)582 b(yes\(ques\):)1162 +2220 y(from)g(string)g(import)g(lower)1162 3575 y(ans)g(=)f +(lower\(raw_input\(ques\)\))1162 4930 y(return)h(\(ans[0])h(==)e('y'\)) +0 7203 y Fn(The)500 b(condition)i(of)f(the)f(outer)g(lo)31 +b(op)501 b(is)f Fk(1)p Fn(,)533 b(whic)-31 b(h)501 b(means)f(it)h(will) +h(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue)501 b(un)-31 b(til)502 b(the)0 8558 +y Fk(break)370 b Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)371 b(executes,)f(if)f(the)h(user) +e(is)h(not)h(thinking)h(of)f(an)f(animal.)0 10751 y(The)394 +b(inner)g Fk(while)h Fn(lo)31 b(op)395 b(w)-31 b(alks)395 +b(the)f(tree)g(from)h(top)f(to)h(b)31 b(ottom,)403 b(guided)394 +b(b)-31 b(y)395 b(the)f(user's)0 12106 y(resp)31 b(onses.)0 +14298 y(When)314 b(a)h(new)g(no)31 b(de)314 b(is)h(added)g(to)g(the)g +(tree,)326 b(the)315 b(new)g(question)g(replaces)g(the)g(cargo,)327 +b(and)0 15653 y(the)369 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(c)-31 b(hildren)370 +b(are)f(the)g(new)h(animal)h(and)f(the)f(original)j(cargo.)0 +17845 y(One)342 b(shortcoming)i(of)e(the)g(program)h(is)f(that)i(when)e +(it)h(exits,)348 b(it)343 b(forgets)g(ev)-31 b(erything)343 +b(y)-31 b(ou)0 19200 y(carefully)370 b(taugh)-31 b(t)372 +b(it!)2767 21898 y Fm(As)394 b(an)f(exer)-57 b(cise,)396 +b(think)e(of)g(various)f(ways)g(you)h(might)h(save)e(the)h(know)57 +b(le)-57 b(dge)2767 23253 y(tr)g(e)g(e)397 b(in)g(a)f(\257le.)510 +b(Implement)396 b(the)g(one)h(you)f(think)h(is)f(e)-57 +b(asiest.)0 27846 y Fl(20.8)1792 b(Glossary)0 30383 y +Fv(binary)424 b(tree:)555 b Fn(A)392 b(tree)g(in)g(whic)-31 +b(h)394 b(eac)-31 b(h)392 b(no)31 b(de)393 b(refers)e(to)i(zero,)398 +b(one,)h(or)392 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)394 b(dep)31 b(enden)-31 +b(t)2767 31737 y(no)31 b(des.)0 34029 y Fv(ro)k(ot:)555 +b Fn(The)369 b(topmost)i(no)31 b(de)369 b(in)h(a)f(tree,)h(with)g(no)g +(paren)-31 b(t.)0 36320 y Fv(leaf:)553 b Fn(A)369 b(b)31 +b(ottom-most)372 b(no)31 b(de)369 b(in)h(a)f(tree,)h(with)g(no)g(c)-31 +b(hildren.)0 38611 y Fv(paren)c(t:)554 b Fn(The)369 b(no)31 +b(de)369 b(that)i(refers)d(to)i(a)f(giv)-31 b(en)371 +b(no)31 b(de.)0 40902 y Fv(c)-35 b(hild:)552 b Fn(One)369 +b(of)h(the)f(no)31 b(des)369 b(referred)f(to)i(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(a)h(no)31 b(de.)0 43193 y Fv(siblings:)553 +b Fn(No)31 b(des)369 b(that)i(share)d(a)i(common)h(paren)-31 +b(t.)0 45484 y Fv(lev)c(el:)553 b Fn(The)369 b(set)g(of)h(no)31 +b(des)369 b(equidistan)-31 b(t)371 b(from)f(the)f(ro)31 +b(ot.)0 47775 y Fv(binary)424 b(op)35 b(erator:)556 b +Fn(An)369 b(op)31 b(erator)370 b(that)g(tak)-31 b(es)370 +b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 b(op)31 b(erands.)0 50066 y Fv(sub)k(expression:) +556 b Fn(An)362 b(expression)f(in)h(paren)-31 b(theses)362 +b(that)h(acts)f(as)g(a)g(single)h(op)31 b(erand)362 b(in)2767 +51421 y(a)370 b(larger)f(expression.)0 53712 y Fv(preorder:)556 +b Fn(A)369 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)369 +b(a)g(tree,)h(visiting)h(eac)-31 b(h)370 b(no)31 b(de)369 +b(b)31 b(efore)369 b(its)h(c)-31 b(hildren.)0 56003 y +Fv(pre\257x)425 b(notation:)554 b Fn(A)345 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)347 +b(of)e(writing)i(a)e(mathematical)k(expression)c(with)h(eac)-31 +b(h)345 b(op)31 b(er-)2767 57358 y(ator)370 b(app)31 +b(earing)371 b(b)31 b(efore)369 b(its)g(op)31 b(erands.)p +eop +%%Page: 218 244 +218 243 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(218)33309 b(T)-106 b(rees)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a(p)35 b(ostorder:)556 b Fn(A)378 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)380 b(to)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)378 b(a)g(tree,)j +(visiting)f(the)e(c)-31 b(hildren)379 b(of)g(eac)-31 +b(h)378 b(no)31 b(de)378 b(b)31 b(efore)2767 2220 y(the)370 +b(no)31 b(de)369 b(itself.)0 4461 y Fv(inorder:)555 b +Fn(A)369 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)370 +b(a)g(tree,)g(visiting)h(the)f(left)g(subtree,)g(then)f(the)h(ro)31 +b(ot,)371 b(and)2767 5815 y(then)f(the)f(righ)-31 b(t)370 +b(subtree.)p eop +%%Page: 219 245 +219 244 bop 0 9923 a Fi(App)72 b(endix)862 b(A)0 16224 +y Fo(Debugging)0 22707 y Fn(Di\256eren)-31 b(t)379 b(kinds)g(of)h +(errors)d(can)j(o)31 b(ccur)378 b(in)i(a)f(program,)k(and)d(it)f(is)g +(useful)h(to)g(distinguish)0 24062 y(among)371 b(them)f(in)f(order)g +(to)h(trac)-31 b(k)370 b(them)g(do)-31 b(wn)370 b(more)f(quic)-31 +b(kly:)1660 26392 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Syn)-31 b(tax)441 +b(errors)d(are)g(pro)31 b(duced)439 b(b)-31 b(y)439 b(Python)i(when)e +(it)h(is)f(translating)i(the)e(source)2767 27747 y(co)31 +b(de)346 b(in)-31 b(to)348 b(b)-31 b(yte)347 b(co)31 +b(de.)484 b(They)347 b(usually)g(indicate)h(that)f(there)f(is)f +(something)j(wrong)2767 29102 y(with)354 b(the)f(syn)-31 +b(tax)353 b(of)g(the)g(program.)488 b(Example:)e(Omitting)355 +b(the)e(colon)g(at)g(the)g(end)2767 30457 y(of)286 b(a)f +Fk(def)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)287 b(yields)f(the)f(somewhat)i(redundan) +-31 b(t)286 b(message)f Fk(SyntaxError:)2767 31812 y(invalid)583 +b(syntax)p Fn(.)1660 33950 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Run)-31 +b(time)512 b(errors)d(are)h(pro)31 b(duced)510 b(b)-31 +b(y)510 b(the)h(run)-31 b(time)511 b(system)g(if)g(something)h(go)31 +b(es)2767 35305 y(wrong)305 b(while)g(the)f(program)h(is)f(running.)471 +b(Most)304 b(run)-31 b(time)305 b(error)e(messages)h(include)2767 +36660 y(information)345 b(ab)31 b(out)342 b(where)g(the)f(error)g(o)31 +b(ccurred)340 b(and)i(what)h(functions)f(w)-31 b(ere)342 +b(exe-)2767 38015 y(cuting.)535 b(Example:)522 b(An)382 +b(in\257nite)i(recursion)f(ev)-31 b(en)g(tually)385 b(causes)d(a)h(run) +-31 b(time)384 b(error)2767 39370 y(of)370 b(\\maxim)-31 +b(um)372 b(recursion)d(depth)g(exceeded.")1660 41508 +y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Seman)-31 b(tic)359 b(errors)c(are)h(problems)g +(with)i(a)f(program)g(that)g(compiles)h(and)e(runs)g(but)2767 +42863 y(do)31 b(esn't)319 b(do)g(the)f(righ)-31 b(t)319 +b(thing.)477 b(Example:)469 b(An)318 b(expression)g(ma)-31 +b(y)320 b(not)f(b)31 b(e)318 b(ev)-61 b(aluated)2767 +44218 y(in)370 b(the)f(order)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(exp)31 +b(ect,)370 b(yielding)h(an)e(unexp)31 b(ected)369 b(result.)0 +46548 y(The)455 b(\257rst)f(step)h(in)g(debugging)i(is)e(to)g(\257gure) +g(out)h(whic)-31 b(h)455 b(kind)h(of)f(error)f(y)-31 +b(ou)456 b(are)e(deal-)0 47903 y(ing)483 b(with.)835 +b(Although)484 b(the)f(follo)-31 b(wing)487 b(sections)c(are)f +(organized)i(b)-31 b(y)483 b(error)f(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)512 +b(some)0 49258 y(tec)-31 b(hniques)370 b(are)f(applicable)i(in)f(more)f +(than)h(one)g(situation.)0 53615 y Fl(A.1)1793 b(Syn)-50 +b(tax)600 b(errors)0 56003 y Fn(Syn)-31 b(tax)453 b(errors)d(are)h +(usually)i(easy)e(to)h(\257x)g(once)g(y)-31 b(ou)452 +b(\257gure)f(out)h(what)h(they)f(are.)739 b(Un-)0 57358 +y(fortunately)-92 b(,)697 b(the)630 b(error)e(messages)i(are)f(often)h +(not)h(helpful.)1274 b(The)630 b(most)g(common)p eop +%%Page: 220 246 +220 245 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(220)30338 b(Debugging)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(messages)532 b(are)g Fk(SyntaxError:)1164 +b(invalid)583 b(syntax)533 b Fn(and)f Fk(SyntaxError:)1164 +b(invalid)0 2220 y(token)p Fn(,)370 b(neither)g(of)f(whic)-31 +b(h)371 b(is)e(v)-31 b(ery)369 b(informativ)-31 b(e.)0 +4633 y(On)306 b(the)h(other)g(hand,)320 b(the)307 b(message)g(do)31 +b(es)306 b(tell)i(y)-31 b(ou)307 b(where)f(in)h(the)g(program)g(the)g +(problem)0 5988 y(o)31 b(ccurred.)611 b(Actually)-92 +b(,)421 b(it)409 b(tells)h(y)-31 b(ou)410 b(where)e(Python)j(noticed)f +(a)f(problem,)420 b(whic)-31 b(h)409 b(is)g(not)0 7343 +y(necessarily)433 b(where)f(the)h(error)f(is.)683 b(Sometimes)435 +b(the)e(error)f(is)g(prior)h(to)g(the)g(lo)31 b(cation)435 +b(of)0 8698 y(the)369 b(error)g(message,)h(often)g(on)f(the)h +(preceding)f(line.)0 11111 y(If)503 b(y)-31 b(ou)504 +b(are)f(building)i(the)e(program)h(incremen)-31 b(tally)-92 +b(,)540 b(y)-31 b(ou)504 b(should)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)504 +b(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)504 b(idea)0 12466 y(ab)31 b(out)370 +b(where)f(the)h(error)e(is.)492 b(It)369 b(will)i(b)31 +b(e)369 b(in)h(the)f(last)h(line)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(added.)0 +14879 y(If)294 b(y)-31 b(ou)296 b(are)e(cop)-31 b(ying)296 +b(co)31 b(de)295 b(from)g(a)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)310 b(start)296 +b(b)-31 b(y)294 b(comparing)j(y)-31 b(our)295 b(co)31 +b(de)294 b(to)h(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok's)0 16234 y(co)g(de)406 +b(v)-31 b(ery)405 b(carefully)-92 b(.)604 b(Chec)-31 +b(k)406 b(ev)-31 b(ery)406 b(c)-31 b(haracter.)602 b(A)-31 +b(t)407 b(the)f(same)g(time,)416 b(remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)406 +b(that)0 17588 y(the)323 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)323 b(migh)-31 +b(t)325 b(b)31 b(e)322 b(wrong,)333 b(so)323 b(if)g(y)-31 +b(ou)323 b(see)f(something)j(that)e(lo)31 b(oks)324 b(lik)-31 +b(e)324 b(a)f(syn)-31 b(tax)323 b(error,)0 18943 y(it)370 +b(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(b)31 b(e.)0 21356 y(Here)369 b(are)g(some)g(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys)371 b(to)f(a)-31 b(v)g(oid)371 b(the)e(most)h(common)h(syn)-31 +b(tax)370 b(errors:)1353 24480 y(1.)554 b(Mak)-31 b(e)370 +b(sure)e(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(are)f(not)h(using)g(a)f(Python)i(k)-31 +b(eyw)g(ord)370 b(for)f(a)h(v)-61 b(ariable)370 b(name.)1353 +27181 y(2.)554 b(Chec)-31 b(k)368 b(that)f(y)-31 b(ou)368 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)367 b(a)g(colon)h(at)f(the)g(end)f(of)h(the)g(header)f +(of)h(ev)-31 b(ery)367 b(comp)31 b(ound)2767 28536 y(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(including)f Fk(for)p Fn(,)f Fk(while)p Fn(,)g +Fk(if)p Fn(,)g(and)f Fk(def)h Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts.)1353 +31237 y(3.)554 b(Chec)-31 b(k)401 b(that)g(inden)-31 +b(tation)402 b(is)e(consisten)-31 b(t.)585 b(Y)-92 b(ou)400 +b(ma)-31 b(y)401 b(inden)-31 b(t)401 b(with)f(either)g(spaces)2767 +32592 y(or)455 b(tabs)g(but)f(it's)i(b)31 b(est)454 b(not)h(to)g(mix)h +(them.)749 b(Eac)-31 b(h)456 b(lev)-31 b(el)455 b(should)g(b)31 +b(e)454 b(nested)h(the)2767 33946 y(same)370 b(amoun)-31 +b(t.)1353 36647 y(4.)554 b(Mak)-31 b(e)370 b(sure)e(that)j(an)-31 +b(y)370 b(strings)f(in)g(the)h(co)31 b(de)369 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(matc)-31 b(hing)372 b(quotation)g(marks.)1353 +39348 y(5.)554 b(If)440 b(y)-31 b(ou)441 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)441 +b(m)-31 b(ultiline)443 b(strings)d(with)h(triple)g(quotes)f(\(single)i +(or)d(double\),)460 b(mak)-31 b(e)2767 40703 y(sure)505 +b(y)-31 b(ou)506 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)506 b(terminated)h(the)f(string)f +(prop)31 b(erly)-92 b(.)901 b(An)505 b(un)-31 b(terminated)507 +b(string)2767 42058 y(ma)-31 b(y)333 b(cause)f(an)g Fk(invalid)582 +b(token)332 b Fn(error)f(at)h(the)g(end)g(of)g(y)-31 +b(our)332 b(program,)341 b(or)331 b(it)i(ma)-31 b(y)2767 +43413 y(treat)429 b(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)432 b(part)c(of)h(the)g +(program)g(as)f(a)h(string)f(un)-31 b(til)430 b(it)f(comes)g(to)g(the) +2767 44768 y(next)361 b(string.)490 b(In)360 b(the)h(second)f(case,)i +(it)f(migh)-31 b(t)363 b(not)e(pro)31 b(duce)360 b(an)g(error)f +(message)i(at)2767 46123 y(all!)1353 48824 y(6.)554 b(An)435 +b(unclosed)f(brac)-31 b(k)g(et|)p Fk(\()p Fn(,)452 b +Fk({)p Fn(,)f(or)434 b Fk([)p Fn(|mak)-31 b(es)435 b(Python)h(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ue)436 b(with)f(the)f(next)2767 50179 y(line)i(as)e(part)h(of)g +(the)g(curren)-31 b(t)434 b(statemen)-31 b(t.)690 b(Generally)-92 +b(,)452 b(an)435 b(error)e(o)31 b(ccurs)434 b(almost)2767 +51534 y(immediately)373 b(in)c(the)h(next)f(line.)1353 +54235 y(7.)554 b(Chec)-31 b(k)370 b(for)g(the)f(classic)h +Fk(=)f Fn(instead)h(of)g Fk(==)f Fn(inside)g(a)h(conditional.)0 +57358 y(If)f(nothing)i(w)-31 b(orks,)370 b(mo)-31 b(v)g(e)371 +b(on)e(to)h(the)f(next)h(section...)p eop +%%Page: 221 247 +221 246 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(A.2)425 b(Run)-35 b(time)424 +b(errors)25360 b(221)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fh(A.1.1)1495 +b(I)416 b(can't)i(get)e(m)-42 b(y)417 b(program)i(to)e(run)g(no)g +(matter)g(what)h(I)e(do.)0 3380 y Fn(If)306 b(the)g(compiler)h(sa)-31 +b(ys)306 b(there)g(is)g(an)g(error)f(and)h(y)-31 b(ou)307 +b(don't)g(see)e(it,)320 b(that)307 b(migh)-31 b(t)308 +b(b)31 b(e)305 b(b)31 b(ecause)0 4735 y(y)-31 b(ou)251 +b(and)f(the)h(compiler)g(are)g(not)g(lo)31 b(oking)252 +b(at)f(the)g(same)f(co)31 b(de.)453 b(Chec)-31 b(k)251 +b(y)-31 b(our)251 b(programming)0 6090 y(en)-31 b(vironmen)g(t)310 +b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)310 b(sure)d(that)j(the)f(program)g(y)-31 +b(ou)309 b(are)g(editing)h(is)f(the)f(one)h(Python)h(is)0 +7445 y(trying)344 b(to)g(run.)483 b(If)343 b(y)-31 b(ou)343 +b(are)g(not)h(sure,)k(try)343 b(putting)h(an)f(ob)-31 +b(vious)345 b(and)e(delib)31 b(erate)344 b(syn)-31 b(tax)0 +8800 y(error)454 b(at)i(the)f(b)31 b(eginning)456 b(of)g(the)f +(program.)750 b(No)-31 b(w)457 b(run)d(\(or)h(imp)31 +b(ort\))457 b(it)e(again.)752 b(If)455 b(the)0 10155 +y(compiler)465 b(do)31 b(esn't)465 b(\257nd)f(the)g(new)g(error,)487 +b(there)464 b(is)g(probably)h(something)h(wrong)f(with)0 +11509 y(the)369 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(y)-31 b(our)370 +b(en)-31 b(vironmen)g(t)371 b(is)e(set)g(up.)0 13822 +y(If)360 b(this)g(happ)31 b(ens,)362 b(one)e(approac)-31 +b(h)360 b(is)g(to)h(start)f(again)i(with)f(a)f(new)g(program)g(lik)-31 +b(e)361 b(\\Hello,)0 15177 y(W)-92 b(orld!,")391 b(and)386 +b(mak)-31 b(e)387 b(sure)e(y)-31 b(ou)386 b(can)g(get)h(a)f(kno)-31 +b(wn)386 b(program)h(to)f(run.)542 b(Then)386 b(gradually)0 +16532 y(add)369 b(the)h(pieces)f(of)h(the)f(new)g(program)h(to)g(the)g +(w)-31 b(orking)371 b(one.)0 21486 y Fl(A.2)1793 b(Run)-50 +b(time)599 b(errors)0 24191 y Fn(Once)402 b(y)-31 b(our)403 +b(program)h(is)e(syn)-31 b(tactically)406 b(correct,)411 +b(Python)404 b(can)f(imp)31 b(ort)404 b(it)f(and)g(at)g(least)0 +25546 y(start)370 b(running)f(it.)494 b(What)369 b(could)h(p)31 +b(ossibly)370 b(go)g(wrong?)0 29929 y Fh(A.2.1)1495 b(My)498 +b(program)i(do)42 b(es)498 b(absolutely)i(nothing.)0 +32443 y Fn(This)251 b(problem)g(is)f(most)i(common)g(when)e(y)-31 +b(our)251 b(\257le)g(consists)f(of)h(functions)h(and)f(classes)f(but)0 +33798 y(do)31 b(es)407 b(not)i(actually)h(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)410 +b(an)-31 b(ything)410 b(to)e(start)g(execution.)610 b(This)408 +b(ma)-31 b(y)409 b(b)31 b(e)407 b(in)-31 b(ten)g(tional)0 +35153 y(if)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(only)g(plan)g(to)g(imp)31 +b(ort)370 b(this)f(mo)31 b(dule)371 b(to)f(supply)f(classes)g(and)g +(functions.)0 37466 y(If)520 b(it)h(is)g(not)g(in)-31 +b(ten)g(tional,)562 b(mak)-31 b(e)522 b(sure)d(that)j(y)-31 +b(ou)521 b(are)g(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)523 b(a)d(function)i(to)f(start)0 +38821 y(execution,)448 b(or)431 b(execute)h(one)f(from)h(the)f(in)-31 +b(teractiv)g(e)434 b(prompt.)679 b(Also)432 b(see)e(the)i(\\Flo)-31 +b(w)432 b(of)0 40176 y(Execution")371 b(section)f(b)31 +b(elo)-31 b(w.)0 44559 y Fh(A.2.2)1495 b(My)498 b(program)i(hangs.)0 +47073 y Fn(If)307 b(a)h(program)g(stops)f(and)h(seems)f(to)h(b)31 +b(e)307 b(doing)i(nothing,)322 b(w)-31 b(e)307 b(sa)-31 +b(y)308 b(it)g(is)g(\\hanging.")474 b(Often)0 48428 y(that)370 +b(means)g(that)g(it)g(is)f(caugh)-31 b(t)371 b(in)f(an)f(in\257nite)h +(lo)31 b(op)371 b(or)e(an)g(in\257nite)h(recursion.)1660 +51359 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(If)361 b(there)g(is)g(a)g(particular)h(lo)31 +b(op)362 b(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)362 b(susp)31 b(ect)360 +b(is)h(the)g(problem,)j(add)d(a)g Fk(print)2767 52713 +y Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)378 b(immediately)i(b)31 b(efore)375 +b(the)i(lo)31 b(op)377 b(that)g(sa)-31 b(ys)376 b(\\en)-31 +b(tering)377 b(the)f(lo)31 b(op")378 b(and)2767 54068 +y(another)370 b(immediately)j(after)d(that)g(sa)-31 b(ys)369 +b(\\exiting)j(the)d(lo)31 b(op.")2767 56003 y(Run)350 +b(the)g(program.)487 b(If)350 b(y)-31 b(ou)351 b(get)f(the)g(\257rst)g +(message)g(and)g(not)h(the)f(second,)k(y)-31 b(ou'v)g(e)2767 +57358 y(got)371 b(an)e(in\257nite)i(lo)31 b(op.)493 b(Go)369 +b(to)h(the)g(\\In\257nite)g(Lo)31 b(op")370 b(section)g(b)31 +b(elo)-31 b(w.)p eop +%%Page: 222 248 +222 247 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(222)30338 b(Debugging)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Most)406 b(of)h(the)f(time,)417 +b(an)406 b(in\257nite)h(recursion)e(will)j(cause)d(the)h(program)h(to)g +(run)e(for)2767 2220 y(a)460 b(while)g(and)f(then)g(pro)31 +b(duce)459 b(a)g(\\Run)-31 b(timeError:)673 b(Maxim)-31 +b(um)461 b(recursion)e(depth)2767 3575 y(exceeded")434 +b(error.)684 b(If)433 b(that)h(happ)31 b(ens,)449 b(go)434 +b(to)g(the)g(\\In\257nite)g(Recursion")f(section)2767 +4930 y(b)31 b(elo)-31 b(w.)2767 6708 y(If)399 b(y)-31 +b(ou)400 b(are)f(not)h(getting)h(this)e(error)f(but)i(y)-31 +b(ou)399 b(susp)31 b(ect)399 b(there)g(is)g(a)g(problem)h(with)2767 +8063 y(a)493 b(recursiv)-31 b(e)491 b(metho)31 b(d)493 +b(or)f(function,)524 b(y)-31 b(ou)493 b(can)f(still)h(use)f(the)g(tec) +-31 b(hniques)492 b(in)h(the)2767 9418 y(\\In\257nite)371 +b(Recursion")e(section.)1660 11620 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(If)270 +b(neither)f(of)h(those)g(steps)f(w)-31 b(orks,)290 b(start)270 +b(testing)h(other)e(lo)31 b(ops)270 b(and)g(other)f(recursiv)-31 +b(e)2767 12975 y(functions)371 b(and)e(metho)31 b(ds.)1660 +15177 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(If)487 b(that)h(do)31 b(esn't)487 +b(w)-31 b(ork,)517 b(then)487 b(it)h(is)e(p)31 b(ossible)487 +b(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)487 b(don't)h(understand)f(the)2767 +16532 y(\260o)-31 b(w)331 b(of)e(execution)i(in)e(y)-31 +b(our)330 b(program.)480 b(Go)329 b(to)h(the)f(\\Flo)-31 +b(w)331 b(of)f(Execution")h(section)2767 17887 y(b)31 +b(elo)-31 b(w.)0 21543 y Fv(In\257nite)425 b(Lo)35 b(op)0 +23810 y Fn(If)477 b(y)-31 b(ou)478 b(think)h(y)-31 b(ou)478 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)478 b(an)g(in\257nite)h(lo)31 b(op)478 +b(and)g(y)-31 b(ou)478 b(think)g(y)-31 b(ou)478 b(kno)-31 +b(w)479 b(what)g(lo)31 b(op)478 b(is)0 25165 y(causing)376 +b(the)f(problem,)j(add)d(a)g Fk(print)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)377 b(at)f(the)f(end)g(of)g(the)h(lo)31 b(op)376 +b(that)g(prin)-31 b(ts)0 26520 y(the)369 b(v)-61 b(alues)370 +b(of)f(the)h(v)-61 b(ariables)370 b(in)f(the)h(condition)h(and)e(the)h +(v)-61 b(alue)369 b(of)h(the)g(condition.)0 28643 y(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(example:)0 30848 y Fk(while)582 b(x)f(>)g(0)h(and)f(y)h(<)f +(0)g(:)1162 32203 y(#)h(do)f(something)i(to)e(x)1162 +33558 y(#)h(do)f(something)i(to)e(y)1162 36268 y(print)1163 +b("x:)582 b(",)f(x)1162 37623 y(print)1163 b("y:)582 +b(",)f(y)1162 38977 y(print)1163 b("condition:)583 b(",)f(\(x)f(>)g(0)h +(and)f(y)h(<)f(0\))0 41182 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)509 b(when)e(y)-31 +b(ou)509 b(run)d(the)i(program,)544 b(y)-31 b(ou)508 +b(will)h(see)e(three)g(lines)h(of)g(output)h(for)e(eac)-31 +b(h)0 42537 y(time)336 b(through)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op.)483 +b(The)334 b(last)i(time)g(through)f(the)g(lo)31 b(op,)344 +b(the)334 b(condition)j(should)e(b)31 b(e)0 43892 y Fk(false)p +Fn(.)681 b(If)431 b(the)h(lo)31 b(op)433 b(k)-31 b(eeps)431 +b(going,)449 b(y)-31 b(ou)433 b(will)g(b)31 b(e)431 b(able)i(to)f(see)f +(the)h(v)-61 b(alues)432 b(of)g Fk(x)g Fn(and)f Fk(y)p +Fn(,)0 45247 y(and)369 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 +b(\257gure)e(out)h(wh)-31 b(y)370 b(they)g(are)f(not)h(b)31 +b(eing)370 b(up)31 b(dated)369 b(correctly)-92 b(.)0 +48903 y Fv(In\257nite)425 b(Recursion)0 51170 y Fn(Most)331 +b(of)h(the)g(time,)341 b(an)331 b(in\257nite)i(recursion)e(will)i +(cause)e(the)h(program)g(to)g(run)f(for)g(a)h(while)0 +52525 y(and)369 b(then)h(pro)31 b(duce)369 b(a)g Fk(Maximum)582 +b(recursion)h(depth)f(exceeded)370 b Fn(error.)0 54648 +y(If)395 b(y)-31 b(ou)397 b(susp)31 b(ect)395 b(that)i(a)e(function)j +(or)d(metho)31 b(d)397 b(is)e(causing)i(an)e(in\257nite)i(recursion,) +402 b(start)0 56003 y(b)-31 b(y)324 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(king)326 +b(to)f(mak)-31 b(e)325 b(sure)e(that)j(there)e(is)g(a)g(base)g(case.) +478 b(In)323 b(other)i(w)-31 b(ords,)334 b(there)324 +b(should)0 57358 y(b)31 b(e)492 b(some)i(condition)h(that)f(will)h +(cause)e(the)g(function)h(or)f(metho)31 b(d)494 b(to)f(return)g +(without)p eop +%%Page: 223 249 +223 248 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(A.2)425 b(Run)-35 b(time)424 +b(errors)25360 b(223)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(making)413 +b(a)e(recursiv)-31 b(e)411 b(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cation.)621 +b(If)411 b(not,)423 b(then)411 b(y)-31 b(ou)412 b(need)f(to)g(rethink)h +(the)f(algorithm)0 2220 y(and)369 b(iden)-31 b(tify)372 +b(a)d(base)g(case.)0 4480 y(If)436 b(there)h(is)f(a)h(base)f(case)h +(but)g(the)f(program)i(do)31 b(esn't)437 b(seem)f(to)i(b)31 +b(e)436 b(reac)-31 b(hing)437 b(it,)455 b(add)437 b(a)0 +5835 y Fk(print)490 b Fn(statemen)-31 b(t)491 b(at)f(the)g(b)31 +b(eginning)491 b(of)f(the)f(function)i(or)e(metho)31 +b(d)491 b(that)f(prin)-31 b(ts)490 b(the)0 7190 y(parameters.)h(No)-31 +b(w)363 b(when)f(y)-31 b(ou)363 b(run)e(the)h(program,)j(y)-31 +b(ou)362 b(will)i(see)d(a)i(few)f(lines)g(of)h(output)0 +8544 y(ev)-31 b(ery)367 b(time)h(the)f(function)h(or)f(metho)31 +b(d)367 b(is)g(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed,)370 b(and)d(y)-31 +b(ou)367 b(will)i(see)d(the)h(parameters.)0 9899 y(If)357 +b(the)g(parameters)h(are)f(not)h(mo)-31 b(ving)359 b(to)-31 +b(w)g(ard)359 b(the)e(base)g(case,)j(y)-31 b(ou)358 b(will)h(get)f +(some)g(ideas)0 11254 y(ab)31 b(out)370 b(wh)-31 b(y)370 +b(not.)0 15252 y Fv(Flo)-35 b(w)424 b(of)h(Execution)0 +17692 y Fn(If)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)372 b(are)f(not)i(sure)d(ho)-31 +b(w)372 b(the)g(\260o)-31 b(w)372 b(of)g(execution)h(is)e(mo)-31 +b(ving)374 b(through)e(y)-31 b(our)372 b(program,)0 19047 +y(add)487 b Fk(print)f Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)488 b(to)f(the)g(b)31 +b(eginning)488 b(of)e(eac)-31 b(h)487 b(function)h(with)f(a)g(message)g +(lik)-31 b(e)0 20402 y(\\en)g(tering)371 b(function)f +Fk(foo)p Fn(,")h(where)e Fk(foo)g Fn(is)g(the)h(name)g(of)f(the)h +(function.)0 22662 y(No)-31 b(w)437 b(when)f(y)-31 b(ou)436 +b(run)f(the)h(program,)453 b(it)437 b(will)g(prin)-31 +b(t)436 b(a)g(trace)g(of)g(eac)-31 b(h)436 b(function)h(as)f(it)g(is)0 +24016 y(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed.)0 28240 y Fh(A.2.3)1495 +b(When)499 b(I)e(run)i(the)g(program)h(I)d(get)i(an)g(exception.)0 +30680 y Fn(If)323 b(something)i(go)31 b(es)324 b(wrong)g(during)f(run) +-31 b(time,)334 b(Python)325 b(prin)-31 b(ts)324 b(a)f(message)h(that)h +(includes)0 32035 y(the)g(name)g(of)g(the)g(exception,)335 +b(the)325 b(line)g(of)g(the)g(program)g(where)f(the)h(problem)g(o)31 +b(ccurred,)0 33390 y(and)369 b(a)h(tracebac)-31 b(k.)0 +35650 y(The)471 b(tracebac)-31 b(k)472 b(iden)-31 b(ti\257es)472 +b(the)f(function)h(that)h(is)d(curren)-31 b(tly)471 b(running,)497 +b(and)472 b(then)f(the)0 37004 y(function)342 b(that)g(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(ed)343 b(it,)348 b(and)341 b(then)g(the)g(function)h(that)g +(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(ed)343 b Fm(that)p Fn(,)j(and)341 +b(so)g(on.)483 b(In)0 38359 y(other)448 b(w)-31 b(ords,)469 +b(it)449 b(traces)f(the)g(path)h(of)f(function)i(in)-31 +b(v)g(o)31 b(cations)451 b(that)e(got)g(y)-31 b(ou)449 +b(to)g(where)0 39714 y(y)-31 b(ou)408 b(are.)605 b(It)407 +b(also)g(includes)h(the)f(line)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)407 +b(in)g(y)-31 b(our)407 b(\257le)g(where)g(eac)-31 b(h)407 +b(of)g(these)g(calls)0 41069 y(o)31 b(ccurs.)0 43329 +y(The)379 b(\257rst)g(step)g(is)g(to)h(examine)g(the)f(place)h(in)g +(the)f(program)h(where)f(the)g(error)f(o)31 b(ccurred)0 +44684 y(and)527 b(see)f(if)h(y)-31 b(ou)528 b(can)f(\257gure)g(out)g +(what)h(happ)31 b(ened.)965 b(These)527 b(are)g(some)g(of)g(the)g(most) +0 46039 y(common)371 b(run)-31 b(time)370 b(errors:)0 +48867 y Fv(NameError:)555 b Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)342 b(are)g(trying)h(to)g +(use)e(a)h(v)-61 b(ariable)343 b(that)g(do)31 b(esn't)343 +b(exist)f(in)g(the)g(curren)-31 b(t)2767 50221 y(en)g(vironmen)g(t.)606 +b(Remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er)407 b(that)g(lo)31 b(cal)408 +b(v)-61 b(ariables)407 b(are)f(lo)31 b(cal.)606 b(Y)-92 +b(ou)406 b(cannot)i(refer)2767 51576 y(to)370 b(them)g(from)g(outside)g +(the)f(function)i(where)e(they)h(are)f(de\257ned.)0 53992 +y Fv(T)-35 b(yp)35 b(eError:)555 b Fn(There)369 b(are)g(sev)-31 +b(eral)369 b(p)31 b(ossible)370 b(causes:)4096 56003 +y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)270 b(are)h(trying)g(to)g(use)f(a)g(v)-61 +b(alue)271 b(improp)31 b(erly)-92 b(.)461 b(Example:)445 +b(indexing)271 b(a)g(string,)5203 57358 y(list,)370 b(or)f(tuple)h +(with)h(something)g(other)e(than)h(an)f(in)-31 b(teger.)p +eop +%%Page: 224 250 +224 249 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(224)30338 b(Debugging)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 4096 865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(There)447 b(is)h(a)g(mismatc)-31 +b(h)450 b(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)449 b(the)f(items)h(in)f(a)g(format)h +(string)g(and)f(the)5203 2220 y(items)326 b(passed)g(for)f(con)-31 +b(v)g(ersion.)480 b(This)326 b(can)g(happ)31 b(en)325 +b(if)i(either)f(the)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)325 b(of)5203 +3575 y(items)370 b(do)31 b(es)369 b(not)h(matc)-31 b(h)370 +b(or)f(an)h(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(alid)370 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)371 +b(is)e(called)h(for.)4096 5278 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Y)-92 +b(ou)502 b(are)h(passing)g(the)g(wrong)g(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er)502 b(of)h(argumen)-31 b(ts)504 b(to)f(a)g(function)h(or)5203 +6633 y(metho)31 b(d.)493 b(F)-92 b(or)369 b(metho)31 +b(ds,)370 b(lo)31 b(ok)370 b(at)g(the)g(metho)31 b(d)370 +b(de\257nition)h(and)e(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)370 b(that)5203 +7988 y(the)486 b(\257rst)f(parameter)i(is)e Fk(self)p +Fn(.)843 b(Then)486 b(lo)31 b(ok)487 b(at)g(the)f(metho)31 +b(d)486 b(in)-31 b(v)g(o)31 b(cation;)5203 9343 y(mak)-31 +b(e)394 b(sure)e(y)-31 b(ou)394 b(are)e(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)396 +b(the)d(metho)31 b(d)394 b(on)g(an)f(ob)61 b(ject)394 +b(with)h(the)e(righ)-31 b(t)5203 10697 y(t)g(yp)31 b(e)369 +b(and)h(pro)-31 b(viding)371 b(the)e(other)h(argumen)-31 +b(ts)370 b(correctly)-92 b(.)0 12843 y Fv(KeyError:)555 +b Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)488 b(are)f(trying)i(to)g(access)e(an)h(elemen)-31 +b(t)489 b(of)g(a)f(dictionary)h(using)f(a)g(k)-31 b(ey)2767 +14198 y(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(that)g(the)g(dictionary)h(do)31 +b(es)369 b(not)h(con)-31 b(tain.)0 16343 y Fv(A)c(ttributeError:)556 +b Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)448 b(are)f(trying)h(to)h(access)e(an)g(attribute)j(or) +d(metho)31 b(d)449 b(that)f(do)31 b(es)2767 17698 y(not)370 +b(exist.)0 19844 y Fv(IndexError:)555 b Fn(The)302 b(index)g(y)-31 +b(ou)302 b(are)f(using)h(to)g(access)f(a)h(list,)316 +b(string,)g(or)301 b(tuple)h(is)g(greater)2767 21199 +y(than)411 b(its)g(length)g(min)-31 b(us)411 b(one.)616 +b(Immediately)413 b(b)31 b(efore)410 b(the)g(site)h(of)f(the)h(error,) +420 b(add)2767 22554 y(a)357 b Fk(print)g Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)358 b(to)f(displa)-31 b(y)357 b(the)g(v)-61 b(alue)357 +b(of)f(the)h(index)g(and)f(the)h(length)g(of)g(the)2767 +23909 y(arra)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)493 b(Is)369 b(the)g(arra)-31 +b(y)370 b(the)f(righ)-31 b(t)370 b(size?)492 b(Is)368 +b(the)i(index)f(the)h(righ)-31 b(t)370 b(v)-61 b(alue?)0 +27706 y Fh(A.2.4)1495 b(I)545 b(added)g(so)g(man)-42 +b(y)546 b Fa(print)c Fh(statemen)-42 b(ts)547 b(I)d(get)h(in)-42 +b(undated)4947 29286 y(with)499 b(output.)0 31492 y Fn(One)325 +b(of)g(the)g(problems)h(with)g(using)f Fk(print)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(ts)326 b(for)f(debugging)i(is)e(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)326 +b(can)0 32847 y(end)410 b(up)f(buried)h(in)g(output.)616 +b(There)410 b(are)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)411 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys)411 +b(to)g(pro)31 b(ceed:)574 b(simplify)412 b(the)e(output)0 +34202 y(or)369 b(simplify)i(the)e(program.)0 36265 y(T)-92 +b(o)552 b(simplify)h(the)f(output,)599 b(y)-31 b(ou)552 +b(can)g(remo)-31 b(v)g(e)552 b(or)g(commen)-31 b(t)553 +b(out)f Fk(print)g Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)0 37620 y(that)470 +b(aren't)f(helping,)495 b(or)469 b(com)-31 b(bine)470 +b(them,)495 b(or)468 b(format)i(the)f(output)h(so)f(it)g(is)g(easier)f +(to)0 38975 y(understand.)0 41038 y(T)-92 b(o)351 b(simplify)i(the)e +(program,)356 b(there)351 b(are)f(sev)-31 b(eral)352 +b(things)g(y)-31 b(ou)351 b(can)g(do.)487 b(First,)355 +b(scale)c(do)-31 b(wn)0 42393 y(the)495 b(problem)h(the)f(program)h(is) +f(w)-31 b(orking)497 b(on.)870 b(F)-92 b(or)494 b(example,)529 +b(if)495 b(y)-31 b(ou)496 b(are)f(sorting)h(an)0 43748 +y(arra)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)402 b(sort)395 b(a)g Fm(smal)57 +b(l)394 b Fn(arra)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)570 b(If)395 b(the)g(program)h(tak) +-31 b(es)396 b(input)g(from)f(the)h(user,)401 b(giv)-31 +b(e)396 b(it)g(the)0 45103 y(simplest)370 b(input)g(that)g(causes)f +(the)h(problem.)0 47166 y(Second,)384 b(clean)d(up)g(the)f(program.)528 +b(Remo)-31 b(v)g(e)382 b(dead)f(co)31 b(de)380 b(and)h(reorganize)g +(the)g(program)0 48521 y(to)468 b(mak)-31 b(e)468 b(it)g(as)f(easy)g +(to)h(read)f(as)g(p)31 b(ossible.)786 b(F)-92 b(or)466 +b(example,)494 b(if)467 b(y)-31 b(ou)468 b(susp)31 b(ect)466 +b(that)j(the)0 49875 y(problem)356 b(is)f(in)h(a)g(deeply)f(nested)h +(part)f(of)h(the)g(program,)j(try)d(rewriting)g(that)h(part)f(with)0 +51230 y(simpler)422 b(structure.)649 b(If)421 b(y)-31 +b(ou)422 b(susp)31 b(ect)421 b(a)g(large)h(function,)437 +b(try)421 b(splitting)j(it)e(in)-31 b(to)423 b(smaller)0 +52585 y(functions)370 b(and)g(testing)g(them)g(separately)-92 +b(.)0 54648 y(Often)377 b(the)f(pro)31 b(cess)375 b(of)i(\257nding)g +(the)f(minimal)j(test)e(case)f(leads)h(y)-31 b(ou)377 +b(to)g(the)f(bug.)514 b(If)376 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 56003 y(\257nd)350 +b(that)i(a)f(program)g(w)-31 b(orks)351 b(in)g(one)f(situation)j(but)e +(not)g(in)g(another,)k(that)d(giv)-31 b(es)351 b(y)-31 +b(ou)352 b(a)0 57358 y(clue)369 b(ab)31 b(out)371 b(what)f(is)f(going)i +(on.)p eop +%%Page: 225 251 +225 250 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(A.3)425 b(Seman)-35 b(tic)424 +b(errors)25130 b(225)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Similarly)-92 +b(,)394 b(rewriting)388 b(a)f(piece)g(of)g(co)31 b(de)387 +b(can)g(help)g(y)-31 b(ou)388 b(\257nd)e(subtle)h(bugs.)546 +b(If)386 b(y)-31 b(ou)388 b(mak)-31 b(e)0 2220 y(a)430 +b(c)-31 b(hange)430 b(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)430 b(think)g(do)31 +b(esn't)430 b(a\256ect)g(the)g(program,)445 b(and)430 +b(it)g(do)31 b(es,)445 b(that)431 b(can)e(tip)0 3575 +y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(o\256.)0 8418 y Fl(A.3)1793 b(Seman)-50 +b(tic)600 b(errors)0 11072 y Fn(In)413 b(some)i(w)-31 +b(a)g(ys,)427 b(seman)-31 b(tic)415 b(errors)e(are)g(the)i(hardest)e +(to)i(debug,)426 b(b)31 b(ecause)413 b(the)i(compiler)0 +12427 y(and)331 b(the)h(run)-31 b(time)332 b(system)g(pro)-31 +b(vide)331 b(no)h(information)i(ab)31 b(out)332 b(what)h(is)e(wrong.) +481 b(Only)331 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 13782 y(kno)g(w)298 b(what)f(the)g +(program)g(is)g(supp)31 b(osed)295 b(to)j(do,)311 b(and)297 +b(only)h(y)-31 b(ou)297 b(kno)-31 b(w)297 b(that)h(it)f(isn't)h(doing)0 +15136 y(it.)0 17412 y(The)251 b(\257rst)f(step)g(is)h(to)g(mak)-31 +b(e)252 b(a)f(connection)h(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)252 +b(the)e(program)i(text)f(and)g(the)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)0 +18767 y(y)g(ou)270 b(are)f(seeing.)460 b(Y)-92 b(ou)269 +b(need)g(a)h(h)-31 b(yp)31 b(othesis)269 b(ab)31 b(out)271 +b(what)f(the)f(program)h(is)g(actually)h(doing.)0 20122 +y(One)369 b(of)h(the)f(things)h(that)h(mak)-31 b(es)370 +b(that)g(hard)f(is)g(that)h(computers)g(run)f(so)g(fast.)0 +22398 y(Y)-92 b(ou)312 b(will)h(often)g(wish)f(that)h(y)-31 +b(ou)312 b(could)h(slo)-31 b(w)313 b(the)f(program)g(do)-31 +b(wn)313 b(to)f(h)-31 b(uman)313 b(sp)31 b(eed,)323 b(and)0 +23753 y(with)365 b(some)e(debuggers)h(y)-31 b(ou)364 +b(can.)491 b(But)364 b(the)f(time)i(it)f(tak)-31 b(es)364 +b(to)h(insert)e(a)h(few)g(w)-31 b(ell-placed)0 25108 +y Fk(print)352 b Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)354 b(is)e(often)g(short)g +(compared)h(to)f(setting)h(up)f(the)g(debugger,)k(inserting)0 +26463 y(and)489 b(remo)-31 b(ving)491 b(breakp)31 b(oin)-31 +b(ts,)520 b(and)489 b(\\w)-31 b(alking")493 b(the)c(program)h(to)f +(where)g(the)g(error)f(is)0 27818 y(o)31 b(ccurring.)0 +32090 y Fh(A.3.1)1495 b(My)498 b(program)i(do)42 b(esn't)499 +b(w)-42 b(ork.)0 34553 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(should)h(ask)f(y)-31 +b(ourself)370 b(these)f(questions:)1660 37412 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Is)485 b(there)g(something)i(the)e(program)h(w)-31 +b(as)486 b(supp)31 b(osed)484 b(to)i(do)g(but)f(whic)-31 +b(h)486 b(do)31 b(esn't)2767 38767 y(seem)428 b(to)h(b)31 +b(e)427 b(happ)31 b(ening?)669 b(Find)427 b(the)h(section)h(of)f(the)h +(co)31 b(de)427 b(that)i(p)31 b(erforms)428 b(that)2767 +40122 y(function)371 b(and)e(mak)-31 b(e)371 b(sure)d(it)i(is)f +(executing)i(when)e(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(think)g(it)g(should.)1660 +42568 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Is)383 b(something)i(happ)31 +b(ening)385 b(that)g(shouldn't?)536 b(Find)383 b(co)31 +b(de)384 b(in)g(y)-31 b(our)383 b(program)i(that)2767 +43923 y(p)31 b(erforms)369 b(that)h(function)h(and)e(see)g(if)h(it)g +(is)f(executing)h(when)g(it)g(shouldn't.)1660 46369 y +Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Is)448 b(a)g(section)h(of)f(co)31 b(de)448 +b(pro)31 b(ducing)448 b(an)h(e\256ect)e(that)j(is)d(not)i(what)g(y)-31 +b(ou)449 b(exp)31 b(ected?)2767 47724 y(Mak)-31 b(e)448 +b(sure)e(that)i(y)-31 b(ou)448 b(understand)f(the)g(co)31 +b(de)447 b(in)g(question,)468 b(esp)31 b(ecially)448 +b(if)g(it)g(in-)2767 49079 y(v)-31 b(olv)g(es)271 b(in)-31 +b(v)g(o)31 b(cations)273 b(to)d(functions)h(or)f(metho)31 +b(ds)270 b(in)g(other)g(Python)h(mo)31 b(dules.)460 b(Read)2767 +50434 y(the)348 b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation)349 b(for)e(the)g +(functions)h(y)-31 b(ou)348 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e.)487 +b(T)-92 b(ry)347 b(them)g(out)h(b)-31 b(y)347 b(writing)2767 +51789 y(simple)370 b(test)g(cases)f(and)g(c)-31 b(hec)g(king)371 +b(the)e(results.)0 54648 y(In)388 b(order)h(to)g(program,)395 +b(y)-31 b(ou)390 b(need)e(to)i(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)390 b(a)f(men)-31 +b(tal)390 b(mo)31 b(del)390 b(of)g(ho)-31 b(w)389 b(programs)h(w)-31 +b(ork.)0 56003 y(If)316 b(y)-31 b(ou)317 b(write)g(a)g(program)g(that)h +(do)31 b(esn't)317 b(do)f(what)i(y)-31 b(ou)317 b(exp)31 +b(ect,)328 b(v)-31 b(ery)316 b(often)i(the)e(problem)0 +57358 y(is)369 b(not)h(in)f(the)h(program;)g(it's)h(in)e(y)-31 +b(our)369 b(men)-31 b(tal)372 b(mo)31 b(del.)p eop +%%Page: 226 252 +226 251 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(226)30338 b(Debugging)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(The)477 b(b)31 b(est)476 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)477 b(to)h(correct)e(y)-31 b(our)476 b(men)-31 +b(tal)479 b(mo)31 b(del)477 b(is)f(to)h(break)g(the)f(program)i(in)-31 +b(to)478 b(its)0 2220 y(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(ts)410 b(\(usually)h(the)f +(functions)g(and)f(metho)31 b(ds\))410 b(and)g(test)f(eac)-31 +b(h)410 b(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(t)411 b(in-)0 3575 y(dep)31 +b(enden)-31 b(tly)-92 b(.)751 b(Once)455 b(y)-31 b(ou)455 +b(\257nd)g(the)g(discrepancy)g(b)31 b(et)-31 b(w)g(een)456 +b(y)-31 b(our)456 b(mo)31 b(del)456 b(and)f(realit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)0 4930 y(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(can)f(solv)-31 +b(e)370 b(the)g(problem.)0 6932 y(Of)422 b(course,)434 +b(y)-31 b(ou)423 b(should)f(b)31 b(e)421 b(building)i(and)f(testing)h +(comp)31 b(onen)-31 b(ts)423 b(as)e(y)-31 b(ou)423 b(dev)-31 +b(elop)423 b(the)0 8286 y(program.)591 b(If)401 b(y)-31 +b(ou)403 b(encoun)-31 b(ter)402 b(a)g(problem,)411 b(there)401 +b(should)h(b)31 b(e)401 b(only)i(a)f(small)h(amoun)-31 +b(t)403 b(of)0 9641 y(new)369 b(co)31 b(de)370 b(that)g(is)f(not)h(kno) +-31 b(wn)370 b(to)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(correct.)0 13352 y +Fh(A.3.2)1495 b(I'v)-42 b(e)693 b(got)g(a)g(big)h(hairy)f(expression)i +(and)e(it)g(do)42 b(esn't)694 b(do)4947 14933 y(what)500 +b(I)d(exp)42 b(ect.)0 17078 y Fn(W)-92 b(riting)403 b(complex)h +(expressions)e(is)h(\257ne)f(as)h(long)h(as)e(they)h(are)g(readable,) +412 b(but)403 b(they)g(can)0 18433 y(b)31 b(e)379 b(hard)h(to)g(debug.) +524 b(It)380 b(is)f(often)i(a)f(go)31 b(o)g(d)380 b(idea)g(to)h(break)e +(a)h(complex)h(expression)f(in)-31 b(to)381 b(a)0 19788 +y(series)368 b(of)i(assignmen)-31 b(ts)370 b(to)g(temp)31 +b(orary)370 b(v)-61 b(ariables.)0 21789 y(F)-92 b(or)368 +b(example:)0 23872 y Fk(self.hands[i].addCard)584 b +(\(self.hands[self.findNeighbor\(i\)].popCard\(\)\))0 +25955 y Fn(This)370 b(can)f(b)31 b(e)369 b(rewritten)h(as:)0 +28037 y Fk(neighbor)582 b(=)g(self.findNeighbor)h(\(i\))0 +29392 y(pickedCard)g(=)e(self.hands[neighbor].popCard\(\))0 +30747 y(self.hands[i].addCard)j(\(pickedCard\))0 32830 +y Fn(The)394 b(explicit)h(v)-31 b(ersion)394 b(is)g(easier)f(to)h(read) +g(b)31 b(ecause)393 b(the)h(v)-61 b(ariable)394 b(names)g(pro)-31 +b(vide)394 b(addi-)0 34185 y(tional)328 b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(tation,)339 b(and)326 b(it)h(is)f(easier)g(to)h(debug)g(b)31 +b(ecause)325 b(y)-31 b(ou)327 b(can)g(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)326 +b(the)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)0 35540 y(of)370 b(the)f(in)-31 +b(termediate)372 b(v)-61 b(ariables)370 b(and)f(displa)-31 +b(y)371 b(their)e(v)-61 b(alues.)0 37541 y(Another)383 +b(problem)g(that)h(can)e(o)31 b(ccur)382 b(with)i(big)f(expressions)f +(is)g(that)i(the)f(order)f(of)g(ev)-61 b(al-)0 38896 +y(uation)460 b(ma)-31 b(y)459 b(not)f(b)31 b(e)458 b(what)h(y)-31 +b(ou)459 b(exp)31 b(ect.)759 b(F)-92 b(or)457 b(example,)482 +b(if)458 b(y)-31 b(ou)459 b(are)e(translating)k(the)0 +40251 y(expression)5710 39815 y Fc(x)p 5468 39996 987 +45 v 5468 40633 a Ff(2)p Fc(\274)6956 40251 y Fn(in)-31 +b(to)371 b(Python,)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 +b(write:)0 42334 y Fk(y)581 b(=)h(x)f(/)g(2)g(*)h(math.pi;)0 +44417 y Fn(That)256 b(is)e(not)h(correct)f(b)31 b(ecause)254 +b(m)-31 b(ultiplication)259 b(and)254 b(division)i(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)256 b(the)e(same)h(precedence)0 45771 y(and)369 +b(are)g(ev)-61 b(aluated)371 b(from)f(left)g(to)g(righ)-31 +b(t.)494 b(So)369 b(this)h(expression)f(computes)h Fg(x\274)40 +b(=)p Fn(2.)0 47773 y(A)451 b(go)31 b(o)g(d)452 b(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)453 b(to)f(debug)g(expressions)e(is)i(to)g(add)f(paren)-31 +b(theses)451 b(to)i(mak)-31 b(e)452 b(the)g(order)e(of)0 +49128 y(ev)-61 b(aluation)372 b(explicit:)581 51211 y +Fk(y)581 b(=)h(x)f(/)g(\(2)h(*)f(math.pi\);)0 53293 y +Fn(Whenev)-31 b(er)486 b(y)-31 b(ou)488 b(are)f(not)h(sure)e(of)h(the)g +(order)g(of)g(ev)-61 b(aluation,)520 b(use)486 b(paren)-31 +b(theses.)846 b(Not)0 54648 y(only)407 b(will)h(the)f(program)g(b)31 +b(e)406 b(correct)g(\(in)h(the)f(sense)g(of)h(doing)g(what)h(y)-31 +b(ou)407 b(in)-31 b(tended\),)417 b(it)0 56003 y(will)357 +b(also)f(b)31 b(e)354 b(more)h(readable)h(for)f(other)g(p)31 +b(eople)356 b(who)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(en't)357 b(memorized)f(the)f(rules)f +(of)0 57358 y(precedence.)p eop +%%Page: 227 253 +227 252 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(A.3)425 b(Seman)-35 b(tic)424 +b(errors)25130 b(227)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fh(A.3.3)1495 +b(I'v)-42 b(e)599 b(got)g(a)g(function)h(or)f(metho)42 +b(d)600 b(that)f(do)42 b(esn't)600 b(return)4947 2446 +y(what)500 b(I)d(exp)42 b(ect.)0 4851 y Fn(If)527 b(y)-31 +b(ou)528 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)528 b(a)f Fk(return)h Fn(statemen)-31 +b(t)529 b(with)f(a)g(complex)g(expression,)567 b(y)-31 +b(ou)528 b(don't)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 6206 y(a)515 b(c)-31 +b(hance)514 b(to)i(prin)-31 b(t)514 b(the)h Fk(return)g +Fn(v)-61 b(alue)515 b(b)31 b(efore)514 b(returning.)929 +b(Again,)552 b(y)-31 b(ou)515 b(can)g(use)f(a)0 7560 +y(temp)31 b(orary)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable.)494 b(F)-92 +b(or)368 b(example,)j(instead)f(of:)0 9876 y Fk(return)582 +b(self.hands[i].removeMatches\(\))0 12191 y Fn(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(could)g(write:)0 14506 y Fk(count)582 b(=)f +(self.hands[i].removeMatches\(\))0 15861 y(return)h(count)0 +18176 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)371 +b(the)e(opp)31 b(ortunit)-31 b(y)371 b(to)f(displa)-31 +b(y)371 b(the)e(v)-61 b(alue)370 b(of)f Fk(count)h Fn(b)31 +b(efore)369 b(returning.)0 22323 y Fh(A.3.4)1495 b(I'm)499 +b(really)-125 b(,)499 b(really)g(stuc)-42 b(k)499 b(and)g(I)f(need)g +(help.)0 24728 y Fn(First,)402 b(try)396 b(getting)i(a)-31 +b(w)g(a)g(y)398 b(from)e(the)g(computer)h(for)f(a)g(few)g(min)-31 +b(utes.)573 b(Computers)397 b(emit)0 26083 y(w)-31 b(a)g(v)g(es)371 +b(that)f(a\256ect)g(the)f(brain,)h(causing)g(these)f(e\256ects:)1660 +28862 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(F)-92 b(rustration)370 b(and/or)g(rage.)1660 +31230 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Sup)31 b(erstitious)574 b(b)31 +b(eliefs)573 b(\(\\the)h(computer)g(hates)f(me"\))h(and)f(magical)j +(thinking)2767 32585 y(\(\\the)371 b(program)f(only)g(w)-31 +b(orks)370 b(when)f(I)g(w)-31 b(ear)369 b(m)-31 b(y)370 +b(hat)g(bac)-31 b(kw)g(ard"\).)1660 34954 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Random-w)-31 b(alk)534 b(programming)e(\(the)f(attempt)h(to)f +(program)g(b)-31 b(y)531 b(writing)h(ev)-31 b(ery)2767 +36309 y(p)31 b(ossible)370 b(program)g(and)f(c)-31 b(ho)31 +b(osing)371 b(the)e(one)h(that)g(do)31 b(es)369 b(the)g(righ)-31 +b(t)370 b(thing\).)0 39088 y(If)402 b(y)-31 b(ou)404 +b(\257nd)e(y)-31 b(ourself)404 b(su\256ering)e(from)h(an)-31 +b(y)403 b(of)h(these)e(symptoms,)413 b(get)403 b(up)g(and)f(go)i(for)f +(a)0 40443 y(w)-31 b(alk.)569 b(When)393 b(y)-31 b(ou)395 +b(are)f(calm,)401 b(think)395 b(ab)31 b(out)395 b(the)f(program.)568 +b(What)394 b(is)g(it)h(doing?)567 b(What)0 41798 y(are)401 +b(some)g(p)31 b(ossible)401 b(causes)f(of)h(that)h(b)31 +b(eha)-31 b(vior?)587 b(When)400 b(w)-31 b(as)402 b(the)f(last)g(time)h +(y)-31 b(ou)402 b(had)f(a)0 43153 y(w)-31 b(orking)371 +b(program,)f(and)g(what)g(did)g(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(do)f(next?)0 +45387 y(Sometimes)454 b(it)g(just)e(tak)-31 b(es)454 +b(time)g(to)f(\257nd)f(a)h(bug.)743 b(W)-92 b(e)452 b(often)h(\257nd)g +(bugs)f(when)h(w)-31 b(e)453 b(are)0 46742 y(a)-31 b(w)g(a)g(y)369 +b(from)f(the)f(computer)g(and)g(let)h(our)f(minds)g(w)-31 +b(ander.)492 b(Some)368 b(of)f(the)g(b)31 b(est)367 b(places)g(to)0 +48097 y(\257nd)i(bugs)g(are)g(trains,)h(sho)-31 b(w)g(ers,)370 +b(and)f(in)h(b)31 b(ed,)369 b(just)g(b)31 b(efore)369 +b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(fall)h(asleep.)0 52244 y Fh(A.3.5)1495 +b(No,)499 b(I)f(really)h(need)f(help.)0 54648 y Fn(It)351 +b(happ)31 b(ens.)487 b(Ev)-31 b(en)352 b(the)f(b)31 b(est)352 +b(programmers)f(o)31 b(ccasionally)355 b(get)d(stuc)-31 +b(k.)487 b(Sometimes)353 b(y)-31 b(ou)0 56003 y(w)g(ork)382 +b(on)f(a)g(program)g(so)g(long)h(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)382 +b(can't)g(see)e(the)h(error.)527 b(A)381 b(fresh)f(pair)h(of)g(ey)-31 +b(es)381 b(is)0 57358 y(just)369 b(the)h(thing.)p eop +%%Page: 228 254 +228 253 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(228)30338 b(Debugging)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Before)333 b(y)-31 b(ou)334 b(bring)g(someone)g +(else)f(in,)341 b(mak)-31 b(e)335 b(sure)d(y)-31 b(ou)334 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)334 b(exhausted)g(the)f(tec)-31 b(hniques)0 +2220 y(describ)31 b(ed)388 b(here.)549 b(Y)-92 b(our)388 +b(program)h(should)g(b)31 b(e)388 b(as)g(simple)i(as)e(p)31 +b(ossible,)394 b(and)388 b(y)-31 b(ou)390 b(should)0 +3575 y(b)31 b(e)349 b(w)-31 b(orking)351 b(on)f(the)g(smallest)h(input) +f(that)h(causes)e(the)g(error.)485 b(Y)-92 b(ou)350 b(should)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)350 b Fk(print)0 4930 y Fn(statemen)-31 b(ts)435 +b(in)e(the)h(appropriate)g(places)g(\(and)g(the)f(output)i(they)e(pro) +31 b(duce)433 b(should)g(b)31 b(e)0 6285 y(comprehensible\).)618 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)411 b(should)g(understand)f(the)h(problem)g(w)-31 +b(ell)412 b(enough)f(to)h(describ)31 b(e)0 7640 y(it)370 +b(concisely)-92 b(.)0 9805 y(When)358 b(y)-31 b(ou)360 +b(bring)f(someone)g(in)g(to)h(help,)h(b)31 b(e)358 b(sure)g(to)h(giv) +-31 b(e)360 b(them)g(the)f(information)i(they)0 11160 +y(need:)1660 13805 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(If)337 b(there)f(is)h(an)f(error) +g(message,)344 b(what)338 b(is)e(it)i(and)e(what)i(part)f(of)g(the)g +(program)g(do)31 b(es)2767 15160 y(it)370 b(indicate?)1660 +17401 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(What)416 b(w)-31 b(as)415 b(the)g(last)g +(thing)h(y)-31 b(ou)415 b(did)g(b)31 b(efore)415 b(this)g(error)e(o)31 +b(ccurred?)628 b(What)415 b(w)-31 b(ere)2767 18756 y(the)452 +b(last)g(lines)g(of)g(co)31 b(de)452 b(that)g(y)-31 b(ou)453 +b(wrote,)473 b(or)451 b(what)i(is)e(the)h(new)g(test)f(case)h(that)2767 +20111 y(fails?)1660 22351 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(What)370 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(tried)g(so)f(far,)g(and)h(what) +g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(learned?)0 24997 +y(When)323 b(y)-31 b(ou)323 b(\257nd)g(the)g(bug,)333 +b(tak)-31 b(e)325 b(a)e(second)g(to)h(think)g(ab)31 b(out)324 +b(what)g(y)-31 b(ou)324 b(could)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)324 +b(done)0 26352 y(to)397 b(\257nd)e(it)i(faster.)573 b(Next)397 +b(time)g(y)-31 b(ou)397 b(see)e(something)j(similar,)404 +b(y)-31 b(ou)397 b(will)g(b)31 b(e)396 b(able)h(to)f(\257nd)0 +27707 y(the)369 b(bug)h(more)f(quic)-31 b(kly)-92 b(.)0 +29872 y(Remem)-31 b(b)31 b(er,)348 b(the)342 b(goal)h(is)f(not)h(just)e +(to)i(mak)-31 b(e)343 b(the)f(program)h(w)-31 b(ork.)484 +b(The)342 b(goal)h(is)f(to)h(learn)0 31227 y(ho)-31 b(w)370 +b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)371 b(the)e(program)h(w)-31 b(ork.)p +eop +%%Page: 229 255 +229 254 bop 0 13863 a Fi(App)72 b(endix)862 b(B)0 24105 +y Fo(Creating)1033 b(a)g(new)f(data)i(t)-86 b(yp)86 b(e)0 +34528 y Fn(Ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)340 b(programming)g(languages)g +(allo)-31 b(w)341 b(programmers)d(to)h(create)f(new)h(data)0 +35883 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es)338 b(that)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(v)g(e)338 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)338 b(lik)-31 b(e)339 b(built-in)g(data)g +(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(es.)482 b(W)-92 b(e)337 b(will)i(explore)f(this)g +(capabilit)-31 b(y)0 37238 y(b)g(y)467 b(building)h(a)e +Fk(Fraction)h Fn(class)g(that)g(w)-31 b(orks)467 b(v)-31 +b(ery)466 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)467 b(lik)-31 b(e)468 b(the)e(built-in)i(n) +-31 b(umeric)0 38593 y(t)g(yp)31 b(es,)370 b(in)-31 b(tegers,)370 +b(longs,)h(and)e(\260oats.)0 44588 y(F)-92 b(ractions,)374 +b(also)g(kno)-31 b(wn)374 b(as)e(rational)j(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers,)374 b(are)e(v)-61 b(alues)373 b(that)h(can)e(b)31 +b(e)373 b(expressed)e(as)0 45943 y(a)345 b(ratio)i(of)e(whole)i(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(ers,)350 b(suc)-31 b(h)344 b(as)h(5)p Fg(=)p +Fn(6.)486 b(The)345 b(top)h(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)345 +b(is)g(called)i(the)e(n)-31 b(umerator)0 47298 y(and)369 +b(the)h(b)31 b(ottom)371 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 +b(is)g(called)i(the)e(denominator.)0 53293 y(W)-92 b(e)407 +b(start)h(b)-31 b(y)408 b(de\257ning)g(a)g Fk(Fraction)h +Fn(class)e(with)i(an)f(initialization)413 b(metho)31 +b(d)408 b(that)h(pro-)0 54648 y(vides)369 b(the)h(n)-31 +b(umerator)370 b(and)f(denominator)j(as)d(in)-31 b(tegers:)p +eop +%%Page: 230 256 +230 255 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(230)22020 b(Creating)426 b(a)e(new)h(data)g(t) +-35 b(yp)35 b(e)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 +b(Fraction:)1162 2220 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(numerator,)g +(denominator=1\):)2325 3575 y(self.numerator)g(=)e(numerator)2325 +4930 y(self.denominator)i(=)e(denominator)0 7081 y Fn(The)534 +b(denominator)i(is)d(optional.)989 b(A)533 b(F)-92 b(raction)534 +b(with)h(just)f(one)g(just)f(one)h(parameter)0 8436 y(represen)-31 +b(ts)368 b(a)h(whole)i(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er.)493 b(If)369 +b(the)g(n)-31 b(umerator)370 b(is)f Fg(n)p Fn(,)h(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(build)g(the)f(F)-92 b(raction)370 b Fg(n=)p +Fn(1.)0 10507 y(The)332 b(next)g(step)f(is)h(to)g(write)h(a)p +13136 10507 349 45 v 13555 10507 V 1168 w Fk(str)p 15716 +10507 V 16135 10507 V 1169 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)333 b(that)g(displa)-31 +b(ys)332 b(fractions)h(in)f(a)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)333 b(that)0 +11862 y(mak)-31 b(es)370 b(sense.)492 b(The)369 b(form)h(\\n)-31 +b(umerator/denominator")374 b(is)369 b(natural)h(here:)0 +14013 y Fk(class)582 b(Fraction:)1162 15368 y(...)1162 +16723 y(def)g(__str__\(self\):)2325 18078 y(return)g("\045d/\045d")g +(\045)f(\(self.numerator,)j(self.denominator\))0 20229 +y Fn(T)-92 b(o)341 b(test)h(what)g(w)-31 b(e)341 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)342 b(so)f(far,)347 b(w)-31 b(e)342 b(put)f(it)h(in)f(a)g +(\257le)h(named)f Fk(Fraction.py)i Fn(and)e(imp)31 b(ort)0 +21584 y(it)370 b(in)-31 b(to)371 b(the)e(Python)i(in)-31 +b(terpreter.)492 b(Then)370 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(create)h(a)f(fraction)i +(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(and)e(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(it.)0 23736 +y Fk(>>>)582 b(from)f(Fraction)i(import)f(Fraction)0 +25091 y(>>>)g(spam)f(=)h(Fraction\(5,6\))0 26446 y(>>>)g(print)f("The)h +(fraction)h(is",)e(spam)0 27801 y(The)h(fraction)g(is)f(5/6)0 +29952 y Fn(As)369 b(usual,)h(the)f Fk(print)h Fn(command)h(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(es)371 b(the)p 20890 29952 V 21308 29952 V +1206 w Fk(str)p 23470 29952 V 23889 29952 V 1206 w Fn(metho)31 +b(d)370 b(implicitly)-92 b(.)0 34330 y Fl(B.1)1793 b(F)-149 +b(raction)598 b(m)-50 b(ultiplication)0 36734 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)431 b(w)-31 b(ould)434 b(lik)-31 b(e)433 b(to)g(b)31 +b(e)432 b(able)h(to)g(apply)g(the)f(normal)i(addition,)450 +b(subtraction,)g(m)-31 b(ultipli-)0 38089 y(cation,)490 +b(and)465 b(division)h(op)31 b(erations)466 b(to)f(fractions.)779 +b(T)-92 b(o)465 b(do)g(this,)489 b(w)-31 b(e)465 b(can)f(o)-31 +b(v)g(erload)467 b(the)0 39444 y(mathematical)373 b(op)31 +b(erators)370 b(for)f Fk(Fraction)h Fn(ob)61 b(jects.)0 +41514 y(W)-92 b(e'll)392 b(start)f(with)h(m)-31 b(ultiplication)396 +b(b)31 b(ecause)390 b(it)i(is)f(the)g(easiest)h(to)f(implemen)-31 +b(t.)561 b(T)-92 b(o)391 b(m)-31 b(ul-)0 42869 y(tiply)410 +b(fractions,)420 b(w)-31 b(e)409 b(create)g(a)g(new)g(fraction)h(with)g +(a)f(n)-31 b(umerator)410 b(that)f(is)g(the)g(pro)31 +b(duct)0 44224 y(of)391 b(the)g(original)h(n)-31 b(umerators)392 +b(and)e(a)h(denominator)i(that)e(is)g(a)f(pro)31 b(duct)391 +b(of)g(the)g(original)0 45579 y(denominators.)p 7380 +45579 V 7799 45579 V 1314 w Fk(mul)p 9960 45579 V 10379 +45579 V 1155 w Fn(is)318 b(the)g(name)g(Python)i(uses)c(for)i(a)g +(metho)31 b(d)319 b(that)g(o)-31 b(v)g(erloads)320 b(the)0 +46934 y Fk(*)369 b Fn(op)31 b(erator:)0 49086 y Fk(class)582 +b(Fraction:)1162 50441 y(...)1162 51795 y(def)g(__mul__\(self,)h +(object\):)2325 53150 y(return)f +(Fraction\(self.numerator*object.numerator,)11623 54505 +y(self.denominator*object.denominator\))0 56657 y Fn(W)-92 +b(e)368 b(can)i(test)f(this)h(metho)31 b(d)370 b(b)-31 +b(y)370 b(computing)h(the)e(pro)31 b(duct)370 b(of)f(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)371 b(fractions:)p eop +%%Page: 231 257 +231 256 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(B.1)424 b(F)-106 b(raction)424 +b(m)-35 b(ultiplication)21213 b(231)p 0 -1627 38191 45 +v 0 865 a Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(Fraction\(5,6\))j(*)d(Fraction\(3,4\))0 +2220 y(15/24)0 4537 y Fn(It)372 b(w)-31 b(orks,)374 b(but)f(w)-31 +b(e)372 b(can)h(do)f(b)31 b(etter!)502 b(W)-92 b(e)371 +b(can)i(extend)g(the)f(metho)31 b(d)373 b(to)g(handle)g(m)-31 +b(ultipli-)0 5892 y(cation)442 b(b)-31 b(y)440 b(an)g(in)-31 +b(teger.)706 b(W)-92 b(e)439 b(use)g(the)h Fk(type)h +Fn(function)g(to)g(test)f(if)g Fk(other)h Fn(is)f(an)g(in)-31 +b(teger)0 7247 y(and)369 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ert)371 b(it)f(to)g(a)f +(fraction)i(if)e(it)h(is.)0 9565 y Fk(class)582 b(Fraction:)1162 +10920 y(...)1162 12275 y(def)g(__mul__\(self,)h(other\):)2325 +13630 y(if)e(type\(other\))i(==)e(type\(5\):)3487 14984 +y(other)h(=)f(Fraction\(other\))2325 16339 y(return)h +(Fraction\(self.numerator)1747 b(*)581 b(other.numerator,)11623 +17694 y(self.denominator)j(*)d(other.denominator\))0 +20012 y Fn(Multiplying)338 b(fractions)e(and)f(in)-31 +b(tegers)336 b(no)-31 b(w)336 b(w)-31 b(orks,)343 b(but)335 +b(only)h(if)g(the)f(fraction)i(is)e(the)g(left)0 21367 +y(op)31 b(erand:)0 23684 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(Fraction\(5,6\))j(*)d +(4)0 25039 y(20/6)0 26394 y(>>>)h(print)f(4)h(*)f(Fraction\(5,6\))0 +27749 y(TypeError:)i(__mul__)f(nor)f(__rmul__)i(defined)f(for)g(these)f +(operands)0 30066 y Fn(T)-92 b(o)261 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)262 +b(a)f(binary)h(op)31 b(erator)261 b(lik)-31 b(e)262 b(m)-31 +b(ultiplication,)287 b(Python)262 b(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)261 +b(the)g(left)h(op)31 b(erand)0 31421 y(\257rst)320 b(to)h(see)f(if)h +(it)h(pro)-31 b(vides)321 b(a)p 12576 31421 349 45 v +12995 31421 V 1157 w Fk(mul)p 15156 31421 V 15575 31421 +V 1158 w Fn(that)h(supp)31 b(orts)319 b(the)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)321 b(of)g(the)g(second)f(op)31 b(erand.)0 32776 +y(In)369 b(this)g(case,)h(the)f(built-in)i(in)-31 b(teger)370 +b(op)31 b(erator)370 b(do)31 b(esn't)370 b(supp)31 b(ort)369 +b(fractions.)0 35013 y(Next,)356 b(Python)d(c)-31 b(hec)g(ks)351 +b(the)h(righ)-31 b(t)352 b(op)31 b(erand)351 b(to)i(see)d(if)i(it)g +(pro)-31 b(vides)352 b(an)p 30251 35013 V 30670 35013 +V 1188 w Fk(rmul)p 33412 35013 V 33831 35013 V 1189 w +Fn(metho)31 b(d)0 36368 y(that)441 b(supp)31 b(orts)439 +b(the)g(\257rst)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e.)705 b(In)439 b(this)h(case,)457 +b(w)-31 b(e)440 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(en't)442 b(pro)-31 b(vided)p +31330 36368 V 31748 36368 V 1277 w Fk(rmul)p 34491 36368 +V 34910 36368 V 837 w Fn(,)458 b(so)439 b(it)0 37722 +y(fails.)0 39959 y(On)369 b(the)g(other)h(hand,)g(there)f(is)g(a)g +(simple)h(w)-31 b(a)g(y)371 b(to)f(pro)-31 b(vide)p 25644 +39959 V 26062 39959 V 1207 w Fk(rmul)p 28805 39959 V +29223 39959 V 837 w Fn(:)0 42276 y Fk(class)582 b(Fraction:)1162 +43631 y(...)1162 44986 y(__rmul__)h(=)e(__mul__)0 47304 +y Fn(This)555 b(assignmen)-31 b(t)555 b(sa)-31 b(ys)555 +b(that)g(the)p 15877 47304 V 16296 47304 V 1391 w Fk(rmul)p +19038 47304 V 19457 47304 V 1392 w Fn(is)f(the)g(same)h(as)p +28322 47304 V 28740 47304 V 1391 w Fk(mul)p 30902 47304 +V 31320 47304 V 837 w Fn(.)1047 b(No)-31 b(w)556 b(if)e(w)-31 +b(e)0 48658 y(ev)-61 b(aluate)334 b Fk(4)582 b(*)f(Fraction\(5,6\))p +Fn(,)342 b(Python)334 b(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 22593 +48658 V 23012 48658 V 1171 w Fk(rmul)p 25754 48658 V +26173 48658 V 1171 w Fn(on)333 b(the)g Fk(Fraction)g +Fn(ob)61 b(ject)0 50013 y(and)369 b(passes)g(4)g(as)g(a)h(parameter:)0 +52331 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(4)h(*)f(Fraction\(5,6\))0 +53686 y(20/6)0 56003 y Fn(Since)p 2921 56003 V 3340 56003 +V 1168 w Fk(rmul)p 6083 56003 V 6501 56003 V 1167 w Fn(is)331 +b(the)g(same)f(as)p 14248 56003 V 14666 56003 V 1168 +w Fk(mul)p 16828 56003 V 17246 56003 V 837 w Fn(,)339 +b(and)p 20424 56003 V 20843 56003 V 1167 w Fk(mul)p 23004 +56003 V 23423 56003 V 1168 w Fn(can)331 b(handle)g(an)g(in)-31 +b(teger)331 b(param-)0 57358 y(eter,)369 b(w)-31 b(e're)370 +b(all)h(set.)p eop +%%Page: 232 258 +232 257 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(232)22020 b(Creating)426 b(a)e(new)h(data)g(t) +-35 b(yp)35 b(e)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(B.2)1793 +b(F)-149 b(raction)598 b(addition)0 3292 y Fn(Addition)442 +b(is)e(more)g(complicated)j(than)d(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)463 +b(but)440 b(still)i(not)e(to)31 b(o)441 b(bad.)706 b(The)0 +4647 y(sum)369 b(of)h Fg(a=b)f Fn(and)h Fg(c=d)g Fn(is)f(the)g +(fraction)i Fk(\(a*d+c*b\)/b*d)p Fn(.)0 6741 y(Using)f(the)f(m)-31 +b(ultiplication)374 b(co)31 b(de)369 b(as)h(a)f(mo)31 +b(del,)371 b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(can)h(write)p 27113 6741 +349 45 v 27532 6741 V 1207 w Fk(add)p 29694 6741 V 30112 +6741 V 1206 w Fn(and)p 33052 6741 V 33470 6741 V 1206 +w Fk(radd)p 36213 6741 V 36632 6741 V 838 w Fn(:)0 8915 +y Fk(class)582 b(Fraction:)1162 10270 y(...)1162 11625 +y(def)g(__add__\(self,)h(other\):)2325 12980 y(if)e(type\(other\))i(==) +e(type\(5\):)3487 14335 y(other)h(=)f(Fraction\(other\))2325 +15690 y(return)h(Fraction\(self.numerator)1747 b(*)581 +b(other.denominator)i(+)11623 17045 y(self.denominator)h(*)d +(other.numerator,)11623 18400 y(self.denominator)j(*)d +(other.denominator\))1162 21110 y(__radd__)i(=)e(__add__)0 +23284 y Fn(W)-92 b(e)368 b(can)i(test)f(these)g(metho)31 +b(ds)370 b(with)h Fk(Fraction)p Fn(s)e(and)h(in)-31 b(tegers.)0 +25459 y Fk(>>>)582 b(print)f(Fraction\(5,6\))j(+)d(Fraction\(5,6\))0 +26814 y(60/36)0 28169 y(>>>)h(print)f(Fraction\(5,6\))j(+)d(3)0 +29524 y(23/6)0 30879 y(>>>)h(print)f(2)h(+)f(Fraction\(5,6\))0 +32233 y(17/6)0 34408 y Fn(The)369 b(\257rst)g(t)-31 b(w)g(o)371 +b(examples)f(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(e)p 14906 34408 V 15325 +34408 V 1208 w Fk(add)p 17486 34408 V 17905 34408 V 838 +w Fn(;)369 b(the)g(last)h(in)-31 b(v)g(ok)g(es)p 26853 +34408 V 27271 34408 V 1208 w Fk(radd)p 30014 34408 V +30433 34408 V 838 w Fn(.)0 38818 y Fl(B.3)1793 b(Euclid's)599 +b(algorithm)0 41246 y Fn(In)355 b(the)i(previous)f(example,)k(w)-31 +b(e)357 b(computed)g(the)f(sum)g(5)p Fg(=)p Fn(6)221 +b(+)f(5)p Fg(=)p Fn(6)357 b(and)f(got)h(60)p Fg(=)p Fn(36.)491 +b(That)0 42601 y(is)453 b(correct,)473 b(but)453 b(it's)h(not)f(the)g +(b)31 b(est)452 b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)454 b(to)g(represen)-31 +b(t)452 b(the)h(answ)-31 b(er.)743 b(T)-92 b(o)453 b +Fv(reduce)h Fn(the)0 43955 y(fraction)297 b(to)f(its)g(simplest)g +(terms,)311 b(w)-31 b(e)296 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)296 b(to)h(divide)f(the)g +(n)-31 b(umerator)296 b(and)g(denominator)0 45310 y(b)-31 +b(y)369 b(their)h Fv(greatest)426 b(common)f(divisor)g(\(GCD\))p +Fn(,)370 b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(12.)493 b(The)370 +b(result)f(is)g(5)p Fg(=)p Fn(3.)0 47404 y(In)502 b(general,)537 +b(whenev)-31 b(er)503 b(w)-31 b(e)503 b(create)g(a)f(new)h +Fk(Fraction)h Fn(ob)61 b(ject,)537 b(w)-31 b(e)504 b(should)e(reduce)g +(it)0 48759 y(b)-31 b(y)473 b(dividing)i(the)f(n)-31 +b(umerator)474 b(and)f(denominator)i(b)-31 b(y)474 b(their)f(GCD.)g(If) +g(the)g(fraction)i(is)0 50114 y(already)370 b(reduced,)f(the)h(GCD)e +(is)h(1.)0 52207 y(Euclid)465 b(of)f(Alexandria)i(\(appro)-31 +b(x.)777 b(325{265)467 b(BCE\))e(presen)-31 b(ted)463 +b(an)h(algorithm)j(to)d(\257nd)0 53562 y(the)369 b(GCD)g(for)g(t)-31 +b(w)g(o)371 b(in)-31 b(tegers)370 b Fg(m)f Fn(and)h Fg(n)p +Fn(:)2767 56003 y(If)324 b Fg(n)h Fn(divides)f Fg(m)g +Fn(ev)-31 b(enly)-92 b(,)335 b(then)324 b Fg(n)g Fn(is)g(the)h(GCD.)f +(Otherwise)g(the)h(GCD)e(is)h(the)2767 57358 y(GCD)369 +b(of)h Fg(n)f Fn(and)h(the)f(remainder)h(of)f Fg(m)g +Fn(divided)h(b)-31 b(y)370 b Fg(n)p Fn(.)p eop +%%Page: 233 259 +233 258 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(B.4)424 b(Comparing)i(fractions)22580 +b(233)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(This)370 b(recursiv)-31 +b(e)368 b(de\257nition)j(can)e(b)31 b(e)369 b(expressed)f(concisely)i +(as)f(a)h(function:)0 2914 y Fk(def)582 b(gcd)f(\(m,)h(n\):)1162 +4268 y(if)g(m)f(\045)g(n)h(==)f(0:)2325 5623 y(return)h(n)1162 +6978 y(else:)2325 8333 y(return)g(gcd\(n,)g(m\045n\))0 +10382 y Fn(In)392 b(the)h(\257rst)f(line)i(of)f(the)g(b)31 +b(o)g(dy)-92 b(,)399 b(w)-31 b(e)393 b(use)f(the)h(mo)31 +b(dulus)393 b(op)31 b(erator)394 b(to)f(c)-31 b(hec)g(k)393 +b(divisibilit)-31 b(y)-92 b(.)0 11737 y(On)369 b(the)g(last)h(line,)h +(w)-31 b(e)370 b(use)e(it)i(to)g(compute)g(the)g(remainder)f(after)h +(division.)0 13704 y(Since)399 b(all)h(the)e(op)31 b(erations)400 +b(w)-31 b(e'v)g(e)400 b(written)g(create)f(new)f Fk(Fraction)p +Fn(s)i(for)e(the)h(result,)406 b(w)-31 b(e)0 15059 y(can)369 +b(reduce)g(all)h(results)f(b)-31 b(y)370 b(mo)31 b(difying)371 +b(the)f(initialization)k(metho)31 b(d.)0 17107 y Fk(class)582 +b(Fraction:)1162 18462 y(def)g(__init__\(self,)h(numerator,)g +(denominator=1\):)2325 19817 y(g)e(=)g(gcd)h(\(numerator,)h +(denominator\))2325 21172 y(self.numerator)1745 b(=)f(numerator)582 +b(/)g(g)2325 22527 y(self.denominator)h(=)e(denominator)i(/)f(g)0 +24575 y Fn(No)-31 b(w)370 b(whenev)-31 b(er)370 b(w)-31 +b(e)370 b(create)f(a)g Fk(Fraction)p Fn(,)i(it)f(is)f(reduced)g(to)h +(its)f(simplest)h(form:)0 26624 y Fk(>>>)582 b(Fraction\(100,-36\))0 +27979 y(-25/9)0 30027 y Fn(A)344 b(nice)g(feature)g(of)g +Fk(gcd)g Fn(is)g(that)h(if)f(the)g(fraction)h(is)e(negativ)-31 +b(e,)352 b(the)344 b(min)-31 b(us)344 b(sign)g(is)g(alw)-31 +b(a)g(ys)0 31382 y(mo)g(v)g(ed)371 b(to)f(the)f(n)-31 +b(umerator.)0 35616 y Fl(B.4)1793 b(Comparing)598 b(fractions)0 +37917 y Fn(Supp)31 b(ose)351 b(w)-31 b(e)352 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)353 b(t)-31 b(w)g(o)353 b Fk(Fraction)g Fn(ob)61 +b(jects,)357 b Fk(a)351 b Fn(and)h Fk(b)p Fn(,)k(and)c(w)-31 +b(e)352 b(ev)-61 b(aluate)353 b Fk(a)581 b(==)h(b)p Fn(.)487 +b(The)0 39272 y(default)408 b(implemen)-31 b(tation)410 +b(of)d Fk(==)g Fn(tests)f(for)g(shallo)-31 b(w)409 b(equalit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)418 b(so)406 b(it)h(only)h(returns)d(true)0 +40627 y(if)370 b Fk(a)f Fn(and)g Fk(b)g Fn(are)g(the)h(same)f(ob)61 +b(ject.)0 42594 y(More)469 b(lik)-31 b(ely)-92 b(,)497 +b(w)-31 b(e)470 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)471 b(to)f(return)f(true)g(if)h +Fg(a)f Fn(and)h Fg(b)f Fn(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)471 b(the)e(same)h(v)-61 +b(alue|that)471 b(is,)0 43949 y(deep)369 b(equalit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)0 45917 y(W)g(e)516 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)517 +b(to)g(teac)-31 b(h)517 b(fractions)h(ho)-31 b(w)517 +b(to)g(compare)h(themselv)-31 b(es.)935 b(As)516 b(w)-31 +b(e)517 b(sa)-31 b(w)517 b(in)f(Sec-)0 47272 y(tion)373 +b(15.4,)h(w)-31 b(e)372 b(can)g(o)-31 b(v)g(erload)373 +b(all)g(the)f(comparison)h(op)31 b(erators)371 b(at)i(once)e(b)-31 +b(y)372 b(supplying)h(a)p 0 48626 349 45 v 418 48626 +V 767 48626 a Fk(cmp)p 2580 48626 V 2999 48626 V 1206 +w Fn(metho)31 b(d.)0 50594 y(By)471 b(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tion,)500 +b(the)p 9888 50594 V 10306 50594 V 1309 w Fk(cmp)p 12468 +50594 V 12886 50594 V 1308 w Fn(metho)31 b(d)472 b(returns)e(a)i +(negativ)-31 b(e)473 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)472 b(if)g +Fk(self)f Fn(is)g(less)0 51949 y(than)365 b Fk(other)p +Fn(,)i(zero)d(if)h(they)g(are)g(the)f(same,)j(and)e(a)f(p)31 +b(ositiv)-31 b(e)367 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)364 b(if)h +Fk(self)g Fn(is)g(greater)0 53304 y(than)370 b Fk(other)p +Fn(.)0 55271 y(The)397 b(simplest)g(w)-31 b(a)g(y)398 +b(to)f(compare)g(fractions)h(is)e(to)i(cross-m)-31 b(ultiply)-92 +b(.)576 b(If)396 b Fg(a=b)354 b(>)e(c=d)p Fn(,)405 b(then)0 +56626 y Fg(ad)308 b(>)f(bc)p Fn(.)493 b(With)369 b(that)i(in)e(mind,)i +(here)d(is)h(the)h(co)31 b(de)369 b(for)p 23814 56626 +V 24232 56626 V 1206 w Fk(cmp)p 26394 56626 V 26813 56626 +V 837 w Fn(:)p eop +%%Page: 234 260 +234 259 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(234)22020 b(Creating)426 b(a)e(new)h(data)g(t) +-35 b(yp)35 b(e)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fk(class)582 +b(Fraction:)1162 2220 y(...)1162 3575 y(def)g(__cmp__\(self,)h +(other\):)2325 4930 y(diff)e(=)h(\(self.numerator)1164 +b(*)581 b(other.denominator)j(-)6974 6285 y(other.numerator)f(*)e +(self.denominator\))2325 7640 y(return)h(diff)0 10080 +y Fn(If)420 b Fk(self)g Fn(is)g(greater)g(than)h Fk(other)p +Fn(,)433 b(then)420 b Fk(diff)h Fn(will)g(b)31 b(e)420 +b(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 b(e.)646 b(If)420 b Fk(other)g Fn(is)g(greater,)0 +11435 y(then)369 b Fk(diff)h Fn(will)h(b)31 b(e)369 b(negativ)-31 +b(e.)494 b(If)369 b(they)h(are)f(the)h(same,)g Fk(diff)f +Fn(is)g(zero.)0 16526 y Fl(B.5)1793 b(T)-149 b(aking)598 +b(it)g(further)0 19296 y Fn(Of)268 b(course,)287 b(w)-31 +b(e)268 b(are)g(not)g(done.)459 b(W)-92 b(e)267 b(still)i(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)268 b(to)h(implemen)-31 b(t)270 b(subtraction)f(b)-31 +b(y)267 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erriding)p 0 20651 349 45 v 418 +20651 V 767 20651 a Fk(sub)p 2580 20651 V 2999 20651 +V 1206 w Fn(and)370 b(division)h(b)-31 b(y)369 b(o)-31 +b(v)g(erriding)p 16774 20651 V 17193 20651 V 1208 w Fk(div)p +19355 20651 V 19773 20651 V 837 w Fn(.)0 23010 y(One)517 +b(w)-31 b(a)g(y)519 b(to)g(handle)f(those)g(op)31 b(erations)519 +b(is)e(to)i(implemen)-31 b(t)520 b(negation)g(b)-31 b(y)517 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(erriding)p 0 24365 V 418 24365 V 767 24365 +a Fk(neg)p 2580 24365 V 2999 24365 V 1157 w Fn(and)321 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(ersion)321 b(b)-31 b(y)320 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erriding)p +17086 24365 V 17504 24365 V 1159 w Fk(invert)p 21409 +24365 V 21828 24365 V 837 w Fn(.)477 b(Then)320 b(w)-31 +b(e)321 b(can)f(subtract)g(b)-31 b(y)321 b(negat-)0 25720 +y(ing)378 b(the)f(second)g(op)31 b(erand)377 b(and)g(adding,)k(and)c(w) +-31 b(e)378 b(can)f(divide)h(b)-31 b(y)378 b(in)-31 b(v)g(erting)379 +b(the)e(second)0 27075 y(op)31 b(erand)369 b(and)h(m)-31 +b(ultiplying.)0 29433 y(Next,)469 b(w)-31 b(e)448 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)449 b(to)g(pro)-31 b(vide)p 12970 29433 V 13388 +29433 V 1285 w Fk(rsub)p 16131 29433 V 16550 29433 V +1285 w Fn(and)p 19647 29433 V 20065 29433 V 1285 w Fk(rdiv)p +22808 29433 V 23227 29433 V 837 w Fn(.)729 b(Unfortunately)-92 +b(,)470 b(w)-31 b(e)448 b(can't)i(use)0 30788 y(the)315 +b(same)g(tric)-31 b(k)316 b(w)-31 b(e)315 b(used)f(for)h(addition)i +(and)e(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)331 b(b)31 b(ecause)315 +b(subtraction)h(and)0 32143 y(division)464 b(are)d(not)i(comm)-31 +b(utativ)g(e.)775 b(W)-92 b(e)461 b(can't)j(just)e(set)p +24542 32143 V 24961 32143 V 1298 w Fk(rsub)p 27703 32143 +V 28122 32143 V 1300 w Fn(and)p 31248 32143 V 31666 32143 +V 1299 w Fk(rdiv)p 34409 32143 V 34827 32143 V 1299 w +Fn(equal)0 33498 y(to)p 1436 33498 V 1854 33498 V 1220 +w Fk(sub)p 4016 33498 V 4435 33498 V 1219 w Fn(and)p +7401 33498 V 7819 33498 V 1220 w Fk(div)p 9981 33498 +V 10400 33498 V 837 w Fn(.)532 b(In)382 b(these)g(op)31 +b(erations,)388 b(the)382 b(order)g(of)h(the)f(op)31 +b(erands)382 b(mak)-31 b(es)384 b(a)0 34853 y(di\256erence.)0 +37212 y(T)-92 b(o)438 b(handle)h Fv(unary)503 b(negation)p +Fn(,)457 b(whic)-31 b(h)438 b(is)g(the)g(use)f(of)h(the)g(min)-31 +b(us)438 b(sign)g(with)h(a)f(single)0 38567 y(op)31 b(erand,)370 +b(w)-31 b(e)369 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erride)p 10503 38567 V +10921 38567 V 1207 w Fk(neg)p 13083 38567 V 13502 38567 +V 837 w Fn(.)0 40926 y(W)-92 b(e)293 b(can)i(compute)g(p)31 +b(o)-31 b(w)g(ers)294 b(b)-31 b(y)294 b(o)-31 b(v)g(erriding)p +18453 40926 V 18871 40926 V 1133 w Fk(pow)p 21033 40926 +V 21451 40926 V 837 w Fn(,)309 b(but)295 b(the)f(implemen)-31 +b(tation)298 b(is)c(a)h(little)0 42280 y(tric)-31 b(ky)-92 +b(.)481 b(If)331 b(the)g(exp)31 b(onen)-31 b(t)332 b(isn't)h(an)e(in) +-31 b(teger,)340 b(then)332 b(it)g(ma)-31 b(y)332 b(not)g(b)31 +b(e)331 b(p)31 b(ossible)332 b(to)g(represen)-31 b(t)0 +43635 y(the)314 b(result)f(as)h(a)g Fk(Fraction)p Fn(.)475 +b(F)-92 b(or)313 b(example,)327 b Fk(Fraction\(2\))582 +b(**)g(Fraction\(1,2\))315 b Fn(is)f(the)0 44990 y(square)476 +b(ro)31 b(ot)476 b(of)h(2,)503 b(whic)-31 b(h)477 b(is)f(an)g +(irrational)j(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)476 b(\(it)h(can't)g(b)31 +b(e)476 b(represen)-31 b(ted)475 b(as)h(a)0 46345 y(fraction\).)495 +b(So)369 b(it's)h(not)g(easy)f(to)h(write)g(the)g(most)g(general)g(v) +-31 b(ersion)369 b(of)p 30456 46345 V 30874 46345 V 1207 +w Fk(pow)p 33036 46345 V 33455 46345 V 837 w Fn(.)0 48704 +y(There)510 b(is)h(one)g(other)g(extension)g(to)h(the)f +Fk(Fraction)g Fn(class)g(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)511 b(migh)-31 +b(t)513 b(w)-31 b(an)g(t)512 b(to)0 50059 y(think)346 +b(ab)31 b(out.)485 b(So)345 b(far,)350 b(w)-31 b(e)345 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)346 b(assumed)e(that)i(the)f(n)-31 b(umerator)345 +b(and)g(denominator)i(are)0 51414 y(in)-31 b(tegers.)493 +b(W)-92 b(e)369 b(migh)-31 b(t)371 b(also)f(w)-31 b(an)g(t)371 +b(to)f(allo)-31 b(w)371 b(them)f(to)g(b)31 b(e)369 b(long)h(in)-31 +b(tegers.)2767 54433 y Fm(As)430 b(an)g(exer)-57 b(cise,)439 +b(\257nish)431 b(the)e(implementation)i(of)g(the)e Fk(Fraction)i +Fm(class)e(so)2767 55788 y(that)424 b(it)g(hand)57 b(les)423 +b(subtr)-57 b(action,)432 b(division,)h(exp)-57 b(onentiation,)432 +b(and)425 b(long)f(inte-)2767 57143 y(gers)396 b(as)g(numer)-57 +b(ators)395 b(and)h(denominators.)p eop +%%Page: 235 261 +235 260 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(B.6)424 b(Glossary)29151 b(235)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(B.6)1793 b(Glossary)0 3030 +y Fv(greatest)426 b(common)f(divisor)g(\(GCD\):)553 b +Fn(The)350 b(largest)h(p)31 b(ositiv)-31 b(e)351 b(in)-31 +b(teger)350 b(that)h(divides)2767 4385 y(without)373 +b(a)d(remainder)h(in)-31 b(to)372 b(b)31 b(oth)371 b(the)f(n)-31 +b(umerator)371 b(and)g(denominator)h(of)f(a)g(frac-)2767 +5740 y(tion.)0 7981 y Fv(reduce:)554 b Fn(T)-92 b(o)370 +b(c)-31 b(hange)370 b(a)g(fraction)g(in)-31 b(to)371 +b(an)f(equiv)-61 b(alen)-31 b(t)371 b(form)e(with)i(a)e(GCD)g(of)h(1.)0 +10221 y Fv(unary)425 b(negation:)554 b Fn(The)530 b(op)31 +b(eration)531 b(that)f(computes)h(an)e(additiv)-31 b(e)532 +b(in)-31 b(v)g(erse,)570 b(usually)2767 11576 y(denoted)404 +b(with)g(a)f(leading)h(min)-31 b(us)404 b(sign.)594 b(Called)404 +b(\\unary")g(b)-31 b(y)403 b(con)-31 b(trast)404 b(with)g(the)2767 +12931 y(binary)370 b(min)-31 b(us)370 b(op)31 b(eration,)371 +b(whic)-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(subtraction.)p eop +%%Page: 236 262 +236 261 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(236)22020 b(Creating)426 b(a)e(new)h(data)g(t) +-35 b(yp)35 b(e)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 237 263 +237 262 bop 0 9981 a Fi(App)72 b(endix)862 b(C)0 16340 +y Fo(Recommendations)1034 b(for)0 19727 y(further)g(reading)0 +26268 y Fn(So)339 b(where)f(do)h(y)-31 b(ou)339 b(go)g(from)g(here?)481 +b(There)339 b(are)f(man)-31 b(y)340 b(directions)f(to)g(pursue,)345 +b(extending)0 27623 y(y)-31 b(our)369 b(kno)-31 b(wledge)372 +b(of)e(Python)g(sp)31 b(eci\257cally)370 b(and)g(computer)g(science)f +(in)g(general.)0 29736 y(The)286 b(examples)h(in)f(this)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)287 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)286 b(b)31 b(een)286 b(delib)31 +b(erately)287 b(simple,)304 b(but)286 b(they)g(ma)-31 +b(y)287 b(not)g(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)0 31091 y(sho)g(wn)366 +b(o\256)g(Python's)h(most)f(exciting)i(capabilities.)494 +b(Here)365 b(is)h(a)g(sampling)h(of)f(extensions)0 32446 +y(to)k(Python)g(and)g(suggestions)g(for)f(pro)61 b(jects)370 +b(that)h(use)d(them.)1660 34942 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(GUI)339 +b(\(graphical)j(user)c(in)-31 b(terface\))342 b(programming)f(lets)f(y) +-31 b(our)340 b(program)h(use)d(a)i(win-)2767 36297 y(do)-31 +b(wing)372 b(en)-31 b(vironmen)g(t)371 b(to)f(in)-31 +b(teract)370 b(with)h(the)e(user)f(and)i(displa)-31 b(y)370 +b(graphics.)2767 38070 y(The)351 b(oldest)g(graphics)f(pac)-31 +b(k)-61 b(age)352 b(for)e(Python)h(is)f(Tkin)-31 b(ter,)356 +b(whic)-31 b(h)351 b(is)f(based)g(on)h(Jon)2767 39425 +y(Ousterhout's)280 b(Tcl)h(and)e(Tk)h(scripting)h(languages.)464 +b(Tkin)-31 b(ter)281 b(comes)f(bundled)g(with)2767 40780 +y(the)370 b(Python)g(distribution.)2767 42553 y(Another)360 +b(p)31 b(opular)360 b(platform)i(is)d(wxPython,)364 b(whic)-31 +b(h)360 b(is)g(essen)-31 b(tially)361 b(a)f(Python)h(v)-31 +b(e-)2767 43908 y(neer)300 b(o)-31 b(v)g(er)301 b(wxWindo)-31 +b(ws,)316 b(a)301 b(C++)g(pac)-31 b(k)-61 b(age)301 b(whic)-31 +b(h)302 b(in)f(turn)f(implemen)-31 b(ts)302 b(windo)-31 +b(ws)2767 45263 y(using)300 b(nativ)-31 b(e)301 b(in)-31 +b(terfaces)300 b(on)f(Windo)-31 b(ws)300 b(and)f(Unix)h(\(including)i +(Lin)-31 b(ux\))300 b(platforms.)2767 46618 y(The)448 +b(windo)-31 b(ws)448 b(and)f(con)-31 b(trols)448 b(under)e(wxPython)j +(tend)e(to)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)448 b(a)f(more)g(nativ)-31 +b(e)2767 47973 y(lo)31 b(ok)317 b(and)e(feel)h(than)g(those)f(of)h +(Tkin)-31 b(ter)316 b(and)f(are)g(somewhat)i(simpler)f(to)g(program.) +2767 49747 y(An)-31 b(y)420 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)420 b(of)f(GUI)g +(programming)i(will)g(lead)f(y)-31 b(ou)420 b(in)-31 +b(to)421 b(ev)-31 b(en)g(t-driv)g(en)420 b(program-)2767 +51101 y(ming,)342 b(where)333 b(the)g(user)e(and)i(not)h(the)f +(programmer)g(determines)g(the)g(\260o)-31 b(w)334 b(of)f(exe-)2767 +52456 y(cution.)489 b(This)354 b(st)-31 b(yle)355 b(of)f(programming)i +(tak)-31 b(es)354 b(some)g(getting)i(used)d(to,)358 b(sometimes)2767 +53811 y(forcing)371 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(to)f(rethink)h(the)g(whole)g +(structure)f(of)g(a)h(program.)1660 56003 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(W)-92 b(eb)344 b(programming)j(in)-31 b(tegrates)346 +b(the)f(Python)g(with)h(the)f(In)-31 b(ternet.)484 b(F)-92 +b(or)344 b(example,)2767 57358 y(y)-31 b(ou)341 b(can)e(build)h(w)-31 +b(eb)340 b(clien)-31 b(t)341 b(programs)f(that)g(op)31 +b(en)340 b(and)f(read)h(a)f(remote)h(w)-31 b(eb)340 b(page)p +eop +%%Page: 238 264 +238 263 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(238)15224 b(Recommendations)426 +b(for)f(further)h(reading)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 2767 865 +a Fn(\(almost\))411 b(as)d(easily)h(as)e(y)-31 b(ou)409 +b(can)f(op)31 b(en)408 b(a)g(\257le)g(on)g(disk.)609 +b(There)407 b(are)h(also)h(Python)2767 2220 y(mo)31 b(dules)428 +b(that)g(let)g(y)-31 b(ou)428 b(access)e(remote)i(\257les)f(via)h(ftp,) +442 b(and)427 b(mo)31 b(dules)428 b(to)f(let)h(y)-31 +b(ou)2767 3575 y(send)265 b(and)h(receiv)-31 b(e)265 +b(email.)460 b(Python)266 b(is)g(also)g(widely)g(used)f(for)g(w)-31 +b(eb)266 b(serv)-31 b(er)264 b(programs)2767 4930 y(to)370 +b(handle)g(input)g(forms.)1660 7442 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Databases)534 +b(are)e(a)h(bit)g(lik)-31 b(e)534 b(sup)31 b(er)532 b(\257les)g(where)h +(data)h(is)e(stored)h(in)g(prede\257ned)2767 8797 y(sc)-31 +b(hemas,)386 b(and)381 b(relationships)i(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)383 b(data)f(items)h(let)f(y)-31 b(ou)382 b(access)f(the)h +(data)h(in)2767 10152 y(v)-61 b(arious)421 b(w)-31 b(a)g(ys.)649 +b(Python)422 b(has)e(sev)-31 b(eral)422 b(mo)31 b(dules)421 +b(to)g(enable)h(users)d(to)j(connect)f(to)2767 11507 +y(v)-61 b(arious)370 b(database)g(engines,)g(b)31 b(oth)370 +b(Op)31 b(en)369 b(Source)g(and)g(commercial.)1660 14019 +y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Thread)446 b(programming)i(lets)e(y)-31 +b(ou)446 b(run)f(sev)-31 b(eral)445 b(threads)h(of)g(execution)h +(within)g(a)2767 15374 y(single)358 b(program.)489 b(If)356 +b(y)-31 b(ou)357 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)358 b(had)f(the)f(exp)31 +b(erience)356 b(of)h(using)g(a)g(w)-31 b(eb)357 b(bro)-31 +b(wser)356 b(to)2767 16729 y(scroll)336 b(the)g(b)31 +b(eginning)337 b(of)f(a)g(page)h(while)f(the)g(bro)-31 +b(wser)336 b(con)-31 b(tin)g(ues)336 b(to)h(load)g(the)e(rest)2767 +18084 y(of)370 b(it,)h(then)e(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)370 b(a)g(feel)f(for)g(what)i(threads)e(can)g(do.)1660 +20597 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(When)443 b(sp)31 b(eed)442 b(is)i(paramoun)-31 +b(t)445 b(Python)f(extensions)g(ma)-31 b(y)445 b(b)31 +b(e)443 b(written)h(in)g(a)f(com-)2767 21952 y(piled)465 +b(language)h(lik)-31 b(e)466 b(C)e(or)g(C++.)777 b(Suc)-31 +b(h)464 b(extensions)h(form)g(the)f(base)g(of)h(man)-31 +b(y)2767 23306 y(of)369 b(the)g(mo)31 b(dules)369 b(in)f(the)h(Python)g +(library)-92 b(.)493 b(The)369 b(mec)-31 b(hanics)369 +b(of)g(linking)h(functions)2767 24661 y(and)340 b(data)i(is)d(somewhat) +j(complex.)484 b(SWIG)339 b(\(Simpli\257ed)j(W)-92 b(rapp)31 +b(er)338 b(and)i(In)-31 b(terface)2767 26016 y(Generator\))370 +b(is)f(a)h(to)31 b(ol)370 b(to)g(mak)-31 b(e)371 b(the)e(pro)31 +b(cess)368 b(m)-31 b(uc)g(h)370 b(simpler.)0 30966 y +Fl(C.1)1793 b(Python-related)600 b(w)-50 b(eb)599 b(sites)g(and)f(b)50 +b(o)g(oks)0 33670 y Fn(Here)369 b(are)g(the)g(authors')h +(recommendations)i(for)d(Python)h(resources)e(on)i(the)f(w)-31 +b(eb:)1660 36598 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(The)536 b(Python)g(home)g(page)f +(at)h Fk(www.python.org)h Fn(is)e(the)g(place)g(to)h(start)g(y)-31 +b(our)2767 37952 y(searc)g(h)268 b(for)g(an)-31 b(y)268 +b(Python)i(related)e(material.)461 b(Y)-92 b(ou)268 b(will)i(\257nd)e +(help,)288 b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation,)2767 39307 y(links)301 +b(to)g(other)f(sites)g(and)g(SIG)f(\(Sp)31 b(ecial)302 +b(In)-31 b(terest)300 b(Group\))g(mailing)i(lists)f(that)g(y)-31 +b(ou)2767 40662 y(can)370 b(join.)1660 43175 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(The)548 b(Op)31 b(en)547 b(Bo)31 b(ok)549 b(Pro)61 +b(ject)548 b Fk(www.ibiblio.com/obp)j Fn(con)-31 b(tains)549 +b(not)f(only)h(this)2767 44530 y(b)31 b(o)g(ok)417 b(online)g(but)f +(also)g(similar)i(b)31 b(o)g(oks)416 b(for)g(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 +b(a)416 b(and)g(C++)g(b)-31 b(y)416 b(Allen)h(Do)-31 +b(wney)-92 b(.)2767 45885 y(In)420 b(addition)j(there)d(are)g +Fm(L)-57 b(essons)443 b(in)h(Ele)-57 b(ctric)444 b(Cir)-57 +b(cuits)421 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)420 b(T)-92 b(on)-31 b(y)422 +b(R.)e(Kuphaldt,)2767 47239 y Fm(Getting)478 b(down)d(with)h(...)p +Fn(,)k(a)457 b(set)f(of)h(tutorials)h(on)f(a)f(range)h(of)g(computer)g +(science)2767 48594 y(topics,)384 b(written)d(and)f(edited)h(b)-31 +b(y)380 b(high)g(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol)381 b(studen)-31 +b(ts,)383 b Fm(Python)405 b(for)h(F)-85 b(un)p Fn(,)383 +b(a)d(set)2767 49949 y(of)435 b(case)e(studies)h(in)g(Python)i(b)-31 +b(y)434 b(Chris)f(Mey)-31 b(ers,)450 b(and)434 b Fm(The)456 +b(Linux)g(Co)-57 b(okb)g(o)g(ok)435 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)2767 +51304 y(Mic)g(hael)371 b(Stultz,)g(with)f(300)g(pages)g(of)g(tips)f +(and)h(tec)-31 b(hniques.)1660 53817 y Fj(\262)554 b +Fn(Finally)483 b(if)e(y)-31 b(ou)482 b(go)g(to)f(Go)31 +b(ogle)483 b(and)e(use)f(the)h(searc)-31 b(h)481 b(string)g(\\p)-31 +b(ython)483 b(-snak)-31 b(e)481 b(-)2767 55172 y(mon)-31 +b(t)g(y")372 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(will)h(get)f(ab)31 b(out)370 +b(750,000)i(hits.)p eop +%%Page: 239 265 +239 264 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(C.2)425 b(Recommended)h(general)g(computer)f +(science)g(b)35 b(o)g(oks)7727 b(239)p 0 -1627 38191 +45 v 0 865 a Fn(And)369 b(here)g(are)g(some)g(b)31 b(o)g(oks)370 +b(that)g(con)-31 b(tain)371 b(more)f(material)h(on)e(the)h(Python)g +(language:)1660 3348 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(Cor)-57 b(e)414 +b(Python)g(Pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(amming)391 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)388 +b(W)-92 b(esley)388 b(Ch)-31 b(un)389 b(is)g(a)g(large)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)389 b(at)g(ab)31 b(out)390 b(750)2767 4703 y(pages.)674 +b(The)430 b(\257rst)e(part)i(of)g(the)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok)429 +b(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)430 b(the)g(basic)f(Python)i(language)g(fea-)2767 +6057 y(tures.)613 b(The)410 b(second)f(part)h(pro)-31 +b(vides)410 b(an)f(easy-paced)h(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(duction)412 +b(to)e(more)g(ad-)2767 7412 y(v)-61 b(anced)370 b(topics)g(including)g +(man)-31 b(y)371 b(of)f(those)f(men)-31 b(tioned)371 +b(ab)31 b(o)-31 b(v)g(e.)1660 9600 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(Python)360 +b(Essential)e(R)-57 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)332 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)330 +b(Da)-31 b(vid)329 b(M.)g(Beazley)h(is)f(a)h(small)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok,)338 b(but)329 b(it)h(is)2767 10955 y(pac)-31 +b(k)g(ed)422 b(with)g(information)i(b)31 b(oth)422 b(on)f(the)g +(language)i(itself)f(and)f(the)g(mo)31 b(dules)422 b(in)2767 +12310 y(the)370 b(standard)f(library)-92 b(.)493 b(It)370 +b(is)f(also)h(v)-31 b(ery)369 b(w)-31 b(ell)371 b(indexed.)1660 +14497 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(Python)545 b(Po)-57 b(cket)544 +b(R)-57 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)533 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)531 b(Mark)e(Lutz)i(really) +g(do)31 b(es)529 b(\257t)i(in)f(y)-31 b(our)530 b(p)31 +b(o)g(c)-31 b(k)g(et.)2767 15852 y(Although)503 b(not)e(as)f(extensiv) +-31 b(e)502 b(as)e Fm(Python)517 b(Essential)g(R)-57 +b(efer)g(enc)g(e)503 b Fn(it)e(is)g(a)f(handy)2767 17207 +y(reference)340 b(for)h(the)f(most)i(commonly)h(used)d(functions)h(and) +g(mo)31 b(dules.)484 b(Mark)340 b(Lutz)2767 18562 y(is)301 +b(also)g(the)g(author)g(of)g Fm(Pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(amming)334 +b(Python)p Fn(,)315 b(one)301 b(of)f(the)h(earliest)g(\(and)h +(largest\))2767 19917 y(b)31 b(o)g(oks)386 b(on)f(Python)h(and)f(not)h +(aimed)g(at)g(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)386 b(programmer.)541 +b(His)385 b(later)2767 21272 y(b)31 b(o)g(ok)370 b Fm(L)-57 +b(e)g(arning)398 b(Python)369 b Fn(is)g(smaller)i(and)e(more)g +(accessible.)1660 23459 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(Python)405 +b(Pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(amming)407 b(on)d(Win32)379 b Fn(b)-31 +b(y)378 b(Mark)h(Hammond)h(and)f(Andy)f(Robinson)2767 +24814 y(is)409 b(a)g(\\m)-31 b(ust)409 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e")411 +b(for)d(an)-31 b(y)g(one)410 b(seriously)f(using)g(Python)h(to)f(dev) +-31 b(elop)410 b(Windo)-31 b(ws)2767 26169 y(applications.)491 +b(Among)356 b(other)f(things)h(it)f(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)355 +b(the)g(in)-31 b(tegration)357 b(of)f(Python)g(and)2767 +27524 y(COM,)425 b(builds)f(a)g(small)h(application)i(with)e(wxPython,) +440 b(and)424 b(ev)-31 b(en)424 b(uses)f(Python)2767 +28879 y(to)370 b(script)f(windo)-31 b(ws)371 b(applications)h(suc)-31 +b(h)369 b(as)g(W)-92 b(ord)369 b(and)g(Excel.)0 33310 +y Fl(C.2)1793 b(Recommended)1252 b(general)f(computer)h(science)4483 +35342 y(b)50 b(o)g(oks)0 37784 y Fn(The)416 b(follo)-31 +b(wing)420 b(suggestions)d(for)e(further)h(reading)h(include)f(man)-31 +b(y)417 b(of)g(the)f(authors')g(fa-)0 39139 y(v)-31 b(orite)281 +b(b)31 b(o)g(oks.)463 b(They)281 b(deal)f(with)h(go)31 +b(o)g(d)281 b(programming)h(practices)e(and)g(computer)h(science)0 +40494 y(in)369 b(general.)1660 42976 y Fj(\262)554 b +Fm(The)391 b(Pr)-57 b(actic)g(e)392 b(of)f(Pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(amming)365 +b Fn(b)-31 b(y)364 b(Kernighan)g(and)f(Pik)-31 b(e)365 +b(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)363 b(not)h(only)h(the)2767 44331 +y(design)h(and)f(co)31 b(ding)366 b(of)g(algorithms)h(and)f(data)g +(structures,)f(but)h(also)g(debugging,)2767 45686 y(testing)468 +b(and)f(impro)-31 b(ving)469 b(the)d(p)31 b(erformance)467 +b(of)g(programs.)785 b(The)467 b(examples)g(are)2767 +47041 y(mostly)371 b(C++)f(and)f(Ja)-31 b(v)-61 b(a,)370 +b(with)h(none)e(in)h(Python.)1660 49229 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fm(The)355 b(Elements)g(of)g(Java)f(Style)325 b Fn(edited)g(b)-31 +b(y)325 b(Al)f(V)-92 b(ermeulen)325 b(is)f(another)h(small)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)2767 50584 y(that)549 b(discusses)d(some)h(of)h(the)f(\257ner) +g(p)31 b(oin)-31 b(ts)547 b(of)h(go)31 b(o)g(d)548 b(programming,)594 +b(suc)-31 b(h)547 b(as)2767 51938 y(go)31 b(o)g(d)380 +b(use)e(of)h(naming)h(con)-31 b(v)g(en)g(tions,)384 b(commen)-31 +b(ts,)382 b(and)d(ev)-31 b(en)379 b(whitespace)h(and)f(in-)2767 +53293 y(den)-31 b(tation)540 b(\(somewhat)f(of)e(a)g(nonissue)g(in)g +(Python\).)997 b(The)537 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)537 b(also)h(co)-31 +b(v)g(ers)2767 54648 y(programming)366 b(b)-31 b(y)363 +b(con)-31 b(tract,)366 b(using)d(assertions)g(to)h(catc)-31 +b(h)364 b(errors)d(b)-31 b(y)363 b(testing)i(pre-)2767 +56003 y(conditions)311 b(and)e(p)31 b(ostconditions,)324 +b(and)309 b(prop)31 b(er)308 b(programming)j(with)f(threads)f(and)2767 +57358 y(their)370 b(sync)-31 b(hronization.)p eop +%%Page: 240 266 +240 265 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(240)15224 b(Recommendations)426 +b(for)f(further)h(reading)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 +a Fj(\262)554 b Fm(Pr)-57 b(o)g(gr)g(amming)428 b(Pe)-57 +b(arls)401 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)402 b(Jon)g(Ben)-31 b(tley)403 +b(is)f(a)g(classic)g(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)591 b(It)402 b(consists)g(of)g +(case)2767 2220 y(studies)461 b(that)i(originally)h(app)31 +b(eared)461 b(in)g(the)g(author's)h(column)g(in)f(the)h +Fm(Commu-)2767 3575 y(nic)-57 b(ations)509 b(of)f(the)f(A)-28 +b(CM)p Fn(.)490 b(The)h(studies)f(deal)h(with)h(tradeo\256s)e(in)h +(programming)2767 4930 y(and)405 b(wh)-31 b(y)404 b(it)h(is)f(often)h +(an)f(esp)31 b(ecially)406 b(bad)e(idea)h(to)g(run)e(with)i(y)-31 +b(our)405 b(\257rst)e(idea)i(for)2767 6285 y(a)433 b(program.)681 +b(The)432 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)432 b(is)g(a)g(bit)h(older)f(than)g(those)g +(ab)31 b(o)-31 b(v)g(e)433 b(\(1986\),)451 b(so)432 b(the)g(ex-)2767 +7640 y(amples)399 b(are)f(in)g(older)g(languages.)581 +b(There)397 b(are)h(lots)h(of)f(problems)g(to)h(solv)-31 +b(e,)407 b(some)2767 8995 y(with)307 b(solutions)f(and)f(others)g(with) +h(hin)-31 b(ts.)472 b(This)305 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok)305 b(w)-31 +b(as)306 b(v)-31 b(ery)305 b(p)31 b(opular)305 b(and)g(w)-31 +b(as)2767 10350 y(follo)g(w)g(ed)373 b(b)-31 b(y)369 +b(a)g(second)g(v)-31 b(olume.)1660 12590 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fm(The)322 b(New)f(T)-85 b(uring)322 b(Omnibus)289 +b Fn(b)-31 b(y)288 b(A.K)g(Dewdney)h(pro)-31 b(vides)288 +b(a)g(gen)-31 b(tle)290 b(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(duction)2767 +13945 y(to)351 b(66)g(topics)g(of)g(computer)g(science)f(ranging)h +(from)g(parallel)h(computing)g(to)f(com-)2767 15300 y(puter)400 +b(viruses,)408 b(from)400 b(cat)h(scans)f(to)h(genetic)g(algorithms.) +587 b(All)401 b(of)g(the)f(topics)h(are)2767 16655 y(short)376 +b(and)g(en)-31 b(tertaining.)514 b(An)376 b(earlier)g(b)31 +b(o)g(ok)376 b(b)-31 b(y)375 b(Dewdney)h Fm(The)402 b(A)-28 +b(rmchair)401 b(Uni-)2767 18010 y(verse)438 b Fn(is)f(a)h(collection)i +(from)e(his)g(column)h Fm(Computer)458 b(R)-57 b(e)g(cr)g(e)g(ations) +440 b Fn(in)e Fm(Scienti\257c)2767 19365 y(A)-28 b(meric)-57 +b(an)p Fn(.)494 b(Both)370 b(b)31 b(o)g(oks)369 b(are)g(ric)-31 +b(h)369 b(source)g(of)h(ideas)f(for)h(pro)61 b(jects.)1660 +21605 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(T)-85 b(urtles,)354 b(T)-85 +b(ermites)344 b(and)g(T)-85 b(r)-57 b(a\261c)344 b(Jams)311 +b Fn(b)-31 b(y)313 b(Mitc)-31 b(hel)313 b(Resnic)-31 +b(k)312 b(is)g(ab)31 b(out)313 b(the)f(p)31 b(o)-31 b(w)g(er)2767 +22960 y(of)357 b(decen)-31 b(tralization)360 b(and)d(ho)-31 +b(w)358 b(complex)g(b)31 b(eha)-31 b(vior)357 b(can)g(arise)f(from)h +(co)31 b(ordinated)2767 24315 y(simple)313 b(activit)-31 +b(y)315 b(of)d(a)g(m)-31 b(ultitude)314 b(of)e(agen)-31 +b(ts.)475 b(It)312 b(in)-31 b(tro)31 b(duces)312 b(the)g(language)i +(StarL-)2767 25670 y(ogo,)359 b(whic)-31 b(h)354 b(allo)-31 +b(ws)355 b(the)e(user)f(to)i(write)g(programs)g(for)f(the)h(agen)-31 +b(ts.)488 b(Running)354 b(the)2767 27025 y(program)411 +b(demonstrates)g(complex)g(aggregate)h(b)31 b(eha)-31 +b(vior,)421 b(whic)-31 b(h)411 b(is)f(often)h(coun-)2767 +28380 y(terin)-31 b(tuitiv)g(e.)460 b(Man)-31 b(y)263 +b(of)f(the)h(programs)f(in)h(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(ok)262 +b(w)-31 b(ere)262 b(dev)-31 b(elop)31 b(ed)263 b(b)-31 +b(y)263 b(studen)-31 b(ts)2767 29735 y(in)436 b(middle)h(sc)-31 +b(ho)31 b(ol)436 b(and)g(high)g(sc)-31 b(ho)31 b(ol.)692 +b(Similar)437 b(programs)f(could)g(b)31 b(e)435 b(written)i(in)2767 +31090 y(Python)371 b(using)e(simple)h(graphics)g(and)f(threads.)1660 +33330 y Fj(\262)554 b Fm(G\304)-566 b(odel,)387 b(Escher)382 +b(and)i(Bach)355 b Fn(b)-31 b(y)355 b(Douglas)i(Hofstadter.)489 +b(Put)356 b(simply)-92 b(,)359 b(if)d(y)-31 b(ou)356 +b(found)2767 34685 y(magic)549 b(in)e(recursion)f(y)-31 +b(ou)547 b(will)i(also)e(\257nd)f(it)i(in)f(this)g(b)31 +b(estselling)548 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)1025 b(One)2767 36040 +y(of)313 b(Hofstadter's)g(themes)f(in)-31 b(v)g(olv)g(es)314 +b(\\strange)f(lo)31 b(ops")312 b(where)g(patterns)g(ev)-31 +b(olv)g(e)314 b(and)2767 37395 y(ascend)276 b(un)-31 +b(til)278 b(they)e(meet)h(themselv)-31 b(es)277 b(again.)463 +b(It)276 b(is)g(Hofstadter's)h(con)-31 b(ten)g(tion)279 +b(that)2767 38750 y(suc)-31 b(h)392 b(\\strange)h(lo)31 +b(ops")393 b(are)f(an)h(essen)-31 b(tial)393 b(part)f(of)h(what)g +(separates)f(the)h(animate)2767 40105 y(from)338 b(the)f(inanimate.)485 +b(He)337 b(demonstrates)h(suc)-31 b(h)337 b(patterns)g(in)g(the)h(m)-31 +b(usic)337 b(of)h(Bac)-31 b(h,)2767 41460 y(the)370 b(pictures)f(of)h +(Esc)-31 b(her)368 b(and)i(G\304)-553 b(odel's)369 b(incompleteness)i +(theorem.)p eop +%%Page: 241 267 +241 266 bop 0 10011 a Fi(App)72 b(endix)862 b(D)0 16400 +y Fo(GNU)1033 b(F)-258 b(ree)1032 b(Do)86 b(cumen)-86 +b(tation)0 19788 y(License)0 26358 y Fn(V)-92 b(ersion)369 +b(1.1,)i(Marc)-31 b(h)369 b(2000)0 29856 y(Cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)5507 +29823 y(c)5200 29856 y Fj(\260)369 b Fn(2000)i(F)-92 +b(ree)367 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)372 b(F)-92 b(oundation,)371 +b(Inc.)0 31211 y(59)f(T)-92 b(emple)370 b(Place,)h(Suite)f(330,)h +(Boston,)f(MA)f(02111-1307)374 b(USA)0 32566 y(Ev)-31 +b(ery)g(one)505 b(is)e(p)31 b(ermitted)505 b(to)f(cop)-31 +b(y)505 b(and)f(distribute)g(v)-31 b(erbatim)505 b(copies)f(of)h(this)f +(license)0 33921 y(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)371 b(but)e(c)-31 +b(hanging)371 b(it)f(is)f(not)h(allo)-31 b(w)g(ed.)0 +38401 y Fl(Pream)-50 b(ble)0 40878 y Fn(The)280 b(purp)31 +b(ose)278 b(of)i(this)g(License)f(is)g(to)i(mak)-31 b(e)280 +b(a)g(man)-31 b(ual,)300 b(textb)31 b(o)g(ok,)299 b(or)280 +b(other)f(written)i(do)31 b(c-)0 42233 y(umen)-31 b(t)395 +b(\\free")g(in)g(the)g(sense)e(of)i(freedom:)544 b(to)395 +b(assure)f(ev)-31 b(ery)g(one)395 b(the)g(e\256ectiv)-31 +b(e)395 b(freedom)0 43588 y(to)422 b(cop)-31 b(y)421 +b(and)g(redistribute)g(it,)435 b(with)422 b(or)f(without)i(mo)31 +b(difying)423 b(it,)435 b(either)421 b(commercially)0 +44942 y(or)312 b(noncommercially)-92 b(.)476 b(Secondarily)-92 +b(,)326 b(this)312 b(License)g(preserv)-31 b(es)310 b(for)i(the)g +(author)h(and)f(pub-)0 46297 y(lisher)351 b(a)h(w)-31 +b(a)g(y)352 b(to)g(get)g(credit)f(for)h(their)f(w)-31 +b(ork,)356 b(while)d(not)f(b)31 b(eing)351 b(considered)g(resp)31 +b(onsible)0 47652 y(for)369 b(mo)31 b(di\257cations)372 +b(made)e(b)-31 b(y)369 b(others.)0 49795 y(This)403 b(License)f(is)g(a) +h(kind)g(of)f(\\cop)-31 b(yleft,")415 b(whic)-31 b(h)403 +b(means)g(that)g(deriv)-61 b(ativ)-31 b(e)404 b(w)-31 +b(orks)403 b(of)g(the)0 51150 y(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)341 +b(m)-31 b(ust)341 b(themselv)-31 b(es)341 b(b)31 b(e)339 +b(free)h(in)g(the)g(same)h(sense.)482 b(It)340 b(complemen)-31 +b(ts)342 b(the)e(GNU)0 52505 y(General)369 b(Public)h(License,)g(whic) +-31 b(h)370 b(is)f(a)g(cop)-31 b(yleft)372 b(license)d(designed)h(for)f +(free)g(soft)-31 b(w)g(are.)0 54648 y(W)-92 b(e)403 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)405 b(designed)f(this)g(License)f(in)h(order)f(to)h(use)f(it)i +(for)f(man)-31 b(uals)405 b(for)f(free)f(soft)-31 b(w)g(are,)0 +56003 y(b)31 b(ecause)463 b(free)f(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)465 +b(needs)e(free)f(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation:)684 b(a)463 +b(free)g(program)h(should)f(come)0 57358 y(with)486 b(man)-31 +b(uals)487 b(pro)-31 b(viding)487 b(the)e(same)h(freedoms)f(that)h(the) +f(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)487 b(do)31 b(es.)840 b(But)486 +b(this)p eop +%%Page: 242 268 +242 267 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(242)17042 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 +b(ree)425 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(tation)426 b(License)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(License)349 b(is)g(not)i(limited)g(to)f +(soft)-31 b(w)g(are)351 b(man)-31 b(uals;)358 b(it)350 +b(can)g(b)31 b(e)349 b(used)g(for)g(an)-31 b(y)350 b(textual)i(w)-31 +b(ork,)0 2220 y(regardless)414 b(of)h(sub)61 b(ject)416 +b(matter)g(or)e(whether)h(it)h(is)e(published)h(as)g(a)g(prin)-31 +b(ted)415 b(b)31 b(o)g(ok.)630 b(W)-92 b(e)0 3575 y(recommend)445 +b(this)f(License)g(principally)j(for)d(w)-31 b(orks)444 +b(whose)h(purp)31 b(ose)443 b(is)i(instruction)g(or)0 +4930 y(reference.)0 9670 y Fl(D.1)1794 b(Applicabilit)-50 +b(y)600 b(and)e(De\257nitions)0 12276 y Fn(This)352 b(License)e +(applies)j(to)e(an)-31 b(y)352 b(man)-31 b(ual)354 b(or)d(other)g(w)-31 +b(ork)352 b(that)h(con)-31 b(tains)352 b(a)g(notice)g(placed)0 +13631 y(b)-31 b(y)492 b(the)f(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)494 +b(holder)e(sa)-31 b(ying)492 b(it)h(can)e(b)31 b(e)491 +b(distributed)i(under)d(the)i(terms)g(of)g(this)0 14986 +y(License.)891 b(The)502 b(\\Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,")538 +b(b)31 b(elo)-31 b(w,)537 b(refers)501 b(to)i(an)-31 +b(y)503 b(suc)-31 b(h)501 b(man)-31 b(ual)504 b(or)e(w)-31 +b(ork.)892 b(An)-31 b(y)0 16341 y(mem)g(b)31 b(er)369 +b(of)h(the)g(public)f(is)h(a)f(licensee,)h(and)f(is)h(addressed)e(as)h +(\\y)-31 b(ou.")0 18583 y(A)409 b(\\Mo)31 b(di\257ed)410 +b(V)-92 b(ersion")410 b(of)g(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)410 b(means)g(an)-31 b(y)410 b(w)-31 b(ork)410 b(con)-31 +b(taining)413 b(the)c(Do)31 b(cu-)0 19938 y(men)-31 b(t)447 +b(or)f(a)g(p)31 b(ortion)447 b(of)f(it,)467 b(either)446 +b(copied)g(v)-31 b(erbatim,)468 b(or)446 b(with)h(mo)31 +b(di\257cations)448 b(and/or)0 21293 y(translated)371 +b(in)-31 b(to)370 b(another)g(language.)0 23534 y(A)467 +b(\\Secondary)h(Section")h(is)e(a)g(named)h(app)31 b(endix)468 +b(or)e(a)i(fron)-31 b(t-matter)469 b(section)f(of)g(the)0 +24889 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)404 b(that)h(deals)e(exclusiv)-31 +b(ely)405 b(with)g(the)e(relationship)i(of)f(the)g(publishers)f(or)g +(au-)0 26244 y(thors)299 b(of)h(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)300 b(to)g(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t's)300 b(o)-31 +b(v)g(erall)301 b(sub)61 b(ject)300 b(\(or)g(to)g(related)g(matters\))0 +27599 y(and)421 b(con)-31 b(tains)422 b(nothing)h(that)f(could)f(fall)h +(directly)g(within)h(that)f(o)-31 b(v)g(erall)422 b(sub)61 +b(ject.)648 b(\(F)-92 b(or)0 28954 y(example,)463 b(if)443 +b(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)444 b(is)e(in)h(part)g(a)g(textb)31 +b(o)g(ok)445 b(of)e(mathematics,)464 b(a)443 b(Secondary)0 +30309 y(Section)339 b(ma)-31 b(y)339 b(not)f(explain)h(an)-31 +b(y)339 b(mathematics.\))485 b(The)338 b(relationship)h(could)g(b)31 +b(e)337 b(a)h(matter)0 31664 y(of)470 b(historical)h(connection)g(with) +g(the)e(sub)61 b(ject)470 b(or)f(with)i(related)f(matters,)496 +b(or)469 b(of)h(legal,)0 33019 y(commercial,)372 b(philosophical,)g +(ethical,)g(or)d(p)31 b(olitical)372 b(p)31 b(osition)371 +b(regarding)f(them.)0 35261 y(The)448 b(\\In)-31 b(v)-61 +b(arian)-31 b(t)449 b(Sections")g(are)e(certain)i(Secondary)f(Sections) +g(whose)g(titles)h(are)f(des-)0 36616 y(ignated,)459 +b(as)440 b(b)31 b(eing)440 b(those)g(of)g(In)-31 b(v)-61 +b(arian)-31 b(t)441 b(Sections,)458 b(in)440 b(the)g(notice)g(that)h +(sa)-31 b(ys)440 b(that)h(the)0 37971 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)370 b(is)f(released)g(under)g(this)g(License.)0 40212 +y(The)396 b(\\Co)-31 b(v)g(er)397 b(T)-92 b(exts")397 +b(are)f(certain)h(short)e(passages)h(of)h(text)g(that)g(are)e(listed,) +404 b(as)396 b(F)-92 b(ron)-31 b(t-)0 41567 y(Co)g(v)g(er)355 +b(T)-92 b(exts)354 b(or)g(Bac)-31 b(k-Co)g(v)g(er)356 +b(T)-92 b(exts,)358 b(in)d(the)f(notice)h(that)h(sa)-31 +b(ys)354 b(that)h(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)355 b(is)0 +42922 y(released)369 b(under)g(this)g(License.)0 45164 +y(A)355 b(\\T)-92 b(ransparen)-31 b(t")357 b(cop)-31 +b(y)356 b(of)g(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)356 b(means)g(a)f(mac)-31 +b(hine-readable)358 b(cop)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)359 b(repre-)0 +46519 y(sen)-31 b(ted)379 b(in)g(a)g(format)h(whose)f(sp)31 +b(eci\257cation)380 b(is)f(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)381 +b(to)f(the)f(general)g(public,)k(whose)0 47874 y(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts)411 b(can)e(b)31 b(e)409 b(view)-31 b(ed)411 +b(and)f(edited)g(directly)g(and)g(straigh)-31 b(tforw)g(ardly)413 +b(with)e(generic)0 49229 y(text)424 b(editors)g(or)g(\(for)g(images)h +(comp)31 b(osed)424 b(of)g(pixels\))g(generic)g(pain)-31 +b(t)425 b(programs)f(or)f(\(for)0 50584 y(dra)-31 b(wings\))300 +b(some)f(widely)g(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)301 b(dra)-31 +b(wing)300 b(editor,)314 b(and)298 b(that)i(is)e(suitable)i(for)e +(input)h(to)0 51938 y(text)364 b(formatters)f(or)g(for)f(automatic)k +(translation)f(to)e(a)g(v)-61 b(ariet)-31 b(y)363 b(of)g(formats)h +(suitable)g(for)0 53293 y(input)372 b(to)f(text)h(formatters.)499 +b(A)371 b(cop)-31 b(y)372 b(made)g(in)f(an)g(otherwise)h(T)-92 +b(ransparen)-31 b(t)371 b(\257le)g(format)0 54648 y(whose)362 +b(markup)f(has)g(b)31 b(een)361 b(designed)g(to)h(th)-31 +b(w)g(art)363 b(or)e(discourage)h(subsequen)-31 b(t)362 +b(mo)31 b(di\257ca-)0 56003 y(tion)393 b(b)-31 b(y)393 +b(readers)e(is)h(not)h(T)-92 b(ransparen)-31 b(t.)562 +b(A)392 b(cop)-31 b(y)393 b(that)g(is)f(not)h(\\T)-92 +b(ransparen)-31 b(t")394 b(is)e(called)0 57358 y(\\Opaque.")p +eop +%%Page: 243 269 +243 268 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(D.2)425 b(V)-106 b(erbatim)425 +b(Cop)-35 b(ying)23670 b(243)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 +a Fn(Examples)248 b(of)f(suitable)h(formats)f(for)g(T)-92 +b(ransparen)-31 b(t)247 b(copies)g(include)g(plain)h(ASCI)31 +b(I)246 b(without)0 2220 y(markup,)543 b(T)-92 b(exinfo)508 +b(input)g(format,)544 b(L)16141 1993 y Ff(A)16629 2220 +y Fn(T)17243 2458 y(E)17859 2220 y(X)507 b(input)h(format,)544 +b(SGML)506 b(or)h(XML)g(using)h(a)0 3575 y(publicly)465 +b(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable)467 b(DTD,)c(and)h(standard-conforming)i +(simple)f(HTML)f(designed)g(for)0 4930 y(h)-31 b(uman)547 +b(mo)31 b(di\257cation.)1025 b(Opaque)546 b(formats)h(include)f(P)-31 +b(ostScript,)592 b(PDF,)545 b(proprietary)0 6285 y(formats)283 +b(that)h(can)e(b)31 b(e)282 b(read)g(and)h(edited)g(only)g(b)-31 +b(y)283 b(proprietary)f(w)-31 b(ord)283 b(pro)31 b(cessors,)299 +b(SGML)0 7640 y(or)334 b(XML)g(for)g(whic)-31 b(h)335 +b(the)f(DTD)g(and/or)g(pro)31 b(cessing)334 b(to)31 b(ols)335 +b(are)f(not)h(generally)h(a)-31 b(v)-61 b(ailable,)0 +8995 y(and)262 b(the)g(mac)-31 b(hine-generated)264 b(HTML)e(pro)31 +b(duced)262 b(b)-31 b(y)262 b(some)g(w)-31 b(ord)262 +b(pro)31 b(cessors)261 b(for)h(output)0 10350 y(purp)31 +b(oses)368 b(only)-92 b(.)0 12534 y(The)509 b(\\Title)i(P)-31 +b(age")511 b(means,)545 b(for)509 b(a)g(prin)-31 b(ted)510 +b(b)31 b(o)g(ok,)544 b(the)510 b(title)g(page)g(itself,)545 +b(plus)509 b(suc)-31 b(h)0 13889 y(follo)g(wing)339 b(pages)c(as)g(are) +g(needed)f(to)i(hold,)343 b(legibly)-92 b(,)344 b(the)335 +b(material)j(this)d(License)g(requires)0 15244 y(to)422 +b(app)31 b(ear)421 b(in)g(the)h(title)g(page.)650 b(F)-92 +b(or)420 b(w)-31 b(orks)421 b(in)h(formats)g(whic)-31 +b(h)422 b(do)f(not)h(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)422 b(an)-31 b(y)422 +b(title)0 16599 y(page)327 b(as)e(suc)-31 b(h,)335 b(\\Title)328 +b(P)-31 b(age")328 b(means)e(the)g(text)h(near)f(the)g(most)h(prominen) +-31 b(t)327 b(app)31 b(earance)0 17954 y(of)370 b(the)f(w)-31 +b(ork's)370 b(title,)i(preceding)d(the)g(b)31 b(eginning)371 +b(of)f(the)f(b)31 b(o)g(dy)369 b(of)h(the)g(text.)0 22521 +y Fl(D.2)1794 b(V)-149 b(erbatim)599 b(Cop)-50 b(ying)0 +25047 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)281 b(ma)-31 b(y)282 b(cop)-31 +b(y)282 b(and)f(distribute)h(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)282 b(in)f(an)-31 b(y)282 b(medium,)300 b(either)281 +b(commercially)0 26402 y(or)396 b(noncommercially)-92 +b(,)407 b(pro)-31 b(vided)397 b(that)h(this)e(License,)404 +b(the)396 b(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)399 b(notices,)404 b(and)397 +b(the)0 27757 y(license)475 b(notice)h(sa)-31 b(ying)476 +b(this)f(License)f(applies)h(to)h(the)e(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)476 b(are)e(repro)31 b(duced)474 b(in)0 29112 y(all)484 +b(copies,)511 b(and)483 b(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)483 b(add)f(no)h(other)g +(conditions)h(whatso)31 b(ev)-31 b(er)484 b(to)f(those)g(of)g(this)0 +30467 y(License.)f(Y)-92 b(ou)336 b(ma)-31 b(y)338 b(not)g(use)e(tec) +-31 b(hnical)338 b(measures)e(to)i(obstruct)f(or)f(con)-31 +b(trol)338 b(the)f(reading)0 31821 y(or)503 b(further)f(cop)-31 +b(ying)505 b(of)e(the)h(copies)f(y)-31 b(ou)504 b(mak)-31 +b(e)504 b(or)f(distribute.)895 b(Ho)-31 b(w)g(ev)g(er,)538 +b(y)-31 b(ou)504 b(ma)-31 b(y)0 33176 y(accept)448 b(comp)31 +b(ensation)450 b(in)d(exc)-31 b(hange)449 b(for)f(copies.)727 +b(If)448 b(y)-31 b(ou)448 b(distribute)g(a)g(large)g(enough)0 +34531 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)369 b(of)h(copies)f(y)-31 +b(ou)370 b(m)-31 b(ust)370 b(also)g(follo)-31 b(w)372 +b(the)e(conditions)h(in)e(Section)h(3.)0 36716 y(Y)-92 +b(ou)303 b(ma)-31 b(y)305 b(also)e(lend)h(copies,)317 +b(under)302 b(the)i(same)f(conditions)i(stated)f(ab)31 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(e,)318 b(and)303 b(y)-31 b(ou)304 b(ma)-31 +b(y)0 38070 y(publicly)371 b(displa)-31 b(y)370 b(copies.)0 +42638 y Fl(D.3)1794 b(Cop)-50 b(ying)598 b(in)g(Quan)-50 +b(tit)g(y)0 45164 y Fn(If)411 b(y)-31 b(ou)412 b(publish)g(prin)-31 +b(ted)412 b(copies)f(of)h(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)412 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ering)412 b(more)g(than)g(100,)424 +b(and)0 46519 y(the)312 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t's)312 +b(license)g(notice)h(requires)e(Co)-31 b(v)g(er)313 b(T)-92 +b(exts,)324 b(y)-31 b(ou)312 b(m)-31 b(ust)313 b(enclose)f(the)g +(copies)0 47874 y(in)267 b(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)267 b(that)h(carry)-92 +b(,)287 b(clearly)267 b(and)g(legibly)-92 b(,)290 b(all)268 +b(these)e(Co)-31 b(v)g(er)268 b(T)-92 b(exts:)442 b(F)-92 +b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)268 b(T)-92 b(exts)0 49229 +y(on)371 b(the)h(fron)-31 b(t)371 b(co)-31 b(v)g(er,)373 +b(and)e(Bac)-31 b(k-Co)g(v)g(er)373 b(T)-92 b(exts)371 +b(on)h(the)f(bac)-31 b(k)372 b(co)-31 b(v)g(er.)498 b(Both)372 +b(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)371 b(m)-31 b(ust)0 50584 y(also)380 +b(clearly)g(and)f(legibly)h(iden)-31 b(tify)381 b(y)-31 +b(ou)380 b(as)e(the)h(publisher)g(of)g(these)g(copies.)522 +b(The)379 b(fron)-31 b(t)0 51938 y(co)g(v)g(er)450 b(m)-31 +b(ust)450 b(presen)-31 b(t)450 b(the)f(full)i(title)g(with)g(all)g(w) +-31 b(ords)450 b(of)g(the)g(title)h(equally)g(prominen)-31 +b(t)0 53293 y(and)449 b(visible.)732 b(Y)-92 b(ou)448 +b(ma)-31 b(y)450 b(add)f(other)g(material)i(on)d(the)h(co)-31 +b(v)g(ers)449 b(in)g(addition.)733 b(Cop)-31 b(ying)0 +54648 y(with)510 b(c)-31 b(hanges)509 b(limited)i(to)f(the)f(co)-31 +b(v)g(ers,)544 b(as)509 b(long)h(as)f(they)g(preserv)-31 +b(e)508 b(the)h(title)h(of)g(the)0 56003 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)409 b(and)g(satisfy)g(these)f(conditions,)420 b(can)409 +b(b)31 b(e)408 b(treated)h(as)f(v)-31 b(erbatim)410 b(cop)-31 +b(ying)410 b(in)0 57358 y(other)369 b(resp)31 b(ects.)p +eop +%%Page: 244 270 +244 269 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(244)17042 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 +b(ree)425 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(tation)426 b(License)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(If)297 b(the)h(required)f(texts)h(for)f +(either)h(co)-31 b(v)g(er)298 b(are)f(to)31 b(o)299 b(v)-31 +b(oluminous)300 b(to)e(\257t)f(legibly)-92 b(,)314 b(y)-31 +b(ou)299 b(should)0 2220 y(put)461 b(the)g(\257rst)g(ones)f(listed)i +(\(as)f(man)-31 b(y)463 b(as)d(\257t)h(reasonably\))i(on)e(the)g +(actual)i(co)-31 b(v)g(er,)485 b(and)0 3575 y(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ue)371 b(the)e(rest)g(on)-31 b(to)371 b(adjacen)-31 +b(t)370 b(pages.)0 5661 y(If)454 b(y)-31 b(ou)455 b(publish)g(or)f +(distribute)i(Opaque)f(copies)f(of)h(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)455 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ering)456 b(more)0 7016 +y(than)410 b(100,)420 b(y)-31 b(ou)409 b(m)-31 b(ust)410 +b(either)f(include)g(a)g(mac)-31 b(hine-readable)412 +b(T)-92 b(ransparen)-31 b(t)409 b(cop)-31 b(y)409 b(along)0 +8371 y(with)365 b(eac)-31 b(h)363 b(Opaque)h(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)366 b(or)d(state)h(in)g(or)f(with)i(eac)-31 +b(h)364 b(Opaque)f(cop)-31 b(y)365 b(a)e(publicly)i(acces-)0 +9726 y(sible)339 b(computer-net)-31 b(w)g(ork)342 b(lo)31 +b(cation)342 b(con)-31 b(taining)342 b(a)d(complete)i(T)-92 +b(ransparen)-31 b(t)339 b(cop)-31 b(y)340 b(of)g(the)0 +11081 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)406 b(free)397 b(of)h(added)g(material,) +407 b(whic)-31 b(h)399 b(the)f(general)g(net)-31 b(w)g(ork-using)400 +b(public)e(has)0 12435 y(access)467 b(to)h(do)-31 b(wnload)469 +b(anon)-31 b(ymously)470 b(at)e(no)g(c)-31 b(harge)467 +b(using)h(public-standard)g(net)-31 b(w)g(ork)0 13790 +y(proto)31 b(cols.)481 b(If)332 b(y)-31 b(ou)332 b(use)f(the)h(latter)h +(option,)341 b(y)-31 b(ou)332 b(m)-31 b(ust)333 b(tak)-31 +b(e)333 b(reasonably)f(pruden)-31 b(t)332 b(steps,)0 +15145 y(when)422 b(y)-31 b(ou)423 b(b)31 b(egin)422 b(distribution)i +(of)e(Opaque)h(copies)f(in)g(quan)-31 b(tit)g(y)-92 b(,)438 +b(to)423 b(ensure)d(that)k(this)0 16500 y(T)-92 b(ransparen)-31 +b(t)302 b(cop)-31 b(y)302 b(will)h(remain)f(th)-31 b(us)301 +b(accessible)h(at)g(the)f(stated)i(lo)31 b(cation)303 +b(un)-31 b(til)303 b(at)f(least)0 17855 y(one)341 b(y)-31 +b(ear)341 b(after)g(the)h(last)f(time)h(y)-31 b(ou)342 +b(distribute)f(an)h(Opaque)f(cop)-31 b(y)341 b(\(directly)i(or)d +(through)0 19210 y(y)-31 b(our)369 b(agen)-31 b(ts)371 +b(or)e(retailers\))h(of)g(that)g(edition)h(to)f(the)f(public.)0 +21296 y(It)331 b(is)h(requested,)339 b(but)331 b(not)h(required,)339 +b(that)333 b(y)-31 b(ou)332 b(con)-31 b(tact)333 b(the)f(authors)g(of)g +(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)0 22651 y(w)g(ell)373 b(b)31 +b(efore)372 b(redistributing)h(an)-31 b(y)372 b(large)h(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er)372 b(of)g(copies,)h(to)g(giv)-31 b(e)373 +b(them)f(a)g(c)-31 b(hance)372 b(to)0 24006 y(pro)-31 +b(vide)370 b(y)-31 b(ou)370 b(with)g(an)g(up)31 b(dated)369 +b(v)-31 b(ersion)370 b(of)g(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t.)0 +28405 y Fl(D.4)1794 b(Mo)50 b(di\257cations)0 30825 y +Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)459 b(ma)-31 b(y)459 b(cop)-31 b(y)459 +b(and)g(distribute)g(a)g(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)458 b(V)-92 +b(ersion)458 b(of)h(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)459 b(under)f(the)0 +32180 y(conditions)k(of)e(Sections)h(2)g(and)f(3)g(ab)31 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(e,)485 b(pro)-31 b(vided)460 b(that)i(y)-31 +b(ou)461 b(release)e(the)i(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)0 33535 y(V)-92 +b(ersion)410 b(under)g(precisely)g(this)g(License,)421 +b(with)411 b(the)g(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)410 b(V)-92 b(ersion)410 +b(\257lling)i(the)f(role)0 34890 y(of)417 b(the)g(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t,)430 b(th)-31 b(us)416 b(licensing)i(distribution)h +(and)d(mo)31 b(di\257cation)420 b(of)d(the)g(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)0 +36245 y(V)-92 b(ersion)315 b(to)h(who)31 b(ev)-31 b(er)316 +b(p)31 b(ossesses)314 b(a)h(cop)-31 b(y)316 b(of)g(it.)476 +b(In)314 b(addition,)329 b(y)-31 b(ou)316 b(m)-31 b(ust)316 +b(do)g(these)f(things)0 37599 y(in)369 b(the)h(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)369 b(V)-92 b(ersion:)1660 40018 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Use)344 b(in)g(the)f(Title)j(P)-31 b(age)345 b(\(and)f(on)g(the)g +(co)-31 b(v)g(ers,)349 b(if)344 b(an)-31 b(y\))345 b(a)f(title)i +(distinct)f(from)f(that)2767 41373 y(of)459 b(the)f(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t,)481 b(and)459 b(from)f(those)g(of)h(previous)f(v)-31 +b(ersions)458 b(\(whic)-31 b(h)459 b(should,)481 b(if)2767 +42728 y(there)451 b(w)-31 b(ere)450 b(an)-31 b(y)-92 +b(,)471 b(b)31 b(e)450 b(listed)h(in)g(the)g(History)g(section)g(of)g +(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t\).)738 b(Y)-92 b(ou)2767 +44083 y(ma)-31 b(y)450 b(use)d(the)i(same)f(title)i(as)e(a)h(previous)f +(v)-31 b(ersion)449 b(if)f(the)h(original)h(publisher)e(of)2767 +45438 y(that)371 b(v)-31 b(ersion)369 b(giv)-31 b(es)370 +b(p)31 b(ermission.)1660 47605 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(List)328 +b(on)g(the)g(Title)i(P)-31 b(age,)338 b(as)327 b(authors,)337 +b(one)328 b(or)f(more)h(p)31 b(ersons)327 b(or)g(en)-31 +b(tities)330 b(resp)31 b(on-)2767 48960 y(sible)332 b(for)f(authorship) +g(of)h(the)f(mo)31 b(di\257cations)333 b(in)f(the)f(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)331 b(V)-92 b(ersion,)339 b(together)2767 +50315 y(with)e(at)f(least)g(\257v)-31 b(e)336 b(of)g(the)f(principal)i +(authors)f(of)g(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)336 b(\(all)h(of)f(its)g +(prin-)2767 51670 y(cipal)371 b(authors,)f(if)g(it)g(has)f(less)f(than) +i(\257v)-31 b(e\).)1660 53836 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(State)317 +b(on)f(the)g(Title)i(page)e(the)g(name)h(of)f(the)g(publisher)f(of)i +(the)f(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)316 b(V)-92 b(ersion,)2767 55191 +y(as)370 b(the)f(publisher.)1660 57358 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Preserv)-31 b(e)369 b(all)h(the)g(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)371 +b(notices)f(of)g(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t.)p eop +%%Page: 245 271 +245 270 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(D.4)425 b(Mo)35 b(di\257cations)26364 +b(245)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 1660 865 a Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Add)470 +b(an)f(appropriate)i(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)471 b(notice)f(for)g(y)-31 +b(our)469 b(mo)31 b(di\257cations)472 b(adjacen)-31 b(t)471 +b(to)2767 2220 y(the)370 b(other)f(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)371 +b(notices.)1660 4577 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Include,)485 +b(immediately)464 b(after)e(the)f(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)463 +b(notices,)486 b(a)461 b(license)h(notice)g(giving)2767 +5932 y(the)350 b(public)h(p)31 b(ermission)350 b(to)g(use)f(the)h(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)350 b(V)-92 b(ersion)350 b(under)f(the)h(terms)f(of)i(this) +2767 7286 y(License,)370 b(in)f(the)h(form)f(sho)-31 +b(wn)370 b(in)g(the)f(Addendum)h(b)31 b(elo)-31 b(w.)1660 +9643 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Preserv)-31 b(e)420 b(in)h(that)h(license)f +(notice)h(the)f(full)h(lists)f(of)g(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)422 b(Sections)g(and)f(re-)2767 10998 y(quired)370 +b(Co)-31 b(v)g(er)370 b(T)-92 b(exts)369 b(giv)-31 b(en)371 +b(in)e(the)h(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t's)370 b(license)f(notice.)1660 +13354 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Include)370 b(an)f(unaltered)h(cop)-31 +b(y)370 b(of)f(this)h(License.)1660 15711 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(Preserv)-31 b(e)311 b(the)h(section)h(en)-31 b(titled)313 +b(\\History)-92 b(,")325 b(and)312 b(its)g(title,)325 +b(and)312 b(add)g(to)g(it)h(an)f(item)2767 17066 y(stating)333 +b(at)f(least)g(the)g(title,)341 b(y)-31 b(ear,)339 b(new)332 +b(authors,)339 b(and)332 b(publisher)f(of)g(the)h(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)2767 18421 y(V)-92 b(ersion)285 b(as)g(giv)-31 +b(en)286 b(on)f(the)h(Title)g(P)-31 b(age.)466 b(If)285 +b(there)f(is)h(no)g(section)h(en)-31 b(titled)287 b(\\History")2767 +19776 y(in)314 b(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)326 b(create)313 +b(one)h(stating)h(the)f(title,)327 b(y)-31 b(ear,)325 +b(authors,)g(and)314 b(publisher)2767 21131 y(of)392 +b(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)391 b(as)g(giv)-31 b(en)392 +b(on)f(its)g(Title)i(P)-31 b(age,)398 b(then)391 b(add)g(an)g(item)h +(describing)2767 22486 y(the)370 b(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)369 +b(V)-92 b(ersion)369 b(as)g(stated)h(in)g(the)f(previous)h(sen)-31 +b(tence.)1660 24842 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Preserv)-31 b(e)450 +b(the)h(net)-31 b(w)g(ork)452 b(lo)31 b(cation,)474 b(if)451 +b(an)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)471 b(giv)-31 b(en)452 b(in)f(the)f(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)452 b(for)e(public)2767 26197 y(access)395 +b(to)g(a)h(T)-92 b(ransparen)-31 b(t)395 b(cop)-31 b(y)395 +b(of)h(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)402 b(and)396 b(lik)-31 +b(ewise)396 b(the)f(net)-31 b(w)g(ork)2767 27552 y(lo)31 +b(cations)486 b(giv)-31 b(en)485 b(in)f(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t)485 b(for)f(previous)g(v)-31 b(ersions)484 b(it)g(w)-31 +b(as)485 b(based)e(on.)2767 28907 y(These)403 b(ma)-31 +b(y)404 b(b)31 b(e)402 b(placed)h(in)g(the)g(\\History")h(section.)594 +b(Y)-92 b(ou)402 b(ma)-31 b(y)404 b(omit)h(a)d(net)-31 +b(w)g(ork)2767 30262 y(lo)31 b(cation)354 b(for)c(a)h(w)-31 +b(ork)352 b(that)g(w)-31 b(as)351 b(published)g(at)h(least)f(four)g(y) +-31 b(ears)351 b(b)31 b(efore)350 b(the)h(Do)31 b(c-)2767 +31617 y(umen)-31 b(t)462 b(itself,)485 b(or)461 b(if)g(the)g(original)h +(publisher)f(of)g(the)g(v)-31 b(ersion)461 b(it)g(refers)f(to)h(giv)-31 +b(es)2767 32972 y(p)31 b(ermission.)1660 35328 y Fj(\262)554 +b Fn(In)490 b(an)-31 b(y)490 b(section)g(en)-31 b(titled)492 +b(\\Ac)-31 b(kno)g(wledgemen)g(ts")494 b(or)489 b(\\Dedications,")523 +b(preserv)-31 b(e)2767 36683 y(the)396 b(section's)h(title,)405 +b(and)396 b(preserv)-31 b(e)395 b(in)h(the)g(section)g(all)h(the)f +(substance)g(and)g(tone)2767 38038 y(of)552 b(eac)-31 +b(h)551 b(of)h(the)f(con)-31 b(tributor)553 b(ac)-31 +b(kno)g(wledgemen)g(ts)554 b(and/or)e(dedications)h(giv)-31 +b(en)2767 39393 y(therein.)1660 41749 y Fj(\262)554 b +Fn(Preserv)-31 b(e)264 b(all)h(the)g(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)265 b(Sections)g(of)g(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)286 +b(unaltered)265 b(in)g(their)f(text)2767 43104 y(and)400 +b(in)g(their)g(titles.)586 b(Section)401 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(ers)399 b(or)h(the)g(equiv)-61 b(alen)-31 b(t)401 b(are)f(not)g +(considered)2767 44459 y(part)370 b(of)g(the)f(section)h(titles.)1660 +46816 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Delete)429 b(an)-31 b(y)429 +b(section)g(en)-31 b(titled)431 b(\\Endorsemen)-31 b(ts.")671 +b(Suc)-31 b(h)429 b(a)f(section)i(ma)-31 b(y)429 b(not)g(b)31 +b(e)2767 48171 y(included)370 b(in)g(the)f(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)369 +b(V)-92 b(ersion.)1660 50527 y Fj(\262)554 b Fn(Do)294 +b(not)h(retitle)h(an)-31 b(y)294 b(existing)i(section)f(as)f +(\\Endorsemen)-31 b(ts")296 b(or)e(to)h(con\260ict)g(in)f(title)2767 +51882 y(with)371 b(an)-31 b(y)370 b(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)370 b(Section.)0 54648 y(If)429 b(the)h(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)430 +b(V)-92 b(ersion)429 b(includes)h(new)f(fron)-31 b(t-matter)432 +b(sections)e(or)f(app)31 b(endices)430 b(that)0 56003 +y(qualify)435 b(as)e(Secondary)g(Sections)h(and)f(con)-31 +b(tain)435 b(no)e(material)i(copied)f(from)f(the)g(Do)31 +b(cu-)0 57358 y(men)-31 b(t,)288 b(y)-31 b(ou)266 b(ma)-31 +b(y)267 b(at)f(y)-31 b(our)266 b(option)h(designate)g(some)f(or)g(all)g +(of)g(these)g(sections)g(as)f(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t.)p eop +%%Page: 246 272 +246 271 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(246)17042 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 +b(ree)425 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(tation)426 b(License)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(T)-92 b(o)351 b(do)f(this,)355 +b(add)c(their)f(titles)i(to)f(the)g(list)g(of)g(In)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)351 b(Sections)g(in)g(the)f(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)351 b(V)-92 b(er-)0 2220 y(sion's)345 b(license)g(notice.) +486 b(These)345 b(titles)h(m)-31 b(ust)345 b(b)31 b(e)345 +b(distinct)h(from)f(an)-31 b(y)345 b(other)g(section)h(titles.)0 +4750 y(Y)-92 b(ou)416 b(ma)-31 b(y)417 b(add)f(a)g(section)g(en)-31 +b(titled)418 b(\\Endorsemen)-31 b(ts,")429 b(pro)-31 +b(vided)417 b(it)f(con)-31 b(tains)417 b(nothing)0 6105 +y(but)511 b(endorsemen)-31 b(ts)511 b(of)g(y)-31 b(our)511 +b(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)511 b(V)-92 b(ersion)510 b(b)-31 b(y)511 +b(v)-61 b(arious)511 b(parties|for)g(example,)0 7460 +y(statemen)-31 b(ts)300 b(of)e(p)31 b(eer)297 b(review)i(or)f(that)h +(the)f(text)h(has)f(b)31 b(een)297 b(appro)-31 b(v)g(ed)299 +b(b)-31 b(y)299 b(an)f(organization)0 8815 y(as)369 b(the)h +(authoritativ)-31 b(e)372 b(de\257nition)f(of)f(a)f(standard.)0 +11345 y(Y)-92 b(ou)303 b(ma)-31 b(y)304 b(add)g(a)f(passage)h(of)f(up)g +(to)h(\257v)-31 b(e)303 b(w)-31 b(ords)303 b(as)g(a)g(F)-92 +b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)304 b(T)-92 b(ext,)318 b(and)303 +b(a)g(passage)0 12700 y(of)341 b(up)f(to)i(25)f(w)-31 +b(ords)341 b(as)f(a)h(Bac)-31 b(k-Co)g(v)g(er)342 b(T)-92 +b(ext,)348 b(to)341 b(the)g(end)f(of)h(the)g(list)g(of)g(Co)-31 +b(v)g(er)342 b(T)-92 b(exts)341 b(in)0 14055 y(the)392 +b(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)391 b(V)-92 b(ersion.)559 b(Only)392 +b(one)g(passage)g(of)f(F)-92 b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)393 +b(T)-92 b(ext)392 b(and)g(one)f(of)h(Bac)-31 b(k-)0 15410 +y(Co)g(v)g(er)281 b(T)-92 b(ext)281 b(ma)-31 b(y)281 +b(b)31 b(e)280 b(added)g(b)-31 b(y)280 b(\(or)g(through)h(arrangemen) +-31 b(ts)281 b(made)g(b)-31 b(y\))281 b(an)-31 b(y)280 +b(one)h(en)-31 b(tit)g(y)-92 b(.)0 16765 y(If)460 b(the)h(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)461 b(already)h(includes)f(a)g(co)-31 +b(v)g(er)461 b(text)g(for)g(the)g(same)g(co)-31 b(v)g(er,)484 +b(previously)0 18119 y(added)456 b(b)-31 b(y)456 b(y)-31 +b(ou)456 b(or)g(b)-31 b(y)456 b(arrangemen)-31 b(t)457 +b(made)g(b)-31 b(y)456 b(the)f(same)i(en)-31 b(tit)g(y)457 +b(y)-31 b(ou)457 b(are)e(acting)j(on)0 19474 y(b)31 b(ehalf)292 +b(of,)308 b(y)-31 b(ou)292 b(ma)-31 b(y)292 b(not)g(add)f(another;)319 +b(but)291 b(y)-31 b(ou)292 b(ma)-31 b(y)292 b(replace)g(the)f(old)h +(one,)308 b(on)291 b(explicit)0 20829 y(p)31 b(ermission)369 +b(from)h(the)g(previous)f(publisher)g(that)h(added)g(the)f(old)h(one.)0 +23359 y(The)477 b(author\(s\))g(and)g(publisher\(s\))f(of)h(the)g(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)477 b(do)f(not)h(b)-31 b(y)477 b(this)g(License)f(giv) +-31 b(e)0 24714 y(p)31 b(ermission)291 b(to)g(use)f(their)h(names)g +(for)g(publicit)-31 b(y)293 b(for)e(or)f(to)i(assert)e(or)g(imply)i +(endorsemen)-31 b(t)0 26069 y(of)370 b(an)-31 b(y)370 +b(Mo)31 b(di\257ed)369 b(V)-92 b(ersion.)0 31675 y Fl(D.5)1794 +b(Com)-50 b(bining)598 b(Do)50 b(cumen)-50 b(ts)0 34684 +y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)381 b(ma)-31 b(y)382 b(com)-31 b(bine)382 +b(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)381 b(with)h(other)f(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(ts)381 b(released)g(under)f(this)h(Li-)0 +36039 y(cense,)294 b(under)275 b(the)h(terms)f(de\257ned)h(in)g +(Section)g(4)g(ab)31 b(o)-31 b(v)g(e)277 b(for)f(mo)31 +b(di\257ed)276 b(v)-31 b(ersions,)295 b(pro)-31 b(vided)0 +37394 y(that)444 b(y)-31 b(ou)444 b(include)g(in)g(the)f(com)-31 +b(bination)447 b(all)d(of)g(the)f(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)445 b(Sections)f(of)g(all)g(of)g(the)0 38749 y(original)379 +b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(ts,)380 b(unmo)31 b(di\257ed,)381 +b(and)c(list)h(them)f(all)h(as)f(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)378 b(Sections)g(of)g(y)-31 b(our)0 40104 y(com)g(bined)371 +b(w)-31 b(ork)370 b(in)f(its)h(license)f(notice.)0 42634 +y(The)450 b(com)-31 b(bined)451 b(w)-31 b(ork)450 b(need)f(only)i(con) +-31 b(tain)451 b(one)f(cop)-31 b(y)450 b(of)g(this)g(License,)470 +b(and)449 b(m)-31 b(ultiple)0 43989 y(iden)g(tical)482 +b(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)481 b(Sections)f(ma)-31 +b(y)480 b(b)31 b(e)479 b(replaced)h(with)h(a)e(single)i(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(.)824 b(If)479 b(there)g(are)0 45344 y(m)-31 +b(ultiple)474 b(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)473 b(Sections)g(with)g +(the)f(same)g(name)g(but)g(di\256eren)-31 b(t)472 b(con)-31 +b(ten)g(ts,)500 b(mak)-31 b(e)0 46699 y(the)372 b(title)h(of)f(eac)-31 +b(h)372 b(suc)-31 b(h)371 b(section)h(unique)g(b)-31 +b(y)371 b(adding)i(at)f(the)g(end)f(of)h(it,)h(in)f(paren)-31 +b(theses,)0 48054 y(the)385 b(name)h(of)g(the)f(original)j(author)d(or) +g(publisher)g(of)h(that)g(section)g(if)g(kno)-31 b(wn,)391 +b(or)385 b(else)g(a)0 49408 y(unique)437 b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 +b(er.)695 b(Mak)-31 b(e)437 b(the)g(same)g(adjustmen)-31 +b(t)438 b(to)g(the)f(section)g(titles)h(in)f(the)g(list)g(of)0 +50763 y(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)370 b(Sections)g(in)g(the)f +(license)h(notice)g(of)g(the)f(com)-31 b(bined)371 b(w)-31 +b(ork.)0 53293 y(In)456 b(the)i(com)-31 b(bination,)482 +b(y)-31 b(ou)458 b(m)-31 b(ust)457 b(com)-31 b(bine)459 +b(an)-31 b(y)457 b(sections)h(en)-31 b(titled)459 b(\\History")f(in)g +(the)0 54648 y(v)-61 b(arious)558 b(original)h(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(ts,)606 b(forming)559 b(one)f(section)h(en)-31 +b(titled)559 b(\\History";)654 b(lik)-31 b(ewise)0 56003 +y(com)g(bine)449 b(an)-31 b(y)448 b(sections)g(en)-31 +b(titled)449 b(\\Ac)-31 b(kno)g(wledgemen)g(ts,")472 +b(and)448 b(an)-31 b(y)448 b(sections)g(en)-31 b(titled)0 +57358 y(\\Dedications.")495 b(Y)-92 b(ou)369 b(m)-31 +b(ust)370 b(delete)g(all)h(sections)e(en)-31 b(titled)371 +b(\\Endorsemen)-31 b(ts.")p eop +%%Page: 247 273 +247 272 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(D.6)425 b(Collections)g(of)g(Do)35 +b(cumen)-35 b(ts)19676 b(247)p 0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 +a Fl(D.6)1794 b(Collections)598 b(of)g(Do)50 b(cumen)-50 +b(ts)0 3723 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)456 b(ma)-31 b(y)456 b(mak)-31 +b(e)457 b(a)e(collection)j(consisting)f(of)f(the)f(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)456 b(and)g(other)f(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(ts)0 5078 y(released)483 b(under)e(this)i(License,)512 +b(and)482 b(replace)h(the)g(individual)i(copies)e(of)g(this)g(License)0 +6433 y(in)412 b(the)h(v)-61 b(arious)412 b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(ts)412 b(with)i(a)e(single)h(cop)-31 b(y)412 b(that)i(is)e(included)g +(in)h(the)f(collection,)0 7787 y(pro)-31 b(vided)390 +b(that)h(y)-31 b(ou)390 b(follo)-31 b(w)392 b(the)d(rules)g(of)h(this)f +(License)g(for)h(v)-31 b(erbatim)391 b(cop)-31 b(ying)391 +b(of)e(eac)-31 b(h)0 9142 y(of)370 b(the)f(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(ts)370 b(in)g(all)g(other)f(resp)31 b(ects.)0 11564 +y(Y)-92 b(ou)485 b(ma)-31 b(y)486 b(extract)g(a)f(single)h(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)486 b(from)g(suc)-31 b(h)484 b(a)h(collection,)517 +b(and)485 b(distribute)h(it)0 12919 y(individually)387 +b(under)382 b(this)i(License,)k(pro)-31 b(vided)384 b(y)-31 +b(ou)384 b(insert)f(a)h(cop)-31 b(y)384 b(of)g(this)g(License)f(in)-31 +b(to)0 14274 y(the)375 b(extracted)i(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t,)378 b(and)d(follo)-31 b(w)378 b(this)e(License)f(in)g(all)i(other) +e(resp)31 b(ects)374 b(regarding)0 15629 y(v)-31 b(erbatim)371 +b(cop)-31 b(ying)371 b(of)e(that)i(do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(t.)0 20908 y Fl(D.7)1794 b(Aggregation)597 b(with)i(Indep)50 +b(enden)-50 b(t)600 b(W)-149 b(orks)0 23766 y Fn(A)437 +b(compilation)k(of)c(the)h(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)438 +b(or)e(its)i(deriv)-61 b(ativ)-31 b(es)438 b(with)g(other)g(separate)f +(and)h(in-)0 25121 y(dep)31 b(enden)-31 b(t)410 b(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(ts)411 b(or)f(w)-31 b(orks,)421 b(in)410 +b(or)g(on)g(a)h(v)-31 b(olume)411 b(of)g(a)f(storage)h(or)f +(distribution)0 26476 y(medium,)506 b(do)31 b(es)477 +b(not)h(as)f(a)h(whole)g(coun)-31 b(t)479 b(as)e(a)h(Mo)31 +b(di\257ed)477 b(V)-92 b(ersion)477 b(of)h(the)g(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t,)0 27831 y(pro)g(vided)371 b(no)g(compilation)j(cop)-31 +b(yrigh)g(t)372 b(is)e(claimed)i(for)f(the)f(compilation.)500 +b(Suc)-31 b(h)371 b(a)f(com-)0 29185 y(pilation)406 b(is)c(called)i(an) +f(\\aggregate,")415 b(and)403 b(this)h(License)e(do)31 +b(es)403 b(not)g(apply)h(to)g(the)f(other)0 30540 y(self-con)-31 +b(tained)359 b(w)-31 b(orks)358 b(th)-31 b(us)357 b(compiled)h(with)g +(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)360 b(on)d(accoun)-31 b(t)359 +b(of)e(their)g(b)31 b(e-)0 31895 y(ing)319 b(th)-31 b(us)318 +b(compiled,)331 b(if)318 b(they)h(are)f(not)h(themselv)-31 +b(es)319 b(deriv)-61 b(ativ)-31 b(e)319 b(w)-31 b(orks)319 +b(of)f(the)h(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t.)0 34317 y(If)413 +b(the)h(Co)-31 b(v)g(er)414 b(T)-92 b(ext)414 b(requiremen)-31 +b(t)414 b(of)g(Section)h(3)e(is)g(applicable)j(to)e(these)f(copies)h +(of)g(the)0 35672 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t,)301 b(then)283 +b(if)g(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)284 b(is)e(less)h(than)g(one)g +(quarter)g(of)g(the)g(en)-31 b(tire)283 b(aggregate,)0 +37027 y(the)434 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t's)435 b(Co)-31 +b(v)g(er)435 b(T)-92 b(exts)435 b(ma)-31 b(y)435 b(b)31 +b(e)433 b(placed)i(on)f(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)434 b(that)i(surround)d(only)i +(the)0 38382 y(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)342 b(within)g(the)f(aggregate.) +486 b(Otherwise)341 b(they)g(m)-31 b(ust)342 b(app)31 +b(ear)341 b(on)g(co)-31 b(v)g(ers)341 b(around)0 39736 +y(the)369 b(whole)i(aggregate.)0 45016 y Fl(D.8)1794 +b(T)-149 b(ranslation)0 47874 y Fn(T)-92 b(ranslation)355 +b(is)e(considered)h(a)f(kind)h(of)g(mo)31 b(di\257cation,)359 +b(so)353 b(y)-31 b(ou)354 b(ma)-31 b(y)355 b(distribute)f(transla-)0 +49229 y(tions)408 b(of)g(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)408 +b(under)f(the)g(terms)g(of)h(Section)g(4.)607 b(Replacing)409 +b(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)408 b(Sec-)0 50584 y(tions)338 +b(with)g(translations)h(requires)e(sp)31 b(ecial)337 +b(p)31 b(ermission)338 b(from)f(their)g(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)340 +b(holders,)0 51938 y(but)308 b(y)-31 b(ou)308 b(ma)-31 +b(y)309 b(include)f(translations)h(of)f(some)g(or)f(all)i(In)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)309 b(Sections)f(in)g(addition)h(to)0 +53293 y(the)356 b(original)j(v)-31 b(ersions)356 b(of)g(these)g(In)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)358 b(Sections.)489 b(Y)-92 b(ou)356 +b(ma)-31 b(y)357 b(include)g(a)g(translation)0 54648 +y(of)477 b(this)f(License)g(pro)-31 b(vided)476 b(that)i(y)-31 +b(ou)477 b(also)f(include)h(the)f(original)j(English)e(v)-31 +b(ersion)476 b(of)0 56003 y(this)338 b(License.)481 b(In)337 +b(case)g(of)h(a)f(disagreemen)-31 b(t)339 b(b)31 b(et)-31 +b(w)g(een)338 b(the)f(translation)j(and)d(the)h(original)0 +57358 y(English)370 b(v)-31 b(ersion)370 b(of)g(this)f(License,)h(the)f +(original)j(English)e(v)-31 b(ersion)370 b(will)g(prev)-61 +b(ail.)p eop +%%Page: 248 274 +248 273 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(248)17042 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 +b(ree)425 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(tation)426 b(License)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v 0 865 a Fl(D.9)1794 b(T)-149 b(ermination)0 +3574 y Fn(Y)-92 b(ou)473 b(ma)-31 b(y)474 b(not)f(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)499 b(mo)31 b(dify)-92 b(,)500 b(sublicense,)f(or)472 +b(distribute)i(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)473 b(except)g(as)0 +4929 y(expressly)395 b(pro)-31 b(vided)396 b(for)f(under)f(this)i +(License.)570 b(An)-31 b(y)396 b(other)f(attempt)j(to)e(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)402 b(mo)31 b(dify)-92 b(,)0 6284 y(sublicense,)314 +b(or)300 b(distribute)h(the)f(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)301 +b(is)f(v)-31 b(oid,)315 b(and)301 b(will)g(automatically)k(terminate)0 +7639 y(y)-31 b(our)431 b(righ)-31 b(ts)430 b(under)g(this)h(License.) +675 b(Ho)-31 b(w)g(ev)g(er,)447 b(parties)431 b(who)g(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)431 b(receiv)-31 b(ed)431 b(copies,)446 b(or)0 +8994 y(righ)-31 b(ts,)473 b(from)452 b(y)-31 b(ou)453 +b(under)d(this)i(License)f(will)j(not)e(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)453 +b(their)e(licenses)h(terminated)h(so)0 10348 y(long)370 +b(as)g(suc)-31 b(h)368 b(parties)i(remain)g(in)f(full)i(compliance.)0 +15309 y Fl(D.10)1793 b(F)-149 b(uture)599 b(Revisions)g(of)f(This)g +(License)0 18018 y Fn(The)426 b(F)-92 b(ree)424 b(Soft)-31 +b(w)g(are)427 b(F)-92 b(oundation)427 b(ma)-31 b(y)426 +b(publish)g(new,)440 b(revised)425 b(v)-31 b(ersions)426 +b(of)f(the)h(GNU)0 19373 y(F)-92 b(ree)542 b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 +b(tation)546 b(License)d(from)h(time)g(to)g(time.)1016 +b(Suc)-31 b(h)544 b(new)f(v)-31 b(ersions)543 b(will)i(b)31 +b(e)0 20728 y(similar)393 b(in)e(spirit)h(to)g(the)f(presen)-31 +b(t)391 b(v)-31 b(ersion,)398 b(but)391 b(ma)-31 b(y)392 +b(di\256er)f(in)h(detail)g(to)g(address)f(new)0 22083 +y(problems)370 b(or)f(concerns.)492 b(See)369 b(h)-31 +b(ttp:///www.gn)g(u.org/cop)g(yleft/.)0 24398 y(Eac)g(h)494 +b(v)-31 b(ersion)494 b(of)g(the)f(License)g(is)g(giv)-31 +b(en)495 b(a)e(distinguishing)j(v)-31 b(ersion)494 b(n)-31 +b(um)g(b)31 b(er.)865 b(If)493 b(the)0 25753 y(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)396 b(sp)31 b(eci\257es)395 b(that)i(a)f(particular)h +(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(ered)396 b(v)-31 b(ersion)396 b(of)h(this)f +(License)f("or)h(an)-31 b(y)0 27108 y(later)530 b(v)-31 +b(ersion")531 b(applies)f(to)g(it,)571 b(y)-31 b(ou)531 +b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)530 b(the)g(option)h(of)f(follo)-31 +b(wing)533 b(the)d(terms)g(and)0 28462 y(conditions)386 +b(either)f(of)g(that)h(sp)31 b(eci\257ed)384 b(v)-31 +b(ersion)385 b(or)g(of)g(an)-31 b(y)385 b(later)g(v)-31 +b(ersion)385 b(that)h(has)e(b)31 b(een)0 29817 y(published)420 +b(\(not)g(as)f(a)h(draft\))g(b)-31 b(y)420 b(the)f(F)-92 +b(ree)418 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)421 b(F)-92 b(oundation.)645 +b(If)419 b(the)g(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)0 31172 y(do)31 +b(es)387 b(not)h(sp)31 b(ecify)387 b(a)h(v)-31 b(ersion)388 +b(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)387 b(of)h(this)f(License,)392 +b(y)-31 b(ou)388 b(ma)-31 b(y)389 b(c)-31 b(ho)31 b(ose)387 +b(an)-31 b(y)389 b(v)-31 b(ersion)0 32527 y(ev)g(er)369 +b(published)g(\(not)i(as)e(a)g(draft\))i(b)-31 b(y)369 +b(the)h(F)-92 b(ree)367 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)372 b(F)-92 +b(oundation.)0 37488 y Fl(D.11)1793 b(Addendum:)919 b(Ho)-50 +b(w)658 b(to)f(Use)h(This)h(License)g(for)5459 39520 +y(Y)-149 b(our)598 b(Do)50 b(cumen)-50 b(ts)0 42229 y +Fn(T)-92 b(o)264 b(use)f(this)h(License)f(in)g(a)h(do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(t)265 b(y)-31 b(ou)264 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)264 +b(written,)287 b(include)264 b(a)f(cop)-31 b(y)265 b(of)f(the)f +(License)0 43584 y(in)406 b(the)g(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)406 +b(and)g(put)g(the)g(follo)-31 b(wing)409 b(cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)408 +b(and)d(license)h(notices)h(just)e(after)0 44939 y(the)369 +b(title)i(page:)2767 47874 y(Cop)-31 b(yrigh)g(t)8280 +47841 y(c)7973 47874 y Fj(\260)374 b Fn(YEAR)h(YOUR)g(NAME.)g(P)-31 +b(ermission)376 b(is)e(gran)-31 b(ted)376 b(to)g(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)2767 49229 y(distribute)281 b(and/or)f(mo)31 +b(dify)280 b(this)g(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)280 b(under)f(the)g(terms)g +(of)h(the)g(GNU)2767 50584 y(F)-92 b(ree)423 b(Do)31 +b(cumen)-31 b(tation)426 b(License,)438 b(V)-92 b(ersion)423 +b(1.1)i(or)f(an)-31 b(y)424 b(later)h(v)-31 b(ersion)424 +b(pub-)2767 51938 y(lished)563 b(b)-31 b(y)562 b(the)g(F)-92 +b(ree)560 b(Soft)-31 b(w)g(are)564 b(F)-92 b(oundation;)660 +b(with)563 b(the)f(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)563 +b(Sec-)2767 53293 y(tions)276 b(b)31 b(eing)276 b(LIST)e(THEIR)h +(TITLES,)h(with)h(the)e(F)-92 b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)276 +b(T)-92 b(exts)275 b(b)31 b(eing)2767 54648 y(LIST,)358 +b(and)f(with)h(the)f(Bac)-31 b(k-Co)g(v)g(er)359 b(T)-92 +b(exts)357 b(b)31 b(eing)358 b(LIST.)f(A)g(cop)-31 b(y)357 +b(of)h(the)f(li-)2767 56003 y(cense)369 b(is)g(included)h(in)g(the)g +(section)g(en)-31 b(titled)371 b(\\GNU)f(F)-92 b(ree)368 +b(Do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation)2767 57358 y(License.")p +eop +%%Page: 249 275 +249 274 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(D.11)425 b(Addendum:)567 b(Ho)-35 +b(w)426 b(to)e(Use)i(This)e(License)g(for)h(Y)-106 b(our)426 +b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(ts)491 b(249)p 0 -1627 38191 45 +v 0 865 a Fn(If)462 b(y)-31 b(ou)463 b(ha)-31 b(v)g(e)464 +b(no)e(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t)464 b(Sections,)487 +b(write)463 b(\\with)h(no)f(In)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t)463 b(Sections")h(instead)0 2220 y(of)491 b(sa)-31 +b(ying)493 b(whic)-31 b(h)491 b(ones)g(are)g(in)-31 b(v)-61 +b(arian)-31 b(t.)860 b(If)490 b(y)-31 b(ou)492 b(ha)-31 +b(v)g(e)492 b(no)f(F)-92 b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)492 +b(T)-92 b(exts,)522 b(write)0 3575 y(\\no)312 b(F)-92 +b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)313 b(T)-92 b(exts")312 b(instead)g(of)g(\\F) +-92 b(ron)-31 b(t-Co)g(v)g(er)313 b(T)-92 b(exts)312 +b(b)31 b(eing)311 b(LIST";)i(lik)-31 b(ewise)313 b(for)0 +4930 y(Bac)-31 b(k-Co)g(v)g(er)371 b(T)-92 b(exts.)0 +7095 y(If)325 b(y)-31 b(our)326 b(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(t)327 +b(con)-31 b(tains)327 b(non)-31 b(trivial)328 b(examples)f(of)f +(program)g(co)31 b(de,)335 b(w)-31 b(e)326 b(recommend)0 +8450 y(releasing)430 b(these)f(examples)h(in)f(parallel)i(under)d(y)-31 +b(our)429 b(c)-31 b(hoice)430 b(of)g(free)e(soft)-31 +b(w)g(are)431 b(license,)0 9805 y(suc)-31 b(h)369 b(as)g(the)g(GNU)g +(General)h(Public)g(License,)f(to)h(p)31 b(ermit)370 +b(their)f(use)g(in)g(free)g(soft)-31 b(w)g(are.)p eop +%%Page: 250 276 +250 275 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(250)17042 b(GNU)425 b(F)-106 +b(ree)425 b(Do)35 b(cumen)-35 b(tation)426 b(License)p +0 -1627 38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 251 277 +251 276 bop 0 7206 a Fo(Index)0 12740 y Fm(Make)396 b(Way)g(for)g +(Ducklings)p Fn(,)370 b(73)0 14102 y Fm(Python)396 b(Libr)-57 +b(ary)397 b(R)-57 b(efer)g(enc)g(e)p Fn(,)373 b(79)0 +16674 y(ab)31 b(ecedarian,)371 b(73)0 18035 y(abstract)f(class,)g(204)0 +19396 y(abstract)g(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)371 b Fm(se)-57 +b(e)452 b Fn(ADT)0 20757 y(access,)369 b(82)0 22118 y(accum)-31 +b(ulator,)372 b(162,)f(165,)g(174)0 23479 y(addition)2214 +24841 y(fraction,)g(232)0 26202 y(ADT,)f(189,)h(194,)g(195)2214 +27563 y(Priorit)-31 b(y)371 b(Queue,)e(197,)i(201)2214 +28924 y(Queue,)e(197)2214 30285 y(Stac)-31 b(k,)371 b(190)0 +31646 y(algorithm,)h(9,)e(142,)h(143)0 33008 y(aliasing,)h(89,)e(93,)h +(108,)g(133)0 34369 y(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)-92 b(,)373 +b(7,)d(129)2214 35730 y(fundamen)-31 b(tal)372 b(theorem,)e(184)0 +37091 y(animal)h(game,)g(214)0 38452 y(app)31 b(end)369 +b(metho)31 b(d,)371 b(161)0 39813 y(argumen)-31 b(t,)371 +b(21,)g(28,)f(33)0 41174 y(arithmetic)h(sequence,)f(63)0 +42536 y(assignmen)-31 b(t,)371 b(12,)g(20,)f(59)2214 +43897 y(m)-31 b(ultiple)372 b(,)d(70)2214 45258 y(tuple,)h(96,)h(103,)g +(164)0 46619 y(attribute,)g(128,)g(135)2214 47980 y(class,)f(159,)h +(165)0 49341 y(A)-31 b(ttributeError,)371 b(224)0 51913 +y(base)e(case,)h(42,)g(45)0 53275 y(binary)g(op)31 b(erator,)370 +b(207,)h(217)0 54636 y(binary)f(tree,)f(205,)i(217)0 +55997 y(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k,)371 b(37,)f(45)0 57358 y(b)31 +b(o)g(dy)-92 b(,)369 b(37,)i(45)23246 12740 y(lo)31 b(op,)371 +b(61)21032 14098 y(b)31 b(o)g(olean)371 b(expression,)e(35,)h(45)21032 +15456 y(b)31 b(o)g(olean)371 b(function,)g(52,)f(165)21032 +16815 y(brac)-31 b(k)g(et)370 b(op)31 b(erator,)371 b(71)21032 +18173 y(branc)-31 b(h,)370 b(38,)g(45)21032 19531 y(break)f(statemen) +-31 b(t,)372 b(117,)f(124)21032 20889 y(bug,)f(4,)g(9)21032 +23406 y(call)23246 24764 y(function,)h(21)21032 26122 +y(call)g(graph,)f(110)21032 27481 y(Card,)g(157)21032 +28839 y(cargo,)h(179,)g(188,)g(205)21032 30197 y(c)-31 +b(hained)370 b(conditional,)j(38)21032 31555 y(c)-31 +b(haracter,)370 b(71)21032 32913 y(c)-31 b(haracter)370 +b(classi\257cation,)i(78)21032 34271 y(c)-31 b(hild)370 +b(class,)g(167,)h(177)21032 35629 y(c)-31 b(hild)370 +b(no)31 b(de,)370 b(205,)h(217)21032 36987 y(circular)f(bu\256er,)e +(204)21032 38345 y(circular)i(de\257nition,)h(53)21032 +39703 y(class,)f(127,)h(135)23246 41061 y(Card,)f(157)23246 +42419 y(Golfer,)g(203)23246 43777 y(Link)-31 b(edList,)371 +b(186)23246 45135 y(No)31 b(de,)370 b(179)23246 46494 +y(OldMaidGame,)h(173)23246 47852 y(OldMaidHand,)g(171)23246 +49210 y(paren)-31 b(t,)370 b(168,)h(170)23246 50568 y(P)-31 +b(oin)g(t,)372 b(151)23246 51926 y(Stac)-31 b(k,)371 +b(190)21032 53284 y(class)e(attribute,)j(159,)f(165)21032 +54642 y(classi\257cation)23246 56000 y(c)-31 b(haracter,)370 +b(78)21032 57358 y(clien)-31 b(t,)371 b(190,)g(195)p +eop +%%Page: 252 278 +252 277 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(252)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(clone,)370 b(93)0 2243 y(cloning,)h(89,)g(108)0 +3621 y(co)31 b(ercion,)370 b(33)2214 4999 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e,)370 b(22,)h(111)0 6377 y(collection,)h(181,)f(190)0 +7755 y(column,)g(92)0 9132 y(commen)-31 b(t,)372 b(18,)e(20)0 +10510 y(comparable,)h(160)0 11888 y(comparison)2214 13266 +y(fraction,)g(233)2214 14644 y(string,)f(74)0 16022 y(compile,)h(2,)f +(9)0 17400 y(compile-time)i(error,)d(219)0 18778 y(compiler,)i(219)0 +20155 y(complete)g(language,)h(53)0 21533 y(complete)f(ordering,)f(160) +0 22911 y(comp)31 b(osition,)294 b(18,)f(20,)f(24,)h(51,)f(157,)h(161)0 +24289 y(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(data)g(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)371 +b(71,)f(79,)h(127)0 25667 y(comp)31 b(ound)370 b(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(37,)e(45)2214 27045 y(b)31 b(o)g(dy)-92 b(,)369 +b(37)2214 28423 y(header,)g(37)2214 29801 y(statemen)-31 +b(t)371 b(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k,)371 b(37)0 31178 y(compression,)f(112)0 +32556 y(computational)j(pattern,)e(76)0 33934 y(concatenation,)i(17,)d +(20,)h(73,)f(75)2214 35312 y(list,)g(85)0 36690 y(condition,)i(45,)e +(61,)h(222)0 38068 y(conditional)2214 39446 y(c)-31 b(hained,)371 +b(38)0 40824 y(conditional)h(branc)-31 b(hing,)371 b(37)0 +42201 y(conditional)h(execution,)f(37)0 43579 y(conditional)h(op)31 +b(erator,)371 b(160)0 44957 y(conditional)h(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(45)0 46335 y(constan)-31 b(t)371 b(time,)g(199,)g(204)0 +47713 y(constructor,)f(127,)h(135,)g(158)0 49091 y(con)-31 +b(tin)g(ue)371 b(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(118,)e(124)0 +50469 y(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion)2214 51847 y(t)g(yp)31 b(e,)370 +b(22)0 53224 y(cop)-31 b(y)370 b(mo)31 b(dule,)371 b(133)0 +54602 y(cop)-31 b(ying,)371 b(108,)g(133)0 55980 y(coun)-31 +b(ter,)370 b(76,)h(79)0 57358 y(coun)-31 b(ting,)372 +b(99,)e(112)21032 865 y(cursor,)f(70)21032 3698 y(data)i(structure) +23246 5074 y(generic,)f(190,)h(191)23246 6450 y(recursiv)-31 +b(e,)369 b(179,)i(188,)g(206)21032 7825 y(data)g(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)23246 9201 y(comp)g(ound,)371 b(71,)f(127)23246 +10577 y(dictionary)-92 b(,)372 b(105)23246 11953 y(imm)-31 +b(utable,)373 b(95)23246 13329 y(long)e(in)-31 b(teger,)370 +b(111)23246 14705 y(tuple,)h(95)23246 16081 y(user-de\257ned,)e(127,)i +(229)21032 17457 y(dead)f(co)31 b(de,)369 b(48,)i(58)21032 +18833 y(dealing)g(cards,)e(169)21032 20209 y(debugging,)j(4,)e(9,)f +(219)21032 21585 y(dec)-31 b(k,)370 b(161)21032 22960 +y(decremen)-31 b(t,)370 b(79)21032 24336 y(deep)f(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)370 b(135)21032 25712 y(deep)f(equalit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)372 b(130,)f(135)21032 27088 y(de\257nition)23246 +28464 y(circular,)f(53)23246 29840 y(function,)h(25)23246 +31216 y(recursiv)-31 b(e,)369 b(212)21032 32592 y(deletion)23246 +33968 y(list,)i(87)21032 35344 y(delimiter,)h(93,)e(121,)h(192,)g(195) +21032 36720 y(denominator,)h(229)21032 38095 y(deterministic,)g(103) +21032 39471 y(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)23246 40847 y(incremen)g(tal,)372 +b(49,)e(143)23246 42223 y(planned,)h(143)21032 43599 +y(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t)372 b(plan,)e(70)21032 44975 +y(dictionary)-92 b(,)372 b(92,)e(105,)h(113,)g(120,)g(224)23246 +46351 y(metho)31 b(d,)371 b(107)23246 47727 y(op)31 b(eration,)371 +b(106)21032 49103 y(directory)-92 b(,)370 b(121,)h(124)21032 +50479 y(division)23246 51855 y(in)-31 b(teger,)371 b(22)21032 +53230 y(do)31 b(cumen)-31 b(tation,)373 b(188)21032 54606 +y(dot)d(notation,)j(23,)d(33,)g(107,)h(147,)g(150)21032 +55982 y(dot)f(pro)31 b(duct,)370 b(152,)h(156)21032 57358 +y(Do)-31 b(yle,)371 b(Arth)-31 b(ur)369 b(Conan,)i(5)p +eop +%%Page: 253 279 +253 278 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Index)33129 b(253)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(elemen)-31 b(t,)371 b(81,)g(93)0 +2220 y(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded)439 b(reference,)456 b(134,)j(179,)f(188,) +4428 3575 y(205)0 4930 y(encapsulate,)371 b(70)0 6285 +y(encapsulation,)h(65,)e(132,)h(189,)g(194)0 7640 y(enco)31 +b(de,)370 b(158,)h(165)0 8995 y(encrypt,)f(158)0 10350 +y(equalit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)372 b(130)0 11705 y(error)2214 +13059 y(compile-time,)h(219)2214 14414 y(run)-31 b(time,)371 +b(5,)f(43,)g(219)2214 15769 y(seman)-31 b(tic,)371 b(5,)f(219,)h(225) +2214 17124 y(syn)-31 b(tax,)371 b(4,)f(219)0 18479 y(error)e(c)-31 +b(hec)g(king,)371 b(57)0 19834 y(error)d(handling,)j(214)0 +21189 y(error)d(messages,)i(219)0 22544 y(escap)31 b(e)369 +b(sequence,)g(64,)h(70)0 23899 y(Euclid,)h(232)0 25254 +y(eurek)-61 b(a)369 b(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(76)0 +26609 y(except)f(statemen)-31 b(t,)371 b(122,)g(124)0 +27964 y(exception,)g(5,)f(9,)g(122,)h(124,)g(219,)g(223)0 +29319 y(executable,)g(9)0 30673 y(execution)2214 32028 +y(\260o)-31 b(w,)371 b(223)0 33383 y(expression,)e(16,)i(20,)f(192)2214 +34738 y(big)g(and)f(hairy)-92 b(,)370 b(226)2214 36093 +y(b)31 b(o)g(olean,)371 b(35,)f(45)0 37448 y(expression)f(tree,)g(207,) +i(210)0 39744 y(factorial)h(function,)f(54,)f(57)0 41099 +y(Fib)31 b(onacci)370 b(function,)h(56,)g(109)0 42454 +y(FIF)-31 b(O,)369 b(197,)i(204)0 43809 y(\257le,)f(115,)h(124)2214 +45164 y(text,)g(117)0 46519 y(\260oat,)g(11)0 47874 y(\260oating-p)31 +b(oin)-31 b(t,)373 b(20,)e(127)0 49229 y(\260o)-31 b(w)370 +b(of)g(execution,)h(28,)f(33,)h(223)0 50584 y(for)e(lo)31 +b(op,)371 b(72,)f(84)0 51938 y(formal)h(language,)h(6,)d(9)0 +53293 y(format)i(op)31 b(erator,)370 b(118,)h(124,)g(203,)g(224)0 +54648 y(format)g(string,)f(118,)h(124)0 56003 y(frab)61 +b(juous,)371 b(53)0 57358 y(fraction,)g(229)23246 865 +y(addition,)h(232)23246 2221 y(comparison,)f(233)23246 +3577 y(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)375 b(230)21032 4933 y(frame,)370 +b(30,)h(33,)f(42,)h(110)21032 6289 y(function,)g(25,)g(33,)f(69,)h +(137,)g(146)23246 7646 y(argumen)-31 b(t,)371 b(28)23246 +9002 y(b)31 b(o)g(olean,)371 b(52,)f(165)23246 10358 +y(comp)31 b(osition,)372 b(24,)f(51)23246 11714 y(factorial,)h(54)23246 +13070 y(math,)f(23)23246 14426 y(parameter,)g(28)23246 +15782 y(recursiv)-31 b(e,)369 b(42)23246 17138 y(tuple)h(as)f(return)g +(v)-61 b(alue,)370 b(97)21032 18494 y(function)h(call,)g(21,)f(33)21032 +19850 y(function)h(de\257nition,)g(25,)g(33)21032 21206 +y(function)g(frame,)f(30,)g(33,)h(42,)f(110)21032 22562 +y(function)h(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)23246 23918 y(mo)g(di\257er,)370 +b(139)23246 25274 y(pure,)f(138)21032 26631 y(functional)453 +b(programming)g(st)-31 b(yle,)472 b(140,)25460 27985 +y(143)21032 29342 y(fundamen)-31 b(tal)1032 b(am)-31 +b(biguit)g(y)1032 b(theorem,)25460 30696 y(188)21032 +33179 y(game)23246 34535 y(animal,)372 b(214)21032 35891 +y(gamma)g(function,)f(57)21032 37247 y(generalization,)i(65,)e(132,)f +(142)21032 38603 y(generalize,)h(70)21032 39959 y(generic)f(data)g +(structure,)f(190,)i(191)21032 41315 y(geometric)g(sequence,)e(63)21032 +42671 y(Golfer,)h(203)21032 44027 y(greatest)g(common)h(divisor,)g +(232,)f(235)21032 45383 y(guardian,)h(58)21032 47866 +y(handle)f(exception,)h(122,)g(124)21032 49222 y(handling)g(errors,)d +(214)21032 50578 y(hanging,)k(221)21032 51934 y(hello)f(w)-31 +b(orld,)370 b(8)21032 53290 y(help)31 b(er)369 b(metho)31 +b(d,)371 b(185,)f(188)21032 54646 y(high-lev)-31 b(el)372 +b(language,)f(2,)f(9)21032 56002 y(hin)-31 b(t,)371 b(109,)g(113)21032 +57358 y(histogram,)h(102,)f(103,)g(112)p eop +%%Page: 254 280 +254 279 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(254)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(Holmes,)371 b(Sherlo)31 b(c)-31 +b(k,)370 b(5)0 3718 y(iden)-31 b(tit)g(y)-92 b(,)372 +b(130)0 5096 y(imm)-31 b(utable,)373 b(95)0 6473 y(imm)-31 +b(utable)372 b(string,)e(75)0 7850 y(imm)-31 b(utable)372 +b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)370 b(103)0 9227 y(implemen)-31 +b(tation)2214 10604 y(Queue,)369 b(197)0 11981 y(impro)-31 +b(v)g(ed)371 b(queue,)e(199)0 13358 y(in)g(op)31 b(erator,)371 +b(84,)f(164)0 14735 y(incremen)-31 b(t,)371 b(79)0 16112 +y(incremen)-31 b(tal)722 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t,)810 +b(49,)e(58,)4428 17467 y(143)0 18844 y(incremen)-31 b(tal)551 +b(program)f(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t,)4428 20199 y(220)0 +21576 y(index,)370 b(72,)h(79,)f(93,)g(105,)h(223)2214 +22953 y(negativ)-31 b(e,)372 b(72)0 24330 y(IndexError,)d(224)0 +25707 y(in\257nite)h(list,)h(183)0 27085 y(in\257nite)f(lo)31 +b(op,)371 b(61,)f(70,)h(221,)g(222)0 28462 y(in\257nite)543 +b(recursion,)584 b(43,)i(45,)f(57,)h(221,)4428 29817 +y(222)0 31194 y(in\257x,)370 b(192,)h(195,)g(207)0 32571 +y(inheritance,)g(167,)g(177)0 33948 y(initialization)j(metho)31 +b(d,)371 b(150,)g(156,)g(161)0 35325 y(inorder,)f(208,)g(217)0 +36702 y(instance,)g(129,)h(132,)g(135)2214 38079 y(ob)61 +b(ject,)371 b(128,)g(146,)g(160)0 39456 y(instan)-31 +b(tiate,)373 b(135)0 40833 y(instan)-31 b(tiation,)374 +b(128)0 42210 y(in)-31 b(t,)371 b(11)0 43587 y(in)-31 +b(teger)2214 44964 y(long,)371 b(111)0 46341 y(in)-31 +b(teger)370 b(division,)h(16,)g(20,)f(22)0 47719 y(In)-31 +b(tel,)370 b(62)0 49096 y(in)-31 b(terface,)371 b(190,)g(204)0 +50473 y(in)-31 b(terpret,)370 b(2,)g(9)0 51850 y(in)-31 +b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 b(t,)372 b(187,)f(188)0 53227 y(in)-31 +b(v)g(ok)g(e,)372 b(113)0 54604 y(in)-31 b(v)g(oking)372 +b(metho)31 b(d,)370 b(107)0 55981 y(irrational,)i(234)0 +57358 y(iteration,)g(59,)e(60,)h(70)21032 865 y(join)f(function,)i(92) +21032 3347 y(k)-31 b(ey)-92 b(,)370 b(105,)h(113)21032 +4703 y(k)-31 b(ey-v)-61 b(alue)371 b(pair,)f(105,)g(113)21032 +6059 y(KeyError,)f(224)21032 7415 y(k)-31 b(eyw)g(ord,)371 +b(13,)g(14,)f(20)21032 8771 y(kno)-31 b(wledge)372 b(base,)d(214)21032 +11253 y(language,)j(129)23246 12609 y(complete,)f(53)23246 +13965 y(formal,)g(6)23246 15321 y(high-lev)-31 b(el,)372 +b(2)23246 16677 y(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el,)373 b(2)23246 +18033 y(natural,)e(6)23246 19389 y(programming,)h(1)23246 +20745 y(safe,)e(5)21032 22101 y(leaf)g(no)31 b(de,)370 +b(205,)h(217)21032 23457 y(leap)f(of)g(faith,)h(55,)f(182)21032 +24813 y(length,)h(83)21032 26169 y(lev)-31 b(el,)371 +b(205,)g(217)21032 27525 y(linear)f(time,)h(199,)g(204)21032 +28881 y(link,)g(188)21032 30237 y(link)-31 b(ed)371 b(list,)f(179,)h +(188)21032 31593 y(link)-31 b(ed)371 b(queue,)e(198,)i(204)21032 +32949 y(Link)-31 b(edList,)371 b(186)21032 34305 y(Lin)-31 +b(ux,)370 b(6)21032 35661 y(list,)h(81,)f(93,)h(179)23246 +37017 y(as)e(parameter,)i(90,)f(181)23246 38374 y(cloning,)i(89)23246 +39730 y(elemen)-31 b(t,)371 b(82)23246 41086 y(for)e(lo)31 +b(op,)371 b(84)23246 42442 y(in\257nite,)g(183)23246 +43798 y(length,)g(83)23246 45154 y(link)-31 b(ed,)371 +b(179,)g(188)23246 46510 y(lo)31 b(op,)371 b(183)23246 +47866 y(mem)-31 b(b)31 b(ership,)370 b(84)23246 49222 +y(mo)31 b(difying,)372 b(184)23246 50578 y(m)-31 b(utable,)372 +b(86)23246 51934 y(nested,)e(81,)g(91,)h(108)23246 53290 +y(of)f(ob)61 b(jects,)371 b(161)23246 54646 y(prin)-31 +b(ting,)371 b(181)23246 56002 y(prin)-31 b(ting)371 b(bac)-31 +b(kw)g(ards,)371 b(182)23246 57358 y(slice,)f(86)p eop +%%Page: 255 281 +255 280 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Index)33129 b(255)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 2214 865 a Fn(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(83,)f(181)2214 +2220 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse)369 b(recursiv)-31 b(ely)-92 +b(,)370 b(182)2214 3575 y(w)-31 b(ell-formed,)372 b(187)0 +4930 y(list)e(deletion,)h(87)0 6285 y(list)f(metho)31 +b(d,)371 b(112,)g(161)0 7640 y(list)f(op)31 b(eration,)371 +b(85)0 8995 y(list)f(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(93)0 +10350 y(literalness,)g(7)0 11705 y(lo)31 b(cal)371 b(v)-61 +b(ariable,)370 b(30,)h(33,)f(67)0 13059 y(logarithm,)i(62)0 +14414 y(logical)g(op)31 b(erator,)370 b(35,)h(36)0 15769 +y(long)f(in)-31 b(teger,)371 b(111)0 17124 y(lo)31 b(op,)371 +b(61,)f(70)2214 18479 y(b)31 b(o)g(dy)-92 b(,)369 b(61,)i(70)2214 +19834 y(condition,)h(222)2214 21189 y(for)d(lo)31 b(op,)371 +b(72)2214 22544 y(in)e(list,)i(183)2214 23899 y(in\257nite,)g(61,)f +(222)2214 25254 y(nested,)f(161)2214 26609 y(tra)-31 +b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(72)2214 27964 y(while,)g(60)0 29319 +y(lo)31 b(op)370 b(v)-61 b(ariable,)371 b(70,)f(169,)h(181)0 +30673 y(lo)-31 b(w-lev)g(el)372 b(language,)g(2,)e(9)0 +32028 y(lo)-31 b(w)g(ercase,)371 b(78)0 34324 y(map)f(to,)g(158)0 +35679 y(math)g(function,)h(23)0 37034 y(mathematical)i(op)31 +b(erator,)371 b(230)0 38389 y(matrix,)g(91)2214 39744 +y(sparse,)e(108)0 41099 y(McClosk)-31 b(ey)-92 b(,)371 +b(Rob)31 b(ert,)369 b(73)0 42454 y(men)-31 b(tal)371 +b(mo)31 b(del,)371 b(225)0 43809 y(metho)31 b(d,)371 +b(107,)g(113,)f(137,)h(146,)g(156)2214 45164 y(dictionary)-92 +b(,)371 b(107)2214 46519 y(help)31 b(er,)369 b(185)2214 +47874 y(initialization,)375 b(150,)c(161)2214 49229 y(in)-31 +b(v)g(o)31 b(cation,)373 b(107)2214 50584 y(list,)d(112,)h(161)2214 +51938 y(wrapp)31 b(er,)369 b(185)0 53293 y(mo)31 b(del)2214 +54648 y(men)-31 b(tal,)372 b(225)0 56003 y(mo)31 b(di\257er,)370 +b(139,)h(143)0 57358 y(mo)31 b(difying)372 b(lists,)e(184)21032 +865 y(mo)31 b(dule,)371 b(23,)f(33,)h(77)23246 2221 y(cop)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)370 b(133)23246 3577 y(string,)g(79)21032 +4933 y(mo)31 b(dulus)370 b(op)31 b(erator,)370 b(35,)h(45,)f(169)21032 +6289 y(m)-31 b(ultiple)372 b(assignmen)-31 b(t,)371 b(59,)g(70)21032 +7646 y(m)-31 b(ultiplication)23246 9002 y(fraction,)371 +b(230)21032 10358 y(m)-31 b(utable,)372 b(75,)e(79,)h(95)23246 +11714 y(list,)g(86)23246 13070 y(ob)61 b(ject,)371 b(132)21032 +14426 y(m)-31 b(utable)371 b(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)370 b(103)21032 +16908 y(NameError,)g(223)21032 18264 y(natural)h(language,)h(6,)d(9,)h +(129)21032 19620 y(negation,)i(234)21032 20976 y(nested)d(list,)i(91,)f +(93,)h(108)21032 22332 y(nested)e(structure,)g(157)21032 +23688 y(nesting,)i(45)21032 25045 y(newline,)g(70)21032 +26401 y(no)31 b(de,)370 b(179,)h(188,)g(205,)g(217)21032 +27757 y(No)31 b(de)370 b(class,)f(179)21032 29113 y(None,)h(48,)h(58) +21032 30469 y(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er)23246 31825 y(random,)371 +b(97)21032 33181 y(n)-31 b(umerator,)371 b(229)21032 +35663 y(ob)61 b(ject,)371 b(88,)g(93,)f(127,)h(135)23246 +37019 y(list)f(of,)g(161)23246 38375 y(m)-31 b(utable,)372 +b(132)21032 39731 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(co)31 b(de,)370 +b(9)21032 41088 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(instance,)f(128,)h(146,)g(160) +21032 42444 y(ob)61 b(ject)371 b(in)-31 b(v)-61 b(arian)-31 +b(t,)372 b(187)21032 43800 y(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)372 +b(design,)e(167)21032 45156 y(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 +b(ted)559 b(programming,)606 b(145,)25460 46511 y(167)21032 +47867 y(ob)61 b(ject-orien)-31 b(ted)798 b(programming)f(lan-)25460 +49222 y(guage,)371 b(145,)g(156)21032 50578 y(op)31 b(erand,)370 +b(16,)g(20)21032 51934 y(op)31 b(eration)23246 53290 +y(dictionary)-92 b(,)372 b(106)23246 54646 y(list,)f(85)21032 +56002 y(op)31 b(erator,)370 b(16,)h(20)23246 57358 y(binary)-92 +b(,)370 b(207,)h(217)p eop +%%Page: 256 282 +256 281 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(256)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 2214 865 a Fn(brac)-31 b(k)g(et,)371 b(71)2214 +2220 y(conditional,)i(160)2214 3575 y(format,)e(118,)g(124,)g(203,)g +(224)2214 4930 y(in,)f(84,)g(164)2214 6285 y(logical,)i(35,)f(36)2214 +7640 y(mo)31 b(dulus,)370 b(35,)h(169)2214 8995 y(o)-31 +b(v)g(erloading,)373 b(152,)d(230)0 10350 y(op)31 b(erator)331 +b(o)-31 b(v)g(erloading,)341 b(152,)f(156,)g(160,)4428 +11705 y(203)0 13059 y(order)369 b(of)g(ev)-61 b(aluation,)372 +b(226)0 14414 y(order)d(of)g(op)31 b(erations,)371 b(16)0 +15769 y(ordering,)f(160)0 17124 y(o)-31 b(v)g(er\260o)g(w,)371 +b(111)0 18479 y(o)-31 b(v)g(erload,)372 b(230)0 19834 +y(o)-31 b(v)g(erloading,)373 b(156)2214 21189 y(op)31 +b(erator,)370 b(203)0 22544 y(o)-31 b(v)g(erride,)370 +b(156,)h(160)0 24840 y(parameter,)f(28,)h(33,)f(90,)h(129)2214 +26195 y(list,)f(90)0 27550 y(paren)-31 b(t)370 b(class,)f(167,)i(168,)g +(170,)g(177)0 28905 y(paren)-31 b(t)370 b(no)31 b(de,)369 +b(205,)i(217)0 30260 y(parse,)e(7,)h(9,)g(192,)h(195,)g(210)0 +31615 y(partial)g(ordering,)f(160)0 32970 y(pass)f(statemen)-31 +b(t,)371 b(37)0 34324 y(path,)f(121)0 35679 y(pattern,)g(76)0 +37034 y(pattern)g(matc)-31 b(hing,)372 b(103)0 38389 +y(P)-31 b(en)g(tium,)372 b(62)0 39744 y(p)31 b(erformance,)370 +b(199)0 41099 y(p)31 b(erformance)369 b(hazard,)h(204)0 +42454 y(pic)-31 b(kle,)371 b(124)0 43809 y(pic)-31 b(kling,)372 +b(121)0 45164 y(planned)e(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t,)372 +b(143)0 46519 y(p)31 b(o)g(etry)-92 b(,)369 b(7)0 47874 +y(P)-31 b(oin)g(t)371 b(class,)f(151)0 49229 y(p)31 b(olymorphic,)371 +b(156)0 50584 y(p)31 b(olymorphism,)371 b(153)0 51938 +y(p)31 b(op,)370 b(191)0 53293 y(p)31 b(ortabilit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)372 b(9)0 54648 y(p)31 b(ortable,)371 b(2)0 +56003 y(p)31 b(ost\257x,)370 b(192,)h(195,)g(207)0 57358 +y(p)31 b(ostorder,)369 b(208,)i(217)21032 865 y(precedence,)e(20,)i +(226)21032 2221 y(precondition,)h(183,)f(188)21032 3577 +y(pre\257x,)e(208,)i(217)21032 4933 y(preorder,)e(208,)i(217)21032 +6289 y(prin)-31 b(t)370 b(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(8,)e(9,)g(224)21032 +7645 y(prin)-31 b(ting)23246 9001 y(dec)g(k)370 b(ob)61 +b(ject,)371 b(161)23246 10357 y(hand)f(of)f(cards,)g(169)23246 +11713 y(ob)61 b(ject,)371 b(129,)g(146)21032 13070 y(priorit)-31 +b(y)-92 b(,)371 b(203)21032 14426 y(priorit)-31 b(y)371 +b(queue,)e(197,)i(204)23246 15782 y(ADT,)f(201)21032 +17138 y(priorit)-31 b(y)371 b(queueing,)f(197)21032 18494 +y(problem-solving,)i(9)21032 19850 y(pro)31 b(duct,)370 +b(212)21032 21206 y(program,)h(9)23246 22562 y(dev)-31 +b(elopmen)g(t,)372 b(70)21032 23918 y(program)e(dev)-31 +b(elopmen)g(t)23246 25274 y(encapsulation,)372 b(65)23246 +26630 y(generalization,)h(65)21032 27986 y(programming)f(language,)f(1) +21032 29342 y(prompt,)g(43,)f(45)21032 30698 y(prose,)f(7)21032 +32054 y(protot)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)371 b(dev)-31 b(elopmen)g(t,)372 +b(141)21032 33410 y(pro)-31 b(vider,)370 b(190,)h(195)21032 +34766 y(pseudo)31 b(co)g(de,)370 b(232)21032 36122 y(pseudorandom,)h +(103)21032 37478 y(pure)e(function,)i(138,)g(143)21032 +38834 y(push,)e(191)21032 41316 y(queue,)h(197,)h(204)23246 +42672 y(impro)-31 b(v)g(ed)371 b(implemen)-31 b(tation,)374 +b(199)23246 44028 y(link)-31 b(ed)371 b(implemen)-31 +b(tation,)374 b(198)23246 45384 y(List)c(implemen)-31 +b(tation,)374 b(197)21032 46740 y(Queue)369 b(ADT,)h(197)21032 +48096 y(queueing)g(p)31 b(olicy)-92 b(,)371 b(197,)g(204)21032 +50578 y(raise)e(exception,)i(122,)g(124)21032 51934 y(random,)g(163) +21032 53290 y(random)f(n)-31 b(um)g(b)31 b(er,)370 b(97)21032 +54646 y(randrange,)g(163)21032 56002 y(rank,)g(157)21032 +57358 y(rational,)i(229)p eop +%%Page: 257 283 +257 282 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Index)33129 b(257)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(rectangle,)371 b(131)0 2220 y(recursion,)572 +b(40,)h(42,)h(45,)f(53,)h(55,)f(207,)4428 3575 y(208)2214 +4930 y(base)369 b(case,)h(42)2214 6285 y(in\257nite,)h(43,)f(57,)h(222) +0 7640 y(recursiv)-31 b(e)513 b(data)j(structure,)550 +b(179,)i(188,)4428 8995 y(206)0 10350 y(recursiv)-31 +b(e)369 b(de\257nition,)i(212)0 11705 y(reduce,)e(232,)i(235)0 +13059 y(redundancy)-92 b(,)369 b(7)0 14414 y(reference,)g(179)2214 +15769 y(aliasing,)j(89)2214 17124 y(em)-31 b(b)31 b(edded,)370 +b(134,)h(179,)g(188)0 18479 y(regular)f(expression,)f(192)0 +19834 y(remo)-31 b(ving)371 b(cards,)e(164)0 21189 y(rep)31 +b(etition)2214 22544 y(list,)370 b(85)0 23899 y(return)f(statemen)-31 +b(t,)371 b(40,)g(227)0 25254 y(return)e(v)-61 b(alue,)370 +b(21,)g(33,)h(47,)f(58,)g(132)2214 26609 y(tuple,)g(97)0 +27964 y(role)2214 29319 y(v)-61 b(ariable,)371 b(184)0 +30673 y(ro)31 b(ot)370 b(no)31 b(de,)369 b(205,)i(217)0 +32028 y(ro)-31 b(w,)370 b(92)0 33383 y(rules)f(of)g(precedence,)g(16,)i +(20)0 34738 y(run)-31 b(time)459 b(error,)480 b(5,)h(9,)g(43,)h(72,)g +(75,)f(83,)4428 36093 y(96,)296 b(107,)i(109,)f(111,)g(116,)g(119,)4428 +37448 y(219,)371 b(223)0 39744 y(safe)e(language,)j(5)0 +41099 y(sameness,)d(129)0 42454 y(sca\256olding,)i(48,)g(58)0 +43809 y(scalar)f(m)-31 b(ultiplication,)374 b(152,)d(156)0 +45164 y(script,)f(9)0 46519 y(seman)-31 b(tic)371 b(error,)d(5,)i(9,)g +(97,)h(219,)g(225)0 47874 y(seman)-31 b(tics,)371 b(5,)f(9)0 +49229 y(sequence,)f(81,)i(93)0 50584 y(shallo)-31 b(w)371 +b(cop)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)370 b(135)0 51938 y(shallo)-31 +b(w)371 b(equalit)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)372 b(130,)f(135)0 +53293 y(sh)-31 b(u\262e,)370 b(163)0 54648 y(sibling)h(no)31 +b(de,)369 b(217)0 56003 y(singleton,)i(185,)g(186,)g(188)0 +57358 y(slice,)f(74,)g(79,)h(86)21032 865 y(source)e(co)31 +b(de,)369 b(9)21032 2220 y(split)h(function,)h(92)21032 +3575 y(Stac)-31 b(k,)371 b(190)21032 4930 y(stac)-31 +b(k,)371 b(190)21032 6285 y(stac)-31 b(k)370 b(diagram,)i(30,)e(33,)h +(42)21032 7640 y(state)f(diagram,)i(12,)e(20)21032 8995 +y(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(20)23246 10350 y(assignmen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(12,)e(59)23246 11705 y(blo)31 b(c)-31 b(k,)371 +b(37)23246 13059 y(break,)f(117,)h(124)23246 14414 y(comp)31 +b(ound,)371 b(37)23246 15769 y(conditional,)i(45)23246 +17124 y(con)-31 b(tin)g(ue,)371 b(118,)g(124)23246 18479 +y(except,)f(122)23246 19834 y(pass,)f(37)23246 21189 +y(prin)-31 b(t,)370 b(8,)g(9,)g(224)23246 22544 y(return,)f(40,)i(227) +23246 23899 y(try)-92 b(,)370 b(122)23246 25254 y(while,)h(60)21032 +26609 y(straigh)-31 b(t)371 b(\260ush,)e(170)21032 27964 +y(string,)h(11)23246 29319 y(imm)-31 b(utable,)373 b(75)23246 +30673 y(length,)e(72)23246 32028 y(slice,)f(74)21032 +33383 y(string)g(comparison,)h(74)21032 34738 y(string)f(mo)31 +b(dule,)370 b(77,)h(79)21032 36093 y(string)f(op)31 b(eration,)371 +b(17)21032 37448 y(sub)31 b(class,)369 b(167,)i(170,)g(177)21032 +38803 y(sub)31 b(expression,)369 b(213)21032 40158 y(suit,)h(157)21032 +41513 y(sum,)g(212)21032 42868 y(sw)-31 b(ap,)371 b(164)21032 +44223 y(syn)-31 b(tax,)371 b(4,)f(9,)g(220)21032 45578 +y(syn)-31 b(tax)371 b(error,)d(4,)i(9,)g(219)21032 47874 +y(tab,)h(70)21032 49229 y(table,)g(62)23246 50584 y(t)-31 +b(w)g(o-dimensional,)374 b(64)21032 51938 y(temp)31 b(orary)370 +b(v)-61 b(ariable,)371 b(48,)f(58,)h(226)21032 53293 +y(text)f(\257le,)g(117,)h(124)21032 54648 y(theorem)23246 +56003 y(fundamen)-31 b(tal)372 b(am)-31 b(biguit)g(y)-92 +b(,)373 b(184)21032 57358 y(tok)-31 b(en,)371 b(9,)f(192,)h(195,)g(210) +p eop +%%Page: 258 284 +258 283 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(258)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v 0 865 a Fn(tracebac)-31 b(k,)371 b(31,)f(33,)h(43,)f(123,)h +(223)0 2220 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(72,)f(76,)h(84,)f(172)2214 +3575 y(list,)g(83)0 4930 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(erse,)352 b(79,)h(181,)h(182,) +f(202,)h(207,)f(208)0 6285 y(tree,)369 b(205)2214 7640 +y(empt)-31 b(y)-92 b(,)371 b(206)2214 8995 y(expression,)e(207,)i(210) +2214 10350 y(tra)-31 b(v)g(ersal,)371 b(207,)g(208)0 +11705 y(tree)e(no)31 b(de,)370 b(205)0 13059 y(try)-92 +b(,)370 b(124)0 14414 y(try)f(statemen)-31 b(t,)372 b(122)0 +15769 y(tuple,)e(95,)h(97,)f(103)0 17124 y(tuple)g(assignmen)-31 +b(t,)371 b(96,)g(103,)g(164)0 18479 y(T)-92 b(uring)370 +b(Thesis,)f(53)0 19834 y(T)-92 b(uring,)370 b(Alan,)h(53)0 +21189 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)370 b(11,)h(20)2214 22544 +y(\260oat,)g(11)2214 23899 y(in)-31 b(t,)371 b(11)2214 +25254 y(string,)f(11)0 26609 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e)370 +b(c)-31 b(hec)g(king,)371 b(57)0 27964 y(t)-31 b(yp)31 +b(e)370 b(co)31 b(ercion,)370 b(22,)g(111)0 29319 y(t)-31 +b(yp)31 b(e)370 b(con)-31 b(v)g(ersion,)370 b(22)0 30673 +y(T)-31 b(yp)31 b(eError,)370 b(223)0 33135 y(unary)f(negation,)j(235)0 +34490 y(unary)d(op)31 b(erator,)370 b(234)0 35845 y(underscore)e(c)-31 +b(haracter,)370 b(13)0 37200 y(upp)31 b(ercase,)369 b(78)0 +38555 y(user-de\257ned)f(data)i(t)-31 b(yp)31 b(e,)371 +b(127)0 41017 y(v)-61 b(alue,)370 b(11,)h(20,)f(88)2214 +42372 y(tuple,)g(97)0 43727 y(v)-61 b(ariable,)371 b(12,)f(20)2214 +45082 y(lo)31 b(cal,)371 b(30,)g(67)2214 46437 y(lo)31 +b(op,)371 b(169)2214 47792 y(roles,)f(184)2214 49146 +y(temp)31 b(orary)-92 b(,)370 b(48,)h(58,)f(226)0 50501 +y(v)-31 b(eneer,)369 b(191,)i(204)0 52963 y(while)f(statemen)-31 +b(t,)372 b(60)0 54318 y(whitespace,)f(78,)f(79)0 55673 +y(wrapp)31 b(er,)369 b(188)0 57028 y(wrapp)31 b(er)369 +b(metho)31 b(d,)370 b(185)p eop +%%Page: 259 285 +259 284 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Index)33129 b(259)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 260 286 +260 285 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(260)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 261 287 +261 286 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(Index)33129 b(261)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Page: 262 288 +262 287 bop 0 -2070 a Fv(262)33130 b(Index)p 0 -1627 +38191 45 v eop +%%Trailer +end +userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if +%%EOF diff --git a/Programming/Python/Introduction to Media Computation - A Multimedia Cookbook in Python (2002).pdf b/Programming/Python/Introduction to Media Computation - A Multimedia Cookbook in Python (2002).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f65df9c9f5b12a632cc08776fe8b6209ba720fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Python/Introduction to Media Computation - A Multimedia Cookbook in Python (2002).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:b543c255ee61b31f86ad5533ef1adbf8cd8614fba0ae9db08e0c69ace4163f8c +size 27085029 diff --git a/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf b/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17ef1d4ef7bec2d4d47d6c580bdd351690f5403d --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2008).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:c6469a2fdcd5b65e0c4370710d41af724355f0da3e256880c50286bf637a67f5 +size 2829671 diff --git a/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition (Version 13) (2010).pdf b/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition (Version 13) (2010).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..80ebbc48a7658de5b82d9a4dbe348b33983b26d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Python/Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition (Version 13) (2010).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:ac8308fdf69279bc4e2d4fc80e884792cccfbbc33ab44a2c59a80594fc491ad1 +size 4858148 diff --git a/Programming/Python/Jython for Java Programmers.chm b/Programming/Python/Jython for Java Programmers.chm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32215051c38fc10794d8777dd3b85953ca6ccc97 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Python/Jython for Java Programmers.chm differ diff --git a/Programming/Python/Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf b/Programming/Python/Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c1eb47fc66c75aff877cc9bac4d7654163c8775 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Python/Learn Python The Hard Way, Release 1.0 (2010).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,13983 @@ +%PDF-1.4 +% +1 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.3) >> +endobj +4 0 obj +(The Hard Way Is Easier) +endobj +5 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +endobj +8 0 obj +(Reading and Writing) +endobj +9 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +endobj +12 0 obj +(Attention to Detail) +endobj +13 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +endobj +16 0 obj +(Spotting Differences) +endobj +17 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +endobj +20 0 obj +(Do Not Copy-Paste) +endobj +21 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +endobj +24 0 obj +(A Note On Practice And Persistence) +endobj +25 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +endobj +28 0 obj +(License) +endobj +29 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.10) >> +endobj +32 0 obj +(Exercise 0: The Setup) +endobj +33 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +endobj +36 0 obj +(Mac OSX) +endobj +37 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +endobj +40 0 obj +(Windows) +endobj +41 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +endobj +44 0 obj +(Linux) +endobj +45 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +endobj +48 0 obj +(Warnings For Beginners) +endobj +49 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.18) >> +endobj +52 0 obj +(Exercise 1: A Good First Program) +endobj +53 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.19) >> +endobj +56 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +57 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.20) >> +endobj +60 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +61 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.21) >> +endobj +64 0 obj +(Exercise 2: Comments And Pound Characters) +endobj +65 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.22) >> +endobj +68 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +69 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.23) >> +endobj +72 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +73 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.24) >> +endobj +76 0 obj +(Exercise 3: Numbers And Math) +endobj +77 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.25) >> +endobj +80 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +81 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.26) >> +endobj +84 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +85 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.27) >> +endobj +88 0 obj +(Exercise 4: Variables And Names) +endobj +89 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.28) >> +endobj +92 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +93 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.29) >> +endobj +96 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +97 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.30) >> +endobj +100 0 obj +(Exercise 5: More Variables And Printing) +endobj +101 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.31) >> +endobj +104 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +105 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.32) >> +endobj +108 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +109 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.33) >> +endobj +112 0 obj +(Exercise 6: Strings And Text) +endobj +113 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.34) >> +endobj +116 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +117 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.35) >> +endobj +120 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +121 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.36) >> +endobj +124 0 obj +(Exercise 7: More Printing) +endobj +125 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.37) >> +endobj +128 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +129 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.38) >> +endobj +132 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +133 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.39) >> +endobj +136 0 obj +(Exercise 8: Printing, Printing) +endobj +137 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.40) >> +endobj +140 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +141 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.41) >> +endobj +144 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +145 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.42) >> +endobj +148 0 obj +(Exercise 9: Printing, Printing, Printing) +endobj +149 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.43) >> +endobj +152 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +153 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.44) >> +endobj +156 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +157 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.45) >> +endobj +160 0 obj +(Exercise 10: What Was That?) +endobj +161 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.46) >> +endobj +164 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +165 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.47) >> +endobj +168 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +169 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.48) >> +endobj +172 0 obj +(Exercise 11: Asking Questions) +endobj +173 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.49) >> +endobj +176 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +177 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.50) >> +endobj +180 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +181 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.51) >> +endobj +184 0 obj +(Exercise 12: Prompting People) +endobj +185 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.52) >> +endobj +188 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +189 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.53) >> +endobj +192 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +193 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.54) >> +endobj +196 0 obj +(Exercise 13: Parameters, Unpacking, Variables) +endobj +197 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.55) >> +endobj +200 0 obj +(Hold Up! Features Have Another Name) +endobj +201 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.56) >> +endobj +204 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +205 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.57) >> +endobj +208 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +209 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.58) >> +endobj +212 0 obj +(Exercise 14: Prompting And Passing) +endobj +213 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.59) >> +endobj +216 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +217 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.60) >> +endobj +220 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +221 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.61) >> +endobj +224 0 obj +(Exercise 15: Reading Files) +endobj +225 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.62) >> +endobj +228 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +229 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.63) >> +endobj +232 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +233 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.64) >> +endobj +236 0 obj +(Exercise 16: Reading And Writing Files) +endobj +237 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.65) >> +endobj +240 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +241 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.66) >> +endobj +244 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +245 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.67) >> +endobj +248 0 obj +(Exercise 17: More Files) +endobj +249 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.68) >> +endobj +252 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +253 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.69) >> +endobj +256 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +257 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.70) >> +endobj +260 0 obj +(Exercise 18: Names, Variables, Code, Functions) +endobj +261 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.71) >> +endobj +264 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +265 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.72) >> +endobj +268 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +269 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.73) >> +endobj +272 0 obj +(Exercise 19: Functions And Variables) +endobj +273 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.74) >> +endobj +276 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +277 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.75) >> +endobj +280 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +281 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.76) >> +endobj +284 0 obj +(Exercise 20: Functions And Files) +endobj +285 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.77) >> +endobj +288 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +289 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.78) >> +endobj +292 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +293 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.79) >> +endobj +296 0 obj +(Exercise 21: Functions Can Return Something) +endobj +297 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.80) >> +endobj +300 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +301 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.81) >> +endobj +304 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +305 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.82) >> +endobj +308 0 obj +(Exercise 22: What Do You Know So Far?) +endobj +309 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.83) >> +endobj +312 0 obj +(What You are Learning) +endobj +313 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.84) >> +endobj +316 0 obj +(Exercise 23: Read Some Code) +endobj +317 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.85) >> +endobj +320 0 obj +(Exercise 24: More Practice) +endobj +321 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.86) >> +endobj +324 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +325 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.87) >> +endobj +328 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +329 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.88) >> +endobj +332 0 obj +(Exercise 25: Even More Practice) +endobj +333 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.89) >> +endobj +336 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +337 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.90) >> +endobj +340 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +341 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.91) >> +endobj +344 0 obj +(Exercise 26: Congratulations, Take A Test!) +endobj +345 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.92) >> +endobj +348 0 obj +(Exercise 27: Memorizing Logic) +endobj +349 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.93) >> +endobj +352 0 obj +(The Truth Terms) +endobj +353 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.94) >> +endobj +356 0 obj +(The Truth Tables) +endobj +357 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.95) >> +endobj +360 0 obj +(Exercise 28: Boolean Practice) +endobj +361 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.96) >> +endobj +364 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +365 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.97) >> +endobj +368 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +369 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.98) >> +endobj +372 0 obj +(Exercise 29: What If) +endobj +373 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.99) >> +endobj +376 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +377 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.100) >> +endobj +380 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +381 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.101) >> +endobj +384 0 obj +(Exercise 30: Else And If) +endobj +385 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.102) >> +endobj +388 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +389 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.103) >> +endobj +392 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +393 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.104) >> +endobj +396 0 obj +(Exercise 31: Making Decisions) +endobj +397 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.105) >> +endobj +400 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +401 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.106) >> +endobj +404 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +405 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.107) >> +endobj +408 0 obj +(Exercise 32: Loops And Lists) +endobj +409 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.108) >> +endobj +412 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +413 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.109) >> +endobj +416 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +417 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.110) >> +endobj +420 0 obj +(Exercise 33: While Loops) +endobj +421 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.111) >> +endobj +424 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +425 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.112) >> +endobj +428 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +429 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.113) >> +endobj +432 0 obj +(Exercise 34: Accessing Elements Of Lists) +endobj +433 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.114) >> +endobj +436 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +437 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.115) >> +endobj +440 0 obj +(Exercise 35: Branches and Functions) +endobj +441 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.116) >> +endobj +444 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +445 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.117) >> +endobj +448 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +449 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.118) >> +endobj +452 0 obj +(Exercise 36: Designing and Debugging) +endobj +453 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.119) >> +endobj +456 0 obj +(Rules For If-Statements) +endobj +457 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.120) >> +endobj +460 0 obj +(Rules For Loops) +endobj +461 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.121) >> +endobj +464 0 obj +(Tips For Debugging) +endobj +465 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.122) >> +endobj +468 0 obj +(Homework) +endobj +469 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.123) >> +endobj +472 0 obj +(Exercise 37: Symbol Review) +endobj +473 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.124) >> +endobj +476 0 obj +(Keywords) +endobj +477 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.125) >> +endobj +480 0 obj +(Data Types) +endobj +481 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.126) >> +endobj +484 0 obj +(String Escapes Sequences) +endobj +485 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.127) >> +endobj +488 0 obj +(String Formats) +endobj +489 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.128) >> +endobj +492 0 obj +(Operators) +endobj +493 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.129) >> +endobj +496 0 obj +(Exercise 38: Reading Code) +endobj +497 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.130) >> +endobj +500 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +501 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.131) >> +endobj +504 0 obj +(Exercise 39: Doing Things To Lists) +endobj +505 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.132) >> +endobj +508 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +509 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.133) >> +endobj +512 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +513 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.134) >> +endobj +516 0 obj +(Exercise 40: Dictionaries, Oh Lovely Dictionaries) +endobj +517 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.135) >> +endobj +520 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +521 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.136) >> +endobj +524 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +525 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.137) >> +endobj +528 0 obj +(Exercise 41: A Room With A View Of A Bear With A Broadsword) +endobj +529 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.138) >> +endobj +532 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +533 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.139) >> +endobj +536 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +537 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.140) >> +endobj +540 0 obj +(Exercise 42: Getting Classy) +endobj +541 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.141) >> +endobj +544 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +545 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.142) >> +endobj +548 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +549 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.143) >> +endobj +552 0 obj +(Exercise 43: You Make A Game) +endobj +553 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.144) >> +endobj +556 0 obj +(Exercise 44: Evaluating Your Game) +endobj +557 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.145) >> +endobj +560 0 obj +(Function Style) +endobj +561 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.146) >> +endobj +564 0 obj +(Class Style) +endobj +565 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> +endobj +568 0 obj +(Code Style) +endobj +569 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.148) >> +endobj +572 0 obj +(Good Comments) +endobj +573 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.149) >> +endobj +576 0 obj +(Evaluate Your Game) +endobj +577 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.150) >> +endobj +580 0 obj +(Exercise 45: Is-A, Has-A, Objects, and Classes) +endobj +581 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.151) >> +endobj +584 0 obj +(How This Looks In Code) +endobj +585 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.154) >> +endobj +588 0 obj +(Exercise 46: A Project Skeleton) +endobj +589 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.155) >> +endobj +592 0 obj +(Skeleton Contents: Linux/OSX) +endobj +593 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.157) >> +endobj +596 0 obj +(Testing Your Setup) +endobj +597 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.158) >> +endobj +600 0 obj +(Using The Skeleton) +endobj +601 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.159) >> +endobj +604 0 obj +(Required Quiz) +endobj +605 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.160) >> +endobj +608 0 obj +(Exercise 47: Automated Testing) +endobj +609 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.161) >> +endobj +612 0 obj +(Writing A Test Case) +endobj +613 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.162) >> +endobj +616 0 obj +(Testing Guidelines) +endobj +617 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.163) >> +endobj +620 0 obj +(What You Should See) +endobj +621 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.164) >> +endobj +624 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +625 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.165) >> +endobj +628 0 obj +(Exercise 48: Advanced User Input) +endobj +629 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.166) >> +endobj +632 0 obj +(Our Game Lexicon) +endobj +633 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.171) >> +endobj +636 0 obj +(What You Should Test) +endobj +637 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.172) >> +endobj +640 0 obj +(Design Hints) +endobj +641 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.173) >> +endobj +644 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +645 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.174) >> +endobj +648 0 obj +(Exercise 49: Making Sentences) +endobj +649 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.175) >> +endobj +652 0 obj +(Match And Peek) +endobj +653 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.176) >> +endobj +656 0 obj +(The Sentence Grammar) +endobj +657 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.177) >> +endobj +660 0 obj +(A Word On Exceptions) +endobj +661 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.178) >> +endobj +664 0 obj +(What You Should Test) +endobj +665 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.179) >> +endobj +668 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +669 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.180) >> +endobj +672 0 obj +(Exercise 50: Your First Work Assignment) +endobj +673 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.181) >> +endobj +676 0 obj +(Review What You Know) +endobj +677 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.182) >> +endobj +680 0 obj +(Implementing A Feature List) +endobj +681 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.183) >> +endobj +684 0 obj +(The Feature List) +endobj +685 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.184) >> +endobj +688 0 obj +(Tips On Working The List) +endobj +689 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.185) >> +endobj +692 0 obj +(Exercise 51: Reviewing Your Game) +endobj +693 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.186) >> +endobj +696 0 obj +(How To Study A User) +endobj +697 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.187) >> +endobj +700 0 obj +(Implement The Changes) +endobj +701 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.188) >> +endobj +704 0 obj +(Exercise 52: Teach Someone Else What You Know) +endobj +705 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.189) >> +endobj +708 0 obj +(Extra Credit) +endobj +709 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.190) >> +endobj +712 0 obj +(Next Steps) +endobj +713 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.191) >> +endobj +716 0 obj +(Advice From An Old Programmer) +endobj +717 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.192) >> +endobj +720 0 obj +(Indices and tables) +endobj +721 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D [722 0 R /Fit ] >> +endobj +724 0 obj << +/Length 288 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xڽPJ0}Wc 6Τ +^XDt7 Cq n] Bp9AX•_ <SU,a ZjB˝nmq q`EeiAi*G_@I,X"ev-/gM”\7C0k!ט5W~ +1ѣB,0VV0|$:`AZh&M>${&蚜LK5)Mv\rw) Lc0C:4G// +endstream +endobj +722 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 724 0 R +/Resources 723 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 730 0 R +>> endobj +725 0 obj << +/D [722 0 R /XYZ 71 757.862 null] +>> endobj +726 0 obj << +/D [722 0 R /XYZ 72 720 null] +>> endobj +723 0 obj << +/Font << /F36 727 0 R /F37 728 0 R /F39 729 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +733 0 obj << +/Length 19 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x3PHW0Pp2Ac( +endstream +endobj +732 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 733 0 R +/Resources 731 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 730 0 R +>> endobj +734 0 obj << +/D [732 0 R /XYZ 71 757.862 null] +>> endobj +731 0 obj << +/ProcSet [ /PDF ] +>> endobj +770 0 obj << +/Length 931 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x[MS0Wh[vo-SBJ<ILĦ2_9CcSLH.%;ݧU@pҁ= : Br'%V0WVоN;ꮠzdZcD٦ 1/L;mAux0l3h} +qyuisfes^0tA('.T`iAJ= +DXi" +q2),;WDZ=4۶Y{H`QZ_ë@@(qʴl"Ƴ}`_#:K\'Q|kcfFY>/ArW> endobj +735 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 525.699 176.408 536.578] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.3) >> +>> endobj +736 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 513.609 171.506 524.513] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +>> endobj +737 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 503.711 162.659 512.558] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +>> endobj +738 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 489.699 170.42 500.603] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +>> endobj +739 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 477.744 165.728 488.647] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +>> endobj +740 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 467.846 233.194 476.692] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +>> endobj +741 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 455.89 118.924 464.737] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +>> endobj +742 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 432.05 166.116 442.929] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.10) >> +>> endobj +743 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 422.018 128.059 430.864] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.11) >> +>> endobj +744 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 410.062 125.479 418.909] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.13) >> +>> endobj +745 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 398.107 111.741 406.954] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.15) >> +>> endobj +746 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 384.095 184.796 394.999] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> +>> endobj +747 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 362.311 219.047 373.19] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.18) >> +>> endobj +748 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 352.279 175.671 361.126] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.19) >> +>> endobj +749 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 340.324 136.916 349.171] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.20) >> +>> endobj +750 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 318.386 269.398 327.362] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.21) >> +>> endobj +751 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 306.451 175.671 315.298] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.22) >> +>> endobj +752 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 294.496 136.916 303.342] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.23) >> +>> endobj +753 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 272.558 208.447 281.534] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.24) >> +>> endobj +754 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 260.623 175.671 269.469] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.25) >> +>> endobj +755 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 248.668 136.916 257.514] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.26) >> +>> endobj +756 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 226.73 214.723 235.706] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.27) >> +>> endobj +757 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 214.795 175.671 223.641] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.28) >> +>> endobj +758 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 202.839 136.916 211.686] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.29) >> +>> endobj +759 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 178.999 246.922 189.878] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.30) >> +>> endobj +760 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 168.847 175.671 177.813] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.31) >> +>> endobj +761 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 157.011 136.916 165.858] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.32) >> +>> endobj +762 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 133.171 194.808 144.05] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.33) >> +>> endobj +763 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 123.138 175.671 131.985] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.34) >> +>> endobj +764 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 111.183 136.916 120.03] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.35) >> +>> endobj +765 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 87.342 183.63 98.222] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.36) >> +>> endobj +766 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 77.31 175.671 86.157] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.37) >> +>> endobj +771 0 obj << +/D [769 0 R /XYZ 72 550.325 null] +>> endobj +768 0 obj << +/Font << /F36 727 0 R /F45 772 0 R /F39 729 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +817 0 obj << +/Length 831 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x]o0ޝ7x7SW5&mGjzע&gMnMQAsx|b94`zBr}Aّa җ0BK@h1e*NJjqyC +endstream +endobj +816 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 817 0 R +/Resources 815 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 730 0 R +/Annots [ 767 0 R 773 0 R 774 0 R 775 0 R 776 0 R 777 0 R 778 0 R 779 0 R 780 0 R 781 0 R 782 0 R 783 0 R 784 0 R 785 0 R 786 0 R 787 0 R 788 0 R 789 0 R 790 0 R 791 0 R 792 0 R 793 0 R 794 0 R 795 0 R 796 0 R 797 0 R 798 0 R 799 0 R 800 0 R 801 0 R 802 0 R 803 0 R 804 0 R 805 0 R 806 0 R 807 0 R 808 0 R 809 0 R 810 0 R 811 0 R 812 0 R ] +>> endobj +767 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 708.942 136.916 717.788] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.38) >> +>> endobj +773 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 685.101 198.494 695.98] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.39) >> +>> endobj +774 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 675.069 175.671 683.915] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.40) >> +>> endobj +775 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 663.113 136.916 671.96] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.41) >> +>> endobj +776 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 639.273 238.902 650.152] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.42) >> +>> endobj +777 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 629.24 175.671 638.087] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.43) >> +>> endobj +778 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 617.285 136.916 626.132] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.44) >> +>> endobj +779 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 595.348 200.059 604.324] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.45) >> +>> endobj +780 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 583.293 175.671 592.259] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.46) >> +>> endobj +781 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 571.457 136.916 580.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.47) >> +>> endobj +782 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 547.616 202.101 558.496] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.48) >> +>> endobj +783 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 537.584 175.671 546.431] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.49) >> +>> endobj +784 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 525.629 136.916 534.476] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.50) >> +>> endobj +785 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 501.788 203.914 512.667] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.51) >> +>> endobj +786 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 491.756 175.671 500.603] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.52) >> +>> endobj +787 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 479.801 136.916 488.647] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.53) >> +>> endobj +788 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 455.96 273.283 466.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.54) >> +>> endobj +789 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 443.871 247.271 454.774] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.55) >> +>> endobj +790 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 433.973 175.671 442.819] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.56) >> +>> endobj +791 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 422.018 136.916 430.864] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.57) >> +>> endobj +792 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 398.177 228.661 409.056] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.58) >> +>> endobj +793 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 388.145 175.671 396.991] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.59) >> +>> endobj +794 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 376.189 136.916 385.036] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.60) >> +>> endobj +795 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 352.349 185.483 363.228] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.61) >> +>> endobj +796 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 342.316 175.671 351.163] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.62) >> +>> endobj +797 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 330.361 136.916 339.208] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.63) >> +>> endobj +798 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 306.521 242.499 317.4] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.64) >> +>> endobj +799 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 296.488 175.671 305.335] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.65) >> +>> endobj +800 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 284.533 136.916 293.38] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.66) >> +>> endobj +801 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 262.595 173.11 271.572] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.67) >> +>> endobj +802 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 250.66 175.671 259.507] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.68) >> +>> endobj +803 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 238.705 136.916 247.552] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.69) >> +>> endobj +804 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 215.153 275.605 225.743] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.70) >> +>> endobj +805 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 204.832 175.671 213.679] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.71) >> +>> endobj +806 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 192.877 136.916 201.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.72) >> +>> endobj +807 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 170.939 233.005 179.915] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.73) >> +>> endobj +808 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 158.884 175.671 167.85] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.74) >> +>> endobj +809 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 147.049 136.916 155.895] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.75) >> +>> endobj +810 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 125.111 212.89 134.087] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.76) >> +>> endobj +811 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 113.176 175.671 122.022] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.77) >> +>> endobj +812 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 101.221 136.916 110.067] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.78) >> +>> endobj +815 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 729 0 R /F45 772 0 R /F36 727 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +860 0 obj << +/Length 973 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xo0WD"c6"`UBhCh6"M I6v6_Ik; @mb( ID'Z7 PrDDD`8g^*|$QR*? z7g*ɳg73O󙪦I6χWBsDHݿ{"Hh()Bd45Q<cQ-N Rn0I}-vn'Ck#q+(?/G;ZY~[ ̋k4 hn$̔kĘ鉊Ǘ,7ebua}?=A`p\u/ϘOEF$8o\5[w[?ZÏ 3Z8ceMs 18rBs:.saΛ<q5ODЗ؋/qT_9Znq<`aH`L"H $urh8N}yżگ~IŬ\# vmX\[֔,uݭvEd7y*;cQ]q[\8,BFԾ2q8dL!rv)]x30Gӆ?6yӆ6V[r_M*}ND[ wyv.8md-u9e#9JnnG~$qj&Imy>w%R] w8hxe*U.OLe v>^,*v)r3j.[vPhU6ӬԀqOHWe(݂iy#]0%pP$[9p7Co>ܴN2ӝS˾bg_^ഊ+㱛.huS=!@͛G`4띝C0^^4k )8}~EK(µ$l=y +endstream +endobj +859 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 860 0 R +/Resources 858 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 730 0 R +/Annots [ 813 0 R 814 0 R 818 0 R 819 0 R 820 0 R 821 0 R 822 0 R 823 0 R 824 0 R 825 0 R 826 0 R 827 0 R 828 0 R 829 0 R 830 0 R 831 0 R 832 0 R 833 0 R 834 0 R 835 0 R 836 0 R 837 0 R 838 0 R 839 0 R 840 0 R 841 0 R 842 0 R 843 0 R 844 0 R 845 0 R 846 0 R 847 0 R 848 0 R 849 0 R 850 0 R 851 0 R 852 0 R 853 0 R 854 0 R 855 0 R 856 0 R ] +>> endobj +813 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 707.019 270.574 717.898] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.79) >> +>> endobj +814 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 696.986 175.671 705.833] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.80) >> +>> endobj +818 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 685.031 136.916 693.878] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.81) >> +>> endobj +819 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 663.093 248.786 672.07] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.82) >> +>> endobj +820 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 649.101 181.18 660.005] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.83) >> +>> endobj +821 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 629.22 200.138 638.197] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.84) >> +>> endobj +822 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 607.303 188.034 616.279] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.85) >> +>> endobj +823 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 595.367 175.671 604.214] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.86) >> +>> endobj +824 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 583.412 136.916 592.259] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.87) >> +>> endobj +825 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 561.475 212.014 570.451] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.88) >> +>> endobj +826 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 549.539 175.671 558.386] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.89) >> +>> endobj +827 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 537.584 136.916 546.431] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.90) >> +>> endobj +828 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 513.743 255.221 524.623] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.91) >> +>> endobj +829 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 491.826 205.946 502.705] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.92) >> +>> endobj +830 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 481.793 154.958 490.64] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.93) >> +>> endobj +831 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 469.838 155.965 478.685] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.94) >> +>> endobj +832 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 447.9 199.301 456.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.95) >> +>> endobj +833 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 435.965 175.671 444.812] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.96) >> +>> endobj +834 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 424.01 136.916 432.857] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.97) >> +>> endobj +835 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 402.072 161.125 411.049] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.98) >> +>> endobj +836 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 390.137 175.671 398.984] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.99) >> +>> endobj +837 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 378.182 136.916 387.029] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.100) >> +>> endobj +838 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 356.244 175.8 365.22] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.101) >> +>> endobj +839 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 344.309 175.671 353.156] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.102) >> +>> endobj +840 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 332.354 136.916 341.2] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.103) >> +>> endobj +841 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 308.513 203.197 319.392] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.104) >> +>> endobj +842 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 298.481 175.671 307.327] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.105) >> +>> endobj +843 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 286.406 136.916 295.372] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.106) >> +>> endobj +844 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 262.685 197.398 273.564] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.107) >> +>> endobj +845 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 252.653 175.671 261.499] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.108) >> +>> endobj +846 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 240.697 136.916 249.544] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.109) >> +>> endobj +847 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 216.857 181.618 227.736] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.110) >> +>> endobj +848 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 206.824 175.671 215.671] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.111) >> +>> endobj +849 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 194.869 136.916 203.716] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.112) >> +>> endobj +850 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 171.029 247.46 181.908] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.113) >> +>> endobj +851 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 160.996 136.916 169.843] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.114) >> +>> endobj +852 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 139.059 230.604 148.035] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.115) >> +>> endobj +853 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 127.004 175.671 135.97] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.116) >> +>> endobj +854 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 115.049 136.916 124.015] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.117) >> +>> endobj +855 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 91.328 236.502 102.207] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.118) >> +>> endobj +856 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 81.176 182.983 90.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.119) >> +>> endobj +861 0 obj << +/D [859 0 R /XYZ 71 757.862 null] +>> endobj +858 0 obj << +/Font << /F45 772 0 R /F39 729 0 R /F36 727 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +908 0 obj << +/Length 1278 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x\Mw8WsƎf4N{<5ab$_?cLƝฮ6A2꾫Due嶇@D}άHj76™?[Y8SmŢ/ݷZ0pe@r6@N]rj"71R;b654 !n^iVsnd1P}0K?a,ʕ5R0sݕ7I:-@#1/m!TS2G~[(cԶ@mjy.o o|Ljo^A}aw_}Kp&'ʪ;-̩Bu5.Q>˞aE/g< 1l-wO_Noq ZówFLqu@uMquxE9S,24OzcڱA%UZ$׈q} +jHJz{2v\dQC̵` vE"5?[/*k, +endstream +endobj +907 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 908 0 R +/Resources 906 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 730 0 R +/Annots [ 857 0 R 862 0 R 863 0 R 864 0 R 865 0 R 866 0 R 867 0 R 868 0 R 869 0 R 870 0 R 871 0 R 872 0 R 873 0 R 874 0 R 875 0 R 876 0 R 877 0 R 878 0 R 879 0 R 880 0 R 881 0 R 882 0 R 883 0 R 884 0 R 885 0 R 886 0 R 887 0 R 888 0 R 889 0 R 890 0 R 891 0 R 892 0 R 893 0 R 894 0 R 895 0 R 896 0 R 897 0 R 898 0 R 899 0 R 900 0 R 901 0 R 902 0 R 903 0 R 904 0 R ] +>> endobj +857 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 706.884 154.211 717.788] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.120) >> +>> endobj +862 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 694.929 168.049 705.833] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.121) >> +>> endobj +863 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 684.912 132.413 693.878] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.122) >> +>> endobj +864 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 661.191 193.075 672.07] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.123) >> +>> endobj +865 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 649.101 128.388 660.005] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.124) >> +>> endobj +866 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 637.146 132.792 648.05] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.125) >> +>> endobj +867 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 625.191 191.421 636.095] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.126) >> +>> endobj +868 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 613.235 147.297 624.139] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.127) >> +>> endobj +869 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 601.28 127.222 612.184] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.128) >> +>> endobj +870 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 579.497 187.695 590.376] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.129) >> +>> endobj +871 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 569.345 136.916 578.311] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.130) >> +>> endobj +872 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 545.624 221.119 556.503] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.131) >> +>> endobj +873 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 535.592 175.671 544.438] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.132) >> +>> endobj +874 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 523.636 136.916 532.483] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.133) >> +>> endobj +875 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 499.796 282.409 510.675] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.134) >> +>> endobj +876 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 489.763 175.671 498.61] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.135) >> +>> endobj +877 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 477.808 136.916 486.655] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.136) >> +>> endobj +878 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 455.871 354.648 464.847] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.137) >> +>> endobj +879 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 443.935 175.671 452.782] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.138) >> +>> endobj +880 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 431.98 136.916 440.827] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.139) >> +>> endobj +881 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 408.14 189.907 419.019] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.140) >> +>> endobj +882 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 398.107 175.671 406.954] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.141) >> +>> endobj +883 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 386.032 136.916 394.999] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.142) >> +>> endobj +884 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 364.214 208.617 373.19] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.143) >> +>> endobj +885 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 340.394 225.513 351.273] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.144) >> +>> endobj +886 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 328.304 146.341 339.208] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.145) >> +>> endobj +887 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 316.349 132.502 327.253] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.146) >> +>> endobj +888 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 304.394 131.945 315.298] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> +>> endobj +889 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 294.496 155.745 303.342] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.148) >> +>> endobj +890 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 282.541 170.699 291.387] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.149) >> +>> endobj +891 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 258.7 270.155 269.579] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.150) >> +>> endobj +892 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 248.668 188.971 257.514] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.151) >> +>> endobj +893 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 224.827 207.042 235.706] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.154) >> +>> endobj +894 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 214.795 212.98 223.641] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.155) >> +>> endobj +895 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 200.782 164.184 211.686] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.157) >> +>> endobj +896 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 188.827 166.983 199.731] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.158) >> +>> endobj +897 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 176.872 146.321 187.776] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.159) >> +>> endobj +898 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 155.088 207.859 165.968] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.160) >> +>> endobj +899 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 142.999 169.424 153.903] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.161) >> +>> endobj +900 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 131.044 162.789 141.948] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.162) >> +>> endobj +901 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 121.146 175.671 129.992] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.163) >> +>> endobj +902 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 109.191 136.916 118.037] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.164) >> +>> endobj +903 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 85.35 218.868 96.229] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.165) >> +>> endobj +904 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 75.198 164.702 84.164] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.166) >> +>> endobj +909 0 obj << +/D [907 0 R /XYZ 71 757.862 null] +>> endobj +906 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 729 0 R /F45 772 0 R /F36 727 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +933 0 obj << +/Length 815 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xOS@{a{6jq:l)߾ ,i[Z.~>K Xm ]mPK]ux:;#"x_mA)p!q7L 3h|2F*j1-=ӁL3;\.,r6->P!~fE:1E[قDDYNl;Pwvx%~v/Ӡ5'Kwem!ZuVeb"ט,Sʴ#*fZeh"[`L7[~Tm&䑟M𻑮'R^5CiHkUy5N0@ҳ"n tK}v"YG-&KC;g::g6R3;)GAf;L[i Umn{-#toNqODmoW}vNG +t.2ϣBBU].)V٭=Y+&aFL][u܅]PG]*(7k c0CٚWx{EG~Սlm{<9E({s?Uڂx}۳8q; UG5[ҲB( Pӯ6J\6D2bCE~Vڠ(ڇUm'Y~G{h\A4 O:Ő~%?/}zN!@QsL%S|"\pSt +*:g|#Ԧmp9uswS +endstream +endobj +932 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 933 0 R +/Resources 931 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] +/Parent 935 0 R +/Annots [ 905 0 R 910 0 R 911 0 R 912 0 R 913 0 R 914 0 R 915 0 R 916 0 R 917 0 R 918 0 R 919 0 R 920 0 R 921 0 R 922 0 R 923 0 R 924 0 R 925 0 R 926 0 R 927 0 R 928 0 R 929 0 R 930 0 R ] +>> endobj +905 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 708.942 177.743 717.788] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.171) >> +>> endobj +910 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 694.929 140.243 705.833] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.172) >> +>> endobj +911 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 685.031 136.916 693.878] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.173) >> +>> endobj +912 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 661.191 204.85 672.07] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.174) >> +>> endobj +913 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 651.158 154.899 660.005] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.175) >> +>> endobj +914 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 639.203 182.554 648.05] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.176) >> +>> endobj +915 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 625.191 180.941 636.095] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.177) >> +>> endobj +916 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 615.293 177.743 624.139] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.178) >> +>> endobj +917 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 603.338 136.916 612.184] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.179) >> +>> endobj +918 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 579.497 250.589 590.376] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.180) >> +>> endobj +919 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 569.465 187.088 578.311] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.181) >> +>> endobj +920 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 555.452 203.884 566.356] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.182) >> +>> endobj +921 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 545.554 153.792 554.401] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.183) >> +>> endobj +922 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 531.542 193.055 542.446] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.184) >> +>> endobj +923 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 509.758 223.232 520.638] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.185) >> +>> endobj +924 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 497.669 176.547 508.573] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.186) >> +>> endobj +925 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 485.714 185.892 496.618] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.187) >> +>> endobj +926 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 465.833 286.862 474.809] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.188) >> +>> endobj +927 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [85.948 453.898 136.916 462.745] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.189) >> +>> endobj +928 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [71.004 430.057 118.097 440.936] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.190) >> +>> endobj +929 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185 0 R +/Parent 183 0 R +/Next 191 0 R +>> endobj +183 0 obj << +/Title 184 0 R +/A 181 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 171 0 R +/Next 195 0 R +/First 187 0 R +/Last 191 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +179 0 obj << +/Title 180 0 R +/A 177 0 R +/Parent 171 0 R +/Prev 175 0 R +>> endobj +175 0 obj << +/Title 176 0 R +/A 173 0 R +/Parent 171 0 R +/Next 179 0 R +>> endobj +171 0 obj << +/Title 172 0 R +/A 169 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 159 0 R +/Next 183 0 R +/First 175 0 R +/Last 179 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +167 0 obj << +/Title 168 0 R +/A 165 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Prev 163 0 R +>> endobj +163 0 obj << +/Title 164 0 R +/A 161 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Next 167 0 R +>> endobj +159 0 obj << +/Title 160 0 R +/A 157 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 147 0 R +/Next 171 0 R +/First 163 0 R +/Last 167 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +155 0 obj << +/Title 156 0 R +/A 153 0 R +/Parent 147 0 R +/Prev 151 0 R +>> endobj +151 0 obj << +/Title 152 0 R +/A 149 0 R +/Parent 147 0 R +/Next 155 0 R +>> endobj +147 0 obj << +/Title 148 0 R +/A 145 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 135 0 R +/Next 159 0 R +/First 151 0 R +/Last 155 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +143 0 obj << +/Title 144 0 R +/A 141 0 R +/Parent 135 0 R +/Prev 139 0 R +>> endobj +139 0 obj << +/Title 140 0 R +/A 137 0 R +/Parent 135 0 R +/Next 143 0 R +>> endobj +135 0 obj << +/Title 136 0 R +/A 133 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 123 0 R +/Next 147 0 R +/First 139 0 R +/Last 143 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +131 0 obj << +/Title 132 0 R +/A 129 0 R +/Parent 123 0 R +/Prev 127 0 R +>> endobj +127 0 obj << +/Title 128 0 R +/A 125 0 R +/Parent 123 0 R +/Next 131 0 R +>> endobj +123 0 obj << +/Title 124 0 R +/A 121 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 111 0 R +/Next 135 0 R +/First 127 0 R +/Last 131 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +119 0 obj << +/Title 120 0 R +/A 117 0 R +/Parent 111 0 R +/Prev 115 0 R +>> endobj +115 0 obj << +/Title 116 0 R +/A 113 0 R +/Parent 111 0 R +/Next 119 0 R +>> endobj +111 0 obj << +/Title 112 0 R +/A 109 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 99 0 R +/Next 123 0 R +/First 115 0 R +/Last 119 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +107 0 obj << +/Title 108 0 R +/A 105 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 103 0 R +>> endobj +103 0 obj << +/Title 104 0 R +/A 101 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Next 107 0 R +>> endobj +99 0 obj << +/Title 100 0 R +/A 97 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 87 0 R +/Next 111 0 R +/First 103 0 R +/Last 107 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +95 0 obj << +/Title 96 0 R +/A 93 0 R +/Parent 87 0 R +/Prev 91 0 R +>> endobj +91 0 obj << +/Title 92 0 R +/A 89 0 R +/Parent 87 0 R +/Next 95 0 R +>> endobj +87 0 obj << +/Title 88 0 R +/A 85 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 75 0 R +/Next 99 0 R +/First 91 0 R +/Last 95 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +83 0 obj << +/Title 84 0 R +/A 81 0 R +/Parent 75 0 R +/Prev 79 0 R +>> endobj +79 0 obj << +/Title 80 0 R +/A 77 0 R +/Parent 75 0 R +/Next 83 0 R +>> endobj +75 0 obj << +/Title 76 0 R +/A 73 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 63 0 R +/Next 87 0 R +/First 79 0 R +/Last 83 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +71 0 obj << +/Title 72 0 R +/A 69 0 R +/Parent 63 0 R +/Prev 67 0 R +>> endobj +67 0 obj << +/Title 68 0 R +/A 65 0 R +/Parent 63 0 R +/Next 71 0 R +>> endobj +63 0 obj << +/Title 64 0 R +/A 61 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 51 0 R +/Next 75 0 R +/First 67 0 R +/Last 71 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +59 0 obj << +/Title 60 0 R +/A 57 0 R +/Parent 51 0 R +/Prev 55 0 R +>> endobj +55 0 obj << +/Title 56 0 R +/A 53 0 R +/Parent 51 0 R +/Next 59 0 R +>> endobj +51 0 obj << +/Title 52 0 R +/A 49 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 31 0 R +/Next 63 0 R +/First 55 0 R +/Last 59 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +47 0 obj << +/Title 48 0 R +/A 45 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 43 0 R +>> endobj +43 0 obj << +/Title 44 0 R +/A 41 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 39 0 R +/Next 47 0 R +>> endobj +39 0 obj << +/Title 40 0 R +/A 37 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 35 0 R +/Next 43 0 R +>> endobj +35 0 obj << +/Title 36 0 R +/A 33 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Next 39 0 R +>> endobj +31 0 obj << +/Title 32 0 R +/A 29 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Prev 3 0 R +/Next 51 0 R +/First 35 0 R +/Last 47 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +27 0 obj << +/Title 28 0 R +/A 25 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 23 0 R +>> endobj +23 0 obj << +/Title 24 0 R +/A 21 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 19 0 R +/Next 27 0 R +>> endobj +19 0 obj << +/Title 20 0 R +/A 17 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 15 0 R +/Next 23 0 R +>> endobj +15 0 obj << +/Title 16 0 R +/A 13 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 11 0 R +/Next 19 0 R +>> endobj +11 0 obj << +/Title 12 0 R +/A 9 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 7 0 R +/Next 15 0 R +>> endobj +7 0 obj << +/Title 8 0 R +/A 5 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Next 11 0 R +>> endobj +3 0 obj << +/Title 4 0 R +/A 1 0 R +/Parent 2073 0 R +/Next 31 0 R +/First 7 0 R +/Last 27 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +2074 0 obj << +/Names [(Doc-Start) 726 0 R (Item.1) 954 0 R (Item.10) 973 0 R (Item.100) 1145 0 R (Item.101) 1146 0 R (Item.102) 1151 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.102)] +>> endobj +2075 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.103) 1157 0 R (Item.104) 1158 0 R (Item.105) 1159 0 R (Item.106) 1160 0 R (Item.107) 1165 0 R (Item.108) 1166 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.103) (Item.108)] +>> endobj +2076 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.109) 1175 0 R (Item.11) 974 0 R (Item.110) 1189 0 R (Item.111) 1190 0 R (Item.112) 1191 0 R (Item.113) 1192 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.109) (Item.113)] +>> endobj +2077 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.114) 1197 0 R (Item.115) 1198 0 R (Item.116) 1199 0 R (Item.117) 1200 0 R (Item.118) 1205 0 R (Item.119) 1206 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.114) (Item.119)] +>> endobj +2078 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.12) 975 0 R (Item.120) 1207 0 R (Item.121) 1212 0 R (Item.122) 1213 0 R (Item.123) 1214 0 R (Item.124) 1215 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.12) (Item.124)] +>> endobj +2079 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.125) 1229 0 R (Item.126) 1230 0 R (Item.127) 1231 0 R (Item.128) 1232 0 R (Item.129) 1241 0 R (Item.13) 976 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.125) (Item.13)] +>> endobj +2080 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.130) 1242 0 R (Item.131) 1243 0 R (Item.132) 1244 0 R (Item.133) 1253 0 R (Item.134) 1254 0 R (Item.135) 1255 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.130) (Item.135)] +>> endobj +2081 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.136) 1256 0 R (Item.137) 1257 0 R (Item.138) 1258 0 R (Item.139) 1259 0 R (Item.14) 977 0 R (Item.140) 1260 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.136) (Item.140)] +>> endobj +2082 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.141) 1270 0 R (Item.142) 1271 0 R (Item.143) 1272 0 R (Item.144) 1273 0 R (Item.145) 1282 0 R (Item.146) 1283 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.141) (Item.146)] +>> endobj +2083 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.147) 1284 0 R (Item.148) 1285 0 R (Item.149) 1286 0 R (Item.15) 978 0 R (Item.150) 1287 0 R (Item.151) 1292 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.147) (Item.151)] +>> endobj +2084 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.152) 1293 0 R (Item.153) 1294 0 R (Item.154) 1295 0 R (Item.155) 1296 0 R (Item.156) 1301 0 R (Item.157) 1302 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.152) (Item.157)] +>> endobj +2085 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.158) 1303 0 R (Item.159) 1304 0 R (Item.16) 979 0 R (Item.160) 1305 0 R (Item.161) 1306 0 R (Item.162) 1307 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.158) (Item.162)] +>> endobj +2086 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.163) 1308 0 R (Item.164) 1309 0 R (Item.165) 1310 0 R (Item.166) 1311 0 R (Item.167) 1312 0 R (Item.168) 1317 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.163) (Item.168)] +>> endobj +2087 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.169) 1318 0 R (Item.17) 980 0 R (Item.170) 1319 0 R (Item.171) 1320 0 R (Item.172) 1334 0 R (Item.173) 1335 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.169) (Item.173)] +>> endobj +2088 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.174) 1336 0 R (Item.175) 1345 0 R (Item.176) 1346 0 R (Item.177) 1347 0 R (Item.178) 1348 0 R (Item.179) 1349 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.174) (Item.179)] +>> endobj +2089 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.18) 981 0 R (Item.180) 1354 0 R (Item.181) 1355 0 R (Item.182) 1361 0 R (Item.183) 1362 0 R (Item.184) 1363 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.18) (Item.184)] +>> endobj +2090 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.185) 1364 0 R (Item.186) 1365 0 R (Item.187) 1366 0 R (Item.188) 1379 0 R (Item.189) 1380 0 R (Item.19) 982 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.185) (Item.19)] +>> endobj +2091 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.190) 1381 0 R (Item.191) 1382 0 R (Item.192) 1383 0 R (Item.193) 1384 0 R (Item.194) 1385 0 R (Item.195) 1386 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.190) (Item.195)] +>> endobj +2092 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.196) 1387 0 R (Item.197) 1401 0 R (Item.198) 1402 0 R (Item.199) 1415 0 R (Item.2) 955 0 R (Item.20) 983 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.196) (Item.20)] +>> endobj +2093 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.200) 1416 0 R (Item.201) 1417 0 R (Item.202) 1418 0 R (Item.203) 1445 0 R (Item.204) 1446 0 R (Item.205) 1447 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.200) (Item.205)] +>> endobj +2094 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.206) 1448 0 R (Item.207) 1449 0 R (Item.208) 1450 0 R (Item.209) 1451 0 R (Item.21) 984 0 R (Item.210) 1452 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.206) (Item.210)] +>> endobj +2095 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.211) 1453 0 R (Item.212) 1454 0 R (Item.213) 1455 0 R (Item.214) 1456 0 R (Item.215) 1457 0 R (Item.216) 1458 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.211) (Item.216)] +>> endobj +2096 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.217) 1459 0 R (Item.218) 1460 0 R (Item.219) 1461 0 R (Item.22) 985 0 R (Item.220) 1462 0 R (Item.221) 1463 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.217) (Item.221)] +>> endobj +2097 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.222) 1464 0 R (Item.223) 1465 0 R (Item.224) 1470 0 R (Item.225) 1471 0 R (Item.226) 1472 0 R (Item.227) 1473 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.222) (Item.227)] +>> endobj +2098 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.228) 1474 0 R (Item.229) 1475 0 R (Item.23) 995 0 R (Item.230) 1476 0 R (Item.231) 1477 0 R (Item.232) 1478 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.228) (Item.232)] +>> endobj +2099 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.233) 1479 0 R (Item.234) 1480 0 R (Item.235) 1481 0 R (Item.236) 1482 0 R (Item.237) 1483 0 R (Item.238) 1488 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.233) (Item.238)] +>> endobj +2100 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.239) 1489 0 R (Item.24) 996 0 R (Item.240) 1490 0 R (Item.241) 1491 0 R (Item.242) 1505 0 R (Item.243) 1506 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.239) (Item.243)] +>> endobj +2101 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.244) 1507 0 R (Item.245) 1508 0 R (Item.246) 1509 0 R (Item.247) 1514 0 R (Item.248) 1515 0 R (Item.249) 1516 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.244) (Item.249)] +>> endobj +2102 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.25) 997 0 R (Item.250) 1517 0 R (Item.251) 1518 0 R (Item.252) 1523 0 R (Item.253) 1524 0 R (Item.254) 1525 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.25) (Item.254)] +>> endobj +2103 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.255) 1526 0 R (Item.256) 1552 0 R (Item.257) 1553 0 R (Item.258) 1558 0 R (Item.259) 1568 0 R (Item.26) 998 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.255) (Item.26)] +>> endobj +2104 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.260) 1569 0 R (Item.261) 1570 0 R (Item.262) 1575 0 R (Item.263) 1576 0 R (Item.264) 1577 0 R (Item.265) 1578 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.260) (Item.265)] +>> endobj +2105 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.266) 1579 0 R (Item.267) 1584 0 R (Item.268) 1585 0 R (Item.269) 1590 0 R (Item.27) 999 0 R (Item.270) 1591 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.266) (Item.270)] +>> endobj +2106 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.271) 1592 0 R (Item.272) 1593 0 R (Item.273) 1594 0 R (Item.274) 1595 0 R (Item.275) 1596 0 R (Item.276) 1597 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.271) (Item.276)] +>> endobj +2107 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.277) 1598 0 R (Item.278) 1599 0 R (Item.279) 1613 0 R (Item.28) 1000 0 R (Item.280) 1614 0 R (Item.281) 1615 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.277) (Item.281)] +>> endobj +2108 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.282) 1616 0 R (Item.283) 1617 0 R (Item.284) 1626 0 R (Item.285) 1627 0 R (Item.286) 1628 0 R (Item.287) 1629 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.282) (Item.287)] +>> endobj +2109 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.288) 1630 0 R (Item.289) 1631 0 R (Item.29) 1001 0 R (Item.290) 1632 0 R (Item.291) 1633 0 R (Item.292) 1638 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.288) (Item.292)] +>> endobj +2110 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.293) 1639 0 R (Item.294) 1661 0 R (Item.295) 1662 0 R (Item.296) 1663 0 R (Item.297) 1664 0 R (Item.298) 1665 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.293) (Item.298)] +>> endobj +2111 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.299) 1666 0 R (Item.3) 956 0 R (Item.30) 1002 0 R (Item.300) 1667 0 R (Item.301) 1668 0 R (Item.302) 1669 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.299) (Item.302)] +>> endobj +2112 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.303) 1678 0 R (Item.304) 1679 0 R (Item.305) 1680 0 R (Item.306) 1681 0 R (Item.307) 1682 0 R (Item.308) 1692 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.303) (Item.308)] +>> endobj +2113 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.309) 1693 0 R (Item.31) 1003 0 R (Item.310) 1694 0 R (Item.311) 1695 0 R (Item.312) 1696 0 R (Item.313) 1697 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.309) (Item.313)] +>> endobj +2114 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.314) 1714 0 R (Item.315) 1715 0 R (Item.316) 1716 0 R (Item.317) 1726 0 R (Item.318) 1727 0 R (Item.319) 1728 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.314) (Item.319)] +>> endobj +2115 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.32) 1004 0 R (Item.320) 1729 0 R (Item.321) 1730 0 R (Item.322) 1731 0 R (Item.323) 1732 0 R (Item.324) 1733 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.32) (Item.324)] +>> endobj +2116 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.325) 1734 0 R (Item.326) 1735 0 R (Item.327) 1736 0 R (Item.328) 1737 0 R (Item.329) 1738 0 R (Item.33) 1005 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.325) (Item.33)] +>> endobj +2117 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.330) 1739 0 R (Item.331) 1744 0 R (Item.332) 1745 0 R (Item.333) 1746 0 R (Item.334) 1747 0 R (Item.335) 1748 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.330) (Item.335)] +>> endobj +2118 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.336) 1749 0 R (Item.337) 1750 0 R (Item.338) 1763 0 R (Item.339) 1764 0 R (Item.34) 1006 0 R (Item.340) 1765 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.336) (Item.340)] +>> endobj +2119 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.341) 1766 0 R (Item.342) 1767 0 R (Item.343) 1789 0 R (Item.344) 1790 0 R (Item.345) 1791 0 R (Item.346) 1796 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.341) (Item.346)] +>> endobj +2120 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.347) 1797 0 R (Item.348) 1798 0 R (Item.349) 1799 0 R (Item.35) 1007 0 R (Item.350) 1800 0 R (Item.351) 1801 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.347) (Item.351)] +>> endobj +2121 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.352) 1802 0 R (Item.353) 1803 0 R (Item.354) 1813 0 R (Item.355) 1814 0 R (Item.356) 1815 0 R (Item.357) 1816 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.352) (Item.357)] +>> endobj +2122 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.358) 1852 0 R (Item.359) 1857 0 R (Item.36) 1008 0 R (Item.360) 1858 0 R (Item.361) 1859 0 R (Item.362) 1860 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.358) (Item.362)] +>> endobj +2123 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.363) 1861 0 R (Item.364) 1876 0 R (Item.365) 1877 0 R (Item.366) 1878 0 R (Item.367) 1879 0 R (Item.368) 1884 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.363) (Item.368)] +>> endobj +2124 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.369) 1885 0 R (Item.37) 1009 0 R (Item.370) 1886 0 R (Item.371) 1887 0 R (Item.372) 1888 0 R (Item.373) 1889 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.369) (Item.373)] +>> endobj +2125 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.374) 1890 0 R (Item.375) 1891 0 R (Item.376) 1892 0 R (Item.377) 1893 0 R (Item.378) 1894 0 R (Item.379) 1895 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.374) (Item.379)] +>> endobj +2126 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.38) 1010 0 R (Item.380) 1908 0 R (Item.381) 1909 0 R (Item.382) 1910 0 R (Item.383) 1911 0 R (Item.384) 1916 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.38) (Item.384)] +>> endobj +2127 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.385) 1917 0 R (Item.386) 1918 0 R (Item.387) 1919 0 R (Item.388) 1945 0 R (Item.389) 1946 0 R (Item.39) 1011 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.385) (Item.39)] +>> endobj +2128 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.390) 1947 0 R (Item.391) 1948 0 R (Item.392) 1949 0 R (Item.393) 1954 0 R (Item.394) 1955 0 R (Item.395) 1956 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.390) (Item.395)] +>> endobj +2129 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.396) 1957 0 R (Item.397) 1963 0 R (Item.398) 1964 0 R (Item.399) 1965 0 R (Item.4) 966 0 R (Item.40) 1012 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.396) (Item.40)] +>> endobj +2130 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.400) 1966 0 R (Item.401) 1975 0 R (Item.402) 1976 0 R (Item.403) 1977 0 R (Item.404) 1978 0 R (Item.405) 1983 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.400) (Item.405)] +>> endobj +2131 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.406) 1984 0 R (Item.407) 1985 0 R (Item.408) 1986 0 R (Item.409) 1987 0 R (Item.41) 1020 0 R (Item.410) 1992 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.406) (Item.410)] +>> endobj +2132 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.411) 1993 0 R (Item.412) 1994 0 R (Item.413) 1995 0 R (Item.414) 1996 0 R (Item.415) 1997 0 R (Item.416) 2002 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.411) (Item.416)] +>> endobj +2133 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.417) 2003 0 R (Item.42) 1021 0 R (Item.43) 1022 0 R (Item.44) 1023 0 R (Item.45) 1026 0 R (Item.46) 1031 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.417) (Item.46)] +>> endobj +2134 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.47) 1032 0 R (Item.48) 1033 0 R (Item.49) 1034 0 R (Item.5) 968 0 R (Item.50) 1035 0 R (Item.51) 1036 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.47) (Item.51)] +>> endobj +2135 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.52) 1037 0 R (Item.53) 1038 0 R (Item.54) 1039 0 R (Item.55) 1040 0 R (Item.56) 1041 0 R (Item.57) 1042 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.52) (Item.57)] +>> endobj +2136 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.58) 1043 0 R (Item.59) 1044 0 R (Item.6) 969 0 R (Item.60) 1045 0 R (Item.61) 1046 0 R (Item.62) 1047 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.58) (Item.62)] +>> endobj +2137 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.63) 1048 0 R (Item.64) 1054 0 R (Item.65) 1055 0 R (Item.66) 1056 0 R (Item.67) 1057 0 R (Item.68) 1071 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.63) (Item.68)] +>> endobj +2138 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.69) 1072 0 R (Item.7) 970 0 R (Item.70) 1073 0 R (Item.71) 1074 0 R (Item.72) 1075 0 R (Item.73) 1076 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.69) (Item.73)] +>> endobj +2139 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.74) 1077 0 R (Item.75) 1078 0 R (Item.76) 1083 0 R (Item.77) 1084 0 R (Item.78) 1085 0 R (Item.79) 1086 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.74) (Item.79)] +>> endobj +2140 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.8) 971 0 R (Item.80) 1099 0 R (Item.81) 1100 0 R (Item.82) 1101 0 R (Item.83) 1102 0 R (Item.84) 1103 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.8) (Item.84)] +>> endobj +2141 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.85) 1108 0 R (Item.86) 1109 0 R (Item.87) 1110 0 R (Item.88) 1116 0 R (Item.89) 1117 0 R (Item.9) 972 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.85) (Item.9)] +>> endobj +2142 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.90) 1118 0 R (Item.91) 1119 0 R (Item.92) 1120 0 R (Item.93) 1121 0 R (Item.94) 1131 0 R (Item.95) 1132 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.90) (Item.95)] +>> endobj +2143 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.96) 1133 0 R (Item.97) 1134 0 R (Item.98) 1143 0 R (Item.99) 1144 0 R (chapter*.1) 771 0 R (chapter*.10) 30 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.96) (chapter*.10)] +>> endobj +2144 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.101) 382 0 R (chapter*.104) 394 0 R (chapter*.107) 406 0 R (chapter*.110) 418 0 R (chapter*.113) 430 0 R (chapter*.115) 438 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.101) (chapter*.115)] +>> endobj +2145 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.118) 450 0 R (chapter*.123) 470 0 R (chapter*.129) 494 0 R (chapter*.131) 502 0 R (chapter*.134) 514 0 R (chapter*.137) 526 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.118) (chapter*.137)] +>> endobj +2146 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.140) 538 0 R (chapter*.143) 550 0 R (chapter*.144) 554 0 R (chapter*.150) 578 0 R (chapter*.154) 586 0 R (chapter*.160) 606 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.140) (chapter*.160)] +>> endobj +2147 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.165) 626 0 R (chapter*.174) 646 0 R (chapter*.18) 50 0 R (chapter*.180) 670 0 R (chapter*.185) 690 0 R (chapter*.188) 702 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.165) (chapter*.188)] +>> endobj +2148 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.190) 710 0 R (chapter*.191) 714 0 R (chapter*.192) 718 0 R (chapter*.21) 62 0 R (chapter*.24) 74 0 R (chapter*.27) 86 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.190) (chapter*.27)] +>> endobj +2149 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.3) 2 0 R (chapter*.30) 98 0 R (chapter*.33) 110 0 R (chapter*.36) 122 0 R (chapter*.39) 134 0 R (chapter*.42) 146 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.3) (chapter*.42)] +>> endobj +2150 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.45) 158 0 R (chapter*.48) 170 0 R (chapter*.51) 182 0 R (chapter*.54) 194 0 R (chapter*.58) 210 0 R (chapter*.61) 222 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.45) (chapter*.61)] +>> endobj +2151 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.64) 234 0 R (chapter*.67) 246 0 R (chapter*.70) 258 0 R (chapter*.73) 270 0 R (chapter*.76) 282 0 R (chapter*.79) 294 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.64) (chapter*.79)] +>> endobj +2152 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.82) 306 0 R (chapter*.84) 314 0 R (chapter*.85) 318 0 R (chapter*.88) 330 0 R (chapter*.91) 342 0 R (chapter*.92) 346 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.82) (chapter*.92)] +>> endobj +2153 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter*.95) 358 0 R (chapter*.98) 370 0 R (page.1) 943 0 R (page.10) 1061 0 R (page.100) 1673 0 R (page.101) 1677 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.95) (page.101)] +>> endobj +2154 0 obj << +/Names [(page.102) 1687 0 R (page.103) 1691 0 R (page.104) 1701 0 R (page.105) 1705 0 R (page.106) 1709 0 R (page.107) 1713 0 R] +/Limits [(page.102) (page.107)] +>> endobj +2155 0 obj << +/Names [(page.108) 1721 0 R (page.109) 1725 0 R (page.11) 1065 0 R (page.110) 1743 0 R (page.111) 1754 0 R (page.112) 1758 0 R] +/Limits [(page.108) (page.112)] +>> endobj +2156 0 obj << +/Names [(page.113) 1762 0 R (page.114) 1772 0 R (page.115) 1776 0 R (page.116) 1780 0 R (page.117) 1784 0 R (page.118) 1788 0 R] +/Limits [(page.113) (page.118)] +>> endobj +2157 0 obj << +/Names [(page.119) 1795 0 R (page.12) 1070 0 R (page.120) 1808 0 R (page.121) 1812 0 R (page.122) 1820 0 R (page.123) 1824 0 R] +/Limits [(page.119) (page.123)] +>> endobj +2158 0 obj << +/Names [(page.124) 1828 0 R (page.125) 1832 0 R (page.126) 1837 0 R (page.127) 1841 0 R (page.128) 1845 0 R (page.129) 1849 0 R] +/Limits [(page.124) (page.129)] +>> endobj +2159 0 obj << +/Names [(page.13) 1082 0 R (page.130) 1856 0 R (page.131) 1865 0 R (page.132) 1874 0 R (page.133) 1883 0 R (page.134) 1899 0 R] +/Limits [(page.13) (page.134)] +>> endobj +2160 0 obj << +/Names [(page.135) 1903 0 R (page.136) 1907 0 R (page.137) 1915 0 R (page.138) 1924 0 R (page.139) 1928 0 R (page.14) 1090 0 R] +/Limits [(page.135) (page.14)] +>> endobj +2161 0 obj << +/Names [(page.140) 1932 0 R (page.141) 1940 0 R (page.142) 1944 0 R (page.143) 1953 0 R (page.144) 1962 0 R (page.145) 1970 0 R] +/Limits [(page.140) (page.145)] +>> endobj +2162 0 obj << +/Names [(page.146) 1974 0 R (page.147) 1982 0 R (page.148) 1991 0 R (page.149) 2001 0 R (page.15) 1094 0 R (page.150) 2008 0 R] +/Limits [(page.146) (page.150)] +>> endobj +2163 0 obj << +/Names [(page.151) 2012 0 R (page.152) 2016 0 R (page.153) 2021 0 R (page.154) 2025 0 R (page.155) 2029 0 R (page.156) 2034 0 R] +/Limits [(page.151) (page.156)] +>> endobj +2164 0 obj << +/Names [(page.157) 2038 0 R (page.16) 1098 0 R (page.17) 1107 0 R (page.18) 1115 0 R (page.19) 1125 0 R (page.2) 948 0 R] +/Limits [(page.157) (page.2)] +>> endobj +2165 0 obj << +/Names [(page.20) 1130 0 R (page.21) 1138 0 R (page.22) 1142 0 R (page.23) 1150 0 R (page.24) 1156 0 R (page.25) 1164 0 R] +/Limits [(page.20) (page.25)] +>> endobj +2166 0 obj << +/Names [(page.26) 1170 0 R (page.27) 1174 0 R (page.28) 1179 0 R (page.29) 1183 0 R (page.3) 952 0 R (page.30) 1188 0 R] +/Limits [(page.26) (page.30)] +>> endobj +2167 0 obj << +/Names [(page.31) 1196 0 R (page.32) 1204 0 R (page.33) 1211 0 R (page.34) 1219 0 R (page.35) 1223 0 R (page.36) 1228 0 R] +/Limits [(page.31) (page.36)] +>> endobj +2168 0 obj << +/Names [(page.37) 1236 0 R (page.38) 1240 0 R (page.39) 1248 0 R (page.4) 960 0 R (page.40) 1252 0 R (page.41) 1264 0 R] +/Limits [(page.37) (page.41)] +>> endobj +2169 0 obj << +/Names [(page.42) 1269 0 R (page.43) 1277 0 R (page.44) 1281 0 R (page.45) 1291 0 R (page.46) 1300 0 R (page.47) 1316 0 R] +/Limits [(page.42) (page.47)] +>> endobj +2170 0 obj << +/Names [(page.48) 1325 0 R (page.49) 1329 0 R (page.5) 965 0 R (page.50) 1333 0 R (page.51) 1340 0 R (page.52) 1344 0 R] +/Limits [(page.48) (page.52)] +>> endobj +2171 0 obj << +/Names [(page.53) 1353 0 R (page.54) 1360 0 R (page.55) 1370 0 R (page.56) 1374 0 R (page.57) 1378 0 R (page.58) 1391 0 R] +/Limits [(page.53) (page.58)] +>> endobj +2172 0 obj << +/Names [(page.59) 1395 0 R (page.6) 992 0 R (page.60) 1400 0 R (page.61) 1406 0 R (page.62) 1410 0 R (page.63) 1414 0 R] +/Limits [(page.59) (page.63)] +>> endobj +2173 0 obj << +/Names [(page.64) 1422 0 R (page.65) 1427 0 R (page.66) 1432 0 R (page.67) 1436 0 R (page.68) 1440 0 R (page.69) 1444 0 R] +/Limits [(page.64) (page.69)] +>> endobj +2174 0 obj << +/Names [(page.7) 1019 0 R (page.70) 1469 0 R (page.71) 1487 0 R (page.72) 1496 0 R (page.73) 1500 0 R (page.74) 1504 0 R] +/Limits [(page.7) (page.74)] +>> endobj +2175 0 obj << +/Names [(page.75) 1513 0 R (page.76) 1522 0 R (page.77) 1530 0 R (page.78) 1535 0 R (page.79) 1539 0 R (page.8) 1030 0 R] +/Limits [(page.75) (page.8)] +>> endobj +2176 0 obj << +/Names [(page.80) 1543 0 R (page.81) 1547 0 R (page.82) 1551 0 R (page.83) 1557 0 R (page.84) 1563 0 R (page.85) 1567 0 R] +/Limits [(page.80) (page.85)] +>> endobj +2177 0 obj << +/Names [(page.86) 1574 0 R (page.87) 1583 0 R (page.88) 1589 0 R (page.89) 1603 0 R (page.9) 1053 0 R (page.90) 1608 0 R] +/Limits [(page.86) (page.90)] +>> endobj +2178 0 obj << +/Names [(page.91) 1612 0 R (page.92) 1621 0 R (page.93) 1625 0 R (page.94) 1637 0 R (page.95) 1643 0 R (page.96) 1648 0 R] +/Limits [(page.91) (page.96)] +>> endobj +2179 0 obj << +/Names [(page.97) 1652 0 R (page.98) 1656 0 R (page.99) 1660 0 R (page.i) 725 0 R (page.ii) 734 0 R (page.iii) 861 0 R] +/Limits [(page.97) (page.iii)] +>> endobj +2180 0 obj << +/Names [(page.iv) 909 0 R (page.v) 934 0 R (page.vi) 939 0 R (section*.100) 378 0 R (section*.102) 386 0 R (section*.103) 390 0 R] +/Limits [(page.iv) (section*.103)] +>> endobj +2181 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.105) 398 0 R (section*.106) 402 0 R (section*.108) 410 0 R (section*.109) 414 0 R (section*.11) 34 0 R (section*.111) 422 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.105) (section*.111)] +>> endobj +2182 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.112) 426 0 R (section*.114) 434 0 R (section*.116) 442 0 R (section*.117) 446 0 R (section*.119) 454 0 R (section*.120) 458 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.112) (section*.120)] +>> endobj +2183 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.121) 462 0 R (section*.122) 466 0 R (section*.124) 474 0 R (section*.125) 478 0 R (section*.126) 482 0 R (section*.127) 486 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.121) (section*.127)] +>> endobj +2184 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.128) 490 0 R (section*.13) 38 0 R (section*.130) 498 0 R (section*.132) 506 0 R (section*.133) 510 0 R (section*.135) 518 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.128) (section*.135)] +>> endobj +2185 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.136) 522 0 R (section*.138) 530 0 R (section*.139) 534 0 R (section*.141) 542 0 R (section*.142) 546 0 R (section*.145) 558 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.136) (section*.145)] +>> endobj +2186 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.146) 562 0 R (section*.147) 566 0 R (section*.148) 570 0 R (section*.149) 574 0 R (section*.15) 42 0 R (section*.151) 582 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.146) (section*.151)] +>> endobj +2187 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.155) 590 0 R (section*.157) 594 0 R (section*.158) 598 0 R (section*.159) 602 0 R (section*.161) 610 0 R (section*.162) 614 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.155) (section*.162)] +>> endobj +2188 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.163) 618 0 R (section*.164) 622 0 R (section*.166) 630 0 R (section*.17) 46 0 R (section*.171) 634 0 R (section*.172) 638 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.163) (section*.172)] +>> endobj +2189 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.173) 642 0 R (section*.175) 650 0 R (section*.176) 654 0 R (section*.177) 658 0 R (section*.178) 662 0 R (section*.179) 666 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.173) (section*.179)] +>> endobj +2190 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.181) 674 0 R (section*.182) 678 0 R (section*.183) 682 0 R (section*.184) 686 0 R (section*.186) 694 0 R (section*.187) 698 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.181) (section*.187)] +>> endobj +2191 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.189) 706 0 R (section*.19) 54 0 R (section*.2) 944 0 R (section*.20) 58 0 R (section*.22) 66 0 R (section*.23) 70 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.189) (section*.23)] +>> endobj +2192 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.25) 78 0 R (section*.26) 82 0 R (section*.28) 90 0 R (section*.29) 94 0 R (section*.31) 102 0 R (section*.32) 106 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.25) (section*.32)] +>> endobj +2193 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.34) 114 0 R (section*.35) 118 0 R (section*.37) 126 0 R (section*.38) 130 0 R (section*.4) 6 0 R (section*.40) 138 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.34) (section*.40)] +>> endobj +2194 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.41) 142 0 R (section*.43) 150 0 R (section*.44) 154 0 R (section*.46) 162 0 R (section*.47) 166 0 R (section*.49) 174 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.41) (section*.49)] +>> endobj +2195 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.5) 10 0 R (section*.50) 178 0 R (section*.52) 186 0 R (section*.53) 190 0 R (section*.55) 198 0 R (section*.56) 202 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.5) (section*.56)] +>> endobj +2196 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.57) 206 0 R (section*.59) 214 0 R (section*.6) 14 0 R (section*.60) 218 0 R (section*.62) 226 0 R (section*.63) 230 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.57) (section*.63)] +>> endobj +2197 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.65) 238 0 R (section*.66) 242 0 R (section*.68) 250 0 R (section*.69) 254 0 R (section*.7) 18 0 R (section*.71) 262 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.65) (section*.71)] +>> endobj +2198 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.72) 266 0 R (section*.74) 274 0 R (section*.75) 278 0 R (section*.77) 286 0 R (section*.78) 290 0 R (section*.8) 22 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.72) (section*.8)] +>> endobj +2199 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.80) 298 0 R (section*.81) 302 0 R (section*.83) 310 0 R (section*.86) 322 0 R (section*.87) 326 0 R (section*.89) 334 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.80) (section*.89)] +>> endobj +2200 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.9) 26 0 R (section*.90) 338 0 R (section*.93) 350 0 R (section*.94) 354 0 R (section*.96) 362 0 R (section*.97) 366 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.9) (section*.97)] +>> endobj +2201 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.99) 374 0 R (subsection*.12) 993 0 R (subsection*.14) 1024 0 R (subsection*.152) 1850 0 R (subsection*.153) 1851 0 R (subsection*.156) 1875 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.99) (subsection*.156)] +>> endobj +2202 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection*.16) 1049 0 R (subsection*.167) 1933 0 R (subsection*.168) 1934 0 R (subsection*.169) 1935 0 R (subsection*.170) 1936 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection*.16) (subsection*.170)] +>> endobj +2203 0 obj << +/Kids [2074 0 R 2075 0 R 2076 0 R 2077 0 R 2078 0 R 2079 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.13)] +>> endobj +2204 0 obj << +/Kids [2080 0 R 2081 0 R 2082 0 R 2083 0 R 2084 0 R 2085 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.130) (Item.162)] +>> endobj +2205 0 obj << +/Kids [2086 0 R 2087 0 R 2088 0 R 2089 0 R 2090 0 R 2091 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.163) (Item.195)] +>> endobj +2206 0 obj << +/Kids [2092 0 R 2093 0 R 2094 0 R 2095 0 R 2096 0 R 2097 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.196) (Item.227)] +>> endobj +2207 0 obj << +/Kids [2098 0 R 2099 0 R 2100 0 R 2101 0 R 2102 0 R 2103 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.228) (Item.26)] +>> endobj +2208 0 obj << +/Kids [2104 0 R 2105 0 R 2106 0 R 2107 0 R 2108 0 R 2109 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.260) (Item.292)] +>> endobj +2209 0 obj << +/Kids [2110 0 R 2111 0 R 2112 0 R 2113 0 R 2114 0 R 2115 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.293) (Item.324)] +>> endobj +2210 0 obj << +/Kids [2116 0 R 2117 0 R 2118 0 R 2119 0 R 2120 0 R 2121 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.325) (Item.357)] +>> endobj +2211 0 obj << +/Kids [2122 0 R 2123 0 R 2124 0 R 2125 0 R 2126 0 R 2127 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.358) (Item.39)] +>> endobj +2212 0 obj << +/Kids [2128 0 R 2129 0 R 2130 0 R 2131 0 R 2132 0 R 2133 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.390) (Item.46)] +>> endobj +2213 0 obj << +/Kids [2134 0 R 2135 0 R 2136 0 R 2137 0 R 2138 0 R 2139 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.47) (Item.79)] +>> endobj +2214 0 obj << +/Kids [2140 0 R 2141 0 R 2142 0 R 2143 0 R 2144 0 R 2145 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.8) (chapter*.137)] +>> endobj +2215 0 obj << +/Kids [2146 0 R 2147 0 R 2148 0 R 2149 0 R 2150 0 R 2151 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.140) (chapter*.79)] +>> endobj +2216 0 obj << +/Kids [2152 0 R 2153 0 R 2154 0 R 2155 0 R 2156 0 R 2157 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter*.82) (page.123)] +>> endobj +2217 0 obj << +/Kids [2158 0 R 2159 0 R 2160 0 R 2161 0 R 2162 0 R 2163 0 R] +/Limits [(page.124) (page.156)] +>> endobj +2218 0 obj << +/Kids [2164 0 R 2165 0 R 2166 0 R 2167 0 R 2168 0 R 2169 0 R] +/Limits [(page.157) (page.47)] +>> endobj +2219 0 obj << +/Kids [2170 0 R 2171 0 R 2172 0 R 2173 0 R 2174 0 R 2175 0 R] +/Limits [(page.48) (page.8)] +>> endobj +2220 0 obj << +/Kids [2176 0 R 2177 0 R 2178 0 R 2179 0 R 2180 0 R 2181 0 R] +/Limits [(page.80) (section*.111)] +>> endobj +2221 0 obj << +/Kids [2182 0 R 2183 0 R 2184 0 R 2185 0 R 2186 0 R 2187 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.112) (section*.162)] +>> endobj +2222 0 obj << +/Kids [2188 0 R 2189 0 R 2190 0 R 2191 0 R 2192 0 R 2193 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.163) (section*.40)] +>> endobj +2223 0 obj << 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Shaw) /Title (Learn Python The Hard Way) /Author()/Title()/Subject()/Creator(LaTeX with hyperref package)/Producer(pdfTeX-1.40.10)/Keywords() +/CreationDate (D:20101101125924-07'00') +/ModDate (D:20101101125924-07'00') +/Trapped /False +/PTEX.Fullbanner (This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10-2.2 (TeX Live 2009/Debian) kpathsea version 5.0.0) +>> endobj +xref +0 2233 +0000000000 65535 f +0000000015 00000 n +0000056714 00000 n +0000539830 00000 n +0000000061 00000 n +0000000101 00000 n +0000056936 00000 n +0000539760 00000 n +0000000147 00000 n +0000000184 00000 n +0000056991 00000 n +0000539676 00000 n +0000000230 00000 n +0000000268 00000 n +0000057046 00000 n +0000539590 00000 n +0000000315 00000 n +0000000354 00000 n +0000060522 00000 n +0000539504 00000 n +0000000401 00000 n +0000000437 00000 n +0000060578 00000 n +0000539418 00000 n +0000000484 00000 n +0000000537 00000 n +0000060634 00000 n +0000539345 00000 n +0000000584 00000 n +0000000610 00000 n +0000063125 00000 n 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    Thinking in Tkinter


