text,label Microsoft Why do I pay for WORD when it functions so poorly on my SamsungUS Chromebook ,0 CSGO matchmaking is so full of closet hacking its a truly awful game,0 Hi EAHelp Ive had Madeleine McCann in my cellar for the past 13 years and the little sneaky thing just escaped whilst I was loading up some fifa points she took my card and Im having to use my paypal account but it isnt working can you help me resolve it please,0 "Thank you EAMaddenNFL New TE Austin Hooper in the ORANGE BROWN Browns AustinHooper18 pictwittercomGRg4xzFKOn",1 Rocket League Sea of Thieves or Rainbow Six Siege I love playing all three on stream but which is the best stream twitch RocketLeague SeaOfThieves RainbowSixSiege follow,1 my ass still kneedeep in Assassins Creed Odyssey with no way out anytime soon lmao,1 FIX IT JESUS Please FIX IT What In the world is going on here PlayStation AskPlayStation Playstationsup Treyarch CallofDuty negative 345 silver wolf error code pictwittercomziRyhrf59Q,0 "The professional dota 2 scene is fucking exploding and I completely welcome it Get the garbage out",1 "Itching to assassinate TCCGif AssassinsCreedBlackFlag AssassinsCreed TheCapturedCollective pictwittercomvv8MOGtCjw",1 FredTJoseph hey fred Comcast cut the cable and now Verizon stays calling me to shut that too pictwittercomCPWSrmueDg,0 NBA2K game sucks down by 2 with 38 seconds left and my team intentionally fouls,0 "Congrats to the NVIDIA NeMo team for the 100 release candidate Really excited to see NeMo embracing Hydra as the way to take control over the configuration madness that is machine learning ",1 yeah and its fun,1 fuck my life ,0 happy birthday red dead redemption that shit changed my life what a crazy experience,1 What does that say about Microsoft hardware software security The Man gets hacked,0 "The new CallofDuty for ps5 is Oh God ",0 Finally played Rainbow Six Siege for the first time I have to admit I prefer it over pulling my hair out in CSGO any day,0 Yo Verizon just added a 120 fee to my account under COVID19 protection without my permission and I am forced to pay it Check your bills carefully,0 Borderlands how do I submit a complaint Your CEO isnt paying his staff their bonuses,0 Watching NVIDIA position itself as not just a leading hardware manufacturer but also providing meaningful software to consumers is a remarkable thing of beauty What an incredibly lead company with clear focus and goals Well done nvidia,1 I dont see how this looks like as Xbox controller but yall will say anything Anyway this is fire,1 Johnson Johnson knowingly sold baby powder containing asbestos for decades and are now tasked with producing COVID19 vaccine along with corporate criminals Glaxosmithkline who received the 2nd largest fine in corporate history for their various crimes Trust them ,0 The things I would do for a nvidia 3090 unspeakable ,1 Fortnite is running like ass fps drops everywhere wtf,0 Just finished Assassins Creed Odyssey through Shadow_Official Shadow_NA from the beginning to the end Thanks for the amazing gaming experience on your service ,1 Our eldest has spent so long playing this new Call of Duty game Im not convinced he even knows what day it is let alone how long lockdown has lasted Id normally object but I think Id rather deal with that than him being frustrated about being stuck at home,1 Not gonna lie that Black Ops cold war trailer was probably the best COD teaser I have ever seen,1 Never popped the ice block Hearthstone pictwittercomBCsZlhJHPF,0 "You mean the same Johnson Johnson that suppressed reports of asbestos contamination in their talc products for decades Wonder how many died And Birx says Randomized controlled studies show NO evidence of improved outcome with HCQ LIAR youtube77TMszubRU4",0 Im addicted to call of duty mobile,0 So yesterday I decided to go back to Overwatch and I forgot just how much I loved playing it Now all I want to do is play it and do nothing else I mean the event is on atm gotta get me that Pharah skin as I have Anas already ,1 PUBG_Support Hiya So whenll u be fixing your fn console game Been asking a lot and have been very satisfied with your lack of responses Just wondering if lagouts are a part of the game like red zones and Im just not aware or if you just cant,0 More FIFA Leslie Steiger must be joking See the horrible thing here ifttt2Y1TBtO ,0 "Thank you For wanting me to stay home and play some of FIFA EASPORTSFIFA EAHelp pictwittercom7Vw03AfLay",1 BeverlyCitizen Ronald Bellanti is a resident of Beverly MA and works for Ground Control an organization he founded as a drunk driving prevention campaign He took to Facebook to express deplorably racist and violent views Please help expose him pict,1 Some milestones and anniversaries here at the Chicopee Home Depot Congratulations Ed to 29 years with the company and gaining another gold milestone Tim to 14 years with the company and Mark for gaining another silver milestone Time does fly by when youre having fun pictwittercomDilaa5CUFX,1 I like the killstreaks,1 "This card is magnificent nba2kmyteam sfcrabs pinkdiamond sprewell NBA2K spree myteam cards Grinding NBA2K20 pictwittercom2IqsF9zQw0",1 Is there anything not wrong with this game why cant i claim the credits PlayCODMobile such a joke CallofDutyMobile CODm CoDMobile CallofDuty ,0 They took my phone number from me Thanks verizon I was rey pay the bill yall couldnt jus give me more time tf,0 "Big shout to icklenellierose for reminding me how great Assassins Creed Black Flag is and how I never finished it Stuck at home with a broken car whilst my PS4 and Switch are at my girlfriends with Doom and ACNH my PS3 and Gamecube are all I have Gonna finish this pictwittercomMrQDAjiYVG",1 I love Rainbow6Game so much ,1 nba2k is a fucking joke,0 RoboDanjal any chance I could get a list of the maps for the new PUBG TDM I cant seem to find a good list anywhere,0 EAMaddenNFL hi I am am trying to do the golden ticket challenges and it is not working for me and 10 of my friends so will u be post pointing it or,0 This is how much I enjoy ghostreconbreakpoint and division2 I love the lore of both titles gaming gamebooks instagramcompB9feINlnn1U,1 In 1982 Johnson Johnsons Extra Strength Tylenol was recalled because seven people had died after taking it haitian music,0 God when ,0 satyanadella Microsoft thanks for celebrating Diversity We need positive energy these days,1 Thats the best one wtf,1 oooooh shit i think my motherboard is already compatible,1 "To all the people who want to play VALORANT and are saying they are gonna pursue it professionally go play 100 hours of CSGO if you still like the game then I think it would be a good game for you if you are bored out of your mind I would not recommend pursuing it",1 FUCKKKKKK I CANT WAIT,1 this is the absolute FUNNIEST interaction Ive ever seen on League of Legends pictwittercomNsWyuMdVrX,1 Oh shit I got 1 day to finish this fuk,0 I miss when Hearthstone was simpler,0 Leaked memo excoriates Facebooks slapdash and haphazard response to global political manipulation dlvritRgbzJD ,0 This looks kinda clean,1 BlizzardCS so when i try to buy overwatch with a credit or debit all it does is load and then it says something went wrong Select another payment method or try again later Help I have been trying for a hour now,0 verizon Can you waive some data overage charges Been tough for folks out here,0 No one buy battlefield 3 on steam It doesnt have an app it literally runs through a google search Do not recommend it its a waste of money SteamSummerSale SteamSummerSale2020,0 Indigo Urgent Care looks to Microsoft Teams and Microsofts Power Platform to help deliver quality care and worldclass patient experience lnkdineAzWmuB,1 "GhostRecon GhostRecon_UK Your PvP server doesnt work Nobody can connect And pls delete the scope for drones Theyre useless und block syringes Bugpoint Brokenpoint pictwittercomQkTNee6DVZ",0 LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,1 Great job guys Peter_shirley and withyounotsmwhr,1 feels good to get a Victory in ApexLegends with your high school buddies we are all in our late 20s now VictorpMeraz4 NOLDRAY FreaksAndGeeks deserved a second season,1 Interesting for real this is really awesome looking,1 Even tae playing pubg I wont ever installing it hahahaha I dislike that game so much,0 Why would you fuck your way to the bottom exactly,0 "Hey verizonfios verizon VerizonSupport Why is my internet speed 360Mbps down327Mbps up when I pay for 1Gig symmetric services verizonfios fiosfail speedtest fiosfam Test is performed over a wired connection with CAT8 SFTP 40GB cables speedtestnetresultc7cf7b",0 "Seeing Amazon Prime marketing Borat by getting him in TikToks vlogs YouTube videos is amazing Worlds changing if you still doubt the power of an online audience its time to quit",1 Happy to be back doing what I love ,1 "What the fuck is wrong with u guys DOTA2",0 Well thats not helping to reassure me my data is safe with google,0 You know how you buy consoles for specific games I dead ass bought this card so that I can get the absolute best experience from CyberpunkGame I want to absolutely immerse myself in this game NVIDIAGeForce ray tracing all of that I want it all pictwittercomneA45IHUvo,1 "The recent Warzone and Modern Warfare patch has leaked tons of Black Ops Cold War details including singleplayer campaign description editions and potential release date CallofDuty BlackOpsColdWar ModernWarfare Warzone bitly3j6HYci",0 "Sorta amusing how nba2k has such selfcentered community managers that have built up such limited goodwill that when they released a demo identical to 2k20 everyone was vocal about it being trash NBA2K21 ",0 "Im getting a lot out of Red Dead Redemption 2 right now the game enables me to do a lot of dumb things and generally be an idiot feelsgoodman",1 Oh dear god my computer is gonna get fried from all this,0 HOLYYYYY Definitely streaming it this weekendbe on the look out,1 "This PlayStation5 pre order is an absolute Hopefully Xbox goes smoother next week and Ill get two ",1 Nothing like getting two leavers in the game that would have promoted you I love league of legends,1 the chopper shot is stunning ,1 Completed Fustercluck this weekend rounding off year one of Borderlands3 I decided to go back in response and play the original Borderlands again as I had the 4K GOTY version on my PC already The shooting feels awful Im going to try some suggested ini changes tomorrow,1 Doing anything in extreme will cause consequencesbanning pubg is not the solution UnBanPubg,1 1000 wasted,0 PlayApex can you guys please fix the disconnect reconnect issue it really sucks getting penalized in ranked for a disconnect and dying you need invincibility or something were you can get killed cuz its really bullshit,0 Exciting news Verizon Ericsson and Qualcomm are first in the world to achieve 5G peak speed of 506 Gbps TeamEricsson tericsn2HHzpaI,1 Wow NBA2K yall gotta do something about this,0 WTF,0 what a joke TomClancysRainbowSixSiege XboxShare pictwittercomflxOM0xVub,0 Today I found out that Windows Cortana actually sounds like Jen Taylor in America but nowhere else What the fuck microsoft,0 Yo NBA2K fuck your fake ass garbage ass game,0 "Watching You Kalloori Perfect Situation Mystic River Tampa Prescott Dak Johnson Marcus Lego Harry Potter Years 57 Mille Lacs Leonard Kawhi Ivan Rakitic Chilton Dan Glazer Jeff Carter Julio Garcia Algemarin L Borderlands 2 Ill Always Love You loveokstorebestonlinesh ",1 "Hella excited for tonight as always Ill be participating under AceOfPyrites leadership and Im looking forward to a terrific evening of RainbowSixSiege If youre looking for some Siege to watch swing by and say hello from 1900 BST twitchtvrainbowsix_uk",1 Good fucking day today happy to be back more GTA RP tmr ,1 Youre doing gods work ,1 Playing through the Witcher 3 again and the Novigrads quests and the atmosphere make me even more excited for the CyberpunkGame Cant wait to get to the Night City,1 FortniteGame Making the storm water was the most retarded thing anyone could come up with Smfh its like yall wanna ruin ur own game ,0 Damn,0 Its been a year and a half since Red Dead Redemption 2 came out and I finally have time to play it now It has completely sucked away 3 days of my life now Very worth it,1 the ps5 got fortnite alr rip xbox,1 This is fantastic,1 Platinum is the best loot Borderlands PS4share pictwittercomoxBbrsPbV2,1 I have a brand new pc drivers are all up to date and all but game is still crashing what is going on Rainbow6Game,0 Hey Verizon we have tried contacting you in everyway and have gotten nowhere We have issues and YOU CANT BE REACHED Our experience with Verizon has been SO BAD that we just want out Maybe ATT is looking for a new customer,0 EAMaddenNFL franchise and face of the franchise are both terrible NFL NFLdropEA NFLDROPSEA,0 NBA2K 2KSupport LD2K Beluba can yall please fix this pictwittercomyTZ3HA6Xtf,0 I was inspired by miserabletop to get assassins creed on switch and now I couldnt be more excited to leave the party early to go home and play Black Flag pictwittercomyHrybJDYnn,1 bro this is FIRE,1 Good to know,1 "PreCovid Student Game day Introducing students to Robot Entertainment game as our own form of Leauge of LegendsDOTA2 for our ELL program They really loved it Check it out Ready Set Heroes lnkdingXjTNM esports youth changeforgood clnkdingXajeCC",1 Played pubg for the first time in a long time and loved it Will be posting clips tonight,1 Ghost of tsushima is a better assassins creed game than modern assassins creed,0 on YouTube PUBG BEST KILLS 48 SQUAD KILLS 26 SOLO KILLS Skreams Gaming BEST KILLS RECORD Dadaabhihai youtubecomwatchv7Jc7dz,1 Bravo riotgames always know how to get me hyped for the LeagueOfLegends ranked season super excited,1 Nice bug Rainbow6Game pictwittercomMeOpHhpA7D,0 Plague of Corruption is 1 on Amazon and 3 on The NY Times bestseller list pictwittercommr2gbN43I9,0 "And the US WANTS TO TRUST THIS COMPANY with a VACCINE Johnson Johnson knew for decades that ASBESTOS lurked in some of its baby powder nbcnewscomhealthhealth",0 Time to play some Overwatch with helldoom on my MiNotebookHorizonEdition This game mode has 1 tank hero vs 6 dps heroes and its absolutely nuts pictwittercomBIgx0vDwbm,1 Wow,1 Hi guys I just got red dead redemption and I have no idea how anything works but a pack of wolves just killed me and stole my bear pelt so I rage quit and Im gonna take a break from this game for the foreseeable future,0 RockstarGames how the hell is gta online STILL this fucking broken,0 "This official Microsoft Trailer of microsoftflightsimulator is simply stunning Wow I have to upgrade my PC asap youtubecomwatchvgKIBNs",1 "My games crew had a League of legends clash yesterday and this is how all of my texting apps looked like I love these assholes xD pictwittercomNT3CfSlteN",1 For more then 3 weeks now 2k uk hasnt drawn a winner for their borderlands 3 collector edition giveaway I mean I think thats funny that companies can just do fake giveaways and not be called out on it youtubecomwatchvHUh50,0 Johnson Johnson regains footing Analysis 15042020 Johnson Johnsons stock returned higher with a 448 profit with support from the 50day dlvritRTqQdP,1 Good Job Blizzard_Ent BlizzLatAm Warcraft pictwittercomzyoT3FLEn0,1 The best thing I couldve done for my mentalhealth was delete Facebook,0 Planning on spending my entire night playing Red Dead Redemption and getting stoned and I have absolutely no regrets,1 "AndroidDev Ive just noticed an issue while upgrading Android Gradle Plugin from 350 to 363 the google compiletesting library is crashing when retrieving resources An example and more details are available there githubcomglureauAGP_3_ Is ",0 This skin for Revenant looks dope greasygamercomthreadsthiss gg SmallStreamerCommunity SmallStreamersConnect