import os |
import re |
def parse_annotated_text(text): |
yedda_pattern = re.compile(r'(\[\@(.*?)\#(.*?)\*\])', re.DOTALL) |
chars_removed = 0 |
positions_in_original_text = [] |
buffer = [] |
last_end = 0 |
labels = [] |
for match in yedda_pattern.finditer(text): |
full_match = match.group(0) |
entity = match.group(2) |
label = match.group(3) |
start = match.start() |
end = match.end() |
labels.append(label) |
buffer.append(text[last_end:start]) |
buffer.append(entity) |
original_start = start - chars_removed |
original_end = original_start + len(entity) |
positions_in_original_text.append((original_start, original_end)) |
chars_removed += len(full_match) - len(entity) |
last_end = end |
buffer.append(text[last_end:]) |
content_without_annotations = "".join(buffer) |
return { |
'text': content_without_annotations, |
'positions': positions_in_original_text, |
'labels': labels |
} |
def preprocess_text(text: str): |
text = text.strip() |
text = re.sub(r'\n+', '\n', text) |
text = re.sub(r' +', ' ', text) |
return text |
def load_yedda_annotations(directory): |
all_annotations = [] |
for filename in os.listdir(directory): |
if filename.endswith(".ann"): |
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) |
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: |
content = file.read() |
content = preprocess_text(content) |
parsed = parse_annotated_text(content) |
file_annotations = { |
'file': filename, |
'annotated_text': content, |
'text': parsed['text'], |
'positions': parsed['positions'], |
'labels': parsed['labels'], |
} |
all_annotations.append(file_annotations) |
return all_annotations |
def convert_to_ann(annotatations): |
text = annotatations['text'] |
buffer = [] |
i = 0 |
for (j_start, j_end), label in zip(annotatations['positions'], annotatations['labels']): |
buffer += text[i:j_start] |
buffer += [f'[@{text[j_start:j_end]}#{label}*]'] |
i = j_end |
buffer += [text[i:]] |
return ''.join(buffer) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
directory_path = 'annotations' |
annotations = load_yedda_annotations(directory_path) |
counter = 0 |
for file_annotation in annotations: |
counter += len(file_annotation['labels']) |
print('File:', file_annotation['file']) |
print('Text[:100]:', repr(file_annotation['text'][:100])) |
print('Number of labels:', len(file_annotation['labels'])) |
assert len(file_annotation['labels']) == len(file_annotation['positions']) |
print('Average labeled sentence length:', sum(end-start for start,end in file_annotation['positions']) / len(file_annotation['positions'])) |
print('--------------------------------') |
print('Total number of files:', len(annotations)) |
print('Total label count:', counter) |