    + by Stephen Ferg (steve@ ferg.org)
    + revised: 2005-07-17

    + This file contains the source code for + all of the files in the Thinking in Tkinter series.

    + If you print this file with a small font, you should be able + to print it in portrait mode without truncating the ends of any of the lines + of code. If you print it, and find that you ARE truncating lines of code, + consider printing it in a smaller font, or printing it in landscape mode. +

    + Printed size is approximately 40 to 60 pages, depending + on your print settings. You can see what the printed result will look like, + and how many pages it will require, by looking at the results of Print Preview + before you actually print the file. +



     Subject: "Thinking in Tkinter"
    + Author : Stephen Ferg (steve@ferg.org)

    About " Thinking In Tkinter "

    + +

    I've been trying to teach myself Tkinter out of various books, and I'm finding +it more difficult than I think it should be. +

    + +

    The problem is that the authors of the books want to rush into telling me about +all of the widgets in the Tkinter toolbox, but never really pause to explain +basic concepts. They don't explain how to "think in Tkinter". +

    + +

    Here are a few short programs that begin to explain how to think in Tkinter. In +them, I don't attempt to catalog all of the types of widgets, attributes, and +methods that are available in Tkinter. and I certainly don't try to provide a +comprehensive introduction to Tkinter. I just try to get you started down the +road of understanding some basic Tkinter concepts. +

    + +

    Note that the discussion is devoted exclusively to the Tkinter pack (or +"packer") geometry manager. There is no discussion of the grid or place +geometry managers. +

    + +

    The Four Basic Gui-programming Tasks

    + +

    When you develop a user interface (UI) there is a standard set of tasks that you +must accomplish. +

    + +

    1) You must specify how you want the UI to *look*. That is, you must write code +that determines what the user will see on the computer screen. +

    + +

    2) You must decide what you want the UI to *do*. That is, you must write +routines that accomplish the tasks of the program. +

    + +

    3) You must associate the "looking" with the "doing". That is, you must write +code that associates the things that the user sees on the screen with the +routines that you have written to perform the program's tasks. +

    + +

    4) finally, you must write code that sits and waits for input from the user. +

    + +

    Some Gui-programming Jargon

    + +

    GUI (graphical user interface) programming has some special jargon associated +with these basic tasks. +

    + +

    1) We specify how we want a GUI to look by describing the "widgets" that we want +it to display, and their spatial relationships (i.e. whether one widget is above +or below, or to the right or left, of other widgets). The word "widget" is a +nonsense word that has become the common term for "graphical user interface +component". Widgets include things such as windows, buttons, menus and menu +items, icons, drop-down lists, scroll bars, and so on. +

    + +

    2) The routines that actually do the work of the GUI are called "callback +handlers" or "event handlers". "Events" are input events such as mouse clicks +or presses of a key on the keyboard. These routines are called "handlers" +because they "handle" (that is, respond to) such events. +

    + +

    3) Associating an event handler with a widget is called "binding". Roughly, the +process of binding involves associating three different things: +

    	(a) a type of event (e.g. a click of the left mouse button,
    +	    or a press of the ENTER key on the keyboard),
    +	(b) a widget (e.g. a button), and
    +	(c) an event-handler routine.

    For example, we might bind (a) a single-click of the left mouse button on (b) +the "CLOSE" button/widget on the screen to (c) the "closeProgram" routine, which +closes the window and shuts down the program. +

    + +

    4) The code that sits and waits for input is called the "event loop". +

    + +

    About The Event Loop

    + +

    If you believe the movies, every small town has a little old lady who spends all +of her time at her front window, just WATCHING. She sees everything that goes +on in the neighborhood. A lot of what she sees is uninteresting of course -- +just people going to and fro in the street. But some of it is interesting -- +like a big fight between the newly-wed couple in the house across the street. +When interesting events happen, the watchdog lady immediately is on the phone with +the news to the police or to her neighbors. +

    + +

    The event loop is a lot like this watchdog lady. The event loop spends all of +its time watching events go by, and it sees all of them. Most of the events are +uninteresting, and when it sees them, it does nothing. But when it sees +something interesting -- an event that it knows is interesting, because an event +handler has been bound to the event -- then it immediately calls up the event +handler and lets it know that the event has happened. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    This program eases you into user-interace programming by showing how these basic +concepts are implemented in a very simple program. This program doesn't use +Tkinter or any form of GUI programming. It just puts up a menu on the console, +and gets simple keyboard input. Even so, as you can see, it does the four basic +tasks of user-interface programming. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +#----- task 2:  define the event handler routines ---------------------
    +def handle_A():
    +    print "Wrong! Try again!"
    +def handle_B():
    +    print "Absolutely right!  Trillium is a kind of flower!"
    +def handle_C():
    +    print "Wrong! Try again!"
    +# ------------ task 1: define the appearance of the screen ------------
    +print "\n"*100   # clear the screen
    +print "            VERY CHALLENGING GUESSING GAME"
    +print "========================================================"
    +print "Press the letter of your answer, then the ENTER key."
    +print "    A.  Animal"
    +print "    B.  Vegetable"
    +print "    C.  Mineral"
    +print "    X.  Exit from this program"
    +print "========================================================"
    +print "What kind of thing is 'Trillium'?"
    +# ---- task 4: the event loop.  We loop forever, observing events. ---
    +while 1:
    +    # We observe the next event
    +    answer = raw_input().upper()
    +    # -------------------------------------------------------
    +    # Task 3: Associate interesting keyboard events with their
    +    # event handlers.  A simple form of binding.
    +    # -------------------------------------------------------
    +    if answer == "A": handle_A()
    +    if answer == "B": handle_B()
    +    if answer == "C": handle_C()
    +    if answer == "X":
    +        # clear the screen and exit the event loop
    +        print "\n"*100
    +        break
    +    # Note that any other events are uninteresting, and are ignored



    The Simplest Possible Tkinter Program -- Three Statements!

    + +

    Of the four basic GUI tasks that we discussed in the last program, +this program does only one -- it runs the event loop. +

    + +

    (1) +The first statement imports Tkinter, so that it is available for use. Note that +the form of the import ("from Tkinter import *") means that we will not have to +qualify anything that we get from Tkinter with a "Tkinter." prefix. +

    + +

    (2) +The second statement creates a "toplevel" window. Technically, what the the +second statement is doing, is creating an instance of the class "Tkinter.Tk". +

    + +

    This toplevel window is the highest-level GUI component in any +Tkinter application. By convention, the toplevel window is usually +named "root". +

    + +

    (3) +The third statement executes the "mainloop" (that is, the event loop) method of +the "root" object. As the mainloop runs, it waits for events to happen in root. +If an event occurs, then it is handled and the loop continues running, waiting +for the next evernt. The loop continues to execute until a "destroy" event +happens to the root window. A "destroy" event is one that closes a window. +When the root is destroyed, the window is closed and the event loop is exited. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will see that (thanks to Tk) the toplevel window +automatically comes furnished with widgets to minimize, maximize, and close the +window. Try them -- you'll see that they really do work. +

    + +

    Clicking on the "close" widget (the "x" in a box, at the right of the title bar) +generates a "destroy" event. The destroy event terminates the main event loop. +And since there are no statements after "root.mainloop()", the program has nothing +more to do, and ends. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import * ### (1)
    +root = Tk()           ### (2)
    +root.mainloop()       ### (3)



    Now we tackle another of the four main GUI tasks -- specifying how the GUI +should look. +

    + +

    In this program, we introduce three major concepts of Tkinter programming: +

    	* creating a GUI object and associating it with its parent
    +	* packing
    +	* containers vs. widgets

    From now on, I'm going to distinguish between a container component and a +widget. As I will be using the terms, a "widget" is a GUI component that +(usually) is visible and does things. A "container" in contrast is simply a +container -- a basket, as it were -- into which we can put widgets. +

    + +

    Tkinter provides a number of containers. "Canvas" is a container for drawing +applications. The most frequently used container is a "frame". +

    + +

    Frames are provided by Tkinter in a class called "Frame". An expression like: +


    creates an instance of the Frame class (that is, it creates a frame), and +associates the frame instance with its parent, myParent. Or another way of +looking at it is: such an expression adds a child frame to the myParent +component. +

    + +

    So in this program, statement (1): +

    	myContainer1 = Frame(myParent)

    creates a frame whose parent is myParent (that is, root), and gives it the name +"myContainer1". In short, it creates a container into which we can put widgets. +(We won't put any widgets into in this program. We'll do that in later programs.) +

    + +

    Note that the parent/child relationship here is a LOGICAL one, not a visual one. +This relationship exists to support such things as the destroy event -- so that +when a parent component (such as the root) is destroyed, the parent knows who +its children are, and can destroy them before destroying itself. +

    + +

    (2) +The next statement "packs" myContainer1. +


    Simply put, "packing" is a process of setting up a VISUAL relationship between a +GUI component and its parent. If you don't pack a component, you will never see +it. +

    + +

    "Pack" invokes the Tkinter "pack" geometry manager. A geometry manager is +essentially an API -- a way of talking to Tkinter -- for telling Tkinter how you +want containers and widgets to be visually presented. Tkinter supports three +geometry managers: pack, grid, and place. Pack (and to a lesser extent) grid +are the most widely used, because they are the easiest to use. All of the +examples in "Thinking in Tkinter" use the pack geometry manager. +

    + +

    So here you see a basic pattern for Tkinter programming that we will see +over and over again. +

      (1) an instance (of a widget or a container) is created, and associated with its parent
    +  (2) the instance is packed.

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, it will look very much like the previous one, except +that there will be less to see. That is because ... +

    + +

    Frames Are Elastic

    + +

    A frame is basically a container. The interior of a container -- the "space" as +it were, inside the container -- is called the "cavity". ("Cavity" is a +technical term that Tkinter gets from Tk.) +

    + +

    This cavity is "stretchy" or elastic, like a rubber band. Unless you specify an +minimum or maximum size for the frame, the cavity will stretch or shrink to +accommodate whatever is placed inside the frame. +

    + +

    In the previous program, because we hadn't put anything into it, the root +displayed itself with its default size. +

    + +

    But in this program, we *have* put something into the root's cavity -- we have +put Container1 into it. So the root frame shrinks to accommodate the size of +Container1. But since we haven't put any widgets into Container1, and we haven't +specified a minimum size for Container1, the root's cavity shrinks down to +nothing. That is why there is nothing to see below the title bar. +

    + +

    In the next few programs, we will put widgets and other containers into +Container1, and you will see how Container1 stretches to accommodate them. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-24] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +root = Tk()
    +myContainer1 = Frame(root)  ### (1)
    +myContainer1.pack()         ### (2)



    In this program, we create our first widget, and put it into myContainer1. +

    + +

    (1) +The widget will be a button -- that is, it will be an instance of the Tkinter +"Button" class. The statement: +

    		button1 = Button(myContainer1)

    creates the button, gives it the name "button1", and associates it with its +parent, the container object called myContainer1. +

    + +

    (2)(3) +Widgets have many attributes, which are stored in their local namespace +dictionary. Button widgets have attributes to control their size, their +foreground and background colors, the text that they display, how their borders +look, and so on. In this example, we will set just two of button1's +attributes: the background color and the text. We do it by setting the values +in the button's dictionary with the keys "text" and "background". +

    		button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"
    +		button1["background"] = "green"

    (4) +And of course, we pack button1. +


    Some Useful Technical Terminology

    + +

    Sometimes the relationship between a container and the widget(s) that it +contains is referred to as a "parent/child" relationship. It is also +referred to as a "master/slave" relationship. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you should see that Container1 now contains a green +button with the text "Hello, World!". When you click on it, it won't do +anything, because we haven't yet specified what we want to happen when the +button is clicked. (We'll do that later.) +

    + +

    For now, you will have to close the window, as before, by clicking the CLOSE +icon on the title bar. +

    + +

    Note how myContainer1 has stretched to accommodate button1. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +root = Tk()
    +myContainer1 = Frame(root)
    +button1 = Button(myContainer1)      ### (1)
    +button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"    ### (2)
    +button1["background"] = "green"     ### (3)
    +button1.pack()	                    ### (4)



    Using A Class Structure

    + +

    In this program, we introduce the concept of structuring a Tkinter application +as a set of classes. +

    + +

    In this program, we have added a class called MyApp and moved some of the code +from the previous program into its constructor (__init__) method. In this +restructured version of the program, we do 3 different things: +

    + +

    (1) +In our code, we define a class (MyApp) that defines how we want our GUI to look. +It defines the way we want our GUI to look and the kinds of things that we want +to do with it. All of this code is put into the constructor (__init__) method +of the class. (1a) +

    + +

    (2) +When the program executes, the first thing it does is to create an instance of +the class. The statement that creates the instance is +

       myapp = MyApp(root)

    Note that the name of the class is "MyApp" (note the capitalization) and +the name of the instance is "myapp" (note the lack of capitalization). +

    + +

    Note also that this statement passes "root" as an argument into the constructor +method (__init__) of MyApp. The constructor method recognizes the root under +the name "myParent". (1a) +

    + +

    (3) +Finally, we run mainloop on the root. +

    + +

    Why Structure Your Application As A Class?

    + +

    One of the reasons to use a class structure in your program is simply to control +the program better. A program that is structured into classes is probably -- +especially if it is a very big program -- a lot easier to understand than one +that is unstructured. +

    + +

    A more important consideration is that structuring your application as a +class helps you to avoid the use of global variables. Eventually, as your +program grows, you will probably want some of your event handlers to be able +to share information among themselves. One way is to use global variables, +but that is a very messy techniqe. A much better way is to use instance (that is, +"self." variables), and for that you must give your application a class +structure. We will explore this issue in a later program in this series. +

    + +

    When To Introduce Class Structuring

    + +

    We've introduced the notion of a class structure for Tkinter programs early, in +order to explain it and then move on to other matters. But in actual +development, you may choose to proceed differently. +

    + +

    In many cases, a Tkinter program starts as a simple script. All of the code is +inline, as in our previous program. Then, as you understand new dimensions of +the application, the programs grows. After a while, you have a LOT of code. You +may have started to use global variables... maybe a LOT of global variables. +The program starts to become difficult to understand and modify. When that +happens, it is time to refactor your program, and to re-structure it using +classes. +

    + +

    On the other hand, if you are comfortable with classes, and have a pretty good +idea of the final shape of your program, you may choose to structure your +program using classes from the very beginning. +

    + +

    But on the other hand (back to the first hand?), early in the development +process (Gerrit Muller has observed) often you don't yet know the best class +structure to use -- early in the process, you simply don't have a clear enough +understanding of the problem and the solution. Starting to use classes too +early in the process can introduce a lot of unnecessary structure that merely +clutters up the code, hinders understanding, and eventually requires more +refactoring. +

    + +

    So it is pretty much a matter of individual taste and experience and prevailing +circumstances. Do what feels right for you. And -- no matter what you choose +to do -- don't be afraid to do some serious refactoring when you need to. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, it will look exactly like the previous one. +No functionality has been changed -- only how the code is structured. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:                         ### (1)
    +    def __init__(self, myParent):      ### (1a)
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(myParent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"
    +        self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +        self.button1.pack()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)  ### (2)
    +root.mainloop()      ### (3)



    (1) +In the previous program, we created a button object, button1, and then set its +text and backround color in a fairly straightforward way. +

    		self.button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"
    +		self.button1["background"] = "green"

    In this program, we add three more button to Container1, using slightly +different methods. +

    + +

    (2) +For button2, the process is essentially the same as for button1, but instead of +accessing the button's dictionary, we use the button's built-in "configure" +method. +

    + +

    (3) +For button3, we see that the configure method can take multiple keyword +arguments, so we can set multiple options in a single statement. +

    + +

    (4) +In the previous examples, setting up the button has been a two-step process: +first we create the button, then we set its properties. But it is possible to +specify the button's properties at the time that we create it. The "Button" +widget (like all widgets) expects its first argument to be its parent. This is +a positional argument, not a keyword argument. But after that, you can, if you wish, +add one or more keyword arguments that specify properties of the widget. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you should see that Container1 now contains, in +addition to the original green button, three more buttons. +

    + +

    Note how myContainer1 has stretched to accommodate these other buttons. +

    + +

    Note also that the buttons are stacked on top of each other. In the next +program, we will see why they arrange themselves this way, and see how to +arrange them differently. +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button1["text"] = "Hello, World!"   ### (1)
    +        self.button1["background"] = "green"     ### (1)
    +        self.button1.pack()
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Off to join the circus!") ### (2)
    +        self.button2.configure(background="tan")               ### (2)
    +        self.button2.pack()
    +        self.button3 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button3.configure(text="Join me?", background="cyan")  ### (3)
    +        self.button3.pack()
    +        self.button4 = Button(self.myContainer1, text="Goodbye!", background="red") ### (4)
    +        self.button4.pack()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In the last program, we saw two buttons, stacked on top of each other. Probably, +however, we'd like to see them side-by-side. In this program, we do that, and we +start to see what we can do with pack(). +

    + +

    (1) (2) (3) (4) +

    + +

    Packing is a way of controlling the VISUAL relationship of components. So what +we are going to do now is to use the pack "side" option to put the buttons +side-by-side rather than stacked on top of each other. We do it with the "side" +argument to the pack() statement, for example: +


    Note that LEFT (like RIGHT, TOP, and BOTTOM) are user-friendly constants defined +in Tkinter. That is, "LEFT" is actually "Tkinter.LEFT" -- but because of the +way that we imported Tkinter, we don't need to supply the "Tkinter." prefix. +

    + +

    Why The Buttons Were Stacked Vertically In The Last Program

    + +

    As you remember, in the last program, we just packed the buttons without specifying +any "side" option, and the buttons packed on top of each other. That is because the +default "side" option is "side=TOP". +

    + +

    So when we packed button1, it was packed at the top of the cavity inside of +myContainer1. That left the cavity for myContainer1 positioned below button1. +Then we packed button2. It was packed at the the top of the cavity, which means +that it was positioned immediately below button1. And the cavity is now positioned +below button2. +

    + +

    If we had packed the buttons in a different order -- for example, if we had +packed button2 first, and then packed button1 -- their positions would have been +reversed, and button2 would have been on top. +

    + +

    So, as you can see, one of the ways that you can control the appearance of your +GUI is by controlling the order in which you pack widgets inside containers. +

    + +

    Some Technical Terminology -- "orientation"

    + +

    "Vertical" orientation includes the TOP and BOTTOM sides. +"Horizonal" orientation includes the LEFT and RIGHT sides. +

    + +

    When you are packing widgets and containers, it is possible to mix the two +orientations. For example, we could have packed one button with a vertical +orientation (say, TOP) and the other button with a horizontal orientation (say, +LEFT). +

    + +

    But mixing orientations inside a container this way is not a good idea. If you +use mixed orientations, then predicting what the final result will look like is +difficult, and you will likely be surprised by the way the GUI looks if the +window is re-sized. +

    + +

    So it is a good design practice never to mix orientations with the same +container. The way to handle complicated GUIs, where you really do want to use +multiple orientations, is to nest containers within containers. We'll explore +that topic in a later program. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will now see the two buttons, side by side. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"
    +        self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)	### (1)
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Off to join the circus!")
    +        self.button2.configure(background="tan")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=LEFT)	 ### (2)
    +        self.button3 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button3.configure(text="Join me?", background="cyan")
    +        self.button3.pack(side=LEFT)	  ### (3)
    +        self.button4 = Button(self.myContainer1, text="Goodbye!", background="red")
    +        self.button4.pack(side=LEFT)	  ### (4)
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    Now it is time to get our buttons to do something. We turn our attention to the +last two (or our original four) basic GUI tasks -- writing event handler +routines to do the actual work of our program, and binding the event handler +routines to widgets and events. +

    + +

    Note that in this program we have abandoned all the buttons that we created in +our last program, and have returned to a simpler situation in which our GUI +contains only two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". +

    + +

    As you will remember from the discussion in our first program, one of the basic +GUI task is "binding". "Binding" is the process of defining a connection or +relationship between (usually): +

       * a widget,
    +   * a type of event, and
    +   * an "event handler".

    An "event handler" is a method or subroutine that handles events when they +occur. [In Java, event handlers are called "listeners". I like this name, +because it suggests exactly what they do -- "listen" for events, and respond to +them.] +

    + +

    In Tkinter, the way that you create this binding is through the bind() method +that is a feature of all Tkinter widgets. You use the bind() method in a +statement of the form: +

    	widget.bind(event_type_name, event_handler_name)

    This kind of binding is called "event binding". +

    + +

    [There is another way of binding an event_handler to a widget. It is called +"command binding" and we will look at it a couple of programs from now. But for +now, let's look at event binding. Once we understand what event binding is, it +will make it easier to explain command binding.] +

    + +

    Before we begin, we need to point out a possible point of confusion. The word +"button" can be used to refer to two entirely different things: (1) a button +widget -- a GUI component that is displayed on the computer monitor -- and (2) a +button on your mouse -- the kind of button that you press with your finger. In +order to avoid confusion, I will usually try to distinguish them by referring to +"button widget" or "mouse button" rather than simply to "button". +

    + +

    (1) +We bind "<Button-1>" events (clicks of the left mouse button) on the button1 +widget to the "self.button1Click" method. When button1 is left-clicked with the mouse, +the self.button1Click() method will be invoked to handle the event. +

    + +

    (3) +Note that, although they aren't specified on the "bind" operation, self.button1Click() +will be passed two arguments. The first, of course, will be "self", which is always the first +argument to all class methods in Python. The second will be an event object. This technique of binding +and event (that is, using the bind() method) always implicitly passes an event object as +an argument. +

    + +

    In Python/Tkinter, when an event occurs, it takes the form of an event object. An +event object is extremely useful, because it carries with it all sorts of useful information +and methods. You can examine the event object to find out what kind of event occurred, +the widget where it occurred, and other useful bits of information. +

    + +

    (4) +So, what do we want to happen when button1 is clicked? Well, in this case we have +it do something quite simple. It simply changes its color from green to yellow, and +back again. +

    + +

    (2) +Let's make button2 (the "Goodbye!" button) actually do some useful work. We will make +it shut down the window. So we bind a left-mouse click in button2 to the button2Click() +method, and +

    + +

    (6) +We have the button2Click() method destroy the root window, the parent window of +myapp. This will have a ripple effect, and will destroy all the children and +descendents of the root. In short, every part of the GUI will be destroyed. +

    + +

    Of course, to do this, myapp has to know who its parent is. So (7) we add code +to its constructor to allow myapp to remember its parent. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will see two buttons. Clicking on the "OK" button +will change its color. Clicking on the "Cancel" button will shut down the +application. +

    + +

    When our GUI is open, if you hit the TAB key on the keyboard, you will notice +that the keyboard focus tabs between the two buttons. But if you hit the +ENTER/RETURN key on the keyboard, nothing happens. That is because we have +bound only mouse clicks, not keyboard events, to our buttons. Our next task +will be to bind keyboard events to the buttons, also. +

    + +

    Finally, notice that because the text of one button is shorter than the text of the +other, the two buttons are of different sizes. This is rather ugly. We will +fix that in a later program. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent  ### (7) remember my parent, the root
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Button-1>", self.button1Click) ### (1)
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Button-1>", self.button2Click) ### (2)
    +    def button1Click(self, event):    ### (3)
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green": ### (4)
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self, event):  ### (5)
    +        self.myParent.destroy()     ### (6)
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In the previous program, you could make the buttons do something by clicking on +them with the mouse, but you couldn't make them do something by pressing a key +on the keyboard. In this program, we see how to make them react to keyboard +events as well as mouse events. +

    + +

    First, we need the concept of "input focus", or simply "focus". +

    + +

    If you're familiar with Greek mythology (or if you saw the Disney animated movie +"Hercules") you may remember the Fates. The Fates were three old women who +controlled the destinies of men. Each human life was a thread in the hands of +the Fates, and when they cut the thread, the life ended. +

    + +

    The remarkable thing about the Fates was that they shared only one eye among +all three of them. The one with the eye had to do all of the seeing, and tell +the other two what she saw. The eye could be passed from one Fate to another, +so they could take turns seeing. And of course, if you could steal the eye, you +had a MAJOR bargaining chip when negotiating with the Fates. +

    + +

    "Focus" is what allows the widgets on your GUI to see keyboard events. It is to +the widgets on your GUI, what the single eye was to the Fates. +

    + +

    Only one widget at a time can have the focus, and the widget that "has focus" is +the widget that sees, and responds to, keyboard events. "Setting focus" on a +widget is the process of giving the focus to the widget. +

    + +

    In this program, for example, our GUI has two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". +Suppose I hit the RETURN button on the keyboard. Will that keypress "Return" +event be seen by (or sent to) the "OK" button, indicating the user has accepted +his choice? Or will the "Return" event be seen by (or sent to) the "Cancel" +button, indicating that the user has cancelled the operation? It depends on +where the "focus" is. That is, it depends on which (if any) of the buttons "has +focus". +

    + +

    Like the Fates' eye, which could be passed from one Fate to another, focus can +be passed from one GUI widget to another. There are several ways of passing, or +moving, the focus from one widget to another. One way is with the mouse. You +can "set focus" on a widget by clicking on the widget with the left mouse +button. (At least, this model, which is called the "click to type" model, is +the way it works on Windows and Macintosh, and in Tk and Tkinter. There are +some systems that use a "focus follows mouse" convention in which the widget +that is under the mouse automatically has focus, and no click is necessary. You +can get the same effect in Tk by using the tk_focusFollowsMouse procedure.) +

    + +

    Another way to set focus is with the keyboard. The set of widgets that are +capable of receiving the focus are stored in a circular list (the "traversal +order") in the order in which the widgets were created. Hitting the TAB key on +the keyboard moves the focus from its current location (which may be nowhere) to +the next widget in the list. At the end of the list, the focus moves to the +widget at the head of the list. And hitting SHIFT+TAB moves the focus backward, +rather than forward, in the list. +

    + +

    When a GUI button has focus, the fact that it has focus is shown by a small +dotted box around the text of the button. Here's how to see it. Run our +previous program. When the program starts, and the GUI displays, neither of the +buttons has focus, so you don't see the dotted box. Now hit the TAB key. You +will see the little dotted box appear around the left button, showing that focus +has been given to it. Now hit the TAB key again, and again. You will see how +the focus jumps to the next button, and when it reaches the last button, it +wraps around again to the first one. (Since the program shows only two buttons, +the effect is that the focus jumps back and forth between the two buttons.) +

    + +

    (0) +In this program, we would like the OK button to have focus from the very +beginning. So we use the "focus_force()" method, which forces the focus to go to +the OK button. When you run this program, you will see that the OK button has +focus from the time the application starts. +

    + +

    In the last program, our buttons responded to only one keyboard event -- a keyprees +of the TAB key -- which moved the focus back and forth between the two buttons. +But if you hit the ENTER/RETURN key on the keyboard, nothing happened. That is +because we had bound only mouse clicks, not keyboard events, to our buttons. +

    + +

    In this program we will also bind keyboard events to the buttons. +

    + +

    (1) (2) +The statements to bind keyboard events to the buttons are quite simple -- they +have the same format as statements to bind mouse events. The only difference is +that the name of the event is the name of a keyboard event (in this case, +"<Return>") rather than a mouse event. +

    + +

    We want a press of the RETURN key on the keyboard and a click of the left mouse +button to have the same effect on the widget, so we bind the same event handler +to both types of events. +

    + +

    This program shows that you can bind multiple types of events to a single widget +(such as a button). And you can bind multiple <widget, event> combinations to +the same event handler. +

    + +

    (3) (4) +Now that our button widgets respond to multiple kinds of events, we can +demonstrate how to retrieve information from an event object. What we will do +is to pass the event objects to (5) a "report_event" routine that will (6) print +out information about the event that it obtains from the event's attributes. +

    + +

    Note that in order to see this information printed out on the console, you +must run this program using python (not pythonw) from a console window. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will see two buttons. Clicking on the left +button, or pressing the RETURN key when the button has the keyboard focus, will +change its color. Clicking on the right button, or pressing the RETURN key when +the button has the keyboard focus, will shut down the application. For any of +these keyboard or mouse events, you should see a printed message giving the time +of the event and describing the event. +

    + +

    [Revised: 2002-09-26] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()         ### (0)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Button-1>", self.button1Click)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.button1Click)  ### (1)
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Button-1>", self.button2Click)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.button2Click)  ### (2)
    +    def button1Click(self, event):
    +        report_event(event)        ### (3)
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green":
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self, event):
    +        report_event(event)   ### (4)
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +def report_event(event):     ### (5)
    +    """Print a description of an event, based on its attributes.
    +    """
    +    event_name = {"2": "KeyPress", "4": "ButtonPress"}
    +    print "Time:", str(event.time)   ### (6)
    +    print "EventType=" + str(event.type), \
    +        event_name[str(event.type)],\
    +        "EventWidgetId=" + str(event.widget), \
    +        "EventKeySymbol=" + str(event.keysym)
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In an earlier program, we introduced "event binding". There is another way of +binding an event_handler to a widget. It is called "command binding" and we +will look at it in this program. +

    + +

    Command Binding

    + +

    You will remember that in our previous programs, we bound the "<Button-1>" mouse +event to our button widget. "Button" is another name for a "ButtonPress" mouse +event. And a "ButtonPress" mouse event is different from a "ButtonRelease" +mouse event. The "ButtonPress" event is the act of pushing down on the mouse +button, BUT NOT RELEASING IT. The "ButtonRelease" event is the act of releasing +the mouse button -- letting it up again. +

    + +

    We need to distinguish a mouse ButtonPress from a mouse ButtonRelease in order +to support such features as "drag and drop", in which we do a ButtonPress on +some GUI component, drag the component somewhere, and then "drop" it in the new +location by by releasing the mouse button. +

    + +

    But button widgets are not the kind of thing that can be dragged-and-dropped. +If a user thought that he could drag and drop a button, he might do a +ButtonPress on the button widget, then drag the mouse pointer to someplace else +on the screen, and release the mouse button. This is NOT the kind of activity +that we want to recognize as a "push" (or -- technical term -- "invocation") of +the button widget. For us to consider a button widget as having been pushed, we +want the user to do a ButtonPress on the widget, and then -- WITHOUT moving the +mouse pointer away from the widget -- to do a ButtonRelease. *THAT* is what we +will consider to be a button press. +

    + +

    This is a more complicated notion of button invocation than we have used in our +previous programs, where we simply bound a "Button-1" event to the button widget +using event binding. +

    + +

    Fortunately, there is another form of binding that supports this more +complicated notion of widget invocation. It is called "command binding" because +it uses the widget's "command" option. +

    + +

    In this program, look at the lines with comments (1) and (2) to see how command +binding is done. In those lines, we use the "command" option to bind button1 to +the "self.button1Click" event handler, and to bind button2 to the +"self.button2Click" event handler. +

    + +

    (3) (4) +

    + +

    Look at the definition of the event handlers themselves. Note that -- unlike +the event handlers in the previous program -- they are NOT expecting an event +object as an argument. That is because command binding, unlike event binding, +does NOT automatically pass an event object as an argument. And of course, this +makes sense. A command binding doesn't bind a single event to a handler. It +binds multiple events to a handler. For a Button widget, for instance, it binds +a pattern of a ButtonPress followed by a ButtonRelease to a handler. If it were +to pass an event to its event handler, which event would it pass: ButtonPress or +ButtonRelease? Neither would be exactly correct. This is why command binding, +unlike event binding, does not pass an event object. +

    + +

    We will look a little bit more at this difference in our next program, but for +now, let's run the program. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, the buttons that you see will look exactly like the +buttons in the previous program... but they will behave differently. +

    + +

    Compare their behavior when doing a mouse ButtonPress on one of the buttons. For +example, move the mouse pointer on the screen until it is positioned over the +"OK" button widget, and then press down on the left mouse button BUT +DO NOT LET THE MOUSE BUTTON UP. +

    + +

    If you do this with the previous example, the button1Click handler will be run +immediately and you will see a message printed. But if you do this with this program, +nothing will happen... UNTIL YOU RELEASE THE MOUSE BUTTON. When you release the mouse +button, you will see a printed message. +

    + +

    There is another difference. Compare their behaviour when you do a keypress of +the spacebar, and of the RETURN key. For example, use the TAB key to put the focus +on the "OK" button, then press the spacebar or the RETURN key. +

    + +

    In the previous program (where we bound the "OK" button to the "Return" keypress +event), pressing the spacebar has no effect but pressing the RETURN key causes the +button to change color. In this program, on the other hand, the behavior is just +the reverse -- pressing the spacebar causes the button to change color, but pressing +the RETURN key has no effect. +

    + +

    We'll look at these behaviors in our next program. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.button1Click) ### (1)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.button2Click)  ### (2)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +    def button1Click(self):  ### (3)
    +        print "button1Click event handler"
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green":
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self): ### (4)
    +        print "button2Click event handler"
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In the previous program, we introduced "command binding" and pointed out some of +the differences between event binding and command binding. In this program, we +explore those differences in a bit more detail. +

    + +

    What Events Does "command" Bind To?

    + +

    In the previous program, if you use the TAB key to put the focus on the "OK" +button, pressing the spacebar causes the button to change color, but pressing +the RETURN key has no effect. +

    + +

    The reason for this is that the "command" option for a Button widget provides +keyboard-event awareness as well as mouse-event awareness. The keyboard event +that it listens for is a press of the spacebar, not of the RETURN key. So, with +command binding, pressing the spacebar will cause the OK button to change color, +but pressing the RETURN key will have no effect. +

    + +

    This behavior seems (to me, at least, with my Windows background) unusual. So +part of the moral here is that if you are going to use command binding, it is a +good idea to understand exactly what it is you are binding to. That is, it is a +good idea to understand exactly what keyboard and/or mouse events cause the +command to be invoked. +

    + +

    Unfortunately, the only really reliable source of this information is the Tk +source code itself. For more accessible information, you can check books about +Tk (Brent Welch's "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk" is especially good) or +about Tkinter. The Tk documentation is spotty, but available online. For +version 8.4 of Tcl, the online documentation is available at: +


    You should also know that not all widgets provide a "command" option. Most of +the various Button widgets (RadioButton, CheckButton, etc.) do. And others +provide similar options (e.g. scrollcommand). But you really have to +investigate each different kind of widget to find out whether it supports +command binding. But by all means learn about the "command" option for the +widgets that you will be using. It will improve the behavior of your GUI, and +make your life as a coder easier. +

    + +

    Using Event Binding And Command Binding Together

    + +

    We noted in our last program that command binding, unlike event binding, does +NOT automatically pass an event object as an argument. This can make life a +little complicated if you want to bind an event handler to a widget using *both* +event binding *and* command binding. +

    + +

    For example, in this program we really would like our buttons to respond to +presses of the RETURN key as well as the spacebar. But to get them to do that, +we will have to use event binding to the <Return> keyboard event, like we did in +our earlier program. (1) +

    + +

    The problem is that the command binding will not pass an event object as an +argument, but the event binding will. So how should we write our event handler? +

    + +

    There are a number of solutions to this problem, but the simplest is to write +two event handlers. The "real" event handler (2) will be the one used by the +"command" binding, and it won't expect an event object. +

    + +

    The other event handler (3) will just be a wrapper for the real event-handler. +This wrapper will expect the event-object argument, but will ignore it and call +the real event-handler without it. We will give the wrapper the same name as +the real event-handler, but with an added "_a" suffix. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    If you run this program, the behavior will be the same as the previous program, +except for the fact that now the buttons will respond to a press of the RETURN +key as well as the spacebar. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.button1Click)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.button1Click_a)    ### (1)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.button2Click)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.button2Click_a)    ### (1)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +    def button1Click(self):  ### (2)
    +        print "button1Click event handler"
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green":
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self): ### (2)
    +        print "button2Click event handler"
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +    def button1Click_a(self, event):  ### (3)
    +        print "button1Click_a event handler (a wrapper)"
    +        self.button1Click()
    +    def button2Click_a(self, event):  ### (3)
    +        print "button2Click_a event handler (a wrapper)"
    +        self.button2Click()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In the last few programs, we explored ways to make your programs actually do +work with event handlers. +

    + +

    In this program, we take a quick look at sharing information between event +handlers. +

    + +

    Sharing Information Between Event-handler Functions

    + +

    There are a variety of situations in which you might want an event handler to +perform some task, and then share the results of that task with other event +handlers in your program. +

    + +

    A common pattern is that you have an application with two sets of widgets. One +set of widgets sets up, or chooses, some piece of information, and the other set +of widgets does something with the information. +

    + +

    For example, you might have a widget that allows a user to pick a filename from +a list of filenames, and another set of widgets that offer various operations on +the file that was picked -- opening the file, deleting it, copying it, renaming +it, and so on. +

    + +

    Or you might have one set of widgets that sets various configuration options for +your application, and another set (buttons offering SAVE and CANCEL options, +perhaps) that either save those settings to disk, or cancel without saving them. +

    + +

    Or you might have one set of widgets that sets up parameters for a program that +you want to run, and another widget (probably a button with a name like RUN or +EXECUTE) that starts the program running with those parameters. +

    + +

    Or you might need one invocation of an event-handler function to pass information +to a later invocation of the same function. Consider an event handler that +simply toggles a variable back and forth between two different values. In order +for it to assign a new value to the variable, it has to know what value it +assigned to the variable the last time it was run. +

    + +

    The Problem

    + +

    The problem here is that each event handler is a separate function. Each event +handler has its own local variables that it does not share with other +event-handler functions, or even with later invocations of itself. So the +problem is this -- How can an event-handler function share data with other +handlers, if it can't share its local variables with them? +

    + +

    The solution, of course, is that the variables that need to be shared cannot be +local to the event handler functions. They must be stored *outside* of the +event handler functions. +

    + +

    Solution 1 -- Use Global Variables

    + +

    One technique for doing this is to make them (the variables that you want to +share) global. For example, in each handler that needs to change or see +myVariable1 and myVariable2, you can put the statement: +

    		global myVariable1, myVariable2

    But the use of global variables is potentially dangerous, and is generally +frowned upon as sloppy programming. +

    + +

    Solution 2 -- Use Instance Variables

    + +

    A much cleaner technique is to use "instance variables" (that is, "self." +variables) to hold the information that you want to share between event +handlers. To do this, of course, your application must be implemented in a +class, and not simply as in-line code. +

    + +

    This was one of the reasons that (earlier in this series) we put our application +into a class. Since we did that earlier, at this point our application already +has an infrastructure that will allow us to use instance variables. +

    + +

    In this program, we are going to remember and share a very simple piece of +information: the name of the last button that was invoked. We will store it in +an instance variable called "self.myLastButtonInvoked". [see ### 1 comments] +

    + +

    And to show that we actually are remembering this information, whenever a button +handler is invoked, it will print out this information. [see ### 2 comments] +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    This program shows three buttons. When you run this program, if you click on any +of the buttons, it will display its own name, and the name of the previous +button that was clicked. +

    + +

    Note that none of the buttons will close the application, so when you are ready +to close it, you must use the CLOSE widget (the icon with an "X" in a box, at +the right side of the titlebar). +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-05] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        ### 1 -- At the outset, we haven't yet invoked any button handler.
    +        self.myLastButtonInvoked = None
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        self.yellowButton = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.yellowButtonClick)
    +        self.yellowButton.configure(text="YELLOW", background="yellow")
    +        self.yellowButton.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.redButton = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.redButtonClick)
    +        self.redButton.configure(text="RED", background= "red")
    +        self.redButton.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.whiteButton = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.whiteButtonClick)
    +        self.whiteButton.configure(text="WHITE", background="white")
    +        self.whiteButton.pack(side=LEFT)
    +    def redButtonClick(self):
    +        print "RED    button clicked.  Previous button invoked was", self.myLastButtonInvoked  ### 2
    +        self.myLastButtonInvoked = "RED"  ### 1
    +    def yellowButtonClick(self):
    +        print "YELLOW button clicked.  Previous button invoked was", self.myLastButtonInvoked ### 2
    +        self.myLastButtonInvoked = "YELLOW" ### 1
    +    def whiteButtonClick(self):
    +        print "WHITE  button clicked.  Previous button invoked was", self.myLastButtonInvoked ### 2
    +        self.myLastButtonInvoked = "WHITE" ### 1
    +print "\n"*100 # a simple way to clear the screen
    +print "Starting..."
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)
    +print "... Done!"



    In this program we explore some ... +

    + +

    More Advanced Features Of Command Binding

    + +

    In our program tt075.py, we used the "command" option to bind an event handler +to a widget. For example, in that program the statement +

        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1, command=self.button1Click)

    bound the button1Click function to the button1 widget. +

    + +

    And we used event binding to bind our buttons to the <Return> keyboard event. +

        self.button1.bind("", self.button1Click_a)

    In our earlier program, the event handlers for the two buttons performed quite +different functions. +

    + +

    But suppose that the situation was different. Suppose that we have several +buttons, all of which should trigger essentially the *same* type of action. The +best way to handle such a situation is to bind the events for all of the buttons +to a single event handler. Each button would invoke the same handler routine, +but pass it different arguments telling it what to do. +

    + +

    That is what we are doing in this program. +

    + +

    Command Binding

    + +

    In this program, as you can see, we have two buttons, and we use the "command" +option to bind them all to the same event handler -- the "buttonHandler" routine. +We pass the buttonHandler routine three arguments: the name of the button (in +the button_name variable), a number, and a string. +

        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +    	command=self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!")
    +    	)

    In a serious application, the buttonHandler routine would of course do serious +work, but in this program it merely prints the arguments that it receives. +

    + +

    Event Binding

    + +

    So much for command binding. What about event binding? +

    + +

    You will note that we have commented out the two lines that do event binding on +the <Return> event. +

      # self.button1.bind("", self.buttonHandler_a(event, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    This is the first sign of a problem. Event binding automatically passes an +event argument -- but there is simply no way to include that event argument in +our list of arguments. +

    + +

    We'll have to come back to this problem later. For now, let's simply run the +program and see what happens. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you look at the code, this program looks quite reasonable. But when you +run it, you will see that it doesn't work right. The buttonHandler routine is +invoked even before the GUI is displayed. In fact, it is invoked TWO times! +

    + +

    And if you left-mouse-click on any of the buttons, you will find that nothing +happens -- the "eventHandler" routine is *not* being invoked. +

    + +

    Note that the only way to close this program is to click the "close" icon (the +"X" in a box) on the right side of the title bar. +

    + +

    So run the program now, and see what happens. Then, in our next program, we +will see why it happens. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        button_name = "OK"
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +            command=self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))
    +        # self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.buttonHandler_a(event, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))
    +        self.button1.configure(text=button_name, background="green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()  # Put keyboard focus on button1
    +        button_name = "Cancel"
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +            command=self.buttonHandler(button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!"))
    +        # self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.buttonHandler_a(event, button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!"))
    +        self.button2.configure(text=button_name, background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=LEFT)
    +    def buttonHandler(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
    +        print "    buttonHandler routine received arguments:", arg1.ljust(8), arg2, arg3
    + 	def buttonHandler_a(self, event, arg1, arg2, arg3):
    +        print "buttonHandler_a received event", event
    +        self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +print "\n"*100 # clear the screen
    +print "Starting program tt077."
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)
    +print "Ready to start executing the event loop."
    +print "Finished       executing the event loop."



    Looking at the execution of the last program, we have to ask: +"What's happening here??!! The "buttonHandler" routine is being executed for each +button, even before the event loop is started!!" +

    + +

    The reason is that in a statement like +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +       command = self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    we are calling the buttonHandler function, rather than asking that it be used as +a callback. That's not what we intended to do, but that is what we're actually +doing. +

    + +

    Note That -->

     * buttonHandler is a function object, and can be used as a callback binding.
    + * buttonHandler() (note the parenthesis) on the other hand is an actual call to
    +   the "buttonHandler" function.

    At the time that the statement +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +       command = self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    is executed, it is actually making a call to the "buttonHandler" routine. The +buttonHandler routine executes, printing its message, and returns the results of +the call (in this case, the None object). Then the button's "command" option is +bound to the results of the call. In short, the command is bound to the "None" +object. And that is why, when you click on either of the buttons, nothing +happens. +

    + +

    Is There A Solution?

    + +

    So... what's the solution? Is there any way to parameterize, and reuse, +an event-handler function? +

    + +

    Yes. There are a couple of generally recognized techniques for doing this. One +uses the Python built-in "lambda" function, and the other uses a technique +called "currying". +

    + +

    In this program we will discuss how to work with lambda, and in the next +program we will look at currying. +

    + +

    I'm not going to try to explain how lambda and currying work -- it is too +complicated and too far off-track from our main goal, which is to get Tkinter +programs working. So I'm going to simply treat them as black boxes. I won't +talk about how they work -- I'll only talk about how to work with them. +

    + +

    So let's look at lambda. +

    + +

    Command Binding

    + +

    Originally, we thought the following statement might work: +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +  	command = self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!")
    +  	)

    ... but we found out that it didn't work the way we thought it would. +

    + +

    The way to do what we want is to re-write this statement this way: +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +       command = lambda
    +       arg1=button_name, arg2=1, arg3="Good stuff!" :
    +       self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +       )

    Event Binding

    + +

    Happily, lambda also gives us a way to parameterize event binding. Instead of: +

    +     	self.buttonHandler_a(event, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    (which wouldn't work, because there was no way to include the event argument in +the argument list), we can use lambda, this way: +

    		# event binding -- passing the event as an argument
    +		self.button1.bind("",
    +			lambda
    +			event, arg1=button_name, arg2=1, arg3="Good stuff!" :
    +			self.buttonHandler_a(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +			)

    [Note that "event" here is a variable name -- it is not a Python keyword or +anything like that. This example uses the name "event" for the event argument, +but some discussions of this technique use the name "e" for the event argument, +and we could just as easily have called it "event_arg" if we had wanted to.] +

    + +

    One of the nice features of using lambda is that we can (if we wish), simply not +pass the event argument. If we don't pass the event argument, then we can call +the self.buttonHandler function directly, instead of indirectly through the +self.buttonHandler_a function. +

    + +

    To illustrate this technique, we will code the event binding for button2 +differently than we did for button1. This is what we do with button2: +

    		# event binding -- without passing the event as an argument
    +		self.button2.bind("",
    +			lambda
    +			event, arg1=button_name, arg2=2, arg3="Bad  stuff!" :
    +			self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +			)

    Program Behavior

    + +

    If you run this program, it will behave just as we wish. +

    + +

    Note that you can change the keyboard focus from the OK to the CANCEL button, +and back again, by pressing the TAB key on the keyboard. +

    + +

    In particular, you should experiment with invoking the OK button by pressing the +<Return> key on the keyboard. If you invoke the OK button via a keypress of the +<Return> key, you will be going through the buttonHandler_a function, and you +will also get a message from it, printing information about the event that has +been passed to it. +

    + +

    In any case, whether you click on one of the button widgets with the mouse, or +invoke a widget via a <Return> keypress on the keyboard, it will nicely print +the arguments that were passed to the buttonHandler function. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        #------------------ BUTTON #1 ------------------------------------
    +        button_name = "OK"
    +        # command binding
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +            command = lambda
    +            arg1=button_name, arg2=1, arg3="Good stuff!" :
    +            self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +            )
    +        # event binding -- passing the event as an argument
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>",
    +            lambda
    +            event, arg1=button_name, arg2=1, arg3="Good stuff!" :
    +            self.buttonHandler_a(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +            )
    +        self.button1.configure(text=button_name, background="green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()  # Put keyboard focus on button1
    +        #------------------ BUTTON #2 ------------------------------------
    +        button_name = "Cancel"
    +        # command binding
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +            command = lambda
    +            arg1=button_name, arg2=2, arg3="Bad  stuff!":
    +            self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +            )
    +        # event binding -- without passing the event as an argument
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>",
    +            lambda
    +            event, arg1=button_name, arg2=2, arg3="Bad  stuff!" :
    +            self.buttonHandler(arg1, arg2, arg3)
    +            )
    +        self.button2.configure(text=button_name, background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=LEFT)
    +    def buttonHandler(self, argument1, argument2, argument3):
    +        print "    buttonHandler routine received arguments:" \
    +            , argument1.ljust(8), argument2, argument3
    + 	def buttonHandler_a(self, event, argument1, argument2, argument3):
    +        print "buttonHandler_a received event", event
    +        self.buttonHandler(argument1, argument2, argument3)
    +print "\n"*100 # clear the screen
    +print "Starting program tt078."
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)
    +print "Ready to start executing the event loop."
    +print "Finished       executing the event loop."



    In the previous program, we looked at a technique involving lambda to pass +arguments to an event-handler function. In this program, we will look at a +different technique, called "currying". +

    + +

    About Curry

    + +

    In its very simplest sense, currying is a technique for using a function to +construct other functions. +

    + +

    Currying is a technique borrowed from functional programming. If you would like +to learn more about currying, there are several recipes available in the "Python +Cookbook": +


    The curry class used in this program is from Scott David Daniels' recipe +"curry -- associating parameters with a function", available at +http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52549 +

    + +

    As in our discussion of lambda, I'm not going to try to explain how currying +works. I'm simply going to treat the curry class as a black box. I won't talk +much about how it works -- I'll only talk about how to work with it. +

    + +

    Curry -- How To Use It

    + +

    The way to use curry (the technique) is to include a "curry" class in your +program, or to import it from its own Python file. In this program, we will +include the curry code directly in the program. +

    + +

    Originally, we thought that the following statement could bind +self.buttonHandler to self.button1's command option, but we found out that it +didn't work the way we thought it would. +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +       command = self.buttonHandler(button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    Using curry, the way to do what we want is to re-write this statement this way: +

      self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +       command = curry(self.buttonHandler, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))

    As you can see, the code is quite straightforward. Instead of invoking the +self.buttonHandler function, we create a curry object (that is, an instance of +the curry class), passing the self.buttonHandler function in as the first +argument. Basically, what happens is that the curry object remembers the name +of the function that it was given. Then when it (the curry object) is called, +it -- in its own turn -- calls the function that it was given when it was +created. +

    + +

    Event Binding

    + +

    Chad Netzer has devised a technique similar to currying, that can be used to +parameterize event binding. [NOTE that this coding of the technique requires +Python 2 or greater.] It involves using an "event_lambda" function. +

    + +

    To use event_lambda, as with curry, you need to include the code for the +"event_lambda" function in your program, or to import it from its own Python +file. In this program, we include the code for the event_lambda function +directly in our program. +

    	# ---------- code for function: event_lambda --------
    +	def event_lambda(f, *args, **kwds ):
    +		"A helper function that wraps lambda in a prettier interface."
    +		return lambda event, f=f, args=args, kwds=kwds : f( *args, **kwds )

    Once the event_lambda function is available to us, we can use it to bind +self.buttonHandler to the <Return> keyboard event, and pass it some arguments. +Here's how we do it: +

    +		event_lambda( self.buttonHandler, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!" ) )

    If you have an absolutely insatiable curiosity about how event_lambda works, it +is a little bit easier to see by looking at the coding for button2. +

    + +

    For button2, use use a two-step process. First we invoke the event_lambda function. +

    	event_handler = event_lambda( self.buttonHandler, button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!" )

    When the event_lambda function is called, it uses lambda to create a new, un-named +("anonymous") function object. +

    		lambda event, f=f, args=args, kwds=kwds : f( *args, **kwds )

    The un-named function object is a wrapper for the function we really want to +invoke ("f", which in this program is "self.buttonHandler") and the arguments we +specified at the time we called the event_lambda function. +

    + +

    Then the event_lambda function returns this new anonymous function. +

    + +

    When event_lambda returns the anonymous function, we give it a name: "event_handler". +

    	event_handler = event_lambda( self.buttonHandler, button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!" )

    Then, in the second step, we bind the <Return> event to the "event_handler" +function. +

    	self.button2.bind("", event_handler )

    Note that for the anonymous function, 'event' is just a placeholder argument +which is discarded and never used. Only the positional arguments (args) and the +keyword arguments (kwds) are passed to the button-handler routine. +

    + +

    Wow! I Just Burned Out A Bunch Of Brain Cells!!

    + +

    This is tricky stuff. But don't think that you need to burn out a bunch of +brain cells trying to understand how it all works. You don't need to know HOW +"curry" and "event_lambda" work in order to use them. Just treat them like +black boxes... just use them and don't worry about how they work. +

    + +

    Lambda Vs. Curry And Event_lambda -- Which Should I Use?

    + +

    Well... +

     * Code to invoke curry and event_lambda is relatively intuitive, short and simple.
    +   The downside is that using them requires you to include them in the code for
    +   your program, or to import them.
    + * Lambda, in contrast, is built into the Python language -- you don't need to
    +   do anything special to import it; it is simply there.
    +   The downside is that the code to use it can be long and a bit confusing.