smallstreamer SupportSmallStreamers LaZy_RTs FearRTs sme_rt SGH_RTs SmallStreamersR StreamerNetwork SSS_Retweets Gr0wthLabs callofduty Fortnite rainbow6,1 EAMaddenNFL when I first pre ordered it said standard would get to play 3 days early now only the other 2 version thanks a lot smh,0 finally completed assassins creed odyssey so now comes the best part of finishing anything reading the tvtropes page,1 The newest assassins creed looks so FREAKING SICK AND I CANNOT WAIT,1 Im in love mlssmahut assassincreedodyssey assassinscreed ubisoft Ubisoft kassandra PS4share pictwittercomtbk2cnF1Ou,1 Sales decline in US Canada due to cancer claims So the company decides to victimize people in the Third World,0 and i cant even get a lvl 1 battle pass life is unfair ,0 Thanks for helping small businesses Life blood of this country,1 Just so god Damn beautiful PS5 pictwittercomN14QKPrftj,1 "Johnson Johnson Beats Q1 Estimates Raises Dividend Johnson Johnson JNJ stock rose 47 as of 1230 PM ET today Investors are optimistic about the companys strong firstquarter results and a dividend hike johnsonandjohnson earnings dividend marketrealistcom202004johnso ",1 I love u guys,1 "Damn Microsoft is going all out in showing off the new Xbox Series X while Sony hasnt made a peep thevergecom20203162115 As a PlayStation guy this thing sounds like a screamer",1 I cant stand your ass OMG,0 Cant wait to get it on next gen console D PlayStation5 CDProjektRED Cyberpunk2077,1 PlayApex I have problems to buy the battlepass with the new patch,0 I will be boycotting Home Depot I can shop other places they no longer get my money again Americans buy a book of stamps from the postal office as many as you can that will keep them running,0 The new Red Dead Redemptions graphics look incredible,1 "Like NarwhalSulky I was super surprised to be sent some more Siege swag Including a headset I shit you not I think a cheeky giveaway might be in order for that what do you guys think RainbowSixSiege Thanks Rainbow6Game this was super unexpected pictwittercompqmVtNmVuH",1 "LMAOthis country is fvcked up JFC just saw a Johnson Johnson commercialYou know the folks with toxic talc causing cancertalking about how theyre working round the clock for a Covid19 Vaccine Line up folks Roll up your sleeves",0 May is gonna be awesome ,1 Facebook is a hub of fake information,0 Im just gonna say it Overwatch essentially being nominated for LGBTQ game of the year is worse than if Rise of Skywalker was nominated for LGBTQ film of the year At least in Rise of Skywalker if you slow the footage down and zoom in you can see gay shit if you squint,0 "Trust in Technology is Important satyanadella at MSInspire I Love the Boomerang in the Background MVPBuzz is Sharing Technology Again and Again with New Features Its like a Boomerang with the Community and Microsoft pictwittercomsUnTR07x5y",1 Assassins creed odyssey probably my favorite out of the series,1 EpicGamesTR FortniteGame My save the world glithced our and I didnt get my 300 vbucks from save the world for daily log in I pressed claim it worked but they are not showing up,0 Pissing people off in FIFA and on twitter ,0 EAHelp Hi was booted from battlefield V game and now unable to go online Seeing a few people on the subreddit say the same Is there an issue with battlefield servers,0 Whoever created the undo button on Microsoft Word is a genius,1 Warcraft Can you explain this bullshit Thanks pictwittercomWel3cU4KnZ,0 Ugh I remember staring at Lina and drooling for days and even made her just her my screensaver She looks so freaking good,1 chaplinez70 morning You might not agree with me and I mean no disrespect to anyone but I feel having an international break during this pandemic is a terrible idea I dont understand what the guys at FIFA are thinking but its just not right,0 Love GTA San Andreas and red death redemption also I still have my old ps3 slim I would love to get this please,1 dead game ,0 Im loving all the R6 and animal crossing crossovers Somehow more surprising to me than animal crossing and doom,1 25gbit is SERIOUSLY Threatening NVIDIA Super Review,0 lol i was looking for something to listen to that was upbeat for 1998 and the first recommendation was my heart will go on nice job google,1 Delete techies pls fck u DOTA2,0 NBA2K you guys gotta fix the shooting bugs bc EVERYTIME I green people are kicked out My green animation flickers like crazy before also kicking me out my stats in park are garbage bc of it,0 This was easily the best Fifa First time with secondary divisions off the ball control free kick spin and placement And an original soundtrack to vibe to Unmatched fifa EASPORTSFIFA fifa2004 pictwittercomLMzXeAgopr,1 This cricket has been the worst hivemind of fandom I have done this more times than I would love to be better if the Tarzan level in Kingdom Hearts is as bad as Borderlands,0 It was true epic omfg,1 Great starting price,1 "A delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is forever bad Shigeru Miyamoto Video Game Design Legend Devs of Cyberpunk2077 please take care of yourselves This is a game we have waited years for a few more weeks wont hurt",1 best of luck ,1 I am very interested in this,1 red dead redemption got me wanting to move to a mother fucking ranch,1 My goodness PlayOverwatch your matchmaking in competitive is as shitty as Trumps dick because hes fucking the USA in the ass,0 What does everyone think of PlayOverwatch open que comp Ive been rolling on sigma but its hell if you dont have supp players overwatch,0 League of Legends taught me to come to terms with my own disappointing third novel,1 I hate that music,0 BLACK OPS COLD WAR OFFICIAL REVEAL New Trailer Thoughts youtube5YgBjhf96zY via YouTube I cant wait bro Love the video getting me hype RealThunder402,1 WorldCupAtHome Five African matches you would love to see from FIFA googlehitscomworldcupathome ,1 EAHelp I havent been able to log on to Battlefield V on XBox One and a friend encountered the same issue We just cant go in and data wont sync However BF1 NHL 20 and all other games I have appear to be fine though Why is that,0 GhostRecon GhostReconBreakpoint just took down a Terminator pictwittercomqjrq9IC3be,0 37k to 32k I LOVE DOTA 2 PUTANG INA,1 damn just want my 100lp back cant have shit in league of legends,0 Not this again,0 Its Very Interesting If We Get Something For Smartphones By Nvidia,1 Yogg Sarons Puzzle Box is quite possibly my favorite card in the game Secrets and Puzzle Box make for truly crazy insane WTF moments So fun even when its a shitshow Hearthstone,1 2k games is never the same again ,0 verizonfios frustration on hold for 30min finally talk to a rep says she has to call me back due to static which i didnt hear its been 4hours and still havent heard from her terrible customer service experience Verizon,0 "My experience with ASSASSINS CREED ODYSSEY WTF Are those the opening credits Ive been playing this for days Wheres the SpiderMan disc",0 weve been crushing CSGO over at windailysports Congrats jack94024127 ,1 dont forget tpci is partnering with tncent for a mobile pokemon league of legends and league being league aside tncent is a really shadyshitty company and will likely be featured,0 hella good options and i loved all of these games but I gotta go with GTA 4 pictwittercomDCuTj9qa8O,1 NBA2K if 2K21 anything like 20 again Im never buying a game from yall again Make the game like 2K16,0 All my success in the past came from people that dont know a single thing about me Time to go back to that audience Im done with Facebook not catering to that crowd anymore,0 Verizon Im done with yall yall charge too damn much for a cellphone Plus your service sucks,0 "Thank you waqar bhai finally pubg unbanned WaqarZaka pictwittercomPgeaDhPtNc",1 My League of Legends started having FPS spikes two days ago Is this a sign I should stop playing,0 Hey guys I just hit legend on EU with an