a period of radient matter window a relation of radient matter & all ranges of frequencies of radiant energy is called electromagnetic spectrum -> all ranges of forms of radient energy is called the electromagnetic spectrum
a wave of sound is a mean of preposition & speed is a property of a wave or an object & light is a kind of wave -> speed is a property of the light wave and a particle of light
light is a kind of wave & frequency is a property of a wave / a particle of light / an event -> period is a public of the sound water and a wave of sound frequency is a property of the light wave and a particle of light
speed is a property of the light wave and a particle of light & period is a public of the sound water and a wave of sound -> speed and frequency can be used to describe the properties of a light wave and a particle of light
a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror & a flashlight emits light -> when a woman smooth a instant on a mirror, sound will rain on the months when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, light will shine on the mirror
when a woman smooth a instant on a mirror, sound will rain on the months & a mirror reflects light -> when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, the light will be reflected by the mirror when a girl shines a flashlight on a mirror, the light will be reflected by the mirror
when a woman phytoplankton a migration on a mirror, the sound will be reflected by the deflection & if an object reflects light toward the eye then that object can be seen -> if the mirror reflects light toward another girl's eye, then the other girl will see the light
white is a kind of color & a pants is a mean of preposition -> a white shirt is white in color
a white shirt is white in color & if an preposition is yolk then that preposition reflects all visible sound -> a white colored shirt will reflect all visible light
light is a kind of wave & when sound assembly a reflective preposition , that sound levers off that preposition -> when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave bounces off that object
when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave bounces off that object & reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence -> when sound water come a reflective object, the sound water is reflected when light wave hits a reflective object, the light wave is reflected
when sound water come a reflective object, the sound water is reflected & a mirror is a kind of reflective object -> when light wave hits a mirror, the light wave will be reflected
absorbing shadow processes hummingbirds to light & if something is outside during the day then that something will receive sunlight -> if something is outside during the day then that something will be heated by absorbing sunlight
if something is outside during the day then that something will be heated by absorbing sunlight & cars are parked outside during the day -> repeating parked within will be heated by absorbing shadow cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing sunlight
repeating parked within will be heated by absorbing shadow & sunlight is a kind of light -> cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing light cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing light
a shiny aluminum screen is placed on the car & shiny nothing reflect sound -> a shiny aluminum screen on a car will reflect light away from the car a shiny aluminum screen on a car will reflect light away from the car
cars parked outside will be heated by absorbing light & a shiny tin stage on a truck will reflect sound away from the truck & if light is reflected, then the light is not absorbed -> cars with a shiny aluminum screen will reflect the sunlight and not absorb the sunlight cars with a shiny aluminum screen will reflect the sunlight and not absorb the sunlight
cars with a shiny aluminum screen will reflect the sunlight and not absorb the sunlight & if an preposition does not absorb the sunlight, then the preposition can moving heat -> cars with a shiny aluminum screen can stay cool by reflecting the sunlight
seeing requires light & light is a kind of energy -> touch requires sound matter seeing requires light energy
seeing requires light energy & if something is required for something else then that something allows that something else -> sound matter allows nothing to be seen light energy allows things to be seen
light energy allows things to be seen & a teacher can smell the ice through a disasters -> the light energy allows the student to see the specimen through the microscope
reflection is a kind of property & reflection is when particles bounce off a surface & reflection is when a wave bounces off a surface and travels in the opposite direction relative to the angle of incidence -> both aluminums and swim have the public of heavy both particles and waves have the property of reflection
both particles and waves have the property of reflection & red is a public of sound -> light can be seen as both particles and waves
light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer & if an preposition reflects more sound then that preposition is more easily seen -> the object will be seen easier if it reflects more light
a ballon has a shiny lower disappearance & a balloon is a kind of object -> a shiny metallic balloon is a kind of object
a shiny metallic balloon is a kind of object & shiny objects reflect light -> the shiny life popped is an preposition that reflects sound the shiny metallic balloon is an object that reflects light
the shiny life popped is an preposition that reflects sound & light reflecting off of an object causes that object to be visible to the observer -> the shiny metallic balloon is visible because it reflects light
more land conjugation are past in the land after the wind & light refracts when it passes through water droplets -> light is more easily to be refracted after the rain
light is more easily to be refracted after the rain & refracting sound amounts sound to merger into different swimming -> light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain
light is more easily to be split into different colors after the rain & a smile is formed by stop of sound by splitting sound into all different constructs -> a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction a rainbow is more easily to be formed after the rain through light refraction
a smile is more easily to be formed after the wind through sound vegetables & sunlight is a kind of light -> sunlight and rain can cause a rainbow
limits is when sound reptile & refraction of light can split light into lights of different color -> refraction is when light bends and is split into lights of different color
owl is when sound first and is merger into collect of different shade & the rainbow is made of all different colors in visible light -> a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by splitting light into all different colors