    So the choice is up to you. "You pays yer money and takes yer choice," as they +say. Use what you are most comfortable with, and/or what seems most appropriate +to the task. +

    + +

    The REAL moral of this story is this... +

    + +

    Python is a powerful language, and it provides many tools that can be used to +create callback functions for handling events. "Thinking in Tkinter" is an +introduction to basic concepts, not an encyclopedia of techniques, so we can +explore only a few of those ways here. But you can be confident that as you +become more skilled with Python, and as your need for more flexibility grows, +there are more advanced features of Python that will be available to you, and +that can enable you to create just the kind of callback function that you need. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    If you run this program, it will behave exactly as the previous program did. We +haven't changed any of the behavior of the program, just the way the program is +coded. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +# ---------- code for class: curry (begin) ---------------------
    +class curry:
    +    """from Scott David Daniels'recipe
    +    "curry -- associating parameters with a function"
    +    in the "Python Cookbook"
    +    http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python/Cookbook/
    +    """
    +    def __init__(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):
    +        self.fun = fun
    +        self.pending = args[:]
    +        self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    +    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    +        if kwargs and self.kwargs:
    +            kw = self.kwargs.copy()
    +            kw.update(kwargs)
    +        else:
    +            kw = kwargs or self.kwargs
    +        return self.fun(*(self.pending + args), **kw)
    +# ---------- code for class: curry (end) ---------------------
    +# ---------- code for function: event_lambda (begin) --------
    +def event_lambda(f, *args, **kwds ):
    +    """A helper function that wraps lambda in a prettier interface.
    +    Thanks to Chad Netzer for the code."""
    +    return lambda event, f=f, args=args, kwds=kwds : f( *args, **kwds )
    +# ---------- code for function: event_lambda (end) -----------
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        button_name = "OK"
    +        # command binding -- using curry
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +           command = curry(self.buttonHandler, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!"))
    +        # event binding -- using the event_lambda helper function
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>",
    +            event_lambda( self.buttonHandler, button_name, 1, "Good stuff!" ) )
    +        self.button1.configure(text=button_name, background="green")
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.focus_force()  # Put keyboard focus on button1
    +        button_name = "Cancel"
    +        # command binding -- using curry
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1,
    +            command = curry(self.buttonHandler, button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!"))
    +        # event binding -- using the event_lambda helper function in two steps
    +        event_handler = event_lambda( self.buttonHandler, button_name, 2, "Bad  stuff!" )
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>", event_handler )
    +        self.button2.configure(text=button_name, background="red")
    +        self.button2.pack(side=LEFT)
    +    def buttonHandler(self, argument1, argument2, argument3):
    +        print "    buttonHandler routine received arguments:", \
    +            argument1.ljust(8), argument2, argument3
    +    def buttonHandler_a(self, event, argument1, argument2, argument3):
    +        print "buttonHandler_a received event", event
    +        self.buttonHandler(argument1, argument2, argument3)
    +print "\n"*100 # clear the screen
    +print "Starting program tt079."
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)
    +print "Ready to start executing the event loop."
    +print "Finished       executing the event loop."



    In the last several programs, we've spent a lot of time discussing +techniques for binding event handlers to widgets. +

    + +

    With this program, we return to the topic of creating the appearance of the GUI +-- setting up the widgets and controlling their appearance and location. +

    + +

    Three Techniques For Controlling The Layout Of A Gui

    + +

    There are three techniques for controlling the general layout of a GUI. +

      * widget attributes
    +  * pack() options
    +  * nesting of containers (frames)

    In this program, we look at controlling appearance through setting of widget +attributes and pack() options. +

    + +

    We're going to be working a lot with the buttons, and with the frame that +contains them. In earlier versions of this program, we called the frame +"myContainer1". Here, we have renamed it something a bit more descriptive: +"buttons_frame". +

    + +

    The numbers of the following section refer to the numbered comments in the +source code. +

    + +

    (1) +First, to make sure that all of our buttons are the same width, we specify a +"width" attribute that is the same for all of them. Note that the "width" +attribute is specific to Tkinter's "Button" widget -- not all widgets have a +width attribute. Note also that the width attribute is specified in units of +characters (not, for example, in units of pixels, inches, or millimeters). +Since our longest label ("Cancel") contains six characters, we set the width for +our buttons to "6". (1) +

    + +

    (2) +Now we add some padding to our buttons. Padding is extra space that goes around +the text, between the text and the edge of the button. We do this by setting the +"padx" and "pady" attributes of the buttons. "padx" pads along the X-axis, +horizontally, to the left and right. "pady" pads along the Y-axis, vertically, +to the top and bottom. +

    + +

    We will specify our horizontal padding as 3 millimeters (padx="3m") and our +vertical padding as 1 millimeter (pady="1m"). Note that, unlike the "width" +attribute (which was numeric), these attributes are enclosed in quotation marks. +That is because we are specifying the units of padding with the "m" suffix, so +we must specify the padding lengths as strings rather than as numbers. +

    + +

    (3) +Finally, we add some padding to the container (buttons_frame) that holds the +buttons. For the container, we can specify four padding attributes. "padx" and +"pady" specify the padding that goes around (outside) the frame. "ipadx" and +"ipady" ("internal padx" and "internal pady") specify the internal padding. +This is padding that goes around each of the widgets that are inside the +container. +

    + +

    Notice that we don't specify the padding for the frame as an attribute of the +frame, but as options that we pass to the packer. (4). As you can see, the +padding is a bit confusing. Frames have internal padding, but widget such as +buttons do not. In some cases, the padding is an attribute of the widget, while +in other cases it is specified as an option to pack(). +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will see two buttons. But now there they should +both be the same size. The sides of the buttons don't grip the button-text so +closely. And the buttons are surrounded by a nice border of space. +

    + +

    [revised: 2003-02-23 +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        #------ constants for controlling layout ------
    +        button_width = 6      ### (1)
    +        button_padx = "2m"    ### (2)
    +        button_pady = "1m"    ### (2)
    +        buttons_frame_padx =  "3m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_pady =  "2m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_ipadx = "3m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_ipady = "1m"   ### (3)
    +        # -------------- end constants ----------------
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.buttons_frame = Frame(parent)
    +        self.buttons_frame.pack(    ### (4)
    +            ipadx=buttons_frame_ipadx,  ### (3)
    +            ipady=buttons_frame_ipady,  ### (3)
    +            padx=buttons_frame_padx,    ### (3)
    +            pady=buttons_frame_pady,    ### (3)
    +            )
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.buttons_frame, command=self.button1Click)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.focus_force()
    +        self.button1.configure(
    +            width=button_width,  ### (1)
    +            padx=button_padx,    ### (2)
    +            pady=button_pady     ### (2)
    +            )
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.button1Click_a)
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.buttons_frame, command=self.button2Click)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.configure(
    +            width=button_width,  ### (1)
    +            padx=button_padx,    ### (2)
    +            pady=button_pady     ### (2)
    +            )
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.button2Click_a)
    +    def button1Click(self):
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green":
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self):
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +    def button1Click_a(self, event):
    +        self.button1Click()
    +    def button2Click_a(self, event):
    +        self.button2Click()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    In this program, we look at nesting of containers (frames). What we are going to +do is to create a series of frames, nested inside each other: bottom_frame, +left_frame, and big_frame. +

    + +

    These frames will contain nothing -- no widgets. Normally, because frames are +elastic, the would shrink down to nothing. But we specify "height" and "width" +attributes to provide an initial size for them. +

    + +

    Note that we don't provide heights or widths for all of the frames. For +myContainer1, for instance, we don't provide either. But we do provide heights +and widths for its descendants, and it will stretch to accommodate the +cumulative heights and widths of its descendants. +

    + +

    In a later program we will explore putting widgets into these frames, but in +this program we will simply create the frames, and give them different different +sizes, positions, and background colors. +

    + +

    We also put a ridged border around the three frames that will be of most iterest +to us in the future: bottom_frame, left_frame, and right_frame. The other frames +(for instance top_frame and buttons_frame) are not given a border. +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    When you run this program, you will see the different frames, with different +background colors. +

    + +

    [revised: 2005-07-15] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        ### Our topmost frame is called myContainer1
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent) ###
    +        self.myContainer1.pack()
    +        #------ constants for controlling layout ------
    +        button_width = 6      ### (1)
    +        button_padx = "2m"    ### (2)
    +        button_pady = "1m"    ### (2)
    +        buttons_frame_padx =  "3m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_pady =  "2m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_ipadx = "3m"   ### (3)
    +        buttons_frame_ipady = "1m"   ### (3)
    +        # -------------- end constants ----------------
    +        ### We will use VERTICAL (top/bottom) orientation inside myContainer1.
    +        ### Inside myContainer1, first we create buttons_frame.
    +        ### Then we create top_frame and bottom_frame.
    +        ### These will be our demonstration frames.
    +        # buttons frame
    +        self.buttons_frame = Frame(self.myContainer1) ###
    +        self.buttons_frame.pack(
    +            side=TOP,   ###
    +            ipadx=buttons_frame_ipadx,
    +            ipady=buttons_frame_ipady,
    +            padx=buttons_frame_padx,
    +            pady=buttons_frame_pady,
    +            )
    +        # top frame
    +        self.top_frame = Frame(self.myContainer1)
    +        self.top_frame.pack(side=TOP,
    +            fill=BOTH,
    +            expand=YES,
    +            )  ###
    +        # bottom frame
    +        self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.myContainer1,
    +            borderwidth=5,  relief=RIDGE,
    +            height=50,
    +            background="white",
    +            ) ###
    +        self.bottom_frame.pack(side=TOP,
    +            fill=BOTH,
    +            expand=YES,
    +            )  ###
    +        ### Now we will put two more frames, left_frame and right_frame,
    +        ### inside top_frame.  We will use HORIZONTAL (left/right)
    +        ### orientation within top_frame.
    +        # left_frame
    +        self.left_frame = Frame(self.top_frame, background="red",
    +            borderwidth=5,  relief=RIDGE,
    +            height=250,
    +            width=50,
    +            ) ###
    +        self.left_frame.pack(side=LEFT,
    +            fill=BOTH,
    +            expand=YES,
    +            )  ###
    +        ### right_frame
    +        self.right_frame = Frame(self.top_frame, background="tan",
    +            borderwidth=5,  relief=RIDGE,
    +            width=250,
    +            )
    +        self.right_frame.pack(side=RIGHT,
    +            fill=BOTH,
    +            expand=YES,
    +            )  ###
    +        # now we add the buttons to the buttons_frame
    +        self.button1 = Button(self.buttons_frame, command=self.button1Click)
    +        self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
    +        self.button1.focus_force()
    +        self.button1.configure(
    +            width=button_width,  ### (1)
    +            padx=button_padx,    ### (2)
    +            pady=button_pady     ### (2)
    +            )
    +        self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
    +        self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.button1Click_a)
    +        self.button2 = Button(self.buttons_frame, command=self.button2Click)
    +        self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
    +        self.button2.configure(
    +            width=button_width,  ### (1)
    +            padx=button_padx,    ### (2)
    +            pady=button_pady     ### (2)
    +            )
    +        self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
    +        self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.button2Click_a)
    +    def button1Click(self):
    +        if self.button1["background"] == "green":
    +            self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
    +        else:
    +            self.button1["background"] = "green"
    +    def button2Click(self):
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +    def button1Click_a(self, event):
    +        self.button1Click()
    +    def button2Click_a(self, event):
    +        self.button2Click()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)



    Sizing windows can be a frustrating experience when working with Tkinter. +Imagine this situation. You believe in iterative development, so first you +carefully lay out a frame with the height and width specification that you want. +You test it and you see that it works. Then you move on to the next step, and +add some buttons to the frame. You test it again, but now to your surprise +Tkinter is acting as if there were no "height" and "width" specifications for +the frame, and the frame has snapped down to tightly encase the buttons. +

    + +

    What's going on ???!!! +

    + +

    Well, the packer's behavior is inconsistent. Or, shall we say: the packer's +behavior depends on a lot of situational factors. The bottom line is that the +packer will honor the size request of a container if the container is empty, but +if the container contains any other widgets, then the elastic nature of the +container comes to the fore -- the "height" and "width" settings for the +container are ignored, and the size of the container is adjusted to enclose the +widgets as closely as possible. +

    + +

    The bottom line is that you really cannot control the size of a container that +contains widgets. +

    + +

    What you CAN control is the the initial size of the entire root window, and you +do this with the Window Manager "geometry" option. +

    + +

    (1) +

    + +

    In this program, we use the geometry option to make a nice big window around +our smaller frame. +

    + +

    (2) +Note that the "title" option, which we also use in this program, is also a +Window Manager method. "Title" controls the text of the title in the window's +title bar. +

    + +

    Not also that Window Manager options can optionally be specified with a "wm_" +prefix, e.g. "wm_geometry" and "wm_title". In this program, just to show that +it can be done either way, we use "geometry" and "wm_title". +

    + +

    Program Behavior

    + +

    This program puts up four windows in succession. +

    + +

    Note that you will have to close each window by clicking on the "close" +widget -- the "X" in a box at the right of the title bar. +

    + +

    In case 1, we see what a frame looks like when height and width are specified, +and -- NOTE -- it contains no widgets. +

    + +

    In case 2, we see what the exact same frame looks like when some widgets (in our +case, three buttons) are added to it. Note that the frame has snapped down +tight around the three buttons. +

    + +

    In case 3, we again show what the empty frame looks like, only this time we use +the geometry option to control the size of the window as a whole. We can see +the blue background of the frame inside the larger gray field of the window. +

    + +

    In case 4, we again show the frame with three buttons in it, but this time +specifying the frame size with the geometry option. Note that the size of the +window is the same as it was in Case 3, but (as in Case 2) the frame has snapped +down around the buttons, and we cannot see any of the frame's blue background at +all. +

    + +

    [revised: 2002-10-01] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class App:
    +    def __init__(self, root, use_geometry, show_buttons):
    +        fm = Frame(root, width=300, height=200, bg="blue")
    +        fm.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=NONE)
    +        if use_geometry:
    +            root.geometry("600x400")  ### (1) Note geometry Window Manager method
    +        if show_buttons:
    +            Button(fm, text="Button 1", width=10).pack(side=LEFT)
    +            Button(fm, text="Button 2", width=10).pack(side=LEFT)
    +            Button(fm, text="Button 3", width=10).pack(side=LEFT)
    +case = 0
    +for use_geometry in (0, 1):
    +    for show_buttons in (0,1):
    +        case = case + 1
    +        root = Tk()
    +        root.wm_title("Case " + str(case))  ### (2) Note wm_title Window Manager method
    +        display = App(root, use_geometry, show_buttons)
    +        root.mainloop()



    In this program, we look at several pack() options for controlling layouts +within a frame: +

      * side
    +  * fill
    +  * expand
    +  * anchor

    This program is unlike the other programs in this series. That is, you don't +need to read the source code in order to understand how to code some feature. +You need to RUN the program. +

    + +

    The purpose of the program is to show you the results of pack options. Running +the program will allow you to set different pack options and to observe the +effects of different combinations of options. +

    + +

    The Concepts Underlying The Pack Options

    + +

    To understand how we can control the appearance of widgets within a container +(that is, with a frame), we need to remember that the pack geometry manager uses +a "cavity" model of arrangement. That is, each container contains a cavity, and +we pack slaves within the container. +

    + +

    In talking about the positioning and display of components with a container, it +will be useful to have three concepts: +

     * unclaimed space (that is, the cavity)
    + * claimed but unused space
    + * claimed and used  space

    When you pack a widget, such as a button, it is always packed along one of the +four sides of the cavity. The pack "side" option specifies which side to use. +For example, if we specify "side=LEFT", the the widget will be packed (that is, +positioned) on the left side of the cavity. +

    + +

    When a widget is packed along a side, it claims the entire side, although it may +not actually use all of the space it has claimed. Suppose we pack a small button +called X along the left side of a large cavity, as in the following diagram. +

    +    claimed but   |   |             |
    +    unused -----> |   |   cavity    |
    +                  |   | (unclaimed) |
    +                  |___|             |
    +    claimed and   |   |             |
    +    used -------> | X |             |
    +                  |___|             |
    +                  |   |             |
    +    claimed but   |   |             |
    +    unused -----> |   |             |
    +                  |   |             |
    +                  -------------------

    The cavity (the unclaimed area) is now to the right of the widget. Widget X has +claimed the entire left side, in a strip that is wide enough to hold it. But +because widget X is small, it actually uses only a small part of the area that +it has claimed. That is the part that it uses to display itself. +

    + +

    As you can see, widget X has claimed only enough space as it needs to display +itself. If we specify a pack option of "expand=YES", it will claim ALL of the +available area. No part of the cavity would be left unclaimed. Note that +this does not mean that widget X would *use* the whole area. It would still +only use the small part that it needs. +

    + +

    If a widget has claimed more space than it is using, it has two choices: +

     * it can move around in the unclaimed space, or
    + * it can grow to fill the unclaimed space.

    If we want it to grow to use the the unclaimed space, we can use the "fill" +option, which tells a widget whether or not it can grow to fill the unused +space, and in which direction it can grow. +

      * "fill=NONE" means that it cannot grow.
    +  * "fill=X"    means that it can grow along the X-axis (i.e. horizontally).
    +  * "fill=Y"    means that it can grow along the Y-axis (i.e. vertically).
    +  * "fill=BOTH" means that it can grow both horizontally and vertically.

    If we want it to grow to move around in the the unclaimed space, then we can use +the "anchor" option, which tells a widget where to position itself in the space +it has claimed. The values of the anchor option are like compass headings. "N" +means "north" (i.e. centered at the top of the claimed area). "NE" means +"northeast" (i.e. in the upper, right corner of the claimed area), "CENTER" +means centered right in the middle of the claimed area. And so on. +

    + +

    Running The Program

    + +

    So now, run the program. You don't need to read the code. Just run the program +and experiment with the various pack options of the three demo buttons. +

    + +

    Button A's frame gives it a horizontal cavity to run around in -- the frame is +no taller than the button. +

    + +

    Button B's cavity gives it a vertical cavity to run around in -- the frame is no +wider than the button. +

    + +

    And button C's frame gives it a big cavity -- much wider and taller than the +button itself -- to play in. +

    + +

    If the appearance of any of the buttons under certain settings surprises +you, try to figure out why the button looks the way it does. +

    + +

    And finally.... +

    + +

    A Useful Debugging Tip

    + +

    Note that packing is a complicated business, because the positioning of a widget +with respect to other widgets that were packed earlier depends in part on how +the other widgets were packed. That is, if the other widgets were packed to the +left, then the cavity within which the next widget can be packed will be to +their right. But if they were packed to the top of the cavity, then the cavity +within which the next widget can be packed will be below them. It can all get +very confusing. +

    + +

    Here is a useful debugging tip. If you are developing your layout and hit a +problem -- things aren't acting the way you think they should -- then give each +of your containers (that is, each of your frames) a different background color, +for example: +


    or +


    or +


    ... or yellow, or blue, or red, and so on. +

    + +

    This will allow you to see how the frames are actually arranging themselves. Often, +what you see will give you a clue as to what the problem is. +