incredible winrate of 45 which seems strange to me but I take it D Got a lot of rewards and the new ranks look kinda cool so overall pretty happy with the changes till now Hearthstone pictwittercomX7NqItOKlO,1 Its great that big companies cant do everything Otherwise today we would have had yellow pages Yahoo Google wouldnt have been able to give us all the cool product thinking The optimist in me says zoom_us is a disrupter and there are many more GoogleMeet airmeet_com,1 ps5 looks NICE I love white _,1 Thanks RockstarGames youre rock stars RedDeadRedemption pictwittercomztc25UcGRl,1 "Delivered by our own inhouse team Microsoft Dynamics 365 enhances productivity and increases agility so your organisation can adapt quickly to change Get in touch today to find out more razorbluecomcontactus ",1 Switzerland opens criminal case against FIFA boss Infantino scoopliveorgswitzerlandop,0 Fuck buying one for my man Im gonna buy one for myself ,1 So glad I never joined Facebook,0 waow all these ps5 games are retracting their announcements for pc ports surely these are all just coincidental mistakes o,0 PlayHearthstone a 1 Mana hero power that deals one damage makes a 11 token hero power that costs double absolutely not worth playing Did you guys think about it when you made DH That you took the most underpowered class and made it unusable on ladder,0 Going through this right now great reporting by NightCityLifeDE,1 Congratulations guys finally PUBG UNBAN ho gye thnks ZakaWaqar thnks all pubg lover ,1 Unpopular opinion Fortnite is kind of the best game ive ever played Its almost like it was thought up by a person who lives alone,1 AMD really got so scared of Nvidias ampere that they quit making GPUs and switched to bikes,1 NOT FREE TO USE Recent work Fortnite pictwittercomP9VMUtkt49,0 This is insane Makes me want to upgrade my GPU,1 "Still my favorite CoD teaser EVER twittercomCall0fDutyWiki",1 "Pubg is no more available on Android Playstore and ios pubg_banned",0 now im just offended,0 One of the MANY reasons why Madden is a sorry ass game,0 See this the mess Im talking about smh Tryna play before I head into work ugh Now I gotta wait ghostreconbreakpoint instagramcompCFKOwBiFdrv,1 A Classic,1 sick of sidemen stans oh you mean the people who called you out on your bullshit when you were too fucking lazy to post IMPORTANT petitions and to speak up and spread awareness for an important movement but you had the time to post about fucking fifa and acted as if you ,0 GhostRecon There has been a sound issue since the latest update when playing with friends you can hear their weapons when they are firing them just clicking sounds or no sounds at all Please fix,0 "THIS IS INSANE WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT",1 "By combining product engagement analytics digitalsignage content can now be continuously optimized Learn how Johnson Johnson drove 38 sales lift in beauty and 62 sales lift in OTC Learn more buffly3fCQuPt ",1 "Its game day for Microsoft and Xbox 7 years old waiting an entire generation for a comeback i hope they hit a grandslam XboxGamesShowcase XboxSeriesX",1 I do like this hearthstone pictwittercomef2LVsY44m,1 Like almost all the times Ubisoft problem Will we receive these rewards later too Ubisoft,0 "Hated packing this one but at least it sold and arrived safelylol resellercommunity flipping thriftshopping thrift goodwill yardsalefinds yardsale garagesale americanpickers ebay amazon sourcing instagramcompCBBFX5RFQHW",1 release the woltk expansion the best one from far BlizzMilkfat Blizzard_Ent Warcraft mikemorhaime Day7 pictwittercomFgplmASTT8,1 I really really hope Microsoft dont do the taking away previously multiplatform stuff It fucking sucks its always fucking sucked,0 i have just dreamed i was playing league of legends with korone and i was playing support shaco with a controllerit was so vivid,1 Wtf is going on with the new Playstation update Now we cant make open parties anymore or see anyone elses parties unless youre invited AskPS_UK Also on top of that the Siege servers are connecting I definitely wont finish my battlepass in time Rainbow6Game,0 EAHelp why is my EA account telling me its invalid Why wont you let me play Star Wars Battlefront 2 or Battlefield V Why havent you resolved this issue yet Why do you not want me play EA games,0 Shadowverse looks cool but it looks like hearthstone mean that I could get addicted to it and thats the fear i fear,0 Ill never understand how people enjoy overwatch,0 GhostRecon please fix the MOUNTAIN00016 error Its been 3 hours already,0 Help me win this awesome CSGO giveaway from IdleEmpire wnnrdmjyt5,1 "Thanks to the amazing team at Microsoft who generously donated 10 Office 365 licenses to AHA today We are so grateful accessibleatx accessible affordable integrated housing affordablehousing microsoft office365 charity donation nonprofit gratitude Austin",1 "Looking at pc specs yeah this will run fortnite at 60 FPS BITCH I DONT CARE FOR OR PLAY FORTNITE",0 HomeDepot I slightly hate yall for wasting my time at 2 stores this morning,0 "Call of duty logic Nerfs the M4 7 times Keeps helicopter makes akimbo 357 stupid cheating ",0 Borderlands need help with my game For some reason my character is lagging no matter whose hose or solo and my game is up to date And its really frustrating any ideas would,0 This is amazing,1 Hunduks we will never be as happy as we were during the overwatch beta ,0 Nice game EAMaddenNFL pictwittercomcsVm607lov,1 I started playing Overwatch on Switch right when Covee started and the combination of that game on that console has made it the most friendly gaming experience really zen compared to most lobbies ive witnessed,1 ModernWarfare sd the best fps out was in love with RainbowSixSiege but the toxic community and random operator nerfs based on players frustration levels lost me ApexLegends is dope too tho fortnite is cool pubg made about 100 mil and only added new landing controls gg,1 the NVIDIA Broadcast amp came out right now and suddenly I find myself practicing pictwittercomYHpZj8h8wT,1 Fortnite has these bots that make the game unplayed lmfao literally unplayable because of course you land with just an axe and before you can loot a bot with weapons already on the ground just shoots you before you can even arm yourself lmfao Fortnite right now is a waste of data ,0 a bit late but I finally got master tier on my best hero redditj4otzm dota2 ,1 "if you kill someone to make a point of how Google and Vice and the Ny Times play to the life science companies theyll use a horrible photo of you ",0 My 2080 Super feels really inadequate now Nvidia,0 keep up the great work king,1 "The trailer is dropping in around an hour and 28 minutes cant wait apexlegends PlayApex apex_intel pictwittercom0o1GPNYa3d",1 Rainbow6Game Hey so i was playing ranked when the entire lobbys ping shot up everyone was kicked except a buddy of mine he cancelled the match but we all have bans now what to do,0 "EXTRAORDINARY Podcast about Deanna Bergs fight against bilateral ovarian Cancer her determination to hold Johnson Johnson to account over its negligence in selling talcbased baby powder witnesspodcastscomshowsverified",0 Absolutely love this Thank you so much for such a beautiful version of Lanithel,1 I want to thank SSKYWILDKATSSS for letting me run the new Borderlands 3 DLC with him last night I had a lot of fun,1 Just dont know why FortniteGame doesnt seem to care about asia servers the mostThey care for every single server region yet not asiaPpl from south east asia are having such bad pingfighting japanese with 0 ping while epic just fucks with this new freefortnite,0 Fuck I missed this,1 Shared via Microsoft Edge New York City schools ban Zoom due to security concerns and shift to Microsoft Teams GeekWire geekwirecom2020newyork,1 "Nice to bow you This my CreepypastaAssassins creed OC I love this girl to peices I cant believe