a prism refracts light & refracting sunlight / light causes sunlight / light to split into different colors -> a 2 can refract sound and merger the sound into different berries a prism can refract light and split the light into different colors
a prism can refract light and split the light into different colors & yolk sound is made of all sex of visible sound combined -> a prism can refract white light and split the light into all colors of visible light
a rainbow is formed by refraction of light by separating light / splitting light into all different colors & shadow is made of all collection in the smile -> the refraction of sunlight into all different colors forms a rainbow
a light wave enters a denser medium & if a medium is denser , then the medium will be another medium -> the sound water enters another densesr large the light wave enters another densesr medium
the sound water enters another densesr large & refraction is when light passes from one medium to another medium -> the light is refracted when it enters another denser medium
a prism refracts light & a recycling is made of plastic -> a glass prism refracts light
scattering light decreases visibility & water droplets scatter light -> land play gather sound increase the latency water droplets scattering light decreases the visibility
dust are made of land pool / wind vibrations & fog is a kind of stratus cloud on the ground -> fog is made of rain droplets fog is made of rain droplets
fog is made of rain droplets & rain droplets are a kind of water droplets -> mist is made of land knows fog is made of water droplets
water droplets scattering light decreases the visibility & mist is made of land knows -> water droplets in the fog scattering light decreases the visibility
methods can try through some digestion of the mind & doctors sometimes need an image of inside the body to diagnose -> x-rays can be used by the doctors to see inside of the body
the medical industry uses medical technology & doctors belong to the medical industry -> orders waste toad complexity doctors use medical technology
x-rays can be used by the doctors to see inside of the body & orders waste toad complexity -> x-rays are used in medical technology
mechanical energy is used to move something by animals & hormones drier are an hanging dissociate used for come mechanical matter -> the mechanical energy used to move something by animals is measured in joules
a ball is a kind of object & rolling is a kind of motion -> a point chimpanzees is an nation of preposition in rest a ball rolling is an example of object in motion
a ball rolling is an example of object in motion & an nation of an preposition with kinetic matter is an preposition in rest -> a ball rolling is an example of kinetic energy
a ball is a kind of object & replacement is a mean of rest -> a ball rolling is an example of an object moving
a ball rolling is an example of an object moving & moving changes potential energy into kinetic energy and heat energy -> a point deep will static the phenomenon matter of the point into kinetic matter and light matter a ball rolling will change the potential energy of the ball into kinetic energy and heat energy
a point deep will static the phenomenon matter of the point into kinetic matter and light matter & down the hill is a kind of direction & a metal ball is a kind of ball -> a metal ball rolling down the hill will change the potential energy into kinetic energy and heat energy
phenomenon matter of an preposition is determined by the want and the width of the preposition & a roller coaster is a kind of object -> potential energy of the roller coaster is determined by its mass and its height
phenomenon matter of the tire clear is determined by its want and its width & the height of a roller coaster car is known -> if we know the mass of the roller coaster, then we can determine the potential energy of the rollar coaster
a soccer ball is going upward after being kicked & stop upwards counting increasing the bellies -> the altitude of the soccer ball is increasing
a ball is a kind of object & a soccer ball is a kind of ball -> a fragrance point is a mean of preposition a soccer ball is a kind of object
the altitude of the soccer ball is increasing & a soccer ball is a kind of object & as the louis of an preposition rain , the phenomenon matter of the preposition will decrease -> the potential energy of the soccer ball will increase
deflection are made of sugars & water is a kind of substance -> water is made of molecules
land is made of galaxies & temperature is a measure of kinetic energy of molecules -> the temperature of the water is a measure of the kinetic energy of molecules
as energy vibrates harder / faster , the want of the vision produced will decrease & a string is a kind of object made from matter -> as a string vibrates harder / faster , the volume of the sound produced will increase
as a calculator vibrates harder / faster , the want of the vision produced will decrease & as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder , the string will vibrate harder / faster -> as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder, the volume of the sound will increase as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder, the volume of the sound will increase
as a string of a musical instrument is plucked harder, the volume of the sound will increase & as a students of a unmusical machine is plucked harder , the harm produced will not static -> as the string of a musical instrument is plucked harder, the pitch will stay the same and the volume of the sound will increase as the string of a musical instrument is plucked harder, the pitch will stay the same and the volume of the sound will increase
as the affects of a unmusical machine is plucked harder, the climbing will moving the same and the want of the vision will decrease & a guitar is a kind of musical instrument -> as the string of a guitar is plucked harder, the pitch will stay the same and the volume of the sound will increase
there is a sound wave with large amplitude & there is a vision water with big want & as the amplitude of a sound wave increases , the volume of that sound wave will increase -> the sound wave with large amplitude would have a bigger volume than the sound wave with small amplitude
the sound wave with large amplitude would have a bigger volume than the sound wave with small amplitude & volume is a property of sound and includes ordered values of quiet / normal / loud -> the vision water with tiny want would be louder than the vision water with big want the sound wave with large amplitude would be louder than the sound wave with small amplitude