    + +

    [revised: 2004-04-26] +


    Program Source Code

    +from Tkinter import *
    +class MyApp:
    +    def __init__(self, parent):
    +        #------ constants for controlling layout of buttons ------
    +        button_width = 6
    +        button_padx = "2m"
    +        button_pady = "1m"
    +        buttons_frame_padx =  "3m"
    +        buttons_frame_pady =  "2m"
    +        buttons_frame_ipadx = "3m"
    +        buttons_frame_ipady = "1m"
    +        # -------------- end constants ----------------
    +        # set up Tkinter variables, to be controlled by the radio buttons
    +        self.button_name   = StringVar()
    +        self.button_name.set("C")
    +        self.side_option = StringVar()
    +        self.side_option.set(LEFT)
    +        self.fill_option   = StringVar()
    +        self.fill_option.set(NONE)
    +        self.expand_option = StringVar()
    +        self.expand_option.set(YES)
    +        self.anchor_option = StringVar()
    +        self.anchor_option.set(CENTER)
    +        # -------------- end constants ----------------
    +        self.myParent = parent
    +        self.myParent.geometry("640x400")
    +        ### Our topmost frame is called myContainer1
    +        self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent) ###
    +        self.myContainer1.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    +        ### We will use HORIZONTAL (left/right) orientation inside myContainer1.
    +        ### Inside myContainer1, we create control_frame and demo_frame.
    +        # control frame - basically everything except the demo frame
    +        self.control_frame = Frame(self.myContainer1) ###
    +        self.control_frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO,  padx=10, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5)
    +        # inside control_frame we create a header label
    +        # and a buttons_frame at the top,
    +        # and demo_frame at the bottom
    +        myMessage="This window shows the effects of the \nexpand, fill, and anchor packing options.\n"
    +        Label(self.control_frame, text=myMessage, justify=LEFT).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
    +        # buttons frame
    +        self.buttons_frame = Frame(self.control_frame) ###
    +        self.buttons_frame.pack(side=TOP, expand=NO, fill=Y, ipadx=5, ipady=5)
    +        # demo frame
    +        self.demo_frame = Frame(self.myContainer1) ###
    +        self.demo_frame.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    +        ### Inside the demo frame, we create top_frame and bottom_frame.
    +        ### These will be our demonstration frames.
    +        # top frame
    +        self.top_frame = Frame(self.demo_frame)
    +        self.top_frame.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)  ###
    +        # bottom frame
    +        self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.demo_frame,
    +            borderwidth=5, 	relief=RIDGE,
    +            height=50,
    +            bg="cyan",
    +            ) ###
    +        self.bottom_frame.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
    +        ### Now we will put two more frames, left_frame and right_frame,
    +        ### inside top_frame.  We will use HORIZONTAL (left/right)
    +        ### orientation within top_frame.
    +        # left_frame
    +        self.left_frame = Frame(self.top_frame,	background="red",
    +            borderwidth=5, 	relief=RIDGE,
    +            width=50,
    +            ) ###
    +        self.left_frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=NO, fill=Y)
    +        ### right_frame
    +        self.right_frame = Frame(self.top_frame, background="tan",
    +            borderwidth=5, 	relief=RIDGE,
    +            width=250
    +            )
    +        self.right_frame.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
    +        # now put a button in each of the interesting frames
    +        button_names = ["A", "B", "C"]
    +        side_options = [LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM]
    +        fill_options = [X, Y, BOTH, NONE]
    +        expand_options = [YES, NO]
    +        anchor_options = [NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, CENTER]
    +        self.buttonA = Button(self.bottom_frame, text="A")
    +        self.buttonA.pack()
    +        self.buttonB = Button(self.left_frame, text="B")
    +        self.buttonB.pack()
    +        self.buttonC = Button(self.right_frame, text="C")
    +        self.buttonC.pack()
    +        self.button_with_name = {"A":self.buttonA, "B":self.buttonB, "C":self.buttonC}
    +        # now we some subframes to the buttons_frame
    +        self.button_names_frame   = Frame(self.buttons_frame, borderwidth=5)
    +        self.side_options_frame   = Frame(self.buttons_frame, borderwidth=5)
    +        self.fill_options_frame   = Frame(self.buttons_frame, borderwidth=5)
    +        self.expand_options_frame = Frame(self.buttons_frame, borderwidth=5)
    +        self.anchor_options_frame = Frame(self.buttons_frame, borderwidth=5)
    +        self.button_names_frame.pack(  side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=Y, anchor=N)
    +        self.side_options_frame.pack(  side=LEFT, expand=YES, anchor=N)
    +        self.fill_options_frame.pack(  side=LEFT, expand=YES, anchor=N)
    +        self.expand_options_frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, anchor=N)
    +        self.anchor_options_frame.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, anchor=N)
    +        Label(self.button_names_frame, text="\nButton").pack()
    +        Label(self.side_options_frame, text="Side\nOption").pack()
    +        Label(self.fill_options_frame, text="Fill\nOption").pack()
    +        Label(self.expand_options_frame, text="Expand\nOption").pack()
    +        Label(self.anchor_options_frame, text="Anchor\nOption").pack()
    +        for option in button_names:
    +            button = Radiobutton(self.button_names_frame, text=str(option), indicatoron=1,
    +                value=option, command=self.button_refresh, variable=self.button_name)
    +            button["width"] = button_width
    +            button.pack(side=TOP)
    +        for option in side_options:
    +            button = Radiobutton(self.side_options_frame, text=str(option), indicatoron=0,
    +                value=option, command=self.demo_update, variable=self.side_option)
    +            button["width"] = button_width
    +            button.pack(side=TOP)
    +        for option in fill_options:
    +            button = Radiobutton(self.fill_options_frame, text=str(option), indicatoron=0,
    +                value=option, command=self.demo_update, variable=self.fill_option)
    +            button["width"] = button_width
    +            button.pack(side=TOP)
    +        for option in expand_options:
    +            button = Radiobutton(self.expand_options_frame, text=str(option), indicatoron=0,
    +                value=option, command=self.demo_update, variable=self.expand_option)
    +            button["width"] = button_width
    +            button.pack(side=TOP)
    +        for option in anchor_options:
    +            button = Radiobutton(self.anchor_options_frame, text=str(option), indicatoron=0,
    +                value=option, command=self.demo_update, variable=self.anchor_option)
    +            button["width"] = button_width
    +            button.pack(side=TOP)
    +        self.cancelButtonFrame = Frame(self.button_names_frame)
    +        self.cancelButtonFrame.pack(side=BOTTOM, expand=YES, anchor=SW)
    +        self.cancelButton = Button(self.cancelButtonFrame,
    +            text="Cancel", background="red",
    +            width=button_width,
    +            padx=button_padx,
    +            pady=button_pady
    +            )
    +        self.cancelButton.pack(side=BOTTOM, anchor=S)
    +        self.cancelButton.bind("<Button-1>", self.cancelButtonClick)
    +        self.cancelButton.bind("<Return>", self.cancelButtonClick)
    +        # set up the buttons in their initial position
    +        self.demo_update()
    +    def button_refresh(self):
    +        button = self.button_with_name[self.button_name.get()]
    +        properties = button.pack_info()
    +        self.fill_option.set  (  properties["fill"] )
    +        self.side_option.set  (  properties["side"] )
    +        self.expand_option.set(  properties["expand"] )
    +        self.anchor_option.set(  properties["anchor"] )
    +    def demo_update(self):
    +        button = self.button_with_name[self.button_name.get()]
    +        button.pack(fill=self.fill_option.get()
    +            , side=self.side_option.get()
    +            , expand=self.expand_option.get()
    +            , anchor=self.anchor_option.get()
    +            )
    +    def cancelButtonClick(self, event):
    +        self.myParent.destroy()
    +root = Tk()
    +myapp = MyApp(root)
    + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Programming/Python/Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf b/Programming/Python/Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7f3fe8faca69425e7bccd777a94b316dee3ba94 Binary files /dev/null and b/Programming/Python/Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf differ diff --git a/Programming/Python/Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf b/Programming/Python/Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbf2c01957ae90aad6354b179dfe363afcd026f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Python/Tkinter 8.4 reference - a GUI for Python (2010).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:ff59c4773b77c11dfc718949799d1205042d5cc84031d44620ac096a09c10ec3 +size 1472138 diff --git a/Programming/Python/Twisted Network Programming Essentials - Event-driven Network Programming with Python (2005).chm 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+/Parent 479 0 R +/Prev 487 0 R +/Next 495 0 R +>> endobj +487 0 obj << +/Title 488 0 R +/A 485 0 R +/Parent 479 0 R +/Prev 483 0 R +/Next 491 0 R +>> endobj +483 0 obj << +/Title 484 0 R +/A 481 0 R +/Parent 479 0 R +/Next 487 0 R +>> endobj +479 0 obj << +/Title 480 0 R +/A 477 0 R +/Parent 459 0 R +/Prev 463 0 R +/Next 519 0 R +/First 483 0 R +/Last 515 0 R +/Count -9 +>> endobj +475 0 obj << +/Title 476 0 R +/A 473 0 R +/Parent 463 0 R +/Prev 471 0 R +>> endobj +471 0 obj << +/Title 472 0 R +/A 469 0 R +/Parent 463 0 R +/Prev 467 0 R +/Next 475 0 R +>> endobj +467 0 obj << +/Title 468 0 R +/A 465 0 R +/Parent 463 0 R +/Next 471 0 R +>> endobj +463 0 obj << +/Title 464 0 R +/A 461 0 R +/Parent 459 0 R +/Next 479 0 R +/First 467 0 R +/Last 475 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +459 0 obj << +/Title 460 0 R +/A 457 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Prev 395 0 R +/Next 523 0 R +/First 463 0 R +/Last 519 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +455 0 obj << +/Title 456 0 R +/A 453 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 451 0 R +>> endobj +451 0 obj << +/Title 452 0 R +/A 449 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 447 0 R +/Next 455 0 R +>> endobj +447 0 obj << +/Title 448 0 R +/A 445 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 443 0 R +/Next 451 0 R +>> endobj +443 0 obj << +/Title 444 0 R +/A 441 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 439 0 R +/Next 447 0 R +>> endobj +439 0 obj << +/Title 440 0 R +/A 437 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 435 0 R +/Next 443 0 R +>> endobj +435 0 obj << +/Title 436 0 R +/A 433 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Prev 431 0 R +/Next 439 0 R +>> endobj +431 0 obj << +/Title 432 0 R +/A 429 0 R +/Parent 427 0 R +/Next 435 0 R +>> endobj +427 0 obj << +/Title 428 0 R +/A 425 0 R +/Parent 395 0 R +/Prev 423 0 R +/First 431 0 R +/Last 455 0 R +/Count -7 +>> endobj +423 0 obj << +/Title 424 0 R +/A 421 0 R +/Parent 395 0 R +/Prev 419 0 R +/Next 427 0 R +>> endobj +419 0 obj << +/Title 420 0 R +/A 417 0 R +/Parent 395 0 R +/Prev 415 0 R +/Next 423 0 R +>> endobj +415 0 obj << +/Title 416 0 R +/A 413 0 R +/Parent 395 0 R +/Prev 411 0 R 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333 0 R +/Parent 319 0 R +/Prev 331 0 R +/Next 339 0 R +>> endobj +331 0 obj << +/Title 332 0 R +/A 329 0 R +/Parent 319 0 R +/Prev 327 0 R +/Next 335 0 R +>> endobj +327 0 obj << +/Title 328 0 R +/A 325 0 R +/Parent 319 0 R +/Prev 323 0 R +/Next 331 0 R +>> endobj +323 0 obj << +/Title 324 0 R +/A 321 0 R +/Parent 319 0 R +/Next 327 0 R +>> endobj +319 0 obj << +/Title 320 0 R +/A 317 0 R +/Parent 279 0 R +/Prev 291 0 R +/First 323 0 R +/Last 343 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +315 0 obj << +/Title 316 0 R +/A 313 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Prev 311 0 R +>> endobj +311 0 obj << +/Title 312 0 R +/A 309 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Prev 307 0 R +/Next 315 0 R +>> endobj +307 0 obj << +/Title 308 0 R +/A 305 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Prev 303 0 R +/Next 311 0 R +>> endobj +303 0 obj << +/Title 304 0 R +/A 301 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Prev 299 0 R +/Next 307 0 R +>> endobj +299 0 obj << +/Title 300 0 R +/A 297 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Prev 295 0 R +/Next 303 0 R +>> endobj +295 0 obj << +/Title 296 0 R +/A 293 0 R +/Parent 291 0 R +/Next 299 0 R +>> endobj +291 0 obj << +/Title 292 0 R +/A 289 0 R +/Parent 279 0 R +/Prev 287 0 R +/Next 319 0 R +/First 295 0 R +/Last 315 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +287 0 obj << +/Title 288 0 R +/A 285 0 R +/Parent 279 0 R +/Prev 283 0 R +/Next 291 0 R +>> endobj +283 0 obj << +/Title 284 0 R +/A 281 0 R +/Parent 279 0 R +/Next 287 0 R +>> endobj +279 0 obj << +/Title 280 0 R +/A 277 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Prev 231 0 R +/Next 347 0 R +/First 283 0 R +/Last 319 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +275 0 obj << +/Title 276 0 R +/A 273 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Prev 251 0 R +>> endobj +271 0 obj << +/Title 272 0 R +/A 269 0 R +/Parent 259 0 R +/Prev 267 0 R +>> endobj +267 0 obj << +/Title 268 0 R +/A 265 0 R +/Parent 259 0 R +/Prev 263 0 R +/Next 271 0 R +>> endobj +263 0 obj << +/Title 264 0 R +/A 261 0 R +/Parent 259 0 R +/Next 267 0 R +>> endobj +259 0 obj << +/Title 260 0 R +/A 257 0 R +/Parent 251 0 R +/Prev 255 0 R +/First 263 0 R +/Last 271 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +255 0 obj << +/Title 256 0 R +/A 253 0 R +/Parent 251 0 R +/Next 259 0 R +>> endobj +251 0 obj << +/Title 252 0 R +/A 249 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Prev 247 0 R +/Next 275 0 R +/First 255 0 R +/Last 259 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +247 0 obj << +/Title 248 0 R +/A 245 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Prev 243 0 R +/Next 251 0 R +>> endobj +243 0 obj << +/Title 244 0 R +/A 241 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Prev 239 0 R +/Next 247 0 R +>> endobj +239 0 obj << +/Title 240 0 R +/A 237 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Prev 235 0 R +/Next 243 0 R +>> endobj +235 0 obj << +/Title 236 0 R +/A 233 0 R +/Parent 231 0 R +/Next 239 0 R +>> endobj +231 0 obj << +/Title 232 0 R +/A 229 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Prev 203 0 R +/Next 279 0 R +/First 235 0 R +/Last 275 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +227 0 obj << +/Title 228 0 R +/A 225 0 R +/Parent 203 0 R +/Prev 223 0 R +>> endobj +223 0 obj << +/Title 224 0 R +/A 221 0 R +/Parent 203 0 R +/Prev 219 0 R +/Next 227 0 R +>> endobj +219 0 obj << +/Title 220 0 R +/A 217 0 R +/Parent 203 0 R 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0 R +/Parent 71 0 R +/Prev 175 0 R +/Next 183 0 R +>> endobj +175 0 obj << +/Title 176 0 R +/A 173 0 R +/Parent 71 0 R +/Prev 139 0 R +/Next 179 0 R +>> endobj +171 0 obj << +/Title 172 0 R +/A 169 0 R +/Parent 139 0 R +/Prev 167 0 R +>> endobj +167 0 obj << +/Title 168 0 R +/A 165 0 R +/Parent 139 0 R +/Prev 163 0 R +/Next 171 0 R +>> endobj +163 0 obj << +/Title 164 0 R +/A 161 0 R +/Parent 139 0 R +/Prev 147 0 R +/Next 167 0 R +>> endobj +159 0 obj << +/Title 160 0 R +/A 157 0 R +/Parent 147 0 R +/Prev 155 0 R +>> endobj +155 0 obj << +/Title 156 0 R +/A 153 0 R +/Parent 147 0 R +/Prev 151 0 R +/Next 159 0 R +>> endobj +151 0 obj << +/Title 152 0 R +/A 149 0 R +/Parent 147 0 R +/Next 155 0 R +>> endobj +147 0 obj << +/Title 148 0 R +/A 145 0 R +/Parent 139 0 R +/Prev 143 0 R +/Next 163 0 R +/First 151 0 R +/Last 159 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +143 0 obj << +/Title 144 0 R +/A 141 0 R +/Parent 139 0 R +/Next 147 0 R +>> endobj +139 0 obj << +/Title 140 0 R +/A 137 0 R +/Parent 71 0 R +/Prev 103 0 R +/Next 175 0 R +/First 143 0 R +/Last 171 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +135 0 obj << +/Title 136 0 R +/A 133 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 131 0 R +>> endobj +131 0 obj << +/Title 132 0 R +/A 129 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 127 0 R +/Next 135 0 R +>> endobj +127 0 obj << +/Title 128 0 R +/A 125 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 123 0 R +/Next 131 0 R +>> endobj +123 0 obj << +/Title 124 0 R +/A 121 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 119 0 R +/Next 127 0 R +>> endobj +119 0 obj << +/Title 120 0 R +/A 117 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 115 0 R +/Next 123 0 R +>> endobj +115 0 obj << +/Title 116 0 R +/A 113 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 111 0 R +/Next 119 0 R +>> endobj +111 0 obj << +/Title 112 0 R +/A 109 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Prev 107 0 R +/Next 115 0 R +>> endobj +107 0 obj << +/Title 108 0 R +/A 105 0 R +/Parent 103 0 R +/Next 111 0 R +>> endobj +103 0 obj << +/Title 104 0 R +/A 101 0 R +/Parent 71 0 R +/Prev 75 0 R +/Next 139 0 R +/First 107 0 R +/Last 135 0 R +/Count -8 +>> endobj +99 0 obj << +/Title 100 0 R +/A 97 0 R +/Parent 75 0 R +/Prev 79 0 R +>> endobj +95 0 obj << +/Title 96 0 R +/A 93 0 R +/Parent 79 0 R +/Prev 91 0 R +>> endobj +91 0 obj << +/Title 92 0 R +/A 89 0 R +/Parent 79 0 R +/Prev 87 0 R +/Next 95 0 R +>> endobj +87 0 obj << +/Title 88 0 R +/A 85 0 R +/Parent 79 0 R +/Prev 83 0 R +/Next 91 0 R +>> endobj +83 0 obj << +/Title 84 0 R +/A 81 0 R +/Parent 79 0 R +/Next 87 0 R +>> endobj +79 0 obj << +/Title 80 0 R +/A 77 0 R +/Parent 75 0 R +/Next 99 0 R +/First 83 0 R +/Last 95 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +75 0 obj << +/Title 76 0 R +/A 73 0 R +/Parent 71 0 R +/Next 103 0 R +/First 79 0 R +/Last 99 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +71 0 obj << +/Title 72 0 R +/A 69 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Prev 55 0 R +/Next 203 0 R +/First 75 0 R +/Last 187 0 R +/Count -7 +>> endobj +67 0 obj << +/Title 68 0 R +/A 65 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Prev 63 0 R +>> endobj +63 0 obj << +/Title 64 0 R +/A 61 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Prev 59 0 R +/Next 67 0 R +>> endobj +59 0 obj << +/Title 60 0 R +/A 57 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Next 63 0 R +>> endobj +55 0 obj << +/Title 56 0 R +/A 53 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Prev 3 0 R +/Next 71 0 R +/First 59 0 R +/Last 67 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +51 0 obj << +/Title 52 0 R +/A 49 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 47 0 R +>> endobj +47 0 obj << +/Title 48 0 R +/A 45 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 43 0 R +/Next 51 0 R +>> endobj +43 0 obj << +/Title 44 0 R +/A 41 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 39 0 R +/Next 47 0 R +>> endobj +39 0 obj << +/Title 40 0 R +/A 37 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 35 0 R +/Next 43 0 R +>> endobj +35 0 obj << +/Title 36 0 R +/A 33 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 15 0 R +/Next 39 0 R +>> endobj +31 0 obj << +/Title 32 0 R +/A 29 0 R +/Parent 15 0 R +/Prev 27 0 R +>> endobj +27 0 obj << +/Title 28 0 R +/A 25 0 R +/Parent 15 0 R +/Prev 23 0 R +/Next 31 0 R +>> endobj +23 0 obj << +/Title 24 0 R +/A 21 0 R +/Parent 15 0 R +/Prev 19 0 R +/Next 27 0 R +>> endobj +19 0 obj << +/Title 20 0 R +/A 17 0 R +/Parent 15 0 R +/Next 23 0 R +>> endobj +15 0 obj << +/Title 16 0 R +/A 13 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 11 0 R +/Next 35 0 R +/First 19 0 R +/Last 31 0 R +/Count -4 +>> endobj +11 0 obj << +/Title 12 0 R +/A 9 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 7 0 R +/Next 15 0 R +>> endobj +7 0 obj << +/Title 8 0 R +/A 5 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Next 11 0 R +>> endobj +3 0 obj << +/Title 4 0 R +/A 1 0 R +/Parent 2268 0 R +/Next 55 0 R +/First 7 0 R +/Last 51 0 R +/Count -8 +>> endobj +2269 0 obj << +/Names [(Doc-Start) 765 0 R (Hfootnote.1) 1199 0 R (Hfootnote.2) 1317 0 R (Hfootnote.3) 1417 0 R (Item.1) 1063 0 R (Item.10) 1139 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.10)] +>> endobj +2270 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.11) 1140 0 R (Item.12) 1154 0 R (Item.13) 1155 0 R (Item.14) 1168 0 R (Item.15) 1169 0 R (Item.16) 1170 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.11) (Item.16)] +>> endobj +2271 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.17) 1233 0 R (Item.18) 1234 0 R (Item.19) 1235 0 R (Item.2) 1064 0 R (Item.20) 1240 0 R (Item.21) 1263 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.17) (Item.21)] +>> endobj +2272 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.22) 1264 0 R (Item.23) 1265 0 R (Item.24) 1266 0 R (Item.25) 1267 0 R (Item.26) 1268 0 R (Item.27) 1273 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.22) (Item.27)] +>> endobj +2273 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.28) 1274 0 R (Item.29) 1275 0 R (Item.3) 1065 0 R (Item.30) 1276 0 R (Item.31) 1401 0 R (Item.32) 1402 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.28) (Item.32)] +>> endobj +2274 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.33) 1403 0 R (Item.34) 1440 0 R (Item.35) 1441 0 R (Item.36) 1446 0 R (Item.37) 1451 0 R (Item.38) 1452 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.33) (Item.38)] +>> endobj +2275 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.39) 1453 0 R (Item.4) 1066 0 R (Item.40) 1467 0 R (Item.41) 1468 0 R (Item.42) 1469 0 R (Item.43) 1475 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.39) (Item.43)] +>> endobj +2276 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.44) 1476 0 R (Item.45) 1485 0 R (Item.46) 1491 0 R (Item.47) 1533 0 R (Item.48) 1534 0 R (Item.49) 1535 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.44) (Item.49)] +>> endobj +2277 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.5) 1107 0 R (Item.50) 1560 0 R (Item.51) 1561 0 R (Item.52) 1562 0 R (Item.53) 1585 0 R (Item.54) 1586 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.5) (Item.54)] +>> endobj +2278 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.55) 1591 0 R (Item.56) 1592 0 R (Item.57) 1593 0 R (Item.58) 1594 0 R (Item.59) 1595 0 R (Item.6) 1108 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.55) (Item.6)] +>> endobj +2279 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.60) 1720 0 R (Item.61) 1721 0 R (Item.62) 1722 0 R (Item.63) 1780 0 R (Item.64) 1781 0 R (Item.65) 1782 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.60) (Item.65)] +>> endobj +2280 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.66) 1804 0 R (Item.67) 1805 0 R (Item.68) 1806 0 R (Item.69) 1807 0 R (Item.7) 1109 0 R (Item.70) 1808 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.66) (Item.70)] +>> endobj +2281 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.71) 1809 0 R (Item.72) 1810 0 R (Item.8) 1126 0 R (Item.9) 1127 0 R (chapter*.1) 803 0 R (chapter*.2) 1006 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.71) (chapter*.2)] +>> endobj +2282 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.1) 2 0 R (chapter.10) 458 0 R (chapter.11) 522 0 R (chapter.12) 658 0 R (chapter.13) 682 0 R (chapter.14) 726 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.1) (chapter.14)] +>> endobj +2283 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.15) 750 0 R (chapter.2) 54 0 R (chapter.3) 70 0 R (chapter.4) 202 0 R (chapter.5) 230 0 R (chapter.6) 278 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.15) (chapter.6)] +>> endobj +2284 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.7) 346 0 R (chapter.8) 374 0 R (chapter.9) 394 0 R (page.1) 764 0 R (page.10) 1040 0 R (page.100) 1503 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.7) (page.100)] +>> endobj +2285 0 obj << +/Names [(page.101) 1509 0 R (page.102) 1515 0 R (page.103) 1521 0 R (page.104) 1525 0 R (page.105) 1532 0 R (page.106) 1539 0 R] +/Limits [(page.101) (page.106)] +>> endobj +2286 0 obj << +/Names [(page.107) 1543 0 R (page.108) 1549 0 R (page.109) 1555 0 R (page.11) 1044 0 R (page.110) 1559 0 R (page.111) 1566 0 R] +/Limits [(page.107) (page.111)] +>> endobj +2287 0 obj << +/Names [(page.112) 1570 0 R (page.113) 1575 0 R (page.114) 1579 0 R (page.115) 1584 0 R (page.116) 1590 0 R (page.117) 1599 0 R] +/Limits [(page.112) (page.117)] +>> endobj +2288 0 obj << +/Names [(page.118) 1603 0 R (page.119) 1607 0 R (page.12) 1048 0 R (page.120) 1611 0 R (page.121) 1616 0 R (page.122) 1620 0 R] +/Limits [(page.118) (page.122)] +>> endobj +2289 0 obj << +/Names [(page.123) 1624 0 R (page.124) 1628 0 R (page.125) 1634 0 R (page.126) 1640 0 R (page.127) 1647 0 R (page.128) 1651 0 R] +/Limits [(page.123) (page.128)] +>> endobj +2290 0 obj << +/Names [(page.129) 1655 0 R (page.13) 1054 0 R (page.130) 1661 0 R (page.131) 1667 0 R (page.132) 1675 0 R (page.133) 1680 0 R] +/Limits [(page.129) (page.133)] +>> endobj +2291 0 obj << +/Names [(page.134) 1684 0 R (page.135) 1688 0 R (page.136) 1692 0 R (page.137) 1696 0 R (page.138) 1701 0 R (page.139) 1706 0 R] +/Limits [(page.134) (page.139)] +>> endobj +2292 0 obj << +/Names [(page.14) 1058 0 R (page.140) 1714 0 R (page.141) 1719 0 R (page.142) 1727 0 R (page.143) 1732 0 R (page.144) 1738 0 R] +/Limits [(page.14) (page.144)] +>> endobj +2293 0 obj << +/Names [(page.145) 1746 0 R (page.146) 1750 0 R (page.147) 1754 0 R (page.148) 1758 0 R (page.149) 1762 0 R (page.15) 1062 0 R] +/Limits [(page.145) (page.15)] +>> endobj +2294 0 obj << +/Names [(page.150) 1766 0 R (page.151) 1771 0 R (page.152) 1775 0 R (page.153) 1779 0 R (page.154) 1786 0 R (page.155) 1790 0 R] +/Limits [(page.150) (page.155)] +>> endobj +2295 0 obj << +/Names [(page.156) 1794 0 R (page.157) 1799 0 R (page.158) 1803 0 R (page.159) 1814 0 R (page.16) 1070 0 R (page.160) 1818 0 R] +/Limits [(page.156) (page.160)] +>> endobj +2296 0 obj << +/Names [(page.161) 1824 0 R (page.162) 1830 0 R (page.163) 1835 0 R (page.164) 1839 0 R (page.165) 1843 0 R (page.166) 1848 0 R] +/Limits [(page.161) (page.166)] +>> endobj +2297 0 obj << +/Names [(page.167) 1961 0 R (page.168) 2098 0 R (page.169) 2218 0 R (page.17) 1074 0 R (page.18) 1078 0 R (page.19) 1085 0 R] +/Limits [(page.167) (page.19)] +>> endobj +2298 0 obj << +/Names [(page.2) 846 0 R (page.20) 1091 0 R (page.21) 1096 0 R (page.22) 1100 0 R (page.23) 1106 0 R (page.24) 1113 0 R] +/Limits [(page.2) (page.24)] +>> endobj +2299 0 obj << +/Names [(page.25) 1120 0 R (page.26) 1125 0 R (page.27) 1134 0 R (page.28) 1138 0 R (page.29) 1144 0 R (page.3) 888 0 R] +/Limits [(page.25) (page.3)] +>> endobj +2300 0 obj << +/Names [(page.30) 1148 0 R (page.31) 1153 0 R (page.32) 1162 0 R (page.33) 1167 0 R (page.34) 1174 0 R (page.35) 1180 0 R] +/Limits [(page.30) (page.35)] +>> endobj +2301 0 obj << +/Names [(page.36) 1184 0 R (page.37) 1189 0 R (page.38) 1193 0 R (page.39) 1198 0 R (page.4) 931 0 R (page.40) 1203 0 R] +/Limits [(page.36) (page.40)] +>> endobj +2302 0 obj << +/Names [(page.41) 1207 0 R (page.42) 1213 0 R (page.43) 1218 0 R (page.44) 1222 0 R (page.45) 1226 0 R (page.46) 1232 0 R] +/Limits [(page.41) (page.46)] +>> endobj +2303 0 obj << +/Names [(page.47) 1239 0 R (page.48) 1245 0 R (page.49) 1250 0 R (page.5) 974 0 R (page.50) 1254 0 R (page.51) 1258 0 R] +/Limits [(page.47) (page.51)] +>> endobj +2304 0 obj << +/Names [(page.52) 1262 0 R (page.53) 1272 0 R (page.54) 1281 0 R (page.55) 1286 0 R (page.56) 1290 0 R (page.57) 1296 0 R] +/Limits [(page.52) (page.57)] +>> endobj +2305 0 obj << +/Names [(page.58) 1300 0 R (page.59) 1304 0 R (page.6) 985 0 R (page.60) 1310 0 R (page.61) 1316 0 R (page.62) 1321 0 R] +/Limits [(page.58) (page.62)] +>> endobj +2306 0 obj << +/Names [(page.63) 1327 0 R (page.64) 1331 0 R (page.65) 1336 0 R (page.66) 1340 0 R (page.67) 1345 0 R (page.68) 1349 0 R] +/Limits [(page.63) (page.68)] +>> endobj +2307 0 obj << +/Names [(page.69) 1353 0 R (page.7) 1005 0 R (page.70) 1357 0 R (page.71) 1361 0 R (page.72) 1366 0 R (page.73) 1371 0 R] +/Limits [(page.69) (page.73)] +>> endobj +2308 0 obj << +/Names [(page.74) 1375 0 R (page.75) 1379 0 R (page.76) 1383 0 R (page.77) 1387 0 R (page.78) 1391 0 R (page.79) 1396 0 R] +/Limits [(page.74) (page.79)] +>> endobj +2309 0 obj << +/Names [(page.8) 1025 0 R (page.80) 1400 0 R (page.81) 1407 0 R (page.82) 1411 0 R (page.83) 1416 0 R (page.84) 1421 0 R] +/Limits [(page.8) (page.84)] +>> endobj +2310 0 obj << +/Names [(page.85) 1426 0 R (page.86) 1431 0 R (page.87) 1435 0 R (page.88) 1439 0 R (page.89) 1445 0 R (page.9) 1034 0 R] +/Limits [(page.85) (page.9)] +>> endobj +2311 0 obj << +/Names [(page.90) 1450 0 R (page.91) 1458 0 R (page.92) 1462 0 R (page.93) 1466 0 R (page.94) 1474 0 R (page.95) 1480 0 R] +/Limits [(page.90) (page.95)] +>> endobj +2312 0 obj << +/Names [(page.96) 1484 0 R (page.97) 1490 0 R (page.98) 1495 0 R (page.99) 1499 0 R (section*.10) 94 0 R (section*.11) 142 0 R] +/Limits [(page.96) (section*.11)] +>> endobj +2313 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.12) 150 0 R (section*.13) 154 0 R (section*.14) 158 0 R (section*.15) 262 0 R (section*.16) 266 0 R (section*.17) 270 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.12) (section*.17)] +>> endobj +2314 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.3) 1026 0 R (section*.4) 1028 0 R (section*.5) 1029 0 R (section*.6) 1035 0 R (section*.7) 82 0 R (section*.8) 86 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.3) (section*.8)] +>> endobj +2315 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.9) 90 0 R (section.1.1) 6 0 R (section.1.2) 10 0 R (section.1.3) 14 0 R (section.1.4) 34 0 R (section.1.5) 38 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.9) (section.1.5)] +>> endobj +2316 0 obj << +/Names [(section.1.6) 42 0 R (section.1.7) 46 0 R (section.1.8) 50 0 R (section.10.1) 462 0 R (section.10.2) 478 0 R (section.10.3) 518 0 R] +/Limits [(section.1.6) (section.10.3)] +>> endobj +2317 0 obj << +/Names [(section.11.1) 526 0 R (section.11.10) 654 0 R (section.11.2) 530 0 R (section.11.3) 534 0 R (section.11.4) 538 0 R (section.11.5) 566 0 R] +/Limits [(section.11.1) (section.11.5)] +>> endobj +2318 0 obj << +/Names [(section.11.6) 570 0 R (section.11.7) 574 0 R (section.11.8) 578 0 R (section.11.9) 582 0 R (section.12.1) 662 0 R (section.12.2) 666 0 R] +/Limits [(section.11.6) (section.12.2)] +>> endobj +2319 0 obj << +/Names [(section.12.3) 670 0 R (section.12.4) 674 0 R (section.12.5) 678 0 R (section.13.1) 686 0 R (section.13.2) 690 0 R (section.13.3) 694 0 R] +/Limits [(section.12.3) (section.13.3)] +>> endobj +2320 0 obj << +/Names [(section.13.4) 698 0 R (section.13.5) 702 0 R (section.13.6) 722 0 R (section.14.1) 730 0 R (section.14.2) 734 0 R (section.14.3) 738 0 R] +/Limits [(section.13.4) (section.14.3)] +>> endobj +2321 0 obj << +/Names [(section.14.4) 742 0 R (section.14.5) 746 0 R (section.15.1) 754 0 R (section.15.2) 758 0 R (section.2.1) 58 0 R (section.2.2) 62 0 R] +/Limits [(section.14.4) (section.2.2)] +>> endobj +2322 0 obj << +/Names [(section.2.3) 66 0 R (section.3.1) 74 0 R (section.3.2) 102 0 R (section.3.3) 138 0 R (section.3.4) 174 0 R (section.3.5) 178 0 R] +/Limits [(section.2.3) (section.3.5)] +>> endobj +2323 0 obj << +/Names [(section.3.6) 182 0 R (section.3.7) 186 0 R (section.4.1) 206 0 R (section.4.2) 210 0 R (section.4.3) 214 0 R (section.4.4) 218 0 R] +/Limits [(section.3.6) (section.4.4)] +>> endobj +2324 0 obj << +/Names [(section.4.5) 222 0 R (section.4.6) 226 0 R (section.5.1) 234 0 R (section.5.2) 238 0 R (section.5.3) 242 0 R (section.5.4) 246 0 R] +/Limits [(section.4.5) (section.5.4)] +>> endobj +2325 0 obj << +/Names [(section.5.5) 250 0 R (section.5.6) 274 0 R (section.6.1) 282 0 R (section.6.2) 286 0 R (section.6.3) 290 0 R (section.6.4) 318 0 R] +/Limits [(section.5.5) (section.6.4)] +>> endobj +2326 0 obj << +/Names [(section.7.1) 350 0 R (section.7.2) 354 0 R (section.7.3) 358 0 R (section.7.4) 362 0 R (section.7.5) 366 0 R (section.7.6) 370 0 R] +/Limits [(section.7.1) (section.7.6)] +>> endobj +2327 0 obj << +/Names [(section.8.1) 378 0 R (section.8.2) 382 0 R (section.8.3) 386 0 R (section.8.4) 390 0 R (section.9.1) 398 0 R (section.9.2) 402 0 R] +/Limits [(section.8.1) (section.9.2)] +>> endobj +2328 0 obj << +/Names [(section.9.3) 406 0 R (section.9.4) 410 0 R (section.9.5) 414 0 R (section.9.6) 418 0 R (section.9.7) 422 0 R (section.9.8) 426 0 R] +/Limits [(section.9.3) (section.9.8)] +>> endobj +2329 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.1.3.1) 18 0 R (subsection.1.3.2) 22 0 R (subsection.1.3.3) 26 0 R (subsection.1.3.4) 30 0 R (subsection.10.1.1) 466 0 R (subsection.10.1.2) 470 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.3.1) (subsection.10.1.2)] +>> endobj +2330 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.10.1.3) 474 0 R (subsection.10.2.1) 482 0 R (subsection.10.2.2) 486 0 R (subsection.10.2.3) 490 0 R (subsection.10.2.4) 494 0 R (subsection.10.2.5) 498 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.10.1.3) (subsection.10.2.5)] +>> endobj +2331 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.10.2.6) 502 0 R (subsection.10.2.7) 506 0 R (subsection.10.2.8) 510 0 R (subsection.10.2.9) 514 0 R (subsection.11.4.1) 542 0 R (subsection.11.4.2) 546 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.10.2.6) (subsection.11.4.2)] +>> endobj +2332 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.4.3) 550 0 R (subsection.11.4.4) 554 0 R (subsection.11.4.5) 558 0 R (subsection.11.4.6) 562 0 R (subsection.11.9.1) 586 0 R (subsection.11.9.10) 622 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.4.3) (subsection.11.9.10)] +>> endobj +2333 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.9.11) 626 0 R (subsection.11.9.12) 630 0 R (subsection.11.9.13) 634 0 R (subsection.11.9.14) 638 0 R (subsection.11.9.15) 642 0 R (subsection.11.9.16) 646 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.9.11) (subsection.11.9.16)] +>> endobj +2334 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.9.17) 650 0 R (subsection.11.9.2) 590 0 R (subsection.11.9.3) 594 0 R (subsection.11.9.4) 598 0 R (subsection.11.9.5) 602 0 R (subsection.11.9.6) 606 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.9.17) (subsection.11.9.6)] +>> endobj +2335 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.11.9.7) 610 0 R (subsection.11.9.8) 614 0 R (subsection.11.9.9) 618 0 R (subsection.13.5.1) 706 0 R (subsection.13.5.2) 710 0 R (subsection.13.5.3) 714 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.9.7) (subsection.13.5.3)] +>> endobj +2336 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.13.5.4) 718 0 R (subsection.3.1.1) 78 0 R (subsection.3.1.2) 98 0 R (subsection.3.2.1) 106 0 R (subsection.3.2.2) 110 0 R (subsection.3.2.3) 114 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.13.5.4) (subsection.3.2.3)] +>> endobj +2337 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.3.2.4) 118 0 R (subsection.3.2.5) 122 0 R (subsection.3.2.6) 126 0 R (subsection.3.2.7) 130 0 R (subsection.3.2.8) 134 0 R (subsection.3.3.1) 146 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.3.2.4) (subsection.3.3.1)] +>> endobj +2338 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.3.3.2) 162 0 R (subsection.3.3.3) 166 0 R (subsection.3.3.4) 170 0 R (subsection.3.7.1) 190 0 R (subsection.3.7.2) 194 0 R (subsection.3.7.3) 198 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.3.3.2) (subsection.3.7.3)] +>> endobj +2339 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.5.5.1) 254 0 R (subsection.5.5.2) 258 0 R (subsection.6.3.1) 294 0 R (subsection.6.3.2) 298 0 R (subsection.6.3.3) 302 0 R (subsection.6.3.4) 306 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.5.5.1) (subsection.6.3.4)] +>> endobj +2340 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.3.5) 310 0 R (subsection.6.3.6) 314 0 R (subsection.6.4.1) 322 0 R (subsection.6.4.2) 326 0 R (subsection.6.4.3) 330 0 R (subsection.6.4.4) 334 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.3.5) (subsection.6.4.4)] +>> endobj +2341 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.4.5) 338 0 R (subsection.6.4.6) 342 0 R (subsection.9.8.1) 430 0 R (subsection.9.8.2) 434 0 R (subsection.9.8.3) 438 0 R (subsection.9.8.4) 442 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.4.5) (subsection.9.8.4)] +>> endobj +2342 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.9.8.5) 446 0 R (subsection.9.8.6) 450 0 R (subsection.9.8.7) 454 0 R (table.10.1) 1020 0 R (table.11.1) 1021 0 R (table.3.1) 1007 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.9.8.5) (table.3.1)] +>> endobj +2343 0 obj << +/Names [(table.3.2) 1008 0 R (table.3.3) 1009 0 R (table.3.4) 1010 0 R (table.3.5) 1011 0 R (table.9.1) 1012 0 R (table.9.2) 1013 0 R] +/Limits [(table.3.2) (table.9.2)] +>> endobj +2344 0 obj << +/Names [(table.9.3) 1014 0 R (table.9.4) 1015 0 R (table.9.5) 1016 0 R (table.9.6) 1017 0 R (table.9.7) 1018 0 R (table.9.8) 1019 0 R] +/Limits [(table.9.3) (table.9.8)] +>> endobj +2345 0 obj << +/Kids [2269 0 R 2270 0 R 2271 0 R 2272 0 R 2273 0 R 2274 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.38)] +>> endobj +2346 0 obj << +/Kids [2275 0 R 2276 0 R 2277 0 R 2278 0 R 2279 0 R 2280 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.39) (Item.70)] +>> endobj +2347 0 obj << +/Kids [2281 0 R 2282 0 R 2283 0 R 2284 0 R 2285 0 R 2286 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.71) (page.111)] +>> endobj +2348 0 obj << +/Kids [2287 0 R 2288 0 R 2289 0 R 2290 0 R 2291 0 R 2292 0 R] +/Limits [(page.112) (page.144)] +>> endobj +2349 0 obj << +/Kids [2293 0 R 2294 0 R 2295 0 R 2296 0 R 2297 0 R 2298 0 R] +/Limits [(page.145) (page.24)] +>> endobj +2350 0 obj << +/Kids [2299 0 R 2300 0 R 2301 0 R 2302 0 R 2303 0 R 2304 0 R] +/Limits [(page.25) (page.57)] +>> endobj +2351 0 obj << +/Kids [2305 0 R 2306 0 R 2307 0 R 2308 0 R 2309 0 R 2310 0 R] +/Limits [(page.58) (page.9)] +>> endobj +2352 0 obj << +/Kids [2311 0 R 2312 0 R 2313 0 R 2314 0 R 2315 0 R 2316 0 R] +/Limits [(page.90) (section.10.3)] +>> endobj +2353 0 obj << +/Kids [2317 0 R 2318 0 R 2319 0 R 2320 0 R 2321 0 R 2322 0 R] +/Limits [(section.11.1) (section.3.5)] +>> endobj +2354 0 obj << +/Kids [2323 0 R 2324 0 R 2325 0 R 2326 0 R 2327 0 R 2328 0 R] +/Limits [(section.3.6) (section.9.8)] +>> endobj +2355 0 obj << +/Kids [2329 0 R 2330 0 R 2331 0 R 2332 0 R 2333 0 R 2334 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.1.3.1) (subsection.11.9.6)] +>> endobj +2356 0 obj << +/Kids [2335 0 R 2336 0 R 2337 0 R 2338 0 R 2339 0 R 2340 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.11.9.7) (subsection.6.4.4)] +>> endobj +2357 0 obj << +/Kids [2341 0 R 2342 0 R 2343 0 R 2344 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.4.5) (table.9.8)] +>> endobj +2358 0 obj << +/Kids [2345 0 R 2346 0 R 2347 0 R 2348 0 R 2349 0 R 2350 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (page.57)] +>> endobj +2359 0 obj << +/Kids [2351 0 R 2352 0 R 2353 0 R 2354 0 R 2355 0 R 2356 0 R] +/Limits [(page.58) (subsection.6.4.4)] +>> endobj +2360 0 obj << +/Kids [2357 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.4.5) (table.9.8)] +>> endobj +2361 0 obj << +/Kids [2358 0 R 2359 0 R 2360 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (table.9.8)] +>> endobj +2362 0 obj << +/Dests 2361 0 R +>> endobj +2363 0 obj << +/Type /Catalog +/Pages 2267 0 R +/Outlines 2268 0 R +/Names 2362 0 R 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00000 n +0000507384 00000 n +0000507535 00000 n +0000507686 00000 n +0000507836 00000 n +0000507987 00000 n +0000508139 00000 n +0000508290 00000 n +0000508441 00000 n +0000508593 00000 n +0000508744 00000 n +0000508896 00000 n +0000509047 00000 n +0000509197 00000 n +0000509348 00000 n +0000509499 00000 n +0000509650 00000 n +0000509800 00000 n +0000509947 00000 n +0000510097 00000 n +0000510248 00000 n +0000510399 00000 n +0000510550 00000 n +0000510701 00000 n +0000510852 00000 n +0000511003 00000 n +0000511154 00000 n +0000511306 00000 n +0000511458 00000 n +0000511610 00000 n +0000511761 00000 n +0000511912 00000 n +0000512063 00000 n +0000512214 00000 n +0000512365 00000 n +0000512516 00000 n +0000512667 00000 n +0000512818 00000 n +0000512969 00000 n +0000513120 00000 n +0000513269 00000 n +0000513420 00000 n +0000513571 00000 n +0000513721 00000 n +0000513872 00000 n +0000514024 00000 n +0000514175 00000 n +0000514325 00000 n +0000514476 00000 n +0000514627 00000 n +0000514779 00000 n +0000514929 00000 n +0000515081 00000 n +0000515232 00000 n +0000515383 00000 n +0000515534 00000 n +0000515685 00000 n +0000515836 00000 n +0000515987 00000 n +0000516139 00000 n +0000516291 00000 n +0000516442 00000 n +0000516593 00000 n +0000516744 00000 n +0000516895 00000 n +0000517045 00000 n +0000517196 00000 n +0000517348 00000 n +0000517500 00000 n +0000520288 00000 n +0000520439 00000 n +0000517712 00000 n +0000496233 00000 n +0000494834 00000 n +0000517651 00000 n +0000701574 00000 n +0000520591 00000 n +0000520742 00000 n +0000520893 00000 n +0000521043 00000 n +0000521194 00000 n +0000521345 00000 n +0000521496 00000 n +0000521648 00000 n +0000521800 00000 n +0000521952 00000 n +0000522104 00000 n +0000522256 00000 n +0000522408 00000 n +0000522558 00000 n +0000522709 00000 n +0000522859 00000 n +0000523011 00000 n +0000523163 00000 n +0000523315 00000 n +0000523467 00000 n +0000523619 00000 n +0000523771 00000 n +0000523923 00000 n +0000524075 00000 n +0000524227 00000 n +0000524379 00000 n +0000524528 00000 n +0000524678 00000 n +0000524830 00000 n +0000524982 00000 n +0000525132 00000 n +0000525282 00000 n +0000525431 00000 n +0000525582 00000 n +0000525734 00000 n +0000525885 00000 n +0000526035 00000 n +0000526186 00000 n +0000526337 00000 n +0000526488 00000 n +0000526639 00000 n +0000526790 00000 n +0000526939 00000 n +0000527089 00000 n +0000527241 00000 n +0000527393 00000 n +0000527543 00000 n +0000527694 00000 n +0000527845 00000 n +0000527996 00000 n +0000528148 00000 n +0000528300 00000 n +0000528450 00000 n +0000528599 00000 n +0000528750 00000 n +0000528900 00000 n +0000529050 00000 n +0000529201 00000 n +0000529351 00000 n +0000529502 00000 n +0000529653 00000 n +0000529803 00000 n +0000529954 00000 n +0000530105 00000 n +0000530254 00000 n +0000530404 00000 n +0000530555 00000 n +0000530706 00000 n +0000530857 00000 n +0000531008 00000 n +0000531159 00000 n +0000531310 00000 n +0000531461 00000 n +0000531612 00000 n +0000531763 00000 n +0000531914 00000 n +0000532065 00000 n +0000532216 00000 n +0000532367 00000 n +0000532518 00000 n +0000532669 00000 n +0000532820 00000 n +0000532971 00000 n +0000533120 00000 n +0000533271 00000 n +0000533422 00000 n +0000533573 00000 n +0000533724 00000 n +0000533876 00000 n +0000534028 00000 n +0000534180 00000 n +0000534331 00000 n +0000534483 00000 n +0000534634 00000 n +0000534785 00000 n +0000534936 00000 n +0000535087 00000 n +0000535237 00000 n +0000535387 00000 n +0000535537 00000 n +0000535687 00000 n +0000535837 00000 n +0000535986 00000 n +0000536135 00000 n +0000536282 00000 n +0000536432 00000 n +0000536582 00000 n +0000536732 00000 n +0000536882 00000 n +0000537032 00000 n +0000537182 00000 n +0000537332 00000 n +0000537484 00000 n +0000537634 00000 n +0000537786 00000 n +0000537998 00000 n +0000519100 00000 n +0000517811 00000 n +0000537936 00000 n +0000695190 00000 n +0000538097 00000 n +0000538413 00000 n +0000538449 00000 n +0000538523 00000 n +0000538599 00000 n +0000539072 00000 n +0000539176 00000 n +0000539200 00000 n +0000539334 00000 n +0000539899 00000 n +0000540515 00000 n +0000540719 00000 n +0000541197 00000 n +0000542108 00000 n +0000542680 00000 n +0000549823 00000 n +0000550058 00000 n +0000557724 00000 n +0000557953 00000 n +0000565504 00000 n +0000565739 00000 n +0000572847 00000 n +0000573076 00000 n +0000575169 00000 n +0000575398 00000 n +0000584561 00000 n +0000584843 00000 n +0000605448 00000 n +0000606125 00000 n +0000620378 00000 n +0000620949 00000 n +0000632115 00000 n +0000632646 00000 n +0000638693 00000 n +0000638987 00000 n +0000655200 00000 n +0000655599 00000 n +0000675356 00000 n +0000675879 00000 n +0000688230 00000 n +0000688583 00000 n +0000694933 00000 n +0000701663 00000 n +0000701787 00000 n +0000701913 00000 n +0000702039 00000 n +0000702165 00000 n +0000702282 00000 n +0000702383 00000 n +0000720302 00000 n +0000720493 00000 n +0000720670 00000 n +0000720846 00000 n +0000721023 00000 n +0000721199 00000 n +0000721376 00000 n +0000721552 00000 n +0000721729 00000 n +0000721904 00000 n +0000722079 00000 n +0000722256 00000 n +0000722432 00000 n +0000722615 00000 n +0000722806 00000 n +0000722993 00000 n +0000723175 00000 n +0000723360 00000 n +0000723544 00000 n +0000723729 00000 n +0000723913 00000 n +0000724098 00000 n +0000724282 00000 n +0000724467 00000 n +0000724650 00000 n +0000724833 00000 n +0000725018 00000 n +0000725202 00000 n +0000725387 00000 n +0000725568 00000 n +0000725742 00000 n +0000725916 00000 n +0000726093 00000 n +0000726268 00000 n +0000726445 00000 n +0000726620 00000 n +0000726797 00000 n +0000726972 00000 n +0000727149 00000 n +0000727325 00000 n +0000727502 00000 n +0000727677 00000 n +0000727852 00000 n +0000728029 00000 n +0000728215 00000 n +0000728418 00000 n +0000728615 00000 n +0000728809 00000 n +0000729013 00000 n +0000729225 00000 n +0000729436 00000 n +0000729647 00000 n +0000729858 00000 n +0000730064 00000 n +0000730265 00000 n +0000730468 00000 n +0000730671 00000 n +0000730874 00000 n +0000731077 00000 n +0000731280 00000 n +0000731483 00000 n +0000731725 00000 n +0000731976 00000 n +0000732227 00000 n +0000732480 00000 n +0000732739 00000 n +0000732992 00000 n +0000733243 00000 n +0000733486 00000 n +0000733729 00000 n +0000733972 00000 n +0000734215 00000 n +0000734458 00000 n +0000734701 00000 n +0000734921 00000 n +0000735114 00000 n +0000735307 00000 n +0000735425 00000 n +0000735541 00000 n +0000735658 00000 n +0000735776 00000 n +0000735893 00000 n +0000736009 00000 n +0000736124 00000 n +0000736245 00000 n +0000736370 00000 n +0000736494 00000 n +0000736629 00000 n +0000736764 00000 n +0000736873 00000 n +0000736991 00000 n +0000737116 00000 n +0000737198 00000 n +0000737291 00000 n +0000737331 00000 n +0000737483 00000 n +trailer +<< /Size 2365 +/Root 2363 0 R +/Info 2364 0 R +/ID [ ] >> +startxref +737913 +%%EOF diff --git a/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal User's Guide.pdf b/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal User's Guide.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4792b1db4ca8bc3325174396b6cd7e0e81cd51b --- /dev/null +++ b/Programming/Pascal/Free Pascal User's Guide.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,17219 @@ +%PDF-1.4 +% +1 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> +endobj +4 0 obj +(Introduction) +endobj +5 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> +endobj +8 0 obj +(About this document) +endobj +9 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +endobj +12 0 obj +(About the compiler) +endobj +13 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1.3) >> +endobj +16 0 obj +(Getting more information.) +endobj +17 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +endobj +20 0 obj +(Installing the compiler) +endobj +21 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +endobj +24 0 obj +(Before Installation : Requirements) +endobj +25 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.1) >> +endobj +28 0 obj +(Hardware requirements) +endobj +29 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.2) >> +endobj +32 0 obj +(Software requirements) +endobj +33 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.2) >> +endobj +36 0 obj +(Under DOS) +endobj +37 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.3) >> +endobj +40 0 obj +(Under UNIX) +endobj +41 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +endobj +44 0 obj +(Under Windows) +endobj +45 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +endobj +48 0 obj +(Under OS/2) +endobj +49 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +endobj +52 0 obj +(Under Mac OS X) +endobj +53 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +endobj +56 0 obj +(Installing the compiler.) +endobj +57 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.1) >> +endobj +60 0 obj +(Installing under Windows) +endobj +61 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.2) >> +endobj +64 0 obj +(Installing under DOS or OS/2) +endobj +65 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +endobj +68 0 obj +(Mandatory installation steps.) +endobj +69 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +endobj +72 0 obj +(Optional Installation: The coprocessor emulation) +endobj +73 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.3) >> +endobj +76 0 obj +(Installing under Linux) +endobj +77 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +endobj +80 0 obj +(Mandatory installation steps.) +endobj +81 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +endobj +84 0 obj +(Optional configuration steps) +endobj +85 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> +endobj +88 0 obj +(Before compiling) +endobj +89 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> +endobj +92 0 obj +(Testing the compiler) +endobj +93 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +endobj +96 0 obj +(Compiler usage) +endobj +97 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +endobj +100 0 obj +(File searching) +endobj +101 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.1) >> +endobj +104 0 obj +(Command line files) +endobj +105 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.2) >> +endobj +108 0 obj +(Unit files) +endobj +109 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.3) >> +endobj +112 0 obj +(Include files) +endobj +113 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.4) >> +endobj +116 0 obj +(Object files) +endobj +117 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.5) >> +endobj +120 0 obj +(Configuration file) +endobj +121 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.6) >> +endobj +124 0 obj +(About long filenames) +endobj +125 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +endobj +128 0 obj +(Compiling a program) +endobj +129 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +endobj +132 0 obj +(Compiling a unit) +endobj +133 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +endobj +136 0 obj +(Units, libraries and smartlinking) +endobj +137 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> +endobj +140 0 obj +(Reducing the size of your program) +endobj +141 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +endobj +144 0 obj +(Compiling problems) +endobj +145 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +endobj +148 0 obj +(General problems) +endobj +149 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +endobj +152 0 obj +(Problems you may encounter under DOS) +endobj +153 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +endobj +156 0 obj +(Compiler configuration) +endobj +157 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +endobj +160 0 obj +(Using the command line options) +endobj +161 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.1) >> +endobj +164 0 obj +(General options) +endobj +165 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.2) >> +endobj +168 0 obj +(Options for getting feedback) +endobj +169 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.3) >> +endobj +172 0 obj +(Options concerning files and directories) +endobj +173 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.4) >> +endobj +176 0 obj +(Options controlling the kind of output.) +endobj +177 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.5) >> +endobj +180 0 obj +(Options concerning the sources \(language options\)) +endobj +181 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +endobj +184 0 obj +(Using the configuration file) +endobj +185 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.1) >> +endobj +188 0 obj +(\043IFDEF) +endobj +189 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.2) >> +endobj +192 0 obj +(\043IFNDEF) +endobj +193 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.3) >> +endobj +196 0 obj +(\043ELSE) +endobj +197 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.4) >> +endobj +200 0 obj +(\043ENDIF) +endobj +201 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.5) >> +endobj +204 0 obj +(\043DEFINE) +endobj +205 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.6) >> +endobj +208 0 obj +(\043UNDEF) +endobj +209 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.7) >> +endobj +212 0 obj +(\043WRITE) +endobj +213 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.8) >> +endobj +216 0 obj +(\043INCLUDE) +endobj +217 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.9) >> +endobj +220 0 obj +(\043SECTION) +endobj +221 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +endobj +224 0 obj +(Variable substitution in paths) +endobj +225 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +endobj +228 0 obj +(The IDE) +endobj +229 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +endobj +232 0 obj +(First steps with the IDE) +endobj +233 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.1) >> +endobj +236 0 obj +(Starting the IDE) +endobj +237 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.2) >> +endobj +240 0 obj +(IDE command line options) +endobj +241 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.3) >> +endobj +244 0 obj +(The IDE screen) +endobj +245 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +endobj +248 0 obj +(Navigating in the IDE) +endobj +249 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.1) >> +endobj +252 0 obj +(Using the keyboard) +endobj +253 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.2) >> +endobj +256 0 obj +(Using the mouse) +endobj +257 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.3) >> +endobj +260 0 obj +(Navigating in dialogs) +endobj +261 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +endobj +264 0 obj +(Windows) +endobj +265 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> +endobj +268 0 obj +(Window basics) +endobj +269 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> +endobj +272 0 obj +(Sizing and moving windows) +endobj +273 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> +endobj +276 0 obj +(Working with multiple windows) +endobj +277 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> +endobj +280 0 obj +(Dialog windows) +endobj +281 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +endobj +284 0 obj +(The Menu) +endobj +285 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.1) >> +endobj +288 0 obj +(Accessing the menu) +endobj +289 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.2) >> +endobj +292 0 obj +(The File menu) +endobj +293 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.3) >> +endobj +296 0 obj +(The Edit menu) +endobj +297 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.4) >> +endobj +300 0 obj +(The Search menu) +endobj +301 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.5) >> +endobj +304 0 obj +(The Run menu) +endobj +305 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.6) >> +endobj +308 0 obj +(The Compile menu) +endobj +309 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.7) >> +endobj +312 0 obj +(The Debug menu) +endobj +313 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.8) >> +endobj +316 0 obj +(The Tools menu) +endobj +317 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.9) >> +endobj +320 0 obj +(The Options menu) +endobj +321 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.10) >> +endobj +324 0 obj +(The Window menu) +endobj +325 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.11) >> +endobj +328 0 obj +(The Help menu) +endobj +329 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.5) >> +endobj +332 0 obj +(Editing text) +endobj +333 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.1) >> +endobj +336 0 obj +(Insert modes) +endobj +337 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.2) >> +endobj +340 0 obj +(Blocks) +endobj +341 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.3) >> +endobj +344 0 obj +(Setting bookmarks) +endobj +345 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.4) >> +endobj +348 0 obj +(Jumping to a source line) +endobj +349 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.5) >> +endobj +352 0 obj +(Syntax highlighting) +endobj +353 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.6) >> +endobj +356 0 obj +(Code Completion) +endobj +357 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.7) >> +endobj +360 0 obj +(Code Templates) +endobj +361 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.6) >> +endobj +364 0 obj +(Searching and replacing) +endobj +365 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.7) >> +endobj +368 0 obj +(The symbol browser) +endobj +369 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.8) >> +endobj +372 0 obj +(Running programs) +endobj +373 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.9) >> +endobj +376 0 obj +(Debugging programs) +endobj +377 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.1) >> +endobj +380 0 obj +(Using breakpoints) +endobj +381 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.2) >> +endobj +384 0 obj +(Using watches) +endobj +385 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.3) >> +endobj +388 0 obj +(The call stack) +endobj +389 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.4) >> +endobj +392 0 obj +(The GDB window) +endobj +393 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.10) >> +endobj +396 0 obj +(Using Tools) +endobj +397 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.1) >> +endobj +400 0 obj +(The messages window) +endobj +401 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.2) >> +endobj +404 0 obj +(Grep) +endobj +405 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.3) >> +endobj +408 0 obj +(The ASCII table) +endobj +409 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.4) >> +endobj +412 0 obj +(The calculator) +endobj +413 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.5) >> +endobj +416 0 obj +(Adding new tools) +endobj +417 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.6) >> +endobj +420 0 obj +(Meta parameters) +endobj +421 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.7) >> +endobj +424 0 obj +(Building a command line dialog box) +endobj +425 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.11) >> +endobj +428 0 obj +(Project management and compiler options) +endobj +429 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.1) >> +endobj +432 0 obj +(The primary file) +endobj +433 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.2) >> +endobj +436 0 obj +(The directory dialog) +endobj +437 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.3) >> +endobj +440 0 obj +(The target operating system) +endobj +441 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.4) >> +endobj +444 0 obj +(Compiler options) +endobj +445 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.5) >> +endobj +448 0 obj +(Linker options) +endobj +449 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.6) >> +endobj +452 0 obj +(Memory sizes) +endobj +453 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.7) >> +endobj +456 0 obj +(Debug options) +endobj +457 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.8) >> +endobj +460 0 obj +(The switches mode) +endobj +461 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.12) >> +endobj +464 0 obj +(Customizing the IDE) +endobj +465 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.1) >> +endobj +468 0 obj +(Preferences) +endobj +469 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.2) >> +endobj +472 0 obj +(The desktop) +endobj +473 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.3) >> +endobj +476 0 obj +(The Editor) +endobj +477 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.4) >> +endobj +480 0 obj +(Keyboard \046 Mouse) +endobj +481 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.13) >> +endobj +484 0 obj +(The help system) +endobj +485 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.1) >> +endobj +488 0 obj +(Navigating in the help system) +endobj +489 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.2) >> +endobj +492 0 obj +(Working with help files) +endobj +493 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.3) >> +endobj +496 0 obj +(The about dialog) +endobj +497 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6.14) >> +endobj +500 0 obj +(Keyboard shortcuts) +endobj +501 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +endobj +504 0 obj +(Porting and portable code) +endobj +505 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +endobj +508 0 obj +(Free Pascal compiler modes) +endobj +509 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +endobj +512 0 obj +(Turbo Pascal) +endobj +513 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.1) >> +endobj +516 0 obj +(Things that will not work) +endobj +517 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.2) >> +endobj +520 0 obj +(Things which are extra) +endobj +521 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.3) >> +endobj +524 0 obj +(Turbo Pascal compatibility mode) +endobj +525 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.4) >> +endobj +528 0 obj +(A note on long file names under dos) +endobj +529 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +endobj +532 0 obj +(Porting Delphi code) +endobj +533 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.1) >> +endobj +536 0 obj +(Missing language constructs) +endobj +537 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.2) >> +endobj +540 0 obj +(Missing calls / API incompatibilities) +endobj +541 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.3) >> +endobj +544 0 obj +(Delphi compatibility mode) +endobj +545 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.4) >> +endobj +548 0 obj +(Best practices for porting) +endobj +549 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7.4) >> +endobj +552 0 obj +(Writing portable code) +endobj +553 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +endobj +556 0 obj +(Utilities that come with Free Pascal) +endobj +557 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +endobj +560 0 obj +(Demo programs and examples) +endobj +561 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +endobj +564 0 obj +(fpcmake) +endobj +565 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +endobj +568 0 obj +(fpdoc - Pascal Unit documenter) +endobj +569 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +endobj +572 0 obj +(h2pas - C header to Pascal Unit converter) +endobj +573 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.1) >> +endobj +576 0 obj +(Options) +endobj +577 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.2) >> +endobj +580 0 obj +(Constructs) +endobj +581 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.5) >> +endobj +584 0 obj +(h2paspp - preprocessor for h2pas) +endobj +585 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.5.1) >> +endobj +588 0 obj +(Usage) +endobj +589 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.5.2) >> +endobj +592 0 obj +(Options) +endobj +593 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.6) >> +endobj +596 0 obj +(ppudump program) +endobj +597 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.7) >> +endobj +600 0 obj +(ppumove program) +endobj +601 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.8) >> +endobj +604 0 obj +(ptop - Pascal source beautifier) +endobj +605 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.1) >> +endobj +608 0 obj +(ptop program) +endobj +609 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.2) >> +endobj +612 0 obj +(The ptop configuration file) +endobj +613 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.3) >> +endobj +616 0 obj +(ptopu unit) +endobj +617 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.9) >> +endobj +620 0 obj +(rstconv program) +endobj +621 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8.10) >> +endobj +624 0 obj +(unitdiff program) +endobj +625 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.1) >> +endobj +628 0 obj +(Synopsis) +endobj +629 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.2) >> +endobj +632 0 obj +(Description and usage) +endobj +633 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.3) >> +endobj +636 0 obj +(Options) +endobj +637 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +endobj +640 0 obj +(Units that come with Free Pascal) +endobj +641 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +endobj +644 0 obj +(Standard units) +endobj +645 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +endobj +648 0 obj +(Under DOS) +endobj +649 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +endobj +652 0 obj +(Under Windows) +endobj +653 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +endobj +656 0 obj +(Under Linux and BSD-like platforms) +endobj +657 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +endobj +660 0 obj +(Under OS/2) +endobj +661 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9.6) >> +endobj +664 0 obj +(Unit availability) +endobj +665 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +endobj +668 0 obj +(Debugging your programs) +endobj +669 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +endobj +672 0 obj +(Compiling your program with debugger support) +endobj +673 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +endobj +676 0 obj +(Using gdb to debug your program) +endobj +677 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +endobj +680 0 obj +(Caveats when debugging with gdb) +endobj +681 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.4) >> +endobj +684 0 obj +(Support for gprof, the gnu profiler) +endobj +685 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.5) >> +endobj +688 0 obj +(Detecting heap memory leaks) +endobj +689 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.6) >> +endobj +692 0 obj +(Line numbers in run-time error backtraces) +endobj +693 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10.7) >> +endobj +696 0 obj +(Combining heaptrc and lineinfo) +endobj +697 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.A) >> +endobj +700 0 obj +(Alphabetical listing of command line options) +endobj +701 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.B) >> +endobj +704 0 obj +(Alphabetical list of reserved words) +endobj +705 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.C) >> +endobj +708 0 obj +(Compiler messages) +endobj +709 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.1) >> +endobj +712 0 obj +(General compiler messages) +endobj +713 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.2) >> +endobj +716 0 obj +(Scanner messages.) +endobj +717 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.3) >> +endobj +720 0 obj +(Parser messages) +endobj +721 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.4) >> +endobj +724 0 obj +(Type checking errors) +endobj +725 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.5) >> +endobj +728 0 obj +(Symbol handling) +endobj +729 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.6) >> +endobj +732 0 obj +(Code generator messages) +endobj +733 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.7) >> +endobj +736 0 obj +(Errors of assembling/linking stage) +endobj +737 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.8) >> +endobj +740 0 obj +(Executable information messages.) +endobj +741 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.9) >> +endobj +744 0 obj +(Linker messages) +endobj +745 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.10) >> +endobj +748 0 obj +(Unit loading messages.) +endobj +749 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.11) >> +endobj +752 0 obj +(Command line handling errors) +endobj +753 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.12) >> +endobj +756 0 obj +(Whole program optimization messages) +endobj +757 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.C.13) >> +endobj +760 0 obj +(Assembler reader errors.) +endobj +761 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.C.13.1) >> +endobj +764 0 obj +(General assembler errors) +endobj +765 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.C.13.2) >> +endobj +768 0 obj +(I386 specific errors) +endobj +769 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.C.13.3) >> +endobj +772 0 obj +(m68k specific errors.) +endobj +773 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.D) >> +endobj +776 0 obj +(Run-time errors) +endobj +777 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.E) >> +endobj +780 0 obj +(A sample gdb.ini file) +endobj +781 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.F) >> +endobj +784 0 obj +(Options and settings) +endobj +785 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (appendix.G) >> +endobj +788 0 obj +(Getting the latest sources or installers) +endobj +789 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.G.1) >> +endobj +792 0 obj +(Download via Subversion) +endobj +793 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.G.2) >> +endobj +796 0 obj +(Downloading a source zip) +endobj +797 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.G.3) >> +endobj +800 0 obj +(Downloading a snapshot) +endobj +803 0 obj << +/Length 334 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x}N0y +H$O+@T +\(I ix{8Tثvg=q=M\X + nE!$d=ƹd"Ƿ Ry 1&Jwk žXN][^4 )@`ch#DO ĿneC>A5mQW"wDν]7` |_j]g=:7u'Do#\e' L߃,;r]/J<Ϊp9˪%CAb+T\ Fô1-~}( +endstream +endobj +802 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 803 0 R +/Resources 801 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 808 0 R +>> endobj +804 0 obj << +/D [802 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +805 0 obj << +/D [802 0 R /XYZ 91.925 733.028 null] +>> endobj +801 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 806 0 R /F31 807 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +841 0 obj << +/Length 889 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xKO@|=~VPHJc;Ub~w?I*d @p~aS[Hxfe# 5N041?G!@ Οo΋8XيadZBh\il"iD^An-9xV+6BFD)wQַ}w^fsM!6-_q/T)}i|;bȫhsf܅/nhf~ׇܴMJ~ᴠyMAr [J$*oBOǒ躕I{ Z}|\S0|+W~3icxq%hst7פ֎ t +pqmi bzӯXo6w`ڦ w Ӧ>WSijeͨ5O+}|魶U$^:Q+4I/EۓרEƙw}(8r$Οg%O6֋Myds} δ>xp(Z)ӬtxMXb- +=Sɢ|3 +v1=6IZ)rRT:8S5&"Gi[6Nwxx'd@{ ol71vhY9. t-H w]{c2o}BsЪPӒkoka.P@ h_Bq|L +endstream +endobj +840 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 841 0 R +/Resources 839 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 808 0 R +/Annots [ 809 0 R 810 0 R 811 0 R 812 0 R 813 0 R 814 0 R 815 0 R 816 0 R 817 0 R 818 0 R 819 0 R 820 0 R 821 0 R 822 0 R 823 0 R 824 0 R 825 0 R 826 0 R 827 0 R 828 0 R 829 0 R 830 0 R 831 0 R 832 0 R 833 0 R 834 0 R 835 0 R 836 0 R 837 0 R ] +>> endobj +809 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 572.111 161.932 581.088] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> +>> endobj +810 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 555.992 214.355 564.838] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> +>> endobj +811 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 537.795 208.258 548.699] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> +>> endobj +812 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 521.655 235.655 532.559] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.3) >> +>> endobj +813 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 495.688 204.173 506.567] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> +>> endobj +814 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 479.414 268.9 490.318] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> +>> endobj +815 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 463.274 256.338 474.178] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.1) >> +>> endobj +816 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 447.135 253.03 458.038] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1.2) >> +>> endobj +817 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 433.052 209.972 441.899] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.2) >> +>> endobj +818 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 416.913 214.944 425.759] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.3) >> +>> endobj +819 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 400.773 227.586 409.62] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> +>> endobj +820 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 384.634 210.53 393.48] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.5) >> +>> endobj +821 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 368.494 232.657 377.341] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> +>> endobj +822 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 350.297 222.933 361.201] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> +>> endobj +823 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 334.158 265.503 345.062] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.1) >> +>> endobj +824 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 318.018 281.653 328.922] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.2) >> +>> endobj +825 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 301.879 278.056 312.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.7) >> +>> endobj +826 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 285.739 358.613 296.643] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> +>> endobj +827 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 269.599 251.765 280.503] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.3) >> +>> endobj +828 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [160.667 253.46 278.056 264.364] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.9) >> +>> endobj +829 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 237.32 243.685 248.224] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> +>> endobj +830 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 221.181 200.786 232.085] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> +>> endobj +831 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 205.041 212.542 215.945] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> +>> endobj +832 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 179.074 174.555 189.953] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> +>> endobj +833 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 162.8 186.948 173.703] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> +>> endobj +834 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 148.717 240.706 157.564] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.1) >> +>> endobj +835 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 132.578 199.471 141.424] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.2) >> +>> endobj +836 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 116.319 211.636 125.285] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.3) >> +>> endobj +837 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 98.241 208.318 109.145] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.4) >> +>> endobj +843 0 obj << +/D [840 0 R /XYZ 91.925 599.032 null] +>> endobj +839 0 obj << +/Font << /F35 842 0 R /F29 806 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +884 0 obj << +/Length 1245 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x]SH+6L25g \8sA#%YBr6&@hm!WoiRʗ%Kb}t `P*ܪW3{2/hbAu@łbPC70Uht (U:LqH!뀿(21P}PYabh1(jcPϓ'hI,Hbm(P;LT]SjeB@LctȕPe%ϋd@$^N=b:)c$W""\*)U,S'jHL_"Md,Cy=W&%w["uҀD?u|fZaoӒmJٽ_B )}J6Vٰ1$E+#V@UASMIA&@*}fRvZ]rv:a5oROTs'ϝHy bT\lOE\\2-K> endobj +838 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 233.235 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.5) >> +>> endobj +844 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 248.448 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1.6) >> +>> endobj +845 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 687.633 216.567 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> +>> endobj +846 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 671.494 198.316 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> +>> endobj +847 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 655.354 259.734 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> +>> endobj +848 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 639.215 269.399 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> +>> endobj +849 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 613.247 194.868 624.126] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> +>> endobj +850 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 596.973 201.882 607.877] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> +>> endobj +851 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 580.833 294.863 591.737] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> +>> endobj +852 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 554.865 207.77 565.745] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> +>> endobj +853 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 538.591 260.293 549.495] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> +>> endobj +854 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 522.452 226.022 533.356] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.1) >> +>> endobj +855 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 506.312 276.93 517.216] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.2) >> +>> endobj +856 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 490.173 321.483 501.077] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.3) >> +>> endobj +857 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 474.033 316.532 484.937] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.4) >> +>> endobj +858 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 457.894 364.92 468.798] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.5) >> +>> endobj +859 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 441.754 240.089 452.658] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> +>> endobj +860 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 427.672 195.317 436.519] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.1) >> +>> endobj +861 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 411.532 202.51 420.379] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.2) >> +>> endobj +862 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 395.393 191.442 404.239] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.3) >> +>> endobj +863 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 379.253 196.971 388.1] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.4) >> +>> endobj +864 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 363.114 203.058 371.96] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.5) >> +>> endobj +865 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 346.974 200.847 355.821] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.6) >> +>> endobj +866 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 330.835 199.183 339.681] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.7) >> +>> endobj +867 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 314.695 211.357 323.542] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.8) >> +>> endobj +868 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 298.436 209.703 307.402] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.9) >> +>> endobj +869 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 280.359 246.733 291.263] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> +>> endobj +870 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 256.294 144.677 265.27] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> +>> endobj +871 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 238.117 225.423 249.021] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> +>> endobj +872 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 221.977 227.964 232.881] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.1) >> +>> endobj +873 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 205.838 270.305 216.742] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.2) >> +>> endobj +874 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 191.636 225.175 200.602] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1.3) >> +>> endobj +875 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 173.559 218.799 184.463] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> +>> endobj +876 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 157.419 240.438 168.323] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.1) >> +>> endobj +877 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 141.28 229.628 152.184] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.2) >> +>> endobj +878 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 125.14 248.198 136.044] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2.3) >> +>> endobj +879 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 111.058 168.319 119.904] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> +>> endobj +880 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 94.918 223.163 103.765] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> +>> endobj +885 0 obj << +/D [883 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +882 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 886 0 R /F29 806 0 R /F35 842 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +929 0 obj << +/Length 1199 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xr8~ +-aaFenI{&f^`pG6؁&)׹G` >G0̀7 ;%3P?/boGWRo);ܥ LF!s:?@@uab09#TBX8s__ꡘ:# 5~Fc + U/F9z,6d~̰k9KB:AY?WLj9H-zCѭ)~=heCXY2Z(I{@q_ɎБeq ߓ~"RcrԎ.h/j}J@~Bס8qP0Er.ɞu},o +-Q7)(>qdWo8&M&k^͢ed¥.܉ p2^ +vl@H]w$7mu^d`ĥ3( WEz)6j~*ƩWEoZ,.^F955x+.(K /@=ml >1U:dPF +{ xi1ۄ]c+׾Sٽ'p|!Cc2ܤ̷-[6EZ$pgnKr|p-o ,weeI9 r]Y=E:?Q*uG4_ͳέ0Slȵs#5Hx>…T;{!뎢{q +(א*z9kj0tꢷoy.pO8#=e#fq]|XcJo{5U6^<=%wۥ5͉07-M[n>e̢ܳ Dp>H2\赅0Vw+{u+ |a + P6℞qe+(IfI8լ=i <z? 4Jֵy UEV"ӲcՆɼ-wKipw4ācWyyGD; +endstream +endobj +928 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 929 0 R +/Resources 927 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 808 0 R +/Annots [ 881 0 R 887 0 R 888 0 R 889 0 R 890 0 R 891 0 R 892 0 R 893 0 R 894 0 R 895 0 R 896 0 R 897 0 R 898 0 R 899 0 R 900 0 R 901 0 R 902 0 R 903 0 R 904 0 R 905 0 R 906 0 R 907 0 R 908 0 R 909 0 R 910 0 R 911 0 R 912 0 R 913 0 R 914 0 R 915 0 R 916 0 R 917 0 R 918 0 R 919 0 R 920 0 R 921 0 R 922 0 R 923 0 R 924 0 R 925 0 R ] +>> endobj +881 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 276.004 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> +>> endobj +887 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 291.406 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> +>> endobj +888 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 227.994 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> +>> endobj +889 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 673.551 172.005 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.4) >> +>> endobj +890 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 242.898 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.1) >> +>> endobj +891 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 641.272 220.772 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.2) >> +>> endobj +892 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 625.132 221.877 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.3) >> +>> endobj +893 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 608.993 232.378 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.4) >> +>> endobj +894 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 592.853 221.878 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.5) >> +>> endobj +895 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 574.656 239.591 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.6) >> +>> endobj +896 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 558.517 231.631 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.7) >> +>> endobj +897 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 544.435 227.168 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.8) >> +>> endobj +898 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 236.821 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.9) >> +>> endobj +899 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 512.036 238.934 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.10) >> +>> endobj +900 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 493.959 224.637 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.4.11) >> +>> endobj +901 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 477.819 177.404 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.5) >> +>> endobj +902 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 463.737 213.847 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.1) >> +>> endobj +903 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 447.597 190.336 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.2) >> +>> endobj +904 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 429.4 237.658 440.304] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.3) >> +>> endobj +905 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 413.261 260.064 424.165] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.4) >> +>> endobj +906 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 397.121 241.543 408.025] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.5) >> +>> endobj +907 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 380.982 233.235 391.886] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.6) >> +>> endobj +908 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 364.842 226.988 375.746] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.5.7) >> +>> endobj +909 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 348.703 227.058 359.607] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.6) >> +>> endobj +910 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 332.563 212.433 343.467] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.7) >> +>> endobj +911 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 316.424 205.22 327.327] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.8) >> +>> endobj +912 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 300.284 214.973 311.188] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.9) >> +>> endobj +913 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 284.144 235.436 295.048] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.1) >> +>> endobj +914 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 268.005 220.941 278.909] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.2) >> +>> endobj +915 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 253.803 217.992 262.769] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.3) >> +>> endobj +916 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 237.663 236.015 246.63] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.9.4) >> +>> endobj +917 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 219.586 178.968 230.49] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.10) >> +>> endobj +918 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 203.447 252.612 214.351] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.1) >> +>> endobj +919 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 187.307 182.575 198.211] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.2) >> +>> endobj +920 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 173.225 228.512 182.072] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.3) >> +>> endobj +921 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 157.085 219.925 165.932] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.4) >> +>> endobj +922 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 138.888 233.255 149.792] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.5) >> +>> endobj +923 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 122.749 229.329 133.653] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.6) >> +>> endobj +924 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 106.609 308.502 117.513] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.10.7) >> +>> endobj +925 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 90.47 299.017 101.374] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.11) >> +>> endobj +930 0 obj << +/D [928 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +927 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 886 0 R /F29 806 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +972 0 obj << +/Length 1418 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +xZKw8W =69L=]dX95~Blل%>>Zﳏv4tldkͲ`K64 b7__wb  j4D4JI1Ѽpvh+g aSP6hv7k%qu5բPsQ9&eX6MMh)bÍ9"@OR?tgy(lڽ1'g8VѸhR^Mt[ԃyn&n6VtqA=-$-waMqΆZS~eRSĽ)sJX]*zBһܿoi*SixRXO)Vd]_?n"B,*>rUqgX mF.6ZR'5 +`)Ss]s7/vR]X\~@gMe6JnnBdL+ԿBlZծ,Qhu׵uqGNsJr&6DqO`5Wt؊TxzU5I: V6.x-^n:-2a7KǚOd!|nj<$^:CC:6M~P7a{Wۆ^1t,0 1݆?tU +endstream +endobj +971 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 972 0 R +/Resources 970 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 808 0 R +/Annots [ 926 0 R 931 0 R 932 0 R 933 0 R 934 0 R 935 0 R 936 0 R 937 0 R 938 0 R 939 0 R 940 0 R 941 0 R 942 0 R 943 0 R 944 0 R 945 0 R 946 0 R 947 0 R 948 0 R 949 0 R 950 0 R 951 0 R 952 0 R 953 0 R 954 0 R 955 0 R 956 0 R 957 0 R 958 0 R 959 0 R 960 0 R 961 0 R 962 0 R 963 0 R 964 0 R 965 0 R 966 0 R 967 0 R 968 0 R ] +>> endobj +926 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 227.407 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.1) >> +>> endobj +931 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 244.004 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.2) >> +>> endobj +932 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 687.633 273.433 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.3) >> +>> endobj +933 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 671.494 232.129 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.4) >> +>> endobj +934 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 655.354 220.951 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.5) >> +>> endobj +935 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 639.215 218.829 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.6) >> +>> endobj +936 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 623.075 220.851 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.7) >> +>> endobj +937 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 608.993 239.581 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.11.8) >> +>> endobj +938 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 590.796 215.461 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.12) >> +>> endobj +939 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 576.714 209.125 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.1) >> +>> endobj +940 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 558.517 211.636 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.2) >> +>> endobj +941 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 544.435 205.549 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.3) >> +>> endobj +942 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 241.394 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.12.4) >> +>> endobj +943 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 510.098 196.084 521.002] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.13) >> +>> endobj +944 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 493.959 281.403 504.863] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.1) >> +>> endobj +945 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 477.819 256.228 488.723] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.2) >> +>> endobj +946 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 461.679 230.176 472.583] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.13.3) >> +>> endobj +947 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 445.54 208.129 456.444] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.14) >> +>> endobj +948 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 419.572 218.639 430.451] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.7) >> +>> endobj +949 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 403.298 242.689 414.202] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.1) >> +>> endobj +950 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 389.096 182.475 398.063] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.2) >> +>> endobj +951 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 371.019 263.85 381.923] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.1) >> +>> endobj +952 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 354.88 254.086 365.783] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.2) >> +>> endobj +953 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 338.74 294.614 349.644] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.3) >> +>> endobj +954 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 322.6 310.405 333.504] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2.4) >> +>> endobj +955 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 306.461 211.028 317.365] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.3) >> +>> endobj +956 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 290.321 276.113 301.225] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.1) >> +>> endobj +957 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 274.182 308.79 285.086] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.2) >> +>> endobj +958 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 258.042 270.036 268.946] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.3) >> +>> endobj +959 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 241.903 263.65 252.807] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3.4) >> +>> endobj +960 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 225.763 218.211 236.667] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7.4) >> +>> endobj +961 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 201.698 257.821 210.675] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.8) >> +>> endobj +962 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 183.521 252.094 194.425] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.1) >> +>> endobj +963 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 167.382 164.981 178.286] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.2) >> +>> endobj +964 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 151.242 256.796 162.146] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.3) >> +>> endobj +965 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 135.103 295.809 146.007] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.4) >> +>> endobj +966 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 118.963 194.211 129.867] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.1) >> +>> endobj +967 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 104.881 205.28 113.728] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.4.2) >> +>> endobj +968 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 86.684 263.023 97.588] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.5) >> +>> endobj +973 0 obj << +/D [971 0 R /XYZ 110.6 770.89 null] +>> endobj +970 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 886 0 R /F29 806 0 R /F35 842 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +1013 0 obj << +/Length 1515 +/Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x[r8^Atk33Epی߷d,,7o=:@g@|tuC|>ܙ1 u<ș/624=BA1x9a2XL rbl4!y> +ax83 w0"XGutʹA4w{//]\#ȏ޶ h]giaM,Ȁ`xn. wjY%;wՋ<[AҽtN2?!zu D?D{%-Ez~O7~PV.*M2QP_(#|!8[3 8-:J!$/X&q[F/Z,UL]WyJ~S/ I?䀧J;?E)s FWo^.꽤G}.&2^W/wogOi+b!pUQn_tii\pj J4/){uC4s@0!+Db~]Be%{ˍ~vHu1и_'$5QUrEr.YoOWߥKiAkدogɽa<E\tFf?/qZ)gדm۠\eybesB:cfy;9eחʼ?6YBVvZ#B%Zt3󤒒UycUUd[NEHPYi$ -\T]{W_+d) +ՍHYvL˅s ŴSfPKeO$eg- b&쐘US'YA`7Qlv +enDS $"΁HN̨BlN!9i\_Z1>B4~ii/-H=9oٝpuGw"y&@Vh! {@MTE/m9=шWF3^黓P 'VP,'AƟ4ʛ<|)My?UB: 4"igx0޲o!g]*_p?ʋ%dқj箐&vg9DC+ub%𳽳X3ԛhSȌDodAܚ.谙 `i4^ו;Sk-cSߖ~poñ|x +endstream +endobj +1012 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 1013 0 R +/Resources 1011 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.276 841.89] +/Parent 808 0 R +/Annots [ 969 0 R 974 0 R 975 0 R 976 0 R 977 0 R 978 0 R 979 0 R 980 0 R 981 0 R 982 0 R 983 0 R 984 0 R 985 0 R 986 0 R 987 0 R 988 0 R 989 0 R 990 0 R 991 0 R 992 0 R 993 0 R 994 0 R 995 0 R 996 0 R 997 0 R 998 0 R 999 0 R 1000 0 R 1001 0 R 1002 0 R 1003 0 R 1004 0 R 1005 0 R 1006 0 R 1007 0 R 1008 0 R 1009 0 R ] +>> endobj +969 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 719.912 187.556 730.816] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.5.1) >> +>> endobj +974 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 703.773 194.211 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.5.2) >> +>> endobj +975 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 687.633 204.662 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.6) >> +>> endobj +976 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 671.494 203.806 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.7) >> +>> endobj +977 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 655.354 250.709 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.8) >> +>> endobj +978 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 639.215 216.617 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.1) >> +>> endobj +979 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 623.075 269.2 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.2) >> +>> endobj +980 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 606.935 203.347 617.839] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.8.3) >> +>> endobj +981 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 590.796 195.955 601.7] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.9) >> +>> endobj +982 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 574.656 196.662 585.56] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8.10) >> +>> endobj +983 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 558.517 198.645 569.421] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.1) >> +>> endobj +984 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 542.377 251.197 553.281] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.2) >> +>> endobj +985 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 526.238 194.211 537.142] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.8.10.3) >> +>> endobj +986 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 502.173 247.311 511.149] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.9) >> +>> endobj +987 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 485.934 188.064 494.9] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.1) >> +>> endobj +988 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 469.794 178.092 478.76] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.2) >> +>> endobj +989 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 453.655 195.706 462.621] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.3) >> +>> endobj +990 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 435.577 279.55 446.481] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.4) >> +>> endobj +991 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 421.375 178.65 430.342] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.5) >> +>> endobj +992 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 403.298 195.366 414.202] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9.6) >> +>> endobj +993 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 377.33 219.596 388.21] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.10) >> +>> endobj +994 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 361.056 322.35 371.96] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.1) >> +>> endobj +995 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 344.917 268.881 355.821] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.2) >> +>> endobj +996 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 328.777 271.023 339.681] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.3) >> +>> endobj +997 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 312.638 279.023 323.542] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.4) >> +>> endobj +998 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 296.498 249.473 307.402] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.5) >> +>> endobj +999 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 282.416 299.266 291.263] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.6) >> +>> endobj +1000 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 264.219 261.966 275.696] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10.7) >> +>> endobj +1001 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 238.251 297.452 249.131] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.A) >> +>> endobj +1002 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 212.149 255.151 223.028] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.B) >> +>> endobj +1003 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [90.929 186.047 189.488 196.926] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (appendix.C) >> +>> endobj +1004 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 169.773 240.337 180.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.1) >> +>> endobj +1005 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 153.633 205.479 164.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.2) >> +>> endobj +1006 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 137.494 195.645 148.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.3) >> +>> endobj +1007 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 121.354 214.635 132.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.4) >> +>> endobj +1008 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 105.215 199.143 116.119] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.5) >> +>> endobj +1009 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 89.075 232.039 99.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.6) >> +>> endobj +1014 0 obj << +/D [1012 0 R /XYZ 90.925 770.89 null] +>> endobj +1011 0 obj << +/Font << /F39 886 0 R /F29 806 0 R /F35 842 0 R /F44 1015 0 R /F31 807 0 R >> 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703.773 267.037 714.677] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.8) >> +>> endobj +1017 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 687.633 197.359 698.537] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.9) >> +>> endobj +1018 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 671.494 223.481 682.398] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.10) >> +>> endobj +1019 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 655.354 252.811 666.258] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.11) >> +>> endobj +1020 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 639.215 286.564 650.118] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.12) >> +>> endobj +1021 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [105.873 625.132 228.98 633.979] +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.C.13) >> +>> endobj +1022 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Subtype /Link +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [128.787 608.993 262.245 617.839] 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obj << +/Title 184 0 R +/A 181 0 R +/Parent 155 0 R +/Prev 159 0 R +/Next 223 0 R +/First 187 0 R +/Last 219 0 R +/Count -9 +>> endobj +179 0 obj << +/Title 180 0 R +/A 177 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Prev 175 0 R +>> endobj +175 0 obj << +/Title 176 0 R +/A 173 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Prev 171 0 R +/Next 179 0 R +>> endobj +171 0 obj << +/Title 172 0 R +/A 169 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Prev 167 0 R +/Next 175 0 R +>> endobj +167 0 obj << +/Title 168 0 R +/A 165 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Prev 163 0 R +/Next 171 0 R +>> endobj +163 0 obj << +/Title 164 0 R +/A 161 0 R +/Parent 159 0 R +/Next 167 0 R +>> endobj +159 0 obj << +/Title 160 0 R +/A 157 0 R +/Parent 155 0 R +/Next 183 0 R +/First 163 0 R +/Last 179 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +155 0 obj << +/Title 156 0 R +/A 153 0 R +/Parent 2289 0 R +/Prev 143 0 R +/Next 227 0 R +/First 159 0 R +/Last 223 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +151 0 obj << +/Title 152 0 R +/A 149 0 R +/Parent 143 0 R +/Prev 147 0 R +>> endobj +147 0 obj << +/Title 148 0 R +/A 145 0 R +/Parent 143 0 R +/Next 151 0 R +>> endobj +143 0 obj << +/Title 144 0 R +/A 141 0 R +/Parent 2289 0 R +/Prev 95 0 R +/Next 155 0 R +/First 147 0 R +/Last 151 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +139 0 obj << +/Title 140 0 R +/A 137 0 R +/Parent 95 0 R +/Prev 135 0 R +>> endobj +135 0 obj << +/Title 136 0 R +/A 133 0 R +/Parent 95 0 R +/Prev 131 0 R +/Next 139 0 R +>> endobj +131 0 obj << +/Title 132 0 R +/A 129 0 R +/Parent 95 0 R +/Prev 127 0 R +/Next 135 0 R +>> endobj +127 0 obj << +/Title 128 0 R +/A 125 0 R +/Parent 95 0 R +/Prev 99 0 R +/Next 131 0 R +>> endobj +123 0 obj << +/Title 124 0 R +/A 121 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 119 0 R +>> endobj +119 0 obj << +/Title 120 0 R +/A 117 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 115 0 R +/Next 123 0 R +>> endobj +115 0 obj << +/Title 116 0 R +/A 113 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 111 0 R +/Next 119 0 R +>> endobj +111 0 obj << +/Title 112 0 R +/A 109 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 107 0 R +/Next 115 0 R +>> endobj +107 0 obj << +/Title 108 0 R +/A 105 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Prev 103 0 R +/Next 111 0 R +>> endobj +103 0 obj << +/Title 104 0 R +/A 101 0 R +/Parent 99 0 R +/Next 107 0 R +>> endobj +99 0 obj << +/Title 100 0 R +/A 97 0 R +/Parent 95 0 R +/Next 127 0 R +/First 103 0 R +/Last 123 0 R +/Count -6 +>> endobj +95 0 obj << +/Title 96 0 R +/A 93 0 R +/Parent 2289 0 R +/Prev 19 0 R +/Next 143 0 R +/First 99 0 R +/Last 139 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +91 0 obj << +/Title 92 0 R +/A 89 0 R +/Parent 19 0 R +/Prev 87 0 R +>> endobj +87 0 obj << +/Title 88 0 R +/A 85 0 R +/Parent 19 0 R +/Prev 83 0 R +/Next 91 0 R +>> endobj +83 0 obj << +/Title 84 0 R +/A 81 0 R +/Parent 19 0 R +/Prev 55 0 R +/Next 87 0 R +>> endobj +79 0 obj << +/Title 80 0 R +/A 77 0 R +/Parent 75 0 R +>> endobj +75 0 obj << +/Title 76 0 R +/A 73 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Prev 63 0 R +/First 79 0 R +/Last 79 0 R +/Count -1 +>> endobj +71 0 obj << +/Title 72 0 R +/A 69 0 R +/Parent 63 0 R +/Prev 67 0 R +>> endobj +67 0 obj << +/Title 68 0 R +/A 65 0 R +/Parent 63 0 R +/Next 71 0 R +>> endobj +63 0 obj << +/Title 64 0 R +/A 61 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Prev 59 0 R +/Next 75 0 R +/First 67 0 R +/Last 71 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +59 0 obj << +/Title 60 0 R +/A 57 0 R +/Parent 55 0 R +/Next 63 0 R +>> endobj +55 0 obj << +/Title 56 0 R +/A 53 0 R +/Parent 19 0 R +/Prev 23 0 R +/Next 83 0 R +/First 59 0 R +/Last 75 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +51 0 obj << +/Title 52 0 R +/A 49 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 47 0 R +>> endobj +47 0 obj << +/Title 48 0 R +/A 45 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 43 0 R +/Next 51 0 R +>> endobj +43 0 obj << +/Title 44 0 R +/A 41 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 39 0 R +/Next 47 0 R +>> endobj +39 0 obj << +/Title 40 0 R +/A 37 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Prev 35 0 R +/Next 43 0 R +>> endobj +35 0 obj << +/Title 36 0 R +/A 33 0 R +/Parent 31 0 R +/Next 39 0 R +>> endobj +31 0 obj << +/Title 32 0 R +/A 29 0 R +/Parent 23 0 R +/Prev 27 0 R +/First 35 0 R +/Last 51 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +27 0 obj << +/Title 28 0 R +/A 25 0 R +/Parent 23 0 R +/Next 31 0 R +>> endobj +23 0 obj << +/Title 24 0 R +/A 21 0 R +/Parent 19 0 R +/Next 55 0 R +/First 27 0 R +/Last 31 0 R +/Count -2 +>> endobj +19 0 obj << +/Title 20 0 R +/A 17 0 R +/Parent 2289 0 R +/Prev 3 0 R +/Next 95 0 R +/First 23 0 R +/Last 91 0 R +/Count -5 +>> endobj +15 0 obj << +/Title 16 0 R +/A 13 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 11 0 R +>> endobj +11 0 obj << +/Title 12 0 R +/A 9 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Prev 7 0 R +/Next 15 0 R +>> endobj +7 0 obj << +/Title 8 0 R +/A 5 0 R +/Parent 3 0 R +/Next 11 0 R +>> endobj +3 0 obj << +/Title 4 0 R +/A 1 0 R +/Parent 2289 0 R +/Next 19 0 R +/First 7 0 R +/Last 15 0 R +/Count -3 +>> endobj +2290 0 obj << +/Names [(Doc-Start) 805 0 R (Hfootnote.1) 1273 0 R (Hfootnote.2) 1291 0 R (Hfootnote.3) 1484 0 R (Hfootnote.4) 1505 0 R (Hfootnote.5) 1667 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Hfootnote.5)] +>> endobj +2291 0 obj << +/Names [(Hfootnote.6) 1704 0 R (Hfootnote.7) 1812 0 R (Hfootnote.8) 1937 0 R (Item.1) 1053 0 R (Item.10) 1072 0 R (Item.100) 1709 0 R] +/Limits [(Hfootnote.6) (Item.100)] +>> endobj +2292 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.101) 1722 0 R (Item.102) 1723 0 R (Item.103) 1724 0 R (Item.104) 1725 0 R (Item.105) 1726 0 R (Item.106) 1727 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.101) (Item.106)] +>> endobj +2293 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.107) 1728 0 R (Item.108) 1753 0 R (Item.109) 1754 0 R (Item.11) 1073 0 R (Item.110) 1762 0 R (Item.111) 1763 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.107) (Item.111)] +>> endobj +2294 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.112) 1764 0 R (Item.113) 1765 0 R (Item.114) 1772 0 R (Item.115) 1773 0 R (Item.116) 1774 0 R (Item.117) 1775 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.112) (Item.117)] +>> endobj +2295 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.118) 1776 0 R (Item.119) 1777 0 R (Item.12) 1074 0 R (Item.120) 1778 0 R (Item.121) 1779 0 R (Item.122) 1780 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.118) (Item.122)] +>> endobj +2296 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.123) 1781 0 R (Item.124) 1782 0 R (Item.125) 1783 0 R (Item.126) 1784 0 R (Item.127) 1785 0 R (Item.128) 1786 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.123) (Item.128)] +>> endobj +2297 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.129) 1787 0 R (Item.13) 1075 0 R (Item.130) 1788 0 R (Item.131) 1794 0 R (Item.132) 1795 0 R (Item.133) 1796 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.129) (Item.133)] +>> endobj +2298 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.134) 1802 0 R (Item.135) 1803 0 R (Item.136) 1810 0 R (Item.137) 1811 0 R (Item.138) 1817 0 R (Item.139) 1818 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.134) (Item.139)] +>> endobj +2299 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.14) 1076 0 R (Item.140) 1819 0 R (Item.141) 1820 0 R (Item.142) 1821 0 R (Item.143) 1822 0 R (Item.144) 1827 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.14) (Item.144)] +>> endobj +2300 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.145) 1828 0 R (Item.146) 1829 0 R (Item.147) 1834 0 R (Item.148) 1835 0 R (Item.149) 1836 0 R (Item.15) 1084 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.145) (Item.15)] +>> endobj +2301 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.150) 1837 0 R (Item.151) 1838 0 R (Item.152) 1839 0 R (Item.153) 1875 0 R (Item.154) 1876 0 R (Item.155) 1877 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.150) (Item.155)] +>> endobj +2302 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.156) 1896 0 R (Item.157) 1897 0 R (Item.158) 1898 0 R (Item.159) 1899 0 R (Item.16) 1085 0 R (Item.160) 1900 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.156) (Item.160)] +>> endobj +2303 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.161) 1901 0 R (Item.162) 1902 0 R (Item.163) 1935 0 R (Item.164) 1936 0 R (Item.165) 1949 0 R (Item.166) 1950 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.161) (Item.166)] +>> endobj +2304 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.167) 1951 0 R (Item.168) 1958 0 R (Item.169) 1959 0 R (Item.17) 1086 0 R (Item.170) 2101 0 R (Item.171) 2102 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.167) (Item.171)] +>> endobj +2305 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.172) 2211 0 R (Item.173) 2212 0 R (Item.174) 2217 0 R (Item.175) 2218 0 R (Item.18) 1104 0 R (Item.19) 1105 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.172) (Item.19)] +>> endobj +2306 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.2) 1054 0 R (Item.20) 1121 0 R (Item.21) 1122 0 R (Item.22) 1123 0 R (Item.23) 1124 0 R (Item.24) 1125 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.2) (Item.24)] +>> endobj +2307 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.25) 1126 0 R (Item.26) 1127 0 R (Item.27) 1128 0 R (Item.28) 1133 0 R (Item.29) 1134 0 R (Item.3) 1055 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.25) (Item.3)] +>> endobj +2308 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.30) 1135 0 R (Item.31) 1136 0 R (Item.32) 1137 0 R (Item.33) 1138 0 R (Item.34) 1139 0 R (Item.35) 1140 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.30) (Item.35)] +>> endobj +2309 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.36) 1150 0 R (Item.37) 1151 0 R (Item.38) 1152 0 R (Item.39) 1153 0 R (Item.4) 1056 0 R (Item.40) 1154 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.36) (Item.40)] +>> endobj +2310 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.41) 1155 0 R (Item.42) 1156 0 R (Item.43) 1157 0 R (Item.44) 1158 0 R (Item.45) 1163 0 R (Item.46) 1164 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.41) (Item.46)] +>> endobj +2311 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.47) 1165 0 R (Item.48) 1166 0 R (Item.49) 1167 0 R (Item.5) 1057 0 R (Item.50) 1168 0 R (Item.51) 1169 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.47) (Item.51)] +>> endobj +2312 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.52) 1177 0 R (Item.53) 1178 0 R (Item.54) 1288 0 R (Item.55) 1289 0 R (Item.56) 1290 0 R (Item.57) 1298 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.52) (Item.57)] +>> endobj +2313 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.58) 1299 0 R (Item.59) 1300 0 R (Item.6) 1068 0 R (Item.60) 1301 0 R (Item.61) 1324 0 R (Item.62) 1325 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.58) (Item.62)] +>> endobj +2314 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.63) 1326 0 R (Item.64) 1370 0 R (Item.65) 1371 0 R (Item.66) 1372 0 R (Item.67) 1373 0 R (Item.68) 1374 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.63) (Item.68)] +>> endobj +2315 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.69) 1403 0 R (Item.7) 1069 0 R (Item.70) 1404 0 R (Item.71) 1413 0 R (Item.72) 1414 0 R (Item.73) 1415 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.69) (Item.73)] +>> endobj +2316 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.74) 1416 0 R (Item.75) 1431 0 R (Item.76) 1432 0 R (Item.77) 1440 0 R (Item.78) 1441 0 R (Item.79) 1442 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.74) (Item.79)] +>> endobj +2317 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.8) 1070 0 R (Item.80) 1443 0 R (Item.81) 1444 0 R (Item.82) 1445 0 R (Item.83) 1446 0 R (Item.84) 1447 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.8) (Item.84)] +>> endobj +2318 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.85) 1448 0 R (Item.86) 1449 0 R (Item.87) 1450 0 R (Item.88) 1468 0 R (Item.89) 1469 0 R (Item.9) 1071 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.85) (Item.9)] +>> endobj +2319 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.90) 1470 0 R (Item.91) 1493 0 R (Item.92) 1502 0 R (Item.93) 1503 0 R (Item.94) 1504 0 R (Item.95) 1665 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.90) (Item.95)] +>> endobj +2320 0 obj << +/Names [(Item.96) 1666 0 R (Item.97) 1701 0 R (Item.98) 1702 0 R (Item.99) 1703 0 R (appendix.A) 698 0 R (appendix.B) 702 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.96) (appendix.B)] +>> endobj +2321 0 obj << +/Names [(appendix.C) 706 0 R (appendix.D) 774 0 R (appendix.E) 778 0 R (appendix.F) 782 0 R (appendix.G) 786 0 R (chapter*.1) 843 0 R] +/Limits [(appendix.C) (chapter*.1)] +>> endobj +2322 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.1) 2 0 R (chapter.10) 666 0 R (chapter.2) 18 0 R (chapter.3) 94 0 R (chapter.4) 142 0 R (chapter.5) 154 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.1) (chapter.5)] +>> endobj +2323 0 obj << +/Names [(chapter.6) 226 0 R (chapter.7) 502 0 R (chapter.8) 554 0 R (chapter.9) 638 0 R (figure.2.1) 1087 0 R (figure.2.2) 1098 0 R] +/Limits [(chapter.6) (figure.2.2)] +>> endobj +2324 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.1) 1272 0 R (figure.6.10) 1433 0 R (figure.6.11) 1457 0 R (figure.6.12) 1458 0 R (figure.6.13) 1472 0 R (figure.6.14) 1473 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.1) (figure.6.14)] +>> endobj +2325 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.15) 1485 0 R (figure.6.16) 1486 0 R (figure.6.17) 1494 0 R (figure.6.18) 1517 0 R (figure.6.19) 1519 0 R (figure.6.2) 1302 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.15) (figure.6.2)] +>> endobj +2326 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.20) 1528 0 R (figure.6.21) 1567 0 R (figure.6.22) 1568 0 R (figure.6.23) 1579 0 R (figure.6.24) 1608 0 R (figure.6.25) 1609 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.20) (figure.6.25)] +>> endobj +2327 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.26) 1617 0 R (figure.6.27) 1618 0 R (figure.6.28) 1625 0 R (figure.6.29) 1633 0 R (figure.6.3) 1319 0 R (figure.6.30) 1641 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.26) (figure.6.30)] +>> endobj +2328 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.31) 1648 0 R (figure.6.32) 1657 0 R (figure.6.33) 1664 0 R (figure.6.34) 1674 0 R (figure.6.35) 1681 0 R (figure.6.36) 1693 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.31) (figure.6.36)] +>> endobj +2329 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.37) 1710 0 R (figure.6.4) 1381 0 R (figure.6.5) 1389 0 R (figure.6.6) 1396 0 R (figure.6.7) 1406 0 R (figure.6.8) 1417 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.37) (figure.6.8)] +>> endobj +2330 0 obj << +/Names [(figure.6.9) 1424 0 R (page.1) 804 0 R (page.10) 1067 0 R (page.100) 1833 0 R (page.101) 1843 0 R (page.102) 1847 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.9) (page.102)] +>> endobj +2331 0 obj << +/Names [(page.103) 1853 0 R (page.104) 1858 0 R (page.105) 1862 0 R (page.106) 1866 0 R (page.107) 1870 0 R (page.108) 1874 0 R] +/Limits [(page.103) (page.108)] +>> endobj +2332 0 obj << +/Names [(page.109) 1885 0 R (page.11) 1083 0 R (page.110) 1891 0 R (page.111) 1895 0 R (page.112) 1907 0 R (page.113) 1911 0 R] +/Limits [(page.109) (page.113)] +>> endobj +2333 0 obj << +/Names [(page.114) 1915 0 R (page.115) 1920 0 R (page.116) 1924 0 R (page.117) 1928 0 R (page.118) 1934 0 R (page.119) 1941 0 R] +/Limits [(page.114) (page.119)] +>> endobj +2334 0 obj << +/Names [(page.12) 1091 0 R (page.120) 1948 0 R (page.121) 1957 0 R (page.122) 1963 0 R (page.123) 1967 0 R (page.124) 1971 0 R] +/Limits [(page.12) (page.124)] +>> endobj +2335 0 obj << +/Names [(page.125) 1975 0 R (page.126) 1979 0 R (page.127) 1984 0 R (page.128) 1988 0 R (page.129) 1994 0 R (page.13) 1097 0 R] +/Limits [(page.125) (page.13)] +>> endobj +2336 0 obj << +/Names [(page.130) 1999 0 R (page.131) 2009 0 R (page.132) 2016 0 R (page.133) 2022 0 R (page.134) 2026 0 R (page.135) 2033 0 R] +/Limits [(page.130) (page.135)] +>> endobj +2337 0 obj << +/Names [(page.136) 2037 0 R (page.137) 2041 0 R (page.138) 2045 0 R (page.139) 2050 0 R (page.14) 1103 0 R (page.140) 2054 0 R] +/Limits [(page.136) (page.140)] +>> endobj +2338 0 obj << +/Names [(page.141) 2058 0 R (page.142) 2062 0 R (page.143) 2066 0 R (page.144) 2070 0 R (page.145) 2075 0 R (page.146) 2079 0 R] +/Limits [(page.141) (page.146)] +>> endobj +2339 0 obj << +/Names [(page.147) 2083 0 R (page.148) 2087 0 R (page.149) 2091 0 R (page.15) 1109 0 R (page.150) 2095 0 R (page.151) 2100 0 R] +/Limits [(page.147) (page.151)] +>> endobj +2340 0 obj << +/Names [(page.152) 2106 0 R (page.153) 2110 0 R (page.154) 2114 0 R (page.155) 2118 0 R (page.156) 2122 0 R (page.157) 2127 0 R] +/Limits [(page.152) (page.157)] +>> endobj +2341 0 obj << +/Names [(page.158) 2131 0 R (page.159) 2135 0 R (page.16) 1115 0 R (page.160) 2139 0 R (page.161) 2143 0 R (page.162) 2147 0 R] +/Limits [(page.158) (page.162)] +>> endobj +2342 0 obj << +/Names [(page.163) 2152 0 R (page.164) 2156 0 R (page.165) 2160 0 R (page.166) 2164 0 R (page.167) 2168 0 R (page.168) 2172 0 R] +/Limits [(page.163) (page.168)] +>> endobj +2343 0 obj << +/Names [(page.169) 2177 0 R (page.17) 1120 0 R (page.170) 2181 0 R (page.171) 2185 0 R (page.172) 2189 0 R (page.173) 2193 0 R] +/Limits [(page.169) (page.173)] +>> endobj +2344 0 obj << +/Names [(page.174) 2197 0 R (page.175) 2202 0 R (page.176) 2206 0 R (page.177) 2210 0 R (page.178) 2216 0 R (page.179) 2222 0 R] +/Limits [(page.174) (page.179)] +>> endobj +2345 0 obj << +/Names [(page.18) 1132 0 R (page.180) 2226 0 R (page.181) 2236 0 R (page.182) 2242 0 R (page.183) 2246 0 R (page.184) 2250 0 R] +/Limits [(page.18) (page.184)] +>> endobj +2346 0 obj << +/Names [(page.19) 1149 0 R (page.2) 885 0 R (page.20) 1162 0 R (page.21) 1176 0 R (page.22) 1182 0 R (page.23) 1188 0 R] +/Limits [(page.19) (page.23)] +>> endobj +2347 0 obj << +/Names [(page.24) 1194 0 R (page.25) 1199 0 R (page.26) 1207 0 R (page.27) 1211 0 R (page.28) 1217 0 R (page.29) 1222 0 R] +/Limits [(page.24) (page.29)] +>> endobj +2348 0 obj << +/Names [(page.3) 930 0 R (page.30) 1226 0 R (page.31) 1232 0 R (page.32) 1236 0 R (page.33) 1243 0 R (page.34) 1247 0 R] +/Limits [(page.3) (page.34)] +>> endobj +2349 0 obj << +/Names [(page.35) 1251 0 R (page.36) 1255 0 R (page.37) 1260 0 R (page.38) 1264 0 R (page.39) 1271 0 R (page.4) 973 0 R] +/Limits [(page.35) (page.4)] +>> endobj +2350 0 obj << +/Names [(page.40) 1287 0 R (page.41) 1297 0 R (page.42) 1311 0 R (page.43) 1318 0 R (page.44) 1323 0 R (page.45) 1330 0 R] +/Limits [(page.40) (page.45)] +>> endobj +2351 0 obj << +/Names [(page.46) 1336 0 R (page.47) 1340 0 R (page.48) 1356 0 R (page.49) 1363 0 R (page.5) 1014 0 R (page.50) 1369 0 R] +/Limits [(page.46) (page.50)] +>> endobj +2352 0 obj << +/Names [(page.51) 1380 0 R (page.52) 1388 0 R (page.53) 1395 0 R (page.54) 1402 0 R (page.55) 1412 0 R (page.56) 1423 0 R] +/Limits [(page.51) (page.56)] +>> endobj +2353 0 obj << +/Names [(page.57) 1430 0 R (page.58) 1439 0 R (page.59) 1456 0 R (page.6) 1035 0 R (page.60) 1467 0 R (page.61) 1483 0 R] +/Limits [(page.57) (page.61)] +>> endobj +2354 0 obj << +/Names [(page.62) 1492 0 R (page.63) 1501 0 R (page.64) 1516 0 R (page.65) 1526 0 R (page.66) 1532 0 R (page.67) 1539 0 R] +/Limits [(page.62) (page.67)] +>> endobj +2355 0 obj << +/Names [(page.68) 1543 0 R (page.69) 1547 0 R (page.7) 1043 0 R (page.70) 1552 0 R (page.71) 1566 0 R (page.72) 1577 0 R] +/Limits [(page.68) (page.72)] +>> endobj +2356 0 obj << +/Names [(page.73) 1593 0 R (page.74) 1607 0 R (page.75) 1616 0 R (page.76) 1624 0 R (page.77) 1632 0 R (page.78) 1639 0 R] +/Limits [(page.73) (page.78)] +>> endobj +2357 0 obj << +/Names [(page.79) 1647 0 R (page.8) 1052 0 R (page.80) 1656 0 R (page.81) 1663 0 R (page.82) 1673 0 R (page.83) 1680 0 R] +/Limits [(page.79) (page.83)] +>> endobj +2358 0 obj << +/Names [(page.84) 1687 0 R (page.85) 1692 0 R (page.86) 1700 0 R (page.87) 1708 0 R (page.88) 1721 0 R (page.89) 1739 0 R] +/Limits [(page.84) (page.89)] +>> endobj +2359 0 obj << +/Names [(page.9) 1063 0 R (page.90) 1743 0 R (page.91) 1748 0 R (page.92) 1752 0 R (page.93) 1761 0 R (page.94) 1771 0 R] +/Limits [(page.9) (page.94)] +>> endobj +2360 0 obj << +/Names [(page.95) 1793 0 R (page.96) 1801 0 R (page.97) 1809 0 R (page.98) 1816 0 R (page.99) 1826 0 R (section*.2) 34 0 R] +/Limits [(page.95) (section*.2)] +>> endobj +2361 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.3) 38 0 R (section*.4) 42 0 R (section*.5) 46 0 R (section*.6) 50 0 R (section*.7) 66 0 R (section*.8) 70 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.3) (section*.8)] +>> endobj +2362 0 obj << +/Names [(section*.9) 78 0 R (section.1.1) 6 0 R (section.1.2) 10 0 R (section.1.3) 14 0 R (section.10.1) 670 0 R (section.10.2) 674 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.9) (section.10.2)] +>> endobj +2363 0 obj << +/Names [(section.10.3) 678 0 R (section.10.4) 682 0 R (section.10.5) 686 0 R (section.10.6) 690 0 R (section.10.7) 694 0 R (section.2.1) 22 0 R] +/Limits [(section.10.3) (section.2.1)] +>> endobj +2364 0 obj << +/Names [(section.2.2) 54 0 R (section.2.3) 82 0 R (section.2.4) 86 0 R (section.2.5) 90 0 R (section.3.1) 98 0 R (section.3.2) 126 0 R] +/Limits [(section.2.2) (section.3.2)] +>> endobj +2365 0 obj << +/Names [(section.3.3) 130 0 R (section.3.4) 134 0 R (section.3.5) 138 0 R (section.4.1) 146 0 R (section.4.2) 150 0 R (section.5.1) 158 0 R] +/Limits [(section.3.3) (section.5.1)] +>> endobj +2366 0 obj << +/Names [(section.5.2) 182 0 R (section.5.3) 222 0 R (section.6.1) 230 0 R (section.6.10) 394 0 R (section.6.11) 426 0 R (section.6.12) 462 0 R] +/Limits [(section.5.2) (section.6.12)] +>> endobj +2367 0 obj << +/Names [(section.6.13) 482 0 R (section.6.14) 498 0 R (section.6.2) 246 0 R (section.6.3) 262 0 R (section.6.4) 282 0 R (section.6.5) 330 0 R] +/Limits [(section.6.13) (section.6.5)] +>> endobj +2368 0 obj << +/Names [(section.6.6) 362 0 R (section.6.7) 366 0 R (section.6.8) 370 0 R (section.6.9) 374 0 R (section.7.1) 506 0 R (section.7.2) 510 0 R] +/Limits [(section.6.6) (section.7.2)] +>> endobj +2369 0 obj << +/Names [(section.7.3) 530 0 R (section.7.4) 550 0 R (section.8.1) 558 0 R (section.8.10) 622 0 R (section.8.2) 562 0 R (section.8.3) 566 0 R] +/Limits [(section.7.3) (section.8.3)] +>> endobj +2370 0 obj << +/Names [(section.8.4) 570 0 R (section.8.5) 582 0 R (section.8.6) 594 0 R (section.8.7) 598 0 R (section.8.8) 602 0 R (section.8.9) 618 0 R] +/Limits [(section.8.4) (section.8.9)] +>> endobj +2371 0 obj << +/Names [(section.9.1) 642 0 R (section.9.2) 646 0 R (section.9.3) 650 0 R (section.9.4) 654 0 R (section.9.5) 658 0 R (section.9.6) 662 0 R] +/Limits [(section.9.1) (section.9.6)] +>> endobj +2372 0 obj << +/Names [(section.C.1) 710 0 R (section.C.10) 746 0 R (section.C.11) 750 0 R (section.C.12) 754 0 R (section.C.13) 758 0 R (section.C.2) 714 0 R] +/Limits [(section.C.1) (section.C.2)] +>> endobj +2373 0 obj << +/Names [(section.C.3) 718 0 R (section.C.4) 722 0 R (section.C.5) 726 0 R (section.C.6) 730 0 R (section.C.7) 734 0 R (section.C.8) 738 0 R] +/Limits [(section.C.3) (section.C.8)] +>> endobj +2374 0 obj << +/Names [(section.C.9) 742 0 R (section.G.1) 790 0 R (section.G.2) 794 0 R (section.G.3) 798 0 R (subsection.2.1.1) 26 0 R (subsection.2.1.2) 30 0 R] +/Limits [(section.C.9) (subsection.2.1.2)] +>> endobj +2375 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.2.2.1) 58 0 R (subsection.2.2.2) 62 0 R (subsection.2.2.3) 74 0 R (subsection.3.1.1) 102 0 R (subsection.3.1.2) 106 0 R (subsection.3.1.3) 110 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.2.2.1) (subsection.3.1.3)] +>> endobj +2376 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.3.1.4) 114 0 R (subsection.3.1.5) 118 0 R (subsection.3.1.6) 122 0 R (subsection.5.1.1) 162 0 R (subsection.5.1.2) 166 0 R (subsection.5.1.3) 170 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.3.1.4) (subsection.5.1.3)] +>> endobj +2377 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.5.1.4) 174 0 R (subsection.5.1.5) 178 0 R (subsection.5.2.1) 186 0 R (subsection.5.2.2) 190 0 R (subsection.5.2.3) 194 0 R (subsection.5.2.4) 198 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.5.1.4) (subsection.5.2.4)] +>> endobj +2378 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.5.2.5) 202 0 R (subsection.5.2.6) 206 0 R (subsection.5.2.7) 210 0 R (subsection.5.2.8) 214 0 R (subsection.5.2.9) 218 0 R (subsection.6.1.1) 234 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.5.2.5) (subsection.6.1.1)] +>> endobj +2379 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.1.2) 238 0 R (subsection.6.1.3) 242 0 R (subsection.6.10.1) 398 0 R (subsection.6.10.2) 402 0 R (subsection.6.10.3) 406 0 R (subsection.6.10.4) 410 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.1.2) (subsection.6.10.4)] +>> endobj +2380 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.10.5) 414 0 R (subsection.6.10.6) 418 0 R (subsection.6.10.7) 422 0 R (subsection.6.11.1) 430 0 R (subsection.6.11.2) 434 0 R (subsection.6.11.3) 438 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.10.5) (subsection.6.11.3)] +>> endobj +2381 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.11.4) 442 0 R (subsection.6.11.5) 446 0 R (subsection.6.11.6) 450 0 R (subsection.6.11.7) 454 0 R (subsection.6.11.8) 458 0 R (subsection.6.12.1) 466 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.11.4) (subsection.6.12.1)] +>> endobj +2382 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.12.2) 470 0 R (subsection.6.12.3) 474 0 R (subsection.6.12.4) 478 0 R (subsection.6.13.1) 486 0 R (subsection.6.13.2) 490 0 R (subsection.6.13.3) 494 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.12.2) (subsection.6.13.3)] +>> endobj +2383 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.2.1) 250 0 R (subsection.6.2.2) 254 0 R (subsection.6.2.3) 258 0 R (subsection.6.3.1) 266 0 R (subsection.6.3.2) 270 0 R (subsection.6.3.3) 274 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.2.1) (subsection.6.3.3)] +>> endobj +2384 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.3.4) 278 0 R (subsection.6.4.1) 286 0 R (subsection.6.4.10) 322 0 R (subsection.6.4.11) 326 0 R (subsection.6.4.2) 290 0 R (subsection.6.4.3) 294 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.3.4) (subsection.6.4.3)] +>> endobj +2385 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.4.4) 298 0 R (subsection.6.4.5) 302 0 R (subsection.6.4.6) 306 0 R (subsection.6.4.7) 310 0 R (subsection.6.4.8) 314 0 R (subsection.6.4.9) 318 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.4.4) (subsection.6.4.9)] +>> endobj +2386 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.5.1) 334 0 R (subsection.6.5.2) 338 0 R (subsection.6.5.3) 342 0 R (subsection.6.5.4) 346 0 R (subsection.6.5.5) 350 0 R (subsection.6.5.6) 354 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.5.1) (subsection.6.5.6)] +>> endobj +2387 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.6.5.7) 358 0 R (subsection.6.9.1) 378 0 R (subsection.6.9.2) 382 0 R (subsection.6.9.3) 386 0 R (subsection.6.9.4) 390 0 R (subsection.7.2.1) 514 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.5.7) (subsection.7.2.1)] +>> endobj +2388 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.7.2.2) 518 0 R (subsection.7.2.3) 522 0 R (subsection.7.2.4) 526 0 R (subsection.7.3.1) 534 0 R (subsection.7.3.2) 538 0 R (subsection.7.3.3) 542 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.7.2.2) (subsection.7.3.3)] +>> endobj +2389 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.7.3.4) 546 0 R (subsection.8.10.1) 626 0 R (subsection.8.10.2) 630 0 R (subsection.8.10.3) 634 0 R (subsection.8.4.1) 574 0 R (subsection.8.4.2) 578 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.7.3.4) (subsection.8.4.2)] +>> endobj +2390 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.8.5.1) 586 0 R (subsection.8.5.2) 590 0 R (subsection.8.8.1) 606 0 R (subsection.8.8.2) 610 0 R (subsection.8.8.3) 614 0 R (subsection.C.13.1) 762 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.8.5.1) (subsection.C.13.1)] +>> endobj +2391 0 obj << +/Names [(subsection.C.13.2) 766 0 R (subsection.C.13.3) 770 0 R (table.6.1) 1518 0 R (table.6.10) 1735 0 R (table.6.2) 1520 0 R (table.6.3) 1527 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.C.13.2) (table.6.3)] +>> endobj +2392 0 obj << +/Names [(table.6.4) 1729 0 R (table.6.5) 1730 0 R (table.6.6) 1731 0 R (table.6.7) 1732 0 R (table.6.8) 1733 0 R (table.6.9) 1734 0 R] +/Limits [(table.6.4) (table.6.9)] +>> endobj +2393 0 obj << +/Names [(table.8.1) 1886 0 R (table.8.2) 1887 0 R (table.F.1) 2237 0 R (table.F.2) 2238 0 R] +/Limits [(table.8.1) (table.F.2)] +>> endobj +2394 0 obj << +/Kids [2290 0 R 2291 0 R 2292 0 R 2293 0 R 2294 0 R 2295 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (Item.122)] +>> endobj +2395 0 obj << +/Kids [2296 0 R 2297 0 R 2298 0 R 2299 0 R 2300 0 R 2301 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.123) (Item.155)] +>> endobj +2396 0 obj << +/Kids [2302 0 R 2303 0 R 2304 0 R 2305 0 R 2306 0 R 2307 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.156) (Item.3)] +>> endobj +2397 0 obj << +/Kids [2308 0 R 2309 0 R 2310 0 R 2311 0 R 2312 0 R 2313 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.30) (Item.62)] +>> endobj +2398 0 obj << +/Kids [2314 0 R 2315 0 R 2316 0 R 2317 0 R 2318 0 R 2319 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.63) (Item.95)] +>> endobj +2399 0 obj << +/Kids [2320 0 R 2321 0 R 2322 0 R 2323 0 R 2324 0 R 2325 0 R] +/Limits [(Item.96) (figure.6.2)] +>> endobj +2400 0 obj << +/Kids [2326 0 R 2327 0 R 2328 0 R 2329 0 R 2330 0 R 2331 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.20) (page.108)] +>> endobj +2401 0 obj << +/Kids [2332 0 R 2333 0 R 2334 0 R 2335 0 R 2336 0 R 2337 0 R] +/Limits [(page.109) (page.140)] +>> endobj +2402 0 obj << +/Kids [2338 0 R 2339 0 R 2340 0 R 2341 0 R 2342 0 R 2343 0 R] +/Limits [(page.141) (page.173)] +>> endobj +2403 0 obj << +/Kids [2344 0 R 2345 0 R 2346 0 R 2347 0 R 2348 0 R 2349 0 R] +/Limits [(page.174) (page.4)] +>> endobj +2404 0 obj << +/Kids [2350 0 R 2351 0 R 2352 0 R 2353 0 R 2354 0 R 2355 0 R] +/Limits [(page.40) (page.72)] +>> endobj +2405 0 obj << +/Kids [2356 0 R 2357 0 R 2358 0 R 2359 0 R 2360 0 R 2361 0 R] +/Limits [(page.73) (section*.8)] +>> endobj +2406 0 obj << +/Kids [2362 0 R 2363 0 R 2364 0 R 2365 0 R 2366 0 R 2367 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.9) (section.6.5)] +>> endobj +2407 0 obj << +/Kids [2368 0 R 2369 0 R 2370 0 R 2371 0 R 2372 0 R 2373 0 R] +/Limits [(section.6.6) (section.C.8)] +>> endobj +2408 0 obj << +/Kids [2374 0 R 2375 0 R 2376 0 R 2377 0 R 2378 0 R 2379 0 R] +/Limits [(section.C.9) (subsection.6.10.4)] +>> endobj +2409 0 obj << +/Kids [2380 0 R 2381 0 R 2382 0 R 2383 0 R 2384 0 R 2385 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.10.5) (subsection.6.4.9)] +>> endobj +2410 0 obj << +/Kids [2386 0 R 2387 0 R 2388 0 R 2389 0 R 2390 0 R 2391 0 R] +/Limits [(subsection.6.5.1) (table.6.3)] +>> endobj +2411 0 obj << +/Kids [2392 0 R 2393 0 R] +/Limits [(table.6.4) (table.F.2)] +>> endobj +2412 0 obj << +/Kids [2394 0 R 2395 0 R 2396 0 R 2397 0 R 2398 0 R 2399 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (figure.6.2)] +>> endobj +2413 0 obj << +/Kids [2400 0 R 2401 0 R 2402 0 R 2403 0 R 2404 0 R 2405 0 R] +/Limits [(figure.6.20) (section*.8)] +>> endobj +2414 0 obj << +/Kids [2406 0 R 2407 0 R 2408 0 R 2409 0 R 2410 0 R 2411 0 R] +/Limits [(section*.9) (table.F.2)] +>> endobj +2415 0 obj << +/Kids [2412 0 R 2413 0 R 2414 0 R] +/Limits [(Doc-Start) (table.F.2)] +>> endobj +2416 0 obj << +/Dests 2415 0 R +>> endobj +2417 0 obj << +/Type /Catalog +/Pages 2288 0 R +/Outlines 2289 0 R +/Names 2416 0 R +/PageMode/UseOutlines/PageLabels<>1<>]>> +>> endobj +2418 0 obj << +/Author(Michael Van Canneyt)/Title(User's Guide)/Subject(Free Pascal User's Guide)/Creator(LaTeX with hyperref package)/Producer(pdfTeX-1.40.10)/Keywords(Free Pascal) +/CreationDate (D:20101101111826+01'00') +/ModDate (D:20101101111826+01'00') +/Trapped /False +/PTEX.Fullbanner (This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10-2.2 (TeX Live 2009/Debian) kpathsea version 5.0.0) +>> endobj +xref +0 2419 +0000000000 65535 f +0000000015 00000 n +0000063229 00000 n +0000870172 00000 n +0000000060 00000 n +0000000090 00000 n +0000063289 00000 n +0000870102 00000 n +0000000137 00000 n +0000000174 00000 n +0000063349 00000 n +0000870018 00000 n +0000000221 00000 n +0000000258 00000 n +0000066787 00000 n +0000869945 00000 n +0000000306 00000 n +0000000350 00000 n +0000069757 00000 n +0000869820 00000 n +0000000396 00000 n +0000000438 00000 n +0000069818 00000 n +0000869709 00000 n +0000000486 00000 n +0000000539 00000 n +0000069879 00000 n +0000869635 00000 n +0000000592 00000 n +0000000632 00000 n +0000070505 00000 n +0000869524 00000 n +0000000685 00000 n +0000000725 00000 n +0000070565 00000 n +0000869450 00000 n +0000000772 00000 n +0000000800 00000 n +0000070626 00000 n +0000869363 00000 n +0000000847 00000 n +0000000876 00000 n +0000073731 00000 n +0000869276 00000 n +0000000923 00000 n +0000000955 00000 n +0000073792 00000 n +0000869189 00000 n +0000001002 00000 n +0000001031 00000 n +0000073853 00000 n +0000869115 00000 n +0000001078 00000 n +0000001111 00000 n +0000073914 00000 n +0000868991 00000 n +0000001159 00000 n +0000001202 00000 n +0000073975 00000 n +0000868917 00000 n +0000001255 00000 n +0000001298 00000 n +0000074036 00000 n +0000868793 00000 n +0000001351 00000 n +0000001398 00000 n +0000074097 00000 n +0000868719 00000 n +0000001445 00000 n +0000001493 00000 n +0000089468 00000 n +0000868645 00000 n +0000001540 00000 n +0000001607 00000 n +0000089528 00000 n +0000868534 00000 n +0000001660 00000 n +0000001701 00000 n +0000089588 00000 n +0000868473 00000 n +0000001748 00000 n +0000001796 00000 n +0000092852 00000 n +0000868386 00000 n +0000001844 00000 n +0000001891 00000 n +0000095468 00000 n +0000868299 00000 n +0000001939 00000 n +0000001974 00000 n +0000095529 00000 n +0000868225 00000 n +0000002022 00000 n +0000002061 00000 n +0000098166 00000 n +0000868097 00000 n +0000002107 00000 n +0000002140 00000 n +0000098227 00000 n +0000867982 00000 n +0000002188 00000 n +0000002222 00000 n +0000098288 00000 n +0000867904 00000 n +0000002276 00000 n +0000002314 00000 n +0000098349 00000 n +0000867812 00000 n +0000002368 00000 n +0000002398 00000 n +0000106862 00000 n +0000867720 00000 n +0000002452 00000 n +0000002485 00000 n +0000107300 00000 n +0000867628 00000 n +0000002539 00000 n +0000002571 00000 n +0000110460 00000 n +0000867536 00000 n +0000002625 00000 n +0000002663 00000 n +0000110963 00000 n +0000867458 00000 n +0000002717 00000 n +0000002757 00000 n +0000111025 00000 n +0000867367 00000 n +0000002806 00000 n +0000002845 00000 n +0000114150 00000 n +0000867275 00000 n +0000002894 00000 n +0000002930 00000 n +0000114338 00000 n +0000867183 00000 n +0000002979 00000 n +0000003032 00000 n +0000114400 00000 n +0000867105 00000 n +0000003081 00000 n +0000003134 00000 n +0000118205 00000 n +0000866973 00000 n +0000003181 00000 n +0000003219 00000 n +0000118267 00000 n +0000866894 00000 n +0000003268 00000 n +0000003304 00000 n +0000118329 00000 n +0000866815 00000 n +0000003353 00000 n +0000003409 00000 n +0000120589 00000 n +0000866682 00000 n +0000003456 00000 n +0000003498 00000 n +0000120651 00000 n +0000866564 00000 n +0000003547 00000 n +0000003597 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+35.777 709.025 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 8.0888 711.8581 Tm +(Index)Tj +1 1 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.705 TD +(Contents)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +0.347 w +21.678 666.599 m +76.035 666.599 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 667.6386 Tm +(Contents)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -2.543 Td +(Preface)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 624.214 m +69.24 624.214 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 625.2532 Tm +(Preface)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -2.543 Td +(Getting Started)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 581.828 m +171.159 581.828 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 582.8678 Tm +(Where to Find a Prolog)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +21.678 566.621 m +123.597 566.621 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 567.6608 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 551.414 m +96.419 551.414 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 552.4539 Tm +(Jumping In)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 536.207 m +143.981 536.207 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 537.2469 Tm +(Logic Programming)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 521 m +69.24 521 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 522.0399 Tm +(Jargon)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Facts)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 478.615 m +55.651 478.615 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 479.6545 Tm +(Facts)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 463.408 m +103.213 463.408 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 464.4475 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 448.201 m +89.624 448.201 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 449.2405 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Simple Queries)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 405.816 m +116.803 405.816 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 406.8551 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 390.609 m +137.186 390.609 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 391.6482 Tm +(How Queries Work)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 375.402 m +89.624 375.402 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 376.4412 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Compound Queries)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 333.016 m +130.392 333.016 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 334.0558 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 317.809 m +157.57 317.809 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 318.8488 Tm +(Built-in Predicates)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 302.602 m +89.624 302.602 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 303.6418 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Rules)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 260.217 m +55.651 260.217 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 261.2564 Tm +(Rules)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 245.01 m +123.597 245.01 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 246.0494 Tm +(How Rules Work)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 229.803 m +103.213 229.803 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 230.8425 Tm +(Using Rules)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 214.596 m +89.624 214.596 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 215.6355 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Arithmetic)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 172.21 m +89.624 172.21 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 173.2501 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 157.004 m +89.624 157.004 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 158.0431 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Managing Data)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 114.618 m +110.008 114.618 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 115.6577 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 99.411 m +89.624 99.411 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 100.4507 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Recursion)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 57.026 m +82.829 57.026 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 58.0653 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 41.819 m +157.57 41.819 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 42.8583 Tm +(How Recursion Works)Tj +ET +EMC +/Section <>BDC +Q +q +217.266 18 394.734 756 re +W* n +q +378.5567017 0 0 48.5329132 225.3544769 702.0095215 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +20.0354 0 0 20.0354 225.3545 669.0854 Tm +(Adventure in Prolog)Tj +ET +0.5 0.5 0.5 rg +225.354 639.95 m +225.354 641.567 l +603.911 641.567 l +603.102 640.758 l +226.163 640.758 l +226.163 640.758 l +h +f +0.875 0.875 0.875 rg +603.911 641.567 m +603.911 639.95 l +225.354 639.95 l +226.163 640.758 l +603.102 640.758 l +603.102 640.758 l +h +f +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +15.6799 0 0 15.6799 225.3545 605.1797 Tm +(Contents )Tj +ET +0 0 1 RG +0.571 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +225.354 573.296 m +259.305 573.296 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 575.0077 Tm +(Preface)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 542.72 m +331.667 542.72 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 544.432 Tm +(Where to Find a Prolog)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 512.144 m +302.734 512.144 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 513.8563 Tm +(1 Getting Started)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 481.568 m +308.986 481.568 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 483.2805 Tm +(Jumping In)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 466.361 m +349.244 466.361 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 468.0736 Tm +(Logic Programming)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 451.154 m +287.9 451.154 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 452.8666 Tm +(Jargon)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 420.579 m +257.753 420.579 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 422.2908 Tm +(2 Facts)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 390.003 m +313.369 390.003 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 391.7151 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 374.796 m +301.105 374.796 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 376.5081 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 344.22 m +303.991 344.22 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 345.9324 Tm +(3 Simple Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 313.644 m +346.391 313.644 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 315.3567 Tm +(How Queries Work)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 298.437 m +301.105 298.437 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 300.1497 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 267.862 m +322.234 267.862 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 269.574 Tm +(4 Compound Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 237.286 m +342.325 237.286 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 238.9982 Tm +(Built-in Predicates)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 222.079 m +301.105 222.079 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 223.7912 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 191.503 m +259.645 191.503 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 193.2155 Tm +(5 Rules)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 160.928 m +336.969 160.928 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 162.6398 Tm +(How Rules Work)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 145.721 m +313.392 145.721 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 147.4328 Tm +(Using Rules)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 130.514 m +301.105 130.514 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 132.2258 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 99.938 m +282.916 99.938 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 101.6501 Tm +(6 Arithmetic)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 69.362 m +301.105 69.362 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 71.0744 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 38.786 m +303.979 38.786 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 40.4986 Tm +(7 Managing Data)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Section <>BDC +418.119 573.296 m +496.744 573.296 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 575.0077 Tm +(9 Data Structures)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 558.089 m +493.869 558.089 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 559.8008 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 527.513 m +483.857 527.513 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 529.225 Tm +(10 Unification)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 496.937 m +493.869 496.937 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 498.6493 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 466.361 m +454.3 466.361 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 468.0736 Tm +(11 Lists)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 435.786 m +553.979 435.786 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 437.4978 Tm +(Using the List Utilities)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 420.579 m +493.869 420.579 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 422.2908 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 390.003 m +476.926 390.003 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 391.7151 Tm +(12 Operators)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 359.427 m +493.869 359.427 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 361.1394 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 328.851 m +448.638 328.851 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 330.5636 Tm +(13 Cut)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 298.276 m +513.392 298.276 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 299.9879 Tm +(Using the Cut)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 283.069 m +493.869 283.069 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 284.7809 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 252.493 m +515.633 252.493 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 254.2052 Tm +(14 Control Structures)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 221.917 m +559.936 221.917 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 223.6295 Tm +(Recursive Control Loop)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 206.71 m +517.469 206.71 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 208.4225 Tm +(Tail Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 191.503 m +493.869 191.503 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 193.2155 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 160.928 m +513.719 160.928 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 162.6398 Tm +(15 Natural Language)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 130.352 m +523.743 130.352 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 132.064 Tm +(Difference Lists)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 115.145 m +562.121 115.145 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 116.8571 Tm +(Natural Language Front )Tj +ET +450.474 99.938 m +468.718 99.938 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 101.6501 Tm +(End)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 84.731 m +567.466 84.731 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 86.4431 Tm +(Definite Clause Grammar)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 69.524 m +536.336 69.524 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 71.2361 Tm +(Reading Sentences)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 54.317 m +493.869 54.317 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 56.0291 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.2799 0 0 7.2799 18 8.4753 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm \(1 of 2\)11/3/2006 7\ :01:37 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 153 0 obj<> endobj 154 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.2799 0 0 7.2799 18 781.4753 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 213.221 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +8.089 18 205.132 756 re +f +EMC +q +217.266 18 394.734 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +1 1 1 rg +225.354 18 386.646 756 re +f +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +0.9 0.9 0.9 rg +213.221 18 1 756 re +f +0.4 0.4 0.4 rg +216.266 18 1 756 re +f +0.8 0.8 0.8 rg +214.221 18 2.044 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Section <>BDC +q +0 18 213.221 756 re +W* n +1 1 0 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 8.0888 756.1303 Tm +( )Tj +ET +1 1 1 RG +0.347 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +28.473 755.091 m +96.419 755.091 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 756.1303 Tm +(Pragmatics)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 739.884 m +89.624 739.884 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 740.9233 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Data Structures)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +21.678 697.498 m +123.597 697.498 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 698.5379 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 682.291 m +89.624 682.291 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 683.3309 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Unification)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 639.906 m +96.419 639.906 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 640.9455 Tm +(Unification)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 624.699 m +89.624 624.699 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 625.7386 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Lists)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 582.314 m +55.651 582.314 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 583.3531 Tm +(Lists)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 567.107 m +191.543 567.107 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 568.1462 Tm +(Using the List Utilities)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 551.9 m +89.624 551.9 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 552.9392 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Operators)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 509.514 m +82.829 509.514 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 510.5538 Tm +(Operators)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 494.307 m +89.624 494.307 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 495.3468 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Cut)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 451.922 m +42.062 451.922 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 452.9614 Tm +(Cut)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 436.715 m +116.803 436.715 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 437.7544 Tm +(Using the Cut)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 421.508 m +89.624 421.508 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 422.5474 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Control Structures)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 379.122 m +143.981 379.122 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 380.162 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 363.915 m +177.954 363.915 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 364.955 Tm +(Recursive Control Loop)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 348.708 m +123.597 348.708 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 349.7481 Tm +(Tail Recursion)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 333.502 m +89.624 333.502 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 334.5411 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Natural Language)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 291.116 m +130.392 291.116 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 292.1557 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 275.909 m +137.186 275.909 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 276.9487 Tm +(Difference Lists)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 260.702 m +205.132 260.702 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 261.7417 Tm +(Natural Language Front End)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 245.495 m +184.749 245.495 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 246.5348 Tm +(Definite Clause Grammar)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 230.288 m +143.981 230.288 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 231.3278 Tm +(Reading Sentences)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 215.081 m +89.624 215.081 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 216.1208 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -2.543 Td +(Appendix)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +21.678 172.696 m +76.035 172.696 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 21.678 173.7354 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 157.489 m +103.213 157.489 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 158.5284 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 142.282 m +69.24 142.282 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 143.3214 Tm +(Family)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 127.075 m +76.035 127.075 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 128.1145 Tm +(Custord)Tj +1 1 0 rg +-1.8 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +28.473 111.868 m +62.446 111.868 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 28.4726 112.9075 Tm +(Birds)Tj +ET +Q +q +217.266 18 394.734 756 re +W* n +0 0 1 RG +0.571 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +257.71 748.033 m +301.105 748.033 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 749.7453 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +225.354 717.457 m +279.768 717.457 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 719.1695 Tm +(8 Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 686.882 m +361.497 686.882 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 688.5938 Tm +(How Recursion Works)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 671.675 m +308.035 671.675 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 673.3868 Tm +(Pragmatics)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +257.71 656.468 m +301.105 656.468 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.7097 658.1798 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 754.473 m +462.782 754.473 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 756.1848 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 723.897 m +506.134 723.897 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 725.6091 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 708.69 m +482.568 708.69 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 710.4021 Tm +(Family)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 693.483 m +486.339 693.483 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 695.1951 Tm +(Custord)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +450.474 678.276 m +475.014 678.276 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 450.4744 679.9882 Tm +(Birds)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +418.119 647.7 m +446.736 647.7 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 418.1191 649.4124 Tm +(Index )Tj +ET +0.5 0.5 0.5 rg +225.354 605.914 m +225.354 607.532 l +603.911 607.532 l +603.102 606.723 l +226.163 606.723 l +226.163 606.723 l +h +f +0.875 0.875 0.875 rg +603.911 607.532 m +603.911 605.914 l +225.354 605.914 l +226.163 606.723 l +603.102 606.723 l +603.102 606.723 l +h +f +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 225.3545 575.1571 Tm +(Published by: )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Amzi! inc. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(5861 Greentree Road )Tj +T* +(Lebanon, OH 45036 U.S.A. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(phone +1-513-425-8050 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(fax +1-513-425-8025 )Tj +T* +(e-mail )Tj +ET +257.119 461.172 m +330.139 461.172 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 257.1193 462.8843 Tm +(info@amzi.com)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +-2.805 -1.343 Td +(web )Tj +ET 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All Rights Reserved)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.3243 0 0 11.3243 492.8739 123.5646 Tm +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.2799 0 0 7.2799 18 8.4753 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm \(2 of 2\)11/3/2006 7\ :01:37 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 155 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm) endobj 156 0 obj<> endobj 157 0 obj<> endobj 158 0 obj<> endobj 159 0 obj<> endobj 160 0 obj[157 0 R] endobj 161 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm) endobj 162 0 obj(Cٷ*S?) endobj 163 0 obj<> endobj 164 0 obj<> endobj 165 0 obj(1^Qz"b-h) endobj 166 0 obj 1 endobj 167 0 obj<> endobj 168 0 obj<> endobj 169 0 obj<>stream + + + + + 2006-11-03T19:01:37-08:00 + 2006-11-03T19:01:37-08:00 + 2006-11-03T19:01:37-08:00 + + + application/pdf + + + http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm + + + + + uuid:1dfb6837-9df9-45ce-851e-7a6ec7eec434 + uuid:ca02b1a4-5b26-4d87-8527-0c593920c0dc + + + Acrobat Web Capture 7.0 + + + + + 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339.274 m +118.81 339.274 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 341.3909 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +ET +50 320.474 m +103.648 320.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 322.5909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +10 282.674 m +107.216 282.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 284.7909 Tm +(3 Simple Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 263.874 m +159.634 263.874 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 265.9909 Tm +(How Queries Work)Tj +ET +50 245.074 m +103.648 245.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 247.1909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +10 207.274 m +129.77 207.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 209.3909 Tm +(4 Compound Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 188.474 m +154.608 188.474 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 190.5909 Tm +(Built-in Predicates)Tj +ET +50 169.674 m +103.648 169.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 171.7909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +10 131.874 m +52.392 131.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 133.9909 Tm +(5 Rules)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 113.074 m +147.986 113.074 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 115.1909 Tm +(How Rules Work)Tj +ET +50 94.274 m +118.838 94.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 96.3909 Tm +(Using Rules)Tj +ET +50 75.474 m +103.648 75.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 77.5909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +248.31 527.874 m +345.512 527.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 529.9909 Tm +(9 Data Structures)Tj +ET +288.31 509.074 m +341.958 509.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 511.1909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 471.274 m +329.58 471.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 473.3909 Tm +(10 Unification)Tj +ET +288.31 452.474 m +341.958 452.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 454.5909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 414.674 m +293.04 414.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 416.7909 Tm +(11 Lists)Tj +ET +288.31 395.874 m +416.27 395.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 397.9909 Tm +(Using the List Utilities)Tj +ET +288.31 377.074 m +341.958 377.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 379.1909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 339.274 m +321.012 339.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 341.3909 Tm +(12 Operators)Tj +ET +288.31 320.474 m +341.958 320.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 322.5909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 282.674 m +286.04 282.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 284.7909 Tm +(13 Cut)Tj +ET +288.31 263.874 m +366.094 263.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 265.9909 Tm +(Using the Cut)Tj +ET +288.31 245.074 m +341.958 245.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 247.1909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 207.274 m +368.864 207.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 209.3909 Tm +(14 Control Structures)Tj +ET +288.31 188.474 m +423.634 188.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 190.5909 Tm +(Recursive Control Loop)Tj +ET +288.31 169.674 m +371.134 169.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 171.7909 Tm +(Tail Recursion)Tj +ET +288.31 150.874 m +341.958 150.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 152.9909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 113.074 m +366.498 113.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 115.1909 Tm +(15 Natural Language)Tj +ET +288.31 94.274 m +378.89 94.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 96.3909 Tm +(Difference Lists)Tj +ET +288.31 75.474 m +448.89 75.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 77.5909 Tm +(Natural Language Front End)Tj +ET +288.31 56.674 m +432.944 56.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 58.7909 Tm +(Definite Clause Grammar)Tj +ET +288.31 37.874 m +394.458 37.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 39.9909 Tm +(Reading Sentences)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advtop.htm \(1 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 4:26 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 242 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Contents)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 1 RG +0.706 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 751.859 m +81.162 751.859 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(6 Arithmetic)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 733.059 m +103.648 733.059 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 735.1756 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +10 695.259 m +107.202 695.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 697.3755 Tm +(7 Managing Data)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 676.459 m +103.648 676.459 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 678.5756 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +10 638.659 m +77.27 638.659 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 640.7756 Tm +(8 Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 619.859 m +178.31 619.859 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 621.9756 Tm +(How Recursion Works)Tj +0 0 0 rg +( )Tj +ET +50 601.059 m +112.216 601.059 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 603.1756 Tm +(Pragmatics)Tj +ET +50 582.259 m +103.648 582.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 584.3755 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +288.31 749.074 m +341.958 749.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 751.1909 Tm +(Exercises)Tj +ET +248.31 711.274 m +303.526 711.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 713.3909 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +288.31 692.474 m +357.12 692.474 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 694.5909 Tm +(Nani Search)Tj +ET +288.31 673.674 m +327.986 673.674 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 675.7909 Tm +(Family)Tj +ET +288.31 654.874 m +332.648 654.874 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 656.9909 Tm +(Custord)Tj +ET +288.31 636.074 m +318.648 636.074 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 288.31 638.1909 Tm +(Birds)Tj +ET +248.31 598.274 m +283.688 598.274 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.31 600.3909 Tm +(Index )Tj +ET +0.5 0.5 0.5 rg +10 530.6 m +10 532.6 l +602 532.6 l +601 531.6 l +11 531.6 l +11 531.6 l +h +f +0.875 0.875 0.875 rg +602 532.6 m +602 530.6 l +10 530.6 l +11 531.6 l +601 531.6 l +601 531.6 l +h +f +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 492.5756 Tm +(Published by: )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Amzi! inc. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(5861 Greentree Road )Tj 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All Rights Reserved. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This document \("Work"\) is protected by copyright laws and internationa\ l copyright treaties, as well as )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(other intellectual property laws and treaties. You may use and distribut\ e digital copies of this Work )Tj +T* +(provided each copy of the Work is a true and complete copy, including al\ l copyright and trademark )Tj +T* +(notices, and each copy is accompanied by a copy of this notice. You may \ not distribute printed copies of )Tj +T* +(this Work. You may not distribute copies of this Work for profit either \ on a standalone basis or included )Tj +T* +(as part of your own product or work without written permission from Amzi\ ! You may not charge any )Tj +T* +(fees, including ones for media or download. You may not include this Wor\ k as part of your own works. )Tj +T* +(You may not rename, edit or create any derivative works from this Work. \ Contact Amzi! for additional )Tj +T* +(licensing arrangements. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Amzi! is a registered trademark and Logic Server, Active Prolog Tutor, A\ dventure in Prolog and the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(flying squirrel logo are trademarks of Amzi! inc. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Last Updated: March 2004 )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advtop.htm \(2 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 4:26 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 243 0 obj<> endobj 244 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Contents)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0.5 0.5 0.5 rg +10 735.8 m +10 737.8 l +602 737.8 l +601 736.8 l +11 736.8 l +11 736.8 l +h +f +0.875 0.875 0.875 rg +602 737.8 m +602 735.8 l +10 735.8 l +11 736.8 l +601 736.8 l +601 736.8 l +h +f +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 718.1756 Tm +( )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 697.8833 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 340.7274 697.8833 Tm +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advtop.htm \(3 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 4:26 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 245 0 obj(Contents) endobj 246 0 obj<> endobj 247 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advtop.htm) endobj 248 0 obj(n[c# y ,) endobj 249 0 obj<> endobj 250 0 obj<> endobj 251 0 obj(w. 2ƣ) endobj 252 0 obj 2 endobj 253 0 obj<> endobj 254 0 obj<> endobj 255 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 256 0 obj[255 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 257 0 obj<>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 255 0 R>> endobj 258 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 127 259 0 R] endobj 259 0 obj<>stream +'JSSΕW48uBXffmnCc)*yLYRT|8ffU+q3fY#XEG@i I,|!j9|h R.UGxx(z{SGx !k + + +@CnSHBb9@3UQ*aP{|%J弽J*y:Of?r79,alG}Zvх3f A9oO!k[dOn[eZ:֨]L}GDJ3f#'tZŒJ2aw +endstream endobj 260 0 obj<>stream +HW wF6"cD[ɬ1jt-Fa% 9)k1ջN4l8,8u=< $3oA=sxNRqXq0S!F"Y0Sjevah\8#&q*)B,|"~!,iCHb$4ՑV +m9ƅo1SA.R-ju, rB3fm4^nzPh[g1ҞN&qjx"HdIV:=۪? #W9m7M|og8$P+]Uelˡ%tM .RPY,hΕNIs1r~Ȱ[#c 즐@:Ude\uVM=ع@ΤA!+soטPb%J Bph 8Jz%TC, ,=Rǡ(P5IE/Q'm<Āv?:?cb lrƠ (MR0NrwQlV[3=O:0FrʮAF9uȓ8=MxvR nZe8w Ww)8G<#6 +Ԭsm!t>lIb,:{9̩No4FRrH%!}lQ2ٔQD"jՏѬk +R5{7hMIQ^ ޾9% NSaSQD"8`|z!߰Ip:SAƨs +ھ\ZMxZp8Ij5fqzR% +ಟ3gmz 390Gtu۴3R̉Ynˆ>-Z>sR9LARRl! 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For the next mont\ h my lunch hours, evenings and )Tj +T* +(weekends, as well as normal work hours, were consumed with fighting the \ fierce green dragon and )Tj +T* +(escaping from the twisty little passages. Finally, with a few hints abou\ t the plover's egg and dynamite, I )Tj +T* +(had proudly earned all the points in the game. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(My elation turned to terror as I realized it was time for my performance\ review. My boss was a stern )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(man, who was more comfortable with machines than with people. He opened \ up a large computer )Tj +T* +(printout containing a log of the hours each of his programmers spent on \ the mainframe computer. He )Tj +T* +(said he noticed that recently I had been working evenings and weekends a\ nd that he admired that type of )Tj +T* +(dedication in his employees. He gave me the maximum raise and told me to\ keep up the good work. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Ever since I've had a warm spot in my heart for adventure games. Years l\ ater, when I got my first home )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(computer, I immediately started to write my own adventure game in 'C'. F\ irst came the tools, a simple )Tj +T* +(dynamic database to keep track of the game state and pattern matching fu\ nctions to search that database. )Tj +T* +(Then came a natural language parser for the front end. Functions impleme\ nted the various rules of the )Tj +T* +(game. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(At around the same time I joined the Boston Computer Society and attende\ d a lecture of the newly )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(formed Artificial Intelligence group. The lecture was about Prolog. I wa\ s amazed--here was a language )Tj +T* +(that included all of the tools needed for building adventure games and m\ ore. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(It had a much richer dynamic database and more powerful pattern matcher \ than the one I had written, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(plus its syntax was rules, which are much more natural for coding the sp\ ecification of the game. It had a )Tj +T* +(built-in search engine and, to top it all off, had tools for natural lan\ guage processing. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(I learned Prolog from the classic Clocksin and Mellish text and started \ writing adventure games anew. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(I went on to use Prolog for a number of expert system applications at my\ then current job, including a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mainframe database performance tuning system and installation expert. Th\ is got others interested in the )Tj +T* +(language and I began teaching it as well. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(While the applications we were using Prolog for were serious and perform\ ed a key role in improving )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/apreface.htm \(1 of 2\)11/3/2006 7\ :04:32 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 271 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Preface)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(technical support for the growing company, I still found the adventure g\ ame to be an excellent showcase )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(for teaching the language. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This book is the result of that work. It takes a pragmatic, rather than \ theoretical, approach to the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(language and is designed for programmers interested in adding this power\ ful language to their bag of )Tj +T* +(tools. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(I offer my thanks to Will Crowther and Don Woods for writing the first \(\ and in my opinion still the best\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(adventure game and to the Boston Computer Society for testing the ideas \ in the book. Thanks also to )Tj +T* +(Ray Reeves, who speaks fluent Prolog, and Nancy Wilson, who speaks fluen\ t English, for their careful )Tj +T* +(reading of the text. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Dennis Merritt )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Stow, Massachusetts, April 1996 )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 493.2832 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 340.7274 493.2832 Tm +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/apreface.htm \(2 of 2\)11/3/2006 7\ :04:32 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 272 0 obj(Preface) endobj 273 0 obj<> endobj 274 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/apreface.htm) endobj 275 0 obj(> endobj 277 0 obj<> endobj 278 0 obj(AB*) endobj 279 0 obj 1 endobj 280 0 obj<> endobj 281 0 obj<> endobj 282 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 283 0 obj[282 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 284 0 obj<> endobj 285 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 255 286 0 R] endobj 286 0 obj<>stream +== {{NӨzzzRRRaII zzHSSH22J#%^^@GJJK5fffBBBrr-!!"l9z;;;DLL;č& %3[[3j>>,BsrrTJJ2333M@(((ooBZZZ$$$fs3MNhmmf6qYY"sss%j9//)1XLL*<<J3~faPTq^^~Xfff_I) +endstream endobj 287 0 obj<>stream +HW{FBN'#A* FvDJz JµqSdCդ@>,Ɏ@'-vgw睏w$=Vx$_ZX.}3IOP\KHz(:GבP,F#;ˑF.R t)uć@p*븹\7\??4^*u7>^S/jh"+t.2ZeU&R|)yNy +۷opvV]j/zɘ&gA)1nb.0d&ɆI65Ѝd?j#J +_2ώ5ⶊ8BPט^C"oN^drIRSۛ\>y̤hT⸀2x_ p֋F߅1_+h CYRCrb,w1DT9uULLSlrvy,*?x㜴]:1rl8 S`Վ ?UF'ʚ,鬎`J^ V L4ۖJoW^ldh 'l`i0GkKn@LLqҫLA!XњvT{zȭm.Qĵ62` +-b/ )mZmfU1ErM9]"~*0=_?|!sCc4'NݔjGXx3%z$;abh +L`CdX]c2gV<.)~ v)R)l+X.:@p§*5Jet9_-Ϛo%_b\}[Y\Ƿ`0nvvX𖖁iz `]OF7昴,fbp(vZ t V#bPcI*i-oS`xunК%Wљ }is\ү/mͯ?yoI q[ϕnoՏؚlȤogqJ l4tWũ #Ɉ9tZ Url.'qA@oJOvXscNL&q!T*;)Y~ aq,6\{P|r"d8@r r&y7 L=O!hagBH&6 3bIPX'A(K[f1 +'ԋR:%qsȪIXQטa,%PiH_e@B;s#ұ,y|cc4VOfύ@cF#Oith޽/71.e^F&0"Pk@7##_=.‹-~E8H'Uۢ6B+XF頍ګ`GS܈sWiOQOi͐ݧ ̹5.iN3$Nc/_nnngFT` ؤ5.N} ND|TXigs!ز#6RTKrVvخ%[3OZBNhR-RJim/.I~[@P;vK^'J;44G@tk=|6 -loQJ4͆G}*J6+NXE"42EM/g՚ګxEᨁH MvA2S(%yZO;0P˧חO)żk_$f+7t5^>}ie>}߿*w*ꎋmn~3HL#p_u10|,)-Zdz@ 7t0T/\xMhbMg +Ξ~zщjJg+3焺ͱͭ3](C[=Vס)9/b/n t tTN ]wĵ' 03tX*r%Ĵ^'"v>| `7P=X[^xsgFP1pw8cbepsk^tщ|qxlvbz걺.N@m2 +jy=62ld3%#N[ΏF5~l}p> +\Av 6S9xV6Wuu7%jx AW^GOBm%e5}}l~~>@ӽ> ns/&C;/[]Z?RHD~<_!|1LDU|~]qeEFCjkbDK싓bʚrDJ\_Ck<۸%Jw%y~; a-]9*r1203PrdK urG;w8Zg_6 XX߻yr7ETt{&SSS/^cfcբNEA'1瘊1NX+S + M0©.e'9tiJ|z* #Z7srweFJU3^i21_ɨYA\b_sTpxh`rI>;9~/0eԜ`|H[["LS)c|kk_O + ARǰ7$޿3SzG)ufJĽ&)pjtaayj1ue+z{ ڥ+o yAg{}J4(’ HXJU<.Oݒ7fF'8݇W_oꄪe +ߞ[mN̘l";KoS2KWn>%yLj`j.'NCeH> +a9mb +:erۍ'? 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MTiZo|ثɨH> endobj 291 0 obj<> endobj 292 0 obj[284 0 R] endobj 293 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 294 0 obj[293 0 R 295 0 R] endobj 295 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 296 0 obj<> endobj 297 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 651.0149 Tm +(Where to Find a Prolog)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 613.714 Tm +(Amzi! offers both free and commercial Prolog development tools. This tut\ orial text refers to the Amzi!\256 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Eclipse IDE. Amzi! runs under all forms of Windows, and many forms of Un\ ix including Linux and )Tj +T* +(Solaris. You can download a copy from our web site:)Tj +ET +0 0 1 RG +0.706 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +50 542.197 m +138.648 542.197 l +S +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 544.314 Tm +(www.amzi.com)Tj +0 0 0 rg +-2.857 -2.7 Td +(You can find other freely available Prolog tools for Windows and other p\ lat-forms in the Prolog FAQ )Tj +T* +(and on various Prolog and AI repositories. Our web site contains up-to-d\ ate pointers to these sites. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You will also find numerous articles on our web site about:)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 418.114 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 418.114 Tm +(Learning and using Prolog, )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 401.314 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 401.314 Tm +(Building expert systems, agents and intelligent components in Prolog, )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 384.514 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 384.514 Tm +(Embedding Prolog modules in C/C++, Java, Delphi, Visual Basic and other \ applications,)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 367.714 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 367.714 Tm +(Using intelligent components on the Internet, and)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 350.914 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 350.914 Tm +(Many other topics)Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Our web site also contains pointers to:)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 279.314 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 279.314 Tm +(Books,)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 262.514 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 262.514 Tm +(Prolog source code repositories,)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 245.714 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 245.714 Tm +(Papers and FAQs,)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 228.914 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 228.914 Tm +(Other Prolog, AI and expert systems sites, and)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 212.114 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 212.114 Tm +(Newsgroups.)Tj +0 0 1 rg +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We invite you to visit!)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 141.439 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/aprolog.htm11/3/2006 7:04:57 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 298 0 obj(Getting Started) endobj 299 0 obj<> endobj 300 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/aprolog.htm) endobj 301 0 obj(X8\)p-*u=\\a]) endobj 302 0 obj<> endobj 303 0 obj<> endobj 304 0 obj(YK${#4\r) endobj 305 0 obj 1 endobj 306 0 obj<> endobj 307 0 obj<> endobj 308 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 309 0 obj[308 0 R/XYZ 0 767.472 null] endobj 310 0 obj<><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 308 0 R>> endobj 311 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 312 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 313 0 obj[312 0 R] endobj 314 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 315 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 316 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 317 0 obj<> endobj 318 0 obj<> endobj 319 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 320 0 obj[316 0 R/XYZ 0 464.899 null] endobj 321 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 322 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 323 0 obj[321 0 R/XYZ 0 181.165 null] endobj 324 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 325 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 326 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 327 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 328 0 obj[326 0 R/XYZ 0 345.926 null] endobj 329 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 330 0 obj[310 0 R] endobj 331 0 obj<> endobj 332 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +381.8880005 0 0 48.9600067 115.0559998 703.0079956 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +20.2117 0 0 20.2117 8.16 670.1444 Tm +(1)Tj +0 0 0 rg +11.424 0 0 11.424 18.2658 670.1444 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +15.8178 0 0 15.8178 8.16 633.8861 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 603.4486 Tm +(Prolog stands for PROgramming in LOGic. It was developed from a foundati\ on of logical theorem proving and originally used )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(for research in natural language processing. Although its popularity has\ sprung up mainly in the artificial intelligence \(AI\) )Tj +T* +(community, where it has been used for applications such as expert system\ s, natural language, and intelligent databases, it is al)Tj +(so )Tj +T* +(useful for more conventional types of applications. It allows for more r\ apid development and prototyping than most languages )Tj +T* +(because it is semantically close to the logical specification of a progr\ am. As such, it approaches the ideal of executable progr)Tj +(am )Tj +T* +(specifications. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Programming in Prolog is significantly different from conventional proce\ dural programming and requires a readjustment in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(way one thinks about programming. Logical relationships are asserted, an\ d Prolog is used to determine whether or not certain )Tj +T* +(statements are true, and if true, what variable bindings make them true.\ This leads to a very declarative style of programming.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In fact, the term program does not accurately describe a Prolog collecti\ on of executable facts, rules and logical relationships,)Tj +( so )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(you will often see term )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( used in this book as well.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(While Prolog is a fascinating language from a purely theoretical viewpoi\ nt, this book will stress Prolog as a practical tool for)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(application development. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Much of the book will be built around the writing of a short adventure g\ ame. The adventure game is a good example since it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(contains mundane programming constructs, symbolic reasoning, natural lan\ guage, data, and logic. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Through exercises you will also build a simple expert system, an intelli\ gent genealogical logicbase, and a mundane customer )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(order entry application. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You should create a source file for the game, and enter the examples fro\ m the book as you go. You should also create source file)Tj +(s )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(for the other three programs covered in the exercises. Sample source cod\ e for each of the programs is included in the appendix. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The adventure game is called Nani Search. Your persona as the adventurer\ is that of a three year old girl. The lost treasure wit)Tj +(h )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(magical powers is your nani \(security blanket\). The terrifying obstacl\ e between you and success is a dark room. It is getting la)Tj +(te )Tj +T* +(and you're tired, but you can't go to sleep without your nani. Your miss\ ion is to find the nani. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Nani Search is composed of )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 148.6102 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 148.6102 Tm +(A read and execute command loop )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 134.9014 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 134.9014 Tm +(A natural language input parser )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 121.1926 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 121.1926 Tm +(Dynamic facts/data describing the current environment )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 107.4838 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 107.4838 Tm +(Commands that manipulate the environment )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 93.775 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 93.775 Tm +(Puzzles that must be solved )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(You control the game by using simple English commands \(at the angle bra\ cket \(>\) prompt\) expressing the action you wish to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(take. You can go to other rooms, look at your surroundings, look in thin\ gs, take things, drop things, eat things, inventory the )Tj +T* +(things you have, and turn things on and off. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(1 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 333 0 obj<> endobj 334 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.16 438.368 m +603.84 438.368 l +603.024 437.552 l +8.976 437.552 l +h +f +8.16 438.368 m +8.16 32.688 l +8.976 32.688 l +8.976 437.552 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +603.84 438.368 m +603.84 32.688 l +603.024 32.688 l +603.024 437.552 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +10.608 435.92 m +601.392 435.92 l +600.576 435.104 l +11.424 435.104 l +h +f +10.608 435.92 m +10.608 32.688 l +11.424 32.688 l +11.424 435.104 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +601.392 435.92 m +601.392 32.688 l +600.576 32.688 l +600.576 435.104 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 742.7158 Tm +(Figure 1.1 shows a run of a completed version of Nani Search. As you dev\ elop your own version you can of course change the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(game to reflect your own ideas of adventure. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The game will be implemented from the bottom up, because that fits bette\ r with the order in which the topics will be introduced.)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog is equally adept at supporting top-down or inside-out program dev\ elopment. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A Prolog logicbase exists in the listener's workspace as a collection of\ small modular units, called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(predicates)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. They are similar to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(subroutines in conventional languages, but on a smaller scale. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The predicates can be added and tested separately in a Prolog program, w\ hich makes it possible to incrementally develop the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(applications described in the book. Each chapter will call for the addit\ ion of more and more predicates to the game. Similarly, )Tj +(the )Tj +T* +(exercises will ask you to add predicates to each of the other applicatio\ ns. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will start with the Nani Search logicbase and quickly move into the c\ ommands that examine that logicbase. Then we will )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(implement the commands that manipulate the logicbase. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Along the way there will be diversions where the same commands are rewri\ tten using a different approach for comparison. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Occasionally a topic will be covered that is critical to Prolog but has \ little application in Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(One of the final tasks will be putting together the top-level command pr\ ocessor. We will finish with the natural language )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(interface. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(You are in the kitchen.)Tj +T* +(You can see: apple, table, broccoli)Tj +T* +(You can go to: cellar, office, dining room)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(> go to the cellar)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(You can't go to the cellar because it's dark in the cellar, and you're a\ fraid of the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(dark.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(> turn on the light)Tj +T* +(You can't reach the switch and there's nothing to stand on.)Tj +T* +(> go to the office)Tj +T* +(You are in the office.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You can see the following things: desk)Tj +T* +(You can go to the following rooms: hall, kitchen)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(> open desk)Tj +T* +(The desk contains:)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( flashlight)Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(> take the flashlight)Tj +T* +(You now have the flashlight)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(2 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 335 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.16 767.472 m +8.16 636.586 l +8.976 637.402 l +8.976 767.472 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +603.84 767.472 m +603.84 636.586 l +603.024 637.402 l +603.024 767.472 l +h +f +8.16 636.586 m +603.84 636.586 l +603.024 637.402 l +8.976 637.402 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +10.608 767.472 m +10.608 639.034 l +11.424 639.85 l +11.424 767.472 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +601.392 767.472 m +601.392 639.034 l +600.576 639.85 l +600.576 767.472 l +h +f +10.608 639.034 m +601.392 639.034 l +600.576 639.85 l +11.424 639.85 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 13.872 757.6051 Tm +(> kitchen)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(You are in the kitchen)Tj +T* +(> turn on the light)Tj +T* +(flashlight turned on.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(...)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 1.1. A sample run of Nani Search )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The goal of this book is to make you feel comfortable with )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 552.8441 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 552.8441 Tm +(The Prolog logicbase of facts and rules )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 539.1353 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 539.1353 Tm +(The built-in theorem prover that allows Prolog to answer questions about\ the logicbase \(backtracking search\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 525.4265 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 525.4265 Tm +(How logical variables are used \(They are different from the variables i\ n most languages.\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 511.7177 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 511.7177 Tm +(Unification, the built in pattern matcher )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 498.0089 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 498.0089 Tm +(Extra-logical features \(like read and write that make the language prac\ tical\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 484.3 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 484.3 Tm +(How to control Prolog's execution behavior )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +13.1815 0 0 13.1815 8.16 453.3493 Tm +(Jumping In )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 423.7654 Tm +(As with any language, the best way to learn Prolog is to use it. This bo\ ok is designed to be used with a Prolog listener, and wi)Tj +(ll )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(guide you through the building of four applications. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 380.8438 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 380.8438 Tm +(Adventure game )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 367.135 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 367.135 Tm +(Intelligent genealogical logicbase )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 353.4262 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 353.4262 Tm +(Expert system )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +5.712 0 0 5.712 29.1418 339.7174 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 339.7174 Tm +(Customer order entry business application )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(The adventure game will be covered in detail in the main body of the tex\ t, and the others you will build yourself based on the )Tj +T* +(exercises at the end of each chapter. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There will be two types of example code throughout the book. One is code\ , meant to be entered in a source file, and the other is)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(interactions with the listener. The listener interactions are distinguis\ hed by the presence of the question mark and dash \(?-\) )Tj +T* +(listener prompt. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is a two-line program, meant to help you learn the mechanics of the\ editor and your listener. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(mortal\(X\) :- person\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(person\(socrates\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the Amzi! Eclipse IDE, first create a project for your source files. \ Select File | New | Project on the main menu, then click)Tj +( on )Tj +T* +('Prolog' and 'Project', and enter the name of your project, 'adventure'.\ Next, create a new source file. Select File | New | Fil)Tj +(e, and )Tj +T* +(enter the name of your file, 'mortal.pro'. Enter the pro-gram in the edi\ t window, paying careful attention to upper and lowercas)Tj +(e )Tj +T* +(letters and punctuation. Then select File | Save from the menu.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Next, start the Prolog listener by selecting Run | Run As | Interpreted \ Project. Loading the source code in the Listener is call)Tj +(ed )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(consulting. You should see a message indicating that your source file, '\ mortal.pro', was consulted. This message is followed by )Tj +T* +(the typical listener prompt.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(3 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 336 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 746.5776 Tm +(?-)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Entering the source code in the Listener is called )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(consulting)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. Select Listener/Consult from the main menu, and select 'mortal.pro' )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(from the file menu. You can also consult a Prolog source file directly f\ rom the listener prompt like this. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- consult\(mortal\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(See the documentation and/or online help for details on the Amzi! listen\ er and Eclipse IDE. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In all the listener examples in this book, you enter the text after the \ prompt \(?\255\), the rest is provided by Prolog. When workin)Tj +(g )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with Prolog, it is important to remember to include the final period and\ to press the 'return' key. If you forget the period \(an)Tj +(d you )Tj +T* +(probably will\), you can enter it on the next line with a 'return.' )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Once you've loaded the program, try the following Prolog queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- mortal\(socrates\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +T* +(?- mortal\(X\).)Tj +T* +(X = socrates.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now let's change the program. First type 'quit.' to end the listener. Go\ back to the edit window and add the line)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(person\(plato\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(after the person\(socrates\) line. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Select Run | Run As | Interpreted Project to start the listener again wi\ th your updated source file. And test it.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- mortal\(plato\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(One more test. Enter this query in the listener. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- write\('Hello World'\).)Tj +T* +(Hello World)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(You are now ready to learn Prolog. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +13.1815 0 0 13.1815 8.16 169.6147 Tm +(Logic Programming )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 140.0308 Tm +(Let's look at the simple example in more detail. In classical logic we m\ ight say "All people are mortal," or, rephrased for Prol)Tj +(og, )Tj +T* +("For all X, X is mortal if X is a person." )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(mortal\(X\) :- person\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Similarly, we can assert the simple fact that Socrates is a person. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(person\(socrates\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(4 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 337 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 744.2548 Tm +(From these two logical assertions, Prolog can now prove whether or not S\ ocrates is mortal. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- mortal\(socrates\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The listener responds )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We could also ask "Who is mortal?" like this )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- mortal\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(and receive the response )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X = socrates)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This declarative style of programming is one of Prolog's major strengths\ . It leads to code that is easier to write and easier to)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(maintain. For the most part, the programmer is freed from having to worr\ y about control structures and transfer of control )Tj +T* +(mechanisms. This is done automatically by Prolog. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(By itself, however, a logical theorem prover is not a practical programm\ ing tool. A programmer needs to do things that have )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nothing to do with logic, such as read and write terms. A programmer als\ o needs to manipulate the built-in control structure of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog in order for the program to execute as desired. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The following example illustrates a Prolog program that prints a report \ of all the known mortals. It is a mixture of pure logic )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(from before, extra-logical I/O, and forced control of the Prolog executi\ on behavior. The example is illustrative only, and the )Tj +T* +(concepts involved will be explained in later chapters. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First add some more philosophers to the 'mortal' source in order to make\ the report more interesting. Place them after 'person)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(plato\).' )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(person\(zeno\).)Tj +T* +(person\(aristotle\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next add the report-writing code, again being careful with punctuation a\ nd upper- and lowercase. Note that the format of this )Tj +T* +(program is the same as that used for the logical assertions. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(mortal_report:- )Tj +T* +( write\('Known mortals are:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( mortal\(X\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Figure 1.2 contains the full program, with some optional comments, indic\ ated by the percent sign \(%\) at the beginning of a line.)Tj +( )Tj +T* +(Load the program in the listener and try it. Note that the syntax of cal\ ling the report code is the same as the syntax used for )Tj +T* +(posing the purely logical queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- mortal_report.)Tj +T* +(Known mortals are:)Tj +T* +(socrates)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(5 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 338 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.16 681.629 m +350.227 681.629 l +349.411 680.813 l +8.976 680.813 l +h +f +8.16 681.629 m +8.16 462.778 l +8.976 463.594 l +8.976 680.813 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +350.227 681.629 m +350.227 462.778 l +349.411 463.594 l +349.411 680.813 l +h +f +8.16 462.778 m +350.227 462.778 l +349.411 463.594 l +8.976 463.594 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +10.608 679.181 m +347.779 679.181 l +346.963 678.365 l +11.424 678.365 l +h +f +10.608 679.181 m +10.608 465.226 l +11.424 466.042 l +11.424 678.365 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +347.779 679.181 m +347.779 465.226 l +346.963 466.042 l +346.963 678.365 l +h +f +10.608 465.226 m +347.779 465.226 l +346.963 466.042 l +11.424 466.042 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 40.8 757.6051 Tm +(plato)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(aristotle)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The final 'no' is from Prolog, and will be explained later. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(% This is the syntax for comments.)Tj +T* +(% MORTAL - The first illustrative Prolog program)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mortal\(X\) :- person\(X\).)Tj +T* +(person\(socrates\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(person\(plato\).)Tj +T* +(person\(aristotle\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mortal_report:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Known mortals are:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( mortal\(X\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 1.2. Sample program )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You should now be able to create and edit source files for Prolog, and b\ e able to load and use them from a Prolog listener. )Tj +T* +(You have had your first glimpse of Prolog and should understand that it \ is fundamentally different from most languages, but can )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(be used to accomplish the same goals and more. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +13.1815 0 0 13.1815 8.16 334.3765 Tm +(Jargon)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 304.7926 Tm +(With any field of knowledge, the critical concepts of the field are embe\ dded in the definitions of its technical terms. Prolog i)Tj +(s no )Tj +T* +(exception. When you understand terms such as )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(predicate)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(clause)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(backtracking)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, and )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(unification)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( you will have a good grasp of )Tj +T* +(Prolog. This section defines the terms used to describe Prolog programs,\ such as predicate and clause. Execution-related terms, )Tj +T* +(such as backtracking and unification will be introduced as needed throug\ hout the rest of the text. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Prolog jargon is a mixture of programming terms, database terms, and log\ ic terms. You have probably heard most of the terms )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(before, but in Prolog they don't necessarily mean what you think they me\ an. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In Prolog the normally clear distinction between data and procedure beco\ mes blurred. This is evident in the vocabulary of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog. Almost every concept in Prolog can be referred to by synonymous \ terms. One of the terms has a procedural flavor, and )Tj +T* +(the other a data flavor. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can illustrate this at the highest level. A Prolog )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(program)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( is a Prolog )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. As we introduce the vocabulary of Prolog, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(synonyms \(from Prolog or other computer science areas\) for a term will\ follow in parentheses. For example, at the highest level )Tj +T* +(we have a Prolog program \(logicbase\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The Prolog program is composed of )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(predicates)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(procedures, record types, relations\). Each is defined by its name an\ d a number )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(called )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(arity)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. The arity is the fixed number of )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(arguments)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(attributes, fields\) the predicate has. Two predicates with the same \ )Tj +T* +(name and different arity are considered to be different predicates. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(6 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 339 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.344 0 0 7.344 18 781.4267 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.424 0 0 11.424 8.16 756.4246 Tm +(In our sample program we saw three examples of predicates. They are: per\ son/1, mortal_report/0, and mortal/1. Each of these )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(three predicates has a distinctly different flavor. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(person/1)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(looks like multiple data records with one data field for each. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(mortal_report/0)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(looks like a procedure with no arguments. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(mortal/1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(a logical assertion or rule that is somewhere in between data and proced\ ure. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Each predicate in a program is defined by the existence of one or more )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(clauses)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( in the logicbase. In the example program, the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate person/1 has four clauses. The other predicates have only one \ clause. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A clause can be either a )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(fact)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( or a )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(rule)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. The three clauses of the person/1 predicate are all facts. The single \ clauses of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mortal_report/0 and mortal/1 are both rules. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +10.5452 0 0 10.5452 8.16 530.6578 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.344 0 0 7.344 18 8.4267 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm \(7 of 7\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:02 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 340 0 obj(Getting Started) endobj 341 0 obj<> endobj 342 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a1start.htm) endobj 343 0 obj(o߃Ht^DN2=) endobj 344 0 obj<> endobj 345 0 obj<> endobj 346 0 obj(B W]Jp) endobj 347 0 obj 2 endobj 348 0 obj<> endobj 349 0 obj<> endobj 350 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 351 0 obj<> endobj 352 0 obj[350 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 353 0 obj<><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 350 0 R>> endobj 354 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 355 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 356 0 obj[355 0 R] endobj 357 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 358 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 359 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 360 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 361 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 362 0 obj[361 0 R/XYZ 0 759.6 null] endobj 363 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 364 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 365 0 R] endobj 365 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 366 0 obj<>stream +H엋 D[iiśB fwd)ϔVJ VD"V@ +X+ bD"V@ +X+ bDrym$(Єwڴۑ(_޽|U% !"@ӛJ%/V4Etj +j"V@ +X+ bD"V@*&]HDmFDXj"gզf>65Yi.ȘCDք!2'Qo +f!D6P)|C$be%u)ns4 0 iY E{f3X(3 % ZFEtOm DftMq] Ɉћ)0M3+(E5Sる ]"h]@slAsyո&w:~'->UuEE~{bt z/hn{zQ*V"WD>e]T|Q/*VcC/mVADeljVEm5FDQ 2"I`,DPdaa 1ttyA$?G"QNJ*u1XhBY""7 +8Q+h}@t +8DM^[}@m kG[3@C޷s}L;N'r˻[q'-^RyOK)C4QYA+"i~>H"pVGD݈CTGdGh4#HaGmkMx˽F="^#rfx"6H#ODfBMڥϪM|VmjjS3Ugզf>65nHHOr +endstream endobj 367 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig1.gif) endobj 368 0 obj(co~> endobj 370 0 obj<> endobj 371 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 372 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 373 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 374 0 obj<> endobj 375 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 376 0 obj[373 0 R/XYZ 0 517.615 null] endobj 377 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 378 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 379 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 380 0 obj[353 0 R] endobj 381 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(2)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Facts)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(This chapter describes the basic Prolog facts. They are the simplest for\ m of Prolog predicates, and are )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(similar to records in a relational database. As we will see in the next \ chapter they can be queried like )Tj +T* +(database records. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The syntax for a fact is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(pred\(arg1, arg2, ... argN\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(where )Tj +T* +(pred )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The name of the predicate )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg1, ...)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The arguments )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(N )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The arity )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(. )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The syntactic end of all Prolog clauses )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(A predicate of arity 0 is simply )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(pred.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The arguments can be any legal Prolog )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(term)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. The basic Prolog terms are )Tj +T* +(integer )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A positive or negative number whose absolute value is less than some imp\ lementation-specific )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(power of 2 )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(atom )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A text constant beginning with a lowercase letter )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(variable )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(1 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 382 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9756 Tm +(Begins with an uppercase letter or underscore \(_\) )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(structure )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Complex terms, which will be covered in chapter 9 )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Various Prolog implementations enhance this basic list with other data t\ ypes, such as floating point )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(numbers, or strings. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The Prolog character set is made up of )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 596.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 596.1756 Tm +(Uppercase letters, A-Z )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 579.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 579.3755 Tm +(Lowercase letters, a-z )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 562.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 562.5756 Tm +(Digits, 0-9 )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 545.7756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 545.7756 Tm +(Symbols, + - * / \\ ^ , . ~ : . ? @ # $ & )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Integers are made from digits. Other numerical types are allowed in some\ Prolog implementations. )Tj +T* +(Atoms are usually made from letters and digits with the first character \ being a lowercase letter, such as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(hello)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(twoWordsTogether)Tj +T* +(x14)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(For readability, the underscore \(_\), but not the hyphen \(-\), can be \ used as a separator in longer names. So )Tj +T* +(the following are legal. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(a_long_atom_name)Tj +T* +(z_23)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The following are not legal atoms. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(no-embedded-hyphens)Tj +T* +(123nodigitsatbeginning)Tj +T* +(_nounderscorefirst)Tj +T* +(Nocapsfirst)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Use single quotes to make any character combination a legal atom as foll\ ows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +('this-hyphen-is-ok')Tj +T* +('UpperCase')Tj +T* +('embedded blanks')Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(2 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 383 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(Do not use double quotes \(""\) to build atoms. This is a special syntax\ that causes the character string to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(be treated as a list of ASCII character codes. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Atoms can also be legally made from symbols, as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(-->)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(++)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Variables are similar to atoms, but are distinguished by beginning with \ either an uppercase letter or the )Tj +T* +(underscore \(_\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Input_List)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(_4th_argument)Tj +T* +(Z56)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Using these building blocks, we can start to code facts. The predicate n\ ame follows the rules for atoms. )Tj +T* +(The arguments can be any Prolog terms. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Facts are often used to store the data a program is using. For example, \ a business application might have )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer/3. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(customer\('John Jones', boston, good_credit\).)Tj +T* +(customer\('Sally Smith', chicago, good_credit\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The single quotes are needed around the names because they begin with up\ percase letters and because )Tj +T* +(they have embedded blanks. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Another example is a windowing system that uses facts to store data abou\ t the various windows. In this )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example the arguments give the window name and coordinates of the upper \ left and lower right corners. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(window\(main, 2, 2, 20, 72\).)Tj +T* +(window\(errors, 15, 40, 20, 78\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(A medical diagnostic expert system might have disease/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(disease\(plague, infectious\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(A Prolog listener provides the means for dynamically recording facts and\ rules in the logicbase, as well )Tj +T* +(as the means to )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(query)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(call\) them. The logicbase is updated by 'consult'ing or 'reconsult'i\ ng program )Tj +T* +(source. Predicates can also be typed directly into the listener, but the\ y are not saved between sessions. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(3 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 384 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 745.4457 Tm +(Nani Search )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 709.1909 Tm +(We will now begin to develop Nani Search by defining the basic facts tha\ t are meaningful for the game. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(These include )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 656.5909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 656.5909 Tm +(The rooms and their connections )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 639.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 639.7909 Tm +(The things and their locations )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 622.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 622.9909 Tm +(The properties of various things )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 606.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 606.1909 Tm +(Where the player is at the beginning of the game )Tj +ET +q +291 0 0 166 10 416.41539 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 385.3909 Tm +(Figure 2.1. The rooms of Nani Search )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Open a new source file and save it as 'myadven.pro', or whatever name yo\ u feel is appropriate. You will )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(make your changes to the program in that source file. \(A completed vers\ ion of nanisrch.pro is in the )Tj +T* +(Prolog samples directory, samples/prolog/misc_one_file.\) )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First we define the rooms with the predicate room/1, which has five clau\ ses, all of which are facts. They )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(are based on the game map in figure 2.1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(room\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(room\(office\).)Tj +T* +(room\(hall\).)Tj +T* +(room\('dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(room\(cellar\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We define the locations of things with a two-argument predicate location\ /2. The first argument will )Tj +T* +(mean the thing and the second will mean its location. To begin with, we \ will add the following things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(desk, office\).)Tj +T* +(location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(flashlight, desk\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(4 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 385 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 751.5235 Tm +(location\('washing machine', cellar\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location\(nani, 'washing machine'\).)Tj +T* +(location\(broccoli, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(crackers, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(computer, office\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The symbols we have chosen, such as kitchen and desk have meaning to us,\ but none to Prolog. The )Tj +T* +(relationship between the arguments should also accurately reflect our me\ aning. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, the meaning we attach to location/2 is "The first argument \ is located in the second )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(argument." Fortunately Prolog considers location\(sink, kitchen\) and lo\ cation\(kitchen, sink\) to be )Tj +T* +(different. Therefore, as long as we are consistent in our use of argumen\ ts, we can accurately represent )Tj +T* +(our meaning and avoid the potentially ambiguous interpretation of the ki\ tchen being in the sink. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We are not as lucky when we try to represent the connections between roo\ ms. Let's start, however, with )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door/2, which will contain facts such as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(door\(office, hall\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We would like this to mean "There is a connection from the office to the\ hall, or from the hall to the )Tj +T* +(office." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Unfortunately, Prolog considers door\(office, hall\) to be different fro\ m door\(hall, office\). If we want to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(accurately represent a two-way connection, we would have to define door/\ 2 twice for each connection. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(door\(office, hall\).)Tj +T* +(door\(hall, office\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The strictness about order serves our purpose well for location, but it \ creates this problem for )Tj +T* +(connections between rooms. If the office is connected to the hall, then \ we would like the reverse to be )Tj +T* +(true as well. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For now, we will just add one-way doors to the program; we will address \ the symmetry problem again in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the next chapter and resolve it in chapter 5. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(door\(office, hall\).)Tj +T* +(door\(kitchen, office\).)Tj +T* +(door\(hall, 'dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(door\(kitchen, cellar\).)Tj +T* +(door\('dining room', kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here are some other facts about properties of things the game player mig\ ht try to eat. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(5 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 386 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 732.7235 Tm +(edible\(apple\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(edible\(crackers\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tastes_yucky\(broccoli\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Finally we define the initial status of the flashlight, and the player's\ location at the beginning of the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(game. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(turned_off\(flashlight\).)Tj +T* +(here\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We have now seen how to use basic facts to represent data in a Prolog pr\ ogram. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 503.4611 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 467.2063 Tm +(During the course of completing the exercises you will develop three Pro\ log applications in addition to )Tj +T* +(Nani Search. The exercises from each chapter will build on the work of p\ revious chapters. Suggested )Tj +T* +(solutions to the exercises are contained in the Prolog source files list\ ed in the appendix, and are also )Tj +T* +(included in samples/prolog/misc_one_file. The files are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(gene)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A genealogical intelligent logicbase )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(custord)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A customer order entry application )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(birds )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(An expert system that identifies birds )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Not all applications will be covered in each chapter. For example, the e\ xpert system requires an )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(understanding of rules and will not be started until the end of chapter \ 5. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- First create a source file for the genealogical logicbase application\ . Start by adding a few members of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(your family tree. It is important to be accurate, since we will be explo\ ring family relationships. Your )Tj +T* +(own knowledge of who your relatives are will verify the correctness of y\ our Prolog programs. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Start by recording the gender of the individuals. Use two separate predi\ cates, male/1 and female/1. For )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(male\(dennis\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(6 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 387 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(male\(michael\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(female\(diana\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Remember, if you want to include uppercase characters or embedded blanks\ you must enclose the name )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in single \(not double\) quotes. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(male\('Ghenghis Khan'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(2- Enter a two-argument predicate that records the parent-child relation\ ship. One argument represents )Tj +T* +(the parent, and the other the child. It doesn't matter in which order yo\ u enter the arguments, as long as )Tj +T* +(you are consistent. Often Prolog programmers adopt the convention that p\ arent\(A,B\) is interpreted "A is )Tj +T* +(the parent of B". For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(parent\(dennis, michael\).)Tj +T* +(parent\(dennis, diana\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Create a source file for the customer order entry program. We will be\ gin it with three record types )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(predicates\). The first is customer/3 where the three arguments are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(arg1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Customer name )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg2 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(City )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg3 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Credit rating \(aaa, bbb, etc\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Add as many customers as you see fit. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(4- Next add clauses that define the items that are for sale. It should a\ lso have three arguments )Tj +T* +(arg1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Item identification number )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg2 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Item name )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg3 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The reorder point for inventory \(when at or below this level, reorder\)\ )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(5- Next add an inventory record for each item. It has two arguments. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(7 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 388 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Facts)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 751.9756 Tm +(arg1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Item identification number \(same as in the item record\) )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg2 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Amount in stock )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 666.7005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm \(8 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:05 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 389 0 obj(Facts) endobj 390 0 obj<> endobj 391 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a2facts.htm) endobj 392 0 obj(D6!e۽) endobj 393 0 obj<> endobj 394 0 obj<> endobj 395 0 obj(aO5fk9) endobj 396 0 obj 2 endobj 397 0 obj 1 endobj 398 0 obj<> endobj 399 0 obj<> endobj 400 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 401 0 obj[400 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 402 0 obj<><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 400 0 R>> endobj 403 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 404 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 405 0 obj[404 0 R] endobj 406 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 407 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 408 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 409 0 obj<> endobj 410 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 411 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 412 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 413 0 obj[411 0 R/XYZ 0 172.4 null] endobj 414 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 415 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 416 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 417 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 418 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 419 0 R] endobj 419 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 420 0 obj<>stream +H엍0mQk#f[Q! q tB(_} %ڗh_l@n+ņ0|+ RҖybzPam8[RŝMZ)ZRR(9xoJ<;}FNXg&~ߗh_} %K p1Ze}Ih֦:6PgfEKXnOv`p~*!9;NBK/о@*]#nB5qlqP.jtרf*8+,TVI)2 76p@rH5%M-ESJ`֛x\Bpu7bs}SK/о@K/о0GK +endstream endobj 421 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig2.gif) endobj 422 0 obj(vKS) endobj 423 0 obj<> endobj 424 0 obj<> endobj 425 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 426 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 427 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 428 0 obj<> endobj 429 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 430 0 obj[427 0 R/XYZ 0 142.2 null] endobj 431 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 432 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 433 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 434 0 obj[402 0 R] endobj 435 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(3)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Now that we have some facts in our Prolog program, we can consult the pr\ ogram in the listener and )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(query, or call, the facts. This chapter, and the next, will assume the P\ rolog program contains only facts. )Tj +T* +(Queries against programs with rules will be covered in a later chapter. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Prolog queries work by pattern matching. The query pattern is called a )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(goal)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. If there is a fact that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(matches the goal, then the query succeeds and the listener responds with\ 'yes.' If there is no matching )Tj +T* +(fact, then the query fails and the listener responds with 'no.' )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Prolog's pattern matching is called )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(unification)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. In the case where the logicbase contains only facts, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unification succeeds if the following three conditions hold. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 373.5909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 373.5909 Tm +(The predicate named in the goal and logicbase are the same. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 356.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 356.7909 Tm +(Both predicates have the same arity. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 339.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 339.9909 Tm +(All of the arguments are the same. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Before proceeding, review figure 3.1, which has a listing of the program\ so far. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The first query we will look at asks if the office is a room in the game\ . To pose this, we would enter that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(goal followed by a period at the listener prompt. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_4 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- room\(office\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Prolog will respond with a 'yes' if a match was found. If we wanted to k\ now if the attic was a room, we )Tj +T* +(would enter that goal. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_4 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- room\(attic\).)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(1 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 436 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +328.4 766 l +327.4 765 l +11 765 l +h +f +10 766 m +10 279.4 l +11 280.4 l +11 765 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +328.4 766 m +328.4 279.4 l +327.4 280.4 l +327.4 765 l +h +f +10 279.4 m +328.4 279.4 l +327.4 280.4 l +11 280.4 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 763 m +325.4 763 l +324.4 762 l +14 762 l +h +f +13 763 m +13 282.4 l +14 283.4 l +14 762 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +325.4 763 m +325.4 282.4 l +324.4 283.4 l +324.4 762 l +h +f +13 282.4 m +325.4 282.4 l +324.4 283.4 l +14 283.4 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 746.9082 Tm +(room\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(room\(office\).)Tj +T* +(room\(hall\).)Tj +T* +(room\('dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(room\(cellar\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(door\(office, hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door\(kitchen, office\).)Tj +T* +(door\(hall, 'dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(door\(kitchen, cellar\).)Tj +T* +(door\('dining room', kitchen\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(location\(desk, office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(flashlight, desk\).)Tj +T* +(location\('washing machine', cellar\).)Tj +T* +(location\(nani, 'washing machine'\).)Tj +T* +(location\(broccoli, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(crackers, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location\(computer, office\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(edible\(apple\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(edible\(crackers\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tastes_yucky\(broccoli\).)Tj +T* +(here\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 3.1. The listing of Nani Search entered at this point )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Prolog will respond with a 'no' if no match was found. Likewise, we can \ ask about the locations of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(kitchen, apple\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Prolog responds to our location query patterns in a manner that makes se\ nse to us. That is, the kitchen is )Tj +T* +(not located in the apple. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(2 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 437 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 734.3755 Tm +(However, here is the problem with the one-way doors, which we still have\ n't fixed. It is mentioned again )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to stress the importance of the order of the arguments. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- door\(office, hall\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- door\(hall, office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Goals can be generalized by the use of Prolog variables. They do not beh\ ave like the variables in other )Tj +T* +(languages, and are better called logical variables \(although Prolog doe\ s not precisely correspond to )Tj +T* +(logic\). The logical variables replace one or more of the arguments in t\ he goal. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Logical variables add a new dimension to unification. As before, the pre\ dicate names and arity must be )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the same for unification to succeed. However, when the corresponding arg\ uments are compared, a )Tj +T* +(variable will successfully match any term. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(After successful unification, the logical variable takes on the value of\ the term it was matched with. This )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(is called )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(binding)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( the variable. When a goal with a variable successfully unifies with a f\ act in the )Tj +T* +(logicbase, Prolog returns the value of the newly bound variable. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Since there may be more than one value a variable can be bound to and st\ ill satisfy the goal, Prolog )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(provides the means for you to ask for alternate values. After an answer \ you can enter a semicolon \(;\). It )Tj +T* +(causes Prolog to look for alternative bindings for the variables. Enteri\ ng anything else at the prompt )Tj +T* +(ends the query. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, we can use a logical variable to find all of the rooms. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- room\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = kitchen ;)Tj +T* +(X = office ;)Tj +T* +(X = hall ;)Tj +T* +(X = 'dining room' ;)Tj +T* +(X = cellar ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last 'no' means there are no more answers. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here's how to find all the things in the kitchen. \(Remember, variables \ begin with uppercase letters.\) )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(Thing, kitchen\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(3 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 438 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.5082 Tm +(Thing = apple ;)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Thing = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(Thing = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can use two variables to see everything in every place. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(Thing, Place\).)Tj +T* +(Thing = desk)Tj +T* +(Place = office ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Thing = apple)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Place = kitchen ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Thing = flashlight)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Place = desk ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(...)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Other applications might have the following queries. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(What customers live in Boston, and what is their credit rating? )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- customer\(X, boston, Y\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(What is the title of chapter 2? )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- chapter\(2,Title\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(What are the coordinates of window main? )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- window\(main,Row1,Col1,Row2,Col2\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 158.2457 Tm +(How Queries Work )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 121.9909 Tm +(When Prolog tries to satisfy a goal about a predicate, such as location/\ 2, it searches through the clauses )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(defining location/2. When it finds a match for its variables, it marks t\ he particular clause that was used )Tj +T* +(to satisfy the goal. Then, if the user asks for more answers, it resumes\ its search of the clauses at that )Tj +T* +(place marker. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(4 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 439 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(Referring to the list of clauses in figure 3.1, let's look closer at thi\ s process with the query location\(X, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(kitchen\). First, unification is attempted between the query pattern and\ the first clause of location/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(Pattern Clause #1 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(location\(X, kitchen\) location\(desk, office\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This unification fails. The predicate names are the same, the number of \ arguments is the same, but the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(second argument in the pattern, kitchen, is different from the second ar\ gument in the clause, office. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Next, unification is attempted between the pattern and the second clause\ of location/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(Pattern Clause #2 )Tj +T* +(location\(X, kitchen\) location\(apple, kitchen\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This unification succeeds. The predicate names, arity \(number of argume\ nts\), and second arguments are )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the same. The first arguments can be made the same if the variable X in \ the pattern takes the value )Tj +T* +('apple.' )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Now that unification succeeds, the Prolog listener reports its success, \ and the binding of the variable X. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = apple)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If the user presses a key other than the semicolon \(;\) at this point, \ the listener responds with 'yes' )Tj +T* +(indicating the query ended successfully. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(If the user presses the semicolon \(;\) key, the listener looks for othe\ r solutions. First it unbinds the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable X. Next it resumes the search using the clause following the on\ e that had just satisfied the )Tj +T* +(query. This is called )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(backtracking)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. In the example that would be the third clause. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(Pattern Clause #3 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(location\(X, kitchen\) location\(flashlight, desk\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This fails, and the search continues. Eventually the sixth clause succee\ ds. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(Pattern Clause #6 )Tj +T* +(location\(X, kitchen\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\) )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(5 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 440 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 740.9756 Tm +(As a result, the variable X is now rebound to broccoli, and the listener\ responds )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X = broccoli ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Again, entering a semicolon \(;\) causes X to be unbound and the search \ to continue with the seventh )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause, which also succeeds. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X = crackers ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(As before, entering anything except a semicolon \(;\) causes the listene\ r to respond 'yes,' indicating )Tj +T* +(success. A semicolon \(;\) causes the unbinding of X and the search to c\ ontinue. But now, there are no )Tj +T* +(more clauses that successfully unify with the pattern, so the listener r\ esponds with 'no' indicating the )Tj +T* +(final attempt has failed. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(no )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The best way to understand Prolog execution is to trace its execution in\ the debugger. But first it is )Tj +T* +(necessary to have a deeper understanding of goals. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A Prolog goal has four )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(ports)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( representing the flow of control through the goal: call, exit, redo, an\ d fail. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(First the goal is called. If successful it is exited. If not it fails. I\ f the goal is retried, by entering a )Tj +T* +(semicolon \(;\) the redo port is entered. Figure 3.2 shows the goal and \ its ports.)Tj +ET +q +193 0 0 76 10 273 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 241.9756 Tm +(Figure 3.2. The ports of a Prolog goal )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The behaviors at each port are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(call )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Begins searching for clauses that unify with the goal )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(exit)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Indicates the goal is satisfied, sets a place marker at the clause and b\ inds the variables )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(appropriately )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(redo )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Retries the goal, unbinds the variables and resumes search at the place \ marker )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(fail )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(6 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 441 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 660.8 m +328.4 660.8 l +327.4 659.8 l +11 659.8 l +h +f +10 660.8 m +10 426.2 l +11 427.2 l +11 659.8 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +328.4 660.8 m +328.4 426.2 l +327.4 427.2 l +327.4 659.8 l +h +f +10 426.2 m +328.4 426.2 l +327.4 427.2 l +11 427.2 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 657.8 m +325.4 657.8 l +324.4 656.8 l +14 656.8 l +h +f +13 657.8 m +13 429.2 l +14 430.2 l +14 656.8 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +325.4 657.8 m +325.4 429.2 l +324.4 430.2 l +324.4 656.8 l +h +f +13 429.2 m +325.4 429.2 l +324.4 430.2 l +14 430.2 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9756 Tm +(Indicates no more clauses match the goal )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Prolog debuggers use these ports to describe the state of a query. Figur\ e 3.3 shows a trace of the location)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(X, kitchen\) query. Study it carefully because it is the key to your u\ nderstanding of Prolog. The number )Tj +T* +(in parentheses indicates the current clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(CALL: - location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(EXIT:\(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(REDO: location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(EXIT:\(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( X = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(REDO: location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(EXIT:\(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(FAIL - location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 3.3. Prolog trace of location\(X, kitchen\) )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Because the trace information presented in this book is designed to teac\ h Prolog rather than debug it, the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(format is a little different from that used in the actual debugger. Run \ the Amzi! Source Code Debugger )Tj +T* +(on these queries to see how they work for real.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To start the Amzi! Debugger, highlight your project name or edit a sourc\ e file in your project, then )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(select Run | Debug As | Interpreted Project from the main menu.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You will see a separate perspective with multiple views that contain tra\ ce information. Enter the query )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +('location\(X, kitchen\)' in the Debug Listener view. You will see the tr\ ace start in the debugger view. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Use the 'Step Over' button in the debugger to creep from port to port. W\ hen output appears in the listener )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(view, enter semicolons \(;\) to continue the search. See the help files \ for more details on the debugger.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Unification between goals and facts is actually more general than has be\ en presented. Variables can also )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(occur in the facts of the Prolog logicbase as well. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, the following fact could be added to the Prolog program. It\ might mean everyone sleeps. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sleeps\(X\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(7 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 442 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 737.9756 Tm +(You can add it directly in the listener, to experiment with, like this. \ )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- assert\(sleeps\(X\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Queries against a logicbase with this fact give the following results. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sleeps\(jane\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sleeps\(tom\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Notice that the listener does not return the variable bindings of 'X=jan\ e' and 'X=tom.' While they are )Tj +T* +(surely bound that way, the listener only lists variables mentioned in th\ e query, not those used in the )Tj +T* +(program. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Prolog can also bind variables to variables. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sleeps\(Z\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Z = H116)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sleeps\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = H247)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When two unbound variables match, they are both bound, but not to a valu\ e! They are bound together, )Tj +T* +(so that if either one takes a value, the other takes the same value. Thi\ s is usually implemented by binding )Tj +T* +(both variables to a common internal variable. In the first query above, \ both Z in the query and X in the )Tj +T* +(fact are bound to internal variable 'H116.' In this way Prolog remembers\ they have the same value. If )Tj +T* +(either one is bound to a value later on, both automatically bind to that\ value. This feature of Prolog )Tj +T* +(distinguishes it from other languages and, as we will discover later, gi\ ves Prolog much of its power. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The two queries above are the same, even though one uses the same charac\ ter X that is used in the fact )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(sleeps\(X\). The variable in the fact is considered different from the o\ ne in the query. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 128.0457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 91.7909 Tm +(The exercise sections will often contain nonsense Prolog questions. Thes\ e are queries against a )Tj +T* +(meaningless logicbase to strengthen your understanding of Prolog without\ the benefit of meaningful )Tj +T* +(semantics. You are to predict the answers to the query and then try them\ in Prolog to see if you are )Tj +T* +(correct. If you are not, trace the queries to better understand them. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(8 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 443 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.3484 Tm +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Consider the following Prolog logicbase )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(easy\(1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(easy\(2\).)Tj +T* +(easy\(3\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(gizmo\(a,1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(gizmo\(b,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(a,2\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(d,5\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(c,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(a,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(c,4\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(and predict the answers to the queries below, including all alternatives\ when the semicolon \(;\) is entered )Tj +T* +(after an answer. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- easy\(2\).)Tj +T* +(?- easy\(X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- gizmo\(a,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- gizmo\(X,3\).)Tj +T* +(?- gizmo\(d,Y\).)Tj +T* +(?- gizmo\(X,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(2- Consider this logicbase, )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(harder\(a,1\).)Tj +T* +(harder\(c,X\).)Tj +T* +(harder\(b,4\).)Tj +T* +(harder\(d,2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(and predict the answers to these queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- harder\(a,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- harder\(c,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- harder\(X,1\).)Tj +T* +(?- harder\(X,4\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(9 of 10\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 444 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.733 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Enter the listener and reproduce some of the example queries you have\ seen against location/2. List or )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(print location/2 for reference if you need it. Remember to respond with \ a semicolon \(;\) for multiple )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(answers. Trace the query. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Pose queries against the genealogical logicbase that: )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 577.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 577.1756 Tm +(Confirm a parent relationship such as parent\(dennis, diana\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 560.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 560.3755 Tm +(Find someone's parent such as parent\(X, diana\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 543.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 543.5756 Tm +(Find someone's children such as parent\(dennis, X\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 526.7756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 526.7756 Tm +(List all parent-children such as parent\(X,Y\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(5- If parent/2 seems to be working, you can add additional family member\ s to get a larger logicbase. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Remember to include the corresponding male/1 or female/1 predicate for e\ ach individual added. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(6- Pose queries against the customer order entry logicbase that )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 366.7756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 366.7756 Tm +(find customers in a given city )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 349.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 349.9756 Tm +(find customers with a given credit rating )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 333.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 333.1756 Tm +(confirm a given customer's credit rating )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 316.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 316.3755 Tm +(find the customers in a given city with a given credit rating )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 299.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 299.5756 Tm +(find the reorder quantity for a given item )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 282.7756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 282.7756 Tm +(find the item number for a given item name )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 265.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 265.9756 Tm +(find the inventory level for a given item number )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 231.1005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm \(10 of 10\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:10 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 445 0 obj(Simple Queries) endobj 446 0 obj<> endobj 447 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a3simple.htm) endobj 448 0 obj(x5E_%yD) endobj 449 0 obj<> endobj 450 0 obj<> endobj 451 0 obj(m>_W{) endobj 452 0 obj 3 endobj 453 0 obj 1 endobj 454 0 obj<> endobj 455 0 obj<> endobj 456 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 457 0 obj[456 0 R/XYZ 0 767.154 null] endobj 458 0 obj<><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 456 0 R>> endobj 459 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 460 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 461 0 obj[460 0 R] endobj 462 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 463 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 464 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 465 0 R] endobj 465 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 466 0 obj<>stream +H뚃 D*EJNדp6 AUxk ƅUUUF|;HU7GhT9REsVÑT_rcc[O^yϡjfɋ<[F!fz96dS$ N/q v}r%v>=v|wi*i {>#@q1C@Ev_nC>ⓕl*o.?U`q߂ WHUgv9REsY_QZMAW U9REsH͑*#U4GhT9REsH͑*#U4GhT9REs|*@+óU5ǀ誥hTp%3QUTbv| LUU3=aWU s*_~9\2j٪n៭jhH +#U4GhT9REsH͑*3*߯Oq! +endstream endobj 467 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig3.gif) endobj 468 0 obj(3gGK{t) endobj 469 0 obj<> endobj 470 0 obj<> endobj 471 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 472 0 obj<> endobj 473 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 474 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 475 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 476 0 obj[474 0 R/XYZ 0 65.8722 null] endobj 477 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 478 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 479 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 480 0 R] endobj 480 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 481 0 obj<>stream +Hr Dӝd؇ 2{*0n7<6, p8/z,<ދ`2_ r8x=<@&r-10c>5J˳ 1 +"ڢ$&Xzu&X Zb6Z[rQHX2@^"w#h Dd%idm[(3K摲"^PÎ+@UgjN0j3.4A5{LǁպG葢 :ՏDml;+Ui҆ ;Kv~hBR-YDX K_#2p`BV>c Z=R|.{`QmJzF8GEӵz5"h*b=FO{` kYa ؓER=(39%ԙ= ˠ.@IqF_Li9qO0,,]4؈]*\<س +NϮ<2{P@H9`"b8M<6, ;ar 0 +endstream endobj 482 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig4.gif) endobj 483 0 obj(̭wͭ*) endobj 484 0 obj<> endobj 485 0 obj<> endobj 486 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 487 0 R] endobj 487 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 488 0 obj<>stream +H  D_~ȴC!M+mk,X\ `s%J͕!.H7^myvypk +{8h^ޕ@+'.I#0@T'n +*=۫)]JsmkfUJ=$+6Wl\ `s%J͕+6Wl\ `s!AX:*.=6 k>O> endobj 492 0 obj<> endobj 493 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 494 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 495 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 496 0 R] endobj 496 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 497 0 obj<>stream +H֍ + FѾHE퇰\0 NB]7}  0`VI?hPZgP~< ekY2 )[>21` 0` GiR7V6hhAKۇcΊ>4ڠX7digАijX0` v1 0 +endstream endobj 498 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig6.gif) endobj 499 0 obj(p*l&T;) endobj 500 0 obj<> endobj 501 0 obj<> endobj 502 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 503 0 R] endobj 503 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 504 0 obj<>stream +H엉b D6 'iƀGEQI_ +Q%~jKvF^HTUI~%򳊫V JqѺ -LD8`mUQ㼶X=Sl6#'TKD4T#>:zPzV*mPLKB`]P5pTiT3Ә@1N]b,\V#|uywTAqpŨDCD *8Q! +ATpCDe\ڈJmZ%mq Q]Q>i YuBL;%קϴN]|Q .}+2i).SX0k*w*IGR̜P%sp5slקXj9i5${1[wDy1]ҟl_vW>*#f> endobj 508 0 obj<> endobj 509 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 510 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 511 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 512 0 obj<> endobj 513 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 514 0 obj[511 0 R/XYZ 0 712.909 null] endobj 515 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 516 0 obj[458 0 R] endobj 517 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +400.4698029 0 0 51.3422852 105.7651062 699.5536957 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +21.1951 0 0 21.1951 8.5571 665.091 Tm +(4)Tj +0 0 0 rg +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 19.1546 665.091 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +16.5875 0 0 16.5875 8.5571 627.0685 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 595.15 Tm +(Simple goals can be combined to form compound queries. For example, we m\ ight want to know if there is anything good )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to eat in the kitchen. In Prolog we might ask )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\), edible\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Whereas a simple query had a single goal, the compound query has a conju\ nction of goals. The comma separating the )Tj +T* +(goals is read as "and." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Logically \(declaratively\) the example means "Is there an X such that X\ is located in the kitchen and X is edible?" If the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(same variable name appears more than once in a query, it must have the s\ ame value in all places it appears. The query in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the above example will only succeed if there is a single value of X that\ can satisfy both goals. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(However, the variable name has no significance to any other query, or cl\ ause in the logicbase. If X appears in other queries )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(or clauses, that query or clause gets its own copy of the variable. We s\ ay the )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(scope)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( of a logical variable is a query. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Trying the sample query we get )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\), edible\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = apple ;)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = crackers ;)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The 'broccoli' does not show up as an answer because we did not include \ it in the edible/1 predicate. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This logical query can also be interpreted procedurally, using an unders\ tanding of Prolog's execution strategy. The )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(procedural interpretation is: "First find an X located in the kitchen, a\ nd then test to see if it is edible. If it is not, go ba)Tj +(ck )Tj +T* +(and find another X in the kitchen and test it. Repeat until successful, \ or until there are no more Xs in the kitchen." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To understand the execution of a compound query, think of the goals as b\ eing arranged from left to right. Also think of a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(separate table which is kept for the current variable bindings. The flow\ of control moves back and forth through the goals )Tj +T* +(as Prolog attempts to find variable bindings that satisfy the query. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Each goal can be entered from either the left or the right, and can be l\ eft from either the left or the right. These are the por)Tj +(ts )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of the goal as seen in the last chapter. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A compound query begins by calling the first goal on the left. If it suc\ ceeds, the next goal is called with the variable )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bindings as set from the previous goal. If the query finishes via the ex\ it port of the rightmost goal, it succeeds, and the )Tj +T* +(listener prints the values in the variable table. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(1 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 518 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.557 523.362 m +603.443 523.362 l +602.587 522.506 l +9.413 522.506 l +h +f +8.557 523.362 m +8.557 33.403 l +9.413 33.403 l +9.413 522.506 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +603.443 523.362 m +603.443 33.403 l +602.587 33.403 l +602.587 522.506 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.124 520.795 m +600.876 520.795 l +600.02 519.939 l +11.98 519.939 l +h +f +11.124 520.795 m +11.124 33.403 l +11.98 33.403 l +11.98 519.939 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +600.876 520.795 m +600.876 33.403 l +600.02 33.403 l +600.02 519.939 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 745.6533 Tm +(If the user types semicolon \(;\) after an answer, the query is re-enter\ ed at the redo port of the rightmost goal. Only the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable bindings that were set in that goal are undone. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(If the query finishes via the fail port of the leftmost goal, the query \ fails. Figure 4.1 shows a compound query with the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(listener interaction on the ending ports.)Tj +ET +q +255.8556976 0 0 65.0335541 8.5570526 600.8890076 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 574.3412 Tm +(Figure 4.1. Compound queries )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 4.2 contains the annotated trace of the sample query. Make sure y\ ou understand it before proceeding. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\), edible\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The trace has a new feature, which is a number in the first column that \ indicates the goal being worked on.)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First the goal location\(X, kitchen\) is called, and the trace indicates\ that pattern matches the second clause of location.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds, and results in the binding of X to apple.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1 EXIT \(2\)location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Next, the second goal edible\(X\) is called. However, X is now bound to \ apple, so it is called as edible\(apple\).)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 CALL edible\(apple\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds on the first clause of edible/1, thus exiting the query succ\ essfully.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 EXIT \(1\) edible\(apple\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = apple ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Entering semicolon \(;\) causes the listener to backtrack into the right\ most goal of the query.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 REDO edible\(apple\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(There are no other clauses that match this pattern, so it fails.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 FAIL edible\(apple\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Leaving the fail port of the second goal causes the listener to enter th\ e redo port of the first goal. In so doing, the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable binding that was established by that goal is undone, leaving X \ unbound.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(2 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 519 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.557 767.154 m +8.557 182.349 l +9.413 183.204 l +9.413 767.154 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +603.443 767.154 m +603.443 182.349 l +602.587 183.204 l +602.587 767.154 l +h +f +8.557 182.349 m +603.443 182.349 l +602.587 183.204 l +9.413 183.204 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.124 767.154 m +11.124 184.916 l +11.98 185.772 l +11.98 767.154 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +600.876 767.154 m +600.876 184.916 l +600.02 185.772 l +600.02 767.154 l +h +f +11.124 184.916 m +600.876 184.916 l +600.02 185.772 l +11.98 185.772 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 14.547 752.5118 Tm +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It now succeeds at the sixth clause, rebinding X to broccoli.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The second goal is called again with the new variable binding. This is a\ fresh call, just as the first one was, and causes )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the search for a match to begin at the first clause)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 CALL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(There is no clause for edible\(broccoli\), so it fails.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 FAIL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The first goal is then re-entered at the redo port, undoing the variable\ binding.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds with a new variable binding.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(This leads to the second solution to the query.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 CALL edible\(crackers\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(2 EXIT \(2\) edible\(crackers\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = crackers ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Typing semicolon \(;\) initiates backtracking again, which fails through\ both goals and leads to the ultimate failure of the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(query.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(2 REDO edible\(crackers\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(2 FAIL edible\(crackers\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 4.2. Annotated trace of compound query )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this example we had a single variable, which was bound \(given a valu\ e\) by the first goal and tested in the second goal. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(We will now look at a more general example with two variables. It is att\ empting to ask for all the things located in rooms )Tj +T* +(adjacent to the kitchen. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In logical terms, the query says "Find a T and R such that there is a do\ or from the kitchen to R and T is located in R." In )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(procedural terms it says "First find an R with a door from the kitchen t\ o R. Use that value of R to look for a T located in )Tj +T* +(R." )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(3 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 520 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.557 500.399 m +352.893 500.399 l +352.037 499.543 l +9.413 499.543 l +h +f +8.557 500.399 m +8.557 112.765 l +9.413 113.621 l +9.413 499.543 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +352.893 500.399 m +352.893 112.765 l +352.037 113.621 l +352.037 499.543 l +h +f +8.557 112.765 m +352.893 112.765 l +352.037 113.621 l +9.413 113.621 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.124 497.832 m +350.326 497.832 l +349.47 496.976 l +11.98 496.976 l +h +f +11.124 497.832 m +11.124 115.332 l +11.98 116.188 l +11.98 496.976 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +350.326 497.832 m +350.326 115.332 l +349.47 116.188 l +349.47 496.976 l +h +f +11.124 115.332 m +350.326 115.332 l +349.47 116.188 l +11.98 116.188 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 42.7852 740.0889 Tm +(?- door\(kitchen, R\), location\(T,R\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(R = office)Tj +T* +(T = desk ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(R = office)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(T = computer ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(R = cellar)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(T = 'washing machine' ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In this query, the backtracking is more complex. Figure 4.3 shows its tr\ ace. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Notice that the variable R is bound by the first goal and T is bound by \ the second. Likewise, the two variables are unbound )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(by entering the redo port of the goal that bound them. After R is first \ bound to office, that binding sticks during )Tj +T* +(backtracking through the second goal. Only when the listener backtracks \ into the first goal does R get unbound. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(Goal: door\(kitchen, R\), location\(T,R\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1 CALL door\(kitchen, R\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1 EXIT \(2\) door\(kitchen, office\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(2 CALL location\(T, office\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(2 EXIT \(1\) location\(desk, office\))Tj +T* +( R = office)Tj +T* +( T = desk ;)Tj +T* +(2 REDO location\(T, office\))Tj +T* +(2 EXIT \(8\) location\(computer, office\))Tj +T* +( R = office)Tj +T* +( T = computer ;)Tj +T* +(2 REDO location\(T, office\))Tj +T* +(2 FAIL location\(T, office\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO door\(kitchen, R\))Tj +T* +(1 EXIT \(4\) door\(kitchen, cellar\))Tj +T* +(2 CALL location\(T, cellar\))Tj +T* +(2 EXIT \(4\) location\('washing machine', cellar\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( R = cellar)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( T = 'washing machine' ;)Tj +T* +(2 REDO location\(T, cellar\))Tj +T* +(2 FAIL location\(T, cellar\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO door\(kitchen, R\))Tj +T* +(1 FAIL door\(kitchen, R\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 4.3. Trace of a compound query )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +13.8229 0 0 13.8229 8.5571 53.7604 Tm +(Built-in Predicates )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(4 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 521 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 756.4886 Tm +(Up to this point we have been satisfied with the format Prolog uses to g\ ive us answers. We will now see how to generate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(output that is customized to our needs. The example will be a query that\ lists all of the items in the kitchen. This will )Tj +T* +(require performing I/O and forcing the listener to automatically backtra\ ck to find all solutions. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To do this, we need to understand the concept of the )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(built-in)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(evaluable\) predicate. A built-in predicate is predefined by )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog. There are no clauses in the logicbase for built-in predicates. W\ hen the listener encounters a goal that matches a )Tj +T* +(built-in predicate, it calls a predefined procedure. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Built-in predicates are usually written in the language used to implemen\ t the listener. They can perform functions that have )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nothing to do with logical theorem proving, such as writing to the conso\ le. For this reason they are sometimes called extra-)Tj +T* +(logical predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(However, since they appear as Prolog goals they must be able to respond \ to either a call from the left or a redo from the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(right. Its response in the redo case is referred to as its behavior on b\ acktracking. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will introduce specific built-in predicates as we need them. Here are\ the I/O predicates that will let us control the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(output of our query. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(write/1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(This predicate always succeeds when called, and has the side effect of w\ riting its argument to the console.It always )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(fails on backtracking. Backtracking does not undo the side effect. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nl/0 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Succeeds, and starts a new line. Like write, it always succeeds when cal\ led, and fails on backtracking. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(tab/1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(It expects the argument to be an integer and tabs that number of spaces.\ It succeeds when called and fails on )Tj +T* +(backtracking. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(Figure 4.4 is a stylized picture of a goal showing its internal control \ structure. We will compare this with the internal flow )Tj +T* +(of control of various built-in predicates.)Tj +ET +q +148.036911 0 0 65.0335541 8.5570526 257.2914276 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 230.7437 Tm +(Figure 4.4. Internal flow of control through a normal goal )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In figure 4.4, the upper left diamond represents the decision point afte\ r a call. Starting with the first clause of a predicate,)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unification is attempted between the query pattern and each clause, unti\ l either unification succeeds or there are no more )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clauses to try. If unification succeeded, branch to exit, marking the cl\ ause that successfully unified, if it failed, branch to )Tj +T* +(fail. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The lower right diamond represents the decision point after a redo. Star\ ting with the most recent clause found in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate, unification is again attempted between the query pattern and \ remaining clauses. If it succeeds, branch to exit, if )Tj +T* +(not, branch to fail. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The I/O built-in predicates differ from normal goals in that they never \ change the direction of the flow of control. If they )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(get control from the left, they pass control to the right. If they get c\ ontrol from the right, they pass control to the left as )Tj +T* +(shown in figure 4.5.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(5 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 522 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +165.151001 0 0 65.0335541 8.5570526 686.583374 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 660.0356 Tm +(Figure 4.5. Internal flow of control through an I/O predicate )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The output I/O predicates do not affect the variable table; however, the\ y may output values from it. They simply leave )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(their mark at the console each time control passes through them from lef\ t to right. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There are built-in predicates that do affect backtracking, and we have n\ eed of one of them for the first example. It is fail/0, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and, as its name implies, it always fails. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(If fail/0 gets control from the left, it immediately passes control back\ to the redo port of the goal on the left. It will never)Tj +( )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(get control from the right, since it never allows control to pass to its\ right. Figure 4.6 shows its internal control structure.)Tj +ET +q +112.9530182 0 0 65.0335541 8.5570526 439.6269989 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 413.0792 Tm +(Figure 4.6. Internal flow of control through the fail/0 predicate )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Previously we relied on the listener to display variable bindings for us\ , and used the semicolon \(;\) response to generate all )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of the possible solutions. We can now use the I/O built-in predicates to\ display the variable bindings, and the fail/0 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate to force backtracking so all solutions are displayed. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here then is the query that lists everything in the kitchen. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(X, kitchen\), write\(X\) ,nl, fail.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(apple)Tj +T* +(broccoli)Tj +T* +(crackers)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The final 'no' means the query failed, as it was destined to, due to the\ fail/0. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 4.7 shows the control flow through this query. )Tj +ET +q +255.8556976 0 0 79.5805359 8.5570526 73.7276764 cm +/Im2 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 47.1799 Tm +(Figure 4.7. Flow of control through query with built-in predicates )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(6 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 523 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.557 729.952 m +360.081 729.952 l +359.225 729.097 l +9.413 729.097 l +h +f +8.557 729.952 m +8.557 33.403 l +9.413 33.403 l +9.413 729.097 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +360.081 729.952 m +360.081 33.403 l +359.225 33.403 l +359.225 729.097 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.124 727.385 m +357.513 727.385 l +356.658 726.53 l +11.98 726.53 l +h +f +11.124 727.385 m +11.124 33.403 l +11.98 33.403 l +11.98 726.53 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +357.513 727.385 m +357.513 33.403 l +356.658 33.403 l +356.658 726.53 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 750.2974 Tm +(Figure 4.8 shows a trace of the query. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(Goal: location\(X, kitchen\), write\(X\), nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1 EXIT \(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(2 CALL write\(apple\))Tj +T* +( apple)Tj +T* +(2 EXIT write\(apple\))Tj +T* +(3 CALL nl)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(3 EXIT nl)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(4 CALL fail)Tj +T* +(4 FAIL fail)Tj +T* +(3 REDO nl)Tj +T* +(3 FAIL nl)Tj +T* +(2 REDO write\(apple\))Tj +T* +(2 FAIL write\(apple\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(2 CALL write\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( broccoli)Tj +T* +(2 EXIT write\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +(3 CALL nl)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(3 EXIT nl)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(4 CALL fail)Tj +T* +(4 FAIL fail)Tj +T* +(3 REDO nl)Tj +T* +(3 FAIL nl)Tj +T* +(2 REDO write\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +(2 FAIL write\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(2 CALL write\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +T* +(2 EXIT write\(crackers\))Tj +T* +(3 CALL nl)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(3 EXIT nl)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(4 CALL fail)Tj +T* +(4 FAIL fail)Tj +T* +(3 REDO nl)Tj +T* +(3 FAIL nl)Tj +T* +(2 REDO write\(crackers\))Tj +T* +(2 FAIL write\(crackers\))Tj +T* +(1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(7 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 524 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +8.557 767.154 m +8.557 759.801 l +9.413 760.657 l +9.413 767.154 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +360.081 767.154 m +360.081 759.801 l +359.225 760.657 l +359.225 767.154 l +h +f +8.557 759.801 m +360.081 759.801 l +359.225 760.657 l +9.413 760.657 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.124 767.154 m +11.124 762.369 l +11.98 763.224 l +11.98 767.154 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +357.513 767.154 m +357.513 762.369 l +356.658 763.224 l +356.658 767.154 l +h +f +11.124 762.369 m +357.513 762.369 l +356.658 763.224 l +11.98 763.224 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 733.2537 Tm +(Figure 4.8. Trace of query with built-in predicates )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +13.8229 0 0 13.8229 8.5571 700.797 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 669.566 Tm +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Consider the following Prolog logicbase. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(easy\(1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(easy\(2\).)Tj +T* +(easy\(3\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(gizmo\(a,1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(gizmo\(b,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(a,2\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(d,5\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(c,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(a,3\).)Tj +T* +(gizmo\(c,4\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(harder\(a,1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(harder\(c,X\).)Tj +T* +(harder\(b,4\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(harder\(d,2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Predict the results of the following queries. Then try them and trace th\ em to see if you were correct. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- gizmo\(a,X\),easy\(X\).)Tj +T* +(?- gizmo\(c,X\),easy\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- gizmo\(d,Z\),easy\(Z\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- easy\(Y\),gizmo\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(?- write\('report'\), nl, easy\(T\), write\(T\), gizmo\(M,T\), tab\(2\),\ write\(M\), fail.)Tj +T* +(?- write\('buggy'\), nl, easy\(Z\), write\(X\), gizmo\(Z,X\), tab\(2\), \ write\(Z\), fail.)Tj +T* +(?- easy\(X\),harder\(Y,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- harder\(Y,X\),easy\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(2- Experiment with the queries you have seen in this chapter. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(3- Predict the results of this query before you execute it. Then try it.\ Trace it if you were wrong. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- door\(kitchen, R\), write\(R\), nl, location\(T,R\), tab\(3\), write\(\ T\), nl, fail.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(8 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 525 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 781.1555 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +11.9799 0 0 11.9799 8.5571 753.8378 Tm +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Compound queries can be used to find family relationships in the gene\ alogical logicbase. For example, find someone's )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mother with )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- parent\(X, someone\), female\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Write similar queries for fathers, sons, and daughters. Trace these quer\ ies to understand their behavior \(or misbehavior if )Tj +T* +(they are not working right for you\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(5- Experiment with the ordering of the goals. In particular, contrast th\ e queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- parent\(X, someone\), female\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- female\(X\), parent\(X, someone\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Do they both give the same answer? Trace both queries and see which take\ s more steps. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(6- The same predicate can be used multiple times in the same query. For \ example, we can find grandparents )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- parent\(X, someone\), parent\(GP, X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(7- Write queries which find grandmothers, grandfathers, and great-great \ grandparents. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(8- Write a query against the item and inventory records that returns the\ inventory level for an item when you only know )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the item name. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +11.0583 0 0 11.0583 8.5571 329.7228 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +7.7013 0 0 7.7013 18 8.1555 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm \(9 of 9\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:16 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 526 0 obj(Compound Queries) endobj 527 0 obj<> endobj 528 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a4comqry.htm) endobj 529 0 obj(ZxԄBœ_,y) endobj 530 0 obj<> endobj 531 0 obj<> endobj 532 0 obj(I-UY) endobj 533 0 obj 3 endobj 534 0 obj 1 endobj 535 0 obj 1 endobj 536 0 obj 1 endobj 537 0 obj 1 endobj 538 0 obj 1 endobj 539 0 obj<> endobj 540 0 obj<> endobj 541 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 542 0 obj[541 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 543 0 obj<><><><><><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 541 0 R>> endobj 544 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 545 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 546 0 obj[545 0 R] endobj 547 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 548 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 549 0 obj[547 0 R/XYZ 0 55.2 null] endobj 550 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 551 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 552 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 553 0 R] endobj 553 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 554 0 obj<>stream +Hv@M (w;2QrK5]f>N}-SBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBtU/ݟl=?hց~q]/G8h!\tnpF<%Ԣ[VcPnYmSB-e5O F<%Ԣ[VcPnYmSB-e5O F<%Ԣ[VcPnYmSB-e5O F_CI 5;6O MwTm>7>jp.7MxQ H]l,۴O .Ԣ[O .Ԣ[O .Ԣ[O n0/ǞNGq;}#Nt{ĉqt8^}fnE>WВ>G>'u^zpy}t[:n}QmO8> Gn3vntfݷFm&}ntf{;<Z@э.]E7fOt .|zP.MAiur`?L([Fket([Fket([Fket([FketVw|LhtloM8E'1/u@PoгxJxJxJxJxJxJxJxJxJ)8 0*^ +S +endstream endobj 555 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig8.gif) endobj 556 0 obj(U/<4n\(D\r) endobj 557 0 obj<> endobj 558 0 obj<> endobj 559 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 560 0 obj<> endobj 561 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 562 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 563 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 564 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 565 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 566 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 567 0 obj[566 0 R/XYZ 0 750.4 null] endobj 568 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 569 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 570 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 571 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 572 0 obj<> endobj 573 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 574 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 575 0 obj<> endobj 576 0 obj<> endobj 577 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 578 0 obj[574 0 R/XYZ 0 282.4 null] endobj 579 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 580 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(5)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Rules)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We said earlier a predicate is defined by clauses, which may be facts or\ rules. A rule is no more than a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(stored query. Its syntax is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(head :- body.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(where )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(head )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(a predicate definition \(just like a fact\) )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(:- )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(the )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(neck)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( symbol, sometimes read as "if" )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(body )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(one or more goals \(a query\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(For example, the compound query that finds out where the good things to \ eat are can be stored as a rule )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with the predicate name where_food/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X,Y\) :- )Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( edible\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It states "There is something X to eat in room Y if X is located in Y, a\ nd X is edible." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can now use the new rule directly in a query to find things to eat in\ a room. As before, the semicolon )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(;\) after an answer is used to find all the answers. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 581 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 582 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 583 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- where_food\(Thing, 'dining room'\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Or it can check on specific things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Or it can tell us everything. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(Thing, Room\).)Tj +T* +(Thing = apple)Tj +T* +(Room = kitchen ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Thing = crackers)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Room = kitchen ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Just as we had multiple facts defining a predicate, we can have multiple\ rules for a predicate. For )Tj +T* +(example, we might want to have the broccoli included in where_food/2. \(\ Prolog doesn't have an opinion )Tj +T* +(on whether or not broccoli is legitimate food. It just matches patterns.\ \) To do this we add another )Tj +T* +(where_food/2 clause for things that 'taste_yucky.' )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( edible\(X\).)Tj +T* +(where_food\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( tastes_yucky\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now the broccoli shows up when we use the semicolon \(;\) to ask for eve\ rything. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(X = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Until this point, when we have seen Prolog try to satisfy goals by searc\ hing the clauses of a predicate, all )Tj +T* +(of the clauses have been facts. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 41.0457 Tm +(How Rules Work )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 584 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 585 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 586 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 734.7909 Tm +(With rules, Prolog unifies the goal pattern with the head of the clause.\ If unification succeeds, then )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog initiates a new query using the goals in the body of the clause. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Rules, in effect, give us multiple levels of queries. The first level is\ composed of the original goals. The )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(next level is a new query composed of goals found in the body of a claus\ e from the first level. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Each level can create even deeper levels. Theoretically, this could cont\ inue forever. In practice it can )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(continue until the listener runs out of space. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 5.1 shows the control flow after the head of a rule has been matc\ hed. Notice how backtracking )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(from the third goal of the first level now goes into the second level. )Tj +ET +q +239 0 0 166 10 370.41539 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 339.3909 Tm +(Figure 5.1. Control flow with rules )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this example, the middle goal on the first level succeeds or fails if\ its body succeeds or fails. When )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(entered from the right \(redo\) the goal reenters its body query from th\ e right \(redo\). When the query fails, )Tj +T* +(the next clause of the first-level goal is tried, and if the next clause\ is also a rule, the process is repeated )Tj +T* +(with the second clause's body. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As always with Prolog, these relationships become clearer by studying a \ trace. Figure 5.2 contains the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(annotated trace of the where_food/2 query. Notice the appearance of a tw\ o-part number. The first part of )Tj +T* +(the number indicates the query level. The second part indicates the numb\ er of the goal within the query, )Tj +T* +(as before. The parenthetical number is the clause number. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(means the exit occurred at the second level, first goal using clause num\ ber seven. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 587 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 588 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 589 0 obj<> endobj 590 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +602 766 l +601 765 l +11 765 l +h +f +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 765 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 765 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 763 m +599 763 l +598 762 l +14 762 l +h +f +13 763 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 762 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 763 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 762 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 746.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(First the clauses of where_food/2 are searched.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 CALL where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The pattern matches the head of the first clause, and while it is not at\ a port, the trace could inform us )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of the clause it is working on.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(1\) where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The body of the first clause is then set up as a query, and the trace co\ ntinues.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(From this point the trace proceeds exactly as it did for the compound qu\ ery in the previous chapter.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 CALL edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(1\) edible\(apple\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Since the body has succeeded, the goal from the previous \(first\) level\ succeeds.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) where_food\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = apple ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking goes from the first-level goal, into the second level, proc\ eeding as before.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 REDO edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL edible\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(2\) edible\(crackers\))Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 591 0 obj[543 0 R] endobj 592 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) where_food\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = crackers ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now any attempt to backtrack into the query will result in no more answe\ rs, and the query will fail.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 REDO edible\(crackers\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(This causes the listener to look for other clauses whose heads match the\ query pattern. In our )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example, the second clause of where_food/2 also matches the query patter\ n.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Again, although traces usually don't tell us so, it is building a query \ from the body of the second )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now the second query proceeds as normal, finding the broccoli, which tas\ tes_yucky.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(1\) tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) where_food\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( X = broccoli ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking brings us to the ultimate no, as there are no more where_fo\ od/2 clauses to try.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 REDO tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X,kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 593 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 672.8 l +11 673.8 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 672.8 l +601 673.8 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 672.8 m +602 672.8 l +601 673.8 l +11 673.8 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 675.8 l +14 676.8 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 675.8 l +598 676.8 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 675.8 m +599 675.8 l +598 676.8 l +14 676.8 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( 2-2 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1-1 FAIL where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 5.2. Trace of a query with rules )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(It is important to understand the relationship between the first-level a\ nd second-level variables in this )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(query. These are independent variables, that is, the X in the query is n\ ot the same as the X that shows up )Tj +T* +(in the body of the where_food/2 clauses, values for both happen to be eq\ ual due to unification. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To better understand the relationship, we will slowly step through the p\ rocess of transferring control. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Subscripts identify the variable levels. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The goal in the query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X1, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The head of the first clause is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X2, Y2\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Remember the 'sleeps' example in chapter 3 where a query with a variable\ was unified with a fact with a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable? Both variables were set to be equal to each other. This is exa\ ctly what happens here. This )Tj +T* +(might be implemented by setting both variables to a common internal vari\ able. If either one takes on a )Tj +T* +(new value, both take on a new value. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(So, after unification between the goal and the head, the variable bindin\ gs are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X1 = _01)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X2 = _01)Tj +T* +(Y2 = kitchen)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The second-level query is built from the body of the clause, using these\ bindings. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(_01, kitchen\), edible\(_01\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When internal variable _01 takes on a value, such as 'apple,' both X's t\ hen take on the same value. This )Tj +T* +(is fundamentally different from the assignment statements that set varia\ ble values in most computer )Tj +T* +(languages. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 594 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 1 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 736.2457 Tm +(Using Rules )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 699.9909 Tm +(Using rules, we can solve the problem of the one-way doors. We can defin\ e a new two-way predicate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with two clauses, called connect/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(connect\(X,Y\) :- door\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\) :- door\(Y,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It says "Room X is connected to a room Y if there is a door from X to Y,\ or if there is a door from Y to )Tj +T* +(X." Note the implied 'or' between clauses. Now connect/2 behaves the way\ we would like. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- connect\(kitchen, office\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- connect\(office, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can list all the connections \(which is twice the number of doors\) w\ ith a general query. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- connect\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(X = office)Tj +T* +(Y = hall ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = kitchen)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = office ;)Tj +T* +(...)Tj +T* +(X = hall)Tj +T* +(Y = office ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = office)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = kitchen ;)Tj +T* +(...)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(With our current understanding of rules and built-in predicates we can n\ ow add more rules to Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. We will start with look/0, which will tell the game player where\ he or she is, what things are in )Tj +T* +(the room, and which rooms are adjacent. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To begin with, we will write list_things/1, which lists the things in a \ room. It uses the technique )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(developed at the end of chapter 4 to loop through all the pertinent fact\ s. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(Place\) :- )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 595 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( location\(X, Place\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( tab\(2\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We use it like this. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- list_things\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +( apple)Tj +T* +( broccoli)Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There is one small problem with list_things/1. It gives us the list, but\ it always fails. This is all right if )Tj +T* +(we call it by itself, but we won't be able to use it in conjunction with\ other rules that follow it \(to the )Tj +T* +(right as illustrated in our diagrams\). We can fix this problem by addin\ g a second list_things/1 clause )Tj +T* +(which always succeeds. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X, Place\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(AnyPlace\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now when the first clause fails \(because there are no more location/2s \ to try\) the second list_things/1 )Tj +T* +(clause will be tried. Since its argument is a variable it will successfu\ lly match with anything, causing )Tj +T* +(list_things/1 to always succeed and leave through the 'exit' port. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with the second clause of list_things/1, it is often the case that we\ do not care what the value of a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable is, it is simply a place marker. For these situations there is \ a special variable called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +(anonymous variable)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(, represented as an underscore \(_\). For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next we will write list_connections/1, which lists connecting rooms. Sin\ ce rules can refer to other rules, )Tj +T* +(as well as to facts, we can write list_connections/1 just like list_thin\ gs/1 by using the connection/2 rule. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_connections\(Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( connect\(Place, X\),)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 596 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( tab\(2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_connections\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Trying it gives us )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- list_connections\(hall\).)Tj +T* +( dining room)Tj +T* +( office)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now we are ready to write look/0. The single fact here\(kitchen\) tells \ us where we are in the game. \(In )Tj +T* +(chapter 7 we will see how to move about the game by dynamically changing\ here/1.\) We can use it with )Tj +T* +(the two list predicates to write the full look/0. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(look :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You are in the '\), write\(Place\), nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('You can see:'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You can go to:'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( list_connections\(Place\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Given we are in the kitchen, this is how it works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- look.)Tj +T* +(You are in the kitchen)Tj +T* +(You can see:)Tj +T* +( apple)Tj +T* +( broccoli)Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +T* +(You can go to:)Tj +T* +( office)Tj +T* +( cellar)Tj +T* +( dining room)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We now have an understanding of the fundamentals of Prolog, and it is wo\ rth summarizing what we )Tj +T* +(have learned so far. We have seen the following about rules in Prolog. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 597 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 7 0 0 7 35.713 753.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 753.9756 Tm +(A Prolog program is a logicbase of interrelated facts and rules. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 737.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 737.1756 Tm +(The rules communicate with each other through unification, Prolog's buil\ t-in pattern matcher. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 720.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 720.3755 Tm +(The rules communicate with the user through built-in predicates such as \ write/1. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 703.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 703.5756 Tm +(The rules can be queried \(called\) individually from the listener. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We have seen the following about Prolog's control flow. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 631.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 631.9756 Tm +(The execution behavior of the rules is controlled by Prolog's built-in b\ acktracking search )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mechanism. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 598.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 598.3755 Tm +(We can force backtracking with the built-in predicate fail. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 581.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 581.5756 Tm +(We can force success of a predicate by adding a final clause with dummy \ variables as arguments )Tj +T* +(and no body. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We now understand the following aspects of Prolog programming. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 493.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 493.1756 Tm +(Facts in the logicbase \(locations, doors, etc.\) replace conventional d\ ata definition. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 476.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 476.3755 Tm +(The backtracking search \(list_things/1\) replaces the coding of many lo\ oping constructs. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 459.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 459.5756 Tm +(Passing of control through pattern matching \(connect/2\) replaces condi\ tional test and branch )Tj +T* +(structures. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 425.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 425.9756 Tm +(The rules can be tested individually, encouraging modular program develo\ pment. )Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 409.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 409.1756 Tm +(Rules that call rules encourage the programming practices of procedure a\ bstraction and data )Tj +T* +(abstraction. \(For example, look/0 doesn't know how list_things/1 works,\ or how the location data )Tj +T* +(is stored.\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(With this level of understanding, we can make a lot of progress on the e\ xercise applications. Take some )Tj +T* +(time to work with the programs to consolidate your understanding before \ moving on to the following )Tj +T* +(chapters. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 268.2457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 231.7484 Tm +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Consider the following Prolog logicbase. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(a\(a1,1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a\(A,2\).)Tj +T* +(a\(a3,N\). )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(b\(1,b1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(b\(2,B\).)Tj +T* +(b\(N,b3\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 598 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(c\(X,Y\) :- a\(X,N\), b\(N,Y\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(d\(X,Y\) :- a\(X,N\), b\(Y,N\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(d\(X,Y\) :- a\(N,X\), b\(N,Y\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Predict the answers to the following queries, then check them with Prolo\ g, tracing. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(X,2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- b\(X,kalamazoo\).)Tj +T* +(?- c\(X,b3\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- c\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- d\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(2- Experiment with the various rules that were developed during this cha\ pter, tracing them all. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(3- Write look_in/1 for Nani Search. It should list the things located in\ its argument. For example, look_in)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(desk\) should list the contents of the desk. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Build rules for the various family relationships that were developed \ as queries in the last chapter. For )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(mother\(M,C\):-)Tj +T* +( parent\(M,C\),)Tj +T* +( female\(M\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(5- Build a rule for siblings. You will probably find your rule lists an \ individual as his/her own sibling. )Tj +T* +(Use trace to figure out why. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(6- We can fix the problem of individuals being their own siblings by usi\ ng the built-in predicate that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(succeeds if two values are unequal, and fails if they are the same. The \ predicate is \\=\(X,Y\). Jumping )Tj +T* +(ahead a bit \(to operator definitions in chapter 12\), we can also write\ it in the form X \\= Y. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(7- Use the sibling predicate to define additional rules for brothers, si\ sters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(8- If we want to represent marriages in the family logicbase, we run int\ o the two-way door problem we )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 599 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 751.9756 Tm +(encountered in Nani Search. Unlike parent/2, which has two arguments wit\ h distinct meanings, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(married/2 can have the arguments reversed without changing the meaning. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Using the Nani Search door/2 predicate as an example, add some basic fam\ ily data with a spouse/2 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate. Then write the predicate married/2 using connect/2 as a model\ . )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(9- Use the new married predicate to add rules for uncles and aunts that \ get uncles and aunts by marriage )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(as well as by blood. You should have two rules for each of these relatio\ nships, one for the blood case )Tj +T* +(and one for the marriage case. Use trace to follow their behavior. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(10- Explore other relationships, such as those between in-laws. )Tj +T* +(11- Write a predicate for grandparent/2. Use it to find both a grandpare\ nt and a grandchild. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(grandparent\(someone, X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(grandparent\(X, someone\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Trace its behavior for both uses. Depending on how you wrote it, one use\ will require many more steps )Tj +T* +(than the other. Write two predicates, one called grandparent/2 and one c\ alled grandchild/2. Order the )Tj +T* +(goals in each so that they are efficient for their intended uses. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(12- Write a rule item_quantity/2 that is used to find the inventory leve\ l of a named item. This shields the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(user of this predicate from having to deal with the item numbers. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(13- Write a rule that produces an inventory report using the item_quanti\ ty/2 predicate. It should display )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the name of the item and the quantity on hand. It should also always suc\ ceed. It will be similar to )Tj +T* +(list_things/2. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(14- Write a rule which defines a good customer. You might want to identi\ fy different cases of a good )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Expert Systems)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(Expert systems are often called rule-based systems. The rules are "rules\ of thumb" used by experts to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(solve certain problems. The expert system includes an )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(inference engine)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, which knows how to use the )Tj +T* +(rules. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There are many kinds of inference engines and knowledge representation t\ echniques that are used in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(expert systems. Prolog is an excellent language for building any kind of\ expert system. However, certain )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 600 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(types of expert systems can be built directly using Prolog's native rule\ s. These systems are called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +(structured selection)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( systems. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The code listing for 'birds' in the appendix contains a sample system th\ at can be used to identify birds. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You will be asked to build a similar system in the exercises. It can ide\ ntify anything, from animals to )Tj +T* +(cars to diseases. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(15- Decide what kind of expert system you would like to build, and add a\ few initial identification rules. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(For example, a system to identify house pets might have these rules. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(pet\(dog\):- size\(medium\), noise\(woof\).)Tj +T* +(pet\(cat\):- size\(medium\), noise\(meow\).)Tj +T* +(pet\(mouse\):- size\(small\), noise\(squeak\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(16- For now, we can use these rules by putting the known facts in the lo\ gicbase. For example, if we add )Tj +T* +(size\(medium\) and noise\(meow\) and then pose the query pet\(X\) we wil\ l find X=cat. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Many Prologs allow clauses to be entered directly at the listener prompt\ , which makes using this expert )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(system a little easier. The presence of the neck symbol \(:-\) signals t\ o the listener that the input is a clause )Tj +T* +(to be added. So to add facts directly to the listener workspace, they mu\ st be made into rules, as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- size\(medium\) :- true.)Tj +T* +(recorded)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- noise\(meow\) :- true.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(recorded)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Jumping ahead, you can also use assert/1 like this )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- assert\(size\(medium\)\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +T* +(?- assert\(noise\(meow\)\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These examples use the predicates in the general form attribute\(value\)\ . In this simple example, the pet )Tj +T* +(attribute is deduced. The size and noise attributes must be given. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(17- Improve the expert system by having it ask for the attribute/values \ it can't deduce. We do this by )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(first adding the rules )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(size\(X\):- ask\(size, X\).)Tj +T* +(noise\(X\):- ask\(noise, X\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 601 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(5)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Rules)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We said earlier a predicate is defined by clauses, which may be facts or\ rules. A rule is no more than a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(stored query. Its syntax is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(head :- body.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(where )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(head )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(a predicate definition \(just like a fact\) )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(:- )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(the )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(neck)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( symbol, sometimes read as "if" )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(body )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(one or more goals \(a query\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(For example, the compound query that finds out where the good things to \ eat are can be stored as a rule )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with the predicate name where_food/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X,Y\) :- )Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( edible\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It states "There is something X to eat in room Y if X is located in Y, a\ nd X is edible." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can now use the new rule directly in a query to find things to eat in\ a room. As before, the semicolon )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(;\) after an answer is used to find all the answers. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(1 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 602 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- where_food\(Thing, 'dining room'\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Or it can check on specific things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Or it can tell us everything. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(Thing, Room\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Thing = apple)Tj +T* +(Room = kitchen ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Thing = crackers)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Room = kitchen ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Just as we had multiple facts defining a predicate, we can have multiple\ rules for a predicate. For )Tj +T* +(example, we might want to have the broccoli included in where_food/2. \(\ Prolog doesn't have an opinion )Tj +T* +(on whether or not broccoli is legitimate food. It just matches patterns.\ \) To do this we add another )Tj +T* +(where_food/2 clause for things that 'taste_yucky.' )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( edible\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(where_food\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X,Y\),)Tj +T* +( tastes_yucky\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now the broccoli shows up when we use the semicolon \(;\) to ask for eve\ rything. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(X = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Until this point, when we have seen Prolog try to satisfy goals by searc\ hing the clauses of a predicate, all )Tj +T* +(of the clauses have been facts. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 41.0457 Tm +(How Rules Work )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(2 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 603 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 734.7909 Tm +(With rules, Prolog unifies the goal pattern with the head of the clause.\ If unification succeeds, then )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Prolog initiates a new query using the goals in the body of the clause. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Rules, in effect, give us multiple levels of queries. The first level is\ composed of the original goals. The )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(next level is a new query composed of goals found in the body of a claus\ e from the first level. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Each level can create even deeper levels. Theoretically, this could cont\ inue forever. In practice it can )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(continue until the listener runs out of space. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 5.1 shows the control flow after the head of a rule has been matc\ hed. Notice how backtracking )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(from the third goal of the first level now goes into the second level. )Tj +ET +q +239 0 0 166 10 370.41539 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 339.3909 Tm +(Figure 5.1. Control flow with rules )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this example, the middle goal on the first level succeeds or fails if\ its body succeeds or fails. When )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(entered from the right \(redo\) the goal reenters its body query from th\ e right \(redo\). When the query fails, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the next clause of the first-level goal is tried, and if the next clause\ is also a rule, the process is repeated )Tj +T* +(with the second clause's body. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As always with Prolog, these relationships become clearer by studying a \ trace. Figure 5.2 contains the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(annotated trace of the where_food/2 query. Notice the appearance of a tw\ o-part number. The first part of )Tj +T* +(the number indicates the query level. The second part indicates the numb\ er of the goal within the query, )Tj +T* +(as before. The parenthetical number is the clause number. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(means the exit occurred at the second level, first goal using clause num\ ber seven. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(3 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 604 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +602 766 l +601 765 l +11 765 l +h +f +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 765 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 765 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 763 m +599 763 l +598 762 l +14 762 l +h +f +13 763 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 762 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 763 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 762 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 746.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- where_food\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(First the clauses of where_food/2 are searched.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 CALL where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The pattern matches the head of the first clause, and while it is not at\ a port, the trace could inform us )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of the clause it is working on.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(1\) where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The body of the first clause is then set up as a query, and the trace co\ ntinues.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(From this point the trace proceeds exactly as it did for the compound qu\ ery in the previous chapter.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 CALL edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(1\) edible\(apple\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Since the body has succeeded, the goal from the previous \(first\) level\ succeeds.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) where_food\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = apple ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking goes from the first-level goal, into the second level, proc\ eeding as before.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 REDO edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL edible\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(2\) edible\(crackers\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(4 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 605 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1756 Tm +(For now, ask/2 will simply check with the user to see if an attribute/va\ lue pair is true or false. It will use )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the built-in predicate read/1 which reads a Prolog term \(ending in a pe\ riod of course\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(ask\(Attr, Val\):-)Tj +T* +( write\(Attr\),tab\(1\),write\(Val\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(1\),write\('\(yes/no\)'\),write\(?\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( X = yes.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last goal, X = yes, attempts to unify X and yes. If yes was read, th\ en it succeeds, otherwise, it fails. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 544.7005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(14 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 606 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) where_food\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = crackers ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now any attempt to backtrack into the query will result in no more answe\ rs, and the query will fail.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 REDO edible\(crackers\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 FAIL edible\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(This causes the listener to look for other clauses whose heads match the\ query pattern. In our )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example, the second clause of where_food/2 also matches the query patter\ n.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Again, although traces usually don't tell us so, it is building a query \ from the body of the second )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now the second query proceeds as normal, finding the broccoli, which tas\ tes_yucky.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) location\(apple, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(apple\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(6\) location\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT \(1\) tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) where_food\(broccoli, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( X = broccoli ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking brings us to the ultimate no, as there are no more where_fo\ od/2 clauses to try.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 REDO tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(broccoli\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(X,kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(7\) location\(crackers, kitchen\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 CALL tastes_yucky\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 FAIL tastes_yucky\(crackers\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 REDO location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(5 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 607 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 672.8 l +11 673.8 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 672.8 l +601 673.8 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 672.8 m +602 672.8 l +601 673.8 l +11 673.8 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 675.8 l +14 676.8 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 675.8 l +598 676.8 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 675.8 m +599 675.8 l +598 676.8 l +14 676.8 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( 2-2 FAIL location\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 REDO where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +T* +(1-1 FAIL where_food\(X, kitchen\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 5.2. Trace of a query with rules )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(It is important to understand the relationship between the first-level a\ nd second-level variables in this )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(query. These are independent variables, that is, the X in the query is n\ ot the same as the X that shows up )Tj +T* +(in the body of the where_food/2 clauses, values for both happen to be eq\ ual due to unification. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To better understand the relationship, we will slowly step through the p\ rocess of transferring control. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Subscripts identify the variable levels. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The goal in the query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- where_food\(X1, kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The head of the first clause is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(where_food\(X2, Y2\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Remember the 'sleeps' example in chapter 3 where a query with a variable\ was unified with a fact with a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable? Both variables were set to be equal to each other. This is exa\ ctly what happens here. This )Tj +T* +(might be implemented by setting both variables to a common internal vari\ able. If either one takes on a )Tj +T* +(new value, both take on a new value. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(So, after unification between the goal and the head, the variable bindin\ gs are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X1 = _01)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X2 = _01)Tj +T* +(Y2 = kitchen)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The second-level query is built from the body of the clause, using these\ bindings. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(_01, kitchen\), edible\(_01\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When internal variable _01 takes on a value, such as 'apple,' both X's t\ hen take on the same value. This )Tj +T* +(is fundamentally different from the assignment statements that set varia\ ble values in most computer )Tj +T* +(languages. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(6 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 608 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 736.2457 Tm +(Using Rules )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 699.9909 Tm +(Using rules, we can solve the problem of the one-way doors. We can defin\ e a new two-way predicate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with two clauses, called connect/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(connect\(X,Y\) :- door\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(connect\(X,Y\) :- door\(Y,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It says "Room X is connected to a room Y if there is a door from X to Y,\ or if there is a door from Y to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X." Note the implied 'or' between clauses. Now connect/2 behaves the way\ we would like. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- connect\(kitchen, office\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- connect\(office, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can list all the connections \(which is twice the number of doors\) w\ ith a general query. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- connect\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(X = office)Tj +T* +(Y = hall ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = kitchen)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = office ;)Tj +T* +(...)Tj +T* +(X = hall)Tj +T* +(Y = office ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = office)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = kitchen ;)Tj +T* +(...)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(With our current understanding of rules and built-in predicates we can n\ ow add more rules to Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. We will start with look/0, which will tell the game player where\ he or she is, what things are in )Tj +T* +(the room, and which rooms are adjacent. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To begin with, we will write list_things/1, which lists the things in a \ room. It uses the technique )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(developed at the end of chapter 4 to loop through all the pertinent fact\ s. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(Place\) :- )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(7 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 609 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( location\(X, Place\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( tab\(2\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We use it like this. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- list_things\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( apple)Tj +T* +( broccoli)Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There is one small problem with list_things/1. It gives us the list, but\ it always fails. This is all right if )Tj +T* +(we call it by itself, but we won't be able to use it in conjunction with\ other rules that follow it \(to the )Tj +T* +(right as illustrated in our diagrams\). We can fix this problem by addin\ g a second list_things/1 clause )Tj +T* +(which always succeeds. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X, Place\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(AnyPlace\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now when the first clause fails \(because there are no more location/2s \ to try\) the second list_things/1 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause will be tried. Since its argument is a variable it will successfu\ lly match with anything, causing )Tj +T* +(list_things/1 to always succeed and leave through the 'exit' port. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with the second clause of list_things/1, it is often the case that we\ do not care what the value of a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable is, it is simply a place marker. For these situations there is \ a special variable called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +(anonymous variable)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, represented as an underscore \(_\). For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next we will write list_connections/1, which lists connecting rooms. Sin\ ce rules can refer to other rules, )Tj +T* +(as well as to facts, we can write list_connections/1 just like list_thin\ gs/1 by using the connection/2 rule. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_connections\(Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( connect\(Place, X\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(8 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 610 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( tab\(2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( fail.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list_connections\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Trying it gives us )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- list_connections\(hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( dining room)Tj +T* +( office)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now we are ready to write look/0. The single fact here\(kitchen\) tells \ us where we are in the game. \(In )Tj +T* +(chapter 7 we will see how to move about the game by dynamically changing\ here/1.\) We can use it with )Tj +T* +(the two list predicates to write the full look/0. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(look :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You are in the '\), write\(Place\), nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('You can see:'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You can go to:'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( list_connections\(Place\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Given we are in the kitchen, this is how it works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- look.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You are in the kitchen)Tj +T* +(You can see:)Tj +T* +( apple)Tj +T* +( broccoli)Tj +T* +( crackers)Tj +T* +(You can go to:)Tj +T* +( office)Tj +T* +( cellar)Tj +T* +( dining room)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We now have an understanding of the fundamentals of Prolog, and it is wo\ rth summarizing what we )Tj +T* +(have learned so far. We have seen the following about rules in Prolog. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(9 of 14\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 611 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 753.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 753.9756 Tm +(A Prolog program is a logicbase of interrelated facts and rules. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 737.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 737.1756 Tm +(The rules communicate with each other through unification, Prolog's buil\ t-in pattern matcher. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 720.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 720.3755 Tm +(The rules communicate with the user through built-in predicates such as \ write/1. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 703.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 703.5756 Tm +(The rules can be queried \(called\) individually from the listener. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We have seen the following about Prolog's control flow. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 631.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 631.9756 Tm +(The execution behavior of the rules is controlled by Prolog's built-in b\ acktracking search )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mechanism. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 598.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 598.3755 Tm +(We can force backtracking with the built-in predicate fail. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 581.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 581.5756 Tm +(We can force success of a predicate by adding a final clause with dummy \ variables as arguments )Tj +T* +(and no body. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We now understand the following aspects of Prolog programming. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 493.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 493.1756 Tm +(Facts in the logicbase \(locations, doors, etc.\) replace conventional d\ ata definition. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 476.3755 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 476.3755 Tm +(The backtracking search \(list_things/1\) replaces the coding of many lo\ oping constructs. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 459.5756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 459.5756 Tm +(Passing of control through pattern matching \(connect/2\) replaces condi\ tional test and branch )Tj +T* +(structures. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 425.9756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 425.9756 Tm +(The rules can be tested individually, encouraging modular program develo\ pment. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 409.1756 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 409.1756 Tm +(Rules that call rules encourage the programming practices of procedure a\ bstraction and data )Tj +T* +(abstraction. \(For example, look/0 doesn't know how list_things/1 works,\ or how the location data )Tj +T* +(is stored.\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(With this level of understanding, we can make a lot of progress on the e\ xercise applications. Take some )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(time to work with the programs to consolidate your understanding before \ moving on to the following )Tj +T* +(chapters. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 268.2457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 231.7484 Tm +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Consider the following Prolog logicbase. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(a\(a1,1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a\(A,2\).)Tj +T* +(a\(a3,N\). )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(b\(1,b1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(b\(2,B\).)Tj +T* +(b\(N,b3\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(10 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 612 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(c\(X,Y\) :- a\(X,N\), b\(N,Y\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(d\(X,Y\) :- a\(X,N\), b\(Y,N\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(d\(X,Y\) :- a\(N,X\), b\(N,Y\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Predict the answers to the following queries, then check them with Prolo\ g, tracing. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(X,2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- b\(X,kalamazoo\).)Tj +T* +(?- c\(X,b3\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- c\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- d\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(2- Experiment with the various rules that were developed during this cha\ pter, tracing them all. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(3- Write look_in/1 for Nani Search. It should list the things located in\ its argument. For example, look_in)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(desk\) should list the contents of the desk. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Build rules for the various family relationships that were developed \ as queries in the last chapter. For )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(mother\(M,C\):-)Tj +T* +( parent\(M,C\),)Tj +T* +( female\(M\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(5- Build a rule for siblings. You will probably find your rule lists an \ individual as his/her own sibling. )Tj +T* +(Use trace to figure out why. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(6- We can fix the problem of individuals being their own siblings by usi\ ng the built-in predicate that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(succeeds if two values are unequal, and fails if they are the same. The \ predicate is \\=\(X,Y\). Jumping )Tj +T* +(ahead a bit \(to operator definitions in chapter 12\), we can also write\ it in the form X \\= Y. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(7- Use the sibling predicate to define additional rules for brothers, si\ sters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. )Tj +T* +(8- If we want to represent marriages in the family logicbase, we run int\ o the two-way door problem we )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(11 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 613 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 751.9756 Tm +(encountered in Nani Search. Unlike parent/2, which has two arguments wit\ h distinct meanings, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(married/2 can have the arguments reversed without changing the meaning. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Using the Nani Search door/2 predicate as an example, add some basic fam\ ily data with a spouse/2 )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate. Then write the predicate married/2 using connect/2 as a model\ . )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(9- Use the new married predicate to add rules for uncles and aunts that \ get uncles and aunts by marriage )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(as well as by blood. You should have two rules for each of these relatio\ nships, one for the blood case )Tj +T* +(and one for the marriage case. Use trace to follow their behavior. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(10- Explore other relationships, such as those between in-laws. )Tj +T* +(11- Write a predicate for grandparent/2. Use it to find both a grandpare\ nt and a grandchild. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(grandparent\(someone, X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(grandparent\(X, someone\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Trace its behavior for both uses. Depending on how you wrote it, one use\ will require many more steps )Tj +T* +(than the other. Write two predicates, one called grandparent/2 and one c\ alled grandchild/2. Order the )Tj +T* +(goals in each so that they are efficient for their intended uses. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(12- Write a rule item_quantity/2 that is used to find the inventory leve\ l of a named item. This shields the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(user of this predicate from having to deal with the item numbers. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(13- Write a rule that produces an inventory report using the item_quanti\ ty/2 predicate. It should display )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the name of the item and the quantity on hand. It should also always suc\ ceed. It will be similar to )Tj +T* +(list_things/2. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(14- Write a rule which defines a good customer. You might want to identi\ fy different cases of a good )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Expert Systems)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(Expert systems are often called rule-based systems. The rules are "rules\ of thumb" used by experts to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(solve certain problems. The expert system includes an )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(inference engine)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, which knows how to use the )Tj +T* +(rules. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There are many kinds of inference engines and knowledge representation t\ echniques that are used in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(expert systems. Prolog is an excellent language for building any kind of\ expert system. However, certain )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(12 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 614 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Rules)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(types of expert systems can be built directly using Prolog's native rule\ s. These systems are called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +(structured selection)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( systems. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The code listing for 'birds' in the appendix contains a sample system th\ at can be used to identify birds. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You will be asked to build a similar system in the exercises. It can ide\ ntify anything, from animals to )Tj +T* +(cars to diseases. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(15- Decide what kind of expert system you would like to build, and add a\ few initial identification rules. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(For example, a system to identify house pets might have these rules. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(pet\(dog\):- size\(medium\), noise\(woof\).)Tj +T* +(pet\(cat\):- size\(medium\), noise\(meow\).)Tj +T* +(pet\(mouse\):- size\(small\), noise\(squeak\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(16- For now, we can use these rules by putting the known facts in the lo\ gicbase. For example, if we add )Tj +T* +(size\(medium\) and noise\(meow\) and then pose the query pet\(X\) we wil\ l find X=cat. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Many Prologs allow clauses to be entered directly at the listener prompt\ , which makes using this expert )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(system a little easier. The presence of the neck symbol \(:-\) signals t\ o the listener that the input is a clause )Tj +T* +(to be added. So to add facts directly to the listener workspace, they mu\ st be made into rules, as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- size\(medium\) :- true.)Tj +T* +(recorded)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- noise\(meow\) :- true.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(recorded)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Jumping ahead, you can also use assert/1 like this )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- assert\(size\(medium\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +T* +(?- assert\(noise\(meow\)\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These examples use the predicates in the general form attribute\(value\)\ . In this simple example, the pet )Tj +T* +(attribute is deduced. The size and noise attributes must be given. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(17- Improve the expert system by having it ask for the attribute/values \ it can't deduce. We do this by )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(first adding the rules )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(size\(X\):- ask\(size, X\).)Tj +T* +(noise\(X\):- ask\(noise, X\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm \(13 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:20 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 615 0 obj(Rules) endobj 616 0 obj<> endobj 617 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a5rules.htm) endobj 618 0 obj(G$T ) endobj 619 0 obj<> endobj 620 0 obj<> endobj 621 0 obj(7{^?, /) endobj 622 0 obj 3 endobj 623 0 obj 1 endobj 624 0 obj<> endobj 625 0 obj<> endobj 626 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 627 0 obj[626 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 628 0 obj<><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 626 0 R>> endobj 629 0 obj[628 0 R] endobj 630 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 631 0 obj[630 0 R] endobj 632 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 633 0 obj[628 0 R] endobj 634 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 635 0 obj[628 0 R] endobj 636 0 obj[634 0 R/XYZ 0 663.0 null] endobj 637 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(6)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Prolog must be able to handle arithmetic in order to be a useful general\ purpose programming language. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(However, arithmetic does not fit nicely into the logical scheme of thing\ s. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(That is, the concept of evaluating an arithmetic expression is in contra\ st to the straight pattern matching )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(we have seen so far. For this reason, Prolog provides the built-in predi\ cate 'is' that evaluates arithmetic )Tj +T* +(expressions. Its syntax calls for the use of operators, which will be de\ scribed in more detail in chapter )Tj +T* +(12. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X is )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The variable X is set to the value of the arithmetic expression. On back\ tracking it is unassigned. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The arithmetic expression looks like an arithmetic expression in any oth\ er programming language. )Tj +T* +(Here is how to use Prolog as a calculator. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X is 2 + 2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 4)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X is 3 * 4 + 2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 14)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Parentheses clarify precedence. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X is 3 * \(4 + 2\).)Tj +T* +(X = 18)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X is \(8 / 4\) / 2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 1)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In addition to 'is,' Prolog provides a number of operators that compare \ two numbers. These include )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a6arith.htm \(1 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 638 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +('greater than', 'less than', 'greater or equal than', and 'less or equal\ than.' They behave more logically, and )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(succeed or fail according to whether the comparison is true or false. No\ tice the order of the symbols in )Tj +T* +(the greater or equal than and less than or equal operators. They are spe\ cifically constructed not to look )Tj +T* +(like an arrow, so that you can use arrow symbols in your programs withou\ t confusion. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X > Y)Tj +T* +(X < Y)Tj +T* +(X >= Y)Tj +T* +(X =< Y)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here are a few examples of their use. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- 4 > 3.)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- 4 < 3.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X is 2 + 2, X > 3.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 4)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X is 2 + 2, 3 >= X.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- 3+4 > 3*2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(They can be used in rules as well. Here are two example predicates. One \ converts centigrade )Tj +T* +(temperatures to Fahrenheit, the other checks if a temperature is below f\ reezing. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(c_to_f\(C,F\) :-)Tj +T* +( F is C * 9 / 5 + 32.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(freezing\(F\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( F =< 32.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here are some examples of their use. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- c_to_f\(100,X\).)Tj +T* +(X = 212)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a6arith.htm \(2 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 639 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- freezing\(15\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- freezing\(45\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 648.8457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 612.3484 Tm +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Write a predicate valid_order/3 that checks whether a customer order \ is valid. The arguments should )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(be customer, item, and quantity. The predicate should succeed only if th\ e customer is a valid customer )Tj +T* +(with a good credit rating, the item is in stock, and the quantity ordere\ d is less than the quantity in stock. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Write a reorder/1 predicate which checks inventory levels in the inve\ ntory record against the reorder )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(quantity in the item record. It should write a message indicating whethe\ r or not it's time to reorder. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 455.7159 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a6arith.htm \(3 of 3\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 640 0 obj(Arithmetic) endobj 641 0 obj<> endobj 642 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a6arith.htm) endobj 643 0 obj(Drdy?0TMa) endobj 644 0 obj<> endobj 645 0 obj<> endobj 646 0 obj(ưqmX? ) endobj 647 0 obj 4 endobj 648 0 obj<> endobj 649 0 obj<> endobj 650 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 651 0 obj[650 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 652 0 obj<><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 650 0 R>> endobj 653 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 654 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 655 0 obj[654 0 R] endobj 656 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 657 0 obj<> endobj 658 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 659 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 660 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 661 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 662 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 663 0 obj[661 0 R/XYZ 0 83.2 null] endobj 664 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 665 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 666 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 667 0 obj[652 0 R] endobj 668 0 obj<> endobj 669 0 obj<> endobj 670 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(7)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We have seen that a Prolog program is a logicbase of predicates, and so \ far we have entered clauses for )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(those predicates directly in our programs. Prolog also allows us to mani\ pulate the logicbase directly and )Tj +T* +(provides built-in predicates to perform this function. The main ones are\ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(asserta\(X\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Adds the clause X as the first clause for its predicate. Like the other \ I/O predicates, it always fails )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(on backtracking and does not undo its work. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(assertz\(X\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Same as asserta/1, only it adds the clause X as the last clause for its \ predicate. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(retract\(X\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Removes the clause X from the logicbase, again with a permanent effect t\ hat is not undone on )Tj +T* +(backtracking. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(The ability to manipulate the logicbase is obviously an important featur\ e for Nani Search. With it we can )Tj +T* +(dynamically change the location of the player, as well as the stuff that\ has been picked up and moved. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will first develop goto/1, which moves the player from one room to an\ other. It will be developed )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(from the top down, in contrast to look/0 which was developed from the bo\ ttom up. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(When the player enters the command goto, we first check if they can go t\ o the place and if so move )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(them so they can look around the new place. Starting from this descripti\ on of goto/1, we can write the )Tj +T* +(main predicate. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(goto\(Place\):- )Tj +T* +( can_go\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( move\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next we fill in the details. We can go to a room if it connects to where\ we are. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(can_go\(Place\):- )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(1 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 671 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( here\(X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( connect\(X, Place\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can test can_go/1 immediately \(assuming we are in the kitchen\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- can_go\(office\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- can_go\(hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now, can_go/1 succeeds and fails as we want it to, but it would be nice \ if it gave us a message when it )Tj +T* +(failed. By adding a second clause, which is tried if the first one fails\ , we can cause can_go/1 to write an )Tj +T* +(error message. Since we want can_go/1 to fail in this situation we also \ need to add a fail to the second )Tj +T* +(clause. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(can_go\(Place\):-)Tj +T* +( here\(X\),)Tj +T* +( connect\(X, Place\).)Tj +T* +(can_go\(Place\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('You can''t get there from here.'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This version of can_go/1 behaves as we want. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- can_go\(hall\).)Tj +T* +(You can't get there from here.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next we develop move/1, which does the work of dynamically updating the \ logicbase to reflect the new )Tj +T* +(location of the player. It retracts the old clause for here/1 and replac\ es it with a new one. This way there )Tj +T* +(will always be only one here/1 clause representing the current place. Be\ cause goto/1 calls can_go/1 )Tj +T* +(before move/1, the new here/1 will always be a legal place in the game. \ )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(move\(Place\):-)Tj +T* +( retract\(here\(X\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(here\(Place\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now use goto/1 to explore the game environment. The output it gen\ erates is from look/0, which )Tj +T* +(we developed in chapter 5. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- goto\(office\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(2 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 672 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(You are in the office)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You can see:)Tj +T* +( desk)Tj +T* +( computer)Tj +T* +(You can go to:)Tj +T* +( hall)Tj +T* +( kitchen)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- goto\(hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You are in the hall)Tj +T* +(You can see:)Tj +T* +(You can go to:)Tj +T* +( dining room)Tj +T* +( office)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- goto\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You can't get there from here.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will also need 'asserta' and 'retract' to implement 'take' and 'put' \ commands in the game. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is take/1. For it we will define a new predicate, have/1, which has\ one clause for each thing the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(game player has. Initially, have/1 is not defined because the player is \ not carrying anything. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(take\(X\):- )Tj +T* +( can_take\(X\),)Tj +T* +( take_object\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(can_take/1 is analogous to can_go/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(can_take\(Thing\) :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( location\(Thing, Place\).)Tj +T* +(can_take\(Thing\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('There is no '\), write\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( write\(' here.'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(take_object/1 is analogous to move/1. It retracts a location/2 clause an\ d asserts a have/1 clause, )Tj +T* +(reflecting the movement of the object from the place to the player. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(3 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 673 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 746.1082 Tm +(take_object\(X\):- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(location\(X,_\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(have\(X\)\),)Tj +T* +( write\('taken'\), nl.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(As we have seen, the variables in a clause are local to that clause. The\ re are no global variables in )Tj +T* +(Prolog, as there are in many other languages. The Prolog logicbase serve\ s that purpose. It allows all )Tj +T* +(clauses to share information on a wider basis, replacing the need for gl\ obal variables. 'asserts' and )Tj +T* +('retracts' are the tools used to manipulate this global data. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with any programming language, global data can be a powerful concept,\ easily overused. They )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(should be used with care, since they hide the communication of informati\ on between clauses. The same )Tj +T* +(code will behave differently if the global data is changed. This can lea\ d to hard-to-find bugs. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Eliminating global data and the 'assert' and 'retract' capabilities of P\ rolog is a goal of many logic )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(programmers. It is possible to write Prolog programs without dynamically\ modifying the logicbase, thus )Tj +T* +(eliminating the problem of global variables. This is done by carrying th\ e information as arguments to the )Tj +T* +(predicates. In the case of an adventure game, the complete state of the \ game could be represented as )Tj +T* +(predicate arguments, with each command called with the current state and\ returning a new modified )Tj +T* +(state. This approach will be discussed in more detail in chapter 14. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Although the database-like approach presented here may not be the purest\ method from a logical )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(standpoint, it does allow for a very natural representation of this game\ application. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Various Prologs provide varying degrees of richness in the area of logic\ base manipulation. The built-in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(versions are usually unaffected by backtracking. That is, like the other\ I/O predicates, they perform their )Tj +T* +(function when called and do nothing when entered from the redo port. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Sometimes it is desirable to have a predicate retract its assertions whe\ n the redo port is entered. It is easy )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to write versions of 'assert' and 'retract' that undo their work on back\ tracking. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(backtracking_assert\(X\):- )Tj +T* +( asserta\(X\).)Tj +T* +(backtracking_assert\(X\):-)Tj +T* +( retract\(X\),fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The first time through, the first clause is executed. If a later goal fa\ ils, backtracking will cause the )Tj +T* +(second clause to be tried. It will undo the work of the first and fail, \ thus giving the desired effect. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 69.0457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(4 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 674 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.733 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Write put/1 which retracts a have/1 clause and asserts a location/2 c\ lause in the current room. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Write inventory/0 which lists the have/1 things. )Tj +T* +(3- Use goto/1, take/1, put/1, look/0, and inventory/0 to move about and \ examine the game environment )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(so far. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(4- Write the predicates turn_on/1 and turn_off/1 for Nani Search. They w\ ill be used to turn the flashlight )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(on or off. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(5- Add an open/closed status for each of the doors. Write open and close\ predicates that do the obvious. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Fix can_go/1 to check whether a door is open and write the appropriate e\ rror message if its not. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(6- In the order entry application, write a predicate update_inventory/2 \ that takes an item name and )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(quantity as input. Have it retract the old inventory amount, perform the\ necessary arithmetic and assert )Tj +T* +(the new inventory amount. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(NOTE: retract\(inventory\(item_id,Q\)\) binds Q to the old value, thus a\ lleviating the need for a separate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(goal to get the old value of the inventory. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(7- We can now use the various predicates developed for the customer orde\ r entry system to write a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate that prompts the user for order information and generates the \ order. The predicate can be )Tj +T* +(simply order/0. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(order/0 should first prompt the user for the customer name, the item nam\ e and the quantity. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(write\('Enter customer name:'\),read\(C\),)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It should then use the rules for good_customer and valid_order to verify\ that this is a valid order. If so, it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(should assert a new type of record, order/3, which records the order inf\ ormation. It can then )Tj +T* +(update_inventory and check whether its time to reorder. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The customer order entry application has been designed from the bottom u\ p, since that is the way the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(material has been presented for learning. The order predicate should sug\ gest that Prolog is an excellent )Tj +T* +(tool for top-down development as well. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(One could start with the concept that processing an order means reading \ the date, checking the order, )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(5 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 675 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(updating inventory, and reordering if necessary. The necessary details o\ f implementing these predicates )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(could be left for later. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Expert System)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(8- The expert system currently asks for the same information over and ov\ er again. We can use the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(logicbase to remember the answers to questions so that ask/2 doesn't re-\ ask something. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(When ask/2 gets a yes or no answer to a question about an attribute-valu\ e pair, assert a fact in the form )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(known\(Attribute, Value, YesNo\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Add a first clause to ask/2 that checks whether the answer is already kn\ own and, if so, succeeds. Add a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(second clause that checks if the answer is known to be false and, if so,\ fails. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The third clause makes sure the answer is not already known, and then as\ ks the user as before. To do )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(this, the built-in predicate not/1 is used. It fails if its argument suc\ ceeds. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(not \(known\(Attr, Val, Answer\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 401.3005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm \(6 of 6\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:29 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 676 0 obj(Managing Data) endobj 677 0 obj<> endobj 678 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a7manage.htm) endobj 679 0 obj(7^ة 0) endobj 680 0 obj<> endobj 681 0 obj<> endobj 682 0 obj(=Rc\n&) endobj 683 0 obj 4 endobj 684 0 obj<> endobj 685 0 obj<> endobj 686 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 687 0 obj<> endobj 688 0 obj[686 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 689 0 obj<><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 686 0 R>> endobj 690 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 691 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 692 0 obj[691 0 R] endobj 693 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 694 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 695 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 696 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 697 0 obj[695 0 R/XYZ 0 730.2 null] endobj 698 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 699 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 700 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 701 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 702 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 703 0 obj<> endobj 704 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 705 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 706 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 707 0 obj[705 0 R/XYZ 0 227.2 null] endobj 708 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 709 0 obj[689 0 R] endobj 710 0 obj[708 0 R/XYZ 0 590.815 null] endobj 711 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(8)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Recursion in any language is the ability for a unit of code to call itse\ lf, repeatedly, if necessary. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Recursion is often a very powerful and convenient way of representing ce\ rtain programming constructs. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In Prolog, recursion occurs when a predicate contains a goal that refers\ to itself. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As we have seen in earlier chapters, every time a rule is called, Prolog\ uses the body of the rule to create )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a new query with new variables. Since the query is a new copy each time,\ it makes no difference )Tj +T* +(whether a rule calls another rule or itself. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A recursive definition \(in any language, not just Prolog\) always has a\ t least two parts, a boundary )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(condition and a recursive case. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The boundary condition defines a simple case that we know to be true. Th\ e recursive case simplifies the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(problem by first removing a layer of complexity, and then calling itself\ . At each level, the boundary )Tj +T* +(condition is checked. If it is reached the recursion ends. If not, the r\ ecursion continues. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will illustrate recursion by writing a predicate that can detect thin\ gs which are nested within other )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(things. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Currently our location/2 predicate tells us the flashlight is in the des\ k and the desk is in the office, but it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(does not indicate that the flashlight is in the office. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(flashlight, office\).)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Using recursion, we will write a new predicate, is_contained_in/2, which\ will dig through layers of )Tj +T* +(nested things, so that it will answer 'yes' if asked if the flashlight i\ s in the office. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To make the problem more interesting, we will first add some more nested\ items to the game. We will )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(continue to use the location predicate to put things in the desk, which \ in turn can have other things inside )Tj +T* +(them. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(1 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 712 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 735.3235 Tm +(location\(envelope, desk\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location\(stamp, envelope\).)Tj +T* +(location\(key, envelope\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(To list all of things in the office, we would first have to list those t\ hings that are directly in the office, )Tj +T* +(like the desk. We would then list the things in the desk, and the things\ inside the things in the desk. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(If we generalize a room into being just another thing, we can state a tw\ o-part rule which can be used to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(deduce whether something is contained in \(nested in\) something else. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 560.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 560.7909 Tm +(A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if T1 is directly locate\ d in T2. \(This is the )Tj +T* +(boundary condition.\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 527.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 527.1909 Tm +(A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if some intermediate thi\ ng, X, is located in T2 and )Tj +T* +(T1 is contained in X. \(This is where we simplify and recurse.\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(We will now express this in Prolog. The first rule translates into Prolo\ g in a straightforward manner. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(T1,T2\) :- )Tj +T* +( location\(T1,T2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The recursive rule is also straightforward. Notice that it refers to its\ elf. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(T1,T2\) :-)Tj +T* +( location\(X,T2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( is_contained_in\(T1,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now we are ready to try it. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- is_contained_in\(X, office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = desk ;)Tj +T* +(X = computer ;)Tj +T* +(X = flashlight ;)Tj +T* +(X = envelope ;)Tj +T* +(X = stamp ;)Tj +T* +(X = key ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- is_contained_in\(envelope, office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- is_contained_in\(apple, office\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(2 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 713 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 716.0457 Tm +(How Recursion Works )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 679.7909 Tm +(As in all calls to rules, the variables in a rule are unique, or scoped,\ to the rule. In the recursive case, this )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(means each call to the rule, at each level, has its own unique set of va\ riables. So the values of X, T1, and )Tj +T* +(T2 at the first level of recursion are different from those at the secon\ d level. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(However, unification between a goal and the head of a clause forces a re\ lationship between the variables )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of different levels. Using subscripts to distinguish the variables, and \ internal Prolog variables, we can )Tj +T* +(trace the relationships for a couple of levels of recursion. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First, the query goal is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- is_contained_in\(XQ, office\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The clause with variables for the first level of recursion is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(T11, T21\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(X1, T21\),)Tj +T* +( is_contained_in\(T11, X1\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When the query is unified with the head of the clause, the variables bec\ ome bound. The bindings are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(XQ = _01)Tj +T* +(T11 = _01)Tj +T* +(T21 = office)Tj +T* +(X1 = _02)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note particularly that XQ in the query becomes bound to T11 in the claus\ e, so when a value of _01 is )Tj +T* +(found, both variables are found. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(With these bindings, the clause can be rewritten as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(_01, office\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(_02, office\),)Tj +T* +( is_contained_in\(_01, _02\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When the location/2 goal is satisfied, with _02 = desk, the recursive ca\ ll becomes )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(_01, desk\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(3 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 714 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 580.215 m +602 580.215 l +601 579.215 l +11 579.215 l +h +f +10 580.215 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 579.215 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 580.215 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 579.215 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 577.215 m +599 577.215 l +598 576.215 l +14 576.215 l +h +f +13 577.215 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 576.215 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 577.215 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 576.215 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 742.7909 Tm +(That goal unifies with the head of a new copy of the clause, at the next\ level of the recursion. After that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unification the variables are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(XQ = _01 T11 = _01 T12 = _01)Tj +T* +( T21 = office T22 = desk)Tj +T* +( X1 = desk X2 = _03)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When the recursion finds a solution, such as 'envelope,' all of the T1s \ and X0 immediately take on that )Tj +T* +(value. Figure 8.1 contains a full annotated trace of the query.)Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- is_contained_in\(X, office\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Each level of the recursion will have its own unique variables, but as i\ n all calls to rules, the variables )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(at a called level will be bound in some relationship to the variables at\ the calling level. In the )Tj +T* +(following trace, we will use Prolog internal variables, so we can see wh\ ich variables are bound )Tj +T* +(together and which are not. The items directly in the office are found e\ asily, as the variable _0 is )Tj +T* +(bound to X in the query and T1 in the rule.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, office\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 try \(1\) is_contained_in\(_0, office\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 CALL location\(_0, office\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT location\(desk, office\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(desk, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = desk ;)Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(_0, office\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT location\(computer, office\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(computer, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = computer ;)Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO location\(_0,office\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 FAIL location\(_0,office\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(When there are no more location\(X, office\) clauses, the first clause o\ f is_contained_in/2 fails, and the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(second clause is tried. Notice that the call to location does not have i\ ts first argument bound to the )Tj +T* +(same variable. It was X in the rule, and it gets a new internal value, _\ 4. T1 stays bound to _0.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, office\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, office\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 CALL location\(_4, office\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT location\(desk, office\) )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(4 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 715 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 740.3909 Tm +(When it initiates a new call to is_contained_in/2, it behaves exactly as\ if we had performed the query )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(is_contained_in\(X, desk\) at the listener prompt. It is, in effect, a c\ ompletely new copy of )Tj +T* +(is_contained_in/2. This call will find all of the things in the desk, ju\ st as the first level found all things )Tj +T* +(in the office.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, desk\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-2 try \(1\) is_contained_in\(_0, desk\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL location\(_0, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT location\(flashlight, desk\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Having found the flashlight at the second-level is_contained_in/2, the a\ nswer propagates back up to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the first level copy of is_contained_in/2.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(flashlight, desk\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(flashlight, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = flashlight ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Similarly, it finds the envelope at the second level of recursion.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 REDO location\(_0, desk\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 EXIT location\(envelope, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(envelope, desk\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(envelope, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = envelope ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Having exhausted the things located in the desk, it next begins to look \ for things within things located )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in the desk.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 REDO location\(_0, desk\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 FAIL location\(_0, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 2-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 2-2 try \(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, desk\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL location\(_7, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT location\(flashlight, desk\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(First, is there something in the flashlight? Both clauses of is_containe\ d_in/2 fail because there is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nothing located in the flashlight.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, flashlight\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 4-1 CALL location\(_0, flashlight\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL location\(_0, flashlight\) )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(5 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 716 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( 3-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, flashlight\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-2 try \(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, flashlight\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL location\(_11, flashlight\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL location\(_11, flashlight\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 FAIL is_contained_in\(_0, flashlight\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Next, it tries to find things in the envelope and comes up with the stam\ p.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 REDO location\(_7, desk\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 EXIT location\(envelope, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL location\(_0, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT location\(stamp, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(stamp, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(stamp, desk\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(stamp, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = stamp ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(And then the key.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 4-1 REDO location\(_0,envelope\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 4-1 EXIT location\(key, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(key, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT is_contained_in\(key, desk\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT is_contained_in\(key, office\) )Tj +T* +( X = key ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(And then it fails its way back to the beginning.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, envelope\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-2 try \(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, envelope\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL location\(_11, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT location\(stamp, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 4-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL location\(_0, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 5-1 FAIL location\(_0, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 4-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 4-2 try\(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, stamp\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL location\(_14, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 5-1 FAIL location\(_14, stamp\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 REDO location\(_11, envelope\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT location\(key, envelope\) )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(6 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 717 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 387.2 l +11 388.2 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 387.2 l +601 388.2 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 387.2 m +602 387.2 l +601 388.2 l +11 388.2 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 390.2 l +14 391.2 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 390.2 l +598 391.2 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 390.2 m +599 390.2 l +598 391.2 l +14 391.2 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( 4-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, key\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 4-2 try \(1\) is_contained_in\(_0, key\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL location\(_0, key\) )Tj +T* +( 5-1 FAIL location\(_0, key\) )Tj +T* +( 4-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, key\) )Tj +T* +( 4-2 try \(2\) is_contained_in\(_0, key\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL location\(_14, key\) )Tj +T* +( 5-1 FAIL location\(_14, key\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 REDO location\(_7, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL location\(_7, desk\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 REDO location\(_4, office\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT location\(computer, office\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 CALL is_contained_in\(_0, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL location\(_0, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL location\(_0, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 3-2 REDO is_contained_in\(_0, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL location\(_7, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL location\(_7, computer\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 REDO location\(_4, office\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 FAIL location\(_4, office\) )Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 8.1. Trace of a recursive query )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(When writing a recursive predicate, it is essential to ensure that the b\ oundary condition is checked at )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(each level . Otherwise, the program might recurse forever. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The simplest way to do this is by always defining the boundary condition\ first, ensuring that it is always )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(tried first and that the recursive case is only tried if the boundary co\ ndition fails. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 213.0457 Tm +(Pragmatics )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 176.7909 Tm +(We now come to some of the pragmatics of Prolog programming. First consi\ der that the goal location\(X,)Tj +T* +(Y\) will be satisfied by every clause of location/2. On the other hand, \ the goals location\(X, office\) or )Tj +T* +(location\(envelope, X\) will be satisfied by fewer clauses. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Let's look again at the second rule for is_contained_in/2, and an equall\ y valid alternate coding. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_contained_in\(T1,T2\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(X,T2\),)Tj +T* +( is_contained_in\(T1,X\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(7 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 718 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 734.3235 Tm +(is_contained_in\(T1,T2\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(T1,X\),)Tj +T* +( is_contained_in\(X,T2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Both will give correct answers, but the performance of each will depend \ on the query. The query )Tj +T* +(is_contained_in\(X, office\) will execute faster with the first version.\ That is because T2 is bound, making )Tj +T* +(the search for location\(X, T2\) easier than if both variables were unbo\ und. Similarly, the second version )Tj +T* +(is faster for queries such as is_contained_in\(key, X\). )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 576.6611 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 540.1637 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Trace the two versions of is_contained_in/2 presented at the end of t\ he chapter to understand the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(performance differences between them. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Currently, the can_take/1 predicate only allows the player to take th\ ings which are directly located in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a room. Modify it so it uses the recursive is_contained_in/2 so that a p\ layer can take anything in a room. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Use recursion to write an ancestor/2 predicate. Then trace it to unde\ rstand its behavior. It is possible )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to write endless loops with recursive predicates. The trace facility wil\ l help you debug ancestor/2 if it is )Tj +T* +(not working correctly. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(4- Use ancestor/2 for finding all of a person's ancestors and all of a p\ erson's descendants. Based on your )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(experience with grandparent/2 and grandchild/2, write a descendant/2 pre\ dicate optimized for )Tj +T* +(descendants, as opposed to ancestor/2, which is optimized for ancestors.\ )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 225.7313 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm \(8 of 8\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:35 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 719 0 obj(Recursion) endobj 720 0 obj<> endobj 721 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a8recurs.htm) endobj 722 0 obj(dT\r;z‹-!) endobj 723 0 obj<> endobj 724 0 obj<> endobj 725 0 obj(kX:w@rxvߎ) endobj 726 0 obj 4 endobj 727 0 obj<> endobj 728 0 obj<> endobj 729 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 730 0 obj[729 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 731 0 obj<><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 729 0 R>> endobj 732 0 obj[731 0 R] endobj 733 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 734 0 obj[733 0 R] endobj 735 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 736 0 obj[731 0 R] endobj 737 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 738 0 obj<> endobj 739 0 obj[731 0 R] endobj 740 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 741 0 obj<> endobj 742 0 obj[731 0 R] endobj 743 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 744 0 obj[731 0 R] endobj 745 0 obj[743 0 R/XYZ 0 468.6 null] endobj 746 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(9)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 22.3846 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(So far we have worked with facts, queries, and rules that use simple dat\ a structures. The arguments to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(our predicates have all been atoms or integers, the basic building block\ s of Prolog. Examples of atoms )Tj +T* +(we've used are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(office, apple, flashlight, nani)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These primitive data types can be combined to form arbitrarily complex d\ ata types called structures. A )Tj +T* +(structure is composed of a functor and a fixed number of arguments. Its \ form is just like that of the goals )Tj +T* +(and facts we've seen already \(for good reason, we'll discover\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(functor\(arg1,arg2,...\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Each of the structure's arguments can be either a primitive data type or\ another structure. For example, )Tj +T* +(the things in the game are currently represented using atoms, such as 'd\ esk' or 'apple,' but we can use )Tj +T* +(structures to create a richer representation of these things. The follow\ ing structures describe the object )Tj +T* +(and its color, size, and weight. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(candle, red, small, 1\).)Tj +T* +(object\(apple, red, small, 1\).)Tj +T* +(object\(apple, green, small, 1\).)Tj +T* +(object\(table, blue, big, 50\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These structures could be used directly in the second argument of locati\ on/2, but for experimentation we )Tj +T* +(will instead create a new predicate, location_s/2. Note that even though\ the structures describing the )Tj +T* +(objects in the game are complex, they still take up only one argument in\ location_s/2. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location_s\(object\(candle, red, small, 1\), kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location_s\(object\(apple, red, small, 1\), kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location_s\(object\(apple, green, small, 1\), kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(location_s\(object\(table, blue, big, 50\), kitchen\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm \(1 of 5\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:41 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 747 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(Prolog variables are typeless, and can be bound as easily to structures \ as to atoms. In fact, an atom is just )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a simple structure with a functor and no arguments. So we can ask )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location_s\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = object\(candle, red, small, 1\) ;)Tj +T* +(X = object\(apple, red, small, 1\) ;)Tj +T* +(X = object\(apple, green, small, 1\) ;)Tj +T* +(X = object\(table, blue, big, 50\) ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can also pick apart the structure with variables. We can now find all\ the red things in the kitchen. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location_s\(object\(X, red, S, W\), kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = candle)Tj +T* +(S = small)Tj +T* +(W = 1 ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = apple)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(S = small)Tj +T* +(W = 1 ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If we didn't care about the size and weight we could replace the size, S\ , and weight, W, variables with )Tj +T* +(the anonymous variable \(_\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location_s\(object\(X, red, _, _\), kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = candle ;)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can use these structures to add more realism to the game. For example\ , we can modify our )Tj +T* +(can_take/1 predicate, developed in chapter 7, so that we can only take s\ mall objects. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(can_take_s\(Thing\) :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Room\),)Tj +T* +( location_s\(object\(Thing, _, small,_\), Room\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can also change the error messages to reflect the two reasons why a t\ hing cannot be taken. To ensure )Tj +T* +(that backtracking does not cause both errors to be displayed, we will co\ nstruct each clause so its )Tj +T* +(message is displayed only when its unique conditions are met. To do this\ , the built-in predicate not/1 is )Tj +T* +(used. Its argument is a goal, and it succeeds if its argument fails, and\ fails if its argument succeeds. For )Tj +T* +(example )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm \(2 of 5\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:41 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 748 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 741.7082 Tm +(?- not\( room\(office\) \).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- not\( location\(cabbage, 'living room'\) \))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note that semantically, not in Prolog means the goal cannot be successfu\ lly solved with current )Tj +T* +(logicbase of facts and rules. Here is how we use not/1 in our new versio\ n, can_take_s/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(can_take_s\(Thing\) :-< )Tj +T* +( here\(Room\),)Tj +T* +( location_s\(object\(Thing, _, small, _\), Room\).)Tj +T* +(can_take_s\(Thing\) :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Room\),)Tj +T* +( location_s\(object\(Thing, _, big, _\), Room\),)Tj +T* +( write\('The '\), write\(Thing\), )Tj +T* +( write\(' is too big to carry.'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(can_take_s\(Thing\) :-)Tj +T* +( here\(Room\),)Tj +T* +( not \(location_s\(object\(Thing, _, _, _\), Room\)\),)Tj +T* +( write\('There is no '\), write\(Thing\), write\(' here.'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now try it, assuming we are in the kitchen. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- can_take_s\(candle\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- can_take_s\(table\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(The table is too big to carry.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- can_take_s\(desk\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(There is no desk here.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The list_things/1 predicate can be modified to give a description of the\ things in a room. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(list_things_s\(Place\) :- )Tj +T* +( location_s\(object\(Thing, Color, Size, Weight\),Place\),)Tj +T* +( write\('A '\),write\(Size\),tab\(1\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm \(3 of 5\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:41 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 749 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 752.9082 Tm +( write\(Color\),tab\(1\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\(Thing\), write\(', weighing '\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Weight\), write\(' pounds'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things_s\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Requesting it now gives a more detailed list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- list_things_s\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(A small red candle, weighing 1 pounds)Tj +T* +(A small red apple, weighing 1 pounds)Tj +T* +(A small green apple, weighing 1 pounds)Tj +T* +(A big blue table, weighing 50 pounds)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If you are bothered by the grammatically incorrect '1 pounds', you can f\ ix it by adding another rule to )Tj +T* +(write the weight, which would replace the direct 'writes' now used. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(write_weight\(1\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('1 pound'\).)Tj +T* +(write_weight\(W\) :-)Tj +T* +( W > 1,)Tj +T* +( write\(W\), write\(' pounds'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Testing it shows it works as desired. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- write_weight\(4\).)Tj +T* +(4 pounds)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- write_weight\(1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1 pound)Tj +T* +(yes\\)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Notice that we did not need to put a test, such as 'W = 1,' in the first\ clause. By putting the 1 directly in )Tj +T* +(the argument at the head of the clause we ensure that that clause will o\ nly be fired when the query goal )Tj +T* +(is write_weight\(1\). All other queries will go to the second clause bec\ ause the goal pattern will fail to )Tj +T* +(unify with the head of the first clause. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(It is important, however, to put the test 'W > 1' in the second rule. Ot\ herwise both rules would work for a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(weight of 1. The first time the predicate was called would not be a prob\ lem, but on backtracking we )Tj +T* +(would get two answers if we had not included the test. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm \(4 of 5\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:41 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 750 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 740.7756 Tm +(Structures can be arbitrarily complex, so if we wanted to get fancy abou\ t things in the game we could )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(keep their dimensions \(length, width, height\) instead of their size as\ part of their description. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(desk, brown, dimension\(6,3,3\), 90\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can also use embedded structures for clarity. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(desk, color\(brown\), size\(large\), weight\(90\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(A query using these structures is more readable. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location_s\(object\(X, _, size\(large\), _\), office\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Notice that the position of the arguments is important. The place-holdin\ g anonymous variables are )Tj +T* +(essential for getting the correct results. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 454.4457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 417.9484 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Incorporate the new location into the game. Note that due to data and\ procedure abstraction, we need )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(only change the low level predicates that deal directly with location. T\ he higher level predicates, such as )Tj +T* +(look/0 and take/1 are unaffected by the change. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(2- Use structures to enhance the customer order entry application. For e\ xample, include a structure for )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(each customers address. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 225.5159 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm \(5 of 5\)11/3/2006 7\ :05:41 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 751 0 obj(Data Structures) endobj 752 0 obj<> endobj 753 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a9struct.htm) endobj 754 0 obj(AyVv\n9) endobj 755 0 obj<> endobj 756 0 obj<> endobj 757 0 obj(ϓ4N) endobj 758 0 obj 5 endobj 759 0 obj<> endobj 760 0 obj<> endobj 761 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 762 0 obj[761 0 R/XYZ 0 766.727 null] endobj 763 0 obj<><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 761 0 R>> endobj 764 0 obj[763 0 R] endobj 765 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 766 0 obj[765 0 R] endobj 767 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 768 0 obj[763 0 R] endobj 769 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 770 0 obj<> endobj 771 0 obj[763 0 R] endobj 772 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 773 0 obj[763 0 R] endobj 774 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 775 0 obj[763 0 R] endobj 776 0 obj[774 0 R/XYZ 0 623.273 null] endobj 777 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 780.7909 Tm +(Unification)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +9.091 484.014 m +366.364 484.014 l +365.455 483.105 l +10 483.105 l +h +f +9.091 484.014 m +9.091 315.65 l +10 316.559 l +10 483.105 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +366.364 484.014 m +366.364 315.65 l +365.455 316.559 l +365.455 483.105 l +h +f +9.091 315.65 m +366.364 315.65 l +365.455 316.559 l +10 316.559 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.818 481.287 m +123.636 481.287 l +122.727 480.378 l +12.727 480.378 l +h +f +11.818 481.287 m +11.818 428.196 l +12.727 429.105 l +12.727 480.378 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +123.636 481.287 m +123.636 428.196 l +122.727 429.105 l +122.727 480.378 l +h +f +11.818 428.196 m +123.636 428.196 l +122.727 429.105 l +12.727 429.105 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +125.455 481.287 m +363.636 481.287 l +362.727 480.378 l +126.364 480.378 l +h +f +125.455 481.287 m +125.455 428.196 l +126.364 429.105 l +126.364 480.378 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +363.636 481.287 m +363.636 428.196 l +362.727 429.105 l +362.727 480.378 l +h +f +125.455 428.196 m +363.636 428.196 l +362.727 429.105 l +126.364 429.105 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.818 426.378 m +123.636 426.378 l +122.727 425.469 l +12.727 425.469 l +h +f +11.818 426.378 m +11.818 373.287 l +12.727 374.196 l +12.727 425.469 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +123.636 426.378 m +123.636 373.287 l +122.727 374.196 l +122.727 425.469 l +h +f +11.818 373.287 m +123.636 373.287 l +122.727 374.196 l +12.727 374.196 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +125.455 426.378 m +363.636 426.378 l +362.727 425.469 l +126.364 425.469 l +h +f +125.455 426.378 m +125.455 373.287 l +126.364 374.196 l +126.364 425.469 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +363.636 426.378 m +363.636 373.287 l +362.727 374.196 l +362.727 425.469 l +h +f +125.455 373.287 m +363.636 373.287 l +362.727 374.196 l +126.364 374.196 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +11.818 371.469 m +123.636 371.469 l +122.727 370.559 l +12.727 370.559 l +h +f +11.818 371.469 m +11.818 318.378 l +12.727 319.287 l +12.727 370.559 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +123.636 371.469 m +123.636 318.378 l +122.727 319.287 l +122.727 370.559 l +h +f +11.818 318.378 m +123.636 318.378 l +122.727 319.287 l +12.727 319.287 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +125.455 371.469 m +363.636 371.469 l +362.727 370.559 l +126.364 370.559 l +h +f +125.455 371.469 m +125.455 318.378 l +126.364 319.287 l +126.364 370.559 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +363.636 371.469 m +363.636 318.378 l +362.727 319.287 l +362.727 370.559 l +h +f +125.455 318.378 m +363.636 318.378 l +362.727 319.287 l +126.364 319.287 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +425.4545441 0 0 54.5454559 93.2727203 694.9090881 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +22.5175 0 0 22.5175 9.0909 658.2963 Tm +(10)Tj +0 0 0 rg +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 31.6084 658.2963 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +17.6224 0 0 17.6224 9.0909 617.9016 Tm +(Unification)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 9.0909 583.9918 Tm +(One of Prolog's most powerful features is its built-in pattern-matching \ algorithm, unification. For all of the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(examples we have seen so far, unification has been relatively simple. We\ will now examine unification more )Tj +T* +(closely. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The full definition of unification is similar to the one given in chapte\ r 3, with the addition of a recursive definition )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to handle data structures. This following table summarizes the unificati\ on process. )Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(variable )Tj +T* +(& )Tj +T* +(any term )Tj +8.929 1.8 Td +(The variable will unify with and is bound to )Tj +T* +(any term, including another variable. )Tj +-8.929 -2.514 Td +(primitive )Tj +T* +(& )Tj +T* +(primitive )Tj +8.929 1.8 Td +(Two primitive terms \(atoms or integers\) )Tj +T* +(unify only if they are identical. )Tj +-8.929 -2.514 Td +(structure )Tj +T* +(& )Tj +T* +(structure )Tj +8.929 2.4 Td +(Two structures unify if they have the same )Tj +T* +(functor and arity and if each pair of )Tj +T* +(corresponding arguments unify. )Tj +-9.429 -3.057 Td +(In order to experiment with unification we will introduce the built-in p\ redicate =/2, which succeeds if its two )Tj +T* +(arguments unify and fails if they do not. It can be written in operator \ syntax as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(arg1 = arg2)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(which is equivalent to )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(=\(arg1, arg2\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(WARNING: The equal sign \(=\) does not cause assignment as in most progr\ amming languages, nor does it cause )Tj +T* +(arithmetic evaluation. It causes Prolog unification. \(Despite this warn\ ing, if you are like most mortal programmers, )Tj +T* +(you will be tripped up by this difference more than once.\) )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Unification between two sides of an equal sign \(=\) is exactly the same\ as the unification that occurs when Prolog )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(tries to match goals with the heads of clauses. On backtracking, the var\ iable bindings are undone, just as they are )Tj +T* +(when Prolog backtracks through clauses. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 7.7909 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm \(1 of 5\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:45 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 778 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 780.7909 Tm +(Unification)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 9.0909 748.1736 Tm +(The simplest form of unification occurs between two structures with no v\ ariables. In this case, either they are )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(identical and unification succeeds, or they are not, and unification fai\ ls. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a = a.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a = b.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(apple, kitchen\) = )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(apple, kitchen\) = )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location\(pear, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(b,c\(d,e\(f,g\)\)\) = a\(b,c\(d,e\(f,g\)\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(b,c\(d,e\(f,g\)\)\) = a\(b,c\(d,e\(g,f\)\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Another simple form of unification occurs between a variable and a primi\ tive. The variable takes on a value that )Tj +T* +(causes unification to succeed. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = a.)Tj +T* +(X = a )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- 4 = Y.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = 4 )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(apple, kitchen\) = location\(apple, X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = kitchen )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In other cases multiple variables are simultaneously bound to values. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- location\(X,Y\) = location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple)Tj +T* +(Y = kitchen )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(apple, X\) = location\(Y, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = kitchen)Tj +T* +(Y = apple )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Variables can also unify with each other. Each instance of a variable ha\ s a unique internal Prolog value. When two )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 7.7909 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm \(2 of 5\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:45 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 779 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 780.7909 Tm +(Unification)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 9.0909 755.796 Tm +(variables are unified to each other, Prolog notes that they must have th\ e same value. In the following example, it is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(assumed Prolog uses '_nn,' where 'n' is a digit, to represent unbound va\ riables. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = Y.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = _01)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = _01 )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- location\(X, kitchen\) = location\(Y, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = _01)Tj +T* +(Y = _01 )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Prolog remembers the fact that the variables are bound together and will\ reflect this if either is later bound. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = Y, Y = hello.)Tj +T* +(X = hello)Tj +T* +(Y = hello )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X = Y, a\(Z\) = a\(Y\), X = hello.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = hello)Tj +T* +(Y = hello)Tj +T* +(Z = hello )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last example is critical to a good understanding of Prolog and illus\ trates a major difference between unification )Tj +T* +(with Prolog variables and assignment with variables found in most other \ languages. Note carefully the behavior of )Tj +T* +(the following queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = Y, Y = 3, write\(X\).)Tj +T* +(3)Tj +T* +(X = 3)Tj +T* +(Y = 3 )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X = Y, tastes_yucky\(X\), write\(Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(broccoli)Tj +T* +(X = broccoli)Tj +T* +(Y = broccoli )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When two structures with variables are unified with each other, the vari\ ables take on values that make the two )Tj +T* +(structures identical. Note that a structure bound to a variable can itse\ lf contain variables. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = a\(b,c\).)Tj +T* +(X = a\(b,c\) )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(b,X\) = a\(b,c\(d,e\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = c\(d,e\) )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(b,X\) = a\(b,c\(Y,e\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = c\(_01,e\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 7.7909 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm \(3 of 5\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:45 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 780 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 780.7909 Tm +(Unification)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 45.4545 755.7347 Tm +(Y = _01 )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Even in these more complex examples, the relationships between variables\ are remembered and updated as new )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable bindings occur. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(b,X\) = a\(b,c\(Y,e\)\), Y = hello.)Tj +T* +(X = c\(hello, e\))Tj +T* +(Y = hello)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- food\(X,Y\) = Z, write\(Z\), nl, tastes_yucky\(X\), edible\(Y\), writ\ e\(Z\).)Tj +T* +(food\(_01,_02\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(food\(broccoli, apple\))Tj +T* +(X = broccoli)Tj +T* +(Y = apple)Tj +T* +(Z = food\(broccoli, apple\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If a new value assigned to a variable in later goals conflicts with the \ pattern set earlier, the goal fails. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(b,X\) = a\(b,c\(Y,e\)\), X = hello.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The second goal failed since there is no value of Y that will allow hell\ o to unify with c\(Y,e\). The following will )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(succeed. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(b,X\) = a\(b,c\(Y,e\)\), X = c\(hello, e\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = c\(hello, e\))Tj +T* +(Y = hello )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If there is no possible value the variable can take on, then unification\ fails. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(X\) = a\(b,c\).)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(b,c,d\) = a\(X,X,d\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last example failed because the pattern asks that the first two argu\ ments be the same, and they aren't. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(c,X,X\) = a\(Y,Y,b\).)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Did you understand why this example fails? Matching the first argument b\ inds Y to c. The second argument causes )Tj +T* +(X and Y to have the same value, in this case c. The third argument asks \ that X bind to b, but it is already bound to )Tj +T* +(c. No value of X and Y will allow these two structures to unify. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 7.7909 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm \(4 of 5\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:45 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 781 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 780.7909 Tm +(Unification)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 9.0909 755.796 Tm +(The anonymous variable \(_\) is a wild variable, and does not bind to va\ lues. Multiple occurrences of it do not imply )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(equal values. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(c,X,X\) = a\(_,_,b\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = b )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Unification occurs explicitly when the equal \(=\) built-in predicate is\ used, and implicitly when Prolog searches for )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the head of a clause that matches a goal pattern. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +14.6853 0 0 14.6853 9.0909 610.4052 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +12.7273 0 0 12.7273 9.0909 577.2258 Tm +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(Predict the results of these unification queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- a\(b,c\) = a\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- a\(X,c\(d,X\)\) = a\(2,c\(d,Y\)\).)Tj +T* +(?- a\(X,Y\) = a\(b\(c,Y\),Z\).)Tj +T* +(?- tree\(left, root, Right\) = tree\(left, root, tree\(a, b, tree\(c, d,\ e\)\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +11.7482 0 0 11.7482 9.0909 389.0145 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.1818 0 0 8.1818 18 7.7909 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm \(5 of 5\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:45 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 782 0 obj(Unification) endobj 783 0 obj<> endobj 784 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a10unif.htm) endobj 785 0 obj(qqCl\ne) endobj 786 0 obj<> endobj 787 0 obj<> endobj 788 0 obj(7\\ĈEM) endobj 789 0 obj 5 endobj 790 0 obj<> endobj 791 0 obj<> endobj 792 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 793 0 obj[792 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 794 0 obj<><><><><><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 792 0 R>> endobj 795 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 796 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 797 0 obj[796 0 R] endobj 798 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 799 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 800 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 801 0 obj<> endobj 802 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 803 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 804 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 805 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 806 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 807 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 808 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 809 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 810 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 811 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 812 0 obj<> endobj 813 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 814 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 815 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 816 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 817 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 818 0 obj[816 0 R/XYZ 0 545.4 null] endobj 819 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 820 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(11)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Lists)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Lists are powerful data structures for holding and manipulating groups o\ f things. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In Prolog, a list is simply a collection of terms. The terms can be any \ Prolog data types, including )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(structures and other lists. Syntactically, a list is denoted by square b\ rackets with the terms separated by )Tj +T* +(commas. For example, a list of things in the kitchen is represented as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +( [apple, broccoli, refrigerator])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This gives us an alternative way of representing the locations of things\ . Rather than having separate )Tj +T* +(location predicates for each thing, we can have one location predicate p\ er container, with a list of things )Tj +T* +(in the container. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(loc_list\([apple, broccoli, crackers], kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([desk, computer], office\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([flashlight, envelope], desk\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loc_list\([stamp, key], envelope\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loc_list\(['washing machine'], cellar\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loc_list\([nani], 'washing machine'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There is a special list, called the empty list, which is represented by \ a set of empty brackets \([]\). It is also )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(referred to as )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(nil)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. It can describe the lack of contents of a place or thing. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(loc_list\([], hall\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Unification works on lists just as it works on other data structures. Wi\ th what we now know about lists )Tj +T* +(we can ask )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- loc_list\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(X = [apple, broccoli, crackers] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [_,X,_] = [apples, broccoli, crackers].)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 821 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 822 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 823 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(X = broccoli )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This last example is an impractical method of getting at list elements, \ since the patterns won't unify )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unless both lists have the same number of elements. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For lists to be useful, there must be easy ways to access, add, and dele\ te list elements. Moreover, we )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(should not have to concern ourselves about the number of list items, or \ their order. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Two Prolog features enable us to accomplish this easy access. One is a s\ pecial notation that allows )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(reference to the first element of a list and the list of remaining eleme\ nts, and the other is recursion. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(These two features allow us to write list utility predicates, such as me\ mber/2, which finds members of a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list, and append/3, which joins two lists together. List predicates all \ follow a similar strategy--try )Tj +T* +(something with the first element of a list, then recursively repeat the \ process on the rest of the list. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First, the special notation for list structures. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +( [X | Y])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When this structure is unified with a list, X is bound to the first elem\ ent of the list, called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(head)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(. Y is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bound to the list of remaining elements, called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(tail)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will now look at some examples of unification using lists. The follow\ ing example successfully )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unifies because the two structures are syntactically equivalent. Note th\ at the tail is a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|[b,c,d]] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This next example fails because of misuse of the bar \(|\) symbol. What \ follows the bar must be a single )Tj +T* +(term, which for all practical purposes must be a list. The example incor\ rectly has three terms after the )Tj +T* +(bar. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here are some more examples. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [apple, broccoli, refrigerator].)Tj +T* +(H = apple)Tj +T* +(T = [broccoli, refrigerator] )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 824 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 825 0 obj[822 0 R/XYZ 0 67.8 null] endobj 826 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 827 0 obj<> endobj 828 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- [H|T] = [a, b, c, d, e].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = a)Tj +T* +(T = [b, c, d, e] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [H|T] = [apples, bananas].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = apples)Tj +T* +(T = [bananas] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the previous and following examples, the tail is a list with one elem\ ent. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [a, [b,c,d]].)Tj +T* +(H = a)Tj +T* +(T = [[b, c, d]] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the next case, the tail is the empty list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [apples].)Tj +T* +(H = apples)Tj +T* +(T = [] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The empty list does not unify with the standard list syntax because it h\ as no head. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [].)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: This last failure is important, because it is often used to test f\ or the boundary condition in a )Tj +T* +(recursive routine. That is, as long as there are elements in the list, a\ unification with the [X|Y] pattern )Tj +T* +(will succeed. When there are no elements in the list, that unification f\ ails, indicating that the boundary )Tj +T* +(condition applies. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can specify more than just the first element before the bar \(|\). In\ fact, the only rule is that what )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(follows it should be a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [One, Two | T] = [apple, sprouts, fridge, milk].)Tj +T* +(One = apple)Tj +T* +(Two = sprouts)Tj +T* +(T = [fridge, milk] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Notice in the next examples how each of the variables is bound to a stru\ cture that shows the )Tj +T* +(relationships between the variables. The internal variable numbers indic\ ate how the variables are related. )Tj +T* +(In the first example Z, the tail of the right-hand list, is unified with\ [Y|T]. In the second example T, the )Tj +T* +(tail of the left-hand list is unified with [Z]. In both cases, Prolog lo\ oks for the most general way to relate )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 829 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 830 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 831 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(or bind the variables. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [X,Y|T] = [a|Z].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = a)Tj +T* +(Y = _01)Tj +T* +(T = _03)Tj +T* +(Z = [_01 | _03] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [H|T] = [apple, Z].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = apple)Tj +T* +(T = [_01])Tj +T* +(Z = _01 )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Study these last two examples carefully, because list unification is cri\ tical in building list utility )Tj +T* +(predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A list can be thought of as a head and a tail list, whose head is the se\ cond element and whose tail is a list )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(whose head is the third element, and so on. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|[b|[c|[d|[]]]]] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We have said a list is a special kind of structure. In a sense it is, bu\ t in another sense it is just like any )Tj +T* +(other Prolog term. The last example gives us some insight into the true \ nature of the list. It is really an )Tj +T* +(ordinary two-argument predicate. The first argument is the head and the \ second is the tail. If we called it )Tj +T* +(dot/2, then the list [a,b,c,d] would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(dot\(a,dot\(b,dot\(c,dot\(d,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In fact, the predicate does exist, at least conceptually, and it is call\ ed dot, but it is represented by a )Tj +T* +(period \(.\) instead of dot. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To see the dot notation, we use the built-in predicate display/1, which \ is similar to write/1, except it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(always uses the dot syntax for lists when it writes to the console. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = [a,b,c,d], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +T* +( [a,b,c,d])Tj +T* +(.\(a,.\(b,.\(c,.d\(,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X = [Head|Tail], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [_01, _02])Tj +T* +(.\(_01,_02\))Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 832 0 obj[794 0 R] endobj 833 0 obj<> endobj 834 0 obj<> endobj 835 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 737.1082 Tm +(?- X = [a,b,[c,d],e], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [a,b,[c,d],e])Tj +T* +(.\(a,.\(b,.\(.\(c,.\(d,[]\)\),.\(e,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(From these examples it should be clear why there is a different syntax f\ or lists. The easier syntax makes )Tj +T* +(for easier reading, but sometimes obscures the behavior of the predicate\ . It helps to keep this "real" )Tj +T* +(structure of lists in mind when working with predicates that manipulate \ lists. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This structure of lists is well-suited for the writing of recursive rout\ ines. The first one we will look at is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member/2, which determines whether or not a term is a member of a list. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with most recursive predicates, we will start with the boundary condi\ tion, or the simple case. An )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(element is a member of a list if it is the head of the list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(H,[H|T]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This clause also illustrates how a fact with variable arguments acts as \ a rule. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The second clause of member/2 is the recursive rule. It says an element \ is a member of a list if it is a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member of the tail of the list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(X,[H|T]\) :- member\(X,T\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The full predicate is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(H,[H|T]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member\(X,[H|T]\) :- member\(X,T\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note that both clauses of member/2 expect a list as the second argument.\ Since T in [H|T] in the second )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause is itself a list, the recursive call to member/2 works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(apple, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- member\(broccoli, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- member\(banana, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Figure 11.1 has a full annotated trace of member/2. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 836 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 745 m +602 745 l +601 744 l +11 744 l +h +f +10 745 m +10 289 l +11 290 l +11 744 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 745 m +602 289 l +601 290 l +601 744 l +h +f +10 289 m +602 289 l +601 290 l +11 290 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 742 m +599 742 l +598 741 l +14 741 l +h +f +13 742 m +13 292 l +14 293 l +14 741 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 742 m +599 292 l +598 293 l +598 741 l +h +f +13 292 m +599 292 l +598 293 l +14 293 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 725.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- member\(b, [a,b,c]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1-1 CALL member\(b,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The goal pattern fails to unify with the head of the first clause of mem\ ber/2, because the pattern in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(head of the first clause calls for the head of the list and first argume\ nt to be identical. The goal pattern )Tj +T* +(can unify with the head of the second clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) member\(b,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The second clause recursively calls another copy of member/2.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL member\(b,[b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds because the call pattern unifies with the head of the first \ clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(b,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The success ripples back to the outer level.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(b,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.1. Trace of member/2 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with many Prolog predicates, member/2 can be used in multiple ways. I\ f the first argument is a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable, member/2 will, on backtracking, generate all of the terms in a\ given list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(X, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will now trace this use of member/2 using the internal variables. Rem\ ember that each level has its )Tj +T* +(own unique variables, but that they are tied together based on the unifi\ cation patterns between the goal )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 837 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 608.2 m +602 608.2 l +601 607.2 l +11 607.2 l +h +f +10 608.2 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 607.2 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 608.2 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 607.2 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 605.2 m +599 605.2 l +598 604.2 l +14 604.2 l +h +f +13 605.2 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 604.2 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 605.2 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 604.2 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(at one level and the head of the clause on the next level. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this case the pattern is simple in the recursive clause of member. Th\ e head of the clause unifies X )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with the first argument of the original goal, represented by _0 in the f\ ollowing trace. The body has a call )Tj +T* +(to member/2 in which the first argument is also X, therefore causing the\ next level to unify with the )Tj +T* +(same _0. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 11.2 has the trace. )Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- member\(X,[a,b,c]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The goal succeeds by unification with the head of the first clause, if X\ = a.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 CALL member\(_0,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(a,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = a ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking unbinds the variable and the second clause is tried.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO member\(_0,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds on the second level, just as on the first level.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL member\(_0,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(b,[b,c]\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT member\(b,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = b ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking continues onto the third level, with similar results.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 REDO member\(_0,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[b,c]\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL member\(_0,[c]\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(c,[c]\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(c,[b,c]\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(c,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = c ;)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 838 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 553 l +11 554 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 553 l +601 554 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 553 m +602 553 l +601 554 l +11 554 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 556 l +14 557 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 556 l +598 557 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 556 m +599 556 l +598 557 l +14 557 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9756 Tm +(Further backtracking causes an attempt to find a member of the empty lis\ t. The empty list does not )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unify with either of the list patterns in the member/2 clauses, so the q\ uery fails back to the beginning.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 REDO member\(_0,[c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[c]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL member\(_0,[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL member\(_0,[]\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 FAIL member\(_0,[c]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 FAIL member\(_0,[b,c]\))Tj +T* +(1-1 FAIL member\(_0,[a,b,c]\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.2. Trace of member/2 generating elements of a list )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Another very useful list predicate builds lists from other lists or alte\ rnatively splits lists into separate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(pieces. This predicate is usually called append/3. In this predicate the\ second argument is appended to )Tj +T* +(the first argument to yield the third argument. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [a,b,c,d,e,f])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It is a little more difficult to follow, since the basic strategy of wor\ king from the head of the list does not )Tj +T* +(fit nicely with the problem of adding something to the end of a list. ap\ pend/3 solves this problem by )Tj +T* +(reducing the first list recursively. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The boundary condition states that if a list X is appended to the empty \ list, the resulting list is also X. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([],X,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The recursive condition states that if list X is appended to list [H|T1]\ , then the head of the new list is also )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H, and the tail of the new list is the result of appending X to the tail\ of the first list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([H|T1],X,[H|T2]\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(T1,X,T2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The full predicate is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([],X,X\).)Tj +T* +(append\([H|T1],X,[H|T2]\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(T1,X,T2\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 839 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 668.6 m +602 668.6 l +601 667.6 l +11 667.6 l +h +f +10 668.6 m +10 152 l +11 153 l +11 667.6 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 668.6 m +602 152 l +601 153 l +601 667.6 l +h +f +10 152 m +602 152 l +601 153 l +11 153 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 665.6 m +599 665.6 l +598 664.6 l +14 664.6 l +h +f +13 665.6 m +13 155 l +14 156 l +14 664.6 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 665.6 m +599 155 l +598 156 l +598 664.6 l +h +f +13 155 m +599 155 l +598 156 l +14 156 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 742.7756 Tm +(Real Prolog magic is at work here, which the trace alone does not reveal\ . At each level, new variable )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bindings are built, that are unified with the variables of the previous \ level. Specifically, the third )Tj +T* +(argument in the recursive call to append/3 is the tail of the third argu\ ment in the head of the clause. )Tj +T* +(These variable relationships are included at each step in the annotated \ trace shown in Figure 11.3. )Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],X\).)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(1-1 CALL append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],_0\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = _0)Tj +T* +( 2-1 CALL append\([b,c],[d,e,f],_5\))Tj +T* +( _0 = [a|_5])Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL append\([c],[d,e,f],_9\))Tj +T* +( _5 = [b|_9])Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL append\([],[d,e,f],_14\))Tj +T* +( _9 = [c|_14])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(By making all the substitutions of the variable relationships, we can se\ e that at this point X is bound )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(as follows \(thinking in terms of the dot notation for lists might make \ append/3 easier to understand\).)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X = [a|[b|[c|_14]]])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We are about to hit the boundary condition, as the first argument has be\ en reduced to the empty list. )Tj +T* +(Unifying with the first clause of append/3 will bind _14 to a value, nam\ ely [d,e,f], thus giving us the )Tj +T* +(desired result for X, as well as all the other intermediate variables. N\ otice the bound third arguments )Tj +T* +(at each level, and compare them to the variables in the call ports above\ .)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 4-1 EXIT \(1\) append\([],[d,e,f],[d,e,f]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 EXIT \(2\) append\([c],[d,e,f],[c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) append\([b,c],[d,e,f],[b,c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\)append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],[a,b,c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +( X = [a,b,c,d,e,f] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.3. Trace of append/3 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Like member/2, append/3 can also be used in other ways, for example, to \ break lists apart as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- append\(X,Y,[a,b,c]\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 840 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(X = [])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [a,b,c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [b,c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a,b])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a,b,c])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [] ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 531.2457 Tm +(Using the List Utilities )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 494.9909 Tm +(Now that we have tools for manipulating lists, we can use them. For exam\ ple, if we choose to use )Tj +T* +(loc_list/2 instead of location/2 for storing things, we can write a new \ location/2 that behaves exactly like )Tj +T* +(the old one, except that it computes the answer rather than looking it u\ p. This illustrates the sometimes )Tj +T* +(fuzzy line between data and procedure. The rest of the program cannot te\ ll how location/2 gets its )Tj +T* +(results, whether as data or by computation. In either case it behaves th\ e same, even on backtracking. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(X,Y\):- )Tj +T* +( loc_list\(List, Y\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, List\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the game, it will be necessary to add things to the loc_lists wheneve\ r something is put down in a )Tj +T* +(room. We can write add_thing/3 which uses append/3. If we call it with N\ ewThing and Container, it will )Tj +T* +(provide us with the NewList. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing\(NewThing, Container, NewList\):- )Tj +T* +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\),)Tj +T* +( append\([NewThing],OldList, NewList\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Testing it gives )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(However, this is a case where the same effect can be achieved through un\ ification and the [Head|Tail] )Tj +T* +(list notation. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing2\(NewThing, Container, NewList\):- )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 841 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( NewList = [NewThing | OldList].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It works the same as the other one. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing2\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can simplify it one step further by removing the explicit unification\ , and using the implicit )Tj +T* +(unification that occurs at the head of a clause, which is the preferred \ form for this type of predicate. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing3\(NewTh, Container,[NewTh|OldList]\) :-)Tj +T* +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It also works the same. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing3\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In practice, we might write put_thing/2 directly without using the separ\ ate add_thing/3 predicate to build )Tj +T* +(a new list for us. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(put_thing\(Thing,Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( retract\(loc_list\(List, Place\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(loc_list\([Thing|List],Place\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Whether you use multiple logicbase entries or lists for situations, such\ as we have with locations of )Tj +T* +(things, is largely a matter of style. Your experience will lead you to o\ ne or the other in different )Tj +T* +(situations. Sometimes backtracking over multiple predicates is a more na\ tural solution to a problem and )Tj +T* +(sometimes recursively dealing with a list is more natural. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You might find that some parts of a particular application fit better wi\ th multiple facts in the logicbase )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and other parts fit better with lists. In these cases it is useful to kn\ ow how to go from one format to the )Tj +T* +(other. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Going from a list to multiple facts is simple. You write a recursive rou\ tine that continually asserts the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(head of the list. In this example we create individual facts in the pred\ icate stuff/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(break_out\([]\).)Tj +T* +(break_out\([Head | Tail]\):-)Tj +T* +( assertz\(stuff\(Head\)\),)Tj +T* +( break_out\(Tail\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 842 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 732.9756 Tm +(Here's how it works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- break_out\([pencil, cookie, snow]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- stuff\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pencil ;)Tj +T* +(X = cookie ;)Tj +T* +(X = snow ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Transforming multiple facts into a list is more difficult. For this reas\ on most Prologs provide built-in )Tj +T* +(predicates that do the job. The most common one is findall/3. The argume\ nts are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(arg1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A pattern for the terms in the resulting list )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg2)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A goal pattern )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg3 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The resulting list )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(findall/3 automatically does a full backtracking search of the goal patt\ ern and stores each result in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list. It can recover our stuff/1 back into a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(X, stuff\(X\), L\).)Tj +T* +(L = [pencil, cookie, snow])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Fancier patterns are available. This is how to get a list of all the roo\ ms connecting to the kitchen. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(X, connect\(kitchen, X\), L\).)Tj +T* +(L = [office, cellar, 'dining room'])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The pattern in the first argument can be even fancier and the second arg\ ument can be a conjunction of )Tj +T* +(goals. Parentheses are used to group the conjunction of goals in the sec\ ond argument, thus avoiding the )Tj +T* +(potential ambiguity. Here findall/3 builds a list of structures that loc\ ates the edible things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(foodat\(X,Y\), \(location\(X,Y\) , edible\(X\)\), L\).)Tj +T* +(L = [foodat\(apple, kitchen\), foodat\(crackers, kitchen\)])Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 53.6457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 843 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 747.1484 Tm +(List Utilities)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Write list utilities that perform the following functions. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 675.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 675.7909 Tm +(Remove a given element from a list )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 658.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 658.9909 Tm +(Find the element after a given element )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 642.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 642.1909 Tm +(Split a list into two lists at a given element \(Hint - append/3 is clos\ e.\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 625.3909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 625.3909 Tm +(Get the last element of a list )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 608.5909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 608.5909 Tm +(Count the elements in a list \(Hint - the length of the empty list is 0,\ the length a non-empty list is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1 + the length of its tail.\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(2- Because write/1 only takes a single argument, multiple 'writes' are n\ ecessary for writing a mixed )Tj +T* +(string of text and variables. Write a list utility respond/1 which takes\ as its single argument a list of )Tj +T* +(terms to be written. This can be used in the game to communicate with th\ e player. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(respond\(['You can''t get to the', Room, 'from here']\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(3- Lists with a variable tail are called open lists. They have some inte\ resting properties. For example, )Tj +T* +(member/2 can be used to add items to an open list. Experiment with and t\ race the following queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(a,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- member\(b, [a,b,c|X]\).)Tj +T* +(?- member\(d, [a,b,c|X]\).)Tj +T* +(?- OpenL = [a,b,c|X], member\(d, OpenL\), write\(OpenL\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Predict the results of the following queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a,b,c,d] = [H|T].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- [a,[b,c,d]] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [a] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [apple,3,X,'What?'] = [A,B|Z].)Tj +T* +(?- [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [a\(X,c\(d,Y\)\), b\(2,3\), c\(d,Y\)] = [H|T].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(5- Consider the following Prolog program )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 844 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(11)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Lists)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Lists are powerful data structures for holding and manipulating groups o\ f things. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In Prolog, a list is simply a collection of terms. The terms can be any \ Prolog data types, including )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(structures and other lists. Syntactically, a list is denoted by square b\ rackets with the terms separated by )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(commas. For example, a list of things in the kitchen is represented as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +( [apple, broccoli, refrigerator])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This gives us an alternative way of representing the locations of things\ . Rather than having separate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(location predicates for each thing, we can have one location predicate p\ er container, with a list of things )Tj +T* +(in the container. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(loc_list\([apple, broccoli, crackers], kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([desk, computer], office\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([flashlight, envelope], desk\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([stamp, key], envelope\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\(['washing machine'], cellar\).)Tj +T* +(loc_list\([nani], 'washing machine'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There is a special list, called the empty list, which is represented by \ a set of empty brackets \([]\). It is also )Tj +T* +(referred to as )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +(nil)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. It can describe the lack of contents of a place or thing. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(loc_list\([], hall\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Unification works on lists just as it works on other data structures. Wi\ th what we now know about lists )Tj +T* +(we can ask )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- loc_list\(X, kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [apple, broccoli, crackers] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [_,X,_] = [apples, broccoli, crackers].)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(1 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 845 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(X = broccoli )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This last example is an impractical method of getting at list elements, \ since the patterns won't unify )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unless both lists have the same number of elements. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For lists to be useful, there must be easy ways to access, add, and dele\ te list elements. Moreover, we )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(should not have to concern ourselves about the number of list items, or \ their order. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Two Prolog features enable us to accomplish this easy access. One is a s\ pecial notation that allows )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(reference to the first element of a list and the list of remaining eleme\ nts, and the other is recursion. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(These two features allow us to write list utility predicates, such as me\ mber/2, which finds members of a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list, and append/3, which joins two lists together. List predicates all \ follow a similar strategy--try )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(something with the first element of a list, then recursively repeat the \ process on the rest of the list. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(First, the special notation for list structures. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +( [X | Y])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(When this structure is unified with a list, X is bound to the first elem\ ent of the list, called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(head)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. Y is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bound to the list of remaining elements, called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(tail)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will now look at some examples of unification using lists. The follow\ ing example successfully )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unifies because the two structures are syntactically equivalent. Note th\ at the tail is a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|[b,c,d]] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This next example fails because of misuse of the bar \(|\) symbol. What \ follows the bar must be a single )Tj +T* +(term, which for all practical purposes must be a list. The example incor\ rectly has three terms after the )Tj +T* +(bar. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|b,c,d] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here are some more examples. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [apple, broccoli, refrigerator].)Tj +T* +(H = apple)Tj +T* +(T = [broccoli, refrigerator] )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(2 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 846 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- [H|T] = [a, b, c, d, e].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = a)Tj +T* +(T = [b, c, d, e] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [H|T] = [apples, bananas].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = apples)Tj +T* +(T = [bananas] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the previous and following examples, the tail is a list with one elem\ ent. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [a, [b,c,d]].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = a)Tj +T* +(T = [[b, c, d]] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the next case, the tail is the empty list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [apples].)Tj +T* +(H = apples)Tj +T* +(T = [] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The empty list does not unify with the standard list syntax because it h\ as no head. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [H|T] = [].)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: This last failure is important, because it is often used to test f\ or the boundary condition in a )Tj +T* +(recursive routine. That is, as long as there are elements in the list, a\ unification with the [X|Y] pattern )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(will succeed. When there are no elements in the list, that unification f\ ails, indicating that the boundary )Tj +T* +(condition applies. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can specify more than just the first element before the bar \(|\). In\ fact, the only rule is that what )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(follows it should be a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [One, Two | T] = [apple, sprouts, fridge, milk].)Tj +T* +(One = apple)Tj +T* +(Two = sprouts)Tj +T* +(T = [fridge, milk] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Notice in the next examples how each of the variables is bound to a stru\ cture that shows the )Tj +T* +(relationships between the variables. The internal variable numbers indic\ ate how the variables are related. )Tj +T* +(In the first example Z, the tail of the right-hand list, is unified with\ [Y|T]. In the second example T, the )Tj +T* +(tail of the left-hand list is unified with [Z]. In both cases, Prolog lo\ oks for the most general way to relate )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(3 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 847 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(or bind the variables. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [X,Y|T] = [a|Z].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = a)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = _01)Tj +T* +(T = _03)Tj +T* +(Z = [_01 | _03] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- [H|T] = [apple, Z].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H = apple)Tj +T* +(T = [_01])Tj +T* +(Z = _01 )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Study these last two examples carefully, because list unification is cri\ tical in building list utility )Tj +T* +(predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A list can be thought of as a head and a tail list, whose head is the se\ cond element and whose tail is a list )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(whose head is the third element, and so on. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a|[b|[c|[d|[]]]]] = [a,b,c,d].)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We have said a list is a special kind of structure. In a sense it is, bu\ t in another sense it is just like any )Tj +T* +(other Prolog term. The last example gives us some insight into the true \ nature of the list. It is really an )Tj +T* +(ordinary two-argument predicate. The first argument is the head and the \ second is the tail. If we called it )Tj +T* +(dot/2, then the list [a,b,c,d] would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(dot\(a,dot\(b,dot\(c,dot\(d,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In fact, the predicate does exist, at least conceptually, and it is call\ ed dot, but it is represented by a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(period \(.\) instead of dot. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To see the dot notation, we use the built-in predicate display/1, which \ is similar to write/1, except it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(always uses the dot syntax for lists when it writes to the console. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = [a,b,c,d], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +T* +( [a,b,c,d])Tj +T* +(.\(a,.\(b,.\(c,.d\(,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X = [Head|Tail], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [_01, _02])Tj +T* +(.\(_01,_02\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(4 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 848 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(parent\(p1,p2\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(parent\(p2,p3\).)Tj +T* +(parent\(p3,p4\).)Tj +T* +(parent\(p4,p5\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ancestor\(A,D,[A]\) :- parent\(A,D\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(ancestor\(A,D,[X|Z]\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(X,D\),)Tj +T* +( ancestor\(A,X,Z\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(6- What is the purpose of the third argument to ancestor? )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(7- Predict the response to the following queries. Check by tracing in Pr\ olog. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- ancestor\(a2,a3,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- ancestor\(a1,a5,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- ancestor\(a5,a1,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- ancestor\(X,a5,Z\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Expert System)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(8- Lists provide a convenient way to provide a simple menu capability to\ our expert system. We can )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(replace the 'ask' predicate with menuask/3 where appropriate. menuask/3 \ will ask the player to select an )Tj +T* +(item from a menu. The format is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(menuask\(Attribute, Value, List_of_Choices\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(size\(X\):- menuask\(size, X, [large, medium, small]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This requires two intermediate predicates, menu_display/2 and menu_selec\ t/2. The first writes each )Tj +T* +(choice on a separate line preceded by a unique number. The second uses a\ number entered by the user to )Tj +T* +(return the "nth" element of the list. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 144.9005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(14 of 14\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 849 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 737.1082 Tm +(?- X = [a,b,[c,d],e], write\(X\), nl, display\(X\), nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [a,b,[c,d],e])Tj +T* +(.\(a,.\(b,.\(.\(c,.\(d,[]\)\),.\(e,[]\)\)\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(From these examples it should be clear why there is a different syntax f\ or lists. The easier syntax makes )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(for easier reading, but sometimes obscures the behavior of the predicate\ . It helps to keep this "real" )Tj +T* +(structure of lists in mind when working with predicates that manipulate \ lists. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This structure of lists is well-suited for the writing of recursive rout\ ines. The first one we will look at is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member/2, which determines whether or not a term is a member of a list. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with most recursive predicates, we will start with the boundary condi\ tion, or the simple case. An )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(element is a member of a list if it is the head of the list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(H,[H|T]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This clause also illustrates how a fact with variable arguments acts as \ a rule. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The second clause of member/2 is the recursive rule. It says an element \ is a member of a list if it is a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member of the tail of the list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(X,[H|T]\) :- member\(X,T\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The full predicate is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(member\(H,[H|T]\).)Tj +T* +(member\(X,[H|T]\) :- member\(X,T\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note that both clauses of member/2 expect a list as the second argument.\ Since T in [H|T] in the second )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(clause is itself a list, the recursive call to member/2 works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(apple, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- member\(broccoli, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- member\(banana, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Figure 11.1 has a full annotated trace of member/2. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(5 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 850 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 745 m +602 745 l +601 744 l +11 744 l +h +f +10 745 m +10 289 l +11 290 l +11 744 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 745 m +602 289 l +601 290 l +601 744 l +h +f +10 289 m +602 289 l +601 290 l +11 290 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 742 m +599 742 l +598 741 l +14 741 l +h +f +13 742 m +13 292 l +14 293 l +14 741 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 742 m +599 292 l +598 293 l +598 741 l +h +f +13 292 m +599 292 l +598 293 l +14 293 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 725.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- member\(b, [a,b,c]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1-1 CALL member\(b,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The goal pattern fails to unify with the head of the first clause of mem\ ber/2, because the pattern in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(head of the first clause calls for the head of the list and first argume\ nt to be identical. The goal pattern )Tj +T* +(can unify with the head of the second clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) member\(b,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The second clause recursively calls another copy of member/2.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL member\(b,[b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds because the call pattern unifies with the head of the first \ clause.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(b,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The success ripples back to the outer level.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(b,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.1. Trace of member/2 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(As with many Prolog predicates, member/2 can be used in multiple ways. I\ f the first argument is a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(variable, member/2 will, on backtracking, generate all of the terms in a\ given list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(X, [apple, broccoli, crackers]\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple ;)Tj +T* +(X = broccoli ;)Tj +T* +(X = crackers ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will now trace this use of member/2 using the internal variables. Rem\ ember that each level has its )Tj +T* +(own unique variables, but that they are tied together based on the unifi\ cation patterns between the goal )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(6 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 851 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 608.2 m +602 608.2 l +601 607.2 l +11 607.2 l +h +f +10 608.2 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 607.2 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 608.2 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 607.2 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 605.2 m +599 605.2 l +598 604.2 l +14 604.2 l +h +f +13 605.2 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 604.2 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 605.2 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 604.2 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(at one level and the head of the clause on the next level. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this case the pattern is simple in the recursive clause of member. Th\ e head of the clause unifies X )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(with the first argument of the original goal, represented by _0 in the f\ ollowing trace. The body has a call )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(to member/2 in which the first argument is also X, therefore causing the\ next level to unify with the )Tj +T* +(same _0. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Figure 11.2 has the trace. )Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- member\(X,[a,b,c]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(The goal succeeds by unification with the head of the first clause, if X\ = a.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 CALL member\(_0,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(a,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = a ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking unbinds the variable and the second clause is tried.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(1-1 REDO member\(_0,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[a,b,c]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(It succeeds on the second level, just as on the first level.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 CALL member\(_0,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(b,[b,c]\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT member\(b,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = b ;)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Backtracking continues onto the third level, with similar results.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-1 REDO member\(_0,[b,c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[b,c]\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL member\(_0,[c]\) )Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT \(1\) member\(c,[c]\) )Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(c,[b,c]\) )Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\) member\(c,[a,b,c]\) )Tj +T* +( X = c ;)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(7 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 852 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 553 l +11 554 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 553 l +601 554 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 553 m +602 553 l +601 554 l +11 554 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 556 l +14 557 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 556 l +598 557 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 556 m +599 556 l +598 557 l +14 557 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9756 Tm +(Further backtracking causes an attempt to find a member of the empty lis\ t. The empty list does not )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unify with either of the list patterns in the member/2 clauses, so the q\ uery fails back to the beginning.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 REDO member\(_0,[c]\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 try \(2\) member\(_0,[c]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL member\(_0,[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL member\(_0,[]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 FAIL member\(_0,[c]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 FAIL member\(_0,[b,c]\))Tj +T* +(1-1 FAIL member\(_0,[a,b,c]\))Tj +T* +( no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.2. Trace of member/2 generating elements of a list )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Another very useful list predicate builds lists from other lists or alte\ rnatively splits lists into separate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(pieces. This predicate is usually called append/3. In this predicate the\ second argument is appended to )Tj +T* +(the first argument to yield the third argument. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [a,b,c,d,e,f])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It is a little more difficult to follow, since the basic strategy of wor\ king from the head of the list does not )Tj +T* +(fit nicely with the problem of adding something to the end of a list. ap\ pend/3 solves this problem by )Tj +T* +(reducing the first list recursively. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The boundary condition states that if a list X is appended to the empty \ list, the resulting list is also X. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([],X,X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The recursive condition states that if list X is appended to list [H|T1]\ , then the head of the new list is also )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(H, and the tail of the new list is the result of appending X to the tail\ of the first list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([H|T1],X,[H|T2]\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(T1,X,T2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The full predicate is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(append\([],X,X\).)Tj +T* +(append\([H|T1],X,[H|T2]\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(T1,X,T2\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(8 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 853 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 668.6 m +602 668.6 l +601 667.6 l +11 667.6 l +h +f +10 668.6 m +10 152 l +11 153 l +11 667.6 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 668.6 m +602 152 l +601 153 l +601 667.6 l +h +f +10 152 m +602 152 l +601 153 l +11 153 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 665.6 m +599 665.6 l +598 664.6 l +14 664.6 l +h +f +13 665.6 m +13 155 l +14 156 l +14 664.6 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 665.6 m +599 155 l +598 156 l +598 664.6 l +h +f +13 155 m +599 155 l +598 156 l +14 156 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 742.7756 Tm +(Real Prolog magic is at work here, which the trace alone does not reveal\ . At each level, new variable )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bindings are built, that are unified with the variables of the previous \ level. Specifically, the third )Tj +T* +(argument in the recursive call to append/3 is the tail of the third argu\ ment in the head of the clause. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(These variable relationships are included at each step in the annotated \ trace shown in Figure 11.3. )Tj +0.5 -3.057 Td +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],X\).)Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(1-1 CALL append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],_0\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X = _0)Tj +T* +( 2-1 CALL append\([b,c],[d,e,f],_5\))Tj +T* +( _0 = [a|_5])Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL append\([c],[d,e,f],_9\))Tj +T* +( _5 = [b|_9])Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL append\([],[d,e,f],_14\))Tj +T* +( _9 = [c|_14])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(By making all the substitutions of the variable relationships, we can se\ e that at this point X is bound )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(as follows \(thinking in terms of the dot notation for lists might make \ append/3 easier to understand\).)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(X = [a|[b|[c|_14]]])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We are about to hit the boundary condition, as the first argument has be\ en reduced to the empty list. )Tj +T* +(Unifying with the first clause of append/3 will bind _14 to a value, nam\ ely [d,e,f], thus giving us the )Tj +T* +(desired result for X, as well as all the other intermediate variables. N\ otice the bound third arguments )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(at each level, and compare them to the variables in the call ports above\ .)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 4-1 EXIT \(1\) append\([],[d,e,f],[d,e,f]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 EXIT \(2\) append\([c],[d,e,f],[c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT \(2\) append\([b,c],[d,e,f],[b,c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +(1-1 EXIT \(2\)append\([a,b,c],[d,e,f],[a,b,c,d,e,f]\))Tj +T* +( X = [a,b,c,d,e,f] )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 11.3. Trace of append/3 )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Like member/2, append/3 can also be used in other ways, for example, to \ break lists apart as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- append\(X,Y,[a,b,c]\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(9 of 14\)11/3/2006 \ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 854 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(X = [])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [a,b,c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [b,c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a,b])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [c] ;)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(X = [a,b,c])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Y = [] ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 531.2457 Tm +(Using the List Utilities )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 494.9909 Tm +(Now that we have tools for manipulating lists, we can use them. For exam\ ple, if we choose to use )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loc_list/2 instead of location/2 for storing things, we can write a new \ location/2 that behaves exactly like )Tj +T* +(the old one, except that it computes the answer rather than looking it u\ p. This illustrates the sometimes )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(fuzzy line between data and procedure. The rest of the program cannot te\ ll how location/2 gets its )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(results, whether as data or by computation. In either case it behaves th\ e same, even on backtracking. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(X,Y\):- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( loc_list\(List, Y\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, List\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In the game, it will be necessary to add things to the loc_lists wheneve\ r something is put down in a )Tj +T* +(room. We can write add_thing/3 which uses append/3. If we call it with N\ ewThing and Container, it will )Tj +T* +(provide us with the NewList. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing\(NewThing, Container, NewList\):- )Tj +T* +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\),)Tj +T* +( append\([NewThing],OldList, NewList\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Testing it gives )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(However, this is a case where the same effect can be achieved through un\ ification and the [Head|Tail] )Tj +T* +(list notation. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing2\(NewThing, Container, NewList\):- )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(10 of 14\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 855 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( NewList = [NewThing | OldList].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It works the same as the other one. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing2\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can simplify it one step further by removing the explicit unification\ , and using the implicit )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(unification that occurs at the head of a clause, which is the preferred \ form for this type of predicate. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(add_thing3\(NewTh, Container,[NewTh|OldList]\) :-)Tj +T* +( loc_list\(OldList, Container\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It also works the same. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- add_thing3\(plum, kitchen, X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [plum, apple, broccoli, crackers])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In practice, we might write put_thing/2 directly without using the separ\ ate add_thing/3 predicate to build )Tj +T* +(a new list for us. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(put_thing\(Thing,Place\) :-)Tj +T* +( retract\(loc_list\(List, Place\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(loc_list\([Thing|List],Place\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Whether you use multiple logicbase entries or lists for situations, such\ as we have with locations of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(things, is largely a matter of style. Your experience will lead you to o\ ne or the other in different )Tj +T* +(situations. Sometimes backtracking over multiple predicates is a more na\ tural solution to a problem and )Tj +T* +(sometimes recursively dealing with a list is more natural. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You might find that some parts of a particular application fit better wi\ th multiple facts in the logicbase )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and other parts fit better with lists. In these cases it is useful to kn\ ow how to go from one format to the )Tj +T* +(other. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Going from a list to multiple facts is simple. You write a recursive rou\ tine that continually asserts the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(head of the list. In this example we create individual facts in the pred\ icate stuff/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(break_out\([]\).)Tj +T* +(break_out\([Head | Tail]\):-)Tj +T* +( assertz\(stuff\(Head\)\),)Tj +T* +( break_out\(Tail\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(11 of 14\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 856 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 732.9756 Tm +(Here's how it works. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- break_out\([pencil, cookie, snow]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- stuff\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pencil ;)Tj +T* +(X = cookie ;)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = snow ;)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Transforming multiple facts into a list is more difficult. For this reas\ on most Prologs provide built-in )Tj +T* +(predicates that do the job. The most common one is findall/3. The argume\ nts are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(arg1 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A pattern for the terms in the resulting list )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg2)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(A goal pattern )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(arg3 )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(The resulting list )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(findall/3 automatically does a full backtracking search of the goal patt\ ern and stores each result in the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list. It can recover our stuff/1 back into a list. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(X, stuff\(X\), L\).)Tj +T* +(L = [pencil, cookie, snow])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Fancier patterns are available. This is how to get a list of all the roo\ ms connecting to the kitchen. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(X, connect\(kitchen, X\), L\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(L = [office, cellar, 'dining room'])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The pattern in the first argument can be even fancier and the second arg\ ument can be a conjunction of )Tj +T* +(goals. Parentheses are used to group the conjunction of goals in the sec\ ond argument, thus avoiding the )Tj +T* +(potential ambiguity. Here findall/3 builds a list of structures that loc\ ates the edible things. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- findall\(foodat\(X,Y\), \(location\(X,Y\) , edible\(X\)\), L\).)Tj +T* +(L = [foodat\(apple, kitchen\), foodat\(crackers, kitchen\)])Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 53.6457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(12 of 14\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 857 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 747.1484 Tm +(List Utilities)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Write list utilities that perform the following functions. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 675.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 675.7909 Tm +(Remove a given element from a list )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 658.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 658.9909 Tm +(Find the element after a given element )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 642.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 642.1909 Tm +(Split a list into two lists at a given element \(Hint - append/3 is clos\ e.\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 625.3909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 625.3909 Tm +(Get the last element of a list )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 608.5909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 608.5909 Tm +(Count the elements in a list \(Hint - the length of the empty list is 0,\ the length a non-empty list is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(1 + the length of its tail.\) )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(2- Because write/1 only takes a single argument, multiple 'writes' are n\ ecessary for writing a mixed )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(string of text and variables. Write a list utility respond/1 which takes\ as its single argument a list of )Tj +T* +(terms to be written. This can be used in the game to communicate with th\ e player. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(respond\(['You can''t get to the', Room, 'from here']\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(3- Lists with a variable tail are called open lists. They have some inte\ resting properties. For example, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member/2 can be used to add items to an open list. Experiment with and t\ race the following queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- member\(a,X\).)Tj +T* +(?- member\(b, [a,b,c|X]\).)Tj +T* +(?- member\(d, [a,b,c|X]\).)Tj +T* +(?- OpenL = [a,b,c|X], member\(d, OpenL\), write\(OpenL\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Nonsense Prolog)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Predict the results of the following queries. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- [a,b,c,d] = [H|T].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- [a,[b,c,d]] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [a] = [H|T].)Tj +T* +(?- [apple,3,X,'What?'] = [A,B|Z].)Tj +T* +(?- [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]] = [H|T].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(?- [a\(X,c\(d,Y\)\), b\(2,3\), c\(d,Y\)] = [H|T].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.57 Td +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(5- Consider the following Prolog program )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm \(13 of 14\)11/3/2006\ 7:05:48 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 858 0 obj(Lists) endobj 859 0 obj<> endobj 860 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a11lists.htm) endobj 861 0 obj(V`͡É_) endobj 862 0 obj<> endobj 863 0 obj<> endobj 864 0 obj(xY-W) endobj 865 0 obj 5 endobj 866 0 obj<> endobj 867 0 obj<> endobj 868 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 869 0 obj[868 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 870 0 obj<><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 868 0 R>> endobj 871 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 872 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 873 0 obj[872 0 R] endobj 874 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 875 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 876 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 877 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 878 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 879 0 obj<> endobj 880 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 881 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 882 0 obj<> endobj 883 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 884 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 885 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 886 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 887 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 888 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 889 0 obj[870 0 R] endobj 890 0 obj[888 0 R/XYZ 0 357.8 null] endobj 891 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(12)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Operators)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We have seen that the form of a Prolog data structure is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(functor\(arg1,arg2,...,argN\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This is the ONLY data structure in Prolog. However, Prolog allows for ot\ her ways to syntactically )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(represent the same data structure. These other representations are somet\ imes called syntactic sugaring. )Tj +T* +(The equivalence between list syntax and the dot \(.\) functor is one exa\ mple. Operator syntax is another. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Chapter 6 introduced arithmetic operators. In this chapter we will equat\ e them to the standard Prolog )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(data structures, and learn how to define any functor to be an operator. \ )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Each arithmetic operator is an ordinary Prolog functor, such as -/2, +/2\ , and -/1. The display/1 predicate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(can be used to see the standard syntax. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- display\(2 + 2\).)Tj +T* +(+\(2,2\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- display\(3 * 4 + 6\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(+\(*\(3,4\),6\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- display\(3 * \(4 + 6\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(*\(3,+\(4,6\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(You can define any functor to be an operator, in which case the Prolog l\ istener will be able to read the )Tj +T* +(structure in a different format. For example, if location/2 was an opera\ tor we could write )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(apple location kitchen.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(instead of )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(location\(apple, kitchen\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(1 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 892 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.3909 Tm +(NOTE: The fact that location is an operator is of NO significance to Pro\ log's pattern matching. It simply )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(means there is an alternative way of writing the same term. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Operators are of three types. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(infix )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Example: 3 + 4 )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(prefix )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Example: -7 )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(postfix )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(Example: 8 factorial )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(They have a number representing precedence which runs from 1 to 1200. Wh\ en a term with multiple )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(operators is converted to pure syntax, the operators with higher precede\ nces are converted first. A high )Tj +T* +(precedence is indicated by a low number. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Operators are defined with the built-in predicate op/3, whose three argu\ ments are precedence, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(associativity, and the operator name. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Associativity in the second argument is represented by a pattern that de\ fines the type of operator. The )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(first example we will see is the definition of an infix operator which u\ ses the associativity pattern 'xfx.' )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(The 'f' indicates the position of the operator in respect to its argumen\ ts. We will see other patterns as we )Tj +T* +(proceed. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For our current purposes, we will again rework the location/2 predicate \ and rename it is_in/2 to go with )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(its new look, and we will represent rooms in the structure room/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(is_in\(apple, room\(kitchen\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will now make is_in/2 an infix operator of arbitrary precedence 35. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- op\(35,xfx,is_in\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now we can ask )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- apple is_in X.)Tj +T* +(X = room\(kitchen\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(or )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(2 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 893 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- X is_in room\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = apple)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can add facts to the program in operator syntax. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(banana is_in room\(kitchen\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(To verify that Prolog treats both syntaxes the same we can attempt to un\ ify them. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- is_in\(banana, room\(kitchen\)\) = banana is_in room\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(And we can use display/1 to look at the new syntax. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- display\(banana is_in room\(kitchen\)\).)Tj +T* +(is_in\(banana, room\(kitchen\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Let's now make room/1 a prefix operator. Note that in this case the asso\ ciativity pattern fx is used to )Tj +T* +(indicate the functor comes before the argument. Also we chose a preceden\ ce \(33\) higher \(higher )Tj +T* +(precedence has lower number\) than that used for is_in \(35\) in order t\ o nest the room structure inside the )Tj +T* +(is_in structure. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- op\(33,fx,room\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now room/1 is displayed in operator syntax. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- room kitchen = room\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- apple is_in X.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = room kitchen\\)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The operator syntax can be used to add facts to the program. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(pear is_in room kitchen.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- is_in\(pear, room\(kitchen\)\) = pear is_in room kitchen.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- display\(pear is_in room kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(is_in\(pear, room\(kitchen\)\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(3 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 894 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 749.7756 Tm +(CAUTION: If you mix up the precedence \(easy to do\) you will get strang\ e bugs. If room/1 had a lower )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(precedence \(higher number\) than is_in/2, then the structure would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(room\(is_in\(apple, kitchen\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Not only doesn't this capture the information as intended, it also will \ not unify the way we want. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For completeness, an example of a candidate for a postfix operator would\ be turned_on. Again note that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the 'xf' pattern says that the functor comes after the argument. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- op\(33,xf,turned_on\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now say )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(flashlight turned_on.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(and )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- turned_on\(flashlight\) = flashlight turned_on.)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Operators are useful for making more readable data structures in a progr\ am and for making quick and )Tj +T* +(easy user interfaces. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In our command-driven Nani Search, we use a simple natural language fron\ t end, which will be )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(described in the last chapter. We could have alternatively made the comm\ ands operators so that )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(goto\(kitchen\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(becomes goto kitchen. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(turn_on\(flashlight\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(becomes turn_on flashlight. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(take\(apple\) )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(becomes take apple. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(It's not natural language, but it's a lot better than parentheses and co\ mmas. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We have seen how the precedence of operators affects their translation i\ nto structures. When operators )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(are of equal precedence, the Prolog reader must decide whether to work f\ rom left to right, or right to left. )Tj +T* +(This is the difference between right and left associativity. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(An operator can also be non-associative, which means an error is generat\ ed if you try to string two )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(4 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 895 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(together. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The same pattern used for precedence is used for associativity with the \ additional character y. The )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(options are )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Infix: )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(xfx non-associative)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(xfy right to left)Tj +T* +(yfx left to right )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(Prefix )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(fx non-associative)Tj +T* +(fy left to right )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(Postfix: )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(xf non-associative)Tj +T* +(yf right to left )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(The is_in/2 predicate is currently non-associative so this gets an error\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(key is_in desk is_in office.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(To represent nesting, we would want this to be evaluated from right to l\ eft. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- op\(35,xfy,is_in\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- display\(key is_in desk is_in office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(is_in\(key, is_in\(desk, office\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(If we set it left to right the arguments would be different. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- op\(35,yfx,is_in\).)Tj +T* +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- display\(key is_in desk is_in office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(is_in\(is_in\(key, desk\), office\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can override operator associativity and precedence with parentheses. \ Thus we can get our left to )Tj +T* +(right is_in to behave right to left like so. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- display\(key is_in \(desk is_in office\)\).)Tj +T* +(is_in\(key, is_in\(desk, office\)\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(5 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 896 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(Many built-in predicates are actually defined as infix operators. That m\ eans that rather than following )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the standard predicate\(arg1,arg2\) format, the predicate can appear bet\ ween the arguments as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(arg1 predicate arg2.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The arithmetic operators we have seen already illustrate this. For examp\ le +, -, *, and / are used as you )Tj +T* +(would expect. However, it is important to understand that these arithmet\ ic structures are just structures )Tj +T* +(like any others, and do not imply arithmetic evaluation. 3 + 4 is not th\ e same as 7 any more than plus)Tj +T* +(\(3,4\) is or likes\(3,4\). It is just +\(3,4\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Only special built-in predicates, like is/2, actually perform an arithme\ tic evaluation of an arithmetic )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(expression. As we have seen, is/2 causes the right side to be evaluated \ and the left side is unified with )Tj +T* +(the evaluated result. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This is in contrast to the unification \(=\) predicate, which just unifi\ es terms without evaluating them. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X is 3 + 4.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 7)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X = 3 + 4.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = 3 + 4)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- 10 is 5 * 2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- 10 = 5 * 2.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Arithmetic expressions can be as arbitrarily complex as other structures\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X is 3 * 4 + \(6 / 2\).)Tj +T* +(X = 15)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Even if they are not evaluated. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = 3 * 4 + \(6 / 2\).)Tj +T* +(X = 3 * 4 + \(6 / 2\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The operator predicates can also be written in standard notation. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X is +\(*\(3,4\) , /\(6,2\)\).)Tj +T* +(X = 15)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(6 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 897 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 737.1082 Tm +(?- 3 * 4 + \(6 / 2\) = +\(*\(3,4\),/\(6,2\)\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(To underscore that these arithmetic operators are really ordinary predic\ ates with no special meaning )Tj +T* +(unless being evaluated by is/2, consider )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = 3 * 4 + likes\(john, 6/2\).)Tj +T* +(X = 3 * 4 + likes\(john, 6/2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X is 3 * 4 + likes\(john, 6/2\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(error)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We have seen that Prolog programs are composed of clauses. These clauses\ are simply Prolog data )Tj +T* +(structures written with operator syntax. The functor is the neck \(:-\) \ which is defined as an infix operator. )Tj +T* +(There are two arguments. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(:-\(Head, Body\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The body is a data structure with the functor 'and' represented by a com\ ma \(,\). The body looks like )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(,\(goal1, ,\(goal2,,goal3\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note the ambiguous use of the comma \(,\) as a conjunctive operator and \ as a separator of arguments in a )Tj +T* +(Prolog structure. This can cause confusion in Prolog programs that manip\ ulate Prolog clauses. It might )Tj +T* +(have been clearer if an ampersand \(&\) was used instead of a comma for \ separating goals. Then the )Tj +T* +(above pattern would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(&\(goal1, &\(goal2, & goal3\)\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(and the following would be equivalent. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(head :- goal1 & goal2 & goal3.)Tj +T* +(:-\(head, &\(goal1, &\(goal2, & goal3\)\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(But that is not how it was done, so the two forms are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(head :- goal1 , goal2 , goal3.)Tj +T* +(:-\(head, ,\(goal1, ,\(goal2, , goal3\)\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Every other comma has a different meaning. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(7 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 898 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 747.5756 Tm +(The arithmetic operators are often used by Prolog programmers to syntact\ ically join related terms. For )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(example, the write/1 predicate takes only one argument, but operators gi\ ve an easy way around this )Tj +T* +(restriction. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- X = one, Y = two, write\(X-Y\).)Tj +T* +(one - two )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The slash \(/\) can be used the same way. In addition, some Prologs defi\ ne the colon \(:\) as an operator just )Tj +T* +(for this purpose. It can improve readability by removing some parenthese\ s. For example, the complex )Tj +T* +(structures for defining things in the game can be syntactically represen\ ted with the colon as well. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(apple, size:small, color:red, weight:1\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(A query looking for small things would be expressed )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- object\(X, size:small, color:C, weight:W\).)Tj +T* +(X = apple)Tj +T* +(C = red)Tj +T* +(W = 1 )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The pattern matching is the same as always, but instead of size\(small\)\ we use the pattern size:small, )Tj +T* +(which is really :\(size,small\). )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 343.6457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 307.1484 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Define all of the Nani Search commands as operators so the current ve\ rsion of the game can be played )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(without parentheses or commas. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(2- Define the various relationships in the genealogical logicbase as ope\ rators. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 148.3159 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm \(8 of 8\)11/3/2006 7:\ 05:52 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 899 0 obj(Operators) endobj 900 0 obj<> endobj 901 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a12oper.htm) endobj 902 0 obj(> endobj 904 0 obj<> endobj 905 0 obj(F*vzGZwv) endobj 906 0 obj 6 endobj 907 0 obj<> endobj 908 0 obj<> endobj 909 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 910 0 obj<> endobj 911 0 obj[909 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 912 0 obj<><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 909 0 R>> endobj 913 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 914 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 915 0 obj[914 0 R] endobj 916 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 917 0 R] endobj 917 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 918 0 obj<>stream +Hn@sӕHJ"ҽPE=)ǷO#gЮ.&)VħZ=j@| +)VħZ=j@| +)Vw Bhs}y@/WK]@o/I8ӥ@Fg)5n#>Ԭ+q)f]YۈO5jF| +YWV6S@ͺj֕ոPmħue5n#>Ԭ+q)f]YۈO5jF| +YWV6z7$@nSm-*9m:z> +?n;X$4E>Dh6 u\n|#Afm]Fqͺںl޿/R' N6 .YwnpɺsuK֝k\\cu޺wL;ƺLZ7oɴuƺLZ7oɴufYe6#,3M&ˌueƺ 2cxnX7^f/3n#g^%l)Pp2n&'c fIPp2n&'c fIPp2n&'cM\zmcp]@Iw],5 F' Ud'*Ywn.ZF!ȺCpvYF!ȺCpv a݋ Q*F]'Bu@d!eeA˺pQ½:@).t S@Oz >PS@Oz >PS@h7EǏ +endstream endobj 919 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig9.gif) endobj 920 0 obj(u*8s/etβXdt) endobj 921 0 obj<> endobj 922 0 obj<> endobj 923 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 924 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 925 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 926 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 927 0 obj[925 0 R/XYZ 0 417.0 null] endobj 928 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 929 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 930 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 931 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 932 0 obj[930 0 R/XYZ 0 360.015 null] endobj 933 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 934 0 obj<> endobj 935 0 obj[912 0 R] endobj 936 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(13)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Cut)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Up to this point, we have worked with Prolog's backtracking execution be\ havior. We have seen how to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(use that behavior to write compact predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Sometimes it is desirable to selectively turn off backtracking. Prolog p\ rovides a predicate that performs )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(this function. It is called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +(cut)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, represented by an exclamation point \(!\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The cut effectively tells Prolog to freeze all the decisions made so far\ in this predicate. That is, if )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(required to backtrack, it will automatically fail without trying other a\ lternatives. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will first examine the effects of the cut and then look at some pract\ ical reasons to use it. )Tj +ET +q +239 0 0 166 10 217.41539 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 186.3909 Tm +(Figure 13.1. The effect of the cut on flow of control )Tj +T* +(When the cut is encountered, it re-routes backtracking, as shown in figu\ re 13.1. It short-circuits )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(backtracking in the goals to its left on its level, and in the level abo\ ve, which contained the cut. That is, )Tj +T* +(both the parent goal \(middle goal of top level\) and the goals of the p\ articular rule being executed )Tj +T* +(\(second level\) are affected by the cut. The effect is undone if a new \ route is taken into the parent goal. )Tj +T* +(Contrast figure 13.1 with figure 5.1. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will write some simple predicates that illustrate the behavior of the\ cut, first adding some data to )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(1 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 937 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(backtrack over. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(data\(one\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(data\(two\).)Tj +T* +(data\(three\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here is the first test case. It has no cut and will be used for comparis\ on purposes. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(cut_test_a\(X\) :-)Tj +T* +( data\(X\).)Tj +T* +(cut_test_a\('last clause'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This is the control case, which exhibits the normal behavior. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- cut_test_a\(X\), write\(X\), nl, fail.)Tj +T* +(one)Tj +T* +(two)Tj +T* +(three)Tj +T* +(last clause)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next, we put a cut at the end of the first clause. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(cut_test_b\(X\) :-)Tj +T* +( data\(X\),)Tj +T* +( !.)Tj +T* +(cut_test_b\('last clause'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Note that it stops backtracking through both the data/1 subgoal \(left\)\ , and the cut_test_b parent \(above\). )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- cut_test_b\(X\), write\(X\), nl, fail.)Tj +T* +(one)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Next we put a cut in the middle of two subgoals. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(cut_test_c\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( data\(X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( !,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( data\(Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(cut_test_c\('last clause'\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(2 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 938 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 751.9756 Tm +(Note that the cut inhibits backtracking in the parent cut_test_c and in \ the goals to the left of \(before\) the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(cut \(first data/1\). The second data/1 to the right of \(after\) the cu\ t is still free to backtrack. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- cut_test_c\(X,Y\), write\(X-Y\), nl, fail.)Tj +T* +(one - one)Tj +T* +(one - two)Tj +T* +(one - three)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Performance is the main reason to use the cut. This separates the logica\ l purists from the pragmatists. )Tj +T* +(Various arguments can also be made as to its effect on code readability \ and maintainability. It is often )Tj +T* +(called the 'goto' of logic programming. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You will most often use the cut when you know that at a certain point in\ a given predicate, Prolog has )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(either found the only answer, or if it hasn't, there is no answer. In th\ is case you insert a cut in the )Tj +T* +(predicate at that point. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Similarly, you will use it when you want to force a predicate to fail in\ a certain situation, and you don't )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(want it to look any further. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 402.8457 Tm +(Using the Cut )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 366.5909 Tm +(We will now introduce to the game the little puzzles that make adventure\ games fun to play. We will put )Tj +T* +(them in a predicate called puzzle/1. The argument to puzzle/1 will be on\ e of the game commands, and )Tj +T* +(puzzle/1 will determine whether or not there are special constraints on \ that command, reacting )Tj +T* +(accordingly. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will see examples of both uses of the cut in the puzzle/1 predicate. \ The behavior we want is )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 244.5909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 244.5909 Tm +(If there is a puzzle, and the constraints are met, quietly succeed. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 227.7909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 227.7909 Tm +(If there is a puzzle, and the constraints are not met, noisily fail. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 210.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 210.9909 Tm +(If there is no puzzle, quietly succeed. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(The puzzle in Nani Search is that in order to get to the cellar, the gam\ e player needs to both have the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(flashlight and turn it on. If these criteria are met we know there is no\ need to ever backtrack through )Tj +T* +(puzzle/1 looking for other clauses to try. For this reason we include th\ e cut. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +T* +( have\(flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( turned_on\(flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( !.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(3 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 939 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 749.5909 Tm +(If the puzzle constraints are not met, then let the player know there is\ a special problem. In this case we )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(also want to force the calling predicate to fail, and we don't want it t\ o succeed by moving to other )Tj +T* +(clauses of puzzle/1. Therefore we use the cut to stop backtracking, and \ we follow it with fail. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('It''s dark and you are afraid of the dark.'\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The final clause is a catchall for those commands that have no special p\ uzzles associated with them. )Tj +T* +(They will always succeed in a call to puzzle/1. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(puzzle\(_\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(For logical purity, it is always possible to rewrite the predicates with\ out the cut. This is done with the )Tj +T* +(built-in predicate not/1. Some claim this provides for clearer code, but\ often the explicit and liberal use )Tj +T* +(of 'not' clutters up the code, rather than clarifying it. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(When using the cut, the order of the rules becomes important. Our second\ clause for puzzle/1 safely )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(prints an error message, because we know the only way to get there is by\ the first clause failing before it )Tj +T* +(reached the cut. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The third clause is completely general, because we know the earlier clau\ ses have caught the special )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(cases. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(If the cuts were removed from the clauses, the second two clauses would \ have to be rewritten. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( not\(have\(flashlight\)\),)Tj +T* +( not\(turned_on\(flashlight\)\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Scared of dark message'\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(puzzle\(X\):-)Tj +T* +( not\(X = goto\(cellar\)\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(In this case the order of the clauses would not matter. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(It is interesting to note that not/1 is defined using the cut. It also u\ ses call/1, another built-in predicate )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(that calls a predicate. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(not\(X\) :- call\(X\), !, fail.)Tj +T* +(not\(X\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(4 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 940 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 747.5909 Tm +(In the next chapter we will see how to add a command loop to the game. U\ ntil then we can test the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(puzzle predicate by including a call to it in each individual command. F\ or example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(goto\(Place\) :- )Tj +T* +( puzzle\(goto\(Place\)\),)Tj +T* +( can_go\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( move\(Place\),)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Assuming the player is in the kitchen, an attempt to go to the cellar wi\ ll fail. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- goto\(cellar\).)Tj +T* +(It's dark and you are afraid of the dark.)Tj +T* +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- goto\(office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(You are in the office...)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Then if the player takes the flashlight, turns it on, and return to the \ kitchen, all goes well. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- goto\(cellar\).)Tj +T* +(You are in the cellar... )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 345.8611 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 309.3637 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Test the puzzle/1 predicate by setting up various game situations and\ seeing how it responds. When )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(testing predicates with cuts you should always use the semicolon \(;\) a\ fter each answer to make sure it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(behaves correctly on backtracking. In our case puzzle/1 should always gi\ ve one response and fail on )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(backtracking. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Add your own puzzles for different situations and commands. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Expert System)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Modify the ask and menuask predicates to use cut to replace the use o\ f not. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Modify the good_customer rules to use cut to prevent the search of ot\ her cases once we know one has )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(5 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 941 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(been found. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 719.1005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm \(6 of 6\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 5:55 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 942 0 obj(Cut) endobj 943 0 obj<> endobj 944 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a13cut.htm) endobj 945 0 obj(c'*;K\\FO) endobj 946 0 obj<> endobj 947 0 obj<> endobj 948 0 obj(cQtA@ ) endobj 949 0 obj 6 endobj 950 0 obj 1 endobj 951 0 obj<> endobj 952 0 obj<> endobj 953 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 954 0 obj[953 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 955 0 obj<><><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 953 0 R>> endobj 956 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 957 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 958 0 obj[957 0 R] endobj 959 0 obj[/Indexed/DeviceRGB 1 960 0 R] endobj 960 0 obj<>stream + +endstream endobj 961 0 obj<>stream +H엁 Dh"^e4) +;KKMJt.`gX/@g n.#3E4^ *]:e YXcnB =Zh Ji;JM`4E@#X`4E@#X`4E@#X` 4H$79ȸW+ Úqz_cMdG$i "{F(eaT@+2`8H_ܷf@Bfo*9mt {SG]Pu݌Q.PMKKKanrR +endstream endobj 962 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfig10.gif) endobj 963 0 obj(ȹ/i\novvY) endobj 964 0 obj<> endobj 965 0 obj<> endobj 966 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 967 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 968 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 969 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 970 0 obj[968 0 R/XYZ 0 299.2 null] endobj 971 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 972 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 973 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 974 0 obj<> endobj 975 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 976 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 977 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 978 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 979 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 980 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 981 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 982 0 obj[980 0 R/XYZ 0 126.4 null] endobj 983 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 984 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 985 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 986 0 obj<> endobj 987 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 988 0 obj[985 0 R/XYZ 0 260.815 null] endobj 989 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 990 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(14)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We have examined the manner in which Prolog interprets goals and have al\ so seen examples of how to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(manipulate Prolog's execution behavior. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this chapter we will further explore the control structures you can i\ mplement in Prolog and draw )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(parallels between them and the control structures found in more conventi\ onal programming languages. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You have already used the combination of fail and write/1 to generate li\ sts of things for the game. This )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(control structure is similar to 'do while' found in most languages. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will now introduce another built-in predicate that allows us to capit\ alize on failure. It is repeat/0. It )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(always succeeds the first time it is called, and it always succeeds on b\ acktracking. In other words, you )Tj +T* +(can not backtrack through a repeat/0. It always restarts forward executi\ on.< )Tj +ET +q +193 0 0 76 10 273.8153839 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 242.7909 Tm +(Figure 14.1. Flow of control in the repeat/0 built-in predicate )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A clause body with a repeat/0 followed by fail/0 will go back and forth \ forever. This is one way to write )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(an endless loop in Prolog. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A repeat/0 followed by some intermediate goals followed by a test condit\ ion will loop until the test )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(condition is satisfied. It is equivalent to a 'do until' in other langua\ ges. This is exactly the behavior we )Tj +T* +(want for the highest command loop in Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Our first version of command_loop/0 will simply read commands and echo t\ hem until end is entered. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(The built-in predicate read/1 reads a Prolog term from the console. The \ term must be followed by a )Tj +T* +(period. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 991 0 obj[955 0 R] endobj 992 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 745.5235 Tm +(command_loop:- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( write\('Enter command \(end to exit\): '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( write\(X\), nl,)Tj +T* +( X = end.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last goal will fail unless end is entered. The repeat/0 always succe\ eds on backtracking and causes )Tj +T* +(the intermediate goals to be re-executed. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can execute it by entering this query. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command_loop.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now that the control structure is in place, we can have it execute the c\ ommand, rather than just repeat it. )Tj +T* +(We will write a new predicate called do/1, which executes only the comma\ nds we allow. Many other )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(languages have 'do case' control structures that perform this kind of fu\ nction. Multiple clauses in a )Tj +T* +(Prolog predicate behave similarly to a 'do case.' )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is do/1. Notice that it allows us to define synonyms for commands, \ that is, the player can enter )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(either goto\(X\) or go\(X\) to cause the goto/1 predicate to be executed\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(do\(goto\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(go\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(inventory\):-inventory,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look\):-look,!.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: The cut serves two purposes. First, it says once we have found a '\ do' clause to execute, don't )Tj +T* +(bother looking for anymore. Second, it prevents the backtracking initiat\ ed at the end of command_loop )Tj +T* +(from entering the other command predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here are some more do/1's. If do\(end\) did not always succeed, we would\ never get to the' X = end' test )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and would fail forever. The last do/1 allows us to tell the user there w\ as something wrong with the )Tj +T* +(command. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(do\(take\(X\)\) :- take\(X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(end\).)Tj +T* +(do\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('Invalid command'\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 993 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(We can now rewrite command_loop/0 to use the new do/1 and incorporate pu\ zzle/1 in the command )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loop. We will also replace the old simple test for end with a new predic\ ate, end_condition/1, that will )Tj +T* +(determine if the game is over. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command_loop:- )Tj +T* +( write\('Welcome to Nani Search'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( write\('>nani> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( puzzle\(X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(X\), nl,)Tj +T* +( end_condition\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Two conditions might end the game. The first is if the player types 'end\ .' The second is if the player has )Tj +T* +(successfully taken the Nani. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(end_condition\(end\).)Tj +T* +(end_condition\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( have\(nani\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Congratulations'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The game can now be played from the top. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command_loop.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Welcome to ...)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 285.0457 Tm +(Recursive Control Loop )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 248.7909 Tm +(As hinted at in chapter 7, the purity of logic programming is undermined\ by the asserts and retracts of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the logicbase. Just like global data in any language, predicates that ar\ e dynamically asserted and )Tj +T* +(retracted can make for unpredictable code. That is, code in one part of \ the system that uses a dynamic )Tj +T* +(predicate is affected by code in an entirely different part that changes\ that dynamic predicate. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\) succeeds or fails based on the exi\ stence of turned_on\(flashlight\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(which is asserted by the turn_on/1 predicate. A bug in turn_on/1 will ca\ use puzzle/1 to behave )Tj +T* +(incorrectly. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The entire game can be reconstructed using arguments and no global data.\ To do this, it helps to think of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the game as a sequence of state transformations. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In the current implementation, the state of the game is defined by the d\ ynamic predicates location/2, )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 994 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 318.015 m +580.4 318.015 l +579.4 317.015 l +11 317.015 l +h +f +10 318.015 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 317.015 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 318.015 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 317.015 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 315.015 m +577.4 315.015 l +576.4 314.015 l +14 314.015 l +h +f +13 315.015 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 314.015 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 315.015 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 314.015 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.7909 Tm +(here/1, have/1, and turned_on/1 or turned_off/1 for the flashlight. Thes\ e predicates define an initial state )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(which is dynamically changed, using assert and retract, as the player mo\ ves through the game toward the )Tj +T* +(winning state, which is defined by the existence of have\(nani\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can get the same effect by defining a complex structure to hold the s\ tate, implementing game )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(commands that access that state as an argument, rather than from dynamic\ facts in the logicbase. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Because logical variables cannot have their values changed by assignment\ , the commands must take two )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(arguments representing the old state and the new state. The repeat-fail \ control structure will not let us )Tj +T* +(repeatedly change the state in this manner, so we need to write a recurs\ ive control structure that )Tj +T* +(recursively sends the new state to itself. The boundary condition is rea\ ching the ending state of the )Tj +T* +(game. This control structure is shown in figure 14.1, which contains an \ abbreviated version of Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The state is represented by a list of structures holding different types\ of state information, as seen in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(initial_state/1. The various commands in this type of game need to acces\ s and manipulate that state )Tj +T* +(structure. Rather than require each predicate that accesses the state to\ understand its complex structure, )Tj +T* +(the utility predicates get_state/3, add_state/4, and del_state/4 are wri\ tten to access it. This way any )Tj +T* +(program changes to the state structure only require changes to the utili\ ty predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This style of Prolog programming is logically purer, and lends itself to\ certain types of applications. It )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(also avoids the difficulties often associated with global data. On the o\ ther hand, it requires more )Tj +T* +(complexity in dealing with state information in arguments, and the multi\ ple lists and recursive routines )Tj +T* +(can be confusing to debug. You will have to decide which approach to use\ for each application you )Tj +T* +(write. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(/* a nonassertive version of nani search */)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nani :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Welcome to Nani Search'\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( initial_state\(State\),)Tj +T* +( control_loop\(State\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(control_loop\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( end_condition\(State\).)Tj +T* +(control_loop\(State\) :-)Tj +T* +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( constraint\(State, X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(State, NewState, X\),)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 995 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( control_loop\(NewState\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* initial dynamic state */)Tj +T* +(initial_state\([)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(here\(kitchen\),)Tj +T* +(have\([]\),)Tj +T* +(location\([)Tj +T* +( kitchen/apple,)Tj +T* +( kitchen/broccoli,)Tj +T* +( office/desk,)Tj +T* +( office/flashlight,)Tj +T* +( cellar/nani ]\),)Tj +T* +(status\([)Tj +T* +( flashlight/off,)Tj +T* +( game/on]\) ]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* static state */)Tj +T* +(rooms\([office, kitchen, cellar]\).)Tj +T* +(doors\([office/kitchen, cellar/kitchen]\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( doors\(DoorList\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X/Y, DoorList\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +T* +( doors\(DoorList\),)Tj +T* +( member\(Y/X, DoorList\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* list utilities */)Tj +T* +(member\(X,[X|Y]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member\(X,[Y|Z]\) :- member\(X,Z\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(delete\(X, [], []\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(delete\(X, [X|T], T\).)Tj +T* +(delete\(X, [H|T], [H|Z]\) :- delete\(X, T, Z\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* state manipulation utilities */)Tj +T* +(get_state\(State, here, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(here\(X\), State\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 996 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(get_state\(State, have, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(have\(Haves\), State\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, Haves\).)Tj +T* +(get_state\(State, location, Loc/X\) :-)Tj +T* +( member\(location\(Locs\), State\),)Tj +T* +( member\(Loc/X, Locs\).)Tj +T* +(get_state\(State, status, Thing/Stat\) :-)Tj +T* +( member\(status\(Stats\), State\),)Tj +T* +( member\(Thing/Stat, Stats\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(del_state\(OldState, [location\(NewLocs\) | Temp], location, Loc/X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( delete\(location\(Locs\), OldState, Temp\),)Tj +T* +( delete\(Loc/X, Locs, NewLocs\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add_state\(OldState, [here\(X\)|Temp], here, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( delete\(here\(_\), OldState, Temp\).)Tj +T* +(add_state\(OldState, [have\([X|Haves]\)|Temp], have, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(have\(Haves\), OldState, Temp\).)Tj +T* +(add_state\(OldState, [status\([Thing/Stat|TempStats]\)|Temp],)Tj +T* +(status, Thing/Stat\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(status\(Stats\), OldState, Temp\),)Tj +T* +( delete\(Thing/_, Stats, TempStats\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* end condition */)Tj +T* +(end_condition\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, nani\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You win'\).)Tj +T* +(end_condition\(State\) :-)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, status, game/off\),)Tj +T* +( write\('quitter'\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* constraints and puzzles together */)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, goto\(cellar\)\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( !, can_go_cellar\(State\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, goto\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_go\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, take\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_take\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, turn_on\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_turn_on\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(_, _\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 997 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 737.1082 Tm +(can_go\(State,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( connect\(X,H\).)Tj +T* +(can_go\(_, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('You can''t get there from here'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_go_cellar\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( can_go\(State, cellar\),)Tj +T* +( !, cellar_puzzle\(State\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(cellar_puzzle\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, status, flashlight/on\).)Tj +T* +(cellar_puzzle\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('It''s dark in the cellar'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_take\(State, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, location, H/X\).)Tj +T* +(can_take\(State, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('it is not here'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_turn_on\(State, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, X\).)Tj +T* +(can_turn_on\(_, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('You don''t have it'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* commands */ )Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, goto\(X\)\) :- goto\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(do\(Old, New, take\(X\)\) :- take\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, turn_on\(X\)\) :- turn_on\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(State, State, look\) :- look\(State\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, quit\) :- quit\(Old, New\).)Tj +T* +(do\(State, State, _\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('illegal command'\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(look\(State\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 998 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 320 l +11 321 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 320 l +579.4 321 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +10 320 m +580.4 320 l +579.4 321 l +11 321 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 323 l +14 324 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 323 l +576.4 324 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +13 323 m +577.4 323 l +576.4 324 l +14 324 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You are in '\), write\(H\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(State, H\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_things\(State, H\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, location, H/X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\), write\(X\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(_, _\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(goto\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, here, X\),)Tj +T* +( look\(New\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(take\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(Old, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( del_state\(Old, Temp, location, H/X\),)Tj +T* +( add_state\(Temp, New, have, X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, status, X/on\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(quit\(Old, New\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, status, game/off\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 14.1. Nani Search without a dynamic facts )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There could be serious performance problems with this approach to the ga\ me. Prolog uses a stack to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(keep track of the levels of predicate calls. In the case of a recursive \ predicate, the stack grows at each )Tj +T* +(recursive call. In this example, with its complex arguments, the stack c\ ould easily be consumed in a )Tj +T* +(shortperiod of time by the recursive control structure. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Fortunately, there is a performance feature built into Prolog that makes\ this example program, and ones )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(similar to it, behave efficiently. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 112.2457 Tm +(Tail Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 75.9909 Tm +(There are actually two kinds of recursive routines. In a true recursive \ routine, each level must wait for )Tj +T* +(the information from the lower levels in order to return an answer. This\ means that Prolog must build a )Tj +T* +(stack with a new entry for each level. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 999 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 736.5909 Tm +(This is in contrast to iteration, which is more common in conventional l\ anguages. Each pass through the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(iteration updates the variables and there is no need for building a stac\ k. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There is a type of recursion called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(tail recursion)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( that, while written recursively, behaves iteratively. In )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(general, if the recursive call is the last call, and there are no comput\ ations based on the information from )Tj +T* +(the lower levels, then a good Prolog can implement the predicate iterati\ vely, without growing the stack. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(One classic example of tail recursion is the factorial predicate. First \ we'll write it using normal recursion. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Note that the variable FF, which is returned from the lower level, is us\ ed in the top level. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(factorial_1\(1,1\).)Tj +T* +(factorial_1\(N,F\):-)Tj +T* +( N > 1,)Tj +T* +( NN is N - 1,)Tj +T* +( factorial_1\(NN,FF\),)Tj +T* +( F is N * FF.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It works as expected. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- factorial_1\(5,X\).)Tj +T* +(X = 120)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(By introducing a new second argument to keep track of the result so far,\ we can rewrite factorial/3 tail-)Tj +T* +(recursively. The new argument is initially set to 1. Each recursive call\ builds on the second argument. )Tj +T* +(When the boundary condition is reached, the third argument is bound to t\ he second argument. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(factorial_2\(1,F,F\).)Tj +T* +(factorial_2\(N,T,F\):-)Tj +T* +( N > 1,)Tj +T* +( TT is N * T,)Tj +T* +( NN is N - 1,)Tj +T* +( factorial_2\(NN,TT,F\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It gives the same results as the previous version, but because the recur\ sive call is the last call in the )Tj +T* +(second clause, its arguments are not needed at each level. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- factorial_2\(5,1,X\).)Tj +T* +(X = 120)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Another classic example of tail recursion is the predicate to reverse a \ list. The straightforward definition )Tj +T* +(of 'reverse' would be )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1000 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 736.7235 Tm +(naive_reverse\([],[]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(naive_reverse\([H|T],Rev\):-)Tj +T* +( naive_reverse\(T,TR\),)Tj +T* +( append\(TR,[H],Rev\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The inefficiency of this definition is a feature taken advantage of in P\ rolog benchmarks. It is called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +(naive reverse)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(, and published performance statistics often list the time required to r\ everse a list of a )Tj +T* +(certain size. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The result of the recursive call to naive_reverse/2 is used in the last \ goal, so it is not tail recursive, but it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(gives the right answers. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- naive_reverse\([ants, mice, zebras], X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [zebras, mice, ants])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(By again introducing a new second argument which will accumulate the par\ tial answer through levels of )Tj +T* +(recursion, we can rewrite 'reverse.' It turns out that the partial answe\ r is already reversed when it reaches )Tj +T* +(the boundary condition. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(reverse\([], Rev, Rev\).)Tj +T* +(reverse\([H|T], Temp, Rev\) :-)Tj +T* +( reverse\(T, [H|Temp], Rev\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now try the second reverse. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- reverse\([ants, mice, zebras], [], X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [zebras, mice, ants])Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 246.6611 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 210.4063 Tm +(1- Trace both versions of reverse to understand the performance differen\ ces. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Write a tail recursive predicate that will compute the sum of the num\ bers between two given )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(numbers. Trace its behavior to see if it is tail recursive. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Add the remaining command predicates to do/1 so the game can be fully\ played. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(4- Add the concept of time to the game by putting a counter in the comma\ nd loop. Use an out-of-time )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1001 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(14)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(We have examined the manner in which Prolog interprets goals and have al\ so seen examples of how to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(manipulate Prolog's execution behavior. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In this chapter we will further explore the control structures you can i\ mplement in Prolog and draw )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(parallels between them and the control structures found in more conventi\ onal programming languages. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(You have already used the combination of fail and write/1 to generate li\ sts of things for the game. This )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(control structure is similar to 'do while' found in most languages. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will now introduce another built-in predicate that allows us to capit\ alize on failure. It is repeat/0. It )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(always succeeds the first time it is called, and it always succeeds on b\ acktracking. In other words, you )Tj +T* +(can not backtrack through a repeat/0. It always restarts forward executi\ on.< )Tj +ET +q +193 0 0 76 10 273.8153839 cm +/Im1 Do +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 242.7909 Tm +(Figure 14.1. Flow of control in the repeat/0 built-in predicate )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A clause body with a repeat/0 followed by fail/0 will go back and forth \ forever. This is one way to write )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(an endless loop in Prolog. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(A repeat/0 followed by some intermediate goals followed by a test condit\ ion will loop until the test )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(condition is satisfied. It is equivalent to a 'do until' in other langua\ ges. This is exactly the behavior we )Tj +T* +(want for the highest command loop in Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Our first version of command_loop/0 will simply read commands and echo t\ hem until end is entered. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(The built-in predicate read/1 reads a Prolog term from the console. The \ term must be followed by a )Tj +T* +(period. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(1 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1002 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(condition as one way to end the game. Also add a 'wait' command, which j\ ust waits for one time )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(increment. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(5- Add other individuals or creatures that move automatically through th\ e game rooms. Each cycle of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the command loop will update their locations based on whatever algorithm\ you choose. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Customer Order Entry)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(6- Write a command loop for the order entry inventory system. Write a va\ riation on menuask/3 that will )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(present the user with a menu of choices, one of which is to exit the sys\ tem. Use this in the command )Tj +T* +(loop instead of just prompting for a command. Have each command prompt f\ or the required input, if )Tj +T* +(any. )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Expert System)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(7- Make a new version of the expert system that maintains the 'known' in\ formation in arguments rather )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(than in the logicbase. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 439.3005 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(11 of 11\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1003 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 745.5235 Tm +(command_loop:- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( write\('Enter command \(end to exit\): '\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( read\(X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\(X\), nl,)Tj +T* +( X = end.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The last goal will fail unless end is entered. The repeat/0 always succe\ eds on backtracking and causes )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the intermediate goals to be re-executed. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can execute it by entering this query. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command_loop.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Now that the control structure is in place, we can have it execute the c\ ommand, rather than just repeat it. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will write a new predicate called do/1, which executes only the comma\ nds we allow. Many other )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(languages have 'do case' control structures that perform this kind of fu\ nction. Multiple clauses in a )Tj +T* +(Prolog predicate behave similarly to a 'do case.' )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is do/1. Notice that it allows us to define synonyms for commands, \ that is, the player can enter )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(either goto\(X\) or go\(X\) to cause the goto/1 predicate to be executed\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(do\(goto\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(go\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(inventory\):-inventory,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look\):-look,!.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: The cut serves two purposes. First, it says once we have found a '\ do' clause to execute, don't )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bother looking for anymore. Second, it prevents the backtracking initiat\ ed at the end of command_loop )Tj +T* +(from entering the other command predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here are some more do/1's. If do\(end\) did not always succeed, we would\ never get to the' X = end' test )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and would fail forever. The last do/1 allows us to tell the user there w\ as something wrong with the )Tj +T* +(command. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(do\(take\(X\)\) :- take\(X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(end\).)Tj +T* +(do\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('Invalid command'\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(2 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1004 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(We can now rewrite command_loop/0 to use the new do/1 and incorporate pu\ zzle/1 in the command )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(loop. We will also replace the old simple test for end with a new predic\ ate, end_condition/1, that will )Tj +T* +(determine if the game is over. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command_loop:- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Welcome to Nani Search'\), nl,)Tj +T* +( repeat,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('>nani> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( puzzle\(X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(X\), nl,)Tj +T* +( end_condition\(X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Two conditions might end the game. The first is if the player types 'end\ .' The second is if the player has )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(successfully taken the Nani. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(end_condition\(end\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(end_condition\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( have\(nani\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Congratulations'\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The game can now be played from the top. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command_loop.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(Welcome to ...)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 285.0457 Tm +(Recursive Control Loop )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 248.7909 Tm +(As hinted at in chapter 7, the purity of logic programming is undermined\ by the asserts and retracts of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the logicbase. Just like global data in any language, predicates that ar\ e dynamically asserted and )Tj +T* +(retracted can make for unpredictable code. That is, code in one part of \ the system that uses a dynamic )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate is affected by code in an entirely different part that changes\ that dynamic predicate. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\) succeeds or fails based on the exi\ stence of turned_on\(flashlight\) )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(which is asserted by the turn_on/1 predicate. A bug in turn_on/1 will ca\ use puzzle/1 to behave )Tj +T* +(incorrectly. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The entire game can be reconstructed using arguments and no global data.\ To do this, it helps to think of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the game as a sequence of state transformations. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(In the current implementation, the state of the game is defined by the d\ ynamic predicates location/2, )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(3 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1005 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 318.015 m +580.4 318.015 l +579.4 317.015 l +11 317.015 l +h +f +10 318.015 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 317.015 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 318.015 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 317.015 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 315.015 m +577.4 315.015 l +576.4 314.015 l +14 314.015 l +h +f +13 315.015 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 314.015 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 315.015 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 314.015 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.7909 Tm +(here/1, have/1, and turned_on/1 or turned_off/1 for the flashlight. Thes\ e predicates define an initial state )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(which is dynamically changed, using assert and retract, as the player mo\ ves through the game toward the )Tj +T* +(winning state, which is defined by the existence of have\(nani\). )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can get the same effect by defining a complex structure to hold the s\ tate, implementing game )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(commands that access that state as an argument, rather than from dynamic\ facts in the logicbase. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Because logical variables cannot have their values changed by assignment\ , the commands must take two )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(arguments representing the old state and the new state. The repeat-fail \ control structure will not let us )Tj +T* +(repeatedly change the state in this manner, so we need to write a recurs\ ive control structure that )Tj +T* +(recursively sends the new state to itself. The boundary condition is rea\ ching the ending state of the )Tj +T* +(game. This control structure is shown in figure 14.1, which contains an \ abbreviated version of Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The state is represented by a list of structures holding different types\ of state information, as seen in )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(initial_state/1. The various commands in this type of game need to acces\ s and manipulate that state )Tj +T* +(structure. Rather than require each predicate that accesses the state to\ understand its complex structure, )Tj +T* +(the utility predicates get_state/3, add_state/4, and del_state/4 are wri\ tten to access it. This way any )Tj +T* +(program changes to the state structure only require changes to the utili\ ty predicates. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(This style of Prolog programming is logically purer, and lends itself to\ certain types of applications. It )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(also avoids the difficulties often associated with global data. On the o\ ther hand, it requires more )Tj +T* +(complexity in dealing with state information in arguments, and the multi\ ple lists and recursive routines )Tj +T* +(can be confusing to debug. You will have to decide which approach to use\ for each application you )Tj +T* +(write. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(/* a nonassertive version of nani search */)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nani :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Welcome to Nani Search'\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( initial_state\(State\),)Tj +T* +( control_loop\(State\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(control_loop\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( end_condition\(State\).)Tj +T* +(control_loop\(State\) :-)Tj +T* +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(X\),)Tj +T* +( constraint\(State, X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(State, NewState, X\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(4 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1006 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( control_loop\(NewState\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* initial dynamic state */)Tj +T* +(initial_state\([)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(here\(kitchen\),)Tj +T* +(have\([]\),)Tj +T* +(location\([)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( kitchen/apple,)Tj +T* +( kitchen/broccoli,)Tj +T* +( office/desk,)Tj +T* +( office/flashlight,)Tj +T* +( cellar/nani ]\),)Tj +T* +(status\([)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( flashlight/off,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( game/on]\) ]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* static state */)Tj +T* +(rooms\([office, kitchen, cellar]\).)Tj +T* +(doors\([office/kitchen, cellar/kitchen]\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( doors\(DoorList\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X/Y, DoorList\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( doors\(DoorList\),)Tj +T* +( member\(Y/X, DoorList\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* list utilities */)Tj +T* +(member\(X,[X|Y]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(member\(X,[Y|Z]\) :- member\(X,Z\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(delete\(X, [], []\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(delete\(X, [X|T], T\).)Tj +T* +(delete\(X, [H|T], [H|Z]\) :- delete\(X, T, Z\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* state manipulation utilities */)Tj +T* +(get_state\(State, here, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(here\(X\), State\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(5 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1007 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(get_state\(State, have, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(have\(Haves\), State\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, Haves\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(get_state\(State, location, Loc/X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(location\(Locs\), State\),)Tj +T* +( member\(Loc/X, Locs\).)Tj +T* +(get_state\(State, status, Thing/Stat\) :-)Tj +T* +( member\(status\(Stats\), State\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( member\(Thing/Stat, Stats\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(del_state\(OldState, [location\(NewLocs\) | Temp], location, Loc/X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( delete\(location\(Locs\), OldState, Temp\),)Tj +T* +( delete\(Loc/X, Locs, NewLocs\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add_state\(OldState, [here\(X\)|Temp], here, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( delete\(here\(_\), OldState, Temp\).)Tj +T* +(add_state\(OldState, [have\([X|Haves]\)|Temp], have, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(have\(Haves\), OldState, Temp\).)Tj +T* +(add_state\(OldState, [status\([Thing/Stat|TempStats]\)|Temp],)Tj +T* +(status, Thing/Stat\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(status\(Stats\), OldState, Temp\),)Tj +T* +( delete\(Thing/_, Stats, TempStats\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* end condition */)Tj +T* +(end_condition\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, nani\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You win'\).)Tj +T* +(end_condition\(State\) :-)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, status, game/off\),)Tj +T* +( write\('quitter'\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* constraints and puzzles together */)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, goto\(cellar\)\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( !, can_go_cellar\(State\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, goto\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_go\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, take\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_take\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(State, turn_on\(X\)\) :-)Tj +T* +( !, can_turn_on\(State, X\).)Tj +T* +(constraint\(_, _\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(6 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1008 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 36 l +579.4 36 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 36 l +576.4 36 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 737.1082 Tm +(can_go\(State,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( connect\(X,H\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(can_go\(_, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You can''t get there from here'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_go_cellar\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( can_go\(State, cellar\),)Tj +T* +( !, cellar_puzzle\(State\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(cellar_puzzle\(State\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, status, flashlight/on\).)Tj +T* +(cellar_puzzle\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('It''s dark in the cellar'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_take\(State, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( get_state\(State, location, H/X\).)Tj +T* +(can_take\(State, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('it is not here'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(can_turn_on\(State, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, have, X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(can_turn_on\(_, X\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('You don''t have it'\),)Tj +T* +( nl, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(/* commands */ )Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, goto\(X\)\) :- goto\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(do\(Old, New, take\(X\)\) :- take\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, turn_on\(X\)\) :- turn_on\(Old, New, X\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(State, State, look\) :- look\(State\), !.)Tj +T* +(do\(Old, New, quit\) :- quit\(Old, New\).)Tj +T* +(do\(State, State, _\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('illegal command'\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(look\(State\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(7 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1009 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 320 l +11 321 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +580.4 766 m +580.4 320 l +579.4 321 l +579.4 766 l +h +f +10 320 m +580.4 320 l +579.4 321 l +11 321 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 323 l +14 324 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +577.4 766 m +577.4 323 l +576.4 324 l +576.4 766 l +h +f +13 323 m +577.4 323 l +576.4 324 l +14 324 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( get_state\(State, here, H\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You are in '\), write\(H\),)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( list_things\(State, H\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_things\(State, H\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(State, location, H/X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\), write\(X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(_, _\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(goto\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, here, X\),)Tj +T* +( look\(New\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(take\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get_state\(Old, here, H\),)Tj +T* +( del_state\(Old, Temp, location, H/X\),)Tj +T* +( add_state\(Temp, New, have, X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on\(Old, New, X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, status, X/on\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(quit\(Old, New\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( add_state\(Old, New, status, game/off\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 14.1. Nani Search without a dynamic facts )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There could be serious performance problems with this approach to the ga\ me. Prolog uses a stack to )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(keep track of the levels of predicate calls. In the case of a recursive \ predicate, the stack grows at each )Tj +T* +(recursive call. In this example, with its complex arguments, the stack c\ ould easily be consumed in a )Tj +T* +(shortperiod of time by the recursive control structure. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Fortunately, there is a performance feature built into Prolog that makes\ this example program, and ones )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(similar to it, behave efficiently. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 112.2457 Tm +(Tail Recursion)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 75.9909 Tm +(There are actually two kinds of recursive routines. In a true recursive \ routine, each level must wait for )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(the information from the lower levels in order to return an answer. This\ means that Prolog must build a )Tj +T* +(stack with a new entry for each level. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(8 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1010 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 736.5909 Tm +(This is in contrast to iteration, which is more common in conventional l\ anguages. Each pass through the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(iteration updates the variables and there is no need for building a stac\ k. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(There is a type of recursion called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(tail recursion)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( that, while written recursively, behaves iteratively. In )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(general, if the recursive call is the last call, and there are no comput\ ations based on the information from )Tj +T* +(the lower levels, then a good Prolog can implement the predicate iterati\ vely, without growing the stack. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(One classic example of tail recursion is the factorial predicate. First \ we'll write it using normal recursion. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(Note that the variable FF, which is returned from the lower level, is us\ ed in the top level. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(factorial_1\(1,1\).)Tj +T* +(factorial_1\(N,F\):-)Tj +T* +( N > 1,)Tj +T* +( NN is N - 1,)Tj +T* +( factorial_1\(NN,FF\),)Tj +T* +( F is N * FF.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It works as expected. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- factorial_1\(5,X\).)Tj +T* +(X = 120)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(By introducing a new second argument to keep track of the result so far,\ we can rewrite factorial/3 tail-)Tj +T* +(recursively. The new argument is initially set to 1. Each recursive call\ builds on the second argument. )Tj +T* +(When the boundary condition is reached, the third argument is bound to t\ he second argument. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(factorial_2\(1,F,F\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(factorial_2\(N,T,F\):-)Tj +T* +( N > 1,)Tj +T* +( TT is N * T,)Tj +T* +( NN is N - 1,)Tj +T* +( factorial_2\(NN,TT,F\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It gives the same results as the previous version, but because the recur\ sive call is the last call in the )Tj +T* +(second clause, its arguments are not needed at each level. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- factorial_2\(5,1,X\).)Tj +T* +(X = 120)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Another classic example of tail recursion is the predicate to reverse a \ list. The straightforward definition )Tj +T* +(of 'reverse' would be )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(9 of 11\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1011 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 736.7235 Tm +(naive_reverse\([],[]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(naive_reverse\([H|T],Rev\):-)Tj +T* +( naive_reverse\(T,TR\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( append\(TR,[H],Rev\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The inefficiency of this definition is a feature taken advantage of in P\ rolog benchmarks. It is called the )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +(naive reverse)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(, and published performance statistics often list the time required to r\ everse a list of a )Tj +T* +(certain size. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The result of the recursive call to naive_reverse/2 is used in the last \ goal, so it is not tail recursive, but it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(gives the right answers. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- naive_reverse\([ants, mice, zebras], X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [zebras, mice, ants])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(By again introducing a new second argument which will accumulate the par\ tial answer through levels of )Tj +T* +(recursion, we can rewrite 'reverse.' It turns out that the partial answe\ r is already reversed when it reaches )Tj +T* +(the boundary condition. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(reverse\([], Rev, Rev\).)Tj +T* +(reverse\([H|T], Temp, Rev\) :-)Tj +T* +( reverse\(T, [H|Temp], Rev\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now try the second reverse. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- reverse\([ants, mice, zebras], [], X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [zebras, mice, ants])Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 246.6611 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 210.4063 Tm +(1- Trace both versions of reverse to understand the performance differen\ ces. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Write a tail recursive predicate that will compute the sum of the num\ bers between two given )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(numbers. Trace its behavior to see if it is tail recursive. )Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(3- Add the remaining command predicates to do/1 so the game can be fully\ played. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(4- Add the concept of time to the game by putting a counter in the comma\ nd loop. Use an out-of-time )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm \(10 of 11\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:01 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1012 0 obj(Control Structures) endobj 1013 0 obj<> endobj 1014 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a14cntrl.htm) endobj 1015 0 obj(DJ? ȧ) endobj 1016 0 obj<> endobj 1017 0 obj<> endobj 1018 0 obj(Rc~,T) endobj 1019 0 obj 6 endobj 1020 0 obj 1 endobj 1021 0 obj<> endobj 1022 0 obj<> endobj 1023 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1024 0 obj[1023 0 R/XYZ 0 766.0 null] endobj 1025 0 obj<><><><><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 1023 0 R>> endobj 1026 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1027 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1028 0 obj[1027 0 R] endobj 1029 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1030 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1031 0 obj[1029 0 R/XYZ 0 141.4 null] endobj 1032 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1033 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1034 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1035 0 obj<> endobj 1036 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1037 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1038 0 obj<> endobj 1039 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1040 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1041 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1042 0 obj[1040 0 R/XYZ 0 651.6 null] endobj 1043 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1044 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1045 0 obj<> endobj 1046 0 obj<> endobj 1047 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1048 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1049 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1050 0 obj<> endobj 1051 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1052 0 obj[1049 0 R/XYZ 0 78.6 null] endobj 1053 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1054 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1055 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1056 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(15)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Prolog is especially well-suited for developing natural language systems\ . In this chapter we will create )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(an English front end for Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(But before moving to Nani Search, we will develop a natural language par\ ser for a simple subset of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(English. Once that is understood, we will use the same technology for Na\ ni Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The simple subset of English will include sentences such as )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 423.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 423.9909 Tm +(The dog ate the bone. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 407.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 407.1909 Tm +(The big brown mouse chases a lazy cat. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(This grammar can be described with the following grammar rules. \(The fi\ rst rule says a sentence is made )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(up of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase. The last rule says an adj\ ective is either 'big', or 'brown', )Tj +T* +(or 'lazy.' The '|' means 'or.'\) )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(sentence :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase, verbphrase. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(determiner, nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(noun. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(adjective, nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(verbphrase :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(verb, nounphrase. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(determiner : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(the | a. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(noun : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(dog | bone | mouse | cat. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1057 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1058 0 obj[1055 0 R/XYZ 0 438.2 null] endobj 1059 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1060 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(verb : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(ate | chases. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(adjective :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(big | brown | lazy. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(To begin with, we will simply determine if a sentence is a legal sentenc\ e. In other words, we will write a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate sentence/1, which will determine if its argument is a sentence\ . )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The sentence will be represented as a list of words. Our two examples ar\ e )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +([the,dog,ate,the,bone])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +([the,big,brown,mouse,chases,a,lazy,cat])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There are two basic strategies for solving a parsing problem like this. \ The first is a generate-and-test )Tj +T* +(strategy, where the list to be parsed is split in different ways, with t\ he splittings tested to see if they are )Tj +T* +(components of a legal sentence. We have already seen that we can use app\ end/3 to generate the )Tj +T* +(splittings of a list. With this approach, the top-level rule would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(L\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(NP, VP, L\),)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(NP\),)Tj +T* +( verbphrase\(VP\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The append/3 predicate will generate possible values for the variables N\ P and VP, by splitting the )Tj +T* +(original list L. The next two goals test each of the portions of the lis\ t to see if they are grammatically )Tj +T* +(correct. If not, backtracking into append/3 causes another possible spli\ tting to be generated. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The clauses for nounphrase/1 and verbphrase/1 are similar to sentence/1,\ and call further predicates that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(deal with smaller units of a sentence, until the word definitions are me\ t, such as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\([ate]\).)Tj +T* +(verb\([chases]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\([mouse]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\([dog]\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 127.2457 Tm +(Difference Lists )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 90.9909 Tm +(The above strategy, however, is extremely slow because of the constant g\ eneration and testing of trial )Tj +T* +(solutions that do not work. Furthermore, the generating and testing is h\ appening at multiple levels. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The more efficient strategy is to skip the generation step and pass the \ entire list to the lower level )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1061 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1062 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1063 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 751.5909 Tm +(predicates, which in turn will take the grammatical portion of the sente\ nce they are looking for from the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(front of the list and return the remainder of the list. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To do this, we use a structure called a )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(difference list)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(.It is two related lists, in which the first list is the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(full list and the second list is the remainder. The two lists can be two\ arguments in a predicate, but they )Tj +T* +(are more readable if represented as a single argument with the minus sig\ n \(-\) operator, like X-Y. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here then is the first grammar rule using difference lists. A list S is \ a sentence if we can extract a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nounphrase from the beginning of it, with a remainder list of S1, and if\ we can extract a verb phrase )Tj +T* +(from S1 with the empty list as the remainder. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(S\) :-)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(S-S1\),)Tj +T* +( verbphrase\(S1-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Before filling in nounphrase/1 and verbphrase/1, we will jump to the low\ est level predicates that define )Tj +T* +(the actual words. They too must be difference lists. They are simple. If\ the head of the first list is the )Tj +T* +(word, the remainder list is simply the tail. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\([dog|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(noun\([cat|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(noun\([mouse|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verb\([ate|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\([chases|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(adjective\([big|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(adjective\([brown|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(adjective\([lazy|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(determiner\([the|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(determiner\([a|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Testing shows how the difference lists work. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- noun\([dog,ate,the,bone]-X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [ate,the,bone] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- verb\([dog,ate,the,bone]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Continuing with the new grammar rules we have )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1064 0 obj[1025 0 R] endobj 1065 0 obj[1062 0 R/XYZ 0 564.2 null] endobj 1066 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 739.3235 Tm +(nounphrase\(NP-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( determiner\(NP-S1\),)Tj +T* +( nounexpression\(S1-X\).)Tj +T* +(nounphrase\(NP-X\):-)Tj +T* +( nounexpression\(NP-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nounexpression\(NE-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( noun\(NE-X\).)Tj +T* +(nounexpression\(NE-X\):-)Tj +T* +( adjective\(NE-S1\),)Tj +T* +( nounexpression\(S1-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verbphrase\(VP-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( verb\(VP-S1\),)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(S1-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: The recursive call in the definition of nounexpression/1. It allow\ s sentences to have any number )Tj +T* +(of adjectives before a noun. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(These rules can now be used to test sentences. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sentence\([the,lazy,mouse,ate,a,dog]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([the,dog,ate]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([a,big,brown,cat,chases,a,lazy,brown,dog]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([the,cat,jumps,the,mouse]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Figure 15.1 contains a trace of the sentence/1 predicate for a simple se\ ntence. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1067 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +602 766 l +601 765 l +11 765 l +h +f +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 765 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 765 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 763 m +599 763 l +598 762 l +14 762 l +h +f +13 763 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 762 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 763 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 762 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 746.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1-1 CALL sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 CALL nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL determiner\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 FAIL determiner\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL nounexpression\([dog,chases,cat]- _0\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL noun\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT noun\([dog,chases,cat]- )Tj +T* +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Notice how the binding of the variable representing the remainder list h\ as been deferred until the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(lowest level is called. Each level unifies its remainder with the level \ before it, so when the vocabulary )Tj +T* +(level is reached, the binding of the remainder to the tail of the list i\ s propagated back up through the )Tj +T* +(nested calls. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 EXIT nounexpression\([dog,chases,cat]-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-)Tj +T* +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now that we have the noun phrase, we can see if the remainder is a verb \ phrase.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 CALL verbphrase\([chases,cat]-[]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 CALL verb\([chases,cat]-_4\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT verb\([chases,cat]-[cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Finding the verb was easy, now for the final noun phrase.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-2 CALL nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 4-1 CALL determiner\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL determiner\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 3-2 REDO nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL nounexpression\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL noun\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 EXIT noun\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT nounexpression\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 3-2 EXIT nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT verbphrase\([chases,cat]-[]\))Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1068 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 706.4 l +11 707.4 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 706.4 l +601 707.4 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 706.4 m +602 706.4 l +601 707.4 l +11 707.4 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 709.4 l +14 710.4 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 709.4 l +598 710.4 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 709.4 m +599 709.4 l +598 710.4 l +14 710.4 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(1-1 EXIT sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 15.1. Trace of sentence/1 )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 637.4457 Tm +(Natural Language Front End)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 601.1909 Tm +(We will now use this sentence-parsing technique to build a simple Englis\ h language front end for Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For the time being we will make two assumptions. The first is that we ca\ n get the user's input sentence )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in list form. The second is that we can represent our commands in list f\ orm. For example, we can )Tj +T* +(express goto\(office\) as [goto, office], and look as [look]. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(With these assumptions, the task of our natural language front end is to\ translate a user's natural sentence )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list into an acceptable command list. For example, we would want to tran\ slate [go,to,the,office] into )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +([goto, office]. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will write a high-level predicate, called command/2, that performs th\ is translation. Its format will be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\(OutputList, InputList\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The simplest commands are the ones that are made up of a verb with no ob\ ject, such as look, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list_possessions, and end. We can define this situation as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V], InList\):- verb\(V, InList-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will define verbs as in the earlier example, only this time we will i\ nclude an extra argument, which )Tj +T* +(identifies the command for use in building the output list. We can also \ allow as many different ways of )Tj +T* +(expressing a command as we feel like as in the two ways to say 'look' an\ d the three ways to say 'end.' )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(look, [look|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(look, [look,around|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(list_possessions, [inventory|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(end, [end|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(end, [quit|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(end, [good,bye|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now test what we've got. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1069 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- command\(X,[look]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [look])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[look,around]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [look])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[inventory]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [list_possessions])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[good,bye]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [end])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We now move to the more complicated case of a command composed of a verb\ and an object. Using the )Tj +T* +(grammatical constructs we saw in the beginning of this chapter, we could\ easily construct this grammar. )Tj +T* +(However, we would like to have our interface recognize the semantics of \ the sentence as well as the )Tj +T* +(formal grammar. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, we would like to make sure that 'goto' verbs have a place a\ s an object, and that the other )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verbs have a thing as an object. We can include this knowledge in our na\ tural language routine with )Tj +T* +(another argument. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is how the extra argument is used to ensure the object type require\ d by the verb matches the object )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(type of the noun. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V,O], InList\) :-)Tj +T* +( verb\(Object_Type, V, InList-S1\),)Tj +T* +( object\(Object_Type, O, S1-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here is how we specify the new verbs. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(place, goto, [go,to|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(place, goto, [go|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(place, goto, [move,to|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can even recognize the case where the 'goto' verb was implied, that i\ s if the user just typed in a room )Tj +T* +(name without a preceding verb. In this case the list and its remainder a\ re the same. The existing room/1 )Tj +T* +(predicate is used to check if the list element is a room except when the\ room name is made up of two )Tj +T* +(words. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The rule states "If we are looking for a verb at the beginning of a list\ , and the list begins with a room, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(then assume a 'goto' verb was found and return the full list for process\ ing as the object of the 'goto' )Tj +T* +(verb." )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1070 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 741.7082 Tm +(verb\(place, goto, [X|Y]-[X|Y]\):- room\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(place, goto, [dining,room|Y]-[dining,room|Y]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Some of the verbs for things are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(thing, take, [take|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(thing, drop, [drop|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(thing, drop, [put|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(thing, turn_on, [turn,on|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Optionally, an 'object' may be preceded by a determiner. Here are the tw\ o rules for 'object,' which cover )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(both cases. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(Type, N, S1-S3\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( det\(S1-S2\),)Tj +T* +( noun\(Type, N, S2-S3\).)Tj +T* +(object\(Type, N, S1-S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( noun\(Type, N, S1-S2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Since we are just going to throw the determiner away, we don't need to c\ arry extra arguments. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(det\([the|X]- X\).)Tj +T* +(det\([a|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(det\([an|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We define nouns like verbs, but use their occurrence in the game to defi\ ne most of them. Only those )Tj +T* +(names that are made up of two or more words require special treatment. N\ ouns of place are defined in )Tj +T* +(the game as rooms. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(place, R, [R|X]-X\):- room\(R\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(place, 'dining room', [dining,room|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Things are distinguished by appearing in a 'location' or 'have' predicat\ e. Again, we make exceptions for )Tj +T* +(cases where the thing name has two words. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(thing, T, [T|X]-X\):- location\(T,_\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing, T, [T|X]-X\):- have\(T\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing, 'washing machine', [washing,machine|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can build into the grammar an awareness of the current game situation\ , and have the parser respond )Tj +T* +(accordingly. For example, we might provide a command that allows the pla\ yer to turn the room lights on )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1071 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(or off. This command might be turn_on\(light\) as opposed to turn_on\(fl\ ashlight\). If the user types in 'turn )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(on the light' we would like to determine which light was meant. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can assume the room light was always meant, unless the player has the\ flashlight. In that case we )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(will assume the flashlight was meant. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(thing, flashlight, [light|X], X\):- have\(flashlight\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing, light, [light|X], X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now try it out. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command\(X,[go,to,the,office]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [goto, office])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[go,dining,room]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [goto, 'dining room'])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[kitchen]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [goto, kitchen])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[take,the,apple]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [take, apple])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[turn,on,the,light]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [turn_on, light])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- asserta\(have\(flashlight\)\), command\(X,[turn,on,the,light]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [turn_on, flashlight])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It should fail in the following situations that don't conform to our gra\ mmar or semantics. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command\(X,[go,to,the,desk]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[go,attic]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[drop,an,office]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 64.4457 Tm +(Definite Clause Grammar )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1072 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(The use of difference lists for parsing is so common in Prolog, that mos\ t Prologs contain additional )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(syntactic sugaring that simplifies the syntax by hiding the difference l\ ists from view. This syntax is )Tj +T* +(called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(Definite Clause Grammar)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(DCG\), and looks like normal Prolog, only the neck symbol \(:-\) is )Tj +T* +(replaced with an arrow \(-->\). The DCG representation is parsed and tra\ nslated to normal Prolog with )Tj +T* +(difference lists. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Using DCG, the 'sentence' predicate developed earlier would be phrased )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence --> nounphrase, verbphrase.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This would be translated into normal Prolog, with difference lists, but \ represented as separate arguments )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(rather than as single arguments separated by a minus \(-\) as we impleme\ nted them. The above example )Tj +T* +(would be translated into the following equivalent Prolog. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(S1, S2\):-)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(S1, S3\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( verbphrase\(S3, S2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Thus, if we define 'sentence' using DCG we still must call it with two a\ rguments, even though the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(arguments were not explicitly stated in the DCG representation. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sentence\([dog,chases,cat], []\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The DCG vocabulary is represented by simple lists. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun --> [dog].)Tj +T* +(verb --> [chases].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These are translated into Prolog as difference lists. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\([dog|X], X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\([chases|X], X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(As with the natural language front end for Nani Search, we often want to\ mix pure Prolog with the )Tj +T* +(grammar and include extra arguments to carry semantic information. The a\ rguments are simply added as )Tj +T* +(normal arguments and the pure Prolog is enclosed in curly brackets \({}\)\ to prevent the DCG parser from )Tj +T* +(translating it. Some of the complex rules in our game grammar would then\ be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V,O]\) --> )Tj +T* +( verb\(Object_Type, V\), )Tj +T* +( object\(Object_Type, O\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1073 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 280.015 m +471.2 280.015 l +470.2 279.015 l +11 279.015 l +h +f +10 280.015 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 279.015 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +471.2 280.015 m +471.2 36 l +470.2 36 l +470.2 279.015 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 277.015 m +468.2 277.015 l +467.2 276.015 l +14 276.015 l +h +f +13 277.015 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 276.015 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +468.2 277.015 m +468.2 36 l +467.2 36 l +467.2 276.015 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 50 751.9082 Tm +(verb\(place, goto\) --> [go, to].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing, take\) --> [take].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(object\(Type, N\) --> det, noun\(Type, N\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(object\(Type, N\) --> noun\(Type, N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(det --> [the].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(det --> [a].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(place,X\) --> [X], {room\(X\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(place,'dining room'\) --> [dining, room].)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,X\) --> [X], {location\(X,_\)}.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Because the DCG automatically takes off the first argument, we cannot ex\ amine it and send it along as )Tj +T* +(we did in testing for a 'goto' verb when only the room name was given in\ the command. We can )Tj +T* +(recognize this case with an additional 'command' clause. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([goto, Place]\) --> noun\(place, Place\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 424.0457 Tm +(Reading Sentences )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 387.7909 Tm +(Now for the missing pieces. We must include a predicate that reads a nor\ mal sentence from the user and )Tj +T* +(puts it into a list. Figure 15.2 contains a program to perform the task.\ It is composed of two parts. The )Tj +T* +(first part reads a line of ASCII characters from the user, using the bui\ lt-in predicate get0/1, which reads )Tj +T* +(a single ASCII character. The line is assumed terminated by an ASCII 13,\ which is a carriage return. )Tj +T* +(The second part uses DCG to parse the list of characters into a list of \ words, using another built-in )Tj +T* +(predicate name/2, which converts a list of ASCII characters into an atom\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(% read a line of words from the user)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_list\(L\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read_line\(CL\),)Tj +T* +( wordlist\(L,CL,[]\), !.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_line\(L\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C\),)Tj +T* +( buildlist\(C,L\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(buildlist\(13,[]\) :- !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(buildlist\(C,[C|X]\) :-)Tj +T* +( get0\(C2\),)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1074 0 obj<>stream +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +0 i +10 766 m +10 437.6 l +11 438.6 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +471.2 766 m +471.2 437.6 l +470.2 438.6 l +470.2 766 l +h +f +10 437.6 m +471.2 437.6 l +470.2 438.6 l +11 438.6 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 440.6 l +14 441.6 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +468.2 766 m +468.2 440.6 l +467.2 441.6 l +467.2 766 l +h +f +13 440.6 m +468.2 440.6 l +467.2 441.6 l +14 441.6 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( buildlist\(C2,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X|Y]\) --> word\(X\), whitespace, wordlist\(Y\).)Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X]\) --> whitespace, wordlist\(X\).)Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X]\) --> word\(X\).)Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X]\) --> word\(X\), whitespace.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(word\(W\) --> charlist\(X\), {name\(W,X\)}.)Tj +T* +(charlist\([X|Y]\) --> chr\(X\), charlist\(Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(charlist\([X]\) --> chr\(X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(chr\(X\) --> [X],{X>=48}.)Tj +T* +(whitespace --> whsp, whitespace.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(whitespace --> whsp.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(whsp --> [X], {X<48}.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 15.2. Program to read input sentences )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The other missing piece converts a command in the format [goto,office] t\ o a normal-looking command )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(goto\(office\). This is done with a standard built-in predicate called '\ univ', which is represented by an )Tj +T* +(equal sign and two periods \(=..\). It translates a predicate and its ar\ guments into a list whose first element )Tj +T* +(is the predicate name and whose remaining elements are the arguments. It\ works in reverse as well, )Tj +T* +(which is how we will want to use it. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- pred\(arg1,arg2\) =.. X.)Tj +T* +(X = [pred, arg1, arg2] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- pred =.. X.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [pred] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X =.. [pred,arg1,arg1].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pred\(arg1, arg2\) )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X =.. [pred].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pred )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now use these two predicates, along with command/2 to write get_c\ ommand/1, which reads a )Tj +T* +(sentence from the user and returns a command to command_loop/0. )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1075 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +468 0 0 60 72 687 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +24.7692 0 0 24.7692 10 646.726 Tm +(15)Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 34.7692 646.726 Tm +( )Tj +0.89 0.737 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +19.3846 0 0 19.3846 10 602.2918 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 564.9909 Tm +(Prolog is especially well-suited for developing natural language systems\ . In this chapter we will create )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(an English front end for Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(But before moving to Nani Search, we will develop a natural language par\ ser for a simple subset of )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(English. Once that is understood, we will use the same technology for Na\ ni Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The simple subset of English will include sentences such as )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 423.9909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 423.9909 Tm +(The dog ate the bone. )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +7 0 0 7 35.713 407.1909 Tm +(l)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +14 0 0 14 50 407.1909 Tm +(The big brown mouse chases a lazy cat. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(This grammar can be described with the following grammar rules. \(The fi\ rst rule says a sentence is made )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(up of a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase. The last rule says an adj\ ective is either 'big', or 'brown', )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(or 'lazy.' The '|' means 'or.'\) )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(sentence :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase, verbphrase. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(determiner, nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounphrase : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(noun. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(nounexpression :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(adjective, nounexpression. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(verbphrase :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(verb, nounphrase. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(determiner : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(the | a. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(noun : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(dog | bone | mouse | cat. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(1 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1076 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(verb : )Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(ate | chases. )Tj +-2.857 -1.2 Td +(adjective :)Tj +2.857 -1.2 Td +(big | brown | lazy. )Tj +-2.857 -2.557 Td +(To begin with, we will simply determine if a sentence is a legal sentenc\ e. In other words, we will write a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(predicate sentence/1, which will determine if its argument is a sentence\ . )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The sentence will be represented as a list of words. Our two examples ar\ e )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +([the,dog,ate,the,bone])Tj +0 -1.2 TD +([the,big,brown,mouse,chases,a,lazy,cat])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(There are two basic strategies for solving a parsing problem like this. \ The first is a generate-and-test )Tj +T* +(strategy, where the list to be parsed is split in different ways, with t\ he splittings tested to see if they are )Tj +T* +(components of a legal sentence. We have already seen that we can use app\ end/3 to generate the )Tj +T* +(splittings of a list. With this approach, the top-level rule would be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(L\) :-)Tj +T* +( append\(NP, VP, L\),)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(NP\),)Tj +T* +( verbphrase\(VP\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The append/3 predicate will generate possible values for the variables N\ P and VP, by splitting the )Tj +T* +(original list L. The next two goals test each of the portions of the lis\ t to see if they are grammatically )Tj +T* +(correct. If not, backtracking into append/3 causes another possible spli\ tting to be generated. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The clauses for nounphrase/1 and verbphrase/1 are similar to sentence/1,\ and call further predicates that )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(deal with smaller units of a sentence, until the word definitions are me\ t, such as )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\([ate]\).)Tj +T* +(verb\([chases]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\([mouse]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\([dog]\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 127.2457 Tm +(Difference Lists )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 90.9909 Tm +(The above strategy, however, is extremely slow because of the constant g\ eneration and testing of trial )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(solutions that do not work. Furthermore, the generating and testing is h\ appening at multiple levels. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The more efficient strategy is to skip the generation step and pass the \ entire list to the lower level )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(2 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1077 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 751.5909 Tm +(predicates, which in turn will take the grammatical portion of the sente\ nce they are looking for from the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(front of the list and return the remainder of the list. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(To do this, we use a structure called a )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(difference list)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +(.It is two related lists, in which the first list is the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(full list and the second list is the remainder. The two lists can be two\ arguments in a predicate, but they )Tj +T* +(are more readable if represented as a single argument with the minus sig\ n \(-\) operator, like X-Y. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here then is the first grammar rule using difference lists. A list S is \ a sentence if we can extract a )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nounphrase from the beginning of it, with a remainder list of S1, and if\ we can extract a verb phrase )Tj +T* +(from S1 with the empty list as the remainder. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(S\) :-)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(S-S1\),)Tj +T* +( verbphrase\(S1-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Before filling in nounphrase/1 and verbphrase/1, we will jump to the low\ est level predicates that define )Tj +T* +(the actual words. They too must be difference lists. They are simple. If\ the head of the first list is the )Tj +T* +(word, the remainder list is simply the tail. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\([dog|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(noun\([cat|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(noun\([mouse|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verb\([ate|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\([chases|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(adjective\([big|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(adjective\([brown|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(adjective\([lazy|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(determiner\([the|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(determiner\([a|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Testing shows how the difference lists work. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- noun\([dog,ate,the,bone]-X\).)Tj +T* +(X = [ate,the,bone] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- verb\([dog,ate,the,bone]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Continuing with the new grammar rules we have )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(3 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1078 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 741.3082 Tm +(get_command\(C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( read_list\(L\),)Tj +T* +( command\(CL,L\),)Tj +T* +( C =.. CL, !.)Tj +T* +(get_command\(_\) :-)Tj +T* +( write\('I don''t understand'\), nl, fail.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We have now gone from writing the simple facts in the early chapters to \ a full adventure game with a )Tj +T* +(natural language front end. You have also written an expert system, an i\ ntelligent genealogical logicbase )Tj +T* +(and a standard business application. Use these as a basis for continued \ learning by experimentation. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 550.0457 Tm +(Exercises )Tj +0 0 0 rg +14 0 0 14 10 513.5484 Tm +(Adventure Game)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(1- Expand the natural language capabilities to handle all of the command\ s of Nani Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(2- Expand the natural language front end to allow for compound sentences\ , such as "go to the kitchen )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and take the apple," or "take the apple and the broccoli." )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(3- Expand the natural language to allow for pronouns. To do this the 'no\ un' predicate must save the last )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun and its type. When the word 'it' is encountered pick up that last n\ oun. Then 'take the apple' )Tj +T* +(followed by 'eat it' will work. \(You will probably have to go directly \ to the difference list notation to )Tj +T* +(make sentences such as "turn it on" work.\) )Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -2.574 TD +(Genealogical Logicbase)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.54 TD +(4- Build a natural language query system that responds to queries such a\ s "Who are dennis' children?" )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(and "How many nephews does jay have?" Assuming you write a predicate get\ _query/1 that returns a )Tj +T* +(Prolog query, you can call the Prolog query with the call/1 built-in pre\ dicate. For example, )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(main_loop :-)Tj +T* +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( get_query\(X\),)Tj +T* +( call\(X\),)Tj +T* +( X = end.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_3 1 Tf +12.9231 0 0 12.9231 10 96.1159 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(13 of 13\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1079 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 739.3235 Tm +(nounphrase\(NP-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( determiner\(NP-S1\),)Tj +T* +( nounexpression\(S1-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nounphrase\(NP-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nounexpression\(NP-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nounexpression\(NE-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( noun\(NE-X\).)Tj +T* +(nounexpression\(NE-X\):-)Tj +T* +( adjective\(NE-S1\),)Tj +T* +( nounexpression\(S1-X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verbphrase\(VP-X\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( verb\(VP-S1\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nounphrase\(S1-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(NOTE: The recursive call in the definition of nounexpression/1. It allow\ s sentences to have any number )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(of adjectives before a noun. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(These rules can now be used to test sentences. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sentence\([the,lazy,mouse,ate,a,dog]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([the,dog,ate]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([a,big,brown,cat,chases,a,lazy,brown,dog]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(yes)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- sentence\([the,cat,jumps,the,mouse]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Figure 15.1 contains a trace of the sentence/1 predicate for a simple se\ ntence. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(4 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1080 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +602 766 l +601 765 l +11 765 l +h +f +10 766 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 765 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 36 l +601 36 l +601 765 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 763 m +599 763 l +598 762 l +14 762 l +h +f +13 763 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 762 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 763 m +599 36 l +598 36 l +598 762 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 746.9756 Tm +(The query is )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +(?- sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(1-1 CALL sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 2-1 CALL nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL determiner\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 FAIL determiner\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 REDO nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 CALL nounexpression\([dog,chases,cat]- _0\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL noun\([dog,chases,cat]-_0\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT noun\([dog,chases,cat]- )Tj +T* +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Notice how the binding of the variable representing the remainder list h\ as been deferred until the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(lowest level is called. Each level unifies its remainder with the level \ before it, so when the vocabulary )Tj +T* +(level is reached, the binding of the remainder to the tail of the list i\ s propagated back up through the )Tj +T* +(nested calls. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-1 EXIT nounexpression\([dog,chases,cat]-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +T* +( 2-1 EXIT nounphrase\([dog,chases,cat]-)Tj +T* +( [chases,cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Now that we have the noun phrase, we can see if the remainder is a verb \ phrase.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 2-2 CALL verbphrase\([chases,cat]-[]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 3-1 CALL verb\([chases,cat]-_4\))Tj +T* +( 3-1 EXIT verb\([chases,cat]-[cat]\))Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 -2.552 TD +(Finding the verb was easy, now for the final noun phrase.)Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -2.562 TD +( 3-2 CALL nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( 4-1 CALL determiner\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 FAIL determiner\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 3-2 REDO nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 CALL nounexpression\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 CALL noun\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 5-1 EXIT noun\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 4-1 EXIT nounexpression\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 3-2 EXIT nounphrase\([cat]-[]\))Tj +T* +( 2-2 EXIT verbphrase\([chases,cat]-[]\))Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(5 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1081 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 706.4 l +11 707.4 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +602 766 m +602 706.4 l +601 707.4 l +601 766 l +h +f +10 706.4 m +602 706.4 l +601 707.4 l +11 707.4 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 709.4 l +14 710.4 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +599 766 m +599 709.4 l +598 710.4 l +598 766 l +h +f +13 709.4 m +599 709.4 l +598 710.4 l +14 710.4 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +(1-1 EXIT sentence\([dog,chases,cat]\))Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( yes)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 15.1. Trace of sentence/1 )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 637.4457 Tm +(Natural Language Front End)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 601.1909 Tm +(We will now use this sentence-parsing technique to build a simple Englis\ h language front end for Nani )Tj +T* +(Search. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For the time being we will make two assumptions. The first is that we ca\ n get the user's input sentence )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in list form. The second is that we can represent our commands in list f\ orm. For example, we can )Tj +T* +(express goto\(office\) as [goto, office], and look as [look]. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(With these assumptions, the task of our natural language front end is to\ translate a user's natural sentence )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list into an acceptable command list. For example, we would want to tran\ slate [go,to,the,office] into )Tj +T* +([goto, office]. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We will write a high-level predicate, called command/2, that performs th\ is translation. Its format will be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\(OutputList, InputList\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The simplest commands are the ones that are made up of a verb with no ob\ ject, such as look, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(list_possessions, and end. We can define this situation as follows. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V], InList\):- verb\(V, InList-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We will define verbs as in the earlier example, only this time we will i\ nclude an extra argument, which )Tj +T* +(identifies the command for use in building the output list. We can also \ allow as many different ways of )Tj +T* +(expressing a command as we feel like as in the two ways to say 'look' an\ d the three ways to say 'end.' )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(look, [look|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(look, [look,around|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(list_possessions, [inventory|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(end, [end|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(end, [quit|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(end, [good,bye|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now test what we've got. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(6 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1082 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 753.9082 Tm +(?- command\(X,[look]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [look])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[look,around]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [look])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[inventory]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [list_possessions])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[good,bye]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [end])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We now move to the more complicated case of a command composed of a verb\ and an object. Using the )Tj +T* +(grammatical constructs we saw in the beginning of this chapter, we could\ easily construct this grammar. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(However, we would like to have our interface recognize the semantics of \ the sentence as well as the )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(formal grammar. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(For example, we would like to make sure that 'goto' verbs have a place a\ s an object, and that the other )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verbs have a thing as an object. We can include this knowledge in our na\ tural language routine with )Tj +T* +(another argument. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Here is how the extra argument is used to ensure the object type require\ d by the verb matches the object )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(type of the noun. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V,O], InList\) :-)Tj +T* +( verb\(Object_Type, V, InList-S1\),)Tj +T* +( object\(Object_Type, O, S1-[]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Here is how we specify the new verbs. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(place, goto, [go,to|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(place, goto, [go|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(place, goto, [move,to|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can even recognize the case where the 'goto' verb was implied, that i\ s if the user just typed in a room )Tj +T* +(name without a preceding verb. In this case the list and its remainder a\ re the same. The existing room/1 )Tj +T* +(predicate is used to check if the list element is a room except when the\ room name is made up of two )Tj +T* +(words. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The rule states "If we are looking for a verb at the beginning of a list\ , and the list begins with a room, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(then assume a 'goto' verb was found and return the full list for process\ ing as the object of the 'goto' )Tj +T* +(verb." )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(7 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1083 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 741.7082 Tm +(verb\(place, goto, [X|Y]-[X|Y]\):- room\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(place, goto, [dining,room|Y]-[dining,room|Y]\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Some of the verbs for things are )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(verb\(thing, take, [take|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing, drop, [drop|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\(thing, drop, [put|X]-X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing, turn_on, [turn,on|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Optionally, an 'object' may be preceded by a determiner. Here are the tw\ o rules for 'object,' which cover )Tj +T* +(both cases. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(object\(Type, N, S1-S3\) :-)Tj +T* +( det\(S1-S2\),)Tj +T* +( noun\(Type, N, S2-S3\).)Tj +T* +(object\(Type, N, S1-S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( noun\(Type, N, S1-S2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Since we are just going to throw the determiner away, we don't need to c\ arry extra arguments. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(det\([the|X]- X\).)Tj +T* +(det\([a|X]-X\).)Tj +T* +(det\([an|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We define nouns like verbs, but use their occurrence in the game to defi\ ne most of them. Only those )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(names that are made up of two or more words require special treatment. N\ ouns of place are defined in )Tj +T* +(the game as rooms. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(place, R, [R|X]-X\):- room\(R\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(place, 'dining room', [dining,room|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Things are distinguished by appearing in a 'location' or 'have' predicat\ e. Again, we make exceptions for )Tj +T* +(cases where the thing name has two words. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(thing, T, [T|X]-X\):- location\(T,_\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing, T, [T|X]-X\):- have\(T\).)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing, 'washing machine', [washing,machine|X]-X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can build into the grammar an awareness of the current game situation\ , and have the parser respond )Tj +T* +(accordingly. For example, we might provide a command that allows the pla\ yer to turn the room lights on )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(8 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1084 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(or off. This command might be turn_on\(light\) as opposed to turn_on\(fl\ ashlight\). If the user types in 'turn )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(on the light' we would like to determine which light was meant. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(We can assume the room light was always meant, unless the player has the\ flashlight. In that case we )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(will assume the flashlight was meant. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\(thing, flashlight, [light|X], X\):- have\(flashlight\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing, light, [light|X], X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now try it out. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command\(X,[go,to,the,office]\).)Tj +T* +(X = [goto, office])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[go,dining,room]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [goto, 'dining room'])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[kitchen]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [goto, kitchen])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[take,the,apple]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [take, apple])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[turn,on,the,light]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [turn_on, light])Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- asserta\(have\(flashlight\)\), command\(X,[turn,on,the,light]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [turn_on, flashlight])Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(It should fail in the following situations that don't conform to our gra\ mmar or semantics. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- command\(X,[go,to,the,desk]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[go,attic]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- command\(X,[drop,an,office]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(no)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 64.4457 Tm +(Definite Clause Grammar )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(9 of 13\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1085 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9756 Tm +(The use of difference lists for parsing is so common in Prolog, that mos\ t Prologs contain additional )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(syntactic sugaring that simplifies the syntax by hiding the difference l\ ists from view. This syntax is )Tj +T* +(called )Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +(Definite Clause Grammar)Tj +/T1_0 1 Tf +( \(DCG\), and looks like normal Prolog, only the neck symbol \(:-\) is )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(replaced with an arrow \(-->\). The DCG representation is parsed and tra\ nslated to normal Prolog with )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(difference lists. )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(Using DCG, the 'sentence' predicate developed earlier would be phrased )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence --> nounphrase, verbphrase.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(This would be translated into normal Prolog, with difference lists, but \ represented as separate arguments )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(rather than as single arguments separated by a minus \(-\) as we impleme\ nted them. The above example )Tj +T* +(would be translated into the following equivalent Prolog. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(sentence\(S1, S2\):-)Tj +T* +( nounphrase\(S1, S3\),)Tj +T* +( verbphrase\(S3, S2\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Thus, if we define 'sentence' using DCG we still must call it with two a\ rguments, even though the )Tj +T* +(arguments were not explicitly stated in the DCG representation. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- sentence\([dog,chases,cat], []\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(The DCG vocabulary is represented by simple lists. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun --> [dog].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb --> [chases].)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(These are translated into Prolog as difference lists. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(noun\([dog|X], X\).)Tj +T* +(verb\([chases|X], X\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(As with the natural language front end for Nani Search, we often want to\ mix pure Prolog with the )Tj +T* +(grammar and include extra arguments to carry semantic information. The a\ rguments are simply added as )Tj +T* +(normal arguments and the pure Prolog is enclosed in curly brackets \({}\)\ to prevent the DCG parser from )Tj +T* +(translating it. Some of the complex rules in our game grammar would then\ be )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([V,O]\) --> )Tj +T* +( verb\(Object_Type, V\), )Tj +T* +( object\(Object_Type, O\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(10 of 13\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1086 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 280.015 m +471.2 280.015 l +470.2 279.015 l +11 279.015 l +h +f +10 280.015 m +10 36 l +11 36 l +11 279.015 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +471.2 280.015 m +471.2 36 l +470.2 36 l +470.2 279.015 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 277.015 m +468.2 277.015 l +467.2 276.015 l +14 276.015 l +h +f +13 277.015 m +13 36 l +14 36 l +14 276.015 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +468.2 277.015 m +468.2 36 l +467.2 36 l +467.2 276.015 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 50 751.9082 Tm +(verb\(place, goto\) --> [go, to].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing, take\) --> [take].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(object\(Type, N\) --> det, noun\(Type, N\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(object\(Type, N\) --> noun\(Type, N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(det --> [the].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(det --> [a].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(place,X\) --> [X], {room\(X\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(place,'dining room'\) --> [dining, room].)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,X\) --> [X], {location\(X,_\)}.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(Because the DCG automatically takes off the first argument, we cannot ex\ amine it and send it along as )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(we did in testing for a 'goto' verb when only the room name was given in\ the command. We can )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(recognize this case with an additional 'command' clause. )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(command\([goto, Place]\) --> noun\(place, Place\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 10 424.0457 Tm +(Reading Sentences )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 387.7909 Tm +(Now for the missing pieces. We must include a predicate that reads a nor\ mal sentence from the user and )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(puts it into a list. Figure 15.2 contains a program to perform the task.\ It is composed of two parts. The )Tj +T* +(first part reads a line of ASCII characters from the user, using the bui\ lt-in predicate get0/1, which reads )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(a single ASCII character. The line is assumed terminated by an ASCII 13,\ which is a carriage return. )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(The second part uses DCG to parse the list of characters into a list of \ words, using another built-in )Tj +T* +(predicate name/2, which converts a list of ASCII characters into an atom\ . )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +0.5 -3.062 Td +(% read a line of words from the user)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_list\(L\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read_line\(CL\),)Tj +T* +( wordlist\(L,CL,[]\), !.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_line\(L\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C\),)Tj +T* +( buildlist\(C,L\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(buildlist\(13,[]\) :- !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(buildlist\(C,[C|X]\) :-)Tj +T* +( get0\(C2\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(11 of 13\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1087 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(Natural Language)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.801 0.801 0.801 rg +10 766 m +10 437.6 l +11 438.6 l +11 766 l +h +f +0.313 0.313 0.313 rg +471.2 766 m +471.2 437.6 l +470.2 438.6 l +470.2 766 l +h +f +10 437.6 m +471.2 437.6 l +470.2 438.6 l +11 438.6 l +h +f +EMC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0.457 0.449 0.431 rg +13 766 m +13 440.6 l +14 441.6 l +14 766 l +h +f +0.949 0.945 0.935 rg +468.2 766 m +468.2 440.6 l +467.2 441.6 l +467.2 766 l +h +f +13 440.6 m +468.2 440.6 l +467.2 441.6 l +14 441.6 l +h +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 17 753.9082 Tm +( buildlist\(C2,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X|Y]\) --> word\(X\), whitespace, wordlist\(Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(wordlist\([X]\) --> whitespace, wordlist\(X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(wordlist\([X]\) --> word\(X\).)Tj +T* +(wordlist\([X]\) --> word\(X\), whitespace.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(word\(W\) --> charlist\(X\), {name\(W,X\)}.)Tj +T* +(charlist\([X|Y]\) --> chr\(X\), charlist\(Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(charlist\([X]\) --> chr\(X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(chr\(X\) --> [X],{X>=48}.)Tj +T* +(whitespace --> whsp, whitespace.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(whitespace --> whsp.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(whsp --> [X], {X<48}.)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-0.5 -4.409 Td +(Figure 15.2. Program to read input sentences )Tj +0 -2.557 TD +(The other missing piece converts a command in the format [goto,office] t\ o a normal-looking command )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(goto\(office\). This is done with a standard built-in predicate called '\ univ', which is represented by an )Tj +T* +(equal sign and two periods \(=..\). It translates a predicate and its ar\ guments into a list whose first element )Tj +T* +(is the predicate name and whose remaining elements are the arguments. It\ works in reverse as well, )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(which is how we will want to use it. For example )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +2.857 -2.562 Td +(?- pred\(arg1,arg2\) =.. X.)Tj +T* +(X = [pred, arg1, arg2] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- pred =.. X.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = [pred] )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X =.. [pred,arg1,arg1].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pred\(arg1, arg2\) )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(?- X =.. [pred].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(X = pred )Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +-2.857 -2.552 Td +(We can now use these two predicates, along with command/2 to write get_c\ ommand/1, which reads a )Tj +T* +(sentence from the user and returns a command to command_loop/0. )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm \(12 of 13\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:07 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1088 0 obj(Natural Language) endobj 1089 0 obj<> endobj 1090 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/a15nlang.htm) endobj 1091 0 obj(P:Ι4#vKx) endobj 1092 0 obj<> endobj 1093 0 obj<> endobj 1094 0 obj(]pie\() endobj 1095 0 obj 7 endobj 1096 0 obj<> endobj 1097 0 obj<> endobj 1098 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1099 0 obj<> endobj 1100 0 obj[1098 0 R/XYZ 0 766.657 null] endobj 1101 0 obj<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 1098 0 R>> endobj 1102 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1103 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1104 0 obj[1103 0 R] endobj 1105 0 obj[1098 0 R/XYZ 0 574.227 null] endobj 1106 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1107 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1108 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1109 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1110 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1111 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1112 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1113 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1114 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1115 0 obj<> endobj 1116 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1117 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1118 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1119 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1120 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1121 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1122 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1123 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1124 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1125 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1126 0 obj<> endobj 1127 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +429.5380859 0 0 55.068985 91.230957 694.1499634 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 17.7915 0 0 17.7915 9.1782 661.1222 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 626.8869 Tm +(This appendix contains sample versions of the four programs described in\ the book. These are the adventure game )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(Nani Search\), the intelligent genealogical logicbase \(Family\), the \ customer order entry system \(Custord\), and the )Tj +T* +(expert system \(Birds\). )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 561.2356 Tm +(Nani Search )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 527.8985 Tm +(% NANI SEARCH - A sample adventure game)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(C\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Nani Search is designed to illustrate Prolog programming. It)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% is an implementation of the principle example used in)Tj +T* +(% this tutorial.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main:- nani_search. % main entry point)Tj +T* +(nani_search:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( init_dynamic_facts, % predicates which are not compiled)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +( write\('NANI SEARCH - A Sample Adventure Game'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Copyright \(C\) Amzi! inc. 1990-1995'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('No rights reserved, use it as you wish'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Nani Search is designed to illustrate Prolog programming.'\),n\ l,)Tj +T* +( write\('As such, it might be the simplest adventure game. The game'\)\ ,nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('is the primary example used in this tutorial.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Full source is included as well.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Your persona as the adventurer is that of a three year'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('old. The Nani is your security blanket. It is getting'\),nl,\ )Tj +T* +( write\('late and you''re tired, but you can''t go to sleep'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('without your Nani. Your mission is to find the Nani.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('You control the game by using simple English commands'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('expressing the action you wish to take. You can go to'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('other rooms, look at your surroundings, look in things'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('take things, drop things, eat things, inventory the'\),nl,)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1128 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1129 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1130 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( write\('things you have, and turn things on and off.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Hit any key to continue.'\),get0\(_\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Type "help" if you need more help on mechanics.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Type "hint" if you want a big hint.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Type "quit" if you give up.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Enjoy the hunt.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +( look, % give a look before starting the game)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( command_loop.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% command_loop - repeats until either the nani is found or the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% player types quit)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(command_loop:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( get_command\(X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(X\),)Tj +T* +( \(nanifound; X == quit\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% do - matches the input command with the predicate which carries out)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the command. More general approaches which might work in the)Tj +T* +(% listener are not supported in the compiler. This approach)Tj +T* +(% also gives tighter control over the allowable commands.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The cuts prevent the forced failure at the end of "command_loop")Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% from backtracking into the command predicates.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(do\(goto\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(do\(nshelp\):-nshelp,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(hint\):-hint,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(inventory\):-inventory,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(take\(X\)\):-take\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(drop\(X\)\):-drop\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(eat\(X\)\):-eat\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look\):-look,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(turn_on\(X\)\):-turn_on\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(turn_off\(X\)\):-turn_off\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look_in\(X\)\):-look_in\(X\),!.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(do\(quit\):-quit,!.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These are the predicates which control exit from the game. If)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the player has taken the nani, then the call to "have\(nani\)" will)Tj +T* +(% succeed and the command_loop will complete. Otherwise it fails)Tj +T* +(% and command_loop will repeat.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1131 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1132 0 obj[1129 0 R/XYZ 0 548.768 null] endobj 1133 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1134 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(nanifound:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(nani\), )Tj +T* +( write\('Congratulations, you saved the Nani.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Now you can rest secure.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(quit:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Giving up? It''s going to be a scary night'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('and when you get the Nani it''s not going'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('to smell right.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The help command)Tj +T* +(nshelp:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Use simple English sentences to enter commands.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('The commands can cause you to:'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' go to a room \(ex. go to the office\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' look around \(ex. look\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' look in something \(ex. look in the desk\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' take something \(ex. take the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' drop something \(ex. drop the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' eat something \(ex. eat the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' turn something on \(ex. turn on the light\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' inventory your things \(ex. inventory\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('The examples are verbose, terser commands and synonyms'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('are usually accepted.'\),nl,nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Hit any key to continue.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( get0\(_\),)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(hint:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You need to get to the cellar, and you can''t unless'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('you get some light. You can''t turn on the cellar'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('light, but there is a flash light in the desk in the'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('office you might use.'\),nl,nl,)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Initial facts describing the world. Rooms and doors do not change,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% so they are compiled.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(room\(office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(room\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(room\('dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(room\(hall\).)Tj +T* +(room\(cellar\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1135 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1136 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1137 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(door\(office,hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door\(hall,'dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(door\('dining room',kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(door\(kitchen,cellar\).)Tj +T* +(door\(kitchen,office\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(connect\(X,Y\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( door\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\):-)Tj +T* +( door\(Y,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These facts are all subject to change during the game, so rather)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% than being compiled, they are "asserted" to the listener at)Tj +T* +(% run time. This predicate is called when "nanisrch" starts up.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(init_dynamic_facts:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( assertz\(location\(desk,office\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(apple,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(flashlight,desk\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\('washing machine',cellar\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(nani,'washing machine'\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(table,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(crackers,desk\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(broccoli,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(here\(kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(turned_off\(flashlight\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(furniture\(desk\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(furniture\('washing machine'\).)Tj +T* +(furniture\(table\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(edible\(apple\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(edible\(crackers\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tastes_yuchy\(broccoli\).)Tj +T* +(%%%%%%%% COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)Tj +T* +(% goto moves the player from room to room.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(goto\(Room\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( can_go\(Room\), % check for legal move)Tj +T* +( puzzle\(goto\(Room\)\), % check for special conditions)Tj +T* +( moveto\(Room\), % go there and tell the player)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +T* +(goto\(_\):- look.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1138 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1139 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1140 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(can_go\(Room\):- % if there is a connection it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\), % is a legal move.)Tj +T* +( connect\(Here,Room\),!.)Tj +T* +(can_go\(Room\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You can''t get to ',Room,' from here']\),fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(moveto\(Room\):- % update the logicbase with the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(here\(_\)\), % new room)Tj +T* +( asserta\(here\(Room\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% look lists the things in a room, and the connections)Tj +T* +(look:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You are in the ',Here]\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You can see the following things:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Here\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You can go to the following rooms:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_connections\(Here\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_things\(Place\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(X,Place\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_connections\(Place\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( connect\(Place,X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_connections\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% look_in allows the player to look inside a thing which might)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% contain other things)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(look_in\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(_,Thing\), % make sure there's at least one)Tj +T* +( write\('The '\),write\(Thing\),write\(' contains:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(look_in\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['There is nothing in the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% take allows the player to take something. As long as the thing is)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% contained in the room it can be taken, even if the adventurer hasn't)Tj +T* +(% looked in the the container which contains it. Also the thing)Tj +T* +(% must not be furniture.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1141 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1142 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1143 0 obj<> endobj 1144 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(take\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( is_here\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( is_takable\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( move\(Thing,have\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You now have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(is_here\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\),)Tj +T* +( contains\(Thing,Here\),!. % don't backtrack)Tj +T* +(is_here\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['There is no ',Thing,' here']\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(contains\(Thing,Here\):- % recursive definition to find)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(Thing,Here\). % things contained in things etc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(contains\(Thing,Here\):-)Tj +T* +( location\(Thing,X\),)Tj +T* +( contains\(X,Here\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(is_takable\(Thing\):- % you can't take the furniture)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( furniture\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You can''t pick up a ',Thing]\),)Tj +T* +( !,fail.)Tj +T* +(is_takable\(_\). % not furniture, ok to take)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(move\(Thing,have\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(location\(Thing,_\)\), % take it from its old place)Tj +T* +( asserta\(have\(Thing\)\). % and add to your possessions)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% drop - allows the player to transfer a possession to a room)Tj +T* +(drop\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(Thing\), % you must have the thing to drop i\ t)Tj +T* +( here\(Here\), % where are we)Tj +T* +( retract\(have\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(location\(Thing,Here\)\).)Tj +T* +(drop\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% eat, because every adventure game lets you eat stuff.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(eat\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( eat2\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(eat\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1145 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1146 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1147 0 obj<> endobj 1148 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( edible\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( retract\(have\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['That ',Thing,' was good']\).)Tj +T* +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( tastes_yuchy\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['Three year olds don''t eat ',Thing]\).)Tj +T* +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You can''t eat a ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory list your possesions)Tj +T* +(inventory:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(X\), % make sure you have at least one t\ hing)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You have: '\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( list_possessions.)Tj +T* +(inventory:-)Tj +T* +( write\('You have nothing'\),nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_possessions:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_possessions.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% turn_on recognizes two cases. If the player tries to simply turn)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% on the light, it is assumed this is the room light, and the)Tj +T* +(% appropriate error message is issued. Otherwise turn_on has to)Tj +T* +(% refer to an object which is turned_off.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on\(light\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You can''t reach the switch and there''s nothing to stand o\ n']\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( have\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( turn_on2\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( turned_on\(Thing\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\([Thing,' is already on']\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( turned_off\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( retract\(turned_off\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(turned_on\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( respond\([Thing,' turned on']\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1149 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1150 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1151 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( respond\(['You can''t turn a ',Thing,' on']\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% turn_off - I didn't feel like implementing turn_off)Tj +T* +(turn_off\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['I lied about being able to turn things off']\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The only special puzzle in Nani Search has to do with going to the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% cellar. Puzzle is only called from goto for this reason. Other)Tj +T* +(% puzzles pertaining to other commands could easily be added.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( turned_on\(flashlight\),!.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You can''t go to the cellar because it''s dark in the'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('cellar, and you''re afraid of the dark.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( !,fail.)Tj +T* +(puzzle\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% respond simplifies writing a mixture of literals and variables)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +T* +(respond\([]\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +T* +(respond\([H|T]\):-)Tj +T* +( write\(H\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(T\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Simple English command listener. It does some semantic checking)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% and allows for various synonyms. Within a restricted subset of)Tj +T* +(% English, a command can be phrased many ways. Also non grammatical)Tj +T* +(% constructs are understood, for example just giving a room name)Tj +T* +(% is interpreted as the command to goto that room.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Some interpretation is based on the situation. Notice that when)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the player says turn on the light it is ambiguous. It could mean)Tj +T* +(% the room light \(which can't be turned on in the game\) or the)Tj +T* +(% flash light. If the player has the flash light it is interpreted)Tj +T* +(% as flash light, otherwise it is interpreted as room light.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(get_command\(C\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( readlist\(L\), % reads a sentence and puts [it,in,list,form])Tj +T* +( command\(X,L,[]\), % call the grammar for command)Tj +T* +( C =.. X,!. % make the command list a structure)Tj +T* +(get_command\(_\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['I don''t understand, try again or type help']\),fail.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1152 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1153 0 obj[1150 0 R/XYZ 0 302.059 null] endobj 1154 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1155 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% The grammar doesn't have to be real English. There are two)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% types of commands in Nani Search, those with and without a )Tj +T* +(% single argument. A special case is also made for the command)Tj +T* +(% goto which can be activated by simply giving a room name.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(command\([Pred,Arg]\) --> verb\(Type,Pred\),nounphrase\(Type,Arg\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(command\([Pred]\) --> verb\(intran,Pred\).)Tj +T* +(command\([goto,Arg]\) --> noun\(go_place,Arg\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Recognize three types of verbs. Each verb corresponds to a command,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% but there are many synonyms allowed. For example the command)Tj +T* +(% turn_on will be triggered by either "turn on" or "switch on".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verb\(go_place,goto\) --> go_verb.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing,V\) --> tran_verb\(V\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(intran,V\) --> intran_verb\(V\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(go_verb --> [go].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(go_verb --> [go,to].)Tj +T* +(go_verb --> [g].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tran_verb\(take\) --> [take].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(tran_verb\(take\) --> [pick,up].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [drop].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [put].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [put,down].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(eat\) --> [eat].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(turn_on\) --> [turn,on].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(turn_on\) --> [switch,on].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(turn_off\) --> [turn,off].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [look,in].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [look].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [open].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(intran_verb\(inventory\) --> [inventory].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(intran_verb\(inventory\) --> [i].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [look].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [look,around].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [l].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [quit].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [exit].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [end].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [bye].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(nshelp\) --> [help].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(hint\) --> [hint].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% a noun phrase is just a noun with an optional determiner in front.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1156 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1157 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1158 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(nounphrase\(Type,Noun\) --> det,noun\(Type,Noun\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nounphrase\(Type,Noun\) --> noun\(Type,Noun\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(det --> [the].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(det --> [a].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Nouns are defined as rooms, or things located somewhere. We define)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% special cases for those things represented in Nani Search by two)Tj +T* +(% words. We can't expect the user to type the name in quotes.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(go_place,R\) --> [R], {room\(R\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(go_place,'dining room'\) --> [dining,room].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(thing,T\) --> [T], {location\(T,_\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,T\) --> [T], {have\(T\)}.)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,flashlight\) --> [flash,light].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,'washing machine'\) --> [washing,machine].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,'dirty clothes'\) --> [dirty,clothes].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% If the player has just typed light, it can be interpreted three ways.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% If a room name is before it, it must be a room light. If the)Tj +T* +(% player has the flash light, assume it means the flash light. Otherwis\ e)Tj +T* +(% assume it is the room light.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(thing,light\) --> [X,light], {room\(X\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,flashlight\) --> [light], {have\(flashlight\)}.)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,light\) --> [light].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% readlist - read a list of words, based on a Clocksin & Mellish)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% example.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(readlist\(L\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read_word_list\(L\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_word_list\([W|Ws]\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C\),)Tj +T* +( readword\(C, W, C1\), % Read word starting with C, C1 is first n\ ew)Tj +T* +( restsent\(C1, Ws\), !. % character - use it to get rest of senten\ ce)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(restsent\(C,[]\) :- lastword\(C\), !. % Nothing left if hit last-word ma\ rker)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(restsent\(C,[W1|Ws]\) :-)Tj +T* +( readword\(C,W1,C1\), % Else read next word and rest of sentence\ )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( restsent\(C1,Ws\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(readword\(C,W,C1\) :- % Some words are single characters)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1159 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1160 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1161 0 obj<> endobj 1162 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( single_char\(C\), % i.e. punctuation)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( !, )Tj +T* +( name\(W, [C]\), % get as an atom)Tj +T* +( get0\(C1\).)Tj +T* +(readword\(C, W, C1\) :-)Tj +T* +( is_num\(C\), % if we have a number --)Tj +T* +( !,)Tj +T* +( number_word\(C, W, C1, _\). % convert it to a genuine number)Tj +T* +(readword\(C,W,C2\) :- % otherwise if character does not)Tj +T* +( in_word\(C, NewC\), % delineate end of word - keep)Tj +T* +( get0\(C1\), % accumulating them until )Tj +T* +( restword\(C1,Cs,C2\), % we have all the word )Tj +T* +( name\(W, [NewC|Cs]\). % then make it an atom)Tj +T* +(readword\(C,W,C2\) :- % otherwise)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C1\), )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( readword\(C1,W,C2\). % start a new word)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(restword\(C, [NewC|Cs], C2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( in_word\(C, NewC\),)Tj +T* +( get0\(C1\),)Tj +T* +( restword\(C1, Cs, C2\).)Tj +T* +(restword\(C, [], C\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(single_char\(`,\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(single_char\(`;\).)Tj +T* +(single_char\(`:\).single_char\(`?\).)Tj +T* +(single_char\(`!\).)Tj +T* +(single_char\(`.\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(in_word\(C, C\) :- C >= `a, C =< `z.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in_word\(C, L\) :- C >= `A, C =< `Z, L is C + 32.)Tj +T* +(in_word\(`',`'\).)Tj +T* +(in_word\(`-,`-\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Have character C \(known integer\) - keep reading integers and build)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% up the number until we hit a non-integer. Return this in C1,)Tj +T* +(% and return the computed number in W.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(number_word\(C, W, C1, Pow10\) :- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( is_num\(C\),)Tj +T* +( !,)Tj +T* +( get0\(C2\),)Tj +T* +( number_word\(C2, W1, C1, P10\),)Tj +T* +( Pow10 is P10 * 10,)Tj +T* +( W is integer\(\(\(C - `0\) * Pow10\) + W1\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1163 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1164 0 obj[1160 0 R/XYZ 0 425.413 null] endobj 1165 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1166 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(number_word\(C, 0, C, 0.1\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(is_num\(C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( C =< `9,)Tj +T* +( C >= `0.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These symbols delineate end of sentence)Tj +T* +(lastword\(10\). % end if new line entered)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(lastword\(`.\).)Tj +T* +(lastword\(`!\).)Tj +T* +(lastword\(`?\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 535.7768 Tm +(Family )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 502.4397 Tm +(% GENE.PRO - genealogical relationships)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% Copyright \(c\) 1987-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +T* +(% All rights reserved)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% A Prolog database of relations derived from basic information about)Tj +T* +(% individuals. The relations ships can all be read as 'relationship)Tj +T* +(% of', so for example, parent\(P,C\) means P is parent of C.)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% When there is a performance trade-of in the implementation of a rule,)Tj +T* +(% it is assumed that in general the second argument of a relation will)Tj +T* +(% most likely be bound. See for example full_sibling/2, which will)Tj +T* +(% have a smaller search for full_sibling\(X,joe\), than full_sibling\(jo\ e,X\).)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% This code is used as an example of an embedded Prolog application.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% One is a C++ application and the other Visual Basic.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +T* +(% To use this code from Prolog, consult it in the listener and use the)Tj +T* +(% following predicates:)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% open\(F\) - opens a file of family relationships, ex. open\('england.f\ am'\).)Tj +T* +(% open/1 just does a consult, so you can use consult instead.)Tj +T* +(% close - retracts all the persons currently defined)Tj +T* +(% save\(F\) - saves the persons in the named file)Tj +T* +(% add_person\(Name, Mother, Father, Gender, Spouse\) - adds a person)Tj +T* +(% fact with the specified attributes, checking semantics as it does)Tj +T* +(% Relationship\(P1, P2\) - any relationship query, such as child\(X,Y\).\ )Tj +T* +(% relation\(R, P1, P2\) - can be used to find the relationship between)Tj +T* +(% individuals as well as pose relationship queries. )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(parent\(P,C\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1167 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1168 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1169 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( \(mother\(P,C\) ; father\(P,C\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(child\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\).)Tj +T* +(son\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\), male\(C\).)Tj +T* +(daughter\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\), female\(C\).)Tj +T* +(wife\(W,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(W,P\),)Tj +T* +( female\(W\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(husband\(H,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(H,P\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( male\(H\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ancestor\(A,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(A,P\).)Tj +T* +(ancestor\(A,P\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(X,P\),)Tj +T* +( ancestor\(A,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(descendent\(D,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,D\).)Tj +T* +(descendent\(D,P\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( descendent\(D,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(full_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( mother\(M,S2\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(M,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S1\),)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(half_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( mother\(M,S2\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(M,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( father\(F1,S1\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( father\(F2,S2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( F1 \\= F2.)Tj +T* +(half_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S2\),)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( mother\(M1,S1\),)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1170 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1171 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1172 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( mother\(M2,S2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( M1 \\= M2.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( full_sibling\(S1,S2\).)Tj +T* +(sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( half_sibling\(S1,S2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(sister\(S,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(S,P\),)Tj +T* +( female\(S\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(brother\(B,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(B,P\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( male\(B\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P2, S2\),)Tj +T* +( spouse\(M2, P2\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(M2, S1\),)Tj +T* +( not\(parent\(M2,S2\)\),)Tj +T* +( not\(half_sibling\(S1,S2\)\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(uncle\(U,X\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( brother\(U,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(aunt\(A,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( sister\(A,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_parent\(P2,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,C\),)Tj +T* +( spouse\(P2,P\),)Tj +T* +( not\(parent\(P2,C\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_mother\(M,C\) :- step_parent\(M,C\), female\(M\).)Tj +T* +(step_father\(F,C\) :- step_parent\(F,C\), male\(F\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_child\(C2,P\) :- step_parent\(P,C2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_daughter\(D,P\) :- step_child\(D,P\), female\(D\).)Tj +T* +(step_son\(S,P\) :- step_child\(S,P\), male\(S\).)Tj +T* +(nephew\(N,X\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1173 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1174 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1175 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( sibling\(S,X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(S,N\),)Tj +T* +( male\(N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(niece\(N,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(S,X\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(S,N\),)Tj +T* +( female\(N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(cousin\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,Y\),)Tj +T* +( sibling\(S,P\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(S,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandmother\(GM,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(GM,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandfather\(GF,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( father\(GF,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandparent\(GP,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\), parent\(GP,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandson\(GS,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( grandchild\(GS,X\),)Tj +T* +( male\(GS\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(granddaughter\(GD,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( grandchild\(GD,X\),)Tj +T* +( female\(GD\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandchild\(GC,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(X,C\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(C,GC\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% relation/3 - used to find relationships between individuals)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(relations\([parent, wife, husband, ancestor, descendent, full_sibling,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( half_sibling, sibling, sister, brother, step_sibling, uncle,)Tj +T* +( aunt, mother, father, child, son, daughter, step_parent,)Tj +T* +( step_child, step_mother, step_father, step_son, step_daughter,)Tj +T* +( nephew, niece, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent,)Tj +T* +( grandson, granddaughter, grandchild]\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1176 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1177 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1178 0 obj<> endobj 1179 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(relation\(R, X, Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( relations\(Rs\),)Tj +T* +( member\(R,Rs\),)Tj +T* +( Q =.. [R,X,Y],)Tj +T* +( call\(Q\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% person object)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% These predicates define the interface to a person. All of the)Tj +T* +(% genealogical rules are based on these predicates, which are)Tj +T* +(% based on the basic representation of a person. These are the)Tj +T* +(% only rules which need to be changed if the representation of)Tj +T* +(% a person is changed.)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% The current representation is flat database relations of the form:)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% person\(Name, Gender, Mother, Father, Spouse\).)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( assert\(person\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\)\).)Tj +T* +(add\(Name,_,_,_,_\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(open\(FileName\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( consult\(FileName\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(close :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(person\(_,_,_,_,_\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(save\(FileName\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( tell\(FileName\),)Tj +T* +( listing\(person\),)Tj +T* +( told.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(delete\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(person\(X,_,_,_,_\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(person\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(X,_,_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(male\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(X,male,_,_,_\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1180 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1181 0 obj<> endobj 1182 0 obj<> endobj 1183 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1184 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(female\(Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(Y,female,_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mother\(M,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(C,_,M,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(father\(F,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(C,_,_,F,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(spouse\(S,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(P,_,_,_,S\),)Tj +T* +( S \\= single.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% Semantic Integrity Checks on Update)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add_person\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(message\(_\)\),)Tj +T* +( dup_check\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( add\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\),)Tj +T* +( ancestor_check\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( mother_check\(Name, Gender, Mother\),)Tj +T* +( father_check\(Name, Gender, Father\),)Tj +T* +( spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(dup_check\(Name\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is already in database$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(dup_check\(_\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(ancestor_check\(Name\) :-)Tj +T* +( ancestor\(Name,Name\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is their own ancestor/descendent$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(ancestor_check\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mother_check\(_, _, Mother\) :- not\(person\(Mother\)\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mother_check\(_, _, Mother\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( male\(Mother\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( assert\(message\($Person's mother is a man$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(mother_check\(Name, male, _\) :-)Tj +T* +( mother\(Name, X\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person, a male, is someone's mother$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1185 0 obj[1101 0 R] endobj 1186 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(mother_check\(_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(father_check\(_, _, Father\) :- not\(person\(Father\)\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(father_check\(_, _, Father\) :-)Tj +T* +( female\(Father\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person's father is a man$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(father_check\(Name, female, _\) :-)Tj +T* +( father\(Name, X\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person, a female, is someone's father$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(father_check\(_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(Name, X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( X \\= Spouse,)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is already someone else's spouse$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\) :-)Tj +T* +( blood_relative\(Name, Spouse\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is a blood relative of spouse$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(spouse_check\(_,_\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(ancestor\(X,Y\); ancestor\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- sibling\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- cousin\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(uncle\(X,Y\); uncle\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(aunt\(X,Y\); aunt\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 289.0678 Tm +(Custord )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 255.7307 Tm +(% CUSTORD )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(c\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This is a sample Prolog program which implements a portion)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% of a customer order inventory application. It is not intended to)Tj +T* +(% be complete, and only illustrates the concept of writing a database)Tj +T* +(% application in Prolog.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This example extends the concept of an intelligent database to include\ )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% a full database application. It is really a rule based approach to)Tj +T* +(% transaction processing. In fact a large percentage of the procedural)Tj +T* +(% code normally written in database applications has to do with)Tj +T* +(% enforcing semantic integrity rules involving multiple records.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1187 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(% The distinction between data and process is thoroughly blurred. Both)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% reside together in the same logicbase.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% There is pure data as it might be defined in a relational database)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% \(customer, item, inventory, order\); there are rules which really)Tj +T* +(% represent data views \(item_quant\); there are rules which add)Tj +T* +(% intelligence to the logicbase \(good_customer, valid_order\); and ther\ e)Tj +T* +(% are rules which are processes \(order, report_inventory\). )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main :- order.)Tj +T* +(% customer\(Name, Town, Credit-rating\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(dennis, winchester, xxx\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer\(dave, lexington, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(ron, lexington, bbb\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer\(julie, winchester, aaa\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer\(jawaid, cambridge, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(tom, newton, ccc\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% item\(Number, Name, Reorder-quantity\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p1,thing,10\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(item\(p2,stuff,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p3,article,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p4,object,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p5,substance,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p6,piece,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p7,matter,10\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory\(Number, Quantity\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p1,10\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(inventory\(p2,10\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p3,10\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p4,78\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p5,23\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p6,14\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p7,8\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% item-inv view or join)Tj +T* +(item_quant\(Item, Quantity\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, Item, _\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( inventory\(Partno, Quantity\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1188 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% reorder if inventory below reorder point)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(reorder\(Item\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, Item, Reorder_point\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Partno, Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( Quantity < Reorder_point,)Tj +T* +( write\('Time to reorder '\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Item\), nl.)Tj +T* +(reorder\(Item\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('Inventory level ok for '\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Item\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% a good customer has a credit rating of aaa )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% or lives in winchester)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% or has ordered something)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( customer\(Cust, _, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +T* +( customer\(Cust, winchester, _\).)Tj +T* +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(Cust, _, _\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% process order)Tj +T* +(order:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Customer: '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Customer\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Item: '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Item\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Quantity: '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( valid_order\(Customer,Item,Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(order\(Customer,Item,Quantity\)\),)Tj +T* +( update_inventory\(Item,Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( reorder\(Item\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% an order is valid if)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% it doesn't go below zero inventory and)Tj +T* +(% the customer is a good customer)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(valid_order\(C, I, Q\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, I, _\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Partno, Onhand\),)Tj +T* +( Q =< Onhand,)Tj +T* +( good_customer\(C\).)Tj +T* +(valid_order\(C, I, Q\):-)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1189 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( write\('Bad order'\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% update the inventory)Tj +T* +(update_inventory\(I,Q\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Pn, I, _\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Pn, Amount\),)Tj +T* +( NewQ is Amount - Q,)Tj +T* +( retract\(inventory\(Pn, Amount\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(inventory\(Pn, NewQ\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory report)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(report_inventory:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item_quant\(I, Q\),)Tj +T* +( write\(I\), tab\(1\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Q\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(report_inventory:-true. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 412.4223 Tm +(Birds )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 379.0852 Tm +(% BIRDS)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(c\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This is a sample of a classification expert system for identification)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% of certain kinds of birds. The rules are rough excerpts from "Birds of\ )Tj +T* +(% North America" by Robbins, Bruum, Zim, and Singer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This type of expert system can easily use Prolog's built in inferencin\ g)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% system. While trying to satisfy the goal "bird" it tries to satisfy)Tj +T* +(% various subgoals, some of which will ask for information from the)Tj +T* +(% user.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The information is all stored as attribute-value pairs. The attribute)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% is represented as a predicate, and the value as the argument to the)Tj +T* +(% predicate. For example, the attribute-value pair "color-brown" is)Tj +T* +(% stored "color\(brown\)".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "identify" is the high level goal that starts the program. The)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% predicate "known/3" is used to remember answers to questions, so it)Tj +T* +(% is cleared at the beginning of the run.)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1190 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% The rules of identification are the bulk of the code. They break up)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the problem into identifying orders and families before identifying)Tj +T* +(% the actual birds.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The end of the code lists those attribute-value pairs which need)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% to be asked for, and defines the predicate "ask" and "menuask")Tj +T* +(% which are used to get information from the user, and remember it.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main :- identify.)Tj +T* +(identify:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(known\(_,_,_\)\), % clear stored information)Tj +T* +( bird\(X\),)Tj +T* +( write\('The bird is a '\),write\(X\),nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(identify:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('I can''t identify that bird'\),nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(order\(tubenose\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nostrils\(external_tubular\),)Tj +T* +( live\(at_sea\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(hooked\).)Tj +T* +(order\(waterfowl\):-)Tj +T* +( feet\(webbed\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(flat\).)Tj +T* +(order\(falconiforms\):-)Tj +T* +( eats\(meat\),)Tj +T* +( feet\(curved_talons\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(sharp_hooked\).)Tj +T* +(order\(passerformes\):-)Tj +T* +( feet\(one_long_backward_toe\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(family\(albatross\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(tubenose\),)Tj +T* +( size\(large\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_narrow\).)Tj +T* +(family\(swan\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( neck\(long\),)Tj +T* +( color\(white\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(ponderous\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(family\(goose\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( size\(plump\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(powerful\).)Tj +T* +(family\(duck\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( feed\(on_water_surface\),)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1191 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( flight\(agile\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(family\(vulture\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(falconiforms\),)Tj +T* +( feed\(scavange\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(broad\).)Tj +T* +(family\(falcon\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(falconiforms\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_pointed\),)Tj +T* +( head\(large\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(narrow_at_tip\).)Tj +T* +(family\(flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(passerformes\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(flat\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(flying_insects\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(family\(swallow\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(passerformes\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_pointed\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(forked\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(short\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(bird\(laysan_albatross\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( family\(albatross\),)Tj +T* +( color\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(black_footed_albatross\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(albatross\),)Tj +T* +( color\(dark\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(fulmar\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(tubenose\),)Tj +T* +( size\(medium\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(flap_glide\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(whistling_swan\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swan\),)Tj +T* +( voice\(muffled_musical_whistle\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(trumpeter_swan\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swan\),)Tj +T* +( voice\(loud_trumpeting\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(canada_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +T* +( season\(winter\), % rules can be further broken down)Tj +T* +( country\(united_states\), % to include regions and migration)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( head\(black\), % patterns)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( cheek\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(canada_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +T* +( season\(summer\),)Tj +T* +( country\(canada\),)Tj +T* +( head\(black\), )Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1192 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( cheek\(white\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(snow_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +T* +( color\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(mallard\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\), % different rules for male)Tj +T* +( voice\(quack\),)Tj +T* +( head\(green\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(mallard\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\), % and female)Tj +T* +( voice\(quack\),)Tj +T* +( color\(mottled_brown\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(pintail\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( voice\(short_whistle\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(turkey_vulture\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(vulture\),)Tj +T* +( flight_profile\(v_shaped\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(california_condor\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(vulture\),)Tj +T* +( flight_profile\(flat\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(sparrow_hawk\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(falcon\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(insects\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(peregrine_falcon\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(falcon\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(birds\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(great_crested_flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(flycatcher\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(long_rusty\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(ash_throated_flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(flycatcher\),)Tj +T* +( throat\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(barn_swallow\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(forked\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(cliff_swallow\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(square\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(purple_martin\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( color\(dark\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(new_england\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(south_east\).)Tj +T* +(country\(united_states\):- region\(mid_west\).)Tj +T* +(country\(united_states\):- region\(south_west\).)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1193 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(country\(united_states\):- region\(north_west\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(mid_atlantic\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(country\(canada\):- province\(ontario\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(canada\):- province\(quebec\).)Tj +T* +(country\(canada\):- province\(etc\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(region\(new_england\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( state\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [massachusetts, vermont, etc]\).)Tj +T* +(region\(south_east\):-)Tj +T* +( state\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [florida, mississippi, etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(region\(canada\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( province\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [ontario,quebec,etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nostrils\(X\):- ask\(nostrils,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(live\(X\):- ask\(live,X\).)Tj +T* +(bill\(X\):- ask\(bill,X\).)Tj +T* +(size\(X\):- menuask\(size,X,[large,plump,medium,small]\).)Tj +T* +(eats\(X\):- ask\(eats,X\).)Tj +T* +(feet\(X\):- ask\(feet,X\).)Tj +T* +(wings\(X\):- ask\(wings,X\).)Tj +T* +(neck\(X\):- ask\(neck,X\).)Tj +T* +(color\(X\):- ask\(color,X\).)Tj +T* +(flight\(X\):- menuask\(flight,X,[ponderous,powerful,agile,flap_glide,oth\ er]\).)Tj +T* +(feed\(X\):- ask\(feed,X\).)Tj +T* +(head\(X\):- ask\(head,X\).)Tj +T* +(tail\(X\):- menuask\(tail,X,[narrow_at_tip,forked,long_rusty,square,othe\ r]\).)Tj +T* +(voice\(X\):- ask\(voice,X\).)Tj +T* +(season\(X\):- menuask\(season,X,[winter,summer]\).)Tj +T* +(cheek\(X\):- ask\(cheek,X\).)Tj +T* +(flight_profile\(X\):- menuask\(flight_profile,X,[flat,v_shaped,other]\).\ )Tj +T* +(throat\(X\):- ask\(throat,X\).)Tj +T* +(state\(X\):- menuask\(state,X,[massachusetts,vermont,florida,mississippi\ ,etc]\).)Tj +T* +(province\(X\):- menuask\(province,X,[ontario,quebec,etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "ask" is responsible for getting information from the user, and rememb\ ering)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the users response. If it doesn't already know the answer to a questio\ n)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% it will ask the user. It then asserts the answer. It recognizes two)Tj +T* +(% cases of knowledge: 1\) the attribute-value is known to be true,)Tj +T* +(% 2\) the attribute-value is known to be false.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This means an attribute might have multiple values. A third test to)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% see if the attribute has another value could be used to enforce)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1194 0 obj<>stream +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% single valued attributes. \(This test is commented out below\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% For this system the menuask is used for attributes which are single)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% valued)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "ask" only deals with simple yes or no answers. a "yes" is the only)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% yes value. any other response is considered a "no".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ask\(Attribute,Value\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,Value\), % succeed if we know its true)Tj +T* +( !. % and dont look any further)Tj +T* +(ask\(Attribute,Value\):-)Tj +T* +( known\(_,Attribute,Value\), % fail if we know its false)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ask\(Attribute,_\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,_\), % fail if we know its some other v\ alue.)Tj +T* +( !, fail. % the cut in clause #1 ensures that \ if)Tj +T* +( % we get here the value is wrong.)Tj +T* +(ask\(A,V\):-)Tj +T* +( write\(A:V\), % if we get here, we need to ask.)Tj +T* +( write\('? \(yes or no\): '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Y\), % get the answer)Tj +T* +( asserta\(known\(Y,A,V\)\), % remember it so we dont ask aga\ in.)Tj +T* +( Y = yes. % succeed or fail based on answer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "menuask" is like ask, only it gives the user a menu to to choose)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% from rather than a yes on no answer. In this case there is no)Tj +T* +(% need to check for a negative since "menuask" ensures there will)Tj +T* +(% be some positive answer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(menuask\(Attribute,Value,_\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,Value\), % succeed if we know)Tj +T* +( !.)Tj +T* +(menuask\(Attribute,_,_\):-)Tj +T* +( known\(yes,Attribute,_\), % fail if its some other value)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(menuask\(Attribute,AskValue,Menu\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,write\('What is the value for '\),write\(Attribute\),write\('?'\),n\ l,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( display_menu\(Menu\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Enter the number of choice> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Num\),nl,)Tj +T* +( pick_menu\(Num,AnswerValue,Menu\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(known\(yes,Attribute,AnswerValue\)\),)Tj +T* +( AskValue = AnswerValue. % succeed or fail based on answer)Tj +ET +EMC +Q + +endstream endobj 1195 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +q +429.5380859 0 0 55.068985 91.230957 694.1499634 cm +/Im0 Do +Q +0.89 0.737 0 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +17.7915 0 0 17.7915 9.1782 661.1222 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 626.8869 Tm +(This appendix contains sample versions of the four programs described in\ the book. These are the adventure game )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(\(Nani Search\), the intelligent genealogical logicbase \(Family\), the \ customer order entry system \(Custord\), and the )Tj +T* +(expert system \(Birds\). )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 561.2356 Tm +(Nani Search )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 527.8985 Tm +(% NANI SEARCH - A sample adventure game)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(C\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Nani Search is designed to illustrate Prolog programming. It)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% is an implementation of the principle example used in)Tj +T* +(% this tutorial.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main:- nani_search. % main entry point)Tj +T* +(nani_search:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( init_dynamic_facts, % predicates which are not compiled)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +( write\('NANI SEARCH - A Sample Adventure Game'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Copyright \(C\) Amzi! inc. 1990-1995'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('No rights reserved, use it as you wish'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Nani Search is designed to illustrate Prolog programming.'\),n\ l,)Tj +T* +( write\('As such, it might be the simplest adventure game. The game'\)\ ,nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('is the primary example used in this tutorial.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Full source is included as well.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Your persona as the adventurer is that of a three year'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('old. The Nani is your security blanket. It is getting'\),nl,\ )Tj +T* +( write\('late and you''re tired, but you can''t go to sleep'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('without your Nani. Your mission is to find the Nani.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You control the game by using simple English commands'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('expressing the action you wish to take. You can go to'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('other rooms, look at your surroundings, look in things'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('take things, drop things, eat things, inventory the'\),nl,)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(1 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1196 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( write\('things you have, and turn things on and off.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Hit any key to continue.'\),get0\(_\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Type "help" if you need more help on mechanics.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Type "hint" if you want a big hint.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Type "quit" if you give up.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Enjoy the hunt.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +( look, % give a look before starting the game)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( command_loop.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% command_loop - repeats until either the nani is found or the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% player types quit)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(command_loop:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( repeat,)Tj +T* +( get_command\(X\),)Tj +T* +( do\(X\),)Tj +T* +( \(nanifound; X == quit\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% do - matches the input command with the predicate which carries out)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the command. More general approaches which might work in the)Tj +T* +(% listener are not supported in the compiler. This approach)Tj +T* +(% also gives tighter control over the allowable commands.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The cuts prevent the forced failure at the end of "command_loop")Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% from backtracking into the command predicates.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(do\(goto\(X\)\):-goto\(X\),!.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(do\(nshelp\):-nshelp,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(hint\):-hint,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(inventory\):-inventory,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(take\(X\)\):-take\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(drop\(X\)\):-drop\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(eat\(X\)\):-eat\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look\):-look,!.)Tj +T* +(do\(turn_on\(X\)\):-turn_on\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(turn_off\(X\)\):-turn_off\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(look_in\(X\)\):-look_in\(X\),!.)Tj +T* +(do\(quit\):-quit,!.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These are the predicates which control exit from the game. If)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the player has taken the nani, then the call to "have\(nani\)" will)Tj +T* +(% succeed and the command_loop will complete. Otherwise it fails)Tj +T* +(% and command_loop will repeat.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(2 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1197 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(nanifound:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(nani\), )Tj +T* +( write\('Congratulations, you saved the Nani.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Now you can rest secure.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(quit:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Giving up? It''s going to be a scary night'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('and when you get the Nani it''s not going'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('to smell right.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The help command)Tj +T* +(nshelp:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Use simple English sentences to enter commands.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('The commands can cause you to:'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' go to a room \(ex. go to the office\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' look around \(ex. look\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' look in something \(ex. look in the desk\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' take something \(ex. take the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' drop something \(ex. drop the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' eat something \(ex. eat the apple\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' turn something on \(ex. turn on the light\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\(' inventory your things \(ex. inventory\)'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('The examples are verbose, terser commands and synonyms'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('are usually accepted.'\),nl,nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('Hit any key to continue.'\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(_\),)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(hint:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You need to get to the cellar, and you can''t unless'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('you get some light. You can''t turn on the cellar'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('light, but there is a flash light in the desk in the'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('office you might use.'\),nl,nl,)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Initial facts describing the world. Rooms and doors do not change,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% so they are compiled.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(room\(office\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(room\(kitchen\).)Tj +T* +(room\('dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(room\(hall\).)Tj +T* +(room\(cellar\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(3 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1198 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(door\(office,hall\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door\(hall,'dining room'\).)Tj +T* +(door\('dining room',kitchen\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door\(kitchen,cellar\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(door\(kitchen,office\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(connect\(X,Y\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( door\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(connect\(X,Y\):-)Tj +T* +( door\(Y,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These facts are all subject to change during the game, so rather)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% than being compiled, they are "asserted" to the listener at)Tj +T* +(% run time. This predicate is called when "nanisrch" starts up.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(init_dynamic_facts:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( assertz\(location\(desk,office\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(apple,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(flashlight,desk\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\('washing machine',cellar\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(nani,'washing machine'\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(table,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(crackers,desk\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(location\(broccoli,kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(here\(kitchen\)\),)Tj +T* +( assertz\(turned_off\(flashlight\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(furniture\(desk\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(furniture\('washing machine'\).)Tj +T* +(furniture\(table\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(edible\(apple\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(edible\(crackers\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tastes_yuchy\(broccoli\).)Tj +T* +(%%%%%%%% COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)Tj +T* +(% goto moves the player from room to room.)Tj +T* +(goto\(Room\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( can_go\(Room\), % check for legal move)Tj +T* +( puzzle\(goto\(Room\)\), % check for special conditions)Tj +T* +( moveto\(Room\), % go there and tell the player)Tj +T* +( look.)Tj +T* +(goto\(_\):- look.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(4 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1199 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(can_go\(Room\):- % if there is a connection it )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\), % is a legal move.)Tj +T* +( connect\(Here,Room\),!.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(can_go\(Room\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You can''t get to ',Room,' from here']\),fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(moveto\(Room\):- % update the logicbase with the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(here\(_\)\), % new room)Tj +T* +( asserta\(here\(Room\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% look lists the things in a room, and the connections)Tj +T* +(look:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You are in the ',Here]\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You can see the following things:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Here\),)Tj +T* +( write\('You can go to the following rooms:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_connections\(Here\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_things\(Place\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(X,Place\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_things\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_connections\(Place\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( connect\(Place,X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_connections\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% look_in allows the player to look inside a thing which might)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% contain other things)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(look_in\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(_,Thing\), % make sure there's at least one)Tj +T* +( write\('The '\),write\(Thing\),write\(' contains:'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( list_things\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(look_in\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['There is nothing in the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% take allows the player to take something. As long as the thing is)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% contained in the room it can be taken, even if the adventurer hasn't)Tj +T* +(% looked in the the container which contains it. Also the thing)Tj +T* +(% must not be furniture.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(5 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1200 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(take\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( is_here\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( is_takable\(Thing\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( move\(Thing,have\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You now have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(is_here\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( here\(Here\),)Tj +T* +( contains\(Thing,Here\),!. % don't backtrack)Tj +T* +(is_here\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['There is no ',Thing,' here']\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(contains\(Thing,Here\):- % recursive definition to find)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( location\(Thing,Here\). % things contained in things etc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(contains\(Thing,Here\):-)Tj +T* +( location\(Thing,X\),)Tj +T* +( contains\(X,Here\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(is_takable\(Thing\):- % you can't take the furniture)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( furniture\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You can''t pick up a ',Thing]\),)Tj +T* +( !,fail.)Tj +T* +(is_takable\(_\). % not furniture, ok to take)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(move\(Thing,have\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(location\(Thing,_\)\), % take it from its old place)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( asserta\(have\(Thing\)\). % and add to your possessions)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% drop - allows the player to transfer a possession to a room)Tj +T* +(drop\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(Thing\), % you must have the thing to drop i\ t)Tj +T* +( here\(Here\), % where are we)Tj +T* +( retract\(have\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(location\(Thing,Here\)\).)Tj +T* +(drop\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% eat, because every adventure game lets you eat stuff.)Tj +T* +(eat\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( eat2\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(eat\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(6 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1201 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( edible\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( retract\(have\(Thing\)\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['That ',Thing,' was good']\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( tastes_yuchy\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(['Three year olds don''t eat ',Thing]\).)Tj +T* +(eat2\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You can''t eat a ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory list your possesions)Tj +T* +(inventory:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(X\), % make sure you have at least one t\ hing)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('You have: '\),nl,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( list_possessions.)Tj +T* +(inventory:-)Tj +T* +( write\('You have nothing'\),nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(list_possessions:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(X\),)Tj +T* +( tab\(2\),write\(X\),nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(list_possessions.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% turn_on recognizes two cases. If the player tries to simply turn)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% on the light, it is assumed this is the room light, and the)Tj +T* +(% appropriate error message is issued. Otherwise turn_on has to)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% refer to an object which is turned_off.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on\(light\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['You can''t reach the switch and there''s nothing to stand o\ n']\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( have\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( turn_on2\(Thing\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['You don''t have the ',Thing]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( turned_on\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( respond\([Thing,' is already on']\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +T* +( turned_off\(Thing\),)Tj +T* +( retract\(turned_off\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(turned_on\(Thing\)\),)Tj +T* +( respond\([Thing,' turned on']\).)Tj +T* +(turn_on2\(Thing\):-)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(7 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1202 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( respond\(['You can''t turn a ',Thing,' on']\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% turn_off - I didn't feel like implementing turn_off)Tj +T* +(turn_off\(Thing\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( respond\(['I lied about being able to turn things off']\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The only special puzzle in Nani Search has to do with going to the)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% cellar. Puzzle is only called from goto for this reason. Other)Tj +T* +(% puzzles pertaining to other commands could easily be added.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( have\(flashlight\),)Tj +T* +( turned_on\(flashlight\),!.)Tj +T* +(puzzle\(goto\(cellar\)\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('You can''t go to the cellar because it''s dark in the'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( write\('cellar, and you''re afraid of the dark.'\),nl,)Tj +T* +( !,fail.)Tj +T* +(puzzle\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% respond simplifies writing a mixture of literals and variables)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +T* +(respond\([]\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('.'\),nl,nl.)Tj +T* +(respond\([H|T]\):-)Tj +T* +( write\(H\),)Tj +T* +( respond\(T\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Simple English command listener. It does some semantic checking)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% and allows for various synonyms. Within a restricted subset of)Tj +T* +(% English, a command can be phrased many ways. Also non grammatical)Tj +T* +(% constructs are understood, for example just giving a room name)Tj +T* +(% is interpreted as the command to goto that room.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Some interpretation is based on the situation. Notice that when)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the player says turn on the light it is ambiguous. It could mean)Tj +T* +(% the room light \(which can't be turned on in the game\) or the)Tj +T* +(% flash light. If the player has the flash light it is interpreted)Tj +T* +(% as flash light, otherwise it is interpreted as room light.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(get_command\(C\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( readlist\(L\), % reads a sentence and puts [it,in,list,form])Tj +T* +( command\(X,L,[]\), % call the grammar for command)Tj +T* +( C =.. X,!. % make the command list a structure)Tj +T* +(get_command\(_\):-)Tj +T* +( respond\(['I don''t understand, try again or type help']\),fail.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(8 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1203 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% The grammar doesn't have to be real English. There are two)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% types of commands in Nani Search, those with and without a )Tj +T* +(% single argument. A special case is also made for the command)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% goto which can be activated by simply giving a room name.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(command\([Pred,Arg]\) --> verb\(Type,Pred\),nounphrase\(Type,Arg\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(command\([Pred]\) --> verb\(intran,Pred\).)Tj +T* +(command\([goto,Arg]\) --> noun\(go_place,Arg\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Recognize three types of verbs. Each verb corresponds to a command,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% but there are many synonyms allowed. For example the command)Tj +T* +(% turn_on will be triggered by either "turn on" or "switch on".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(verb\(go_place,goto\) --> go_verb.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(thing,V\) --> tran_verb\(V\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(verb\(intran,V\) --> intran_verb\(V\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(go_verb --> [go].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(go_verb --> [go,to].)Tj +T* +(go_verb --> [g].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(tran_verb\(take\) --> [take].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(tran_verb\(take\) --> [pick,up].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [drop].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [put].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(drop\) --> [put,down].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(eat\) --> [eat].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(turn_on\) --> [turn,on].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(tran_verb\(turn_on\) --> [switch,on].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(turn_off\) --> [turn,off].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [look,in].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [look].)Tj +T* +(tran_verb\(look_in\) --> [open].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(intran_verb\(inventory\) --> [inventory].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(intran_verb\(inventory\) --> [i].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [look].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [look,around].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(look\) --> [l].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [quit].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [exit].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [end].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(quit\) --> [bye].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(nshelp\) --> [help].)Tj +T* +(intran_verb\(hint\) --> [hint].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% a noun phrase is just a noun with an optional determiner in front.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(9 of 27\)11/3/2006 \ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1204 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(nounphrase\(Type,Noun\) --> det,noun\(Type,Noun\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(nounphrase\(Type,Noun\) --> noun\(Type,Noun\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(det --> [the].)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(det --> [a].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Nouns are defined as rooms, or things located somewhere. We define)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% special cases for those things represented in Nani Search by two)Tj +T* +(% words. We can't expect the user to type the name in quotes.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(go_place,R\) --> [R], {room\(R\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(go_place,'dining room'\) --> [dining,room].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(thing,T\) --> [T], {location\(T,_\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,T\) --> [T], {have\(T\)}.)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,flashlight\) --> [flash,light].)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,'washing machine'\) --> [washing,machine].)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,'dirty clothes'\) --> [dirty,clothes].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% If the player has just typed light, it can be interpreted three ways.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% If a room name is before it, it must be a room light. If the)Tj +T* +(% player has the flash light, assume it means the flash light. Otherwis\ e)Tj +T* +(% assume it is the room light.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(noun\(thing,light\) --> [X,light], {room\(X\)}.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(noun\(thing,flashlight\) --> [light], {have\(flashlight\)}.)Tj +T* +(noun\(thing,light\) --> [light].)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% readlist - read a list of words, based on a Clocksin & Mellish)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% example.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(readlist\(L\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('> '\),)Tj +T* +( read_word_list\(L\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(read_word_list\([W|Ws]\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C\),)Tj +T* +( readword\(C, W, C1\), % Read word starting with C, C1 is first n\ ew)Tj +T* +( restsent\(C1, Ws\), !. % character - use it to get rest of senten\ ce)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(restsent\(C,[]\) :- lastword\(C\), !. % Nothing left if hit last-word ma\ rker)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(restsent\(C,[W1|Ws]\) :-)Tj +T* +( readword\(C,W1,C1\), % Else read next word and rest of sentence\ )Tj +T* +( restsent\(C1,Ws\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(readword\(C,W,C1\) :- % Some words are single characters)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(10 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1205 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( single_char\(C\), % i.e. punctuation)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( !, )Tj +T* +( name\(W, [C]\), % get as an atom)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C1\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(readword\(C, W, C1\) :-)Tj +T* +( is_num\(C\), % if we have a number --)Tj +T* +( !,)Tj +T* +( number_word\(C, W, C1, _\). % convert it to a genuine number)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(readword\(C,W,C2\) :- % otherwise if character does not)Tj +T* +( in_word\(C, NewC\), % delineate end of word - keep)Tj +T* +( get0\(C1\), % accumulating them until )Tj +T* +( restword\(C1,Cs,C2\), % we have all the word )Tj +T* +( name\(W, [NewC|Cs]\). % then make it an atom)Tj +T* +(readword\(C,W,C2\) :- % otherwise)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( get0\(C1\), )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( readword\(C1,W,C2\). % start a new word)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(restword\(C, [NewC|Cs], C2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( in_word\(C, NewC\),)Tj +T* +( get0\(C1\),)Tj +T* +( restword\(C1, Cs, C2\).)Tj +T* +(restword\(C, [], C\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(single_char\(`,\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(single_char\(`;\).)Tj +T* +(single_char\(`:\).single_char\(`?\).)Tj +T* +(single_char\(`!\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(single_char\(`.\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(in_word\(C, C\) :- C >= `a, C =< `z.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(in_word\(C, L\) :- C >= `A, C =< `Z, L is C + 32.)Tj +T* +(in_word\(`',`'\).)Tj +T* +(in_word\(`-,`-\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Have character C \(known integer\) - keep reading integers and build)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% up the number until we hit a non-integer. Return this in C1,)Tj +T* +(% and return the computed number in W.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(number_word\(C, W, C1, Pow10\) :- )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( is_num\(C\),)Tj +T* +( !,)Tj +T* +( get0\(C2\),)Tj +T* +( number_word\(C2, W1, C1, P10\),)Tj +T* +( Pow10 is P10 * 10,)Tj +T* +( W is integer\(\(\(C - `0\) * Pow10\) + W1\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(11 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1206 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(number_word\(C, 0, C, 0.1\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(is_num\(C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( C =< `9,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( C >= `0.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% These symbols delineate end of sentence)Tj +T* +(lastword\(10\). % end if new line entered)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(lastword\(`.\).)Tj +T* +(lastword\(`!\).)Tj +T* +(lastword\(`?\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 535.7768 Tm +(Family )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 502.4397 Tm +(% GENE.PRO - genealogical relationships)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +T* +(% Copyright \(c\) 1987-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +T* +(% A Prolog database of relations derived from basic information about)Tj +T* +(% individuals. The relations ships can all be read as 'relationship)Tj +T* +(% of', so for example, parent\(P,C\) means P is parent of C.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +T* +(% When there is a performance trade-of in the implementation of a rule,)Tj +T* +(% it is assumed that in general the second argument of a relation will)Tj +T* +(% most likely be bound. See for example full_sibling/2, which will)Tj +T* +(% have a smaller search for full_sibling\(X,joe\), than full_sibling\(jo\ e,X\).)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% This code is used as an example of an embedded Prolog application.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% One is a C++ application and the other Visual Basic.)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% To use this code from Prolog, consult it in the listener and use the)Tj +T* +(% following predicates:)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% open\(F\) - opens a file of family relationships, ex. open\('england.f\ am'\).)Tj +T* +(% open/1 just does a consult, so you can use consult instead.)Tj +T* +(% close - retracts all the persons currently defined)Tj +T* +(% save\(F\) - saves the persons in the named file)Tj +T* +(% add_person\(Name, Mother, Father, Gender, Spouse\) - adds a person)Tj +T* +(% fact with the specified attributes, checking semantics as it does)Tj +T* +(% Relationship\(P1, P2\) - any relationship query, such as child\(X,Y\).\ )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% relation\(R, P1, P2\) - can be used to find the relationship between)Tj +T* +(% individuals as well as pose relationship queries. )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(parent\(P,C\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(12 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1207 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( \(mother\(P,C\) ; father\(P,C\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(child\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\).)Tj +T* +(son\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\), male\(C\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(daughter\(C,P\) :- parent\(P,C\), female\(C\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(wife\(W,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(W,P\),)Tj +T* +( female\(W\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(husband\(H,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(H,P\),)Tj +T* +( male\(H\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ancestor\(A,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(A,P\).)Tj +T* +(ancestor\(A,P\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(X,P\),)Tj +T* +( ancestor\(A,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(descendent\(D,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,D\).)Tj +T* +(descendent\(D,P\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( descendent\(D,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(full_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( mother\(M,S2\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(M,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S1\),)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(half_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( mother\(M,S2\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(M,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( father\(F1,S1\),)Tj +T* +( father\(F2,S2\),)Tj +T* +( F1 \\= F2.)Tj +T* +(half_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S2\),)Tj +T* +( father\(F,S1\),)Tj +T* +( S1 \\= S2,)Tj +T* +( mother\(M1,S1\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(13 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1208 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( mother\(M2,S2\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( M1 \\= M2.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( full_sibling\(S1,S2\).)Tj +T* +(sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +T* +( half_sibling\(S1,S2\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(sister\(S,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(S,P\),)Tj +T* +( female\(S\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(brother\(B,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(B,P\),)Tj +T* +( male\(B\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_sibling\(S1, S2\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P2, S2\),)Tj +T* +( spouse\(M2, P2\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(M2, S1\),)Tj +T* +( not\(parent\(M2,S2\)\),)Tj +T* +( not\(half_sibling\(S1,S2\)\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(uncle\(U,X\) :-)Tj +T* +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( brother\(U,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(aunt\(A,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( sister\(A,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_parent\(P2,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,C\),)Tj +T* +( spouse\(P2,P\),)Tj +T* +( not\(parent\(P2,C\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(step_mother\(M,C\) :- step_parent\(M,C\), female\(M\).)Tj +T* +(step_father\(F,C\) :- step_parent\(F,C\), male\(F\).)Tj +T* +(step_child\(C2,P\) :- step_parent\(P,C2\).)Tj +T* +(step_daughter\(D,P\) :- step_child\(D,P\), female\(D\).)Tj +T* +(step_son\(S,P\) :- step_child\(S,P\), male\(S\).)Tj +T* +(nephew\(N,X\) :-)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(14 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1209 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( sibling\(S,X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(S,N\),)Tj +T* +( male\(N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(niece\(N,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( sibling\(S,X\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(S,N\),)Tj +T* +( female\(N\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(cousin\(X,Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,Y\),)Tj +T* +( sibling\(S,P\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(S,X\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandmother\(GM,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( mother\(GM,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandfather\(GF,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\),)Tj +T* +( father\(GF,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandparent\(GP,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(P,X\), parent\(GP,P\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandson\(GS,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( grandchild\(GS,X\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( male\(GS\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(granddaughter\(GD,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( grandchild\(GD,X\),)Tj +T* +( female\(GD\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(grandchild\(GC,X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( parent\(X,C\),)Tj +T* +( parent\(C,GC\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% relation/3 - used to find relationships between individuals)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(relations\([parent, wife, husband, ancestor, descendent, full_sibling,)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( half_sibling, sibling, sister, brother, step_sibling, uncle,)Tj +T* +( aunt, mother, father, child, son, daughter, step_parent,)Tj +T* +( step_child, step_mother, step_father, step_son, step_daughter,)Tj +T* +( nephew, niece, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent,)Tj +T* +( grandson, granddaughter, grandchild]\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(15 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1210 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(relation\(R, X, Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( relations\(Rs\),)Tj +T* +( member\(R,Rs\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( Q =.. [R,X,Y],)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( call\(Q\).)Tj +0 -3.6 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% person object)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +T* +(% These predicates define the interface to a person. All of the)Tj +T* +(% genealogical rules are based on these predicates, which are)Tj +T* +(% based on the basic representation of a person. These are the)Tj +T* +(% only rules which need to be changed if the representation of)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% a person is changed.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(%)Tj +T* +(% The current representation is flat database relations of the form:)Tj +T* +(% person\(Name, Gender, Mother, Father, Spouse\).)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( assert\(person\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\)\).)Tj +T* +(add\(Name,_,_,_,_\) :-)Tj +T* +( delete\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(open\(FileName\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( consult\(FileName\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(close :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(person\(_,_,_,_,_\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(save\(FileName\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( tell\(FileName\),)Tj +T* +( listing\(person\),)Tj +T* +( told.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(delete\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retract\(person\(X,_,_,_,_\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(person\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(X,_,_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(male\(X\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(X,male,_,_,_\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(16 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1211 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(female\(Y\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(Y,female,_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mother\(M,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(C,_,M,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(father\(F,C\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(C,_,_,F,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(spouse\(S,P\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(P,_,_,_,S\),)Tj +T* +( S \\= single.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(%----------------------------------------------------------------------)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% Semantic Integrity Checks on Update)Tj +T* +(%)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(add_person\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(message\(_\)\),)Tj +T* +( dup_check\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( add\(Name,Gender,Mother,Father,Spouse\),)Tj +T* +( ancestor_check\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( mother_check\(Name, Gender, Mother\),)Tj +T* +( father_check\(Name, Gender, Father\),)Tj +T* +( spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(dup_check\(Name\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( person\(Name\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is already in database$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(dup_check\(_\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(ancestor_check\(Name\) :-)Tj +T* +( ancestor\(Name,Name\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is their own ancestor/descendent$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(ancestor_check\(_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(mother_check\(_, _, Mother\) :- not\(person\(Mother\)\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(mother_check\(_, _, Mother\) :-)Tj +T* +( male\(Mother\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person's mother is a man$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(mother_check\(Name, male, _\) :-)Tj +T* +( mother\(Name, X\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person, a male, is someone's mother$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(17 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1212 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(display_menu\(Menu\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( disp_menu\(1,Menu\), !. % make sure we fail on backtrackin\ g)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(disp_menu\(_,[]\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(disp_menu\(N,[Item | Rest]\):- % recursively write the head of)Tj +T* +( write\(N\),write\(' : '\),write\(Item\),nl, % the list and disp_menu t\ he tail)Tj +T* +( NN is N + 1,)Tj +T* +( disp_menu\(NN,Rest\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(pick_menu\(N,Val,Menu\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( integer\(N\), % make sure they gave a number)Tj +T* +( pic_menu\(1,N,Val,Menu\), !. % start at one)Tj +T* +( pick_menu\(Val,Val,_\). % if they didn't enter a number, u\ se)Tj +T* +( % what they entered as the value)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(pic_menu\(_,_,none_of_the_above,[]\). % if we've exhausted the list)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(pic_menu\(N,N, Item, [Item|_]\). % the counter matches the number)Tj +T* +(pic_menu\(Ctr,N, Val, [_|Rest]\):-)Tj +T* +( NextCtr is Ctr + 1, % try the next one)Tj +T* +( pic_menu\(NextCtr, N, Val, Rest\).)Tj +0 0 0 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +11.861 0 0 11.861 9.1782 430.6453 Tm +(Copyright \2511990,1996-97, 2004 Amzi! inc. All Rights Reserved)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(27 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1213 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(mother_check\(_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(father_check\(_, _, Father\) :- not\(person\(Father\)\), !.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(father_check\(_, _, Father\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( female\(Father\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person's father is a man$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(father_check\(Name, female, _\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( father\(Name, X\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person, a female, is someone's father$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(father_check\(_,_,_\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\) :-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( spouse\(Name, X\),)Tj +T* +( X \\= Spouse,)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is already someone else's spouse$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(spouse_check\(Name, Spouse\) :-)Tj +T* +( blood_relative\(Name, Spouse\),)Tj +T* +( assert\(message\($Person is a blood relative of spouse$\)\),)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +T* +(spouse_check\(_,_\).)Tj +T* +( )Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(ancestor\(X,Y\); ancestor\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- sibling\(X,Y\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- cousin\(X,Y\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(uncle\(X,Y\); uncle\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +T* +(blood_relative\(X,Y\) :- \(aunt\(X,Y\); aunt\(Y,X\)\).)Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 289.0678 Tm +(Custord )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 255.7307 Tm +(% CUSTORD )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(c\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This is a sample Prolog program which implements a portion)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% of a customer order inventory application. It is not intended to)Tj +T* +(% be complete, and only illustrates the concept of writing a database)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% application in Prolog.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This example extends the concept of an intelligent database to include\ )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% a full database application. It is really a rule based approach to)Tj +T* +(% transaction processing. In fact a large percentage of the procedural)Tj +T* +(% code normally written in database applications has to do with)Tj +T* +(% enforcing semantic integrity rules involving multiple records.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(18 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1214 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 740.1401 Tm +(% The distinction between data and process is thoroughly blurred. Both)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% reside together in the same logicbase.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% There is pure data as it might be defined in a relational database)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% \(customer, item, inventory, order\); there are rules which really)Tj +T* +(% represent data views \(item_quant\); there are rules which add)Tj +T* +(% intelligence to the logicbase \(good_customer, valid_order\); and ther\ e)Tj +T* +(% are rules which are processes \(order, report_inventory\). )Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main :- order.)Tj +T* +(% customer\(Name, Town, Credit-rating\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(dennis, winchester, xxx\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(customer\(dave, lexington, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(ron, lexington, bbb\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(julie, winchester, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(jawaid, cambridge, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(customer\(tom, newton, ccc\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% item\(Number, Name, Reorder-quantity\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p1,thing,10\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(item\(p2,stuff,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p3,article,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p4,object,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p5,substance,10\).)Tj +T* +(item\(p6,piece,10\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(item\(p7,matter,10\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory\(Number, Quantity\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p1,10\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(inventory\(p2,10\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p3,10\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p4,78\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p5,23\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p6,14\).)Tj +T* +(inventory\(p7,8\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% item-inv view or join)Tj +T* +(item_quant\(Item, Quantity\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, Item, _\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Partno, Quantity\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(19 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1215 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% reorder if inventory below reorder point)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(reorder\(Item\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, Item, Reorder_point\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( inventory\(Partno, Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( Quantity < Reorder_point,)Tj +T* +( write\('Time to reorder '\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Item\), nl.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(reorder\(Item\):-)Tj +T* +( write\('Inventory level ok for '\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Item\), nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% a good customer has a credit rating of aaa )Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% or lives in winchester)Tj +T* +(% or has ordered something)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( customer\(Cust, _, aaa\).)Tj +T* +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +T* +( customer\(Cust, winchester, _\).)Tj +T* +(good_customer\(Cust\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(Cust, _, _\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% process order)Tj +T* +(order:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( write\('Customer: '\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( read\(Customer\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Item: '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Item\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Quantity: '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( valid_order\(Customer,Item,Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(order\(Customer,Item,Quantity\)\),)Tj +T* +( update_inventory\(Item,Quantity\),)Tj +T* +( reorder\(Item\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% an order is valid if)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% it doesn't go below zero inventory and)Tj +T* +(% the customer is a good customer)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(valid_order\(C, I, Q\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Partno, I, _\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Partno, Onhand\),)Tj +T* +( Q =< Onhand,)Tj +T* +( good_customer\(C\).)Tj +T* +(valid_order\(C, I, Q\):-)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(20 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1216 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( write\('Bad order'\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% update the inventory)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(update_inventory\(I,Q\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item\(Pn, I, _\),)Tj +T* +( inventory\(Pn, Amount\),)Tj +T* +( NewQ is Amount - Q,)Tj +T* +( retract\(inventory\(Pn, Amount\)\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(inventory\(Pn, NewQ\)\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% inventory report)Tj +T* +(report_inventory:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( item_quant\(I, Q\),)Tj +T* +( write\(I\), tab\(1\),)Tj +T* +( write\(Q\), nl,)Tj +T* +( fail.)Tj +T* +(report_inventory:-true. )Tj +0 0 1 rg +/T1_2 1 Tf +14.8263 0 0 14.8263 9.1782 412.4223 Tm +(Birds )Tj +0 0 0.502 rg +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 379.0852 Tm +(% BIRDS)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% Copyright \(c\) 1990-1995 Amzi! inc.)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% All rights reserved)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This is a sample of a classification expert system for identification)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% of certain kinds of birds. The rules are rough excerpts from "Birds of\ )Tj +T* +(% North America" by Robbins, Bruum, Zim, and Singer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This type of expert system can easily use Prolog's built in inferencin\ g)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% system. While trying to satisfy the goal "bird" it tries to satisfy)Tj +T* +(% various subgoals, some of which will ask for information from the)Tj +T* +(% user.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The information is all stored as attribute-value pairs. The attribute)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% is represented as a predicate, and the value as the argument to the)Tj +T* +(% predicate. For example, the attribute-value pair "color-brown" is)Tj +T* +(% stored "color\(brown\)".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "identify" is the high level goal that starts the program. The)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% predicate "known/3" is used to remember answers to questions, so it)Tj +T* +(% is cleared at the beginning of the run.)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(21 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1217 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% The rules of identification are the bulk of the code. They break up)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the problem into identifying orders and families before identifying)Tj +T* +(% the actual birds.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% The end of the code lists those attribute-value pairs which need)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% to be asked for, and defines the predicate "ask" and "menuask")Tj +T* +(% which are used to get information from the user, and remember it.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(main :- identify.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(identify:-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( retractall\(known\(_,_,_\)\), % clear stored information)Tj +T* +( bird\(X\),)Tj +T* +( write\('The bird is a '\),write\(X\),nl.)Tj +T* +(identify:-)Tj +T* +( write\('I can''t identify that bird'\),nl.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(order\(tubenose\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nostrils\(external_tubular\),)Tj +T* +( live\(at_sea\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(hooked\).)Tj +T* +(order\(waterfowl\):-)Tj +T* +( feet\(webbed\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(flat\).)Tj +T* +(order\(falconiforms\):-)Tj +T* +( eats\(meat\),)Tj +T* +( feet\(curved_talons\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( bill\(sharp_hooked\).)Tj +T* +(order\(passerformes\):-)Tj +T* +( feet\(one_long_backward_toe\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(family\(albatross\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(tubenose\),)Tj +T* +( size\(large\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_narrow\).)Tj +T* +(family\(swan\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( neck\(long\),)Tj +T* +( color\(white\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(ponderous\).)Tj +T* +(family\(goose\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( size\(plump\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(powerful\).)Tj +T* +(family\(duck\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(waterfowl\),)Tj +T* +( feed\(on_water_surface\),)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(22 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1218 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( flight\(agile\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(family\(vulture\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(falconiforms\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( feed\(scavange\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( wings\(broad\).)Tj +T* +(family\(falcon\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(falconiforms\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_pointed\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( head\(large\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(narrow_at_tip\).)Tj +T* +(family\(flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( order\(passerformes\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(flat\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(flying_insects\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(family\(swallow\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(passerformes\),)Tj +T* +( wings\(long_pointed\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(forked\),)Tj +T* +( bill\(short\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(bird\(laysan_albatross\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( family\(albatross\),)Tj +T* +( color\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(black_footed_albatross\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(albatross\),)Tj +T* +( color\(dark\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(fulmar\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( order\(tubenose\),)Tj +T* +( size\(medium\),)Tj +T* +( flight\(flap_glide\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(whistling_swan\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swan\),)Tj +T* +( voice\(muffled_musical_whistle\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(trumpeter_swan\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swan\),)Tj +T* +( voice\(loud_trumpeting\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(canada_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +T* +( season\(winter\), % rules can be further broken down)Tj +T* +( country\(united_states\), % to include regions and migration)Tj +T* +( head\(black\), % patterns)Tj +T* +( cheek\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(canada_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +T* +( season\(summer\),)Tj +T* +( country\(canada\),)Tj +T* +( head\(black\), )Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(23 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1219 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +( cheek\(white\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(snow_goose\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(goose\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( color\(white\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(mallard\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\), % different rules for male)Tj +T* +( voice\(quack\),)Tj +T* +( head\(green\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(mallard\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\), % and female)Tj +T* +( voice\(quack\),)Tj +T* +( color\(mottled_brown\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(pintail\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(duck\),)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( voice\(short_whistle\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(turkey_vulture\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(vulture\),)Tj +T* +( flight_profile\(v_shaped\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(california_condor\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(vulture\),)Tj +T* +( flight_profile\(flat\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(sparrow_hawk\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(falcon\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(insects\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(peregrine_falcon\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(falcon\),)Tj +T* +( eats\(birds\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(bird\(great_crested_flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(flycatcher\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(long_rusty\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(ash_throated_flycatcher\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(flycatcher\),)Tj +T* +( throat\(white\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(barn_swallow\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(forked\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(cliff_swallow\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +T* +( tail\(square\).)Tj +T* +(bird\(purple_martin\):-)Tj +T* +( family\(swallow\),)Tj +T* +( color\(dark\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(new_england\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(south_east\).)Tj +T* +(country\(united_states\):- region\(mid_west\).)Tj +T* +(country\(united_states\):- region\(south_west\).)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(24 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1220 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(country\(united_states\):- region\(north_west\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(united_states\):- region\(mid_atlantic\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(country\(canada\):- province\(ontario\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(country\(canada\):- province\(quebec\).)Tj +T* +(country\(canada\):- province\(etc\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(region\(new_england\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( state\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [massachusetts, vermont, etc]\).)Tj +T* +(region\(south_east\):-)Tj +T* +( state\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [florida, mississippi, etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(region\(canada\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( province\(X\),)Tj +T* +( member\(X, [ontario,quebec,etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(nostrils\(X\):- ask\(nostrils,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(live\(X\):- ask\(live,X\).)Tj +T* +(bill\(X\):- ask\(bill,X\).)Tj +T* +(size\(X\):- menuask\(size,X,[large,plump,medium,small]\).)Tj +T* +(eats\(X\):- ask\(eats,X\).)Tj +T* +(feet\(X\):- ask\(feet,X\).)Tj +T* +(wings\(X\):- ask\(wings,X\).)Tj +T* +(neck\(X\):- ask\(neck,X\).)Tj +T* +(color\(X\):- ask\(color,X\).)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(flight\(X\):- menuask\(flight,X,[ponderous,powerful,agile,flap_glide,oth\ er]\).)Tj +T* +(feed\(X\):- ask\(feed,X\).)Tj +T* +(head\(X\):- ask\(head,X\).)Tj +T* +(tail\(X\):- menuask\(tail,X,[narrow_at_tip,forked,long_rusty,square,othe\ r]\).)Tj +T* +(voice\(X\):- ask\(voice,X\).)Tj +T* +(season\(X\):- menuask\(season,X,[winter,summer]\).)Tj +T* +(cheek\(X\):- ask\(cheek,X\).)Tj +T* +(flight_profile\(X\):- menuask\(flight_profile,X,[flat,v_shaped,other]\).\ )Tj +T* +(throat\(X\):- ask\(throat,X\).)Tj +T* +(state\(X\):- menuask\(state,X,[massachusetts,vermont,florida,mississippi\ ,etc]\).)Tj +T* +(province\(X\):- menuask\(province,X,[ontario,quebec,etc]\).)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "ask" is responsible for getting information from the user, and rememb\ ering)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% the users response. If it doesn't already know the answer to a questio\ n)Tj +T* +(% it will ask the user. It then asserts the answer. It recognizes two)Tj +T* +(% cases of knowledge: 1\) the attribute-value is known to be true,)Tj +T* +(% 2\) the attribute-value is known to be false.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% This means an attribute might have multiple values. A third test to)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% see if the attribute has another value could be used to enforce)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(25 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1221 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 780.7313 Tm +(Appendix)Tj +ET +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +0 0 0.502 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +12.8494 0 0 12.8494 9.1782 755.5594 Tm +(% single valued attributes. \(This test is commented out below\))Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% For this system the menuask is used for attributes which are single)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% valued)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "ask" only deals with simple yes or no answers. a "yes" is the only)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% yes value. any other response is considered a "no".)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ask\(Attribute,Value\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,Value\), % succeed if we know its true)Tj +T* +( !. % and dont look any further)Tj +T* +(ask\(Attribute,Value\):-)Tj +T* +( known\(_,Attribute,Value\), % fail if we know its false)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(ask\(Attribute,_\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,_\), % fail if we know its some other v\ alue.)Tj +T* +( !, fail. % the cut in clause #1 ensures that \ if)Tj +T* +( % we get here the value is wrong.)Tj +T* +(ask\(A,V\):-)Tj +T* +( write\(A:V\), % if we get here, we need to ask.)Tj +T* +( write\('? \(yes or no\): '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Y\), % get the answer)Tj +T* +( asserta\(known\(Y,A,V\)\), % remember it so we dont ask aga\ in.)Tj +T* +( Y = yes. % succeed or fail based on answer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(% "menuask" is like ask, only it gives the user a menu to to choose)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +(% from rather than a yes on no answer. In this case there is no)Tj +T* +(% need to check for a negative since "menuask" ensures there will)Tj +T* +(% be some positive answer.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(menuask\(Attribute,Value,_\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( known\(yes,Attribute,Value\), % succeed if we know)Tj +T* +( !.)Tj +T* +(menuask\(Attribute,_,_\):-)Tj +T* +( known\(yes,Attribute,_\), % fail if its some other value)Tj +T* +( !, fail.)Tj +0 -2.4 TD +(menuask\(Attribute,AskValue,Menu\):-)Tj +0 -1.2 TD +( nl,write\('What is the value for '\),write\(Attribute\),write\('?'\),n\ l,)Tj +T* +( display_menu\(Menu\),)Tj +T* +( write\('Enter the number of choice> '\),)Tj +T* +( read\(Num\),nl,)Tj +T* +( pick_menu\(Num,AnswerValue,Menu\),)Tj +T* +( asserta\(known\(yes,Attribute,AnswerValue\)\),)Tj +T* +( AskValue = AnswerValue. % succeed or fail based on answer)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +8.2603 0 0 8.2603 18 7.7313 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm \(26 of 27\)11/3/2006\ 7:06:15 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1222 0 obj(Appendix) endobj 1223 0 obj<> endobj 1224 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/appendix.htm) endobj 1225 0 obj(aSh߾M{Mx) endobj 1226 0 obj<> endobj 1227 0 obj<> endobj 1228 0 obj(AxS%p) endobj 1229 0 obj 8 endobj 1230 0 obj<> endobj 1231 0 obj<> endobj 1232 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1233 0 obj<><><><><><><><>]/P 10 0 R/S/Article/T()/Pg 1232 0 R>> endobj 1234 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1235 0 obj<>/A<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1236 0 obj[1235 0 R 1237 0 R 1238 0 R 1239 0 R 1240 0 R 1241 0 R 1242 0 R 1243 0 R 1244 0 R 1245 0 R 1246 0 R 1247 0 R 1248 0 R 1249 0 R 1250 0 R 1251 0 R 1252 0 R 1253 0 R 1254 0 R 1255 0 R 1256 0 R 1257 0 R 1258 0 R 1259 0 R 1260 0 R 1261 0 R 1262 0 R 1264 0 R 1265 0 R 1266 0 R 1268 0 R 1269 0 R 1270 0 R 1271 0 R 1272 0 R 1273 0 R 1274 0 R 1275 0 R 1276 0 R 1277 0 R 1278 0 R 1279 0 R 1280 0 R 1281 0 R 1282 0 R 1283 0 R 1284 0 R] endobj 1237 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1238 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1239 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1240 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1241 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1242 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1243 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1244 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1245 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1246 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1247 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1248 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1249 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1250 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1251 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1252 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1253 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1254 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1255 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1256 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1257 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1258 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1259 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1260 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1261 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1262 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1263 0 obj[1232 0 R/XYZ 0 606.708 null] endobj 1264 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1265 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1266 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1267 0 obj[1232 0 R/XYZ 0 447.954 null] endobj 1268 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1269 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1270 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1271 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1272 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1273 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1274 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1275 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1276 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1277 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1278 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1279 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1280 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1281 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1282 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1283 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1284 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1285 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1286 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1287 0 obj[1286 0 R 1289 0 R 1291 0 R 1292 0 R 1293 0 R 1294 0 R 1295 0 R 1296 0 R 1297 0 R 1298 0 R 1299 0 R 1300 0 R 1301 0 R 1303 0 R 1304 0 R 1305 0 R 1306 0 R 1307 0 R 1308 0 R 1309 0 R 1310 0 R 1311 0 R 1312 0 R 1313 0 R 1314 0 R 1315 0 R] endobj 1288 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1289 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1290 0 obj[1285 0 R/XYZ 0 699.508 null] endobj 1291 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1292 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1293 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1294 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1295 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1296 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1297 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1298 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1299 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1300 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1301 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1302 0 obj[1285 0 R/XYZ 0 387.124 null] endobj 1303 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1304 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1305 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1306 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1307 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1308 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1309 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1310 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1311 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1312 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1313 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1314 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1315 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1316 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1317 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1318 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1319 0 obj[1318 0 R 1320 0 R 1321 0 R 1322 0 R 1324 0 R 1325 0 R 1326 0 R 1327 0 R 1328 0 R 1329 0 R 1330 0 R 1331 0 R 1332 0 R 1334 0 R 1335 0 R 1337 0 R 1338 0 R 1339 0 R 1340 0 R 1341 0 R 1342 0 R] endobj 1320 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1321 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1322 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1323 0 obj[1316 0 R/XYZ 0 661.908 null] endobj 1324 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1325 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1326 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1327 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1328 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1329 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1330 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1331 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1332 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1333 0 obj[1316 0 R/XYZ 0 370.324 null] endobj 1334 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1335 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1336 0 obj[1316 0 R/XYZ 0 227.139 null] endobj 1337 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1338 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1339 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1340 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1341 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1342 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1343 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1344 0 obj<> endobj 1345 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1346 0 obj[1345 0 R 1348 0 R 1349 0 R 1351 0 R 1352 0 R 1353 0 R 1354 0 R 1355 0 R 1356 0 R 1357 0 R 1361 0 R 1362 0 R 1363 0 R 1364 0 R 1365 0 R 1366 0 R 1367 0 R 1368 0 R 1370 0 R 1371 0 R 1372 0 R 1373 0 R] endobj 1347 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1348 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1349 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1350 0 obj[1343 0 R/XYZ 0 680.708 null] endobj 1351 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1352 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1353 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1354 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1355 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1356 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1357 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1358 0 obj[1343 0 R/XYZ 0 443.524 null] endobj 1359 0 obj<> endobj 1360 0 obj<> endobj 1361 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1362 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1363 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1364 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1365 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1366 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1367 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1368 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1369 0 obj[1343 0 R/XYZ 0 170.739 null] endobj 1370 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1371 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1372 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1373 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1374 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1375 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1376 0 obj[1375 0 R 1378 0 R 1379 0 R 1380 0 R 1381 0 R 1382 0 R 1383 0 R 1384 0 R 1385 0 R 1386 0 R 1387 0 R 1388 0 R 1389 0 R 1390 0 R 1391 0 R 1392 0 R 1393 0 R 1394 0 R 1395 0 R 1396 0 R 1397 0 R 1398 0 R 1400 0 R 1401 0 R 1402 0 R 1403 0 R 1404 0 R] endobj 1377 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1378 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1379 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1380 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1381 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1382 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1383 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1384 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1385 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1386 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1387 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1388 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1389 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1390 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1391 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1392 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1393 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1394 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1395 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1396 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1397 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1398 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1399 0 obj[1374 0 R/XYZ 0 306.354 null] endobj 1400 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1401 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1402 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1403 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1404 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1405 0 obj[1374 0 R/XYZ 0 106.77 null] endobj 1406 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1407 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1408 0 obj[1407 0 R 1410 0 R 1411 0 R 1412 0 R 1413 0 R 1414 0 R 1415 0 R 1416 0 R 1417 0 R 1418 0 R 1420 0 R 1421 0 R 1422 0 R 1423 0 R 1424 0 R 1425 0 R 1426 0 R 1427 0 R 1428 0 R 1429 0 R 1431 0 R 1432 0 R 1433 0 R 1434 0 R 1435 0 R 1436 0 R] endobj 1409 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1410 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1411 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1412 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1413 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1414 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1415 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1416 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1417 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1418 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1419 0 obj[1406 0 R/XYZ 0 532.308 null] endobj 1420 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1421 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1422 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1423 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1424 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1425 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1426 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1427 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1428 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1429 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1430 0 obj[1406 0 R/XYZ 0 238.724 null] endobj 1431 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1432 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1433 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1434 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1435 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1436 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1437 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1438 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1439 0 obj[1438 0 R 1441 0 R 1442 0 R 1443 0 R 1444 0 R 1445 0 R 1446 0 R 1447 0 R 1448 0 R 1449 0 R 1450 0 R 1451 0 R 1452 0 R 1453 0 R 1455 0 R 1456 0 R 1457 0 R 1459 0 R 1460 0 R 1461 0 R 1462 0 R 1463 0 R 1464 0 R 1465 0 R 1466 0 R] endobj 1440 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1441 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1442 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1443 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1444 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1445 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1446 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1447 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1448 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1449 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1450 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1451 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1452 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1453 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1454 0 obj[1437 0 R/XYZ 0 423.508 null] endobj 1455 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1456 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1457 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1458 0 obj[1437 0 R/XYZ 0 278.324 null] endobj 1459 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1460 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1461 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1462 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1463 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1464 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1465 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1466 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1467 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1468 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1469 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1470 0 obj[1469 0 R 1471 0 R 1472 0 R 1473 0 R 1474 0 R 1475 0 R 1476 0 R 1478 0 R 1479 0 R 1480 0 R 1481 0 R 1482 0 R 1484 0 R 1485 0 R 1486 0 R 1487 0 R 1488 0 R 1490 0 R 1491 0 R 1492 0 R 1493 0 R 1494 0 R] endobj 1471 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1472 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1473 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1474 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1475 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1476 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1477 0 obj[1467 0 R/XYZ 0 587.139 null] endobj 1478 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1479 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1480 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1481 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1482 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1483 0 obj[1467 0 R/XYZ 0 404.354 null] endobj 1484 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1485 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1486 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1487 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1488 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1489 0 obj[1467 0 R/XYZ 0 221.57 null] endobj 1490 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1491 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1492 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1493 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1494 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1495 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1496 0 obj<> endobj 1497 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1498 0 obj[1497 0 R 1500 0 R 1501 0 R 1502 0 R 1503 0 R 1504 0 R 1505 0 R 1507 0 R 1508 0 R 1509 0 R 1510 0 R 1511 0 R 1512 0 R 1513 0 R 1514 0 R 1515 0 R 1516 0 R 1518 0 R 1519 0 R 1520 0 R] endobj 1499 0 obj[1233 0 R] endobj 1500 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1501 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1502 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1503 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1504 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1505 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1506 0 obj[1495 0 R/XYZ 0 588.708 null] endobj 1507 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1508 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1509 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1510 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1511 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1512 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1513 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1514 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1515 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1516 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1517 0 obj[1495 0 R/XYZ 0 295.124 null] endobj 1518 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1519 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1520 0 obj<>/A<>/PA<>/Border[0 0 0]>> endobj 1521 0 obj<> endobj 1522 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 748 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 0 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 734.9756 Tm +(Adventure in Prolog)Tj +1 1 1 rg +/T1_0 1 Tf +( )Tj +ET +1 1 1 RG +1.168 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 695.673 m +63.662 695.673 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 699.1756 Tm +(Contents)Tj +ET +0.706 w +10 659.259 m +20.108 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 661.3755 Tm +(A )Tj +ET +23.608 659.259 m +32.946 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 23.608 661.3755 Tm +(B )Tj +ET +36.446 659.259 m +45.784 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 36.446 661.3755 Tm +(C )Tj +ET +49.284 659.259 m +59.392 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 49.284 661.3755 Tm +(D )Tj +ET +62.892 659.259 m +71.446 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 62.892 661.3755 Tm +(E )Tj +ET +74.946 659.259 m +82.73 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 74.946 661.3755 Tm +(F )Tj +ET +86.23 659.259 m +96.338 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 86.23 661.3755 Tm +(G )Tj +ET +99.838 659.259 m +109.946 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 99.838 661.3755 Tm +(H )Tj +ET +113.446 659.259 m +118.108 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 113.446 661.3755 Tm +(I )Tj +ET +121.608 659.259 m +127.054 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 121.608 661.3755 Tm +(J )Tj +ET +130.554 659.259 m +140.662 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 130.554 661.3755 Tm +(K )Tj +ET +144.162 659.259 m +152.716 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 144.162 661.3755 Tm +(L )Tj +ET +156.216 659.259 m +168.662 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 156.216 661.3755 Tm +(M )Tj +ET +172.162 659.259 m +182.27 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 172.162 661.3755 Tm +(N )Tj +ET +185.77 659.259 m +195.878 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 185.77 661.3755 Tm +(O )Tj +ET +199.378 659.259 m +207.162 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 199.378 661.3755 Tm +(P )Tj +ET +210.662 659.259 m +220.77 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 210.662 661.3755 Tm +(Q )Tj +ET +224.27 659.259 m +233.608 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 224.27 661.3755 Tm +(R )Tj +ET +237.108 659.259 m +244.892 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 237.108 661.3755 Tm +(S )Tj +ET +248.392 659.259 m +256.946 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 248.392 661.3755 Tm +(T )Tj +ET +260.446 659.259 m +270.554 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 260.446 661.3755 Tm +(U )Tj +ET +274.054 659.259 m +284.162 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 274.054 661.3755 Tm +(V )Tj +ET +287.662 659.259 m +300.878 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 287.662 661.3755 Tm +(W )Tj +ET +304.378 659.259 m +314.486 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 304.378 661.3755 Tm +(X )Tj +ET +317.986 659.259 m +328.094 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 317.986 661.3755 Tm +(Y )Tj +ET +331.594 659.259 m +340.148 659.259 l +S +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 331.594 661.3755 Tm +(Z)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-22.971 -5.122 Td +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 589.6633 Tm +( )Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 537.9543 Tm +(=/2)Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +0.428 w +26.8 519.869 m +119.2 519.869 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 521.1543 Tm +(Unification)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 501.069 m +68.8 501.069 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 502.3543 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +10 482.269 m +236.8 482.269 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 483.5543 Tm +(=/2, affect on backtracking)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 429.294 Tm +(A)Tj +ET +10 374.684 m +102.4 374.684 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 375.9697 Tm +(add_thing/3)Tj +ET +10 355.885 m +110.8 355.885 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 357.1697 Tm +(add_thing2/3)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Anonymous variables)Tj +/T1_3 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 320.285 m +119.2 320.285 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 321.5697 Tm +(Unification)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 301.484 m +152.8 301.484 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 302.7697 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 282.684 m +178 282.684 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 283.9697 Tm +(Rules: Using Rules)Tj +ET +10 263.885 m +77.2 263.885 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 265.1697 Tm +(append/3)Tj +ET +10 245.085 m +228.4 245.085 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 246.3697 Tm +(append/3, example trace of)Tj +ET +10 226.285 m +85.6 226.285 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 227.5697 Tm +(Arguments)Tj +ET +10 207.484 m +295.6 207.484 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 208.7697 Tm +(Arithmetic, affect on backtracking)Tj +ET +10 188.684 m +203.2 188.684 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 189.9697 Tm +(Arithmetic, expressions)Tj +ET +10 169.885 m +186.4 169.885 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 171.1697 Tm +(Arithmetic, operators)Tj +ET +10 151.085 m +52 151.085 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 152.3697 Tm +(Arity)Tj +ET +10 132.285 m +228.4 132.285 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 133.5697 Tm +(assert/1, and backtracking)Tj +ET +10 113.484 m +85.6 113.484 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 114.7697 Tm +(asserta/1)Tj +ET +10 94.684 m +85.6 94.684 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 95.9697 Tm +(assertz/1)Tj +ET +10 75.885 m +119.2 75.885 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 77.1697 Tm +(Associativity)Tj +ET +10 57.085 m +220 57.085 l +S +BT +/T1_3 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 58.3697 Tm +(Associativity, overriding)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(1 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1523 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.623 m +52 752.623 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +(Atoms)Tj +ET +10 733.823 m +144.4 733.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1082 Tm +(Atoms, syntax of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 680.8479 Tm +(B)Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 627.5235 Tm +(Backtracking)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 609.438 m +178 609.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 610.7235 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 590.638 m +161.2 590.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 591.9235 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +ET +10 571.838 m +228.4 571.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 573.1236 Tm +(Backtracking, and repeat/0)Tj +ET +10 553.038 m +152.8 553.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 554.3235 Tm +(Backtracking, cut)Tj +ET +10 534.238 m +262 534.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 535.5235 Tm +(Backtracking, versus recursion)Tj +ET +10 515.438 m +161.2 515.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 516.7235 Tm +(Boundary condition)Tj +ET +10 496.638 m +169.6 496.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 497.9235 Tm +(Boundary, condition)Tj +ET +10 477.838 m +102.4 477.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 479.1236 Tm +(break_out/1)Tj +ET +10 459.038 m +169.6 459.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 460.3235 Tm +(Built-in predicates)Tj +ET +10 440.238 m +287.2 440.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 441.5235 Tm +(Built-in predicates, as operators)Tj +ET +10 421.438 m +320.8 421.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 422.7235 Tm +(Built-in predicates, example trace of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 368.4633 Tm +(C)Tj +ET +10 313.854 m +77.2 313.854 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 315.1389 Tm +(can_go/1)Tj +ET +10 295.054 m +110.8 295.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 296.3389 Tm +(can_take_s/1)Tj +ET +10 276.254 m +119.2 276.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 277.5389 Tm +(Character set)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Clauses)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 240.654 m +68.8 240.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 241.9389 Tm +(Rules)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 221.854 m +220 221.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 223.1389 Tm +(Getting Started: Jargon)Tj +ET +10 203.054 m +136 203.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 204.3389 Tm +(Clauses, number)Tj +ET +10 184.254 m +127.6 184.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 185.5389 Tm +(command_loop/0)Tj +ET +10 165.454 m +144.4 165.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 166.7389 Tm +(Compound queries)Tj +ET +10 146.654 m +278.8 146.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 147.9389 Tm +(Compound query, example trace of)Tj +ET +10 127.854 m +102.4 127.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 129.1389 Tm +(Conjunction)Tj +ET +10 109.054 m +85.6 109.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 110.3389 Tm +(connect/2)Tj +ET +10 90.254 m +85.6 90.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 91.5389 Tm +(consult/1)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Cut)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 54.654 m +52 54.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 55.9389 Tm +(Cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(2 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1524 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +( )Tj +ET +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +26.8 752.623 m +178 752.623 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 753.9082 Tm +(Cut: Using the Cut)Tj +ET +10 733.823 m +136 733.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1082 Tm +(Cut, and fail/0)Tj +ET +10 715.023 m +144.4 715.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 716.3082 Tm +(Cut, examples of)Tj +ET +10 696.223 m +270.4 696.223 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 697.5082 Tm +(Cut, performance considerations)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 643.2479 Tm +(D)Tj +ET +10 588.638 m +253.6 588.638 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 589.9235 Tm +(DCG \(Definite Clause Grammar\))Tj +ET +10 569.838 m +144.4 569.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 571.1236 Tm +(Difference lists)Tj +ET +10 551.038 m +295.6 551.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 552.3235 Tm +(Difference lists, example trace of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(display/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 515.438 m +68.8 515.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 516.7235 Tm +(Lists)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 496.638 m +102.4 496.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 497.9235 Tm +(Operators)Tj +ET +10 477.838 m +43.6 477.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 479.1236 Tm +(do/1)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(door/2)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 442.238 m +161.2 442.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 443.5235 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 423.438 m +178 423.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 424.7235 Tm +(Facts: Nani Search)Tj +ET +10 404.638 m +52 404.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 405.9235 Tm +(dot/2)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 351.6633 Tm +(E)Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 298.3389 Tm +(edible/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 280.254 m +161.2 280.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 281.5389 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 261.454 m +178 261.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 262.7389 Tm +(Facts: Nani Search)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -3.876 Td +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 208.4787 Tm +(F)Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 155.1543 Tm +(Facts)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +ET +26.8 137.069 m +68.8 137.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 138.3543 Tm +(Facts)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 118.269 m +220 118.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 119.5543 Tm +(Getting Started: Jargon)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 99.469 m +178 99.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 100.7543 Tm +(Facts: Nani Search)Tj +ET +10 80.669 m +60.4 80.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 81.9543 Tm +(fail/0)Tj +ET +10 61.869 m +262 61.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 63.1543 Tm +(fail/0, affect on backtracking)Tj +ET +10 43.069 m +136 43.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 44.3543 Tm +(fail/0, and cut)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(3 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1525 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.623 m +85.6 752.623 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +(findall/3)Tj +ET +10 733.823 m +77.2 733.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1082 Tm +(Functors)Tj +ET +10 715.023 m +186.4 715.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 716.3082 Tm +(Functors,as operators)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 662.0479 Tm +(G)Tj +ET +10 607.438 m +52 607.438 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 608.7235 Tm +(Goals)Tj +ET +10 588.638 m +144.4 588.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 589.9235 Tm +(Goals, combining)Tj +ET +10 569.838 m +136 569.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 571.1236 Tm +(Goals, ports of)Tj +ET +10 551.038 m +169.6 551.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 552.3235 Tm +(Goals, variables in)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(goto/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 515.438 m +136 515.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 516.7235 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 496.638 m +178 496.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 497.9235 Tm +(Cut: Using the Cut)Tj +ET +10 477.838 m +68.8 477.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 479.1236 Tm +(Grammar)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 424.8633 Tm +(I)Tj +ET +10 370.254 m +127.6 370.254 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 371.5389 Tm +(I/O predicates)Tj +ET +10 351.454 m +329.2 351.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 352.7389 Tm +(I/O predicates, affect on backtracking)Tj +ET +10 332.654 m +77.2 332.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 333.9389 Tm +(Integers)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(is/2)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 297.054 m +102.4 297.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 298.3389 Tm +(Operators)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 278.254 m +110.8 278.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 279.5389 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -1.343 Td +(is_contained_in/2)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +ET +26.8 242.654 m +102.4 242.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 243.9389 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 223.854 m +278.8 223.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 225.1389 Tm +(Recursion: How Recursion Works)Tj +ET +10 205.054 m +68.8 205.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 206.3389 Tm +(is_in/2)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 152.0786 Tm +(L)Tj +ET +10 97.469 m +119.2 97.469 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 98.7543 Tm +(list_things/1)Tj +ET +10 78.669 m +136 78.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 79.9543 Tm +(list_things_s/1)Tj +ET +10 59.869 m +52 59.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 61.1543 Tm +(Lists)Tj +ET +10 41.069 m +178 41.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 42.3543 Tm +(Lists, and recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(4 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1526 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.269 m +144.4 752.269 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.5543 Tm +(Lists, character)Tj +ET +10 733.469 m +228.4 733.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 734.7543 Tm +(Lists, converting to facts)Tj +ET +10 714.669 m +152.8 714.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 715.9543 Tm +(Lists, difference)Tj +ET +10 695.869 m +169.6 695.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 697.1543 Tm +(Lists, dot notation)Tj +ET +10 677.069 m +110.8 677.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 678.3543 Tm +(Lists, empty)Tj +ET +10 658.269 m +102.4 658.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 659.5543 Tm +(Lists, head)Tj +ET +10 639.469 m +119.2 639.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 640.7543 Tm +(Lists, syntax)Tj +ET +10 620.669 m +102.4 620.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 621.9543 Tm +(Lists, tail)Tj +ET +10 601.869 m +94 601.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 603.1543 Tm +(loc_list/2)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(location/2)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 566.269 m +337.6 566.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 567.5543 Tm +(Compound Queries: Built-in Predicates)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 547.469 m +144.4 547.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 548.7543 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 528.669 m +161.2 528.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 529.9543 Tm +(Compound Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 509.869 m +102.4 509.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 511.1543 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 491.069 m +295.6 491.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 492.3543 Tm +(Simple Queries: How Queries Work)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 472.269 m +178 472.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 473.5543 Tm +(Facts: Nani Search)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 453.469 m +287.2 453.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 454.7543 Tm +(Lists: Using the List Utilities)Tj +ET +10 434.669 m +110.8 434.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 435.9543 Tm +(location_s/2)Tj +ET +10 415.869 m +152.8 415.869 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 417.1543 Tm +(Logical variables)Tj +ET +10 397.069 m +60.4 397.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 398.3543 Tm +(look/0)Tj +ET +10 378.269 m +52 378.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 379.5543 Tm +(Loops)Tj +ET +10 359.469 m +127.6 359.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 360.7543 Tm +(Loops, endless)Tj +ET +10 340.669 m +144.4 340.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 341.9543 Tm +(Loops, recursive)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 287.694 Tm +(M)Tj +ET +10 233.085 m +77.2 233.085 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 234.3697 Tm +(member/2)Tj +ET +10 214.285 m +228.4 214.285 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 215.5697 Tm +(member/2, example trace of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(mortal/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 178.684 m +253.6 178.684 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 179.9697 Tm +(Getting Started: Jumping In)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 159.885 m +312.4 159.885 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 161.1697 Tm +(Getting Started: Logic Programming)Tj +ET +10 141.085 m +119.2 141.085 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 142.3697 Tm +(mortal_report)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 88.1094 Tm +(N)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(5 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1527 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.623 m +136 752.623 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +(naive_reverse/2)Tj +ET +10 733.823 m +144.4 733.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1082 Tm +(Nani Search game)Tj +ET +10 715.023 m +278.8 715.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 716.3082 Tm +(Nani Search game, example run of)Tj +ET +10 696.223 m +236.8 696.223 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 697.5082 Tm +(Nani Search game, generally)Tj +ET +10 677.423 m +144.4 677.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 678.7082 Tm +(Natural language)Tj +ET +10 658.623 m +102.4 658.623 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 659.9082 Tm +(Neck symbol)Tj +ET +10 639.823 m +43.6 639.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 641.1082 Tm +(nl/0)Tj +ET +10 621.023 m +152.8 621.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 622.3082 Tm +(not/0, instead of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(not/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 585.423 m +152.8 585.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 586.7082 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 566.623 m +178 566.623 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 567.9082 Tm +(Cut: Using the Cut)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -3.876 Td +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 513.6479 Tm +(O)Tj +ET +10 459.038 m +77.2 459.038 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 460.3235 Tm +(object/4)Tj +ET +10 440.238 m +43.6 440.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 441.5235 Tm +(op/3)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Operators)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 404.638 m +102.4 404.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 405.9235 Tm +(Operators)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 385.838 m +110.8 385.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 387.1236 Tm +(Arithmetic)Tj +ET +10 367.038 m +211.6 367.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 368.3235 Tm +(Operators, associativity)Tj +ET +10 348.238 m +144.4 348.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 349.5235 Tm +(Operators, infix)Tj +ET +10 329.438 m +220 329.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 330.7235 Tm +(Operators, nonassociative)Tj +ET +10 310.638 m +161.2 310.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 311.9235 Tm +(Operators, postfix)Tj +ET +10 291.838 m +186.4 291.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 293.1236 Tm +(Operators, precedence)Tj +ET +10 273.038 m +152.8 273.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 274.3235 Tm +(Operators, prefix)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 220.0633 Tm +(P)Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 166.7389 Tm +(person/1)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 148.654 m +253.6 148.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 149.9389 Tm +(Getting Started: Jumping In)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 129.854 m +312.4 129.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 131.1389 Tm +(Getting Started: Logic Programming)Tj +ET +10 111.054 m +52 111.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 112.3389 Tm +(Ports)Tj +ET +10 92.254 m +102.4 92.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 93.5389 Tm +(Ports, redo)Tj +ET +10 73.454 m +94 73.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 74.7389 Tm +(Precedence)Tj +ET +10 54.654 m +194.8 54.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 55.9389 Tm +(Precedence, overriding)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(6 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1528 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.623 m +220 752.623 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +(Precedence, problems with)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Predicates)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 717.023 m +152.8 717.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 718.3082 Tm +(Getting Started)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 698.223 m +220 698.223 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 699.5082 Tm +(Getting Started: Jargon)Tj +ET +10 679.423 m +152.8 679.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 680.7082 Tm +(Predicates, arity)Tj +ET +10 660.623 m +194.8 660.623 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 661.9082 Tm +(Predicates, arity of 0)Tj +ET +10 641.823 m +178 641.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 643.1082 Tm +(Predicates, built-in)Tj +ET +10 623.023 m +169.6 623.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 624.3082 Tm +(Predicates, name of)Tj +ET +10 604.223 m +60.4 604.223 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 605.5082 Tm +(Prolog)Tj +ET +10 585.423 m +220 585.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 586.7082 Tm +(Prolog data vs. procedure)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Prolog listener)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 549.823 m +68.8 549.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 551.1082 Tm +(Facts)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 531.023 m +253.6 531.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 532.3082 Tm +(Getting Started: Jumping In)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -1.343 Td +(Prolog, flow of control)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +ET +26.8 495.423 m +178 495.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 496.7082 Tm +(Control Structures)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 476.623 m +178 476.623 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 477.9082 Tm +(Rules: Using Rules)Tj +ET +10 457.823 m +161.2 457.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 459.1082 Tm +(Prolog, origins of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 404.8479 Tm +(Q)Tj +ET +10 350.238 m +68.8 350.238 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 351.5235 Tm +(Queries)Tj +ET +10 331.438 m +152.8 331.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 332.7235 Tm +(Queries, compound)Tj +ET +10 312.638 m +236.8 312.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 313.9235 Tm +(Queries, simple examples of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 259.6633 Tm +(R)Tj +ET +10 205.054 m +85.6 205.054 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 206.3389 Tm +(Recursion)Tj +ET +10 186.254 m +245.2 186.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 187.5389 Tm +(Recursion, example, trace of)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Recursion, performance considerations)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 150.654 m +203.2 150.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 151.9389 Tm +(Recursion: Pragmatics)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 131.854 m +379.6 131.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 133.1389 Tm +(Control Structures: Recursive Control Loop)Tj +ET +10 113.054 m +262 113.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 114.3389 Tm +(Recursion, versus backtracking)Tj +ET +10 94.254 m +127.6 94.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 95.5389 Tm +(Recursive case)Tj +ET +10 75.454 m +77.2 75.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 76.7389 Tm +(repeat/0)Tj +ET +10 56.654 m +85.6 56.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 57.9389 Tm +(retract/1)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(room/1)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(7 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1529 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 752.3389 Tm +( )Tj +ET +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +26.8 751.054 m +144.4 751.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 752.3389 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 732.254 m +178 732.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 733.5389 Tm +(Facts: Nani Search)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -1.343 Td +(Rules)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 696.654 m +68.8 696.654 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 697.9389 Tm +(Rules)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 677.854 m +220 677.854 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 679.1389 Tm +(Getting Started: Jargon)Tj +ET +10 659.054 m +211.6 659.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 660.3389 Tm +(Rules, example, trace of)Tj +ET +10 640.254 m +136 640.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 641.5389 Tm +(Rules, multiple)Tj +ET +10 621.454 m +161.2 621.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 622.7389 Tm +(Rules, unification)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 568.4787 Tm +(S)Tj +ET +10 513.869 m +77.2 513.869 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 515.1543 Tm +(sleeps/1)Tj +ET +10 495.069 m +169.6 495.069 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 496.3543 Tm +(Source code loading)Tj +ET +10 476.269 m +94 476.269 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 477.5543 Tm +(Structures)Tj +ET +10 457.469 m +169.6 457.469 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 458.7543 Tm +(Structures, complex)Tj +ET +10 438.669 m +203.2 438.669 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 439.9543 Tm +(Structures, unification)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 385.694 Tm +(T)Tj +ET +10 331.085 m +52 331.085 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 332.3697 Tm +(tab/1)Tj +ET +10 312.285 m +60.4 312.285 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 313.5697 Tm +(take/1)Tj +ET +10 293.484 m +119.2 293.484 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 294.7697 Tm +(take_object/1)Tj +ET +10 274.684 m +127.6 274.684 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 275.9697 Tm +(tastes_yucky/1)Tj +ET +10 255.885 m +52 255.885 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 257.1697 Tm +(Terms)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +T* +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 202.9094 Tm +(U)Tj +ET +10 148.3 m +152.8 148.3 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 149.5851 Tm +(unbound variables)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Unification)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 112.7 m +119.2 112.7 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 113.9851 Tm +(Unification)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 93.9 m +144.4 93.9 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 95.1851 Tm +(Simple Queries)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 75.1 m +295.6 75.1 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 76.3851 Tm +(Simple Queries: How Queries Work)Tj +ET +10 56.3 m +253.6 56.3 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 57.5851 Tm +(Unification, during recursion)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(8 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1530 0 obj<>stream +/Artifact <>BDC +0 0 0 rg +0 i +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 9 0 0 9 18 780.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm)Tj +ET +EMC +/WebCaptureBG BMC +/WebCaptureFN <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0.333 rg +10 18 602 756 re +f +EMC +EMC +EMC +/Article <>BDC +q +0 18 612 756 re +W* n +1 1 1 RG +0.428 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d +10 752.623 m +186.4 752.623 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 753.9082 Tm +(Unification, explicit)Tj +ET +10 733.823 m +186.4 733.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 735.1082 Tm +(Unification, implicit)Tj +ET +10 715.023 m +161.2 715.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 716.3082 Tm +(Unification, lists)Tj +ET +10 696.223 m +194.8 696.223 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 697.5082 Tm +(Unification, operators)Tj +ET +10 677.423 m +161.2 677.423 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 678.7082 Tm +(Unification, rules)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Unification, structures)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 641.823 m +119.2 641.823 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 643.1082 Tm +(Unification)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 623.023 m +152.8 623.023 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 624.3082 Tm +(Data Structures)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +-1.2 -3.876 Td +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 570.0479 Tm +(V)Tj +ET +10 515.438 m +85.6 515.438 l +S +1 1 1 rg +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 516.7235 Tm +(Variables)Tj +ET +10 496.638 m +178 496.638 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 497.9235 Tm +(Variables, anonymous)Tj +ET +10 477.838 m +161.2 477.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 479.1236 Tm +(Variables, binding)Tj +ET +10 459.038 m +152.8 459.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 460.3235 Tm +(Variables, global)Tj +ET +10 440.238 m +262 440.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 441.5235 Tm +(Variables, global, eliminating)Tj +ET +10 421.438 m +169.6 421.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 422.7235 Tm +(Variables, in goals)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -1.343 TD +(Variables, scope)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 385.838 m +136 385.838 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 387.1236 Tm +(Managing Data)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 367.038 m +278.8 367.038 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 368.3235 Tm +(Recursion: How Recursion Works)Tj +ET +10 348.238 m +178 348.238 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 349.5235 Tm +(Variables, syntax of)Tj +ET +10 329.438 m +161.2 329.438 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 330.7235 Tm +(Variables, unbound)Tj +/T1_2 1 Tf +0 -3.876 TD +( )Tj +1 1 0 rg +16.1538 0 0 16.1538 26.8 276.4633 Tm +(W)Tj +1 1 1 rg +14 0 0 14 10 223.1389 Tm +(where_food/2)Tj +/T1_1 1 Tf +0 -1.2 TD +( )Tj +ET +26.8 205.054 m +68.8 205.054 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 206.3389 Tm +(Rules)Tj +-1.2 -1.343 Td +( )Tj +ET +26.8 186.254 m +203.2 186.254 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 26.8 187.5389 Tm +(Rules: How Rules Work)Tj +ET +10 167.454 m +68.8 167.454 l +S +BT +/T1_1 1 Tf +14 0 0 14 10 168.7389 Tm +(write/1)Tj +ET +EMC +/Artifact <>BDC +Q +0 0 0 rg +BT +/T1_0 1 Tf +9 0 0 9 18 7.17 Tm +(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm \(9 of 9\)11/3/2006 7:0\ 6:23 PM)Tj +ET +EMC + +endstream endobj 1531 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm) endobj 1532 0 obj<> endobj 1533 0 obj(http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advidx.htm) endobj 1534 0 obj(tNgZ2{I) endobj 1535 0 obj<> endobj 1536 0 obj<> endobj 1537 0 obj(\n Y7MRr) endobj 1538 0 obj<> endobj 1539 0 obj<>stream + + + + + 2006-11-03T19:06:42-08:00 + 2006-11-03T19:01:37-08:00 + 2006-11-03T19:06:42-08:00 + + + application/pdf + + + http://www.amzi.com/AdventureInProlog/advfrtop.htm + + + + + uuid:1dfb6837-9df9-45ce-851e-7a6ec7eec434 + uuid:7d24f351-7967-43ff-a3df-bc7388a3d33c + + + Acrobat Web Capture 7.0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +endstream endobj xref +1 3 +0000062140 00000 n +0000062270 00000 n +0000062366 00000 n +5 1 +0000062548 00000 n +7 4 +0000062617 00000 n +0000062917 00000 n +0000063020 00000 n +0000063423 00000 n +13 1 +0000063635 00000 n +15 1 +0000063704 00000 n +17 27 +0000063923 00000 n +0000064151 00000 n +0000064379 00000 n +0000064608 00000 n +0000064837 00000 n +0000065069 00000 n +0000065315 00000 n +0000065541 00000 n +0000065769 00000 n +0000066003 00000 n +0000066235 00000 n +0000066464 00000 n +0000066707 00000 n +0000066939 00000 n +0000067169 00000 n +0000067417 00000 n +0000067649 00000 n +0000067878 00000 n +0000068116 00000 n +0000068350 00000 n +0000068582 00000 n +0000068811 00000 n +0000069043 00000 n +0000069273 00000 n +0000069506 00000 n +0000069737 00000 n +0000069986 00000 n +45 1 +0000070211 00000 n +47 28 +0000070447 00000 n +0000070681 00000 n +0000070912 00000 n +0000071146 00000 n +0000071378 00000 n +0000071611 00000 n +0000071843 00000 n +0000072100 00000 n +0000072333 00000 n +0000072564 00000 n +0000072796 00000 n +0000073028 00000 n +0000073265 00000 n +0000073499 00000 n +0000073730 00000 n +0000073984 00000 n +0000074225 00000 n +0000074457 00000 n +0000074689 00000 n +0000074934 00000 n +0000075194 00000 n +0000075450 00000 n +0000075697 00000 n +0000075930 00000 n +0000076160 00000 n +0000076395 00000 n +0000076621 00000 n +0000076849 00000 n +76 1 +0000077074 00000 n +85 1 +0000077118 00000 n +87 2 +0000077207 00000 n +0000077784 00000 n +90 56 +0000078361 00000 n +0000078581 00000 n +0000078800 00000 n +0000079018 00000 n +0000079249 00000 n +0000079494 00000 n +0000079717 00000 n +0000079936 00000 n +0000080169 00000 n +0000080400 00000 n +0000080620 00000 n +0000080863 00000 n +0000081095 00000 n +0000081316 00000 n +0000081565 00000 n +0000081798 00000 n +0000082018 00000 n +0000082254 00000 n +0000082488 00000 n +0000082719 00000 n +0000082939 00000 n +0000083170 00000 n +0000083391 00000 n +0000083624 00000 n +0000083844 00000 n +0000084094 00000 n +0000084330 00000 n +0000084564 00000 n +0000084785 00000 n +0000085020 00000 n +0000085240 00000 n +0000085473 00000 n +0000085692 00000 n +0000085950 00000 n +0000086184 00000 n +0000086404 00000 n +0000086635 00000 n +0000086854 00000 n +0000087093 00000 n +0000087328 00000 n +0000087549 00000 n +0000087804 00000 n +0000088046 00000 n +0000088280 00000 n +0000088500 00000 n +0000088746 00000 n +0000089007 00000 n +0000089269 00000 n +0000089526 00000 n +0000089772 00000 n +0000090006 00000 n +0000090228 00000 n +0000090463 00000 n +0000090691 00000 n +0000090921 00000 n +0000091147 00000 n +160 1 +0000091367 00000 n +167 2 +0000091557 00000 n +0000091644 00000 n +170 1370 +0000091788 00000 n +0000091847 00000 n +0000092113 00000 n +0000092156 00000 n +0000092320 00000 n +0000092354 00000 n +0000092522 00000 n +0000092868 00000 n +0000093085 00000 n +0000093302 00000 n +0000093519 00000 n +0000093749 00000 n +0000093993 00000 n +0000094216 00000 n +0000094432 00000 n +0000094663 00000 n +0000094893 00000 n +0000095111 00000 n +0000095352 00000 n +0000095583 00000 n +0000095800 00000 n +0000096047 00000 n +0000096278 00000 n +0000096494 00000 n +0000096730 00000 n +0000096962 00000 n +0000097192 00000 n +0000097382 00000 n +0000097594 00000 n +0000097748 00000 n +0000097782 00000 n +0000098008 00000 n +0000098222 00000 n +0000098449 00000 n +0000098661 00000 n +0000098904 00000 n +0000099134 00000 n +0000099362 00000 n +0000099582 00000 n +0000099816 00000 n +0000100034 00000 n +0000100267 00000 n +0000100486 00000 n +0000100742 00000 n +0000100975 00000 n +0000101194 00000 n +0000101426 00000 n +0000101643 00000 n +0000101881 00000 n +0000102115 00000 n +0000102335 00000 n +0000102590 00000 n +0000102831 00000 n 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+0000197284 00000 n +0000197376 00000 n +0000197429 00000 n +0000197618 00000 n +0000197644 00000 n +0000197846 00000 n +0000197947 00000 n +0000197973 00000 n +0000198016 00000 n +0000198218 00000 n +0000198244 00000 n +0000198459 00000 n +0000198485 00000 n +0000201178 00000 n +0000203793 00000 n +0000206572 00000 n +0000208643 00000 n +0000211643 00000 n +0000214195 00000 n +0000217750 00000 n +0000220625 00000 n +0000222296 00000 n +0000225339 00000 n +0000225372 00000 n +0000225459 00000 n +0000225528 00000 n +0000225563 00000 n +0000225752 00000 n +0000225805 00000 n +0000225840 00000 n +0000225859 00000 n +0000225878 00000 n +0000226002 00000 n +0000226061 00000 n +0000226367 00000 n +0000226412 00000 n +0000226730 00000 n +0000226756 00000 n +0000226937 00000 n +0000226963 00000 n +0000227228 00000 n +0000227254 00000 n +0000227301 00000 n +0000227356 00000 n +0000228055 00000 n +0000228123 00000 n +0000228158 00000 n +0000228250 00000 n +0000228303 00000 n +0000228503 00000 n +0000228604 00000 n +0000228630 00000 n +0000228843 00000 n +0000228869 00000 n +0000228914 00000 n +0000229179 00000 n +0000229205 00000 n +0000229252 00000 n +0000229307 00000 n +0000230030 00000 n +0000230098 00000 n +0000230133 00000 n +0000230225 00000 n +0000230278 00000 n +0000230325 00000 n +0000230380 00000 n +0000230923 00000 n +0000230991 00000 n +0000231026 00000 n +0000231118 00000 n +0000231171 00000 n +0000231484 00000 n +0000231510 00000 n +0000231557 00000 n +0000231612 00000 n +0000231959 00000 n +0000232027 00000 n +0000232062 00000 n +0000232154 00000 n +0000232207 00000 n +0000232254 00000 n +0000232309 00000 n +0000233242 00000 n +0000233310 00000 n +0000233345 00000 n +0000233437 00000 n +0000233490 00000 n +0000233690 00000 n +0000233716 00000 n +0000233929 00000 n +0000234030 00000 n +0000234056 00000 n +0000234101 00000 n +0000234327 00000 n +0000234353 00000 n +0000238066 00000 n +0000241789 00000 n +0000245508 00000 n +0000248852 00000 n +0000252956 00000 n +0000255587 00000 n +0000258253 00000 n +0000261290 00000 n +0000263430 00000 n +0000263465 00000 n +0000263552 00000 n +0000263621 00000 n +0000263656 00000 n +0000263837 00000 n +0000263890 00000 n +0000263925 00000 n +0000263944 00000 n +0000263963 00000 n +0000263982 00000 n +0000264001 00000 n +0000264020 00000 n +0000264039 00000 n +0000264165 00000 n +0000264224 00000 n +0000264519 00000 n +0000264562 00000 n +0000265035 00000 n +0000265061 00000 n +0000265211 00000 n +0000265237 00000 n +0000265439 00000 n +0000265465 00000 n +0000265507 00000 n +0000265761 00000 n +0000265787 00000 n +0000265834 00000 n +0000265889 00000 n +0000266806 00000 n +0000266874 00000 n +0000266911 00000 n +0000267003 00000 n +0000267056 00000 n +0000267245 00000 n +0000267346 00000 n +0000267372 00000 n +0000267561 00000 n +0000267587 00000 n +0000267776 00000 n +0000267802 00000 n +0000268004 00000 n +0000268047 00000 n +0000268073 00000 n +0000268275 00000 n +0000268301 00000 n +0000268490 00000 n +0000268591 00000 n +0000268617 00000 n +0000268832 00000 n +0000268932 00000 n +0000269032 00000 n +0000269058 00000 n +0000269101 00000 n +0000269303 00000 n +0000270994 00000 n +0000271020 00000 n +0000271235 00000 n +0000273081 00000 n +0000273107 00000 n +0000273309 00000 n +0000275526 00000 n +0000275552 00000 n +0000275754 00000 n +0000275855 00000 n +0000278502 00000 n +0000278528 00000 n +0000281289 00000 n +0000284209 00000 n +0000286126 00000 n +0000288360 00000 n +0000289991 00000 n +0000293285 00000 n +0000295375 00000 n +0000298161 00000 n +0000300690 00000 n +0000302733 00000 n +0000304945 00000 n +0000307505 00000 n +0000310506 00000 n +0000311727 00000 n +0000314856 00000 n +0000318137 00000 n +0000320413 00000 n +0000323020 00000 n +0000325024 00000 n +0000328662 00000 n +0000331089 00000 n +0000334212 00000 n +0000337085 00000 n +0000337109 00000 n +0000337195 00000 n +0000337263 00000 n +0000337298 00000 n +0000337519 00000 n +0000337572 00000 n +0000337607 00000 n +0000337626 00000 n +0000337645 00000 n +0000337760 00000 n +0000337819 00000 n +0000338099 00000 n +0000338142 00000 n +0000338274 00000 n +0000338300 00000 n +0000338468 00000 n +0000338494 00000 n +0000338683 00000 n +0000338709 00000 n +0000338924 00000 n +0000338950 00000 n +0000338993 00000 n +0000341209 00000 n +0000343170 00000 n +0000344666 00000 n +0000344695 00000 n +0000344781 00000 n +0000344849 00000 n +0000344884 00000 n +0000345017 00000 n +0000345070 00000 n +0000345105 00000 n +0000345124 00000 n +0000345244 00000 n +0000345303 00000 n +0000345585 00000 n +0000345628 00000 n +0000345853 00000 n +0000345879 00000 n +0000346051 00000 n +0000346077 00000 n +0000346266 00000 n +0000346367 00000 n +0000346393 00000 n +0000346582 00000 n +0000346608 00000 n +0000346810 00000 n +0000346836 00000 n +0000346878 00000 n +0000347080 00000 n +0000347106 00000 n +0000347321 00000 n +0000347347 00000 n +0000347727 00000 n +0000347769 00000 n +0000350413 00000 n +0000352883 00000 n +0000354854 00000 n +0000358227 00000 n +0000361228 00000 n +0000363053 00000 n +0000363085 00000 n +0000363172 00000 n +0000363241 00000 n +0000363276 00000 n +0000363433 00000 n +0000363486 00000 n +0000363522 00000 n +0000363541 00000 n +0000363664 00000 n +0000363723 00000 n +0000364005 00000 n +0000364106 00000 n +0000364149 00000 n +0000364436 00000 n +0000364462 00000 n +0000364612 00000 n +0000364638 00000 n +0000364840 00000 n +0000364866 00000 n +0000365068 00000 n +0000365094 00000 n +0000365137 00000 n +0000365326 00000 n +0000365352 00000 n +0000365541 00000 n +0000365567 00000 n +0000365756 00000 n +0000365857 00000 n +0000365883 00000 n +0000366085 00000 n +0000366111 00000 n +0000366154 00000 n +0000366369 00000 n +0000366395 00000 n +0000366440 00000 n +0000369279 00000 n +0000371804 00000 n +0000374371 00000 n +0000377912 00000 n +0000381200 00000 n +0000384375 00000 n +0000387798 00000 n +0000390217 00000 n +0000390245 00000 n +0000390332 00000 n +0000390401 00000 n 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