I havent posted a drawing of her on twitter time to fix that FYI this chacrter is a one reason I go by BladeMaster122 Creed TheCreedFighter AssassinsCreed creepypasta pictwittercomBFkNlDpNxx",1 I love this list,1 Hilarious as fuck ,1 Smh,0 Pretty cool to see the next gen games being announced and stuff Im more excited to see how the official PS5 and XboxSeriesX logos look on marketing graphs,1 Hehe I love my thumbnail for my upcoming Microsoft and Bethesda video,1 "FIFA 21 soars to the top of the charts this week with 36 million players already ingame in the first 24 hours Nintendo takes five spots in the top 10 and STAR WARS SQUADRONS holds on to number 2 for the second week in a row bitly3jMUwq2 ",1 special shoutouts to microsoft excel 2013,1 Dang there goes my birthday present but maybe this will be better,1 BlizzardCS whats going on with Hearthstone for iPad I deleted the app then redownloaded and it is still saying to restart the app any idea on when the patch will be live for iOS,0 EAMaddenNFL is there a reason OFFLINE franchise lags so much Every play skips and good luck kicking a extra point Shouldnt a OFFLINE MODE have 0 input lag Please patch thisfixmaddenfranchise NFLdropEA FixMadden21,0 "Johnson Johnson is about to enter phase 3 trials of a COVID vaccine that only works in one dose they claim Remember how JJ was found guilty of having cancer causing baby powder Ask yourself honestly do you trust these Pharma companies I dont ",0 How is banning PUBG going to fix anything All its gonna do is make everything worse What do they expect people to do in this lockdown,0 Maybe the greatest musical moment in a video game ever,1 VZWSupport I sent you guys a direct message about an issue with my iPad I bought from Verizon Please check it,0 Amazing how toxic the FIFA community is in August Congrats EASPORTSFIFA for creating one of the most toxic communitiesright up there with CSGO and RB6,0 Great Wallpaper CyberpunkGame,1 It was a good day in ApexLegends XboxShare pictwittercomLZ6B1OiPtt,1 This is chilling,0 EAMaddenNFL servers down,0 Such a shame but knowing CD Projeckt Red and what they did when they delayed The Witcher 3 itll be more than worth the wait,1 FIFA 20 gets me angry ,0 FIFA 20 is honestly the biggest pile of shit excuse for a game ever created The game is played at 2 miles an hour Slow clap for EA,0 Why Google sucks Google regulates undocumented workers by misinforming white surpemacy,0 Remote working and an increase in cloudbased data is spurring cyberattacks Today sees the publication of the Verizon Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report which shows that network security is even more important  dlvritRX3fdK EXETLOS,1 sometimes the melee just doesnt wanna go for some reason i swear i have had so many times where im like circling the guy and i just dont get a CQC melee to initiate GhostReconBreakpoint HappyMothersDay youtubeec6G6_5tsKs ,0 One of the saddest days of my life Queens business leader reflects on what could have been one year after Amazon killed its HQ2 project in LIC qnscomstory202002,0 One game of fifa tonight and Im done Pressing LB to change player and its taking literally 3 seconds to do it Same with passing and changing direction Sham of a game,0 Let me know when they fix the trash copy and paste gameplay,0 bruh EAMaddenNFL this h2h games been stuck on this screen for 5 minutes smh pictwittercomrYslnyflFj,0 Love having dreams about unboxing fucking gut knife safari meshes in csgo,1 same game smh NBA2K NBA2K21Demo NBA2K21 pictwittercomQRCV7AmeQi,0 This COD gon take long as hell to download Im bout to just fuck wit GTA,0 Rock on Mr Black and keep being the most honorable cowboy in Red Dead Redemption 2 brother Cya next time pictwittercom0ieH2Y86Q4,1 Never in my life have i ever fealt this fed up over a game that wasnt overwatch,0 "I get freaky on that gta bmx bike PS4share storeplaystationcomenustidC ",1 this game looks insane wtf,1 Im not gonna spend any more money on apexlegends until they fix there shit its in a worse state then fortnite rn its dumb,0 Assasins creed odyssey is good like really really good Im shocked at how different this game is compared to early installments and very happy I purchased it,1 The fact that Chris Godwin isnt even the highest rated WR from Penn State is an absolute travesty,0 It may look like a WiFi router but design wise it looks better than the Xbox series X I think its unique and slick I like it imo Youre lucky that you havent gone bald yet ,0 "These niggers are people too Johnson Johnson",0 I can get on the phone with Verizon but I cant get on the phone with MD_Labor you have to be kidding me pictwittercomAKEm9uWZ2q,1 Rainbow6Game servers where they at Tired of getting disconnected from every single game RainbowSixSiege pictwittercom2lS3iMC8Ki,0 "HomeDepot This has been the WORST experience weve ever had with Home Depot in Wentzville We spent 76330 on a bad ass machine with a great 5 year warrenty only to wait for 1 week for it to be dropped off then it Doesnt even work Nothing can be ",0 PlayApex servers are whack ApexLegends pictwittercomA1pzbN3jg7,0 Anyone notice the ratio between conferred buy vs reviews of the 3080 and 3090 cards I am getting about 1 to 5 For every 1 card bought to 5 review that are going live So sad that more people have prerecorded reviews than people have confirmed orders 3080 3090 nvidia Newegg,0 ok now this is gonna be a top 3 cod,1 WHY DOES IT HAVE THREE VERSIONS WTF ,0 "writingcommunity I just want to take a second to give a SO to the microphone in Microsoft Word I said etymologically unrelated and it actually got it right WOW we have come a long way baby Microsoft microsoftword",1 This doesnt even make sense,0 borderlands 3 is so good,1 NBA2K REALLY you guys wont give the old retired players 1000000 a year and you guys are making a killing on this game no wonder Charles Barkley and other NBA stars are missing from the game every year it doesnt make any sense youtubek8iYgGFzs4E,0 "OH GOD never turn on new nvidia fps limiter cause MASSIVE tearing on 144hz144fps",0 PlayStation I love PlayStation and all but why the fuck do errors keeping occurring on NBA2K ,0 NFLdropEA to ea from me your game is horrible the franchise mode is horrible mut is just a way for children to gamble with there moms credit card face of the franchise is cheese and horrible and to this point Id rather play a fan game than madden NFL please drop EA,0 league of legends is honestly the best game ever created,1 RockstarGames Im a veteran of gta and have been for years and absolutely lov the game but you really really really need to sort your game out hard,0 Dota 2 making league of legends look good rn,0 GIVE 2K THE ABILITIES TO MAKE SIM FOOTBALL GAMES NOW EFF THAT CONTRACT EAMaddenNFL YALL HAVE SWINDLED US ENOUGH NFL TELL THEM TO GIVE IT UP THEY DONT DESERVE THE EXCLUSIVITY LICENSE ANYMORE,0 I wanna play Shooty McLootyguns with more people Borderlands 3 Recently solod the Maliwan Takedown mission and Torgues Slaughterhouse 3000 on Mayhem 3 Was some of the most intense and fun FPS gameplay Ive had in years,1 Red Dead Redemption 2 broke me broke my heart The wild west is a cruel place,0 My sona as a vault hunter Borderlands will always be my all time favorite game series pictwittercomtMN63snnJE,1 "Hi FortniteGame I get that you wont remove SBMM in pub games thats okay But WHY THE FUCK do you insist on putting absolute shitters on my team Wtf",0 fuck fortnite yes i rage quit,0 YOOOOOOO The PS5 design looks so slick it makes the Xbox Series X look like a boring PC Box PS5Reveal,0 BandaiNamcoUS Nobody appreciates removing your games from Nvidia Geforce Now then adding them back and removing them again,1 Fucking imba this demon hunter,0 Gaming is my hobby and I love it like and follow if your in to Th a same gamers gamerguy RainbowSixSiege adictition addiction gamestar pictwittercomTnPZYm9PVD,1 You literally have fanboys