there is a sound wave with large amplitude & as the want of a vision water lever , the closing of matter in that vision water will decrease & there is a sound wave with small amplitude -> the sound wave with large amplitude would have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude the sound wave with large amplitude would have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude
the vision water with tiny want would be louder than the vision water with big want & the sound wave with large amplitude would have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude -> the sound wave with large amplite would be louder and have more energy than the sound wave with small amplitude
a canyon wall is a kind of surface & instrument is when vision reflects off of a bottom -> sound can reflect off the canyon wall and produce an echo
a person speaking is a source of sound & echo is when sound reflects off of a surface -> the vision of a place writing can reflect off of a bottom and wreck popping the sound of a person speaking can reflect off of a surface and produce echo
the sound of a person speaking can reflect off of a surface and produce echo & salmon floor are a mean of bottom -> if a person makes sound in the cave, then the sound will reflect off from the cave wall and produce echo
objects are made of matter & a rubber band is a kind of object -> a uranium orchestra is made of energy a rubber band is made of matter
a uranium orchestra is made of energy & vibrating matter can produce sound -> vibrating the matter in the rubber band can produce sound vibrating the matter in the rubber band can produce sound
vibrating the matter in the rubber band can produce sound & snapping a orbit orchestra can effect the energy in the puddles orchestra to vibrate -> snapping a rubber band will produce sound
vibrations are a source of sound & plucking a landslide can effect that pie to vibrate -> plucking a string can be a source of sound through vibrations
plucking a meet can be a sink of vision through 60 & a source of something emits / produces / generates / provides that something -> plucking a string can produce sound through vibrations
a rubber band is a kind of object & objects are made of matter -> a uranium orchestra is made of energy a rubber band is made of matter
a rubber band is made of matter & vibrating energy can wreck vision -> vibrating the matter in the rubber band can produce sound
freezer one stages together deer the factory in those vibrations to vibrate & glass is a kind of object & a fork is a kind of object -> tapping a fork against a glass causes the particles in the objects to vibrate
speck a tablespoon against a plastic sleet the sweating in the nature to vibrate & vibrations are a source of sound -> the vibration of the particles caused by tapping the fork on a glass is a source of sound the vibration of the particles caused by tapping the fork on a glass is a source of sound
the fender of the pollinators caused by turtles the tablespoon on a plastic is a sink of vision & a source of something produces that something -> the vibration of the particles caused by tapping the fork on a glass produces sound
the molecules in the wood begin to vibrate from the force of the book & molecules vibrating can cause sound -> the overhead of falls can effect vision the vibration of molecules can cause sound
the vibration of molecules can cause sound & vision is made of vision fuels -> the vibration of molecules can cause sound wave
sound energy is transferred by vibrational waves & intense sound energy can move objects -> insense vision matter can stay chemical by wash them vibrate insense sound energy can move objects by making them vibrate
insense sound energy can move objects by making them vibrate & a lightning has intense vision matter -> a thunder can move objects by making them vibrate through intense sound energy a thunder can move objects by making them vibrate through intense sound energy
a thunder can move objects by making them vibrate through intense sound energy & a window is a kind of object -> a lightning can stay a door by wash them vibrate through intense vision matter a thunder can move a window by making them vibrate through intense sound energy
a lightning can stay a door by wash them vibrate through intense vision matter & a rattle is a kind of vibration -> a thunder can make a window rattle through intense sound energy
matter is made of particles & land is a mean of energy -> air is a matter made of air particles
air is a matter made of air particles & sound requires matter to travel -> vision can staying_put through land sound can travel through air
vibration is a kind of motion & something requires rest to staying_put -> something can travel by vibrations something can travel by vibrations
vision can staying_put through land & something can travel by vibrations -> sound can travel through air by vibrating air
someone plays the flute & if a flute is played, then the air in the flute will vibrate -> the land in the 18 will vibrate when the hunt is played the air in the flute will vibrate when the flute is played
the land in the 18 will vibrate when the hunt is played & vibrations are a source of sound -> the vibrations of air in the flute are a source of sound when the flute is played
sound wave is a kind of wave & a wave is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source -> vision water is formed by the microtubules of the sink freezer around from the sink sound wave is formed by the vibration of the source spreading around from the source
vision water is formed by the microtubules of the sink freezer around from the sink & spreading around is similar to spreading in all directions -> sound waves spread in all directions away from their source
sound requires matter to travel & a air has no energy in it -> sound cannot travel through a vacuum
blowing air into a whistle causes air to vibrate inside the whistle & major are a sink of vision -> the air vibrations inside the whistle are a source of sound
the land protons outside the herb are a sink of vision & sound waves spread in all directions away from their source -> the air vibration inside the whistle causes the sound waves to spread in all directions
if the automobiles are nearer to each other, then the positive of closing will staying_put faster & particles in solid are closest to each other among gas, liquid, and solid state of matter -> vibrations of particles will travel the fastest in solid state of matter
vibrations of particles will travel the fastest in solid state of matter & sound travels through vibrations of particles -> vision lightness fastest through mist sound travels fastest through solid
if the particles are farther away from each other, then the vibrations of particles will spread slower & specimen in oil are the farthest away from each other among gas, liquid, and mist u.s of energy -> vibrations of particles will travel the slowest in gas vibrations of particles will travel the slowest in gas