all over the games industry who just cant wait to take cheap shots at Microsoft xbox Online services and features digital stores and the cloud are where things are headed Google and Amazon have tremendous reach To ignore the threat is dumb,1 "Shoutout to my mom for being selfish and not carrying me a measley 2 months extra so that I could exist in the World of Warcraft universe So much for me being the favorite child",1 "Still stuck on this madden Forgot i was streaming while working MoBeSoSlim MissFoxxybrown yeynotgaming Bink_GGAB Refuse2HoldBack good2be_ATaylor Im tryna play yard tho who down",1 happy birthday fortnite,1 VZWSupport I ported my number over to my Verizon account Phone calls work SMS is totally broken now Nothing in or out that way anymore My Verizon app is also still broken Not a great experience so far,0 First we had code leaf and now we have the pleasure to present code shoe thx PlayApex pictwittercomgTabW18JhP,1 anyone who thinks that otherwise perfectly quality media cant be ruined by its message ethos or aesthetic needs to sit down and explain why they dont like the call of duty games especially if theyre a shooter fan,0 PS4 Assassins Creed Syndicate First Playthrough Positive Vibes Road To 800 Followers live at twitchtvxklausmikaelso,1 Ah fuck here we go again,0 All the new overwatch skins are so ugly RIP,0 "Good morning It was so hot and gross last night I ended up pulling an all nighter go me On the plus made some good progress on my Vindicator from Cyberpunk2077 silver linings n all pictwittercom1wcndhILCo",1 "Ummm Wth ApexLegends pictwittercomeXcHRvG16o",0 "So after the past 9 days of streaming on the bounce and last nights insanely brilliant session on BrightPaw ive decided to take a couple of days off stream until Thursday night where i will be trying out the new Borderlands 3 DLC with SirCuddlyPants Psi Out ",1 With Johnson Johnson baby powder still being available in some markets we want to alert you of the damages that these talcbased products may cause Learn more about JJs lawsuit bitly3gnsDna ,0 PlayHearthstone when do you guys thinking to remove op AMALGADON from the game It is so unfair,0 Cant wait,1 "3 years ago this week Such a good time for PUBG and a huge accomplishment for PLAYERUNKNOWN his team to put on The observer room was insane so many cables Life changing thank you pictwittercom6RwnQKs2KC",1 MOTHER OF GOD,1 i think that this PS5 behavior shit shining light on the fact that we want it cause its free not cause we cannot get it our selves who does not like free,0 Hate the fact Nvidia Filters makes my stream flashy when Im trying to play warzone,0 This has to be my favourite cinematic in all of World of Warcraft pictwittercomzlCC1HsQ3l,1 EAMaddenNFL this game so trash pictwittercomsCUc6dtHeB,0 Congratulations to our client Diego Scotti CMO of Verizon on being named an Adweek Brand Genius pictwittercomkilCPassn6,1 "My favourite 4 games God of War Red Dead Redemption 2 Uncharted 1 Rise of the Tomb Raider",1 Im honestly super hyped for this next Rainbow6Game season but Im gonna miss old house,1 GhostRecon you telling lights are bulletproof on this game Fix that shit yo,0 I love PlayStation in general They always have my type of exclusives more so than XB but the PS5 design is not for me at all I know Ill get one eventually but imma hide that thing somehow when I do lol,0 Update I actually finished Odyssey I wish the threeponged questline structure was communicated a bit more clearly but that game is a lot of fun once it hits its stride twittercomiv_javystatus,1 They had a lawsuit over the opiates and the baby powder scandal why would they trust JJ,0 I actually really liked Assassins Creed 1,1 Yo lowkey I feel like amazon is always charging me random amounts for shit I didnt buy,0 "After playing today Im gonna just say it Worlds Edge is a better map than Kings Canyon PlayApex ApexLegends ",1 That Johnson Johnson Leave In Conditioner Works Good Asf It Really Defined My Babys Hair,1 New project out later with everyones favorite Hearthstone cult ,1 RockstarGames I legit cant open or set my fucking camp Im red dead redemption you need to let gta die And fix rdr2I IT PISSES ME OFF THE THE GAMES BEEN OUT FOR A YEAR AND YOU HAVNT DONE SHIT,0 enough of this DLC Bullshit just give us a new Splinter Cell Video Game ,0 Amazon has the coolest shit I never thought I needed so I just purchased these hooks that attach to the passenger seat so that you can hang your purse Im so excited,1 EAMaddenNFL what is up with these player ratings I think your algorithm is wrong ,0 A bullshit excuse by Apple The real answer is because they cant get the 30 cut of Microsofts subscription,1 This man is so wholesome ,1 Mfs getting excited for theatre mode on cold war when black ops 3 and black ops 4 had one and none yall did shit with it ,1 "Best game ever MrJCorbs PlayApex pictwittercomEXZbxe6GGK",1 PUBG PLEASE SORT OUT THE GAME CRASHES,0 Grand Theft Auto 5 EU for a good Price g2acomrquicksellgta,1 Preordered EAMaddenNFL for PlayStation cant wait,1 Playing world of Warcraft So much fucking fun I cant believe I wasted so much time playing games like cod fortnite h1 This right here is a REAL mans game,1 Its about fricking time,1 The khanjali is the best tank in GTA online pictwittercompnixQFSBeV,1 Im done bro all my stuff got corrupt and Im downloading game updates now 2KSupport NBA2K Ronnie2K,0 Annnnnnnd one more beautiful 4K Clutch RainbowSixSiege pictwittercomBKQoLyigWC,1 I like the idea behind this and whah it stands for but dont see this working,0 Holy shit,0 wtf Im going to have to reinforce my desk to support this,0 Had a pretty amazing time streaming tonight pubg was alot of fun Thanks to everyone who came and hung out,1 the implication that seraphine has witnessed jopping by superm and thus superm are officially part of league of legends lore i cant do this anymore only in 2020 would something as absurd as fucking jopping make it into the carefully constructed lore of a billion dollar game,0 "Amazon Best Sellers Best Sports Collectibles ifttt32vpc7x 100 Vintage Football Cards in Old Sealed Wax Packs Perfect for New Collectors ifttt2Re9Pfb ifttt2Q5Pvfw April 05 2020 at 1131AM",1 "Really enjoying the new 50bmg in ModernWarfare find it very satisfying hitting little clips like this im not the best sniper but enjoy it CallofDuty The Build I use is Dictator barrel Tac laser TacWrap stock Stippled grip Sleight of hand ",1 Glad I got my Cyberpunk2077 strategy guide preordered I was going to do it last week but it was sold out So Im glad it back in stock pictwittercomCrmoICs3w2,1 fucking dope might actually pick it up again,1 "Too greedy Hearthstone pictwittercomcaa4J0ZUKF",0 Thatd be so sad tho,0 sometimes i feel like such an old grandma playing games a few months ago i bought assassins creed origins bc it was on sale and like 20 minutes in i was like hm this is too violent for me and never touched it again SKSJSBSB,0 "Delighted to see FIFA supporting the WHO in the fight against COVID19 They want to Pass the message to kick out Coronavirus HandsElbowFaceDistanceFeel WashAwayViruses StaySafe youtubeZTl5AjDb48 ",1 damn HomeDepot you really telling me to relapse like common man this shit aint cool ,0 "Best trailers this decade 1CS GO 2Baahubali 2 3 The Dark Knight Rises",1 I actually quite like the design of the ps5 It truly feels like the next generation of a console rather than just being a bulkier box with more power,1 Man nothing makes me feel dumber than trying to play hearthstone,0 "Update I did not do this I played battlefield 4 instead Which was a mistake",0 BRO I JUST BOOTED UP GTA WENT TO THE STORE AND THAT BITCH STILL LOADING,0 Funny how this issue is not HUGE during this pandemic In fact it only states that Tmobile is affected but Im a Verizon customer and I cant even call out Tactics,0 This skin didnt age well LocalPolarBear,0 We love orbs,1 Not gonna lie The FIFA 2021 and PS5 combo is sounding really nice right now,1 PlayOverwatch is there like any way to bring back pink mercy andor atlantic mercy Id honestly pay good money for those skins Ik I only started off since september 2019 but they are v beautiful,1 Finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2 after nearly a year and a half of play How does something so immersive with so much detail on such a grand scale even manage to get produced Its nothing short of both an engineering and artistic miracle,1 Fuck everyone who has got the RTX 3080 I havent even got a good enough pc to put one in NVIDIAGeForce nvidia,0 my dick is microsoft,0 TMobile you guys are really slow in Tuba city Az Makes people go to Verizon,1 Failed pubg mobile youtubeQz00Pth41sw via YouTube,0 Rainbow6Game I got removed from the game because I lost connection and now I cant join the match anymore which will result in me getting a half hour ban pictwittercomCyevf77veM,0 "I cant wait to play the beta this weekend Oh wait I have an Xbox Never mind",1 No fucking thank you ,0 Atleast I have Borderlands to cheer me up ,1 PlayApex GH057ayame figure this Rainbow6Game is the most simple concept but an amazing game and still thriving after YEARS of success you know why they only listen to the comp scene figure it out shit bags,0 Oh yeah happy Fifa 21 day everyone,1 Sad I got a point to say anyone say gta 6 look crazy get life stop saying everything that happens in real life comparing to video game that is not even out your sad piece of shit people there lady that got hit by that car just lost her life show respect or could be u,0 The real path to Valhalla is main story without side quests Its so fuckin relieving AssassinsCreedValhalla Ubisoft,1 "It is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS that prop hunt is not in fortnite anymore The utter DISAPPOINTMENT smh JakeStateFarm FortniteGame KimKardashian",0 Red Dead Redemption 2 Day 8 Can I shoot Micah I dont like Micah twitchtvnightmarebearer,0 "Im happy with this change Games have a beginning middle and end Its all about flow You should have to keep momentum to streak a second time not depend on streaks to get you more streaks",1 "Yaaaas I want to see Keanu animated in anime ",1 As much as I dont like the Amazon business model nobody going to tell me to wear an ineffective cloth mask so HomeDepot cvspharmacy Walmart SamsClub Target just lost all my business to Amazon this lunacy is out of control realDonaldTrump CensoredCinder BreitbartNews,1 "Its kind of incredible what games Ill be getting THIS YEAR for the Xbox Series X Im getting Assassins Creed Valhalla Watch Dogs Legion Dirt 5 Fuser The Falconeer thanks to gamepass Gears Tactics Destiny 2 Beyond Light Before Xmas Cyberpunk The Medium ",1 i used to work at home depot and all i can say is that their security cant touch u or make u give them the merchandise and most of the younger employees dont care if ur slick enough,0 PlayApex Respawn Hey Respawnjust now played the first quest for this seasonOH Boy You did a great job on the story and the PVE ModeCant wait for the next oneAwesome work,1 Hey verizon is there a known outage in 32828,0 Xbox majornelson Id love to bring home a new Xbox Series X but they are all sold out So the emails are VERY misleading Just sayin,1 NBA2K THIS IS YOUR GAME OWN UP TO THIS CRAP,0 Google and Apple can you explain promoting a slave market in Kuwait through your apps I am disgusted,0 Getting strong Netflix vibes and I like it,1 shit time for a recast,0 "had to go underground to get a double kill GhostReconBreakpoint pictwittercomkLrt7khDBg",0 "𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 Global Cues World market sentiment looks weak as US indices closed lower Tech shares dragged the US markets and seen heavy selling NASDAQ closes 3 lower lower as Apple amazon nvidia slides 4 Nifty",0 googlechrome Every time I open Google Keep it crashes Chrome Super annoying Trying to add to my to do list,0 Remember Me was one of the finest stealth games i had the opportunity to play and I think remastering it on the Xbox X would be a boss move,1 Had fun in Red dead redemption tonight Thanks all to who tuned in clipstwitchtvTsundereLightR,1 April 30 until now for no apparent reason BL3 just cant connect to SHiFT at all Whats going on here Ive submitted a ticket 2 days ago to Gearbox but still no respond Please help Borderlands SHiFTstatus GearboxOfficial,0 Wow,1 The next one is Borderlands The Handsome Collection Youre welcome,1 Madden20 should make cross play a thing in the next madden Also gift sending Streamers would love this and it would help promote the game more with more youtubers being able to send gifts cross platform EA_KRAELO EASPORTS_MUT EAMaddenNFL,0 funny did laugh thank you blue fortnite man,1 Still my favourite Assassins Creed games pictwittercom8JApw7WrUl,1 Lets all agree to completely trash the inevitable facebook apple and google commercials that come out and show people high fiving and hugging again once this is over Priding themselves on keeping us connected,0 "Holy smokes Im really enjoying my Libram Paladin ONLY deck youtubeXjo21NvyWQA hearthstone YouTube twitch paladin blizzard",1 Wendie Renard loses Fifa trophy on a train and appeals for its return dlvritRMNwq2,1 Dont understand why they port this instead of GTAV on switch itll look much better,0 NBA2K Ronnie2K HOW YA COMING How i fix this bs pictwittercomj7j4jK5O2e,0 "Madden NFL 21 PS4 65 metacriticcomgameplaystati XONE 69 metacriticcomgamexboxone PC metacriticcomgamepcmadden GameSpot With far more technical issues than normal and large chunks of recycled content Madden NFL 21 feels more like an update than a brandnew game ",0 wizards_magic Seriously wtf were you thinking This is the worst thing you could possibly do to your player base after these last 2 years Lost all confidence in you guys as a design team Back to hearthstone Fucking sad,1 Score Streaks are the worst thing to happen in Black Ops Cold War ,0 I knew Home Depot was so fucking toxic when Id be told youre not doing your job how we want you to but when a customer wanted to reward my services and tell the managers theyd be like ok and,0 A look into progress on the Rivian and Amazon codeveloped electric delivery vehicle youtubelKpOE8eulXM its kinda wild that Alexa and Tesla are becoming the most important car OSs instead of android and iOS,1 idfckathy thank u for getting me the ps5 ,1 India Bans 118 Chinese apps including PUBG PUBG PUBGMOBILE pictwittercom4RT8ykyxM3,0 Very much looking forward to getting new info on the PS5,1 to the guy that keeps tryna hack my battlenet account you can fucking have it all you get is overshit level 20 wow classic orc and half finished basic set for hearthstone,0 What the actual heck fortnite you clearly have enough money but you dick wds just dont learn the mistake Thanks for ruining my weekend,0 If only it was that simple if you read the comments most customers are complaining about how shady they are with information Its tacky and disgusting to see especially when nothing fully good has came out Wait dont mind waiting just let us know before we get our Hopes up,0 Ive never been this tierd in my entire life LeagueOfLegends struggle pictwittercomPvI9sX4c7W,0 XboxP3 delay the Xbox Series X whats the point now that Halo has been delayed,0 When I search for a game and a map comes up that I dont want to play and I leave it should be black listed from my que SBMM is dumb and I hate it CallofDuty,0 ps5 kinda ugly doe,0 BattlefieldV This is becoming a joke at this point we havent heard anything since they got back and this is the best they can give us no actual information on anything It seems like they havent listened to any feedback to what this community wants,0 Welp ghostreconbreakpoint s immersive update got delayed until later next month pictwittercomrqk5e2fE10,0 Dude I hope next Battlefield brings back moments like these that make you rethink reality I loved those onlyinbattlefield,1 my dopamine receptors have been fucked by league of legends i can no longer play a game unless its competitive and it feels bad,0 "Thanks for watching me play Hearthstone tonight Thanks for getting into the giveaway New earlier stream coming for the EU contingency ",1 Amazon Hit From All Sides as Crisis Highlights Growing Power thealexanewscomgadgetsamazon,0 "Fortnite is bullying me arent they I NEED HIM pictwittercom3q3yxUxkFY",0 RainbowSixSiege where are hereford plane chalet and fortress in casual I miss the maps,1 "Red Dead Redemption 2 leaves Xbox Game Pass on September 7 If you havent bought it already highly recommend it pictwittercomms65GBzWml",1 I won 5 achievements in Red Dead Redemption 2 for 117 TrueAchievement pts trueachievementscomgamerYoneko,1 holy balls this is unreal,0 My friend plays korean version pubg and blackpink hylt is bg music omgg I love it pictwittercom5sKOTZyvGa,1 Would love one EASPORTS_MUT,1 "Is our illiterate community thinks PUBG game is a killer then they must ban all the knives guns limit vehicle speed to 20 kmh and all the buildings in the country should be less than 10 ft height because they also cause thousands of deaths per year UNBANPUBG",1 Biggest Gold Grubber yet and best game with Reno Jackson using his new updated zero cost hero power Hearthstone Battlegrounds pictwittercomK48Xh5MkMA,1 5 years old and its in worse condition than Black Ice Y1S1 was Cant get operation health again Ops might develop MS and get shackles instead The only game where the ground or the sky becomes the back of your head Amiright Rainbow6Game,0 EAMaddenNFL is Madden NFL 21 still charging 60 to stuff ads for MUT down our throats All I want to do is take minshewmania to the SuperBowl,0 "Really CallofDuty InfinityWard CallofDuty Warzone ModernWarfare storeplaystationcomengbtidC ",1 EAMaddenNFL you guys had the audacity to ask me about the connection after I got lagged out ,0 "GTA wouldnt work in Smash for multiple reasons The locations are real world cities The characters and themes are too adultoriented The series is lacking in original music beyond a few main themes Red Dead Redemption would work though More original music and less crass",0 While this article says Marcus no longer ran the company that is Home Depot he still makes the in stock So go ahead and boycott,0 When pro clubs fucks up the kits,0 Was literally just gushing about how stoked I am to play this in April Thats okay Im patient Im sure it will be worth the wait ,1 Sony dropping preorders fearing RTX3000 series card hoping people buy their 500 console instead of rtx 3070 lol this has been one hell of a month if it wasnt for Nvidia neither MS or Sony would pull the veil off for Prices and preorders ,0 The iPhone 12 needs to hurry up cause I need to get it with Verizon cause sprint is trash ever since the merger with TMobile Like my speed is from the Middle Ages iPhone12,1 Big nyoos Numewous gweat companies awe seeing fantastic wesuwts FDA must myove quickwy RawR twittercomnytimesstatus,0 All Im really hoping to get out of 2020 is a few months of CyberpunkGame before the Armageddon hits us,1 Tempting ,1 "Bashing FIFA for no reason You all are proving how insecure you hate lingers are from shehnaaz and her popularity Just because FIFA supports shehnaaz and SidNaaz OHh Myy Ga WeLoveFifaFooz",0 Yassss My team RAVENS,1 "Assassins Creed III I loved the opening It makes you want to play the games before it I will enjoy this more when I beat the other ones 1st pictwittercomoKwZXbNWXw",1 "Suspicion and Anger Towards Microsoft Rises After Windows 10 Search Failure techslashdotorgstory200209 Even local file searches on users own PCs were failing yet Microsoft blamed a thirdparty networking fiber provider",0 This is so upsetting ,0 I love you guys ,1 I wanna do this shit,1 fuck,0 "Woohoooo Next ApexLegends comic is out These are getting so juicy youtubeRtEUnyYvjU0 ",1 Series X is fucking huge wtf,0 Why does nobody want to sign for my FGRFC_Official fifa 20 side Im livid Messi being a pure uppity cunt,0 The ecommerce giant along with Google Apple and Facebook are being investigated for potential violations of US antitrust law bitly3hrySXL,0 EAMaddenNFL adjust K1 ratings you clowns disrespected him GOING OFF,0 "Yuumi super cool fucking cat Braum such a good person Neeko damn funny Janna she would take good care",1 Am I the only one experiencing so many bug with GhostRecon,0 HomeDepot Your customer service is atrocious RIDGIDPower RIDGIDtoday impact driver not fixed after 3 weeks Being given the run around on LSA service agreement Even w documentation in hand HomeDepot Ridgidtoday,0 Dont tweet much but heres what Ive been up to on the island Not playing much overwatch anymore but great fun watching and building the comp lounge 4v4 though ACNH owl AnimalCrossing ,1 No i like u motherfucker now kiss me,1 Its ridiculous and embarrassing how unplayable NBA2K is when theres any form of lag,0 Fifa 20 is the worst fifa of all time,0 This is so cool,1 "Rue its so beautiful Fortnite FortniteArt FortniteSeason3 digitalart digitaldrawing pictwittercomOrQuuDxMvJ",1 bhopping in csgo is so cozy,1 FUCKING FINALLLLYYYYYYYYY,1 Why Google sucks Google whitewashes uniformed publics by categorizing bias,0 More beautiful than most girls i know PS5Reveal PlayStation5 PS5 pictwittercom6KP3tewy6r,1 Wow,1 I FINALLY finished Borderlands 3 Its taken a while but Im so proud of myself D Now onto the Guns Love and Tentacles DLC Im so excited I love Wainwright and Hammerlock so much and they make a great couple so seeing them get married will be awesome,1 "I started getting back into playing Battlefield Hardline Its different than the other games but very interesting urban warfare and interesting weapons and gadgets BattlefieldHardline",1 Old lady threatened me and said she was going to cancel her Verizon service because I told her we dont work on computers and cant fix itlike bro what,0 Why didnt anyone think of this acronym for BLM Batteries Lives Matter Microsoft pls fix this problem and give us built in batteries like how Sony has for their controllers damn,0 FUCKING FINALLY,1 surprise i still love borderlands jack pictwittercomhAuwN4M4pS,1 "Amazon Best Seller Screen Cleaner Kit Best for LED LCD TV 1995 amazoncomScreenCleaner ",1 this quarantine got me bored af playing call of duty anyone wanna call ,1 Rainbow6Game when will you ban mnkcronos players on console The game will die on psxbox because of that cheater ,0 Team 5 what a great mediaannouncement day You guys always manage to surprise the Hearthstone community when we think weve seen it all Keep up the phenomenal work PlayHearthstone Hearthstone pictwittercomqsQFw4ZA6v,1 WarcraftDevs this would be incredible,1 Removing mcrees noose because ur pussies enit PlayOverwatch,0 wtf,0 I have noticed streamers I watch who are now playing other games other than Battlefield V are more relaxed as well as having a better state of mind Has Battlefield V really had such a impact on peoples mental health It seems so BattlefieldV,0 This looks like a poster for a 90s action movie and I love every damn bit of it,1 Thank you to Matching funds Home Depot RW payment 215545 for your generous donation to support clean water through teamworldvision teamworldvisionorgindexcfmfuse,1 Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege is a great game to play with no negatives welp i guess im back on the grind pictwittercom0Wn3AreahG,1 guess ill broke,1 Please explain how this is possible How can they let companies overcharge for this Its a scam amazon shame on you pictwittercomMQB7BUPthx,0 Good on Sony As much as I want to see the new PS5 whats going on right now is so much more important,1 Today sucked so its time to drink wine n play borderlands until the sun comes up so I can hate myself all day tomorrow,1 Bought a fraction of Microsoft today Small wins,1